(Rule 14a-101)

                     SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

   Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.        )

Filed by the Registrant  /x/

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  / /

Check the appropriate box:

/x/Preliminary Proxy Statement

/ /Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
   (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

/ /Definitive Proxy Statement

/ /Definitive Additional Materials

/ /Soliciting Material Pursuant to 
   Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                       LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST
- -----------------------------------------------------------------       
          (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy 
            Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/ / No fee required.

/ / Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0- 
    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed  
       pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which 
       the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


- -3-

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

    (5) Total fee paid:


/ / Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange   
    Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting 
    fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by 
    registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date  
    of its filing.
    (1) Amount Previously Paid:

    (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

    (3) Filing Party:

    (4) Date Filed:


- -4-

                       [LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST LOGO]
                       Great Valley Corporate Center
                         65 Valley Stream Parkway
                                 Suite 100
                       Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355

                         To be held May 21, 1997

The 1997 ANNUAL MEETING of the shareholders of Liberty Property Trust, a 
Maryland real estate investment trust (the "Trust"), will be held at the 
Wyndham Franklin Plaza, Horizons Ballroom, 17th and Race Streets, 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, on Wednesday, May 21, 1997, at 9:00 
a.m., local time, for the following purposes:

1.   To elect three Class III trustees to hold office until the Annual 
Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2000 and until their successors 
are duly elect and qualified;

2.   To consider and vote on amendments to the Declaration of Trust of 
the Trust to (a) reduce the ownership limitation with respect to shares 
of beneficial interest of the Trust from 7.5% to 5.0%; (b) permit the 
Board of Trustees to grant certain exemptions from the ownership 
limitation with respect to shares of beneficial interest of the Trust 
without shareholder approval; and (c) revise the restrictive legend 
appearing on certificates for shares of beneficial interest of the Trust 
to reflect the reduction in the ownership limit;

3.   To consider and vote on an amendment of the Liberty Property Trust 
Amended and Restated Share Incentive  Plan to increase the number of 
shares available for awards thereunder from 2,100,000 to 5,100,000; and

4.   To transact such other business as may properly come before the 

The Board of Trustees has fixed the close of business on March 25, 1997 
as the record date for the meeting.  Only shareholders of record as of 
that date are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting and any 
adjournment and postponement thereof.

The accompanying form of proxy is solicited by the Board of Trustees of 
the Trust.  Reference is made to the attached Proxy Statement for 
further information with respect to the business to be transacted at the 

By Order of the Board of Trustees,

James J. Bowes

- -5-

Malvern, Pennsylvania
March 31, 1997


Please complete and promptly return your proxy in the envelope provided. 
is will not prevent you from voting in person at the meeting.  It will, 
however, help to assure a quorum and to avoid added proxy solicitation 

- -6-

                             LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST
                                PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                             To Be Held May 21, 1997
                              GENERAL INFORMATION

This proxy statement is being furnished in connection with the 
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Trustees of Liberty Property 
Trust, a Maryland real estate investment trust (the "Trust"), for use at 
the Trust's 1997 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") to be 
held at the Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, Horizons Ballroom, 17th and 
Race Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, on Wednesday, May 21, 
1997 at 9:00 a.m., local time, and any adjournment or postponement 
thereof, for the purposes set forth in the foregoing notice and more 
fully discussed herein.  This proxy statement, the foregoing notice and 
the enclosed proxy are first being mailed to shareholders of the Trust 
on or about March 31, 1997.  Only shareholders of record at the close of 
business on March 25, 1997 shall be entitled to notice of and to vote at 
the Meeting.

If the enclosed proxy is properly executed and received by the Trust 
prior to voting at the Meeting, the common shares of beneficial 
interest, $0.001 par value per share, of the Trust (the "common shares") 
represented thereby will be voted in accordance with the instructions 
marked thereon.  In the absence of instructions, the common shares will 
be voted FOR the nominees of the Board of Trustees in the election of 
trustees, FOR the proposal relating to an amendments of the Declaration 
of Trust of the Trust (the "Declaration of Trust") and FOR the proposal 
relating to the Amendment of the Amended and Restated Share Incentive 
Plan.  Management does not intend to bring any matter before the Meeting 
other than as indicated in the notice and does not know of anyone else 
who intends to do so.  If any other matters properly come before the 
Meeting, however, the persons named in the enclosed proxy, or their duly 
constituted substitutes acting at the Meeting, will be authorized to 
vote or otherwise act thereon in accordance with their judgment on such 

Any proxy may be revoked at any time prior to its exercise by notifying 
the Secretary in writing prior to the time of the Meeting, by delivering 
a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by attending the Meeting 
and voting in person.

On the record date, the Trust had [           ] common shares 
outstanding and entitled to vote at the Meeting.  There must be present 
at the Meeting in person or by proxy shareholders entitled to cast a 
majority of all the votes entitled to be cast to constitute a quorum for 
the Meeting.  Common shares represented at the meeting in person or by 
proxy but not voted will be included in determining the presence of a 
quorum.  Each holder of common shares is entitled to one vote per share 
held of record by such holder on the record date.  Assuming a quorum is 
present at the Meeting, a plurality of all the votes cast at the meeting 
shall be sufficient to elect a trustee and to approve the proposal 
relating to the Amended and Restated Share Incentive Plan, and a two-

- -7-

thirds vote of all the votes cast at the meeting shall be sufficient to 
approve the proposal relating to an amendment of the Declaration of 
Trust.  There is no cumulative voting in the election of trustees.  A 
majority of all the votes cast at the Meeting shall be sufficient to 
approve any other matter that may properly come before the Meeting, 
unless more than a majority of the votes cast is required by statute or 
by the Declaration of Trust.

- -8-

                        SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

The following table sets forth certain information as, of February 28, 
1997 (except as indicated below), regarding the beneficial ownership, as 
defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as 
amended (the "Exchange Act"), of common shares by each trustee, each 
nominee for election as trustee, each executive officer listed in the 
Summary Compensation Table appearing on page 24, all trustees and 
executive officers as a group, and each person who is known to the Trust 
to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the outstanding 
common shares.  Each person named in the table below has sole voting and 
investment power with respect to the common shares listed opposite such 
person's name, except as otherwise noted.

                                           No. of Shares      Percent
Beneficial Owners                       Beneficially Owned   of Class
- -----------------                       ------------------   --------
Willard G. Rouse III                         584,766(1)        1.8%
Joseph P. Denny                              330,750(2)        1.0%
George F. Congdon                            387,632(3)        1.2%
Robert E. Fenza                              230,643(4)         *
George J. Alburger, Jr.                       18,238(5)         *
Frederick F. Buchholz                          4,500(6)         *
J. Anthony Hayden                             53,500(6)         *
M. Leanne Lachman                              4,500(6)         *
David L. Lingerfelt                           35,674(7)         *
John A. Miller, CLU                            2,500(8)         *
Stephen B. Siegel                              2,000(8)         *
FMR Corp.
  82 Devonshire Street
  Boston, MA 02109                         4,071,850(9)       12.8%
All trustees and executive 
  officers as a group (13 persons)         1,956,705(10)       5.8%
- ----------------
*   Represents less than one percent of class.

(1)   Includes 70,000 common shares subject to options exercisable 
within 60 days of the record date for the Meeting, 4,000 common shares 
issuable upon exchange of 8% Exchangeable Subordinated Debentures due 
2001 (the "Debentures") of Liberty Property Limited Partnership, a 
Pennsylvania limited partnership (the "Operating Partnership" and, 
together with the Trust, the "Company") (which, as of February 28, 1997, 
was 90.20% owned by the Trust), and 457,665 common shares issuable upon 
exchange of units of limited partnership interest ("Units") of the 
Operating Partnership, including 3,051 Units which become exchangeable 
in July 1997.

(2)   Includes 67,500 common shares subject to options exercisable 
within 60 days of the record date for the Meeting and 260,250 common 
shares issuable upon exchange of Units.

(3)   Includes 35,200 common shares subject to options exercisable 
within 60 days of the record date for the Meeting and 310,153 common 

- -9-

shares issuable upon exchange of Units, including 61,611 Units which 
become exchangeable in July 1997.  Includes 2,800 common shares held by 
Mr. Congdon or his spouse as custodian for children and other relatives, 
as to which Mr. Congdon disclaims beneficial ownership.

(4)   Includes 34,900 common shares subject to options exercisable 
within 60 days of the record date for the Meeting and 195,043 common 
shares issuable upon exchange of Units.  Also includes 700 common 
shares, held by Mr. Fenza as custodian for children, or owned directly 
by such children, as to which Mr. Fenza disclaims beneficial ownership.

(5)   Includes 15,260 common shares subject to options exercisable 
within 60 days of the record date for the Meeting.

(6)   Includes 3,500 common shares subject to options exercisable within 
60 days of the record date for the Meeting.

(7)   Includes 1,000 common shares subject to options exercisable within 
60 days of the record date for the Meeting, and 30,674 common shares 
issuable upon exchange of Units.  Also includes 987 common shares held 
by trusts for the benefit of Mr. Lingerfelt's children, as to which Mr. 
Lingerfelt disclaims beneficial ownership.

(8)   Includes 1,000 common shares subject to options exercisable within 
60 days of the record date for the Meeting.

(9)   Includes 1,639,350 common shares issuable upon exchange of 
Debentures.  As of December 31, 1996, FMR Corp. had sole dispositive 
power over 4,071,850 common shares, including 389,650 common shares over 
which FMR Corp. had sole voting power.  The information relating to FMR 
Corp. is based solely on a review of a Schedule 13G filed by FMR Corp. 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(10)   Includes 266,360 common shares subject to options exercisable 
within 60 days of the record date for the Meeting, 4,000 common shares 
issuable upon exchange of Debentures, and 1,495,458 common shares 
issuable upon exchange of Units, including 120,117 Units which become 
exchangeable in June 1997.


In accordance with the Declaration of Trust and By-laws, the Board of 
Trustees has fixed the total number of trustees at nine.  The Board is 
divided into three classes serving staggered three-year terms, the term 
of one class of trustees to expire in each successive year.  Three Class 
III trustees will be elected at the Meeting to serve until the Annual 
Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2000 and until their successors 
are duly elected and qualified.  All of the present nominees for 
election as trustees currently serve as trustees of the Trust.  A proxy 
signed in the enclosed form will be voted FOR the election of the 
nominees named below, unless a contrary instruction is given.

Management believes that all of its nominees are willing and able to 
serve the Trust as trustees.  If any nominee at the time of election is 

- -10-

unable or unwilling to serve or is otherwise unavailable for election, 
and as a consequence thereof other nominees are designated, the persons 
named in the proxy or their substitutes will have the discretion and 
authority to vote or to refrain from voting for other nominees in 
accordance with their judgment.

The following is a brief description of the nominees for election as 
trustees and of the other trustees of Trust.


Joseph P. Denny, age 50, has served as the President, Chief Operating 
Officer and a trustee of the Trust since its inception.  Mr. Denny 
joined Rouse & Associates in 1979 and served as a Regional Managing 
General Partner and, later, as President.  In these capacities, he was 
responsible for developing approximately one billion dollars of 
projects, primarily large urban projects.  Mr. Denny is a member of the 
Board of Directors of Lawrence Holdings Co.  Mr. Denny is a Vice 
Chairman of the Industrial and Office Park Council of the Urban Land 
Institute and serves on the Advisory Board of the Wharton Business 
School's Real Estate Center and the NAREIT Legislative Advisory Council.

David L. Lingerfelt, age 44, has served as a trustee of the Trust since 
May 1995.  Mr. Lingerfelt is a partner with the law firm of Shewmake, 
Baronian and Parkinson.  Before joining Shewmake, Baronian and Parkinson 
in August 1996, Mr. Lingerfelt was Director of Property Administration 
and Counsel for Best Products Co., Inc.  Previously, Mr. Lingerfelt had 
been a partner in the Richmond, Virginia office of the law firm of 
Coates & Davenport.  Mr. Lingerfelt is a member of the American Bar 
Association, Real Property Section and Business Law Section.

John A. Miller, CLU, age 69, has served as a trustee of the Trust since 
May 1995.  Mr. Miller recently retired as a Director and Chairman of the 
Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Provident Mutual 
Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia.  Mr. Miller served Provident 
Mutual in many capacities over his 25 years there, including as its 
President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman 
of the Board.  He has been a member of various Board of Directors, 
presently including Guarantee Reassurance Corp. (of which he is 
Chairman), Betz Laboratories, Inc., Bryn Mawr Hospital, CoreStates 
Financial Corp., CoreStates Bank N.A., and Betz Dearborn.


