(Rule 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant {   }

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant {x}

Check the appropriate box:

{   }      Preliminary Proxy Statement

{   }      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as Permitted by Rule

{   }      Definitive Proxy Statement

{   }      Definitive Additional Materials

{ x }      Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                            COACHMEN INDUSTRIES, INC

                              THOR INDUSTRIES, INC.
                            IF OTHER THAN REGISTRANT)

               Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

{ x }      No Fee required.

{   }      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

   1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


   2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


   3)      Per unit  price or other  underlying  transaction  computed  pursuant
           to Exchange  Act Rule 0- 11 (set  forth  the  amount  on which  the
           filing  fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


   4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     Total fee paid:


{  }       Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

{  }       Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange
           Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify  the filing for which the offsetting
           fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
           statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

  1)       Amount Previously Paid:


  2)       Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


  3)       Filing Party:


  4)       Date Filed:


                             [THOR INDUSTRIES, INC.]
        419 WEST PIKE STREET, JACKSON CENTER, OHIO 45334 (937) 596 - 6849

          April 27, 2000

          Dear Fellow Coachmen Stockholders:

          Enclosed is Thor's analysis of the planned Coachmen merger.

          We ask you to send Coachmen's Board of Directors a strong message that
          a merger with Thor is in the best interest of Coachmen shareholders.

          Please vote your proxy to WITHHOLD  ALL  NOMINEES  for  directors  and
          AGAINST approval of the 2000 Omnibus Stock Incentive Program.


          Wade F. B. Thompson


                    Thor Industries, Inc.

                                                            A Better Alternative
                                                       for Coachmen Shareholders

                                                                      April 2000

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Overview of Offer for Coachmen Shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o    On April 17, 2000 Thor  Industries,  Inc. made the  following  offer to the
     Board of Coachmen Industries, Inc.

     -    Offer Price:        $18.00   per   share  or  $289.6   million   total
                              consideration (1)

     -    Exchange:       60% cash  ($173.8  million)  / 40%  stock  ($115.6
                              million - 4.74 million Thor shares)

     -    Premium:           41.9% (based on COA closing  price of $12 11/16 on

     -    Conditions:         Not subject to financing

     (1)  Based on 16,091,391 COA shares outstanding including 531,000 estimated

o    Offer  provides  COA  shareholders  with  a  substantial  premium  and  the
     opportunity  to  continue in the  combined  enterprise,  providing  further
     opportunities for long-term value enhancement

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Update of Offer for Coachmen Shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               As of:
($ per COA share)                                      4/17/00         4/26/00
- --------------------------------------------------     ---------     ----------

Cash(60%)                                              $10.80          $10.80

Stock(40%)                                              $7.20(1)        $8.10(2)

THO shares / COA shares                                0.2946          0.2946

(fixed common stock exchange ratio, or
 0.7366 THO shares per COA share in an
 all stock exchange)

Total Value of Offer                                   $18.00          $18.90
                                                       ------          ------

(1)  Based on THO closing stock price of $24 7/16 on 4/14/00

(2)  Based on THO closing stock price of $27 1/2 on 4/26/00

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Advantages of a Combination with Thor
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o    The advantages of a merger of Coachmen and Thor are significant

                                Industry Leader

The combined company would be the:

o    2nd largest RV builder - Market share (units) increase from estimated 11.3%
     to 19.7%

o    Largest mid-size bus manufacturer

o    Largest modular housing manufacturer


                           Increase Shareholder Value

o    Significant cost savings from increased purchasing leverage

o    First-mover advantage in consolidating industry

o    Synergies from complementary products and geographic fit

o    Improved productivity

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Heading In Opposite Directions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          [LOGO] THOR INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                    [UP ARROW]

o    Never had a year in which we lost money

o    Achieved a return on beginning stockholders equity of 22.3% in fiscal 1999

o    Three year diluted EPS compound annual growth rate of 31.0% (1996-1999)

o    For last six  months,  RV sales and  income  before  taxes are up 18.3% and
     37.0%, respectively

o    Stock  price  has  increased  8.0% from $22 5/8 on  3/31/99  to $24 7/16 on


                                   [DOWN ARROW]

o    Achieved a return on beginning stockholders equity of 14.4% in fiscal 1999

o    Diluted EPS has declined from $1.84 in fiscal 1996 to $1.80 in fiscal 1999.
     EPS declined in both fiscal 1997 and fiscal 1999

o    In the second half of 1999,  RV income  before taxes  dropped  32.8% versus
     1998 and declined 62.1% in the last quarter

o    Stock  price has  declined  38.1%  from $20 1/2 on  3/31/99 to $12 11/16 on
     4/14/00 (approximately $120 MM in market value)

