PSS World Medical, Inc.
                            4345 Southpoint Boulevard
                           Jacksonville, Florida 32216

                                 March 21, 2001

Mr. Patrick C. Kelly
1091 Ponte Vedra Boulevard
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 32082

Dear Patrick:

     This letter will memorialize our agreement with respect to your resignation
as the Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer of PSS World Medical,
Inc. (the  "Company"),  as well as all other positions you held with the Company
and its affiliates.  Please  acknowledge  your agreement by signing in the space
indicated at the end of this letter.

     1.  Termination of Employment.  Effective  October 2, 2000 (the "Separation
Date"), your employment with the Company and its affiliates was terminated.  You
and  the  Company  have  agreed  that  this  termination  will be  treated  as a
"termination  without Cause" for purposes of your Employment  Agreement with the
Company, dated March 4, 1998, as amended (your "Employment Agreement").

     2. Severance Benefits. In consideration of your promises and covenants made
in this agreement, and in recognition of the terms of your Employment Agreement,
the Company agrees to provide you the following benefits:

          (a) the  Company  has paid to you your base salary in effect as of the
     Separation  Date  ($660,000  per  year) and  maintained  your  medical  and
     insurance benefits through December 31, 2000;

          (b) the Company shall pay to you $677,000 in cash within ten (10) days
     of the  execution  hereof  (but  not  sooner  than  the  expiration  of the
     seven-day  revocation  period  described in Section 5(b) of this agreement)
     and receipt of all executed  exhibits and  documents  (including  shares of
     Company stock pledged pursuant to Section 2(g)(i)(C) below) related thereto
     and hereto;

          (c) the Company  shall pay to you, on the first day of each month from
     July, 2002,  through December,  2002 (the last six months of the Restricted
     Period, as defined in Section 3(b) below),  $55,000 in cash, which in total
     represents six months of your base salary ($330,000);

          (d) until June 30,  2003,  you and your family  will be  eligible  for
     participation  in Welfare Benefit Plans, in accordance with Section 6(c) of
     your Employment Agreement, as in effect generally at any time prior to June

     30, 2003, with respect to and on the same basis as other peer executives of
     the Company and its  affiliated  companies  and their  families;  provided,
     however,  that if you become  re-employed with another employer before June
     30, 2003,  and are eligible to receive  medical or other  welfare  benefits
     under another employer provided plan, while you are so employed the medical
     and other  welfare  benefits  described  herein shall be secondary to those
     provided  under  such  other  plan  until  the  earlier  of the  date  such
     re-employment  ends or June 30, 2003, and if such re-employment ends before
     June 30, 2003,  the full benefits  coverage  described in the first part of
     this  sentence  shall once again resume until the earlier of June 30, 2003,
     or the date of additional re-employment;

          (e) the  Company  has paid to you  $55,250  on  January  31,  2001 and
     $50,000  on March 7,  2001,  and  shall pay to you  $44,750  on the date of
     execution  hereof  (such  payment  to be made upon the same  conditions  as
     payment in Section 2(b) above);

          (f) the obligations reflected in that certain Promissory Note from you
     to the Company,  dated September 16, 1997, in the original principal amount
     of $3,000,000,  shall be amended,  with such  amendments  embodied in a new
     note in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Note"),  which shall be
     executed contemporaneously herewith, such that:

               (i) until the third  anniversary of the date of the last interest
          payment, made April 30, 2000, interest accruing (and accruing thereon)
          shall be deferred,  to be due and payable upon the earlier of a Change
          of  Control,  as defined in Section  3(b)  below,  or  maturity,  with
          interest accruing thereafter to be due and payable annually,

               (ii) upon a Change of Control, as defined below, the principal of
          the Note shall be forgiven, but any and all interest that has accrued,
          regardless  of any  deferral of such  interest  under  subsection  (i)
          above, shall become immediately due and payable, and

               (iii) the Company shall  purchase and pay the premiums on, and be
          named beneficiary under, a six-year term life insurance policy on your
          life in the amount of  $4,000,000,  which shall  satisfy any remaining
          obligations on the Note in the event of your death;

          (g) the  $1,994,243  advance loaned to you by the Company (the "Margin
     Loan") shall be satisfied as follows:

               (i) as to $997,122:

                    (A)  interest  shall  accrue at the lowest  acceptable  rate
               published by the Internal  Revenue Service to avoid imputation of
               income to you,

                    (B)  the   principal,   which  shall  include  the  interest
               outstanding  on the Margin  Loan as of the date  hereof,  and the

               interest  that  accrues on such  principal  shall  become due and
               payable three (3) years from the Separation  Date,  though either
               or both may be paid,  in full or in part,  prior to the  maturity

                    (C) the above terms shall be  evidenced  by a note that will
               be secured by the  340,000  shares of  Company  common  stock you
               currently  own, which may be sold by you to satisfy the principal
               or the  accrued  interest  or both,  in the  form of the  Secured
               Recourse  Promissory Note and Pledge Agreement  annexed hereto as
               Exhibit  B  (the   "Margin   Note"),   which  shall  be  executed
               contemporaneously herewith, and

               (ii) as to the balance  ($997,121)  (the "Margin Loan  Balance"),
          you promise to pay the Margin Loan Balance in the following manner:

                    (A) the  Company  agrees  to  extend  the date on which  the
               Margin  Loan  Balance  is to be repaid in the manner set forth in
               the Note annexed hereto as Exhibit C, and

                    (B)  pursuant  to a  Split  Dollar  Agreement  in  the  form
               attached to this  Agreement as Exhibit D, you shall  purchase and
               the  Company  shall pay the  premiums  on a  "split-dollar"  life
               insurance  policy on your life, and in exchange for the Company's
               payment  of these  premiums  (i) you shall  grant  the  Company a
               collateral assignment of all cash surrender value and such amount
               of the  death  benefit  to  repay  the  Company  the  Termination
               Priority  Amount  as such  term is  defined  in the  Split-Dollar
               Agreement,  and (ii) you shall name the Company as a  beneficiary
               of your portion of the death benefit under the policy  sufficient
               in amount to repay the Termination  Priority Amount as defined in
               the Split-Dollar Agreement, on your death;

          (h) the Company shall  terminate  the  "split-dollar"  life  insurance
     policy the Company currently maintains on your life;

               (i) all of your  options to  acquire  stock of the  Company  (the
          "Options") shall fully and immediately vest as of the Separation Date,
          and  in  acknowledgement   that  all  of  the  Options  are  currently
          "underwater," the Options are hereby amended as of the Separation Date
          to provide  that they shall  remain  exercisable  until the end of the
          original term;

          (j) you shall be permitted to purchase from the Company the automobile
     that you were using as of the  Separation  Date at the Company's book value
     of $19,543;

          (k) your  vesting and payout in the ODIP  Deferred  Compensation  Plan
     shall be in accordance with the terms of the plan; and

          (l) the provisions of Section 11 of your Employment  Agreement,  which
     relate to the excise  tax-gross up  obligations of the Company in the event

     of a Change of Control, as defined below, shall survive the Separation Date
     and continue in full force and effect.

     You  acknowledge  that the payments and  benefits  described  herein are in
exchange for your signing this agreement and exceed the payments and benefits to
which you would be entitled but for this agreement.

     3. Restrictions on Your Conduct.

          (a) General.  The restrictive  covenants in this Section 3 replace the
     restrictive covenants in your Employment Agreement, which shall be void and
     of no further force or effect from and after the effectiveness  hereof. You
     and the Company  understand and agree that the purpose of the provisions of
     this Section 3 is to protect legitimate  business interests of the Company,
     as more fully  described  below,  and is not  intended  to  eliminate  your
     post-employment  competition with the Company per se, nor is it intended to
     impair or infringe upon your right to work,  earn a living,  or acquire and
     possess property from the fruits of your labor. You hereby acknowledge that
     the post-employment restrictions set forth in this Section 3 are reasonable
     and that they do not,  and will not,  unduly  impair your ability to earn a
     living after the effectiveness hereof.  Therefore,  in consideration of the
     benefits  you  received  under  your  Employment  Agreement  as well as the
     severance  benefits  you are to  receive  under  Section  2 of this  letter
     agreement,  you  shall be  subject  to the  restrictions  set forth in this
     Section 3, subject to the limitations of reasonableness imposed by law.

