UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 20549-1004 Form 10-K ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (Mark One) [ X ] ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999 ----------------- OR [ ] TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from _______________ to _______________ Commission file number 1-2301 ------ BOSTON EDISON COMPANY --------------------- (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Massachusetts 04-1278810 - ------------------------------- ------------------ (State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer incorporation or organization) Identification No.) 800 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02199 - ------------------------------------------ ----- (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code) (617) 424-2000 -------------------------------------------------- (Registrant's telephone number, including area code) Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES [ x ] NO [ ] Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date. Outstanding at Class of Common Stock March 15, 2000 ---------------------------- ------------------ Common Stock, $1 par value 100 shares The Company meets the conditions set forth in General Instruction I(1)(a) and (b) of Form 10-K as a wholly-owned subsidiary and is therefore filing this Form with the reduced disclosure format. Documents Incorporated by Reference Part in Form 10-K - ----------------------------------- ----------------- None Not Applicable List of Exhibits begins on page 35 of this report. Boston Edison Company - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form 10-K Annual Report - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 31, 1999 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I Page - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 1. Business 3 Item 2. Properties 7 Item 3. Legal Proceedings 7 Part II - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 5. Market for the Registrant's Common Stock and Related Stockholder Matters 9 Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis 10 Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Financial Information 20 Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure 38 Part IV - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K 39 2 Part I ------ Item 1. Business - ----------------- (a) General Development of Business ------------------------------- Boston Edison Company (Boston Edison), is an investor-owned regulated public utility incorporated in 1886 under Massachusetts law. Prior to the August 25, 1999 merger transaction, the company received final approval of its reorganization plan to form a holding company structure from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in May 1998. Effective May 20, 1998 the holding company, BEC Energy (BEC), was formed with Boston Edison as a wholly owned subsidiary of BEC. Effective June 25, 1998, Boston Energy Technology Group (BETG) ceased being a subsidiary of Boston Edison and became a wholly owned subsidiary of BEC. Boston Edison Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of NSTAR. NSTAR was created through a merger transaction with BEC energy (BEC) and Commonwealth Energy System (COM/Energy) on August 25,1999 as an exempt public utility a holding company. NSTAR's utility subsidiaries are Boston Edison, Commonwealth Electric Company (ComElectric), Cambridge Electric Light Company (Cambridge Electric), Canal Electric Company (Canal Electric) and Commonwealth Gas Company (ComGas). The electric industry has continued to change in response to legislative, regulatory and marketplace demands for improved customer service at lower prices. These demands have resulted in an increasing trend in the industry to seek competitive advantages and other benefits through business combinations. NSTAR was created to operate in this new marketplace by combining the resources of its utility subsidiaries and concentrating its activities in the transmission and distribution of energy. This is illustrated by the sale of Boston Edison's fossil generating facilities in 1998 and its nuclear generating facility in 1999. In 1998, Boston Edison completed the sale of all of its fossil generating assets. The amount received above net book value on the sale of these assets is being returned to customers over approximately 11 years. To complete its divestiture of generating assets, Boston Edison sold the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station (Pilgrim) on July 13, 1999, for $81 million to Entergy Nuclear Generating Company (Entergy). As part of the sale, Boston Edison transferred approximately $228 million in decommissioning funds to the purchaser. The purchaser, by contract, assumed all future liability related to the ultimate decommissioning of the plant. The difference between the total proceeds from the sale and the net book value of the Pilgrim assets plus the net amount to fully fund the decommissioning trust is included in regulatory assets on the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets as such amounts are collected from customers. On July 29, 1999, BEC Funding LLC, a wholly owned special-purpose subsidiary of Boston Edison, closed the sale of $725 million of notes to a special purpose trust created by two Massachusetts state agencies. The trust then concurrently closed the sale of $725 million of electric rate reduction certificates as a public offering. The certificates are secured by a portion of the transition charge assessed on Boston Edison's retail customers as permitted under the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act and authorized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Telecommunication and Energy (MDTE). These certificates are non-recourse to Boston Edison. (b) Financial Information about Industry Segments --------------------------------------------- Boston Edison operates as a regulated electric public utility, therefore industry segment information is not applicable. 3 (c) Narrative Description of Business --------------------------------- Principal Products and Services Boston Edison currently supplies electricity at retail to an area of 590 square miles, including the city of Boston and 39 surrounding cities and towns. The population of the area served with electricity at retail is approximately 1.5 million. In 1999 Boston Edison served an average of approximately 674,000 customers. Electric operating revenues by class for the last three years consisted of the following: 1999 1998 1997 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retail electric revenues: Commercial 51% 51% 51% Residential 29% 27% 27% Industrial 9% 9% 9% Other 1% 1% 1% Wholesale and contract revenues 10% 12% 12% ========================================================================== BEC In May 1998, Boston Edison received final approval from the SEC for its reorganization plan to form a holding company structure. Effective May 20, 1998, BEC, the holding company, was formed and Boston Edison became a wholly owned subsidiary of BEC. Effective June 25, 1998, BETG ceased being a subsidiary of Boston Edison and became a wholly owned subsidiary of BEC. Unregulated activities are conducted through BETG and include telecommunications and district cooling services. BEC is currently a subsidiary of NSTAR. Sources and Availability of Electric Power Supply NSTAR on behalf of its electric retail subsidiaries, including Boston Edison, entered into a six-month agreement effective January 1, 2000 to transfer all of the unit output entitlements in long-term power purchase contracts to Select Energy (Select), a subsidiary of Northeast Utilities. In return, Select will provide full energy service requirements, including NEPOOL capability responsibilities, at FERC approved tariff rates through June 30, 2000. In addition, Boston Edison will buy power generated by the Pilgrim Nuclear Power station from Entergy on a declining basis through 2004. Information relative to nuclear units that are no longer operating in which Boston Edison has an equity ownership is as follows: Connecticut Yankee Yankee Atomic ----------- ------ (dollars in thousands) Year of Shutdown 1996 1992 Equity Ownership (%) 9.5 9.5 Equity Ownership Balance $9,888 $1,609 New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) During 1997, NEPOOL was restructured, with changes taking effect to the membership and governance provisions of the power pooling agreement, along with the transfer of operating responsibility of the integrated transmission and generation system in New England to ISO New England. Previously, NEPOOL dispatched generating units for operation based on the lowest operating costs of available generation and transmission. Under the new structure, generators will be required to provide ISO New England with market prices at which they will sell short-term energy supply. These prices formed the basis for 4 dispatch that began in the second quarter of 1999. As noted in the Sources and Availability of Electric Power Supply section above, Boston Edison will receive all of their power supply requirements from Select through June 30, 2000. Therefore, the change to NEPOOL's operations and pricing structure is expected to have no material impact on Boston Edison's costs for purchased electric energy. Franchises Through its charter, which is unlimited in time, Boston Edison has the right to engage in the business of producing and selling electricity, steam and other forms of energy, has powers incidental thereto and is entitled to all the rights and privileges of and subject to the duties imposed upon electric companies under Massachusetts laws. The locations in public ways for electric transmission and distribution lines are obtained from municipal and other state authorities which, in granting these locations, act as agents for the state. In some cases the action of these authorities is subject to appeal to the MDTE. The rights to these locations are not limited in time, but are not vested and are subject to the action of these authorities and the legislature. Pursuant to the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act enacted in November 1997, the MDTE has defined the service territory of Boston Edison based on the territory actually served on July 1, 1997, and following, to the extent possible, municipal boundaries. The legislation further provided that, until terminated by effect of law or otherwise, Boston Edison shall have the exclusive obligation to provide distribution service to all retail customers within such service territory. No other entity shall provide distribution service within this territory without the written consent of Boston Edison which consent must be filed with the MDTE and the municipality so affected. Regulation Boston Edison and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Harbor Electric Energy Company (HEEC) and BEC Funding, LLC, operate primarily under the authority of the MDTE, whose jurisdiction includes supervision over retail rates for distribution of electricity, financing and investing activities. In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), has jurisdiction over various phases of Boston Edison's electric utility businesses including rates for electricity sold at wholesale for resale, facilities used for the transmission or sale of that energy, certain issuances of short-term debt and regulation of the system of accounts. Retail Electric Rates As a result of electric industry restructuring, Boston Edison unbundled its rates, provided customers with a 10 percent rate reduction as of March 1, 1998 and a 15% rate reduction as of September 15, 1999 and has afforded customers the opportunity to purchase generation supply in the competitive market. Unbundled delivery rates are composed of a customer charge (to collect metering and billing costs), a distribution charge (to collect the costs of delivering electricity), a transition charge (to collect past costs for investments in generating plants and costs related to above market power contracts), a transmission charge (to collect the cost of moving the electricity over high voltage lines from a generating plant), an energy conservation charge (to collect costs for demand-side management programs) and a renewable energy charge (to collect the cost to support the development and promotion of renewable energy projects). Electricity supply services provided by Boston Edison include optional standard offer service and default service. Standard offer service is the electricity that is supplied to eligible customers until a competitive power supplier is chosen by the customer. It is designed as a seven-year transitional service to give the customer time to learn about competitive power suppliers. The price of standard offer service will increase over time. Default service is supplied to customers who are not eligible for standard offer service when the customer is not receiving power from a 5 competitive power supplier. The market price for default service is intended to reflect the average market price for power. Amounts collected through these various charges will be reconciled to actual expenditures on an on-going basis. Prior to the implementation of industry restructuring on March 1, 1998, Boston Edison had Fuel Charge rate schedules that generally allowed for current recovery, from retail customers, of fuel used in electric production, purchased power and transmission costs. These schedules required a quarterly computation and MDTE approval of a Fuel Charge decimal based upon forecasts of fuel, purchased power, transmission costs and billed unit sales for each period. To the extent that collections under the rate schedules did not match actual costs for that period, an appropriate adjustment was reflected in the calculation of the next subsequent calendar quarter decimal. These rate schedules are no longer in effect. Competitive Conditions The electric industry has continued to change in response to legislative, regulatory and marketplace demands for improved customer service at lower prices. These pressures have resulted in an increasing trend in the industry to seek competitive advantages and other benefits through business combinations. NSTAR was created to operate in this new marketplace by combining the resources of its utility subsidiaries it activities in the transmission and distribution of energy. Environmental Matters Boston Edison is subject to numerous federal, state and local standards with respect to the management of wastes, air and water quality and other environmental considerations. These standards could require modification of existing facilities or curtailment or termination of operations at these facilities. They could also potentially delay or discontinue construction of new facilities and increase capital and operating costs by substantial amounts. Noncompliance with certain standards can, in some cases, also result in the imposition of monetary civil penalties. Environmental-related capital expenditures for the years 1999 and 1998 were $0.6 million and $1.4 million, respectively. Management believes that its operating facilities are in substantial compliance with currently applicable statutory and regulatory environmental requirements. Additional expenditures could be required