Exhibit 99.1

 Company: Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.    Analyst Contact: Kevin D. Williams
          663 Highway 60, P.O. Box 807            Chief Financial Officer
          Monett, MO 65708                        (417) 235-6652

                                          IR Contact: Jon Seegert
                                                  Director Investor Relations
                                                  (417) 235-6652



 Monett, MO. January 19, 2005 - Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. (Nasdaq: JKHY),
 a leading  provider of  integrated technology  solutions that  perform  data
 processing for  financial  institutions,  today reported fiscal 2005  second
 quarter results reflecting a  21% increase in revenue,  resulting in  a  22%
 increase in gross profit and net income  over the same quarter of the  prior
 year.  For the first six months  of fiscal 2005 revenue increased 17%,  with
 an increase of 21% in gross profit and  net income over the same six  months
 in fiscal 2004.

 For the quarter ended December 31, 2004, the company generated total revenue
 of $136.0 million compared to $112.7 million in the same quarter a year ago.
 Gross profit increased  to $54.7 million  compared to $44.7  million in  the
 second quarter of last  fiscal year.  Net  income totaled $17.7 million,  or
 $0.19 per diluted  share, compared to  $14.5 million, or  $0.16 per  diluted
 share in the same quarter a year ago.

 For the  first half  of fiscal  2005, total  revenue of  $260.1 million  was
 generated compared to  $221.7 million  for the  first half  of fiscal  2004.
 Gross profit increased to  $105.3 million compared  to $87.4 million  during
 the same period last fiscal year.  Net  income for the first half of  fiscal
 2005 was  $34.4 million,  or  $0.37 per  diluted  share, compared  to  $28.4
 million, or $0.31 per diluted share for the same six months in fiscal 2004.

 "We are very encouraged  with the progress we  have made during the  quarter
 and first six months of our fiscal year reflected by both increased  revenue
 and backlog.  We believe that the changes  made to our sales force over  the
 last couple  of  years continue  to  show  positive results.  This  was  the
 strongest quarter in the history of the company from the perspective of both
 new contracts and revenue recognized," said  Jack F. Prim, CEO.  "Since  our
 last earnings call we  have announced four  additional  acquisitions,  which
 not only add  to our suite  of products and  services being  offered to  our
 existing customers but  they also  expand our  potential addressable  market
 base and new markets.  Year to date we have made six acquisitions, which  we
 anticipate to be slightly  accretive for the remainder  of the fiscal  year,
 and we expect to see significant  growth for these products and services  in
 the future."

 Operating Results

 "We continued to have  strong license revenue in  the second fiscal  quarter
 with a 79% increase for  the quarter and a  64% increase in license  revenue
 for the  six months  ended December  31, 2004,  compared to  the prior  year
 periods.  However, due to a  significant increase in re-sale of third  party
 software to our core  customers our gross profit  margin on license  revenue
 decreased from 98% to 92% for the quarter and from 95% to 92% year-to-date,"
 said  Tony L. Wormington,  President.  "The most significant  impact of  the
 decrease in  license margins  is attributable  to  the third  party  re-sale
 agreements in the credit union segment."

 License revenue increased to $22.1 million,  or 16% of second quarter  total
 revenue, compared  to $12.4  million, or  11% of  the second  quarter  total
 revenue  a  year  ago.  Support  and  services revenue  increased  to  $87.7
 million, or 65% of total revenue in second quarter of fiscal 2005 from $76.7
 million, or 68% of total revenue for the  same  period a year ago.  Hardware
 sales in the second  quarter of fiscal 2005  increased to $26.1 million,  or
 19% of total revenue,  from $23.6 million,  or 21% of  total revenue in  the
 second quarter of last fiscal year.

 For the first half  of fiscal 2005, license  revenue increased 64% to  $41.7
 million, or 16% of total revenue, compared  to $25.4 million, or 11% of  the
 total revenue a year ago.  Support and services revenue contributed  66%  to
 total revenue, or  $171.4 million  of the total  revenue for  the first  six
 months of fiscal 2005  compared to $149.2 million,  or 67% of total  revenue
 for the first six months of fiscal 2004.  Hardware sales for the six  months
 of fiscal  2005 remained  nearly even  at $47.0  million compared  to  $47.1
 million for the same period  last year.  Hardware  revenue was 18% of  total
 revenue year to  date in  fiscal 2005 and  21% of  revenue year  to date  in
 fiscal 2004.

 Cost of sales for  the second quarter increased  19% from $68.0 million  for
 the three months  ended  December 31, 2003 to  $81.2 million  for the  three
 months ended  December 31, 2004.  Second quarter gross profit increased  22%
 to $54.7 million with a  40% gross margin,  compared  to $44.7 million and a
 40% gross margin for the same period a year ago.

 Cost of sales for the six months  ended December 31, 2004 increased 15%,  to
 $154.7 million from $134.3  million for the same  period ended  December 31,
 2003.  Gross  profit for  the first  half of  fiscal 2005  increased 21%  to
 $105.3 million with a 40% gross margin,  compared to $87.4 million or a  39%
 gross margin for the first half of fiscal 2004.