          (b) Definitions.  The following capitalized terms used in this Section
     3 or  elsewhere  in this  agreement,  as the  case may be,  shall  have the
     meanings assigned to them below,  which definitions shall apply to both the
     singular and the plural forms of such terms:

          "Change of Control" means:

               (i) The  acquisition by any  individual,  entity or group (within
          the meaning of Section  13(d) or 14(d)(2) of the  Securities  Exchange
          Act of 1934,  as amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")) (for the purposes of
          this  definition,  a "Person")  of  beneficial  ownership  (within the
          meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the Exchange  Act) of 35% or
          more of the  combined  voting  power  of the then  outstanding  voting
          securities of the Holder entitled to vote generally in the election of
          directors  (the  "Outstanding  Holder Voting  Securities");  provided,
          however,  that for  purposes of this  subsection  (i),  the  following
          acquisitions  shall  not  constitute  a  Change  of  Control:  (A) any
          acquisition by any employee  benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored
          or  maintained  by the  Holder or any  corporation  controlled  by the
          Holder,  or (B)  any  acquisition  by any  corporation  pursuant  to a
          transaction which complies with clauses (A), (B) and (C) of subsection
          (iii) of this definition; or

               (ii)  Individuals  who,  as of  January  1, 2001 (the  "Effective
          Date"),   constitute  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Holder  (the
          "Incumbent  Board")  cease  for any  reason to  constitute  at least a
          majority  of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Holder  (the  "Board");
          provided,  however, that any individual becoming a director subsequent
          to the Effective  Date whose  election,  or nomination for election by
          the  Holder's  stockholders,  was  approved  by a vote  of at  least a

          majority of the directors then comprising the Incumbent Board shall be
          considered  as though such  individual  were a member of the Incumbent
          Board,  but excluding,  for this purpose,  any such  individual  whose
          initial  assumption  of  office  occurs  as a result  of an  actual or
          threatened election contest with respect to the election or removal of
          directors or other  actual or  threatened  solicitation  of proxies or
          consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board; or

               (iii)  Consummation of a reorganization,  merger or consolidation
          or sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets
          of the  Holder  (a  "Business  Combination"),  in each  case,  unless,
          following such Business  Combination,  (A) all or substantially all of
          the  individuals   and  entities  who  were  the  beneficial   owners,
          respectively,  of the then  outstanding  shares of common stock of the
          Holder (the "Outstanding  Holder Common Stock") and Outstanding Holder
          Voting  Securities  immediately  prior  to such  Business  Combination
          beneficially   own,   directly  or  indirectly,   more  than  80%  of,
          respectively,  the then  outstanding  shares of  common  stock and the
          combined  voting  power  of the  then  outstanding  voting  securities
          entitled to vote  generally in the election of directors,  as the case
          may be, of the  corporation  resulting from such Business  Combination
          (including,  without  limitation,  a corporation  which as a result of
          such transaction  owns the Holder or all or  substantially  all of the
          Holder's assets either  directly or through one or more  subsidiaries)
          in substantially  the same proportions as their ownership  immediately
          prior to such Business  Combination of the  Outstanding  Holder Common
          Stock and Outstanding  Holder Voting  Securities,  as the case may be,
          (B) no Person  (excluding the Holder or any employee  benefit plan (or
          related trust) of the Holder or such  corporation  resulting from such
          Business Combination)  beneficially owns, directly or indirectly,  35%
          or more of the combined  voting power of the then  outstanding  voting
          securities   of  such   corporation   resulting   from  such  Business
          Combination  except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to
          the Business  Combination,  and (C) at least a majority of the members
          of the  board of  directors  of the  corporation  resulting  from such
          Business  Combination  were members of the Incumbent Board at the time
          of the  execution  of the initial  agreement,  or of the action of the
          Board, providing for such Business Combination.

