Washington, D.C.  20549
                            FORM 10-K
[X] Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 1994

[  ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the transition period from __________ to __________

Commission file number 33-53379

                    Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.
                        Ferrellgas, L.P.
                    Ferrellgas Finance Corp.

   (Exact name of registrants as specified in their charters)
           Delaware                     43-1675728
           Delaware                     43-1676206
           Delaware                     43-1677595
(States or other jurisdictions of      (I.R.S. Employer
 or incorporation or organization)     Identification Nos.)
           One Liberty Plaza, Liberty, Missouri  64068

     (Address of principal executive offices)    (Zip Code)
Registrants' telephone number, including area code (816) 792-1600

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                   Name of each exchange on
  Title of each class                which registered

    Common Units                   New York Stock Exchange

Securities registered pursuant to section 12(g) of the Act: None

Indicate by check mark whether the registrants (1) have filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months
(or for such shorter period that the registrants were required to
file such reports), and (2) have been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.   Yes [X]     No [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers
pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein,
and will not be contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge,
in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by
reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K.       [X]

The aggregate market value as of October 14, 1994, of the
registrant's Common Units held by nonaffiliates of the
registrant, based on the reported closing price of such units on
the New York Stock Exchange on such date, was approximately

At October 14, 1994, the registrants had units and shares of
common stock outstanding as follows:
 Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. -  14,100,000     Common Units
                              16,593,721     Subordinated Units
 Ferrellgas Finance Corp.  -       1,000     Shares of $1 par value common stock

Documents Incorporated by Reference: None

                    FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P.
                        FERRELLGAS, L.P.
                      FERRELL FINANCE CORP.

                  1994 FORM 10-K ANNUAL REPORT
                        Table of Contents
                             PART I
ITEM 1.   BUSINESS                                              
ITEM 2.   PROPERTIES                                            
ITEM 3.   LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                     

                             PART II


                            PART III


                             PART IV


                             PART I

Business of Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.

   Ferrellgas  Partners,  L.P. (the  "MLP"),  a  publicly  traded
Delaware  limited  partnership, was formed April  19,  1994.   In
order to simplify the MLP's obligations under the laws of certain
jurisdictions in which it conducts business, the MLP's activities
are  conducted  through  its  subsidiary  Ferrellgas,  L.P.  (the
"Operating  Partnership").  The MLP, with a 99%  limited  partner
interest,   is   the  sole  limited  partner  of  the   Operating
Partnership  and  together the MLP and the Operating  Partnership
will   be  referred  to  as  the  "Partnership".   The  Operating
Partnership  accounts  for all of the MLP's consolidated  assets,
sales  and earnings.  Accordingly, a separate discussion  of  the
results  of operations, liquidity, and capital resources  of  the
MLP  is not presented.  See ITEM 7.  MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION  AND
discussion of the Operating Partnership's results.

Business of Ferrellgas, L.P. (and the Partnership)

   The Operating Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, was
formed  April 22, 1994, to acquire, own and operate  the  propane
business   and   assets  of  Ferrellgas,  Inc.  (the   "Company",
"Ferrellgas", and "General Partner").  The Company has retained a
1% general partner interest in Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and also
holds a 1% general partner interest in the Operating Partnership,
representing a 2% general partner interest in the Partnership  on
a  combined  basis.  As General Partner of the  Partnership,  the
Company  performs  all  management  functions  required  for  the


  The Partnership is engaged in the sale, distribution, marketing
and  trading  of  propane  and other  natural  gas  liquids.  The
discussion  that  follows  focuses on  the  Partnership's  retail
operations and its other operations, which consist of propane and
natural  gas  liquids  trading  operations,  chemical  feedstocks
marketing  and  wholesale propane marketing, all  of  which  were
conveyed  to  the  Partnership on July 5, 1994.   All  historical
references  prior  to July 5, 1994 relate to  the  operations  as
conducted by the Company.

   The  General  Partner believes the Partnership  is  the  third
largest  retail  marketer of propane in  the  United  States  (as
measured   by   gallons  sold),  serving  approximately   600,000
residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial customers in
45  states and the District of Columbia through approximately 415
retail  outlets with 238 satellite locations in 36  states  (some
outlets    serve   interstate   markets).   For   the   Operating
Partnership's pro forma fiscal year ended July 31, 1994, and  the
Company's  historical fiscal years ended July 31, 1993 and  1992,
annual  retail  propane  sales  volumes  were  approximately  564
million, 553 million and 496 million gallons, respectively.   The
Partnership's pro forma (adjusted for the transactions  described
in   Note   A  of  the  MLP's  notes  to  consolidated  financial
statements) earnings before depreciation, amortization,  interest
and  taxes ("EBITDA") was $97.4 million, $88.9 million and  $87.1
million for the fiscal years ended July 31, 1994, 1993 and  1992,
respectively.   Pro  forma net income was  $39.9  million,  $28.3
million  and  $26.0 million for the fiscal years ended  July  31,
1994,  1993 and 1992, respectively.  The retail propane  business
of  the  Partnership consists principally of transporting propane
purchased  through  various suppliers to its retail  distribution
outlets,  then  to tanks located on its customers'  premises,  as
well  as  to  portable  propane cylinders. The  Partnership  also
believes  it  is  a leading natural gas liquids trading  company.
Annual   propane  and  natural  gas  liquids  trading,   chemical
feedstocks and wholesale propane sales volumes were approximately
1.7  billion,  1.2  billion and 1.3 billion  gallons  during  the
Operating  Partnership's pro forma fiscal  year  ended  July  31,
1994,  and the Company's historical fiscal years ended  July  31,
1993 and 1992, respectively.

Retail Operations


   Ferrell Companies, Inc. ("Ferrell"), the parent of Ferrellgas,
was  founded  in  1939  as  a  single retail  propane  outlet  in
Atchison,  Kansas  and  was incorporated  in  1954.  In  1984,  a
subsidiary was formed under the name Ferrellgas, Inc. to  operate
the  retail  propane  business previously conducted  by  Ferrell.
Ferrell  is  primarily owned by James E. Ferrell and his  family.
The  Company's  initial growth was largely the  result  of  small
acquisitions  in the rural areas of eastern Kansas, northern  and
central  Missouri,  Iowa, Western Illinois,  Southern  Minnesota,
South  Dakota  and  Texas.  In July 1984,  the  Company  acquired
propane   operations  with  annual  retail   sales   volumes   of
approximately  33  million  gallons and  in  December  1986,  the
Company  acquired  propane operations with  annual  retail  sales
volumes  of  approximately  395  million  gallons.  These   major
acquisitions   and   many   other   smaller   acquisitions   have
significantly  expanded and diversified the Company's  geographic
coverage.  In July 1994, the propane business and assets  of  the
Company were contributed to the Partnership.

 Business Strategy

   The Partnership's business strategy is to continue Ferrellgas'
historical  focus  on residential and commercial  retail  propane
operations  and  to  expand  its  operations  through   strategic
acquisitions   of  smaller  retail  propane  operations   located
throughout    the    United   States   and   through    increased
competitiveness and efforts to acquire new customers. The propane
industry  is  relatively fragmented, with the ten largest  retail
distributors  possessing  less than   33%  of  the  total  retail
propane market and much of the industry consisting of over  3,000
local  or regional companies. The Partnership's retail operations
account  for approximately 6% of the retail propane purchased  in
the  United States, as measured by gallons sold. Since 1986,  and
as   of  July  31,  1994,  Ferrellgas  has  acquired  70  smaller
independent propane retailers which Ferrellgas believes were  not
individually material. For the fiscal years ended July  31,  1990
to  1994,  Ferrellgas  spent approximately $18.0  million,  $25.3
million,   $10.1   million,  $0.9  million  and   $3.4   million,
respectively,  for acquisitions of operations with annual  retail
sales  of  approximately 11.3 million, 18.0 million, 8.6 million,
0.7 million and 2.9 million gallons of propane, respectively.

    The   Partnership  intends  to  initially   concentrate   its
acquisition  activities in geographical areas in close  proximity
to  the  Company's  existing operations and  to  acquire  propane
retailers  that  can be efficiently combined with  such  existing
operations  to  provide an attractive return on investment  after
taking  into account the efficiencies which may result from  such
combination.   The   Partnership  will,  however,   also   pursue
acquisitions   which   broaden  its  geographic   coverage.   The
Partnership's  goal in any acquisition will  be  to  improve  the
operations  and  profitability  of  these  smaller  companies  by
integrating  them  into  the  Partnership's  established   supply
network.  The  General Partner regularly evaluates  a  number  of
propane  distribution  companies  which  may  be  candidates  for
acquisition. The General Partner believes that there are numerous
local  retail  propane distribution companies that  are  possible
candidates  for  acquisition  by the  Partnership  and  that  the
Partnership's geographic diversity of operations helps to  create
many  attractive  acquisition opportunities for the  Partnership.
The  Partnership  intends to fund acquisitions  through  internal
cash  flow,  external  borrowings or the issuance  of  additional
Partnership  interests. The Partnership's ability  to  accomplish
these  goals  will  be subject to the continued  availability  of
acquisition  candidates at prices attractive to the  Partnership.
There  is  no  assurance the Partnership will  be  successful  in
increasing  the  level of acquisitions or that  any  acquisitions
that are made will prove beneficial to the Partnership.

   In  addition  to growth through acquisitions, the  Partnership
believes  that  it  can  be  successful  in  competing  for   new
customers. Since 1989, Ferrellgas has experienced modest internal
growth in its customer base. During that same period of time  the
quality of field management has been improved and improvements in
operating efficiencies have been implemented. The residential and
commercial   retail  propane  distribution  business   has   been
characterized by a relatively stable customer base, primarily due
to  the expense of switching to alternative fuels, as well as the
quality  of  service and personal relations. In  addition,  since
safety   regulations  adopted  in  most  states  in   which   the
Partnership  operates  prohibit propane  retailers  from  filling
tanks  owned  by  other  retailers, customers  that  lease  tanks
generally  develop long-term relationships with their  suppliers.
The  cost  and  inconvenience  of  switching  tanks  minimizes  a
customer's  tendency  to switch among suppliers  of  propane  and
among  alternative  fuels on the basis  of  minor  variations  in
price. Based on its market surveys, the Partnership believes that
within  the  retail  propane industry approximately  12%  of  all
residential   propane  users  switch  suppliers   annually.   The
Partnership  strives  to minimize losses  of  existing  customers
while  attracting as many new customers as possible.  To  achieve
this  objective  extensive  market  research  was  conducted   by
Ferrellgas to determine the critical factors that cause customers
to  value their propane supplier. Based upon the results of  such
surveys,  Ferrellgas  has  designed  and  implemented  a  monthly
process  of assessing customer satisfaction in each of its  local
retail markets. The Partnership believes that these surveys  give
it an advantage over its competitors, none of whom it is believed
conduct  comparable surveys. By highlighting  specific  areas  of
customer satisfaction, the Partnership believes that it can  move
quickly  to both retain existing customers who are at  risk,  and
gain   new  customers.  Specific  measures  have  been  and   are
continuing  to  be designed to take advantage of the  information
gained regarding customer satisfaction. The Partnership has  also
begun the process of upgrading computer equipment and software in
order  to improve customer service and achieve efficiencies  that
enable  local  market  personnel to direct more  efforts  towards
sales activities.

   Approximately 70% of the Partnership's customers  lease  their
tanks  from the Partnership, as compared to approximately 60%  of
all  propane customers nationwide. The Partnership believes there
is  a  significant growth opportunity in marketing to the 40%  of
propane  users  that  own  their  own  tank.  As  a  result,  the
Partnership  has directly sought to identify locations  where  it
can  achieve rapid growth by marketing more effectively to  these
potential   customers.   Ferrellgas  believes  that   since   the
commencement  of  this  effort  in  August  1992,  it  has  added
thousands  of  new customers that own their own  tank.  For  both
customers  who  lease their tank, and customers  that  own  their
tank,  the Partnership's continued ability to deliver propane  to
customers  when  needed  and during periods  of  extreme  demand,
especially in remote areas and during inclement weather, will  be
critical to maintaining margins, maintaining the loyalty  of  its
retail customers and expanding its customer base.


   Natural  gas  liquids are derived from petroleum products  and
sold  in  compressed or liquefied form. Propane, the  predominant
type  of  natural gas liquid, is typically extracted from natural
gas  or separated during crude oil refining. Although propane  is
gaseous at normal pressures, it is compressed into liquid form at
relatively low pressures for storage and transportation.  Propane
is   a   clean-burning   energy  source,   recognized   for   its
transportability and ease of use relative to alternative forms of
stand alone energy sources.

   The retail propane marketing business generally involves large
numbers  of  small volume deliveries averaging approximately  200
gallons  each.  The  market areas are generally  rural  but  also
include  suburban  areas  where  natural  gas  service   is   not
available. In the residential and commercial markets, propane  is
primarily  used for space heating, water heating and cooking.  In
the  agricultural  market  propane is  primarily  used  for  crop
drying,  space heating, irrigation and weed control. In addition,
propane  is  used for certain industrial applications,  including
use  as  engine  fuel,  which is burned  in  internal  combustion
engines  that  power vehicles and forklifts and as a  heating  or
energy source in manufacturing and drying processes.

   Profits in the retail propane business are primarily based  on
the  cents-per-gallon difference between the purchase  price  and
the  sales  price of propane. The Partnership generally purchases
propane  on  a  short-term  basis; therefore,  its  supply  costs
fluctuate   with  market  price  fluctuations.  Should  wholesale
propane  prices decline in the future, the Partnership's  margins
on  its  retail propane distribution business should increase  in
the  short-term because retail prices tend to change less rapidly
than  wholesale  prices.  Should the wholesale  cost  of  propane
increase,  for  similar reasons retail margins and  profitability
would  likely be reduced at least for the short-term until retail
prices  can be increased.  Ferrellgas historically has been  able
to  maintain  margins on an annual basis despite  propane  supply
cost  changes. The General Partner is unable to predict, however,
how  and to what extent a substantial increase or decrease in the
wholesale cost of propane would affect the Partnership's  margins
and profitability.

   The  Partnership  has  a network of approximately  415  retail
outlets  and 238 satellite locations marketing propane under  the
"Ferrellgas"  trade  name  to  approximately  600,000   customers
located  in 45 states and the District of Columbia. The Company's
largest market concentrations are in the Midwest, Great Lakes and
Southeast  regions of the United States. The Company operates  in
areas of strong retail market competition, which has required  it
to develop and implement strict capital expenditure and operating
standards  in its existing and acquired retail propane operations
in order to control operating costs.

   The Partnership utilizes marketing programs targeting both new
and  existing  customers.  The Company  emphasizes  its  superior
ability  to deliver propane to customers as well as its  training
and  safety programs. During the fiscal year ended July 31, 1994,
sales  to  residential  customers accounted  for  45%  of  retail
propane  sales  volume, sales to industrial and other  commercial
customers accounted for 35% of retail propane sales volume, sales
to  agricultural  customers accounted for 11% of  retail  propane
sales  volume and sales to other customers accounted  for  9%  of
retail  propane  sales volume. Residential sales have  a  greater
profit  margin,  more stable customer base and tend  to  be  less
sensitive  to  price  changes than the other  markets  served  by
Ferrellgas.  No single customer of the Partnership  accounts  for
10% or more of the Partnership's consolidated revenues.

   The  retail market for propane is seasonal because it is  used
primarily  for  heating in residential and commercial  buildings.
Consequently, sales and operating profits are concentrated in the
second  and third fiscal quarters (November through April).  Cash
inflows  from  these quarters will be realized in the  third  and
fourth quarters and to the extent necessary the Partnership  will
reserve  cash  inflows  from the third and  fourth  quarters  for
distribution  to  Unitholders  in the  first  and  second  fiscal
quarters. In addition, sales volume traditionally fluctuates from
year  to  year in response to variations in weather,  prices  and
other  factors, although the Partnership believes that the  broad
geographic  distribution  of  its operations  helps  to  minimize
exposure  to  regional  weather or economic patterns.  Long-term,
historic  weather  data from the National  Climatic  Data  Center
indicate  that  the  average  annual temperatures  have  remained
relatively  constant  over the last 30  years  with  fluctuations
occurring  on  a  year-to-year  basis  only.   During  times   of
colder-than-normal  winter  weather,  such  as   the   conditions
experienced  by  certain regions served by  the  Company  in  the
second  and  third quarters of fiscal year 1994, the Company  has
been  able  to  take advantage of its larger and  more  efficient
distribution  network to help avoid supply  disruptions  such  as
those  experienced by some of its competitors, thereby broadening
its long-term customer base.

  The following chart illustrates the impact of annual variations
in  weather on Ferrellgas' sales volumes. Set forth are  (i)  the
average national degree days (population weighted) (a measure  of
the relative warmth of a particular year in which a larger number
indicates  a  colder year) which are developed  by  the  National
Weather Service Climate Analysis Center, with historical averages
periodically  revised for changes in the population weighting  as
more  current Bureau of Census population data becomes available,
(ii)  degree  days as a percentage of the average  normal  degree
days  as  of  1994 (100.0% represents a normal year  with  larger
percentages  representing colder-than-normal  years  and  smaller
percentages representing warmer-than-normal years), and (iii) the
annual  retail propane sales volumes of Ferrellgas for  the  five
fiscal years ended July 31, 1990 to 1994. The average degree days
in  regions served by the Company have historically varied on  an
annual basis by a greater amount than the average national degree
days  and there can be no assurance that average temperatures  in
future years will be close to the historical average.

                                    For The Year Ended July 31,
                                1990    1991    1992    1993    1994
                               -----   -----   -----   -----   -----
National Degree Days (1)...... 4,549   4,211   4,303   4,559   4,619
Degree Days as % of
 Normal Degree Days(1)........  97.0%   89.8%   91.8%   99.7%   101.0%
Sales Volumes (in millions of
 gallons)(2)..................   499     482     496     553      564

(1)      1994  and  1993  national  degree  days  are  based   on
  population weighted census data from 1961 to 1990.  The  normal
  average  national degree days as of the fiscal year ended  July
  31,  1994,  were  4,575 on this same population  census  basis.
  1992,  1991  and  1990  degree days  are  based  on  population
  weighted  census  data from 1951 to 1980, and  accordingly  are
  based  on normal average national degree days as of the  fiscal
  year  ended  July  31,  1993, which were  4,689  on  this  same
  population census basis.

(2)     From 1990 through 1994, 42 acquisitions were completed at
  a  total  cost  of approximately $57.7 million.  The  aggregate
  annual   sales   volumes  attributable  to  these  acquisitions
  (measured with respect to each acquisition on the date  of  the
  acquisition)  were estimated to be 11.3 million  gallons,  18.0
  million  gallons, 8.6 million gallons, 0.7 million gallons  and
  2.9  million gallons  for the fiscal years ended July 31,  1990
  through 1994, respectively.

 Supply and Distribution

  The Partnership purchases propane primarily from major domestic
oil  companies.  Supplies  of propane  from  these  sources  have
traditionally  been readily available, although no assurance  can
be  given  that supplies of propane will be readily available  in
the  future. As a result of (i) the Partnership's ability to  buy
large  volumes  of  propane  and  (ii)  the  Partnership's  large
distribution   system  and  underground  storage  capacity,   the
Partnership believes that it is in a position to achieve  product
cost  savings and avoid shortages during periods of tight  supply
to  an  extent  not generally available to other  retail  propane
distributors.  The Partnership is not dependent upon  any  single
supplier  or group of suppliers, the loss of which would  have  a
material  adverse effect on the Partnership. For the  year  ended
July  31, 1994, no supplier at any single delivery point provided
more  than  10% of Ferrellgas' total domestic propane  supply.  A
portion of the Partnership's propane inventory is purchased under
supply  contracts  which typically have a one  year  term  and  a
fluctuating price relating to spot market prices. Certain of  the
Partnership's  contracts  specify  certain  minimum  and  maximum
amounts  of  propane to be purchased thereunder. The  Partnership
may  purchase and store inventories of propane in order  to  help
insure  uninterrupted deliverability during  periods  of  extreme
demand. The Partnership owns three underground storage facilities
with  an aggregate capacity of approximately 168 million gallons.
Currently,  approximately 80 million gallons of this capacity  is
leased  to third parties, and approximately 6 million gallons  of
capacity  is  exchanged with another company for approximately  6
million  gallons  of storage capacity at Bumstead,  Arizona.  The
remaining space is available for the Company's own use.

   Propane  is generally transported from natural gas  processing
plants  and refineries, pipeline terminals and storage facilities
to   retail  distribution  outlets  and  wholesale  customers  by
railroad  tank  cars  leased  by  the  Partnership  and   highway
transport  trucks  owned  or  leased  by  the  Partnership.   The
Partnership operates a fleet of 62 transport trucks to  transport
propane  from  refineries,  natural  gas  processing  plants   or
pipeline  terminals to the Company's retail distribution outlets.
Common  carrier  transport trucks may be  used  during  the  peak
delivery  season  in the winter months or to provide  service  in
areas  where  economic considerations favor common  carrier  use.
Propane   is   then   transported  from  the   Company's   retail
distribution outlets to customers by the Company's fleet of 1,056
bulk  delivery trucks, which are fitted generally with  2,000  to
3,000 gallon propane tanks. Propane storage tanks located on  the
customers'  premises  are then filled from  the  delivery  truck.
Propane is also delivered to customers in portable cylinders.

Industry and Competition


   Based  upon  information contained in the  Energy  Information
Administration's  Annual  Energy Review  1993  magazine,  propane
accounts  for approximately 3.0% of household energy  consumption
in  the  United  States,  an  average level  which  has  remained
relatively constant for the past 10 years. It competes  primarily
with  natural  gas, electricity and fuel oil as an energy  source
principally  on the basis of price, availability and portability.
Propane  serves  as an alternative to natural gas  in  rural  and
suburban areas where natural gas is unavailable or portability of
product  is  required. Propane is generally more  expensive  than
natural  gas  on an equivalent BTU basis in locations  served  by
natural  gas, although propane is often sold in such areas  as  a
standby  fuel for use during peak demands and during interruption
in  natural  gas  service.  The expansion  of  natural  gas  into
traditional  propane markets has historically been  inhibited  by
the  capital  costs required to expand distribution and  pipeline
systems. Although the extension of natural gas pipelines tends to
displace propane distribution in the neighborhoods affected,  the
Partnership  believes that new opportunities  for  propane  sales
arise  as more geographically remote neighborhoods are developed.
Propane  is generally less expensive to use than electricity  for
space heating, water heating and cooking and competes effectively
with  electricity in those parts of the country where propane  is
cheaper  than  electricity on an equivalent BTU  basis.  Although
propane is similar to fuel oil in application, market demand  and
price,  propane and fuel oil have generally developed  their  own
distinct  geographic  markets. Because residential  furnaces  and
appliances  that burn propane will not operate  on  fuel  oil,  a
conversion  from one fuel to the other requires the  installation
of  new  equipment. The Partnership's residential retail  propane
customers,  therefore, will have an incentive to switch  to  fuel
oil  only  if fuel oil becomes significantly less expensive  than
propane.  Likewise, the Partnership may be unable to  expand  its
customer   base  in  areas  where  fuel  oil  is   widely   used,
particularly  the Northeast, unless propane becomes significantly
less  expensive  than  fuel oil. Alternatively,  many  industrial
customers who use propane as a heating fuel have the capacity  to
switch  to  other  fuels,  such as fuel  oil,  on  the  basis  of
availability  or minor variations in price. Propane generally  is
becoming increasingly favored over fuel oil and other alternative
sources of fuel as an environmentally preferred energy source.


   In  addition to competing with marketers of other  fuels,  the
Partnership competes with other companies engaged in  the  retail
propane  distribution business. Competition  within  the  propane
distribution  industry stems from two types of participants:  the
larger  multi-state marketers, and the smaller, local independent
marketers.  Based  upon  information contained  in  the  National
Propane  Gas Association's LP-Gas Market Facts and the June  1994
issue  of LP Gas magazine, the Partnership believes that the  ten
largest  multi-state retail marketers of propane,  including  the
Partnership, account for less than 33% of the total retail  sales
of propane in the United States. Based upon information contained
in industry publications, the Partnership also believes no single
marketer has a greater than 10% share of the total market in  the
United  States  and  that the Partnership is  the  third  largest
retail  marketer of propane in the United States, with  a  market
share  of  approximately 6% as measured  by  volume  of  national
retail propane sales.

   Most  of the Partnership's retail distribution outlets compete
with  three  or  more  marketers or distributors.  The  principal
factors influencing competition among propane marketers are price
and service. The Partnership competes with other retail marketers
primarily   on   the  basis  of  reliability   of   service   and
responsiveness to customer needs, safety and price.  Each  retail
distribution  outlet operates in its own competitive  environment
because  retail marketers locate in close proximity to  customers
to  lower  the  cost  of providing service.  The  typical  retail
distribution  outlet  has  an  effective  marketing   radius   of
approximately 25 miles.

Other Operations

   The  other  operations  of  the Partnership  consist  of:  (1)
trading,  (2)  chemical feedstocks marketing  and  (3)  wholesale
propane  marketing.  The  Partnership, through  its  natural  gas
liquids  trading operations and wholesale marketing,  has  become
one of the largest independent traders of propane and natural gas
liquids  in the United States. The Partnership owns no properties
that  are  material to these operations, but leases 361  railroad
tank   cars   for  use  in  its  chemical  feedstocks   marketing


   The  Partnership's traders are engaged in trading propane  and
other  natural gas liquids for the Partnership's account and  for
supplying   the   Partnership's  retail  and  wholesale   propane
operations. The Company primarily trades products purchased  from
its over 200 suppliers, however, it also conducts transactions on
the  New  York Mercantile Exchange. Trading activity is conducted
primarily  to  generate a profit independent of  the  retail  and
wholesale  operations,  but  is  also  conducted  to  insure  the
availability  of propane during periods of short supply.  Propane
represents  over  57% of the Partnership's total trading  volume,
with  the  remainder  consisting of  various  other  natural  gas
liquids.  The  Partnership  attempts  to  minimize  trading  risk
through  the  enforcement of its trading policies, which  include
total  inventory limits and loss limits, and attempts to minimize
credit  risk through credit checks and application of its  credit
policies.  However,  there  can be no assurance  that  historical
experience or the existence of such policies will prevent trading
losses  in the future. For the Operating Partnership's pro  forma
fiscal  year  ended  July 31, 1994, and the Company's  historical
fiscal  years ended July 31, 1993 and 1992, net revenues of  $6.8
million,  $6.7  million  and  $4.9  million,  respectively,  were
derived from trading activities.

 Chemical Feedstocks Marketing

   The  Partnership is also involved in the marketing of refinery
and petrochemical feedstocks. Petroleum by-products are purchased
from  refineries and sold to petrochemical plants.   Revenues  of
$43.0 million, $54.0 million and $50.6 million were derived  from
such  activities for the Operating Partnership's pro forma fiscal
year  ended  July  31, 1994, and the Company's historical  fiscal
years ended July 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

 Wholesale Marketing

   The  Partnership  engages  in the  wholesale  distribution  of
propane  to other retail propane distributors. During the  fiscal
years  ended  July  31, 1994, 1993 and 1992 the  Partnership  and
Ferrellgas   sold  61  million,  73  million  and   95   million,
respectively, of propane to wholesale customers and had  revenues
attributable  to such sales of $22.5 million, $29.3  million  and
$37.7 million, respectively.


   At  July  31,  1994, the General Partner had  2,313  full-time
employees  and 778 temporary and part-time employees. The  number
of  temporary  and  part-time employees is  generally  higher  by
approximately  500  people during the winter heating  season.  At
July  31,  1994,  the General Partner's full-time employees  were
employed in the following areas:

        Retail Market Locations.....................   1,959
        Transportation and Storage..................     109
        Field Services..............................      55
        Corporate Offices (Liberty & Houston).......     190
           Total....................................   2,313

   Approximately  two percent of the General Partner's  employees
are  represented  by  nine  local labor  unions,  which  are  all
affiliated  with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.  The
General   Partner  has  not  experienced  any  significant   work
stoppages or other labor problems.

    The   Partnership's  supply,  trading,  chemical   feedstocks
marketing,   distribution  scheduling  and   product   accounting
functions  are operated out of the Partnership's offices  located
in  Houston,  Texas, by a total full time corporate staff  of  49

Governmental Regulation; Environmental and Safety Matters

   From  August  1971  until  January  1981,  the  United  States
Department  of  Energy  regulated the  price  and  allocation  of
propane.  The  Partnership is no longer subject  to  any  similar

   Propane  is  not a hazardous substance within the  meaning  of
federal  and  state  environmental laws. In connection  with  all
acquisitions  of  retail  propane  businesses  that  involve  the
purchase of real estate, the Partnership conducts a due diligence
investigation to attempt to determine whether any substance other
than propane has been sold from or stored on any such real estate
prior  to  its purchase. Such due diligence includes  questioning
the  sellers, obtaining representations and warranties concerning
the  sellers'  compliance  with  environmental  laws  and  visual
inspections  of the properties, whereby employees of the  General
Partner  look  for  evidence  of  hazardous  substances  or   the
existence of underground storage tanks.

   With  respect to the transportation of propane by  truck,  the
Partnership  is  subject  to regulations  promulgated  under  the
Federal  Motor  Carrier Safety Act. These regulations  cover  the
transportation of hazardous materials and are administered by the
United   States  Department  of  Transportation.  National   Fire
Protection Association Pamphlet No.58, which establishes a set of
rules  and procedures governing the safe handling of propane,  or
comparable  regulations,  have  been  adopted  as  the   industry
standard  in  a  majority of the states in which the  Partnership
operates. There are no material environmental claims pending  and
the  Partnership  complies  in all  material  respects  with  all
material   governmental   regulations  and   industry   standards
applicable to environmental and safety matters.

