Securities Act Registration No. 333-47686

                     U.S. Securities And Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form N-14

             Registration Statement Under The Securities Act Of 1933

[X] Pre-Effective Amendment No. 3         [ ] Post Effective Amendment No. __

                        (Check appropriate box or boxes)

                     John Hancock Variable Series Trust I
        (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Declaration of Trust)

                             197 Clarendon Street
                          Boston, Massachusetts 02117
                   (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                 Registrant's Telephone Number: (617) 572-9196

Name and Address of Agent for Service:      Copy to:

John Hancock Life Insurance Company         Freedman, Levy, Kroll & Simonds
197 Clarendon Street                        1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Boston, MA 02117                            Suite 825
                                            Washington, D.C. 20036

Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering: As soon as practicable after the
Registration Statement becomes effective under the Securities Act of 1933.

Pursuant to Rule 429 under the Act, the prospectus in this registration
statement also relates to Registrant's currently effective registration
statement on Form N-1A, File No. 33-2081. No filing fee is due in reliance on
Section 24(f) of the Act.

The title of the securities being registered is shares of beneficial interest.

                     John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.
                              John Hancock Place
                              Post Office Box 111
                             Boston, MA 02117-0111

                                               December 7, 2000

- -----------

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

          Re: Pre-Effective Amendment No. 3 to
              Form N-14 Registration Statement (File No. 333-47686)

The sole purpose of this pre-effective amendment no. 3 is to file a revised
version of the Statement of Additional Information (SAI), because, due to a
transmission error, several pages were omitted from the pro-forma financial
statements included in the SAI filed in pre-effective amendment no. 2 to this
registration statement. This amendment does not delete or change any other item
or information previously included in this registration statement.


                                               /s/ Ronald J. Bocage

                                               Ronald J. Bocage

                        (Formerly the Global Equity Fund)

                       Each a Separate Investment Fund of
                              197 Clarendon Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02117
                            Toll Free: 1-800-732-5443

                            Dated: December 8, 2000

This Statement of Additional Information ("SAI") is not a prospectus, but you
should read it in conjunction with the Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus
dated December 8, 2000 of International Opportunities II Fund (the "Acquired
Fund") and International Opportunities Fund (the "Acquiring Fund"), for use in
connection with the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Acquired Fund to be
held on December 22, 2000. The Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund are separate
investment funds of John Hancock Variable Series Trust I (the "Trust").

For a free copy of the Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus, please contact
the Trust at the address or phone number shown above.

This Statement of Additional Information consists of this cover page and the
following described documents, each of which is attached hereto:

     Attachment 1. Statement of Additional Information for the Trust dated June
                   30, 2000; and

     Attachment 2. Annual Report of the Trust for the period ended December 31,

     Attachment 3. Semi-annual Report of the Trust for the period ended June 30,

     Attachment 4. Pro-forma financial statements relating to the proposed
                   combination of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund.

                                  JOHN HANCOCK
                             VARIABLE SERIES TRUST I


                                  June 30, 2000

     This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus. It is
intended that this Statement of Additional Information be read in conjunction
with the Prospectus of John Hancock Variable Series Trust I, dated May 1, 2000
and June 30, 2000. A copy of the Prospectus may be obtained from John Hancock
Variable Series Trust I, John Hancock Place, P.O. Box 111, Boston, Massachusetts
02117, telephone number 1-800-REAL LIFE.

     This Statement of Additional Information relates to all thirty-three of the
Trust's current "Funds."

The Trust's Financial Statements and Investment Performance Information

     The Trust's financial statements appearing in its Annual Report to contract
holders and the report of Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors of the Trust,
which appears therein, are incorporated by reference into this Statement of
Additional Information. The information about the total investment returns
achieved by the Trust's various Funds, is also incorporated herein by reference.
No other portions of the Annual Report are incorporated by reference. A free
copy of the Annual Report to contract holders may be obtained by writing to the
address or calling the number above.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                                                    Page in this
                                                                                                    Statement of

The Trust's Financial Statements and Performance Information                                              1
What Is the Trust?                                                                                        4
The Trust's Business History                                                                              4
The Funds' Investment Activities and Their Risks                                                          5
           1.  Investing in Money Market Instruments                                                      5
           2.  Investing in Other Fixed Income Obligations                                                5
           3.  Investing in Equity Securities                                                             7
           4.  Investing in Real Estate Securities                                                        9
           5.  Investing in Foreign Securities                                                            9
           6.  Using Forward Exchange Contracts to Manage Currency                                       11
           7.  Using Options on Currencies to Manage Currency Exposure                                   12
           8.  Using Currency Futures Contracts and Options
                     Thereon to Manage Currency Exposure                                                 12
           9.  Using Certain Other Derivative Instruments to Manage
                     Currency Exposure                                                                   12
           10. Using Foreign Currency Exposure Management Strategies
                     (General Considerations and Risks)                                                  13
           11.  Reallocating a Fund's Assets Among Asset Classes                                         13
           12.  Adopting a Temporary Defensive Strategy                                                  13
           13.  Investing With an Index-Based Objective                                                  14
           14.  Investing on a Non-Diversified Basis                                                     16
           15.  Using Options (Generally)                                                                16
           16.  Using Options on Securities in Certain Conservative
                     Investment Strategies                                                               18
           17.  Using Financial Futures Contracts, Options on Such Contracts
                     and Options on Stock Indexes (General Considerations)                               18
           18.  Using Financial Futures, Options Thereon, and Stock Index
                     Options for Certain Hedging - Type Strategies                                       20
           19.  Using Options and Futures in Potentially More Aggressive
                     Strategies                                                                          21
           20.  Limiting the Funds' Exposure to Certain Futures and Option
                     Transactions                                                                        23
           21.  Using Other Types of Derivative Instruments                                              23
           22.  Investing In Other Investment Companies                                                  25
           23.  Purchasing "When Issued" Securities and Forward
                     Commitments                                                                         25
           24.  Short-Term Trading                                                                       26
           25.  Entering Into Repurchase Agreements                                                      26
           26.  Participating in Joint Trading Accounts                                                  26
           27.  Lending of Fund Securities                                                               27
           28.  Using Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Mortgages
                     "Dollar Rolls"                                                                      27
           29.  Investing in Rule 144A and Illiquid Securities                                           28
The Funds' Fundamental Investment Restrictions                                                           28
Board of Trustees and Officers of the Trust                                                              31


                          TABLE OF CONTENTS - continued

                                                                                                    Page in this
                                                                                                    Statement of

Investment Advisory Arrangements                                                                         33
           The Trust's Investment Advisory Arrangements With
                     John Hancock                                                                        33
           The Trust's Arrangements With Subadvisers                                                     35
           Dollar Amounts of Advisory Fees, Subadvisory Fees, and
                     Expense Reimbursements                                                              39
Arrangements With Other Service Providers                                                                40
           Underwriting and Indemnity Agreement                                                          40
           Custody of the Trust's Assets                                                                 40
           Subadministration Agreement With State Street Bank                                            41
           Independent Auditors                                                                          41
Portfolio Transactions and Brokerage Allocation                                                          42
Codes of Personal Conduct                                                                                45
Features of the Trust's Shares                                                                           45
Shareholder Meetings and Voting Rights                                                                   46
Sales and Redemptions of Fund Shares                                                                     47
Computing the Funds' Net Asset Value                                                                     48
Taxes                                                                                                    49
Information About Fund Performance                                                                       49
Legal Matters                                                                                            50
Reports to Contractholders                                                                               50

Appendix A - Corporate Bond Ratings                                                                      51


                               WHAT IS THE TRUST?

           John Hancock Variable Series Trust I, (the "Trust") is an open-end
management investment company. With the exception of the Large Cap Aggressive
Growth, Mid Cap Growth, Global Balanced and Global Bond Funds, each of the Funds
is a "diversified" Fund within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940
(the "Investment Company Act").

           Shares of the Trust are currently sold to John Hancock Variable Life
Accounts U, V, and S to support variable life insurance policies issued by John
Hancock Variable Life Insurance Company ("JHVLICO"); John Hancock Variable
Annuity Accounts U and V to support variable annuity contracts issued by John
Hancock Life Insurance Company ("John Hancock"); John Hancock Variable Annuity
Accounts I and JF to support variable annuity contracts issued by JHVLICO; John
Hancock Variable Life Insurance Account UV to support variable life insurance
policies issued by John Hancock; and Investors Partner Life Account IPL-1 to
support variable life insurance policies issued by Investors Partner Life
Insurance Company ("IPL"). It is anticipated that, in the future, Trust shares
may be sold to other separate investment accounts of JHVLICO, John Hancock and
IPL. Each of these separate accounts is hereinafter referred to as a "Separate

           Because the Separate Accounts currently own all of the Trust's
shares, those Separate Accounts (or John Hancock, JHVLICO, and IPL) may be
deemed to control the Trust. John Hancock, JHVLICO and IPL, in turn, are all
directly or indirectly controlled by John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., a
publicly-traded holding company.

           The Trust issues a separate series of shares of beneficial interest
for each Fund. Each share issued with respect to a Fund has a pro rata interest
in the net assets of that Fund. The assets of each Fund are charged with the
liabilities of that Fund and a proportionate share of the general liabilities of
the Trust.

                          THE TRUST'S BUSINESS HISTORY

           The Trust is, in part, a successor to three Separate Accounts of
JHVLICO, as well as the six Separate Accounts of John Hancock described below.
On March 28, 1986, all of the investment assets and related liabilities of the
Variable Life Stock, Bond, and Money Market Accounts were transferred to what
are now the Growth & Income, Active Bond and Money Market Funds of the Trust,
respectively, in exchange for shares of those Funds.

           On February 20, 1987, all of the investment assets and related
liabilities of six Variable Annuity Stock, Bond and Money Market Accounts were
transferred to what are now the Growth & Income, Active Bond and Money Market
Funds of the Trust, respectively, in exchange for shares of these Funds.

           The Trust itself was incorporated on September 23, 1985, under the
laws of the State of Maryland and was reorganized as a Massachusetts business
trust effective April 29, 1988.

           Over the years, several Funds have been re-named as follows:

                                                                      Year of
           Current Fund Name                 Prior Name(s)             Change
           -----------------                 -------------             ------

International Opportunities II        Global Equity                      2000

Active Bond                           Sovereign Bond                     2000
                                      Bond                               1996

Global Balanced                       International Balanced             2000

Global Bond                           Strategic Bond                     1999

Growth & Income                       Stock                              1996

International Equity Index            International Equities             1998
                                      International                      1995
                                      Global                             1994


                                                                      Year of
  Current Fund Name - continued            Prior Name(s) - continued   Change
  -----------------------------            -------------------------   ------

Large Cap Growth                      Select Stock                       1995

Short-Term Bond                       Short-Term U.S. Government         1998

Small/Mid Cap Growth                  Diversified Mid Cap Growth         1999
                                      Special Opportunities              1998

                        THE FUNDS' INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES
                                 AND THEIR RISKS

           The different investment activities of the several Funds will affect
both their investment returns and the nature and degree of risks to which they
are exposed. Sections 1. - 29. below describe many (but not all) of these
investment activities and risks.

1.         Investing in Money Market Instruments

           The Money Market Fund invests exclusively in "money market"
instruments; all the other Funds may invest in these instruments to some extent.
These are high quality, short-term fixed income obligations. Because of their
nature, money market instruments generally do not carry significant risks of
loss. The principal risk is that a Fund's return on money market instruments
will be less than it would have earned on a riskier investment.

2.         Investing in Other Fixed Income Obligations

           The following Funds invested primarily in non-money market fixed
income (i.e., "debt") securities: the Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Active Bond,
Core Bond, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds. The Managed, Aggressive
Balanced and Global Balanced Funds can vary their holdings of these securities
within a broad range. All the other Funds (except the Money Market Fund) may
from time to time invest in non-money market debt to some extent.

           Various types of risk associated with these securities are discussed
in the balance of this Section 2.

           Interest rate risk: In general, debt securities with longer
maturities than money market instruments have exposure to interest rate risk.
Changes in generally prevailing market interest rates alter a debt security's
market value and introduce volatility into the rate of return of a Fund that
invests in such securities. When prevailing interest rates go up, the market
value of debt securities tends to go down and vice versa. This sensitivity of
the market value of a debt security to changes in interest rates is generally
related to the "duration" of the instrument. The market value of a shorter-term
fixed income security is generally less sensitive to interest rate moves than
that of a longer-term security. For example, the interest rate risk of the
Short-Term Bond Fund, although moderate, is below that of traditional
intermediate or long-term bond portfolios.

           Credit risk: The value of a fixed income security may also change as
a result of market perceptions regarding its credit risk: i.e., the ability of
the borrower to repay its debts. The market value of a fixed income security can
fall when the market perceives the borrower to be less credit worthy.
Conversely, the market value of a fixed income security can increase due to its
borrower being perceived as financially stronger. All Funds that invest in
non-money market debt securities may have some exposure to credit risk.

           Even some U.S. Government obligations have a degree of credit risk.
"U.S. Government obligations" are bills, certificates of indebtedness, notes and
bonds issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by the United States or
by agencies or authorities controlled or supervised by and acting as
instrumentalities of the U.S. Government and established under the authority
granted by Congress. Some obligations of U.S. Government


agencies, authorities, and other instrumentalities are supported by the full
faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury; others by the right of the issuer to
borrow from the Treasury; and others only by the credit of the issuing agency,
authority, or other instrumentality. These latter types of obligations,
therefore, do have a degree of credit risk. U.S. Government obligations are used
most in the Bond Index, Active Bond and Global Bond Funds. All of the other
Funds may also invest in U.S. Government obligations to some extent.

           Securities having one of the four highest rating categories for debt
securities as defined by Moody's investors Services, Inc. (Aaa, Aa, A, or Baa)
or Standard and Poor's Corporation (AAA, AA, A, or BBB) or, if unrated,
determined to be of comparable quality by the subadviser, are referred to as
"investment grade." The meanings of such ratings are set forth in Appendix A to
this Statement of Additional Information. Lower-rated bonds have more credit
risk than higher rated bonds.

           Risk of lower-quality instruments: High-yield bonds (or "junk" bonds)
are debt securities rated below "investment grade" as defined above. The value
of these lower rated securities generally is more subject to credit risk than is
the case for higher rated securities, and their values tend to respond more to
changes in market perceptions regarding their credit risk.

           Investments in companies issuing high yield securities are considered
to be more speculative than higher quality instruments. As such, these
securities typically pay a higher interest rate than investment grade

           Issuers of high yield securities are typically in weak financial
health, and their ability to pay back principal and interest on the bonds they
issue is uncertain. Some of these issuers may be in default or bankruptcy.
Compared with issuers of investment-grade bonds, they are more likely to
encounter financial difficulties and to be materially affected by these
difficulties when they do encounter them.

           High yield bond markets may react strongly to adverse news about an
issuer or the economy, or to the perception or expectations of adverse news.
These debt securities may also have less liquid markets than higher rated

           Judgment plays a greater role in valuing higher yield securities than
in the case of other securities for which more extensive quotations and
last-sale information are available. Adverse publicity and changing investor
perceptions may affect the ability of outside pricing services used by a Fund to
value its portfolio securities, and the ability of the Fund to dispose of its
lower-rated bonds.

           The market prices of high yield securities may decline significantly
in periods of general economic difficulty, which may follow periods of rising
interest rates. During an economic downturn or a prolonged period of risking
interest rates, the ability of issuers of lower-rated debt to service their
payment obligations, meet projected goals, or obtain additional financing may be
impaired. In that case, a Fund may find it necessary, at its own expense or in
conjunction with others, to pursue litigation or otherwise exercise its rights
as a security holder to seek to protect the interests of security holders, if it
determines this to be in the interest of Fund investors. The 1980s saw a
dramatic increase in the use of high yield securities to finance highly
leveraged corporate acquisitions and restructurings. Past experience may not
provide an accurate indication of future performance of high yield securities,
especially during periods of economic recession. In fact, from 1989 to 1991, the
percentage of high yield securities that defaulted rose significantly above
prior levels.

           All Funds (other than the Money Market Fund) that invest in debt
securities may at times have some exposure to high yield securities. The High
Yield Bond Fund intends to invest primarily in these securities. The other Funds
most likely to invest a significant portion of their assets in high yield
securities are the Short-Term Bond, Active Bond, and Core Bond Funds. The
Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Global Bond and Global Balanced Funds may also
invest in high yield securities to some extent. In contrast, the Bond Index Fund
will not invest in debt securities that are not at least investment grade at the
time of purchase.

           Although not customarily referred to as "high yield" securities or
"junk bonds," debt securities that fall in the lowest rating within the
investment grade category are considered medium grade securities that have some


speculative characteristics. Accordingly, to a lesser degree, they may present
the same risks discussed above with respect to high yield securities.

           The considerations discussed above for lower-rated debt securities
also are applicable to lower quality unrated debt instruments of all types,
including loans and other direct indebtedness of businesses with poor credit
standing. Unrated debt instruments are not necessarily of lower quality than
rated securities, but they may not be attractive to as many buyers.

           Prepayment/Call risk: Prepayment risk is the risk that the obligor on
a debt security may repay or "call" the debt before it is due. Most mortgage
backed, asset backed, other public bond debt securities and 144A securities that
a Fund might own are exposed to this risk. U.S. Government securities have
minimal exposure to this risk. Prepayment/call is most likely to occur when
interest rates have declined and a borrower can refinance the debt at a lower
interest rate level. Generally, a Fund reinvests the proceeds resulting from
prepayments in a lower yielding instrument. This results in a decrease in the
Fund's current yield. The values of securities that are subject to
prepayment/call risk also tend to increase less in response to declining
interest rates and decrease more in response to increasing interest rates than
would the value of otherwise similar securities that do not have prepayment or
"call" features.

           All Funds that invest in debt securities (other than the Money Market
Fund) may at times have some exposure to prepayment/call risk. The Funds most
likely to invest a significant portion of their assets in debt securities with
prepayment/call features are the Short-Term Bond, Core Bond, Bond Index, Active
Bond, Global Bond and High Yield Bond Funds. The Managed, Aggressive Balanced,
and Global Balanced Funds may also invest in these securities.

           Risks of "zero coupon" instruments: All of the Funds may, in varying
degrees, invest in debt instruments that provide for payment of interest at the
maturity date of the instrument (or payment of interest in the form of
additional securities), rather than payment of interest in cash periodically
over the life of the instrument. The values of such instruments tend to respond
more to changes in interest rates than do otherwise comparable debt obligations
that provide for periodic interest payments. The Funds most likely to invest a
significant amount of their assets in instruments that are subject to this
volatility risk are the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Real Estate Equity, Global
Balanced, Short-Term Bond, Core Bond, Bond Index, Active Bond, Global Bond, and
High Yield Bond Funds. However, all Funds that invest in debt securities may at
times have some exposure to this risk.

3.         Investing in Equity Securities

           All of the Funds intend to invest to some degree in common stock or
other equity securities, except for the Short-Term Bond, Core Bond, Bond Index,
Active Bond, Global Bond, and Money Market Funds. All of the Funds that invest
in equity securities expect to make such securities their primary investment
(except for the Managed, High Yield Bond and Global Balanced Funds, which may
nevertheless do so in the discretion of their subadvisers). Though investing in
equity securities, the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, and Global Balanced Funds
also expect, under normal conditions, to invest a substantial amount of their
assets in debt obligations.

           General risks of investing in equity securities are discussed in the
balance of this Section 3.

           Equity risk: Investments in common stock or other equity securities
historically have offered a higher rate of return than money market instruments
or longer term debt securities. However, the risks associated with equity
securities also tends to be higher, because the investment performance of equity
securities depends upon factors which are difficult to predict. The fundamental
risk associated with any equity portfolio is the risk that the value of the
investments it holds might decrease in value. Equity security values may
fluctuate in response to the activities of an individual company or in response
to general market, interest rate, and/or economic conditions.

           Market capitalization risk: Another indication of the relative risk
of a common stock investment is the size of the company, which is typically
defined by reference to its "market capitalization." Market capitalization is
computed by multiplying current market price of a share of the company's stock
by the total number of its shares outstanding.


           Investing in larger capitalization companies generally involves a
lesser degree of risk than investing in smaller capitalization companies.
Conversely, investing in the equity securities of smaller companies involves
greater risks and potential rewards than investing in larger, more established
companies. Small capitalization companies, in particular, often have limited
product lines, markets or financial resources, and they may depend upon a small
group of inexperienced managers. Investments in such companies can be both more
volatile and more speculative. These securities may have limited marketability
and are subject to more abrupt or erratic market movements than securities of
larger companies or the market in general.

           Three capitalization levels are currently used by the Trust: large,
medium ("mid"), and small. Each of these capitalization levels will be defined
by reference to the Russell 3000(R) Index. The Russell 3000(R) Index Index is a
broad market index and is representative of the U.S. stock markets with a total
capitalization of $13.4 trillion at the end of 1999.1

           .   Large cap: Companies having a capitalization within the range of
               the 300 largest companies in the Russell 3000(R) Index will be
               considered to be large capitalization ("large cap") companies. At
               the end of 1999, each of the largest 300 companies in the Russell
               3000(R) Index had a capitalization greater than $ 7.9 billion.

           .   Mid cap: Companies having a capitalization within the range of
               the 250 to 1000 largest companies in the Russell 3000(R) Index
               will be considered to be "mid cap." At the end of 1999, such mid
               cap companies had capitalizations ranging from $1.4 billion to
               $9.7 billion.

           .   Small cap: Companies having a capitalization within the range of
               the remaining companies in the Russell 3000(R) Index will be
               considered to be small capitalization ("small cap") companies. At
               the end of 1999, none of these smallest companies in the Russell
               3000(R) Index had a market capitalization of more than $1.4

The above parameters for large cap, mid cap and small cap are adjusted at the
end of each calendar quarter to reflect changes in the market capitalization of
the Russell 3000(R) Index.

           The equity securities of the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Growth &
Income, Equity Index, Large Cap Value, American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large
Cap Value CORE, Large Cap Growth, Large Cap Aggressive Growth, International
Opportunities II, Global Balanced and International Equity Index Funds are
generally expected to represent primarily companies that qualify as large cap
issuers. These Funds also may invest in the equity securities of companies that
qualify as small and mid cap issuers.

           The equity securities of the Large/Mid Cap Value, International
Equity and International Opportunities Funds are generally expected to represent
primarily large and mid cap issuers. These Funds also may invest in the equity
securities of companies that qualify as small cap issuers.

           The equity securities of the Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth,
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, and Mid Cap Blend Funds are generally expected to
represent primarily companies that qualify as mid cap issuers. These Funds also
may invest in the equity securities of companies that qualify as small or large
cap issuers.

           The equity securities of the Small/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap
Growth, and Small/Mid Cap CORE Funds are generally expected to represent
companies that are small cap and mid cap issuers. These Funds also may invest in
the equity securities of companies that qualify as large cap issuers.

- --------------------------
1 The Russell 3000(R) Index is a service mark of Frank Russell Company, which
does not sponsor and is not in any way affiliated with the Trust. Inclusion in
the index in no way implies an opinion as to its attractiveness or
appropriateness as an investment.


           The Small Cap Value and Small Cap Growth Funds are generally expected
to invest primarily in equity securities of companies that qualify as small cap
issuers. Although these Funds also may invest significant amounts in the equity
securities of companies that qualify as mid cap issuers, it is expected that
they would rarely invest in the equity securities of companies that qualify only
as large cap issuers.

           The Emerging Markets Equity Fund has broad latitude to invest in
companies of any size.

           The Real Estate Equity Fund invests in real estate equity securities
that have historically been primarily mid cap, but it may also invest in small
cap or large cap equity securities.

4.         Investing in Real Estate Securities

           The Real Estate Equity Fund invests primarily in companies with
activities related to the real estate industry, such as real estate investment
trusts ("REITs") that own commercial and multifamily residential real estate,
real estate operating companies ("REOCs") that derive the majority of their
revenue, income or asset value from real estate and other companies engaged in
non-real estate businesses but whose real estate holdings are significant in
relation to the market value of their common stock.

           The securities purchased will be principally common stock (and
securities convertible into or with rights to purchase common stock) but a
portion of the Fund may be invested in preferred stock. The Fund may also invest
in commercial mortgage securities (debt obligations secured by commercial
property), collateralized mortgage obligations (mortgage pass through securities
secured by commercial mortgage pools) and master limited partnerships from time
to time, but does not do so on the date of this Statement of Additional

           In addition to the Real Estate Equity Fund, all of the other Funds
(except for the Money Market Fund) may have some exposure to real estate risks
through investments in companies engaged in real estate related businesses or
investments in debt instruments secured by real estate.

           Risks of real estate securities: Generally speaking, real estate
securities may be affected by risks similar to those resulting from the direct
ownership of real estate, as well as by market risks due to changes in interest
rates and by the overall volatility of the equity markets. The market value of
shares in equity real estate investment trusts and commercial property
companies, in particular, is heavily dependent upon the value of their
underlying properties. Overbuilding, declines in local or regional economic
conditions, financial difficulties on the part of major tenants and increases in
real estate taxes and operating expenses all could decrease the value of the
real estate investments.

5.         Investing in Foreign Securities

           Investments in foreign securities may be made in a
foreign-denominated security, or in the form of American Depositary Receipts
("ADRs"), European Depositary Receipts ("EDRs") or other securities representing
underlying shares of foreign securities. ADRs, EDRs and other securities
representing underlying shares of foreign securities may not necessarily be
denominated in the same currency as the securities into which they may be
converted, but rather in the currency of the market in which they are traded.
ADRs are receipts, typically issued by an American bank or trust company, which
evidence ownership of underlying securities issued by a foreign corporation.
EDRs are receipts issued in Europe by banks or depositories which evidence a
similar ownership arrangement. Generally, ADRs are designed for use in U.S.
securities markets; while EDRs are designed for use in European securities

Investments in debt securities issued by foreign issuers may be made directly in
foreign-denominated debt instruments or in the form of U.S. dollar denominated
debt securities issued by foreign issuers and publicly traded in the United
States ("Yankees") or in Europe ("Eurobonds").

The International Equity Index, International Equity, International
Opportunities, International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity, Global
Bond and Global Balanced Funds invest primarily in foreign securities, including
foreign-denominated securities. To a lesser extent, the Managed, Aggressive
Balanced High Yield Bond, Core Bond, Large


Cap Value and Mid Cap Growth Funds may also invest in foreign securities,
including foreign-denominated securities. The Large Cap Growth, Small Cap
Growth, Mid Cap Blend, American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE,
Large/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Aggressive
Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value, Real Estate Equity, Growth &
Income, Small Cap Value, and Equity Index Funds may invest in ADRs and other
U.S. dollar denominated foreign securities to a limited extent. The Short-Term
Bond, Bond Index and Active Bond Funds may invest in foreign debt securities
only if denominated in U.S. dollars (i.e., Yankees and Eurobonds).

The Emerging Markets Equity Fund invests primarily in developing countries
commonly known as "emerging markets." To a lesser extent, the Global Balanced,
International Equity Index, International Equity, International Opportunities,
International Opportunities II, Core Bond, Bond Index, Global Bond, Active Bond,
and High Yield Bond Funds may also invest in emerging markets.

           Risks of investing in foreign securities are discussed in the
paragraphs that follow:

           Currency risks: When a Fund buys foreign-issued securities, it
usually must pay for those securities in the local currency. Therefore, the Fund
must convert funds into the local currency to the extent necessary for this
purpose. Similarly, when a Fund sells a foreign security, it may receive payment
in the local currency. Therefore, if the Fund does not wish to continue to hold
that currency, it must enter into a transaction disposing of it.

           In these ways, therefore, a Fund may temporarily hold foreign
currency in order to facilitate the purchase and sale of foreign securities.
This exposes the fund to the risk that the foreign currency's value could, while
the Fund was temporarily holding that currency, decline relative to the U.S.
dollar. This could result in a loss to the Fund, because the Fund's assets and
shares are valued in U.S. dollars. On the other hand, the Fund could experience
gains if the foreign currency's value, relative to the U.S. dollar, increases
during the period when the Fund holds that currency.

           More fundamentally, however, because the Fund values its assets and
shares in U.S. dollars, the Fund's gains and/or losses on investments that are
denominated or traded in foreign currencies will depend in part on changes in
the value of that currency relative to the U.S. dollar. This exposes the Fund to
the risk of loss if that foreign currency loses value, as well as the
possibility of gains if that currency gains value, relative to the U.S. dollar.

           The Funds may (but are not required to) employ certain strategies to
limit their risks or otherwise manage their exposure to foreign currencies. Such
currency management techniques, as well as the risks that those techniques
themselves present, are discussed in Sections 6. - 10. below.

           Also, a risk exists that a foreign country may have or implement
restrictions on transactions in its currency that prevent a Fund from
effectively managing or reducing its exposure to that currency, even after the
Fund has disposed of any securities denominated or traded in that currency.

           The risks associated with foreign currency conversions are not
present in investments in Yankees and Eurobonds because these debt securities
are U. S. dollar denominated.

           Political and economic risk: Foreign securities often are subject to
heightened political and economic risks, particularly in emerging markets or
other underdeveloped or developing countries, which may have relatively unstable
governments and economies based on only a few industries. Foreign governments
may take over the assets or operations of a company, may impose additional
taxes, or may place limits on the removal of the Fund's assets from that
country. However, investments in foreign securities also offer the opportunity
to diversify holdings and to invest in economies whose growth may outpace that
of the United States.

           Regulatory risk: Generally, there is less government supervision of
foreign markets. Foreign issuers generally are not subject to uniform
accounting, auditing, and financial reporting standards and practices applicable
to domestic issuers. There may be less publicly available information about
foreign issuers than domestic issuers. These risks may be greater in emerging
markets or other underdeveloped or developing countries.


           Market risk: Foreign securities markets, particularly those of
emerging markets or other underdeveloped or developing countries, may be less
liquid and more volatile than domestic markets. Certain markets may require
payment for securities a Fund purchases before delivery of these securities to
the Fund, and delays may be encountered in settling securities transactions. In
some foreign markets, there may be limited protection against failures by other
parties to complete their transactions with a Fund. There may be limited legal
recourse against an issuer in the event of a default on a debt instrument held
by a Fund.

           Transaction costs: Transaction costs of buying and selling foreign
securities, including brokerage, tax, and custody costs, are generally higher
than those involved in domestic transactions. This is particularly true for
investments in emerging markets, or other underdeveloped or developing

6.         Using Forward Exchange Contracts to Manage Currency Exposure

           Transaction hedging and portfolio hedging: When a Fund anticipates
having to purchase or sell a foreign currency to facilitate a foreign securities
transaction, it may wish to "lock in" the current exchange rate for that
currency (vis-a-vis the U.S. dollar) and thus avoid (in whole or in part)
exposure to further changes in that rate that could occur prior to when the
purchase or sale proceeds are actually paid. This is called "transaction

           A Fund can do transaction hedging by purchasing or selling foreign
currencies in the "spot" (i.e., cash) market. Alternatively, the following Funds
may use "forward" currency foreign exchange purchase or sale contracts for
transaction hedging: the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Large Cap Value, Mid Cap
Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity Index, International Equity,
International Opportunities, International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets
Equity, Global Bond, Core Bond and High Yield Bond Funds. In a forward exchange
contract, the Fund purchases or sells a specific amount of foreign currency, at
a price set and time set in the contract, which may be any fixed number of days
in the future.

           These same Funds may also use forward foreign exchange contracts to
reduce their exposure to changes (relative to the U.S. dollar) in the value of a
foreign currency during a period of time when the Fund owns securities that are
denominated, exposed to or traded in that currency. This is called "portfolio
hedging." Except as described in the paragraph immediately below for certain
funds, the Funds may not engage in portfolio hedging with respect to the
currency of a particular country to an extent greater than the aggregate market
value (at the time of establishing the hedge) of securities held by that Fund
which are denominated, exposed to or traded in that particular foreign currency.
The Funds may or may not attempt to hedge some or all of their foreign portfolio
positions. Rather, they will enter into such transactions only to the extent, if
any, deemed appropriate by their subadvisers. Furthermore, no Fund will use
forward foreign currency exchange contracts for the purpose of leveraging the
Fund's currency exposure.

           For purposes of transaction hedging or portfolio hedging, the
Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Global Balanced, Global Bond, Core
Bond, International Equity Index, International Equity, Emerging Markets Equity,
International Opportunities, and International Opportunities II Funds may use
forward exchange contracts on a "proxy" currency, instead of the currency being
hedged. A proxy currency is one that the subadviser believes will bear a close
relationship to the currency being hedged and believes will approximately equal
the performance of such currency relative to the U.S. dollar. Nevertheless,
changes in the value of the currency being hedged may not correspond to changes
in the value of the proxy currency as expected, which could result in the
currency hedge being more favorable or less favorable to the Fund than the
subadviser had expected.

           Other techniques for managing currency exposure: The Managed,
Aggressive Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity
Index, International Equity, International Opportunities, International
Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity, Core Bond and Global Bond Funds may
use additional techniques when their subadvisers believe that the currency of a
particular country may suffer a significant decline against the U.S. dollar or
against another currency. In that case, these Funds may enter into a forward
currency contract to sell, for a fixed amount of U.S. dollars or other
appropriate currency, the amount of foreign currency approximating the value of
some or all of the Fund's securities denominated in, traded in, or exposed to
such foreign currency. The currency contract may call for the Fund to receive a
currency other than U.S. dollars, for example, if such other currency is
believed to be undervalued or necessary to bring the Fund's overall exposure to
various currencies into a more

desirable balance. For similar purposes, the Managed, Aggressive Balanced,
Global Balanced, Emerging Markets Equity, International Opportunities,
International Opportunities II, International Equity, Mid Cap Growth, Core Bond
and Global Bond Funds may also enter into contracts to purchase, for a fixed
amount of U.S. dollars, or other appropriate currency, an amount of foreign
currency corresponding to the value of some of the Fund's securities.

           Asset segregation requirements for forward exchange contracts: A Fund
may "cover" its obligations under outstanding forward currency sale contracts by
maintaining portfolio securities denominated, exposed to or traded in the
currency of such contracts or of an appropriate proxy currency. To the extent a
Fund does not thus cover all of its forward currency sales positions with its
portfolio securities, or if it has outstanding any forward currency purchase
contracts, the Funds' custodian will segregate cash or liquid assets in a
separate account of the Fund in an amount at all times at least equal to the
value of the Fund's net obligation with respect to forward contracts in a
particular currency or, in the case of the Global Balanced Fund only, the value
of that Fund's net "out of the money" obligation (If any) with respect to all of
the Fund's outstanding forward currency contracts. If the value of the portfolio
securities used to cover a position or the value of the assets in the segregated
account declines, the Fund will find additional "cover" or additional cash or
liquid assets will be placed in the account so that the value of the account
will at least equal the required amount described in the preceding sentence.

7.         Using Options on Currencies to Manage Currency Exposure

           The Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Global Balanced,
International Equity Index, International Equity, International Opportunities,
International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity, Global Bond, and High
Yield Bond Funds may also purchase and write put and call options on foreign
currencies for the same purposes as those Funds could use forward foreign
exchange contracts (as discussed in Section 6. above). This could include
options traded on U.S. and foreign exchanges, as well as those traded in
"over-the-counter" markets.

           The characteristics and risks of these currency option transactions
are similar to those discussed in Sections 15. - 16. below with respect to put
and call options on securities.

           Call options on foreign currencies written by a Fund will be
"covered," which means that the Fund will own at all times at least an equal
amount of, or an offsetting position in, the underlying foreign currency.

           Asset segregation requirement for currency put options written by a
Fund: With respect to put options on foreign currencies written by a Fund, the
Fund will establish a segregated account with its custodian bank consisting of
cash, U.S. Government securities or other high grade liquid debt securities in
an amount equal at all times to the amount the Fund would be required to deliver
upon exercise of the put.

8.         Using Currency Futures Contracts and Options Thereon to Manage
           Currency Exposure.

           Any Fund may use currency futures contracts and options thereon for
the same purposes and to the same extent as that Fund could use forward foreign
exchange contracts (as discussed in Section 6. above). The characteristics and
risks of such futures and options transactions are similar to those discussed in
Sections 16. - 19. below for other transactions in futures contracts and options
thereon. All transactions in currency futures and options thereon also would be
subject to the applicable limitations in Section 20. below.

9.         Using Certain Other Derivative Instruments to Manage Currency

           As discussed in Section 21. below, several of the Funds may use
currency "swaps," "caps," "floors," and "collars" for the same purposes as those
Funds could use forward foreign exchange contracts (as discussed in Section 6.
above). The characteristics and risks of such "derivative" transactions, as
discussed in Section 21., are generally also applicable when such instruments
are used for currency management purposes.


10.        Using Foreign Currency Exposure Management Strategies (General
           Considerations and Risks)

           The foreign currency management techniques discussed in Sections
6.- 9. above do not eliminate fluctuations in the prices of portfolio securities
or prevent losses if the prices of such securities decline. The Funds are not
obligated to try to hedge against any change in the value of any currency. Even
if a Fund wished to do so, there is no assurance that market conditions would be
such as to make such hedging possible.

           Moreover, even where a Fund establishes positions designed to manage
its foreign currency exposure, there is no assurance that this will be
beneficial to the Fund. Such positions may cause a Fund to forego gains that it
otherwise could have achieved or incur costs and losses that it would not
otherwise have incurred. (In general the cost to the Funds of engaging in
foreign currency management transactions varies with such factors as the
currency involved, the type and duration of the instrument being used for this
purpose, and the market conditions then prevailing.) It is entirely possible,
therefore, that any effort to manage a Fund's currency exposure could have a
negative effect on the Fund's investment performance.

           In general, the more foreign securities a given Fund invests in, the
greater its currency management activities are likely to be. Also, the Managed,
Aggressive Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity
Index, International Equity, International Opportunities, International
Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity and Global Bond Funds may use certain
of these same types of instruments in currency management strategies that expose
those Funds to currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Although this would not be
done for the purpose of "leveraging" the Fund's overall exposure to fluctuations
in currency values, such strategies could expose those Funds to greater risks of
loss and greater volatility than they otherwise would experience.

11.        Reallocating a Fund's Assets Among Asset Classes

           The continual reallocation of assets among the major asset classes
(e.g., stocks, bonds, and cash) involves the risk that the subadviser may reduce
the Fund's holdings in an asset class whose value increases unexpectedly, or may
increase the Fund's holdings in an asset class just prior to that asset class
experiencing a loss of value. The Managed, Aggressive Balanced, and Global
Balanced Funds tend to exercise broad discretion in reallocating assets across
asset classes. The Global Bond Fund and the International Opportunities II Fund
intend to exercise discretion to reallocate assets across domestic and
international asset classes.

           All of the other Funds, with the exception of the Money Market Fund,
generally allow the subadviser some latitude to allocate across asset classes.
Nevertheless, this latitude is expected to be exercised to a lesser degree than
in the case of the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, and Global Balanced Funds.

12.        Adopting a Temporary Defensive Strategy

           All of the Funds, except the Money Market Fund, may (but are not
required to) adopt a defensive investment posture if the subadviser believes the
investment environment for the Fund is negative. Such a defensive posture would
involve reallocating some or all of a Fund's assets in a manner different from
that contemplated by its primary investment objective and strategies.

           Most of the Funds are not limited as to the types of investments they
could use temporarily for defensive purposes. Thus, for example, a small cap
equity Fund might temporarily invest in stocks of larger cap companies or in
high quality, short term debt securities. A bond Fund might shorten maturities
or tighten its investment quality parameters. An international Fund might, for
example, limit the countries it would invest in or temporarily invest only in
high quality, short-term debt securities in the United States.

           There can be no assurance that the transaction costs and lost
investment opportunities will not outweigh any benefits to a Fund that attempts
to adopt a defensive strategy.


13.        Investing With an Index-Based Objective

           The Equity Index, International Equity Index, and Bond Index Funds
expect to invest substantially all of their assets in equity or debt securities
within their investment objectives and policies at all times. Accordingly, these
Funds may carry more risk in times of declining markets than Funds that are more
likely to adopt a defensive investment posture in such circumstances by
reallocating their assets in a manner different from that contemplated by their
primary investment objective and strategies.

           Investments in the Equity Index, International Equity Index, and Bond
Index Funds each involve the risk that the Fund will be unable to match the
performance of its corresponding target index. Each Fund's ability to do so is
affected by (a) the size and timing of cash flows into and out of that Fund, (b)
the level of the Fund's expenses, including commissions and "spreads," on its
portfolio transactions, other portfolio management expenses, and other operating
expenses, and (c) the degree of success of the techniques employed by the Fund's
subadviser. Further, if the size of a Fund limits the number of issues that the
Fund can purchase, or that size is relatively small in relation to cash flows,
there is a greater possibility that the Fund may be unable to match the
performance of the corresponding target index.

           The S&P 500 Index: The S&P 500 is an index that is constructed by the
Standard & Poor's Corporation ("Standard & Poor's" or "S&P"), which chooses
stocks on the basis of market values and industry diversification. Most of the
largest 500 companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges are included in the index.
Additional stocks that are not among the 500 largest stocks, by market value,
may be included in the S&P 500 for diversification purposes. The index is
capitalization weighted -- that is, stocks with a larger capitalization (shares
outstanding times current price) have a greater weight in the index. Selection
of a stock for inclusion in the S&P 500 Index in no way implies an opinion by
S&P as to its attractiveness as an investment.

           The Trust and the insurance products supported by the Trust are not
sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor's. Standard & Poor's
makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the
insurance products supported by the Trust or to any member of the public
regarding the advisability of investing in the Trust or such insurance products.
Standard & Poor's only relationship to the Trust is the licensing of Standard &
Poor's "marks" and the S&P 500 Index, which is determined, composed and
calculated by Standard & Poor's without regard to the Fund or the Trust.
"Standard & Poor's(R)," "S&P(R) ," "S&P 500(R)," "Standard & Poor's 500," and
"500" are trademarks of McGraw-Hill, Inc. and have been licensed for use by the
Trust. In determining, composing, or calculating the S&P 500 Index, S&P has no
obligation to take into consideration the needs of the Trust or those of the
owners of the insurance products supported by the Trust. S&P is not responsible
for and has not participated in the determination of the prices and amount of
the insurance products supported by the Trust or the timing of the issuance or
sale of such products or in the determination or calculation of the equations by
which such products are to be converted into cash. S&P has no obligation or
liability in connection with the administration, marketing, or trading of such


           The Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate and Aggregate Bond Indexes:
The Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Index (the "Government/Corporate
Index") is intended to measure the performance of the domestic, fixed-rate
investment grade debt market. The Government/Corporate Index is composed of (1)
all public obligations of the U.S. Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities (excluding "flower" bonds and pass-through


issues, such as GNMA certificates) and (2) all publicly issued, fixed-rate, non-
convertible, investment grade, U.S. dollar-denominated, SEC-registered
obligations of domestic corporations, foreign governments and supranational
organizations. Securities in the index generally have at least $150 million par
amount outstanding and at least 1 year remaining to maturity.

           The Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index (the "Aggregate Bond Index")
covers the U.S. investment grade fixed-rate bond market, including government
and corporate securities, agency mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-
backed securities. The Aggregate Bond Index covers those securities in the
Government/Corporate Index, plus those covered by the Lehman Mortgage-Backed
Securities Index ("MBS Index") the Lehman Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
(ERISA Eligible) Index ("CMBS (ERISA Eligible) Index"), and the Lehman Asset-
Backed Securities Index ("ABS Index"). The MBS Index covers fixed-rate
securities backed by mortgage pools of the Government National Mortgage
Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association, and the Federal
National Mortgage Association. The CMBS (ERISA Eligible) Index covers ERISA-
Eligible CMBS securities. The ABS Index covers several subsectors -- including
credit and charge cards, auto, utilities and home equity loans -- and includes
pass-through, "bullet," and controlled amortization structures.

           All non-government issues in the Government/Corporate Index and the
Aggregate Bond Index are rated at least Baa by Moody's Investors Service, Inc.
("Moody's") or, if unrated by Moody's, BBB by Standard & Poor's Ratings Group
("Standard & Poor's").

           All securities in the Government/Corporate Index and the Aggregate
Bond Index issued by non-U.S. entities are denominated in U.S. dollars.

           Lehman Brothers, Inc. is neither a sponsor of nor in any other way
affiliated with the Trust or the insurance products supported by the Trust.
Inclusion of a security in the Government/Corporate or Aggregate Bond Indexes in
no way implies an opinion of Lehman Brothers, Inc. as to its attractiveness or
appropriateness as an investment.

           The MSCI EAFE GDP Index: The MSCI EAFE GDP Index weights countries
such that a country with a larger GDP will have a greater weight in the index.
Stocks within those countries are capitalization weighted; that is, stocks with
a larger capitalization have a greater weight in the index.

           The Trust and the insurance products supported by the Trust are not
sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Morgan Stanley Capital International
("MSCI"). MSCI makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the
owners of the Trust, or any member of the public regarding the advisability of
investing in funds generally or in the Trust or any Fund particularly, or the
ability of the MSCI EAFE GDP Index to track general stock market performance.
MSCI is the licensor of certain trademarks, service marks and trade names of
MSCI and of the MSCI EAFE GDP Index, which is determined, composed and
calculated by MSCI without regard to the Trust. "Morgan Stanley Capital
International" is a service mark of Morgan Stanley & Co., Incorporated, that has
been licensed for use by the Trust.

           MSCI has no obligation to take the needs of the Trust or the owners
of insurance products supported by the Trust into consideration in determining,
composing or calculating the MSCI EAFE GDP Index. MSCI is not responsible for
and has not participated in the determination of the prices or amounts of
insurance products supported by the Trust or the timing of the issuance and sale
of such products, or in the determination or calculation of the equations by
which such products are convertible into cash. MSCI has no obligation or
liability to owners of the Trust or of the insurance products supported by the
Trust in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of any Fund of
the Trust.




14.        Investing on a Non-Diversified Basis

           The Large Cap Aggressive Growth, Mid Cap Growth and Global Balanced
Funds are "non-diversified Funds." Non-diversified Funds are less restricted in
the extent to which they may invest more than 5% of their assets in any issuer
or purchase more than 10% of the voting securities of any issuer. Because a
relatively high percentage of a non-diversified Fund's assets may be invested in
the obligations of a limited number of issuers, the value of that Fund's shares
may be more volatile and more susceptible to any single economic, political, or
regulatory event, or to credit and market risks associated with a single issuer,
than would the shares of a diversified Fund.

15.        Using Options (Generally)

           Most of the Funds may, in varying degrees, use options on the
following (which, for simplicity, may be referred to as the "subject" of an
option): currencies, securities, equity indexes, interest rate indexes, and
financial futures contracts. This Section 15. discusses certain characteristics
and risks that are generally common to all of these types of options. The Funds'
use of specific types is discussed in Sections [7. - 8. above and 16. - 20.
below], including characteristics and risks peculiar to those types of options
or the Funds' use of them.

           Purchasing "call" options: If a Fund (or anyone else) "purchases" a
"call" option, it pays a purchase price (often called a "premium") plus, in most
cases, a commission to the broker through whom the purchase was made. In return
the Fund (or other purchaser) has the right (but not the obligation), at or
before a specified future time (called the "expiration date"), to acquire a
specified amount of the option's subject (or the economic equivalent thereof) at
a specified price (called the "strike price" or "exercise price"). If the
purchaser of an option decides to exercise this right, we say the option has
been "exercised." If an option is never exercised before its expiration date, it
expires unexercised.

           A Fund (or other purchasers of a call option) may profit in one of
two ways. First, the Fund may be able to exercise the call option at a date when
the value of the option's subject exceeds the purchase price of the option
(including any brokerage commission) plus the exercise price. Whether the Fund
will be able to do this depends on how favorable those prices were and how the
value of the option's subject has changed since the option was purchased.

           Secondly, a Fund may profit from purchasing an option if the Fund is
able to sell the option (unexercised) at a profit sometime before its expiration
date. (As a practical matter, such a sale would generally be accomplished by
having the Fund sell (e.g., "write") an option identical to the option it owns,
thereby "netting out" the Fund's exposure to the position.) Whether such a
profit will be possible, of course depends on whether the then market price for
the option (less any commission payable on the sale) exceeds the option's
purchase price (including any related commission). In this regard, one of the
general risks of purchasing options is that, for a variety of reasons, the
market price of an option usually does not vary in the same way or to the same
extent as the value of the option's subject varies. Therefore, a Fund can lose
money purchasing a call option, even if the value of the option's subject

           The basic risk in purchasing an option is that, if the Fund never
exercises or sells the option at a profit, the Fund will lose the entire
purchase price of the option (plus any related commissions). That is the maximum
amount the Fund could lose, however.


           Selling or "writing" call options: Selling an option is commonly
referred to as "writing" an option. If the Fund (or anyone else) sells
("writes") a call option, it receives the premium (less any commission) paid by
the option's purchaser and has the obligation to sell the option's subject to
the purchaser at the exercise price if the purchaser exercises the option before
it expires.

           The Fund can make a profit writing a call option if the purchaser
fails to exercise the option (which usually would happen only if the value of
the option's subject were below the exercise price). In this case, the option's
purchase price (net of any commissions) would be a profit to the Fund.

           Alternatively, a Fund could profit from writing a call option if it
is able to subsequently purchase an identical option that would close out the
Fund's position at a profit. This could be done only if the market price of the
option then exceeded the Fund's initial purchase price by an amount greater than
any commissions payable by the Fund on the purchase or sale transactions. There
is a risk, however, that a Fund may be unable to do this, even if the value of
the call option's subject has declined. This is because, as noted above, the
value of an option does not vary in identical fashion to the value of the
option's subject.

           The risk of writing a call option is that, if the value of the
option's subject exceeds the option's exercise price, the option is almost sure
to be exercised. In that case, the Fund will suffer a loss to the extent that
the premium it received for writing the option (net of any commissions), plus
the exercise price it receives are less than the value of the option's subject
at the time of exercise. Therefore, the higher the value of the option's subject
rises, the greater the Fund's potential loss on an option it has written. A Fund
could cut off its further exposure in such a case by purchasing an identical
call option that would close out its position. The Fund would, however, probably
realize a loss on the transaction, because the purchase price it would have to
pay for that call option would probably have increased to reflect the increasing
value of the option's subject.

           Writing options on a "covered" basis. One way for a Fund to limit its
risk exposure on call options it has written is to "cover." A call option may be
considered "covered" if, as long as the option is outstanding, the writer
(seller) of the option owns assets that are identical to, or have the same or
similar investment characteristics to, the option's subject. In such a case, if
the value of the option's subject increases, the losses that the Fund will incur
on the call option it has written will tend to be offset by gains that Fund
earns on the assets it is holding to "cover" the option.

           Naturally, the more similar the assets held by the fund are to the
option's subject, the more assurance the Fund will have that its losses on call
options it has written will be "covered." How similar those assets must be
varies depending on the Fund and the type of covered option involved. More
details in this regard can be found in Sections 16. - 19. below.

           Purchasing and selling (writing) "put" options: A "put" option is the
same as a call option, except that a Fund (or any other person) that purchases a
put option, by paying the purchase price ("premium") has the right to sell
(rather than buy) the option's subject for a stated exercise ("strike") price.
Conversely, the seller (writer) of a put option receives the premium (net of any
commissions) but has the obligation to purchase the option's subject at its
exercise price if the option is exercised.

           Thus, if a Fund purchases a put option, its maximum potential loss
would equal the purchase price (plus any commissions thereon). On the other
hand, if a Fund sells (writes) a put option, the Fund could continue to
experience continuing losses while the option is outstanding, to the extent that
the value of the subject of the option continues to decline. If the subject lost
its value entirely, the Fund's maximum loss would equal the exercise price less
the premium (net of any commissions) that the Fund received initially for
writing the option. Because of this risk exposure, a Fund that writes a put
option may seek to "cover" that option with other assets that it owns. More
details about this can be found in Section 16. - 19. below.

           Accounting for options: The value of any option that the Fund has
purchased, and the amount of the Fund's obligation under any outstanding option
it has written, will vary as market prices change. These variations are
reflected daily in the Fund's calculation of its net asset value, so that such
value always reflects the estimated impact of current market conditions on all
of the Fund's option positions.


16.        Using Options on Securities in Certain Conservative Investment

           Except as otherwise noted below, the general discussion of options in
Section 15. above applies to this Section 16.

           Each of the Funds may write covered call options that are traded on
national securities exchanges, except for the Growth & Income, Real Estate
Equity, and Money Market Funds. By "covered" we mean that the Fund will actually
own the securities that are the subject of the option.

           The same Funds may purchase "protective" put options that are traded
on national securities exchanges. By "protective", we mean that the Fund will
actually own the securities that are the subject of the option. If the market
value of such underlying securities remains above the option's exercise price,
the Fund will, in effect, lose the premium it has paid for the option. The Fund,
however, avoids the risk of loss on the underlying securities, to the extent
that the market value of the underlying securities falls below the exercise
price of the put option.

           Liquidity risk: The Funds intend to write and purchase options only
if the subadviser believes that adequate liquidity exists. If for any reason a
Fund cannot, however, close out its open option position when deemed advisable,
the Fund's investment performance could be adversely affected.

17.        Using Financial Futures Contracts, Options on Such Contracts and
           Options on Stock Indexes (General Considerations)

           Most of the Funds may, in varying degrees use financial futures
contracts, options on such futures and options on stock indexes. This Section 17
discusses certain characteristics and risks that generally pertain to these
instruments, regardless of the specific use to which they are put. The Funds'
specific uses are discussed in Sections 7. - 8. above and 18. - 20. below,
including specific risks related to those risks.

           Financial futures contracts: Financial futures contracts consist of
interest rate futures contracts, stock index futures contracts, and currency
futures contracts.

           An interest rate futures contract is a contract to buy or sell
specified debt securities at a future time for a fixed price. A public market
currently exists for interest rate futures contracts on United States Treasury
Bills, United States Treasury Notes, bank certificates of deposit, and various
other domestic or foreign instruments and indexes.

           Stock index futures contracts bind purchaser and seller to delivery
at a future date specified in the contract of a cash amount equal to a multiple
of the difference between the value of a specified stock index on that date and
settlement price specified by the contract. That is, the seller of the futures
contract must pay and the purchaser would receive a multiple of any excess of
the value of the index over the settlement price, and the purchaser must pay and
the seller would receive a multiple of any excess of the settlement price over
the value of the index. A public market currently exists for stock index futures
contracts based on the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index, the Standard & Poor's
Midcap Index, the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index, the Value Line Stock
Index, and various other domestic or foreign indexes.

           A currency futures contract is a contract to buy or sell a specified
amount of another currency at a future time for a fixed price.

           Options on financial futures contracts: The writer of an option on a
financial futures contract agrees to assume a position in such financial futures
contract having a specified price, if the purchaser exercises the option and
thereby assumes the opposite position in the financial futures contract. If the
option purchaser would assume the sale side of the futures contract upon
exercise of the option, the option is commonly called a "put" option. If the
option writer would assume the sale side, it is commonly called a "call" option.
As with other types of options, the party that writes the option receives a
premium for doing so, and the party that purchases an option pays a premium
therefor. However, there is no exercise (or strike) price, as such. Rather, if
the value of the futures contract moves


against the writer of the option, so that the option is (or is likely to be)
exercised, the option writer, in effect, has the obligation to pay those losses.

           More specifically, an option written by a Fund on a financial futures
contract requires the Fund to pay any amount by which the fluctuating price of
the underlying debt instrument or index exceeds (in the case of a call option)
or is less than (in the case of a put option) the price specified in the futures
contract to which the option relates. Therefore, if the price of the debt
instrument or stock index on which the futures contract is based increases (in
the case of a call option written by a Fund) or decreases (in the case of a put
option written by a Fund), the Fund may incur losses that exceed the amount of
the premium received by the Fund for writing the option.

           Stock index options: After payment of a specified premium at the time
a stock index option is entered into, the purchaser of a stock index call option
obtains the right to receive a sum of money upon exercise of the option equal to
a multiple of the excess of a specified stock index on the exercise date over
the exercise or "strike" price specified by the option. The purchaser of a put
option obtains the right to receive a sum of money upon exercise of the option
equal to a multiple of any excess of the strike price over the stock index. The
writer of a call or put stock index option receives a premium, but has the
obligation, upon exercise of the option, to pay a multiple of the difference
between the index and the strike price. Thus, if the price of the stock index on
which an index option is based increases (in the case of a call option written
by a Fund) or decreases (in the case of a put option written by a Fund), the
Fund may incur losses that exceed the premium it received for writing the

           Stock indexes for which options are currently traded include the
Standard & Poor's 100 and Standard & Poor's 500 Indexes.

           Margin requirements for futures and options: When futures contracts
are traded, both buyer and seller are required to post an initial margin of cash
or U.S. Treasury Bills equaling as much as 5 to 10 percent or more of the
contract settlement price. The nature of the margin requirements in futures
transactions differs from traditional margin payments made in securities
transactions in that margins for futures contracts do not involve the borrowing
of funds by the customer to finance the transaction. Instead, a customer's
margin on a futures contract represents a good faith deposit securing the
customer's contractual obligations under the futures contract. If the market
moves against the Trust, so that a Fund has a net loss on its outstanding
futures contracts for a given day, the Fund generally will be required to post
additional margin to that extent. The margin deposit is returned, assuming the
Trust's obligations have been met, when the futures contract is terminated.

           Similar margin requirements will apply in connection with any
transactions in which a Fund writes any options. This includes options on
indexes and futures contracts, as well as other types of options.

           Certain risks: Financial futures, options thereon, and stock index
options, if used by a Fund, will in most cases be based on securities or stock
indexes the components of which are not identical to the portfolio securities
owned or intended to be acquired by the Fund and in connection with which such
instruments are used. Furthermore, due to supply and demand imbalances and other
market factors, the price movements of financial futures, options thereon, and
stock index options do not necessarily correspond exactly to the price movements
of the securities, currencies, or stock index on which such instruments are
based. These factors increase the difficulty of implementing a successful
strategy using futures and options contracts.

           The Funds generally will not take delivery of debt instruments
pursuant to purchasing an interest rate futures contract, nor make a delivery of
debt instruments pursuant to selling an interest rate futures contract. Nor will
the Funds necessarily take delivery of or deliver currencies in connection with
currency futures contracts. Instead, a Fund will more typically close out such
futures positions by entering into closing futures contract transactions.
Similarly, a Fund may wish to close out an option on a futures contract or an
option on an index by entering into an offsetting position in those instruments.

           Generally speaking, entering into closing transactions such as
described immediately above would not affect gains and losses of the Fund
resulting from market action prior to such closing transactions. Moreover, there
is a risk that, at the time a Fund wishes to enter into such a closing
transaction, trading in futures or options could be interrupted, for example,
because of supply and demand imbalances arising from a lack of either buyers or


The futures and options exchanges also may suspend trading after the price has
risen or fallen more than the maximum amount specified by the exchange. Exercise
of options could also be restricted or delayed because of regulatory
restrictions or other factors. Although the subadvisers will seek to avoid
situations where these factors would be likely to cause a problem for the Trust,
in some cases they could adversely affect particular Fund transactions in these

           Asset segregation requirement for certain futures and options
positions: A Fund will maintain at all times in a segregated account with its
custodian cash or high-grade liquid debt securities at least equal to the sum of
the purchase prices of all of the Fund's open futures purchase positions, plus
the current value of the securities underlying all of the Fund's open futures
sales positions that are maintained for purposes other than bona fide hedging,
plus the exercise price of all outstanding put options on futures contracts
written by the Fund, minus the amount of margin deposits with respect thereto as
marked to market each day.

18.        Using Financial Futures, Options Thereon, and Stock Index Options for
           Certain Hedging-Type Strategies

           This Section 18. should be read against the background of the
generally applicable information about options, futures and related risks that
appears in Sections 15. and 17. above.

           This Section 18. covers all Funds, except the Growth & Income, Real
Estate Equity, and Money Market Funds. Specifically, with those exceptions, all
Funds may use exchange-traded financial futures contracts thereon, and, except
for the Active Bond Fun, they also may purchase exchange-traded put or call
options on stock indexes, for the purposes discussed below.

           It should be emphasized that none of the Funds is required to use any
of these strategies, and doing so is not a principal investment strategy of any
of the Portfolios. Therefore, it should not be assumed that any particular Fund
will ever necessarily use any of these strategies to a significant extent.

           Hedging with financial futures contracts against market changes: All
Funds covered by this Section 18. (except the Equity Index Fund) may use
financial futures contracts as a hedge to protect against possible changes in
interest rates and security prices.

           Thus, for example, to hedge against the possibility that interest
rates or other factors may result in a general decline in prices of equity
securities of a type owned by them, these Funds (other than the Equity Index
Fund) may sell stock index futures contracts. Similarly, to hedge against the
possibility that increases in interest rates may adversely affect the market
values of debt securities held by them, these Funds (other than the Equity Index
and Large Cap Value CORE Funds) may enter into interest rate futures sale

           Establishing market exposure and managing cash flow with financial
futures contracts: On the other hand, purchasing futures contracts could enable
a Fund to take the approximate economic equivalent of a substantial position in
bonds or equity securities. Thus, the following Funds may purchase and sell
stock index and interest rate futures to maintain market exposure and manage
cash flows: the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Equity Index, American Leaders
Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Large Cap Growth, Large Cap Aggressive
Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth, Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, Mid Cap
Blend, Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap
Growth, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity Index,
International Equity, International Opportunities, International Opportunities
II, Emerging Market Equity, Short-Term Bond, Core Bond, Bond Index, Active Bond,
Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds.

           Managing foreign currency exposure with foreign currency futures
contracts: Any Fund may use foreign currency futures contracts to the same
extent and in the same manner as it is authorized to use forward foreign
exchange contracts in Section 6. above.


              Using options on futures contracts and options on stock indexes
for the foregoing purposes: Each Fund that this Section 18. authorizes to use
financial futures contracts also may purchase options on appropriate financial
futures contracts and (except for the Active Bond Fund) stock indexes for any
purpose and to the extent that it could use financial futures contracts as
discussed above.

           Limitations on "long" positions for certain Funds: The Large Cap
Value CORE Portfolio may not purchase financial futures contracts, except for
currency futures. The following limitation applies to the Managed, Aggressive
Balanced, Equity Index, Large Cap Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth and Mid Cap Blend Funds. These Funds may purchase
financial futures contracts, purchase call options on financial futures options
or purchase call options on equity indexes only if (a) they intend to purchase
securities (or, in the case of the Aggressive Balanced, Equity Index, Large Cap
Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, and Mid Cap
Blend Funds, wish to establish or maintain market exposure to securities that
the Fund would be authorized to purchase) and (b) the values of such securities
are expected to change by approximately the same amount as the value of the
futures or options contracts being used to hedge them.

           Risks of hedging-type strategies: If, after a Fund establishes a
hedge position, the value of the securities or currencies being hedged moves in
the opposite direction from that anticipated, the Fund as a whole will perform
less well than it would have had it not entered into the futures or option

           The success of the Funds in using hedging-type techniques depends,
among other things, on the subadviser's ability to predict the direction and
volatility of price movements in the futures or options markets, as well as the
securities markets and, in some cases, currency markets, and on the subadviser's
ability to select the proper type, time and duration of option or futures
contracts. Certain of the subadvisers have limited experience in utilizing these
hedging-type techniques, and there can be no assurance that these techniques
will produce their intended result.

           The prices of the futures and options contracts used for hedging-type
strategies may not vary as contemplated in relation to changes in the price of
the securities or currencies being hedged. Accordingly, there is a risk that
transactions in these instruments, if used by a Fund, may not in fact offset the
impact of adverse market developments in the manner or to the extent
contemplated or that such transactions may result in losses to the Fund which
would not be offset by gains with respect to corresponding portfolio securities
owned or to be purchased by that Fund. Hedging-type transactions also may be
more, rather than less, favorable to a Fund than originally anticipated.

19.        Using Options and Futures In Potentially More Aggressive Strategies

           This Section 19. should be read against the background of the
generally applicable information about options, futures, and related risks that
appears in Section 15., 17. and 18. above.

           This Section 19. applies only to the Managed, Aggressive Balanced,
Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Growth,
Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity Index, International
Equity, International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity, Short-Term
Bond, Bond Index, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds. The option and futures
strategies discussed in this Section are in addition to those discussed for
those (and other) Funds in Sections 7., 8., 16., and 18. above.

           Writing certain types of options: The Managed, Aggressive Balanced,
Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, , Small/Mid Cap
Growth, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity Index,
International Equity, International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity,
Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds may write
"covered" put options on securities. In addition, the Managed, Aggressive
Balanced, Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid
Cap Growth, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity Index,
International Equity, International Opportunities II, Short-Term Bond, Bond
Index, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds may also write covered put and
call options on indexes composed of securities in which the Fund may invest.
Such index options may be written in any manner that the Fund in question is
authorized to write options on specific securities it owns.


              A put option written by a Fund will be deemed to be "covered" if
the Fund maintains in a segregated account with its custodian cash, U.S.
Government securities or other high-grade liquid debt securities with a value at
all times at least equal to the exercise price of the put. Put and call options
written by Funds will also be considered to be "covered" to the extent that the
Fund's liabilities under these options are fully offset by its rights under put
or call options purchased by the Fund.

           Purchasing certain types of options. The Managed, Aggressive
Balanced, Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small Cap
Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity Index, International Equity,
International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity, Global Bond, and High
Yield Bond Funds may purchase put and call options on securities in which it may
invest, without specific restriction as to the circumstances of such purchases.
Similarly, each of these Funds, as well as the Small/Mid Cap Growth and Short-
Term Bond Funds, may purchase put and call options on indexes composed of
securities in which the Fund may invest, without specific restriction on the
circumstances of such purchases.

           Option purchases of the type covered in the preceding paragraph would
have to be consistent with the Fund's investment objective. Also, each of the
above-listed Funds is subject to the limitation on certain futures and options
transactions described in Section 20.

           Using options traded over-the-counter or on foreign exchanges: The
Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid
Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International
Equity Index, International Equity, International Opportunities II, Emerging
Markets Equity, Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond
Funds may also use options on securities and options on indexes that are traded
"over-the-counter" or on foreign exchanges, in any manner that they would be
permitted to use such options that were traded on domestic exchanges. These
Funds will engage in over-the-counter options only with member banks of the
Federal Reserve System and primary dealers in U.S. Government securities. These
Funds will treat over-the-counter options they have purchased and assets used to
cover over-the-counter options they have written as illiquid securities.
However, with respect to options written with primary dealers in U.S. Government
securities pursuant to an agreement requiring a closing purchase transaction at
a formula price, the amount of illiquid securities may be calculated with
reference to the formula price.

           Using futures contracts and options on futures contracts for certain
purposes: The Managed, Aggressive Balanced, American Leaders Large Cap Value,
Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value,
Small/Mid Cap Growth, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity
Index, International Equity, International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets
Equity, Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Active Bond, Core Bond, Global Bond, and
High Yield Bond Funds may use futures contracts on securities or on market
indexes, and options on such futures contracts, without specific restriction on
the purposes of such transactions. Nevertheless, such transactions would have to
be consistent with the Fund's investment objective.

           There is no specific overall limit on the amount of the assets these
Funds may devote to financial futures contracts and options thereon, even if
such contracts are not limited to hedging-type transactions. Nevertheless
(except through the purchase of options, as discussed below) the Funds will not
use these techniques for purpose of "leveraging" the Fund's exposure to the
securities underlying any futures contract or option thereon or its exposure to
foreign currencies. Although this limitation does not apply to options on
futures contracts that are purchased by a Fund, the total amount of premiums
paid by a Fund for such options that are not used for bona fide hedging is
(pursuant to the restrictions set forth in Section 20. below) limited to 5% of
the Fund's net assets.

           Risks of potentially more aggressive options and futures strategies:
As outlined above, the Funds discussed in this Section 19. may engage in types
of options and futures transactions not permitted to the other Funds, including
over-the-counter options, writing covered put options, and more types of
transactions that are not solely for hedging-type purposes or that other may be
more speculative. Also, even as to options and futures transactions of a type
that are permitted to other Funds, these Funds are, in certain cases, not as
limited regarding the amount of their assets that may be so employed.
Accordingly, to the extent that these Funds exercise their broader authority to
enter into options and futures transactions, they may incur greater risks than
the other Funds.


20.        Limiting the Funds' Exposure to Certain Futures and Option

           The Equity Index, Large Cap Value, Large Cap Growth, Mid Cap Value,
Small Cap Value, and International Opportunities Funds will not enter into any
financial futures contract or purchase any option thereon, if, immediately
thereafter, the total amount of its assets required by commodities exchanges to
be on deposit as margin to secure its obligations under futures contracts, plus
the amount of premiums paid by the Fund for outstanding options to purchase
futures contracts, exceeds 5% of the market value of the Fund's total assets.

           The following limitation applies to all of the Funds that can invest
in financial futures contracts or options thereon, other than the Equity Index,
Large Cap Value, Large Cap Growth, Mid Cap Value, Small Cap Value and
International Opportunities Funds: No such other Fund may purchase, sell or
write futures contracts or options thereon other than for "bonafide" hedging
purposes (as defined by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) if
immediately thereafter the Fund's initial margin deposits on such outstanding
non-hedging futures and options positions, plus the amount of premiums paid by
the Fund for such outstanding non-hedging options on futures contracts, exceeds
5% of the market value of the Fund's net assets. For the purpose of this
calculation, any amount by which an option is "in the money" at the time of its
purchase is excluded from the premium paid therefor.