               "Competitive  Services"  means any  activities  engaged in by the
          Company as of the  Separation  Date,  including but not limited to the
          following:  (i)  the  marketing,  sale  and  distribution  of  medical
          supplies,  equipment  and  pharmaceuticals  to primary  care and other
          office-based physicians;  (ii) the marketing, sale and distribution of
          medical diagnostic imaging supplies, chemicals, equipment and services
          to the acute care and alternate care market; (iii) the marketing, sale
          and distribution of medical supplies, equipment and pharmaceuticals to
          the  long-term  care market;  and (iv) the  provision of special group
          purchasing  contract pricing or cost analyses to physicians or medical

               "Confidential  Information" means any confidential or proprietary
          information  possessed by, or relating to the business of, the Company
          or any of its affiliates, including but not limited to the following:

                    o financial information, plans and data, management planning
               information,    business   acquisition   plans,   new   personnel
               acquisition plans;

                    o  business  plans,  market  studies,   marketing  plans  or
               strategies, pricing policies and lists;

                    o   Company   "know-how,"   operational   methods,   product
               development techniques or plans;

                    o  customer   lists,   details  of  customer  or  consultant
               contracts, current or anticipated customer requirements;

                    o  past,  current  and  planned  research  and  development,
               inventions and ideas; and

                    o computer  software  programs  (including object and source
               codes), data and documentation,  database technologies,  systems,
               structures and architectures,  and other  compilations,  devises,
               methods, techniques and processes.

               This definition  shall not limit any definition of  "confidential
          information" or any equivalent term under state or federal law.

               "Person"  means any individual or any  corporation,  partnership,
          joint venture, limited liability company,  association or other entity
          or enterprise.

               "Principal or Representative" means a principal,  owner, partner,
          shareholder,  joint venturer,  investor,  member,  trustee,  director,
          officer, manager, employee, agent, representative or consultant.

               "Protected  Customers"  means any Person to whom the  Company has
          provided its products or services or to whom the Company has submitted
          a written  proposal  to provide its  products  or services  during the
          eighteen (18) months prior to the Separation Date.

               "Protected  Employees"  means  employees  of the Company who were
          employed by the Company at the date hereof.

               "Restricted   Period"  means  the  period   extending   from  the
          Separation Date until the earlier of (i) January 1, 2003,  except that
          the period  shall  extend  until  January 1, 2005,  with regard to the
          restrictions  on disclosure  of Trade  Secrets  under  Section  (3)(c)
          below,  or (ii) the  occurrence  of a Change of  Control,  as  defined
          above;  provided,  however,  that such period shall be extended by any
          length  of  time  during  which  you  are  in  breach  of  any  of the
          Restrictive Covenants.

               "Restrictive Covenants" means the restrictive covenants contained
          in Section 3(c) hereof.

               "Trade  Secret" means all  information,  without  regard to form,
          including  but not  limited  to  technical  or  nontechnical  data,  a
          formula,  a pattern,  a compilation,  a program, a device, a method, a
          technique,  a drawing,  a process,  financial data,  financial  plans,

          product  plans,  distribution  lists or a list of actual or  potential
          customers,  advertisers or suppliers which is not commonly known by or
          available to the public,  and such  information:  (i) derives economic
          value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not
          being readily  ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can
          obtain  economic  value from its  disclosure  or use;  and (ii) is the
          subject of efforts  that are  reasonable  under the  circumstances  to
          maintain its secrecy.  Without  limiting the  foregoing,  Trade Secret
          means any item of confidential  information  that constitutes a "trade
          secret(s)"  under  the  common  law or  statutory  law of the State of

     (c) Restrictive Covenants.

               (i) Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Confidential Information
          and Trade  Secrets.  You  understand  and agree that the  Confidential
          Information  and  Trade  Secrets  constitute  valuable  assets  of the
          Company and its affiliated entities,  and may not be converted to your
          own use. Accordingly, you hereby agree that you shall not, directly or
          indirectly,  at any time during the Restricted Period reveal,  divulge
          or disclose any  Confidential  Information to any Person not expressly
          authorized by the Company,  and you shall not, directly or indirectly,
          at any  time  during  the  Restricted  Period  use or make  use of any
          Confidential  Information  in connection  with any business  activity.
          During the  Restricted  Period,  you shall not directly or  indirectly
          transmit  or disclose  any Trade  Secret of the Company to any Person,
          and  shall  not  make  use of  any  such  Trade  Secret,  directly  or
          indirectly,  for  yourself  or for others,  without the prior  written
          consent of the Company. You and the Company acknowledge and agree that
          this  Section 3 is not  intended  to, and does not,  alter  either the
          Company's  rights  or your  obligations  under  any  state or  federal
          statutory  or common law  regarding  trade  secrets  and unfair  trade

