NON-COMPETITION  AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement")  dated as of January 27,
1997 by D.E. Janveau (the "Seller") for the benefit of 3-D Geophysical,  Inc., a
Delaware  corporation  ("3-D"),  and 3-D Geophysical of Canada, Inc., a Canadian
corporation ("3-D Canada").

         WHEREAS,  the  Seller has been an  executive  officer  and an  indirect
shareholder  of the  Company  for a  number  of  years  and  was  active  in the
management of the business and affairs of the Company;

         WHEREAS, all of the outstanding capital stock of the J.R.S. Exploration
Company Limited an Alberta corporation (the "Company"), has been acquired by 3-D
pursuant to that certain Stock Purchase  Agreement dated as of December 10, 1996
by and among 3-D,  3-D Canada,  the  Seller,  Gladys  Mueller  and W.G.  Mueller
(collectively, the "Vendors")(the "Stock Purchase Agreement");

         WHEREAS,  the Seller  acknowledges  that 3-D and 3-D Canada have paid a
substantial  price  to  acquire  the  Company  from the  Vendors,  and it is the
intention  of 3-D,  3-D Canada and the Vendors  (including  the Seller) that the
Company shall be entitled  exclusively  to the benefits of the  goodwill,  trade
secrets,  proprietary  rights,  know-how and  customer and client  relationships
heretofore established,  developed and maintained by the Company, whether or not
through the services or efforts of

the Seller as an  executive  officer,  employee or indirect  shareholder  of the
Company; and

         WHEREAS,  to induce  3-D and 3-D  Canada  to enter  the Stock  Purchase
Agreement,  the  Seller  agreed  that at the  Closing  under the Stock  Purchase
Agreement it would enter into this  Agreement not to compete with the Company on
the terms and conditions set forth below;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises,  the acquisition by
3-D and 3-D  Canada  of all of the  outstanding  capital  stock  of the  Company
pursuant to the Stock Purchase  Agreement,  the Seller,  intending to be legally
bound, hereby agrees as follows:

         Section 1.  Restrictive Covenants.

         1.1  Covenant  Not to Compete.  For a period of five (5) years from the
date of this Agreement,  the Seller will not in any way, directly or indirectly,
as an agent, employee, officer, director,  stockholder,  partner or otherwise of
any  corporation,  partnership  or other venture or enterprise  compete with the
Company, 3-D or any of their respective subsidiaries in the provision of seismic
data  acquisition  or  analysis  services  or any  services  related  thereto (a
"Competing  Business") within the territorial limits of the Province of Alberta,
the other provinces and territories of Canada,  the United States of America and
the countries forming part of Central and South America.


         1.2 Non-Solicitation  Covenant. For a period of four (4) years from the
date of this Agreement,  the Seller shall not solicit, sell to or contract with,
on behalf of the Seller or on behalf of any  Competing  Business,  any person or
entity to which the Company or any subsidiary of the Company shall have provided
seismic data  acquisition or analysis  services at any time during such four (4)
year period.

         1.3 Remedies.  The Seller hereby agrees that all  restrictions  imposed
upon the Seller  hereunder are reasonable,  fair and valid,  and all defenses to
the strict enforcement of the provisions hereof are hereby waived by the Seller.
The Seller further agrees that in the event of a breach or threatened  breach of
any of the covenants contained in this Section 1, the Company's remedy at law is
likely to be  inadequate  and that  accordingly  the Company will be entitled to
obtain an  injunction  or other  equitable  relief with regard  thereto  without
proving damages or that damages would not constitute an adequate remedy.  If the
final  judgment of a court of competent  jurisdiction  declares that any term or
provision  of this Section 1 is invalid or  unenforceable,  in whole or in part,
the parties hereto agree that the court making the  determination  of invalidity
or  unenforceability  shall have the power to, and is hereby directed to, reduce
the scope,  duration or area of the term or provision by deleting specific words
or phrases as necessary to comply with  applicable law or to be enforceable by a
court of competent  jurisdiction  or by replacing  any invalid or  unenforceable
term or provision with a term or provision that is valid and enforceable


and  that  comes  closest  to  expressing  the  intention  of  the  invalid  and
unenforceable  term or provision,  and this Agreement shall be enforceable as so

         2.   Miscellaneous Provisions.

         2.1 Notices. All notices and demands of any kind which any party hereto
may be  required or desire to serve upon  another  party under the terms of this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served upon such other party:  (a) by
personal  service upon such other party at such other party's  address set forth
below in this  Section  2.1; or (b) by mailing a copy  thereof by  certified  or
registered mail, postage prepaid,  with return receipt  requested,  addressed to
such other  party at the  address of such  other  party set forth  below in this
Section 2.1; or (c) by sending a copy thereof by Federal  Express or  equivalent
courier  service,  addressed  to such other  party at the  address of such other
party set forth below in this  Section  2.1; or (d) by sending a copy thereof by
facsimile  to such other party at the  facsimile  number,  if any, of such other
party set forth below in this Section 2.1.