as changes in environmental requirements occur. Number of Employees Boston Edison had 1,933 full-time employees as of December 31, 1999, including 1,341 (69%) represented by two locals of the Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO. The locals' labor contracts are effective through May 15, 2000. Management believes it has satisfactory employee relations. (d) Financial Information about Foreign and Domestic Operations and Export ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sales - ----- Boston Edison delivers electricity to retail and wholesale customers in the Boston area. Boston Edison does not have any foreign operations or export sales. Expenditures and Financings The most recent estimates of plant expenditures (excluding nuclear fuel), allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC), long-term debt maturities and preferred stock payment requirements for the years 2000 through 2004 are as follows: 6 (in thousands) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital expenditures $102,000 $108,000 $ 93,000 $ 86,000 $ 86,000 AFUDC $ 3,200 $ 3,200 $ 3,200 $ 3,200 3,200 Long-term debt $217,500 $114,000 $ 71,800 $220,700 70,400 Preferred stock $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - - ============================================================================= Management continuously reviews its plant expenditure and financing programs. These programs and, therefore, the estimates included in this Form 10-K are subject to revision due to changes in regulatory requirements, environmental standards, availability and cost of capital, interest rates and other assumptions. Plant expenditures in 1999 were $115 million and consisted primarily of additions to Boston Edison's distribution and transmission systems. The majority of these expenditures were for system reliability and control improvements, customer service enhancements and capacity expansion to allow for long range growth in the Boston Edison service territory. Refer to the Liquidity section of Item 7 for more information regarding capital resources to fund construction programs. Item 2. Properties - ------------------- All of Boston Edison's non-nuclear generating assets were sold as of December 31, 1998. Boston Edison's high-tension transmission lines are generally located on land either owned or subject to easements in its favor. Its low-tension distribution lines are located principally on public property under permission granted by municipal and other state authorities. As of December 31, 1999, Boston Edison's transmission system consisted of 376 miles of overhead circuits operating at 115, 230 and 345 kilovolts (kV) and 171 miles of underground circuits operating at 115 and 345 kV. The substations supported by these lines are 45 transmission or combined transmission and distribution substations with transformer capacity of 11,053 megavolt amperes (MVA), 57 4 kV distribution substations with transformer capacity of 932 MVA and 16 primary network units with 79 MVA capacity. In addition, high tension service was delivered to 248 customers' substations. The overhead and underground distribution systems cover approximately 3,700 and 3,200 circuit miles, respectively. HEEC, Boston Edison's regulated subsidiary, has a distribution system that consists principally of a 4.1 mile 115 kV submarine distribution line and a substation which is located on Deer Island in Boston, Massachusetts. HEEC provides the ongoing support required to distribute electric energy to its one customer, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, at this location. Item 3. Legal Proceedings - -------------------------- Industry and corporate restructuring legal proceedings The MDTE order approving the Boston Edison restructuring settlement agreement was appealed by certain parties to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC). One settlement agreement appeal remains pending, however there has to date been no briefing, hearing or other action taken with respect to this proceeding. In addition, along with other Massachusetts investor-owned utilities, Boston Edison has been named as a defendant in a class action suit seeking to declare certain provisions of the Massachusetts electric industry restructuring legislation unconstitutional. 7 Management is currently unable to determine the outcome of these outstanding proceedings however, if an unfavorable outcome were to occur, there could be a material adverse impact on business operations, the consolidated financial position or results of operations for a reporting period. Regulatory proceedings In October 1997, the MDTE opened a proceeding to investigate Boston Edison's compliance with the 1993 order which permitted the formation of BETG and authorized Boston Edison to invest up to $45 million in unregulated activities. Hearings were completed in the fourth quarter of 1999. A MDTE ruling is expected in 2000. Management is currently unable to determine the outcome of this proceeding however, if an unfavorable outcome were to occur, there could be a material adverse impact on business operations, the consolidated financial position or results of operations for a reporting period. Merger Rate Plan An integral component of the merger which created NSTAR was a rate plan filed by its retail utility subsidiaries, including Boston Edison. The MDTE issued an order approving most major elements of the rate plan on July 27, 1999. The highlights of the rate plan include a four-year distribution rate freeze for each of the NSTAR retail utility subsidiaries, including Boston Edison, the collection from customers of the acquisition premium of approximately $486 million over 40 years and the recovery of transaction and integration costs initially estimated at approximately $111 million over 10 years. The Massachusetts Attorney General and a group of four interveners filed separate appeals of the MDTE order with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) regarding the rate plan. While management anticipates that the MDTE's decision to approve the rate plan will be upheld by the SJC, it cannot determine the ultimate outcome of these appeals or their impact on the rate plan. Other litigation In October 1998, the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts, the site of Pilgrim Station, filed suit against Boston Edison. The town claimed that Boston Edison wrongfully failed to execute an agreement with the town for payments in addition to taxes due to the town under the Massachusetts electric industry restructuring legislation. Boston Edison and the town agreed on a 15-year, $141 million property tax package in March 1999. Payments in each of the first four years are approximately $15 million after which payments gradually decline. All payments under this agreement will be recovered from customers through the transition charge. In the normal course of its business Boston Edison is also involved in certain other legal matters. Management is unable to fully determine a range of reasonably possible legal costs in excess of amounts accrued. Based on the information currently available, it does not believe that it is probable that any such additional costs will have a material impact on its consolidated financial position. However, it is reasonably possible that additional legal costs that may result from a change in estimates could have a material impact on the results of a reporting period in the near term. 8 Part II ------- Item 5. Market for the Registrant's Common Stock and Related Stockholder - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matters - ------- Market information for the common stock of NSTAR, Boston Edison's parent company, is included in Item 5 of NSTAR's report on Form 10-K. The following information is furnished in connection with the Registration Statement on Form S-3 of the Registrant (File No. 33-57840), filed on February 3, 1993. Ratio of earnings to fixed charges and ratio of earnings to fixed charges and preferred stock dividend requirements for the year ended December 31, 1999: Ratio of earnings to fixed charges 3.06 Ratio of earnings to fixed charges and preferred stock dividend requirements 2.84 9 Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis - --------------------------------------------- Boston Edison is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NSTAR. NSTAR was created through the merger of BEC Energy (BEC) and Commonwealth Energy System (COM/Energy) on August 25, 1999 as an exempt public utility holding company. NSTAR's utility subsidiaries are Boston Edison, Commonwealth Electric Company (ComElectric), Cambridge Electric Light Company (Cambridge Electric), Canal Electric Company (Canal Electric) and Commonwealth Gas Company (ComGas). The electric and natural gas industries have continued to change in response to legislative, regulatory and marketplace demands for improved customer service at lower prices. These demands have resulted in an increasing trend in the industry to seek competitive advantages and other benefits through business combinations. NSTAR was created to operate in this new marketplace by combining the resources of its utility subsidiaries and concentrating its activities in the transmission and distribution of energy. This is illustrated by the sale of Boston Edison's fossil generating facilities in 1998 and its nuclear generating facility in 1999. Prior to the August 25, 1999 merger which formed NSTAR, Boston Edison received final approval of its reorganization plan to form a holding company structure from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in May 1998. Effective May 20, 1998, BEC Energy (BEC) was formed with Boston Edison as a wholly owned subsidiary of BEC. Effective June 25, 1998, Boston Energy Technology Group (BETG) ceased being a subsidiary of Boston Edison and became a wholly owned subsidiary of BEC. The holding company structure clearly separates the unregulated and regulated operations of BEC and provides management with greater organizational flexibility in order to take advantage of utility and nonutility business opportunities in a more timely manner, including the merger with Commonwealth Energy System (CES). Merger of BEC Energy and Commonwealth Energy System Shareholders of BEC and COM/Energy approved the merger on June 24, 1999. Pursuant to the merger agreement, BEC shareholders received approximately 41 million shares of NSTAR while COM/Energy shareholders received approximately 20 million shares of NSTAR. In addition, BEC and COM/Energy shareholders received an aggregate amount of cash of approximately $300 million. An initial quarterly dividend rate of 48.5 cents per share of NSTAR was declared by the board of trustees ($1.94 on an annualized basis) on September 23, 1999 and paid on November 1, 1999. The quarterly dividend was increased to 50 cents per share ($2.00 on an annualized basis) on December 16, 1999. The merger was accounted for by NSTAR as an acquisition by BEC of COM/Energy under the purchase method of accounting. An integral part of the merger is the rate plan that was filed by the retail utility subsidiaries of BEC and COM/Energy, including Boston Edison, that was approved by MDTE on July 27, 1999. Significant elements of the rate plan include a four-year distribution rate freeze recovery of the acquisition premium (goodwill) over 40 years and recovery of transaction and integration costs (costs to achieve) over 10 years. Refer to the Retail Electric Rates section of this discussion for more information. A group of four interveners and the Massachusetts Attorney General filed two separate appeals of the MDTE's rate plan order with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) in August 1999. While management anticipates that the MDTE's decision to approve the rate plan will be upheld by the SJC, it is unable to determine the ultimate outcome of these appeals. Generating Assets Divestiture In 1998, Boston Edison completed the sale of all of its fossil generating assets. The amount received above net book value on the sale of these assets is being returned to customers over approximately 11 years. 10 To complete its divestiture of generating assets, Boston Edison sold the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station (Pilgrim) on July 13, 1999, for $81 million to Entergy Nuclear Generating Company. As part of the sale, Boston Edison transferred approximately $228 million in decommissioning funds to the purchaser. The purchase, by the contract, will assume all future liability related to the ultimate decommissioning of the plant. The difference between the total proceeds from the sale and the net book value of the Pilgrim assets plus the net amount to fully fund the decommissioning trust is included in regulatory assets on the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets as such amounts are collected from customers. Securitization of Boston Edison's Transition Charge - --------------------------------------------------- On July 29, 1999, BEC Funding LLC, a wholly owned special-purpose subsidiary of Boston Edison, closed the sale of $725 million of notes to a special purpose trust created by two Massachusetts state agencies. The trust then concurrently closed the sale on $725 million of electric rate reduction certificates as a public offering. The certificates are secured by a portion of the transition charge assessed on Boston Edison's retail customers as permitted under the Massachusetts Electric Industry Restructuring Act and authorized by the MDTE. These certificates are non-recourse to Boston Edison. Retail Electric Rates - --------------------- As a result of the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act, Boston Edison currently provide their standard offer customers service at inflation adjusted rates that are 15% lower than rates in effect prior to March 1, 1998, the retail access date. All distribution customers must pay a transition charge as a component of their rate. The purpose of the transition charge is to allow for the collection of generation-related costs that would not be collected in the competitive energy supply market. The plant and regulatory asset balances that will be recovered through the transition charge until 2009 were approved by the MDTE. Massachusetts Electric Industry Restructuring Act requires regulated utilities to obtain and resell power to customers that choose not to buy energy from a competitive energy supplier. This is referred to as "standard offer service." Standard offer service will be available to customers through 2004 at prices approved by the MDTE. Boston Edison is currently evaluating proposals from a number of competitive energy providers to assume full responsibility for providing customers with standard offer service through 2004. The cost of providing standard offer service, which includes purchased power costs, is recovered from customers on a fully reconciling basis. New retail customers in the Boston Edison electric service territory and previously existing customers that are no longer eligible for the standard offer service and have not chosen to receive service from a competitive supplier, are on "default service." The price of default service is intended to reflect the average competitive market price for power. Under the restructuring settlement agreement, Boston Edison's distribution business is subject to a minimum and maximum return on average common equity (ROE). The ROE is subject to a floor of 6% and a ceiling of 11.75%. If the ROE is below 6%, Boston Edison is authorized to add a surcharge to distribution rates in order to achieve the 6% floor. If the ROE is above 11%, it is required to adjust distribution rates by an amount necessary to reduce the calculated ROE between 11% and 12.5% by 50%, and a return above 12.5% by 100%. No adjustment is made if the ROE is between 6% and 11%. This rate mechanism expires on December 31, 2000. The cost of providing transmission service to all NSTAR distribution customers is recovered on a fully reconciling basis. 