August 3, 2000

Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC  20549

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We were previously principal  accountants for Goran Capital Inc. (the "Company")
and under the date of March 14,  2000,  except for Note 23, which is as of March
23, 2000, we reported on the consolidated  financial  statements of the Company,
as of December 31, 1999 and 1998,  and for the years ended December 31, 1999 and
1998.  On August 3,  2000,  we  resigned  as the  principal  accountants  of the

We have read the  Company's  statements  included  under  Item 4 of its Form 8-K
dated August 4, 2000, and we agree with such statements,  except that we are not
in a  position  to agree or  disagree  with the  Company's  statements  that the
appointment  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP  ("BDO") was made by the  Company's  Board of
Directors and approved by its Audit Committee; and neither management nor anyone
on its  behalf  consulted  with BDO  regarding  the  application  of  accounting
principles to a specific transaction, either completed or proposed , or the type
of audit opinion that might be rendered on the Company's  financial  statements,
and neither a written  report nor oral advice was provided to the Company,  that
BDO  concluded was an important  factor  considered by the Company in reaching a
decision as to the accounting,  auditing or financial reporting issue during the
Company's two most recent fiscal years and the subsequent  interim period prior,
to engaging BDO.

Very truly yours,


Per:  Katherine Evans, C.A.