Willard G. Rouse III, age 54, has served as Chairman of the Board of 
Trustees and Chief Executive Officer of the Trust since its inception.  
He had been a General Partner of Rouse & Associates since its founding 
in 1972.  He serves as a trustee of the Urban Land Institute.  Mr. Rouse 
has served as Chairman of each of the Pennsylvania Convention Center 
Authority, the Foundation for Architecture, We the People 200 and the 
Philadelphia Children's Network and as President of the Fellowship 
- -11-

M. Leanne Lachman, age 54, has served as a trustee of the Trust since 
June 1994.  Ms. Lachman is Managing Director of Schroder Real Estate 
Associates ("Schroder"). which specializes in real estate management for 
institutional investors, managing approximately $1.0 billion invested in 
shopping centers and office buildings across the country.  Prior to 
joining Schroder, Ms. Lachman was affiliated for 26 years with Real 
Estate Research Corporation, the last eight serving as its President and 
Chief Executive Officer.  Ms. Lachman is a director of Lincoln National 
Corporation and Chicago Title & Trust Company, and is an Executive 
Committee Member and Trustee of the Urban Land Institute and Urban Land 

J. Anthony Hayden, age 52, has served as a trustee of the Trust since 
June 1994.  Mr. Hayden is the President of Hayden Real Estate, Inc.  
From 1990 through February 1996, he served as Executive Director and a 
member of the Board of Directors for Cushman & Wakefield, for whom he 
had worked since 1975.  From 1981 to 1990 he served as its Mid-
Atlantic/Midwest Regional Director, and was responsible for the 
operations and management of the Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, 
Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Washington, DC offices.  Mr. Hayden is also a 
member of the Society of Industrial & Office Realtors, serving in 1982 
as President of the Philadelphia Chapter.  He is also a member of the 
Philadelphia Board of Realtors and was President in 1985.  Other 
memberships include the National Association of Real Estate Boards and 
the Urban Land Institute.


George F. Congdon, age 54, has served as a trustee of the Trust since 
its inception and as an Executive Vice President of the Trust since 
April 19, 1995.  Until April 19, 1995, Mr. Congdon served as Treasurer 
and Chief Financial Officer of the Trust.  Mr. Congdon had been a 
General Partner of Rouse & Associates, the Trust's predecessor, since 
its founding in 1972.  He is a member of the Board of Directors of the 
People's Light and Theater Company and Historic Yellow Springs, Inc.

Frederick F. Buchholz, age 51, has served as a trustee of the Trust 
since June 1994.  Mr. Buchholz has been affiliated with Equitable Real 
Estate or its predecessor ("Equitable") since 1968.  He was appointed 
Senior Vice President in December 1990 and Executive Vice President in 
1992, and is the officer in charge of Equitable's New York and 
Philadelphia regions, supervising new business, asset management and 
restructuring/workout activities on behalf of a total mortgage and 
equity portfolio which exceeds $5.0 billion.  Mr. Buchholz is a member 
of the Appraisal Institute, the Philadelphia Board of Realtors and the 
Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.

Stephen B. Siegel, age 52, has served as a trustee of the Trust since 
May 1995.  Mr. Siegel has been president of Insignia/Edward S. Gordon 
Co., Inc. and its predecessor ("ESG"), the fourth largest commercial 
real estate company in the United States, since March 1992.  Prior to 
joining ESG, Mr. Siegel spent more than 27 years at Cushman & Wakefield, 
ascending to Chief Executive Officer.  Mr. Siegel left Cushman & 
Wakefield in late 1988 and entered a joint venture with the Chubb 

- -12-

Corporation where he worked for several years to develop and acquire 
investment-grade office buildings throughout the United States.  
Mr. Siegel is the general chairman of the Association for the Help of 
Retarded Children (AHRC) and a trustee of the National Jewish Center for 
Immunology and Respiratory Medicine.  In addition, he serves on the 
advisory board of the Wharton Business School's Real Estate Center and 
New York University's Real Estate Council and is active in the Urban 
Land Institute, the Real Estate Board of New York and the Young 
Men's/Women's Real Estate Association.


The Board's Audit Committee makes recommendations concerning the 
engagement of independent public accountants for the Trust, reviews with 
such accountants the plans and results of the audit engagement, approves 
professional services provided by the independent public accountants and 
fees therefor and reviews the adequacy of the Trust's internal 
accounting controls.  The Audit Committee consists of at least two 
independent trustees, with the independent trustees constituting a 
majority of the Committee members.  The Audit Committee currently 
includes no officers or employees of the Trust or the Operating 
Partnership.  Members of the Audit Committee are Messrs. Buchholz 
(Chair), Hayden and Siegel.  The Committee met twice during the last 
fiscal year.

The Board's Compensation Committee is empowered to determine 
compensation for the Trust's executive officers and to administer the 
Trust's 1994 Share Incentive Plan.  Members of the Compensation 
Committee are Messrs. Miller (Chair), Buchholz and Lingerfelt.  See 
"Report of the Compensation Committee on Executive Compensation." The 
Compensation Committee met three times during the last fiscal year.

The Board's Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee consists of 
Ms. Lachman (Chair) and Messrs. Rouse, Hayden and Miller.  The Corporate 
Governance and Nominating and Committee makes recommendations to the 
Board regarding nominees for positions on the Board.  The Corporate 
Governance and Nominating Committee will consider candidates proposed by 
shareholders in accordance with the following procedure.  Such 
nominations should be sent to the attention of the Trust's Secretary at 
its principal executive office, describe the candidate's qualifications 
and be accompanied by the candidate's written statement of willingness 
and affirmative desire to serve representing the interest of all 
shareholders.  Shareholders may also make nominations directly by 
following the procedure specified in the Trust's Bylaws.  The Corporate 
Governance and Nomination Committee met once during the last fiscal 


The Board of Trustees held seven meetings during the last fiscal year, 
and acted on two other occasions by unanimous written consent.  Each 
incumbent trustee of the Trust attended at least 75% of the meetings of 
the Board of Trustees and meetings held by all committees on which such 
trustee served.

- -13-


Each trustee who is not also an officer and full-time employee of the 
Trust or the Operating Partnership receives an annual trustee fee in the 
amount of $18,000 plus a fee of $1,000 for each meeting attended.  
Trustees who are officers and full-time employees of the Trust or the 
Operating Partnership receive no separate compensation for service as a 
trustee or committee member.  Additionally, all trustees are reimbursed 
for travel and lodging expenses associated with attending Board and 
committee meetings.  On June 23 of each year, each non-employee trustee 
is entitled to receive a 10-year option to purchase 5,000 common shares, 
exercisable at a price equal to the fair market value on the date of the 
grant.  Such options are exercisable with respect to 20% of the covered 
shares after the first anniversary of the grant date, exercisable with 
respect to 50% of the covered shares after the second anniversary of the 
grant date and fully exercisable after the third anniversary of the 
grant date.



At a meeting held on February 26, 1997, the Board of Trustees 
unanimously adopted, and recommend for approval by the shareholders at 
the Meeting, certain amendments to the Declaration of Trust.  Upon 
adoption, these amendments will (a) reduce the ownership limitation from 
7.5% to 5.0%; (b) conform the legend required to appear on certificates 
for shares of beneficial interest (which include the common shares and 
any preferred shares of beneficial interest that may be issued in the 
future) of the Trust to reflect the reduction in the ownership 
limitation; and (c) allow the Board of Trustees flexibility to grant 
exemptions from the ownership limitation.

If adopted, the proposed amendments will amend (a) Section 7.12 of the 
Declaration of Trust to afford the Board of Trustees authority to grant 
exemptions from the "Ownership Limit" in the Declaration of Trust, 
without also obtaining the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds 
of the shares of beneficial interest then outstanding and entitled to 
vote, under circumstances in which the aggregate ownership limitations 
in the Declaration of Trust designed to protect the tax status of the 
Trust as a real estate investment trust (the "REIT Status") would not 
otherwise be breached; (b) Section 7.1 of the Declaration of Trust to 
reduce the percentage of shares of beneficial interest of the Trust 
referred to in the definition of the term "Ownership Limit" from 7.5% to 
5.0%; and (c) Section 7.13 of the Declaration of Trust to conform the 
legend required to appear on certificates for shares of beneficial 
interest of the Trust to reflect the aforementioned reduction in the 
ownership limitation.


In order for the Trust to maintain its REIT Status, among other 
requirements, no five or fewer beneficial owners of the shares of 

- -14-

beneficial interest may, at any one time, beneficially own in the 
aggregate more than 50% in number or value of the outstanding shares.  
In this regard, Article VII of the Declaration of Trust contains various 
provisions designed to ensure that such aggregate ownership limit is not 
breached.  Among such limitations is an ownership limit, which presently 
mandates that no shareholder may, unless pursuant to an exemption 
obtained in accordance with Section 7.12 of the Declaration of Trust, 
beneficially own more than that number of shares that equals the lesser 
of (a) 7.5% of the number of outstanding shares and (b) 7.5% of the 
value of outstanding shares. 


As the Declaration of Trust is presently constituted, these percentages 
may be adjusted by the Board of Trustees only upon the affirmative vote 
of not less than two-thirds of the shares then outstanding and entitled 
to vote.  Accordingly, even under circumstances where the Board of 
Trustees determines to grant an exemption to the ownership limit in 
order to facilitate a transaction, the exemption will not be effective 
until the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding shares affirm such 
exemption.  Given the period of time required to seek shareholder 
approval of such an action, the usefulness of the Board's ability to 
grant exemptions is limited.  The Board of Trustees believes that 
adoption of the proposed amendments would enhance its ability to grant 
exemptions in appropriate cases, thereby facilitating certain equity 
investments in the Company.


Section 7.11 of the Declaration of Trust also includes a provision to 
the effect that an exemption from the ownership limit cannot be granted 
if, after giving effect to such exemption, the aggregate ownership by 
any five beneficial owners could exceed 49.0%.  Consistent with Section 
7.11, in considering the grant of an exemption to the ownership limit, 
it must be assumed that if the exemption were granted, (i) the 
shareholder to which the exemption is proposed to be granted would 
beneficially own the maximum number of shares permitted to be 
beneficially owned under such exemption and (ii) each of four other 
shareholders would beneficially own 7.5%, or such higher percentage as 
might previously have been achieved by waiver, of the outstanding 
shares, the maximum number of shares permitted to be beneficially owned 
without an exemption, or 30.0% of the outstanding shares in the 
aggregate.  Accordingly, under these circumstances, if no other 
exemptions were granted, an exemption could be granted permitting one 
shareholder to beneficially own not more than 19.0% of the outstanding 

Prior to the Trust's initial public offering, an exemption to the 
ownership limit was granted to permit the beneficial ownership by an 
investor of up to 13.0% of the outstanding shares (the "13.0% 
Shareholder").  Accordingly, if the 7.5% ownership limit is retained, 
additional exemptions from the ownership limit will be limited to an 

- -15-

aggregate of 6.0% of the outstanding shares.  If the entire availability 
for additional exemptions were concentrated on one shareholder (other 
than the 13.0% Shareholder), based on a 7.5% ownership limit, such 
shareholder could be permitted to beneficially own 13.5% of the 
outstanding shares.  The Board of Trustees believes that this construct 
results in a limitation upon the Company's ability to facilitate large 
equity investments in the Company.

If the ownership limit provided in the Declaration of Trust is reduced 
to 5.0% of the outstanding shares, as is proposed, then after taking 
into account the exemption previously granted to the 13.0% Shareholder, 
the percentage of the outstanding shares with respect to which the Board 
of Trustees could grant to shareholders additional exemptions from the 
ownership limit would increase from an aggregate of 6.0% to an aggregate 
of 16.0% of the outstanding shares.  If the entire availability for 
additional exemptions were concentrated on one shareholder (other than 
the 13.0% shareholder), based on a 5.0% ownership limit, such 
shareholder could be permitted to beneficially own 21.0% of the 
outstanding shares. The Board of Trustees believes that adoption of the 
amendments will enhance its ability to use such exemptions so as to 
facilitate large equity investments in the Company.

