

                                WELLS GARDNER

               e l e c t r o n i c s    c o r p o r a t i o n


                                  LOCAL 1031



                            OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS,


                       July 3, 2000  to  June 29, 2003
                              TABLE OF CONTENT'S

      Section     1.  Parties and Effective Date ............     1
      Section     2.  Expiration Date and Renewal ...........     1
      Section     3.  Recognition ...........................     1
      Section     4.  Management ............................    1-2
      Section     5.  Union Shop ............................     2
      Section     6.  Check-off .............................    2-3
      Section     7.  Non-Discrimination ....................     3
      Section     8.  Trial Period Employees ................    3-4

      Section     1.  Stewards ..............................     4
      Section     2.  Grievance Procedure ...................    4-6
      Section     3.  Arbitration ...........................     6
      Section     4.  No Strike or Lockouts .................    6-7

      Section     1.  Regular Work Week .....................     7
      Section     2.  No Staggering .........................     7
      Section     3.  Changing Workweek .....................     7
      Section     4.  Overtime ..............................     8
      Section     5.  Shift Premium .........................     8
      Section     6.  Preference of Shift and Overtime ......     8
      Section     7.  Lunch Periods .........................     8
      Section     8.  Rest Periods ..........................     9
      Section     9.  Reporting Pay .........................     9
      Section     10. Call-Back Pay .........................     9
      Section     11. No Pyramiding .........................     9

      Section   1. Basis of Seniority .......................     9
      Section   2. Effect of  Seniority .....................    9-10
      Section   3. Seniority List ...........................     10
      Section   4. Temporary Layoffs ........................     10-11
      Section   5. Temporary Transfers ......................     11
      Section   6. Options ..................................     11
      Section   7. Demotion .................................    11-12
      Section   8. Rights on Recall .........................    12-13
      Section   9. Skill & Ability ..........................     13
      Section  10. Vacancies.................................    13-14
      Section  11. On-the-Job-Training ......................     14
      Section  12. Leave of Absence .........................     15
      Section  13. Loss of Seniority ........................    15-16
      Section  14.  Promotion to Exempt Positions ...........     16

                          TABLE OF CONTENT'S CONT'D


      Section   1. Eligibility and Amount of Vacation .......    16-17
      Section   2. Minimum Hours ............................     17
      Section   3. Computation of Vacation Pay ..............     18
      Section   4. Scheduling of Vacations ..................     18
      Section   5. Date Due .................................     18
      Section   6. Consecutive  Days, etc ...................     18
      Section   7. Retiree Pro-Rata Vacation Pay ............     19
      Section   8. Holidays and Holiday pay .................    19-20
      Section   9. Floating Holiday .........................     20

      Section   1. Rates ....................................     20
      Section   2. Cost Of Living ...........................     20-21
      Section   3. New Classifications ......................     21
      Section   4. Upgrading ................................     21
      Section   5. New Experienced Employees ................     21
      Section   6. Payday ...................................     22
      Section   7. Piece Work ...............................     22
      Section   8. Pension Plan .............................     22

 ARTICLE VII      INSURANCE .................................    22-23

      Section   1. Saving   Clause...........................     23
      Section   2. Bulletin  Board...........................     23
      Section   3. Election Day..............................     23
      Section   4. Supervisors...............................     24
      Section   5. Right of Access...........................     24
      Section   6. Conflict with State & Federal Laws........     24
      Section   7. Female Employees..........................     24
      Section   8. Paid Leave of Absence ....................    24-25
      Section   9. Jury Service .............................     25
      Section  10. Safety and Health Provisions..............     25
      Section  11. Union Employee Educational Assistance Program  26
      Section  12. Call-In Sick / Personal Day...............     27
      Section  13. Inventory Shutdown Scheduling.............     27
      Section  14. Severance Plan............................     27
      Section  15. 401K Savings Plan ........................     27

      APPENDIX "A" Wage Scale - Effective 06-30-97..........     28-31

      APPENDIX "B" Insurance Coverage for Employees & Dependents 32-33

      APPENDIX "C"  Piece Work / Incentive System...........      34

                                  ARTICLE  I

                             UNION AND MANAGEMENT

      Section 1. Parties and  Effective Date: The  parties to this  Agreement

 are: Wells-Gardner  Electronics  Corporation,  its  successors  or  assigns,

 hereinafter called the "Company"  and Local 1031, International  Brotherhood

 of Electrical  Workers,  AFL-CIO,  hereinafter called  the  "Union".    This

 Agreement shall become effective July 3, 2000.

      Section 2. Expiration Date and Renewal: This Agreement shall remain  in

 full force and effect until June 29, 2003 and then shall automatically renew

 itself from year to year thereafter,  unless the Company or the Union  gives

 written notice to the other party  to amend, modify or terminate within  not

 less than sixty (60) days prior to any expiration date.  The parties may  by

 mutual agreement modify or amend this Agreement at any time hereafter.

      Section 3. Recognition: The  Company recognizes the  Union as the  sole

 and  exclusive  collective  bargaining  agent  for  all  of  the   Company's

 production and maintenance employees located  at 2701 North Kildare  Avenue,

 Chicago, Illinois  60639  excluding  Wells-Gardner  Electronics  Corporation

 executives  and  non-working   supervisors,  office,   clerical  and   sales

 employees,  engineering  and  laboratory  employees,  supervisors,   guards,

 outside truck  drivers, journey  & craft  persons  who are  represented  for

 purposes of collective bargaining by unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

      Section  4.  Management:  The  management   of  the  Company  and   its

 operations, the direction of  the work force, including  the right to  hire,

 assign, suspend, transfer, promote, discharge  or discipline for just  cause

 and to maintain discipline and efficiency of its employees and the right  to

 relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or for other  legitimate

 reasons not in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement; the right  to

 determine the extent  to which  the plant shall  be operated;  the right  to

 introduce new or  improved production methods,  processes or equipment;  the

 right to decide the number and locations of plants, the nature of  equipment

 or machinery, the products to be manufactured, the methods and processes  of

 manufacturing,  the  scheduling  of  production,  the  method  of   training

 employees, the designing and engineering of products and the control of  raw

 materials; the right to continue in accordance with past practice to  assign

 work to outside contractors; and the right to enact Company policies,  plant

 rules and regulations  which are not  in conflict with  this Agreement,  are

 vested exclusively in the Company.

       The Union recognizes that there are functions, powers, authorities and

 responsibilities belonging solely to the Company, prominent among which, but

 by no means inclusive, are those enumerated in the preceding paragraph.  The

 management rights enumerated in said paragraph  are not inclusive and  shall

 not be deemed to exclude other functions not herein listed.

       The term "just cause"  as used in this  Agreement includes but is  not

 limited to any violations of a published plant rule established pursuant  to

 the provisions of Article I.

      Section 5.  Union Shop:  All employees  covered by  the terms  of  this

 Agreement shall be required to become and  remain members of the Union as  a

 condition of employment from and after the sixty-first (61st) day  following

 the date  of their  employment  or the  effective  date of  this  Agreement,

 whichever is later.

      Section 6.  Check-Off: The  Company agrees  that  it will  make  weekly

 deductions from each weekly  pay check covering any  and all amount of  dues

 and initiation fees that may  hereafter become due to  the Union for any  of

 its employees  covered  hereunder, provided  that  the Union  requests  such

 deductions and accompanies such requests with properly and legally  executed

 assignments, in  accordance  with law,  authorizing  such deductions.    The

 employer further agrees that once each  week, it will remit promptly to  the

 Union such  collected amounts.   At  the  end of  each calendar  month,  the

 Company shall forward to the Union an alphabetical list of the names and the

 total amounts deducted  during said month  from each employee  covered.   In

 lieu of this  monthly alphabetical  list, the  Company may,  at its  option,

 forward to the  Union such  an alphabetical list  each week  along with  the

 weekly remittance of collected amounts.

       If through inadvertence  or error, the  Company fails  or neglects  to

 make a deduction which is properly  due and owing from an employee's  weekly

 pay check, such deduction shall  be made from the  next weekly pay check  of

 the employee and promptly remitted to the Union.  It is expressly agreed and

 understood that the Union assumes full  responsibility for the validity  and

 the legality of such  employee's deductions as are  made by the Company  and

 hereby agrees to indemnify and save the Company harmless, by virtue of  such

 collections and payments to the Union.

       No deduction shall  be made from  any employee for  union dues in  any

 week in which such  employee receives a check  representing a total of  less

 than eight (8)  hours at the  employees regular rate  of pay  nor shall  any

 deduction be made from any employee's pay check prior to the date on  which,

 by the terms of this Agreement, he/she is required to become a member of the

 Union as a condition of employment.

      Section 7. Non-Discrimination: It is agreed between the parties that in

 the policies and practices of the Company and in the membership policies and

 practices of the Union there shall continue to be no discrimination  against

 any employee on account of race, creed, color, national origin or sex.