           Nor will any of the Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Large Cap
Growth, Mid Cap Value, Small Cap Value or International Equity Funds enter into
any transaction in interest rate, stock index or currency futures, or options
thereon, or stock index options, if the value of the securities being hedged by
all of such instruments would immediately thereafter be more than one-third of
the value of the Fund's total assets. Nor will any Fund consider as "hedging"
any transaction that is intended to leverage the Fund's investment exposure to
the type of security being hedged or to leverage the Fund's currency exposure.

21.        Using Other Types of Derivative Instruments

           The Global Balanced, International Equity Index, and High Yield Bond
Funds may engage in "swap" transactions (specifically interest rate, currency
and index swaps) and in the purchase or sale of related "caps," "floors," or
"collars." The Emerging Markets Equity Fund may also engage in those
transactions and, in addition, may engage in equity swap transactions. The
Managed and Aggressive Balanced Funds may each invest up to 10% of the
respective Fund's total assets (at the time the swap is entered into) in
currency and equity swaps for hedging purposes or for currency management
strategies as discussed in Section 6 above. The International Equity Fund may
invest up to 10% of its total assets (at the time the swap is entered into) in
currency and equity swaps, although it will use currency swaps only for hedging
purposes. The Global Bond Fund may also use these derivative instruments, but
only for currency management strategies as discussed in Section 6. above.

           The nature and risks of these types of transactions are discussed
further in the paragraphs that follow.

           Interest rate swaps: In a typical interest rate swap agreement, one
party agrees to make payments equal to a floating interest rate on a specified
amount (the "notional amount") in return for payments equal to a fixed interest
rate on the same amount for a specified period. If a swap agreement provides for
payments in different currencies, the parties might agree to exchange the
notional amount as well.

           Provided the contract so permits, a Fund will usually enter into
swaps on a "net" basis: that is, the two payment streams are netted out in a
cash settlement on the payment date or dates specified in the instrument, with
the Fund receiving or paying, as the case may be, only the net amount of the two

           Interest rate caps, floors and collars: The purchaser of an interest
rate cap or floor, upon payment of a fee, has the right to receive payments (and
the seller of the cap is obligated to make payments) to the extent a specified
interest rate exceeds (in the case of a cap) or is less than (in the case of a
floor) a specified level over a specified period of time or at specified dates.
The purchaser of an interest rate collar, upon payment of a fee, has the right
to receive payments (and the seller of the collar is obligated to make payments)
to the extent that a specified interest rate falls outside an agreed upon range
over a specified period of time or at specified dates.


              Currency, index and equity swaps, caps, floors and collars:
Currency, index, and equity swaps, caps, floors, and collars are similar to
those for interest rates described in the two preceding paragraphs above, except
that, rather than being determined by variations in specified interest rates,
the obligations of the parties are determined by variations in a specified
currency, interest rate index, or equity index, as the case may be.

           Risks and purposes of these other derivatives: The amount of a Fund's
potential gain or loss on any swap transaction is not subject to any fixed
limit. Nor is there any fixed limit on the Fund's potential loss if it sells a
cap, floor or collar. If a Fund buys a cap, floor or collar, however, the Fund's
potential loss is limited to the amount of the fee that it has paid.

           Swaps, caps, floors and collars tend to be more volatile than many
other types of investments. Nevertheless, a Fund will use these techniques only
as a risk management tool and not for purposes of leveraging the Fund's market
exposure or its exposure to changing interest rates, security values or currency
values. Rather, a Fund will use these transactions only to preserve a return or
spread on a particular investment or portion of its investments, to protect
against currency fluctuations, as a duration management technique, to protect
against any increase in the price of securities the Fund anticipates purchasing
at a later date, or to gain exposure to certain markets in the most economical
way possible. Nor will a Fund sell interest rate caps, floors or collars if it
does not own securities providing the interest that the Fund may be required to
pay under such derivative instruments. Finally, of course, a Fund may use these
derivative instruments only in ways that are consistent with its investment

           The use of swaps, caps, floors and collars involves investment
techniques and risks different from those associated with other portfolio
security transactions. If the subadviser is incorrect in its forecasts of market
values, interest rates, currency rates and other applicable factors, the
investment performance of a Fund will be less favorable than if these techniques
had not been used.

           These instruments are typically not traded on exchanges. Accordingly,
there is a heightened risk that the other party to certain of these instruments
will not perform its obligations to the Fund. None of the Funds will enter into
any swap, cap, floor, or collar, unless the other party to the transaction is
deemed creditworthy by the subadviser.

           There also is a risk that a Fund may be unable to enter into
offsetting positions to terminate its exposure or liquidate its investment under
certain of these instruments when it wishes to do so. Such occurrences could
result in losses to the Fund. In recent years, the swap market has become
relatively liquid. Caps, floors and collars are more recent innovations for
which standardized documentation has not yet been fully developed and, for that
reason, they are less liquid than swaps.

           The liquidity of swaps, caps, floors and collars will be determined
by the subadviser based on various factors, including (1) the frequency of
trades and quotations, (2) the number of dealers and prospective purchasers in
the marketplace, (3) dealer undertakings to make a market, (4) the nature of the
instrument (including any demand or tender features) and (5) the nature of the
marketplace for trades (including the ability to assign or offset a Fund's
rights and obligations relating to the investment). Such determinations will
govern whether the instrument will be deemed within the Fund's 15% restriction
on investments in securities that are not readily marketable.

           Segregation requirements for these derivatives: Each Fund will
maintain cash or liquid high grade debt securities in a segregated account with
its custodian in an amount sufficient at all times to cover its current
obligations under swaps, caps, floors and collars. If a Fund enters into a swap
agreement on a net basis, it will segregate assets with a daily value at least
equal to the excess, if any, of the Fund's accrued obligations under the swap
agreement over the accrued amount the Fund is entitled to receive under the
agreement. If a Fund enters into a swap agreement on other than a net basis, or
sells a cap, floor or collar, it will segregate assets with a daily value at
least equal to the full amount of the Fund's accrued obligations under the


22.        Investing in Other Investment Companies

           Each Fund may invest up to 10% of its total assets in shares of other
investment companies investing exclusively in securities in which that Fund may
otherwise invest. As a shareholder in an investment company, a Fund would bear
its ratable share of that investment company's expenses, including advisory and
administration fees, except as specifically stated otherwise in the paragraphs
that follow.

           Using other investment companies to gain exposure to certain foreign
securities: Because of restrictions on direct investment by U.S. entities in
certain countries, other investment companies may provide the most practical (or
only way) for a Fund to invest in certain markets. Such investments may involve
the payment of substantial premiums above the net asset value of those
investment companies' portfolio securities and are subject to limitations under
the Investment Company Act of 1940. A Fund also may incur tax liability to the
extent it invests in the stock of a foreign issuer that is a "passive foreign
investment company," regardless of whether such "passive foreign investment
company" makes distributions to the Fund.

           The Emerging Markets Equity Fund is the most likely to make
significant investments in other investment companies to gain exposure to
foreign securities; and John Hancock and the subadviser have agreed to waive
their own management fees with respect to the portion of that Fund's assets
invested in other open-end (but not closed-end) investment companies. (An "open
end" company is one whose shares are freely redeemable. A "closed end" company
is one whose shares can generally be disposed of only in market transactions, as
opposed to redemptions.)

           The International Equity Index Fund is likely to invest in closed-end
investment companies known as "country funds" or passive foreign investment
companies. The International Equity Fund may also purchase shares of investment
companies investing primarily in foreign securities, including country funds.

           The Large Cap Value CORE and International Equity Funds may invest in
World Equity Benchmark Shares ("WEBS") and other investment company securities
that represent a similar interest in securities included in a foreign securities
index. (These securities are similar in structure to the SPDR's discussed

           Investing in Standard & Poor's Depository Receipts (SPDR's): The
Equity Index, American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, and
Small/Mid Cap CORE Funds may, consistent with their investment objectives,
purchase Standard & Poor's Depository Receipts ("SPDRs"). SPDRs are American
Stock Exchange-traded securities that represent ownership in the SPDR Trust, a
trust which has been established to accumulate and hold a portfolio of common
stocks that is intended to track the price performance and dividend yield of the
S&P 500. This trust is a regulated investment company that is sponsored by a
subsidiary of the American Stock Exchange. SPDRs may be used for several
reasons, including but not limited to: facilitating the handling of cash flows
or trading, or reducing transaction costs.

           Investing in money market fund shares: A Fund may also invest in
money market funds managed by its subadviser in reliance upon an exemptive order
received by its subadviser from the SEC. Such exemptive orders may permit funds
managed by the subadviser to invest in money market funds managed by it, to an
extent in excess of amounts otherwise permitted by the Investment Company Act.
The subadviser to the Mid Cap Growth Fund will remit the fees it receives from
money market funds it manages, to the extent such fees are based on the Mid Cap
Growth Fund's assets, to the Mid Cap Growth Fund. Nor are the Large Cap Value
and International Opportunities Funds charged any investment management fees for
investments in money market funds managed by their subadvisers.

23.        Purchasing "When Issued" Securities and Forward Commitments

           All Funds (other than the Growth & Income and Money Market Funds) may
purchase securities on a when issued or delayed delivery basis. When such
transactions are negotiated, the price of such securities is fixed at the time
of commitment, but delivery and payment for the securities may take place a
month or more after the date of the commitment to purchase. The securities so
purchased are subject to market fluctuations, and no interest accrues to the
purchaser during this period.


           In addition, these Funds may make contracts to purchase securities
for a fixed price at a future date beyond customary settlement time ("forward
commitments"), because new issues of securities are typically offered to
investors on that basis. Forward commitments involve a risk of loss if the value
of the security to be purchased declines prior to the settlement date. This risk
is in addition to the risk of decline in value of the Fund's other assets.
Although a Fund will enter into such contracts with the intention of acquiring
the securities, the Fund may dispose of a commitment prior to settlement if its
subadviser deems it appropriate to do so.

           Asset segregation requirement for these transactions. Each Fund will
maintain in a segregated account with its custodian cash or liquid high grade
debt securities that at all times equal the amount of its when issued and
forward commitments.

24.        Short-Term Trading

           All Funds can use short-term trading of securities as a means of
managing their portfolios to achieve their investment objectives. As used
herein, "short-term trading" means the purchase and subsequent sale of a
security after it has been held for a relatively brief period of time, in some
instances for less than three months. A Fund may engage in short-term trading to
the extent that the subadviser believes the transactions, net of costs
(including commissions, if any), will benefit the Fund. Generally speaking,
short-term trading can be expected to generate expenses for a Fund that would
not be incurred by a Fund that did not engage in that practice.

25.        Entering Into Repurchase Agreements

           All of the Funds may enter into repurchase agreements.

           A repurchase agreement is a contract under which a Fund would acquire
a security for a relatively short period (e.g., 7 days), subject to the seller's
obligation to repurchase the security at a fixed time and price (representing
the Fund's cost plus interest). Repurchase agreements will be entered into only
with member banks of the Federal Reserve System and with "primary dealers" in
U.S. Government securities.

           The Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Growth & Income, Large Cap Growth,
Real Estate Equity, Active Bond and Money Market Funds may not invest in
repurchase agreements maturing in more than 7 days. No other Fund will invest in
repurchase agreements maturing in more than 7 days if that investment, together
with any other investments deemed "illiquid," would exceed 15% of the Fund's net

           Each Fund has a procedure providing that the securities serving as
collateral for each repurchase agreement must be delivered to the Fund's
custodian or sub-custodian, either physically or in book-entry form, and that
the collateral must be marked-to-market daily to ensure that each repurchase
agreement is fully "collateralized" at all times. In the event of a bankruptcy
or other default by a seller of a repurchase agreement, however, the Fund could
experience delays in liquidating the underlying securities and could experience
losses (including the possible decline in the value of the underlying securities
during the period while the Fund seeks to enforce its rights thereto, possible
subnormal levels of income and lack of access to income during this period, and
expenses of enforcing its rights).

26.        Participating in Joint Trading Accounts

           John Hancock has established a "joint trading account" that all
Funds, in the discretion of their subadvisers, can use to invest relatively
small amounts of cash on a more favorable basis than they could do individually.
John Hancock is responsible for investing the aggregate cash balances in the
joint trading account into one or more repurchase agreements, as described in
Section 25. above, or in other money market instruments. The joint trading
account was established pursuant to an order of the SEC and the following Funds
regularly participate in it: the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Growth & Income,
Large Cap Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Real Estate Equity,
Small Cap Value, International Equity Index, High Yield Bond and Money Market

           Each Fund is also free to participate in any similar joint trading
account that their subadviser operates for mutual fund assets managed by it.
These other joint trading accounts would be operated pursuant to their own SEC


exemptive orders, and the following Funds currently participate in such other
joint trading accounts: the Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap
CORE, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Small Cap Growth, International Equity, and Active
Bond Funds.

           In each case, the subadviser that operates one of these joint trading
accounts is responsible for ensuring that all repurchase agreements acquired
through these accounts are at all times fully collateralized.

27.        Lending of Fund Securities

           In order to generate additional income, all Funds may, and most do,
lend securities from their portfolios to brokers, dealers and financial
institutions such as banks and trust companies. Such loans will be secured by
collateral consisting of cash or U.S. Government securities, which will be
maintained in an amount equal to at least 100% of the current market value of
the loaned securities. During the period of the loan, the Fund receives the
income (if any) on the loaned securities, as well as additional compensation for
making the loan. Cash collateral may be invested in short-term securities, which
will increase the current income of the Fund. Such loans will not be for more
than 60 days and will be terminable by the Fund at any time. The Fund will have
the right to regain record ownership of loaned securities in order to exercise
rights of a holder thereof including receiving interest or other distributions
or exercising voting rights. The Fund may pay reasonable fees to persons
unaffiliated with the Fund for services in arranging such loans.

           Lending of portfolio securities involves a risk of failure by the
borrower to return the loaned securities, in which event the Fund may incur a
loss. However, most of the Funds' loans of securities are pursuant to an
arrangement with State Street Bank & Trust Company, the Trust's primary
custodian. Under these arrangements, State Street Bank & Trust Company
guarantees the Trust against any loss or damages that any Fund incurs as a
result of the borrower failing to return the Fund's securities in accordance
with the terms of the loan. No Fund will lend portfolio securities having a
total value in excess of 33 1/3% of its total assets.

28.        Using Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Mortgage "Dollar Rolls"

           The Short-Term Bond and Money Market Funds may enter into reverse
repurchase agreements to facilitate portfolio liquidity, a practice common in
the mutual fund industry, or for arbitrage transactions (discussed below). In a
reverse repurchase agreement, the Fund sells a security and enters into an
agreement to repurchase the security at a specified future date, but at a lower
price. The Fund generally retains the right to interest and principal payments
on the security, as well as use of the proceeds while the repurchase agreement
is outstanding.

           The Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Core
Bond, Active Bond, and Global Bond Funds may enter into mortgage dollar rolls,
in which the Fund sells mortgage-backed securities for delivery in the current
month and simultaneously contracts to purchase substantially similar securities
at a specified future date and price. While the Fund foregoes principal and
interest paid on the mortgage-backed securities during the "roll" period, the
Fund is compensated by the difference between the current sale price and the
lower price for the future purchase as well as by any return earned on the
proceeds of the initial sale.

           The mortgage dollar rolls and reverse repurchase agreements entered
into by a Fund may be used as arbitrage transactions in which the Fund will
maintain an offsetting position in investment-grade debt obligations or
repurchase agreements that mature on or before the settlement date of the
related mortgage dollar roll or reverse repurchase agreement. Since the Fund
will receive interest on the securities or repurchase agreements in which it
invests the transaction proceeds, such transactions could be considered to
involve leverage. However, since such securities or repurchase agreements will
be high quality and will mature on or before the settlement date of the mortgage
dollar roll or reverse repurchase agreement, the Trust does not believe that
such arbitrage transactions present the risks to the Fund that are associated
with other types of leverage.

           Asset segregation requirements for reverse repurchase agreements and
mortgage dollar rolls: Each Fund will set aside in a segregated account with its
custodian liquid assets that at all times are at least equal to its obligations
under outstanding reverse repurchase agreements and mortgage dollar rolls it has
entered into.


29.        Investing in Rule 144A and Illiquid Securities

           All Funds, other than the Growth & Income, Large Cap Growth and Real
Estate Equity Funds, may purchase unregistered securities that are eligible for
resale to "qualified institutional buyers" pursuant to Rule 144A under the
Securities Act of 1933. Case-by-case determinations are made whether each issue
of Rule 144A securities owned by the Fund is an illiquid security.

           If illiquid, a Rule 144A security may not be purchased by the Money
Market Fund. Nor may the Money Market Fund purchase any other investments that
are deemed to be illiquid, if the total of all its illiquid assets would be more
than 10% of its net assets. Each Fund other than the Money Market Fund, however,
may purchase illiquid Rule 144A securities, or other illiquid assets if, and
only if, the total of all the Fund's illiquid assets would not thereby be made
to exceed 15% of the Fund's net assets.


           The Funds' investment objectives and strategies may, in general, be
changed without the approval of shareholders.

In a few cases, however, the Investment Company Act requires such approval. In
addition, the Trust has adopted as "fundamental" the below-listed restrictions
relating to the investment of each Fund's assets. That these restrictions are
"fundamental" policies means that they may not be changed for any Fund without
the approval of a majority of the outstanding voting shares of each affected
Fund. (The term "majority of the outstanding voting shares" means the lesser of
(1) 67% of the shares represented at a meeting at which more than 50% of the
outstanding shares are represented or (2) more than 50% of the outstanding

           To the extent the Trust's prospectus or this Statement of Additional
Information anywhere sets forth investment restrictions more restrictive than
the fundamental restrictions described below, the more restrictive limitation
controls; but any such more restrictive limitation may be changed without any
shareholder approval, subject to the below fundamental restrictions.

           As a matter of fundamental policy, no Fund will:

           (1) Purchase real estate or any interest therein, except through the
purchase of corporate or certain government securities (including securities
secured by a mortgage or a leasehold interest or other interest in real estate).
A security issued by a real estate or mortgage investment trust or an interest
in a pool of real estate mortgage loans is not treated as an interest in real
estate. Investments of the type permitted in the Real Estate Equity Fund are not
deemed interests in real estate for the purposes of this restriction.

           (2) Make loans, other than through the acquisition of obligations in
which the Fund may invest consistent with its objective and investment policies,
except that each Fund may lend portfolio securities not having a value in excess
of 33 1/3% of the Fund's total assets.

           (3) Invest in commodities or in commodity contracts or in puts, calls
or a combination of both, except that

               (A) the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Equity Index, Large Cap
           Value, American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Growth, Large Cap
           Value CORE, Large Cap Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap
           Value, Mid Cap Growth, Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, Mid Cap Blend,
           Small/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small
           Cap Value, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity
           Index, International Equity, International Opportunities,
           International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets Equity, Short-Term
           Bond, Core Bond, Bond Index, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds


                               (i)   write call options on, and purchase put
                     options covered by, securities held by them and purchase
                     and sell options to close out positions thus established,
                     provided that no such covered call or put option position
                     will be established in the Large Cap Growth Fund if more
                     than one-third of the Fund's total assets would immediately
                     thereafter be subject to such call and put options,

                               (ii)  purchase options on stock indexes and write
                     such options to close out positions previously established,

                               (iii) enter into financial futures contracts or
                     purchase options on such contracts, and effect offsetting
                     transactions to close out such positions previously
                     established; provided that, (a) as to the Large Cap Value,
                     Large Cap Growth, Mid Cap Value, and Small Cap Value Funds,
                     no position in financial futures, options thereon or
                     options on securities indexes will be established if,
                     immediately thereafter, the then-current aggregate value of
                     all securities owned or to be acquired by the Fund which
                     are hedged by such instruments exceeds one-third of the
                     value of its total assets and (b) as to such Funds, and as
                     to the Equity Index and International Opportunities Funds,
                     no futures position or position in options on futures will
                     be established if, immediately thereafter, the total of the
                     initial margin deposits required by commodities exchanges
                     with respect to all open futures positions at the time such
                     positions were established, plus the sum of the premiums
                     paid for all unexpired options on futures contracts would
                     exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets;

                     (B) with respect to the Managed, Aggressive Balanced,
           Equity Index, Large Cap Value, American Leaders Large Cap Value,
           Large Cap Value CORE, Large Cap Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap
           Value, Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth, Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, Mid
           Cap Blend, Small/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap
           CORE, Small Cap Value, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced,
           International Equity Index, International Equity, International
           Opportunities, International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets
           Equity, Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Active Bond, Core Bond, Global
           Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds, forward foreign exchange contracts,
           forward commitments, and when issued securities are not deemed to be
           commodities or commodity contracts or puts or calls for the purposes
           of this restriction;

                     (C) the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Mid Cap Growth,
           American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Large Cap
           Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth,
           Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International
           Equity Index, International Equity, International Opportunities II,
           Emerging Markets Equity, Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Global Bond,
           and High Yield Bond Funds may, in addition to the activities
           permitted in (A) and (B) above,

                               (i)  write put and call options on securities and
                     market indexes, if such positions are covered by other
                     securities or outstanding put and call positions of the
                     Fund, and purchase put and call options to close out any
                     positions thus established, and

                               (ii) enter into futures contracts on securities
                     or market indexes, or purchase or write put or call options
                     on such futures contracts, for hedging or speculative
                     (non-hedging) purposes, and enter into offsetting
                     transactions to close out any positions thus established;
                     provided that none of these Funds may purchase, sell or
                     write such futures or options other than for bona fide
                     hedging purposes if immediately thereafter the Fund's
                     margin deposits on such non-hedging positions, plus the
                     amount of premiums paid for outstanding options on futures
                     contracts that are not for bona fide hedging purposes (less
                     any amount by which any such option is "in the money" at
                     the time of purchase) exceeds 5% of the market value of the
                     Fund's net assets;

                     (D) the Active Bond and Core Bond Funds may enter into
           futures contracts and purchase or write options thereon to the same
           extent as is permitted in (C), above, with respect to the Funds
           listed therein; and


                     (E) the Managed, Aggressive Balanced, Equity Index, Large
           Cap Value, American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE,
           Large Cap Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, Mid
           Cap Growth, Fundamental Growth, Mid Cap Blend, Small/Mid Cap Value,
           Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small Cap Value, Small Cap Growth,
           Global Balanced, International Equity Index, International Equity,
           International Opportunities, International Opportunities II, Emerging
           Markets Equity, Core Bond, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds may
           purchase or write put or call options on foreign currencies, may
           purchase put or call options on securities, and may enter into
           closing transactions with respect to any of such options.

           (4) Engage in the underwriting of securities of other issuers, except
to the extent the Fund may be deemed an underwriter in selling as part of an
offering registered under the Securities Act of 1933 securities which it has

           (5) Borrow money, except from banks as a temporary measure where such
borrowings would not exceed 5% of the market value of total assets of the Fund
as of the time each such borrowing is made, or 10% as to the Aggressive
Balanced, American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Large Cap
Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Fundamental Growth, Mid Cap Blend,
Small/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap CORE, International Equity
Index, International Equity, International Opportunities II, Emerging Markets
Equity, Bond Index, Core Bond and High Yield Bond Funds, subject to a non-
fundamental policy that none of these Funds will make additional investments at
any time when such borrowings plus any amounts payable by the Fund under reverse
repurchase agreements exceed 5% of that Fund's total assets.

           (6) Except as set forth in the following sentence, neither the
Managed and Active Bond Funds, nor the Growth & Income, Large Cap Growth, Real
Estate Equity, or Money Market Funds may purchase securities which are subject
to legal or contractual delays in or restrictions on resale. The Managed and
Active Bond Funds may, however, purchase restricted securities, including those
eligible for resale to "qualified institutional buyers" pursuant to Rule 144A
under the Securities Act of 1933, subject to a non fundamental restriction
limiting all illiquid securities held by each Fund to not more than 15% of the
Trust's net assets.

           (7) Purchase securities on margin, except for short-term credits as
may be necessary for the clearance of purchases or sales of securities, or
effect a short sale of any security. Neither the use of futures contracts as
permitted by restriction (3), above nor the use of option contracts as permitted
by restriction (3) above, shall be deemed to be the purchase of a security on

           (8) Invest for the purpose of exercising control over or management
of any company.

           (9) Unless received as a dividend or as a result of an offer of
exchange approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") or of a plan
of reorganization, purchase or otherwise acquire any security issued by an
investment company if the Fund would immediately thereafter own (a) more than 3%
of the outstanding voting stock of the investment company, (b) securities of the
investment company having an aggregate value in excess of 5% of the Fund's total
assets, (c) securities of investment companies having an aggregate value in
excess of 10% of the Fund's total assets, or (d) together with investment
companies having the same investment adviser as the Fund (and companies
controlled by such investment companies), more than 10% of the outstanding
voting stock of any registered closed-end investment company. A real estate or
mortgage investment trust is not considered an investment company. This
restriction (9) does not apply to the Aggressive Balanced, Equity Index, Large
Cap Value, American Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Large Cap
Aggressive Growth, Large/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth,
Fundamental Growth, Mid Cap Blend, Small/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap CORE,
Small Cap Value, Small Cap Growth, International Equity, Global
Balanced, International Opportunities, International Opportunities II, Emerging
Markets Equity, Bond Index, Core Bond, Global Bond, or High Yield Bond Funds.

           (10) Purchase securities of any issuer, if (a) with respect to 75% of
the market value of its total assets, more than 5% of the Fund's total assets
taken at market value would at the time be invested in the securities of such
issuer, unless such issuer is the United States Government or its agency or
instrumentality, or (b) such purchase would result in more than 10% of the
outstanding voting securities of such issuer being held by the Fund. This
restriction (10) does not apply to the Large Cap Aggressive Growth, Mid Cap
Growth or Global Balanced Funds.


           (11) Issue senior securities. For the purposes of this restriction,
the following shall not be deemed to be the issuance of a senior security: the
use of futures contracts as permitted by restriction (3), above; the use of
option contracts as permitted by restriction (3), above; and the use of foreign
currency contracts.

           The Aggressive Balanced, Equity Index, Large Cap Value, American
Leaders Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Large Cap Aggressive Growth,
Large/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth, Fundamental Mid Cap Growth,
Mid Cap Blend, Small/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE,
Small Cap Value, Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced, International Equity Index,
International Equity, International Opportunities, International Opportunities
II, Emerging Markets Equity, Short-Term Bond, Bond Index, Active Bond, Core
Bond, Global Bond, and High Yield Bond Funds will not purchase the securities of
issuers conducting their principal business activity in the same industry if,
immediately after such purchase, the value of the Trust's investments in such
industry would exceed 25% of its total assets taken at market value. For the
purpose of this restriction, telephone, water, gas and electric public utilities
are each regarded as separate industries, and wholly-owned finance companies are
considered to be in the industry of their parents if their activities are
primarily related to financing the activities of their parent. In conformity
with its understanding of current interpretations of the Investment Company Act
by the staff of the SEC, the Trust, as a non-fundamental policy, interprets this
limitation not to apply to securities issued by the Federal government, or state
and local governments within the U.S., or political subdivisions thereof; but
this exception does not apply to securities of foreign government entities. If
these interpretations change, however, the Trust may modify its practices to
conform to such changes.

           For purposes of any restrictions or limitation to which the Trust is
subject, no Fund, by entering into any futures contract or acquiring or writing
any option thereon or on any security or market index, shall be deemed

           (1) to have acquired or invested in any securities of any exchange or
clearing corporation for any such instrument or

           (2) to have acquired or invested in any debt obligations or in any
stocks comprising indexes on which such instrument is based, but which the Fund
does not hold directly in its portfolio.


           The Board of Trustees of the Trust is responsible for overall
management of the Trust. The Board may exercise all powers of the Trust, except
those powers which are conferred solely upon or reserved to the shareholders.
The following table provides information about the members of the Board of
Trustees and the officers of the Trust:

Name, Address and Age                  Positions Held With Trust            Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years
- ---------------------                  -------------------------            ----------------------------------------------
Michele G. Van Leer* (age 42)                                               Senior Vice President, Product Management, John Hancock
John Hancock Place                       Chairman and Trustee               Life Insurance Company; President & Director, John
Boston, Massachusetts 02117                                                 Hancock Variable Life Insurance Company

Thomas J. Lee* (age 45)                  Vice Chairman, President and       Vice President, Life and Annuity Services, John Hancock
John Hancock Place                       Trustee                            Life Insurance Company; Director, John Hancock Variable
Boston, Massachusetts 02117                                                 Life Insurance Company


Name, Address and Age                  Positions Held With Trust            Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years
- ---------------------                  -------------------------            ----------------------------------------------
Elizabeth G. Cook (age 62)               Trustee                            Expressive Arts Therapist, Dana-Farber Cancer
85 East India Row                                                           Institute; President, The Advertising Club of Greater
Boston, Massachusetts 02110                                                 Boston

Diane C. Kessler (age 53)                Trustee                            Executive Director, Massachusetts Council of Churches
325 Parker Street
Newton Centre
Massachusetts 02159

Robert Verdonck (age 54)                 Trustee                            President and Chief Executive Officer, East Boston
One Bennington Street                                                       Savings Bank
East Boston
Massachusetts 02128

Hassell H. McClellan (age 54)            Trustee                            Professor and Graduate Dean, The Graduate School of the
Boston College                                                              Wallace E. Carroll School of Management, Boston College
Graduate School of Management
Fulton 320
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

Raymond F. Skiba (age 54)                Treasurer                          Director, Fund Operations, John Hancock Life Insurance
John Hancock Place                                                          Company
Boston, Massachusetts 02117

Karen Q. Visconti (age 47)               Secretary                          Senior Marketing Consultant,
John Hancock Place                                                          Life Product Management
Boston, Massachusetts  02117

* Ms. Van Leer and Mr. Lee are the only Trustees who are "interested persons" as
defined in the Investment Company Act. They also constitute the Trust's
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may from time to time be delegated
power to act on behalf of the Board of Trustees, except with repect to
declarations of dividends or distributions, recommendations to the shareholders
on actions requiring shareholder approval, changes to the Trust's bylaws, or
mergers or share exchanges which do not require shareholder approval.

           Certain members of the Trust's Board of Trustees may own either
variable annuity contracts or variable life insurance policies that are
supported by one of the Separate Accounts and, in that sense, have an interest
in shares of the Trust.

The combined interest of all the Trust's officers and Trustees, however, does
not aggregate as much as 1% of any Fund's net assets.

           Compensation paid by the Trust to its current disinterested Trustees
during 1999 was as follows:

                    Ms. Cook                 $46,600.00
                    Ms. Kessler              $30,550.00
                    Mr. Verdonk              $30,250.00

The Trust paid no compensation to any other officer or Trustee.



The Trust's Investment Advisory Arrangements With John Hancock

           John Hancock, the Trust's investment adviser, is a Massachusetts
corporation. Until February 1, 2000, John Hancock was a mutual life insurance
company. Now, it is a subsidiary of John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., a
publicly-traded holding company. John Hancock provides advisory services to the
Fund pursuant to several investment advisory agreements. Each Fund is party to
one of these investment advisory agreements with John Hancock.

           The Trust pays John Hancock investment advisory fees at the following

                                                                  John Hancock's Investment Advisory Fee
                                                                  as an Annual Percentage of Each Portion
Fund                                                              of the Fund's Average Daily Net Assets
- ----                                                              --------------------------------------
Managed                                    .40% of first $500 million; .35% of next $500 million; .30% above $1 billion
Large Cap Growth

Growth & Income                            .25%

Aggressive Balanced                        .675% of first $250 million; .625% of next $250 million; .60% above $500 million

Large Cap Value CORE                       .75% of first $50 million; .65% 0f next $150 million; .60% above $200 million

American Leaders Large Cap Value           .80% of first $50 million; .65% of next $200 million; .60% of next $250 million;
                                           .55% above $500 million

Large Cap Aggressive Growth                1.00% of first $10 million; .875% of next $10 million; .75% above $20 million

Active Bond                                .25%

Money Market                               .25%

Small Cap Growth                           .75%

Large Cap Value                            .75% of first $100 million; .70% of next $150 million; .65% above $250 million

Equity Index                               .15% of first $75 million; .14% of next $50 million; .13% above $125 million

Large/Mid Cap Value                        .95% of first $25 million; .85% of next $25 million; .75%  of next $50 million; 65%
                                           above $100 million

Small Cap Value                            .80% of first $100 million; .75% of next $100 million; .65% above $200 million

Mid Cap Value                              .80% of first $100 million; .775% of next $150 million; .75% of next $250 million;
                                           .725% of next $250 million; .70% above $750 million

Mid Cap Growth                             .85% of first $100 million; .80% above $100 million


                                                                  John Hancock's Investment Advisory Fee
                                                                  as an Annual Percentage of Each Portion
Fund - continued                                            of the Fund's Average Daily Net Assets - continued
- ----------------                                            --------------------------------------------------
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth                 .85% of first $50 million; .80% of next $50 million; .75% of next $50 million; .70%
                                           above $150 million

Real Estate Equity                         1.10% of first $50 million; 1.00% of the next $50 million; .90% of the next $100
                                           million; .80% above $200 million

Mid Cap Blend                              .75% of first $250 million; .70% of next $250 million; .65% above $500 million

Small/Mid Cap Growth                       .75% of first $250 million; .70% of next $250 million; .65% above $500 million

Small/Mid Cap Value                        .95% of first $100 million; .90% of next $150 million; .85% over $250 million

Small/Mid Cap CORE                         .80% of first $50 million; .70% above $50 million

Global Balanced                            .85% of first $100 million; .70% above $100 million

International Equity Index                 .18% of first $100 million; .15% of next $100 million; .11% above $200 million

International Equity                       1.00% of first $50 million; .95% of next $150 million; .90% above $200 million

International Opportunities                1.00% of first $20 million; .85% of next $30 million; .75% above $50 million

International Opportunities II             .90% of first $50 million; .80% of next $100 million; .70% above $150 million

Emerging Markets Equity                    1.30% of first $10 million; 1.20% of next $140 million; 1.10% above $150 million

Short-Term Bond                            .30%

Bond Index                                 .15% of first $100 million; .13% of next $150 million; .11% above $250 million

Core Bond                                  .70% of first $25 million; .65% of next $25 million; .60% of next $100 million; .55%
                                           above $150 million

Global Bond                                .75% of first $25 million; .65% of next $50 million; .55 of next $75 million; .50%
                                           above $150 million

High Yield Bond                            .65% of first $100 million; .60% of next $100 million; .50% above $200 million

           Under its investment advisory agreements with the Trust, John Hancock
advises the Trust in connection with policy and strategy decisions; provides
administration of much of the Trust's day-to-day operations; serves as


the Trust's transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent; prepares the Trust's
financial statements; maintains records required by the Investment Company Act
of 1940; and supervises activities of the subadvisers (discussed below) and of
other service providers to the Trust. John Hancock also provides the Trust with
office space, supplies and other facilities required for the business of the
Trust. John Hancock pays the compensation of Trust officers and employees and
the expenses of clerical services relating to the administration of the Trust.
To the extent that any administrative or legal services for the Trust are
provided by John Hancock's Law Department, however, John Hancock charges the
Trust separately, and the Trust pays such charges in accordance with the terms
of the investment advisory agreements.

           All other expenses not expressly assumed by John Hancock under the
investment advisory agreements are paid by the Trust. These include, but are not
limited to, the Trust's taxes (if any); custodian fees; auditing fees; brokerage
commissions; advisory fees; the compensation of Trustees who are not affiliated
with John Hancock; the Trust's fidelity bond coverage; the costs of printing and
distributing annual and semi-annual reports and voting materials to holders of
variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies that participate
in the Trust; tabulating votes; fees for certain accounting, valuation, and
compliance services; legal fees; SEC registration costs; proxy costs; costs of
organizing any new Funds; and other expenses related to the Trust's operations.

The Trust's Arrangements With Subadvisers

           Set forth below are the names to the Funds' subadvisers and certain
persons who may control them.

                  Subadviser                   Subadviser's                                            General Nature
                 and the Funds                 Controlling                                                   of
                  It Manages                     Person                Basis of Control            Control Person's Business
                  ----------                     ------                ----------------            -------------------------
1.   Independence Investment Associates,    John Hancock           Indirectly owns 100% of     Financial services holding company
     Inc. (Managed, Growth & Income,        Financial Services     voting stock
     Large Cap Growth, Real Estate          Inc.
     Equity, Short-Term Bond, Aggressive                                                       Life insurance and other financial
     Balanced, and Mid-Cap Blend Funds)     John                   Indirectly owns             services provided directly or
                                            Hancock                100% of voting stock        through subsidiaries
                                            Life Insurance

2.   John Hancock Advisers, Inc. (Small     Same as 1. above.
     Cap Growth and Active Bond Funds)

3.   State Street Bank & Trust Company      State Street           Owns 100% of the            Financial services holding company
     (Equity Index Fund)                    Corporation            subadviser

4.   T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.         None                                               Publicly traded investment adviser
     (Large Cap Value Fund)                                                                    and financial services company

5.   Neuberger & Berman, LLC (Mid Cap       Neuberger Berman Inc.  Owns 100% of the            Financial services holding company
     Value Fund)                                                   subadviser


                  Subadviser                   Subadviser's                                               General Nature
                 and the Funds                 Controlling                                                      of
            It Manages - continued               Person                 Basis of Control             Control Person's Business
            ----------------------               ------                 ----------------             -------------------------
6.   Janus Capital Corporation              Kansas City Southern   Indirectly owns 82% of      Publicly traded transportation and
     (Mid Cap Growth Fund)                  Industries, Inc.       the subadviser              financial services company

                                            Thomas H. Bailey                                   Private Investor
                                                                   Owns 12% of the
                                                                   subadviser and, by
                                                                   contract, may elect
                                                                   majority of the
                                                                   subadviser's directors

7.   Goldman Sachs Asset Management         Goldman Sachs & Co.    The subadviser is a unit    Publicly traded investment banking
     (Small/Mid Cap CORE, Large Cap Value                          of the Investment           and financial services company
     CORE, and International Equity Funds                          Management Division of
                                                                   Goldman Sachs & Co.

8.   INVESCO Management & Research, Inc.    AMVESCAP, Inc.         Indirectly owns 100% of     Financial services holding company
     (Small Cap Value Fund)                                        voting stock

9.   Brinson Partners, Inc. (Global         UBS AG                 Indirectly owns 100% of     Full service global financial
     Balanced Fund)                                                voting stock                services company

10.  Independence Inter-national            John Hancock           Indirectly owns 100% of     Financial services holding company
     Associates, Inc. (International        Financial Services     voting stock
     Equity Index Fund)                     Inc.
                                                                                               Life insurance and other financial
                                            John Hancock Life      Indirectly owns             services provided directly or
                                            Insurance Company      100% of voting stock        through subsidiaries

                                            Independence                                       Investment manager and adviser
                                            Investment             Owns 100% of voting
                                            Associates, Inc.       stock

11.  Rowe Price Fleming International,      T. Rowe Price          Owns 50% of the subadviser  Publicly traded investment adviser
     Inc. (International Opportunities      Associates, Inc.                                   and financial services company;
     Fund, International Opportunities
     II Fund)
                                                                   Owns, directly and          Financial services company
                                            Robert Fleming         indirectly, 50% of the
                                            Holdings, Ltd.         subadviser


                  Subadviser                   Subadviser's                                               General Nature
                 and the Funds                 Controlling                                                      of
            It Manages - continued               Person                 Basis of Control             Control Person's Business
            ----------------------               ------                 ----------------             -------------------------
12.  Morgan Stanley Dean Witter             Morgan Stanley Dean    Directly owns 100% of
     Investment Management Inc. (Emerging   Witter & Co.           voting stock
     Markets Equity  and Real Estate
     Equity Funds)

13.  Mellon Bond Associates, LLP (Bond      Mellon Financial       Directly owns 100% of the   Bank holding company
     Index Fund)                            Corporation            subadviser

14.  J.P. Morgan Investment Management      J.P.Morgan & Co.       Owns 100% of the            Financial services holding company
     Inc. (Global Bond Fund)                Incorporated           subadviser

15.  Wellington Management Company, LLP     Laurie A. Gabriel;     Managing Partners           Investment management
     (High Yield Bond, Small/Mid Cap        Duncan M. McFarland;
     Growth, and Large/Mid Cap Value        John R. Ryan

16.  Alliance Capital Management, LLP       The Equitable Life     ELAS and its subsidiaries   Life insurance and other financial
     (Large Cap Aggressive Growth)          Assurance Society of   owned (as of 11/1/99)       services
                                            the U.S. ("ELAS")      55.38% partnership
                                                                   interest in the subadviser

17.  The Boston Company Asset Management,   Mellon Financial       The subadviser is an        Financial services holding company
     LLC (Small/Mid Cap Value Fund)         Corporation            indirect wholly owned
                                            ("Mellon")             subsidiary of Mellon
18.  OppenheimerFunds, Inc. (Fundamental    Massachusetts Mutual   MML indirectly owns a       Life insurance and other financial
     Mid Cap Growth Fund)                   Life Insurance         majority of  the            services
                                            Company ("MML")        subadviser's voting stock

19.  Federated Investment Management        Federated Investors,   The subadviser is a         Investment management and related
     Company                                Inc.                   subsidiary of Federated     financial services
                                                                   Investors, Inc.


Set forth below are the sub-advisory fees that John Hancock pays the subadvisers
for each Fund. The below fees are paid by John Hancock and not by the Funds.

                                                         Subadvisory Fees Payable by John Hancock,
              Fund                                as a Percentage of Each Fund's Average Daily Net Assets
              ----                                -------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap Growth,          .30% of first $500 million; .2625% of next $500 million; and .225% above $1 billion

Growth & Income,           .1875%
Active Bond

Real Estate Equity         Assets managed by Independence Investment Associates, Inc.: .30% of first $300 million;
                           .25% of next $500 million; and .20% above $800 million
                           Assets managed by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management Inc.: .70%
                           of first $50 million; .60% of next $50 million; .50% of next $100 million; and .40%
                           above $200 million

Short-Term Bond            .19% of first $250 million; .17% of next $250 million; and .15% above $500 million

Aggressive Balanced        .325% of first $250 million; .275% of next $250 million; and .25% above $500 million

Mid Cap Blend              .40% of first $250 million; .35% of next $250 million; and .30% above $500 million

Small Cap Growth           .50%
Equity Index               .07% of first $75 million; .06% of next $50 million; .05% of next $275 million; and .03% above $400

Large Cap Value            .50% of first $100 million; .45% of next $150 million; and .40% above $250 million

American Leaders Large     .40% of first $50 million; .25% of next $200 million; .20% of next $250 million; .15% above $500
Cap Value                  million

Mid Cap Value              .50% of first $100 million; .475% of next $150 million; .45% of next $250 million; .425% of next $250
                           million; and .40% above $750 million

Mid Cap Growth             .60% of first $100 million;  .55% of the next  $400 million; and .45% above $500 million

Small/Mid Cap              .60% of first $50 million; and .50% above $50 million

Large Cap Value            .40% of first $50 million; .30% of next $150 million; and .25% above $200 million
International Equity       .60% of first $50 million; .55% of next $150 million; and .50% above $200 million

Small Cap Value            .55% of first $100 million; .50% of next $100 million; and .40% above $200 million

Global Balanced            .50% of first $100 million; and .35% above $100 million


                                                         Subadvisory Fees Payable by John Hancock,
     Fund - continued                    as a Percentage of Each Fund's Average Daily Net Assets - continued
     ----------------                    -------------------------------------------------------------------
International Equity       .125% of first $100 million; .10% of next $100 million; and .06% above $200 million

International              .75% of first $20 million; .60% of next $30 million; .50% of next $150 million; and
Opportunities              50% of all assets if the Fund reaches $200 million of net assets

International              .70% of first $50 million; .60% of next $100 million; and .50% above $150 million
Opportunities II

Emerging Markets           1.10% of first $10 million; .90% of next $140 million; and .80% above $150 million.

Core Bond                  .30% of first $25 million; .25% of next $25 million; .20% of next $100 million; .15% above $150

Bond Index                 .08% of first $100 million; .06% of next $150 million; and .04% above $250 million

Global Bond                .50% of first $25 million; .40% of next $50 million; .30% of next $75 million; and .25% above $150

High Yield Bond            .50% of first $100 million; .45% of next $100 million; and .35% above $200 million.

Small/Mid Cap              .55% of first $100 million; .45% of next $100 million; and .40% above $200 million

Large/Mid Cap              .60% of first $25 million; .50% of next $25 million; .40% of next $50 million; and .30% above $100
Value                      million

Large Cap                  .75% of first $10 million; .625% of next $10 million; and .50% above $20 million
Aggressive Growth

Small/Mid Cap              .65% of first $100 million; .60% of next $150 million; and .55% above $250 million

Fundamental Mid            .50% of the first $50 million; .45% of next $50 million; .40% of next $50 million; and .35% above
Cap Growth                 $150 million

Dollar Amounts of Advisory Fees, Subadvisory Fees, and Expense Reimbursements

           Set out below are the dollar amounts of advisory fees that the Trust
paid to John Hancock and the subadvisory fees that John Hancock paid to
subadvisers for the past three years:

Fund                                                Investment Adviser                                    Subadvisers*
- ----                               --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

                                         1999              1998             1997             1999             1998             1997
                                         ----              ----             ----             ----             ----             ----
Aggressive Balanced ..........      $    23,956               --               --      $    11,118               --               --

Managed ......................       10,789,553        9,825,708        8,515,377        8,001,416        7,369,096        6,386,533

Growth & Income ..............        9,806,770        7,959,851        6,125,461        7,269,220        5,970,179        4,532,841

Equity Index .................          448,044          270,965           95,900          181,624          134,418           33,565

Large Cap Value ..............        1,087,807          746,229          328,969          710,068          497,498          219,423

Large Cap Value CORE .........           13,622               --               --            6,990               --               --

Large Cap Growth .............        4,378,106        3,445,963        2,520,205        3,250,179        2,584,378        1,890,154

Large Cap Aggressive
   Growth ....................           38,421               --               --           27,498               --               --

Large/Mid Cap Value ..........           16,857               --               --           10,259               --               --

Mid Cap Value ................          735,223          708,164          251,970          469,451          486,843          173,229


Fund - continued                                    Investment Adviser                                    Subadvisers*
- ----------------
                                                  1999           1998           1997           1999           1998          1997
                                                  ----           ----           ----           ----           ----          ----
Mid Cap Growth ...........................      1,646,277        506,917        230,304      1,119,977        357,811        162,595
Real Estate Equity .......................        835,184      1,071,226      1,052,761        413,496        535,611        526,381
Small/Mid Cap Value ......................         15,837             --             --         10,454             --             --
Small/Mid Cap Growth .....................      1,360,053      1,490,558      1,564,619        902,527        993,730      1,043,601
Fundamental Mid Cap
   Growth ................................         17,491             --             --          9,805             --             --
Mid Cap Blend ............................         13,034             --             --          6,703             --             --
Small/Mid Cap CORE .......................         47,616         24,490             --         35,177         18,367             --
Small Cap Value ..........................        512,633        444,992        187,062        348,363        305,920        128,605
Small Cap Growth .........................        732,594        420,449        251,331        478,916        280,306        167,638
International Balanced ...................        253,044        235,511        214,682        147,136        138,538        126,233
International Equity Index ...............        313,649        503,992        968,010        210,822        339,357        645,663
International Equity .....................         35,992             --             --         20,788             --             --
   Opportunities .........................        582,128        440,905        234,405        409,561        821,925        175,804
International Opportunities II ...........        157,808         87,055             --        121,054         67,708
Emerging Markets
   Equity ................................        182,265         67,915             --        145,114         57,466             --
Short-Term Bond ..........................        216,170        192,680        220,493        135,464        122,022         83,787
Bond Index ...............................         48,433         26,490             --         25,498         14,128             --
Active Bond ..............................      2,214,912      2,127,466      4,243,027      1,643,765      1,595,666      1,410,726
Global Bond ..............................        488,070        328,177        142,441        306,570        211,575         95,008
High Yield Bond ..........................        111,177         49,428             --         84,425         38,023             --
Money Market .............................        965,427        748,405        564,173        953,183             --             --

- ----------------------------

* Paying these fees to the sub-advisers is solely the responsibility of John
Hancock and not the Trust.

           Under the investment advisory agreements, for any fiscal year in
which the normal operating costs and expenses of any Fund, exclusive of the
investment advisory fee, interest, brokerage commissions, taxes and
extraordinary expenses outside the control of John Hancock exceed 0.10% (.25%
prior to April 23, 1999) of that Fund's average daily net assets, John Hancock
will reimburse that Fund in an amount equal to such excess. These reimbursements
have been as follows for the past three years (rounded to the nearest $1,000):

Fund                                  1999              1998             1997
- ----                                  ----              ----             ----

Aggressive Balanced .............   $  6,609               --               --
Equity Index ....................    275,336          543,000          217,000
Large Cap Value .................         --               --           25,000
Large Cap Value CORE ............      5,824               --               --
Large Cap Aggressive Growth .....      3,504               --               --
Large/Mid Cap Value .............      6,512               --               --
Mid Cap Value ...................         --               --           29,000
Mid Cap Growth ..................         --           15,000           86,000
Small/Mid Cap Growth ............      1,790               --               --
Small Cap Value .................      6,224           17,000           57,000
Small Cap Growth ................     27,000           38,000
Global Balanced .................     91,146          199,000          116,000


Fund - continued                      1999              1998             1997
- ----                                  ----              ----             ----

International Equity Index            21,900          124,000               --
International Equity                  21,901               --               --
International Opportunities           92,017          145,000           86,000
International Opportunities II        62,210          126,000               --
Global Bond                            1,445           31,000           61,000
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth             2,888               --               --
Mid Cap Blend                          6,011               --               --
Small/Mid Cap CORE                    77,179          107,000               --
Small/Mid Cap Value                    9,254               --               --
Emerging Markets Equity              294,354          111,000               --
Bond Index                            17,185           56,000               --
High Yield Bond                       42,314           85,000               --

                                  TO THE TRUST

Underwriting and Indemnity Agreement

     Pursuant to an Underwriting and Indemnity Agreement, Signator Investors,
Inc. ("Signator") serves as the Trust's principal underwriter, and John Hancock
provides certain indemnities to the Trust and its Trustees. Neither Signator nor
John Hancock receives any additional compensation from the Trust for the
services and indemnities they provide pursuant to the Underwriting and Indemnity
Agreement. The offering of the Trust's shares through Signator is a continuous
offering on a "best efforts" basis. Signator is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
John Hancock and is located at 197 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02117.

Custody of the Trust's Assets

     State Street Bank and Trust Company ("State Street Bank") is the primary
custodian of the assets of all Funds. State Street Bank's principal business
address is 225 Franklin Street, Boston MA 02110. The primary custodian's duties
include safeguarding and controlling the Trust's cash and investments, handling
the receipt and delivery of securities, and collecting interest and dividends on
the Trust's investments. Fund securities purchased in the United States are
maintained in the custody of State Street Bank, although such securities may be
deposited in the book-entry system of the Federal Reserve System, with
Depository Trust Company, or with other qualified domestic book-entry systems or
depositories. Also, pursuant to its agreement with the Trust, State Street Bank
provides certain accounting and recordkeeping services to the Trust and
generally values the Trust's assets by computing each Fund's net asset value
each day. The Trust compensates State Street Bank for these functions through
the payment of an annual custody asset fee of .01% of the total net assets of
the Trust, allocated to each Fund based on the percentage of that Fund's total
net assets to the total net assets of the Trust; miscellaneous transaction
charges ranging from $7.00 to $25.00; global asset and transaction fees that
vary by the country in which a Fund's assets are held or traded; a monthly
accounting fee charge that is allocated to each Fund based on the percentage of
that Fund's total net assets to the total net assets of the Trust; valuation and
monthly quote charge; special service fees for activities of a non-recurring
nature; and reimbursement of specified out-of-pocket expenses.

     Foreign securities are generally held through subcustodian banks and
depositories around the world with whom State Street Bank has relationships. In
some cases, Funds whose securities are held in this manner may be exposed to
greater risks of loss. This is because the soundness of such foreign entities,
as well as foreign regulatory practices and procedures, may provide less
protection to security holders than is available in the U.S.

     In certain circumstances, brokers may have access to assets that a Fund
posts as "margin" in connection with futures and options transactions. In the
event of a broker's insolvency or bankruptcy, a Fund could experience a delay or
incur costs in recovering such assets or might recover less than the full amount
due. Also the value of such assets could decline by the time the Trust could
effect such recovery.


     If on any day a Fund experiences net realized or unrealized gains with
respect to financial futures contracts held through a given broker, it will be
entitled immediately to receive from the broker the net amount of such gains.
The Trust will request payment of such amounts promptly after notification by
the broker that such amounts are due. Thereupon, these assets will be deposited
in the Trust's general or segregated account with its primary custodian, as

Subadministration Agreement With State Street Bank

     Pursuant to a subadministration agreement, with the Trust, State Street
Bank also provides assistance to John Hancock and the subadvisers in computing
total return information for the Trust and in monitoring each Fund's compliance
with the Fund's investment objectives and restrictions, as well as compliance
with certain other applicable legal requirements, . The Trust compensates State
Street Bank for these services through payment of an annual fee that accrues
daily and is billed monthly in arrears. The annual fee is based on the average
net assets of the Trust and is 0.012% of the first $1 billion of average net
assets, 0.0075% of the next $1 of average net assets, and 0.0025% of average net
assets after that. Each Fund is allocated the greater of a minimum monthly Fund
fee or the basis point annual fee, based on the pro-rata total net asset value
of that Fund. The minimum monthly Fund fee is phased-in for new Funds at the
rate of 1/12 in month one, 2/12th in month two, increasing incrementally per
month until the full monthly minimum is in effect in month 12 ($1,333).

Independent Auditors

     Ernst & Young LLP, 200 Clarendon Street, Boston, Massachusetts, are the
independent auditors of the Trust. Ernst & Young audits the financial statements
of the Trust, prepares the Trust's tax returns, and renders other advice to the
Trust concerning accounting and tax matters. Ernst & Young also meets
periodically with the Trust's Board and with the Audit Committee of the Board to
discuss matters within the scope of Ernst & Young's activities with respect to
the Trust.


     The Funds pay brokers' commissions, transfer taxes, and other fees relating
to their specific portfolio transactions. (Investments in debt securities are,
however, generally traded on a "net" basis through issuers or dealers acting for
their own account as principals and not as brokers. Therefore, no brokerage
commissions are payable on most such transactions, although the price to the
Trust usually reflects a dealer "spread" or "mark-up.")

Amounts of Brokerage Paid

     Brokerage commissions paid by the Funds were as follows for the past three

Fund                                  1999          1998              1997
- ----                                  ----          --------          ----

Aggressive Balanced ............    $    4,424      $       --      $       --
Managed ........................     2,385,643       1,843,929       1,626,154
Growth & Income ................     4,741,953       2,673,170       1,646,997
Equity Index ...................        61,865          33,797          31,076
Large Cap Value ................       110,393          63,944          45,619
Large Cap Value CORE ...........         3,240              --              --
Large Cap Growth ...............     1,389,454         815,587         680,933
Large Cap Aggressive Growth ....        11,885              --              --
Large/Mid Cap Value ............         6,876              --              --
Mid Cap Value ..................       383,634         495,154         122,108
Mid Cap Growth .................       245,913         146,033          71,998
Real Estate Equity .............       122,021         177,186         122,897
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth .....         3,082              --              --
Mid Cap Blend ..................         5,586              --              --


Fund - continued                        1999            1998            1997
- ----------------                        ----            ----            ----

Small/Mid Cap Value .............      21,848              --              --
Small/Mid Cap CORE ..............      12,371           7,225              --
Small/Mid Cap Growth ............     621,068         893,945       1,876,203
Small Cap Value .................     284,381         176,549         138,114
Small Cap Growth ................     146,206         103,248          67,492
Global Balanced .................      47,678          51,205          27,745
International Equity Index ......     133,746         730,529         750,416
International Equity ............      16,561              --              --
International Opportunities .....      74,940         117,083          63,138
International Opportunities II ..      25,925          37,426              --
Emerging Markets Equity .........     189,025          10,018              --
Bond Index ......................         598              --              --
High Yield Bond .................         200              --              --

How Brokers and Dealers are Selected

     Orders for the purchase and sale of Fund portfolio investments are placed
by John Hancock with respect to the Money Market Fund and by the respective
subadvisers to the other Funds. All of these subadvisers place orders in such
manner as, in their opinion, will offer the best overall price and execution of
each transaction. In seeking the best price and execution for equity securities
traded only in the over-the-counter market, they normally deal directly with the
principal market-makers.

     The subadvisers are governed in the selection of brokers and dealers and
the negotiation of brokerage commission rates (or the payment of net prices in
the case of debt securities) by the reliability and quality of the broker's or
dealer's services. Although some weight is given to the availability and value
of research and statistical assistance (discussed immediately below) furnished
by the broker or dealer to the subadviser, it is not always possible to place a
dollar value on such information and services. Because it is only supplementary
to the subadvisers' own research efforts, the receipt of research information
and statistical assistance is not expected to reduce their expenses measurably.

Research and Statistical Services Furnished by Brokers and Dealers

     Research and statistical assistance typically furnished by brokers or
dealers includes analysts' reports on companies and industries, market
forecasts, and economic analyses. Brokers or dealers may also provide reports on
pertinent federal and state legislative developments and changes in accounting
practices; direct access by telephone or meetings with leading research analysts
throughout the financial community, corporate management personnel, industry
experts, leading economists and government officials; comparative performance
and evaluation and technical performance measurement services; portfolio
optimization software; availability of economic advice; quotation services; and
services from recognized experts on investment matters of particular interest to
the subadviser. In addition, the foregoing services may comprise the use of or
be delivered by computer systems whose software and hardware components may be
provided to the subadviser as part of the services. In any case in which the
foregoing systems can be used for both research and non-research purposes, the
subadviser makes an appropriate allocation of those uses and will permit brokers
and dealers to provide only the portion of the systems to be used for research

     Research and statistical services furnished by brokers and dealers handling
the Funds' transactions may be used by the subadvisers for the benefit of all of
the accounts managed by them and not all of such research and statistical
services may be used by the subadvisers in connection with the Funds.


Relationship Between Brokerage Commissions and Research and Statistical Services
Furnished by Brokers and Dealers

     Except as to the Global Balanced Fund, the subadvisers or the Funds will
not at any time make a commitment pursuant to an agreement with a broker because
of research services provided. Nor, except as set forth below, will John Hancock
or the subadvisers direct brokerage upon any prescribed basis to a broker
because of research services provided.The subadviser for each of the Small Cap
Value, Small/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Growth, and Mid Cap Value Funds may have an
internal procedure for allocating transactions, in a manner consistent with its
execution policy, to brokers that it has identified as providing superior
executions, research, or research related products or services which benefit its
advisory clients, including the Fund. In certain cases, the subadviser of the
Global Balanced Fund directs securities transactions for that Fund to particular
brokers, in recognition of research services the broker has provided, pursuant
to an understanding or agreement with the broker or pursuant to the subadviser's
own internal allocation procedures.

     Evaluations of the overall reasonableness of any broker's commissions are
made by the subadvisers' traders for the Funds on the basis of their experience
and judgment. To the extent permitted by Section 28(e) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, such traders are authorized to pay a brokerage commission
on a particular transaction in excess of what another broker might have charged
in recognition of the value of the broker's brokerage or research services. Such
authority is generally expected to be used very infrequently. The Mid Cap
Growth, Small/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, and Global Balanced Funds, however,
may be more likely to use such authority.

Brokerage Transactions in Foreign Markets

     Brokerage transactions in securities of companies domiciled in countries
other than the United States are anticipated to be normally conducted on the
stock exchanges or other markets of those countries in which the particular
security is traded. Fixed commissions on foreign stock exchange transactions are
generally higher than negotiated commissions available in the United States.
Moreover, there is generally less government supervision and regulation of
foreign stock exchanges and broker-dealers than in the United States. Settlement
periods in non-U.S. markets may differ from the normal settlement period in the
United States.

Simultaneous Transactions with Other Accounts

     The subadvisers also perform investment advisory services for a number of
other accounts and clients, none of which is given preference over the Trust in
allocating investment opportunities. When opportunities occur which are
consistent with the investment objective of more than one account, it is the
policy of each subadviser to avoid favoring any one account over another.
Accordingly, investment opportunities in such cases are allocated in a manner
deemed equitable by the subadvisers to the particular accounts involved. The
allocation may be based, for example, on such factors as the accounts'
respective investment objectives and then current investment and cash positions.
Subject to these requirements, Trust orders may be combined with orders of other
accounts or clients advised by any of the subadvisers at prices which are
approximately averaged.

Use of Brokers Who are Affiliated With a Subadviser

     A Fund may place portfolio transactions through certain brokers who are
affiliated with the Fund's subadviser. The Trust has implemented special
procedures governing the circumstances of these transactions. In addition to
complying with any applicable provisions of the Trust's procedures, these
transactions must comply with all applicable legal requirements, including,
where applicable, Rule 17e-1 under the Investment Company Act. Among other
things, that rule requires the commissions or other compensation paid to the
affiliated broker to be reasonable and fair compared to those in similar
transactions between unrelated parties.


Set forth below is information about transactions by each Fund with affiliated
brokers in reliance on Rule 17e-1 for each of the past three years:

                                                                                                  Amount of Commissions
                                     Name                 Nature of Broker's                           Paid by Fund
                                      of                   Affiliation with              -------------------------------------------
Fund                           Affiliated Broker          Fund's Sub-Adviser                1999            1998             1997
- ----                           -----------------          ------------------                ----            ----             ----
International                Ord Minnett Group Ltd.    Wholly-owned subsidiary of         $    34         $    263         $   122
Opportunities                                           sub-adviser's parent
International                Jardine Fleming & Co.     Wholly-owned subsidiary of         $   710         $    311         $   295
Opportunities                                           sub-adviser's parent
International                Robert Fleming            Wholly-owned subsidiary of         $ 1,166         $  1,018         $   741
Opportunities                Securities, Ltd.           sub-adviser's parent
Mid Cap Value                Neuberger Berman, LLC     Dual operating division of         $80,598         $366,985         $68,000
                                                        sub-adviser's parent
Large Cap Value CORE         Goldman, Sachs & Co.      Dual operating division of         $    96            - 0 -           - 0 -
                                                        sub-adviser's parent
Small/Mid Cap CORE           Goldman, Sachs & Co.      Dual operating division of         $   120            - 0 -           - 0 -
                                                       parent of sub-adviser
Emerging Markets Equity      Morgan Stanley Asia       Wholly-owned subsidiary of         $ 2,779            - 0 -           - 0 -
                             Limited                   sub-adviser's parent
Emerging Markets Equity      Morgan Stanley            Wholly-owned subsidiary of         $ 3,276            - 0 -           - 0 -
                             International Limited     sub-adviser's parent

     For 1999, the total dollar amount of such transactions through affiliated
brokers as a percentage of all brokerage-type transactions was 4.9% for the
International Opportunities Fund, 15.8% for the Mid Cap Value Fund, .18% for the
Large Cap Value CORE Fund, .07% for the International Equity Fund, .02% for the
Small/Mid Cap CORE Fund, and 1.2% of the Emerging Markets Equity Fund. For 1999,
the total brokerage commissions on such transactions through affiliated brokers,
as a percentage of commissions paid on all brokerage-type transactions was 3.2%
for the International Opportunities Fund, 26.5% for the Mid Cap Value Fund, 3%
for the Large Cap Value CORE Fund, 1% for the Small/Mid Cap CORE Fund, and 3.3%
for the Emerging Markets Equity Fund.

                            CODES OF PERSONAL CONDUCT

     The Funds (other than the Money Market Fund), John Hancock, and the Trust's
principal underwriter have adopted, and the Trustees have approved, codes of
conduct for their officers, directors and other personnel. Among other things
these codes regulate (although they do not absolutely prohibit) transactions by
such persons in securities of a type in which the Funds may and do invest. The
subadvisers have adopted codes of conduct that are similar to the Fund's except
that certain subadvisers may prohibit certain of their key personnel from
personal trading in certain types of securities such as initial public offerings
or private offerings.

                         FEATURES OF THE TRUST'S SHARES

     The shares of beneficial interest of the Trust currently are divided into
33 series, each corresponding to one of the Trust's 33 Funds. The Trust has the
right to establish additional series and issue additional shares without the
consent of its shareholders.

     If the holders of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance
policies show minimal interest in any Fund, the Trust's Board of Trustees, by
majority vote, may eliminate the Fund or substitute shares of another investment
company. Any such action by the Board would be subject to compliance with any
requirements for governmental approvals or exemptions or for shareholder
approval. The holders of variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance
policies participating in any such Fund will be notified in writing of the
Trust's intention to eliminate the Fund and given 30 days to transfer amounts
from such Fund to other Funds without incurring any


transaction fee. Amounts not transferred or withdrawn would automatically be
transferred, at the discretion of the Fund's management.

     The assets received by the Trust for the issuance or sale of shares of each
Fund and all income, earnings, profits, and proceeds thereof are specifically
allocated to that Fund. They constitute the underlying assets of each Fund, are
segregated on the books of the Trust, and are to be charged with the expenses of
such Fund. Any assets which are not clearly allocable to a particular Fund or
Funds are allocated in a manner determined by the Board of Trustees. Accrued
liabilities which are not clearly allocable to one or more Funds would generally
be allocated among the Funds in proportion to their relative net assets before
adjustment for such unallocated liabilities.

     Each issued and outstanding share in a Fund is entitled to participate
equally in dividends and distributions declared with respect to such Fund and in
the net assets of such Fund upon liquidation or dissolution remaining after
satisfaction of outstanding liabilities.

     A dividend from the net investment income of the Money Market Fund will be
declared and distributed daily. Dividends from net investment income of the
other Funds will be declared and distributed monthly. The Trust will distribute
all of its net realized capital gains annually. Dividends and capital gains
distributions will normally be reinvested in additional full or fractional
shares of the Fund to which they relate and will be appropriately credited to
investment performance under the variable life insurance policies and variable
annuity contracts participating in that Fund.

     The shares of each Fund, when issued, will be fully paid and
non-assessable, and will have no preference, preemptive, exchange or similar
rights. Shares do not have cumulative voting rights.


     Under the Trust's Declaration of Trust, the Trust is not required to hold
an annual shareholders' meeting. Normally, for example, there will be no
shareholders meetings for the purpose of electing Trustees.

     In addition, it is expected that the Trustees generally will elect their
own successors and appoint Trustees to fill any vacancy, so long as, after
filling the vacancy, at least two-thirds of the Trustees then in office have
been elected by the shareholders.

     Notwithstanding the above if at any time less than a majority of Trustees
in office have been elected by the shareholders, the Trustees must call a
special shareholders' meeting promptly. Also the Trustees will promptly call a
meeting of shareholders for the purpose of voting upon the question of removal
of any Trustee or all of the Trustees, if requested in writing to do so by
holders of 10% or more of the outstanding shares. In this regard, whenever ten
or more shareholders who have been such for at least six months and who hold in
the aggregate either shares having a net asset value of at least $25,000 or at
least 1% of the outstanding shares, whichever is less, apply to the Trustees in
writing stating that they wish to communicate with other shareholders with a
view to obtaining signatures to a request for a shareholders' meeting, for
consideration of the removal of any or all of the Trustees and accompanied by
the material which they wish to transmit, the Trustees will within five business
days after receipt either afford to such applicants access to the Trust's
shareholder list or inform such applicants as to the approximate number of
shareholders of record, and the approximate cost of mailing the material. If the
Trustees elect the latter, the Trustees, upon written request of such
applicants, accompanied by the material to be mailed and the reasonable expenses
of mailing, shall promptly mail such material to all shareholders of record,
unless within five business days the Trustees shall mail to such applicants and
file with the SEC, together with a copy of the material to be mailed, a written
statement signed by at least a majority of the Trustees to the effect that, in
their opinion, either such material is misleading or in violation of applicable
law and specifying the basis of such opinion.

     At any shareholders' meeting, all shares of the Trust of whatever class are
entitled to one vote, and the votes of all classes are cast on an aggregate
basis, except on matters where the interests of the Funds differ. Where the
interests of the Funds differ, the voting is on a Fund-by-Fund basis. Approval
or disapproval by the shareholders in one Fund on such a matter would not
generally be a prerequisite of approval or disapproval by shareholders in
another Fund; and shareholders in a Fund not affected by a matter generally
would not be entitled to vote on that


matter. Examples of matters which would require a Fund-by-Fund vote are changes
in the fundamental investment policy of a particular Fund and approval of
investment management or sub-investment management agreements.


"Seed Money" Shares

     Typically, when a new Fund is added to the Trust, John Hancock (or one of
its affiliates) initially purchases a substantial amount of that Fund's shares
to provide the new fund with a reasonable asset base with which to commence
operations. For example, the most recent such contributions of "seed money" have
been as follows:

                                     "Seed Money"                       Date
                                  Shares Purchased by                    of
Fund                                  John Hancock                    Purchase
- ----                                 --------------                  ----------
Aggressive Balanced                 $10,000,000         8/31/99
Equity Index                         15,000,000          5/1/98
Large Cap Value CORE                  5,000,000         8/31/99
Large Cap Aggressive Growth          10,000,000         8/31/99
Large/Mid Cap Value                   5,000,000         8/31/99
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth            5,000,000         8/31/99
Mid Cap Blend                         5,000,000         8/31/99
Small/Mid Cap CORE                    5,000,000          5/1/98
Global Balanced                      20,000,000          5/1/96
International Equity                 10,000,000         8/31/99
International Opportunities II       15,000,000          5/1/98
Emerging Markets Equity              10,000,000          5/1/98
Bond Index                            2,500,000          5/1/98
High Yield Bond                      10,000,000          5/1/98

     John Hancock (or its affiliate) may redeem these shares (and thus withdraw
its seed money investment) at some time. However, before withdrawing any part of
their interests in any Fund, John Hancock (or its affiliate) will consider any
possible adverse impact the withdrawal might have on that Fund.

