DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT


1.     Upon prompt return by Distributor to Thomson Inc. (hereinafter "Thomson")
       of two unaltered copies of this Agreement signed by a duly authorized
       representative of Distributor, the above named company is appointed an
       authorized Distributor (hereinafter "Distributor") of Thomson for
       consumer electronics products as described in Attachment A (hereinafter
       "Products"). This appointment is made subject to the terms and conditions
       set forth in this Agreement.

Non-Exclusive Appointment

2.     Thomson reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appoint additional
       distributors and to sell Products to dealers and any other customers of
       any nature, in Distributor's Area and any other area.

Products Covered

3.     This Agreement is for the Products as long as they are offered for sale
       to Distributor by Thomson during the term of this Agreement. Thomson is
       under no obligation to sell or continue to sell any of the Products or
       lines of Products covered by this Agreement or any other models or types
       of such Products. Thomson may at its sole discretion discontinue at any
       time the sale of any of these Products or lines of Products or any models
       or types of these Products.


4.     Distributor's distribution of Products hereunder is restricted and
       limited to the area designated in Attachment B (hereinafter "Area").
       Distributor agrees not to sell or distribute, directly or indirectly,
       Products in any area other than Distributor's Area.

Warranty and Service/
Product and Sales Training Support

5.     An explanation of Thomson's consumer electronics products warranty and a
       statement of the respective responsibilities of Thomson and Distributor
       in connection with the service and repair of Thomson products is set out
       in Attachment C, "Warranty and Service Responsibilities", dated January
       1, 1999. The respective responsibilities of Thomson and Distributor in
       connection with product/sales training support are set out in Attachment
       F, "Product/Sales Training Support". Attachments C and F, including any
       changes hereafter made by Thomson, in its sole discretion, are
       incorporated by reference and made part of this Agreement.


6.     a) Distributor agrees to maintain a level of performance, which, in
       Thomson's judgment, is deemed acceptable. At appropriate intervals,
       Thomson may evaluate Distributor's performance, including the customer
       structure, actual sales compared to the sales and penetration goals of
       Thomson, and additional factors as outlined below and in Attachment D.

       b) Distributor agrees to maintain adequate inventories of Products and to
       vigorously and effectively promote sales of such Products. Distributor
       will use its best efforts to sell Products to active, reputable and
       financially responsible purchasers.

       c) Distributor shall use its best efforts to promote and sell the
       Products, avoiding potential conflicts of interest. In this regard,
       Distributor acknowledges that the sale of competitive brands of products
       or the sale at retail of Products by Distributor, or by companies
       affiliated with Distributor through ownership, are likely to create a
       conflict adverse to Distributor's responsibilities under this Agreement.
       In the event Distributor sells such competitive products or sells at
       retail, Thomson shall have the right, at its option, to terminate this
       Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to Distributor.


7.     a) Thomson reserves the exclusive right to sell Product to distributors.
       Therefore, Distributor shall sell Product only to the following
       purchasers (all of which may hereinafter be referred to as "Customers"):
       Value added resellers specializing in the sale of consumer electronics to
       the lodging, healthcare, professional and educational markets.
       Distributor shall not sell Product to consumers or retail dealers.
       Written approval must be obtained from Thomson to solicit retail
       establishments of any type.

       b) In the event Thomson decides during the Term of this Agreement that
       Customers of Products shall be required to sign a Customer agreement,
       Distributor agrees to require that Customers to which Distributor sells
       Products sign such an agreement in the form provided by Thomson.


8.     Distributor agrees to provide such reports, periodically or otherwise, of
       inventories, sales and other pertinent information regarding its handling
       of Products purchased from Thomson as Thomson may from time to time
       request. Such reports and information shall be prepared by Distributor in
       accordance with forms and instructions provided by Thomson.

Certificate of Insurance

9.     Thomson reserves the right to require the annual submission by
       Distributor of a Certificate of Insurance showing that it carries
       adequate insurance to cover Distributor's usual maximum inventory of


10.    Distributor shall indemnify, protect and save Thomson, its parent,
       subsidiaries, and affiliates harmless from all claims, demands, suits or
       actions for damages to property or person asserted by any third party as
       a proximate result of intentional or negligent acts or omissions on the
       part of Distributor, its agents or employees.

Change of Ownership

11.    Distributor represents that Attachment E is an accurate summary of
       information supplied by Distributor concerning ownership, control and
       management of Distributor.

