Exhibit 2.7

                          MULTIPLE PERIL CROP INSURANCE


This Insurance Services and Indemnity Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as the
"Agreement")  is made and  entered  into by and between  IGF  Insurance  Company
(hereinafter  referred to as "IGF"), an Indiana domiciled  property and casualty
insurer with principal offices located at 6000 Grand, Des Moines, Iowa 50312 and
Continental  Casualty Company,  (hereinafter  referred to as "CCC"), an Illinois
domiciled  property and casualty  insurer with principal  offices located at CNA
Plaza, Chicago, Illinois, effective July 1, 1997 for the benefit of IGF and CCC.

WHEREAS, CCC and IGF, IGF Holdings, Inc. and Symons International Group, Inc.
have entered into a Strategic Alliance Agreement(hereinafter referred to as the 
"SAA"), and pursuant to Article 6 thereof have agreed to execute certain
Ancillary Agreements;

WHEREAS,  among the  Ancillary  Agreements  CCC and IGF have  entered  into is a
Multiple Peril Crop Insurance Quota Share Contract  (hereinafter  referred to as
the "Reinsurance Contract") effective July 1,1997 for certain policies issued by
CCC and  reinsured  100% by IGF (as  defined in the  Reinsurance  Contract,  and
hereinafter  referred to as the "Policy  (ies)"),  pursuant to the terms of such
Reinsurance Contract;

WHEREAS, in connection therewith CCC and IGF wish to enter into an agreement for
the provision of insurance services and indemnity;

WHEREAS,  IGF possesses  the staff and expertise to administer  the Policies and
agrees  to  assume  certain  duties  and  responsibilities  to  administer  such
Policies; and

WHEREAS, CCC'S offer to write such business is based on IGF'S acceptance of such
duties and responsibilities as described herein;

NOW,  THEREFORE,  the  parties,  in  consideration  of  the  mutual  agreements,
covenants, and provisions herein contained, agree as follows:


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                                    I. TERM

This Agreement  shall take effect with the  Reinsurance  Contract and shall have
the same term and  cancellation  provisions in their entirety as provided in the
Reinsurance Contract,  except as specified in Sections 4.5 and 4.7 of Article IV
and  Sections  12.1  through  12.6 of  Article  XII of this  Agreement.  If this
Agreement is  terminated  or expires for any reason,  the  Reinsurance  Contract
shall simultaneously terminate or expire.
                                II. APPOINTMENTS

Section 2.1: IGF shall serve as CCC'S  marketing,  production,  and underwriting
agent for the Policies and shall adjust any claims made under the Policies.

Section 2.2: IGF warrants that it has and shall maintain  throughout the term of
this Agreement any and all licenses required to perform and provide the services
specified  in this  Agreement in CCC's state of domicile and in all other states
in which IGF is performing  services on behalf of CCC. IGF also warrants that it
shall abide by all rules and  regulations  as required by insurance  department,
bureau of insurance, the FCIC/Risk Management Agency (hereinafter referred to as
"FCIC") or other  appropriate  regulatory agency of the states in which Policies
are written,  including  any filings as required by the  appropriate  regulatory

Section 2.3:  Payment of all commissions  due on Policies  produced by producers
shall be made directly by IGF to the producers.

Section  2.4:  In  consideration  for these  appointments,  IGF and CCC agree to
exercise all authority and perform all duties required by this Agreement.


Section  3.1:  IGF is  authorized,  and  agrees on behalf of CCC,  to accept and
decline insurance risks, underwrite,  price, bind, issue, and cancel or nonrenew
the Policies, make customary endorsements,  changes, assignments,  transfers and
modifications of existing Policies,  subject to limitations provided herein. IGF
warrants that it shall accept and decline  insurance risks,  underwrite,  price,
issue,  and  cancel or  nonrenew  the  Policies,  make  customary  endorsements,
changes,  assignments,  transfers and  modifications  of existing  Policies in a
timely and professional  manner through qualified  persons,  fully familiar with
generally  accepted  standards in the United States,  and for the 1998 Crop Year
according to CCC's formal  written  guidelines  as may be provided  from time to
time to IGF, and for the 1999 Crop Year and subsequent  Crop Years  according to
formal written guidelines of the Underwriting  Committee (as defined in the SAA)
as may be provided from time to time to IGF.

