(RULE 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14a INFORMATION

                    EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.   )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement          [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
                                               Commission Only (as permitted by
                                               Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                PEERLESS MFG. CO.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

 [X]  No fee required.

 [ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

   (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


   (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


   (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


   (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


   (5)  Total fee paid:


   [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

   [ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
   Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
   paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
   number, or the form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

   (1)  Amount Previously Paid:


   (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


   (3)  Filing Party:


   (4)  Date Filed:


                              PEERLESS MFG. CO.
                            2819 Walnut Hill Lane
                             Dallas, Texas 75229

                         TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 16, 2000

 To the Shareholders of

   We  will  hold  this  year's  annual  shareholders  meeting  on  Thursday,
 November 16, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. at  our corporate offices, 2819 Walnut  Hill
 Lane, Dallas, Texas.  At this meeting we  will ask you to consider and  vote
 on the election  of two  Directors to  serve as  Class III  Directors for  a
 three-year term and until their successors are elected and qualified, and to
 ratify the selection of Grant Thornton  LLP as our independent auditors  for
 fiscal year  2001.   We will  also  discuss and  take  action on  any  other
 business that is properly brought before the meeting.

   If you were a shareholder at the close of business on September 25,  2000,
 you are entitled to vote  on the proposals to  be considered at this  year's
 shareholders meeting. It is important that your stock be represented at  the
 meeting regardless of the number of shares you hold.

   You are invited to attend the  meeting in person.  However, regardless  of
 whether or not you  plan to attend, please  complete, date, sign and  return
 the accompanying proxy in the enclosed postage-paid self-addressed envelope.
 If you do attend the meeting,  you may, if you  wish, revoke your proxy  and
 vote your shares in person.  We look forward to hearing from you.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                    /s/ Thomas J. Reeve
                                    Thomas J. Reeve
                                    Secretary, Treasurer,
                                    Chief Financial Officer
 Dallas, Texas
 October 19, 2000


                              PEERLESS MFG. CO.
                            2819 Walnut Hill Lane
                             Dallas, Texas 75229

                               PROXY STATEMENT
                        ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                         To Be Held November 16, 2000
                              PROXY SOLICITATION

   Peerless Mfg. Co. is sending this  proxy statement to the shareholders  of
 Peerless Mfg. Co. for use at  the Annual Meeting of Shareholders which  will
 be held at our  corporate offices, 2819 Walnut  Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas  on
 Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 10:00 a.m., or any adjournments thereof.

   The record of  shareholders entitled  to vote  at the  annual meeting  was
 taken at the close of business on September 25, 2000.  On October 19,  2000,
 we began mailing this proxy statement to our shareholders.

   The enclosed proxy is  solicited on behalf of  our Board of Directors  and
 can be revoked by you at any time prior to the voting of the proxy.   Unless
 a contrary choice is  indicated, all duly executed  proxies that we  receive
 will be voted in accordance with the instructions set forth on the back side
 of the proxy  card.  If  the proxy  does not specify,  it will  be voted  in
 accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Directors.

                         VOTING AT THE ANNUAL MEETING

   On September 25, 2000,  1,467,992 shares of  our common  stock, par  value
 $1.00 per share, were issued and  outstanding.  Each of our shareholders  is
 entitled to one vote for each share they owned as of the record date on  all
 matters presented at the meeting.  Shareholders are not entitled to cumulate
 their votes in the election of directors.  A majority of the holders of  the
 outstanding shares of  our common  stock must be  present, in  person or  by
 proxy, to constitute a  quorum at the annual  meeting.  If  a quorum is  not
 present, the  annual meeting  may be  adjourned from  time to  time until  a
 quorum is obtained.  If a quorum is present, we need the affirmative vote of
 a majority of the shares eligible to  vote and actually voted at the  annual
 meeting to elect  directors, ratify the  selection of  our accountants,  and
 take action on  such other matters  as may properly  come before the  annual

   Any  shareholder  who is  present at  the meeting  but who  abstains  from
 voting shall be counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists,
 but an abstention shall not be counted as an affirmative vote.  Shareholders
 have the right to revoke their  proxies at any time  prior to the voting  of
 the proxy, by written  notice of revocation to  Thomas J. Reeve,  Secretary,
 Peerless Mfg. Co., 2819 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229, by  executing
 a new proxy, or by attending the annual meeting and casting a contrary vote.
 Revocation will  not be  effective unless  we have  received the  notice  of
 revocation at or prior to the annual meeting.

