Exhibit 4.1.1
                         FIRST AMENDMENT TO INDENTURE

     THIS AMENDMENT (the "Amendment"), dated as of July 15, 1994, is entered
into by and among FM 1993A Corp. (the "Issuer"), State Street Bank and Trust
Company, as Trustee (the "Trustee"), CRC-I Limited Partnership, a Massachusetts
limited partnership and CRC-II Limited Partnership, a Massachusetts limited
partnership (the "Borrowers").

     WHEREAS, the Issuer, as principal and agent for the Borrowers, and the
Trustee entered into that certain Indenture dated as of December 15, 1993 (the

     WHEREAS, the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrowers have agreed to amend
the Indenture to comply with the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended, and
the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, to provide for the issuance
of notes pursuant to a Registered Exchange Offer, and to cure certain
ambiguities or defects in the Indenture;

     NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 8 of the Indenture and in
consideration of the agreements of the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrowers
contained or recited in this Amendment and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereby agree as follows:

1.   Except as amended, the Indenture shall remain in full force and effect
     according to its terms.  All terms and definitions in this Amendment
     shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms and definitions by the
     Indenture unless expressly specified otherwise in this Amendment.

2.   That Section 1.1 be amended by inserting the following defined terms
     therein in the appropriate alphabetical order:

          "Commission":  The Securities and Exchange Commission.

          "New Notes":  The Issuer's Series B 9.75% Senior Secured Notes
          due November 1, 2003.

          "Old Notes":  The Issuer's privately placed 9.75% Senior Secured
          Notes due November 1, 2003.

          "Opinion of Counsel":  A written opinion of counsel in form and
          substance reasonably satisfactory to the recipient of such
          opinion, which opinion may be subject to any necessary or
          customary qualifications, exceptions, or limitations.  The
          counsel may be an employee of

          or counsel to the Issuer, the Borrowers or the Trustee.

          "TIA":  The Trust Indenture Act of 1939 (15 U.S. Code section
          77aaa-77bbbb) as in effect on the date of execution of this Indenture.

3.   That the definition of "Aggregate Outstanding Amount" contained in
     Section 1.1 be deleted and the following definition of "Aggregate
     Outstanding Amount" be substituted therefor:

          "Aggregate Outstanding Amount":  The aggregate principal amount
          of all Outstanding Notes.

4.   That the definition of "Closing Date" contained in Section 1.1 be
     deleted and that the following definition of "Closing Date" be
     substituted therefor:

          "Closing Date":  The date of the initial issuance of the Old

5.   That the definition of "Interest Accrual Period" contained in
     Section 1.1 be deleted and the following definition of "Interest Accrual
     Period" be substituted therefor:

          "Interest Accrual Period":  (a) As to any Old Note, with respect
          to (i) the initial Interest Accrual Period, the period from the
          Closing Date through and including June 30, 1994,
          (ii) thereafter, commencing July 1, 1994 and until June 30,
          2003, the six (6) month period commencing on the first day of
          each January or July to and including the last day of June or
          December, respectively, and (iii) a final Interest Accrual
          Period from July 1, 2003 through, but not including November 1,
          2003.  (b) As to any New Note, with respect to (i) the period
          commencing July 1, 1994 and until June 30, 2003, the six (6)
          month period commencing on the first day of each January or July
          to and including the last day of June or December, respectively,
          and (ii) a final Interest Accrual Period from July 1, 2003
          through, but not including November 1, 2003.

6.   That the definition of "Private Placement Memorandum" contained in
     Section 1.1 be deleted and the following definition of "Private
     Placement Memorandum" be substituted therefor:

          "Private Placement Memorandum":  With respect to the Old Notes,
          the final Private Placement

          Memorandum dated as of December 15, 1993 relating to the offer
          and sale of the Old Notes by the Issuer.

7.   That the definition of "Notes" contained in Section 1.1 be deleted and
     that the following definition of "Notes" be substituted therefor:

          "Notes":  The Old Notes and the New Notes, collectively, except
          that all references to Notes issued on the Closing Date shall
          refer to Old Notes.