      Section 8.  Trial Period Employees:
      (a)  Trial Period: New employees shall be on trial until they have been
           employed for a period of sixty (60) calendar days and during  such
           period the Company shall have the  right to dismiss or retain  the
           employee at its  own discretion.   Upon completion  of such  sixty
           (60) calendar days of employment, the employee shall be deemed  to
           be a regular  employee.   In all  instances where  a trial  period
           employee is  laid off  for lack  of  work or  granted a  leave  of
           absence for  illness  or other  good  cause, such  reduction  from
           active employment shall be  deemed to be a  layoff, unless at  the
           date it occurs,  the employee is  given a  written notice  stating
           that he/she is terminated.

      (b)  Return from Leave  or Recall of  Laid Off  Trial Period  Employee:
           Trial period employees  who are laid  off and by  election of  the
           Company subsequently  recalled  or  who are  granted  a  leave  of
           absence and subsequently return to work, must complete sixty  (60)
           calendar days of  trial period  active employment  within six  (6)
           months of the date of their original hire date in order to  become
           a regular employee.  Periods of trial period active employment, as
           referred to above, shall  include any week  in which the  employee
           works at  least  one full  day.   At  such  time as  the  employee
           completes sixty (60) calendar day trial period active  employment,
           his/her "original  hiring date",  for the  purpose of  determining
           his/her length of service (in accordance with Article IV,  Section
           3(b)) shall be established as that  date sixty (60) calendar  days
           prior to the  date of completion  of the  trial period  employment

      (c)  Trial Period  Employee  Recalled Before  Expiration  of  Six-Month
           Period: Trial period employees who  have not completed sixty  (60)
           calendar days of  trial period  employment within  six (6)  months
           from their original date of hire,  but who are recalled or  return
           from a leave of absence prior to the expiration of such  six-month
           period will be permitted to complete the trial period requirement,
           although the six-month period elapses before such trial period  is
           completed, provided the  employee is  not laid  off before  he/she
           completes his/her  trial  period employment.    If such  a  layoff
           occurs before the employee bas completed his/her trial period  and
           the six-month period has expired, said employee will be considered
           to have been terminated rather than laid off.

      (d)  Extension of Trial  Period: The Company  shall have  the right  to
           extend the trial period to ninety (90) calendar days upon  written
           notice to the Union  and the employee prior  to completion of  the
           normal sixty (60) day trial period  and shall retain the right  to
           dismiss such employee during  this extension period without  being
           subject to review.  In all  instances where the trial period of  a
           new employee  is so  extended, such  employee's responsibility  to
           become and remain  a member  of the Union  in good  standing as  a
           condition of  employment  after  sixty  (60)  days  shall  not  be
           affected; and any benefits of the contract such as holiday pay and
           insurance coverage shall accrue  to such- employee  at the end  of
           the initial sixty day period.

                                  ARTICLE II


      Section 1. Stewards: The Company agrees to recognize the Chief  Steward

 and Shop Stewards selected by the  Union in accordance with the Union  rules

 and regulations.   Such Chief Steward  and Stewards may  act as a  grievance

 committee at the request of, and with, the Business Manager of the Union, or

 his/her representative.    The Union  will  notify  the Company  as  to  the

 identity of such  Chief Steward  or Stewards and  the Company  shall not  be

 required to recognize any  other employees in  the adjustment of  complaints

 than those whose  names are  furnished to the  Company as  aforesaid.   Such

 Chief Steward and  Stewards shall  be granted  a reasonable  amount of  time

 during  working  hours  for  the  purpose  of  investigating  and  adjusting

 complaints, provided however, that such Chief Steward and Stewards shall not

 leave their  work without the permission of the immediate supervisor.   Such

 permission, however, shall not be arbitrarily withheld.  The Chief   Steward

 and Stewards shall be granted top seniority in their respective  departments

 for the purpose of layoffs and recalls.

      Section 2. Grievance Procedure: Any  grievance arising during the  life

 of this contract pertaining to wages,  hours of work and working  conditions

 of employees  in the  bargaining unit  shall be  subject to  the  procedures

 outlined below:

       Either the Company  or the Union  or any employee  (or Steward,  Chief

 Steward or Business Representative in  his/her behalf) may file  grievances.

 Grievances of the Company or Union shall be presented directly to the  other

 in writing.   Grievances of  the employees shall  be reduced  to writing  on

 grievance forms provided  by the Union.   All answers  by the Company  shall

 likewise be in writing.  Grievances will be handled as follows:

      Step 1.        The employee, his/her Steward or both, shall present the
                matter in dispute for settlement  to his/her Supervisor.   If
                the Supervisor's decision is not satisfactory or is not given
                within three (3) working days, Step 2 will be followed.

      Step 2.        Such grievance  shall then  be  presented by  the  Chief
                Steward within three (3) working days after the  Supervisor's
                unsatisfactory  decision  or  failure  to  give  a  decision,
                whichever is  applicable, to  the Department  Head.   If  the
                Department Head's  decision is  not  satisfactory or  is  not
                given within three (3) working days, Step 3 will be followed.

      Step 3.        Such grievance shall then  be presented by the  Business
                Representative of the Union within five (5) working days from
                receipt of the Department  Head's unsatisfactory decision  or
                failure to give a decision,  whichever is applicable, to  the
                Human Resources Director  who shall give  his/her answer  not
                later than five  (5) working days  after the presentation  of
                the grievance to him/her.

       If the decision of the Human  Resources Director is not  satisfactory,

 such grievance will be  discussed by the Business  Manager of the Union  and

 the Human Resources Director within five  (5) working days after receipt  by

 the Business Manager  of the unsatisfactory  answer by  the Human  Resources

 Director.  In the event the Company and  the Union are unable to settle  any

 grievance under  the  procedures  outlined above,  the  grievance  shall  be

 further processed under Section 3 - Arbitration - of this Article.

       A grievance must be  filed no later than  five (5) working days  after

 the occurrence of the event in  which it is predicated, except in  instances

 where  the  employee,  or  his/her  Steward  or  Chief  Steward,  could  not

 reasonably have  been  expected  to  be  aware  of  the  occurrence  of  the

 grievance.  A failure to file a grievance within the period specified  shall

 be deemed a waiver of such matter.   In all cases of grievances relating  to

 time not worked, the Company shall  be responsible only for the actual  loss

 sustained by  an employee.   Any  settlement of  any grievance  between  the

 Company and a Steward, Chief Steward, or Business Representative in Steps 1,

 2, and 3 above will not be final until reviewed and approved by the Business

 Manager of the Union or his/her designated representative.  The Company  may

 consider the matter  closed unless  it has  been otherwise  notified by  the

 Business Manager of the Union or his/her delegated representative within ten

 (10) days after notice bas been given him/her of the terms and conditions of

 the proposed grievance settlement.

       An employee may be discharged or  disciplined for cause.  However,  in

 case any employee, or the Union in  his/her behalf, claims that  he/she  has

 been unjustifiably discharged or disciplined,  a written complaint shall  be

 filed within five  (5) working days  from the date  of his/her discharge  or

 discipline.  Such  complaint or grievance  shall start under  Step 2  above.

 Prior to the discharge or disciplining of an employee (except in cases of an

 employee under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc., or theft or sabotage),

 the Chief Steward shall be notified and given the opportunity to discuss the

 discharge or discipline.  In case of discharge or discipline for being under

 the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc.,  or for theft or sabotage, the  Chief

 Steward shall be notified Immediately after the discharge.

      Section 3. Arbitration: In  the event that  the grievance or  complaint

 cannot be adjusted in  any of the  foregoing steps, the  matter may, at  the

 request of either party, be submitted  for final and binding arbitration  by

 an impartial  arbitrator who  shall be  chosen by  mutual agreement  of  the

 Company and the  Union.  In  the event that  the Company and  the Union  are

 unable to agree upon  an arbitrator, the parties  will request the  Federal-

 Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit  a panel of nine (9)  qualified

 arbitrators.  Both the Company and the Union shall have the right to  strike

 four (4) names from the panel submitted to the parties.  The remaining  name

 on  the  panel  shall  then  become  the  impartial  arbitrator.    In   the

 consideration of discipline  or discharge cases,  the arbitrator shall  have

 authority and jurisdiction to direct the  payment of back pay for lost  time

 resulting from  discharge.   The arbitrator's  decision shall  be final  and

 binding upon all  parties.  However,  an arbitrator shall  have no power  or

 authority to add to,  alter, or modify  the terms of  this Agreement or  any

 supplementary agreement made between  the parties hereto.   The expenses  of

 arbitration (except those of the respective parties) shall be borne  equally

 between the Company and the Union.

      Section 4. No Strikes or Lockouts:  There shall be no strikes,  refusal

 to work or  slowdown by the  Union during the  life of  this Agreement,  and

 there shall be  no lockout on  the part of  the Company,  unless either  the

 Company or the Union should refuse to participate in arbitration proceedings

 or abide by the decision of an  arbitrator, in accordance with Section 3  of

 this Article.  Should  there be such  refusal by either  the Company or  the

 Union, this  Section, at  the option  of the  other party,  shall be  deemed

 inapplicable.  There  shall be no  liability on the  part of  the Union  for

 unauthorized strikes, stoppages or slowdowns, by  any of the employees,  but

 the Company shall have the right to discipline or discharge any employee who

 initiates,  instigates,  or  participates  in  such  unauthorized   strikes,

 stoppages, or  slowdowns.   In consideration  of this  Agreement, the  Union

 agrees not to  sue the  Company, its  officers or  representatives, and  the

 Company agrees not  to sue the  Union, its officers,  agents, or members  in

 connection with any labor relations matters  in any court of law or  equity.

