(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant  [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement          [ ] Confidential, for Use of
                                                  the Commission Only (as
                                                  permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                FPB BANCORP, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                                 NOT APPLICABLE
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required

[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

[ ]     Check  box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
        Rule  0-11 (a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
        was  paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  Registration
        Statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)     Amount Previously Paid:

(2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)     Filing Party:

(4)     Date Filed:

                                FPB BANCORP, INC.

                                 March 22, 2002

Dear Fellow Shareholders:

     It is our pleasure to invite you to attend FPB Bancorp,  Inc.'s 2002 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders.  This year's  Annual  Meeting will be held at our main
office,  located at 1301  Southeast  Port St. Lucie  Boulevard,  Port St. Lucie,
Florida, on Wednesday, April 24, 2002, at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

     The  Notice of the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and Proxy  Statement
attached to this letter  describe the formal business that will be transacted at
the Annual Meeting and provide  material  information  concerning that business.
Directors and officers of FPB Bancorp,  Inc. and our wholly-  owned  subsidiary,
First Peoples Bank, as well as a representative of the accounting firm,  Hacker,
Johnson & Smith,  P.A. will be present at the Annual  Meeting to respond to your

     YOUR  VOTE IS  IMPORTANT.  Please  sign and date the  enclosed  Proxy  Card
promptly and return it in the postage-paid  envelope which has been provided. If
you are able to attend the Annual Meeting and prefer to vote in person, you will
be given that opportunity.

     On behalf of the Board of Directors  and all the  employees of FPB Bancorp,
Inc.  and First  Peoples  Bank,  we look  forward  to seeing  you at the  Annual


          Gary A. Berger                   David W. Skiles
          Chairman of the Board            President and Chief Executive Officer

                                FPB BANCORP, INC.

                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 24, 2002

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2002 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of FPB
Bancorp,  Inc.  ("Annual  Meeting"),  will be held at our main office located at
1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard,  Port St. Lucie,  Florida, on April 24,
2002, at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time to consider the following proposals:

     Proposal I   The  election  of  three  Class III  members  of  the Board of

     Proposal II  The  ratification  of  the  appointment  of Hacker,  Johnson &
                  Smith, P.A. as the independent auditors for FPB Bancorp, Inc.,
                  for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002;

     Proposal III The adjournment  of  the  Annual Meeting to solicit additional
                  proxies  in  the  event  there  are  not  sufficient  votes to
                  approve either of the foregoing Proposals; and

     To  transact  any other  business  that  properly  comes  before the Annual
     Meeting, or any adjournment thereof.

     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 4, 2002, as
the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the Annual  Meeting.  Only holders of common stock of record on that
date will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, or any adjournment thereof.
In the event there are insufficient  votes to approve either Proposal I or II at
the Annual  Meeting,  the Annual  Meeting may be adjourned  pursuant to Proposal
III, to permit further solicitation of proxies by FPB Bancorp, Inc.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                     David W. Skiles
                                     President and Chief Executive Officer

Port St. Lucie, Florida
March 22, 2002

                                FPB BANCORP, INC.


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                               GENERAL INFORMATION

Annual Meeting

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   DATE:        April 24, 2002
   TIME:        5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
   LOCATION:    1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, Florida
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solicitation and Voting of Proxies

     This Proxy Statement and the accompanying Proxy Card are being furnished to
shareholders  of  record  as of the  close of  business  on March  4,  2002,  in
connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies by the Board of  Directors of FPB
Bancorp, Inc. ("FPB").  Proxies obtained by the Board of Directors will be voted
at FPB's 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  ("Annual  Meeting").  FPB's Annual
Report,  which  includes  the  financial  statements  for the fiscal  year ended
December 31, 2001, accompanies this Proxy Statement, which is first being mailed
to shareholders on or about March 22, 2002.

     Regardless  of the  number of shares of common  stock  that you own,  it is
important that your shares be represented by proxy or that you be present at the
Annual Meeting.  To vote by proxy, please indicate your preference in the spaces
provided  on the  enclosed  Proxy Card and  return it signed  and dated,  in the
enclosed postage-paid envelope.  Proxies obtained by the Board of Directors will
be voted in accordance with the directions given therein.  Where no instructions
are given, proxies will be voted:

     "FOR" the election of the three director nominees;

     "FOR" the ratification of the appointment of Hacker, Johnson & Smith, P.A.,
     as the  independent  auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002;
     and, if necessary,

     "FOR" the adjournment of the Annual Meeting to solicit  additional  proxies
     if there  are not  sufficient  votes to  approve  either  of the  foregoing

     The  Board  of  Directors  knows of no  additional  business  that  will be
presented  for  consideration  at  the  Annual  Meeting.   Unless  you  indicate
otherwise,  however,  execution of the enclosed Proxy Card confers discretionary
authority  upon the  designated  proxy holders to vote your shares in accordance
with their best judgment on any other business that may properly come before the
Annual Meeting,  or any adjournment  thereof.  If you do not wish to extend such
authority,  you may limit  your  proxy by  marking  the  appropriate  box on the
enclosed Proxy Card.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952

     It is important that your proxy be returned promptly. Therefore, whether or
not you plan to be present at the Annual Meeting, please complete, sign and date
the enclosed Proxy Card and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Revocation of Proxy

     Your  presence at the Annual  Meeting  will not  automatically  revoke your
proxy. You may revoke your proxy at any time prior to its exercise,  however, by

     o    delivering a written notice of revocation to FPB;
     o    delivering a duly executed proxy bearing a later date to FPB; or
     o    attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person.