   We will bear  the expense of  preparing, printing and  mailing this  proxy
 statement and accompanying material  to our shareholders.   Our officers  or
 other employees may solicit your proxy by mail, personal contact,  telephone
 and facsimile, but these officers and employees will not receive  additional
 compensation for  these services.   We  may also  request brokerage  houses,
 nominees, custodians,  fiduciaries  and  other similar  parties  to  forward
 soliciting material to our record shareholders, and we will reimburse any of
 these persons for their reasonable charges and expenses.


  PROPOSAL 1 - Election Of Class III Directors

   On May 21, 1997, our Board of Directors amended our bylaws to provide  for
 a classified board.  Our Board  of Directors now consists of three  classes,
 with one director serving in Class I,  and two directors serving in each  of
 Classes II and  III.   Each class of  directors serves  three-year terms  or
 until successors have been elected or qualified.

   There are  two  Class III  directors  whose  terms  expire  at the  annual
 meeting.  The Board of Directors  has proposed Sherrill Stone and Donald  A.
 Sillers, Jr. as nominees for reelection as Class III directors to serve  for
 three year terms and until and  their successors are elected and  qualified.
 Unless a shareholder indicates  otherwise, the persons  named as proxies  in
 the enclosed proxy  card have  indicated that they  intend to  vote for  the
 election of the foregoing nominees.    All nominees have consented to  serve
 if elected.   If  either of  the nominees  is not  available to  serve as  a
 director at the time of election, the proxies may be voted for a  substitute

 Nominees for Class III Directors to Serve Until 2003

   Sherrill Stone, age 64 - Mr. Stone has served as Chairman of the Board and
   Chief Executive Officer  since 1993, and  President of  the Company  since
   1986.  Mr. Stone has also served as a director of our company since 1986.

   Donald A. Sillers, Jr., age 74 -  Investments.  Mr. Sillers is our  former
   Chairman of the  Board and Chief  Executive Officer, and  has served as  a
   director of our company since 1970.

 Class II Directors Continuing to Serve Until 2002

   Bernard S. Lee, age 65 - Mr. Lee, retired, served as the former  President
   of Institute  of Gas  Technology.   Mr.  Lee is  also  a director  of  NUI
   Corporation and National Fuel Gas Company.  Mr. Lee has been a director of
   our company since 1982.

   Joseph V. Mariner,  Jr., age  80 -  Investments.   Mr. Mariner  is also  a
   director of Rent-A-Center, Inc. and Temtex  Industries, Inc.  Mr.  Mariner
   has been a director of our company since 1980.

 Class I Director Continuing to Serve Until 2001

   David D.  Battershell,  age  74  -  Mr.  Battershell,  retired  consulting
   engineer and  former President  of Hudson  Engineering,  has served  as  a
   director of our company since 1980.

   The business experience of each of the above listed nominees and directors
 during the past  five years  was that  typical to  a person  engaged in  the
 principal occupation listed.

   Our  Board  of  Directors  has  an  audit  committee  and  a  compensation
 committee.  The audit  committee is responsible for  reviewing the scope  of
 the audit  by  the independent  auditors,  reviewing the  management  letter
 received  from  the  auditors  and  recommending  changes  in  our  internal
 accounting  controls.    The  compensation  committee  is  responsible   for
 recommending to the full Board of Directors salaries and bonuses for our key
 employees.   Messrs.  Battershell, Lee,  Sillers  and Mariner,  all  of  our
 outside directors, were members of the audit committee and the  compensation
 committee in fiscal 2000.  Our Board of Directors does not have a nominating
 committee.  The  Board of  Directors, as  a whole,  performed the  functions
 customarily attributable to a nominating committee.

   During fiscal 2000, our Board of Directors held seven meetings, the  audit
 committee held  three  meetings  and the  compensation  committee  held  two
 meetings.  Each of the directors attended  at least 75% of the total  number
 of meetings of the Board of Directors and any meetings held by any committee
 on which that director  served. Non-employee directors  are paid $1,575  per
 quarter, plus $950 for each board or special committee meeting they  attend.
 We also grant stock options for  500 shares of our  common stock to each  of
 our non-employee directors on the date  of our annual shareholder's  meeting
 for such director's prior years service.   These are issued pursuant to  the
 1995 Stock Option and  Restricted Stock Plan.   Our officers do not  receive
 compensation for serving on our Board.