As a result of the reduction in the ownership limit, the restrictions in 
the Declaration of Trust on share ownership will be imposed on 
beneficial owners of more than 5.0% of the outstanding shares.  
Presently, such restrictions are not imposed unless beneficial ownership 
exceeds 7.5% of the outstanding shares.  However, based on Schedules 13G 
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, since the Trust's 
initial public offering, management believes that only one shareholder, 
other than the 13.0% Shareholder, had, at any time, beneficially owned 
in excess of 5.0% of the outstanding common shares.  Moreover, on the 
same basis, management believes that no shareholder, other than the 
13.0% Shareholder, has beneficially owned more than 5.0% of the 
outstanding common shares since [          ], 199[ ].  Accordingly, 
management does not believe that the reduction of the ownership limit 
will unduly restrict share ownership in the Trust.  Moreover, management 
believes that the reduction in the ownership limit, coupled with the 
ability of the Board of Trustees to grant exemptions from the ownership 
limit without further shareholder approval, will facilitate the Trust's 
formation of capital.

Shareholders should carefully consider the proposed amendment to the 
Declaration of Trust.  Management believes that the effect of the 
proposed amendment would be to grant the Board of Trustees greater 
flexibility in attracting equity capital to the Trust from institutional 


The text of the definition of "Ownership Limit," set forth in Section 
7.1 of the Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be amended, is set forth 
below.  The proposed amendments to the definition have been marked by 
underlining the text to be added and striking through the text to be 
deleted.  The affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the 
outstanding shares of the Trust is required for the approval of the 
proposed amendments to the Declaration of Trust.  The Trustees have 

- -16-

unanimously approved the proposed amendments and recommend approval of 
the amendments as being in the best interests of shareholders.

"Ownership Limit" shall, [deleted text, "initially"] mean that number of 
Shares which equals the lesser of (a) [added text "5.0%", deleted text 
"7.5%"] of the number of outstanding Equity Shares and (b) [added text 
"5.0%", deleted text "7.5%"] of the value of outstanding Equity Shares, and 
after any adjustment as set forth in Section 7.10, shall mean such 
greater percentage of the outstanding Equity Shares as so adjusted.  The 
number and value of outstanding Equity Shares shall be determined by the 
Board of Trustees in good faith, which determination shall be conclusive 
for all purposes hereof.

The text of Section 7.12 of the Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be 
amended, is set forth below.  The proposed amendments to the Section 
have been marked by underlining the text to be added.  The affirmative 
vote of not less than two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the Trust 
is required for the approval of the proposed amendments to the 
Declaration of Trust.  The Trustees have unanimously approved the 
proposed amendments and recommend approval of the amendments as being in 
the best interests of shareholders.

SECTION 7.12   Exemptions by Board.  The Board of Trustees, upon receipt 
of a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service or an opinion of counsel 
or other evidence satisfactory to the Board of Trustees, and upon at 
least 15 days written notice from a Transferee prior to the proposed 
Transfer which, if consummated, would result in the intended Transferee 
owning Shares in excess of the Ownership Limit or Existing Holder Limit, 
as the case may be, and upon such other conditions as the Board of 
Trustees may direct, may exempt a Person from the Ownership Limit or the 
Existing Holder Limit, as the case may be; provided, however, that no 
exemption from the Ownership Limit or the Existing Holder Limit shall be 
effective without the prior affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds 
of the Shares then outstanding and entitled to vote [added text, "if, 
after giving effect to such exemption, five Beneficial Owners of Common 
Shares (assuming each such Beneficial Owner Beneficially Owns the 
greater of (i) the Ownership Limit or (ii) the greatest number or 
percentage of Shares such Beneficial Owner is permitted to own pursuant 
to this Section 7.12 or any other provision hereof) would Beneficially 
Own, in the aggregate, more than 49% in number or value (determined as 
provided in the definition of "Ownership Limit" in Section 7.1) of the 
outstanding Equity Shares."]

The text of the legend required to be borne by all certificates for 
shares of beneficial interest in the Trust, set forth in Section 7.13 of 
the Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be amended, is set forth below. 
The proposed amendments to the legend have been marked by underlining 
the text to be added and striking through the text to be deleted.  The 
affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the outstanding shares 
of the Trust is required for the approval of the proposed amendments to 
the Declaration of Trust.  The Trustees have unanimously approved the 
proposed amendments and recommend approval of the amendments as being in 
the best interests of shareholders.

- -17-

The securities represented by this certificate are subject to 
restrictions on transfer for the purpose of the Trust's maintenance of 
its status as a real estate investment trust under the Internal Revenue 
Code of 1986, as amended.  Except as otherwise provided pursuant to the 
Declaration of Trust, no Person (unless such Person is an Existing 
Holder) may Beneficially Own Shares in excess of that number of Shares 
which equals the lesser of [added text "5.0%", deleted 7.5%] (or such 
greater percentage as may be determined by the Board of Trustees) of (a) 
the number of outstanding Equity Shares of the Trust and (b) the value 
of outstanding Equity Shares of the Trust.  Any Person who attempts or 
proposes to beneficially own Shares in excess of the above limitations 
must notify the Trust in writing at least 15 days prior to such proposed 
or attempted Transfer.  All capitalized terms in this legend have the 
meanings defined in the Declaration of Trust of the Trust, a copy of 
which will be sent without charge to each Shareholder who so requests.  
If the restrictions on transfer are violated, the securities represented 
hereby will be designated and treated as Excess Shares which will be 
held in the Charitable Trust by the Trust.


The Board of Trustees recommends a vote FOR approval of the above 
proposal.  Approval of the above proposal requires the affirmative vote 
of the holders of not less than two-thirds of the common shares 
represented at the Meeting.



The Trust's Board of Trustees adopted the Liberty Property Trust Amended 
and Restated Share Incentive  Plan (the "Plan") effective upon 
completion of the initial public offering of the Common shares. At a 
meeting held on February 26, 1997, the Board of Trustees unanimously 
adopted, and recommend for approval by the shareholders at the Meeting, 
an amendment to the Plan.  Upon adoption, this amendment will increase 
the number of common shares available for awards under the Plan from 
2,100,000 to 5,100,000. The following is a brief summary of the Plan, as 
modified by the proposed amendment, which is qualified in all respects 
by the text of the Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Under the Plan the Trust may grant options to purchase shares or may 
make grants of restricted shares to certain participants.  Options 
granted under the Plan may be either non-qualified share options 
("Non-Qualified Options") or options intended to qualify as incentive 
share options under Section 422 of the Code ("Incentive Options" and, 
together with the Non-Qualified Options, the "Options").


The purpose of the Plan is to advance the interests of the Trust, its 
shareholders and its subsidiaries by encouraging and enabling selected 
trustees, employees, consultants and advisors, upon whose judgment, 

- -18-

initiative and effort the Trust is largely dependent for the successful 
conduct of its business, to acquire and retain a proprietary interest in 
the Trust by ownership of its shares through the exercise of Options and 
to acquire equity participation in the Trust through the grant of 
restricted shares.


The Plan provides for the grant of Options and restricted shares 
covering an aggregate of 2,100,000 shares.  If the proposed amendment to 
the Plan is approved by the shareholders, the maximum aggregate number 
of shares available for the grant of Options and restricted shares would 
increase by 3,000,000 to 5,100,000.  The number of shares subject to 
Options and grants of restricted shares is subject to adjustment to 
reflect changes in the Trust's capitalization.  Any option that is not 
exercised prior to expiration or that otherwise terminates will 
thereafter be available for further grant under the Plan.  As of [      
     ] 1997, grants of Options and restricted shares covering [       ] 
shares had been made under the Plan.


The Plan is administered by a committee or committees designated by the 
Board of Trustees (the "Share Option Committee").  Options and grants of 
restricted shares may be granted under the Plan to members of the Share 
Option Committee only pursuant to automatic grants under a specified 
formula stated in the Plan.  Subject to the conditions set forth in the 
Plan, the Share Option Committee has full and final authority to 
determine the number of Options or restricted shares granted, the 
individuals to whom and the time or times at which such Options or 
restricted shares shall be granted and be exercisable, the exercise 
prices (including vesting) and the terms and provisions of the 
respective agreements to be entered into at the time of grant, which may 
vary.  The Plan is intended to be flexible, and a significant amount of 
discretion is vested in the Share Option Committee with respect to all 
aspects of the Options and restricted shares to be granted under the 


Options and restricted shares may be granted under the Plan to any 
person who is or who agrees to become a trustee, employee, consultant or 
advisor of the Trust, its subsidiaries and designated affiliates.  As of 
[           ], 1997, the Trust, its subsidiaries and designated 
affiliates had nine trustees, approximately [         ] employees and 
approximately [           ] consultants and advisors. 


The exercise price of each Non-Qualified Option granted under the Plan 
shall be determined by the Share Option Committee.  The exercise price 
of each Incentive Option granted under the Plan shall be determined by 
the Share Option Committee and shall be 100% of the fair market value of 

- -19-

a share on the date the Option is granted (or at least 110% if the 
recipient owns, directly or by attribution under the Code, shares having 
10% of  the total combined voting power of all classes of shares of the 
Trust ("10% Shareholder") or any subsidiary of the Trust). The payment 
of the exercise price of an Option may be made in cash or shares, as 
more fully described under "Exercise of Options."

Fair market value shall be determined by the Share Option Committee in 
accordance with the Plan and such determination shall be binding upon 
the Trust and upon the holder. The closing sale price of the common 
shares on the New York Stock Exchange on [            ], 1997 was [     
     ] per share.


Incentive Options may be granted for a term of up to 10 years (five 
years in the case of a grant to a 10% Shareholder), which may extend 
beyond the term of the Plan.


The terms governing exercise of Options granted under the Plan shall be 
determined by the Share Option Committee, which may limit the number of 
Options exercisable in any period. 

Payment of the exercise price upon exercise of an Option may be made in 
any combination of cash and shares, including the automatic application 
of shares received upon exercise of an Option to satisfy the exercise 
price of additional Options (unless the Share Option Committee provides 
otherwise).  Where payment is made in shares, such shares shall be 
valued for such purpose at the fair market value of such shares on the 
date of delivery.  In no event shall an Option granted under the Plan be 
exercisable prior to the date of shareholder approval of the Plan.


Options granted under the Plan are not transferable other than by will 
or the laws of descent and distribution or pursuant to a qualified 
domestic relations order.


Except as the Share Option Committee may expressly determine otherwise, 
if the holder of an Option ceases to be employed by or to have another 
qualifying relationship (such as that of trustee, employee, consultant 
or advisor) with the Trust, any of its subsidiaries or a designated 
affiliate other than by reason of the holder's death or permanent 
disability (as defined in the Plan), all Options granted to such holder 
under the Plan shall terminate immediately, except for Options that were 
exercisable on the date of such termination of relationship, which 
Options shall terminate three months after the date of such termination 
of relationship unless such Options expire or terminate earlier.  
However, if a new qualifying relationship is established before the end 
of such three-month period, such exercisable Options shall continue 

- -20-

until their expiration or earlier termination.  In the event of the 
death or permanent disability of the holder of an Option, except as the 
Share Option Committee may expressly determine otherwise, Options may be 
exercised to the extent that the holder might have exercised the Options 
on the date of death or permanent disability for a period of one year 
following the date of death or permanent disability, unless by their 
terms the Options expire before the end of such one-year period.


The Board of Trustees may at any time and from time to time amend, 
suspend or terminate the Plan, but may not, without the approval of the 
shareholders of the Trust representing a majority of the voting power, 
increase the maximum number of shares subject to Options that may be 
granted under the Plan, change the provisions concerning the exercise 
price of Options granted, increase the term during which Options may be 
exercised, change the class of eligible participants, materially 
increase the benefits to participants under the Plan or extend the term 
of the Plan.  No amendment, suspension or termination of the Plan by the 
Board of Trustees may alter or impair any of the rights under any Option 
granted under the Plan without the holder's consent. 

The Plan makes it clear that the Share Option Committee may amend any 
award under the Plan (provided that any such amendment that would impair 
the rights or interests of a participant must have the written consent 
of the participant, except if such amendment is to enable the Plan to 
qualify for an exemption under Rule 16b-3 of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934, as amended) to include any provision that, at the time of such 
amendment, is authorized under the Plan.


In the event of a change in control, as defined in the Plan, Options to 
the extent not then vested will be fully exercisable.


Options may be granted after the date that is the tenth anniversary of 
the earlier of the date on which the Plan is adopted or is approved by 
the Shareholders. 