Voting Procedures

     Our Bylaws do not provide for cumulative voting. Under the Florida Business
Corporation Act ("Act"),  directors are elected by a plurality of the votes cast
at a meeting at which a quorum is present. Our Bylaws provide that a majority of
shares  entitled to vote and  represented in person or by proxy at a shareholder
meeting  constitutes  a quorum.  Therefore,  each  shareholder  of record on the
record date has the right to vote,  in person or by proxy,  the number of shares
he or she owns  for as many  director  nominees  as there  are  directors  to be
elected.  For example,  if you own five  shares,  you may vote a maximum of five
shares for each director to be elected.

     Other matters are approved if affirmative  votes cast for a proposal exceed
the votes cast against that  proposal at a meeting at which a quorum is present,
unless a greater number of affirmative votes or voting by classes is required by
the Act or our Articles of Incorporation.  Abstentions and broker non-votes have
no effect under the Act.

     If your shares are held in "street name," under certain  circumstances your
brokerage  firm may vote your  shares.  Brokerage  firms have  authority to vote
their customers' shares on certain "routine" matters,  including the election of
directors. When a brokerage firm votes its customers' shares on routine matters,
these shares are also counted for purposes of  establishing  a quorum to conduct
business at the meeting.  A brokerage firm cannot vote its customer's  shares on
non-routine matters. Accordingly,  these shares are not counted as votes against
a non-routine matter, but rather not counted at all for these matters. There are
no  non-routine  matters being acted on at the Annual  Meeting.  We,  therefore,
encourage  you to provide  instructions  to your  brokerage  firm as to how your
proxy  should be voted.  This  ensures  your  shares will be voted at the Annual
Meeting.  There  are no  non-routine  matters  being  voted  upon at the  Annual

     The close of  business  on March 4,  2002,  has been  fixed by the Board of
Directors as the "record date" for  determination  of  shareholders  entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting,  and any adjournment  thereof. On
the record date, there were 489,410 shares of FPB common stock outstanding, held
by approximately 688 shareholders.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


Principal Stockholders

     The following table contains information regarding the only person known to
us to be the beneficial owner of five percent or more of the outstanding  shares
of FPB common stock as of the record date.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  Amount of
                                                   Common             Percent
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner              Stock (1)           of Class
- --------------------------------------           -----------         ---------

Robert L. Schweiger                               46,000(2)            9.03%
97520 SW Santa Monica Drive
Palm City, Florida 34990
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   Includes shares for which the named person:
      o  has sole voting and investment power;
      o  has shared voting and investment power with a spouse;
      o  holds in an IRA or other retirement plan; and
      o  may be acquired by exercising stock options.

(2)   Includes 1,000 shares held in trust for Mr. Schweiger's minor children.

                           BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS

     The corporate  reorganization whereby FPB became the parent holding company
for First Peoples Bank ("Bank") became effective on December 3, 2001.  Following
that  date,  FPB's  Board of  Directors  held 1  meeting.  During the year ended
December 31, 2001,  the Bank's Board of Directors  held 12 meetings.  All of the
Bank's  directors  attended at least 75% of the total meetings of both Boards of
Directors and those Board committees on which each director  served.  Members of
the Board are not compensated for their service or attendance at meetings.


     The Bank's  Board of  Directors  is divided  into 5  committees:  the Audit
Committee,  the Executive Committee, the Loan Committee, the Personnel Committee
and the  Planning  Committee.  FPB's Board of  Directors is not divided into any

     The  composition  of and  number  of  meetings  held by each  committee  is
reflected in the following table:

                          (Table follows on next page)


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Board Member            Audit    Executive     Loan     Personnel     Planning
- ------------            -----    ---------     ----     ---------     --------

James L. Autin, M.D.      X                                               X

John R. Baker, Sr.                               X          X

Gary A. Berger          Chair      Chair         X

Donald J. Cuozzo                                            X             X

Ann L. Decker             X          X                      X

Paul J. Miret             X                    Chair

Robert L. Schweiger                  X           X        Chair

Robert L. Seeley          X          X                                    X

David W. Skiles                      X           X          X             X

Thomas E. Warner          X                                               X

Paul A. Zinter                                   X                      Chair

Meetings in 2001          6          6          12          3             2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Audit  Committee  reviews  FPB's and the Bank's  auditing,  accounting,
financial  reporting and internal control functions.  This committee  recommends
the  independent  auditor and reviews its services.  The Audit Committee has not
adopted a formal  charter.  The Board of Directors  believes that the members of
the  Audit  Committee  are all  "Independent  Directors"  based on the  National
Association   of  Securities   Dealers'   definition,   in  that  they  have  no
relationships  that would impair their  abilities to objectively and impartially
execute their duties.

