WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 11-K

                                  ANNUAL REPORT
                        PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


(Mark One)

OF 1934 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998


ACT OF 1934 for the transition period from ____________ to _____________

Commission File No.  000-24484

     A.   Full title and  address  of the plan,  if  different  from that of the
          issuer named below:

                        MODIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC.
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN
                              ONE INDEPENDENT DRIVE
                           JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202
                                 (904) 360-2000

     B.   Name of issuer of the  securities  held  pursuant  to the plan and the
          address of its principal executive office:

                        MODIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC.
                              ONE INDEPENDENT DRIVE
                           JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32202
                                 (904) 360-2000

                              REQUIRED INFORMATION

     The following  financial  statements  and  schedules  have been prepared in
accordance with the financial reporting  requirements of the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended:

     1. Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits as of December 31, 1998
and 1997.

     2. Statement of Changes  in Net Assets  Available for Benefits for the Year
Ended December 31, 1998.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
trustees (or other persons who administer  the employee  benefit plan) have duly
caused this Annual Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto
duly authorized on this 29th day of June 1999.

                        MODIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC.
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                      By: MODIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC.
                              (Plan Administrator)

                            By: /s/ Robert P. Crouch
           Robert P. Crouch, Vice President & Chief Accounting Officer


                        MODIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC.
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN
                           AND SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES
                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998 and 1997

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Report of Independent Accountants                                              3

Financial Statements:

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits With Fund Information as
of December 31, 1998 and 1997                                                  4

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits With Fund
Information for the year ended December 31, 1998                               5

Notes to Financial Statements                                                  6

Supplemental Schedules:

Item 27a-Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes                      10

Item 27b-Schedule of Loans or Fixed Income Obligations                        11

Item 27c-Schedule of Leases in Default or Classified as Uncollectible         12

Item 27d-Schedule of Reportable Transactions                                  13

Item 27e-Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions                                   14

Item 27f-Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions                                   15


Report of Independent Accountants

To the Participants and Administrator
of Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
with fund  information  and the  related  statement  of  changes  in net  assets
available for benefits with fund  information  present  fairly,  in all material
respects,  the net  assets  available  for  benefits  of the Modis  Professional
Services,  Inc. (the Company) Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan) at December 31,
1998 and 1997, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the year
ended  December 31, 1998,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles.  These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management;  our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements  based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion  expressed

Our audits  were  performed  for the  purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial  statements  taken as a whole.  The  supplemental  schedules  of Modis
Professional  Services,  Inc.  Retirement  Savings  Plan are  presented  for the
purpose  of  additional  analysis  and are  not a  required  part  of the  basic
financial   statements  but  are  supplementary   information  required  by  the
Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations  for Reporting and Disclosure  under
the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act  of  1974.  These  supplemental
schedules are the  responsibility  of the Plan's  management.  The  supplemental
schedules have been subjected to the auditing  procedures  applied in the audits
of the basic financial  statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all
material  respects  in  relation to the basic  financial  statements  taken as a

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Jacksonville, Florida
June 11, 1999


Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits With Fund Information
as of December 31, 1998 and 1997

                                                       Net Assets as of December 31, 1998
                               Investments, at fair value                      Receivables
                        ---------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------
                                        Mutual                                                              Transfers     Assets
                          Money          Fund      Participant                                                 From      Available
Participant               Market        Pooled        Notes      Participants'  Employer's      Accrued       Merged        for
Directed                  Funds         Accounts    Receivable   Contribution  Contribution     Income         Plans      Benefits
                        -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
Strong Money
 Market Fund            $ 7,551,894   $         -   $         -   $         -   $         -   $         -   $         -  $ 7,551,894
Strong Mutual Fund
 Pooled Accounts:
  Government Securities           -     5,940,232             -             -             -             -             -    5,940,232
  Asset Allocation                -     2,417,199             -             -             -             -             -    2,417,199
  Common Stock                    -    11,112,930             -             -             -             -             -   11,112,930
  Growth                          -     9,698,290             -             -             -             -             -    9,698,290
  Growth and Income               -           334             -             -             -             -             -          334
  Index 500                       -     7,451,853             -             -             -             -             -    7,451,853
  International Stock             -     1,712,752             -             -             -             -             -    1,712,752
  Schafer Value                   -    10,003,355             -             -             -             -             -   10,003,355
  Modis Stock Pool                -     1,471,234             -             -             -             -             -    1,471,234
Participant Notes                 -             -       614,663             -             -             -             -      614,663
Other                             -             -             -       739,559       855,192         1,927     9,436,990   11,033,668
                        -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
Total                   $ 7,551,894   $49,808,179   $   614,663   $   739,559   $   855,192   $     1,927   $ 9,436,990  $69,008,404

