As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 7, 2000

                                                              File No. 333-93959

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form N-14

                         Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 [X]
                        Post-Effective Amendment No.   [ ]
                                Amendment No. 1
                             The Victory Portfolios

           (Exact name of Registrant as Specified in Trust Instrument)

                                3435 Stelzer Road
                              Columbus, Ohio 43219
                     (Address of Principal Executive Office)

                                 (800) 362-5365
                        (Area Code and Telephone Number)

                                    Copy to:

George Stevens, Esq.                         Carl Frischling, Esq.
BISYS Fund Services Limited Partnership      Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
3435 Stelzer Road                            919 Third Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43219                         New York, New York 10022
(Name and Address of Agent for Service)

Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering:  As soon as practicable after this
Registration Statement becomes effective.


No filing fee is due because of reliance on Section  24(f) under the  Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended.

         The Registrant hereby amends this  Registration  Statement on such date
or dates as may be necessary to delay its  effective  date until the  Registrant
shall file a further amendment which specifically  states that this Registration
Statement shall  thereafter  become effective in accordance with Section 8(a) of
the  Securities  Act of 1933 or until the  Registration  Statement  shall become
effective on such date as the Commission,  acting pursuant to said Section 8(a),
may determine.

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS
                            Government Mortgage Fund
                            Ohio Regional Stock Fund



           The  Victory  Portfolios  (the  "Trust"),  on  behalf  of each of the
investment portfolios named above (the "Funds"),  will host a Special Meeting of
Shareholders on March 20, 2000, at 8:30 a.m.,  Eastern Time. The Special Meeting
will be held at the Trust's  offices,  3435 Stelzer Road,  Columbus Ohio. At the
meeting, we will ask shareholders of each Fund to vote on:

1.     A proposal  to  reorganize  each Fund into an existing  portfolio  of the

2.     The election of ten Trustees;

3.     A proposal to approve an Amended and Restated Trust Instrument;

4. Any other business properly brought before the meeting.

February __, 2000

                                            By Order of the Boards of Trustees
                                            Robert D. Hingston, Secretary
                                            3435 Stelzer Road
                                            Columbus, Ohio 43219

                               Please   read  the  full   text  of  this   proxy
                               statement.  Below  is a  brief  overview  of  the
                               matters to be voted upon. Your vote is important.
                               If you have  questions  regarding  the  proposals
                               please  call your  Investment  Consultant  or The
                               Victory   Portfolios   at   1-800-539-3863.    We
                               appreciate  the confidence you have placed in The
                               Victory  Portfolios  and look  forward to helping
                               you  achieve   your   financial   goals   through
                               investment in The Victory Portfolios.

What proposals am I being asked to vote on?

                  You are being asked to vote on the following proposals:

                  1.  To  reorganize  each  Fund  into an  existing  Fund of The
                      Victory Portfolios.

                  2. The election of ten Trustees.

                  3.  To approve an Amended and Restated Trust Instrument


                    - As of Close of Business on ______, 2000

Current Victory Fund                     Existing Victory Fund
Government Mortgage Fund      [ ]        Fund for Income -Class A Shares
Ohio Regional Stock Fund      [ ]        Established Value Fund -Class A Shares

Has my Fund's Board of Trustees approved the Reorganization?

                    Yes.  The  Board  of  Trustees  of  The  Victory  Portfolios
                    unanimously approved the reorganization on December 1, 1999,
                    and recommends that you vote to approve the  reorganization.
                    The  Board  of  Trustees  of  The  Victory  Portfolios  also
                    approved the Plan of Reorganization at this same meeting.

Why is the Reorganization being recommended for these Funds?

                    The  Board  of  the  Victory   Portfolios   recognized  that
                    Government   Mortgage   Fund   has   substantially   similar
                    investment  objectives and policies as Fund for Income.  The
                    reorganization  will help reduce investor confusion and will
                    reduce or eliminate the duplicate  marketing and other costs
                    which result when operating two similarly managed funds.

                    The Board also  recognized that Ohio Regional Stock Fund has
                    not  attracted   new   shareholders,   or  assets,   despite
                    management's best efforts.  Assets in the Fund have declined
                    since 1997.

                    In addition, after the reorganization,  shareholders of both
                    Funds will own shares of Funds that are currently  operating
                    at lower expense ratios.

Who will advise my Fund once the merger is completed?

                    The  current  portfolio  managers  of Fund  for  Income  and
                    Established  Value Fund will  continue to manage each of the
                    funds after the reorganization, as noted below.


  Current Victory Fund           Existing Victory Fund Portfolio             Portfolio Manager
Government Mortgage Fund                Fund for Income                         Thomas Seay
Ohio Regional Stock Fund             Established Value Fund           William Leugers; Daniel Shick,
                                                                                Gary Miller

Will the fees and expenses of my funds increase?

                    No. Current  shareholders will exchange their shares for the
                    Class A Shares of Fund for Income and Established Value Fund
                    with expenses that are less than current fund expenses.

Will I, or my Funds have to pay taxes as a result of the Reorganization?

                    No.  Neither  you nor the  Victory  Funds  will have any tax
                    consequences as a result of the share exchange. Your current
                    cost basis will remain the same.

Will any sales load,  sales  commission  or other fee be imposed on my shares in
connection with the Reorganization?


What  happens  if I do not  wish to  participate  in the  reorganization  of the
Victory  Fund in which I own  shares,  or what if I do not wish to own shares of
the Victory Fund acquiring my Fund?

                    If you do not wish to participate in the reorganization, you
                    must  redeem  your  shares  as  shown   below,   before  the
                    reorganization  date. Please note that redeeming your shares
                    may  result in your  incurring  a tax  liability.  Redeeming
                    Class B shares  of the  Ohio  Regional  Stock  Fund may also
                    result in your incurring a deferred sales charge.

             VICTORY FUND                     REDEEM BY:

             Government Mortgage Fund         Before 4:00 p.m., ______________
             Ohio Regional Stock Fund         Before 4:00 p.m., ______________

When will the Shareholder Meeting be held?

                    A  Shareholder  Meeting will be held on March 20, 2000.  The
                    approval of a majority of the shares of Government  Mortgage
                    Fund and of Ohio Regional  Stock Fund present and voting are
                    required to approve  the  reorganization  for each Fund.  In
                    addition,  shareholders  are being  asked to approve a Trust
                    level  issue,  which  requires the approval of a majority of
                    the shares of the Trust  present  and  voting,  and to elect
                    Trustees of the Trust,  which  requires a  plurality  of the
                    votes cast in the election.

Why am I being asked to approve an Amended and Restated Trust Instrument?

                    To modernize the Trust's organizational documents and create
                    greater  flexibility  in managing  the affairs of the Trust.
                    Creating  greater  flexibility  may  reduce  Fund  or  Trust
                    expenses. The Amended and Restated Trust Instrument will:

     o          Allow the Funds'  Board of  Trustees to  reorganize  a Fund into
                another Fund or investment  company,  without  holding a special
                shareholder  meeting  (which  can  be  costly),  if it is in the
                shareholders' best interests.

     o          Increase the maximum solicitation period from 60 days to 90 days
                when seeking shareholder approval.

     o          Allow the Board of  Trustees to  restructure  one or more of the
                Funds into a master/feeder structure if it is in the Fund's best
                interest to invest its assets in another investment company.

     o          Permit the Board of Trustees to change shareholder voting powers
                to a  dollar-based  voting  system to ensure that  shareholders'
                voting rights remain  proportionate  to their  investment in the

     o          Allow the Board of Trustees to amend the Trust Instrument in the
                future without shareholder approval unless required by law.

     o          Clarify  that  a  Trustee  is not an  interested  person  solely
                because of his or her  affiliation  with an  investment  company
                which is affiliated with the Trust.

     o          Permit the Board of Trustees to require  shareholders  to redeem
                their  shares when  accounts  become too small or where  certain
                account   information   has  not  been  made  available  by  the

Why am I being asked to elect Trustees?

                    Certain  regulations  require that a majority of trustees be
                    elected by shareholders. New trustees cannot be appointed to
                    fill vacancies  created by  resignations  or an expansion of
                    the Board unless after the  appointments,  two-thirds of the
                    trustees have been elected by  shareholders.  All members of
                    the current Board of Trustees,  including three Trustees who
                    are Advisory Trustees of the Victory Portfolios,  will stand
                    for election at this Special Meeting of shareholders.

I have received  other proxies from Victory.  Is this a duplicate?  Do I have to
vote again?

                    This is NOT a duplicate  proxy. You must vote separately for
                    each account you have with the Victory Funds.

How do I vote my shares?

                    You can vote  your  shares by  completing  and  signing  the
                    enclosed  proxy  card(s),  and mailing  them in the enclosed
                    postage  paid  envelope.  You may also vote  your  shares by
                    phone at 800-786-8764,  by fax at  800-733-1885,  or via the
                    internet at  If you need assistance,  or
                    have any  questions  regarding  the proposals or how to vote
                    your shares,  please call your Investment  Consultant or the
                    Victory Portfolios at 1-800-539-3863.

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS
                            Government Mortgage Fund
                            Ohio Regional Stock Fund

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                 MARCH 20, 2000

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS
                                3435 Stelzer Road
                              Columbus, Ohio 43219

                             Dated February 1, 2000


           This Combined Proxy  Statement and Prospectus is being provided for a
Special  Meeting  of  shareholders  of the  Government  Mortgage  Fund  and Ohio
Regional  Stock Fund to be held on March 20, 2000. We have divided this Combined
Proxy Statement and Prospectus into six parts:

                     Part 1 -- An Overview
                     Part 2 -- Your Fund's Proposals
                     Part 3 -- More on Proxy Voting and Shareholder Meetings
                     Part 4 -- Fund Information
                     Part 5 -- Prospectus for
                                     Fund for Income
                                     Established Value Fund
                     Part 6 -- Forms of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and
                               Termination   and  Amended  and  Restated   Trust

           Please read the entire proxy statement before voting. If you have any
questions, please call us at 800-539-FUND (800-539-3863).

           This  Combined  Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus  was first mailed to
shareholders on or about February __, 2000.

        This Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus contains information
            about The Victory Portfolios that you should know. Please
       keep it for future reference. A Statement of Additional Information
              dated January __, 2000 is incorporated by reference.


       Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") nor any
             state securities commission has approved or disapproved
       these securities, or determined that this Combined Proxy Statement
     and Prospectus is truthful or complete. Anyone who tells you otherwise
                             is committing a crime.

           o         Shares of the Victory Funds are not insured by the FDIC.
           o         Shares  of  the  Victory  Funds  are  not  deposits  of  or
                     guaranteed  by  KeyBank  or any of its  affiliates,  or any
                     other bank.
           o         You can  lose  money by  investing  in the  Victory  Funds,
                     because they are subject to investment risks.

           The Victory  Portfolios  is required by federal law to file  reports,
proxy  statements  and other  information  with the SEC. The SEC maintains a Web
site that contains information about the Trust, ( Any such reports,
proxy statements and other information can be inspected and copied at the public
reference facilities of the SEC, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549,
at the SEC's New York Regional  Office,  Seven World Trade Center,  New York, NY
10048 and at the Chicago Regional Office,  500 West Madison Street,  Suite 1400,
Chicago,  IL 60661.  Copies of such filed  materials  can be  obtained  from the
Public Reference Branch,  Office of Consumer Affairs and Information Services of
the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates.


                                Table of Contents

Part 1 - An Overview..........................................................1

Part 2 - Your Fund's Proposals................................................1

           Proposal 1 - To Approve the Reorganization of each Fund............1

                How the Reorganization Works..................................1
                Differences in Fees Between the Funds.........................3
                Information About Each Reorganization.........................7
                Why We Want to Reorganize the Funds...........................8
                Considerations by the Boards of Trustees......................9
                     Comparison of Investment Objectives.....................10
                     Comparison of Investment Policies and Strategies........11
                     Comparison of Principal Investment Risks................18
                     Comparison of Potential Risks and Rewards...............21
                     Comparison of Operations................................25
                          Investment Advisory Agreements.....................25
                          Distribution and Service Plans.....................26
                          Administrator and Distributor......................27
                          Dividends and Other Distributions..................28
                          Purchase Procedures................................29
                          Exchange Rights....................................30
                          Redemption Procedures..............................31
                     Comparison of Shareholder Rights........................31
                     Capitalization of the Funds.............................35
           Required Vote.....................................................35
           Board Recommendation..............................................36

           Proposal 2 - To Elect Ten Trustees of the Trust...................36

           Proposal 3 - To Approve An Amended and Restated Trust  Instrument for
                        the Trust

           Other Information.................................................41

Part 3 - More on Proxy Voting and Shareholder Meetings.......................45.

Part 4 - Fund Information....................................................48.

Part 5 - Prospectuses for Class A Shares of the Acquiring Funds..............48.

Part 6 - Form of Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  and Termination and Form
         of Amended and Restated Trust Instrument.



           The Board of Trustees of The Victory  Portfolios  (the  "Trust")  has
sent you, as a  shareholder  of  Government  Mortgage  Fund and/or Ohio Regional
Stock Fund (the "Funds"),  this Combined  Proxy  Statement and Prospectus to ask
for your vote on proposals affecting your Fund.

           The  shareholders  of each Fund will vote separately on the following

           o     Approval  of  an  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Reorganization  and

           The  shareholders  of each Fund will  vote  together  with all of the
shareholders of all of the other Funds in the Trust on the following items:

           o     Election of Ten Trustees

           o     Approval of an Amended and Restated Trust Instrument


                                   PROPOSAL 1.



           The Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust  has  approved  a  proposal  to
reorganize each of your Funds into a specific existing portfolio of the Trust.

               The  primary  purpose of this  proposal  is to improve  operating
               efficiencies  by  combining  each  Fund  with a  larger  existing

           Neither you nor your Fund will have any federal  income tax liability
solely as a result of the reorganization.

           To adopt the Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  and  Termination
(the "Plan of  Reorganization")  that applies to your Fund, we need  shareholder
approval.  The  transactions  described  in  the  Plan  are  referred  to as the

           The next few pages of this Combined  Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus
discuss  some of the  details of each  proposed  reorganization  and how it will
affect your Fund.

How the Reorganization Works

           The  Trust,  on behalf of each  Fund,  has  entered  into the Plan of
Reorganization. If shareholders approve this proposal, each Fund will reorganize
into a corresponding  existing  portfolio of the Trust (the "Acquiring  Funds").
Key Asset  Management Inc. ("KAM")  currently


is the  investment  adviser  of  your  Fund  and  the  Acquiring  Funds.  If the
reorganization is approved, the reorganization will work as follows:

           ->        Each Fund will transfer all its assets and liabilities to a
                     corresponding Acquiring Fund, in exchange for shares of the
                     Acquiring Fund.

           ->        Each Fund will  distribute  the Acquiring  Fund's shares it
                     receives to you.  You will receive the same dollar value of
                     Acquiring Fund shares as you owned of your Fund's shares.

           ->        You will not have to pay any federal income tax solely as a
                     result of the reorganization.

           ->        You  will  become  a  shareholder   of  the   corresponding
                     Acquiring Fund. Your Fund would then cease operations.

           ->        You will not  incur  any  sales  charge  as a result of the

           ->        You will not pay any sales charges in  connection  with the
                     shares you receive.

           Here is how the reorganization will apply to your Fund:

       Your Fund              would reorganize into        Acquiring Fund

 Government Mortgage Fund                                  Fund for Income
         Class A*                  ->                          Class A
 Ohio Regional Stock Fund                               Established Value Fund
         Class A                   ->                          Class A
         Class B+

*   Government Mortgage Fund has only Class A shares.
+ Class B  shareholders  of the Ohio  Regional  Stock Fund will receive  Class A
shares of the  Established  Value Fund of the same value as their Class B shares
of the Ohio Regional Stock Fund on the date of the merger.

A few words about this Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus

           This Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus is a proxy statement for
the Special Meeting of shareholders  for your Fund and a prospectus  relating to
the  Class  A  shares  of the  Acquiring  Fund  that  you  will  receive  in the

How the Fees of the Funds Compare to the Fees of the Acquiring Funds

           The tables below demonstrate the differences  between the shareholder
transaction expenses of your Funds and the Acquiring Funds:

Shareholder Transaction Expenses                          Government Mortgage        Fund for Income
- --------------------------------                          -------------------        ---------------
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases                        5.75%                    2.00%
  (as a percentage of offering price)
Sales Charge Imposed on Reinvested  Dividends                    None                     None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge                                    None*                    None*
Redemption  Fees                                                 None                     None


* Except for  non-IRA tax  deferred  retirements  accounts,  there is no initial
sales charge on purchases of $1 million or more for Class A Shares.  However, if
you sell those Class A Shares within one year,  you will be charged a contingent
deferred  sales charge  (CDSC) of 1.00%.  If you sell your Class A Shares within
two years, you will be charged a CDSC of 0.50%

Shareholder Transaction Expenses                      Ohio Regional Stock --     Ohio Regional Stock --       Established Value
                                                              Class A                    Class B                  -- Class A
                                                              -------                    -------                  ----------

Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on                               5.75%                       None                      5.75%
Purchases (as a   percentage of offering  price)
Sales Charge  Imposed on  Reinvested                          None                        None                       None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge                                 None*                       5.00%**                    None*
Redemption Fees                                               None                        None                       None

* Except for  non-IRA tax  deferred  retirements  accounts,  there is no initial
sales charge on purchases of $1 million or more for Class A Shares.  However, if
you sell those Class A Shares within one year,  you will be charged a contingent
deferred  sales charge  (CDSC) of 1.00%.  If you sell your Class A Shares within
two years, you will be charged a CDSC of 0.50%

** 5% in the first year, declining to 1% in the sixth year, with no charge after
the sixth year.

           Your Funds,  like all mutual funds,  incur certain  expenses in their
operations.  Your  Funds  pay  these  expenses  from  their  assets  and,  as  a
shareholder of the Funds, you pay these expenses indirectly. The Acquiring Funds
also incur expenses in their operations.  The expenses include  management fees,
as  well  as  the  costs  of  maintaining  accounts,  administration,  providing
shareholder liaison services,  distribution  services and other activities.  The
following  table  compares the expenses  paid by your Funds,  as a percentage of
average daily net assets,  with the expenses that you will incur indirectly as a
shareholder of the Acquiring Funds, after the  reorganization.  The net expenses
of the  Victory  Funds  shown below are  equivalent  to the net  expenses of the
corresponding  Funds for the year ended  October 31,  1999.  Over time, a Fund's
annual expenses may be more or less than the amounts shown below.

Annual Fund Operating               Government Mortgage        Fund for Income
Expenses                            Fund                       -- Class A
- ---------------------               -------------------        ----------------
Management Fees                          0.50%                     0.50%
Distribution (Rule 12b-1) Fees           0.00%                     0.00%
Other Expenses(1)                        0.58%                     0.72%
Total Fund Operating Expenses            1.08%                     1.22%
Fee Waiver                               None                      (0.22%)
Net Expenses                             1.08%                     1.00%(2)

(1) For each fund, this item includes a 0.25% shareholder servicing fee.
(2) KAM has contractually agreed to waive its fee and/or reimbursed expenses,
    as allowed by law, to the extent  necessary to maintain the net  operating
    expenses  of Class A Shares of the Fund for  Income at a maximum  of 1.00%
    until at least February 28, 2001.


   Annual Fund Operating             Ohio Regional Stock Fund    Ohio Regional Stock Fund -       Established Value
   Expenses                                 - Class A                     Class B                      Fund(1)
   --------                                 ---------                     -------                      -------

  Management Fees                             0.75%                        0.75%                          0.51%
   Distribution (Rule 12b-1) Fees             0.00%                        0.25%                          0.00%
   Other Expenses(2)                          0.73%                        2.26%                          0.50%
   Total Fund Operating Expenses              1.48%                        3.76%                          1.01%
   Fee Waiver                                  None                         None                         (0.13)
   Net Operating Expenses                     1.48%                        3.76%                         0.88%(3)

   (1)   The  expenses  shown are based on  historical  expenses  of the Class G
         shares of Established  Value Fund for the fiscal year ended October 31,
         1999.  Class A shares  were  established  on January  __, 2000 and will
         incur no expenses until the reorganization.
   (2)   For each fund, this item includes a 0.25% shareholder  servicing fee.
   (3)   KAM has contractually agreed to waive its management fee or reimburse
         expenses,  as allowed by law, to the extent  necessary  to maintain the
         net operating expenses of Class A shares at a maximum of 0.88% until at
         least February 28, 2001.


           This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in
the Funds with the cost of  investing  in the  Acquiring  Funds and other mutual

           The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in each Fund for the time
periods  indicated  and  then  redeem  all of your  shares  at the end of  those
periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year
and that the Fund's  operating  expenses  remain the same.* Although your actual
costs or returns may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions,  your costs
would be:

                                        1 Year   3 Years     5 Years    10 Years
                                        ------   -------     -------    --------
Government Mortgage Fund                 679        899        1136       1816
Fund for Income - Class A                300        559        839        1642
Ohio Regional Stock Fund - Class A       717        1016       1336       2242
Ohio Regional Stock Fund - Class B       878        1149       1393       3205
Established Value Fund                   660        866        1090       1735

* This Example assumes that Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses for each Fund's
Class A shares will not exceed the net expense amounts indicated in the notes to
the Annual Fund Operating Expense tables shown above until the termination dates
of the  contractual  waivers (or waivers  required by law), and thereafter  will
equal the amount indicated as the Fund's Total Fund Operating  Expenses,  before
fee waivers.

Information About Each Reorganization

           This section  describes  some  information  you should know about the
reorganization of your Fund.

           Description of transaction.  The Plan of Reorganization provides that
your Fund will  transfer  its assets to the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund,  as
described  in the  chart on page  ____  above,  in  exchange  for  shares of the
Acquiring  Fund.  The  Acquiring  Fund  also  will  assume  all of  your  Fund's
liabilities.  After  this  transaction,  your Fund  will give you  shares of the
corresponding  Acquiring Fund. The total value of the shares you receive will be
equal to the net


asset  value of the Fund  shares you owned at the end of business on the day the
transaction occurs.

           Please  see a copy of the  form of the Plan of  Reorganization  for a
more detailed description of the reorganization. You can find a copy of the form
of the Plan of  Reorganization  in Part 6 of this Combined  Proxy  Statement and

           The reorganization  will be "tax-free." We expect each reorganization
to be "tax-free."  That is, each Fund will obtain an opinion of counsel  saying,
in effect,  that  neither you nor the Fund will have to pay any  federal  income
taxes solely as a result of the reorganization.  Some Funds,  however, may pay a
dividend or  distribute a taxable gain prior to the  reorganization.  You may be
liable for taxes on those distributions.

           Conditions  of the  reorganization.  Before  the  reorganization  can
occur, the Trust must satisfy certain conditions. For example:

- -->      The Trust, on behalf of your Funds,  must receive an opinion of counsel
         stating,  in effect, that neither you nor the Fund will pay any federal
         income taxes solely as a result of the reorganization;
- -->      The Trust must  receive an  opinion  of counsel  certifying  to certain
         matters concerning the legal existence of each Fund;
- -->      Shareholders  of the Funds must  approve each  reorganization;  and
- -->      The Trust must receive an exemptive order from the SEC, if required.

Why We Want to Reorganize the Funds

           KAM believes that the reorganization will benefit the shareholders of
all of the Funds. Among other things, KAM believes that:

o        The Government  Mortgage Fund is so similar to the Fund for Income that
         by merging  the two  funds,  the Fund for  Income  could  become a more
         economically  efficient investment vehicle than each Fund individually.
         The merger would also eliminate confusion caused by maintaining similar
         fixed income managed portfolios.

o        Despite the  distributor's  best efforts,  the Ohio Regional Stock Fund
         has not  grown to a  sufficient  size to be an  economically  efficient
         fund, and shareholders  would be better served  economically by merging
         the Ohio Regional Stock Fund into the Established Value Fund.

o        The merger  will also  allow the Funds to operate a similar  investment
         portfolio at lower expense levels.

o        By combining the Funds,  Fund for Income and the Established Value Fund
         will have larger asset bases, which may attract additional investors.


Considerations by the Board of Trustees

           The Board of Trustees of the Trust unanimously  approved the proposed
Plan of  Reorganization  on December 1, 1999.  The Trustees  concluded  that the
reorganization of each of your Funds

           o          was in the best interests of the Funds' shareholders, and
           o          would  not  result  in any  dilution  of the value of your

           In approving the Plan of  Reorganization,  the Trustees  (including a
majority of the  Trustees who are not  "interested  persons")  considered  that,
among other things:

o           The  relatively  small size of the Ohio Regional  Stock Fund and its
            lack of growth.
o           The similarity between the Government Mortgage Fund and the Fund for
o           The relative performance of your Funds and the Acquiring Funds.
o           You will not pay a sales  charge  to  become  a  shareholder  of the
            Acquiring Funds.
o           Shareholders will not have to pay any federal income tax solely as a
            result of the reorganization.

           The Government  Mortgage Fund is very similar to the Fund for Income.
By merging into the Fund for Income, the Government  Mortgage Fund would benefit
from  having a larger  asset base and the  economies  of scale that  accompany a
larger fund,  while having the same  investment  goals.  The Ohio Regional Stock
Fund has not accumulated  sufficient assets, despite the best efforts of KAM and
the distributors,  to permit it to be operated economically. By merging into the
Established Value Fund, the Ohio Regional Stock Fund would benefit from having a
similar investment objective, but expenses could be reduced through economies of

How Your Funds Compare to the Acquiring Funds

           For  complete  information  about your  Funds,  please  refer to your
Fund's prospectus.  You also can call us at 800-539-3863 for a free copy of your
Fund's  prospectus.  The  information  contained  in your Fund's  prospectus  is
incorporated by reference into this Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus.

           For complete  information about the Acquiring Funds,  please refer to
the prospectus included with this Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus.

           Comparison of Investment Objectives.

           The following tables compare the investment  objectives of your Funds
and their corresponding Acquiring Funds.

Government Mortgage Fund                             Fund for Income
- ------------------------                             ---------------
Seeks to provide a high level of              Seeks to provide a high level of
current income consistent with                current income consistent with
safety of principal                           preservation of shareholders'


Ohio Regional Stock Fund                     Established Value Fund
- ------------------------                     ----------------------
Seeks to provide capital appreciation        Seeks to provide long-term capital
                                             growth by investing primarily in
                                             common stocks

           Comparison of Investment Policies and Strategies.

           The following  tables compare the principal  investment  policies and
strategies of your Funds and their corresponding Acquiring Funds:

Government Mortgage Fund                                      Fund for Income
- ------------------------                                      ---------------

The Government Mortgage Fund invests              The Fund for Income invests
exclusively in obligations issued or guaranteed   primarily in securities
by the U.S. Government or its agencies or         issued by the U.S. Government
instrumentalities.                                and its agencies and
                                                  instrumentalities. The Fund
Under normal market conditions, at least          for Income currently invests
80% of the total assets of the Government         only in securities that are
Mortgage Fund will be invested in U.S.            guaranteed by the full faith
Government mortgage-backed securities.            and credit of the U.S.
                                                  Government and repurchase
Important characteristics of the Government       agreements collateralized by
Mortgage Fund's investments:                      such securities.

o  Quality: Securities purchased by the           Under normal market
   Government Mortgage Fund are                   conditions, the Fund
   considered to be of the highest quality.       for Income primarily invests

o  Maturity: The dollar-weighted effective        o Mortgage-backed obligations
   average maturity of the                          and collateralized mortgage
   Government Mortgage Fund generally               obligations (CMOs) issued by
   will not exceed 12 years.                        the Government National
   Under certain market                             Mortgage Association (GNMA).
   conditions, the portfolio                        The Fund for Income will
   manager may go outside these boundaries.         invest at least 65% of its
                                                    total assets in GNMA
                                                  o Obligations issued or
                                                    guaranteed by the U.S.
                                                    Government or by its
                                                    agencies or
                                                    instrumentalities with
                                                    maturities years. Generally
                                                    in the range of 2 to 30
o The Government  Mortgage  Fund's high portfolio
  turnover may result in higher expenses and
  taxable gain distributions.


Ohio Regional Stock Fund                            Established Value Fund
- ------------------------                            ----------------------

The Ohio Regional Stock Fund pursues its          The Established Value Fund
objective by investing at least 80% of its        pursues its investment
total assets in equity securities issued          objective by investing
by companies  headquartered in the State          primarily in equity securities
of Ohio.                                          of companies with market
                                                  capitalization of $1 billion
In making investment decisions,  KAM              or more. The companies are
analyzes cash flow, book value,                   usually selected from those in
dividend growth potential, quality of             the Standard & Poor's
management, earnings, and capitalization.         Composite Stock Price Index
The Ohio Regional Stock Fund looks at             (S&P 500).
any information that reflects the
potential for future earnings growth.             In making investment
The Ohio Regional Stock invests                   decisions, KAM looks for
in nationally recognized companies and            companies whose stock is
that may have smaller  capitalization,  but       trading at prices below what
also the  potential for  growth.                  KAM believes represent their
                                                  true value. When selecting
Under normal market conditions,  the Ohio         investments for the
Regional Stock Fund will invest at least 80%      Established Value Fund's
of its total assets in common stocks and          portfolio, KAM looks for the
securities convertible into common stocks.        following characteristics,
                                                  among others: consistent
                                                  earnings growth;
                                                  risk-adjusted growth combined
                                                  earnings; with dividend
                                                  yield; rising earnings; price-
                                                  to-book ratios and price-to-
                                                  earnings ratios that
                                                  are generally lower than
                                                  those prevalent in the
                                                  market; and the rate at which
                                                  a stock's price is rising.
                                                  KAM uses a computer model to
                                                  select securities that appear
                                                  favorably priced.

                                                  Under normal market
                                                  conditions, the Fund:

                                                  o Will invest at least 80% of
                                                    its total  assets in equity
                                                    securities   of   companies
                                                    with market  capitalization
                                                    of $1 billion or more.

           Comparison of Investment  Restrictions.  Shareholders of the Fund for
Income and the Established Value Fund are being asked to approve certain changes
to fundamental investment  restrictions at a Special Meeting to be held on March
20, 2000.  The proposed  changes are  summarized  in a table in the Statement of
Additional  Information  dated  January __,  2000.  You can obtain a copy of the
Statement of Additional  Information by calling the Trust at  800-539-3863.  The
proposed changes will not materially impact the way the Acquiring Funds operate.


           Comparison  of  Principal  Investment  Risks.  The  following  tables
compare  the  principal  investment  risks of  investing  in your  Funds and the
corresponding Acquiring Funds:

Government Mortgage Fund                             Fund for Income
- ------------------------                             ---------------

The Government Mortgage Fund is subject           Same as Government Mortgage
to the following principal risks. The             Fund.
Fund's net asset value, yield and/or
total return may be adversely affected
if any of the following occurs:

o     The market value of securities
      acquired by the  Government  Mortgage
      Fund declines.
o     A  particular  strategy  does  not
      produce  the  intended  result  or the
      portfolio manager does not execute the
      strategy effectively.
o     Interest rates rise.
o     An issuer's credit quality is downgraded.
o     The Government Mortgage Fund must reinvest
      interest or sale proceeds at lower rates.
o     The rate of inflation increases.
o     The average life of a mortgage-related
      security is shortened or lengthened.

Ohio Regional Stock Fund                             Established Value Fund
- ------------------------                             ----------------------

The  Ohio  Regional  Stock  Fund  is  subject     The Established  Value
to the  following  principal principal risks.     Fund is subject to the
The Fund's net asset value,  yield and/or         following principal risks.
total return may be risks.  The Fund's net        The Fund's net assets value,
assets value,  yield  and/or total return         yield and/or total return
adversely  affected if any of the  following      may be adversely affected
occurs: may be adversely affected if any of       if any of the following
the following occurs:                             occurs:

o    The market value of securities acquired      o The   market   value   of
     by the Fund declines.                          securities  acquired  by
                                                    the Fund declines.
o    Growth stocks fall out of favor because
     the companies' earnings growth does not      o Value  stocks  decline  in
     meet expectations.                             price   faster   than
                                                    growth stocks.
o    Value stocks fall out of favor relative
     to growth stocks.                            o A particular  strategy does
                                                    not  produce the
o    A particular strategy does not produce the     intended  result or the
     intended result or the portfolio manager       portfolio manager does not
     does not execute the strategy effectively.     execute the strategy
o    A company's earnings do not increase as
     expected.                                    o A company's earnings do not
                                                    increase as expected.
Since the Ohio Regional Stock Fund
concentrates its investments in the
State of Ohio,  its assets may be at
greater  risk  because of  economic,
political,  or regulatory risks
associated with the state.

Comparison of Potential Risks and Rewards.

           Each of the Victory  Funds has its own risks and  potential  rewards.
The bar charts and tables  below  compare  the  potential  risks and  rewards of
investing in your Fund and the Fund into which your Fund would merge.


           Each bar chart  provides an  indication  of the risks of investing in
each Fund by showing  changes in the Fund's  performance  from year to year, for
the last ten  years or since the  inception  of the  Fund.  Sales  loads are not
reflected on the bar chart and if they were  reflected,  returns  would be lower
than those shown. The table shows how each Fund's average annual returns for one
year, five years and ten years (or since inception)  compare to the returns of a
broad-based  securities  market index. The figures shown assume  reinvestment of
dividends and distributions.

           The  information  shown below reflects the performance of the Class A
shares of Fund for  Income  and Class G shares of  Established  Value  Fund,  as
presently there are no Class A shares of the Established Value Fund outstanding.
Returns  for the Class A shares of  Established  Value  Fund would be similar to
returns for Class G shares  because  both  classes of shares will be invested in
the same  portfolio of  securities.  The annual returns would differ only to the
extent that each class has a different expense ratio.

           Keep in mind that past performance does not indicate future results.

Government Mortgage Fund


                 15.04%                                            15.21%
   10.00%                                                                                                              *
                              6.25%       8.18%                                4.19%        8.76%       6.70%
                  1991        1992         1993        1994         1995        1996        1997         1998        1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fund for Income

                             14.07%                                            17.19%
                 8.76%                    6.29%        7.58%                                3.50%       8.35%        7.37%
                  1990        1991         1992        1993         1994        1995        1996         1997        1998      1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ohio Regional Stock Fund

   30.00%                                                                                               29.66%
                                                                               26.43%      20.85%
    0.00%                                                                                                           -1.76%       *
                -17.24%      -18.50%
                  1990        1991         1992        1993         1994        1995        1996         1997        1998      1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Established Value Fund

   30.00%                                                                      26.44%
                             22.23%                   20.78%                                            22.65%
   20.00%                                                                                  19.32%
   10.00%                                                                                                            6.12%
                  1990        1991         1992        1993         1994        1995        1996         1997        1998      1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           The Funds' highest and lowest quarterly returns are as follows:

         Fund                       Highest Quarterly Return               Lowest Quarterly Return

Government Mortgage Fund            5.54% in 4th Quarter 1991             (2.37)% in 1st Quarter 1994
Fund for Income                     5.57% in 2nd Quarter 1989             (3.04)% in 1st Quarter 1994

Ohio Regional Stock Fund            26.20% in 1st Quarter 1991            (25.47)% in 3rd Quarter 1990
Established Value Fund              14.12% in 4th Quarter 1998            (13.22)% in 3rd Quarter 1998


           The  Average  Annual  Total  Returns  for the  Class A Shares  of the
Government  Mortgage Fund and Fund for Income,  and Ohio Regional Stock Fund and
Class G shares  of  Established  Value  Fund,  including  the  effects  of sales
charges, for the periods ended December 31, 1999, are as follows:

          Average Annual Total Returns                Past One Year       Past 5 Years            Past 10 Years
    (for the period ended December 31, 1999)

Government Mortgage Fund -- Class A                        %                   %                       %+
Fund for Income* -- Class A                                %                   %                       %
Lehman GNMA Index**                                        %                   %                       %

 +   Reflects  performance since the Government Mortgage Fund's inception on May
     18, 1990.
 *   After a reorganization  with the Gradison  Government  Income Fund that was
     completed on March 26, 1999 , the Fund for Income  assumed the  performance
     information of the Gradison Government Income Fund.
 **  The Lehman GNMA Index is a broad-based  unmanaged index that represents the
     general performance of GNMA securities.