     Purchases and redemptions of seed money shares are made at the applicable
Fund's net asset value per share (with no additions or deductions for charges)
next computed after the purchase or redemption order is placed.

Shares Sold and Redeemed In Connection With Transactions Under Variable Annuity
Contracts and Variable Life Insurance Policies

     Fund shares are sold at their net asset value as next determined after
receipt of net premiums by the Separate Account, without the addition of any
selling commission or sales load.

     Shares are redeemed at their net asset value as next determined after
receipt of net surrender requests by the Separate Account. No fee is charged on
redemption. Redemption payments will usually be paid within seven days after
receipt of the redemption request, except that the right of redemption may be
suspended or payments postponed whenever permitted by applicable law and
regulations. Redemptions are normally made in cash, but the Trust reserves the
right, at its discretion, to make full or partial payment by assignment to the
appropriate Separate Account of portfolio securities at their value used in
determining the redemption price. In such cases, the Separate Account would
incur brokerage costs should it wish to liquidate these portfolio securities.

     Trust shares are also sold and redeemed as a result of transfer requests,
loans, loan repayments, and similar Separate Account transactions, in each case
without any sales load or commission or at the net asset value per share
computed for the day as of which such Separate Account transactions are



     The net asset value per share of each Fund is determined once daily, after
the declaration of dividends, if any, as of 4:00 p.m., New York City time, on
each business day the New York Stock Exchange ("Exchange") is open for regular
trading. For this purpose, however, certain derivative instruments may be valued
using prices as late as 4:15 p.m.

     The net asset value per share of each Fund is determined by adding the
value of all portfolio securities and other assets, deducting all portfolio
liabilities, and dividing by the number of outstanding shares. All Trust
expenses will be accrued daily for this purpose.

     Short-term investments with a remaining maturity of 60 days or less, and
all investments of the Money Market Fund, are valued at "amortized cost," which
approximates market value. This involves valuing a security at its cost and
thereafter assuming a constant amortization to maturity of any discount or
premium, regardless of the impact of fluctuating interest rates. While this
method provides certainty in valuation, it may result in periods during which
the value of an instrument, as determined by amortized cost, is higher or lower
than the price the Fund would receive upon the sale of the instrument.

     The Board of Trustees has established procedures designed to stabilize the
Money Market Fund's price per share, as computed for the purpose of sales and
redemptions, at $10. There can be no assurance, however, that the Fund will at
all times be able to maintain a constant $10 net asset value per share. Such
procedures include review of the Fund's holdings at such intervals as is deemed
appropriate to determine whether the Fund's net asset value, calculated by using
available market quotations, deviates from $10 per share and, if so, whether
such deviation may result in material dilution, or is otherwise unfair to
existing shareholders. In the event that it is determined that such a deviation
exists, the Board of Trustees will take such corrective action as it regards as
necessary and appropriate. Such action may cause losses or gains to be recorded
for the Fund, including decreases or increases in the Fund's net asset value per

     Securities and covered call and put options that are listed on a stock
exchange are normally valued at the closing sales price. If there were no sales
during the day, they are normally valued at the last previous sale or bid price
reported, as are equity securities that are traded in the over-the-counter

     Non-exchange traded debt securities (other than certain short-term
investments) are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by a pricing
service which uses electronic data processing techniques, without exclusive
reliance upon quoted prices.

     Any other security for which market quotations are not readily available,
and any other property for which valuation is not otherwise available, is valued
at fair value as determined in good faith by, or under the direction of, the
Board of Trustees.

     Financial futures contracts, options thereon and options on stock indexes
are valued at the last trade price of the day. In the absence of a trade on a
given day, the value generally is used which is established by the exchange on
which the instrument is traded.

     Trading in securities on European and Far Eastern securities exchanges and
over-the-counter markets is normally completed at various times before the close
of business on each day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open. The values
of such securities used in computing net asset value per share are normally
determined as of such times. Trading of these securities may not take place on
every New York Stock Exchange business day and may take place on days which are
not business days in New York. The Trust calculates net asset value per share as
of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange on each day on
which that exchange is open. Therefore, such calculation does not take place
contemporaneously with the determination of the prices of many of the Funds'
securities used in such calculation. If events affecting the value of such
securities occur between the time when their price is determined and the time as
of which the Fund's net asset value is calculated, such securities may be valued
at fair value by or under the direction of the Board of Trustees.



     The Trust intends that each Fund qualify as a regulated investment company
under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code ("Code"). This requires that
each Fund comply with certain requirements as to the nature of its income and
amounts of dividends and other distributions it pays. Also, in order to qualify
under Subchapter M, at the end of each quarter of a Fund's taxable year, (i) at
least 50% of the market value of the Fund's assets must be represented by cash
and cash items, U.S. Government securities, securities of other regulated
investment companies, and other securities, with such other securities limited,
in respect of any one issuer, to an amount that does not exceed 10% of the
voting securities of such issuer of 5% of the value of the Fund's total assets;
and (ii) not more than 25% of the value of its assets may be invested in the
securities (other than U.S. Government securities and securities of other RICs)
of any one issuer or two or more issuers which the Fund controls and which are
engaged in the same, similar or related trades or businesses.

     The Trust also intends that each Fund comply with certain other
diversification requirements, promulgated under Section 817(h) of the Code.
Under these requirements, no more than 55% of the total value of the assets of
each Fund may be represented by any one investment, no more than 70% by any two
investments, no more than 80% by three investments and no more than 90% by four
investments. Generally, for these purposes, all securities of the same issuer
are treated as one investment. In the context of U.S. Government securities
(including any security that is issued, guaranteed or insured by the United
States or an instrumentality of the United States), each U.S. Government agency
or instrumentality is treated as a separate issuer.

     Assuming the Funds qualify as regulated investment companies under
Subchapter M, they will not owe any income taxes. On the other hand, if a Fund
fails to qualify under Subchapter M, it may incur income tax liabilities, which
will negatively affect its investment performance.

     Also, qualification under Subchapter M, as well as compliance with the
Section 817(h) diversification requirements, (among other things) are necessary
to secure the tax treatment intended for holders of variable annuity contracts
and variable life insurance policies that are supported by the Trust. Therefore,
any such failure to qualify under Subchapter M or to meet the diversification
standards under Section 817(h) could have serious adverse consequences for such

     For a discussion of these and other tax implications of owning a variable
annuity contract or a variable life insurance policy for which the Fund serves
as the investment medium, please refer to the Prospectus for such contract or
policy attached at the front of this Prospectus.

     Those Funds that invest substantial amounts of their assets in foreign
securities may be able to make an election to pass through to John Hancock,
JHVLICO or IPL any taxes withheld by foreign taxing jurisdictions on foreign
source income. Such an election will result in additional taxable income and
income tax to John Hancock. The amount of additional income tax, however, may be
more than offset by credits for the foreign taxes withheld, which are also
passed through.


How Money Market Fund Yields Are Calculated

     The Money Market Fund may advertise investment performance figures,
including its current yield and its effective yield.

     The Money Market Fund's yield is its current investment income, expressed
in annualized terms. The current yield is based on a specified
seven-calendar-day period. It is computed by (1) determining the net change
(exclusive of capital changes) in the value of a hypothetical pre-existing
account having a balance of one share at the beginning of the period, (2)
dividing the net change in account value by the value of the account at the
beginning of the base period to get the base period return, then (3) multiplying
the base period return by 52.15 (365 divided by 7). The resulting yield figure
is carried to the nearest hundredth of one percent.


     The calculations include the value of additional shares purchased with any
dividends paid on the original share and the value of dividends declared on both
the original share and any such additional shares. The capital changes excluded
from the calculation are realized capital gains and losses from the sale of
securities and unrealized appreciation and depreciation.

     Compound (effective) yield for the Fund will be computed by dividing the
seven-day annualized yield (determined as above) by 365, adding 1 to the
quotient, raising the sum to the 365th power, and subtracting 1 from the result.

     For the seven-day period ending December 31, 1999, the Money Market Fund's
current yield was 5.74%; its effective yield was 5.91%.

     The Fund's yield will fluctuate depending upon market conditions, the type,
quality, and maturity of the instruments in the Fund, and its expenses.

Charges Under Variable Life Insurance and Variable Annuity Policies

     Yield and total return quotations do not reflect any charges imposed on any
Separate Account or otherwise imposed pursuant to the variable life insurance
policies and variable annuity contracts that are supported by the Funds. (Those
charges are discussed in the prospectus for such policies or contracts.)
Therefore, the yield or total return of any Fund is not comparable to that of a
publicly available fund. Nor should yield or total return quotations be
considered representative of the Fund's yield or total return in any future

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

     Freedman, Levy, Kroll & Simonds of Washington, D.C., advises the Trust on
certain legal matters relating to the Federal securities laws.

                           REPORTS TO CONTRACTHOLDERS

     Annual and semi-annual reports containing financial statements of the
Trust, as well as any materials soliciting voting instructions for Trust shares,
will be sent to variable life insurance and annuity contractowners having an
interest in the Trust.


- ----------

                             CORPORATE BOND RATINGS

      Moody's Investors Service, Inc., describes its ratings for corporate bonds
      as follows:

      .    Bonds which are rated Aaa are judged to be of the best quality. They
           carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally
           referred to as "gilt edge." Interest payments are protected by a
           large or by an exceptionally stable margin, and principal is secure.
           While the various protective elements are likely to change, such
           changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the
           fundamentally strong position of such issues.

      .    Bonds which are rated Aa are judged to be of high quality by all
           standards. Together with the Aaa group they comprise what are
           generally known as high grade bonds. They are rated lower than the
           best bonds because margins of protection may not be as large as in
           Aaa securities, or fluctuation of protection elements may be of
           greater amplitude, or there may be other elements present which make
           the long term risks appear somewhat larger than in Aaa securities.

      .    Bonds which are rated A possess many favorable investment attributes
           and are to be considered as upper medium grade obligations. Factors
           giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate but
           elements may be present which suggest a susceptibility to impairment
           some time in the future.

      .    Bonds which are rated Baa are considered as medium grade obligations,
           i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured. Interest
           payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but
           certain protective elements may be lacking or may be
           characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such
           bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have
           speculative characteristics as well.

      .    Bonds which are rated Ba have speculative elements and their future
           cannot be considered as well assured. The protection of interest and
           principal payments may be very moderate and thereby not well
           safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Bonds in
           this class are characterized by uncertainty of position.

      .    Bonds which are rated B generally lack characteristics of a desirable
           investment; assurance of interest and principal payments or of
           maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of
           time may be small.

      .    Bonds which are rated Caa are of poor standing. Issues may be in
           default or there may be present elements of danger with respect to
           principal or interest.

      .    Bonds which are rated Ca are speculative in a high degree. They are
           often in default or have other marked shortcomings.

      .    Bonds which are rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds. They can
           be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any
           real investment standing.

      Standard & Poor's Corporation describes its ratings for corporate bonds as

      .    AAA - - This is the highest rating assigned by Standard & Poor's to a
           debt obligation and indicates an extremely strong capacity to pay
           principal and interest.


      .    AA -- Bonds rated AA also qualify as high-quality obligations.
           Capacity to pay principal and interest is very strong, and in the
           majority of instances, they differ from AAA issues only in small

      .    A -- Bonds rated A have a strong capacity to pay principal and
           interest, although they are somewhat more susceptible to the adverse
           effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions.

      .    BBB -- Bonds rated BBB are regarded as having an adequate capacity to
           pay principal and interest. Whereas they normally exhibit protection
           parameters, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are
           more likely to lead to a weakened capacity to pay principal and
           interest for bonds in this category than for bonds in the A category.

      .    BB, B, CCC, CC, C -- Bonds rated in these categories are regarded, on
           balance, as predominantly speculative with respect to capacity to pay
           interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the
           obligation. BB indicates the lowest degree of speculation and C the
           highest degree of speculation. While this debt will likely have some
           quality and protective characteristics, these are outweighed by large
           uncertainties or major risk exposures to adverse conditions.

      .    C1 -- This rating is reserved for income bonds on which no interest
           is being paid.

      .    D -- Bonds rated D are in default and payment of interest and/or
           repayment of principal is in arrears.


                                                          [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK]

                                   ANNUAL REPORT                    [LOGO OF IA]

                                   December 31, 1999  [LOGO OF ALLIANCE CAPITAL]

                                                    [LOGO OF THE BOSTON COMPANY]

                                                      [LOGO OF BRINSON PARTNERS]

New opportunities.                                       [LOGO OF GOLDMAN SACHS]

                Proven strategies.                             [LOGO OF INVESCO]

                                                              [LOGO OF JPMORGAN]

                                                                 [LOGO OF JANUS]

                                                                [LOGO OF MELLON]

                                            [LOGO OF MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER]

                                                      [LOGO OF NEUBERGER BERMAN]

                                                      [LOGO OF OPPENHEIMERFUNDS]

                                                    [LOGO OF SCUDDER INVESTMENT]

                                                                  [LOGO OF SSGA]

                                                           [LOGO OF T.ROWEPRICE]

                                                 [LOGO OF WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT]


                                                          [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK]

Dear Shareholder,

Quality that endures over time is not created over night. It takes planning,
discipline, and commitment. No one understands this better than we do. John
Hancock was one of the first insurance companies in America to recognize the
appeal and value of variable product portfolios. Today, we offer
state-of-the-art variable life and variable annuity products that are critical
components of the financial portfolios of our life insurance and annuity
customers. Whether purchased for protection, accumulation, or retirement
planning, our variable life and variable annuity products are designed and
managed to offer tremendous value to all of our customers.


                                       Thomas J. Lee,
                          President and Vice Chairman

We have carefully built an investment structure that's ideally suited to meet
the needs of all of our customers -- the Variable Series Trust (VST). The VST
holds funds that are available with our variable life and variable annuity
products. John Hancock has formed relationships with many world class investment
firms to manage the various fund choices within the VST. We also oversee the
management of these funds to ensure that they remain true to the strategies and
investment styles that you, our shareholders, have selected. We believe a real
value-added component in making the VST's investment structure work lies in the
ongoing monitoring of investment performance and style.

Nothing is more important to us than providing you with the best possible
protection and investment solutions available -- and the quality customer
service that's essential to maintaining your trust in us. We look forward to the
opportunity to continue our relationship with you as we enter the new millennium
together. You have our promise that we will continue to manage and monitor the
Variable Series Trust with our most important asset in mind -- you, our
shareholder. Thank you for your confidence in John Hancock.


Michele G. Van Leer, Chairman


/s/ Michele G. Van Leer       /s/ Thomas J. Lee

Michele G. Van Leer           Thomas J. Lee
Chairman                      President and Vice Chairman

 Economic Overview: Annual Review 1999
 John Hancock Economic Research

 1999 was a terrific year for everybody except bond investors, who saw
interest rates climb steadily throughout the year. The economy continued to
defy gravity as growth far exceeded expectations, the unemployment rate
declined to its lowest level in 30 years, and inflation remained under wraps.
 Continued strong growth above the economy's perceived speed limit spooked
fixed income investors. Their inflation fears were heightened by tightening
labor markets, the yawning current account deficit, and surging oil prices.
 So far the markets' worst fears have not materialized. Commodity prices in
general have risen only slightly and higher energy prices have not infected
core prices materially. Wage rates have decelerated rather than accelerated.
While the dollar has weakened substantially against the yen, it has fared much
better against most other currencies and foreign capital continues to flow
easily into the US.
 Nevertheless, the general consensus has emerged that the best times are most
likely behind us and that inflationary forces are gathering. In response the
Fed pushed up short term interest rates three times last year for a total of
75 basis points while jawboning debt markets to boost their long term rates
and steepen the yield curve. The Fed ended the year clearly on the inflation
watch and in a preemptive mode. They even saw a dark side to surging
productivity growth: it was pushing up equity prices too high and creating an
overly optimistic environment on both Wall Street and Main Street.

Strong growth led by consumer and investment spending
 As in the past few years, the economy was led by continuing strong consumer
spending and business investment. Consumption growth rose for the fourth year
in a row, topping 5% for the year and underpinned by strong income growth, low
inflation, and continuing gains in household net worth.
 Business fixed investment remained strong, although decelerating somewhat
from 1998, primarily because of weak business construction activity. Inventory
restocking also lagged as firms had difficulty maintaining inventories at
desirable levels in the middle of the year.
 Residential investment had another strong year although housing activity
began to taper off toward year end, under pressure from rising mortgage rates.
Housing starts set new records in 1999 while inventories of unsold homes
declined to historically low levels. Nevertheless, housing prices remained
reasonably well behaved, with some emerging speculative activity in several
coastal markets associated with high tech.
 Imports surged as domestic production could not keep up with domestic demand,
leading to a nearly 50% increase in the trade deficit. With the exception of
oil, import prices remained virtually unchanged over the year, helping to keep
a cap on inflationary pressures. Meanwhile, economies overseas began to show
signs of recovery and this was reflected in improving US exports, although not
enough to overcome the surge in imports.

Few signs of inflation
 Productivity growth continued to accelerate throughout the year, as it
approached 3% in the fourth quarter, more than double the average a decade
ago. The combination of tight labor markets and rapid technological change
propelled the surge in productivity and helped keep a lid on inflation.
 Prices remained remarkably well behaved throughout the year, even though
above trend economic growth raised concerns of inflation's reemergence.
Consumer prices rebounded slightly with jumps in oil and tobacco prices, but
core prices continued their steady decline. Producer prices rebounded more
abruptly on the heels of higher energy prices and tightening commodity
markets. Overall, prices showed few signs of accelerating during the year.
 Labor markets tightened a bit as the unemployment rate declined to 4.1% of
the labor force by the end of the year, a rate not seen since the 1960s. The
economy created more than 2 million new jobs last year and employers showed
more creativity in filling them by drawing new workers into the labor force
from immigrants, the unemployed, and those outside the labor force. Despite
such tight labor market conditions, upward momentum in wages evaporated last
year, as wage growth handily beat inflation rates and workers continued to
value job security over even larger wage gains.
 Interest rates rose steadily throughout the year. With strong productivity
growth boosting the real rate of return on capital, real interest rates rose
above 4%, a full percentage point above their long term average. In addition,
fear of a resurgence in inflation on the heels of continued strong economic
growth pushed up the inflation premium which led to higher nominal interest
 Three quarter-point boosts in the Fed Funds rate ratified those increases and
the Fed clearly indicated that it would continue raising rates until the
economy slowed to a more sustainable growth rate, somewhat below 4%. It
appears as if the Fed is finally prepared to start restricting access to the
punch bowl in the hopes of extending the longest party on record.


                                                    Inception: March 29, 1986
 Growth & Income Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                     Paul F. McManus

 During the fourth quarter of 1999 the stock market rebounded strongly from
the third quarter levels led primarily by the technology sector. The Growth
and Income Fund was up 12.31% in the quarter compared to 14.88% the S&P 500.
With the appreciation in technology stocks during the year, the sector has
grown to nearly 30% of the S&P500. The stock market advance was also very
narrow with just a few stocks driving returns. Growth as a style did far
better than value in 1999. Within the technology sector, there was a wide
disparity in performance. The highest P/E issues did better than more
reasonably priced issues. We did hold a market weighting in technology stocks
that fit our criteria of selecting stocks that have good value and improving
fundamental trends, but this strategy did not work as well in 1999. The stocks
that did best were lofty P/E technology stocks like Qualcomm, Nextel, and
AirTouch Communications. We held stocks like Cisco Systems, Hewlett Packard,
and Dell Computer which fit our investment criteria more appropriately.
 The economic environment remains positive and we expect solid growth over the
near term. Rising interest rates will likely impact the auto and housing
sectors most negatively. We expect other non-US economies to grow at a faster
pace over the next year particularly as Asia recovers further. This should
benefit stock market sectors such as the basic materials industry companies in
the forest product, capital goods, and consumer areas. The Growth and Income
Fund has representation in most of those sectors in order to benefit from this
environment. Regardless of trends, we will continue to adhere to our
philosophy of selecting stocks that have attractive value and improving trends
while managing risk through individual stock selection and industry


                            Historical Fund Return

             Growth and   S&P 500                 Growth and   S&P 500
Date        Income Fund    Index     Date        Income Fund    Index
 6/30/89      10,000      10,000      1/31/95      18,220      18,828
 7/31/89      10,592       9,329      2/28/95      18,939      18,879
 8/31/89      10,826       9,449      3/31/95      19,359      19,670
 9/30/89      10,926       9,698      4/30/95      19,923      19,601
10/31/89      10,840       9,458      5/31/95      20,586      20,464
11/30/89      10,874      10,381      6/30/95      21,055      20,842
12/31/89      11,082      10,308      7/31/95      21,727      21,559
 1/31/90      10,434      10,275      8/31/95      21,869      21,766
 2/28/90      10,608       9,347      9/30/95      22,816      21,975
 3/31/90      10,917       8,887     10/31/95      22,667      22,298
 4/30/90      10,749       8,854     11/30/95      23,623      22,873
 5/31/90      11,508       9,425     12/31/95      23,961      22,967
 6/30/90      11,679       9,683      1/31/96      24,599      21,945
 7/31/90      11,759      10,111      2/29/96      24,917      22,410
 8/31/90      11,106      10,835      3/31/96      25,235      23,670
 9/30/90      10,598      11,093      4/30/96      25,519      24,318
10/31/90      10,554      11,124      5/31/96      26,110      26,164
11/30/90      11,238      11,600      6/30/96      26,253      25,651
12/31/90      11,548      11,070      7/31/96      25,013      27,244
 1/31/91      12,067      11,588      8/31/96      25,609      27,465
 2/28/91      12,871      11,860      9/30/96      26,798      26,322
 3/31/91      13,172      11,665     10/31/96      27,453      27,894
 4/30/91      13,166      11,822     11/30/96      29,280      29,606
 5/31/91      13,678      11,344     12/31/96      28,776      30,927
 6/30/91      13,011      12,641      1/31/97      30,257      33,383
 7/31/91      13,460      12,406      2/28/97      30,423      31,526
 8/31/91      13,748      12,564      3/31/97      29,238      33,253
 9/30/91      13,581      12,318      4/30/97      30,655      32,143
10/31/91      13,781      12,677      5/31/97      32,318      33,631
11/30/91      13,302      12,745      6/30/97      33,592      34,209
12/31/91      14,546      12,560      7/31/97      36,594      34,589
 1/31/92      14,292      13,066      8/31/97      34,740      37,083
 2/29/92      14,461      12,803      9/30/97      36,761      38,982
 3/31/92      14,218      12,950     10/31/97      35,378      39,375
 4/30/92      14,669      12,996     11/30/97      36,709      38,698
 5/31/92      14,813      13,434     12/31/97      37,348      40,270
 6/30/92      14,704      13,610      1/31/98      37,752      39,841
 7/31/92      14,706      13,710      2/28/98      40,833      34,081
 8/31/92      14,910      13,895      3/31/98      43,117      36,264
 9/30/92      15,077      14,194      4/30/98      43,236      39,214
10/31/92      15,051      13,846      5/31/98      42,764      41,590
11/30/92      15,637      14,220      6/30/98      44,579      43,987
12/31/92      15,841      14,267      7/31/98      44,059      45,826
 1/31/93      16,004      14,199      8/31/98      37,295      44,402
 2/28/93      16,228      14,740      9/30/98      39,208      46,178
 3/31/93      16,731      14,631     10/31/98      42,703      47,967
 4/30/93      16,284      14,928     11/30/98      45,260      46,834
 5/31/93      16,707      14,788     12/31/98      48,645      49,434
 6/30/93      16,872      14,970      1/31/99      50,277      47,890
 7/31/93      16,779      15,471      2/28/99      48,716      47,653
 8/31/93      17,456      15,054      3/31/99      50,158      46,347
 9/30/93      17,486      14,399      4/30/99      52,271      49,280
10/31/93      17,785      14,586      5/31/99      50,747      50,282
11/30/93      17,626      14,824      6/30/99      54,246      53,244
12/31/93      17,952      14,458
 1/31/94      18,486      14,936
 2/28/94      17,948      15,544
 3/31/94      17,252      15,170
 4/30/94      17,552      15,517
 5/31/94      17,619      14,947
 6/30/94      17,300      15,166
 7/31/94      17,767      15,560
 8/31/94      18,428      16,164
 9/30/94      17,884      16,642
10/31/94      18,169      17,126
11/30/94      17,566      17,803
12/31/94      17,853      18,221

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            % of          six months ago
                         Investments    % of investments
Microsoft Corp.             5.6%               4.7%
General Electric Co.        4.7%               3.8%
Cisco Systems, Inc.         3.6%               1.6%
Citigroup, Inc.             3.2%               3.2%
Intel Corp.                 2.5%               2.5%
United Technologies Corp.   2.4%               2.8%
American Online, Inc.       2.1%               1.0%
MCI WorldCom, Inc.          2.1%               2.2%
Warner-Lambert Co.          2.0%               N/A
Time Warner, Inc.           1.9%               1.3%
Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Growth & Income      S&P 500*       MorningStar
                     Fund            Index         Peer Group+
                  -----------    -------------     ------------
1  Year             16.23%           21.04%           18.80%
3  Years            25.25            27.56            24.29
5  Years            25.93            28.55            25.37
10 Years            17.70            18.20            16.95
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             % of                          % of
                          Investments                   Investments
Technology                   30.1%   Retail                6.6%
Financial                    13.2%   Consumer Cyclical     6.2%
Capital Equipment            12.5%   Energy                5.7%
Health Care                   8.8%   Consumer Staple       3.1%
Utility                       8.4%   Basic Material        2.7%

*Total returns are for the periods ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
 past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
 indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
 fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
 less than their original cost. The performance of the Fund on this page is
 reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
 operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the applicable
 separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a considerable
 extent and are described in your product prospectus.

 ."Standard & Poors 500" is a trademark of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and
 has been licensed for use by John Hancock Life Insurance Company. The product
 is not sponsored, endorsed, fold or promoted by Standard & Poor's and Standard
 and Poor's makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in
 the product.

+Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from reliable
 sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Represents an
 average annual total return for all variable annuity and life sub-accounts
 within the MorningStar variable universe having a Large Blend investment style.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 Equity Index Fund
 State Street Global Advisors                                 Management Team

 The S&P 500 came roaring back in the fourth quarter, posting a gain of
14.88%. This compares with the third quarter's loss of 13.75%. For all of
1999, the S&P rose 21.04%. This is the fifth straight year the index has risen
by more than 20%. To put that in perspective, the previous high for
consecutive 20% years was two. The index had provided a compound return of
over 250% over the last 5 years.

 Small cap stocks narrowly outperformed the S&P in 1999. The Russell 2000 rose
21.26%, besting the S&P for the first time since 1993. Large cap growth stocks
outperformed their value counterparts by 15.53% (28.25% vs. 12.72%).

 The index was narrow again this year. The top 30 names provided all of the
index return. The technology sector accounted for approximately 75% of the
benchmark return. Microsoft rose 68%, and Qualcomm rose 350% after entering
the index in July. Technology now accounts for nearly 30% of the S&P 500
Index. The top ten names in the index account for more than 25% on the index

 The Fund returned 21.08% in 1999, besting the index by 5 basis points. Since
State Street Global Advisors began managing the fund in May 1997, the fund has
provided an annualized return of 27.25%.

 The Fund attempts to track the performance of The S&P 500 Index by fully
replicating the index. The fund attempts to match the index holdings and
weights for each security in order to provide returns close to the index

                            Historical Fund Return
                                 Equity Index Fund             S&P 500* Index
      04/01/96                        10,000                      10,000
      05/31/96                        10,210                      10,258
      06/28/96                        10,231                      10,300
      07/31/96                         9,825                       9,842
      08/30/96                         9,971                      10,050
      09/30/96                        10,509                      10,615
      10/31/96                        10,787                      10,906
      11/29/96                        11,561                      11,734
      12/31/96                        11,423                      11,504
      01/31/97                        12,133                      12,218
      02/28/97                        12,221                      12,317
      03/31/97                        11,736                      11,805
      04/30/97                        12,409                      12,510
      05/30/97                        13,119                      13,278
      06/30/97                        13,727                      13,870
      07/31/97                        14,821                      14,971
      08/29/97                        13,993                      14,139
      09/30/97                        14,756                      14,913
      10/31/97                        14,267                      14,415
      11/28/97                        14,887                      15,082
      12/31/97                        15,169                      15,342
      01/01/98                        15,336                      15,512
      02/27/98                        16,441                      16,631
      03/31/98                        17,280                      17,482
      04/30/98                        17,455                      17,658
      05/29/98                        17,151                      17,355
      06/30/98                        17,850                      18,060
      07/31/98                        17,664                      17,867
      08/31/98                        15,096                      15,284
      09/30/98                        16,067                      16,263
      10/30/98                        17,369                      17,586
      11/30/98                        18,419                      18,652
      12/31/98                        19,484                      19,727
      01/29/99                        20,296                      20,552
      02/26/99                        19,669                      19,913
      03/31/99                        20,464                      20,710
      04/30/99                        21,252                      21,512
      05/28/99                        20,743                      21,004
      06/30/99                        21,904                      22,170
      07/31/99                        21,220                      21,477
      08/31/99                        21,115                      21,371
      09/30/99                        20,541                      20,785
      10/31/99                        21,833                      22,101
      11/30/99                        22,274                      22,550
      12/31/99                        23,592                      23,878
Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   % of        six months ago
                                               investments    % of investments
Microsoft Corp.                                    4.7%              4.0%
General Electric Co.                               4.0%              3.2%
Cisco Systems, Inc.                                2.7%              1.8%
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.                              2.4%              1.9%
Aim Stic Prime Fund                                2.4%              2.5%
Exxon Mobil Corp.                                  2.2%              1.6%
Intel Corp.                                        2.1%              1.7%
Lucent Technologies, Inc.                          1.8%              1.8%
Prime Obligation Fund                              1.8%              0.8%
International Business Machines Corp.              1.5%              2.0%
Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      Equity Index                S&P 500*         MorningStar
                         Fund(1)                    Index          Peer Group+
                 ----------------------  ----------------------- -------------
1 Year                  21.08%                     21.04%             18.80%
3 Years                 27.35                      27.56              24.29
Since Inception         26.36                      26.79               N/A
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       % of                                            %of
                   investments                                     investments
Technology            29.9%             Retail                         6.6%
Financial             16.5%             Consumer Cyclical              5.7%
Capital Equipment      8.8%             Consumer Staple                5.5%
Health Care            8.7%             Energy                         5.3%
Utility                8.7%             Basic Material                 2.8%

(1)  Returns reflect waiver of advisory fee, reimbursement of all non-advisory
     fund expenses, and extra-ordinary capital contributions of $84,000 in 1996
     and $250,000 in 1997.

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund does not
     reflect expense and charges of the applicable separate accounts and
     variable products, all of which vary to a considerable extent and are
     described in your product prospectus.

 .    "Standard & Poor's 500" is a trademark of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
     and has been licensed for use by John Hancock Life Insurance Company. The
     product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor's
     and Standard & Poor's makes no representation regarding the advisability of
     investing in the product.

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all the variable annuity and
     life sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large
     Blend investment style.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 Large-Cap Value Fund T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.          Brian C. Rogers

 In terms of overall market environment, 1999 was a year characterized by both
a pronounced investor preferences for growth stocks and an advance led by a
relatively small number of companies. Most of the excitement centered on the
Nasdaq Composite dominated by technology stocks, which enjoyed the lion's
share of gains last year. The major factor behind our lagging relative
performance was our underweighting in technology, a sector that nearly doubled
in value in 1999. We would not normally expect to hold large positions in this
sector, since the lofty valuations of most technology shares exclude them as
candidates for purchase.
 The Fund benefited from several companies involved in merger and acquisition
activities. Our winners included BCE, Citigroup, Reynolds Metals, Dow Jones,
and U.S. West. However, other solid companies were disappointing, including
our holdings in Bank One, National City, Heinz, and Waste Management, which
struggled through the year and largely offset our more profitable investments.
We took advantage of market volatility by adding new positions and beefing up
existing holdings. Among our purchases were Disney, American Home Products,
Lockheed Martin, Unilever, and Xerox. In our view, these companies possess far
more value and appreciation potential than the market is currently giving them
credit for.
 We expect the Fed to maintain its monetary stance in favor of tightening with
a view toward restraining inflation in a rapidly growing economy. While the
economic news and low rate of inflation continue to be positive, it's
difficult to envision an even more positive environment for stocks than we
have so far experienced. These factors prompt us to remain cautious in our
expectations for 2000. However, since so many sectors were left behind in the
great bull market of the past couple of years, many interesting opportunities
have become available in the midst of the general euphoria.


                            Historical Fund Return

                                  Russell 1000                  Large-Cap
                                   Value Index                 Value Fund
       04/01/96                      10,000                      10,000
       05/31/96                      10,125                      10,190
       06/28/96                      10,133                      10,255
       07/31/96                       9,750                       9,977
       08/30/96                      10,029                      10,186
       09/30/96                      10,428                      10,618
       10/31/96                      10,831                      10,860
       11/29/96                      11,616                      11,451
       12/31/96                      11,468                      11,390
       01/31/97                      12,024                      11,699
       02/28/97                      12,201                      11,979
       03/31/97                      11,762                      11,724
       04/30/97                      12,256                      12,016
       05/30/97                      12,941                      12,582
       06/30/97                      13,496                      13,059
       07/31/97                      14,511                      13,805
       08/29/97                      13,994                      13,447
       09/30/97                      14,840                      14,081
       10/31/97                      14,425                      13,703
       11/28/97                      15,063                      14,220
       12/31/97                      15,503                      14,643
       01/01/98                      15,283                      14,538
       02/27/98                      16,312                      15,249
       03/31/98                      17,310                      15,954
       04/30/98                      17,426                      15,869
       05/29/98                      17,167                      15,598
       06/30/98                      17,387                      15,561
       07/31/98                      17,081                      15,106
       08/31/98                      14,539                      13,634
       09/30/98                      15,373                      14,373
       10/30/98                      16,564                      15,261
       11/30/98                      17,336                      15,884
       12/31/98                      17,926                      15,999
       01/29/99                      18,069                      15,599
       02/26/99                      17,814                      15,470
       03/31/99                      18,183                      15,889
       04/30/99                      19,881                      17,600
       05/28/99                      19,662                      17,469
       06/30/99                      20,233                      17,932
       07/31/99                      19,641                      17,537
       08/31/99                      18,912                      17,003
       09/30/99                      18,251                      16,393
       10/31/99                      19,301                      16,973
       11/30/99                      19,151                      16,678
       12/31/99                      19,243                      16,523

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   % of        six months ago
                                               investments    % of investments
Exxon Mobil Corp.                                  3.5%              1.6%
International Paper Co.                            2.1%              1.6%
SBC Communications Inc.                            2.0%              2.4%
BP Amoco plc                                       1.9%              1.7%
Mellon Financial Corp.                             1.8%              N/A
Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO)                      1.8%              1.5%
GTE Corp.                                          1.8%              1.7%
American Home Products Corp.                       1.7%              1.6%
Alltel Corp.                                       1.7%              2.0%
Citigroup, Inc.                                    1.6%              1.4%

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Large-Cap               Russell 1000        MorningStar
                     Value Fund              Value Index         Peer Group+
                ----------------------  ----------------------- --------------
1 Year                  3.28%                      7.35%              7.53%
3 Years                13.20                      18.83              15.33
Since Inception        14.67                      19.54               N/A
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         % of                                         %of
                     investments                                  investments
Financial               17.2%          Consumer Cyclical             10.1%
Energy                  15.4%          Capital Equipment              8.3%
Utility                 13.1%          Health Care                    5.0%
Basic Material          10.8%          Technology                     4.3%
Consumer Staple         10.7%          Transportation                 2.6%

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees
     and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large Value
     investment style.


                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 Large-Cap Value Core Fund Goldman Sachs Asset Management  Clark/Jones/Pinter

  For the period since inception (August 31, 1999) through December 31, 1999,
the Large Cap Value CORE Fund returned 3.58% at net asset value, outperforming
its benchmark, the Russell 1000 Value Index, which returned 1.75%.
  The economy continued to advance over the year, as evidenced by U.S. GDP
growth running in recent months at 5% or better on an annualized basis, a 31-
year high in consumer confidence and a 29-year low in the domestic jobless
rate. The Federal Reserve Board, however, mindful of the risks associated with
a shrinking labor supply, raised interest rates three times during the year,
resulting in a total increase of the Fed Funds rate of 0.75% in 1999.
  The year proved exceptional for the U.S. stock indices. While the S&P 500
Index and Russell 1000 Index had annual returns of 21.04% and 20.9%,
respectively, the Russell 2000 Index, which severely lagged larger cap indices
earlier in the year, posted a 21.26% return, ending the year ahead of the S&P
500 Index for the first time in six years. 1999 also witnessed record-setting
spreads between returns for growth and value, as the Index's return of 7.34%
significantly underperformed the 33.15% return of the Russell 1000 Growth
  Our quantitative process seeks out stocks with good momentum that also
appear to be good values. We prefer stocks favored by fundamental research
analysts, and less volatile stocks with lower-than-average probability of
reporting disappointing earnings. Over the long term, these factors have led
to excess returns, although they typically do not all work well at the same
time. During 1999, our investment themes produced mixed results in the Russell
1000 Value universe. The momentum theme contributed greatly towards returns,
while the value theme, contrary to long-term averages, detracted greatly from
returns. CORE's preference for stocks that appear to be good values had the
biggest negative impact on returns, indicating the market's strong distaste
for value. The low risk and research themes were flat during the year.



                                                    Inception: March 29, 1986
 Large-Cap Growth Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                         Mark Lapman

 The Large-Cap Growth Fund returned a very strong 17.78% in the fourth
quarter, as growth stocks once again outperformed. For the year, your Fund
returned 24.07%. Average annual returns for the past five years are now
28.67%. 1999 can be summed up in one word: technology. Investors continue to
bid up prices of the most expensive technology stocks that have impressive
fundamentals. Growth managers who take lots of risk in a few names were
rewarded in 1999 with truly outstanding returns. Our diversified, risk
controlled approach and focus on relative value allowed us to have strong
returns in 1999 but we could not keep pace with more risk-taking competitors.
Top performers in your Fund this quarter included technology stocks like
Oracle, Cisco Systems and Teradyne as well as health care companies Warner
Lambert and Genentech. We remain focused on finding strong growth companies
that are reasonably priced and controlling the risk in your Fund during this
period of excessive valuation.
 The economic environment remains positive, despite the Fed's expected rate
increases, with strong consumer confidence and spending continuing. Inflation
has remained at bay despite a doubling of oil prices in 1999 and continued low
unemployment. During the past year, investor cautiousness around Y2K has
resulted in more inflows into money market funds than equity mutual funds for
the first time since the 1990/91 recession. S&P 500 profit growth is expected
to maintain its double digit pace. This environment bodes well for a continued
strong stock market next year. However, we do remain concerned with overall
valuation of the market and believe our diversified Funds and strong sell
discipline will help protect you in the event of a pull back in the market.

                            Historical Fund Return
                                Large-Cap                    Large-Cap
                               Growth Fund               Growth Benchmark(1)
       12/29/89                   10,000                      10,000
       01/31/90                    9,398                       9,329
       02/28/90                    9,540                       9,449
       03/30/90                    9,785                       9,698
       04/30/90                    9,666                       9,458
       05/31/90                   10,347                      10,381
       06/29/90                   10,529                      10,308
       07/31/90                   10,583                      10,275
       08/31/90                   10,036                       9,347
       09/28/90                    9,646                       8,887
       10/31/90                    9,657                       8,854
       11/30/90                   10,328                       9,425
       12/31/90                   10,692                       9,683
       01/31/91                   11,194                      10,111
       02/28/91                   11,963                      10,835
       03/28/91                   12,331                      11,093
       04/30/91                   12,363                      11,124
       05/31/91                   12,898                      11,600
       06/28/91                   12,274                      11,070
       07/31/91                   12,670                      11,588
       08/30/91                   12,927                      11,860
       09/30/91                   12,711                      11,665
       10/31/91                   12,771                      11,822
       11/27/91                   12,324                      11,344
       12/31/91                   13,413                      12,641
       01/31/92                   13,209                      12,406
       02/28/92                   13,357                      12,564
       03/31/92                   13,119                      12,318
       04/30/92                   13,533                      12,677
       05/29/92                   13,689                      12,745
       06/30/92                   13,579                      12,560
       07/31/92                   14,065                      13,066
       08/31/92                   13,802                      12,803
       09/30/92                   13,939                      12,950
       10/30/92                   13,956                      12,996
       11/30/92                   14,473                      13,434
       12/31/92                   14,746                      13,610
       01/29/93                   14,885                      13,710
       02/26/93                   15,157                      13,895
       03/31/93                   15,616                      14,194
       04/30/93                   15,053                      13,846
       05/28/93                   15,504                      14,220
       06/30/93                   15,730                      14,267
       07/30/93                   15,609                      14,199
       08/31/93                   16,286                      14,740
       09/30/93                   16,489                      14,631
       10/29/93                   16,737                      14,928
       11/30/93                   16,554                      14,788
       12/31/93                   16,782                      14,970
       01/31/94                   17,292                      15,471
       02/28/94                   16,756                      15,054
       03/31/94                   16,214                      14,399
       04/29/94                   16,532                      14,586
       05/31/94                   16,479                      14,824
       06/30/94                   16,232                      14,458
       07/29/94                   16,638                      14,936
       08/31/94                   17,220                      15,544
       09/30/94                   16,704                      15,170
       10/31/94                   16,863                      15,517
       11/30/94                   16,371                      14,947
       12/30/94                   16,617                      15,166
       01/31/95                   16,928                      15,560
       02/28/95                   17,569                      16,164
       03/31/95                   17,967                      16,642
       04/28/95                   18,411                      17,126
       05/31/95                   19,038                      17,803
       06/30/95                   19,358                      18,221
       07/31/95                   19,985                      18,828
       08/31/95                   20,138                      18,879
       09/29/95                   20,955                      19,670
       10/31/95                   20,714                      19,601
       11/30/95                   21,574                      20,464
       12/29/95                   21,875                      20,842
       01/31/96                   22,388                      21,559
       02/29/96                   22,652                      21,766
       03/29/96                   22,939                      21,975
       04/30/96                   23,325                      22,298
       05/31/96                   23,840                      23,077
       06/28/96                   23,813                      23,109
       07/31/96                   22,230                      21,755
       08/30/96                   22,940                      22,316
       09/30/96                   24,344                      23,941
       10/31/96                   24,524                      24,086
       11/29/96                   26,304                      25,894
       12/31/96                   25,871                      25,387
       01/31/97                   27,352                      27,167
Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  % of        six months ago
                                              investments    % of investments
Microsoft Corp.                                   6.3%              6.1%
Cisco Systems, Inc.                               5.9%              3.5%
General Electric Co.                              4.5%              4.7%
Intel Corp.                                       4.1%              4.3%
America Online, Inc.                              3.4%              2.2%
Lucent Technologies, Inc.                         2.9%              3.9%
MCI WorldCom, Inc.                                2.9%              2.8%
Oracle Corp.                                      2.9%              N/A
Home Depot, Inc.                                  2.3%              2.7%
Dell Computer Corp.                               2.2%              1.4%

Average Annual Total Returns*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         Large-Cap          Large-Cap Growth     MorningStar
                        Growth Fund           Benchmark(1)       Peer Group+
                        -----------         ----------------     ------------
 1 Year                   24.07%                  33.16%             43.20%
 3 Years                  31.34                   34.07              33.33
 5 Years                  28.67                   32.18              29.77
10 Years                  19.34                   19.86              18.92
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         % of                                         %of
                     investments                                  investments
Technology              46.8%             Financial                   5.4%
Capital Equipment       13.1%             Consumer Staple             3.2%
Health Care             12.5%             Utility                     2.9%
Retail                   7.3%             Basic Material              1.6%
Consumer Cyclical        5.7%             Governmental                1.2%

(1)  The index is represented by the S&P 500 for the period April 1986 to April
     1996 and the Russell Large Cap Growth Index for the period May 1996 to

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large-Growth
     investment syle. Prior to May 1996 (concurrent with the Fund's strategy
     change), the peer group represents the Large Blend investment style.


                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 Large-Cap Aggressive Growth Fund
 Alliance Capital Management L.P.                      J. Fogarty/A. Harrison

 The Fund had a net return of 20.18 % for the year ending December 31, 1999.
The strong absolute performance was due to excellent stock selection across
several industry groups.
 Technology, communication services and media stocks were among the best
performing during 1999. The continued revolution in information technology
propelled by the Internet and the proliferation of wireless technologies has
fueled robust growth for these companies. A strong year-end rally in
technology stocks was further driven by investor confidence that there would
be little negative impact from Year 2000 issues. Most retail stocks posted
solid returns for the year, as consumer spending remained strong.
 Financial and pharmaceutical stocks generally lagged the overall market.
Financials came under pressure as the year progressed. Investors worried that
if the Federal Reserve continues to increase interest rates to slow the
economy and forestall higher inflation, the earnings of financial companies
would be adversely impacted. Pharmaceutical stocks suffered losses in 1999 due
to investors' concerns about decelerating earnings growth, the relative
sparseness of new product launches, and the potential reform of Medicare.
 The Fund remains broadly diversified, balancing our positive view of the
fundamentals with a caution on the valuations, especially for the same narrow
list of technology and high multiple stocks that investors have continued to
favor at any price. Technology, communication services, financials, retail and
pharmaceuticals continue to be the areas of emphasis. In each sector, we will
focus on companies with strong earnings growth, exceptional management and
market dominance. We look forward to the year 2000 with an enormous sense of
excitement regarding the technological changes around us. We are eager to face
the challenge of trying to keep the Trust optimally structured for success
based on the marriage of our fundamental analysis and price considerations.


                            Historical Fund Return

                             Large-Cap Aggressive           Russell 1000
         DATE                   Growth Fund                 Growth Index
       07/31/99                   10,000                      10,000
       08/31/99                   10,001                      10,000
       09/30/99                    9,948                       9,790
       10/31/99                   10,811                      10,529
       11/30/99                   11,047                      11,097
       12/31/99                   12,018                      12,252

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               % of           six months ago
                                              investments    % of investments
Nokia Oyj                                         5.5%              N/A
Dell Computer Corp.                               5.4%              N/A
Microsoft Corp.                                   4.3%              N/A
Cisco Systems, Inc.                               4.3%              N/A
Intel Corp.                                       4.1%              N/A
Tyco International, Ltd.                          3.8%              N/A
Home Depot, Inc.                                  3.7%              N/A
AT&T Corp.-Liberty Media Group                    3.6%              N/A
Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.       3.5%              N/A
MediaOne Group, Inc.                              3.4%              N/A

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    Large-Cap Aggressive       Russell 10000
                      Growth Fund               Growth Index
                   ----------------------  -----------------------
Since Inception            20.18%                  22.52%

Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         % of                                         %of
                     investments                                  investments
Technology              39.0%          Consumer Cyclical              6.9%
Financial               15.2%          Utility                        2.9%
Retail                  13.1%          Government                     1.6%
Capital Equipment       10.3%          Comsumer Staple                1.0%
Health Care             10.0%

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees
     and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.


                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 Large/Mid-Cap Value Fund
 Wellington Management Company, LLP                         D. Chu/L. Gabriel

 For the year ended December 31, 1999, the US equity market (as represented by
the S&P 500) delivered an extraordinary return of 21%, despite rising bond
yields. During the fourth quarter, the S&P 500 gained over 14%. Strong
corporate earnings, real productivity gains, a lack of wage pressure and
modest inflation provided a solid backdrop for a healthy domestic economy.
Technology was again the place to be, as Internet related stocks and
communications equipment stocks handily outperformed all other sectors. For
the fourth quarter, growth companies outperformed value companies by over 20%.
The Fund increased 7.00%, outpacing the Russell 1000 Value Index, which
advanced 5.44% for the quarter ended December 31, 1999. Since Inception, on
September 1, 1999, the Fund returned 4.72%, compared to a 1.75% return by the
 During the quarter, the Fund's sector weights were kept closely in line with
those of the Russell 1000 Value Index. Stock selection within industries and
sectors was the primary driver of strong returns relative to the Index. For
the quarter, nine of the eleven Fund sectors outperformed the corresponding
sector in the Russell 1000 Value Index. Positive relative results came largely
from the Information & Entertainment and Industrial and Commercial sectors.
 Some of the Fund's stock successes during the quarter include: Echostar
Communications which was our strongest contributor, Motorola which should
benefit from the growth in semiconductor and handset business, and Analog
Devices which was a strong contributor in the Information Technology sector.
 As we begin the first quarter of 2000, we continue to believe that broad
diversification across economic sectors is a central tenet of the investment
strategy. Close alignment of the Fund's sector weights with those of the
Russell 1000 Value Index will have the effect of minimizing sector risk and
emphasizing security selection as the source of value-added.



                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 Mid-Cap Value Fund
 Neuberger Berman, LLC                                      Gendelman/Mullick

 The Mid-Cap Value Fund posted a 5.52% return for the one-year period ended
December 31, 1999 versus -0.11% for the Russell Midcap Value Index
 Stronger-than-expected economic growth and higher interest rates constrained
the performance of mid-cap stocks for much of the year. Until the fourth
quarter, only a handful of growth-oriented technology and telecommunications
stocks drove the market averages higher. In the fourth quarter, a more broad-
based rally began to emerge, sending most major stock market averages--
including the large-cap S&P 500 and the small-cap Russell 2000--to new highs
on the last trading day of 1999. Value-oriented stocks were the notable
exception to this list of winners, however.
 In this environment, the Fund's performance for the year was driven primarily
by investments in producer durables (6.5% of total assets) and technology
(12.8% of total assets). Individual holdings such as satellite television
provider GM Hughes (2.45% of assets) rallied strongly after encountering
temporary setbacks in 1998. In the telecommunications area, stocks such as
Global Crossing (1.77% of assets) also recovered from previous problems,
contributing significantly to the fund's returns.
 On the other hand, performance was hurt by declines in the financial sector
(24.38% of total equity market value), that represented the fund's largest
single concentration of holdings. Higher interest rates punished the stocks of
fundamentally sound companies such as Countrywide Credit (2.15% of assets).
 Toward the end of the year, the Fund co-managers reduced their exposure to
highly valued technology stocks and re-deployed those assets to more
economically sensitive stocks. These areas are consumer discretionary
(13.71%), energy (7.53%) and materials and processing (12.7%). Within these
sectors, the Fund co-managers have focused mainly on "fallen angels," which
they believe are fundamentally strong companies that are currently out-of-
favor or experiencing temporary problems.



                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 Mid-Cap Blend Fund Independence Investment Associates, Inc.  Coreen Kraysler

 Encouraged by strong GDP growth, low inflation and continued productivity
gains, investors drove the U.S. equity market to new highs in 1999. This
enthusiasm resulted in yet another year of market returns in excess of 20%.
Although large cap growth stocks continued to dominate, the market broadened
considerably during the final quarter of the year. In fact, for the first time
in a long time, small and midcap stocks both beat the S&P 500; while the S&P
returned 14.88% for the fourth quarter, small and midcap stocks returned 18.4%
and 17.2% respectively. We expect this broadening to continue as greater
earnings breadth and compelling values in non-tech sectors should lead to
wider participation in market leadership in 2000.
 During the fourth quarter the account returned 14.64%, below the benchmark
return, although in line with the S&P. In terms of sector leadership, returns
continued to be heavily concentrated in technology, with most other sectors
performing poorly. The highly diversified nature of this fund has a negative
impact on returns during periods of extreme narrowness such as we saw in 1999.
Although the fund owned plenty of tech stocks, with strong performers such as
Analog Devices, Teradyne, SCI and Oracle, just to name a few, it was hurt by
investments in other industries, especially financial and consumer stocks.
 Despite recent increases in interest rates, the economy remains strong and
corporate profit growth is expected to maintain its double digit pace, which
bodes well for a strong stock market in 2000. In addition, while we expect
technology earnings to remain strong, we also expect strong earnings rebounds
in the basic materials, energy and transportation sectors. This wider
participation in earnings growth should result in broader market returns, and
this fund is well positioned to benefit.



                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 Mid-Cap Growth Fund
 Janus                                                             James Goff

 Domestic equity markets were volatile in 1999 as investors weighed solid
earnings reports against lingering inflation fears and rising interest rates.
The Federal Reserve responded to the strength of the U.S. economy by raising
interest rates three times between June and November, while hinting that
further rate hikes might be necessary in the new year. Amid this backdrop, the
Fund logged exceptional results, substantially outperforming its benchmark,
the Russell MidCap Growth Index.
 We enjoyed broad-based gains across many of our holdings, particularly in our
technology, wireless service and telecommunications infrastructure positions.
Our positions in technological "enablers" that provide products or services to
the Internet industry were among the Portfolio's clear standouts. For example,
VeriSign's technology enables secure browser-to-server transactions over the
Internet. The stock soared following two recently announced strategic
acquisitions, which will allow VeriSign to marry its existing technology with
a back-end credit card payment platform.
 Thanks to higher-than-expected cellular subscription growth, our wireless
positions in Western Wireless, OmniPoint and VoiceStream also provided
outstanding returns. The potential for additional revenues from the
introduction of wireless data transmission also fueled investor optimism.
 Additionally, our telecommunication infrastructure companies, including SDL
and E-Tek Dynamics, soared. Their products increase the fiber-optic bandwidth
capacity of telecommunication networks, which is in high demand as
telecommunication providers scramble to keep up with the Internet's ever-
increasing proliferation.
 On the downside, our position in Apollo Group, which operates the University
of Phoenix, came under pressure. Although Wall Street downgraded the stock, we
maintained our position due to Apollo's strong long-term growth potential.
 Looking ahead, we remain steadfastly focused on uncovering dynamic companies
with extraordinary growth potential. By visiting companies on their home turf
and looking for critical information that others have overlooked or just plain
missed, we remain confident that our "all-weather" companies can grow the
bottom line in any environment.



                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 Fundamental Mid-Cap Growth Fund
 OppenheimerFunds, Inc.                              B. Bartlett/J. Turner II

 Fundamental Mid Cap Growth Fund performed exceptionally well during 1999. The
Fund's cumulative total returns from its inception date of August 31, 1999
through its fiscal year end of December 31, 1999 was 54.57%. We attribute the
Fund's gains primarily to our focus on growth and our strong emphasis on
technology, particularly some of the technology sector's better performing
 Economic conditions provided a firm foundation for the Fund's performance.
Throughout 1999, U.S. economic growth remained robust, largely driven by the
performance of technology-oriented companies. As the year progressed, growth
accelerated in key global markets of Europe and Asia as well. However, the
possibility that U.S. growth might slow in the face of increasing domestic
interest rates gave rise to economic uncertainty. In such an environment, the
market tends to reward companies that appear most likely to deliver strong and
sustainable growth. These are precisely the kinds of companies on which the
Fund focuses.
 Within technology, we derived our greatest gains from a wide range of
companies supplying the building blocks of the world's communications
infrastructure. Nearly half of our technology holdings were among optical
networking companies. By providing equipment to increase the geographical reach
and bandwidth of today's high-speed, high-capacity data communications and
telecommunications networks, these companies are profiting from the explosive
growth of the Internet and other forms of business communications.
 Of course, not all of the Fund's holdings performed strongly. Financial stocks
proved volatile performers during 1999. The sector was buoyed during the first
half of the year by the healthy U.S. economy and signs of financial strength
among worldwide emerging markets. However, financial stocks suffered during the
second half of the year under pressure from slowing earnings and moderate, but
consistent, increases in long-term interest rates. In response, we
significantly reduced our position in financial companies. We also reduced our
healthcare holdings. We focused our remaining healthcare investments on
biotechnology firms with strong product pipelines.
 Looking toward the coming year, we see indications that global economic
momentum is likely to continue. Consumer confidence and spending remain high,
and although pressures on prices and wages continue to grow, counterbalancing
forces such as global price competition and improved productivity have thus far
held them largely in check. In such an environment of continuing economic
health, we are enthusiastic about the growth prospects of the industries and
companies we have identified.

                            Historical Fund Return
                 Fundamental Mid-Cap           Russell Mid-Cap
                    Growth Fund                  Growth Index

8/31/99               10,000                        10,000
9/30/99               10,000                         9,915
10/31/99              10,836                        10,682
11/30/99              12,529                        11,788
12/31/99              15,457                        13,829
Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         % of           six months ago
                                      investments      % of investments
Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc.         4.4%                N/A
SDL, Inc.                                4.2%                N/A
E-Tek Dynamics, Inc.                     4.1%                N/A
Idec Pharmaceuticals Corp.               4.0%                N/A
Harmonic, Inc.                           3.7%                N/A
QLogic Corp.                             3.7%                N/A
Tiffany & Co.                            3.1%                N/A
TV Guide, Inc.                           2.9%                N/A
Affymetrix, Inc.                         2.5%                N/A
Young & Rubicam, Inc.                    2.4%                N/A
Average Annual Total Returns*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     Fundamental          Russell Mid-Cap
                                    Mid-Cap Growth         Growth Index
                                    --------------        ---------------
Since Inception (8/31/99)               54.57%                 38.29%
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            % of                                % of
                         investments                         investments
Technology                  56.7%         Utility                2.9%
Consumer Cyclical           11.1%         Energy                 1.8%
Retail                      10.7%         Transportation         1.5%
Health Care                  9.8%         Consumer Staple        1.5%
Capital Equipment            3.9%
*  Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
   past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
   indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
   fund shares will flutuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
   less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special risks
   as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this page is
   reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
   operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
   applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
   considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.


                                                      Inception: May 16, 1988
 Real Estate Equity Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.               J. DeSantis/T. Spicer

 With the REIT group having lost over 40% of its value over the past two
years, it is quite apparent that the stocks are trading on perception rather
than fundamentals. When reviewing the full year's performance, the sector
experienced somewhat of a reprieve in the second quarter as the market shifted
from technology/growth stocks and focused on cyclical and value plays. This
rebound proved to be short lived however as the sector has traded down ever
since then. For the year, the Wilshire Real Estate Securities Index returned a
negative 3.19%.
 This downward trend has only been exacerbated by the sector's relatively low
liquidity in the face of heavy negative funds flow. Net outflows for the year
were in the $1 billion range with 16 of the past 18 months registering net
redemptions. In the near future you would expect that a combination of value
buyers, vulture buyers, and yield buyers should start to take another look at
the REIT sector with its solid growth, strong fundamentals, and income
potential. At some point, an industry with a steady 7-8% growth potential and
an 8.5% average yield that trades at a 7x multiple will be appealing to
investors once again.
 Despite this rather negative tone, however, our funds continued to have
outstanding relative performance for both the quarter and the year. This
outperformance is attributable to both sector and stock selection. Overweights
in the Apartment, Office, Manufactured Homes, and Diversified sectors helped
performance as they outperformed the overall index. Underweights in the Retail
and Hotel sectors also helped as they underperformed the market. Individual
names that added to the Fund's returns included Liberty, Storage USA, Camden,
Franchise Finance, and Spieker Properties. A couple of positions also went
against us, namely JDN Realty and Burnham Pacific. Holding these positions in
a diversified manner helped to limit their impact to the overall fund. Going
forward, we expect these active positions to remain fairly constant.


                            Historical Fund Return

           Real Estate   Wilshire Real              Real Estate   Wilshire Real
 Date      Equity Fund    Estate Index    Date      Equity Fund    Estate Index
12/29/89      10,000         10,000      01/31/95      14,169          9,720
01/31/90       9,604          9,529      02/28/95      14,467         10,024
02/28/90       9,570          9,525      03/31/95      14,507         10,082
03/30/90       9,439          9,503      04/28/95      14,321         10,010
04/30/90       9,383          9,319      05/31/95      14,930         10,341
05/31/90       9,357          9,278      06/30/95      15,167         10,521
06/29/90       9,385          9,296      07/31/95      15,453         10,690
07/31/90       9,152          8,940      08/31/95      15,560         10,821
08/31/90       8,396          7,895      09/29/95      15,932         11,020
09/28/90       7,755          6,980      10/31/95      15,395         10,678
10/31/90       7,356          6,478      11/30/95      15,458         10,789
11/30/90       7,840          6,741      12/29/95      16,483         11,415
12/31/90       7,854          6,654      01/31/96      16,675         11,573
01/31/91       8,872          7,302      02/29/96      16,850         11,802
02/28/91       9,144          7,731      03/29/96      17,002         11,897
03/28/91       9,882          8,420      04/30/96      16,944         11,951
04/30/91       9,905          8,352      05/31/96      17,259         12,217
05/31/91      10,188          8,481      06/28/96      17,619         12,462
06/28/91       9,830          8,063      07/31/96      17,563         12,351
07/31/91       9,822          8,029      08/30/96      18,304         12,876
08/30/91       9,861          7,932      09/30/96      18,810         13,198
09/30/91       9,981          7,842      10/31/96      19,299         13,555
10/31/91       9,804          7,665      11/29/96      19,967         14,118
11/27/91       9,615          7,411      12/31/96      21,934         15,624
12/31/91      10,486          7,987      01/31/97      22,175         15,848
01/31/92      10,902          8,364      02/28/97      22,157         15,857
02/28/92      10,785          8,341      03/31/97      22,030         15,911
03/31/92      10,752          8,161      04/30/97      21,366         15,397
04/30/92      10,608          8,025      05/30/97      22,035         15,856
05/29/92      10,918          8,057      06/30/97      23,166         16,642
06/30/92      10,642          7,815      07/31/97      23,789         17,190
07/31/92      10,956          7,844      08/29/97      23,638         17,063
08/31/92      10,989          7,725      09/30/97      25,692         18,745
09/30/92      11,261          8,019      10/31/97      24,766         17,949
10/30/92      11,461          8,105      11/28/97      25,082         18,309
11/30/92      11,597          8,175      12/31/97      25,711         18,718
12/31/92      12,164          8,575      01/31/98      24,981         18,454
01/29/93      13,106          9,171      02/27/98      24,539         18,217
02/26/93      13,682          9,615      03/31/98      25,157         18,576
03/31/93      14,642         10,260      04/30/98      24,370         17,991
04/30/93      13,836          9,678      05/29/98      24,201         17,818
05/28/93      13,614          9,526      06/30/98      24,125         17,724
06/30/93      13,890          9,776      07/31/98      22,493         16,490
07/30/93      14,079          9,974      08/31/98      20,463         14,777
08/31/93      14,172         10,182      09/30/98      21,874         15,605
09/30/93      15,000         10,645      10/30/98      21,328         15,391
10/29/93      14,721         10,345      11/30/98      21,630         15,680
11/30/93      14,087          9,894      12/31/98      21,416         15,456
12/31/93      14,267          9,882      01/29/99      20,829         15,121
01/31/94      14,606         10,179      02/26/99      20,320         15,001
02/28/94      15,211         10,595      03/31/99      20,219         14,920
03/31/94      14,754         10,104      04/30/99      22,360         16,511
04/29/94      14,852         10,217      05/28/99      22,946         16,790
05/31/94      15,153         10,430      06/30/99      22,705         16,504
06/30/94      14,752         10,224      07/30/99      21,948         15,872
07/29/94      14,668         10,248      08/31/99      21,848         15,634
08/31/94      14,689         10,241      09/30/99      20,809         14,929
09/30/94      14,606         10,070      10/29/99      20,372         14,651
10/31/94      13,981          9,701      11/30/99      20,211         14,421
11/30/94      13,508          9,322      12/31/99      21,055         14,963
12/30/94      14,676         10,044

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        % of                six months ago
                                     investments           % of investments
Equity Residential Properties Trust      5.0%                     4.8%
Avalonbay Communities, Inc.              4.9%                     4.7%
Equity Office Properties Trust           4.8%                     4.5%
Spleker Properties, Inc.                 4.5%                     2.2%
Post Properties, Inc.                    3.8%                     3.5%
Duke Realty Investments, Inc.            3.7%                     3.5%
BRE Properties, Inc.                     3.6%                     4.0%
Liberty Property Trust                   3.5%                     3.2%
Camden Property Trust                    3.2%                     2.7%
Cousins Properties, Inc.                 3.1%                     2.8%
Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Real Estate    Wilshire Real    MorningStar
                                  Equity Fund    Estate Index     Peer Group+
                                  -----------    -------------    -----------
 1 Year                              -1.69%         -3.19            -2.73%
 3 Years                             -1.35          -1.43             0.12
 5 Years                              7.48           8.30             8.04
10 Years                              7.73           4.11             8.44

Top Industries (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             % of           six months ago
                                          investments       % of investments
Real Estate Investment Trust                 96.9%               96.8%
Real Estate Development                       3.1%                3.2%

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Sector investing entails special risks as
     discussed in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this page is
     reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from a
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Special Real
     Estate investment.


                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 Small/Mid-Cap Value Fund
 The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC                    Peter I. Higgins

 The smaller capitalization market ended another good year on a strong note.
The growth sector, with its large technology component, dramatically outpaced
the value side of the market. Indeed value stocks were essentially flat for
the year while growth stocks were up about 50%. While this performance
divergence has been a persistent characteristic of the market for several
years, it was even more so in 1999.
 The Fund performed better than its respective benchmark for the year but
lagged for the quarter. Given the dramatic underperformance of value stocks,
we are finding an abundance of underpriced stocks with outstanding potential.
 Our sector focus has not changed significantly for the past several quarters.
We continue to emphasize technology and energy stocks in the portfolio but,
unlike recent quarters, these sectors underperformed their respective
benchmarks for the fourth quarter. Our portfolio of technology stocks had a
positive return but lagged the index due to the strong advance of internet
related companies which are clearly part of the growth investment spectrum.
Several technology stocks including Sterling Commerce, 3Comm, Keane and
Autodesk were strong performers in the technology sector for the quarter.
 Energy prices fluctuated erratically as supply concerns, induced primarily by
threats from producing countries to reduce output, continued to impact the
market. Our strong performing energy stocks included Weatherford International
and Santa Fe International.
 We are also emphasizing the consumer sectors. The economy continues to grow
at a healthy pace and inflation and unemployment remain low. The continued
high level of consumer confidence should result in strong demand at the retail
level. Callaway Golf and Liz Claiborne were two of our consumer stocks that
did well for the quarter.
 Utilities and financial services remain underweight relative to the
benchmark. These sectors should continue to have slow earnings growth and
investor enthusiasm will likely be dampened by interest rate concerns.



                                                       Inception: May 1, 1998
 Small/Mid-Cap CORE Fund
 Goldman Sachs Asset Management                            Jones/Clark/Pinter

 For the year ended December 31, 1999, the Small/Mid Cap CORE Fund returned
20.54% at net asset value, underperforming its benchmark, the Russell 2500
Index, which returned 24.15%.
 The economy continued to advance over the year, as evidenced by U.S. GDP
growth running in recent months at 5% or better on an annualized basis, a 31-
year high in consumer confidence and a 29-year low in the domestic jobless
rate. The Federal Reserve Board, however, mindful of the risks associated with
a shrinking labor supply, raised interest rates three times during the year,
resulting in a total increase of the Fed Funds rate of 0.75% in 1999.
 The year proved exceptional for the U.S. stock indices. While the S&P 500
Index and Russell Midcap Index had annual returns of 21.04% and 18.23%,
respectively, the Index, which severely lagged larger cap indices earlier in
the year, posted a 24.15% return, ending the year ahead of the S&P 500 Index
for the first time in six years. 1999 also witnessed record-setting spreads
between returns for growth and value, as the Russell 2500 Growth Index return
of 43.09% significantly outpaced the 1.49% return of the Russell 2500 Value
 Our quantitative process seeks out stocks with good momentum that also appear
to be good values. We prefer stocks favored by fundamental research analysts,
and lower volatility stocks with a below-average probability of reporting
disappointing earnings. Over the long term, these factors have led to excess
returns, although they typically do not all work well simultaneously. For
instance, during 1999, our investment themes produced mixed results in the
Russell 2500 universe. Although the momentum theme contributed greatly towards
returns, the value theme, contrary to long-term averages, hurt returns. Index
returns were driven by very few stocks, and there was an unusually wide spread
between the best- and worst-performing stocks. Thus, the chances of selecting
the best opportunities were lower than average, and the penalty for making the
wrong choice was higher than average. CORE's preference for stocks that appear
to be good values had the biggest negative impact on returns, indicating the
market's strong distaste for value. The low risk and research themes were flat
during the year.