       Distributor agrees to give Thomson immediate notice in writing of any of
       the following:

       a) A transaction or occurrence which alters or affects the ownership of
       the capital stock of Distributor, if a corporation.

       b) A change in the respective interests of the partners in the
       Distributor, if a partnership.

       c) A transaction or occurrence which alters or affects the ownership of
       any part of the business, if an individual proprietorship; or

       d) A transaction or occurrence that would materially reduce or impair the
       financial capacity of the Distributor to discharge its obligations under
       this Agreement, including, without limitation, the granting of any
       security interest or lien against Distributor's property or the taking of
       any judgment against Distributor, any assertion by any governmental
       taxing authority that Distributor has failed to pay its taxes; any
       cancellation or modification of the insurance covering Distributor's
       inventory; any assertion or notice that Distributor is in default of any
       obligation to repay a loan or other indebtedness; Distributor's purchase
       of any corporation or other business enterprise; Distributor's sale,
       lease or transfer of a substantial part of its assets; or any other event
       that may have a material impact on Distributor's viability or ability to
       continue as a going concern.

Terms of Sale

12.    Products will be sold to Distributor at prices and on terms and
       conditions of sale established by Thomson from time to time and in effect
       at the time of shipment. Thomson reserves the right, in its sole
       discretion, to change or withdraw such prices and terms and conditions of
       sale at any time without prior notice; however, Thomson will endeavor to
       provide reasonable prior written notice to Distributor. Products are sold
       F.O.B. point of shipment with freight prepaid to a warehouse in the Area
       designated by Distributor. Title and risk of loss pass to Distributor
       when the products are placed in the hands of the carrier at the point of
       shipment. A Return Authorization number must first be secured from
       Thomson before any Products can be returned by Distributor.


13.    Terms of payment shall be established by Thomson and may be modified from
       time to time upon notice to Distributor.

       In the event Distributor or the finance company fails to make timely
       payment, or in the event of notice of termination or expiration of
       Distributor's Appointment, all outstanding amounts owing to Thomson or
       the finance company will become immediately due and payable. Thomson
       shall have the right to immediately stop shipments of Products to
       Distributor, as well as to exercise any other rights Thomson may have

       under the Uniform Commercial Code and applicable law and require
       Distributor to promptly assemble Distributor's inventory of Products and
       make it available to Thomson at a place and time reasonably convenient to

       a) Thomson shall have the right at any time to contact and obtain
       information concerning Distributor or its business from financial,
       lending, and credit institutions.

Transportation and Shipment

14.    a) Shipments will be made to Distributor's warehouse by Thomson via an
       economical mode of transportation and weight range as determined by

       Any premium freight expense incurred because of a variance from the
       economical mode and/or weight range on a shipment will be handled as

       (1)    If the variance is made at the request of the Distributor, the
              Distributor will be charged for the premium cost over what the
              normal cost for the shipment would have been if the most
              economical mode and weight range had been employed.

       (2)    If the variance is made at the request of Thomson, the premium
              cost will be absorbed by Thomson.

       (3)    All premium freight costs for customer drop shipments will be paid
              by the Distributor if requested by Distributor. The premium will
              be calculated as the difference between the freight expense of
              shipping to the Distributor's warehouse using the most economical
              mode of transportation and weight range, and the actual customer
              drop shipment freight expense.

       b) Orders and inquiries concerning shipping and requests for return
       authorizations should be addressed to the Thomson Channel Sales Manager.

Forecasting/Acceptance of Orders

15.    Distributor shall use its best efforts to provide a rolling 4 month
       forecast for Products on a monthly basis to Thomson. The forecast shall
       become firm sixty (60) days prior to shipment. All orders for Product are
       subject to acceptance by Thomson and must be placed thirty (30) days in
       advance of requested ship date. All sales and shipments will be deemed
       made pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein and not
       pursuant to any terms and conditions contained in Distributor's purchase
       orders or elsewhere. Neither the acceptance of an order nor the shipment
       of any part of an order by Thomson shall require that Thomson complete
       shipment of that order. Thomson reserves the right, in its sole
       discretion, to allocate its inventories and production in any way deemed
       by it to be desirable but will exercise reasonable commercial efforts to
       supply Product ordered by Distributor for which Distributor has provided
       a forecast pursuant to this Section.