                                                Net Assets as of December 31, 1997
                                 Investments, at fair value             Receivables
                        -------------------------------------------     -----------
                                          Mutual                                         Transfers        Assets
                          Money            Fund         Participant                        From          Available
Participant               Market          Pooled           Notes       Participants'      Merged            for
Directed                  Funds           Accounts      Receivable     Contribution        Plans         Benefits
                        -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Strong Money
 Market Fund            $ 3,737,583     $         -     $         -     $         -     $         -     $ 3,737,583
Strong Mutual Fund
 Pooled Accounts:
  Government Securities           -         578,055               -               -               -         578,055
  Asset Allocation                -         249,606               -               -               -         249,606
  Common Stock                    -       1,485,448               -               -               -       1,485,448
  Growth                          -       1,542,294               -               -               -       1,542,294
  Index 500                       -          10,383               -               -               -          10,383
  International Stock             -         342,000               -               -               -         342,000
  Schafer Value                   -       1,293,034               -               -               -       1,293,034
  Modis Stock Pool                -         220,344               -               -               -         220,344
Participant Notes                 -               -          58,490               -               -          58,490
Other                             -               -               -         347,760      16,162,700      16,510,460
                        -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Total                   $ 3,737,583     $ 5,721,164     $    58,490     $   347,760     $16,162,700     $26,027,697

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits With Fund Information
for the year ended December 31, 1998

                                                   Additions to Net Assets Attributed to:
                        Investments                                                           Contributions
                        -----------                                             ---------------------------------------
Participant            in Fair Value                                                         Participants'                 Total
Directed              of Investments    Interest     Dividends      Other      Participants'  Rollovers     Employer's    Additions
                        -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
Strong Money
  Market Fund           $         -   $     7,537   $   562,884   $     2,475   $ 1,692,255   $   248,348   $   183,418  $ 2,696,917
Strong Mutual Fund
 Pooled Accounts:
  Government Securities     (40,387)            2       310,542             -     2,202,610       169,814       595,051    3,237,632
  Asset Allocation          226,550             -        40,691             2       876,727        72,868       231,288    1,448,126
  Common Stock             (381,725)          124       619,476             -     4,936,800       206,985     1,260,248    6,641,908
  Growth                  1,521,413           147           240             -     3,518,161       192,314       930,774    6,163,049
  Growth and Income               -             -             -             -           286             -            48          334
  Index 500                 789,317            82        44,664            16     2,633,718       120,927       671,268    4,259,992
  International Stock      (190,112)            -        22,640             -       844,913        19,968       214,966      912,375
  Schafer Value            (930,972)           53        60,788             -     4,773,140       209,797     1,222,630    5,335,436
  Modis Stock Pool         (602,772)          142             -             -       892,483        55,066       238,877      583,796
Participant Notes                 -        28,685             -             -             -             -             -       28,685
Other                       (26,455)        1,927             -             -       739,559             -       855,192    1,570,223
                        -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
Total                   $   364,857   $    38,699   $ 1,661,925   $     2,493   $23,110,652   $ 1,296,087   $ 6,403,760  $32,878,473

