EXHIBIT 4.7.1(u)

Upon recording, return to:
Ms. Shawne M. Keenan
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
999 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3996

                            THIS INSTRUMENT EMBRACES,



                          OGLETHORPE POWER CORPORATION


                                 SUNTRUST BANK,

                             TWENTIETH SUPPLEMENTAL

                                 Relating to the
                            Series 2002 (Monroe) Note

                           Dated as of January 1, 2003

                           FIRST MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS



     THIS  TWENTIETH  SUPPLEMENTAL  INDENTURE,  dated as of January 1, 2003,  is
formerly  known  as  Oglethorpe  Power   Corporation  (An  Electric   Membership
Generation  &  Transmission  Corporation)  an  electric  membership  corporation
organized  and  existing  under the laws of the  State of  Georgia,  as  Grantor
(hereinafter  called  the  "Company"),  and  SUNTRUST  BANK,  formerly  known as
SunTrust Bank, Atlanta, a banking  corporation  organized and existing under the
laws of the State of Georgia, as Trustee (in such capacity, the "Trustee").

     WHEREAS,  the Company has heretofore  executed and delivered to the Trustee
an  Indenture,  dated as of March 1,  1997  (hereinafter  called  the  "Original
Indenture")  for the purpose of securing its Existing  Obligations and providing
for the  authentication  and delivery of Additional  Obligations  by the Trustee
from time to time under the Original  Indenture  (capitalized  terms used herein
shall have the meanings  ascribed to them in the Original  Indenture as provided
in Section 2.1 hereof);

     WHEREAS,   the   Development   Authority  of  Monroe  County  (the  "Monroe
Authority")  issued  $143,710,000 in aggregate  principal  amount of Development
Authority of Monroe County  Pollution  Control Revenue Bonds  (Oglethorpe  Power
Corporation Scherer Project),  Series 1992A (the "Series 1992A Bonds"), of which
$7,040,000 in aggregate principal amount matures on January 1, 2003 (the "Series
1992A Maturities");

     WHEREAS,  the Monroe  Authority  loaned the  proceeds  from the sale of the
Series  1992A  Bonds to the  Company,  with such loan  being  evidenced  by that
certain  Series  1992A  Note,  dated as of  October 1, 1992 (the  "Series  1992A
Note"), from the Company to SunTrust Bank, formerly known as Trust Company Bank,
as trustee (in such  capacity,  the "Series  1992A  Trustee"),  as assignee  and
pledgee of the Monroe  Authority  pursuant to the Trust  Indenture,  dated as of
October 1, 1992 (the "Series 1992A Indenture),  between the Monroe Authority and
the Series 1992A Trustee;

     WHEREAS,  on December 5, 2002, the Monroe  Authority  issued  $7,040,000 in
aggregate  principal amount of Development  Authority of Monroe County Pollution
Control Revenue Bonds  (Oglethorpe Power  Corporation  Scherer Project),  Series
2002 (the "Series 2002  (Monroe)  Bonds"),  the proceeds  from the sale of which
were loaned to the Company pursuant to that certain Loan Agreement,  dated as of
December 1, 2002 (the "Series 2002 (Monroe) Loan Agreement"), between the Monroe
Authority and the Company to refund the Series 1992A  Maturities and to make the
related payments due on the Series 1992A Note;

     WHEREAS,  the Company's obligation to repay the loan of the proceeds of the
Series 2002  (Monroe)  Bonds is evidenced by that certain  Series 2002  (Monroe)
Note,  dated  December  5, 2002 (the  "Unsecured  Note"),  from the  Company  to
SunTrust  Bank,  as  trustee  (in  such  capacity,  the  "Series  2002  (Monroe)
Trustee"), as assignee and pledgee of the Monroe Authority pursuant to the Trust
Indenture,  dated as of December 1, 2002 (the "Series 2002 (Monroe) Indenture"),
between the Monroe Authority and the Series 2002 (Monroe) Trustee;

     WHEREAS,  as  required  by Section  4.9 of the Series  2002  (Monroe)  Loan
Agreement,  the Company desires to deliver to the Series 2002 (Monroe) Trustee a
promissory  note  secured  under  the  Indenture  (as  hereinafter  defined)  in
substitution for the Unsecured Note;

