(Rule 14a-101)


                           SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act
                        of 1934 (Amendment No.         )

  Filed by Registrant  [X]
  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
  Check the appropriate box:
  [ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
  [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
        Rule 14a-6(e) (2))
  [X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
  [ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
  [ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                         UNITED FINANCIAL MORTGAGE CORP.
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, If Other Than the Registrant)

  Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
  [X]  No fee required.
  [ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

       (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
       (2) Aggregate numer of securities to which transactions applies:
       (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
       pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
       the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
       (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
       (5) Total Fee Paid
  [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
  [ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
       Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
       fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
       statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
       (1) Amount Previously Paid:
       (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No:
       (3) Filing Party:
       (4) Date Filed:

                       UNITED FINANCIAL MORTGAGE CORP.
                              815 Commerce Drive
                          Oak Brook, Illinois 60523

                       To Be Held on September 8, 2004

 To the Shareholders of United Financial Mortgage Corp.

 Notice is hereby  given that the  Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of  United
 Financial Mortgage Corp., an Illinois  corporation (the "Company"), will  be
 held on  Wednesday, September  8, 2004,  at  2:00 P.M.  local time,  at  the
 Renaissance Oak Brook Hotel,  2100 Spring Road,  Oak Brook, Illinois  60523.
 The Annual Meeting will  be held for the  purpose of considering and  acting
 upon the following matters:

      1.   the election of seven directors of the Company;

      2.   the adoption of the United Financial Mortgage Corp. 2004 Stock
           Incentive Plan;

      3.   the ratification of the engagement of Crowe Chizek and Company LLC
           as the independent auditors of the Company for the year ending
           April 30, 2005; and

      4.   such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any
           adjournment or postponements thereof.

 The Board of Directors has set the close  of business on August 9, 2004,  as
 the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of,
 and to vote at, the Annual Meeting and any adjournments or postponements  of
 the meeting. In the event that there are not sufficient votes to establish a
 quorum or to approve or ratify the proposals to be considered at the  Annual
 Meeting, the meeting may  be adjourned or postponed  in order to permit  the
 further solicitation of proxies. The transfer books of the Company will  not
 be closed.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors,

 August 16, 2004                    /s/  Joseph Khoshabe
 Oak Brook, Illinois                Joseph Khoshabe

                           YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT.
                       PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND RETURN THE
                         ACCOMPANYING PROXY PROMPTLY.

                       UNITED FINANCIAL MORTGAGE CORP.

                               PROXY STATEMENT

 These proxy materials are furnished in  connection with the solicitation  by
 the Board of Directors of United Financial Mortgage Corp. (the "Company") of
 proxies to  be voted  at the  Annual Meeting  of Shareholders  (the  "Annual
 Meeting") to be  held on Wednesday,  September 8, 2004,  at 2:00 P.M.  local
 time, at  the Renaissance  Oak Brook  Hotel, 2100  Spring Road,  Oak  Brook,
 Illinois 60523, and any  adjournment or postponement  thereof. The Board  of
 Directors would like  to have all  shareholders represented  at this  year's
 Annual Meeting. Whether or  not you plan to  attend the Annual Meeting,  you
 are urged to  complete, date  and sign  your proxy,  then return  it to  the
 Company in the accompanying envelope. No postage needs to be affixed if  you
 mail your proxy in the United  States. The mailing address of the  Company's
 principal executive  office is  815 Commerce  Drive, Suite  100, Oak  Brook,
 Illinois 60523.

 The Notice of Annual Meeting of  Shareholders, this proxy statement and  the
 enclosed form  of proxy  will first  be mailed  to the  shareholders of  the
 Company on or about August 16, 2004. Your proxy is solicited by the Board of
 Directors of the Company.

 The following is information that we believe you will find to be informative
 with respect to the Annual Meeting and the voting process.

 Why am I receiving this proxy statement and proxy form?

 You are receiving a proxy statement and proxy form from us because on August
 9, 2004,  you  owned  shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  This  proxy
 statement describes the matters that will be presented for consideration  by
 the shareholders  at  the Annual  Meeting.  It also  gives  you  information
 concerning the matters to be considered to assist you in making an  informed

 When you sign the enclosed proxy form, you appoint the proxy holder as  your
 representative at the Annual Meeting. The proxy holder will vote your shares
 as you have instructed in the proxy form, thereby ensuring that your  shares
 will be voted whether or not you attend the Annual Meeting. Even if you plan
 to attend the  Annual Meeting,  you should  complete, sign  and return  your
 proxy form in advance of the Annual Meeting in case your plans change.

 If you have signed and returned the proxy form  and an issue comes up for  a
 vote at the meeting  that is not  identified on the  form, the proxy  holder
 will vote your shares, pursuant to your proxy, in accordance with his or her

 What matters will be voted on at the Annual Meeting?

 You are being asked to vote on the election of directors of the Company, the
 adoption of the United  Financial Mortgage Corp.  2004 Stock Incentive  Plan
 and the ratification of Crowe Chizek and Company LLC ("Crowe Chizek") as our
 independent auditors for the 2005 fiscal year. These matters are more  fully
 described in this proxy statement.

 How do I vote?

 You may vote either by mail or in person  at the Annual Meeting. To vote  by
 mail, complete and sign the enclosed proxy form and mail it in the  enclosed
 pre-addressed envelope.  No postage  is required  if  mailed in  the  United
 States. If you mark  your proxy form  to indicate how  you want your  shares
 voted, your shares will be voted as you instruct.

 If you sign and return your proxy form, but do not mark the form to  provide
 voting instructions, the shares represented by your proxy form will be voted
 "FOR" the  slate of  directors  named in  this  proxy statement,  "FOR"  the
 adoption of the United  Financial Mortgage Corp.  2004 Stock Incentive  Plan
 and "FOR" the ratification of Crowe Chizek as our independent auditors.

 If you want to vote in  person, please come to  the Annual Meeting. We  will
 distribute written  ballots  to anyone  who  wants  to vote  at  the  Annual
 Meeting. Please note, however, that if your  shares are held in the name  of
 your broker (or in what is usually  referred to as "street name"), you  will
 need to arrange  to obtain  a proxy from  your broker  in order  to vote  in
 person at the Annual Meeting.

 What does it mean if I receive more than one proxy form?

 It means that  you have multiple  holdings reflected in  our stock  transfer
 records and/or in  accounts with stockbrokers.  Please sign  and return  ALL
 proxy forms to ensure that all your shares are voted.

 If I hold shares in the name of a broker, who votes my shares?

 If you received this  proxy statement from your  broker, your broker  should
 have given you instructions for directing  how your broker should vote  your
 shares. It will then be your broker's responsibility to vote your shares for
 you in the manner you direct.

 Under the  rules  of various  national  and regional  securities  exchanges,
 brokers may  generally vote  on routine  matters, such  as the  election  of
 directors and the ratification of independent  auditors, but cannot vote  on
 non-routine matters, such as an amendment to the articles of  incorporation,
 unless they have received voting instructions from the person for whom  they
 are holding shares. If your broker does not receive instructions from you on
 how to vote particular shares on matters on which your broker does not  have
 discretionary authority to vote, your broker  will return the proxy form  to
 us, indicating that he or she does not  have the authority to vote on  these
 matters. This  is generally  referred to  as a  "broker non-vote"  and  will
 affect the outcome of the voting  as described below, under "How many  votes
 are needed for approval  of each proposal?" Therefore,  we encourage you  to
 provide directions to your broker  as to how you  want your shares voted  on
 the matters to be brought before the  Annual Meeting. You should do this  by
 carefully following the  instructions your broker  gives you concerning  its
 procedures. This  ensures that  your  shares will  be  voted at  the  Annual

 What if I change my mind after I return my proxy?

 If you hold  your shares in  your own name,  you may revoke  your proxy  and
 change your vote at any time before  the polls close at the Annual  Meeting.
 You may do this by:

      *  signing another proxy with a later date and returning that proxy to
         the attention of the President and Chief Executive Officer;

      *  sending notice addressed to the attention of the President and
         Chief Executive Officer that you are revoking your proxy; or

      *  voting in person at the Annual Meeting.

 If you hold your shares in  the name of a broker  and desire to revoke  your
 proxy, you will need to  contact your broker to  revoke your proxy. You  may
 contact the President and Chief Executive Officer at the following address:

              United Financial Mortgage Corp.
              815 Commerce Drive, Suite 100
              Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
              Attn: President and Chief Executive Officer

 How many votes do we need to hold the Annual Meeting?

 A majority of the shares that are outstanding and entitled to vote as of the
 record date must be present in person or  by proxy at the Annual Meeting  in
 order to  hold the  Annual Meeting  and  conduct business.  Abstentions  are
 considered present at the Annual Meeting and counted in determining  whether
 a quorum is present.

 Shares are  counted as  present at  the Annual  Meeting if  the  shareholder

      *  is present and votes in person at the Annual Meeting; or

      *  has properly submitted a signed proxy form or other proxy.

 On August  9, 2004,  the record  date, there  were 5,965,143  shares of  the
 Company Common Stock issued and  outstanding. Therefore, at least  2,982,572
 shares need to be present at the Annual Meeting.

 What happens if a nominee is unable to stand for re-election?

 The Board of Directors  may, by resolution, provide  for a lesser number  of
 directors or  designate a  substitute nominee.  In the  latter case,  shares
 represented by proxies may be voted for a substitute nominee. Proxies cannot
 be voted for  more than seven  nominees. We have  no reason  to believe  any
 nominee will be unable to stand for re-election.

 What options do I have in voting on each of the proposals?

 You may vote  "for" or  "withhold authority" to  vote for  the nominees  for
 director. You may  vote "for," "against"  or "abstain" with  respect to  the
 adoption of the United  Financial Mortgage Corp.  2004 Stock Incentive  Plan
 and the ratification of Crowe Chizek as the Company's independent auditors.

 How many votes may I cast?

 Generally, you are entitled  to cast one  vote for each  share of stock  you
 owned on the record date.  The proxy form included with this proxy statement
 indicates the number of shares owned by an account attributable to you.

 How many votes are needed for each proposal?

 The  Articles  of  Incorporation  do  not  provide  for  cumulative  voting.
 Accordingly, each share of the Company Common Stock is entitled to one  vote
 on all matters submitted to the  shareholders. Shares represented by  broker
 non-votes are  not considered  present at  the Annual  Meeting and  are  not
 counted in determining  whether a  quorum is  present.  With respect to  all
 matters, abstentions and broker non-votes will  be counted as "no" votes  in
 determining the number of shares voted for or against any proposal.

 The seven individuals receiving the highest number of votes cast "for" their
 election will be elected  as directors of the  Company. The adoption go  the
 2004 United  Financial Mortgage  Corp. 2004  Stock  Incentive Plan  and  the
 ratification of our auditors must receive the affirmative vote of a majority
 of the  shares present  in person  or by  proxy at  the Annual  Meeting  and
 entitled to vote.

 Where do I find the voting results of the Annual Meeting?

 We will announce voting  results at the Annual  Meeting.  The voting results
 will also be disclosed in  our quarterly report filed  with the SEC for  the
 quarter ended October 31, 2004.

 Who bears the cost of soliciting proxies?

 We will bear the cost of soliciting proxies. In addition to solicitations by
 mail, officers, directors or  employees of the  Company or its  subsidiaries
 may solicit  proxies in  person  or by  telephone.  These persons  will  not
 receive any special  or additional compensation  for soliciting proxies.  We
 may  reimburse  brokerage   houses  and  other   custodians,  nominees   and
 fiduciaries for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses for forwarding proxy
 and solicitation materials to shareholders.

 How does the Board recommend that I vote?

 The Board of Directors recommends that  you vote "FOR" each of the  director
 nominees, "FOR" the  adoption of the  United Financial  Mortgage Corp.  2004
 Stock Incentive  Plan and  "FOR" ratification  of the  appointment of  Crowe
 Chizek as the Company's independent auditors.


 At the  Annual Meeting  on September  8,  2004, seven  directors are  to  be
 elected to serve on the Board of Directors until the next annual meeting  of
 shareholders or until their successors are elected and qualified. It is  the
 intention of the persons named as proxies  on the enclosed form of proxy  to
 vote such proxy, unless  indicated otherwise by  the shareholder giving  the
 proxy, in favor of the election of the nominees named below.

 If for any reason any of the nominees shall become unavailable for election,
 the proxy will be voted for nominees selected by the Board of Directors.  At
 this time, the Board of Directors knows  of no reason why any nominee  would
 not be available for election. The vote of  a majority of the shares of  the
 Company Common Stock represented in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting
 will be required to elect each of the  nominees named below to the Board  of
 Directors. The  Board of  Directors nominates  individuals to  serve on  the
 Board of  Directors.  Additionally,  the Board  of  Directors  may  consider
 nominations submitted in writing by shareholders.

 The Nominees

 Information concerning the nominees for election to the Board of  Directors,
 as of August 1, 2004, is set forth below:

                                 Positions Held        Director   Years with
         Name           Age     with the Company        Since     the Company
 --------------------   ---    ----------------------  -------    -----------
 Joseph Khoshabe         59    Chairman and Director    1986          18
 John A. Clark           56    Director                 1998           6
 Robert S. Luce          57    Director                 1998           6
 Elliot R. Jacobs        59    Director                 2001           3
 James R. Zuhlke         58    Director                 2001           3
 Anthony W. Schweiger    62    Director Nominee            -           -
 Steve Y. Khoshabe       32    President and Chief         -          10
                               Executive Officer
                               and Director Nominee

 Mr. Schweiger was recommended as a nominee to the Board of Directors by  the
 President and Chief Executive Officer.   Mr. Steve Khoshabe was  recommended
 as a nominee to the Board of Directors by a non-management director.

