(Rule 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Filed by the registrant  [ ]
       Filed by a party other than the registrant [ ]
       Check the appropriate box:
       [x] Preliminary proxy statement        [ ] Confidential, for Use of the
       [ ] Definitive proxy statement             Commission Only (as permitted
       [ ] Definitive additional materials        by Rule  14a-6(e)(2))
       [ ] Soliciting  material pursuant to
           Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                         ATLANTIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) filing proxy statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):
       [ ] No Fee required.
       [ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)
           and 0-11.

       (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

       (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

       (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

       (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

       (5) Total fee paid:

       [ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

       [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
           Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
           fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
           statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

       (1) Amount previously paid:

       (2) Form, schedule or registration statement no.:

       (3) Filing party:

       (4) Date filed:

                         ATLANTIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                               150 BROADWAY AVENUE
                                   SUITE 1110
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038

                                                     February __, 2000

Dear Stockholder:

         You are cordially  invited to attend a special  meeting of stockholders
of Atlantic Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. ("Atlantic") to be held at 10:00 a.m. Eastern
Standard  Time on March 17,  2000,  at the  offices of Kramer  Levin  Naftalis &
Frankel LLP, at 919 Third Avenue,  40th Floor, New York, New York 10022, for the
following purposes:

1.       To vote on a proposal to amend Atlantic's  certificate of incorporation
         to change the name of Atlantic from "Atlantic Pharmaceuticals, Inc." to
         "Atlantic Technology Ventures, Inc."

2.       To transact such other business as may properly come before the special
         meeting or any adjournments or postponements of the special meeting.

         Only  Atlantic's  stockholders  of record at the close of  business  on
January  21,  2000,  are  entitled  to notice of, and  entitled  to vote at, the
special meeting and at any adjournments or postponements of the special meeting.

         The  Atlantic   board  of   directors   unanimously   recommends   that
stockholders vote "FOR" the above proposal.

         Whether or not you plan to attend, to assure your representation at the
meeting please carefully read the accompanying proxy statement,  which describes
the matter to be voted upon,  and complete,  sign,  date and return the enclosed
proxy card in the accompanying  postage-paid reply envelope.  Should you receive
more than one proxy card because your shares are  registered in different  names
and  addresses,  please  return  each of them to ensure that all your shares are
voted.  If you hold your  shares of Atlantic in street name and decide to attend
the special meeting and vote your shares in person, please notify your broker to
obtain a ballot so that you may vote your shares.  If you are a holder of record
of Atlantic's shares and submit the enclosed proxy card and then vote by ballot,
your proxy vote will be revoked automatically an only your vote will be counted.
The prompt return of your proxy card will assist us in preparing for the special

         We look forward to seeing you at the special meeting

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                           /s/ A. Joseph Rudick
                                           A. Joseph Rudick, M.D.

New York, New York
February __, 2000

                         ATLANTIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                               150 BROADWAY AVENUE
                                   SUITE 1110
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                     FOR THE
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD ON MARCH 17, 2000


         The  enclosed  proxy  card is  solicited  on  behalf  of the  board  of
directors   of   Atlantic   Pharmaceuticals,   Inc.,   a  Delaware   corporation
("Atlantic"),  for use at a special  meeting of stockholders to be held at 10:00
a.m. Eastern  Standard Time on Friday,  March 17, 2000, at the offices of Kramer
Levin  Naftalis & Frankel LLP, at 919 Third Avenue,  40th Floor,  New York,  New
York 10022,  and at any  adjournment.  This proxy statement and the accompanying
proxy  card were  mailed on or about  February  __,  2000,  to the  stockholders
entitled to vote at the special meeting.

                             RECORD DATE AND VOTING

         The specific proposal to be considered and acted upon at the special
meeting is described in detail in this proxy statement. Stockholders of record
at the close of business on January 21, 2000 (the "Record Date"), are entitled
to notice of, and to vote at, the special meeting. As of the close of business
on that date , there were outstanding and entitled to vote 4,832,501 shares of
Atlantic's common stock, par value $0.001 per share (the "Common Stock"), and
605,088 shares of Atlantic's Series A convertible preferred stock, par value
$0.001 per share (the "Preferred Stock"). Each holder of Common Stock is
entitled to one vote for each share of Common Stock held by that stockholder on
the Record Date. Each holder of Preferred Stock is entitled to one vote for each
share of Common Stock into which that holder's shares of Preferred Stock were
convertible as of the Record Date. As of the Record Date, each share of
Preferred Stock was convertible into 3.27 shares of Common Stock, and therefore
as a class the Preferred Stock is entitled to an aggregate of 1,978,637 votes.

         A  majority  of all of the  shares of Common  Stock  entitled  to vote,
whether  present in person or by represented by proxy,  will constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business at the special meeting.

