(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)

Filed by the Registrant / /

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant: /X/

Check the appropriate box:

         /X/      Preliminary Proxy Statement
         / /      Confidential,  for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
                  Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
         / /      Definitive Proxy Statement
         / /      Definitive Additional Materials
         / /      Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Section  240.14a-11(c)  or
                  Section 240.14a-12

                               NASHUA CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                             THE NEWCASTLE PARTNERS'
                           VALUE REALIZATION COMMITTEE

                   (Name of Persons(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

         Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

         /X/      No fee required.

         / /      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)
                  and 0-11.

         (1)      Title  of  each  class  of  securities  to  which  transaction

         (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

         (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5)      Total fee paid:

         / /      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

         / /      Check  box if any part of the fee is  offset  as  provided  by
Exchange Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting
fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1)      Amount Previously Paid:

         (2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3)      Filing Party:

         (4)      Date Filed:


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                               NEWCASTLE PARTNERS'
                           VALUE REALIZATION COMMITTEE

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                               NASHUA CORPORATION


         This proxy statement  (this "Proxy  Statement") and BLUE proxy card are
being furnished in connection with the  solicitation of proxies by the Newcastle
Partners' Value Realization Committee (the "Value Realization  Committee" or the
"Committee")  for use at the upcoming  annual meeting of  stockholders of Nashua
Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation  ("Nashua" or the  "Company"),  and at any
adjournments or postponements  thereof (the "2000 Annual  Meeting").  Nashua has
provided notice that the 2000 Annual Meeting will be held on April 25, 2000, and
that the record date for determining  stockholders  entitled to notice of and to
vote at the 2000 Annual Meeting is March 14, 2000 (the "Record Date").

         The Company has publicly  stated that at the 2000 Annual  Meeting,  the
Company's  stockholders  will be asked to (i) elect the  Board of  Directors  of
Nashua  (the  "Board"),  (ii)  and take  action  upon a  proposal  made by Gamco
Investors to request the Board to redeem the  Preferred  Stock  Purchase  Rights
issued in July of 1996 unless said issuance is approved by the affirmative  vote
of a majority of the  outstanding  Shares (as defined below) at a meeting of the
stockholders  held as soon as practical (the "Pill  Redemption  Proposal"),  and
(iii) consider other business properly brought before the 2000 Annual Meeting.

         The Value  Realization  Committee has nominated four  individuals to be
elected to the Board:  Mark E.  Schwarz,  John A. (Pete)  Bricker,  Jr.,  Dan E.
Bruhl,  M.D.  and  Joseph A.  Malick  (the  "Nominees").  The Value  Realization
Committee  is  soliciting  proxies for the election of the Nominees to the Board
and members of the Value  Realization  Committee intend to vote their Shares for
the  election of the  Nominees.  In  addition,  although  the Value  Realization
Committee is not soliciting  proxies in favor of the Pill  Redemption  Proposal,
members of the Value  Realization  Committee also intend to vote their Shares in
favor of such proposal.  If you sign and return the enclosed BLUE proxy card but
do not specify how to vote, we will vote your Shares in favor of the election of
the Nominees and the Pill Redemption Proposal.


         On the Record  Date,  the Company has stated  that  ________  shares of
common  stock of the  Company,  $1.00 par value per share  (the  "Shares")  were
outstanding  and entitled to vote at the 2000 Annual  Meeting.  As of such date,
the  members  of  the  Value  Realization  Committee,  along  with  all  of  the
participants in this solicitation, were the beneficial owners of an aggregate of
_______ Shares which represents  approximately ___% of the Shares outstanding on
the Record Date (based on information publicly disclosed by the Company).

         This Proxy  Statement and the BLUE proxy card are first being furnished
to Nashua stockholders on or about March __, 2000. As Nominees, Messrs. Schwarz,
Bricker,  Bruhl and  Malick  are also  deemed to be  participants  in this proxy
solicitation. Stockholders of record at the close of business on the Record Date
will be  entitled  to one vote at the Annual  Meeting for each Share held on the
Record Date. The principal  executive  offices of Nashua are 44 Franklin Street,
Nashua, New Hampshire 03060.

         In  the  event  the  Company   purports  to  increase   the  number  of
directorships  pursuant  to  Article  III,  Section 2 of the  Bylaws,  the Value
Realization  Committee  reserves  the right to  nominate  additional  persons as
director such that the Nominees would constitute a majority of the Board.


         The Value Realization  Committee is not aware of any other proposals to
be brought before the Annual Meeting. However, should other proposals be brought
before the Annual  Meeting,  the persons  named as proxies in the enclosed  BLUE
proxy card will vote on such matters in their discretion.


         Your vote is  important,  no matter how many or how few Shares you own.
The Value Realization Committee urges you to sign, date, and return the enclosed
BLUE proxy card today to vote FOR the election of the Nominees.

         The  Nominees are  committed,  subject to their  fiduciary  duty to the
Company's stockholders, to giving all the Company's stockholders the opportunity
to receive the maximum  present value for their Shares.  A vote FOR the Nominees
will  enable you - as the owners of the Company - to send a message to the Board
that you are committed to maximizing the present value of your Shares.

/ /      If your Shares are  registered  in your own name,  please sign and date
         the enclosed BLUE proxy card and return it to the  Newcastle  Partners'
         Value  Realization  Committee,  c/o D.  F.  King &  Co.,  Inc.,  in the
         enclosed  envelope today. You are urged not to sign any proxy card sent
         to you by Nashua.


/ /      If any of your Shares are held in the name of a brokerage  firm,  bank,
         bank nominee or other  institution on the record date, only it can vote
         such  Shares  and only  upon  receipt  of your  specific  instructions.
         Accordingly, please contact the person responsible for your account and
         instruct that person to execute on your behalf the BLUE proxy card. The
         Value  Realization  Committee urges you to confirm your instructions in
         writing to the person  responsible  for your  account  and to provide a
         copy of such instructions to the Newcastle  Partners' Value Realization
         Committee,  c/o D.  F.  King & Co.,  Inc.,  who is  assisting  in  this
         solicitation, at the address and telephone numbers set forth below, and
         on the back cover of this Proxy  Statement,  so that we may be aware of
         all instructions  and can attempt to ensure that such  instructions are

                 If you have any questions regarding your proxy,
             or need assistance in voting your Shares, please call:

                             D. F. KING & CO., INC.
                                 77 Water Street
                          New York, New York 10005-4495

                         Call toll-free: (800) ___-____
                Bankers and Brokers Call Collect: (212) ___-____


                       PROPOSAL I - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Why You Should Vote For The Value Realization Committee Nominees