 The business experience of each of the above-mentioned nominees for the past
 five or more years, and certain other biographical information, is set forth

 Joseph Khoshabe currently serves as the  Company's Chairman and a member  of
 its Board of  Directors. Prior to  April 2003 and  since 1986,  Mr. Khoshabe
 served   as  the  Company's  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer.   In
 addition to serving as Chairman,  Mr. Khoshabe  is  also responsible for the
 Company's commercial lending  operations.  Prior to the Company's formation,
 Mr. Khoshabe was  an executive  with the  Cracker Jack  Division of  Borden,
 Inc., where he  was employed for  approximately 17 years.  Khoshabe holds  a
 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration/ Economics from Governors
 State  University  and  a  Bachelor  of  Science/  Accounting  from   Tehran
 University. Mr. Khoshabe is the father of Mr. Steve Khoshabe, our  President
 and Chief Executive Officer and a nominee for director.

 John A.  Clark was  elected to  the Company's  Board of  Directors in  1998.
 Mr. Clark retired as the President and Chief Executive Officer of a  Chicago
 area commercial banking organization  in April of  1997.  During his 17 year
 career as  a  senior  executive with  that  organization,  Mr. Clark  helped
 develop or acquire a  number of financial institutions  and, on the date  of
 his retirement,  the  organization  was the  largest  bank  holding  company
 headquartered in DuPage County, Illinois. He  is presently the President  of
 SRJC, Inc.,  an  organization that  he  formed  in 1997  and  that  provides
 financial  consulting  services  to  small  and  medium  sized   businesses.
 Mr. Clark has a  B.S. degree  from the  University of  Wisconsin at  Stevens
 Point, Wisconsin.

 James R. Zuhlke  was elected to  the Company's Board  of Directors in  2001.
 Mr. Zuhlke has over 25 years of experience as an insurance executive. During
 that  time,  Mr. Zuhlke  started  and  managed  seven  different   insurance
 companies, including  both domestic  and overseas  captives. Mr. Zuhlke  was
 founder, President  and Chairman  of the  Board of  Intercargo  Corporation,
 which became publicly-traded in 1988.  Until January 2004, Mr. Zuhlke served
 as the  President of  Kingsway  America, Inc.,  a  holding company  for  six
 operating subsidiaries  of  the  Kingsway Financial  Services  Group,  which
 Mr. Zuhlke assisted in becoming  a public company  in 1995. Mr. Zuhlke  also
 serves  as  a director of  a  number of  other  companies.   Mr.  Zuhlke  is
 currently  a  private  investor.   Mr. Zuhlke  received  his  BBA  from  the
 University of Wisconsin in  1968 and also received  his law degree from  the
 University of Wisconsin in 1971.

 Robert S. Luce  was elected  to the Company's  Board of  Directors in  1998.
 Mr. Luce is an attorney who has  been practicing financial services law  for
 30 years. Mr. Luce attended the University of Illinois and received his  law
 degree from Loyola University School of Law (Chicago) in 1972. Mr. Luce  was
 an attorney with the United States  Securities and Exchange Commission  from
 1972 to 1976 and was an adjunct professor of law at Loyola University of Law
 (Chicago) in the area of securities regulations from 1972 to 1980.  Mr. Luce
 has served as  corporate counsel  to Fortune 500  companies and  has been  a
 partner in two Chicago area law  firms. Mr. Luce founded the law offices  of
 Robert S. Luce in 1989.  In  addition, Mr. Luce also serves as the President
 of MDR Mortgage, a mortgage broker located in Palatine, Illinois.

 Elliot R. Jacobs was  elected to the Company's  Board of Directors in  2001.
 Mr. Jacobs is a professional in the mortgage banking industry. Mr. Jacobs is
 a frequent  speaker  and contributing  author  on topics  for  the  Mortgage
 Bankers Association  of  America. Mr. Jacobs  has  been a  director  of  the
 mortgage banking strategies group of First Fidelity Capital Markets, Inc. of
 Boca Raton,  Florida  since 1998.  During  the  period from  1993  to  1998,
 Mr. Jacobs was  the  director  of the  Mergers  and  Acquisitions  group  of
 CoreStates  Capital  Markets,  a  division   of  CoreStates  Bank  of   Fort
 Lauderdale, Florida. Mr. Jacobs earned  a B.S. in Accounting  and an MBA  in
 Management Information Systems, with honors, from the American University.

 Anthony W. Schweiger serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer  of
 The Tomorrow  Group, LLC,  a governance  and management  consultancy.  Since
 1992, he has been a  director and Governance Chair  of Radian Group Inc.,  a
 NYSE traded global provider of credit  enhancement products.  He also serves
 on Radian's Audit and  Executive Committees.  Since  2001, Mr. Schweiger has
 served as  a  director of  Paragon  Technologies, Inc.,  an  American  Stock
 Exchange  traded  provider   of  automated  solutions   for  material   flow
 applications.  He  has  also  been  an   investor  and  director  of   Input
 Technologies, LLC,  a supplier  of human-to-machine  interface products  and
 services since February 1998.  From 1983 until 1993, Mr. Schweiger served as
 Chief Executive Officer  of Meridian Mortgage Corporation.  In  his capacity
 as  a  consultant,  Mr. Schweiger  advises  various  service and  technology
 businesses on governance, operational and  strategic issues.  Mr.  Schweiger
 is a graduate of the Wharton School of Finance & Commerce at the  University
 of Pennsylvania.

 Steve Y. Khoshabe  was named President  and Chief Executive  Officer of  the
 Company in  April  2003.  Mr. Khoshabe is  responsible  for  the  day-to-day
 administration of all of the Company's operating activities, other than  its
 commercial lending operations, including supervision of its loan origination
 activities, personnel management and financial matters.  Mr. Khoshabe joined
 the Company in  December 1994  and was  Executive Vice  President and  Chief
 Financial Officer  from  1998 to  2003.  Mr. Khoshabe holds  a  Bachelor  of
 Science degree in Marketing/ Economics from Bradley University and a Masters
 of Business  Administration/  Finance  from Loyola  University  of  Chicago.
 Mr. Steve Khoshabe is the son of Mr. Joseph Khoshabe, the Company's Chairman
 and a member of its Board of Directors.

 The business experience of each of the other named executive officers of the
 Company for the  past five  or more  years, and  certain other  biographical
 information, is set forth below:

 Robert L.  Hiatt (age  38)  was named  Executive  Vice President  and  Chief
 Financial Officer  of the  Company  in August  2003.  Prior to  joining  the
 Company, Mr. Hiatt served as Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer for
 Novamed Eyecare, Inc., a publicly-traded healthcare company, where he worked
 for six years. Prior  to that, he  worked at Arthur  Andersen, LLP for  nine
 years. Mr. Hiatt  received a  B.S. in  Accounting from  Miami University  of

 Michael A. Kraft  (age 44)  has served  as the  Company's Corporate  Counsel
 since 2001. His  responsibilities include  advising the  Company on  general
 legal  issues,  including  contract,  employment  and  compliance   matters.
 Mr. Kraft also manages any pending litigation  matters in which the  Company
 is involved. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Kraft was a member of Kane  &
 Fischer, Ltd., a  Chicago, Illinois  law firm  concentrating in  commercial,
 business and securities litigation matters from 1995 to 2001. In addition to
 receiving his J.D. from John Marshall Law School, Mr. Kraft holds a  Masters
 in Business Administration degree from Rosary College and a Bachelor of Arts
 degree from Augustana College. Mr. Kraft has  been a practicing attorney  in
 Illinois since 1988.

 Jason K.  Schiffman  (age 32)  has  been with  the  Company since  1995  and
 currently serves  as Executive  Vice President - Operations.  Currently,  he
 oversees loan  underwriting, closing  and funding  and quality  control  and
 compliance functions,  as  well  as  heading  up  the  Company's  technology
 efforts. Prior  to  managing  the Company's  operations,  Mr. Schiffman  was
 responsible for one  of its  mortgage loan  production units.  Mr. Schiffman
 holds a B.S. in Finance and Psychology from Elmhurst College.

 Christian P.  Kloster (age  32) has  been with  the Company  since 1995  and
 currently serves  as Executive  Vice  President - Secondary  Marketing.  His
 current  responsibilities  include  managing  our  mortgage  loan  pipeline,
 interest rate  risk  and  loan delivery  functions.  Prior  to  joining  the
 Company, Mr. Kloster served as an Account  Executive for Bank One  Financial
 Services. Mr. Kloster holds a B.S. in Finance from Wartburg College.


 The Board of  Directors is  currently comprised  of five  directors who  are
 elected each year to  serve on the  board until the  next annual meeting  of
 shareholders or until their successors are elected and qualified. The  Board
 of Directors has approved an amendment  to the Company's Bylaws to  increase
 the size of  the Board  of Directors, effective  at the  Annual Meeting,  to
 seven directors. Currently, the directors are Messrs. Joseph Khoshabe, James
 R. Zuhlke, John A. Clark, Robert S. Luce and Elliot R. Jacobs. The Board  of
 Directors has determined that each of the directors meets the "independence"
 requirements of  the American  Stock Exchange  currently applicable  to  the
 Company, with the  exception of  Mr. Joseph  Khoshabe, who  is an  executive
 officer of the Company and Mr. Jacobs, who is a principal of an entity  with
 whom the Company has a business relationship.

 The Board of Directors  held six meetings during  the Company's 2004  fiscal
 year. All of  the directors attended  at least 75%  of the  meetings of  the
 Board of Directors and each of the meetings of the committees on which  they
 served. The Company encourages all of the members of the Board of  Directors
 to attend its  annual meeting. Last  year, all five  of the  members of  the
 Board of Directors attended the Company's annual meeting.

 Audit Committee

 The Company's Audit Committee appoints, retains and reviews the results  and
 services performed  by  the  Company's independent  auditors,  reviews  with
 management and the internal audit department the systems of internal control
 and internal audit reports and ensures that the Company's books and  records
 are kept in accordance with applicable accounting principles and  standards.
 During the 2004 fiscal  year, the members of  the Company's Audit  Committee
 were Messrs.  Zuhlke (Chairman),  Clark and  Luce, each  of whom  meets  the
 "independence"  requirements  of  the  American  Stock  Exchange   currently
 applicable to the Company.  If the shareholders  approve the appointment  of
 Mr. Schweiger as a director of  the Company, the Board of Directors  intends
 on appointing him  to the  Audit Committee  as its  chairman. The  Company's
 Audit Committee  met  four times  during  fiscal  year 2004.  The  Board  of
 Directors and the Audit  Committee recently adopted  a new written  charter,
 which is available on the Company's website at

 Although the Board  of Directors believes  that each of  the members of  the
 Audit Committee possesses knowledge and experience sufficient to  understand
 the complexities of the financial statements  of the Company, the  Company's
 Audit Committee currently  does not  include an  "audit committee  financial
 expert" as  defined by  regulations of  the SEC.  Based on  Mr.  Schweiger's
 education, his previous experience  as a chief  financial officer and  chief
 executive officer,  his  participation on  other  audit committees  and  his
 professional experience,  the Board  of Directors  has determined  that  Mr.
 Schweiger would qualify as an "audit committee financial expert".

 Compensation Committee

 The  Company  has  established  a  Compensation  Committee  that  sets   the
 compensation and benefits for the chief executive officer as well as reviews
 the compensation and benefits  for the other officers  and employees of  the
 Company. During the  2004 fiscal year,  the members of  this committee  were
 Messrs. Zuhlke  (Chairman),  Clark and  Luce.  The Board  of  Directors  has
 adopted a written charter for the Compensation Committee, which is available
 on the Company's website at

 Nominating & Governance Committee

 The  Board  of  Directors  of the Company  recently established a nominating
 and governance committee, which  will  (i)  identify  and  select  qualified
 individuals  to  serve  as  directors  of  the  Company  and  nominate  such
 individuals for election as  directors at the  Company's annual meetings  of
 shareholders and (ii) develop  and establish corporate governance  policies.
 The nominating and governance committee was established after, and thus held
 no meetings during, the 2004 fiscal year. The members of this committee  are
 Mr. Joseph  Khoshabe,  Mr.  Clark,  and subject  to  his  appointment  as  a
 director, Mr.  Schweiger.  Mr. Clark  does,  and upon  his  appointment  Mr.
 Schweiger will, meet the "independence"  requirements of the American  Stock
 Exchange currently applicable  to the Company.  Mr. Khoshabe,  who does  not
 meet the "independence"  requirements of  the American  Stock Exchange,  was
 appointed to the  nominating and  governance committee  as a  result of  the
 breadth of his relationships in the  financial services industry.  The Board
 of Directors has adopted a written charter for the nominating and governance
 committee, which is available on the Company's website at

 The nominating and  governance committee does  not currently  have a  formal
 policy  regarding  the  handling  or  consideration  of  director  candidate
 recommendations  received  from  a  shareholder  or  a  formal  policy   for
 identifying  and  evaluating  nominees  for  directors  (including  nominees
 recommended by  shareholders).  Although  a formal policy has  not yet  been
 adopted,  the  nominating  and governance  committee  believes that nominees
 for election  to  the  Board  of  Directors  must  possess  certain  minimum
 qualifications and attributes.  These qualifications and attributes  include
 strong personal integrity, character and ethics and a commitment to  ethical
 business and accounting practices, demonstrated leadership skills and  sound
 judgment, exemplary  management  and communication  skills,  as well  as  an
 ability to meet the standards and duties  set forth in our code of  business
 conduct and ethics.  It is also expected that directors should be willing to
 devote sufficient time  to carrying  out their  duties and  responsibilities
 effectively, and that they should be committed to serve on the Board for  an
 extended period  of  time.  The nominating  and  governance  committee  will
 evaluate potential  nominees to  determine if  they  have any  conflicts  of
 interest that may  interfere with  their ability  to serve  as an  effective
 member of the Board of Directors and to ensure the nominees'  "independence"
 as necessary. Currently,  the Company  does not pay  any fees  to any  third
 party to  identify  or assist  in  identifying or  evaluating  nominees  for

 Shareholder Communications; Nomination and Proposal Procedures

 Shareholder Communication with the Board  of Directors. Shareholders of  the
 Company may contact  any member  of the Board  of Directors,  or the  entire
 Board of Directors, through the President and Chief Executive Officer either
 in person, in writing or by phone at (630) 571-7222.  Any communication will
 promptly be  forwarded to  the Board  of  Directors as  a  group or  to  the
 attention of a specified  director. All letters should  be mailed to  United
 Financial Mortgage Corp.,  815 Commerce  Drive, Oak  Brook, Illinois  60523,
 Attn: President and  Chief Executive Officer  and should  indicate that  the
 author is a shareholder of the Company.

