ACQUISITION AGREEMENT

                                   dated as of

                                 August 27, 1998


                              RANDSTAD HOLDING NV,

                                RANDSTAD US, L.P.


                             ACCUSTAFF INCORPORATED

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                    ARTICLE 1

SECTION 1.01.  Definitions.....................................................1

                                    ARTICLE 2
                                PURCHASE AND SALE

SECTION 2.01.  Purchase and Sale...............................................8
SECTION 2.02.  Closing.........................................................8
SECTION 2.03.  Closing Balance Sheet...........................................9
SECTION 2.04.  Adjustment of Purchase Price...................................11
SECTION 2.05.  Randstad Guarantee.............................................12
SECTION 2.06.  Assignment of Contracts and Rights.............................12

                                    ARTICLE 3

SECTION 3.01.  Corporate Existence and Power..................................13
SECTION 3.02.  Corporate Authorization........................................13
SECTION 3.03.  Governmental Authorization.....................................13
SECTION 3.04.  Noncontravention...............................................14
SECTION 3.05.  Capitalization.................................................14
SECTION 3.06.  Ownership of Shares; Title to Strategix Assets.................15
SECTION 3.07.  Subsidiaries...................................................15
SECTION 3.08.  Financial Statements...........................................16
SECTION 3.09.  Absence of Certain Changes.....................................17
SECTION 3.10.  No Undisclosed Material Liabilities............................19
SECTION 3.11.  Intercompany Accounts..........................................20
SECTION 3.12.  Material Contracts.............................................20
SECTION 3.13.  Litigation.....................................................22
SECTION 3.14.  Compliance with Laws and Court Orders..........................22
SECTION 3.15.  Properties.....................................................23
SECTION 3.16.  Intellectual Property..........................................24
SECTION 3.17.  Insurance Coverage.............................................24
SECTION 3.18.  Licenses and Permits...........................................25
SECTION 3.19.  Receivables....................................................25
SECTION 3.20.  Accuracy of Information........................................26
SECTION 3.21.  Investment Banking Fees........................................26
SECTION 3.22.  Employees......................................................26
SECTION 3.23.  Labor Matters..................................................26
SECTION 3.24.  Employee Benefit Plans.........................................27
SECTION 3.25.  Environmental Matters..........................................29
SECTION 3.26.  Worker's Compensation Claims...................................30
SECTION 3.27.  Year 2000 Compliance...........................................30
SECTION 3.28.  Compliance with Franchise Laws.................................31
SECTION 3.29.  [Intentionally Omitted]........................................31
SECTION 3.30.  Earnouts.......................................................31

                                    ARTICLE 4

SECTION 4.01.  Existence and Power............................................32
SECTION 4.02.  Authorization..................................................32
SECTION 4.03.  Governmental Authorization.....................................32
SECTION 4.04.  Noncontravention...............................................32
SECTION 4.05.  Purchase for Investment........................................32
SECTION 4.06.  Litigation.....................................................32
SECTION 4.07.  Finders' Fees..................................................32
SECTION 4.08.  Buyer Financing................................................33

                                    ARTICLE 5
                               COVENANTS OF SELLER

SECTION 5.01.  Conduct of the Strategix Companies.............................33
SECTION 5.02.  Access to Information; Confidentiality.........................35
SECTION 5.03.  Notices of Certain Events......................................36
SECTION 5.04.  Resignations...................................................36
SECTION 5.05.  Competitive Relationships......................................36
SECTION 5.06.  Payments Relating to Strategix Assets..........................38
SECTION 5.07.  Change of Seller Name..........................................38
SECTION 5.08.  Seller Convertible Notes.......................................38
SECTION 5.09.  Subcontractor Agreements.......................................39

                                    ARTICLE 6
                               COVENANTS OF BUYER

SECTION 6.01.  Confidentiality................................................40
SECTION 6.02.  Access.........................................................40

                                    ARTICLE 7
                          COVENANTS OF BUYER AND SELLER

SECTION 7.01.  Best Efforts; Further Assurances...............................40
SECTION 7.02.  Certain Filings................................................41
SECTION 7.03.  Public Announcements...........................................41
SECTION 7.04.  Intercompany Accounts..........................................41
SECTION 7.05.  Transition Services............................................41
SECTION 7.06.  Joint Contracts................................................42
SECTION 7.07.  Joint Leases...................................................43
SECTION 7.08.  Seller Use of Certain Trademarks...............................43
SECTION 7.09.  Earnout Payments...............................................44

                                    ARTICLE 8
                                   TAX MATTERS

SECTION 8.01.  Tax Definitions................................................44
SECTION 8.02.  Tax Representations............................................46
SECTION 8.03.  Covenants......................................................47
SECTION 8.04.  Termination of Existing Tax Sharing Agreements.................49
SECTION 8.05.  Cooperation on Tax Matters.....................................49
SECTION 8.06.  Tax Indemnification............................................49
SECTION 8.07.  Purchase Price Adjustment and Interest.........................52
SECTION 8.08. Tax Refunds.....................................................52
SECTION 8.09.  Survival.......................................................52

                                    ARTICLE 9
                                EMPLOYEE BENEFITS

SECTION 9.01.  401(k) Plans, Profit Sharing Plans, Etc........................53
SECTION 9.02.  Employee Stock Awards..........................................53
SECTION 9.03.  Non-qualified Deferred Compensation............................54
SECTION 9.04.  Cooperation....................................................54
SECTION 9.05.  Certain Employment Arrangements................................54

                                   ARTICLE 10
                              CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

SECTION 10.01.  Conditions to Obligations of Buyer and Seller.................55
SECTION 10.02.  Conditions to Obligation of Buyer.............................55
SECTION 10.03.  Conditions to Obligation of Seller............................57

                                   ARTICLE 11
                            SURVIVAL; INDEMNIFICATION

SECTION 11.01.  Survival......................................................58
SECTION 11.02.  Indemnification...............................................59
SECTION 11.03.  Procedures....................................................60

                                   ARTICLE 12

SECTION 12.01.  Grounds for Termination.......................................63
SECTION 12.02.  Effect of Termination.........................................63

                                   ARTICLE 13

SECTION 13.01.  Notices.......................................................63
SECTION 13.02.  Amendments and Waivers........................................65
SECTION 13.03.  Expenses......................................................66
SECTION 13.04.  Successors and Assigns........................................66
SECTION 13.05.  Governing Law.................................................66
SECTION 13.06.  Jurisdiction..................................................66
SECTION 13.07.  WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL..........................................66
SECTION 13.08.  Counterparts; Third Party Beneficiaries.......................66
SECTION 13.09.  Entire Agreement..............................................67
SECTION 13.10.  Captions......................................................67

                             EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES

EXHIBIT A -- Form of Assignment and Assumption Agreement

EXHIBIT B -- Form of Employee and Systems Support Agreement

EXHIBIT C -- Strategix Disclosure Memorandum

Schedule 3.08(b) -- Pro Forma Financial Statements

Schedule 10.02(e) -- Third Party Consents

Schedule 11.02(c) -- Indemnified Litigation

                              ACQUISITION AGREEMENT

     AGREEMENT  dated  as of  August  27,  1998  among  Randstad  Holding  nv, a
corporation organized under the laws of The Netherlands  ("Randstad"),  Randstad
US, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Buyer"),  and AccuStaff Incorporated,
a Florida corporation ("Seller").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS,  Seller (or one or more of its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries) is the
record and beneficial owner of all of the Shares (as hereinafter defined) of the
Strategix Companies (as hereinafter defined);

     WHEREAS,  Seller (or one or more of its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries) is the
owner of certain assets used in the business of the Strategix Companies;

     WHEREAS,  Seller (or one or more of its wholly-owned  subsidiaries) desires
to sell the Shares and such assets to Buyer,  and Buyer  desires to purchase the
Shares and such assets from Seller (or such  subsidiary or  subsidiaries),  upon
the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth;

     WHEREAS,  Randstad has agreed to guarantee the  obligations  of Buyer under
this Agreement;

     The parties hereto agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I.


     SECTION A..  Definitions.  1. The following terms, as used herein, have the
following meanings:

     "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person directly or
indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such Person;
provided  that  neither  any  Strategix  Company  nor any  Subsidiary  shall  be
considered an Affiliate of Seller.

     "Balance  Sheet"  means  the pro  forma  unaudited  condensed  consolidated
balance sheet of the Strategix Business set forth on Schedule 3.08(b).

     "Balance Sheet Date" means March 31, 1998.

     "Benefit  Arrangement" means any material employment,  severance or similar
contract or  arrangement  (whether or not  written) or any plan,  policy,  fund,
program or  contract  or  arrangement  (whether or not  written)  providing  for
compensation, bonus, profit-sharing, stock option, or other stock related rights
or  other  forms of  incentive  or  deferred  compensation,  vacation  benefits,
employee insurance coverage (including any self-insured arrangements), health or
medical  benefits,  disability  benefits,  supplemental  unemployment  benefits,
severance  benefits  and   post-employment  or  retirement  benefits  (including
compensation, pension, health, medical or life insurance or other benefits) that
(i) is not an Employee Plan, (ii) is entered into,  maintained,  administered or
contributed  to, as the case may be, by  Seller,  any of its  Affiliates  or any
Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  and (iii)  covers any  employee or former
employee of any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  or any other  Transferred
Employee; provided that the term "Benefit Arrangement" shall not include any (x)
employment or similar  contracts or arrangements that may be terminated with one
month or less notice and (y) severance or similar contracts or arrangements that
are made in  connection  with a waiver or release and which provide three months
or less  compensation  for  employees  or former  employees  whose  annual  base
compensation exceeds or exceeded $75,000, or six months or less compensation for
all other employees or former employees.

     "Buyer Plan" means any "pension plan" (as defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA)
sponsored  or  maintained  by  Buyer,  any  Strategix  Company  or any of  their
respective Affiliates.

     "Closing Date" means the date of the Closing.

     "Employee  Option" means an option to purchase one or more shares of common
stock of Seller granted to a Transferred  Employee under any plan or arrangement
of Seller, any of its Affiliates or any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary.

     "Employee  Plan" means any "employee  benefit plan",  as defined in Section
3(3)  of  ERISA,  that  (i) is  subject  to any  provision  of  ERISA,  (ii)  is
maintained,  administered or contributed to by Seller,  any of its Affiliates or
any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary and (iii) covers any employee or former
employee of any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  or any other  Transferred

     "Employee  Restricted  Share" means a  restricted  share of common stock of
Seller granted to a Transferred Employee under any plan or arrangement of Seller
or any of its Affiliates.

     "Environmental  Laws"  means  any  federal,  state,  local or  foreign  law
(including,   without  limitation,   common  law),  treaty,  judicial  decision,
regulation,  rule, judgment, order, decree,  injunction,  permit or governmental
restriction or requirement or any agreement with any  governmental  authority or
other third party, whether now or hereafter in effect,  relating to human health
and safety, the environment or to pollutants,  contaminants, wastes or chemicals
or any toxic, radioactive, ignitable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise hazardous
substances, wastes or materials.

     "Environmental   Permits"   means  all   permits,   licenses,   franchises,
certificates,   approvals  and  other  similar  authorizations  of  governmental
authorities  relating to or required by  Environmental  Laws and  affecting,  or
relating in any way to, the business of any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary
as currently conducted or to any Strategix Asset or Strategix Liability.

     "ERISA"  means the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as
amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     "ERISA Affiliate" of any entity means any other entity which, together with
such  entity,  would be treated as a single  employer  under  Section 414 of the

     "Fleet Credit  Facility" means the Revolving Credit Agreement dated May 23,
1997 by and between Office Specialists, Inc. and Fleet National Bank.

     "Form  S-1"  means  the  proposed  (but  unfiled)  Amendment  No.  2 to the
Registration  Statement  on Form S-1 of  Strategix  Solutions,  Inc., a Delaware
corporation,   reflecting  certain  corrections  to  Amendment  No.  1  to  such
Registration Statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July
20,  1998,  a true and  complete  copy of both of  which  have  been  previously
provided to Buyer.

     "Health Care Business" means the health care services business conducted or
previously conducted by Health Force Inc., a New York corporation,  Health Force
Operating  Corp.,  a  New  York  corporation,   Medi-Force,  Inc.,  a  New  York
corporation, and Healthforce Company, a New York general partnership, whether or
not  transferred or to be transferred by Seller or its Affiliates to CommuniCare
Health  Services,  Inc.  and  certain of its  Affiliates  pursuant  to the Asset
Purchase Agreement dated as of March 30, 1998.

     "HSR Act" means the Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements Act of 1976,
as amended.

     "Indebtedness"  of any Person means (i) all indebtedness of such Person for
borrowed money, (ii) all indebtedness of such Person evidenced by notes,  bonds,
debentures or other similar instrument, (iii) all obligations of such Person for
the deferred  purchase  price of property or services  that in  accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles would be shown as a liability on the
balance sheet of such Person (other than trade accounts  payable in the ordinary
course of business  consistent with past practice),  (iv) all capitalized  lease
obligations of such Person,  (v) all  obligations,  contingent or otherwise,  of
such Person under acceptances, letters of credit or similar facilities, (vi) all
obligations of such Person under interest rate swap agreements, hedge agreements
or similar  agreements,  (vii) all Indebtedness of others referred to in clauses
(i) through (vi) above  guaranteed  directly or indirectly  by such Person,  and
(viii) all Indebtedness referred to in clauses (i) through (vi) above secured by
(or for which the holder of such Indebtedness has an existing right,  contingent
or  otherwise,  to be  secured  by) any  Lien on  property  (including,  without
limitation, accounts and contract rights) owned by such Person, even though such
Person has not assumed or become liable for the payment of such Indebtedness.

     "Intellectual  Property  Right" means any  trademark,  service mark,  trade
name, mask work, invention, patent, trade secret, copyright, know-how (including
any  registrations  or applications for registration of any of the foregoing) or
any other similar type of proprietary  intellectual property right, excluding in
each case any "off-the-shelf" software.

     "Knowledge"  means,  with  respect to matters  relating  to Seller,  actual
knowledge of any of Derek E. Dewan, Michael D. Abney, Marc M. Mayo and Robert P.
Crouch;  provided that where  "Knowledge" is used with respect to any particular
matter,  such  officers  shall have made inquiry with those Persons as they have
considered appropriate in light of the subject matter involved.

     "Lien" means,  with respect to any property or asset,  any mortgage,  lien,
pledge,  charge,  security  interest,  encumbrance or other adverse claim of any
kind in respect of such  property or asset.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  a
Person  shall be deemed to own subject to a Lien any  property or asset which it
has  acquired or holds  subject to the  interest of a vendor or lessor under any
conditional  sale agreement,  capital lease or other title  retention  agreement
relating to such property or asset.

     "Material  Adverse Effect" means a material adverse effect on the condition
(financial or otherwise), business (including the continued operation thereof in
accordance  with  past  practices),  assets  or  results  of  operations  of the
Strategix  Companies and the Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole;  provided that (i)
any action expressly  contemplated to be taken pursuant to this Agreement,  (ii)
any adverse  development  caused by any action of Buyer or Randstad  that is not
permitted by or is in  contravention  of the covenants of this Agreement,  (iii)
any  changes  in  general  market  and  economic  conditions,  (iv) any  changes
affecting the staffing  services  industry  generally and (v) any  regulatory or
legislative  changes  affecting  companies in general shall not be considered in
determining whether a Material Adverse Effect has occurred.

     "Multiemployer Plan" means each Employee Plan that is a multiemployer plan,
as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA.

     "NationsBank  Credit  Facility"  means  the  Fourth  Amended  and  Restated
Revolving Credit Agreement dated May 23, 1997, by and among Seller, NationsBank,
N.A. (formerly  NationsBank,  N.A. (South)),  as Lender and Agent, and the banks
party thereto.

     "1934 Act" means the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     "PBGC" means the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

     "Person" means an individual,  corporation,  partnership, limited liability
company,  association,  trust or  other  entity  or  organization,  including  a
government or political subdivision or an agency or instrumentality thereof.

     "Regulation  S-X" means  Regulation  S-X  promulgated  by the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "Seller  Plan"  means any  "pension  plan" (as  defined in Section  3(2) of
ERISA) sponsored or maintained by Seller or any Affiliate of Seller,  other than
any Strategix Company or a Subsidiary.

     "Shares" means, collectively,  all of the outstanding capital stock of each
Strategix Company.

     "Strategix  Assets" means the assets  identified in Section  1.01(a) of the
Strategix Disclosure Memorandum.

     "Strategix   Business"  means  the  business  currently  conducted  by  the
Strategix  Companies and the  Subsidiaries or utilizing the Strategix Assets and
the  Strategix  Liabilities,  in each case,  as  described  in the Form S-1 (but
excluding the assets and liabilities of the Health Care Business).

     "Strategix Companies" means, collectively,  each of the corporations listed
in Section 1.01(b) of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum.

     "Strategix Disclosure Memorandum" means the schedule delivered by Seller to
Buyer  concurrently  with the execution  hereof setting forth  exceptions to the
representations  and  warranties  set  forth  in  Article  3 and  certain  other
information called for in this Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit C.

     "Strategix Liabilities" means the liabilities identified in Section 1.01(c)
of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum.

     "Subsidiary"  means  any  entity  of which  securities  or other  ownership
interests  having  ordinary  voting  power to elect a  majority  of the board of
directors or other persons performing similar functions are at the time directly
or indirectly owned by any Strategix Company.

     "Transferred  Employee"  means  any  individual  (other  than  a  temporary
employee) whose employment  duties and  responsibilities  as of the Closing Date
primarily relate to the Strategix Business.

     "Title IV Plan" means an Employee  Plan  subject to Title IV of ERISA other
than any Multiemployer Plan.

     2. Each of the following terms is defined in the Section set forth opposite
such term:

     Term                                                         Section

AccuStaff Marks                                                     7.08
Applicable Amount                                                   5.08
Assumed Buyer Plan                                                  9.01
Base Tangible Net Worth                                             2.04
Buyer Indemnitee                                                    8.01
Career Horizons                                                     5.08
Closing                                                             2.02
Closing Balance Sheet                                               2.03
Closing Tangible Net Worth                                          2.03
Code                                                                8.01
Combined Tax                                                        8.01
Company Intellectual Property Rights                                3.16
Company Securities                                                  3.05
Competitive Business                                                5.05(b)(i)
Confidentiality Agreement                                           6.01
Convertible Notes                                                   5.08
Damages                                                            11.02
December Balance Sheet                                              2.03
Deferred Amount                                                     9.03
Designated Seller Plan                                              9.01
Draft Assessment                                                    3.27
Earnout Agreements                                                  3.30
Federal Tax                                                         8.01
Final Determination                                                 8.01
Final Tangible Net Worth                                            2.04
Hourly Rate                                                         7.05
Indemnified Person                                                 11.03(a)(i)
Indemnifying Person                                                11.03(a)(i)
Indenture                                                           5.08
Joint Contracts                                                     7.06
Joint Leases                                                        7.07
Loss                                                                8.06
Modified Aggregate Deemed Sales Price                               8.03
Noncompete Consideration                                            5.05
Non-Transferred Participants                                        9.01
Option                                                              9.02
Permits                                                             3.18
Permitted Liens                                                     3.15
Post-Closing Tax Period                                             8.01
Pre-Closing Tax Period                                              8.01
Purchase Price                                                      2.01
Returns                                                             8.02
Section 338(h)(10) Election                                         8.03
Seller Group                                                        8.01
Separate Company Taxes                                              2.03
Significant Employee                                                3.09
Stay Bonus Plan                                                     9.02
Subcontractor Agreements                                            3.12
Subsidiary Securities                                               3.07
Tax                                                                 8.01
Tax Asset                                                           8.01
Tax Sharing Agreements                                              8.01
Taxing Authority                                                    8.01
Transition Period                                                   7.05
Trustee                                                             5.08
Worker's Compensation Claims                                        3.26
Year 2000 Compliant                                                 3.27

                                   ARTICLE II.

                                PURCHASE AND SALE

     SECTION A.. Purchase and Sale. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions
of this  Agreement,  (i) Seller  agrees to sell,  or to cause one or more of its
wholly-owned  subsidiaries to sell, to Buyer,  and Buyer agrees to purchase from
Seller or such subsidiary or subsidiaries, the Shares at the Closing, (ii) Buyer
agrees to  acquire,  and Seller  agrees to sell,  convey,  transfer,  assign and
deliver, or cause to be sold, conveyed, transferred,  assigned and delivered, to
Buyer  (or if  requested  by  Buyer,  to  one or  more  Strategix  Companies  or
Subsidiaries  or any other  Affiliate  of  Buyer),  free and clear of all Liens,
other than Permitted Liens all of Seller's right,  title and interest in, to and
under the  Strategix  Assets at the Closing and (iii) Buyer agrees to assume (or
to cause one or more Strategix  Companies or Subsidiaries or any other Affiliate
of Buyer to assume), effective as of the Closing, the Strategix Liabilities. The
purchase  price  for the  Shares  and the  Strategix  Assets  and the  Strategix
Liabilities  (the  "Purchase  Price") is Eight  Hundred  Fifty  Million  Dollars
($850,000,000)  in cash. The Purchase Price shall be paid as provided in Section
2.02 and shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Section 2.04.

