(RULE 14A-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION


Filed by the registrant |X|

Filed by a party other than the registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

       |_|      Preliminary Proxy Statement
       |_|      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
                Rule 14a-6(e)2))
       |X|      Definitive Proxy Statement
       |_|      Definitive Additional Materials
       |_|      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14(a)-12

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)

       Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

   |X|      No fee required.

   |_|      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
            and 0-11.

   (1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
            computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
            amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
            was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

   (5)      Total fee paid:

   |_|      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

   |_|      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was

paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

   (1)      Amount Previously Paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   (2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   (3)      Filing Party:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         (4)      Date Filed:



                                 450 PARK AVENUE
                                   SUITE 2603
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022


To the Shareholders of Hospitality Worldwide Services, Inc.

         Please  take  notice  that  the  Annual  Meeting  of   Shareholders  of
Hospitality  Worldwide  Services,  Inc., a New York corporation (the "Company"),
will be held at The Harmonie  Club, 4 East 60th Street,  New York,  New York, on
September 22, 1997 at 10:00 A.M. for the following purposes:

          1.   To elect 7 members of the Board of  Directors  to serve until the
               1998 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

          2.   To ratify the  appointment  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP as  independent
               auditors for the year ending December 31, 1997.

          3.   To transact  such other  business as may properly come before the
               meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

         The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of  business on August 26,
1997 as the record date for the purpose of determining the shareholders entitled
to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting.


         You may  revoke  your  proxy for any  reason  at any time  prior to the
voting  thereof,  and if you attend the meeting in person you may  withdraw  the
proxy and vote your own shares.

                              By Order of the Board of Directors,

                              HOWARD G. ANDERS
                              Executive Vice President,
                              Chief Financial Officer and Secretary

New York, New York
August 28, 1997

                                 450 PARK AVENUE
                                   SUITE 2603
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022

                               PROXY STATEMENT FOR
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                               SEPTEMBER 22, 1997

         The proxy  accompanying this proxy statement (the "Proxy Statement") is
solicited by the Board of Directors  (the "Board of  Directors")  of Hospitality
Worldwide Services, Inc., a New York corporation (the "Company"), for use at the
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at The  Harmonie  Club, 4 East 60th
Street,  New York, New York, on Monday,  September 22, 1997 at 10:00 A.M. and at
any adjournment or adjournments thereof (the "Annual Meeting").

         The  approximate  date of  mailing  of  this  Proxy  Statement  and the
accompanying proxy to shareholders is August 28, 1997.


         Only holders of the Company's Common Stock, $.01 par value (the "Common
Stock"),  of record at the close of business on August 26, 1997 will be entitled
to  notice  of and to  vote  at the  Annual  Meeting  or at any  adjournment  or
adjournments thereof. On that date, 7,814,739 shares of Common Stock were issued
and outstanding. Each outstanding share entitles the holder thereof to one vote.

                            PROXIES AND VOTING RIGHTS

         Shares of Common Stock  represented by proxies in the accompanying form
that are properly  executed and duly returned  will be voted in accordance  with
the instructions  specified therein.  If no instructions are given, such proxies
will be voted in accordance with the  recommendations  of the Board of Directors
as indicated in this Proxy  Statement.  A proxy may be revoked at any time prior
to its exercise by written notice to the Company, by submission of another proxy
bearing  a later  date or by  voting  in  person  at the  Annual  Meeting.  Such
revocation  will not affect a vote on any matters taken prior thereto.  The mere
presence at the Annual Meeting of the person  appointing a proxy will not revoke
the appointment.  A majority of the outstanding  shares will constitute a quorum
at the Annual Meeting. Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted for purposes
of  determining  the  presence  or absence of a quorum  for the  transaction  of
business.  A  broker  non-vote  occurs  when  a  nominee  holding  shares  for a
beneficial owner does not vote on a particular proposal because the nominee, who
does not have  discretionary  voting  power with  respect to that item,  has not
received  instructions  from the  beneficial  owner.  Broker  non-votes  are not
included in the tabulation of the voting results on the election of directors or
issues requiring  approval of the majority of the votes present and,  therefore,
do not  have the  effect  of votes in  opposition  in such  tabulations.  Broker
non-votes  are not counted for  purposes of  determining  whether a proposal has
been approved,  whereas  abstentions are counted in tabulations of the vote cast
on proposals  presented  to  shareholders.  Proxies  marked as  abstaining  with
respect to the proposal to ratify the  appointment of independent  auditors will
have the effect of a vote against such proposals.


         The  solicitation  of proxies in the  accompanying  form is made by the
Board of  Directors  and the cost  thereof  will be  borne  by the  Company.  In
addition  to the  solicitation  of  proxies  by use of the  mails,  some  of the
officers,  directors and other employees of the Company may also solicit proxies
personally  or by  mail,  telephone  or  telegraph,  but they  will not  receive
additional compensation for such services.  Brokerage firms, custodians,  banks,
trustees,  nominees or other fiduciaries holding shares of Common Stock in their
names will be  requested  by the  Company to forward  proxy  materials  to their
principals and will be reimbursed for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in
such connection.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

         The following table sets forth information  concerning ownership of the
Common Stock as at June 30, 1997 by (i) each  director and nominee for director,
(ii)  each  executive  officer,  (iii)  all  directors,  director  nominees  and
executive  officers as a group,  and (iv) each person who, to the  knowledge  of
management,  owned  beneficially  more  than  5% of  the  Common  Stock.  Unless
otherwise indicated, the address of each person listed below is 450 Park Avenue,
Suite 2603, New York, New York 10022.