 Shareholder Nominations. In order for a shareholder nominee to be considered
 by the nominating & governance committee  to be its nominee and included  in
 the Company's  proxy  statement,  the nominating  shareholder  must  file  a
 written notice of the  proposed director nomination  with the President  and
 Chief Executive Officer, at  the above address, at  least 120 days prior  to
 the date the  previous year's proxy  statement was  mailed to  shareholders.
 Nominations must include the full name  and address of the proposed  nominee
 and a brief description of the proposed nominee's business experience for at
 least the previous five years and, as to the shareholder giving the  notice,
 his or her  name and  address, and the  class and  number of  shares of  the
 Company's capital stock owned by that  shareholder. All submissions must  be
 accompanied by the written consent of the proposed nominee to be named as  a
 nominee and to  serve as a  director if elected.  The committee may  request
 additional information in  order to make  a determination as  to whether  to
 nominate the person for director.

 Other Shareholder Proposals.  To be considered  for inclusion  in our  proxy
 statement and form of proxy relating to our annual meeting of  shareholders,
 the nominating stockholder must file a  written notice of the proposal  with
 the President and Chief  Executive Officer, at the  above address, at  least
 120 days prior to the date the previous year's proxy statement was mailed to
 stockholders, and must otherwise comply with  the rules and regulations  set
 forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

 Code of Ethics

 The Company has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics applicable  to
 its  directors,  officers  and  employees,  including  its  chief  executive
 officer,  chief  financial  officer  and  other  senior  financial  officers
 performing accounting, auditing, financial management or similar  functions.
 The Company's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is posted on the  Investor
 Information page of  its web site  at The  Company intends  to
 satisfy the disclosure  requirements regarding any  amendment to, or  waiver
 from, a provision of its Code  of Business Conduct and Ethics by  disclosing
 such matters in the Investor Information page of its web site.  Shareholders
 may request a free copy of the Company's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
 by writing  United  Financial Mortgage  Corp.,  Attn: Code  of  Ethics,  815
 Commerce Drive, Suite 100, Oak Brook, IL  60523.

 Director Compensation

 In fiscal  year  2004, each  director  of  the Company  received  a  monthly
 retainer of $500. In addition, each director received $500 for attendance at
 each meeting  of the  Board of  Directors and  $250 for  attendance at  each
 committee  meeting.  The  chairman  of  the  Audit  Committee  received   an
 additional $250 for attendance at each Audit Committee meeting. Beginning in
 fiscal year 2005, each member of the Board of Directors will be entitled  to
 receive a monthly  retainer of $1,000.  In addition, each  director will  be
 entitled to receive  $500 for  attendance at each  meeting of  the Board  of
 Directors and  each committee.  The chairman  of  the Audit  Committee  will
 receive an additional annual retainer of $5,000.  In addition,  each  member
 of the Board of  Directors will be entitled to participate in the  Company's
 Stock Incentive Plan  discussed herein. Each  director will  be entitled  to
 receive a grant of either options to purchase 10,000 shares of the Company's
 Common Stock or 2,000 shares in the form of restricted stock.




 In connection  with  the  expiration  of  the  Company's  Non-Qualified  and
 Incentive Stock Option Plan ("Stock Option  Plan") in December of 2003,  the
 Board of Directors has deemed that it is in the best interest of the Company
 and our shareholders to  adopt a new  stock incentive plan  that would be  a
 successor to the  Stock Option  Plan. The  Board of  Directors approved  the
 United Financial Mortgage Corp. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan (the "2004  Plan")
 on July 26, 2004, subject to  shareholder approval. The purpose of the  2004
 Plan is to enable the Company  to attract and retain top quality  employees,
 officers, directors, consultants and  advisors ("service providers") and  to
 provide these persons with an incentive to enhance shareholder returns.  The
 Board of Directors believes that  options and other equity-based  incentives
 are an important part of the compensation package the Company offers to  its
 employees, officers, directors, consultants and advisors.

 The affirmative vote of the  holders of a majority  of the shares of  Common
 Stock present in person  or by proxy  at the annual  meeting is required  to
 approve the amendment of the Stock Incentive Plan.


 Set forth below is  a summary of the  2004 Plan, which  is qualified in  its
 entirety by the specific language of the 2004 Plan. A copy of the 2004  Plan
 presented for shareholder  approval is  included at  the end  of this  Proxy
 Statement as Appendix A. Shareholders are urged to read the complete text of
 the 2004 Plan.

 Description of the 2004 Plan

 The 2004 Plan provides for the grant of options, stock appreciation  rights,
 restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares and other stock
 based awards (each, an  "award"), any of  which may or  may not require  the
 satisfaction of performance objectives,  to employees, officers,  directors,
 consultants and advisors of the Company and its subsidiaries. The 2004  Plan
 will be administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors
 (the "Committee"), which has  discretion to select  the participants and  to
 establish the terms and conditions of each award, subject to the  provisions
 of the 2004 Plan. Options granted  to employees and officers under the  2004
 Plan may  be "incentive  stock options"  as defined  in Section  422 of  the
 Internal Revenue Code  of 1986,  as amended,  or the  Code, or  nonqualified
 options. Options  granted  to directors,  consultants  and advisors  may  be
 nonqualified options.

 The Board of  Directors believes that  the granting  of equity  compensation
 awards is necessary to attract the  highest quality personnel as well as  to
 reward and thereby retain existing  key personnel. Moreover, the  attraction
 and retention  of such  personnel is  essential to  our continued  progress,
 which ultimately is in the interests of our shareholders.

 Shares Subject to the 2004 Plan

 A total of 400,000 shares of  the Company's Common Stock have been  reserved
 for issuance under the 2004 Plan. If  any award granted under the 2004  Plan
 expires, terminates or is cancelled for any reason, then the shares  subject
 to  that  award  will  once  again  be  available  for  additional   awards.
 Additionally, no shares will have been deemed to have been issued under  the
 2004  Plan  with  respect  to any portion of  an award that has been settled
 in cash.  Options  outstanding  under  the  Stock  Option  Plan  will remain
 outstanding until  exercised or  until they  terminate  or expire  by  their
 terms. On August 9, 2004, the closing  price for shares of the Common  Stock
 on the American Stock Exchange was $4.80 per share.

 Because the  granting  of awards  under  the 2004  Plan  is subject  to  the
 discretion of the Committee, awards under the 2004 Plan for the current year
 are indeterminable.

 Stock Options

 A stock option is the right to purchase a certain number of shares of stock,
 at a certain exercise price, in the future. The exercise price of  incentive
 stock options may  not be less  than 100% of  the fair market  value of  the
 Common Stock as of the date  of grant, or 110% of  the fair market value  if
 the grant is to an individual who owns  more than 10% of the total  combined
 voting power of all  classes of the Company's  capital stock. The 2004  Plan
 limits to $100,000 the aggregate value  of Common Stock for which  incentive
 stock options may first  become exercisable in any  calendar year under  the
 2004 Plan. The Compensation Committee will  determine the exercise price  of
 nonstatutory stock options granted under the 2004 Plan.  Nonstatutory  stock
 options also may be granted without regard to any restriction on the  amount
 of Common Stock  to which  the option may  first become  exercisable in  any
 calendar year.

 Subject to the limitations contained in the 2004 Plan, options granted under
 the 2004 Plan will  become exercisable at times  and in installments as  the
 Committee provides in the terms of  each individual stock option  agreement.
 Any options  that  were  not  exercisable on  the  date  of  termination  of
 employment  immediately  terminate  at  that  time.  Any  options  that  are
 exercisable on  the date  of termination  will  remain exercisable  only  in
 accordance with  the 2004  Plan and  the option  agreement. Incentive  stock
 options granted under the 2004 Plan may not be exercised more than 10  years
 after the date of grant, or five years after the date of grant if the  grant
 is to an  individual who owns  more than 10%  of the  total combined  voting
 power of all classes  of the Company's capital  stock. Under the 2004  Plan,
 options may not be transferred other than by will or by the laws of  descent
 and distribution, by  gift for  estate planning  purposes or  pursuant to  a
 certified domestic relations order.

 Stock Appreciation Rights

 A stock appreciation right is the  right to receive the appreciation in  the
 fair market value of  the Company's Common Stock  between the exercise  date
 and the date of grant, for  the number of shares  with respect to which  the
 stock appreciation right  is exercised.  The  payment may be  made either in
 cash or in stock or a combination of cash and stock in the Company's or  the
 Compensation Committee's discretion.

 Restricted Stock

 Restricted stock awards are  awards of shares that  vest in accordance  with
 terms and conditions established by the Committee.  The Committee may impose
 whatever conditions  and  restrictions  its determines  to  be  appropriate,
 including continued employment or the achievement of performance objectives.
 The terms of  any restricted share  award under the  2004 Plan  will be  set
 forth in a restricted stock agreement to be entered into between the Company
 and each grantee.  The Committee will  determine the terms and conditions of
 any restricted stock agreements, which need not be identical.  Generally, if
 the grantee's employment terminates prior to  the lapse of the  restrictions
 applicable to the award, the award  will lapse. The Committee will have  the
 power to accelerate the expiration of an applicable restriction period  with
 respect to any part or all of restricted stock awarded to a grantee.  During
 the restriction  period,  the  grantee  may  vote  the  shares  and  receive
 dividends, if any are declared.

 Restricted Stock Units

 The Committee may  also grant restricted  stock units under  the 2004  Plan.
 Restricted stock units may consist of restricted stock, performance share or
 performance unit awards that the Committee permits, in its sole  discretion,
 to be paid out in  installments or on a  deferred basis, in accordance  with
 procedures established by the Committee.

 Performance Units and Performance Shares

 Under the 2004  Plan, the  Committee may  also grant  performance units  and
 performance shares. Performance units and performance shares are awards that
 will result  in  a  payment  to a  participant  only  if  performance  goals
 established by the Committee are achieved or the awards otherwise vest.  The
 Committee  will  establish  performance  goals  in  its  discretion,  which,
 depending on the  extent to which  they are met,  will determine the  number
 and/or the value of performance units and performance shares to be paid  out
 to participants. The performance goals may be based upon the achievement  of
 company-wide, divisional or individual goals, applicable securities laws  or
 other basis determined by the Committee.  Payment for performance units  and
 performance shares may be made in cash or in shares of the Company's  Common
 Stock with equivalent value,  or in some combination,  as determined by  the
 Committee. Performance units will have  an initial dollar value  established
 by the Committee prior  to the grant date.  Performance shares will have  an
 initial value equal to the fair  market value of the Company's Common  Stock
 on the grant date. To the extent the performance objectives are not met by a
 date set out in the award agreement for the performance unit or  performance
 shares, all unearned  or unvested performance  units and performance  shares
 will be  forfeited.  The  Committee may  reduce  or  waive  any  performance
 objectives for performance units and performance shares.

 Other Stock Based Awards

 The Committee has  the authority  to create awards  under the  2004 Plan  in
 addition to those specifically described in the 2004 Plan.

 Change of Control

 The 2004 Plan provides generally that in the event of a "change of control,"
 the successor corporation will assume or substitute an equivalent award  for
 each outstanding award.  Unless determined otherwise  by the Committee,  any
 outstanding options or stock appreciation rights not assumed or  substituted
 for will be fully vested and exercisable, including as to shares that  would
 not otherwise have been  vested and exercisable,  for a period  of up to  15
 days from  the  date  of  notice  to  the  optionee.  The  option  or  stock
 appreciation right  will  terminate  at  the  end  of  such  period.  Unless
 determined otherwise  by the  Committee, any  restricted stock,  performance
 shares, performance  units,  restricted stock  units  or other  stock  based
 awards not assumed or substituted for will be fully vested as to all of  the
 shares subject to the award, including  shares which would not otherwise  be
 vested. In the event an outside director is terminated immediately prior  to
 or following  a  change of  control,  other  than pursuant  to  a  voluntary
 resignation, the awards he  or she received under  the 2004 Plan will  fully
 vest and become immediately exercisable.