Service Marks and Trademarks

   The  Partnership markets retail propane under the "Ferrellgas"
tradename and uses the tradename "Ferrell North America" for  its
other operations. In addition, the Partnership has a trademark on
the  name "Ferrellmeter," its patented gas leak detection device.
The  Company contributed all of its right, title and interest  in
such tradenames and trademark in the continental United States to
the  Partnership.  The General Partner will  have  an  option  to
purchase such tradenames and trademark from the Partnership for a
nominal  value  if  the  General Partner is  removed  as  general
partner  of the Partnership other than for cause. If the  General
Partner ceases to serve as the general partner of the Partnership
for  any  other reason, it will have the option to purchase  such
tradenames  and  trademark from the Partnership for  fair  market

Management Information and Control Systems

   The  Partnership  has,  in  each  of  its  retail  outlets,  a
computer-based  information  and  control  system.  This   system
provides  for remote billing of, and collections from,  customers
and  is designed to enhance the local outlets' responsiveness  to
customers.  Each  outlet  can  be monitored  by  headquarters  to
determine volume of sales, selling price and gross margin.

Business of Ferrellgas Finance Corp.

   Ferrellgas  Finance  Corp. (the "Finance Corp."),  a  Delaware
corporation,  was  formed April 28, 1994, and is  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Operating Partnership.  The Finance  Corp.  has
nominal assets and does not conduct any operations, but serves as
co-obligor  for  securities issued by the Operating  Partnership.
Certain  institutional investors that might otherwise be  limited
in  their  ability to invest in securities issued by partnerships
by  reasons  of  the  legal investment laws of  their  states  of
organization or their charter documents, may be able to invest in
the Operating Partner's securities because the Finance Corp. is a
co-obligor.   Accordingly,  a  discussion  of  the   results   of
operations, liquidity and capital resources of the Finance  Corp.
is  not  presented.  See  the Finance Corp's. notes to  financial
statements  for a discussion of the securities which the  Finance
Corp. is serving as co-obligor.


  At July 31, 1994, the Partnership owned or leased the following
transportation equipment which was utilized primarily  in  retail
operations,  except  for  railroad  tank  cars,  which  are  used
primarily by chemical feedstocks operations:

   The  highway  transport trailers have an average  capacity  of
approximately  9,000  gallons.  The  bulk  delivery  trucks   are
generally  fitted with 2,000 to 3,000 gallon propane tanks.  Each
railroad tank car has a capacity of approximately 30,000 gallons.

                                  Owned   Leased   Total
                                  -----   ------  ------
     Truck tractors..............   15       47      62
     Transport trailers..........   70        -      70
     Bulk delivery trucks........  437      619   1,056
     Pickup and service trucks...  385      577     962
     Railroad tank cars..........    -      361     361

  A typical retail distribution outlet is located on one to three
acres  of  land  and includes a small office,  a  workshop,  bulk
storage capacity of 18,000 gallons to 60,000 gallons and a  small
inventory  of  stationary  customer storage  tanks  and  portable
propane  cylinders that the Partnership provides  to  its  retail
customers for propane storage. The Partnership owns the land  and
buildings  of  about  50% of its retail outlets  and  leases  the
remaining  facilities on terms customary in the industry  and  in
the applicable local markets.

    Approximately  506,000  propane  tanks  are  owned   by   the
Partnership,  most of which are located on customer property  and
leased   to   those   customers.  The   Partnership   also   owns
approximately 541,000 portable propane cylinders, most  of  which
are  leased  to industrial and commercial customers  for  use  in
manufacturing   and   processing   needs,   including    forklift
operations,  and  to residential customers for home  heating  and
cooking,  and  to  local dealers who purchase  propane  from  the
Company for resale.

    The  Partnership  owns  underground  storage  facilities   at
Hutchinson, Kansas; Adamana, Arizona; and Moab, Utah. At July 31,
1994,  the  capacity of these facilities approximated 73  million
gallons,  88  million gallons and 7 million gallons, respectively
(an  aggregate of approximately 168 million gallons).  Currently,
approximately 80 million gallons of this capacity  is  leased  to
third parties, and approximately 6 million gallons of capacity is
exchanged  with  another  company  for  approximately  6  million
gallons  of storage capacity at Bumstead, Arizona. The  remaining
space is available for the Partnership's own use.

   The Partnership owns the land and two buildings (50,245 square
feet  of  office space) comprising its corporate headquarters  in
Liberty,  Missouri, and leases the 18,124 square feet  of  office
space  in  Houston, Texas, where its trading, chemical feedstocks
marketing and wholesale marketing operations are located.

   The Partnership believes that it has satisfactory title to  or
valid  rights to use all of its material properties and, although
some  of  such properties are subject to liabilities  and  leases
and, in certain cases, liens for taxes not yet currently due  and
payable  and immaterial encumbrances, easements and restrictions,
the   Company  does  not  believe  that  any  such  burdens  will
materially interfere with the continued use of such properties by
the  Partnership in its business, taken as a whole. In  addition,
the  Partnership believes that it has, or is in  the  process  of
obtaining,   all  required  material  approvals,  authorizations,
orders,  licenses, permits, franchises and consents of,  and  has
obtained   or   made   all   required   material   registrations,
qualifications  and  filings with, the various  state  and  local
governmental and regulatory authorities which relate to ownership
of   the  Partnership's  properties  or  the  operations  of  its



   Propane is a flammable, combustible gas. Serious personal  and
property  damage can occur in connection with its transportation,
storage  or  use.  The  Partnership, in the  ordinary  course  of
business is threatened with or is named as a defendant in various
lawsuits  which,  among  other items, seek  actual  and  punitive
damages  for  products liability, personal  injury  and  property
damage.  The  Partnership maintains liability insurance  policies
with  insurers  in  such  amounts and  with  such  coverages  and
deductibles   as  management  of  the  Partnership  believes   is
reasonable  and prudent. However, there can be no assurance  that
such  insurance will be adequate to protect the Partnership  from
material  expenses  related to such personal injury  or  property
damage  or  that  such levels of insurance will  continue  to  be
available in the future at economical prices. It is not  possible
to  determine the ultimate disposition of these matters discussed
above; however, after taking into consideration the Partnership's
insurance  coverage and existing reserves, management is  of  the
opinion  that  there  are  no  known uninsured  claims  or  known
contingent  claims  that are likely to have  a  material  adverse
effect on the results of operations or financial condition of the


   No matters were submitted to a vote of the security holders of
the  Registrants during the period April 19, 1994  (inception  of
the MLP) to July 31, 1994.

                             PART II


  The Common Units, representing common limited partner interests
in  the Partnership, are listed and traded on the New York  Stock
Exchange under the symbol FGP.  The Common Units began trading on
June  28,  1994, after an initial public offering at a  price  of
$21.00  per  Common Unit.  The high and low sales prices  of  the
Common  Units from June 28 to July 31, 1994, as reported  on  The
New  York Stock Exchange Composite Tape were $21.125 and $20.750,
respectively.  As of October 14, 1994, there were 628  registered
Common Unitholders of record.

   The Partnership also has subordinated units, all of which  are
held  by  the  Company  and  Ferrell,  for  which  there  is   no
established public trading market.

   The Partnership will make quarterly cash distributions of  its
Available  Cash,  as  defined by the MLP's Agreement  of  Limited
Partnership  (the  "Partnership Agreement").  Available  Cash  is
generally defined as consolidated cash receipts less consolidated
cash  disbursements and changes in reserves established  by  cash
reserves  of  the  General Partner for future requirements.   The
Partnership has not yet made any cash distributions in respect of
its Common Units but expects to make such cash distributions on a
quarterly basis commencing with the fiscal quarter ended  October
31, 1994.

   The  Partnership is a publicly traded limited partnership that
is  not subject to federal income tax.  Instead, Unitholders  are
required  to  report their allocable share of  the  Partnership's
income,  gain, loss, deduction and credit, regardless of  whether
the Partnership makes distributions.


   The  following table presents selected historical consolidated
financial  data of the Company for each of the years  ended  July
31,  1990,  1991, 1992 and 1993, and for the eleven months  ended
June  30,  1994, and historical financial data of the Partnership
for  the period from inception to July 31, 1994, as well  as  pro
forma  (adjusted for the transactions described in Note A of  the
MLP's notes to consolidated financial statements) information for
the  year ended July 31, 1994.  The income statement and  balance
sheet  data  for  the Company for the year ended July  31,  1990,
1991,  1992 and 1993, and the eleven months ended June 30,  1994,
have  been  derived  from  the historical consolidated  financial
statements  of the Company, certain of which appear elsewhere  in
this  Form  10-K.  The selected financial data of the Partnership
for  the period from inception to July 31, 1994 and the pro forma
year ended July 31, 1994, have been derived from the consolidated
financial statements of Ferrellgas Partners, L.P., which  appears
elsewhere in this Form 10-K.


                                                                   Ferrellgas, Inc. and Subsidiaries (Predecessor)                  
                                                                  Historical Year Ended July 31,                 Eleven Months      
                                                       ---------------------------------------------------           Ended          
                                                          1990             1991         1992         1993        June 30, 1994      
 31, 1994
                                                       --------         --------     --------     --------       -------------      
- - ---------                                                                     
Income Statement Data:    
    Total revenues                                     $467,641         $543,933     $501,129     $541,945          $501,990        
    Depreciation and amortization                        33,521           36,151       31,196       30,840            26,452        
    Operating income (loss)                              54,388           63,045       56,408       58,553            71,522        
    Interest expense                                     55,095           60,507       61,219       60,071            53,693        
    Earnings (loss) from continuing operations             (347)           1,979       (1,700) (1)     109            12,337        
    Earnings from continuing operations per unit (2)                                                                                
    Cash distributions declared per unit (3)                                                                                        
Balance Sheet Data (at end of period):                                                                                              
    Working capital                                     $50,456          $53,403      $67,973      $74,408           $91,912        
    Total assets                                        554,580          580,260      598,613      573,376           592,664        
    Payable to (receivable from) parent and affiliates   10,743            3,763        2,236         (916)           (4,050)       
    Long-term debt                                      465,644          466,585      501,614      489,589           476,441        
    Stockholder's equity                                 11,463           21,687        8,808       11,359            22,829        
Partners' Capital:                                                                                                                  
    Common Unitholders                                                                                                              
    Subordinated Unitholders                                                                                                        
    General Partner (2)                                                                                                             
Operating Data:                                                                                                                     
    Retail propane sales volumes (in gallons)           499,042          482,211      495,707      553,413           540,309        
    Capital expenditures (4):                                                                                                       
        Maintenance                                      $5,428           $7,958      $10,250      $10,527            $4,777        
        Growth                                           10,447            2,478        3,342        2,851             3,049        
        Acquisition                                      18,005           25,305       10,112          897             2,551        
            Total                                       $33,880          $35,741      $23,704      $14,275           $10,377        
Supplemental Data:                                                                                                                  
    Earnings before depreciation, amortization,                                                                                     
        interest and taxes (5)                          $87,909          $99,196      $87,604      $89,393           $97,974        

(1)   In  August  1991, the Company revised the estimated  useful
  lives  of  storage tanks from 20 to 30 years in order  to  more
  closely  reflect  expected  useful lives  of  the  assets.  The
  effect  of  the  change in accounting estimates resulted  in  a
  favorable  impact  on  net loss from continuing  operations  of
  approximately $3.7 million for the fiscal year ended  July  31,

(2)     Pursuant  to  the MLP's Agreement of Limited  Partnership
  (the "Partnership Agreement"), the net loss from operations  is
  allocated  100%  to the General Partner from inception  of  the
  Partnership  to  the last day of the taxable year  ending  July
  31,  1994.   An  amount equal to 99% of this net loss  will  be
  reallocated  to  the limited partners in the following  taxable
  year  based  on  their ownership percentage.  In addition,  the
  retirement  of debt assumed by the Partnership resulted  in  an
  extraordinary loss of approximately $60,062,000 resulting  from
  debt  prepayment  premiums, consent fees and the  write-off  of
  unamortized  discount and financing costs.  In accordance  with
  the   Partnership   Agreement,  this  extraordinary   loss   is
  allocated  100%  to  the  General  Partner  and  will  not   be
  reallocated to the limited partners in the next taxable year.

(3)   No cash distributions were declared by the Partnership from
  inception to July 31, 1994.

(4)  The Company's capital expenditures fall generally into three
  categories:   (i)   maintenance  capital  expenditures,   which
  include  expenditures for repair and replacement  of  property,
  plant  and  equipment; (ii) growth capital expenditures,  which
  include  expenditures for purchases of new  propane  tanks  and
  other  equipment  to  facilitate  expansion  of  the  Company's
  customer  base  and  operating capacity; and (iii)  acquisition
  capital  expenditures,  which include expenditures  related  to
  the  acquisition  of  retail propane  operations.   Acquisition
  capital  expenditures include a portion of the  purchase  price
  allocated   to   intangibles  associated  with   the   acquired

(5)   EBITDA  is calculated as operating income plus depreciation
  and  amortization.  EBITDA is not intended  to  represent  cash
  flow  and does not represent the measure of cash available  for
  distribution.  EBITDA  is  a  non-GAAP  measure,  but  provides
  additional   information  for  evaluating   the   Partnership's
  ability   to  make  the  Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution.   In
  addition, EBITDA is not intended as an alternative to  earnings
  from continuing operations or net income.


   The  following is a discussion of the historical and pro forma
financial  condition and results of operations of  the  Operating
Partnership  and the Company. The discussion should  be  read  in
conjunction  with  the  pro  forma  and  historical  consolidated
financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere  in
this Form 10-K.


  The Operating Partnership is engaged in the sale, distribution,
marketing  and trading of propane and other natural gas  liquids.
The Operating Partnership's revenue is derived primarily from the
retail  propane marketing business. The General Partner  believes
the Operating Partnership is the third largest retail marketer of
propane in the United States, based on gallons sold, serving more
than  600,000 residential, industrial/commercial and agricultural
customers  in  45  states and the District  of  Columbia  through
approximately  415  retail outlets and 238  satellite  locations.
Annual  retail  propane  sales  volume  were  approximately   564
million, 553 million and 496 million gallons for the fiscal years
ended July 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

   The  retail  propane  business of  the  Operating  Partnership
consists  principally of transporting propane  purchased  in  the
contract and spot markets, primarily from major oil companies, to
its  retail distribution outlets and then to tanks located on the
customers' premises as well as to portable propane cylinders.  In
the residential and commercial markets, propane is primarily used
for space heating, water heating and cooking. In the agricultural
market  propane is primarily used for crop drying, space heating,
irrigation  and weed control. In addition, propane  is  used  for
certain industrial applications, including use as an engine  fuel
which  is  burned  in  internal  combustion  engines  that  power
vehicles  and  forklifts and as a heating  or  energy  source  in
manufacturing and drying processes.

   The  Operating Partnership is also engaged in the  trading  of
propane  and  other  natural  gas  liquids,  chemical  feedstocks
marketing  and wholesale propane marketing. Through  its  natural
gas  liquids  trading  operations and  wholesale  marketing,  the
Operating  Partnership is one of the largest independent  traders
of  propane and natural gas liquids in the United States. In  pro
forma  fiscal  year  1994,  the  Operating  Partnership's  annual
wholesale and trading sales volume was approximately 1.7  billion
gallons  of  propane and other natural gas liquids, approximately
57%  of  which was propane.  For the Operating Partnership's  pro
forma  fiscal  year  ended  July  31,  1994,  and  the  Company's
historical fiscal years ended July 31,1993 and 1992, net revenues
from  trading activities were $6.8 million, $6.7 million and $4.9
million, respectively, .

Results of Operations

   Although the Operating Partnership was formed April 22,  1994,
the  first period of actual propane operations was the one  month
ended  July  31,  1994. As the propane business  is  seasonal  in
nature,  with  peak  activity in the winter  months,  July  sales
volumes represent less than 5% of the Operating Partnership's pro
forma annual sales, therefore, one month actual propane operation
results are not indicative of results to  be expected for a  full

 Inception to July 31, 1994 versus Pro Forma July 31, 1993

   Total  Revenues.  Total revenues decreased 7.4% to $24,566,000
as  compared  with  $26,535,000 for the prior  year  period.  The
overall   decrease  was  attributable  to  revenues  from   other
operations  (net trading operations, wholesale propane  marketing
and   chemical   feedstocks  marketing)   decreasing   38.5%   to
$4,918,000, offset by revenues from retail operations  increasing
6.0% to $19,648,000.

   The  decrease in revenues from other operations was  primarily
due to fluctuating chemical feedstock market opportunities.

   The  increase in revenues from retail operations was primarily
due to (i) an increase in sales volume due to increased sales and
(ii) to an increase in other income.  The volume of gallons sold,
excluding  acquisitions, increased revenues by  $361,000.  Fiscal
year  1994  and 1993 acquisitions increased revenues by $160,000.
Other  income  increased  revenue by $592,000  primarily  due  to
inventory   gas  gains  recognized  from  the  emptying   of   an
underground storage facility and storage rental income.

   Gross Profit.  Gross profit increased 10.9% to $11,355,000  as
compared  with  $10,235,000  for the  prior  period,  due  to  an
increase  in retail operations gross profit offset by a  decrease
in  other  operation's revenue due to normal market fluctuations.
Retail  operations results improved due to increased sales volume
as  discussed  previously, to margin increases  as  a  result  of
favorable  changes in the competitive pressures of  the  industry
and to normal fluctuations in the Operating Partnership's product
mix and other income as discussed above.

   Operating  Expenses.  Operating expenses  increased  21.4%  to
$10,078,000  as compared with $8,299,000, for the  prior  period,
primarily  due to an increase in general liability  and  worker's
compensation expense during July 31, 1994, as compared to July 31,
1993. However, for the pro forma fiscal year ended July 31, 1994, 
general liability and worker's compensation expense has decreased
due to improved claims administration.

    Extraordinary  loss.   The  retirement  of  $477,600,000   of
indebtedness assumed by the Operating Partnership resulted in  an
extraordinary  loss of approximately $60,062,000  resulting  from
debt  prepayment  premiums, consent fees  and  the  write-off  of
unamortized discount and financing costs.

   Net  Loss.  Net loss increased to $65,139,000 as compared with
$4,322,000   for   the  prior  period  primarily   due   to   the
extraordinary loss described above.

  Eleven  Months   Ended  June  30, 1994  versus  June  30,  1993

   Total Revenues.  Total revenues decreased 2.6% to $501,990,000
as  compared  with  $515,410,000 for the prior year  period.  The
overall   decrease  was  attributable  to  revenues  from   other
operations  decreasing 17.2% to $67,386,000, offset  by  revenues
from retail operations increasing 0.1% to $434,604,000.

   The  decrease in revenues from other operations was  primarily
due  to  higher sales of chemical feedstocks in the prior  period
resulting  from sales of chemical feedstocks that were designated
for  storage but were sold due to storage limitations. Additional
decreases in revenues were the result of lower product costs  for
chemical feedstocks and wholesale propane marketing resulting  in
lower sales prices.

   The  increase in revenues from retail operations was primarily
due  to  an  increase in sales volume due to cooler  temperatures
than those which existed in the prior period offset by a decrease
in   selling  price.   The  volume  of  gallons  sold,  excluding
acquisitions, increased revenues by $6,203,000. Fiscal year  1994
and  1993  acquisitions increased revenues by  $1,915,000.  Other
income  increased  revenue $954,000 primarily  due  to  increased
storage and equipment rental and appliance sales. These increases
were  offset by a $8,473,000 decrease in sales price due to lower
product costs.

   Gross Profit.  Gross profit increased 5.2% to $245,895,000  as
compared with $233,677,000 for the prior period, primarily due to
an  increase in retail operations gross profit. Retail operations
results  improved  due  to increased sales  volume  as  discussed
previously  and  to  margin increases as a  result  of  favorable
changes  in  the  competitive pressures of the  industry  and  to
normal fluctuations in the Company's product mix.

   Operating  Expenses.   Operating expenses  increased  2.8%  to
$135,058,000 as compared with $131,318,000, for the prior period,
primarily  due  to  (i)  an  increase in  incentive  compensation
expense,  and  (ii) an increase in overtime, variable  labor  and
vehicle  expenses due to increased sales volume. These  increases
were  partially  offset  by a decrease in general  liability  and
workers    compensation   expense   due   to   improved    claims
administration and decreased sales and use tax audit assessments.

   Depreciation and Amortization.  Depreciation expense decreased
6.7%  to  $26,452,000 as compared with $28,350,000 for the  prior
period  due  primarily  to extending the  use  of  the  Company's
vehicles beyond the depreciable life and to the reduction in  the
number of Company owned vehicles.

   Net Interest Expense.  Net interest expense decreased 3.8%  to
$50,094,000 as compared with $52,080,000 for the prior period due
to  the  reacquisition of $11,900,000 and $10,500,000  of  senior
notes  in  the  third quarter of fiscal 1994 and  in  the  fourth
quarter  of  fiscal year 1993, respectively, offset by  increased
non-cash amortization of deferred financing costs.

   Net  Earnings.   Net  earnings  increased  to  $11,470,000  as
compared  with $3,374,000 for the prior period primarily  due  to
the increase in retail operations sales volume and margins offset
by increased operating expenses and the fiscal 1994 extraordinary
loss from early extinguishment of debt.

   Fiscal  Year  Ended  July  31,  1993  versus  July  31,   1992

   Total Revenues.  Total revenues increased 8.1% to $541,945,000
as  compared with $501,129,000 for the prior year. This  increase
was   attributable  to  an  increase  in  revenues  from   retail
operations  of  10.6%  to  $451,966,000  partially  offset  by  a
decrease   in  revenues  from  other  operations   of   2.6%   to

   The  increase  in  revenues attributable to retail  operations
resulted  from increased sales volume. The sales volume  increase
was  mainly  due  to a surge in agricultural business  from  crop
drying  in  farm belt states and cooler temperatures  than  those
which  existed  in  the prior year. The volume of  gallons  sold,
excluding  the  effects  of acquisitions, increased  revenues  by
$42,648,000.  This increase was offset by a decrease  in  selling
price   which   reduced  revenues  by  $3,326,000.   Acquisitions
completed   in  fiscal  1993  and  1992  increased  revenues   by

   Total revenues attributable to other operations decreased 2.6%
to $89,979,000. Wholesale propane marketing revenues decreased as
a  result  of  a  change  in focus and marketing  strategy.  This
decrease was offset by an increase in net trading operations as a
result of increased market volatility relative to the prior year.

   Gross Profit.  Gross profit increased 4.3% to $243,912,000  as
compared  with $233,850,000 for the prior year. The increase  was
primarily  due to an increase in retail operations' sales  volume
and  an increase in net trading and wholesale marketing operating
results.  These  increases were offset by a  decrease  in  retail
operations' margins due to competitive pricing pressures  in  the

   Operating  Expenses.   Operating expenses  increased  4.1%  to
$139,617,000  as compared with $134,165,000 for the  prior  year,
due  to  (i) an increase in personnel costs from increased  sales
volume  and  accrued  incentive  compensation  expense,  (ii)  an
increase  in vehicle expenses from increased sales volume,  (iii)
an  increase in other expenses from sales and use tax assessments
on prior year purchases and leases, and (iv) general increases in
the cost of doing business. These increases were partially offset
by a decrease in general liability expense due to improved claims
administration  and  to a decrease in bad  debt  expense  due  to
improved credit and collections administration.

   Depreciation and Amortization.  Depreciation and  amortization
expense   decreased  1.1%  to  $30,840,000   as   compared   with
$31,196,000  for  the  prior year due to  retirements  and  fully
depreciated assets.

  General and Administrative Expenses. General and administrative
expenses   increased  33.3%  to  $10,079,000  as  compared   with
$7,561,000  for  the  prior year period due  to  an  increase  in
compensation expense related to the long-term incentive plan  and
an increase in non-capitalized software maintenance costs.

   Net  Interest  Expense.  Net interest expense  of  $56,805,000
remained  essentially unchanged as compared with $56,818,000  for
the  prior  year.  Decreases in interest  expense  due  to  lower
effective  interest rates were offset by a decrease  in  interest
income  as  a  result  of  lower  interest  rates  on  short-term

  Extraordinary Loss.  The extraordinary loss of $886,000, net of
$543,000  income tax benefit, was due to the early extinguishment
of  $10,500,000 of the senior notes as discussed in the notes  to
the consolidated financial statements.

   Net  Loss.  Net loss decreased to $777,000 as compared with  a
loss  of  $11,679,000  for the prior year  due  to  a  $9,093,000
decrease  in the extraordinary loss from the early extinguishment
of debt and to an increase in net operating results.

   Fiscal  Year  Ended  July  31,  1992  versus  July  31,   1991

   Total Revenues.  Total revenues decreased 7.9% to $501,129,000
as  compared with $543,933,000 for the prior year. This  decrease
was attributable to a decrease in revenues from retail operations
of  8.1%  to  $408,781,000 and a decrease in revenues from  other
operations of 6.8% to $92,348,000.

   The  decrease  in  revenues attributable to retail  operations
resulted mainly from a decrease in selling price related  to  the
end  of  the  Persian  Gulf crisis and to  competitive  pressures
within  the  industry.  In  fiscal  1991,  selling  prices   were
increased in response to product cost increases brought about  by
the  Persian  Gulf crisis. The volume of gallons sold,  excluding
the  effects of acquisitions, decreased due to temperatures being
warmer  than normal and warmer than the prior year in the primary
heating  months,  along  with competitive  pressures  within  the
industry. The decrease in selling price and volumes reduced total
revenues    by    $45,080,000   and   $1,727,000,   respectively.
Acquisitions  in  fiscal  1991 and  1992  increased  fiscal  1992
revenues by $10,120,000.

   The  decrease  in  revenues attributable to  other  operations
resulted  from  declines in net trading operations and  wholesale
propane marketing revenues offset by an increase in revenues from
chemical  feedstocks marketing. Net trading operations  decreased
due  to  a less volatile market than that which existed in fiscal
1991  during the Persian Gulf crisis. Wholesale propane marketing
revenues  decreased as a result of changes in marketing  strategy
and  focus  of the business and a decrease in selling  price  and
volumes  for  the  reasons  noted above  for  retail  operations.
Chemical   feedstocks  marketing  revenues   increased   due   to
additional emphasis on butane sales.

   Gross Profit.  Gross profit decreased 4.9% to $233,850,000  as
compared with $245,965,000 for the prior year. Approximately half
of the decrease was attributable to retail operations as a result
of  competitive pressures in the industry and warmer than  normal
and  warmer  than prior year temperatures in the primary  heating
months.  The  remaining decrease was attributable to net  trading
operations and wholesale propane marketing.

   Operating  Expenses.   Operating expenses  increased  3.5%  to
$134,165,000  as compared with $129,684,000 for the  prior  year.
This  increase  was  primarily due  to  an  increase  in  payroll
expenses,  general liability and workers' compensation  insurance
and  an  increase in expenses due to acquisitions in fiscal  1992
and 1991. These increases were partially offset by a reduction in
incentive compensation expense.

   Depreciation and Amortization.  Depreciation and  amortization
expense   decreased  13.7%  to  $31,196,000  as   compared   with
$36,151,000 for the prior year due primarily to a change  in  the
useful  lives of certain assets as discussed in the notes to  the
consolidated  financial statements. The change was based  on  the
expected useful lives of the assets and industry practice.

     General   and   Administrative   Expenses.    General    and
administrative expenses decreased 41.6% to $7,561,000 as compared
with  $12,953,000 for the prior year due primarily to a  reversal
of expense previously provided related to the long-term incentive
plan and the elimination of certain management positions.

   Net Interest Expense.  Net interest expense increased 0.3%  to
$56,818,000 as compared with $56,666,000 for the prior  year.  In
connection  with  the refinancing of the subordinated  debt,  the
Company  borrowed an additional $40,000,000. The impact  of  this
additional  borrowing on interest expense was offset by  a  lower
effective  interest  rate on the new subordinated  debt  and  the
investment of the excess cash proceeds from the refinancing.

   Extraordinary Loss.  The extraordinary loss of $9,979,000, net
of  income  tax  benefit,  was due  to  the  refinancing  of  the
subordinated  debt as discussed in the notes to the  consolidated
financial statements.

   Net Earnings (Loss).  Net earnings decreased to a net loss  of
$11,679,000 as compared with net earnings of $1,979,000  for  the
prior year due primarily to the decrease in gross profit and  the
extraordinary loss on the refinancing of subordinated debt.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

  The  ability  of  the  Operating  Partnership  to  satisfy  its
obligations will be dependent upon future performance, which will
be  subject  to prevailing economic conditions and to  financial,
business and weather conditions and other factors, many of  which
are beyond its control. For the fiscal year ending July 31, 1995,
the  General Partner believes that the Operating Partnership will
generate   sufficient  Available  Cash  constituting  Cash   from
Operations  to  meet its obligations and enable it to  distribute
the  Minimum  Quarterly  Distribution on  all  Common  Units  and
Subordinated  Units.  Future  capital  needs  of  the   Operating
Partnership  are  expected to be provided by  future  operations,
existing cash balances and the working capital facility.

On  September  30,  1994,  the General  Partner  entered  into  a
definitive Purchase Agreement with Vision Energy Resources,  Inc.
("Vision")  for  the purchase of the propane business  owned  and
operated by Vision for a cash purchase price of $45 million.  The
closing  of  the transaction is subject to customary  conditions,
including  the expiration of the applicable waiting period  under
the  Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act.  Following the
closing  of  the  transaction, the  General  Partner  intends  to
transfer  the assets of Vision to the Operating Partnership.   In
connection  with  the contribution of the Vision  assets  by  the
General   Partner,   the   Operating  Partnership   will   assume
substantially all of the liabilities, whether known  or  unknown,
associated with Vision (other than income tax liabilities).    In 
addition,  the  Operating  Partnership  will  assume the  payment  
obligations of the General Partner  for  additional  indebtedness  
that will be incurred by the General Partner in acquiring Vision.

