PSS World Medical, Inc.
                            4345 Southpoint Boulevard
                           Jacksonville, Florida 32216

                                February 1, 2001

Mr. Kirk Zambetti
3693 E. Wexford Hollow
Jacksonville, FL  32224

Dear Kirk:

     This letter will  memorialize our agreement with respect to the termination
of your  employment  and provision of  consulting  services for a period of time
thereafter.  Please acknowledge your agreement by signing in the space indicated
at the end of this letter.

     1. Termination of Employment;  Consulting Period.  Effective as of February
1, 2001 (the "Date of  Termination"),  your  employment  with PSS World Medical,
Inc. (the "Company") is hereby  terminated  without cause,  and you will begin a
3-month  period of providing  consulting  services to the Company  (such 3-month
period  from  February  1, 2001 to April 30,  2001 is  referred to herein as the
"Consulting Period").

     2. No Change of Control.  You and the Company  acknowledge  that, as of the
date  hereof,  there has not  occurred a Change of Control  of the  Company,  as
defined  in  your  Employment   Agreement  with  the  Company  (the  "Employment
Agreement"),  or as defined in the PSS World  Medical,  Inc.  Officer  Retention
Bonus Plan, in which you are a participant (the "Retention Bonus Plan"). You and
we  further  acknowledge  that  your  employment  is  not  being  terminated  in
contemplation of or otherwise in connection with a Change of Control.

     3.  Severance  Benefits.  In  consideration  of your promises and covenants
contained in this agreement,  and in accordance with the terms of the Employment
Agreement, the Company agrees to provide you the following severance benefits:

          (i) the Company  shall pay to you in a lump sum in cash within 30 days
     after the Date of  Termination  (but not sooner than the  expiration of the
     seven-day  revocation  period described in Section 8(b) of this agreement),
     the aggregate of the following amounts:

               A.  the  sum  of  (1)  your  base  salary  through  the  Date  of
          Termination  to  the  extent  not   theretofore   paid,  and  (2)  any
          compensation  previously  deferred by you  (together  with any accrued
          interest or earnings thereon),  including without limitation deferrals
          under  the PSS  World  Medical,  Inc.  Amended  and  Restated  Officer
          Deferred  Compensation  Plan (ODIP),  and any accrued vacation pay, in
          each case to the extent not theretofore paid; and

               B. the amount equal to twelve (12) times your monthly base salary
          in effect as of the Date of Termination,  for a total of $264,000 (the
          "Severance Payment");  provided, however that (i) such amount shall be
          reduced by the fair value of the  personal  property to be retained by
          you, as shown on  Schedule A, and (ii) $2,700 of such amount  shall be
          paid in nine  installments  of $300 each beginning on the first day of
          the month next following the end of the Consulting Period; and

          (ii) for twelve (12) months after the Date of Termination, the Company
     shall  continue  benefits to you and/or your family at least equal to those
     that would have been provided to you in accordance  with the welfare plans,
     programs,  practices and policies of the Company  described in Section 5(c)
     of your Employment  Agreement in which you were  participating  immediately
     prior to the Date of  Termination;  provided,  however,  that if you become
     re-employed  with another  employer and are eligible to receive  medical or
     other welfare  benefits under another  employer  provided plan, the medical
     and other  welfare  benefits  described  herein shall be secondary to those
     provided   under  such  other  plan  during  such   applicable   period  of
     eligibility; and

          (iii) the  Company  shall,  within 30 days of  receipt  of  reasonably
     documented  invoices  therefor,  reimburse  your actual cost (not to exceed
     $15,000) for outplacement  expenses incurred within one year after the Date
     of Termination; and

          (iv) the  Company  shall,  within  30 days of  receipt  of  reasonably
     documented  invoices  therefor,  reimburse  your actual cost (not to exceed
     $1,000) for legal advice and counsel in connection  with your entering into
     this Agreement; and

          (v)  the  Company  shall,  within  30 days of  receipt  of  reasonably
     documented  invoices  therefor,  reimburse  your actual cost (not to exceed
     $10,000) for maintaining your membership in the  professional  organization
     known as The Executive Committee; and

          (vi) all of your unvested options to acquire stock of the Company (the
     "Options")  shall cease to vest of the Date of Termination and shall expire
     as to any  then-unvested  shares,  but those  Options in which the exercise
     price is in excess of $5.50 per share are hereby  amended as of the Date of
     Termination  to  provide  that  they  shall  remain  exercisable  as to all
     then-vested  shares until the end of the Retention Bonus Payment Period (as
     defined in Section 4 below); and