         The Value  Realization  Committee  believes  that the  election  of the
Nominees  represents the best means for the Company's  stockholders  to maximize
the present value of their Shares. The Value Realization Committee believes that
the  present  value of the Shares is most  likely to be  maximized  if the Board
conducts a  comprehensive  and  impartial  review of all  available  options for
realizing increased  stockholder value,  including  additional share buybacks, a
Dutch Tender, a cash distribution,  a recapitalization,  or the possibility that
the Company be sold in whole or in part. The Committee further believes that the
Board's comprehensive and impartial consideration of all available options would
be best served by the election of the Value  Realization  Committee  Nominees to
the Board.  In considering  who is most capable of maximizing  value,  the Value
Realization  Committee believes that it is in the best interests of stockholders
to elect a new  majority  to the Board who are  unaffiliated  with the  existing

         The Company's  stock price over the past several  years,  during one of
the greatest  bull  markets in history,  demonstrates  the Board's  inability to
create value for its  stockholders.  According to  information  contained in the
management's  Proxy Statement for the 2000 Annual Meeting (the "Management Proxy
Statement"), during the period from December 31, 1994 through December 31, 1999,
the Company's  share price  performance has trailed both the S&P 500 Index and a
peer group index  selected by the Company by substantial  margins.  According to
the Management Proxy Statement,  during this period the cumulative total returns
for the S&P 500 Index and the Company's peer group index were 251.1% and 117.7%,
respectively,  while in contrast the  Company's  Shares  actually  lost 62.3% of
their value.

         The Company's poor stock price  performance  during one of the greatest
bull markets in history is reflective of the Company's  disappointing  operating
performance.  During the seven  years  ended  December  31,  1999,  the  Company
reported  a  cumulative  pretax  loss  from  continuing  operations  that in the
aggregate totals $96.269 million.

                   Year            (in millions of dollars)

                   1993                    ($16.815)
                   1994                    ($13.625)
                   1995                    ($34.998)
                   1996                    ($11.464)
                   1997                    ($10.300)
                   1998                    ($11.950)
                   1999                     $2.883
               Total Losses                ($96.269)


The  Value  Realization  Committee  considers  a  cumulative  pretax  loss  from
continuing  operations  totaling $96.352 million over the last seven years to be
staggering  when  compared to the  Company's  December 31, 1999  reported  total
stockholder's  equity of $66.826 million and the Company's  public market equity
value of  approximately  $44.0  million  (based on the December 31, 1999 closing
share price of $7.50 and assuming 5,891,949  outstanding  Shares, as reported in
the Company's Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended October 1, 1999).

         While  management  has promised  stockholders  improved  results,  poor
performance  has  continued.  In his  letter  to  stockholders  included  in the
Company's 1997 Annual Report, Gerald G. Garbacz,  Chairman,  President and Chief
Executive Officer stated that "We are confident that 1998 will yield the results
you deserve.  This is a promise not only made by me, but also by every  employee
of Nashua." However,  the following year the Company reported a pretax loss from
continuing  operations of $11.950 million.  Additionally,  in the Company's 1998
Annual Report, Mr. Garbacz stated "In 1999 and beyond, our emphasis is on growth
- - - both in revenues and in profitability."  However, in 1999 the Company reported
sales growth of only 1.8% and anemic pretax income from continuing operations of
only $2.883 million, a paltry 1.7% pretax margin on sales of $170.844 million.

         It is important to note that the above-referenced operating losses were
experienced  despite  substantial  capital  expenditures.  During the past seven
years the  Company  has  reinvested  an  aggregate  of $56.672  million.  In the
Committee's  opinion, the capital expenditures appear to have created little, if
any, return on investment,  based on the Company's  $96.352  million  cumulative
pretax loss from  continuing  operations  during  this same period of time.  The
Value Realization  Committee considers capital expenditures that approximate $57
million to be enormous when  compared to the  Company's  December 31, 1999 total
investment in plant and equipment (net of depreciation) of $40.002 million,  the
Company's  total  stockholder's  equity of  $66.826  million  and the  Company's
December 31, 1999 public market equity value of approximately $44.0 million.

                            Capital Expenditures
           Year             (in millions of dollars)
           ----             ------------------------
           1993                     $11.470
           1994                     $11.306
           1995                      $9.044
           1996                      $5.877
           1997                      $4.418
           1998                      $6.702
           1999                      $7.855
           Total                    $56.672

         The  Value  Realization  Committee  is  concerned  that  Mr.  Garbacz's
reference in a Company  press  release on March 9, 2000 to a "planned  strategic
acquisition" will fail to create value for


stockholders  and will,  in the  process,  exhaust the  Company's  current  cash
balances.  In the 1998  Annual  Report,  Mr.  Garbacz  stated  in his  letter to
stockholders  that  "Our  strong  cash  position  is a real  asset as we  pursue
strategic  alliances and acquisitions."  The Value Realization  Committee agrees
that the  Company's  cash  position is strong,  as  evidenced  by the  Company's
December 31, 1999 cash and cash equivalents of $25.056 million,  plus additional
restricted  cash of $5.0  million.  However,  the  Value  Realization  Committee
believes that any  acquisition,  no matter how rosy the  projections,  entails a
high degree of risk and, therefore, is not the best use of the Company's cash at
this time.

         The    Value    Realization    Committee    notes    that    in    1996
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Nashua's own audit firm, conducted a nationwide study of
124 recently  merged or acquired  companies,  and found that the objectives that
drove the deal were met only half the time and often took years to be  realized.
Additionally,  the Value Realization Committee notes that an exhaustive analysis
of  hundreds of deals made in the first half of the 1990s led  Business  Week to
conclude that even those deals that were several years old hadn't begun to work.
Of 150 deals valued at $500 million each or more, about half actually  destroyed
stockholder  value.1  Based on these  results and in  conjunction  with the poor
performance record of the Company's management,  the Value Realization Committee
believes  that  the  likelihood  of  creating   stockholder   value  through  an
acquisition is not good.

         With regard to who is most likely to maximize the present  value of the
Shares,  the  Committee  notes that no single  member of the Board or management
individually  owns greater than 1% of the Shares and that collectively the Board
and  management  together  own less than 1.5% of the  Shares,  when  options and
restricted  stock are  excluded  from the  calculation  of  ownership,  based on
information  contained in the Management Proxy  Statement.  Given this fact, the
Value  Realization  Committee  finds it  curious  that Mr.  Garbacz's  describes
himself as "one of the Company's largest shareholders" in the Company's March 9,
2000 press release. The lack of significant ownership of the Shares by the Board
and management, when excluding options and restricted stock, may contribute to a
lack of commitment  to  maximizing  the value of the Shares or result in actions
taken by the  Company  that are not always in the best  interest  of the greater
majority of stockholders generally.