                                               Deductions from Net Assets Attributed to:
Participant Directed       Benefits Paid to Participants            Other                Total Deductions
                           -----------------------------          -----------           ------------------
Strong Money
  Market Fund                     $ 2,690,205                     $         -              $ 2,690,205
Strong Mutual Fund
 Pooled Accounts:
  Government Securities               312,262                              77                  312,339
  Asset Allocation                    153,251                               -                  153,251
  Common Stock                        819,939                             397                  820,336
  Growth                              550,157                             468                  550,625
  Growth and Income                         -                               -                        -
  Index 500                           209,272                               -                  209,272
  International Stock                 149,473                              34                  149,507
  Schafer Value                       601,479                              80                  601,559
  Modis Stock Pool                    147,938                              38                  147,976
Participant Notes                      25,423                               -                   25,423
Other                                       -                               -                        -
                           -----------------------------          -----------           ------------------
Total                             $ 5,659,399                     $     1,094              $ 5,660,493

                                                                      Transfers                             Net Assets Available
                                         Transfers      Transfers     (to) from                                  for Benefits
                                           from           from         Randstad           Net             -------------------------
Participant               Interfund       Merged       other Modis     Employee         Increase          Beginning        End
Directed                  Transfers        Plans          Plans      Savings Plan     (Decrease)          of Year        of Year
                         -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------     -----------        -----------   -----------
Strong Money
  Market Fund           $ (2,811,300)  $  7,996,274   $      1,523   $ (1,378,898)   $  3,814,311       $  3,737,583  $  7,551,894
Strong Mutual Fund
 Pooled Accounts:
  Government Securities    2,446,465              -          1,198        (10,779)      5,362,177            578,055     5,940,232
  Asset Allocation           940,859              -              -        (68,141)      2,167,593            249,606     2,417,199
  Common Stock             3,927,584              -          2,513       (124,187)      9,627,482          1,485,448    11,112,930
  Growth                   2,513,869              -          1,468         28,235       8,155,996          1,542,294     9,698,290
  Growth and Income                -              -              -              -             334                  -           334
  Index 500                3,406,368              -              -        (15,618)      7,441,470             10,383     7,451,853
  International Stock        625,057              -              -        (17,173)      1,370,752            342,000     1,712,752
  Schafer Value            4,112,994              -          1,715       (138,265)      8,710,321          1,293,034    10,003,355
  Modis Stock Pool           829,445              -              -        (14,375)      1,250,890            220,344     1,471,234
Participant Notes            492,664         54,141              -          6,106         556,173             58,490       614,663
Other                    (16,484,005)     9,436,990              -              -      (5,476,792)        16,510,460    11,033,668
                         -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------     -----------        -----------   -----------
Total                   $          -   $ 17,487,405   $      8,417   $ (1,733,095)   $ 42,980,707       $ 26,027,697  $ 69,008,404

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Notes to Financial Statements

1.     Description of Plan:

The following description of the Modis Professional Services, Inc. (the Company)
Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan), formerly AccuStaff  Incorporated  Retirement
Savings Plan,  provides only general  information.  Participants should refer to
the Plan agreement for a more complete description of the Plan's provisions.

General - The Plan,  which was adopted July 1, 1997,  is a defined  contribution
plan covering professional  employees of Modis Professional  Services,  Inc. who
are age 21 or older and have  completed at least 375 hours of service during any
90 consecutive day period or one year of service. To continue to vest in Company
contributions,  a participant must work at least 1,000 hours each year. The Plan
is subject to the provisions of the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
1974 (ERISA).

Contributions - Employer  contributions to the Plan are at the discretion of the
Company equal to a uniform  percentage of the amount of the salary elected to be
deferred.  Participants  may elect to defer and contribute to the Plan up to 15%
of their annual  compensation,  within the  limitations  prescribed  by law, and
under the provisions of the Plan.  Individual  participants'  contributions  are
limited  to an annual  IRS  maximum  amount  ($10,000  for the plan  year  ended
December 31, 1998).

Investment  Options - Under the provisions of the Plan,  participants may direct
their  contributions  to be  invested in various  pooled  accounts of the Strong
Mutual Fund Company.  Contributions  may be invested in one account or allocated
among different accounts.  Changes in allocation of contributions among accounts
are permitted pursuant to contract provisions.

Accounts  available to  participants  and the related  investment  objective are
summarized as follows:

          Strong Money Market - This Fund seeks current  income,  a stable share
          price and daily  liquidity.  The Fund invests in  corporate,  bank and
          government instruments that present minimal credit risk.