          (vii) the provisions of Section 10 of your Employment Agreement, which
     relate to the excise  tax-gross up  obligations of the Company in the event
     of a  change  of  control  of  the  Company,  shall  survive  the  Date  of
     Termination  and  continue in full force and effect for two years after the
     end of the Retention  Bonus Payment Period (as defined in Section 4 below);

          (viii) to the extent not  theretofore  paid or  provided,  the Company
     shall timely pay or provide to you any other  amounts or benefits  required
     to be paid or provided or which you are eligible to receive under any plan,
     program, policy or practice or contract or agreement of the Company and its
     affiliated companies.

     You  acknowledge  that the payments and  benefits  described  herein are in
exchange  for your  signing  this  agreement.  You are reminded of your right to
purchase continued health insurance coverage for a period of up to eighteen (18)
months  following  the Date of  Termination  pursuant to the terms of applicable
law. Such eighteen (18) month period shall run concurrently  with the period for
which the Company is providing coverage under Section 3(ii) above.

     4. Substitute Retention Bonus. In lieu of any rights you may have under the
Retention  Bonus Plan,  which you hereby waive,  the Company shall pay to you on
the  first,  second  and  third  anniversaries,  respectively,  of your  initial
participation  in the Retention  Bonus Plan (to the extent such amounts have not
previously  been  paid to you as  Retention  Bonus)  the  amounts  equal  to 50%
($175,000), 30% ($105,000) and 20% ($70,000), respectively, of the dollar amount
of your  Retention  Bonus  (as  defined  therein)  as in  effect  on the Date of
Termination,   i.e.,  without  future  increase  due  to  forfeitures  by  other
participants  in the  Retention  Bonus Plan after the Date of  Termination  (the
"Substitute Retention Bonus"); provided,  however, that upon the occurrence of a
Change of Control (as defined in the Retention Bonus Plan), any unpaid amount of
your Substitute Retention Bonus (calculated as set forth above) shall be paid to
you in a lump sum cash payment within 30 days after the occurrence of the Change
of Control.  The period  beginning on the Date of Termination  and ending on the
last date that any portion of the Substitute  Retention Bonus is due and payable
to you in  accordance  with this  Section 4 shall be  referred  to herein as the
"Retention Bonus Payment Period."

     5. Consulting Services. The parties acknowledge that during your employment
with the Company, you served in the capacity of President of Diagnostic Imaging,
division  of the  Company.  During the  Consulting  Period,  you agree to remain
available  to assist the Company in  transitioning  to other  personnel  matters
relating to the "Zorro" project. During the Consulting Period, the Company will,
in addition to other payments required hereunder, pay you a consulting fee based
on an annual  rate equal to your  annual Base Salary as in effect on the Date of
Termination.  Such  payments  shall  begin  on the  later  of (i)  the  Date  of
Termination, or (ii) the expiration of the seven-day revocation period described
in Section  8(b) of this  agreement  (the "First  Payment  Date"),  and shall be
payable over the 3-month period immediately  following the First Payment Date in
equal monthly or more frequent installments as are customary under the Company's
payroll  practices from time to time. If requested by the Company,  you agree to
continue to provide consulting services to the Company from and after the end of
such 3-month period at the rate of $1,000 per hour.

     6. Restrictions on Your Conduct.

          (a) General.  The restrictive  covenants in this Section 6 replace the
     restrictive  covenants  in  your  Employment  Agreement.   Such  Employment
     Agreement  restrictive  covenants  shall be void and of no further force or
     effect  from  and  after  the  Date of  Termination.  You  and the  Company
     understand  and agree that the purpose of the  provisions of this Section 6
     is to protect legitimate  business interests of the Company,  as more fully
     described  below,  and is not  intended to eliminate  your  post-employment
     competition  with the  Company  per se,  nor is it  intended  to  impair or
     infringe  upon your right to work,  earn a living,  or acquire  and possess
     property  from the fruits of your labor.  You hereby  acknowledge  that the
     post-employment restrictions set forth in this Section 6 are reasonable and
     that they do not, and will not, unduly impair your ability to earn a living
     after the Date of  Termination.

     Therefore, subject to the limitations of reasonableness imposed by law, and
     in consideration of the severance  benefits  described in Section 3 of this
     letter  agreement  and the  consulting  fee  described in Section 5 of this
     letter  agreement,  you shall be subject to the  restrictions  set forth in
     this Section 6.