            Average Annual Total Returns             Past One Year           Past 5 Years         Past 10 Years
      (for the period ended December 31, 1999)

Ohio Regional Stock Fund                                   %                      %                     %+
- --     Class A
- --     Class B
Established Value Fund* -- Class A                         %                      %                     %
S & P 500 Index**                                          %                      %                     %

+    Reflects  performance  since the Ohio  Regional  Stock Fund's  inception on
     October 20, 1989.
*    Performance  results  are shown for  Class G  Shares.  Returns  for Class A
     Shares would be similar  because both classes of shares will be invested in
     the same portfolio of  securities.  The annual returns would differ only to
     the extent that each class has a different expense ratio.
**   The S & P 500 Index is a broad-based  unmanaged  index that  represents the
     general  performance  of  domestically  traded  common  stocks  of  mid- to
     large-sized companies.

Comparison of Operations.

Investment Advisory Agreements

           All of the Funds in the Trust are  presently  managed  under the same
investment  advisory  agreement  between the Trust and KAM.  KAM is a registered
investment  adviser with the SEC and is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of KeyCorp.
Subject to the  authority of the Board of Trustees,  KAM manages the  investment
and  reinvestment of the assets of the Funds,  and provides its employees to act
as the officers of the Funds, who are responsible for the overall  management of
the Funds. Affiliates of KAM manage approximately $79 billion for individual and
institutional  clients.  KAM's  address is 127 Public  Square,  Cleveland,  Ohio

           In executing brokerage trades, KAM will seek best execution,  but may
pay more than the lowest amount of commission if KAM requires  research or other
services  that  benefit  its  managed  accounts.   KAM  may  allocate  brokerage
commissions to its affiliates.


Distribution and Service Plans

           The Trust on behalf of the Funds has adopted a shareholder  servicing
plan,  under  which the Funds pay an annual  service  fee of up to 0.25% of each
Fund's average daily net assets.  These fees are paid monthly.  The  shareholder
servicing   agent   performs  a  number  of  services  for   customers  who  are
shareholders,  including  establishing  and  maintaining  accounts  and records,
processing   dividend   payments,   arranging  for  bank  wires,   assisting  in
transactions, and changing account information.

           The  Trust on  behalf of each Fund and the Class A shares of both the
Fund for Income and Established Value Fund has adopted a defensive  distribution
plan  pursuant  to Rule 12b-1  under  which no fees are paid.  Rather,  the plan
contemplates  that KAM, the  administrator  or the  distributor may use its past
profits and other  resources to pay amounts for goods or services  that could be
construed as intended primarily for the distribution to the public of the Fund's
shares.  The Plan also recognizes that KAM, the administrator or distributor may
make payments  from these sources to securities  dealers and other third parties
who engage in the sale of shares or who render  shareholder  services.  The Plan
provides that, to the extent that the Fund's payment of management  fees to KAM,
or  administration  fees to BISYS might be considered  to constitute  "indirect"
financing of activities primarily intended to result in the sale of shares, such
payment is expressly authorized.

Administrator and Distributor

           BISYS  Fund   Services   ("BISYS")   serves  as  the   administrator,
distributor,   and  fund   accountant   for  the  Victory   Funds   pursuant  to
administration,   distribution  and  accounting  agreements  with  Victory.  For
expenses  incurred and services  provided as administrator of the Victory Funds,
BISYS  receives a fee at the following  annual rate based on each Victory Fund's
average daily net assets:  0.15% for portfolio assets up to $300 million;  0.12%
for the next $300 million of portfolio assets; and 0.10% for portfolio assets in
excess of $600 million.

           BISYS also serves as the distributor of the Victory Funds. BISYS does
not charge the Victory Funds a fee for its services as distributor, but receives
sales  charges  paid by  shareholders.  Under its  distribution  agreement  with
Victory,  BISYS may provide sales support,  including cash or other compensation
to dealers for selling shares of the Victory  Funds.  BISYS does this at its own
expense and not at the expense of any Fund or its shareholders.


           KAM  serves  as  sub-administrator  of the  Victory  Funds.  For  its
services as sub-administrator of the Victory Funds, BISYS pays KAM an annual fee
of up to 0.05% of the average daily net assets of the Victory Funds.

Dividends and Other Distributions

           Ordinarily,  Government Mortgage Fund and Fund for Income declare and
pay dividends  monthly while Ohio Regional Stock Fund and Established Value Fund
declare and pay dividends quarterly.  Generally, each Fund pays realized capital
gains,  if any,  at least once a year.  Each class of shares  declares  and pays
dividends, if any, separately. Each Fund pays no federal


income tax on the earnings it distributes to  shareholders.  Ordinary  dividends
from the  Fund  are  taxable  as  ordinary  income;  dividends  from the  Fund's
long-term capital gains are taxable as long-term capital gain.

Purchase Procedures

           There are no differences in purchase procedures between the Funds and
the Acquiring Funds.

           All Class A shares of the Victory  Portfolios,  except the LifeChoice
Funds, have a front-end sales charge,  although they may differ in amount. There
are ways to reduce  this  charge  (more fully  explained  in the various  Funds'
prospectuses,  which are  incorporated by reference).  Fund for Income currently
offers two classes of shares,  Class A and Class G, which have  different  sales
charges and ongoing fees.  Established  Value Fund currently offers only Class G
Shares, but will begin offering Class A Shares after the  reorganization,  if it
is approved.

Exchange Rights

           There are no differences in exchange rights between the Funds and the
Acquiring Funds. You may exchange shares of a Victory Fund,  generally without a
sales charge,  for shares of any other series of The Victory Portfolios that are
of the same  class as the  shares  being  exchanged.  For  more  information  on
exchange  rights,  please  refer to the enclosed  prospectuses  for the Fund for
Income and the Established Value Fund.

Redemption Procedures

           There are no differences in redemption  procedures  between the Funds
and the Acquiring Funds.


           Victory's  Board of Trustees is responsible for the management of the
Victory Funds.

Shareholder Rights.

           There are no differences between rights of shareholders of the Trust.

Capitalization of the Funds.

           The tables below show existing capitalization as of October 31, 1999,
as well as pro forma  capitalization  as of that date, which reflects the impact
of any corporate  actions,  including  stock splits and accounting  adjustments,
required to facilitate  the  reorganization.  For these  reasons,  the total pro
forma  combined  Total Net Assets may differ from the combined net assets of the
Funds prior to the reorganization.


                                               Total Net Assets (000)         Shares Outstanding (000)
                                               ----------------------         ------------------------
Government Mortgage Fund - Class A                            $99,326                            9,364
Fund for Income  - Class A                                    232,692                           18,201
Pro Forma Combined                                            332,018                           25,966

                                               Total Net Assets (000)         Shares Outstanding (000)
                                               ----------------------         ------------------------
Ohio Regional Stock Fund
Class A                                                       $23,529                            1,384
Class B                                                           734                               44
Established Value Fund - Class A                              469,288                           13,678
Pro Forma Combined                                            493,551                           14,385

Required Vote

           Approval  of Proposal 1 requires  the  approval of a majority of each
Fund's  outstanding  shares voted in person or by proxy at the Special  Meeting.
Approval of Proposal 1 by the  shareholders  of one Fund is not contingent  upon
the approval of Proposal 1 by the shareholders of the other Fund.

           Should Proposal 1 not be approved by the  shareholders of a Fund, the
Board of Trustees  would  determine  what if any further  action should be taken
including continuing that Fund or liquidating it.

Board Recommendation

                            THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT
                       SHAREHOLDERS VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 1.

                                   PROPOSAL 2.
                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

           The Board of Trustees has nominated the individuals listed below (the
"Nominees") to serve as Trustees of the Trust until their  successors  have been
elected  and  qualified.  The  Board of  Trustees  presently  consists  of seven
Trustees (five of whom are  Independent  Trustees) and three  Advisory  Trustees
(two of whom are Independent Advisory Trustees).  If authority is granted on the
accompanying  proxy to vote in the  election of Trustees,  the persons  named as
proxies will vote for the election of the Nominees named below, each of whom has
consented to serve if elected. If any of the Nominees is unable to serve for any
reason,  the  persons  named as  proxies  will vote for such  other  Nominee  or
Nominees selected by the Board of Trustees or the Board may reduce the number of
Trustees as provided in the Trust's  Bylaws.  Any other  Nominee or Nominees who
would serve as Independent Trustees will be selected by the Independent Trustees
currently  serving  on the  Board.  The Trust  knows of no reason why any of the
Nominees listed below would be unable to serve if elected.


A.         Why You Should Vote for This Proposal

1940 Act Requirements

           The  Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust  presently  consists  of seven
Trustees,  four of whom have been elected by  shareholders,  and three  Advisory
Trustees  who have been  appointed  or  elected  by the Board to fill  vacancies
either after the  resignation  of elected  Trustees or because the Trustees have
voted to increase the size of the Board. The Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act")  generally  provides  that at all times,  a majority of
trustees  must be  elected  by  shareholders,  and that new  trustees  cannot be
appointed to fill vacancies unless,  after such appointments,  two-thirds of the
trustees have been elected by shareholders. At their regular meeting on December
11,  1998,  the  Trustees  elected  Donald E.  Weston and  Theodore  Emmerich as
Advisory  Trustees.  At their meeting on December 1, 1999, the Trustees  elected
Frankie  D.  Hughes as an  Advisory  Trustee.  The 1940 Act did not  permit  the
appointment  of Mr.  Weston,  Mr.  Emmerich and Ms. Hughes as Trustees,  because
fewer than  two-thirds of the Trustees then on the Board would have been elected
by shareholders.  Additionally, if any present Trustee were to resign, under the
1940 Act the Trust would be required to call a special  meeting for the election
of trustees within 60 days. Accordingly, you are being asked to elect all of the
current Trustees,  plus Mr. Weston,  Mr. Emmerich and Ms. Hughes to the Board of

B.         Nominees for Election to the Board of Trustees

           The nominees for election to the Board of Trustees are:

                     o     Theodore H. Emmerich
                     o     Dr. Harry Gazelle
                     o     Frankie D. Hughes
                     o     Eugene J. McDonald
                     o     Dr. Thomas F. Morrissey
                     o     Roger Noall
                     o     H. Patrick Swygert
                     o     Frank A. Weil
                     o     Donald E. Weston
                     o     Leigh A. Wilson

           The following tables summarizes information about the Trustees, their
positions with the Trust, and their principal occupations.

                               Held With     Principal Occupation
Name, Age and Address          the Trust     During Past 5 Years
- ---------------------          ---------     -----------------------------------
Theodore H. Emmerich, 74       Advisory      Retired;   until   1986,   managing
1201 Edgecliff Place           Trustee       partner (Cincinnati office) Ernst &
Apt. 1052                                    Whinney  (now  Ernst & Young  LLP);
Cincinnati, Ohio  45206                      Director  of  Carillon  Fund,  Inc.
                                             (investment   company);    American
                                             Financial  Group   (insurance)  and
                                             Cincinnati    Milacron   Commercial
                                             Corporation (financing); Trustee of
                                             Summit Investment Trust (investment


Dr. Harry Gazelle, 72           Trustee      Retired radiologist,  Drs. Hill and
17822 Lake Road                              Thomas Corporation.
Lakewood, OH  44107

Frankie D. Hughes, 48           Advisory     Since  1993,  Principal  and  Chief
Hughes Capital Management, Inc. Trustee      Investment    Officer   of   Hughes
315 Cameron Street, 2nd Floor                Capital  Management,   Inc.  (fixed
Alexandria, VA 22314                         income asset management firm).

Eugene J.  McDonald,  67        Trustee      Since    1990,    Executive    Vice
Duke  Management  Company                    President   and  Chief   Investment
2200 West Main                               Officer  for Asset Management of
Suite  1000                                  Duke University and President and
Durham, NC  27705                            CEO of Duke  Management Company;
                                             Street  Director of CCB Financial
                                             Corporation,  Flag  Group of Mutual
                                             Funds,  Greater Triangle  Community
                                             Foundation,  and North Carolina Bar
                                             Association Investment Committee.

Dr. Thomas F. Morrissey, 66     Trustee      Since 1970, Professor,  Weatherhead
Weatherhead School of                        School of Management,  Case Western
Management                                   Reserve  University;  from  1989 to
Case Western Reserve University              1995, Associate Dean of Weatherhead
10900 Euclid Avenue                          School of Management.
Cleveland, OH  44106-7235

Roger Noall, *  64               Chairman    Since 1996,  Executive  of KeyCorp;
c/o Brighton Apt. 1603           and Trustee from 1995 to 1996,  General Counsel
8231 Bay Colony Drive                        and Secretary of KeyCorp; from 1994
Naples, FL 34108                             to  1996,   Senior  Executive  Vice
                                             President and Chief  Administrative
                                             Officer of KeyCorp.

H. Patrick Swygert, 56           Trustee     Since   1995,   President,   Howard
Howard University                            University;   from  1990  to  1995,
2400 6th Street, N.W.                        President,  State University of New
Suite 402                                    York   at   Albany;   Director   of
Washington, DC  20059                        Hartford  Financial Services Group,
                                             Hartford Life Insurance and Federal
                                             National   Mortgage    Association;
                                             Chairman,     Community    Business
                                             Partnership,   Greater   Washington
                                             Board of Trade.

Frank A. Weil, 68                Trustee     Since  1984,   Chairman  and  Chief
Abacus & Associates                          Executive   Officer   of  Abacus  &
147 E. 48th Street                           Associates,      Inc.      (private
New York, NY  10017                          investment   firm);   Director  and
                                             President     of    the    Hickrill

Donald E. Weston,* 64            Advisory    Since  October  1998,  Chairman  of
McDonald Investments Inc.        Trustee     Gradison  McDonald  Investments,  a
580 Walnut Street                            division  of  McDonald  Investments
Cincinnati, Ohio  45202                      Inc.; until October 1998,  Chairman
                                             of   the   Gradison   Division   of
                                             McDonald & Company Securities, Inc.
                                             and  a  Director   of   McDonald  &
                                             Company  Investments Inc.; Director
                                             of Cincinnati  Milacron  Commercial

- -------------------
*      Mr. Noall and Mr.  Weston are  "interested  persons"  and an  "affiliated
       persons" of the Trust.


Leigh A. Wilson,** 54            President   Since  1989,   Chairman  and  Chief
New Century Care, Inc.           and         Executive   Officer,   New  Century
53 Sylvan Road North             Trustee     Care, Inc.  (merchant bank);  since
Westport, CT  06880                          1995,   Principal  of  New  Century
                                             Living,  Inc.; since 1989, Director
                                             of  Chimney   Rock   Vineyard   and
                                             Chimney Rock Winery.

C.         Information About the Board of Trustees

           The Board currently has an Investment  Committee,  a Business,  Legal
and Audit Committee,  and a Board Process and Nominating Committee.  The members
of the Investment  Committee are Messrs.  Weil (Chairman),  Swygert,  Weston and
Wilson and Dr. Morrissey.  The function of the Investment Committee is to review
the existing investment policies of the Trust,  including the levels of risk and
types of funds  available  to  shareholders,  and  make  recommendations  to the
Trustees  regarding  the  revision  of  such  policies  or,  if  necessary,  the
submission   of  such   revisions   to  the  Trust's   shareholders   for  their
consideration.  The members of the Business,  Legal and Audit  Committee are Dr.
Gazelle  (Chairman),  Ms. Hughes, and Messrs. Mr. Emmerich,  Swygert and Wilson.
The  function  of the  Business,  Legal  and  Audit  Committee  is to  recommend
independent  auditors,  monitor  accounting  and financial  matters,  and review
compliance  and  contract  matters.  Mr.  Swygert is the  Chairman  of the Board
Process and  Nominating  Committee  (consisting of all the Trustees and Advisory
Trustees), which nominates persons to serve as Independent Trustees and Trustees
to serve on  committees  of the  Board.  This  Committee  also  reviews  Trustee
performance and compensation  issues. The Board Process and Nominating Committee
has a Nominating Subcommittee,  composed of Messrs. Swygert, Emmerich,  McDonald
and Weil and Drs. Gazelle and Morrissey. This Subcommittee makes recommendations
to the Board Process and Nominating Committee concerning  candidates to serve as
trustees.  Shareholders may submit to the Trust  recommendations for individuals
to serve as  Trustees.  See Part 3 --  "More  on Proxy  Voting  and  Shareholder
Meetings -- Future Shareholder Proposals."

           Last year, the Board of Trustees held eight  meetings,  of which four
were regular meetings. Each of the Committees held four meetings. The Nominating
Subcommittee of the Board Process and Nominating Committee held two meetings.

D.         Remuneration of Trustees

           Each Trustee  (including  Advisory  Trustees) (other than Mr. Wilson)
receives an annual fee of $31,500 for serving as Trustee of all the Funds of the
Trust,  and an  additional  per  meeting  fee  ($3,500  in person and $1,500 per
telephonic meeting). Mr. Wilson receives an annual fee of $37,500 for serving as
President and Trustee of the Trust, and an additional per meeting fee ($4,100 in
person and $1,800 per  telephonic  meeting).  The Adviser  pays the  expenses of
Messrs. Noall and Weston.

- --------------------
**     Mr. Wilson is deemed to be an "interested  person" of the Trust under the
       1940 Act solely by reason of his position as President.


           The following table indicates the estimated  compensation received by
each  Trustee  from the  Victory  "Fund  Complex"(1)  for the fiscal  year ended
October 31, 1999:

                                                                                                              Aggregate Compensation
                                     Pension or Retirement     Estimated Annual     Aggregate Compensation     from Victory "Fund
                                      Benefits Accrued as       Benefits Upon       from Victory Portfolios          Complex"
                                      Portfolio Expenses          Retirement

Edward P. Campbell*..................          -0-                    -0-                 $9,150                   $10,275
Theodore H. Emmerich#................          -0-                    -0-                 32,350                    35,635
Harry Gazelle........................          -0-                    -0-                 42,900                    47,900
Frankie D. Hughes**..................          -0-                    -0-                  -0-                        -0-
Eugene J. McDonald...................          -0-                    -0-                 45,900                    50,900
Thomas F. Morrissey..................          -0-                    -0-                 45,900                    50,900
Roger Noall..........................          -0-                    -0-                   -0-                       -0-
H. Patrick Swygert...................          -0-                    -0-                 41,400                    46,400
Frank A. Weil........................          -0-                    -0-                 45,900                    50,650
Donald Weston#.......................          -0-                    -0-                   -0-                       -0-
Leigh A. Wilson......................          -0-                    -0-                 56,500                    61,500

(1)        There are currently 41 mutual funds in the Victory "Fund Complex" for
           which the above-named Trustees are compensated.

*          Mr. Campbell resigned as of December 31, 1998.

#          Mr. Emmerich and Mr. Weston commenced service as Advisory Trustees as
           of January 1, 1999.

**         Ms. Hughes commenced  service as an Advisory Trustee as of January 1,

E.         Required Vote

           Trustees  are elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the Special
Meeting in person and by proxy.

F.         Does the Board of Trustees  recommend the election of the nominees to
the Board of Trustees of the Trust?

           Yes. The Board of Trustees recommends that shareholders vote to elect
the nominees for election to the Board of Trustees of the Trust.

                                   PROPOSAL 3.

           The Board of Trustees  has  approved an Amended  and  Restated  Trust
Instrument for the Trust.

o     The  primary  purpose  of this  proposal  is to  modernize  the  governing
      document  of the Trust  and to allow  the  Trustees  more  flexibility  in
      overseeing the affairs of the Trust.

           To  adopt  the  Amended  and  Restated  Trust  Instrument,   we  need
shareholder approval.


           The  next few  pages  of this  proxy  statement  discuss  some of the
details of the Amended and Restated Trust Instrument and how it will affect your

A.         Why we want to adopt the Amended and Restated Trust Instrument

           The Trust was  originally  established  as a business trust under the
laws  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  in  1984.  In  1996,  the  Trust
reorganized  as a business trust under Delaware law. The operations of the Trust
are governed by a Trust Instrument dated December 5, 1995, as amended on October
23, 1997.

           The  following  summarizes  some of the  material  changes  that  the
Amended and Restated Trust Instrument would contain,  and summarizes the reasons
that the Board of  Trustees  believes  that those  changes  would be in the best
interests  of  shareholders.  This list does not  contain  certain  non-material
changes  which are also included in the Amended and Restated  Trust  Instrument.
Because this is a summary,  it does not contain all of the information  that may
be important to you.  Please  refer to the complete  Amended and Restated  Trust
Instrument  (which  appears  in Part 6) to review  all of the  proposed  changes
before you decide how to vote on this Proposal.

o     Reorganizations.  The amendments would clarify the ability of the Board of
      Trustees to reorganize a Fund with another  investment  company or another
      series of the Trust or to liquidate a Fund, if the Board  determines  that
      it would be in the best interests of shareholders. The Trustees could take
      these  actions  without  shareholder  approval,  unless  such  approval is
      required by law. The additional  flexibility  would save  shareholders the
      expense of costly special meetings. [Section 4.01(x)]. One situation where
      the Board of Trustees  might choose to  reorganize  a Fund  without  first
      obtaining  shareholder  approval  is where the  acquiring  fund is a shell
      created   specifically  for  the   reorganization   and  which  after  the
      reorganization will be identical to the acquired fund.

o     Voting powers.  The amendments  would allow the Board of Trustees,  in its
      discretion,  to  make  your  voting  rights  "dollar-based,"  which  is  a
      different  voting  rights system than your Fund uses now.  Currently,  all
      Funds of the Trust provide shareholders with one vote for each whole share
      that they own and a fractional  vote for each  fractional  share that they
      own. This share-based system treats shareholders  equitably so long as all
      shares of  various  Funds have the same share  price.  However,  the share
      prices  of the  Funds  will  vary  significantly  over  time  due to their
      different  investment  programs.  Similarly,  the share prices of a Fund's
      various  share  classes will differ over time  because of their  different
      expense structures. As a result, when issues are voted at the Trust level,
      shareholders  who acquired  their  shares at lower prices have  relatively
      greater  voting power than  shareholders  who paid more for their  shares.
      Giving the Board of Trustees the option to change to  dollar-based  voting
      will ensure that shareholders' voting rights remain proportionate to their
      financial  interests if the Board  believes it to be in the best interests
      of shareholders. [Section 7.01(c)]

o     Required  redemptions.  The  amendments  would  clarify the ability of the
      Board of  Trustees  to allow the Trust to require  shareholders  to redeem
      their  shares  under  certain  circumstances.  The Board of  Trustees  may
      determine that it is in the best interest of all  shareholders  to require
      redemptions of small  accounts,  which are costly to maintain,  or where a
      shareholder  fails  to  provide  a  Social  Security  number  or  taxpayer
      identification number as required by


      law.  This  amendment  could  result  in lower  expenses  to the  Trust or
      individual Funds. [Section 9.05]

o     Record date. The amendments  would change the maximum number of days for a
      shareholder  meeting to be held after the record  date to 90 days from the
      current 60-day  requirement.  This change would allow  additional  time to
      solicit  shareholder votes and avoid additional costs which can arise when
      shareholder meetings are delayed. [Section 11.03]

o     Master/Feeder  structure.  The  amendments  would  allow the  Trustees  to
      restructure one or more Funds into a "master/feeder"  structure,  in which
      one or more  Funds  ("feeders")  would  invest  all of their  assets  into
      another  "master" Fund.  Sometimes a  master/feeder  structure can benefit
      shareholders,  because  combining  the asset  bases of funds with  similar
      investment  objectives and  strategies  may achieve  economies of scale in
      portfolio  management  while retaining the benefits of discrete,  targeted
      investment  products.  Although  there are no current  plans to adopt this
      structure,  the Trustees  would have the power to use the structure in the
      future  if  they   determined  it  would  be  in  the  best  interests  of
      shareholders. [Section 11.05(e)]

o     Derivative  actions.  Any Trustee  who is also a trustee of an  investment
      company affiliated with the Trust would not be deemed to be an "interested
      person" under state law solely because of such affiliation for purposes of
      determining whether the Trust satisfies the notification provisions in the
      event of a shareholder derivative action. This amendment is in response to
      recent  litigation   addressing  the  issue.   Whether  a  trustee  is  an
      "interested  person"  under  state and  federal law depends on a number of
      factual circumstances.  This amendment merely clarifies that the fact that
      a trustee is also a trustee of an affiliated  investment  company does not
      make  that  trustee  and  "interested   person"  solely  because  of  that
      affiliation. [Section 11.08]

o     Future  amendments to the Trust  Instrument.  The amendments would clarify
      the ability of the  Trustees to amend the Trust  Instrument  in the future
      without  shareholder  consent  unless  such  consent is required by law or
      shareholder rights would be adversely affected by the change.  This change
      would give the Board of Trustees  greater  flexibility  in overseeing  the
      operations  of the Trust  without  incurring  the  additional  expense  of
      holding a special  meeting of  shareholders  to approve  amendments to the
      Trust  Instrument  where  shareholder  approval  is not  required  by law.
      [Section 11.09]

B.         Required Vote

           Proposal 3 requires  the  approval of a majority  of the  outstanding
shares of the  Trust  voted in person  or by proxy at the  Special  Meeting.  If
shareholders  of the Trust do not approve  this  Proposal,  the  existing  Trust
Instrument  will  remain  in  effect  and the Board of  Trustees  will  consider
possible alternatives.

C.         Has the Board of Trustees  approved  this new  Amended  and  Restated
Trust Instrument?

           Yes.  The Board of Trustees of the Trust  carefully  considered  this
proposal  at its  meeting on December  1, 1999.  After full  consideration,  the
Board, including all of the Trustees who are not "interested persons" as defined
in the 1940 Act, unanimously approved this Amended and


Restated Trust  Instrument and recommended  that it be submitted to shareholders
for approval. The Board recommends that shareholders vote "for" Proposal 3.

                                   PROPOSAL 4
                                  OTHER MATTERS

           The Board of Trustees of the Trust does not know of any matters to be
presented  at the  Special  Meeting  other  than  those set forth in this  Proxy
Statement.  If any other business  should come before the Special  Meeting,  the
persons named in the  accompanying  proxy will vote thereon in  accordance  with
their best judgment.



           The  officers of the Trust,  their ages,  and  principal  occupations
during the past five years, are as follows:

                             Position(s)       Principal Occupation
Name and Age                 with the Trust    During Past 5 Years
- ------------                 ---------         -------------------------------
Roger Noall, 64              Chairman          See   biographical    information
                                               Under   "Board  of  Trustees"  in
                                               Proposal 2.

Leigh A. Wilson, 54          President and     See biographical information
                             Trustee           under "Board of Trustees"
                                               in Proposal 2.

William B. Blundin, 60+      Vice President    Senior  Vice  President  of BISYS
                                               Fund  Services  Inc.   ("BISYS");
                                               officer   of   other   investment
                                               companies administered by BISYS.

J. David Huber, 52           Vice President    Managing Director, BISYS; officer
                                               of BISYS since June 1987.

Robert D. Hingston, 46       Secretary         Since   November    1998,    Vice
                                               President of BISYS;  from January
                                               1995 to October 1998, founder and
                                               principal   of   RDH   Associates
                                               (mutual      fund      management
                                               consulting  firm); from June 1980
                                               to January 1995,  Vice  President
                                               of   Investors   Bank   &   Trust

Joel B. Engle, 34            Treasurer         Since    September   1998,   Vice
                                               President  of BISYS;  from  March
                                               1995  to  September   1998,  Vice
                                               President,     Northern     Trust
                                               Company;   from   July   1994  to
                                               February      1995,       General
                                               Accountant,      Wanger     Asset
                                               Management;  from  September 1988
                                               to June 1994,  Audit Manager with
                                               Ernst & Young LLP.

Gary Tenkman, 29             Assistant         Since   April   1998,   Financial
                             Treasurer         Services Director for BISYS; from
                                               August 1997 to March 1998,  Audit
                                               Manager,  Ernst & Young LLP; from
                                               August  1994 to July 1997,  Audit
                                               Senior,  Ernst & Young LLP;  from
                                               July  1993  to July  1994,  Audit
                                               Staff, Ernst & Young LLP.

Jay Baris, 45                Assistant         Since  September  1994,  Partner,
                             Secretary         Kramer  Levin  Naftalis & Frankel


Richard F. Baxt, 46          Assistant         Since  March  1996,  Senior  Vice
                             Secretary         President  of BISYS;  from  March
                                               1994 to March 1996,  President of
                                               First Fidelity Brokers; from June
                                               1984 to March 1994,  President of
                                               Citicorp Investment Services.

+ Mr.  Blundin was an officer of the Trust during the fiscal year ending October
31, 1999. He resigned from BISYS and as an officer of the Trust effective August
23, 1999.

The mailing address of each officer of the Trust is 3435 Stelzer Road, Columbus,
Ohio 43219-3035.

The  officers  of the Trust  (other  than Mr.  Wilson)  receive no  compensation
directly  from the Trust for  performing  the  duties  of their  offices.  BISYS
receives fees from the Trust as Administrator.


           General  information about proxy voting. The Board of Trustees of the
Trust is soliciting your proxy to vote on the matters described in this combined
proxy statement and prospectus.  We expect to solicit proxies primarily by mail,
but  representatives of KAM or its affiliates or others may communicate with you
by mail or by telephone or other  electronic means to discuss your vote. We have
also  retained  Shareholders  Communication  Corporation  as  an  outside  proxy
solicitor to assist us in this  solicitation.  Representatives  of  Shareholders
Communication  Corporation may contact you if we do not receive your ballot.  We
estimate the cost of the outside proxy  solicitor to be  approximately  $1300.00
which  will  be  paid  by  the  Trust  on  behalf  of the  Funds.  We  will  ask
broker-dealers  and other institutions that hold shares for the benefit of their
customers  to send the proxy  materials to the  beneficial  owners and to obtain
authorization to vote on their behalf.

           You may vote directly  over the telephone by calling (800)  786-8764.
You may  also  fax your  ballot  to (800)  733-1885  or  return  it by mail.  In
addition, internet voting is available at

           Only  shareholders of record of the Funds at the close of business on
the record date,  January 21, 2000, may vote at the Special  Meeting.  As of the
record date,  each of the Funds had the number of shares issued and  outstanding
listed below, each share being entitled to one vote:

Fund Name                                      Total Shares Outstanding

Government Mortgage Fund
Ohio Regional Stock Fund

           As of January 21, 2000, the record date, the Trustees and officers of
the  Trust,  as a group,  owned less than 1% of the  outstanding  shares of each
Fund.  To the best of the  knowledge of the Trust,  the  following  shareholders
beneficially  owned 5% or more of the outstanding shares of a Fund as of January
21, 2000:
                                                               Percent of Fund
                                     Percent of Fund           Owned of Record
   Fund         Name and Address     Owned of Record           and Beneficially
   ----         ----------------     ---------------           ----------------


           You may cast one vote for each proposal for each whole share that you
own of a Fund.  We count  your  fractional  shares as  fractional  votes.  If we
receive your proxy before the Special  Meeting date, we will vote your shares as
you instruct the proxies.  If you sign and return your proxy, but do not specify
instructions, we will vote your shares in favor of each proposal. You may revoke
your proxy at any time before the  Special  Meeting if you notify us in writing,
or if you attend the Special Meeting in person and vote in person.

           If a broker or  nominee  returns a proxy  indicating  that it did not
receive  voting  instructions  from the beneficial  owner,  or if the beneficial
owner  marked an  abstention,  we will count those shares when we determine if a
quorum is present, but those proxies will not affect the outcome of any proposal
because those proxies will not "vote" at the Special Meeting.

           Quorum and  adjournments.  Each Fund will vote separately on Proposal
1. All  shareholders  of the Trust will vote  together on Proposals 2 and 3, and
shareholders of other funds in the Trust will receive a separate Proxy Statement
for that purpose.  Each Fund  requires  that a quorum at the Special  Meeting be
present,  in  person or by proxy,  to  conduct  the  Special  Meeting.  A simple
majority of all of the shares  outstanding  on the record date will be a quorum.
If a quorum is not present at the special meeting,  the persons named as proxies
may propose one or more  adjournments  of the Special  Meeting to permit further
solicitation of proxies. An affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of each
Fund  present at the Special  Meeting may  adjourn the Special  Meeting  without
further  notice,  until  the Fund  obtains  a  quorum.  In the event a quorum is
present but sufficient votes to approve a proposal are not received, the persons
named  as  proxies  may  propose  one or more  adjournments  to  permit  further
solicitation  of proxies.  If this  should  occur,  we will vote  proxies for or
against a motion to  adjourn in the same  proportion  to the votes  received  in
favor or against the proposal.

           Future  shareholder  proposals.  The  Trust is not  required  to hold
annual  meetings,  unless  required to do so by law. If you have a proposal  you
wish to be considered by  shareholders,  send your proposal to the Trust at 3435
Stelzer  Road,  Columbus,  Ohio  43219-3035.  We must receive  your  proposal in
sufficient time before the next meeting of  shareholders  for it to be included.
We do not  guarantee  that we will be able to include  any  proposal  in a proxy

           Recommendation of Board of Trustees.  After carefully considering all
of the  issues  involved,  the Board of  Trustees  of the Trust has  unanimously
concluded that each proposal is in the best interests of shareholders.


           The Victory Portfolios is a business trust established under Delaware
law.  The  operations  of the Trust are  governed  by a Trust  Instrument  dated
December 5, 1995, as amended.


           Each Victory Fund is a separate series of the Trust and, as such, has
similar  rights  under  the  Trust  Instrument  of The  Victory  Portfolios  and
applicable  Delaware law. You should be aware of the  following  features of the
Victory Funds:

           o         Shares  of each  class  of the  Victory  Funds  participate
                     equally in dividends and other  distributions  attributable
                     to that class,  including any distributions in the event of
                     a liquidation.

           o         Each share of each Victory Fund is entitled to one vote for
                     all purposes.

           o         Shares of all series of the Trust vote for the  election of
                     Trustees  and on any other matter that affects each Victory
                     Fund in substantially the same manner,  except as otherwise
                     required by law.

           o         As to matters  that affect each Fund  differently,  such as
                     approval of an  investment  advisory  agreement,  shares of
                     each series vote as a separate series.

           o         On matters that affect the classes of a series differently,
                     shares of each class vote separately.

           o         Delaware  law  does  not  require   registered   investment
                     companies,  such as the Trust or its series, to hold annual
                     meetings  of  shareholders   and  it  is  anticipated  that
                     shareholder  meetings  will be held only when  specifically
                     required by federal or state law.

           o         Shareholders  have  available  certain  procedures  for the
                     removal of Trustees.

           o         The Trust indemnifies  trustees and officers to the fullest
                     extent permitted under federal and Delaware law.