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  desires  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Twentieth
Supplemental  Indenture,  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the  Original
Indenture, for the purpose of providing for the creation and designation of that
certain Series 2002 (Monroe)  Note,  dated the date of its  authentication  (the
"Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note"),  from the Company to the Series  2002  (Monroe)
Trustee,  as assignee and pledgee of the Monroe Authority pursuant to the Series
2002 (Monroe) Indenture, as an Additional Obligation and specifying the form and
provisions thereof (the Original Indenture, as heretofore,  hereby and hereafter
supplemented and modified, being herein sometimes called the "Indenture");

     WHEREAS,  pursuant  to  Section  4.9  of  the  Series  2002  (Monroe)  Loan
Agreement,  upon the  authentication  of the Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note by the
Trustee,  the Series 2002  (Monroe)  Note will be  delivered  to the Series 2002
(Monroe) Trustee in substitution for the Unsecured Note;

     WHEREAS,  Section 12.1 of the Original Indenture provides that, without the
consent of the Holders of any of the Obligations,  the Company,  when authorized
by a Board Resolution,  and the Trustee, may enter into Supplemental  Indentures
for the purposes and subject to the  conditions  set forth in said Section 12.1;

     WHEREAS,  all acts and  proceedings  required by law and by the Articles of
Incorporation  and Bylaws of the Company necessary to secure under the Indenture
the payment of the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on the Series
2002  (Monroe)  Note,  to make  the  Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note  to be  issued
hereunder,  when  executed by the Company,  authenticated  and  delivered by the
Trustee and duly issued, the valid, binding and legal obligation of the Company,
and to constitute the Indenture a valid and binding lien for the security of the
Series 2002  (Monroe)  Note, in  accordance  with its terms,  have been done and
taken; and the execution and delivery of this Twentieth  Supplemental  Indenture
has been in all respects duly authorized by the Company;

secure the payment of the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on the
Outstanding  Secured  Obligations,  including,  when  issued,  the  Series  2002
(Monroe)  Note,  to confirm  the lien of the  Indenture  upon the Trust  Estate,
including property  purchased,  constructed or otherwise acquired by the Company
since the date of execution of the Original Indenture,  to secure performance of
the covenants therein and herein contained,  to declare the terms and conditions
on which the Series 2002 (Monroe) Note is secured,  and in  consideration of the
premises thereof and hereof, the Company by these presents does grant,  bargain,
sell,  alienate,   remise,   release,   convey,  assign,   transfer,   mortgage,
hypothecate, pledge, set over and confirm to the Trustee, and its successors and
assigns in the trust created thereby and hereby, in trust, all property, rights,
privileges and franchises (other than Excepted Property or Excludable  Property)
of the  Company  of the  character  described  in the  Granting  Clauses  of the
Original  Indenture,   including  all  such  property,  rights,  privileges  and
franchises  acquired  since the date of  execution  of the  Original  Indenture,


including,  without  limitation,  all  property  described in Exhibit A attached
hereto,  subject to all  exceptions,  reservations  and matters of the character
referred to in the Indenture, and does grant a security interest therein for the
purposes  expressed herein and in the Original Indenture subject in all cases to
Sections  5.2 and 11.2 B of the  Original  Indenture  and to the  rights  of the
Company under the Original Indenture,  including the rights set forth in Article
V thereof;  but expressly excepting and excluding from the lien and operation of
the Indenture all properties of the character specifically excepted as "Excepted
Property"  or  "Excludable  Property"  in the  Original  Indenture to the extent
contemplated thereby.

     PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the
Trustee,  or any separate trustee or co-trustee  appointed under Section 9.14 of
the Original Indenture or any receiver appointed pursuant to statutory provision
or order of court,  shall have entered into  possession of all or  substantially
all of the Trust Estate,  all the Excepted Property  described or referred to in
Paragraphs  A through H,  inclusive,  of  "Excepted  Property"  in the  Original
Indenture then owned or thereafter  acquired by the Company,  shall immediately,
and, in the case of any Excepted Property described or referred to in Paragraphs
I, J, L, N and P of "Excepted Property" in the Original Indenture (excluding the
property  described in Section 2 of Exhibit B in the Original  Indenture),  upon
demand of the Trustee or such other trustee or receiver,  become  subject to the
lien of the  Indenture  to the extent  permitted by law, and the Trustee or such
other trustee or receiver may, to the extent  permitted by law, at the same time
likewise take possession thereof,  and whenever all Events of Default shall have
been cured and the  possession of all or  substantially  all of the Trust Estate
shall have been restored to the Company,  such Excepted  Property shall again be
excepted and excluded from the lien of the Indenture to the extent and otherwise
as hereinabove set forth and as set forth in the Indenture.