     Audit Committee Report:  During 2001 and 2002, the Audit Committee reviewed
and discussed with FPB's and the Bank's management and independent auditors:

     o    FPB's audited financial  statements for the fiscal year ended December
          31, 2001;
     o    those  matters  required  to be  discussed  by  Statement  on Auditing
          Standards 61; and
     o    the  written  disclosures  and  letter  from the  independent  auditor
          regarding its independence as required by Independence Standards Board
          Standard No. 1.

Based upon those reviews and discussions,  the Audit Committee  recommended that
FPB's audited financial statements be included in its Form 10-KSB for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2001.  The members of the Audit  Committee are: James L.
Autin,  M.D., Gary A. Berger (Chair),  Ann L. Decker,  Paul J. Miret,  Robert L.
Seeley and Thomas E. Warner.

     The Executive  Committee  meets as needed and has limited  powers to act on
behalf of the Board  whenever the Board is not in session.  If any  non-employee
director requests that a matter be addressed by the entire Board rather than the
Executive Committee, such matter is automatically submitted to the full Board.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


     The Loan  Committee  meets  monthly to act upon large or  significant  loan
requests to be handled by the Bank.

     The Personnel  Committee  assesses FPB's and the Bank's  staffing needs and
makes compensation recommendations to the Board.

     The  Planning  Committee  meets to evaluate and assess the long range needs
and goals of the Bank, including expansionary activities.

                       PROPOSAL I -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Board of Directors is presently  comprised of 11 members, as set by the
Board  of  Directors   pursuant  to  its  authority   under  FPB's  Articles  of
Incorporation.  Each director also serves as a director of the Bank.  The Bank's
Articles of  Incorporation  provide that  directors  shall be divided into three
classes, which each serve for staggered three-year terms. This year, three Class
III  directors  are to be  elected.  To the best of our  knowledge,  no director
nominee is being  proposed for election  pursuant to any agreement  between that
person and any other person.

     The three  nominees  named herein have  indicated  that they are willing to
stand for  election  and to serve as  directors  if  elected.  Should a director
nominee  become  unable or  unwilling  to serve,  proxies  will be voted for the
election of such other person as the Board of Directors  may choose to nominate.
The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting is
needed to elect a director.  Abstentions  and withheld  votes will have the same
effect as votes against a director nominee.

     Information relating to the business experience and age of each director is
set forth below.  Also  included is  information  related to FPB's  non-director
executive officers.

                                DIRECTOR NOMINEES
                               CLASS III DIRECTORS
                             TERMS TO EXPIRE IN 2005

     Gary A.  Berger,  age 52,  serves as Chairman of the Board for both FPB and
the Bank. Mr. Berger is President of the accounting firm of Berger, Toombs, Elam
& Frank,  CPA.  He is a graduate  of Michigan  State  University  and has been a
certified  public  accountant  since 1975.  Mr. Berger is a member of the Rotary
Club of Ft. Pierce,  the Florida  Institute of Certified Public  Accountants and
the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  He is also a past
Treasurer  of United  Way,  past  President  of the St.  Lucie  County  Economic
Development Council and past President of the Rotary Club of Fort Pierce.

     Robert L. Schweiger, age 54, is the Secretary of the Board for both FPB and
the Bank.  He has lived in the Port St.  Lucie area since 1975 and is  presently
the Chairman and  Co-Manager of Roberdos,  LC, a trade  magazine and  industrial
trade show consulting  firm. He is also the President of Redako  Corporation,  a
thoroughbred  horse  business.  From 1994 to 1997,  Mr.  Schweiger  served as an
Advisory Board member of Port St. Lucie National Bank. Mr.  Schweiger is a Board
member of the Exchange  CASTLE and  Secretary and Board member of the Stuart Wet
Property Owners'  Association.  He has a Bachelor of Arts in English  Literature
from the American University of Beirut and a Masters of Business  Administration
from Florida Atlantic University.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


     David W. Skiles,  age 54, is the President and Chief  Executive  Officer of
the Bank.  Prior to joining the Bank,  he was the Vice  President  and  Regional
Manager of First United Bank from 1997 to 1998.  From 1989 to 1997,  Mr.  Skiles
was the Vice  President and Senior Lender of Port St. Lucie  National  Bank. Mr.
Skiles  has a Bachelor  of  Science  degree  from  Barry  University,  is a Vice
President  of the St.  Lucie  County  Chamber  and an  associate  member  of the
Stuart/Martin  County Chamber.  Mr. Skiles  currently  serves as Chairman of the
Port St.  Lucie Area  Council  and is a member of the Port St.  Lucie  Breakfast
Rotary Club and the Sertoma Club of Martin County. Mr. Skiles has also served on
numerous  campaigns  for the United Way of St. Lucie and Martin  Counties,  most
notably as  Campaign  Chairman  in Martin  County in 1985 and as Chairman of the
Professional Division in St. Lucie County for the 2000 Campaign.