                                      options and             Percent of
   Name of Beneficial Owner         restricted stock             Class+
   ------------------------         ----------------             ------

   Sheldon A. Buckler                    7,589                     *
   Gerald G. Garbacz                    37,612                     *
   Charles S. Hoppin                     6,589                     *

- - --------
         1Mark L. Feldman and Michael E.  Spratt,  Five Frogs on a Log, pp. 7, 9


                                      options and             Percent of
   Name of Beneficial Owner         restricted stock             Class+
   ------------------------         ----------------             ------
    John J. Ireland                       642                     *
    John M. Kucharski                   7,089                     *
    Joseph R. Matson                      880                     *
    David C. Miller, Jr                 4,589                     *
    Peter J. Murphy                     3,652                     *
    James F. Orr III                    8,589                     *
    John L. Patenaude                   2,610                     *
    Bruce T. Wright                     2,938                     *
    Directors and Executive
    Officers as a group                82,779                   1.4%

- - ------------
*Less than 1%

+ Assuming 5,891,949  outstanding Shares, as reported in the Company's Form 10-Q
for the quarterly period ended October 1, 1999.

         The Value Realization  Committee believes that the value of the Company
has not been  maximized  by the Board and it is  committed  to giving all of the
Company's  stockholders  an opportunity to receive the maximum present value for
their Shares. If all are elected, the Nominees will constitute a majority of the
current seven members of the Board and will,  subject to their fiduciary duties,
seek to conduct a comprehensive and impartial review of all available options to
increase stockholder value, including additional share buybacks, a Dutch Tender,
a cash distribution, a recapitalization,  or the possibility that the Company be
sold in whole or in part. Neither the Value Realization Committee, nor any other
person on its  behalf,  has made or  undertaken  any  analyses  or reports as to
whether  stockholder  present  value  will  be  maximized  as a  result  of this
solicitation.  There can be no  assurance  that the present  value of the Shares
will be  maximized  as a result  of this  solicitation  or the  election  of the

The Nominees

         The Value  Realization  Committee is proposing that the stockholders of
the Company elect the Nominees to the Board at the Annual Meeting.  If required,
The Value Realization Committee intends to distribute to the stockholders of the
Company supplemental  materials,  in the event that the Board takes action after
the date of this Proxy  Statement,  to increase  the number of  directors of the
Company.   In  the  event  the  Company  purports  to  increase  the  number  of
directorships  pursuant  to  Article  III,  Section 2 of the  Bylaws,  The Value
Realization Committee reserves the right to


nominate  additional persons as director such that the Nominees would constitute
a  majority  of  the  Board.  The  participants  intend  to  distribute  to  the
stockholders of the Company  supplemental  materials in the event that the Board
takes  action  after the date of this Proxy  Statement to increase the number of
directors of the Company.

         The Full Value Committee And Its Slate

         The Full Value Committee is composed of Mark E. Schwarz, John A. (Pete)
Bricker,   Jr.  and  Newcastle  Partners,   L.P,  a  Texas  limited  partnership
("Newcastle").  Mark E. Schwarz,  John A. Bricker,  Jr., Dan E. Bruhl,  M.D. and
Joseph A. Malick constitute the Nominees for election to the Board. Biographical
data on the Nominees is set forth below.  The  Committee  was formed on or about
February  24, 2000.  The  Committee is an  unincorporated  association  with its
office at 4514 Cole Avenue, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas 75205. Its telephone number
is (214) 559-7145. The Committee's officers are Messrs. Schwarz and Bricker.

         The  following  information  sets  forth  the name,  business  address,
present  principal   occupation,   and  employment  and  material   occupations,
positions, offices, or employments for the past five years of the Nominees. This
information  has  been  furnished  to the  Value  Realization  Committee  by the
Nominees. Where no date is given for the commencement of the indicated office or
position,  such office or position  was assumed  prior to January 1, 1995.  Each
person listed below is a citizen of the United States.

         Mark E. Schwarz (39) is one of the nominees for director.  Mr.  Schwarz
has been the sole  general  partner  of  Newcastle  Partners,  L.P.,  a  private
investment  firm,  since  January 1993. In  conjunction  with his  management of
Newcastle Partners, L.P., Mr. Schwarz was also Vice President of Sandera Capital
L.L.C., a private investment firm affiliated with Hunt Financial Group,  L.L.C.,
a Dallas-based  investment firm associated with the Lamar Hunt family  ("Hunt"),
from December 1995 to June 1999 and Manager from May 1995 to September 1999. Mr.
Schwarz was a securities analyst and portfolio manager for SCM Advisors, L.L.C.,
a  Hunt-affiliated  registered  investment  advisor,  from May 1993 to 1996. For
information  regarding  Newcastle  Partners,  L.P., see below under "Participant
Information".  Mr. Schwarz has been a director of Bell Industries,  Inc., a NYSE
listed  company,  since  February 2000. Mr. Schwarz was previously a director of
Aydin  Corporation,  a NYSE listed company,  from October 1998 until its sale to
L-3  Communications  Corporation  in April 1999 at a price of  $13.50.  The sale
price of $13.50  represented  a 64% premium over the reported  closing  price of
$8.1875 per share the last trading day before Mr.  Schwarz  became a director of
Aydin  Corporation.  As of the  Record  Date,  Mr.  Schwarz  beneficially  owned
_________  Shares,  all of which were owned by  Newcastle  Partners,  L.P..  The
business address of Mr. Schwarz is 4514 Cole Avenue,  Suite 600, Dallas,  Texas.
For information regarding Mr. Schwarz's purchases and sales of Shares during the
past two years, see Schedule I.

         John A. (Pete)  Bricker,  Jr. (48) is one of the nominees for director.
Mr.  Bricker  has  been a  principal  of SCM  Advisors,  L.L.C.,  an  investment
management  services firm,  since January 1992. Mr. Bricker was also a principal
of Sandera Capital Management, L.P., an investment management


services  firm,  from  December  1995 to June 1999.  Mr.  Bricker was an Adjunct
Lecturer in Finance,  Southern Methodist  University,  from May 1993 to May 1997
and a Lecturer in Finance,  Southern Methodist  University,  from August 1987 to
May 1993. Mr. Bricker was a director of General  Housewares Corp., a NYSE listed
company,  from November 1998 to May 1999.  General Housewares Corp., was sold to
Corning Consumer Products Company for $28.75 per share in October 1999. The sale
price of $28.75  represented  a 238%  premium to the reported  closing  price of
$8.50  on  September  28,  1998,   the  day  Mr.  Bricker   formerly   requested
representation on General  Houseware's Board of Directors in an amended Schedule
13D filing.  As of the Record Date,  Mr.  Bricker owns 100 Shares.  The business
address of Mr. Bricker is 5949 Sherry Lane, Suite 1350, Dallas, Texas 75225. For
information  regarding  Mr.  Bricker's  purchases and sales of Shares during the
past two years, see Schedule I.

         Dan E. Bruhl, M.D. (57) is one of the nominees for director.  Dr. Bruhl
has been an Associate  Physician of  Ophthalmic  Partners of Texas,  a physician
professional  corporation  since  1996.  Dr.  Bruhl  was also  President  and an
Associate Physician of Ophthalmology Associates from 1973 to 1996. Dr. Bruhl has
been a director of Akorn,  Inc., a NASDAQ listed company,  since 1983. Dr. Bruhl
was previously a director of Surgical Care  Affiliates,  a NYSE listed  company,
from 1984  until its sale to  HealthSouth  Corporation  in 1996.  As of the date
hereof,  Dr.  Bruhl  did not  beneficially  own any  Shares.  Mr.  Bruhl has not
purchased or sold any Shares in the past two years.  The business address of Dr.
Bruhl is 1201 Summit Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76102.