     The Company  may,  however,  pursuant to the  Granting  Clause Third of the
Original  Indenture,  subject to the lien of the Indenture any Excepted Property
or Excludable  Property,  whereupon the same shall cease to be Excepted Property
or Excludable Property.

     TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all such  property,  rights,  privileges and franchises
hereby  and  hereafter  (by  Supplemental   Indenture  or  otherwise)   granted,
bargained, sold, alienated, remised, released, conveyed, assigned,  transferred,
mortgaged,  hypothecated,  pledged,  set  over or  confirmed  as  aforesaid,  or
intended,  agreed  or  covenanted  so to be,  together  with all the  tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances  thereto appertaining (said properties,  rights,
privileges and franchises, including any cash and securities hereafter deposited
or required to be deposited  with the Trustee (other than any such cash which is
specifically  stated in the Indenture not to be deemed part of the Trust Estate)
being  part of the Trust  Estate),  unto the  Trustee,  and its  successors  and
assigns in the trust herein created, forever.

     SUBJECT,  HOWEVER,  to (i)  Permitted  Exceptions  and  (ii) to the  extent
permitted  by Section 13.6 of the  Original  Indenture as to property  hereafter
acquired (a) any duly  recorded or perfected  prior  mortgage or other lien that
may exist thereon at the date of the acquisition  thereof by the Company and (b)
purchase  money  mortgages,  other  purchase  money  liens,  chattel  mortgages,
conditional sales agreements or other title retention  agreements created by the
Company at the time of acquisition thereof.


     BUT IN  TRUST,  NEVERTHELESS,  with  power  of  sale,  for  the  equal  and
proportionate  benefit and  security of the Holders from time to time of all the
Outstanding Secured Obligations without any priority of any such Obligation over
any  other  such  Obligation  and for the  enforcement  of the  payment  of such
Obligations in accordance with their terms.

     UPON CONDITION that, until the happening of an Event of Default and subject
to the provisions of Article V of the Original Indenture,  and not in limitation
of the rights elsewhere provided in the Original Indenture, including the rights
set forth in Article V of the Original Indenture, the Company shall be permitted
to (i) possess and use the Trust  Estate,  except cash,  securities,  Designated
Qualifying  Securities and other personal property deposited,  or required to be
deposited,  with the  Trustee,  (ii) explore for,  mine,  extract,  separate and
dispose of coal, ore, gas, oil and other minerals,  and harvest standing timber,
and (iii) receive and use the rents, issues, profits, revenues and other income,
products and proceeds of the Trust Estate.

to operate and is to be construed  as a deed  passing  title to the Trust Estate
and is made under the  provisions  of the existing  laws of the State of Georgia
relating to deeds to secure debt, and not as a mortgage or deed of trust, and is
given to secure the Outstanding  Secured  Obligations.  Should the  indebtedness
secured by the Indenture be paid  according to the tenor and effect thereof when
the same  shall  become due and  payable  and should  the  Company  perform  all
covenants  therein  contained in a timely  manner,  then the Indenture  shall be
canceled and surrendered.

     AND IT IS HEREBY COVENANTED AND DECLARED that the Series 2002 (Monroe) Note
is to be  authenticated  and  delivered  and the Trust  Estate is to be held and
applied by the  Trustee,  subject to the  covenants,  conditions  and trusts set
forth  herein and in the  Indenture,  and the Company  does hereby  covenant and
agree to and with the Trustee,  for the equal and  proportionate  benefit of all
Holders of the Outstanding Secured Obligations, as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                        THE SERIES 2002 (MONROE) NOTE AND

Section 1.1       Authorization and Terms of the Series 2002 (Monroe) Note.

     There shall be created and established an Additional Obligation in the form
of a  promissory  note known as and entitled  the "Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note"
(hereinafter  referred to as the "Series 2002 (Monroe)  Note"),  the form, terms
and conditions of which shall be  substantially as set forth in this Section and
Section 1.2. The  aggregate  principal  face amount of the Series 2002  (Monroe)
Note which shall be authenticated  and delivered and Outstanding at any one time
is limited to $7,040,000.