                            Historical Fund Return

                                Small/Mid-Cap                   Russell 2500
         Date                     CORE Fund                         Index
       04/01/98                     10,000                         10,000
       05/29/98                      9,577                          9,536
       06/30/98                      9,721                          9,547
       07/31/98                      9,040                          8,891
       08/31/98                      7,377                          7,214
       09/30/98                      7,776                          7,726
       10/30/98                      7,960                          8,149
       11/30/98                      8,422                          8,552
       12/31/98                      9,019                          9,070
       01/29/99                      8,940                          9,055
       02/26/99                      8,305                          8,460
       03/31/99                      8,438                          8,641
       04/30/99                      9,172                          9,414
       05/28/99                      9,251                          9,560
       06/30/99                      9,810                         10,058
       07/31/99                      9,648                          9,860
       08/31/99                      9,347                          9,552
       09/30/99                      9,224                          9,409
       10/31/99                      9,430                          9,616
       11/30/99                      9,887                         10,158
       12/31/99                     10,871                         11,261
Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        % of                six months ago
                                     investments           % of investments
VeriSign, Inc.                           1.0%                     N/A
Exodus Communications, Inc.              0.9%                     N/A
Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.         0.8%                     0.5%
BEA Systems, Inc.                        0.7%                     0.1%
Valley National Bancorp                  0.6%                     0.3%
UnitedGlobalCom, Inc.                    0.5%                     N/A
Conexant Systems, Inc.                   0.5%                     N/A
i2 Technologies, Inc.                    0.5%                     0.1%
Tecumseh Products Co.                    0.5%                     N/A
Sigma-Aldrich Corp.                      0.5%                     0.2%
Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               Small/Mid-Cap     Russell 2500     MorningStar
                                CORE Fund           Index         Peer Group+
                               -------------     ------------     -----------
1 Year                            20.54%           24.15%            22.57%
Since Inception (5/1/98)           5.13             7.38              N/A
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       % of                                    % of
                    investments                             investments
Technology             32.1%       Basic Material               5.2%
Financial              13.9%       Retail                       5.2%
Capital Equipment      11.7%       Utility                      5.0%
Consumer Cyclical      10.8%       Energy                       4.2%
Health Care             7.2%       Consumer Staple              2.2%
*  Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns
   represent past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are
   not indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value
   of fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth
   more or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails
   special risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on
   this page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
   fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
   applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
   considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+  Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
   reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
   Represents an average annual total return for the sub-accounts of all
   variable annuity and life products within the Morningstar variable universe
   having a Mid-Cap Growth and a Small-Cap Growth investment style. The peer
   group represents a 50% weighting of the Mid-Cap Growth style and a 50%
   weighting of the Small-Cap Growth style for periods since May 1999.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1994
 Small/Mid-Cap Growth Fund (Formerly Diversified Mid-Cap Growth)
 Wellington Management Company, LLP                         Frank V. Wisneski

 Small/Mid Cap Growth returned 0.2% from inception on 4/30/99, through the end
of 1999. This performance was disappointing as it substantially underperformed
the 22.1% return of the Target Mid Cap 750 Index and the 45.5% return for the
Russell 2500 Growth Index for the period.
 Four factors contributed to the Fund's disappointing performance. First, our
diversified mid-cap exposure hurt the Fund, as equity markets were totally
focused on technology issues. Technology stocks were the clear leaders in 1999
driving markets and valuations to new highs. Second, these speculative markets
produced a difficult environment for our disciplined and fundamentally based
strategy given our requirement for three years operating profit. Investors
showed nearly insatiable demand for technology companies that not only had not
demonstrated the profitability potential of their business model, but were
often barely beyond the venture capital stage. Third, within the mid-cap
market, the Fund was invested in the smaller sized stocks. The larger mid cap
stocks outperformed for the year. Finally, some tactical stock selection
decisions also detracted from results.
 The US economy remains on solid footing with real GDP forecast to grow 3.7%
on average in 2000 and the world poised for stronger growth. We are confident
that once speculative influences subside, the Fund will reflect returns that
were typical prior to 1999. We cannot predict when this narrow market will
begin to broaden, but believe the valuation gap between large and small stocks
will converge soon, resulting in strong relative performance for small/mid cap
stocks. While frustrating over the short term, we continue to believe that
we've seen nothing in the present market that would prompt a significant
change to our approach.


                            Historical Fund Return

Date           Small/Mid-Cap Growth Benchmark(1)    Small/Mid-Cap Growth Fund
04/01/94                    10,000                            10,000
05/31/94                    10,015                            10,020
06/30/94                     9,584                            10,043
07/29/94                     9,849                            10,066
08/31/94                    10,437                            10,359
09/30/94                    10,265                            10,094
10/31/94                    10,442                            10,263
11/30/94                     9,982                             9,992
12/30/94                    10,121                            10,056
01/31/95                    10,243                             9,934
02/28/95                    10,788                            10,283
03/31/95                    11,216                            10,798
04/28/95                    11,310                            11,069
05/31/95                    11,589                            11,087
06/30/95                    12,116                            11,652
07/31/95                    12,879                            12,564
08/31/95                    13,020                            12,807
09/29/95                    13,310                            12,764
10/31/95                    12,973                            12,361
11/30/95                    13,553                            13,160
12/29/95                    13,560                            13,672
01/31/96                    13,800                            14,151
02/29/96                    14,322                            14,612
03/29/96                    14,435                            14,939
04/30/96                    15,132                            16,011
05/31/96                    15,441                            16,455
06/28/96                    14,975                            16,237
07/31/96                    13,812                            14,615
08/30/96                    14,559                            15,484
09/30/96                    15,483                            16,411
10/31/96                    15,302                            16,926
11/29/96                    16,203                            17,438
12/31/96                    15,930                            17,820
01/31/97                    16,635                            17,845
02/28/97                    16,269                            16,824
03/31/97                    15,350                            15,825
04/30/97                    15,726                            15,365
05/30/97                    17,135                            16,487
06/30/97                    17,609                            16,713
07/31/97                    19,294                            18,028
08/29/97                    19,106                            17,686
09/30/97                    20,073                            19,025
10/31/97                    19,068                            18,622
11/28/97                    19,268                            18,188
12/31/97                    19,521                            18,432
01/01/98                    19,170                            18,106
02/27/98                    20,972                            19,666
03/31/98                    21,851                            20,641
04/30/98                    22,148                            20,584
05/29/98                    21,237                            19,648
06/30/98                    21,838                            20,389
07/31/98                    20,902                            19,268
08/31/98                    16,913                            15,227
09/30/98                    18,192                            16,009
10/30/98                    19,532                            16,874
11/30/98                    20,849                            17,602
12/31/98                    23,008                            19,466
01/29/99                    23,698                            19,610
02/26/99                    22,539                            18,154
03/31/99                    23,794                            19,356
04/30/99                    24,879                            20,435
05/28/99                    25,136                            20,604
06/30/99                    26,913                            21,478
07/31/99                    26,364                            20,970
08/31/99                    25,794                            19,348
09/30/99                    25,979                            18,728
10/31/99                    27,244                            18,829
11/30/99                    30,460                            19,019
12/31/99                    36,205                            20,468

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  % of         six months ago
                                               investments    % of investments
Sterling Software                                 4.4%              3.2%
Catalina Marketing Corp.                          3.7%              3.2%
DST Systems, Inc.                                 3.6%              4.1%
Shared Medical Systems Corp.                      3.5%              2.8%
Dallas Semiconductor Corp.                        3.0%              3.6%
Beringer Wine Estates Holdings                    2.9%              2.7%
Synopsys, Inc.                                    2.7%              2.7%
Montana Power Co.                                 2.6%              1.2%
Reinsurance Group of America                      2.5%              2.7%
American Management Systems, Inc.                 2.4%              2.5%
Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        Small/Mid-              Small/Mid-Cap      MorningStar
                      Cap Growth Fund       Growth Benchmark (1)   Peer Group+
                   ----------------------  ----------------------- ----------
1 Year                     5.15%                     57.36%           59.49%
3 Years                    4.73                      31.48            29.55
5 Years                   15.27                      29.03            26.75
Since Inception           13.50                      25.49             N/A
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         % of                                          %of
                     investments                                   investments
Technology              37.4%             Retail                       5.7%
Consumer Cyclical       13.2%             Basic Material               4.0%
Capital Equipment       11.9%             Consumer Staple              3.5%
Financial               11.6%             Utility                      2.6%
Health Care              6.8%             Transportation               2.3%

(1)  The Small/Mid-Cap Growth Fund benchmark is the Russell Mid-Cap Growth
     Index from May 1994 to April 1999 and the Russell 2500 Growth Index
     May 1999-present

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999, returns
     represent past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and
     are not indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal
     value of fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be
     worth more or less than their original cost. Sector investing entail
     special risks as discussed in the prospectus. The performance of the fund
     on this page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment
     management fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and
     charges of the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of
     which vary to a considerable extent and are described in your product

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for the sub-accounts of all
     variable annuity and life products within the Morningstar variable
     universe having a Mid-Cap Growth and a Small-Cap Growth investment style.
     The peer group represents a 65% weighting of the Mid-Cap Growth style and a
     35% weighting of the Small-Cap Growth style. Prior to May 1999, the peer
     group represents the Mid-Cap Growth investment style.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 Small-Cap Value Fund
 INVESCO Inc.                                                    Bob Slotpole

 There were ample fireworks on Wall Street as the millennium came to a close.
A December surge in equity prices capped one of the most rewarding decades in
history. Small cap stocks ended the year with a strong 4th quarter and, as a
result of this late year rally, finished the year just slightly ahead of large
cap stocks for the first time since 1993.
 Many stocks failed to participate in 1999's gains, however, owing to intense
industry competition and rising interest rates. During the 4th quarter small
cap growth stocks outperformed value by an extraordinary margin--33.4% versus
1.5%--the largest one quarter difference since the inception of the Russell
2000 Index in 1979. Technology and Telecommunications stocks continued to lead
the market, while many sectors finished the quarter in the red. Retail, Energy
and Consumer Staples had the biggest losses.
 The Small Cap Value Fund returned -0.24% for the quarter, lagging a 1.53%
return for the Russell 2000 Value Index. The Fund's total return for 1999 was
- -3.43% versus 1.23% for benchmark. INVESCO's strategy in managing the Small
Cap Value Fund is to add value through stock selection, while limiting
exposure to other types of risk, such as market risk (beta) and sector and
industry exposures. Not surprisingly, in a year of exceptional returns to
growth stocks our value-oriented stock selection tools, such as low
price/earnings and price/assets ratios, performed poorly. Our process also
favors companies with improving earnings estimates, which underperformed in
the 4th quarter. This was taken to an extreme in the Internet sector, where
stocks seemed to perform well even as losses mounted. Offsetting some of the
weakness in value tools, however, was strong performance from such factors as
a stock's relative price strength and how aggressively companies were
repurchasing their own shares.



                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 Small-Cap Growth Fund
 John Hancock Advisers, Inc.                                    Bernice Behar

 The last quarter of the millennium was a memorable one for the equity
markets. Investors seemingly brushed all Y2K concerns aside, leading stocks to
towering heights. Growth stocks benefited the most from the frenzy, soaring
well ahead of their value counterparts. This trend was clearly illustrated by
the disparity between the returns of the Russell 2000 Value and the Russell
2000 Growth Indexes. The Russell 2000 Growth outpaced the small cap value
index by almost 32%. The fourth quarter strength also influenced the
occurrence of a significant event--the return of small caps. Small cap stocks
edged ahead of large caps for the first time since 1993. For the year, the
Russell 2000 returned 21.26% and the S&P 500 gained 21.04%. The Fund benefited
from the strength in both small cap and growth stocks. It climbed 45.57% for
the fourth quarter and 70.38% for the year.
 Within the Fund, we remain positive on the outlook for the media segment. In
addition to our radio holdings, we found opportunities in Internet media
companies. We targeted Internet audience measurement firms that track customer
habits. Information on consumer behavior on the web is becoming increasingly
important to web advertisers in order to determine appropriate ad rates and
customize their advertisements.
 We own several securities in the gene discovery segment of the biotechnology
industry. A steady flow of positive news has re-focused investor attention
towards this industry. Many larger drug companies have formed partnerships
with smaller biotechnology firms with the expectation that their technologies
will lead to the development of new drugs. Although biotechnology stocks
performed well this quarter, we believe they will continue to outperform. We
increased our weighting to take advantage of this potential appreciation.



                                                       Inception: May 1, 1998
 Global Equity Fund
 Scudder Kemper Investments, Inc.                       W. Holzer/D. Espinosa

 For the fourth quarter 1999, the Global Equity Fund returned 15.94% in line
with its benchmark, the MSCI World Index return of 16.96%. For the year 1999,
the Fund returned 24.19%, slightly underperforming the benchmark return of
 During 1999 the Fund's performance can be very broadly characterized by The
Fund's themes. The Empowered Consumer theme (companies that enable consumers
by providing new electronic infrastructure and electronic markets for goods
and services) performed extremely well on a sharp rise in technology shares.
The Ultimate Subcontractor theme (companies that are the world's cheapest
producers, and which are able to retain their wealth) modestly underperformed
as our holdings produced mixed results. Secure Streams of Income theme
(companies providing stable income in de-regulated environments) endured a
tough year as we had an incorrect view on our defensive investments under this
theme. Our exposure to the Darkside Restructuring theme (companies in
previously regulated economies or industries that are restructuring with a
focus on shareholder value) remained constant throughout the fourth quarter.
 Technology was the driver as both US and International markets accelerated
towards the end of the year, with the tech stock rally broadening to include
mid cap companies, especially in Europe, as well.
 The Emerging Markets completed an astonishing year. Latin America was the
star of the last quarter as attention focussed on Mexico on grounds of
convergence with the US, and on Brazil as economic recovery progressed.
 In anticipation of greater market volatility, investment actions will
concentrate on trimming Fund exposure to the expensive technology stocks owned
under the Empowered Consumer theme, and consolidating our holdings under the
defensive Secure Streams of Income theme. Finally we will maintain our
investments under the Ultimate Subcontractor theme which, although also
subject to the penalties of higher interest rates, should prove more durable,
supported by the continuing process of consolidation.



                                                       Inception: May 2, 1988
 International Equity Index Fund
 Independence International Associates, Inc.                     Norman Meltz

 The International Equity Index Fund returned 18.85% for the fourth quarter of
1999 versus its benchmark return of 18.40%. For the year, the Fund's return of
30.87% has matched its benchmark return of 30.87%.
 On July 1st this past year the Fund invested 10% of its assets in the
emerging markets. That portion of the Fund will track the Morgan Stanley
Emerging Markets Free (MSEMF) Index. The remaining 90% of the Fund will
continue to invest in a strategy that tracks Morgan Stanley's GDP Index.
Therefore the Fund's benchmark now consists of a blended index comprised of
90% Morgan Stanley GDP Index and 10% MSEMF Index.
 Developed international markets delivered excellent returns across the board
this past quarter. The GDP Index gained 17.55% during the quarter. Emerging
markets performed even better as the MSEMF Index rose 25.45%. Within the
developed markets all twenty countries in which the Fund invests showed
positive returns. Finland performed best with a return of 89% due largely to
Nokia, which represents more than 20% of Finland and rose 114%. The Euro zone
rose 25% this quarter. The Pacific developed markets, dominated by Japan with
a 16% return, rose 16%. Every return would have been even higher but for a
strong US dollar that reduced the returns achieved in the local equity
 In the emerging markets Latin America led the regions with a 33% return led
by Brazil which rose 55%. Turkey led all emerging countries with a return of
 Growth stocks dominated returns across the world this past quarter to a
degree we have not seen over the past twenty-five years. Independence's
International Growth Stock Index outperformed the comparable Value Stock Index
by 21% over the quarter. The next largest difference between these two groups
occurred in 1987 but measured only 13%. The Fund was able to participate in
this trend since it owns both value and growth stocks.



                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 International Equity Fund
 Goldman Sachs Asset Management                   S. Maeda/I. Farman/S. Noble

 For the period since inception (August 31, 1999) through December 31, 1999,
the International Equity Fund returned 21.59% at net asset value,
outperforming its benchmark, the MSCI EAFE Index, which returned 18.25%.
 The international equity markets ended the year on a positive note, with the
Index rising substantially during the fourth quarter. This strong performance
occurred despite interest rate increases by monetary authorities around the
world and Y2K-related uncertainty early in the quarter. However, the equity
markets appeared to shake these interest rate concerns for the remainder of
the period and, ultimately, liquidity fears were not substantiated by trading
volume declines or by substantial increases in cash levels in the marketplace.
 The strength in international equity markets was largely focused on a narrow
range of sectors as telecommunication and technology stocks rose meteorically,
reflecting the strong demand and positive pricing in these industries. In
addition, some cyclical stocks also rallied towards the end of the quarter in
response to optimism about international GDP growth. Conversely, more
defensive stocks such as Pharmaceuticals and Oil stocks performed poorly.
 We increased our exposure in the Telecommunications industry. In the voice
and data "carriers' sector we bought Deutsche Telecom (0.7% of total Fund
assets) and Energis (0.4% of total Fund assets), a UK-based "alternative'
telecommunications operator. Holdings in the chemicals sector were raised with
purchases of BASF (0.6% of total Fund assets) and Asahi Chemicals (0.5% of
total Fund assets).
 Within the context of our positive overall outlook for global equities, we
are moderately underweight in Europe, although we have a positive view of the
long-term prospects for Continental Europe. Growth is clearly recovering in
the region and there are some long term structural attractions, such as reform
in the pension and savings industry, which we expect to lead to highly
significant flows of new assets into equity markets. We are overweight Asian
equities, though more confident about the outlook for Southeast Asian markets
than for Japan. Economic growth in Japan has clearly exceeded all expectations
this year, though there are some signs that the momentum of growth will not
prove to be sustainable and our bottom-up earnings analysis also suggests that
consensus expectations for future profits growth will be disappointed in
certain sectors. Nevertheless, yields on Japanese equities are still



                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 International Opportunities Fund
 Rowe Price-Fleming International, Inc.                           Martin Wade

 The excitement driving US technology, telecom and Internet stocks raced
through all international regions in the fourth quarter, pushing the MSCI EAFE
benchmark up 17% (cited in US$). Latin America--not in the MSCI EAFE
benchmark--was the strongest region, up 33%. Performances of other regions
were in a tight band with the Pacific ex-Japan ahead 19%, Europe up 17%, and
Japan 16% higher. The overriding factor propelling markets was enthusiasm for
"new economy" stocks: telecom and Internet-related companies and their
 The portfolio returned 34.01%, markedly outperforming the 31.79% return of
its benchmark. Country weighting relative to the benchmark was broadly neutral
for the full year. Our underweight position in Japan subtracted considerable
value, while an overweight position in Latin America added significant value.
Also, underweight positions in the weaker UK and German markets were positive
contributors. The sector which added the most value was overweighting
electronic components. Overweighting the consumer electronics sector and
underweighting utilities and insurance were also positive.
 We expect stronger economic growth in Europe. In Japan, declining domestic
demand and capital expenditure together with the potential for a strong yen
are liable to keep the economy weak. Elsewhere in Asia, economic recovery is
well under way and we expect it to continue. We remain cautiously optimistic
about Latin America. Although we believe the valuations of some "new economy"
stocks in international regions have become excessive, we are enthusiastic
about the growth potential of well-managed telecom, Internet-related and
technology businesses. Fortified by a year of improvement, international
economies are poised for better growth with moderate inflation in 2000.
Greater-than-expected progress in restructuring and reform during 1999, as
well as more mergers and acquisitions than anticipated, have enhanced the
earning potential of international companies and have paved the way for
international stock markets to rise in the year ahead.



                                                       Inception: May 1, 1998
 Emerging Markets Equity Fund
 Morgan Stanley Asset Management                             R. Meyer/A. Skov

 The Fund gained 50.45% during the fourth quarter versus a return of 25.44%
for the MSCI EMF index.
 Outperformance was attributable to both strong stock selection and country
allocation. Stock selection in South Korea contributed markedly to
performance. Other notable contributors were equity selections in India,
Israel, Mexico and Taiwan. Our overweight position in Egypt (+45.2%), Turkey
(+124.9%) and Indonesia (+41.3%) coupled with our underweight stance in Greece
(-6.0%) contributed positively to performance. Poor stock selection in India
and Indonesia and country allocation in South Korea (+19.7%) detracted from
 A supportive global environment, dissipating concerns over Y2K and heartier
investor risk appetites helped the emerging markets perform remarkably well
during the quarter. Continued strength in commodity prices and improving
economic fundamentals, coupled with positive election results (India, Mexico,
and Russia) and IMF agreements (Russia and Turkey), further boosted the
emerging markets. During the quarter, Taiwan and Turkey evidenced their
resilience in light of the earthquakes they suffered during the third quarter,
and investors rewarded countries such as India and Turkey for their commitment
to reforms.
 We continue to focus on Asia, a region benefiting from trade surpluses,
export growth and export market competitiveness vis-a-vis Yen strength versus
the US Dollar. We will continue to underweight the Latin American region in
the near term as we believe other regions within the emerging markets
presently offer more exciting investment opportunities. Turkey remains one of
our most significant overweight positions within Emerging Europe and the
Middle East, and within Turkey we are focusing on domestic themes, adding to
those companies best positioned to take advantage of a lower interest rate and
inflation environment and higher consumer spending.



                                                    Inception: March 29, 1986
 Money Market Fund
 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.                     Peter Mitsopoulos

 With the economy performing admirably, productivity strong and inflation well
contained, many investors were hopeful that rates would remain stable. The
wildcard continued to be a persistently low unemployment rate and a
continually tightening labor supply. But on June 30, as these two economic
indicators failed to ease, coupled with a spike in the consumer price index
(CPI) in April the Fed raised the Fed Funds target rate by .25%. The Fed
raised rates two more times, the last in November which brought the target
rate back up to 5.50%.
 We began the year with the objective of extending the maturity of the Fund as
our outlook was for a stable rate environment. We began purchasing one year
maturities to lock in some higher rates and in addition, purchased one-month
and three-month adjustable rate securities, a category in which we were
underweighted. However, following the increase in April's CPI and the Fed's
monetary tightening bias, we quickly needed to change direction and began
shortening the Fund. We lowered the Fund's weighted average maturity from a
high of 83 days in May, to an eventual level of 47 days in December. Rates did
rise, but surprisingly, 1999's year-end did not play out like a typical year-
end mainly due to Y2K concerns. Many corporations had completed their year-end
funding needs early and many banks were flush with cash from various sources
including the Fed's liquidity initiatives which effectively reduced investment
supply in December. We decided in November to reduce the level of maturities
of the Fund for December to a level prudent for Fund liquidity, but not for
significant investment needs. This strategy benefited the Fund as rates did
indeed drop off and the Fund had little rollover investing needs.
 The Fund is invested primarily in commercial paper (64%), adjustable rate
notes (22%) and other money market securities. The Fund is diversified among
many industry sectors and companies.



                                                      Inception: May 1, 1994
 Short-Term Bond Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                          Jeff Saef

 In the fourth quarter of 1999 investor disinterest for credit risk was
replaced with all out enthusiasm, resulting in significant outperformance of
corporate securities to comparable duration U.S. Treasury securities. The high-
risk premiums of the sector relative to the underlying strength of the U.S.
economy, and diminished corporate supply expectations in preparation for Y2K,
lead to the outperformance of the corporate bond market. The rally in the
corporate bond market started in the beginning of the quarter with higher
quality, more liquid corporate securities outperforming both comparable
duration U.S. Treasury securities and lower quality corporate securities. As
the quarter continued, the rally in high quality corporate bonds stalled out as
investors sold these securities in favor of lower quality higher yielding
bonds, which had lagged the corporate market for the first half of the quarter.
The increase investor demand for yield caused the lower quality securities to
outperform for the remainder of the quarter, finishing off a volatile but great
year for the corporate bond market.
 Your fund outperformed its benchmark during the quarter for three primary
reasons. First, the fund continues to benefit from a yield advantage provided
by an overweight in corporate securities relative to the benchmark. Second,
short maturity corporate bonds tightened in spread during the quarter,
providing an additional return advantage relative to the fund's benchmark.
Finally, as investors searched for lower quality yield, our individual
securities held in the fund outperformed relative to the average corporate bond
in the benchmark. Strong performers included: Popular Inc., Tenet Healthcare,
Beckman Instruments, Lehman Brothers, Williams Companies, and Petroleum
GeoServices. While the relative return of the fund was strong, rising interest
rates largely offset these absolute gains, resulting in a .83% for the quarter.


                            Historical Fund Return

                    Short-Term      Short-Term
    DATE         Bond Benchmark(1)   Bond Fund
  Apr-1994             10,000        10,000
  May-1994             10,013         9,999
  Jun-1994             10,033        10,010
  Jul-1994             10,138        10,109
  Aug-1994             10,172        10,130
  Sep-1994             10,117        10,075
  Oct-1994             10,129        10,078
  Nov-1994             10,074        10,032
  Dec-1994             10,102        10,033
  Jan-1995             10,258        10,172
  Feb-1995             10,432        10,324
  Mar-1995             10,489        10,367
  Apr-1995             10,597        10,462
  May-1995             10,844        10,694
  Jun-1995             10,908        10,769
  Jul-1995             10,935        10,780
  Aug-1995             11,010        10,844
  Sep-1995             11,071        10,892
  Oct-1995             11,179        10,996
  Nov-1995             11,299        11,098
  Dec-1995             11,398        11,187
  Jan-1996             11,501        11,273
  Feb-1996             11,418        11,183
  Mar-1996             11,383        11,143
  Apr-1996             11,371        11,124
  May-1996             11,378        11,123
  Jun-1996             11,474        11,211
  Jul-1996             11,514        11,238
  Aug-1996             11,542        11,260
  Sep-1996             11,666        11,392
  Oct-1996             11,824        11,527
  Nov-1996             11,937        11,607
  Dec-1996             11,907        11,591
  Jan-1997             11,961        11,642
  Feb-1997             11,980        11,661
  Mar-1997             11,951        11,631
  Apr-1997             12,065        11,727
  May-1997             12,152        11,805
  Jun-1997             12,245        11,894
  Jul-1997             12,422        12,058
  Aug-1997             12,406        12,033
  Sep-1997             12,520        12,138
  Oct-1997             12,634        12,241
  Nov-1997             12,660        12,247
  Dec-1997             12,755        12,334
  Jan-1998             12,903        12,464
  Feb-1998             12,901        12,460
  Mar-1998             12,950        12,503
  Apr-1998             13,010        12,559
  May-1998             13,086        12,622
  Jun-1998             13,152        12,679
  Jul-1998             13,213        12,737
  Aug-1998             13,336        12,872
  Sep-1998             13,520        13,007
  Oct-1998             13,551        12,999
  Nov-1998             13,587        13,019
  Dec-1998             13,641        13,051
  Jan-1999             13,717        13,081
  Feb-1999             13,669        13,035
  Mar-1999             13,778        13,105
  Apr-1999             13,836        13,154
  May-1999             13,819        13,122
  Jun-1999             13,862        13,165
  Jul-1999             13,891        13,192
  Aug-1999             13,922        13,225
  Sep-1999             14,024        13,327
  Oct-1999             14,074        13,363
  Nov-1999             14,114        13,412
  Dec-1999             14,135        13,438

Top Ten Holdings (as of December, 31, 1999)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            % of               six months ago
                                        investments           % of investments
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.           4.5%                     4.8%
Banponce Corp.                             3.2%                     3.1%
Tenet Healthcare Corp.                     3.1%                     3.0%
Norfolk Southern Corp.                     3.1%                     3.0%
First Hawaiian, Inc.                       3.1%                     3.0%
MBNA America Bank N.A.                     3.1%                     3.0%
U.S. Treasury                              3.0%                     2.0%
Dial Corp.                                 3.0%                     2.9%
BankBoston Corp.                           2.9%                     2.8%
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc.         2.8%                     2.8%
Average Annual Total Returns*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               Short-Term        Short-Term        MorningStar
                               Bond Fund      Bond Benchmark(1)    Peer Group+
                               ----------     -----------------    -----------
1 Year                           2.96%              3.62%             2.35%
3 Years                          5.05               5.88              5.27
5 Years                          6.02               6.95              6.50
Since Inception (5/1/94)         5.35               6.30              N/A
Fund Composition (as of December 31, 1999)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credit Quality                          Duration
- --------------                          --------
Government Bonds         7.14%       less than 1 Year                18.90%
AAA                      7.65%          1-3 Years                    47.10%
AA                       2.08%          3-5 Years                    26.50%
A                       35.56%          5-10 Years                    5.00%
BBB                     41.43%       more than 10 Years               2.50%
BB                       6.14%
Below B                     0%
NR/NA                       0%

*   Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns
    represent past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are
    not indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value
    of fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth
    more or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this
    page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees
    and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
    applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
    considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.

+   Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/13/99. Although gathered from
    reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
    Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
    sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Short Term
    Bond investment style. Prior to May 1998 (concurrent with the Fund's
    strategy change), the peer group represents the Short Term Government Bond

(1) Short-Term Bond Index represents the Merrill Lynch 1-5 year Government
    Bond from May 1994 to April 1998 and 65% Lehman Brothers 1-3 year Corporate
    Index. 35% Lehman Brothers 1-3 year Government Index, May 1998 to present.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1998
 Bond Index Fund
 Mellon Bond Associates, LLP                                   Gregory Curran

 The Fund continues to meet its investment objective: to match the performance
of the Lehman Brothers Government Corporate Index, which includes only U.S.
dollar-based, fixed-coupon debt from the U.S. Government and investment-grade
corporations. Performance net of fees for the Fund was -0.65% for December, -
0.50% for the fourth quarter and 2.64% from inception. Corresponding returns
for the benchmark were -0.61%, -0.41% and 2.96%. The fund uses a
representative sample of issues selected through proprietary quantitative
techniques. Selected issues have the best risk-adjusted expected return and,
as a group, match the characteristics of the 4,600 issues in the Index
including price sensitivity, industry, and quality exposures. An indexed
portfolio typically eliminates many risks associated with active management
and has lower fees and expenses.
 The third quarter was a difficult one for the bond market as market yields
rose steadily. From an economic perspective, the fourth quarter looked a lot
like the third quarter. Any positive sentiment quickly faded as investors
focused on the continued strength of the economy. Economic strength is often
bad for bonds due to the increased potential for an increase in inflation. A
string of economic releases on the heels of similar numbers in the third
quarter led investors to expect at least one increase in key short-term rates
by the Federal Reserve in the first part of 2000. As a result, the market's
path of least resistance was toward higher yields. Mortgage and Corporate
sectors performed better than U.S. Government issues, but all were hurt by the
increase in yields.



                                                   Inception: March 29, 1986
 Sovereign Bond Fund
 John Hancock Advisers, Inc.                                        James Ho

 During the quarter, the US economy remained robust, as consumer spending
stayed strong, unemployment resided at a 30-year low, business productivity
continued to rise and inflation remained tame. On November 16th, the Fed raised
rates by 25 basis points for the third time since June, as the risk of higher
inflation continued to be a threat. For the year overall, the bond market
suffered its worst year since 1994 and its second worst year since 1973.
Interest rates rose significantly across the yield curve (86-181bp) and both
inflation fears and concerns of Y2K computer problems sent bond prices lower in
1999 causing poor performance in most sectors of the bond market.
 Despite rising interest rates, most spread sectors of the bond market narrowed
during the fourth quarter of the year. Fortunately, new issue supply slowed as
corporations' need to raise cash diminished and spreads began to tighten early
in the fourth quarter, offsetting the negative effects of the rising yield
curve. Investment grade corporate bonds outperformed Treasuries for both the
quarter and year-to-date (roughly 174 bp on a duration-adjusted basis). During
the quarter, high yield bonds were one of the best performing sectors, while
mortgage backed and asset backed securities continued to perform well due to
additional spread tightening. Emerging Markets were the top performing sector
for the period (returning 10.7%) and year-to-date (returning 23.0%), despite
continued volatility and limited liquidity.
 During the quarter, the Fund gained 0.15%, outperforming the index at (0.12%).
Year-to-date the Fund performed well on a relative basis returning (.94%),
outperforming the index return of (1.87%). Given the poor performance in
Treasuries during the quarter, our underweight position in this sector relative
to the benchmark contributed positively to performance results. In addition,
the Fund's higher exposure to corporate bonds and asset backed securities also
contributed to positive performance results.


                            Historical Fund Return

            Sovereign  Sovereign Bond                 Sovereign  Sovereign Bond
Date        Bond Fund    Benchmark(1)     Date        Bond Fund    Benchmark(1)
12/29/89     10,000        10,000         01/31/96      17,507        17,393
01/31/90      9,876         9,863         02/29/96      17,170        17,025
02/28/90      9,902         9,885         03/29/96      17,066        16,882
03/30/90      9,912         9,886         04/30/96      16,979        16,765
04/30/90      9,858         9,795         05/31/96      16,975        16,737
05/31/90     10,068        10,079         06/28/96      17,147        16,961
06/29/90     10,204        10,242         07/31/96      17,202        17,000
07/31/90     10,309        10,369         08/30/96      17,215        16,959
08/31/90     10,214        10,219         09/30/96      17,526        17,261
09/28/90     10,279        10,304         10/31/96      17,899        17,663
10/31/90     10,407        10,441         11/29/96      18,180        17,988
11/30/90     10,587        10,668         12/31/96      18,119        17,788
12/31/90     10,741        10,829         01/31/97      18,186        17,810
01/31/91     10,828        10,951         02/28/97      18,272        17,847
02/28/91     10,961        11,045         03/31/97      18,079        17,635
03/28/91     11,061        11,121         04/30/97      18,325        17,892
04/30/91     11,223        11,249         05/30/97      18,531        18,059
05/31/91     11,306        11,302         06/30/97      18,774        18,275
06/28/91     11,315        11,289         07/31/97      19,337        18,835
07/31/91     11,437        11,432         08/29/97      19,148        18,624
08/30/91     11,696        11,694         09/30/97      19,458        18,916
09/30/91     11,934        11,939         10/31/97      19,626        19,219
10/31/91     12,051        12,045         11/28/97      19,734        19,321
11/27/91     12,151        12,166         12/31/97      19,950        19,523
12/31/91     12,530        12,576         01/31/98      20,223        19,799
01/31/92     12,409        12,389         02/27/98      20,206        19,759
02/28/92     12,441        12,455         03/31/98      20,321        19,820
03/31/92     12,410        12,387         04/30/98      20,420        19,919
04/30/92     12,490        12,461         05/29/98      20,602        20,133
05/29/92     12,699        12,703         06/30/98      20,799        20,338
06/30/92     12,864        12,889         07/31/98      20,838        20,354
07/31/92     13,174        13,219         08/31/98      21,043        20,751
08/31/92     13,317        13,337         09/30/98      21,525        21,345
09/30/92     13,497        13,518         10/30/98      21,324        21,193
10/30/92     13,332        13,312         11/30/98      21,529        21,320
11/30/92     13,291        13,300         12/31/98      21,592        21,371
12/31/92     13,490        13,528         01/29/99      21,791        21,523
01/29/93     13,731        13,823         02/26/99      21,344        21,011
02/26/93     14,016        14,111         03/31/99      21,496        21,116
03/31/93     14,094        14,159         04/30/99      21,564        21,169
04/30/93     14,181        14,268         05/28/99      21,331        20,951
05/28/93     14,175        14,261         06/30/99      21,277        20,886
06/30/93     14,465        14,584         07/30/99      21,234        20,827
07/30/93     14,587        14,678         08/31/99      21,192        20,811
08/31/93     14,896        15,015         09/30/99      21,381        20,998
09/30/93     14,969        15,068         10/29/99      21,425        21,076
10/29/93     14,985        15,130         11/30/99      21,500        21,073
11/30/93     14,873        14,959         12/31/99      21,389        20,972
12/31/93     14,942        15,024
01/31/94     15,160        15,250
02/28/94     14,882        14,917
03/31/94     14,567        14,552
04/29/94     14,436        14,431
05/31/94     14,411        14,405
06/30/94     14,397        14,372
07/29/94     14,630        14,659
08/31/94     14,666        14,665
09/30/94     14,495        14,444
10/31/94     14,471        14,428
11/30/94     14,444        14,402
12/30/94     14,558        14,497
01/31/95     14,836        14,775
02/28/95     15,191        15,118
03/31/95     15,309        15,219
04/28/95     15,531        15,431
05/31/95     16,198        16,078
06/30/95     16,338        16,206
07/31/95     16,268        16,143
08/31/95     16,456        16,350
09/29/95     16,621        16,516
10/31/95     16,891        16,759
11/30/95     17,143        17,036
12/29/95     17,404        17,286

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              % of             six months ago
                                           investments        % of investments
Government National Mortgage Assoc.           20.8%                 6.0%
U.S. Treasury                                 17.3%                26.5%
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.               9.8%                 2.4%
UCFC Home Equity Loan                          1.4%                 1.8%
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities Inc.       1.3%                 1.3%
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.               1.2%                 1.2%
Hydro-Quebec                                   1.0%                 1.0%
Texas New Mexico Power Co.                     1.0%                 1.0%
Amresco Residential Securities                 0.9%                 0.9%
Ford Motor Credit Co.                          0.8%                 0.4%

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Sovereign Bond   Sovereign Bond   MorningStar
                                    Fund          Benchmark(1)    Peer Group+
                                --------------   --------------   -----------
 1 Year                              -0.94%          -1.87%           -0.54%
 3 Years                              5.69            5.64             5.11
 5 Years                              8.00            7.66             7.52
10 Years                              7.90            7.69             7.50

Fund Composition (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credit Quality                              Duration
- --------------                              --------
Government Bonds          46.83%            Less than 1 Year       5.90%
AAA                       11.89%            1-3 Years             10.44%
AA                         5.41%            3-5 Years              8.21%
A                          7.85%            5-10 Years            26.24%
BBB                       13.93%            More than 10 Years    49.21%
BB                          6.5%
B                           6.7%
Below B                    0.36%
NR/NA                      0.52%

(1) The Sovereign Bond Benchmark represents the Lehman Brothers
    Government/Corporate Bond Index from April 1986 to September 1999 and Lehman
    Brothers Aggregate Bond Index from October 1999 to present.

*   Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999, returns
    represent past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions, and
    are not indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal
    value of fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be
    worth more or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on
    this page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
    fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
    applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
    considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.

+   Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
    reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
    Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having an Intermediate
    Bond investment style.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 Global Bond Fund (Formerly Strategic Bond Fund)
 J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc.                         David Gibbon

 Bond yields rose sharply in the U.S. and Europe as the Fed, Bank of England
and ECB tightened policy in response to improving global growth and rising
input prices. At the same time, Japanese bond yields fell through the quarter
as domestic investors questioned the improvement in growth prospects and debt
supply fears and extended along the yield curve. Liquidity conditions improved
through the quarter as Y2K fears abated and investors cautiously returned to
the credit markets. New issuance declined throughout the quarter to a near halt
in December.
 We continue to hold a short-duration bias, adding value in the rising interest
rate environment. Country selection continues to hinder the portfolio's
performance, as we concentrated the portfolio's duration underweight in Japan.
With the exception of non-EMU Europe, Japan was the best performing region in
the fixed income index during the fourth quarter.
 Our currency management was a drag on excess return, as we elected to leave a
portion of our euro holdings unhedged early in the quarter. From mid-October to
early December the euro declined in value by 9% relative to the US dollar. The
portfolio maintains full currency hedges on yen-denominated assets. After a
difficult third quarter, corporate spreads narrowed sharply in the fourth
quarter, as concerns about a Y2K liquidity meltdown eased. Our allocation to
non-government bonds added value relative to the index.
 With little sign of any material slowing in U.S. growth (aside from some
moderation in the construction sector), continued improvement in the Japanese
economy, and the rebound in European business confidence, bond markets lack
fundamental support going into 2000. In the U.S., strong business and consumer
confidence, a robust equity market and very buoyant labour market suggest the
need for additional Fed policy tightening. Rapid monetary growth and credit
expansion, together with the unprecedented external deficit, imply the need to
slow the economy to a more sustainable pace, even in the absence of any
significant consumer price pressures. The market discounts an insufficient
amount of tightening this year in order to slow the economy to an acceptable


                            Historical Fund Return

Date                Global Bond Fund         Global Bond Benchmark(1)
04/30/96                 10,000                       10,000
05/31/96                  9,983                       10,002
06/28/96                 10,068                       10,123
07/31/96                 10,103                       10,162
08/30/96                 10,112                       10,183
09/30/96                 10,297                       10,370
10/31/96                 10,490                       10,586
11/29/96                 10,674                       10,775
12/31/96                 10,671                       10,703
01/31/97                 10,723                       10,762
02/28/97                 10,755                       10,799
03/31/97                 10,634                       10,695
04/30/97                 10,761                       10,844
05/30/97                 10,871                       10,936
06/30/97                 11,021                       11,080
07/31/97                 11,262                       11,348
08/29/97                 11,194                       11,279
09/30/97                 11,396                       11,454
10/31/97                 11,459                       11,597
11/28/97                 11,518                       11,658
12/31/97                 11,637                       11,784
01/01/98                 11,774                       11,937
02/27/98                 11,795                       11,956
03/31/98                 11,844                       12,013
04/30/98                 11,899                       12,076
05/29/98                 12,012                       12,203
06/30/98                 12,101                       12,294
07/31/98                 12,133                       12,342
08/31/98                 12,315                       12,554
09/30/98                 12,624                       12,848
10/30/98                 12,538                       12,792
11/30/98                 12,639                       12,882
12/31/98                 12,702                       12,907
01/29/99                 12,811                       13,016
02/26/99                 12,564                       12,823
03/31/99                 12,667                       12,914
04/30/99                 12,704                       12,986
05/28/99                 12,577                       12,908
06/30/99                 12,446                       12,762
07/30/99                 12,562                       12,736
08/31/99                 12,512                       12,750
09/30/99                 12,435                       12,815
10/29/99                 12,430                       12,841
11/30/99                 12,454                       12,884
12/31/99                 12,428                       12,983

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     % of              six months ago
                                  investments         % of investments
Government of France                 16.1%                  6.9%
U.S. Treasury                        14.4%                 14.1%
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.      7.5%                  4.8%
Government of Japan                   7.0%                  4.7%
U.K. Treasury                         5.3%                  7.2%
Repsol International Finance          5.0%                  5.1%
Government of Netherlands             4.8%                  5.1%
Government of Sweden                  4.5%                  4.6%
Government of Spain                   3.2%                  N/A
Standard Credit Card Master Trust     3.1%                  N/A

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Global Bond     Global Bond     MorningStar
                                     Fund         Benchmark(1)    Peer Group+
                                  -----------     ------------    -----------
1 Year                              -2.16%             .59%         -1.44%
3 Years                              5.21             6.65           4.62
Since Inception (5/1/96)             6.10             7.38           N/A

Fund Composition (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credit Quality                         Duration
- --------------                         --------
Government Bonds           50.08%      Less than 1 Year      4.80%
AAA                        30.00%      1-3 Years            16.85%
AA                         13.14%      3-5 Years            22.67%
A                           3.02%      5-10 Years           34.60%
BBB                         3.76%      More than 10 Years   21.08%
Below BB                       0%
NR/NA                          0%

*   Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns
    represent past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are
    not indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value
    of fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth
    more or less than their original cost. There are special risks associated
    with international investing including currency fluctuations, political and
    economic instability, foreign taxation and different accounting standards,
    as outlined in the current prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
    page is reported net of Trust level changes (i.e. investment management fees
    and operating expenses). It does not reflect expenses and charges of the
    applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
    considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.

(1) Global Bond Benchmark: 75% Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond and 25% J.P.
    Morgan Non-
US Government Bond Index, Hedged, from May 1996 to April 1999 and
    the J.P. Morgan Global Bond Index (Hedged) thereafter.

+   Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
    reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
    Reprsents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
    sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a General Bond
    Intermediate High Quality investment style and an International Bond
    investment style. The peer group represents a 35% weighting of the General
    Bond Intermediate High Quality style and a 65% weighting of the
    International Bond style. Prior to May 1999 (concurrent with the Fund's
    strategy change), the peer group represents a 75% weighting of the General
    Bond Intermediate High Quality style and a 25% weighting of the
    International Bond style.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1998
 High-Yield Bond Fund
 Wellington Management Company, LLP                     Crawford/Smith/McEvoy

 In the fourth quarter, the US high yield market (as measured by the Lehman
High Yield Index) gained 1.63%. This performance exceeded the -0.1% return of
investment grade bonds as measured by the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index. The
superior return came from the tightening of the spread of high yield issues
versus 10-year Treasury issues. During the quarter, the Fund advanced 3.30%
compared to a 1.63% return of the Lehman High Yield Index. Since inception, on
April 30, 1998, the Fund returned 1.19%, which compares favorably to the 0.31%
return of the Lehman HY Index.
 While rising yields on US Treasuries hurt investment grade bonds during the
quarter, high yield bonds held steady for a number of reasons. First, a strong
US equity market served to create a wind at the back of the high yield market.
Second, outflows in high yield mutual funds subsided during the quarter.
Finally, high yield default rates declined sequentially for the second straight
quarter from their peak levels in the second quarter.
 The Fund's average quality rating remained at B2 compared to B1 for the Lehman
HY Index. Within high yield, lower quality ("B" rated) bonds outperformed
higher quality ("BB" rated) bonds in the fourth quarter, and on a full-year
 During the quarter, we continued to favor the telecommunication and media and
entertainment sectors as we believe these areas are experiencing the most
secular growth. We continue to invest in companies which derive most of their
revenues from within the United States. Also, given the longevity of the
current U.S. economic cycle, we continue to favor companies with an underlying
secular growth trend as opposed to mature, cyclical companies.


                            Historical Fund Return

Date            High-Yield Bond Fund        L/B High-Yield Bond Index
04/01/98              10,000                         10,000
05/31/98               9,987                         10,035
06/30/98              10,028                         10,071
07/31/98              10,075                         10,128
08/31/98               9,309                          9,569
09/30/98               9,280                          9,613
10/31/98               9,120                          9,415
11/30/98               9,802                          9,806
12/31/98               9,702                          9,817
01/31/99               9,819                          9,963
02/28/99               9,884                          9,904
03/31/99              10,062                          9,999
04/30/99              10,214                         10,192
05/31/99               9,992                         10,054
06/30/99               9,989                         10,033
07/31/99               9,993                         10,073
08/31/99               9,925                          9,962
09/30/99               9,874                          9,890
10/31/99               9,806                          9,825
11/30/99              10,090                          9,940
12/31/99              10,200                         10,052

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   % of        six months ago
                                               Investments    % of Investments
Nextel Communcations, Inc.                         2.5%              2.3%
GCI, Inc.                                          2.0%              1.4%
EchoStar DBS Corp.                                 1.9%              2.0%
Lin Holdings Corp.                                 1.7%              1.8%
Duane Reade, Inc.                                  1.7%              1.8%
NTL Communications Corp.                           1.7%              1.8%
Lyondell Chemical Co.                              1.7%              1.8%
Intermedia Communication, Inc.                     1.6%              1.7%
P&L Coal Holdings Corp.                            1.6%              1.7%
Fairchild Semiconductor Corp.                      1.5%              1.2%

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          High-Yeild         L/B High-Yeild      Morning Star
                           Bond Fund           Bond Index         Peer Group+
                          ----------         --------------      ------------
1 Year                      5.13%                  2.39%             4.05%
Since Inception(5/1/98)     1.19                    .31               N/A

Fund Composition (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credit Quality                            Duration
- --------------                            --------

Government Bonds           0%             Less than 1 Year              10.10%
AAA                        0%             1-3 Years                      1.70%
AA                         0%             3-5 Years                      9.20%
A                          0%             5-10 Years                    76.30%
BBB                      0.7%             Greater than 10 Years          1.60%
BB                      19.1%             Equity/Other                   1.10%
B                       76.6%
Below B                  1.7%
NR/NA                    1.9%

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that share, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
     risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees
     and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable seperate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your prospectus.

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a High Yield
     investment style.


                                                    Inception: March 29, 1986
 Managed Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.              John Forelli/Jeff Saef

 Your balanced Fund returned a solid 7.41% during the fourth quarter of 1999.
The strong equity markets led your performance gain. Your account also returned
a strong 9.10% for the year despite a bond market that declined for all of
1999. The equity portion led your performance gain with a fourth quarter return
of 12.37% and a 1999 return of 16.37%. Stocks that performed well during the
quarter included Citigroup, Marsh & McLennan and Home Depot. We remain focused
on finding cheap stocks with improving fundamentals and controlling risk in
your Fund during this period of excessive valuation. On the fixed income side,
your Fund beat the bond market (Lehman Aggregate Bond Index) by a strong 0.45%
in the fourth quarter as corporate, mortgage and international bonds performed
quite well. Asset Allocation remained at an approximate 60% Equity/40% Fixed
Income mix throughout the quarter.
 The equity and fixed income markets went in opposite directions during 1999.
Equity investors remain enamored with the strong economic environment, the free
spending consumer and low inflation. Bond investors continue to be fearful of
Fed interest rate hikes, low unemployment and wage pressures. We are focusing
on both strong S&P 500 earnings growth and the seemingly excessive valuation of
technology stocks in the market today. On balance, we believe the current
environment bodes well for a continued strong stock market next year, as money
flows should pick up now that Y2K is behind us. We also expect that broader
economic growth and greater earnings breadth should lead to a wider
participation in market leadership. We also believe the bond market could rally
nicely once Fed rate increases are behind us sometime during the second quarter
of 2000.


                            Historical Fund Return

              Managed      Managed                    Managed      Managed
Date           Fund      Benchmark(1)   Date           Fund      Benchmark(1)
12/29/89      10,000        10,000      01/31/95      15,211        15,265
01/31/90       9,629         9,596      02/28/95      15,667        15,739
02/28/90       9,669         9,668      03/31/95      15,871        16,024
03/30/90       9,780         9,796      04/28/95      16,224        16,369
04/30/90       9,599         9,630      05/31/95      16,846        17,035
05/31/90      10,086        10,239      06/30/95      17,093        17,303
06/29/90      10,228        10,286      07/31/95      17,364        17,558
07/31/90      10,330        10,334      08/31/95      17,572        17,694
08/31/90       9,847         9,792      09/29/95      18,093        18,155
09/28/90       9,641         9,592      10/31/95      18,129        18,256
10/31/90       9,686         9,638      11/30/95      18,711        18,809
11/30/90      10,117        10,053      12/29/95      18,976        19,121
12/31/90      10,415        10,267      01/31/96      19,268        19,509
01/31/91      10,709        10,551      02/29/96      19,188        19,396
02/28/91      11,126        10,974      03/29/96      19,210        19,407
03/28/91      11,286        11,143      04/30/96      19,249        19,483
04/30/91      11,340        11,223      05/31/96      19,479        19,718
05/31/91      11,629        11,489      06/28/96      19,665        19,890
06/28/91      11,327        11,220      07/31/96      19,234        19,471
07/31/91      11,596        11,553      08/30/96      19,399        19,654
08/30/91      11,873        11,822      09/30/96      20,008        20,381
09/30/91      11,907        11,849      10/31/96      20,495        20,898
10/31/91      12,056        11,981      11/29/96      21,282        21,883
11/27/91      11,893        11,799      12/31/96      21,010        21,547
12/31/91      12,704        12,672      01/31/97      21,507        22,229
01/31/92      12,507        12,460      02/28/97      21,582        22,342
02/28/92      12,595        12,573      03/31/97      21,079        21,745
03/31/92      12,433        12,415      04/30/97      21,649        22,552
04/30/92      12,696        12,633      05/30/97      22,277        23,350
05/29/92      12,877        12,790      06/30/97      22,880        24,010
06/30/92      12,915        12,791      07/31/97      24,174        25,331
07/31/92      13,275        13,212      08/29/97      23,490        24,485
08/31/92      13,174        13,138      09/30/97      24,278        25,348
09/30/92      13,339        13,303      10/31/97      24,037        25,127
10/30/92      13,215        13,225      11/28/97      24,612        25,775
11/30/92      13,478        13,442      12/31/97      24,942        26,132
12/31/92      13,684        13,645      01/31/98      25,219        26,454
01/29/93      13,859        13,844      02/27/98      26,363        27,577
02/26/93      14,070        14,081      03/31/98      27,338        28,459
03/31/93      14,324        14,257      04/30/98      27,524        28,688
04/30/93      14,110        14,137      05/29/98      27,434        28,501
05/28/93      14,322        14,324      06/30/98      28,205        29,292
06/30/93      14,536        14,510      07/31/98      27,914        29,130
07/30/93      14,519        14,523      08/31/98      25,300        26,793
08/31/93      15,011        14,966      09/30/98      26,169        28,073
09/30/93      15,069        14,937      10/30/98      27,562        29,384
10/29/93      15,243        15,119      11/30/98      28,713        30,519
11/30/93      15,098        14,963      12/31/98      30,034        31,611
12/31/93      15,272        15,088      01/29/99      30,490        32,494
01/31/94      15,628        15,454      02/26/99      29,660        31,661
02/28/94      15,214        15,077      03/31/99      30,292        32,490
03/31/94      14,768        14,564      04/30/99      31,164        33,287
04/29/94      14,844        14,598      05/28/99      30,672        32,698
05/31/94      14,846        14,704      06/30/99      31,761        33,745
06/30/94      14,699        14,506      07/30/99      31,095        33,057
07/29/94      15,030        14,891      08/31/99      30,900        32,952
08/31/94      15,263        15,197      09/30/99      30,508        32,563
09/30/94      14,941        14,899      10/29/99      31,688        33,847
10/31/94      15,007        15,061      11/30/99      31,891        34,259
11/30/94      14,775        14,771      12/31/99      32,768        35,404
12/30/94      14,931        14,928

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31,1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   % of        six months ago
                                               investments    % of investments
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.                   9.6%              9.2%
Microsoft Corp.                                    3.0%              2.7%
Government National Mortgage Assoc.                3.0%              3.9%
General Electric Co.                               2.7%              2.3%
U.S. Treasury                                      2.7%              5.3%
Cisco Systems, Inc.                                2.2%              1.2%
Citigroup, Inc.                                    1.9%              2.0%
MCI WorldCom, Inc.                                 1.8%              1.5%
Intel Group.                                       1.5%              1.5%
Time Warner, Inc.                                  1.3%              1.6%

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          Managed               Managed          Morning Star
                           Fund               Benchmark(1)        Peer Group+
                          -------             ------------       -------------
 1 Year                    9.10%                 12.00%               9.58%
 3 Years                  15.97                  18.00               14.17
 5 Years                  17.02                  18.85               15.96
10 Years                  12.60                  13.48               12.01

Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31,1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         % of                                           %of
                     investments                                    investments
Governmental            20.7%             Healthcare                    6.2%
Technology              18.8%             Consumer Cyclical             5.4%
Financial               18.2%             Retail                        4.4%
Capital Equipment        8.5%             Energy                        3.9%
Utility                  7.0%             Consumer Staple               2.7%

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable seperate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your prospectus.

(1)  The Managed Benchmarked Represents 50% S&P 500/50% Lehman Brothers
     Government/Corporate Bond from April 1986 to December 1997 than 60% S&P
     500/40% Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond from 1998 to April 1998
     and now 60% S&P 500/40% Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond from May 1998 to

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar Variable universe Domestic Hybrid
     investment style.


                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999
 Aggressive Balanced Fund
 Independence Investment Associates Inc.                   J. Forelli/J. Saef

 Your balanced Fund returned a strong 8.94% during the fourth quarter of 1999.
The strong equity markets led your performance gain. The equity portion led
your performance gain with a fourth quarter return of 12.25%. Your Fund had
particularly good performance in financial and healthcare stocks including
Citigroup, Kansas City Southern Industries (owner of Janus Mutual Funds),
Genentech and Warner Lambert. We avoided many technology stocks trading in
excess of 50 times earnings, as we did not believe their future earnings growth
justified those valuations. We remain focused on finding cheap stocks with
improving fundamentals and controlling risk in your Fund during this period of
excessive valuation. On the fixed income side, your Fund beat the bond market
(Lehman Aggregate Bond Index) by a 0.11% in the fourth quarter as corporate and
mortgage bonds performed quite well. Asset Allocation remained at an
approximate 75% Equity/25% Fixed Income mix throughout the quarter.
 The equity and fixed income markets went in opposite directions during 1999.
Equity investors remain enamored with the strong economic environment, the free
spending consumer and low inflation. Bond investors continue to be fearful of
Fed interest rate hikes, low unemployment and wage pressures. We are focusing
on both strong S&P 500 earnings growth and the seemingly excessive valuation of
technology stocks in the market today. On balance, we believe the current
environment bodes well for a continued strong stock market next year, as money
flows should pick up now that Y2K is behind us. We also expect that broader
economic growth and greater earnings breadth should lead to a wider
participation in market leadership. We also believe the bond market could rally
nicely once Fed rate increases are behind us sometime during the second quarter
of 2000.


                            Historical Fund Return

Date             Aggressive Balanced Fund       Aggressive Balanced Benchwork
 8/31/99                 10,000                           10,000
 9/30/99                  9,830                            9,823
10/31/99                 10,274                           10,299
11/30/99                 10,383                           10,456
12/31/99                 10,709                           10,905
Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  % of          six months ago
                                               Investments    % of Investments
Federal National Mortage Assoc.                    8.3%              N/A
U.S. Treasury                                      6.1%              N/A
Microsoft Corp.                                    4.0%              N/A
Cisco Systems, Inc.                                2.8%              N/A
Citigroup, Inc.                                    2.7%              N/A
General Electric Co.                               2.4%              N/A
Government National Mortgage Assoc.                2.2%              N/A
MCI WorldCom, Inc.                                 1.9%              N/A
Intel Corp.                                        1.8%              N/A
International Business Machines Corp.              1.7%              N/A
Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           Aggressive Balanced     Aggressive Balanced
                                  Fund                  Benchmark
                           -------------------     -------------------
Since Inception (8/31/99)         7.09%                    9.05%
Top Ten Sectors (as of December 31, 1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         % of                                          %of
                     Investments                                   Investments
Technology              22.9%             Health Care                  7.3%
Govermental             16.6%             Retail                       5.9%
Financial               14.1%             Consumer Cyclical            4.5%
Capital Equipment        9.5%             Energy                       4.2%
Utility                  8.2%             Basic Material               3.0%

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns
     represent past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and
     are not indicative of future performance. Investment returns principal
     value of fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed may be
     worth more or less than their original cost. Small-company investing
     entails special risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of
     the fund on this page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e.
     investment management fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect
     expense and charges of the applicable seperate accounts and variable
     products, all of which vary to a considerable extent and are described
     in your product prospectus.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996
 International Balanced Fund
 Brinson Partners, Inc.                                       Management Team

 The International Balanced Fund provided a 6.3% return for the fourth quarter,
which lagged the Fund's benchmark return of 10.5%. The calendar year return for
the Fund was 5.1%, versus the benchmark return of 15.4%.
 The international equity markets were strong in the final months of 1999, lead
by growth stocks primarily in the technology and telecommunication sector. The
technology explosion was not limited to the U.S. market, and many developed
markets such as Japan and the U.K. were driven by the industry move. In
general, international equity markets performed well for the year, as the
global bond market returns were much weaker due to central banks' concern for
future inflation. The allocation decision to underweight equities and
overweight bonds was the single greatest detractor from the Fund's overall
performance for the year. In spite of the increase in long-term discount rates
and high market volatility, outperformance occurred in the most "aggressive"
sectors of the equity markets. The price/earning multiples on the class of high
growth companies has expanded further, while the debt market reflects market
uncertainty, as evidenced by widening treasury yield spreads. The Fund is
defensively positioned, as we remain wary of the disconnect between bonds and
 For the calendar year, the Asian equity markets were the best performers, and
the portfolio benefited from the overweight in Japan. Stocks that performed
well in the portfolio included Nokia, Sony, Fanuc and Toyota. The consistently
best performing industries across all equity markets were electronics and
telecommunications, which also coincides with our view that they are the most
 Within the Fund, we continue to emphasize non-U.S. bond markets over equities.
Our conservative approach to global capital markets was not rewarded in 1999,
but our conviction has not faltered. There is an equity bubble in a sector of
the economy related to the "new era" technology, and increasing evidence
suggests that the equity markets are ripe for a correction.


                            Historical Fund Return

                        International          International Balanced
Date                    Balanced Fund          Composite Benchmrk (1)
04/30/96                   10,000                     10,000
05/31/96                    9,992                      9,890
06/30/96                   10,055                      9,940
07/31/96                    9,956                      9,847
08/31/96                   10,007                      9,898
09/30/96                   10,257                     10,066
10/31/96                   10,315                     10,082
11/30/96                   10,678                     10,396
12/31/96                   10,673                     10,278
01/31/97                   10,509                      9,927
02/28/97                   10,624                      9,983
03/31/97                   10,568                      9,964
04/30/97                   10,507                      9,934
05/31/97                   11,089                     10,489
06/30/97                   11,433                     10,896
07/31/97                   11,471                     10,928
08/31/97                   10,986                     10,411
09/30/97                   11,470                     10,879
10/31/97                   11,127                     10,433
11/30/97                   10,967                     10,260
12/31/97                   10,955                     10,287
01/31/98                   11,195                     10,599
02/28/98                   11,630                     11,099
03/31/98                   11,808                     11,269
04/30/98                   11,952                     11,412
05/31/98                   11,952                     11,366
06/30/98                   11,915                     11,383
07/31/98                   11,962                     11,437
08/31/98                   11,270                     10,597
09/30/98                   11,435                     10,644
10/31/98                   12,221                     11,534
11/30/98                   12,443                     11,832
12/31/98                   12,925                     12,239
01/31/99                   12,914                     12,171
02/28/99                   12,390                     11,823
03/31/99                   12,558                     12,148
04/30/99                   12,778                     12,482
05/31/99                   12,313                     11,979
06/30/99                   12,412                     12,180
07/31/99                   12,785                     12,559
08/31/99                   12,772                     12,609
09/30/99                   12,781                     12,783
10/31/99                   12,912                     13,099
11/30/99                   12,992                     13,333
12/31/99                   13,586                     14,127

Top Ten Holdings (as of December 31,1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  % of         six months ago
                                               investments    % of investments
Government of France                               5.9%              6.8%
Government of Japan                                5.0%              N/A
Government of Canada                               4.4%              4.4%
Government of Sweden                               4.0%              3.3%
U.K. Treasury                                      3.8%              4.6%
Queensland Treasury Corp.                          3.2%              4.5%
Government of Netherlands                          3.0%              N/A
Kingdom of Denmark                                 2.6%              3.1%
Government of Spain                                2.2%              5.2%
Treuhandansalt                                     1.8%              4.1%

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 International Balanced  International Balanced  Morning Star
                         Fund             Composite Benchmark(1)  Peer Group+
                 ----------------------  ----------------------- -------------
1 Year                   5.11%                     15.42%             11.14%
3 Years                  8.38                      11.19              11.05
Since Inception          8.71                       9.88              N/A

Top Ten Countries (as of December 31,1999)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         % of                                          %of
                     investments                                   investments
Japan                   24.7%             Netherlands                  5.8%
United Kingdom          13.9%             Canada                       5.5%
France                  11.5%             Australia                    4.9%
Germany                 10.5%             Spain                        4.0%
Sweden                   6.1%             Italy                        3.3%

*    Total returns are for the period ended December 31, 1999. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. There are special risks associated with
     international investing including currency flucations, political
     instability, foreign taxation and different accounting standards, as
     outlined in the current prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable seperate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.

(1)  International Balanced Composite Index: 65% Morgan Stanley Capital
     International World Index Excluding US, and 35% Salomon Brothers Non-US
     Govt. Bond Index excluding US Taxes.

     There are special risks associated with international investing, including
     currency flucatations, political and economic instability, foreign taxation
     and different accounting standards, as outlined in the current prospectus.

