AMENDMENT NUMBER 2

      THIS IS AMENDMENT NUMBER 2 (the "Amendment") being executed and
 delivered by and between Rapid Link, Inc., formerly known as Dial-Thru
 International Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Rapid"), and GCA
 Strategic Investment Fund Limited, a Bermuda corporation ("GCASIF"), and
 dated as of August 15, 2006, in order to amend that certain Securities
 Purchase Agreement by and between Rapid and GCASIF dated as of January 28,
 2002, as amended by Amendment Number 1 dated as of June 1, 2005 (the
 "Securities Purchase Agreement").


      A. The parties to this Amendment wish to amend certain terms of
 that certain secured promissory note dated as of January 28, 2002 in the
 principal amount of $550,000 (the "Note") issued pursuant to the Securities
 Purchase Agreement, all as further set forth below.

      B. In consideration of the accommodations and amendments set forth
 in this Amendment, Rapid will amend all presently exercisable warrants to
 purchase shares of Rapid's Common Stock held by GCASIF (the "Warrants"), on
 the terms and conditions set forth below.


       NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in
 this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency,
 mutuality and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto
 hereby agree as follows:

      1.  Amendment of the Note.  The Note shall be amended and restated as
 follows: (a) the  Note shall be amended such that the Maturity Date shall be
 changed to November 1, 2007; (b) the conversion price of the common stock of
 Rapid shall not be lower than $0.10 and not to exceed $0.25; and  (c) Rapid
 shall have the option to repay in full the principal and accrued interest on
 the Note at a discount of 20% up to December 1, 2006; thereafter the
 discount shall decrease to 15% up to March 1, 2007; thereafter the discount
 shall decrease to 10% up to June 1, 2007; thereafter the discount shall
 decrease to 0% and be of no further effect.

      2.  Amendment of Warrants. In connection with the agreement by GCASIF
 to accept the discounted repayments set forth herein, Rapid shall re-price
 all Warrants presently held by GCASIF to an exercise price of $0.05 and
 extend the maturity of said Warrants to June 1, 2010.  The common shares
 underlying the Warrants will not be sold before August 31, 2007.

      3.  Additional Waivers. In furtherance of this amendment, GCASIF shall
 waive any and all (a) breaches, violations and Events of Default by Rapid
 arising prior to the date hereof under or pursuant to the Securities
 Purchase Agreement, including without limitation, any Registration Default
 (including any violation of Section 3.4(a) in respect thereof) and any Event
 of Default set forth in Sections 12.1(d), (e), (i) and (l) and (b), all
 damages, costs, fees and expenses arising directly or indirectly from such
 breaches, violations and defaults, including without limitation, any and all
 accrued amounts arising from or pursuant to default interest rates and
 liquidated damages that otherwise may be due and owing by Rapid under the
 Securities Purchase Agreement.  In the interest of clarity, the parties to
 this Amendment agree that all existing breaches, violations and Events of
 Default under or pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement for any
 action or failure to act by Rapid that remain uncured on the Effective Date
 are, and will continue to be, waived by GCASIF on and after such date.  In
 that regard, Rapid shall remain subject to the terms and conditions of the
 Securities Purchase Agreement following the Effective Date and shall
 otherwise be liable for any and all breaches or violations of the terms
 thereof after the Effective Date; provided further that, in the interest of
 clarity, GCASIF has not declared any Event of Default under any of the
 Transaction Documents as of the Effective Date.

      4.  No Other Effect on the Securities Purchase Agreement.  Except as
 amended by this Amendment, the Securities Purchase Agreement remains in full
 force and effect.

      5.  Effective Date.  This Amendment shall be effective as of September
 14, 2006 (the "Effective Date").

      6.  Miscellaneous.

           (a)  Captions; Certain Definitions.  Titles and captions of
 or in this Amendment are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for
 reference and in no way define, limit, extend or describe the scope of this
 Amendment or the intent of any of its provisions.  All capitalized terms not
 otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning therefore, as set forth in
 the Securities Purchase Agreement

           (b)  Controlling Law.  This Amendment is governed by, and shall be
 construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware
 (except the laws of that jurisdiction that would render such choice of laws

           (c)  Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed in one or more
 counterparts (one counterpart reflecting the signatures of all parties),
 each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and it shall not be
 necessary in making proof of this Amendment or its terms to account for more
 than one of such counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed by each party
 upon a separate copy, and one or more execution pages may be detached from a
 copy of this Amendment and attached to another copy in order to form one or
 more counterparts.

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been executed and delivered
 by Rapid and GCASIF as of the date first set forth above.

 Rapid:                   Rapid Link, Inc.




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