           Financial   Statements.   PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP,   independent
auditors of the Trust, has audited the financial  statements for the fiscal year
ended  October 31, 1999 that are  incorporated  by reference in the Statement of
Additional Information dated January ___, 2000.


           These  prospectuses  can be found under  separate cover provided with
your proxy materials.


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                         VICTORY ESTABLISHED VALUE FUND
                             VICTORY FUND FOR INCOME
                        VICTORY OHIO REGIONAL STOCK FUND


("Agreement") is made as of December __, 1999, between The Victory Portfolios, a
Delaware  business  trust  ("Victory"),   on  behalf  of  Fund  for  Income  and
Established  Value Fund,  segregated  portfolios  of assets  ("series")  thereof
(each, an "Acquiring Fund"), and Victory,  on behalf of Government Mortgage Fund
and Ohio Regional Stock Fund, segregated portfolios of assets ("series") thereof
(each, a "Target").  (Each  Acquiring Fund and Target are sometimes  referred to
herein  individually as a "Fund" and collectively as the "Funds," and Victory is
sometimes referred to herein as the "Investment Company.")

           All agreements,  representations,  and obligations  described  herein
made or to be  taken  or  undertaken  by any  Fund are made or shall be taken or
undertaken by Victory on the Fund's behalf.

           Government Mortgage Fund and Fund for Income are corresponding Target
and Acquiring Funds, respectively,  with respect to each other and Ohio Regional
Stock Fund and  Established  Value Fund are  corresponding  Target and Acquiring
Funds, respectively, with respect to each other.

           In  accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions  set  forth in this
Agreement,  the  parties  desire  that each  Target  transfer  its assets to the
corresponding  Acquiring Fund in exchange solely for voting shares of beneficial
interest  of  each  comparable  Class  in  the  corresponding   Acquiring  Fund,
("Acquiring  Fund's Shares") and the assumption by the  corresponding  Acquiring
Fund  of  the  Target's  liabilities,   and  that  each  Target  distribute  the
corresponding  Acquiring  Fund's  Shares  pro rata to the  holders  of shares of
beneficial  interest in Target ("Target's Shares") in liquidation of Target. All
such transactions with respect to a Target and its corresponding  Acquiring Fund
are referred to herein collectively as a "Reorganization."

           It is  intended  by  the  parties  hereto  that  each  Reorganization
constitute  a  reorganization  within the  meaning of Section  368(a)(1)  of the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended  (the  "Code").  The parties  hereto
hereby adopt this Agreement as a "plan of reorganization"  within the meaning of
Treasury Regulation Sections 1.368-2(g) and 1.368-3(a).

           Shares of Fund for Income are  currently  divided  into two  classes,
designated Class A Shares and Class G Shares. Government Mortgage Fund currently
has only one class of shares, designated Class A Shares.  Established Value Fund
currently has only one class of shares,  designated Class G Shares. An amendment
to Victory's registration statement on Form N-1A will be filed to register Class
A Shares for  Established  Value Fund.  Shares of Ohio  Regional  Stock Fund are
currently  divided  into two  classes,  designated  Class A Shares  and  Class B
Shares. Class A Shares of Fund for Income will be distributed to holder of Class
A Shares of Government Mortgage Fund in the Reorganization of that Fund. Class A
Shares of  Established


Value Fund will be  distributed to holders of Class A and Class B Shares of Ohio
Regional Stock Fund in the Reorganization of those Funds.

           In consideration of the mutual promises herein,  the parties covenant
and agree as follows:


1.1.       At the Effective Time (as defined in paragraph 3.1), each Target
           agrees to assign, sell, convey, transfer, and deliver all of its
           assets   described   in   paragraph   1.2   ("Assets")   to  the
           corresponding  Acquiring  Fund.  Each  Acquiring  Fund agrees in
           exchange therefor

           (a)   to issue and deliver to its corresponding  Target the number of
                 full and  fractional  Acquiring  Fund's  Shares  determined  by
                 dividing the net value of such Target (computed as set forth in
                 paragraph  2.1) by the NAV  (computed as set forth in paragraph
                 2.2) of the Acquiring Fund's Shares; and

           (b)   to  assume  all  of  such  Target's  liabilities  described  in
                 paragraph 1.3 ("Liabilities").

1.2.       Assets  shall  include,  without  limitation,   all  cash,  cash
           equivalents,  securities,  receivables  (including  interest and
           dividends  receivable),  claims and rights of action,  rights to
           register  shares under  applicable  securities  laws,  books and
           records,  deferred  and  prepaid  expenses  shown as  assets  on
           Target's  books,  and  other  property  owned by  Target  at the
           Effective Time.

1.3.       Liabilities shall include (except as otherwise  provided herein)
           all of Target's liabilities,  debts, obligations,  and duties of
           whatever kind or nature, whether absolute, accrued,  contingent,
           or otherwise,  whether or not arising in the ordinary  course of
           business, whether or not determinable at the Effective Time, and
           whether  or not  specifically  referred  to in  this  Agreement,
           including  without  limitation  Target's  share of the  expenses
           described  in  paragraph  7.2 and the  liabilities  to which the
           transferred Assets are subject.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,
           each Target  agrees to use its best efforts to discharge  all of
           its known Liabilities prior to the Effective Time.

1.4.       At or immediately  before the Effective  Time, each Target shall
           declare  and pay to its  shareholders  a dividend  and/or  other
           distribution  in an  amount  large  enough  so that it will have
           distributed  substantially  all (and in any  event not less than
           90%) of its investment  company taxable income (computed without
           regard to any deduction for  dividends  paid) and  substantially
           all of its  realized net capital  gain,  if any, for the current
           taxable year through the Effective Time.

1.5.       At  the  Effective  Time  (or as  soon  thereafter  as is  reasonably
           practicable),   each  Target  shall   distribute  the   corresponding
           Acquiring  Fund's Shares  received by it pursuant to paragraph 1.1 to
           such Target's shareholders of record,  determined as of the Effective
           Time (collectively  "Shareholders" and individually a "Shareholder"),
           in  exchange  for such  Target's  Shares and in  liquidation  of such
           Target. To accomplish this distribution,  the corresponding Acquiring
           Fund's transfer agent ("Transfer  Agent") shall open accounts on such
           Acquiring Fund's share transfer books in the


           Shareholders'   names  and  transfer  such  Acquiring  Fund's  Shares
           thereto.  Each  Shareholder's  account shall be credited with the pro
           rata  number of full and  fractional  (rounded  to the third  decimal
           place) Acquiring Fund's Shares due that Shareholder.  All outstanding
           Shares of such Target,  including any  represented  by  certificates,
           shall  simultaneously  be canceled on such  Target's  share  transfer
           books.  An Acquiring Fund shall not issue  certificates  representing
           such Acquiring  Fund's Shares in connection with its  Reorganization.
           However,   certificates   representing  each  Target's  Shares  shall
           represent  the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund's  Shares  after  each

1.6.       As soon as reasonably  practicable after distribution of an Acquiring
           Fund's Shares  pursuant to paragraph  1.5, the  corresponding  Target
           shall  be  terminated  and any  further  actions  shall  be  taken in
           connection therewith as required by applicable law. Each Target shall
           file such  instruments  and shall take all other steps  necessary  to
           effect a complete liquidation and dissolution of such Target.

1.7.       Any reporting responsibility of a Target to a public authority is and
           shall remain its responsibility up to and including the date on which
           it is terminated.

1.8.       Any  transfer  taxes  payable upon  issuance of an  Acquiring  Fund's
           Shares  in a name  other  than that of the  registered  holder on the
           corresponding  Target's  books  of  such  Target's  Shares  exchanged
           therefor  shall be paid by the person to whom such  Acquiring  Fund's
           Shares are to be issued, as a condition of such transfer.

2.         VALUATION

2.1.       For purposes of paragraph  1.1(a),  each  Target's net value shall be
           (a) the  value of the  Assets  computed  as of the  close of  regular
           trading on the New York Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE")  on the date of the
           Closing ("Valuation Time"),  using the valuation procedures set forth
           in such Target's then current  prospectus and statement of additional
           information  less  (b)  the  amount  of  the  Liabilities  as of  the
           Valuation Time.

2.2.       For purposes of paragraph  1.1(a),  the NAV of each Acquiring  Fund's
           Shares  shall  be  computed  as of  the  Valuation  Time,  using  the
           valuation  procedures  set forth in  Acquiring  Fund's  then  current
           prospectus and statement of additional information.

2.3.       All computations  pursuant to paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 shall be made by
           or under the direction of Key Asset Management Inc.


3.1.       Each   Reorganization,   together  with  related  acts  necessary  to
           consummate the same ("Closing"),  shall occur at the Funds' principal
           offices on _____________, 2000, or at such other place and/or on such
           other date upon which the parties may agree. All acts taking place at
           the Closing  shall be deemed to take place  simultaneously  as of the
           close of  business  on the date  thereof  or at such  other time upon
           which the  parties  may agree  ("Effective  Time").  If,  immediately
           before  the  Valuation  Time,  (a) the NYSE is closed to  trading  or
           trading  thereon is  restricted  or (b) trading or the  reporting  of


           trading  on the NYSE or  elsewhere  is  disrupted,  so that  accurate
           appraisal  of the net value of each  Target and the NAV per share for
           each  Acquiring  Fund is  impracticable,  the Effective Time shall be
           postponed  until  the  first  business  day  after  the day when such
           trading shall have been fully resumed and such  reporting  shall have
           been restored.

3.2.       Each Target shall deliver to Victory at the Closing a schedule of its
           Assets  as of the  Effective  Time,  which  shall  set  forth for all
           portfolio  securities  included  therein their adjusted tax bases and
           holding periods by lot. Each Target's  custodian shall deliver at the
           Closing a certificate of an authorized  officer  stating that (a) the
           Assets held by the custodian will be transferred to the corresponding
           Acquiring Fund at the Effective  Time and (b) all necessary  taxes in
           conjunction with the delivery of the Assets, including all applicable
           federal and state stock  transfer  stamps,  if any, have been paid or
           provision for payment has been made.

3.3.       The Transfer  Agent shall deliver at the Closing a certificate  as to
           the opening on each Acquiring Fund's share transfer books of accounts
           in the  names of the  corresponding  Target's  Shareholders.  Victory
           shall issue and deliver a confirmation to each Target  evidencing the
           Acquiring  Fund's  Shares  to be  credited  to  such  Target  at  the
           Effective Time or provide  evidence  satisfactory to such Target that
           the corresponding  Acquiring Fund's Shares have been credited to such
           Target's account on such Acquiring Fund's books. At the Closing, each
           party  shall  deliver  to the  other  such  bills  of  sale,  checks,
           assignments, stock certificates,  receipts, or other documents as the
           other party or its counsel may reasonably request.

3.4.       Victory,  on behalf of each Target and Acquiring Fund,  respectively,
           shall  deliver at the Closing a  certificate  executed in its name by
           its President or a Vice President and dated as of the Effective Time,
           to the effect that the representations and warranties it made in this
           Agreement  are true  and  correct  in all  material  respects  at the
           Effective  Time,  with the same force and effect as if made at and as
           of  the  Effective  Time,  except  as  they  may be  affected  by the
           transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


4.1.       Each Target represents and warrants as follows:

4.1.1.     At the  Closing,  Target will have good and  marketable  title to its
           Assets  and  full  right,  power,  and  authority  to  sell,  assign,
           transfer,  and  deliver  its  Assets  free  of  any  liens  or  other
           encumbrances;  and upon  delivery  and payment  for the  Assets,  the
           corresponding  Acquiring Fund will acquire good and marketable  title

4.1.2.     The corresponding  Acquiring Fund's Shares are not being acquired for
           the  purpose  of  making  any  distribution  thereof,  other  than in
           accordance with the terms hereof;

4.1.3.     Target's current  prospectus and statement of additional  information
           conform in all material  respects to the applicable  requirements  of
           the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("1933 Act"), and the 1940 Act
           and the rules  and  regulations  thereunder


           and do not include any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit
           any material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make
           the statements  therein,  in light of the  circumstances  under which
           they were made, not misleading;

4.1.4.     Target is not in violation of, and the execution and delivery of this
           Agreement and  consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby
           will not (a) conflict with or violate,  Delaware law or any provision
           of Victory's  Certificate of Declaration of Trust or Trust Instrument
           or  By-laws  or  of  any  agreement,   instrument,  lease,  or  other
           undertaking to which Target is a party or by which it is bound or (b)
           result in the  acceleration of any  obligation,  or the imposition of
           any penalty, under any agreement, judgment, or decree to which Target
           is a party or by which it is bound, except as previously disclosed in
           writing to and accepted by Victory;

4.1.5.     Except as otherwise  disclosed in writing to and accepted by Victory,
           all material  contracts  and other  commitments  of or  applicable to
           Target (other than this Agreement and investment contracts, including
           options and futures) will be  terminated,  or provision for discharge
           of any liabilities of Target  thereunder will be made, at or prior to
           the Effective Time, without Target incurring any liability or penalty
           with respect thereto and without  diminishing or releasing any rights
           Target may have had with respect to actions taken or not taken by any
           other party thereto prior to the Closing;

4.1.6.     Except as  otherwise  disclosed in writing to and accepted by Victory
           on  behalf  of  the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund,  no  litigation,
           administrative proceeding, or investigation of or before any court or
           governmental  body is presently  pending or (to  Target's  knowledge)
           threatened against Target or any of its properties or assets that, if
           adversely determined,  would materially and adversely affect Target's
           financial  condition or the conduct of its business;  Target knows of
           no facts that might  form the basis for the  institution  of any such
           litigation,  proceeding,  or  investigation  and is not a party to or
           subject to the  provisions of any order,  decree,  or judgment of any
           court or governmental  body that materially or adversely  affects its
           business or its ability to consummate the  transactions  contemplated

4.1.7.     The execution,  delivery,  and performance of this Agreement has been
           duly authorized as of the date hereof by all necessary  action on the
           part of  Victory's  board of trustees on behalf of Target,  which has
           made the determinations required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the 1940 Act;
           and, subject to approval by Target's  shareholders and receipt of any
           necessary exemptive relief or no-action assurances requested from the
           Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") or its staff with respect
           to  Sections  17(a) and 17(d) of the 1940 Act,  this  Agreement  will
           constitute  a  valid  and  legally  binding   obligation  of  Target,
           enforceable in accordance  with its terms,  except as the same may be
           limited   by    bankruptcy,    insolvency,    fraudulent    transfer,
           reorganization, moratorium, and similar laws relating to or affecting
           creditors' rights and by general principles of equity;


4.1.8.     At the Effective  Time, the  performance of this Agreement shall have
           been  duly   authorized   by  all   necessary   action  by   Target's

4.1.9.     No governmental consents, approvals,  authorizations,  or filings are
           required under the 1933 Act, the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
           amended  ("1934  Act"),   or  the  1940  Act  for  the  execution  or
           performance  of this  Agreement by Target,  except for (a) the filing
           with the SEC of a  registration  statement  by  Victory  on Form N-14
           relating  to  the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund's  Shares  issuable
           hereunder,  and any  supplement or amendment  thereto  ("Registration
           Statement"),  including therein a prospectus/proxy  statement ("Proxy
           Statement"),  (b)  receipt  of  the  exemptive  relief  or  no-action
           assurances  referenced in subparagraph  4.1.7, and (c) such consents,
           approvals,  authorizations, and filings as have been made or received
           or as may be required subsequent to the Effective Time;

4.1.10.    On the effective date of the Registration  Statement,  at the time of
           the  shareholders'  meeting  referred to in paragraph 5.2, and at the
           Effective  Time, the Proxy  Statement will (a) comply in all material
           respects  with the  applicable  provisions  of the 1933 Act, the 1934
           Act, and the 1940 Act and the rules and  regulations  thereunder  and
           (b) not contain any untrue  statement of a material  fact or omit any
           material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
           statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which such
           statements were made, not misleading.  This provision shall not apply
           to  statements  in or  omissions  from the  Proxy  Statement  made in
           reliance on and in conformity with  information  furnished by Victory
           for use therein;

4.2.       Each Acquiring Fund represents and warrants as follows:

4.2.1.     No  consideration  other than Acquiring  Fund's Shares (and Acquiring
           Fund's  assumption of the Liabilities) will be issued in exchange for
           the corresponding Target's Assets in the Reorganization;

4.2.2.     Acquiring   Fund's   Shares  to  be  issued  and   delivered  to  the
           corresponding Target hereunder will, at the Effective Time, have been
           duly  authorized  and, when issued and delivered as provided  herein,
           will be duly and validly issued and  outstanding  shares of Acquiring
           Fund, fully paid and nonassessable by Victory (except as disclosed in
           Victory's  then  current   prospectus  and  statement  of  additional
           information).  Except as contemplated  by this  Agreement,  Acquiring
           Fund does not have outstanding any options, warrants, or other rights
           to  subscribe  for  or  purchase  any  of its  shares,  nor is  there
           outstanding any security convertible into any of its shares;

4.2.3.     Acquiring  Fund's  current  prospectus  and  statement of  additional
           information  conform  in all  material  respects  to  the  applicable
           requirements  of the  1933 Act and the  1940  Act and the  rules  and
           regulations  thereunder and do not include any untrue  statement of a
           material fact or omit any material fact required to be stated therein
           or  necessary  to  make  the  statements  therein,  in  light  of the
           circumstances under which they were made, not misleading;


4.2.4.     Acquiring Fund is not in violation of, and the execution and delivery
           of this Agreement and consummation of the  transactions  contemplated
           hereby (a) will not  conflict  with or violate,  Delaware  law or any
           provision of Victory's  Certificate  of Trust or Trust  Instrument or
           By-laws or any  provision of any  agreement,  instrument,  lease,  or
           other  undertaking to which  Acquiring Fund is a party or by which it
           is bound or (b) result in the acceleration of any obligation,  or the
           imposition of any penalty,  under any agreement,  judgment, or decree
           to which Acquiring Fund is a party or by which it is bound, except as
           previously disclosed in writing to and accepted by Victory;

4.2.5.     Except as  otherwise  disclosed in writing to and accepted by Victory
           on behalf of its corresponding Target, no litigation,  administrative
           proceeding,  or  investigation of or before any court or governmental
           body  is  presently   pending  or  (to  Acquiring  Fund's  knowledge)
           threatened  against  Victory with respect to Acquiring Fund or any of
           its  properties  or  assets  that,  if  adversely  determined,  would
           materially and adversely affect Acquiring Fund's financial  condition
           or the conduct of its business; Acquiring Fund knows of no facts that
           might  form the basis  for the  institution  of any such  litigation,
           proceeding,  or investigation and is not a party to or subject to the
           provisions  of  any  order,  decree,  or  judgment  of any  court  or
           governmental  body that materially or adversely  affects its business
           or its ability to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;

4.2.6.     The execution,  delivery,  and performance of this Agreement has been
           duly authorized as of the date hereof by all necessary  action on the
           part of  Victory's  board of  trustees on behalf of  Acquiring  Fund,
           which has made the determinations required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the
           1940 Act; and,  subject to receipt of any necessary  exemptive relief
           or  no-action  assurances  requested  from the SEC or its staff  with
           respect to Sections  17(a) and 17(d) of the 1940 Act, this  Agreement
           will constitute a valid and legally  binding  obligation of Acquiring
           Fund,  enforceable in accordance  with its terms,  except as the same
           may  be  limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent  transfer,
           reorganization, moratorium, and similar laws relating to or affecting
           creditors' rights and by general principles of equity;

4.2.7.     No governmental consents, approvals,  authorizations,  or filings are
           required  under the 1933 Act,  the 1934 Act,  or the 1940 Act for the
           execution or performance of this Agreement by Victory, except for (a)
           the  filing  with  the  SEC  of  the  Registration  Statement  and  a
           post-effective  amendment to Victory's registration statement on Form
           N-1A,  (b) receipt of the  exemptive  relief or no-action  assurances
           referenced in subparagraph  4.2.6, and (c) such consents,  approvals,
           authorizations,  and  filings as have been made or received or as may
           be required subsequent to the Effective Time;

4.2.8.     On the effective date of the Registration  Statement,  at the time of
           the  shareholders'  meeting  referred to in paragraph 5.2, and at the
           Effective  Time, the Proxy  Statement will (a) comply in all material
           respects  with the  applicable  provisions  of the 1933 Act, the 1934
           Act, and the 1940 Act and the rules and  regulations  thereunder  and
           (b) not contain any untrue  statement of a material  fact


           or omit any material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary
           to make the statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances under
           which such statements  were made, not  misleading;  provided that the
           foregoing  shall not apply to  statements  in or  omissions  from the
           Proxy   Statement  made  in  reliance  on  and  in  conformity   with
           information furnished by the corresponding Target for use therein;

4.3.       Victory, on behalf of each Fund, represents and warrants as follows:

4.3.1.     Victory is a business trust that is duly organized, validly existing,
           and in good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware;  and a
           copy of its Certificate of Trust is on file with the Secretary of the
           State of Delaware;

4.3.2.     Victory  is duly  registered  as an  open-end  management  investment
           company  under the 1940 Act,  and such  registration  will be in full
           force and effect at the Effective Time;

4.3.3.     Each Fund is a duly established and designated series of Victory.

5.         COVENANTS

5.1.       Each  Fund  covenants  to  operate  its  respective  business  in the
           ordinary  course  between the date hereof and the  Closing,  it being
           understood that (a) such ordinary  course will include  declaring and
           paying customary  dividends and other  distributions and such changes
           in operations  as are  contemplated  by each Fund's  normal  business
           activities  and (b) each Fund will  retain  exclusive  control of the
           composition  of its  portfolio  until the Closing;  provided  that no
           Target  shall  dispose of more than an  insignificant  portion of its
           historic business assets during such period without the corresponding
           Acquiring Fund's prior consent.

5.2.       Each Target  covenants to call a special  meeting of  shareholders to
           consider  and act upon this  Agreement  and to take all other  action
           necessary to obtain approval of the transactions contemplated hereby.

5.3.       Each Target covenants that its corresponding  Acquiring Fund's Shares
           to be delivered  hereunder are not being  acquired for the purpose of
           making any  distribution  thereof,  other than in accordance with the
           terms hereof.

5.4.       Each Target  covenants  that it will assist Victory in obtaining such
           information as Victory reasonably  requests concerning the beneficial
           ownership of its Shares.

5.5.       Each Target covenants that its books and records (including all books
           and  records  required  to be  maintained  under the 1940 Act and the
           rules and regulations  thereunder)  will be turned over to Victory at
           the Closing.

5.6.       Each Fund covenants to cooperate in preparing the Proxy  Statement in
           compliance with applicable federal securities laws.


5.7.       Each Fund  covenants  that it will,  from  time to time,  as and when
           requested by the corresponding  Fund, execute and deliver or cause to
           be executed and delivered all such assignments and other instruments,
           and  will  take or  cause to be taken  such  further  action,  as the
           corresponding  Fund may deem  necessary or desirable in order to vest
           in, and confirm to, (a) each Acquiring Fund,  title to and possession
           of all corresponding  Target's Assets, and (b) each Target, title to,
           and  possession of the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund's Shares to be
           delivered  hereunder,  and  otherwise  to carry  out the  intent  and
           purpose hereof.

5.8.       Each Acquiring Fund covenants to use all reasonable efforts to obtain
           the approvals and  authorizations  required by the 1933 Act, the 1940
           Act, and such state  securities  laws as it may deem  appropriate  in
           order to continue its operations after the Effective Time.

5.9.       Subject to this Agreement, each Fund covenants to take or cause to be
           taken  all  actions,  and  to do or  cause  to be  done  all  things,
           reasonably   necessary,   proper,  or  advisable  to  consummate  and
           effectuate the transactions contemplated hereby.

5.10.      Victory covenants to file an amendment to its registration  statement
           on Form N-1A to register Class A Shares of Established Value Fund.

5.11.      Victory,  on behalf of Ohio Regional  Stock Fund,  covenants  that it
           will take all reasonable action to ensure that comparable  classes of
           shares exist between it and Established Value Fund.


6.1.       Each Fund's obligations hereunder shall be subject to (a) performance
           by its  corresponding  Fund of all the  obligations  to be  performed
           hereunder at or before the Effective  Time,  (b) all  representations
           and warranties of the corresponding  Fund contained herein being true
           and  correct in all  material  respects  as of the date  hereof  and,
           except  as they  may be  affected  by the  transactions  contemplated
           hereby,  as of the Effective  Time, with the same force and effect as
           if  made at and as of the  Effective  Time,  and  (c)  the  following
           further conditions that, at or before the Effective Time:

6.1.1.     This Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have
           been duly  adopted  and  approved by  Victory's  board of trustees on
           behalf of Target and  Acquiring  Fund and shall have been approved by
           each Target's shareholders in accordance with applicable law.

6.1.2.     All  necessary  filings  shall  have been made with the SEC and state
           securities  authorities,  and no order or  directive  shall have been
           received  that any other or further  action is required to permit the
           parties  to  carry  out the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  The
           Registration  Statement  shall have become  effective  under the 1933
           Act, no stop orders suspending the  effectiveness  thereof shall have
           been issued,  and the SEC shall not have issued an unfavorable report
           with respect to the  Reorganization  under  section 25(b) of the 1940
           Act nor instituted any proceedings  seeking to enjoin consummation of
           the transactions  contemplated


           hereby under section 25(c) of the 1940 Act. All consents, orders, and
           permits  of  federal,   state,  and  local   regulatory   authorities
           (including the SEC and state securities authorities) deemed necessary
           by any Fund to permit consummation,  in all material respects, of the
           transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have been  obtained,  except
           where  failure  to  obtain  the same  would  not  involve a risk of a
           material  adverse  effect on the  assets or  properties  of any Fund,
           provided that any Fund may for itself waive any of such conditions.

6.1.3.     At the Effective Time, no action,  suit, or other proceeding shall be
           pending before any court or governmental agency in which it is sought
           to  restrain or  prohibit,  or to obtain  damages or other  relief in
           connection with, the transactions contemplated hereby.

6.1.4.     The amendment to the Fund's registration statement on Form N-1A filed
           by Victory on behalf of Established  Value Fund  registering  Class A
           Shares shall have become effective.

6.1.5.     Each Target shall have received an opinion of Kramer Levin Naftalis &
           Frankel LLP, counsel to Victory, substantially to the effect that:   Its  corresponding  acquiring  Fund is a duly  established  series of
           Victory,  a business trust duly organized and validly  existing under
           the laws of the  State of  Delaware  with the  power  under its Trust
           Instrument  to own  all of its  properties  and  assets  and,  to the
           knowledge  of such  counsel,  to carry on its  business as  presently
           conducted;   This Agreement (a) has been duly authorized,  executed, and delivered
           by  Victory  on behalf of its  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund and (b)
           assuming due authorization, execution, and delivery of this Agreement
           by Target, is a valid and legally binding  obligation of Victory with
           respect  to  the   corresponding   Acquiring  Fund,   enforceable  in
           accordance  with its  terms,  except  as the same may be  limited  by
           bankruptcy,    insolvency,   fraudulent   transfer,   reorganization,
           moratorium,  and similar  laws  relating to or  affecting  creditors'
           rights and remedies by general  principles of equity,  and principles
           of course of dealing or course of  performance  and standards of good
           faith,  fair  dealing,  materiality  or  reasonablenesss  that may be
           applied by a court to the exercise of rights and remedies;   Each  Acquiring  Fund's  Shares to be issued and  distributed  to the
           Shareholders  under this  Agreement,  assuming  their due delivery as
           contemplated by this  Agreement,  will be duly authorized and validly
           issued and  outstanding and fully paid and  nonassessable  (except as
           disclosed  in  Victory's  then current  prospectus  and  statement of
           additional information);   The  execution  and  delivery  of this  Agreement  did  not,  and the
           consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  will  not,
           materially  violate  Victory's  Trust  Instrument  or  By-laws or any
           provision  of any  agreement  (known  to such  counsel,  without  any
           independent  inquiry or investigation) to which Victory (with respect
           to the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund)  is a party or by which it is
           bound or (to the knowledge of such counsel,  without any  independent
           inquiry  or   investigation)   result  in  the  acceleration  of  any
           obligation,  or the  imposition of any penalty,  under any agreement,
           judgment,   or  decree  to  which   Victory   (with  respect  to  the


           Acquiring  Fund)  is a party or by  which  it  (with  respect  to the
           corresponding  Acquiring Fund) is bound,  except as set forth in such
           opinion or as  previously  disclosed  in writing to and  accepted  by
           Victory;   To the knowledge of such counsel (without any independent  inquiry or
           investigation),  no consent, approval, authorization, or order of any
           court or governmental  authority is required for the  consummation by
           Victory  on  behalf  of  the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund  of  the
           transactions  contemplated herein,  except such as have been obtained
           under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940 Act and such as may be
           required under state securities laws;   Victory is registered with the SEC as an investment  company,  and to
           the  knowledge of such counsel no order has been issued or proceeding
           instituted to suspend such registration; and   To the knowledge of such counsel (without any independent  inquiry or
           investigation),  (a) no  litigation,  administrative  proceeding,  or
           investigation of or before any court or governmental  body is pending
           or  threatened  as to  Victory  (with  respect  to the  corresponding
           Acquiring  Fund) or any of its properties or assets  attributable  or
           allocable to the  corresponding  Acquiring Fund and (b) Victory (with
           respect  to the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund) is not a party to or
           subject to the  provisions of any order,  decree,  or judgment of any
           court or governmental  body that materially and adversely affects the
           corresponding Acquiring Fund's business,  except as set forth in such
           opinion or as  otherwise  disclosed  in writing  to and  accepted  by

           In rendering  such opinion,  such counsel may (i) rely, as to matters
           governed  by the laws of the  State of  Delaware,  on an  opinion  of
           competent  Delaware  counsel,  (ii) make  assumptions  regarding  the
           authenticity,  genuineness, and/or conformity of documents and copies
           thereof without independent  verification  thereof,  (iii) limit such
           opinion to  applicable  federal  and state law,  (iv) define the word
           "knowledge" and related terms to mean the knowledge of attorneys then
           with such firm who have  devoted  substantive  attention  to  matters
           directly related to this Agreement and each  Reorganization;  and (v)
           rely on certificates of officers or trustees of Victory, in each case
           reasonably acceptable to Victory.

6.1.6.     Each  Acquiring  Fund shall have  received an opinion of Kramer Levin
           Naftalis & Frankel  LLP,  counsel to  Victory,  substantially  to the
           effect that:   Its  corresponding  Target is an  established  series of  Victory,  a
           business trust duly organized and validly  existing under the laws of
           the State of


           Delaware  with  power  under its Trust  Instrument  to own all of its
           properties and assets and, to the knowledge of such counsel, to carry
           on its business as presently conducted;   This Agreement (a) has been duly authorized,  executed, and delivered
           by Victory on behalf of its corresponding Target and (b) assuming due
           authorization,  execution,  and delivery of this Agreement by Victory
           on behalf of the  Acquiring  Fund,  is a valid  and  legally  binding
           obligation of each  corresponding  Target,  enforceable in accordance
           with its  terms,  except as the same may be  limited  by  bankruptcy,
           insolvency,  fraudulent  transfer,  reorganization,  moratorium,  and
           similar laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights and remedies,
           by general  principles of equity, and principles of course of dealing
           or course of  performance  and  standards of good faith fair dealing,
           materiality or  reasonableness  that may be applied by a court to the
           exercise of rights and remedies.   The  execution  and  delivery  of this  Agreement  did  not,  and the
           consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby will not, (a)
           materially  violate  Victory's  Trust  Instrument  or  By-laws or any
           provision  of any  agreement  (known  to such  counsel,  without  any
           independent  inquiry or investigation) to which Victory (with respect
           to the  corresponding  Target)  is a party or by which it is bound or
           (b) (to  the  knowledge  of such  counsel,  without  any  independent
           inquiry  or   investigation)   result  in  the  acceleration  of  any
           obligation,  or the  imposition of any penalty,  under any agreement,
           judgment,   or  decree  to  which   Victory   (with  respect  to  the
           corresponding  Target) is a party or by which it (with respect to the
           corresponding  Target) is bound,  except as set forth in such opinion
           or as previously disclosed in writing to and accepted by Victory;   To the knowledge of such counsel (without any independent  inquiry or
           investigation),  no consent, approval, authorization, or order of any
           court or governmental  authority is required for the  consummation by
           Victory  on behalf of the  corresponding  Target of the  transactions
           contemplated hereby, except such as have been obtained under the 1933
           Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940 Act and such as may be required under
           state securities laws;   Victory is registered with the SEC as an investment  company,  and to
           the  knowledge of such counsel no order has been issued or proceeding
           instituted to suspend such registration; and   To the knowledge of such counsel (without any independent  inquiry or
           investigation),  (a) no  litigation,  administrative  proceeding,  or
           investigation of or before any court or governmental  body is pending
           or  threatened  as to  Victory  (with  respect  to the  corresponding
           Target) or any of its properties or assets  attributable or allocable
           to the  corresponding  Target and (b)  Victory  (with  respect to the


           Target) is not a party to or subject to the  provisions of any order,
           decree, or judgment of any court or governmental body that materially
           and adversely affects the corresponding Target's business,  except as
           set forth in such opinion or as otherwise disclosed in writing to and
           accepted by Victory.

           In rendering  such opinion,  such counsel may (i) rely, as to matters
           governed  by the laws of the  State of  Delaware,  on an  opinion  of
           competent  Delaware  counsel,  (ii) make  assumptions  regarding  the
           authenticity,  genuineness, and/or conformity of documents and copies
           thereof without independent  verification  thereof,  (iii) limit such
           opinion to  applicable  federal  and state law,  (iv) define the word
           "knowledge" and related terms to mean the knowledge of attorneys then
           with such firm who have  devoted  substantive  attention  to  matters
           directly related to this Agreement and each  Reorganization,  and (v)
           rely on certificates of officers or trustees of Target;  in each case
           reasonably acceptable to Victory.