     SECTION B..  Closing.  The closing (the "Closing") of the purchase and sale
of the Shares, the acquisition of the Strategix Assets and the assumption of the
Strategix  Liabilities hereunder shall take place at the offices of Davis Polk &
Wardwell,  450 Lexington  Avenue,  New York,  New York, a. if the conditions set
forth in Article 10 have been  satisfied,  on September 30, 1998,  and b. if the
conditions  set forth in Article 10 have not been  satisfied as of September 30,
1998, within 5 business days after  satisfaction of such conditions,  or at such
other time or place as Buyer and Seller may agree. At the Closing:

          1. Buyer shall deliver to Seller $850,000,000 in immediately available
     funds by wire  transfer  to an account  of Seller  with  NationsBank,  N.A.
     designated by Seller,  by notice to Buyer, not later than two business days
     prior to the Closing  Date (or if not so  designated,  then by certified or
     official bank check payable in immediately  available funds to the order of
     Seller in such amount).

          2.  Seller  shall  deliver to Buyer  certificates  for the Shares duly
     endorsed or  accompanied  by stock powers duly endorsed in blank,  with any
     required transfer stamps affixed thereto.

          3.  Seller and Buyer  shall enter into an  Assignment  and  Assumption
     Agreement  substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  A, and
     Seller  shall  deliver  to Buyer  general  warranty  deeds,  bills of sale,
     endorsements,   consents,   assignments   and  other  good  and  sufficient
     instruments   of  conveyance  and  assignment  as  the  parties  and  their
     respective  counsel shall deem reasonably  necessary or appropriate to vest
     in Buyer (or if requested by Buyer  pursuant to Section  2.01,  one or more
     designees  of Buyer) all  right,  title and  interest  in, to and under the
     Strategix Assets.

          4. Seller and Buyer shall enter into an Employee  and Systems  Support
     Services Agreement substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B.

     SECTION C.. Closing Balance Sheet.  1. As promptly as  practicable,  but no
later than 60 days, after the Closing Date, Seller will cause to be prepared and
delivered  to Buyer the Closing  Balance  Sheet,  together  with an  unqualified
report of  PricewaterhouseCoopers,  LLP thereon, and a certificate based on such
Closing Balance Sheet setting forth Seller's calculation of Closing Tangible Net
Worth.  The Closing Balance Sheet (the "Closing Balance Sheet") shall (w) fairly
present the consolidated  financial position of the Strategix Business as at the
close of business on the Closing  Date in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles  applied  on a basis  consistent  with  those used in the
preparation of the audited  consolidated balance sheet of the Strategix Business
as of December 31, 1997 (the "December Balance Sheet") and the Balance Sheet (it
being understood and agreed that the Health Care Business shall be excluded from
the Closing Balance Sheet), (x) include line items substantially consistent with
those in the December  Balance Sheet and the Balance  Sheet,  (y) be prepared in
accordance with accounting policies and practices  consistent with those used in
the  preparation  of the December  Balance  Sheet and the Balance  Sheet and (z)
reflect no changes in reserving  practices,  including  without  limitation such
practices  with respect to  establishment  of reserves for bad debts or workers'
compensation  claims;  provided that the Closing Balance Sheet shall not include
any  charge,  accrual  or  reserve  for  federal  or state  income  taxes of the
Strategix  Business  with respect to which a Strategix  Company or Subsidiary is
included in a  consolidated,  combined or unitary tax return  filed by Seller or
any of its Affiliates (other than a Strategix Company or Subsidiary),  but shall
include  charges,  accruals  and  reserves  for only those state income taxes or
other  taxes  of the  Strategix  Business  for  which  a  Strategix  Company  or
Subsidiary  files  either a separate tax return or a  consolidated,  combined or
unitary  state  income  tax  return  that  includes  only one or more  Strategix
Companies or Subsidiaries  ("Separate  Company  Taxes").  "Closing  Tangible Net
Worth" means (i) the consolidated stockholder's equity of the Strategix Business
as shown on the Closing  Balance Sheet (prior to the payment or  cancellation of
the intercompany debt of the Strategix  Business as contemplated by Section 7.04
hereof) plus (ii) intercompany debt of the Strategix  Business (prior to payment
or cancellation as contemplated by Section 7.04 hereof) less (iii) the aggregate
amount of goodwill and net deferred income tax assets (or, if there exists a net
deferred income tax liability,  plus such net deferred income tax liability), it
being  understood that in calculating  Closing  Tangible Net Worth,  the parties
shall  exclude  the  effect  (including  the Tax  effect)  of any act,  event or
transaction  occurring  after  the  Closing  and not in the  ordinary  course of
business of any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary (other than, for purposes of
the avoidance of doubt, any effect of the Section 338(h)(10) Election).

     2. If Buyer  disagrees with Seller's  calculation  of Closing  Tangible Net
Worth  delivered  pursuant to Section  2.03(a),  Buyer may, within 30 days after
delivery of the documents  referred to in Section  2.03(a),  deliver a notice to
Seller  disagreeing with such calculation and setting forth Buyer's  calculation
of such amount.  Any such notice of  disagreement  shall  specify those items or
amounts as to which  Buyer  disagrees,  and Buyer shall be deemed to have agreed
with all other items and amounts  contained in the Closing Balance Sheet and the
calculation of Closing Tangible Net Worth delivered pursuant to Section 2.03(a).

     3. If a notice of disagreement  shall be duly delivered pursuant to Section
2.03(b), Buyer and Seller shall, during the 15 days following such delivery, use
their best efforts to reach  agreement on the disputed items or amounts in order
to  determine,  as may be  required,  the amount of Closing  Tangible Net Worth,
which  amount  shall  not be more  than the  amount  thereof  shown in  Seller's
calculation  delivered  pursuant  to  Section  2.03(a)  nor less than the amount
thereof shown in Buyer's calculation  delivered pursuant to Section 2.03(b). If,
during such period,  Buyer and Seller are unable to reach such  agreement,  they
shall promptly  thereafter cause a southeastern  office of a mutually acceptable
accounting firm of national standing with no material  relationship to Seller or
Buyer to review this Agreement and the disputed items or amounts for the purpose
of  calculating  Closing  Tangible Net Worth,  such  calculation to be completed
within 30 days. In making this calculation,  such independent  accountants shall
consider  only those items or amounts in the Closing  Balance  Sheet or Seller's
calculation of Closing Tangible Net Worth as to which Buyer has disagreed.  Such
independent  accountants  shall  deliver to Buyer and  Seller,  as  promptly  as
practicable, a report setting forth this calculation. Such report shall be final
and binding  upon Buyer and Seller.  The cost of this review and report shall be
borne a. by Buyer if the difference between Final Tangible Net Worth and Buyer's
calculation of Closing Tangible Net Worth delivered  pursuant to Section 2.03(b)
is greater than the  difference  between  Final  Tangible Net Worth and Seller's
calculation of Closing Tangible Net Worth delivered pursuant to Section 2.03(a),
b. by  Seller  if the  first  such  difference  is less  than  the  second  such
difference and c. otherwise equally by Buyer and Seller.

     4.  Buyer and  Seller  agree  that  they  will,  and  agree to cause  their
respective  independent   accountants  and  the  Strategix  Companies  and  each
Subsidiary to,  cooperate and assist in the  preparation of the Closing  Balance
Sheet and the  calculation  of Closing  Tangible Net Worth and in the conduct of
the audits and  reviews  referred to in this  Section  2.03,  including  without
limitation, the making available to the extent necessary of books, records, work
papers and personnel.

     SECTION D..  Adjustment  of Purchase  Price.  1. If Base Tangible Net Worth
exceeds Final Tangible Net Worth, Seller shall pay to Buyer, as an adjustment to
the  Purchase  Price,  in the manner and with  interest  as  provided in Section
2.04(b),  the amount of such excess.  If Final  Tangible Net Worth  exceeds Base
Tangible Net Worth,  Buyer shall pay to Seller,  in the manner and with interest
as provided in Section  2.04(b) , the amount of such excess.  "Base Tangible Net
Worth" means  $160,545,000,  which  number is  calculated  as follows  (with all
numbers being as set forth on the Balance Sheet): (i) consolidated stockholder's
equity of $242,619,000, plus (ii) intercompany debt of the Strategix Business of
$98,874,000,  plus (iii) the notes payable,  long-term portion,  of $24,410,000,
plus (iv) the notes payable,  short-term  portion,  of  $2,217,000,  plus (v) an
agreed  adjustment of $4,000,000  in respect of payments  under certain  Earnout
Agreements,  minus (vi) the aggregate amount of goodwill of $193,655,000,  minus
(vii) the net deferred  income tax assets of  $5,924,000,  minus (viii) cash and
cash  equivalents of  $11,996,000.  "Final Tangible Net Worth" means the Closing
Tangible  Net Worth a. as shown in Seller's  calculation  delivered  pursuant to
Section  2.03(a),  if no notice of  disagreement  with  respect  thereto is duly
delivered pursuant to Section 2.03(b); or b. if such a notice of disagreement is
delivered,  (1) as agreed by Buyer and Seller pursuant to Section 2.03(c) or (2)
in the  absence  of such  agreement,  as shown in the  independent  accountant's
calculation  delivered  pursuant to Section  2.03(c);  provided that in no event
shall Final  Tangible  Net Worth be more than  Seller's  calculation  of Closing
Tangible Net Worth  delivered  pursuant to Section  2.03(a) or less than Buyer's
calculation of Closing Tangible Net Worth delivered pursuant to Section 2.03(b).

     2. Any  payment  pursuant  to Section  2.04(a)  shall be made at a mutually
convenient  time and place within 5 days after the Final  Tangible Net Worth has
been  determined  by  delivery  by Buyer  or  Seller,  as the  case  may be,  of
immediately  available  funds to the other party in accordance with such party's
instructions  (which  instructions shall be delivered to the Buyer or Seller, as
the case may be,  not less  than  three  business  days  prior to the date  such
payment is to be made).  The amount of any  payment to be made  pursuant to this
Section  2.04 shall bear  interest  from and  including  the Closing Date to but
excluding  the date of  payment  at a rate per annum  equal to the Prime Rate as
published in the Wall Street Journal,  Eastern  Edition,  in effect from time to
time  during the  period  from the  Closing  Date to the date of  payment.  Such
interest  shall be payable  at the same time as the  payment to which it relates
and shall be calculated  daily on the basis of a year of 365 days and the actual
number of days elapsed.

     SECTION E.. Randstad Guarantee.  Randstad hereby irrevocably guarantees the
obligations of Buyer pursuant to this Agreement. The liability of Randstad under
this Section shall be absolute and unconditional,  shall be as principal and not
as a surety,  and shall be binding upon Randstad and its  successors and assigns
without  regard to the  insolvency,  bankruptcy  or  reorganization  of Buyer or
otherwise. Randstad hereby waives promptness,  diligence,  presentment,  demand,
protest and notice of any kind as to such obligations and its guarantee  thereof
and  acceptance of or reliance on its  obligations  contained in this Section or
any other  circumstance that would constitute an equitable or legal discharge of
Randstad's obligations under this Agreement.

     SECTION F.. Assignment of Contracts and Rights.  Anything in this Agreement
to  the  contrary  notwithstanding,  this  Agreement  shall  not  constitute  an
agreement  to assign any  Strategix  Asset or any claim or right or any  benefit
arising  thereunder  or  resulting  therefrom  if such  assignment,  without the
consent  of  a  third  party  thereto,   would  constitute  a  breach  or  other
contravention  of such Strategix Asset or in any way adversely affect the rights
of Buyer or Seller or their respective Affiliates  thereunder.  Seller and Buyer
will use their  reasonable  best  efforts  to obtain  the  consent  of the other
parties to any such Strategix Asset or any claim or right or any benefit arising
thereunder for the assignment  thereof to Buyer as Buyer reasonably may request.
If such consent is not obtained,  or if an attempted assignment thereof would be
ineffective  or would  adversely  affect the rights of Seller or its  Affiliates
thereunder  so that Buyer would not in fact receive all such rights,  Seller and
Buyer will cooperate in a mutually agreeable arrangement under which Buyer would
obtain the benefits and assume the  obligations  thereunder in  accordance  with
this  Agreement,  including  sub-contracting,  sub-licensing  or  sub-leasing to
Buyer, or under which Seller would enforce for the benefit of Buyer,  with Buyer
assuming  Seller's  obligations,  any and all  rights of Seller  against a third
party thereto.

                                  ARTICLE III.


     Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as of the date hereof and as of the
Closing Date as follows.  Each item  disclosed  in any Section of the  Strategix
Disclosure  Memorandum  shall be deemed  disclosed  for  purposes  of each other
Section of the  Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum to the extent (but only to the
extent) that a prudent business person would reasonably be expected to recognize
the  relevance  of such item to the  disclosure  required by such other  Section
after review and inquiry.

     SECTION  A..  Corporate  Existence  and  Power.  Each of  Seller  and  each
Strategix  Company is a corporation duly  incorporated,  validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of its  jurisdiction of  incorporation  and has all
corporate  powers  and  all  material  governmental  licenses,   authorizations,
consents and approvals required to carry on its business as now conducted.  Each
Strategix Company is duly qualified to do business as a foreign  corporation and
is in good standing in each jurisdiction  where such qualification is necessary,
except  for those  jurisdictions  where  failure to be so  qualified  would not,
individually or in the aggregate,  have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  Seller has
heretofore  made available to Buyer true and complete  copies of the certificate
of incorporation and bylaws of Seller and each Strategix Company as currently in

     SECTION  B..   Corporate   Authorization.   The  execution,   delivery  and
performance by Seller of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated  hereby are  within  Seller's  corporate  powers and have been duly
authorized by all necessary  corporate action on the part of Seller and no other
corporate  or other  approval  of  Seller or its  stockholders  is  required  in
connection  therewith.  This Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement
of Seller.

     SECTION  C..  Governmental  Authorization.   The  execution,  delivery  and
performance by Seller of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated  hereby  require no action by or in respect of, or filing with, any
governmental  body,  agency  or  official  other  than a.  compliance  with  any
applicable  requirements  of the HSR Act;  b.  compliance  with  any  applicable
requirements of the 1934 Act; and c.  immaterial  actions or consents which will
not adversely affect or delay the transactions contemplated hereby.

     SECTION D..  Noncontravention.  The execution,  delivery and performance by
Seller of this Agreement and the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby do not and will not (i)  violate  the  certificate  of  incorporation  or
bylaws  of  Seller  or any of  its  Affiliates,  any  Strategix  Company  or any
Subsidiary,  (ii) assuming  compliance  with the matters  referred to in Section
3.03,  violate  any  applicable  material  law,  rule,   regulation,   judgment,
injunction,  order or decree,  (iii)  require any consent or other action by any
Person under,  constitute a default under,  give rise to any right of any Person
to require  Seller,  any  Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  to purchase any
equity  interest held by such Person,  or give rise to any right of termination,
cancellation or acceleration of any right or obligation of Seller, any Strategix
Company  or any  Subsidiary  or to a loss of any  benefit to which  Seller,  any
Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  is entitled  under any  provision  of any
agreement or other instrument  binding upon Seller, any Strategix Company or any
Subsidiary,  with such  exceptions,  in the case of this clause (iii),  as would
not,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  have a  Material  Adverse  Effect  or
materially adversely affect the transactions  contemplated hereby and other than
as set forth on Section 3.04 of the  Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum,  or (iv)
result  in the  creation  or  imposition  of any  Lien on (x) any  asset  of any
Strategix Company or any Subsidiary or (y) any Strategix Assets,  other than, in
each case,  Permitted  Liens and other than, in the case of this clause (iv), as
set forth on Section 3.04 of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum.

     SECTION E.. Capitalization.  1. Section 3.05(a) of the Strategix Disclosure
Memorandum  sets forth the  authorized,  issued and  outstanding  shares of each
class of capital stock of each of the Strategix Companies.

     2.  All  outstanding  shares  of  capital  stock  of each of the  Strategix
Companies  have been duly  authorized  and validly issued and are fully paid and
non-assessable.  Except  as  set  forth  in  this  Section  3.05,  there  are no
outstanding  a. shares of capital  stock or voting  securities  of any Strategix
Company,  b.  securities  of Seller,  any  Affiliate of Seller or any  Strategix
Company  convertible  into or exchangeable for shares of capital stock or voting
securities  of any  Strategix  Company or c.  options or other rights to acquire
from  Seller,  any  Affiliate  of  Seller  or any  Strategix  Company,  or other
obligations  of Seller,  any  Affiliate  of Seller or any  Strategix  Company to
issue, any capital stock,  voting  securities or securities  convertible into or
exchangeable  for capital stock or voting  securities  of any Strategix  Company
(the items in clauses 3.05(b)(i), 3.05(b)(ii) and 3.05(b)(iii) being referred to
collectively  as the "Company  Securities").  None of the issued and outstanding
shares  of  capital  stock  of any of the  Strategix  Companies  was  issued  in
violation of any  preemptive  rights.  There are no  outstanding  obligations of
Seller,  any Affiliate of Seller or any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary to
repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any Company Securities.

     SECTION F.. Ownership of Shares;  Title to Strategix  Assets. 1. Seller, or
one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries,  is the record and beneficial owner of all
of the  Shares,  free  and  clear  of any  Lien  and  any  other  limitation  or
restriction  (including any  restriction on the right to vote, sell or otherwise
dispose of the Shares) other than the Lien granted in favor of NationsBank, N.A.
in  connection  with  the  NationsBank  Credit  Facility,  which  Lien  will  be
unconditionally  released in full on or prior to the Closing,  and will transfer
and deliver to Buyer (or at the election of Buyer  pursuant to Section 2.01, one
or more  designees  of Buyer) at the Closing  valid title to the Shares free and
clear of any Lien and any such limitation or restriction.

     2.  Except as set forth on  Section  3.12(b)  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  upon consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  Buyer
(or, if requested by Buyer  pursuant to Section 2.01,  one or more  designees of
Buyer)  will  have  acquired  good and  marketable  title in and to,  or a valid
leasehold  interest  in,  each of the  Strategix  Assets,  free and clear of all
Liens, except Permitted Liens.

     SECTION G.. Subsidiaries.  1. Each Subsidiary is a corporation or a limited
or general  partnership duly incorporated or organized,  validly existing and in
good  standing  under  the  laws  of  its   jurisdiction  of   incorporation  or
organization,   has  all  corporate  or  partnership  powers  and  all  material
governmental licenses, authorizations,  permits, consents and approvals required
to carry on its business as now conducted, is duly qualified to do business as a
foreign  corporation  and is in good  standing in each  jurisdiction  where such
qualification is necessary,  except for those  jurisdictions where failure to be
so  qualified  would  not,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  have a Material
Adverse  Effect.   All  Subsidiaries  and  their  respective   jurisdictions  of
incorporation  or  organization  are identified on Section 3.07 of the Strategix
Disclosure Memorandum.

     2.  Except  as  disclosed  in  Section  3.07  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum:  a. all of the outstanding  capital stock or other voting securities
or  equity  interests  of each  Subsidiary  is  owned by the  Strategix  Company
identified on Section 3.07 of the Strategix Disclosure  Memorandum,  directly or
indirectly,  free and  clear of any Lien  and free of any  other  limitation  or
restriction  (including any  restriction on the right to vote, sell or otherwise
dispose of such capital stock or other voting  securities  or equity  interests)
other than the Lien granted in favor of NationsBank, N.A. in connection with the
NationsBank Credit Facility, which Lien will be unconditionally released in full
on or prior to the  Closing,  b.  there are no  outstanding  (x)  securities  of
Seller,  any  Affiliate  of Seller,  any  Strategix  Company  or any  Subsidiary
convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for  shares  of  capital  stock  or  voting
securities or equity  interests of any Subsidiary or (y) options or other rights
to acquire from Seller,  any Affiliate of Seller,  any Strategix  Company or any
Subsidiary,  or other  obligations  of Seller,  any  Affiliate  of  Seller,  any
Strategix  Company  or any  Subsidiary  to  issue,  any  capital  stock,  voting
securities or equity  interests or securities  convertible  into or exchangeable
for capital  stock or voting  securities or equity  interests of any  Subsidiary
(the  items in clauses  3.07(b)(ii)(x)  and  3.07(b)(ii)(y)  being  referred  to
collectively  as  the  "Subsidiary  Securities"),  c.  none  of the  issued  and
outstanding  shares of capital stock or equity  interests of any  Subsidiary was
issued in violation  of any  preemptive  rights and d. there are no  outstanding
obligations  of Seller,  any Affiliate of Seller,  any Strategix  Company or any
Subsidiary to repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any outstanding Subsidiary

     SECTION  H..  Financial  Statements.  1. The audited  consolidated  balance
sheets as of December  31, 1996 and 1997 and the  related  audited  consolidated
statements  of income and cash flows for each of the years  ended  December  31,
1995, 1996 and 1997, the unaudited condensed statements of income and cash flows
for the three months ended March 31, 1997, the unaudited condensed  consolidated
balance  sheet  as of  March  31,  1998  and  the  related  unaudited  condensed
consolidated  statements  of income  and cash flows for the three  months  ended
March 31, 1998, the pro forma unaudited consolidated statement of income for the
year ended December 31, 1997 and the pro forma unaudited condensed  consolidated
balance sheet as of March 31, 1998 and the related pro forma unaudited condensed
consolidated  statement  of income for the three  months ended March 31, 1998 of
the Strategix Business (defined to include,  solely for purposes of this Section
3.08(a),  except with respect to the pro forma unaudited condensed  consolidated
statements  of income for the year ended  December 31, 1997 and the three months
ended March 31, 1998,  the Health Care  Business),  all as set forth in the Form
S-1, fairly present, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles
applied on a consistent  basis  (except as may be indicated in the notes thereto
and except that as provided  therein  certain  pro forma  adjustments  have been
made,  which pro forma  adjustments have been made in accordance with Regulation
S- X), the consolidated financial position of the Strategix Business (as defined
above) as of the dates thereof and their consolidated  results of operations and
cash flows for the periods then ended (subject to normal year-end adjustments in
the case of any unaudited condensed financial statements).

