Washington, D.C.  20549

                                                              OMB APPROVAL      
                                                        OMB Number:    3235-0058
                                                        Expires:   June 30, 1994
                                                        Estimated average burden
                                                        hours per response  2.50
                                    FORM 12b-25        
                            NOTIFICATION OF LATE FILING

(Check One):  X Form 10-K  _ Form 20-F  _ Form 11-K   _ Form 10-Q  _ Form N-SAR

              For Period Ended:                                SEC FILE NUMBER
              [x] Transition Report on Form 10-K                   33-76200
              [ ] Transition  Report on Form 20-F
              [ ] Transition  Report on Form  11-K  
              [ ] Transition Report on Form 10-Q    
              [ ]  Transition  Report on Form N-SAR
              For the Transition Period Ended:  September 30, 1996

  Read Instruction (on back page) Before Preparing Form. Please Print or Type.

Nothing  in this  form  shall be  construed  to imply  that the  Commission  has
verified any information contained herein.

If the notification  relates to a portion of the filing checked above,  identify
the Item(s) to which the notification relates:


         ERD Waste Corp.
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Full Name of Registrant

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Former Name if Applicable

        937 East Hazelwood Avenue
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address of Principal Executive Office (Street and Number)

         Rahway, New Jersey 07065
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
City, State and Zip Code

PART II -- RULES 12b-25(b) AND (c)

If the subject  report could not be filed without  reasonable  effort or expense
and the  registrant  seeks  relief  pursuant to Rule 12b- 25(b),  the  following
should be completed. (Check box if appropriate)

     [x]     (a)   The reasons  described  in  reasonable  detail in Part III of
                   this form could not be eliminated without unreasonable effort
                   or expense;
     [x]     (b)   The subject annual  report,  semi-annual  report,  transition
                   report  on Form  10-K,  Form  20-F,  11-K or Form  N-SAR,  or
                   portion  thereof,  will be filed on or before  the  fifteenth
                   calendar day following the prescribed due date; or the
                   subject  quarterly report of transition  report on Form 10-Q,
                   or  portion  thereof  will be filed on or  before  the  fifth
                   calendar day following the prescribed due date; and
     [ ]     (c)   The accountant's  statement or other exhibit required by Rule
                   12b-25(c) has been attached if applicable.


State below in reasonable  detail the reasons why Forms 10-K, 11-K, 10-Q, N-SAR,
or the  transition  report or  portion  thereof,  could not be filed  within the
prescribed time period.

See Attachment I


(1)  Name  and  telephone  number  of  person  to  contact  in  regard  to  this

         Kenneth Weiner                      (908)            381-9229
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (Name)                           (Area Code)        (Telephone Number)

(2)  Have all other period  reports  required  under  Section 13 or 15(d) of the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or Section 30 of the Investment Company Act
     of 1940 during the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter)  period that
     the registrant was required to file such reports) been filed?  If answer is
     no, identify report(s).                                      [x] Yes [ ] No

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)  Is it anticipated that any significant change in results of operations from
     the corresponding  period for the last fiscal year will be reflected by the
     earnings  statements  to be  included  in the  subject  report  or  portion
     thereof?                                                     [x] Yes [ ] No

     See Attachment II

     If so, attach an explanation of the anticipated  change,  both  narratively
     and quantitatively, and, if appropriate, state the reasons why a reasonable
     estimate of the results cannot be made.

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 ERD Waste Corp.
                  (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

has  caused  this  notification  to be signed on its  behalf by the  undersigned
hereunto duly authorized.

    Date     1/28/97               By /s/ Joseph Wisneski
          -------------------        ------------------------------
                                     Joseph Wisneski, President

INSTRUCTION: The form may be signed by an executive officer of the registrant or
by any other duly  authorized  representative.  The name and title of the person
signing  the form  shall  be typed or  printed  beneath  the  signature.  If the
statement is signed on behalf of the registrant by an authorized  representative
(other than an executive officer), evidence of the representative's authority to
sign on behalf of the registrant shall be filed with the form.

Intentional  misstatements  or omissions  of fact  constitute  Federal  Criminal
Violations (See 18 U.S.C. 1001).

                                  Attachment I

         As a  result  of the  change  in the  Company's  fiscal  year  and  the
extraordinary  loss  incurred  from  discontinued  operations,  the  Company  is
required to amend certain  documents which will be required in order to properly
present  the  Company's  financial  statements.  In  order to  accomplish  these
amendments,  the Company is required to obtain the  assistance  of outside third
parties.  The Company is unable to obtain this  assistance in sufficient time to
enable the Company to timely file its form 10KSB without incurring  unreasonable
expense. The Company's form 10KSB will be filed no later than February 10, 1997.

                                  Attachment II

         For the eight months ending September 30, 1996, the Company's operating
results  will reflect a  $7,167,998  loss net of income taxes from  discontinued
operations. The following paragraphs summarize this transaction.

         On September  4, 1996,  the Company  received a complaint  from the New
York State Department of Environmental  Conservation  ("DEC") citing a number of
alleged   violations  at  the  Company's  Long  Beach,   New  York   incinerator
("Facility"). The DEC's complaint also indicated its intent to have the Facility
closed.  On  November  7, 1996 the  Company  announced  that it had  reached  an
agreement with the New York State  Attorney  General acting on behalf of the DEC
concerning the  resolution of a complaint  filed by the DEC on September 4, 1996
regarding the Company's  operation of its  incinerator  in Long Beach,  New York
("Facility").  The  agreement  reached on November 7, 1996  includes a voluntary
discontinuance  of  incineration  at the  Facility.  In addition,  the agreement
includes  modification  of the  Facility's  permit  to allow it to  continue  to
operate  as a  solid  waste  transfer  station  for  the  waste  streams  it has
previously  processed  as a waste  to  energy  incinerator.  In  return  for the
resolution  of all  legal  issues,  the  Company  agreed  to  voluntarily  cease
incineration activities by March 31, 1997.

         The plan to convert the facility to a solid waste transfer station will
involve the modification of a significant portion of the existing structure.  In
addition, the Company estimates that significant legal and other consulting fees
will be incurred in the  management of the project.  The  estimated  loss on the
abandonment of the waste to energy  facility  includes the net book value of the
facility,  the estimated costs to modify the facility,  the legal and other fees
associated with the project,  partially offset by the estimated salvage value of
the Facility's equipment and projected operating profits through the termination
date of March 31, 1997.  The following  table is a calculation  of the estimated
loss on abandonment.

Net book value of Facility                                 $  11,500,000

Costs to dismantle and professional fees                       2,000,000

Estimated salvage value of equipment                           (500,000)

Operating profits through termination date                     (500,000)
Loss on disposal                                            $ 12,500,000

         The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the revenues
and results of operations of the Facility.

                        Eight months
                           ended                     Years Ended
                    -------------------    -----------------------------------
                       September 30,         January 31,       January 31,
                    -------------------    -----------------------------------
                            1996                1996               1995
                    -------------------    -----------------------------------

Revenues                  $  4,651,085         $ 10,205,133      $  5,847,707
Net income (loss)         $ (7,167,998)(a)     $  2,084,419      $    416,890

(a)  Includes estimated loss on disposal, net of tax benefit, of $7,500,000