11 Boston Edison filed proposed adjustments to its standard offer and transition charges with the MDTE in November 1999. The MDTE approved these proposed adjustments to be effective January 1, 2000. The MDTE continues to examine Boston Edison's cost recovery mechanism. Results of Operations 1999 versus 1998 Net income was $160.3 million in 1999 compared to $157.3 million in 1998. This increase of 2% is described below. Operating revenues Operating revenues decreased 4.7% from 1998 as follows: (in thousands) - ------------------------------------------------------------ Retail revenues $ 12,379 Wholesale revenues (39,534) Short-term sales and other revenues (49,000) - ------------------------------------------------------------ Decrease in operating revenues $(76,155) ============================================================ Retail revenues were $1,387.5 million in 1999 compared to $1,375.1 million in 1998, a increase of $12.4 million or 1%. This change reflects a 4.7% increase in retail kilowatt-hour (kWh) electric sales that is partially offset by a decrease in retail revenues reflecting the impact of the 10% reduction in retail rates mandated by the Massachusetts Electric Industry Restructuring Act that was initially implemented in March 1998, and an additional 5% rate reduction effective September 1, 1999. Wholesale electric revenues were $102.4 million in 1999 compared to $142 million in 1998, a decrease of $39.6 million or 28%. This decrease in wholesale revenues reflects a $37 million decrease in sales to Pilgrim contract customers due to the scheduled 1999 refueling and maintenance outage and subsequent sale of the Pilgrim station in July 1999. Short-term sales and other revenues were $56.9 million in 1999 compared to $105.9 million in 1998, a decrease of $49 million or 46%. The decrease reflects $20 million of revenue received in 1998 as a result of support of standard offer service by Boston Edison's fossil generating stations prior to divestiture. The decline in short-term sales amounting to $35 million is consistent with the decrease in short-term kWh sales. Under agreements with Select Energy, a subsidiary of Northeast Utilities, Boston Edison is only purchasing enough power to meet obligations to its retail and wholesale customers. Therefore, Boston Edison has no excess power supply to sell into the New England Power Pool. Operating expenses Fuel and purchased power was $645.2 million in 1999 compared to $567.8 million in 1998, an increase of $77.4 million or 14%. Purchased power expense increased $91 million reflecting the increase in Boston Edison's purchased power requirements in the absence of its fossil generating units and the 1999 Pilgrim refueling outage and sale. Boston Edison's adjusts its electric rates to collect the costs related to fuel and purchased power from customers on a fully reconciling basis. Boston Edison's fuel and purchased power expenses reflects a reduction of $56 million in 1999 and $128 million in 1998 related to these rate recovery mechanisms. Due to rate adjustment mechanisms, changes in the amount of fuel and purchased power expense have no impact on earnings. The fuel expense related to Boston Edison's fossil generation units decreased $66 million reflecting the divestiture of those units in May 1998. Fuel expense related to Pilgrim decreased $17 million due to the 1999 refueling outage and the sale of the plant in July 1999. 12 Operations and maintenance expense was $271.4 million in 1999 compared to $373.4 million in 1998, a decrease of $102 million or 27%. This reflects a decrease of $70 million of nuclear power production expenses due to the deferral of costs related to the 1999 refueling outage and the ultimate sale of the Pilgrim plant in July 1999, and a decrease of $22 million in fossil-fuel related power production expenses due to the fossil generation divestiture in May 1998. In addition, 1999 reflects a decrease of $7 million in distribution expenses reflecting a higher level of maintenance spending in 1998. Depreciation and amortization expense was $176.7 million in 1999 compared to $195.6 million in 1998, a decrease of $18.9 million or 10%. This decrease reflects the nuclear divestiture in June 1999 and the amortization of the gain on the sale of the fossil plants that began in June 1998. These decreases are partially offset by $2 million resulting from the amortization of costs to achieve related to the merger and $3 million resulting from an intercompany charge for Boston Edison's portion of goodwill. These amounts are being collected from Boston Edison's customers in accordance with the rate plan that was approved by the MDTE on July 27, 1999. These decreases are additionally offset by an increase in depreciation on distribution utility plant required under the terms of the Boston Edison settlement agreement beginning March 1, 1998. Demand side management (DSM) and renewable energy programs expense was $57.5 million in 1999 compared to $51.8 million in 1998, an increase of $5.7 million or 11%. In accordance with legislative and regulatory directives, these costs are collected from customers on a fully reconciling basis. Property and other taxes were $68.8 million in 1999 compared to $84.1 million in 1998, a decrease of $15.3 million or 18%. The decrease reflects a lower municipal property taxes resulting from divestiture of the fossil and nuclear generating facilities. Income taxes from operations were $91 million in 1999 compared to $100.5 million in 1998, a decrease of $9.5 million or 9%. This decrease reflects lower pretax operating income in 1999. Other income (expense), net Other income, net of tax was $19.8 million in 1999 compared to other expense, net of $2.9 million in 1998, a net increase in income of $22.7 million. Prior to the consideration of tax benefits, other expenses were $2.7 million in 1999 compared to $20.8 million in 1998. BETG's equity loss in the RCN and EnergyVision joint ventures were $9.0 million in 1998. 1999 reflects $7 million of non-recoverable expenses related to the Pilgrim plant divestiture. 1998 reflects $23.2 million of costs related to the fossil plants divestiture and $2.6 million of costs associated with opposition to the referendum that sought to repeal the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act. These amounts are offset by $3.8 million of interest income in 1999 compared to $7.6 million in 1998, a decrease of 3.8 million reflecting the higher level of cash on hand in 1998 as a result of the proceeds from the fossil plant divestiture. Other miscellaneous income was $0.5 million in 1999 compared to $6.4 million in 1998. Income tax benefits related to other income/expense was $22.5 million in 1999 and 17.9 million in 1998. The income tax benefit includes $20.8 million in 1999 and 10.9 million in 1998 related to the recognition of previously deferred investment tax credits associated with the Pilgrim nuclear plant divested in 1999 and the fossil generating stations divested in 1998. Interest charges Interest on long-term debt and transition property securitization certificates was $91.6 million in 1999 compared to $83 million in 1998, an increase of $8.6 million or 10%. The increase reflects approximately $20 million related to securitization. This increase is partially offset by a reduction of approximately $6 million due to the retirement of $19 million of 7.80% debentures due March 15, 2023, $66 million, of 9.875% debentures and $91 million, of 9.375% debentures during the third quarter of 1999. The increase is additionally offset by reductions of approximately $2 million due to the maturity of $100 million, 5.95% debentures in March 1998 and the cessation of amortization of the associated discounts and premiums, as well as a reduction of approximately $3 million due to the redemption of a $100 million 6.662% bank loan in June 1998. 13 Preferred stock dividends Preferred stock dividends were $6 million in 1999 compared to $8.8 million in 1998, a decrease of $2.8 million or 32%. The decrease is due to the redemption of 400,000 shares of 7.75% series cumulative preferred stock and the remaining 320,000 shares of 7.27% series in July 1998. Retail Electric Sales and Revenues Electric sales Retail kWh sales increased 4.7% in 1999. The increase in retail kWh was primarily due weather conditions that favored electric sales as well as a continue strong local economy and an increase in the average number of customers. The commercial sector represents approximately 50% of electric operating revenues. The commercial sales increase reflects a 2% increase in the Massachusetts employment rate and increased hotel occupancy in the Boston area Total kWh sales increased 2.3% in 1998. The 2.0% increase in 1998 retail kWh sales was primarily due to the positive impact of a continued strong local economy on commercial customers. The commercial sector represents approximately 50% of electric operating revenues. The Boston area commercial office vacancy rate is at a 17 year low. In addition, the Massachusetts employment rate increased 2.8% over 1997. These positive impacts associated with the economic conditions along with warmer than normal summer weather were partially offset by the mild winter weather conditions in the first quarter of 1998. Liquidity Cash requirements for utility plant expenditures have been met in recent years with internally generated funds. These funds are cash flows from operating activities, adjusted to exclude changes in working capital and the payment of dividends. During 1999, 1998 and 1997 internal generation of cash provided 298%, 111% and 211%, respectively of plant expenditures. Capital expenditures, excluding nuclear fuel, forecasted for 2000 are $102 million. This spending level includes the 2000 portion of business system replacements discussed below. Capital expenditures over the next five years are forecasted to be approximately $475 million. In addition to plant expenditures, debt and preferred stock payment requirements are $217.5 million in 2000, $114 million in 2001, $71.8 million in 2002, $219.7 million in 2003 and $70.4 million in 2004. Boston Edison supplements internally generated funds as needed, primarily through the issuance of short-term commercial paper and bank borrowings. Boston Edison has authority from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to issue up to $350 million of short-term debt. Boston Edison has a $200 million revolving credit agreement with a group of banks that serve as back up to Boston Edison $200 million commercial paper program. Boston Edison had no short-term debt outstanding as of December 31, 1999. In July 1999, BEC Funding LLC, a wholly owned special-purpose subsidiary (SPS) of Boston Edison, closed the sale of $725 million of notes to a special purpose trust created by two Massachusetts state agencies. The trust then concurrently closed the sale on $725 million of electric rate reduction certificates to the public. The certificates held by BEC Funding are secured by a portion of the transition charge assessed to Boston Edison's retail customers as permitted under the Massachusetts Electric Industry Restructuring Act and authorized by the MDTE. The certificates were issued in five separate classes with variable payment periods ranging from approximately one to ten 14 years and bearing fixed interest rates ranging from 5.99% to 7.03%. The certificates are non-recourse to Boston Edison. Net proceeds ($719 million received by Boston Edison from BEC Funding) were utilized to finance a portion of the stranded costs that are being collected from customers under Boston Edison's restructuring settlement agreement. Boston Edison will collect a portion of the transition charge on behalf of BEC Funding and remit the proceeds to the SPS. Boston Edison used a portion of the proceeds received from the financing to fund a portion of the nuclear decommissioning fund transferred to Entergy Nuclear Generating Company as part of the sale of the Pilgrim generating station. Boston Edison used the remaining proceeds to reduce capitalization and for general corporate purposes. Boston Edison's goal is to maintain a capital structure that preserves an appropriate balance between debt and equity. Management believes its equity and capital resources are sufficient to meet its current and projected requirements. Year 2000 NSTAR's mission critical systems and other important business systems were considered ready for the year 2000 prior to December 31, 1999. The North American Electric Reliability Council defined mission critical systems as those whose mis-operation could result in loss of electric generation, transmission or load interruption. To date, NSTAR has not experienced any significant year 2000 problems. NSTAR will continue to monitor systems in order to address any potential continuing risk of non-compliant internal business software, internal non-business software and embedded chip technology and external noncompliance of third parties. Under its year 2000 program NSTAR inventoried mission critical systems that were date-sensitive and that used embedded technology such as micro-controllers or microprocessors. NSTAR also inventoried important business systems that were date-sensitive and determined that approximately one-third of BEC's systems needed modification or replacement. Plans were developed and implemented to correct and test all affected systems, with priorities based on the importance of the supported activity. As systems were remediated, they were tested for operational and year 2000 readiness in their own environment. After implementation, the systems were then tested for their integration and compatibility with other interactive systems. In addition, all non-critical internal productivity systems were inventoried and assessed as part of the year 2000 program. Approximately one-third of BEC's systems required modification or replacement. All of these systems were declared ready by September 30, 1999. Costs incurred to upgrade or remediate systems have been expensed as incurred. In addition, a decision was made to replace some of the less efficient centralized business systems. Systems replacement costs are being capitalized and amortized over future periods. Boston Edison has expended a total of approximately $29 million on this project through December 31, 1999. Future costs are expected to be immaterial. In addition to its internal efforts, Boston Edison initiated formal communications with their significant suppliers, service providers and other vendors to determine the extent to which they may be vulnerable