 The parties agree  that the sole  procedure for settlement  of any  disputes

 concerning labor relations matters between the  Company and the Union  shall

 be the grievance and arbitration procedure hereof.

                                    ARTICLE III

                            HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME

      Section 1.  Regular Workweek:  The regular  workweek shall  consist  of

 forty (40) hours on  a schedule of  eight (8) hours  per day Monday  through


      Section 2.  No Staggering:  The working  day  shall be  continuous  and

 employees shall not  be compelled to  lay off work  for any  period of  time

 during the day and to resume work  thereafter during the same day except  in

 the case of lunch period or rest period.

      Section 3. Changing Workweek: Any changes in the regular workweek shall

 be by  mutual agreement  between the  Company and  the Union.   The  Company

 reserves the  right  to change  regularly  scheduled starting  and  quitting

 hours under  emergency conditions,  in which  event the  time worked  before

 normal starting  time  or  after  the  normal  quitting  time  will  not  be

 considered  overtime  work  payable  at  one  and  one-half  (1/)  time  the

 employee's straight-time rate unless more than  eight (8) hours of work  are

 performed in a day or unless an employee is prevented from performing  eight

 (8) hours of work for reasons  of the Company's convenience rather than  for

 circumstances beyond the control of the Company.

      Section 4. Overtime: All work performed in excess of eight (8) hours in

 any one (1) day, and all work performed on Saturday, and all work  performed

 prior to the employee's  regular hour for starting  or after the  employee's

 regular hour  for  quitting  shall  be  considered  overtime  and  shall  be

 compensated for on the basis of one and one-half (11/2) times the  employees

 straight time rate.  All work  performed on Sunday shall be compensated  for

 at two (2) times the employees straight time rate.

      Section 5. Shift Premiums: Work performed on the second (or  afternoon)

 shift shall be paid for at the rate of ten (10%) percent more than the  rate

 paid for similar work on the  first (or day) shift.   Work performed on  the

 third (or  night) shift  shall be  paid for  at the  rate of  fifteen  (15%)

 percent more than  the rate  paid for  similar work  on the  first (or  day)

 shift.   In  ascertaining the  vacation  or  holiday benefits  to  which  an

 employee may  be  entitled, the  shift  premium  shall be  included  in  the


      Section 6.  Preference of  Shifts and  Overtime: When  a preference  of

 shifts is available on  account of the occurrence  of a vacancy,  preference

 will be given on the basis of seniority and preference in the assignment  of

 overtime should be based on the following formula:

      (a)  Overtime on a job shall be assigned to those regularly doing  that
           job in their respective departments  pursuant to the principle  of
           "line intact".

      (b)  If additional  help  is  required,  employees  with  the  greatest
           seniority in their classification in the department concerned  and
           capable of doing the job in that department will be selected.

      (c)  In the event no qualified employees wish the overtime  assignment,
           it shall be assigned to and worked by the junior employee.

      (d)  If necessary to  go outside of  that particular department,  plant
           wide seniority will prevail if capable of doing the job.

      (e)  In the  event an  employee is  requested by  the Company  to  work
           overtime, daily  or Saturday,  and he/she  agrees to  perform  the
           overtime work  but: (1)  fails to  notify the  Company of  his/her
           inability to report  to work;  or (ii)  fails to  give good  cause
           explaining his/her inability to report for work; or (iii) fails to
           report for work, the employee shall  not be permitted to work  any
           overtime in any department for a period not to exceed thirty  (30)
           days following the time the employee was requested to perform  the
           overtime work.

      Section 7. Lunch Period: There shall be an allowance of a lunch  period

 near the middle of a work shift of thirty (30) consecutive minutes.

      Section 8. Rest Periods: On each shift of the day there shall be a  ten

 (10) minute rest period for each four (4) hours worked without deduction  in


      Section 9. Reporting Pay: Employees who  report for work in person  and

 have not  been previously  notified not  to report  shall receive  four  (4)

 hours' work or the equivalent in pay, based upon their regular straight time

 hourly rate of pay, except in case of an emergency beyond the control of the


      Section 10. Call-Back Pay:  An employee who has  left the plant and  is

 called back to work shall work  and receive no less  than four (4) hours  of

 overtime pay at his/her regular straight time rate of pay, or the applicable

 straight time rate of pay for the job performed, whichever is greater.

      Section 11. No Pyramiding:  In no event shall  overtime or premium  pay

 provided for  in  this  Article  be  pyramided  or  duplicated.    Only  the

 applicable provision yielding the largest amount of pay shall be applied and

 such  payment  shall  satisfy  the  requirements  of  all  other  applicable

 provisions.  This limitation, however, does not apply to shift premiums.

                                    ARTICLE  IV


      Section 1.  Basis of  Seniority:   Each  employee will  have  seniority

 standing in the plant equal to  the employee's total length of service  with

 the Company in  the bargaining unit,  dated from his/her  first day of  last

 continuous employment therein except as provided  in Sections 3, 11, and  12

 of this Article.

      Section 2. Effect  of Seniority:  Except as  provided in  Section 6  of

 Article III and  Section 7  of this  Article, in  all cases  of increase  or

 decrease of  forces,  transfer,  promotion, or  demotion  of  employees  and

 preference in the selection of  shifts, plant-wide seniority shall  prevail,

 provided  the   employees   possess   sufficient  skill   and   ability   to

 satisfactorily perform the work to be done.

      Where new equipment or added responsibilities are added to existing job

 classifications, the Company, in the event of a reduction in force, shall go

 strictly by seniority, regardless  of the lack of  experience of the  senior

 employee.  The Company shall train as needed to retain the senior employees.

      Section 3.  Seniority Lists:  The Company  will  furnish to  the  Union

 immediately after the signing of this  Agreement, a Seniority List and  will

 post copies of such list on the bulletin boards  in the plant.  The list  is

 to be revised at six (6) month intervals.

       The Company will also furnish to the Union monthly a list of additions

 to and deletions from the Seniority List.
      (a)  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Seniority List
           is to be used to determine an employee's seniority as to  layoffs,
           recalls, promotions and demotions.  An employee shall have his/her
           seniority date computed from  his/her original date of  employment
           in the bargaining unit, in determining the employee's seniority in
           cases of layoffs, recalls, promotions and demotions.

      (b)  The Seniority List is to be used to determine which bracket in the
           vacation schedule is applicable.  Since an employee's vacation  is
           based on  his/her  length of  service  with the  Company,  his/her
           original hiring date or date of  rehire will determine the  length
           of his/her vacation.  The amount  of vacation pay for any one  (1)
           year may be adjusted to comply with the minimum hours provision in
           this Agreement, but such adjustment shall not affect a  succeeding
           year or years.

      (c)  Employees having the same seniority (hired on the same date) will,
           if necessary, be rated  by the Company  based on their  attendance
           and tardiness record.  The employee  with the least number of  day
           absences in the contract  year would be rated  as having the  most
           seniority.  If no seniority can be determined by attendance,  then
           the employee with the  least amount of  tardiness in the  contract
           year will be rated as having the most seniority.

      Section 4. Temporary  Layoffs: The parties  recognize the necessity  of

 temporary layoffs caused by shortage of materials or other reasons.  It  is,

 therefore, mutually agreed that such temporary layoffs may be made from time

 to time  without regard  to plant-wide  seniority programs  embodied in  the

 contract.  It is further agreed, however, that the number of hours each such

 employee may be laid off on such  temporary layoff shall be recorded and  no

 individual employee may be laid off on such temporary layoff without  regard

 to seniority in excess of eighty (80) hours in each contract year.  When the

 individual employee has been laid off eighty (80) hours, then the Company is

 obligated to  place him/her  on another  job in  accordance with  plant-wide

 seniority, provided such  employee possesses sufficient  ability, skill  and

 experience to satisfactorily perform the work available.

      Section 5.  Temporary  Transfers: For  periods  of work  not  exceeding

 eighty (80) hours the Company may transfer or assign employees  temporarily,

 on a voluntary basis, but subject to plant seniority in the class from which

 they are being transferred, to work in job classifications in which they  do

 not hold a regular job assignment, but have sufficient skill and ability  to

 satisfactorily perform the work.  Such employees shall be paid as follows:

      (a)  If temporarily assigned  to a  job in  a higher  labor grade,  the
           employee shall be  paid, for the  time involved,  the next  higher
           rate above his/her regular job rate  in the progression scale  for
           the higher grade.

      (b)  If temporarily  assigned to  a job  in a  lower labor  grade,  the
           employee shall be paid his/her regular job rate.

