THIS  EMPLOYMENT   AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement")  is  effective  as  of
May 30,  2001 (the  "Effective  Date") by and between  CTD  HOLDINGS,
INC.,  a Florida  corporation  (the  "Company"),  and C.E.  RICK  STRATTAN  (the


         This Agreement is intended to provide for the employment of Employee by
the  Company  from and after the date  hereof,  all on the terms and  conditions
herein set forth.

         NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual
covenants and agreements herein contained, and for other valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby
agree as follows:

1.       Employment.
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1.1.  Subject to Section 3 below, the Company hereby employs Employee for a term
of one  (1) years (the  "Employment  Term"),  commencing on the Effective
Date,  to serve as the President of the Company and to perform such services and
duties  as are  consistent  with such  position  and as may be  directed  by the
Company's Board of Directors. Employee hereby accepts such employment.  Employee
shall not engage in any  venture or activity  that  materially  interferes  with
Employee's  performance  of his  duties  hereunder.  The  Employee  agrees to be
present and to work such hours and at such times as are reasonably  requested by
the Company. Employee's offices shall be located in Gainesville, Florida.

1.2.  Employee may extend the term of this  Agreement at the end of each elapsed
year by giving  written  notice of such  extension not less than sixty (60) days
prior to the first anniversary of this Agreement and each anniversary thereafter
that the term of this  Agreement is to be extended.  Immediately  following  the
exercise this election to extend,  the remaining  term of this Agreement will be
one  (1)  years plus the period  remaining in the year notice of the
extension is given.

2. Compensation and Benefits.  During the Employment Term, the Company shall pay
Employee the compensation and other amounts set forth below.

2.1.  Salary.  The Company  shall pay Employee an annual  salary  ("Salary")  of
Thirty Thousand  Dollars  ($30,000.00).  The Employee's  salary shall be payable
bi-weekly  according to the Company's  regular payroll  practices and subject to
such deductions as may be required by law.

2.2. Benefits. Employee shall receive: (i) the employee benefits and perquisites
provided by the Company to its executive officers from  time-to-time,  including
two (2) weeks' paid vacation  during each calendar  year;  (ii) twenty (20) paid
time off days per year; and (iii) reimbursement for

reasonable and necessary  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in the performance of
his duties  hereunder,  including,  but not limited to, travel and entertainment
expenses (such  expenses shall be reimbursed by the Company,  from time to time,
upon presentation of appropriate receipts therefor).

2.3. The Company shall provide Employee health insurance of a type acceptable to
Employee, the premium for which shall not exceed $4,800.00 annually.

2.4. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is a continuation of an ongoing
employment  relationship and that in the course of such  relationship,  Employee
has  accrued  $100,000 of unpaid  salary.  As an  inducement  to enter into this
contract,  and to continue  Employee's  employment  by the Company,  the Company
shall pay the accrued  salary by the issuance of shares of the Company's  common
stock at a rate of $0.125 per share reflecting the value of the common shares on
May 30, 2001.  The  Company  agrees to register  said  common  shares as soon as
practicable in accordance with state and federal securities laws.

3. Termination.  The Employee's  employment  pursuant to this Agreement shall be
terminated by the first to occur of the following events.

3.1.     The death of Employee.

3.2. The Complete Disability of Employee.  "Complete  Disability" as used herein
shall mean the  inability  of  Employee,  due to illness,  accident or any other
physical or mental  incapacity,  to perform the  services  provided  for in this
Agreement  for an  aggregate  of 120 days  within  any  period  of  twelve  (12)
consecutive months during the term hereof.

3.3. The discharge of Employee by the Company for Cause.  "Cause" as used herein
shall mean:

3.3.1.   conviction of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude;

3.3.2.  acts of fraud by Employee  against the Company or its affiliates,  or in
connection  with the performance of his duties  hereunder,  as determined by the
Company after investigation, notice of the charge to Employee and after allowing
Employee an opportunity to explain the conduct in question;

3.3.3.  the  Employee's  willful  and  material  failure  or  refusal to perform
Employee's duties and obligations under this Agreement, (a "Default"); provided,
however,  that in the case of this  subsection;  termination  for "Cause"  shall
occur only if the  Company has given  written  notice of the Default to Employee
and Employee has failed to cure the Default in question during a period of seven
(7) days after the date of Employee's receipt of such notice.