               (ii)  Restriction  on  Relationships  with  and  Solicitation  of
          Protected  Employees.  You understand and agree that the  relationship
          between the Company and each of its Protected Employees  constitutes a
          valuable  asset  of the  Company  and  may  not be  converted  through
          solicitation  to your own use.  Accordingly,  you  hereby  agree  that
          during the Restricted Period you shall not, directly or indirectly, on
          your own behalf or as a Principal or  Representative  of any Person or
          otherwise,  enter  into any  relationship  of  employment,  agency  or
          independent  contractorship with any Protected Employee, or solicit or
          induce any  Protected  Employee  to  terminate  his or her  employment
          relationship  with the  Company or to enter into any  relationship  of
          employment,  agency  or  independent  contractorship  with  any  other

               (iii) Restriction on Relationships with Protected Customers.  You
          understand  and agree that the  relationship  between  the Company and
          each of its Protected  Customers  constitutes a valuable  asset of the
          Company and may not be  converted  to your own use.  Accordingly,  you
          hereby agree that during the Restricted  Period you shall not, without
          the prior  written  consent  of the  Company,  become a  Principal  or
          Representative  of, or  otherwise  provide  services  to, a  Protected
          Customer, or solicit, divert or attempt to solicit or divert, directly
          or indirectly,  on your own behalf or as a Principal or Representative
          of any Person,  a Protected  Customer  for the purpose of providing or
          selling Competitive Services.

               (iv) Noncompetition with the Company. The parties acknowledge the

                    o that  your  services  on behalf  of the  Company  required
               special  expertise  and talent in the  provision  of  Competitive
               Services  and  that  you  have  had  substantial   contacts  with
               customers of the Company;

                    o that  pursuant to your  employment  with the Company,  you
               have been in a position of trust and  responsibility and you have
               had access to a substantial  amount of  Confidential  Information
               and Trade  Secrets  and that the  Company  has placed you in such
               position  and given you access to such  information  in  reliance
               upon your  agreement  not to compete with the Company  during the
               Restricted Period;

                    o that due to your  management  duties,  you  have  been the
               repository  of a  substantial  portion  of  the  goodwill  of the
               Company and would have an unfair  advantage in competing with the

                    o that you are capable of competing with the Company; and

                    o that you are capable of obtaining  gainful,  lucrative and
               desirable  employment  that  does not  violate  the  restrictions
               contained in this Agreement.

     Therefore,  you hereby  agree that during the  Restricted  Period you shall
not,  without  prior  written  consent of the  Company,  directly or  indirectly
provide,  or consult  with  regard to, any  Competitive  Services  to any Person
within the territory in which the Company  provides  Competitive  Services as of
the Separation Date.

     You also  hereby  agree that  during the  Restricted  Period you shall not,
without prior written consent of the Company, (A) be connected as a Principal or
Representative  with,  (B) own,  manage,  operate,  join,  control,  finance  or
participate in the ownership, management, operation, control or financing of, or
(C) permit your name to be used by or in connection  with, any Person engaged in
providing   Competitive   Services  to  any  other  Person  conducting  business
activities  within  the  territory  in which the  Company  provides  Competitive
Services as of the Separation Date.

     Provided,  however,  that the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall not be
deemed to prohibit the ownership by you of any  securities of the Company or its
affiliated  entities  or not  more  than  five  percent  (5%)  of any  class  of
securities of any corporation having a class of securities  registered  pursuant
to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     (d)  Exceptions  from  Disclosure  Restrictions.  Anything  herein  to  the
contrary  notwithstanding,  you will not be restricted  from disclosing or using
information that:

          (i) is or becomes  generally  available  to the public other than as a
     result of an unauthorized disclosure by you or your agent;

          (ii) becomes available to you in a manner that is not in contravention
     of applicable  law from a source (other than the Company or its  affiliated
     entities  or  one  of  its  or  their   officers,   employees,   agents  or
     representatives) that is not bound by a confidential  relationship with the
     Company or its affiliated entities or by a confidentiality or other similar

          (iii)  was  known  to  you  on a  non-confidential  basis  and  not in
     contravention  of  applicable  law or a  confidentiality  or other  similar
     agreement  before its  disclosure  to you by the Company or its  affiliated
     entities  or  one  of  its  or  their   officers,   employees,   agents  or
     representatives; or

          (iv) is required to be  disclosed  by law,  court order or other legal
     process,  provided,  that in the event  disclosure  is  required by law you
     shall provide the Company with prompt notice of such  requirement,  so that
     the  Company  may seek an  appropriate  protective  order prior to any such
     required disclosure by you.