      Section 6. Option: Any employee who is subject to demotion or  transfer

 because of material shortage,  curtailment of work  or similar reasons,  may

 have the option of accepting such demotion or taking a layoff until there is

 sufficient work in his/her regular classification.  An employee who  accepts

 such demotion or  transfer may  exercise such option  up to  four (4)  weeks

 after the transfer or demotion, but  he/she must give four (4) days'  notice

 to the Company  before he/she may  exercise the option  to take a  voluntary

 layoff under this provision.

      Section 7.  Demotion:

      (a)  In the event  of a reduction  in force, or  reduction in the  work
           force of a job classification,  all probationary employees in  the
           classification shall first be  removed from the classification  or
           laid off.  If further reduction is required;

      (b)  Employees   below   the   maximum   rate   in   their   respective
           classification shall  be removed  beginning with  the lowest  wage
           group in such classification based upon their plant seniority.

      (c)  Employees effected by a reduction in force of job  classifications
           five (5) or above first shall be offered a position which they bad
           previously held provided  that they have  sufficient seniority  to
           displace an existing employee in the particular job classification
           and they have not previously "signed off" during the life of  this
           agreement on that  job classification.   If an  employee does  not
           have the  seniority to  be transferred  to a  previously held  job
           classification in a higher  classification, the employee shall  be
           offered  a  previously   held  job  classification   in  a   lower
           classification.    If  the  employee  does  not  have   sufficient
           seniority for any previously held job classification, the employee
           shall be  given an  option  to be  transferred  to a  position  in
           classification four (4) or below,  provided that the employee  has
           sufficient seniority to displace  an individual currently  working
           in the  particular  job  classification.    Employees  not  having
           sufficient seniority for a  previously held job classification  or
           any position in job classification four (4) or below shall be laid
           off in accordance with contractual requirements.

      (d)  Employees working in job classification four (4) or below during a
           reduction in force in those classifications shall first be offered
           a previously held  position if they  have sufficient seniority  to
           displace an  individual from  the particular  job  classification.
           Otherwise, the  employee  shall  be  transferred  to  another  job
           classification within classifications four (4) or below for  which
           the employee has sufficient seniority  to displace an employee  of
           lesser plant seniority.  If the  employee does not have  seniority
           to displace  any  individual in  job  classification four  (4)  or
           below,  the  employee  shall  be  laid  off  in  accordance   with
           contractual requirements.

      (e)  All employees transferred during a  reduction in force to  another
           job classification which they have not previously performed  shall
           be subject to  a three  (3) day  qualifying period.   During  this
           time, the employee may  elect to relinquish  the position for  any
           reason and/or "sign-off" the job classification.  An employee  who
           voluntarily elects to relinquish a position by signing off the job
           classification shall  be laid  off.   During  this three  (3)  day
           qualifying period the Company reserves  the right to determine  in
           its sole discretion whether an  employee can adequately perform  a
           particular job within the three (3) day qualifying period and  the
           Company may then decide to lay off the employee.  An employee  who
           signed off voluntarily shall not be permitted to transfer to  that
           job classification in the event of a future reduction in force for
           the life of this Agreement.   An employee laid-off by the  Company
           for being  unable to  adequately  perform the  job  classification
           shall not be permitted to transfer  to that job classification  in
           the event  of  a future  reduction  in force  until  the  employee
           provides that  he/she possesses  sufficient skill  and ability  to
           satisfactorily perform the work to be done.

      (f)  All recalls during an increase in the work force shall be made  in
           reverse  order  of  seniority  and  pursuant  to  the   applicable
           subsections of Article IV, Section 7 and 8. If there are vacancies
           in job  classifications  which  they  have  previously  performed,
           unless  they   have  sufficient   seniority  to   return  to   the
           classification from which they were originally removed as the need
           for additional  employees  in such  job  classifications  presents
           itself, they will be given an opportunity to fill such  vacancies.
           An employee with seniority may be recalled to Code 4 or lower even
           though he/she  has  not  previously performed  the  work  in  such

      Section 8. Rights on Recall: Any employee being recalled after a layoff

 shall be  assured at  least two  (2)  straight weeks  of employment  at  the

 regular workweek  schedule.   In  the  event  the Company  has  recalled  an

 employee with such assurance, and then because of conditions over which  the

 Company has no control (such as, but not limited to, power failure inability

 to acquire  machinery  and  equipment to  replace  worn  out  machinery  and

 equipment, bona  fide  material shortages  over  which the  Company  has  no

 control), the Company is unable to furnish such two (2) weeks of employment,

 the Company shall not be bound by this provision.  In the event the  Company

 does not assure  such two (2)  weeks of employment  at the normal  scheduled

 number of hours per week,  the employee may elect  to not return until  such

 time as the Company does assure two (2) such consecutive weeks of employment

 at the normal scheduled number of  hours per week without loss of  seniority

 status.  In the event the employee  does elect not to return, that  employee

 shall notify the  Company by telegraphic  message or registered  mail or  in

 person to that effect so that the Company may keep an accurate record of the

 employees who  still wish  to retain  seniority status.   In  the event  the

 employee fails to notify  the Company of his/her  election not to return  as

 herein provided, and  fails to report  as specified under  Section 13(h)  of

 this Article IV, the employee shall be regarded as having resigned.

      Section 9. Skill and Ability: Every employee who has completed  his/her

 trial period  shall, for  the purpose  of this  Article, be  deemed to  have

 sufficient skill and ability to perform any common labor or common  assembly

 job - Code 4 and below.

      Section 10.   Vacancies:  In the  event that  a permanent  job  vacancy

 develops in a classification  covered by this  Agreement, other than  common

 labor or assembly, a notice of such vacancy shall be bulletined for a period

 of two (2) working days.

      The bulletin shall contain the job  title, the maximum rate to be  paid

 for the job, and  a brief description of  the job to  be performed.   Should

 additional personnel be required  for a job within  thirty (30) days of  the

 time the job was last posted, the Company shall not be required to  bulletin

 again such  job until  expiration of  the thirty  (30) day  period.   It  is

 understood that within such thirty (30) day period the Company may take such

 steps as  are  necessary to  fill  such  open jobs,  provided  no  qualified

 employees have  bid  or are  available.   However,  if  an employee  is  not

 currently working on the days  the open job is  posted, but returns to  work

 within the thirty (30)  day period referred to  above, he/she may apply  for

 such posted job and will be  considered for such posted job vacancies  still

 remaining open.  Employees  with seniority who  desire promotions to  posted

 higher rated classifications shall, during the  period that such vacancy  is

 bulletined, file a form provided by  their Supervisor for this purpose.   If

 applicants with qualifications sufficient to perform the work satisfactorily

 have made application for the bulletined  job, the qualified applicant  with

 the greatest  plant  seniority shall  be  selected.   It  is  intended  that

 whenever possible promotions shall be made within the ranks and according to

 seniority.   The  Company  may fill  a  posted  vacancy until  it  has  been

 determined by  the  Company  that  there  are  applicants  who  possess  the

 qualifications required.  The  Company may offer a  posted vacancy to a  new

 employee who did not apply, or may hire  a new employee for such vacancy  in

 the event the applicants  for the posted vacancy  do not possess  sufficient

 qualifications to satisfactorily perform the job.

       It is understood that employees who have bid upon, have been accepted,

 and are  working on  the  posted job  will  not be  eligible  to bid  on  an

 additional posted job for  a period of three  (3) months following the  time

 the job for which they were accepted was posted.

       The successful bidder for a posted  job opening shall have the  option

 to return to his/her former job within  a period of two (2) weeks  following

 the first day worked in the posted job opening.  The Company shall have  the

 option, within  the same  two  (2) week  period  to return  such  successful

 employee  to  his/her  former  job  in   the  event  such  employee   cannot

 satisfactorily perform the work required to be done.  The successful  bidder

 for a posted job  opening shall receive retroactive  pay from the first  day

 worked in the posted job opening who successfully completes the two (2) week

 trial period.

      Section 11.  On-the-Job Training: Employees who bid on posted jobs, but

 do not possess sufficient qualifications to  be selected, may be  considered

 for training under the following procedures:

      (a)  The number to be  considered for training will  be in relation  to
           the number needed to fill the posting at the time of posting.

      (b)  Selection for training will be on the basis of related  education,
           prior employment  experience,  current  employment  experience  as
           related to  the  training  to  be  given.    Qualifications  being
           comparable, seniority will govern.

      (c)  Evaluation of qualifications for training, as well as the progress
           of the trainee, will be determined by the Company.

      (d)  A trainee  who  is  unable  to  progress  satisfactorily  will  be
           returned  to  his/her   prior  classification   without  loss   of

      Section 12.  Leaves of Absence:

      (a)  The Company may grant leaves of absence without pay to all regular
           employees of the Company for good cause, taking into consideration
           not only  the  personal problems  of  the employee  but  also  the
           Company's operational needs for production.  Such leaves for  good
           cause other than for medical reasons shall not exceed ninety  (90)
           days except for Union activity, which  may be indefinite.   Leaves
           of absence for illness  will be granted for  such periods as  have
           been recommended by competent medical authority but not to  exceed
           one (1) year.  In the event an employee is hospitalized in  excess
           of seven (7) days, an automatic leave of absence shall be  granted
           up to thirty (30)days, provided that the Human Resources  Director
           of the Company is notified of the hospitalization within three (3)
           working days from  the last  day worked.   Any  other request  for
           leave of absence for illness must be made by an employee on  forms
           provided by the Company and must  be accompanied by a report  from
           the employee's doctor recommending the time required for leave  of

      (b)  Because pregnancy by itself is not  a disabling condition for  any
           fixed period of time, the Company agrees to grant maternity leaves
           of absence  based  upon  the medical  opinion  of  the  employee's
           physician.  The leave of absence shall begin when it is determined
           by the employee's physician that the employee is no longer able to
           perform those duties  characteristic of her  position.  The  leave
           shall continue until, and only until,  the employee, on the  basis
           of her physician's  opinion, is  able to  return to  work, not  to
           exceed one (1) year.