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Section 3.2:  Nothing stated anywhere in this Agreement shall impair IGF'S right
to cancel or nonrenew any Policy,  providing  such action is in full  compliance
with applicable law and CCC receives advance notice of IGF'S intent. CCC has the
right to cancel or  nonrenew  any Policy  upon the prior  approval of IGF unless
this Agreement  expires or is terminated,  whereupon CCC may do so without prior
approval but shall provide ten (10) days prior written notice to IGF.

Section 3.3: CCC agrees that it shall,  upon written request from IGF,  promptly
appoint  such persons as agents of CCC or grant such persons a power of attorney
as requested by IGF.  CCC also agrees that it shall,  upon written  request from
IGF promptly file with appropriate  regulatory  authorities such forms and rates
as  requested by IGF.  IGF's staff shall  perform the  administrative  functions
necessary for CCC to make such appointment and grant such powers.


Section  4.1:  IGF is  authorized,  and  agrees  on behalf  of CCC,  to  adjust,
compromise,  process and pay all claims arising under the Policies  issued under
this Agreement,  including the right to litigate claims in CCC's name, except as
provided  in Section  4.5 of Article IV  herein.  IGF  warrants  that any claims
arising under the Policies will be handled in a timely and  professional  manner
by qualified  persons,  fully familiar with generally  accepted  claims handling
standards in the United  States,  and for the 1998 Crop Year  according to CCC's
formal  written  guidelines  as may be provided from time to time to IGF. IGF is
authorized and agrees to investigate,  monitor,  and handle any claims under any
of the  Policies  issued  under this  Agreement  and  reinsured  pursuant to the
Reinsurance Contract on CCC'S behalf or retain any independent claims consultant
or adjuster as may be required.

Section 4.2: CCC and IGF shall provide the other with prompt notification of any
losses or  claims,  or any  information  that  makes a loss or claim  reasonably
likely under the Policies and as provided elsewhere in this Agreement.

Section 4.3: In recognition of statutory,  regulatory and legal duties to handle
claims  in a prompt  and  fair  manner,  CCC and IGF  agree  to  exercise  their
commercially  reasonable  best  efforts  and  cooperate  fully with the other to
handle claims in said manner and in full compliance with all such requirements.

Section  4.4:  Within 15 days after the end of each  calendar  month  while this
Agreement is in effect,  IGF shall promptly report to CCC on all open and closed
claims  handled by it during  such  month in the  reporting  format as  mutually
agreed to between CCC and IGF.  Such reports shall  include  information  on all
claims and allocated claims expenses

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reserved, paid and outstanding.  IGF shall report within thirty (30) days of any
such developments, significant developments on claims, including but not limited
to,  major  reserve  increases or  decreases,  settlements,  or new  information
changing the  liability  assessment or valuation  previously  reported to CCC by
IGF.  IGF shall send CCC a copy of any claim file upon request by CCC. All claim
files will be the joint property of CCC and IGF during the period this Agreement
is in effect.

Section 4.5: Upon termination of this Agreement,  or in the event of an order of
liquidation  of CCC during the period this  Agreement  is in effect,  such files
shall become the sole property of CCC or its estate.  IGF shall have  reasonable
access to, and the right to copy, any such claim files in CCC'S  possession on a
timely basis, if requested.

Section  4.6: IGF shall pursue  salvage or  subrogation  on behalf of CCC in all
appropriate cases, on any claims arising under the Policies.