     (e)  Reasonableness.   The  covenants  contained  in  this  Section  3  are
considered by the parties  hereto to be fair,  reasonable  and necessary for the
protection of the legitimate business interests of the Company.

     (f) Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants.

          (i) Rights and  Remedies  Upon  Breach.  In the event you  breach,  or
     threaten to commit a breach of, any of the  provisions  of the  Restrictive
     Covenants,  the Company shall have the following rights and remedies, which
     shall be independent of any others, severally enforceable,  and in addition
     to, not in lieu of, any other rights and remedies  available to the Company
     at law or in equity: (A) the right and remedy to enjoin,  preliminarily and
     permanently,  you from violating or threatening to violate the  Restrictive
     Covenants and to have the Restrictive  Covenants  specifically  enforced by
     any court of  competent  jurisdiction,  it being  agreed that any breach or
     threatened  breach  of  any  of  the  Restrictive   Covenants  would  cause
     irreparable  injury to the Company and that money damages would not provide
     an adequate remedy to the Company;  and (B) the right and remedy to require
     you to account for and pay over to the Company all  compensation,  profits,
     monies, accruals, increments or other benefits you derive or receive as the
     result of any transactions  constituting a breach of any of the Restrictive

          (ii)  Severability  of Covenants.  You  acknowledge and agree that the
     Restrictive Covenants are reasonable and valid in time and scope and in all
     other  respects.  If any  court  determines  that  any  of the  Restrictive
     Covenants, or any part thereof, are invalid or unenforceable, the remainder
     of the Restrictive Covenants will not thereby be affected and will be given
     full effect, without regard to the invalid portions.

          (iii)  Reformation.  You and the  Company  agree that it is our mutual
     intention  that the  Restrictive  Covenants be enforced in accordance  with
     their terms to the maximum extent  possible under  applicable  law. You and
     the  Company  further  agree  that,  in the event  any  court of  competent
     jurisdiction  shall find that any provision  hereof is not  enforceable  in
     accordance with its terms, the court shall reform the Restrictive Covenants
     such that they will be  enforceable  to the maximum  extent  permissible at

          (iv)  Elective  Right of the Company.  In the event that you challenge
     the  enforceability of the Restrictive  Covenants (or assert an affirmative
     defense to an action seeking to enforce the Restrictive Covenants) based on
     an argument that the Restrictive  Covenants are not enforceable as a matter
     of law,  unreasonable in geographical  scope or duration or void as against
     public  policy,  the Company  shall have the right (A) to cease  making the
     payments  required  under  Sections 2(a) through (e), and, upon demand,  to
     have you  repay,  within  10  business  days of any such  demand,  any such
     payments previously made under those Sections,  and (B) notwithstanding the
     provisions  of  Sections  2(f) and 2(g),  to demand that the  interest  and
     principal due on the Note and the Margin Note shall be  accelerated  and be
     immediately  due and payable,  regardless of whether any such challenge (or
     defense)  is found to be  meritorious,  in  whole  or in  part.  Any  right
     afforded to, or exercised by, the Company  hereunder shall in no way affect
     the  enforceability of the Restrictive  Covenants or any other right of the
     Company  hereunder.  Nothing in this Section 3(f)(iv) shall be construed to
     preclude a challenge  (or  defense) by you against the  application  of the
     Restrictive Covenants as to a particular set of facts and circumstances (as
     opposed  to  the  arguments   enumerated   above).  4.  Certain  Additional

               (a) Consulting Services. You agree to provide consulting services
          and advice to the Company on an as  requested  basis until  January 1,
          2003,  provided,  however,  that the Company  shall not require you to
          provide  more than  eight (8) hours of  service in any month and shall
          not require you to travel to provide such services,  other than to and
          from the Company's offices in Jacksonville, Florida.