6.1.7.     Victory,  on behalf of each  Target and its  corresponding  Acquiring
           Fund,  shall have  received  an opinion  of Kramer  Levin  Naftalis &
           Frankel  LLP  addressed  to  and in  form  and  substance  reasonably
           satisfactory to it, as to the federal income tax consequences of each
           Reorganization  ("Tax Opinion").  In rendering the Tax Opinion,  such
           counsel  may rely as to  factual  matters,  exclusively  and  without
           independent  verification,   on  the  representations  made  in  this
           Agreement  (and/or in separate letters addressed to such counsel) and
           each Fund's separate covenants.  Each party agrees to make reasonable
           covenants  and  representations  as to  factual  matters  as  of  the
           Effective Time in connection with the rendering of such opinion.  The
           Tax Opinion shall be  substantially  to the effect that, based on the
           facts and assumptions  stated therein and conditioned on consummation
           of each Reorganization in accordance with this Agreement, for federal
           income tax purposes:   Each  Reorganization  will  constitute  a  reorganization  within the
           meaning of section  368(a)(1)  of the Code,  and each Fund will be "a
           party to a  reorganization"  within the meaning of section  368(b) of
           the Code;   No gain or loss will be  recognized  by Target on the transfer to the
           corresponding  Acquiring  Fund of Assets in  exchange  solely for the
           Acquiring   Fund's   Shares  and  Acquiring   Fund's   assumption  of
           Liabilities or on the subsequent  distribution of those shares to the
           Shareholders in liquidation of such Target;   No gain  or loss  will be  recognized  by the  Acquiring  Fund on its
           receipt of Assets in exchange solely for Acquiring  Fund's Shares and
           its assumption of Liabilities;   Each Acquiring  Fund's adjusted tax basis in the Assets acquired will
           be equal to the basis  thereof in the  corresponding  Target's  hands
           immediately  before such  Reorganization,  and each Acquiring  Fund's
           holding period for the Assets will include the corresponding Target's
           holding period therefor;

                                      -13-   A Shareholder  will  recognize no gain or loss on the exchange of its
           Target Shares solely for the  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund's Shares
           pursuant to a Reorganization; and   A  Shareholder's  aggregate tax basis in any Acquiring  Fund's Shares
           received by it in a Reorganization will equal its aggregate tax basis
           in its  Target  Shares  surrendered  in  exchange  therefor,  and its
           holding  period for such  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  will  include  its
           holding  period for such Target  Shares,  provided such Target Shares
           are held as capital assets by the Shareholder at the Effective Time.

6.2.       At any time  before  the  Closing,  each  Fund may  waive  any of the
           foregoing  conditions  if,  in the  judgment  of  Victory's  board of
           trustees,  such waiver will not have a material adverse effect on its
           shareholders' interests.


7.1.       Victory,  on behalf of each Fund,  represents and warrants that there
           are no  brokers or  finders  entitled  to  receive  any  payments  in
           connection with the transactions provided for herein.

7.2.       Each  Fund  will be  responsible  for its own  expenses  incurred  in
           connection with each Reorganization, as agreed to by the parties.


8.1.       Neither party has made any representation,  warranty, or covenant not
           set forth herein, and this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
           between the parties. The representations,  warranties,  and covenants
           contained herein or in any document  delivered  pursuant hereto or in
           connection herewith shall survive the Closing.


9.1.       This  Agreement  may be  terminated  at any  time at or  prior to the
           Effective  Time,  whether  before or after  approval by each Target's

9.1.1.     By  any  Fund  (a)  in  the  event  of  a  material   breach  of  any
           representation,   warranty,   or  covenant  contained  herein  to  be
           performed at or prior to the  Effective  Time,  (b) if a condition to
           its obligations has not been met and it reasonably  appears that such
           condition  will not or cannot be met,  or (c) if the  Closing has not
           occurred on or before March 30, 2000; or

9.1.2.     By the parties' mutual agreement.

9.2.       In the event of termination under paragraphs 9.1.1(c) or 9.1.2, there
           shall be no liability for damages on the part of either Fund affected
           by the  termination,  or the trustees or officers of Victory,  to its
           corresponding Fund.


10.        AMENDMENT

10.1.      This Agreement may be amended, modified, or supplemented at any time,
           notwithstanding  approval thereof by each Target's  Shareholders,  in
           such manner as may be mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties;
           provided that following such approval no such amendment  shall have a
           material adverse effect on such Shareholders' interests.


11.1.      This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
           the internal  laws of the State of Delaware;  provided  that,  in the
           case of any  conflict  between  such laws and the federal  securities
           laws, the latter shall govern.

11.2.      Nothing expressed or implied herein is intended or shall be construed
           to confer upon or give any person,  firm, trust, or corporation other
           than the  parties  and their  respective  successors  and assigns any
           rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

11.3.      The parties  acknowledge that Victory is a business trust.  Notice is
           hereby given that this  instrument is executed on behalf of Victory's
           trustees solely in their capacity as trustees,  and not individually,
           and that  Victory's  obligations  under this  instrument on behalf of
           each  Fund  are not  binding  on or  enforceable  against  any of its
           trustees,  officers,  or  shareholders,  but are only  binding on and
           enforceable  against the respective Funds' assets and property.  Each
           Fund  agrees  that,  in  asserting  any  rights or claims  under this
           Agreement,  it shall look only to the corresponding Fund's assets and
           property  in  settlement  of such  rights or  claims  and not to such
           trustees or shareholders.

11.4.      Victory agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each trustee of Victory
           at the time of the  execution  of this  Agreement  against  expenses,
           including reasonable  attorneys' fees,  judgments,  fines and amounts
           paid in settlement,  actually and reasonably incurred by such trustee
           in  connection  with any claim that is asserted  against such trustee
           arising  out of  such  person's  service  as a  trustee  of  Victory,
           provided  that  such  indemnification  shall be  limited  to the full
           extent of the  indemnification  that is  available to the trustees of
           Victory  pursuant to the provisions of Victory's Trust Instrument and
           applicable law.

11.5.      For the period beginning at the time of the Reorganization and ending
           not less than three  years  thereafter,  Victory  shall  provide  for
           liability  coverage  for the  actions  of each  trustee of Victory on
           behalf of each Target at the time of the execution of this  Agreement
           for the period they served as such.


           IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each  party has caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed by its duly authorized officer.

ATTEST:                                  THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS, on behalf
                                         of its series:
                                         Fund for Income
                                         Established Value Fund

___________________________________      _____________________________________

___________________________________      By:  ________________________________
             Secretary                                   Vice President

ATTEST:                                   THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS, on behalf
                                          of its series:
                                          Government Mortgage Fund
                                          Ohio Regional Stock Fund

___________________________________      _____________________________________

___________________________________      By:  ________________________________
            Secretary                                  Vice President


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS

                                TRUST INSTRUMENT

                             DATED DECEMBER 6, 1995

                 AMENDED AND RESTATED AS OF _________ ___, 2000

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE I - NAME AND DEFINITIONS................................................
    Section 1.01 Name...........................................................

    Section 1.02 Definitions....................................................

ARTICLE II - BENEFICIAL INTEREST................................................
    Section 2.01 Shares Of Beneficial Interest..................................

    Section 2.02 Issuance of Shares.............................................

    Section 2.03 Register of Shares and Share Certificates......................

    Section 2.04 Transfer of Shares.............................................

    Section 2.05 Treasury Shares................................................

    Section 2.06 Establishment of Series........................................

    Section 2.07 Investment in the Trust........................................

    Section 2.08 Assets and Liabilities of Series...............................

    Section 2.09 No Preemptive Rights...........................................

    Section 2.10 No Personal Liability of Shareholder...........................

ARTICLE III - THE TRUSTEES......................................................
    Section 3.01  Management of the Trust.......................................

    Section 3.02 Initial Trustees...............................................

    Section 3.03 Term of Office.................................................

    Section 3.04  Vacancies and Appointments....................................

    Section 3.05  Temporary Absence.............................................

    Section 3.06  Number of Trustees............................................

    Section 3.07  Effect of Ending of a Trustee's Service.......................

    Section 3.08 Ownership of Assets of the Trust...............................

ARTICLE IV - POWERS OF THE TRUSTEES.............................................
    Section 4.01 Powers.........................................................

    Section 4.02  Issuance and Repurchase of Shares.............................

    Section 4.03 Trustees and Officers as Shareholders..........................

    Section 4.04  Action by the Trustees........................................

    Section 4.05 Chairman of the Trustees.......................................

    Section 4.06 Principal Transactions.........................................

ARTICLE V - EXPENSES OF THE TRUST...............................................

ADMINISTRATOR AND TRANSFER AGENT................................................
    Section 6.01 Investment Adviser.............................................

    Section 6.02  Principal Underwriter.........................................

    Section 6.03 Administration.................................................

    Section 6.04 Transfer Agent.................................................

    Section 6.05  Parties to Contract...........................................

    Section 6.06  Provisions and Amendments.....................................

    Section 7.01  Voting Powers.................................................

    Section 7.02  Meetings......................................................

    Section 7.03  Quorum and Required Vote......................................

ARTICLE VIII - CUSTODIAN........................................................
    Section 8.01  Appointment and Duties........................................

    Section 8.02  Central Certificate System....................................

ARTICLE IX - DISTRIBUTIONS AND REDEMPTIONS......................................
    Section 9.01 Distributions..................................................

    Section 9.02  Redemptions...................................................

    Section 9.03  Determination of Net
                  Asset Value and Valuation of Portfolio Assets.................

    Section 9.04  Suspension of the Right of Redemption.........................

    Section 10.01  Limitation of Liability......................................

    Section 10.02  Indemnification..............................................

    Section 10.03  Shareholders.................................................

ARTICLE XI - MISCELLANEOUS......................................................
    Section 11.01  Trust Not a Partnership......................................

    Section 11.02  Trustee's Good Faith Action, Expert
                   Advice, No Bond or Surety....................................

    Section 11.03  Establishment of Record Dates................................

    Section 11.04 Dissolution and Termination of Trust..........................

    Section 11.05  Reorganization and Master/Feeder.............................

    Section 11.06  Filing of Copies, References Headings........................

    Section 11.07  Applicable Law...............................................

    Section 11.08  Derivative Actions...........................................

    Section 11.08  Amendments...................................................

    Section 11.10  Fiscal Year..................................................

    Section 11.11  Name Reservation.............................................

    Section 11.12  Provisions in Conflict With Law..............................

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS

                                December 6, 1995

                 Amended and Restated as of __________ ___, 2000

     TRUST INSTRUMENT of The Victory Portfolios,  a Delaware business trust (the
"Trust"),  amended and restated by Harry Gazelle, Eugene J. McDonald,  Thomas F.
Morrissey,  Roger Noall,  Frank A. Weil, Leigh A. Wilson, and H. Patrick Swygert
(the "Trustees").

     WHEREAS  Robert G. Brown,  Edward P. Campbell,  Harry  Gazelle,  Stanley I.
Landgraf,  Thomas F. Morrissey,  Leigh A. Wilson, and H. Patrick Swygert, as the
initial  Trustees  of the  Trust,  established  the  Trust  pursuant  to a Trust
Instrument dated December 6, 1995 (the "Original Trust Instrument"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Trustees  declare that all money and property  contributed to
the  Trust  hereunder  shall  be held and  managed  in trust  under  this  Trust
Instrument as set forth herein; and

     WHEREAS,  the Trustees  consider it necessary and  appropriate to amend and
restate the Original Trust Instrument; and

     WHEREAS,  a majority of the  Shareholders of the Trust voted to approve the
amendment and restatement of the Original Trust  Instrument at a meeting held on
__________ ___, 2000;

     NOW  THEREFORE,  the Original  Trust  Instrument is amended and restated as

                                    ARTICLE I
                              NAME AND DEFINITIONS

     Section 1.01 Name.  The name of the trust created under the Original  Trust
Instrument and continued hereby is "The Victory Portfolios."

     Section 1.02 Definitions.  Wherever used herein,  unless otherwise required
by the context or specifically provided:

          (a) The  "1940  Act"  means the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as
amended from time to time. Whenever reference is made hereunder to the 1940 Act,
such references shall be interpreted as including any applicable order or orders
of  the  Commission  or any  rules  or  regulations  adopted  by the  Commission
thereunder or interpretive releases of the Commission staff;

          (b) "Bylaws" means the Bylaws of the Trust as adopted by the Trustees,
as amended from time to time;

          (c)  "Commission"  has  the  meaning  given  it in the  1940  Act.  In
addition,  "Affiliated Person," "Assignment," "Interested Person" and "Principal
Underwriter"  shall  have the  respective  meanings  given them in the 1940 Act.
"Majority  Shareholder  Vote" shall have the same meaning as the term "vote of a
majority of the outstanding voting securities" under the 1940 Act;


          (d)  "Delaware  Act" refers to Chapter 38 of Title 12 of the  Delaware
Code titled  "Treatment  of Delaware  Business  Trusts," as amended from time to

          (e) "Net Asset  Value" means the net asset value of each Series of the
Trust determined in the manner provided in Article IX, Section 9.03 hereof;

          (f) "Outstanding Shares" means those Shares shown from time to time in
the books of the Trust or its transfer agent as then issued and outstanding, but
shall not include  Shares which have been redeemed or  repurchased  by the Trust
and which are at the time held in the treasury of the Trust;

          (g)  "Series"  means a series of Shares  of the Trust  established  in
accordance with the provisions of Article II, Section 2.06 hereof;

          (h)  "Shareholder"  means a record owner of Outstanding  Shares of the

          (i)  "Shares"  means the  equal  proportionate  transferable  units of
beneficial  interest  into which the  beneficial  interest of each Series of the
Trust or class thereof  shall be divided and may include  fractions of Shares as
well as whole Shares;

          (j) The "Trust"  means The  Victory  Portfolios,  a Delaware  business
trust,  and reference to the Trust when  applicable to one or more Series of the
Trust, shall refer to any such Series;

          (k) The "Trustees"  means the person or persons who has or have signed
this  Trust  Instrument  so long as he or  they  shall  continue  in  office  in
accordance with the terms hereof and all other persons who may from time to time
be duly  qualified and serving as Trustees in accordance  with the provisions of
Article III hereof,  and reference  herein to a Trustee or to the Trustees shall
refer to the  individual  Trustees  in their  respective  capacity  as  Trustees

          (l) "Trust  Instrument"  means this  Trust  Instrument,  as amended or
restated from time to time.

          (m) "Trust  Property"  means any and all  property,  real or personal,
tangible or  intangible,  which is owned or held by or for the account of one or
more of the Trust or any Series,  or the  Trustees on behalf of the Trust or any

                                   ARTICLE II
                               BENEFICIAL INTEREST

     Section 2.01 Shares Of Beneficial Interest.  The beneficial interest in the
Trust shall be divided  into such Shares of one or more  separate  and  distinct
Series or classes of a Series as set forth in  Section  2.06 or as the  Trustees
shall  otherwise  from time to time create and  establish as provided in Section
2.06. The number of Shares of each Series and class thereof authorized


hereunder is unlimited.  Each Share shall have a par value of $0.001. All Shares
issued hereunder,  including,  without  limitation,  Shares issued in connection
with a  dividend  paid in Shares or a split of  Shares,  shall be fully paid and

     Section 2.02 Issuance of Shares. The Trustees in their discretion may, from
time to time,  without a vote of the Shareholders,  issue Shares, in addition to
the then issued and outstanding Shares and Shares held in the treasury,  to such
party or  parties  and for such  amount  and type of  consideration,  subject to
applicable law, including cash or securities,  at such time or times and on such
terms as the Trustees may deem appropriate, and may in such manner acquire other
assets  (including the acquisition of assets subject to, and in connection with,
the assumption of liabilities)  and businesses.  In connection with any issuance
of Shares,  the  Trustees  may issue  fractional  Shares and Shares  held in the
treasury. The Trustees may from time to time divide or combine the Shares into a
greater or lesser number without thereby changing the  proportionate  beneficial
interests  in the Trust.  Contributions  to the Trust may be accepted  for,  and
Shares  shall be  redeemed  as,  whole  Shares  and/or  1/1000ths  of a Share or
integral  multiples  thereof.  The  Trustees  or any  person  the  Trustees  may
authorize for the purpose may, in their  discretion,  reject any application for
the issuance of shares.

     Section 2.03 Register of Shares and Share Certificates. A register shall be
kept at the principal  office of the Trust or an office of the Trust's  transfer
agent which shall  contain the names and addresses of the  Shareholders  of each
Series,  the number of Shares of that  Series (or any class or classes  thereof)
held by them  respectively  and a  record  of all  transfers  thereof.  No share
certificates  shall be issued by the Trust except as the Trustees may  otherwise
authorize,  and the persons  indicated as shareholders in such register shall be
entitled to receive dividends or other distributions or otherwise to exercise or
enjoy the rights of  Shareholders.  No Shareholder  shall be entitled to receive
payment of any dividend or other  distribution,  nor to have notice given to him
as herein or in the  Bylaws  provided,  until he has  given his  address  to the
transfer  agent or such officer or other agent of the Trustees as shall keep the
said register for entry thereon.

     Section  2.04  Transfer  of Shares.  Except as  otherwise  provided  by the
Trustees,  Shares shall be  transferable on the records of the Trust only by the
record holder thereof or by his agent thereunto duly authorized in writing, upon
delivery  to the  Trustees  or the  Trust's  transfer  agent of a duly  executed
instrument of transfer and such evidence of the  genuineness  of such  execution
and  authorization and of such other matters as may be required by the Trustees.
Upon such delivery the transfer  shall be recorded on the register of the Trust.
Until such record is made,  the  Shareholder of record shall be deemed to be the
holder of such Shares for all  purposes  hereunder  and neither the Trustees nor
the Trust,  nor any  transfer  agent or registrar  nor any officer,  employee or
agent of the Trust shall be affected by any notice of the proposed transfer.

     Section 2.05  Treasury  Shares.  Shares held in the treasury  shall,  until
reissued  pursuant to Section 2.02 hereof,  not confer any voting  rights on the
Trustees,  nor  shall  such  Shares  be  entitled  to  any  dividends  or  other
distributions declared with respect to the Shares.

     Section 2.06  Establishment  of Series.  Subject to the  provisions of this
Section  2.06,  the Trust shall  consist of the Series  indicated  on Schedule A
attached hereto,  as such Schedule may be amended from time to time. The initial
Series  of the  Trust  were  comprised  of  twenty-four


Series,  each of  which  corresponded  to a  series  of  shares  of The  Victory
Portfolios,  a  Massachusetts  business  trust (the  "Predecessor  Trust").  The
preferences,  voting powers, rights and privileges of the Series and any classes
thereof  existing  as of the date  hereof  shall be as set forth in the  Trust's
registration statement or statements as filed with the Commission,  as from time
to time in effect.  Distinct  records  shall be maintained by the Trust for each
Series and the assets  associated  with each Series shall be held and  accounted
for  separately  from the assets of the Trust or any other Series.  The Trustees
shall  have full  power and  authority,  in their sole  discretion  and  without
obtaining any prior  authorization or vote of the Shareholders of any Series, to
establish and designate and to change in any manner any Series or any classes of
initial or additional Series and to fix such preferences,  voting powers, rights
and  privileges of such Series or classes  thereof as the Trustees may from time
to time  determine,  to divide or  combine  the  Shares or any Series or classes
thereof into a greater or lesser  number,  to classify or reclassify  any issued
Shares or any Series or classes  thereof  into one or more  Series or classes of
Shares, and to take such other action with respect to the Shares as the Trustees
may deem  desirable.  The  establishment  and  designation  of any Series or any
classes  thereof  (other  than those  existing as of the date  hereof)  shall be
effective  upon the  adoption  of a  resolution  by a majority  of the  Trustees
setting forth such  establishment  and  designation  and the relative rights and
preferences of the Shares of such Series, whether directly in such resolution or
by reference to, or approval of, another  document that sets forth such relative
rights and preferences of such Series (or class) including,  without limitation,
any  registration  statement  of the Trust,  or as  otherwise  provided  in such
resolution.  Upon the  establishment  of any such Series (or class),  Schedule A
shall be amended to reflect  the  addition  of such  Series (or class)  thereto;
provided that amendment of Schedule A shall not be a condition  precedent to the
establishment of any Series (or class) in accordance with this Trust Instrument.
A Series may issue any number of Shares,  but need not issue Shares. At any time
that  there  are no Shares  outstanding  of any  particular  Series  (or  class)
previously  established  and  designated,  the Trustees  may by a majority  vote
abolish that Series (or class) and the  establishment  and designation  thereof,
and, in connection with such abolishment, Schedule A shall be amended to reflect
the removal of such Series (or class)  therefrom;  provided  that  amendment  of
Schedule A shall not be a condition  precedent to the  abolishment of any Series
(or class) in accordance with this Trust Instrument.

     All  references  to Shares in this Trust  Instrument  shall be deemed to be
Shares of any or all Series, or classes thereof as the context may require.  All
provisions  herein  relating to the Trust shall apply  equally to each Series of
the Trust, and each class thereof, except as the context otherwise requires.

     Each Share of a Series of the Trust  shall  represent  an equal  beneficial
interest  in the net assets of such  Series.  Each  holder of Shares of a Series
shall be entitled to receive his proportionate  share of all distributions  made
with respect to such Series, based upon the number of full and fractional Shares
of the Series held. Upon  redemption of his Shares,  such  Shareholder  shall be
paid solely out of the funds and property of such Series of the Trust.

     Section 2.07 Investment in the Trust. The Trustees shall accept investments
in any Series from such  persons and on such terms as they may from time to time
authorize. At the Trustees' discretion, such investments,  subject to applicable
law, may be in the form of cash or  securities  in which the affected  Series is
authorized  to invest,  valued as  provided in Article IX

Section  9.03  hereof.  Investments  in a  Series  shall  be  credited  to  each
Shareholder's account in the form of full and fractional Shares at the net asset
value per Share next determined  after the investment is received or accepted as
may be determined by the Trustees;  provided, however, that the Trustees may, in
their sole  discretion,  (a) fix minimum  amounts  for  initial  and  subsequent
investments or (b) impose a sales charge upon  investments in such manner and at
such time determined by the Trustees.

     Section 2.08 Assets and Liabilities of Series.  All consideration  received
by the Trust for the issue or sale of Shares of a  particular  Series,  together
with all assets in which such  consideration  is  invested  or  reinvested,  all
income,  earnings,  profits, and proceeds thereof including any proceeds derived
from the sale, exchange or liquidation of such assets, and any funds or payments
derived from any reinvestment of such proceeds in whatever form the same may be,
shall be held and  accounted for  separately  from the other assets of the Trust
and of every other Series and may be referred to herein as "assets belonging to"
that Series.  The assets  belonging to a particular  Series shall belong to that
Series for all purposes,  and to no other  Series,  and shall be subject only to
the rights of  creditors  of that  Series.  In  addition,  any  assets,  income,
earnings, profits or funds, or payments and proceeds with respect thereto, which
are not readily  identifiable  as  belonging to any  particular  Series shall be
allocated  by the  Trustees  between and among one or more of the Series in such
manner as the Trustees, in their sole discretion,  deem fair and equitable. Each
such  allocation  shall be conclusive and binding upon the  Shareholders  of all
Series for all purposes, and such assets, income, earnings, profits or funds, or
payments and proceeds  with respect  thereto  shall be assets  belonging to that
Series.  The assets  belonging to a particular  Series shall be so recorded upon
the  books of the  Trust,  and  shall be held by the  Trustees  in trust for the
benefit of the  holders of Shares of that  Series,  and  separate  and  distinct
records  shall be  maintained  for each  Series.  The assets  belonging  to each
particular  Series shall be charged with the  liabilities of that Series and all
expenses,  costs, charges and reserves  attributable to that Series. Any general
liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges or  reserves of the Trust which are not
readily  identifiable  as belonging to any particular  Series shall be allocated
and  charged by the  Trustees  between or among any one or more of the Series in
such manner as the Trustees in their sole  discretion  deem fair and  equitable.
Each such  allocation  shall be conclusive and binding upon the  Shareholders of
all Series for all purposes.  Without limitation of the foregoing  provisions of
this Section 2.08, but subject to the right of the Trustees in their  discretion
to allocate general liabilities,  expenses, costs, changes or reserves as herein
provided, the debts, liabilities,  obligations and expenses incurred, contracted
for  or  otherwise  existing  with  respect  to a  particular  Series  shall  be
enforceable  against the assets of such Series only,  and not against the assets
of  the  Trust  generally  or of  any  other  Series  and  none  of  the  debts,
liabilities,  obligations  and expenses  incurred,  contracted  for or otherwise
existing with respect to the Trust  generally or any other Series  thereof shall
be  enforceable  against the assets of such Series.  Notice of this  contractual
limitation on inter-Series liabilities may, in the Trustee's sole discretion, be
set forth in the  certificate  of trust of the Trust  (whether  originally or by
amendment)  as filed or to be filed in the Office of the  Secretary  of State of
the State of Delaware  pursuant to the Delaware Act, and upon the giving of such
notice in the certificate of trust, the statutory  provisions of Section 3804 of
the Delaware Act relating to limitations on  inter-Series  liabilities  (and the
statutory  effect  under  Section  3804 of  setting  forth  such  notice  in the
certificate of trust) shall become applicable to the Trust and each Series.  Any
person  extending  credit to,  contracting  with or having any claim


against  any  Series  may look only to the  assets of that  Series to satisfy or
enforce  any  debt,  with  respect  to that  Series.  No  Shareholder  or former
Shareholder  of any  Series  shall  have a claim on or any  right to any  assets
allocated or belonging to any other Series.

     Section 2.09 No Preemptive Rights. Shareholders shall have no preemptive or
other right to subscribe to any additional  Shares or other securities issued by
the Trust or the Trustees, whether of the same or other Series.

     Section 2.10 No Personal Liability of Shareholder.  No Shareholder shall be
personally liable for the debts, liabilities,  obligations and expenses incurred
by, contracted for, or otherwise existing with respect to, the Trust or by or on
behalf of any Series.  The Trustees shall have no power to bind any  Shareholder
personally or to call upon any  Shareholder  for the payment of any sum of money
or  assessment  whatsoever  other than such as the  Shareholder  may at any time
personally  agree to pay by way of  subscription  for any  Shares or  otherwise.
Every note, bond, contract or other understanding  issued by or on behalf of the
Trust or the  Trustees  relating  to the  Trust or to a Series  shall  include a
recitation limiting the obligation represented thereby to the Trust or to one or
more Series and its or their assets (but the omission of such a recitation shall
not operate to bind any Shareholder or Trustee of the Trust).

     Section 2.11 Assent to Trust Instrument.  Every  Shareholder,  by virtue of
having  purchased a Share or by virtue of having  received a Share in connection
with the conversion of the  Predecessor  Trust,  shall become a Shareholder  and
shall be held to have  expressly  assented  and  agreed to be bound by the terms

                                   ARTICLE III
                                  THE TRUSTEES

     Section 3.01 Management of the Trust. The Trustees shall have exclusive and
absolute  control over the Trust  Property and over the business of the Trust to
the same extent as if the  Trustees  were the sole owners of the Trust  Property
and business in their own right,  but with such powers of  delegation  as may be
permitted by this Trust Instrument. The Trustees shall have power to conduct the
business of the Trust and carry on its operations in any and all of its branches
and maintain  offices both within and without the State of Delaware,  in any and
all states of the United States of America, in the District of Columbia,  in any
and all commonwealths,  territories,  dependencies,  colonies, or possessions of
the United States of America, and in any foreign jurisdiction and to do all such
other things and execute all such instruments as they deem necessary,  proper or
desirable in order to promote the  interests of the Trust  although  such things
are not herein  specifically  mentioned.  Any determination as to what is in the
interests of the Trust made by the  Trustees in good faith shall be  conclusive.
In construing the provisions of this Trust Instrument,  the presumption shall be
in favor of a grant of power to the Trustees.

     The enumeration of any specific power in this Trust Instrument shall not be
construed as limiting  the  aforesaid  power.  The powers of the Trustees may be
exercised without order of or resort to any court.


     Except  for the  Trustees  named  herein  or  appointed  to fill  vacancies
pursuant to Section 3.04 of this  Article III, the Trustees  shall be elected by
the Shareholders  owning of record a plurality of the Shares voting at a meeting
of Shareholders.  Any Shareholder meeting held for such purpose shall be held on
a date fixed by the  Trustees.  In the event  that less than a  majority  of the
Trustees holding office have been elected by Shareholders,  the Trustees then in
office  will call a  Shareholders'  meeting  for the  election  of  Trustees  in
accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act.

     Section 3.02 Initial  Trustees.  The initial  Trustees shall be the persons
named in the Original Trust Instrument. The (i) election of initial Trustees and
(ii) an approval of the Plan of  Conversion  for the transfer of assets from the
Predecessor  Trust to the Trust, at the Special Meeting of the  Shareholders was
conducted in accordance with the Proxy Statement of the Predecessor  Trust dated
October 31, 1995,  and is deemed to  constitute  an election of Trustees for all
purposes hereunder, including for purposes of the last sentence of Section 3.01.

     Section  3.03 Term of Office.  The  Trustees  shall hold office  during the
lifetime of this Trust, and until its termination as herein provided, except (a)
that any  Trustee may resign his trust by written  instrument  signed by him and
delivered to the other  Trustees,  which shall take effect upon such delivery or
upon such  later  date as is  specified  therein;  (b) that any  Trustee  may be
removed at any time by written instrument,  signed by at least two-thirds of the
number of Trustees  prior to such removal  specifying the date when such removal
shall  become  effective;  (c) that any  Trustee  who  requests in writing to be
retired or who has died, becomes physically or mentally  incapacitated by reason
of illness or  otherwise,  or is  otherwise  unable to serve,  may be retired by
written  instrument  signed by a majority of the other Trustees,  specifying the
date of his retirement;  and (d) that a Trustee may be removed at any meeting of
the  Shareholders  of the  Trust  by a vote  of  Shareholders  owning  at  least
two-thirds of the Outstanding Shares of the Trust.

     Section  3.04  Vacancies  and   Appointments  .  In  case  of  a  Trustee's
declination  to serve,  death,  resignation,  retirement,  removal,  physical or
mental incapacity by reason of illness, disease or otherwise, or if a Trustee is
otherwise unable to serve, or if there is an increase in the number of Trustees,
a vacancy shall occur.  Whenever a vacancy in the Board of Trustees shall occur,
until  such  vacancy  is filled,  the other  Trustees  shall have all the powers
hereunder  and the  certificate  of the other  Trustees of such vacancy shall be
conclusive.  In the case of a vacancy,  the remaining  Trustees  shall fill such
vacancy by appointing such other person as they in their  discretion see fit, to
the extent  consistent  with the  limitations  provided under the 1940 Act. Such
appointment  shall be evidenced by a written  instrument signed by a majority of
the Trustees in office or by  resolution of the  Trustees,  duly adopted,  which
shall be  recorded in the minutes of a meeting of the  Trustees,  whereupon  the
appointment shall take effect.

     An  appointment  of a Trustee may be made by the Trustees then in office in
anticipation  of a  vacancy  to occur by reason of  retirement,  resignation  or
increase in number of Trustees  effective  at a later date,  provided  that said
appointment  shall become  effective only at or after the effective date of said
retirement, resignation or increase in number of Trustees. As soon as any person
appointed as a Trustee  pursuant to this Section 3.04 shall have  accepted  this
Trust, the trust estate shall vest in the new Trustee or Trustees, together with
the continuing Trustees,  without any further act or conveyance, and such person
shall be deemed a Trustee.


     Section  3.05  Temporary  Absence . Any Trustee  may, by power of attorney,
delegate  his power for a period  not  exceeding  six  months at any time to any
other  Trustee  or  Trustees,  provided  that in no case  shall  fewer  than two
Trustees  personally  exercise  the  other  powers  hereunder  except  as herein
otherwise expressly provided.

     Section 3.06 Number of Trustees . The number of Trustees  shall be at least
two (2), and thereafter shall be such number as shall be fixed from time to time
by a majority of the Trustees,  provided,  however,  that the number of Trustees
shall in no event be more than twelve (12).