         Joseph A. Malick (33) is one of the nominees for  director.  Mr. Malick
has been a director and the General  Counsel of The Crossroads  Group, a private
equity investment  management firm, since February 2000. Prior to such time, Mr.
Malick  was an  Associate  with  Akin,  Gump,  Strauss,  Hauer &  Feld,  L.L.P.,
attorneys at law, from  September  1995 to February 2000. As of the date hereof,
Mr. Malick did not beneficially own any Shares.  Mr. Malick has not purchased or
sold any Shares in the past two years.  The  business  address of Mr.  Malick is
1717 Main Street, Suite 2500, Dallas, Texas 75201.

         The  Nominees  will  not  receive  any  compensation   from  the  Value
Realization  Committee  for their  services  as a director  of the  Company.  On
February 24, 2000,  Newcastle,  Mark E. Schwarz and John A. (Pete) Bricker,  Jr.
entered into an agreement pursuant to which, among other things, (i) they formed
the Value  Realization  Committee and Mr.  Bricker agreed to nominate a slate of
directors  to the Nashua Board and solicit  proxies for the 2000 Annual  Meeting
for their  slate of  directors  for the Board,  (ii) they agreed to make a joint
filing on behalf of each of them of  statements  on Schedule 13D with respect to
the common stock of the Company at such time as such  statements are required to
be filed and (iii) Newcastle agreed to bear all expenses  incurred in connection
with the  nomination of the Nominees to the Nashua Board,  and related  actions.
Each Nominee is also party to an indemnification  agreement between such Nominee
and Newcastle  pursuant to which Newcastle has agreed to indemnify and hold such
Nominee  harmless for  liabilities,  costs and other  expenses  incurred by such
Nominee in connection with their agreement to serve as a Nominee.


         The reason for  nominating  the Nominees to the Nashua Board is to seek
to elect directors who are committed,  among other things,  to maximizing  value
for all of  Nashua's  stockholders.  Other  than as stated  above,  there are no
arrangements or understandings  between the Value Realization Committee and each
Nominee  or any  other  person  or  person  pursuant  to which  the  nominations
described  herein are to be made, other than the consent by each of the Nominees
to serve as a director of the Company if elected as such at the Annual  Meeting.
The  Nominees  have  executed  written  consents  agreeing  to be a nominee  for
election  of  director  of the Company and to serve as a director if so elected.
The Nominees  have not been  convicted in any  criminal  proceedings  (excluding
traffic violations or similar  misdemeanors) over the past ten years and are not
adverse to the Company or any of its  subsidiaries in any material pending legal

         According to the Company's  public  filings,  if elected as a director,
each  Nominee,  as a  non-employee  director,  will  receive an annual  retainer
payable in Shares with a market value of $15,000.  They will also receive $1,000
in cash  plus  expenses  for each  Board  meeting  and Board  committee  meeting
attended and are each year awarded  options to purchase  1,000 Shares  having an
exercise  price  equal to the fair  market  value for such Shares on the date of
award under  provisions of Nashua's 1996 Stock Incentive Plan. The Lead Director
is compensated an additional $7,500 annually in cash.

         The Value Realization  Committee does not expect that the Nominees will
be unable to stand for election,  but, in the event that such persons are unable
to do so, the Shares  represented  by the enclosed BLUE proxy card will be voted
for alternate nominees.  In addition,  The Value Realization  Committee reserves
the right to nominate  substitute or additional  persons if the Company makes or
announces any changes to its Bylaws, including increasing the size of the Board,
or takes or announces any other action that has, or if  consummated  would have,
the effect of disqualifying the Nominees.  In any such case, Shares  represented
by the enclosed BLUE proxy card will be voted for such  substitute or additional
nominees.  Also, in the event the election of directors is by cumulative voting,
the persons named in the enclosed  proxy will cumulate the votes  represented by
the proxies so as to elect the maximum number of Nominees possible, which number
may be less than four.


                     REDEEM ITS 1996 SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN

         The Value  Realization  Committee  has included  this  proposal for the
convenience  of the  stockholders.  The proposal in its entirety,  together with
management's  response,  is reprinted from the Management Proxy  Statement.  The
Value Realization Committee does not hereby express an opinion on this proposal;
however,  each of the members of the Value Realization Committee intends to vote
their  Shares in favor of such  proposal.  The  proposal  as it  appears  in the
Management Proxy Statement follows:


         GAMCO Investors,  Inc.  ("GAMCO"),  One Corporate Center, Rye, New York
10580-1434,  which is the  owner of  record of  777,099  shares of common  stock
(approximately  13.3% of the  outstanding  shares  of common  stock),  has given
notice that it intends to present the  following  resolution  at the 2000 Annual
meeting of Stockholders.  The proposed  resolution and supporting  statement for
which the Board of Directors  and the Company  accept no  responsibility  are as


         RESOLVED:       That  the  shareholders  of  Nashua   Corporation  (the
                         "Company")  hereby  request the Board of  Directors  to
                         redeem the Preferred  Stock  Purchase  Rights issued in
                         July of 1996,  unless said  issuance is approved by the
                         affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of  the  outstanding
                         shares at a meeting of the shareholders held as soon as


         On July 19, 1996, the Board of Directors  adopted a shareholder  rights
plan,  which  declared  a  dividend  distribution  of one stock  purchase  right
("right" or "rights") for each outstanding  share of common stock.  These rights
are a type of corporate anti-takeover device, commonly known as a "poison pill."

         Under the rights plan, as amended,  the rights are  exercisable  when a
person or group acquires a beneficial interest in 20% of the common stock of the
Company,  or  announces  a tender or  exchange  offer that would  result in such
person or group owning 20% or more of the Company's  common stock. The result of
the issuance of the rights is to vastly increase the cost to a potential  bidder
of  effecting  any merger or tender  offer that is not  approved by the Board of
Directors. The Company may redeem the rights for $.01 per right.

         A proposal to redeem the rights was submitted by GAMCO Investors,  Inc.
and included in the Company's  proxy  statement for its 1998 annual  meeting.  A
majority of the  stockholders  voting at the 1998 meeting  voted in favor of the
proposal.  However,  the Company  declined  to follow the express  wishes of the
shareholders.  Instead,  in  response  to the  shareholder  vote,  the  Board of
Directors merely increased the threshold at which the rights become  exercisable
from 10% to 20%.

