

 1.   The 20 shares of Class A Voting Stock owned by Howard Miller are to be
      converted into Common Stock (one for one) as part of the merger.

 2.   Merge State Street Investors of Rockford Inc. into UBuy2 Inc. for 55,00
      shares of UBuy2 Inc. stock.

 3.   Merge Rockford Investors Inc. into UBuy2 Inc. for 20,250 shares of
      UBuy2 Inc. stock.

 4.   Merge East State Antiques Mall Inc, which is the owner of www.UBuy2.com
      Internet Auction Service, into UBuy2 Inc. for 10,000 shares of UBuy2
      Inc. stock.

 5.   File dissolution papers with the State of Illinois for State Street
      Investors of Rockford Inc., Rockford Investors Inc., and East State
      Antiques Mall Inc.

 6.   If anyone wishes to sell the State Street Investors of Rockford Inc.
      stock they should let us know so it can be offered to the highest

 A motion was made and seconded to accept the proposals.  Stockholders
 present who voted for the proposals were: Howard Miller, Stanley Miller,
 Delcie Miller, Robert Kliebe, Jeannette Kliebe, Jenny Kliebe, Wayne Whitlow,
 Dessie Whitlow, Ruth Hayenga, Horace Shores, Mary Lou Brandon, Shirley
 Sutherland, Norman Akelaitis, Gloria Akelaitis, Irvin Miller, Palma Miller,
 John Frisella, Carl Miller, Cheryl Miller, James Byrne, Carol Byrne, Jerry
 Wescott, Harriet Wescott, Douglas Wilburn, and Gregory Wilburn.  At the
 meeting representing stockholders but not voting were Daniel Bokath and
 Robert Harris.

 Meeting adjourned at 11:20 A.M.

 ------------------------                -------------------------
 Howard Miller, President                Stanley Miller, Secretary

 I HEREBY AUTHORIZE the 20 shares of Class A Voting Stock that I own in State

 Street Investors of Rockford Inc. to be converted into Common Stock (one for


 Dated:  January 18, 2000                -------------------------
                                         Howard Miller

 File Number 6083-963-8

                                                      Winnebago Cty. Recorder

                                                           March 15, 2000

                                                           Time: 3:00 p.m.

                              State of Illinois
                                  Office of
                            The Secretary of State


 Now Therefore, I, Jesse White, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois,
 by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby issue this
 certificate and attach hereto a copy of the Application of the aforesaid

      In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the
 Great Seal of the State of Illinois, at the City of Springfield, this day of
 March A.D. 8th 2000 and of the Independence of the United States the two
 hundred and 24th.

                               Jesse White
                               Secretary of State

 Form BCA-11.25                  Articles of Merger
 (Rev. Jan. 1999)            Consolidation or Exchange      File # 6083- 9638
 Jesse White                                              Submit in Duplicate
 Secretary of State
 Department of Business
 Services                              FILED
 Springfield, IL 62756
 Telephone (217) 782-6961           Mar 08 2000
                                    Jesse White
                                 Secretary of State

    DO NOT SEND CASH!                                   This space for
 Remit payment in check or                                 use by
 money order, payable to                                Secretary of
 "Secretary of State."                                     State
 Filing Fee is $100, but if
 merger or consolidation                                Date: 3-8-00
 involves more than 2
 corporations, $50 for each                             Filing Fee: $200.00
 additional corporation.                                Approved:  TN

 1.   Names of the corporations proposing to merge/consolidate/exchange
      shares, and the state or country of their incorporation:

 Name of Corporation                       State or Country     Corporation
                                           of Incorporation     File Number
 -------------------                       ----------------     -----------
 Rockford Investors Incorporated           Illinois             6083-9638
 State Street Investors of Rockford, Inc.  Illinois             5555-063-8
 East State Street Antiques Mall Inc.      Illinois             6075-987-1
 UBuy2 Inc.                                Delaware             0205458


 2.   The laws of the state or country under which each corporation is
      incorporated permits such merger, consolidation or exchange.


 3.   (a)  Name of the surviving/new/acquiring corporation:  UBuy2 Inc.

      (b)  It shall be governed by the laws of:  Delaware

 If not sufficient space to cover this point, add one or more sheets of this

 4.   Plan of merger/consolidation/exchange is as follows:

      On the effective date, Rockford Investors Incorporated will be merged
      into UBuy2 Inc.  The surviving corporation assumes all rights,
      privileges, assets and liabilities of the non-survivor.

           (a) The shares of the non-survivor are exchanged for shares of the
           survivor on a 250 for 1 basis.

      On the effective date, State Street Investors, Inc. will be merged into
      UBuy2 Inc.  The surviving corporation assumes all rights, privileges,
      assets and liabilities of the non-survivor.

           (a) The shares of the non-survivor are exchanged for shares of the
           survivor on a 500 for 1 basis.

      On the effective date, East State Street Antiques Mall, Inc. will be
      merged into UBuy2 Inc.  The surviving corporation assumes all rights,
      privileges, assets and liabilities of the non-survivor.