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Heading In Opposite Directions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o    Thor's stock  consistently has outperformed  Coachmen's over the past three

                                THOR VS COACHMEN
                         DAILY INDEXED PRICE PERFORMANCE
                         APRIL 25, 1997 - APRIL 26, 2000


                            COA            THO
                            ---            ---

4/25/97                     100            100
8/25/97                    120.16        125.91
12/26/97                   140.73        162.20
4/24/98                    165.32        191.16

8/25/98                    138.71        155.95
12/24/98                   161.29        190.24
4/26/99                    122.18        203.05
8/25/99                    103.63        203.05
12/27/99                    88.31        212.20
4/06/00                    101.21        201.22

COA - Coachmen Industries, Inc.

THO - Thor Industries, Inc.

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Coachmen EPS Trend
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o    On 4/27/00, COA reported expected first quarter earnings of $0.25 to $0.26
     per share


                               Coachmen EPS Trend


        1Q 2000             1Q 1999             Difference         %Difference
        -------             -------             ----------         -----------
         $0.26               $0.43                -$0.17             -39.5%

      LTM 3/31/00         LTM 3/31/99           Difference         %Difference
      -----------         -----------           ----------         -----------
         $1.63               $1.99                -$0.36             -18.1%

        Estimate(1)         1Q 1999             Difference         %Difference
        -----------         -------             ----------         -----------
        $0.30               $0.26                 -$0.04             -13.3%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Consensus estimate as reported by First Call


Improve Operating Efficiencies
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o    In the twelve months ended  1/31/00 for Thor and 12/31/99 for Coachmen,  RV
     sales were $634.9 million (73% of sales) and $691.1 million (82% of sales),

o    Improve productivity at Coachmen operations

                                          THO vs.          THO            COA
($ in thousands)                            COA          1/31/00        12/31/99
Total Revenue (LTM)                          +2%        $865,826        $847,024

Employees                                   -33%           3,280           4,942

Revenue per Employee                        +54%            $264            $171
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o    Achieve RV purchasing  synergies through  increased  leverage with vendors,
     especially in Northern Indiana where we anticipate  doubling our purchasing

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Pro Forma Financial Information and Assumptions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Aggregate Consideration
  for Stock:

                                   o    $289.6 million

                                        -    16,091,391  COA  shares  (including
                                             533,000 estimated options)

                                        -    $18.00  per  share  purchase  price
                                             (based  on  THO   share   price  on

Exchange:                          o    60% cash / 40% stock

                                        -    $173.8 million cash

                                        -    $115.6  million stock (4.74 million
                                             Thor shares at 4/14/00)

Purchase Accounting:               o    Goodwill amortized over 20 years

Transaction Costs:                 o    Capitalized and included in goodwill

Cost Savings:                      o    None assumed

Revenue Enhancements:              o    None assumed

Cash Utilized:                     o    Cash at  target  and  $41.1  million  of
                                        acquiror's cash

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheets
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                           THO            COA        Pro Forma
($ in thousands)                         1/31/00       12/31/99     Combined(1)

Current Assets                           $202,747      $190,822      $315,623

Fixed Assets, net                         $25,457       $74,678      $100,135

Goodwill                                  $10,996        $4,426       $83,661

Other Assets                              $14,476       $15,840       $28,867

Total Assets                             $253,676      $285,766      $528,285

Current Liabilities                       $71,878       $54,176      $126,054

Long Term Debt                                 $0        $9,889       $96,521

Other Liabilities                          $1,597        $8,055        $9,652

Total Liabilities                         $73,475       $72,120      $232,227

Equity                                   $180,200      $213,646      $296,058

Total Liabilities & Equity               $253,676      $285,766      $528,285
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  Estimated pro forma combined  incorporates  assumptions  detailed on page 7
     and other adjustments as deemed appropriate