+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 12/31/99. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for the sub-accounts of all
     variable annuity and life products within the Morningstar Variable universe
     having an International Hybrid Investment style.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                              Large Cap   Fundamental   Aggressive Sovereign     Emerging    International Global   International
                                Growth   Mid Cap Growth  Balanced    Bond     Markets Equity Equity Index  Equity      Equity
                              ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------  -------------- ------------- -------  -------------
Long Term Investments
at cost...............        $1,004,671     $6,582      $11,003   $824,197      $22,691       $178,516    $17,019     $ 9,913
Net unrealized
of investments........           370,609      2,179          615    (23,838)       8,286         55,864      4,184       1,953
Short-Term Investments
at market.............             6,510        329        1,268     81,840        1,191          8,974        995         300
                              ----------     ------      -------   --------      -------       --------    -------     -------
 Total Investments....         1,381,790      9,090       12,886    882,199       32,168        243,354     22,198      12,166
Cash..................                           57                                  236                       126         261
Receivable for:
 Investments sold.....                           84                                                 288
 Fund shares sold.....                            3          136        149          500            178         19
 Interest.............                                        32     12,643
 Dividends............               780                       5                      20            237         31           9
 Futures contracts
 margin...............                                                   43                          15
 Foreign currency
 appreciation in
 forward foreign
 currency contracts...
 Other assets.........
                              ----------     ------      -------   --------      -------       --------    -------     -------
 TOTAL ASSETS.........         1,382,570      9,234       13,059    895,034       32,924        244,072     22,374      12,436
Payables for:
 purchased............                           57        1,172     44,616          177                        57
 Fund shares
 purchased............                28
 Foreign currency
 Future contracts
 daily variation......
 depreciation in
 forward foreign
 currency contracts...                                                                                9
 Other liabilities....                69          2            4        132          151             46          6           6
                              ----------     ------      -------   --------      -------       --------    -------     -------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES....                97         59        1,176     44,748          328             55         63           6
                              ----------     ------      -------   --------      -------       --------    -------     -------
NET ASSETS............        $1,382,473     $9,175      $11,883   $850,286      $32,596       $244,017    $22,311     $12,430
                              ==========     ======      =======   ========      =======       ========    =======     =======
Shares of beneficial
interest outstanding..            50,580        636        1,119     93,200        2,658         12,421      1,839       1,040
                              ----------     ------      -------   --------      -------       --------    -------     -------
Net asset value per
share.................        $    27.33     $14.42      $ 10.62   $   9.12      $ 12.26       $  19.64    $ 12.13     $ 11.95
                              ==========     ======      =======   ========      =======       ========    =======     =======
Composition of net
 Capital Paid in......           975,081      6,737       11,230    899,353       24,679        188,296     18,475      10,447
 Accumulated net
 realized gain/(loss)
 on investments.......            36,660        259           34    (26,833)        (212)          (502)      (345)         10
 in excess of) net
 investment income....               123                       4      1,427          (15)            (7)        (3)          0
 Net unrealized
 Investments..........           370,609      2,179          615    (23,838)       8,286         55,864      4,184       1,953
 Foreign currency
 translation..........                                                              (142)           (23)
 Futures contracts....                                                  177                         389                     20
                              ----------     ------      -------   --------      -------       --------    -------     -------
Net Assets............        $1,382,473     $9,175      $11,883   $850,286      $32,596       $244,017    $22,311     $12,430
                              ==========     ======      =======   ========      =======       ========    =======     =======

See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                               Small Cap  International Mid Cap  Mid Cap Large Cap  Large Cap  Large/Mid  Money
                                Growth      Balanced     Growth   Blend    Value    Value CORE Cap Value  Market
                               ---------  ------------- -------- ------- ---------  ---------- --------- --------
Long Term Investments at
cost.........................  $119,627      $27,817    $272,924 $5,372  $145,337     $5,646    $5,667
Net unrealized
of investments...............    58,683        2,272     170,352    306     4,109         70       221
Short-Term Investments at
market.......................       978          829       9,398    125     6,345        500       216   $449,739
                               --------      -------    -------- ------  --------     ------    ------   --------
 Total Investments...........   179,288       30,918     452,674  5,803   155,791      6,216     6,104    449,739
Cash.........................       362          567          21                         130                    1
Receivable for:
 Investments sold............     1,364            2          18                                    40
 Fund shares sold............       409            1         356      3                   19        42      1,616
 Interest....................                    247
 Dividends...................        21           23           1      6       291          7         8
 Futures contracts margin....                                                              1
 Foreign currency sold.......
 Unrealized appreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 Other assets................
                               --------      -------    -------- ------  --------     ------    ------   --------
 TOTAL ASSETS................   181,444       31,758     453,070  5,812   156,082      6,373     6,194    451,356
Payables for:
 Investments purchased.......     1,830          109                          157                   91
 Fund shares purchased.......                                                  20
 Foreign currency purchased..
 Future contracts daily
 Unrealized depreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 contracts...................                     63
 Other liabilities...........        44            9         133      2        56          2         2        121
                               --------      -------    -------- ------  --------     ------    ------   --------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES...........     1,874          181         133      2       233          2        93        121
                               --------      -------    -------- ------  --------     ------    ------   --------
NET ASSETS...................  $179,570      $31,577    $452,937 $5,810  $155,849     $6,371    $6,101   $451,235
                               ========      =======    ======== ======  ========     ======    ======   ========
Shares of beneficial interest
outstanding..................     9,394        2,950      15,496    543    11,552        627       586     45,124
                               --------      -------    -------- ------  --------     ------    ------   --------
Net asset value per share....  $  19.12      $ 10.71    $  29.22 $10.70  $  13.49     $10.16    $10.42   $  10.00
                               ========      =======    ======== ======  ========     ======    ======   ========
Composition of net assets:
 Capital Paid in.............   121,816       29,745     274,346  5,439   151,786      6,302     5,882    451,235
 Accumulated net realized
 gain/(loss) on investments..      (929)        (149)      8,239     64      (122)        (9)       (4)
 in excess of) net investment
 Income......................                   (223)                 1        76                    2
 Net unrealized
 Investments.................    58,683        2,272     170,352    306     4,109         70       221
 Foreign currency
 translation.................                    (68)
 Futures contracts...........                                                              8
                               --------      -------    -------- ------  --------     ------    ------   --------
Net Assets...................  $179,570      $31,577    $452,937 $5,810  $155,849     $6,371    $6,101   $451,235
                               ========      =======    ======== ======  ========     ======    ======   ========

See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                              Mid Cap  Small/Mid Cap  Bond        Large Cap     Small/Mid Cap Small/Mid Cap Real Estate  Growth &
                               Value      Growth      Index   Aggressive Growth     CORE          Value       Equity      Income
                              -------  ------------- -------  ----------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ----------
Long Term
Investments at cost.          $84,856    $168,108    $39,591       $12,443         $7,107        $5,270      $128,503   $3,058,262
Net unrealized
of investments......            5,006       5,766     (2,266)        2,120            842            80        (4,550)   1,157,647
Investments at
market..............            3,503       9,219        985           568            200           179         1,212
                              -------    --------    -------       -------         ------        ------      --------   ----------
 Total Investments..           93,365     183,093     38,310        15,131          8,149         5,529       125,165    4,215,909
Cash................                                                                   51                                    9,940
Receivable for:
 Investments sold...                                                                                  3                      1,098
 Fund shares sold...               16         582         33                           33            41
 Interest...........                                     662
 Dividends..........               71          61                        2              6             2         1,121        3,009
 Futures contracts
 margin.............                                                                   10
 Foreign currency
 appreciation in
 forward foreign
 currency contracts.
 Other assets.......
                              -------    --------    -------       -------         ------        ------      --------   ----------
 TOTAL ASSETS.......           93,452     183,736     39,005        15,133          8,249         5,575       126,286    4,229,956
Payables for:
 purchased..........            1,265       1,730        556            54                                                   9,753
 Fund shares
 purchased..........                                                                                               27        1,030
 Foreign currency
 Future contracts
 daily variation....
 Other liabilities..               37          75         13             5              1             5            45          332
                              -------    --------    -------       -------         ------        ------      --------   ----------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES..            1,302       1,805        569            59              1             5            72       11,115
                              -------    --------    -------       -------         ------        ------      --------   ----------
NET ASSETS..........          $92,150    $181,931    $38,436       $15,074         $8,248        $5,570      $126,214   $4,218,841
                              =======    ========    =======       =======         ======        ======      ========   ==========
Shares of beneficial
outstanding.........            7,212      12,963      4,125         1,263            840           550        11,000      210,823
                              -------    --------    -------       -------         ------        ------      --------   ----------
Net asset value per
share...............          $ 12.78    $  14.03    $  9.32       $ 11.94         $ 9.82        $10.13      $  11.47   $    20.01
                              =======    ========    =======       =======         ======        ======      ========   ==========
Composition of net
 Capital Paid in....           98,404     176,445     40,826        12,929          7,434         5,487       134,651    2,987,029
 Accumulated net
 gain/(loss) on
 investments........          (11,260)       (280)      (191)           25            (35)            3        (5,476)      72,063
 in excess of) net
 investment Income..                                      67                                                    1,589        2,102
 Net unrealized
 Investments........            5,006       5,766     (2,266)        2,120            842            80        (4,550)   1,157,647
 Foreign currency
 Futures contracts..                                                                    7
                              -------    --------    -------       -------         ------        ------      --------   ----------
Net Assets..........          $92,150    $181,931    $38,436       $15,074         $8,248        $5,570      $126,214   $4,218,841
                              =======    ========    =======       =======         ======        ======      ========   ==========

See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                          Short-Term Small Cap International  Equity   High Yield Global
                                Managed      Bond      Value   Opportunities  Index       Bond     Bond
                               ---------- ---------- --------- ------------- --------  ---------- -------
Long term investments at
cost.........................  $2,862,284  $66,313    $67,613     $54,907    $364,089   $19,450   $71,639
Net unrealized
of investments...............     508,755   (1,393)    (1,426)     21,530      91,657      (789)   (3,358)
Short-Term Investments at
market.......................     338,170    2,908      2,390       3,255         816     1,714     7,769
                               ----------  -------    -------     -------    --------   -------   -------
 Total Investments...........   3,709,209   67,828     68,577      79,692     456,562    20,375    76,050
Cash.........................       1,107                               7          68                  25
Receivable for:
 Investments sold............                                                      28               1,778
 Fund shares sold............         190       10        228          45         192
 Interest....................      15,767    1,064                                          448     1,517
 Dividends...................       1,598                 122          82         444         3
 Futures contracts margin....                                                      31                  14
 Foreign currency sold.......
 Unrealized appreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 contracts...................       6,513                                                           1,305
 Other assets................
                               ----------  -------    -------     -------    --------   -------   -------
 TOTAL ASSETS................   3,734,381   68,902     68,927      79,826     457,325    20,826    80,689
Payables for:
 Investments purchased.......     303,144                                       6,029               8,801
 Fund shares purchased.......                                                               894       874
 Foreign currency purchased..
 Future contracts daily
 Other liabilities...........         318       58         27          32                    11        23
                               ----------  -------    -------     -------    --------   -------   -------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES...........     303,462       58         27          32       6,029       905     9,698
                               ----------  -------    -------     -------    --------   -------   -------
NET ASSETS...................  $3,430,919  $68,844    $68,900     $79,794    $451,296   $19,921   $70,991
                               ==========  =======    =======     =======    ========   =======   =======
Shares of beneficial interest
outstanding..................     222,091    7,081      6,311       5,259      22,060     2,217     7,230
                               ----------  -------    -------     -------    --------   -------   -------
Net asset value per share....  $    15.45  $  9.72    $ 10.92     $ 15.17    $  20.46   $  8.99   $  9.82
                               ==========  =======    =======     =======    ========   =======   =======
Composition of net assets:
 Capital Paid in.............   2,860,906   71,690     73,930      58,444     358,887    20,951    73,868
 Accumulated net realized
 gain (loss) on investments..      42,336   (1,560)    (3,636)       (108)       (865)     (278)   (1,323)
 in excess of) net investment
 income......................      12,545      107         32         (67)      1,262        37       441
 Net unrealized
 Investments.................     508,755   (1,393)    (1,426)     21,530      91,657      (789)   (3,358)
 Foreign currency
 translation.................       6,377                              (5)                          1,274
 Futures contracts...........                                                     355                  89
                               ----------  -------    -------     -------    --------   -------   -------
Net Assets...................  $3,430,919  $68,844    $68,900     $79,794    $451,296   $19,921   $70,991
                               ==========  =======    =======     =======    ========   =======   =======

See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             Large Cap Fundamental Mid Aggressive  Sovereign     Emerging    International Global  International
                              Growth    Cap Growth(*)  Balanced(*)   Bond     Markets Equity Equity Index  Equity   Equity (*)
                             --------- --------------- ----------- ---------  -------------- ------------- ------  -------------
 Interest..............      $    646      $    6         $ 58     $ 64,238      $    64        $   259    $   43     $   13
 Dividends (Note B)....         8,167           3           29                       164          2,735       309         34
                             --------      ------         ----     --------      -------        -------    ------     ------
                                8,813           9           87       64,238          228          2,994       352         47
 Investment advisory
 fee (Note C)..........         4,387          17           24        2,215          182            314       159         36
 Auditors fees.........            80                                    62            6             17         7          1
 Custodian fees........           118           5            9           52          305            313        78         24
 Fidelity Bond fees....                                                   1                           1
 Legal fees............            21                                    16                           3
 Printing & mailing
 fees..................           144           1            1          135                          72                    1
 Trustees fees.........            14                                    11            2              4         2
 Other fees............             1                                     1                           5
                             --------      ------         ----     --------      -------        -------    ------     ------
                                4,765          23           34        2,493          495            729       246         62
 Less expenses
 reimbursed (Note C)...                         3            7                       294            139        62         22
                             --------      ------         ----     --------      -------        -------    ------     ------
                                4,765          20           27        2,493          201            590       184         40
                             --------      ------         ----     --------      -------        -------    ------     ------
Net Investment
Income/(Loss)..........         4,048         (11)          60       61,745           27          2,404       168          7
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on sales
 of investments........       246,459         786           73      (25,838)       1,607          4,750       (24)       190
 Increase in unrealized
 Investments...........        20,524       2,179          615      (44,681)       9,598         48,346     4,008      1,953
 Foreign currency
 translation...........                                                             (142)          (133)
 Futures...............                                                 177                         517                   20
                             --------      ------         ----     --------      -------        -------    ------     ------
 Net realized and
 unrealized gain/(loss)
 on investments........       266,983       2,965          688       70,342       11,063         53,480     3,984      2,163
                             --------      ------         ----     --------      -------        -------    ------     ------
 increase/(decrease) in
 net assets resulting
 from operations.......      $271,031      $2,954         $748     $ (8,597)     $11,090        $55,884    $4,152     $2,170
                             ========      ======         ====     ========      =======        =======    ======     ======

(*) Commenced investment operations on August 31, 1999.
See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             Small Cap International Mid Cap   Mid Cap  Large Cap   Large Cap   Large/Mid Cap  Money
                              Growth     Balanced     Growth   Blend(*)   Value   Value CORE(*)   Value(*)    Market
                             --------- ------------- --------  -------- --------- ------------- ------------- -------
 Interest...................  $   106     $  835     $    378    $  3    $   377      $  4          $  4      $20,320
 Dividends (Note B).........       83        276          127      25      3,646        32            31
                              -------     ------     --------    ----    -------      ----          ----      -------
                                  189      1,111          505      28      4,023        36            35       20,320
 Investment advisory fee
 (Note C)...................      732        253        1,646      13      1,088        13            17          965
 Auditors fees..............       11          8           15                 14                       8           30
 Custodian fees.............       85        120           98       7         80         8                         79
 Fidelity Bond fees.........
 Legal Fees.................        2          1            3                  3                                    7
 Printing & mailing fees....       35          4           90                 60                                  100
 Trustees fees..............        3          3            4                  4                                    6
 Other fees.................
                              -------     ------     --------    ----    -------      ----          ----      -------
                                  868        389        1,856      20      1,249        21            25        1,187
 Less expenses reimbursed
 (Note C)...................                  91                    6                    6             7
                              -------     ------     --------    ----    -------      ----          ----      -------
                                  868        298        1,856      14      1,249        15            18        1,187
                              -------     ------     --------    ----    -------      ----          ----      -------
Net Investment
Income/(Loss)...............     (679)       813       (1,351)     14      2,774        21            17       19,133
 Net realized gain/(loss) on
 sales of investments.......   24,283      1,839       55,989     268      7,671       100            11
 Increase in unrealized
 Investments................   41,804       (519)     148,557     306     (7,556)       70           221
 Foreign currency
 translation................                (606)         (33)
 Futures....................                                                             8
                              -------     ------     --------    ----    -------      ----          ----      -------
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain on investments........   66,087        714      204,513     574        115       178           232
                              -------     ------     --------    ----    -------      ----          ----      -------
 Net increase in net assets
 resulting from operations..  $65,408     $1,527     $203,162    $588    $ 2,889      $199          $249      $19,133
                              =======     ======     ========    ====    =======      ====          ====      =======

(*) Commenced investment operations on August 31, 1999.
See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             Mid Cap  Small/Mid Cap  Bond         Large Cap       Small/Mid Cap Small/Mid Cap Real Estate Growth &
                              Value      Growth      Index   Aggressive Growth(*)     CORE        Value(*)      Equity     Income
                             -------  ------------- -------  -------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- --------
 Interest..........          $    86    $    343    $ 2,214         $   10           $    4         $  4       $     71   $  1,667
 Dividends (Note
 B)................            1,343         699                        17               70           12          9,786     47,886
                             -------    --------    -------         ------           ------         ----       --------   --------
                               1,429       1,042      2,214             27               74           16          9,857     49,553
 advisory fee
 (Note C)..........              735       1,360         48             38               48           16            835      9,807
 Auditors fees.....               12          18          8              1                6                          15        247
 Custodian fees....               55          81         51              6               78           11             53        308
 Fidelity Bond
 fees..............                1                                                                                  1          1
 Legal fees........                2           3          1                                                           3         68
 Printing &
 mailing fees......               37          74          1              1                                           66        564
 Trustees fees.....                3           4          3                               2                           4         39
 Other fees........                                                                                                              5
                             -------    --------    -------         ------           ------         ----       --------   --------
                                 845       1,540        112             46              134           27            977     11,039
 Less expenses
 reimbursed (Note
 C)................                            1         17              4               78            9
                             -------    --------    -------         ------           ------         ----       --------   --------
                                 845       1,539         95             42               56           18            977     11,039
                             -------    --------    -------         ------           ------         ----       --------   --------
Net Investment
Income/(Loss)......              584        (497)     2,119            (15)              18           (2)         8,880     38,514
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.......           (2,104)     26,575       (186)           133              714          190         (5,679)   516,452
 Increase in
 Investments.......            5,960     (17,156)    (2,724)         2,120              578           80         (5,829)    38,349
 Foreign currency
 Futures...........                                                                       7
                             -------    --------    -------         ------           ------         ----       --------   --------
 Net realized and
 gain/(loss) on
 investments.......            3,856       9,419     (2,910)         2,253            1,299          270        (11,508)   554,801
                             -------    --------    -------         ------           ------         ----       --------   --------
 in net assets
 resulting from
 operations........          $ 4,440    $  8,922    $  (791)        $2,238           $1,317         $268       $ (2,628)  $593,315
                             =======    ========    =======         ======           ======         ====       ========   ========

(*) Commenced investment operations on August 31, 1999.
See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                       Short-Term Small Cap International Equity  High Yield Global
                             Managed      Bond      Value   Opportunities  Index     Bond     Bond
                             --------  ---------- --------- ------------- ------- ---------- -------
 Interest................... $ 78,945   $ 4,812    $    71     $   114    $    30   $1,478   $ 3,939
 Dividends (Note B).........   25,009                1,037       1,085      4,649       15
                             --------   -------    -------     -------    -------   ------   -------
                              103,954     4,812      1,108       1,199      4,679    1,493     3,939
 Investment advisory fee
 (Note C)...................   10,790       216        513         582          0      111       488
 Auditors fees..............      216        11         10          10         24        7        10
 Custodian fees.............      452        49         62         160        173       58        73
 Fidelity Bond fees.........        1                                1          1                  1
 Legal fees.................       58         1          1           1          5
 Printing & mailing fees....      357        29         24          16         57                 19
 Trustees fees..............       34         3          3           3          5        2         3
 Other fees.................        4                                          10
                             --------   -------    -------     -------    -------   ------   -------
                               11,912       309        613         773        275      178       594
 Less expenses reimbursed
 (Note C)...................                             6          92        275       42         1
                             --------   -------    -------     -------    -------   ------   -------
                               11,912       309        607         681                 136       593
                             --------   -------    -------     -------    -------   ------   -------
Net Investment Income.......   92,042     4,503        501         518      4,679    1,357     3,346
 Net realized gain/(loss) on
 sales of investments.......  287,125    (1,350)       950       4,853     14,409     (275)     (178)
 Increase in unrealized
 Investments................  (97,986)   (1,085)    (3,703)     15,077     45,659     (223)   (5,951)
 Foreign currency
 translation................   11,252                               (7)                        1,134
 Futures....................     (316)                                         99                 75
                             --------   -------    -------     -------    -------   ------   -------
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain/(loss) on investments.  200,075    (2,435)    (2,753)     19,923     60,167     (498)   (4,920)
                             --------   -------    -------     -------    -------   ------   -------
 Net increase/(decrease) in
 net assets resulting from
 operations................. $292,117   $ 2,068    $(2,252)    $20,441    $64,846   $  859   $(1,574)
                             ========   =======    =======     =======    =======   ======   =======


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                                           Fundamental         Aggressive
                                 Large Cap Growth        Mid Cap Growth         Balanced            Sovereign Bond
                             ------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------------
                                                           Period from         Period from
                              Year Ended   Year Ended  August 31, 1999 (*) August 31, 1999 (*)  Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, December 31,   to December 31,     to December 31,   December 31, December 31,
                                 1999         1998            1999                1999             1999         1998
                             ------------ ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...             $    4,048   $    5,356        $  (11)             $    60         $ 61,745     $ 58,240
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                246,459      104,660           786                   73          (25,838)      12,121
 Change in net
  of Investments.                 20,524      198,191         2,179                  615          (44,681)      (3,300)
  Futures........                                                                                     177
                              ----------   ----------        ------              -------         --------     --------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                271,031      308,207         2,954                  748           (8,597)      67,061
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                 (3,925)      (5,356)                               (56)         (65,478)     (58,240)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....               (208,789)    (104,621)         (516)                 (39)                      (12,168)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital Paid in.                                 (39)
                              ----------   ----------        ------              -------         --------     --------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (212,714)    (110,016)         (516)                 (95)         (65,478)     (70,408)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                154,558      132,463         6,365               11,694           86,852      120,694
 reinvested......                212,714      110,016           516                   95           65,478       70,408
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (169,880)     (68,304)         (144)                (559)        (135,090)     (84,404)
                              ----------   ----------        ------              -------         --------     --------
 from trust
 transactions....                197,392      174,175         6,737               11,230           17,240      106,698
                              ----------   ----------        ------              -------         --------     --------
IN NET ASSETS....                255,709      372,366         9,175               11,883          (56,835)     103,351
 Beginning of
 Period..........              1,126,764      754,398                                             907,121      803,770
                              ----------   ----------        ------              -------         --------     --------
 End of Period...             $1,382,473   $1,126,764        $9,175              $11,883         $850,286     $907,121
                              ==========   ==========        ======              =======         ========     ========
 Analysis of
 Trust Share
 Sold............                  5,540        5,424           608                1,164            9,038       12,001
 Reinvested......                  8,043        4,217            41                    9            6,931        7,044
 Redeemed........                 (6,019)      (2,861)          (13)                 (54)         (14,198)      (8,405)
                              ----------   ----------        ------              -------         --------     --------
in shares
outstanding......                  7,564        6,780           636                1,119            1,771       10,640
                              ==========   ==========        ======              =======         ========     ========

                                    Markets Equity
                                            Period from
                              Year Ended  May 1, 1998 (*)
                             December 31, to December 31,
                                 1999          1998
                             ------------ ---------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...              $    27        $   27
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                1,607        (1,644)
 Change in net
  of Investments.                9,598        (1,312)
  Translation....                 (142)
                             ------------ ---------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....               11,090        (2,929)
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                  (17)          (16)
 In excess of net
 income..........                  (44)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                 (250)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                 (936)
 Capital Paid in.                                (11)
                             ------------ ---------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (1,247)          (27)
Contribution.....                  445
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....               29,538        11,982
 reinvested......                1,247            27
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.              (15,787)       (1,743)
                             ------------ ---------------
 from trust
 transactions....               14,998        10,266
                             ------------ ---------------
IN NET ASSETS....               25,286         7,310
 Beginning of
 Period..........                7,310
                             ------------ ---------------
 End of Period...              $32,596        $7,310
                             ============ ===============
 Analysis of
 Trust Share
 Sold............                3,232         1,271
 Reinvested......                  113             4
 Redeemed........               (1,719)         (243)
                             ------------ ---------------
in shares
outstanding......                1,626         1,032
                             ============ ===============

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                   International                                      International
                                   Equity Index               Global Equity              Equity           Small Cap Growth
                             ------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------
                                                                      Period from      Period from
                              Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended  May 1, 1998(*)  August 1, 1999(*)  Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, December 31, December 31, to December 31,  to December 31,  December 31, December 31,
                                 1999         1998         1999          1998             1999           1999          1998
                             ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........              $  2,404     $  2,359     $   168        $   106          $     7        $   (679)    $  (363)
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                 4,750       24,001         (24)          (376)             190          24,283        (271)
 Change in net
  of Investments.                48,346        4,183       4,008            176            1,953          41,804      10,212
  translation....                  (133)         107
  Futures........                   517                                                       20
                               --------     --------     -------        -------          -------        --------     -------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                55,884       30,650       4,152            (94)           2,170          65,408       9,578
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                (2,382)      (2,321)       (122)           (99)             (12)
 In excess of net
 income..........                                            (65)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                (4,633)     (24,366)                                       (175)        (21,491)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                  (583)
 Capital Paid in.                                                            (7)
                               --------     --------     -------        -------          -------        --------     -------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                (7,598)     (26,687)       (187)          (106)            (187)        (21,491)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                62,080       24,581       4,747         17,755           10,271          66,717      31,182
 reinvested......                 7,598       26,687         187            106              187          21,491
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (47,084)     (34,453)     (1,869)        (2,380)             (11)        (27,404)    (14,672)
                               --------     --------     -------        -------          -------        --------     -------
 from trust
 transactions....                22,594       16,815       3,065         15,481           10,447          60,804      16,510
                               --------     --------     -------        -------          -------        --------     -------
IN NET ASSETS....                70,880       20,778       7,030         15,281           12,430         104,721      26,088
 Beginning of
 Period..........               173,137      152,359      15,281                                          74,849      48,761
                               --------     --------     -------        -------          -------        --------     -------
 End of Period...              $244,017     $173,137     $22,311        $15,281          $12,430        $179,570     $74,849
                               ========     ========     =======        =======          =======        ========     =======
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                 3,668        1,470         447          1,800            1,024           4,233       2,779
 Reinvested......                   428        1,703          18             11               17           1,245
 Redeemed........                (2,802)      (2,070)       (174)          (263)              (1)         (1,847)     (1,314)
                               --------     --------     -------        -------          -------        --------     -------
in shares
outstanding......                 1,294        1,103         291          1,548            1,040           3,631       1,465
                               ========     ========     =======        =======          =======        ========     =======

                              International Balanced
                              Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, December 31,
                                 1999         1998
                             ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........              $   813      $   887
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                1,839          609
 Change in net
  of Investments.                 (519)       2,412
  translation....                 (606)         660
                             ------------ ------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                1,527        4,568
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                 (565)        (887)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....               (1,221)      (1,103)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                 (615)
 Capital Paid in.                 (230)         (24)
                             ------------ ------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (2,631)      (2,014)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                6,406        6,272
 reinvested......                2,631        2,014
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (6,772)      (5,844)
                             ------------ ------------
 from trust
 transactions....                2,265        2,442
                             ------------ ------------
IN NET ASSETS....                1,161        4,996
 Beginning of
 Period..........               30,416       25,420
                             ------------ ------------
 End of Period...              $31,577      $30,416
                             ============ ============
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                  590          581
 Reinvested......                  251          184
 Redeemed........                 (625)        (545)
                             ------------ ------------
in shares
outstanding......                  216          220
                             ============ ============

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                                     Mid Cap               Large Cap             Large Cap          Large/Mid
                           Mid Cap Growth             Blend                  Value               Value CORE         Cap Value
                      ------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
                                                   Period from                                  Period from        Period from
                       Year Ended   Year Ended  August 31, 1999(*)  Year Ended   Year Ended  August 31, 1999(*) August 31, 1999(*)
                      December 31, December 31,  to December 31,   December 31, December 31,  to December 31,    to December 31,
                          1999         1998            1999            1999         1998            1999               1999
                      ------------ ------------ ------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------------ ------------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)....      $ (1,351)    $  (383)         $   14         $  2,774     $  2,071         $   21             $   17
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments......        55,989       8,102             268            7,671        4,295            100                 11
 Change in net
 (depreciation) of
  Investments.....       148,557      15,541             306           (7,556)       2,592             70                221
  Foreign Currency
  Translation.....           (33)         75
  Futures.........                                                                                      8
                        --------     -------          ------         --------     --------         ------             ------
 in net assets
 resulting from
 operations.......       203,162      23,335             588            2,889        8,958            199                249
Distributions to
Shareholders From:
 Net investment
 income...........                                       (13)          (2,733)      (2,052)           (19)               (15)
 Realized gain on
 investments......       (46,186)     (7,468)           (204)          (7,756)      (4,289)           (82)               (11)
 In excess of
 realized gain....                                                        (28)                         (4)                (4)
 Capital Paid in..                      (833)                                          (21)            (9)
                        --------     -------          ------         --------     --------         ------             ------
 Decrease in net
 assets resulting
 distributions....       (46,186)     (8,301)           (217)         (10,517)      (6,362)          (114)               (30)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold......       192,846      40,746           5,275           64,676       53,200          6,323              5,905
 reinvested.......        46,186       8,301             217           10,517        6,362            114                 30
 Payment for
 shares redeemed..       (37,156)    (10,231)            (53)         (35,081)     (12,062)          (151)               (53)
                        --------     -------          ------         --------     --------         ------             ------
 from trust share
 transactions.....       201,876      38,816           5,439           40,112       47,500          6,286              5,882
                        --------     -------          ------         --------     --------         ------             ------
IN NET ASSETS.....       358,852      53,850           5,810           32,484       50,096          6,371              6,101
 Beginning of
 Period...........        94,085      40,235                          123,365       73,269
                        --------     -------          ------         --------     --------         ------             ------
 End of Period....      $452,937     $94,085          $5,810         $155,849     $123,365         $6,371             $6,101
                        ========     =======          ======         ========     ========         ======             ======
Analysis of Trust
 Sold.............         9,353       3,075             526            4,383        3,809            630                588
 Reinvested.......         1,749         549              22              774          455             12                  3
 Redeemed.........        (1,830)       (774)             (5)          (2,404)        (864)           (15)                (5)
                        --------     -------          ------         --------     --------         ------             ------
in shares
outstanding.......         9,272       2,850             543            2,753        3,400            627                586
                        ========     =======          ======         ========     ========         ======             ======

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                                                                       Small/Mid Cap
                                   Money Market              Mid Cap Value                Growth
                             ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
                              Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,
                                 1999         1998         1999         1998         1999         1998
                             ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...             $  19,133    $  15,838     $    584     $    820     $   (497)    $   (217)
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                                          (2,104)      (8,690)      26,575        2,111
 Change in net
  of Investments.                                           5,960       (4,194)     (17,156)       8,644
                              ---------    ---------     --------     --------     --------     --------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                19,133       15,838        4,440      (12,064)       8,922       10,538
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........               (19,133)     (15,838)        (580)        (820)     (26,069)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                                                    (1,884)      (3,671)
 Capital Paid in.
                              ---------    ---------     --------     --------     --------     --------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (19,133)     (15,838)        (580)        (820)     (27,953)      (3,671)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....               557,157      386,221       29,586       63,576       22,355       18,908
 reinvested......                19,133       15,838          580          820       27,953        3,671
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.              (520,250)    (236,307)     (36,696)     (21,665)     (42,678)     (49,726)
                              ---------    ---------     --------     --------     --------     --------
 from trust
 transactions....                56,040      165,752       (6,530)      42,731        7,630      (27,147)
                              ---------    ---------     --------     --------     --------     --------
IN NET ASSETS....                56,040      165,752       (2,670)      29,847      (11,401)     (20,280)
 Beginning of
 Period..........               395,195      229,443       94,820       64,973      193,332      213,612
                              ---------    ---------     --------     --------     --------     --------
 End of Period...             $ 451,235    $ 395,195     $ 92,150     $ 94,820     $181,931     $193,332
                              =========    =========     ========     ========     ========     ========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                55,717       38,622        2,380        4,722        1,398        1,216
 Reinvested......                 1,913        1,584           48           66        2,105          230
 Redeemed........               (52,025)     (23,631)      (2,997)      (1,693)      (2,669)      (3,201)
                              ---------    ---------     --------     --------     --------     --------
in shares
outstanding......                 5,605       16,575         (569)       3,095          834       (1,755)
                              =========    =========     ========     ========     ========     ========

                                                               Large Cap
                                      Bond Index                Growth
                             ---------------------------- -------------------
                                            Period from       Period from
                              Year Ended  May 1, 1998 (*) August 31, 1999 (*)
                             December 31, to December 31,   to December 31,
                                 1999          1998              1999
                             ------------ --------------- -------------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...              $ 2,119        $ 1,089           $   (15)
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                 (186)           267               133
 Change in net
  of Investments.               (2,724)           458             2,120
                             ------------ --------------- -------------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                 (791)         1,814             2,238
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........               (2,057)        (1,089)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                (267)              (93)
 Capital Paid in.
                             ------------ --------------- -------------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (2,057)        (1,356)              (93)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....               14,617         26,269            12,920
 reinvested......                2,057          1,356                93
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (3,391)           (82)              (84)
                             ------------ --------------- -------------------
 from trust
 transactions....               13,283         27,543            12,929
                             ------------ --------------- -------------------
IN NET ASSETS....               10,435         28,001            15,074
 Beginning of
 Period..........               28,001
                             ------------ --------------- -------------------
 End of Period...              $38,436        $28,001           $15,074
                             ============ =============== ===================
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                1,516          2,623             1,262
 Reinvested......                  213            133                 8
 Redeemed........                 (352)            (8)               (7)
                             ------------ --------------- -------------------
in shares
outstanding......                1,377          2,748             1,263
                             ============ =============== ===================

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                  Small/Mid Cap CORE      Small/Mid Cap Value    Real Estate Equity          Growth & Income
                             ---------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
                                            Period from       Period from
                              Year Ended  May 1, 1998 (*) August 31, 1999 (*)  Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, to December 31,   to December 31,   December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,
                                 1999          1998              1999             1999         1998         1999         1998
                             ------------ --------------- ------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........              $    18                          $   (2)         $  8,880     $  9,787    $   38,514   $   39,405
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                  714        $ (750)              190            (5,679)       1,614       516,452      320,993
 Change in net
 of Investments..                  578           264                80            (5,829)     (44,965)       38,349      486,604
  Translation....                    7
                               -------        ------            ------          --------     --------    ----------   ----------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                1,317          (486)              268            (2,628)     (33,564)      593,315      847,002
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                  (18)                                           (8,957)      (8,848)      (37,895)     (39,405)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                                 (185)                        (1,695)     (444,028)    (320,993)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                 (715)
 Capital Paid in.                                                                                 (58)
                               -------        ------            ------          --------     --------    ----------   ----------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                 (733)                           (185)           (8,957)     (10,601)     (481,923)    (360,398)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                5,301         6,188             5,326            19,688       22,171       271,718      265,420
 reinvested......                  733                             185             8,957       10,601       481,923      360,398
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (3,385)         (687)              (24)          (43,635)     (39,949)     (316,977)    (227,601)
                               -------        ------            ------          --------     --------    ----------   ----------
 from trust
 transactions....                2,649         5,501             5,487           (14,990)      (7,177)      436,664      398,217
                               -------        ------            ------          --------     --------    ----------   ----------
IN NET ASSETS....                3,233         5,015             5,570           (26,575)     (51,342)      548,056      884,821
 Beginning of
 Period..........                5,015                                           152,789      204,131     3,670,785    2,785,964
                               -------        ------            ------          --------     --------    ----------   ----------
 End of Period...              $ 8,248        $5,015            $5,570          $126,214     $152,789    $4,218,841   $3,670,785
                               =======        ======            ======          ========     ========    ==========   ==========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                  557           636               533             1,643        1,549        13,198       14,254
 Reinvested......                   80                              19               756          778        24,670       18,597
 Redeemed........                 (353)          (80)               (2)           (3,662)      (2,894)      (15,364)     (12,305)
                               -------        ------            ------          --------     --------    ----------   ----------
in shares
outstanding......                  284           556               550            (1,263)        (567)       22,504       20,546
                               =======        ======            ======          ========     ========    ==========   ==========

                              Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, December 31,
                                 1999         1998
                             ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........             $   92,042   $   90,312
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                287,125      215,053
 Change in net
 of Investments..                (97,986)     261,761
  Translation....                 11,252       (4,875)
  Futures........                   (316)
                             ------------ ------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                292,117      562,251
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                (89,766)     (90,312)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....               (236,198)    (212,457)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital Paid in.                             (10,444)
                             ------------ ------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (325,964)    (313,213)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                229,925      187,045
 reinvested......                325,964      313,213
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (393,033)    (247,513)
                             ------------ ------------
 from trust
 transactions....                162,856      252,745
                             ------------ ------------
IN NET ASSETS....                129,009      501,783
 Beginning of
 Period..........              3,301,910    2,800,127
                             ------------ ------------
 End of Period...             $3,430,919   $3,301,910
                             ============ ============
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                 14,370       12,059
 Reinvested......                 21,188       20,147
 Redeemed........                (24,638)     (16,174)
                             ------------ ------------
in shares
outstanding......                 10,920       16,032
                             ============ ============

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                  Short-Term Bond           Small Cap Value            Opportunities
                             ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
                              Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,
                                 1999         1998         1999         1998         1999         1998
                             ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........              $  4,503     $  3,965     $    501     $    352     $    518     $    435
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                (1,350)         (82)         950       (4,544)       4,853         (303)
 Change in net
  Investments....                (1,085)        (325)      (3,703)         253       15,077        6,179
  Translation....                                                                        (7)          12
                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                 2,068        3,558       (2,252)      (3,939)      20,441        6,323
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                (4,483)      (3,946)        (419)        (352)        (565)        (416)
 In excess of net
 income..........                                                                       (2)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                             (92)                   (4,643)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                                          (1,087)                     (180)
 Capital Paid in.
                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                (4,483)      (3,946)      (1,598)        (352)      (5,389)        (416)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                33,554       48,539       26,942       35,658       34,115       41,865
 reinvested......                 4,483        3,946        1,598          352        5,389          416
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (43,972)     (26,023)     (19,885)     (10,885)     (39,012)     (14,569)
                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
 from trust
 transactions....                (5,935)      26,462        8,655       25,125          492       27,712
                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
IN NET ASSETS....                (8,350)      26,074        4,805       20,834       15,544       33,619
 Beginning of
 Period..........                77,194       51,120       64,095       43,261       64,250       30,631
                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
 End of Period...              $ 68,844     $ 77,194     $ 68,900     $ 64,095     $ 79,794     $ 64,250
                               ========     ========     ========     ========     ========     ========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                 3,382        4,790        2,410        2,952        2,657        3,600
 Reinvested......                   455          390          152           31          388           36
 Redeemed........                (4,438)      (2,568)      (1,782)        (940)      (3,046)      (1,258)
                               --------     --------     --------     --------     --------     --------
in shares
outstanding......                  (601)       2,612          780        2,043           (1)       2,378
                               ========     ========     ========     ========     ========     ========

                                   Equity Index
                              Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, December 31,
                                 1999         1998
                             ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........              $  4,679     $  2,567
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                14,409        3,458
 Change in net
  Investments....                45,659       34,583
  Futures........                    99
                             ------------ ------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                64,846       40,608
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                (4,536)      (2,483)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....               (13,884)      (3,661)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital Paid in.
                             ------------ ------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (18,420)      (6,144)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....               220,255      117,380
 reinvested......                18,420        6,144
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.               (66,383)     (26,800)
                             ------------ ------------
 from trust
 transactions....               172,292       96,724
                             ------------ ------------
IN NET ASSETS....               218,718      131,188
 Beginning of
 Period..........               232,578      101,390
                             ------------ ------------
 End of Period...              $451,296     $232,578
                             ============ ============
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                11,477        7,345
 Reinvested......                   939          363
 Redeemed........                (3,495)      (1,703)
                             ------------ ------------
in shares
outstanding......                 8,921        6,005
                             ============ ============

See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                   High Yield Bond               Global Bond
                             ---------------------------- -------------------------
                                            Period from
                              Year Ended  May 1, 1998 (*)  Year Ended   Year Ended
                             December 31, to December 31, December 31, December 31,
                                 1999          1998           1999         1998
                             ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------
From Operations
 Net investment income......   $  1,357       $   565       $  3,346     $  2,456
 Net realized gain/(loss) on
 sales of investments.......       (275)            7           (178)        (559)
 Change in net unrealized
  Investments...............       (223)         (566)        (5,951)       2,172
  Foreign Currency
  Translation...............                                   1,134           21
  Futures...................                                      75
                               --------       -------       --------     --------
  Net increase/(decrease)
  in net assets resulting
  from operations...........        859             6         (1,574)       4,090
Distributions to
Shareholders From:
 Net investment income......     (1,323)         (565)        (3,871)      (1,387)
 Realized gain on
 investments................                       (7)                       (534)
 Capital Paid in............                                                 (891)
                               --------       -------       --------     --------
 Decrease in net assets
 resulting from
 distributions..............     (1,323)         (572)        (3,871)      (2,812)
 Capital Contribution.......
Trust Share Transactions
 Proceeds from shares sold..     18,264        16,627         29,103       45,716
 Distributions reinvested...      1,323           572          3,871        2,812
 Payment for shares
 redeemed...................    (13,991)       (1,844)       (23,329)     (11,662)
                               --------       -------       --------     --------
 Increase/(decrease) from
 trust share transactions...      5,596        15,355          9,645       36,866
                               --------       -------       --------     --------
NET ASSETS..................      5,132        14,789          4,200       38,144
 Beginning of Period........     14,789                       66,791       28,647
                               --------       -------       --------     --------
 End of Period..............   $ 19,921       $14,789       $ 70,991     $ 66,791
                               ========       =======       ========     ========
Analysis of Trust Share
 Sold.......................      2,003         1,741          2,816        4,340
 Reinvested.................        146            61            382          266
 Redeemed...................     (1,534)         (200)        (2,269)      (1,102)
                               --------       -------       --------     --------
Net increase/(decrease) in
shares outstanding..........        615         1,602            929        3,504
                               ========       =======       ========     ========

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                                 Income from Investment Operations                       Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
                                             Net Realized
                   Net Asset                      and                   Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at       Net         Unrealized     Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning  Investment      Gain/(Loss)    Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period Income/(Loss) on Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ------------- ----------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Large Cap Growth
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............   $26.19      $ 0.09          $ 6.03         $ 6.12      $(0.09)      $(4.89)         $--         $  --
 1998............    20.82        0.14            8.05           8.19       (0.14)       (2.68)          --            --
 1997............    17.49        0.17            5.21           5.38       (0.17)       (1.88)          --            --
 1996............    17.37        0.25            2.89           3.14       (0.25)       (2.77)          --            --
 1995............    14.41        0.44            4.06           4.50       (0.44)       (0.84)          --          (0.26)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fundamental Mid
Cap Growth
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00       (0.02)           5.34           5.32         --         (0.90)          --            --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00        0.06             .64            .70        (.05)       (0.03)          --            --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sovereign Bond
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............     9.92        0.67           (0.76)         (0.09)      (0.71)         --            --            --
 1998............     9.95        0.69            0.11           0.80       (0.69)       (0.14)          --            --
 1997............     9.77        0.71            0.24           0.95       (0.71)       (0.06)          --            --
 1996............    10.13        0.69           (0.31)          0.38       (0.69)       (0.05)          --            --
 1995............     9.19        0.71            1.03           1.74       (0.71)       (0.09)          --            --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Emerging Markets
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999*...........     7.09        0.03            5.67           5.70       (0.01)       (0.10)       (0.42)           --
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1998 (c)........    10.00        0.03           (2.91)         (2.88)      (0.02)         --            --          (0.01)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity Index
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............    15.56        0.21            4.51           4.72       (0.21)       (0.38)       (0.05)           --
 1998............    15.20        0.23            2.91           3.14       (0.23)       (2.55)          --            --
 1997............    16.83        0.13           (0.97)         (0.84)      (0.13)       (0.66)          --            --
 1996............    15.61        0.21            1.22           1.43       (0.21)         --            --            --
 1995............    14.62        0.17            0.99           1.16       (0.16)         --            --          (0.01)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                Ratios/Supplemental Data
                                            Number of                                                  Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating       Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to      Income to     Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's)   Investment       (000's)      Average         Average      Turnover
                   Distributions of Period   Omitted   Return(b)        Omitted    Net Assets       Net Assets      Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------
Large Cap Growth
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............     $(4.98)     $27.33     50,580       24.07%      $1,382,473      0.39%            0.33%        37.42%
 1998............      (2.82)      26.19     43,016       39.51%       1,126,764      0.41%            0.59%        56.41%
 1997............      (2.05)      20.82     36,236       30.89%         754,398      0.44%            0.86%        83.82%
 1996............      (3.02)      17.49     29,965       18.27%         524,145      0.44%            1.35%       135.98%
 1995............      (1.54)      17.37     21,895       31.64%         380,276      0.47%            2.70%        90.18%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fundamental Mid
Cap Growth
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.90)      14.42        636       54.57%(e)        9,175      0.95%(d)(1)     (0.55)%(d)    61.66%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.08)      10.62      1,119        7.09%(e)       11,883      0.78%(d)(2)      1.68%(d)     70.28%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sovereign Bond
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.71)       9.12     93,200       (0.94)%        850,286      0.28%            6.97%       182.90%
 1998............      (0.83)       9.92     91,429        8.23%         907,121      0.29%            6.84%       228.74%
 1997............      (0.77)       9.95     80,789       10.11%         803,770      0.31%            7.18%       138.29%
 1996............      (0.74)       9.77     74,315        4.10%         726,111      0.29%            7.07%       119.12%
 1995............      (0.80)      10.13     69,148       19.55%         700,309      0.30%            7.20%        63.31%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Emerging Markets
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999*...........      (0.53)      12.26      2,658       81.37%(t)       32,596      1.39%(i)         0.19%       196.32%
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1998 (c)........      (0.03)       7.09      1,032      (28.87)%(e)       7,310      1.55 %(d)(i)     0.51%(d)     53.95%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity Index
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.64)      19.64     12,421       30.87%         244,017      0.31%(g)         1.26%        19.01%
 1998............      (2.78)      15.56     11,127       20.82%         173,137      0.56%(g)         1.45%       158.63%
 1997............      (0.79)      15.20     10,024       (5.03)%        152,359      0.79%            0.78%        83.13%
 1996............      (0.21)      16.83      9,254        9.19%         155,753      0.76%            1.30%        92.03%
 1995............      (0.17)      15.61      8,123        8.01%         126,803      0.84%(g)         1.34%        65.82%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                                Income from Investment Operations                    Less Distributions
                             --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
                                            Net Realized                          Distribution Distribution
                   Net Asset                    and         Total    Distribution   From Net    in Excess   Distribution
                   Value at       Net        Unrealized      From      From Net      Gains        of Net        From
                   Beginning  Investment   Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment       on       Investment    Capital
                   of Period Income/(Loss) Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments  Income/Gains   Paid in
                   --------- ------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Global Equity
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............   $ 9.87      $ 0.10         $ 2.27       $ 2.37      $(0.07)      $  --        $(0.04)      $ --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00        0.07          (0.13)       (0.06)      (0.07)         --           --          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00        0.01           2.12         2.13       (0.01)       (0.17)         --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Cap Growth
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    12.99       (0.21)          9.06         8.85         --         (2.72)         --          --
 1998............    11.34       (0.05)          1.70         1.65         --           --           --          --
 1997............     9.93       (0.02)          1.44         1.42         --           --           --        (0.01)
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.01          (0.06)       (0.05)      (0.02)         --           --          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    11.12        0.29           0.25         0.54       (0.29)       (0.44)       (0.16)      (0.06)
 1998............    10.11        0.34           1.44         1.78       (0.34)       (0.42)         --        (0.01)
 1997............    10.39        0.33          (0.05)        0.28       (0.33)       (0.22)         --        (0.01)
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.24           0.41         0.65       (0.24)       (0.02)         --          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Growth
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    15.12       (0.19)         17.70        17.51         --         (3.41)         --          --
 1998............    11.93       (0.09)          4.75         4.66         --         (1.32)         --        (0.15)
 1997............    10.22       (0.02)          1.73         1.71         --           --           --          --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.05           0.22         0.27       (0.05)         --           --          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Blend
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00        0.03           1.10         1.13       (0.03)       (0.40)         --          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                Ratios/Supplemental Data
                                            Number of                                                 Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to     Income to    Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's)   Investment       (000's)      Average        Average     Turnover
                   Distributions of Period   Omitted   Return(b)        Omitted    Net Assets      Net Assets     Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------
Global Equity
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............     $(0.11)     $12.13      1,839       24.19%       $ 22,311       1.04%(w)        0.96%       49.51%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....      (0.07)       9.87      1,548       (0.55)%(e)     15,281       1.15%(d)(w)     1.11%(d)    33.17%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.18)      11.95      1,040       21.49%(e)      12,430       1.10%(3)(d)     0.21%(d)    26.76%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Cap Growth
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (2.72)      19.12      9,394       70.38%        179,570       0.89%          (0.70)%     113.11%
 1998............        --        12.99      5,763       14.49%         74,849       1.00%(k)       (0.65)%     101.16%
 1997............      (0.01)      11.34      4,298       14.26%         48,761       1.00%(k)       (0.28)%      86.23%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.02)       9.93      2,077       (0.50)%(e)     20,633       1.00%(d)(k)     0.12%(d)    50.93%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.95)      10.71      2,950        5.11%         31,577       1.00%(l)        2.73%      131.21%
 1998............      (0.77)      11.12      2,734       17.99%         30,416       1.10%(l)        3.20%      103.55%
 1997............      (0.56)      10.11      2,514        2.65%         25,420       1.10%(l)        3.18%       81.04%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.26)      10.39      2,319        6.73%(e)      24,098       1.10%(d)(l)     3.59%(d)    22.21%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Growth
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (3.41)      29.22     15,496      118.31%        452,937       0.93%          (0.68)%     106.06%
 1998............      (1.47)      15.12      6,224       39.07%         94,085       1.10%(m)       (0.64)%     137.01%
 1997............        --        11.93      3,374       16.66%         40,235       1.10%(m)       (0.26)%     124.04%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.05)      10.22      1,613        2.69%(e)      16,492       1.10%(d)(m)     0.92%(d)    71.25%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Blend
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.43)      10.70        543       11.53%(e)       5,810       0.85%(4)(d)     0.82%(d)    55.68%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
period indicated:

                                Income from Investment Operations                    Less Distributions
                             --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
                                          Net Realized                            Distribution Distribution
                   Net Asset                   and          Total    Distribution   From Net    in excess   Distribution
                   Value at     Net        Unrealized        From      From Net      Gains        of Net        From
                   Beginning Investment    Gain/(Loss)    Investment  Investment       on       Investment    Capital
                   of Period   Income   on Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments  Income/Gains   Paid in
                   --------- ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Large Cap Value
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............   $14.02     $0.27          $0.18         $0.45       $(0.27)      $(0.71)      $ --         $ --
 1998............    13.57      0.28           0.96          1.24        (0.28)       (0.51)        --           --
 1997............    11.09      0.29           2.84          3.13        (0.29)       (0.36)        --           --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00      0.16           1.22          1.38        (0.16)       (0.13)        --           --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap Value
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00      0.04           0.31          0.35        (0.03)       (0.14)      (0.01)       (0.01)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large/Mid Cap
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00      0.03           0.45          0.48        (0.03)       (0.02)      (0.01)         --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    10.00      0.45            --           0.45        (0.45)         --          --           --
 1998............    10.00      0.53            --           0.53        (0.53)         --          --           --
 1997............    10.00      0.53            --           0.53        (0.53)         --          --           --
 1996............    10.00      0.52            --           0.52        (0.52)         --          --           --
 1995............    10.00      0.57            --           0.57        (0.57)         --          --           --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Value
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    12.19      0.08           0.59          0.67        (0.08)         --          --           --
 1998............    13.87      0.11          (1.68)        (1.57)       (0.11)         --          --           --
 1997............    11.35      0.05           3.59          3.64        (0.05)       (1.07)        --           --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00      0.04           1.57          1.61        (0.04)       (0.22)        --           --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                               Ratios/Supplemental Data
                                            Number of                                                Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                  Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total      End of Period Expenses to     Income to   Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's)   Investment      (000's)      Average        Average    Turnover
                   Distributions of Period   Omitted   Return(b)       Omitted    Net Assets      Net Assets    Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ ------------- --------------- ----------- ------------
Large Cap Value
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............     $(0.98)     $13.49     11,552        3.28%      $155,849       0.85%           1.88%      32.62%
 1998............      (0.79)      14.02      8,799        9.26%       123,365       0.92%           2.08%      18.46%
 1997............      (0.65)      13.57      5,399       28.56%        73,269       1.00%(n)        2.42%      19.21%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.29)      11.09      1,784       13.90%(e)     19,781       1.00%(n)(d)     2.74%(d)   19.95%(e)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap Value
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.19)      10.16        627        3.58%(e)      6,371       0.85%(5)(d)     1.13%(d)   30.90%(d)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large/Mid Cap
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.06)      10.42        586        4.72%(e)      6,101       1.05%(6)(d)     0.94%(d)   23.03%(d)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.45)      10.00     45,124        5.05%       451,235       0.31%           4.95%        --
 1998............      (0.53)      10.00     39,519        5.40%       395,195       0.31%           5.29%        --
 1997............      (0.53)      10.00     22,944        5.38%       229,443       0.33%           5.32%        --
 1996............      (0.52)      10.00     21,324        5.32%       213,235       0.30%           5.20%        --
 1995............      (0.57)      10.00     18,591        5.78%       185,909       0.35%           5.62%        --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Value
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.08)      12.78      7,212        5.52%        92,150       0.92%           0.64%     137.06%
 1998............      (0.11)      12.19      7,781      (11.33)%       94,820       0.96%           0.93%     173.33%
 1997............      (1.12)      13.87      4,686       32.17%        64,973       1.05%(o)        0.53%      93.78%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.26)      11.35        963       16.18%(e)     10,926       1.05%(d)(o)     0.69%(d)   62.99%(e)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
period indicated:

                                        Income from Investment Operations                       Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
                                             Net Realized                            Distribution Distributions
                   Net Asset                      and          Total    Distribution   From Net   in Excess of  Distributions
                   Value at       Net         Unrealized        From      From Net      Gains          Net          From
                   Beginning  Investment      Gain/(Loss)    Investment  Investment       on       Investment      Capital
                   of Period Income/(Loss) on Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments  Income/Gains     Paid in
                   --------- ------------- ----------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------- -------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............   $15.94      $(0.07)          $0.74         $0.67        $--         $(2.41)        --          $(0.17)
 1998............    15.39       (0.02)           0.88          0.86         --          (0.31)        --             --
 1997............    16.52        0.01            0.56          0.57       (0.01)        (1.69)        --             --
 1996............    13.18        0.02            3.99          4.01       (0.02)        (0.65)        --             --
 1995............     9.94       (0.01)           3.58          3.57         --          (0.32)        --           (0.01)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bond Index
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    10.19        0.63           (0.89)        (0.26)      (0.61)          --          --             --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00        0.42            0.29          0.71       (0.42)        (0.10)        --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap
Aggressive Growth
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00       (0.01)           2.03          2.02         --          (0.08)        --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............     9.02        0.02            1.77          1.79       (0.03)        (0.96)        --             --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00         --            (0.98)        (0.98)        --            --          --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00                        0.49          0.49         --          (0.36)        --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real Estate
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    12.46        0.78           (0.99)        (0.21)      (0.78)          --          --             --
 1998............    15.91        0.77           (3.38)        (2.61)      (0.70)        (0.14)        --             --
 1997............    14.64        0.77            1.68          2.45       (0.71)        (0.41)        --           (0.06)
 1996............    11.70        0.76            2.97          3.73       (0.76)        (0.03)        --             --
 1995............    11.16        0.77            0.54          1.31       (0.77)          --          --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                             Ratios/Supplemental Data
                                            Number of                Assets                     Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                  End of   Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       Period  Expenses to     Income to     Portfolio
                       Total      End of     (000's)   Investment    (000's)   Average        Average      Turnover
                   Distributions  Period     Omitted   Return(b)     Omitted Net Assets      Net Assets      Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------- --------------- ------------- ------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............     $(2.58)     $14.03     181,931       5.15%     $12,963    0.85%          (0.27)%      172.58%
 1998............      (0.31)      15.94     193,332       5.61%      12,129    0.89%          (0.11)%      162.21%
 1997............      (1.70)      15.39     213,612       3.44%      13,884    0.85%           0.09%       331.19%
 1996............      (0.67)      16.52     194,108      30.33%      11,749    0.84%           0.18%       217.84%
 1995............      (0.33)      13.18      54,486      35.96%       4,133    1.00%(h)       (0.11)%      139.31%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bond Index
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.61)       9.32      38,436      (2.57)%      4,125    0.29%(x)        6.56%        17.06%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....      (0.52)      10.19      28,001       7.20%(e)    2,748    0.40%(d)(x)     6.17%(d)     21.09%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap
Aggressive Growth
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.08)      11.94      15,074      20.18%(e)    1,263    1.08%(7)(d)    (0.39)%(d)    18.97%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.99)       9.82       8,248      20.54%         840    0.94%(y)        0.30%       109.12%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....        --         9.02       5,015      (9.81)%(e)     556    1.05%(d)(y)    (0.01)%(d)    60.51%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.36)      10.13       5,570       5.08%(e)      550    1.05%(8)(d)    (0.12)%(d)    51.97%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real Estate
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.78)      11.47     126,214      (1.69)%     11,000    0.70%           6.38%        12.95%
 1998............      (0.84)      12.46     152,789     (16.71)%     12,263    0.69%           5.48%        22.69%
 1997............      (1.18)      15.91     204,131      17.22%      12,830    0.69%           5.12%        20.04%
 1996............      (0.79)      14.64     151,105      33.07%      10,325    0.69%           6.14%        18.37%
 1995............      (0.77)      11.70     108,782      12.31%       9,301    0.73%           6.85%        19.81%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
period indicated:

                              Income from Investment Operations                     Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
                   Net Asset             Net Realized             Distribution                 Distribution
                   Value at     Net     and Unrealized Total From   From Net    Distribution   in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning Investment Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment  From Net Gains Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period   Income   Investments(a) Operations    Income    on Investments  Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------
Growth & Income
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............   $19.49     $0.20        $2.88        $3.08       $(0.20)       $(2.36)         $--           $--
 1998............    16.61      0.23         4.75         4.98        (0.23)        (1.87)          --            --
 1997............    14.65      0.27         4.07         4.34        (0.27)        (2.11)          --            --
 1996............    13.94      0.34         2.43         2.77        (0.34)        (1.72)          --            --
 1995............    11.50      0.36         3.53         3.89        (0.36)        (1.09)          --            --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    15.64      0.44         0.94         1.38        (0.43)        (1.14)          --            --
 1998............    14.35      0.46         2.43         2.89        (0.46)        (1.09)          --          (0.05)
 1997............    13.35      0.59         1.86         2.45        (0.59)        (0.78)          --          (0.08)
 1996............    13.73      0.61         0.81         1.42        (0.61)        (1.19)          --            --
 1995............    11.96      0.62         2.56         3.18        (0.62)        (0.79)          --            --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-Term Bond
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    10.05      0.61        (0.33)        0.28        (0.61)          --            --            --
 1998............    10.08      0.61        (0.03)        0.58        (0.61)          --            --            --
 1997............    10.05      0.59         0.03         0.62        (0.59)          --            --            --
 1996............    10.23      0.54        (0.18)        0.36        (0.54)          --            --            --
 1995............     9.66      0.50         0.59         1.09        (0.50)        (0.02)          --           --(f)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Cap Value
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    11.59      0.09        (0.50)       (0.41)       (0.07)        (0.01)        (0.18)          --
 1998............    12.40      0.07        (0.81)       (0.74)       (0.07)          --            --            --
 1997............    10.73      0.08         2.66         2.74        (0.08)        (0.99)          --            --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00      0.07         0.96         1.03        (0.07)        (0.23)          --            --

                                                                               Ratios/Supplemental Data
                                            Number of                                                Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                  Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total      End of Period Expenses to     Income to   Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's)   Investment      (000's)      Average        Average    Turnover
                   Distributions of Period   Omitted   Return(b)       Omitted    Net Assets      Net Assets    Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ ------------- --------------- ----------- ------------
Growth & Income
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............     $(2.56)     $20.01     210,823     16.23%      $4,218,841      0.28%           0.98%      70.16%
 1998............      (2.10)      19.49     188,319     30.25%       3,670,785      0.27%           1.24%      48.45%
 1997............      (2.38)      16.61     167,773     29.79%       2,785,964      0.28%           1.61%      74.56%
 1996............      (2.06)      14.65     139,748     20.10%       2,047,927      0.27%           2.24%      81.02%
 1995............      (1.45)      13.94     114,666     34.21%       1,598,585      0.28%           2.70%      73.54%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (1.57)      15.45     222,091      9.10%       3,430,919      0.36%           2.75%     203.86%
 1998............      (1.60)      15.64     211,171     20.42%       3,301,910      0.36%           2.99%     160.57%
 1997............      (1.45)      14.35     195,139     18.72%       2,800,127      0.37%           4.18%     200.41%
 1996............      (1.80)      13.35     178,745     10.72%       2,386,660      0.36%           4.41%     113.61%
 1995............      (1.41)      13.73     152,544     27.09%       2,093,964      0.38%           4.66%     187.67%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-Term Bond
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.61)       9.72       7,081      2.96%          68,844      0.43%           6.25%     100.04%
 1998............      (0.61)      10.05       7,682      5.82%          77,194      0.53%           6.17%     184.50%
 1997............      (0.59)      10.08       5,070      6.41%          51,120      0.57%           5.67%     108.29%
 1996............      (0.54)      10.05       5,840      3.61%          58,676      0.75%(j)        5.66%      20.68%
 1995............      (0.52)      10.23       1,750     11.49%          17,911      0.75%(j)        5.52%     109.77%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Cap Value
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.26)      10.92       6,311     (3.43)%         68,900      0.95%(p)        0.78%     117.33%
 1998............      (0.07)      11.59       5,531      5.96%          64,095      1.05%(p)        0.63%     100.83%
 1997............      (1.07)      12.40       3,488     25.57%          43,261      1.05%(p)        0.68%     126.10%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.30)      10.73         982     10.33%(e)       10,541      1.05%(d)(p)     1.15%(d)   66.31%(e)


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                              Income from Investment Operations                   Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
                                         Net Realized                          Distribution Distribution
                   Net Asset                 and         Total    Distribution   From Net   in Excess of Distribution
                   Value at     Net       Unrealized      From      From Net      Gains         Net          From
                   Beginning Investment Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment       on       Investment    Capital
                   of Period   Income   Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments  Income/Gains   Paid in
                   --------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
International Op-
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............   $12.21     $0.10        $3.95        $4.05       $(0.11)      $(0.94)      $(0.04)      $ --
 1998............    10.63      0.11         1.57         1.68        (0.10)         --           --          --
 1997............    10.60      0.10         0.11         0.21        (0.10)       (0.08)         --          --
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1996 (c)........    10.00      0.07         0.60         0.67        (0.07)         --           --          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity Index
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    17.70      0.27         3.41         3.68        (0.26)       (0.66)         --          --
 1998............    14.21      0.25         3.76         4.01        (0.24)       (0.28)         --          --
 1997............    11.10      0.24         3.41         3.65        (0.24)       (0.25)         --        (0.05)
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1996 (c)........    10.00      0.15         1.26         1.41        (0.15)       (0.10)         --        (0.06)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
High Yield Bond
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............     9.23      0.72        (0.26)        0.46        (0.70)                      --          --
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1998 (c)........    10.00      0.46        (0.76)       (0.30)       (0.46)       (0.01)         --          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Bond
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............    10.60      0.48        (0.70)       (0.22)       (0.56)         --           --          --
 1998............    10.24      0.54         0.38         0.92        (0.29)       (0.09)         --        (0.18)
 1997............    10.16      0.59         0.30         0.89        (0.61)       (0.15)         --        (0.05)
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1996 (c)........    10.00      0.38         0.28         0.66        (0.38)       (0.12)         --          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                   Ratios/Supplemental Data
                                            Number of                                                    Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                      Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total          End of Period Expenses to     Income to   Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's)   Investment          (000's)      Average        Average    Turnover
                   Distributions of Period   Omitted   Return(b)           Omitted    Net Assets      Net Assets    Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- --------------- ----------- ------------
International Op-
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............     $(1.09)     $15.17      5,259      34.01 %          $ 79,794       1.02%(q)        0.77%      34.02%
 1998............      (0.10)      12.21      5,260      15.92 %            64,250       1.16%(q)        0.89%      18.67%
 1997............      (0.18)      10.63      2,882       1.95 %            30,631       1.22%(q)        0.65%      21.09%
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1996 (c)........      (0.07)      10.60      1,689       6.72 %(e)         17,898       1.25%(d)(q)     0.87%(d)    5.46%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity Index
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.92)      20.46     22,060      21.08 %           451,296       0.00%(r)        1.42%      55.24%
 1998............      (0.52)      17.70     13,139      28.45 %           232,578       0.00%(r)        1.59%      43.31%
 1997............      (0.54)      14.21      7,134      32.79 %(v)        101,390       0.00%(r)        1.97%      64.56%
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1996 (c)........      (0.31)      11.10      1,320      14.23 %(e)(u)      14,650       0.00%(d)(r)     2.47%(d)   15.72%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
High Yield Bond
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.70)       8.99      2,217       5.13 %            19,921       0.80%(z)        7.94%      38.62%
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1998 (c)........      (0.47)       9.23      1,602      (2.98)%(e)         14,789       0.90%(d)(z)     7.43%(d)   17.67%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Bond
 Year ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.56)       9.82      7,230      (2.16)%            70,991       0.83%(s)        4.70%     332.06%
 1998............      (0.56)      10.60      6,301       9.15 %            66,791       0.95%(s)        5.27%     186.70%
 1997............      (0.81)      10.24      2,797       9.05 %            28,647       1.00%(s)        5.80%      69.38%
 Period from May
 1, to
 December 31,
 1996 (c)........      (0.50)      10.16      1,271       6.71 %(e)         12,907       1.00%(d)(s)     6.05%(d)  171.39%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) The amount shown at this caption for each share outstanding throughout the
    year may not accord with the change in the aggregate gains and losses in
    the portfolio securities for the year because of the timing of the
    purchases and withdrawals of the shares in relation to the fluctuation
    market values of the portfolio.
(b) The performance of the portfolios shown on this page does not reflect
    expenses and charges of the applicable separate accounts and variable
    products, all of which vary to a considerable extent and are described in
    your product's prospectus.
(c) Commencement of investment operations.
(d) Annualized.
(e) Not annualized.