           (a) The shares of the non-survivor are exchanged for shares of the
             survivor on a 333.33 for 1 basis.


 5.   Plan of merger/consolidation/exchange was approved, as to each
      corporation not organized in Illinois, in compliance with the laws of
      the state under which it is organized, and (b) as to each Illinois
      corporation, as follows:

      (The following items are not applicable to mergers under S 11.30 - 90%
           owned subsidiary provisions.  See Article 7.)

      (Only "X" one box for each Illinois corporation)

              By the shareholders,
              a resolution of the
              board of directors    By written consent of
              having been duly      the shareholders having
              adopted and           not less than the
              submitted to a vote   minimum number of votes
              at a meeting of       required by statute and
              shareholders. Not     by the articles of
              less than the         incorporation.           By written
              minimum number of     Shareholders who have    consent of ALL
              votes required by     not consented in         the shareholders
              statute and by the    writing have been given  entitled to vote
 Name of      articles of           notice in accordance     on the action, in
 Corporation  incorporation voted   with S 7.10              accordance with S
              in favor of the       (S 11.220)               7.10 & S 11.20.
              action taken.                                  _________________
              (S 11.20)

 Rockford         [ X ]                [   ]                      [   ]

 State Street     [ X ]                [   ]                      [   ]
 Investors of

 East State       [ X ]                [   ]                      [   ]
 Mall, Inc.


 6.   (Not applicable if surviving, new or acquiring corporation is an
 Illinois corporation)

      It is agreed  that, upon  and after the  issuance of  a certificate  of
      merger, consolidation  or exchange  by the  Secretary of  State of  the
      State of Illinois:

      a.   The surviving, new  or acquiring  corporation may  be served  with
           process in  the  State  of Illinois  in  any  proceeding  for  the
           enforcement of any obligation  of any corporation organized  under
           the laws of the State of Illinois which is a party to the  merger,
           consolidation  or  exchange   and  in  any   proceeding  for   the
           enforcement of the rights of a dissenting shareholder of any  such
           corporation organized  under the  laws of  the State  of  Illinois
           against the surviving, new or acquiring corporation.

      b.   The Secretary  of State  of the  State of  Illinois shall  be  and
           hereby is irrevocably appointed as the agent of the surviving, new
           or acquiring corporation to accept service of process in any  such
           proceedings, and

      c.   The surviving, new or acquiring  corporation will promptly pay  to
           the dissenting shareholders of any corporation organized under the
           laws of the  State of  Illinois which is  a party  to the  merger,
           consolidation or exchange the amount, if any, to which they  shall
           be entitled under the provisions of "The Business Corporation  Act
           of 1983" of the  State of Illinois with  respect to the rights  of
           dissenting shareholders.

 Return to:

      Rockford Investors
      5301 E. State
      Suite 215
      Rockford, IL 61108-0000

 7.   (Complete this  item if  reporting a  merger under  S 11.30--90%  owned
 subsidiary provisions).

      a.   The number of  outstanding shares of  each class  of each  merging
           subsidiary corporation and the number of such shares of each class
           owned immediately prior to the adoption  of the plan of merger  by
           the parent corporation, are:

                         Total Number of Shares    Number of Shares of
                               Outstanding             Each Class
  Name of Corporation         of Each Class         Owned Immediately
                                                        Prior to
                                                  Merger by the Parent

 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________
 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________
 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________
 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________
 ______________________  ______________________  ______________________

      b.   (Not applicable to 100% owned subsidiaries)
           The date of mailing a copy of the plan of merger and notice of the
           right to dissent  to the shareholders  of each merging  subsidiary
           corporation was December 23, 1999.

           Was written consent for the merger or written waiver of the30  day
           period by  the  holders  of all  the  outstanding  shares  of  all
           subsidiary corporations received?  Yes

           (If the answer is  "No," the duplicate copies  of the Articles  of
           Merger may not be delivered to the Secretary of State until  after
           30 days following the mailing of a copy of the plan of merger  and
           of the notice of the right to dissent to the shareholders of  each
           merging subsidiary corporation.)

 8.   The undersigned corporations have caused these articles to be signed by
      their duly authorized officers, each  of whom affirms, under  penalties
      of perjury, that the facts stated herein are true. (All signatures must
      be in BLACK INK.)

 Dated  February 2, 2000                      Rockford Investors Incorporated
      -------------------------------         -------------------------------
        (Month & Day)       (Year)            (Exact Name of Corporation)

 attested by                             by
             ------------------------         -------------------------------
             (Signature of Secretary)                (Signature of President)

             Stanley Miller                   Howard Miller
             ------------------------         -------------------------------
       (Type or Print Name and Title)         (Type or Print Name and Title)

 Dated  February 2, 2000                      State Street Investors of
                                              Rockford, Inc.
      -------------------------------         -------------------------------
        (Month & Day)       (Year)            (Exact Name of Corporation)

 attested by                             by
             ------------------------         -------------------------------
             (Signature of Secretary)                (Signature of President)

             Stanley Miller                   Howard Miller
             ------------------------         -------------------------------
       (Type or Print Name and Title)         (Type or Print Name and Title)