In  order  to  fund possible additional future acquisitions,  the
Operating  Partnership may incur additional indebtedness  or  the
MLP  may issue additional Common Units.  Toward this purpose,  on
August  22, 1994, the MLP filed with the Securities and  Exchange
Commission a shelf registration statement on Form S-1 to register
2,400,000 Common Units representing limited partner interests  in
the MLP.  The Common Units may be issued from time to time by the
MLP in connection with the Operating Partnership's acquisition of
other   businesses,   properties  or   securities   in   business
combination transactions.

   Although the Operating Partnership was formed April 22,  1994,
the  first period of actual propane operations was the one  month
ended  July  31,  1994. As the propane business  is  seasonal  in
nature,  with  peak  activity in the winter  months,  July  sales
volumes represent less than 5% of the Operating Partnership's pro
forma annual sales, therefore, one month actual propane operation
results are not indicative of results to  be expected for a  full

   Cash  Flows from Operating Activities.  Cash used by operating
activities  decreased to ($12,066,000) for the  one  month  ended
July 31, 1994. This decrease was attributable to decreases in net
earnings, accounts payable, other liabilities, and an increase in

   Cash  Flows From Investing Activities.  During the  one  month
ended  July  31,  1994, the Operating Partnership made  aggregate
expenditures,  including intangibles and organization  costs,  of
$2,772,000  for  property,  plant and  equipment.  The  Operating
Partnership  maintains  its vehicle and transportation  equipment
fleet  by leasing light and medium duty trucks and tractors.  The
General  Partner  believes vehicle leasing is  a  cost  effective
method    for   financing   transportation   equipment.   Capital
requirements  for repair and maintenance of property,  plant  and
equipment  are  relatively  low  since  technological  change  is
limited and the useful lives of propane tanks and cylinders,  the
Operating  Partnership's principal physical assets, are generally

   Cash  Flows  From  Financing Activities.  In  July  1994,  the
Operating  Partnership issued $200,000,000 10% Fixed Rate  Senior
Notes  (the "Fixed Notes") due 2001 and $50,000,000 Floating Rate
Senior  Notes (the "Floating Notes" and, together with the  Fixed
Notes,  the  "Senior Notes") due 2001.  The net  proceeds,  along
with  the $255,006,000 limited partner contribution from the  MLP
(described  in  Note  A of the Operating Partnership's  notes  to
consolidated   financial  statements),  were   used   to   retire
$477,600,000  of  indebtedness of  the  Company  assumed  by  the
Operating   Partnership.   The  retirement  of  the  indebtedness
assumed by the Operating Partnership resulted in an extraordinary
loss  of approximately $60,062,000 resulting from debt prepayment
premiums, consent fees and the write-off of unamortized  discount
and financing costs.

   The  Fixed Notes are not redeemable prior to August  1,  1998.
Thereafter,  the Operating Partnership has the option  to  redeem
the  notes,  in whole or part, at a premium.  The Floating  Notes
are  redeemable at the option of the Operating Partnership on  or
after  August  1,  1995, in whole or part, at a redemption  price
equal  to  100% of the principal amount, plus accrued and  unpaid
interest  at  the  redemption  date.   The  Floating  Notes  have
mandatory sinking fund payments of $5,000,000 on August  1,  1999
and  2000, to retire an aggregate 20% of the Floating Notes prior
to maturity.

   On  July  5,  1994, the Operating Partnership entered  into  a
$185,000,000 Credit Facility with Bank of America National  Trust
&  Savings Association ("BofA"), as Agent.   The Credit  Facility
permits  borrowings of up to $100,000,000 on a  senior  unsecured
revolving line of credit basis ( the "Working Capital Facility"),
to  fund working capital and general partnership requirements (of
which  up  to  $50,000,000  is available to  support  letters  of
credit).  At  July  31,  1994,  $3,000,000  of  borrowings   were
outstanding  under the revolving line of credit, and  letters  of
credit  outstanding, used primarily to secure  obligations  under
certain  insurance and leasing arrangements, totaled $35,701,000.
In  addition,  the  Credit  Facility  permits  borrowings  up  to
$85,000,000   on  a  senior   unsecured  basis  (the   "Expansion
Facility").   Under  the  Expansion  Facility,  $15,000,000   was
borrowed   to  retire  existing  indebtedness  of  the  Operating
Partnership, and $70,000,000 is available to finance acquisitions
and for capital additions and improvements.

   At  the  Operating Partnership's option, borrowings under  the
Credit  Facility  may bear interest at the Base  Rate  (i.e.  the
higher  of  the Federal funds rate plus 1/2%  or BofA's reference
rate), or the LIBOR rate, in each case plus an applicable margin.
The  Credit Facility is committed for up to a three year  period,
at   which  time  the  Working  Capital  Facility  will   expire.
Borrowings under the Expansion Facility may be converted, at  the
option of the Operating Partnership, to a three year term loan at
the end of the initial three-year period.

    The   Senior  Notes  and  Credit  Facility  contain   various
restrictive covenants applicable to the Operating Partnership and
its  subsidiaries,  the most restrictive relating  to  additional
indebtedness,   sale and disposition of assets, and  transactions
with  affiliates.   In  addition, the  Operating  Partnership  is
prohibited   from  making  cash  distributions  of  the   Minimum
Quarterly Distribution if a default or event of default exists or
would  exist  upon making such distribution, or if the  Operating
Partnership   fails   to  meet  certain  coverage   and   capital
expenditure  tests.   With  respect to  the  capital  expenditure
tests, the Operating Partnership shall have in the aggregate made
"Capital  Investments" (as defined in the Senior Note  Indenture)
of  $15,000,000 by July 31, 1995, $30,000,000 by July  31,  1996,
$45,000,000  by  July 31, 1997, $70,000,000  by  July  31,  1998,
$95,000,000  by July 31, 1999, and $120,000,000  by  the  end  of
fiscal  year  2000.  The Operating Partnership is  in  compliance
with  all requirements, tests, limitations and covenants  related
to the Senior Notes and Credit Facility.

  Effects of Inflation.  In the past the Company has been able to
adjust  its sales price of product in response to market  demand,
cost  of  product, competitive factors and other industry trends.
Consequently,  changing  prices  as  a  result  of   inflationary
pressures have not had a material adverse effect on profitability
although  revenues may be affected. Inflation has not  materially
impacted  the results of operations and the General Partner  does
not  believe normal inflationary pressures will have  a  material
adverse  effect on the profitability of the Operating Partnership
in the future.

   Adoption  of  New Accounting Standards.  As described  in  the
notes  to  the  consolidated financial statements  the  Operating
Partnership has no employees and is managed and controlled by the
General   Partner.   The   Operating  Partnership   assumed   all
liabilities, which included specific liabilities related  to  the
following  employee benefits for the benefit of the employees  of
the General Partner.

   The  General Partner provides post retirement medical benefits
to  a  closed  group of approximately 400 retired  employees  and
their  spouses. The plan requires the General Partner to  provide
primary  medical benefits to the participants until  age  65,  at
which  time the General Partner only pays a fixed amount  of  $55
per  month per participant for medical benefits. Effective August
1,  1993,  the Company adopted Statement of Financial  Accounting
Standards  No.  106_Employers'  Accounting  for  Post  retirement
Benefits  Other  Than  Pensions which requires  accrual  of  post
retirement  benefits  (such as health care benefits)  during  the
years  an employee provides services. The General Partner elected
to  amortize the post retirement benefit obligation over a period
not  to exceed the average remaining life expectancy of the  plan
participants  (since all of the plan participants  are  retired).
The  cumulative effect as of August 1, 1993, and impact  for  the
year  ended  July  31, 1994, of adopting this statement  was  not
material  to the pro forma financial statements of the  Operating
Partnership  or  the  historical  financial  statements  of   the

   The  Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued Statement
of  Financial Accounting Standards No. 112_Employers'  Accounting
For  Postemployment Benefits which is effective for fiscal  years
beginning  after December 15, 1993. This statement requires  that
employers recognize over the service lives of employees the costs
of  postemployment benefits if certain conditions  are  met.  The
General  Partner does not believe that adoption of the  statement
will  have  a  material impact on the results  of  operations  or
financial condition of the Operating Partnership.

  Assets Contributed to the Operating Partnership.  In connection
with  the  formation  of the Operating Partnership,  the  General
Partner    contributed   certain   assets   including    customer
relationships  and customer tanks. The Internal  Revenue  Service
("IRS")  has  examined the General Partner's consolidated  income
tax  returns for the years ended July 31, 1987 and 1986, and  has
proposed  certain  adjustments which relate to these  contributed
assets.  If  the IRS were successful, the amount of  amortization
and  depreciation  available  to the  General  Partner  could  be
adversely affected. At this time, it is not possible to determine
the ultimate resolution of this matter and the impact, if any, to
the   consolidated   financial  statements   of   the   Operating


   The  Registrants'  Consolidated Financial Statements  and  the
Reports   of  Certified  Public  Accountants  thereon   and   the
Supplementary  Financial Information listed on  the  accompanying
Index  to  Financial Statements and Financial Statement Schedules
are hereby incorporated by reference.



                            PART III
Partnership Management

   The General Partner manages and operates the activities of the
Partnership,  and  the  General  Partner  anticipates  that   its
activities  will  be  limited to such management  and  operation.
Unitholders  do  not  directly or indirectly participate  in  the
management  or operation of the Partnership. The General  Partner
owes a fiduciary duty to the Unitholders.

   In  September 1994, the General Partner appointed two  persons
who are neither officers nor employees of the General Partner  or
any  affiliate of the General Partner to serve on a committee  of
the  Partnership  (the "Audit Committee") with the  authority  to
review,  at the request of the General Partner, specific  matters
as  to which the General Partner believes there may be a conflict
of  interest  in  order to determine if the  resolution  of  such
conflict  proposed by the General Partner is fair and  reasonable
to the Partnership.  The Audit Committee will only review matters
relating  to conflicts of interest at the request of the  General
Partner, and the General Partner has sole discretion to determine
which  matters,  if  any, to submit to the Audit  Committee.  Any
matters  approved  by  the Audit Committee will  be  conclusively
deemed to be fair and reasonable to the Partnership, approved  by
all  partners of the Partnership and not a breach by the  General
Partner  of  any  duties  it  may  owe  the  Partnership  or  the

   The  Partnership does not directly employ any of  the  persons
responsible for managing or operating the Partnership.   At  July
31,  1994,  2,313  full-time  and  778  temporary  and  part-time
individuals were employed by the General Partner.

Directors and Executive Officers of the General Partner

  The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to  the directors and executive officers of the Company. Each  of
the persons named below is elected to their respective office  or
offices  annually.  The executive officers  are  not  subject  to
employment agreements.

    Name                  Age    Since                Position   
- - ---------------------    ----  --------  --------------------------------------
James  E. Ferrell.........  55   1984    President, Chairman of the Board and a
                                         Director of the Company
Bradley A. Cochennet......  40      _    Executive Vice President and
                                         Managing Director, Retail
Danley K. Sheldon.........  36      _    Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
                                         Officer and Managing Director
Rhonda  E.  Smiley........  38      _    Vice  President,  Legal Affairs
Daniel M. Lambert.........  53   1994    Director of the Company
A. Andrew Levison.........  38   1994    Director of the Company.

   James  E.  Ferrell_Mr. Ferrell has been with  Ferrell  or  its
predecessors  and its affiliates in various executive  capacities
since 1965.

   Bradley  A.  Cochennet_Mr. Cochennet has been  Executive  Vice
President since January 1993 and has been a Vice President of the
Company since 1985. Mr. Cochennet joined the Company in 1980.

   Danley K. Sheldon_Mr. Sheldon has been Chief Financial Officer
of  the  Company since January 1994 and has served  as  Treasurer
since 1989.  He joined the Company in 1986.

   Rhonda  E.  Smiley_Ms. Smiley joined the Company  in  1991  as
Director  of Legal Affairs and has been a Vice President  of  the
Company  since  April  1994. Prior to joining  the  Company,  Ms.
Smiley practiced law with Shook, Hardy & Bacon for ten years, the
last five years as a partner.

   Daniel M. Lambert---Dr. Lambert was elected a director of  the
Company  in  September 1994.  Dr. Lambert has been  President  of
Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas, since July 1, 1987.

   A.  Andrew Levison---Mr. Levison was elected a director of the
Company  in  September  1994.   Mr.  Levison  has been a Managing  
Director  of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities  Corporation  
since 1989. Mr. Levison is also a director of Rickel Home Centers, 
Inc., a leading  full  service  home  improvement  retailer  that 
operates stores in the Northeastern United States.

Compensation of the General Partner

   The  General  Partner receives no management  fee  or  similar
compensation in connection with its management of the Partnership
and receives no remuneration other than:

     (i)  distributions  in  respect of its  2%  general  partner
  interest,  on  a  combined basis, in the  Partnership  and  the
  Operating Partnership; and
     (ii)  reimbursement for all direct and  indirect  costs  and
  expenses  incurred on behalf of the Partnership,  all  selling,
  general  and  administrative expenses incurred by  the  General
  Partner  for  or  on behalf of the Partnership  and  all  other
  expenses  necessary  or  appropriate  to  the  conduct  of  the
  business  of, and allocable to, the Partnership.  The  selling,
  general   and   administrative  expenses   reimbursed   include
  specific  employee benefit and incentive plans for the  benefit
  of   the  executive  officers  and  employees  of  the  General


 Summary Compensation Table

   The following table sets forth the annual salary, bonuses  and
all  other compensation awards and payouts to the Chief Executive
Officer  and to named executive officers of the Company, for  the
fiscal years ended July 31, 1992, 1993 and 1994.

                                                                                           Long-Term Compensation 
                                                       Annual Compensation                   Awards            Pay-outs             
                                                ----------------------------------   ----------------------   ---------             
                                                                          Other      Restricted     Stock     Long-Term             
                                                                         Annual         Stock      Options/   Incentive       All Ot
        Name and                                Salary      Bonus     Compensation      Awards       SARs      Payouts       Compens
     Potential Position                 Year      ($)        ($)          ($)            ($)          #          ($)              ($
- - --------------------------------        ----    -------    ------    -------------   ----------    --------   ---------      -------
James E. Ferrell                        
- - ----------------                        
   Chairman and                         1994    480,000      ---          ---            ---          ---        ---                
   Chief Executive Officer              1993    480,000     13,000        ---            ---          ---     1,502,080 (2)       25
                                        1992    480,000     20,000        ---            ---          ---        ---              32

Bradley A. Cochennet                    
- - --------------------   
   Executive Vice President and         1994    225,000     50,000        ---            ---         2,678       ---              13
   Managing Director, Retail            1993    150,000      ---          ---            ---         2,762       ---               9
                                        1992    150,000      ---          ---            ---          ---        ---              12

Danley K. Sheldon                       
- - -----------------   
   Senior Vice President, Chief         1994    120,185    125,875        ---            ---          ---        ---               7
   Chief Financial Officer and          1993    115,000      ---          ---            ---          ---        ---               6
   Managing Director                    1992    103,320      ---          ---            ---          ---        ---               9
Rhonda K. Smiley                                        
- - ----------------   
   Vice President, Legal Affairs        1994    133,070     25,875        ---            ---          ---        ---               8
                                        1993    125,375      9,900        ---            ---          ---        ---                
                                        1992     63,743      ---          ---            ---          ---        ---                
Brian M. Smith (4)                                                                                                                  
- - ------------------   
   Vice President, Marketing and        1994    111,575     52,901        ---            ---          ---        ---               6
   Communications                       1993     99,354      ---          ---            ---          ---        ---               1
                                        1992     70,192      ---          ---            ---          ---        ---                
(1)  Includes (i) General Partner contributions of $10,487 to the
  employee's   401(k)   and  profit  sharing   plans   and   (ii)
  compensation  of  $12,433 resulting from the General  Partner's
  payment of split dollar life insurance premiums.

(2)   Early  purchase of all the employee's 64,000  Equity  Units
  under Ferrell's Long-Term Incentive Plan at a price of $23.47.

(3)   General Partner contributions to the employee's 401(k)  and
  profit sharing plans.

(4)  Mr. Smith resigned effective July 31, 1994.

 Stock Option Tables

  The Board of Directors of Ferrell adopted the 1992 Key Employee
Stock  Option  Plan  (the "Option Plan") on June  26,  1992.  The
Option  Plan reserves 100,000 shares of Class M Common  Stock  of
Ferrell  for the purpose of allowing Ferrell to offer options  on
the Class M Common Stock to officers and key employees of Ferrell
and  the Company. The value of each share of Class M Common Stock
is  determined by the Board of Directors of Ferrell and shall not
be  less  than  fair market value of such stock on the  date  the
option  is  granted. The following table sets  forth  the  option
grants for the fiscal year ended July 31, 1994:

                                     Individual Grant                  Potential Realized
                     -----------------------------------------------    Value at Assumed
                      Number of                                          annual Rates of      
                     Securities   % of Total                           Stock Appreciations
                     Underlying  Options Granted  Exercise              for Option Term(2) 
                      Options     to Employees     Price   Expiration  ------------------ 
       Name           Granted    in Fiscal Year    ($/SH)     Date         5%        10%
- - -------------------- ---------   --------------   --------  ---------   -------   --------
Bradley A. Cochennet     2,678         91%         $56.01   08/02/03    $94,000   $239,000
Geoffrey H. Ramsden        261          9%         $56.01      (1)        (1)       (1)
(1)   Mr.  Ramsden's  options  terminated  as  a  result  of  his
  resignation in January 1994.

(2)   These  dollar  amounts represent the  potential  realizable
  value  of each grant of options assuming that the market  price
  of  the Class M Common Stock appreciates in value from the date
  of  grant  at  5% and 10% annual rates and are not intended  to
  forecast possible future appreciation, if any, of the price  of
  the Class M Common Stock.

   The  following table lists information on the named  executive
officer's exercised/unexercised options for the fiscal year ended
July 31, 1994:

                                                                     Value of
                                                   Number of        Unexercised
                                                  Unexercised      In-The-Money
                                                  Options/SARs     Options/SARs
                        Number of                   at FY-End        at FY-End
                         Shares                   -------------   ----------------
                        Acquired     Value         Exercisable/    Exercisable/
    Name              on Exercise   Realized ($)  Unexercisable   Unexercisable($)
- - --------------------  -----------   ------------  -------------   ----------------
Bradley A. Cochennet           _              _       5,440/_         $435,461/_

 Long-Term Incentive Plan Awards

   The goal of Ferrell's Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan") is
to  attract and retain officers and key executives needed for the
continued  growth  and  success of  Ferrell  and  its  affiliates
through  long-term  incentives in  the  form  of  units  ("Equity
Units").  The plan is administered by the Compensation  Committee
(the  "Committee")  of  the Board of Directors  of  Ferrell.  The
Committee members who hold an award under the Plan are ineligible
to  vote  on matters relating to the Plan. The Committee has  the
authority  to  determine, within the express  provisions  of  the
Plan, the individuals to whom awards will be granted; the amount,
size  and terms of each such award; the time when awards will  be
granted;  and  the  objectives and conditions  for  earning  such
awards.  The  Committee  has  the full  and  final  authority  to
interpret the provisions of the Plan, to decide all questions  of
fact   arising  upon  its  application  and  to  make  all  other
determinations  necessary or advisable for the administration  of
the plan.

  The Equity Units awarded under the Plan, which are 100% vested,
are subject to purchase by Ferrell at a cash price related to the
increased  value  of  Ferrell's  common  stock  from   1986,   as
determined pursuant to (i) an appraisal conducted by a nationally
recognized investment banking firm, (ii) the mean of the  closing
bid  and  asked price of a class of Ferrell's common stock  if  a
class  of Ferrell's common stock is publicly traded, or (iii)  in
certain   limited  circumstances,  including  if  the   appraisal
referred  to  in (i) is more than 90 days old or if there  is  no
public  market  as  referred  to in  (ii),  the  Committee  shall
determine  the  value  of  the  Equity  Units.  Unless  purchased
earlier,  Ferrell will purchase all of the issued and outstanding
Equity  Units as of July 31, 1996. The value of the Equity  Units
as  of  July 31, 1996 will be the value of Ferrell's common stock
as  of  such  date, determined in accordance with  the  valuation
methods  described  above, less the "deemed" value  of  Ferrell's
common equity as of August 1, 1986.

  As of July 31, 1994, a total of 30,000 Equity Units, awarded in
previous  years,  were outstanding to Bradley  A.  Cochennet,  as
named  in  the  Summary Compensation Table.  During fiscal  1993,
James  E.  Ferrell had a total of 64,000 Equity Units repurchased
by  Ferrell.  No additional Equity Units were awarded  under  the
Plan  in  fiscal  1994,  therefore, no long-term  incentive  plan
awards table is presented.

   Compensation expense of $720,000 and $80,000 was recorded  for
the  fiscal  years  ended  July 31, 1994 and  1993,  respectively
pursuant  to the Plan for the benefit of the Equity Unit holders.
As   of   July  31,  1994,  a  liability  totaling  approximately
$2,145,000 is recorded in the financial statements of Ferrell  as
a result of the grants under this Plan.

 Profit Sharing Plan

   The  Ferrell  Profit  Sharing  Plan  is  a  qualified  defined
contribution  plan  (the "Profit Sharing  Plan").  All  full-time
employees  of  Ferrell or any of its direct  or  indirect  wholly
owned subsidiaries with at least one year of service are eligible
to participate in the Profit Sharing Plan. The Board of Directors
of  Ferrell  determines the amount of the annual contribution  to
the  Profit  Sharing  Plan, which is purely  discretionary.  This
decision  is  based on the operating results of Ferrell  for  the
previous calendar year and anticipated future cash needs  of  the
General  Partner and Ferrell. The contributions are allocated  to
the Profit Sharing Plan participant's based on each participant's
wages  or  salary  as compared to the total of all  participants'
wages and salaries.

   Historically,  the annual contribution to the  Profit  Sharing
Plan  has  been  2% to 7% of each participant's  annual  wage  or
salary.  The Profit Sharing Plan also has a cash-or-deferred,  or
401(k),  feature allowing plan participants to specify a  portion
of  their pre-tax and/or after-tax compensation to be contributed
to the Profit Sharing Plan.

Compensation of Directors

  The General Partner does not pay any additional remuneration to
its employees (or employees of, or legal counsel to, a direct  or
indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary)  for  serving  as  directors.
Directors who are not employees of the General Partner, a  direct
or  indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, or counsel to  any  of  the
foregoing,  receive a fee per meeting of $500, plus reimbursement
for out-of-pocket expenses.

Termination of Employment Arrangement

  On January 3, 1991, Warren Gfeller resigned as President of the
Company  and  as  Director of Ferrell. In  connection  with  such
resignation, a severance agreement was executed by and among  Mr.
Gfeller,  the  Company  and Ferrell, whereby  Mr.  Gfeller  would
receive  $2.5  million, payable in four equal annual installments
commencing  on  or before January 11, 1991. As consideration  for
these  payments,  Mr.  Gfeller agreed not  to  compete  with  the
Company  and  to the termination and release of his participation
in  the  Ferrell  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan  and  all  bonus  or
performance plans maintained by the Company and Ferrell.

  In January 1994, Geoffrey H. Ramsden resigned as Vice President
and  Chief Financial Officer of the Company.  In connection  with
Mr. Ramsden's resignation, Ferrell and Mr. Ramsden entered into a
severance  agreement dated March 23, 1994. Pursuant to the  terms
of  the agreement, Mr. Ramsden received approximately $500,000 in
exchange for the repurchase of his Class M Stock and Equity Units
and  the  termination  of all rights under  Ferrell's  bonus  and
performance plans.


  The  following tables set forth certain information as of  July
  31,  1994, regarding the beneficial ownership of (i) the Common
  and  Subordinated Units of the MLP and (ii)  the  Class  A  and
  Class  M  common  stock of Ferrell, the parent company  of  the
  General   Partner,  by  certain  beneficial  owners   and   all
  directors of the General Partner and the Partnership,  each  of
  the  named  executive officers and all directors and  executive
  officers  as  a group.  The General Partner knows of  no  other
  person beneficially owning more than 5% of the Common Units.

Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.
- - -------------------------                                                             
                                                             Units       Percent
      Title of                   Name and Address         Beneficially      of  
       Class                   of Beneficial Owner          Owned  (1)    Class
- - ------------------------    --------------------------    ------------    -----
Common Units                Ferrellgas, Inc. (2)            1,000,000      7.1% 
                            Bradley Cochennet                     500       * 
                            Rhonda Smiley                         500       * 
                            Daniel M. Lambert                     200       * 
                            A. Andrew Levison                  15,000       *  
                            All Directors and Officers                         
                               as a Group                      16,200       * 
Subordinated Units          Ferrellgas, Inc. (2)           16,543,721      100%

Ferrell Companies, Inc.
- - -----------------------
                                                             Units        Percent
      Title of                   Name and Address         Beneficially       of
       Class                   of Beneficial Owner          Owned  (1)     Class
- - ------------------------    --------------------------    ------------     -----
Class A Common Stock        James E. Ferrell (3)            2,562,640 (4)  99.6% 
                            All Directors and Officers                         
                               as a Group                   2,573,100       100% 
Class M Common Stock (5)    All Directors and Officers          4,325      28.1%
                               as a Group 
  *  Less than 1%.

(1)  Beneficial ownership for the purposes of the foregoing table
  is  defined by Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act  of
  1934.  Under that rule, a person is generally considered to  be
  the  beneficial  owner of a security if he has  or  shares  the
  power to vote or direct the voting thereof ("Voting Power")  or
  to  dispose  or  direct  the disposition  thereof  ("Investment
  Power")  or  has  the right to acquire either of  those  powers
  within sixty (60) days.

(2)   The  address  for  Ferrellgas, Inc. is One  Liberty  Plaza,
  Liberty,  Missouri   64068..  On August 1,  1994,  the  General
  Partner   declared  a  dividend  and  distributed  to   Ferrell
  1,000,000  Common Units and 1,650,000 Subordinated Units.   The
  dividend  of the Common Units and Subordinated Units  represent
  7.1% and 10.0% of each Class, respectively.

(3)   The  address for James E. Ferrell and Elizabeth J. Ferrell,
  is  c/o  Ferrell  Companies, Inc., One Liberty Plaza,  Liberty,
  Missouri 64068.

(4)   James E. Ferrell has sole Voting and Investment Power  with
  respect  to  1,525,817 shares of Class A Common Stock  held  by
  Mr.  Ferrell  as  Trustee  of the James  E.  Ferrell  Revocable
  Trust.   Mr.  Ferrell shares Voting and Investment  Power  with
  respect  to  1,036,823 shares of Class A Common Stock  held  by
  himself  and  his wife, Elizabeth J. Ferrell, as joint  tenants
  with rights of survivorship.

(5)   The  shares  of  Class  M Common Stock  are  restricted  to
  eligible  employees  of Ferrell and the Company  and  are  non-
  voting and non-transferable.


   Set  forth below is a discussion of certain relationships  and
related transactions among affiliates of the Partnership.

    In   connection  with  the  formation  of  the   Partnership,
substantially  all of the assets and liabilities of  the  Company
were conveyed at historical cost to the Operating Partnership, as
described   in   the  Ferrellgas  Partners,   L.P.'s   notes   to
consolidated financial statements.

   The Partnership has no employees and is managed and controlled
by  the  General Partner. Pursuant to the Partnership  Agreement,
the  General Partner is entitled to reimbursement for all  direct
and indirect expenses incurred or payments it makes on behalf  of
the  Partnership, and all other necessary or appropriate expenses
allocable to the Partnership or otherwise reasonably incurred  by
the   General   Partner   in  connection   with   operating   the
Partnership's  business.  These costs, which  totaled  $7,561,000
from  inception  to  July  31,  1994,  include  compensation  and
benefits  paid to officers and employees of the General  Partner,
and   general   and  administrative  costs.   In  addition,   the
conveyance  of  the net assets of the Company to the  Partnership
included  the  assumption  of  specific  liabilities  related  to
employee  benefit  and incentive plans for  the  benefit  of  the
officers and employees of the General Partner.  The conveyance of
the  net assets of the Company to the Partnership and the details
of  the  employee benefit plans are  described in the  Ferrellgas
Partners, L.P.'s notes to the consolidated financial statements.

   A. Andrew Levison, a director of Ferrell and the Company, is a
Managing  Director  of  Donaldson, Lufkin &  Jenrette  Securities
Corporation ("DLJ").  DLJ acted as an underwriter with regard  to
the public offering of Common Units and Senior Notes described in
Note   A  of  the  Ferrellgas  Partners,  L.P.'s  notes  to   the
consolidated  financial statements and was  paid  total  fees  of

   The  law  firm of Smith, Gill, Fisher & Butts, a  Professional
Corporation,  is  general  counsel to  the  Partnership,  General
Partner,   Ferrell   and   their  respective   subsidiaries   and
affiliates.  David S. Mouber, a director of Ferrell at  July  31,
1994, is a member of such law firm.  The Partnership, Ferrell and
their  respective  subsidiaries paid such firm fees  of  $151,000
from inception to July 31, 1994.

                             PART IV

       FORM 8-K.

  (a)  1. Financial Statements.

       See "Index to Financial Statements" set forth on page F-1.

     2.   Financial Statement Schedules.

       See  "Index to Financial Statement Schedules" as set forth
       on page S-1.

     3.   Exhibits.

       See "Index to Exhibits" set forth on page E-1.

  (b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

     Reports on Form 8-K were filed by the Partnership on  August
     15,  September 26 and October 4, 1994, and are  incorporated
     herein  by  reference.   The contents  of  the  reports  are
     briefly summarized below:

     On  August  15,  1994,  the Registrants  reported  that  the
     previously  announced  offering of 13,100,000  Common  Units
     representing   limited  partners  interests  in   Ferrellgas
     Partners, L.P. was consummated, concurrent with the offering
     by Ferrellgas, L.P. of $250,000,000 Senior Notes due 2001.

     On  September 26, 1994, the Registrants reported that Daniel
     M. Lambert and A. Andrew Levison were appointed to the Board
     of Directors of Ferrellgas, Inc., the General Partner.