Section 4.7: In the event this  Agreement  is  terminated  and unless  otherwise
mutually  agreed to  between  CCC and IGF,  IGF shall have the right and duty to
settle  and  handle all subsequent  claims  and  losses  until such time as all
Policies issued, underwritten or serviced by IGF pursuant to this Agreement have
expired  and  the  Reinsurance  Contract  has  expired,  and  all  known  claims
thereunder  have been  paid or  settled,  have  runoff  or  otherwise  have been
disposed of in the  judgment of CCC,  and all  incurred  but not  reported  loss
reserves  have been  reduced to zero,  and any amounts  owed to CCC by others or
under the  Reinsurance  Contract in regard to any claims have been  collected by
CCC.  Reinsurance  indemnity  for any claim or loss  discussed  herein  shall be
provided  in  accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions  of the  Reinsurance

Section 4.8:  All claims  and/or  losses  handled by IGF pursuant to Section 4.7
herein shall be reported to CCC by IGF within forty-five (45) days after the end
of each calendar quarter in such reporting format as requested by CCC.

Section 4.9: IGF agrees to notify CCC immediately upon notice of any allegations
of bad faith as respects any Policy covered under the Reinsurance Contract, and,
of the receipt of any notice that a lawsuit has been filed  against  IGF, any of
its employees or agents,  and/or CCC by an insured on a Policy covered under the
Reinsurance Contract.  IGF shall furnish CCC, upon CCC's request, with copies of
all  pleadings  and related  file  material  pertaining  thereto in a prompt and
timely fashion.


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Section 5.1: The parties  agree that IGF shall bill its  customers  directly for
the Policies and collect all premiums due and owing for such Policies. IGF shall
reimburse  CCC for all  premium  taxes due under such  Policies at such times as
requested by CCC to fulfill its filing and payment obligations.

Section  5.2:  Within  fifteen  (15) days after the end of each month while this
Agreement is in effect, IGF shall provide CCC, for each Agreement Year for which
coverage applies under the Reinsurance Contract, the following report:

 Gross  liability,  premiums and losses paid,  by state,  before  deducting  the
amount of reinsurance ceded to the FCIC SRA.

 Net premiums and losses paid,  after recoveries from the FCIC SRA and deduction
of the allowable Expense Reimbursement under the FCIC SRA.

 Calculation  of gain or loss between the Company and the FCIC after  recoveries
from the SRA and deduction of the allowable Expense Reimbursement under the FCIC

Any balance due one party from the other  shall be payable  upon  receipt of the
above report.

Section 5.3: As soon as  practicable  after the first  February  following  each
Agreement Year, the IGF shall furnish to CCC the following report:

 Gross  liability,  premiums and losses paid,  by state,  before  deducting  the
amount of reinsurance ceded to the FCIC SRA.

 Net premiums and losses paid,  after recoveries from the FCIC SRA and deduction
of the allowable Expense Reimbursement under the FCIC SRA.

 Calculation  of gain or loss between the Company and the FCIC after  recoveries
from the SRA and deduction of the allowable Expense Reimbursement under the FCIC

Any balance due one party from the other  shall be payable  upon  receipt of the
above report.

Section 5.4: As soon as possible after the  conclusion of each calender  quarter
and Agreement  Year the IGF will provide any other  information  CCC may require
for its  Convention  Statement  which may be reasonably  available to IGF. It is
understood and agreed  that IGF and CCC shall each  provide to the other any
other  information mutually agreed to between the parties in writing.

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Section 5.5: The parties agree to apply commercially  reasonable best efforts to
coordinate the flow of funds among the escrow accounts  maintained by each party
under their respective FCIC SRAs including the exploration of establishing a new
account at a bank of convenience to IGF over which IGF shall have administrative

