Exhibit 10.27

                        JACK HENRY & ASSOCIATES, INC.
                            RESTRICTED STOCK PLAN

  Adopted by the Stockholders and Amended by the Board of Directors November
                                   1, 2005

 1.   Purpose of the  Plan.  The  Jack Henry  &  Associates, Inc.  Restricted
 Stock Plan ("Plan")  is  intended to provide Jack Henry  &  Associates, Inc.
 (the "Corporation") with a means to assist in the recruiting, retaining  and
 rewarding of employees and members of the Board of Directors and to motivate
 such individuals to exert their best efforts on behalf of the Corporation by
 providing incentives through the granting of shares of stock.

 2.   Definitions.  The following terms shall have the following meanings:

      a.   "Act" means the Securities  Exchange Act of  1934, as amended,  or
           any successor thereto.

      b.   "Award" means any grant of restricted stock under the Plan.

      c.   "Award Agreement"  means an  agreement  entered into  between  the
           Corporation and a  Participant, as such  agreement may be  amended
           from  time  to  time,  setting  forth  the  terms  and  provisions
           applicable to any Award.

      d.   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

      e.   "Change in Control" means (i) the purchase or other acquisition by
 any person, entity or group of persons, within the meaning of Section  13(d)
 or  14(d)  of  the  Act  (excluding,  for this purpose,  the  Corporation or
 its subsidiaries  or  any  employee benefit  plan  or  related  trust of the
 Corporation or  its  subsidiaries),  of  beneficial  ownership,  within  the
 meaning of  Rule  13d-3 promulgated under the  Act, of  20%  or  more of the
 combined  voting  power   of  the   Corporation's  then-outstanding   voting
 securities entitled to vote  generally in the election  of directors in  any
 transaction or series of transactions; (ii) when individuals who,  as of the
 date hereof, constituting the Board ("Incumbent Board") cease for any reason
 to constitute at least a majority of the Board, provided that any person who
 becomes a  director  subsequent  to  the  date  hereof  whose  election,  or
 nomination for election by the  Corporation's shareholders, was approved  in
 advance by a vote of  at least a majority  of the directors then  comprising
 the Incumbent Board  excluding members  of its  Incumbent Board  who are  no
 longer  serving  as  directors  (other  than  an  individual  whose  initial
 assumption of office is in connection with an actual or threatened  election
 contest relating to the  election of directors of  the Corporation, as  such
 terms are used in Rule 14a-11  of Regulation 14A promulgated under the  Act,
 or an individual approved by the  Incumbent Board as result of an  agreement
 intended to avoid or settle an  actual or threatened contest) shall be,  for
 purposes of this section, considered as though such person  were a member of
 the  Incumbent  Board;  (iii) consummation  of  a reorganization,  merger or
 consolidation,  in  each  case  following  such  reorganization,  merger  or
 consolidation: (a)  persons who  were the  shareholders of  the  Corporation
 immediately  prior   to  such   reorganization,  merger   or   consolidation
 immediately thereafter own 50% or less of the combined voting power entitled
 to vote generally in the election of directors of the reorganized, merged or
 consolidated corporation's then-outstanding voting  securities, or (b)  less
 than  a  majority  of  members  of  the  board  or  other governing  body of
 such reorganized, merged  or  consolidated corporation  were members  of the
 Incumbent Board at the time of the execution of the initial agreement or the
 approval of the transaction by the  Board; or (iv) approval by  shareholders
 of a  liquidation or  dissolution of  the Corporation  (and the  Corporation
 shall commence such liquidation or dissolution), or consummation of the sale
 of all  or  substantially all  of  the assets  of  the Corporation  (in  one
 transaction or  a series of transactions).

      f.   "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any
 successor thereto.

      g.   "Common Stock" means  common stock of  the Corporation, par  value

      h.   "Director" means an individual actively serving as a member of the

      i.   "Family Member" means  any child,  stepchild, grandchild,  parent,
 stepparent, spouse, former  spouse, sibling,  niece, nephew,  mother-in-law,
 father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law,
 including adoptive  relationships,  any  person  sharing  the  Participant's
 household (other than a tenant or employee), a trust in which the  foregoing
 persons have more  than 50%  of the  beneficial interests,  a foundation  in
 which the Participant  or the foregoing  persons control  the management  of
 assets and  any other  entity  in which  the  Participant or  the  foregoing
 persons own more than 50% of the voting interests.