                                                                                                 Percent of Outstanding
                 Beneficial Owner(1)                           Shares Beneficially Owned             Common Stock(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------      ----------------------------------      ---------------------
Watertone Holdings L.P................................                         1,800,000                       23.0%
c/o Varner Stephens Humphries & White
335 Cumberland Circle, Suite 1700
Atlanta, Georgia 30339

Watermark Limited, LLC................................                         1,800,000(3)                    23.0%
c/o Varner Stephens Humphries & White
335 Cumberland Circle, Suite 1700
Atlanta, Georgia 30339

Robert A. Berman......................................                         1,800,000(3)                    23.0%

Watertone L.L.C.......................................                           500,000(4)                     6.4%
c/o Relco Inc.
3 Stamford Landing
46 Southfield Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902

Joel A. Asen..........................................                           500,000(4)                     6.4%
445 Old Academy Road
Fairfield, Connecticut 06430

John A. Garraty, Jr...................................                           500,000(4)                     6.4%
c/o Kelley Drye & Warren
101 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10178

E.W. Plaut............................................                           500,000(4)                     6.4%
c/o Relco Inc.
3 Stamford Landing
46 Southfield Avenue
Stamford, Connecticut 06802

Tova Schwartz.........................................                           493,155                        6.3%
11 Wedgewood Lane
Lawrence, New York 11559

Richard A. Bartlett...................................                           408,166(5)                     5.0%


                                                                                                 Percent of Outstanding
                 Beneficial Owner(1)                           Shares Beneficially Owned             Common Stock(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------      ----------------------------------      ---------------------
Jerry M. Seslowe......................................                           403,334(6)                     5.0%
2 Chanticlare Drive
Manhasset, New York 11030

John C. Shaw..........................................                           406,666(7)                     5.0%
16 Ledge Road
Old Greenwich, Connecticut 06870

Leonard Parker........................................                           300,000                        3.8%

Douglas Parker........................................                           190,000                        2.4%

Howard G. Anders......................................                           154,500(8)                     1.9%

Alan G. Friedberg.....................................                           210,000(9)                     2.6%

Guillermo A. Montero..................................                           150,000(10)                    1.9%

Scott A. Kaniewski....................................                             2,000                         *

Louis K. Adler........................................                            75,000                        1.0%

George C. Asch........................................                            75,000                        1.0%

All Officers and Directors as a group (10 persons)....                         3,364,666(11)                   39.1%

- ------------------
* Less than 1%.

(1)  Except as outlined herein, the persons named in the table, to the Company's
     knowledge,  have sole  voting and  dispositive  power  with  respect to all
     shares shown as beneficially  owned by them,  subject to community property
     laws  where  applicable  and the  information  contained  in the  footnotes

(2)  Calculations  assume that all options and  warrants  which are  exercisable
     within 60 days after July 31, 1997 have been exercised.

(3)  Consists of 1,800,000  shares of Common  Stock held by  Watertone  Holdings
     L.P. as to which each of Watermark Limited, LLC ("Watermark") and Robert A.
     Berman are attributed  beneficial  ownership  pursuant to Rule 13d-3 of the
     Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange  Act"),  as amended ("Rule
     13d-3").  Watermark,  as general partner of Watertone  Holdings,  L.P., has
     sole power to vote and dispose of the 1,800,000 shares of Common Stock. Mr.
     Berman, as Manager of Watermark,  has sole power to vote and dispose of the
     1,800,000 shares of Common Stock.

(4)  Consists of 500,000 shares of Common Stock held by Watertone,  L.L.C. as to
     which  each of Joel A.  Asen,  John A.  Garraty,  Jr.  and E.W.  Plaut  are
     attributed  beneficial  ownership  pursuant  to Rule 13d-3.  Messrs.  Asen,
     Garraty and Plaut, as Managers of Watertone, L.L.C., each have shared power
     to vote and dispose of the 500,000 shares of Common Stock held by Watertone

(5)  Consists of (i) 108,166  shares of Common Stock owned  individually  by Mr.
     Bartlett; and (ii) 300,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of
     a presently  exercisable  option granted to Resource  Holdings  Associates,
     L.P.  ("Resource  Holdings") by the Company (the  "Option") as to which Mr.
     Bartlett is attributed  beneficial  ownership  pursuant to Rule 13d-3.  Mr.
     Bartlett has sole power to vote and dispose of the 108,166 shares of Common
     Stock  he owns  individually.  Mr.  Bartlett,  as a  Managing  Director  of
     Resource  Holdings  Limited  ("Resource  Limited"),  the general partner of
     Resource  Holdings  has shared  power to vote and  dispose  of the  300,000
     shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Option.

(6)  Consists of (i) 103,334  shares of Common Stock owned  individually  by Mr.
     Seslowe;  and (ii) 300,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of
     the  Option as to which Mr.  Seslowe  is  attributed  beneficial  ownership
     pursuant to Rule 13d-3.  Mr.  Seslowe has sole power to vote and dispose of
     the 103,334 shares of Common Stock he owns individually.  Mr. Seslowe, as a
     Managing  Director of  Resource  Limited,  the general  partner of Resource
     Holdings,  has shared  power to vote and dispose of the  300,000  shares of
     Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Option.