 Gross margin on license  revenue for the second  quarter of fiscal 2005  was
 92% compared to 98% a year ago for the same period due to increased  license
 revenue through  reseller  agreements.  Support  and  service  gross  margin
 decreased to 31% in the second  quarter of fiscal 2005  from 33% a year  ago
 mainly due  to  increased headcount  relating  to the  support  and  service
 revenue,  travel  expenses  and  depreciation.  Hardware gross margins  were
 lower for the second  quarter at 29%  compared to 32%  for the same  quarter
 last year primarily  due to  volume and sales  mix of  hardware and  reduced
 rebates received on hardware sold in the current year.

 Gross margin on license revenue  for the first half  of fiscal 2005 was  92%
 compared to 95%  a year ago  for the same  period due  to increased  license
 revenue through  reseller  agreements.  Support  and  service  gross  margin
 remained even  at  32%  for the  first  six  months in  both  fiscal  years.
 Hardware gross margins were lower this year  to date at 27% compared to  31%
 for the same period last year, primarily due to the volume and sales mix  of
 hardware and a decrease in rebates received on hardware sold.

 For the  second quarter  of  2005, the  bank  systems and  services  segment
 revenue increased 18%  to $111.3 million,  with a gross  margin of 43%  from
 $94.2 million and a gross margin of 40% in the same quarter a year ago.  The
 credit union systems  and services segment  revenue increased  33% to  $24.7
 million with a gross margin of 29% for the second quarter of 2005 from $18.5
 million and a  gross margin of  36% in  the same period  a  year  ago.  "The
 credit union segment gross margin decreased primarily due to the significant
 amount of  third  party software  delivered  during the  quarter  causing  a
 decrease in gross margin on license revenue.  This combined with a  decrease
 in support  and service  margin primarily  due to  increased headcount  this
 quarter compared to the  prior year, increased  depreciation related to  the
 new facility in San Diego,  and the decrease in  the hardware margin due  to
 sales mix and reduced  rebates caused the decrease  in Credit Union  segment
 gross margin for the quarter," said Kevin D. Williams, CFO.

 For the six months  ended December 31, 2004,  the bank systems and  services
 segment revenue increased 14% to $211.1 million, with a gross margin of  42%
 from $185.8 million and a gross margin of 40% a year ago.  The credit  union
 systems and services segment revenue increased 36% to $49.0 million for  the
 first half of 2005, with a gross margin of 33% from $35.9 million and  gross
 margin of 36% in the same period a year ago.

 Operating expenses  increased 21%  for the  second  quarter of  fiscal  2005
 compared to the same  quarter a year ago  primarily due to employee  related
 expenses.  Selling and marketing expenses rose 40% in the second quarter  to
 $11.9 million, or  9% of total  revenue, from $8.5  million or  8% of  total
 revenue.  Research and  development expenses increased  14% to $6.7  million
 from  $5.9  million,  while  remaining  at  5%  of  total  revenue  for  the
 second quarters  in fiscal 2005 and 2004.  General and administrative  costs
 increased 6% to  $8.1 million or  6%  of revenue, in the  second quarter  of
 fiscal year 2005, from $7.7 million, or 7% of revenue for the same quarter a
 year ago.

 Operating expenses increased 18%  for fiscal 2005 year  to date compared  to
 the same  period a  year ago  primarily due  to employee  related  expenses.
 Selling and marketing expenses rose 31% in the same period to $22.7 million,
 or 9% of total revenue from $17.3 million  or 8% of total revenue.  Research
 and development expenses increased 15% to $12.9 million from $11.2  million,
 while remaining at 5% of  total revenue for the  first six months in  fiscal
 2005  and  2004.  General  and  administrative costs increased 6%  to  $15.6
 million or  6% of  revenue for  the first  half of  fiscal 2005  from  $14.7
 million, or 7% of revenue for the same period a year ago.

 Operating income increased 24%  to $28.0 million,  or 21%  of second quarter
 revenue, compared to $22.6 million, or 20% of revenue in the second  quarter
 of fiscal 2004.  Provision for income taxes is 37.5% for the second  quarter
 in fiscal 2005 compared to 36.5% last  year due to changes in the  effective
 state tax rates.  Second quarter net income totaled $17.7 million, or  $0.19
 per diluted share, compared to $14.5 million, or $0.16 per diluted share  in
 the second quarter of fiscal 2004.

 Operating income increased  23% to  $54.2 million, or  21% of  year to  date
 revenue, compared to $44.2 million, or 20% of revenue year to date in fiscal
 2004.  Provision for income taxes is 37.5% year to date fiscal 2005 compared
 to 36.5% year to date in fiscal 2004  due to changes in the effective  state
 tax  rates.  Year to date  net income totaled  $34.4 million,  or $0.37  per
 diluted share,  compared to $28.4 million, or $0.31 per diluted share in the
 prior year.