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Pro Forma Combined Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  THO 12 Mos.      COA 12 Mos.      Pro Forma
($000, except per share data)     End 1/31/00      End 12/31/99    Combined (1)
Net sales                          $865,826          $847,024     $1,712,850

Operating expenses                  803,630           797,108      1,600,738
Depreciation                          2,504             9,146         11,650
Amortization                          1,618               127          5,157

Operating Income                     58,074            40,643         95,305

Interest income                       2,695             2,747            527
Interest (expense)                     (172)           (1,829)        (7,894)
Other gain (loss)                    (2,148)            1,962         (2,148)
Other income                            734             1,518          2,252

Income b/f taxes                     59,183            45,041         88,043

Income tax                          (24,492)          (15,539)       (34,882)

Net Income                          $34,691           $29,502        $53,161

Shares Outstanding (000)
     Basic                           12,105(2)             --         16,846(4)
     Options                             55(3)             --             55(3)
     Diluted                         12,160                --         16,901

Latest 12 Months EPS                  $2.85(5)             --          $3.15

Accretion                                                               10.3%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Estimated pro forma combined  incorporates  assumptions  detailed on page 7
     and other adjustments as deemed appropriate

(2)  Source:  Thor 10-Q

(3)  Source:  Thor 10-K,  adjusted for  repurchase  of shares with proceeds from
     execution of options

(4)  Includes issuance of 4,741 Thor shares (in thousands)

(5)  Based on current diluted shares outstanding

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

COA Shareholders Participate in THO Value Enhancement
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   12 mos. end       Pro Forma
                                                       1/31/00       Combined

Latest 12 Months EPS (1)                                 $2.85        $3.15

Closing Stock Price (4/14/00)                           $24.44           --

Implied P/E                                               8.6x         8.6x(2)

Pro Forma Stock Price                                       --       $26.94(3)

Stock Price Accretion                                                 $2.51

% Accretion                                                           10.3%

Total Value Received

   Cash                                                              $10.80
   Pro Forma Stock Value (0.2946 THO shares)                          $7.94(4)
   Total                                                             $18.74

COA Pre-Announcement Price (4/14/00)                                 $12.69

Effective Premium to Pre-Announcement COA Price                       47.7%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Based  on  diluted  shares  outstanding  (from  prior  page).  Incorporates
     assumptions on page 7 and other adjustments as deemed appropriate

(2)  Assumed that THO P/E remains unchanged

(3)  Based on pro forma estimated EPS and pro forma P/E

(4)  Based on pro forma THO stock price

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


o    Provides immediate premium to Coachmen shareholders

o    Earnings accretive

o    Allows  Coachmen  shareholders  to continue as  shareholders  in a combined
     enterprise, providing opportunities for long term value enhancement

o    Creates a more competitive RV operation


o    Withhold authority to vote for all named director nominees

o    Vote AGAINST approval of Coachmen's 2000 Omnibus Stock Incentive Program

o    Use your proxy card to  influence  Coachmen's  Board to complete a friendly
     merger with Thor

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

Forward Looking Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This   presentation   includes   "forward   looking   statements"  that  involve
uncertainties and risks.  There can be no assurance that actual results will not
differ from Thor's expectations.  Factors which could cause materially different
results include,  among others,  stock price volatility resulting in a lesser or
greater  price/earnings  multiple for the combined  company,  the success of new
product introductions, the pace of acquisitions and cost structure improvements,
competitive and general  economic  conditions,  and the other risks set forth in
Thor's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  In some cases, such
forward-looking  statements  may be  identified  by  terminology  such as "may,"
"will," "could," "should,"  "expects,"  "intends," or "believes" or the negative
of such terms or other comparable terminology.