     2. The pro forma unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheet as of March
31, 1998 of the Strategix Business,  attached hereto as Schedule 3.08(b), fairly
presents, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on
a consistent  basis  (except as may be indicated in the notes thereto and except
that as provided therein certain pro forma adjustments have been made, which pro
forma  adjustments  have been made in  accordance  with  Regulation  S- X),  the
consolidated  financial  position of the Strategix Business as of March 31, 1998
(subject to normal year-end adjustments).

     3.  Except as set forth in  Section  3.08(c)  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  none of the  Strategix  Companies nor any of the  Subsidiaries  has
incurred,  assumed or  guaranteed  any  Indebtedness  currently  outstanding  or
pursuant  to which  it is  currently  obligated,  other  than,  in the case of a
guarantee by a Strategix  Company or  Subsidiary  of  Indebtedness  of any other
Strategix Company or Subsidiary, as reflected on the Balance Sheet or on the pro
forma unaudited condensed  consolidated statement of income for the three months
ended March 31, 1998 of the Strategix Business.

     SECTION I.. Absence of Certain Changes. Except as set forth in Section 3.09
of the  Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum,  since the Balance  Sheet  Date,  the
Strategix  Business has been conducted in the ordinary  course  consistent  with
past practices and there has not been:

          1. any event,  occurrence,  development or state of  circumstances  or
     facts which,  individually or in the aggregate, has had or could reasonably
     be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

          2. any declaration,  setting aside or payment of any dividend or other
     distribution  with respect to any shares of capital  stock of any Strategix
     Company,  or  any  repurchase,  redemption  or  other  acquisition  by  any
     Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary of any  outstanding  shares of capital
     stock or other securities of any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary;

          3. any amendment of any material term of any  outstanding  security of
     any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary;

          4. any incurrence, assumption or guarantee by any Strategix Company or
     any Subsidiary of any  Indebtedness  in excess of $100,000 in the aggregate
     other  than (i)  intercompany  loans  incurred  in the  ordinary  course of
     business  consistent  with past  practices  and (ii)  guarantees  issued in
     connection with the NationsBank Credit Facility,  which guarantees shall be
     unconditionally released in full on or prior to the Closing;

          5. any creation or other  incurrence  of (i) any Lien on any shares of
     capital stock of any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary or (ii) any Lien
     in excess of $10,000  individually or $50,000 in the aggregate on any asset
     of any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary or on any Strategix Asset, other
     than, in each case, in the ordinary course of business consistent with past
     practices  (and  other  than,  in the case of clause  (i) and  (ii),  Liens
     granted in connection with the  NationsBank  Credit  Facility,  which Liens
     shall be unconditionally released in full on or prior to the Closing);

          6. any  making of any loan,  advance or  capital  contributions  to or
     investment in any Person by any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary  other
     than a.  advances in the  ordinary  course of the conduct of the  Strategix
     "private  label" or  franchising  business  consistent  with past  business
     practices,  which advances are secured,  with respect to each such "private
     label" branch or franchisee,  by the related  receivables of such branch or
     franchisee,  b. in the  ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past
     practices in an amount not in excess of $100,000 in the aggregate and (iii)
     intercompany loans among the Strategix  Companies and the Subsidiaries made
     in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practices;

          7. any damage,  destruction  or other  casualty  loss  (whether or not
     covered by  insurance)  affecting  the business or assets of any  Strategix
     Company or any Subsidiary or any Strategix Assets or Strategix  Liabilities
     which,  individually  or in the aggregate,  has had or could  reasonably be
     expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

          8. any  transaction  or commitment  made, or any contract or agreement
     entered into, by any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  relating to its
     assets or business (including the acquisition or disposition of any assets)
     or any  relinquishment  by any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary of any
     contract or other  right,  or by the Seller or any of its  Affiliates  with
     respect to the  Strategix  Assets or  Strategix  Liabilities,  in each case
     material to the Strategix Companies and the Subsidiaries, taken as a whole,
     other than  transactions and commitments in the ordinary course of business
     consistent with past practices and those contemplated by this Agreement;

          9. any change in any method of accounting  or  accounting  practice by
     any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  except for any such change after
     the  Balance  Sheet  Date  required  by  reason of a  concurrent  change in
     generally accepted accounting principles;

          10. any a. employment, deferred compensation, severance, retirement or
     other  similar  agreement  entered into with any director or officer of any
     Strategix  Company  or any  Subsidiary  or any  employee  of any  Strategix
     Company or any Subsidiary (or any employee who otherwise will or may become
     a  Transferred  Employee)  whose annual base  compensation  is in excess of
     $75,000 per year (each such  employee,  a  "Significant  Employee") (or any
     amendment to any such  existing  agreement),  b. grant of any  severance or
     termination pay to any director or officer of any Strategix  Company or any
     Subsidiary  or  any  Significant  Employee  in  excess  of  $50,000  in the
     aggregate,  or c. change in compensation  or other benefits  payable to any
     director  or officer of any  Strategix  Company  or any  Subsidiary  or any
     Significant  Employee  pursuant to any  severance  or  retirement  plans or
     policies thereof,  other than, in each case,  customary annual increases in
     salary in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practices;

          11. any labor dispute,  other than routine individual  grievances,  or
     any activity or  proceeding by a labor union or  representative  thereof to
     organize any employees of any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary,  which
     employees  were not subject to a  collective  bargaining  agreement  at the
     Balance Sheet Date, or any lockouts,  strikes, slowdowns, work stoppages or
     threats  thereof  by or with  respect  to any  employees  of any  Strategix
     Company or any Subsidiary;

          12. any capital expenditures,  or commitment for capital expenditures,
     including  additions  or  improvements  to  property,  plant and  equipment
     relating to the Strategix Business which exceed $10,000 individually; or

          13. any material  acceleration  or delay of the collection of accounts
     or notes  receivable  or the payment of  accounts  or notes  payable of the
     Strategix Business.

     SECTION J.. No Undisclosed Material  Liabilities.  There are no liabilities
relating to the  Strategix  Business of any kind  whatsoever,  whether  accrued,
contingent,  absolute,  determined,  determinable or otherwise,  and there is no
existing condition,  situation or set of circumstances which could reasonably be
expected to result in such a liability, other than:

          1.  liabilities  provided for in the Balance Sheet or disclosed in the
     notes thereto other than trade  accounts  payable  incurred in the ordinary
     course of business consistent with past practices, obligations to employees
     incurred in the ordinary course of business  consistent with past practices
     and  other  obligations   incurred  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business
     consistent  with past  practices,  in each case incurred  after the Balance
     Sheet Date;

          2. liabilities disclosed on the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum; and

          3.  other  undisclosed  liabilities  which,  individually  or  in  the
     aggregate, are not material to the Strategix Business, taken as a whole.

     SECTION K.. Intercompany Accounts. Section 3.11 of the Strategix Disclosure
Memorandum sets forth the amount of intercompany balance as of the Balance Sheet
Date  between  Seller and its  Affiliates,  on the one hand,  and the  Strategix
Companies and the Subsidiaries,  on the other hand. Since the Balance Sheet Date
there has not been any  accrual of  liability  by any  Strategix  Company or any
Subsidiary to Seller or any of its Affiliates or other  transaction  between any
Strategix Company or any Subsidiary and Seller and any of its Affiliates, except
in  the  ordinary  course  of  business  of  the  Strategix  Companies  and  the
Subsidiaries  consistent  with past  practice,  and  thereafter,  as provided in
Section 3.11 of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum.

     SECTION L.. Material  Contracts.  1. Except as disclosed in Section 3.12 of
the Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum,  none of the  Strategix  Companies or any
Subsidiary  (or, to the extent  involving  any of the Strategix  Companies,  the
Subsidiaries,  the Strategix Assets or the Strategix Liabilities,  the Seller or
its Affiliates) is a party to or bound by:

          a. any lease  (whether of real or  personal  property)  providing  for
     annual rentals in excess of $50,000;  provided that the parties  understand
     that such list is  complete  with  respect to leases  providing  for annual
     rentals in excess of $250,000 and  substantially  complete  with respect to
     all other leases, and that Seller shall update promptly such list after the
     date hereof to correct any inadvertent omissions;

          b. any  agreement  pursuant to which the  Strategix  Companies  or the
     Subsidiaries  are  committed  to  purchase  materials,   supplies,   goods,
     services,  equipment  or  other  assets  providing  for  either  annual  or
     aggregate  payments by the  Strategix  Companies  and the  Subsidiaries  of
     $250,000 or more;

          c. any  partnership,  joint  venture  or other  similar  agreement  or
     arrangement with one or more third parties;

          d. any  agreement  pursuant  to which any  business  was  acquired  or
     disposed of (whether by merger, sale of stock, sale of assets or otherwise)
     after January 1, 1995 other than  agreements  previously  made available to
     Buyer (and with  respect to which a list of the  relevant  acquisitions  or
     dispositions  is set  forth on  Section  3.12 of the  Strategix  Disclosure

          e. any agreement  relating to Indebtedness,  except any such agreement
     relating to Indebtedness with an aggregate outstanding principal amount not
     exceeding $100,000;

          f. any license, franchise or similar agreement;

          g. any agreement  that limits the freedom of any Strategix  Company or
     any  Subsidiary to compete in any line of business or with any Person or in
     any area or which  would so limit the freedom of any  Strategix  Company or
     any  Subsidiary  after the Closing Date other than the license or franchise
     agreements  identified  pursuant  to clause  (vi) above and except  certain
     agreements  pursuant to which the Strategix  Companies or the  Subsidiaries
     serve as subcontractor ("Subcontractor  Agreements"),  which agreements may
     limit the  Strategix  Companies or the  Subsidiaries  from  soliciting  the
     applicable contractor's clients;

          h. any agreement that limits in any material way the freedom of Seller
     or any  Affiliate  to own,  operate,  sell,  transfer,  pledge or otherwise
     dispose of or  encumber  any  Strategix  Asset or which  would so limit the
     freedom of Buyer or its Affiliates after the Closing Date;

          i. any  agreement  with (1) Seller or any of its  Affiliates,  (2) any
     Person directly or indirectly owning,  controlling or holding with power to
     vote, 5% or more of the outstanding  voting  securities of Seller or any of
     its  Affiliates,  (3) any  Person  5% or more of whose  outstanding  voting
     securities are directly or indirectly owned,  controlled or held with power
     to vote by Seller or any of its  Affiliates  or (4) any director or officer
     of Seller or any of its  Affiliates or any  "associates"  or members of the
     "immediate  family" (as such terms are  respectively  defined in Rule 12b-2
     and Rule 16a-1 of the 1934 Act) of any such director or officer;

          j.  any  material   agreement  between  a  Strategix  Company  or  any
     Subsidiary and any director,  officer or employee of any Strategix  Company
     or  any  Subsidiary  or  Seller  or  any  of its  Affiliates  or  with  any
     "associate"  or any  member of the  "immediate  family"  (as such terms are
     respectively  defined in Rules 12b-2 and 16a-1 of the 1934 Act) of any such
     director,  officer or employee  (other than as set forth in Section 3.24(e)
     of the Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum and other than agreements that are
     excluded  from the  definition  of  "Benefit  Arrangement"  by the  proviso
     thereto); or

          k. any other  agreement,  commitment,  arrangement or plan not made in
     the ordinary course of business that is material to the Strategix Companies
     and the  Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole;  it being  understood  that  this
     clause (xi) shall not require the disclosure of any  agreement,  commitment
     or plan which,  in the absence of a  "materiality"  qualifier  or threshold
     applicable  thereto,  would have been required to be disclosed  pursuant to
     clauses (i) through (x) hereof.

     2.  Except as set forth in  Section  3.12(b)  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  each agreement,  contract,  plan, lease,  arrangement or commitment
disclosed in any Section of the Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum or required to
be disclosed pursuant to this Section is a valid and binding agreement of Seller
or an Affiliate of Seller, a Strategix Company or a Subsidiary,  as the case may
be, and is in full force and effect,  and none of Seller, any Strategix Company,
any  Subsidiary  or, to the  Knowledge of Seller,  any other party thereto is in
default or breach in any material respect under the terms of any such agreement,
contract,  plan,  lease,  arrangement  or  commitment,  and, to the Knowledge of
Seller, no event or circumstance has occurred that, with notice or lapse of time
or  both,  would  constitute  any  event  of  default  that  would  be  material
thereunder.  True and complete  copies of each such agreement,  contract,  plan,
lease, arrangement or commitment have been made available to Buyer.

     SECTION  M..  Litigation.  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  3.13  of the
Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum,  there is no action,  suit,  investigation or
proceeding  (or any basis  therefor)  pending  against,  or to the  knowledge of
Seller, threatened against or affecting, Seller or its Affiliates (to the extent
involving the Strategix  Business),  any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary or
any of their respective properties or any Strategix Asset or otherwise affecting
the Strategix  Business before any court or arbitrator or any governmental body,
agency or official a. which,  individually or in the aggregate, if determined or
resolved adversely in accordance with the plaintiff's demands,  could reasonably
be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect,  b. involves damages in excess of
$500,000,  c. which seeks injunctive relief or d. which in any manner challenges
or  seeks to  prevent,  enjoin,  alter  or  materially  delay  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

     SECTION N..  Compliance with Laws and Court Orders.  Except as set forth in
Section  3.13 of the  Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum,  none of the  Strategix
Companies or any Subsidiary (or, to the extent involving the Strategix Business,
Seller or its  Affiliates) is in violation of, and has not since January 1, 1997
violated, and to the knowledge of Seller is not under investigation with respect
to and has not  been  threatened  to be  charged  with or  given  notice  of any
violation of, any applicable law, rule, regulation,  judgment, injunction, order
or decree,  except for violations  that have not had and could not reasonably be
expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.

     SECTION  O..  Properties.  1. Other than with  respect to the  Intellectual
Property Rights addressed in Section 3.16 and as set forth on Section 3.12(b) of
the  Strategix   Disclosure   Memorandum,   the  Strategix   Companies  and  the
Subsidiaries  (and, with respect to the Strategix  Assets,  Seller or one of its
wholly-owned  subsidiaries) have good and marketable,  indefeasible,  fee simple
title to, or in the case of leased  property  and assets  have  valid  leasehold
interests  in, all  property and assets  (whether  real,  personal,  tangible or
intangible)  reflected  on the  Balance  Sheet or as  described  in the Form S-1
(except with respect to the Health Care Business) as part of the business of the
Strategix  Companies or the  Subsidiaries  or acquired  after the Balance  Sheet
Date, except for obsolete assets disposed of since the Balance Sheet Date in the
ordinary  course  of  business  consistent  with  past  practices.  None of such
property  or assets is subject to any Lien,  except a.  Liens  disclosed  on the
Balance Sheet;  b. Liens for taxes not yet due or being  contested in good faith
(Liens  referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) are,  collectively,  the  "Permitted
Liens");  c.  Liens  in  favor  of  NationsBank,  N.A.  in  connection  with the
NationsBank  Credit Facility,  which Liens will be  unconditionally  released in
full on or prior to the Closing and d. Liens in favor of Fleet  National Bank in
connection with the Fleet Credit Facility.

     2. There are no developments  affecting any such property or assets pending
or, to the Knowledge of Seller  threatened,  which might materially detract from
the value,  materially  interfere with any present or intended use or materially
adversely affect the marketability of any such property or assets.

     3. To the Knowledge of Seller, there does not exist under any lease of real
property  any  default or any event  which with  notice or lapse of time or both
would  constitute a default and no  information  has come to Seller's  attention
which would cause it to believe  that any such lease is not in good  standing or
is not valid, binding or enforceable in accordance with its terms.

     4. Except for certain systems,  licenses and managerial support provided by
Seller  from its  Jacksonville  headquarters  (which  Seller  has agreed to make
available to Buyer  following  the closing  pursuant to Section 7.05 hereof) and
the Joint  Leases,  the  property  and assets  owned or leased by the  Strategix
Companies and any Subsidiary, together with the Strategix Assets, constitute all
of the property and assets used or held for use in connection with the Strategix
Business  and are  adequate  to conduct  the  Strategix  Business  as  currently

     SECTION  P..  Intellectual  Property.  1.  Section  3.16  of the  Strategix
Disclosure  Memorandum  contains a list of all  material  Intellectual  Property
Rights owned or licensed and used or held for use (x) by any  Strategix  Company
or any Subsidiary or (y) in connection with the Strategix Business, by Seller or
any of its Affiliates ("Company Intellectual Property Rights"), specifying as to
each, as applicable:  a. the nature of such Intellectual  Property Right, b. the
owner of such  Intellectual  Property  Right,  and c. with  respect  to  federal
Intellectual  Property Rights, the registration or application  numbers relating
to such Intellectual Property Rights.

     2. Section 3.16 of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum sets forth a list of
all material  licenses,  sublicenses and other agreements  (other than franchise
agreements  identified  pursuant  to  Section  3.12(a)(vi)  hereof) to which any
Strategix  Company,  any Subsidiary,  Seller or any Affiliate thereof is a party
and pursuant to which any Person is authorized  to use any Company  Intellectual
Property  Right,  including  a.  the  identity  of  all  parties  thereto,  b. a
description of the nature and subject matter thereof,  c. the applicable royalty
and d. the term thereof.

     3. a.  Except  as set forth in  Section  3.16 of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  since  February  1,  1997,  none of  Seller,  its  Affiliates,  any
Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary  has been a defendant in any action,  suit,
investigation  or  proceeding  relating to, or otherwise  has  Knowledge of, any
alleged claim of  infringement of any  Intellectual  Property Right or any claim
that the use of any Company  Intellectual  Property  infringes  any right of any
other Person,  and Seller has no Knowledge of any other such infringement by any
Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary  and b. Seller has no outstanding  claim or
suit for,  and has no Knowledge  of, any  continuing  infringement  by any other
Person of any Company  Intellectual  Property  Rights.  No Company  Intellectual
Property Right is subject to any outstanding judgment, injunction, order, decree
or  agreement  restricting  the use  thereof  by any  Strategix  Company  or any
Subsidiary or restricting the licensing  thereof by any Strategix Company or any
Subsidiary to any Person.  Neither any Strategix  Company nor any Subsidiary has
entered into any agreement to indemnify  any other Person  against any charge of
infringement  of any  Intellectual  Property Right other than in connection with
any client contracts or franchise or licensing agreements.

     SECTION Q..  Insurance  Coverage.  Seller has furnished to Buyer a list of,
and made  available  true and  complete  copies of, all  insurance  policies and
fidelity bonds relating to the assets, business, operations, employees, officers
or directors of the Strategix  Companies,  the Subsidiaries and to the Strategix
Assets.  Except  as set  forth  on  Section  3.17  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  to the Knowledge of Seller,  there is no material  claim by Seller,
any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  pending under any of such policies or
bonds as to which  coverage  has been  questioned,  denied  or  disputed  by the
underwriters of such policies or bonds or in respect of which such  underwriters
have  reserved  their rights.  All premiums  payable under all such policies and
bonds have been timely  paid and the Seller,  the  Strategix  Companies  and the
Subsidiaries have otherwise complied in all material respects with the terms and
conditions  of all such  policies and bonds.  Such policies and bonds are of the
type and in amounts customarily carried by Persons conducting businesses similar
to those of the Strategix  Companies and the Subsidiaries.  Seller does not know
of any threatened  termination of, material  premium increase (other than in the
ordinary course of business) with respect to, or material alteration of coverage
under,  any of such policies or bonds.  The Strategix  Companies have adequately
reserved on the Balance  Sheets in respect of any payments which may be required
under any self-insurance  policies.  All Worker's  Compensation  Claims incurred
prior to the Closing Date  (including all incurred but not reported  claims) are
either  fully  insured by a  third-party  insurer  which is not an  Affiliate of
Seller or are  self-insured  subject  to an excess  liability  insurance  policy
carried with a third-party insurer which is not an Affiliate of Seller and which
covers the full  amount of  Worker's  Compensation  Claims in excess of not less
than $350,000 per occurrence.  To the best of Seller's Knowledge,  since January
1, 1997 the Seller has had in place insurance policies and bonds with respect to
the Strategix Business appropriate and customary for such business.

     SECTION R.. Licenses and Permits.  Section 3.18 of the Strategix Disclosure
Memorandum correctly describes each license,  permit,  certificate,  approval or
other similar  authorization  (or where  appropriate,  the category into which a
group of such  licenses,  permits,  certificates,  approvals  or  other  similar
authorizations  fall)  material to the  operation  or ownership of the assets or
business of the Strategix Business (the "Permits") together with the name of the
government agency or entity issuing such Permit.  Except as set forth on Section
3.18 of the  Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum,  a. the Permits are valid and in
full force and effect, b. neither any Strategix Company nor any Subsidiary (nor,
with respect to the Strategix Assets and the Strategix Liabilities,  the Seller)
is in default under,  and no condition  exists that with notice or lapse of time
or both would constitute a default under, the Permits and c. none of the Permits
will be terminated or impaired or become  terminable,  in whole or in part, as a
result of the transactions contemplated hereby.