8.   That the definition of "Officer's Certificate" contained in Section 1.1
     be deleted and the following definition of "Officer's Certificate" be
     substituted therefor:

          "Officer's Certificate":  A certificate signed on behalf of any
          Person by the principal executive officer, principal financial
          officer or principal accounting officer of such Person.

9.   That the definition of "Registration Rights Agreement" contained in
     Section 1.1 be deleted and the following definition of "Registration
     Rights Agreement" be substituted therefor:

          "Registration Rights Agreement":  The Registration Rights
          Agreement, dated as of December 15, 1993, among the Issuer, the
          Lessee, CRC-I, CRC-II and the Purchasers of Old Notes who are
          signatories to such agreement.

10.  That the definition of "Restricted Notes" contained in Section 1.1 be
     deleted and the following definition of "Restricted Notes" be
     substituted therefor:

          "Restricted Notes":  The term "Restricted Notes" means any Old
          Note that bears or is required to bear the legend set forth in
          Section 2.6(d) of the Indenture.

11.  That the first sentence of Section 2.2 be deleted and the following
     sentence be substituted therefor:

          The Notes shall be issuable in fully registered form without
          coupons, in substantially the forms attached hereto as Exhibits
          A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-4, as applicable, and the form of the
          Trustee's certificate of authentication shall be in the form
          provided in such Exhibits.

12.  That Section 2.3 be deleted and the following Section 2.3 be substituted

          Section 2.3.  Authorized Amount; Stated Maturity; Note Interest

               The Old Notes shall be designated generally as the 9.75%
          Senior Secured Notes Due November 1, 2003.  The New Notes shall
          be designated generally as the Series B 9.75% Senior Secured
          Notes due November 1, 2003.  The aggregate principal amount of
          Notes that may be authenticated and delivered under this
          Indenture is limited to $70,000,000 except for Notes
          authenticated and delivered upon registration of transfer of, or
          in exchange for, or in lieu of, other Notes pursuant to
          Sections 2.6 or 2.7.

               The Notes shall have a Stated Maturity of November 1, 2003.
          The Note Interest Rate shall be 9.75%, from and including the
          Closing Date with respect to the Old Notes, and from and
          including July 1, 1994 with respect to the New Notes, to but
          excluding November 1, 2003.

13.  That the first sentence of Section 2.4 be deleted and the following
     sentence be substituted therefor:

               The Notes shall be issuable only in minimum denominations
          of $50,000 and integral multiples of $50,000.

14.  That the first sentence of the third paragraph of Section 2.6 be amended
     by inserting the word "like" between the words "other" and "Notes" in
     the first line thereof.

15.  That the second line of the first paragraph of subsection (d) of
     Section 2.6 be amended by inserting the word "Old" between the words
     "any" and "Note" and between the words "such" and "Note."

16.  That the second line of the last paragraph of subsection (d) of
     Section 2.6 be amended by inserting the word "Old" between the words
     "any" and "Note" where such words appear.

17.  That subsection (ii) of Section 2.7 be amended by deleting the second,
     third and fourth lines thereof.

18.  That subsection (a)(i) of Section 2.8 be amended by deleting "and A-2"
     in the last line thereof and substituting the following therefor:

          , A-2, A-3 and A-4, as applicable.

19.  That Section 5.6 be amended by deleting the first paragraph thereof and
     substituting the following paragraph therefor:

               The Trustee shall be authorized:

20.  That Section 5.16 be amended by inserting the following sentence after
     the last sentence thereof:

          The foregoing is in lieu of the provisions of TIA section 315(e),
          which are hereby expressly excluded from this Indenture, as
          permitted by the TIA.