      (c)  Employees on a bona fide leave of absence, when returning to work,
           shall return to their former classification if such work is  being
           performed.  Application  forms of all  leaves of  absence must  be
           completed and be submitted to the Company within five (5)  working
           days from their last day worked or their date of recall, and  such
           application for leaves shall be required  for any period of  seven
           (7) or more consecutive calendar days in which the employee is out
           of the service of the Company.

      d)   Employees granted a leave of absence will not be asked or required
           to use their  remaining vacation  days left  before granting  said

      Section 13.    Loss  of  Seniority:  An  employee  shall  lose  his/her

 seniority when any of the following occur:

      (a)  Discharge for cause.

      (b)  Quitting.

      (c)  Absence from work for three (3) working days without notifying the
           Human Resources Department of the Company.

      (d)  Failure to apply for a leave of absence as required.

      (e)  Exceeding leave  of  absence  without notification  to  the  Human
           Resources Department presenting good cause.

      (f)  Working for another employer for wages  while on leave of  absence
           (this does not apply  to leaves of absence  for Union activity  or

      (g)  Layoff or sick leave for a continuous period in excess of one  (1)
           year for purposes of seniority only.

      (h)  Failure to  report for  work  on recall  or  to notify  the  Human
           Resources Department  of  intention  to report  within  three  (3)
           regularly scheduled working days  following the date  notification
           is sent by  mailgram or certified  letter to  the employee's  last
           known address registered with the Human Resources Department.

      Section 14.   Promotion to Exempt  Positions: Any  employee covered  by

 this Agreement who is transferred to  a supervisory position outside of  the

 bargaining unit, shall retain his/her seniority as of the date of  transfer.

 Any employee who is, or has been, employed in a supervisory position outside

 of the bargaining  unit, shall not  accumulate seniority  in the  bargaining

 unit while so employed.

                                     ARTICLE V

                              VACATIONS AND HOLIDAYS

      Section 1. Eligibility and Amount of  Vacation: The Company will  grant

 vacation with  pay  to  each  employee  in  accordance  with  the  following


      (a)  All employees who on  June 1st have been  employed by the  Company

           (in or out of the bargaining unit) six (6) months or more but less

           than twelve (12)  months, shall be  granted one-half (1/2)  week's

           vacation with pay;

      (b)  All employees who on  June 1st have been  employed by the  Company

           (in or out of the bargaining unit) for a period of twelve (12)  or

           more months, but less than two (2) years, shall be granted one (1)

           week's vacation with pay;

      (c)  All employees who on  June 1st have been  employed by the  Company

           (in or out of the bargaining unit) for two (2) years or more,  but

           less than ten (10) years, shall be granted two (2) weeks' vacation

           with pay;

      (d)  All employees who on  June 1st have been  employed by the  Company

           (in or out  of the bargaining  unit) ten (10)  years or more,  but

           less than fifteen (15)  years, shall be  granted three (3)  weeks'

           vacation with pay;

      (e)  All employees who on June 1st  have been employed by the  Company,

           (in or out of the bargaining  unit), fifteen (15) years, but  less

           than twenty-five  (25)  years, shall  be  granted four  (4)  weeks

           vacation with pay;

      (f)  All employees who on  June 1st have been  employed by the  Company

           (in or out of the bargaining unit) twenty-five (25) years or more,

           shall be granted five (5) week's vacation with pay;

      (g)  Additional vacation with pay shall  be granted to those  employees

           who as of December 31, have accrued seniority which would  entitle

           them to additional vacation benefits over those to which they were

           entitled on  the  preceding  June  1.  The  same  limitations  and

           requirements as prescribed for in Article V shall- also apply  and

           the date, June 1, shall be replaced by the date December 31, where


      Section 2.  Minimum Hours:
      (a)  Employees with seniority (in or out of the bargaining unit).   One
           (1) year or  more.   To qualify  for full  vacation benefits,  the
           employee, as of June 1st with seniority, must have worked, or have
           been available  for work  eighty (80%)  percent of  the work  year
           prior to June 1st.  Time off due to occupational injury, jury duty
           or layoff shall  be considered  as time  available for  work.   No
           vacation benefits shall be paid to an employee who has worked less
           than thirty (30%) percent of the work year prior to June 1st.   An
           employee who has worked more than thirty (30%) percent of the work
           year, but has worked or been  available for work less than  eighty
           (80%) percent of the work year prior to June 1st, will be  granted
           a vacation  which  will  be  equal  to  his/her  vacation  bracket
           multiplied by the percentage of time worked and time available for
                If an employee  is on layoff,  in military  service, or  bona
           fide leave of  absence as  of June 1st,  he/she shall  be paid  at
           vacation time, the same  portion of his/her  vacation as the  time
           actually worked bears to  the work year,  When he/she is  recalled
           he/she must return within three (3) working days and work at least
           two (2) weeks.  If he/she  does so, he/she shall then receive  the
           unpaid balance  of his/her  vacation benefit  to which  he/she  is

      (b)  Employees with seniority (in or out of the bargaining unit) of  at
           least six (6) months, but less than one (1) year.  To qualify  for
           full  vacation  benefits  the  employee,  as  of  June  1st   with
           seniority, must have worked (availability for work does not apply)
           eighty (80%) percent of the time  from date of employment to  June
           1st.  An employee  who has worked more  than thirty (30%)  percent
           but less  than eighty  (80%)  percent of  the  time from  date  of
           employment to June 1st, will be granted a vacation equal to twenty
           (20) hours multiplied by the  percentage of time actually  worked.
           No vacation benefits will  be paid to an  employee who has  worked
           less than thirty (30%) percent of the time from date of employment
           to June 1st.

      Section 3. Computation of Vacation Pay: In computing vacation benefits,

 one (1) week's  vacation with pay  shall be equivalent  to five (5)  working

 days, and eight (8) hours' pay shall  be equivalent to one (1) working  day.

 If the employee is paid at a flat hourly rate, the vacation pay shall be  at

 the  highest rate  earned for at least  thirty (30) consecutive days  during

 the year prior to June 1st, including shift premiums, if any.

      Section 4. Scheduling of Vacations: Prior  to May 1st of each  calendar

 year, departmental  heads  will  consult  with  all  employees  entitled  to

 vacations and from such consultations the Company shall establish a  working

 schedule agreeable to  the Union for  the vacation period.   In  determining

 vacation schedules, the Company will respect the seniority and wishes of the

 employee to the extent that its  needs will permit. (a) The vacation  season

 for those employees eligible for more than two (2) weeks vacation with  pay,

 shall be during the twelve (12)  month period beginning on January 1st.  (b)

 The vacation season, for those employees  hired between June 2 and prior  to

 December 31,  eligible for  additional vacation  with  pay, shall  be  taken

 between their hire date and December 31.  The Company may elect to close the

 plant for a specified vacation period.

      Section 5. Date Due: Vacation pay which bas been earned, in  accordance

 with this Article, shall be paid  to the employee on the payday  immediately

 preceding the start of each employee's vacation.

      Section 6. Consecutive Days,  Etc.: All vacations of  two (2) weeks  or

 less shall be taken on consecutive days unless the Company and the  employee

 agree on a  different division  of the  vacation time.   If  an employee  is

 eligible for a vacation in excess of two (2) weeks, or additional  vacation,

 his/her vacation schedule for such an additional vacation, if any, shall  be

 determined pursuant to Section  4 of this Article.   Vacations shall not  be

 changed without thirty  (30) days  notice, or  the consent  of the  employee

 involved.  If  any employee  voluntarily responds  to a  Company request  to

 return from his/her vacation prior to  its expiration date, he/she shall  be

 reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expense in connection with such recall  and

 allotted an additional vacation period for the untaken vacation time.

      Section 7.  Retiree Pro-rata  Vacation Pay:  Any employee  who  retires

 prior to June 1st of any calendar  year at the retirement age prescribed  by

 the Social Security  laws of  the United  States and  who has  given to  the

 Company a two (2) month notice in writing in advance of his/her intention to

 do so shall be paid the pro-rata  vacation pay earned by such employee,  the

 amount of which is to be determined by provisions of Section 1, 2, and 3  of

 Article V.