     On   October   4,   1994,  the  Registrants  reported   that
     Ferrellgas,   Inc.,  the  General  Partner   of   Ferrellgas
     Partners,  L.P.  and  Ferrellgas,  L.P.,  entered   into   a
     definitive  Purchase Agreement with Vision Energy Resources,
     Inc.  ("Vision")  for the purchase of the  propane  business
     owned  and operated by Vision for a cash purchase  price  of
     $45,000,000.  Following the closing of the transaction,  the
     General Partner intends to transfer the assets of Vision  to
     the Partnership.
    Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

                                   FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P.

                                   By Ferrellgas, Inc.
                                     (General Partner)

                                   By /s/ James E. Ferrell
                                      James E. Ferrell
                                      Chairman and Chief
                                      Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, this report has been signed by the following persons in
the capacities and on the dates indicated:

       Signature                 Title                         Date

  /s/ James E. Ferrell        Chairman of the Board,           October 20, 1994
  James E. Ferrell            Chief Executive Officer and
                              Director (Principal Executive

  /s/ Daniel M. Lambert       Director                         October 20, 1994
  Daniel M. Lambert                                            

  /s/ A. Andrew Levison       Director                         October 20, 1994
  A. Andrew Levison

  /s/ Danley K. Sheldon       Senior Vice President/Chief      October 20, 1994
  Danley K. Sheldon           Financial Officer (Principal
                              Financial and Accounting Officer)
     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

                                   FERRELLGAS, L.P.

                                   By Ferrellgas, Inc.
                                     (General Partner)

                                   By /s/ James E. Ferrell
                                      James E. Ferrell
                                      Chairman and Chief
                                      Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, this report has been signed by the following persons in
the capacities and on the dates indicated:

       Signature                 Title                  Date

  /s/ James E. Ferrell        Chairman of the Board,           October 20, 1994
  James E. Ferrell            Chief Executive Officer and
                              Director (Principal Executive

  /s/ Daniel M. Lambert       Director                         October 20, 1994
  Daniel M. Lambert

  /s/ A. Andrew Levison       Director                         October 20, 1994
  A. Andrew Levison

  /s/ Danley K. Sheldon       Senior Vice President/Chief      October 20, 1994
  Danley K. Sheldon           Financial Officer (Principal
                              Financial and Accounting Officer)
     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

                                   FERRELLGAS FINANCE CORP.

                                   By /s/ James E. Ferrell
                                      James E. Ferrell
                                      Chairman and Chief
                                      Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, this report has been signed by the following persons in
the capacities and on the dates indicated:

       Signature                 Title                  Date

  /s/ James E. Ferrell        Chairman of the Board,           October 20, 1994
  James E. Ferrell            Chief Executive Officer and
                              Sole Director (Principal
                              Executive Officer)

  /s/ Danley K. Sheldon       Senior Vice President/Chief      October 20, 1994
  Danley K. Sheldon           Financial Officer (Principal
                              Financial and Accounting Officer)

                        INDEX TO EXHIBITS

      The  exhibits listed on the accompanying Exhibit Index  are
filed  as part of this report.  Exhibits required by Item 601  of
Regulation S-K which are not listed are not applicable.

  Number                  Description

***  3.1  Agreement of Limited Partnership of Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.

*    3.2  Agreement of Limited Partnership of Ferrellgas, L.P.
                    dated as of July 5, 1994.

*   10.1  Credit Agreement dated as of July 5, 1994, among
          Ferrellgas, L.P., Stratton Insurance Company, Inc.,
          Ferrellgas, Inc., Bank of America National Trust and
          Savings Association, as agent, and the other financial
          institutions party thereto.

*   10.2  Indenture dated as of July 5, 1994, among Ferrellgas,
          L.P., Ferrellgas Finance Corp. and Norwest Bank
          Minnesota, National Association, as Trustee, relating
          to $200,000,000 10% Series A Fixed Rate Senior Notes
          due 2001 and $50,000,000Series B Floating Rate Senior Notes due

    10.4  Assignment and Agreement dated as of January 1, 1989,
          between BP Oil Company and Ferrell Petroleum, Inc., as

**  10.5  Ferrell Long-Term Incentive Plan, dated June 23, 1987,
          between Ferrell and the participants in the Plan.

**  10.6  Ferrell 1992 Key Employee Stock Option Plan.

**  10.7  Contribution, Conveyance and Assumption Agreement between 
          Ferrellgas, the Partnersihp and the Operating Partnership.

    10.8  First Amendment to Contribution, Conveyance and Assumption Agreement 
          between Ferrellgas, the Partnership and the Operating Partnership.

**  21.1  List of subsidiaries.

**  23.1  Consent of Deloitte & Touche, LLP.

    27    Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and Subsidiary Financial Data Schedule

    27.1  Ferrellgas, L.P. and Subsidiaries Financial Data Schedule  

    27.2  Ferrellgas Finance Corp. Financial Data Schedule

    27.3  Ferrellgas, Inc. and Subsidiaries (PREDECESSOR) Financial 
          Data Schedule

*    Incorporated by reference to the same numbered Exhibit to
     the Registrant's Current Report on Form 8-K filed August 15,

**   Incorporated by reference to the same numbered Exhibit to
     Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
     (Registration No. 33-53383).

***  Incorporated by reference to the same numbered Exhibit to
     Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1
     (Registration No. 33-55185).

- - -----------------------------
Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and Subsidiary
- - ----------------------------------------
     Independent Auditors' Report                            
     Consolidated Balance Sheet - July 31, 1994              
     Consolidated Statement of Operations - 
     Inception to July 31, 1994 and Pro Forma
       July 31, 1993                                         
     Consolidated Statement of Partners Capital -
       Inception to July 31, 1994                            
     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows -
       Inception to July 31, 1994                            
     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements              

Ferrellgas, L.P. and Subsidiaries
- - ---------------------------------
     Independent Auditors' Report                           
     Consolidated Balance Sheet - July 31, 1994             
     Consolidated Statement of Operations -
       Inception to July 31, 1994 and Pro Forma
       July 31, 1993                                        
     Consolidated Statement of Partners' Capital -
       Inception to July 31, 1994                           
     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows -
       Inception to July 31, 1994                           
     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements             

Ferrellgas Finance Corp.
- - ------------------------
     Independent Auditors' Report                           
     Balance Sheet - July 31, 1994                          
     Statement of Stockholder's Equity -
       Inception to July 31, 1994                           
     Statement of Cash Flows -
       Inception to July 31, 1994                           
     Notes to Financial Statement                           

Ferrellgas, Inc. and Subsidiaries (Predecessor)
- - -----------------------------------------------
     Independent Auditors' Report                           
     Consolidated Balance Sheet -
       June 30, 1994 and July 31, 1993                      
     Consolidated Statement of Operations -
       Eleven Months Ended June 30, 1994 and
       Years Ended July 31, 1993 and 1992                   
     Consolidated Statement of Partners' Capital -
       Eleven Months Ended June 30, 1994 and
       Years Ended July 31, 1993 and 1992                   
     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows -
       Eleven Months Ended June 30, 1994 and
       Years Ended July 31, 1993 and 1992                   
     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements             

To the Partners of
Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.
Liberty, Missouri

     We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance
sheet of Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and subsidiary as of July
31, 1994, and the related consolidated statements of
operations, partners' capital and cash flows for the period
from inception (April 19, 1994) to July 31, 1994.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the
Partnership's management.  Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

     We conducted our audit in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards.  Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audit provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of Ferrellgas, L.P. and subsidiary as of July 31,
1994, and the results of their operations and their cash
flows for the period from inception (April 19, 1994) to July
31, 1994, in conformity with generally accepted accounting

Kansas City, Missouri
September 16, 1994 (October 14, 1994 as to Note O.)

(in thousands, except unit data)

                                                    July 31,
Current Assets:                                             
  Cash and cash equivalents                          $14,535
  Accounts and notes receivable (net of                     
     allowance for doubtful accounts of $798)         50,780
  Inventories                                         43,562
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets            2,042
    Total Current Assets                             110,919
  Property, plant and equipment, net                 294,765
  Intangible assets, net                              63,291
  Other Assets, net                                    8,218
    Total Assets                                    $477,193
LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' CAPITAL                           
Current Liabilities:                                        
  Accounts payable                                   $46,368
  Other current liabilities                           26,590
  Short-term borrowing                                 3,000
  Payable to general partner                              13
    Total Current Liabilities                         75,971
  Long-term debt                                     267,062
  Other liabilities                                   11,528
  Minority interest                                    1,239
Partners' Capital                                           
 Common unitholders (units issued - 14,100,000)       84,532
 Subordinated unitholder (units issued - 16,593,721)  99,483
 General partner                                     (62,622)
    Total Partners' Capital                          121,393
    Total Liabilities and Partners' Capital         $477,193
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands, except unit data)

                                              Inception to July 31,
                                                          Pro Forma
                                               1994           1993
                                           -----------   ------------
  Gas liquids and related product sales       $22,411       $24,696
  Other                                         2,155         1,839
                                             ---------    ----------
    Total revenues                             24,566        26,535
Costs and expenses:                                                
  Cost of product sold                         13,211        16,300
  Operating                                    10,078         8,299
  Depreciation and amortization                 2,383         2,490
  General and administrative                      935         1,053
  Vehicle leases                                  350           375
                                             ---------    ----------
    Total costs and expenses                   26,957        28,517
                                             ---------    ----------                      
Operating loss                                 (2,391)       (1,982)
  Loss on disposal of assets                      (97)          (16)
  Interest income                                  73            50
  Interest expense                             (2,662)       (2,374)
  Minority interest                                51            44
                                             ---------    ----------                      
  Loss before extraordinary loss               (5,026)       (4,278)
  Extraordinary loss on early                                      
     extinguishment of debt                    60,062             -
  Minority interest in extraordinary loss        (607)            -
                                             ---------    ----------
Net loss                                      (64,481)       (4,278)
  General partner's interest in net loss      (64,481)       (4,278)
                                             ---------    ----------
  Limited partners' interest in net loss      $     -       $     -
                                             =========    ==========                  
Net loss per unit:                                                 
    Loss before extraordinary loss            $     -       $     -
    Extraordinary loss                              -             -
                                             ---------    ----------
    Net loss per unit                         $     -       $     -
                                             =========    ==========                  

Number of units used in computation        30,693,721    30,693,721
                                           ===========   ==========

See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands, except unit data)

                                   Number of units                                              Total
                              ------------------------                             General     partners'
                              Common       Subordinated   Common   Subordinated    partner     capital
                            ----------      ----------   -------     -------     ---------    ---------
 Balance April 19, 1994               -               -   $     -     $     -      $     -     $      -
  Contributions             14,100,000      16,593,721    84,532      99,483        1,859      185,874
  Net loss                           -               -         -           -      (64,481)     (64,481)
                            ----------      ----------   -------     -------     ---------    ---------
Balance July 31, 1994       14,100,000      16,593,721   $84,532     $99,483     ($62,622)    $121,393
                            ==========      ==========   =======     =======     =========    =========

See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands)

                                                 July 31,
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:                    
 Net loss                                        ($64,481)
 Reconciliation of net loss to net                       
  cash from operating activities:                        
  Extraordinary loss(net of minority interest)     59,455
  Depreciation and amortization                     2,383
  Other                                                22
  Decrease (increase) in assets:                         
    Accounts and notes receivable                     196
    Inventories                                    (5,631)
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets         618
  Decrease in liabilities:                               
    Accounts payable                               (2,809)
    Other current liabilities                      (1,733)
    Other liabilities                                 (35)
      Net cash used by operating activities       (12,015)
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:                    
 Capital expenditures                              (2,768)
 Proceeds from asset sales                             35
 Net additions to other assets                         (4)
      Net cash used by investing activities        (2,737)
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:                    
 Additions to long-term debt                      265,000
 Net issuance of common units                     255,006
 Cash transfer from predecessor company            39,791
 Additions to short-term borrowing                  3,000
 Reductions to long-term debt                    (477,903)
 Additional payments to retire debt               (48,364)
 Additions to financing costs                      (6,575)
 Minority activity                                   (544)
 Net payment to general partner                      (124)
   Net cash provided by financing activities       29,287

Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents              14,535
Cash and cash equivalents - Beginning of period         -
Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period         $14,535

See notes to consolidated financial statements.
                     FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P.
                         AND SUBSIDIARY
                 FROM INCEPTION TO JULY 31, 1994

A.   Partnership Organization and Formation:

  Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. was formed April 19, 1994, and  is  a
  publicly  traded  limited partnership,  owning  a  99%  limited
  partner   interest   in   Ferrellgas,  L.P.   (the   "Operating
  Partnership"),   both   Delaware  limited   partnerships,   and
  collectively  known  as the Partnership.  Ferrellgas  Partners,
  L.P.,  was  formed  to  acquire  and  hold  a  limited  partner
  interest   in   the  Operating  Partnership.    The   Operating
  Partnership was formed to acquire, own and operate the  propane
  business  and  assets  of  Ferrellgas Inc.  (the  "Company"  or
  "General  Partner'").  The Company has retained  a  1%  general
  partner interest in Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and also holds  a
  1%  general  partner  interest in  the  Operating  Partnership,
  representing  a 2% general partner interest in the  Partnership
  on  a  combined basis.  As General Partner of the  Partnership,
  the  Company performs all management functions required for the

  On  July  5, 1994, the Partnership completed an initial  public
  offering  of  13,100,000  Common  Units  representing   limited
  partner interests (the "Common Units") at $21 per Common  Unit.
  The 13,100,000 Common Units  represent a 41.8% limited  partner 
  interest in the Partnership. Concurrent with the closing of the 
  offering, the Company contributed all of its  propane  business 
  and   assets  to  the   Partnership   (excluding  approximately  
  $39,000,000 in cash, payables to or receivables from parent and  
  affiliates and an investment in the Class B Stock of Parent) in 
  exchange for 1,000,000 Common  Units,  16,593,721  Subordinated 
  Units and Incentive Distribution Rights, representing  a  56.2%  
  limited partner interest in the Partnership, in addition to the  
  2% general partner interest in the Partnership.  In  connection
  with  the  contribution of the propane business and  assets  by
  the  Company,  the  Operating Partnership assumed  all  of  the
  liabilities,  whether  known or unknown, associated  with  such
  assets (other than income tax liabilities).  The book value  of
  the   assets   being   contributed  to  the   Partnership   was
  approximately $67,000,000 less than the liabilities assumed  by
  the Operating Partnership, as described in Note B.

  Concurrent   with  this  offering,  the  Operating  Partnership
  completed the issuance of 10% Fixed Rate Senior Notes due  2001
  in  the aggregate principal amount of $200,000,000 and Floating
  Rate  Senior  Notes due 2001 in the aggregate principal  amount
  of   $50,000,000  (collectively,  the  "Senior   Notes").    As
  described  in  Note G, the net proceeds from the  sale  of  the
  Common  Units  and from the issuance of the Senior  Notes  were
  used  to  retire  approximately  $477,600,000  in  indebtedness
  assumed by the Operating Partnership.

B.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

  (1)  Principles of consolidation:

     The  accompanying consolidated financial statements  present
     the  consolidated financial position, results of  operations
     and cash flows of the Partnership.  The Company's 1% General
     Partner interest in Ferrellgas, L.P. is accounted for  as  a
     minority  interest.    All  material  intercompany  profits,
     transactions and balances have been eliminated.

     The  propane  industry  is  seasonal  in  nature  with  peak
     activity  during the winter months.  Therefore, the  results
     of  operations of the Partnership from the inception to July
     31,  1994, are not indicative of the results to be  expected
     for  a  full fiscal year.  See Note N for the unaudited  pro
     forma  statement  of operations for the fiscal  years  ended
     July 31, 1994 and 1993.

  (2)  Inventories:

     Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market  using
     average cost and actual cost methods.

     The Partnership enters into forward purchase/sale agreements
     and options involving propane and related products which are
     for  trading  purposes.  To the extent  such  contracts  are
     entered  into  at  fixed  prices  and  thereby  subject  the
     Partnership to market risk, the contracts are accounted  for
     on a mark-to-market basis.

   (3)   Property,  plant  and equipment  and  other  non-current

     Property,  plant  and  equipment  is  stated  at  cost  less
     accumulated depreciation and amortization.  Depreciation and
     amortization are computed by the straight-line  method  over
     the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from two to
     thirty  years.   Expenditures for  maintenance  and  routine
     repairs are expensed as incurred.

     Intangible assets, consisting primarily of customer location
     values and goodwill, are stated at cost, net of amortization
     computed on the straight-line method over fifteen years  for
     customer location values and forty years for goodwill.   The
     General   Partner  evaluates  the  intangible   assets   for
     impairment   by  calculating  the  anticipated   cash   flow
     attributable  to  such  acquisitions  over  their   expected
     remaining   life.    Such  expected  cash   flows,   on   an
     undiscounted  basis, are compared to the carrying  value  of
     the  tangible  and intangible assets, and if  impairment  is
     indicated,  the carrying value of the intangible assets  are
     adjusted.   Accumulated amortization  of  intangible  assets
     totaled $68,489,000 as of July 31, 1994.

     Other   assets   consist  primarily  of  non-current   notes
     receivable  and   deferred financing  costs.   The  deferred
     financing  costs are amortized using the effective  interest
     method  over  the  terms of the respective debt  agreements.
     Accumulated amortization of other assets totaled  $1,860,000
     as of July 31, 1994.

  (4)  Income taxes:

     The  Partnership is a limited partnership.  As a result, the
     Partnership's income or loss for Federal income tax purposes
     is  included in the tax returns of the individual  partners.
     Accordingly,  no recognition has been given to income  taxes
     in the accompanying financial statements of the Partnership.
     Net  income  for  financial statement  purposes  may  differ
     significantly from taxable income reportable to  unitholders
     as  a  result  of  differences between  the  tax  basis  and
     financial reporting basis of assets and liabilities and  the
     taxable income allocation requirements under the Partnership

  (5)  Consolidated statement of cash flows:

     In connection with the formation of the Partnership, certain
     non-cash   investing  and  financing  activities   occurred.
     Effective  July  5, 1994, substantially all of  the  propane
     assets  and  liabilities  of the Company  were  conveyed  at
     historical  cost  to  the  Operating  Partnership  and   the
     Operating  Partnership  began  operating  activities.    Net
     liabilities  assumed  by the Operating  Partnership  are  as

                                                    July 5, 1994
                                                   (in thousands)
Cash                                                   $39,791
Accounts receivable                                     50,747
Inventories                                             37,931
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                2,660
Property, plant and equipment, net                     293,729
Intangible assets, net                                  64,050
Other assets                                             9,327
   Total Assets Conveyed                               498,235

Accounts Payable                                        49,177
Other current liabilities                               30,296
Long-term debt, net                                    476,441
Other non-current liabilities                            9,557
   Total Liabilities Assumed                           565,471
Net liabilities assumed by the Operating Partnership  ($67,236)

     For  purposes of the consolidated statement of  cash  flows,
     the Partnership considers all highly liquid debt instruments
     purchased with a maturity of three months or less to be cash

     Interest paid totaled $6,093,000 from inception to July  31,

  (6)  Net Income per Unit

     Net  income  per  unit is computed by dividing  net  income,
     after  deducting the General Partner's 1% interest,  by  the
     weighted  average  number  of  outstanding Common Units  and  
     Subordinated Units  (a  total  of 30,693,721 as of July  31,  
     1994).   As described in Note G and H, the  net  loss before 
     extraordinary  loss  of  approximately  $5,026,000,  and the 
     extraordinary loss from early  extinguishment  of  debt   of   
     approximately  $60,062,000   is   allocated   100%   to  the  
     General  Partner. Accordingly,  there is no  net income  per  
     unit  calculation attributable  to the limited partners from 
     inception to  July 31, 1994.

C.   Quarterly Distributions of Available Cash:

  The  Partnership will make quarterly cash distributions of  all
  of  its  "Available  Cash", generally defined  as  consolidated
  cash  receipts  less  consolidated cash disbursements  and  net
  changes  in  reserves  established by the General  Partner  for
  future  requirements.  These reserves are retained  to  provide
  for  the  proper  conduct of the Partnership  business,  or  to
  provide  funds  for distributions with respect to  any  one  or
  more of the next four fiscal quarters.

  Distributions by the Partnership in an amount equal to 100%  of
  its  Available  Cash will generally be made 98% to  the  Common
  and  Subordinated Unitholders (the "Unitholders") and 2% to the
  General   Partner,   subject  to  the  payment   of   incentive
  distributions  to the holders of Incentive Distribution  Rights
  to  the extent that certain target levels of cash distributions
  are  achieved.   To  the  extent there is sufficient  Available
  Cash,  the  holders of Common Units have the right  to  receive
  the  "Minimum Quarterly Distribution" ( $0.50 per Unit) ,  plus
  any  "arrearages", prior to any distribution of Available  Cash
  to  the  holders of Subordinated Units.  Common Units will  not
  accrue  arrearages  for  any quarter after  the  "Subordination
  Period"  (as  defined below) and Subordinated  Units  will  not
  accrue  any  arrearages with respect to distributions  for  any

  In general, the Subordination Period will continue indefinitely
  until  the  first  day  of any quarter beginning  on  or  after
  August  1,  1999, in which (i) distributions of Available  Cash
  equal  or  exceed  the  Minimum Quarterly Distribution  on  the
  Common  Units and the Subordinated Units for each of the  three
  consecutive  four  quarter periods immediately  preceding  such
  date  and  (ii)  the  Partnership has  invested  at  least  $50
  million  in  acquisitions and capital additions or improvements
  to  increase the operating capacity of the Partnership.   Prior
  to  the end of the Subordination Period but not prior to August
  1,  1997, 5,531,240 Subordinated Units held by the Company will
  convert  into  Common Units if (i) distributions  of  Available
  Cash  on  the  Common Units and Subordinated Units  equaled  or
  exceeded  the Minimum Quarterly Distribution for  each  of  the
  two  consecutive four-quarter period preceding August 1,  1997,
  and   (ii)  the operating cash generated by the Partnership  in
  each  of such four-quarter periods equaled or exceeded 125%  of
  the  Minimum Quarterly Distribution on all Common Units and all
  Subordinated  Units.   Upon  expiration  of  the  Subordination
  Period,  all  remaining  Subordinated  Units  will  convert  to
  Common Units.

  The Partnership will make distributions of all of its Available
  Cash  within  45  days  after the end of  each  fiscal  quarter
  ending  January, April, July and October to holders  of  record
  on  the applicable record date.  The first distribution for the
  period from July 5, 1994 through October 31, 1994 will be  made
  on or before December 15, 1994.

D.   Inventories:

                                                 July 31, 1994
                                                 (in thousands)
Liquified propane gas and related products          $38,890
Appliances, parts and supplies                        4,672

  In addition to inventories on hand, the Partnership enters into
  contracts  to  buy  product  for  supply  purposes.   All  such
  contracts  have  terms  of less than  one  year  and  call  for
  payment based on market prices at date of delivery.

E.   Property, Plant and Equipment:

                                                    July 31, 1994
                                                    (in thousands)
Land and improvements                                  $18,589
Buildings and improvements                              23,005
Vehicles                                                37,283
Furniture and fixtures                                  17,776
Bulk equipment and market facilities                    33,091
Tanks and customer equipment                           317,631
Other                                                    5,097
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization         157,707

F.   Other Current Liabilities:

                                                  July 31, 1994
                                                  (in thousands)
Current portion of long-term debt                      $1,311
Accrued insurance                                       6,624
Accrued interest                                        2,161
Accrued Payroll                                         9,394
Other                                                   7,100

G.   Long-Term Debt:

                                                                July 31, 1994
                                                                (in thousands)
Fixed rate senior Notes, interest at 10%, due August 1, 
2001                                                               $200,000
Floating rate senior notes, interest at LIBOR rate plus
applicable margin (7.875% at July 31, 1994), due August 1, 
2001                                                                 50,000
Credit Facility term loan borrowings, interest at applicable        
rate (7.375% at July 31, 1994), due 2001                             15,000
Notes payable, including approximately $2,056,000               
secured by property and equipment, interest rates ranging
from noninterest-bearing to 12%, due on various dates
through 2001                                                          3,373
Less current portion                                                  1,311

  Concurrent  with  the closing of the sale of the  Common  Units
  described   in   Note  A,  the  Operating  Partnership   issued
  $250,000,000  aggregate principal amount of  Senior  Notes  due
  2001.   The  net proceeds, along with the net proceeds  of  the
  offering  of Common Units, were used to retire $477,600,000  of
  indebtedness   of   the  Company  assumed  by   the   Operating
  Partnership.   The  retirement of the indebtedness  assumed  by
  the Operating Partnership resulted in an extraordinary loss  of
  approximately   $60,062,000  resulting  from  debt   prepayment
  premiums,   consent  fees  and  the  write-off  of  unamortized
  discount  and  financing costs.  As described in  Note  H,  the
  extraordinary loss is allocated 100% to the General Partner  in
  accordance  with the partner capital allocation  provisions  of
  the partnership agreement.

  The  $200,000,000  Fixed Rate Senior Notes are  not  redeemable
  prior to August 1, 1998.  Thereafter, the  Partnership has  the
  option  to  redeem the notes, in whole or part, at  a  premium.
  The  $50,000,000  aggregate principal amount of  Floating  Rate
  Senior  Notes  (the  "Floating Notes") are  redeemable  at  the
  option of the Partnership on or after August 1, 1995, in  whole
  or  part,  at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal
  amount,  plus  accrued and unpaid interest  at  the  redemption
  date.   The Floating Notes have mandatory sinking fund payments
  of  $5,000,000  on  August  1, 1999  and  2000,  to  retire  an
  aggregate 20% of the Floating Notes prior to maturity.

  On  July  5,  1994 , the Operating Partnership entered  into  a
  $185,000,000  Credit  Facility with Bank  of  America  National
  Trust  &  Savings  Association ("BofA"), as Agent.  The  Credit
  Facility  permits borrowings of up to $100,000,000 on a  senior
  unsecured  revolving  line  of  credit  basis  (  the  "Working
  Capital   Facility"),  to  fund  working  capital  and  general
  partnership  requirements  (of  which  up  to  $50,000,000   is
  available  to  support letters of credit). At  July  31,  1994,
  $3,000,000  of borrowings were outstanding under the  revolving
  line   of  credit,  and  letters  of  credit  outstanding, used
  primarily  to  secure obligations under certain  insurance  and
  leasing  arrangements, totaled $35,701,000.  In  addition,  the
  Credit  Facility  permits borrowings up  to  $85,000,000  on  a
  senior  unsecured basis (the "Expansion Facility").  Under  the
  Expansion   Facility,  $15,000,000  was  borrowed   to   retire
  existing   indebtedness  of  the  Operating  Partnership,   and
  $70,000,000  is  available  to  finance  acquisitions  and  for
  capital additions and improvements.

  At  the  Operating Partnership's option, borrowings  under  the
  Credit  Facility may bear interest at the Base Rate  (i.e.  the
  higher   of  the  Federal  funds  rate  plus  1/2%   or  BofA's
  reference  rate),  or  the LIBOR rate, in  each  case  plus  an
  applicable margin.  The Credit Facility is committed for up  to
  a  three  year  period,  at  which  time  the  Working  Capital
  Facility  will expire.  Borrowings under the Expansion Facility
  may  be  converted, at the option of the Operating Partnership,
  to  a three year term loan at the end of the initial three-year

  The   Senior   Notes   and  Credit  Facility  contain   various
  restrictive  covenants applicable to the Operating  Partnership
  and   its  subsidiaries,  the  most  restrictive  relating   to
  additional  indebtedness,  sale and disposition of assets,  and
  transactions  with  affiliates.   In  addition,  the  Operating
  Partnership is prohibited from making cash distributions of the 
  Minimum Quarterly Distribution if a default or event of default   
  exists or would exist upon making such distribution,  or if the 
  Operating  Partnership  fails  to  meet  certain  coverage  and 
  capital  expenditure  tests.    With  respect  to  the  capital  
  expenditure tests, the Operating  Partnership shall have in the 
  aggregate made "Capital  Investments" (as defined in the Senior 
  Note Indenture) of $15,000,000 by July 31, 1995, $30,000,000 by 
  July 31, 1996,  $45,000,000 by  July 31,  1997,  $70,000,000 by 
  July 31, 1998, $95,000,000  by July 31,  1999, and $120,000,000 
  by the  end  of  fiscal year   2000.   The  Partnership  is  in  
  compliance  with   all  requirements,  tests,  limitations  and 
  covenants related  to  the Senior Notes and Credit Facility.

  Annual  principal payments on long-term debt for  each  of  the
  next  five  fiscal  years are $1,250,000 in 1995,  $716,000  in
  1996, $1,510,000 in 1997, $5,127,000 in 1998 and $5,082,000  in

H.   Partner's Capital

  Partner's   capital   consists  of  14,100,000   Common   Units
  representing an effective 45% limited partner interest  in  the
  Partnership,  of which 1,000,000 Common Units, representing  an
  effective  3.2%  interest  in the  Partnership,  are  owned  by
  Ferrellgas,  Inc.;  16,593,721 Subordinated Units  representing
  an  effective  53% limited partner interest in the  Partnership
  are  also  owned by Ferrellgas, Inc.; and a 2% General  Partner

  The  Agreement  of Limited Partnership of Ferrellgas  Partners,
  L.P.    (the   "Partnership   Agreement")   contains   specific
  provisions  for the allocation of net income and loss  to  each
  of  the  partners  for  purposes  of  maintaining  the  partner
  capital  accounts.   In  addition,  the  Partnership  Agreement
  contains   special  provisions  for  the  allocation   of   the
  extraordinary  loss  from the retirement of  indebtedness,  and
  the  net  loss  from  operations of the  Partnership  from  the
  closing  date on July 5, 1994, to July 31, 1994.  In accordance  
  with these special provisions of the Partnership Agreement, the
  extraordinary  loss  of $60,062,000 is allocated  100%  to  the
  General  Partner  and will not be reallocated  to  the  limited
  partners  in  the  next  taxable  year.   The  net  loss   from
  operations  of  approximately $5,026,000 is allocated  100%  to
  the  General Partner from inception of the Partnership  to  the
  last  day of the taxable year ending July 31, 1994.  An  amount
  equal  to  99%  of  this net loss will be  reallocated  to  the
  limited  partners in the following taxable year based on  their
  ownership percentages.