21.  That Section 6.1 subsection (a)(i) be amended by deleting the first word
     of such subsection and by substituting the following language therefor:

               Except during the continuance of an Event of Default, the

22.  That Section 6.1 subsection (a)(ii) be amended by inserting the
     following language before the first word of such subsection:

               Except during the continuance of an Event of Default, and

23.  That Section 6.2 be amended by adding the following sentence after the
     last sentence thereof:

          The proviso to TIA section 315(b) is hereby expressly excluded
          from this Indenture, as permitted by the TIA.

24.  That Section 6.8 be deleted and the following Section 6.8 be substituted

          Section 6.8.  Eligibility, Disqualification.

               This Indenture shall always have a Trustee who satisfies
          the requirements of TIA section 310(a)(1).  No obligor upon
          the Notes or person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled
          by, or under common control with such obligor shall serve as Trustee
          upon such Notes.  The Trustee shall always have, or shall be a
          subsidiary of a bank or bank holding company which has, a
          combined capital and surplus of at least $100 million as set
          forth in its most recent published annual report of condition.
          The Trustee is subject to TIA section 310(b) regarding the
          disqualification of a trustee upon acquiring a conflicting
          interest.  If, at any time, the Trustee shall cease to be
          eligible in accordance

          with the provisions of this Section, it shall resign immediately
          in the manner and with the effect specified in this Article.

25.  That Article 6 be amended by adding the following Section:

          Section 6.14.  Reports by the Trustee to Noteholders.

               Within 60 days after May 15, 1995 and each year thereafter
          until Maturity, the Trustee shall mail to the Noteholders a
          brief report dated as of such reporting date that complies with
          TIA section 313(a) (but if no event described in TIA section
          313(a) has occurred within twelve months preceding the reporting
          date, no report need be transmitted).  The Trustee also shall comply
          with TIA section 313(b).  The Trustee shall also transmit by mail
          all reports as required by TIA section 313(c).

               A copy of each report at the time of its mailing to the
          Noteholders shall be filed, at the expense of the Issuer, by the
          Trustee with the Commission and each stock exchange, if any, on
          which the Notes are listed.

26.  That Article 6 be amended by adding the following Section:

          Section 6.15.  Preferential Collection of Claims Against Issuer.

               The Trustee shall comply with TIA section 311(a), excluding
          any creditor relationship set forth in TIA section 311(b).  A
          Trustee who has resigned or been removed shall be subject to TIA
          section 311(a) to the extent indicated therein.

27.  That Section 7.6 be amended by inserting the following paragraph after
     the last sentence thereof:

               In addition, the Issuer shall furnish to the Trustee the
          Opinions of Counsel required pursuant to TIA section 314(b).

28.  That Section 7.9 be amended by inserting the following paragraph after
     the last sentence thereof:

               In addition, the Issuer shall furnish to the Trustee, not
          less often than annually, an Officer's Certificate as to such
          officer's knowledge of the Issuer's compliance with all
          conditions and covenants under the Indenture,

          such compliance to be determined without regard to any period of
          grace or requirement of notice provided for under the Indenture.

29.  That Section 7.23 be deleted, and the following Section 7.23 be
     substituted therefor:

          Section 7.23.  SEC Reports and Provision of Rule 144A

               (a)  The Issuer shall deliver to the Trustee, to be
          provided to the Noteholders, copies of the annual reports and of
          the information, documents, and other reports (or copies of such
          portions of any of the foregoing as the Commission may by rules
          and regulations prescribe) that the Issuer is required to file
          with the Commission pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
          Exchange Act, provided that the Issuer shall not be required to
          deliver to the Trustee more than one set of any exhibits to any
          of the foregoing and the Trustee shall not be required to
          deliver copies of any such exhibits to the Noteholders.

               (b)  To the extent that the Issuer is not subject to the
          reporting requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange
          Act, the Issuer shall file with the Commission and provide to
          the Trustee, to be provided to the Noteholders, such annual and
          quarterly reports and such information, documents and other
          reports (or copies of such portions of any of the foregoing as
          the Commission may by rules and regulations prescribe) as are
          specified in Sections 13 and 15(d) of the Exchange Act, provided
          that the Issuer shall not be required to deliver to the Trustee
          more than one set of any exhibits to any of the foregoing and
          the Trustee shall not be required to deliver copies of any such
          exhibits to the Noteholders.  The Issuer shall also make such
          reports available to prospective purchasers of the Old Notes
          upon the request of any Noteholder or beneficial holder of Old
          Notes which continue to be Restricted Notes.