The Committee will determine the terms and conditions applicable to 
awards of Restricted Shares, including a period during which the 
restricted shares may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged or 
otherwise encumbered.  Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, a 
recipient of a restricted share award will have the same rights as an 
owner of shares, including the right to receive cash distributions and 
to vote the shares.  Unless otherwise specified in an award, upon 
termination of employment a participant will forfeit all restricted 
shares as to which the restrictions had not lapsed at time of the 
termination of employment.

- -21-


The 2,100,000 shares available under the Plan as currently constituted 
were registered under a Form S-8 Registration Statement under the 
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, which was filed with the Securities 
and Exchange Commission on [         ], 199[   ] and became effective on 
[           ], 199[   ].  

If the proposed amendment is adopted, the 3,000,000 additional shares 
that will be available under the Plan will be registered under a Form S-
8 Registration Statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, 
to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 12 months 
after the effective date of the Registration Statement relating to the 
shares offered hereby.


Incentive Options.  The Trust believes that with respect to Incentive 
Options granted under the Plan, no income generally will be recognized 
by an optionee for federal income tax purposes at the time such an 
Option is granted or at the time it is exercised. If the optionee makes 
no disposition of the shares so received within two years from the date 
the Incentive Option was granted and one year from the receipt of the 
shares pursuant to the exercise of the Incentive Option, he will 
generally recognize long-term capital gain or loss upon disposition of 
the shares.

If the optionee disposes of shares acquired by exercise of an Incentive 
Option before the expiration of the applicable holding period, any 
amount realized from such a disqualifying disposition will be taxable as 
ordinary income in the year of disposition generally to the extent that 
the lesser of the fair market value of the shares on the date the Option 
was exercised or the fair market value at the time of such disposition 
exceeds the exercise price.  Any amount realized upon such a disposition 
in excess of the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise 
generally will be treated as long-term or short-term capital gain, 
depending on the holding period of the shares. A disqualifying 
disposition will include the use of shares acquired upon exercise of an 
Incentive Option in satisfaction of the exercise price of another option 
prior to the satisfaction of the applicable holding period.

The Trust will not be allowed a deduction for federal income tax 
purposes at the time of the grant or exercise of an Incentive Option.  
At the time of a disqualifying disposition by an optionee, the Trust 
generally will be entitled to a deduction for federal income tax 
purposes equal to the amount taxable to the optionee as ordinary income 
in connection with such disqualifying disposition (assuming that such 
amount constitutes reasonable compensation).

Non-qualified Options.  The Trust believes that the grant of a 
Non-Qualified Option under the Plan will not be subject to federal 
income tax.  Upon exercise, the optionee generally will recognize 
ordinary income in an amount equal to the excess of the fair market 
value of the shares on the date of exercise over the exercise price.  

- -22-

Gain or loss on the subsequent sale of shares received on exercise of a 
Non-Qualified Option generally will be long-term or short-term capital 
gain or loss, depending on the holding period of the shares.

Upon exercise of a Non-Qualified Option, the Trust generally will be 
entitled to a compensation deduction for federal income tax purposes in 
the year and in the same amount as the optionee or grantee is considered 
to have recognized ordinary income (assuming that such compensation is 
reasonable and that provision is made for withholding of federal income 
taxes, where applicable).  In general, no deduction is allowed for 
remuneration in excess of $1,000,000 paid by the Trust during any 
taxable year to any of the Chief Executive Officer or the four highest 
compensated executive officers (other than the Chief Executive Officer). 
Remuneration for this purpose excludes certain performance-based 
compensation.  The Plan is intended to qualify for the performance-based 
compensation exception to the deduction limitation.


The accounting treatment of options provides that no amount is accrued 
as compensation and thus charged against earnings unless the options 
were granted at below the market price.  In the latter circumstance, the 
excess of such market price over the exercise price is fixed at the date 
of grant and is amortized, through a charge against earnings, over the 
period to which the compensation represented by the options is deemed 
attributable. This is typically the vesting period of the options.


The Board of Trustees recommends a vote FOR approval of the above 
proposal.  Approval of the above proposal requires the affirmative vote 
of the holders of a majority of the common shares represented at the 

- -23-


The following table shows, for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 
and 1994, the compensation paid or accrued by the Trust and its 
subsidiaries, including the Operating Partnership, to the Trust's Chief 
Executive Officer and to the four other most highly compensated 
executive officers, determined as of December 31, 1996 (collectively, 
the "Named Executive Officers").

                      Summary Compensation Table

                                 Annual Compensation                            Long-Term Compensation
                             --------------------------               -----------------------------------------------
                                                                             Awards             Payouts
                                                                      ----------------------  ----------          

                                                         Other        Restricted  Securities              All
                                                         Annual       Stock       Underlying              Other
Name and Principal                                       Compensa-    Awards      Options     LTIP        Compen-
Positions                    Year(1) Salary($) Bonus($)  tion($)(2)   ($) (3)     /SARs(#)    Payouts($)  sation ($)
- ---------------------------  ------- --------- --------  ----------   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Willard G. Rouse III          1996   $220,470  $104,850      --        $ 60,000       --          --         --
 Chairman and Chief           1995   $210,000  $220,500      --            --       100,000       --         -- 
 Executive Officer            1994   $113,750  $    500      --            --       100,000       --         --

Joseph P. Denny               1996   $183,750  $129,215      --            --         --          --         --
 President and                1995   $175,000  $175,500      --            --        87,500       --         --
 Chief Operating Officer      1994   $ 94,791  $    500      --            --       100,000       --         --

George F. Congdon             1996   $178,500  $    500      --        $ 89,964       --          --         --
 Executive Vice President     1995   $170,000  $ 51,500      --          61,200      51,000       --         --
                              1994   $ 92,083  $    500      --            --        50,000       --         --

Robert E. Fenza               1996   $173,250  $ 73,265      --            --         --          --         --
 Executive Vice President     1995   $165,000  $ 99,500      --            --        49,500       --         --
                              1994   $ 89,375  $    500      --            --        50,000       --         --

George J. Alburger, Jr.       1996   $168,000  $    500      --        $100,800       --          --         --
 Chief Financial Officer      1995   $104,849  $    375      --        $ 63,135      76,300       --         --
                              1994   $   --    $   --        --            --         --          --         --

(1)   Amounts for 1994 represent amounts paid from June 16, 1994 (the 
effective date of the Trust's initial public offering) through December 
31, 1994.  Annual salary rates during such period were: Mr. Rouse - 
$210,000; Mr. Denny - $175,000; Mr. Congdon - $170,000; and Mr. Fenza - 
$165,000. For the period January 1 through June 15, 1994, Messrs. Rouse, 
Denny, Congdon, and Fenza received aggregate salaries of $25,208, 
$102,500, $25,208 and $75,625, and aggregate bonuses of $4,038, $3,365, 
$3,269 and $3,173, respectively, from the Trust's predecessors.  Messrs. 
Rouse and Congdon also received distributions as partners of various 
predecessor partnerships during this period.

(2)   Did not exceed the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of the total annual 
salary and bonus for any Named Executive Officer.

(3)   Consistent with a policy adopted by the Trust's compensation 
committee with respect to employee bonus compensation, Messrs. Rouse, 
Congdon and Alburger elected to receive common shares in lieu of cash 
for all or part of their bonus compensation for 1996, at the rate of 
shares equal to 120% of the cash value of such bonus or portion thereof 
(the "Bonus Value").  See "Report of the Compensation Committee on 
Executive Compensation."  Pursuant to such elections, in March 1997, 

- -24-

Messrs. Rouse, Congdon and Alburger were awarded [    ] shares, [       
    ]shares and [       ] shares, respectively.  Each executive received 
the number of shares able to be purchased with the dollar amount of the 
Bonus Value, less applicable withholding, based on the closing price per 
share of the common shares on December [  ], 1996.  The dollar amounts 
of Bonus Values are not reflected under the Bonus column.  Dividends 
will be paid on the shares issued pursuant to such awards, and such 
awards will vest on January [   ], 1998.  At December 31, 1996, neither 
Messrs. Rouse, Congdon nor Alburger held any common shares awarded by 
the Trust and subject to restrictions until vesting.


No options to purchase shares were granted to the Named Executive 
Officers during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996.  Additionally, 
no options were exercised by the Named Executive Officers during such 
period.  The Trust does not have any outstanding stock appreciation 


                                                        Number of
                                                        Securities        Value of
                                                        Underlying        Unexercised
                                                        Unexercised       In-the-Money
                                                        Options/SARs      Options/SARs
                                                        at Fiscal         at Fiscal 
                                Shares                  Year-End (#)      Year-End ($)(1)
                             Acquired On     Value      Exercisable/      Exercisable/
Name                         Exercise (#) Realized ($)  Unexercisable     Unexercisable
- -------------------------    ------------ ------------  --------------  -----------------
Willard G. Rouse III               -           -        70,000/130,000  $387,500/$687,500
Joseph P. Denny                    -           -        67,500/120,000  $375,000/$637,500
George F. Congdon                  -           -        35,200/65,800   $194,750/$347,750
Robert E. Fenza                    -           -        34,900/64,600   $193,250/$341,750
George J. Alburger, Jr.            -           -        15,260/61,040   $ 80,050/$320,200

- -----------------
(1)   Value is reported net of option exercise price, but before taxes 
associated with exercise.


Messrs. Rouse, Denny and Congdon have entered into employment agreements 
with the Trust and the Operating Partnership, each dated June 23, 1994. 
Each agreement has a three-year term, subject to certain termination 
provisions and subject to extension if the executive and the Trust so 
agree.  The initial base salary for each executive is specified in the 
agreements; for the base salaries paid in 1996, 1995 and 1994, see the 
Summary Compensation Table above.  The agreements provide that bonuses, 
incentive compensation and any annual increases in base salary shall be 
determined by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Trustees.  
Pursuant to the employment agreements, each executive has agreed that, 
during the Restriction Period (defined below), the executive will not 
engage in any activities or businesses relating to the commercial real 
estate industry, either directly or indirectly, unless the consent of a 
majority of the independent trustees of the Trust is first obtained.  
The Restriction Period shall expire on the earlier of June 23, 2000 or 

- -25-

the date of the executive's termination, unless the termination is 
caused by any violation of these restrictions.  Each executive is 
permitted to continue to engage in certain business activities in 
addition to those conducted by the Trust or the Operating Partnership.  
If an executive's employment with the Trust is terminated by the Trust 
as a result of the executive's disability, or by the executive for any 
reason in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, then in 
addition to base salary and any incentive compensation payable through 
the date of such termination, the executive shall be entitled to a lump 
sum payment equal to the greater of 12 months' base salary or the base 
salary payable for the remainder of the then-current term of the 
executive's employment agreement.  In such event the executive shall 
also continue to receive employee and dependent benefits for the 
remaining portion of the then-current term of the employment agreement. 
 Each employment agreement also provides that the executive will be 
nominated for election as a trustee during the term thereof.


Pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act, the Trust's executive 
officers and trustees, and persons beneficially owning more than 10% of 
the common shares, are required to file with the Securities and Exchange 
Commission reports of their initial ownership and changes in ownership 
of common shares.  The Trust believes that for 1996, its executive 
officers and trustees who were required to file reports under Section 
16(a) complied with such requirements in all material respects.

                          CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

Executive officers of the Trust and their affiliates who were partners 
in 58 property-owning partnerships in existence prior to the formation 
of the Trust in 1994 (the "Pre-Existing Partnerships") retained a minor 
portion of their interest in the Pre-Existing Partnerships, in order to 
eliminate an adverse tax consequence to the Trust in its formation.  The 
Operating Partnership acquired all of the other interests in the Pre-
Existing Partnerships in the formation.  As part of the formation, these 
executive officers and affiliates entered into an agreement with the 
Operating Partnership under which such remaining interests will be 
exchanged, subject to $23.9 million of indebtedness of the partners 
(Willard G. Rouse III, $592,054; George C. Congdon, $10,282,027; David 
C. Hammers $10,105,520; affiliates $2,939,848) due to the Trust (which 
will be assumed by the Operating Partnership), for 120,117 additional 
Units.  The exchange will take place in December 1997, at which time the 
transferor partners will be released from liability with respect to such 
indebtedness.  The indebtedness was created at the time of the formation 
and the proceeds were used by the partners to make capital contributions 
to the Pre-Existing Partnerships.  Such capital contributions were used 
to eliminate encumbrances on the partnerships' properties at the time of 
the Trust's formation.  Such arrangements will not confer any Units or 
other economic benefits on the Trust's executives in excess of the 
benefits they would have received, or involve expenditure by the Trust 
or Operating Partnership of any sums in excess of the sums that would 
have been expended, if the Trust's executives had conveyed their entire 
interest in the Pre-Existing Partnerships to the Operating Partnership 

- -26-

at the time of the Trust's formation.  The shareholding information of 
the executive officers given above treats the Units to be received by 
them in the anticipated exchange (and the common shares for which they 
may be exchanged) as being owned beneficially indirectly by such persons 
at this time.