      Section 8. Holidays  and Holiday Pay:  Employees who qualify  hereunder

 shall be  paid  for  eight (8)  hours  straight-time  pay for  each  of  the

 following holidays or the dates on  which they are observed, though no  work

 shall be performed on such days:

 New Years' Day                          Fourth of July
 Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday       Labor Day
 Washington's Birthday                   Thanksgiving Day
 Good Friday                             Friday after Thanksgiving Day
 Memorial Day                            One Floating Holiday -
 Christmas Eve Day                         See Section 9 below
 Christmas Day

       Employees who work  on said  holidays shall  be paid,  in addition  to

 eight (8) hours holiday pay, double time  for all time worked.  An  employee

 shall be eligible for holiday pay who shall have been employed for a  period

 of sixty (60)  calendar days  before such  holiday and  has met  one of  the

 following additional conditions:

      (a)  Worked the regularly scheduled workday preceding and the regularly
           scheduled workday succeeding  the holiday, unless  an absence  for
           one of such days shall be excused for good cause, substantiated by
           the employee, or

      (b)  Been at work in the two (2) weeks preceding said holiday and  laid
           off during such preceding two (2) weeks, or

      (c)  Is on a  bona fide leave  of absence starting  within the two  (2)
           weeks immediately  preceding  such  holiday,  or  on  the  workday
           immediately following such holiday, or

      (d)  If no work is scheduled between  two (2) holidays, to be  eligible
           for pay for both holidays, an employee must work his/her preceding
           scheduled workday and  his/her scheduled  workday succeeding  such
           holidays.  To be eligible for pay for one (1) of the holidays,  an
           employee must work either his/her scheduled workday preceding  the
           first holiday or his/her  scheduled workday succeeding the  second

      (e)  An employee who fails to work any portion of the last hour on  the
           regularly scheduled workday preceding and the regularly  scheduled
           workday succeeding a holiday or  holidays, shall not lose  holiday
           pay for such holidays if excused by the Company for good cause.

      Section 9. Floating  Holiday: Subject to  the eligibility  requirements

 for holiday pay,  the recognized holidays  hereunder shall  include one  (1)

 additional holiday, designated as a "floating  holiday".  The Company  shall

 select the day on  which such holiday  will be observed  and shall give  not

 less than two  (2) weeks notice  prior to the  date on  which such  floating

 holiday will be celebrated.

                                    ARTICLE VI


       Section 1. Rates: Effective July 3, 2000 each employee shall receive a

 three percent (3%)  increase in his/her  straight time hourly  rate of  pay.

 Effective July  2, 2001  each employee  shall  receive an  additional  three

 percent (3%) increase in his/her straight time hourly rate of pay. Effective

 July 1, 2002 each  employee shall receive an  additional three percent  (3%)

 increase in his/her straight time hourly  rate of pay.  These rates  already

 include any increases that might have occurred by right of Section 2.,  Cost

 of Living of this Article VI.

       The wage  rate,  to be  paid  under the  terms  of this  Agreement  to

 employees in  each  occupational  classification,  are  those  appearing  in

 Appendix "A" which  reflect said wage  increase and is  attached hereto  and

 made a part hereof.  Such rates are minimum rates of pay only.  The  Company

 may not  pay less  than those  rates, but  nothing in  this Agreement  shall

 prevent the payment of rates higher than those listed in said schedule.

      Section 2. Cost of Living:  If for the month  of May 2001, the  Revised

 Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, all  items

 for Chicago  published  by  the  Bureau of  Labor  Statistics  of  the  U.S.

 Department of  Labor (or  any successor  agency thereto)  (1967 =  100)  has

 increased by more than four (4) points above said Index for the month of May

 2000, then one  (1c) cent shall  be added to  the hourly wage  rates as  set

 forth in Appendix "A" hereof and which are in effect from July 1, 2001 until

 July 1, 2002 for each full four-tenths (.4) of a point which said Index  has

 risen above said four (4) points up to a maximum of fifteen (15c) cents.

       If for the month  of May 2002  said Index has  increased by more  than

 four (4) points above said Index  for the month of  May 2001, then one  (1c)

 cent shall be added to the  hourly wage rates as  set forth in Appendix  "A"

 hereof and which are in effect from July 1, 2002 until July 1, 2003 for each

 full four-tenths (.4) of a point which said Index has risen above said  four

 (4) points up to a maximum of fifteen (15c) cents.

      Section  3.   New  Classifications:   Prior  to   establishing  a   new

 classification, the Union shall  be advised of  the Company's intention  and

 the rate which  the Company  wishes to  apply.   After thirty  (30) days  of

 operation but before sixty (60)  days, either party may request negotiations

 on the  rate for  the new  classification.   The rate  resulting from  these

 negotiations shall become the  permanent rate.  In  the event no request  is

 made to negotiate a change in the rate  as to the new classification, it  is

 understood that the established rate shall be the effective rate.

      Section 4.  Upgrading:.    An employee  being  upgraded,  who  has  not

 previously worked in the classification to  which he/she is upgraded,  shall

 be placed  in the  next higher  rate  in the  progression  plan of  the  new

 classification above  the rate  being paid  to such  employee prior  to  the

 upgrading.  If the employee has  previously worked in the classification  to

 which he/she is upgraded, he/she shall receive the rate to which the  amount

 of his/her previous experience entitles him/her.   Such changes in the  rate

 shall be paid retroactive from the first day worked following such  transfer

 who successfully completes the  two (2) week trial  period.  To be  eligible

 for a rate change, an employee must have worked at least four hundred  (400)

 hours and a period of at least thirteen (13) weeks shall have elapsed  since

 his/her first employment or his/her last classification change.

      Section 5. New  Experienced Employees:  New employees  who have  worked

 during the last eighteen (18) months in the type of work available and whose

 previous experience can be verified shall  be placed on two (2) weeks  trial

 period at the starting rate of  pay in their respective classifications  and

 at the expiration of  such trial period,  if retained in  the employ of  the

 Company, shall  be  given  credit in  the  automatic  progression  plan,  as

 outlined in Appendix "A" hereof for their proved experience in similar work.

      Section 6. Payday: Wages shall be paid on Friday of each week and shall

 include all work  performed up until  twelve (12) midnight  of the  previous


      Section 7. Piece Work: If the  Company utilizes a piece work  incentive

 or bonus  plan, the  operations of  such  a plan  shall  be covered  by  the

 provisions of Appendix "C" hereof.

      Section 8.   Pension  Plan:  During the  term  of this  Agreement,  the

 Company shall maintain for each of the employees covered by this Agreement a

 Pension Benefits Plan.  The Company and  the Union have agreed to a  pension

 benefits plan named the National Industrial Group Pension Plan.

       The employee pension  plan is  funded solely  by the  Company and  the

 contribution rate is based on cents per hour paid as follows:

      Effective July  3, 2000  _ thirty-four  cents (34c)  per hour  will  be

 contributed for each employee based upon hours paid of this Agreement.

      Effective July 2, 2001 - an  additional three cents (3c) per hour  will

 be contributed for a  new total of thirty-seven  cents (37c) based upon  all

 hours paid during the second year of this Agreement.

      Effective July 1, 2002 - an  additional three cents (3c) per hour  will

 be contributed for a  new total of  forty cents (40c)  based upon all  hours

 paid during the third year of this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE VII


       During the term of this Agreement,  the Company will maintain for  the

 employees covered by this Agreement, an insurance policy with a  responsible

 insurance company with coverages and provisions set forth in Appendix "B" of

 this Agreement.  The  premium per week per  employee, one (1) dependent  and

 family coverage is guaranteed unchanged for the first year of this contract.

      HMO Plan: Employee                 -    $  2.74 per week
                Employee + 1 Dependent   -    $  9.19 per week
                Family                   -    $ 15.65 per week

      PPO Plan: Employee                 -    $ 17.55 per week
                Employee + 1 Dependent   -    $ 43.71 per week
                Family                   -    $ 70.87 per week

      For the second and third years of the contract, premium increases  will

 be shared on a 50/50 basis only if the premium is increased over six percent

 (6%) for each year of the contract.

      This article applies only to employees with sixty (60) days or more  of

 seniority but does not apply to part-time employees.

                                   ARTICLE VIII

                                GENERAL PROVISIONS

      Section 1. Saving Clause: All benefits affecting the employees  covered

 by this Agreement presently in effect and which are not definitely  referred

 to or  changed  herein, shall  remain  in effect  during  the life  of  this


      Section 2. Bulletin  Board: A bulletin  board will be  provided by  the

 Company for the Union's use.  The Union shall have the privilege of  posting

 notices concerning its  official business  and social  activities upon  such

 bulletin board.  Where the size of the plant requires it, more than one  (1)

 bulletin board will be furnished by the Company.

      Section 3. Election Day:  In conformity with the  laws of the State  of

 Illinois, employees who are legitimate registered voters will be given  time

 off not to exceed  two (2) hours for  voting at general  elections.  At  the

 time of  an election  in which  a President  of the  United States  will  be

 selected, employees will be given paid time off not to exceed two (2) hours.

      Section 4. Supervisors: Departmental  production supervisors shall  not

 engage in production  work, except such  production work  may be  undertaken

 when instructing new employees, breaking in a new job, correcting faults  of

 production procedures and dealing with emergencies.