         The Company's  poison pill is particularly  unjustified in light of the
long-standing  inability of  management to bring the value of the Company to the
surface.  The performance graph on page 10 of the Company's 1998 proxy statement
vividly  displays that since 1993 the Company has  substantially  underperformed
the S&P 500 Index as well as its composite peer group. However, the


poison pill, which was unilaterally adopted by the Board of Directors, serves to
entrench existing management.

         We believe the  shareholders  are  entitled to decide on what is a fair
price  for  their  holdings.  However,  as a  consequence  of the  poison  pill,
potential  bidders  for  the  Company's  stock  are  forced  to  negotiate  with
management,  and are  effectively  precluded from taking their offer directly to
the shareholders.

         In the face of  significant  and  continuing  declines in the Company's
stock  price  over the past six  years,  the  Board,  in an  effort  to  improve
shareholder  value,  should  redeem  the  rights or put their  continuance  to a
shareholder vote as soon as practical.

         We urge shareholders to vote for this resolution.


         The Board makes no recommendation  with respect to the adoption of this

         The affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of the
Common  Stock  entitled to vote held by  stockholders  present at the meeting in
person or by proxy is required  for  approval  of this  proposal.  Because  this
proposal  is  considered  a  "non-discretionary"  vote  under the New York Stock
Exchange  rules,  broker  non-votes will be excluded and considered not cast for
purposes in determining whether this proposal has been approved.  Approval would
not,  however,  require that the requested action be taken since the proposal is
precatory.  Nevertheless, the Company's Board of Directors intends to redeem the
rights outstanding under the Nashua Corporation  Shareholder Rights Plan if this
proposal  is  approved  by the  stockholders  at  this  annual  meeting.  Unless
otherwise indicated,  the persons named on the proxy will abstain from voting on
this proposal.

                           VOTING AND PROXY PROCEDURES

         Only  stockholders  of record on the Record  Date will be  entitled  to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting. Each Share is entitled to one vote.
Stockholders  who sell Shares  before the Record Date (or acquire  them  without
voting rights after the Record Date) may not vote such Shares.  Stockholders  of
record on the Record Date will retain their voting rights in connection with the
Annual  Meeting even if they sell such Shares  after the Record  Date.  Based on
publicly available  information,  The Value Realization  Committee believes that
the only outstanding  class of securities of the Company entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting are the Shares.

         Shares  represented by properly executed BLUE proxy cards will be voted
at the Annual  Meeting as marked and,  in the absence of specific  instructions,
will be voted FOR the  election  of as many of the  Nominees to the Board as the
voted  represented  by such proxies are  entitled to elect,  FOR the Poison Pill
Removal  and in the  discretion  of the  persons  named as  proxies on all other
matters as may properly come before the Annual  Meeting.  Holders of Shares have
one vote for each


share. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes, up to the number of
directors to be elected  (which is  presently  seven),  shall be elected.  Votes
against a director and votes withheld  shall have no legal effect.  In the event
the Company purports to increase the number of directorships pursuant to Article
III, Section 2 of the Bylaws, the Value Realization Committee reserves the right
to  nominate  additional  persons  as  director  such  that the  Nominees  would
constitute a majority of the Board.

         A quorum  must be present to take any action on a voting  matter at the
Annual  Meeting.  The presence in person or by proxy of the persons  entitled to
vote a majority of the Shares will  constitute  a quorum at the Annual  Meeting.
For  purposes  of  determining  the  number  of  Shares  present  in  person  or
represented  by proxy on voting  matters,  all votes cast  "FOR",  "AGAINST"  or
"ABSTAIN" are included.  A "Broker Non-Vote" is a vote withheld by a broker on a
particular  matter  because the broker has not  received  instructions  from the
customer for whose account the shares are held. Broker non-votes and abstentions
are not treated as shares that are present and  entitled to vote for purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum. Broker non-votes and abstentions will have
no effect on the election of directors.

         Stockholders  of the Company may revoke their proxies at any time prior
to its exercise by attending the Annual  Meeting and voting in person  (although
attendance at the Annual Meeting will not in and of itself constitute revocation
of a proxy) or by delivering a written notice of  revocation.  The delivery of a
subsequently   dated  proxy  which  is  properly  completed  will  constitute  a
revocation of any earlier proxy.  The revocation may be delivered  either to the
Value  Realization  Committee,  in care of D. F. King & Co., Inc, at the address
set forth on the back cover of this Proxy  Statement  or to the  Company,  at 44
Franklin  Street,  Nashua,  New Hampshire 03060 or any other address provided by
the Company. Although a revocation is effective if delivered to the Company, the
Value  Realization  Committee  requests that either the original or  photostatic
copies of all revocations be mailed to the Value Realization Committee,  in care
of D. F. King & Co.,  Inc,  at the  address  set forth on the back cover of this
Proxy  Statement so that the Value  Realization  Committee  will be aware of all
revocations  and can more  accurately  determine  if and when  proxies have been
received  from the  holders  of record on the Record  Date of a majority  of the
outstanding Shares.



                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

         The  solicitation of proxies  pursuant to this Proxy Statement is being
made by the Value  Realization  Committee.  Proxies  may be  solicited  by mail,
facsimile, telephone, telegraph, in person and by advertisements.  Solicitations
may  be  made  by  certain  directors,  officers  and  employees  of  the  Value
Realization  Committee,  none of whom will receive  additional  compensation for
such solicitation.

         The Value Realization  Committee has retained D. F. King & Co., Inc for
solicitation  and advisory  services in connection with this  solicitation,  for
which D. F. King & Co., Inc will receive $[25,000]  together with  reimbursement
for its  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  and  will be  indemnified  against
certain  liabilities  and  expenses,  including  certain  liabilities  under the
federal  securities  laws.  D. F.  King & Co.,  Inc will  solicit  proxies  from
individuals,  brokers, banks, bank nominees and other institutional holders. The
Value  Realization  Committee has requested  banks,  brokerage  houses and other
custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries to forward all  solicitation  materials to
the  beneficial  owners  of the  Shares  they  hold of  record.  Newcastle  will
reimburse these record holders for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in so
doing. It is anticipated that D. F. King & Co., Inc will employ approximately 30
persons to solicit the Company's stockholders for the Annual Meeting.

         The entire  expense of soliciting  proxies is being borne by Newcastle.
Newcastle does not currently  intend to seek  reimbursement of the costs of this
solicitation  from the  Company,  although  if some or all of the  Nominees  are
elected, Newcastle may seek reimbursement from the Company for the costs of this
solicitation.  Costs of this solicitation of proxies are currently  estimated to
be approximately $150,000. Newcastle estimates that through the date hereof, its
expenses in connection with this solicitation are approximately $20,000.