  During  the Subordination Period, the Partnership may issue  up
  to  7,000,000  Common Units (excluding Common Units  issued  in
  connection  with conversion of Subordinated Units  into  Common
  Units)  or  an  equivalent number of securities  ranking  on  a
  parity  with  the  Common  Units and  an  unlimited  number  of
  partnership  interests  junior to the Common  Units  without  a
  Unit holder vote.   The Partnership may also  issue  additional
  Common  Units  during  the Subordination Period  in  connection
  with  acquisitions  if  certain cash  flow  criteria  are  met.
  After  the  Subordination  Period,  the  Partnership  Agreement
  authorizes  the  General Partner to cause  the  Partnership  to
  issue  an  unlimited number of additional general  and  limited
  partner   interests   and  other  equity  securities   of   the
  Partnership  for  such  consideration and  on  such  terms  and
  conditions  as  shall  be established by  the  General  Partner
  without the approval of any Unitholders.

I.   Transactions with Related Parties:

  The  Partnership has no employees and is managed and controlled
  by  the General Partner. Pursuant to the Partnership Agreement,
  the  General  Partner  is  entitled to  reimbursement  for  all
  direct  and indirect expenses incurred or payments it makes  on
  behalf   of  the  Partnership,  and  all  other  necessary   or
  appropriate expenses allocable to the Partnership or  otherwise
  reasonably  incurred by the General Partner in connection  with
  operating  the  Partnership's  business.   These  costs,  which
  totaled  $7,561,000 from inception to July  31,  1994,  include
  compensation  and  benefits paid to officers and  employees  of
  the General Partner, and general and administrative costs.   In
  addition,  the conveyance of the net assets of the  Company  to
  the Partnership described in Note A included the assumption  of
  specific  liabilities related to employee benefit and incentive
  plans  for  the  benefit of the officers and employees  of  the
  General  Partner.  The details of these employee benefit  plans
  are  described in Notes K and L.

  A.  Andrew  Levison, a director of the Ferrell Companies,  Inc.
  ("Ferrell"),  is  a  Managing Director of Donaldson,  Lufkin  &
  Jenrette  Securities  Corporation  ("DLJ").   DLJ  acted  as an
  underwriter with regard to the public  offering of Common Units  
  and Senior Notes  described  in  Note A, and  was  paid fees of 

  The  law  firm  of Smith, Gill, Fisher & Butts, a  Professional
  Corporation,  is  general counsel to the  Partnership,  General
  Partner,   Ferrell   and  their  respective  subsidiaries   and
  affiliates.   David S. Mouber, a director of  Ferrell  at  July
  31,  1994,  is  a  member of such law firm.   The  Partnership,
  Ferrell  and their respective subsidiaries paid such firm  fees
  of $151,000 from inception to July 31, 1994.

J.   Contingencies and Commitments:

  The  Partnership is threatened with or named as a defendant  in
  various  lawsuits which, among other items, claim  damages  for
  product  liability.   It  is  not  possible  to  determine  the
  ultimate  disposition of these matters; however,  after  taking
  into  consideration  the Partnership's insurance  coverage  and
  its  existing reserves, management is of the opinion that there
  are  no known uninsured claims or known contingent claims  that
  are likely to have a material adverse effect on the results  of
  operations or financial condition of the Partnership.

  In  connection  with  the  formation of  the  Partnership,  the
  General  Partner contributed certain assets including  customer
  relationships   and  customer  tanks.   The  Internal   Revenue
  Service    ("IRS")   has   examined   the   General   Partner's
  consolidated  income tax returns for the years ended  July  31,
  1987  and  1986,  and  has proposed certain  adjustments  which
  relate   to  these  contributed  assets.   If  the   IRS   were
  successful,   the  amount  of  amortization  and   depreciation
  available  to the General Partner could be adversely  affected.
  At  this  time,  it is not possible to determine  the  ultimate
  resolution  of  this  matter and the impact,  if  any,  to  the
  consolidated financial statements of the Partnership.

  Certain  property and equipment is leased under  noncancellable
  operating  leases which require fixed monthly  rental  payments
  and  which  expire  at  various  dates  through  2016.   Rental
  expense  under these leases totaled $725,000 for the one  month
  ended  July  31,  1994.  Future minimum lease  commitments  for
  such  leases  are  $7,569,000  in  1995,  $5,286,000  in  1996,
  $3,438,000 in 1997,  $1,537,000 in 1998 and $409,000 in 1999.

K.   Employee Benefits:

  As  described in Note A and I, the Partnership has no employees
  and  is  managed  and controlled by the General  Partner.   The
  Partnership  assumed all liabilities, which  included  specific
  liabilities  related  to  the following  employee  benefit  and
  incentive  plans for the benefit of the officers and  employees
  of the General Partner.

  The  General Partner and its parent have a defined contribution
  profit-sharing  plan which covers substantially  all  employees
  with more than one year of service.  Contributions are made  to
  the  plan at the discretion of the parent's Board of Directors.
  This  plan  also  provides for matching contributions  under  a
  cash   or   deferred  arrangement  (401(k)  plan)  based   upon
  participant  salaries and employee contributions to  the  plan.
  There  were no contributions under the profit sharing provision
  or  401(k)  provision of the plan from inception  to  July  31,

  The  General  Partner has a defined benefit plan that  provides
  participants  who  were  covered under a previously  terminated
  plan  with  a guaranteed retirement benefit at least  equal  to
  the  benefit  they  would have received  under  the  terminated
  plan.   Benefits  under the terminated plan are  determined  by
  years  of  credited  service and salary  levels.   The  General
  Partner's  funding  policy  for  this  plan  is  to  contribute
  amounts  deductible  for  Federal income  tax  purposes.   Plan
  assets  consist primarily of corporate stocks and  bonds,  U.S.
  Treasury bonds and short-term cash investments.

  The  following  table  sets forth the plan's  projected  funded
  status  for  the  respective periods based on the  most  recent
  actuarial valuations:

Actuarially computed pension expense includes the following components:                                                 

                                              Inception to
                                              July 31, 1994
                                             (in thousands)
Service Cost                                      $ 21    
Interest on  Obligations                            31 
Actual Return on Plan Assets                        89 
Amortization and Deferral of:                 
Prior Service Cost                                  (3)
   Gain                                            (15)
   Deferred Asset (Gain)/Loss                     (115)
Actuarially Computed Pension Expense                $8
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations is summarized as follows: 

                                              July 31, 1994
                                              (in thousands)
   Vested Benefit Obligation                     $2,474
   Accumulated Benefit Obligation                $2,977
   Projected Benefit Obligation                  $4,798
   Less:  Plan Assets at Fair Value               2,853
   Benefit Obligation in Excess of                      
     Plan Assets                                  1,945 
   Unrecognized Prior Service Cost                  298
   Unrecognized Gain                              1,828
Accrued Benefit Obligation                       $4,071

  The  actuarial  computations assumed a  discount  rate,  annual
  salary  increase and expected long-term rate of return on  plan
  assets  of  8%,  5% and 9.5%, respectively, from  inception  to
  July 31, 1994.

  In fiscal 1987, Ferrell established the Ferrell Companies, Inc.
  Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan").  The Plan provides long-
  term  incentives to officers and executives of Ferrell and  its
  subsidiaries  in  the form of units ("Equity Units").  The Plan
  provides for the redemption of the Equity Units after July  31,
  1996,  based upon the excess of an appraised value  of  Ferrell
  as  of July 31, 1996, over a minimum value established at  Plan
  inception.   Earned awards are 100% vested by the  participants
  .    Compensation   expense   charges  (credits)   representing
  increases  (decreases) in the estimated  value  of  the  vested
  Equity  Units are recorded by the Partnership.  No compensation
  expense was charged from inception to July 31, 1994.

L.   Employee Benefits Other Than Pensions:

  The General Partner provides postretirement medical benefits to
  a  closed  group  of  approximately 400 retired  employees  and
  their  spouses.   The  plan requires  the  General  Partner  to
  provide primary medical benefits to the participants until  age
  65,  at  which time the General Partner pays a fixed amount  of
  $55  per  month  per  participant for  medical  benefits.   The
  General  Partner elected to amortize the postretirement benefit
  obligation  over  a period not to exceed the average  remaining
  life  expectancy  of the plan participants (since  all  of  the
  plan participants are retired).  As described in Note A and  I,
  the  Partnership assumed all liabilities associated  with  this
  benefit obligation.

  The  actuarial  liabilities for these postretirement  benefits,
  none  of  which have been funded, are as follows  at  July  31,

  Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation-Retirees    $2,270,000
  Fair Value of Assets                                               0
  Unfunded Status                                           $2,270,000

  Net  periodic postretirement benefit cost from inception to July 31,
  1994, included the following components:

  Interest Cost on Obligation                                 $16,183
  Amortization of Transition Obligation                        19,036
  Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost                    $35,219

  The   accumulated   postretirement   benefit   obligation   was
  determined  using a discount rate of 7.75% and  a  health  care
  cost  trend rate of 10% in fiscal year 1994, 8% in fiscal years
  1995  through  1997 and 5% thereafter for any  individuals  who
  have not attained the age of 65 by such cut-off dates.

  Benefits  relate to a closed group of retirees  whose  benefits
  convert  to  a fixed monthly supplement at age 65.  Because  of
  the  nature  of  this group, a 1% change in the assumed  health
  care  cost  trend rates does not have a significant  impact  on
  net  periodic  postretirement benefit cost or  the  accumulated
  postretirement benefit obligation.

  The  Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued  Statement
  of   Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  112  -   Employers'
  Accounting  For Postemployment Benefits which is effective  for
  fiscal   years  beginning  after  December  15,   1993.    This
  statement  requires that employers recognize over  the  service
  lives  of  employees  the costs of postemployment  benefits  if
  certain  conditions  are  met.  The General  Partner  does  not
  believe  that  adoption of the statement will have  a  material
  impact  on results of operations or financial condition of  the

M.    Disclosures About Off Balance Sheet Risk and Fair Value  of
  Financial Instruments:

  Statement   of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.   107   -
  Disclosures   about   Fair  Value  of  Financial   Instruments,
  requires  disclosures  regarding the fair  value  of  financial
  instruments which can be reasonably determined.  The  following
  methods  and assumptions were used to estimate the  fair  value
  of  each  class  of  financial  instruments  for  which  it  is
  practicable to estimate that value:

  Current   Assets.   The  carrying  amount  of  cash  and   cash
  equivalents  approximates  fair  value  because  of  the  short
  maturity of those instruments.

  Short-Term   Borrowings.   The  carrying  value  of  short-term
  borrowings approximates fair value as of July 31, 1994.

  Long-Term  Debt.  The estimated fair value of the Partnership's
  long-term debt was $269,547,000 as of July 31, 1994.  The  fair
  value  is  estimated based on quoted market  prices  discounted
  cash flows.

  Options  and Forward Contracts.  The Partnership is a party  to
  certain  option  and forward contracts in connection  with  its
  trading   activities  involving  various  liquified   petroleum
  products.   Contracts are executed with private  counterparties
  and  to a lesser extent on national mercantile exchanges.  Open
  contract positions are summarized as follows:

                       As of July 31, 1994
           (In thousands except price per gallon data)


                                                    As of July 31, 1994
                                       (In thousands, except price per gallon data)
                              Volume in     Price          Maturity       Contract  Value of   Unrealized
                               Gallons   (per gallon)        Dates         Amounts  Contracts  Gain/(Loss)
                               -------    ----------   -----------------   -------   -------   ----------     
Exchange Traded Option
   Contracts to Buy              8,358     $0.30-0.31   Nov 1994-Jan 1995    $2,522    $2,603         $81
Exchange Traded Option                   
   Contracts to (Sell)          (6,174)    $0.29-0.55       Sep-Oct 1994     (1,935)   (2,000)        (65)
Forward Contracts to Buy        78,636     $0.19-0.38       Aug-Dec 1994     21,897    22,359         462
Forward Contracts to (Sell)    (30,562)    $0.30-0.39   Aug 1994-Jan 1995    (9,801)   (9,892)        (91)
                               -------                                      --------  --------   ---------
   Total                        50,258                                      $12,683   $13,070        $387
                               =======                                      ========  ========   =========

  Risks  related  to  these  contracts arise  from  the  possible
  inability  of  counterparties  to  meet  the  terms  of   their
  contracts  and  changes  in  underlying  product  prices.   The
  Partnership  attempts  to  minimize  market  risk  through  the
  enforcement  of  its  trading  policies,  which  include  total
  inventory  limits  and  loss limits, and attempts  to  minimize
  credit risk through application of its credit policies.

N.   Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Earnings (Unaudited):

  The  accompanying pro forma consolidated statement of  earnings
  for  the fiscal year ended July 31, 1994, was derived from  the
  historical  statement  of operations of  the  Company  for  the
  eleven  months  ended  June  30, 1994,  and  the  statement  of
  operations of the Partnership from inception to July 31,  1994.
  The  pro forma statement of earnings for the fiscal year  ended
  July  31,  1993, was derived from the historical  statement  of
  earnings   of   the   Company.   The  pro  forma   consolidated
  statements  of earnings of the Partnership should  be  read  in
  conjunction with the consolidated financial statements  of  the
  Partnership  and  the  Company  and  the  notes  thereto.   The
  objective  of  this  data  is  to  show  the  effects  on   the
  historical   financial  information  as  if  the   transactions
  described  in  Note A had occurred on August  1  of  each  year
  presented.   The accompanying pro forma consolidated statements
  of   earnings  are  for  comparative  purposes  and   are   not
  indicative  of  the  results  of  future  operations   of   the


                                               Pro Forma Year Ended July 31, 
                                                    1994           1993    
                                                  --------       ---------
                                                        (in thousands)
   Gas liquids and related sales                   $499,696       $516,891
   Other                                             26,860         25,054
                                                   --------       --------
   Total revenues                                   526,556        541,945
                                                   ========       ========    
Costs and expenses:
   Cost of product sold                             269,306        298,033
   Operating                                        145,136        139,617
   Depreciation and amortization                     28,835         30,840
   General and administrative                        10,358         10,579
   Vehicle leases                                     4,290          4,823
                                                   --------       --------
     Total costs and expenses                       457,925        483,892
                                                   --------       --------

Operating income:                                    68,631         58,053
   Loss on disposal of assets                        (1,312)        (1,153)
   Interest income                                    1,123            898  
   Interest expense                                 (28,130)       (29,220)
   Minority interest                                   (403)          (286)    
                                                    --------       --------
Earnings before extraordinary item                  $39,909        $28,292
                                                    ========       ========
Earnings before extraordinary item per unit           $1.29          $0.91                                                          
                                                    ========       ========


O.   Subsequent Event:

  On  August  22, 1994, the Partnership filed with the Securities
  and  Exchange Commission a shelf registration statement on Form
  S-1  to  register  2,400,000 Common Units representing  limited
  partner interests in the Partnership.  The Common Units may  be
  issued from time to time by the Partnership in connection  with
  the  Partnership's acquisition of other businesses,  properties
  or securities in business combination transactions.

  On  September  30,  1994, the General Partner  entered  into  a
  definitive  Purchase  Agreement with Vision  Energy  Resources,
  Inc.  ("Vision") for the purchase of the propane business owned
  and  operated  by  Vision  for a cash  purchase  price  of  $45
  million.   The  closing  of  the  transaction  is  subject   to
  customary   conditions,  including  the   expiration   of   the
  applicable   waiting   period   under   the   Hart-Scott-Rodino
  Antitrust  Improvements  Act.  Following  the  closing  of  the
  transaction,  the  General  Partner  intends  to  transfer  the
  assets of Vision to Ferrellgas, L.P.
  On October 14, 1994, the General Partner adopted the Ferrellgas, 
  Inc. Unit Option Plan (the "Unit Option Plan"), which authorizes
  the  issuance  of options (the "Unit Options")  covering  up  to 
  750,000 Subordinated Units  to  certain  officers  and employees
  of the General Partner,  of  which  657,000  options  have  been 
  granted.  The  Unit  Options  granted  have an exercise price of 
  $16.80 per Subordinated Unit,  will  vest over a three  to  five  
  year period  (depending on the employee)  and will expire on the 
  tenth anniversary of the date of the grant.  Upon  conversion of 
  100% of the Subordinated Units  held by the  General Partner and 
  its affiliates, the Unit Options  granted will convert to Common 
  Unit Options.
To the Partners of
Ferrellgas, L.P.
Liberty, Missouri

     We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance
sheet of Ferrellgas, L.P. and subsidiaries as of July 31,
1994, and the related consolidated statements of operations,
partners' capital and cash flows for the period from
inception (April 22, 1994) to July 31, 1994.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the
Partnership's management.  Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

     We conducted our audit in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards.  Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audit provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of Ferrellgas, L.P. and subsidiaries as of July 31,
1994, and the results of their operations and their cash
flows for the period from inception (April 22, 1994) to July
31, 1994, in conformity with generally accepted accounting

Kansas City, Missouri
September 16, 1994 (September 30, 1994 as to Note N.)

(in thousands)

                                                July 31,
                    ASSETS                        1994
Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                     $14,535
  Accounts and notes receivable (net of                
     allowance for doubtful accounts of $798)    50,780
  Inventories                                    43,562
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets       2,042
    Total Current Assets                        110,919
  Property, plant and equipment, net            294,765
  Intangible assets, net                         63,291
  Other Assets, net                               8,218
    Total Assets                               $477,193
Current Liabilities:                                   
  Accounts payable                              $46,368
  Short-term borrowing                            3,000
  Other current liabilities                      26,590
  Payable to general partner                         13
    Total Current Liabilities                    75,971
  Long-term debt                                267,062
  Other liabilities                              11,528
Partners' Capital                                      
  Limited partner                               121,393
  General partner                                 1,239
    Total Partners' Capital                     122,632
      Total Liabilities and Partners' Capital  $477,193
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands)

                                              Inception to July 31,
                                                          Pro Forma
                                             1994            1993
                                           ---------        --------
  Gas liquids and related product           $22,411         $24,696
  Other                                       2,155           1,839
                                           ---------        --------
    Total revenues                           24,566          26,535
Costs and expenses:                                                
  Cost of product sold                       13,211          16,300
  Operating                                  10,078           8,299
  Depreciation and amortization               2,383           2,490
  General and administrative                    935           1,053
  Vehicle leases                                350             375
                                           ---------        --------
    Total costs and expenses                 26,957          28,517
                                           ---------        --------                        
Operating loss                               (2,391)         (1,982)
  Loss on disposal of assets                    (97)            (16)
  Interest income                                73              50
  Interest expense                           (2,662)         (2,374)
                                           ---------        --------                       
  Loss before extraordinary loss             (5,077)         (4,322)
  Extraordinary loss on early                                      
     extinguishment of debt                  60,062               -
                                           ---------        --------                        
Net loss                                   ($65,139)        ($4,322)
                                           =========        ========
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands)

                                 Limited         General       partners'
                                 partner         partner        capital
                                ---------        -------       ---------                                
Balance April 22, 1994          $      -         $    -        $      -
  Contributions                  185,874          1,897         187,771
  Net loss                       (64,481)          (658)        (65,139)
                                ---------        -------       ---------
Balance July 31, 1994           $121,393         $1,239        $122,632
                                =========        =======       =========
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(in thousands)

                                                    July 31,
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:                      
 Net loss                                          ($65,139)
 Reconciliation of net loss to net                         
  cash from operating activities:                          
  Extraordinary loss                                 60,062
  Depreciation and amortization                       2,383
  Other                                                  22
  Decrease (increase) in assets:                           
    Accounts and notes receivable                       196
    Inventories                                      (5,631)
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets           618
  Decrease in liabilities:                                 
    Accounts payable                                 (2,809)
    Other current liabilities                        (1,733)
    Other liabilities                                   (35)
      Net cash used by operating activities         (12,066)
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:                      
 Capital expenditures                                (2,768)
 Proceeds from asset sales                               35
 Net additions to other assets                           (4)
      Net cash used by investing activities          (2,737)
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:                      
 Additions to long-term debt                        265,000
 Net contribution from partners                     255,006
 Cash transfer from predecessor company              39,791
 Additions to short-term borrowing                    3,000
 Reductions to long-term debt                      (477,903)
 Additional payments to retire debt                 (48,857)
 Additions to financing costs                        (6,575)
 Net payment to general partner                        (124)
      Net cash provided by financing activities      29,338
Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                14,535
Cash and cash equivalents - Beginning of period           -
Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period           $14,535
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

                        FERRELLGAS, L.P.
                        AND SUBSIDIARIES
                 FROM INCEPTION TO JULY 31, 1994

A.   Partnership Organization and Formation:

  Ferrellgas, L.P. (the "Partnership") was formed April 22, 1994,
  as  a  Delaware limited partnership to acquire, own and operate
  the  propane  business and substantially all of the  assets  of
  Ferrellgas   Inc.   (the  "Company"  or   "General   Partner").
  Ferrellgas  Partners,  L.P.  (the "Master  Partnership")  is  a
  Delaware  limited partnership and holds a 99% interest  in  the
  Partnership as the sole limited partner.  The Company  holds  a
  1%  interest  in  the  Partnership as the General  Partner  and
  performs   all   management   functions   required   for    the

  On  July  5, 1994, the Master Partnership completed an  initial
  public   offering  of  13,100,000  Common  Units   representing
  limited  partner  interests (the "Common  Units")  at  $21  per
  Common Unit.  Concurrent with the closing of the offering,  the
  Company  contributed all of its propane business and assets  to
  the  Partnership (excluding approximately $39,000,000 in  cash,
  payables  to or receivables from parent and affiliates  and  an
  investment  in  the Class B Stock of Parent)  in  exchange  for
  1,000,000  Common  Units,  16,593,721  Subordinated  Units  and
  Incentive Distribution Rights, representing additional  limited
  partner  interests in the Master Partnership, as well as  a  2%
  general  partner  interest in the Master  Partnership  and  the
  Partnership,  on  a  combined basis.  In  connection  with  the
  contribution  of  the  propane  business  and  assets  by   the
  Company,  the  Partnership  assumed  all  of  the  liabilities,
  whether  known  or unknown, associated with such assets  (other
  than  income  tax liabilities).  The book value of  the  assets
  contributed  to  the Partnership was approximately  $67,000,000
  less  than  the  liabilities assumed  by  the  Partnership,  as
  described in Note B.

  Concurrently with this offering, the Partnership completed  the
  issuance  of  10%  Fixed  Rate Senior Notes  due  2001  in  the
  aggregate  principal amount of $200,000,000 and  Floating  Rate
  Senior  Notes  due  2001 in the aggregate principal  amount  of
  $50,000,000  (collectively the "Senior Notes").   As  described
  in  Note G, the net proceeds from the sale of the Common  Units
  and  from the issuance of the Senior Notes were used to  retire
  approximately  $477,600,000  in  indebtedness  assumed  by  the

B.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

  (1)  Principles of consolidation:

     The  accompanying consolidated financial statements  present
     the  consolidated financial position, results of  operations
     and  cash  flows  of  the Partnership and  its  wholly-owned
     subsidiaries,   Ferrellgas  Finance  Corp.,   and   Stratton
     Insurance   Company   All  material  intercompany   profits,
     transactions and balances have been eliminated.

     The  propane  industry  is  seasonal  in  nature  with  peak
     activity  during the winter months.  Therefore, the  results
     of  operations  from inception to July  31,  1994,  are  not
     indicative  of the results to be expected for a full  fiscal
     year.   See Note M for the unaudited pro forma statement  of
     operations  for  the fiscal years ended July  31,  1994  and

  (2)  Inventories:

     Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market  using
     average cost and actual cost methods.

     The Partnership enters into forward purchase/sale agreements
     and options involving propane and related products which are
     for  trading  purposes.  To the extent  such  contracts  are
     entered  into  at  fixed  prices  and  thereby  subject  the
     Partnership to market risk, the contracts are accounted  for
     on a mark-to-market basis.

   (3)   Property,  plant  and equipment  and  other  non-current

     Property,  plant  and  equipment  is  stated  at  cost  less
     accumulated depreciation and amortization.  Depreciation and
     amortization are computed by the straight-line  method  over
     the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from two to
     thirty  years.   Expenditures for  maintenance  and  routine
     repairs are expensed as incurred.

     Intangible assets, consisting primarily of customer location
     values and goodwill, are stated at cost, net of amortization
     computed on the straight-line method over fifteen years  for
     customer location values and forty years for goodwill.   The
     General   Partner  evaluates  the  intangible   assets   for
     impairment   by  calculating  the  anticipated   cash   flow
     attributable  to  such  acquisitions  over  their   expected
     remaining   life.    Such  expected  cash   flows,   on   an
     undiscounted  basis, are compared to the carrying  value  of
     the  tangible  and intangible assets, and if  impairment  is
     indicated,  the carrying value of the intangible assets  are
     adjusted.   Accumulated amortization  of  intangible  assets
     totaled $68,489,000 as of July 31, 1994.

     Other   assets   consist  primarily  of  non-current   notes
     receivable  and   deferred financing  costs.   The  deferred
     financing  costs are amortized using the effective  interest
     method  over  the  terms of the respective debt  agreements.
     Accumulated amortization of other assets totaled  $1,860,000
     as of July 31, 1994.

  (4)  Income taxes:

     The  Partnership is a limited partnership.  As a result, the
     Partnership's income or loss for Federal income tax purposes
     is  included in the tax returns of the individual  partners.
     Accordingly,  no recognition has been given to income  taxes
     in the accompanying financial statements of the Partnership.
     Net  income  for  financial statement  purposes  may  differ
     significantly from taxable income reportable to  unitholders
     as  a  result  of  differences between  the  tax  basis  and
     financial reporting basis of assets and liabilities and  the
     taxable income allocation requirements under the Partnership

  (5)  Consolidated statement of cash flows:

     In connection with the formation of the Partnership, certain
     non-cash   investing  and  financing  activities   occurred.
     Effective  July  5, 1994, substantially all of  the  propane
     assets  and  liabilities  of the Company  were  conveyed  at
     historical cost to the Partnership and the Partnership began
     operating  activities.   Net  liabilities  assumed  by   the
     Partnership are as follows:

                                                  July 5, 1994
                                                 (in thousands)
Cash                                                $39,791
Accounts receivable                                  50,747
Inventories                                          37,931
Prepaid expenses and other current assets             2,660
Property, plant and equipment, net                  293,729
Intangible assets, net                               64,050
Other assets                                          9,327
   Total Assets Conveyed                            498,235

Accounts Payable                                     49,177
Other current liabilities                            30,296
Long-term debt, net                                 476,441
Other non-current liabilities                         9,557
   Total Liabilities Assumed                        565,471
Net liabilities assumed by the Partnership         ($67,236)

     For  purposes of the consolidated statement of  cash  flows,
     the Partnership considers all highly liquid debt instruments
     purchased with a maturity of three months or less to be cash

     Interest paid totaled $6,093,000 from inception to July  31,

C.   Quarterly Distributions of Available Cash:

  The  Partnership will make quarterly cash distributions of  all
  of  its  "Available  Cash", generally defined  as  consolidated
  cash  receipts  less  consolidated cash disbursements  and  net
  changes  in  reserves  established by the General  Partner  for
  future  requirements.  These reserves are retained  to  provide
  for  the  proper  conduct of the Partnership  business,  or  to
  provide  funds  for distributions with respect to  any  one  or
  more of the next four fiscal quarters.

  Distributions by the Partnership in an amount equal to 100%  of
  its  Available Cash will be made 99% to the Master  Partnership
  and  1%  to  the  General Partner.  The Partnership  will  make
  distributions  of  all of its Available  Cash  within  45  days
  after  the  end  of each fiscal quarter ending January,  April,
  July  and October to holders of record on the applicable record
  date.  The first distribution for the period from July 5,  1994
  through  October  31, 1994 will be made on or  before  December
  14, 1994.

D.   Inventories:

                                                 July 31, 1994
                                                 (in thousands)
Liquified propane gas and related products          $38,890
Appliances, parts and supplies                        4,672

  In addition to inventories on hand, the Partnership enters into
  contracts  to  buy  product  for  supply  purposes.   All  such
  contracts  have  terms  of less than  one  year  and  call  for
  payment based on market prices at date of delivery.

E.   Property, Plant and Equipment:

                                                    July 31, 1994
                                                    (in thousands)
Land and improvements                                  $18,589
Buildings and improvements                              23,005
Vehicles                                                37,283
Furniture and fixtures                                  17,776
Bulk equipment and market facilities                    33,091
Tanks and customer equipment                           317,631
Other                                                    5,097
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization         157,707

F.   Other Current Liabilities:

                                                  July 31, 1994
                                                  (in thousands)
Current portion of long-term debt                      $1,311
Accrued insurance                                       6,624
Accrued interest                                        2,161
Accrued Payroll                                         9,394
Other                                                   7,100

G.   Long-Term Debt:

                                                                July 31, 1994
                                                                (in thousands)
Fixed rate senior Notes, interest at 10%, due August 1, 
2001                                                               $200,000
Floating rate senior notes, interest at LIBOR rate plus
applicable margin (7.875% at July 31, 1994), due August 1, 
2001                                                                 50,000
Credit Facility term loan borrowings, interest at applicable        
rate (7.375% at July 31, 1994), due 2001                             15,000
Notes payable, including approximately $2,056,000               
secured by property and equipment, interest rates ranging
from noninterest-bearing to 12%, due on various dates
through 2001                                                          3,373
Less current portion                                                  1,311

  Concurrent  with  the closing of the sale of the  Common  Units
  described  in  Note  A,  the  Partnership  issued  $250,000,000
  aggregate principal amount of Senior Notes due 2001.   The  net
  proceeds,  along  with  the net proceeds  of  the  offering  of
  Common  Units, were used to retire $477,600,000 of indebtedness
  of  the Company assumed by the Partnership.  The retirement  of
  the  indebtedness  assumed by the Partnership  resulted  in  an
  extraordinary loss of approximately $60,062,000 resulting  from
  debt  prepayment  premiums, consent fees and the  write-off  of
  unamortized discount and financing costs.