      j.   "Incapacitated" means a mental  or physical illness that  entitles
 the Participant to receive benefits under a long-term disability plan of the
 Corporation, or if there is no such  plan or the Participant is not  covered
 by such a plan or the Participant is  not an employee of the Corporation,  a
 mental  or  physical  illness  that  renders  the  Participant  totally  and
 permanently  incapable  of  performing  the  Participant's  duties  for  the
 Corporation.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing, Incapacity  shall not  qualify
 under this Plan if it is the result of (i) a willfully self-inflected injury
 or willfully self-induced sickness; or (ii) an injury or disease contracted,
 suffered,  or  incurred  while  participating  in  a criminal  offense.  The
 determination of Incapacity  for purposes of  this Plan shall be made  by  a
 physician satisfactory to  the Board  and shall not  be construed  to be  an
 admission of incapacity for any other purpose.

      k.   "Participant" means an employee or  a Director of the  Corporation
 or its subsidiaries, who is selected by the Board to receive an Award.

      l.   "Permitted Transferee" means any Family Member of a Participant or
 a trust maintained exclusively for the benefit of , or a partnership all  of
 the interests in which are held by, one  or more of the Participant and  his
 or her Family Members.

 3.   Stock Subject to the  Plan.   Subject  to the adjustments described  in
 Section 8, 3,000,000  shares of Common  Stock (the  "Restricted Stock")  are
 authorized for Awards under the Plan.  Such shares may come from  authorized
 but unissued shares of Common Stock and/or from previously issued shares  of
 Common Stock that have been reacquired by the Corporation.  In the event any
 Award shall expire or  terminate for any reason,  the shares subject to  the
 Award shall again be available for the purposes of the Plan.  Subject to the
 adjustments described in  Section 8, the  number of shares  of Common  Stock
 that may be granted to all Participants in the aggregate as Awards under the
 Plan in any fiscal year of the Corporation shall not exceed 500,000 shares.

 4.   Administration of the  Plan.  The  Plan  shall  be administered by  the
 Board, which may from time to time delegate all or any part of its authority
 under this  Plan to  a  committee of  the  Board (or  subcommittee  thereof)
 appointed by the Board.  A majority of the committee (or subcommittee) shall
 constitute a quorum,  and the  action of the  members of  the committee  (or
 subcommittee) present at any meeting at  which a quorum is present, or  acts
 unanimously approved in  writing, shall  be the  acts of  the committee  (or
 subcommittee).  To  the extent of  any such delegation,  references in  this
 Plan to the Board shall be deemed to be references to any such committee (or
 subcommittee).   The interpretation  and construction  by the  Board of  any
 provision of  the  Plan  or  of  any  agreement,  notification  or  document
 evidencing the grant of an Award and any determination by the Board pursuant
 to any  provision  of this  Plan  or  any such  agreement,  notification  or
 document shall be conclusive.   No member of the  Board shall be liable  for
 any such action or determination made in good faith.

 5.   Eligibility.  Awards  may be granted to any employee or Director of the
 Corporation or its subsidiaries pursuant to the sole discretion of the Board
 in accordance with Section 4.

 6.   Awards; Vesting.

      a.   Awards.  Awards may be granted to Participants in such amounts and
 upon such  terms, and  at  any time  and  from time  to  time,  as  shall be
 determined by the Board and set forth in an Award Agreement duly executed on
 behalf of the Corporation and accepted by the Participant.

      b.   Performance-Based Awards.  The Board may, in its sole and absolute
 discretion,  determine  that  certain  Awards  should  be  subject  to  such
 requirements so  that they  are deductible  by  the Corporation  under  Code
 Section 162(m).  If the Board so determines, such Awards shall be considered
 performance-based awards  subject to  the terms  of  this Section  6.b.,  as
 provided in the Award Agreement.  A performance-based Award shall be granted
 by the Board in a manner to satisfy the requirements of Code Section  162(m)
 and the regulations  thereunder.  The  performance measures to  be used  for
 purposes of a performance-based Award shall be determined by a committee  or
 subcommittee of  the  Board,  consisting solely  of  outside  directors  (as
 defined in Treasury  Regulations Section 1.162-27(e)  (3), in  its sole  and
 absolute discretion, no  later than 90  days after the  commencement of  the
 period of service to which such performance criteria relates or, if earlier,
 the date  on which  25% of  such  period  of  service  elapses.  Performance
 objectives need not be the same with respect to all performance-based Awards
 granted  under  the  Plan.  Each  of  the  performance  criteria  is  to  be
 specifically defined in  advance by the  committee  or  subcommittee and may
 include or exclude specified  items of an  unusual or non-recurring  nature.
 The criteria  upon  which  the committee  or  subcommittee  shall  establish
 performance objectives shall  include but not  be limited  to: earnings  per
 share of stock; book value per share  of stock; net income (before or  after
 taxes); operating income; return on invested capital, assets or equity; cash
 flow return on investments  which equals net cash  flows divided by  owners'
 equity; earnings before interest or taxes; gross revenues or revenue growth;
 market share; expense management; improvements in capital structure;  profit
 margins; stock price; total stockholder return;  free cash flow; or  working
 capital.  Performance-based Awards  shall  be  forfeited if  the  applicable
 performance objective(s) are not achieved or if the Plan is not approved  by
 the shareholders  of the  Corporation  as  described  in  Section  14.  Such
 committee or  subcommittee  shall  determine  whether,  with  respect  to  a
 performance period,  the applicable  performance goals  have been  met  with
 respect  to  an  Award and,  if  they have,  to  so certify  in  writing and
 ascertain  the  amount  of  the  applicable  performance-based  Award.   The
 committee or subcommittee shall have  the discretion to adjust  performance-
 based awards downward.   Unless the  shareholders of  the Corporation  shall
 have first approved  thereof, no amendment  of the Plan  shall be  effective
 which  would  increase  the  maximum  amount  which  can  be  paid  under  a
 performance-based  Award,  which  would  change  the  specified  performance
 objectives for payment  of performance-based Awards,  or which would  modify
 the requirements as  to eligibility for  participation in  performance-based
 Awards under the Plan.  In no event shall the total amount of a performance-
 based Award paid to  any Participant in any  fiscal year of the  Corporation
 exceed 50,000 shares of Common Stock.