         The Value  Realization  Committee is comprised  of  Newcastle,  Mark E.
Schwarz and John A. (Pete) Bricker, Jr. On February 24, 2000, Newcastle, Mark E.
Schwarz and John A. (Pete)  Bricker,  Jr. entered into an Agreement  pursuant to
which, among other things,  (i) they formed the Value Realization  Committee and
Bricker  agreed to nominate a slate of directors to the Nashua Board and solicit
proxies for the Annual Meeting for their slate of directors for the Board,  (ii)
they agreed to make a joint  filing on behalf of each of them of  statements  on
Schedule 13D with respect to the common stock of the Company and (iii) Newcastle
agreed to bear all expenses  incurred in connection  with the  nomination of the
Nominees to the Board,  and related actions.  As of the date hereof,  members of
the Value  Realization  Committee  beneficially own [ ] Shares.  For information
regarding the Value Realization  Committee  purchases and sales of Shares during
the past two years, see Schedule I.


         The principal  business of Newcastle is the purchase,  sale,  exchange,
acquisition and holding of investment securities. The principal business address
of Newcastle  is 4514 Cole  Avenue,  Suite 600,  Dallas,  Texas  75205.  Mark E.
Schwarz  is the sole  general  partner  of  Newcastle.  As of the  date  hereof,
Newcastle was the beneficial owner of [ ] Shares. Mr. Schwarz  beneficially owns
[ ] Shares.  For information  regarding the purchases and sales of Shares during
the past two years by Newcastle, see Schedule I.

         Mr.  Bricker is a principal  of SCM  Advisors,  L.L.C.,  an  investment
management  services firm. As of the date hereof, Mr. Bricker  beneficially owns
100 Shares.  For information  regarding the purchases and sales of Shares during
the past two years by Mr. Bricker, see Schedule I.

         Dr. Bruhl is an Associate  Physician of Ophthalmic Partners of Texas, a
physician  professional  corporation.  Dr. Bruhl does not  beneficially  own any

         Mr.  Malick is a director  and the  General  Counsel of The  Crossroads
Group,  a  private  equity  investment  management  firm.  Mr.  Malick  does not
beneficially own any Shares.

         The Board has a single class of  directors.  At each annual  meeting of
stockholders,  the directors are elected to a one-year  term.  The Nominees,  if
elected, would serve as directors for the term expiring in 2001 or until the due
election and qualification of their successors.  The Value Realization Committee
has no reason to believe any of the Nominees will be  disqualified  or unable or
unwilling to serve if elected.

                                 AND THE COMPANY

         Except as set forth in this Proxy  Statement  (including  the Schedules
hereto), neither the Value Realization Committee, nor any of the Nominees or any
of the  other  participants  in this  solicitation,  or any of their  respective
associates:  (i)  directly  or  indirectly  beneficially  owns any Shares or any
securities of the Company; (ii) has had any relationship with the Company in any
capacity  other  than  as a  stockholder,  or is or  has  been  a  party  to any
transactions,  or series of similar  transactions,  since January 1, 1998,  with
respect to any Shares; or (iii) knows of any transactions since January 1, 1998,
currently proposed transaction, or series of similar transactions,  to which the
Company or any of its  subsidiaries was or is to be a party, in which the amount
involved exceeds $60,000 and in which any of them or their respective affiliates
had, or will have, a direct or indirect material  interest.  In addition,  other
than as set forth herein, there are no contracts, arrangements or understandings
entered  into by the Value  Realization  Committee or any of the Nominees or any
other  participant in this  solicitation or any of their  respective  associates
within  the past year  with any  person  with  respect  to any of the  Company's
securities,  including,  but not  limited  to,  joint  ventures,  loan or option
arrangements,  puts or calls,  guarantees  against loss or guarantees of profit,
division of losses or profits, or the giving or withholding of proxies.


         Except as set forth in this Proxy  Statement  (including  the Schedules
hereto),  neither the Value Realization  Committee nor any of the Nominees,  nor
any of the other participants in this  solicitation,  or any of their respective
associates, has entered into any agreement or understanding with any person with
respect to (i) any future  employment  by the Company or its  affiliates or (ii)
any future  transactions  to which the Company or any of its affiliates  will or
may be a party. However, the Value Realization Committee has reviewed,  and will
continue to review,  on the basis of  publicly  available  information,  various
possible  business  strategies  that they might  consider  in the event that the
Nominees are elected to the Board.  In  addition,  if and to the extent that the
Nominees are elected,  the Nominees  intend to conduct a detailed  review of the
Company and its assets,  financial  projections,  corporate structure,  dividend
policy,  capitalization,   operations,   properties,  policies,  management  and
personnel and consider and determine what, if any, changes would be desirable in
light of the circumstances which then exist.


         The Value Realization  Committee is not aware of any other proposals to
be brought before the Annual Meeting. However, should other proposals be brought
before the Annual  Meeting,  the persons  named as proxies on the enclosed  BLUE
proxy card will vote on such matters in their discretion.

                                        THE VALUE REALIZATION COMMITTEE II, L.P

                                        March 14, 2000


                                   SCHEDULE I


Shares of Common                           Price                     Date of
Stock Purchased/(Sold)                   Per Share                Purchase/Sale

                            NEWCASTLE PARTNERS, L.P.

5,000                                  8.0000                      2/22/00
900                                    8.0000                      2/23/00
50,000                                 8.0625                      2/24/00
300                                    7.5625                      2/29/00
50,000                                 7.8750                       3/7/00
3,000                                  7.8750                      3/10/00
1,000                                  8.0000                      3/13/00

                              JOHN A. BRICKER, JR.

100                                    8.4375                       2/1/00


                                   SCHEDULE II

                                 OF THE COMPANY

                The  following  is  based  on   information   contained  in  the
Management Proxy Statement.

                 Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

         The  following  table  shows the  number of shares  and  percentage  of
Nashua's  common stock  beneficially  owned by all persons known to Nashua to be
the beneficial owners of more than 5% of its common stock, as of March 3, 2000:

                                                                              Amount and             Percent of
                                                                          Nature of Beneficial      Common Stock
              Name of Beneficial Owner                                      Ownership (1)          Outstanding
              -------------------------------                             --------------------     ------------

Gabelli Funds, LLC/GAMCO Investors, Inc./Gabelli
  International II Limited/Gabelli Advisers, Inc./
  Gabelli Group Capital Partners, Inc./Gabelli Asset
  Management Inc./Marc J. Gabelli/Mario J. Gabelli  (a)....................1,055,899               18.0%
  One Corporate Center, Rye, NY  10580

Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. (b)...........................................479,800                8.2%
  1299 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA  90401

The TCW Group, Inc./Robert Day (c)...........................................434,900                7.4%
  865 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Franklin Resources, Inc./Charles B. Johnson/Rupert H.  (d)...................429,200                7.3%
  Johnson, Jr./Franklin Advisory Services, LLC
  777 Mariners Island Boulevard, San Mateo, CA  94404

David L. Babson and Company Incorporated (e).................................382,200                6.5%
  One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142-1300

Fleet Boston Corporation (f)        .........................................346,574                5.9%
  One Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110