Section  5.6:  Except for the  actions of the FCIC that are of generic and equal
application to insurers holding SRAs (i.e.,  nonpayment or rationed payment of A
& O  Subsidies  due to the  lack  of  appropriated  funds)  that  result  in the
nonpayment of amounts otherwise due to such insurers, the failure of the FCIC to
remit funds to either CCC or IGF under their respective SRAs for any Reinsurance
Year due to an offset or an outright refusal to remit such funds whether they be
for administrative and operating expenses or underwriting gain or loss (with the
exception of Withheld Funds as defined below) shall not excuse either CCC or IGF
from making remittances of its obligations under this Agreement and the Multiple
Peril Crop  Insurance  Quota Share  Agreement.  Furthermore,  should FCIC offset
funds from a Reinsurance  Account of either party for losses in which each party
would  have a  share  under  the  Multiple  Peril  Crop  Insurance  Quota  Share
Agreement,  then the party  whose  Reinsurance  Agreement  was  offset  shall be
considered to have paid its  respective  obligation to the extent of the offset.
Should such offset be greater than the  obligation  of the party subject to such
offset under the Multiple Peril Crop Insurance Quota Share  Agreement,  then the
other party shall  remit such funds or such excess  shall be an account  payable
due from the other party.

Section 5.7: For any applicable  Reinsurance Year, any gains withheld by FCIC in
a Reinsurance  Account of IGF or CCC ("Withheld  Funds") that would otherwise be
due and  payable  to one or the other  parties  shall be  treated  as an account
payable to the party to which such funds are owing.  Such accounts payable shall
be due upon the receipt of such Withheld  Funds by the party holding the account


Section 6.1: CCC and IGF agree to use their commercially reasonable best efforts
to achieve full compliance with all applicable  statutory,  regulatory and legal

Section 6.2: CCC and IGF agree that IGF is  authorized to make such filings with
the FCIC, as are required by applicable  law, on CCC's behalf.  IGF will provide
CCC with copies of all filings at least five (5) business  days prior to filing.
CCC will have the right to approve such filing, but CCC's approval will not be
unreasonably withheld. CCC will have the opportunity to review all data relevant
to such filings.

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Section 6.3: IGF agrees to advise CCC of any complaints  and/or inquiries and to
provide CCC with the opportunity to respond to regulators or consumers.  CCC and
IGF agree to provide the other,  promptly upon request, with all information and
support required for any regulatory  compliance  obligation and for any reports,
statements or other filings required by regulatory authorities.

Section  6.4:  IGF  agrees  to  monitor  all  legal,  statutory  and  regulatory
developments  affecting the Policies  hereunder and promptly report same to CCC.
Should any such changes  affect the  Policies  hereunder,  the parties  agree to
ensure  full   compliance   with  such  changes.   IGF  agrees  to  prepare  any
documentation necessary to assure such compliance. In the event that CCC becomes
aware of any such development, it shall report it promptly to IGF.

Section 6.5: In the event that the FCIC or any State, by statute,  regulation or
otherwise,  prohibits or restricts IGF'S authority hereunder,  the parties agree
that IGF's authority to act on behalf of CCC pursuant to this Agreement shall be
so restricted in that State.

                                VII. COMPENSATION

The parties agree that  compensation  for the  performance  of the mutual duties
specified hereunder shall be as follows:

Section  7.1:  For the 1998 crop  year,  CCC  shall pay to IGF the  entire A & O
Subsidies,  CAT LAE Reimbursement and XLAE received by CCC through its 1998 FCIC
Standard  Reinsurance  Agreement   (hereinafter  "SRA")  net  of  the  following
expenses:  (i)  reimbursements  for any  commissions  on 1998 MPCI business paid
prior to Closing;  (ii) a percentage of 1998  premiums  written on policies with
sales closing dates prior to January 1, 1998 equal to the FCIC SRA A & O Subsidy
rate for the products  marketed  (i.e.,  twenty-seven  percent (27%) for regular
MPCI;  twenty-three  and one-quarter  percent (23.25%) for CRC) less the average
commission  rate paid or due to be paid on such  business less XXXX percent (X%)
for LAE;  (iii) YYY percent (Y%) of premium on 1998 or 1999 premiums  written on
policies  with sales  closing  dates  after  January 1, 1998 and before June 30,
1998; and (iv) direct overhead  expenses of CCC's  participation in the Multiple
Peril Crop  insurance  program,  including,  but not  limited to,  office  rent,
staffing, product development,  marketing, advertising, licensing, and all other
direct overhead  expenses/fixed  costs, and with respect to the foregoing in the
manner of the payments described in this paragraph and in the amount (which
insofar as it is  undetermined  in this  paragraph, then as the parties agree
by April 1, 1998) of the payments described in this paragraph.