      c.   Vesting.    Any  shares  of  Restricted  Stock  awarded  shall  be
 nontransferable by the Participant during the period described in the  Award
 Agreement and shall be  subject to the risk  of forfeiture described in  the
 Award Agreement.  Prior to the  time shares become transferable, the  shares
 of Restricted Stock shall bear a legend indicating their nontransferability,
 and, unless otherwise provided  in the Award  Agreement, if the  Participant
 ceases to be a Director or  terminates employment with Corporation prior  to
 the time a restriction lapses, and/or if the performance criteria  specified
 in the  Award Agreement  are not  achieved, if  applicable, the  Participant
 shall forfeit any shares of Restricted Stock which are still subject to  the
 restrictions at the time  of termination of such  employment or service,  or
 expiration  of  the  performance  period.  When  an Award  is  granted,  the
 Participant shall become vested in such shares in accordance with the  terms
 of the Award Agreement, which except  as otherwise provided in Section  6.b.
 with respect  to performance-based  Awards, shall  generally provide  for  a
 graded vesting schedule.  However, the Board may at any time accelerate  the
 vesting schedule, in its sole discretion.   Additionally, in the event of  a
 Change in  Control  or  death  or  Incapacity  of  the  Participant,  unless
 otherwise provided in the Award Agreement, all previously granted shares  of
 Restricted Stock not yet free of the restrictions of described herein  shall
 become immediately free of such restrictions.

      d.   Timing of Awards.  An Award shall be deemed to be made on the date
 on which the Board,  by formal action  of its members  duly recorded in  the
 records thereof,  makes  an  award  of  shares  of  Restricted  Stock  to  a
 Participant, provided that such award is evidenced by an Award Agreement  in
 the manner set forth in 6.a above within a reasonable time after the date of
 the Board action.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Board  may, in  the
 records of its  formal action,  designate a future  date on  which an  Award
 shall be made.

      e.   Restricted Stock.  Restricted Stock may be granted in the form  of
 shares registered in the name of the Participant but held by the Corporation
 or an escrow agent designated by  the Corporation until the restrictions  on
 the Award lapse, subject to forfeiture, as provided in the applicable  Award
 Agreement.  The Board, in the  applicable Award Agreement, may, in its  sole
 discretion, award all  or any rights  of a shareholder  with respect to  the
 shares of Restricted  Stock during the  period that they  remain subject  to
 restrictions, including without limitation, the right to vote the shares and
 receive dividends.

      f.   Requirements for Issuance.  No shares of Restricted Stock will  be
 issued or  transferred  pursuant to  an  Award  unless and  until  all  then
 applicable requirements imposed  by federal and  state securities and  other
 laws, rules and regulations and by any regulatory agency having jurisdiction
 over the  Corporation, the  Common Stock  or  the Awards,  or by  any  stock
 exchange or securities quotation system upon  which the Common Stock may  be
 listed, have been fully met.   As a condition  precedent to the issuance  of
 shares  of  Restricted  Stock  pursuant  to  the  grant  of  an  Award,  the
 Corporation may require  the Participant to  take any  reasonable action  to
 meet such requirements.