                              CONTINUING DIRECTORS
                                CLASS I DIRECTORS
                             TERMS TO EXPIRE IN 2003

     James L. Autin,  M.D., age 49, graduated with honors from Tulane University
in 1974,  receiving a Bachelor of Arts  degree in music  history and theory.  He
received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Louisiana State  University  Medical
Center in New Orleans in 1978,  then underwent  surgical  specialty  training in
otolaryngology/head and neck surgery at St. Louis University Hospitals. In 1984,
Dr.  Autin  initiated  his private  practice in St.  Lucie  County.  He is Board
Certified in two  specialties,  facial  plastic and  reconstructive  surgery and
otolaryngology/head  and neck surgery. He served on the Community Advisory Board
of Port St. Lucie National Bank from 1994 to 1997.

     John R. Baker,  Sr., age 52, is the Vice Chairman of the Board for both FPB
and the Bank.  He graduated  from the  University  of Georgia with a Bachelor of
Business  Administration in Real Estate. He moved to Stuart, Florida in 1981 and
assumed the position of Vice President,  General Manager of Bessemer Properties,
Incorporated.  Prior to moving to  Stuart,  Mr.  Baker  served  as  Director  of
Residential  Sales for  Bessemer  in Atlanta,  Georgia,  where he began his real
estate career in 1975. Mr. Baker is a former  director of Barnett Bank of Martin
County and is past President of Treasure Coast Builders  Association and Florida
Home  Builders  Association.  He also  served as  Chairman  of Housing & Finance
Authority in Martin County and the Martin County Affordable  Housing Task Force.
Mr.  Baker  lives in Vero  Beach and has been  active in youth  sports in Martin
County and is  currently a coach for the  Sebastion  Soccer  Association.  He is
employed  with the  Laurel  Corporation  in Vero  Beach and is  involved  in all
aspects of real estate.

     Donald  J.  Cuozzo,  age 48,  received  a  Bachelor  of  Science  degree in
Environmental  Technology from Florida Institute of Technology in 1979. He began
his work career in the public sector with the Martin  County  Growth  Management
Department  before  leaving  to  work as a  regional  and  national  development
coordinator.  In that role,  he was  instrumental  in obtaining  approval of the
Martin Downs DRI amendment and in  coordinating  the acquisition and development
of a number of large  residential  communities  in Palm Beach and Martin County.
Mr.  Cuozzo  also  served as a principal  with a large Palm Beach  County  based
engineering  firm where he gained  extensive  experience  in the area of project
management and coordination. In 1993, he co-founded Houston Cuozzo Group ("HCG")
to provide planning,  design and government  oriented strategic planning service
for private and public sector clients in South Florida. Mr. Cuozzo has more than
20 years of experience  planning and  implementing  numerous  land  developments
throughout  the region and has  worked in nearly  all  facets of  community  and
project  development.  Mr.  Cuozzo is a  founding  member of the  Martin  County
Business Development Board,  a  graduate  of   the first class  of Martin County


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


Leadership  91/92 and a recipient of the 1991  Industry  Appreciation  Award for
Outstanding Contribution to the Community. He is a past Second Vice President of
the Treasure Coast Builders  Association.  Mr. Cuozzo was recently  appointed to
the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council by Governor Jeb Bush.

     Paul A. Zinter, age 47, has been a resident of Port St. Lucie for 33 years,
and was a member of the second  graduating  class from Fort Pierce  Central High
School. Mr. Zinter received a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration
from Eastern New Mexico  University in 1975, where he majored in real estate and
business  administration.  Following  college,  he joined his family's  Port St.
Lucie based real estate  agency,  Welcome  Center Real Estate,  Inc., as a sales
associate,  later advancing to the position of sales manager. For the past eight
years,  he has been the  managing  broker  and Chief  Executive  Officer of that
agency.  Mr. Zinter is a graduate of the Realtors  Institute,  holding Certified
Residential Specialist and Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager certificates.
He is past President of the Rotary Club of Port St. Lucie,  past Director of the
St.  Lucie  County  Board of Realtors  and past  Administrative  Board Member of
Riverside National Bank.

                               CLASS II DIRECTORS
                             TERMS TO EXPIRE IN 2004

     Ann L. Decker, age 50, was born in Chicago,  Illinois and has a Bachelor of
Science in  Professional  Business  Management  from Barry  University in Miami,
Florida.  She presently  serves as District  Manager for U.S.  Congressman  Mark
Foley. Ms. Decker was formerly a co-owner of Intracoastal Printing,  Inc., which
was sold in 1990.  She is also on the Board of Directors of the Visiting  Nurses
Association  of  Florida  and  serves as Vice  President  of the Port St.  Lucie
Republican  Club and as President of the JIG Investment Club.

     Paul J. Miret,  age 55, is presently a realtor  with RE/MAX 100  Riverside.
Prior to that,  he was the owner and operator of Sunshine  Carpet  Cleaning from
1978 to 1998 and of  Ameri-Kleen  Services  from 1992 to 1998.  He also owns and
manages 23 residential  rental units. From 1995 to 1997, Mr. Miret served on the
Community  Board of Riverside  National Bank. Mr. Miret is also a past president
of the Port St. Lucie Little  League and the Port St. Lucie  Exchange Club and a
past director of the Port St. Lucie Chamber of Commerce.

