Exhibit 23.4

July 19, 2000

Mr. Tomo Razmilovic
President & CEO
Symbol Technologies Inc.
One Symbol Plaza
Holtsville, NY 11742

Dear Tomo:

As we discussed in our telephone conversation, ViryaNet (the "Company") is in
the process of preparing a Registration Statement on Form F-1 (the "Registration
Statement") which will be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
(the "SEC") and which relates to the initial public offering of shares of the
Company's common stock.  This letter is to notify you that as part of the
disclosure in the Registration Statement, we have identified Symbol
Technologies, Inc. as a client of the Company.

This potential public offering of our shares is not yet public information.

We hereby request your permission to (i) disclose the relationship between the
Company and Symbol Technologies Inc, (ii) use the Symbol Technologies, Inc. name
and logo, and include the project description and the use of the Symbol
Technology, Inc.'s name the form set forth on Exhibit A hereto, in any
preliminary or final Registration Statement or prospectus relating to the
initial public offering of the Company's common stock.   Please acknowledge your
consent by countersigning below. By countersigning below, you also consent to
the filing of this letter with, or other provision of this letter to, the SEC,
as may be required by the rules promulgated by the SEC.

July 15, 2000
Page Two

Thank you for your attention to this matter.  If you have any questions, please
feel free to call me at (508) 490-8600


/s/ Samuel HaCohen
Samuel HaCohen
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Symbol Technologies, Inc..

/s/ Tomo Razmilovic
- -------------------


                                   EXHIBIT A


Symbol Technologies

          Symbol Technologies is a provider of wireless and internet-based
mobile data management systems and services installed at more than 45,000
customer locations worldwide. Symbol provides its customer base with broad-based
package for support called SymbolCare. Symbol chose Service Hub to upgrade its
existing systems, particularly in the areas of parts logistics and repair, and
serve as the technology platform for delivering this service over the internet.
Symbol's application will use mService Gateway to enable its approximately 75
field representatives to log information about parts, expenses and calls made on
customers. SymbolCare over the internet, called MySymbolCare, is in the process
of being tested at six customer and partner locations. Symbol plans to implement
this application for its base of 5,500 customers and partners.  Using Service
Hub, Symbol will be able to integrate information from third-party call centers
and financial applications, as well as from the supply chain and repair center
modules of our Service Suite that Symbol previously purchased from us.  Service
Hub interfaces to Symbol's existing application, will allow these applications
to be phased out in a gradual fashion, rather than forcing an abrupt and costly
conversion.  Using Service Hub, Symbol expects to reduce the number of call
center requests, improve management of spare parts and increased field workforce