     SECTION  S..  Receivables.   All  accounts,   notes  receivable  and  other
receivables  (other than  receivables  collected  since the Balance  Sheet Date)
reflected  on the  Balance  Sheet are,  and all  accounts  and notes  receivable
arising from or otherwise  relating to the business of the Strategix  Companies,
the Subsidiaries and the Strategix Assets as of the Closing Date will be, valid,
genuine and  collectible in the aggregate  amount thereof in the ordinary course
of business,  subject to normal and customary trade discounts, less any reserves
for  doubtful  accounts  recorded  on the Balance  Sheet.  All  accounts,  notes
receivable and other receivables  arising out of or relating to such business of
the Strategix  Companies,  the  Subsidiaries  and the Strategix Assets as of the
Balance  Sheet Date have been included in the Balance  Sheet,  and all accounts,
notes  receivable  and  other  receivables  arising  out of or  relating  to the
Business as of the Closing Date will be included in the Closing  Balance  Sheet,
in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  applied  on a
consistent basis.

     SECTION T.. Accuracy of  Information.  All of the agreements made available
to Buyer in connection  with this Agreement are true and complete copies of such
agreements.  As of the date  hereof,  the Form S-1 does not  contain  any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order
to make the statements contained therein not misleading.

     SECTION U.. Investment Banking Fees. Except for Goldman, Sachs & Co., whose
fees will be paid by Seller,  there is no investment banker,  broker,  finder or
other  intermediary which has been retained by or is authorized to act on behalf
of Seller,  any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary who might be entitled to any
fee or commission  in  connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  by this

     SECTION V.. Employees.  Section 3.22 of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum
sets forth a true and  complete  list as of a recent date of the names,  titles,
annual  salaries  and  other  compensation  of all  officers  of  the  Strategix
Companies and the Subsidiaries  and all other  Transferred  Employees;  provided
that such list shall not include the  Jacksonville-based  employees whose status
as employees of Buyer or Seller has not yet been clarified by the parties.  None
of the  officers  or other key  employees  of the  Strategix  Companies  and the
Subsidiaries   has  indicated  to  Seller,   the  Strategix   Companies  or  the
Subsidiaries  that he or she  intends  to  resign  or  retire as a result of the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement or otherwise  within one year after
the Closing Date.

     SECTION W.. Labor Matters.  Except as set forth in Section 3.23 and Section
3.13 of the Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum,  each Strategix  Company and each
Subsidiary,  and with  respect  to any  Transferred  Employee  or any  temporary
employees not employed by a Strategix Company or a Subsidiary, the Seller, is in
substantial  compliance in all material  respects with all currently  applicable
laws  respecting  employment and employment  practices,  terms and conditions of
employment  and  wages  and  hours,  and are not  engaged  in any  unfair  labor
practice.  There is no  unfair  labor  practice  complaint  pending  or,  to the
knowledge of Seller, threatened against any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary,
and with respect to any  Transferred  Employee or any  temporary  employees  not
employed by a Strategix Company or a Subsidiary, the Seller, before the National
Labor Relations Board.

     SECTION X..  Employee  Benefit  Plans.  1.  Section  3.24 of the  Strategix
Disclosure  Memorandum  identifies each Employee Plan. Seller has made available
to Buyer  copies of the  Employee  Plans  (and,  if  applicable,  related  trust
agreements)  maintained  by  a  Strategix  Company  or  a  Subsidiary,  and  all
amendments thereto and written  interpretations  thereof together with the three
most recent  annual  reports (Form 5500  including,  if  applicable,  Schedule B
thereto) and, as applicable, the most recent actuarial valuation report prepared
in connection with any Employee Plan.  Seller has made available to Buyer copies
of all Employee Plans, and all amendments  thereto,  maintained by Seller or its
Affiliates  (other  than  the  Strategix  Companies  and  the  Subsidiaries)  as
reasonably requested by Buyer.

     2. To the best of Seller's Knowledge,  at no time has any Strategix Company
or any Subsidiary (i) sponsored, maintained,  contributed to or been required to
contribute  to any plan  subject  to Title  IV of ERISA or the  minimum  funding
requirements of Section 412 of the Code; (ii) contributed to or been required to
contribute to any Multiemployer Plan; or (iii) incurred any withdrawal liability
to any  Multiemployer  Plan. No Strategix  Company,  nor any Subsidiary or ERISA
Affiliate  thereof  has  incurred or could  reasonably  be expected to incur any
material  liability under Title IV of ERISA or the minimum funding  requirements
of Section  412 of the Code  (other  than for PBGC  insurance  premiums  or plan
benefits, in each case payable in the ordinary course).

     3. To the best of Seller's Knowledge,  no transaction prohibited by Section
406 of  ERISA or  Section  4975 of the Code has  occurred  with  respect  to any
employee benefit plan or arrangement which is covered by Title I of ERISA, which
transaction has or will cause any Strategix  Company or any of the  Subsidiaries
to  incur  any  liability  under  ERISA,   the  Code  or  otherwise,   excluding
transactions  effected  pursuant  to  and in  compliance  with  a  statutory  or
administrative exemption.

     4. Each Employee Plan that is intended to be qualified under Section 401(a)
of the Code has applied for or  received a favorable  determination  letter from
the  Internal  Revenue  Service  and  Seller  has no  knowledge  of any facts or
circumstances  that  could  reasonably  be  expected  to result in the denial or
revocation  thereof.  Each  Employee  Plan has been  maintained  in  substantial
compliance  with its terms and with the  requirements  prescribed by any and all
applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations, including but not limited to
ERISA and the Code so as not to result in any liability of any Strategix Company
or any Subsidiary for a failure to so comply.

     5. Section 3.24 of the  Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum  identifies  each
Benefit  Arrangement.  Seller has furnished to Buyer copies or  descriptions  of
each Benefit Arrangement (and, if applicable,  related trust agreements) and all
amendments thereto and written interpretations thereof. Each Benefit Arrangement
has been  maintained  in  substantial  compliance  with its  terms  and with the
requirements  prescribed by any and all applicable  statutes,  orders, rules and
regulations and has been maintained in good standing with applicable  regulatory
authorities so as not to result in any liability of any Strategix Company or any
Subsidiary for a failure to so comply.

     6.  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  3.24  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  neither any Strategix  Company nor any  Subsidiary has any material
current or projected  liability in respect of post-employment or post-retirement
health or medical or life  insurance  benefits  for  retired,  former or current
employees of any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary,  except those required to
avoid excise tax under Section 4980B of the Code.

     7.  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  3.24  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  all contributions and payments accrued under each Employee Plan and
Benefit  Arrangement,  determined in  accordance  with prior funding and accrual
practices,  as adjusted to include  proportional  accruals  for the last payroll
period ending immediately prior to the Closing Date, will be discharged and paid
on or prior to the Closing Date except to the extent a. reflected as a liability
on the Closing  Balance Sheet or b.  retained by Seller.  Except as set forth in
Section 3.24 of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum, there has been no amendment
to, written interpretation of or announcement (whether or not written) by Seller
or any of its Affiliates or any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary relating to,
or change in employee  participation  or coverage  under,  any Employee  Plan or
Benefit  Arrangement that would increase materially the expense to any Strategix
Company,  any  Subsidiary or Buyer or any of Buyer's  Affiliates of  maintaining
such  Employee  Plan or  Benefit  Arrangement  above  the  level of the  expense
incurred in respect  thereof for the most recent  fiscal year ended prior to the
date hereof.

     8.  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  3.24  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,  there is no contract,  plan or  arrangement  (written or otherwise)
covering  any  employee  or former  employee  of any  Strategix  Company  or any
Subsidiary or any Transferred Employee that, individually or collectively, could
give rise to the payment by any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary or Buyer or
any of Buyer's Affiliates of any amount that would not be deductible pursuant to
the terms of Section 280G of the Code.

     9. There has been no failure of a group  health plan (as defined in Section
5000(b)(1) of the Code)  maintained by a Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary to
meet the  requirements  of Code  Section  4980B(f)  with  respect to a qualified
beneficiary (as defined in Section 4980B(g)).  Neither any Strategix Company nor
any of the Subsidiaries has contributed to a nonconforming group health plan (as
defined in Section  5000(c)) and no ERISA Affiliate of any Strategix  Company or
any of its  Subsidiaries  has incurred a tax under  Section  5000(a) which is or
could become a liability of any Strategix Company or any of the Subsidiaries.

     10.  Except  as  disclosed  in  Section  3.24 of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum,   no  Transferred  Employee  will  become  entitled  to  any  bonus,
retirement,  severance, job security or similar benefit or enhanced such benefit
(including  acceleration  of vesting or exercise of an  incentive  award) as the
direct  and  sole  result  of  the  transactions   contemplated  hereby  and  no
Transferred Employee will become entitled to any enhanced severance  protections
or benefits as a result of the transactions contemplated hereby.

     11. To the extent applicable,  Seller and its Affiliates have complied with
all requirements under the Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of
1988, as amended, and any similar state or local law, rule or regulation.

     SECTION Y..  Environmental  Matters. 1. Except as disclosed on Section 3.25
of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum,

          a. no notice, notification, demand, request for information, citation,
     summons or order has been received, no complaint has been filed, no penalty
     has been assessed and no investigation,  action, claim, suit, proceeding or
     review  is  pending,  or to the  Knowledge  of  Seller,  threatened  by any
     governmental entity or other Person with respect to any matters relating to
     any  Strategix  Company,  any  Subsidiary  or the  Strategix  Assets or the
     Strategix  Liabilities and relating to or arising out of any  Environmental

          b. each of the  Strategix  Companies  and the  Subsidiaries  and, with
     respect to the Strategix Assets and the Strategix Liabilities,  the Seller,
     has been and is in compliance in all material  respects with all applicable
     Environmental   Laws,   and  possesses  and  is  in  compliance   with  all
     Environmental  Permits  required  under  such laws for the  conduct  of the
     Strategix Business; and

          c.  there  are and have  been no  conditions  at any  property  owned,
     operated or otherwise used by the Strategix  Companies or the  Subsidiaries
     or, with respect to the Strategix Assets and the Strategix Liabilities, the
     Seller,  now or in the past, that would reasonably be expected to give rise
     to any liability of the Strategix  Companies or the  Subsidiaries  or, with
     respect to the Strategix Assets and the Strategix Liabilities,  the Seller,
     under any Environmental Law.

     2.  There has been no  environmental  investigation,  study,  audit,  test,
review or other analysis  conducted of which Seller has Knowledge in relation to
the  Strategix  Assets or the  Strategix  Liabilities  or the  current  or prior
business of any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary or any property or facility
now or  previously  owned,  leased or operated by any  Strategix  Company or any
Subsidiary  which has not been delivered to Buyer at least ten days prior to the
date hereof.

     SECTION Z..  Worker's  Compensation  Claims.  Seller has made  available to
Buyer a true,  correct  and  complete  list of all claims or pending  claims for
workers'  compensation  submitted or expected to be submitted by any employee of
any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary  with respect to services  performed on
behalf of such  Strategix  Company or  Subsidiary  determined by Seller based on
information   provided  by  its  third  party   administrators   (the  "Worker's
Compensation Claims").

     SECTION AA.. Year 2000 Compliance.  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has provided
Seller with a draft assessment (the "Draft Assessment") of the computer hardware
and  software  of Seller and its  Affiliates  as they  relate to being Year 2000
Compliant. Seller has provided to Buyer a true and complete copy of the sections
of  the  Draft   Assessment   relating  to  the  Strategix   Companies  and  the
Subsidiaries. Based on the Draft Assessment, Seller has developed a plan for the
computer  hardware and software of the Strategix  Companies and the Subsidiaries
to be Year 2000  Compliant by December 31, 1998,  and Seller  estimates that the
aggregate cost of implementing  this plan above and beyond what has already been
incurred and what Seller estimates that it would otherwise incur in the ordinary
course of business will not exceed  $500,000,  it being  understood that this is
only  Seller's  good  faith  estimate  and is not  intended  to be a  basis  for
liability or indemnification hereunder absent a material  misrepresentation.  As
promptly as reasonably practicable after the date of this Agreement, Seller will
review   the   Draft    Assessment    with   its   audit   committee   so   that
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP can  finalize  the  Draft  Assessment.  Seller  will
provide  a true  and  complete  copy of the  sections  of the  final  assessment
relating to the Strategix Companies and the Subsidiaries to Buyer as promptly as
reasonably  practicable after the date of this Agreement (and in any event prior
to September  20,  1998).  For purposes of this  Agreement,  an item of computer
hardware or software  will be  considered  "Year 2000  Compliant"  if it is able
accurately  to process  (including  without  limitation  calculate,  compare and
sequence) date and time data from,  into and between the years 1999 and 2000 and
any other years in the 20th and 21st centuries.

     SECTION BB..  Compliance  with  Franchise  Laws.  Except as  disclosed  in,
Section 3.28 of the Strategix Disclosure  Memorandum,  Seller and its Affiliates
and the  Strategix  Companies  and the  Subsidiaries  have  complied  and are in
compliance with all applicable laws in connection with their franchised offices,
including,  without  limitation,  all applicable  state,  federal and local laws
relating to franchising  and licensing  except for violations  that have not had
and could not reasonably be expected to have,  individually or in the aggregate,
a Material Adverse Effect.

     SECTION CC.. [Intentionally Omitted].

     SECTION DD.. Earnouts.  Section 3.30 of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum
sets forth a. each  agreement  containing  an earnout  or similar  provision  or
otherwise  providing for a contingent  payment by or to any Strategix Company or
any Subsidiary in respect of the Strategix Business or otherwise included in the
Strategix  Liabilities that has not been satisfied in full as of the date hereof
(the  "Earnout  Agreements")  and  b. a  schedule  of the  amounts  that  Seller
currently  estimates  will come due under the  Earnout  Agreements.  There is no
claim or dispute or, to the Knowledge of Seller, any basis for any such claim or
dispute, under any Earnout Agreement.  All payments under each Earnout Agreement
have been paid when due in accordance with the terms of such Earnout  Agreement.
The Schedule  referred to in clause (ii) hereof was prepared  using the Seller's
good faith estimates with respect to the Earnout  Agreements and is not intended
to be a basis for  liability  or  indemnification  hereunder  absent a  material

                                   ARTICLE IV.


     Randstad  and Buyer  represent  and warrant to Seller as of the date hereof
and as of the Closing Date that:

     SECTION  A..   Existence  and  Power.   Randstad  is  a  corporation   duly
incorporated and validly  existing under the laws of The Netherlands,  and Buyer
is a limited  partnership duly organized,  validly existing and in good standing
under the laws of  Delaware.  Each such  Person has all powers and all  material
governmental licenses, authorizations,  permits, consents and approvals required
to carry on its business as now conducted.

     SECTION B..  Authorization.  The  execution,  delivery and  performance  by
Randstad and Buyer of this Agreement and the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby are within the powers of each of Randstad and Buyer and have
been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of each of Randstad and
Buyer. This Agreement  constitutes a valid and binding agreement of Randstad and

     SECTION  C..  Governmental  Authorization.   The  execution,  delivery  and
performance by Randstad and Buyer of this Agreement and the  consummation of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  require  no action by or in  respect  of, or
filing with, any governmental body, agency or official other than (i) compliance
with the applicable  requirements of the HSR Act and (ii) any other requirements
the  obtaining  or  filing of which  will not  affect  in any  material  way the
consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby.

     SECTION D..  Noncontravention.  The execution,  delivery and performance by
Randstad and Buyer of this Agreement and the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby do not and will not (i) violate the articles of association
of Randstad or the  partnership  agreement of Buyer or (ii) assuming  compliance
with the matters  referred to in Section 4.03,  violate any applicable  material
law, rule, regulation, judgment, injunction, order or decree.

     SECTION E..  Purchase for  Investment.  Buyer is purchasing  the Shares for
investment for its own account and not with a view to, or for sale in connection
with, any distribution thereof.

     SECTION  F..  Litigation.  As of the  date of this  Agreement,  there is no
action,  suit,  investigation or proceeding pending against, or to the knowledge
of Buyer threatened  against or affecting,  Buyer before any court or arbitrator
or any governmental  body,  agency or official which in any manner challenges or
seeks  to  prevent,   enjoin,   alter  or  materially   delay  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

     SECTION G.. Finders' Fees. Except for J.P. Morgan  Securities,  Inc., whose
fees will be paid by Buyer,  there is no investment  banker,  broker,  finder or
other  intermediary which has been retained by or is authorized to act on behalf
of Buyer who might be  entitled to any fee or  commission  from Seller or any of
its  Affiliates  upon  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  by this

     SECTION  H..  Buyer  Financing.  On or prior to  Closing,  Buyer  will have
sufficient  funds or have in place  capital  commitments  to provide  sufficient
funds to purchase the Shares and the Strategix Assets and Strategix  Liabilities
on the terms and conditions  contained in this  Agreement.  From time to time at
Seller's request Buyer will update Seller as to the status of its financing.

                                   ARTICLE V.

                               COVENANTS OF SELLER

     Seller agrees that:

     SECTION  A..  Conduct of the  Strategix  Companies.  Except as set forth in
Section 5.01 of the Strategix Disclosure Memorandum,  from the date hereof until
the  Closing  Date,   Seller  shall  cause  the  Strategix   Companies  and  the
Subsidiaries  (and to the extent it or they own  Strategix  Assets or  Strategix
Liabilities,  shall  or shall  cause  each of its  Affiliates)  to  conduct  the
Strategix  Business in the ordinary course  consistent with past practice and to
use its reasonable  best efforts to preserve  intact its business  organizations
and material relationships with third parties and to keep available the services
of its present  officers and employees.  Without  limiting the generality of the
foregoing,  except as expressly  required by this  Agreement and except with the
prior written consent of Buyer (it being understood that Buyer shall consider in
good faith  whether to grant  consent  with  respect to any matter  based on the
benefits to the  Strategix  Business),  from the date  hereof  until the Closing
Date, Seller with respect to the Strategix Business will not and will not permit
any Affiliate or any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary to:

          1. adopt or propose any change in its certificate of  incorporation or

          2. issue or agree to issue any  additional  shares of capital stock of
     any class or series, or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for
     shares of its capital stock or issue any options,  warrants or other rights
     to acquire any shares of its capital stock;

          3. declare,  set aside, make or pay any dividend or other distribution
     payable with respect to any of its capital stock;

          4. merge or  consolidate  with any other  Person or acquire a material
     amount of assets from any other Person;

          5. sell, lease, license or otherwise dispose of any assets or property
     except a.  pursuant  to existing  contracts  or  commitments  and b. in the
     ordinary course consistent with past practice; or

          6. incur,  assume or guarantee any  Indebtedness in excess of $100,000
     in the aggregate  other than as described in Section 3.09(d) and other than
     borrowings in the ordinary course under the Fleet Credit Facility;

          7. enter into any agreement  relating to the  acquisition of assets or
     property in an amount in excess of $10,000 individually;

          8. (i) cancel  any debts or waive any claims or rights,  except in the
     ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, or (ii) make any
     loans or advances to any Person other than as described in Section 3.09(f);

          9. accelerate or delay the collection of accounts or notes  receivable
     or the  payment of  accounts  or notes  payable or  otherwise  operate  the
     Strategix  Business  in  a  manner  that  would  artificially   affect  the
     computation of any adjustments pursuant to Section 2.04;

          10.  enter  into any  agreement  with any of Seller or its  respective

          11.  except  as may be  required  as a result of a change in law or in
     generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  change any of the  accounting
     practices, methods or principles used by it; or

          12. agree or commit to do any of the foregoing.

Seller will not, and will not permit any Affiliate or any  Strategix  Company or
any  Subsidiary  to, (i) take or agree or commit to take any  action  that would
make any  representation  or  warranty  of Seller  hereunder  inaccurate  in any
respect at, or as of any time prior to, the  Closing  Date or (ii) omit or agree
or  commit  to  omit  to  take  any  action   necessary   to  prevent  any  such
representation  or  warranty  from being  inaccurate  in any respect at any such

     SECTION B.. Access to Information; Confidentiality. 1. From the date hereof
until the Closing Date,  Seller will a. give,  and will cause its Affiliates and
each  Strategix  Company  and each  Subsidiary  to  give,  Buyer,  its  counsel,
financial  advisors,  auditors and other authorized  representatives  reasonable
access, upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, to the offices,
properties,  books and records of the Strategix  Companies and the  Subsidiaries
and to the books and records of Seller relating to the Strategix Companies,  the
Subsidiaries,  and the  Strategix  Assets  and  the  Strategix  Liabilities,  b.
furnish,  and will cause each Strategix  Company and each Subsidiary to furnish,
to Buyer,  its  counsel,  financial  advisors,  auditors  and  other  authorized
representatives such financial and operating data and other information relating
to any Strategix Company,  any Subsidiary,  any Strategix Asset or any Strategix
Liabilities  as  such  Persons  may  reasonably  request  and  c.  instruct  the
employees,  counsel and financial advisors of Seller, each Strategix Company and
each  Subsidiary to cooperate with Buyer in its  investigation  of the Strategix
Companies, the Subsidiaries, the Strategix Assets and the Strategix Liabilities.
Buyer shall not, and shall cause its counsel,  financial advisors,  auditors and
other authorized  representatives not to, interfere in any material respect with
the conduct of the business of the Strategix  Companies and the Subsidiaries and
shall coordinate its review of the Strategix  Companies,  the Subsidiaries,  the
Strategix Assets and the Strategix  Liabilities through Derek E. Dewan,  Michael
D.  Abney,  Marc M. Mayo and Robert P.  Crouch.  Except as  provided in the next
sentence, no investigation by Buyer or other information received by Buyer shall
operate  as a  waiver  or  otherwise  affect  any  representation,  warranty  or
agreement  given or made by  Seller  hereunder.  Each of Buyer and  Seller  will
cooperate  in good faith to advise the other party  promptly if it learns of any
material breach of any  representation  or warranty of either party set forth in
this Agreement; it being understood that if any of Erik Vonk, Shawn Poole, Jesse
P.  Schaudies,  Jr. or Daryl Evans,  with respect to Buyer,  and any of Derek E.
Dewan,  Michael D.  Abney,  Marc M. Mayo or Robert P.  Crouch,  with  respect to
Seller, have actual knowledge of breach of any representation or warranty by the
other  party  and Buyer or  Seller,  as the case may be,  deliberately  fails to
notify the other party of that  breach,  then that party will not be entitled to
indemnification  for such  breach of  representation  or  warranty  pursuant  to
Article 11 hereof.