     The   Series   2002   (Monroe)   Note  shall  be  dated  the  date  of  its
authentication.  The Series 2002  (Monroe)  Note shall mature on January 1, 2018
and shall bear interest from the date of its  authentication  to the date of its
maturity at rates  calculated as provided for in the form of note  prescribed by
Section 1.2. The Series 2002 (Monroe) Note shall be authenticated  and delivered
to, and made  payable to,  SunTrust  Bank,  as trustee,  in its  capacity as the
Series 2002 (Monroe) Trustee.

     All  payments  made on the Series 2002  (Monroe)  Note shall be made to the
Series 2002  (Monroe)  Trustee at its  principal  office in Atlanta,  Georgia in
lawful money of the United States of America which will be immediately available
on the date payment is due.

Section 1.2       Form of the Series 2002 (Monroe) Note.

     The Series 2002  (Monroe)  Note,  including  the  Trustee's  authentication
certificate  to  be  executed  on  such  Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note  shall  be
substantially  in the form of Exhibit B attached  hereto,  with such appropriate
insertions,  omissions,  substitutions  and other  variations as are required or
permitted in the Original Indenture.

Section 1.3       Substitution  of  the  Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note  for   the
                  Unsecured Note.

     Upon its  authentication,  the Series 2002 (Monroe) Note shall be delivered
to the Series 2002 (Monroe)  Trustee in  substitution  for the Unsecured Note in
accordance  with  Section  4.9 of  the  Series  2002  (Monroe)  Loan  Agreement.
Thereafter,  the Series 2002 (Monroe) Note shall  evidence the loan  theretofore
evidenced by the Unsecured Note.

                                   ARTICLE II


Section 2.1       This Twentieth Supplemental Indenture is executed and shall be
construed as an indenture supplemental to the Original Indenture, and shall form
a part thereof,  and the Original Indenture,  as heretofore  supplemented and as
hereby  supplemented  and modified,  is hereby  confirmed.  Except to the extent
inconsistent  with the  express  terms  hereof,  all of the  provisions,  terms,
covenants and conditions of the Indenture shall be applicable to the Series 2002
(Monroe)  Note to the same  extent  as if  specifically  set forth  herein.  All
references  herein to Sections,  definitions or other provisions of the Original
Indenture shall be to such Sections,  definitions  and other  provisions as they
may be amended or  modified  from time to time  pursuant to the  Indenture.  All
capitalized terms used in this Twentieth  Supplemental  Indenture shall have the
same meanings ascribed to them in the Original Indenture,  except in cases where
the context clearly indicates otherwise.

Section 2.2       All recitals in this Twentieth Supplemental Indenture are made
by the Company only and not by the Trustee;  and all of the provisions contained
in the Original  Indenture,  in respect of the rights,  privileges,  immunities,
powers and duties of the Trustee shall be applicable in respect  hereof as fully
and with like effect as if set forth herein in full.


Section 2.3       Whenever  in this Twentieth  Supplemental Indenture any of the
parties hereto is named or referred to, this shall, subject to the provisions of
Articles  IX and  XI of  the  Original  Indenture,  be  deemed  to  include  the
successors  and assigns of such party,  and all the covenants and  agreements in
this Twentieth  Supplemental Indenture contained by or on behalf of the Company,
or by or on behalf of the Trustee shall, subject as aforesaid, bind and inure to
the  respective  benefits  of the  respective  successors  and  assigns  of such
parties, whether so expressed or not.

Section 2.4       Nothing in this Twentieth Supplemental Indenture, expressed or
implied, is intended, or shall be construed,  to confer upon, or to give to, any
person,  firm or  corporation,  other than the parties hereto and the Holders of
the  Outstanding  Secured  Obligations,  any right,  remedy or claim under or by
reason of this  Twentieth  Supplemental  Indenture or any  covenant,  condition,
stipulation,  promise or agreement  hereof,  and all the covenants,  conditions,
stipulations,  promises and agreements in this Twentieth  Supplemental Indenture
contained  by or on behalf of the  Company  shall be for the sole and  exclusive
benefit  of the  parties  hereto,  and of the  Holders  of  Outstanding  Secured

Section 2.5       This  Twentieth  Supplemental  Indenture  may  be  executed in
several counterparts, each of such counterparts shall for all purposes be deemed
to be an original, and all such counterparts,  or as many of them as the Company
and the Trustee shall preserve  undestroyed,  shall together  constitute but one
and the same instrument.