Trademarks and Trade Names

16.    a) No right in the trademarks or the trade names owned by Thomson or
       affiliated companies, or licensed by Thomson or affiliated companies from
       others, is conferred upon Distributor. Such trademarks or trade names may

       not be used in any manner contrary to the established policies of
       Thomson. Upon expiration or termination of the Distributor Agreement, any
       and all use of such trademarks and trade names in the conduct of
       Distributors business shall be discontinued.

       b) Distributor will comply with the following provisions concerning the
       use of such trademarks and trade names.

       (1)    Not use or permit Distributor's customers to use any trademark or
              trade name owned or licensed by Thomson or others except in
              connection with the sale of Product to which such trademark or
              trade name relates. The use of Thomson names or trademarks is
              prohibited in connection with: 1) the sale of Products assembled
              or sold by others than Thomson even though components made by
              Thomson may be included in such products, and 2) any Product which
              is modified or altered from the condition as shipped by Thomson.

       (2)    Not use or permit customers to use any such trademarks or trade
              name as part of a corporate or business name or to use or register
              such trademark or trade name as a domain name or any part thereof.

       (3)    Not use or permit customers to use any such trademark or trade
              name in any manner which may mislead or confuse the public as to
              the origin of the Products, or cause Distributor or its customers
              to be identified with such trade names or trademarks or with the
              manufacturer of any Products purchased by Distributor from Thomson
              for resale, except as the distributor or customer of such

       (4)    Not remove, alter, or deface or permit Distributor's customers to
              remove, alter, or deface any trademarks or trade names placed upon

       (5)    For the duration of this Agreement and thereafter Distributor will
              do nothing that will in any way infringe, impair or lessen the
              value of such trademarks or trade names, or do anything that will
              tend to prejudice the reputation or sale of the Products.

Financial Matters

17.    a) Distributor agrees to promptly provide to Thomson detailed, audited
       financial statements certified by a Certified Public Accountant and such
       other reports, data and information relating to Distributor's financial
       status and activities as Thomson may request from time to time.

       b) Thomson reserves the right at all times, either generally or with
       respect to any specific order by the Distributor, to vary, change, limit
       or eliminate the amount or duration of credit, if any, to be allowed the

       c) Distributor agrees that payment shall be made promptly upon the due
       date thereof of all sums that shall become due to Thomson in accordance
       with the terms of sale extended by Thomson from time to time. Distributor
       further agrees not to make any set-offs, offsets, or deductions of any
       kind from any payments coming due to Thomson hereunder unless Distributor
       has received an official credit memorandum upon Thomson's standard form
       authorizing such deduction. In the event Distributor makes a set-off,

       offset, or deduction from any amount due to Thomson without previously
       obtaining such authorization from Thomson, Distributor shall be in
       default of payment, and Thomson shall have the right to pursue whatever
       remedies are available to Thomson under this Agreement, including but not
       limited to Sections 13 and 20, as well as any other remedies available at
       law or equity.

       d) Distributor agrees to furnish to Thomson, at Thomson's request, a
       detailed reconciliation of Thomson's statements of account with
       Distributor's records, listing all differences, and showing the net
       amount Distributor acknowledges to be due to Thomson. All claims by
       Distributor for credits must be filed promptly by Distributor in
       accordance with Thomson procedures and programs. Thomson shall have the
       right to reject any such claims by Distributor which are not submitted in
       compliance with such procedures and programs. In addition, Thomson shall
       have the right to reject any such claims by Distributor which arise
       during the Term of this Agreement but which are submitted by Distributor
       to Thomson more than 90 days after the Term expires or terminates.
       Distributor hereby certifies that Distributor will not knowingly submit
       inaccurate or false claims to Thomson and will exercise its best efforts
       to verify the accuracy of such claims prior to submission to Thomson. At
       any time during the Term of this Agreement or upon its expiration or
       termination, if Thomson and Distributor cannot agree upon the net balance
       due, either party shall have the right to submit the matter to a mutually
       agreeable, independent CPA firm for resolution. If the parties cannot
       agree upon such a firm, then either party may have the American
       Arbitration Association appoint such a firm. All costs associated with
       such arbitration and CPA firm shall be allocated between the parties in
       proportion to the correctness of their respective positions as determined
       by the CPA firm.