     2. After the Closing,  Seller and its  Affiliates  will hold,  and will use
their  reasonable best efforts to cause their  respective  officers,  directors,
employees,  accountants,  counsel, consultants,  advisors and agents to hold, in
confidence,  unless compelled to disclose by judicial or administrative  process
or by other  requirements of law, all documents and  information  concerning the
Strategix  Companies,  the Subsidiaries and the Strategix Assets,  except to the
extent that such  information  can be shown to have been a. in the public domain
through no fault of Seller or its  Affiliates or b. later  lawfully  acquired by
Seller  from  sources  other than those  related to its prior  ownership  of the
Strategix Companies, the Subsidiaries and the Strategix Assets.

     3. On and after the Closing Date,  Seller will afford promptly to Buyer and
its agents reasonable  access,  during normal business hours and upon reasonable
notice, to its books of account, financial and other records (including, without
limitation,  accountant's work papers),  information,  employees and auditors to
the  extent  necessary  or  useful  for  Buyer in  connection  with  any  audit,
investigation,  dispute or litigation or any other  reasonable  business purpose
relating to the Strategix  Companies,  the Subsidiaries or the Strategix Assets;
provided that any such access by Buyer shall not unreasonably interfere with the
conduct of the business of Seller or its Affiliates.

     SECTION C.. Notices of Certain  Events.  Seller shall promptly notify Buyer

          1. any notice or other communication from any Person alleging that the
     consent  of such  Person  is or may be  required  in  connection  with  the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

          2.  any  notice  or  other  communication  from  any  governmental  or
     regulatory   agency  or  authority  in  connection  with  the  transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement; and

          3. any actions, suits, claims, investigations or proceedings commenced
     or, to its  knowledge  threatened  against,  relating  to or  involving  or
     otherwise  affecting any Strategix Company,  any Subsidiary,  the Strategix
     Assets or the  Strategix  Liabilities  that, if pending on the date of this
     Agreement,  would have been  required  to have been  disclosed  pursuant to
     Section  3.13  or  that  relate  to the  consummation  of the  transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement.

     SECTION D.. Resignations.  Seller will deliver to Buyer the resignations of
all officers and directors of each Strategix Company and each Subsidiary who are
not Transferred Employees who will be officers,  directors or employees of Buyer
or any of its  Affiliates  after the Closing Date from their  positions with any
Strategix Company or any Subsidiary at or prior to the Closing Date.

     SECTION E..  Competitive  Relationships.  1. For a period of the three full
years from the Closing  Date,  (i) Buyer agrees that, to the extent it cannot or
elects  not to  provide  the  "high-end"  services  provided  by  Seller  or its
Affiliates,  and to the extent  consistent  with its client needs,  it will view
Seller  as its  preferred  contractor  with  respect  to the  provision  of such
services to its clients  which desire such services and (ii) Seller agrees that,
to the  extent it  cannot or elects  not to  provide  office  clerical  or light
industrial  staffing  services,  and to the  extent  consistent  with its client
needs,  it will view  Buyer as its  preferred  contractor  with  respect  to the
provision of such  services to clients which desire such  services.  The parties
expect that they will be able to prepare joint  responses to client requests for
proposals  and that they will be able to  leverage  each  other's  strength  and
expertise aggressively to develop their respective businesses.

     2. a. For a period of three  full  years  from the  Closing  Date,  neither
Seller nor any of its Affiliates (excluding,  for purposes hereof, any officers,
directors or  employees)  shall  engage,  either  directly or  indirectly,  as a
principal  or for its own  account  or  solely or  jointly  with  others,  or as
stockholders in any corporation or joint stock association, in any business that
competes  anywhere  in the  United  States  with the office  clerical  and light
industrial  staffing business of the Strategix Companies and the Subsidiaries as
it exists  on the  Closing  Date (the  "Competitive  Business");  provided  that
nothing  herein  shall  prohibit  (A) Seller from  engaging  in the  Competitive
Business  so long as Seller  does not derive  more than 10% of its total  annual
revenues  from such  business,  (B) the conduct by Seller of any business  other
than  the  Competitive  Business  (including  but not  limited  to any  business
currently being performed by Seller's  professional  and information  technology
divisions),  (C) the  solicitation  of any and all  customers  of the  Strategix
Companies and the  Subsidiaries  for the provision of any and all services other
than  Competitive  Business  services,  or (D) the  acquisition by Seller or its
Affiliates  (excluding,   for  purposes  hereof,  any  officers,   directors  or
employees)  of any Person  whose  revenues  from the  provision  of  Competitive
Business  services do not exceed 30% of such  Person's  total  annual  revenues;
provided that (x) if, following such  acquisition,  the total amount of revenues
derived by Seller from Competitive  Business services increases to more than 10%
of Seller's  total  annual  revenues,  Buyer shall have the right as promptly as
reasonably  practicable to acquire all of such Competitive  Business so acquired
on terms not less  favorable  than the terms on which  Seller or its  Affiliates
could sell such business to a bona fide third party and (y) if,  following  such
acquisition,  the total  amount of revenues  derived by Seller from  Competitive
Business  services is 10% or less of Seller's total annual revenues,  Seller has
the right to retain such business, but if in the future Seller or its Affiliates
elect at any time to sell or  otherwise  dispose  of all or any  portion of such
business alone or as part of a larger transaction, Buyer shall have the right to
acquire all of such  business so acquired on terms not less  favorable  than the
terms on which Seller or its Affiliates  could sell such business to a bona fide
third party.

          b. For a period of one full year from the Closing Date, neither Seller
     nor any of its  Affiliates  shall hire,  solicit or induce any  Transferred
     Employee to become an employee of Seller or any of its Affiliates; provided
     that this clause (ii) shall not apply to any Transferred Employee no longer
     employed by Buyer or any of its Affiliates.

          c. Nothing  contained  herein shall  prohibit  Seller from selling its
     remaining  businesses to any Person which may compete with the  Competitive

     3. If any provision  contained in this Section shall for any reason be held
invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or
unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Section, but this
Section  shall  be  construed  as if  such  invalid,  illegal  or  unenforceable
provision had never been  contained  herein.  It is the intention of the parties
that if any of the restrictions or covenants contained herein is held to cover a
geographic  area  or to be for a  length  of  time  which  is not  permitted  by
applicable  law,  or in any  way  construed  to be too  broad  or to any  extent
invalid,  such  provision  shall  not be  construed  to be null,  void and of no
effect,  but to the extent such provision  would be valid or  enforceable  under
applicable law, a court of competent  jurisdiction  shall construe and interpret
or reform this Section to provide for a covenant having the maximum  enforceable
geographic  area,  time  period and other  provisions  (not  greater  than those
contained  herein) as shall be valid and enforceable  under such applicable law.
Seller acknowledges that Buyer would be irreparably harmed by any breach of this
Section  and that  there  would be no  adequate  remedy at law or in  damages to
compensate Buyer for any such breach. Seller agrees that Buyer shall be entitled
to injunctive relief requiring  specific  performance by Seller of this Section,
and Seller consents to the entry thereof.

     SECTION F..  Payments  Relating  to  Strategix  Assets.  From and after the
Closing  Date,  Seller will  promptly pay to Buyer (or a designee of Buyer) when
received all monies received by Seller under any Strategix Asset or any claim or
right or any benefit arising thereunder.

     SECTION G..  Change of Seller Name.  Other than pursuant to Section 7.08 of
this Agreement,  after the Closing Date, Seller and its Affiliates will not make
any  use of the  names  listed  on  Section  5.07  of the  Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum without the prior written consent of Buyer.

     SECTION H.. Seller Convertible Notes.  Seller  acknowledges and agrees that
Seller and its Affiliates  have, and after the  consummation of the transactions
contemplated   hereby  will  continue  to  have,  full  responsibility  for  all
obligations  for, or arising out of or in connection  with,  the 7%  Convertible
Senior Notes Due 2002 in the original aggregate  principal amount of $86,250,000
(the  "Convertible   Notes")  issued  by  Career  Horizons,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation that is (and after the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby  will  continue  to be) a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Seller  ("Career
Horizons"),  such  Convertible  Notes  having  been  issued  under that  certain
Indenture  dated as of  October  19,  1995,  as amended  by that  certain  First
Supplemental  Indenture  dated as of October 19, 1995,  by that  certain  Second
Supplemental  Indenture dated as of November 13, 1996, and by that certain Third
Supplemental  Indenture  dated  as of  November  14,  1996 (as so  amended,  the
"Indenture")  between  Career  Horizons and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank (formerly
known as Chemical Bank) (the "Trustee"). Seller acknowledges and affirms that it
has unconditionally  guaranteed  repayment of the Convertible Notes and that the
conversion  rights granted to the holders of the  Convertible  Notes pursuant to
the Indenture relate solely to the right to convert into common stock of Seller.
Seller agrees that, on or before  September 3, 1998, it will exercise its rights
under the Indenture to call the Convertible  Notes for redemption in full on the
first date on which such redemption call is permitted, namely, November 1, 1998.
The notice of redemption will be irrevocable and  unconditional.  On or prior to
the  Closing  Date and until the  Convertible  Notes have been  either (x) fully
redeemed at the principal amount thereof  (together with any premium and accrued
interest  required under the Indenture) or (y) fully converted into common stock
of Seller  pursuant  to the terms of the  Indenture,  Seller  will  either:  (i)
arrange for the issuance of an irrevocable letter of credit satisfactory in form
and substance to Buyer issued by NationsBank  N.A. (or another money center bank
of  comparable  credit  quality) in favor of the Trustee  with a face amount not
less than the aggregate  amount (the "Applicable  Amount")  necessary to pay the
Convertible  Notes in full  (including  all  premiums  and accrued  interest due
thereunder) in accordance with the terms of the Indenture, (ii) deposit with the
Trustee the Applicable  Amount into a segregated  account that is pledged to the
holders of the Convertible  Notes pursuant to arrangements  satisfactory in form
and  substance  to Buyer,  or (iii)  enter  into other  comparable  arrangements
satisfactory in form and substance to Buyer.

     SECTION I.. Subcontractor  Agreements. As promptly as practicable after the
date hereof, Seller shall make inquiry of its branch offices (or the regional or
area  managers  for such  offices)  or shall  make other  reasonable  efforts to
obtain,  and shall  provide to Buyer  copies of,  any  Subcontractor  Agreements
containing  provisions which limit any of the Strategix  Companies or any of the
Subsidiaries from doing business with certain Persons in Tennessee or Georgia.

                                   ARTICLE VI.

                               COVENANTS OF BUYER

     Buyer agrees that:

     SECTION A.. Confidentiality.  All information provided to Buyer pursuant to
Section 5.02 hereof shall be held by Buyer prior to Closing in  accordance  with
and subject to the terms of the  Confidentiality  Agreement dated as of July 21,
1998 between Strategix Solutions, Inc. and Randstad Staffing Services, L.P. (the
"Confidentiality Agreement").

     SECTION  B..  Access.  Buyer  will cause each  Strategix  Company  and each
Subsidiary,  on and after the Closing Date, to afford promptly to Seller and its
agents  reasonable  access,  upon  reasonable  notice and during normal business
hours, to their properties, books, records, employees and auditors to the extent
necessary to permit  Seller to determine  any matter  relating to its rights and
obligations  hereunder  or to any period  ending on or before the Closing  Date;
provided  that any such access by Seller  shall not  interfere  in any  material
respect  with the conduct of the business of Buyer.  Seller will hold,  and will
use its  reasonable  best efforts to cause its officers,  directors,  employees,
accountants,  counsel, consultants,  advisors and agents to hold, in confidence,
unless compelled to disclose by judicial or  administrative  process or by other
requirements of law, all confidential  documents and information concerning each
Strategix Company or any Subsidiary provided to it pursuant to this Section.

                                  ARTICLE VII.

                          COVENANTS OF BUYER AND SELLER

     Buyer and Seller agree that:

     SECTION  A.. Best  Efforts;  Further  Assurances.  Subject to the terms and
conditions of this  Agreement,  Buyer and Seller will use their  reasonable best
efforts to take,  or cause to be taken,  all  actions  and to do, or cause to be
done, all things necessary or desirable under applicable laws and regulations to
consummate the  transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement.  Seller and Buyer
agree, and Seller, prior to the Closing, and Buyer, after the Closing,  agree to
cause each Strategix  Company and each  Subsidiary,  to execute and deliver such
other  documents,  certificates,  agreements and other writings and to take such
other  actions  as may be  necessary  or  desirable  in order to  consummate  or
implement  expeditiously the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and to
vest in Buyer  (or if so  requested  by Buyer  pursuant  to  Section  2.01,  any
designee of Buyer) good and marketable title to the Strategix Assets.

     SECTION B..  Certain  Filings.  Seller and Buyer shall  cooperate  with one
another  (i) in  determining  whether  any action by or in respect of, or filing
with, any governmental body, agency,  official or authority is required,  or any
actions, consents, approvals or waivers are required to be obtained from parties
to  any  material  contracts,   in  connection  with  the  consummation  of  the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement and (ii) in taking such actions or
making any such filings, furnishing information required in connection therewith
and seeking timely to obtain any such actions, consents, approvals or waivers.

     SECTION C..  Public  Announcements.  The  parties  will not issue any press
release or make any public  statement  with  respect  to this  Agreement  or the
transactions contemplated hereby without the consent of each other party hereto,
except as may be required by applicable  law or any listing  agreement  with any
national securities exchange,  in which event the parties shall consult with one
another prior to making any such required press release or public statement.

     SECTION D.. Intercompany  Accounts. All intercompany account balances as of
the Closing between Seller or its Affiliates, on the one hand, and any Strategix
Company or any Subsidiary, on the other hand, shall be paid in cash or cancelled
as of the Closing Date.

     SECTION E.. Transition Services. If Buyer or Seller requires administrative
services from the other party hereto for the conduct of its business  during the
twelve month period following the Closing (the "Transition Period"),  such other
party agrees to provide such services.  Financial  services,  accounts  payable,
purchasing,  facilities  management,  payroll  processing and billing  services,
including credit and collections, cash applications and help desk support, shall
be provided at a cost equal to 1.5% of billed revenue of the branches  receiving
such services.  Administrative  services  (other than services  described in the
immediately  preceding sentence and other than, with respect to Buyer,  services
provided  pursuant to the Employee and Systems Support Services  Agreement) will
be provided at a per hour cost equal to (i) the annual base  compensation of the
employee  providing such services divided by 2,080 (the "Hourly Rate") plus (ii)
20% of the  Hourly  Rate;  provided  that  neither  party  shall  charge for the
services  of  its   executive   officers.   For   purposes   of  this   Section,
"administrative  services" means financial,  treasury,  accounting,  tax, audit,
management  information  services and other related services;  and other similar
administrative  services currently provided to any of the Strategix Companies or
any of the  Subsidiaries by Seller or its  Affiliates,  in the case of Buyer, or
provided by the Strategix Companies or any of the Subsidiaries, to Seller or its
Affiliates,  in the case of Seller.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in no event
shall either party be required to provide professional services or advice to the
other party without the party  receiving  such  professional  services or advice
providing  indemnification for any liability,  loss, cost or expense incurred by
the  party  providing  such  service  other  than the  providing  party's  gross
negligence, willful misconduct or illegal acts.

     SECTION F.. Joint Contracts.  1. Set forth in Section 7.06 of the Strategix
Disclosure  Memorandum is a list of the top twenty arrangements (by revenues) as
of December 31, 1997 and each other  significant  arrangement  pursuant to which
the counterparty  thereto receives both the services  currently  provided by the
Strategix  Companies or the Subsidiaries and the "high-end" services provided by
Seller or its Affiliates other than the Strategix  Companies or the Subsidiaries
(the "Joint  Contracts").  Section 7.06 of the Strategix  Disclosure  Memorandum
also sets forth revenues  allocable to the Strategix  Business under each of the
top twenty Joint Contracts.

     2.  From and  after  the  Closing,  Seller  and  Buyer  agree to use  their
reasonable  best  efforts  to  service  any Joint  Contracts  with the intent to
preserve each party's relationship with the third party to such Joint Contracts,
and, to the extent possible (and unless  otherwise  agreed by Seller and Buyer),
to negotiate with such third party to separate the burden and the benefit of the
Joint   Contract  such  that  Seller  (or  one  of  its   Affiliates)   provides
non-Strategix Business services and receives payment therefor under one contract
with  such  third  party  and  Buyer  (or one of its  Affiliates)  provides  the
Strategix  Business  services  and  receives  payment  therefor  under a  second
contract with such third party.

     3. From and after the Closing,  (i) Seller will promptly pay or cause to be
paid to Buyer when  received  all monies  received  by Seller or its  Affiliates
pursuant to any Joint Contract to the extent that such monies relate to services
provided by the Strategix  Companies or the  Subsidiaries or otherwise relate to
the Strategix Business and (ii) Buyer will promptly pay, or cause to be paid, to
Seller when received all monies received by Buyer or its Affiliates  pursuant to
any Joint  Contract  to the  extent  that  such  monies  relate to the  services
provided  by the Seller or its  Affiliates  other  than  through  the  Strategix
Companies or the Subsidiaries or otherwise through the Strategix Business.

     4. From and after the date of this Agreement until the Closing Date, unless
Buyer shall have agreed in advance in writing,  Seller will not,  and will cause
the  Strategix  Companies  and the  Subsidiaries  not to,  enter  into any Joint
Contract,  and will use its  reasonable  best  efforts to cause any third  party
which might have entered into a joint  contract to enter into a. a contract with
Seller (or one of its  Affiliates) for the provision of  non-Strategix  Business
services and b. a contract with a Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  for the
provision of Strategix Business services.

     SECTION G.. Joint  Leases.  1. Set forth in Section  7.07 of the  Strategix
Disclosure  Memorandum  is a list of the leases as of December 31, 1997 pursuant
to  which  the  landlord  currently  rents  premises  that  are used by both the
Strategix  Companies or the  Subsidiaries  and by Seller or its Affiliates other
than the  Strategix  Companies  or the  Subsidiaries.  Such leases and any other
shared leases shall be collectively referred to as the "Joint Leases."

     2.  From and  after  the  Closing,  Seller  and  Buyer  agree to use  their
reasonable  best  efforts to service any Joint Lease with the intent to preserve
each party's  relationship  with the  landlord to such Joint Lease,  and, to the
extent possible (and unless otherwise agreed by Seller and Buyer),  to negotiate
with such  landlord to separate  the burden and the benefit of the Joint  Leases
such  that  Seller  (or one of its  Affiliates)  pays  for such  portion  of the
premises  covered  by such  lease  where  non-Strategix  Business  services  are
provided  and  Buyer (or one of its  Affiliates)  pays for such  portion  of the
premises covered by such lease where Strategix Business services are provided.

     3. Pending the  separation of the Joint Leases as  contemplated  by Section
7.07(b),  Seller or its  Affiliates  (if such entity is the named  lessee on the
Joint Lease) or one of the Strategix  Companies or a Subsidiary  (if such entity
is the named  lessee)  will enter into  mutually  satisfactory  arrangements  to
sublease (or otherwise  make  available to the other party) the space  currently
used by that  other  party at a cost and on terms as  equivalent  as  reasonably
possible to the current cost and terms of the Joint Lease to that other party.

     4. From and after the date of this Agreement  until the Closing Date unless
Buyer shall have agreed in advance in writing,  Seller will not,  and will cause
the Strategix Companies and the Subsidiaries not to, enter into any Joint Lease.

     SECTION H.. Seller Use of Certain  Trademarks.  Buyer and Seller agree that
Seller shall have the non-exclusive right to use the names and marks "AccuStaff"
and  "AccuStaff  Incorporated"  and  certain  building-related  logos  and other
paraphernalia related thereto (collectively, the "AccuStaff Marks") in each case
solely in connection with the signage of Seller's  headquarters  office building
located  at  One  Independent  Drive,  Jacksonville,  Florida  and  in a  manner
consistent with its current use of such marks in connection therewith during the
period  from the  Closing  Date  until the  earlier of (i) the date on which the
signage  containing  the  "AccuStaff"  name  shall have been  removed  from such
building,  it being  understood  that Seller shall remove or cause to be removed
such signage as promptly as practicable,  and (ii) the end of the ninth calendar
month  thereafter.  The right to the use of the AccuStaff Marks granted pursuant
to this Agreement may not be transferred or assigned.