               In addition, during the period beginning on the original
          issuance date of the Old Notes and ending on the date that is
          three years from such date, the Issuer covenants and agrees that
          it shall, during any period in which the Lessee or the Issuer is
          not subject to Section 13 or 15(d) under the Exchange Act, make
          available to the Noteholders or beneficial holders of Old Notes


          which continue to be Restricted Notes in connection with the
          sale thereof, and make available to prospective purchasers of
          Old Notes from such Noteholder or beneficial holder, the
          information required to be delivered pursuant to Rule 144A(d)(4)
          under the Securities Act upon the request of such Noteholder or
          beneficial holder of Old Notes.

               (c)  The Issuer also shall comply with the other provisions
          of TIA section 314(a).

30.  That Section 7.24 be deleted and the following Section 7.24 be
     substituted therefor:

          Section 7.24.  Maintenance of Office.

               The Issuer shall maintain its chief executive office and
          principal place of business at 9330 Balboa Avenue, San Diego,
          California, or at such other place in the United States of
          America as the Issuer shall designate upon 60 days prior notice
          to the Trustee and the Noteholders as provided in Section 12.5

31.  That Article 7 be amended by adding the following Section:

          Section 7.27.  Certificates of Fair Value.

               The Issuer shall furnish to the Trustee certificates or
          opinions of fair value with regard to released Property pursuant
          to TIA section 314(d)(1) and (3), which certificates or opinions
          shall be made by an independent engineer, appraiser or other expert
          to the extent required by TIA section 314(d).

32.  That Article 7 be amended by adding the following Section:

          Section 7.28.  Statements Required in Certificate Opinion.

               Each certificate or opinion with respect to compliance with
          a condition or covenant provided for in this Indenture (other
          than a certificate provided pursuant to TIA section 314(a)(4))
          shall include:

               (a)  a statement that the person making such certificate or
          opinion has read such covenant or condition;

               (b)  a brief statement as to the nature and scope of the
          examination or investigation upon which the statements or
          opinions contained in such certificate or opinion are based;

               (c)  a statement that, in the opinion of such person, he or
          she has made such examination or investigation as is necessary
          to enable him or her to express an informed opinion as to
          whether or not such covenant or condition has been complied
          with; and

               (d)  a statement as to whether or not, in the opinion of
          such person, such condition or covenant has been complied with.

               Any Officer's Certificate may be based, insofar as it
          relates to legal matters, upon an Opinion of Counsel, unless
          such officer knows that the opinion with respect to the matters
          upon which his certificate may be based as aforesaid is
          erroneous.  Any Opinion of Counsel may be based, insofar as it
          relates to factual matters, upon certificates, statements or
          opinions of, or representations by, an officer or officers of
          the Issuer or other persons or firms deemed appropriate by such
          counsel, unless such counsel knows that the certificates,
          statements, opinions or representations with respect to the
          matters upon which his certificate, statement or opinion may be
          based as aforesaid are erroneous.

               Any Officer's Certificate, statement or Opinion of Counsel
          may be based, insofar as it relates to accounting matters, upon
          a certificate or opinion of or representation by an accountant
          (who may be an employee of the Issuer), or firm of accountants,
          unless such officer or counsel, as the case may be, knows that
          the certificate, opinion or representation with respect to the
          accounting matters upon which his certificate, statement or
          opinion may be based as aforesaid is erroneous.