Term and Termination

18.    The term of this Agreement (hereinafter "Term") will commence on January
       1, 2004; and will automatically expire on December 31, 2005. Prior to the
       expiration of this Term, this Agreement may be terminated as follows:

       a)     By either Distributor or Thomson at any time with or without
              cause, upon one hundred twenty (120) days prior written notice, in
              which event Distributor shall immediately discontinue handling the
              Products covered by this Agreement.

       b)     By Thomson any time upon written notice for:

              (1)     Any assignment or attempted assignment by Distributor of
                      any interest in this agreement without Thomson's prior
                      written consent;

              (2)     Any sale, transfer, or relinquishment, voluntary or
                      involuntary, by operation of law or otherwise, of any
                      material interest in the direct or indirect ownership of
                      Distributor's business or any material change in
                      Distributor's management, without prior written approval
                      from Thomson;

              (3)     Distributor's insolvency, or delinquency for over fifteen
                      days (15) in the payment of Distributor's account with
                      Thomson, or a composition among Distributor's creditors,

                      or the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition in
                      bankruptcy, or the appointment of a referee, trustee,
                      conservator, or a receiver for a substantial portion of
                      Distributor's assets;

              (4)     Submission by Distributor to Thomson of false or
                      fraudulent reports or statements, including, without
                      limitation, claims for any refund, credit, rebate,
                      incentive, allowance, discount, reimbursement or other
                      payment by Thomson;

              (5)     The execution of any security agreement that impairs
                      Thomson's rights as a creditor, including renewing or
                      creating a security interest in favor of any party other
                      than Thomson in Distributor's inventory of Thomson
                      Products or proceeds from sales of any Products sold to
                      Distributor by Thomson, without the express prior written
                      consent of Thomson;

              (6)     A change in the nature of Distributor's business,
                      including, but not limited to, a change in the lines or
                      brands of Products handled by Distributor, or companies
                      affiliated with Distributor through ownership, the
                      probable effect of which is, in Thomson's judgment, to
                      adversely affect or conflict with Distributor's ability to
                      fully and effectively promote and sell Thomson Products;

       c) By either Distributor or Thomson at any time upon a breach by the
       other party of a material term or condition of this Agreement and failure
       to cure the breach within 10 days after notice of such breach.


19.    This Agreement automatically expires on the date set forth in Section 18.
       If Thomson decides to reappoint Distributor, Thomson will advise
       Distributor in writing no later than one hundred twenty (120) days prior
       to the expiration of the Term of this Agreement. In the event Thomson
       elects to reappoint Distributor, the terms and conditions set forth
       herein shall continue to apply unless and until both parties sign a new

Termination or Expiration

20.    In the event this Agreement is terminated, whether by Distributor or by
       Thomson, or it expires, Distributor shall cease to be an authorized
       Thomson Distributor. Distributor agrees to return and Thomson agrees to
       accept all Thomson Products which are in Distributor's stock in new
       condition and in original packaging and which are free and clear of all
       liens and encumbrances.

       Distributor's sale back to Thomson of Products will facilitate the
       liquidation of Distributor's indebtedness, if any, to Thomson at that
       time. The prices that will apply to all such purchases and sales shall be
       the most recent Thomson prices to distributors, in addition, Distributor
       will sell to Thomson, at Thomson's request and at prices to be agreed
       upon, all signs, displays and current sales promotion materials bearing
       Thomson's current trademarks which were purchased by Distributor from
       Thomson to further Distributor's business of distributing Products.

       Further, in the event of termination or expiration of this Agreement:

       a)     All amounts owing by Distributor shall become immediately due and
              payable (notwithstanding prior terms of sale);

       b)     All unshipped orders shall be canceled without liability of either
              party to the other;


       d)     Distributor shall turn over to Thomson in accordance with its
              instructions, originals or copies of all of Distributor's sales,
              product and service records, customer lists and other records and
              data relating to sales and service of Thomson Products;

       e)     Distributor shall take whatever action is reasonably required by
              Thomson to comply with applicable bulk sales laws; and

       f)     Distributor shall promptly take whatever other action is required
              of Distributor under this Agreement.

Product Safety

21.    Distributor agrees to, at all times, conduct Distributor's business in a
       manner consistent with and complementary to Thomson's dedication to
       unequivocal compliance with the letter and spirit of the Federal Consumer
       Product Safety Act and all other federal and state laws designed to
       protect the health, safety or welfare of consumers.