     SECTION I.. Earnout Payments.  Seller agrees that all payments shown as due
in the third  quarter  of 1998 on the  schedule  identified  in  clause  (ii) of
Section  3.30 shall  either (i) be paid by Seller on or prior to the  Closing or
(ii) be fully reflected as liabilities on the Closing Balance Sheet.

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

                                   TAX MATTERS

     SECTION A.. Tax Definitions.  The following terms, as used herein, have the
following meanings:

     "Buyer  Indemnitee" means Buyer, any of its Affiliates and,  effective upon
the Closing, the Strategix Companies and their Subsidiaries.

     "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     "Combined  Tax" means any  income or  franchise  Tax  payable to any state,
local or  foreign  taxing  jurisdiction  in which any  Strategix  Company or any
Subsidiary  has filed or will file a Return with a member of the Seller Group on
a consolidated, combined or unitary basis with respect to such Tax.

     "Federal Tax" means any Tax imposed under Subtitle A of the Code.

     "Final  Determination"  shall mean (i) with  respect to  Federal  Taxes,  a
"determination"  as defined in Section  1313(a) of the Code or  execution  of an
Internal  Revenue  Service  Form 870AD  and,  with  respect to Taxes  other than
Federal Taxes,  any final  determination  of liability in respect of a Tax that,
under  applicable law, is not subject to further appeal,  review or modification
through  proceedings  or otherwise  (including  the  expiration  of a statute of
limitations or a period for the filing of claims for refunds, amended returns or
appeals from adverse determinations) or (ii) the payment of Tax by Buyer, Seller
or any of their  Affiliates,  whichever is  responsible  for payment of such Tax
under  applicable  law,  with  respect to any item  disallowed  or adjusted by a
Taxing Authority, provided that such responsible party determines that no action
should be taken to recoup such payment and the other party agrees.

     "Post-Closing  Tax Period" means any Tax period beginning after the Closing
Date;  and,  with  respect to a Tax period  that begins on or before the Closing
Date and ends  thereafter,  the portion of such Tax period  beginning  after the
Closing Date.

     "Pre-Closing  Tax  Period"  means any Tax  period  ending on or before  the
Closing  Date;  and,  with  respect to a Tax period that begins on or before the
Closing Date and ends  thereafter,  the portion of such Tax period ending on the
Closing Date.

     "Section 338(h)(10) Election" is defined in Section 8.03(b).

     "Seller Group" means,  with respect to Federal Taxes,  the affiliated group
of corporations (as defined in Section 1504(a) of the Code) of which Seller is a
member,  and with respect to Taxes other than Federal Taxes,  the  consolidated,
combined or unitary group of which Seller or any of its  Affiliates  (other than
the Strategix  Companies and their  Subsidiaries),  and any Strategix Company or
any Subsidiary, are members.

     "Tax"  means (i) any tax,  governmental  fee or other  like  assessment  or
charge of any kind  whatsoever  (including,  but not limited to,  withholding on
amounts paid to or by any Person), together with any interest, penalty, addition
to tax or additional  amount  imposed by any  governmental  authority (a "Taxing
Authority")  responsible  for  the  imposition  of any  such  tax  (domestic  or
foreign),  (ii)  liability of any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  for the
payment of any amount of the type described in (i) as a result of being a member
of an affiliated,  consolidated,  combined or unitary group, or being a party to
any  agreement or  arrangement  as a result of which  liability of any Strategix
Company or any  Subsidiary  to a Taxing  Authority is  determined  or taken into
account with reference to the liability of any other Person, and (iii) liability
of any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  for the payment of any amount as a
result  of being  party to any Tax  Sharing  Agreement  or with  respect  to the
payment  of any amount of the type  described  in (i) or (ii) as a result of any
express or implied obligation (including, but not limited to, an indemnification

     "Tax Asset" means any net operating loss, net capital loss,  investment tax
credit,  foreign tax credit,  charitable  deduction  or any other  credit or tax
attribute which could reduce Taxes (including without limitation  deductions and
credits related to alternative minimum Taxes).

     "Tax  Sharing  Agreements"  means all existing  Tax sharing  agreements  or
arrangements  (whether  or not  written)  binding any  Strategix  Company or any
Subsidiary that provide for the allocation, apportionment, sharing or assignment
of any Tax  liability  or  benefit,  or the  transfer or  assignment  of income,
revenues,  receipts,  or gains for the  principal  purpose  of  determining  any
person's tax liability.

     SECTION B.. Tax Representations. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as
of the date hereof and as of the Closing  Date that,  except as set forth in the
Balance Sheet  (including the notes thereto) or on Section 8.02 of the Strategix
Disclosure  Memorandum,  a.  all Tax  returns,  statements,  reports  and  forms
(including  estimated  tax or  information  returns and reports)  required to be
filed with any Taxing Authority with respect to any Pre-Closing Tax Period by or
on  behalf  of any  Strategix  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  (collectively,  the
"Returns"),  have been filed when due in accordance with all applicable laws; b.
as of the time of filing,  the Returns  correctly  reflected the facts regarding
the income, business, assets, operations, activities and status of the Strategix
Companies,  their  Subsidiaries and any other  information  required to be shown
therein;  c. all Taxes shown as due and  payable on the  Returns  that have been
filed have been timely paid, or withheld and remitted to the appropriate  Taxing
Authority; d. the charges, accruals and reserves for Separate Company Taxes with
respect to the Strategix  Companies and their  Subsidiaries  for any Pre-Closing
Tax Period  (including  any  Pre-Closing  Tax Period for which no Return has yet
been  filed)  reflected  on the  books  of the  Strategix  Companies  and  their
Subsidiaries (excluding any provision for deferred income taxes) are adequate to
cover  such  Taxes;  e. all  Returns  filed  with  respect  to Tax  years of the
Strategix  Companies and their Subsidiaries  through the Tax year ended June 30,
1994 have been  examined  and closed or are  Returns  with  respect to which the
applicable  period for assessment  under  applicable law, after giving effect to
extensions or waivers,  has expired;  f. neither any  Strategix  Company nor any
Subsidiary  is  delinquent  in the  payment  of any  Tax  or has  requested  any
extension of time within which to file any Return (other than such extensions as
do not require the consent of the  relevant  taxing  authority)  and has not yet
filed such Return;  g. neither any Strategix  Company nor any Subsidiary (or any
member of any affiliated,  consolidated,  combined or unitary group of which any
Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary  is or has been a member)  has granted any
extension  or waiver of the  statute of  limitations  period  applicable  to any
Return,  which period (after giving effect to such  extension or waiver) has not
yet  expired;  h.  there  is no  claim,  audit,  action,  suit,  proceeding,  or
investigation now pending or threatened against or with respect to any Strategix
Company,  any Subsidiary or any member of the Seller Group in respect of any Tax
or Tax Asset; i. there are no requests for rulings or  determinations in respect
of any Tax or Tax Asset pending between any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary
and any Taxing  Authority;  j. neither any Strategix  Company nor any Subsidiary
owns any  interest  in real  property  in the  State of New York or in any other
jurisdiction in which a Tax is imposed on the transfer of a controlling interest
in an entity that owns any interest in real  property;  k. neither any Strategix
Company nor any Subsidiary owns any material property subject to a lease that is
not a "true" lease for federal  income tax purposes;  l. neither  Seller nor any
Strategix  Company  or any  Subsidiary,  nor any  other  person on behalf of any
Strategix Company or any Subsidiary, has entered into nor will it enter into any
agreement  or consent  pursuant to Section  341(f) of the Code;  m. there are no
liens for Taxes upon the assets of any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary,  or
any of the  Strategix  Assets  except  liens for  current  Taxes not yet due; n.
neither  any  Strategix  Company  nor any  Subsidiary  has been a  member  of an
affiliated,  consolidated,  combined  or unitary  group  other than one of which
Seller  was  the  common  parent;  o.  neither  any  Strategix  Company  nor any
Subsidiary is currently under any  contractual  obligation to pay any amounts of
the type  described  in clause (ii) or (iii) of the  definition  of "Tax";  p. a
protective carryover election has been filed in connection with each transaction
consummated by any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary prior to January 20, 1994
that  constituted a "qualified stock purchase" within the meaning of Section 338
of the Code;  q. all  information  set forth in the notes to the  Balance  Sheet
relating to Tax matters is true and complete in all material respects; r. during
the five-year period ending on the date hereof, neither Seller nor any Strategix
Company,  any  Subsidiary or any Affiliate of Seller has made or changed any tax
election,  changed any annual tax accounting  period,  or adopted or changed any
method of tax  accounting  (to the extent  that any such  action may  materially
affect any  Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary);  s.  neither  any  Strategix
Company  nor any  Subsidiary  is a party  to any  understanding  or  arrangement
described in Section  6111(d)(2) of the Code;  t. neither any Strategix  Company
nor any  Subsidiary  will be required to include for a  Post-Closing  Tax Period
taxable income attributable to income economically realized in a Pre-Closing Tax
Period,  including any income that would be includible in a Post-Closing  Period
as a result of the  installment  method or the  look-back  method (as defined in
Section 460(b) of the Code);  and u. each Strategix  Company and each Subsidiary
have  withheld  and paid all Taxes  required to have been  withheld  and paid in
connection with amounts paid or owing to any employee,  independent  contractor,
creditor,  stockholder,  or other third party, and complied with all information
reporting and backup withholding requirements.

     SECTION C..  Covenants.  1. Seller  agrees to make a timely,  effective and
irrevocable  election  under  Section  338(h)(10)  of the  Code  and  under  any
comparable  statutes in any other  jurisdiction  with respect to each  Strategix
Company and each of their Subsidiaries (the "Section 338(h)(10) Election"),  and
to file such election in accordance  with  applicable  regulations.  The Section
338(h)(10)  Election shall properly reflect the price allocation (as hereinafter
defined).  Prior to the Closing Date,  Seller and Buyer shall  negotiate in good
faith to agree on the allocation and the  methodology for such allocation of the
modified  ADSP  (as  such  term  is  defined  in  Treasury  Regulations  Section
1.338(h)(10)-1)  (the "Modified  Aggregate Deemed Sales Price") of the assets of
the Strategix  Companies and their  Subsidiaries in accordance with the Treasury
regulations  promulgated under Section  338(h)(10).  If within 90 days after the
Closing  Date,  Buyer  and  Seller  have  failed  to  reach  agreement  on  such
allocation,  Buyer and Seller agree to retain (at their shared cost and expense)
within  15  days  independent  accountants  of  nationally  recognized  standing
reasonably  satisfactory  to Buyer and Seller  (who shall not have any  material
relationship  with  Buyer or  Seller),  who shall  conclusively  determine  such
allocation within a reasonable  period of time after being retained.  Seller and
Buyer agree to act in  accordance  with the price  allocation  as so  determined
pursuant to this Section 8.03(a) in the preparation, filing and audit of any Tax

     2.  Without  the prior  written  consent of Buyer,  neither  Seller nor any
Strategix  Company,  any  Subsidiary or any  Affiliate of Seller  shall,  to the
extent it may affect or relate to any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary,  make
or change any tax election (other than the Section 338(h)(10) Election),  change
any annual tax accounting period,  adopt or change any method of tax accounting,
file any amended Return, enter into any closing agreement,  settle any Tax claim
or  assessment,  surrender  any  right to  claim a Tax  refund,  consent  to any
extension or waiver of the  limitations  period  applicable  to any Tax claim or
assessment  or take or omit to take any  other  action,  if any such  action  or
omission  would have the effect of  materially  increasing  the Tax liability or
reducing any Tax Asset of any Strategix  Company,  any Subsidiary,  Buyer or any
Affiliate of Buyer.

     3. Seller  will file or cause to be filed when due all Returns  relating to
any Strategix  Company or any of their  Subsidiaries  required to be filed after
the date  hereof  and on or  before  the  Closing  Date in  accordance  with all
applicable  laws.  As of the time of filing,  all such  Returns  will  correctly
reflect the facts regarding the income, business, assets, operations, activities
and  status  of  the  Strategix  Companies,   the  Subsidiaries  and  any  other
information required to be shown therein.

     4. Seller shall include the Strategix  Companies and their  Subsidiaries in
its  consolidated  Federal Tax return and in any Combined Tax Return through the
close of business on the Closing Date.

     5.  Neither any  Strategix  Company nor any  Subsidiary  shall  reserve any
amount for or make any  payment of Taxes to any person or any Taxing  Authority,
except for such Taxes as are due or payable or have been  properly  estimated in
accordance  with  applicable  law as  applied in a manner  consistent  with past
practice of Seller.

     6. All transfer, documentary, sales, use, stamp, registration,  value added
and other such Taxes and fees (including any penalties and interest) incurred in
connection with this Agreement (including any real property transfer tax and any
similar  Tax)  shall be paid by Seller  when due,  and Seller  will,  at its own
expense,  file all necessary Tax returns and other documentation with respect to
all such Taxes and fees,  and, if required by applicable  law,  Buyer will,  and
will cause its  Affiliates to, join in the execution of any such Tax returns and
other documentation.

     SECTION D..  Termination  of Existing Tax Sharing  Agreements.  Any and all
existing Tax Sharing Agreements to which any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary
is a party  with  Seller  or any of its  Affiliates  (other  than any  Strategix
Company and its Subsidiaries)  shall be terminated as of the date hereof.  After
the date hereof, neither any Strategix Company nor any Subsidiary shall have any
further rights or liabilities  thereunder.  This Agreement shall be the sole Tax
sharing  agreement  relating to any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary for all
Pre-Closing Tax Periods.

     SECTION E.. Cooperation on Tax Matters. 1. Buyer and Seller shall cooperate
fully,  as and to the  extent  reasonably  requested  by  the  other  party,  in
connection with the preparation and filing of any Tax return, statement,  report
or form (including any report required  pursuant to Section 6043 of the Code and
all Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder), any audit, litigation or other
proceeding with respect to Taxes.  Such cooperation  shall include the retention
and (upon the other party's  request) the  provision of records and  information
which are reasonably relevant to any such audit,  litigation or other proceeding
and  making  employees  available  on a  mutually  convenient  basis to  provide
additional information and explanation of any material provided hereunder.  Each
Strategix  Company  and  Seller  agree a. to retain all books and  records  with
respect to Tax matters pertinent to the Strategix Companies and the Subsidiaries
relating to any  Pre-Closing  Tax Period,  and to abide by all record  retention
agreements  entered  into with any  Taxing  Authority,  and b. to give the other
party reasonable written notice prior to destroying or discarding any such books
and records  and,  if the other party so  requests,  such  Strategix  Company or
Seller,  as the case may be, shall allow the other party to take  possession  of
such books and records.

     2. Buyer and Seller  further  agree,  upon request,  to use all  reasonable
efforts  to obtain  any  certificate  or other  document  from any  governmental
authority or customer of any  Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary or any other
person as may be necessary to mitigate,  reduce or eliminate  any Tax that could
be  imposed  (including  but not  limited to with  respect  to the  transactions
contemplated hereby).

     SECTION F.. Tax  Indemnification.  1. Seller hereby  indemnifies each Buyer
Indemnitee  against  and agrees to hold each  Buyer  Indemnitee  harmless  from,
without  duplication,  any (v) Tax of any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary or
relating to any Strategix Asset described in clause (i) of the definition of Tax
related to a Pre-Closing  Tax Period,  (w) Tax described in clause (ii) or (iii)
of the definition of Tax, (x) Tax of any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary or
relating to any Strategix  Asset incurred as a result of the Section  338(h)(10)
Election,  (y) Tax of any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary or relating to any
Strategix  Asset  resulting  from a breach of the  provisions of Section 8.02 or
8.03, and (z)  liabilities,  costs,  expenses  (including,  without  limitation,
reasonable expenses of investigation and attorneys' fees and expenses),  losses,
damages, assessments, settlements or judgments arising out of or incident to the
imposition,  assessment  or assertion of any Tax described in (v), (w), (x), (y)
or (z) and any liability as  transferee  (the sum of (v), (w), (x), (y), and (z)
being  referred  to herein as a  "Loss");  provided  that  Seller  shall have no
liability  for the payment of any Loss to the extent that such Tax is  reflected
as a liability on the Closing  Balance Sheet prepared in accordance with Section
2.03(a) (excluding any provision for deferred income taxes).  Seller's liability
with  respect to any claim for  indemnity  under this Section  8.06(a)  shall be
reduced  by (or  Seller  shall be  reimbursed  on  account  of) the tax  benefit
actually  realized  by the Buyer  Indemnitees  as a result of the payment of the
Loss upon  which  such  Indemnity  Claim is based,  and  shall  include  any tax
detriment  actually suffered by the Buyer Indemnitees as a result of the payment
of such  Loss  or the  receipt  of an  indemnity  payment  in  respect  thereof,
determined  so that payment by Seller of such  indemnity  claim,  as adjusted to
give  effect  to any  such  tax  benefit  or  detriment,  will  make  the  Buyer
Indemnitees as economically whole as is reasonably practical with respect to the
Loss upon which such indemnity claim is based.

     2. For purposes of this Section,  in the case of any Taxes that are imposed
on a periodic basis and are payable for a Tax period that includes (but does not
end on) the Closing Date,  the portion of such Tax related to a Pre-Closing  Tax
Period shall (x) in the case of any Taxes,  other than gross receipts,  sales or
use Taxes and Taxes based upon or related to income,  be deemed to be the amount
of such Tax for the entire Tax period  multiplied by a fraction the numerator of
which is the  number  of days in the Tax  period  ending  on and  including  the
Closing  Date and the  denominator  of which is the number of days in the entire
Tax  period,  and (y) in the case of any Tax based upon or related to income and
any gross receipts,  sales or use Tax, be deemed equal to the amount which would
be payable if the relevant  Tax period  ended on and included the Closing  Date.
The portion of any credits  relating to a Tax period that begins before and ends
after the Closing  Date shall be  determined  as though the  relevant Tax period
ended on and included the Closing  Date.  All  determinations  necessary to give
effect to the foregoing  allocations  shall be made in a manner  consistent with
prior practice of the Strategix  Companies and the Subsidiaries.  In the case of
an interest in an entity that is fiscally  transparent  for Tax purposes,  items
shall be deemed to flow through on a daily basis rather than at the close of the
entity's Tax year.

     3. Upon payment by any Buyer Indemnitee of any Loss, Seller shall discharge
its obligation to indemnify the Buyer Indemnitee  against such Loss by paying to
Buyer an amount  equal to the amount of such Loss;  provided,  however,  that if
Buyer  provides  Seller with written  notice of a Loss at least 30 days prior to
the  date on  which  the  relevant  Loss  is  required  to be paid by any  Buyer
Indemnitee,  Seller  shall  discharge  its  obligation  to  indemnify  the Buyer
Indemnitee  against  such Loss by paying an amount  equal to the  amount of such
Loss to the relevant Taxing Authority or Buyer, as directed by Buyer.

     4. Any payment  pursuant to this  Section 8.06 shall be made not later than
30 days after receipt by Seller of written notice from Buyer in accordance  with
the proviso in Section  8.06(c) or stating that any Loss has been  incurred by a
Buyer Indemnitee and the amount thereof and of the indemnity payment  requested.
The payment by a Buyer  Indemnitee  of any Loss shall not relieve  Seller of its
obligation under this Section 8.06.

     5.  Buyer  agrees  to give  prompt  notice  to  Seller  of any  Loss or the
assertion of any claim, or the commencement of any suit, action or proceeding in
respect of which  indemnity  may be sought  hereunder  which  Buyer  deems to be
within the ambit of this Section 8.06 (specifying with reasonable  particularity
the basis therefor) and will give Seller such  information  with respect thereto
as  Seller  may  reasonably  request.  Seller  may,  at  its  own  expense,  (i)
participate  in and,  (ii)  except  in the case of claims  that  relate to Taxes
described in Section  8.06(b),  upon notice to Buyer,  assume the defense of any
such suit,  action or proceeding  (including  any Tax audit);  provided that (i)
Seller's  counsel  is  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Buyer,  (ii)  Seller  shall
thereafter   consult  with  Buyer  upon  Buyer's  reasonable  request  for  such
consultation  from time to time with respect to such suit,  action or proceeding
(including any Tax audit) and (iii) Seller shall not,  without  Buyer's  consent
(which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld), agree to any settlement with
respect to any Tax if such settlement could materially  adversely affect the Tax
liability  with  respect to any  Post-Closing  Tax  Period of Buyer,  any of its
Affiliates or, upon the Closing,  any Strategix  Company or any  Subsidiary.  If
Seller  assumes such defense,  (i) Buyer shall have the right (but not the duty)
to participate in the defense thereof and to employ counsel, at its own expense,
separate  from the counsel  employed by Seller and (ii) Seller  shall not assert
that the Loss,  or any  portion  thereof,  with  respect  to which  Buyer  seeks
indemnification  is not within the ambit of this Section  8.06. If Seller elects
not to assume  such  defense,  Buyer may pay,  compromise  or contest the Tax at
issue.  Seller shall be liable for the fees and expenses of counsel  employed by
Buyer for any period  during which  Seller has not assumed the defense  thereof.
Whether  or not  Seller  chooses to defend or  prosecute  any claim,  all of the
parties hereto shall cooperate in the defense or prosecution thereof.

     6. Seller  shall not be liable  under this Section 8.06 with respect to any
Tax resulting from a claim or demand the defense of which Seller was not offered
the  opportunity  to assume as  provided  under  Section  8.06(e)  to the extent
Seller's liability under this Section is adversely affected as a result thereof.
No  investigation  by Buyer or any of its  Affiliates at or prior to the Closing
Date shall relieve Seller of any liability under this Section 8.06.