          Strong  Government  Securities  - This  Fund  seeks  total  return  by
          investing for a high level of current income with a moderate degree of
          share-price fluctuation. The Fund normally invests at least 80% of its
          net assets in U.S. government securities.

          Strong Asset Allocation - This Fund seeks high total return consistent
          with  reasonable  risk  over the long  term.  The  Fund  pursues  this
          objective by allocating its assets among stocks, bonds and cash.

          Strong Common Stock - This Fund seeks capital growth. The Fund invests
          at least  80% of its net  assets in equity  securities.  It  currently
          emphasizes   small   companies   that   the   advisor   believes   are
          under-researched and attractively valued.

          Strong Growth - This Fund seeks capital growth.  It invests  primarily
          in  securities  that the advisor  believes have  above-average  growth

          Strong  Growth  and  Income - This Fund  seeks  high  total  return by
          investing for capital growth and income. The Fund invests primarily in
          companies  that pay current  dividends and offer  potential  growth of

          Strong  Index 500 - This  Fund  seeks to  approximate  as  closely  as
          practicable  (before fees and  expenses) the  capitalization  weighted
          total rate of return of that  portion of the U.S.  market for publicly
          traded common stocks composed of the larger capitalization companies.

          Strong  International  Stock - This  Fund  seeks  capital  growth.  It
          invests  primarily  in the  equities  securities  of  issuers  located
          outside the United States.

          Strong  Schafer Value - This Fund's  primary  investment  objective is
          long-term capital appreciation. The Fund invests principally in common
          stocks and other  equity  securities.  Current  income is a  secondary
          objective in the selection of investments.

          Modis  Stock  Pool - This  Fund was  created  specifically  for  Modis
          employees.  The fund  purchases 95% of its value in Modis Stock.  Five
          percent is held in the Strong Money Market Fund. The combined value is
          unitized. The participant then invests in these units.


Earnings  Allocation - Plan  earnings are  allocated to  participants'  accounts
based upon their individual account balances as of each valuation date, less any
withdrawals made during the year.

Forfeiture Allocation - Forfeitures of terminated participants' accounts related
to the  provisions  of the Plan would  result in a  reduction  of the  Company's
contributions in the year of such forfeiture.  In 1998,  employer  contributions
were reduced by approximately $244,000 from forfeited nonvested accounts.

Vesting - Employee  contributions  plus actual earnings thereon are fully vested
at all times. Employer  contributions made on behalf of each participant are not
vested until the  employee  completes  five years of service,  at which time the
participant  becomes  fully  vested.  Pursuant  to an  amendment  to  the  Plan,
effective  January  1,  1998,  vesting  will  occur  equally  over four years of

In the  event of death  or  total  and  permanent  disability  while  under  the
Company's  employment,  all amounts credited to the participant's  account as of
the subsequent plan anniversary date are considered fully vested.

Payment of Benefits - Upon  retirement,  death or  disability,  a participant or
participant's  beneficiary  will receive a lump sum amount equal to the value of
his or her account.  In the case of termination other than death,  disability or
retirement,  the  employee  is entitled  to receive  100% of the vested  account

Participant  Notes  Receivable -  Participants  may receive  loans from the Plan
within limits  established  by rules under the Internal  Revenue Code. All loans
must be  collateralized.  A  participant  may use up to  one-half  of his or her
non-forfeitable  account balance under the Plan to  collateralize a loan.  Loans
require periodic  payments with principal  amortized over a period not to exceed
five years,  except for loans to acquire a principal  residence,  which  require
periodic  payments over a reasonable  period  determined at the date the loan is
made.  All loans are  considered  a  directed  investment  from a  participant's
account under the Plan.  All payments of principal and interest by a participant
on a loan are credited to his or her account.

2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

Basis of  Accounting - The financial  statements of the Plan are prepared  under
the accrual method of accounting.

Administrative  Expenses - All expenses of administration may be paid out of the
Plan's funds or by the Company.

Investment  Valuation and Income Recognition - The Plan's investments are stated
at fair value based upon quoted market prices. The Modis Stock Pool is valued at
quoted market prices,  which represent the net asset value of shares held by the
Plan at year-end.  Gains or losses on the sale of  investments  are based on the
cost or adjusted  value of each  specific  investment.

