(Rule 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant {   }

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant {x}

Check the appropriate box:

{   }      Preliminary Proxy Statement

{   }      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as Permitted by Rule

{   }      Definitive Proxy Statement

{   }      Definitive Additional Materials

{ x }      Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                            COACHMEN INDUSTRIES, INC

                              THOR INDUSTRIES, INC.
                            IF OTHER THAN REGISTRANT)

               Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

{ x }      No Fee required.

{   }      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

   1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


   2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


   3)      Per unit  price or other  underlying  transaction  computed  pursuant
           to Exchange  Act Rule 0- 11 (set  forth  the  amount  on which  the
           filing  fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


   4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     Total fee paid:


{  }       Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

{  }       Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange
           Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify  the filing for which the offsetting
           fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
           statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

  1)       Amount Previously Paid:


  2)       Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


  3)       Filing Party:


  4)       Date Filed:


                          [THOR INDUSTRIES, INC. LOGO]

     419 WEST PIKE STREET o P.O. BOX 629 o JACKSON CENTER, OHIO 45334-0629
                      PHONE 937-596-6849 o FAX 937-596-6539

                                 PRESS RELEASE

Date:  April 28, 2000
Contact:  Wade F. B. Thompson or Peter B. Orthwein



Thor  Industries,  Inc.  (NYSE:THO)  announced  today that it was  surprised and
disappointed that the Coachmen Industries, Inc (NYSE:COA) Board of Directors had
again rejected Thor's merger offer. Thor also stated that it must set the record
straight concerning several statements made in Coachmen's press release of April
27, 2000.

o     In no way is Thor's  offer to  Coachmen  an "effort to disrupt  Coachmen's
      business."  On the  contrary,  Thor's effort is a clear attempt to improve
      Coachmen's  business and the resulting  shareholder  value created through
      the proposed combination.

o     While the offer made on April 17, 2000 was a "nominal" $18 per share,  the
      40% stock  component of the offer is pegged to a fixed  exchange  ratio of
      .7366 Thor  shares  for every  Coachmen  share.  At Thor's  closing  price
      yesterday of $26.875, this makes our offer now worth $18.72 per share.

o     We strongly  disagree with the statement  that our proposal "is not in the
      best interests of Coachmen's stakeholders." Here's why:

      --->        Shareholders:  Our offer provides both immediate and long-term
                  value  opportunities:  A 48% premium over Coachmen's April 14,
                  2000 closing  price at Thor's price  yesterday  and  long-term
                  value enhancements through compelling synergies.
      --->        Employees:   Thor  is  a  committed,   long-term  employer  in
                  Coachmen's  home-town and surrounding areas. We compensate our
                  family  of  employees  fairly,  treat  them with  respect  and
                  dignity,  provide  them with a safe working  environment,  and
                  would do the same with Coachmen employees.
      --->        Dealers:  The  combination  would  create a  stronger  company
                  through  the  sharing  of  best  practices,  resulting  in the
                  production of even better,  more value-packed,  and profitable
                  products for our dealers.  We believe there is limited  dealer
                  overlap today, and we intend to keep it that way.
      --->        Customers: With the increased purchasing power of the combined
                  company,  we will be able to provide an even  higher  quality,
                  higher  value  product to our  customers  at more  competitive
      --->        Suppliers:  The combination  will be a benefit to suppliers as
                  they will be able to standardize some products they provide to
                  us and streamline their deliveries, thereby reducing costs.
      --->        Communities: Both Thor and Coachmen are established, respected
                  members in their  communities  and this would be enhanced in a
                  combination.  Thor's Drive Against Prostate Cancer has already
                  given free prostate cancer screenings to over 3,000 men across
                  North  America  in the last 5  months.  The  Drive  will be in
                  Indiana  this summer and we invite all  Coachmen  employees to
                  participate in this life-saving community effort.

o     We strongly  disagree that the combination of Thor and Coachmen "would not
      achieve  meaningful  merger  synergies."  We  believe  there  are real and
      significant  synergies to be gained from our combination,  particularly in
      purchasing leverage and operational efficiencies.