     7. Any claim of any Buyer Indemnitee  (other than Buyer) under this Section
may be made and enforced by Buyer on behalf of such Buyer Indemnitee.

     SECTION G..  Purchase  Price  Adjustment  and Interest.  Any amount paid by
Seller under Section 8.06 will be treated by the parties as an adjustment to the
Purchase Price unless otherwise required by law. Any payment required to be made
by Seller under  Section  8.06 that is not made when due shall bear  interest at
the rate per annum determined, from time to time, under the provision of Section
6621(a)(2) of the Code for each day until paid.

     SECTION H.. Tax Refunds.  Except to the extent (i) shown or reflected as an
asset on the Closing  Balance  Sheet,  (ii) in respect of Taxes  reflected  as a
liability on the Closing  Balance Sheet,  or (iii) in respect of Taxes paid by a
Buyer  Indemnitee  and  with  respect  to which  no  Buyer  Indemnitee  has been
indemnified by Seller,  any Tax refunds  relating to a Pre-Closing Tax Period of
any Strategix  Company or Subsidiary  that are actually  received by Buyer,  any
Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary  shall be for the account of Seller.  Buyer
shall  pay over to  Seller  any such  refund,  net of any  liability  for  Taxes
attributable  to the receipt of such  refund,  within five  business  days after
receipt thereof by Buyer or the relevant  Strategix  Company or Subsidiary.  All
Tax refunds received by Buyer, any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary that are
not  described  in the  preceding  sentence  shall be solely for the  account of

     SECTION I..  Survival.  Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement to the
contrary,  the provisions of this Article 8 shall survive for the full period of
all applicable statutes of limitations (giving effect to any waiver,  mitigation
or extension thereof).

                                   ARTICLE IX.

                                EMPLOYEE BENEFITS

     SECTION A.. 401(k) Plans,  Profit Sharing Plans, Etc. Prior to the Closing,
Seller shall take, and shall cause its Affiliates to take all actions  necessary
for the transfer to, and assumption by, a Strategix Company  designated by Buyer
of sponsorship of the AccuStaff Incorporated Employee Savings and Profit Sharing
Plan and Trust, the Office  Specialists  401(k) Plan and the Office  Specialists
Flexible  Staff  401(k)  Plan  ("Assumed  Buyer  Plans")  and to provide for the
transfer  from  such  Assumed  Buyer  Plans to a  Seller  Plan or  Seller  Plans
designated by Seller ("Designated Seller Plan") of all assets and liabilities of
such  Assumed  Buyer  Plans  relating  to any  participants  therein who are not
Transferred Employees ("Non-Transferred Participants"). After the Closing and to
the extent  necessary to effectuate the  foregoing,  Buyer shall take, and shall
cause its  Affiliates  to take,  all actions  necessary for such transfer to the
Designated   Seller   Plan  of  such   assets  and   liabilities   relating   to
Non-Transferred  Participants.  Seller hereby  indemnifies each Buyer Indemnitee
against, and agrees to hold each Buyer Indemnitee harmless from, any liabilities
relating to the Assumed Buyer Plan benefits of Non-Transferred Employees.

     SECTION B.. Employee Stock Awards.  Prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall
take, or cause to be taken,  all actions  necessary to provide that with respect
to each option (an "Option") to purchase  shares of common stock of Seller which
has been  granted  to any  Transferred  Employee  under any plan,  agreement  or
arrangement  of  Seller,  (i) the  portion  of such  Option  which is vested and
exercisable as of the Closing Date shall remain  outstanding and exercisable for
the  period  commencing  on the  Closing  Date and ending on the  ninetieth  day
following  the Closing  Date and (ii) the  portion of such  Option  which is not
exercisable  as of the  Closing  Date  shall  be  canceled  effective  as of the
Closing.  Effective  as of the Closing  Date,  Buyer shall adopt a  nonqualified
deferred  compensation  plan (the "Stay  Bonus  Plan") in a form  determined  by
Buyer, providing for the payment of certain bonus amounts to certain Transferred
Employees,  subject to such Transferred Employees' continued employment with the
Strategix  Business  during  specified  periods  following the Closing Date. The
terms of the Stay Bonus Plan,  including the Transferred  Employees  entitled to
receive bonuses, the amount of each bonus and the requisite period of employment
for each  Transferred  Employee,  shall be established by Buyer.  On the Closing
Date,  Seller shall pay to Buyer,  or to such other Person  designated by Buyer,
$3,600,000 in cash in respect of Buyer's  obligations under the Stay Bonus Plan.
On or after the Closing  Date,  Buyer may provide  such  additional  bonuses for
Transferred Employees under the Stay Bonus Plan as Buyer may determine.  Without
in any way limiting  Buyer's right to determine the terms and  conditions of the
Stay Bonus Plan, it is understood  that the amounts payable under the Stay Bonus
Plan are designed in part to compensate  Transferred  Employees for the unvested
Options canceled as a result of the Closing. Without limiting anything contained
in Section 13.08,  nothing  contained in this Section 9.02 is intended to confer
on any Transferred Employee any third party rights or remedies.

     SECTION  C..  Non-qualified  Deferred  Compensation.  Effective  as of  the
Closing,  Buyer shall assume liability for, and Seller shall transfer to a trust
established  and  designated by Buyer, a cash amount equal to the full amount of
the benefit  accrued by each  Transferred  Employee as of the Closing Date under
all nonqualified  deferred  compensation plans sponsored or maintained by Seller
or any of its Affiliates  (the "Deferred  Amount").  Seller shall indemnify each
Buyer  Indemnitee  against,  and agrees to hold each Buyer  Indemnitee  harmless
from,  any  liabilities  arising from Seller's  failure to transfer the Deferred
Amount to such trust.  Buyer  shall  indemnify  each member of the Seller  Group
against, and shall hold each member of the Seller Group harmless from, liability
in respect of the Deferred  Amount to the extent  transferred  to such trust and
additional credits thereto.

     SECTION D..  Cooperation.  Seller and Buyer shall cooperate and shall cause
their  respective  Affiliates  to  cooperate  and shall cause the sharing of all
reasonably necessary information,  to carry out the agreements set forth in this
Article 9.

     SECTION E..  Certain  Employment  Arrangements.  Prior to the Closing Date,
Buyer will  negotiate in good faith with Mr.  Lawrence E. Derito with respect to
his  employment  with  Buyer.  Buyer  agrees to offer Mr.  Derito an  employment
arrangement  providing  for base  compensation,  bonus  and  insurance  coverage
substantially  equivalent  to his  current  base  salary,  bonus  and  insurance
arrangements  as  described  in the  Form  S-1  and  with  other  terms  of such
employment to be negotiated  between Buyer and Mr. Derito.  Buyer also agrees to
negotiate in good faith with Messrs.  Allen J.  Gershlak,  Stephen A. Maggio and
Lawrence S.  Bartlett,  offering base  compensation  and incentive  compensation
terms substantially equivalent to that described in the Form S-1 or severance in
an amount equal to one year's base salary and any  applicable pro rata incentive
bonus.  Buyer and Seller  agree that,  if Buyer fails to reach such an agreement
with any of such  executives,  Buyer will only be responsible  for severance for
such  executive  in an amount  equal to one  year's  base  salary and a pro rata
portion  of such  executive's  bonus in the  amounts  described  in the Form S-1
(plus, in the case of Mr. Derito,  insurance coverage  equivalent to his current
insurance coverage described in the Form S-1).

                                   ARTICLE X.

                              CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

     SECTION A.. Conditions to Obligations of Buyer and Seller.  The obligations
of Buyer and Seller to consummate the Closing are subject to the satisfaction of
the following conditions:

          1. Any  applicable  waiting  period  under the HSR Act relating to the
     transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired or been terminated.

          2. No provision of any  applicable  law or regulation and no judgment,
     injunction, order or decree shall prohibit the consummation of the Closing.

     SECTION B..  Conditions to Obligation of Buyer.  The obligation of Buyer to
consummate the Closing is subject to the  satisfaction of the following  further

          1. a. Seller shall have performed in all material  respects all of its
     obligations  hereunder  required to be  performed  by it on or prior to the
     Closing Date, b. the  representations and warranties of Seller contained in
     this Agreement and in any  certificate  delivered by Seller pursuant hereto
     (x) that are qualified by materiality  or Material  Adverse Effect shall be
     true at and as of the  Closing  Date,  as if  made  at and as of such  date
     (except to the extent a  representation  or warranty  relates to a specific
     date, in which case such representation or warranty shall be true at and as
     of such date), and (y) all other such  representations and warranties shall
     be true at and as of the  Closing  Date,  as if made at and as of such date
     (except to the extent a  representation  or warranty  relates to a specific
     date, in which case such representation or warranty shall be true at and as
     of such date),  with only such exceptions as would not,  individually or in
     the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect and
     c. Buyer shall have  received a certificate  signed by the chief  executive
     officer and the chief financial officer of Seller to the foregoing effect.

          2. There shall not be threatened,  instituted or pending any action or
     proceeding by any court,  government or  governmental  authority or agency,
     domestic  or foreign,  other than the  application  of the  waiting  period
     provisions  of the HSR Act to the  purchase of the Shares or the  Strategix
     Assets,  a. seeking to restrain,  prohibit or otherwise  interfere with the
     ownership  or  operation  by Buyer or any of its  Affiliates  of all or any
     material portion of the business or assets of any Strategix  Company or any
     Subsidiary or of Buyer or any of their Affiliates or to compel Buyer or any
     of its Affiliates to dispose of all or any material portion of the business
     or assets of any Strategix  Company or any Subsidiary or of Buyer or any of
     their  Affiliates,  b.  seeking  to impose or  confirm  limitations  on the
     ability of Buyer or any of its  Affiliates  effectively  to  exercise  full
     rights of  ownership  of the  Shares  or the  Strategix  Assets,  including
     without  limitation,  the  right to vote any  Shares  acquired  or owned by
     Seller or any of its  Affiliates on all matters  properly  presented to the
     stockholders of any Strategix Company or c. seeking to require  divestiture
     by Buyer or any of its Affiliates of any Shares.

          3. Buyer shall have  received a. an opinion of LeBoeuf,  Lamb,  Greene
     and MacRae, L.L.P., counsel to Seller, dated the Closing Date to the effect
     specified in Sections 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04(i) and (ii), 3.05 and 3.07, b.
     an opinion of Marc M. Mayo,  Esq.,  General  Counsel of the Seller,  to the
     effect specified in Section 3.04(iii) and (iv), and c. an opinion of Arent,
     Fox,  Kintner,  Plotkin & Kahn,  PLLC,  to the effect  that the  execution,
     delivery  and  performance  by Buyer of the  Employee  and Systems  Support
     Services  Agreement and the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated
     thereby require no action by or in respect of, or filing with, any New York
     health care regulatory body, agency or official.  In rendering the opinions
     described  in  clauses  (i) and (ii)  hereof,  such  counsel  may rely upon
     certificates of public officers,  and as to matters governed by the laws of
     jurisdictions  other  than New York,  Florida  or the  federal  laws of the
     United States of America, upon opinions of counsel reasonably  satisfactory
     to Buyer,  and,  as to matters of fact,  upon  certificates  of officers of
     Seller, the Strategix Companies or any Subsidiary, copies of which opinions
     and certificates shall be contemporaneously delivered to Buyer.

          4.  Seller  shall  have  received  all  consents,   authorizations  or
     approvals from the  governmental  agencies  referred to in Section 3.03, in
     each case in form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory to Buyer,  and no
     such consent, authorization or approval shall have been revoked.

          5. Seller shall have  received  the third party  consents set forth in
     Schedule  10.02(e),   in  each  case  in  form  and  substance   reasonably
     satisfactory to Buyer, and no such consent shall have been revoked.

          6. Buyer shall have received all documents it may  reasonably  request
     relating  to the  existence  of Seller,  the  Strategix  Companies  and the
     Subsidiaries  and the  authority  of Seller to enter into and perform  this
     Agreement, all in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer.

          7. Seller shall have delivered a certification  or  certifications  to
     the effect that Seller, and each of its Affiliates that transfers Shares or
     Strategix  Assets or Strategix  Liabilities  that includes a "United States
     real property  interest"  within the meaning of Section 897 of the Code, is
     not a "foreign person" as defined in Section 1445 of the Code.

          8. Seller shall have executed an effective, irrevocable election under
     Section 338(h)(10) of the Code in form and substance  satisfactory to Buyer
     and Seller shall have  delivered all  documents in connection  therewith as
     Buyer may reasonably request.

          9.  Since the date of this  Agreement,  there  shall not have been any
     event,   occurrence,   development   or  state  of   circumstances   which,
     individually or in the aggregate,  has had or could  reasonably be expected
     to have a Material Adverse Effect.

     SECTION C.. Conditions to Obligation of Seller. The obligation of Seller to
consummate the Closing is subject to the  satisfaction of the following  further

          1. a. Buyer shall have  performed in all material  respects all of its
     obligations  hereunder  required to be  performed  by it on or prior to the
     Closing Date, b. the  representations  and warranties of Buyer contained in
     this Agreement and in any  certificate  delivered by Buyer pursuant  hereto
     (x) that are qualified by materiality  or Material  Adverse Effect shall be
     true at and as of the  Closing  Date,  as if  made  at and as of such  date
     (except to the extent a  representation  or warranty  relates to a specific
     date, in which case such representation or warranty shall be true at and as
     of such date), and (y) all other such  representations and warranties shall
     be true at and as of the  Closing  Date,  as if made at and as of such date
     (except to the extent a  representation  or warranty  relates to a specific
     date, in which case such representation or warranty shall be true at and as
     of such date),  with only such exceptions as would not,  individually or in
     the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect and
     c. Seller shall have received a certificate signed by the Chairman of Buyer
     to the foregoing effect.

          2. Seller shall have  received a. an opinion of Davis Polk & Wardwell,
     counsel to Buyer,  dated the Closing  Date to the effect  specified  in the
     first sentence of Section 4.01, Section 4.02, Section 4.03 and Section 4.04
     as  such  Sections  relate  to the  Buyer  and b.  an  opinion  of  Rein A.
     Kronenberg, General Counsel of Randstad, to the effect specified in Section
     4.01,  Section 4.02,  Section 4.03 and Section 4.04 as such Sections relate
     to  Randstad.  In  rendering  such  opinion,  such  counsel  may rely  upon
     certificates of public officers,  and as to matters governed by the laws of
     jurisdictions  other than New York,  Delaware  or the  federal  laws of the
     United States of America,  in the case of the opinion provided  pursuant to
     clause  (i),  or other  than The  Netherlands,  in the case of the  opinion
     provided  pursuant to clause  (ii),  upon  opinions  of counsel  reasonably
     satisfactory to Seller,  and, as to matters of fact,  upon  certificates of
     officers of Buyer or Randstad,  copies of which  opinions and  certificates
     shall be contemporaneously delivered to Seller.

          3. Buyer shall have received all consents, authorizations or approvals
     from  governmental  agencies  referred to in Section  4.03, in each case in
     form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to Seller, and no such consent,
     authorization or approval shall have been revoked.

          4. Seller shall have received all documents it may reasonably  request
     relating to the existence of Buyer and the authority of Buyer to enter into
     and  perform  this  Agreement,   all  in  form  and  substance   reasonably
     satisfactory to Seller.

                                   ARTICLE XI.

                            SURVIVAL; INDEMNIFICATION

     SECTION A..  Survival.  The  representations  and warranties of the parties
hereto  contained in this  Agreement or in any  certificate  delivered  pursuant
hereto or in connection herewith shall survive the Closing until April 30, 2000;
provided that the  representations  and  warranties  contained in Sections 3.05,
3.06,  3.07(b) and 3.25 and in Article 8 shall survive  until  expiration of the
statute of limitations  applicable to the matters covered thereby (giving effect
to any waiver,  mitigation or extension thereof).  Notwithstanding the preceding
sentence,  any  representation  or warranty in respect of which indemnity may be
sought under this Agreement  shall survive the time at which it would  otherwise
terminate  pursuant to the preceding  sentence,  if notice of the  inaccuracy or
breach thereof  giving rise to such right of indemnity  shall have been given to
the party  against whom such  indemnity  may be sought  prior to such time.  The
covenants and agreements  contained in this  Agreement  shall survive a. for the
period  specified  in or with respect to any such  covenant or agreement  and b.
with respect to any covenant or agreement  that does not expressly  provide that
it is to terminate on a specified date, indefinitely.

     SECTION B..  Indemnification.  1. Seller hereby  indemnifies  Buyer and its
Affiliates and, effective at the Closing,  without  duplication,  each Strategix
Company and each  Subsidiary  against  and agrees to hold each of them  harmless
from  any and all  damage,  loss,  liability  and  expense  (including,  without
limitation,  reasonable expenses of investigation and reasonable attorneys' fees
and expenses in  connection  with any action,  suit or  proceeding)  ("Damages")
incurred or suffered by Buyer, any Affiliate of Buyer, any Strategix  Company or
any  Subsidiary  arising  out of any  misrepresentation  or breach of  warranty,
covenant  or  agreement  made or to be  performed  by  Seller  pursuant  to this
Agreement  (other than pursuant to Article 8); provided that with respect to any
claim for Damages for any  misrepresentation or breach of warranty (other than a
claim for Damages for a  misrepresentation  or breach of warranty  contained  in
Sections 3.05,  3.06,  3.07(b),  3.21 or 3.25, as to which the  limitations  set
forth in clauses (x),  (y) and (z) below shall not apply),  (x) Seller shall not
be liable under this Section 11.02(a) if the amount of Damages for such claim is
less than $50,000 (for purposes  hereof,  any series of claims  arising from the
same or  substantially  related facts or  circumstances  shall be treated as one
claim),  (y) Seller shall not be liable under this Section  11.02(a)  unless the
aggregate  amount of Damages  with respect to all such claims for breach of such
representations and warranties exceeds $8,500,000 and then only to the extent of
the aggregate  Damages in excess of  $8,500,000,  and (z) the maximum  aggregate
liability of Seller for such Damages shall not exceed $127,500,000.

     2. Buyer hereby indemnifies Seller and its Affiliates against and agrees to
hold each of them  harmless  from any and all  Damages  incurred  or suffered by
Seller or any of its Affiliates arising out of any  misrepresentation  or breach
of warranty,  covenant or agreement made or to be performed by Buyer pursuant to
this Agreement (other than pursuant to Article 8); provided that with respect to
any claim for Damages  for any  misrepresentation  or breach of warranty  (other
than a claim for Damages for a misrepresentation or breach of warranty contained
in Section 4.05 or 4.07, as to which the  limitations  set forth in clauses (x),
(y) and (z) below  shall not apply),  (x) Buyer  shall not be liable  under this
Section  11.02(b)  for a claim if the amount of  Damages  for such claim is less
than $50,000 (for purposes hereof,  any series of claims arising out of the same
or substantially  related facts or circumstances shall be treated as one claim),
(y) Buyer shall not be liable under this Section  11.02(b)  unless the aggregate
amount  of  Damages  with  respect  to  all  such  claims  for  breach  of  such
representations and warranties exceeds $8,500,000 and then only to the extent of
the  aggregate  Damages in excess of  $8,500,000  and (z) the maximum  aggregate
liability of Buyer for such Damages shall not exceed $127,500,000.

     3.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary in this  Agreement,  Seller
agrees to indemnify  Buyer and each of its Affiliates,  including,  effective at
the Closing,  without  duplication,  each Strategix Company and each Subsidiary,
from and  against  all  Damages  incurred  or  suffered  by Buyer or any of such
Affiliates  which  relate  to or  arise  out of  (i)  any  assets,  liabilities,
properties or businesses of Seller or any of Seller's  subsidiaries that are not
a part of the Strategix Business, including, without limitation, the Health Care
Business,  (ii) the litigation  listed on Schedule 11.02(c) or (iii) any Damages
related to or resulting from any earnout or similar payment  obligation  related
to the  Strategix  Business  other than in respect of the Earnout  Agreements to
which earnout  payments  identified in Section 3.30 of the Strategix  Disclosure
Memorandum relate, in each case without regard to whether such Damages relate to
events,  occurrences  or  circumstances  occurring or existing,  or whether such
Damages are asserted, before, on or after the Closing Date.

     4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Buyer agrees
to indemnify  Seller and its Affiliates from and against all Damages incurred or
suffered by Seller or any of such Affiliates which relate to or arise out of (i)
any  failure by Buyer to make  payments  when due on or after the  Closing  Date
required by the Earnout  Agreements or (ii) any breach after the Closing Date by
Buyer (or, effective as of the Closing, any Strategix Company or any Subsidiary)
of any lease or contractual obligation of a Strategix Company or a Subsidiary or
that is a Strategix Asset or Strategix Liability which results in a liability of
Seller or its Affiliates  under any guaranty of such lease or other  contractual
obligation by Seller or such Affiliates, but in the case of clause (ii), only to
the extent (x) that such Damages relate to events,  occurrences or circumstances
arising after the Closing Date or (y) of the amount of any  liability  reflected
on the Closing  Balance Sheet in respect of such lease or  obligation  (together
with any Damages  incurred  by Seller as a result of Buyer's  failure to satisfy
such liability).