The Plan  presents  in the  statement  of changes in net  assets  available  for
benefits the net  appreciation  (depreciation)  in fair value of its investments
which consists of the realized  gains or losses and the unrealized  appreciation
(depreciation) on these investments.

Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a trade-date  basis.  Interest
income  is  recorded  on  the  accrual  basis.  Dividends  are  recorded  on the
ex-dividend date.

Use of Estimates - The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make significant
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities and disclosures of contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of
the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Risks and  Uncertainties - The Plan provides for various  investment  options in
any  combination  of  fixed  income  securities  and  mutual  funds.  Investment
securities  are  exposed to various  risks,  such as interest  rate,  market and
credit. Due to the level of risk associated with certain  investment  securities
and the level of  uncertainty  related  to  changes  in the value of  investment
securities, it is at least reasonably possible that changes in risks in the near
term would  materially  affect  participants'  account  balances and the amounts
reported in the  statement  of net assets  available  for plan  benefits and the
statement of changes in net assets available for plan benefits.

Benefits - Benefits are recorded when paid.


3.     Investments:

Investments  which exceeded 5% of the Plan's net assets at December 31, 1998 and
1997 are summarized as follows:

     Investments at Fair Value as Determined by Quoted Market Prices:

                                                    1998              1997
                                                ------------      ------------
Strong Money Market Fund                        $  7,551,894      $  3,737,583
Strong Mutual Funds Pooled accounts:
  Government Securities                            5,940,232                 -
  Common Stock                                    11,112,930         1,485,448
  Growth                                           9,698,290         1,542,294
  Index 500                                        7,451,853                 -
  Schafer Value                                   10,003,355                 -

4.     Plan Termination:

Although  it has not  expressed  any intent to do so, the  Company has the right
under the Plan agreement to  discontinue  its  contributions  at any time and to
terminate  the Plan  subject to the  provisions  of ERISA.  In the event of plan
termination, participants will become fully vested in their accounts.

5.     Tax Status:

The Internal  Revenue  Service has determined and informed the Company by letter
dated August 20, 1998 that the Plan and related trust are designed in accordance
with applicable  sections of the Internal  Revenue Code (IRC). The Plan has been
amended  since   receiving  the   determination   letter.   However,   the  Plan
administrator  and the Plan's tax counsel  believe that the Plan is designed and
is currently  being operated in compliance  with the applicable  requirements of
the IRC.

6.     Financial Instruments:

Certain financial instruments  potentially subject the Plan to concentrations of
credit  risk.  These  financial  instruments  consist of money  market funds and
pooled accounts with a mutual fund company.

The Plan limits its credit risk by maintaining its money market funds and pooled
accounts with what it believes to be high quality financial institutions.

7.     Related Party Transactions:

Certain Plan expenses for  accounting,  legal and  administrative  services were
paid for by the Company.  These expenses were approximately $138,000 and $46,000
in 1998 and 1997, respectively.

Employees  can elect to allocate  their  contributions  to the purchase of Modis
Company stock units, via the Modis Stock Pool Fund.

8.     Merger of Subsidiary Plans:

During 1998, the Plan was amended to include the defined  contribution  plans of
ten  subsidiaries  which were merged into the Plan. The following  table details
the  subsidiary,  merger date and amounts of assets  transferred  into the Modis
plan, exclusive of $54,141 of participants' loans.


Subsidiary                                                                Date                      Amount
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lenco Computer Consulting 401(k)  Profit Sharing Plan                    May 31, 1998          $        59,451
Technology Software Solutions, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan               May 31, 1998                   51,492
Technology Services Corporation 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan               May 31, 1998                1,053,343
Staffware, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan                                 June 30, 1998                2,194,493
Wasser, Inc. 401(k) Plan                                                June 30, 1998                1,126,794
Firstaff, Inc. 401(k) and Profit Sharing Plan                            July 2, 1998                1,729,984
Consultants in Computer Software, Inc. 401(k) Savings Plan              July 31, 1998                  510,107
Computer Systems Development, Inc. 401(k) Plan                     September 30, 1998                  376,000
Contact Recruiters, Inc. 401(k)                                    September 30, 1998                  605,905
Executive's Monitor, Inc. Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plan           September 30, 1998                  288,705
                                                                                               $     7,996,274

In  addition,  the  plans of  three  other  subsidiaries  with  assets  totaling
$9,436,990 were merged into the Plan effective December 31, 1998. The assets for
these plans are reflected in the statement of net assets  available for benefits
and in the  statement  of  changes  in net  assets  available  for  benefits  as
transfers from merged plans.