               (b) Agreement  Not to  Disparage.  You and the Company agree that
          neither shall say, write or communicate in any manner to any person or
          entity in the medical  community or the medical,  imaging or long-term
          care distribution  industries anything substantially  derogatory about
          the other,  regardless  of the truth or  falsity  of the  information;
          provided,  however,  that nothing  contained  herein is intended to or
          shall limit your or the  Company's  ability to comply with  applicable
          laws,  rules or regulations,  to obtain any benefits under any bond or
          insurance policy, or to commence,  institute,  prosecute or defend any
          lawsuit,   action,  claim  or  proceeding  before  or  in  any  court,
          regulatory,   governmental,  arbitral  or  other  authority.  In  this
          connection,  you  specifically  agree that, for purposes  hereof,  the
          "Company" means and includes the Company and its officers,  directors,
          employees, affiliates and representatives.

               (c) Return of Company Property.  You will deliver promptly to the
          Company all  property  belonging to the  Company,  including,  without
          limitation,  all  confidential  information  of the  Company  in  your
          possession,  including soft and hard copies  thereof,  and all keys to
          the  Company  premises.  The Company  will  provide you with a written
          receipt  identifying  all  such  materials  that are  returned  to the

     5. General Release and Forbearance.

          (a) Release by Employee.  Except for obligations of the Company to you
     under this agreement and vested benefits payable to you under the Company's
     benefit  programs,  in consideration of the severance  benefits provided to
     you by the Company, you, for yourself,  your successors,  heirs,  legatees,
     personal and legal representatives,  and assigns (the "Releasors"),  hereby
     forever  release  and  discharge  the  Company,  its  officers,  directors,
     stockholders, employees, agents, corporate affiliates, controlling persons,
     and  successors,  and  their  representatives  (the  "Releasees")  from any
     claims,   demands,  causes  of  action,  suits,  contracts  or  liabilities
     whatsoever,  in law or in equity,  whether known or unknown or suspected to
     exist by you, which you have had or may now have against the Company or any
     of such related parties arising from or connected with your employment with
     the  Company  or the  termination  of  that  employment,  but  specifically
     excluding  whatever rights the Releasors might have to  indemnification  or
     payment of expenses  arising under the  Company's  charter or bylaws or any
     other  source  (the  "Release").  Such  claims or  causes  of action  shall
     include,  but not be limited  to, any claims,  demands,  suits or causes of
     action (i) in connection with any privacy right,  civil rights claim, claim
     for emotional and mental distress, your employment with the Company; or the
     termination of that employment,  or (ii) pursuant to any federal, state, or
     local   employment   laws,   regulations,   executive   orders,   or  other
     requirements,  including  without  limitation those that may relate to sex,
     race or other forms of discrimination, including, without limitation, Title
     VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Americans With  Disabilities  Act,
     and the Age  Discrimination in Employment Act Title VII of the Civil Rights
     Act of 1964; provided,  however,  that this Release covers only claims that
     you may have  under  the Age  Discrimination  in  Employment  Act as of the
     effective  date of this  Release.  Without  limiting the  generality of the
     foregoing,  you hereby  acknowledge  and covenant  that you have  knowingly
     relinquished  and forever  released any and all rights and  remedies  which
     might  otherwise  be  available  to you,  including  claims  for back  pay,
     liquidated  damages,  recovery  of  interest,  costs,  punitive  damages or
     attorneys'  fees, and any claims for employment or  re-employment  with the

          (b)  Acknowledgments.  You  acknowledge  that you have been advised in
     writing to consult with an attorney  before  signing this agreement and the
     Release.  You  acknowledge  that you have read this Release and  understand
     that it is a general release of the Company from any past or existing claim
     that you have against the  Company,  including  any claim  relating to your
     employment or termination of employment.  You acknowledge that you have had
     twenty-one  (21) days from  receipt  of this  Release to review it prior to
     signing (or have voluntarily signed this Release prior to the expiration of
     such 21-day prior review period) and have voluntarily  decided to sign this
     Release.  You have the right to revoke this  Release  within seven (7) days
     following the date of its execution by you. However, if you fail to execute
     this  Release or revoke this Release  within such seven (7) day period,  no
     benefits  will be payable to you under this  agreement and you shall return
     to the Company any payments thus received prior to that date.