          (b) Definitions.  The following capitalized terms used in this Section
     6 shall have the meanings  assigned to them below,  which definitions shall
     apply to both the singular and the plural forms of such terms:

          "Competitive  Position"  means any  position  with a  Competitor  as a
     Principal or  Representative  in which you will use or is likely to use any
     Confidential  Information or Trade Secrets of the Company,  or in which you
     have duties for,  provide  services to, or otherwise assist such Competitor
     where such duties, services or assistance involve Competitive Services.

          "Competitive  Services" means any activities engaged in by the Company
     as of the Date of Termination  that relate directly to the  distribution of
     medical supplies,  equipment and  pharmaceuticals to primary care and other
     office-based physicians,  or the distribution of medical diagnostic imaging
     supplies, chemicals,  equipment and service to the acute care and alternate
     care market;  provided,  however, but without limitation,  that Competitive
     Services  shall  not  include  (i) the  manufacture  of  medical  supplies,
     equipment  or  pharmaceuticals  or  medical  diagnostic  imaging  supplies,
     chemicals  or  equipment   (collectively  "Medical  Products"),   (ii)  the
     provisions  of  e-commerce  or  internet   services  with  respect  to  the
     dissemination  of information or services  related to the  distribution  of
     Medical  Products,  or (iii) the  provision  of group  purchasing  contract
     pricing or cost analyses for physicians or medical practices.  "Competitor"
     means any  Person  engaged,  wholly or in  material  part,  in  Competitive

          "Confidential   Information"  means  all  information   regarding  the
     Company,  its  activities,  business  or  clients  that is the  subject  of
     reasonable efforts by the Company to maintain its  confidentiality and that
     is not generally disclosed by practice or authority to persons not employed
     by the  Company,  but that  does not rise to the  level of a Trade  Secret.
     "Confidential  Information" shall include, but is not limited to, financial
     plans and data  concerning the Company;  management  planning  information;
     business plans;  operational  methods;  market studies;  marketing plans or
     strategies;  product  development  techniques  or  plans;  customer  lists;
     details  of   customer   contracts;   current  and   anticipated   customer
     requirements; past, current and planned research and development;  business
     acquisition  plans;  and new  personnel  acquisition  plans.  "Confidential
     Information"  shall  not  include  information  that has  become  generally
     available  to the  public by the act of one who has the  right to  disclose
     such information  without  violating any right or privilege of the Company.
     This   definition   shall  not  limit  any   definition  of   "confidential
     information" or any equivalent term under state or federal law.

          "Person" means any individual or any corporation,  partnership,  joint
     venture,  limited  liability  company,   association  or  other  entity  or

          "Principal  or  Representative"  means a  principal,  owner,  partner,
     shareholder,  joint venturer, investor, member, trustee, director, officer,
     manager, employee, agent, representative or consultant.

          "Protected  Customers"  means any Person to whom the  Company has sold
     its  products or  services  or to whom the Company has  submitted a written
     proposal to sell its  products  or  services  during the twelve (12) months
     prior to the Date of Termination.

          "Protected Employees" means employees of the Company who were employed
     by the  Company  at any time  within  six (6)  months  prior to the Date of

          "Restricted Period" means the Retention Bonus Payment Period.

          "Restricted  Territory"  means each of the fifty  states in the United
     States of America.

          "Restrictive  Covenants" means the restrictive  covenants contained in
     Section 6(c) hereof.

          "Trade  Secret"  means  all  information,   without  regard  to  form,
     including, but not limited to, technical or nontechnical data, a formula, a
     pattern,  a compilation,  a program,  a device,  a method,  a technique,  a
     drawing,  a  process,  financial  data,  financial  plans,  product  plans,
     distribution lists or a list of actual or potential customers,  advertisers
     or suppliers  which is not commonly known by or available to the public and
     which information:  (A) derives economic value,  actual or potential,  from
     not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper
     means by, other persons who can obtain  economic  value from its disclosure
     or use;  and (B) is the subject of efforts  that are  reasonable  under the
     circumstances  to maintain its  secrecy.  Without  limiting the  foregoing,
     Trade Secret means any item of confidential  information that constitutes a
     "trade  secret(s)"  under the common law or  statutory  law of the State of

          (c) Restrictive Covenants.