The founding partners of Rouse & Associates, the Company's predecessor, 
also owned all of The Norwood Company ("Norwood"), a construction 
company that performed much but not all of the construction for Rouse & 
Associates.  After the Trust's formation in 1994, the independent 
trustees of the Trust's Board of Trustees determined that it would be in 
the best interests of the Trust for Norwood to continue to perform 
construction for the Trust provided it was not receiving a greater 
profit on Trust jobs than it was making on jobs with third parties not 
related to the Trust.  An agreement was reached with Norwood that at the 
end of each fiscal year, it would calculate the profit it made on each 
Trust job and compare it with its average profit on non-Trust jobs for 
that year and refund any profit that exceede- the average profit.  In 
January 1995, the owners of Norwood sold the company to certain of its 
employees, none of whom is a Trust employee, taking back notes which are 
non-recourse to the buyers.  Under those circumstances, the independent 
trustees determined it was appropriate to keep the profit limitation on 
Norwood jobs for another year.

                        ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The Compensation Committee of the Board of Trustees, composed of 
independent trustees of the Board of Trustees of the Trust, reviews the 
performance of the Trust's executive officers, fixes the base 
compensation of executive officers and awards appropriate bonuses, 
grants, shares, and options and determines the number of common shares 
to which such options should be subject.  The Committee has access to 
independent compensation data and is authorized, if determined 
appropriate in any particular case, to engage outside compensation 

The objectives of the Committee are to support the achievement of 
desired Trust performance, to provide compensation and benefits that 
will attract and retain superior talent, to reward performance and to 
relate a portion of compensation to the outcome of the Trust's 

The executive compensation program is comprised generally of base 
salary, performance bonuses and long-term incentives in the form of 
share options.  The compensation program may also include various 
benefits, including health insurance plans and pension, profit sharing 
and retirement plans in which substantially all of the Trust's employees 
participate.  At the present time, the only plans in effect are health, 
life and disability insurance plans, a cafeteria plan and a 401(k) plan.

In connection with the initial public offering of the Trust, Messrs. 
Rouse (the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), Denny (the President 
and Chief Operating Officer), and Congdon (Executive Vice President of 

- -27-

Development), respectively, entered into three-year employment contracts 
through June 22, 1997, which provided for base salary and benefits which 
were negotiated with the underwriters of the Trust's initial public 
offering, on the basis of comparable employment compensation 
arrangements provided to other public real estate investment trusts at 
the time of the offering.  Annual increases, bonuses and incentive 
compensation are to be determined by the Compensation Committee at the 
end of each calendar year, subject to the express provisions of the 
employment contracts.  The salaries for 1997 will be increased by [  ] 
of the 1996 amount.  The Compensation Committee determined that a [  ] 
increase for 1997 was an appropriate adjustment taking into account the 
inflation rate and other factors.  The bonuses for the Named Executive 
Officers and the Chief Financial Officer are determined by the increase 
in the Trust's funds from operations.  Such bonuses could range from [  
%] to [  %] of base salary based on increases in funds from operations 
of less than [  %] to more than [   %].  The actual bonuses of these 
executive officers for fiscal year 1996 ranged from [$         to $     
   ].  Consistent with a policy adopted by the Compensation Committee 
for all employees, an Executive Officer has the option of taking stock 
in lieu of a cash bonus at the rate of shares equal to 120% of the cash 
value of the bonus.  Base salary levels for the Trust's other executive 
officers are generally the median of salaries of officers of companies 
comparable in business, size and location, as adjusted to take into 
account individual experience and performance specific to the Trust.  
Because the companies used for comparative purposes are generally local 
to the markets served by the Company, they do not overlap completely the 
companies in the NAREIT Index referred to in the performance graph under 
"Share Price Performance Graph."

The Compensation Committee determines the bonuses for executive officers 
other than the Named Executive Officers based upon attainment of certain 
performance goals relating to each participant's duties to the Trust and 
as established annually by the Trust's Chief Operating Officer, which 
may include growth in funds from operations.

The Compensation Committee believes that employee equity ownership 
provides significant additional motivation to employees to maximize 
value for the Trust's shareholders and, therefore, grants share options 
to certain of the Trust's employees, including executive officers.  It 
is anticipated that options will be exercisable at the prevailing market 
price of the common shares at the time of grant and, therefore, will 
have value only if the Trust's share price increases over the exercise 
price after the option is granted.  The Committee believes that the 
grant of share options provides a long-term incentive to the grantees to 
contribute to the growth of the Trust and establishes a direct link 
between compensation and shareholder return.  The terms of options, 
including vesting, exercisability and term, are determined by the 
Compensation Committee, subject to requirements imposed by the Trust's 
Share Incentive Plan under which such options may be granted.  The 
decisions are based upon relative position and responsibilities of each 
employee, historical and expected contributions of each employee to the 
Trust, previous grants to each employee under the Plan and a review of 
competitive equity compensation for employees of similar rank in 
companies that are comparable to the Trust's industry, geographic 

- -28-

location and size.  For information regarding recent options granted to 
the Trust's Named Executive Officers, reference is made to the tables 
set forth in this Proxy Statement under the caption "Compensation of 
Executive Officers."

   Compensation Committee

   John A. Miller (Chair)
   Frederick F. Buchholz
   David L. Lingerfelt

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                       SHARE PRICE PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The following table compares the cumulative total shareholder return on 
the common shares for the period beginning June 30, 1994 and ending 
December 31, 1996 with the cumulative total return on the Standard & 
Poor's 500 Stock Index ("S&P 500") and the NAREIT Equity REIT Total 
Return Index ("NAREIT Index") over the same period.  Total return values 
for the S&P 500, the NAREIT Index and the common shares were calculated 
based on cumulative total return assuming the investment of $100 in the 
NAREIT Index, the S&P 500 and the common shares on June 30, 1994, and 
assuming reinvestment of dividends.  The shareholder return shown on the 
graph below is not necessarily indicative of future performance.

                TOTAL RETURN INDEX AND S&P 500 INDEX


                              1994                        1995                           1996
                  ----------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------
                  JUNE 30 SEPT 30 DEC 31  MAR 31 JUNE 30 SEPT 30 DEC 31  MAR 31 JUNE 30 SEPT 30 DEC 31
                  ------- ------- ------  ------ ------- ------- ------  ------ ------- ------- ------
Liberty Property
  Trust           100.00   99.38  100.52  101.19  104.61  115.52 115.12  114.42 112.40  125.48  151.37
NAREIT Index (1)  100.00   97.95   97.97   97.80  103.56  108.43 112.93  115.50 120.63  128.53  152.75
S&P 500           100.00  104.92  104.90  115.11  126.03  136.05 144.16  151.90 158.71  163.61  177.30

- --------------------
(1)   The NAREIT Index (consisting of 166 real estate investment trusts 
with a total market capitalization of $78.3 billion at December 31,1996) 
is maintained by the National Association of Real Estate Investment 
Trusts, Inc., is published monthly, and is based on the last closing 
prices of the preceding month.


All proposals of any shareholder of the Trust that such holder wishes to 
be presented at the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders and included in 
the proxy statement and form of proxy prepared for that meeting must be 
received by the Trust at its principal executive offices no later than 
November 21, 1997.  All such proposals must be submitted in writing to 
the Secretary of the Trust at the address appearing on the notice 
accompanying this proxy statement.

                         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

Ernst & Young LLP performed the customary auditing services for the 
fiscal year ended December 31, 1996.  The Trust has selected Ernst & 
Young LLP as its independent auditors to perform these services for the 
next fiscal year.  A representative of Ernst & Young LLP is expected to 
be present at the Meeting.  Such representative will be available to 
respond to questions from the floor and will be afforded an opportunity 
to make any statement which he or she may deem appropriate.

- -30-

                         SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

The cost of the solicitation of proxies will be borne by the Trust.  In 
addition to the use of the mails, solicitations may be made by telephone 
and personal interviews by officers, directors and regularly engaged 
employees of the Trust.  It is not anticipated that anyone will be 
engaged specifically by the Trust or by any other person to solicit 
proxies.  Brokerage houses, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries will be 
requested to forward this proxy statement to the beneficial owners of 
the stock held of record by such persons, and the Trust will reimburse 
them for their charges and expenses in this connection.

                       ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

The Trust will provide without charge to each person solicited by this 
Proxy Statement, at the written request of any such person, a copy of 
the Trust's Annual Report on Form 10-K (including the financial 
statements and the schedules thereto) as filed with the Securities and 
Exchange Commission for its most recent fiscal year.  Such written 
requests should be directed to the Director of Investor Relations at the 
address of the Trust appearing on the first page of this Proxy 

- -31-

                     LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST
               65 Valley Stream Parkway, Suite 100
                   Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355


The undersigned shareholder of LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST (the "Trust") 
hereby appoints Willard G.  Rouse III and Joseph P.  Denny, and each of 
them acting individually, as the attorney and proxy of the undersigned, 
with the powers the undersigned would possess if personally present, and 
with full power of substitution, to vote all shares of beneficial 
interest of the Trust at the annual meeting of shareholders of the Trust 
to be held on Wednesday, May 21, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. at the Wyndham 
Franklin Plaza, Horizons Ballroom, 17th and Race Streets, Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania 19103, and any adjournment or postponement thereof, upon 
all subjects that may properly come before the meeting, including the 
matters described in the proxy statement furnished herewith, subject to 
any directions indicated on the reverse side.


Please mark
votes as in
this example.

This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed 
herein by the undersigned shareholder(s).  If no direction is made, this 
proxy will be voted "FOR" all of the nominees of the Board of Trustees 
in the election of trustees.  This proxy also delegates discretionary 
authority to vote with respect to any other business which may properly 
come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

1.  Election of three Class III trustees to hold office until 2000.

Nominees:  Joseph P. Denny, David L. Lingerfelt and John A. Miller, CLU

           FOR                  WITHHOLD
          /   /                   /   /

                                                          MARK HERE
                                                          FOR ADDRESS
                                                          CHANGE AND
                                                          NOTE AT LEFT
                                                          /   /

- ------------------------------------

- -32-

2.  Amendments to Declaration of Trust

     FOR                  WITHHOLD
    /   /                   /   /

3.  Amendment of Liberty Property Trust 1994
    Share Incentive Plan

     FOR                  WITHHOLD
    /   /                   /   /

The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the notice of annual 
meeting, the proxy statement furnished in connection therewith and the 
annual report and hereby ratifies all that the said attorneys and 
proxies may do by virtue hereof.

NOTE:   Please mark, date and sign this proxy card and return it in the 
enclosed envelope.  Please sign as your name appears hereon.  If shares 
are registered in more than one name, all owners should sign.  If 
signing in a fiduciary or representative capacity, please give full 
title and attach evidence of authority.  Corporations please sign will 
full corporate name by a duly authorized officer and affix corporate 

- -33-

                        LIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST

1.   Purpose.  Liberty Property Trust (the "Company") hereby amends and 
restates the Liberty Property Trust Share Incentive Plan (the "Plan") as 
set forth herein.  The Plan is intended to recognize the contributions 
made to the Company by key employees, consultants and advisors of the 
Company or an Affiliate (including employees who are members of the 
Board of Trustees) of the Company or any Affiliate, to provide such 
persons with additional incentive to devote themselves to the future 
success of the Company or an Affiliate, and to improve the ability of 
the Company or an Affiliate to attract, retain, and motivate individuals 
upon whom the Company's sustained growth and financial success depend, 
by providing such persons with an opportunity to acquire or increase 
their proprietary interest in the Company through receipt of rights to 
acquire common shares of beneficial interest, $.001 par value per share 
(the "Shares"), in the Company, and through transfers of Shares subject 
to conditions of forfeiture.  In addition, the Plan is intended as an 
additional incentive to members of the Board of Trustees (the 
"Trustees") who are not employees of the Company or an Affiliate to 
serve on the Board of Trustees and to devote themselves to the future 
success of the Company by providing them with an opportunity to acquire 
or increase their proprietary interest in the Company through the 
receipt of Options to acquire Shares.