(7)  Consists of (i) 95,516  shares of Common  Stock owned  individually  by Mr.
     Shaw;  (ii) 300,000  shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise of the
     Option as to which Mr. Shaw is attributed  beneficial ownership pursuant to
     Rule 13d-3; and (iii) 11,150 shares of


     Common  Stock  held  by the  Shaw  Foundation,  as to  which  Mr.  Shaw  is
     attributed  beneficial  ownership pursuant to Rule 13d-3. Mr. Shaw has sole
     power to vote and  dispose  of the  95,516  shares of Common  Stock he owns
     individually  and the  11,150  shares  of  Common  Stock  held by the  Shaw
     Foundation.  Mr.  Shaw,  as a Managing  Director of Resource  Limited,  the
     general partner of Resource Holdings,  has shared power to vote and dispose
     of the 300,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Option.

(8)  Consists  of (i) 4,500  shares of Common  Stock owned  individually  by Mr.
     Anders;  and (ii) 150,000  shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of
     presently exercisable options currently held by Mr. Anders.

(9)  Consists  of (i) 10,000  shares of Common  Stock held  individually  by Mr.
     Friedberg;  and (ii) 200,000  shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise
     of presently exercisable options currently held by Mr. Friedberg.

(10) Consists  of 150,000  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  exercise  of
     presently  exercisable  options  currently  held by Mr.  Montero.  Does not
     include  19,792  shares of Common  Stock held by Mr.  Montero's  wife Maria
     Elizabeth  Leon, as to which Mr.  Montero  disclaims  beneficial  ownership
     pursuant to Rule 16a-1(a)(2)(ii)(A) of the Exchange Act.

(11) Includes 800,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of presently
     exercisable  options  at a  weighted  average  exercise  price of $2.28 per



                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Directors of the Company  hold office until the next annual  meeting of
shareholders  or until their  successors  are elected and  qualified.  Directors
shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast, in person or by proxy, at the
Annual Meeting. If no contrary instructions are indicated, proxies will be voted
for the election of Leonard F. Parker,  Robert A. Berman,  Douglas Parker, Louis
K. Adler,  George Asch,  Richard A. Bartlett and Scott A.  Kaniewski,  the seven
nominees of the Board of Directors.  All nominees are currently directors of the
Company.  The terms of the current  directors  expire at the Annual  Meeting and
when their  successors  are duly  elected and  qualified.  The Company  does not
expect that any of the nominees will be  unavailable  for election,  but if that
should  occur before the Annual  Meeting,  the proxies will be voted in favor of
the  remaining  nominees  and may  also be voted  for a  substitute  nominee  or
nominees  selected  by the Board of  Directors.  The names of the  nominees  and
certain information concerning them are set forth below:

Name                      Age             Position
- ----                      ---             --------

Leonard F. Parker         67              Chairman of the Board

Robert A. Berman          37              President, Chief Executive Officer
                                          and Director

Douglas A. Parker         39              President-- Purchasing Division and
                                          Director; President of The Leonard
                                          Parker Company

Louis K. Adler            62              Director

George Asch               60              Director

Richard A. Bartlett       40              Director

Scott A. Kaniewski        32              Director

         LEONARD F. PARKER has been  Chairman of the Board of the Company  since
March  1997.  In 1969  Leonard  Parker  founded The Leonard  Parker  Company,  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the Company  ("LPC").  Mr.  Parker is a graduate of
Tulane  University and served in the United States Air Force.  Prior to founding
LPC, Mr. Parker was employed from 1950 by Maxwell  Company,  an interior  design
and furnishing Company. Mr. Parker is a director of Pompeii Casual Furniture and
the Douglas Gardens Home for the Aged. He also serves on various  committees for
the Special Olympics. Leonard Parker is the father of Douglas Parker.

         ROBERT A. BERMAN has been President and Chief  Executive  Officer and a
director of the Company  since March  1997.  Prior to joining the  Company,  Mr.
Berman served as the Managing Director of Watermark from September 1992 to March
1997 and is currently  the sole Manager of  Watermark.  Mr.  Berman is also Vice
Chairman and a director of Unistar Gaming Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Executone Information Systems, and a director of Catskill  Development,  LLC,
the owner of an operating harness track.

         DOUGLAS A. PARKER has been President-Purchasing Division and a director
of the Company  since March  1997.  Mr.  Parker is also  President  of LPC.  Mr.
Parker, a graduate of Tulane University in International Business, has been with
LPC for 17 years.  Mr. Parker is responsible for the development of the overseas
offices in South Africa,  Singapore and United Arab Emirates,  coordinating  the
international  operations and sales, as well as vendor and client relationships.
Mr. Parker is also a director of Shelby Williams Industries, Inc. Douglas Parker
is the son of Leonard Parker.


         LOUIS K. ADLER has been a director of the Company since September 1996.
Mr. Adler has been a private investor for over five years in Houston,  Texas. He
has been Chairman of the Board and President of Bancshares,  Inc. (Houston,  TX)
since 1973;  Vice Chairman of the Board since 1992 and a director  since 1988 of
Luther's Bar-B- Q, Inc., a group of twenty  restaurants in Texas,  Louisiana and
Colorado; a director,  Secretary and Treasurer of Warwick  Communications,  Inc.
since 1993; and a director and officer of several other private  companies.  Mr.
Adler is also a trustee and the President of the Adler  Foundation and member of
the Dean's Advisory Counsel of Goizueta Business School of Emory University.