(f) Amount is less than a penny per share.
(g) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .38%, .63%, and .87% for the
    years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1995, respectively.
(h) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.91% for the year ended
    December 31, 1995.
(i) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 3.44%, and 3.69% for the years
    ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.
(j) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .79%, and 1.83% for the years
    ended December 31, 1996, and 1995, respectively.
(k) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.05%, 1.12%, and 1.55%, for
    the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(l) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.31%, 1.82, 1.56%, and 1.44%
    for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(m) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.13%, 1.42%, and 2.34%, for
    the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(n) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.06%, and 1.89%, for the
    years ended December 31, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(o) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.14%, and 2.15%, for the
    years ended December 31, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(p) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .96%, 1.08%, 1.30%, and 2.06%,
    for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.
(q) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.15%, 1.46%, 1.57%, and
    2.76%, for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997, and 1996,
(r) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .22%, .34%, .65%, and 1.61%,
    for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(s) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 0.84%, 1.02%, 1.32%, and
    1.57%, for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997, and 1996,
(t) The Total Return includes the effect of the capital contribution of $.32
    per share. The Total Investment Return without the capital contribution
    would have been 79.02%.
(u) The Total Return includes the effect of the capital contribution of $.06
    per share. The total Investment Return without the capital contribution
    would have been 13.59%.
(v) The Total Return includes the effect of the capital contribution of $.04
    per share. The total Investment Return without the capital contribution
    would have been 32.47%.
(w) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.26%, and 2.47%, for the
    years ended December 31, 1999, and 1998, respectively.
(x) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .35%, and .71%, for the years
    ended December 31, 1999, and 1998, repectively.
(y) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 2.24%, and 4.55%, for the
    years ended December 31, 1999, and 1998, respectively.
(z) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.04%, and 2.03%, for the
    years ended December 31, 1999, and 1998, respectively.
(1) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.09% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(2) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .96% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(3) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.71% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(4) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.20% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(5) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.17% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(6) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.42% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(7) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.17% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(8) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.61% for the year ended
    December 31, 1999.
(*) During 1999 the Fund entered into a new Sub-Advisory Agreement with Morgan
    Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management, Inc.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                  Shares           Value
Aerospace and Defense - 4.1%
 B.F. Goodrich Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .    170,700        $    4,694
 General Dynamics Corp.  . . . . . . . . .    106,900             5,639
 Honeywell International, Inc. . . . . . .    280,000            16,153
 United Technologies Corp. . . . . . . . .    456,500            29,672
Agricultural Operations - 1.3%
 Monsanto Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    484,500            17,260

Auto and Truck Parts - 0.4%
 Lear Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    146,600             4,691

Banks - 0.3%
 Comerica, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    100,000             4,669

Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.2%
 E*TRADE Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    100,000             2,613

Computer Equipment - 9.6%
 Comverse Technology, Inc. * . . . . . . .     25,000             3,619
 Dell Computer Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .    603,800            30,794
 Hewlett-Packard Co. . . . . . . . . . . .     96,900            11,040
 Intel Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    686,200            56,483
 International Business Machines Corp. . .    230,000            24,840
 Network Appliance, Inc. * . . . . . . . .     67,800             5,632
Computer Software and Services - 17.0%
 America Online, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    624,600            47,118
 Computer Associates International, Inc. .    321,100            22,457
 EMC Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    100,000            10,925
 First Data Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    145,200             7,160
 Microsoft Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    739,300            86,314
 Oracle Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    351,100            39,345
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .    138,200            10,702
 Yahoo!, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     25,700            11,120
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.5%
 Avery Dennison Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .    148,500            10,822
 Black & Decker Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .    185,800             9,708
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 1.0%
 Avon Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .    214,900             7,092
 Dial Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    284,900             6,926
Diversified Operations - 7.9%
 Danaher Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    124,500             6,007
 General Electric Co.  . . . . . . . . . .    402,000            62,209
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. . . . . . . . .    200,700            13,560
 Reynolds & Reynolds Co. - Cl. A . . . . .    281,100             6,325
 Textron, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     68,800             5,276
 Tyco International, Ltd.  . . . . . . . .    404,800            15,737
Electronic Products and Services - 12.0%
 Altera Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    116,900             5,794
 Analog Devices, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .     48,801             4,538
 Cisco Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    761,500            81,576
 Linear Technology Corp. . . . . . . . . .    100,000             7,156
 LSI Logic Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     68,800             4,644
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. * . . . .    256,000            12,080
 Pitney Bowes, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    125,300             6,054
 SCI Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     88,000             7,232
 Teradyne, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    100,000             6,600
 Texas Instruments, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    267,200            25,885
 Xilinx, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    106,000             4,820
Financial Services - 2.1%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A *      96,700             2,653
 Citigroup, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    473,500            26,309
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.2%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . .     51,300             3,636
 Kellogg Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    134,400             4,141
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . .    254,800             5,908
 Quaker Oats Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    178,200            11,695
 UST, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    189,900             4,783
Health Care Products - 12.3%
 Allergan, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    105,000             5,224
 Amgen, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    127,500             7,658
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.  . . . . . . . .    311,000            19,962
 Cardinal Health, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    103,300             4,946
 Eli Lilly & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    106,100             7,056
 Genetech, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     45,600             6,133
 Johnson & Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . .    210,600            19,612
 Merck & Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    346,600            23,244
 Pfizer, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    669,300            21,710
 Schering-Plough Corp. . . . . . . . . . .    660,100            27,848
 Warner-Lambert Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .    329,200            26,974
Health Care Services - 0.1%
 HEALTHSOUTH Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . .    318,400             1,711

Insurance - 2.2%
 American General Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     46,800             3,551
 AXA Financial, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .    264,800             8,970
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. .     57,300             2,715
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. . . . . . . .     67,700             6,478
 PartnerRe, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    156,100             5,063
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . .     79,500             4,124
Machinery - 0.8%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .    200,000            11,012

Media - Publishing - 1.2%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A*    300,000            17,025



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Name of Issuer                  Shares           Value
Media - TV / Radio - 1.9%
 CBS Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    160,000        $   10,230
 Time Warner, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    220,900            16,001
Paper and Forest Products - 0.4%
 Kimberly-Clark Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     75,000             4,894

Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.5%
 MBNA Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    254,900             6,946

Pollution Control - 0.2%
 Allied Waste Industries, Inc. * . . . . .    372,300             3,281

Retail - Department Stores - 6.7%
 Dayton Hudson Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     92,400             6,786
 Gap, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    100,000             4,600
 Home Depot, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    467,400            32,046
 Limited, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     65,000             2,815
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     98,900             5,909
 Tandy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    186,900             9,193
 TJX Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    381,600             7,799
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    341,000            23,572
Retail - Food - 0.5%
 Brinker International, Inc. * . . . . . .    133,400             3,202
 Outback Steakhouse, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    159,700             4,142
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.8%
 Tommy Hilfiger Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .    453,700            10,577

Telecommunication Equipment - 4.7%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. *  . . . . .     69,600             5,050
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . .    536,500            40,137
 Nokia Oyj - ADR . . . . . . . . . . . . .     23,000             4,370
 Tellabs, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    246,800            15,842
Telecommunication Services - 3.2%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. *  . .    307,300            27,427
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) *  . . . . . . . .    165,000            16,912
Telephone - 2.9%
 MCI WorldCom, Inc. *. . . . . . . . . . .    750,000            39,797

Transportation Services - 0.3%
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. . .     56,500             4,216

U.S. Government Agencies - 1.2%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.  . . . .    262,900            16,414
                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      99.5%        1,375,280

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00  . . . . . . . . . .      6,510             6,510
                                             --------        ----------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     100.0%        1,381,790
       Cash and Receivables, less payables-       0.0%              683
                                             --------        ----------
                                NET ASSETS-     100.0%       $1,382,473
                                             ========        ==========

*Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipt
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                 Shares         Value
Commercial Services - 3.8%
 True North Communications  . . . . . . . .    3,000      $    134
 Young & Rubicam, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .    3,000           212
Computer Equipment - 4.2%
 Comverse Technology, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      500            72
 Network Appliance, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .      800            66
 Redback Networks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    1,000           178
 VERITAS Software Corp. * . . . . . . . . .      500            72
Computer Software and Services - 10.9%
 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. * . .      400            71
 Citrix Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    1,000           123
 Clarent Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            54
 i2 Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      200            39
 Legato Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    2,000           137
 Mercury Interactive Corp. *  . . . . . . .    1,500           162
 Micromuse, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            85
 Portal Software, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    1,000           103
 Rational Software Corp. *  . . . . . . . .    1,300            64
 Research in Motion, Ltd. * . . . . . . . .    3,500           162
Electric Power - 2.8%
 AES Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            60
 Calpine Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,000           192
Electronic Products and Services - 19.4%
 Applied Micro Circuits Corp. * . . . . . .    1,300           165
 Electronics for Imaging, Inc. *  . . . . .    2,500           145
 Emulex Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000           112
 Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc. . . . . .    1,300           385
 PMC-Sierra, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000           160
 QLogic Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000           320
 SDL, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700           371
 Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. *  . . . . . .    2,300           121
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.4%
 Adolph Coors Co. - Cl. B . . . . . . . . .    2,500           131
Health Care Products - 5.0%
 Affymetrix, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300           221
 MedImmune, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000           166
 MiniMed, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            73
Health Care Services - 4.3%
 Biogen, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            42
 Idec Pharmaceuticals Corp. . . . . . . . .    3,600           354
Leisure and Recreation - 1.6%
 Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd.  . . . . . .    3,000           148

Media - TV / Radio - 9.0%
 Charter Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * . .    4,600           101
 Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. *  . . . . . .    2,000           184
 Spanish Broadcasting Systems, Inc. * . . .    4,000           161
 TV Guide, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . . . . .    6,000           258
 Univision Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * .    1,200           123
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 1.8%
 Kinder Morgan, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    8,000           162
Retail - Department Stores - 10.3%
 American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. *  . . . .    1,200            54
 Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .    4,000           139
 BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    2,500            91
 Circuit City Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    1,500            68
 Kohl's Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            36
 Tandy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,000           147
 Tiffany & Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,000           268
 Williams-Sonoma, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .    3,000           138
Telecommunication Equipment - 18.0%
 ANTEC Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,500           128
 CIENA Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000           115
 CommScope, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            60
 E-Tek Dynamics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    2,700           363
 Efficient Networks, Inc. * . . . . . . . .    2,000           136
 Finisar Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            90
 Harmonic, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,400           323
 JDS Uniphase Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . .      800           129
 Next Level Communications, Inc. *  . . . .    2,000           150
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    1,500           103
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    1,000            55
Telecommunication Services - 1.6%
 Broadwing, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4,000           148
Transportation Services - 1.4%
 Expeditors International of Washington,
  Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,000           131
                         TOTAL COMMON STOCK-    95.5%        8,761


 Investment in joint trading account (Note
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . .   $  329           329
                                              ------      --------
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    99.1%        9,090
       Cash and receivables, less payables -     0.9%           85
                                              ------      --------
                                 NET ASSETS-   100.0%       $9,175
                                              ======      ========

* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares          Value
Aerospace and Defense - 3.4%
 General Dynamics Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .    2,200          $   116
 Honeywell International, Inc.  . . . . . . .    2,737              158
 United Technologies Corp.  . . . . . . . . .    2,000              130
Agricultural Operations - 0.8%
 Monsanto Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,600               93

Automobile - 0.8%
 Ford Motor Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700               91

Banks - 2.9%
 Bank of America Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      900               45
 Charter One Financial, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    1,575               30
 Fifth Third Bancorp  . . . . . . . . . . . .      500               37
 FleetBoston Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . .    2,200               77
 KeyCorp  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700               38
 Suntrust Banks, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .      400               27
 Wells Fargo & Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,100               85
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.4%
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.       300               43

Chemicals - 0.2%
 Hercules, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900               25

Commercial Services - 0.2%
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.  . . . . . . . . .      800               20

Computer Equipment - 4.5%
 Dell Computer Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    2,100              107
 Hewlett-Packard Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      400               45
 Intel Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,600              214
 International Business Machines Corp.  . . .    1,600              173
Computer Software and Services - 8.7%
 America Online, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    2,300              173
 Computer Associates International, Inc.  . .    1,100               77
 EMC Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600               66
 First Data Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100               54
 Microsoft Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4,000              467
 Oracle Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000              112
 Yahoo!, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200               87
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.1%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . .      800               19
 Avery Dennison Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      800               58
 Black & Decker Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000               52
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.7%
 Avon Products, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300               43
 Dial Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600               39
Diversified Operations - 4.8%
 General Electric Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,800              279
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .    1,208               82
 Textron, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400              107
 Tyco International, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . .    2,600              101
Electric Power - 2.7%
 Ameren Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800               26
 Constellation Energy Group . . . . . . . . .      700               20
 Edison International . . . . . . . . . . . .    5,200              136
 Peco Energy Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900               31
 Reliant Energy, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000               46
 Southern Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,500               59
Electronic Products and Services - 6.0%
 Altera Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500               25
 Cisco Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    3,000              321
 Linear Technology Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .      300               21
 LSI Logic Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300               20
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. *  . . . . .    1,400               66
 Pitney Bowes, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200               58
 SCI Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      500               41
 Texas Instruments, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .    1,000               97
 Xilinx, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400               64
Financial Services - 2.8%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A * . .    1,400               38
 Citigroup, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4,900              272
 Mellon Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      600               21
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.6%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      900               64
 Kellogg Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900               28
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    1,800               42
 Quaker Oats Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300               19
 Sysco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000               39
Health Care Products - 7.1%
 Allergan, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800               40
 American Home Products Corp. * . . . . . . .    1,100               43
 Baxter International, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    1,000               63
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. . . . . . . . . . .    2,400              154
 Eli Lilly & Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400               27
 Genetech, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200               27
 Johnson & Johnson  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000               93
 Merck & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000               67
 Pfizer, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000               65
 Schering-Plough Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .    3,300              139
 Warner-Lambert Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600              131



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares          Value
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.2%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000          $    21
Insurance - 3.8%
 American General Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .    1,900              144
 AXA Financial, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,400              115
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.  . .      700               33
 Lincoln National Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700               68
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . .    1,800               94
Machinery - 0.7%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500               83

Media - TV / Radio - 1.7%
 CBS Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100               70
 Time Warner, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,900              138
Oil - 1.8%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO)  . . . . . . .    1,400              121
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares  . . .    1,600               97
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.9%
 Exxon Mobil Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300              105

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 0.9%
 Chevron Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600               52
 Kerr-McGee Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500               31
 USX-Marathon Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200               30
Paper and Forest Products - 1.5%
 Boise Cascade Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      600               24
 Champion International Corp. . . . . . . . .      400               25
 Georgia-Pacific Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      600               30
 International Paper Co.  . . . . . . . . . .      200               11
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100               72
 Willamette Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . .      400               19
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.7%
 Household International, Inc.  . . . . . . .      900               34
 MBNA Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,800               49
Retail - Department Stores - 4.9%
 Dayton Hudson Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      800               59
 Gap, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300               60
 Home Depot, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,250              154
 Limited, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000               43
 Lowe's Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700               42
 Tandy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500               25
 TJX Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,500               51
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    2,200              152
Retail - Food - 0.3%
 Brinker International, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    1,500               36

Telecommunication Equipment - 1.9%
 Lucent Technologies, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .    2,000              150
 Nokia Oyj - ADR  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100               19
 Tellabs, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800               51
Telecommunication Services - 1.1%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * . . . .    1,200              107
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) * . . . . . . . . . .      200               21
Telephone - 4.2%
 AT&T Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,900               96
 Bell Atlantic Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      400               25
 BellSouth Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000               93
 GTE Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400               28
 MCI WorldCom, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,750              199
 SBC Communications, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      526               26
 Sprint Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400               27
Transportation Services - 1.0%
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.  . . .      400               30
 Northwest Airlines Corp. * . . . . . . . . .    1,500               33
 Union Pacific Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400               61
U.S. Government Agencies - 0.5%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. . . . . . .    1,000               62
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-    74.8%           8,889

Banks - 1.3%
 BankBoston Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 03/15/02  . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   50               48
 Capital One Bank - Notes
 7.08% due 10/30/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               50
 Korea Development Bank - Bonds
 7.125% due 09/17/01  . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               50
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.6%
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Notes
 7.35% due 10/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       25               24
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. - Notes
 6.5% due 10/01/02  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               49
Computer Equipment - 0.2%
 International Business Machines Corp. - Notes
 5.625% due 04/12/04  . . . . . . . . . . . .       30               28



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par           Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value          Value
                                                 (000's)        (000's)
Diversified Operations - 0.3%
 El Paso Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 07/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   30          $    30

Financial Services - 1.4%
 Citigroup, Inc. - Notes
 6.875% due 02/15/98  . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               42
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 10/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               49
 GATX Capital Corp. - Notes
 7.75% due 12/01/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       30               30
 PNC Funding Corp.
 7.0% due 09/01/04  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               49
Media - Publishing - 0.2%
 News America, Inc.
 7.625% due 11/30/28  . . . . . . . . . . . .       30               28

Media - TV / Radio - 0.4%
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Debs.
 6.8% due 08/01/28  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               43

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.3%
 Enron Corp. - Debs.
 9.125% due 04/01/03  . . . . . . . . . . . .       30               31

Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.2%
 Petroleum Geo-Services ASA - Sr. Notes
 7.125% due 03/30/28  . . . . . . . . . . . .       30               26

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 0.2%
 Amerada Hess Corp. - Bonds
 7.875% due 10/01/29  . . . . . . . . . . . .       30               29

Paper and Forest Products - 0.4%
 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Bonds
 7.75% due 11/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               48

Retail - Food - 0.6%
 Safeway, Inc. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . . .       50               49
 The Kroger Co. - Sr. Notes
 8.0% due 09/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       20               19
Telephone - 0.9%
 AT&T Corp. - Notes
 6.5% due 03/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       80               69
 MCI Worldcom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.95% due 08/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       20               18
 Sprint Capital Corp.
 6.875% due 11/15/28  . . . . . . . . . . . .       20               18
Transportation Services - 0.3%
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. - Deb. 144A (a)
 8.3% due 12/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       40               39

U.S. Government Agencies - 9.7%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
 6.0% due 01/31/15  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      345              327
 7.0% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      310              300
 7.5% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      279              276
 Government National Mortgage Assoc.
 6.0% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       30               30
 7.0% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      230              222
U.S. Governmental - 6.0%
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds
 5.25% due 02/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      185              153
 6.25% due 10/31/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      345              345
 6.25% due 08/31/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      210              210
                  TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-    23.0%           2,729

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,268            1,268
                                               -------          -------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-   108.5%          12,886
          Payables, less cash and receivables-    (8.5 )%        (1,003)
                                               -------          -------
                                   NET ASSETS-   100.0%         $11,883
                                               =======          =======

* Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt
(a) Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities may
    be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified
    institutional buyers. At December 31, 1999, securities aggregated $39 or
    0.33% of net assets of portfolio.
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                   Value            Value
                                              (000's)          (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 0.5%
 Jet Equipment Trust
 10.91% due 08/15/14  . . . . . . . . . .    $ 2,100           $  2,315
 Lockheed Martin Corp. - Bonds
 8.5% due 12/01/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,195              2,195
Agricultural Operations - 0.3%
 Marlin Water Trust - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 7.09% due 12/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,553              2,506

Automobile - 0.4%
 Ford Motor Co. - Debs.
 9.0% due 09/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000              2,066
 United Rentals, Inc.
 9.0% due 04/01/09  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,715              1,612
Banks - 2.7%
 Abbey National First Capital - Sr.
  Sub. Notes
 8.2% due 10/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      4,000              4,098
 BankBoston Corp. - Sub. Notes
 6.625% due 12/01/05  . . . . . . . . . .      2,385              2,277
 First Union National Bank - Sub. Notes
 6.5% due 12/01/28  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,755              2,282
 International Bank of Reconstruction &
  Development - Debs.
 8.25% due 09/01/16 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,150              2,350
 National Westminister Bank, NY - Sub.
 9.45% due 05/01/01 . . . . . . . . . . .      5,000              5,172
 NB Capital Trust IV
 8.25% due 04/15/27 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,680              1,628
 RBSG Capital Corp. - Notes
 10.125% due 03/01/04 . . . . . . . . . .      5,000              5,455
Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.0%
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Notes
 7.35% due 10/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,430              3,351
 Morgan Stanley Group, Inc. - Notes
 8.875% due 10/15/01  . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              3,092
 Salomon Brothers Mortgage Securities VII
 6.75% due 07/25/24 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,890              1,867
Chemicals - 0.6%
 Akzo Nobel, Inc. - Bonds 144A (a)
 6.0% due 11/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,630              1,554
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. - Notes
 6.875% due 10/15/09  . . . . . . . . . .      1,940              1,876
 Equistar Chemical - Notes
 8.5% due 02/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . .        145                144
 Lyondell Chemical Co. - Sec. Notes
  Ser. A
 9.625% due 05/01/07  . . . . . . . . . .      1,350              1,384
Computer Software and Services - 0.4%
 PSINET, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 11.0% due 08/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . .        740                758
 11.5% due 11/01/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,795              1,876
 Verio, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.375% due 04/01/05 . . . . . . . . . .        575                581
Construction - 0.2%
 Orange plc - Sr. Notes
 8.0% due 08/01/08  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,920              1,930

Containers - 0.1%
 Packaging Corp. of America
 9.625% due 04/01/09  . . . . . . . . . .      1,030              1,056

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.4%
 Proctor & Gamble Co.
 6.875% due 09/15/09  . . . . . . . . . .      3,655              3,574

Diversified Operations - 0.4%
 CMS Panhandle Holding - Sr. Notes
 7.0% due 07/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,695              1,472
 Harrahs Operating Co., Inc.
 7.5% due 01/15/09  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,420              2,259
Electric Power - 7.4%
 AES Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.25% due 07/15/06  . . . . . . . . . .      3,113              3,160
 AES Eastern Energy LP - 144A (a)
 9.0% due 01/02/17  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,130              2,006
 Beaver Valley Funding Corp. - Debs.
 9.0% due 06/01/17  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,825              2,836
 BVPS II Funding Corp. - Coll. Lease
 8.89% due 06/01/17 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,464              2,482
 CalEnergy Co., Inc. - Bonds
 8.48% due 09/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,740              2,821
 Calpine Corp. - Sr. Notes
 10.5% due 05/15/06 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,920              2,035
 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. -
  1st Mtge.
 9.5% due 05/15/05  . . . . . . . . . . .      5,775              5,936
 CMS Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.75% due 01/15/04 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,040              1,892
 8.125% due 05/15/02  . . . . . . . . . .      2,650              2,628
 Connecticut Light & Power Co.
 7.75% due 06/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,090              1,092
 Connecticut Light & Power Co. -
  Notes 144A (a)
 8.59% due 06/04/03 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,310              1,271
 East Coast Power LLC - Sec. Notes
  144A (a)
 7.066% due 03/31/12  . . . . . . . . . .      2,715              2,440
 Long Island Lighting Co. - Debs.
 8.2% due 03/15/23  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,235              3,162
 Midland Cogeneration Venture - Debs.
 10.33% due 07/23/02  . . . . . . . . . .      2,998              3,118



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                   Value            Value
                                              (000's)          (000's)

Electric Power - Continued
 Monterrey Power SA de CV -
  Sec. Bonds 144A (a)
 9.625% due 11/15/09  . . . . . . . . . .    $   720           $    655
 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. - Debs.
 8.77% due 01/01/18 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,965              4,142
 North Atlantic Energy Corp. - 1st Mtge.
 9.05% due 06/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,868              1,897
 PNPP II Funding Corp. - Debs.
 9.12% due 05/30/16 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,235              2,330
 Quest Diagnostic, Inc.
 10.75% due 12/15/06  . . . . . . . . . .      1,847              1,939
 System Energy Resources, Inc. -
  1st Mtge.
 7.71% due 08/01/01 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,590              2,600
 Texas New Mexico Power Co. - 1st Mtge.
 9.25% due 09/15/00 . . . . . . . . . . .      8,000              8,096
 Waterford 3 Funding - Entergy - Bonds
 8.09% due 01/02/17 . . . . . . . . . . .      4,840              4,620
Financial Services - 3.5%
 Bank of New York Institution Capital -
  144A (a)
 7.78% due 12/01/26 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,350              3,069
 Barclays North America Capital Corp. -
 9.75% due 05/15/21 . . . . . . . . . . .      4,650              4,992
 Chrysler Financial Co. LLC
 5.69% due 11/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,610              2,562
 CIT Group, Inc. - Notes
 5.5% due 10/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,160              3,076
 Citibank Credit Card Master Trust I - Ser.
  1997-7 A
 6.35% due 08/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,360              2,356
 Fairfax Financial Holdings, Ltd. - Notes
 8.3% due 04/15/26  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,200              1,854
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes
 6.25% due 11/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,375              2,307
 Green Tree Financial Corp.
 8.3% due 06/15/26  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,170              2,238
 Peco Energy Transition Trust
 6.05% due 03/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,600              2,428
 Sun Canada Financial Co. - Bonds 144A (a)
 6.625% due 12/15/07  . . . . . . . . . .      3,345              3,126
 URC Holdings Corp. - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 7.875% due 06/30/06  . . . . . . . . . .      1,840              1,857
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.5%
 Canandaigua Brands, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.75% due 12/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,365              2,353
 Seagram (Joseph) E & Sons, Inc. - Debs
 8.875% due 09/15/11  . . . . . . . . . .      1,830              1,941
Foreign Governmental - 2.2%
 Hydro-Quebec - Debs. Ser. IF
 7.375% due 02/01/03  . . . . . . . . . .      1,000              1,006
 Hydro-Quebec - Debs.
 9.4% due 02/01/21  . . . . . . . . . . .        610                705
 Hydro-Quebec - Debs. Ser. FU
 11.75% due 02/01/12  . . . . . . . . . .      5,000              6,559
 Nova Scotia
 8.75% due 04/01/22 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              3,320
 Province of Manitoba
 9.0% due 12/15/00  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              3,065
 9.25% due 04/01/20 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000              2,355
 Province of Saskatchewan
 9.375% due 12/15/20  . . . . . . . . . .      1,500              1,758

Health Care Products - 0.2%
 Fresenius Medical Capital Trust II
 7.875% due 02/01/08  . . . . . . . . . .      1,740              1,618

Health Care Services - 0.5%
 Dynacare, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.75% due 01/15/06  . . . . . . . . . .      2,855              2,783
 Iasis Healthcare Corp. -
  Sr. Sub. Notes 144A (a)
 13.0% due 10/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,225              1,262

Insurance - 1.8%
 Conseco, Inc. - Notes
 9.0% due 10/15/06  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,405              2,469
 Equitable Life Assurance Society USA -
  Notes 144A (a)
 6.95% due 12/01/05 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,750              2,667
 Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. - Notes
  144A (a)
 7.875% due 10/15/26  . . . . . . . . . .        850                778
 Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co. - Notes
  144A (a)
 7.625% due 11/15/23  . . . . . . . . . .      4,090              3,922
 New York Life Insurance Co. - Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 7.5% due 12/15/23  . . . . . . . . . . .      5,970              5,339

Leisure and Recreation - 0.5%
 SFX Entertainment, Inc.
 9.125% due 12/01/08  . . . . . . . . . .      2,570              2,442
 Trump Holdings & Funding - Sr. Notes
 15.5% due 06/15/05 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,325              2,168

Media - Publishing - 0.1%
 Garden State Newspapers, Inc. - Sr. Sub.
 8.75% due 10/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,277              1,200



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                   Value            Value
                                              (000's)          (000's)

Media - TV / Radio - 2.4%
 Adelphia Communications Corp. -
  Sr. Notes
 8.125% due 07/15/03  . . . . . . . . . .    $ 1,270           $  1,216
 9.25% due 10/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,460              2,454
 Charter Communications Holdings, LLC -
  Sr. Notes
 8.625% due 04/01/09  . . . . . . . . . .      1,340              1,240
 Continental Cablevision - Sr. Notes
 8.3% due 05/15/06  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,165              2,227
 EchoStar DBS Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 02/01/09  . . . . . . . . . .      1,770              1,783
 Liberty Media Group - Notes 144A (a)
 8.5% due 07/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,295              2,324
 News America Holdings, Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 08/10/18 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,196              2,201
 Rogers Cablesystems - Sr. Notes
 10.0% due 03/15/05 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,205              1,289
 TCI Communications, Inc. - Debs.
 7.875% due 02/15/26  . . . . . . . . . .      2,745              2,753
 Time Warner, Inc. - Debs.
 9.125% due 01/15/13  . . . . . . . . . .      2,863              3,141
Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.2%
 Yanacocha Receivables - Pass thru Certs.
  144A (a)
 8.4% due 06/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,654              1,524

Metals and Mining - 0.2%
 Golden Northwest Aluminum
 12.0% due 12/15/06 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,420              1,491

Municipals - 1.3%
 Massachusetts Bay Transportation
  Authority - Gen. Transn. Sys. -
 5.0% due 03/01/28  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,085              2,666
 Massachusetts State Water Authority
 5.0% due 08/01/24  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,640              2,222
 New Hampshire State - Taxable Pease Dev.
 7.7% due 07/01/12  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              3,129
 New York State Dorm Authority
 5.0% due 02/15/23  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              2,622
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.4%
 Humpuss Funding Corp. - 144A (a)
 7.72% due 12/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,116                810
 Petroleum-Geo Services ASA - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 03/30/08  . . . . . . . . . .      2,410              2,208

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
 Production - 1.2%
 Amerada Hess Corp. - Bonds
 7.875% due 10/01/29  . . . . . . . . . .      2,735              2,674
 Apache Finance of Canada
 7.75% due 12/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,840              1,769
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. - Sr. Debs.
 10.125% due 09/15/09 . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              3,365
 Ocean Energy, Inc.
 8.875% due 07/15/07  . . . . . . . . . .      1,155              1,146
 Snyder Oil Corp.
 8.75% due 06/15/07 . . . . . . . . . . .        805                807
 Triton Energy Corp., Ltd. - Sr. Notes
 8.75% due 04/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . .        450                451
Paper and Forest Products - 0.8%
 Abitibi-Consolidated, Inc. - Debs.
 8.5% due 08/01/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,840              1,774
 Fort James Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.5% due 09/15/02  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,120              2,079
 S.D. Warren Co. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 12.0% due 12/15/04 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,640              2,762
Personal and Commercial Lending - 6.0%
 Commercial Mortgage Acceptance Corp. -
  Ser. 1991-C1 A1
 6.79% due 08/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,501              3,422
 CS First Boston Mortgage Securities
  Corp. - Ser. 1998-C1 A1A
 6.26% due 04/11/30 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,815              2,714
 Deutsche Mortgage & Asset Receiving Corp.
  - Ser. 1998-C1
 6.861% due 03/15/08  . . . . . . . . . .      2,170              2,008
 EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust
 6.57% due 02/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,120              2,022
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Notes
 6.125% due 04/28/03  . . . . . . . . . .      3,185              3,089
 7.375% due 10/28/09  . . . . . . . . . .      3,435              3,391
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 6.375% due 12/01/01  . . . . . . . . . .      3,165              3,134
 GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities,
 6.566% due 11/15/07  . . . . . . . . . .      3,385              3,186
 GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities,
  Inc. - Ser. 1997-C1 A2
 6.853% due 09/15/06  . . . . . . . . . .      7,325              7,158
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/01/02  . . . . . . . . . .      3,955              3,807
 Midland Funding Corp. II - Debs.
 11.75% due 07/23/05  . . . . . . . . . .      1,150              1,265
 Money Store Home Equity Trust - Ser. 1997-
  C1 DAF7
 6.485% due 12/15/28  . . . . . . . . . .      4,060              3,906
 Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. - Ser. 1997-
  QS4 A3
 7.25% due 05/25/27 . . . . . . . . . . .         62                 62



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                   Value            Value
                                              (000's)          (000's)

Personal and Commercial Lending -
 UCFC Home Equity Loan - Ser. 1996-A1 A5
 6.5% due 04/15/16  . . . . . . . . . . .    $ 3,522           $  3,512
 UCFC Home Equity Loan
 7.18% due 02/15/25 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,115              1,109
 UCFC Home Equity Loan - Ser. 1997-A1 A8
 7.22% due 06/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . .      6,910              6,875
Real Estate Investment Trust - 2.3%
 American Health Properties, Inc. - Notes
 7.5% due 01/15/07  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,350              1,218
 Amresco Residential Securities -
  Mtge. Loan
 6.51% due 08/25/27 . . . . . . . . . . .      7,885              7,581
 Cabot Industrial Properties LP - Notes
 7.125% due 05/01/04  . . . . . . . . . .      1,975              1,897
 Camden Property Trust - Sr. Notes
 7.0% due 04/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,170              2,089
 IMC Home Equity Loan Trust - Ser. 1998-
  1 A4
 6.6% due 03/20/25  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,280              3,206
 Liberty Property LP - Notes
 6.6% due 06/05/02  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,675              1,615
 TriNet Corp. Realty Trust, Inc. - Notes
 7.3% due 05/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,070              1,982
Real Estate Operations - 0.2%
 HMH Properties, Inc. - Ser. A
 7.875% due 08/01/05  . . . . . . . . . .      1,400              1,299

Retail - Department Stores - 0.6%
 Dillard's, Inc. - Notes
 7.13% due 08/01/18 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,185              1,880
 Fred Meyer, Inc. (US)
 7.45% due 03/01/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,705              2,635
 K-Mart Corp. - Notes
 8.375% due 12/01/04  . . . . . . . . . .        895                885
Retail - Food - 0.4%
 Pathmark Stores, Inc. - Sub. Notes
 11.625% due 06/15/02 . . . . . . . . . .      2,585                853
 Safeway, Inc. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/15/01  . . . . . . . . . .      1,430              1,399
 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.,
  Inc. - Notes
 7.75% due 04/15/07 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,510              1,392
Telecommunication Equipment - 0.2%
 Axia, Inc.
 10.75% due 07/15/08  . . . . . . . . . .        915                839
 Crown Castle International Corp. -
  Sr. Notes
 9.0% due 05/15/11  . . . . . . . . . . .        645                629

Telecommunication Services - 2.6%
 Clearnet Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc.
 0.0% due 12/15/05  . . . . . . . . . . .        900                887
 CSC Holdings, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.125% due 07/15/09  . . . . . . . . . .      2,645              2,633
 Falcon Holding Group L.P. - Debs. Ser. B
 8.375% due 04/15/10  . . . . . . . . . .      1,060              1,049
 Global Crossing Holdings, Ltd. -
  Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 9.125% due 11/15/06  . . . . . . . . . .        945                934
 9.5% due 11/15/09  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,275              2,249
 Level 3 Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.125% due 05/01/08  . . . . . . . . . .      1,345              1,273
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.5% due 11/01/08  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,920              1,934
 Nextel Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 9.375% due 11/15/09  . . . . . . . . . .      1,915              1,882
 Nextel Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc.
 9.95% due 02/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,895              1,346
 NTL Communications Corp. - Sr. Notes
 11.5% due 10/01/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,560              2,778
 Omnipoint Corp. - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 11.5% due 09/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,540              1,663
 Telecorp PCS, Inc.
 11.625% due 04/15/09 . . . . . . . . . .      1,715              1,080
 Tritel PCS, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
  144A (a)
 12.75% due 05/15/09  . . . . . . . . . .        755                476
 Triton PCS, Inc.
 11.0% due 05/01/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,435              1,019
 United Pan-Europe Communications NV
 11.25% due 11/01/09  . . . . . . . . . .      1,060              1,102
Telephone - 3.0%
 Comcast Cable Communications - Notes
 6.2% due 11/15/08  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,685              1,527
 GTE Corp. - Debs.
 8.75% due 11/01/21 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              3,239
 GTE North, Inc. - Debs.
 5.65% due 11/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,295              2,924
 LCI International, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.25% due 06/15/07 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,205              2,124
 MCI Worldcom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 08/15/01  . . . . . . . . . .      3,595              3,556
 Metromedia Fiber Network, Inc. - Sr.
 10.0% due 11/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,320              2,378
 MetroNet Communications Corp. -
  Sr. Notes
 12.0% due 08/15/07 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,770              2,069
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. -
  Sr. Notes
 10.75% due 11/15/08  . . . . . . . . . .      2,270              2,338
 Sprint Capital Corp.
 6.9% due 05/01/19  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,760              2,517



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                   Value            Value
                                              (000's)          (000's)

Telephone - Continued
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc.
 6.875% due 07/15/28  . . . . . . . . . .    $ 2,755           $  2,414
Transportation Services - 2.4%
 America West Airlines, Inc. - Pass thru
 6.93% due 01/02/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,681              1,596
 Continental Airlines, Inc. - Pass
  thru Certs.
 7.206% due 06/30/04  . . . . . . . . . .      3,042              2,981
 Continental Airlines, Inc. - Notes
 8.0% due 12/15/05  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,265              2,084
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. - Debs. 144A (a)
 8.3% due 12/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,830              1,773
 Erac USA Finance Co. - Notes 144A (a)
 6.625% due 02/15/05  . . . . . . . . . .      3,345              3,164
 Fine Air Services, Inc.
 9.875% due 06/01/08  . . . . . . . . . .      2,090              1,777
 Northwest Airlines Corp.
 8.375% due 03/15/04  . . . . . . . . . .      1,680              1,569
 Northwest Airlines Corp. - Ser. 1996-1
 8.97% due 01/02/15 . . . . . . . . . . .        218                220
 NWA Trust - Sr. Notes
 9.25% due 06/21/14 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,347              2,377
 U.S. Air, Inc. - Pass thru Certs. Ser.
 11.2% due 03/19/05 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,294              1,310
 Wisconsin Central Transportation Corp. -
 6.625% due 04/15/08  . . . . . . . . . .      1,360              1,263
U.S. Government Agencies - 29.9%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
 6.0% due 06/15/11  . . . . . . . . . . .     10,000              9,441
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
 5.625% due 05/14/04  . . . . . . . . . .      4,015              3,837
 6.0% due 01/31/15  . . . . . . . . . . .     10,000              9,487
 6.25% due 05/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . .     11,500             10,235
 6.5% due 08/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      8,205              8,102
 6.5% due 10/01/14  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,854              9,559
 6.5% due 11/01/28  . . . . . . . . . . .     11,145             10,500
 6.625% due 09/15/09  . . . . . . . . . .     20,030             19,454
 6.94% due 01/25/22 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,491              1,458
 7.0% due 09/01/10  . . . . . . . . . . .      4,878              4,824
 7.385% due 03/25/21  . . . . . . . . . .      1,189              1,190
 Government National Mortgage Assoc.
 6.0% due 01/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,932              9,031
 6.5% due 02/15/28  . . . . . . . . . . .      4,101              3,848
 6.5% due 07/15/28  . . . . . . . . . . .     15,839             14,864
 6.5% due 02/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      4,243              3,982
 6.5% due 04/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      8,651              8,118
 6.5% due 06/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .     28,180             26,445
 6.5% due 08/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      7,419              6,962
 7.0% due 09/15/25  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,412              2,338
 7.0% due 08/15/28  . . . . . . . . . . .      7,147              6,901
 7.0% due 03/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,294              8,974
 7.0% due 08/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,214              3,103
 7.0% due 09/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .     32,725             31,600
 7.5% due 12/15/99  . . . . . . . . . . .     28,100             27,784
 7.5% due 09/15/28  . . . . . . . . . . .         20                 20
 8.0% due 12/15/99  . . . . . . . . . . .      6,675              6,742
 8.0% due 05/15/25  . . . . . . . . . . .        347                351
 8.0% due 06/15/25  . . . . . . . . . . .        341                344
 8.0% due 09/15/25  . . . . . . . . . . .        720                728
 8.0% due 01/15/26  . . . . . . . . . . .        322                325
 8.0% due 08/15/27  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,679              1,696
 8.5% due 09/15/21  . . . . . . . . . . .        668                690
 9.0% due 05/15/21  . . . . . . . . . . .        485                510
 9.0% due 08/15/21  . . . . . . . . . . .        564                593
 9.5% due 06/15/16  . . . . . . . . . . .        375                398
U.S. Governmental - 16.3%
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds
 7.125% due 02/15/23 #. . . . . . . . . .     33,967             35,363
 8.875% due 08/15/17  . . . . . . . . . .     14,254             17,227
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 5.75% due 08/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . .     22,465             22,005
 7.0% due 07/15/06  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,909             10,149
 7.5% due 05/15/02  . . . . . . . . . . .     20,095             20,629
 7.5% due 02/15/05  . . . . . . . . . . .     24,846             25,914
 8.0% due 05/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . .      7,009              7,171
              TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-      94.1%           800,046


Telephone - 0.0%
 MetroNet Communications Corp. - CW07
  144A (a)
 expires 08/15/07 (Cost $58)  . . . . . .          2                313


 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . .     81,840             81,840
                                            --------           --------
                        TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     103.7%           882,199
      Payables, less cash and receivables-      (3.7)%          (31,913)
                                            --------           --------
                               NET ASSETS-     100.0%          $850,286
                                            ========           ========

(a)  Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities
     may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to
     qualified institutional buyers. At December 31, 1999, securities aggregated
     $49,564 or 5.83% of net assets of the Portfolio.

#    Securities, or a portion thereof, with an aggregate market value of $573
     have been segregated to collateralize financial futures contracts.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value
Argentina - 0.8%
 Telecom Argentina Stet-France Telecom SA
  - ADR (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,980        $    170
 Telefonica de Argentina SA - ADR (UTIT) .         3,075              95
Brazil - 3.9%
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerias -
  ADR (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,740              84
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - ADR (META) .         1,605              45
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - ADR (OILX) . . .         3,795              97
 Tele Celular Sul Participacoes SA - ADR
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,898              60
 Tele Centro Sul Participacoes SA - ADR
  (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,795             163
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA - ADR
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,140              55
 Tele Sudeste Celular Participacoes SA -
   ADR (TELS) *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,348              91
 Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras SA - ADR
  (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           940             121
 Telemig Celular Participacoes SA - ADR
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           237              11
 Telesp Celular Participacoes SA - ADR
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,078             215
 Unibanco - Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros SA
  - GDR (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,086             334
Cayman Islands - 0.4%
 TCL International Holdings, Ltd. * (ETRN)       194,000             135
Chile - 0.2%
 Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA -
  ADR (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,560              22
 Enersis SA - ADR (UTIE) . . . . . . . . .         1,310              31
China - 0.5%
 Great Wall Technology Co. * (ETRN)  . . .       119,000             116
 Guandong Kelon Electrical Holdings Co.,
  Ltd. - H Shares (APPL) . . . . . . . . .        18,000              14
 Yanzhou Coal Mining Co., Ltd. - ADR
  (META) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,560              22
 Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd.
  (OILS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        74,000              13
Czech Republic - 0.4%
 SPT Telecom AS (TELS) . . . . . . . . . .         5,706              92
 SPT Telecom AS - GDR * (TELS) . . . . . .         1,670              27
Egypt - 1.0%
 Al-Ahram Beverages Co. S.A.E. - GDR
  (FOOD)                                           2,425              47
 Eastern Co. for Tobacco & Cigarettes
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           749              20
 Egypt Gas Co. (OILX)  . . . . . . . . . .           300              18
 Egypt Mobile Phone (TELS) . . . . . . . .         5,466             251
Greece - 1.0%
 Alpha Credit Bank (BANK)  . . . . . . . .           680              53
 Hellenic Telecommunication Organization
  SA (UTIT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,750              89
 Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
  SA - ADR (UTIT)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,016              48
 National Bank of Greece SA (BANK) . . . .           775              57
 National Bank of Greece SA - ADR *
  (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,980              28
 Panafon Hellenic Telecom SA (TELS)  . . .         2,755              37
 Panafon Hellenic Telecom SA - GDR *
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,160              28
Hong Kong - 2.0%
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd. (TELS)  .        56,000             349
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd. - ADR
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,600             206
 Legend Holdings, Ltd. (COMP)  . . . . . .        22,000              55
 Timeless Software, Ltd. * (SOFT)  . . . .        30,000              17
 Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings (APPA) . . .        16,000              38
Hungary - 0.8%
 Magyar Tavkozlesi Rt. - ADR (UTIT)  . . .         5,071             183
 Magyar Tavkozlesi Rt. (UTIT)  . . . . . .         4,400              31
 OTP Bank Rt. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .           398              23
 OTP Bank Rt. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .           250              14
India - 8.6%
 Associated Cement Companies, Ltd. *
  (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,600              38
 Bank of Baroda (BANK) . . . . . . . . . .         3,750               6
 Bharat Heavy Electricals, Ltd. (ELEQ) . .        28,500             138
 Container Corp. of India, Ltd. (TRAN) . .        20,092             113
 Corporation Bank (BANK) . . . . . . . . .         5,950              15
 Dabur India, Ltd. (HEAL)  . . . . . . . .         1,000              27
 Gujarat Ambuja Cements, Ltd. - GDR
  (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,400             123
 HCL Technologies, Ltd. * (CNSU) . . . . .           950              13
 Hero Honda Motors, Ltd. * (AUTO)  . . . .         8,000             208
 Hindustan Lever, Ltd. (HNBA)  . . . . . .         3,000             155
 Housing Development Financing Corp., Ltd.
  (LEND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,480              49
 Indo Gulf Corp., Ltd. (CHEM)  . . . . . .         8,500              12
 Infosys Technologies, Ltd. * (SOFT) . . .         2,320             774
 Larsen & Toubro, Ltd. - GDR (DIOP)  . . .         3,500             116
 Lupin Laboratories, Ltd. (HEAL) . . . . .         2,750              36
 NIIT, Ltd. (SOFT) . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,400             107



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value

India - Continued
 Oriental Bank of Commerce * (BANK)  . . .        13,700        $     14
 Reliance Industries, Ltd. - GDR * (CHEM)          8,750             123
 Satyam Computer Services, Ltd. (SOFT) . .         4,500             227
 State Bank of India (BANK)  . . . . . . .        11,250              58
 Strides Arcolab, Ltd. (CNSU)  . . . . . .           500               5
 Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co.,
  Ltd. - GDR (AUTO)  . . . . . . . . . . .        20,000             105
 Tata Tea Ltd. (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . .         4,000              48
 Videsh Sanchar Nigam, Ltd. - GDR *
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,000              49
 Zee Telefilms Ltd. (MEDI) . . . . . . . .         9,000             226
Indonesia - 1.5%
 PT Gudang Garam Tbk (FOOD)  . . . . . . .        51,500             139
 PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Corp. Tbk
  (PAPR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        90,000              35
 PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (FOOD)  . .        48,000              60
 PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk (CONS)  . .        38,000              60
 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (UTIT)  . . .       189,300             108
 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia - ADR
  (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,910              87
Israel - 4.9%
 BATM Advanced Communications, Ltd.
  (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,167              96
 Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd. *
  (SOFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           980             195
 ECI Telecommunications, Ltd. (MEDI) . . .        13,699             433
 Galileo Technology, Ltd. * (ETRN) . . . .         1,440              35
 Gilat Satellite Networks, Ltd. * (TELE) .         5,129             609
 Nice Systems, Ltd. (TELE) . . . . . . . .           613              30
 Nice Systems, Ltd. - ADR * (TELE) . . . .         1,340              66
 Orbotech, Ltd. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . .         1,497             116
 Orckit Communications, Ltd. * (TELS)  . .           807              28
Malaysia - 0.8%
 Public Bank Berhad (BANK) . . . . . . . .       295,000             258

Mexico - 10.5%
 Alfa, SA * (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,500              63
 Cemex SA de CV - ADR * Participation
  Certificates (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . .         2,770              77
 Cemex SA de CV - CPO * (CONS) . . . . . .        76,710             429
 Cifra SA de CV (RETS) . . . . . . . . . .         3,216              64
 Cifra SA de CV - Ser. V (RETS)  . . . . .         5,900              12
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25,874             116
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV -
  ADR (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,635             340
 Grupo Carso SA de CV - Ser. A1 (DIOP) . .        10,600              53
 Grupo Financiero Banamex Accival SA de
  CV (Banacci) (FINL). . . . . . . . . . .        52,940             212
 Grupo Financiero Bancomer SA de CV - ADR
  ADR (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,100              18
 Grupo Financiero Bancomer SA de CV - Cl.
  O (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       131,100              55
 Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI)  . . . .         9,880             674
 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SA de CV
  (PAPR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        20,160              79
 Telefonos de Mexico SA - ADR (UTIT) . . .        10,915           1,228
Panama - 0.0%
 Panamerican Beverages, Inc. - Cl. A
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           500              10

Poland - 1.0%
 Elektrim Spolka Akcyjna SA (ETRN) . . . .         5,520              55
 Prokom Software - GDR (SOFT)  . . . . . .         1,212              18
 Telekomunikacja Polska - GDR * (TELS) . .        38,038             238
 Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy SA (BANK) . .         2,309              16
Singapore - 0.5%
 Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing *
  (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,000              44
 NatSteel Electronics, Ltd. (ETRN) . . . .        11,000              58
 Venture Manufacturing, Ltd. (ETRN)  . . .         5,000              57
South Africa - 5.3%
 ABSA Group, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . . . .        16,844              76
 Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd.
  (PMET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,662              81
 B.O.E. Corp., Ltd. (FUND) . . . . . . . .        48,421              37
 Bidvest Group, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . . . .        26,225             256
 Billiton plc (META) . . . . . . . . . . .        16,172              93
 BOE, Ltd. (FINL)  . . . . . . . . . . . .       101,263              99
 Comparex Holdings, Ltd. (COMP)  . . . . .         8,125              57
 De Beers - ADR (PMET) . . . . . . . . . .         1,451              42
 De Beers Centenary AG (UTIE)  . . . . . .         9,060             264
 Dimension Data Holdings, Ltd. (COMP)  . .        17,082             107
 Education Investment Corp., Ltd. (COMM) .        24,200              20
 Ellerine Holdings, Ltd. (RETS)  . . . . .        11,000              58
 FirstRand, Ltd. (FINL)  . . . . . . . . .        75,768             108
 M-Cell, Ltd. (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . .        16,860              65
 Nedcor, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .         3,869              86
 New Africa Investments, Ltd. - N Shares *
  (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        66,000              37
 Rembrandt Group, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . . .        11,810             112
 Sappi, Ltd. (READ)  . . . . . . . . . . .         5,800              57
 Sasol, Ltd. (OILX)  . . . . . . . . . . .         9,513              80
South Korea - 20.1%
 Cheil Jedang Corp. (FOOD) . . . . . . . .         1,410             163
 Dacom Corp. (TELS)  . . . . . . . . . . .           460             237
 Daewoo Securities Co. (FUND)  . . . . . .         3,810              43
 Daou Technology, Inc. (SOFT)  . . . . . .         2,228              77
 Digital Chosun Co., Ltd. * (MEDP) . . . .           150              30
 Good Morning Securities Co., Ltd. *
  (FUND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,930              57



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value

South Korea - Continued
 Hana Bank (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,820        $     38
 Hankuk Glass Industry Co., Ltd. (CNSU)  .         1,890              36
 Hanvit Bank (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . .        18,490              63
 Hanvit Bank - GDR * (BANK)  . . . . . . .         4,520              28
 Housing & Commercial Bank, Korea
  (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,740              87
 Humax Co., Ltd. * (CNSU)  . . . . . . . .         4,010              68
 Hyundai Electronics Industries Co. (ETRN)         5,596             119
 Hyundai Securities Co. (FINL) . . . . . .         1,950              38
 Insung Information Corp. * (CNSU) . . . .         1,320              45
 Kookmin Bank (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .         8,093             127
 Korea Electric Power Corp. - ADR (UTIE) .         7,250             121
 Korea Technology Banking Co. (BANK) . . .         4,110              40
 Korea Telecom Corp. - ADR * (TELS)  . . .         8,190             612
 LG Electronics (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . .         1,910              79
 LG Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
  (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,070              35
 Mirae Co. (COMP)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,830              61
 Pantech Co., Ltd. (TELE)  . . . . . . . .         3,870              87
 Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (STEE)  . .           970             107
 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. (ETRN)  . .         1,900             126
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN)  . . . . . . .         9,490           2,223
 Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) . . .         1,440              44
 SEROME Technology, Inc. (SOFT)  . . . . .           170              36
 SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (TELS) . . . . . . .           325           1,165
 SK Telecom Co., Ltd. - ADR (TELS) . . . .         8,899             341
 Telson Electronics Co., Ltd. (TELE) . . .         3,800              74
 Trigem Computer, Inc. (COMP)  . . . . . .         1,249             139
Soviet Union - 2.4%
 LUKoil Holding - ADR (OILS) . . . . . . .         5,170             269
 RAO Unified Energy Systems - GDR
  (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,500             114
 Rostelecom - ADR * (TELS) . . . . . . . .         1,820              31
 Surgutneftegaz - ADR (OILS) . . . . . . .        19,860             347
 Vimpel-Communications - ADR * (TELS)  . .           300              13
Taiwan - 11.3%
 Accton Technology Corp. - GDR * (ETRN)  .        39,000             279
 Acer, Inc. - GDR * (COMP) . . . . . . . .        55,800             781
 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.
  * (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,700              52
 Ase Test, Ltd. * (ETRN) . . . . . . . . .         2,000              49
 Asustek Computer, Inc. - GDR (COMP) . . .        38,700             524
 China Steel Corp. (STEE)  . . . . . . . .        16,150             236
 Evergreen Marine Corp. GDR (TRAN) . . . .         9,000              74
 Far Eastern Textile, Ltd. - GDR * (APPA)         10,000             236
 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. - GDR
  * (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,200             155
 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. - GDR
  144A * (a) (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . .         5,700             110
 Ritek, Inc. - GDR 144A * (a) (ETRN) . . .         3,900              44
 Siliconware Precision Industries Co. *
  (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,800             237
 Synnex Technology International Corp.
  (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           680              18
 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.,
  Ltd. - ADR (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . .        19,892             895
Thailand - 2.0%
 Advanced Info Service Public Co., Ltd.
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,400             141
 BEC World Public Co., Ltd. (MEDI) . . . .         7,800              48
 Delta Electronics (Thailand) Public Co.,
 Ltd. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,300             110
 Shin Corp. Public Co., Ltd. (COMP)  . . .         9,300              88
 Siam City Cement Public Co., Ltd. (CONS)         24,200             130
 Thai Farmers Bank Public Co., Ltd. (BANK)        78,000             130
Turkey - 7.9%
 Dogan Sirketler Grubu Holding A.S.
  (MEDI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    15,782,800             466
 Dogan Yayin Holding Corp. * (FUND)  . . .     8,191,000             121
 Ege Biracilik ve Malt Sanayi A.S. (FOOD)      1,889,000             144
 Erciyas Biracilik ve Malt Sanayi A.S.
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       247,000              12
 Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari T.A.S
  (STEE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,604,000              67
 Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AG (FUND) . . .     3,590,000             208
 Migros Turk T.A.S. (RETF) . . . . . . . .        56,091              36
 Tupras-Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.S.
  (OILX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       553,000              62
 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. (BANK) . . .     9,965,000             151
 Turkiye Is Bankasi (Isbank) - Cl. C (BANK)    5,498,000             264
 Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
  (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       614,123             147
 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. (BANK) . . . .    28,319,400             874
 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. - GDR *
  (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           500              15
United Kingdom - 0.1%
 Billiton Plc (META) . . . . . . . . . . .         3,680              22

United States - 2.8%
 Amdocs, Ltd. * (TELS) . . . . . . . . . .         3,663             127
 Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing,
  Ltd. - ADR * (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .           100               7
 Comverse Technology, Inc. * (COMP)  . . .         1,073             155
 DSP Group, Inc. * (ETRN)  . . . . . . . .         1,208             112
 Far Eastern Textile, Ltd. - GDR 144A * (a)
  (APPA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12,800             309
 Jacada, Ltd. * (SOFT) . . . . . . . . . .           310               9
 Polski Koncern Naftowy SA - GDR *
  (OILS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,342              53
 Radware, Ltd. * (SOFT)  . . . . . . . . .           480              21
 Sapiens International Corp., N.V. * (SOFT)        1,660              27
 Tecnomatix Technologies, Ltd. * (SOFT)  .           910              26



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value

United States - Continued
 TTI Team Telecom International, Ltd. *
  (TELS)                                           1,320        $     24
 Zoran Corp. * (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .           670              38
                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-         90.7%         29,550

Brazil - 4.4%
 Celular CRT Participacoes * (TELS)  . . .       986,200             172
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais -
  CEMIG (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,777,800              85
 Companhia Riograndense de
  Telecomunicacoes * (TELS). . . . . . . .       678,000             210
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Cl. A *
  (META) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,959             276
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras
  (OILS)                                         950,454             242
 Tele Celular Sul Participacoes SA
  (TELS)                                       2,481,000               8
 Tele Centro Sul Participacoes SA (UTIT) .     2,200,000              40
 Tele Nordeste Celular Participacoes S.A.
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,983,600              18
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA
  (UTIT)                                       4,457,000             120
 Tele Sudeste Celular Participacoes SA
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,181,730              75
 Telemig Celular Participacoes SA (TELS) .    13,849,850              30
 Telesp Celular Participacoes SA *
  (TELS)                                       2,297,200              41
 Telesp Celular SA - Cl. B * (TELS)  . . .       740,272              59
 Telesp Participacoes SA * (UTIT)  . . . .     2,000,000              48
                     TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-          4.4%          1,424

RIGHTS - 0.0%

South Korea - 0.0%
 Serome Technology, Inc. (SOFT)
 expires 01/26/00 (Cost $0)  . . . . . . .            55               3


Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
 5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . .   $     1,191           1,191
                                             -----------        --------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-         98.7%         32,168
       Cash and Receivables, less payables-          1.3%            428
                                             -----------        --------
                                NET ASSETS-        100.0%        $32,596
                                             ===========        ========

*    Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt
GDR - Global Depository Receipt
(a)  Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities
     may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to
     qualified institutional buyers. At December 31, 1999, securities aggregated
     $463 or 1.42% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.


                                                        Market          % of
                                      Industry           Value        Long-Term
             Industry               Abbreviation        (000's)      Investments

Electronic Products and Services . .    ETRN            $5,495          17.7%
Telecommunication Services . . . . .    TELS             5,275          17.1%
Banks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    BANK             2,855           9.2%
Telephone  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    UTIT             2,359           7.6%
Computer Equipment . . . . . . . . .    COMP             1,985           6.4%
Media - TV / Radio . . . . . . . . .    MEDI             1,847           6.0%
Computer Software and Services . . .    SOFT             1,539           5.0%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco . . . . .    FOOD             1,098           3.5%
Oil  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    OILS               925           3.0%
Telecommunication Equipment  . . . .    TELE               866           2.8%
Construction . . . . . . . . . . . .    CONS               857           2.8%
Electric Power . . . . . . . . . . .    UTIE               721           2.4%
Financial Services . . . . . . . . .    FINL               602           1.9%
Diversified Operations . . . . . . .    DIOP               600           1.9%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing . . .    APPA               584           1.9%
Brokerage and Investment
  Management . . . . . . . . . . . .    FUND               510           1.7%
Metals and Mining  . . . . . . . . .    META               457           1.5%
Steel  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    STEE               409           1.3%
Automobile . . . . . . . . . . . . .    AUTO               313           1.0%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
  and Production . . . . . . . . . .    OILX               258           0.8%
Transportation Services  . . . . . .    TRAN               187           0.6%
Consumer - Miscellaneous   . . . . .    CNSU               166           0.5%
Cosmetics and Personal Care
  Products . . . . . . . . . . . . .    HNBA               155           0.5%
Electrical Equipment . . . . . . . .    ELEQ               138           0.4%
Chemicals  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    CHEM               136           0.4%
Retail - Department Stores . . . . .    RETS               134           0.4%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones  . . . .    PMET               123           0.4%
Paper and Forest Products  . . . . .    PAPR               114           0.4%
Health Care Products . . . . . . . .    HEAL                63           0.2%
Real Estate Development  . . . . . .    READ                57           0.2%
Personal and Commercial
  Lending  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    LEND                49           0.2%
Retail - Food  . . . . . . . . . . .    RETF                36           0.1%
Media - Publishing . . . . . . . . .    MEDP                30           0.1%
Commercial Services  . . . . . . . .    COMM                20           0.1%
Household Appliances /
  Furnishings  . . . . . . . . . . .    APPL                14           0.0%
                                                      --------       -------
                                                       $30,977         100.0%
                                                      ========       =======



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value
Argentina - 0.3%
 Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires SA de CV
  - Cl. B (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,184        $     80
 Banco Frances SA (BANK) . . . . . . . . .        10,000              79
 IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones SA
  (READ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,185              52
 Perez Companc SA - Cl. B * (OILE) . . . .        32,000             164
 Siderca S.A.I.C. (STEE) . . . . . . . . .        35,000              74
 Telefonica de Argentina - Cl. B * (UTIT)         71,000             218
Australia - 1.6%
 Amcor, Ltd. (CONT)  . . . . . . . . . . .        14,400              67
 Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . .         7,200             199
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP).        35,100             461
 Coca Cola Amatil (FOOD) . . . . . . . . .        23,200              63
 Coles Myer, Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . . . . .        27,200             140
 CSR, Ltd. (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        37,900              92
 Foster's Brewing Group, Ltd. (FOOD) . . .        70,100             201
 Lend Lease Corp. (FINL) . . . . . . . . .        13,200             185
 National Australia Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . .        30,600             468
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) . . . . . . . . .        38,800             377
 Normandy Mining, Ltd. * (PMET)  . . . . .        94,800              67
 North, Ltd. (META)  . . . . . . . . . . .        34,600              82
 Orica, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . .        15,500              84
 Pacific Dunlop, Ltd. (DIOP) . . . . . . .        59,000              83
 Pioneer International, Ltd. (CONS)  . . .        41,900             126
 Rio Tinto, Ltd. (PMET)  . . . . . . . . .         7,900             170
 Santos, Ltd. (OILX) . . . . . . . . . . .        38,000             104
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS)  . . . . . . .        76,300             415
 Westpac Banking Corp., Ltd. (BANK)  . . .        46,600             321
 WMC, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        29,500             163
Austria - 1.0%
 Austria Tabak AG (FOOD) . . . . . . . . .         3,700             179
 Austrian Airlines (TRAN)  . . . . . . . .         3,150              60
 Bank Austria AG (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .        13,000             733
 BBAG Oesterreichische Brau Beteiligungs AG
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,150              87
 Bohler-Uddeholm AG (STEE) . . . . . . . .         1,500              69
 EA-Generali AG (INSU) . . . . . . . . . .         1,050             176
 Flughafe n Wie n AG (TRAN)  . . . . . . .         4,000             139
 Mayr-Melnhof Karton Ag (PAPR) . . . . . .         1,800              83
 Oesterreichische Elektrizitaetswirtschafts
  AG (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,200             450
 OMV AG (OILX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,000             292
 RHI AG (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,050              59
 VA Technologie AG (ENGI)  . . . . . . . .         1,400              92
 Wienerberger Baustoffindustrie AG (CONS)          7,200             157
Belgium - 1.1%
 Barco NV (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .           559              78
 Bekaert NV (METP) . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,390              77
 Colruyt NV (RETF) . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,870             107
 Compagnie Maritime Belge SA (TRAN)  . . .         1,921              92
 D'Ieteren SA (AUTO) . . . . . . . . . . .           290             119
 Delhaize "Le Lion" SA (RETF)  . . . . . .         1,955             147
 Dolmen Computer Applications NV * (COMP)            187               6
 Electrabel SA (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . .         1,236             405
 Fortis (B) (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . .        20,892             754
 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA (FUND)  . . .         1,094             220
 Heidelberger Zement AG * (CONS) . . . . .         1,048
 KBC Bancassurance Holding NV (BANK) . . .         4,940             266
 N.V. Union Miniere SA * (META)  . . . . .         1,461              57
 Solvay SA (FINL)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,115             175
 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux SA - Strip VVPR *
  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,341
 Total Fina SA - Strip VVPR * (DIOP) . . .         3,609
 UCB SA (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,800             208
Brazil - 0.2%
 Centrais Electricas Brasileiras SA (UTIE)    10,577,000             231
 Companhia Siderurgica Nacional * (STEE) .     1,655,000              64
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA (UTIT)      4,096,000              74
 Telesp Participacoes SA * (UTIT)  . . . .     5,219,000              72
Chile - 0.4%
 Banco Santiago SA - ADR (BANK)  . . . . .         2,900              62
 Compania Cervecerias Unidas SA - ADR
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,900              93
 Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile SA
  (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,000             146
 Embotelladora Andina SA - ADR (FOOD)  . .         6,100             108
 Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA - ADR
  (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        10,100             143
 Enersis SA - ADR - (UTIE) . . . . . . . .         3,700              87
 Gener SA - ADR (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . .         3,500              54
 Laboratorio Chile SA - ADR (HEAL) . . . .         5,700             104
 Madeco SA - ADR (META)  . . . . . . . . .         8,700              97
 Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA -
  ADR (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,100              35
China - 0.0%
 Harbin Power Equipment Co., Ltd. - H
  Shares (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,148,000              62
 Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd. - B
  Shares * (AUTO)  . . . . . . . . . . . .       208,000              30



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value
Czech Republic - 0.1%
 Ceska Sporitelna AS (BANK)  . . . . . . .         9,500        $     43
 Ceske Energeticke Zavody AS (UTIE)  . . .        20,000              49
 Komercni Banka AS (BANK)  . . . . . . . .         3,000              49
 SPT Telecom AS (TELS) . . . . . . . . . .         6,300             102
Denmark - 1.0%
 A/S Dampskibsselskabet Svendborg - Cl. B
  (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            27             449
 D/S 1912 - Cl. B (TRAN) . . . . . . . . .            40             471
 Danisco A/S (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . .         2,450              95
 Den Danske Bank (BANK). . . . . . . . . .         2,250             247
 Iss International Service System A/S - Cl.
  B (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,650             111
 Novo-Nordisk A/S - Cl. B (HEAL) . . . . .         2,450             325
 Tele Danmark A/S (TELS) . . . . . . . . .         8,150             606
 Unidanmark A/S - Cl. A (BANK) . . . . . .         2,300             162
Finland - 1.3%
 Merita plc * (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .        20,500             121
 Nokia Oyj (TELE)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        14,200           2,575
 Outokumpu Oyj (META)  . . . . . . . . . .         3,500              50
 Sampo Insurance Co. plc (INSU)  . . . . .         2,500              87
 Sonera Oyj (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,494             239
 UPM-Kymmene Corp. * (PAPR). . . . . . . .         4,400             177
France - 9.4%
 Accor SA (LEIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,285             255
 Air Liquide (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . . .         1,735             291
 Alcatel Alsthom (TELE)  . . . . . . . . .         4,190             962
 AXA SA (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,216           1,146
 Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK)  . . . .        12,171           1,123
 Bouygues SA (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . . .           847             538
 Canal Plus (MEDI) . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,512             511
 Cap Gemini SA (COMM)  . . . . . . . . . .         1,622             412
 Carrefour SA (RETF) . . . . . . . . . . .         9,023           1,664
 Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA (RETF) . . .         2,053             235
 Club Mediterranee SA (LEIS) . . . . . . .         1,000             116
 Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS)  . . . . .         2,112             397
 Eridania Beghin-Say SA (FOOD) . . . . . .           758              82
 Essilor International SA (HEAL) . . . . .           358             111
 France Telecom (TELS) . . . . . . . . . .        21,203           2,804
 Group Danone * (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . .         1,801             425
 Imercys (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .           794             118
 L'Oreal (HNBA)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,524           1,223
 Lafarge SA (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,526             294
 Lagardere S.C.A. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . .         4,108             224
 Michelin (PART) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,987             157
 Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (FOOD). . . .         2,323           1,041
 Pernod Ricard (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . .         1,763             101
 Pinault-Printemps-Redoute SA (RETS) . . .         2,671             705
 PSA Peugeot Citroen (AUTO). . . . . . . .         1,457             331
 Rhone-Poule nc SA (BANK)  . . . . . . . .         8,694             505
 Sagem SA * (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . .           420             292
 Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL) . . . . . .        12,996             541
 Schneider SA (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . .         3,911             307
 Sidel SA (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,162             120
 Societe BIC SA (COMM) . . . . . . . . . .         1,789              81
 Societe Eurafrance SA (FINL)  . . . . . .           162              98
 Societe Generale de Paris (BANK). . . . .         2,584             601
 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (DIOP)  . . . . .         5,754             922
 Thomson CFS (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . .         3,440             114
 Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX)  . . . . . .         3,609             485
 Total SA - Cl. B (OILX) . . . . . . . . .        15,421           2,058
 Unibail (REAL)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .           700              88
 Usinor SA (STEE)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,601             162
 Valeo SA (PART) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,282             176
 Vivendi (DIOP). . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12,592           1,137
Germany - 13.5%
 Adidas-Salomon AG (APPA)  . . . . . . . .         1,920             144
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU)  . . . . . . . .         8,380           2,815
 BASF AG (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        21,860           1,123
 Bayer AG (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        24,980           1,183
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK)  . . . .        15,172           1,036
 Beiersdorf AG (HNBA)  . . . . . . . . . .         4,120             277
 Bilfinger & Berger Bau AG (CONS)  . . . .         2,960              65
 Buderus AG (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,860              48
 Continental AG (PART).  . . . . . . . . .         5,950             119
 DaimlerChrysler AG * (AUTO) . . . . . . .        28,730           2,234
 Deutsche Bank AG (BANK) . . . . . . . . .        18,150           1,533
 Deutsche Telekom AG (TELS)  . . . . . . .       101,940           7,260
 Douglas Holding AG (HNBA) . . . . . . . .         1,890              81
 Dresdner Bank AG (BANK) . . . . . . . . .        18,460           1,004
 EM.TV & Merchandising AG (MEDI) . . . . .         1,973             127
 Fresenius Medical Care AG (HEAL). . . . .           600              51
 Heidelberg Zement (CONS). . . . . . . . .         2,530             199
 Heidelberger Zement AG * (CONS) . . . . .         1,048              78
 Hochtief AG (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . . .         3,810             142
 Karstadt AG (RETS)  . . . . . . . . . . .         6,800             273
 Linde AG (ENGI) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,300             181
 Lufthansa AG (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . .        14,730             343
 MAN AG (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,400             165
 Mannesmann AG (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . .        13,349           3,221
 Merck KGaA (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,360             228
 Metro AG * (RETS) . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,200             495
  Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG - Reg.
  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,110           1,296
 Preussag AG (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . .         6,400             357
 RWE AG (OILX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12,500             490
 SAP AG (SOFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,120           1,044
 Schering AG (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . .         2,530             306
 SGL Carbon AG (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . .         1,190              79
 Siemens AG (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . .        18,860           2,400
 Thyssen Krupp AG (CONS) . . . . . . . . .        15,100             460



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued
Germany - Continued
 VEBA AG (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        18,130        $    881
 Viag AG (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        26,520             486
 Volkswagen AG (AUTO). . . . . . . . . . .        11,100             626
Greece - 0.5%
 Alpha Credit Bank (BANK)  . . . . . . . .         2,940             230
 Commercial Bank of Greece (BANK)  . . . .         1,780             136
 EFG Eurobank * (BANK) . . . . . . . . . .         1,680              73
 Ergo Bank SA (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .           760              73
 Hellenic Bottling Co. SA (FOOD) . . . . .         2,900              67
 Hellenic Telecommunication Organization
  SA (UTIT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,280             267
 Intracom SA (TELE)  . . . . . . . . . . .         2,240             103
 National Bank of Greece SA (BANK) . . . .         4,600             339
 Titan Cement Co. SA (CONS). . . . . . . .         1,400              83
Hong Kong - 0.9%
 Cheung Kong (Holdings), Ltd. (READ) . . .        23,000             291
 CLP Holdings, Ltd. (UTIE) . . . . . . . .        31,500             145
 Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . .        22,700             259
 Hong Kong Telecommunications, Ltd. (TELS)       135,800             392
 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM)  . . . . .        40,000             582
 New World Development Co., Ltd. (READ). .        27,000              61
 Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT)  . .        25,000             261
 Swire Pacific, Ltd. - Cl. A (DIOP)  . . .        23,500             139
 Wharf (Holdings), Ltd. (DIOP) . . . . . .        44,000             102
Hungary - 0.3%
 Fotex Rt. (RETS)  . . . . . . . . . . . .       101,800              37
 Gedeon Richter Rt. (HEAL) . . . . . . . .         2,600             171
 Magyar Tavkozlesi Rt. (UTIT)  . . . . . .        46,500             326
 MOL Magyar Olaj-es Gazipari Rt. (OILX)  .         6,000             125
 OTP Bank Rt. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .         2,300             135
India - 0.8%
 Arvind Mills, Ltd. - GDR (APPA) . . . . .        62,900              35
 Bajaj Auto, Ltd. - GDR (AUTO) . . . . . .        14,300             132
 Century Textiles & Industries, Ltd. - GDR
  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        33,200              44
 EIH, Ltd. - GDR (REAL)  . . . . . . . . .         7,800              37
 Grasim Industries, Ltd. - GDR (DIOP)  . .         4,560              62
 Great Eastern Shipping Co. - GDR (TRAN) .        20,800              49
 Gujarat Ambuja Cements, Ltd. - GDR (CONS)         23,800            179
 Hindalco Industries, Ltd. - GDR (META)  .         5,500             128
 India Cements, Ltd. - GDR (CONS). . . . .        39,800              74
 Indian Hotels Co., Ltd. - GDR (REAL)  . .         8,500              80
 Indian Rayon and Industries, Ltd. - GDR
  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        15,200              41
 ITC, Ltd. - GDR * (FOOD)  . . . . . . . .         9,100             177
 Larsen & Toubro, Ltd. - GDR (DIOP). . . .        13,500             446
 Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd. - GDR * (AUTO)          8,600              92
 Ranbaxy Laboratories, Ltd. - GDR (HEAL) .         4,900             106
 Reliance Industries, Ltd. - GDR * (CHEM)         17,400             245
 Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co., Ltd.
  - GDR (AUTO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        17,000              89
Ireland - 0.5%
 Allied Irish Banks plc (BANK) . . . . . .        26,800             305
 CRH plc (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,300             287
 Eircom plc * (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . .        60,667             260
 Greencore Group plc (FOOD). . . . . . . .        26,000              80
 Irish Life & Permanent plc (FINL) . . . .         9,553              90
 Jefferson Smurfit Group plc (CONT)  . . .        30,400              92
 Kerry Group plc (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . .         8,400             101
Israel - 0.3%
 Bank Hapoalim (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . .        43,700             136
 Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Corp.,
  Ltd. (UTIT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        28,300             141
 First International Bank of Israel, Ltd.
  (1) (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        33,700              45
 First International Bank of Israel, Ltd.
  (5) (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,500              44
 IDB Holding Corp., Ltd. (FUND)  . . . . .         1,900              63
 Industrial Building Corp. (CONS)  . . . .        45,100              69
 Makteshim-Agan Industries, Ltd. * (CHEM)         26,900              47
 Supersol, Ltd. * (RETF) . . . . . . . . .        23,700              81
 Teva pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.
  (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,600             110
Italy - 7.1%
 Alitalia SpA (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . .        60,000             143
 Assicurazioni Generali (INSU) .. . . . . .       42,250           1,396
 Autogrill SpA (RETF)  . . . . . . . . . .         5,541              70
 Banca Intesa SpA (BANK) . . . . . . . . .       147,800             600
 Banca Intesa SpA - RNC (BANK) . . . . . .        37,400              76
 Banca Popolare di Milano (BANK) . . . . .        18,100             141
 Benetton Group SpA (APPA) . . . . . . . .       103,979             239
 Beni Stabili SpA * (REAL) . . . . . . . .        62,154              22
 Bulgari SpA (RETS)  . . . . . . . . . . .        18,900             170
 Burgo (Cartiere) SpA (PAPR) . . . . . . .        16,700             110
 Credito Italiano SpA (BANK) . . . . . . .       201,600             991
 ENI SpA (OILS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       328,800           1,808