2.   Definitions.  Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the 
following terms shall have the following meanings:

     (a)  "Affiliate" means a corporation which is a parent corporation 
or a subsidiary corporation with respect to the Company within the 
meaning of Section 424(e) or (f) of the Code.  In addition, "Affiliate" 
means any other entity in which the Company owns an interest which would 
be an Affiliate as defined in the preceding sentence but for the fact 
that such entity is not a corporation.  Employees of any such non-
corporate affiliate shall not be granted ISOs under the Plan.

     (b)  "Award" means a grant of Shares subject to conditions of 
forfeiture made pursuant to the terms of the Plan.

     (c)  "Award Agreement" means the agreement between the Company and 
a Grantee with respect to an Award made pursuant to the Plan.

     (d)  "Awardee" means a person to whom an Award has been granted 
pursuant to the Plan.

     (e)  "Board of Trustees" means the Board of Trustees of the 

     (f)  "Change of Control" has the meaning as set forth in Section 10 
of the Plan.

     (g)  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

- -34-

     (h)  "Committee" has the meaning set forth in Section 3 of the 

     (i)  "Company" means Liberty Property Trust, a Maryland real estate 
investment trust. 

     (j)  "Disability" has the meaning set forth in Section 22(e)(3) of 
the Code.

     (k)  "Fair Market Value" has the meaning set forth in Subsection 
8(b) of the Plan.

     (l)  "Grantee" means a person to whom an Option or an Award has 
been granted pursuant to the Plan.

     (m)  "ISO" means an Option granted under the Plan which is intended 
to qualify as an "incentive stock option" within the meaning of Section 
422(b) of the Code.

     (n)  "Non-employee Trustee" means a member of the Board of 
Trustees who is not an employee of the Company or an Affiliate and who 
qualifies both as a "non-employee director" as that term is used in Rule 
16b-3 and as an "outside director" as that term is used in applicable 
IRS regulations promulgated under Code Section 162(m).

      (o)  "Non-qualified Stock Option" means an Option granted under 
the Plan which is not intended to qualify, or otherwise does not 
qualify, as an "incentive stock option" within the meaning of Section 
422(b) of the Code.

      (p)  "Option" means either an ISO or a Non-qualified Stock Option 
granted under the Plan.

      (q)  "Optionee" means a person to whom an Option has been granted 
under the Plan, which Option has not been exercised and has not expired 
or terminated.

      (r)  "Option Document" means the document described in Section 8 
or Section 9 of the Plan, as applicable, which sets forth the terms and 
conditions of each grant of Options.

      (s)  "Option Price" means the price at which Shares may be 
purchased upon exercise of an Option, as calculated pursuant to 
Subsection 8(b) or Subsection 9(a) of the Plan.

      (t)  "Restricted Share" means a Share subject to conditions of 
forfeiture and transfer granted to any person pursuant to an Award under 
the Plan.

      (u)  "Retirement" shall mean a termination of an Optionee's 
employment or services for the Company or an Affiliate at any time after 
such Optionee has reached age 65.

      (v)  "Rule 16b-3" means Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any successor rule.

- -35-

      (w)  "Section 16 Officer" means any person who is an "officer" 
within the meaning of Rule 16a-1(f) promulgated under the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any successor rule.

      (x)  "Shares" means the shares of beneficial interest, $.01 par 
value per share, of the Company.

      (y)  "Trustee" means a member of the Board of Trustees.

3.   Administration of the Plan.  The Plan shall be administered by the 
Board of Trustees of the Company if all members of the Board of Trustees 
are Non-employee Trustees; provided, however, that the Board of Trustees 
may designate a committee or committee(s) of the Board of Trustees 
composed of two or more of its Trustees to administer the Plan in its 
stead.  If any member of the Board of Trustees is not a Non-employee 
Trustee, the Board of Trustees shall (i) designate a committee composed 
of two or more Trustees, each of whom is a Non-employee Trustee (the 
"Non-employee Trustee Committee"), to operate and administer the Plan in 
its stead, (ii) designate two committees to operate and administer the 
Plan in its stead, one of such committees composed of two or more of its 
Non-employee Trustees (the "Non-employee Trustee Committee") to operate 
and administer the Plan with respect to the Company's Section 16 
Officers and the Trustees who are not members of the Non-employee 
Trustee Committee, and another committee composed of two or more 
Trustees (which may include Trustees who are not Non-employee Trustees) 
to operate and administer the Plan with respect to persons other than 
Section 16 Officers or Trustees or (iii) designate only one committee 
composed of two or more Non-employee Trustees (the "Non-employee Trustee 
Committee") to operate and administer the Plan with respect to the 
Company's Section 16 Officers and Trustees (other than those Trustees 
serving on the Non-employee Trustee Committee) and itself operate and 
administer the Plan with respect to persons other than Section 16 
Officers or Trustees.  Any of such committees designated by the Board of 
Trustees, and the Board of Trustees itself in its administrative 
capacity with respect to the Plan, is referred to as the "Committee."  
With the exception of the timing of grants of Options, the price at 
which Shares may be purchased, and the number of Shares covered by 
Options granted to each member of the Non-employee Trustee Committee, 
all of which shall be as specifically set forth in Section 9, the other 
provisions set forth herein, as it pertains to members of the Non-
employee Trustee Committee, shall be administered by the Board of 

      (a)   Meetings.  The Committee shall hold meetings at such times 
and places as it may determine.  Acts approved at a meeting by a 
majority of the members of the Committee or acts approved in writing by 
the unanimous consent of the members of the Committee shall be the valid 
acts of the Committee.

      (b)   Grants and Awards.  Except with respect to Options granted 
under Subsection 8(j) and to Non-employee Trustee Committee Members 
pursuant to Section 9, the Committee shall from time to time at its 

- -36-

discretion direct the Company to grant Options and Awards pursuant to 
the terms of the Plan.  The Committee shall have plenary authority to 
(i) determine the persons to whom, and the times at which Options and 
Awards are to be granted as well as the terms applicable to Options and 
Awards, (ii) determine the type of Option to be granted and the number 
of Shares subject thereto, (iii) determine the Awardees to whom, and the 
times at which, Restricted Shares are granted, the number of Shares 
awarded, and the purchase price per Share, if any, and (iv) approve the 
form and terms and conditions of the Option Documents and Award 
Agreements; all subject, however, to the express provisions of the Plan. 
In making such determinations, the Committee may take into account the 
nature of the Grantee's services and responsibilities, the Grantee's 
present and potential contribution to the Company's success and such 
other factors as it may deem relevant.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, 
grants of Options to Non-employee Trustee Committee Members shall be 
made exclusively in accordance with Section 9 and such other provisions 
of the Plan that specifically apply to such Options.  The interpretation 
and construction by the Committee of any provisions of the Plan or of 
any Option or Award granted under it shall be final, binding and 

      (c)   Exculpation.  No member of the Committee shall be personally 
liable for monetary damages as such for any action taken or any failure 
to take any action in connection with the administration of the Plan or 
the granting of Options or Awards thereunder unless (i) the member of 
the Committee has breached or failed to perform the duties of his office 
under applicable law and (ii) the breach or failure to perform 
constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct or recklessness; provided, 
however, that the provisions of this Subsection 3(c) shall not apply to 
the responsibility or liability of a member of the Committee pursuant to 
any criminal statute or to the liability of a member of the Committee 
for the payment of taxes pursuant to local, state or federal law.

      (d)   Indemnification.  Service on the Committee shall constitute 
service as a member of the Board of Trustees.  Each member of the 
Committee shall be entitled without further act on his part to indemnity 
from the Company to the fullest extent provided by applicable law and 
the Company's Declaration of Trust and/or By-laws in connection with or 
arising out of any action, suit or proceeding with respect to the 
administration of the Plan or the granting of Options or Awards 
thereunder in which he or she may be involved by reason of his or her 
being or having been a member of the Committee, whether or not he or she 
continues to be such member of the Committee at the time of the action, 
suit or proceeding.

4.   Grants and Awards under the Plan.  Options under the Plan may be in 
the form of a Non-qualified Stock Option, an ISO, or Awards of 
Restricted Shares, or any combination thereof, at the discretion of the 

5.   Eligibility.  All key employees, consultants and advisors of the 
Company or an Affiliate and members of the Board of Trustees shall be 
eligible to receive Options and Awards hereunder.  The Committee, in its 
sole discretion, shall determine whether an individual qualifies as a 

- -37-

key employee.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained 
herein, consultants and advisors shall only be eligible to receive 
Options or Awards provided bona fide services shall be rendered by such 
persons, and such services are not in connection with a capital raising 

6.   Shares Subject to Plan.  The aggregate maximum number of Shares for 
which Options or Awards may be granted pursuant to the Plan (including 
Shares for which Options or Awards were granted under the Plan prior to 
this restatement) is five million one hundred thousand (5,100,000), 
subject to adjustment as provided in Section 11 of the Plan.  The Shares 
shall be issued from authorized and unissued Shares or Shares held in or 
hereafter acquired for the treasury of the Company.  If an Option 
terminates or expires without having been fully exercised for any 
reason, or if Shares granted pursuant to an Award have been conveyed 
back to the Company pursuant to the terms of an Award Agreement, the 
Shares for which the Option was not exercised or the Shares that were 
conveyed back to the Company may again be the subject of one or more 
Options or Awards granted pursuant to the Plan.

7.   Term of the Plan.  The amended and restated Plan is effective as of 
March __, 1997, the date of its adoption by the Board of Trustees (the 
"Approval Date"), subject to the approval of the amended and restated 
Plan within twelve months of the Approval Date by a majority of the 
votes cast at a duly called meeting of the shareholders at which a 
quorum representing a majority of all outstanding voting interests of 
the Company is, either in person or by proxy, present and voting, or by 
a method and in a degree that would be treated as adequate under 
applicable state law in the case of an action requiring shareholder 
approval.  No Option or Award may be granted under the Plan ten years 
after the Approval Date.  If the Plan is not approved by shareholder 
vote as described above, all Options and Awards granted under the Plan 
as amended and restated that could not have been granted under the Plan 
as in effect without regard to this Amended and Restated Plan shall be 
null and void.

8.   Option Documents and Terms.  Each Option granted under the Plan 
shall be a Non-qualified Stock Option unless the Option shall be 
specifically designated at the time of grant to be an ISO for federal 
income tax purposes.  To the extent any Option designated an ISO is 
determined for any reason not to qualify as an incentive stock option 
within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code, such Option shall be 
treated as a Non-qualified Stock Option for all purposes under the 
provisions of the Plan.  Options granted pursuant to the Plan shall be 
evidenced by the Option Documents in such form as the Committee shall 
from time to time approve, which Option Documents shall comply with and 
be subject to the following terms and conditions and such other terms 
and conditions as the Committee shall from time to time require which 
are not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan.  However, the 
provisions of this Section 8 shall not be applicable to Options granted 
to non-employee members of the Board of Trustees, except as otherwise 
provided in Subsection 9(c).

      (a)   Number of Option Shares.  Each Option Document shall state 

- -38-

the number of Shares to which it pertains.  An Optionee may receive more 
than one Option, which may include Options which are intended to be 
ISO's and Options which are not intended to be ISO's, but only on the 
terms and subject to the conditions and restrictions of the Plan.  
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, no employee 
shall be granted Options to acquire more than two hundred fifty thousand 
(250,000) Shares during any calendar year.

      (b)  Option Price.  Each Option Document shall state the Option 
Price which, for a Non-qualified Stock Option, may be less than, equal 
to, or greater than the Fair Market Value of the Shares on the date the 
Option is granted and, for an ISO, shall be at least 100% of the Fair 
Market Value of the Shares on the date the Option is granted as 
determined by the Committee in accordance with this Subsection 8(b); 
provided, however, that if an ISO is granted to an Optionee who then 
owns, directly or by attribution under Section 424(d) of the Code, 
interests in the Company or any parent or subsidiary corporation 
possessing more than ten percent of the total combined voting power of 
all classes of interests of the Company or such parent or subsidiary, 
then the Option Price shall be at least 110% of the Fair Market Value of 
the Shares on the date the Option is granted.  If the Shares are traded 
in a public market, then the Fair Market Value per Share shall be, if 
the Shares are listed on a national securities exchange or included in 
the NASDAQ National Market System, the last reported sale price thereof 
on the relevant date, or, if the Shares are not so listed or included 
(or if there was no reported sale on the relevant date), the mean 
between the last reported "bid" and "asked" prices thereof on the 
relevant date, as reported on NASDAQ or by the exchange, as applicable, 
or, if not so reported, as reported by the National Daily Quotation 
Bureau, Inc. or as reported in a customary financial reporting service, 
as applicable, or, in the event such method of determination of fair 
market value is determined to be inaccurate or such information as is 
needed for such determination as set forth above is not available, as 
the Committee determines in good faith.