         GEORGE ASCH has been a director of the Company  since  September  1996.
Since  September  1994, Mr. Asch has been a Vice President of Gray,  Seifert and
Co.,  Inc.  an  investment   management  company  which  became  a  wholly-owned
independent  subsidiary of Legg Mason, Inc. in April 1994. For 25 years prior to
joining Gray Seifert and Co., Inc. in August 1990,  Mr. Asch served as President
of a  manufacturing  company.  He  currently  serves on the  boards  of  various
philanthropic  organizations,  including the  Montefiore  Medical Center and the
Price Foundation.  He is a graduate of Columbia College and served as an officer
in the United States Navy.

         RICHARD A. BARTLETT has been a director of the Company since  September
1996.  Mr.  Bartlett  is a Managing  Director  of  Resource  Limited,  a private
merchant  banking  firm in New York City.  He  specializes  in legal  aspects of
mergers,  acquisitions and other corporate restructurings.  In that capacity, he
sits and has sat on the board of various companies in which Resource Limited and
its principals have made investments.  From 1987 to 1993, he was a member of the
Council of  Foreign  Relations  and is a member of the New York  State Bar.  Mr.
Bartlett  received a law degree from Yale Law School and received his B.A.  from
Princeton University.

         SCOTT A. KANIEWSKI has been a director of the Company since March 1996.
Mr.  Kaniewski  has been a  Member  of  Watermark  since  February  1995 and the
Managing  Director of Watermark since May 1997.  Prior to his  involvement  with
Watermark,  Mr.  Kaniewski  held  several  positions  with VMS Realty  Partners,
including Vice President of Hotel  Investments from December 1988 to March 1995.
He is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the Illinois CPA Society.

         The following table and paragraphs set forth information  regarding the
executive  officers  who are not  standing  for  election  as  directors  of the

NAME                        AGE             POSITION

Howard G. Anders            54              Chief Financial Officer, Executive
                                            Vice President and Secretary

Alan G. Friedberg           38              President-- Renovation Division

Guillermo A. Montero        38              President of Hospitality Restoration
                                            and Builders, Inc.

         HOWARD G. ANDERS has been Executive  Vice  President,  Chief  Financial
Officer and Secretary of the Company  since  February 1996 and was the Executive
Vice  President,  Chief  Operating  Officer and a director  of the Company  from
October 1994 to November  1995.  From December 1995 to February 1996, Mr. Anders
was an  independent  consultant.  Mr. Anders served as Vice  President and Chief
Financial  Officer of Alpine Lace  Brands,  Inc. in  Maplewood,  New Jersey from
April  1992 to October  1994.  From April  1983 to April  1992,  Mr.  Anders was
President and Chief Operating  Officer of North Hills  Electronic,  Inc. in Glen
Cove, New York. Mr. Anders is a graduate of Rutgers  University and attended the
Harvard Business School PMD Program.


         ALAN G.  FRIEDBERG  has been  President --  Renovation  Division of the
Company  since  March  1997.  Previously,  he was the Chief  Executive  Officer,
President  and a director of the Company from  February  1996 to March 1997.  He
became the Chief  Executive  Officer of  Hospitality  Restoration  and Builders,
Inc., a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company  ("HRB") in August 1995.  Prior
thereto,  Mr.  Friedberg  was the  founder  and Chief  Executive  Officer of AGF
Interior Services, Inc. ("AGF").

         GUILLERMO  A. MONTERO has been  President of HRB since March 1997.  Mr.
Montero has been a senior  executive  officer of HRB since August 1995 and prior
thereto was  associated  with AGF since 1979. Mr.  Montero  attended  Oglethorpe
University and Georgia Tech, receiving a B.A. degree in 1982.


         The Board of Directors held three meetings during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1996. From time to time during such fiscal year, the members of the
Board of Directors acted by unanimous  written  consent.  The Board of Directors
has established standing Audit and Compensation Committees.  The Audit Committee
exercises  the power  which the Board of  Directors  would  otherwise  hold with
respect to matters  pertaining to the audit of the  financial  statements of the
Company and related financial  matters.  The Audit Committee consists of Messrs.
Bartlett and Kaniewski.  The Audit Committee did not meet during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1996. The  Compensation  Committee  exercises the power which
the Board of  Directors  would  otherwise  hold with respect to (i) the grant of
options under the Employee Plan; and (ii) the  compensation  and benefits of all
officers of the Company.  The Compensation  Committee consists of Messrs.  Adler
and Asch.  The  Compensation  Committee  met once  during the fiscal  year ended
December 31, 1996.


         The  Company  does  not  currently  compensate  directors  who are also
executive  officers  of the  Company  for  service  on the  Board of  Directors.
Directors are reimbursed for their  expenses  incurred in attending  meetings of
the Board of Directors.  In addition,  outside directors are entitled to receive
options under the Company's 1996 Outside Directors' Stock Option Plan.