       To this end, Distributor agrees to assign and authorize an appropriate
       individual in Distributor's organization to interface with Thomson and
       carry out positive action by Distributor to implement such product safety
       actions as may be deemed necessary by Thomson, in its sole discretion,
       including without limitation, recalls, inventory holds and similar

       Distributor also agrees to undertake the following responsibilities:

       a)     To promptly provide Thomson with a list of any Products covered by
              this Agreement, which, while in Distributor's inventory, become
              damaged by "Force Majeure". Such list shall be by model and serial
              numbers; and

       b)     To retain possession of and title to such Products until Thomson
              has inspected them and to give Thomson the right of first refusal
              to purchase such Products;

       c)     With products containing a picture tube, maintain a complete
              record of such Thomson Products sold by Distributor (including
              model and serial number, name and address of the purchaser and
              date of purchase) other than Thomson products shipped directly to
              a purchaser by Thomson, and furnish such data to Thomson upon
              request, in order to facilitate the locating of such Products.

       As used above, "Force Majeure" means Acts of God, war, insurrection,
       civil commotion, fire, flood, earthquake, wind, storm, explosion, and
       similar occurrences.


22.    In consideration of Thomson appointing Distributor under this Agreement,
       Distributor hereby releases Thomson, its predecessors, parent
       subsidiaries, affiliates, officers and employees, from all claims,
       demands, contracts and liabilities, if any, existing as of the date of
       Distributor's execution of this Agreement, which are in any way related
       to the purchase, sale, distribution or marketing of Products.

Relationship of Parties

23.    During the Term hereof, the relationship between Thomson and Distributor
       is solely that of vendor and vendee. This Agreement shall not be
       construed or interpreted as creating, and the relationship between the
       parties shall not be that of, a partnership, co-partnership, franchise,
       or joint venture. Under no circumstances will Distributor's organization
       or its agents or employees be deemed agents or representatives of Thomson
       for any purpose whatsoever, and Distributor shall have no right to enter
       into any contracts or commitments in the name of, or on behalf of,
       Thomson or to bind Thomson in any respect whatsoever. It is expressly
       understood that the relationship between Thomson and Distributor is not
       that of franchisor and franchisee.


24.    Marginal headnotes are for ready index purposes only and are not to be
       construed as interpretations of this Agreement.

Applicable Law

25.    All transactions between Distributor and Thomson shall be deemed to take
       place in the State of Indiana. All such transactions and all questions of
       construction, interpretation and performance of this Agreement and any
       amendments and supplements hereto shall be governed by the laws of the
       State of Indiana. The federal and state courts located in Indiana shall
       have exclusive jurisdiction and venue concerning any and all matters and
       disputes related to or arising out of this Agreement, or the relationship
       between the parties or any transaction between the parties premised upon
       or related to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should
       either party seek relief or a remedy with respect to property located in
       another state, the state and federal courts located in such other state
       may also have jurisdiction as may be necessary to effect such remedy or
       relief. Should any provision of this Agreement in any way violate any
       law, such provision shall be deemed deleted but the remainder of the
       Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.


26.    The waiver of any right or requirement in this Agreement by either party
       shall not be construed as a waiver of the same right or requirement at a
       subsequent time or as a waiver of any other right or requirement herein


27.    Any notice given under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
       sufficiently given when sent by United States registered or certified
       mail addressed to the parties as follows:

       Thomson Inc.
       P. 0. Box 1976
       Indianapolis, IN 46206-1976
       ATTN: Vice President
       Strategic Channel Marketing & Sales

       6809 Corporate Drive
       Indianapolis, IN 46278 ATTN:

       or as subsequently changed by notice duly given. The date of mailing
       shall be deemed the date on which notice has been given.


28.    Thomson reserves the right to assign this Agreement to its parent
       company, an affiliate, subsidiary, or successor.

       Any attempted assignment by Distributor will be void and cause for
       termination as provided in Section 18.b.1 above.

Entire Agreement

29.    This Agreement represents the only understanding between Thomson and
       Distributor concerning the subject matter hereof. This Agreement
       terminates and supersedes all prior Distributor's appointments or
       agreements, if any, between the parties hereto and their predecessors.

       This Agreement may not be extended, supplemented or modified in any way
       except by a document in writing signed by Distributor's authorized
       representative and, in the case of Thomson, by Vice President, Strategic
       Channel Marketing & Sales.

                                          Thomson Inc.

By: /s/Carter M Fortune                  By: /s/Stephen B. Atkinson
    -----------------------------------      -----------------------------------
                                             Stephen B. Atkinson
                                             Vice President
Title: CEO, Commercial Solutions, Inc.       Strategic Channel Marketing & Sales

Date: 1/12/2004                           Date: 1/12/2004
      ----------------------------------        --------------------------------

                                  ATTACHMENT A


Such RCA and GE branded consumer electronics products as designated by Thomson
from time to time subject to specific purchase qualifications/requirements on
select models.