         At the  special  meeting,  all  holders  of shares of Common  Stock and
Preferred  Stock will be asked to vote on the proposal.  A majority of the votes
cast by the holders of both Common Stock and Preferred  Stock,  voting together,
is required in order to approve the proposal.

         If a choice as to the  proposal  before the  special  meeting  has been
specified  by a  stockholder  on a  returned  proxy,  the  shares  will be voted
accordingly. If no choice is specified, the shares will be voted in favor of the

         Abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  (that is, a proxy  submitted  by a
broker  or  nominee  that  specifically  indicates  the  lack  of  discretionary
authority to vote on the proposals) are counted for purposes of determining  the
presence or absence of a quorum for the  transaction  of  business.  Abstentions
will have the same effect as negative votes,  whereas broker  non-votes will not
be counted for purposes of determining whether the proposal has been approved.

         To ensure  that your shares are voted at the  special  meeting,  please
complete,  date,  sign  and  return  the  enclosed  proxy  in  the  accompanying
postage-prepaid, return envelope as soon as possible.

         The corporate  action described in this proxy statement will not afford
to stockholders  the opportunity to dissent from the action described herein and
to receive an agreed or judicially appraised value for their shares.

                             REVOCABILITY OF PROXIES

         Any stockholder giving a proxy pursuant to this solicitation may revoke
it at any time prior to its exercise. A stockholder of record may revoke a proxy
by filing with Atlantic's Corporate Secretary at its principal executive offices
at 150 Broadway  Avenue,  Suite 1110,  New York, New York 10038, a duly executed
proxy bearing a later date or by attending  the special  meeting and voting that
stockholder's  shares in person.  Persons who hold  Atlantic's  shares in street
name may revoke their proxy by contacting  their broker to obtain a legal ballot
and filing  that ballot  bearing a later date with the  Corporate  Secretary  of
Atlantic at its principal  executive offices or by attending the special meeting
and voting that legal ballot in person.


         Atlantic  will  bear  the  cost of  soliciting  proxies.  In  addition,
Atlantic will solicit  shareholders  by mail with the  assistance of its regular
employees  and will ask banks and brokers,  and other  custodians,  nominees and
fiduciaries,  to solicit  those of their  customers  who have stock of  Atlantic
registered in the names of those  persons,  and Atlantic will reimburse them for
their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  costs.  Atlantic  may use the  services of its
officers,  directors  and others to solicit  proxies,  personally  or by e-mail,
facsimile,  telephone  or  other  forms  of  communication,  without  additional

                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

         Certain   statements   in   this   proxy   statement   may   constitute
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act. The assumptions reflected in
these statements are subject to certain risks,  uncertainties and other factors,
including changes in general economic or business  conditions,  competition from
other manufacturers of cataract-extraction  technologies,  the unavailability of
any necessary  intellectual  property  rights  possessed by third  parties,  and
certain of those risks described in Atlantic's most recent report on Form 10-KSB
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



         The board of directors has unanimously approved, subject to stockholder
approval, an amendment to Atlantic's  certificate of incorporation  changing the
name of Atlantic to "Atlantic  Technology  Ventures,  Inc." The full text of the
proposed   changes  to  Atlantic's   certificate  of   incorporation   has  been
incorporated   into  the  proposed   certificate   of  amendment  of  Atlantic's
certificate of incorporation included as Exhibit A.

         This name change  reflects the board of  director's  decision to expand
Atlantic's business focus beyond pharmaceutical and medical device technologies.

         In  making  this  decision,  the  board of  directors  was  principally
influenced by two  considerations.  First,  developing  pharmaceutical  products
increasingly  requires  that one  invest  considerable  amounts  of money over a
number of years,  with little  certainty that any given product will actually be
commercialized.  (For a  statement  of  these  considerations,  see the  section
entitled "Risk Factors" in Atlantic's  most recent Annual Report on Form 10-KSB,
which is  incorporated  herein  by  reference.)  Second,  in  recent  years  the
stockholders  of  development-stage  pharmaceutical  companies have for the most
part had little to show for risks taken and resources committed,  given that the
stock price of  development-stage  companies in the  pharmaceutical  sector have
lagged well behind market indices.


         By contrast, development of non-pharmaceutical  technologies offers the
prospect  of a more  limited  commitment  of  resources,  a  quicker  return  on
investment,  and a stock price that reflects the promise of  technologies  under

         Given these considerations, the board of directors has decided that its
would be in the best interests of Atlantic and its  stockholders for Atlantic to
adopt a broader approach in selecting  technologies to develop,  and to consider
investing in electronic infrastructure, software and communication technologies.
Note  that this  change  reflects  an  adjustment  in  strategy,  rather  than a
wholesale  change.  As is evident  from its  development  of the very  promising
Catarex surgical device, Atlantic does not only develop pharmaceutical products.
Furthermore,  Atlantic will continue to develop,  to the extent  consistent with
its  revised  strategy,  the  pharmaceutical  products  it  currently  has under

         The board of directors believes that given Atlantic's revised strategy,
it is only  appropriate  that it  adopt a  corporate  name  that  reflects  that
strategy. The new name, "Atlantic Technology Ventures, Inc.," will give Atlantic
immeasurably greater credibility in acquiring and,  ultimately,  commercializing
or divesting non-pharmaceutical technologies.