         The following  table sets forth,  for the fiscal years  indicated,  all
compensation awarded to, earned by or paid to Tova Schwartz, who served as Chief
Executive Officer of the Company from its inception until February 1996 and Alan
G. Friedberg, who served as Chief Executive Officer of the Company from February
1996 to March 1997 and is currently the  President of the  Company's  Renovation
Division,  Howard G. Anders and  Guillermo A.  Montero,  the  Company's two most
highly compensated  executives  (collectively,  the "Named Executive Officers").
There is no other  executive  officer  of the  Company  whose  salary  and bonus
exceeded $100,000 with respect to the fiscal years ended December 31, 1996, 1995
and 1994. Robert A. Berman,  who became the Company's Chief Executive Officer in
March 1997, is paid an annual salary of $215,000.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                       Annual Compensation(1)                                              Compensation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                      Awards

Name and                                                                                                    Underlying
Principal Position                        Year              Salary($)               Bonus($)                Options(#)
- ------------------                        ----              ---------               --------                ----------

Alan G. Friedberg(2)..............        1996              $225,000                 $75,000                  400,000
                                          1995              $110,520                   --                       --
                                          1994                 --                      --                       --

Guillermo A. Montero(3)...........        1996              $190,000                 $76,665                  300,000
                                          1995              $ 83,337                   --                       --
                                          1994                 --                      --                       --

Howard G. Anders(4)...............        1996              $150,000                 $25,000                  100,000
                                          1995              $128,333                   --                      50,000
                                          1994              $ 39,999                   --                      50,000

Tova Schwartz(5)..................        1996                 --                      --                       --
                                          1995              $103,992                   --                       --
                                          1994              $100,000                 $83,333                    --

(1)  Perquisites  and other  personal  benefits,  securities or property to each
     executive  officer  did not  exceed  the  lesser of  $50,000 or 10% of such
     executive's salary and bonus.
(2)  Mr.  Friedberg  joined the  Company in August  1995 as the Chief  Executive
     Officer of HRB. In February 1996, he became the Chief Executive Officer and
     a   director   of   the   Company.   Currently,   Mr.   Friedberg   is  the
     President-Renovation Division of the Company.
(3)  Mr. Montero joined the Company in August 1995 as Vice  President-Operations
     and Chief Operating Officer of HRB. Currently,  Mr. Montero is President of
(4)  Mr. Anders joined the Company in October 1994 as Executive Vice  President,
     Chief Operating Officer and a director.  In February 1996, he resigned as a
     director of the Company and became the Chief Financial  Officer,  Executive
     Vice President and Secretary of the Company.
(5)  Ms. Schwartz served as the Company's Chief Executive  Officer and President
     from its inception until she resigned in February 1996.

         The following  table sets forth  certain  information  regarding  stock
option grants made to the Named Executive  Officers during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1996.

                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                INDIVIDUAL GRANTS

                           Number of Securities   % of Total Options
                            Underlying Options   Granted to Employees     Exercise or Base
Name                            Granted(#)          in Fiscal Year          Price ($/Sh)               Expiration Date
- ----                            ----------          --------------          ------------               ---------------
Alan G. Friedberg.........        400,000                 43%                   $2.75                      9/26/06

Guillermo Montero.........        300,000                 32%                   $2.75                      9/26/06

Howard G. Anders..........        100,000                 11%                   $2.75                      9/26/06

         The   following   table  sets  forth  certain   information   regarding
unexercised  stock options held by the Named  Executive  Officers as of December
31, 1996.



                                     Number of Securities Underlying                 Value of Unexercised In-the-
                                          Unexercised Options At                           Money Options at
                                             December 31, 1996                          December 31, 1996 $(1)
           Name                         Exercisable/unexercisable                     Exercisable/unexercisable
           ----                         -------------------------                     -------------------------

Alan G. Friedberg.........                   200,000/200,000                              $800,000/$800,000

Guillermo Montero.........                   150,000/150,000                              $600,000/$600,000

Howard G. Anders..........                    150,000/50,000                              $747,500/$200,000

(1)  On December 31, 1996,  the last reported sales price of the Common Stock on
     Nasdaq was $6.75 per share. ------


         In September  1996, the Company's Board of Directors  adopted,  and the
Company's  shareholders  approved,  the 1996 Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Employee
Plan").  The  purpose  of the  Employee  Plan is to promote  the  success of the
Company by providing  additional  incentive to the officers and employees of the
Company  who are  primarily  responsible  for the  management  and growth of the
Company, or otherwise materially  contribute to the conduct and direction of its
business,  operations and affairs, in order to strengthen their desire to remain
in the employ of the Company  and to  stimulate  their  efforts on behalf of the
Company,  and to retain  and  attract to the  employ of the  Company  persons of

         The Employee Plan provides that the maximum  number of shares of Common
Stock reserved for awards thereunder shall be 1,700,000.  As of the date of this
Proxy Statement,  options to purchase 1,189,000 shares of Common Stock have been
granted under the Employee Plan at a weighted  average  exercise  price of $3.62
per share, of which 1,168,250 remain outstanding. The Employee Plan provides for
the grant of (i) options that are intended to qualify as incentive stock options
("Incentive  Stock Options")  within the meaning of Section 422A of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  and (ii) options not intended to so qualify.
The exercise price of options  granted under the Employee Plan may be less than,
more than or equal to the fair market value of such shares on the date of grant;
provided,  however,  that the exercise price of an Incentive Stock Option at the
time of grant thereof shall (i), if such Incentive Stock Option is being granted
to a 10%  shareholder,  be at least 110% of the fair market value on the date of
grant and (ii),  if such  Incentive  Stock Option is being  granted to any other
person,  be at least  100% of the fair  market  value on the date of grant.  Any
options  granted  under  the  Employee  Plan that  shall  expire,  terminate  or
otherwise be annulled for any reason without  having been exercised  shall again
be available for purposes of the Employee Plan.