   PROPOSAL 2 - Ratification of Selection of Independent Auditors

   Grant Thornton LLP,  independent certified public  accountants, served  as
 independent auditors for the company for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000
 and has  reported on  the  company's financial  statements.   The  Board  of
 Directors has  selected  Grant Thornton  LLP  as the  company's  independent
 auditors for fiscal year  2001 and recommends  that the shareholders  ratify
 this selection.

   A representative of Grant  Thornton LLP is expected  to be present at  the
 annual meeting and will  have an opportunity to  make a statement if  he/she
 desires to do so, and is expected to be available to respond to  appropriate

   Shareholder ratification  is  not  required for  the  selection  of  Grant
 Thornton LLP as  the company's independent  auditors for  fiscal year  2001,
 because the  Board of  Directors has  responsibility  for selection  of  the
 company's independent  auditors.    The selection  is  being  submitted  for
 ratification with a view toward soliciting the opinion of the  shareholders,
 which opinion will be taken into consideration in future deliberations.


                        AND CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS

   The following  table  shows the  number  of  shares of  our  common  stock
 beneficially owned as of  September 25, 2000 by  (1) each current  director,
 (2) the nominees  for director, (3)  our named executive  officers, (4)  our
 directors and officers as a group,  and (5) each person  known to us to  own
 beneficially more than 5% of our common stock.

   Except as otherwise indicated and based on our review of information filed
 with the Securities and Exchange Commission  (we refer to it as the  "SEC"),
 we believe that the  beneficial owners of the  securities listed below  have
 sole investment and  voting power with  respect to such  shares, subject  to
 community property laws, where applicable.

                                                   Shares of      Percent of
                                                 Common Stock       Common
                  Name                        Beneficially Owned     Stock
       -----------------------------------    ------------------  ----------
       Sherrill Stone(1) .................           45,858            3.1%
       Donald A. Sillers, Jr.(2) .........           96,727            6.6%
       David D. Battershell(3) ...........            9,800              *
       Bernard S. Lee(4) .................            6,800              *
       Joseph V. Mariner, Jr.(5) .........            4,550              *
       G. D. Cornwell (6) ................           14,250              *
       Roy Cuny (7).......................            3,000              *
       Frank Fuller (8) ..................            6,000              *
       Royce & Associates, Inc.(9) .......          106,800            7.3%
       Cannell Capital Management(10) ....           85,600            5.8%
       Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. (11)           76,150            5.2%
       All Directors and Officers as a
         Group (13 persons including
         those named above)  (12) .......           197,060           12.9%


 *   Less than 1%.

 (1)  Includes 22,500 shares of our common  stock issuable pursuant to  stock
   options granted  under the  1995 Stock  Option and  Restricted Stock  Plan
   that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of this proxy  statement.
   Does not include  150 shares owned  of record by  Mrs. Jo  Ann Stone,  Mr.
   Stone's wife,  as  to which  shares  Mr. Stone  disclaims  any  beneficial
   interest.  Mr. Stone's address is c/o Peerless Mfg. Co., 2819 Walnut  Hill
   Lane, Dallas, TX  75229.

 (2)  Includes 26,000 shares owned of record  by Mr. Sillers as sole  trustee
   of a trust, the income from which is  payable for life to Mr. Sillers  and
   his wife,  remainder to  their children  and 3,200  shares of  our  common
   stock issuable  pursuant to  stock options  granted under  the 1995  Stock
   Option  and Restricted  Stock  Plan,  that are  exercisable  currently  or
   within 60  days of  this proxy  statement.   Does not  include 939  shares
   owned of record by Mrs. Virginia  Sillers, Mr. Sillers' wife, as to  which
   shares  Mr. Sillers  disclaims  any  beneficial interest.    Mr.  Sillers'
   address is 8609 Northwest Plaza Drive, #403, Dallas, TX  75225.

 (3)  Includes 3,200 shares of  our common stock  issuable pursuant to  stock
   options granted  under the  1995 Stock  Option and  Restricted Stock  Plan
   that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of this proxy  statement.
   Mr. Battershell's  address is  D.D. Battershell  and Associates,  114  Dan
   Moody Trail, Georgetown, TX  78628.

 (4)  Includes 3,200 shares of  our common stock  issuable pursuant to  stock
   options granted  under the  1995 Stock  Option and  Restricted Stock  Plan
   that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of this proxy  statement.
   Does not include  1,500 shares owned  of record by  Mrs. Pauline Lee,  Mr.
   Lee's wife, as to which shares Mr. Lee disclaims any beneficial  interest.
   Mr. Lee's address is 6900 North Kilpatrick Ave, Lincolnwood, IL  60712.