      (c)   Exercise.  No Option shall be deemed to have been exercised 
prior to the receipt by the Company of written notice of such exercise 
and of payment in full of the Option Price for the Shares to be 
purchased.  Each such notice shall specify the number of Shares to be 
purchased and shall (unless the Shares are covered by a then current 
registration statement or qualified Offering Statement under Regulation 
A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act")), contain the 
Optionee's acknowledgment in form and substance satisfactory to the 
Company that (a) such Shares are being purchased for investment and not 
for distribution or resale (other than a distribution or resale which, 
in the opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company, may be made 
without violating the registration provisions of the Act), (b) the 
Optionee has been advised and understands that (i) the Shares have not 
been registered under the Act and are "restricted securities" within the 
meaning of Rule 144 under the Act and are subject to restrictions on 
transfer and (ii) the Company is under no obligation to register the 
Shares under the Act or to take any action which would make available to 
the Optionee any exemption from such registration, (c) such Shares may 
not be transferred without compliance with all applicable federal and 

- -39-

state securities laws, and (d) an appropriate legend referring to the 
foregoing restrictions on transfer and any other restrictions imposed 
under the Option Documents may be endorsed on the certificates.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Company determines that issuance 
of Shares should be delayed pending (A) registration under federal or 
state securities laws, (B) the receipt of an opinion of counsel 
satisfactory to the Company that an appropriate exemption from such 
registration is available, (C) the listing or inclusion of the Shares on 
any securities exchange or an automated quotation system or (D) the 
consent or approval of any governmental regulatory body whose consent or 
approval is deemed necessary in connection with the issuance of such 
Shares, the Company may defer exercise of any Option granted hereunder 
until any of the events described in this sentence has occurred.

      (d)   Medium of Payment.  An Optionee shall pay for Shares (i) in 
cash, (ii) by certified or cashier's check payable to the order of the 
Company, or (iii) by such other mode of payment as the Committee may 
approve, including payment through a broker in accordance with 
procedures permitted by Regulation T of the Federal Reserve Board.  
Furthermore, the Committee may provide in an Option Document that 
payment may be made in whole or in part in Shares held by the Optionee. 
 If payment is made in whole or in part in Shares, then the Optionee 
shall deliver to the Company certificates registered in the name of such 
Optionee representing the Shares owned by such Optionee, free of all 
liens, claims and encumbrances of every kind and having an aggregate 
Fair Market Value on the date of delivery that is at least as great as 
the Option Price of the Shares (or relevant portion thereof) with 
respect to which such Option is to be exercised by the payment in 
Shares, endorsed in blank or accompanied by stock powers duly endorsed 
in blank by the Optionee.  In the event that certificates for Shares 
delivered to the Company represent a number of Shares in excess of the 
number of Shares required to make payment for the Option Price of the 
Shares (or relevant portion thereof) with respect to which such Option 
is to be exercised by payment in Shares, the certificate or certificates 
issued to the Optionee shall represent (i) the Shares in respect of 
which payment is made, and (ii) such excess number of Shares.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may impose from time to 
time such limitations and prohibitions on the use of Shares to exercise 
an Option as it deems appropriate.

      (e)   Termination of Options.

            (i)   No Option shall be exercisable after the first to 
occur of the following:

                  (A) Expiration of the Option term specified in the 
Option Document, which, in the case of an ISO, shall not occur after (1) 
ten years from the date of grant, or (2) five years from the date of 
grant of an ISO if the Optionee on the date of grant owns, directly or 
by attribution under Section 424(d) of the Code, interests in the 
Company or any parent or subsidiary corporation possessing more than ten 
percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of 
interests of the Company or such parent or subsidiary;

- -40-

                  (B) The third month anniversary of the date of 
termination of the Optionee's services or employment with the Company or 
an Affiliate for any reason other than death, Disability or Retirement.

                  (C) A finding by the Committee, after full 
consideration of the facts presented on behalf of both the Company and 
the Optionee, that the Optionee has breached his or her employment or 
service contract with the Company or an Affiliate, or has been engaged 
in disloyalty to the Company or an Affiliate, including, without 
limitation, fraud, embezzlement, theft, commission of a felony or proven 
dishonesty in the course of his or her employment or service, or has 
disclosed trade secrets or confidential information of the Company or an 
Affiliate.  In such event, in addition to immediate termination of the 
Option, the Optionee shall automatically forfeit all Shares for which 
the Company has not yet delivered the Share certificates upon refund by 
the Company of the Option Price.  Notwithstanding anything herein to the 
contrary, the Company may withhold delivery of Share certificates 
pending the resolution of any inquiry that could lead to a finding 
resulting in a forfeiture;

                  (D) The date, if any, set by the Board of Trustees as 
an accelerated expiration date in the event of the liquidation or 
dissolution of the Company; or

                  (E) The occurrence of such other event or events as 
may be set forth in the Option Document as causing an accelerated 
expiration of the Option.

            (ii)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may 
extend the period during which all or any portion of an Option may be 
exercised to a date no later than the Option term specified in the 
Option Document pursuant to Subsection 8(e)(i)(A), provided that any 
change pursuant to this Subsection 8(e)(ii) which would cause an ISO to 
become a Non-qualified Stock Option may be made only with the consent of 
the Optionee.

            (iii) The terms of an executive severance agreement or other 
agreement between the Company and an Optionee, approved by the 
Committee, whether entered into prior or subsequent to the grant of an 
Option, which provide for Option exercise dates later than those set 
forth in Subsection 8(e)(i) but permitted by this Subsection 8(e)(ii) 
shall be deemed to be Option terms approved by the Committee and 
consented to by the Optionee.

            (iv)  Unless otherwise expressly permitted in the Option 
Document, no Option granted pursuant to this Section 8 shall be 
exercisable following the termination of the Optionee's services as a 
member of the Board of Trustees or employment with the Company or any 
Affiliate with respect to any Shares in excess of those which could have 
been acquired by exercise of the Option on the date of such termination 
of services or employment.

                  (f)   Transfers.  No Option granted under the Plan may 
be transferred, except by will or by the laws of descent and 

- -41-

distribution.  During the lifetime of the person to whom an Option is 
granted, such Option may be exercised only by such person.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, (1) a Non-qualified Stock Option may be 
transferred pursuant to the terms of a "qualified domestic relations 
order," within the meaning of Sections 401(a)(13) and 414(p) of the Code 
or within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income 
Security Act of 1974, as amended, and (2) the Committee may provide, in 
an Option Document, that an Optionee may transfer Options to his or her 
children, grandchildren or spouse or to one or more trusts for the 
benefit of such family members or to partnerships in which such family 
members are the only partners (a "Family Transfer"), provided that the 
Optionee receives no consideration for such Family Transfer and the 
Option Documents relating to Options transferred in such Family Transfer 
continue to be subject to the same terms and conditions that were 
applicable to such Options immediately prior to the Family Transfer.  

                  (g)   Limitation on ISO Grants.  In no event shall the 
aggregate Fair Market Value of the Shares with respect to which ISOs 
issued under the Plan and incentive stock options issued under any other 
incentive stock option plans of the Company or its Affiliates which are 
exercisable for the first time by the Optionee during any calendar year 
exceed $100,000.  Any ISOs issued in excess of this limitation shall be 
treated as Non-qualified Stock Options issued under the Plan.  For 
purposes of this subsection 8(g), the Fair Market Value of Shares shall 
be determined as of the date of grant of the ISO or other incentive 
stock option.

                  (h)    Other Provisions.  Subject to the provisions of 
the Plan, the Option Documents shall contain such other provisions 
including, without limitation, provisions authorizing the Committee to 
accelerate the exercisability of all or any portion of an Option granted 
pursuant to the Plan, additional restrictions upon the exercise of the 
Option or additional limitations upon the term of the Option, as the 
Committee shall deem advisable.

                  (i)    Amendment.  Subject to the provisions of the 
Plan, the Committee shall have the right to amend Option Documents 
issued to an Optionee, subject to the Optionee's consent if such 
amendment is not favorable to the Optionee, except that the consent of 
the Optionee shall not be required for any amendment made pursuant to 
Subsection 8(e)(i)(C) or Section 10 of the Plan, as applicable.

                  (j)    No Options shall be granted under the Plan if, 
taking into account the grant of such options, five or fewer individuals 
would own more than 50% of the outstanding Shares, as computed for 
purposes of Code Section 856(h).

9.   Special Provisions Relating to Grants of Options to Non-employee 
Members of the Board of Trustees.  Options granted pursuant to the Plan 
to non-employee members of the Board of Trustees shall be granted, 
without any further action by the Committee, in accordance with the 
terms and conditions set forth in this Section 9.  Options granted 
pursuant to this Section 9 shall be evidenced by Option Documents in 
such form as the Committee shall from time to time approve, which Option 

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Documents shall comply with and be subject to the following terms and 
conditions and such other terms and conditions as the Committee shall 
from time to time require which are not inconsistent with the terms of 
the Plan and would not cause a Non-employee Trustee to lose his or her 
status as a "non-employee director" (as that term is used for purposes 
of Rule 16b-3) due to the grant of Options to such person pursuant to 
this Section 9.

      (a)   Timing of Grants; Number of Shares Subject of Options; 
Exercisability of Options; Option Price.  Each non-employee member of 
the Board of Trustees shall be granted annually, commencing on the date 
of the initial public offering of Shares, and on each anniversary of 
such date thereafter, an Option to purchase five thousand (5,000) Shares 
provided such person is a member of the Board of Trustees on such grant 
date.  Each such Option shall be a Non-qualified Stock Option 
exercisable with respect to twenty percent (20%) of the Shares subject 
to such Option after the first anniversary of the date of grant, 
exercisable with respect to fifty percent (50%) of the Shares after the 
second anniversary of the date of grant, and fully exercisable after the 
third anniversary of the date of grant.  The Option Price shall be equal 
to the Fair Market Value of the Shares on the date the Option is 

      (b)   Termination of Options Granted Pursuant to Section 9.  No 
Option granted pursuant to this Section 9 shall be exercisable after the 
first to occur of the following:

      (i) The tenth anniversary of the date of grant.
      (ii) The third month anniversary of the date of termination of the 
Optionee's services as a member of the Board of Trustees for any reason 
other than death, Disability or Retirement.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, no Option 
granted pursuant to this Section 9 shall be exercisable following the 
termination of the Optionee's services as a member of the Board of 
Trustees with respect to any Shares in excess of those which could have 
been acquired by exercise of the Option on the date of such termination 
of services.

(c)   Applicability of Section 8 to Options Granted Pursuant to Section 
9.  The following provisions of Section 8 shall be applicable to Options 
granted pursuant to this Section 9: Subsection 8(a) (provided that all 
Options granted pursuant to this Section 9 shall be Non-qualified Stock 
Options); the last sentence of Subsection 8(b); Subsection 8(c); 
Subsection 8(d) (provided that Option Documents relating to Options 
granted pursuant to this Section 9 shall provide that payment may be 
made in whole or in part in Shares); and Subsection 8(f) (provided that 
Option Documents relating to Options granted pursuant to this Section 9 
shall not permit Family Transfers).

    10.   Change of Control.  In the event of a Change of Control, the 
Committee may take whatever action it deems necessary or desirable with 
respect to the Options and Awards outstanding (other than Options 
granted pursuant to Subsection 8(j) and Section 9), including, without 

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limitation, accelerating the expiration or termination date in the 
respective Option Documents to a date no earlier than thirty (30) days 
after notice of such acceleration is given to the Optionees.  In 
addition to the foregoing, in the event of a Change of Control, Options 
granted pursuant to the Plan and held by Optionees who are employees of 
the Company or an Affiliate or members of the Board of Trustees at the 
time of a Change of Control shall become immediately exercisable in full 
and the restrictions applicable to Restricted Shares awarded to Awardees 
who are employees of the Company or an Affiliate or members of the Board 
of Trustees at the time of a Change of Control shall immediately lapse. 
Any amendment to this Section 10 which diminishes the rights of 
Optionees, shall not be effective with respect to Options outstanding at 
the time of adoption of such amendment, whether or not such outstanding 
Options are then exercisable.