         The Employee Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee,  which
is  comprised of not less than two members of the  Company's  Board of Directors
who are  "disinterested  persons"  for purposes of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange
Act. The  Committee  has the power and  authority  to grant to eligible  persons
options  to  purchase  shares of Common  Stock  under the  Employee  Plan and to
determine the restrictions,  terms and conditions of all such options granted as
well as to  interpret  the  provisions  of the  Employee  Plan,  any  agreements
relating  to awards  granted  under the  Employee  Plan,  and to  supervise  the
administration of the Employee Plan.

         No Incentive  Stock  Options may be granted to any person for which the
"fair market value," as defined  within the Employee Plan,  determined as of the
time an Incentive  Stock  Option is granted to such person,  of the Common Stock
with respect to which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the first time
by such person  during any calendar  year under all plans of the Company and its
subsidiaries, shall exceed $100,000.


         Subject to the  provisions  of the Employee Plan with respect to death,
retirement and  termination of employment,  the term of each option shall be for
such period as the  Committee  shall  determine  as set forth in the  applicable
option agreement, but not more than (i) five years from the date of grant in the
case of Incentive Stock Options held by 10% or greater shareholders and (ii) ten
years from the date of grant in the case of all other Incentive Stock Options.

         The Employee Plan is intended to comply in all respects with Rule 16b-3
under the Exchange Act.


         In September  1996, the Company's Board of Directors  adopted,  and the
Company's  shareholders  approved, the 1996 Outside Directors' Stock Option Plan
(the  "Directors'  Plan") for  purposes  of  securing  for the  Company  and its
shareholders  the benefits  arising from stock  ownership by outside  directors.
Each outside  director who becomes a director  after March 1, 1996 shall receive
an initial grant of an option to purchase  15,000 shares of Common Stock. To the
extent that shares of Common  Stock  remain  available  for the grant of options
under the Directors' Plan on April 1 of each year,  commencing on April 1, 1997,
each  outside  director  shall  automatically  be granted an option to  purchase
10,000 shares of Common Stock.  Options  granted under the Directors' Plan shall
be exercisable in three equal installments,  commencing on the first anniversary
of the grant date.  The exercise  price of such options is the closing  price of
the Company's  Common Stock on Nasdaq on the business day  immediately  prior to
grant.  As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  250,000 shares of Common Stock
have been reserved for issuance  under the  Directors'  Plan and the Company has
granted  100,000 options to purchase shares of Common Stock under the Directors'
Plan at a weighted average exercise price of $4.10 per share,  none of which are
currently exercisable. The Directors' Plan is intended to comply in all respects
with Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act.


         In 1994,  the Company  adopted  1994  Non-Statutory  Stock Option Plan,
which  was  subsequently  terminated.  As of the date of this  Proxy  Statement,
options to purchase  50,000  shares of Common Stock are  outstanding  under such


         No director,  executive  officer or record or beneficial  owner of more
than five  percent of the  Company's  Common  Stock is involved in any  material
legal proceeding in which he is a party adverse to the Company or has a material
interest adverse to the Company.


         Pursuant to that certain  Divestiture,  Settlement  and  Reorganization
Agreement (the  "Divestiture  Agreement"),  on February 26, 1996 the Company and
Tova Schwartz agreed that Ms. Schwartz would provide consulting  services to the
Company on a part-time  basis for a term of three years,  to be compensated at a
rate of $100,000 per year. As additional  consideration  for the purchase of the
lighting business, the Company agreed to refer lighting business to Ms. Schwartz
or an entity controlled by her and Ms. Schwartz agreed to pay commissions to the
Company for a period of three years at a rate of 10% (or as negotiated),  of the
net invoice price of all sales  referred to Ms.  Schwartz by the Company.  As of
the date of this Proxy Statement,  no commissions have been paid by Ms. Schwartz
to the Company.

         In addition,  pursuant to the  Divestiture  Agreement,  on February 26,
1996 Mr.  Friedberg,  Mr.  Montero and the Company  agreed on the terms of their
respective  employment  with the  Company,  for an initial  term of three years,
subject to automatic renewal for successive  twelve-month  periods unless either
party provides the other with a notification of  non-renewal.  The salary of Mr.
Friedberg is $225,000 annually, and Mr. Montero is $190,000


annually and Messrs.  Friedberg and Mr.  Montero have agreed not to compete with
the Company during the two year period after the termination of their employment
with the Company.

         On  April 1,  1996,  the  Company  entered  into a two year  employment
agreement  with Mr.  Anders,  at an initial  base salary of $150,000  per annum,
which was  increased  to  $185,000  effective  June 1,  1997.  Pursuant  to such
agreement, Mr. Anders has agreed not to compete with the Company during the term
of the agreement and for a period of two years thereafter.

         In connection with the acquisition of LPC,  effective  January 1, 1997,
the Company and LPC entered into an employment  agreement  with Leonard  Parker,
pursuant  to which Mr.  Parker is to be employed as Chairman of LPC for a period
of three  years at a base salary of $250,000  per annum,  which  salary is to be
increased  based on the consumer  price index.  Pursuant to the  agreement,  Mr.
Parker's  salary for the period from January 1, 1999  through  December 31, 2000
was paid in January 1997.  Pursuant to the agreement,  Mr. Parker has agreed not
to compete with the Company  during the term of his employment  thereunder,  and
for a period of one year thereafter.