 (5)  Includes 3,200 shares of  our common stock  issuable pursuant to  stock
   options granted  under the  1995 Stock  Option and  Restricted Stock  Plan
   that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of this proxy  statement.
   Mr. Mariner's address  is Mariner Ranch, 2002  School House Road,  Gordon,
   TX  76453.

 (6)  Includes 4,000 shares of  our common stock  issuable pursuant to  stock
   options granted  under the  1995 Stock  Option and  Restricted Stock  Plan
   that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of this proxy  statement.
   Mr. Cornwell's address  is c/o Peerless Mfg.  Co., 2819 Walnut Hill  Lane,
   Dallas, TX  75229.

 (7)  Mr. Cuny's address  is c/o Peerless  Mfg. Co., 2819  Walnut Hill  Lane,
   Dallas, TX  75229.

 (8)  Includes 6,000 shares of  our common stock  issuable pursuant to  stock
   options granted  under the  1995 Stock  Option and  Restricted Stock  Plan
   that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of this proxy  statement.
   Mr. Fuller's  address is c/o  Peerless Mfg.  Co., 2819  Walnut Hill  Lane,
   Dallas, TX  75229.

 (9)  Based on information  provided to the  company by  Royce &  Associates,
   Inc. on  September 25,  2000.   Royce &  Associates, Inc.  and Charles  M.
   Royce, controlling  person of  Royce &  Associates, Inc.,  are deemed  the
   beneficial owners of 106,800 shares  of common stock.  Royce &  Associates
   is located at 1414 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.

 (10) Based on  a  13(d)  filing  dated  June  11,  1997.    Cannell  Capital
   Management  is deemed  the beneficial  owner of  85,600 shares  of  common
   stock.  Cannell Capital Management  is located at 750 Battery Street,  San
   Francisco, CA  94111.

 (11) Based on  a 13(g)  filing dated February  11, 2000.   Dimensional  Fund
   Advisors Inc. is  deemed the beneficial owner  of 76,150 shares of  common
   stock. Dimensional  Fund Advisors Inc.  is located at  1299 Ocean  Avenue,
   11th Floor, Santa Monica, CA  90401

 (12) Includes 59,175 shares of our  common stock issuable upon the  exercise
 of stock options  that are exercisable  currently or within  60 days of  the
 date of the proxy statement.

                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

   The following table sets forth information regarding compensation we  paid
 during our last three fiscal years to our Chief Executive Officer and all of
 our most  highly  compensated  executive  officers  (other  than  our  Chief
 Executive Officer)  whose  total annual salaries  and bonuses during  fiscal
 2000 exceeded $100,000.

                                                      SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                             Long Term Compensation
                                Annual Compensation                       Awards                  Payouts
                             -----------------------------------      ------------------      ---------------
                                                          Other                   Securities
                                                          Annual      Restricted  Underlying          All Other
                                                          Compen-     Stock       Options/     LTIP    Compen-
                             Fiscal Salary    Bonus       sation      Award(s)     SAR's      Payouts  sation
                              Year    ($)    ($)(1)       ($)(2)      ($)(3)        (#)         ($)    ($)(4)
                              ----  -------  -------      ------      ------      ------      -------   -----
   Sherrill Stone             2000  195,231        0         0             0      10,000          0     4,120
     Chairman, CEO &          1999  187,818   58,080         0             0           0          0     3,756
     President                1998  187,207  116,496         0             0       5,000          0     3,744

   G.D. Cornwell              2000  132,024        0         0             0       2,000          0     2,685
     Senior Vice President    1999  129,854   52,272         0             0           0          0     2,597
                              1998  120,991  105,906         0        31,875       4,000          0     2,420

   Frank Fuller               2000  104,079        0         0             0       2,000          0     2,126
     Vice President           1999   97,167   20,328         0             0           0          0     2,117
                              1998   98,971   47,965         0             0       2,000          0     2,043

   Ray Muzyka  *              2000  113,107        0         0             0       2,000          0     2,307
     Vice President           1999   98,248   34,848         0             0           0          0     1,965
                              1998   99,140   68,839         0             0       3,000          0     1,983

         * Retired as of June 30, 2000.


 (1)  Bonuses are paid in the fiscal year following the fiscal year in  which
   the bonus was earned.