9.     Subsequent Events:

Five  subsidiary  401(k)  plans are  scheduled  to convert  into the Plan before
December 31, 1999.


Supplemental Schedules

Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
as of December 31, 1998

                                                                                Fair           (Depreciation)
                                                              Cost              Value          in Fair Value
                                                          ------------        ------------       ------------
Strong Money
  Market Fund                                             $   7,551,894       $  7,551,894       $          -
Strong Mutual Fund
 Pooled Accounts:
  Government Securities                                       5,985,960          5,940,232            (45,728)
  Asset Allocation                                            2,216,389          2,417,199            200,810
  Common Stock                                               11,594,385         11,112,930           (481,455)
  Growth                                                      8,403,676          9,698,290          1,294,614
  Growth and Income                                                 334                334                  -
  Index 500                                                   6,673,157          7,451,853            778,696
  International Stock                                         1,912,523          1,712,752           (199,771)
  Schafer Value                                              10,763,166         10,003,355           (759,811)
  Modis Stock Pool                                            2,084,013          1,471,234           (612,779)
                                                          -------------       ------------       ------------
                                                             57,185,497         57,360,073            174,576

Participant notes receivable with interest
  rates ranging from 2.13% to 10.5%                             614,663            614,663                  -
                                                          -------------       ------------       ------------
Total investments                                         $  57,800,160       $ 57,974,736       $    174,576
                                                          =============       ============       ============


Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Item 27b - Schedule of Loans or Fixed Income Obligations
as of December 31, 1998

The Plan had no items as described under Item 27b as of December 31, 1998.


Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Item 27c - Schedule of Leases in Default or Classified as Uncollectible
as of December 31, 1998

The Plan had no items as described under Item 27c as of December 31, 1998.


Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions
for the year ended December 31, 1998

The following  summary of reportable  transactions  presents each transaction or
series of transactions involving an amount in excess of five percent (5%) of the
fair value of Plan assets at the beginning of the 1998 Plan year.

                                                       Number                            Number         Realized
                                                         of                                of             Gains
                                    Purchases       Transactions        Sales         Transactions       (Losses)
                                   ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
Strong Money
  Market Fund                      $ 28,819,913        507           $ 25,005,602        508           $          -
Strong Mutual Fund
 Pooled Accounts:
  Government Securities               6,284,648        358                882,084        469                  9,561
  Asset Allocation                    2,392,044        301                451,001        317                  3,328
  Common Stock                       12,242,050        349              2,232,843        538               (136,107)
  Growth                              8,092,316        365              1,457,733        486                (53,129)
  Index 500                           7,394,815        375                742,662        356                  9,882
  International Stock                 1,896,050        275                335,186        368                (41,356)
  Schafer Value                      11,697,999        346              2,056,706        508               (208,365)
  Modis Stock Pool                    2,188,400        290                334,738        354                (54,111)


Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Item 27e - Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions
for the year ended December 31, 1998

The Plan executed no transactions as described under Item 27e for the year ended
December 31, 1998.


Modis Professional Services, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
Item 27f - Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions
for the year ended December 31, 1998

        Identity of                                                Description of                Earnings lost from
       Party Involved                 Relationship                  Transactions                 late contributions
- - -----------------------------    -----------------------    ------------------------------    --------------------------

 Modis Professional                   Plan Sponsor            Employer segregrated                     $8,508
    Services, Inc.                                            employee contributions
                                                              after the 15th business
                                                              day following the end of
                                                              the month in which amounts
                                                              were withheld from
                                                              employee wages. Subsequent
                                                              to year end, the employer
                                                              has funded all earnings
                                                              lost from late
                                                              contributions to the
                                                              respective employees.