o     We strongly disagree "that  historically there have been a lack of returns
      to  investment  scale  in  the  RV  industry."  Thor's  acquisitions  have
      immediately  returned significant value. We believe the same would be true
      of this merger, especially in view of its size.

o     Coachmen  says it will double its 1999 EPS "not later than  2004."  That's
      five fiscal years from now (2000,  2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.) Thor virtually
      doubled  its 1997 EPS by 1999,  in just two years.  By the end of our 2000
      fiscal  year,  that 1997 EPS will grow even  further.  Coachmen's  EPS has
      declined  in two out of the last four  years,  and its 1999 EPS were lower
      than in 1996. If Coachmen's  first quarter  decline of about 40% in EPS is
      indicative  of fiscal  2000,  that  will be three out of five down  years.
      Coachmen shareholders should seriously question its statement that it will
      "generate  superior value for shareholders with Coachmen as an independent

o     We  strongly  disagree  that  the  companies  "have  profoundly  different
      operating philosophies as to product positioning and value." We agree that
      Coachmen has a "strong  franchise  and diverse  array" of RV products.  So
      does Thor,  as  evidenced in the  strength of our  Airstream,  Four Winds,
      Dutchmen, Aerolite, Komfort and other fine brands. Coachmen has about $200
      million  more in motor home sales than Thor;  Thor has about $200  million
      more in towable sales than Coachmen. The result is complementary products.
      Dealers and customers demand value and both companies provide that.

o     Thor's  dealer  practices  over  the  last 20  years  have  been  based on
      providing our dealers with the highest  quality,  highest value  products.
      They are  founded on  unyielding  integrity,  with  strong  commitment  to
      excellence in  everything  we do. We hope that Coachmen is not  suggesting

o     We  strongly  disagree  that  Thor  is  trying  "to  stampede   [Coachmen]
      shareholders  to sell at a depressed  price before the value of our recent
      spending on technology and  infrastructure  pays off." While Thor commends
      Coachmen on its investments in technology and  infrastructure,  (just like
      Thor has invested) is it o.k. for those  investments  to disrupt  business
      and radically depress  Coachmen's  earnings for three years? As a Coachmen
      shareholder, we say "no." And so should every shareholder.

It is true that "the entire RV sector is out of favor with investors."  However,
in contrast to Coachmen's dismal performance during two record RV sales years in
1998 and 1999 and continuing into 2000, Thor has had record sales and net income
in each of the past 3 years.  This record  continues in fiscal  2000,  with Thor
sales up 17% and net income up 32% in the six months ended 1/31/00.

Again, Thor wishes to complete a friendly merger,  which is in the best interest
of all Coachmen stakeholders. Contrary to the statement made in Coachmen's April
27 press  release,  it is clear to any  objective  stockholder  that Thor is the
right partner and that Thor's offer is the right  transaction  at the right time
and the right price.

                                      * * *

         This press release includes  "forward looking  statements" that involve
uncertainties and risks.  There can be no assurance that actual results will not
differ from Thor's expectations.  Factors which could cause materially different
results include,  among others,  the success of new product  introductions,  the
pace of acquisitions  and cost structure  improvements,  competitive and general
economic  conditions,  and the other risks set forth in Thor's  filings with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.   In  some  cases,  such  forward-looking
statements  may be identified by  terminology  such as "may,"  "will,"  "could,"
"should,"  "expects,"  "intends" or  "believes" or the negative of such terms or
other comparable terminology.