 (2)  The aggregate value of Other Annual  Compensation paid does not  exceed
   the lesser  of  $50,000 or  10% of  the salary  and  bonuses paid  to  the
   executive officers named above.

 (3)  Restricted stock awards are valued at  the closing market price of  our
   common stock as  of the date  of grant.   We pay  dividends on  restricted
   shares at  the  same rate  we  pay dividends  to  all shareholders.    Our
   Restricted Stock  Plan is discussed  in the  Board Compensation  Committee
   Report on Executive Compensation set forth below.

 (4)  Amounts shown represent contributions  we made on  behalf of the  named
   executive  officers to  the  Peerless  Mfg. Co.  Retirement  Savings  Plan
   Trust, a defined  contribution plan defined  under Section  401(k) of  the
   Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                    OPTION GRANTS DURING 2000 FISCAL YEAR

   In fiscal 2000, we granted stock options to our non-employee directors for
 an aggregate of 6,800 shares  of our common stock   (1,700 common stock  per
 director), all of which  were immediately exercisable.   In addition,  stock
 options for an aggregate of 36,000 shares of our common stock were issued to
 10 employees,  30,000 of  which were  immediately exercisable  and 6,000  of
 which will  vest 25%  ratably over  the  first four  years  of the  10  year
 exercise period.

                                          AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN FISCAL YEAR 2000 AND
                                                  FISCAL YEAR 2000 OPTION VALUE TABLE

                                                                               Value of Unexercised
                                                  Number of Options            In-The-Money Options
                                                      at FY-End                     at FY-End
                        Shares                      June 30, 2000                 June 30, 2000
                       Acquired     Value                (#)                         ($) (1)
                     On Exercise   Realized  ---------------------------  ----------------------------
        Name             (#)         ($)     Exercisable   Unexercisable  Exercisable    Unexercisable
  --------------     -----------   --------  -----------   -------------  -----------    -------------
  Sherrill Stone              0          0      22,500          2,500        140,625         15,625
  G. D. Cornwell          2,500     15,625       4,000          2,000        22,250          12,500
  Frank Fuller                0          0       6,000          1,000        38,875           6,250
  Ray Muzyka  *               0          0       3,500          1,500        19,125           9,375

                       * Retired as of June 30, 2000.

      (1) The closing price  for our common stock  as reported on the  NASDAQ
      Stock Market National Market  on June 30, 2000  was $16.875.  Value  is
      calculated on  the basis  of the  difference  between $16.875  and  the
      option exercise  price of  "in the  money" options,  multiplied by  the
      number of shares of our common stock underlying the option.

 Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

   The compensation  committee  of our  Board  of Directors  is  composed  of
 Messrs. Battershell, Lee, Sillers and Mariner, our four independent  outside
 directors.  No  compensation committee interlocks  existed and no  employees
 participated in compensation committee decisions in fiscal year 2000.

 Board Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

   The compensation  committee is  responsible for  setting the  annual  base
 compensation and bonus levels and administering the restricted stock program
 for our employees,  including our executive  officers.  Its  recommendations
 are subject to final approval  by the Board of  Directors.  We believe  that
 the key  to  a  successful executive  compensation  program  is  in  setting
 aggressive business goals  by integrating the  program with  our annual  and
 strategic planning and  evaluation processes  and by  comparing our  results
 against industry performance levels.  The compensation committee takes  into
 account achievements during the past fiscal year, as well as the  individual
 achievements  of  our  various  business  units  and  divisions,  in  making
 executive compensation determinations.   In addition,  we recognize that  we
 compete  in   an  increasingly   competitive  environment,   and   executive
 compensation therefore  must  also  take into  account  our  performance  as
 compared  to  that  of  other  companies  in  our  industry  or  in  similar
 industries.  The compensation  committee also evaluates  on an annual  basis
 our corporate  performance, revenues  and share  performance compared  to  a
 broader group of companies, such as the Standard & Poor's 500.