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value

Italy - Continued
 Fiat SpA (AUTO) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        21,350        $    549
 Fiat SpA - RNC (AUTO) . . . . . . . . . .         3,720              55
 Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino
  (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        62,154             845
 Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni
  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       187,600             497
 Italcementi SpA (CONS)  . . . . . . . . .        10,500             127
 Italgas SpA (UTIG)  . . . . . . . . . . .        40,300             153
 La Rinascente SpA (CONS). . . . . . . . .        10,500              67
 Marzotto & Figli SpA (APPA) . . . . . . .         7,500              54
 Mediaset SpA (MEDI) . . . . . . . . . . .        56,200             874
 Mediobanca SpA (FUND) . . . . . . . . . .        20,000             204
 Mondadori (Arnoldo) Editore SpA (MEDP)  .         8,400             266
 Montedison SpA (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . .       114,540             187
 Olivetti SpA (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . .       198,400             575
 Parmalat Finanziaria SpA (FOOD) . . . . .        77,600              99
 Pirelli SpA (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . .        81,100             223
 Riunione Adriatica di Sicorta SpA (INSU)         18,650             187
 Riunione Adriatica di Sicorta SpA - RNC
  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,600              93
 Sirti SpA (TELE)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,100              40
 Societa Assicuratrice Industriale (INSU)          8,600              96
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS)  . . . .       280,100           3,129
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA - RNC (TELS)  .        68,200             325
 Telecom Italia SpA * (TELS) . . . . . . .       171,500           2,419
 Telecom Italia SpA - RNC (TELS) . . . . .        47,300             288
 Unione Immobiliare SpA * (REAL) . . . . .       264,910             123
Japan - 30.9%
 77 Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . .        18,000             189
 Acom Co., Ltd. (LEND) . . . . . . . . . .         4,200             411
 Advantest (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,900             766
 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (FOOD)  . . . . . . .        20,000             208
 Alps Electric Co. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . .         7,000             107
 Amada Co., Ltd (MACH) . . . . . . . . . .        13,000              71
 Aoyama Trading Co. (RETS) . . . . . . . .         2,600              56
 Arabian Oil Co., Ltd. (OILS)  . . . . . .         4,200              72
 Asahi Bank, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . . . .        66,000             407
 Asahi Breweries, Ltd. (FOOD)  . . . . . .        13,000             142
 Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (CHEM)         42,000             216
 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (APPL)  . . . . . .        39,000             302
 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (BANK) . . . . .       127,000           1,770
 Bank of Yokohama, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . .        10,000              46
 Benesse Corp. (COMM). . . . . . . . . . .         1,300             313
 Bridgestone Corp. (PART)  . . . . . . . .        21,000             462
 Canon, Inc. (COMM)  . . . . . . . . . . .        25,000             993
 Casio Computer Co. (ETRN) . . . . . . . .         9,000              75
 Chiyoda Corp. * (ENGI)  . . . . . . . . .        16,000              23
 Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. (RETS). . . . . .        10,000              64
 Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. (OILX)  . . . . . . .        33,000              49
 Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (FINL)  . . . . .         5,600              98
 CSK Corp. (SOFT)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,200             520
 Dai Nippon Printng Co., Ltd. (COMM) . . .        19,000             303
 Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. (CHEM) .        16,000              45
 Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL) .        10,000             130
 Daikin Industries, Ltd. (CONS)  . . . . .        10,000             136
 Dainippon Ink & Chemicals, Inc. (CHEM)  .        28,000              83
 Dainippon Screen Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  (ELEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,000              54
 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. (REAL)         2,200              25
 Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. (HOUS) . .        17,000             126
 Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) . . . .        37,000             579
 Denso Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . .        24,000             573
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN) . . . . . .           107             577
 Ebara Corp. (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . . .         9,000             100
 Eisai Co. Ltd. (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . .        10,000             192
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ)  . . . . . . . . . . .         6,800             866
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .        95,000             923
 Fuji Photo Film (LEIS)  . . . . . . . . .        14,000             511
 Fuji Soft ABC, Inc. (SOFT)  . . . . . . .         1,000              78
 Fujikura (ELEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,000              44
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ)  . . . . . . . . . .        51,000           2,326
 Furukawa Electric Co. (TELE)  . . . . . .        10,000             152
 Hankyu Corp. (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . .        23,000              82
 Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. (ETRN)  . . . .         1,500             336
 Hitachi Zosen Corp. (CONS)  . . . . . . .        52,000              39
 Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .        88,000           1,413
 Honda Motor Co. (AUTO)  . . . . . . . . .        26,000             967
 Hoya Corp. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,000             315
 Industrial Bank of Japan (BANK) . . . . .        65,000             627
 Isetan Co., Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . . . . .        14,000             103
 Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . . .        12,000           1,304
 Itochu Corp. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . .        48,000             239
 Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (TRAN) . . . . .        63,000             187
 Japan Energy Corp. (OILX) . . . . . . . .        86,000              78
 Japan Tobacco, Inc. (FOOD)  . . . . . . .            38             291
 Joyo Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .        29,000             133
 JUSCO Co., Ltd. * (RETS)  . . . . . . . .        11,000             192
 Kajima Corp. (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . .        35,000             104
 Kaneka Corp. (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . .        14,000             179
 Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. (UTIE)  .        20,100             350
 KAO Corp. (HNBA)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,000             457
 Kawasaki Heavy Industry, Ltd. (DIOP)  . .        46,000              61
 Kawasaki Steel Corp. (STEE) . . . . . . .       100,000             179
 Keihin Electric Express Railway Co., Ltd.
  (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        35,000             120
 Kinden Corp. (ENGI) . . . . . . . . . . .        12,000              92
 Kinki Nippon Railway (TRAN) . . . . . . .        35,000             140
 Kirin Brewery Co. (FOOD)  . . . . . . . .        31,000             326
 Kokuyo Co. (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,000              80
 Komatsu, Ltd. (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . .        30,000             138
 Komori Corp. (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . .         4,000              76



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value

Japan - Continued
 Konami Co., Ltd. (COMP) . . . . . . . . .         1,300        $    232
 Konica Corp. (LEIS) . . . . . . . . . . .        17,000              63
 Kubota Corp. (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . .        48,000             184
 Kuraray Co., Ltd. (APPA)  . . . . . . . .        10,000             101
 Kurita Water Industries, Ltd. (POLL)  . .         5,000              79
 Kyocera Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .         5,600           1,452
 Makita Corp. (CNSU) . . . . . . . . . . .         8,000              72
 Marubeni Corp. (DIOP)   . . . . . . . . .        55,000             231
 Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS)  . . . . . . . . .        13,000             194
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN)        53,000           1,468
 Minebea Co., Ltd. (CHEM)  . . . . . . . .        13,000             223
 Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. (CHEM)  . . . .        61,000             215
 Mitsubishi Corp. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . .        44,000             340
 Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (ETRN)  . . . .        65,000             420
 Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (REAL)  . . .        37,000             361
 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MACH)         90,000             300
 Mitsubishi Logistcs Corp. (TRAN)  . . . .         7,000              45
 Mitsubishi Materials Corp. (PMET) . . . .        39,000              95
 Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd. (APPA) . . . .        27,000              66
 Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corp. (BANK) .        37,000             326
 Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (DIOP) . . . . . . . .        46,000             322
 Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co.,
  Ltd. * (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        48,000              33
 Mitsui Fudosan (REAL) . . . . . . . . . .        24,000             163
 Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25,000             148
 Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. (META)        17,000              80
 Mitsui Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (BANK) .        27,000              61
 Mitsukoshi, Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . . . . .        14,000              49
 Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. (MACH) . . . . . . .         5,000              67
 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN) . .         7,000           1,644
 Mycal Corp. (RETS)  . . . . . . . . . . .        20,000              87
 NAMCO, Ltd. (LEIS)  . . . . . . . . . . .         3,800             246
 NEC Corp. (COMP)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        43,000           1,025
 NGK Insulators (PART) . . . . . . . . . .        13,000              97
 NGK Spark Plug Co. (PART) . . . . . . . .        11,000             101
 Nichiei Co., Ltd. (LEND)  . . . . . . . .         1,500              33
 Nidec Corp. (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . . .         1,000             289
 Nikon Corp. (LEIS)  . . . . . . . . . . .        11,000             323
 Nintendo Corp., Ltd. (LEIS) . . . . . . .         3,800             632
 Nippon Comsys Corp. (ENGI)  . . . . . . .         6,000             124
 Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (TRAN) . . . . .        31,000             171
 Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Co., Ltd. (OILX)  .        59,000             260
 Nippon Paper Industries Co. (PAPR)  . . .        25,000             138
 Nippon Steel Co. (STEE) . . . . . . . . .       188,000             440
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT)           346           5,926
 Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (TRAN)  . .        54,000             221
 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp. (FINL)  . .        64,000             252
 Nitto Denko Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . .         7,000             350
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)  . . .        50,000             903
 NSK, Ltd. (META)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        20,000             137
 NTN Corp. (METP)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        23,000              68
 Obayashi Corp. (CONS) . . . . . . . . . .        22,000             104
 Oji Paper Co. (PAPR)  . . . . . . . . . .        27,000             163
 Okuma Corp. (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . . .        11,000              34
 Olympus Optical Co. (LEIS)  . . . . . . .        11,000             156
 Omron Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . .         8,000             184
 Onward Kashiyama Co., Ltd. (APPA) . . . .         9,000             123
 Oriental Land Co., Ltd. (LEIS)  . . . . .         1,000              86
 Orix Corp. (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,000             451
 Osaka Gas Co. (UTIG)  . . . . . . . . . .        81,000             195
 Pioneer Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .         6,000             159
 Promise Co., Ltd. (LEND)  . . . . . . . .         2,600             132
 RENOWN, Inc. * (APPA) . . . . . . . . . .        23,000              56
 Rohm Co., Ltd. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . .         3,000           1,233
 Sakura Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . .       116,000             672
 Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL) . . . . . . . . .        13,000             267
 Sanrio Co., Ltd. * (CNSU) . . . . . . . .         3,000             111
 Sanyo Electric Co. (ETRN) . . . . . . . .        56,000             227
 Secom Co. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,000             881
 Sega Enterprises (CNSU) . . . . . . . . .         4,300             137
 Sekisui Chemical Co. (CHEM) . . . . . . .        20,000              89
 Sekisui House, Ltd. (CONS)  . . . . . . .        25,000             221
 Sharp Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . .        31,000             793
 Shimamura Co., Ltd. (RETS)  . . . . . . .         1,000             159
 SHIMANO, Inc. (LEIS)  . . . . . . . . . .         5,000              88
 Shimizu Corp. (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . .        29,000              96
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM) . . . . . .         9,000             388
 Shionogi & Co., Ltd. (HEAL) . . . . . . .        14,000             170
 Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM) . . . . . . . .        14,000             204
 Shizuoka Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . .        19,000             195
 Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K. (OILX)  . . . . .        21,000              93
 SMC Corp. (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,000             443
 Softbank Corp. * (SOFT) . . . . . . . . .         3,000           2,872
 Sony Corp. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,000           3,262
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . .        86,000           1,178
 Sumitomo Chemical Co. (CHEM)  . . . . . .        48,000             226
 Sumitomo Corp. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . .        32,000             310
 Sumitomo Electric Industries (TELE) . . .        19,000             220
 Sumitomo Heavy Industry (MACH)  . . . . .        31,000              85
 Sumitomo Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        24,000             148
 Sumitomo Metal Industries (STEE)  . . . .       102,000              77
 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. (PMET)  . . . .        17,000              38
 Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)  .        10,000             294
 Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd. (ELEQ)  . . . . . .         4,000             237
 Takashimaya Co. (RETS)  . . . . . . . . .        12,000              83
 Takeda Chemical Industries (HEAL) . . . .        24,000           1,186
 Takefuji Corp. (LEND) . . . . . . . . . .         3,000             376
 Teijin, Ltd. (APPA) . . . . . . . . . . .        30,000             111
 Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd. (OILX)  . . . . . .        19,000              58
 Terumo Corp. (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . .         4,000             107
 The Daiwa Bank, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . .        39,000             115



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value

Japan - Continued
 Tobu Railway Co., Ltd. (TRAN) . . . . . .        36,000        $    106
 Toho Co., Ltd. (MEDI) . . . . . . . . . .         1,200             175
 Tohoku Electric Power (UTIE)  . . . . . .        13,000             193
 Tokai Bank Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .        53,000             334
 Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co. (INSU)         42,000             491
 Tokyo Broadcasting (MEDI) . . . . . . . .         7,000             237
 Tokyo Dome Corp. (LEIS) . . . . . . . . .         7,000              34
 Tokyo Electric Power (UTIE) . . . . . . .        35,700             957
 Tokyo Electron, Ltd. (ETRN) . . . . . . .         5,000             685
 Tokyo Gas Co. (OILX)  . . . . . . . . . .        86,000             210
 Tokyu Corp. (TRAN)  . . . . . . . . . . .        26,000              63
 Toppan Printing Co. (CNSU)  . . . . . . .        20,000             200
 Toray Industries, Inc. (APPA) . . . . . .        33,000             128
 Toshiba Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .        78,000             595
 Tostem Corp. (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . .         8,000             144
 Toto, Ltd. (APPL) . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,000              79
 Toyo Seikan Kaisha, Ltd. (CONT) . . . . .         8,000             116
 Toyota Motor Corp. (AUTO) . . . . . . . .       102,000           4,942
 Trans Cosmos, Inc. (SOFT) . . . . . . . .           700             299
 Uni-Charm Corp. (PAPR)  . . . . . . . . .         3,000             173
 UNY Co., Ltd. (RETS)  . . . . . . . . . .        11,000             108
 Wacoal Corp. (APPA) . . . . . . . . . . .        11,000              97
 Yamaha Corp. (LEIS) . . . . . . . . . . .         6,000              39
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)       10,000             349
 Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (TRAN) . . . .        14,000             543
 Yokogawa Electric (ETRN)  . . . . . . . .        11,000              78
Mexico - 1.1%
 Alfa, SA * (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,000              75
 Apasco SA de CV (CONS)  . . . . . . . . .         6,000              37
 Cemex SA de CV - CPO * (CONS) . . . . . .        34,000             190
 Cifra SA de CV - Ser. C (RETS)  . . . . .        25,000              48
 Cifra SA de CV - Ser. V (RETS)  . . . . .        96,000             192
 Desc SA de CV - Ser. B (DIOP) . . . . . .        39,000              32
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de C.V.
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        20,000              89
 Grupo Carso SA de CV - Ser. A1 (DIOP) . .        24,000             120
 Grupo Financiero Banamex Accival SA de CV
  (Banacci) (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . .        35,000             140
 Grupo Financiero Bancomer SA de CV - Cl. O
  (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       157,000              66
 Grupo Mexico SA - Ser. B (META) . . . . .        18,000              89
 Grupo Modelo SA de CV - C Shares (FOOD) .        62,000             170
 Grupo SA de CV - Ser. A (FOOD)  . . . . .        24,000              54
 Grupo Televisa SA * (MEDI)  . . . . . . .         6,000             203
 Industrias Penoles SA * (META)  . . . . .        20,000              58
 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SA de CV (PAPR)         47,000             183
 Telephonos de Mexico SA - Ser. L (UTIT) .       163,000             912
Netherlands - 2.7%
 ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK)  . . . . . . .        18,400             460
 Aegon NV (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,100             589
 Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . .         3,850             193
 ASM Lithography Holding NV (ETRN) . . . .           800              89
 Elsevier NV (MEDP)  . . . . . . . . . . .        10,500             125
 Heineken NV (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . .         4,375             213
 ING Groep NV (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .         9,800             592
 Koninklijke (Royal) Philips Electronics NV
  (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,932             535
 Koninklijke Ahold NV (RETF) . . . . . . .         7,000             207
 KPN NV (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,556             640
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILS)  . . . .        22,650           1,388
 STMicroelectronics * (ETRN) . . . . . . .         5,474             843
 TNT Post Group NV (TRAN)  . . . . . . . .         5,610             161
 Unilever NV - CVA (CNSU)  . . . . . . . .         5,819             322
 Wolters Kluwer NV - CVA (MEDP)  . . . . .         4,400             149
New Zealand - 0.3%
 Brierley Investments, Ltd. (LEIS) . . . .       295,300              62
 Carter Holt Harvey, Ltd. (PAPR) . . . . .        88,200             115
 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd. (TELS)        98,600             464
Norway - 0.6%
 ASK Proxima ASA * (COMP)  . . . . . . . .         3,520              25
 Den Norske Bank ASA (BANK)  . . . . . . .        28,960             119
 Kvaerner ASA - B Shares (CONS)  . . . . .         1,900              33
 Kvaerner plc (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . .         3,140              66
 Leif Hoegh & Co. ASA (TRAN) . . . . . . .         8,340              99
 Merkantildata ASA (SOFT)  . . . . . . . .         4,300              52
 NCL Holdings ASA * (LEIS) . . . . . . . .        13,800              60
 Norsk Hydro ASA (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . .         9,340             392
 Norske Skogsindustrier ASA - Cl. A (PAPR)         2,500             131
 Orkla ASA (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,920             137
 Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (OILE) . . . .         6,240             111
 Smedvig ASA - A Shares (OILS) . . . . . .         4,800              60
 Smedvig ASA - B Shares (OILS) . . . . . .         5,200              55
 Storebrand ASA (INSU) . . . . . . . . . .        13,040              99
 Tomra Systems ASA (COMM)  . . . . . . . .         1,600              27
Peru - 0.1%
 Credicorp, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .         3,600              43
 Telefonica del Peru S.A.A. - Cl. B (UTIT)        91,700             119



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value
Philippines - 0.1%
 Ayala Land, Inc. (READ) . . . . . . . . .       182,300        $     48
 Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. (BANK)  . .        13,090              94
 Petron Corp. (OILS) . . . . . . . . . . .       468,400              37
 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.
  (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,200              81
 SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (READ)  . . . . .       545,000             103
Portugal - 0.5%
 Banco Comercial Portgues SA (BANK)  . . .        33,000             183
 Banco Espirito Santo SA (BANK)  . . . . .         1,100              31
 BPI-SGPS, SA - Registered Shares (FUND) .        32,490             139
 Brisa-Auto Estradas de Portugal SA (CONS)         8,375              64
 EDP-Electricidade de Portugal SA (UTIE) .         9,000             157
 Estabelecimentos Jeronimo Martins &
  Filho, Sociedade Gestora de Participacoes
  Sociais SA (RETF)  . . . . . . . . . . .         3,600              92
 Portugal Telecom, SA (TELS) . . . . . . .        36,700             403
 Sonae Investimento-Sociedade Gestora de
  Participacoes Sociais SA (RETS)  . . . .         1,200              63
Singapore - 0.3%
 City Developments, Ltd. (READ)  . . . . .        41,000             240
 Cycle & Carriage, Ltd. (AUTO) . . . . . .         4,000              12
 DBS Group Holdings, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . .         9,000             148
 First Capital Corp., Ltd. (READ)  . . . .        31,000              41
 Hotel Properties, Ltd. (REAL) . . . . . .        50,000              45
 Singapore Telecommunications, Ltd. (TELS)       114,000             235
 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK) . . . .         8,448              75
South Africa - 1.1%
 ABSA Group, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . . . .        24,600             110
 Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd. (PMET)        5,400             164
 Barlow, Ltd. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . .        11,700              84
 De Beers Centenary AG (UTIE)  . . . . . .         9,100             265
 Dimension Data Holdings, Ltd. (COMP)  . .        16,983             106
 FirstRand, Ltd. (FINL)  . . . . . . . . .       164,400             235
 Foschini, Ltd. * (RETS) . . . . . . . . .        37,100             102
 Impala Platinum Holdings, Ltd. (META) . .         2,600             105
 Imperial Holdings, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . .         9,711             106
 Investec Group, Ltd. (FUND) . . . . . . .         2,300             102
 JD Group, Ltd. (APPL) . . . . . . . . . .         6,400              55
 Liberty Life Association of Africa, Ltd.
  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12,400             143
 M-Cell, Ltd. (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . .        40,200             155
 Metropolitan Life, Ltd. (INSU)  . . . . .        30,200              53
 Nampak, Ltd. (CONT) . . . . . . . . . . .        25,500              77
 Nedcor, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .         6,600             147
 Pepkor, Ltd. * (RETS) . . . . . . . . . .         9,700              46
 Rembrandt Group, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . . .        15,300             146
 Sappi, Ltd. (READ)  . . . . . . . . . . .        10,900             108
 Sasol, Ltd. (OILX)  . . . . . . . . . . .        12,800             108
 South African Breweries plc (FOOD)  . . .        19,300             196
South Korea - 1.3%
 Cheil Jedang Corp. (FOOD) . . . . . . . .         1,780             205
 Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. (PART) . . . . . .        18,030              51
 Housing & Commercial Bank, Korea (BANK) .         1,520              48
 Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. (AUTO)  . . . . .         7,570             120
 Kookmin Bank (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .         8,310             130
 Korea Electric Power Corp. (UTIE) . . . .        14,790             458
 L.G. Chemicals, Ltd. (CHEM) . . . . . . .         4,630             146
 L.G. Securities Co. (FINL)  . . . . . . .         1,800              31
 LG Electronics, Inc. - GDR * (ETRN) . . .         7,980             165
 Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (STEE)  . .         1,570             173
 Samsung Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .         6,120              92
 Samsung Display Devices Co. (ETRN)  . . .         2,610             108
 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. (ETRN)  . .         2,690             179
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN)  . . . . . . .         3,840             900
 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (INSU)  .         1,780              57
 Shinhan Bank (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .         7,310              79
 SK Corp. (OILS) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,651             141
 SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (TELS) . . . . . . .            60             215
Spain - 3.2%
 Altadis * (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,714             110
 Autopistas Concesionaria Espanola SA
  (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,503             131
 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK)  . . . . .        61,300             873
 Banco Santander Central Hispano SA (BANK)        90,100           1,020
 Corporacion Bancaria de Espana SA (BANK)         15,300             360
 Corporacion Financiera Alba SA (FUND)             6,000             205
 Corporacion Mapfre SA (INSU)  . . . . . .         2,100              35
 Endesa SA (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        28,100             558
 Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas SA
  (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,600              94
 Gas Natural SDG SA - E Shares (UTIG)  . .        13,800             318
 Grupo Dragados SA (CONS)  . . . . . . . .         8,400              74
 Iberdrola SA (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . .        27,500             381
 Repsol SA (OILX)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        30,000             696
 Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona SA
  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,484             124
 Sol Melia SA (LEIS) . . . . . . . . . . .         5,700              65
 Telefonica SA (UTIT)  . . . . . . . . . .        96,145           2,402
 TelePizza, SA * (RETF)  . . . . . . . . .         3,078              13
 Union Electrica Fenosa SA (UTIE)  . . . .        12,200             213



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued
Spain - Continued
 Vallehermoso SA (READ)  . . . . . . . . .         8,700        $     61
 Zardoya Otis SA (MACH)  . . . . . . . . .         8,866              87
Sweden - 1.6%
 Drott AB - B Shares (REAL)  . . . . . . .        10,200             116
 ForeningsSparbanken AB (BANK) . . . . . .         8,700             128
 Hennes & Mauritz AB - B Shares (RETS) . .        13,800             462
 NetCom Systems, Inc. - Cl. B (TELS) . . .         2,032             143
 Sandvik AB - Cl. A (MACH) . . . . . . . .         4,950             155
 Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM)  . . . . .         9,200             167
 Skand Enskilda Banken - Cl. A (BANK)  . .        10,200             103
 Skandia Forsakrings AB (INSU) . . . . . .         9,500             287
 Skanska AB (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,100             115
 Svenska Cellulosa AB - Cl. B (PAPR)   . .         4,500             133
 Svenska Handelsbanken, Inc. - A Shares
  (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,350              80
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares
  (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        28,000           1,800
 Volvo AB (AUTO) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,750             149
Switzerland - 1.5%
 ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI)  . . . . . . . . . . .         4,047             494
 Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK) . . . .         1,970             392
 Nestle SA (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . . .           260             476
 Novartis AG (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . .           380             558
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) . . . . . . . . .            55             697
  Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft (INSU) .           110             226
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT) . . . . . . . .           340             137
 UBS AG - Reg. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . .         1,613             436
 Zurich Allied AG (INSU) . . . . . . . . .           340             194
Thailand - 0.3%
 ABN Amro Asia Securities Public Co., Ltd.
  (FINL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        23,000              42
 Advance Agro Public Co., Ltd. * (PAPR)  .        69,000              35
 Bangkok Insurance Public Co., Ltd. (INSU)        12,200              40
 Electricity Generating Public, Co., Ltd.
  - Foreign R Shares (UTIE)  . . . . . . .        42,200              52
 Italian-Thai Development Public Co., Ltd.
  (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        37,400              57
 National Petrochemical Public Co., Ltd.
  (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        42,100              46
 PTT Exploration and Production Public Co.,
  Ltd. (OILX)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,100              68
 Saha-Union Public Co., Ltd. (APPA)  . . .       102,700              34
 Sermsuk Public Co., Ltd. (FOOD) . . . . .         7,300              26
 Siam Cement Public Co., Ltd. (CONS)   . .         4,000             133
 TelecomAsia Corp. Public Co., Ltd. *
  (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       113,200             147
 Thai Reinsurance Public Co., Ltd. (INSU)         36,200              37
Turkey - 0.5%
 Arcelik AS (APPL) . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,184,000             143
 Kartonsan Karton Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS
  (PAPR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,083,000              68
 Migros Turk T.A.S. (RETF) . . . . . . . .       129,000              83
 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS (BANK) . . . .    12,113,000             183
 Turkiye Is Bankasi (Isbank) - Cl. C (BANK)    8,996,000             431
 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi AS (BANK) . . . . .     9,130,000             282
United Kingdom - 7.3%
 Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK)  .        16,000             256
 Allied Zurich * (INSU)  . . . . . . . . .        18,600             219
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL)  . . . . . .        21,139             878
 Barclays Bank (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . .        15,300             440
 Bass plc (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,100             140
 BG Group plc (UTIG) . . . . . . . . . . .        37,866             244
 BOC Group plc (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . .         7,000             151
 Boots Co. plc (RETD)  . . . . . . . . . .        10,700             105
 BP Amoco plc (OILE) . . . . . . . . . . .       231,900           2,341
 British Aerospace plc (AERO)  . . . . . .        32,263             212
 British Airways plc (TRAN)  . . . . . . .        18,800             123
 British American Tobacco plc * (FOOD) . .        18,600             105
 British Land Co. plc (REAL) . . . . . . .         7,200              48
 British Sky Broadcast plc (MEDI)  . . . .        19,900             321
 British Telecommunications plc (TELS) . .        60,500           1,466
 BTR Siebe plc (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . .        23,385             124
 Burmah Castrol plc (OILS) . . . . . . . .         7,250             128
 Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD)  . . . . . .        26,600             160
 Carlton Communications plc (MEDI) . . . .        16,300             159
 Centrica plc * (UTIG)   . . . . . . . . .        58,900             171
 CGU plc (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,300             150
 Diageo plc (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . .        35,700             285
 EMI Group plc (LEIS)  . . . . . . . . . .        12,400             122
 GKN plc (PART)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,200             151
 Glaxo Wellcome plc - ADR (HEAL) . . . . .        32,110             910
 Granada Group plc (DIOP)  . . . . . . . .        23,400             236
 Great Universital Stores plc (RETS) . . .        11,800              69
 Halifax Group plc (LEND)  . . . . . . . .        14,100             154
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK)  . . . . . . . .        68,800             953
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK)  . . . . . . . .        24,900             349
 Imperial Chemical Industries plc (CHEM) .         1,700              18
 J Sainsbury plc (RETF)  . . . . . . . . .        24,100             136
 Kingfisher plc (RETS) . . . . . . . . . .        15,900             176
 Ladbroke Group plc (LEIS) . . . . . . . .        20,700              67
 Land Securities plc (REAL)  . . . . . . .         8,400              94
 Legal & General Group plc (INSU)  . . . .        62,800             171
 Lloyds TSB Group plc (BANK) . . . . . . .        51,200             636
 Marconi plc (TELE)  . . . . . . . . . . .        28,600             504
 Marks & Spencer plc (RETS)  . . . . . . .        19,900              95
 National Grid Group plc (UTIE)  . . . . .        22,500             171
 National Power plc (UTIE) . . . . . . . .        16,500              95



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value
United Kingdom - Continued
 Pearson plc (MEDP)  . . . . . . . . . . .         8,100        $    264
 Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation
  Co. (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        10,300             171
 Prudential Corp. (INSU)   . . . . . . . .        20,900             408
 Railtrack Group plc (TRAN)  . . . . . . .         6,700             113
 Rank Group plc (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . .        16,000              52
 Reed International plc (MEDP) . . . . . .        15,400             116
 Reuters Group plc (BUSI)  . . . . . . . .        15,900             221
 Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP) . . . . . . .        11,900             286
 Royal Bank of Scotland Group (BANK) . . .        11,500             204
 Schroders (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,050              82
 Scottish Power plc (UTIE) . . . . . . . .        17,100             130
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL) . . . . . .        51,500             653
 Tesco plc (RETF)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        67,200             204
 Unilever plc (CNSU) . . . . . . . . . . .        26,703             196
 United Utilities plc (AGRI) . . . . . . .        10,400             107
 Vodafone Airtouch plc (TELS)  . . . . . .       254,500           1,269
                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-         93.7%        228,585

Australia - 0.1%
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) . . . . . . . . .        34,800             298
Brazil - 0.8%
 Aracruz Celulose SA - Cl. B (PAPR)  . . .        38,000              92
 Banco Bradesco SA (BANK)  . . . . . . . .    15,494,000             121
 Banco Itau SA (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . .     1,240,000             106
 Centrais Electricas Brasileires SA - Cl.
  B (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,137,000              75
 Companhia Cervejaria Brahma (FOOD)  . . .       101,000              74
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais -
  CEMIG (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,565,000              80
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Cl. A *
  (META) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,000             221
 Embratel Participacoes SA (UTIT)  . . . .     6,417,000             165
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras (OILS)     1,471,000             375
 Tele Centro Sul Participacoes SA (UTIT)       6,634,000             121
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA (UTIT)      5,909,000             159
 Telesp Celular Participacoes SA * (TELS)      6,756,000             120
 Telesp Participacoes SA * (UTIT)  . . . .     5,862,000             142
Germany - 0.5%
 Dyckerhoff AG (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . .         2,600              80
 RWE AG (OILX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,470             169
 SAP AG - Vorzug (SOFT)  . . . . . . . . .         1,490             897
 Volkswagen AG (AUTO)  . . . . . . . . . .         3,800             122
                     TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-          1.4%          3,417

                                                 Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                    Value            Value
                                               (000's)          (000's)
United Kingdom - 0.0%
 BG Transco Holdings plc (UTIG)
  4.187% due 12/14/22  . . . . . . . . . .   $         5        $      8
  7.0% due 12/16/24  . . . . . . . . . . .             5               8
  7.057% due 12/14/09  . . . . . . . . . .             5               8
 British Aerospace plc - Bonds (AERO)
  7.45% due 11/29/03 . . . . . . . . . . .             4               6
               TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-          0.0%             30

France - 0.0%
 AXA-CTF de Valeur Garant (INSU)
  expires 07/31/00 (Cost $17)  . . . . . .           172
Mexico - 0.0%
 Cemex SA de CV (CONS)
  expires 12/13/02 (Cost $1) . . . . . . .         2,000               2
United States - 0.9%
 Morgan Stanley Capital Llc (FINL)
  expires 01/01/80 (Cost $2,241) . . . . .        16,200           2,345
                            TOTAL WARRANTS-          0.9%          2,347

RIGHTS - 0.0%
South Korea - 0.0%
 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (INSU)              364               1

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00  . . . . . . . . . .         8,414           8,415
 U.S. Treasury Bills
  5.18% due 03/16/00 # . . . . . . . . . .           565             559
             TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS-           3.7%          8,974
                                             ------------       --------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-         99.7%        243,354
       Cash and Receivables, less payables-          0.3%            663
                                             ------------       --------
                                NET ASSETS-        100.0%       $244,017
                                             ============       ========

* Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt
GDR - Global Depository Receipt
# Securities, or a portion thereof, with an aggregate market value of $537 have
    been segregated to collateralize financial futures contracts.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                     Industry           Market       % of
          Industry                 Abbreviation          Value     Long-Term
                                                        (000's)   Investments
Banks.............................     BANK             $29,532      12.6%
Telecommunication Services........     TELS              22,708       9.7%
Electronic Products and
  Services........................     ETRN              20,334       8.7%
Telephone.........................     UTIT              12,197       5.2%
Diversified Operations............     DIOP              12,095       5.2%
Insurance.........................     INSU              12,040       5.2%
Automobile........................     AUTO              10,569       4.5%
Health Care Products..............     HEAL               8,654       3.7%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco........     FOOD               6,394       2.7%
Telecommunication Equipment.......     TELE               6,355       2.7%
Electric Power....................     UTIE               5,764       2.5%
Computer Software and Services....     SOFT               5,763       2.5%
Machinery.........................     MACH               5,678       2.4%
Chemicals.........................     CHEM               5,611       2.4%
Retail - Department Stores........     RETS               5,470       2.3%
Construction......................     CONS               5,377       2.3%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
  and Production..................     OILX               5,342       2.3%
Transportation Services...........     TRAN               4,798       2.0%
Financial Services................     FINL               4,206       1.8%
Oil...............................     OILS               4,066       1.7%
Commercial Services...............     COMM               3,643       1.6%
Electrical Equipment..............     ELEQ               3,527       1.5%
Media - TV / Radio................     MEDI               3,283       1.4%
Retail - Food.....................     RETF               3,040       1.3%
Leisure and Recreation............     LEIS               2,924       1.2%
Oil - Equipment and Services......     OILE               2,616       1.1%
Brokerage and Investment
  Management......................     FUND               2,415       1.0%
Cosmetics and Personal Care
  Products........................     HNBA               2,037       0.9%
Paper and Forest Products.........     PAPR               1,601       0.7%
Computer Equipment................     COMP               1,394       0.6%
Auto and Truck Parts..............     PART               1,313       0.6%
Steel.............................     STEE               1,237       0.5%
Real Estate Operations............     REAL               1,201       0.5%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing....     APPA               1,187       0.5%
Personal and Commercial Lending...     LEND               1,106       0.5%
Natural Gas Distribution..........     UTIG               1,105       0.5%
Metals and Mining.................     META                1103       0.5%
Consumer - Miscellaneous..........     CNSU               1,037       0.4%
Engineering and Construction......     ENGI               1,007       0.4%
Real Estate Development...........     READ               1,005       0.4%
Media - Publishing................     MEDP                 920       0.4%
Household Appliances /
  Furnishings.....................     APPL                 579       0.2%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones.......     PMET                 534       0.2%
Containers........................     CONT                 352       0.2%
Real Estate Investment Trust......     REIT                 260       0.1%
Business Services.................     BUSI                 221       0.1%
Aerospace and Defense.............     AERO                 218       0.1%
Metal Product and Fabrication.....     METP                 145       0.1%
Housing...........................     HOUS                 126       0.1%
Agricultural Operations...........     AGRI                 107       0.0%
Retail - Drug Stores..............     RETD                 105       0.0%
Pollution Control.................     POLL                  79       0.0%
                                                       --------    -------
                                                       $234,380     100.0%
                                                       ========    =======


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Name of Issuer                    Shares          Value

Australia - 4.5%
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP)  . .     16,700        $    219
 Cable & Wireless Optus, Ltd. * (TELS) . . . .    105,135             351
 WMC, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     41,000             226
 Woodside Petroleum, Ltd. (OILX) . . . . . . .     27,300             202
Brazil - 1.4%
 Aracruz Celulose SA - ADR (PAPR)  . . . . . .      5,200             136
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - ADR (META) . . .      6,300             176
Canada - 3.4%
 Barrick Gold Corp. (PMET) . . . . . . . . . .     11,100             196
 BCE, Inc. (TELS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,100             191
 Canadian National Railway Co. (TRAN)  . . . .      4,600             121
 MANULIFE Financial Corp. (INSU) . . . . . . .     17,200             220
 Noranda, Inc. (META)  . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,400              32
Finland - 1.2%
 Sonera Oyj (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,100             281

France - 4.3%
 Aventis SA * (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,623             268
 Canal Plus (MEDI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,409             351
 Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS)  . . . . . . .      1,150             216
 EUROTUNNEL (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    113,460             134
Germany - 7.4%
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . .        220              74
 BASF AG (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,578             235
 Bayer AG (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      5,363             254
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK)  . . . . . .      2,374             162
 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (MACH) . . . .        648              34
 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft
  AG - Reg. (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        752             191
 Schering AG (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,263             153
 Siemens AG (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,101             267
 Thyssen Krupp AG (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . .      2,017              62
 VEBA AG (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,658             129
 Viag AG (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,627              85
Hong Kong - 0.5%
 Citic Pacific, Ltd. (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . .     29,000             109
 New World China Ltd. * (READ) . . . . . . . .         75
Japan - 19.1%
 Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (CHEM)  . .     17,000              87
 Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)  . . .     12,000             130
 Daiei, Inc. (RETS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              12
 Daiwa Securities Group, Inc. (FUND) . . . . .     31,000             485
 DDI Corp. (UTIT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         15             206
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN) . . . . . . . .         32             173
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . .     12,000             117
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ)  . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,000             182
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN) . .      9,000             249
 Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (REAL)  . . . . .     13,000             127
 Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (REAL) . . . . . . .     10,000              68
 NEC Corp. (COMP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     11,000             262
 Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) . . . . . .      4,000              51
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT) . .         11             188
 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp. (FINL)  . . . .     13,000              51
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)  . . . . .      3,000              54
 NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc.
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          5             192
 Sakura Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . .     29,000             168
 Sharp Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     17,000             435
 Sony Corp. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,600             475
 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. (PMET)  . . . . . .     12,000              27
 Teijin, Ltd. (APPA) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     21,000              77
 Toray Industries, Inc. (APPA) . . . . . . . .     19,000              74
 Toshiba Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . . .     26,000             198
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)  .      5,000             175
Netherlands - 1.5%
 STMicroelectronics * (ETRN) . . . . . . . . .      1,075             165
 United Pan - Europe Communications NV *
  (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,320             169
Singapore - 0.6%
 DBS Group Holdings, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . .      2,000             131

South Africa - 1.5%
 Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd. (PMET)  .      7,100             216
 Impala Platinum Holdings, Ltd. - ADR
  (META) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,900             117
South Korea - 0.6%
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . .        560             131

Switzerland - 3.7%
 Clariant AG - Reg. (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . .        324             154
 Novartis AG - Reg. (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . .        103             151
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . .         16             190
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . .        478             193
 UBS AG - Reg. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        498             135
United Kingdom - 14.9%
 BOC Group plc (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . . . .     15,129             326
 British Aerospace plc (AERO)  . . . . . . . .      7,763              51
 British Telecommunications plc (TELS) . . . .      7,595             184
 Carlton Communications plc (MEDI) . . . . . .     28,628             279


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares          Value

United Kingdom - Continued
 Enterprise Oil plc (OILX) . . . . . . . . . .     10,390        $     70
 Gallaher Group plc (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . .     14,605              61
 LASMO plc (OILX)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,622              19
 Marconi plc (TELE)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     13,813             244
 National Grid Group plc (UTIE)  . . . . . . .     22,756             173
 National Power plc (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . .     26,078             150
 Prudential Corp. (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . .     11,697             228
 Railtrack Group plc (TRAN)  . . . . . . . . .      8,371             141
 Reuters Group plc (BUSI)  . . . . . . . . . .     22,147             308
 Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . .     12,381             297
 Scottish Power plc (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . .     22,504             171
 Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX)  . .     28,603             238
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL) . . . . . . . .     13,328             169
 Standard Chartered (BANK) . . . . . . . . . .      3,051              49
 The Great Universal Stores plc (RETS) . . . .     29,388             171
United States - 30.4%
 Amerada Hess Corp. (OILX) . . . . . . . . . .      2,200             125
 America Online, Inc. * (SOFT) . . . . . . . .      1,600             121
 AT&T Corp. (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,005             153
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A *
  (MEDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      6,416             364
 Biogen, Inc. * (HEAS) . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,300             110
 Cinergy Corp. (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,700              89
 Cisco Systems, Inc. * (ETRN)  . . . . . . . .        500              54
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. A (OILS) . . . . . . . . .      6,800             168
 CSX Corp. (TRAN)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      5,500             173
 Duke Energy Co. (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,100             105
 Electronic Data Systems Corp. (SOFT)  . . . .      4,100             274
 EMC Corp. * (SOFT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        500              55
 Enron Corp. (UTIG)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,600             204
 Equity Residential Properties Trust (REIT)  .      3,600             154
 Exxon Mobil Corp. (OILE)  . . . . . . . . . .      2,400             193
 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. -
  Cl. B (PMET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        700              15
 Homestake Mining Co. (PMET) . . . . . . . . .      8,300              65
 Immunex Corp. * (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,800             416
 International Business Machines Corp.
  (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000             324
 Lockheed Martin Corp. (AERO)  . . . . . . . .      5,400             118
 MedImmune, Inc. * (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . .        200              33
 Motorola, Inc. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000             294
 Newmont Mining Corp. (PMET) . . . . . . . . .      7,300             179
 Nextel Communications, Inc. * (TELS)  . . . .      2,200             227
 Northrop Grumman Corp. (AERO) . . . . . . . .      2,700             146
 Oracle Corp. * (SOFT) . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,900             437
 Parametric Technology Corp. * (SOFT)  . . . .      4,600             124
 Peco Energy Co. (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . .      5,200             181
 Phillips Petroleum Co. (OILX) . . . . . . . .      3,500             164
 SABRE Group Holdings, Inc. * (LEIS) . . . . .      3,800             195
 Sterling Commerce, Inc. * (ETRN)  . . . . . .      4,100             140
 Stillwater Mining Co. * (PMET)  . . . . . . .      6,850             218
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * (SOFT) . . . . . . .      5,000             387
 U.S. Airways Group, Inc. * (TRAN) . . . . . .      2,400              77
 Unocal Corp. (OILX) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,600             121
 UnumProvident Corp. (INSU)  . . . . . . . . .      3,200             103
 USEC, Inc. (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     16,900             118
 USX-US Steel Group, Inc. (STEE) . . . . . . .      6,000             198
 Williams Cos., Inc. (UTIG)  . . . . . . . . .      5,300             162
                            TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      95.0%         21,203


 Investment in joint repurchase agreement with
  Scudder Kemper Investments dated 12/31/99,
  2.8% due 01/03/00 (Secured by $825 U.S.
  Treasury Bonds, 12.375% due 05/15/04, Market
  Value $1,020)                                    $  995             995
                                                   -------        -------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      99.5%         22,198
           Cash and Receivables, less payables-       0.5%            113
                                                   -------        -------
                                    NET ASSETS-     100.0%        $22,311
                                                   =======        =======

*    Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt
See notes to financial statements.


December 31, 1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                        Market         % of
                                     Industry           Value        Long-Term
            Industry               Abbreviation        (000's)      Investments

Electronic Products and Services..     ETRN            $2,142          10.1%
Health Care Products..............     HEAL             1,685           7.9%
Telecommunication Services........     TELS             1,595           7.5%
Computer Software and Services....     SOFT             1,398           6.6%
Diversified Operations............     DIOP             1,333           6.3%
Chemicals.........................     CHEM             1,057           5.0%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
  and Production..................     OILX               939           4.4%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones.......     PMET               916           4.3%
Electric Power....................     UTIE               870           4.1%
Transportation Services...........     TRAN               817           3.9%
Insurance.........................     INSU               815           3.8%
Banks.............................     BANK               761           3.6%
Telephone.........................     UTIT               740           3.5%
Media - TV / Radio................     MEDI               629           3.0%
Brokerage and Investment
  Management......................     FUND               590           2.8%
Computer Equipment................     COMP               586           2.8%
Construction......................     CONS               396           1.9%
Natural Gas Distribution..........     UTIG               366           1.7%
Media - Publishing................     MEDP               364           1.7%
Metals and Mining.................     META               325           1.5%
Aerospace and Defense.............     AERO               315           1.5%
Business Services.................     BUSI               308           1.5%
Telecommunication Equipment.......     TELE               244           1.2%
Steel.............................     STEE               198           0.9%
Real Estate Operations............     REAL               195           0.9%
Leisure and Recreation............     LEIS               195           0.9%
Oil - Equipment and Services......     OILE               193           0.9%
Retail - Department Stores........     RETS               183           0.9%
Electrical Equipment..............     ELEQ               182           0.9%
Oil...............................     OILS               168           0.8%
Real Estate Investment Trust......     REIT               154           0.7%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing....     APPA               151           0.7%
Paper and Forest Products.........     PAPR               137           0.6%
Health Care Services..............     HEAS               110           0.5%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco........     FOOD                61           0.3%
Financial Services................     FINL                51           0.2%
Machinery.........................     MACH                34           0.2%
                                                      -------        -------
                                                      $21,203         100.0%
                                                      =======        =======



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Australia - 2.9%
 AMP, Ltd. * (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,100        $    12
 Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP) . . . . .       504             14
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP) .     3,025             40
 Coles Myer, Ltd. (RETS)  . . . . . . . . .     2,100             11
 Foster's Brewing Group, Ltd. (FOOD)  . . .     5,900             17
 Lend Lease Corp. (FINL)  . . . . . . . . .     1,429             20
 National Australia Bank, Ltd. (BANK) . . .     1,858             28
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)  . . . . . . . . .     5,777             56
 Pioneer International, Ltd. (CONS) . . . .     1,236              4
 Rio Tinto, Ltd. (PMET) . . . . . . . . . .     1,380             30
 TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS)  . . . . . .     2,094             14
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS) . . . . . . . .    12,000             65
 Westpac Banking Corp., Ltd. (BANK) . . . .     2,139             15
 WMC, Ltd. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,500             14
 Woodside Petroleum, Ltd. (OILX)  . . . . .     2,100             15
 Woolworth's, Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . . . . .     2,989             10
Belgium - 0.7%
 Dexia * (LEND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       517             85
 Dexia - VVPR * (LEND)  . . . . . . . . . .

Denmark - 0.4%
 Iss International Service System A/S - Cl.
  B (COMM)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       807             54

Finland - 2.9%
 Merita plc * (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,194             25
 Nokia Oyj (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,844            334
France - 9.6%
 Accor SA (LEIS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       820             40
 Air Liquide (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . .       518             87
 Alstom (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,102             70
 AXA SA (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       640             89
 Carrefour SA (RETF)  . . . . . . . . . . .       246             45
 Michelin (PART)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,425             56
 Rhodia SA (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,032            114
 Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .     3,037            177
 Societe Generale de Paris (BANK) . . . . .       542            126
 Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX) . . . . . . .     1,626            217
 Vivendi (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,840            166
Germany - 6.9%
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU) . . . . . . . . .       245             82
 BASF AG (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,530             79
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK) . . . . .       564             39
 Deutsche Bank AG (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .       352             30
 Deutsche Telekom AG (TELS) . . . . . . . .     1,127             80
 Epcos AG * (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,605            120
 Mannesmann AG (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . .       935            226
 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft
  AG - Reg. (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . . . .       125        $    32
 Preussag AG (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,283             71
 Siemens AG (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . .       734             93
Hong Kong - 2.8%
 Cheung Kong (Holdings), Ltd. (READ)  . . .     3,000             38
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd. (TELS) . .     9,000             56
 CLP Holdings, Ltd. (UTIE)  . . . . . . . .     3,000             14
 Giordano International, Ltd. (RETS)  . . .    20,000             21
 Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . .     3,200             36
 Hong Kong & China Gas Co., Ltd. (UTIG) . .    11,000             15
 Hong Kong Telecommunications, Ltd.
  (TELS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,800             37
 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM) . . . . . .     8,000            116
 New World Development Co., Ltd.
  (READ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,000             16
Ireland - 0.4%
 Bank of Ireland (BANK) . . . . . . . . . .     6,820             54

Italy - 2.4%
 Banca Di Roma (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .    23,751             31
 Credito Italiano SpA (BANK)  . . . . . . .     8,604             42
 ENI SpA (OILS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,935             49
 Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino
  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,300             58
 Seat-Pagine Gialle SpA (MEDP)  . . . . . .    31,347             69
 Telecom Italia SpA * (TELS)  . . . . . . .     3,739             53
Japan - 23.3%
 ADERANS Co., Ltd. (HNBA) . . . . . . . . .     1,500             56
 Advantest (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . .       700            185
 Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
  (CHEM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13,000             67
 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (APPL) . . . . . . .     8,000             62
 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (BANK)  . . . . .     8,000            111
 Bridgestone Corp. (PART) . . . . . . . . .     2,000             44
 Canon, Inc. (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,000             40
 Chiba Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .    14,000             78
 Circle K Japan Co., Ltd. (RETF)  . . . . .     3,100            127
 Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)  . . . .     3,000             47
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . .       500             64
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . .     6,000             58
 Fuji Photo Film (LEIS) . . . . . . . . . .     2,000             73
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ) . . . . . . . . . . .     2,000             91
 Honda Motor Co. (AUTO) . . . . . . . . . .     1,000             37
 KAO Corp. (HNBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,000             86
 Kirin Brewery Co. (FOOD) . . . . . . . . .     5,000             53
 Konami Co., Ltd. (COMP)  . . . . . . . . .       300             54
 Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
  (INSU). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17,000            101


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Japan - Continued
 Nintendo Corp., Ltd. (LEIS)  . . . . . . .       400        $    66
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.
  (UTIT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12            205
 NTT Mobile Communications Network,
  Inc. (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3            115
 Ricoh Co., Ltd. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . .     5,000             94
 Rohm Co., Ltd. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . .       500            205
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM)  . . . . . .     3,000            129
 SMC Corp. (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . . . .       500            111
 Takefuji Corp. (LEND)  . . . . . . . . . .       900            113
 TDK Corp. (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,000            138
 Terumo Corp. (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . .     2,000             53
 Tokyo Electric Power (UTIE)  . . . . . . .     2,000             54
 Toppan Forms Co., Ltd. (COMM)  . . . . . .     1,900             51
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  (HEAL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,000            105
 Yoshinoya D&C Co., Ltd. (RETF) . . . . . .         1             18
Netherlands - 9.6%
 Aegon NV (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       465             45
 Equant NV * (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . .       693             78
 Fortis (NL) NV (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . .     2,117             76
 Getronics NV (COMP)  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,640            131
 ING Groep NV (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,888            114
 Koninklijke (Royal) Philips Electronics
  NV (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,316            179
 KPN NV (UTIT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,667            163
 LIBERTEL NV (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,719             71
 STMicroelectronics * (ETRN)  . . . . . . .       573             88
 TNT Post Group NV (TRAN) . . . . . . . . .     1,258             36
 VNU NV (MEDP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,115            217
New Zealand - 0.1%
 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd.
  (TELS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,900             14

Singapore - 1.0%
 Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing *
  (ETRN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,000             11
 City Developments, Ltd. (READ) . . . . . .     1,000              6
 DBS Group Holdings, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . . .     3,000             49
 First Capital Corp., Ltd. (READ) . . . . .     5,000              7
 SINGAPORE AIRLINES (TRAN)  . . . . . . . .     1,000             11
 Singapore Press Holdings, Ltd. (MEDP)  . .     1,000             22
 Singapore Technology Engineering, Ltd.
  (ENGI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,000             14
 Singapore Telecommunications, Ltd.
  (TELS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000             10
Spain - 4.4%
 Acerinox SA (STEE) . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,772             71
 Altadis * (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,358             76
 Banco Santander Central Hispano SA
  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,421             84
 Endesa SA (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,603             72
 Telefonica SA (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . .     9,692            242
Sweden - 4.1%
 Nordbanken Holding (BANK)  . . . . . . . .    10,110             59
 Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM) . . . . . .     8,546            155
 Skandia Forsakrings AB (INSU)  . . . . . .     3,524            107
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B
  Shares (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,848            183
Switzerland - 3.8%
 Nestle SA (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        43             79
 Novartis AG (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . .        77            113
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . .        10            119
 Schweizerische Rueckversicherungs-
  Gesellschaft (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . .        16             33
 UBS AG - Reg. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .       472            127
United Kingdom - 19.1%
 Allied Zurich AG * (INSU)  . . . . . . . .     9,808            116
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL) . . . . . . .     2,028             84
 Barclays Bank (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .     3,520            101
 BP Amoco plc (OILE)  . . . . . . . . . . .    14,628            148
 British Aerospace plc (AERO) . . . . . . .     6,994             46
 British Telecommunications plc (TELS)  . .    10,616            257
 Carlton Communications plc (MEDI)  . . . .     2,252             22
 COLT Telecom Group plc * (TELS)  . . . . .     1,050             54
 Diageo plc (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,310             58
 Energis plc * (TELS) . . . . . . . . . . .       955             46
 Glaxo Wellcome plc - ADR (HEAL)  . . . . .     7,013            199
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK) . . . . . . . . .     8,803            122
 Lloyds TSB Group plc (BANK)  . . . . . . .     6,345             79
 Marconi plc (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,555            116
 Misys plc (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,599             71
 National Westminster Bank plc (BANK) . . .     4,238             91
 Reckitt & Colman plc (HNBA)  . . . . . . .    10,575            100
 Reuters Group plc (BUSI) . . . . . . . . .    13,061            181
 Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX) .    11,394             95
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL)  . . . . . .     3,647             46
 Stagecoach Holdings plc (TRAN) . . . . . .    17,805             46
 Thus plc * (TELS)  . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,690             55
 Unilever plc (CNSU)  . . . . . . . . . . .     7,734             57
 Vodafone Group plc (TELS)  . . . . . . . .    37,561            187
                         TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     94.4%        11,737


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Germany - 1.1%
 SAP AG - Vorzug )  . . . . . . . . . . . .       215        $   129


 Investment in joint repurchase agreement
  with Goldman Sachs & Co. dated 12/31/99,
  3.159% due 01/03/00 (Secured by various
  U.S. Treasury obligations and U.S.
  Government Agency Bonds)  . . . . . . . .   $   300             300
                                              -------        --------
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     97.9%         12,166
        Cash and Receivables, less payables-      2.1%            264
                                              -------        --------
                                 NET ASSETS-    100.0%       $ 12,430
                                              =======        ========

* Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipts
See notes to financial statements.


                                                 Market           % of
                                  Industry        Value        Long-Term
          Industry              Abbreviation     (000's)      Investments

Banks.............................. BANK          $1,735         14.6%
Telecommunication Services......... TELS           1,101          9.3%
Electronic Products and Services... ETRN             883          7.4%
Health Care Products............... HEAL             719          6.1%
Insurance.......................... INSU             692          5.8%
Telecommunication Equipment........ TELE             633          5.3%
Telephone.......................... UTIT             610          5.1%
Chemicals.......................... CHEM             475          4.0%
Computer Equipment................. COMP             472          4.0%
Commercial Services................ COMM             416          3.5%
Machinery.......................... MACH             406          3.4%
Diversified Operations............. DIOP             399          3.4%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
  and Production................... OILX             327          2.8%
Media - Publishing................. MEDP             307          2.6%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco......... FOOD             283          2.4%
Cosmetics and Personal Care
  Products......................... HNBA             242          2.0%
Personal and Commercial
  Lending.......................... LEND             198          1.7%
Leisure and Recreation............. LEIS             193          1.6%
Retail - Food...................... RETF             190          1.6%
Business Services.................. BUSI             182          1.5%
Electrical Equipment............... ELEQ             155          1.3%
Oil - Equipment and Services....... OILE             148          1.2%
Electric Power..................... UTIE             139          1.2%
Computer Software and Services..... SOFT             130          1.1%
Auto and Truck Parts............... PART             100          0.8%
Transportation Services............ TRAN              93          0.8%
Media - TV / Radio................. MEDI              78          0.7%
Steel.............................. STEE              71          0.6%
Real Estate Development............ READ              66          0.6%
Household Appliances /
  Furnishings...................... APPL              62          0.5%
Consumer - Miscellaneous........... CNSU              57          0.5%
Oil................................ OILS              49          0.4%
Brokerage and Investment
  Management....................... FUND              47          0.4%
Aerospace and Defense.............. AERO              46          0.4%
Retail - Department Stores......... RETS              42          0.4%
Automobile......................... AUTO              37          0.3%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones........ PMET              30          0.3%
Financial Services................. FINL              20          0.2%
Natural Gas Distribution........... UTIG              15          0.1%
Engineering and Construction....... ENGI              14          0.1%
Construction....................... CONS               4          0.0%
                                                 -------      -------
                                                 $11,866        100.0%
                                                 =======      =======



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares         Value

Auto and Truck Parts - 0.8%
 CSK Auto Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    34,800        $    609
 O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    38,800             834
Banks - 0.6%
 Greater Bay Bancorp . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25,000           1,072

Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.2%
 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. * . . . . . .    19,900             805
 Charles River Associates, Inc.  . . . . . . .    30,400           1,018
 Raymond James Financial, Inc. . . . . . . . .    19,900             372
Business Services - 2.8%
 Corporate Executive Board Co. * . . . . . . .    22,600           1,263
 Forrester Research, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    25,600           1,763
 Interim Services, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    44,500           1,101
 Management Network Group, Inc. *  . . . . . .     3,300             108
 On Assignment, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    27,700             828
Commercial Services - 4.1%
 Dendrite International, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    28,550             967
 Digimarc Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,250              62
 ITT Educational Services, Inc.  . . . . . . .    34,400             531
 Jupiter Communications, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    31,400             950
 META Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    55,450           1,054
 Modem Media Poppe Tyson, Inc. * . . . . . . .    17,900           1,260
 Official Payments Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .    23,500           1,222
 Profit Recovery Group International, Inc. * .    15,050             400
 Quanta Services, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    31,900             901
Computer Equipment - 3.9%
 Immersion Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    26,500           1,017
 Maxtor Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   111,900             811
 National Computer Systems, Inc. * . . . . . .    27,100           1,020
 Networking Products * . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,600             370
 Predictive Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    17,150           1,123
 PRI Automation, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    17,700           1,188
 Quantum Corp. - Hard Disk Drive * . . . . . .    73,600             511
 Tech Data Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13,200             358
 Visual Networks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     7,500             594
Computer Software and Services - 27.7%
 24/7 Media, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13,000             731
 Accrue Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    28,000           1,516
 Advent Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    12,250             789
 Aspect Development, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    16,500           1,130
 Aspen Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    73,200           1,935
 Be Free, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25,500           1,833
 BindView Development Corp.  . . . . . . . . .    37,600           1,868
 Broadbase Software, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    15,800           1,778
 BSquare Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    19,300             809
 C-bridge Internet Solutions, Inc. * . . . . .       200              10
 Clarus Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    24,500           1,617
 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.  . . . .    19,100           2,088
 Commtouch Software, Ltd. *  . . . . . . . . .    32,400           1,574
 Concord Communications, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    18,100             803
 Data Return Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    39,400           2,108, Inc. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . .    12,400             319
 Digex, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,200           1,526
 Digital Impact, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .       300              15
 Diversinet Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    64,600           1,421
 Factset Research Systems, Inc.  . . . . . . .    13,200           1,051
 Fundtech, Ltd. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    33,400             685
 iManage, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,700             729
 Interwoven, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,100             499
 Intranet Solutions, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    27,600           1,021
 JDA Software Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    48,000             786
 Level 8 Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    24,600             850, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    19,250           1,112
 Media Metrix, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    25,800             922
 Mediaplex, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    23,100           1,450
 Micromuse, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,000           1,700, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    32,800           1,234
 National Instruments Corp. *  . . . . . . . .    21,050             805
 Net Perceptions, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    30,200           1,268
 Network Event Theater, Inc. * . . . . . . . .    50,300           1,497
 NextCard, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25,000             722
 Packeteer, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17,900           1,271, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17,600             898
 Prodigy Communications Corp. *  . . . . . . .    41,500             804
 SCM Microsystems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .    14,600             934
 Secure Computing Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .    79,600           1,000
 SportsLine USA, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    22,700           1,138
 VerticalNet, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,100             508
 WebTrends Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,200           1,150
 Whittman-Hart, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    18,700           1,003
 Wind River Systems *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    21,550             789
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 3.1%
 Catalina Marketing Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .     7,200             833
 Cybergold, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    73,100           1,293
 NetRatings, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13,000             626
 ScanSource, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    30,300           1,229, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    36,300             697
 Tivo, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    26,000             877
Electrical Equipment - 0.3%
 Micrel, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,000             512

Electronic Products and Services - 8.2%
 Alpha Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    11,300             648
 Atmi, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    28,200             932
 Caliper Technologies Corp. *  . . . . . . . .     1,850             123
 Credence Systems Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .    15,900           1,375



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares         Value

Electronic Products and Services - Continued
 Cytyc Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,700        $  1,386
 DuPont Photomasks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    19,700             951
 Gentex Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25,900             719
 GlobeSpan, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,900             319
 Imax Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    49,800           1,363
 Metalink, Ltd. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,800             465
 Novellus Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .     5,600             686
 PLX Technology, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    65,400           1,238
 QLogic Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,200             991
 Rudolph Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .     8,000             268
 Sage, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    29,400             570
 Semtech Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    24,600           1,282
 Vicor Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    33,600           1,361
 Virata, Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,200              96
Financial Services - 1.0%
 Medallion Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . . .    32,200             578
 S1 Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,400             422
 Web Street, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    70,800             876
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.9%
 American Italian Pasta Co. *  . . . . . . . .    28,800             886
 Beringer Wine Estates Holdings *  . . . . . .    14,900             594
 Symyx Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .     4,800             144
Health Care Products - 5.5%
 Alkermes, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    26,100           1,282
 Alpharma, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . .    27,800             855
 CV Therapeutics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    52,300           1,363
 Human Genome Sciences, Inc. * . . . . . . . .     6,700           1,022
 Interpore International, Inc. * . . . . . . .   142,700           1,124
 King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .    21,400           1,200
 Pharmacopeia, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    44,800           1,013
 Pharmacyclics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    25,500           1,052
 Triangle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. *  . . . . . .    46,800             600
 Tularik, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,100             392
Health Care Services - 0.5%
 Idec Pharmaceuticals Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     9,400             924

Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.3%
 Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    16,350             524

Housing - 0.5%
 Monaco Coach Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    37,500             959

Insurance - 0.5%
 InsWeb Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    36,500             933

Leisure and Recreation - 1.1%
 Cinar Films, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    51,300           1,257
 Premier Parks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    23,700             684
Machinery - 0.8%
 CVC, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    65,500             630
 Terex Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    28,100             780
Media - Publishing - 0.4%
 Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. - Cl.
  A *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    28,100             674

Media - TV / Radio - 8.8%
 Ackerley Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    46,500             843
 Acme Communications, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    28,450             946
 Citadel Communications Corp. *  . . . . . . .    25,200           1,635
 Classic Communications, Inc. - Cl. A *  . . .    23,200             848
 Cumulus Media, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . . . .    27,200           1,381
 Entercom Communications Corp. * . . . . . . .    12,500             825
 Getty Images, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    34,500           1,686
 Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. * . . . . . . . .     3,300             304
 Pegasus Communications Corp. *  . . . . . . .    20,900           2,043
 Radio One, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    15,800           1,454
 Radio Unica Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    36,700           1,060
 Westwood One, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    19,950           1,516
 XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. - Cl. A * .    32,950           1,256
Metals and Mining - 0.9%
 Maverick Tube Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    63,200           1,560

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.4%
 Core Laboratories NV *  . . . . . . . . . . .    36,300             728
 Dril Quip, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17,900             544
 Marine Drilling Companies, Inc. * . . . . . .    53,900           1,209
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 1.3%
 Newfield Exploration Co. *  . . . . . . . . .    36,000             963
 Pride International, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    42,600             623
 Stone Energy Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    19,800             705
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.4%
 Metris Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,700             810

Retail - Department Stores - 4.5%
 99 Cents Only Stores *  . . . . . . . . . . .    38,925           1,489
 Chemdex Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,800           1,421
 Cost Plus, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    33,250           1,184
 Insight Enterprises, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    27,100           1,101
 Linens 'N Things, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .    34,300           1,016
 Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc. * . . . .    29,800             950
 RoweCom, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    20,300             921



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares         Value

Retail - Drug Stores - 0.7%
 Duane Reade, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    42,900        $  1,182

Retail - Food - 2.2%
 Applebee's International, Inc.  . . . . . . .    31,100             917
 RARE Hospitality International, Inc. *  . . .    28,100             608
 Whole Foods Market, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    23,400           1,085
 Wild Oats Markets, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    57,400           1,274
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.3%
 Cutter & Buck, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    37,600             569

Steel - 0.7%
 Lone Star Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    44,500           1,241

Telecommunication Equipment - 4.7%
 Airnet Communications, Corp. *  . . . . . . .       350              13
 Brightpoint, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .   120,100           1,576
 Crown Castle International Corp.  . . . . . .    23,900             768
 Efficient Networks, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    16,100           1,095
 Pinnacle Holdings, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    36,700           1,555
 Powertel, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,700           1,275
 Powerwave Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    20,600           1,202
 Terayon Communication Systems, Inc. * . . . .    16,100           1,011
Telecommunication Services - 7.0%
 Airgate PCS, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    30,700           1,619
 Apex, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    41,800           1,348
 CoreComm, Ltd. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    19,100           1,134
 Illuminet Holdings, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    15,800             869
 Latitude Communications, Inc. * . . . . . . .    35,800             935
 Orckit Communications, Ltd. * . . . . . . . .    31,000           1,064
 Paradyne Networks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    26,600             725
 Rural Cellular Corp. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . .    15,400           1,394
 US LEC Corp. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . . . . . .    34,700           1,119
 Wink Communications, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    24,800           1,490
 Winstar Communications, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    10,500             790
Transportation Services - 2.2%
 Circle International Group, Inc.  . . . . . .    41,200             917
 Eagle USA Airfreight, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .    18,100             780
 Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.     23,000           1,008
 Forward Air Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    30,200           1,310
                            TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     99.3%        178,310

                                                   Par           Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value          Value
                                                 (000's)        (000's)

 Investment in joint repurchase agreement with
  Barclays Bank plc dated 12/31/99, 2.49% due
  01/03/00 (Secured by $801 U.S. Treasury
  Notes, 4.0% due 10/31/00, Market Value $793
  and $193 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 7.625% due
  11/15/22, Market Value $213) . . . . . . . .   $   978        $    978
                                                 -------        --------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     99.8%        179,288
           Cash and Receivables, less payables-      0.2%            282
                                                 -------        --------
                                    NET ASSETS-    100.0%       $179,570
                                                 =======        ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial securities.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares            Value

Australia - 2.0%
 Amcor, Ltd.  (CONT) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,900       $      14
 AMP, Ltd. *  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,800              31
 Boral, Ltd.  (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,200              14
 Brambles Industries, Ltd.  (DIOP) . . . . . .        700              19
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd.  (DIOP) . .      4,500              59
 CSR, Ltd.  (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      7,100              17
 Lend Lease Corp.  (FINL). . . . . . . . . . .      2,400              34
 National Australia Bank, Ltd.  (BANK) . . . .      4,600              70
 News Corp., Ltd.  (MEDI). . . . . . . . . . .      8,200              80
 Qantas Airways, Ltd.  (TRAN). . . . . . . . .      3,982              10
 QBE Insurance Group, Ltd.  (INSU) . . . . . .      4,629              22
 Rio Tinto, Ltd.  (PMET) . . . . . . . . . . .      1,900              41
 Santos, Ltd.  (OILX). . . . . . . . . . . . .      6,700              18
 Telstra Corp., Ltd.  (TELS) . . . . . . . . .     21,500             117
 Westpac Banking Corp., Ltd.  (BANK) . . . . .      8,600              59
 WMC, Ltd.  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,500              14
 Woolworth's, Ltd.  (RETS) . . . . . . . . . .      7,400              25
Austria - 0.1%
 Austria Tabak AG  (FOOD). . . . . . . . . . .        400              19

Belgium - 0.6%
 Electrabel SA  (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . .        170              56
 Fortis (B)  (INSU). . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,698             133
Canada - 1.1%
 Agrium, Inc.  (AGRI). . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,300              18
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd.  (META). . . . . . . . .        800              33
 Bank of Montreal  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . .        500              17
 Canadian National Railway Co.  (TRAN) . . . .      1,000              26
 Canadian Pacific, Ltd.  (TRAN). . . . . . . .      1,400              30
 Hudson's Bay Co.  (RETS). . . . . . . . . . .      2,100              25
 Imasco, Ltd.  (DIOP). . . . . . . . . . . . .        800              22
 Imperial Oil, Ltd.  (OILX). . . . . . . . . .      1,200              26
 Magna International, Inc.  (AUTO) . . . . . .        400              17
 Newbridge Networks Corp.  (TELE). . . . . . .      1,100              25
 NOVA Chemicals Corp.  (CHEM). . . . . . . . .        848              17
 Price REIT, Inc.  (REIT). . . . . . . . . . .        300              14
 Royal Bank of Canada  (BANK). . . . . . . . .        800              35
 Shaw Communications, Inc.  (MEDI) . . . . . .        700              23
 Transcanada Pipelines, Ltd.  (OILE) . . . . .        644               6
 Westcoast Energy, Inc.  (UTIG). . . . . . . .        500               8
Denmark - 0.3%
 Tele Danmark A/S(TELS). . . . . . . . . . . .      1,300              97

Finland - 1.5%
 Nokia Oyj  (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,400             254
 Sampo Insurance Co. plc  (INSU) . . . . . . .      3,300             115
 UPM-Kymmene Corp. *  (PAPR) . . . . . . . . .      2,900             117
France - 5.3%
 Air Liquide  (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        760             127
 Alcatel Alsthom  (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . .        440             101
 AXA SA  (INSU). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        420              59
 Banque Nationale de Paris  (BANK) . . . . . .      2,218             205
 Carrefour SA  (RETF). . . . . . . . . . . . .        420              77
 Compagnie de St. Gobain  (CONS) . . . . . . .        386              73
 France Telecom  (TELS). . . . . . . . . . . .      1,950             258
 Group Danone *  (FOOD). . . . . . . . . . . .        340              80
 Groupe Air France *  (TRAN) . . . . . . . . .      2,890              55
 Michelin  (PART). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        858              34
 Rhone-Poulenc SA  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . .      1,780             103
 Schneider SA  (MACH). . . . . . . . . . . . .        860              68
 Societe Generale de Paris  (BANK) . . . . . .        535             124
 Thomson CSF  (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,900              96
 Total SA - Cl. B  (OILX). . . . . . . . . . .      1,064             142
 Vivendi  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        820              74
Germany - 4.9%
 Allianz AG - Reg.  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . .        418             140
 Bayer AG  (CHEM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,150             196
 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG  (AUTO) . . . . .      1,900              58
 Continental AG  (PART). . . . . . . . . . . .      2,800              56
 DaimlerChrysler AG  (AUTO). . . . . . . . . .      1,372             107
 Deutsche Bank AG  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . .      1,516             128
 Deutsche Telekom AG  (TELS) . . . . . . . . .      1,950             139
 Dresdner Bank AG  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . .      1,500              82
 Mannesmann AG  (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . . .        700             169
 SAP AG  (SOFT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        100              49
 Siemens AG  (DIOP). . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,250             286
 VEBA AG  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,020             147
Hong Kong - 0.1%
 Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd.  (READ)       5,000              32