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Section  7.2:  For any other year beyond the 1998 crop year that CCC has an SRA:
(i) CCC shall transmit one hundred  percent  (100%) of the A & O Subsidies,  CAT
LAE Reimbursement and XLAE received by CCC under the SRA to IGF immediately upon
receipt,  or instruct  FCIC to transmit  them  directly to IGF, or authorize the
opening of a specific  account under IGF's control for the purposes of receiving
such funds, or assign such proceeds directly to IGF, or otherwise facilitate the
receipt by IGF of such funds;  and (ii) IGF agrees to reimburse  CCC for all its
reasonable  fronting  costs,  including  its costs and  expenses  related to the
production of Policies pursuant to this Agreement, related to filings under this
Agreement  and  related  to  the  performance  of  its  obligations  under  this

Section  7.3:  For any year in which  CCC does not have an SRA,  IGF  agrees  to
reimburse CCC for all its  reasonable  fronting  costs,  including its costs and
expenses  related to the  production  of Policies  pursuant  to this  Agreement,
related to filings under this  Agreement and related to the  performance  of its
obligations under this Agreement.

                              VIII. INDEMNIFICATION

Section 8.1: In addition to the  obligations of IGF pursuant to the terms of the
Reinsurance  Contract,  IGF shall  indemnify  CCC as follows in Sections 8.2 and
8.3.  However,  Sections  8.2 and 8.3 shall not apply to any  liability,  claim,
suit, demand,  damages  (including  punitive and exemplary  damages),  judgment,
cost,  interest and expense  (including  but not limited to attorneys'  fees and
disbursements)  or regulatory  fines or  administrative  penalties caused by the
action of or the  failure  to take  action  by any  employee  of CCC.  Nor shall
Sections  8.2 and 8.3  prevent  the  application  of any  available  reinsurance

Section  8.2: IGF shall  indemnify,  defend and hold  harmless  CCC, its agents,
employees,  subsidiaries and affiliates from and against all liability,  claims,
suits, demands,  damages (including punitive and exemplary damages),  judgments,
costs,  interest and expense  (including but not limited to attorneys'  fees and
disbursements)  arising out of, or in connection  with,  any Policy issued under
this Agreement and reinsured under the Reinsurance  Contract,  including but not
limited to production  activities (such as claims made by producers  against CCC
for commissions allegedly due them on Policies under the Agreement),  failure of
producers to be properly  licenced,  underwriting  activities,  policy issuance,
claim handling and the resolution of coverage  issues;  provided  however,  that
notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement,  such indemnification of
IGF shall not extend to any matter subject to the obligations of CCC or its
affiliates under the Multiple Peril Crop Insurance Quota Share Agreement.

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Section 8.3: IGF agrees to indemnify, defend and hold CCC harmless and make full
and prompt reimbursement for any regulatory fines,  administrative penalties, or
civil  forfeiture  levied  against CCC by the  FCIC/RMA or other  department  or
agency,  relating to IGF'S failure to fulfill any of its obligations  under this
Agreement  to  administer  the 1998 Crop Year  MPCI book of  business  until the
expiration  of  the  liabilities   associated  therewith.   CCC  shall  use  its
commercially  reasonable  best  efforts to advise IGF as soon as possible of any
such fine or penalty,  or any information  indicating that a fine or penalty may
be levied.

Section  8.4:  Any  inadvertent  delay,  omission  or error shall not be held to
relieve  either  party  hereto  from any  liability  which  would  attach  to it
hereunder if such delay, omission or error had not been made.

Section 8.5: CCC agrees to save,  indemnify,  and hold IGF harmless  against any
and all loss, liability or damage resulting from any misrepresentation or breach
of warranty by CCC under the terms of this Agreement.