     Section 3.07 Effect of Ending of a Trustee's  Service.  The  declination to
serve, death, resignation,  retirement, removal, incapacity, or inability of the
Trustees,  or any one of them,  shall not operate to  terminate  the Trust or to
revoke  any  existing  agency  created  pursuant  to the  terms  of  this  Trust

     Section 3.08 Ownership of Assets of the Trust . The assets of the Trust and
of each Series shall be held separate and apart from any assets now or hereafter
held in any  capacity  other than as Trustee  hereunder  by the  Trustees or any
successor Trustees.  Legal title in all of the assets of the Trust and the right
to  conduct  any  business  shall at all  times be  considered  as vested in the
Trustees on behalf of the Trust,  except that the Trustees may cause legal title
to any Trust Property to be held by, or in the name of, the Trust or in the name
of any person as  nominee.  No  Shareholder  shall be deemed to have a severable
ownership in any individual  asset of the Trust or of any Series or any right of
partition  or  possession  thereof but each  Shareholder  shall have,  except as
otherwise provided for herein, a proportionate  undivided beneficial interest in
the Trust or Series based upon the number of Shares  owned.  The Shares shall be
personal  property giving only the rights  specifically  set forth in this Trust

                                   ARTICLE IV
                             POWERS OF THE TRUSTEES

     Section 4.01 Powers. The Trustees in all instances shall act as principals,
and are and shall be free from the  control of the  Shareholders.  The  Trustees
shall  have  full  power  and  authority  to do any and all acts and to make and
execute any and all contracts and instruments  that they may consider  necessary
or  appropriate  in connection  with the  management of the Trust.  The Trustees
shall not in any way be bound or limited by present or future laws or customs in
regard to trust investments, but shall have full authority and power to make any
and all investments  which they, in their sole discretion,  shall deem proper to
accomplish  the  purpose of this Trust  without  recourse  to any court or other
authority.  Subject to any applicable limitation in this Trust Instrument or the
Bylaws of the Trust, the Trustees shall have the power and authority:

     (a) To invest and reinvest cash and other property  (including  investment,
notwithstanding  any other provision  hereof, of all of the assets of any Series
in a  single  open-end  investment  company,  including  investment  by means of
transfer  of such  assets in  exchange  for an  interest  or  interests  in such
investment company), and to hold cash or other property of the Trust uninvested,
without in any event  being  bound or  limited  by any  present or future law or


in regard to  investments  by trustees,  and to sell,  exchange,  lend,  pledge,
mortgage,  hypothecate,  write  options on and lease any or all of the assets of
the Trust:

     (b) To operate as and carry on the business of an investment  company,  and
exercise  all the  powers  necessary  and  appropriate  to the  conduct  of such

     (c) To borrow money and in this connection issue notes or other evidence of
indebtedness;  to  secure  borrowings  by  mortgaging,   pledging  or  otherwise
subjecting as security the Trust Property; to endorse,  guarantee,  or undertake
the  performance  of an obligation or engagement of any other person and to lend
Trust Property;

     (d) To  provide  for the  distribution  of  interests  of the Trust  either
through a principal underwriter in the manner hereinafter provided for or by the
Trust itself,  or both, or otherwise  pursuant to a plan of  distribution of any

     (e) To adopt Bylaws not inconsistent  with this Trust Instrument  providing
for the conduct of the business of the Trust and to amend and repeal them to the
extent  that they do not  reserve  that right to the  Shareholders;  such Bylaws
shall be deemed incorporated and included in this Trust Instrument;

     (f) To elect and remove such officers and appoint and terminate such agents
as they consider appropriate;

     (g) To employ one or more banks,  trust  companies  or  companies  that are
members  of a  national  securities  exchange  or  such  other  entities  as the
Commission  may permit as  custodians  of any assets of the Trust subject to any
conditions set forth in this Trust Instrument or in the Bylaws;

     (h) To retain one or more transfer agents and shareholder servicing agents,
or both;

     (i) To set record dates in the manner provided herein or in the Bylaws;

     (j) To delegate such  authority as they consider  desirable to any officers
of the Trust and to any investment adviser, manager,  custodian,  underwriter or
other agent or independent contractor;

     (k) To sell or exchange  any or all of the assets of the Trust,  subject to
the provisions of Article XI, subsection 11.04(b) hereof;

     (l) To vote or give  assent,  or  exercise  any rights of  ownership,  with
respect to stock or other  securities  or  property,  and to execute and deliver
powers of attorney to such person or persons as the Trustees  shall deem proper,
granting to such person or persons such power and  discretion  with  relation to
securities or property as the Trustees shall deem proper;

     (m) To exercise powers and rights of subscription or otherwise which in any
manner arise out of ownership of securities;


     (n) To hold any  security or property in a form not  indicating  any trust,
whether in bearer, book entry,  unregistered or other negotiable form; or either
in the name of the Trust or in the name of a custodian or a nominee or nominees,
subject in either case to proper  safeguards  according to the usual practice of
Delaware business trusts or investment companies;

     (o) To  establish  separate  and distinct  Series with  separately  defined
investment   objectives  and  policies  and  distinct   investment  purposes  in
accordance with the provisions of Article II hereof and to establish  classes of
such  Series  having  relative  rights,  powers and  duties as they may  provide
consistent with applicable law;

     (p)  Subject to the  provisions  of Section  3804 of the  Delaware  Act, to
allocate assets, liabilities and expenses of the Trust to a particular Series or
to apportion  the same between or among two or more  Series,  provided  that any
liabilities or expenses  incurred by a particular Series shall be payable solely
out of the assets belonging to that Series as provided for in Article II hereof;

     (q) To  consent  to or  participate  in any  plan  for the  reorganization,
consolidation or merger of any corporation or concern,  any security of which is
held in the Trust; to consent to any contract,  lease,  mortgage,  purchase,  or
sale  of  property  by  such  corporation  or  concern,  and  to  pay  calls  or
subscriptions with respect to any security held in the Trust;

     (r) To  compromise,  arbitrate,  or otherwise  adjust claims in favor of or
against the Trust or any matter in  controversy  including,  but not limited to,
claims for taxes;

     (s) To make distributions of income and of capital gains to Shareholders in
the manner provided herein;

     (t) To establish,  from time to time, a minimum investment for Shareholders
in the Trust or in one or more Series or class, and to require the redemption of
the Shares of any  Shareholders  whose investment is less than such minimum upon
giving notice to such Shareholder;

     (u) To establish one or more  committees,  to delegate any of the powers of
the Trustees to said committees and to adopt a committee  charter  providing for
such responsibilities,  membership (including Trustees, officers or other agents
of the Trust therein) and any other  characteristics  of said  committees as the
Trustees may deem proper. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article IV, and
in addition to such provisions or any other  provision of this Trust  Instrument
or of the Bylaws, the Trustees may by resolution appoint a committee  consisting
of less than the whole number of Trustees then in office, which committee may be
empowered to act for and bind the Trustees and the Trust, as if the acts of such
committee were the acts of all the Trustees then in office,  with respect to the
institution,  prosecution, dismissal, settlement, review or investigation of any
action,  suit or  proceeding  which shall be pending or threatened to be brought
before any court, administrative agency or other adjudicatory body;

     (v) To interpret the investment  policies,  practices or limitations of any


     (w) To  establish a registered  office and have a  registered  agent in the
state of Delaware;

     (x) To  invest  part or all of the  Trust  Property  (or part or all of the
assets of any  Series),  or to dispose of part or all of the Trust  Property (or
part or all of the  assets  of any  Series)  and  invest  the  proceeds  of such
disposition,  in  securities  issued by one or more other  investment  companies
registered under the 1940 Act (including investment by means of transfer of part
or all of the Trust  Property in exchange  for an interest or  interests in such
one or more  investment  companies)  all without any  requirement of approval by
Shareholders  unless required by the 1940 Act. Any such other investment company
may (but need not) be a trust (formed under the laws of the State of Delaware or
of any other state) which is classified as a partnership  for federal income tax
purposes; and

     (y) In  general  to carry  on any  other  business  in  connection  with or
incidental to any of the foregoing powers, to do everything necessary,  suitable
or proper for the  accomplishment of any purpose or the attainment of any object
or the  furtherance  of any power  hereinbefore  set forth,  either  alone or in
association  with  others,  and to do every  other  act or thing  incidental  or
appurtenant  to or growing out of or connected  with the  aforesaid  business or
purposes, objects or powers.

     The  foregoing  clauses  shall be construed as objects and powers,  and the
foregoing  enumeration of specific powers shall not be held to limit or restrict
in any manner the general  powers of the Trustees.  Any action by one or more of
the Trustees in their  capacity as such  hereunder  shall be deemed an action on
behalf of the Trust or the applicable Series, and not an action in an individual

     The  Trustees  shall not be limited to investing  in  obligations  maturing
before the possible termination of the Trust.

     No one dealing with the Trustees  shall be under any obligation to make any
inquiry  concerning the authority of the Trustees,  or to see the application of
any payments made or property transferred to the Trustees or upon their order.

     Section 4.02 Issuance and  Repurchase  of Shares . The Trustees  shall have
the power to issue, sell, repurchase,  redeem,  retire,  cancel,  acquire, hold,
resell,  reissue,  dispose of and otherwise  deal in Shares and,  subject to the
provisions  set  forth  in  Article  II and  Article  IX,  to  apply to any such
repurchase,  redemption,  retirement,  cancellation or acquisition of Shares any
funds or  property of the Trust,  or the  particular  Series of the Trust,  with
respect to which such Shares are issued.

     Section 4.03 Trustees and Officers as Shareholders. Any Trustee, officer or
other  agent of the Trust may  acquire,  own and  dispose  of Shares to the same
extent as if he were not a Trustee, officer or agent; and the Trustees may issue
and sell or cause to be issued and sold  Shares to and buy such  Shares from any
such person or any firm or company in which he is  interested,  subject  only to
the general  limitations  herein  contained  as to the sale and purchase of such
Shares;  and all  subject  to any  restrictions  which may be  contained  in the


     Section  4.04 Action by the  Trustees.  In any action taken by the Trustees
hereunder,  unless otherwise specified,  the Trustees shall act by majority vote
at a meeting (including a telephone  meeting) duly called,  provided a quorum of
Trustees  participate,  or by  written  consent of a  majority  of the  Trustees
without a meeting,  unless the 1940 Act  requires  that a  particular  action be
taken  only at a meeting at which the  Trustees  are  present in person.  At any
meeting of the Trustees,  a majority of the Trustees shall  constitute a quorum.
Meetings of the Trustees  may be called  orally or in writing by the Chairman of
the Board of Trustees or by any two other Trustees. Notice of the time, date and
place of all meetings of the Trustees  shall be given by the person  calling the
meeting to each Trustee by telephone,  facsimile or other  electronic  mechanism
sent to his home or business  address at least  twenty-four  hours in advance of
the meeting or by written notice mailed to his home or business address at least
seventy-two  hours in advance of the  meeting.  Notice  need not be given to any
Trustee who attends the meeting  without  objecting to the lack of notice or who
executes a written  waiver of notice with  respect to the  meeting.  Any meeting
conducted by telephone shall be deemed to take place at the principal  office of
the  Trust,  as  determined  by the  Bylaws or by the  Trustees.  Subject to the
requirements  of the 1940 Act, the Trustees by majority vote may delegate to any
one or more of their number their  authority  to approve  particular  matters or
take particular  actions on behalf of the Trust.  Written consents or waivers of
the Trustees may be executed in one or more counterparts. Execution of a written
consent  or waiver and  delivery  thereof  to the Trust may be  accomplished  by
facsimile or other similar electronic mechanism.

     Section 4.05 Chairman of the Board of Trustees.  The Trustees shall appoint
one of their number to be Chairman of the Board of Trustees.  The Chairman shall
preside at all meetings of the Trustees,  shall be responsible for the execution
of policies established by the Trustees and the administration of the Trust, and
may be (but  is not  required  to be)  the  chief  executive,  financial  and/or
accounting officer of the Trust.

     Section 4.06  Principal  Transactions.  Except to the extent  prohibited by
applicable  law, the Trustees  may, on behalf of the Trust,  buy any  securities
from or sell any  securities to, or lend any assets of the Trust to, any Trustee
or  officer  of the Trust or any firm of which any such  Trustee or officer is a
member  acting  as  principal,  or have any such  dealings  with any  investment
adviser, administrator,  distributor or transfer agent for the Trust or with any
interested  person of such person;  and the Trust may employ any such person, or
firm or company in which such person is an interested  person, as broker,  legal
counsel, registrar,  investment adviser,  administrator,  distributor,  transfer
agent,  dividend  disbursing  agent,  custodian  or in any other  capacity  upon
customary terms.

                                    ARTICLE V
                              EXPENSES OF THE TRUST

     Subject to the provisions of Article II, Section 2.08 hereof,  the Trustees
shall be  reimbursed  from the  Trust  estate  or the  assets  belonging  to the
appropriate  Series for their  expenses and  disbursements,  including,  without
limitation, interest charges, taxes, brokerage fees and commissions; expenses of
issue,   repurchase  and  redemption  of  Shares;  certain  insurance  premiums;
applicable fees,  interest charges and expenses of third parties,  including the
Trust's investment advisers, managers, administrators, distributors, custodians,
transfer agent and fund


accountant;  fees of pricing,  interest,  dividend,  credit and other  reporting
services;   costs  of  membership  in  trade  associations;   telecommunications
expenses; funds transmission expenses;  auditing, legal and compliance expenses;
costs of forming the Trust and maintaining its existence; costs of preparing and
printing the Trust's  prospectuses,  statements  of additional  information  and
shareholder  reports and delivering them to existing  Shareholders;  expenses of
meetings of Shareholders and proxy solicitations therefor;  costs of maintaining
books and accounts;  costs of  reproduction,  stationery and supplies;  fees and
expenses of the Trustees; compensation of the Trust's officers and employees and
costs of other  personnel  performing  services for the Trust;  costs of Trustee
meetings;  Commission  registration fees and related expenses;  state or foreign
securities   laws   registration   fees  and  related   expenses  and  for  such
non-recurring items as may arise,  including litigation to which the Trust (or a
Trustee acting as such) is a party,  and for all losses and  liabilities by them
incurred  in  administering  the Trust,  and for the  payment of such  expenses,
disbursements,  losses and  liabilities,  the Trustees  shall have a lien on the
assets  belonging  to the  appropriate  Series,  or in the  case  of an  expense
allocable to more than one Series,  on the assets of each such Series,  prior to
any rights or  interests of the  Shareholders  thereto.  This section  shall not
preclude  the Trust  from  directly  paying any of the  aforementioned  fees and

                                   ARTICLE VI

     Section 6.01 Investment Adviser.

     (a) The Trustees may in their discretion,  from time to time, enter into an
investment  advisory  contract  or  contracts  with  respect to the Trust or any
Series  whereby the other party or parties to such  contract or contracts  shall
undertake to furnish the Trustees with such investment advisory, statistical and
research facilities and services and such other facilities and services, if any,
all upon such terms and conditions  (including any Shareholder vote) that may be
required  under the 1940 Act,  as may be  prescribed  in the  Bylaws,  or as the
Trustees may in their discretion  determine (such terms and conditions not to be
inconsistent  with the  provisions  of this Trust  Instrument or of the Bylaws).
Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Trust Instrument,  the Trustees may
authorize  any  investment   adviser   (subject  to  such  general  or  specific
instructions  as the Trustees may from time to time adopt) to effect  purchases,
sales or exchanges of portfolio securities,  other investment instruments of the
Trust,  or other Trust Property on behalf of the Trustees,  or may authorize any
officer, agent, or Trustee to effect such purchases, sales or exchanges pursuant
to  recommendations of the investment adviser (and all without further action by
the Trustees).  Any such purchases,  sales and exchanges shall be deemed to have
been authorized by all of the Trustees.

     (b) The Trustees may authorize the investment adviser to employ,  from time
to time,  one or more  sub-advisers  to perform such of the acts and services of
the investment  adviser,  and upon such terms and  conditions,  as may be agreed
upon between the investment  adviser and sub-adviser  (such terms and conditions
not to be  inconsistent  with the provisions of this Trust  Instrument or of the
Bylaws).  Any reference in this Trust Instrument to the investment adviser shall
be deemed to include such sub-advisers,  unless the context otherwise  requires;


that no Shareholder  approval shall be required with respect to any  sub-adviser
unless required under the 1940 Act or other law, contract or order applicable to
the Trust.

     Section 6.02 Principal  Underwriter.  The Trustees may in their  discretion
from time to time enter into an exclusive or non-exclusive underwriting contract
or  contracts  providing  for the sale of Shares,  whereby  the Trust may either
agree to sell  Shares to the other party to the  contract or appoint  such other
party its sales agent for such Shares.  In either case, the contract shall be on
such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in the Bylaws and as the Trustees
may  in  their  discretion  determine  (such  terms  and  conditions  not  to be
inconsistent with the provisions of this Trust Instrument or of the Bylaws); and
such  contract  may also  provide for the  repurchase  or sale of Shares by such
other party as principal or as agent of the Trust.

     Section 6.03 Administration. The Trustees may in their discretion from time
to time enter into one or more management or  administrative  contracts  whereby
the other  party or  parties  shall  undertake  to  furnish  the  Trustees  with
management or  administrative  services.  The contract or contracts  shall be on
such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in the Bylaws and as the Trustees
may  in  their  discretion  determine  (such  terms  and  conditions  not  to be
inconsistent with the provisions of this Trust Instrument or of the Bylaws).

     Section 6.04 Transfer Agent. The Trustees may in their discretion from time
to time enter into one or more transfer agency and shareholder service contracts
whereby the other party or parties shall  undertake to furnish the Trustees with
transfer agency and shareholder services.  The contract or contracts shall be on
such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in the Bylaws and as the Trustees
may  in  their  discretion  determine  (such  terms  and  conditions  not  to be
inconsistent with the provisions of this Trust Instrument or of the Bylaws).

     Section 6.05 Parties to Contract.  Any contract of the character  described
in Sections 6.01,  6.02, 6.03 and 6.04 of this Article VI or any contract of the
character  described  in  Article  VIII  hereof  may be  entered  into  with any
corporation,  firm, partnership,  trust or association,  although one or more of
the  Trustees or officers  of the Trust may be an  officer,  director,  trustee,
shareholder, or member of such other party to the contract, and no such contract
shall be  invalidated or rendered void or voidable by reason of the existence of
any relationship, nor shall any person holding such relationship be disqualified
from  voting on or  executing  the same in his  capacity as  Shareholder  and/or
Trustee,  nor shall any person  holding such  relationship  be liable  merely by
reason of such  relationship  for any loss or expense  to the Trust  under or by
reason of said  contract  or  accountable  for any profit  realized  directly or
indirectly  therefrom,  provided  that the  contract  when  entered into was not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Article VI or Article VIII hereof or of
the Bylaws. The same person (including a corporation, firm, partnership,  trust,
or  association)  may be the other party to contracts  entered into  pursuant to
Sections  6.01,  6.02,  6.03 and 6.04 of this  Article VI or pursuant to Article
VIII  hereof and any  individual  may be  financially  interested  or  otherwise
affiliated with persons who are parties to any or all of the contracts mentioned
in this Section 6.05.

     Section 6.06 Provisions and Amendments.  Any contract entered into pursuant
to Section 6.01 or 6.02 of this Article VI shall be consistent  with and subject
to the  requirements  of Section  15 of the 1940 Act,  if  applicable,  or other
applicable Act of Congress  hereafter enacted


with respect to its continuance in effect,  its  termination,  and the method of
authorization and approval of such contract or renewal thereof, and no amendment
to any contract entered into pursuant to Section 6.01 or 6.02 of this Article VI
shall  be  effective  unless  assented  to  in  a  manner  consistent  with  the
requirements of said Section 15, as modified by any applicable rule,  regulation
or order of the Commission.

                                   ARTICLE VII

     Section 7.01 Voting Powers.

     (a) The Shareholders  shall have power to vote only (a) for the election of
Trustees to the extent provided in Article III, Section 3.01 hereof, (b) for the
removal of  Trustees  to the extent  provided in Article  III,  Section  3.03(d)
hereof,  (c) with  respect to any  investment  advisory  contract  to the extent
provided in Article VI, Section 6.01 hereof, (d) with respect to an amendment of
this Trust Instrument,  to the extent provided in Article XI, Section 11.08, and
(e) with  respect to such  additional  matters  relating  to the Trust as may be
required by law, by this Trust Instrument, or any registration of the Trust with
the Commission or any State, or as the Trustees may consider desirable.

     (b)  Notwithstanding  paragraph  (a) of  this  Section  7.01  or any  other
provision of this Trust  Instrument  (including  the Bylaws)  which would by its
terms  provide  for or require a vote of  Shareholders,  the  Trustees  may take
action  without a  Shareholder  vote if (i) the Trustees  shall have obtained an
opinion of counsel that a vote or approval of such action by Shareholders is not
required  under  (A) the  1940  Act or any  other  applicable  laws,  or (B) any
registrations,  undertakings  or  agreements of the Trust known to such counsel,
and if the  Trustees  determine  that  the  taking  of  such  action  without  a
Shareholder vote would be consistent with the best interests of the Shareholders
(considered as a group).

     (c) On any matter submitted to a vote of the Shareholders, all Shares shall
be voted separately by individual  Series,  and whenever the Trustees  determine
that the matter affects only certain Series, may be submitted for a vote by only
such Series,  except (i) when required by the 1940 Act, Shares shall be voted in
the  aggregate  and not by  individual  Series;  and (ii) when the Trustees have
determined  that the matter  affects the  interests  of more than one Series and
that voting by shareholders of all Series would be consistent with the 1940 Act,
then the  Shareholders  of all such Series  shall be  entitled  to vote  thereon
(either  by  individual  Series  or by  Shares  voted in the  aggregate,  as the
Trustees in their  discretion  may  determine).  The Trustees may also determine
that a matter affects only the interests of one or more classes of a Series,  in
which case (or if required  under the 1940 Act) such matter shall be voted on by
such class or classes. As determined by the Trustees without the vote or consent
of Shareholders (except as required by the 1940 Act), on any matter submitted to
a vote of  Shareholders,  either (i) each whole  Share  shall be entitled to one
vote as to any matter on which it is entitled to vote, and each fractional Share
shall be entitled to a proportionate  fractional vote or (ii) each dollar of Net
Asset  Value  (number of Shares  owned  times Net Asset  Value per share of such
Series or class  thereof,  as  applicable)  shall be entitled to one vote on any
matter on which such  Shares are  entitled  to vote and each  fractional  dollar
amount shall be entitled to a proportionate  fractional  vote.  Without limiting
the power of


the Trustees in any way to designate  otherwise in accordance with the preceding
sentence,  the Trustees hereby establish that each whole Share shall be entitled
to one vote as to any matter on which it is entitled to vote and each fractional
Share shall be entitled to a proportionate  fractional  vote.  There shall be no
cumulative voting in the election of Trustees.  Shares may be voted in person or
by proxy or in any manner  provided  for in the Bylaws.  A proxy may be given in
writing.  The Bylaws may provide that proxies may also, or may instead, be given
by  any  electronic  or  telecommunications  device  or  in  any  other  manner.
Notwithstanding  anything else herein or in the Bylaws,  in the event a proposal
by anyone  other than the  officers or Trustees of the Trust is  submitted  to a
vote  of the  Shareholders,  or in the  event  of any  proxy  contest  or  proxy
solicitation  or  proposal in  opposition  to any  proposal  by the  officers or
Trustees of the Trust,  Shares may be voted only in person or by written  proxy.
Until Shares are issued,  the  Trustees may exercise all rights of  Shareholders
and may take any action  required or permitted by law, this Trust  Instrument or
any of the Bylaws of the Trust to be taken by Shareholders.

     Section 7.02 Meetings.  Meetings may be held within or without the State of
Delaware.  Special  meetings of the  Shareholders of any Series may be called by
the  Trustees and shall be called by the  Trustees  upon the written  request of
Shareholders  owning at least one tenth of the  Outstanding  Shares of the Trust
entitled to vote.  Whenever ten or more Shareholders  meeting the qualifications
set forth in Section 16(c) of the 1940 Act, as the same may be amended from time
to time, seek the opportunity of furnishing  materials to the other Shareholders
with a view  to  obtaining  signatures  on such a  request  for a  meeting,  the
Trustees  shall comply with the provisions of said Section 16(c) with respect to
providing such Shareholders  access to the list of the Shareholders of record of
the Trust or the  mailing  of such  materials  to such  Shareholders  of record,
subject to any rights  provided  to the Trust or any  Trustees  provided by said
Section  16(c).  Notice  shall be sent,  by First Class Mail or such other means
determined  by the  Trustees,  at  least  10 days  prior  to any  such  meeting.
Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary in this  Section  7.02,  the Trustees
shall not be  required  to call a special  meeting  of the  Shareholders  of any
Series or to provide  Shareholders  seeking the  opportunity  of furnishing  the
materials to other Shareholders with a view to obtaining signatures on a request
for a meeting except to the extent required under the 1940 Act.

     Section 7.03 Quorum and Required Vote.  One-third of Shares outstanding and
entitled to vote in person or by proxy as of the record date for a Shareholders'
meeting shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at such  Shareholders'
meeting,  except  that where any  provision  of law or of this Trust  Instrument
permits or requires  that  holders of any Series shall vote as a Series (or that
holders  of a class  shall vote as a class),  then  one-third  of the  aggregate
number  of Shares of that  Series  (or that  class)  entitled  to vote  shall be
necessary to constitute a quorum for the  transaction of business by that Series
(or that class).  Any meeting of Shareholders may be adjourned from time to time
by a majority  of the votes  properly  cast upon the  question of  adjourning  a
meeting  to  another  date and time,  whether  or not a quorum is  present.  Any
adjourned  session or sessions may be held,  within a reasonable  time after the
date set for the original  meeting,  without the  necessity  of further  notice.
Except when a larger vote is required by law or by any  provision  of this Trust
Instrument  or the Bylaws,  a majority of the Shares voted in person or by proxy
shall decide any questions and a plurality shall elect a Trustee,  provided that
where any provision of law or of this Trust Instrument  permits or requires that
the  holders  of any Series  shall vote as a Series (or that the  holders of any
class shall vote as a class), then a majority


of the Shares present in person or by proxy of that Series (or class),  voted on
the matter in person or by proxy shall decide that matter insofar as that Series
(or class) is concerned.  Shareholders may act by unanimous written consent,  to
the extent not  inconsistent  with the 1940 Act, and any such actions taken by a
Series (or class) may be consented to unanimously in writing by  Shareholders of
that Series (or class).

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     Section 8.01  Appointment  and Duties.  The Trustees shall employ a bank, a
company that is a member of a national securities exchange,  or a trust company,
that in each case shall have capital,  surplus and undivided profits of at least
twenty  million  dollars  ($20,000,000)  and that is a member of the  Depository
Trust  Company  (or such other  person or entity as may be  permitted  to act as
custodian of the Trust's  assets under the 1940 Act) as custodian with authority
as  its  agent,  but  subject  to  such  restrictions,   limitations  and  other
requirements,  if any, as may be  contained  in the Bylaws of the Trust:  (a) to
hold the  securities  owned by the Trust and deliver the same upon written order
or oral order  confirmed  in writing;  (b) to receive and receipt for any moneys
due to the Trust and deposit the same in its own banking department or elsewhere
as the  Trustees  may  direct;  and (c) to  disburse  such funds upon  orders or

     The  Trustees  may also  authorize  the  custodian  to  employ  one or more
sub-custodians from time to time to perform such of the acts and services of the
custodian, and upon such terms and conditions, as may be agreed upon between the
custodian and such sub-custodian and approved by the Trustees,  provided that in
every case such  sub-custodian  shall be a bank, a company that is a member of a
national securities exchange, or a trust company organized under the laws of the
United  States or one of the states  thereof  and having  capital,  surplus  and
undivided profits of at least twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) and that is a
member of the Depository  Trust Company or such other person or entity as may be
permitted  by the  Commission  or is  otherwise  able to act as custodian of the
Trust's assets in accordance with the 1940 Act.

     Section 8.02 Central Certificate  System.  Subject to the 1940 Act and such
other rules,  regulations  and orders as the Commission may adopt,  the Trustees
may direct the custodian to deposit all or any part of the  securities  owned by
the Trust in a system for the central  handling of securities  established  by a
national  securities exchange or a national  securities  association  registered
with the Commission  under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  or
such  other  person as may be  permitted  by the  Commission,  or  otherwise  in
accordance  with the 1940 Act,  pursuant to which system all  securities  of any
particular class or series of any issuer deposited within the system are treated
as fungible  and may be  transferred  or pledged by  bookkeeping  entry  without
physical  delivery of such securities,  provided that all such deposits shall be
subject  to  withdrawal  only  upon the  order of the  Trust or its  custodians,
sub-custodians or other agents.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                          DISTRIBUTIONS AND REDEMPTIONS

     Section 9.01 Distributions.


     (a) The Trustees  may from time to time declare and pay  dividends or other
distributions with respect to any Series and/or class of a Series. The amount of
such dividends or distributions  and the payment of them and whether they are in
cash or any  other  Trust  Property  shall be wholly  in the  discretion  of the

     (b)  Dividends  and  other  distributions  may  be  paid  or  made  to  the
Shareholders of record at the time of declaring a dividend or other distribution
or among the Shareholders of record at such other date or time or dates or times
as the  Trustees  shall  determine,  which  dividends or  distributions,  at the
election  of the  Trustees,  may be paid  pursuant to a standing  resolution  or
resolutions  adopted  only  once or with  such  frequency  as the  Trustees  may
determine.  The  Trustees  may  adopt and offer to  Shareholders  such  dividend
reinvestment  plans, cash dividend payout plans or related plans as the Trustees
shall deem appropriate.

     (c) Anything in this Trust Instrument to the contrary notwithstanding,  the
Trustees  may at any  time  declare  and  distribute  a  stock  dividend  to the
Shareholders of a particular Series, or class thereof,  as of the record date of
that Series fixed as provided in Subsection 9.01(b) hereof.

     Section  9.02  Redemptions.  In case any  holder  of  record of Shares of a
particular Series desires to dispose of his Shares or any portion thereof he may
deposit at the office of the transfer  agent or other  authorized  agent of that
Series a written  request or such other form of request as the Trustees may from
time to time  authorize,  requesting  that the  Series  purchase  the  Shares in
accordance  with this Section  9.02;  and,  subject to Section 9.04 hereof,  the
Shareholder  so requesting  shall be entitled to require the Series to purchase,
and the Series or the  principal  underwriter  of the Series shall  purchase his
said Shares,  but only at the Net Asset Value  thereof (as  described in Section
9.03 of this  Article  IX). The Series shall make payment for any such Shares to
be redeemed,  as  aforesaid,  in cash or property from the assets of that Series
and,  subject to Section 9.04  hereof,  payment for such Shares shall be made by
the Series or the  principal  underwriter  of the Series to the  Shareholder  of
record within seven (7) days after the date upon which the request is effective.
Upon  redemption,  shares shall become  Treasury shares and may be reissued from
time to time.

     Section 9.03  Determination  of Net Asset Value and  Valuation of Portfolio
Assets. The term "Net Asset Value" of any Series shall mean that amount by which
the assets of that Series exceed its liabilities,  all as determined by or under
the direction of the Trustees. The Trustees may delegate any of their powers and
duties  under  this  Section  9.03 with  respect  to  valuation  of  assets  and
liabilities. Such value shall be determined separately for each Series and shall
be determined on such days and at such times as the Trustees may determine. Such
determination  shall  be made  with  respect  to  securities  for  which  market
quotations are readily  available,  at the market value of such securities;  and
with respect to other securities and assets,  at the fair value as determined in
good  faith by the  Trustees;  provided,  however,  that the  Trustees,  without
Shareholder  approval,  may alter the  method of  valuing  portfolio  securities
insofar as  permitted  under the 1940 Act.  The  resulting  amount,  which shall
represent the total Net Asset Value of the particular  Series,  shall be divided
by the total  number of shares of that  Series  outstanding  at the time and the
quotient so obtained  shall be the Net Asset Value per Share of that Series.  At
any time the Trustees may cause the Net Asset Value per Share last determined to


be  determined  again  in  similar  manner  and  may  fix  the  time  when  such
redetermined value shall become effective.

     The  Trustees  shall not be required  to adopt,  but may at any time adopt,
discontinue  or amend a practice of seeking to maintain  the Net Asset Value per
Share of the Series at a constant amount.  If, for any reason, the net income of
any Series,  determined at any time, is a negative  amount,  the Trustees  shall
have the power with respect to that Series (a) to offset each  Shareholder's pro
rata share of such  negative  amount from the accrued  dividend  account of such
Shareholder,  (b) to reduce the number of  Outstanding  Shares of such Series by
reducing the number of Shares in the account of each  Shareholder  by a pro rata
portion of that number of full and fractional Shares which represents the amount
of such excess negative net income,  (c) to cause to be recorded on the books of
such Series an asset account in the amount of such negative net income (provided
that the same shall thereupon become the property of such Series with respect to
such  Series and shall not be paid to any  Shareholder),  which  account  may be
reduced by the amount of  dividends  declared  thereafter  upon the  Outstanding
Shares of such Series on the day such negative net income is experienced,  until
such asset account is reduced to zero;  (d) to combine the methods  described in
clauses (a) and (b) and (c) of this  sentence;  or (e) to take any other  action
they deem appropriate,  in order to cause (or in order to assist in causing) the
Net Asset  Value per Share of such  Series to remain at a  constant  amount  per
Outstanding Share immediately after each such determination and declaration. The
Trustees  shall also have the power not to declare a dividend  out of net income
for the purpose of causing the Net Asset Value per Share to be increased.

     In the event that any Series is divided into  classes,  the  provisions  of
this Section 9.03, to the extent  applicable as determined in the  discretion of
the Trustees and consistent  with the 1940 Act and other  applicable law, may be
equally applied to each such class.

     Section  9.04  Suspension  of the Right of  Redemption.  The  Trustees  may
declare a suspension  of the right of redemption or postpone the date of payment
if permitted under the 1940 Act. Such suspension  shall take effect at such time
as the  Trustees  shall  specify but not later than the close of business on the
business day next following the declaration of suspension,  and thereafter there
shall be no right of redemption or payment until the Trustees  shall declare the
suspension at an end. In the case of a suspension of the right of redemption,  a
Shareholder  may either  withdraw his request for redemption or receive  payment
based on the Net Asset Value per Share next determined  after the termination of
the suspension.

     Section  9.05  Required  Redemption  of Shares.  The  Trustees  may require
Shareholders  to redeem  Shares for any reason under terms set by the  Trustees,
including, but not limited to, (i) the determination of the Trustees that direct
or indirect ownership of Shares of any Series has or may become  concentrated in
such  Shareholder  to an extent that would  disqualify any Series as a regulated
investment  company under the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (or any
successor  statute  thereto),  (ii) the failure of a Shareholder to supply a tax
identification  number if required  to do so, or to have the minimum  investment
required (which may vary by Series),  (iii) the failure of a Shareholder to make
payment  when due for the  purchase  of Shares  issued to him or (iv) the Shares
owned  by  such  Shareholder  being  below  the  minimum  investment  set by the


Trustees,  from time to time, for  investments in the Trust or in such Series or
classes thereof, as applicable.

     The holders of Shares shall upon demand disclose to the Trustees in writing
such information with respect to direct and indirect  ownership of Shares as the
Trustees deem necessary to comply with the  requirements of any taxing authority
or for the Trustees to make any determination contemplated by this Section 9.05.

                                    ARTICLE X

     Section 10.01 Limitation of Liability.  Neither a Trustee nor an officer of
the Trust,  when  acting in such  capacity,  shall be  personally  liable to any
person  other  than the  Trust or the  Shareholders  for any  act,  omission  or
obligation  of the Trust,  any  Trustee or any  officer of the Trust.  Neither a
Trustee  nor an officer of the Trust  shall be liable for any act or omission or
any conduct whatsoever in his capacity as Trustee or as an officer of the Trust,
provided that nothing  contained herein or in the Delaware Act shall protect any
Trustee or any  officer of the Trust  against any  liability  to the Trust or to
Shareholders  to which he would  otherwise  be  subject  by  reason  of  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties
involved  in the  conduct  of the  office of  Trustee  or  officer  of the Trust

     Section 10.02 Indemnification.

     (a) Subject to the  exceptions  and  limitations  contained  in  Subsection

                     (i) every  person who is, or has been, a Trustee or officer
           of the Trust (hereinafter referred to as a "Covered Person") shall be
           indemnified  by the  Trust to the  fullest  extent  permitted  by law
           against  liability  and against all expenses  reasonably  incurred or
           paid by him in connection with any claim,  action, suit or proceeding
           in which he becomes involved as a party or otherwise by virtue of his
           being or having been a Trustee or officer and against amounts paid or
           incurred by him in the settlement thereof;

                     (ii) the words "claim,"  "action,"  "suit," or "proceeding"
           shall  apply to all claims,  actions,  suits or  proceedings  (civil,
           criminal or other, including appeals),  actual or threatened while in
           office or thereafter,  and the words "liability" and "expenses" shall
           include,  without  limitation,  attorneys'  fees,  costs,  judgments,
           amounts paid in settlement, fines, penalties and other liabilities.

     (b) No indemnification shall be provided hereunder to a Covered Person:

                     (i) who  shall  have  been  adjudicated  by a court or body
           before which the proceeding was brought (A) to be liable to the Trust
           or its  Shareholders  by reason of  willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,
           gross negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties involved in the
           conduct  of his  office or (B) not to have acted in good faith in the
           reasonable  belief  that his action was in the best  interest  of the
           Trust; or


                     (ii) in the event of a settlement,  unless there has been a
           determination  that such Trustee or officer did not engage in willful
           misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the
           duties  involved in the  conduct of his  office,  (A) by the court or
           other body  approving the  settlement;  (B) by at least a majority of
           those  Trustees who are neither  interested  persons of the Trust nor
           are  parties to the matter  based upon a review of readily  available
           facts (as opposed to a full  trial-type  inquiry);  or (C) by written
           opinion of  independent  legal counsel based upon a review of readily
           available facts (as opposed to a full trial-type inquiry).

     (c) The rights of indemnification herein provided may be insured against by
policies maintained by the Trust, shall be severable,  shall not be exclusive of
or affect any other  rights to which any Covered  Person may now or hereafter be
entitled,  shall  continue as to a person who has ceased to be a Covered  Person
and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs,  executors  and  administrators  of
such  a  person.   Nothing   contained   herein   shall  affect  any  rights  to
indemnification to which Trust personnel,  other than Covered Persons, and other
persons may be entitled by contract or otherwise under law.

     (d) Expenses in  connection  with the  preparation  and  presentation  of a
defense to any claim,  action,  suit or proceeding of the character described in
Subsection  (a) of this  Section  10.02 may be paid by the Trust or Series  from
time to time prior to final  disposition  thereof upon receipt of an undertaking
by or on behalf of such Covered Person that such amount will be paid over by him
to the Trust or Series if it is ultimately determined that he is not entitled to
indemnification  under this Section 10.02;  provided,  however,  that either (i)
such  Covered  Person  shall  have  provided   appropriate   security  for  such
undertaking,  (ii) the Trust is insured  against  losses arising out of any such
advance  payments  or (iii)  either a majority of the  Trustees  who are neither
interested  persons of the Trust nor parties to the matter, or independent legal
counsel  in a written  opinion,  shall have  determined,  based upon a review of
readily   available   facts  (as  opposed  to  a  trial-type   inquiry  or  full
investigation), that there is reason to believe that such Covered Person will be
found entitled to indemnification under this Section 10.02.