Section 2.6       To  the extent  permitted  by  applicable  law, this Twentieth
Supplemental  Indenture shall be deemed to be a Security Agreement and Financing
Statement  whereby the Company grants to the Trustee a security  interest in all
of the Trust  Estate  that is personal  property  or fixtures  under the Uniform
Commercial Code, as adopted or hereafter adopted in one or more of the states in
which any part of the  properties  of the  Company  are  situated.  The  mailing
address of the Company,

as debtor, is:                      2100 East Exchange Place
                                    P. O. Box 1349
                                    Tucker, Georgia 30085-1349,

and the mailing address of the Trustee, as secured party, is:

                                    SunTrust Bank
                                    25 Park Place
                                    Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2900.

                           [Signatures on Next Page.]


     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this  Twentieth
Supplemental  Indenture  to be duly  executed  under seal as of the day and year
first written above.

Company:                              OGLETHORPE POWER
                                      CORPORATION (AN ELECTRIC
                                      MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION), an
                                      electric  membership corporation
                                      organized  under  the laws of the
                                      State of Georgia

                                      By:   /s/ Thomas A. Smith
                                           Thomas A. Smith
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer

Signed, sealed and delivered          Attest:   /s/ Patricia N. Nash
by the Company in the presence of:           -----------------------------------
                                                 Patricia N. Nash

   /s/ Reginald T. O'Shields
- -----------------------------------

   /s/ Thomas J. Brendiar
- -----------------------------------
Notary Public                                [CORPORATE SEAL]

(Notarial Seal)

My commission expires:      October 22, 2004

                      [Signatures Continued on Next Page.]

                   [Signatures Continued from Previous Page.]

Trustee:                                SUNTRUST  BANK, a banking  corporation
                                        organized and existing under the laws of
                                        the State of Georgia

                                        By:   /s/ B.A. Donaldson
Signed, sealed and delivered                  Authorized Officer
by the Trustee in the
presence of:
                                        By:   /s/ Leigh S. Mullis
   /s/ Rebecca Fischer                        Authorized Officer
- -----------------------------

   /s/ Kelly A. Lennon
- -----------------------------
Notary Public                                            [BANK SEAL]

(Notarial Seal)

My commission expires:              July 12, 2003

                                    Exhibit A

     All  property of the Company in the Counties of Appling,  Ben Hill,  Burke,
Carroll,  Clarke,  Cobb, DeKalb,  Floyd,  Fulton,  Heard,  Jackson,  Monroe, and
Toombs, State of Georgia.


                                    Exhibit B

                       [Form of Series 2002 (Monroe) Note]


                          OGLETHORPE POWER CORPORATION

                SERIES 2002 (MONROE) NOTE DATE: January 29, 2003

                                (SCHERER PROJECT)

("Oglethorpe"),  an electric membership corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State of Georgia, for value received and in consideration of the
agreement of the Development Authority of Monroe County (the "Monroe Authority")
to issue $7,040,000 in aggregate  principal  amount of Development  Authority of
Monroe County  Pollution  Control Revenue Bonds  (Oglethorpe  Power  Corporation
Scherer  Project),  Series  2002 (the  "Series  2002  (Monroe)  Bonds"),  hereby
promises  to pay to SunTrust  Bank (the  "Series  2002  (Monroe)  Trustee"),  as
assignee  and  pledgee of the Monroe  Authority,  acting  pursuant  to the Trust
Indenture, dated as of December 1, 2002, from the Monroe Authority to the Series
2002 (Monroe) Trustee (the "Series 2002 Indenture"),  or its successor in trust,
the principal sum of $7,040,000,  together with interest and prepayment  premium
(if any) thereon as follows:

         (a) on or before each  Interest  Payment Date (as defined in the Series
2002 Indenture), a sum which will equal the interest on the Series 2002 (Monroe)
Bonds which will  become due on such  Interest  Payment  Date on the Series 2002
(Monroe) Bonds; and

         (b) on or before  January 1, 2018, a sum which will equal the principal
amount of the Series  2002  (Monroe)  Bonds  which will become due on January 1,
2018; and

         (c) on or before  any  redemption  date for the  Series  2002  (Monroe)
Bonds, a sum equal to the principal of, redemption premium (if any) and interest
on, the Series 2002 (Monroe) Bonds which are to be redeemed on such date.