         In connection with the acquisition of LPC,  effective  January 1, 1997,
the Company and LPC entered into an employment  agreement  with Douglas  Parker,
pursuant to which Mr.  Parker is to be employed as President of LPC for a period
of two years at a base  salary of  $175,000  per  annum,  which  salary is to be
increased  based upon the consumer price index.  In addition to his base salary,
Mr. Parker is eligible to receive  bonuses equal to up to 20% of his base salary
based upon the achievement of performance criteria. In addition,  Mr. Parker was
granted  options to purchase  65,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price
of $6.75 per share  under the  Employee  Plan.  Pursuant to the  agreement,  Mr.
Parker  has  agreed  not to  compete  with the  Company  during  the term of his
employment thereunder and for a period of one year thereafter.

         In connection with the acquisition of LPC,  effective  January 1, 1997,
the Company and LPC entered into an  employment  agreement  with Bradley  Parker
pursuant to which he is to be employed  as Chief  Executive  Officer of LPC upon
the same  terms  and  conditions  as those  contained  in Mr.  Douglas  Parker's
employment  agreement.  In addition,  effective January 1, 1997, the Company and
Parker Reorder entered into employment agreements with each of Philip Parker and
Mitchell Parker pursuant to which they are to be employed as President and Chief
Executive  Officer,  respectively,  of Parker  Reorder  upon the same  terms and
conditions as those contained in Mr.
Douglas Parker's employment agreement.


         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,
requires the Company's officers and directors, and persons who own more than ten
percent  of a  registered  class of the  Company's  equity  securities,  to file
reports of ownership and changes in ownership  with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "Commission").  Officers, directors and greater than ten percent
shareholders are required by the Commission's regulations to furnish the Company
with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file. During the year ended December
31, 1996, all of such forms were filed in a timely manner, with the exception of
Forms 3 and Forms 4 with respect to each of Watertone Holdings,  L.P., Watertone
L.L.C., John A. Garraty, Jr., E.W. Plaut and Joel A. Asen.


         The Company hired  Interstate  Interior  Services  ("Interstate")  as a
subcontractor  on certain of its  projects.  The  President of Interstate is the
sister of Alan G. Friedberg, the President of the Company's Renovation Division.
During  1996  and from  August  1,  1995,  the date  the  Company  acquired  its
hospitality restoration business, to December 31, 1995, the Company paid fees of
$172,786 and $712,137, respectively, to Interstate.

         In February  1996, the Company,  HRB, AGF, Tova  Schwartz,  and certain
other parties thereto entered into the Divestiture  Agreement pursuant to which,
among other things, (i) the Company sold its lighting business to Tova


Schwartz,  the Company's former President and Chief Executive Officer;  (ii) Ms.
Schwartz  resigned  from her  positions as a director and officer of each of the
Company and HRB;  (iii) the Company  repurchased  500,000 shares of Common Stock
from Ms.  Schwartz  for $250,000  (which  shares were  subsequently  sold by the
Company  in a private  placement  offering);  (iv) Ms.  Schwartz  granted to the
Company an option to purchase an  additional  1,000,000  shares of Common  Stock
(all of which  subsequently  were  repurchased  by the  Company  and placed into
treasury);  and (v) the Company agreed to pay Ms. Schwartz consulting fees for a
period of three years of $100,000 per year.

         In February 1996, the Company engaged Resource  Holdings as a financial
advisor  until  December 31, 1997.  As  compensation  for such  engagement,  the
Company granted Resource  Holdings a five-year option to purchase 500,000 shares
of Common  Stock at an exercise  price of $2.00 per share and paid a retainer of
$10,000 per month for one year. Richard Bartlett,  a director of the Company, is
a Managing  Director  of  Resource  Limited,  the  general  partner of  Resource
Holdings.  In connection  with the Apollo Joint Venture  (described  below),  on
April 10,  1997,  the Company and  Resource  Holdings  entered  into a financial
advisory  agreement  pursuant to which  Resource  Holdings  agreed to assist the
Company in connection with negotiations relating to the Apollo Joint Venture and
to provide general financial advisory, strategic planning and acquisition advice
to the Company.  In consideration for those services,  the Company agreed to pay
Resource Holdings 16 1/2% of certain distributions  received by the Company from
the Apollo Joint  Venture  (after  certain  distributions  to the joint  venture
parties  and  returns on capital  invested  in each  project in which the Apollo
Joint Venture  participates) and such additional fees to be mutually agreed upon
between Resource Holdings and the Company.  The Company has not paid any amounts
to Resource Holdings pursuant to this agreement.

         The Company is  currently  renovating  the  corporate  headquarters  of
Watermark  Limited,  LLC  ("Watermark  LLC").  The Company  bills  Watermark LLC
regularly for such services.  At December 31, 1996, the Company had a receivable
of $492,124  from  Watermark  LLC,  which was collected in full during the first
quarter of 1997.  During 1997,  the Company and Watermark LLC  renegotiated  the
renovation  contract  to  provide  for fees more  consistent  with a project  of
similar  scope and  complexity.  As a result of the  renegotiation,  the Company
recognized  additional  revenue  for the  six  months  ended  June  30,  1997 of
$780,183.  As of June 30,  1997 the  Company  had a  receivable  of  $1,223,529,
including $311,681 of costs in excess of billings from Watermark LLC.