to these parties' failure to correct their own year 2000 issues. To date, Boston Edison has not experienced any significant year 2000 problems associated with its reliance on third parties. NSTAR's year 2000 program included contingency plans. If required, these plans were intended to address both internal risks as well as potential external risks related to vendors, customers and energy suppliers. Plans were developed in conjunction with available national and regional guidance and were based on system emergency plans that were developed and successfully tested over the past 15 several years. Included within its contingency plans were procedures for the procurement of short-term power supplies and emergency distribution system restoration procedures. In the event that a problem is to arise in 2000 (or beyond), these contingency plans would become effective in order to remediate the problem. Other Matters Environmental Boston Edison is an owner or operator of approximately 20 properties where oil or hazardous materials were spilled or released. As such, companies are required to clean-up these remaining properties in accordance with a timetable developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. These are uncertainties associated with these costs due to the complexities of clean-up technology, regulatory requirements and the particular characteristics of the different sites. Boston Edison also continues to face possible liability as a potentially responsible party (PRP) in the cleanup of five multi-party hazardous waste sites in Massachusetts and other states where it is alleged to have generated, transported or disposed of hazardous waste at the sites. Boston Edison currently expects to have only a small percentage of the total potential liability for these sites Through December 31, 1999, Boston Edison had approximately $6 million accrued on its Balance Sheet related to these cleanup liabilities. Management is unable to fully determine a range of reasonably possible cleanup costs in excess of the accrued amount. Based on preliminary assessments of the specific site circumstances, management does not believe that it is probable that any such additional costs will have a material impact on NSTAR's consolidate financial position. However, it is reasonably possible that additional provisions for cleanup costs that may result from a change in estimates could have a material impact on the results of a reporting period in the near term. Uncertainties continue to exist with respect to the disposal of both spent nuclear fuel and low-level radioactive waste resulting from the operation of nuclear generating facilities. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for the ultimate disposal of spent nuclear fuel. However, uncertainties regarding the DOE's schedule of acceptance of spent fuel for disposal continue to exist. Under the purchase and sale agreement with Entergy, Entergy will assume full liability and responsibility for decommissioning and waste disposal at Pilgrim Station Public concern continues regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF) associated with electric transmission and distribution facilities and appliances and wiring in buildings and homes. Such concerns have included the possibility of adverse health effects caused by EMF as well as perceived effects on property values. Boston Edison continues to support research into the subject and participates in the funding of industry-sponsored studies. It is aware that public concern regarding EMF in some cases has resulted in litigation, in opposition to existing or proposed facilities in proceedings before regulators or in requests for legislation or regulatory standards concerning EMF levels. It has addressed issues relative to EMF in various legal and regulatory proceedings and in discussions with customers and other concerned persons; however, to date it has not been significantly affected by these developments. Boston Edison continues to monitor all aspects of the EMF issue. Estimates related to environmental remediation costs are reviewed and adjusted periodically as further investigation and assignment of responsibility occurs. Boston Edison is unable to estimate its ultimate liability for future environmental remediation costs. However, in view of Boston Edison's current assessment of its environmental responsibilities, existing legal requirements and regulatory policies, management does not believe that these matters will have a material adverse effect on Boston Edison's financial position or results of operations for a reporting period. 16 Industry and corporate restructuring legal proceedings The MDTE order approving the Boston Edison settlement agreement was appealed by certain parties to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC). One settlement agreement appeal remains pending. However, there has to date been no briefing, hearing or other action taken with respect to this proceeding. In addition, along with other Massachusetts investor-owned utilities, Boston Edison has been named as a defendant in a class action suit seeking to declare certain provisions of the Massachusetts electric industry restructuring legislation unconstitutional. Management is currently unable to determine the outcome of these outstanding proceedings; however, if an unfavorable outcome were to occur, there could be a material adverse impact on business operations, the consolidated financial position or results of operations for a reporting period. Regulatory proceedings In October 1997, the MDTE opened a proceeding to investigate Boston Edison's compliance with the 1993 order which permitted the formation of BETG and authorized Boston Edison to invest up to $45 million in unregulated activities. Hearing were completed in 1999. Management is currently unable to determine the outcome of these proceedings. However, if an unfavorable outcome were to occur, there could be a material adverse impact on business operations, the consolidated financial position or results of operations for a reporting period. Other litigation In October 1998, the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts, the site of Pilgrim Station, filed suit against Boston Edison. The town claimed that Boston Edison has wrongfully failed to execute an agreement with the town for payments in addition to taxes due to the town under the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act. Boston Edison and the town settled the suit by agreeing on a 15-year $141 million property tax package in March 1999. Payments in each of the first four years are approximately $15 million after which payments gradually decline. All payments under this agreement will be recovered from customers through the transition charge. In the normal course of its business Boston Edison is also involved in certain other legal matters. Management is unable to fully determine a range of reasonably possible legal costs in excess of amounts accrued. Based on the information currently available, it does not believe that it is probable that any such additional costs will have a material impact on its consolidated financial position. However, it is reasonably possible that additional legal costs that may result from a change in estimates could have a material impact on the results of a reporting period in the near term. Number of Employees As of December 31, 1999, Boston Edison had 1,933 full-time employees including 1,341 (69%) represented by two locals of the Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO. The locals' labor contracts are effective through May 15, 2000. Management believes it has satisfactory employee relations. Interest rate risk Boston Edison is exposed to changes in interest rates. Carrying amounts and fair values of mandatory redeemable cumulative preferred stock and indebtedness (excluding notes payable) debt as of December 31, 1999, are as follows: 17 Carrying Fair Weighted average (in thousands) amount value interest rate - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mandatory redeemable cumulative preferred stock $ 49,279 $ 52,250 8.00% Indebtedness $1,476,431 $1,500,340 7.07% New Accounting Principles - ------------------------- In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (SFAS 133). SFAS 133 establishes accounting and reporting standards requiring that every derivative instrument (including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts possibly including fixed-price fuel supply and power contracts) be recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheets as either an asset or liability measured at its fair value, SFAS 133, as amended by SFAS 137, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement No 133", is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2000 (January 1, 2001 for calendar year companies). Initial application shall be as of the beginning of an entity's fiscal quarter. Safe harbor cautionary statement Management occasionally makes forward-looking statements such as forecasts and projections of expected future performance or statements of its plans and objectives. These forward-looking statements may be contained in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), press releases and oral statements. Actual results could potentially differ materially from these statements. Therefore, no assurances can be given that the outcomes stated in such forward-looking statements and estimates will be achieved. The preceding sections include certain forward-looking statements about operating results, year 2000 and environmental and legal issues. The impacts of continued cost control procedures on operating results could differ from current expectations. The effects of changes in economic conditions, tax rates, interest rates, technology and the prices and availability of operating supplies could materially affect the projected operating results. The timing and total costs related to the year 2000 plan could differ from current expectations. Factors that may cause such differences include the ability to locate and correct all relevant computer codes and the availability of personnel trained in this area. In addition, management cannot predict the nature or impact on operations of third party noncompliance. The impacts of various environmental and legal issues could differ from current expectations. New regulations or changes to existing regulations could impose additional operating requirements or liabilities other than expected. The effects of changes in specific hazardous waste site conditions and cleanup technology could affect the estimated cleanup liabilities. The impacts of changes in available information and circumstances regarding legal issues could affect the estimated litigation costs. 18 Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Financial Information - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of Independent Accountants To the Stockholders and Directors of Boston Edison Company: In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements listed in Item 14(a)(1) on page 39, present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Boston Edison Company and its subsidiaries at December 31, 1999 and 1998 and the consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1999 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. In addition, in our opinion, the financial statement schedules listed in the index appearing under Item 14 (a)(2) on page 39, present fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein when read in conjunction with the related consolidated financial statements. These financial statements and financial statement schedules are the responsibility of the Company's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial statement schedules based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements and schedules in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Boston, Massachusetts January 26, 2000 19 Consolidated Statements of Income years ended December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating revenues $1,546,817 $1,622,972 $1,778,531 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating expenses: Fuel and purchased power 645,175 567,806 679,131 Operations and maintenance 271,358 373,410 423,040 Depreciation and amortization 176,705 195,610 189,489 Demand side management and renewable energy programs 57,467 51,839 29,790 Taxes-property and other 68,826 84,091 106,428 Income taxes 91,029 100,492 93,709 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total operating expenses 1,310,560 1,373,248 1,521,587 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating income 236,257 249,724 256,944 Other income (expense), net 19,803 (2,941) (6,392) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating and other income 256,060 246,783 250,552 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interest charges: Long-term debt 71,150 82,951 92,489 Transition Property securitization certificates 20,408 0 0 Other 6,199 8,163 14,610 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction (2,011) (1,668) (1,189) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total interest charges 95,746 89,446 105,910 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net income $ 160,314 $ 157,337 $ 144,642 ==================================================================================== Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings years ended December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balance at the beginning of the year $ 297,347 $ 328,802 $ 292,191 Net income 160,314 157,337 144,642 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subtotal 457,661 486,139 436,833 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dividends declared: Dividends to common shareholders 0 22,802 91,208 Dividends to BEC Energy 450,000 141,000 0 Preferred stock 5,960 8,765 13,149 Transfer of BETG to BEC Energy 0 8,392 0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subtotal 455,960 180,959 104,357 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Provision for preferred stock redemption and issuance costs (a) 239 7,833 3,674 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balance at the end of the year $ 1,462 $ 297,347 $ 328,802 ==================================================================================== (a) Refer to Note A.6. to the Consolidated Financial Statements. Per share data is not relevant because Boston Edison Company's common stock is wholly owned by NSTAR. The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 20 Consolidated Balance Sheets December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assets Utility plant in service, at original cost $2,397,287 $2,720,681 Less: accumulated depreciation 848,544 $1,548,743 926,020 1,794,661 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Construction work in progress 53,647 40,965 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net utility plant 1,602,390 1,835,626 Nuclear decommissioning trust 0 172,908 Equity investments 19,880 20,769 Other investments 10,939 10,029 Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents 117,537 82,700 Restricted cash 3,625 0 Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $18,600 and $9,066 in 1999 and 1998, respectively 322,168 206,003 Accrued unbilled