 Dated  February 2, 2000                      East State Street Antiques
                                              Mall, Inc.
      -------------------------------         -------------------------------
        (Month & Day)       (Year)            (Exact Name of Corporation)

 attested by                             by
             ------------------------         -------------------------------
             (Signature of Secretary)                (Signature of President)

             Stanley Miller                   Howard Miller
             ------------------------         -------------------------------
       (Type or Print Name and Title)         (Type or Print Name and Title)

                                                        STATE OF DELAWARE
                                                        SECRETARY OF STATE
                                                     DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS
                                                    FILED 09:01 AM 01/27/2000
                                                        001042061 - 3159831

                              STATE OF DELAWARE
                             AGREEMENT OF MERGER
                      (A Delaware Domestic Corporation)
                           (A Foreign Corporation)
                           (State of Incorporation)

      This Plan and Agreement of Merger made and entered into on the 24th day

 of January, 2000,  by and between  UBuy2 Inc., a  Delaware Corporation,  and

 State Street Antiques Mall, Inc., an Illinois Corporation.


      WHEREAS, the Delaware Corporation is a Corporation organized and

 existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, its Certificate of

 Incorporation having been filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of

 the State of Delaware on January 18, 2000; and

      WHEREAS, the State Street Investors of Rockford, Inc. Corporation is  a

 corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of  Illinois;


      WHEREAS, the aggregate number of shares which the Illinois  Corporation

 has authority to issue is 1,000; and

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of each of the constituent corporations

 deems it advisable that the Illinois Corporation be merged into the Delaware

 Corporation on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, in accordance

 with the applicable provisions of the statutes of the States of Delaware and

 Illinois respectively, which permit such merger;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the agreements,

 covenants and provisions hereinafter contained, the Delaware Corporation and

 the Illinois  Corporation, by  their respective  Boards of  Directors,  have

 agreed and do hereby agree, each with the other as follows:

                                  ARTICLE I

      The State Street Investors if Rockford, Inc. Corporation and the

 Delaware Corporation shall be merged into a single corporation, in

 accordance with applicable provisions of the laws of the State of Illinois

 and of the State of Delaware, by the Illinois Corporation merging into the

 Delaware Corporation, which shall be the surviving Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE II

      Upon the merger becoming effective as  provided in the applicable  laws

 of the State of  Illinois and of the  State of Delaware  (the time when  the

 merger shall so become effective being  sometimes herein referred to as  the

 "EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE MERGER"):   January 31, 2000.

      1.   The two Constituent  Corporations shall be  a single  corporation,

 which shall be the  Delaware Corporation as  the Surviving Corporation,  and

 the separate  existence of  the State  Street  Investors of  Rockford,  Inc.

 Corporation shall cease  except to the  extent provided by  the laws of  the

 State of Illinois in the case of a corporation after its merger into another


                                 ARTICLE III

      The Certificate of Incorporation of the Delaware Corporation shall  not

 be amended in any respect by reason of this Agreement of Merger.

                                  ARTICLE IV

      The manner of converting the outstanding shares of each of the

 Constituent Corporations shall be as follows: 110 shares of State Street

 Investors of Rockford, Inc. stock equals 55,000 shares of UBuy2 Inc. stock.

      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the   Delaware  Corporation  and  the   Illinois

 Corporation,  pursuant  to  the  approval   and  authority  duly  given   by

 resolutions adopted by their respective Boards of Directors have caused this

 Plan and Agreement of Merger to be executed by an authorized officer of each

 party thereto.

                                                     (A Delaware Corporation)

                                              BY:       Howard Miller
                                TITLE OF OFFICER:        President

                                                    (An Illinois Corporation)

                                              BY:       Howard Miller
                                                      Authorized Officer


                                TITLE OF OFFICER:        President

      I, Stanley Miller, Secretary of UBuy2 Inc., a corporation organized and

 existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, hereby certify, as such

 Secretary of the said corporation, that the Agreement of Merger to which

 this certificate is attached, after having been first duly signed on behalf

 of said corporation by an authorized officer of UBuy2 Inc., a corporation of

 the State of Delaware, was duly submitted to the stockholders of said State

 Street Investors of Rockford, Inc., at a special meeting of said

 stockholders called and held separately from the meeting of stockholders of

 any other corporation, upon waiver of notice, signed by all the

 stockholders, for the purpose of considering and taking action upon said

 Agreement of Merger, that 110 shares of stock of said corporation were on

 said date issued and outstanding and that the holder of 78 shares voted by

 ballot in favor of said Agreement of Merger and the holders of 32 shares

 voted by ballot against same, the said affirmative vote representing at

 least a majority of the total number of shares of the outstanding capital

 stock of said corporation, and that thereby the Agreement of Merger was at

 said meeting duly adopted as the act of the stockholders of said State

 Street Investors of Rockford, Inc., and the duly adopted agreement of said


      WITNESS my hand on behalf of  said State Street Investors of  Rockford,

 Inc. on this 24th day of January, 2000.

                                                  Stanley Miller