     This Series 2002 (Monroe) Note is issued in substitution for and supersedes
and replaces that certain Series 2002 (Monroe) Note,  dated December 5, 2002, by
Oglethorpe to the Series 2002 (Monroe)  Trustee which was executed and delivered
contemporaneously  with the initial  issuance of the Series 2002 (Monroe) Bonds.
This Series 2002 (Monroe)  Note  evidences the Loan (as defined in the Agreement
hereinafter  referred  to)  of  the  Monroe  Authority  to  Oglethorpe  and  the
obligation  to repay the same and shall be  governed  by and shall be payable in
accordance  with the terms,  conditions  and  provisions of the Loan  Agreement,
dated  December  1, 2002 (the  "Agreement"),  between the Monroe  Authority  and

Oglethorpe,  pursuant  to which  the  Monroe  Authority  has  agreed  to loan to
Oglethorpe the proceeds from the sale of the Series 2002 (Monroe) Bonds.

     This  Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note  is  a  duly  authorized  obligation  of
Oglethorpe issued under and equally and ratably secured by the Indenture,  dated
as of March 1, 1997 (the "Original Indenture"),  as heretofore  supplemented and
as supplemented by the Nineteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of January 1,
2003 (the  "Nineteenth  Supplemental  Indenture"),  the  Twentieth  Supplemental
Indenture, dated as of January 1, 2003 (the "Twentieth Supplemental Indenture"),
and the Twenty-First  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of January 1, 2003 (the
"Twenty-First  Supplemental  Indenture"),  between Oglethorpe,  as grantor,  and
SunTrust Bank,  formerly known as SunTrust  Bank,  Atlanta,  as trustee (in such
capacity,  the "Indenture Trustee"),  (the Original Indenture,  as supplemented,
the  "Indenture").  Reference is hereby made to the Indenture for a statement of
the description of the properties thereby mortgaged,  pledged and assigned,  the
nature and extent of the  security and the  respective  rights,  limitations  of
rights,  duties and immunities  thereunder of Oglethorpe,  the Indenture Trustee
and the holder of this  Series  2002  (Monroe)  Note and of the terms upon which
this Series 2002 (Monroe) Note is authenticated and delivered.  This Series 2002
(Monroe) Note is created by the Twentieth  Supplemental Indenture and designated
as the "Series 2002 (Monroe) Note."

     All payments  hereon are to be made to the Series 2002 (Monroe)  Trustee at
its principal office in Atlanta,  Georgia,  in lawful money of the United States
of America which will be immediately available on the day payment is due. As set
forth in Section 4.6 of the Agreement,  the obligation of Oglethorpe to make the
payments required hereunder shall be absolute and unconditional.

     Oglethorpe shall be entitled to certain credits against  payments  required
to be made hereunder as provided in Section 4.3 of the Agreement.

     This Series 2002 (Monroe) Note may be prepaid upon the terms and conditions
set forth in Article VIII of the Agreement.

     If the Series 2002 (Monroe) Trustee shall accelerate  payment of the Series
2002  (Monroe)  Bonds,  all payments on this Series 2002  (Monroe) Note shall be
declared  due and  payable in the manner  and with the  effect  provided  in the
Agreement.   The  Agreement  provides  that,  under  certain  conditions,   such
declaration shall be rescinded by the Series 2002 (Monroe) Trustee.

     No recourse shall be had for the payments  required hereby or for any claim
based  herein or in the  Agreement  or in the  Indenture  against  any  officer,
director or member,  past,  present or future,  of  Oglethorpe  as such,  either
directly or through Oglethorpe, or under any constitutional  provision,  statute
or  rule of law or by the  enforcement  of any  assessment  or by any  legal  or
equitable proceedings or otherwise.

     This Series 2002  (Monroe)  Note shall not be entitled to any benefit under
the Indenture and shall not become valid or  obligatory  for any purposes  until
the Indenture Trustee shall have signed the form of  authentication  certificate
endorsed hereon.

     This  Series 2002  (Monroe)  Note shall be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Oglethorpe has caused this Series 2002 (Monroe) Note to
be executed in its corporate name by its President and Chief  Executive  Officer
and attested by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed.

                                     OGLETHORPE POWER CORPORATION
                                     (AN ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION)

                                           Thomas A. Smith
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer


- -------------------------
Patricia N. Nash


     This is one of the Obligations of the series designated therein referred to
in the within mentioned Indenture.

                                          SUNTRUST BANK, as Trustee

                                                Authorized Signatory