- - -----------------


1.       The  number of shares  beneficially  owned is  determined  under  rules
         promulgated  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,   and  the
         information is not necessarily  indicative of beneficial  ownership for
         any other purpose. Under such rules,  beneficial ownership includes any
         shares as to which an  individual  or group  has sole or shared  voting
         power or  investment  power and also any shares which an  individual or
         group has the right to acquire  within 60 days of March 3, 2000 through
         the  conversion  of any  convertible  note or the exercise of any stock
         option,  warrant or other right.  The inclusion  herein of such shares,
         however, does not constitute an admission that the named stockholder is
         a direct or indirect beneficial owner of such shares.  Unless otherwise
         indicated,  each  person or group named in the table has sole voting or
         investment  power (or shares power with his or her spouse) with respect
         to all  shares  of  capital  stock  listed  as owned by such  person or

(a)      Information  is based on a joint  Schedule 13D (Amendment No. 21) dated
         March 3, 2000, furnished by such beneficial owners which are affiliated
         with one another.  Gabelli Funds,  LLC owns 278,000 shares for which it
         has sole voting power and sole dispositive power. GAMCO Investors, Inc.
         owns 756,899  shares,  for which it has sole voting power as to 753,399
         shares and sole  dispositive  power.  Gabelli  International II Limited
         owns  15,000  shares  for  which  it has  sole  voting  power  and sole
         dispositive power.  Gabelli Advisers,  Inc. owns 6,000 shares for which
         it has sole voting power and sole dispositive power.

(b)      Information is based on Schedule 13G dated February 11, 2000, furnished
         by   such   beneficial   owner.    Dimensional   Fund   Advisors   Inc.
         ("Dimensional")   has  sole   voting   and  sole   dispositive   power.
         Dimensional,  an investment advisor registered under Section 203 of the
         Investment  Advisors Act of 1940,  furnishes  investment advice to four
         investment  companies  registered  under the Investment  Company Act of
         1940,  and serves as  investment  manager to certain  other  commingled
         group trusts and separate accounts. These investment companies,  trusts
         and  accounts  are the "Funds".  In its role as  investment  advisor or
         manager,  Dimensional possesses voting and/or investment power over the
         securities  of  Nashua  that are  owned by the  Funds.  All  securities
         reported  are  owned by the  Funds.  Dimensional  disclaims  beneficial
         ownership of such securities.

(c)      Information  is based on Schedule 13G (Amendment No. 4), dated February
         11, 2000,  furnished by such beneficial owners. The TCW Group, Inc. and
         Robert Day have shared voting and shared dispositive power.

(d)      Information  is based on Schedule 13G  (Amendment  No. 2) dated January
         26,  2000,  furnished  by such  beneficial  owners.  Franklin  Advisory
         Services, LLC has sole voting and sole dispositive power.

(e)      Information  is based on Schedule 13G  (Amendment No. 1) dated February
         4,  2000,  furnished  by such  beneficial  owner.  David L.  Babson and
         Company Incorporated has sole voting and sole dispositive power.


(f)      Information is based on Schedule 13G dated February 14, 2000, furnished
         by such  beneficial  owner.  Fleet Boston  Corporation  has sole voting
         power as to 198,400 shares,  shared voting power as to 6,374 shares and
         sole dispositive power as to 340,200 shares.

                        Security Ownership of Management

         The  following  table  shows the  number of shares  and  percentage  of
Nashua's  Common  Stock  deemed to be  beneficially  owned by each  director and
nominee for director, the executive officers of Nashua defined in the Management
Proxy  Statement as the "Named  Executive  Officers"  and by all  directors  and
executive officers of Nashua as a group, as of March 3, 2000:

                                               AMOUNT AND NATURE OF                  PERCENT OF COMMON
              NAME                      BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP (1)                     STOCK OUTSTANDING
             ---------                  -----------------------------                -----------------

      Sheldon A. Buckler............................12,589   (2)                              *
      Gerald G. Garbacz............................281,612   (3)  (10)                        4.8%
      Charles S. Hoppin.............................13,589   (2)                              *
      John J. Ireland...............................49,142   (4)  (10)
      John M. Kucharski.............................14,089   (2)                              *
      Joseph R. Matson..............................33,580   (5)  (10)                        *
      David C. Miller, Jr............................8,589   (2)  (6)                         *
      Peter J. Murphy................................6,652   (2)                              *
      James F. Orr III..............................15,589   (2)                              *
      John L. Patenaude.............................37,110   (7)  (10)                        *
      Bruce T. Wright...............................52,938   (8)  (10)                        *
      Directors and Executive Officers
         as a group (12 persons)...................505,541   (9)  (10)  (11)                  8.6%

- - -----------------

*     Less than 1% of outstanding shares of common stock

(1)   Information  as to the  interests  of the  respective  nominees  has  been
      furnished  in part by them.  The  number of shares  beneficially  owned is
      determined  under  rules   promulgated  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange
      Commission,   and  the  information  is  not  necessarily   indicative  of
      beneficial ownership for any other purpose.  Under such rules,  beneficial
      ownership  includes any shares as to which an individual or group has sole
      or shared  voting power or  investment  power and also any shares which an
      individual  or group has the right to  acquire  within 60 days of March 3,
      2000 through the conversion of any convertible note or the exercise of any
      stock option, warrant or other right. The inclusion herein of such shares,
      however,  does not constitute an admission that the named stockholder is a
      direct or  indirect  beneficial  owner of such  shares.  Unless  otherwise
      indicated, each person or group named in the table has sole voting or


      investment  power (or shares power with his or her spouse) with respect to
      all shares of capital stock listed as owned by such person or entity.

(2)   Includes shares each non-employee  director has a right to acquire through
      stock options which are exercisable as of May 2, 2000 - Mr. Buckler, 5,000
      shares; Mr. Hoppin, 7,000 shares; Mr. Kucharski, 7,000 shares; Mr. Miller,
      4,000 shares; Mr. Murphy, 3,000 shares; and Mr. Orr, 7,000 shares.

(3)   Includes  90,000 shares Mr.  Garbacz has a right to acquire  through stock
      options which are  exercisable  as of May 2, 2000.  Also includes  120,000
      shares of performance based restricted stock,  60,000 shares of which will
      vest when the  average  closing  price  over a ten  trading  day period of
      Nashua shares (the "Ten Day Average Closing  Price")  reaches $19.00;  and
      60,000  shares of which will vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price
      reaches $21.00. However, any shares which have not vested upon the earlier
      of (i)  October  24,  2002  or (ii)  termination  of  employment,  will be
      forfeited.  Also includes  25,000 shares of performance  based  restricted
      stock,  12,500 shares of which will vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing
      Price  reaches  $21.00;  and 12,500 shares of which will vest when the Ten
      Day Average Closing Price reaches $23.00.  However,  any shares which have
      not vested upon the earlier of (i) December  15, 2003 or (ii)  termination
      of employment, will be forfeited. Also includes 9,000 shares of restricted
      stock, 4,500 shares of which will vest on December 31, 2000 if Mr. Garbacz
      is an employee of the Company at such time and the remaining  4,500 shares
      of which will vest on December  31, 2001 if Mr.  Garbacz is an employee of
      the Company at such time,  provided  that 100% will vest in the event of a
      change of  control  as defined  in Mr.  Garbacz's  Change of  Control  and
      Severance Agreement dated June 24, 1998.