 Annual Base Compensation

   Annual base compensation awarded in any particular fiscal year to each  of
 our executive officers is  based upon the  following factors: our  corporate
 performance during the prior  year, performance of  our divisions for  which
 the executive officer is  responsible, and a  more subjective evaluation  of
 each of the executive officer's individual  performance.  The evaluation  of
 our corporate performance is directly linked to our profitability during the
 period, and therefore is based upon the value of our stock.  In making  this
 evaluation, the  compensation committee  reviews  our percentage  growth  in
 earnings per share over the prior year, and our overall return on equity for
 that period.  The compensation committee believes that these two factors are
 the primary  determinants  of  stock price  over  time.    The  compensation
 committee next reviews  the profit performance  of the individual  divisions
 for which the executive officer is  responsible.  Finally, the  compensation
 committee determines the individual rating for each executive officer, which
 is based  upon  such  qualitative factors  as  the  achievement  of  certain
 financial objectives and  specific organizational and  management goals  for
 that officer.  Annual base compensation  for our Chief Executive Officer  is
 determined in the same  manner as for our  other executive officers,  except
 that the compensation committee does not  review or evaluate any  particular
 division's performance,  but rather,  looks to  our company  as a  whole  in
 determining corporate performance relevant to the Chief Executive  Officer's

   We entered  into  employment agreements  with  Sherrill Stone,  our  Chief
 Executive Officer, in 1994 which provides that upon a change of control,  we
 will pay the Chief Executive Officer 299% of his average annual compensation
 as severance compensation,  and under other  certain circumstances, we  will
 pay the Chief  Executive Officer  90% of  his annual  base compensation  for
 three years as severance pay.  We also entered into employment agreements on
 May 16, 2000 with Roy C.  Cuny, our Chief Operating Officer, which  provides
 that upon a change of control, we will pay the Chief Operating Officer  299%
 of his  average annual  compensation as  severance compensation,  and  under
 other certain circumstances, we will pay the Chief Operating Officer 90%  of
 his annual base compensation for three years as severance pay.  In addition,
 we entered into employment agreements on  July 23, 1999 with Gilbert  Darwyn
 Cornwell, a Senior  Vice President,  which provides  that upon  a change  of
 control, we will pay the Chief Executive Officer 299% of his average  annual
 compensation  as   severance   compensation,   and   under   other   certain
 circumstances, we will pay the Senior Vice President 90% of his annual  base
 compensation for three years as severance pay.

   The compensation committee also recognizes that,  in order to attract  and
 retain the highest quality executive officers, their base compensation  must
 be competitive in relation to that  paid by companies in similar  industries
 and in comparable geographic areas.  Accordingly, the compensation committee
 periodically reviews the executive compensation paid by such companies.

 Annual Bonus Plans

   We have an incentive bonus plan  pursuant to which certain key  employees,
 including the  named  executive  officers,  are  selected  annually  by  the
 compensation committee  to  earn  a cash  bonus  based  upon  our  after-tax
 profitability.   This plan  requires that  we achieve  a specific  after-tax
 return on beginning-of-year  equity, after which  bonuses may  be paid  out.
 The available bonus  pool is calculated  on earnings in  excess of the  base

   Once the total bonus pool is calculated, we distribute it to  participants
 in the plan  in accordance  with pre-determined  percentages as  set by  the
 compensation committee  annually.   The  determination  of the  bonus  level
 awarded to our Chief Executive Officer is made in the same manner as that of
 our other executive officers.  No bonuses  were paid in fiscal year 2000  to
 the executive officers.

   The  compensation   committee   also  recommended   that   an   additional
 discretionary bonus pool of $20,000 be established, to be used by the  Chief
 Executive  Officer  for  the  purpose  of  recognizing  certain  outstanding
 contributions made by any employee, including the named executive  officers,
 but excluding the Chief  Executive Officer.  Awards  under this plan may  be
 made in order to recognize new product inventions or improvements, ideas for
 major manufacturing cost  reductions, originations of  large and  profitable
 orders or for  other purposes. In  fiscal year 2000,  $6,500 was awarded  to
 employees pursuant to this discretionary bonus pool.

 1985 Restricted Stock Plan

   Our Board of Directors adopted the 1985 Restricted Stock Plan to  attract,
 motivate and retain qualified employees.  The 1985 plan was approved by  our
 shareholders on November 13,  1985 and became effective  as of December  13,
 1985.   The 1985  plan is  administered  by our  Board of  Directors,  which
 delegates to  the  compensation  committee  its  power  to  determine  which
 employees should  be awarded  restricted stock  pursuant to  the 1985  plan.
 Under the terms of the 1985 plan, we may grant up to an aggregate of  75,000
 shares of  restricted common  stock to  any employee.   Employees  receiving
 restricted stock  do not  pay for  such  stock; however,  certain  ownership
 restrictions are placed  upon the stock  on the date  of its issuance  which
 lapse within five  years after  such issuance.   Dividends are  paid to  the
 employees on restricted shares during the restriction period.  During fiscal
 year 2000, 6,500 shares of restricted  common stock were issued pursuant  to
 the 1985 plan,  and no shares were cancelled.