Section 8.6: The indemnities  provided in Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, and 8.5 herein
shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

                                 IX. ARBITRATION

In the event of an irreconcilable dispute between the parties to this Agreement,
such dispute  shall be submitted for decision to the process of  arbitration  in
the manner and pursuant to the procedure set forth in the ARBITRATION Article of
the Reinsurance Contract.

                                 X. MODIFICATION

There  will be no  modification  of or  change  in the  terms of this  Agreement
without the written approval of the parties to this Agreement.

                         XI. BINDING EFFECT OF AGREEMENT

This  Agreement  will be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of the  parties,
their successors and assigns.


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                                XII. TERMINATION

Section  12.1:  This  Agreement  and IGF'S  obligations,  except as specified in
Article I,  Sections  4.5 and 4.7 of Article IV, and Section 8.6 of Article VIII
hereunder,  shall terminate automatically and without notice upon the occurrence
of any one or more of the following  events:  (a) termination of the Reinsurance
Contract;  or (b)  termination or  modification  of IGF'S  participation  in the
Reinsurance Contract.

Section 12.2: Any termination of this Agreement shall be subject always to IGF'S
duty to satisfy,  fulfill,  fully perform and  discharge all of its  obligations
pursuant to this Agreement.

Section 12.3: This Agreement, except as specified in Article I, Sections 4.5 and
4.7 of Article IV, and Section 8.6 of Article  VIII,  may be  terminated  at any
time by mutual written agreement.

Section 12.4:  Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  should the Put
Right or Call Right be triggered,  then IGF must stop using the CCC front at the
end of the current crop year in which the Put or Call right is exercised.

Section  12.5:  Immediately,  following  receipt of written  notice from CCC, on
account  of IGF's  failure  to comply  with a  condition  or  provision  of this
Agreement  within  thirty  (30) days  after such  failure  is brought  the IGF's
attention in writing, this Agreement shall terminate.

Section 12.6:  Unless  otherwise  directed by CCC in writing,  in the event this
Agreement is terminated,  IGF shall continue to perform the duties  necessary to
service all Policies,  at its own expense,  until all liability  underlying  the
Policies shall have been  terminated.  Such services shall consist of, but shall
not necessarily be limited to,  cancellations,  return  premiums,  endorsements,
account current reporting and claim  settlements.  IGF shall also issue, for and
on behalf  of CCC,  an  effective  notice of  non-renewal  to all  policyholders
terminating  their  coverage  upon the  expiration  of their  Policy  term  next
following the termination of this Agreement.  Should good cause exist for CCC to
assume such duties,  IGF shall  reimburse CCC for the expenses it shall incur in
performing  such duties.  IGF shall also provide CCC, at IGF's  expense,  with a
copy of all  insurance  records on unexpired  Policies and all  insurance  claim

                               XIII. CONTRIBUTION

IGF,  upon  any  payment  hereunder,  shall  fully  share  in  the  subrogation,
contribution  and salvage rights of CCC, as  applicable,  to the extent of IGF'S
payment to CCC.


In the event of any conflict or  inconsistency  between this  Agreement  and the
Reinsurance   Contract,   this  Agreement  shall  prevail  and  be  controlling.
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  in Article IX herein,  any
irreconcilable  dispute  between the parties to this Agreement shall be resolved
by  arbitration,  in the manner and pursuant to the  procedure  set forth in the
Reinsurance Contract, as more fully set forth in Article IX of this Agreement.

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                                XV. SEVERABILITY

In the event any  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  declared  invalid  or
unenforceable by any regulatory body or court having jurisdiction, such validity
or  enforceability  shall not  affect  the  validity  or  enforceability  of the
remaining portions of this Agreement.

                                 XVI. ASSIGNMENT

IGF and CCC agree that this  Agreement is  non-assignable,  in whole or in part,
without the written consent of the other party.

                                  XVII. RECORDS

Section 17.1: Upon reasonable notice, IGF or its designated  representative,  or
CCC and its designated representative,  shall have access at any reasonable time
to  inspect  and audit the books and  records  which  pertain in any way to this
Agreement and may make copies of any records pertaining  thereto.  This right of
inspection,  audit and information  shall survive  termination of this Agreement
and  shall  run to the  natural  expiry of all  liabilities  under the  policies
covered under the Reinsurance Contract.