               (i) Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Confidential Information
          and Trade  Secrets.  You  understand  and agree that the  Confidential
          Information  and  Trade  Secrets  constitute  valuable  assets  of the
          Company and its affiliated entities,  and may not be converted to your
          own use. Accordingly, you hereby agree that you shall not, directly or
          indirectly,  at any time during the Restricted Period reveal, divulge,
          or disclose to any Person not expressly  authorized by the Company any
          Confidential  Information,  and you shall not, directly or indirectly,
          at any  time  during  the  Restricted  Period  use or make  use of any
          Confidential  Information  in connection  with any business  activity.
          During the  Restricted  Period,  you shall not directly or  indirectly
          transmit  or disclose  any Trade  Secret of the Company to any Person,
          and  shall  not  make  use of  any  such  Trade  Secret,  directly  or
          indirectly,  for  yourself  or for others,  without the prior  written
          consent of the  Company.  You and we  acknowledge  and agree that this
          Section 6 is not intended to, and does not, alter either the Company's
          rights or your  obligations  under any state or federal  statutory  or
          common law regarding trade secrets and unfair trade practices.

               (ii) Nonsolicitation of Protected  Employees.  You understand and
          agree  that  the  relationship  between  the  Company  and each of its
          Protected  Employees  constitutes a valuable  asset of the Company and
          may not be  converted  through  your  solicitation  to your  own  use.
          Accordingly,  you hereby agree that during the Restricted  Period, you
          will not directly or  indirectly  on your own behalf or as a Principal
          or  Representative  of any Person or  otherwise  solicit or induce any
          Protected  Employee to terminate  his or her  employment  relationship
          with the  Company or to enter  into any  relationship  of  employment,
          agency or independent contractorship with any other Person.

               (iii) Restriction on Relationships with Protected Customers.  You
          understand  and agree that the  relationship  between  the Company and
          each of its Protected  Customers  constitutes a valuable  asset of the
          Company and may not be converted through your solicitation to your own
          use. Accordingly, you hereby agree that, during the Restricted Period,
          you will  not,  without  the prior  written  consent  of the  Company,
          directly  or  indirectly,  on your own  behalf  or as a  Principal  or
          Representative of any Person,  solicit,  divert, or attempt to solicit
          or divert a Protected Customer for the purpose of providing or selling
          Competitive Services;  provided, however, that the prohibition of this
          covenant  shall apply only to  Protected  Customers  with whom you had
          Material Contact on the Company's behalf during the twelve (12) months
          immediately  preceding the Date of  Termination.  For purposes of this
          Agreement, you had "Material Contact" with a Protected Customer if (a)
          you had business dealings with the Protected Customer on the Company's
          behalf;  (b) you were  responsible for supervising or coordinating the
          dealings  between the Company and the Protected  Customer;  or (c) you
          obtained Trade Secrets or Confidential  Information about the customer
          as a result of your association with the Company.

               (iv)  Noncompetition with the Company.  The parties  acknowledge:
          (A) that  your  services  on  behalf of the  Company  require  special
          expertise and talent in the provision of Competitive Services and that
          you have had substantial  contacts with customers of the Company;  (B)
          that pursuant to your employment with the Company,  you have been in a
          position  of trust  and  responsibility  and you have had  access to a
          substantial  amount of Confidential  Information and Trade Secrets and
          that the Company has placed you in such  position and given you access
          to such  information  in reliance  upon your  agreement not to compete
          with the Company  during the Restricted  Period;  (C) that due to your
          management  duties,  you have  been the  repository  of a  substantial
          portion  of the  goodwill  of the  Company  and  would  have an unfair
          advantage in competing  with the Company;  (D) that you are capable of
          competing with the Company;  and (E) that you are capable of obtaining
          gainful,  lucrative and desirable employment that does not violate the
          restrictions  contained in this  Agreement.  In  consideration  of the
          compensation  and benefits being paid and to be paid by the Company to
          you hereunder,  you hereby agree that,  during the Restricted  Period,
          you will not,  without prior written consent of the Company,  directly
          or indirectly seek or obtain a Competitive  Position in the Restricted
          Territory with a Competitor; provided, however, that the provisions of
          this Agreement shall not be deemed to prohibit the ownership by you of
          any securities of the Company or its  affiliated  entities or not more
          than five percent (5%) of any class of securities  of any  corporation
          having a class of  securities  registered  pursuant to the  Securities
          Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended;  and  provided  further  that the
          restrictions of this subsection (iv) shall not apply in the event of a
          default by the Company in the  performance  of any of its  obligations
          under  this  Agreement,   excluding  for  this  purpose  an  isolated,
          insubstantial and inadvertent default not taken in bad faith and which
          is remedied by the Company promptly after receipt of notice thereof.