revenues 16,138 14,322 Fuel, materials and supplies, at average cost 16,226 10,287 Prepaid expenses and other 177,722 653,416 92,361 405,673 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deferred debits: Regulatory assets 918,243 623,187 Other 38,133 26,423 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total assets $3,243,001 $3,094,615 ========================================================================================== Capitalization and Liabilities Common equity $ 717,823 $1,039,891 Cumulative preferred stock of subsidiary 92,279 92,040 Long-term debt 613,283 955,563 Transition property securitization certificates 646,559 0 Current liabilities: Long-term debt due within one year 165,667 667 Transition property securitization certificates due within one year 50,922 0 Accounts payable 103,640 90,890 Accrued interest 15,460 19,991 Dividends payable 993 25,993 Other 218,224 554,906 176,823 314,364 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deferred credits: Accumulated deferred income taxes 484,629 348,557 Accumulated deferred investment Tax credits 21,336 45,930 Nuclear decommissioning liability 0 176,578 Power contracts 45,123 58,415 Other 67,063 63,277 Commitments and contingencies - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total capitalization and liabilities $3,243,001 $3,094,615 ========================================================================================== The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 21 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows years ended December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 1997 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating activities: Net income $160,314 $157,337 $144,642 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 188,078 229,668 223,529 Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits 99,504 (152,798) (21,664) Power contract buyout (65,781) 0 0 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction (2,011) (1,668) (1,189) Net changes in: Accounts receivable and accrued unbilled revenues (50,736) 29,666 45,678 Fuel, materials and supplies (1,387) 29,834 (5,486) Accounts payable (49,084) 9,834 (47,068) Other current assets and liabilities (77,628) (25,525) 25,428 Other, net 27,828 (7,517) (4,640) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash provided by operating activities 229,097 268,831 359,230 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investing activities: Plant expenditures (excluding AFUDC) (125,419) (117,803) (114,110) Net cost of nuclear divestiture (87,248) 0 0 Proceeds from sale of fossil assets 533,633 0 Nuclear fuel expenditures (16,118) (26,182) (4,089) Investments (6,301) (33,600) (27,689) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities (235,086) 356,048 (145,888) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financing activities: Issuances: Common stock 0 0 144 Long-term debt 725,000 0 100,000 Redemptions: Preferred stock 0 (71,519) (44,000) Long-term debt (203,214) (201,600) (101,600) Net change in notes payable 0 (101,878) (64,441) Dividends paid (480,960) (171,322) (104,956) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 40,826 (546,319) (214,853) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 34,837 78,560 (1,511) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 82,700 4,140 5,651 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year $117,537 $ 82,700 $ 4,140 ======================================================================================================= Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information: Cash paid during the year for: Interest, net of amounts capitalized $ 76,926 $ 89,531 $100,795 Income taxes $ 87 $ 79,900 $ 99,326 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 22 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Note A. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 1. Nature of Operations On August 25, 1999, BEC Energy (BEC) and Commonwealth Energy System (COM/Energy) completed a merger to create a new holding company, NSTAR, an energy delivery company serving approximately 1.3 million customers in Massachusetts including more than one million electric customers in 81 communities and 240,000 gas customers in 51 communities. NSTAR also supplies electricity at wholesale for resale to municipalities. NSTAR is an exempt public utility holding company under the provisions of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. NSTAR's utility subsidiaries include Boston Edison Company, Commonwealth Electric Company, Cambridge Electric Light Company, Canal Electric Company and Commonwealth Gas Company. NSTAR's non-utility operations include telecommunications, district heating and cooling operations and liquefied natural gas services. Boston Edison currently supplies electricity at retail to an area of 590 square miles, including the city of Boston and 39 surrounding cities and towns. Boston Edison is focusing its operations on the transmission and distribution of energy. This is illustrated by the sale of the Boston Edison's fossil generating assets and the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. 2. Basis of Consolidation and Accounting Under the holding company structure effective in June 1998, the owners of Boston Edison's common stock became BEC common shareholders. All shares of BEC Energy are owned by NSTAR. Existing debt and preferred stock of Boston Edison remained obligations of the regulated utility business. Effective June 25, 1998, BETG ceased being a subsidiary of Boston Edison and became a wholly owned subsidiary of BEC. The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the results of operations and cash flows of BETG prior to the reorganization. BETG is excluded from the consolidated results of operations and cash flows beginning in the third quarter of 1998. The consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 1997 reflects the financial position of Boston Edison which also included BETG. BETG is excluded from the consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 1998. The consolidated financial statements for each period presented include the activities of Boston Edison's wholly owned subsidiary, Harbor Electric Energy Company (HEEC). All significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated. Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior year data to conform with the current presentation. Boston Edison follows accounting policies prescribed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy (MDTE). In addition, Boston Edison is subject to the accounting and reporting requirements of the SEC. The consolidated financial statements conform with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). As a rate-regulated company Boston Edison has been subject to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71, Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation (SFAS 71), under GAAP. The application of SFAS 71 results in differences in the timing of recognition of certain expenses from that of other businesses and industries. As a result of the Massachusetts electric industry restructuring legislation enacted in November 1997 and the DTE order regarding the related Boston Edison settlement agreement, as of December 31, 1997, the provisions of SFAS 71 are no longer being applied to the generation business. The distribution business remains subject to rate-regulation and continues to meet the criteria for application of SFAS 71. Refer to Note B to these Consolidated Financial Statements for more information on the accounting implications of the electric utility industry restructuring. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities 23 at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates. 3. Revenues Estimates of retail base (transmission and distribution) revenues for electricity used by customers but not yet billed are recorded at the end of each accounting period. 4. Utility Plant Utility plant is stated at original cost of construction. The costs of replacements of property units are capitalized. Maintenance and repairs and replacements of minor items are expensed as incurred. The original cost of property retired, net of salvage value, and the related costs of removal are charged to accumulated depreciation. 5. Depreciation and Nuclear Fuel Amortization Depreciation of utility plant is computed on a straight-line basis using composite rates based on the estimated useful lives of the various classes of property. Excluding the effect of the adjustment discussed below, the overall composite depreciation rates were 3.31%, 3.28% and 3.30% in 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Upon the completion of a review of Boston Edison's electric generating units, management determined that the oldest and least efficient fossil units (Mystic 4, 5 and 6) were unlikely to provide competitively-priced power beyond the year 2000. Therefore the estimated remaining economic lives of these units was revised to five years in 1996. These units were sold in May 1998. Refer to Note B to these Consolidated Financial Statements. 6. Costs Associated with Issuance and Redemption of Debt and Preferred Stock Consistent with the recovery in electric rates, discounts, redemption premiums and related costs associated with the issuance and redemption of long-term debt and preferred stock are deferred. The costs related to long-term debt are recognized as an addition to interest expense over the life of the original or replacement debt. Consistent with an accounting order received from the FERC, costs related to preferred stock issuances and redemptions are reflected as a direct reduction to retained earnings upon redemption or over the average life of the replacement preferred stock series as applicable. 7. Allowance for Borrowed Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) AFUDC represents the estimated costs to finance utility plant construction. In accordance with regulatory accounting, AFUDC is included as a cost of utility plant and a reduction of current interest charges. Although AFUDC is not a current source of cash income, the costs are recovered from customers over the service life of the related plant in the form of increased revenues collected as a result of higher depreciation expense. AFUDC rates in 1999, 1998 and 1997 were 5.82%, 5.88% and 6.04%, respectively, and represented only the cost of short- term debt. 8. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of highly liquid securities with maturities of 90 days or less when purchased. 9. Regulatory Assets Regulatory assets represent costs incurred which are expected to be collected from customers through future charges in accordance with agreements with regulators. These costs are expensed when the corresponding revenues are 24 received in order to appropriately match revenues and expenses. Regulatory assets consisted of the following: December 31, 1999 1998 - --------------------------------------------------- Generation-related regulatory assets, net $713,379 $477,317 Power contracts 45,123 58,415 Income taxes, net 65,867 52,168 Merger costs 56,666 0 Redemption premiums 16,008 23,419 Postretirement benefits costs 12,822 8,769 Other 8,378 3,099 - --------------------------------------------------- $918,243 $623,187 =================================================== 10. Related Party Transactions The December 31, 1999 consolidated balance sheet of Boston Edison includes a $10 million receivable from NSTAR Communications, an affiliate. The receivable is for construction and construction management services provided by Boston Edison and its contractors. The December 31, 1999 balance sheet also includes a $67 million receivable from NSTAR. This represents Boston Edison's share of consolidated federal income tax benefits. 11. Amortization of Goodwill and Costs to Achieve Goodwill and costs to achieve related to the merger discussed in Note B are being amortized over 40 years and 10 years, respectively. Note B. Electric Utility Industry Restructuring 1. Merger of BEC Energy and Commonwealth Energy System Shareholders of BEC and COM/Energy approved the merger on June 24, 1999. After receiving various regulatory approvals, the SEC issued its approval of the merger and the transaction was completed on August 24, 1999. Pursuant to the merger agreement, BEC shareholders received approximately 41 million shares of NSTAR, while COM/Energy shareholders received approximately 20 million shares of NSTAR. In addition, BEC and COM/Energy shareholders received an aggregate amount of cash of approximately $300 million. An initial quarterly dividend rate of 48.5 cents per share of NSTAR was declared by the board of trustees on September 23, 1999 and paid on November 1, 1999. This dividend rate is reviewed on a regular basis and on December 16, 1999 a quarterly dividend of 50 cents per share was declared. The merger of BEC and COM/Energy has been accounted for as an acquisition of COM/Energy by BEC using the purchase method of accounting. Under this method, the accompanying consolidated financial statements of NSTAR include the results of BEC for years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998 consolidated with those of COM/Energy from the date of the merger (August 25, 1999). Goodwill amounted to approximately $486 million while the original estimate of costs to achieve the merger was $111 million. Goodwill is being amortized over 40 years and will amount to approximately $12.2 million annually while the cost to achieve is being amortized over 10 years and will initially be approximately $11.1 million annually. The ultimate amortization of the cost to achieve will reflect the total actual costs. 2. Accounting Implications Under the traditional revenue requirements model, electric rates have been based on the cost of providing electric service. Under this model, Boston Edison has been subject to certain accounting standards that are not applicable to other businesses and industries in general. The application of SFAS 71 requires companies to defer the recognition of certain costs when incurred if future rate recovery of these costs is expected. As a result of the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act enacted in November 1997 and the MDTE order regarding Boston Edison's related settlement agreement, as of December 31, 1997, the provisions of SFAS 71 are no longer being applied to the generation business. The implementation of the Boston Edison settlement agreement had certain accounting implications. The highlights of these include: Generation-related plant and other regulatory assets Plant and other regulatory assets related to the generation business, except for those related to Pilgrim's wholesale contracts, are recovered through the transition charge. This recovery, which includes a return, will occur over a twelve-year period that began on March 1, 1998 (the retail access date). 