      Section  5.   Right   of   Access:   Authorized   Union   officers   or

 representatives shall have access to the factory during business hours  upon

 reasonable notification to the Company  for investigation and adjustment  of

 matters covered by or arising under this Agreement.

      Section 6. Conflict with State and Federal Law: Should any provision of

 this Agreement be declared  illegal by any  court of competent  jurisdiction

 such provision shall immediately become null and void leaving the  remainder

 of the Agreement in  full force and effect  and the parties shall  thereupon

 seek to negotiate  substitute provisions which  are in  conformity with  the

 applicable law.

      Section 7. Female Employees:  There shall be equal  pay for equal  work

 performed regardless  of  the  sex of  the  employee.   There  shall  be  no

 discrimination in wages, hours, or other terms or conditions of  employment,

 or in training or upgrading, on account of the sex or marital status of  the


      Section 8. Paid Leave of Absence: In instances of the death of a member

 of the  immediate family  of a  regular employee,  the Company  will,  where

 required, grant a  paid leave of  up to three  (3) regular  working days  to

 enable  such  employee  to  attend  the  funeral  and  otherwise  assist  in

 arrangements pertaining to  the burial  of such member  of the  family.   An

 employee who travels a long distance  to attend a funeral or services  shall

 be authorized one (1) additional day following the funeral or services,  but

 not to exceed  three (3)  days pay.   Each day's  pay shall  consist of  the

 employee's regular rate of eight (8) hours.  The term "immediate family", as

 used herein, is defined as consisting of the following members only: Mother,

 Father, Husband, Wife, Children, Brother, Sister, Mother-in-law,  Father-in-

 law, Grandparents,  Grandparents-in-law and  Grandchildren.   Where a  death

 occurs to  any such  member  of the  employee's  family, he/she  shall  make

 application to the Human Resources Director for such paid leave.  Such  paid

 leave will  not  be  granted  in  instances  when  the  employee,  otherwise

 eligible, does not attend the funeral.  The employee absent on a paid  leave

 shall not be eligible for, or  notified of, any overtime which is  scheduled

 during the period of such employee's leave.

      This provision  is not  applicable if  you  are on  a formal  leave  of

 absence, on a company designated holiday or during periods of vacation.

      Section 9. Jury Service: An employee who shall have been employed sixty

 (60) calendar days  immediately prior  to reporting  for jury  duty and  who

 performs jury service shall be  paid an amount for  each day of the  regular

 workweek that such employee performs jury  service as shall equal eight  (8)

 hours of straight-time pay  at the employee's regular  hourly rate less  the

 jury fee legally payable to such employee for that day of jury service.   An

 employee shall have  performed jury service  on any day  that such  employee

 reports to  Court for  jury service  pursuant to  an Order  of Court.    The

 payments as provided herein shall be for  the entire period of service on  a

 jury pursuant to an  Order of Court.   To be entitled  to receive such  jury

 service pay differential,  such employee shall  furnish the Human  Resources

 Director of the Company a voucher  from the Court wherein such jury  service

 is performed setting forth the number of  days of jury service and the  jury

 fees paid to such employee for jury service.

       In the event an employee performs jury service on a day for which such

 employee receives a vacation and/or holiday pay, such employee shall not  be

 paid jury service  pay differential for  that day.   An employee  who is  on

 leave of absence,  layoff, paid  death leave,  or who  is accruing  Workers'

 Compensation benefits shall not be paid jury service pay differential  while

 on such status.  An employee performing jury service shall return to work on

 his/her first regular workday after being excused from such jury service.

      Section 10.  Safety  and  Health Provisions:  The  Company  shall  make

 reasonable provisions for the safety and health of employees during  working

 hours  and  shall  provide  all  reasonable  protective  devices  and  other

 equipment to protect them from injury.

      Section 11.  Union Employee Educational Assistance Program:

      (A)   Education Eligibility Requirements:

           1.   Educational courses must be related to the classification  of
                work being or to be performed by the employee.

           2.   Such courses and institutions must be approved by the Company
                prior to enrollment.

           3.   Courses are to be taken during non-scheduled working hours.

      (B)   Amount of Reimbursement:

           1.   For employees who complete  specialized courses, the  Company
                will pay up to  100% of the tuition  charges per semester  at
                the satisfactory  (grade "C"  or  better) completion  of  the
                course material in an approved school.

           2.   When education  expenses  are partially  paid  by  assistant-
                ships, scholarships,  fellowships,  or  G.I.  Bill  Benefits,
                tuition reimbursements is  based on the  net amount  actually
                paid  by  the  employee,   excluding  amounts  paid   through
                assistantship,  scholarships,  fellowships,   or  G.I.   Bill

      (C)   Method of Reimbursement:

           1.   To be eligible for tuition  refund, the employee must,  prior
                to the time of enrollment, fill  out an application form  per
                semester, for course(s) contemplated.

           2.   Obtain the approval of the employee's supervisor who in  turn
                will get the Company approval through Human Resources.

           3.   Upon  completion  of  course(s),  submit  to  the   employees
                supervisor a written statement  from the school stating  that
                the course(s) have  been satisfactorily completed.   This  is
                usually a copy of the grade statement.

           4.   A tuition receipt.
                The supervisor  will forward  this information  to the  Human
                Resources Director and within two (2) weeks the employee will
                receive a check containing the proper tuition refund as  well
                as his/her tuition receipt and grade statement.

           5.   If for any reason employment is terminated before  completion
                of the program, then the Company's obligation ceases.

      Section 12.  Call-in Sick / Personal Day:  Each regular employee of the

 Company shall be eligible  for a call-in sick/personal  day of one (1)  each

 contract year.  Such day is not cumulative from year to year but the Company

 will pay the employee by July 1 of each contract year for the day not taken.

 One (1) such day shall equal eight  (8) hours pay at the employee's  regular

 hourly rate of pay.

      Section 13.  Inventory Shutdown Scheduling:  The Company will  schedule

 inventory by departmental seniority, and shall, in the event that additional

 employees are required in the stock  room area, first ask former stock  room

 area employees to work.

      Section 14.  Severance Plan:    The Company  will agree to negotiate  a

 severance plan if the plant operations were to move beyond a radius of  more

 than twenty (20) miles from the Chicago plant.

      Section 15.  401K  Savings Plan:   The Company agrees  to start up  and

 administer a 401K Savings Plan if thirty percent (30%) or more participation

 is achieved.

                   Signed this______day of_______________, 2000.

                                         Local 1031,
                                         International Brotherhood
      Wells Gardner                      Of Electrical Workers,
      Electronics Corporation            AFL-CIO

      ______________________________     ______________________________
      Anthony Spier                      Jose A. Caez
      President                          Business Manager/Financial Sec'y


                                 APPENDIX "A"

             WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE 07/03/2000 THROUGH 06/29/2003

      JOB CLASSIFICATION                START       2MO       3MO
      ------------------                -----      -----     -----
 2-8  Sweeper
 3-2  Assy., Wirer-Solderer
 3-5  Riveter
                Effective 07/03/00       7.54      10.84     10.94
                Effective 07/02/01       7.77      11.17     11.27
                Effective 07/01/02       8.00      11.51     11.61

                              START      2MO        12MO      24MO      36MO
                              -----     -----      -----     -----      -----
      Hired After 7/1/97       7.11      7.75       8.38      9.66    Refer to
                                                                      3 month
                                                                     rate above

 G.L. Specialist                                   -----
                Effective 07/03/00                 11.54
                Effective 07/02/01                 11.89
                Effective 07/01/02                 12.25

      JOB CLASSIFICATION                START       2MO       3MO
      ------------------                -----      -----     -----
 4-1  Wire Cutting Machine Operator
 4-3  Bailer-Sweeper
 4-5  Packer-Final Assembly
 4-6  Coin
                Effective 07/03/00       7.56      10.95     11.15
                Effective 07/02/01       7.79      11.28     11.48
                Effective 07/01/02       8.02      11.62     11.82

                              START      2MO        12MO      24MO      36MO
                              -----     -----      -----     -----      -----
      Hired After 7/1/97       7.13      7.78       8.43      9.72    Refer to
                                                                      3 month

 G.L. Specialist                                   -----
                Effective 07/03/00                 11.54
                Effective 07/02/01                 11.89
                Effective 07/01/02                 12.25


                             APPENDIX "A" CONT'D

              WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE 07/03/2000 THROUGH 06/29/2003

      JOB CLASSIFICATION                START       2MO       6MO
      ------------------                -----      -----     -----
 5-1  Heavy Packer
 5-2  Stockkeeper, Stock Delivery
 5-5  Rivet/Pems Set-Up Oper.
 5-6  Prepare & Operate Insertion Machine
 5-7  Automatic Checking Machine Operator

                Effective 07/03/00       7.63      11.02     11.23
                Effective 07/02/01       7.86      11.35     11.57
                Effective 07/01/02       8.10      11.69     11.92

                              START      2MO        12MO      24MO      36MO
                              -----     -----      -----     -----      -----
      Hired After 7/1/97       7.19      7.87       8.54      9.89      Refer to
                                                                       6 month
 G.L. Specialist                                   -----
                Effective 07/03/00                 11.60
                Effective 07/02/01                 11.95
                Effective 07/01/02                 12.31