 The Committee will administer  the 2004 Plan.  Subject to terms,  conditions
 and other provisions  in the 2004  Plan, the Committee  will select  service
 providers who  receive  awards,  determine the  amount  of  each  award  and
 establish the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  awards.  The  Committee  may
 interpret the 2004 Plan and award  agreements and adopt rules,  regulations,
 forms and agreements relating to, and not inconsistent with, the 2004  Plan.
 All decisions  made by  the Committee  in administering  the 2004  Plan  are
 subject to the review of the Board of Directors.

 Amendment to or Termination of the 2004 Plan

 The Board  of Directors  or the  Committee  may at  any time  amend,  alter,
 suspend, discontinue  or terminate  the 2004  Plan, subject  to  shareholder
 approval if shareholder approval is required  by federal or state law or  by
 the rules of any stock exchange  or automated quotation system on which  the
 Common Stock is listed or quoted. However, no amendment or alteration of the
 Plan may materially and adversely affect  the rights of any grantee,  unless
 consented to by the grantee. The 2004 Plan is effective for 10 years, unless
 sooner terminated.  Termination  of  the  2004  Plan  will  not  affect  the
 Committee's ability to exercise the powers granted to it under the 2004 Plan
 with respect to awards granted under the 2004 Plan prior to the date of such


 In the event of a recapitalization, reclassification, reorganization,  stock
 split, reverse stock split, combination of shares, stock dividend or similar
 transaction affecting the Company's Common Stock,  the number of shares  and
 interests awarded and  which may be  awarded under the  2004 Plan and  their
 exercise prices shall be adjusted accordingly.

 The impact of a merger or other reorganization of the Company on outstanding
 stock options,  stock  appreciation  rights,  restricted  share  awards  and
 restricted stock units granted under the 2004 Plan shall be specified in the
 agreement  relating  to  the  merger  or  reorganization,  subject  to   the
 limitations and  restrictions set  forth in  the 2004  Plan. Such  agreement
 shall provide for the continuation of  outstanding awards if the Company  is
 the surviving corporation, assumption of outstanding awards by the surviving
 corporation, substitution by the surviving corporation of its own awards for
 outstanding awards under the 2004 Plan, accelerated vesting and  accelerated
 expiration of outstanding awards, or settlement of outstanding awards in the
 form of the  consideration received by  holders of the  Common Stock in  the

 Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

 Incentive stock  options  granted under  the  2004 Plan  generally  will  be
 afforded favorable federal income tax  treatment under the Internal  Revenue
 Code (the "Code"). If an option is treated as an incentive stock option, the
 optionee will  recognize no  income upon  grant or  exercise of  the  option
 unless the alternative minimum tax rules  apply. Upon an optionee's sale  of
 the shares (assuming that the sale occurs more than two years after grant of
 the option and more than  one year after exercise  of the option), any  gain
 will be taxed  to the optionee  as long-term capital  gain. If the  optionee
 disposes of  the shares  prior to  the  expiration of  either of  the  above
 holding periods,  then the  optionee will  recognize ordinary  income in  an
 amount generally measured as the difference  between the exercise price  and
 the fair  market  value  of  the  shares at  the  exercise  date.  Any  gain
 recognized on such a premature  sale of the shares  in excess of the  amount
 treated as ordinary income will be characterized as capital gain.

 All other options  granted under the  2004 Plan will  be nonstatutory  stock
 options and will not qualify for  any special tax benefits to the  optionee.
 An optionee will not recognize any taxable income  at the time he or she  is
 granted a nonstatutory  stock option.  Alternatively, upon  exercise of  the
 nonstatutory stock option, the optionee  will recognize ordinary income  for
 federal income tax purposes in an amount generally measured as the excess of
 the then fair market value  of each share over  its exercise price. Upon  an
 optionee's resale of such shares, any difference between the sale price  and
 the fair market value of such shares on the date of exercise will be treated
 as capital gain  or loss and  will generally qualify  for long term  capital
 gain or loss treatment if the shares have been held for more than one  year.
 The Code provides for reduced tax rates for long term capital gains based on
 the taxpayer's income and the length of the taxpayer's holding period.

 The recipient of a restricted share award will generally recognize  ordinary
 compensation income when such shares are no longer subject to a  substantial
 risk of forfeiture, based on the excess of  the value of the shares at  that
 time over the price, if any, paid for such shares. However, if the recipient
 makes a timely election under the Code to be subject to tax upon the receipt
 of the shares, the recipient will recognize ordinary compensation income  at
 that time equal to the fair market value of the shares over the price  paid,
 if any, and no further ordinary compensation income will be recognized  when
 the shares vest. However, if after making such an election, the recipient is
 required to forfeit  the shares, no  deduction will be  allowed for  federal
 income tax purposes with respect to the forfeited shares.

 In the case  of an exercise  of a stock  appreciation right or  an award  of
 stock units, the recipient  will generally recognize  ordinary income in  an
 amount equal to any cash  received and the fair  market value of any  shares
 received on the date of payment or delivery.

 The Company is  generally entitled  to a  deduction for  Federal income  tax
 purposes equal to the amount of  ordinary compensation income recognized  by
 the recipient of an award at the time such income is recognized.

 The foregoing  does not  purport to  be a  complete summary  of the  federal
 income tax considerations  that may  be relevant  to holders  of options  or
 restricted shares, or to the Company. It also does not reflect provisions of
 the income tax laws of any  municipality, state or foreign country in  which
 an optionee  may reside,  nor does  it reflect  the tax  consequences of  an
 optionee's death.



 The Company's Audit Committee intends on engaging Crowe Chizek to audit  the
 financial statements  of the  Company for  the year  ended April  30,  2005,
 subject to the ratification of the engagement by the Company's shareholders.
 A representative of Crowe  Chizek is expected to  attend the Annual  Meeting
 and will have the opportunity to make a statement, if he or she so  desires,
 as well  as to  respond to  appropriate questions  that may  be asked  by  a
 shareholder. If the appointment of the auditors is not ratified, the  matter
 of the appointment of the auditors will be considered by the Company's Audit




 The table below  sets forth information,  to the knowledge  of the Board  of
 Directors, as of  August 9,  2004, regarding  share ownership  of (i)  those
 persons or entities known by the Company to beneficially own more than  five
 percent of the Company's Common Stock; (ii) each director and each executive
 officer named in the summary compensation table; and (iii) all directors and
 executive officers as a group.

                                                   Shares Beneficially
                                                        Owned (1)
      Name and Address of Beneficial Owner          Number     Percent
      ----------------------------------------    ---------    -------
      Joseph Khoshabe (2)(3)                      2,241,961     37.49%
      Steve Y. Khoshabe (2)                         100,300      1.66%
      Robert L. Hiatt (2)                               600         *
      Michael A. Kraft (2)(4)                         1,860         *
      Jason K. Schiffman (2)(5)                      16,320         *
      Christian P. Kloster (2)(6)                    25,430         *
      John A. Clark (2)(7)                           68,000      1.14%
      Robert S. Luce (2)(8)                           8,100         *
      Elliot R. Jacobs (2)                           13,000         *
      James R. Zuhlke (2)                            10,000         *
      Anthony W. Schweiger                                -         -
      All directors and executive officers        2,318,371     40.53%
       as a group (10 persons)
      Laurence B. Woznicki                          374,870      6.29%
       1336 West George Street
       Chicago, Illinois 60657

 * Less than 1%

  (1) Calculated  pursuant  to Rule  13d-3(d) under  the Securities  Exchange
      Act of 1934. Unless  otherwise stated in these  notes, each person  has
      sole voting and investment power with respect to all such shares. Under
      Rule 13d-3(d),  shares not  outstanding which  are subject  to  options
      exercisable within 60 days  are deemed outstanding  for the purpose  of
      computing the number and percentage owned  by such person, but are  not
      deemed outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage owned by
      each other  person listed.  The following  persons  have the  right  to
      acquire within 60 days the following number of shares of the  Company's
      Common Stock upon the exercise of stock options:  Mr. Joseph Khoshabe -
      16,000; Mr. Steve Khoshabe - 78,600;  Mr. Hiatt - 600; Mr. Schiffman  -
      13,800; Mr. Kraft - 1,800; Mr. Kloster - 24,200; Mr. Clark - 8,000; Mr.
      Luce - 8,000; Mr. Jacobs - 8,000; Mr. Zuhlke - 8,000.

  (2) Each  of  the  officers  and directors  may  be contacted  through  the
      Company's offices located  at 815 Commerce  Drive, Oak Brook,  Illinois

  (3) Includes  2,225,961  shares held by  The Joseph  Khoshabe Trust,  under
      Trust Agreement dated  September 22,  1995, referred  to as  the J.  K.
      Trust, of  which  Mr.  Joseph  Khoshabe,  the  Company's  Chairman,  is
      trustee. Mr. Joseph Khoshabe originally  purchased the shares and  then
      had them registered in the name of the J. K. Trust for estate  planning

  (4) Includes  10 shares held  by Mr. Kraft's spouse  and 40 shares held  by
      Mr. Kraft's children.

  (5) Includes 70 shares held by members of Mr. Schiffman's family.

  (6) Includes 10 shares held by Mr. Kloster's spouse and 10 shares held  by
      Mr. Kloster's child.

  (7) Includes 60,000 shares held by the Rosalie E. Clark Trust under  trust
      agreement dated October 22, 1990, as amended on May 9, 1997.

  (8) Includes 100 shares held by Mr. Luce's spouse.

 Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

 Section 16(a)  of the  Securities Exchange  Act of  1934 requires  that  the
 Company's executive officers and directors and persons who own more than 10%
 of Common Stock file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with  the
 Securities and Exchange Commission and with the exchange on which shares  of
 the Company  Common Stock  are traded.  Such persons  are also  required  to
 furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.  Based
 solely on the Company's review of the copies of such forms furnished to  the
 Company and, if appropriate, representations made to the Company by any such
 reporting person concerning whether  a Form 5 was  required to be filed  for
 the 2004 fiscal year, the Company is not aware that any of its directors and
 executive officers  or 10%  shareholders failed  to comply  with the  filing
 requirements of Section 16(a) during the 2004 fiscal year.

                           EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

 Presented below  is  a  Summary  Compensation  Table  that  sets  forth  the
 remuneration of  the Company's  chief executive  officer and  the four  most
 highly compensated executive officers of the Company whose salary and  bonus
 exceeded $100,000 during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2004:

                         Summary Compensation Table
                                                                                Long Term
                                              Annual Compensation              Compensation
                                     ---------------------------------------   ------------
                                                                    Other      Securities
                                     Fiscal                     Compensation   Underlying
 Name and Principal Position          Year   Salary     Bonus      (1)(2)      Options (#)
 -------------------------------      ----   -------   -------     ------      -----------
 Joseph Khoshabe, Chairman            2004  $441,667  $      -    $15,108(3)    10,000(4)
                                      2003   250,000   546,054      8,401       25,000(4)
                                      2002   250,500   130,000     10,354        5,000

 Steve Y. Khoshabe, President         2004   250,000   175,000     10,003       33,000
 and Chief Executive Officer          2003   165,000   465,792      3,664       90,000
                                      2002   140,000   120,000      3,739       20,000

 Robert L. Hiatt, Executive           2004    88,542    36,110        240        3,000
 Vice President & Chief               2003         -         -          -            -
 Financial Officer (5)                2002         -         -          -            -

 Michael A. Kraft, Executive          2004   135,000    12,447     10,003        3,000
 Vice President & Corporate           2003   135,000     5,000     12,977        3,000
 Counsel (6)                          2002    56,250         -      5,198            -

 Jason K. Schiffman, Executive        2004   122,292    51,110     13,778(7)    15,000
 Vice President-Operations            2003    60,000    61,216      1,871       16,000
                                      2002    58,600    36,644      1,359        3,000

 Christian P. Kloster, Executive      2004   60,000     96,302      6,518(7)    15,000
 Vice President - Secondary           2003   60,000     61,216      3,038       22,500
 Marketing                            2002   56,875     38,632      1,169        3,000

  (1)  Includes annual health insurance premiums paid for the named
       executive officers and their dependents.

 (2)   Does not include annual car allowances payable as follows for each of
       the 2004, 2003 and 2002 fiscal years: Mr. Joseph Khoshabe - $25,000;
       Mr. Steve Khoshabe - $12,000; Mr. Schiffman - $5,000; Mr. Kloster -
       $5,000.  Does not include annual car allowance for 2004 of $3,750
       for Mr. Hiatt.

  (3)  Includes compensation of $8,500 as a member of the Board of Directors.

  (4)  2004 and 2003 option grants include 10,000 and 5,000 options,
       respectively, granted to Mr. Khoshabe as a member of the Company's
       Board of Directors.

  (5)  Mr. Hiatt was hired August 18, 2003.

  (6)  Mr. Kraft was hired December 3, 2001.

  (7)  Includes commissions received related to loans originated by the
       executive officers.

                       Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                  % of Total
                       Options  Options Granted   Exercise or
                       Granted  to Employees in   Base Price    Expiration
        Name             (#)    Fiscal Year(1)     ($/Share)       Date
 -------------------   -------  ---------------   ----------    ----------
 Joseph Khoshabe (2)        -           - %         $ 6.70       12/10/08

 Steve Y. Khoshabe     33,000       40.99             6.70       12/10/08

 Robert L. Hiatt        3,000        3.73             6.70       12/10/08

 Michael A. Kraft       3,000        3.73             6.70       12/10/08

 Jason K. Schiffman    15,000       18.63             6.70       12/10/08

 Christian P. Kloster  15,000       18.63             6.70       12/10/08

  (1) Excludes 50,000 options granted in aggregate to the members (10,000
      each) of the Company's Board of Directors at an exercise price of

  (2) Excludes 10,000 options granted to Mr. Joseph Khoshabe as a member of
      the Company's Board of Directors at an exercise price of $6.70.