     SECTION C..  Procedures.  1. a. Upon any Person  entitled to be indemnified
under  this  Article 11 (the  "Indemnified  Person")  becoming  aware of a fact,
condition  or event for  which it is  entitled  to  indemnification  under  this
Article 11, the  Indemnified  Person will as promptly as reasonably  practicable
notify  the  Person  from  whom  indemnification  is sought  (the  "Indemnifying
Person") in writing of such fact,  condition  or event,  but in any event within
sixty days  after such  Indemnified  Person  has actual  knowledge  of the facts
constituting the basis for indemnification; provided that the failure to provide
such notice shall not affect the Indemnified  Person's right to  indemnification
hereunder  except  to the  extent  that  the  Indemnifying  Person  is  actually
prejudiced thereby. If such fact, condition or event is the assertion of a claim
by a third party, the Indemnifying  Person will be entitled to participate in or
take charge of the defense  against such claim;  provided that the  Indemnifying
Person and their  counsel  shall  proceed with  diligence and in good faith with
respect  thereto and provided  that if the  Indemnifying  Person  elects to take
charge of such defense,  the Indemnifying  Person's counsel shall be approved by
the  Indemnified  Person,  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.
Notwithstanding  the  Indemnifying  Person's  election  to assume the defense or
investigation  of such claim,  the  Indemnified  Person  shall have the right to
employ separate  counsel and to participate in the defense or  investigation  of
such claim,  action or proceeding,  and the  Indemnifying  Person shall bear the
expense of such separate  counsel,  if (x) in the written  opinion of counsel to
the Indemnified Person reasonably  satisfactory to the Indemnifying  Person, use
of counsel of the Indemnifying Person's choice would be expected to give rise to
a conflict of interest,  (y) the  Indemnifying  Person  shall not have  employed
counsel to represent  the  Indemnified  Person  within a  reasonable  time after
notice of the assertion of any such claim or  institution  of any such action or
proceeding,  or (z) the  Indemnifying  Person shall  authorize  the  Indemnified
Person in writing to employ separate  counsel at the expense of the Indemnifying
Person. An Indemnifying  Person who is not entitled to, or elects not to, assume
the  defense of a claim will be  obligated  to pay the fees and  expenses of not
more than one counsel for all  Indemnified  Persons  with respect to such claim,
unless in the written  opinion of counsel to the Indemnified  Person  reasonably
satisfactory to the Indemnifying Person, use of one counsel would be expected to
give rise to a conflict  of interest  between  such  Indemnified  Person and any
other such  Indemnified  Persons with respect to such claim,  in which event the
Indemnifying  Person  shall be  obligated  to pay the fees and  expenses  of one
additional counsel.

     b. Neither the Indemnified  Person nor the  Indemnifying  Person shall make
any  settlement  of any claim which would give rise to  liability on the part of
the Indemnifying  Person under this Article 11 without the prior written consent
of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided that an
Indemnified Person shall not be required to consent to any settlement  involving
the imposition of equitable remedies or involving the imposition of any material
obligations  on such  Indemnified  Person other than financial  obligations  for
which such  Indemnified  Person will be  indemnified  hereunder.  No Indemnified
Person will be  required  to consent to entry of any  judgment or enter into any
settlement which does not include as an unconditional term thereof the giving by
the claimant or plaintiff to the Indemnified Person of an unconditional  release
from all  liability  in  respect  to such  claim  or  litigation.  Whenever  the
Indemnified Person or the Indemnifying  Person receives a firm offer to settle a
claim for  which  indemnification  is sought  under  this  Article  11, it shall
promptly notify the other of such offer. If -- the  Indemnifying  Person refuses
to accept such offer within thirty Business Days after receipt of such offer (or
of notice thereof), such claim shall continue to be contested and, if such claim
is within the scope of the  Indemnifying  Person's  indemnity  contained in this
Article 11, the -- Indemnified Person shall be indemnified pursuant to the terms
hereof.  If the Indemnifying  Person notifies the Indemnified  Person in writing
that the  Indemnifying  Person desires to accept such offer, but the Indemnified
Person refuses to accept such offer within thirty Business Days after receipt of
such notice,  the Indemnified  Person may continue to contest such claim and, in
such event, the total maximum liability of the Indemnifying  Person to indemnify
or otherwise  reimburse the  Indemnified  Person  hereunder with respect to such
claim  shall be limited to and shall not exceed the amount of such  offer,  plus
reasonable  out-of-pocket  costs and expenses (including  reasonable  attorneys'
fees and  disbursements)  to the date of  notice  that the  Indemnifying  Person
desires to accept such offer, provided that this sentence shall not apply to any
settlement of any claim involving the imposition of equitable remedies or to any
settlement  imposing any material  obligations on such Indemnified  Person other
than financial obligations for which such Indemnified Person will be indemnified

     2. Exclusive  Remedy.  This Article 11 shall provide the sole and exclusive
remedy for any and all Damages sustained or incurred by any Indemnified  Person,
except for Damages  sustained or incurred by  Indemnified  Person as a result of
fraud by Indemnifying Person.

     3. Tax Effect and Insurance. The Liability of the Indemnifying Persons with
respect to any claim for indemnification  under this Article 11 shall be reduced
by the tax benefit actually realized and any insurance  proceeds received by the
Indemnified  Persons as a result of any Damages  upon which such claim is based,
and shall include any tax detriment actually suffered by the Indemnified Persons
as a result of such  Damages or the receipt of an  indemnity  payment in respect
thereof.  The amount of any such tax benefit or detriment shall be determined by
taking into account the effect, if any and to the extent determinable, of timing
differences resulting from the acceleration or deferral of items of gain or loss
resulting from such Damages and shall otherwise be determined so that payment by
the  Indemnifying  Persons of the claim,  as adjusted to give effect to any such
tax benefit or detriment, will make the Indemnified Person as economically whole
as is reasonably  practical  with respect to the Damages upon which the claim is

     4. Subrogation. Upon payment in full of any claim for indemnification under
this Article 11,  whether such payment is effected by set-off or  otherwise,  or
the payment of any judgment or  settlement  with respect to a third party claim,
the  Indemnifying  Persons  shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to
the rights of the  Indemnified  Person against any person or entity with respect
to the subject matter of such third party claim.

                                  ARTICLE XII.


     SECTION A..  Grounds for  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated at
any time prior to the Closing:

          1. by mutual written agreement of Seller and Buyer;

          2. by  either  Seller  or Buyer if the  Closing  shall  not have  been
     consummated on or before October 31, 1998; or

          3. by  either  Seller  or Buyer if  consummation  of the  transactions
     contemplated  hereby would violate any nonappealable final order, decree or
     judgment of any court or governmental body having competent jurisdiction.

The party desiring to terminate this Agreement  pursuant to clauses  12.01(b) or
12.01(c) shall give notice of such termination to the other party.

     SECTION B..  Effect of  Termination.  If this  Agreement is  terminated  as
permitted  by Section  12.01,  such  termination  shall be without  liability of
either party (or any stockholder, director, officer, employee, agent, consultant
or representative of such party) to the other party to this Agreement;  provided
that if such  termination  shall  result from the (i) willful  failure of either
party to fulfill a condition to the  performance of the obligations of the other
party,  (ii) failure to perform a covenant of this  Agreement or (iii) breach by
either party  hereto of any  representation  or warranty or agreement  contained
herein,  such party shall be fully  liable for any and all  Damages  incurred or
suffered  by the  other  party  as a  result  of such  failure  or  breach.  The
provisions of Sections  6.01,  13.03,  13.05,  13.06 and 13.07 shall survive any
termination hereof pursuant to Section 12.01.

                                  ARTICLE XIII.


     SECTION A.. Notices. All notices,  requests and other communications to any
party hereunder shall be in writing (including facsimile transmission) and shall
be given,

     if to Randstad, to:

          Randstad Holding nv
          P.O. Box 12600
          1100 AP Amsterdam - Zuidoost
          The Netherlands
          Attention: Rein A. Kronenberg
          Fax: 011-31-20-569-5885

          with a copy to:

          Davis Polk & Wardwell
          450 Lexington Avenue
          New York, New York  10017
          Attention: David W. Ferguson, Esq.
          Fax:  (212) 450-4800


          Troutman Sanders LLP
          NationsBank Plaza
          600 Peachtree Street, NE
          Suite 5200
          Atlanta, Georgia 30308
          Attention: John C. Beane, Esq.
          Fax: (404) 885-3900

     if to Buyer, to:

          Randstad US, L.P.
          c/o Randstad Staffing Services, L.P.
          2015 South Park Place
          Atlanta, Georgia 30339
          Attention: Jesse P. Schaudies, Jr., Esq.
          Fax: (770) 937-7100

          with a copy to:

          Davis Polk & Wardwell
          450 Lexington Avenue
          New York, New York  10017
          Attention: David W. Ferguson, Esq.
          Fax:  (212) 450-4800


          Troutman Sanders LLP
          NationsBank Plaza
          600 Peachtree Street, N.E.
          Suite 5200
          Atlanta, Georgia 30308
          Attention: John C. Beane, Esq.
          Fax: (404) 885-3900

     if to Seller, to:

          AccuStaff Incorporated
          One Independent Drive
          Jacksonville, Florida 32202
          Attention: Marc M. Mayo, Esq.
          Fax: (904) 360-2506

          with a copy to:

          LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P.
          50 N. Laura Street, Suite 2800
          Jacksonville, Florida 32202
          Attention: Pamela K. Phillips, Esq.
          Fax: (904) 353-1673

All such notices,  requests and other communications shall be deemed received on
the date of receipt by the recipient  thereof if received prior to 5 p.m. in the
place of  receipt  and  such  day is a  business  day in the  place of  receipt.
Otherwise, any such notice, request or communication shall be deemed not to have
been received until the next succeeding business day in the place of receipt.

     SECTION B.. Amendments and Waivers.  1. Any provision of this Agreement may
be amended or waived if, but only if, such amendment or waiver is in writing and
is signed, in the case of an amendment,  by each party to this Agreement,  or in
the case of a waiver, by the party against whom the waiver is to be effective.

     2. No  failure  or delay by any party in  exercising  any  right,  power or
privilege  hereunder  shall operate as a waiver  thereof nor shall any single or
partial  exercise  thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the
exercise of any other right, power or privilege.  The rights and remedies herein
provided  shall be  cumulative  and not  exclusive  of any  rights  or  remedies
provided by law.

     SECTION C..  Expenses.  All costs and expenses  incurred in connection with
this Agreement shall be paid by the party incurring such cost or expense.

     SECTION D.. Successors and Assigns.  The provisions of this Agreement shall
be  binding  upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their
respective successors and assigns;  provided that no party may assign,  delegate
or otherwise  transfer  any of its rights or  obligations  under this  Agreement
without the consent of each other party  hereto,  except that Buyer may transfer
or  assign,  in  whole  or from  time to  time  in  part,  to one or more of its
Affiliates,  the  right  to  purchase  all or a  portion  of the  Shares  or the
Strategix  Assets,  but no such transfer or assignment will relieve Buyer of its
obligations hereunder.

     SECTION  E..  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by and
construed in accordance with the law of the State of New York, without regard to
the conflicts of law rules of such state.

     SECTION F..  Jurisdiction.  Except as otherwise  expressly provided in this
Agreement,  the parties hereto agree that any suit, action or proceeding seeking
to  enforce  any  provision  of,  or based on any  matter  arising  out of or in
connection with, this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated  hereby may be
brought in the United  States  District  Court for the Southern  District of New
York or any other New York State court sitting in the Borough of Manhattan,  New
York City, and each of the parties hereby  consents to the  jurisdiction of such
courts (and of the  appropriate  appellate  courts  therefrom) in any such suit,
action or proceeding and irrevocably  waives, to the fullest extent permitted by
law, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue
of any such suit,  action or proceeding in any such court or that any such suit,
action or  proceeding  which is brought in any such court has been brought in an
inconvenient forum. Process in any such suit, action or proceeding may be served
on any party anywhere in the world,  whether within or without the  jurisdiction
of any such  court.  Without  limiting  the  foregoing,  each party  agrees that
service of process on such party as  provided  in Section  13.01 shall be deemed
effective service of process on such party.


     SECTION H.. Counterparts; Third Party Beneficiaries.  This Agreement may be
signed in any number of counterparts,  each of which shall be an original,  with
the same  effect as if the  signatures  thereto  and  hereto  were upon the same
instrument.  This Agreement shall become  effective when each party hereto shall
have  received  a  counterpart  hereof  signed by the  other  party  hereto.  No
provision of this Agreement is intended to confer upon any Person other than the
parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder  including,  without limitation,
Section 9.02 hereof.

     SECTION I.. Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement  (together with the Exhibits
and Schedules attached hereto),  the Confidentiality  Agreement and the Employee
and Systems Support Services  Agreement  constitute the entire agreement between
the parties with respect to the subject  matter hereof and thereof and supersede
all prior  agreements  and  understandings,  both oral and written,  between the
parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof.

     SECTION J..  Captions.  The captions herein are included for convenience of
reference  only and  shall be  ignored  in the  construction  or  interpretation

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
duly  executed by their  respective  authorized  officers as of the day and year
first above written.

                                            RANDSTAD HOLDING NV

                                            By: /s/ Erik Vonk
                                                Name:   Erik Vonk
                                                Title:  Attorney-in-Fact

                                            RANDSTAD US, L.P.

                                            By: /s/ Erik Vonk
                                                Name:   Erik Vonk
                                                Title:  Attorney-in-Fact

                                            ACCUSTAFF INCORPORATED

                                            By: /s/ Derek E. Dewan
                                                Name:   Derek E. Dewan
                                                Title:  Chairman, President and
                                                        Chief Executive Officer

                                 EXECUTION COPY


     AMENDMENT No. 1 dated as of September 3, 1998 to the Acquisition  Agreement
dated as of August 27, 1998 (as amended, the "Agreement") among Randstad Holding
nv, a  corporation  organized  under the laws of The  Netherlands,  Randstad US,
L.P., a Delaware  limited  corporation  and  AccuStaff  Incorporated,  a Florida

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore entered into the Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  the parties  hereto desire to amend further the Agreement to make
certain changes as hereinafter provided;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     SECTION 1. Definitions;  References.  Unless otherwise specifically defined
herein,  each  capitalized  term used herein  which is defined in the  Agreement
shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Agreement.

     SECTION 2.  Amendment of Section  5.08.  Section  5.08 of the  Agreement is
amended by replacing the words "September 3, 1998" in the third sentence of that
Section with "September 11, 1998".

     SECTION 3.  Governing  Law.  This  Amendment No. 1 shall be governed by and
construed in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York,  without regard
to the conflicts of law rules of such state.

     SECTION 4. Counterparts;  Effectiveness. This Amendment No. 1 may be signed
in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same
effect as if the  signatures  thereto and hereto were upon the same  instrument.
This  Amendment No. 1 shall become  effective as of the date hereof when each of
the parties hereto shall have received duly executed  counterparts hereof signed
by each of the other  parties  hereto.  No  provision  of this  Amendment or the
Agreement  is intended to confer upon any Person  other than the parties  hereto
any rights or remedies hereunder or thereunder.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 1 to
be duly executed by their respective  authorized officers as of the day and year
first above written.

                                          RANDSTAD HOLDING NV

                                          By /s/ Erik Vonk
                                            Name:  Erik Vonk
                                            Title: Attorney-in-Fact

                                          RANDSTAD US, L.P.

                                          By /s/ Erik Vonk
                                            Name   Erik Vonk
                                            Title: Attorney-in-Fact

                                          ACCUSTAFF INCORPORATED

                                          By: /s/ Marc M. Mayo
                                             Name:   Marc M. Mayo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President,
                                                     Secretary and
                                                     General Counsel

                                 EXECUTION COPY


     AMENDMENT No. 2 dated as of September 11, 1998 to the Acquisition Agreement
dated as of August 27, 1998 (as amended, the "Agreement") among Randstad Holding
nv, a  corporation  organized  under the laws of The  Netherlands,  Randstad US,
L.P., a Delaware  limited  corporation  and  AccuStaff  Incorporated,  a Florida

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore entered into the Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  the parties  hereto desire to amend further the Agreement to make
certain changes as hereinafter provided;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     SECTION 1. Definitions;  References.  Unless otherwise specifically defined
herein,  each  capitalized  term used herein  which is defined in the  Agreement
shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Agreement.

     SECTION 2.  Amendment of Section  5.08.  Section  5.08 of the  Agreement is
amended by replacing  the words  "September  11, 1998" in the third  sentence of
that  Section with "the  earlier of (i)  October  1, 1998 or  (ii)  the  Closing

     SECTION 3.  Governing  Law.  This  Amendment No. 2 shall be governed by and
construed in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York,  without regard
to the conflicts of law rules of such state.

     SECTION 4. Counterparts;  Effectiveness. This Amendment No. 2 may be signed
in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same
effect as if the  signatures  thereto and hereto were upon the same  instrument.
This  Amendment No. 2 shall become  effective as of the date hereof when each of
the parties hereto shall have received duly executed  counterparts hereof signed
by each of the other  parties  hereto.  No  provision  of this  Amendment or the
Agreement  is intended to confer upon any Person  other than the parties  hereto
any rights or remedies hereunder or thereunder.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 2 to
be duly executed by their respective  authorized officers as of the day and year
first above written.

                                          RANDSTAD HOLDING NV

                                          By /s/ Erik Vonk
                                            Name:  Erik Vonk
                                            Title: Attorney-in-Fact

                                          RANDSTAD US, L.P.

                                          By /s/ Erik Vonk
                                            Name   Erik Vonk
                                            Title: Attorney-in-Fact

                                          ACCUSTAFF INCORPORATED

                                          By: /s/ Marc M. Mayo
                                             Name:   Marc M. Mayo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President,
                                                     Secretary and
                                                     General Counsel

AccuStaff Incorporated
One Independent Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Attn:    Derek E. Dewan

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Reference is hereby made to the  Acquisition  Agreement  dated as of August
27, 1998 (the "Agreement") among AccuStaff  Incorporated,  a Florida corporation
(the "Seller"), Randstad US, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Buyer"), and
Randstad Holding nv, a corporation  organized under the laws of The Netherlands,
as amended from time to time.  Capitalized terms used herein without  definition
have the meanings set forth in the Agreement.

     In consideration of the agreements and obligations set forth herein and for
other good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  adequacy of which are
hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. Effective Date of Transfer of Strategix Business. Subject to paragraph 3
hereof, the parties hereto agree that  notwithstanding  anything to the contrary
set forth in the Agreement,  the Closing of the purchase and sale of the Shares,
the  acquisition  of the  Strategix  Assets and the  assumption of the Strategix
Liabilities  pursuant to Section 2.01 and Section 2.02 of the Agreement shall be
deemed to have  occurred at 11:59 pm,  Eastern  Time, on September 27, 1998 (the
"Effective  Time").  Subject  to  paragraph  3 hereof,  it is  understood  that,
notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in the Agreement,  upon the completion
of the Closing,  the Strategix Business will be deemed to have been operated for
the  benefit  and at the risk of Buyer  from the  Effective  Time.  Accordingly,
subject to paragraph 3 hereof, upon completion of the Closing and without in any
way  altering  the  obligations  of the  parties as set forth in the  Agreement,
including without limitation  Seller's  obligation to have complied with Section
5.01 of the  Agreement  through the date  hereof,  all profits and losses of and
transactions effected with respect to, the Strategix Business from and after the
Effective  Time shall be for the account of Buyer with the same effect as if the
Closing had taken place at the Effective Time.

     2. Closing Balance Sheet. Subject to paragraph 3 hereof, the parties hereby
agree that notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth in the Agreement,
the Closing  Balance  Sheet shall be prepared as if the Closing had  occurred at
the Effective Time.

     3. Exception for Tax Matters.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set
forth herein, the parties hereto agree that (i) for purposes of Article 8 of the
Agreement,  the Closing  shall be deemed to have occurred on the date hereof and
not at or as of the  Effective  Time,  and (ii) they shall  treat the Closing as
having occurred on the date hereof,  and not at or as of the Effective Time, for
all tax purposes and shall file all tax returns,  statements,  reports and forms
in accordance with such treatment.

     4.  Miscellaneous.  The provisions of Sections 13.01,  13.02, 13.03, 13.04,
13.05,  13.06, 13.07, 13.08 and 13.10 of the Agreement are incorporated in their
entirety  herein by reference,  except (i) for the phrase "except that Buyer may
transfer or assign, in whole or from time to time in part, to one or more of its
Affiliates the right to purchase all or a portion of the Shares or the Strategix
Assets, but no such transfer or assignment will relieve Buyer of its obligations
hereunder"  appearing at the end of Section 13.04 and (ii) that, as incorporated
herein for use in this Letter Agreement, the term "Agreement" in such provisions
shall be deemed to refer to this Letter Agreement.

     If the foregoing  accurately  summarizes  our agreement with respect to the
matters contemplated by this Letter Agreement,  please sign and return to us the
enclosed copy of this Letter  Agreement.  This Letter Agreement may be signed in
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original.

                                            RANDSTAD HOLDING NV

                                            By:     /s/  Erik Vonk
                                            Name:   Erik Vonk
                                            Title:  Attorney-in-Fact

                                            RANDSTAD US, L.P.

                                            By:     /s/ Erik Vonk
                                            Name:   Erik Vonk
                                            Title:  Attorney-in-Fact

Accepted and agreed to as of the date set forth above:


By:  /s/ Derek E. Dewan
     Name:    Derek E. Dewan
     Title:   Chairman, President and
              Chief Executive Officer