         Atlantic  believes  its name change will have no adverse  effect on its
business.  Public  recognition  of Atlantic's  name is generally  limited to the
biotechnology  industry.  Notifying  Atlantic's  business  partners  of the name
change should be a simple matter. In addition, Atlantic will continue to use its
current Nasdaq SmallCap Market ticker symbol.

         Stockholders  will not be required to submit  their stock  certificates
for exchange. Following the effective date of the amendment changing the name of
Atlantic, all new stock certificates issued by Atlantic will be overprinted with
Atlantic's new name.

         The affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of the
Common  Stock and  Preferred  Stock issued and  outstanding  on the Record Date,
voting  together  as a  single  class,  is  required  for the  approval  of this

         The board of directors  deems this proposal to be in the best interests
of  Atlantic  and its  stockholders  and  recommends  that you vote  "FOR"  this

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         As of the date of this proxy  statement,  the only  business  which the
board of directors  intends to present and knows that others will present at the
special  meeting  is that  herein  set forth.  If any other  matter is  properly
brought  before the  special  meeting  or any  adjournments  thereof,  it is the
intention  of the persons  named in the  accompanying  form of proxy to vote the
proxy on such matters in accordance with their judgment.

                                              THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Dated:   February __, 2000


                                                                       Exhibit A

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                                     OF THE
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                         ATLANTIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                     Pursuant to Section 242 of the General
                    Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

         It is hereby certified that:

         1. Atlantic Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the "Corporation") is a corporation
formed under the laws of the State of Delaware, and its certificate of
incorporation was filed in the office of the Secretary of State on May 18, 1993.

         2. The certificate of incorporation is hereby amended by deleting the
existing Article FIRST and replacing it in its entirety with the following

            "FIRST: The name of the corporation is Atlantic Technology Ventures,

         3. This  amendment to the  certificate of  incorporation  has been duly
adopted in  accordance  with Section 242 of the General  Corporation  Law of the
State of Delaware.

         The undersigned has signed this certificate on March __, 2000.

                                                     A. Joseph Rudick, M.D.

                                   PROXY CARD

                         ATLANTIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
                         Special meeting of STOCKholders

                             THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         The   undersigned   stockholder  of  Atlantic   Pharmaceuticals,   Inc.
("Atlantic")  hereby revokes all previous proxies,  acknowledges  receipt of the
notice of special meeting of stockholders to be held on Friday,  March 17, 2000,
and the related  proxy  statement,  and appoints  Dr. A. Joseph  Rudick and John
Brancaccio, and each of them, as proxies of the undersigned,  with full power of
substitution to vote all shares of Atlantic's  common stock that the undersigned
is entitled to vote at a special  meeting of  stockholders  to be held at Kramer
Levin  Naftalis & Frankel LLP, at 919 Third Avenue,  40th Floor,  New York,  New
York 10022, on March 17, 2000, at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern Standard Time, and at any
adjournments  thereof.  The shares represented by the proxy may only be voted in
the manner specified below.

1.       To  authorize  the  proposal  to  amend   Atlantic's   certificate   of
         incorporation   to  change  the  name  of   Atlantic   from   "Atlantic
         Pharmaceuticals, Inc." to "Atlantic Technology Ventures, Inc.";

                  FOR [ ]           AGAINST [ ]         ABSTAIN [ ]

2.       To transact such other business as may properly come before the special
         meeting and any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

         The board of directors recommends you vote "FOR" the above proposal.

         This proxy when properly  executed will be voted in the manner directed
above.  In the absence of direction for the above  proposal,  this proxy will be
voted "FOR" that proposal.

                         (Continued on the other side.)


         Please print the shareholder  name exactly as it appears on this proxy.
If the shares are registered in more than one name, the signature of each person
in whose name the shares are registered is required.  A corporation  should sign
in its full corporate name, with a duly authorized  officer signing on behalf of
the corporation and stating his or her title.  Trustees,  guardians,  executors,
and  administrators  should sign in their official  capacity,  giving their full
title as such.  A  partnership  should  sign in its  partnership  name,  with an
authorized person signing on behalf of the partnership.

                                               Dated: ____________, 2000

                                               (Print Name)

                                               (Authorized Signature)

         I plan to attend the special meeting in person:

                                    [ ]   Yes

                                    [ ]   No