     Robert L.  Seeley,  age 77, has been in private law practice in Florida for
40 years.  He  currently  is of counsel  to the Stuart law firm of Warner,  Fox,
Wackeen,  Dungey,  Seeley,  Sweet & Beard,  LLP.  From 1973 to 1996,  Mr. Seeley
served  as a  director  of  Barnett  Bank of the  Treasure  Coast.  He is also a
founding  director and the Chairman of HCA Medical Center and a former  director
of the St. Lucie and Martin County  Economic  Development  Councils.  Mr. Seeley
completed his  undergraduate  studies at the University of Illinois and received
his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Florida.

     Thomas E.  Warner,  age 54, is currently on a leave of absence from the law
firm of Warner,  Fox, Wackeen,  Dungey,  Seeley,  Sweet & Beard, LLP. Mr. Warner
presently serves as Solicitor  General of the State of Florida and, from 1992 to
1999, was a member of the Florida House of Representatives. Mr. Warner is also a
co-owner of War-Min,  Inc., NRS Land Trust and 1100 Land Trust. He received both
his  Bachelor of Science and Juris  Doctorate  degrees  from the  University  of
Florida  and is active in the Palm City  Presbyterian  Church and the Stuart Rod
and Reel Club.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     Nancy E.  Aumack,  age 53, has been the Bank's  Senior Vice  President  and
Chief  Financial  Officer since March 2001,  and has held that position with FPB
since  December 2001.  Immediately  prior to that, she was Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer of Independent Community Bank, Tequesta, Florida. In
the  period  from  1997 to 1999,  she  served  as Chief  Financial  Officer  and
administrative  support  director for the  engineering  firm Lindahl,  Browning,
Ferrari & Hellstrom,  Inc. in Palm City, Florida.  From 1995 to 1997, she served
as Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer for Treasure Coast Bank,  Stuart,
Florida  and from 1983 to 1995,  she  served  as Vice  President  and  Financial
Accounting  Officer for American  Bank of Martin  County in Stuart.  Ms.  Aumack
received her A.S.  degree in  financial  services  from Indian  River  Community
College in 1989.  She is  presently a member of the American  Heart  Association
Heart Walk Committee and the WPSL Christmas Kids Committee.

     Stephen  Krumfolz,  age 51, has been the Bank's Vice  President  and Senior
Lending  Officer since July 1999,  and was promoted to Senior Vice  President in
2001. He has held that position with FPB since December  2001.  Prior to joining
the Bank, he was Vice President and SBA Lending  Manager for Riverside  National
Bank,  from  January 1998 through  June 1999.  He served as Vice  President  and
Commercial  Lending  Officer for Port St. Lucie  National Bank from 1994 through
1997, and completed all phases of Barnett  Bank's  Management  Training  Program
during his employment from 1989 through 1994. Mr. Krumfolz received an Associate
Degree in Banking  through the  American  Institute  of Banking and Indian River
Community  College in 1991,  as well as a Core Credit  School  Certificate  from
Barnett Bank in 1992.  He is an active  member of the Port St.  Lucie  Breakfast
Rotary Club and Treasure Coast Business On The Green.

     Marge  Riley,  age 53, is FPB's and the Bank's  Senior Vice  President  and
Chief  Operations  Officer.  She also  serves as the  Bank's  Security  Officer,
Compliance  Officer,  Bank Secrecy Act Officer and  Community  Reinvestment  Act
Officer.  Prior to joining the Bank in 1998,  Ms. Riley was the  Assistant  Vice
President  and Branch  Manager for First  National  Bank & Trust  Company of the
Treasure  Coast from 1997 to 1998.  From 1990 to 1997,  she served as  Assistant
Vice President - Loan  Administrator for Port St. Lucie National Bank. Ms. Riley
has Associate Degrees in Accounting and Banking and Financial  Services from Fox
Valley Technical College in Appleton,  Wisconsin.  She is presently Treasurer of
the Port St. Lucie  Business  Women,  the Board  Secretary for the Deaf Services
Center and a member of the Port St. Lucie Women on Wall Street.

                          BENEFICIAL STOCK OWNERSHIP OF

     The following table contains  information  regarding the current beneficial
ownership of FPB common stock of each director nominee,  continuing director and
non-director  executive officer as of the record date. The number and percentage
of  shares  held by each  person  reflects  the  number of  shares  that  person
currently  owns,  plus the number of shares that person has the right to acquire
through the exercise of stock options.