 No options were exercised by any of the named executive officers during  the
 fiscal year ended April 30, 2004.

 Stock Option Plan

 The Company maintained a Non-qualified and Incentive Stock Option Plan which
 provides for the grant  of non-qualified stock  options and incentive  stock
 options. This plan expired in December 2003. Under the plan, 500,000  shares
 of Common Stock were  reserved for issuance. Each  option granted under  the
 plan vests as specified by the Company's  Board of Directors and has a  term
 of not more  than ten years.  The exercise price  of options  granted is  at
 least equal to market value  on the date of  grant. The plan also  contained
 customary change  in control  provisions.  Non-qualified stock  options  for
 433,100 shares have been granted  to employees and  directors at a  weighted
 average exercise price of $4.12 per share.

 401(k) Plan

 The Company  sponsors a  401(k) defined  contribution profit  sharing  plan,
 which covers substantially all employees that  have attained the age of  18.
 Employee contributions are limited to  the maximum contributions allowed  by
 the Internal  Revenue Service.  The  plan allows  for  the Company  to  make
 matching contributions of up to 15%  of employee compensation. There was  no
 employer matching  contribution in  the 2004  or 2003  fiscal years  by  the
 Company under the 401(k) plan sponsored by the Company.

 Employment Agreements

 Effective  as  of  August 1,  2003,  the  Company  entered  into  employment
 agreements with Messrs. Joseph and Steve Y. Khoshabe, who are referred to in
 this discussion as the executives. The purpose of the employment  agreements
 is to ensure the  continued employment of the  executives with the  Company.
 The employment agreements generally are identical except for differences  in
 the cash compensation and incentive payments for each of the executives.

 The employment agreements  provide for: (i)  an initial  annual base  salary
 equal to $450,000 and  $250,000 for Joseph Khoshabe  and Steve Y.  Khoshabe,
 respectively, which  may be  adjusted annually  by  the Company's  Board  of
 Directors, but not below  $250,000 and $200,000, respectively;  (ii) medical
 and other benefits; and, (iii) an automobile allowance.

 Each employment  agreement  has  an  initial  term  (two  years  for  Joseph
 Khoshabe,  three  years  for   Steve  Khoshabe),  with  automatic   one-year
 extensions on August 1 (beginning  in 2005 for Joseph  Khoshabe and in  2006
 for Steve Khoshabe) unless the Company or the executive provides a notice of
 non-extension  at  least  30  days prior to the extension date.  The Company
 will not be obligated to pay or provide to the executive salary or  benefits
 (other than those payable as of the  date of termination) in the event  that
 (i) the executive terminates his  employment or (ii) the Company  terminates
 the executive's employment "for cause." The  term "for cause" is defined  in
 the employment agreements to mean the death or disability of the  executive,
 the executive's serious misconduct in or habitual neglect of the performance
 of his duties, the conviction of the executive  of a felony or act of  fraud
 or breach of trust  against the Company, the  executive being guilty of  any
 act of moral  turpitude, a  substance abuse  problem of  the executive  that
 materially affects the performance of his  duties or materially injures  the
 Company and the willful  or gross misconduct of  the executive which  causes
 financial harm or damage to the Company. In some cases, the executive may be
 entitled to cure the grounds that give rise to the "for cause"  termination.
 In the  event that  the Company  terminates the  executive other  than  "for
 cause," the Company  will be obligated  to, among other  things, pay to  the
 executive his base salary and a pro  rated portion of his most recent  bonus
 for the remaining unexpired term of the agreement.

 The employment  agreements  also include  a  covenant that  will  limit  the
 ability of each executive to compete with the Company during the executive's
 employment with  the Company  and for  a period  of one  year following  the
 termination of  the  executive's  employment. In  addition,  for  two  years
 following the end of  each of the executive's  employment, the executive  is
 subject to confidentiality requirements.

 Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

 During the  2004  fiscal  year, the  Company's  Compensation  Committee  was
 comprised of Messrs. Zuhlke, Clark and  Luce. No member of the  Compensation
 Committee was an officer or employee  of the Company during the fiscal  year


 The incorporation by  reference of this  proxy statement  into any  document
 filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission by the Company shall  not
 be deemed to include the following report unless the report is  specifically
 stated to be incorporated by reference into such document.

 The Compensation Committee is comprised of three members and operates  under
 a written  charter. The  Committee reviews  the  compensation of  the  Chief
 Executive Officer and  makes recommendations regarding  the compensation  of
 the other executive officers.

 In determining the compensation appropriate for the Chief Executive  Officer
 and the other members of senior management, the Committee considers a  broad
 range of compensation approaches and evaluates each particular approach,  in
 part,  based  on  whether  the  approach  is likely to provide incentives to
 the  Chief Executive Officer  and the other  members of senior management to
 meet  the  business  objectives  of  the  Company.   Consistent  with  these
 considerations, the  Committee  approved  the  execution  of  an  employment
 agreement  with the Chief Executive Officer.  The employment agreement  sets
 forth  the  parameters  of   the  Chief  Executive  Officer's   compensation
 arrangements including the base salary and bonus structure. The compensation
 for  the  Chief Executive  Officer  for the  2004 fiscal year (including the
 Chief Executive Officer's bonus  which  is based  on the Company's return on
 equity)  was consistent  with the terms of the  employment agreement and the
 priorities established by the Compensation Committee.

 Other forms of incentive compensation (consisting primarily of stock  option
 grants) awarded to  the Chief  Executive Officer  and the  other members  of
 senior management were also consistent, in  the view of the Committee,  with
 the goal of aligning the interests of the Chief Executive Officer and senior
 management with those of the Company's shareholders.  The Committee believes
 the use of  equity based compensation  has had its  intended effect and  has
 resulted in significant enhancement of shareholder value.

                          Compensation Committee
                          James R. Zuhlke (Chairman)
                          Robert S. Luce
                          John A. Clark

                            AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

 The incorporation by  reference of this  proxy statement  into any  document
 filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission by the Company shall  not
 be deemed to include the following report unless the report is  specifically
 stated to be incorporated by reference into such document.

 The Audit Committee is comprised of three independent directors and operates
 under  a written charter.  The Audit Committee  held four meetings in  2004.
 The Audit Committee held meetings with  the independent auditors, both  with
 and without management present, on the results of their examinations and the
 overall quality of the Company's financial reporting and internal controls.

 In discharging its  oversight responsibility as  to the  audit process,  the
 Audit Committee  obtained from  the independent  auditors a  formal  written
 statement describing all relationships between the auditors and the  Company
 that might bear on the  auditors' independence consistent with  Independence
 Standards  Board  Standard  No.  1  "Independence  Discussions  with   Audit
 Committees" and  discussed  with the  auditors  any relationships  that  may
 impact their objectivity and independence. The Audit Committee discussed and
 reviewed with  the  independent  auditors  all  communications  required  by
 generally  accepted  auditing  standards,   including  those  described   in
 Statement on  Auditing Standards  No. 61,  as amended,  "Communication  with
 Audit Committees". The  Audit Committee reviewed  and discussed the  audited
 consolidated financial statements of  the Company as of  and for the  fiscal
 year ended April 30, 2004, with management and the independent auditors.

 Management of the Company is  responsible for the preparation,  presentation
 and  integrity  of  the   Company's  financial  statements,  the   Company's
 accounting  and  financial  reporting  principles,  and  internal   controls
 designed to assure compliance with accounting standards and applicable  laws
 and regulations. The independent auditors  are responsible for auditing  the
 Company's financial  statements  and  expressing  an  opinion  as  to  their
 conformity with  accounting  principles  generally accepted  in  the  United
 States. Management has represented to the Audit Committee that the Company's
 financial statements  were prepared  in accordance  with generally  accepted
 accounting principles. It is not the duty of the Audit Committee to plan  or
 conduct audits or to determine that  the Company's financial statements  are
 complete and accurate and in  accordance with generally accepted  accounting

 Based on the above-mentioned review and discussions with management and  the
 independent auditors,  the  Audit  Committee recommended  to  the  Board  of
 Directors that the  Company's audited consolidated  financial statements  be
 included in its Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended April
 30, 2004, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                          Audit Committee
                          James R. Zuhlke (Chairman)
                          Robert S. Luce
                          John A. Clark

 Accounting Fees and Services

 Audit Fees.  The aggregate  fees  and expenses  billed  by Crowe  Chizek  in
 connection with the audit of the Company's annual financial statements as of
 and for the years ended April 30, 2004 and 2003 and for the required  review
 of the Company's interim  financial statements included  in its Form  10-QSB
 filings for  the fiscal  years  2004 and  2003  were, $44,000  and  $42,000,

 Audit-Related Fees. The  aggregate amounts of  audit-related fees billed  by
 Crowe Chizek for the  years ended April 30, 2004  and 2003 were $29,188  and
 $1,000, respectively. The  majority of these  services in  fiscal year  2004
 related to the performance of audit-related services in connection with  the
 Company's public offering that was consummated in December 2003.

 Tax Fees. The aggregate amounts of tax  fees billed by Crowe Chizek for  the
 years  ended  December  31,   2003  and  2002   were  $19,375  and   $1,175,
 respectively, for  professional services  rendered for  tax compliance,  tax
 advice and tax planning.

 All Other Fees. The aggregate fees  and expenses billed by Crowe Chizek  for
 all other services provided by Crowe Chizek during the years ended April 30,
 2004 and 2003 were $15,525 and  $1,620, respectively. The majority of  these
 fees related to  services provided by  Crowe Chizek in  connection with  the
 Portland Mortgage Company acquisition as well  as research related to  state
 tax compliance.

 The Company's  Audit  Committee  generally pre-approves  all  audit,  audit-
 related, tax and  other services proposed  to be provided  by the  Company's
 independent auditor prior to engaging the  auditor for that purpose. In  the
 alternative, the Audit Committee may establish parameters pursuant to  which
 management may engage the Company's independent accountant. Approximately 3%
 of the  audit-related fees,  tax  fees and  all  other non-audit  fees  were
 approved by the Company's  Audit Committee as  a result of  a waiver of  the
 pre-approval requirement.

 The Company's Audit Committee, after consideration  of the matter, does  not
 believe that  the  rendering  of  these  services  by  Crowe  Chizek  to  be
 incompatible with maintaining  its independence as  the Company's  principal


 The Company has entered  into a compensation  agreement with First  Fidelity
 Capital Markets,  Inc. of  which Mr. Elliot  Jacobs,  one of  the  Company's
 directors, is a  principal. This agreement  provides for  First Fidelity  to
 receive ten percent of net revenues earned by any mortgage banking or  other
 opportunity introduced to  the Company  by First  Fidelity. The  arrangement
 contemplates  that  First  Fidelity's  services  may  include  locating  and
 analyzing mortgage banking transactions that may have potential interest  to
 the Company and its present or  future business operations; presenting  this
 analysis  to  the   Company's  senior  management   for  their  review   and
 consideration; negotiating and  coordinating with  the prospective  business
 candidates and the Company; and  providing consulting services with  respect
 to issues that arise during the course of contract negotiations and  through
 the consummation of  a transaction. As  of April 30,  2004, the Company  has
 entered into one mortgage banking transaction with a person introduced to it
 by First Fidelity for which the Company paid First Fidelity compensation  in
 the amount of $151,841 during fiscal year 2004.

 The Company has also entered into a letter agreement with SRJC, Inc. (SRJC),
 of which  Mr. John Clark,  one of  the  Company's directors,  is  President.
 Pursuant to the  letter agreement,  SRJC provides  consulting services  from
 time to time. The  Company pays SRJC  a consulting fee  of $5,000 per  month
 only during  the  periods in  which  SRJC  provides services.  SRJC  may  be
 entitled to  receive  additional  compensation in  the  event  that  certain
 strategic initiatives are implemented.

 In the normal course of business, the Company makes loans to employees other
 than officers and directors. These loans, which were $11,889 and $53,984  at
 April 30, 2004 and  2003, respectively, represented  advances of salary  and
 commission to  some  of the  Company's  employees. The  Company  also  makes
 mortgage loans  in  the  ordinary  of business  to  its  employees  and  its
 directors and executive officers. The Company makes these mortgage loans  on
 terms that are no more  favorable than those offered  by the Company to  the
 general public for similar mortgage loans.

                          PROPOSALS OF SHAREHOLDERS

 Proposals of  shareholders  intended to  be  presented at  the  2005  Annual
 Meeting of  Shareholders  must  be  received  by  the  President  and  Chief
 Executive Officer, 815 Commerce Drive, Oak  Brook, Illinois 60523, no  later
 than May 16, 2005 in order for such proposal to be included in the Company's
 2005 proxy statement and form of proxy.