     Section 10.03 Shareholders.  In case any Shareholder of any Series shall be
held to be  personally  liable  solely by  reason of his being or having  been a
Shareholder  of such Series and not because of his acts or omissions or for some
other reason,  the Shareholder or former  Shareholder (or his heirs,  executors,
administrators or other legal representatives,  or, in the case of a corporation
or other entity, its corporate or other general successor) shall be entitled out
of the assets  belonging to the  applicable  Series to be held harmless from and
indemnified against all loss and expense arising from such liability. The Trust,
on behalf of the affected Series, shall, upon request by the Shareholder, assume
the defense of any claim made against the  Shareholder for any act or obligation
of the Series and satisfy any judgment thereon from the assets of the Series.

                                   ARTICLE XI

     Section 11.01 Trust Not A Partnership. It is hereby expressly declared that
a trust and not a partnership is created hereby. No Trustee hereunder shall have
any power to bind personally  either the Trust officers or any Shareholder.  All
persons  extending  credit to,


contracting  with or having any claim  against the Trust or the  Trustees  shall
look only to the assets of the appropriate Series or (if the Trustees shall have
yet to have  established  Series) of the Trust for  payment  under such  credit,
contract or claim;  and neither the  Shareholders  nor the Trustees,  nor any of
their  agents,  whether  past,  present or future,  shall be  personally  liable
therefor.  Nothing in this Trust  Instrument shall protect a Trustee against any
liability to which the Trustee  would  otherwise be subject by reason of willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties
involved in the conduct of the office of Trustee hereunder.

     Section  11.02  Trustee's  Good Faith  Action,  Expert  Advice,  No Bond or
Surety.  The  exercise  by the  Trustees  or the  officers of the Trust of their
powers and discretion hereunder in good faith and with reasonable care under the
circumstances then prevailing shall be binding upon everyone interested. Subject
to the  provisions  of Article X hereof and to Section 11.01 of this Article XI,
the  Trustees  and the  officers  of the Trust shall not be liable for errors of
judgment or mistakes of fact or law.  The Trustees and the officers of the Trust
may take  advice of counsel or other  experts  with  respect to the  meaning and
operation of this Trust  Instrument,  and subject to the provisions of Article X
hereof and Section 11.01 of this Article XI, shall be under no liability for any
act or  omission  in  accordance  with such advice or for failing to follow such
advice. The Trustees and the officers of the Trust shall not be required to give
any bond as such, nor any surety if a bond is obtained.

     Section 11.03  Establishment  of Record  Dates.  The Trustees may close the
share  transfer  books of the Trust for a period not exceeding  ninety (90) days
preceding the date of any meeting of  Shareholders,  or the date for the payment
of any  dividends  or other  distributions,  or the date  for the  allotment  of
rights, or the date when any change or conversion or exchange of Shares shall go
into effect;  or in lieu of closing the stock transfer  books as aforesaid,  the
Trustees may fix in advance a date, not exceeding ninety (90) days preceding the
date of any meeting of Shareholders,  or the date for payment of any dividend or
other  distribution,  or the date for the allotment of rights,  or the date when
any change or conversion or exchange of Shares shall go into effect, as a record
date for the  determination  of the  Shareholders  entitled to notice of, and to
vote at, any such meeting,  or entitled to receive  payment of any such dividend
or other  distribution,  or to any such allotment of rights,  or to exercise the
rights in respect of any such change,  conversion or exchange of Shares,  and in
such case such  Shareholders and only such Shareholders as shall be Shareholders
of record on the date so fixed  shall be entitled to such notice of, and to vote
at, such meeting,  or to receive payment of such dividend or other distribution,
or to receive such allotment or rights,  or to exercise such rights, as the case
may be,  notwithstanding  any  transfer  of any Shares on the books of the Trust
after any such record date fixed as aforesaid.

     Section 11.04 Dissolution and Termination of Trust.

     (a) This Trust shall continue without limitation of time but subject to the
provisions of Subsection 11.04(b).

     (b) The Trustees may, subject to any necessary  Shareholder,  Trustee,  and
regulatory approvals:


                     (i) sell and convey all or substantially  all of the assets
           of the Trust or any affected  Series to another  trust,  partnership,
           association  or  corporation,  or  to a  separate  series  of  shares
           thereof,   organized  under  the  laws  of  any  state  which  trust,
           partnership,  association or  corporation  is an open-end  management
           investment  company  as  defined  in the  1940  Act,  or is a  series
           thereof, for adequate  consideration which may include the assumption
           of all outstanding obligations, taxes and other liabilities,  accrued
           or  contingent,  of the Trust or any affected  Series,  and which may
           include  shares  of  beneficial  interest,  stock or other  ownership
           interests of such trust,  partnership,  association or corporation or
           of a series thereof;

                     (ii) enter into a plan of  liquidation in order to dissolve
           and liquidate any Series (or class) of the Trust, or the Trust; or

                     (iii) at any time sell and  convert  into  money all of the
           assets of the Trust or any affected Series.

     Upon making reasonable provision, in the determination of the Trustees, for
the payment of all  liabilities  by assumption or otherwise,  the Trustees shall
distribute the remaining  proceeds or assets (as the case may be) of each Series
(or class)  ratably  among the holders of Shares of the affected  Series,  based
upon the ratio that each  Shareholder's  Shares bears to the number of Shares of
such Series (or class) then outstanding.

     (c) Upon completion of the  distribution  of the remaining  proceeds or the
remaining assets as provided in Subsection 11.04(b),  the Trustees and the Trust
or any affected  Series shall be discharged  of any and all further  liabilities
and duties  hereunder  and the right,  title and  interest of all  parties  with
respect to the Trust or Series  shall be canceled  and  discharged  and any such
Series shall terminate.

     Following  completion  of winding up of its  business,  the Trustees  shall
cause a certificate of  cancellation  of the Trust's  certificate of trust to be
filed in accordance with the Delaware Act, which certificate of cancellation may
be signed by any one Trustee. Upon filing of the certificate of cancellation for
the Trust, the Trust shall terminate.

     Section 11.05 Reorganization and Master/Feeder.

     (a) Notwithstanding  anything else herein, the Trustees, in order to change
the form or jurisdiction  of organization of the Trust,  may (i) cause the Trust
to merge or consolidate with or into one or more trusts,  partnerships  (general
or limited),  associations or corporations so long as the surviving or resulting
entity is an open-end management  investment company under the 1940 Act, or is a
series thereof,  that will succeed to or assume the Trust's  registration  under
that Act and which is formed,  organized or existing  under the laws of a state,
commonwealth,  possession or colony of the United States or (ii) cause the Trust
to incorporate under the laws of Delaware.

     (b) The Trustees  may,  subject to a vote of a majority of the Trustees and
any  shareholder  vote required  under the 1940 Act, if any,  cause the Trust to
merge or consolidate with or into one or more trusts,  partnerships  (general or
limited),  associations,  limited  liability


companies or  corporations  formed,  organized  or existing  under the laws of a
state, commonwealth, possession or colony of the United States.

     (c) Any agreement of merger or  consolidation  or  certificate of merger or
consolidation  may be signed by a majority of Trustees and facsimile  signatures
conveyed by electronic or telecommunication means shall be valid.

     (d) Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Section 3815(f) of
the Delaware Act, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Trust  Instrument,  an  agreement  of merger or  consolidation  approved  by the
Trustees in  accordance  with  paragraph  (a) or (b) of this  Section  11.05 may
effect any  amendment  to the Trust  Instrument  or effect the adoption of a new
trust  instrument of the Trust if it is the surviving or resulting  trust in the
merger or consolidation.

     (e)  Notwithstanding  anything  else  herein,  the  Trustees  may,  without
Shareholder  approval (unless required by the 1940 Act), invest all or a portion
of the Trust Property of any Series, or dispose of all or a portion of the Trust
Property of any Series, and invest the proceeds of such disposition in interests
issued by one or more other investment  companies registered under the 1940 Act.
Any such other  investment  company may (but need not) be a trust  (formed under
the laws of the State of Delaware or any other state or jurisdiction) (or series
thereof)  which is classified as a partnership  for federal income tax purposes.
Notwithstanding  anything  else herein,  the Trustees may,  without  Shareholder
approval  unless such approval is required by the 1940 Act,  cause a Series that
is organized in the master/feeder fund structure to withdraw or redeem its Trust
Property from the master fund and cause such series to invest its Trust Property
directly in securities  and other  financial  instruments  or in another  master

     Section  11.06 Filing of Copies,  References,  Headings.  The original or a
copy of this Trust  Instrument and of each amendment  hereof or Trust Instrument
supplemental  hereto  shall be kept at the  office of the Trust  where it may be
inspected  by any  Shareholder.  Anyone  dealing  with the  Trust  may rely on a
certificate  by an officer or Trustee of the Trust as to whether or not any such
amendments  or  supplements  have been made and as to any matters in  connection
with the Trust  hereunder,  and with the same effect as if it were the original,
may rely on a copy  certified by an officer or Trustee of the Trust to be a copy
of  this  Trust  Instrument  or of any  such  amendment  or  supplemental  Trust
Instrument.  In this Trust  Instrument or in any such amendment or  supplemental
Trust Instrument,  references to this Trust Instrument, and all expressions such
as "herein,"  "hereof" and  "hereunder,"  shall be deemed to refer to this Trust
Instrument as amended or affected by any such supplemental Trust Instrument. All
expressions  like "his," "he" and "him," shall be deemed to include the feminine
and  neuter,  as well as  masculine,  genders.  Headings  are placed  herein for
convenience  of  reference  only and in case of any  conflict,  the text of this
Trust Instrument, rather than the headings, shall control. This Trust Instrument
may be executed in any number of  counterparts  each of which shall be deemed an

     Section  11.07  Applicable  Law. The trust set forth in this  instrument is
made in the State of Delaware, and the Trust and this Trust Instrument,  and the
rights and  obligations of the Trustees and  Shareholders  hereunder,  are to be
governed by and construed and administered according to the Delaware Act and the
laws of said state; provided, however, that there shall not


be  applicable  to the Trust,  the  Trustees  or this Trust  Instrument  (a) the
provisions  of  Section  3540  of  Title  12 of the  Delaware  Code  or (b)  any
provisions  of the laws  (statutory  or common) of the State of Delaware  (other
than the Delaware Act)  pertaining to trusts which relate to or regulate (i) the
filing  with any court or  governmental  body or agency of trustee  accounts  or
schedules of trustee fees and charges,  (ii)  affirmative  requirements  to post
bonds  for  trustees,  officers,  agents  or  employees  of a trust,  (iii)  the
necessity for obtaining  court or other  governmental  approval  concerning  the
acquisition,  holding or disposition of real or personal property,  (iv) fees or
other sums payable to trustees,  officers,  agents or employees of a trust,  (v)
the  allocation  of  receipts  and  expenditures  to income or  principal,  (vi)
restrictions or limitations on the permissible  nature,  amount or concentration
of trust investments or requirements  relating to the titling,  storage or other
manner of holding of trust assets,  or (vii) the  establishment  of fiduciary or
other  standards of  responsibilities  or  limitations  on the acts or powers of
trustees,  which  are  inconsistent  with  the  limitations  or  liabilities  or
authorities  and powers of the  Trustees set forth or  referenced  in this Trust
Instrument.  The Trust shall be of the type commonly called a "business  trust,"
and without  limiting the provisions  hereof,  the Trust may exercise all powers
which are  ordinarily  exercised by such a trust under  Delaware  law. The Trust
specifically  reserves  the right to  exercise  any of the powers or  privileges
afforded  to trusts  or  actions  that may be  engaged  in by  trusts  under the
Delaware Act, and the absence of a specific  reference herein to any such power,
privilege or action  shall not imply that the Trust may not exercise  such power
or privilege or take such actions.

     Section 11.08 Derivative Actions. In addition to the requirements set forth
in Section 3816 of the Delaware Act, a Shareholder may bring a derivative action
on behalf of the Trust only if the following conditions are met:

     (a) The  Shareholder or  Shareholders  must make a pre-suit demand upon the
Trustees to bring the subject  action  unless an effort to cause the Trustees to
bring such an action is not likely to  succeed.  For  purposes  of this  Section
11.08(a),  a demand on the  Trustees  shall only be deemed not likely to succeed
and therefore  excused if a majority of the Board of Trustees,  or a majority of
any committee  established to consider the merits of such action, has a personal
financial  interest  in the  transaction  at issue,  and a Trustee  shall not be
deemed interested in a transaction or otherwise  disqualified from ruling on the
merits of a Shareholder  demand by virtue of the fact that such Trustee receives
remuneration  for his  service on the Board of  Trustees  of the Trust or on the
boards of one or more investment companies that are under common management with
or otherwise affiliated with the Trust.

     (b) Unless a demand is not  required  under  paragraph  (a) of this Section
11.08,  Shareholders eligible to bring such derivative action under the Delaware
Act who hold at least 10% of the Outstanding  Shares of the Trust, or 10% of the
Outstanding  Shares of the Series or Class to which such action  relates,  shall
join in the request for the Trustees to commence such action; and

     (c) Unless a demand is not  required  under  paragraph  (a) of this Section
11.08,  the Trustees  must be afforded a  reasonable  amount of time to consider
such  Shareholder  request  and to  investigate  the  basis of such  claim.  The
Trustees  shall be entitled to retain  counsel or other  advisors in considering
the merits of the request and shall require an undertaking by the


Shareholders  making such request to reimburse  the Trust for the expense of any
such advisors in the event that the Trustees determine not to bring such action.

     For purposes of this Section  11.08,  the Board of Trustees may designate a
committee of one Trustee to consider a Shareholder demand if necessary to create
a committee  with a majority of  Trustees  who do not have a personal  financial
interest in the transaction at issue.

     Section 11.09  Amendments.  Except as  specifically  provided  herein,  the
Trustees may, without shareholder vote, amend or otherwise supplement this Trust
Instrument by making an amendment, a Trust Instrument  supplemental hereto or an
amended and restated trust instrument. Shareholders shall have the right to vote
(a) on any  amendment  as may be required by law or by the Trust's  registration
statement  filed with the Commission and (b) on any amendment  submitted to them
by the  Trustees.  Any  amendment  required  or  permitted  to be  submitted  to
Shareholders which, as the Trustees determine,  shall affect the Shareholders of
one or more  Series  shall be  authorized  by vote of the  Shareholders  of each
Series  affected and no vote of  shareholders  of a Series not affected shall be
required.  Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this Trust  Instrument,  any
amendment to Article X hereof shall not limit the rights to  indemnification  or
insurance provided therein with respect to action or omission of Covered Persons
prior to such amendment.

     Section  11.10  Fiscal  Year.  The fiscal  year of the Trust shall end on a
specified date as set forth in the Bylaws, provided,  however, that the Trustees
may change the fiscal year of the Trust.

     Section  11.11  Name  Reservation.  The  Trustees  on  behalf  of the Trust
acknowledge  that KeyCorp has licensed to the Trust the  non-exclusive  right to
use the name  "Victory"  as part of the name of the Trust,  and has reserved the
right to grant the  non-exclusive  use of the name  "Victory" or any  derivative
thereof to any other party. In addition, KeyCorp reserves the right to grant the
non-exclusive use of the name "Victory" to, and to withdraw such right from, any
other business or other enterprise.  KeyCorp reserves the right to withdraw from
the Trust the right to use said name  "Victory"  and will withdraw such right if
the Trust  ceases to  employ,  for any  reason,  KeyCorp,  an  affiliate  or any
successor as adviser of the Trust.

     Section 11.12 Provisions in Conflict With Law. The provisions of this Trust
Instrument are severable,  and if the Trustees shall determine,  with the advice
of counsel,  that any of such  provision  is in conflict  with the 1940 Act, the
regulated  investment  company  provisions of the Internal  Revenue Code or with
other applicable laws and regulations, the conflicting provision shall be deemed
never to have constituted a part of this Trust  Instrument;  provided,  however,
that such determination shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this
Trust Instrument or render invalid or improper any action taken or omitted prior
to such  determination.  If any provision of this Trust Instrument shall be held
invalid   or   unenforceable   in   any   jurisdiction,   such   invalidity   or
unenforceability  shall attach only to such provision in such  jurisdiction  and
shall not in any matter affect such provision in any other  jurisdiction  or any
other provision of this Trust Instrument in any jurisdiction.


           IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned,  being  all of  the  current
Trustees of the Trust,  have executed  this  instrument as of date first written

  ------------------------------             -------------------------------

        Harry Gazelle, as Trustee                 Leigh A. Wilson, as Trustee
        and not individually                      and not individually

  -------------------------------            -------------------------------

        Eugene J. McDonald, as Trustee            H. Patrick Swygert, as Trustee
        and not individually                      and not individually

  -------------------------------            -------------------------------

        Thomas F. Morrissey, as Trustee           Frank A. Weil, as Trustee
        and not individually                      and not individually


        Roger Noall, as Trustee
        and not individually


                                   SCHEDULE A

Fund                                                                     Classes
Balanced Fund.......................................Class A, Class G and Class G
Convertible Securities Fund.........................Class A and Class G
Diversified Stock Fund..............................Class A, Class B and Class G
Equity Income Fund..................................Class A
Established Value Fund..............................Class A and Class G
Federal Money Market Fund...........................Investor and Select
Financial Reserves Fund.............................Class A
Fund for Income.....................................Class A and Class G
Government Mortgage Fund............................Class A
Gradison Government Reserves Fund...................Class G
Growth Fund.........................................Class A and Class G
Institutional Money Market Fund.....................Investor and Select
Intermediate Income Fund............................Class A and Class G
International Growth Fund...........................Class A, Class B and Class G
Investment Quality Bond Fund........................Class A and Class G
Lakefront Fund......................................Class A
LifeChoice Conservative Investor Fund...............Class A
LifeChoice Moderate Investor Fund...................Class A
LifeChoice Growth Investor Fund.....................Class A
Limited Term Income Fund............................Class A
Maine Municipal Bond Fund (Intermediate)............Class A
Maine Municipal Bond Fund (Long)....................Class A
Michigan Municipal Bond Fund........................Class A
National Municipal Bond Fund........................Class A, Class B and Class G
National Municipal Bond Fund (Short Intermediate)...Class A
National Municipal Bond Fund (Long).................Class A
New York Tax-Free Fund..............................Class A, Class B and Class G
Ohio Municipal Bond Fund............................Class A and Class G
Ohio Municipal Money Market Fund....................Class A
Ohio Regional Stock Fund............................Class A and Class B
Prime Obligations Fund..............................Class A
Real Estate Investment Fund.........................Class A and Class G
Small Company Opportunity Fund......................Class A and Class G
Special Value Fund..................................Class A, Class B and Class G
Stock Index Fund....................................Class A and Class G
Tax-Free Money Market Fund..........................Class A
U.S. Government Obligations Fund....................Investor and Select
Value Fund..........................................Class A and Class G

As of December 1, 1999

                                January __, 2000

                          Acquisition of the Assets of
                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS
                            Government Mortgage Fund
                            Ohio Regional Stock Fund

                    by and in exchange for all the shares of
                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS
                                 Fund for Income
                             Established Value Fund

This  Statement of  Additional  Information  dated  January __,  2000,  is not a
prospectus,  but should be read in conjunction with the Combined Proxy Statement
and Prospectus dated January __, 2000. This Statement of Additional  Information
is  incorporated  by reference in its entirety into the Combined Proxy Statement
and  Prospectus.  Copies of the Combined  Proxy  Statement and Prospectus may be
obtained  by  writing  The  Victory  Portfolios  at P.O.  Box 8527,  Boston,  MA
02266-8527 or by calling toll free 800-539-FUND (800-539-3863).

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.       Statement of Additional Information of Fund for Income a portfolio
         of The Victory Portfolios, dated December 15, 1999.

2.       Statement of Additional Information of Established Value Fund, a
         portfolio of The Victory Portfolios, dated April 5, 1999, as
         Supplemented July 28, 1999.

3.       Statements of Additional Information of Government Mortgage Find and
         Ohio Regional Stock Fund, portfolios of The Victory Portfolios, dated
         December 15, 1999.

4.       Financial  Statements  of Fund  for  Income,  Established  Value  Fund,
         Government  Mortgage Fund and Ohio Regional  Stock Fund,  portfolios of
         The Victory Portfolios, dated October 31, 1999.


         The Statement of  Additional  Information  dated  December 15, 1999, of
Fund for  Income,  a  portfolio  of The  Victory  Portfolios,  as filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission (SEC) on December 20, 1999, pursuant to Rule
497(c), is hereby  incorporated by reference.  A copy may be obtained by writing
The Victory  Portfolios,  P.O. Box 8527, Boston MA 02266-8527 or by calling toll
free 800-539-3863.

         The  Statement  of  Additional  Information  dated  April 5,  1999,  of
Established Value Fund, a portfolio of The Victory  Portfolios,  is incorporated
by  reference  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 50 to The Victory  Portfolio's
Registration  Statement on Form N-1A (File No. 33-08982). A copy may be obtained
by writing The Victory  Portfolios,  P.O. Box 8527,  Boston MA  02266-8527 or by
calling toll free 800-539-3863.

         The  Statements of Additional  Information  dated December 15, 1999, of
Government Mortgage Fund and Ohio Regional Stock Fund, portfolios of The Victory
Portfolios,  as filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (SEC) on
December 20, 1999, pursuant to Rule 497(c), is hereby incorporated by reference.
A copy may be obtained by writing The Victory Portfolios,  P.O. Box 8527, Boston
MA 02266-8527 or by calling toll free 800-539-3863.

         Fund Policies. Shareholders of the Fund for Income and Established
Value Fund are being asked to approve certain changes to fundamental investment
restrictions at a Special Meeting of shareholders to be held on March 20, 2000
(the "Special Meting"). The charts on the next few pages show the restrictions
of the Government Mortgage Fund and Ohio Regional Stock Fund and the
restrictions of the Fund for Income and the Established Value Fund, first as
they are currently, and second, as they will be if shareholders of those Funds
approve certain investment restriction changes at the Special Meeting.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Government Mortgage Fund                      Fund for Income - Present                   Fund for Income - Proposed
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Government Mortgage Fund has no           The Fund may not:                           The Fund may not:
separately stated concentration restriction
because it invests at least 80% of its        invest more than 25% of the Fund's total    purchase the securities of any issuer
total assets in obligations issued or         assets in securities whose interest         (other than the securities issued or
guaranteed by the United States government    payments are derived from revenue from      guaranteed by the U.S. government or any
or its agencies or instrumentalities. A       similar projects.                           of its agencies or instrumentalities, or
fund "concentrates" if it invests 25% or                                                  repurchase agreements secured thereby)
more of its total assets, excluding           As a matter of non-fundamental policy,      if, as a result, 25% or more of the
obligations issued or guaranteed by the       the Fund for Income may not, with respect   Fund's total assets would be invested in
United States government or its agencies or   to non-municipal bond investments,          the securities of companies whose
instrumentalities, in a single industry.      purchase securities (other than securities  principal business activities are in the
                                              of the United States government,  its       same industry. This  restriction  shall
                                              agencies  or instrumentalities),  if as a   not prevent  the  Fund  from investing
                                              result of such  purchase 25% or more of     all of its assets in a "master" fund that
                                              the total Fund's assets would be invested   has adopted similar investment
                                              in any one industry.                        objectives,  any policies and
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund may not:                           The Fund may not:

borrow money, except that (a) the Fund may    borrow money, except for temporary or       borrow money, except that the Fund may
enter into commitments to purchase            emergency purposes and not for investment   (a) enter into commitments to purchase
securities in accordance with its             purposes, and then only in an amount not    securities and instruments in accordance
investment program, including                 exceeding 5% of the value of its total      with its investment program, including
delayed-delivery and when-issued securities   assets at the time of the borrowing.        when-issued and delayed-delivery
and reverse repurchase agreements, provided                                               transactions, reverse repurchase
that the total amount of any such borrowing                                               agreements and "dollar roll"
does not exceed 33 1/3 % of the Fund's                                                    transactions, provided that the total
total assets; and (b) the Fund may borrow                                                 amount of any borrowing does not exceed
money for temporary or emergency purposes                                                 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets at the
in an amount not exceeding 5% of the value                                                time of the transaction; (b) borrow money
of its total assets at the time when the                                                  in an amount not to exceed 33 1/3% of the
loan is made.  Any borrowings representing                                                value of its total assets at the time the
more than 5% of the Fund's total assets                                                   loan is made; and (c) borrow money on a
must be repaid before the Fund may make                                                   short-term basis from investment
additional investments.                                                                   companies that are part of the same group
                                                                                          of  investment  companies  to  the  extent
                                                                                          allowed  by  applicable   laws,  rules  or
                                                                                          regulatory  orders  in an  amount  not  to
                                                                                          exceed  33 1/3% of the  value of its total
                                                                                          assets  at the  time  the  loan  is  made.
                                                                                          Borrowings  representing more than 33 1/3%
                                                                                          of the Fund's  total assets must be repaid
                                                                                          before   the  Fund  may  make   additional
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Senior Securities
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             Same as the Government Mortgage Fund        The Fund may not:

issue any  senior  security  (as  defined in                                              issue any senior security (as defined in
the  Investment  Company  Act  of  1940,  as                                              the 1940 Act), except that (a) the Fund
amended (the "1940  Act")),  except that (a)                                              may engage in transactions that may
the Fund may  engage  in  transactions  that                                              result in the issuance of senior
may  result  in  the   issuance   of  senior                                              securities to the extent permitted under
securities  to the  extent  permitted  under                                              applicable regulations and
applicable  regulations and  interpretations                                              interpretations of the 1940 Act, an
of  the  1940  Act  or an  exemptive  order;                                              exemptive order or interpretation of the
(b) the Fund may acquire  other  securities,                                              staff of the SEC; (b) the Fund may
the  acquisition  of which may result in the                                              acquire other securities, the acquisition
issuance  of  a  senior  security,   to  the                                              of which may result in the issuance of a
extent     permitted    under     applicable                                              senior security, to the extent permitted
regulations or  interpretations  of the 1940                                              under applicable regulations or
Act;  (c)  subject to the  restrictions  set                                              interpretations of the 1940 Act; (c)
forth  above,  the Fund may borrow  money as                                              subject to the restrictions described in
authorized by the 1940 Act.                                                               the Statement of Additional Information,
                                                                                          the Fund may borrow money as authorized by
                                                                                          the 1940  Act;  and (d) the Fund may issue
                                                                                          multiple  classes of shares in  accordance
                                                                                          with regulations of the SEC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund may not:                           The Fund may not:

lend any  security  or make any other loan    make loans to other  persons  except        make loans,  except as follows:  The Fund,
if, as a result, more than 33 1/3% of its     through the use of repurchase agreements    consistent  with its  investment  program,
total assets would be lent to other parties,  or the purchase of commercial  paper. For   may (a) purchase bonds, debentures,  other
but this limitation does not apply to         these  purposes,  the purchase of a         debt  securities  and hybrid  instruments,
purchases of publicly issued debt securities  portion of an issue of debt securities      including  short-term   obligations;   (b)
or to repurchase agreements.                  which is part of an issue to the public     enter into  repurchase  transactions;  (c)
                                              shall not be considered  the making of      lend  portfolio  securities,  provided
                                              a loan.                                     that the value of loaned  securities  does
                                                                                          not  exceed  33 1/3% of the  Fund's  total
                                                                                          assets; (d) make short-term loans to other
                                                                                          investment  companies that are part of the
                                                                                          same  group of  investment  companies,  as
                                                                                          part  of an  interfund  loan  program,  as
                                                                                          allowed  by  applicable  laws,  rules  and
                                                                                          regulatory orders.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joint Trading Accounts:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not participate on a joint or    No fundamental restriction.                 No change is proposed.
joint and several basis in any securities
trading account.                              A specific joint trading account
                                              restriction is not required under any
                                              applicable law. If the Fund for Income
                                              wanted to participate in a joint trading
                                              account or arrangement, it would have to
                                              obtain exemptive relief from the SEC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Funds may not:                            Same as Government Mortgage Fund            The Fund may not:

underwrite  securities issued by others,                                                  underwrite  securities  issued by  others,
except to the extent that a Fund may be                                                   except to the extent  that the Fund may be
considered an underwriter within the                                                      considered  an   underwriter   within  the
meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as                                                 meaning  of the  Securities  Act  when the
amended (the  "Securities  Act"),  in                                                     reselling   securities  held  in  its  own
disposition of restricted securities.                                                     portfolio.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund may not:                           The Fund is diversified.

with respect to 75% of its total assets,      purchase the securities of any issuer       Under the 1940 Act, a fund is
purchase the securities of any issuer         (except the U.S. government, its agencies   "diversified" if  with respect to 75% of
(other than securities issued or guaranteed   and instrumentalities), with regard to      its assets, no more than 5% can be
by the U.S. government or any of its          75% of its total assets, if as a result     invested in any one issuer (other than
agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a       more than 5% of its total assets would be   U.S. Government Securities), and no more
result, (a) more than 5% of its total         invested in the securities of such          than 10% of the outstanding voting
assets would be invested in the securities    issuer.  In determining the issuer of a     securities of any issuer can be held by a
of that issuer, or (b) the Fund would hold    tax-exempt security, each state and each    fund.
more than 10% of the outstanding voting       political subdivision, agency, and
securities of that issuer.                    instrumentality of each state and each
                                              multi-state agency of which such state is
                                              a member is a separate issuer. Where
                                              securities are backed only by assets and
                                              revenues of a particular instrumentality,
                                              facility or subdivision, such entity is
                                              considered the issuer.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real Estate:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             No fundamental restriction.                 The Fund may not:

purchase or sell real estate unless                                                       purchase or sell real estate unless
acquired as a result of ownership of                                                      acquired as a result of direct ownership
securities or other instruments (but this                                                 of securities or other instruments.  This
shall not prevent the Fund from investing                                                 restriction shall not prevent the Fund
in securities or other instruments backed                                                 from investing in securities or other
by real estate or securities of companies                                                 instruments backed by real estate or
engaged in the real estate business).                                                     securities of companies engaged in the
Investments by the Fund in securities                                                     real estate business, including real
backed by mortgages on real estate or in                                                  estate investment trusts.  This
marketable securities of companies engaged                                                restriction does not preclude the Fund
in such activities are not hereby precluded.                                              from buying securities backed by
                                                                                          mortgages on real estate or  securities of
                                                                                          companies engaged in such activities. This
                                                                                          restriction  shall not prevent a Fund from
                                                                                          investing   in   real   estate   operating
                                                                                          companies and shares of companies  engaged
                                                                                          in other real estate related businesses.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund may not:                           No fundamental restriction.

                                              pledge, mortgage, or hypothecate its        The restriction on pledging was based on
                                              assets, except that, to secure borrowings   state law requirements that are no longer
                                              permitted by its fundamental restriction    applicable.
                                              on borrowing, it may pledge securities
                                              having a market value at the time of
                                              pledge not exceeding 10% of the value of
                                              its total assets.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund may not:                           No change is proposed.

purchase or sell  physical  commodities       purchase or sell  commodities  or
unless  acquired as a result of  ownership    commodity contracts, oil, gas or other
of securities or other instruments (but this  mineral exploration or development
shall not prevent the Fund from  purchasing   programs.
or selling  options and futures contracts
or from  investing in  securities  or other
instruments backed by physical commodities).