  The  $200,000,000  Fixed Rate Senior Notes are  not  redeemable
  prior to August 1, 1998.  Thereafter, the  Partnership has  the
  option  to  redeem the notes, in whole or part, at  a  premium.
  The  $50,000,000  aggregate principal amount of  Floating  Rate
  Senior  Notes  (the  "Floating Notes") are  redeemable  at  the
  option of the Partnership on or after August 1, 1995, in  whole
  or  part,  at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal
  amount,  plus  accrued and unpaid interest  at  the  redemption
  date.   The Floating Notes have mandatory sinking fund payments
  of  $5,000,000  on  August  1, 1999  and  2000,  to  retire  an
  aggregate 20% of the Floating Notes prior to maturity.

  On  July  5, 1994 , the Partnership entered into a $185,000,000
  Credit  Facility with Bank of America National Trust &  Savings
  Association ("BofA"), as  Agent.  The Credit  Facility  permits
  borrowings  of  up  to  $100,000,000  on  a  senior   unsecured
  revolving   line  of  credit  basis  (  the  "Working   Capital
  Facility"),  to  fund  working capital and general  partnership
  requirements  (of  which  up  to $50,000,000  is  available  to
  support  letters of credit).  At July 31, 1994,  $3,000,000  of
  borrowings  were  outstanding  under  the  revolving  line   of
  credit,  and  letters of credit outstanding, used primarily  to
  secure   obligations  under  certain  insurance   and   leasing
  arrangements  totaled  $35,701,000.  In  addition,  the  Credit
  Facility  permits  borrowings up to  $85,000,000  on  a  senior
  unsecured   basis  (the  "Expansion  Facility").    Under   the
  Expansion   Facility,  $15,000,000   was  borrowed  to   retire
  existing  indebtedness of the Partnership, and  $70,000,000  is
  available  to  finance acquisitions and capital  additions  and

  At  the  Partnership's  option,  borrowings  under  the  Credit
  Facility  may bear interest at the Base Rate (i.e.  the  higher
  of  the Federal funds rate plus 1/2% or BofA's reference rate),
  or  the  LIBOR  rate,  in each case plus an applicable  margin.
  The  Credit  Facility  is committed for  up  to  a  three  year
  period,  at  which  time  the  Working  Capital  Facility  will
  expire.   Borrowings  under  the  Expansion  Facility  may   be
  converted,  at the option of the Partnership, to a  three  year
  term loan at the end of the initial three-year period.

  The   Senior   Notes   and  Credit  Facility  contain   various
  restrictive  covenants applicable to the  Partnership  and  its
  subsidiaries,  the  most  restrictive  relating  to  additional
  indebtedness, sale and disposition of assets, and  transactions
  with  affiliates.  In addition,  the Partnership is  prohibited
  from   making  cash  distributions  of  the  Minimum  Quarterly 
  Distribution if a default or event of default  exists or  would  
  exist  upon  making such  distribution,  or  if the Partnership   
  fails  to  meet  certain  coverage   and   capital  expenditure  
  tests.   With respect to the  capital  expenditure  tests,  the  
  Partnership  shall   have   in   the  aggregate  made  "Capital   
  Investments"  (as  defined  in   the   Senior  Note  Indenture)  
  of  $15,000,000 by July 31, 1995, $30,000,000 by July 31, 1996,
  $45,000,000 by July 31, 1997,  $70,000,000 by 1998, $95,000,000  
  by  July  31, 1999  and  $120,000,000  by  the  end  of  fiscal  
  year   2000.    The  Partnership  is  in  compliance  with  all  
  requirements, tests, limitations  and covenants related to  the  
  Senior  Notes  and  Credit Facility.

  Annual  principal payments on long-term debt for  each  of  the
  next  five  fiscal  years are $1,250,000 in 1995,  $716,000  in
  1996, $1,510,000 in 1997, $5,127,000 in 1998 and $5,082,000  in

H.   Transactions with Related Parties:

  The  Partnership has no employees and is managed and controlled
  by  the General Partner. Pursuant to the partnership agreement,
  the  General  Partner  is  entitled to  reimbursement  for  all
  direct  and indirect expenses incurred or payments it makes  on
  behalf   of  the  Partnership,  and  all  other  necessary   or
  appropriate expenses allocable to the Partnership or  otherwise
  reasonably  incurred by the General Partner in connection  with
  operating  the  Partnership's  business.   These  costs,  which
  totaled  $7,561,000 from inception to July  31,  1994,  include
  compensation  and  benefits paid to officers and  employees  of
  the General Partner, and general and administrative costs.   In
  addition,  the conveyance of the net assets of the  Company  to
  the Partnership described in Note A included the assumption  of
  specific  liabilities related to employee benefit and incentive
  plans  for  the  benefit of the officers and employees  of  the
  General  Partner.  The details of these employee benefit  plans
  are  described in Notes J and K.

  A.  Andrew  Levison,  a  director of  Ferrell  Companies,  Inc.
  ("Ferrell")  at  July  31,  1994, is  a  Managing  Director  of
  Donaldson,  Lufkin  & Jenrette Securities Corporation  ("DLJ").
  DLJ  acted as an underwriter with regard to the public offering
  of Common Units and Senior Notes described in Note A,  and  was 
  paid total fees of $5,100,000.

  The  law  firm  of Smith, Gill, Fisher & Butts, a  Professional
  Corporation,  is  general counsel to the  Partnership,  General
  Partner,   Ferrell   and  their  respective  subsidiaries   and
  affiliates.   David S. Mouber, a director of  Ferrell  at  July
  31,  1994,  is  a  member of such law firm.   The  Partnership,
  Ferrell  and their respective subsidiaries paid such firm  fees
  of $151,000 from inception to July 31, 1994.

I.   Contingencies and Commitments:

  The  Partnership is threatened with or named as a defendant  in
  various  lawsuits which, among other items, claim  damages  for
  product  liability.   It  is  not  possible  to  determine  the
  ultimate  disposition of these matters; however,  after  taking
  into  consideration  the Partnership's insurance  coverage  and
  its  existing reserves, management is of the opinion that there
  are  no known uninsured claims or known contingent claims  that
  are likely to have a material adverse effect on the results  of
  operations or financial condition of the Partnership.

  In  connection  with  the  formation of  the  Partnership,  the
  General  Partner contributed certain assets including  customer
  relationships   and  customer  tanks.   The  Internal   Revenue
  Service    ("IRS")   has   examined   the   General   Partner's
  consolidated  income tax returns for the years ended  July  31,
  1987  and  1986,  and  has proposed certain  adjustments  which
  relate   to  these  contributed  assets.   If  the   IRS   were
  successful,   the  amount  of  amortization  and   depreciation
  available  to the General Partner could be adversely  affected.
  At  this  time,  it is not possible to determine  the  ultimate
  resolution  of  this  matter and the impact,  if  any,  to  the
  consolidated financial statements of the Partnership.

  Certain  property and equipment is leased under  noncancellable
  operating  leases which require fixed monthly  rental  payments
  and  which  expire  at  various  dates  through  2016.   Rental
  expense  under these leases totaled $725,000 for the one  month
  ended  July  31,  1994.  Future minimum lease  commitments  for
  such  leases  are  $7,569,000  in  1995,  $5,286,000  in  1996,
  $3,438,000 in 1997,  $1,537,000 in 1998 and $409,000 in 1999.

J.   Employee Benefits:

  As  described in Note A and H, the Partnership has no employees
  and  is  managed  and controlled by the General  Partner.   The
  Partnership  assumed all liabilities, which  included  specific
  liabilities  related  to  the following  employee  benefit  and
  incentive  plans for the benefit of the officers and  employees
  of the General Partner.

  The  General Partner and its parent have a defined contribution
  profit-sharing  plan which covers substantially  all  employees
  with more than one year of service.  Contributions are made  to
  the  plan at the discretion of the parent's Board of Directors.
  This  plan  also  provides for matching contributions  under  a
  cash   or   deferred  arrangement  (401(k)  plan)  based   upon
  participant  salaries and employee contributions to  the  plan.
  There  were no contributions under the profit sharing provision
  or  401(k)  provision of the plan from inception  to  July  31,

  The  General  Partner has a defined benefit plan that  provides
  participants  who  were  covered under a previously  terminated
  plan  with  a guaranteed retirement benefit at least  equal  to
  the  benefit  they  would have received  under  the  terminated
  plan.   Benefits  under the terminated plan are  determined  by
  years  of  credited  service and salary  levels.   The  General
  Partner's  funding  policy  for  this  plan  is  to  contribute
  amounts  deductible  for  Federal income  tax  purposes.   Plan
  assets  consist primarily of corporate stocks and  bonds,  U.S.
  Treasury bonds and short-term cash investments.

  The  following  table  sets forth the plan's  projected  funded
  status  for  the  respective periods based on the  most  recent
  actuarial valuations:

Actuarially computed pension expense includes the following components:                                                
                                              Inception to
                                              July 31, 1994
                                              (in thousands)
Service Cost                                      $ 21    
Interest on  Obligations                            31 
Actual Return on Plan Assets                        89 
Amortization and Deferral of:                 
Prior Service Cost                                  (3)
   Gain                                            (15)
   Deferred Asset (Gain)/Loss                     (115)
Actuarially Computed Pension Expense                $8
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations is summarized as follows: 
                                                        July 31, 1994
                                                       (in thousands)
   Vested Benefit Obligation                                $2,474
   Accumulated Benefit Obligation                           $2,977
   Projected Benefit Obligation                             $4,798
   Less:  Plan Assets at Fair Value                          2,853
   Benefit Obligation in Excess of                      
     Plan Assets                                             1,945 
   Unrecognized Prior Service Cost                             298
   Unrecognized Gain                                         1,828
Accrued Benefit Obligation                                  $4,071

  The  actuarial  computations assumed a  discount  rate,  annual
  salary  increase and expected long-term rate of return on  plan
  assets  of  8%,  5% and 9.5%, respectively, from  inception  to
  July 31, 1994.

  In fiscal 1987, Ferrell established the Ferrell Companies, Inc.
  Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan").  The Plan provides long-
  term  incentives to officers and executives of Ferrell and  its
  subsidiaries  in  the form of units ("Equity Units").  The Plan
  provides for the redemption of the Equity Units after July  31,
  1996,  based upon the excess of an appraised value  of  Ferrell
  as  of July 31, 1996, over a minimum value established at  Plan
  inception.   Earned awards were 100% vested by the participants
  at  July  31,  1993.   Compensation expense  charges  (credits)
  representing  increases (decreases) in the estimated  value  of
  the  vested  Equity Units are recorded by the Partnership.   No
  compensation  expense was charged from inception  to  July  31,

K.   Employee Benefits Other Than Pensions:

  The General Partner provides postretirement medical benefits to
  a  closed  group  of  approximately 400 retired  employees  and
  their  spouses.   The  plan requires  the  General  Partner  to
  provide primary medical benefits to the participants until  age
  65,  at which time the General Partner only pays a fixed amount
  of  $55  per  month per participant for medical benefits.   The
  General  Partner elected to amortize the postretirement benefit
  obligation  over  a period not to exceed the average  remaining
  life  expectancy  of the plan participants (since  all  of  the
  plan participants are retired).  As described in Note A and  H,
  the  Partnership assumed all liabilities associated  with  this
  benefit obligation.

  The  actuarial  liabilities for these postretirement  benefits,
  none  of  which have been funded, are as follows  at  July  31,

  Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation-Retirees    $2,270,000
  Fair Value of Assets                                               0
  Unfunded Status                                           $2,270,000

  Net  periodic postretirement benefit cost from inception to July 31,
  1994, included the following components:

  Interest Cost on Obligation                                 $16,183
  Amortization of Transition Obligation                        19,036
  Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost                    $35,219

  The   accumulated   postretirement   benefit   obligation   was
  determined  using a discount rate of 7.75% and  a  health  care
  cost  trend rate of 10% from inception to July 31, 1994, 8%  in
  fiscal  years  1995  through 1997 and  5%  thereafter  for  any
  individuals  who have not attained the age of 65 by  such  cut-
  off dates.

  Benefits  relate to a closed group of retirees  whose  benefits
  convert  to  a fixed monthly supplement at age 65.  Because  of
  the  nature  of  this group, a 1% change in the assumed  health
  care  cost  trend rates does not have a significant  impact  on
  net  periodic  postretirement benefit cost or  the  accumulated
  postretirement benefit obligation.

  The  Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued  Statement
  of   Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  112  -   Employers'
  Accounting  For Postemployment Benefits which is effective  for
  fiscal   years  beginning  after  December  15,   1993.    This
  statement  requires that employers recognize over  the  service
  lives  of  employees  the costs of postemployment  benefits  if
  certain  conditions  are  met.  The General  Partner  does  not
  believe  that  adoption of the statement will have  a  material
  impact  on results of operations or financial condition of  the

L.    Disclosures About Off Balance Sheet Risk and Fair Value  of
  Financial Instruments:

  Statement   of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.   107   -
  Disclosures   about   Fair  Value  of  Financial   Instruments,
  requires  disclosures  regarding the fair  value  of  financial
  instruments which can be reasonably determined.  The  following
  methods  and assumptions were used to estimate the  fair  value
  of  each  class  of  financial  instruments  for  which  it  is
  practicable to estimate that value:

  Current   Assets.   The  carrying  amount  of  cash  and   cash
  equivalents  approximates  fair  value  because  of  the  short
  maturity of those instruments.

  Short-Term   Borrowings.   The  carrying  value  of  short-term
  borrowings approximates fair value as of July 31, 1994.

  Long-Term  Debt.  The estimated fair value of the Partnership's
  long-term debt was $269,547,000 as of July 31, 1994.  The  fair
  value is estimated based on discounted cash flows.

  Option  and Forward Contracts.  The Partnership is a  party  to
  certain  option  and forward contracts in connection  with  its
  trading   activities  involving  various  liquified   petroleum
  products.   Contracts are executed with private  counterparties
  and  to a lesser extent on national mercantile exchanges.  Open
  contract positions are summarized as follows:

                       As of July 31, 1994
           (In thousands, except price per gallon data)

                                                    As of July 31, 1994
                                       (In thousands, except price per gallon data)
                              Volume in     Price          Maturity       Contract  Value of   Unrealized
                               Gallons   (per gallon)        Dates         Amounts  Contracts  Gain/(Loss)
                               -------    ----------   -----------------   -------   -------   ----------     
Exchange Traded Option
   Contracts to Buy             8,358     $0.30-0.31   Nov 1994-Jan 1995     $2,522    $2,603         $81
Exchange Traded Option                   
   Contracts to (Sell)          (6,174)   $0.29-0.55       Sep-Oct 1994      (1,935)   (2,000)        (65)
Forward Contracts to Buy        78,636    $0.19-0.38       Aug-Dec 1994      21,897    22,359         462
Forward Contracts to (Sell)    (30,562)   $0.30-0.39   Aug 1994-Jan 1995     (9,801)   (9,892)        (91)
                               -------                                      --------  --------   ---------
   Total                        50,258                                      $12,683   $13,070        $387
                               =======                                      ========  ========   =========

  Risks  related  to  these  contracts arise  from  the  possible
  inability  of  counterparties  to  meet  the  terms  of   their
  contracts  and  changes  in  underlying  product  prices.   The
  Partnership  attempts  to  minimize  market  risk  through  the
  enforcement  of  its  trading  policies,  which  include  total
  inventory  limits  and  loss limits, and attempts  to  minimize
  credit risk through application of its credit policies.

M.   Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Earnings (Unaudited):

  The  accompanying pro forma consolidated statement of  earnings
  for  the fiscal year ended July 31, 1994, was derived from  the
  historical  statement  of operations of  the  Company  for  the
  eleven  months  ended  June  30, 1994,  and  the  statement  of
  operations of the Partnership for the one month ended July  31,
  1994.  The pro forma statement of earnings for the fiscal  year
  ended  July 31, 1993, was derived from the historical statement
  of  earnings  of  the  Company.   The  pro  forma  consolidated
  statements  of earnings of the Partnership should  be  read  in
  conjunction with the consolidated financial statements  of  the
  Partnership  and  the  Company  and  the  notes  thereto.   The
  objective  of  this  data  is  to  show  the  effects  on   the
  historical   financial  information  as  if  the   transactions
  described  in  Note A had occurred on August  1  of  each  year
  presented.   The accompanying pro forma consolidated statements
  of   earnings  are  for  comparative  purposes  and   are   not
  indicative  of  the  results  of  future  operations   of   the


                                               Pro Forma Year Ended July 31, 
                                                    1994           1993    
                                                  --------       ---------
                                                        (in thousands)
   Gas liquids and related sales                   $499,696       $516,891
   Other                                             26,860         25,054
                                                   --------       --------
   Total revenues                                   526,556        541,945
                                                   ========       ========    
Costs and expenses:
   Cost of product sold                             269,306        298,033
   Operating                                        145,136        139,617
   Depreciation and amortization                     28,835         30,840
   General and administrative                        10,358         10,579
   Vehicle leases                                     4,290          4,823
                                                   --------       --------
      Total costs and expenses                      457,925        483,892
                                                   --------       --------

Operating income:                                    68,631         58,053
   Loss on disposal of assets                        (1,312)        (1,153)
   Interest income                                    1,123            898  
   Interest expense                                 (28,130)       (29,220)
                                                    --------       --------
Earnings before extraordinary item                  $40,312        $28,578
                                                    ========       ========

N.  Subsequent Event:

  On  September  30,  1994, the General Partner  entered  into  a
  definitive  Purchase  Agreement with Vision  Energy  Resources,
  Inc.  ("Vision") for the purchase of the propane business owned
  and  operated  by  Vision  for a cash  purchase  price  of  $45
  million.   The  closing  of  the  transaction  is  subject   to
  customary   conditions,  including  the   expiration   of   the
  applicable   waiting   period   under   the   Hart-Scott-Rodino
  Antitrust  Improvements  Act.  Following  the  closing  of  the
  transaction,  the  General  Partner  intends  to  transfer  the
  assets of Vision to the Partnership.


Board of Directors
Ferrellgas Finance Corp.
Liberty, Missouri

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Ferrellgas
Finance  Corp.  (a  wholly-owned subsidiary  of  Ferrellgas,
L.P.),  as  of July 31, 1994, and the related statements  of
stockholder's  equity and cash flows  for  the  period  from
inception  (April  28,  1994)  to  July  31,  1994.    These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion  on
these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted
auditing  standards.  Those standards require that  we  plan
and  perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance  about
whether  the  financial  statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting  the amounts  and  disclosures  in  the
financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing  the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management,  as  well  as evaluating the  overall  financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audit  provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such financial statements present fairly, in
all  material respects, the financial position of Ferrellgas
Finance  Corp. as of July 31, 1994, and its cash  flows  for
the period from inception (April 28, 1994) to July 31, 1994,
in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Kansas City, Missouri
September 16, 1994

FERRELLGAS FINANCE CORP.                                                       
(a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrellgas, L.P.)

  Cash                                                     $1,000
    Total Assets                                           $1,000
    STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY                                         
 Common stock, $1.00 par value; 2,000 shares                     
 authorized; 1,000 shares issued and outstanding           $1,000
    Total Stockholder's Equity                             $1,000

FERRELLGAS FINANCE CORP.                                                       
(a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrellgas, L.P.)
                                  Common stock               Total
                            -----------------------      stockholder's 
                             Shares         Dollars          equity
                            -------          -------         ------- 
Balance April 28, 1994           -           $    -          $    -
  Contributions              1,000            1,000           1,000
                            -------          -------         -------
Balance July 31, 1994        1,000           $1,000          $1,000
                            =======          =======         =======

FERRELLGAS FINANCE CORP.                                                       
(a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrellgas, L.P.)

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:                     
      Cash from operating activities                $    -
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:                     
      Cash from investing activities                     -
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:                     
 Issuance of common stock                            1,000
      Cash provided by financing                     1,000
activities                                         --------
Increase in Cash                                     1,000
Cash - Beginning of period                               -
Cash - End of Period                                $1,000

                  FERRELLGAS FINANCE CORP.
       (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrellgas, L.P.)
                        JULY 31, 1994

Ferrellgas   Finance  Corp.  (the  "Company"),  a   Delaware
corporation, was formed on April 28, 1994, and is a  wholly-
owned  subsidiary  of Ferrellgas, L.P. (the  "Partnership").
Ferrellgas,  L.P. was formed April 22, 1994, as  a  Delaware
limited partnership.  The Partnership was formed to acquire,
own   and  operate  substantially  all  of  the  assets   of
Ferrellgas,   Inc.   ("Ferrellgas").   Ferrellgas   conveyed
substantially   all  of  its  assets  to   the   Partnership
(excluding cash, receivables from parent and affiliates  and
an investment in the Class B Stock of Parent) and all of the
liabilities, whether known or unknown, associated with  such
assets (other than income tax liabilities).

The Partnership contributed $1,000 to the Company on May 20,
1994.   There have been no other transactions involving  the
Company as of July 31, 1994.

In  July, 1994, the Partnership issued 10% Fixed Rate Senior
Notes   (the  "Fixed  Notes")  due  2001  in  the  aggregate
principal  amount of $200,000,000 and Floating  Rate  Senior
Notes  (the  "Floating Notes" and together  with  the  Fixed
Notes   the  "Senior  Notes")  due  2001  in  the  aggregate
principal  amount  of $50,000,000.  The  $200,000,000  Fixed
Rate  Senior  Notes are not redeemable prior  to  August  1,
1998.  Thereafter, the  Partnership has the option to redeem
the  notes, in whole or part, at a premium.  The $50,000,000
aggregate  principal amount of Floating Notes are redeemable
at the option of the Partnership on or after August 1, 1995,
in whole or part, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the
principal  amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest  at  the
redemption date.  The Floating Notes have mandatory  sinking
fund  payments of $5,000,000 on August 1, 1999 and 2000,  to
retire  an  aggregate  20% of the Floating  Notes  prior  to
maturity.    The  Company is acting as  co-obligor  for  the
Senior Notes.
Board of Directors
Ferrellgas, Inc.
Liberty, Missouri

     We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance
sheet of Ferrellgas, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of
Ferrell Companies, Inc.) and subsidiaries as of June 30,
1994 and July 31, 1993, and the related consolidated
statements of operations, stockholder's equity and cash
flows for the eleven months ended June 30, 1994, and for
each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 1993.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

     We conducted our audits in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards.  Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of Ferrellgas, Inc. and subsidiaries as of June 30,
1994 and July 31, 1993, and the results of their operations
and their cash flows for the eleven months ended June 30,
1994, and for each of the two years in the period ended July
31, 1993, in conformity with generally accepted accounting

     As discussed in Note I to the consolidated financial
statements, the Internal Revenue Service has proposed
certain adjustments to the Company's consolidated income tax
returns for the years ended July 31, 1987 and 1986.  The
ultimate outcome of this matter cannot presently be
determined.  Accordingly, no provision for any loss that may
result upon resolution of this matter has been made in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements.

Kansas City, Missouri
September 16, 1994 (October 14. 1994, as to Note N)

(a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrell Companies, Inc.)

(in thousands, except share data)

                                                          June 30,    July 31,
                                                            1994        1993 
                                                          ---------   --------
Current Assets:                                                         
  Cash and cash equivalents                                $54,367     $32,706
  Short-term investments                                    24,508      25,040
  Accounts and notes receivable including related                       
   party (1994 - $671; 1993 - $500), net of allowance
   for doubtful accounts (1994 - $906; 1993 - $607)         51,868      52,190
  Inventories                                               37,931      23,652
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                  2,661       1,898
  Receivable from parent and affiliate                          50         916
                                                          ---------    --------
    Total Current Assets                                   171,385     136,402
  Property, plant and equipment, net                       293,729     303,816
  Intangible assets, net                                    64,051      72,537
  Investment in Class B redeemable common stock of parent                                          36,031    36,031
  Other Assets, net, including notes receivable from
   related parties (1994 - $14,105; 1993 - $10,909)         23,468      21,833
  Note receivable from parent                                4,000           -
  Deferred income taxes                                          -       2,757
                                                          ---------   ---------
    Total Assets                                          $592,664    $573,376
                                                          =========   =========           
 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY                                   
Current Liabilities:                                                    
  Accounts payable                                         $49,177     $32,946
  Other current liabilities                                 30,296      29,048
                                                          ---------   ---------
    Total Current Liabilities                               79,473      61,994
  Long-term debt                                           476,441     489,589
  Other liabilities                                          9,542      10,434
  Deferred income taxes                                      4,379           -
Stockholder's Equity:                                                   
  Common stock, one dollar par value;                                   
  10,000 shares authorized; 990 shares issued                    1           1
  Additional paid-in capital                                32,863      32,863
  Accumulated deficit                                      (10,035)    (21,505)
                                                          ---------   ---------
    Total Stockholder's Equity                              22,829      11,359
                                                          ---------   ---------
    Total Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity            $592,664    $573,376
                                                          =========   =========
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrell Companies, Inc.)

(in thousands)

                                                       ended       Year ended July 31,
                                                      June 30,     --------------------  
                                                        1994         1993       1992
                                                      ---------    ---------  ---------            
  Gas liquids and related product sales               $477,285     $516,891   $480,088
  Other                                                 24,705       25,054     21,041
                                                      ---------    ---------  ---------
    Total revenues                                     501,990      541,945    501,129
Costs and expenses:                                                                   
  Cost of product sold                                 256,095      298,033    267,279
  Operating                                            135,058      139,617    134,165
  Depreciation and amortization                         26,452       30,840     31,196
  General and administrative                             8,923       10,079      7,561
  Vehicle leases                                         3,940        4,823      4,520
                                                      ---------    ---------  ---------
    Total costs and expenses                           430,468      483,392    444,721
                                                      ---------    ---------  ---------                                
Operating income                                        71,522       58,553     56,408
  Loss on disposal of assets                            (1,215)      (1,153)    (1,959)
  Interest income, including related parties                                          
     (1994 - $1,018; 1993 - $725; 1992 - $890)           3,599        3,266      4,401
  Interest expense, including parent and affiliate
     (1993 - $153; 1992 - $180)                        (53,693)     (60,071)   (61,219)
                                                      ---------    ---------  ---------                                
  Earnings (loss) before income taxes                                                 
     and extraordinary loss                             20,213          595     (2,369)
  Income tax expense (benefit)                           7,876          486       
  (669)                                               ---------    ---------  ---------
  Earnings (loss) before extraordinary loss             12,337          109     (1,700)
  Extraordinary loss on early extinguishment                                          
     of debt, net of income taxes                                                     
     (1994 - $531; 1993 - $543; 1992 - $6,116)             867          886      9,979
                                                      ---------    ---------  ---------                                 
Net earnings (loss)                                    $11,470        ($777)  ($11,679)
                                                      =========    =========  =========
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrell Companies, Inc.)

(in thousands)

                              Number of              Additional                        Total
                                common     Common      paid-in      Accumulated     stockholder's
                                shares      stock      capital        deficit          equity
                              ---------    ------      -------       ---------        -------                                       
Balance August 1, 1991              990        $1      $30,735        ($9,049)        $21,687
  Capital transaction -                                                                      
    Ferrell Companies, Inc.                                                                  
    Long-Term Incentive Plan          -         -       (1,200)             -          (1,200)
  Net loss                            -         -            -        (11,679)        (11,679)
                              ---------    ------      -------       ---------        -------  
Balance July 31, 1992               990         1       29,535        (20,728)          8,808
  Capital contribution                                                                       
    from parent                       -         -        3,277              -           3,277
  Capital transaction -                                                                      
    Ferrell Companies, Inc.                                                                  
    Long-Term Incentive Plan          -         -           51              -              51
  Net loss                            -         -            -           (777)           (777)
                              ---------    ------      -------       ---------        -------  
Balance July 31, 1993               990         1       32,863        (21,505)         11,359
  Net earnings                        -         -            -         11,470          11,470
                              ---------    ------      -------       ---------        -------
Balance June 30, 1994               990        $1      $32,863       ($10,035)        $22,829
                              =========    ======      =======       =========        =======
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

(a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrell Companies, Inc.)

(in thousands)

                                                          ended        Year ended July 31,
                                                         June 30,      -------------------  
                                                           1994          1993       1992
                                                         --------      --------  ---------            
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:                                                    
 Net earnings (loss)                                     $11,470         ($777)  ($11,679)
 Reconciliation of net earnings (loss) to                                                
  net cash from operating activities:                                                    
  Extraordinary loss                                         867           886      9,979
  Depreciation and amortization                           26,452        30,840     31,196
  Other                                                    5,130         5,236      7,007
  Decrease (increase) in assets:                                                         
    Accounts and notes receivable                           (816)         (252)    (1,475)
    Inventories                                          (14,279)       10,229    (12,447)
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets               (763)          977       (801)
  Increase (decrease) in liabilities:                                                    
    Accounts payable                                      16,231       (11,918)     3,742
    Other current liabilities                              2,236         1,729     (1,912)
    Other liabilities                                     (1,072)          131        325
    Deferred income taxes                                  7,667          (120)      (970)
                                                         --------      --------  ---------
      Net cash provided by operating activities           53,123        36,961     22,965
                                                         --------      --------  ---------                                
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:                                                    
 Net short-term investment activity                          532        (1,875)   (23,165)
 Capital expenditures                                    (10,277)      (14,188)   (20,392)
 Proceeds from asset sales                                   777         1,983      3,040
 Net additions to intangibles                                (62)          (82)    (3,175)
 Net additions to other assets                            (1,221)            1       (520)
                                                         --------      --------  ---------
      Net cash used by investing activities              (10,251)      (14,161)   (44,212)
                                                         --------      --------  ---------                                
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:                                                    
 Additions to long-term debt                                   -            81    246,804
 Reductions to long-term debt                            (13,640)      (12,796)  (212,637)
 Additional payments to retire debt                       (1,190)       (1,195)   (11,983)
 Additions to financing costs                                (51)         (627)    (4,918)
 Reacquisition of Class B redeemable common stock              -        (3,218)    (9,092)
 Net advances to related party                            (3,196)          (59)    (3,832)
 Net advances to parent and affiliates                    (3,134)         (239)    (2,907)
                                                         --------      --------  ---------
      Net cash provided (used) by financing activities   (21,211)      (18,053)      1,435
                                                         --------      --------  ---------                                
Increase (decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents          21,661         4,747    (19,812)
Cash and cash equivalents - Beginning of year             32,706        27,959     47,771
                                                         --------      --------  ---------
Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period                $54,367       $32,706    $27,959
                                                         ========      ========   ========
See notes to consolidated financial statements.