                          FAILURE TO INDICATE CHOICE


                                 FORM 10-KSB

 The Company will  furnish, without charge,  a copy of  its annual report  on
 Form 10-KSB  for  the  fiscal  year ended  April  30,  2004,  including  the
 financial statements and  the schedules and  exhibits thereto, upon  written
 request of  any shareholder  of the  Company.  Requests for  such  materials
 should  be  directed  to  Robert  Hiatt,  Chief  Financial  Officer,  United
 Financial Mortgage Corp., 815 Commerce Drive, Suite 100, Oak Brook, Illinois
 60523. In addition, the Company's annual report on Form 10-KSB is  available
 through the  Company's website  at  and  the SEC's  website  at

                                OTHER BUSINESS

 It is not anticipated that any matters will be presented to the shareholders
 other than  those  mentioned in  this  proxy statement.  However,  if  other
 matters are brought  before the  meeting, it  is intended  that the  persons
 named in the proxies will  vote those proxies, insofar  as the same are  not
 limited to the contrary, in their discretion.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors,

 August 16, 2004                    /s/  Joseph Khoshabe
 Oak Brook, Illinois                Joseph Khoshabe

                                  EXHIBIT A

                       UNITED FINANCIAL MORTGAGE CORP.

                          2004 Stock Incentive Plan

 "Plan")  is  intended  to  provide  a  means  whereby  directors,  officers,
 employees, consultants and advisors of  UNITED FINANCIAL MORTGAGE CORP.,  an
 Illinois corporation  (the  "Company"),  and the  Related  Corporations  may
 sustain a sense of proprietorship and personal involvement in the  continued
 development  and  financial   success  of  the   Company  and  the   Related
 Corporations, and to motivate and encourage  them to remain with and  devote
 their  best  efforts  to  the  business  of  the  Company  and  the  Related
 Corporations, thereby  advancing  the  interests  of  the  Company  and  its
 stockholders.  In addition, the Plan is intended to provide incentives  that
 will attract and retain highly qualified individuals as directors, officers,
 employees, consultants and advisors, and to assist in aligning the interests
 of such persons with the interests of the stockholders of the Company.   The
 Company may permit certain  directors, officers, employees, consultants  and
 advisors to acquire Shares or otherwise participate in the financial success
 of the Company, on the terms and conditions established herein.

      The following terms, when  used herein and  unless the context  clearly
 requires otherwise, shall have the following  meanings (such meanings to  be
 equally applicable  to both  the  singular and  plural  forms of  the  terms

      (a)  "Award" means individually or collectively, a grant under the Plan
 of Options, Stock  Appreciation Rights, Restricted  Stock, Restricted  Stock
 Units, Performance Shares or Other Stock Based Awards.

      (b)  "Board" means the board of directors of the Company.

      (c)  "Cause" means either (i) in the  case of an employee with a  then-
 current  written  employment  agreement  with  the  Company  or  a   Related
 Corporation, "Cause" as defined under that agreement, and (ii) in all  other
 cases, the  commission  of  fraud or  an  act  or acts  of  dishonesty,  the
 misappropriation of or intentional damage to the property or business of the
 Company or a  Related Corporation,  the failure  to fulfill  the duties  and
 responsibilities of a regular position and/or comply with the Company's or a
 Related Corporation's policies, rules or regulations, or the conviction of a

      (d)  "Change of Control" means:

           (i)  the consummation of  the acquisition by  any person (as  such
 term is  defined  in Section 13(d)  or  14(d)(2)  of the  Exchange  Act)  of
 beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the
 Exchange Act) of thirty-five  percent (35%) or more  of the combined  voting
 power of the then  outstanding voting securities of  the Company other  than
 through the receipt of Shares pursuant to the Plan;

           (ii)      the individuals  who,  as  of the  Effective  Date,  are
 members of the Board cease  for any reason to  constitute a majority of  the
 Board, unless the election, or nomination  for election by the  stockholders
 of the Company, of any new director was approved by a vote of a majority  of
 the Board,  and  such new  director  shall, for  purposes  of the  Plan,  be
 considered as a member of the Board; or

           (iii)     consummation  by  the  Company  of:    (A) a  merger  or
 consolidation if the  stockholders of the  Company, immediately before  such
 merger  or  consolidation,  do   not,  as  a  result   of  such  merger   or
 consolidation, own, directly  or indirectly, more  than sixty-seven  percent
 (67%) of the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities
 of the entity resulting from such merger or consolidation; or (B) a complete
 liquidation or dissolution or an agreement for the sale or other disposition
 of two-thirds or more of the consolidated assets of the Company.

 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a  Change of Control shall  not be deemed  to
 occur as a result  of any of the  following: (x) solely because  thirty-five
 percent (35%) or more of the  combined voting power of the then  outstanding
 securities of  the Company  is  acquired by  a  trustee or  other  fiduciary
 holding securities under one or more  employee benefit plans maintained  for
 employees of the Company or a Related Corporation; (y) solely as a result of
 any merger or consolidation effected to implement a recapitalization of  the
 Company in which no "person", as  defined above, acquires more than  thirty-
 five percent  (35%) of  the combined  voting power  of the  Company's  then-
 outstanding securities;  or  (z)  solely as  a  result  of  any  transaction
 involving, directly or indirectly, any "person",  as defined above, that  as
 of the  date of  the adoption  of this  Plan beneficially  owns (within  the
 meaning of  Rule 13(d)-3  promulgated under  the Exchange  Act)  thirty-five
 percent (35%)  or  more  of  the combined  voting  power  of  the  presently
 outstanding voting securities of the Company.

      (e)  "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of  1986, as amended  from
 time to time, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

      (f)  "Committee" means the Compensation Committee  of the Board.   Each
 member of the Committee shall be (i) a "non-employee director" for  purposes
 of Section  16 and  Rule 16b-3  of the  Exchange Act,  and (ii) an  "outside
 director" for purposes of Section 162(m)  of the Code, unless the Board  has
 fewer than two (2) such outside directors.

      (g)  "Disability" means (i) in the case of an Incentive Stock Option, a
 physical or mental disability (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the
 Code) which impairs the individual's ability to substantially perform his or
 her current duties for a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive  months,
 as determined by the  Committee, and (ii) in  all other cases, the  person's
 limitation, due  to  sickness or  injury,  in performing  the  material  and
 substantive duties of  his or  her position with  the Company  or a  Related
 Corporation for a period of six (6) consecutive months.

      (h)  "Effective Date" means July 26, 2004, which was the date that  the
 Plan was adopted by the Board.

      (i)  "Exchange Act"  means  the Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as
 amended from  time  to  time, and  the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated

      (j)  "Fair Market Value" means as of any date, the value of a share  of
 the Company's common stock determined as follows:   (i) at such time as  the
 shares are  traded  through the  Nasdaq  Stock Market  (the  "Nasdaq  Market
 System")  or  a  national  stock  exchange  (including  the  American  Stock
 Exchange, an  "Exchange"),  Fair Market  Value  shall, except  as  otherwise
 determined by  the Committee,  be equal  to  the closing  price on  the  day
 immediately preceding  such date  for sales  made and  reported through  the
 Nasdaq Market System or  such Exchange on which  the shares are then  listed
 and which constitutes the principal market  for the shares, or, if no  sales
 of shares shall have been so reported with respect to that day, on the  next
 preceding day with  respect to which  sales were reported;  or (ii) at  such
 time as the shares are not so traded through the Nasdaq Market System or  on
 an Exchange,  Fair  Market  Value shall  be  equal  to such  amount  as  the
 Committee, in its sole discretion, shall determine.

      (k)  "Incentive Stock  Option"  means  an Award  under  the  Plan  that
 satisfies the  general  requirements of  Section 422  of the  Code,  namely:
 (i) grantees must be employees; (ii) the exercise price may not be less than
 the fair  market  value of  the  underlying Shares  at  the date  of  grant;
 (iii) no more than $100,000  worth of Shares may  become exercisable in  any
 year; (iv) the  maximum  duration  of  an  Award  may  be  ten  (10)  years;
 (v) Awards must be exercised  within three (3)  months after termination  of
 employment, except  in the  event of  Disability or  death; and  (vi) Shares
 received upon exercise  must be retained  for the greater  of two (2)  years
 from the date of grant or one (1) year from the date of exercise.

      (l)  "Other Stock Based Awards" means any other awards not specifically
 described in the Plan that are valued in  whole or in part by reference  to,
 or are otherwise based on, Shares and are created by the Committee  pursuant
 to Section 10.

      (m)  "Performance Share" means an Award  granted pursuant to Section  8
 of the Plan.

      (n)  "Performance Unit" means an Award granted pursuant to Section 8 of
 the Plan.

      (o)  "Nonqualified Option" means an option award under the Plan that is
 not an Incentive Stock Option.

      (p)  "Related Corporation" means any corporation, bank or other  entity
 which would  be a  parent  or subsidiary  corporation  with respect  to  the
 Company as defined in Section 424(e) or (f), respectively, of the Code.

      (q)  "Retirement" means Termination of  Service, other than for  Cause,
 after attainment of age sixty-five (65) for Service Providers.

      (r)  "Restricted Stock" means an  award of Shares  under the Plan  that
 are restricted as to transfer and subject to forfeiture.

      (s)  "Restricted Stock Units"  means an Award  granted pursuant to  the
 terms of Section 9.

      (t)  "Rule 16b-3" means Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Exchange  Act,
 as amended from time to time.

      (u)  "Service  Provider"   means   an  employee,   officer,   director,
 consultant, or advisor.

      (v)  "Shares" means shares of the common stock, no par value per share,
 of the Company.

      (w)  "Stock Appreciation Rights" means rights entitling the grantee  to
 receive the appreciation in the market value of a stated number of Shares.

      (x)  "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended from
 time to time, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

      (y)  "Termination of  Service"  means  the termination  of  a  person's
 status as  a  director, officer,  employee,  advisor or  consultant  of  the
 Company or a Related Corporation.

      (a)  Authority of the Committee.  The Plan shall be administered by the
 Committee.  The Committee shall have sole authority to:

           (i)  select the Service Providers to whom Awards shall be granted
                under the Plan;

           (ii)  establish the amount and conditions of each Award;

           (iii) prescribe any legend to be affixed to certificates
                 representing such Awards;

           (iv) interpret the Plan and Award agreement;

           (v)  to the extent it deems desirable to qualifying under Rule
                16b-3, structure any Award to satisfy the requirements for
                exception  under Rule 16b-3.

           (vi) correct any defect, supply any omission, or reconcile any
                inconsistency in the Plan, any Award or any agreement related
                thereto; and

           (vii) adopt such rules, regulations, forms and agreements, not
                inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan, as it may deem
                advisable to carry out the Plan.

      All decisions made by the Committee in administering the Plan shall  be
 subject to Board review.

      (b)  Limitation of  Liability.   In addition  to such  other rights  of
 indemnification as they have  as directors or as  members of the  Committee,
 the members of  the Committee shall  be indemnified by  the Company  against
 reasonable  expenses  (including,   without  limitation,  attorney's   fees)
 incurred in connection with the defense  of any action, suit or  proceeding,
 or in connection  with any appeal,  to which they  or any of  them may be  a
 party by reason of any action taken or failure to act in connection with the
 Plan or any Award granted hereunder, and against all amounts paid by them in
 settlement (provided such settlement is approved  to the extent required  by
 and in the manner provided by the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws  of
 the Company relating  to indemnification of  directors) or paid  by them  in
 satisfaction of a judgment in any such action, suit or proceeding, except in
 relation to matters as to which it shall be adjudged in such action, suit or
 proceeding that the Committee member shall not be indemnified as provided by
 the Certificate  of  Incorporation or  Bylaws  of the  Company  relating  to
 indemnification of directors.

      The aggregate  number  of  Shares  that  may  be  obtained  by  Service
 Providers  under  the  Plan shall  be  400,000  Shares.  The Shares  may  be
 authorized, but unissued, or reacquired common  stock.  Shares shall not  be
 deemed to have been issued pursuant to the Plan with respect to any  portion
 of an Award that is settled in cash.  Upon payment in Shares pursuant to  an
 exercise of an Award, the number of Shares available for issuance under  the
 Plan shall be reduced only by the  number of Shares actually issued in  such
 payment.  If a  Participant pays the exercise  price (or purchase price,  if
 applicable) of  an Award  through the  tender of  Shares, or  if Shares  are
 tendered or withheld  to satisfy  any Company  withholding obligations,  the
 number of  Shares so  tendered  or withheld  shall  again be  available  for
 issuance pursuant to  future Awards under  the Plan.   Upon the  expiration,
 termination or cancellation  (in whole or  in part)  of unexercised  Awards,
 Shares subject thereto shall again be available for issuance hereunder.  Any
 Shares that remain unissued at the termination of the Plan shall cease to be
 subject to the Plan, but until termination of the Plan, the Company shall at
 all times make available sufficient Shares  to meet the requirements of  the

      (a)  Type of  Options.   The Board  may issue  options that  constitute
 Incentive Stock Options to officers  and employees and Nonqualified  Options
 to directors, officers, employees, consultants  and advisors of the  Company
 and the Related  Corporations; provided that  such consultants and  advisors
 render bona  fide services  not in  connection with  the offer  and sale  of
 securities in a capital-raising transaction.  The grant of each option shall
 be confirmed  by a  stock option  agreement that  shall be  executed by  the
 Company and the optionee as soon as practicable after such grant.  The stock
 option agreement  shall  expressly state  or  incorporate by  reference  the
 provisions of the Plan  and state whether the  option is an Incentive  Stock
 Option or a Nonqualified Option.

      (b)  Terms of Options.  Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of
 this Section, each  option granted under  the Plan shall  be subject to  the
 terms and  conditions  set  forth  by the  Committee  in  the  stock  option
 agreement including, without limitation, option price, vesting schedule  and
 option term.