25 Depreciation The composite depreciation rate for distribution utility plant increased from 2.88% to 2.98% as of the retail access date. Fuel and purchased power charge The fuel and purchased power charge ceased as of the retail access date. The net remaining over collection of fuel and purchased power costs will be reflected in future customer billings. These over-recovered costs are included as an offset to the settlement recovery mechanisms which is included in regulatory assets on the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheet. Standard offer charge Customers who were on Boston Edison's system at March 1, 1998, have the option of continuing to buy power from the retail electric delivery business at standard offer prices as of the retail access date. The standard offer charge began at 2.8 cents/kWh at the retail access date, increased to 3.2 cents/kWh on June 1, 1998, to 3.69 cents/kWh on January 1, 1999 and is scheduled to increase to 5.1 cents/kWh by 2004. The cost of providing standard offer service, which includes fuel and purchased power costs, is recovered from standard offer customers on a fully reconciling basis. Distribution and transmission charges Distribution rates are subject to a minimum and maximum return on average common equity (ROE) through December 31, 2000. The ROE is subject to a floor of 6% and a ceiling of 11.75%. If the ROE is below 6%, Boston Edison is authorized to add a surcharge to distribution rates in order to achieve the 6% floor. If the ROE is above 11%, it is required to adjust distribution rates by an amount necessary to reduce the calculated ROE between 11% and 12.5% by 50%, and a return above 12.5% by 100%. No adjustment is made if the ROE is between 6% and 11%. In addition, distribution rates will be adjusted for any changes in tax laws or accounting principles that result in a change in costs of more than $1 million. The cost of providing transmission service to distribution customers is recovered on a fully reconciling basis. Generating Assets Divestiture On July 13,1999, Boston Edison completed the sale of the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station to Entergy Nuclear Generating Company, a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, for $81 Million. In addition to the amount received from the buyer, Boston Edison has received a total of approximately $158 million from the Pilgrim contract customers, including $103 million from Commonwealth Electric Company, to terminate their contract. Approximately $80 Million remains to be collected under these termination agreements. As part of the sale, Boston Edison transferred its decommissioning trust fund to Entergy for decommissioning of the plant. In order to provide Entergy with a fully funded decommissioning trust fund, Boston Edison contributed approximately $271 million to the fund at the time of the sale. As a results of a favorable IRS tax ruling, Boston Edison received $43 million from Entergy reflecting a reduction in the required decommissioning funding. The difference between the total proceeds received and the net book value of the Pilgrim assets sold plus the net amount to fully fund the decommissioning trust is included in the balance of generation-related regulatory assets, net on the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets as such amounts are being collected from customers under Boston Edison's settlement agreement. The final amounts to be collected from customers related to Pilgrim are subject to regulatory review. Completion of the sale of Boston Edison's fossil generating assets took place in May 1998. Boston Edison received proceeds from the sale of $674 million, including $121 million for a six-month transitional power purchase contract. The amount received above net book value on the sale of these assets is being returned to Boston Edison's customers over the settlement period. 26 On July 27, 1999 BEC Funding LLC, a subsidiary of NSTAR, closed the sale of $725 million of notes to a special purpose trust created by two Massachusetts state agencies. The trust then concurrently closed the sale of $725 million of electric rate reduction certificates to the public. The certificates are secured by a portion of the transition charge assessed on Boston Edison's retail customers as permitted under the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act and authorized by the MDTE. These certificates are non-recourse to Boston Edison. Note C. Income Taxes Income taxes are accounted for in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes (SFAS 109). SFAS 109 requires the recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the future tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax basis of assets and liabilities. In accordance with SFAS 109, net regulatory assets of $65.9 million and $52.2 million and corresponding net increases in accumulated deferred income taxes were recorded as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively. The regulatory assets represent the additional future revenues to be collected from customers for deferred income taxes. Accumulated deferred income taxes consisted of the following: December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------- Deferred tax liabilities: Plant-related $336,835 $412,358 Other 311,153 85,497 - -------------------------------------------------------------- 647,988 497,855 - -------------------------------------------------------------- Deferred tax assets: Plant-related 14,218 13,174 Investment tax credits 13,490 29,622 Other 135,651 106,502 - -------------------------------------------------------------- 163,359 149,298 - -------------------------------------------------------------- Net accumulated deferred income taxes $484,629 $348,557 ============================================================== Previously deferred investment tax credits are amortized over the estimated remaining lives of the property giving rise to the credits. Components of income tax expense were as follows: years ended December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current income tax expense (benefit) $ (29,306) $ 242,411 $ 115,373 Deferred income tax expense 122,584 (137,992) (14,104) Investment tax credit amortization (2,249) (3,927) (7,560) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Income taxes charged to operations 91,029 100,492 93,709 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taxes on other income (22,465) (17,853) (11,254) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total income tax expense $ 68,564 $ 82,639 $ 82,455 ==================================================================================== The effective income tax rates reflected in the consolidated financial statements and the reasons for their differences from the statutory federal income tax rate were as follows: 1999 1998 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statutory tax rate 35.0% 35.0% 35.0% State income tax, net of federal income tax benefit 4.3 4.6 4.5 Investment tax credit amortization (10.1) (6.2) (3.3) Other 0.8 1.0 0.1 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effective tax rate 30.0% 34.4% 36.3% =============================================================================================== 27 Income tax expense is reflected net of $20.8 million in 1999 and $10.9 million in 1998 of investment tax credits recognized as a result generation divestitures. Excluding these shareholders benefits, the effective tax rate would have been approximately 39% in each year. Note D. Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits 1. Pensions The changes in the benefit obligation and plan assets were as follows: December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation, beginning of the year $497,988 $457,436 Service cost 13,137 13,645 Interest cost 31,658 31,981 Plan participants' contributions 170 214 Plan amendments (4,306) - Actuarial (gain)/loss (51,648) 67,564 Curtailment loss/(gain) 8,156 (15,644) Special termination benefits 8,158 665 Settlement payments (92,484) (16,246) Benefits paid (18,922) (41,627) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benefit obligation, end of the year $391,907 $497,988 ======================================================================================================= Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets, beginning of the year $474,552 $401,182 Actual return on plan assets 114,724 44,589 Employer contribution 58,176 86,440 Plan participants' contributions 170 214 Settlement payments (92,484) (16,246) Benefits paid (18,922) (41,627) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fair value of plan assets, end of the year $536,216 $474,552 ======================================================================================================= The plans' funded status were as follows: December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funded status $ 144,309 $(23,436) Unrecognized actuarial net (gain)/loss (32,465) 96,310 Unrecognized transition obligation 2,783 3,856 Unrecognized prior service cost 8,651 15,557 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net amount recognized $ 123,278 $ 92,287 ====================================================================================== Amount recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets consisted of: Prepaid retirement cost $ 125,664 $ 94,049 Accrued supplemental retirement liability (8,072) (9,856) Intangible asset 5,686 8,094 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net amount recognized $ 123,278 $ 92,287 =================================================================================================== The projected benefit obligation, accumulated benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets for the supplemental retirement plan with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets were $10,325,000, $8,072,000 and $0, respectively, as of December 31, 1999, and $11,387,000, $9,856,000 and $0, 28 respectively, as of December 31, 1998. Weighted average assumptions were as follows: 1999 1998 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discount rate at the end of the year 8.00% 6.50% 7.25% Expected return on plan assets for the year (net of investment expenses) 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% Rate of compensation increase at the end of the year 4.00% 4.00% 4.25% Components of net periodic benefit cost were as follows: years ended December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 1997 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service cost $ 13,137 $ 13,645 $ 12,625 Interest cost 31,658 31,981 31,537 Expected return on plan assets (41,295) (39,140) (31,250) Amortization of prior service cost 1,610 1,847 1,827 Amortization of transition obligation 664 860 934 Recognized actuarial loss 3,594 808 1,799 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net periodic benefit cost $ 9,368 $ 10,001 $ 17,472 ============================================================================================== Primarily as a result of the merger-related separation packages and nuclear divestiture, amounts recognized for curtailment, settlement and special termination benefit cots were $9,555,000, $930,000 and $8,158,000, respectively, for 1999. As a result of the nuclear divestiture, amounts recognized for curtailment and special termination benefit coasts were $2,705,000 and $665,000 respectively for 1998. The amounts resulting from the merger-related separation packages are recoverable as part of the approved rate plans of the retail utility subsidiaries of NSTAR. The amounts resulting from the nuclear divestiture are recoverable under the Boston Edison settlement agreement. Boston Edison also provided defined contribution 401(k) plans for substantially all employees. Matching contributions included in the Consolidated Statements of Income amounted to $8 million in 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. 29 2. Other Postretirement Benefits The changes in the benefit obligation and plan assets were as follows: December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation, beginning of the year $258,756 $ 237,616 Service cost 4,043 3,892 Interest cost 17,848 16,895 Plan participants' contributions 0 1,178 Plan amendments (12,271) 0 Actuarial (gain)/loss (26,154) 27,845 Curtailment loss/(gain) 1,408 (14,665) Special termination benefits 0 75 Settlement payments (5,810) 0 Benefits paid (16,405) (14,080) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benefit obligation, end of the year $221,415 $ 258,756 ================================================================================================= Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets, beginning of the year $113,818 $ 103,989 Actual return on plan assets 18,355 14,344 Employer contribution 9,880 8,387 Plan participants' contributions 0 1,178 Settlement payments (5,810) 0 Benefits paid (16,405) (14,080) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fair value of plan assets, end of the year $119,838 $ 113,818 ================================================================================================= The plan's funded status and amount recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets were as follows: December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funded status $(101,577) $(144,938) Unrecognized actuarial net (gain)/loss (8,732) 24,922 Unrecognized transition obligation 73,016 88,814 Unrecognized prior service cost (20,363) (9,827) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net amount recognized $ (57,656) $ (41,029) =================================================================================================== Weighted average assumptions were as follows: 1999 1998 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discount rate at the end of the year 8.00% 6.50% 7.25% Expected return on plan assets for the year 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% For measurement purposes a 7.75% weighted annual rate of increase in per capita cost of covered medical claims was assumed for 2000. This rate is assumed to decrease gradually to 4.75% in 2010 and remain at that level thereafter. Dental claims and Medicare premiums are assumed to increase at a weighted annual rate of 4.5% and 3.1%, respectively. 30 A 1% change in the assumed health care cost trend rate would have the following effects: One-Percentage-Point (in thousands) Increase Decrease -------- -------- Effect on total of service and interest cost components for 1999 $ 3,060 $ (2,478) Effect on December 31, 1999 postretirement benefit obligation $24,902 $(24,021) Components of net periodic benefit cost were as follows: years ended December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Service cost $ 4,043 $ 3,892 $ 3,543 Interest cost 17,848 16,895 17,006 Expected return on plan assets (10,107) (8,563) (6,421) Amortization of prior service cost (683) (942) (1,017) Amortization of transition obligation 6,162 8,474 9,151 Recognized actuarial loss 957 662 1,003 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net periodic benefit cost $ 18,220 $20,418 $ 23,265 ========================================================================================== As a result of the merger-related separation packages and nuclear divestiture, amounts recognized for curtailment and settlement costs were $8,114,000 and $172,000, respectively, for 1999. As a result of the nuclear divestiture, amounts recognized for curtailment and special termination benefit costs were $21,187,000 and $79,000, respectively, for 1998. The amounts resulting from the merger-related separation packages are recoverable as part of the approved rate plans of the retail utility subsidiaries of NSTAR. The amounts resulting from the nuclear divestiture are recoverable under the Boston Edison settlement agreement. Note E. Capital Stock December 31, (dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) 1999 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common equity: Common stock, par value $1 per share, 100,000,000 shares authorized; 100 shares issued and outstanding: $ - $ - Premium on common stock 716,361 742,544 Retained earnings 1,462 297,347 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total common equity $717,823 $1,039,891 ========================================================================== Upon the formation of the holding company in 1998, outstanding shares of Boston Edison Company were converted into shares of BEC Energy. In addition, 100 shares of Boston Edison Company common stock were issued to BEC Energy as part of this transaction. The 1999 fourth quarter dividend paid to NSTAR constituted a return of capital resulting in a reduction of premium on common stock of $25 million. 