 Balance Sheet and Backlog Review

 Cash, cash  equivalents, and  investments decreased  to $23.5  million  from
 $109.5 million compared to  December 31, 2003 primarily due to amounts  paid
 for acquisitions. Trade receivables increased $20.1 million to $87.9 million
 compared to a year ago.  Deferred revenue increased $11.8 million or 12%  to
 $109.7 million  at December 31, 2004  compared to a year ago.  Stockholders'
 equity grew 19% to $482.4 million at December 31, 2004, from $406.8  million
 a year ago.

 Backlog, which is  a measure of  future business and  revenue, increased  7%
 from year-ago  levels and  increased 5%  from the  prior quarter  to  $194.5
 million ($68.4 million in-house and $126.1 million outsourcing).  Backlog at
 September 30, 2004, was  $185.1 million ($63.0  million in-house and  $122.1
 million outsourcing) and  at December 31,  2003, was  $182.5 million  ($60.0
 million in-house and $122.5 million outsourcing).

 About Jack Henry & Associates

 Jack Henry  &  Associates, Inc.  provides  integrated computer  systems  and
 processes ATM and debit card transactions for banks and credit unions.  Jack
 Henry markets and supports its systems throughout the United States and  has
 over 7,700 customers nationwide.  For additional information on Jack  Henry,
 visit the company's web site at www.jackhenry.com.  The company will hold  a
 conference call on January 20th at 7:45 a.m. Central Time and investors  are
 invited to listen at www.jackhenry.com.

 Statements  made in this  news release  that are  not historical  facts  are
 forward-looking  information.  Actual  results  may differ  materially  from
 those projected in any forward-looking information.  Specifically, there are
 a number of  important factors  that could  cause actual  results to  differ
 materially  from  those  anticipated  by  any  forward-looking  information.
 Additional information on these  and other factors,  which could affect  the
 Company's financial results,  are included  in its  Securities and  Exchange
 Commission (SEC) filings on Form 10-K, and potential investors should review
 these statements.  Finally, there may  be other factors not mentioned  above
 or included in the  Company's SEC filings that  may cause actual results  to
 differ materially from any forward-looking information.

 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
 (In Thousands, Except Per Share Data - unaudited)

                                    Three Months Ended    % Change      Six Months Ended    % Change
                                    ------------------    --------      ----------------    --------
                                       December 31,                       December 31,
                                     2004        2003                   2004        2003
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------
   License                        $  22,148   $  12,400      79%     $  41,699   $  25,360     64%
   Support and service               87,726      76,717      14%       171,374     149,241     15%
   Hardware                          26,086      23,613      10%        46,983      47,069      0%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------
     Total                          135,960     112,730      21%       260,056     221,670     17%

   Cost of license                    1,734         252    >100%         3,343       1,165   >100%
   Cost of support and service       60,946      51,696      18%       116,976     100,745     16%
   Cost of hardware                  18,531      16,073      15%        34,426      32,394      6%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------
     Total                           81,211      68,021      19%       154,745     134,304     15%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------

 GROSS PROFIT                        54,749      44,709      22%       105,311      87,366     21%
 Gross Profit Margin                     40%         40%                    40%         39%

   Selling and marketing             11,920       8,531      40%        22,652      17,303     31%
   Research and development           6,741       5,912      14%        12,883      11,231     15%
   General and administrative         8,127       7,673       6%        15,592      14,678      6%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------
     Total                           26,788      22,116      21%        51,127      43,212     18%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------

 OPERATING INCOME                    27,961      22,593      24%        54,184      44,154     23%

   Interest income                      359         281      28%           818         568     44%
   Interest expense                     (14)         (3)   >100%           (17)        (29)   -41%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------
               Total                    345         278      24%           801         539     49%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------

 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES          28,306      22,871      24%        54,985      44,693     23%

 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES          10,614       8,348      27%        20,619      16,313     26%
                                   --------    --------               --------    --------
 NET INCOME                       $  17,692   $  14,523      22%     $  34,366   $  28,380     21%
                                   ========    ========               ========    ========

 Diluted net income per shar      $    0.19   $    0.16              $    0.37   $    0.31
                                   ========    ========               ========    ========
 Diluted weighted avg shares
   outstanding                       92,957      92,000                 92,721      91,534
                                   ========    ========               ========    ========

 Consolidated Balance Sheet Highlights
 (In Thousands-unaudited)                        December 31,        % Change
                                            ----------------------   --------
                                              2004          2003
                                            --------      --------
 Cash, cash equivalents and investments    $  23,512     $ 109,535       -79%
 Trade receivables                         $  87,921     $  67,832        30%
 TOTAL ASSETS                              $ 661,588     $ 548,375        21%

 Accounts payable and accrued expenses     $  29,529     $  16,081        84%
 Deferred revenue                          $ 109,742     $  97,882        12%
 STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                      $ 482,362     $ 406,802        19%