          (d) Exceptions  from Disclosure  Restrictions.  Anything herein to the
     contrary  notwithstanding,  you will not be restricted  from  disclosing or
     using Confidential  Information that: (a) is or becomes generally available
     to the public other than as a result of an  unauthorized  disclosure by you
     or your  agent;  (b)  becomes  available  to you in a manner that is not in
     contravention  of  applicable  law from a source (other than the Company or
     its affiliated entities or one of its or their officers,  employees, agents
     or representatives)  that is not bound by a confidential  relationship with
     the Company or its  affiliated  entities or by a  confidentiality  or other
     similar agreement; (c) was known to you on a non-confidential basis and not
     in  contravention of applicable law or a  confidentiality  or other similar
     agreement  before its  disclosure  to you by the Company or its  affiliated
     entities  or  one  of  its  or  their   officers,   employees,   agents  or
     representatives;  or (d) is required to be disclosed by law, court order or
     other legal process;  provided,  however,  that in the event  disclosure is
     required by law, you will  provide the Company  with prompt  notice of such
     requirement  so that the Company may seek an appropriate  protective  order
     prior to any such required disclosure by you.

          (e)  Reasonableness.  The  covenants  contained  in this Section 6 are
     considered by the parties  hereto to be fair,  reasonable and necessary for
     the protection of the legitimate business interests of the Company.

          (f) Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants.

               (i) Rights and Remedies Upon Breach.  In the event you breach, or
          threaten  to  commit  a  breach  of,  any  of  the  provisions  of the
          Restrictive Covenants,  the Company shall have the right and remedy to
          enjoin,   preliminarily   and  permanently,   you  from  violating  or
          threatening  to  violate  the  Restrictive  Covenants  and to have the
          Restrictive Covenants  specifically enforced by any court of competent
          jurisdiction,  it being agreed that any breach or threatened breach of
          the  Restrictive  Covenants  would  cause  irreparable  injury  to the
          Company and that money damages would not provide an adequate remedy to
          the Company. Such right and remedy shall be in addition to, and not in
          lieu of, any other rights and remedies available to the Company at law
          or in equity.

               (ii)  Severability  of Covenants.  You acknowledge and agree that
          the  Restrictive  Covenants are reasonable and valid in time and scope
          and in all other  respects.  If any court  determines  that any of the
          Restrictive   Covenants,   or  any  part   thereof,   are  invalid  or
          unenforceable,  the remainder of the  Restrictive  Covenants  will not
          thereby be affected and will be given full effect,  without  regard to
          the invalid portions.

               (iii)  Reformation.  You and  the  Company  agree  that it is our
          mutual  intention  that  the  Restrictive  Covenants  be  enforced  in
          accordance  with their  terms to the  maximum  extent  possible  under
          applicable  law. You and the Company  further agree that, in the event
          any court of  competent  jurisdiction  shall  find that any  provision
          hereof is not  enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms,  the court
          shall  reform  the  Restrictive  Covenants  such  that  they  will  be
          enforceable to the maximum extent permissible at law.

     7. Certain Additional Covenants.

          (a) Agreement Not to Disparage. You and the Company agree that neither
     shall say,  write or  communicate  in any manner to any person or entity in
     the  medical  community  or  the  medical  distribution  industry  anything
     substantially  derogatory  about  the  other,  regardless  of the  truth or
     falsity of the  information;  provided,  that nothing  contained  herein is
     intended  to or shall  limit your or the  Company's  ability to comply with
     applicable  laws,  rules or  regulations,  to obtain any benefits under any
     bond and/or  insurance  policy,  or to  commence,  institute,  prosecute or
     defend any lawsuit,  action,  claim or  proceeding  before or in any court,
     regulatory,  governmental, arbitral or other authority. In this connection,
     you specifically  agree that, for purposes hereof,  the "Company" means and
     includes the Company and its officers, directors, employees, affiliates and

          (b)  Return  of  Company  Property.  At such  time as you  cease to be
     affiliated  with the  Company  in any  capacity,  you will  deliver  to the
     Company all property belonging to the Company (except those items listed on
     Schedule  A  hereto),  including,   without  limitation,  all  confidential
     information of the Company then in your possession, including soft and hard
     copies thereof, and all keys to the Company premises.

