WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    Form 11-K

                                  ANNUAL REPORT
                        PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


(Mark One)

1934 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001


ACT OF 1934 for the transition period from ____________ to _____________

Commission File No.  000-24484

     A.   Full title and  address  of the plan,  if  different  from that of the
          issuer named below:

                                 MPS GROUP, INC.
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN
                              ONE INDEPENDENT DRIVE
                           JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202
                                 (904) 360-2000

     B.   Name of issuer of the  securities  held  pursuant  to the plan and the
          address of its principal executive office:

                                 MPS GROUP, INC.
                              ONE INDEPENDENT DRIVE
                           JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202
                                 (904) 360-2000

                              REQUIRED INFORMATION

     The following financial statements and schedules have been prepared in
accordance with the financial reporting requirements of the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended:

     1. Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits as of December 31, 2001
and 2000.

     2. Statement of Changes  in Net Assets  Available for Benefits for the Year
Ended December 31, 2001.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
trustees (or other persons who administer the employee benefit plan) have duly
caused this Annual Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto
duly authorized on this 28th day of June 2001.

                                 MPS GROUP, INC.
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                      By: MODIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC.
                              (Plan Administrator)

                            By: /s/ Robert P. Crouch
        Robert P. Crouch, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer,
                      Treasurer & Chief Accounting Officer


                                 MPS GROUP, INC.
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN
                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants                             3

Financial Statements:

  Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits as
   of December 31, 2001 and 2000                                               4

  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
   for the Year Ended December 31, 2001                                        5

Notes to Financial Statements                                                  6

Supplemental Schedules:*

  Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes at End of Year               9

  Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions                                          10

*    Other schedules required by 29 CFR 2520.103-10 of the Department of Labor's
     Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under ERISA have been
     omitted because they are not applicable.



Report of Independent Certifified Public Accountants

To the Participants and Administrator
of MPS Group, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
and the  related  statement  of  changes in net assets  available  for  benefits
present fairly, in all material respects,  the net assets available for benefits
of the MPS Group, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan (the "Plan") at December 31, 2001
and 2000,  and the changes in net assets  available  for  benefits  for the year
ended  December 31, 2001 in  conformity  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United States of America.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility  of the Plan's  management;  our  responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  statements in  accordance  with  auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United States of America, which require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Our audits  were  conducted  for the  purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental  schedule of assets held
for  investment  purposes at end of year and schedule of nonexempt  transactions
are presented for the purpose of additional analysis and are not a required part
of the basic financial statements but are supplementary  information required by
the  Department of Labor's Rules and  Regulations  for Reporting and  Disclosure
under the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974. These  supplemental
schedules are the  responsibility  of the Plan's  management.  The  supplemental
schedules have been subjected to the auditing  procedures  applied in the audits
of the basic financial  statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all
material  respects  in  relation to the basic  financial  statements  taken as a

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Jacksonville, Florida
June 14, 2002


MPS Group, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
As of December 31, 2001 and 2000

                                                                                         2001                 2000


Investments                                                                         $ 125,313,940        $ 125,895,198

    Participant contributions                                                             806,932              990,634
    Employer contribution                                                                 232,218              301,551
                                                                                  -----------------     ----------------
      Total receivables                                                                 1,039,150            1,292,185

Net assets available for benefits                                                   $ 126,353,090        $ 127,187,383
                                                                                  -----------------     ----------------


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


MPS Group, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
For the Year Ended December 31, 2001


  Additions to net assets attributed to:
    Investment income:
      Interest and dividends                                                                            $     632,880
      Other                                                                                                   100,224

      Participants                                                                                         22,972,739
      Employer                                                                                              6,003,995

      Total additions                                                                                      29,709,838

  Deductions from net assets attributed to:
    Net depreciation in fair value of investments                                                          16,048,589
    Benefits paid to participants                                                                          16,583,769
    Other                                                                                                     194,191
      Total deductions                                                                                     32,826,549

      Net increase prior to transfers                                                                      (3,116,711)
      Transfers from merged plans                                                                           2,282,418
      Net decrease                                                                                           (834,293)

Net assets available for benefits:
    Beginning of year                                                                                     127,187,383
    End of year                                                                                         $ 126,353,090


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


MPS Group, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2001 and 2000

1.  Description of Plan

The following  description of the MPS Group, Inc.  Retirement  Savings Plan (the
"Plan") provides only general information. Participants should refer to the Plan
agreement for a more complete description of the Plan's provisions.