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ohio Regional Stock Fund                      Established Value - Current                 Established Value - Proposed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund will not:                            The Fund will not concentrate more than     The Fund may not:
                                              25% of its total assets in any one
purchase the securities of any issuer         industry.                                   purchase the securities of any issuer
(other than securities issued or guaranteed                                               (other than the securities issued or
by the U.S. government or any of its                                                      guaranteed by the U.S. government or any
agencies or instrumentalities, or                                                         of its agencies or instrumentalities, or
repurchase agreements secured thereby) if,                                                repurchase agreements secured thereby)
as a result, more than 25% of its total                                                   if, as a result, 25% or more of its total
assets would be invested in the securities                                                assets would be invested in the
of companies whose principal business                                                     securities of companies whose principal
activities are in the same industry.  In                                                  business activities are in the same
the utilities category, the industry shall                                                industry.  This restriction shall not
be determined according to the service                                                    prevent the Fund from investing all of
provided.  For example, gas, electric,                                                    its assets in a "master" fund that has
water and telephone will be considered as                                                 adopted similar investment objections,
separate industries.                                                                      policies and restrictions.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund will not borrow money, except as   The Fund may not:
                                              a temporary measure for extraordinary or
borrow money, except that (a) the Fund may    emergency purposes, and then only in        borrow money, except that the Fund may
enter into commitments to purchase            amounts not exceeding 5% of the total       (a) enter into commitments to purchase
securities in accordance with its             assets of the Fund, taken at the lower of   securities and instruments in accordance
investment program, including                 acquisition cost or market value.           with its investment program, including
delayed-delivery and when-issued securities                                               when-issued and delayed-delivery
and reverse repurchase agreements, provided                                               transactions, reverse repurchase
that the total amount of any such borrowing                                               agreements and "dollar roll"
does not exceed 33 1/3 % of the Fund's                                                    transactions, provided that the total
total assets; and (b) the Fund may borrow                                                 amount of any borrowing does not exceed
money for temporary or emergency purposes                                                 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets at the
in an amount not exceeding 5% of the value                                                time of the transaction; (b) borrow money
of its total assets at the time when the                                                  in an amount not to exceed 33 1/3% of the
loan is made.  Any borrowings representing                                                value of its total assets at the time the
more than 5% of the Fund's total assets                                                   loan is made; and (c) borrow money on a
must be repaid before the Fund may make                                                   short-term basis from investment
additional investments.                                                                   companies that are part of the same group
                                                                                          of  investment  companies  to  the  extent
                                                                                          allowed  by  applicable   laws,  rules  or
                                                                                          regulatory  orders  in an  amount  not  to
                                                                                          exceed  33 1/3% of the  value of its total
                                                                                          assets  at the  time  the  loan  is  made.
                                                                                          Borrowings  representing more than 33 1/3%
                                                                                          of the Fund's  total assets must be repaid
                                                                                          before   the  Fund  may  make   additional
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Senior Securities
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             No fundamental restriction.                 The Fund may not:

issue any senior security (as defined in                                                  issue any senior security (as defined in
the 1940 Act), except that (a) the Fund may                                               the 1940 Act), except that (a) the Fund
engage in transactions that may result in                                                 may engage in transactions that may
the issuance of senior securities to the                                                  result in the issuance of senior
extent permitted under applicable                                                         securities to the extent permitted under
regulations and interpretations of the 1940                                               applicable regulations and
Act or an exemptive order; (b) the Fund may                                               interpretations of the 1940 Act, an
acquire other securities, the acquisition                                                 exemptive order or interpretation of the
of which may result in the issuance of a                                                  staff of the SEC; (b) the Fund may
senior security, to the extent permitted                                                  acquire other securities, the acquisition
under applicable regulations or                                                           of which may result in the issuance of a
interpretations of the 1940 Act; and (c)                                                  senior security, to the extent permitted
subject to the restrictions set forth                                                     under applicable regulations or
above, the Fund may borrow money as                                                       interpretations of the 1940 Act; (c)
authorized by the 1940 Act.                                                               subject to the restrictions described in
                                                                                          the Statement of  Additional  Information,
                                                                                          the Fund may borrow money as authorized by
                                                                                          the 1940  Act;  and (d) the Fund may issue
                                                                                          multiple  classes of shares in  accordance
                                                                                          with regulations of the SEC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund will not make loans, except (a)    The Fund may not:
                                              through the purchase of publicly
lend any security or make any other loan      distributed  corporate securities,  U.S.    make loans,  except as follows:  the Fund,
if, as a result, more than 33 1/3% of its     government obligations,  certificates of    consistent  with its  investment  program,
total assets would be lent to other           deposit,  high-grade  commercial paper      may (a) purchase bonds, debentures,  other
parties, but this limitation does not         and other money market instruments,         debt  securities  and hybrid  instruments,
apply to purchases of publicly issued debt    and (b) loans of portfolio securities to    including  short-term   obligations;   (b)
securities or to repurchase agreements.       persons unaffiliated with the Trust not     enter into  repurchase  transactions;  (c)
                                              in excess of 20% of the value of the        lend portfolio  securities,  provided that
                                              Fund's total assets (taken at market        the  value of loaned  securities  does not
                                              value) made in accordance with the          exceed 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets;
                                              guidelines of the SEC and with any          and (d)  make  short-term  loans  to other
                                              standards established from time to time     investment  companies that are part of the
                                              by the Trust's Board of Trustees,           same  group of  investment  companies,  as
                                              including the maintenance of                part  of an  interfund  loan  program,  as
                                              collateral from the borrower at all         allowed  by  applicable  laws,  rules  and
                                              times in an amount at least equal to        regulatory orders."
                                              the current market value of the
                                              securities loaned.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joint Trading Accounts:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund will not participate on a joint,   No fundamental restriction.
                                              or a joint and several, basis in any
participate on a joint or joint and several   securities trading account.                 A specific joint trading account
basis in any securities trading account.                                                  restriction is not required under any
                                                                                          applicable law. If the  Established  Value
                                                                                          Fund  wanted  to  participate  in a  joint
                                                                                          trading account or  arrangement,  it would
                                                                                          have to obtain  exemptive  relief from the
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund will not underwrite the            The Fund may not:
                                              securities of other issuers, except
underwrite securities issued by others,       insofar as it may technically be deemed     underwrite securities issued by others,
except to the extent that the Fund may be     an underwriter under the Securities Act     except to the extent that the Fund may be
considered an underwriter within the          in connection with the disposition of       considered an underwriter within the
meaning of the Securities Act in the          portfolio securities.                       meaning of the Securities Act when
disposition of restricted securities.                                                     reselling securities held in its own
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund will not purchase any securities   The Established Value Fund is diversified.
                                              (other than obligations issued or
with respect to 75% of its total assets,      guaranteed by the U.S. government or its    Under the 1940 Act, a fund is
purchase the securities of any issuer         agencies or instrumentalities) if           "diversified" if  with respect to 75% of
(other than securities issued or guaranteed   immediately after such purchase, more       these assets, no more than 5% can be
by the U.S. government or any of its          than 5% of its total assets would be        invested in any one issuer (other than
agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a       invested in securities of any one issuer    U.S. government securities), and no more
result, (a) more than 5% of its total         or more than 10% of the outstanding         than 10% of the outstanding voting
assets would be invested in the securities    securities of any one issuer would be       securities of any issuer can be held by a
of that issuer, or (b) the Fund would hold    owned by the Trust and held by the Fund.    fund.
more than 10% of the outstanding voting
securities of that issuer.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real Estate:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund will not purchase or sell real     The Fund may not:
                                              estate, except that it is permissible to
purchase or sell real estate unless           purchase securities secured by real         purchase or sell real estate unless
acquired as a result of ownership of          estate or real estate interests or issued   acquired as a result of direct ownership
securities or other instruments (but this     by companies that invest in real estate     of securities or other instruments.  This
shall not prevent the Fund from investing     or real estate interests.                   restriction shall not prevent the Fund
in securities or other instruments backed                                                 from investing in securities or other
by real estate or securities of companies                                                 instruments backed by real estate or
engaged in the real estate business).                                                     securities of companies engaged in the
Investments by the Fund in securities                                                     real estate business, including real
backed by mortgages on real estate or in                                                  estate investment trusts.  This
marketable securities of companies engaged                                                restriction does not preclude the Fund
in such activities are not hereby precluded.                                              from buying securities backed by
                                                                                          mortgages on real estate or  securities of
                                                                                          companies engaged in such activities. This
                                                                                          restriction  shall not prevent a Fund from
                                                                                          investing   in   real   estate   operating
                                                                                          companies and shares of companies  engaged
                                                                                          in other real estate related businesses.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not mortgage, pledge or       No fundamental restriction.
                                              hypothecate securities, except in
                                              connection with a permissible borrowing     This restriction is being eliminated as
                                              and then only in amounts not exceeding      unnecessary.  The restriction was based
                                              10% of the value of its assets (taken at    on state law requirements that are no
                                              the lower of acquisition cost or market     longer applicable.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short Sales, Margin:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not make short sales of       No fundamental restriction.
                                              securities, or purchase securities on
As a matter of non-fundamental policy, the    margin, except for short-term credit as     This restriction is being eliminated as
Fund may not:                                 is necessary for the clearance of           unnecessary. Eliminating this restriction
                                              transactions.                               will not change the Established  Value
make short sales of securities,  other                                                    Fund's  present investment practices.
than short sales "against the box," or
purchase securities on margin except for
short-term credits necessary for clearance
of portfolio transactions, provided that
this restriction will not be applied to
limit the use of options,  futures
contracts and related options,  in the
manner otherwise  permitted by the
investment restrictions, policies and
investment program of the Fund.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investing for Control
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not invest in companies for   No fundamental restriction.
                                              the purpose of exercising control or
                                              management.                                 This  restriction  was  based on state law
                                                                                          requirements    that    are   no    longer
                                                                                          applicable.  Because the Established Value
                                                                                          Fund invests in  securities  with a market
                                                                                          capitalization   of   $1   billion,   this
                                                                                          restriction is unnecessary.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Restricted Securities
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Established Value Fund will not         No fundamental restriction.
                                              purchase securities subject to
As a matter of non-fundamental policy,  the   restrictions on disposition under the       The amount of restricted securities that
Fund may not:                                 Securities Act.                             the Fund could acquire would be limited
                                                                                          by its ability to acquired illiquid
invest more than 15% of its net assets in                                                 securities, up to 5% of the value of its
illiquid securities, which may include                                                    portfolio..
restricted securities
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Illiquid Securities
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not purchase securities for   No fundamental restriction.
                                              which no readily available market
As a matter of non-fundamental policy, the    quotation exists, if at the time of         This restriction is no longer required by
Fund may not:                                 acquisition more than 5% of its total       state law or the 1940 Act. Removing this
                                              assets would be invested in such            restriction gives the Trustees greater
Invest more than 15% of its net assets in     securities (repurchase agreements           flexibility to respond to developing
illiquid securities.  Illiquid securities     maturing in more than seven days are        markets for restricted, but liquid,
are securities that are not readily           included within this restriction).          securities and regulatory changes
marketable or cannot be disposed of                                                       concerning the permitted levels of
promptly within seven days and in the usual                                               investment in such securities.
course of business at approximately the
price at which the Fund has valued them.
Such securities  include,  but are not
limited to, time deposits and repurchase
agreements with maturities longer than
seven days.  Securities that may be resold
under Rule 144A,  securities offered pursuant
to Section 4(2) of, or securities  otherwise
subject to  restrictions or limitations on
resale under the Securities Act  ("Restricted
Securities") shall not be deemed illiquid
solely by reason of being unregistered.
The Adviser determines whether a particular
security is deemed to be liquid based on
the trading markets for the specific security
and other factors.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not write, purchase or sell   No change is proposed.
                                              puts, calls or combinations thereof.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Investment Companies
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not purchase the securities   None.  Instead, the Established Value
                                              of other investment companies, except in    Fund will adopt the Victory Portfolios'
                                              connection with a merger, consolidation,    standard non-fundamental  investment
As a matter of non-fundamental policy, the    reorganization or acquisition of assets,    restriction:
Fund may:                                     and except by purchase in the open market
                                              of securities of closed-end investment      The Fund may:
invest up to 5% of its total assets in the    companies involving only customary
securities of any one investment company,     broker's commissions, and then only         invest up to 5% of its total assets in the
but may not own more than 3% of the           if immediately after such purchase, no      securities of any one investment  company,
securities of any one investment company or   more than 10% of the value of the           but  may  not  own  more  than  3% of  the
invest more than 10% of its total assets in   total assets f the Fund would be            securities of any one  investment  company
the securities of other investment            invested in such securities.                or  invest  more  than  10% of  its  total
companies.  Pursuant to an exemptive order                                                assets   in  the   securities   of   other
received by the Trust from the SEC, the                                                   investment   companies.   Pursuant  to  an
Fund may invest in the other money market                                                 exemptive order received by the Trust from
funds of the Trust. Each Fund will waive                                                  the SEC,  the Fund may invest in the other
the portion of its fee attributable to the                                                money market funds of the Trust. Each Fund
assets of each Fund invested in such money                                                will   waive  the   portion   of  its  fee
market funds to the extent required by the                                                attributable  to the  assets  of each Fund
laws of any jurisdiction in which shares of                                               invested in such money market funds to the
the Funds are registered for sale.                                                        extent   required   by  the  laws  of  any
However, the Fund may not purchase the                                                    jurisdiction  in which shares of the Funds
securities of any registered open-end                                                     are registered for sale. In addition,  the
investment company or registered unit                                                     Fund may not:  Purchase the  securities of
investment trust in reliance on Section                                                   any registered open-end investment company
12(d)(1)(G) or Section 12(d)(1)(F) of                                                     or  registered  unit  investment  trust in
the 1940 Act, which permits operation                                                     reliance on Section 12(d)(1)(G) or Section
as a "fund of funds."                                                                     12(d)(1)(F) of the 1940 Act, which permits
                                                                                          operation as a "fund of funds."

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund may not:                             The Fund will not purchase or sell          No change is proposed.
                                              commodities, commodity contracts, or
                                              interests in oil, gas or other mineral
purchase or sell physical commodities         exploration or development  programs,
unless acquired as a result of ownership      except that it is permissible to purchase
of securities or other instruments (but       securities  issued by companies that
this shall not prevent the Fund from          hold interests in oil, gas or other mineral
purchasing or selling options and futures     exploration or development programs.
contracts or from investing in securities
or other instruments backed by physical
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ownership of Portfolio Securities by Trustees or Officers
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not purchase or retain the    No change is proposed.
                                              securities of any issuer if any Trustee
                                              or officer of the Trust is or becomes a
                                              director or officer of such issuer and
                                              owns beneficially more than 1/2 of 1% of
                                              the securities of such issuer, or if
                                              those directors, trustees and officers of
                                              the Trust and its investment adviser who
                                              are directors or officers of such issuer
                                              together own or acquire more than 5% of
                                              the securities of such issuer.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unseasoned Issuers
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fundamental restriction.                   The Fund will not purchase any securities   No change is proposed.
                                              of companies which have (with their
                                              predecessors) a record of less than three
                                              years of continuous operation, if at the
                                              time of acquisition more than 5% of its
                                              total assets would be invested in such

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

         The audited Financial Statements of Fund for Income, a portfolio of The
Victory  Portfolios,  are  incorporated by reference to the Annual Report of the
predecessor to Fund for Income,  Gradison Government Income Fund, a portfolio of
Gradison Custodian Trust (File No. 811-5198) dated December 31, 1998.

         The audited Financial Statements of Established Value Fund, a portfolio
of The Victory Portfolios, are incorporated by reference to the Annual Report of
The Victory Portfolios (File No. 811-4852) dated March 31, 1999.

         The audited Financial  Statements of Government  Mortgage Fund and Ohio
Regional Stock Fund,  portfolios of The Victory  Portfolio,  are incorporated by
reference to the Annual Report of The Victory Portfolios (File No.
811-4852) dated October 31, 1998.

         Pro forma  financial  statements  as of October  31,  1999,  which give
effect to the  Reorganization  of Government  Mortgage Fund into Fund for Income
and Ohio Regional Stock Fund and Established Value Fund follow.

Pro Forma Combining
Statements of Assets and Liabilities
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)
(Unaudited)                                                                Victory      Victory
                                                                          Government    Fund for                      Combined
                                                                        Mortgage Fund   Income       Adjustments   Pro Forma Totals
                                                                        -------------   ------       -----------   ----------------
Investments, at value (Cost $99,860 & $235,810)                         $  98,709     $ 230,775     $          --   $ 329,484
Cash                                                                           51            --                --          51
Interest receivable                                                           624         2,129                --       2,753
Receivable for capital shares issued                                           --             2                --           2
Receivable from brokers for investments sold                                   13            --                --          13
Receivabli from affiliates                                                     --             9                --           9
Prepaid expenses and other assets                                               7            26                --          33
                                                                        ---------     ---------     -------------   ---------
       Total Assets                                                        99,404       232,941                --     332,345
                                                                        ---------     ---------     -------------   ---------
Dividends payable                                                              --            --                --          --
Payable to brokers for investments purchased                                   --            --                --          --
Payable for capital shares redeemed                                            --            13                --          13
Accrued expenses and other payables:
   Investment advisory fees                                                    42            85                --         127
   Administration fees                                                          2             2                --           4
   Custodian fees                                                               7            14                --          21
   Accounting fees                                                              2            --                --           2
   Transfer agent fees                                                          3            26                --          29
   Shareholder service fees - Class A                                          20            23                --          43
   Shareholder service fees - Class G                                          --            49                --          49
   Other                                                                        2            37                --          39
                                                                        ---------     ---------     -------------   ---------
       Total Liabilities                                                       78           249                --         327
                                                                        ---------     ---------     -------------   ---------
Capital                                                                   103,722       245,144                --     348,866
Undistributed (distributions in excess) net investment income                 107           192                --         299
Net unrealized appreciation/depreciation from investments                  (1,151)       (5,035)               --      (6,186)
Accumulated undistributed net realized                                         --            --
   losses from investment transactions                                     (3,352)       (7,609)                      (10,961)
                                                                        ---------     ---------     -------------   ---------
       Net Assets                                                       $  99,326     $ 232,692     $          --   $ 332,018
                                                                        =========     =========     =============   =========
Net Assets
   Class A                                                              $  99,326     $  40,270     $          --   $ 139,596
   Class G                                                                     --       192,422                --     192,422
                                                                        ---------     ---------     -------------   ---------
       Total                                                            $  99,326     $ 232,692     $          --   $ 332,018
                                                                        =========     =========     =============   =========
Outstanding units of beneficial interest (shares)
   Class A                                                                  9,364            --            (9,364)
   Class A                                                                     --         3,149             7,765      10,914
   Class G                                                                     --        15,052                --      15,052
                                                                        ---------     ---------     -------------   ---------
       Total                                                                9,364        18,201            (1,599)     25,966
                                                                        =========     =========     =============   =========
Net asset value
      Redemption price per share - Class A                              $   10.61            --     $        2.18
      Redemption price per share - Class A                                     --     $   12.79                --   $   12.79
                                                                        =========     =========     =============   =========
      Redemption price per share - Class G                              $      --     $   12.78     $          --   $   12.78
                                                                        =========     =========     =============   =========
Maximum sales charge - Class A                                               5.75%         2.00%               --        2.00%
                                                                        =========     =========     =============   =========
Maximum offering price per share (100%/(100%-maximum sales charge) of
    net asset value adjusted to nearest cent) - Class A                 $   11.26     $   13.05                --   $   13.05
                                                                        =========     =========     =============   =========

 Pro Forma Combining
 Statements of Operations
 For the Ten Months Ended October 31, 1999

                                                                     Victory         Victory
                                                                    Government      Fund for
                                                                   Mortgage Fund     Income     Adjustments  Combined Pro Forma Tot
                                                                   -------------     ------     -----------  ----------------------

                                                                   For the Ten    For the Ten   For the Ten      For the Ten
                                                                   Months Ended   Months Ended  Months Ended     Months Ended
                                                                   October 31,    October 31,   October 31,      October 31,
                                                                      1999          1999          1999             1999
                                                                      ----          ----          ----             ----
Investment Income:
Interest income                                                     $  5,730        $ 11,622     $     --      $ 17,352
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
   Total Income                                                        5,730          11,622           --        17,352
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
Investment advisory fees                                                 428             827           --         1,255
Administration fees                                                      128             206           --           334
Shareholder service fees - Class A                                       210              56           --           266
Shareholder service fees and 12b-1 fees - Class G                         --             363           --           363
Accounting fees                                                           67              68           --           135
Custodian fees                                                            63              52           --           115
Legal and audit fees                                                       6              47           --            53
Trustees' fees and expenses                                                2               7           --             9
Transfer agent fees                                                       10              83           --            93
Registration and filing fees                                              11              16           --            27
Printing fees                                                              2              23           --            25
Other                                                                      6              13           --            19
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
   Total Expenses                                                        933           1,761           --         2,694
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
Expenses voluntarily reduced                                             (76)           (264)          --          (340)
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
   Expenses before reimbursement from distributor                        857           1,497           --         2,354
      Expenses reimbursed by the distributor                              --             (16)          --           (16)
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
   Net Expenses                                                          857           1,481           --         2,338
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
Net Investment Income                                                  4,873          10,141           --        15,014
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------

Realized/Unrealized Gains (losses) from Investments:
Net realized gains (losses) from investment transactions              (2,731)         (1,816)          --        (4,547)
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation from invest(1,662)     (1,662)         (7,522)          --        (9,184)
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------
Net realized/unrealized gains (losses) from investments               (4,393)         (9,338)          --       (13,731)
                                                                    --------        --------     --------      --------

Change in net assets
   resulting from operations                                        $    480        $    803     $     --      $  1,283
                                                                    ========        ========     ========      ========

Merger Victory Government Mortgage Fund and Victory Fund for Income
Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Portfolio Investments
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except shares)                         Shares or
(Unaudited)                                                   Principal Amount                          Market Value

                                                              Gov't          Fund for                   Gov't      Fund for
                                                              Mortgage       Income       Combined      Mortgage   Income  Combined
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations  (17.8%)
Federal National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1988-4, Class Z,$9.25%,      $ 321                  $ 321         $ 329             $ 329
 3/25/18, CMO
Federal National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1999-28, Class ZA,             517                    517           438               438
6.00%, 8/25/27, CMO
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., Series 2152, Class AC,              1,817                  1,817         1,834             1,834
7.50%, 1/15/26, CMO
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., Series 2116, Class D,               1,659                  1,659         1,450             1,450
6.00%, 7/15/26, CMO
Federal National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1997-49, Class B             1,065                  1,065         1,161             1,161
10.00%, 6/17/27, CMO
Federal National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1999-15, Class LA            1,299                  1,299         1,274             1,274
6.50%, 4/25/29, CMO
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1998-16, Class                    $ 3,000        3,000               $ 2,951     2,951
VB, 6.75%, 10/20/07
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1996-21, Class J,                   2,147        2,147                 2,090     2,090
7.00%, 7/16/13
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1999-22, Class                      3,000        3,000                 2,940     2,940
VB, 7.00%, 11/20/14
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1998-19, Class                      1,904        1,904                 1,916     1,916
DB, 8.50%, 6/20/16
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1994-4, Class PG,                   3,000        3,000                 3,021     3,021
7.50%, 8/16/19
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1997-20, Class B,                   1,277        1,277                 1,306     1,306
9.50%, 8/20/21
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1998-4, Class P,                    1,581        1,581                 1,652     1,652
9.00%, 3/20/22
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1998-13, Class                      1,352        1,352                 1,433     1,433
DB, 9.00%, 4/20/22
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1996-25, Class H,                   5,301        5,301                 5,358     5,358
7.50%, 7/16/22
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1996-20, Class C,                   2,000        2,000                 2,021     2,021
7.50%, 5/16/23
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1996-11, Class                      3,500        3,500                 3,502     3,502
PC, 7.00%, 5/20/23
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1999-36, Class                      3,000        3,000                 2,967     2,967
HA, 7.50%, 6/20/23
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1998-12, Class                      2,200        2,200                 2,262     2,262
GA, 9.00%, 12/20/23
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1997-8, Class PL,                   5,000        5,000                 4,884     4,884
7.00%, 1/16/25
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1995-7, Class CQ,                   3,000        3,000                 2,981     2,981
7.50%, 9/16/25
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1996-9, Class PE,                   3,261        3,261                 3,193     3,193
7.00%, 10/20/25
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1999-33, Class H,                   2,000        2,000                 1,991     1,991
7.50%, 1/20/26
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1999-24, Class D,                   2,480        2,480                 2,414     2,414
7.00%, 7/20/26
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1997-2, Class E,                      735          735                   721       721
7.50%, 2/20/27
Government National Mortgage Assoc., Series 1999-6, Class AB,                   2,863        2,863                 2,926     2,926
8.00%, 3/16/28
GovernmentNational Mortgage Assoc., Series 1995-8, Class B,                       246          246                   247       247
7.50%, 8/20/20

Total Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (Cost $60,805)                                            6,486         52,776     59,262

Investment Companies  (0.0%)
Federated U.S. Treasury Cash Reserve Fund                        178,270      178,270                                 178       178
Total Investment Companies (Cost $178)                                                                                178       178

U.S. Government Agencies  (1.8%)
Federal Farm Credit Bank  (1.0%)
5.16%, 11/1/99                                           3,359                  3,359           3,358                        3,358
Federal Home Loan Bank  (0.8%)
5.68%, 12/3/07                                           2,575                  2,575           2,546                        2,546

Total U.S. Government Agencies (Cost $5,932)                                                    5,904           -            5,904

U.S. Government Mortgage Backed  (69.3%)
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.  (7.8%)
6.00%, 4/1/26-2/1/29                                     5,608                  5,608           5,258                        5,258

Merger Victory Government Mortgage Fund and Victory Fund for Income
Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Portfolio Investments
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except shares)                    Shares or
(Unaudited)                                              Principal Amount                          Market Value

                                                         Gov't       Fund for                Gov't      Fund for
                                                         Mortgage    Income    Combined      Mortgage   Income     Combined

6.50%, 5/1/26-4/1/29                                     8,266                  8,266           7,940                   7,940
7.00%, 7/1/28-7/1/29                                     5,979                  5,979           5,879                   5,879
7.50%, 9/1/17-3/1/29                                     4,866                  4,866           4,883                   4,883
8.00%, 10/1/28-1/1/29                                      333                    333             340                     340
8.50%, 1/1/29-5/1/29                                     1,491                  1,491           1,543                   1,543
9.50%, 8/1/19-8/1/21                                       130                    130             137                     137
12.00%, 10/1/10                                              4                      4               4                       4
                                                                                               25,984           -      25,984
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.  (12.4%)
6.00%, 12/1/28-7/1/29                                    2,879                  2,879           2,686                   2,686
6.50%, 11/1/13-7/1/29                                   17,871                 17,871          17,245                  17,245
7.00%, 10/1/26-7/1/29                                    5,721                  5,721           5,612                   5,612
7.50%, 4/1/29/5/1/29                                     1,584                  1,584           1,587                   1,587
8.00%, 5/1/17-9/1/29                                     3,191                  3,191           3,251                   3,251
8.50%, 8/1/14-8/1/19                                     8,392                  8,392           8,692                   8,692
9.00%, 8/1/14                                              948                    948             989                     989
9.50%, 1/1/19                                                6                      6               6                       6
10.00%, 5/1/13                                               4                      4               4                       4
10.50%, 1/1/09                                             989                    989           1,046                   1,046
12.00%, 8/1/13                                               3                      3               4                       4
13.00%, 12/1/12                                             32                     32              36                      36
                                                                                          ------------           -------------
                                                                                               41,158           -      41,158
Government National Mortgage Assoc.  (49.0%)
6.50%, 1/15/13-1/15/29                                   4,607    26,697       31,304           4,438      25,681       30,119
6.63%, 1/15/27                                                     2,964        2,964                       2,870        2,870
7.00%, 2/15/17-7/20/29                                  10,521    30,979       41,500          10,370      30,379       40,749
7.50%, 9/15/10-7/15/31                                   2,671    34,577       37,248           2,679      34,658       37,337
7.75%, 8/15/29-11/15/38                                            6,417        6,417                       6,577        6,577
8.00%, 9/15/06-10/20/29                                    661    19,707       20,368             675      20,133       20,808
8.13%, 7/15/38                                                     3,479        3,479                       3,675        3,675
8.25%, 11/15/26-9/15/29                                            3,451        3,451                       3,558        3,558
8.50%, 3/15/05-7/15/29                                     891     7,135        8,026             924       7,418        8,342
8.75%, 3/20/17-4/15/22                                             2,891        2,891                       3,096        3,096
9.00%, 10/15/09-8/15/25                                            1,846        1,846                       1,940        1,940
9.50%,  10/15/02-6/15/21                                    85     1,886        1,971              91       2,015        2,106
10.00%, 6/15/17-8/15/25                                            1,469        1,469                       1,595        1,595
10.25%, 6/15/19                                                       12           12                          13           13
10.50%, 2/15/16                                                       13           13                          14           14
                                                                                               19,177     143,622      162,799

Total U.S. Government Mortgage Backed (Cost $233,082)                                          86,319     143,622      229,941

U.S. Treasury Obligations  (10.3%)
U.S. Treasury Bills  (0.4%)
11/26/99                                                           1,305        1,305                       1,301        1,301
U.S. Treasury Bonds  (6.7%)
7.63%, 2/15/07                                                    11,000       11,000                      11,339       11,339
8.75%, 11/15/08                                                   10,000       10,000                      10,892       10,892
                                                                                          ------------------------ ------------
                                                                                                    -      22,231       22,231
U.S. Treasury Notes  (3.2%)
7.75%, 2/15/01                                                     2,000        2,000                       2,050        2,050
7.88%, 11/15/04                                                    8,000        8,000                       8,617        8,617
                                                                                          ------------------------ ------------
                                                                                                    -      10,667       10,667

Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $34,867)                                                      -      34,199       34,199

Total Investments (Cost $335,670) (a)   -   99.2%                                            $ 98,709   $ 230,775    $ 329,484
Other assets in excess of liabilities   -   0.8%                                                                         2,534
TOTAL NET ASSETS   -   100.0%                                                                                        $ 332,018
- ------------

Pro Forma Combining
Statements of Assets and Liabilities
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                              Victory          Victory
                                                           Ohio Regional      Established                            Combined
                                                            Stock Fund        Value Fund         Adjustments     Pro Forma Totals
                                                            ----------        ----------         -----------     ----------------
     Investments, at value (Cost $13,652 & $302,859)      $    24,403       $  468,942         $       -       $      493,345
     Cash                                                           -                -                 -                   -
     Interest and dividends receivable                             33              219                 -                 252
     Receivable from affiliates                                     1                -                 -                   1
     Receivable for capital shares issued                           -               32                 -                  32
     Receivable from brokers for investments sold                   7              754                 -                 761
     Prepaid expenses and other assets                              6               25                 -                  31
                                                         ------------       ----------         ---------       -------------
             Total Assets                                      24,450          469,972                 -             494,422
                                                         ------------       ----------         ---------       -------------
     Payable to Custodian                                         150                -                 -
     Payable for capital shares redeemed                            -              183                 -                 183
     Payable to brokers for investments purchased                   -                -                 -                   -
     Accrued expenses and other payables:
         Investment advisory fees                                  14              157                 -                 171
         Administration fees                                        -                3                 -                   3
         Custodian fees                                             2               15                 -                  17
         Accounting fees                                            1                2                 -                   3
         Transfer agent fees                                       11               69                 -                  80
         Shareholder service fees - Class A                         5                -                 -                   5
         Shareholder service and 12b-1fees - Class B                1                -                 -                   1
         12b-1 fees - Class G                                       -              222                 -                 222
         Other                                                      3               33                 -                  36
                                                         ------------       ----------         ---------       -------------
             Total Liabilities                                    187              684                 -                 721
                                                         ------------       ----------         ---------       -------------
     Capital                                                    5,025          247,619                 -             252,644
     Undistributed net investment income                           11                -                 -                  11
     Net unrealized appreciation/depreciation from
     investments                                               10,751          166,083                 -             176,834
     Accumulated undistributed net realized gains
         (losses) from investment transactions                  8,476           55,586                 -              64,062
                                                         ------------       ----------         ---------       -------------
             Net Assets                                   $    24,263       $  469,288         $       -       $     493,551
                                                         ============       ==========         =========       =============
     Net Assets
         Class A                                          $    23,529       $        -         $      734      $      24,263
         Class B                                                  734                -               (734)                 -
         Class G                                                    -          469,288                 -             469,288
                                                         ------------       ----------         ---------       -------------
             Total                                        $    24,263       $  469,288         $       -       $     493,551
                                                         ============       ==========         =========       =============
     Outstanding units of beneficial interest (shares)
         Class A                                                1,384                -               (677)               707
         Class B                                                   44                -                (44)                 -
         Class G                                                    -           13,678                                13,678
                                                         ------------       ----------         ---------       -------------
             Total                                              1,428           13,678               (721)            14,385
                                                         ============       ==========         =========       =============
     Net asset value
         Redemption price per share - Class A             $     17.00       $        -         $    17.31      $       34.31
         Offering and redemption price per share - Class B*     16.60                -             (16.60)                 -
                                                         ============       ==========         =========       =============
         Redemption price per share - Class G             $         -       $    34.31         $        -      $       34.31
                                                         ============       ==========         =========       =============
     Maximum sales charge - Class A                              5.75%               -                  -               5.75%
                                                         ============       ==========         =========       =============

     Maximum offering price per share (100%/(100%-
     maximum sales charge) of net asset value adjusted
     to nearest cent) - Class A                           $     18.04       $        -         $        -      $       36.40
                                                         ============       ==========         =========       =============

     * Redemption price per Class B Share varies based on length of time held.

                                                            Victory        Victory
                                                         Ohio Regional    Established                      Combined Pro
                                                           Stock Fund      Value Fund      Adjustments     Forma Totals
                                                           ----------      ----------      -----------     ------------
                                                         For the Seven   For the Seven    For the Seven     For the Seven
                                                          Months Ended   Months Ended     Months Ended      Months Ended
                                                          October 31,     October 31,      October 31,      October 31,
                                                              1999           1999             1999             1999
                                                              ----           ----             ----            ----
Investment Income:
Interest income                                            $      2       $    378        $     --         $     380
Dividend income                                                 395          2,868              --             3,263
Securities Lending                                                4             --               4
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
     Total Income                                               401          3,246              --             3,647
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
Investment advisory fees                                        133          1,471             (18)(a)         1,586
Administration fees                                              27            391              --               418
Shareholder service fees - Class A                               42             --              --                42
Shareholder service fees and 12b-1 fees - Class B                 5             --              (5)(b)            --
Shareholder service fees and 12b-1 fees - Class G                --          1,439              --             1,439
Accounting fees                                                  26             54              --                80
Custodian fees                                                   11             60              --                71
Legal and audit fees                                              2             47              --                49
Trustees' fees and expenses                                      --              3              --                 3
Transfer agent fees                                              22            115              --               137
Registration and filing fees                                      7              5              --                12
Printing fees                                                    --             56              --                56
Other                                                             2              6              --                 8
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
     Total Expenses                                             277          3,647             (23)            3,901
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
Expenses voluntarily reduced                                    (12)          (419)             --              (431)

     Expenses before reimbursement from distributor             265          3,228             (23)            3,470
     Expenses reimbursed by the distributor                      (5)           (65)            (70)
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
     Net Expenses                                               260          3,163             (23)            3,400
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
Net Investment Income                                           141             83              --               247
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
Realized/Unrealized Gains (Losses) from Investments:
Net realized gains (losses) from investment transactions      3,582         30,682              --            34,264
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation from
investments                                                  (3,528)        14,949              --            11,421
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------

Net realized/unrealized gains (losses) from investments          54         45,631              --            45,685
Change in net assets
                                                           --------       --------        --------         ---------
     resulting from operations                             $    195       $ 45,714        $     --         $  45,932
                                                           ========       ========        ========         =========

(a) Adjustments to reflect the Established Value Fund contractual fee structure for Investment advisory Fees
    (see notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements)
(b) Adjustment to reflect the dissolution of the Class B Shares upon reorganization date.