     8. General Release and Forbearance.

          (a) Release by Employee.  In consideration  of the severance  benefits
     provided to you by the Company, you, for yourself, your successors,  heirs,
     legatees,   personal   and  legal   representatives,   and   assigns   (the
     "Releasors"),  hereby  forever  release  and  discharge  the  Company,  its
     officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, corporate affiliates,
     controlling  persons,  and  successors,   and  their  representatives  (the
     "Releasees") from any claims,  demands,  causes of action, suits, contracts
     or liabilities whatsoever, in law or in equity, whether known or unknown or
     suspected  to exist by you,  which you have had or may now have against the
     Company or any of such related  parties arising from or connected with your
     employment  with the Company or the  termination  of that  employment,  but
     specifically  excluding  (i) whatever  rights the  Releasors  might have to
     indemnification  or payment of expenses arising under the Company's charter
     or bylaws or any other  source,  and (ii) the Company's  obligations  under
     this  Agreement  (the  "Release").  Such  claims or causes of action  shall
     include, but not be limited to, (i) any claims, demands, suits or causes of
     action (i) in connection with any privacy right,  civil rights claim, claim
     for emotional and mental distress; your employment with the Company; or the
     termination of that employment;  or (ii) pursuant to any federal, state, or
     local   employment   laws,   regulations,   executive   orders,   or  other
     requirements,  including  without  limitation those that may relate to sex,
     race or other forms of discrimination, including, without limitation, Title
     VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Americans With  Disabilities  Act,
     and the Age  Discrimination in Employment Act Title VII of the Civil Rights
     Act of 1964; provided,  however,  that this Release covers only claims that
     you may have  under  the Age  Discrimination  in  Employment  Act as of the
     effective  date of this  Release.  Without  limiting the  generality of the
     foregoing,  you hereby  acknowledge  and covenant  that you have  knowingly
     relinquished  and forever  released any and all rights and  remedies  which
     might  otherwise  be  available  to you,  including  claims  for back  pay,
     liquidated  damages,  recovery  of  interest,  costs,  punitive  damages or
     attorneys'  fees,  and any claims for employment or  reemployment  with the

          (b)  Acknowledgments.  You  acknowledge  that you have been advised in
     writing to consult with an attorney  before  signing this agreement and the
     Release.  You  acknowledge  that you have read this Release and  understand
     that it is a general release of the Company from any past or existing claim
     which you have against the Company,  including  any claim  relating to your
     employment or termination of employment.  You acknowledge that you have had
     twenty  one (21) days from  receipt  of this  Release to review it prior to
     signing (or have voluntarily signed this Release prior to the expiration of
     such 21-day prior review period) and have voluntarily  decided to sign this
     Release.  You have the right to revoke this  Release  within seven (7) days
     following the date of its execution by you. However, if you fail to execute
     this  Release or revoke this Release  within such seven (7) day period,  no
     benefits  will be payable to you under this  agreement and you shall return
     to the Company any payments thus received prior to that date.

     9. Tax  Matters.  You and we  acknowledge  and agree that the  payments and
benefits  described herein may be taxable income, and we each covenant to comply
with all federal and state income and employment tax requirements, including all
reporting and withholding requirements, relating thereto.

     10. Prior  Agreements.  You and the Company agree that, except as set forth
in Section 8(a) above with respect to any rights to  indemnification  or payment
of expenses,  and except for the remaining time to exercise your Options and the
survival of the excise tax gross-up  provisions of Section 10 in your Employment
Agreement,  as  stated  in  Section  3  above,  this  agreement  supersedes  and
terminates any and all prior employment,  separation or similar agreements, oral
or written,  between  you and the  Company,  including  without  limitation  the
Employment  Agreement,  and that the mutual  benefits and obligations of each of
the parties are solely as provided for and contained in this agreement.

     11.  Governing  Law.  Except to the extent  preempted  by federal  law, and
without regard to conflict of laws principles,  the laws of the State of Florida
shall  govern  this  agreement  in all  respects,  whether  as to its  validity,
construction, capacity, performance or otherwise.

     Again,  to indicate your  acknowledgment  of our agreement as  memorialized
above,  please sign and date this letter and the enclosed  duplicate copy in the
space provided below and return one originally executed copy to the Company.

                             Very truly yours,

                             PSS World Medical, Inc.

                             By: /s/ David A. Smith
                                 David A. Smith


Acknowledged as being the true agreement of the parties, this 9th day of
February, 2001.


/s/ Kirk Zambetti
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Kirk Zambetti