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                      * * *

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The material contained herein and in certain other  communications made by or on
behalf of Thor may constitute a solicitation. Thor has made a preliminary filing
of proxy materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Shareholders are
advised to read the proxy  statement  and other  documents  related to any proxy
solicitation by Thor because they contain important information. When completed,
a definitive  proxy  statement  and related  proxy  materials  will be mailed to
shareholders  of Coachmen and will be  available at no charge on the  Securities
and Exchange Commission's website at

Thor and certain other  persons  named below may be deemed to be  "participants"
(as such term is  defined  in  Schedule  14A  promulgated  under the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended  ("Schedule  14A")) in any  solicitation.  The
participants in this solicitation may include the following  executive  officers
of Thor: Wade Thompson and Peter Orthwein. As of the date of this communication,
Thor and Peter  Orthwein may be deemed the  beneficial  owner of 466,300 and 300
shares of common  stock of  Coachmen,  respectively,  and Mr.  Thompson  and Mr.
Orthwein may be deemed to beneficially own  approximately  4,535,930 and 639,100
shares of Thor common stock, respectively.

In addition to any solicitations that may be made by any of the above-referenced
persons,  Thor has retained  D.F.  King & Co.,  Inc.  ("D.F.  King & Co."),  BMO
Nesbitt Burns Corp. ("BMO Nesbitt Burns") and Barry Vogel to act as advisors.

D.F. King & Co. is a proxy solicitor that may provide solicitation services with
respect to banks, brokers,  institutional  investors and individual shareholders
for which it will receive customary  compensation.  Employees of D.F. King & Co.
may  communicate  in person,  by  telephone  or  otherwise  with persons who are
shareholders of Coachmen.

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                      * * *

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BMO  Nesbitt  Burns is an  investment  banking  firm  that  provides  a range of
financial services for institutional and individual  clients. In connection with
the  engagement  of BMO  Nesbitt  Burns as a  financial  advisor  to Thor,  Thor
anticipates that with respect to any solicitation the following  employee of BMO
Nesbitt  Burns may  communicate  in person,  by telephone  or  otherwise  with a
limited number of institutions, brokers or other persons who are shareholders of
Coachmen  for the purpose of  assisting in such  proposed  solicitation:  Steven
Knoop.  BMO  Nesbitt  Burns does not  believe  that it or any of its  directors,
officers,  employees or affiliates is a "participant" as defined in Schedule 14A
or  that  Schedule  14A  requires  the  disclosure  of  participant  information
regarding BMO Nesbitt Burns.  BMO Nesbitt Burns will not receive any fee for, or
in connection with, such solicitation  activities,  apart from the fees to which
they are otherwise entitled under the terms of their engagement. Thor has agreed
to pay BMO  Nesbitt  Burns  customary  compensation  for  acting as a  financial
advisor to Thor in this  transaction and has agreed to provide BMO Nesbitt Burns
and certain persons related to BMO Nesbitt Burns with customary  indemnification
against certain  liabilities,  including  certain  liabilities under the federal
securities  laws,  arising out of this  engagement.  An affiliate of BMO Nesbitt
Burns provides  commercial  lending  services to Thor. In the ordinary course of
its business, BMO Nesbitt Burns may trade securities of Coachmen or Thor for its
own account and the accounts of its customers, and accordingly,  may at any time
hold a long or short position in such securities. BMO Nesbitt Burns has informed
Thor that, as of the date hereof, it does not hold any shares of common stock of
Coachmen for its own account. BMO Nesbitt Burns and/or certain of its affiliates
may have voting and  dispositive  power with respect to certain shares of common
stock of Coachmen held in asset  management,  brokerage and other accounts.  BMO
Nesbitt Burns and each of its affiliates disclaim  beneficial  ownership of such

In addition to any solicitations that may be made by any of the above-referenced
persons,  Thor has  retained  Mr. Vogel as an advisor.  In  connection  with his
engagement,  Thor  anticipates  that Mr.  Vogel may  communicate  in person,  by
telephone or otherwise with a limited number of  institutions,  brokers or other
persons who are  shareholders  of Coachmen  for the purpose of  assisting in the
proposed solicitation.  Mr. Vogel will not receive any fee for, or in connection
with, such solicitation activities, apart from the fees to which he is otherwise
entitled under the terms of his  engagement.  Thor has agreed to pay Mr. Vogel a
fee as compensation  for acting as an advisor to Thor in this  transaction.  Mr.
Vogel and members of his  immediate  family  beneficially  own 14,400  shares of
common stock of Coachmen.

                                                          [LOGO] THOR
                       ----------------------------------       ----------------
                                                                INDUSTRIES, INC.