      (c)  Additional Terms Applicable to All Options.  Each option shall  be
 subject to the following terms and conditions:

           (i)  Written Notice.  An  option may be  exercised only by  giving
 written notice  to  the  Company  specifying the  number  of  Shares  to  be
 purchased.  An option may be  exercised only to the  extent it is vested  on
 the date of exercise.  The Committee may specify a reasonable minimum number
 of Shares that may be purchased on any exercise of an option; provided  that
 the minimum number  will not prevent  the option holder  from exercising  an
 option for the full number of Shares for which it is then exercisable.

           (ii)      Method of Exercise. Except as otherwise provided in  any
 written option agreement, the exercise price  of an option shall be paid  in
 full (i) in cash; (ii) in  Common Stock valued at  its Fair Market Value  on
 the date of  exercise, provided it  has been owned  by the  optionee for  at
 least six (6) months prior to the exercise; (iii) in cash by an unaffiliated
 broker-dealer to whom  the holder of  the option has  submitted an  exercise
 notice consisting of a fully endorsed option; (iv) by agreeing to  surrender
 Awards then exercisable by him valued at their Fair Market Value on the date
 of exercise; (v) by such  other medium of payment  as the Committee, in  its
 discretion, shall  authorize; or  (vi) by  any  combination of  clauses  (i)
 through (v) above,  as the optionee  shall elect.   In the  case of  payment
 pursuant to clauses (ii) through (v) above, the optionee's election must  be
 made on  or  prior to  the  date of  exercise  of  the option  and  must  be
 irrevocable.  In lieu of a  separate election governing each exercise of  an
 option, an optionee may file a blanket election that shall govern all future
 exercises of options until revoked by the optionee.

           (iii)     Term of  Option.   An  option  shall be  exercisable  as
 provided under the Plan or by the Committee.

           (iv)      Disability, Death  or Retirement  of  Optionee.   If  an
 optionee's Termination of  Service occurs due  to Retirement, Disability  or
 death prior to exercise  in full of any  options, he or she,  or his or  her
 beneficiary, executor, administrator or personal representative, shall  have
 the right to  exercise the  options within a  period of  twelve (12)  months
 after the date of such termination to  the extent that the right was  vested
 and exercisable at  the date of  such termination as  provided in the  stock
 option agreement, or as may otherwise be provided by the Committee.

           (v)  Transferability.  No option  may be transferred, assigned  or
 encumbered by an optionee, except:  (A) by  will or the laws of descent  and
 distribution; (B) by  gifting  for the  benefit  of descendants  for  estate
 planning purposes; or (C) pursuant to a certified domestic relations order.

      (d)  Additional Terms  Applicable to  Incentive  Stock  Options.   Each
 Incentive  Stock  Option  shall  be  subject  to  the  following  terms  and

           (i)  Option Price.  The  option price per Share  shall be 100%  of
 the fair  market  value of  a  Share on  the  date the  option  is  granted.
 Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the  option price per Share  granted
 to an  individual  who, at  the  time such  option  is granted,  owns  stock
 possessing more than 10% of the  total combined voting power of all  classes
 of stock of the Company (a "10% Stockholder") shall not be less than 110% of
 the fair market value of a Share on the date the option is granted.

           (ii)      Term of Option.   No option may  be exercised more  than
 ten (10)  years after  the  date of  grant.   No  option  granted to  a  10%
 Stockholder may be  exercised more  than five (5)  years after  the date  of
 grant.   Notwithstanding  any other  provisions  hereof, no  option  may  be
 exercised  more  than  three  (3)  months  after  the  optionee   terminates
 employment with the Company, except in the event of death or Disability,  in
 which case the option may be  exercised as provided in  subparagraph (c)(iv)
 of this Section.  In the case of Retirement, the option may be exercised  as
 provided in subparagraph (c)(iv) of this  of this Section, but if  exercised
 beyond the three (3) month period following Retirement, the option will  not
 be an Incentive  Stock Option  and will  be treated  for all  purposes as  a
 Nonqualified Option.

           (iii)     Annual Exercise Limit.  The aggregate fair market  value
 of Shares which first become exercisable during any calendar year shall  not
 exceed $100,000.  For  purposes of the preceding  sentence, the fair  market
 value of each Share shall be determined on the date the option with  respect
 to such Share is granted.

           (iv)      Transferability.  No option may be transferred, assigned
 or encumbered by  an optionee, except  by will or  the laws  of descent  and
 distribution, and  during the  optionee's lifetime  an  option may  only  be
 exercised by him or her.

           (v)  Notice of Disqualifying Dispositions.   If an optionee  sells
 or otherwise disposes of any Shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of  an
 Incentive Stock Option on or before the later of (1) the date two (2)  years
 after the date of grant, and (2) the date one year after the exercise of the
 Incentive Stock Option (in either case, a "Disqualifying Disposition"),  the
 optionee must immediately notify the Company in writing of such disposition.
 The optionee may be subject to income tax withholding by the Company on  the
 compensation income  recognized  by  the  optionee  from  the  Disqualifying

      (a)  Grants.   An award  of Restricted  Stock under  the Plan  ("RSAs")
 shall be evidenced by a written  agreement in such form and consistent  with
 the Plan as the Committee shall  approve from time to  time.  A grantee  can
 accept an  RSA only  by signing  and delivering  to the  Company a  purchase
 agreement in such form as the Committee shall establish, and full payment of
 the purchase price, within thirty (30) days from the date the RSA  agreement
 was delivered to the  grantee.  If the  grantee does not  accept the RSA  in
 this manner  within  thirty  (30) days,  then  the  offer of  the  RSA  will
 terminate, unless the Committee determines otherwise.

      (b)  Restriction Period.  RSAs awarded under the Plan shall be  subject
 to such terms,  conditions and restrictions  as shall be  determined by  the
 Committee  at   the   time   of  grant,   including,   without   limitation:
 (i) prohibitions against  transfer;  (ii) substantial risks  of  forfeiture;
 (iii) attainment of  performance  objectives;  and  (iv) repurchase  by  the
 Company or right of  first refusal for  such period or  periods as shall  be
 determined by the Committee.  The Committee shall have the power to  permit,
 in its  discretion, an  acceleration of  the  expiration of  the  applicable
 restriction period with respect to any part or all of the RSAs awarded to  a

      (c)  Restrictions Upon Transfer.  RSAs awarded,  and the right to  vote
 underlying Shares  and  to  receive dividends  thereon,  may  not  be  sold,
 assigned,  transferred,  exchanged,   pledged,  hypothecated  or   otherwise
 encumbered during the restriction period applicable to such Shares.  Subject
 to the foregoing, and except as otherwise provided in the Plan, the  grantee
 shall have  all  the  other  rights  of  a  stockholder  including,  without
 limitation, the  right to  receive  dividends and  the  right to  vote  such

      (d)  Legends.   Each certificate  issued in  respect of  RSAs shall  be
 deposited with the Company,  or its designee, and  shall bear the  following

      "This certificate and the shares represented hereby are subject to
      the terms and  conditions (including  forfeiture and  restrictions
      against transfer) contained in the United Financial Mortgage Corp.
      2004 Stock Incentive Plan.  Release from such terms and conditions
      shall be obtained only in accordance  with the provisions of  such
      Plan, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Secretary of
      said Company."

      (e)  Lapse of  Restrictions.   Each  restricted stock  agreement  shall
 specify the terms  and conditions upon  which any  restrictions upon  Shares
 awarded under the Plan  shall lapse, as determined  by the Committee.   Upon
 the lapse of such  restrictions, Shares, free  of the foregoing  restrictive
 legend, shall be issued to the grantee or his or her legal representative.

      (f)  Termination Prior to  Lapse of Restrictions.   In the  event of  a
 grantee's  Termination  of  Service  prior  to  the  lapse  of  restrictions
 applicable to any RSAs awarded to such grantee, all Shares as to which there
 still remain restrictions shall be forfeited by such grantee without payment
 of any  consideration  to the  grantee,  and  neither the  grantee  nor  any
 successors, heirs,  assigns, or  personal  representatives of  such  grantee
 shall thereafter  have any  further rights  or interest  in such  Shares  or

      (a)  Grants.   An award  of Stock  Appreciation Rights  under the  Plan
 ("SARs") may be granted separately or in  tandem with or by reference to  an
 option granted prior to or simultaneously with the grant of such rights,  to
 such eligible directors,  officers, employees, consultants  and advisors  as
 may be  selected by  the Committee,  and  shall be  evidenced by  a  written
 agreement in such form and consistent  with the Plan as the Committee  shall
 approve from time to time.

      (b)  Terms of  Grant.   SARs may  be  granted in  tandem with  or  with
 reference to  a related  option, in  which event  the grantee  may elect  to
 exercise either the option or the  SAR, but not both,  as to the same  Share
 subject to the option and the SAR,  or the SAR may be granted  independently
 of a related option.  SARs shall  not be transferable, except:  (i) by  will
 or the laws of descent and distribution; (ii) by gifting for the benefit  of
 descendants for estate planning purposes;  or (iii) pursuant to a  certified
 domestic relations order.

      (c)  Payment on Exercise.  Upon exercise of a SAR, the grantee shall be
 paid the excess of  the then fair market  value of the  number of Shares  to
 which the SAR relates over the fair market value of such number of Shares at
 the date of grant of the SAR or of the  related option, as the case may  be.
 Such excess shall be paid in cash, in Shares of equivalent value, or in same
 combination thereof, at the Company's or Committee's sole discretion.

      (a)  Grant of  Performance  Units/Shares.  Subject  to  the  terms  and
 conditions of  the Plan,  Performance Units  and Performance  Shares may  be
 granted to Service Providers at any time and  from time to time, as will  be
 determined by the Committee, in its sole discretion. The Committee will have
 complete discretion  in  determining the  number  of Performance  Units  and
 Performance Shares granted to each person.

      (b)  Value of Performance Units/Shares. Each Performance Unit will have
 an initial value that is established by the Committee on or before the  date
 of grant. Each  Performance Share will  have an initial  value equal to  the
 Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of grant.

      (c)  Performance Objectives  and Other  Terms. The  Committee will  set
 performance objectives in its discretion which,  depending on the extent  to
 which they  are met,  will  determine the  number  or value  of  Performance
 Units/Shares that will be paid out to the Service Providers. The time period
 during which  the performance  objectives must  be met  will be  called  the
 "Performance  Period."  Each  award  of  Performance  Units/Shares  will  be
 evidenced by an Award  Agreement that will  specify the Performance  Period,
 and  such  other  terms  and  conditions  as  the  Committee,  in  its  sole
 discretion, will  determine. The  Committee may  set performance  objectives
 based upon the achievement of Company-wide, divisional, or individual goals,
 applicable federal or state securities laws,  or any other basis  determined
 by the Committee in its discretion.

      (d)  Earning  of   Performance  Units/Shares.   After  the   applicable
 Performance Period has ended, the holder of Performance Units/Shares will be
 entitled to  receive a  payout of  the  number of  Performance  Units/Shares
 earned by the Service Provider over the Performance Period, to be determined
 as  a  function  of  the  extent  to  which  the  corresponding  performance
 objectives have been achieved. After the grant of a Performance  Unit/Share,
 the Committee, in its sole discretion,  may reduce or waive any  performance
 objectives for such Performance Unit/Share.

      (e)  Form and Timing of Payment of Performance Units/Shares. Payment of
 earned Performance Units/Shares will be made as soon after the expiration of
 the applicable Performance Period at the  time determined by the  Committee.
 The  Committee,  in  its  sole   discretion,  may  pay  earned   Performance
 Units/Shares in the form  of cash, in Shares  (which have an aggregate  Fair
 Market Value equal to  the value of the  earned Performance Units/Shares  at
 the close of the applicable Performance Period) or in a combination thereof.

      (f)  Cancellation of Performance Units/Shares. On the date set forth in
 the Award Agreement, all unearned or unvested Performance Units/Shares  will
 be forfeited to the Company, and again will be available for grant under the

      Restricted Stock Units shall consist of a Restricted Stock, Performance
 Share or Performance Unit Award that  the Committee, in its sole  discretion
 permits to be paid out in installments or on a deferred basis, in accordance
 with rules and procedures established by the Committee.

      Other Stock Based Awards may be  granted either alone, in addition  to,
 or in tandem with,  other Awards granted under  the Plan and/or cash  awards
 made outside of the  Plan. The Committee shall  have authority to  determine
 the Service Providers to  whom and the  time or times  at which Other  Stock
 Based Awards shall be made, the amount of such Other Stock Based Awards, and
 all other conditions of the Other Stock Based Awards including any  dividend
 and/or voting rights.

      The Board or the  Committee may amend,  alter, suspend, discontinue  or
 terminate the Plan or  the Committee's authority to  grant Awards under  the
 Plan without  the  consent of  Company  stockholders or  Service  Providers,
 except that any amendment or alteration to the Plan shall be subject to  the
 approval of the  Company's stockholders not  later than  the annual  meeting
 next following such Board action if  such stockholders approval is  required
 by any federal or state law or regulation or the rules of any stock exchange
 or automated quotation  system on  which the Shares  may then  be listed  or
 quoted, and the Board may otherwise, in its discretion, determine to  submit
 other  such   changes   to   the  Plan   to   stockholders   for   approval.
 Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such  action may materially and  adversely
 affect the rights of such Service Providers under any previously granted and
 outstanding Award, without  the consent  of an  affected Service  Providers.
 The Committee may  waive any conditions  or rights under,  or amend,  alter,
 suspend, discontinue  or terminate  any Award  theretofore granted  and  any
 Award agreement relating thereto, except as otherwise provided in the  Plan;
 provided that, without the consent of an affected Service Providers, no such
 Committee action may materially adversely affect the rights of such  Service
 Providers under such Award.