     General - The Plan is a defined  contribution  plan  covering  professional
     employees of MPS Group,  Inc. (the  "Company")  who have completed at least
     375 hours of service in any three  consecutive  month period or one year of
     service. To continue to vest in Company  contributions,  a participant must
     work at least 1,000 hours each year.  The Plan is subject to the provisions
     of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

     Contributions - Each year,  participants may contribute up to 15% of pretax
     annual  compensation,  as  defined  in  the  Plan.  Participants  may  also
     contribute amounts representing  distributions from other qualified defined
     benefit or defined  contribution plans.  Participants direct the investment
     of their contributions into various investment options offered by the Plan.
     The Plan currently offers one money market fund, nine mutual funds, and the
     Company stock as investment options for participants.  The Company,  at its
     discretion,  contributes  a  uniform  percentage  of the  amount  of salary
     elected to be deferred. Contributions are subject to certain limitations.

     Participants  Accounts - Each  participant's  account is credited  with the
     participant's   contribution   and   allocations   of  (a)  the   Company's
     contribution  and (b) Plan earnings.  Allocations  are based on participant
     earnings  or  account  balances,   as  defined.  The  benefit  to  which  a
     participant  is  entitled  is the  benefit  that can be  provided  from the
     participant's vested account.

     Vesting - Participants are vested  immediately in their  contributions plus
     actual earnings thereon.  Vesting in the Company's  contribution portion of
     their  accounts is based on years of continuous  service.  A participant is
     100 percent vested after four years of credited service.

     In the event of death or total and  permanent  disability  while  under the
     Company's employment,  all amounts credited to the participant's account as
     of the subsequent plan anniversary date are considered fully vested.

     Participant  Loans -  Participants  may borrow  from their fund  accounts a
     minimum  of $1,000  up to a  maximum  of  $50,000  or 50% of their  account
     balance,  whichever is less. The loans are collateralized by the balance in
     the participant's  account and bear interest at rates that range from 5.75%
     to 10.5%,  which were  commensurate with local prevailing rates at the time
     of issuance as determined quarterly by the Plan administrator.

     Payment of Benefits - On termination  of service due to death,  disability,
     or retirement,  a participant or  participant's  beneficiary will receive a
     lump sum amount equal to the value of the participant's  vested interest in
     his or her  account.  For  termination  of  service  for other  reasons,  a
     participant  may  receive  the value of the vested  interest  in his or her
     account as a lump-sum distribution.

     Forfeiture  Allocation - At December 31, 2001, forfeited nonvested accounts
     totaled  approximately  $88,000.  These  accounts  will be  used to  reduce
     employer contributions.  Also, in 2001, employer contributions were reduced
     by approximately $1,020,000 from forfeited nonvested accounts.


2.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

     Basis of  Accounting - The  financial  statements  of the Plan are prepared
     under the accrual method of accounting.

     Use of Estimates - The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity
     with generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make
     significant  estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of
     assets and  liabilities and changes  therein,  and disclosure of contingent
     assets and liabilities. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

     Investment  Valuation and Income  Recognition - The Plan's  investments are
     stated at fair value  based upon  quoted  market  prices.  Shares of mutual
     funds and the MPS Stock  Pool are  valued at the net asset  value of shares
     held by the Plan at year-end.

     The Plan presents in the  statement of changes in net assets  available for
     benefits  the net  depreciation  in fair  value  of its  investments  which
     consists  of the  realized  gains or losses  and the  unrealized  gains and
     losses on these investments.

     Purchases  and sales of  securities  are  recorded on a  trade-date  basis.
     Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividends are recorded on
     the ex-dividend date.

     Risks and Uncertainties - The Plan provides for various  investment options
     in any combination of fixed income securities and mutual funds.  Investment
     securities are exposed to various risks,  such as interest rate, market and
     credit.  Due to the  level  of  risk  associated  with  certain  investment
     securities and the level of uncertainty  related to changes in the value of
     investment  securities,  it is at least reasonably possible that changes in
     risks  in the near  term  would  materially  affect  participants'  account
     balances and the amounts  reported in the statement of net assets available
     for plan benefits and the statement of changes in net assets  available for
     plan benefits.

     Benefits - Benefits are recorded when paid.