      JOB CLASSIFICATION                START       2MO       6MO
      ------------------                -----      -----     -----
 6-1  Solder Pot Operator
                Effective 07/03/00       7.74      10.95     11.28
                Effective 07/02/01       7.97      11.28     11.62
                Effective 07/01/02       8.21      11.62     11.97
 7-2  Wire Cutting Mac, Set-Up & Oper.
 7-5  Riding Power Vehicle Operator
 7-7  Assy. Inspector
 7-8  Relief & Repair Operator
                Effective 07/03/00       7.80      11.23     11.53
                Effective 07/02/01       8.03      11.57     11.88
                Effective 07/01/02       8.27      11.92     12.24


                             APPENDIX "A" CONT'D

              WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE 07/03/2000 THROUGH 06/29/2003

      JOB CLASSIFICATION                START       2MO       6MO
      ------------------                -----      -----     -----
 7-11 Building Fireperson
                Effective 07/03/00       7.90      11.36     11.62
                Effective 07/02/01       8.14      11.70     11.97
                Effective 07/01/02       8.38      12.05     12.33
 G.L. Specialist
                Effective 07/03/00                           11.91
                Effective 07/02/01                           12.27
                Effective 07/01/02                           12.64

      JOB CLASSIFICATION                 START      2MO       6MO       9MO
      ------------------                 -----     -----     -----     -----
 8-2  Tester-Phaser "B" (Printed Boards)
 8-3  Bonding Machine Operator
 8-4  Fine Patcher
                Effective 07/03/00       8.01      11.41     11.54     11.77
                Effective 07/02/01       8.25      11.75     11.89     12.12
                Effective 07/01/02       8.50      12.10     12.25     12.48

 G.L. Specialist                                              -----
                Effective 07/03/00                            12.16
                Effective 07/02/01                            12.52
                Effective 07/01/02                            12.90

 JOB CLASSIFICATION             START     2MO       6MO       9MO      12MO
 ------------------             -----    -----     -----     -----     -----
 10-2 Tool Crib Worker
           Effective 07/03/00    8.20    11.60     11.71     11.86     11.99
           Effective 07/02/01    8.45    11.95     12.06     12.22     12.35
           Effective 07/01/02    8.70    12.31     12.42     12.59     12.72
 11-2 Tester
 11-6 Cabinet Finisher
           Effective 07/03/00    8.27    11.66     11.79     11.91     12.09
           Effective 07/02/01    8.52    12.01     12.14     12.27     12.45
           Effective 07/01/02    8.78    12.37     12.50     12.64     12.82

 G.L. Specialist                                                       -----
                Effective 07/03/00                                     12.52
                Effective 07/02/01                                     12.90
                Effective 07/01/02                                     13.29

                             APPENDIX "A" CONT'D
              WAGE SCALE EFFECTIVE 07/03/2000 THROUGH 06/29/2003

 JOB CLASSIFICATION             START     2MO       6MO       9MO       12MO
 ------------------             -----    -----     -----     -----     -----
 12-4 Precision Mechanical Assembler
 12-9 Final Line Inspector(Comp.Prod.)
           Effective 07/03/00    8.32    11.86     11.94     12.10     12.27
           Effective 07/02/01    8.57    12.22     12.30     12.46     12.64
           Effective 07/01/02    8.83    12.59     12.67     12.83     13.02
 12-10 Master Cabinet Finisher
           Effective 07/03/00    8.40    11.91     12.03     12.15     12.32
           Effective 07/02/01    8.65    12.27     12.39     12.51     12.69
           Effective 07/01/02    8.91    12.64     12.76     12.88     13.07
 *12-12 Maintenance "B"
           Effective 07/03/00    8.74    12.14     12.31     12.52     12.98
           Effective 07/02/01    9.00    12.50     12.68     12.90     13.37
           Effective 07/01/02    9.27    12.88     13.06     13.29     13.77
 G.L.    Specialist
           Effective 07/03/00                                          12.76
           Effective 07/02/01                                          13.14
           Effective 07/01/02                                          13.53
 13-1    Analyzer
           Effective 07/03/00    9.12    12.59     12.69     12.82     12.98
           Effective 07/02/01    9.39    12.97     13.07     13.20     13.37
           Effective 07/01/02    9.67    13.36     13.46     13.60     13.77
 14-1    Master Analyzer
 14-2    Maintenance "A"
           Effective 07/03/00    9.67    13.26     13.57
           Effective 07/02/01    9.96    13.66     13.98
           Effective 07/01/02   10.26    14.07     14.40
 G.L.    Specialist
           Effective 07/03/00                      14.15
           Effective 07/02/01                      14.57
           Effective 07/01/02                      15.01
 15-1    Senior Master Analyzer
           Effective 07/03/00                                          16.60
           Effective 07/02/01                                          17.10
           Effective 07/01/02                                          17.61
 G.L.    Specialist
           Effective 07/03/00                      17.36
           Effective 07/02/01                      17.88
           Effective 07/01/02                      18.42

       * Education Bonus             1 Course            10c per  hour
      (after maximum rate)  2 or more Courses 10c per hour (additional)


                                 APPENDIX "B"

                          COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT


      Benefits are payable  for accident  from the  first (1st)  day and  for
 sickness from the eighth (8th)  day for a period  up to thirteen (13)  weeks
 for any one (1) disability.

      The weekly benefits are:
                        Effective 07/01/2000 - $205.00
                        Effective 07/01/2001 - $210.00
                        Effective 07/01/2002 - $215.00

 LIFE INSURANCE: (Employees Only)

               Effective 07/01/2000 - $16,000 (AD&D - $16,000)
               Effective 07/01/2001 - $17,000 (AD&D - $17,000)
               Effective 07/01/2002 - $18,000 (AD&D - $18,000)

      Effective the first  year of this  Agreement, Olympia Plan  1500.   The
 premium cost  of  this plan  shall  be $10.00  per  month for  the  employee
 coverage to be paid entirely by the Company  for the three (3) year term  of
 this Agreement.  The premium cost of this plan for single plus one  coverage
 shall be $17.00 and family coverage  shall be $20.00 per month. An  employee
 may elect to secure this coverage  for his/her dependents at a premium  cost
 of $1.79 per week to be paid for by the employee for the three (3) year term
 of this Agreement.

      Covers employee and dependents.  Entire premium cost to be paid for  by
 the Company for the three (3) year term of this Agreement.


 Temporary Lay-off:

      An insured, temporarily laid-off employee will be covered by  insurance
 benefits at no cost until the end of the month in which the layoff occurs.


                            APPENDIX "B" (CONT'D)

      If a temporarily laid-off employee  desires to continue the  insurance,
 all coverages, except  weekly disability benefits,  may be  continued for  a
 period not to exceed six (6)  months, providing the laid-off employee  makes
 the first premium payment in full  for the following month within seven  (7)
 days from the  date of  the layoff,  or the  first of  the following  month,
 whichever occurs first.

 Sick Leave:

      The insurance for  an employee  on sick leave  will be  paid by  Wells-
 Gardner Electronics  Corporation for  three (3)  months.   If  the  employee
 wishes to continue his/her insurance after this period, he/she may do so for
 an additional three  (3) months, provided  the required  monthly premium  is
 paid by the employee to Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation before the end
 of the third month of sick leave and monthly thereafter.
      All employees  shall be  provided together  with their  dependents  all
 rights under COBRA.

 Total Disability of Employee:

      In the event an employee becomes totally disabled, as determined by the
 provisions and regulations of the Social Security laws, the Company will pay
 the entire  premium cost  for the  continuation of  such employee's  medical
 insurance coverage  for a  period of  up  to two  (2)  years or  until  such
 employee reaches age sixty-five (65), whichever occurs first.

 Death of Employee:

      In the  event  an employee  dies  while in  the  active employ  of  the
 Company, the Company will pay the  entire premium cost for the  continuation
 of the medical insurance coverage for the spouse and dependent children  for
 a period up to one
 (1) year; provided however that:

           (1)  Such  medical  insurance  coverage   shall  cease  upon   the
                remarriage of the spouse and provided also that,

           (2)  The spouse or  dependent children shall  not be eligible  for
                coverage under any other employer paid insurance plan.


                                 APPENDIX "C"

      It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the Company  may
 continue and/or install a piece work or incentive system in its plant.  Such
 incentive plan must be mutually agreed to between the parties.  In the event
 it does so, piece work or incentive  rates shall be established by the  time
 studies made by the Company and same  may be revised.  Employees shall  have
 the right to question  the time study on  any job which  they believe to  be
 improperly timed.  In such event the Company shall cause an investigation to
 be made and if it believes that an  error may have been committed, it  shall
 cause such  job to  be  re-timed.  In  the  event  such re-timing  is  still
 questioned or in the event the Company fails to re-time such job, the matter
 may be handled  according to the  grievance procedure provided  for in  this
 Agreement.  It  is understood  and agreed that  incentive rates  will be  so
 adjusted as to compensate employees working  on the incentive basis for  the
 rest periods without additional pay thereafter.