31 Cumulative preferred stock: Par value $100 per share, 2,890,000 shares authorized; issued and outstanding: Nonmandatory redeemable series: Current Shares Redemption Series Outstanding Price/Share - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.25% 180,000 $103.625 $18,000 $18,000 4.78% 250,000 $102.800 25,000 25,000 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total nonmandatory redeemable series $43,000 $43,000 ================================================================================================================ Mandatory redeemable series: Current Shares Redemption Series Outstanding Price/Share - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.00% 500,000 - 50,000 50,000 Less: redemption and issuance costs (721) (960) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total mandatory redeemable series $49,279 $49,040 ================================================================================================================ Cumulative Mandatory Redeemable Preferred Stock Boston Edison redeemed the remaining 360,000 shares of 7.27% sinking fund series cumulative preferred stock during 1998. The stock was subject to a mandatory sinking fund requirement of 20,000 shares each May at par plus accrued dividends. During 1998 and 1997 40,000 shares were redeemed. In addition, 320,000 shares were redeemed in 1998 at $101.94 per share. Boston Edison is not able to redeem any part of the 500,000 shares of 8% series cumulative preferred stock prior to December 2001. The entire series is subject to mandatory redemption in December 2001 at $100 per share plus accrued dividends. 32 Note F. Indebtedness December 31, (in thousands) 1999 1998 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long-term debt: Debentures: 6.800%, due February 2000 65,000 65,000 6.050%, due August 2000 100,000 100,000 6.800%, due March 2003 150,000 150,000 7.800%, due May 2010 125,000 125,000 9.875%, due June 2020 34,035 100,000 9.375%, due August 2021 24,270 115,000 8.250%, due September 2022 60,000 60,000 7.800%, due March 2023 181,000 200,000 Sewage facility revenue bonds 24,645 26,230 Massachusetts Industrial Finance Agency (MIFA) bonds: 5.75%, due February 2014 15,000 15,000 Transition Property Securitization Certificates: 5.99%, due March 2003 80,981 0 6.45%, due September 2005 170,610 0 6.62%, due March 2007 103,390 0 6.91%, due September 2009 170,876 0 7.03%, due March 2012 171,624 0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,476,431 956,230 Amounts due within one year (216,589) (667) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total long-term debt $1,259,842 $955,563 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Long-term Debt The 9.875% debentures due 2020 are first redeemable in June 2000 at a redemption price of 104.483%, the 9.375% series due 2021 are first redeemable in August 2001 at 104.612%, the 8.25% series due 2022 are first redeemable in September 2002 at 103.780% and the 7.80% series due 2023 are first redeemable in March 2003 at 103.730%. No other series are redeemable prior to maturity. There is no sinking fund requirement for any series of debentures. Sewage facility revenue bonds were issued by HEEC. The bonds are tax-exempt, subject to annual mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements and mature through 2015. Scheduled redemptions of $1.6 million were made in 1999, 1998 and 1997. The weighted average interest rate of the bonds is 7.3%. A portion of the proceeds from the bonds is in reserve with the trustee. If HEEC should have insufficient funds to pay for extraordinary expenses, Boston Edison would be required to make additional capital contributions or loans to the subsidiary up to a maximum of $1 million. The 5.75% tax-exempt unsecured bonds due 2014 are redeemable beginning in February 2004 at a redemption price of 102%. The redemption price decreases to 101% in February 2005 and to par in February 2006. The aggregate principal amounts of Boston Edison's long-term debt (including HEEC sinking fund requirements) due through 2004 are $166.6 million in 2000, $1.6 million in 2001 and 2002, $151.6 million in 2003 and $1.65 million in 2004. In 1999, BEC Funding LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Boston Edison, issued notes in the principle amount of $725 million to the Trust in exchange for the net proceeds from the sale of $725 million of Rate Reduction certificates issued by the Trust on July 29, 1999. 2. Short-term Debt Boston Edison currently has regulatory authority to issue up to $350 million of short-term debt. Boston Edison has a $200 million revolving credit agreement with a group of banks. This agreement is intended to provide a 33 standby source of short-term borrowings. Under the terms of this agreement Boston Edison is required to maintain a common equity ratio of not less than 30% at all times. Commitment fees must be paid on the unused portion of the total agreement amount. It also has arrangements with several banks to Information regarding consolidated short-term borrowings is as follows: (dollars in thousands) 1999 1998 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum short-term borrowings $221,000 $219,000 $316,100 Weighted average amount outstanding $ 2,860 $ 51,483 $212,663 Weighted average interest rates excluding commitment fees 5.20% 5.81% 5.85% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note G. Fair Value of Financial Instruments The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of securities for which it is practicable to estimate the value: Cash and cash equivalents: The carrying amount of $118 million approximates fair value due to the short-term nature of these securities. Mandatory redeemable cumulative preferred stock The fair values of these securities are based upon the quoted market prices of similar issues. Carrying amounts and fair values as of December 31, 1999, are as follows: Carrying Fair (in thousands) Amount Value - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mandatory redeemable cumulative preferred stock $ 49,279 $ 52,250 Long-term unsecured debt $1,476,431 $1,500,340 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note H. Segment and Related Information Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131, Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information, requires the disclosure of certain financial and descriptive information by operating segments. Boston Edison operates primarily as a regulated electric public utility for which separate segment information is not applicable. Note I. Commitments and Contingencies 1. Contractual Commitments At December 31, 1999, Boston Edison had estimated contractual obligations for plant and equipment of approximately $102 million. Boston Edison also has leases for certain facilities and equipment. The estimated minimum rental commitments under both transmission agreements and noncancellable leases for the years after 1999 are as follows: (in thousands) - ------------------------------------------------------ 2000 18,119 2001 16,814 2002 15,151 2003 12,288 2004 11,566 Years thereafter 84,172 - ------------------------------------------------------ Total $158,110 ====================================================== 34 The total of future minimum rental income to be received under noncancellable subleases related to the above leases is $5,729. The total expense for both lease rentals and transmission agreements was $38.7 million in 1999, $29.4 million in 1998 and $27.5 million in 1997, net of capitalized expenses of $1.5 million in 1999, $1.3 million in 1998 and $1.2 million in 1997. Boston Edison had previously entered into various take or pay and throughput agreements, primarily to supply the New Boston fossil generating station with natural gas. As part of the fossil divestiture agreement, Sithe Energies assumed these obligations. The total expense under these agreements was $47.1 million in 1997. 2. Electric Company Investments Boston Edison has an approximately 11% equity investment in two companies which own and operate transmission facilities to import electricity from the Hydro-Quebec system in Canada. As an equity participant Boston Edison is required to guarantee, in addition to its own share, the total obligations of those participants who do not meet certain credit criteria. At December 31, 1999, Boston Edison's portion of these guarantees was $15.2 million. Boston Edison has a 9.5% equity investment of approximately $2 million in Yankee Atomic Electric Company (Yankee Atomic). In 1992 the board of directors of Yankee Atomic voted to discontinue operations of the Yankee Atomic nuclear generating station permanently and decommission the facility. Yankee Atomic received approval from the FERC to continue to collect its investment and decommissioning costs through 2000, the period of the plant's operating license. The estimate of Boston Edison's share of Yankee Atomic's investment and costs of decommissioning is approximately $3 million as of December 31, 1999. This estimate is recorded on the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheet as a power contract liability and an offsetting regulatory asset. Boston Edison also has a 9.5% equity investment in Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPC) of approximately $10 million. In December 1996, the board of directors of CYAPC, which owns and operates the Connecticut Yankee nuclear electric generating unit (Connecticut Yankee), unanimously voted to retire the unit. Boston Edison's share of Connecticut Yankee's remaining investment and estimated costs of decommissioning is approximately $42 million as of December 31, 1999. This estimate is recorded on the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheet as a power contract liability and an offsetting regulatory asset similar to Yankee Atomic. In December 1996, CYAPC filed for rate relief at the FERC seeking to recover certain post-operating costs, including decommissioning. In August 1998, the FERC Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) released an initial decision regarding CYAPC's filing. This decision called for the disallowance of the common equity return on the CYAPC investment subsequent to the shutdown. The decision also stated that decommissioning collections should continue to be based on a previously approved estimate, with an adjustment for inflation, until a more reliable estimate is developed. In October 1998, both CYAPC and Northeast Utilities, a 49% equity investor in CYAPC, filed briefs on exceptions to the ALJ decision. The case is still pending before the FERC. If the initial decision is upheld by the FERC, CYAPC could be required to write off a portion of its investment in the generating unit and refund a portion of the previously collected return on investment to rate payers. Management is currently unable to determine the ultimate outcome of this proceeding. However, the estimate of the effect of the ALJ's initial decision 35 does not have a material impact on its consolidated financial position or results of operations. 4. Hazardous Waste Boston Edison is an owner or operator of approximately 20 properties where oil or hazardous materials were previously spilled or released. As such, Boston Edison is required to clean up these remaining properties in accordance with a timetable developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. There are uncertainties associated with these costs due to the complexities of cleanup technology, regulatory requirements and the particular characteristics of the different sites. Boston Edison also faces possible liability as a potentially responsible party in the cleanup of five multi-party hazardous waste sites in Massachusetts and other states where it is alleged to have generated, transported or disposed of hazardous waste at the sites. Boston Edison is one of many potentially responsible parties and currently expects to have only a small percentage of the total potential liability for these sites. Approximately $6 million is included in the December 31, 1999 Consolidated Balance Sheet related to these cleanup liabilities. Management is unable to fully determine a range of reasonably possible cleanup costs in excess of the accrued amount. Based on its assessments of the specific site circumstances, it does not believe that it is probable that any such additional costs will have a material impact on its consolidated financial position. However, it is reasonably possible that additional provisions for cleanup costs that may result from a change in estimates could have a material impact on the results of a reporting period in the near term. 5. Generating Unit Performance Program Boston Edison's generating unit performance program ceased March 1, 1998. Under this program the recovery of incremental purchased power costs resulting from generating unit outages occurring through the retail access date is subject to review by the DTE. However, proceedings relative to generating unit performance remain pending before the DTE. These proceedings will include the review of replacement power costs associated with the shutdown of the Connecticut Yankee nuclear electric generating unit which is discussed in item 2. Management is unable to fully determine a range of reasonably possible disallowance costs in excess of amounts accrued. Based on its assessment of the information currently available, management does not believe that it is probable that any such additional costs will have a material impact on its consolidated financial position. However, it is reasonably possible that additional disallowance costs that may result from a change in estimates could have a material impact on the results of a reporting period in the near term. 6. Legal Proceedings Industry and corporate restructuring legal proceedings The MDTE order approving the Boston Edison settlement restructuring agreement was appealed by certain parties to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC). One settlement agreement appeal remains pending; however, there has to date been no briefing, hearing or other action taken with respect to this proceeding. In addition, along with other Massachusetts investor-owned utilities, Boston Edison has been named as a defendant in a class action suit seeking to declare certain provisions of the Massachusetts electric industry restructuring legislation unconstitutional. Management is currently unable to determine the outcome of is proceeding. However, if an unfavorable outcome were to occur, there could be a material adverse impact on business operations, the consolidated financial position or results of operations for a reporting period. 