         This press  release  and  certain  other  communications  made by or on
behalf of Thor may constitute a solicitation.  Thor has made a definitive filing
of its proxy materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Shareholders
are advised to read the proxy statement and other documents related to any proxy
solicitation by Thor because they contain important information.  The definitive
proxy  statement and related proxy  materials will be mailed to  shareholders of
Coachmen  and will be  available  at no charge on the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission's website at

         Thor  and  certain  other  persons  named  below  may be  deemed  to be
"participants"  (as such term is defined in Schedule 14A  promulgated  under the
Securities   Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended   ("Schedule  14A"))  in  any
solicitation.  The  participants in this  solicitation may include the following
executive officers of Thor: Wade Thompson and Peter Orthwein.  As of the date of
this  communication,  Thor and Peter Orthwein may be deemed the beneficial owner
of 466,300 and 300 shares of common  stock of  Coachmen,  respectively,  and Mr.
Thompson  and Mr.  Orthwein  may be deemed  to  beneficially  own  approximately
4,535,930 and 639,100 shares of Thor common stock, respectively.

         In  addition  to  any  solicitations  that  may be  made  by any of the
above-referenced  persons, Thor has retained D.F. King & Co., Inc. ("D.F. King &
Co."),  BMO Nesbitt Burns Corp.  ("BMO Nesbitt Burns") and Barry Vogel to act as

         D.F.  King & Co. is a proxy  solicitor  that may  provide  solicitation
services with respect to banks, brokers,  institutional investors and individual
shareholders for which it will receive customary compensation. Employees of D.F.
King & Co. may communicate in person, by telephone or otherwise with persons who
are shareholders of Coachmen.

         BMO Nesbitt Burns is an  investment  banking firm that provides a range
of financial  services for institutional and individual  clients.  In connection
with the  engagement of BMO Nesbitt Burns as a financial  advisor to Thor,  Thor
anticipates that with respect to any solicitation the following  employee of BMO
Nesbitt  Burns may  communicate  in person,  by telephone  or  otherwise  with a
limited number of institutions, brokers or other persons who are shareholders of
Coachmen  for the purpose of  assisting in such  proposed  solicitation:  Steven
Knoop.  BMO  Nesbitt  Burns does not  believe  that it or any of its  directors,
officers,  employees or affiliates is a "participant" as defined in Schedule 14A
or  that  Schedule  14A  requires  the  disclosure  of  participant  information
regarding BMO Nesbitt Burns.  BMO Nesbitt Burns will not receive any fee for, or
in connection with, such solicitation  activities,  apart from the fees to which
they are otherwise entitled under the terms of their engagement. Thor has agreed
to pay BMO  Nesbitt  Burns  customary  compensation  for  acting as a  financial
advisor to Thor in this  transaction and has agreed to provide BMO Nesbitt Burns
and certain persons related to BMO Nesbitt Burns with customary  indemnification
against certain  liabilities,  including  certain  liabilities under the federal
securities  laws,  arising out of this  engagement.  An affiliate of BMO Nesbitt
Burns provides  commercial  lending  services to Thor. In the ordinary course of
its business, BMO Nesbitt Burns may trade securities of Coachmen or Thor for its
own account and the accounts of its customers, and accordingly,  may at any time
hold a long or short position in such securities. BMO Nesbitt Burns has informed
Thor that, as of the date hereof, it does not hold any shares of common stock of
Coachmen for its own account. BMO Nesbitt Burns and/or certain of its affiliates
may have voting and  dispositive  power with respect to certain shares of common
stock of Coachmen held in asset  management,  brokerage and other accounts.  BMO
Nesbitt Burns and each of its affiliates disclaim  beneficial  ownership of such

         In  addition  to  any  solicitations  that  may be  made  by any of the
above-referenced  persons,  Thor  has  retained  Mr.  Vogel  as an  advisor.  In
connection with his engagement,  Thor anticipates that Mr. Vogel may communicate
in person,  by  telephone or otherwise  with a limited  number of  institutions,
brokers or other  persons who are  shareholders  of Coachmen  for the purpose of
assisting in the proposed solicitation.  Mr. Vogel will not receive any fee for,
or in connection  with,  such  solicitation  activities,  apart from the fees to
which he is  otherwise  entitled  under  the terms of his  engagement.  Thor has
agreed to pay Mr. Vogel a fee as  compensation  for acting as an advisor to Thor
in this transaction.  Mr. Vogel and members of his immediate family beneficially
own 14,400 shares of common stock of Coachmen.