      The Plan shall be effective upon the date of its adoption by the Board;
 provided that Incentive  Stock Options may  be granted only  if the Plan  is
 approved by the stockholders within twelve  (12) months before or after  the
 date of  adoption  by  the  Board.    Unless  sooner  terminated  under  the
 provisions of Section 1 above,  options, Awards shall  not be granted  under
 the Plan after  the expiration of  ten (10) years  from the Effective  Date.
 However, Awards may be exercisable after the end of the term of the Plan.

      Upon delivery of any Share to a director, officer, employee, consultant
 or advisor, such person shall have all of the rights of a stockholder of the
 Company with respect to such Share,  including the right to vote such  Share
 and to receive  all dividends or  other distributions paid  with respect  to
 such Share.

      (a)  Stock Options and  SARS.   Except as  otherwise set  forth in  the
 Award, in the event of a Change of Control, each outstanding Option and  SAR
 shall be assumed or an equivalent option or SAR substituted by the successor
 corporation or a parent or subsidiary  of the successor corporation.  Unless
 determined otherwise  by the  Committee, in  the  event that  the  successor
 corporation refuses  to assume  or substitute  for the  Option or  SAR,  the
 Service Provider shall  fully vest  in and have  the right  to exercise  the
 Option or SAR as to all of the  Awarded Stock, including Shares as to  which
 it would not otherwise be vested or exercisable. If an Option or SAR is  not
 assumed or substituted in  the event of a  Change of Control, the  Committee
 shall notify  the Service  Provider in  writing or  electronically that  the
 Option or SAR shall be exercisable, to the extent vested, for a period of up
 to fifteen (15) days  from the date of  such notice, and  the Option or  SAR
 shall terminate upon the expiration of such period. For the purposes of this
 paragraph, the Option or SAR shall  be considered assumed if, following  the
 Change of Control, the option or stock appreciation right confers the  right
 to purchase or receive, for each Share of Award Shares subject to the Option
 or SAR  immediately  prior  to the  Change  of  Control,  the  consideration
 (whether stock,  cash, or  other securities  or  property) received  in  the
 Change of Control by holders of Company common stock for each Share held  on
 the effective date of the transaction (and if holders were offered a  choice
 of consideration,  the type  of consideration  chosen by  the holders  of  a
 majority of  the  outstanding  Shares);  provided,  however,  that  if  such
 consideration received in the Change of  Control is not solely common  stock
 of the successor  corporation or  its parent,  the Committee  may, with  the
 consent of the successor  corporation, provide for  the consideration to  be
 received upon the exercise  of the Option  or SAR, for  each Share of  Award
 Shares subject  to the  Option or  SAR, to  be solely  common stock  of  the
 successor corporation or its  parent equal in fair  market value to the  per
 share consideration received by  holders of common stock  of the Company  in
 the Change of Control. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,  (i)
 with respect to  Options and SARs  granted to an  outside director that  are
 assumed or substituted for, if immediately  prior to or after the Change  of
 Control the Service  Provider's status  as a director  of the  Company or  a
 director of the  successor corporation, as  applicable, is terminated  other
 than upon a voluntary resignation by the Service Provider, then the  Service
 Provider shall fully vest in and have the right to exercise such Options and
 SARs as to all of the  Award Shares, including Shares  as to which it  would
 not otherwise be  vested or exercisable;  and (ii) an  Award that vests,  is
 earned or paid-out upon  the satisfaction of one  or more performance  goals
 will not be considered assumed if the Company or its successor modifies  any
 of such performance goals without the Service Provider's consent;  provided,
 however, a  modification  to such  performance  goals only  to  reflect  the
 successor corporation's post-Change of Control corporate structure will  not
 be deemed to invalidate an otherwise valid Award assumption.

      (b)  Restricted   Stock,   Performance   Shares,   Performance   Units,
 Restricted Stock Units and  Other Stock Based Awards.   Except as  otherwise
 set forth  in  the  Award,  in  the event  of  a  Change  of  Control,  each
 outstanding Restricted  Stock, Performance  Share, Performance  Unit,  Other
 Stock Based Award  and Restricted Stock  Unit Award shall  be assumed or  an
 equivalent Restricted  Stock,  Performance Share,  Performance  Unit,  Other
 Stock Based  Award  and  Restricted Stock  Unit  Award  substituted  by  the
 successor  corporation  or   a  parent  or   subsidiary  of  the   successor
 corporation. Unless determined otherwise by the Committee, in the event that
 the successor corporation refuses to assume or substitute for the Restricted
 Stock, Performance  Share,  Performance Unit,  Other  Stock Based  Award  or
 Restricted Stock Unit Award,  the Service Provider shall  fully vest in  the
 Restricted Stock,  Performance Share,  Performance Unit,  Other Stock  Based
 Award or  Restricted Stock  Unit  including as  to  Shares which  would  not
 otherwise be vested. For the purposes of this paragraph, a Restricted Stock,
 Performance Share, Performance Unit, Other Stock Based Award and  Restricted
 Stock Unit Award  shall be considered  assumed if, following  the Change  of
 Control, the award confers the right to purchase or receive, for each  Share
 subject to  the  Award immediately  prior  to  the Change  of  Control,  the
 consideration  (whether  stock,  cash,  or  other  securities  or  property)
 received in the  Change of Control  by holders of  Company common stock  for
 each Share held  on the effective  date of the  transaction (and if  holders
 were offered a choice of consideration, the type of consideration chosen  by
 the holders of  a majority of  the outstanding  Shares); provided,  however,
 that if such consideration received in  the Change of Control is not  solely
 common stock of the successor corporation  or its parent the Committee  may,
 with the consent of the successor corporation, provide for the consideration
 to be  received, for  each Share  and  each unit/right  to acquire  a  Share
 subject to the Award, to be solely common stock of the successor corporation
 or its parent  equal in  fair market value  to the  per share  consideration
 received by  holders of  Company  common stock  in  the Change  of  Control.
 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, (i) with respect to  Awards
 granted to  an outside  director that  are assumed  or substituted  for,  if
 immediately prior to or after the  Change of Control the Service  Provider's
 status as  a  director  of  the  Company or  a  director  of  the  successor
 corporation, as  applicable,  is  terminated other  than  upon  a  voluntary
 resignation by the Service Provider, then  the Service Provider shall  fully
 vest in such Awards, including Shares as to which it would not otherwise  be
 vested; and  (ii)  an Award  that  vests, is  earned  or paid-out  upon  the
 satisfaction of one or more performance goals will not be considered assumed
 if the  Company or  its successor  modifies any  of such  performance  goals
 without the Service Provider's consent; provided, however, a modification to
 such performance goals  only to  reflect the  successor corporation's  post-
 Change of Control corporate  structure will not be  deemed to invalidate  an
 otherwise valid Award assumption.

      The aggregate number of Shares and  interests awarded and which may  be
 awarded under the Plan and the  exercise price thereof shall be adjusted  to
 reflect a change in  the outstanding Shares  of the Company  by reason of  a
 recapitalization, reclassification,  reorganization,  stock  split,  reverse
 stock split, combination of shares,  stock dividend or similar  transaction.
 The adjustment shall  be made in  an equitable manner  which will cause  the
 Awards and the economic benefits thereof to remain unchanged as a result  of
 the applicable transaction.

      The Company, from time  to time, may  substitute or assume  outstanding
 awards granted  by it  or another  company, whether  in connection  with  an
 acquisition of another company or otherwise, by either (a) granting an Award
 under  the  Plan  in  substitution  of   such  other  company's  award,   or
 (b) assuming such award  as if it  had been granted  under the  Plan if  the
 terms of such assumed award could be  applied to an Award granted under  the
 Plan.  Such substitution or assumption shall be permissible if the holder of
 the substituted or assumed award would  have been eligible to be granted  an
 Award under the Plan if the other company had applied the rules of the  Plan
 to such grant.  In the event the Company assumes an award granted by another
 company, the  terms and  conditions of  such  award shall  remain  unchanged
 (except that the exercise price and the number and nature of Shares issuable
 upon exercise of any such option will be adjusted appropriately pursuant  to
 Section 424(a) of the Code).  In the event the Company elects to grant a new
 option rather  than assuming  an existing  option, such  new option  may  be
 granted with a similarly adjusted exercise price.

 17.  SERVICE.
      An individual shall be considered to  be in the service of the  Company
 or a Related Corporation as long as  he or she remains a director,  officer,
 employee, consultant or advisor of the Company or such Related  Corporation.
 Nothing herein shall confer on any individual the right to continued service
 with the Company or a Related Corporation or affect the right of the Company
 or such Related Corporation to terminate such service.

      (a)  Generally.  To the extent the award, issuance, vesting or exercise
 of an Award results in the  receipt of compensation by a director,  officer,
 employee, consultant  or  advisor, the  Company  may require  the  director,
 officer, employee,  consultant or  advisor  to pay  to  the Company  or  the
 grantee may  authorize  the  Company  to withhold  a  portion  of  any  cash
 compensation  then  or  thereafter  payable  to  such  person,  an   amount,
 sufficient to satisfy federal, state and local withholding tax  requirements
 prior to the delivery of any certificate for the Shares.  If an Award is  to
 be paid in cash, the payment will be net of an amount sufficient to  satisfy
 such tax withholding obligations

      (b)  Stock Withholding.  To the extent  a grantee incurs tax  liability
 in connection with the exercise or vesting  of any Award that is subject  to
 tax withholding and the grantee is  obligated to pay the Company the  amount
 required to be withheld,  the Committee may, in  its sole discretion,  allow
 the grantee to satisfy the minimum withholding tax obligation by electing to
 have the Company withhold from the Shares to be issued that number of Shares
 having a  Fair Market  Value equal  to  the minimum  amount required  to  be
 withheld, determined on the date that the amount of tax to be withheld is to
 be determined.  All elections by a grantee to have Shares withheld for  this
 purpose shall be made in writing in a form acceptable to the Committee.

      The Company's obligation  to deliver Shares  with respect  to an  Award
 shall, if the Committee  so requests, be conditioned  upon the receipt of  a
 representation as to the investment intention of the individual to whom such
 Shares are to be delivered, in such form as the Committee shall determine to
 be necessary or advisable  to comply with the  provisions of the  Securities
 Act  or  any  other  federal,  state  or  local  securities  legislation  or
 regulation.  It may  be provided that  any representation requirement  shall
 become inoperative  upon  a  registration of  the  Shares  or  other  action
 eliminating  the   necessity  of   such  representation   under   securities
 legislation.  The Company shall not be required to deliver any Shares  under
 the Plan prior to:  (a) the admission of such Shares to listing on any stock
 exchange on which Shares may then be listed, and (b) the completion of  such
 registration or  other  qualification of  such  Shares under  any  state  or
 federal law, rule  or regulation,  as the  Committee shall  determine to  be
 necessary or advisable.  The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3,  if
 applicable.  Any provision of the Plan which is inconsistent with said  rule
 shall, to the  extent of such  inconsistency, be inoperative  and shall  not
 affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Plan.

                        ALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE REQUESTED

                       UNITED FINANCIAL MORTGAGE CORP.

                       To Be Held on September 8, 2004

 The undersigned hereby appoints Joseph Khoshabe  and Robert S. Luce and each
 or  either of them with power of substitution, attorneys and proxies for and
 in the name and place of the  undersigned, to vote the number of shares that
 the undersigned would be  entitled to vote if then personally present at the
 Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of United Financial Mortgage Corp.  to on
 Wednesday, September 8, 2004, at 2:00  P.M.  local time,  at the Renaissance
 Oak  Brook,  2100  Spring  Road,  Oak  Brook,  Illinois  60523.,  or  at any
 adjournment or postponement  thereof,  upon  the  matters  set  forth in the
 Notice of the Annual Meeting and proxy statement, receipt of which is hereby

 1.  Election of directors.

               [ ] Vote FOR all nominees          [ ] Vote WITHHELD from all
                   listed below (except as            nominess
                   directed to the contrary below)

                   Joseph Khoshabe                    Joseph Khoshabe
                   John A. Clark                      John A. Clark
                   Robert S. Luce                     Robert S. Luce
                   Elliot R. Jacobs                   Elliot R. Jacobs
                   James R. Zuhlke                    James R. Zuhlke
                   Anthony W. Schweiger               Anthony W. Schweiger
                   Steve Y. Khoshabe                  Steve Y. Khoshabe

 Instructions: To withhold vote for any individual nominee, write that
               nominee's named in the space provided below.


 2.  Adoption of the United Financial Mortgage Corp. 2004 Stock Incentive

                   For            Against           Abstain
                   [ ]              [ ]               [ ]

 3.  Ratification of Crowe Chizek and Company LLC as the Company's
     independent auditors.

                   For            Against           Abstain
                   [ ]              [ ]               [ ]

 4.   In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
      business as may properly come before the meeting or a adjournment or
      adjournments thereof.


  NOTE:  Please date proxy and sign it exactly as name or names appear on the
         Company's records.  All joint owners of shares  MUST  sign  in order
         for  the proxy  to be  valid.  State  full  title  when  signing  as
         executor,  administrator,  trustee,  guardian,  etc.  Please  return

         proxy  in  the enclosed envelope.

  Dated:______________________, 2004

  Please Sign Here: __________________________________

  Print Name: ________________________________________