                          (Table follows on next page)


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


                                          Number                       % of
                                         of Shares      Right to     Beneficial
Name                                     Owned ( 4)    Acquire (5)    Ownership
- ------------------------------------     -----------   -----------   ----------
Nancy E. Aumack (1)                            0          1,500         0.31%
James L. Autin, M.D.(2)                   10,000          8,000         3.62
John R. Baker (2)                          4,600          3,680         1.68
Gary A. Berger (2)                         8,600          6,000         2.95
Donald J. Cuozzo (2)                      10,000(6)       8,000         3.62
Ann L. Decker (2)                          5,000          4,000         1.82
Stephen Krumfolz (1)                         229          2,000         0.45
Paul J. Miret (2)                         10,000(7)       8,000         3.62
Marge Riley (1)                            1,109          1,850         0.60
Robert L. Schweiger (2)                   26,000(8)      20,000         9.03
Robert L. Seeley (2)                       5,000          4,000         1.82
David W. Skiles (3)                       10,059         11,000         4.21
Thomas E. Warner (2)                       7,000(9)       5,200         2.47
Paul A. Zinter (2)                         7,100(10)      4,800         2.41
                                         -----------   -----------   ----------
All directors and executive officers
 as a group (14 individuals)             104,697         88,030        33.38%
                                         ===========   ===========   ==========

- ------------------------------------

     (1)  Executive Officer only.
     (2)  Director only.
     (3)  Director and Executive Officer.
     (4)  Includes shares for which the named person:
          o has sole voting power and investment power;
          o has shared voting and investment power with a spouse; or
          o holds in an IRA or other retirement plan; but
     (5)  Includes shares that may be acquired by exercising stock options.
     (6)  Includes 2,730 shares owned by Mr. Cuozzo's spouse's IRA.
     (7)  Includes 5,500 shares owned by Mr. Miret's spouse's IRA.
     (8)  Includes  1,000  shares  held  in  trust  for  Mr.  Schweiger's  minor
     (9)  Includes  6,500  shares  owned by the profit  sharing plan for Warner,
          Fox, Wackeen, Dungey, Seeley, Sweet & Beard, LLP, for which Mr. Warner
          serves as Trustee.
     (10) Includes 1,100 shares owned by Mr. Zinter's spouse's Keough Plan.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     Our executive compensation program is designed to:

     o    attract and retain qualified management;
     o    meet short-term financial goals; and
     o    enhance long-term shareholder value.

     We strive to pay each executive  officer the base salary that would be paid
on the open market for a fully qualified officer of that position. The Boards of
Directors  determine  the level of base salary and any  incentive  bonus for the
Chief  Executive  Officer  and other  officers  of FPB and the Bank  based  upon
competitive norms,  derived from annual surveys published by several independent
banking  institutes or private  companies  specializing in analysis of financial
institutions.   Such  surveys  provide  information  regarding  compensation  of
financial institution officers and  employees based  on  the size and geographic


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


location of the financial  institution  and serve as a benchmark for determining
executive  salaries.  Executive salaries and bonus ranges are set at or near the
median for executives at similar financial  institutions.  Actual salary changes
and  discretionary  bonus awards are based upon the Boards of Directors' and the
Personnel  Committee's  evaluation  of FPB's  and the  Bank's  performance,  the
officer's responsibilities and individual performance standards.

Personnel  Committee  Interlocks   and  Insider  Participation  in  Compensation

     Mr. David W. Skiles,  FPB's and the Bank's  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer,  also serves as a member of both Boards of Directors and the Personnel,
Loan  and  Planning   Committees.   Mr.  Skiles   participated  in  the  Boards'
deliberations regarding executive  compensation,  but did not participate in any
deliberations regarding his own compensation.

Summary Compensation Table

     The following table sets forth compensation information regarding FPB's and
the  Bank's  Chief  Executive  Officer.  No  other  executive  officer  received
compensation in 2001 at a level which is required to be disclosed herein.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                        Annual                           Long Term
                                                     Compensation                      Compensation
                                                     ------------                      ------------
        Name and                                                   Other Annual            Stock              All Other
   Principal Position       Year      Salary(1)     Bonus(2)     Compensation(3)         Options(4)        Compensation(5)
   ------------------       ----     ----------    ---------     ---------------         ----------        ---------------
David W. Skiles             2001      $97,125        $3,500          $4,978                    -                   -
Director, President &       2000       91,400            -            7,019                    -                   -
CEO                         1999       56,667            -            3,600                11,000                  -

- ------------------------------------

(1)  Salary - Mr. Skiles' current salary is $100,000.
(2)  Annual Cash Bonus Award - Annual incentive awards paid for results achieved
     during the calendar  year,  which were paid during the year or  immediately
     following the years indicated.
(3)  Other  Annual  Compensation-  All  additional  forms of cash  and  non-cash
     compensation paid, awarded or earned which includes automobile allowances.
(4)  Stock  Options - Grants of stock options made under FPB's 1998 Stock Option
     Plan.  The present book value of FPB common stock is less than the exercise
     price of Mr. Skiles option, which is $10.00 per share.
(5)  All Other  Compensation - Compensation  that does not fall under any of the
     aforementioned categories.