 7.   Nontransferability of Award.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  this
 Section 7,  Awards  may  not  be  transferred by a Participant other than by
 will or  the laws  of descent  and  distribution.  Any  attempted  transfer,
 assignment, pledge,  hypothecation or  other  disposition except  as  herein
 provided,  including,  without  limitation,  any  disposition,   attachment,
 divorce, trustee  process or  similar process,  whether legal  or  equitable
 shall be null and void and without effect.  Notwithstanding anything  herein
 to the contrary, to the extent provided in the Award Agreement, an Award may
 be transferred by the Participant, without consideration and subject to  the
 provisions of this  Plan (including,  but not  limited to,  the vesting  and
 forfeiture provisions of Section  6.c.), to a  Permitted Transferee of  such

 8.   Adjustments.   Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, in the
 event of changes  in the capitalization  of the Corporation  by reason of  a
 recapitalization, merger, consolidation, split-up, stock split,  combination
 or exchange of shares of stock  and the like (each, an "Adjustment  Event"),
 the aggregate number of shares of common stock available under the Plan will
 be appropriately adjusted by the Board  such that the Adjustment Event  does
 not adversely effect the  rights of the Participants  under the Plan,  whose
 determination shall be conclusive.

 9.   Amendment and Termination; Term.   The Board may at any time  terminate
 the Plan or  make such modifications  to the Plan  as the  Board shall  deem
 advisable; provided,  however,  that  the Board  may  not,  without  further
 approval by the shareholders of the Corporation, increase the maximum number
 of shares as to which Awards may be granted under the Plan (except under the
 anti-dilution provisions of  Section 8), increase  the maximum amount  which
 can  be  paid  under  a   performance-based  Award,  change  the   specified
 performance objectives for payment  of performance-based Awards, modify  the
 requirements  as  to  eligibility  for  participation  in  performance-based
 Awards,  or  make  any  other  amendments  or  modifications  which  require
 shareholder approval  under applicable  law,  regulation or  stock  exchange
 rule.  Unless  otherwise terminated  earlier by  the Board,  the Plan  shall
 terminate on the date which is 10 years  after the date the Plan is  adopted
 by  the  Board  or,  if  earlier,  approved  by  the  shareholders  of   the
 Corporation.  No  termination  or amendment  to the  Plan may,  without  the
 consent of the affected Participant, have  a material adverse effect on  the
 rights of such Participant under such Award.

 10.   No Continued Right to Employment.  Nothing  in  the  Plan  or  in  any
 Award granted  pursuant to  the Plan  shall be  considered or  construed  as
 creating a contract of employment for any specified period of time or  shall
 confer on any individual any right to continue in the employment or  service
 of the Corporation or interfere in any way with the right of the Corporation
 to terminate his or her employment at any time.

 11.   Withholding.  The Corporation at  the time any  payment is made  under
 the Plan is authorized to withhold from such payment any amount necessary to
 satisfy income tax withholding requirements in respect of such payment;  and
 for  this purpose,  may withhold the necessary number  of shares to  satisfy
 such requirement.  Alternatively,  if  the  participant  shall  pay  to  the
 Corporation such cash amount as may be necessary to satisfy such withholding
 requirements, he or she shall be entitled to receive delivery of all  shares
 due hereunder.

 12.   Non-Waiver of Rights.  The  Corporation's  failure  to  enforce at any
 time any of the provisions of this Plan or any Award Agreement or to require
 at any time performance by the  Participant of any of the provisions  hereof
 shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions or to  affect
 either the validity of this Plan,  any Award Agreement, or any part  hereof,
 or the  right  of the  Corporation  thereafter  to enforce  each  and  every
 provision in accordance with the terms of the Plan and any Award Agreement.

 13.   Severability.   Any word, phrase, clause, sentence or other  provision
 herein which violates or is prohibited  by any applicable law, court  decree
 or public policy shall  be modified as necessary  to avoid the violation  or
 prohibition and so as to make this Plan and any Award Agreement  enforceable
 as fully  as  possible  under applicable  law,  and  if such  cannot  be  so
 modified, the same shall be ineffective  to the extent of such violation  or
 prohibition without  invalidating  or  affecting  the  remaining  provisions

 14.   Effectiveness of  the Plan.  The  Plan  shall  become effective  after
 both its adoption by the Board and the  further approval of the Plan by  the
 shareholders of the Corporation given within 12 months of the date the  Plan
 is adopted by the  Board at a regular  meeting of the  shareholders or at  a
 special meeting duly called and held for such purposes.

 15.   Choice of Law.   The Plan shall be governed by and construed according
 to the laws of the  State of Delaware, without  regard to the principles  of
 conflicts of law which might otherwise apply.

 16.   Successors.   All obligations of the Corporation under this Plan shall
 be binding on any successor to the Corporation whether the existence of such
 successor  is  the  result  of  a  direct  or  indirect  purchase,   merger,
 consolidation, or otherwise,  of all or  substantially all  of the  business
 and/or assets of the Corporation.