3.  Investments

     The following presents  investments that represent 5% or more of the Plan's

                                                     2001            2000
                                                ---------------  --------------
   Strong Money Market                             $ 14,624,684    $ 10,742,392
   Strong Mutual Funds pooled accounts:
     Government Securities                           13,455,207      10,305,293
     Advisor Common                                  19,271,899      19,690,383
     Growth                                          23,157,909      30,775,473
     Growth and Income                               11,186,130      10,129,065
     Index 500                                       17,039,619      17,708,756
     MultiCap Value                                   9,048,841       8,732,285

     During  2001,  the  Plan's  investments  (including  gains  and  losses  on
     investments  bought and sold, as well as held during the year)  depreciated
     in value by $16,048,589 as follows:

          Mutual funds                             $(17,153,196)
          MPS Stock Pool                              1,104,607


4.  Plan Termination

     Although  it has not  expressed  any intent to do so, the  Company  has the
     right under the Plan to discontinue  its  contributions  at any time and to
     terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA. In the event of plan
     termination,  participants  will  become  100%  vested  in  their  employer

5.  Tax Status

     The Internal  Revenue  Service has  determined  and informed the Company by
     letter dated  August 20, 1998 that the Plan and related  trust are designed
     in accordance with applicable  sections of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
     Although  the Plan has  been  amended  since  receiving  the  determination
     letter,  the Plan  administrator  believes that the Plan is designed and is
     currently being operated in compliance with the applicable  requirements of
     the IRC.

6.  Financial Instruments

     Certain   financial   instruments   potentially   subject   the   Plan   to
     concentrations of credit risk. These financial instruments consist of money
     market funds and pooled accounts with a mutual fund company.

     The Plan limits its credit risk by  maintaining  its accounts  with what it
     believes to be high quality financial institutions.

7.  Related Party Transactions

     Certain  Plan  investments  are  shares  of  mutual  fund  pooled  separate
     accounts,  the MPS Stock Pool Fund, and a money market  account  managed by
     Strong  Funds.  Strong  Funds is the  trustee  as  defined by the Plan and,
     therefore, these transactions qualify as party-in-interest transactions.

     Employees  can elect to allocate  their  contributions  to the  purchase of
     MPS stock units, via the MPS Stock Pool Fund.

8.  Merger of Subsidiary Plans

     During 2001, the Plan was amended to include the defined contribution plans
     of two  subsidiaries.  The following table details the  subsidiary,  merger
     date and amounts of assets transferred into the MPS plan.

                            Subsidiary                                 Date                       Amount
- --------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------   -----------------
Diversified Search, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan            June 30, 2001                 $  2,000,566
Custom Software Services, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing
  Plan and Trust                                                   October 2, 2001                    281,852
                                                                                                 $  2,282,418

     The assets for the plans of Diversified Search and Custom Software Services
     are included in  investments  in the statement of net assets  available for
     benefits as of December 31, 2001 and the changes in those assets,  from the
     date of merger to  December  31,  2001 are  included  in the  statement  of
     changes in net assets  available  for benefits for the year ended  December
     31, 2001.

     Two  subsidiary  401(k) plans are scheduled to convert into the Plan before
     December 31, 2002.


Supplemental Schedules

MPS Group, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes at End of Year
As of December 31, 2001

       Identity of issue,                         Description of investment including
      borrower, lessor or                          maturity date, rate of interest,                                  Current
         similar party                            collateral, par or maturity value                 Cost**            Value
- - -------------------------------      ---------------------------------------------------------- -----------   -----------------

*  Strong Funds                         Strong Money Market                                                      $   14,624,684
                                        Strong Mutual Funds:
*  Strong Funds                            Government Securities                                                     13,455,207
*  Strong Funds                            Balanced                                                                   5,036,281
*  Strong Funds                            Advisor Common                                                            19,271,899
*  Strong Funds                            Growth                                                                    23,157,909
*  Strong Funds                            Growth and Income                                                         11,186,130
*  Strong Funds                            Index 500                                                                 17,039,619
*  Strong Funds                            International Stock                                                        4,075,530
*  Strong Funds                            Opportunity                                                                4,445,499
*  Strong Funds                            MultiCap Value                                                             9,048,841
*  Strong Funds                         MPS Stock Pool                                                                2,375,329
*  Participants                         Notes receivable with interest rates
                                           ranging from 5.75% to 10.5%                                                1,597,012
                                                                                                                 $  125,313,940

* Party-in-interest as defined by ERISA

** Not applicable as the plan has no nonparticipant-directed accounts.




MPS Group, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions
For the Year Ended December 31, 2001

                                     Relationship to          Description of transactions
                                    plan, employer or        including maturity date, rate
        Identity of                  other party-in-         of interest, collateral, par        Net (gain) or loss
       Party Involved                   interest                  or maturitity value            on each transaction
- -----------------------------    -----------------------    ------------------------------    --------------------------

 MPS Group, Inc.                      Plan Sponsor            Employer segregrated                     $6,471
                                                              employee contributions
                                                              after the 15th business
                                                              day following the end of
                                                              the month in which amounts
                                                              were withheld from
                                                              employee wages. During the
                                                              year, the employer
                                                              funded all earnings
                                                              lost from late
                                                              contributions to the
                                                              respective employee.

