WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                            FORM 10-Q/A

                   AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO THE
          For The Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 1999
         For the Transition Period From _____ to ______

                 Commission File Number 0-29048

                   ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
         Connecticut                         06-1380314
(State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)          Identification No.)

800 Connecticut Boulevard, East Hartford, Connecticut       06108
         (Address of principal executive office)  (Zip Code)
 Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (860) 610- 4000

Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed  all
reports  required  to be filed by Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding  12  months
(or  for such shorter period that the registrant was required  to
file  such  reports),  and (2) has been subject  to  such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.            Yes /X/   No

The number of shares outstanding of the registrant's common stock
              as of April 30, 1999 was 14,693,434.

The Registrant is amending its quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the
quarter ended March 31, 1999 to include amendments to Item 1.

                   ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.

                            FORM 10-Q/A
          For The Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 1999
Part I.  Financial Information

Item 1. Financial Statements                                           3

Signatures                                                            14

                 ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.


                                       March 31,    December 31,
                                         1999           1998
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents     $   918,369      $ 1,048,425
     Accounts receivable               849,328        1,321,782
     Inventories (Note 3)            2,660,489        2,269,016
     Prepaid expenses and other
       assets                          209,677          216,564
                                     ---------        ---------
          Total current assets       4,637,863        4,855,787

Fixed assets, net                    1,852,161        1,933,043
Other assets, net                       71,378           71,575
                                     ---------        ---------
          Total assets             $ 6,561,402      $ 6,860,405
                                     =========        =========
Liabilities, Mandatorily
Redeemable Convertible Preferred
Stock and Shareholders' Equity (Deficit)
Current liabilities:
     Obligations under capital
       leases                      $    64,231       $   64,014
     Accounts payable                1,856,391          961,626
     Accrued expenses                  792,572          588,966
     Customer advances and deposits    260,000                -
     Deferred revenue                  595,000          595,000
                                     ---------        ---------

          Total current liabilities  3,568,194        2,209,606

Obligation under capital leases          5,737           23,116
Long-term debt, net of discount      2,268,644        2,235,593
(Note 5)
Other long-term liabilities            590,927          601,759
                                     ---------        ---------
          Total non-current
            liabilities              2,865,308        2,860,468
                                     ---------        ---------
          Total liabilities          6,433,502        5,070,074
                                     ---------        ---------
Mandatorily redeemable convertible
 preferred stock, no par value,
 500,000 shares authorized,
 2,735 and 3,500 issued and
 outstanding (Note 4)                2,383,116        3,097,368
                                     ---------        ---------
Shareholders' equity:

  Common stock, no par value,
    35,000,000 shares authorized,
    14,614,314 and 12,841,881
    shares issued and outstanding   47,022,179       46,307,927
    Accumulated deficit            (49,277,395)     (47,614,964)
                                    ----------       ----------
 Total shareholders'equity(deficit)( 2,255,216)      (1,307,037)
                                    ----------       ----------
       Total liabilities,
       redeemable convertible
       preferred stock and
       shareholders' equity       $  6,561,402    $   6,860,405
                                     =========       ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                     ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.

                            Three months ended March 31,
                                  1999          1998
Revenue (Note 2)               $ 2,249,498    $ 916,733

Costs and expenses:
    Costs of production          2,144,306    1,628,047
    Research and development       951,830    1,478,947
    Marketing, general and
      administrative               723,241      909,342

                                 3,819,377    4,016,336

Other (income) expense:
     Interest expense               97,814        7,783
     Interest income                (5,262)     (32,014)
                                    92,552      (24,231)

Net loss                        (1,662,431)  (3,075,372)

Imputed dividend on mandatorily
redeemable convertible preferred
stock (Note 4)                           -     (920,000)

Net loss applicable to common
stock                          $(1,662,431) $(3,995,372)

Net loss (basic & diluted) per
common share                   $      (.12) $      (.33)

Weighted average common shares
  Outstanding                   13,759,120   11,993,188

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                     ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.

                           Three months ended March 31,
                                   1999           1998

Cash flows from operating
  Net loss before imputed                  
   dividend                   $(1,662,431)    $(3,075,372)
  Adjustments to reconcile
  net loss to net cash used in
  operating activities:
      Depreciation and
      amortization                305,963         288,321
      (Gain) loss on disposal
      of fixed assets                (300)         13,453
  Changes in assets and
      Accounts receivable         472,454        (183,218)
      Inventories                (391,473)       (572,976)
      Prepaid expenses and
       other assets                  6,887          47,512
      Accounts payable and
       accrued expenses          1,098,371         167,122
      Customer advances and
       deposits                    260,000         (47,280)
      Deferred revenue                   -         102,800
      Other long-term
       liabilities                 (10,832)         49,357

  Net cash provided by
 (used in) operating
  activities                        78,639      (3,210,281)

Cash flows from investing
  Purchases of fixed assets       (191,533)         (9,982)

  Net cash used in
  investing activities            (191,533)         (9,982)

Cash flows from financing
  Payment of capital lease
  obligations                      (17,162)        (15,747)
  Proceeds from exercise of
  options & warrants                     -          44,625
  Net proceeds from issuance
  of preferred
  stock through offerings
  and conversion of debt                 -       3,921,038

  Net cash provided by
 (used in) financing
  activities                       (17,162)      3,949,916

Net increase
(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                       (130,056)        729,653

Cash and cash
equivalents at beginning of
period                           1,048,425       4,005,563

Cash and cash
equivalents at end of period   $   918,369    $  4,753,216

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                           ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.

                         Common Stock                   Accumulated
                     Shares         Amount                Deficit         Total

December 31, 1997  11,989,855   $45,114,633           $(37,845,111)   $ 7,269,522
Proceeds from
  sale of warrants          -       810,000                      -        810,000
Exercise of
 options               37,500        44,625                      -         44,625
Imputed dividend on
 mandatorily redeemable
 convertible preferred
 stock                      -      (920,000)                     -       (920,000)
Conversion of
 Series B
 Stock                814,526       933,669                      -        933,669
Warrants issued
 with debt                  -       325,000                      -        325,000
Net loss before
 imputed dividend           -             -             (9,769,853)    (9,769,853)

December 31, 1998  12,841,881    46,307,927            (47,614,964)    (1,307,037)

Conversion of
 Series B
 Preferred Stock    1,772,433       714,252                      -        714,252
Net loss                    -             -             (1,662,431)    (1,662,431)

March 31, 1999    14,614,314     $47,022,179          $(49,277,395)   $(2,255,216)

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                    ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.


1.   Interim Condensed Financial Statements
In  the  opinion  of  the  Company,  the  accompanying  unaudited
condensed   financial   statements   contain   all   adjustments,
consisting  only  of normal recurring adjustments,  necessary  to
present  fairly its financial position as of March 31,  1999  and
the  results  of operations and cash flows for the  three  months
ended  March  31, 1999 and 1998.  The December 31,  1998  balance
sheet  has  been  derived  from the Company's  audited  financial
statements  at  that  date.  These  interim  condensed  financial
statements  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  Management's
Discussion and Analysis and financial statements included in  the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December
31, 1998.

The  results of operations for the three months ended  March  31,
1999 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected
for the full year.

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Significant  accounting policies followed in the  preparation  of
these financial statements are as follows:

Use of Estimates
The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with
generally  accepted accounting principles requires management  to
make  estimates and assumptions that affect the reported  amounts
of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities  at  the  date of the financial  statements  and  the
reported  amounts of revenues and expenses during  the  reporting
period.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Revenue Recognition
Revenue  is  generally  recognized upon  product  shipment.   The
Company  has  established warranty policies that, under  specific
conditions,  enable  customers to return products.   The  Company
provides  reserves  for  potential  returns  and  allowances  and
warranty  costs  at  the time of revenue recognition.   Prior  to
October  1,  1998, the Company did not have adequate  information
and  experience  to  estimate potential returns,  allowances  and
warranty costs, and accordingly, revenue resulting from Truecolor
Systems  was  deferred  until the end  of  the  warranty  period.
During the fourth quarter of 1998, the Company concluded that it
had   adequate  warranty  information  and  experience  to  begin
recognizing  revenue upon the shipment of systems to its  primary
OEM  customer.   The Company will continue to  defer  revenue  on
shipments  to  its  second  OEM customer  until  systems  are  in
production and are past the warranty period or until the  Company
has adequate warranty history with that product.

3.   Inventories
Inventories consist of the following:
                                       March 31,         December 31,
                                         1999                1998

  Raw materials and components      $  1,541,274        $  1,185,529
  Work-in-process                        329,980             299,271
  Finished goods                         789,235             784,216

                                    $  2,660,489        $  2,269,016

4.   Mandatorily Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock
In December 1997, the Company's Board of Directors designated a
series of 4,500 shares of the Company's previously authorized
preferred stock, no par value per share, to be designated as the
Series B Convertible Preferred Stock ("Series B Stock").  On
January 13, 1998 the Company completed a private equity financing
providing net proceeds to the Company of $3.9 million.  In
connection with the financing, the Company issued 4,500 shares of
Series B Stock at a price of $1,000 per share and warrants to
purchase the Company's common stock.  The warrants issued are
exercisable into 300,000 shares of common stock with an exercise
price of $2.75 and an expiration date of January 9, 2003.
Additionally, warrants exercisable into 115,385 shares of common
stock with an exercise price of $2.50 and an expiration date of
January 9, 2003 were issued to the placement agent for services
provided.  The deemed fair market value of these warrants has been
reflected as an increase to common shareholders' equity and a
reduction of mandatorily redeemable convertible preferred stock.
In connection with the sale of the units, the Company agreed
to register the common stock issuable upon the conversion
of the Series B Stock and the execution of the warrants.

The Series B Stock, no par value per share, is convertible into
such number of shares of common stock as is determined by
dividing the stated value ($1,000) of each share of Series B
Stock (as such value is increased by an annual premium of 6%) by
the then current conversion price of the Series B Stock (which is
determined, generally, by reference to 85% of the average of the
closing market price of the common stock during the five
consecutive trading days immediately preceding the date of
determination) subject to certain restrictions and adjustments.
The Series B Stock has voting rights as defined in the Company's
Certificate of Incorporation, bears no dividends and ranks senior
to the Company's common stock and Series A Preferred Stock.  In
the event of any voluntary or involuntary liquidation of the
Company, the Series B holders shall be entitled to a liquidation
preference equal to the stated value of the stock plus the
accrued premium through the date of final distribution.  Upon
occurrence of specific events, as defined in the agreement, the
holder may redeem the Series B Stock for cash.  In certain, but
not all, redemption events, the Company has the unilateral right
to pre-empt the right of holders of the Series B Stock from
demanding cash redemption of their shares by paying to them
within five days of the specific event, as liquidated damages,
25% of the face amount of the Series B Stock then outstanding.
Such liquidated damages can be paid in cash or shares at the
Company's election.  Management does not consider any of the
events that would trigger mandatory redemption to be probable
events, has determined a reasonable estimate of when the
circumstances that would result in the shares becoming
mandatorily redeemable cannot be made, and therefore at March 31,
1999 does not accrue for accretion.

The Company initially reserved 6,300,000 shares of common stock
for issuance pursuant to the conversion of the Series B Stock.
This number of shares represented an estimate based on 200% of
the number of common shares that would have been issuable upon
conversion with an exercise price of $1.875 per share (4,800,000)
plus 1,500,000 shares issuable under the terms of the Certificate
of Designation in the event of certain failures by the Company to
comply with various provisions thereof, including maintaining its
common stock listing on the NASDAQ Stock Market.  In addition,
415,385 shares of common stock, subject to adjustments in
accordance with the terms of each warrant, were reserved for
issuance pursuant to the exercise of the warrants described

On August 10, 1998 and March 22, 1999, pursuant to the terms of
the Certificate of Designation and approval by the Board of
Directors, the Company increased the number of reserved shares of
common stock for issuance upon the conversion of the Series B
Stock by 2,567,652 and 3,833,699 shares, respectively.  This was
done because the reserved amount had fallen below 135% of the
number of shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the
then outstanding shares of Series B Stock.  As of March 31, 1999,
there were 10,114,392 shares of common stock reserved for
issuance pursuant to the conversion of the remaining 2,735 shares
of Series B Stock issued and outstanding.  The actual number of
shares issuable upon conversion could be materially less or more
than this number depending on factors that cannot be predicted by
the Company.  The number of shares issuable upon conversion is
dependent on the market price of the common stock at the time of
the conversion.  As of March 31, 1999, 1,765 shares of Series B
Stock had been converted into 2,586,959 shares of common stock at
an average conversion price of $.79 per share.

The Company's common stock was delisted from the NASDAQ Stock
Market effective March 17, 1999 as the Company was not in
compliance with NASDAQ's minimum bid price and net tangible asset
level.  Consequently, each holder of the Company's Series B
Convertible Preferred Stock has the right, beginning March 31,
1999, to require the Company to redeem such holder's shares of
Series B Preferred Stock, in cash or, at the Company's option, in
common stock, at a redemption price specified in the Company's
Certificate of Incorporation.  The Company is not aware that any
such holder intends to require such redemption, but cannot
predict what each holder may elect to require.  In the event a
holder of Series B Preferred Stock were to demand redemption at a
time when the Company's resources are insufficient to redeem such
holder's shares, the rights of such holder would include the
right to receive interest at the annual rate of 24% on the
defaulted payment amount.

In the course of a review of a Securities Act filing, the staff
of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("the Commission")
raised an issue regarding the classification of the Company's
mandatorily redeemable convertible preferred stock.  Due to
certain of mandatory redemption features, the carrying value of
the preferred shares, which were previously presented as a
component of shareholders' equity (deficit), has been
reclassified as temporary equity, outside of shareholders'
equity (deficit) at March 31,1999.  The reclassification of the
preferred shares for thematter described above had no effect on
the Company's net loss,total assets or total liabilities.  The
Company's redeemable equity and total shareholders' equity (deficit)
at March 31,1999, as previously reported and reclassified, are as follows:

                                                             March 31, 1999
 Redeemable equity - previously reported                      $         -
 Adjustment related to the presentation of the mandatorily
  redeemable convertible preferred shares as redeemable         2,383,116
 As restated                                                  $ 2,383,116

 Shareholders' equity (deficit) - previously reported         $   127,900
 Adjustment related to the presentation of the mandatorily
  redeemable convertible preferred shares as redeemable        (2,383,116)
 As restated                                                  $(2,255,216)

5.   Subsequent Event
On April 30, 1999, in an effort to retain key personnel, the
Board of Directors approved an increase in the number of shares
of common stock available under the Company's 1995 Stock
Incentive Plan from 2,000,000 shares to 4,000,000 shares and the
issuance of 1,942,500 options under the Plan to active employees
and directors of Accent Color Sciences at an exercise price of
$.22 per share, the fair market value as of that date.  This
amendment is, and indirectly substantially all of such options
are, subject to shareholder approval in accordance with the terms
of the Plan.

4.  Mandatorily Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock
In  December 1997, the Company's Board of Directors designated  a
series  of  4,500  shares of the Company's previously  authorized
preferred stock, no par value per share, to be designated as  the
Series  B  Convertible Preferred Stock ("Series  B  Stock").   On
January 13, 1998 the Company completed a private equity financing
providing  net  proceeds  to the Company  of  $3.9  million.   In
connection with the financing, the Company issued 4,500 shares of
Series  B  Stock at a price of $1,000 per share and  warrants  to
purchase  the  Company's common stock.  The warrants  issued  are
exercisable into 300,000 shares of common stock with an  exercise
price  of  $2.75  and  an expiration date  of  January  9,  2003.
Additionally, warrants exercisable into 115,385 shares of  common
stock  with an exercise price of $2.50 and an expiration date  of
January  9, 2003 were issued to the placement agent for  services
provided.  In connection with the sale of the units, the  Company
agreed  to register the common stock issuable upon the conversion
of the Series B Stock and the execution of the warrants.

The  Series B Stock, no par value per share, is convertible  into
such  number  of  shares  of common stock  as  is  determined  by
dividing  the  stated value ($1,000) of each share  of  Series  B
Stock (as such value is increased by an annual premium of 6%)  by
the then current conversion price of the Series B Stock (which is
determined, generally, by reference to 85% of the average of  the
closing  market  price  of  the  common  stock  during  the  five
consecutive  trading  days  immediately  preceding  the  date  of
determination)  subject to certain restrictions and  adjustments.

The  Series B Stock has voting rights as defined in the Company's
Certificate of Incorporation, bears no dividends and ranks senior
to  the Company's common stock and Series A Preferred Stock.   In
the  event  of  any voluntary or involuntary liquidation  of  the
Company,  the Series B holders shall be entitled to a liquidation
preference  equal  to  the stated value of  the  stock  plus  the
accrued  premium  through the date of final  distribution.   Upon
occurrence  of specific events, as defined in the agreement,  the
holder  may redeem the Series B Stock for cash or shares  at  the
option  of the Company.  The Company also has optional redemption

The  Company initially reserved 6,300,000 shares of common  stock
for  issuance pursuant to the conversion of the Series  B  Stock.
This  number of shares represented an estimate based on  200%  of
the  number  of common shares that would have been issuable  upon
conversion with an exercise price of $1.875 per share (4,800,000)
plus 1,500,000 shares issuable under the terms of the Certificate
of Designation in the event of certain failures by the Company to
comply with various provisions thereof, including maintaining its
common  stock  listing on the NASDAQ Stock Market.  In  addition,
415,385  shares  of  common  stock,  subject  to  adjustments  in
accordance  with  the terms of each warrant,  were  reserved  for
issuance  pursuant  to  the exercise of  the  warrants  described

On  August 10, 1998 and March 22, 1999, pursuant to the terms  of
the  Certificate  of Designation and approval  by  the  Board  of
Directors, the Company increased the number of reserved shares of
common  stock  for issuance upon the conversion of the  Series  B
Stock by 2,567,652 and 3,833,699 shares, respectively.  This  was
done  because the reserved amount had fallen below  135%  of  the
number of shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of  the
then outstanding shares of Series B Stock.  As of March 31, 1999,
there  were  10,114,392  shares  of  common  stock  reserved  for
issuance pursuant to the conversion of the remaining 2,735 shares
of  Series B Stock issued and outstanding.  The actual number  of
shares issuable upon conversion could be materially less or  more
than this number depending on factors that cannot be predicted by
the  Company.   The number of shares issuable upon conversion  is
dependent on the market price of the common stock at the time  of
the  conversion.  As of March 31, 1999, 1,765 shares of Series  B
Stock had been converted into 2,586,959 shares of common stock at
an average conversion price of $.79 per share.

The  Company's  common stock was delisted from the  NASDAQ  Stock
Market  effective  March  17, 1999 as  the  Company  was  not  in
compliance with NASDAQ's minimum bid price and net tangible asset
level.   Consequently,  each holder of  the  Company's  Series  B
Convertible  Preferred Stock has the right, beginning  March  31,
1999,  to  require the Company to redeem such holder's shares  of
Series  B  Preferred  Stock,  in  cash  or, at the Company's
option, in common  stock,  at  a redemption price specified in
the  Company's  Certificate  of Incorporation. The Company is not
aware that  any  such  holder intends to require such redemption, but
cannot predict what  eachholder  may elect to require.  In the event a
holder of Series  B Preferred  Stock  were to demand redemption at a
time when the Company's resources are insufficient to redeem such holder's
shares,  the  rights of such holder would include  the  right  to
receive  interest  at  the annual rate of 24%  on  the  defaulted
payment amount.

5.   Subsequent Event
On  April  30,  1999, in an effort to retain key  personnel,  the
Board  of Directors approved an increase in the number of  shares
of   common  stock  available  under  the  Company's  1995  Stock
Incentive Plan from 2,000,000 shares to 4,000,000 shares and  the
issuance of options respecting 1,942,500 shares under the Plan to
active  employees and directors of Accent Color  Sciences  at  an
exercise  price of $.22 per share, the fair market  value  as  of
that  date.  This amendment is, and indirectly substantially  all
of   such  options  are,  subject  to  shareholder  approval   in
accordance with the terms of the Plan.

Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act  of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed  on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                   ACCENT COLOR SCIENCES, INC.

   Dated    September 17, 1999     By /s/ Charles E. Buchheit
                                     Charles E. Buchheit
                                     President and Chief Executive Officer

                                   By /s/ Tracy L. Hubert
                                      Tracy L. Hubert
                                      Acting Chief Financial Officer
                                 (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)