3.4. Upon any termination pursuant to Section 3.1, the Company shall be released
from  all  obligations   hereunder   (except  for  the  obligation  to  pay  any
compensation  and  benefits  described in Section 2 hereof which are accrued and
unpaid as of the date of termination).

3.5. Employee shall not be required to pay any Company related expense for later
reimbursement  by the Company.  The Company will approve and pay Company related
expenses in advance.

4. Successors. This Agreement is personal to Employee and may not be assigned by
Employee.  This  Agreement is not assignable by the Company except in connection
with the sale of all or  substantially  all of the Company's  assets or stock or
upon a  merger  or any  similar  transaction.  Subject  to the  foregoing,

this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Company and
its successors and assigns.

5.       Miscellaneous.
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5.1.  Modification  and Waiver.  Any term or condition of this  Agreement may be
waived at any time by the party hereto that is entitled to the benefit  thereof;
provided,  however,  that any such waiver  shall be in writing and signed by the
waiving  party,  and no such waiver of any breach or default  hereunder is to be
implied  from the  omission  of the other  party to take any  action on  account
thereof. A waiver on one occasion shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the same
or of any other breach on a future  occasion.  This Agreement may be modified or
amended only by a writing signed by both parties hereto.

5.2.  Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with, and
all actions  arising under or in connection  therewith shall be governed by, the
internal laws of the State of Florida.  The parties  hereto agree that any claim
or dispute arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted
for  adjudication  exclusively in courts of Alachua  County,  Florida,  and both
parties hereto  expressly  agrees to be bound by such selection of  jurisdiction
and venue for purposes of such adjudication.  In any action arising out of or in
connection  with this  agreement,  the  prevailing  party  shall be  entitled to
recover its reasonable attorney's fees incurred.

5.3. Tax  Withholding.  The Company may withhold from any amounts  payable under
this  Agreement  such taxes as shall be required to be withheld  pursuant to any
applicable law or regulation.

5.4. Section  Captions.  Section and other captions  contained in this Agreement
are  for  reference  purposes  only  and  are in no way  intended  to  describe,
interpret,  define or limit the scope, extent or intent of this Agreement or any
provision hereof.

5.5.  Severability.  Every  provision  of  this  Agreement  is  intended  to  be
severable.  If any term or provision hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason
whatsoever,  such illegality or invalidity  shall not affect the validity of the
remainder of this Agreement.

5.6. Integrated  Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding
and  agreement  among the  parties  hereto with  respect to the  subject  matter
hereof, and supersedes any other employment  agreements executed before the date
hereof.  Except with respect to the  Investment  Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated  thereby,  there are no agreements,  understandings,  restrictions,
representations,  or  warranties  among the  parties  other than those set forth
herein or herein provided for.

5.7. Interpretation.  No provision of this Agreement is to be interpreted for or
against  any party  because  that  party or that  party's  legal  representative
drafted such  provision.  For purposes of this  Agreement:  "herein,"  "hereby,"
"hereunder,"  "herewith," "hereafter," and "hereinafter" refer to this Agreement
in its entirety, and not to any particular section or subsection. This Agreement
may be executed in any number of counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an
original, and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument.

5.8. Notices. All notices,  requests,  demands, or other communications required
or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly
given upon  receipt if  delivered  in person or by Federal  Express  (or similar
overnight courier service) to the parties at the following addresses:

                  If to Employee:           C.E. Rick Strattan
                                            3713 S.W. 42nd Avenue, Suite 3
                                            Gainesville, FL 32608-6581

                  If to the Company:        CTD Holdings, Inc.
                                            3713 S.W. 42nd Avenue, Suite 3
                                            Gainesville, FL 32608

5.9.  Any party may change the address to which  notices,  requests,  demands or
other communications to such party shall be delivered or mailed by giving notice
thereof to the other parties hereto in the manner  provided  herein.  Any notice
may be given on behalf of a party by its counsel.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Employment  Agreement
as of the Effective Date.


                                            CTD HOLDINGS, INC.

                                            By: /s/ C. E. "Rick" Strattan
                                            Title: President/Chief Executive


                                             /s/ C.E. Rick Strattan
                                              C.E. RICK STRATTAN