      A "Change of Control" shall be deemed to have occurred upon the 
earliest to occur of the following events:  (i) the date the 
shareholders of the Company (or the Board of Trustees, if shareholder 
action is not required) approve a plan or other arrangement pursuant to 
which the Company will be dissolved or liquidated, or (ii) the date the 
shareholders of the Company (or the Board of Trustees, if shareholder 
action is not required) approve a definitive agreement to sell or 
otherwise dispose of substantially all of the assets of the Company, or 
(iii) the date the shareholders of the Company (or the Board of 
Trustees, if shareholder action is not required) and the shareholders of 
the other constituent corporation or entity (or its board of directors 
or trustees if shareholder action is not required) have approved a 
definitive agreement to merge or consolidate the Company with or into 
such other corporation or other entity, other than, in either case, a 
merger or consolidation of the Company in which holders of Shares 
immediately prior to the merger or consolidation will have at least a 
majority of the ownership of interests of the surviving corporation or 
entity (and, if one class of common stock or other equity interest is 
not the only class of voting securities entitled to vote on the election 
of directors or trustees of the surviving entity, a majority of the 
voting power of the surviving entity's voting securities) immediately 
after the merger or consolidation, which equity interest (and, if 
applicable, voting securities) is to be held in the same proportion as 
such holders' ownership of Shares immediately before the merger or 
consolidation, or (iv) the first day, after the date this Plan is 
effective on which there has occurred a change in the majority of the 
positions on the Board of Trustees or if any person (or any group of 
associated persons acting in concert) acquires, directly or indirectly, 
more than a percentage of the voting stock of the Trust in excess of 
that held by the "Senior Executives" (as defined in the Registration 
Statement) in the aggregate as of the date of the closing of the initial 
public offering of the Common Shares, in either case without the advance 
written consent of the current Board of Trustees.

11.   Adjustments on Changes in Capitalization.

(a) Corporate Transactions.  In the event that the outstanding Shares 
are changed by reason of a reorganization, merger, consolidation, 
recapitalization, reclassification, stock split-up, combination or 

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exchange of shares and the like (not including the issuance of Shares on 
the conversion of other securities of the Company which are outstanding 
on the date of grant and which are convertible into Shares) or dividends 
payable in Shares, an equitable adjustment shall be made by the 
Committee in the aggregate number of Shares available under the Plan and 
in the number of Shares and price per Share subject to outstanding 
Options.  Unless the Committee makes other provisions for the equitable 
settlement of outstanding options, if the Company shall be reorganized, 
consolidated, or merged with another corporation, or if all or 
substantially all of the assets of the Company shall be sold or 
exchanged, an Optionee shall at the time of issuance of the Shares under 
such corporate event be entitled to receive upon the exercise of his or 
her Option the same number and kind of shares or the same amount of 
property, cash or securities as he or she would have been entitled to 
receive upon the occurrence of any such corporate event as if he or she 
had been, immediately prior to such event, the holder of the number of 
shares covered by his or her Option.

(b) Proportionate Application.  Any adjustment under this Section 11 in 
the number of Shares subject to Options shall apply proportionately to 
only the unexercised portion of any Option granted hereunder.  If 
fractions of a Share would result from any such adjustment, the 
adjustment shall be revised to the next lower whole number of Shares.

(c) Committee Authority.  The Committee shall have authority to 
determine the adjustments to be made under this Section, and any such 
determination by the Committee shall be final, binding and conclusive.

12.  Terms and Conditions of Awards.  Awards granted pursuant to the 
Plan shall be evidenced by written Award Agreements in such form as the 
Committee shall from time to time approve, which Award Agreements shall 
comply with and be subject to the following terms and conditions and 
such other terms and conditions which the Committee shall from time to 
time require which are not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan.  The 
Committee may, in its sole discretion, shorten or waive any term or 
condition with respect to all or any portion of any Award.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, all restrictions shall lapse or terminate 
with respect to Restricted Shares upon the death or Disability of the 

(a)   Number of Shares.  Each Award Agreement shall state the number of 
Shares to which it pertains.

(b)   Purchase Price.  Each Award Agreement shall specify the purchase 
price, if any, which applies to the Award.  If the Board of Trustees 
specifies a purchase price, the Awardee shall be required to make 
payment on or before the date specified in the Award Agreement.  An 
Awardee shall pay for such Shares (i) in cash, (ii) by certified check 
payable to the order of the Company, or (iii) by such other mode of 
payment as the Committee may approve.

(c)   Restrictions on Transfer and Forfeitures.  A share certificate 
representing the Restricted Shares granted to an Awardee shall be 
registered in the Awardee's name but shall be held in escrow by the 

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Company or an appropriate officer of the Company, together with an 
undated share transfer power executed by the Awardee with respect to 
each share certificate representing Restricted Shares in such Awardee's 
name.  The Awardee shall generally have the rights and privileges of a 
shareholder as to such Restricted Shares including the right to vote 
such Restricted Shares and to receive and retain all cash dividends with 
respect to such Shares, except that the following restrictions shall 
apply:  (i) the Awardee shall not be entitled to delivery of the 
certificate until the expiration or termination of any period designated 
by the Committee ("Restricted Period") and the satisfaction of any other 
conditions prescribed by the Committee; and (ii) all distributions with 
respect to the Restricted Shares other than cash dividends, such as 
share dividends, share splits or distributions of property, and any 
distributions (other than cash dividends) subsequently made with respect 
to other distributions, shall be delivered to the Company or an 
appropriate officer of the Company, together with appropriate share 
transfer powers or other instruments of transfer signed and delivered to 
the Company or appropriate officer of the Company by the Awardee, to be 
held by the Company or appropriate officer of the Company and released 
to either the Awardee or the Company, as the case may be, together with 
the Shares to which they relate; (iii) the Awardee will have no right to 
sell, exchange, transfer, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise dispose of 
any of the Restricted Shares or distributions (other than cash 
dividends) with respect thereto; and (iv) all of the Restricted Shares 
shall be forfeited and all rights of the Awardee with respect to such 
Restricted Shares shall terminate without further obligation on the part 
of the Company unless the Awardee has remained a regular full-time 
employee of the Company or an Affiliate, any of its subsidiaries or any 
parent or any combination thereof until the expiration or termination of 
the Restricted Period and the satisfaction of any other conditions 
prescribed by the Committee applicable to such Restricted Share.  Upon 
the forfeiture of any Restricted Share, such forfeited shares shall be 
transferred to the Company without further action by the Awardee.

(d)   Lapse of Restrictions.    Upon the expiration or termination of 
the Restricted Period and the satisfaction of any other conditions 
prescribed by the Committee as provided for in the Plan, the 
restrictions applicable to the Restricted Share shall lapse and a stock 
certificate for the number of shares of Common Stock with respect to 
which the restrictions have lapsed shall be delivered, free of all such 
restrictions, except any that may be imposed by law, to the Awardee or 
the beneficiary or estate, as the case may be.  The Company shall not be 
required to deliver any fractional share of Common Stock but will pay, 
in lieu thereof, the fair market value (determined as of the date the 
restrictions lapse) of such fractional share to the Awardee or the 
Awardee's beneficiary or estate, as the case may be.  The Award may 
provide for the lapse of restrictions on transfer and forfeiture 
conditions in installments.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless the 
Shares are covered by a then current registration statement or a 
Notification under Regulation A under the Act, the Company may require 
as a condition to the transfer of Share certificates to an Awardee under 
this Subsection 12(d) that the Awardee provide the Company with an 
acknowledgment in form and substance satisfactory to the Company that 
(a) such Shares are being purchased for investment and not for 

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distribution or resale (other than a distribution or resale which, in 
the opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company, may be made without 
violating the registration provisions of the Act), (b) the Optionee has 
been advised and understands that (i) the Shares have not been 
registered under the Act and are "restricted securities" within the 
meaning of Rule 144 under the Act and are subject to restrictions on 
transfer and (ii) the Company is under no obligation to register the 
Shares under the Act or to take any action which would make available to 
the Optionee any exemption from such registration, (c) such Shares may 
not be transferred without compliance with all applicable federal and 
state securities laws, and (d) an appropriate legend referring to the 
foregoing restrictions on transfer may be endorsed on the certificates. 
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Company determines that the 
transfer of Share certificates should be delayed pending (A) 
registration under federal or state securities laws, (B) the receipt of 
an opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company that an appropriate 
exemption from such registration is available, (C) the listing or 
inclusion of the Shares on any securities exchange or an automated 
quotation system or (D) the consent or approval of any governmental 
regulatory body whose consent or approval is necessary in connection 
with the issuance of such Shares, the Company may defer transfer of 
Share certificates hereunder until any of the events described in this 
sentence has occurred.

(e)   Section 83(b) Election.  An Awardee who files an election with the 
Internal Revenue Service to include the fair market value of any 
Restricted Share in gross income while they are still subject to 
restrictions shall promptly furnish the Company with a copy of such 
election together with the amount of any federal, state, local or other 
taxes required to be withheld to enable the Company to claim an income 
tax deduction with respect to such election.

(f)   Rights as Shareholder.  Upon payment of the purchase price, if 
any, for Shares covered by an Award and compliance with the 
acknowledgment requirement of subsection 12(d), the Grantee shall have 
all of the rights of a shareholder with respect to the Shares covered 
thereby, including the right to vote the Shares and receive all 
dividends and other distributions paid or made with respect thereto, 
except to the extent otherwise provided by the Committee or in the Award 

(g)   Amendment.  Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee 
shall have the right to amend Awards issued to an Awardee, subject to 
the Awardee's consent if such amendment is not favorable to the Awardee, 
except that the consent of the Awardee shall not be required for any 
amendment made pursuant to Section 10 of the Plan.

13.   Amendment of the Plan.  The Board of Trustees of the Company may 
amend the Plan from time to time in such manner as it may deem 
advisable.  Nevertheless, the Board of Trustees of the Company may not 
change the class of individuals eligible to receive an ISO or increase 
the maximum number of Shares as to which Options or Awards may be 
granted without obtaining approval, within twelve months before or after 
such action, by vote of a majority of the votes cast at a duly called 

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meeting of the shareholders at which a quorum representing a majority of 
all outstanding voting interests of the Company is, either in person or 
by proxy, present and voting on the matter, or by a method and in a 
degree that would be treated as adequate under applicable state law in 
the case of an action requiring shareholder approval.  No amendment to 
the Plan shall adversely affect any outstanding Option or Award, 
however, without the consent of the Grantee.

14.   No Commitment to Retain.  The grant of an Option or an Award 
pursuant to the Plan shall not be construed to imply or to constitute 
evidence of any agreement, express or implied, on the part of the 
Company or any Affiliate to retain the Grantee in the employ of the 
Company or an Affiliate and/or as a member of the Company's Board of 
Trustees or in any other capacity.

15.   Withholding of Taxes.  Whenever the Company proposes or is 
required to deliver or transfer Shares in connection with an Award or 
the exercise of an Option, the Company shall have the right to (a) 
require the recipient to remit or otherwise make available to the 
Company an amount sufficient to satisfy any federal, state and/or local 
withholding tax requirements prior to the delivery or transfer of any 
certificate or certificates for such Shares or (b) take whatever other 
action it deems necessary to protect its interests with respect to its 
tax liabilities.  The Company's obligation to make any delivery or 
transfer of Shares shall be conditioned on the Grantee's compliance, to 
the Company's satisfaction, with any withholding requirement.

16.   Interpretation.  The Plan is intended to enable transactions under 
the Plan with respect to Trustees and officers (within the meaning of 
Section 16(a) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) to 
satisfy the conditions of Rule 16b-3; to the extent that any provision 
of the Plan would cause a conflict with such conditions or would cause 
the administration of the Plan as provided in Section 3 to fail to 
satisfy the conditions of Rule 16b-3, such provision shall be deemed 
null and void to the extent permitted by applicable law.  This section 
shall not be applicable if no class of the Company's equity securities 
is then registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934, as amended.

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