33.  That subdivision 8.1(b) be amended by deleting the words "Holders of
     the" from the first line thereof.

34.  That subdivision (a)(iii) of Section 9.3 be deleted and the following be
     substituted therefor:

               (iii)  The aggregate principal amount of all Notes
          outstanding at the date of determination before giving effect to
          any payment to be made on such Payment Date;

35.  That Section 12.1 be deleted, and the following Section 12.1 be
     substituted therefor:

          Section 12.1.  Noteholder Lists.

               The Trustee shall preserve in as current a form as is
          reasonably practicable the most recent list available to it of
          the names and addresses of Noteholders.  If the Trustee is not
          the Registrar, the Issuer shall furnish to the Trustee at least
          seven days before each interest payment date and at such other
          times as the Trustee may request in writing a list in such form
          and as of such date as the Trustee may reasonably require of the
          names and addresses of Noteholders.

36.  That Section 12.4 be amended by deleting subsection (ii) and that the
     following subsection (ii) be substituted therefor:

               (ii)  the Issuer by the Trustee or by any Noteholder shall
          be sufficient for every purpose hereunder if in writing and
          mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid, sent by facsimile
          or telecopier, or sent by overnight courier to the Issuer
          addressed to it:

          Via Overnight Courier
          c/o Charles F. MacGill
          Lane Gate Road, RR 3
          Cold Spring, New York 10516

          Via First-Class Mail
          c/o Charles F. MacGill
          P.O. Box 131, Moffat Road
          Cold Spring, New York 10516

          Via Facsimile
          (914) 265-3653

          or to such other Independent Director of the Issuer (as defined
          in the Certificate of Incorporation of the Issuer) at such other
          address or facsimile number as may be provided in writing to the
          Trustee from time to time, with a copy to Mr. Charles W.
          Duddles, c/o Foodmaker, Inc., 9330 Balboa Avenue, San Diego,
          California 92123, or to such other address as may be specified
          by Lessee from time to time.

37.  That Article 12 be amended by adding the following Section:

          Section 12.17.  Communication by Noteholders With Other

               Pursuant to TIA section 312(b), Noteholders may communicate
          with other Noteholders with respect to their rights under this
          Indenture or the Notes.  The Issuer, the Trustee, the Registrar
          and anyone else shall have the protection of TIA section 312(c).

38.  That Article 12 be amended by adding the following Section:

          Section 12.18.  Trust Indenture Act Controls.

               This Indenture, whether or not qualified under the TIA,
          shall be subject to the terms and provisions of the TIA as if so

               If any provision of this Indenture limits, qualifies, or
          conflicts with another provision that is required to be included
          in this Indenture by the TIA as in effect at the date hereof or,
          to the extent required by law, as amended after the date hereof,
          the required provision shall control.

39.  That Article 12 be amended by adding the following Section:

          Section 12.19.  Certificate and Opinion as to Conditions

               Upon any request or application by the Issuer to the
          Trustee to take any action under this Indenture, the Issuer
          shall furnish to the Trustee evidence of compliance with
          conditions precedent which evidence shall consist of the
          applicable certificates or opinions set forth in TIA section

40.  That the New Notes constitute "Issuer Notes" as such term  is used in
     the Guaranty dated as of December 15, 1993 by CRC-I and the Guaranty
     dated as of December 15, 1993 by CRC-II.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be
executed, as of the day and year first above written.

                         FM 1993A CORP., a Delaware corporation, as principal
                         and agent for the Borrowers

                         By:  /S/ Charles W. Duddles
                         Name:  Charles W. Duddles
                         Title:  President

                         STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY,
                         as Trustee

                         By:  Daniel Golden
                         Name:  /S/ Daniel Golden
                         Title:  Assistant Vice President

                         CRC-I Limited Partnership,
                         a Massachusetts limited partnership
                         By:  CRC-I Corp., General Partner

                              By:  /S/ Charles W. Duddles
                              Name:  Charles W. Duddles
                              Title:  President

                         CRC-II Limited Partnership,
                         a Massachusetts limited partnership
                         By:  CRC-II Corp., General Partner

                              By:  /S/ Charles W. Duddles
                              Name:  Charles W. Duddles
                              Title:  President