         In May 1997,  the Company  entered  into a joint  venture  (the "Apollo
Joint  Venture")  with Apollo  Real Estate  Advisors  II,  L.P.  ("Apollo")  and
Watermark  LLC  to  identify,  acquire,  renovate,   refurbish  and  sell  hotel
properties.  The Company  will  perform all of the  renovation  and  procurement
services for each of the properties  purchased by the Apollo Joint  Venture.  In
addition, the Company will receive a five percent equity interest in each of the
entities formed to purchase such properties in exchange for its  contribution of
five  percent of the total  equity  required to acquire,  renovate and sell such
properties.  The Apollo  Joint  Venture has entered into an agreement to acquire
the  Warwick  Hotel  in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania  and  has  identified  two
additional hotel properties and is actively  negotiating for their  acquisition.
Following the closing of the Warwick transaction the Company will fully renovate
and  refurbish  the Warwick  Hotel  pursuant to a contract with the Apollo Joint
Venture  operating entity.  The Warwick  transaction is scheduled to close on or
before September 28, 1997 but is subject to a number of conditions.




                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2


         The  Board  of  Directors  has  appointed  BDO  Seidman,  LLP to be the
independent  auditors of the Company  for the fiscal  year ending  December  31,
1997.  Although the  selection of auditors  does not require  ratification,  the
Board of Directors  has directed  that the  appointment  of BDO Seidman,  LLP be
submitted to shareholders  for  ratification.  If shareholders do not ratify the
appointment  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP,  the Board of  Directors  will  consider the
appointment of other  certified  public  accountants.  A  representative  of BDO
Seidman,  LLP is  expected  to be  available  at the  Annual  Meeting  to make a
statement if such representative  desires to do so and to respond to appropriate

         The  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the Common Stock
present,  in person or by proxy, is required for ratification of the appointment
of BDO Seidman, LLP as independent auditors of the Company.



                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         Shareholder  proposals  in  respect  of matters to be acted upon at the
Company's 1998 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  should be received by the Company
on or before April 28, 1998 in order that they may be  considered  for inclusion
in the Company's proxy materials.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the Board of Directors is not
aware of any other matters to be presented for action at the forthcoming  Annual
Meeting, but if any other matters properly come before the Annual Meeting, it is
intended  that the persons  voting the  accompanying  proxy will vote the shares
represented thereby in accordance with their best judgment.

         An Annual Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996, including
financial statements, has been mailed to shareholders with this Proxy Statement.
If, for any reason,  you did not receive your copy of the Annual Report,  please
advise the Company and a copy will be sent to you.

         It is important that proxies be returned promptly.  Therefore,  whether
or not you plan to attend the  meeting in person,  you are urged to mark,  date,
execute and return your proxy in the enclosed envelope, to which no postage need
be affixed if mailed in the United States.

                              By Order of the Board of Directors,

                              HOWARD G. ANDERS,
                              Executive Vice President,
                              Chief Financial Officer and Secretary

Dated:   New York, New York
         August 28, 1997



                                     FOR THE
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                               SEPTEMBER 22, 1997

                  KNOW  ALL  MEN  BY  THESE   PRESENTS,   that  the  undersigned
shareholder of HOSPITALITY WORLDWIDE SERVICES,  INC. (the "Company") does hereby
constitute  and appoint ALAN G. FRIEDBERG AND HOWARD G. ANDERS or either of them
(each with full power of  substitution  of another for  himself)  as  attorneys,
agents and proxies, for and in the name, place and stead of the undersigned, and
with all the powers the undersigned would possess if personally present, to vote
as  instructed  below all of the shares of Common  Stock of the Company that the
undersigned  is entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the
Company to be held on Monday, September 22, 1997 at 10:00 A.M. local time at The
Harmonie Club, 4 East 60th Street,  New York, New York and at any adjournment or
adjournments  thereof,  all as set  forth in the  Notice  of  Meeting  and Proxy

                                                (See Reverse Side)

                  To vote for the election of the following directors:  Leonard 
                  F. Parker, Robert A. Berman, Douglas A. Parker, Louis K.
                  Adler, George Asch, Richard A. Bartlett and Scott A. Kaniewski

                                                    (INSTRUCTIONS:  To withhold
      FOR all nominees      WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to   authority to vote for any 
      listed to the right   vote for  nominees      individual nominee, strike a
      (except  as  marked   listed to the right     line through the nominee's 
      to the contrary)                              name in the list below.)

             -----                 -----                Leonard F. Parker
             |   |                 |   |                Robert A. Berman
             -----                 -----                Douglas A. Parker
                                                        Louis K. Adler
                                                        George Asch
                                                        Richard A. Bartlett
                                                        Scott A. Kaniewski


         To  ratify  the  appointment  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP  as  the  Company's
         independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1997.

                  -----                     -----                      -----
         FOR      |   |        AGAINST      |   |        ABSTAIN       |   |
                  -----                     -----                      -----


         To vote with discretionary  authority with respect to all other matters
         which may come before the Annual Meeting.

                  -----                     -----                      -----
         FOR      |   |        AGAINST      |   |        ABSTAIN       |   |
                  -----                     -----                      -----

         ITEM 2.

         The undersigned  hereby revokes any proxy or proxies  heretofore  given
and ratifies and confirms that all the proxies appointed hereby, or any of them,
or their substitutes,  may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. The
undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt  of a copy of the  Notice  of  Annual
Meeting and Proxy Statement, both dated August 28, 1997.

Signature                             Date: