May 16, 2005

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549
Attention:  Jeffrey B. Werbitt, Esq.

    Re: Spartan Stores, Inc.
        Preliminary Schedule 14A filed on April 27, 2005 by Loeb Partners
        File No. 000-31127

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This letter responds to the comments of the staff of the Securities and Exchange
Commission  (the  "Staff")  contained  in their  letter  dated  May 6, 2005 (the
"Letter") relating to our above-captioned  filing. Any references in this letter
to the "Proxy  Statement"  refer to our Preliminary  Proxy Statement on Schedule
14A, File Number 000-31127.

     The numbers of our  responses  correspond to the numbers of the comments in
the Staff's Letter.  The page numbers  referenced below refer to the marked copy
of the Proxy Statement.

- -------


1.   We note that you  disclose on page 1 that Loeb is the  beneficial  owner of
     1,493,559  shares  of  common  stock  of  Spartan.  Please  reconcile  this
     disclosure with your security ownership disclosure in Annex A or advise.


     As reported in our Schedule 13D filed on April 28, 2005,  the Loeb Entities
     are the aggregate  beneficial  owner of 1,493,559  shares of Spartan common
     stock.  This  includes:  88,394  shares held by Loeb  Partners  Corporation
     (which includes shares of common stock held for the account of one customer
     of Loeb Partners  Corporation  as to which it has  investment  discretion),
     1,082,764  shares held by Loeb Arbitrage Fund,  101,042 shares held by Loeb
     Offshore  Fund Ltd.,  161,462  shares held by Loeb Marathon Fund LP and 59,
     897  shares  held by Loeb  Marathon  Offshore  Fund,  Ltd.  Loeb  Arbitrage
     Management,  Inc. is the general  partner of both Loeb  Arbitrage  Fund and
     Loeb  Marathon Fund and as such may be deemed the  beneficial  owner of the
     shares  held for the  account  of each of  them.  However,  Loeb  Arbitrage
     Management,  Inc. is not the direct  beneficial owner of any Spartan shares
     and as such the  1,244,266  shares  attributed  to such entity have already
     been included in  calculating  the total shares  beneficially  owned by the
     Loeb Entities.  We have amended the Proxy Statement to clarify this. Please
     see page A-2 of the Proxy Statement.

Securities and Exchange Commission
May 16, 2005
Page 2

Voting Procedures
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     How will my shares be voted?


2.   We  note  that  if  a  proxy  is  submitted  without   instructions,   your
     representatives  will vote "for" the two Loeb  nominees and will  "abstain"
     with respect to other matters to be voted on at the annual meeting. We also
     note that submitting the gold proxy card will entitle your  representatives
     to vote the shares in  accordance  with their  discretionary  authority  on
     matters  not  described  in this proxy  statement.  Please  reconcile  your
     statements or advise.


     Currently,  we intend to "abstain"  with respect to other matters set forth
     in Spartan's proxy statement but have our representatives  vote the proxies
     in accordance with their discretionary  authority on matters that may arise
     at the meeting but are not set forth in Spartan's proxy statement.  We have
     amended the Proxy Statement to clarify this. Please see page 6 of the Proxy

     Notwithstanding the foregoing,  if in fact the Spartan proxy statement sets
     forth additional matters to be considered at the meeting,  we may decide to
     seek  authority to vote the proxies in favor or against such other matters.
     If,  after the Spartan  proxy  statement  is filed,  we decide to seek such
     additional authority,  we will revise our proxy materials  accordingly.  We
     have added a footnote to our Proxy  Statement  to apprise  shareholders  of
     this possibility. Please see page 1 of the Proxy Statement.


3.   As noted in comment 2 above, it appears that you plan to use  discretionary
     authority on matters not described in this proxy that may arise at the 2005
     annual  meeting.  Please advise  whether you plan to revise your proxy card
     and the disclosure in your proxy statement to address the matters that will
     be presented in Spartan's 2005 proxy statement.  In this regard,  we remind
     you that discretionary  authority is not available to Loeb for matters that
     are known a reasonable time before the solicitation.


     Please see the response to comment #2 above.


4.   Please  advise  whether your proxy card will be revised to afford  security
     holders  an  opportunity  to vote for a Spartan  nominee  to fill the third
     board seat.  See Rule  14a-4(d)(4)  and SEC Release  No.  34-31326.  To the
     extent that Loeb does not intend to afford security  holders an opportunity
     to vote for any of the Spartan nominees, please revise the

Securities and Exchange Commission
May 16, 2005
Page 3

     proxy card and proxy statement to specifically  state that security holders
     executing Loeb's proxy card will effectively be precluded from voting for a
     Spartan  nominee  to fill the third  board  seat.  If you do not agree that
     security  holders  would be so  disenfranchised,  provide us with state law
     authority  that would  support a conclusion  that  security  holders  could
     validly execute the proxy card of Spartan and Loeb.


     In  accordance  with Rule  14a-4(d)(4),  we have  revised our proxy card to
     afford  security  holders an opportunity  to vote for a Spartan  nominee to
     fill the third board seat. Please see page Appendix-2 of the proxy card.

Annex A
- -------

     Information  Concerning Loeb and Other  Participants in its Solicitation of


5.   Please  revise to  definitively  indicate that all of the Loeb Entities are
     deemed a  participant,  as it appears  inappropriate  to indicate that such
     persons "may be deemed" participants in this solicitation.  In this regard,
     see  Instruction  3 to Item 4 of  Schedule  14A.  Also,  confirm  that  the
     preliminary  proxy  statement  includes all Item 4(b) and 5 (b) information
     with respect to each participant.  For example, it does not appear that you
     include the business address of Loeb or any of the Loeb Entities.


     We have amended the Proxy Statement to address the Staff's comment.  Please
     see page A-1 of the Proxy Statement.

Securities and Exchange Commission
May 16, 2005
Page 4

     Should you have any  questions or comments  with respect to the  foregoing,
please do not hesitate to contact our outside  counsel,  Patrick  Dooley of Akin
Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, at (212) 872-1080 or, in his absence, David Bersh
at (212) 872-8056.


                                                       /s/ Thomas L. Kempner

                                                       Thomas L. Kempner