Employment Contracts

     The Bank has entered  into an  employment  agreement  with David W. Skiles,
effective  May 1, 1999  ("Agreement").  Under the  terms of the  Agreement,  Mr.
Skiles  serves as the  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of the Bank.  The
Agreement  also provides for Mr. Skiles to receive an option to purchase  shares
of Bank common stock under the Bank's 1998 Stock Option Plan.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


     Mr. Skiles may terminate the Agreement  upon 90 days' written  notification
to the Bank and the Bank may  terminate  the  Agreement  upon the  occurrence of
certain  events.  Among  these  events  are:  (i) the Bank  being  designated  a
"troubled  institution"  or receiving a composite  CAMELS rating of 4 or 5; (ii)
Mr.  Skiles  failing to follow the  reasonable  instructions  or policies of the
Board of  Directors;  (iii) Mr.  Skiles'  grossly  negligent or willful  conduct
harmful to the business of the Bank;  (iv) Mr.  Skiles being  convicted of crime
involving a breach of trust or moral  turpitude;  (v) Mr. Skiles'  incapacity or
death;  and  (vi)  Mr.  Skiles'  willful  breach  of duty in the  course  of his
employment.  In the event the  Agreement is terminated by Mr. Skiles or the Bank
for  any  of  these  reasons,  Mr.  Skiles  shall  be  entitled  to  no  further
compensation  and  shall  be  subject  to  a  non-  competition  agreement.  The
non-competition  agreement will prohibit Mr. Skiles from serving as an executive
officer of any financial institution in St. Lucie County, or such other counties
as the Bank may have a branch office,  for one year following the termination of
the Agreement.

     Should  the  Bank  undergo  a  "change  in  control"  (as  defined  in  the
Agreement), Mr. Skiles will be entitled to terminate the Agreement and receive a
lump-sum  severance  payment equal to his base salary and any bonus  received in
the one-year period immediately following the change in control.


     Certain  directors,  executive  officers and their immediate family members
are also customers of the Bank, and it is anticipated that such individuals will
continue to be  customers  in the  future.  Loans made to  directors,  executive
officers,  and their immediate  families  require  approval of a majority of the
disinterested  directors  approving the loan. All transactions  between FPB, the
Bank and its directors,  executive  officers and their immediate family members,
and any principal shareholders,  were made in the ordinary course of business on
substantially the same terms, including interest rates and collateral,  as those
prevailing at the time for comparable  transactions with non-affiliated  persons
and, in the opinion of management,  did not involve more than the normal risk of
collectibility or present other unfavorable  features.  As of December 31, 2001,
loans to  directors,  executive  officers  and their  immediate  family  members
represented approximately $1.2 million, or approximately 3.79% of the total loan
portfolio, all of which are current and performing according to their terms.

                                   PROPOSAL II
                    FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2002

     The  independent  auditor  for FPB and the Bank for the  fiscal  year ended
December 31, 2001,  was Hacker,  Johnson & Smith,  P.A. FPB's Board of Directors
presently intends to renew FPB's arrangements with Hacker, Johnson & Smith, P.A.
to be FPB's  auditor for the fiscal year ending  December 31,  2002,  subject to
shareholder  approval. A representative of the firm is expected to be present at
the Annual  Meeting.  He or she will be given an opportunity to make a statement
and will be available to answer appropriate shareholder questions.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952


     During 2001, Hacker,  Johnson & Smith, P.A. billed FPB and the Bank $23,000
for audit  services and financial  statement  reviews and $2,250 for tax related
services.  The Audit  Committee  does not believe that the FPB's payment for tax
services impairs Hacker,  Johnson & Smith, P.A.'s independence in conducting its
audits of FPB.

     In order to be adopted,  this proposal must be approved by the holders of a
majority  of the  outstanding  shares  of the  FPB's  common  stock  present  or
represented  by  proxy  and  entitled  to vote  at the  Annual  Meeting.  If the
shareholders do not vote in favor of the appointment of Hacker, Johnson & Smith,
P.A., the Board of Directors will consider the selection of other auditors.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         The Board of Directors Recommends that Shareholders Vote "FOR"
      the Ratification of the Appointment of Hacker, Johnson & Smith, P.A.
                  for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2002.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  PROPOSAL III
                          ADJOURNMENT OF ANNUAL MEETING

     The Board of Directors seeks your approval to adjourn the Annual Meeting in
the event that there are not a sufficient  number of votes at the Annual Meeting
to approve  either  Proposals I or II. In order to permit proxies that have been
timely  received by FPB to be voted for an  adjournment,  we are submitting this
Proposal as a separate  matter for your  consideration.  If it is  necessary  to
adjourn the Annual  Meeting and the  adjournment is for a period of less than 30
days, no notice of the time or place of the reconvened  meeting will be given to
shareholders, other than an announcement made at the Annual Meeting.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         The Board of Directors Recommends that Shareholders Vote "FOR"
             the Approval of the Adjournment of the Annual Meeting.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 16(a) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires our officers,
directors  and any  person  who  beneficially  owns more than 10% of FPB  common
stock, to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission.  Executive  officers,  directors  and  more  than 10%
shareholders  are  required  by  regulation  to furnish  FPB with  copies of all
Section 16(a) forms that they file.  Based solely on the review of copies of the
filings FPB has received or representations  from such reporting persons,  it is
our belief  that  during  2001,  all such  filings,  if any,  applicable  to our
officers, director or 10% shareholders were made timely.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     In order to be eligible for inclusion in FPB's proxy materials for the 2003
Annual Meeting, a shareholder's  proposal to take action at such meeting must be
received at FPB's main office at 1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie  Boulevard,  Port
St. Lucie,  Florida 34952, on or before November 22, 2002. Proposals must comply
with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission's  proxy rules as provided in 17
C.F.R. Section 240.14a-8 in order to be included in the FPB's proxy materials.