Section 17.2: Subject to provisions  regarding  ownership of policies and claims
files,  the records for the Policies shall be the property of IGF and be left in
IGF's possession,  provided IGF has then rendered and continues to render timely
accounts and payments of all monies due CCC. Otherwise, the records, and the use
and  control  of  expirations,  shall  be the  property  of CCC  and  IGF  shall
immediately thereafter forward all such records to CCC.

                             XVIII. ENTIRE AGREEMENT

This  Agreement,  the  Strategic  Alliance  Agreement,  the Crop Hail  Insurance
Services and Indemnity  Agreement,  the Ancillary  Agreements,  the  Reinsurance
Contract, the Multiple Peril Crop Insurance Quota Share Agreement, the Crop Hail
Quota  Share  Contract,  and the Crop Hail Quota  Share  Agreement,  between the
parties  hereto,  represent  the entire  agreement and understanding  among the
parties signatory to this Agreement. No other oral or written  agreements or
contracts relating to the risks reinsured hereunder currently exist and/or are
contemplated between the parties.

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                            XIX. ADDITIONAL SERVICES

Section  19.1:  IGF is willing to assist CNA:

         A. In administering insurance products marketed or developed by CNA
outside the agreements listed in Article XVIII;

         B. In  performing  services,  including  but not limited to  regulatory
compliance, processing, debt collection, accounting, or other activities related
to CNA's Business in years prior to the 1998 Crop Year;

         C. In performing loss adjustment and claims  processing  related to any
insurance  or other  products of CNA outside  the  agreements  listed in Article
XVIII; and

         D. Any other  services  outside  the the  agreements  listed in Article
XVIII that utilize the staff and  expertise of IGF that it is willing to perform
on behalf of CNA.

Any services  provided  under this Section shall be based on terms included in a
separate agreement or agreements or an amendment or amendments to this Agreement
outlining the terms,  conditions,  and  compensation for the performance of such
services. In general, the fees for services performed shall be those outlined in
Section 19.2.

Section  19.2:  Subject to specific  provisions  to the contrary in any separate
agreements or amendments to this Agreement regarding services to be performed by
IGF on behalf of CNA under  Section 19.1,  the following  schedule of fees shall
apply to all such separate agreements or amendments to this Agreement:


Executive - President, Executive Vice President      $205.00

Internal Legal Staff - Indianapolis and Des Moines    $150.00

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Corporate Manager - I.e., Accounting, National Claims Mgt. Staff  $85.00

Field Manager Rate - Service Office Director, Regional Claims Mgt. $60.00

Field Service Rate - Claims Adjuster $40.00

After  April  1,  1999,  the  rates  contained  in this  fee  schedule  shall be
recalculated  annually for a five (5) year period  thereafter by multiplying the
effective rate for the prior year by a factor of 1.05. IGF shall provide the CNA
with a report that provides an  accounting  of functions  performed and expenses
incurred and the related fees and costs associated therewith on a monthly basis.
The timing of the  payment  for such fees and costs  shall be  according  to the
terms of the separate  agreement or amendment to this  Agreement  related to the
services performed.

Section  19.3:  Subject to specific  provisions  to the contrary in any separate
agreements or amendments to this Agreement regarding services to be performed by
IGF on behalf of CNA under Section 19.1, CNA shall  reimburse IGF for all actual
transportation, communication, meals, lodging, outside legal, and administrative
expenses  related to the functions  performed on behalf of CNA including  actual
computer service costs for processing data.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives.


By:    _______________________________________________________________
Name:  _______________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________
Date:  _______________________________________________________________


Multiple Peril Crop Insurance
Insurance Services & Indemnity Agreement
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By:    _______________________________________________________________
Name:  _______________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________
Date:  _______________________________________________________________

Multiple Peril Crop Insurance
Insurance Services & Indemnity Agreement
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