                       FERRELLGAS, INC.
                  (a wholly owned subsidiary of
                    Ferrell Companies, Inc.)

         AND FOR THE YEARS ENDED JULY 31, 1993 AND 1992

A.   Basis of Presentation:

  The  accompanying consolidated financial statements and related
  notes  present the consolidated financial position, results  of
  operations  and cash flows of Ferrellgas, Inc. (the  "Company")
  and   its   subsidiaries.   The  Company  is   a   wholly-owned
  subsidiary of Ferrell Companies, Inc. ("Ferrell" or "Parent").

  On July 5, 1994, Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. completed an initial
  public   offering  of  13,100,000  Common  Units   representing
  limited  partner  interests (the "Common  Units")  at  $21  per
  Common  Unit.  The 13,100,000 Common  Units represent  a  41.8%  
  limited  partner   interest  in  the  Partnership.   Ferrellgas  
  Partners, L.P. was  formed April 19, 1994, owning a 99% limited  
  partner   interest   in   Ferrellgas,   L.P.   (the  "Operating  
  Partnership"),   both   Delaware   limited   partnerships,  and 
  collectively known  as the  Partnership.   Ferrellgas Partners,  
  L.P. was formed to acquire and  hold a limited partner interest 
  in  the  Operating  Partnership.  The Operating Partnership was 
  formed   to  own   and  operate   the   propane   business  and  
  substantially  all  of  the assets of the Company.

  Concurrent with the closing of the initial public offering, the
  Company  contributed all of its propane business and assets  to
  the  Partnership (excluding approximately $39,000,000 in  cash,
  payables  to or receivables from parent and affiliates  and  an
  investment  in  the Class B Stock of Parent)  in  exchange  for
  1,000,000  Common  Units,  16,593,721  Subordinated  Units  and
  Incentive  Distribution Rights, representing  a  56.2%  limited
  partner  interest in the Partnership as well as  a  2%  general
  partner   interest  in  the  Partnership  and   the   Operating
  Partnership  on  a  combined basis.   In  connection  with  the
  contribution  of  the  propane  business  and  assets  by   the
  Company,   the  Operating  Partnership  assumed  all   of   the
  liabilities,  whether  known or unknown, associated  with  such
  assets (other than income tax liabilities).

  Concurrent   with  this  offering,  the  Operating  Partnership
  completed the issuance of 10% Fixed Rate Senior Notes due  2001
  in  the aggregate principal amount of $200,000,000 and Floating
  Rate  Senior  Notes due 2001 in the aggregate principal  amount
  of  $50,000,000  (collectively, the "Senior Notes").   The  net
  proceeds  from  the  sale  of the Common  Units  and  from  the
  issuance  of the Senior Notes were used to retire approximately
  $477,600,000   in   indebtedness  assumed  by   the   Operating

B.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

  (1)  Principles of consolidation:

     The  consolidated financial statements include the  accounts
     of   the   Company  and  its  subsidiaries.   All   material
     intercompany  profits, transactions and balances  have  been

     The  propane  industry  is  seasonal  in  nature  with  peak
     activity  during the winter months.  Therefore, the  results
     of operations for the eleven months ended June 30, 1994, are
     not  indicative  of the results to be expected  for  a  full
     fiscal year.

  (2)  Reclassifications:

     Certain  reclassifications have been made to  the  1993  and
     1992  consolidated  statement of  cash  flows  in  order  to
     conform with the 1994 presentation.

  (3)  Short-term investments:

     Short-term  investments consist of U.S. Treasury  Bills  and
     U.S. government obligations with remaining maturities as  of
     June  30,  1994,  ranging from approximately  two  to  eight
     months.   Short-term investments are carried at  cost  which
     approximates market value.

     The   Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board   has   issued
     Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  115  -
     Accounting  for  Certain  Investments  in  Debt  and  Equity
     Securities,  which is effective for fiscal  years  beginning
     after  December  15,  1993.   The  statement  addresses  the
     accounting and reporting for certain investments in debt and
     equity  securities  and  expands  the  use  of  fair   value
     accounting for those securities but retains the use  of  the
     amortized  cost method for investments that the Company  has
     the  positive  intent and ability to hold to maturity.   The
     Company does not believe that the adoption of this statement
     will have a material effect on the results of operations  or
     financial condition of the Company.

  (4)  Inventories:

     Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market  using
     average cost and actual cost methods.

     The Company enters into forward purchase/sale agreements and
     options involving propane and related products which are for
     trading  purposes.  To the extent such contracts are entered
     into  at  fixed  prices and thereby subject the  Company  to
     market  risk, the contracts are accounted for on a  mark-to-
     market basis.

   (5)   Property,  plant  and equipment  and  other  non-current 

     Property,  plant  and  equipment  is  stated  at  cost  less
     accumulated depreciation and amortization.  Depreciation and
     amortization are computed by the straight-line  method  over
     the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from two to
     thirty  years.   Expenditures for  maintenance  and  routine
     repairs are expensed as incurred.

     On  August 1, 1991, the Company revised the estimated useful
     lives  of storage tanks from twenty to thirty years in order
     to more closely reflect expected useful lives of the assets.
     The effect of this change in accounting estimate resulted in
     a  favorable  impact  on loss before extraordinary  loss  of
     $3,763,000 for the year ended July 31, 1992.

     Intangible assets, consisting primarily of customer location
     values and goodwill, are stated at cost, net of amortization
     computed on the straight-line method over fifteen years  for
     customer location values and forty years for goodwill.   The
     Company  evaluates its intangible assets for  impairment  by
     calculating the anticipated cash flow attributable  to  such
     acquisitions  over  their  expected  remaining  life.   Such
     expected  cash flows, on an undiscounted basis, are compared
     to the carrying value of the tangible and intangible assets,
     and  if  impairment is indicated, the carrying value of  the
     intangible assets are adjusted.  Accumulated amortization of
     intangible assets totaled $67,730,000 as of June  30,  1994,
     and $59,181,000 as of July 31, 1993.

     Other   assets   consist  primarily  of  non-current   notes
     receivable  and   deferred financing  costs.   The  deferred
     financing  costs are amortized using the effective  interest
     method  over  the  terms of the respective debt  agreements.
     Accumulated amortization of other assets totaled  $9,845,000
     as of June 30, 1994, and $7,592,000 as of July 31, 1993.

  (6)  Income taxes:

     The  Company files a consolidated Federal income tax  return
     with  its  parent and affiliates.  Income taxes are computed
     as  though  each company filed its own income tax return  in
     accordance with the Company's tax sharing agreement.

     Deferred  income taxes are provided as a result of temporary
     differences between financial and tax reporting as described
     in  Note  H,  using  the asset/liability  method.   Deferred
     income  taxes  are  recognized for the tax  consequences  of
     temporary   differences  between  the  financial   statement
     carrying  amounts and the tax basis of existing  assets  and

  (7)  Consolidated statement of cash flows:

     For  purposes of the consolidated statement of  cash  flows,
     the  Company  considers all highly liquid  debt  instruments
     purchased with a maturity of three months or less to be cash

     Interest  paid  totaled $55,681,000 for  the  eleven  months
     ended June 30, 1994, and $57,563,000 and $59,054,000 for the
     two fiscal years ended July 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

     In  1993,  the  Company received capital  contributions,  as
     described in Note L, from its parent.

     In  connection  with  the early extinguishment   of  certain
     senior  notes  in  1994  and 1993  and  the  refinancing  of
     subordinated debentures in 1992, as described in Note G, the
     Company  recorded  non-cash extraordinary  losses  from  the
     write-off of financing costs, net of income tax benefits, of
     $129,000, $145,000 and $2,550,000, respectively.

C.   Inventories:
                                             June 30,    July 31,
                                               1994        1993
                                             -------    -------   
                                                (in thousands)
Liquified propane gas and related products   $33,339    $19,378
Appliances, parts and supplies                 4,592      4,274
                                             -------    -------
                                             $37,931    $23,652
                                             =======    =======

 In  addition  to inventories on hand, the Company  enters  into
  contracts  to  buy  product  for  supply  purposes.   All  such
  contracts  have  terms  of less than  one  year  and  call  for
  payment based on market prices at date of delivery.

D.   Property, Plant and Equipment:
                                                June 30,    July 31,
                                                  1994        1993
                                                --------   --------   
                                                   (in thousands)
Land and improvements                            $18,584    $18,459
Buildings and improvements                        22,958     23,001
Vehicles                                          37,305     37,564
Furniture and fixtures                            17,599     16,402
Bulk equipment and market facilities              33,197     33,612
Tanks and customer equipment                     317,321    314,127
Other                                              3,063      1,456
                                                --------   --------
                                                 450,027    444,621
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization   156,298    140,805
                                                --------   --------
                                                $293,729   $303,816
                                                ========   ========

E.   Investment in Class B Redeemable Common Stock of Parent:

  The  investment  in Class B redeemable common stock  of  parent
  represents  all  of  the authorized and issued  shares  of  the
  parent's  Class  B redeemable common stock.   All  shares  were
  purchased   from   unrelated  parties  and  are   recorded   at
  historical  cost.   As  described  in  Note  N,  the  Class   B
  redeemable  common  stock was dividended  to  Ferrell  in  July
  1994.   Such  transaction was contingent  upon  the  successful
  completion  of  the public offerings described in  Note  A  and
  would not otherwise have been consummated.

F.   Other Current Liabilities:
                                      June 30,    July 31,
                                        1994        1993
                                      -------      -------   
                                         (in thousands)
Current portion of long-term debt      $1,279       $1,766
Accrued insurance                       8,964        8,846
Accrued interest                        5,609       10,374
Accrued Payroll                         9,072        3,273
Other                                   5,372        4,789
                                      -------      -------
                                      $30,296      $29,048
                                      =======      =======

G.   Long-Term Debt:
                                                             June 30,   July 31,
                                                               1994       1993
                                                             --------   --------   
                                                               (in thousands)
Fixed rate senior Notes, interest at 12%, due in August      
1996                                                         $177,600   $189,500
Floating rate senior notes, interest at applicable LIBOR       
rate plus 2.25% (6.5% at June 30, 1994), due in August 1996    50,000     50,000
Senior subordinated debentures, interest at 11 5/8%,          
$250,000,000 face amount, due in December 2003                246,461    246,293
Notes payable, including approximately $2,292,000 and           
$2,975,000 secured by property and equipment, interest
rates ranging from noninterest-bearing to 12%, due on
various dates through 2001                                      3,659      5,562
                                                              --------   --------
                                                              477,720    491,355
Less current portion                                            1,279      1,766
                                                             --------   --------
                                                             $476,441   $489,589
                                                             ========   ========

  For  the  eleven  months  ended  June  30,  1994,  the  Company
  reacquired  $11,900,000 of its fixed rate senior notes,  at  an
  approximate  price  of  110.00% of  face  value  together  with
  accrued  interest.  The early extinguishment  of  senior  notes
  resulted in an extraordinary loss from debt premium and  write-
  off  of  financing  costs  of approximately  $867,000,  net  of
  income tax benefit of $531,000.

  In  fiscal year 1993, the Company reacquired $10,500,000 of its
  fixed rate senior notes, at an approximate price of 111.35%  of
  face   value,  together  with  accrued  interest.   The   early
  extinguishment  of  senior notes resulted in  an  extraordinary
  loss  from  debt  premium and write-off of financing  costs  of
  approximately $886,000, net of income tax benefit of $543,000.

  In December 1991, the Company issued, at 98.418% of face value,
  $250,000,000  of  11  5/8% senior subordinated  debentures  due
  2003.   A  portion of the proceeds were used to  reacquire  the
  Company's   existing  subordinated  debt,   together   with   a
  prepayment premium, leaving the remainder available to  finance
  future   acquisitions  and  for  additional   working   capital
  purposes.   The  refinancing of the subordinated debt  resulted
  in  an extraordinary loss from prepayment premium and write-off
  of  financing costs of approximately $9,979,000, net of  income
  tax benefit of $6,116,000.

  The  Company  has  a  $50,000,000 bank  credit  facility  which
  terminates July 31, 1995.  The facility provides for a  working
  capital facility and a letter of credit facility.  At June  30,
  1994,  there  were no borrowings outstanding under the  working
  capital  facility and letters of credit outstanding  under  the
  letter  of credit facility, which are used primarily to  secure
  obligations  under certain insurance and leasing  arrangements,
  totaled  $33,423,000.    Such  letters  of  credit  reduce  the
  amount otherwise available for borrowings under the facility.

  The  various  agreements for the senior notes and  bank  credit
  facility  have  similar  requirements for  maintaining  certain
  working  capital  and  net worth amounts and  meeting  interest
  coverage   tests.   These  loan  agreements  and   the   senior
  subordinated debentures also place various limitations  on  the
  Company,    the   most  restrictive  relating   to   additional
  indebtedness  and guarantees, sale and disposition  of  assets,
  intercompany   transactions,   common   stock   issuance,   and
  essentially prohibit the payment of dividends.  The Company  is
  in  compliance  with all requirements, tests,  limitations  and
  covenants   related  to  the  senior  notes  and  bank   credit
  facility.   The  senior  notes and bank  credit  agreement  are
  collateralized by the stock of the Company.

  Annual  principal payments on long-term debt for  each  of  the
  next  five  fiscal  years are $1,279,000 in 1995,  $988,000  in
  1996,  $227,869,000 in 1997, $126,000 in 1998  and  $82,000  in

H.   Income Taxes:

  Income tax expense (benefit) consists of (in thousands):
                          Eleven Months     Fiscal Years Ended
                              Ended              July 31,
                             June 30,       -------------------
                               1994          1993         1992
                          --------------    ------    ---------
   Current                       $209        $606         $301
   Deferred                     7,136        (663)      (7,086)
                          --------------    ------    ---------   
                               $7,345        ($57)     ($6,785)
                          ==============    ======    =========                              
Allocated to:
   Operating activities        $7,876        $486        ($669)
   Extraordinary loss            (531)       (543)      (6,116)
                          --------------    ------    ---------     
                               $7,345        ($57)     ($6,785)
                          ==============    ======    =========                                    

  Deferred  taxes  result  from  temporary  differences  in   the
  recognition  of  income  and  expense  for  tax  and  financial
  statement purposes.  The significant temporary differences  and
  related  deferred tax provision (benefit) are  as  follows  (in
                                    Eleven Months     Fiscal Years Ended
                                        Ended              July 31,
                                       June 30,      -------------------
                                        1994           1993        1992
                                   -------------     -------     --------
Depreciation expense                       $104      $1,568       $7,010
Net operating loss                        9,258      (1,975)      (9,055) 
Net cash, accrual and other differences  (2,696)       (752)      (5,427)
Amortization                                470         496          386
                                   -------------     -------     --------
                                         $7,136       ($663)     ($7,086) 
                                   =============     =======     ========

  For  Federal income tax purposes, the Company has net operating
  loss  carryforwards of approximately $201,000,000 at  June  30,
  1994  available  to  offset future taxable income.   These  net
  operating  loss carryforwards expire at various  dates  through

  A  reconciliation  between  the  effective  tax  rate  and  the
  statutory Federal rate follows (amounts in thousands):
                                Eleven Months        Fiscal Years Ended July 31,
                                   Ended         ------------------------------------      
                                June 30, 1994          1993                1992
                              ----------------   ----------------   -----------------
                              Amount      %      Amount       %      Amount      %
                              ------    ------   ------    ------   --------   ------ 
Income tax expense (benefit)                                     
  at statutory rate           $6,585     35.0    ($284)    (34.0)   ($6,278)   (34.0)
Statutory surtax                (188)    (1.0)       -         -          -        -
State income taxes, net of                                                          
  Federal benefit                827      4.4      182      21.8       (518)    (2.7)
Nondeductible meal and                                                              
  entertainment expense           54      0.3       36       4.3         42      0.2
Other                             67      0.3        9       1.1        (31)    (0.2)
                              ------    ------   ------    ------   --------   ------  
                              $7,345     39.0     ($57)    (34.0)   ($6,785)   (34.0)
                              ======    ======   ======    ======   ========   ======

  The  significant  components  of the  net  deferred  tax  asset
  (liability) included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet  are  as
  follows (in thousands):
                                             June 30,    July 31,
                                               1994        1993
                                             ---------  ---------
Deferred tax liabilities:
  Difference between book and tax basis of   
  property and intangible assets             ($99,333)  ($86,533)
  Other                                             0     (3,267)
                                             ---------  ---------
     Total deferred tax liabilities           (99,333)   (89,800)
Deferred tax assets:                                              
  Operating loss carryforwards                 78,189     85,790                       
  Reserves not currently deductable            14,963      6,767
  Other                                         1,802          0
                                             ---------  ---------
    Total deferred tax assets                  94,954     92,557
                                             ---------  ---------
Net deferred tax asset (liability)            ($4,379)    $2,757
                                             =========  =========

I.   Contingencies and Commitments:

  The  Company  is  threatened with or named as  a  defendant  in
  various  lawsuits which, among other items, claim  damages  for
  product  liability.   It  is  not  possible  to  determine  the
  ultimate  disposition of these matters; however,  after  taking
  into  consideration the Company's insurance  coverage  and  its
  existing reserves, management is of the opinion that there  are
  no  known uninsured claims or known contingent claims that  are
  likely  to  have  a material adverse effect on the  results  of
  operations or financial condition of the Company.
I.   Contingencies and Commitments (cont'd.):

  The Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") has examined the Company's
  consolidated  income tax returns for the years ended  July  31,
  1987  and  1986,  and  has proposed certain  adjustments  which
  relate  principally  to the purchase price allocations  for  an
  acquisition  made  during  1987.   The  IRS  has  proposed   to
  disallow  $61,000,000 of deductions taken  or to be  taken  for
  depreciation  of  customer tanks for which the Company  asserts
  the  methods  and principles used during the valuation  of  the
  customer  tanks are defensible.  Also, the IRS has proposed  to
  disallow   $90,000,000  of  deductions  for   amortization   of
  customer  relationships taken or to be taken in  the  Company's
  consolidated  income  tax returns.   On  April  20,  1993,  the
  United  States Supreme Court held in Newark Morning  Ledger  v.
  United  States  that  a  taxpayer may amortize  customer  based
  intangibles  if  that taxpayer can prove such  intangibles  are
  capable  of  being valued and the value diminishes  over  time.
  The  Company contends it has met this burden of proof and feels
  this  recent  Supreme  Court decision supports   the  positions
  taken  during  the  Company's allocation of purchase  price  to
  customer  relationships.   The Company  intends  to  vigorously
  defend  against  these  proposed  adjustments  and  is  in  the
  process  of  protesting these adjustments through  the  appeals
  process  of  the  IRS.  At this time, it  is  not  possible  to
  determine the ultimate resolution of this matter.

  Certain  property and equipment is leased under  noncancellable
  operating  leases which require fixed monthly  rental  payments
  and  which  expire  at  various  dates  through  2016.   Rental
  expense  under these leases totaled $9,556,000 for  the  eleven
  months  ended  June 30, 1994, and $10,903,000  and  $10,317,000
  for  the two fiscal years ended July 31, 1993 and 1992.  Future
  minimum  lease  commitments for such leases are  $7,716,000  in
  1995,  $5,400,000 in 1996, $3,529,000 in 1997,   $1,642,000  in
  1998 and $457,000 in 1999.

J.   Employee Benefits:

  The  Company and its parent have a defined contribution profit-
  sharing  plan  which  covers substantially all  employees  with
  more  than one year of service.  Contributions are made to  the
  plan  at  the  discretion of the parent's Board  of  Directors.
  This  plan  also  provides for matching contributions  under  a
  cash   or   deferred  arrangement  (401(k)  plan)  based   upon
  participant  salaries and employee contributions to  the  plan.
  Company  contributions under the profit  sharing  provision  of
  the  plan were $1,200,000 for the eleven months ended June  30,
  1994,  and  were $1,000,000 and $2,711,000 for the  two  fiscal
  years  ended  July  31,  1993 and 1992, respectively.   Company
  matching  contributions to the plan under the 401(k)  provision
  of  the  plan were $1,445,000 for the eleven months ended  June
  30,  1994,  and  were  $1,541,000 and $1,420,000  for  the  two
  fiscal years ended July 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

  The   Company   has  a  defined  benefit  plan  that   provides
  participants  who  were  covered under a previously  terminated
  plan  with  a guaranteed retirement benefit at least  equal  to
  the  benefit  they  would have received  under  the  terminated
  plan.   Benefits  under the terminated plan are  determined  by
  years  of  credited service and salary levels.   The  Company's
  funding   policy  for  this  plan  is  to  contribute   amounts
  deductible  for  Federal  income  tax  purposes.   Plan  assets
  consist  primarily of corporate stocks and bonds, U.S. Treasury
  bonds and short-term cash investments.

  The  following  table  sets forth the plan's  projected  funded
  status  for  the  respective periods based on the  most  recent
  actuarial valuations:

  Actuarially  computed  pension expense includes  the  following
  components (in thousands):
                                   Eleven Months     Fiscal Years Ended
                                       Ended              July 31,
                                      June 30,      -------------------
                                       1994          1993       1992
                                  --------------    ------   ---------
Service Cost                           $225          $285      $218
Interest on  Obligations                338           378       407
Actual Return on Plan Assets            286          (448)     (320)
Amortization and Deferral of:                 
Prior Service Cost                      (28)          (31)        1
   Gain                                (170)          (98)      (98)
   Deferred Asset (Gain)/Loss          (578)          157       108
Actuarially Computed Pension      --------------    ------   --------- 
  Pension Expense                       $73          $243      $316
                                  ==============    ======   =========
  Actuarial present value of benefit obligations is summarized as 
  follows (in thousands): 
                                                       June 30,  July 31,
                                                         1994      1993
                                                        ------    ------
Actuarial present value of benefit obligations:                
   Vested Benefit Obligation                            $2,474    $2,215
                                                        ======    ======
   Accumulated Benefit Obligation                       $2,978    $2,747
                                                        ======    ======           
   Projected Benefit Obligation                         $4,798    $4,917
   Less:  Plan Assets at Fair Value                      2,853     3,605
                                                        ------    ------
   Benefit Obligation in Excess of                      
     Plan Assets                                         1,945     1,312 
   Unrecognized Prior Service Cost                         298       329
   Unrecognized Gain                                     1,828     2,573
                                                        ------    ------
Accrued Benefit Obligation                              $4,071    $4,214
                                                        ======    ======
  The  actuarial  computations assumed a  discount  rate,  annual
  salary  increase and expected long-term rate of return on  plan
  assets  of 8%, 5% and 9.5%, respectively, for the eleven months
  ended June 30, 1994, and for fiscal year 1993 and 1992.

  In fiscal 1987, Ferrell established the Ferrell Companies, Inc.
  Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan").  The Plan provides long-
  term  incentives to officers and executives of Ferrell and  its
  subsidiaries  in  the form of units ("Equity Units").  The Plan
  provides for the redemption of the Equity Units after July  31,
  1996,  based upon the excess of an appraised value as  of  July
  31,  1996,  over a minimum value established at Plan inception.
  Earned  awards  are  100% vested by the participants.   Because
  the   participants  are  primarily  employees  of   Ferrellgas,
  compensation  expense charges (credits) representing  increases
  (decreases)  in the estimated value of the vested Equity  Units
  are  recorded  by  the Company.  Compensation  expense  charged
  (credited)  to income was $720,000 for the eleven months  ended
  June  30, 1994, and was $80,000 and $(1,934,000), respectively,
  for the two fiscal years ended July 31, 1993 and 1992.

K.   Employee Benefits Other Than Pensions:

  The  Company  provides  postretirement medical  benefits  to  a
  closed  group of approximately 400 retired employees and  their
  spouses.   The  plan  requires the Company to  provide  primary
  medical  benefits to the participants until age  65,  at  which
  time the Company only pays a fixed amount of $55 per month  per
  participant  for medical benefits.  Effective August  1,  1993,
  the   Company   adopted   Statement  of  Financial   Accounting
  Standards  No.  106 - Employers' Accounting for  Postretirement
  Benefits   Other  Than  Pensions  which  requires  accrual   of
  postretirement  benefits (such as health care benefits)  during
  the  years an employee provides services.  The Company  elected
  to  amortize the postretirement benefit average obligation over
  a  period  not to exceed the average remaining life  expectancy
  of  the  plan  participants (since all of the plan participants
  are  retired).  The cumulative effect as of August 1, 1993, and
  impact  for the eleven months ended June 30, 1994, of  adopting
  this statement was not material to the financial statements  of
  the Company.

  The Company had expenses of $560,000 and $471,000 for the years
  ended July 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively, on a pay-as-you-go-
  basis relative to this postretirement benefit obligation.

  The  actuarial  liabilities for these postretirement  benefits,
  none  of  which have been funded, are as follows  at  June  30,

Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation-Retirees    $2,270,000
Fair Value of Assets                                               0
Unfunded Status                                           $2,270,000

  Net  periodic postretirement benefit cost for the eleven months
  ended June 30, 1994, included the following components:

Interest Cost on Obligation                                 $178,014
Amortization of Transition Obligation                        209,391
Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost                    $387,405

  The   accumulated   postretirement   benefit   obligation   was
  determined  using a discount rate of 7.75% and  a  health  care
  cost  trend rate of 10% in fiscal year 1994, 8% in fiscal years
  1995  through  1997 and 5% thereafter for any  individuals  who
  have not attained the age of 65 by such cut-off dates.

  Benefits  relate to a closed group of retirees  whose  benefits
  convert  to  a fixed monthly supplement at age 65.  Because  of
  the  nature  of  this group, a 1% change in the assumed  health
  care  cost  trend rates does not have a significant  impact  on
  net  periodic  postretirement benefit cost or  the  accumulated
  postretirement benefit obligation.

  The  Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued  Statement
  of   Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  112  -   Employers'
  Accounting  For Postemployment Benefits which is effective  for
  fiscal   years  beginning  after  December  15,   1993.    This
  statement  requires that employers recognize over  the  service
  lives  of  employees  the costs of postemployment  benefits  if
  certain conditions are met.  The Company does not believe  that
  adoption  of  the  statement will have  a  material  impact  on
  results of operations or financial condition of the Company.

L.   Transactions with Related Parties:

  All  notes receivable from related parties bear interest at the
  prime  rate  plus 1.375% (8.125% at June 30, 1994)  except  for
  one  note totaling $9,843,000 which bears interest at the prime
  rate (7.25% at June 30, 1994).

  In  1993,  the Company received capital contributions from  its
  Parent  consisting of i) the forgiveness of a $3,015,000  long-
  term  note payable to affiliate, including interest, and ii)  a
  $262,000 note receivable from affiliate.

  In  the  second and third quarter of fiscal year 1993,  Ferrell
  Leasing Corporation, a subsidiary of Ferrell Properties,  Inc.,
  sold  to  the  Company for the fair market value of $4,100,000,
  the  land  and two buildings comprising the Company's corporate
  headquarters  in  Liberty,  Missouri.   James  E.  Ferrell,   a
  director and executive officer in the Company, owns all of  the
  issued  and  outstanding  stock  of  Ferrell  Properties,  Inc.
  Prior  to the purchase of the buildings, the Company paid  rent
  to  Ferrell  Leasing of $403,000 and $692,000 in  fiscal  years
  1993 and 1992, respectively.

  A.  Andrew  Levison, a director of the parent,  is  a  Managing
  Director   of   Donaldson,   Lufkin   &   Jenrette   Securities
  Corporation ("DLJ").  DLJ acted as placement agent with  regard
  to  the  senior subordinated notes issued in December 1991  and
  was paid fees of $3,545,000.

  The  law  firm  of Smith, Gill, Fisher & Butts, a  Professional
  Corporation, is general counsel to the Company, the Parent  and
  their   respective  subsidiaries  and  affiliates.   David   S.
  Mouber,  a  director  of the Parent, is a member  of  such  law
  firm.    The   Company,   the  Parent  and   their   respective
  subsidiaries paid such firm fees of $1,243,000 for  the  eleven
  months  ended  June 30, 1994, and paid fees of  $1,381,000  and
  $2,189,000 during the two fiscal years ended July 31, 1993  and
  1992, respectively.

M.    Disclosures About Off Balance Sheet Risk and Fair Value  of
  Financial Instruments:

  In fiscal year 1993, the Company adopted Statement of Financial
  Accounting Standards No. 107 - Disclosures about Fair Value  of
  Financial Instruments which requires disclosing the fair  value
  of financial instruments which can be reasonably determined.

  The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the
  fair value of each class of financial instruments for which  it
  is practicable to estimate that value:

  Current   Assets.   The  carrying  amount  of  cash  and   cash
  equivalents and short-term investments approximates fair  value
  because of the short maturity of those instruments.