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952



     The cost of soliciting  proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors for the
Annual  Meeting will be borne by FPB.  Proxies may be  solicited  by  directors,
officers or our regular employees, in person or by telephone, e-mail or mail. We
are requesting  persons and entities  holding  shares in their names,  or in the
names of their  nominees,  to send proxy  materials to, and obtain proxies from,
such beneficial owners.  Those persons and entities will be reimbursed for their
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

                                LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

     Neither  FPB  Bancorp  nor the Bank is or has during  the last  year,  been
involved in any litigation or legal  proceeding  other than in the normal course
of business.


     Accompanying  this Proxy  Statement  is FPB's  2001  Annual  Report,  which
includes FPB's audited  financial  statements.  The Annual Report also serves as
the Bank's Annual Disclosure Statement. Additional copies of FPB's Annual Report
are available to  shareholders  at no charge.  Any shareholder who would like an
additional  copy may contact  David W.  Skiles,  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer,  FPB Bancorp,  Inc., 1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard,  Port St.
Lucie, Florida 34952, telephone number (772) 398-1388.

     FPB currently files periodic reports (including From 10-KSBs, Form 10-QSBs,
Proxy  Statements,  etc.) with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  These
periodic  reports are filed  electronically  via EDGAR and can be inspected  and
copied at the public  reference  facilities  maintained  by the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission at its Public  Reference  Section,  450 Fifth  Street,  NW,
Washington, DC 20549. The Securities and Exchange Commission maintains a website
that contains registration statements, reports, proxy and information statements
and other information  regarding  registrants that file  electronically with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission.  Information filed by FPB is also available
for review on this website. The address of the website is

FPB Bancorp, Inc.
March 22, 2002


                        FPB BANCORP, INC. PROXY STATEMENT
     1301 Southeast Port St. Lucie Boulevard o Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952



                                REVOCABLE PROXY
                       2002 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

This  proxy is being  solicited  on  behalf  of the  Board of  Directors  of FPB
Bancorp,  Inc..  The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  David W. Skiles and Gary A.
Berger to act as proxy for, and attorney-in-fact, each with the power to appoint
his  substitute,  to vote all shares of the common  stock of FPB  Bancorp,  Inc.
which the  undersigned  may be entitled  to vote at the 2002  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders  to be held at our main office,  located at 1301 Southeast Port St.
Lucie Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, Florida, on Wednesday,  April 24, 2002, at 5:00
p.m., or at any adjournment thereof.

The  undersigned  shareholder of FPB Bancorp,  Inc. may revoke this Proxy at any
time before it is voted by: (i) delivering to the Corporate  Secretary a written
notice of revocation; (ii) delivering to the Corporate Secretary a duly executed
Proxy bearing a later date; or (iii) by attending the Annual  Meeting and voting
in person.


                                                                                    FOR                  WITHHOLD
PROPOSAL I: The election of three Class III members of the Board of       (EXCEPT AS MARKED BELOW)       AUTHORITY
                                                                          ------------------------       ---------
Directors to serve three-year terms expiring in 2005.                               [ ]                     [ ]

INSTRUCTION.  To withhold your vote for any individual nominee(s), strike a line
              through the nominee's name listed below.

     Gary A. Berger          Robert L. Schweiger            David W. Skiles

PROPOSAL II: The ratification of Hacker, Johnson & Smith, P.A., as the               FOR            AGAINST            ABSTAIN
                                                                                     ---            -------            -------
independent auditors for FPB Bancorp, Inc. for the fiscal year ending                [ ]              [ ]                [ ]
December 31, 2002.

PROPOSAL III: The adjournment of the Annual Meeting to solicit                       FOR            AGAINST            ABSTAIN
                                                                                     ---            -------            -------
additional proxies in the event there are not sufficient votes                       [ ]              [ ]                [ ]
to approve Proposals I or II.

UPON SUCH OTHER BUSINESS as may properly come before the Annual  Meeting,  or at
any adjournment thereof, unless indicated.

NOTE: When properly executed, this Proxy will be voted in the manner directed by

When  shares are held  jointly,  both should  sign.  When  signing as  attorney,
executor, administrator, agent, trustee or guardian, please give full title. The
undersigned acknowledges receipt from F PB Bancorp, Inc., prior to the execution
of the Proxy, a Notice of the Annual Meeting,  a Proxy Statement dated March 22,
2002 and the 2001 Annual Report. STICKER

- -------------------------        Signature: ____________________________________
       STICKER                   Signature if held jointly:_____________________
- -------------------------        Date: _________________________________________

       Please mark, sign, date and return this Proxy Card promptly, using
         the enclosed envelope. If you receive more than one Proxy Card,
                     please sign and return all Proxy Cards.