Merger Ohio Regional Stock Fund and Established Value Fund
Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Portfolio Investments
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except shares)
(Unaudited)                                         Shares or
                                                    Principal Amount                   Market Value

                                                      Ohio                               Ohio
                                                    Regional   Established              Regional      Established
                                                     Stock      Value    Combined        Stock      Value    Combined
                                                     -----      -----    --------        -----      -----    --------
Commercial Paper  (1.8%)
General Electric Capital Corp., 5.33%, 11/1/99                  $ 9,116   $ 9,116                  $ 9,116   $ 9,116

Total Commercial Paper (Cost $9,116)                                                                 9,116     9,116

Common Stocks  (98.1%)
Aerospace/Defense  (3.2%)
B.F. Goodrich Co.                                               180,000   180,000                    4,264     4,264
Boeing Co.                                                      140,000   140,000                    6,449     6,449
Litton Industries, Inc. (b)                                     105,000   105,000                    4,928     4,928
                                                                                                    15,641    15,641
Agriculture & Livestock  (0.0%)
Andersons, Inc.                                       20,000               20,000           159                  159

Airlines  (1.1%)
Comair Holdings, Inc.                                 16,000               16,000           369                  369
Southwest Airlines Co.                                          300,000   300,000                    5,044     5,044
                                                                                            369      5,044     5,413
Amusement & Recreation Services  (0.1%)
Cedar Fair L.P.                                       20,000               20,000           399                  399

Automotive Parts  (0.1%)
Dana Corp.                                            17,000               17,000           503                  503

Banks  (0.7%)
BancFirst Ohio Corp.                                  14,000               14,000           310                  310
Charter One Financial, Inc.                           18,165               18,165           446                  446
First Merit Corp.                                     16,000               16,000           423                  423
Huntington Bancshares, Inc.                           11,000               11,000           326                  326
National City Corp.                                   20,000               20,000           590                  590
Park National Corp.                                    5,000                5,000           495                  495
Provident Financial Group                             17,500               17,500           751                  751
Second Bancorp                                         4,470                4,470           114                  114
United Community Financial Corp.                       1,000                1,000            10                   10
                                                                                          3,465                3,465
Beverages  (2.0%)
Adolph Coors Co.                                                175,000   175,000                    9,713     9,713

Brokerage Services  (2.9%)
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter                                       70,000    70,000                    7,722     7,722
Paine Webber Group, Inc.                                        160,000   160,000                    6,520     6,520
                                                                                                    14,242    14,242
Building Materials  (2.5%)
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.                                100,000   100,000                    3,738     3,738
Centex Corp.                                                    160,000   160,000                    4,290     4,290
Owens Corning Fiberglas Corp.                         15,000               15,000           308                  308
Pulte Corp.                                                     200,000   200,000                    4,025     4,025
                                                                                            308     12,053    12,361
Chemicals  (1.9%)
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.                                  180,000   180,000                    4,950     4,950
Englehard Corp.                                                 255,000   255,000                    4,494     4,494
                                                                                                     9,444     9,444
Chemicals-General  (0.3%)
A. Schulman, Inc.                                     17,500               17,500           272                  272
Ferro Corp.                                           10,000               10,000           204                  204
OM Group, Inc.                                        15,000               15,000           563                  563
RPM, Inc.                                             25,000               25,000           298                  298
                                                                                          1,337                1,337
Commercial Services  (0.1%)
Convergys Corp. (b)                                   30,000               30,000           587                  587

Computers & Peripherals  (7.7%)
Computer Sciences Corp. (b)                                     115,000   115,000                    7,899     7,899
Diebold, Inc.                                         25,000               25,000           656                  656
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (b)                                      275,000   275,000                   29,099    29,099
                                                                                            656     36,998    37,654
Conglomerates  (3.0%)
Crane Co.                                                       210,000   210,000                    4,292     4,292
Lancaster Colony Corp.                                21,000               21,000           734                  734
Myers Industries Inc.                                 18,000               18,000           253                  253

Merger Ohio Regional Stock Fund and Established Value Fund
Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Portfolio Investments
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except shares)
(Unaudited)                                         Shares or
                                                    Principal Amount                   Market Value

                                                      Ohio                               Ohio
                                                    Regional   Established              Regional      Established
                                                     Stock      Value    Combined        Stock      Value    Combined
                                                     -----      -----    --------        -----      -----    --------
Textron, Inc.                                                   125,000   125,000                    9,648     9,648
                                                                                            987     13,940    14,927
Consumer Products  (1.7%)
American Greetings Corp.                              11,000               11,000           285                  285
Fortune Brands, Inc.                                            220,000   220,000                    7,796     7,796
Gibson Greetings, Inc. (b)                            21,000               21,000           102                  102
                                                                                            387      7,796     8,183
Electronic & Electrical-General  (3.8%)
Honeywell, Inc.                                                  90,000    90,000                    9,489     9,489
Johnson Controls, Inc.                                          148,000   148,000                    8,991     8,991
Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc.                    15,000               15,000           196                  196
                                                                                            196     18,480    18,676
Electronics (0.3%)
Keithley Instruments, Inc.                            35,000               35,000           556                  556
Parker Hannifin Corp.                                 19,400               19,400           888                  888
                                                                                          1,444                1,444
Engineering, Industrial Construction  (0.0%)
Corrpro Cos., Inc. (b)                                12,500               12,500            86                   86

Entertainment  (0.9%)
Brunswick Corp.                                                 190,000   190,000                    4,299     4,299

Financial & Insurance  (2.5%)
AMBAC Financial Group, Inc.                                     110,000   110,000                    6,573     6,573
MBIA, Inc.                                                      100,000   100,000                    5,706     5,706
                                                                                                    12,279    12,279
Financial Services  (13.5%)
Citigroup, Inc.                                                 337,500   337,500                   18,267    18,267
Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc.                             150,000   150,000                    5,091     5,091
Fannie Mae                                                       95,000    95,000                    6,721     6,721
Household International, Inc.                                   450,000   450,000                   20,081    20,081
Providian Financial Corp.                                       150,000   150,000                   16,350    16,350
                                                                                                    66,510    66,510
Food Distributors, Supermarkets
    & Wholesalers (2.4%)
Albertsons, Inc.                                                201,600   201,600                    7,321     7,321
Kroger Co. (b)                                        15,000               15,000           312                  312
SUPERVALU, Inc.                                                 200,000   200,000                    4,200     4,200
                                                                                            312     11,521    11,833
Food Processing & Packaging  (0.0%)
J.M. Smucker Co., Class A                              5,000                5,000            99                   99

Food Products  (0.8%)
Earthgrains Co.                                                 180,000   180,000                    4,106     4,106

Forest Products-Lumber & Paper  (1.1%)
Georgia Pacific Corp.                                           130,000   130,000                    5,159     5,159
Mead Corp.                                            10,000               10,000           360                  360
                                                                                            360      5,159     5,519
Health Care  (1.1%)
Gliatech, Inc. (b)                                    10,500               10,500            86                   86
Invacare Corp.                                        25,000               25,000           521                  521
Omnicare, Inc.                                        16,000               16,000           148                  148
Steris Corp. (b)                                       2,000                2,000            27                   27
WellPoint Health Networks (b)                                    80,000    80,000                    4,640     4,640
                                                                                            782      4,640     5,422
Heavy Machinery  (1.7%)
Ingersoll Rand Co.                                              165,000   165,000                    8,621     8,621

Household Goods-Appliances,
    Furnishings & Electronics (3.7%)
Premark International, Inc.                                     185,000   185,000                   10,129    10,129
Whirlpool Corp.                                                 115,000   115,000                    8,014     8,014
                                                                                                    18,143    18,143
Insurance  (0.2%)
Ohio Casualty Corp.                                   29,000               29,000           484                  484
State Auto Financial Corp.                            48,000               48,000           552                  552
                                                                                          1,036                1,036
Insurance-Multi-Line  (4.3%)
Aegon NV                                                        100,538   100,538                    9,243     9,243

Merger Ohio Regional Stock Fund and Established Value Fund
Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Portfolio Investments
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except shares)
(Unaudited)                                         Shares or
                                                    Principal Amount                   Market Value

                                                      Ohio                               Ohio
                                                    Regional   Established              Regional      Established
                                                     Stock      Value    Combined        Stock      Value    Combined
                                                     -----      -----    --------        -----      -----    --------

CIGNA Corp.                                                      93,000    93,000                    6,952     6,952
Cincinnati Financial Corp.                             9,450                9,450           338                  338
Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.                          84,000    84,000                    4,352     4,352
Progressive Corp.                                      6,000                6,000           556                  556
                                                                                            894     20,547    21,441
Insurance-Property, Casualty, Health  (0.7%)
UnumProvident Corp.                                             109,500   109,500                    3,607     3,607

Leisure-Recreation, Gaming  (2.2%)
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.                                    200,000   200,000                   10,613    10,613

Machine Tools  (0.8%)
Genesis Worldwide, Inc.                                5,000                5,000            28                   28
Lincoln Electric Holdings                             24,000               24,000           537                  537
Milacron, Inc.                                        17,000    178,500   195,500           279      2,934     3,213
                                                                                            844      2,934     3,778
Manufacturing - Capital Goods  (0.3%)
Commercial Intertech Corp.                            16,000               16,000           203                  203
Gorman-Rupp Co.                                       25,000               25,000           378                  378
Robbins & Myers, Inc.                                 14,000               14,000           227                  227
Thor Industries, Inc.                                 21,000               21,000           530                  530
                                                                                          1,338                1,338
Manufacturing-Miscellaneous  (2.0%)
Cooper Industries, Inc.                                         118,000   118,000                    5,081     5,081
Eaton Corp.                                            2,000                2,000           151                  151
Trinity Industries                                              160,000   160,000                    4,770     4,770
                                                                                            151      9,851    10,002
Media  (0.1%)
Scripps (E.W.) Co., Class A                           15,000               15,000           693                  693

Metals-Fabrication  (0.1%)
Brush Wellman, Inc.                                    4,000                4,000            53                   53
RTI International Metals (b)                          10,000               10,000            73                   73
Timken Co.                                            12,000               12,000           215                  215
Worthington Industries, Inc.                           8,000                8,000           133                  133
                                                                                            474                  474
Mining (0.1%)
Cleveland Cliffs, Inc.                                 5,500                5,500           164                  164
Oglebay Norton Co.                                    10,000               10,000           195                  195
                                                                                            359                  359
Newspapers  (1.5%)
Gannett Co., Inc.                                                97,000    97,000                    7,481     7,481

Oil & Gas Exploration, Production
    & Services  (5.3%)
Coastal Corp.                                                   290,000   290,000                   12,217    12,217
El Paso Energy Corp.                                            200,000   200,000                    8,200     8,200
Transocean Offshore, Inc.                                       210,000   210,000                    5,709     5,709
                                                                                                    26,126    26,126
Oil-Integrated Companies  (0.1%)
USX - Marathon Group, Inc.                            22,000               22,000           641                  641

Paint, Varnishes, Enamels  (1.1%)
Sherwin-Williams Co.                                  20,000    225,000   245,000           448      5,034     5,482

Real Estate Investment Trusts  (0.1%)
Developers Divers Realty                              16,000               16,000           228                  228
Health Care REIT, Inc.                                14,000               14,000           250                  250
                                                                                            478                  478
Restaurants  (2.5%)
Bob Evans Farms, Inc.                                  9,000                9,000           124                  124
Brinker International, Inc. (b)                                 250,000   250,000                    5,828     5,828
Wendy's International, Inc.                           12,000    254,000   266,000           286      6,064     6,350
                                                                                            410     11,892    12,302
Retail  (4.2%)
Dayton Hudson Corp.                                             250,000   250,000                   16,156    16,156
KMart Corp. (b)                                                 450,000   450,000                    4,528     4,528
Too, Inc. (b)                                          2,000                2,000            32                   32
                                                                                             32     20,684    20,716
Retail-Department Stores  (1.0%)

Merger Ohio Regional Stock Fund and Established Value Fund
Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Portfolio Investments
October 31, 1999
(Amounts in thousands, except shares)
(Unaudited)                                         Shares or
                                                    Principal Amount                   Market Value

                                                      Ohio                               Ohio
                                                    Regional   Established              Regional      Established
                                                     Stock      Value    Combined        Stock      Value    Combined
                                                     -----      -----    --------        -----      -----    --------

Federated Department Stores (b)                                 110,000   110,000                    4,696     4,696

Retail-Specialty Stores  (1.8%)
Jo-Ann Stores Inc., Class A (b)                        8,000                8,000           112                  112
Jo-Ann Stores Inc., Class B (b)                        8,000                8,000           102                  102
Limited, Inc.                                         14,000               14,000           575                  575
Lowe's Cos., Inc.                                               140,000   140,000                    7,700     7,700
OfficeMax, Inc. (b)                                   20,000               20,000           101                  101
Value City Department Stores, Inc. (b)                10,000               10,000           154                  154
                                                                                          1,044      7,700     8,744
Rubber & Rubber Products  (0.1%)
Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.                              13,000               13,000           219                  219
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.                             9,000                9,000           371                  371
                                                                                            590                  590
Software & Computer Services (0.1%)
Reynolds & Reynolds Co., Class A                      33,000               33,000           600                  600

Staffing  (0.7%)
Interim Services, Inc. (b)                                      218,000   218,000                    3,583     3,583

Steel  (0.0%)
Shiloh Industries, Inc.                               25,000               25,000           234                  234

Telecommunications  (4.5%)
Qualcomm, Inc. (b)                                              100,000   100,000                   22,275    22,275

Tools & Hardware Manufacturing  (1.1%)
Black & Decker Corp.                                            125,000   125,000                    5,375     5,375

Transportation  (1.3%)
FDX Corp. (b)                                                   145,000   145,000                    6,244     6,244

Utilities-Electric  (1.4%)
CINergy Corp.                                         16,000               16,000           452                  452
DPL, Inc.                                             36,000               36,000           729                  729
Duke Energy Corp.                                               105,000   105,000                    5,933     5,933
                                                                                          1,181      5,933     7,114
Utilities-Telecommunications  (1.4%)
Cincinnati Bell, Inc. (b)                             25,000               25,000           520                  520
SBC Communications, Inc.                                        130,000   130,000                    6,622     6,622
                                                                                            520      6,622     7,142

Total Common Stocks (Cost $307,395)                                                      24,403    459,826   484,229

Total Investments (Cost $316,511) (a)   -   99.9%                                      $ 24,403  $ 468,942 $ 493,345
Liabilities in excess of other assets   -   0.1%                                                                 206
TOTAL NET ASSETS   -   100.0%                                                                              $ 493,551
- ------------

                             The Victory Portfolios
                     Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements
                                October 31, 1999

1.      Organization Prior to Proposed Reorganization

        The Victory  Government  Mortgage Fund, the Victory Fund for Income, the
Victory Ohio  Regional  Stock Fund and the Victory  Established  Value Fund (the
Victory Funds), each are separate  investment  portfolios offered by The Victory
Portfolios (the "Trust").

        The Trust is registered  as an open-end  management  investment  company
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940  Act").  The
investment  objective of the Victory Government  Mortgage Fund is to seek a high
level of current  income  consistent  with safety of principal.  The  investment
objective  of the Victory  Fund for Income is to provide a high level of current
income  consistent with  preservation of shareholders'  capital.  The investment
objective  of the  Victory  Ohio  Regional  Stock  Fund is to  provide a capital
appreciation.  The investment objective of the Victory Established Value Fund is
to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in common stocks

        The  Victory  Government  Mortgage  Fund  currently  issues one class of
shares:  Class A shares.  The  Victory  Fund for Income  issues  two  classes of
shares:  Class A shares and Class G shares. The Victory Ohio Regional Stock Fund
issues two  classes of shares:  Class A shares and Class B shares.  The  Victory
Established Value Fund currently issues one class of shares: Class G shares. The
Victory   Established   Value  Fund  has  filed  an  amendment  to  the  Trust's
registration  statement  on Form  N-1A to  register  Class A  shares.  The Trust
expects the Class A shares to become  effective on January 21, 2000.  Each class
of shares has substantially  identical rights and privileges except with respect
to sales charges,  fees paid under shareholder  servicing or distribution plans,
expenses allocable exclusively to each class of shares, voting rights on matters
affecting a single class of shares,  and the exchange privilege of each class of

2.      Basis of Combination:

        The Agreement and Plan of Reorganization  and Termination  provides that
at the time the  reorganization  becomes  effective (the  "Effective Time of the
Reorganization"),  all assets and liabilities  will be transferred  such that at
and after the Effective Time of  Reorganization,  the assets and  liabilities of
the Victory  Government  Mortgage Fund will become the assets and liabilities of
the Victory Fund for Income,  and the assets and liabilities of the Victory Ohio
Regional  Stock  Fund will  become the assets  and  liabilities  of the  Victory
Established Value Fund

        The unaudited Pro Forma combining  Statements of Assets and Liabilities,
Statements of  Operations,  and Schedules of Portfolio  Investments  reflect the
accounts of the Victory Government  Mortgage Fund and Victory Fund for Income as
if the  proposed  reorganization  occurred  as of and for the ten  months  ended
October  31,  1999,  and of the  Victory  Ohio  Regional Stock Fund

                             The Victory Portfolios
                    Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements - Continued
                                October 31, 1999

and Victory Established Value Fund as if the proposed reorganization occurred as
of and for the seven months ended October 31, 1999. The accompanying  statements
give effect to the proposed transfer  described below and have been derived from
the books and records of the Funds utilized in calculating daily net asset value
at October 31, 1999.

        For accounting purposes,  the historical basis of assets and liabilities
of the  Victory  Fund for Income  and the  Victory  Established  Value Fund will
survive this  reorganization.  Those Victory Funds for which the basis of assets
and liabilities will survive the reorganization are hereafter referred to as the
"Survivor  Funds," and the Survivor  Funds will continue as separate  investment
portfolios of the Trust.  The Victory  Government  Mortgage Fund and the Victory
Ohio Regional Stock Fund are hereafter referred to as the "non-Survivor  Funds".
The Survivor  Funds,  at the Effective  Time of the  Reorganization,  will issue
additional  Class A  shares  for the net  assets  of each  non-Survivor  Fund in
connection with the reorganization.

        In exchange for the transfer of assets and  liabilities,  the Trust will
issue to the  non-Survivor  Funds  full  and  fractional  Class A shares  of the
corresponding Survivor Funds, and the non-Survivor Funds will make a liquidating
distribution of such Class A shares to its  shareholders.  The number of Class A
shares of the  Survivor  Funds so issued  will be equal in value to the full and
fractional  shares of the  non-Survivor  Funds that are outstanding  immediately
prior to the Effective  Time of the  Reorganization.  At and after the Effective
Time of the  Reorganization,  all  debts,  liabilities  and  obligations  of the
non-Survivor  Funds will  attach to the  Survivor  Funds and may  thereafter  be
enforced  against  the  Survivor  Funds to the same  extent  as if they had been
incurred by it.

        Under  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  the Survivor Funds'
basis,  for  purposes  of  determining  net  asset  value,  of  the  assets  and
liabilities  of the  non-Survivor  Funds will be the fair  market  value of such
assets and  liabilities on the closing date of the  transaction.  The Trust and,
accordingly,  the Survivor Funds, will recognize no gain or loss for federal tax
purposes on its issuance of Class A shares in the reorganization.

        The accompanying pro forma financial  statements  represent the Survivor
Funds, and reflect the combined results of operations of the four Victory Funds.
However, should such reorganization be effected, the statements of operations of
the Survivor  Funds will not be restated for  pre-combination  period results of
the  corresponding  non-Survivor  Funds.  The Pro Forma combining  Statements of
Assets and  Liabilities,  Statements of  Operations,  and Schedules of Portfolio
Investments  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  the  historical  financial
statements of the Victory Funds.

                             The Victory Portfolios
               Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements - Continued
                                October 31, 1999


        Key Asset Management Inc.  ("KAM"),  a subsidiary of KeyCorp,  serves as
the  investment  adviser to the  Trust.  Affiliates  of KAM and other  financial
institutions  serve as shareholder  servicing  agents for the Trust.  BISYS Fund
Services Ohio, Inc. ("BISYS") and BISYS Fund Services Limited Partnership,  each
an indirect,  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of The BISYS Group,  Inc.,  serve as the
administrator and distributor, respectively, for the Trust. BISYS also serves as
mutual fund accountant for the Trust.

        Under the terms of the investment advisory agreement, KAM is entitled to
receive  fees  computed at the annual rate of 0.50%,  0.50% and 0.75% of average
net assets of the Victory Government  Mortgage Fund, the Victory Fund for Income
and the  Victory  Ohio  Regional  Stock  Fund,  respectively.  For  the  Victory
Established  Value Fund,  KAM is entitled to receive fees computed at the annual
rate of 0.65% of average  net assets up to $100  million,  0.55% of average  net
assets  between  $100  million and $200  million and 0.45% of average net assets
over $200 million.  Such fees, net of voluntary fee waivers as  applicable,  are
accrued  daily and paid monthly.  For the periods ended October 31, 1999,  total
KAM investment  advisory fees incurred by the Victory  Funds,  and advisory fees
waived, were as follows:

                                            Total Fees        Waiver
                                            ----------        ------

Victory Government Mortgage Fund            $  428,000     $   76,000
Victory Fund for Income                        827,000        264,000
Victory Ohio Regional Stock Fund               133,000         12,000
Victory Established Value Fund               1,471,000        419,000

        Under  the  terms  of the  administration  agreement,  BISYS'  fees  are
computed at the annual rate of 0.15% of each Victory  Funds'  average  daily net
assets of $300 million and less,  0.12% of each Victory Funds' average daily net
assets  between $300  million and $600 million and 0.10% of each Victory  Funds'
average  daily net assets  greater  than $600  million.  For the  periods  ended
October 31, 1999, BISYS' fees, and amounts waived, were as follows:

                                            Total Fees

Victory Government Mortgage Fund            $  128,000
Victory Fund for Income                        206,000
Victory Ohio Regional Stock Fund                27,000
Victory Established Value Fund                 391,000

                             The Victory Portfolios
               Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements - Continued
                                October 31, 1999

Pro Forma Adjustments and Pro Forma Combined Columns

        The  pro  forma  adjustments  and  pro  forma  combined  columns  of the
statements of operations  reflect the adjustments  necessary to show expenses at
the contractual  rates that would have been in effect if the non-Survivor  Funds
were included in the Survivor  Funds for the periods ended October 31, 1999. The
investment  advisory fees and, for Class A shares, the shareholder service fees,
and for Class G shares,  the 12b-1 fees,  as  applicable,  disclosed  in the pro
forma  combined  column are  calculated  at the rates in effect for the Survivor
Funds based upon the combined net assets of the Victory Funds.

        The pro forma  schedules  of  portfolio  investments  give effect to the
proposed  transfer  of such  assets as if the  reorganization  had  occurred  at
October 31, 1999.

        The pro forma  combined  accumulated  undistributed  net realized  gains
(losses) from investment  transactions in the accompanying  statements of assets
and liabilities may include amounts  identified as capital loss carryforwards as
of each Funds' most recent fiscal year end date prior to the  Effective  Date of
the  Reorganization.  The following  Funds have capital loss  carryforwards  for
Federal income tax purposes as of October 31, 1999 of approximately  (amounts in
                                            Amount                  Expires
                                            ------                  -------
        Fund for Income                     $   585                  2001
        Fund for Income                       5,491                  2002
        Fund for Income                         864                  2003
        Fund for Income                          62                  2004
        Fund for Income                         606                  2007
        Government Mortgage Fund                698                  2002
        Government Mortgage Fund                109                  2005
        Government Mortgage Fund              2,523                  2007

Utilization of capital loss  carryforwards  of the Victory  Government  Mortgage
Fund subsequent to the Effective Date of the Reorganization may be limited under
the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

3.      Portfolio Valuation, Securities Transactions and Related Income:

        Investments in common and preferred stocks,  corporate bonds, commercial
paper,  municipal and foreign government bonds, U.S.  government  securities and
securities  of U.S.  government  agencies  are  valued  at their  market  values
determined  on the basis of the latest

                             The Victory Portfolios
               Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements - Continued
                                October 31, 1999

available  bid  prices in the  principal  market  (closing  sales  prices if the
principal market is an exchange) in which such securities are normally traded on
or the basis of  valuation  procedures  approved by the Board of Trustees of the
Trust.  Investments in investment  companies are valued at their  respective net
asset values as reported by such companies. The differences between the cost and
market values of investments are reflected as either unrealized  appreciation or

        Securities  transactions  are  accounted for on the date the security is
purchased or sold (trade  date).  Interest  income is  recognized on the accrual
basis and includes,  where  applicable,  the pro rata amortization of premium or
accretion of discount.  Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date, net
of foreign taxes withheld. Gains or losses realized from sales of securities are
determined  by comparing the  identified  cost of the security lot sold with the
net sales proceeds.

4.      Capital Shares:

        In  connection  with the  reorganization,  the  Survivor  Funds,  each a
separate  investment  portfolio of the Trust, will each issue additional Class A

        The pro forma net  asset  values  per  share  assume  the  impact of any
required  corporate  actions  relating  to shares of the Trust  that  would have
occurred at October 31, 1999 in connection with the proposed  reorganization  of
the non-Survivor Funds into the Survivor Funds as described above. The pro forma
number of shares outstanding consists of the following:

                                Shares         Shares Issued       Pro forma
                             Outstanding at        in the          Shares at
                            October 31, 1999   Reorganization   October 31, 1999
                                (000)             (000)              (000)
                                -----             -----              -----

Victory Fund for Income         18,201            7,765               25,966
Victory Established Value
Fund                            13,678              707               14,385

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS
                                     PART C

                                OTHER INFORMATION


         The  response to this item is  incorporated  by reference to Item 25 of
Part C of  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  57 to the  Registrant's  Registration
Statement  on  Form  N-1A  as  filed   December  14,  1999,   accession   number

ITEM 16.  Exhibits.

(1)            Certificate of Trust.(1)

(2)(a)         Delaware Trust Instrument dated December 6, 1995, as amended.(2)

   (b)         Schedule A to Trust Instrument dated December 6, 1995, as amended
               August 17, 1999.(3)

(3)            Not applicable.

(4)            Form of  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  and  Termination
               between Registrant, on behalf of the Government Mortgage Fund and
               Ohio  Regional  Stock Fund;  and Fund for Income and  Established
               Value  Fund.

(5)            Bylaws, Amended and Restated as of August 28, 1998.(4)

(6)(a)         Investment  Advisory Agreement dated as of March 1, 1997, between
               Registrant and Key Asset Management Inc. ("KAM"), with Schedule A
               amended as of March 1, 1997, March 2, 1998, and May 29, 1998.(5)

- ----------

(1)            Filed  as an  Exhibit  to  Post  Effective  Amendment  No.  26 to
               Registrant's   Registration   Statement   on  Form   N-1A   filed
               electronically   on   December   28,   1995,   accession   number

(2)            Filed  as  an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  36 to
               Registrant's   Registration   Statement   on  Form   N-1A   filed
               electronically   on   February   26,   1998,   accession   number

(3)            Filed  as  an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  54 to
               Registrant's   Registration   Statement   on  Form   N-1A   filed
               electronically   on   October   15,   1999,    accession   number

(4)            Filed  as  an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  44 to
               Registrant's   Registration   Statement   on  Form   N-1A   filed
               electronically   on   November   19,   1998,   accession   number

(5)            Filed  as  an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  42 to
               Registrant's  Registration Form N-1A filed electronically on July
               29, 1998, accession number 0000922423-98-000725.


   (b)         Schedule A to Investment  Advisory Agreement dated as of March 1,
               1997, as revised December 11, 1998.(3)

   (c)         Investment  Advisory  Agreement  dated  March  1,  1997,  between
               Registrant  and KAM  regarding  Lakefront  Fund and  Real  Estate
               Investment Fund.(6)

   (d)         Schedule  A  to  the  Investment   Advisory   Agreement   between
               Registrant  and KAM regarding the Lakefront  Fund and Real Estate
               Investment  Fund,  as amended  December  11 1998,  to include the
               Gradison  Government Reserves Fund and Established Value Fund, as
               revised December 11, 1998.(3)

   (e)         Investment   Advisory   Agreement  dated  June  1  1998,  between
               Registrant and KAM regarding the International Growth Fund.(5)

   (f)         Investment  Sub-Advisory  Agreement dated March 1, 1997,  between
               KAM and Lakefront Capital Investors, Inc. regarding the Lakefront

   (g)         Portfolio  Management  Agreement  dated  June  1,  1998,  between
               Registrant,  KAM and Indocam  International  Investment Services,
               S.A. regarding the International Growth Fund.(7)

(7)(a)         Distribution Agreement dated June 1, 1996, between Registrant and
               BISYS Fund Services Limited Partnership,  with Schedule I amended
               as of March 2, 1998, and May 29, 1998.(5)

   (b)         Schedule I to the Distribution  Agreement,  as revised August 17,

(8)            Not applicable.

(9)(a)         Amended and Restated  Mutual Fund Custody  Agreement dated August
               1, 1996,  between  Registrant and Key Trust of Ohio,  Inc.,  with
               Schedule  A  revised  as of March  1998,  and May 29,  1998,  and
               Attachment B revised as of March 2, 1998.(5)

   (b)         Schedule  A to the  Mutual  Fund  Custody  Agreement,  as revised
               August 17, 1999.(3)

   (c)         Schedule I to the Amended and Restated  Custody  agreement  dated
               August 1, 1996,  between  the  Victory  Portfolios  and Key Trust
               Company of Ohio, Inc. amended as of December 11, 1998.(8)

   (d)         Custody  Agreement  dated May 31, 1996,  between  Morgan  Stanley
               Trust Company and Key Trust Company of Ohio.(7)

(10)(a)        Amended and Restated Rule 18f-3  Multi-Class  Plan as of December
               1, 1999.(9)

- ----------

(6)            Filed  as  an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  34 to
               Registrant's   Registration   Statement   on  Form   N-1A   filed
               electronically   on   December   12,   1997,   accession   number

(7)            Filed as an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  No. 30 to  Registrant's
               Registration  Statement on Form N-1A filed electronically on June
               12, 1998, accession number 0000922423-96-000344.


   (b)         Shareholder  Servicing  Plan dated June 5, 1995,  with Schedule I
               amended as of March 1, 1997, March 2, 1998, and May 29, 1998.(5)

   (c)         Schedule I to the Shareholder Servicing Plan, dated June 5, 1995,
               as revised August 17, 1999.(3)

   (d)         Form of Shareholder Servicing Agreement.(1)

   (e)         Distribution  Plan  dated  June 5,  1995,  for  Class B Shares of
               Registrant with Schedule I amended as of February 1, 1996.(8)

   (f)         Distribution and Service Plan dated June 5, 1995, for the Class A
               Shares of  Registrant  with Schedule I amended as of February 19,
               1997, March 2, 1998, and May 29, 1998.(5)

   (g)         Schedule I to the  Distribution  and Service Plan dated  December
               11, 1998, as revised August 17, 1999.(3)

   (h)         Distribution  and Service Plan dated December 11, 1998, for Class
               G Shares of Registrant.(8)

   (i)         Schedule A to  Distribution  and Service Plan dated  December 11,
               1998,  for Class G shares of  Registrant,  as revised  August 17,
               1999, to be filed by amendment.

(11)(a)        Opinions  and  Consent of Kramer  Levin  Naftalis  & Frankel  LLP
               ("Kramer  Levin"),  relating to the Government  Mortgage Fund and
               Ohio  Regional  Stock Fund;  and Fund for Income and  Established
               Value Fund, dated ______, 2000, to be filed by amendment.

    (b)        Opinion of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell,  Delaware counsel to
               Registrant,  relating to the  Government  Mortgage  Fund and Ohio
               Regional  Stock Fund; and Fund for Income and  Established  Value
               Fund, dated ____________, 2000, to be filed by amendment.

(12)           Tax Opinion of Kramer  Levin  Naftalis & Frankel LLP  relating to
               the  Government  Mortgage Fund and Ohio Regional  Stock Fund; and
               Fund for Income and Established Value Fund, dated _______,  2000,
               to be filed by amendment.

(13)(a)        Administration   Agreement   dated   October  1,  1999,   between
               Registrant and BISYS.(3)

    (b)        Sub-Administration Agreement dated October 1, 1999, between BISYS
               and KAM.(3)

    (c)        Administration   Agreement   dated   October  1,  1997,   between
               Registrant  and BISYS,  with Schedule II-B amended as of March 2,

- ----------

(8)            Filed as an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  No.51  to  Registrant's
               Registration  Statement on Form N-1A filed electronically on June
               17, 1999, accession number 0000922423-99-000795.

(9)            Filed  as  an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 58  to
               Registrant's   Registration   Statement   on  Form   N-1A   filed
               electronically   on   December 30,   1999,   accession   number


    (d)        Schedule I to the Administration  Agreement,  as revised December
               11, 1998.(7)

    (e)        Sub-Administration Agreement dated October 1, 1997, between BISYS
               Fund  Services  Limited  Partnership   ("BISYS")  and  KAM,  with
               Schedule A amended as of March 2, 1998, and May 29, 1998.(5)

    (f)        Transfer  Agency  and  Service  Agreement  dated  July 12,  1996,
               between Registrant and State Street Bank and Trust Company,  with
               Schedule A revised as of August 1, 1996,  March 2, 1998,  and May
               29, 1998.(5)

    (g)        Schedule A to the  Transfer  Agency  and  Service  Agreement,  as
               revised August 17, 1999.(3)

    (h)        Fund Accounting  Agreement dated June 1, 1999, between Registrant
               and BISYS Fund Services Ohio, Inc.(7)

    (i)        Fund Accounting  Agreement dated May 31, 1995, between Registrant
               and BISYS Fund Services Ohio, Inc., with Amended Schedule A as of
               February 19, 1997,  March 2, 1998, and May 29, 1998, and Schedule
               B as of March 2, 1998.(5)

    (j)        Form of Broker-Dealer Agreement.(10)

(14)(a)        Consent of Kramer Levin Naftalis &Frankel LLP.

(14)(b)        Consent of PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP

(15)           Not Applicable.

(16)(a)        Powers of Attorney of Roger Noall and Frank A. Weil.(11)

    (b)        Powers of Attorney of Leigh A. Wilson, Edward P. Campbell,  Harry
               Gazelle,  Thomas F.  Morrissey,  H. Patrick Swygert and Eugene J.

(17)           Form of Proxy Cards.

Item 17.  Undertakings

(1)  The undersigned  registrant  agrees that prior to any public  reoffering of
     the securities  registered  through the use of a prospectus which is a part
     of this  registration  statement by any person or party who is deemed to be
     an  underwriter  within the meaning of Rule 145(c) under the Securities Act
     of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), the reoffering  prospectus will
     contain the information called for by the applicable  registration form for
     reofferings by persons who may be deemed  underwriters,  in addition to the
     information called for by the other items of the applicable form.

- ----------

(10)           Filed as an  Exhibit  to  Post-Effective  No. 27 to  Registrant's
               Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A  filed  electronically  on
               January 31, 1996, accession number 0000922423-96-000047.

(11)           Filed  as an  Exhibit  to  Pre-Effective  No.  2 to  Registrant's
               Registration  Statement  on  For  N-14  filed  electronically  on
               February 3, 1998, accession number 0000922423-98-000095.


(2)  The undersigned registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed under
     paragraph  (1)  above  will  be  filed  as a part  of an  amendment  to the
     registration  statement  and  will  not be  used  until  the  amendment  is
     effective, and that, in determining any liability under the Securities Act,
     each  post-effective  amendment  shall be deemed  to be a new  registration
     statement  for the  securities  offered  therein,  and the  offering of the
     securities  at that  time  shall be  deemed  to be the  initial  bona  fide
     offering of them.


         Pursuant to the  Securities Act of 1933, the Registrant has duly caused
this  Registration  Statement  on Form N-14 to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned,  thereunto duly  authorized,  in the City of New York, State of New
York, on the 30th day of December, 1999.

                                             The Victory Portfolios

                                              By:/s/ Leigh A. Wilson
                                               Leigh A. Wilson
                                               President and Trustee

     Pursuant  to  the   requirements  of  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  this
     Registration  Statement on Form N-14 has been signed below by the following
     persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Name                          Title                                 Date
- ----                          -----                                 ----

/s/ Roger Noall               Chairman of the Board          January 7, 2000
- ------------------------       and Trustee
    Roger Noall

/s/ Leigh A. Wilson           Trustee                        January 7, 2000
- ------------------------
    Leigh A. Wilson

/s/ Joel B. Engle             Treasurer                      January 7, 2000
- ------------------------
    Joel B. Engle

/s/ Harry Gazelle*            Trustee                        January 7, 2000
- ------------------------
    Harry Gazelle

/s/ Thomas F. Morrissey*      Trustee                        January 7, 2000
- ------------------------
    Thomas F. Morrissey

/s/ H. Patrick Swygert*       Trustee                        January 7, 2000
- ------------------------
    H. Patrick Swygert

/s/ Frank A. Weil*            Trustee                        January 7, 2000
- ------------------------
    Frank A. Weil

/s/ Eugene J. McDonald*       Trustee                        January 7, 2000
- ------------------------
    Eugene J. McDonald

*By:  /s/ Carl Frischling
      Carl Frischling

                             THE VICTORY PORTFOLIOS

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit Number

Ex-99.B4       Form of  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  and  Termination
               between Registrant, on behalf of the Government Mortgage Fund and
               Ohio  Regional  Stock Fund;  and Fund for Income and  Established
               Value Fund.

Ex-99.B14(a)   Consent of Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP.

Ex-99.B14(b)   Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Ex-99.B17      Form of Proxy Cards.