  Long-term Debt.  The  estimated  fair  value  of  the Company's 
  long-term debt was $524,723,000 and $539,651,000 as of June 30,
  1994  and  July  31,  1994,  respectively.   The  fair value is
  estimated  based  on quoted market prices  and  discounted cash

  Option  and  Forward  Contracts.  The Company  is  a  party  to
  certain  option  and forward contracts in connection  with  its
  trading   activities  involving  various  liquified   petroleum
  products.   Contracts are executed with private  counterparties
  and  to a lesser extent on national mercantile exchanges.  Open
  contract positions are summarized as follows:

                                                    As of June 30, 1994
                                       (In thousands except price per gallon data)
                              Volume in     Price          Maturity       Contract  Value of   Unrealized
                               Gallons   (per gallon)        Dates         Amounts  Contracts  Gain/(Loss)
                               -------    ----------   -----------------   -------   -------   ----------     
Exchange Traded Option
   Contracts to Buy              8,820         $0.30   Aug 1994-Jan 1995    $2,662    $2,679         $17
Exchange Traded Option                   
   Contracts to (Sell)          (4,200)        $0.29        Sep-94          (1,229)   (1,230)         (1)
Forward Contracts to Buy        62,661    $0.18-0.38       July-Dec 1994    16,450    16,466          16
Forward Contracts to (Sell)     (9,513)   $0.29-0.37   Aug 1994-Jan 1995    (3,023)   (2,959)         64
                               -------                                     --------  --------   ---------
   Total                        57,768                                     $14,860   $14,956         $96
                               =======                                     ========  ========   =========

  Risks  related  to  these  contracts arise  from  the  possible
  inability  of  counterparties  to  meet  the  terms  of   their
  contracts  and  changes  in  underlying  product  prices.   The
  Company   attempts   to  minimize  market  risk   through   the
  enforcement  of  its  trading  policies,  which  include  total
  inventory  limits  and  loss limits, and attempts  to  minimize
  credit risk through application of its credit policies.

  In  connection with its trading activities, at July  31,  1993,
  the  Company  had  open  forward and option  contracts  to  buy
  $10,394,000   and  sell  ($11,347,000)  of  various   liquified
  petroleum  products  expressed in  dollars  based  on  contract
  prices.   At  July  31,  1992, similar contracts  to  buy  were
  $7,582,000   and   to   sell  ($4,986,000).    Net   unrealized
  gains/(losses)  on those open position were  $281,000  and  $0,
  respectively, at July 31, 1993 and 1992.

N. Subsequent Event

  On July 26, 1994, the Company loaned Ferrell $25,000,000, on an
  unsecured  basis.  This note bears interest at the  prime  rate
  (7.25% at July 26, 1994), and is due on demand.

  On July 27, 1994, the Company declared and paid a cash dividend
  to  Ferrell  of  approximately $12,919,000.  In  addition,  the
  Company  declared a dividend and distributed certain assets  to
  Ferrell,   consisting   of  the  following:   (i)   $36,031,000
  investment in Class B redeemable common stock of Ferrell,  (ii)
  note  receivable from James E. Ferrell of $9,843,000, including
  accrued  interest  through  July  26,  1994,  (iii)  $1,331,000
  accounts   receivable  from  James  E.  Ferrell,   (iv)   notes
  receivable   from  real  estate  affiliates  of   approximately
  $4,792,000, including accrued interest through July  26,  1994,
  (v)  note  receivable from Ferrell of approximately $4,054,000,
  including  accrued interest through July 26, 1994,  (vi)  other
  assets   of  approximately  $63,000  and  (vii)  the  Incentive
  Distribution Rights received by the Company in connection  with
  the  initial  public offering of the Partnership  described  in
  Note A.

  On  August  1,  1994,  the  Company  declared  a  dividend  and
  distributed  to  Ferrell  1,000,000  Common  Units,   1,650,000
  Subordinated  Units received by the Company in connection  with
  the  initial  public offering of the Partnership  described  in
  Note  A.   The  dividend of the Common Units  and  Subordinated
  Units represents an approximate 8% limited partner interest  in
  the Partnership.
  On  September  30,  1994, the General Partner  entered  into  a
  definitive  Purchase  Agreement with Vision  Energy  Resources,
  Inc.  ("Vision") for the purchase of the propane business owned
  and  operated  by  Vision  for a cash  purchase  price  of  $45
  million.   The  closing  of  the  transaction  is  subject   to
  customary   conditions,  including  the   expiration   of   the
  applicable   waiting   period   under   the   Hart-Scott-Rodino
  Antitrust  Improvements  Act.  Following  the  closing  of  the
  transaction,  the  General  Partner  intends  to  transfer  the
  assets of Vision to Ferrellgas, L.P.
  On October 14, 1994, the General Partner adopted the Ferrellgas, 
  Inc. Unit Option Plan (the "Unit Option Plan"), which authorizes
  the  issuance  of options (the "Unit Options")  covering  up  to 
  750,000 Subordinated Units  to  certain  officers  and employees
  of the General Partner,  of  which  657,000  options  have  been 
  granted.  The  Unit  Options  granted  have an exercise price of 
  $16.80 per Subordinated Unit,  will  vest over a three  to  five  
  year period  (depending on the employee)  and will expire on the 
  tenth anniversary of the date of the grant.  Upon  conversion of 
  100% of the Subordinated Units  held by the  General Partner and 
  its affiliates, the Unit Options  granted will convert to Common 
  Unit Options.

Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and Subsidiary
- - ----------------------------------------
Independent Auditors' Report on Schedules                    

Schedule III   Parent Company Only Balance Sheet
               as of July 31, 1994, and Statement of
               Operations and Partners Capital and
               Statement of Cash Flows from inception
               to July 31, 1994                              

Schedule V     Property and Equipment from inception
               to July 31, 1994                              

Schedule VI    Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization
               from inception to July 31, 1994               

Schedule VIII  Valuation and Qualifying Accounts from
               inception to July 31, 1994                    

Schedule IX    Short-term Borrowings from inception to
               July 31, 1994                                 

Schedule X     Supplementary Income Statement Information   

Ferrellgas, L.P. and Subsidiaries
- - ---------------------------------
Independent Auditors' Report on Schedules                   

Schedule V     Property and Equipment from inception to
               July 31, 1994                                

Schedule VI    Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization
               from inception to July 31, 1994              

Schedule VIII  Valuation and Qualifying Accounts from
               inception to July 31, 1994                   

Schedule IX    Short-term Borrowings from inception to
               July 31, 1994                                

Schedule X     Supplementary Income Statement Information   

Ferrellgas, Inc. (Predecessor)
- - ------------------------------
Independent Auditors' Report on Schedules                   

Schedule I     Marketable Securities - Other Security Investments

Schedule II    Amounts Receivable from Related Parties
               for the eleven months ended June 30, 1994
               and for each of the two years ended
               July 31, 1993                                

Schedule V     Property and Equipment for the
               eleven months ended June 30, 1994
               and for each of the two years ended
               July 31, 1993                                

Schedule VI    Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization
               for the eleven months ended June 30, 1994
               and for each of the two years ended
               July 31, 1993                                

Schedule VIII  Valuation and Qualifying Accounts for the
               eleven months ended June 30, 1994
               and for each of the two years ended
               July 31, 1993                                

Schedule IX    Short-term Borrowings for the eleven
               months ended June 30, 1994 and for each of
               the two years ended July 31, 1994            

Schedule X     Supplementary Income Statement Information   

To the Partners of
Ferrellgas Partners, L.P.
Liberty, Missouri

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of
Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and subsidiary as of July 31,
1994, and for the period from inception (April 19, 1994) to
July 31, 1994, and have issued our report thereon dated
September 16, 1994 (October 14, 1994, as to Note O).  Our
audit also included the financial statement schedules listed
at Item 14(a)2.  These financial statement schedules are the
responsibility of the Partnership's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion based on our audit.
In our opinion, such financial statement schedules, when
considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial
statements taken as a whole, present fairly in all material
respects the information therein set forth.

Kansas City, Missouri
September 16, 1994 (October 14, 1994, as to Note O)

FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P.                 Schedule III

(in thousands)

                                               July 31,
Investment in Ferellgas, L.P.                  $121,393
    Total Assets                               $121,393
 PARTNERS' CAPITAL                  
Partners' Capital                                      
  Common unitholders                            $84,532
  Subordinated unitholder                        99,483
  General partner                               (62,622)
    Total Partners' Capital                    $121,393

FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P.                 Schedule III

(in thousands)

                                              Inception to
                                             July 31, 1994
Equity in loss of Ferrellgas, L.P.              ($64,481)
  Net loss                                      ($64,481)

FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P.                 Schedule III

(in thousands)

                                                    Inception to
                                                   July 31, 1994
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:                         
 Net loss                                             ($64,481)
 Reconciliation of net loss to                                
  net cash from operating activities:                         
    Equity in loss of Ferrellgas, L.P.                  64,481
      Net cash from operating activities                     -
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:                         
 Investment in Ferrellgas, L.P.                       (255,006)
      Net cash from investing activities              (255,006)
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:                         
 Net issuance of common units                          255,006
      Net cash from financing activities               255,006
Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                        -
Cash and cash equivalents - Beginning of period              -
Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period             $      -
Supplemental disclosure of non-cash financing activity:
- - -------------------------------------------------------
Effective July 5, 1994 substantially all of the propane assets and liabilities of Ferrellgas, Inc. were
conveyed at historical cost to Ferrellgas, L.P. in return for 1,000,000 Common Units, 16,593,721 Subordinated 
Units and the Incentive Distribution Rights of Ferrellgas Partners, L.P., as well as a 2% general partner 
interest in Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. and Ferrellgas, L.P., on  a combined basis.  Net liabilities assumed by
Ferrellgas, L.P. are as follows:
                                                    July 5, 1994

Cash                                                   $39,791
Accounts receivable                                     50,747
Inventories                                             37,931
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                2,660
Property, plant and equipment, net                     293,729
Intangible assets, net                                  64,050
Other assets                                             9,327
  Total assets conveyed                                498,235
Accouts payable                                         49,177
Other current liabilities                               30,296
Long-term debt, net                                    476,441
Other non-current liabilities                            9,557
  Total liabilities assumed                            565,471
Net liabilities assumed by Ferrellgas, L.P.           ($67,236)


(in thousands)
                                              Period Ended                                        
                                             July 31, 1994
       Land and improvements                    $18,589                                     
       Buildings and improvements                23,005                                     
       Vehicles                                  37,283                                     
       Furniture and fixtures                    17,776                                     
       Bulk equipment and market facilities      33,091                                     
       Tanks and customer equipment             317,631                                     
       Other                                      5,097                                     

       Additions, at cost                        $2,750                                     
       Retirements                                ($305)                                     
Note 1: On July 5, 1994, substantially all of the propane assets and
        liabilities of Ferrellgas, Inc. were conveyed at  historical
        cost  to  Ferrellgas,  L.P.  .  Total  property,  plant  and
        equipment transferred to Ferrellgas, L.P. was $450,027.

Note 2: See notes to financial statements for a description of the methods and estimated 
        useful lives used in computing depreciation and amortization. Detail of additions and
        retirements by major classification is not provided as the totals for such additions
        and retirements are less than 10% of the total property, plant and equipment.

FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARY                                        Schedule VI

(in thousands)

                                                      Charged to                                                         
                                         Beginning     Costs and                    End of                                
                                         of Period     Expenses     Retirements     Period                                
                                         --------       -------        -----      --------
Inception to July 31, 1994                                                                                              
Land and improvements                      $1,775           $22         $  -        $1,797                              
Buildings and improvements                  7,381            90            -         7,471                              
Vehicles                                   25,818           253          140        25,931                              
Furniture and fixtures                     12,732           205            -        12,937                              
Bulk equipment and market facilities       12,124            92            1        12,215                              
Tanks and customer equipment               96,468           940           52        97,356                              
                                         --------       -------        -----      --------
                                         $156,298        $1,602         $193      $157,707                              
                                         ========       =======        =====      ========                                          
On July 5, 1994, substantially all of the propane assets and
liabilities of Ferrellgas, Inc. were conveyed at  historical
cost  to  Ferrellgas, L.P. .  Total accumulated depreciation
and   amortization   of   property,  plant   and   equipment
transferred to Ferrellgas, L.P. was $156,298.

FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARY                                Schedule VIII

(in thousands)

                               Balance at     Charged to     Deductions      Balance
                                beginning        cost/         (amounts       at end
Description                     of period       expenses     charged-off)   of period
- - ----------------------------    ---------        ------        --------     ---------                                               
Inception to July 31, 1994                                                                                      
- - ----------------------------
Allowance for                                                                                                   
 uncollectible receivables           $906          $119            $227          $798
                                  =======          ====          ======       =======                                               
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                     
 intangible assets                $67,730          $759          $    -       $68,489
                                  =======          ====          ======       =======                                               
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                     
 other assets                      $9,845           $23          $8,008        $1,860
                                  =======          ====          ======       =======  
On July 5, 1994, substantially all of the propane assets and
liabilities of Ferrellgas, Inc. were conveyed at  historical
cost   to   Ferrellgas,   L.P.  .    Total   allowance   for
uncollectable   receivables,  accumulated  amortization   of
intangible  assets  and  accumulated amortization  of  other
assets transferred to Ferrellgas, L.P. was $906, $67,730 and
$9,845, respectively.

FERRELLGAS PARTNERS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARY                                            Schedule IX

(in thousands)

                                                            Maximum                     average
                                              Weighted       amount        Average     interest
                                     Balance   average     outstanding   outstanding      rate
                                     at end   interest       during         during       during
            Category                of period   rate       the period    the period   the period*
- - ------------------------------      ---------  -------      --------      ---------    ---------                                    
July 5, 1994  to July 31, 1994                                                                   
- - ------------------------------                                                         
Working capital loan                 $3,000    7.375%        $3,000        $1,000        7.375%
                                     ======    ======        ======        ======        ======                                


(in thousands)

                                            Charged to                                              
                                        costs and expenses                                          
                                        from inception to                                           
                                          July 31, 1994                                             
1. Maintenance and repairs                       $791                                          
2. Depreciation                                $1,602                                          
   Amortization of intangibles                    759                                          
   Amortization of other assets                    23                                          
       Detail for the other items required for this schedule has been omitted
       since each of the other items is less than 1% of total revenues.

To the Partners of
Ferrellgas, L.P.
Liberty, Missouri

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of
Ferrellgas, L.P. and subsidiaries as of July 31, 1994, and
for the period from inception (April 22, 1994) to July 31,
1994, and have issued our report thereon dated September 16,
1994 (September 30, 1994, as to Note N).  Our audit also
included the financial statement schedules listed at Item
14(a)2.  These financial statement schedules are the
responsibility of the Partnership's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion based on our audit.
In our opinion, such financial statement schedules, when
considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial
statements taken as a whole, present fairly in all material
respects the information therein set forth.

Kansas City, Missouri
September 16, 1994 (September 30, 1994, as to Note N)

FERRELLGAS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARIES                   Schedule V

(in thousands)
                                              Period Ended                                        
                                             July 31, 1994
       Land and improvements                    $18,589                                     
       Buildings and improvements                23,005                                     
       Vehicles                                  37,283                                     
       Furniture and fixtures                    17,776                                     
       Bulk equipment and market facilities      33,091                                     
       Tanks and customer equipment             317,631                                     
       Other                                      5,097                                     

       Additions, at cost                        $2,750                                     
       Retirements                                ($305)                                     
Note 1: On July 5, 1994, substantially all of the propane assets and
        liabilities of Ferrellgas, Inc. were conveyed at  historical
        cost  to  Ferrellgas,  L.P.  .  Total  property,  plant  and
        equipment transferred to Ferrellgas, L.P. was $450,027.

Note 2: See notes to financial statements for a description of the methods and estimated 
        useful lives used in computing depreciation and amortization. Detail of additions and
        retirements by major classification is not provided as the totals for such additions
        and retirements are less than 10% of the total property, plant and equipment.

FERRELLGAS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                            Schedule VI

(in thousands)

                                                      Charged to                                                         
                                         Beginning     Costs and                    End of                                
                                         of Period     Expenses     Retirements     Period                                
                                         --------       -------        -----      --------
Inception to July 31, 1994                                                                                              
Land and improvements                      $1,775           $22         $  -        $1,797                              
Buildings and improvements                  7,381            90            -         7,471                              
Vehicles                                   25,818           253          140        25,931                              
Furniture and fixtures                     12,732           205            -        12,937                              
Bulk equipment and market facilities       12,124            92            1        12,215                              
Tanks and customer equipment               96,468           940           52        97,356                              
                                         --------       -------        -----      --------
                                         $156,298        $1,602         $193      $157,707                              
                                         ========       =======        =====      ========                                          

On July 5, 1994, substantially all of the propane assets and
liabilities of Ferrellgas, Inc. were conveyed at  historical
cost  to  Ferrellgas, L.P. .  Total accumulated depreciation
and   amortization   of   property,  plant   and   equipment
transferred to Ferrellgas, L.P. was $156,298.

FERRELLGAS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                       Schedule VIII

(in thousands)

                               Balance at     Charged to     Deductions      Balance
                                beginning        cost/         (amounts       at end
Description                     of period       expenses     charged-off)   of period
- - ----------------------------    ---------        ------        --------     ---------                                               
Inception to July 31, 1994                                                                                      
- - ----------------------------
Allowance for                                                                                                   
 uncollectible receivables           $906          $119            $227          $798
                                  =======          ====          ======       =======                                               
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                     
 intangible assets                $67,730          $759          $    -       $68,489
                                  =======          ====          ======       =======                                               
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                     
 other assets                      $9,845           $23          $8,008        $1,860
                                  =======          ====          ======       =======                                               
On July 5, 1994, substantially all of the propane assets and
liabilities of Ferrellgas, Inc. were conveyed at  historical
cost   to   Ferrellgas,   L.P.  .    Total   allowance   for
uncollectable   receivables,  accumulated  amortization   of
intangible  assets  and  accumulated amortization  of  other
assets transferred to Ferrellgas, L.P. was $906, $67,730 and
$9,845, respectively.

FERRELLGAS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                                    Schedule IX

(in thousands)

                                                            Maximum                     average
                                              Weighted       amount        Average     interest
                                     Balance   average     outstanding   outstanding      rate
                                     at end   interest       during         during       during
            Category                of period   rate       the period    the period   the period*
- - ------------------------------      ---------  -------      --------      ---------    ---------                                    
July 5, 1994  to July 31, 1994                                                                   
- - ------------------------------                                                         
Working capital loan                 $3,000    7.375%        $3,000        $1,000        7.375%
                                     ======    ======        ======        ======        ======                                

FERRELLGAS, L.P. AND SUBSIDIARIES                        Schedule X

(in thousands)

                                            Charged to                                              
                                        costs and expenses                                          
                                        from inception to                                           
                                          July 31, 1994                                             
1. Maintenance and repairs                       $791                                          
2. Depreciation                                $1,602                                          
   Amortization of intangibles                    759                                          
   Amortization of other assets                    23                                          
       Detail for the other items required for this schedule has been omitted
       since each of the other items is less than 1% of total revenues.

Board of Directors
Ferrellgas, Inc.
Liberty, Missouri

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of
Ferrellgas, Inc. and subsidiaries as of June 30, 1994 and
July 31, 1993, and for the eleven months ended June 30, 1994
and for each of the two years in the period ended July 31,
1993, and have issued our report thereon dated September 16,
1994 (October 14, 1994, as to Note N).  Our audits also
included the financial statement schedules listed at Item
14(a)2.  These financial statement schedules are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion based on our audits.
In our opinion, such financial statement schedules, when
considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial
statements taken as a whole, present fairly in all material
respects the information therein set forth.

Kansas City, Missouri
September 16, 1994 (October 14, 1994, as to Note N)


FERRELLGAS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                          Schedule I

(in thousands)

            Issuance/                   Shares/                  Market       Sheet                                                 
            Issuer                     Par Value      Cost       Value        Value                                                 
                                        -------      -------    -------      -------                                                
Balance at June 30, 1994
- - --------------------------------------  
  United States Treasury Bills                                                                                                      
   United States Government             $15,000      $14,471    $14,633      $14,471 (1)                                            
  United States Treasury Notes                                                                                                      
   United States Government              $5,000       $5,042     $5,071       $5,042 (1)                                            
  United States Government Obligations                                                                                              
   Federal Home Loan Bank                $5,000       $4,995     $4,848       $4,995 (1)                                            
  Class B Redeemable Comon Stock                                                                                                    
   Ferrell Companies, Inc.                  643 (4)  $36,031    $36,031 (2)  $36,031 (3)                                            
Year ended July 31, 1993
- - --------------------------------------  
  United States Treasury Bills                                                                                                      
   United States Government             $15,000      $14,497    $14,703      $14,497 (1)                                            
  United States Treasury Notes                                                                                                      
   United States Government              $5,000       $5,116     $5,171       $5,116 (1)                                            
  Corporate Commercial Paper                                                                                                        
   Beta Finance, Inc.                    $2,500       $2,474     $2,474       $2,474 (1)                                            
   General Electric Capital Corp.        $3,000       $2,953     $2,977       $2,953 (1)                                            
  Class B Redeemable Comon Stock                                                                                                    
   Ferrell Companies, Inc.                  643 (4)  $36,031    $36,031 (2)  $36,031 (3)                                            
Year ended July 31, 1992
- - --------------------------------------  
  United States Treasury Bills                                                                                                      
   United States Government             $24,000      $23,165    $23,600      $23,165 (1)                                            
  Class B Redeemable Comon Stock                                                                                                    
   Ferrell Companies, Inc.                  576      $32,813    $32,813 (2)  $32,813 (3)                                            
 (1)  Short-term investments on Consolidated Balance Sheet.
 (2)  Class B redeemable common stock is not publicly traded.  Therefore, for this
      schedule market value is considered to be the same as historical cost.
 (3)  Investment in Class B redeemable common stock of parent (eliminated in consolidation)
      on Balance Sheet.
 (4)  Total authorized and issued shares of Ferrell's Class B redeemable common stock.

FERRELLGAS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                                 Schedule II

(in thousands)
                                                                            Balance at end
                                     Balance at                               of period
                                     beginning                Amounts    ---------------------           
           Name of Debtor            of period   Additions   Collected   Current   Not Current                                      
- - ---------------------------------    ---------   ---------   ---------   -------   -----------
Eleven months ended June 30, 1994                                                                                                   
- - ---------------------------------     
One Liberty Plaza, Inc. (1)           $3,000     $    -       $    -      $    -     $3,000                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
Ferrell Development, Inc. (1)         $1,500     $    -       $    -      $    -     $1,500                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
Ferrell Properties, Inc. (1)            $262     $    -       $    -      $    -       $262                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
James E. Ferrell (2)                  $6,647     $4,268       $1,072        $500     $9,343                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
Year ended July 31, 1993                                                                                                            
- - ---------------------------------
One Liberty Plaza, Inc. (1)           $3,000     $    -       $    -      $    -     $3,000                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
Ferrell Development, Inc. (1)         $1,500     $    -       $    -      $    -     $1,500                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
Ferrell Properties, Inc. (1)          $    -       $262 (3)   $    -      $    -       $262                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
James E. Ferrell (2)                  $6,588     $4,400       $4,341        $500     $6,147                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
Year ended July 31, 1992                                                                                                            
- - ---------------------------------
One Liberty Plaza, Inc. (1)           $3,000     $    -       $    -      $    -     $3,000                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
Ferrell Development, Inc. (1)         $1,500     $    -       $    -      $    -     $1,500                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
James E. Ferrell (2)                  $2,756     $5,480       $1,648      $1,000     $5,588                                         
                                      ======     ======       ======      ======     ======                                         
  (1)  Notes are due December 31, 1997, and bear interest at the prime rate plus 1.375%.
  (2)  Note is due on demand and bears interest at the prime rate.
  (3)  Contributed by Ferrell in fiscal year 1993.

FERRELLGAS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                             Schedule V

(in thousands)
                                          Eleven months                                                                             
                                              ended          Year ended       Year ended                                            
                                          June 30, 1994    July 31, 1993    July 31, 1992                                           
                                          -------------    -------------    -------------
Land and improvements                          $18,584          $18,459          $17,150                                            
Buildings and improvements                      22,958           23,001           20,339                                            
Vehicles                                        37,306           37,564           39,205                                            
Furniture and fixtures                          17,599           16,402           14,194                                            
Bulk equipment and market facilities            33,196           33,612           32,051                                            
Tanks and customer equipment                   317,321          314,127          313,634                                            
Other                                            3,063            1,456               99                                            
                                          -------------    -------------    -------------    
                                              $450,027         $444,621         $436,672                                            
                                          =============    =============    =============                                           

Additions, at cost                              $9,843          $14,187          $20,392                                            
                                          =============    =============    =============                                           
Retirements                                     $4,437           $6,238          $10,560                                            
                                          =============    =============    =============                                           
NOTE: See Notes to financial statements for a description of the methods and estimated
      useful lives used in computing depreciation and amortization.  Detail of additions and
      retirements by major classification is not provided as the totals for such additions and
      retirements are less than 10% of the total property, plant and equipment for each period.

FERRELLGAS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                             Schedule VI

(in thousands)
                                                       Charged to                             
                                          Beginning     Costs and                  End of
                                          of Period      Expenses   Retirements    Period
                                          ---------     ---------   -----------   ---------
Eleven months ended June 30, 1994                                                           
- - ------------------------------------
Land and improvements                        $1,551          $242           $18      $1,775
Buildings and improvements                    6,703           973           295       7,381
Vehicles                                     24,010         2,874         1,066      25,818
Furniture and fixtures                       10,503         2,328            99      12,732
Bulk equipment and market facilities         10,806         1,354            36      12,124
Tanks and customer equipment                 87,232         9,888           652      96,468
                                          ---------     ---------   -----------   ---------
                                           $140,805       $17,659        $2,166    $156,298
                                          =========     =========   ===========   =========                                         
Year ended July 31, 1993                                                                     
- - ------------------------------------
Land and improvements                        $1,293          $263            $5      $1,551
Buildings and improvements                    5,831           996           124       6,703
Vehicles                                     21,804         4,466         2,260      24,010
Furniture and fixtures                        8,162         2,433            92      10,503
Bulk equipment and market facilities          9,186         1,712            92      10,806
Tanks and customer equipment                 77,270        10,579           617      87,232
                                          ---------     ---------   -----------   --------- 
                                           $123,546       $20,449        $3,190    $140,805
                                          =========     =========   ===========   =========                                         
Year ended July 31, 1992                                                                     
- - ------------------------------------
Land and improvements                        $1,049          $248            $4      $1,293
Buildings and improvements                    5,033           979           181       5,831
Vehicles                                     20,403         5,107         3,706      21,804
Furniture and fixtures                        6,742         2,072           652       8,162
Bulk equipment and market facilities          7,955         1,507           276       9,186
Tanks and customer equipment                 67,455        10,573           758      77,270
                                          ---------     ---------   -----------   --------- 
                                           $108,637       $20,486        $5,577    $123,546
                                          =========     =========   ===========   =========

FERRELLGAS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                           Schedule VIII

(in thousands)
                                    Balance at    Charged to      Deductions      Balance
                                    beginning       cost/         (amounts        at end
      Description                   of period     expenses       charged-off)    of period
- - ---------------------------------   --------      --------          -------      --------                                           
Eleven months ended June 30, 1994                                                                                       
- - ---------------------------------   
Allowance for                                                                                                           
 uncollectible receivables             $607        $1,569           $1,270          $906
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                             
 intangible assets                  $59,181        $8,549           $    -       $67,730
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                             
 other assets                        $7,592        $2,626             $373        $9,845
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Year ended July 31, 1993                                                                                                
- - ---------------------------------
Allowance for                                                                                                           
 uncollectible receivables             $837        $1,343           $1,573          $607
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                             
 intangible assets                  $49,188        $9,993           $    -       $59,181
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                             
 other assets                        $5,286        $2,538             $232        $7,592
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Year ended July 31, 1992                                                                                                
- - ---------------------------------
Allowance for                                                                                                           
 uncollectible receivables           $1,005        $2,071           $2,239          $837
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                             
 intangible assets                  $38,901       $10,306              $19       $49,188
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           
Accumulated amortization of                                                                                             
 other assets                        $6,895        $2,654           $4,263        $5,286
                                    ========      ========          =======      ========                                           

FERRELLGAS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                                            Schedule IX

(in thousands)
                                                           Maximum                                  average
                                                           Weighted      amount       Average      interest
                                                Balance     average   outstanding   outstanding      rate
                                                 at end    interest      during        during       during
Category                                        of year      rate       the year      the year     the year*
- - ---------------------------------               -------    --------     --------      --------     ---------
Eleven months ended June 30, 1994                                                                                                   
- - ---------------------------------                                                                                                   
(There were no short-term borrowings during the eleven months ended June 30,                                                        
Year ended July 31, 1993                                                                                                            
- - ---------------------------------                                                                                                   
(There were no short-term borrowings during the fiscal year ended July 31, 1993.)                                                   
Year ended July 31, 1992                                                                                                            
- - ---------------------------------                                                                                                   
Working capital loan                            $    -         - %       $1,000          $453         7.82%
                                                =======    ========     ========      ========     =========                        
Revolving loan                                  $    -         - %       $4,275        $2,640         7.53%
                                                =======    ========     ========      ========     =========                        
* Based upon the actual rate in effect and the average daily outstanding balance.                                                   

FERRELLGAS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                  Schedule X

(in thousands)
                                           Charged to costs and expenses
                                    months ended    Year ended      Year ended                                                    
                                   June 30, 1994  July 31, 1993   July 31, 1992 
                                   -------------  -------------   -------------          
1. Maintenance and repairs              $8,544        $10,110          $9,855                                                       
                                   =============  =============   =============                                                     

2. Depreciation                        $17,659        $20,472         $20,486                                                       
   Amortization of intangibles           8,549          9,993          10,306                                                       
   Amortization of other assets          2,626          2,538           2,654                                                       
                                    -------------  -------------   -------------     
                                       $28,834        $33,003         $33,446                                                       
                                    =============  =============   =============                                                    
Note: Detail for the other items required for this schedule has been omitted since each of the other items
      is less than 1% of total revenues.