PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT
                                     FOR THE
                          OGLETHORPE POWER CORPORATION

     This Participation Agreement for the Oglethorpe Power Corporation Executive
Supplemental  Retirement  Plan (the "Plan") is executed  this 15th day of March,
2002, by and between  Oglethorpe Power Corporation,  a Georgia  corporation (the
"Corporation"), and Thomas A. Smith (the "Participant").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation  desires to provide incentives to the Participant
as one its key  executives to encourage the  Participant to remain in the employ
of the Corporation; and

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation has invited the Participant to participate in the
Plan,  the  Participant  is willing to  participate in the Plan, and the parties
hereto desire to set forth the terms of the deferred compensation benefits to be
made available to the Participant under the Plan;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual premises
and promises set forth herein and the opportunity for the Participant to receive
deferred compensation under the Plan, do hereby agree as follows:

     1. Participation in the Plan. The Participant shall become a Participant in
the Plan as of March 15, 2002. As such,  the  Participant  agrees to be bound by
the terms of this Participation Agreement and the Plan.

     2.  Amount and Timing of  Deferred  Compensation.  The  amount,  source and
timing of the deferred compensation to be paid to the Participant under the Plan
are as  follows,  provided,  however,  that with  respect  to each  contribution
described below, the Participant must be employed by the Corporation on the date
the amounts described are to be deferred:

         (a)  Upon  the  execution  of  this  Participation   Agreement  by  the
Participant on or before March 31, 2002, the Corporation shall defer and earmark
the sum of $150,000,  representing $75,000 awarded currently and to be set aside
with  respect to 2001 and  $75,000  awarded  currently  and to be set aside with
respect to 2002.

         (b) On or before  March  31,  2003,  the  Corporation  shall  defer and
earmark the sum of $75,000; and

         (c) On or before  March  31,  2004,  the  Corporation  shall  defer and
earmark the sum of $75,000.

     3. Vesting of Benefits. The Participant shall become vested in the deferred
compensation  benefits to be provided  under the Plan according to the following

         (a) As to the $150,000 to be deferred on or before March 31, 2002: 100%
full and immediate vesting as of March 31, 2002.

         (b) As to the $75,000 to be deferred on or before March 31, 2003:  100%
full and immediate vesting as of March 31, 2003.

         (c) As to the $75,000 to be deferred on or before March 31, 2004:  100%
full and immediate vesting as of March 31, 2004.

     4.  Distribution   Events.   Each  of  the  following  shall  constitute  a
Distribution Event under the terms of the Plan for deferred compensation covered
by  this  Participation   Agreement:  the  Participant's  death,  Disability  or
termination  of employment  with the  Corporation  for any reason.  Distribution
shall commence upon the first to occur of the foregoing Distribution Events.

     5.  Investment  Direction.  The  Participant  acknowledges  that  while the
Corporation  has agreed to set aside funds to assist in meeting its  obligations
under the Plan, the Plan is in fact unfunded,  and the Participant shall have no
right,  title or  interest  in and to any  specific  assets of the  Corporation.
Nevertheless,  the Corporation is willing to permit the Participant to determine
the  investment  of funds  that are  earmarked  to assist  in the  Corporation's
payment of its  obligations  under the Plan. The Corporation and the Participant
agree that the  Corporation  will  establish  an  account  with a broker to hold
assets  to  be  earmarked  for  payment  to  the  Participant   under  the  Plan
(acknowledging  that  such  funds  are  still  subject  to  the  claims  of  the
Corporation's  creditors),  and the  Participant may direct any broker as to his
preferences  with respect to the  investment  of such assets.  In addition,  the
parties  agree  that  the   Corporation   may  appoint  an  investment   manager
satisfactory  to the Participant to determine the  Participant's  perspective on
investments and invest the funds accordingly. In addition, the parties may agree
to  establish  a rabbi  trust for the  purpose of  handling  the funds and their
investment.  The initial value of such earmarked  assets and the gains or losses
attributable thereto shall be reflected in the Participant's account established
under the Plan,  and  amounts to be paid to the  Participant  shall be  governed
according to such gains and losses.  The parties agree that  investments  may be
made in insurance  policies and  products in addition to stocks,  bonds,  mutual
funds and  other  types of  investments.  In no event  shall  the  Participant's
direction of the  investment of earmarked  assets be construed or interpreted as
entitling  the  Participant  to any  interest  in  any  specific  assets  of the
Corporation.  The  Corporation  agrees that the cost of  administering  the Plan
shall not be  charged  against  benefits  that  accrue or become  payable to the

     6.  Reliance on Plan.  The parties  acknowledge  that the terms of the Plan
govern except as specifically  provided herein. Any undefined  capitalized terms
herein  shall  have  the  meaning  set  forth in the  Plan.  By  executing  this
Participation  Agreement,  the  Participant  acknowledges  and  agrees  that his
entitlement  to payments  under the Plan shall be made in accordance  with,  and
subject to, the terms of the Plan and this Participation Agreement.


     7.  Form of  Payment.  The  Participant  and  the  Corporation  agree  that
distributions under the Plan may be in cash or in kind.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation,  acting through its duly authorized
officer,  and the Participant have executed this Participation  Agreement on the
day and year first above written.


                                           /s/Thomas A. Smith
                                  Signature of Participant

                                  OGLETHORPE POWER CORPORATION

                                  By:      /s/ J. Calvin Earwood
                                           J. Calvin Earwood
                                            Chairman of the Board of Directors

                                  Attest:  /s/Patricia N. Nash
                                          Patricia N. Nash, Secretary

                                                    (CORPORATE SEAL)