(4)   Includes  33,500 shares Mr.  Ireland has a right to acquire  through stock
      options  which are  exercisable  as of May 2, 2000.  Also  includes  5,000
      shares of performance based restricted  stock,  2,500 shares of which will
      vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price  reaches  $18.00;  and 2,500
      shares of which will vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price reaches
      $20.00.  However, any shares which have not vested upon the earlier of (i)
      February 25, 2003 or (ii)  termination of  employment,  will be forfeited.
      Also includes 10,000 shares of performance based restricted  stock,  5,000
      shares of which will vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price reaches
      $21.00;  and = 5,000  shares of which  will vest when the Ten Day  Average
      Closing Price reaches  $23.00.  However,  any shares which have not vested
      upon  the  earlier  of (i)  December  15,  2003  or  (ii)  termination  of
      employment, will be forfeited.

(5)   Includes  22,700  shares Mr.  Matson has a right to acquire  through stock
      options which are  exercisable  as of May 2, 2000.  Also  includes  10,000
      shares of performance based restricted  stock,  5,000 shares of which will
      vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price  reaches  $20.00;  and 5,000
      shares of which will vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price reaches
      $25.00.  However, any shares which have not vested upon the earlier of (i)
      October 24, 2002 or (ii) termination of employment, will be forfeited.


(6)   Includes 1,395 shares held by Mr. Miller's spouse.

(7)   Includes 14,500 shares Mr.  Patenaude has a right to acquire through stock
      options which are  exercisable  as of May 2, 2000.  Also  includes  10,000
      shares of performance based restricted  stock,  5,000 shares of which will
      vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price  reaches  $19.00;  and 5,000
      shares of which will vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing  Price reaches
      $21.00.  However, any shares which have not vested upon the earlier of (i)
      May 12, 2003 or (ii)  termination of employment,  will be forfeited.  Also
      includes 10,000 shares of performance based restricted stock, 5,000 shares
      of which will vest when the Ten Day Average  Closing Price reaches $21.00;
      and 5,000 shares of which will vest when the Ten Day Average Closing Price
      reaches $23.00. However, any shares which have not vested upon the earlier
      of (i)  December  15,  2003 or (ii)  termination  of  employment,  will be

(8)   Includes  50,000  shares Mr.  Wright has a right to acquire  through stock
      options which are exercisable as of May 2, 2000.

(9)   Includes  205,200  shares which the directors  and  executive  officers of
      Nashua  have  the  right  to  acquire  through  stock  options  which  are
      exercisable as of May 2, 2000.

(10)  Includes shares held in trust under the Company's  Employees' Savings Plan
      under which each participating  employee has voting power as to the shares
      in his  account.  As of March 3, 2000,  2,612 shares are held in trust for
      Mr.  Garbacz's  account;  642 shares  are held in trust for Mr.  Ireland's
      account;  1,610 shares are held in trust for Mr. Patenaude's  account; 880
      shares are held in trust for Mr. Matson's  account;  2,238 shares are held
      in trust for Mr. Wright's account;  and 5,744 shares are held in trust for
      the  accounts of all  directors  and  executive  officers  as a group.  No
      director other than Mr. Garbacz participates in the Plan.

(11)  Includes 219,000 shares of performance based restricted stock.


                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

      Tell your Board what you think!  No matter how many Shares you own, please
give the Value Realization Committee your proxy FOR the election of the Nominees
and FOR the Poison Pill Resolution by taking three steps:

      1. Sign the enclosed BLUE Proxy Card;

      2. Date the enclosed BLUE Proxy Card; and

      3. Mail the enclosed  BLUE Proxy Card today in the  envelope  provided (no
         postage is required if mailed in the United States).

      If any of your Shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, bank, bank
nominee of other institution, only it can vote such Shares and only upon receipt
of  your  specific   instructions.   Accordingly,   please  contact  the  person
responsible  for your account and instruct that person to execute the BLUE proxy
card  representing  your Shares.  The Value  Realization  Committee urges you to
confirm in writing your instructions to the Value Realization  Committee in care
of D. F.  King & Co.,  Inc.  at the  address  provided  below so that the  Value
Realization Committee will be aware of all instructions given and can attempt to
ensure that such instructions are followed.

      If you have any questions or require any additional information concerning
this Proxy  Statement,  please  contact D. F. King & Co., Inc at the address set
forth below:

                              D. F. KING & CO., INC
                                 77 Water Street
                             New York, NY 10005-4495
                        Call Toll Free (800) ____________
                     Banks and Brokers Call (212) ___-_____




      The undersigned  stockholder of Nashua Corporation ("Nashua") appoints the
Value Realization  Committee and each of them, as attorneys and agents with full
power of substitution to vote all Shares which the undersigned would be entitled
to vote if  personally  present at the Annual  Meeting  of  stockholders  of the
Company that is currently  scheduled to be held on April 25, 2000, at a time and
place  to  be   announced  by  Nashua  and   including   at  any   adjournments,
postponements, continuations or reschedulings thereof and at any special meeting
called in lieu thereof, as follows:


1.    ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:                FOR       WITHHOLD    FOR ALL
                                            ALL          ALL      Except nominee
         Nominees:  Mark E. Schwarz,                              written below
         John A. (Pete) Bricker, Jr.,
         Dan E. Bruhl, M.D., Joseph A.      [    ]      [    ]        [    ]

2.    APPROVAL OF                           FOR       AGAINST     ABSTAIN
      STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL                  [    ]      [    ]        [    ]

3.    In their discretion with respect to any other matters as may properly come
      before the Annual Meeting.


      The undersigned hereby revokes any other proxy or proxies heretofore given
to vote or act with  respect to the Shares held by the  undersigned,  and hereby
ratifies and confirms all action the herein named  attorneys and proxies,  their
substitutes,  or any of them may  lawfully  take by virtue  hereof.  If properly
executed,  this  proxy  will be voted as  directed  above.  If no  direction  is
indicated with respect to the above proposals,  this proxy will be voted FOR the
election of the Nominees,  or any substitutions or additions thereto,  including
cumulatively  for all or fewer than all of the  Nominees and FOR the approval of
the  Stockholder  Proposal,  in the sole  discretion  of the  proxies and in the
manner set forth in Item 3 above.

      This  proxy  will be valid  until  the  sooner  of one year  from the date
indicated below and the completion of the Annual Meeting.

DATED:  _________________________________, 2000.



 (Signature, if held jointly)


                           CAPACITY IN WHICH SIGNING.

                             THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE!

                             D. F. KING & CO., INC.
                          CALL TOLL FREE (800) ___-____