 1995 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Plan

   Our Board of Directors adopted the 1995 Stock Option and Restricted  Stock
 Plan to attract, motivate and retain qualified employees.  The 1995 plan was
 approved by  our shareholders  on November  21,  1996 and  became  effective
 immediately thereafter.   The  1995 plan  is administered  by our  Board  of
 Directors, which delegated to certain members of the compensation committee,
 Messrs. Battershell, Lee and Mariner, its power to determine which employees
 should be awarded restricted stock pursuant to the plan.  From time to time,
 our Chief Executive  Officer will recommend  to the designated  non-employee
 directors, individuals he believes should be subject to an option or  grant,
 and,  with  respect  to  any  recommended  option, whether the option should
 be  a qualified or  nonqualified.    The designated  non-employee  directors
 will  consider,  but  need  not  accept,  the  Chief   Executive   Officer's

   Under the terms of the 1995 plan, we  may provide options or grants up  to
 an aggregate of 120,000 shares of restricted common stock to any employee or
 non-employee director.  Under  the  1995  plan,  each  of  our  non-employee
 directors will  receive  additional  options  on  the  date  of  our  annual
 shareholders meeting for the prior year's service on the Board of Directors.
 The designated  non-employee directors  will determine  the number  and  the
 exercise price of the options, and the time or times that the options become
 exercisable, provided that an option exercise price may not be less than the
 fair market value of our common stock on the date of grant.  The term of  an
 option will also  be determined  by the  designated non-employee  directors,
 provided that  the term  of a  qualified  option may  not exceed  10  years.
 Designated non-employee  directors  may  grant shares  of  restricted  stock
 without  requiring  the  payment  of  cash  consideration  for  the  shares.
 Currently, no restricted stock grants have been awarded under this plan.

   In fiscal year 2000, 1,700 shares of our common stock options were awarded
 to each non-employee director which were immediately exercisable, and 36,000
 shares of our common stock options were divided among 10 employees, of which
 30,000 common stock  options were immediately  exercisable and 6,000  common
 stock options vest  25% ratably over  the first four  years of  its 10  year
 exercise period.

   This report is submitted by the members of the Compensation Committee:


   This report will  not be  deemed to be  incorporated by  reference in  any
 filing by the company  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or  the
 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as  amended, except to the extent that  the
 company  specifically incorporates  this report by reference.

 Corporate Performance Graph

   The following graph compares the cumulative total shareholder return  over
 a five-year period, assuming $100 invested at  June 30, 1995 in each of  (1)
 our common stock, (2) the Dow Jones Industrial Average and (3) a peer  group
 consisting of manufacturers  in the industrial  sector providing  industrial
 and commercial services to  other commercial enterprises. Total  shareholder
 return is  based on  the increase  in the  price of  the common  stock  with
 dividends reinvested.

   The stock price performance depicted in the Corporate Performance Graph is
 not necessarily  indicative  of future  price  performance.   The  Corporate
 Performance Graph will not be deemed incorporated by reference in any filing
 by the company under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Exchange
 Act of  1934, as  amended, except  to the  extent the  company  specifically
 incorporates this graph by reference.

                                 TOTAL RETURN
                 (Assumes $100 investment on June 30, 1995)


Total Return Analysis
                               6/30/95       6/28/96       6/30/97       6/30/98       6/30/99       6/30/00
- ---------------------------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Peerless Manufacturing       $    100.00   $    103.68   $    108.36   $    131.38   $    115.63   $    192.96
DJ Industrial Average        $    100.00   $    127.01   $    176.01   $    208.95   $    260.55   $    251.95
DJ US Total Mkt Industrial-  $    100.00   $    125.40   $    170.68   $    208.44   $    271.18   $    314.31

                      SECTION 16(a) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP
                             REPORTING COMPLIANCE

   Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, requires
 our executive officers and directors, and persons who own more than 10% of a
 registered class of our equity securities, to file reports of ownership  and
 changes in  ownership  with the  SEC.   Executive  officers,  directors  and
 greater than 10% shareholders are required  by SEC regulation to furnish  us
 with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

   Based solely on our review of the copies of such forms received by us,  we
 believe that  during  our fiscal  year  2000, our  officers,  directors  and
 greater than 10% beneficial owners have complied with all applicable  filing
 requirements  with  respect  to  our  equity  securities,  except  that  one
 statement of beneficial ownership (Form 3) was filed late by Tom Reeve,  who
 became an officer of the company on January 3, 2000.