               In case of  service  by Federal  Express  or  equivalent  courier
service or by facsimile  or by personal  service,  such service  shall be deemed
complete  upon  receipt.  In the case of service by mail,  such service shall be
deemed  complete  upon  reasonable  proof of receipt.  The address and facsimile
number to which, and person to whose attention, notices and demands shall


be  delivered  or sent may be  changed  from time to time by notice  served,  as
hereinabove provided, by any party upon the other party.

               The current  addresses and facsimile  numbers of the parties are:
If to the Seller: D.E. Janveau c/o J.R.S.  Exploration Company Limited 4750 30th
Street S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2B271 Telecopier No.: (403) 264-0478

                               If to the Company:

                               J.R.S. Exploration Company Limited
                               4750 30th Street S.E.
                               Calgary, Alberta T2B271
                               Attention:  Chief Financial Officer
                               Telecopier No.: (403) 264-0478

                                 with copies to:
                               3-D Geophysical, Inc.
                               599 Lexington Avenue
                                   Suite 4102
                               New York, New York 10022
                               Telecopier No.: (212) 317-9230
                               Attention: Joel Friedman, Chairman


                               Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel
                               919 Third Avenue
                               New York, New York 10022
                               Telecopier No.: (212) 715-8000
                               Attention: Peter S. Kolevzon, Esq.

         2.2 Entire  Agreement;  Amendment.  This Agreement  contains the entire
agreement between the parties  respecting the subject matter hereof,  merges all
prior  negotiations,  agreements  and  understandings,  if any,  respecting  the
subject  matter hereof and states in full all  representations,  warranties  and


which have induced this Agreement.  Each party agrees that in dealing with third
parties no contrary  representations  will be made.  This  Agreement  may not be
amended,  modified  or  otherwise  changed  orally but only by an  agreement  in
writing  signed  by  the  party  against  whom  enforcement  of  any  amendment,
modification or change is sought.

         2.3 Assignment;  Binding Nature; Assumption. This Agreement shall inure
to the benefit of and be enforceable by, and may be assigned in whole or in part
by 3-D and 3-D Canada  to,  any  purchaser  of all or  substantially  all of the
business or assets of the  Company,  3-D or 3-D  Canada,  any  successor  to the
Company,  3-D or 3-D Canada or any assignee thereof (whether direct or indirect,
by purchase,  merger,  consolidation  or  otherwise).  This Agreement may not be
assigned by the Seller without the prior written consent of 3-D.

         2.4  Nonwaiver.  No  waiver  by any  party of any  term,  provision  or
covenant  contained in this Agreement (or any breach thereof) shall be effective
unless it is in writing executed by the party against which such waiver is to be
enforced;  no waiver  shall be deemed or  construed  as a further or  continuing
waiver of any such term, provision or covenant (or breach) on any other occasion
or as a waiver of any other term, provision or covenant (or of the breach of any
other term,  provision or covenant)  contained in this  Agreement on the same or
any other occasion.

         2.5 Remedies.  The remedies provided for or permitted by this Agreement
shall be cumulative and the exercise by any party


of any remedy provided for herein or otherwise  available shall not preclude the
assertion  or exercise by such party of any other right or remedy  provided  for
herein or otherwise available.

         2.6  Headings.   The  headings  in  this  Agreement  are  inserted  for
convenience only and shall not constitute a part hereof.

         2.7  Construction.  In this  Agreement (i) words  denoting the singular
include  the plural and vice  versa,  (ii) "it" or "its" or words  denoting  any
gender include all genders,  (iii) any reference herein to a Section refers to a
Section of the Agreement,  unless  otherwise  stated,  (iv) when calculating the
period of time within or  following  which any act is to be done or steps taken,
the date which is the reference day in calculating such period shall be excluded
and if the last day of such period is not a business  day, then the period shall
end on the next day which is a  business  day,  and (v) all dollar  amounts  are
expressed in Canadian funds.

         2.8 Governing Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by, and construed
and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the Province of Alberta  applicable
to contracts made and to be entirely performed therein.

         2.9  Counterparts.  For the  convenience of the parties,  any number of
counterparts  hereof may be executed,  each such executed  counterpart  shall be
deemed an original and all such  counterparts  together shall constitute one and
the same instrument.


               IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Seller has executed and delivered  this
Agreement   as  of  the   date   and   year   first   written   above.   


                                               /s/ D.E. Janveau