36 Regulatory proceedings In October 1997, the MDTE opened a proceeding to investigate Boston Edison's compliance with the 1993 order which permitted the formation of BETG and authorized Boston Edison to invest up to $45 million in unregulated activities. Hearings were completed in the first half of 1999. Management is currently unable to determine the outcome of these proceedings. However, if an unfavorable outcome were to occur, there could be a material adverse impact on business operations, the consolidated financial position or results of operations for a reporting period. Other litigation In October 1998, the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts, the site of Pilgrim Station, filed suit against Boston Edison. The town claims that Boston Edison has wrongfully failed to execute an agreement with the town for payments in addition to taxes due to the town under the Massachusetts Electric Restructuring Act. Boston Edison and the town settled the suit and agreed on a 15-year $141 million property tax package in March 1999. Payments in each of the first four years are approximately $15 million after which payments gradually decline. All payments under this agreement will be recovered from customers through the transition charge. In the normal course of its business Boston Edison is also involved in certain other legal matters. Management is unable to fully determine a range of reasonably possible legal costs in excess of amounts accrued. Based on the information currently available, it does not believe that it is probable that any such additional costs will have a material impact on its consolidated financial position. However, it is reasonably possible that additional legal costs that may result from a change in estimates could have a material impact on the results of a reporting period in the near term. Note K. Long-Term Power Contracts 1. Long-Term Contracts for the Purchase of Electricity Boston Edison entered into a six-month agreement effective January 1, 2000 to transfer all of the unit output entitlements in long-term power purchase contracts to Select Energy (Select), a subsidiary of Northeast Utilities, Inc. In return, Select will provide full energy service requirements to Boston Edison, including NEPOOL capability responsibilities, at FERC approved tariff rates through June 30, 2000. Information relating to the contracts as of December 31, 1999 is as follows: proportionate share (in thousands) ----------------------------------- Units of Capacity Charge Contract Capacity 1999 Obligation Expiration Purchased Capacity Through 1999 ----------- Generating Unit Date % MW Cost Expiration Date Cost - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canal Unit 1 2002 25.0 141 $ 9,523 $ 26,891 $ 27,757 Mass. Bay Trans- portation Authority - 1 2005 100.0 34 674 - 4,039 999 Ocean State Power - Unit 1 2010 23.5 72 15,637 211,511 19,015 Ocean State Power - Unit 2 2011 23.5 72 15,803 223,602 19,255 Northeast Energy Associates (a) (a) 219 - - 126,472 Enetergy (Pilgrim) 2004 78.0 673 (b) (b) 69,407 MassPower 2013 44.3 117 39,806 710,696 51,943 Mass. Bay Transportation Authority - 2 2019 100.0 34 355 41,732 687 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $ 81,798 $1,218,471 $ 315,535 =========================================================================================== 37 (a) Boston Edison purchases 75.5% of the energy output of this unit under two contracts. One contract represents 135MW and expires in the year 2015. The other contract is for 84MW and expires in 2010. Energy is paid for based on a price per kWh actually received. Boston Edison does not pay a proportionate share of the unit's capital and fixed operating costs. (b) Boston Edison pays for this energy based on a price per kWh Actually received. Boston Edison does not pay a proportionate share of the units capital and fixed operating costs. Boston Edison's total fixed and variable costs associated with these contracts in 1999, 1998 and 1997 were approximately $315 million, $239 million and $265 million, respectively. Boston Edison's minimum fixed payments under these contracts for the years after 1999 are as follows: (in thousands) - ------------------------------------------------------ 1999 $ 87,430 2000 91,336 2001 90,654 2002 85,342 2003 85,117 Years thereafter 778,602 - ------------------------------------------------------ Total $1,218,481 ====================================================== Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Financial Disclosure - -------------------- Not applicable. 38 Part IV ------- Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) The following documents are filed as part of this Form 10-K: 1. Financial Statements: Page ---- Consolidated Statements of Income for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 20 Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 20 Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998 21 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997 22 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 23 Report of Independent Accountants 19 2. Financial Statement Schedules: Schedule II Valuation and Qualifying Accounts - Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997. 46 3. Exhibits: Refer to the exhibits listing beginning on the following page. (b) Reports on Form 8-K None 39 Exhibit SEC Docket ------- ---------- Exhibit 3 Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws - --------- ------------------------------------- Incorporated herein by reference: 3.1 Restated Articles of Organization 3.1 1-2301 Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1994 3.2 Boston Edison Company Bylaws 3.1 1-2301 April 19, 1977, as amended Form 10-Q January 22, 1987, January 28, 1988, for the May 24, 1988 and November 22, 1989 quarter ended June 30, 1990 Exhibit 4 Instruments Defining the Rights of - --------- ---------------------------------- Security Holders, Including Indentures -------------------------------------- Incorporated herein by reference: 4.1 Medium-Term Notes Series A - Indenture 4.1 1-2301 dated September 1, 1988, between Form 10-Q Boston Edison Company and Bank of for the Montreal Trust Company quarter ended September 30, 1988 4.1.1 First Supplemental Indenture 4.1 1-2301 dated June 1, 1990 to Form 8-K Indenture dated September 1, 1988 dated with Bank of Montreal Trust Company - June 28, 1990 9 7/8% debentures due June 1, 2020 4.1.2 Indenture of Trust and Agreement among 4.1.26 1-2301 the City of Boston, Massachusetts Form 10-K (acting by and through its Industrial for the Development Financing Authority) and year ended Harbor Electric Energy Company and December 31, Shawmut Bank, N.A., as Trustee, dated 1991 November 1, 1991 4.1.3 Votes of the Pricing Committee of the 4.1.27 1-2301 Board of Directors of Boston Edison Form 10-K Company taken August 5, 1991 re for the 9 3/8% debentures due August 15, 2021 year ended December 31, 1991 40 Exhibit SEC Docket ------- ---------- 4.1.4 Revolving Credit Agreement dated 4.1.24 1-2301 February 12, 1993 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992 First Amendment to Revolving Credit 4.1.10 1-2301 Agreement dated May 19, 1995 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995 Second Amendment to Revolving Credit 1-2301 Agreement dated July 1, 1997 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 4.1.5 Votes of the Pricing Committee of the 4.1.25 1-2301 Board of Directors of Boston Edison Form 10-K Company taken September 10, 1992 re for the 8 1/4% debentures due September 15, 2022 year ended December 31, 1992 4.1.6 Votes of the Pricing Committee of the 4.1.26 1-2301 Board of Directors of Boston Edison Form 10-K Company taken January 27, 1993 re for the 6.80% debentures due February 1, 2000 year ended December 31, 1992 4.1.7 Votes of the Pricing Committee of the 4.1.27 1-2301 Board of Directors of Boston Edison Form 10-K Company taken March 5,1993 re for the 6.80% debentures due March 15, 2003, year ended 7.80% debentures due March 15, 2023 December 31, 1992 4.1.8 Votes of the Pricing Committee of the 4.1.28 1-2301 Board of Directors of Boston Edison Form 10-K Company taken August 18, 1993 re for the 6.05% debentures due August 15, 2000 year ended December 31, 1993 41 Exhibit SEC Docket ------- ---------- 4.1.9 Votes of the Pricing Committee of the 4.1.9 1-2301 Board of Directors of Boston Edison Form 10-K Company taken May 10, 1995 re for the 7.80% debentures due May 15, 2010 year ended December 31, 1995 Management agrees to furnish to the Securities and Exchange Commission, upon request, a copy of any agreements or instruments defining the rights of holders of any long-term debt whose authorization does not exceed 10% of total assets. Exhibit SEC Docket ------- ---------- Exhibit 10 Material Contracts - ---------- ------------------ Incorporated herein by reference: 10.1 Key Executive Benefit Plan 10.3.1 1-2301 Standard Form of Agreement, May Form 10-K 1986, with modifications for the year ended December 31, 1991 10.2 Executive Annual Incentive 10.5 1-2301 Compensation Plan Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1988 10.2.1 Supplemental Executive Retirement 10.1 1-2301 Plan Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1997 10.2.2 1997 Stock Incentive Plan 10.2 1-2301 Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1997 42 Exhibit SEC Docket ------- ---------- 10.3 Boston Edison Company Deferred 10.11 1-2301 Fee Plan dated January 14, 1993 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992 10.4 Deferred Compensation Trust 10.10 1-2301 between Boston Edison Company Form 10-K and State Street Bank and for the Trust Company dated year ended February 2, 1993 December 31, 1992 10.4.1 Amendment No. 1 to Deferred 10.5.1 1-2301 Compensation Trust dated Form 10-K March 31, 1994 for the year ended December 31, 1994 10.5 Boston Edison Company Deferred 10.9 1-2301 Compensation Plan, Amendment and Form 10-K Restatement dated January 31, 1995 for the year ended December 31, 1994 10.6 Employment Agreement applicable to 10.10 1-2301 Ronald A. Ledgett dated April 30, 1987 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 10.7 Change in Control Agreement applicable 10.2 1-2301 to Thomas J. May dated July 8, 1996 Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1996 10.8 Form of Change in Control Agreement 10.3 1-2301 applicable to Ronald A. Ledgett, Form 10-Q L. Carl Gustin, Douglas S. Horan, for the James J. Judge and certain other quarter ended officers dated July 8, 1996 June 30, 1996 43 Exhibit SEC Docket ------- ---------- 10.9 Boston Edison Company Restructuring 10.12 1-2301 Settlement Agreement dated July 1997 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 10.10 Boston Edison Company and Sithe 10.1 1-2301 Energies, Inc. Purchase and Sale Form 10-Q and Transition Agreements dated for the December 10, 1997 quarter ended March 31, 1998 10.11 Boston Edison Company Directors' Deferred Fee Plan Restatement effective October 1, 1998 10.12 Boston Edison Company and Entergy Nuclear Generation Company Purchase and Sale Agreement dated November 18, 1998 Exhibit 12 Statement re Computation of Ratios - ---------- ---------------------------------- Filed herewith: 12.1 Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges for the Year Ended December 31, 1999 12.2 Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and Preferred Stock Dividend Requirements for the Year Ended December 31, 1999 Exhibit 21 Subsidiaries of the Registrant - ---------- ------------------------------ 21.1 Harbor Electric Energy Company (incorporated in Massachusetts), a wholly owned subsidiary of Boston Edison Company 44 Exhibit SEC Docket ------- ---------- Exhibit 23 Consent of Independent Accountants - ---------- ---------------------------------- Filed herewith: 23.1 Consent of Independent Accountants to incorporate by reference their opinion included with this Form 10-K in the Form S-3 Registration Statement filed by Boston Edison Company on February 3, 1993 (File No. 33-57840) Exhibit 27 Financial Data Schedule - ---------- ----------------------- Filed herewith: 27.1 Schedule UT Exhibit 99 Additional Exhibits - ---------- ------------------- Incorporated herein by reference: 99.1 Settlement Agreement between Boston 28.1 1-2301 Edison Company and Commonwealth Form 8-K Electric Company, Montaup Electric dated Company and the Municipal December 21, Light Department of the Town of 1989 Reading, Massachusetts, dated January 5, 1990 99.2 Settlement Agreement Between Boston 28.2 1-2301 Edison Company and City of Holyoke Form 10-Q Gas and Electric Department et. al., for the dated April 26, 1990 quarter ended March 31, 1990 99.3 Information required by SEC Form 1-2301 11-K for certain employee benefit Form 10-K/A plans for the years ended Amendments to December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 Form 10-K for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 dated June 25,1998, June 26, 1997 and June 27, 1996, respectively 45 SCHEDULE II VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999, 1998, 1997 (Dollars in Thousands) Balance at Provisions Deductions Balance Beginning Charged to Accounts at End Description of Year Operations Recoveries Written Off of Year - ------------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------- Year Ended December 31, 1999 ---------------------------- Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $ 9,066 $21,874 $4,356 $16,696 $18,600 Year Ended December 31, 1998 ---------------------------- Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $10,228 $ 9,555 $4,242 $14,959 $ 9,066 Year Ended December 31, 1997 ---------------------------- Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $ 2,000 $24,884 $3,593 $20,249 $10,228 46 FORM 10-K DECEMBER 31, 1999 - --------- ----------------- SIGNATURES ---------- Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. BOSTON EDISON COMPANY ------------------------ (Registrant) By: THOMAS J. MAY ------------------------ Thomas J. May, Chairman of the Board Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated. Principal Executive Officers: /s/ THOMAS J. MAY March 30, 2000 - --------------------------------------- Thomas J. May, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer /s/ R.D. WRIGHT March 30, 2000 - --------------------------------------- R. D. Wright President and Chief Operating Officer Principal Financial Officer: /s/ ROBERT J. WEAFER, JR March 30, 2000 - --------------------------------------- Robert J. Weafer, Jr. Vice President and Treasurer A majority of the Board of Directors: /s/ THOMAS J. MAY March 30, 2000 - ----------------------------- Thomas J. May, Director /s/ R. D. WRIGHT March 30, 2000 - ----------------------------- Russell D. Wright, Director /s/ JAMES J. JUDGE March 30, 2000 - ----------------------------- James J. Judge, Director 47