   Grant Thornton LLP has audited our  financial statements since our  fiscal
 year 1970 and  has been selected  to act in  that capacity  for the  ensuing
 fiscal year.  We expect representatives of Grant Thornton LLP to be  present
 at the annual meeting. They will have the opportunity to make a statement at
 the annual  meeting if  they desire  to  do so,  and  they will  respond  to
 shareholder questions raised during the meeting.

                            SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

   Shareholders wanting to properly submit any business at an annual  meeting
 must give  timely notice  in writing,  in accordance  with our  amended  and
 restated bylaws.  To  be considered timely, a  shareholder's notice must  be
 delivered in person  or by  certified mail,  and received  at our  executive
 office (1) not less than 120  days nor more than  150 days before the  first
 anniversary date of  the our  proxy statement  in connection  with the  last
 annual meeting of shareholders or (2)  if no annual meeting has been  called
 after the expiration of  more than 30  days from the  date for such  meeting
 contemplated at the time  of the previous year's  proxy statement, not  less
 than a reasonable time,  as determined by our  Board of Directors, prior  to
 the date of the applicable annual  meeting.  We may exclude any  shareholder
 proposal that is excludable  pursuant to any rule,  regulation or ruling  of
 the SEC.

   A proper proposal submitted by any of our shareholders for presentation at
 our 2001 annual shareholders meeting and/or for inclusion in our 2001  proxy
 statement should  be  received at  our  executive office  not  earlier  than
 May 23,  2001  and  not  later  than  June  22,  2001  to  be  eligible  for
 presentation at our 2001 annual shareholders  meeting and/or to be  included
 in our proxy statement and form of proxy relating to the 2001 meeting.

                                OTHER MATTERS

   Neither our management nor  Board of Directors knows  of any matter to  be
 acted upon at the annual meeting other than the matters described above.  If
 any  other  matter  properly  comes  before   the  annual  meeting  or   any
 adjournments thereof, however, the proxies in the enclosed form confer  upon
 the persons  entitled  to  vote  the  shares  represented  by  such  proxies
 discretionary authority to vote on the matter in accordance with their  best
 judgment in the Company's interest.

                             FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   A copy of the  company's 2000 annual  report containing audited  financial
 statements accompanies this  proxy statement.   The annual  report does  not
 constitute a part of the proxy solicitation materials.

 (exclusive of exhibits) FILED WITH THE SEC.

                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                          /s/ Thomas J. Reeve
                          Thomas J. Reeve,
                          Secretary, Treasurer
                          Chief Financial Officer

 Dallas, Texas
 October 19, 2000

                    [PROXY CARD FRONT & BACK APPEARS HERE]

                               PEERLESS MFG. CO.
           OF SHAREHOLDERS AT 10:00 A.M. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2000
                   2819 WALNUT HILL LANE, DALLAS, TEXAS 75229


     Receipt  herewith  of the Company's Annual Report and Notice of Meeting
  and Proxy Statement, dated October 19, 2000, is hereby acknowledged.

     The undersigned shareholder of Peerless Mfg. Co. (the "Company") hereby
  appoints Sherrill Stone and Tom Reeve or either of them, as proxies,  each
  with full powers of substitution, to vote the shares of the undersigned at
  the above-stated Annual Meeting and at any adjournment(s) thereof.

                      (Please sign on the other side)


   The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Items 1,2,3, and 4.

   Please mark your vote as indicated in this example    [ X ]

     1.   Election of Sherrill Stone as a Class III Director.

          FOR  [   ]       AGAINST  [   ]       ABSTAIN  [   ]

     2.   Election of Donald A. Sillers, Jr. as a Class III Director.

          FOR  [   ]       AGAINST  [   ]       ABSTAIN  [   ]

     3.   Ratification of the selection of Grant Thornton as the
          Company's accountants for the 2001 fiscal year.

          FOR  [   ]       AGAINST  [   ]       ABSTAIN  [   ]

     4.   In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such
          other business or matters as may properly come before the meeting
          or any adjournment thereof.

                                   Dated:                             , 2000



                                   (Joint owners must EACH sign EXACTLY as
                                   your name(s) appear(s) on this card. When
                                   signing as attorney, trustee, executor,
                                   administrator, guardian or corporate
                                   officer, please give your FULL title.)

                                   PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND MAIL TODAY.