          (c) Release by  Company.  Except for your  obligations  to the Company
     under this agreement, which shall remain effective in accordance with their
     terms, the Company,  on behalf of itself,  its affiliates,  its successors,
     and  assigns,  irrevocably  and  unconditionally,  releases,  acquits,  and
     forever  discharges you and your attorneys,  executors,  administrators and
     heirs from any and all charges, complaints, claims, contracts, liabilities,
     obligations, promises, agreements,  controversies, damages, actions, causes
     of action,  suits,  rights,  demands,  costs,  losses,  debts and  expenses
     (including  attorneys' fees and legal expenses),  of any nature whatsoever,
     in law or in equity,  whether known or unknown,  (excluding  any claims for
     which  you  would  not  be  entitled  to  indemnification  pursuant  to the
     Company's certificate of incorporation, the Company's by-laws, and relevant
     law) which the Company now has, or may hereafter claim to have had, against
     you by  reason  of any  matter,  act,  omissions,  cause or event  that has
     occurred up to the present date,  except any claims  pursuant to or arising
     from this agreement.  The Company expressly  acknowledges that this release
     agreement may be pled as a complete  defense and will fully and finally bar
     any such known or unknown claim or claims based on any acts or omissions of
     you up to the present date.

     6. Indemnification and Insurance. The Company shall continue to provide for
you the indemnification  provisions contained in the Company's by-laws and shall
continue to maintain  for your benefit  such  policies of  liability  insurance,
providing  protection to you as an officer,  director,  agent or employee of the
Company  and its  subsidiaries,  as may from  time to time be  purchased  by the
Company for officers and directors  generally as authorized by or in furtherance
of the indemnification  provisions  contained in the Company's by-laws.  Neither
the insurance nor your right to  indemnification  thereunder  may be canceled by
the Company without your permission for a period of five (5) years following the
Separation Date,  except in the event of a Change of Control,  as defined above;
provided,  however, that the Company may obtain a substitute insurance policy as
long as the  rights  of  indemnity  to you are at least  equivalent  to the most
favorable rights provided under the policies in effect immediately prior to your
Separation Date.

     7. Tax Matters. You and the Company acknowledge and agree that the payments
and benefits  described  herein may be taxable  income,  and we each covenant to
comply  with all  federal  and state  income and  employment  tax  requirements,
including all reporting and withholding requirements, relating thereto.

     8. Prior Agreements. You and the Company agree that, except as set forth in
this  agreement,  this  agreement and all  documents  entered into in connection
herewith  supersede and terminate  any and all prior  employment,  separation or
similar  agreements,  oral or written,  between you and the  Company,  including
without limitation your Employment  Agreement,  and that the mutual benefits and
obligations  of each of the parties are solely as provided for and  contained in
this agreement.

     9.  Governing  Law.  Except to the extent  preempted  by federal  law,  and
without regard to conflict of laws principles,  the laws of the State of Florida
shall  govern  this  agreement  in all  respects,  whether  as to its  validity,
construction, capacity, performance or otherwise.

     10. Right of Set-off. You and the Company agree that the Company shall have
the right to set-off any amounts due to you  pursuant to this  agreement  to the
extent that you have failed to make  payment to the Company of any amounts  owed
by you to the Company  pursuant to this agreement  including the exhibits hereto
when such amounts become due. You hereby grant,  and agree to cooperate with the
Company in perfecting, a security interest in any such amounts.

                  Again, to indicate your acknowledgment of our agreement as
memorialized above, please sign and date this letter and the enclosed duplicate
copy in the space provided below and return one originally executed copy to the

                            Very truly yours,

                            PSS WORLD MEDICAL, INC.

                            By:   /s/ David A. Smith
                                  David A. Smith

                  The undersigned has carefully read this Release and
acknowledges that it constitutes a general release of all known and unknown
claims against the Company under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. The
undersigned acknowledges that he has had a full opportunity to consult with an
attorney or other advisor of his choosing concerning the execution of this
Release and that he is signing this Release voluntarily and with the full intent
of releasing the Company from all such claims.

Acknowledged as being the true agreement of the parties, this 21st day of March,

                    /s/ Patrick C. Kelly
                    Patrick C. Kelly