Italy - 1.5%
 Assicurazioni Generali  (INSU). . . . . . . .      1,900              63
 Beni Stabili SpA *  (REAL). . . . . . . . . .      6,135               2
 ENI SpA  (OILS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     23,000             127
 Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino (BANK).      6,135              83
 La Rinascente SpA  (CONS) . . . . . . . . . .      5,817              37
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA  (TELS) . . . . . .     10,000             112
 Telecom Italia SpA *  (TELS). . . . . . . . .      4,000              56
Japan - 18.8%
 Acom Co., Ltd.  (LEND). . . . . . . . . . . .        500              49
 Asahi Bank, Ltd.  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . .     12,000              74
 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi  (BANK). . . . . . .      5,000              70
 Benesse Corp.  (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . . .        200              48
 Bridgestone Corp.  (PART) . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              66
 Canon, Inc.  (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4,000             159



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares           Value

Japan - Continued
 Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. (RETS)..................  6,000       $       38
 Dai - Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd. (FINL).............  9,000               84
 Dai Nippon Printng Co., Ltd. (COMM).............  4,000               64
 Daikin Industries, Ltd. (CONS)..................  5,000               68
 Denso Corp. (ETRN)..............................  2,000               48
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN)...................      6               32
 FamilyMart Co., Ltd. (RETF).....................    900               60
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ)..............................  1,300              166
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK)..........................  6,000               58
 Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (AUTO)...............  7,000               48
 Fuji Photo Film (LEIS)..........................  2,000               73
 Fujisawa Pharmeceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)........  3,000               73
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ)............................  6,000              274
 Futaba Corp. (ETRN).............................    400               18
 Hitachi Credit Corp. (FINL).....................  2,000               41
 Hitachi Software (SOFT).........................  1,000              146
 Honda Motor Co. (AUTO)..........................  3,000              112
 House Foods Corp. (FOOD)........................  2,000               30
 Hoya Corp. (ETRN)...............................  1,000               79
 Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS).....................  1,000              109
 Kamigumi Co., Ltd. (TRAN).......................  6,000               25
 KAO Corp. (HNBA)................................  2,000               57
 Kirin Brewery Co. (FOOD)........................  4,000               42
 Kokuyo Co. (COMM)...............................  1,000               13
 Kuraray Co., Ltd. (APPA)........................  4,000               41
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN).......  5,000              138
 Mitsubishi Corp. (DIOP).........................  7,000               54
 Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (REAL)..............  4,000               39
 Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corp. (BANK).........  4,000               35
 Mitsui Fudosan (REAL)...........................  6,000               41
 Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (TRAN)................ 22,000               37
 NEC Corp. (COMP)................................  6,000              143
 NGK Insulators (PART)...........................  6,000               45
 Nintendo Corp., Ltd. (LEIS).....................    600              100
 Nippon Steel Co. (STEE)......................... 19,000               44
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT).......     11              188
 Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd. (FOOD)...........  1,700               40
 Nitto Denko Corp. (ETRN)........................  2,000              100
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)..............  4,000               72
 NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc.
  (TELS).........................................     11              423
 Obayashi Corp. (CONS)...........................  7,000               33
 Orix Corp. (FINL)...............................    500              113
 Osaka Gas Co. (UTIG)............................ 10,000               24
 Ricoh Co., Ltd. (ETRN)..........................  2,000               38
 Rohm Co., Ltd. (ETRN)...........................    300              123
 Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL).........................  2,000               41
 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)..........  1,000               16
 Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (BANK).........................  2,000               24
 Secom Co. (ETRN)................................  1,000              110
 Sekisui House, Ltd. (CONS)......................  5,000               44
 Seven-Eleven Japan (RETF).......................  1,000              159
 Softbank Corp. * (SOFT).........................    100               96
 Sony Corp. (ETRN)...............................  1,000              297
 Sumisho Computer Systems Corp. (SOFT)...........  1,000               69
 Sumitomo Bakelite Co.,  Ltd. (CHEM).............  4,000               36
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK)............................  5,000               68
 Sumitomo Chemical Co. (CHEM)....................  9,000               42
 Sumitomo Electric Industries (TELE).............  3,000               35
 Takeda Chemical Industries (HEAL)...............  2,000               99
 TDK Corp. (COMP)................................  1,000              138
 Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co. (INSU)........  5,000               58
 Tokyo Electric Power (UTIE).....................  2,100               56
 Tokyo Electron, Ltd. (ETRN).....................  1,000              137
 Toyota Motor Corp. (AUTO).......................  4,000              194
 Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (TRAN)...............  3,000              116
Netherlands - 2.7%
 ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK)......................   3,222              80
 Elsevier NV (MEDP)..............................   8,500             102
 ING Groep NV (BANK).............................   3,918             237
 KPN NV (UTIT)...................................   1,950             190
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILS)................   1,700             104
 TNT Post Group NV (TRAN)........................   2,100              60
 Unilever NV - CVA (CNSU)........................   1,192              66
New Zealand - 0.2%
 Auckland International (TRAN)...................   4,200               6
 Carter Holt Harvey, Ltd. (PAPR).................   6,500               9
 Fletcher Challenge Paper (PAPR).................  10,300               7
 Lion Nathan, Ltd. (FOOD)........................   4,900              12
 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd. (TELS).......   6,600              31
Norway - 0.1%
 Norske Skogsindustrier ASA - Cl. A (PAPR).......     800              42

Portugal - 0.4%
 EDP-Electricidade de Portugal SA (UTIE).........   3,100              54
 Portugal Telecom, SA (TELS).....................   5,500              60
Singapore - 0.5%
 Singapore Press Holdings, Ltd. (MEDP)...........   3,948              86
 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK)...............   6,336              56
Spain - 1.7%
 Banco Popular Espanol SA (BANK).................   1,671             109
 Banco Santander Central Hispano SA (BANK).......   8,913             101
 Endesa SA (UTIE)................................   2,877              57
 Tabacalera SA - Cl. A (FOOD)....................   8,420             120
 Telefonica SA (UTIT)............................   6,077             152



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares          Value

Sweden - 2.0%
 Electrolux AB - Ser. B (APPL) . . . . . . . .      5,390       $     136
 Investor AB - B Shares (FUND) . . . . . . . .      5,110              72
 Nordbanken Holding  (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .     19,990             118
 Swedish Match  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . .     20,390              71
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares
  (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,800             244
Switzerland - 2.1%
 Adecco SA - Reg. (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . .         96              75
 Nestle SA  (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         76             139
 Novartis AG  (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        117             172
 Roche Holding AG  (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . .         15             178
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . .        271             109
United Kingdom - 9.7%
 Allied Zurich AG *  (INSU)  . . . . . . . . .      5,950              70
 AstraZeneca Group plc  (HEAL) . . . . . . . .      2,028              84
 Barclays Bank  (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000              86
 BP Amoco plc  (OILE)  . . . . . . . . . . . .     20,974             212
 British Aerospace plc  (AERO) . . . . . . . .      4,030              26
 British Airways plc  (TRAN) . . . . . . . . .      7,000              46
 British Telecommunications plc  (TELS)  . . .      9,000             218
 Charter plc  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .     11,372              49
 Diageo plc  (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     11,739              94
 FKI plc  (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     32,000             125
 Glaxo Wellcome plc - ADR (HEAL) . . . . . . .      6,300             179
 Greenalls Group, plc  (RETF)  . . . . . . . .      8,400              40
 House of Fraser plc  (RETS) . . . . . . . . .     19,000              23
 HSBC Holdings plc  (BANK) . . . . . . . . . .      5,000              69
 Lloyds TSB Group plc  (BANK)  . . . . . . . .     15,000             186
 Marconi plc  (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,400             166
 Marks & Spencer plc  (RETS) . . . . . . . . .     14,000              67
 National Power plc  (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . .     16,000              92
 Nycomed Amersham plc  (HEAL)  . . . . . . . .     12,000              76
 Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.
  (TRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,654              61
 PowerGen plc  (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,000              65
 Prudential Corp.  (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . .      7,000             137
 Reckitt & Colman plc  (HNBA)  . . . . . . . .      5,000              47
 Reed International plc  (MEDP)  . . . . . . .     12,000              90
 Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP) . . . . . . . . .      4,900             118
 RJB Mining plc  (META)  . . . . . . . . . . .     15,500               8
 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc
  (INSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      7,494              56
 Scottish and Southern Energy plc  (UTIE)  . .     11,900              95
 Tesco plc  (RETF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     31,000              94
 Thames Water plc  (AGRI)  . . . . . . . . . .      3,583              44
 Trinity Mirror plc  (MEDP)  . . . . . . . . .      6,800              73
 Unilever plc  (CNSU)  . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,000              66
 United News & Media plc  (MEDP) . . . . . . .     10,000             126
 Yorkshire Water plc  (AGRI) . . . . . . . . .     10,000              56
                            TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      55.6%         17,551


Australia - 0.1%
 News Corp., Ltd.  (MEDI)  . . . . . . . . . .      2,700              23


Australia - 2.5%
 Queensland Treasury Corp. - Bonds (FORG)
 6.5% due 06/14/05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  1,250             805
Canada - 4.2%
 Government of Canada - Debs. (GOVF)
 4.25% due 12/01/21  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        770             622
 7.25% due 06/01/07  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        950             696
Denmark - 2.5%
 Kingdom of Denmark - Bonds (GOVF)
 7.0% due 11/10/24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,000             150
 8.0% due 11/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,700             387
 8.0% due 03/15/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,600             245
France - 5.7%
 Government of France - Debs. (GOVF)
 4.0% due 10/25/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         90              81
 Government of France - Bonds (GOVF)
 5.5% due 10/12/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,100           1,132
 5.5% due 04/25/29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        610             574
Germany - 5.0%
 DePfa Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG  (BANK)
 5.75% due 03/04/09  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        510             516
 Federal Republic of Germany - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.0% due 06/20/16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        230             242
 6.25% due 04/26/06  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        260             278
 Treuhandanstalt  (FORG)
 7.375% due 12/02/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .        510             552
Italy - 1.6%
 Republic of Italy  (GOVF)
 9.5% due 02/01/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        420             502

Japan - 4.8%
 Government of Japan - Bonds (GOVF)
 4.4% due 03/21/05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    132,000           1,513



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    Par           Market
                Name of Issuer                     Value           Value
                                                  (000's)         (000's)

Netherlands - 2.8%
 Government of Netherlands - Bonds  (GOVF)
 5.5% due 01/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $    170         $   159
 5.75% due 02/15/07  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        140             145
 6.5% due 04/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        560             593
Spain - 2.1%
 Government of Spain - Bonds (GOVF)
 3.25% due 01/31/05  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        710             654

Supra National - 1.0%
 Government of Netherlands - Bonds (GOVF)
 3.75% due 07/15/09  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        165             145
 Queensland Treasury Corp.  (FORG)
 6.0% due 07/14/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        270             163
Sweden - 3.8%
 Government of Sweden - Debs. (GOVF)
 6.5% due 10/25/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,600             444
 6.75% due 05/05/14  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,100             266
 10.25% due 05/05/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,700             499
United Kingdom - 3.6%
 U.K. Treasury  (GOVF)
 7.25% due 12/07/07  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        655           1,152
                   TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-      39.6%         12,515

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00  . . . . . . . . . . . .         829            829
                                                 ---------        -------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      97.9%         30,918
           Cash and Receivables, less payables-       2.1%            659
                                                 ---------        -------
                                    NET ASSETS-     100.0%        $31,577
                                                 =========        =======


                                                            Market      % of
                                                Industry     Value    Long-Term
                Industry                      Abbreviation  (000's)  Investments

Foreign Governmental . . . . . . . . . . . .      GOVF     $10,479      34.8%
Banks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      BANK       2,797       9.3%
Foreign  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      FORG       1,519       5.1%
Telecommunication Services . . . . . . . . .      TELS       1,511       5.0%
Electronic Products and Services . . . . . .      ETRN       1,183       3.9%
Diversified Operations . . . . . . . . . . .      DIOP         967       3.2%
Health Care Products . . . . . . . . . . . .      HEAL         917       3.0%
Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      INSU         884       2.9%
Telecommunication Equipment. . . . . . . . .      TELE         825       2.7%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco . . . . . . . . .      FOOD         648       2.2%
Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      UTIT         640       2.1%
Automobile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      AUTO         535       1.8%
Transportation Services. . . . . . . . . . .      TRAN         506       1.7%
Media - Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . .      MEDP         476       1.6%
Electric Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      UTIE         475       1.6%
Electrical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . .      ELEQ         439       1.5%
Retail - Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      RETF         430       1.4%
Chemicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      CHEM         414       1.4%
Computer Software and Services . . . . . . .      SOFT         360       1.2%
Commercial Services. . . . . . . . . . . . .      COMM         359       1.2%
Retail - Department Stores . . . . . . . . .      RETS         288       1.0%
Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      CONS         287       1.0%
Computer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . .      COMP         281       0.9%
Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . .      FINL         271       0.9%
Machinery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      MACH         236       0.8%
Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      OILS         231       0.8%
Oil - Equipment and Services . . . . . . . .      OILE         217       0.7%
Auto and Truck Parts . . . . . . . . . . . .      PART         200       0.7%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
 Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      OILX         186       0.6%
Paper and Forest Products. . . . . . . . . .      PAPR         174       0.6%
Leisure and Recreation . . . . . . . . . . .      LEIS         173       0.6%
Brokerage and Investment Management. . . . .      FUND         144       0.5%
Household Appliances/Furnishings . . . . . .      APPL         136       0.5%
Consumer - Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . .      CNSU         132       0.4%
Media - TV/Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      MEDI         126       0.4%
Agricultural Operations. . . . . . . . . . .      AGRI         118       0.4%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products . . . .      HNBA         104       0.3%
Real Estate Operations . . . . . . . . . . .      REAL          82       0.3%
Personal and Commercial Lending. . . . . . .      LEND          49       0.2%
Metals and Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      META          45       0.2%
Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      STEE          44       0.1%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing . . . . . . .      APPA          41       0.1%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones. . . . . . . . .      PMET          41       0.1%
Real Estate Development. . . . . . . . . . .      READ          32       0.1%
Natural Gas Distribution . . . . . . . . . .      UTIG          32       0.1%
Aerospace and Defense. . . . . . . . . . . .      AERO          27       0.1%
Real Estate Investment Trust . . . . . . . .      REIT          14       0.0%
Containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      CONT          14       0.0%
                                                           -------     ------
                                                           $30,089     100.0%
                                                           =======     ======
* Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipts
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                  Shares          Value

Business Services - 0.3%
 Internet Capital Group, Inc. * . . . . . .      8,795        $  1,495

Commercial Services - 5.8%
 Apollo Group, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . . .    385,404           7,732
 Edison Schools, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      9,330             147
 Lamar Advertising Co. *  . . . . . . . . .    102,490           6,207
 TMP Worldwide, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .     84,410          11,986
Computer Equipment - 2.3%
 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. * . . . .      9,440             389
 VERITAS Software Corp. * . . . . . . . . .     69,435           9,938
Computer Software and Services - 16.4%
 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. * . .     14,895           2,636
 Clarent Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     16,895           1,314
 DoubleClick, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .     50,935          12,890
 EarthLink Network, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .     43,165           1,834
 Exodus Communications, Inc. *  . . . . . .    165,335          14,684, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      6,070           1,299
 Liberate Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . .     29,200           7,504
 Network Solutions, Inc. - Cl. A *  . . . .     31,330           6,816, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     18,750           2,174
 Portal Software, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      9,440             971
 PSINet, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    140,090           8,651
 Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. *  . . . . . .     25,155           4,077, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     40,225           3,862
 VA Linux Systems * . . . . . . . . . . . .      6,335           1,309
 Vignette Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .     22,535           3,673
 Vitria Technology, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .      3,235             757
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.1%
 FreeMarkets, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,330             454

Electronic Products and Services - 11.4%
 Atmel Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     34,000           1,005
 Gemstar International Group, Ltd. *  . . .    153,690          10,951
 SDL, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     82,960          18,085
 Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. *  . . . . . .    243,310          12,759
 Xilinx, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    193,060           8,778
Financial Services - 3.5%
 Paychex, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    391,872          15,675

Health Care Products - 5.5%
 King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * . . . . . . .     75,570           4,237
 MedImmune, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     58,200           9,654
 MiniMed, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     47,035           3,445
 Sepracor, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .     76,705           7,608
Health Care Services - 0.7%
 Healtheon Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     89,540           3,358

Leisure and Recreation - 2.6%
 Premier Parks, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .    153,285           4,426
 SFX Entertainment, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .    198,380           7,179
Media - TV / Radio - 8.3%
 AMFM, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     80,325           6,285
 Citadel Communications Corp. * . . . . . .     75,850           4,921
 Cox Radio, Inc. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . . .     13,145           1,311
 Entercom Communications Corp. *  . . . . .    102,035           6,734
 Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. *  . . . . . .    124,070          11,442
 Radio One, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     33,845           3,114
 Univision Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * .     39,353           4,021
Retail - Department Stores - 2.3%, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     40,250           3,064
 eBay, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     57,075           7,145
Retail - Food - 0.1%
 PizzaExpress plc . . . . . . . . . . . . .     21,324             252

Technology - 3.8%
 VeriSign, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     90,625          17,304

Telecommunication Equipment - 9.9%
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . .     92,650           2,832
 Crown Castle International Corp. . . . . .    378,320          12,153
 E-Tek Dynamics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .     87,960          11,842
 Furukawa Electric Co.  . . . . . . . . . .      2,000              30
 Powertel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     49,405           4,959
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     62,960           4,309
 TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. * . . . . . .     78,320           8,713
Telecommunication Services - 20.1%
 AT&T Canada, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    160,850           6,474
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * . . .     44,505           3,972
 Clearnet Communications, Inc. - Cl. A *  .    152,245           5,233
 Level 3 Communications, Inc. * . . . . . .     89,985           7,368
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . . .    248,680          14,641
 Microcell Telecommunications, Inc. * . . .     75,251           2,474
 Net2Phone, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     67,735           3,112
 NTL, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     81,805          10,205
 Omnipoint Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     63,680           7,681
 Rogers Cantel Mobile Communications, Inc.*     94,350           3,432
 United States Cellular Corp. * . . . . . .     54,740           5,525
 VoiceStream Wireless Corp. * . . . . . . .     54,590           7,769
 Western Wireless Corp. - Cl. A * . . . . .    197,955          13,214
Telephone - 4.8%
 Metromedia Fiber Network, Inc. - Cl. A * .    295,125          14,148
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. *  . . . . .     91,955           7,638
                         TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      97.9%        443,276



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 Par           Market
               Name of Issuer                   Value          Value
                                               (000's)        (000's)

Financial Services - 2.1%
 Association Corp. of North America
  4.0% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  9,400        $  9,398
                                              --------        --------
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     100.0%        452,674
        Cash and Receivables, less payables-       0.0%            263
                                              --------        --------
                                 NET ASSETS-     100.0%       $452,937
                                              ========        ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Aerospace and Defense - 0.8%
 Cordant Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      400        $   13
 Northrop Grumman Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      600            33
Auto and Truck Parts - 1.0%
 Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. . . . . . . . . . .      700            11
 Dana Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            33
 Meritor Automotive, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      900            17
Banks - 5.7%
 AmSouth Bancorporation . . . . . . . . . . .    3,100            60
 Charter One Financial, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    5,145            99
 Comerica, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            42
 First Tennessee National Corp. . . . . . . .    1,200            34
 Firstar Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,672            35
 Golden West Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . .    1,800            60
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.9%
 E*TRADE Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    2,100            55

Chemicals - 1.1%
 Hercules, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            17
 Praxair, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            30
 Rohm & Haas Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            16
Commercial Services - 2.8%
 Convergys Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,300           102
 Equifax, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            35
 Lamar Advertising Co. *  . . . . . . . . . .      400            24
Computer Equipment - 0.7%
 Diebold, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            23
 Network Appliance, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      200            17
Computer Software and Services - 6.9%
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    1,000            26
 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . .    1,500            36
 Ceridian Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            13
 DST Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            46
 Fiserv, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            38
 Intuit, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            36
 Novell, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            48
 Policy Management Systems Corp. *  . . . . .      700            18
 Rational Software Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .    1,100            54
 SunGard Data Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    1,300            31
 Synopsys, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            53
Construction - 0.5%
 Del Webb Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            27

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 3.4%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . .    1,200            28
 Avery Dennison Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            44
 Black & Decker Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600            84
 Parker-Hannifin Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      800            41
Containers - 0.6%
 Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. *  . . . . . .    1,400            34

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 1.7%
 Avon Products, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            36
 Dial Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,500            61
Diversified Operations - 3.3%
 Danaher Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            43
 El Paso Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            54
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      600            41
 Reynolds & Reynolds Co. - Cl. A  . . . . . .    2,300            52
Electric Power - 5.4%
 Ameren Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            26
 CMS Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             6
 Constellation Energy Group . . . . . . . . .    1,300            38
 Dominion Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      800            31
 DPL, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300            23
 Edison International . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            37
 LG&E Energy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            24
 Northeast Utilities  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            29
 OGE Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            23
 Peco Energy Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            31
 Reliant Energy, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            32
 Wisconsin Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      600            12
Electrical Equipment - 1.4%
 American Power Conversion  . . . . . . . . .      400            11
 Pentair, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            23
 Unicom Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            47
Electronic Products and Services - 13.7%
 Analog Devices, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100           102
 Applied Micro Circuits Corp. * . . . . . . .      500            64
 Atmel Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            30
 Jabil Circuit, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      400            29
 Lam Research Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            56
 Linear Technology Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .      700            50
 LSI Logic Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            74
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. *  . . . . .    2,200           104
 Sanmina Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            70
 SCI Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            82
 Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. *  . . . . . . .      400            21
 Waters Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            80
 Xilinx, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            36



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.4%
 Quaker Oats Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700        $   46
 SUPERVALU, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             8
 Universal Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 UST, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            20
Health Care Products - 5.0%
 Allergan, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            35
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            34
 Forest Laboratories, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .    1,000            62
 Genetech, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            40
 QLT PhotoTherapeutics, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      800            47
 St. Jude Medical, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            46
 VISX, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            26
Health Care Services - 1.9%
 Biogen, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            59
 Lincare Holdings, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      500            17
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. *  . . . . .      500            33
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 1.0%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            24
 Maytag Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            24
 Whirlpool Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            13
Housing - 1.0%
 Centex Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700            42
 Clayton Homes, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,800            16
Insurance - 4.3%
 AXA Financial, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            20
 St. Paul Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            47
 Torchmark, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            29
 Travelers Property Casualty Corp. - Cl. A  .    2,000            69
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . .    1,600            83
Leisure and Recreation - 0.4%
 Hasbro, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            15
 Mattel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             7
Machinery - 0.8%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            50

Media - Publishing - 1.7%
 Knight-Ridder, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            48
 New York Times Co. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . .    1,100            54
Media - TV / Radio - 1.2%
 Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. *  . . . . . . .      100             9
 Westwood One, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            61
Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.2%
 Worthington Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . .      700            12

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.2%
 Sempra Energy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            10

Oil - 0.3%
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            17

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 4.9%
 Amerada Hess Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            79
 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. . . . . . . . . . .    2,500            85
 Apache Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            15
 Kerr-McGee Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            87
 Rowan Cos., Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            11
 USX-Marathon Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            10
Paper and Forest Products - 2.8%
 Boise Cascade Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            36
 Champion International Corp. . . . . . . . .      900            56
 Willamette Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    1,500            70
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.7%
 MBNA Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600            44

Pollution Control - 0.5%
 Allied Waste Industries, Inc. *  . . . . . .    3,500            31

Real Estate Development - 0.4%
 Ryland Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            23

Retail - Department Stores - 4.5%
 Circuit City Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      800            36
 Kmart Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700            17
 Limited, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            30
 Tandy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600            79
 Tiffany & Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            27
 TJX Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,500            71
Retail - Food - 1.5%
 Brinker International, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    2,400            58
 Outback Steakhouse, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    1,200            31
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.6%
 Jones Apparel Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .      900            25
 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      700            12
Steel - 1.0%
 AK Steel Holding Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      300             5
 Nucor Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            44
 Ryerson Tull, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            10



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Telecommunication Equipment - 3.4%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. * . . . . . . .      500        $   36
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      700            48
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      300            17
 Tellabs, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            96
Telecommunication Services - 3.1%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * . . . .    2,000           178

Telephone - 1.1%
 Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. . . . . . .      500            63

Transportation Services - 3.9%
 Alaska Air Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      500            18
 CNF Transportation, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            34
 Delta Air Lines, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      200            10
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.  . . .    1,300            97
 Northwest Airlines Corp. * . . . . . . . . .    1,300            29
 Southwest Airlines Co. . . . . . . . . . . .    2,300            37
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-    97.7%        5,678


 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  125           125
                                                ------        ------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    99.9%        5,803
          Cash and Receivables, less payables-     0.1%            7
                                                ------        ------
                                   NET ASSETS-   100.0%       $5,810
                                                ======        ======

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                  Shares          Value

Aerospace and Defense - 2.3%
 Boeing Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     28,500        $  1,184
 Honeywell International, Inc. . . . . . .     13,600             785
 Lockheed Martin Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     76,800           1,680
Auto and Truck Parts - 1.7%
 Dana Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     10,000             299
 General Motors Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     13,200             960
 Genuine Parts Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .     30,100             747
 TRW, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     11,500             597
Banks - 6.4%
 Bank of America Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     16,400             823
 Bank One Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     42,300           1,356
 Chase Manhattan Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     10,100             784
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. . . . . . . .     58,472           2,035
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . .     14,000           1,773
 KeyCorp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     22,900             507
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp. . . . . . . .     21,500             687
 National City Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     25,400             602
 Wells Fargo & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .     34,400           1,391
Business Services - 0.9%
 Dun & Bradstreet Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     24,400             720
 H & R Block, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     16,700             730
Chemicals - 4.4%
 CK Witco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     22,273             298
 Dow Chemical Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     13,500           1,804
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. . . . . . .     33,400           2,200
 Great Lakes Chemical Corp.  . . . . . . .     24,600             939
 Hercules, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     38,300           1,068
 Imperial Chemical Industries plc - ADR  .     14,500             617
Commercial Services - 0.3%
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. . . . . . . . .     19,700             489

Computer Equipment - 2.4%
 Compaq Computer Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     30,200             817
 Hewlett-Packard Co. . . . . . . . . . . .     14,900           1,698
 Xerox Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     56,300           1,277
Construction - 0.4%
 Armstrong World Industries, Inc.  . . . .     16,300             544

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.9%
 Fortune Brands, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     19,500             645
 Stanley Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     29,100             877
 Tupperware Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     14,000             237
 Unilever NV - CVA . . . . . . . . . . . .     21,400           1,182

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.9%
 International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.      35,200        $  1,329

Diversified Operations - 3.3%
 Cooper Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . .     14,000             566
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co.  . .     22,000           2,153
 Pall Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     49,400           1,065
 PPG Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     20,400           1,277
Electric Power - 3.8%
 DQE, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     16,900             585
 Duke Energy Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     27,100           1,359
 Entergy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     14,800             381
 Firstenergy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .     29,200             663
 Niagara Mohawk Holdings, Inc. . . . . . .     16,600             231
 Reliant Energy, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     32,800             750
 ScottishPower plc - ADR . . . . . . . . .     15,718             440
 Southern Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     51,400           1,208
 Teco Energy, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     13,900             258
Electrical Equipment - 0.5%
 Unicom Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     24,900             834

Electronic Products and Services - 0.3%
 Hubbell, Inc. - Cl. B . . . . . . . . . .     18,100             493

Financial Services - 3.3%
 Citigroup, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     43,275           2,405
 Mellon Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     80,600           2,745
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 9.4%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . .     24,900           1,765
 Brown-Forman Corp. - Cl. B  . . . . . . .     15,700             899
 Campbell Soup Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .     30,000           1,160
 General Mills, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .     65,100           2,327
 H.J. Heinz Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     39,300           1,565
 Hershey Foods Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     24,600           1,168
 Kellogg Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     29,700             915
 McCormick & Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     28,600             851
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . .     60,800           1,410
 Quaker Oats Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     22,000           1,444
 UST, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     44,700           1,126
Health Care Products - 4.8%
 Abbott Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . .     35,700           1,296
 American Home Products Corp.  . . . . . .     66,100           2,607
 Becton, Dickinson & Co. . . . . . . . . .      5,400             144
 Merck & Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     13,300             892
 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.  . . . . . . . .     43,700           1,967
 Smith & Nephew plc  . . . . . . . . . . .    149,500             502
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.4%
 Whirlpool Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,600             625



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                  Shares          Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Insurance - 4.9%
 American General Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     26,200        $  1,988
 Chubb Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     22,200           1,250
 Lincoln National Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     19,900             796
 Safeco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     26,300             654
 St. Paul Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .     44,352           1,494
 UnumProvident Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     31,500           1,010
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . .      9,300             483
Leisure and Recreation - 2.4%
 Eastman Kodak Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .     28,700           1,901
 Hasbro, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     28,900             551
 Hilton Hotels Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     37,700             363
 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.     40,700             957
Media - Publishing - 2.0%
 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     15,400           1,047
 Knight-Ridder, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .     24,900           1,482
 Readers Digest Association, Inc. - Cl. A      17,300             506
Media - TV / Radio - 1.3%
 The Walt Disney Co. . . . . . . . . . . .     70,900           2,074

Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.5%
 Reynolds Metals Co. . . . . . . . . . . .     10,300             789

Metals and Mining - 0.7%
 Inco, Ltd.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     17,700             416
 Phelps Dodge Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .     10,300             691
Oil - 3.0%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO) . . . . . .     31,000           2,681
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares . .     33,600           2,031
Oil - Equipment and Services - 4.2%
 Baker Hughes, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     60,000           1,264
 Exxon Mobil Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .     64,767           5,218
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 7.5%
 Amerada Hess Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .     24,300           1,379
 BP Amoco plc - ADR  . . . . . . . . . . .     47,652           2,827
 Chevron Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     25,700           2,226
 Phillips Petroleum Co.  . . . . . . . . .     17,700             832
 Texaco, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     36,000           1,955
 Unocal Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     51,800           1,739
 USX-Marathon Group  . . . . . . . . . . .     32,500             802
Paper and Forest Products - 4.7%
 Consolidated Papers, Inc. . . . . . . . .     24,500             780
 Fort James Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     41,800           1,144
 International Paper Co. . . . . . . . . .     54,770           3,091
 Kimberly-Clark Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     36,000           2,349
Pollution Control - 0.7%
 Waste Management, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .     63,790           1,096

Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.4%
 Newmont Mining Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     27,400             671

Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.7%
 Simon Property Group, Inc.  . . . . . . .     35,500             814
 Vornado Realty Trust  . . . . . . . . . .      8,800             286
Real Estate Operations - 0.3%
 Rouse Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     20,600             438

Retail - Department Stores - 1.2%
 J.C. Penney Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     12,800             255
 May Department Stores Co. . . . . . . . .     23,950             773
 Toys "R" Us, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     55,200             790
Retail - Drug Stores - 0.2%
 Rite Aid Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     24,000             268

Telecommunication Services - 1.4%
 BCE, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     24,100           2,174

Telephone - 8.8%
 Alltel Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     30,800           2,547
 AT&T Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     15,800             802
 Bell Atlantic Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     31,300           1,927
 BellSouth Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     15,700             735
 GTE Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     37,100           2,618
 SBC Communications, Inc.  . . . . . . . .     60,855           2,966
 U.S. West, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     29,600           2,131
Transportation Services - 2.5%
 Burlington Northern Santa Fe  . . . . . .     25,700             623
 GATX Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      6,500             219
 Norfolk Southern Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     68,400           1,402
 Union Pacific Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     37,900           1,654
U.S. Government Agencies - 1.1%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.  . . . .     27,700           1,730
                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      95.9%        149,446


Commercial Services - 0.2%
 President & Fellows Harvard Co.
 5.0% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .   $    396             396



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Par           Market
              Name of Issuer                   Value          Value
                                              (000's)        (000's)

Electric Power - 1.3%
 Consolidated Edison, Inc.
 6.65% due 01/21/00  . . . . . . . . . . .   $  2,000        $  1,993

Financial Services - 1.3%
 Island Finance Puerto Rico, Inc.
 6.1% due 03/21/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000           1,973

Telecommunication Services - 1.3%
 British Telecommunications plc
 6.3% due 02/18/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000           1,983
                    TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER-       4.1%          6,345
                                             --------        --------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     100.0%        155,791
       Cash and Receivables, less payables-       0.0%             58
                                             --------        --------
                                NET ASSETS-     100.0%       $155,849
                                             ========        ========

*    Non-income producing security.

ADR - American Depository Receipt

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer            Shares                Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.5%
 Boeing Co. . . . . . . . . . . .      500              $     21
 General Dynamics Corp. . . . . .      600                    32
 Litton Industries, Inc. *  . . .      100                     5
 Northrop Grumman Corp. . . . . .      100                     5
 United Technologies Corp.  . . .      500                    32
Auto and Truck Parts - 1.3%
 Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. . . . .      500                     8
 Cummins Engine Company, Inc. . .      200                    10
 General Motors Corp. . . . . . .      400                    29
 Johnson Controls, Inc. . . . . .      600                    34
 TRW, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      100                     5
Automobile - 1.8%
 Delphi Automotive Systems Corp.     3,200                    50
 Ford Motor Co. . . . . . . . . .    1,000                    54
 Hertz Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . .      200                    10
Banks - 10.7%
 Associated BancCorp. . . . . . .      500                    17
 Bank of America Corp.  . . . . .    2,500                   125
 Chase Manhattan Corp.  . . . . .    1,400                   109
 Comerica, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      100                     5
 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. . . .      200                     5
 First Security Corp. . . . . . .      400                    10
 First Union Corp.  . . . . . . .      900                    30
 Firstar Corp.  . . . . . . . . .    2,700                    57
 FleetBoston Financial Corp.  . .    1,876                    65
 Golden West Financial Corp.  . .      600                    20
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc.  . . . .      200                    25
 KeyCorp  . . . . . . . . . . . .      300                     7
 National City Corp.  . . . . . .      400                     9
 Old Kent Financial Corp. . . . .      300                    11
 Suntrust Banks, Inc. . . . . . .      800                    55
 U.S. Bancorp . . . . . . . . . .      400                     9
 UnionBanCal Corp.  . . . . . . .      800                    32
 Washington Mutual, Inc.  . . . .      500                    13
 Wells Fargo & Co.  . . . . . . .    2,000                    81
Brokerage and Investment Management - 2.7%
 Legg Mason, Inc. . . . . . . . .      800                    29
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.  . . .      500                    42
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter,
  Discover & Co.  . . . . . . . .      400                    57
 Standard and Poor's Depositary
  Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . .      300                    44
Business Services - 0.2%
 Comdisco, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      300                    11

Chemicals - 2.6%
 A. Schulman, Inc.  . . . . . . .      300                     5
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. .      200                     7
 Dow Chemical Co. . . . . . . . .      700                    93
 Engelhard Corp.  . . . . . . . .      200                     4
 H.B. Fuller Co.  . . . . . . . .      200                    11
 Praxair, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      400                    20
 Sigma-Aldrich Corp.  . . . . . .      900                    27
Commercial Services - 0.4%
 Deluxe Corp. . . . . . . . . . .      300                     8
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.  . . .      300                     8
 ServiceMaster Co.  . . . . . . .      300                     4
 Valassis Communications, Inc. *       100                     4
Computer Equipment - 2.4%
 Apple Computer, Inc. * . . . . .      200                    21
 Hewlett-Packard Co.  . . . . . .      700                    80
 International Business Machines Corp  400                    43
 Lexmark International Group, Inc. -
  Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . . . .      100                     9
Computer Software and Services - 1.0%
 Electronic Data Systems Corp.  .      100                     7
 First Data Corp. . . . . . . . .      400                    20
 Network Associates, Inc. . . . .      100                     3
 Seagate Technology, Inc. * . . .      400                    18
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * . . . .      200                    15
Construction - 0.1%
 USG Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .      100                     5

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.6%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A      200                     5
 Avery Dennison Corp. . . . . . .      300                    22
 Parker-Hannifin Corp.  . . . . .      200                    10
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.7%
 Procter & Gamble Co. . . . . . .      400                    44

Diversified Operations - 1.4%
 Eaton Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .      600                    44
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co.  200                    20
 National Service Industries, Inc.     100                     3
 Pall Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      300                     6
 Tyco International, Ltd. . . . .      400                    15
Electric Power - 4.9%
 Ameren Corp. . . . . . . . . . .      400                    13
 Dominion Resources, Inc. . . . .      800                    32
 Duke Energy Co.  . . . . . . . .    1,000                    50
 Edison International . . . . . .    1,000                    26
 Energy East Corp.  . . . . . . .    1,200                    25
 FPL Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . .      500                    21
 GPU, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      500                    15



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer            Shares               Value

Electric Power - Continued
 PG & E Corp. . . . . . . . . . .      400            $      8
 Public Services Enterprise Group,
  Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400                  49
 Southern Co. . . . . . . . . . .    1,100                  26
 Texas Utilities Co.  . . . . . .    1,400                  50
Electrical Equipment - 0.2%
 Emerson Electric Co. . . . . . .      200                  11

Electronic Products and Services - 1.7%
 Ball Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      200                   8
 Cisco Systems, Inc. *  . . . . .      200                  21
 LSI Logic Corp. *  . . . . . . .      100                   7
 Micron Technology, Inc. *  . . .      100                   8
 Motorola, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      300                  44
 National Semiconductor Corp. * .      200                   8
 Texas Instruments, Inc.  . . . .      100                  10
Financial Services - 3.7%
 Associates First Capital Corp. -
  Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . . . .      200                   6
 Citigroup, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    3,500                 194
 Mellon Financial Corp. . . . . .      200                   7
 Providian Financial Corp. *  . .      300                  27
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.5%
 Adolph Coors Co. - Cl. B . . . .      200                  10
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc.  . . .      100                   7
 ConAgra, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      700                  16
 Hormel Foods Corp. . . . . . . .      100                   4
 IBP, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600                  29
 Nabisco Group Holdings Corp. . .    3,100                  33
 Nabisco Holdings Corp. - Cl. A .    1,300                  41
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. . . . .      500                  12
 UST, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      300                   7
Health Care Products - 1.5%
 Abbott Laboratories  . . . . . .      200                   7
 American Home Products Corp.   .      100                   4
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc.  . . . . . .      100                   7
 Baxter International, Inc. . . .      400                  25
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. . . . .      200                  13
 Johnson & Johnson  . . . . . . .      200                  19
 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. . . . .      500                  22
Health Care Services - 1.2%
 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.  .      500                  15
 Trigon Healthcare, Inc. *  . . .      300                   9
 United Healthcare Corp.  . . . .    1,000                  53
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.1%
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A      100                   4

Housing - 0.1%
 American Standard Cos., Inc. * .      100                   5

Insurance - 8.3%
 Aetna, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      400                  22
 AFLAC, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      600                  28
 American General Corp. . . . . .      800                  61
 American International Group, Inc.  1,100                 119
 AXA Financial, Inc.  . . . . . .    1,400                  48
 Conseco, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      300                   5
 Hartford Financial Services
  Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      400                  19
 Hartford Life, Inc. - Cl. A  . .      600                  26
 Loews Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .      700                  43
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.  . .      600                  58
 MBIA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      300                  16
 MGIC Investment Corp.  . . . . .      100                   6
 The PMI Group, Inc.  . . . . . .      500                  24
 Travelers Property Casualty Corp.
  - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500                  51
Leisure and Recreation - 1.7%
 Brunswick Corp.  . . . . . . . .    1,900                  42
 Eastman Kodak Co.  . . . . . . .      700                  47
 Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. * .      200                   5
 Hasbro, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      400                   8
 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (MGM) *     300                   7
Machinery - 0.9%
 Caterpillar, Inc.  . . . . . . .      100                   5
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. . . . . . . .      200                  11
 Tecumseh Products Co. - Cl. A  .      900                  42
Media - Publishing - 1.5%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group -
  Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . . . .      900                  51
 Knight-Ridder, Inc.  . . . . . .      200                  12
 New York Times Co. - Cl. A . . .      400                  20
 Times Mirror Co. - Cl. A . . . .      100                   7
 Tribune Co.  . . . . . . . . . .      100                   5
Media - TV / Radio - 2.2%
 Comcast Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . .      100                   5
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Cl. A *    500                  26
 Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. -
  Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . . . .      600                  15
 Infinity Broadcasting Corp. - Cl.
  A * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000                  36
 The Walt Disney Co.  . . . . . .    1,000                  29
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * . . . . .      500                  30
Metals and Mining - 1.5%
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. . . . . . .    1,500                  62
 Alcoa, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      300                  25
 Inco, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . .      300                   7



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer            Shares                Value

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.2%
 Enron Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .      300                $     13

Oil - 1.0%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO)  .      200                      17
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY
  Shares. . . . . . . . . . . . .      800                      49
Oil - Equipment and Services - 5.0%
 Exxon Mobil Corp.  . . . . . . .    3,852                     310
 Halliburton Co.  . . . . . . . .      200                       8
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 3.2%
 Apache Corp. . . . . . . . . . .      800                      30
 Burlington Resources, Inc. . . .      200                       7
 Chevron Corp.  . . . . . . . . .    1,100                      95
 Coastal Corp.  . . . . . . . . .      100                       4
 Kerr-McGee Corp. . . . . . . . .      200                      12
 Murphy Oil Corp. . . . . . . . .      300                      17
 Phillips Petroleum Co. . . . . .      200                       9
 Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      400                      22
 Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc. . .      300                      10
Paper and Forest Products - 1.0%
 Georgia-Pacific Corp.  . . . . .    1,000                      51
 International Paper Co.  . . . .      100                       6
 Weyerhaeuser Co. . . . . . . . .      100                       7
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.2%
 Household International, Inc.  .      300                      11

Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.7%
 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. -
  Cl. B . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,200                      47

Retail - Department Stores - 2.6%
 Barnes & Noble, Inc. * . . . . .      500                      10
 BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc.  . . .      300                      11
 Circuit City Stores, Inc.  . . .      700                      31
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. * 1,200                      61
 Lands' End, Inc. . . . . . . . .      200                       7
 Limited, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      700                      30
 Tiffany & Co.  . . . . . . . . .      100                       9
 Zale Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .      200                      10
Retail - Food - 0.4%
 Albertson's, Inc.  . . . . . . .      200                       6
 Brinker International, Inc. *  .      200                       5
 Darden Restaurants, Inc. . . . .      500                       9
 McDonald's Corp. . . . . . . . .      100                       4
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.3%
 Nike, Inc. - Cl. B . . . . . . .      400                      20

Telecommunication Services - 2.2%
 BCE, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000                      90
 MediaOne Group, Inc. . . . . . .      400                      31
 United States Cellular Corp. * .      200                      20
Telephone - 11.2%
 Alltel Corp. . . . . . . . . . .      400                      33
 AT&T Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .    4,200                     213
 Bell Atlantic Corp.  . . . . . .    1,300                      80
 BellSouth Corp.  . . . . . . . .    1,400                      66
 CenturyTel, Inc. . . . . . . . .      800                      38
 GTE Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      600                      42
 MCI WorldCom, Inc. * . . . . . .      900                      48
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. *       100                       8
 SBC Communications, Inc. . . . .    3,137                     153
 Sprint Corp. . . . . . . . . . .      500                      34
Transportation Services - 1.5%
 Alaska Air Group, Inc. * . . . .      100                       4
 America West Holdings Corp. - Cl. B * 300                       6
 Burlington Northern Santa Fe . .      200                       5
 Canadian National Railway Co.  .      800                      21
 Delta Air Lines, Inc.  . . . . .      800                      40
 UAL Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      300                      23
U.S. Government Agencies - 0.8%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.      100                       5
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.      700                      43
               TOTAL COMMON STOCK-    89.7%                  5,716


 Investment in joint repurchase
  agreement with Goldman Sachs &
  Co. dated 12/31/99, 3.159% due
  01/03/00 (Secured by various
  U.S. Treasury obligations and
  U.S. Government Agency Bonds) .   $  500                     500
                                    ------                 -------
                TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    97.6%                  6,216
        Cash and Receivables, less     2.4%                    155
                                    ------                 -------
                       NET ASSETS-   100.0%                $ 6,371
                                    ======                 =======

*    Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Aerospace and Defense - 2.3%
 Honeywell International, Inc.  . . . . . . .      800        $   46
 Northrop Grumman Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      400            22
 United Technologies Corp.  . . . . . . . . .    1,100            71
Auto and Truck Parts - 2.0%
 Federal-Mogul Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            22
 General Motors Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            29
 General Motors Corp. - Cl. H . . . . . . . .      400            39
 TRW, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            31
Automobile - 0.9%
 Delphi Automotive Systems Corp.  . . . . . .    1,100            17
 Ford Motor Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            38
Banks - 9.2%
 Bank One Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,100           100
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp.  . . . . . . . .    2,100            67
 Pacific Century Financial Corp.  . . . . . .    6,900           129
 U.S. Bancorp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4,900           117
 UnionBanCal Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            55
 Wachovia Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400            95
Brokerage and Investment Management - 2.0%
 A.G. Edwards, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000            64
 Legg Mason, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600            58
Chemicals - 2.2%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . . . . .      600            20
 Cabot Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            14
 CK Witco Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      669             9
 Cytec Industries, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      500            11
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.  . . . . . . .      800            53
 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. . . . . . . . . .      500            19
 W.R. Grace & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            10
Commercial Services - 0.6%
 Convergys Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            25
 Danka Business Systems plc - ADR . . . . . .      900            11
Computer Equipment - 2.8%
 3Com Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            23
 Compaq Computer Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      800            22
 International Business Machines Corp.  . . .      600            65
 Quantum Corp. - DLT & Storage *  . . . . . .    2,200            33
 Redback Networks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      150            27
Computer Software and Services - 1.5%
 Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. - Cl. A *      300            14
 First Data Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300            64
 Unisys Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            16
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.6%
 Clorox Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            35

Containers - 0.5%
 Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. *  . . . . . .    1,200            29

Diversified Operations - 2.1%
 Eaton Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            43
 El Paso Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            43
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. . . . .      400            39
Electric Power - 3.8%
 Calpine Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            51
 DQE, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300            45
 Duke Energy Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            20
 Edison International . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             8
 Endesa S.A. - ADR  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            22
 Montana Power Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            18
 Peco Energy Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            21
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp.  . . . . . . . .    1,300            40
 UtiliCorp United, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      400             8
Electrical Equipment - 0.7%
 Unicom Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            40

Electronic Products and Services - 3.1%
 Adaptec, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            25
 Analog Devices, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      700            65
 Motorola, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      650            96
Financial Services - 6.3%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A * . .    1,800            49
 Citigroup, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5,300           295
 People's Bank - Bridgeport . . . . . . . . .    2,000            42
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.7%
 McCormick & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    2,200            65
 PepsiCo, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            32
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    1,300            30
 Sara Lee Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700            38
Health Care Products - 2.5%
 Abbott Laboratories  . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            33
 American Home Products Corp. . . . . . . . .      800            31
 Baxter International, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      600            38
 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            49
Health Care Services - 0.3%
 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.  . . . . . . .      700            21



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                  Shares         Value

Insurance - 6.5%
 American International Group, Inc. . . . . .    1,000        $  108
 Cigna Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            89
 Conseco, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,400            43
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . .    1,100           105
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            52
Leisure and Recreation - 1.1%
 Eastman Kodak Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            20
 Mattel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,100            40
 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.  .      200             5
Machinery - 0.7%
 Caterpillar, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             9
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            33
Media - Publishing - 1.9%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A * .    1,300            74
 Gannett Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            41
Media - TV / Radio - 2.0%
 A.H. Belo Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            15
 E.W. Scripps Co. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . .      700            31
 Generale Cable Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,700            21
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * . . . . . . . . . . .      900            54
Metals and Mining - 1.2%
 Alcoa, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            75

Natural Gas Distribution - 1.1%
 Columbia Energy Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . .      200            13
 Enron Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            53
Oil - 5.0%
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. B . . . . . . . . . . . .    5,100           127
 Repsol-YPF, S.A. - ADR . . . . . . . . . . .    3,800            88
 Suncor Energy, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,200            92
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 3.8%
 Chevron Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      850            74
 Penzoil-Quaker State Co. . . . . . . . . . .    7,100            72
 Santa Fe International Corp. . . . . . . . .    1,200            31
 Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc. . . . . . . . .    1,600            54
Paper and Forest Products - 2.3%
 Bowater, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            38
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            39
 Temple-Inland, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            20
 Weyerhaeuser Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            43

Pollution Control - 0.1%
 Republic Services, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . . .      500             7

Real Estate Investment Trust - 1.0%
 Kimco Realty Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            27
 Liberty Property Trust . . . . . . . . . . .      900            22
 Spieker Properties, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      300            11
Retail - Department Stores - 2.8%
 Dayton Hudson Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            74
 Intimate Brands, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    2,300            99
Retail - Food - 0.8%
 McDonald's Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            48

Telecommunication Equipment - 0.8%
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . .    1,600            49

Telecommunication Services - 2.7%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * . . . .      200            18
 EchoStar Communications Corp. - Cl. A *  . .    1,000            98
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) * . . . . . . . . . .      500            51
Telephone - 12.1%
 AT&T Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4,100           208
 Bell Atlantic Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    3,200           197
 MCI WorldCom, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,800            96
 SBC Communications, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    2,795           136
 Sprint Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500           101
Transportation Services - 2.4%
 AMR Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            33
 Atlas Air, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            33
 Canadian National Railway Co.  . . . . . . .      500            13
 Mesaba Holdings, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .    1,800            21
 SkyWest, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            25
 Werner Enterprises, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    1,700            24
U.S. Government Agencies - 2.1%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. . . . . . .    2,100           131
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-    96.5%        5,888


 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
 5.242% due 01/03/00  . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  216        $  216
                                                ------        ------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-   100.0%        6,104
          Payables, less cash and receivables-   (0.0)%           (3)
                                                ------        ------
                                   NET ASSETS-   100.0%       $6,101
                                                ======        ======

* Non-income producing security.

ADR - American Depository Receipt

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Par           Market
              Name of Issuer                  Value          Value
                                             (000's)        (000's)

Automobile- 1.1%
 DaimlerChrysler NA Holding Co.
 6.356% due 07/06/00 . . . . . . . . . . .   $ 5,000        $  5,020

Banks- 3.0%
 PNC Bank NA - Notes
 6.388% due 06/07/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,021
 6.411% due 07/12/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     8,500           8,524
Brokerage and Investment Management- 5.8%
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Notes
 5.15% due 04/19/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     8,000           8,082
 6.162% due 08/07/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     7,000           7,065
 6.252% due 07/24/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     2,000           2,023
 6.271% due 07/31/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     2,000           2,022
 6.291% due 01/31/00 . . . . . . . . . . .       575             581
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. - Notes
 6.781% due 06/13/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,021
 7.08% due 05/22/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,300           1,338
Commercial Services- 1.1%
 Xerox Credit Corp. - Notes
 6.043% due 12/08/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,038

Diversified Operations- 1.1%
 Ciesco L.P.
 6.482% due 08/14/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,015

Electronic Products and Services- 2.2%
 Sunstrand Corp.
 6.751% due 03/15/00 . . . . . . . . . . .    10,000          10,048

Financial Services- 2.2%
 National Rural Utilities Cooperative
  Finance Corp. - Notes
 6.141% due 06/26/00 . . . . . . . . . . .    10,000          10,009

Personal and Commercial Lending- 4.6%
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Notes
 6.173% due 10/02/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     7,000           6,997
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 6.1% due 09/01/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,000           6,028
 6.403% due 11/20/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,046
 Household Finance Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.23% due 12/01/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     2,500           2,516
               TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-     21.1%         95,394


Aerospace and Defense - 1.5%
 United Technologies Corp.
 5.75% due 01/20/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     6,564           6,544

Banks - 12.7%
 ANZ (Delaware), Inc.
 6.45% due 02/03/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,500           4,473
 Bank of Nova Scotia
 5.4% due 06/01/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,030           6,223
 5.94% due 10/02/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     7,000           7,092
 Chase Manhattan Bank USA
 5.08% due 02/01/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,171
 Deutsche Bank AG
 5.62% due 06/26/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,148
 National Bank of Canada
 5.14% due 04/24/00  . . . . . . . . . . .    20,000          20,720
 Svenska Handelsbanken NY
 5.23% due 03/01/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           4,178
 5.28% due 03/03/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           4,178
Brokerage and Investment Management - 4.5%
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
 6.02% due 05/01/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,899
 6.15% due 03/20/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     6,000           5,919
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
 5.55% due 01/24/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     2,424           2,415
 Salomon Smith Barney Holdings, Inc.
 5.65% due 02/04/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     7,000           6,964
Chemicals - 1.5%
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
 5.78% due 01/20/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     6,601           6,581

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 2.8%
 Moriarty, Ltd.
 6.1% due 01/19/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,000             997
 6.31% due 01/10/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,900           1,897
 5.84% due 02/18/00  . . . . . . . . . . .    10,000           9,922
Diversified Operations - 1.3%
 Diageo Capital plc
 5.85% due 01/18/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,992           5,975

Electric Power - 2.6%
 Aes Hawaii, Inc.
 6.55% due 01/11/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     3,000           2,995
 Electricite de France
 5.82% due 01/11/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           3,994
 General Electric Credit Capital of Puerto
 5.83% due 03/17/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,938
Financial Services - 44.7%
 Alpine Securitization Corp.
 5.85% due 01/18/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     2,000           1,994
 6.0% due 01/18/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,816           2,808
 6.0% due 02/01/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           3,979
 6.05% due 01/12/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,991



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Par           Market
              Name of Issuer                  Value          Value
                                             (000's)        (000's)

Financial Services - Continued
 Centric Capital Corp.
 5.92% due 03/09/00  . . . . . . . . . . .   $ 1,640        $  1,622
 6.03% due 01/24/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,981
 6.03% due 01/27/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     3,885           3,868
 6.04% due 01/06/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,996
 Clipper Receivables Corp.
 5.5% due 01/07/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,500           4,496
 5.93% due 01/31/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,035           5,010
 6.08% due 01/24/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,489           4,472
 6.24% due 01/21/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     3,000           2,990
 6.4% due 01/07/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,995
 Corporate Asset Funding Co.
 5.86% due 01/19/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     8,000           7,976
 6.02% due 02/02/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,608           4,583
 Corporate Recievables Corp.
 6.03% due 01/19/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     6,702           6,682
 6.482% due 01/18/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,014
 Delaware Funding Corp.
 5.93% due 01/18/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,129           4,117
 Eagle Funding Capital Corp.
 6.6% due 02/04/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,798           1,787
 6.7% due 02/10/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,421           3,396
 6.71% due 01/31/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,252           4,228
 6.77% due 01/18/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           3,987
 6.8% due 01/11/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,003           2,997
 7.25% due 01/10/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,255           1,253
 Falcon Asset Securitization Corp.
 5.9% due 01/21/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,984
 5.95% due 01/11/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           3,993
 6.95% due 01/11/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,000             998
 General Electric Capital Corp.
 4.89% due 01/28/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     6,000           5,978
 5.97% due 02/04/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,972
 6.42% due 01/26/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     3,800           3,783
 Greenwich Funding Corp.
 5.5% due 02/07/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,077           1,071
 5.96% due 03/10/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,943
 6.3% due 02/08/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,200           1,192
 Monte Rosa Capital Corp.
 5.96% due 02/14/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,964
 Norwest Financial, Inc.
 6.5% due 01/31/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,544           1,536
 Receivables Capital Corp.
 5.95% due 01/13/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,990
 Sheffield Receivables Corp.
 5.96% due 01/21/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,200           5,183
 6.01% due 01/28/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     3,876           3,859
 6.1% due 01/25/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,000           6,971
 6.7% due 01/14/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           3,990
 Sigma Finance, Inc.
 5.14% due 02/10/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,232
 5.78% due 04/14/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,000           3,933
 5.9% due 02/16/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,000           5,955
 6.641% due 04/28/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,004
 State Street Cayman Islands
 5.0% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,084           1,084
 Windmill Funding Corp.
 6.0% due 02/04/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,150           6,115
 6.23% due 01/10/00  . . . . . . . . . . .    13,000          12,979
 6.7% due 01/20/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,000             996
Leisure and Recreation - 3.1%
 6.0% due 04/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,500           1,477
 6.02% due 03/01/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     7,392           7,317
 6.08% due 01/18/00  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           4,986
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.5%
 Toyota Motor Credit Co.
 6.0% due 01/13/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,397           2,392

Telecommunication Services - 1.1%
 American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
 6.136% due 07/13/00 . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000           5,067

Telephone - 2.2%
 SBC Communications, Inc.
 5.84% due 01/28/00  . . . . . . . . . . .    10,000           9,956
                    TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER-     78.5%        354,345
                                             -------        --------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     99.6%        449,739
       Cash and Receivables, less Payables-      0.4%          1,496
                                             -------        --------
                                NET ASSETS-    100.0%       $451,235
                                             =======        ========

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares            Value

Aerospace and Defense - 2.2%
 General Dynamics Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     37,900          $ 1,999

Auto and Truck Parts - 5.0%
 General Motors Corp. - Cl. H . . . . . . .     18,300            1,757
 Lear Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     57,800            1,849
 Navistar International Corp., Inc. - Cl. B     21,400            1,014
Banks - 2.5%
 FleetBoston Financial Corp.  . . . . . . .     27,800              968
 Valley National Bancorp  . . . . . . . . .     46,000            1,288
Business Services - 4.4%
 Comdisco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     76,100            2,835
 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     41,600            1,227
Chemicals - 4.7%
 Engelhard Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     56,400            1,065
 Praxair, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     36,800            1,851
 W.R. Grace & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    104,200            1,446
Computer Software and Services - 9.0%
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .     39,900            1,037
 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. * . . . . . .     88,900            2,134
 Ceridian Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .     92,400            1,992, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     12,000              483
 Parametric Technology Corp. *  . . . . . .     77,800            2,106
 PSINet, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,100              562
Containers - 1.9%
 Sealed Air Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      8,800              456
 Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. *  . . . . .     53,100            1,301
Diversified Operations - 0.8%
 Eaton Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     10,600              770

Electric Power - 2.2%
 Cinergy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     24,800              598
 Niagara Mohawk Holdings, Inc.  . . . . . .    100,600            1,402
Electrical Equipment - 2.7%
 UCAR International, Inc. * . . . . . . . .     75,900            1,352
 Unicom Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     35,100            1,176
Electronic Products and Services - 1.9%
 National Semiconductor Corp. * . . . . . .     28,900            1,237
 Waters Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      9,300              493
Energy - Alternative Source - 1.7%
 Dynegy, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     65,000            1,580

Financial Services - 1.7%
 Finova Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     44,900            1,594

Health Care Products - 3.2%
 Becton, Dickinson & Co.  . . . . . . . . .     43,900            1,174
 Genzyme Corp. (General Division) * . . . .     39,000            1,755
Health Care Services - 1.9%
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. *  . . . .     26,500            1,747

Household Appliances / Furnishings - 2.0%
 Maytag Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     37,600            1,805

Insurance - 3.8%
 Ambac Financial Group, Inc.  . . . . . . .     24,000            1,252
 Aon Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     28,300            1,132
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . .     22,200            1,152
Leisure and Recreation - 0.9%
 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.      37,100              872

Machinery - 3.3%
 SPX Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     24,200            1,956
 W.W. Grainger, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     23,200            1,109
Media - Publishing - 1.7%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A *     27,200            1,544

Media - TV / Radio - 4.2%
 A.H. Belo Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     90,400            1,723
 E.W. Scripps Co. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . .     21,000              941
 The News Corp., Ltd. - ADR . . . . . . . .     35,300            1,181
Metal Product and Fabrication - 1.3%
 Reynolds Metals Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .     15,900            1,218

Metals and Mining - 0.3%
 Phelps Dodge Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      3,900              262

Natural Gas Distribution - 1.2%
 Williams Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     36,500            1,116

Oil - 1.0%
 Tosco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     33,300              905

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
Production - 9.2%
 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. . . . . . . . . .     36,400            1,242
 Apache Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     36,000            1,330
 Coastal Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     42,400            1,503
 Kinder Morgan, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     33,600              678
 Noble Drilling Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .     28,500              933
 Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc. . . . . . . .     41,300            1,391
 USX-Marathon Group . . . . . . . . . . . .     57,900            1,430



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares           Value
Paper and Forest Products - 3.1%
 Bowater, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     29,000          $ 1,575
 Fort James Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     46,900            1,284
Personal and Commercial Lending - 2.9%
 Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc.  . . .     60,700            1,533
 SLM Holding Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     26,200            1,107
Real Estate Operations - 1.6%
 IndyMac Mortgage Holdings, Inc.  . . . . .    114,000            1,454
Retail - Department Stores - 3.2%
 Consolidated Stores Corp. *  . . . . . . .     91,400            1,485
 Harcourt General, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     35,600            1,433
Steel - 1.5%
 AK Steel Holding Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     73,700            1,391
Telecommunication Equipment - 2.1%
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . .     58,800            1,797
 ANTEC Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,500               91
Telecommunication Services - 4.8%
 EchoStar Communications Corp. - Cl. A *  .     12,100            1,180
 Global Crossing, Ltd.  . . . . . . . . . .     36,300            1,815
 Winstar Communications, Inc. * . . . . . .     19,000            1,429
Telephone - 0.5%
 Metromedia Fiber Network, Inc. - Cl. A * .     10,200              489

Transportation Services - 3.1%
 Continental Airlines, Inc. - Cl. B * . . .     32,700            1,451
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.  . .     19,100            1,425
                         TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      97.5%          89,862

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . .   $  3,503            3,503
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     101.3%          93,365
        Payables, less cash and receivables-      (1.3)%         (1,215)
                                              --------          -------
                                 NET ASSETS-     100.0%         $92,150
                                              ========          =======

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipt
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                   Shares            Value

Automobile - 2.2%
 United Rentals, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    235,700          $  4,036

Banks - 5.8%
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp. . . . . . . .     90,000             2,874
 National Commerce Bancorporation  . . . .    111,800             2,536
 Westamerica Bancorporation  . . . . . . .     65,000             1,816
 Wilmington Trust Trust Corp.  . . . . . .     70,000             3,378
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.6%
 Investment Technology Group, Inc. . . . .     38,400             1,104

Business Services - 2.3%
 American Management Systems, Inc. * . . .    133,300             4,182

Chemicals - 3.9%
 MacDermid, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     71,000             2,916
 Minerals Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . .    102,000             4,086
Commercial Services - 6.4%
 ACNielson Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     71,500             1,761
 DeVry, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    106,000             1,974
 G & K Services, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . . .    127,200             4,118
 NCO Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     15,300               461
 NOVA Corp. - Georgia *  . . . . . . . . .     72,900             2,301
 Tetra Tech, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .     62,900               967
Computer Equipment - 1.6%
 The BISYS Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     44,900             2,930

Computer Software and Services - 24.4%
 Acxiom Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    160,000             3,840
 Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. -
  Cl. A *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     34,200             1,573
 Cognos, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     20,000               923
 DST Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     82,400             6,288
 Fiserv, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     83,800             3,211
 Macromedia, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .     19,400             1,419
 National Instruments Corp. *  . . . . . .     33,000             1,262
 Policy Management Systems Corp. * . . . .     67,700             1,731
 Shared Medical Systems Corp.  . . . . . .    118,300             6,026
 Sterling Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . .    244,100             7,689
 SunGard Data Systems, Inc.  . . . . . . .     96,400             2,289
 Synopsys, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     69,600             4,646
 Systems & Computer Technology Corp. * . .    177,000             2,876
 Verity, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     15,000               638
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 3.5%
 Catalina Marketing Corp. *  . . . . . . .     55,000             6,366

Containers - 1.3%
 Bemis Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     67,000             2,337

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.5%
 AptarGroup, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     39,200               985

Electric Power - 2.5%
 Montana Power Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .    125,300             4,519

Electrical Equipment - 1.9%
 Littelfuse, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    142,100             3,448

Electronic Products and Services - 7.6%
 C-Cube Microsystems, Inc. * . . . . . . .     37,400             2,328
 Dallas Semiconductor Corp.  . . . . . . .     81,300             5,239
 Sterling Commerce, Inc. * . . . . . . . .     80,300             2,735
 Waters Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     54,500             2,889
 Xilinx, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     15,800               718
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.8%
 Beringer Wine Estates Holdings *  . . . .    126,800             5,056

Health Care Products - 4.8%
 ALZA Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     45,000             1,558
 Biomet, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     62,500             2,500
 Genzyme Corp. (General Division) *  . . .     91,200             4,104
 Haemonetics Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . .     20,800               495
Health Care Services - 1.7%
 Covance, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    293,500             3,173

Household Appliances / Furnishings - 4.2%
 Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc. . . . . . . .     89,500             2,870
 Herman Miller, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .    157,400             3,620
 Leggett & Platt, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     50,000             1,072
Insurance - 2.3%
 Reinsurance Group of America  . . . . . .    153,740             4,266

Leisure and Recreation - 2.2%
 Speedway Motorsports, Inc. *  . . . . . .    140,900             3,919

Media - TV / Radio - 0.6%
 Univision Communications, Inc. - Cl. A *      10,500             1,073

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.0%
 Hanover Compressor Co. *  . . . . . . . .     46,200             1,744

Pollution Control - 1.8%
 Donaldson Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .     33,200               799
 Ionics, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     88,900             2,500
Retail - Department Stores - 3.4%
 Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. * . . . . . . . .    100,000             3,475
 Family Dollar Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . .    165,500             2,700
Retail - Food - 2.0%
 Whole Foods Market, Inc. *  . . . . . . .     80,100             3,715

Telecommunication Equipment - 2.1%
 Symbol Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . .     59,000             3,750

Transportation Services - 2.2%
 Air Express International Corp. . . . . .     54,100             1,748



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                   Shares            Value

Transportation Services - Continued
 C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. . . . . . .     58,400          $  2,322
                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      95.6%          173,874

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00  . . . . . . . . . .   $   9,219            9,219
                                             ---------         --------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     100.7%          183,093
       Payables, less cash and receivables-     (0.7%)          (1,162)
                                             ---------         --------
                                NET ASSETS-     100.0%         $181,931
                                             =========         ========

* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par         Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                 (000's)       (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 0.6%
 Raytheon Co. - Notes
 6.75% due 08/15/07  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  200        $   186
 United Technologies Corp. - Debs.
 8.875% due 11/15/19 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             56
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.2%
 Dana Corp. - Notes
 7.0% due 03/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             66

Automobile - 0.5%
 DaimlerChrysler NA Holding Co.
 6.9% due 09/01/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            149
 Delphi Automotive Systems Corp. - Debs.
 7.125% due 05/01/29 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             44
Banks - 4.2%
 African Development Bank - Sub. Notes
 6.875% due 10/15/15 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       35             33
 Bank One Corp. - Sr. Notes
 5.625% due 02/17/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            141
 BankAmerica Corp. - Sub. Notes
 6.5% due 03/15/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            144
 Chase Manhattan Corp. - Sub. Notes
 7.125% due 02/01/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      225            220
 First Union Corp. - Sub. Notes
 8.125% due 06/24/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      230            235
 Fleet Financial Group - Sub. Debs.
 6.7% due 07/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             65
 Golden West Financial Corp. - Sub. Notes
 6.7% due 07/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            148
 InterAmerican Development Bank - Debs.
 8.5% due 03/15/11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            220
 Korea Development Bank - Bonds
 7.375% due 09/17/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      120            118
 National City Bank of Pennsylvania - Sub.
  Notes 7.25% due 10/21/11  . . . . . . . . ..       50             48
 Royal Bank of Scotland plc - Sub. Notes
 6.4% due 04/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             46
 Wachovia Corp. - Sub. Notes
 5.625% due 12/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             65
 Wells Fargo & Co. - Sub. Notes
 6.875% due 04/01/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            145
Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.1%
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. - Notes
 8.5% due 05/01/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            103
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. - Notes
 8.0% due 06/01/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            204
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.
 6.875% due 03/01/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             96
Business Services - 0.4%
 Comdisco, Inc. - Notes
 6.125% due 01/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            144

Chemicals - 1.1%
 ICI Wilmington, Inc. - Debs.
 8.75% due 05/01/01  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            306
 Morton International, Inc. - Debs.
 9.25% due 06/01/20  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       40             44
 Rohm & Haas Co. - Notes
 7.4% due 07/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       80             79
Computer Equipment - 0.2%
 International Business Machines Corp. - Debs.
 7.0% due 10/30/25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             94

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.3%
 Fortune Brands, Inc. - Debs.
 7.875% due 01/15/23 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             99

Diversified Operations - 1.0%
 Diageo Capital plc
 6.125% due 08/15/05 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            189
 John Deere Capital Corp. - Notes
 6.0% due 02/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             53
 Seagram , Ltd.
 8.35% due 01/15/22  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             51
 Tyco International Group SA
 6.375% due 06/15/05 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       80             75
Electric Power - 1.7%
 CalEnergy Co., Inc. - Bonds
 8.48% due 09/15/28  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             62
 Duke Energy Co. - 1st Ref. Mtg.
 6.75% due 08/01/25  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             85
 Enersis SA - Notes
 6.9% due 12/01/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       30             27
 Florida Power & Light Co.
 7.75% due 02/01/23  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             47
 Ontario Hydro - Local Govt. Gtd.
 6.1% due 01/30/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             93
 Philadelphia Electric Co. - 1st Ref. Mtg.
 7.125% due 09/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            100
 Tennessee Valley Authority
 6.75% due 11/01/25  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             93
 Virginia Electric Power Co. - 1st Mtge.
 7.625% due 07/01/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            150
Financial Services - 3.8%
 Ameritech Capital Funding Corp.
 6.875% due 10/15/27 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             54
 CIT Group, Inc. - Notes
 7.25% due 08/15/05  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             99
 Citicorp Capital II
 8.015% due 02/15/27 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             94



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par         Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                 (000's)       (000's)

Financial Services - Continued
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes
 7.25% due 11/08/04  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  225        $   223
 Ford Capital B.V. - Debs.
 9.5% due 06/01/10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            167
 General Electric Capital Corp. - Debs.
 8.75% due 05/21/07  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            161
 KFW International Finance - Debs.
 9.125% due 05/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            310
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co. -
 6.875% due 03/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            197
 Sumitomo Bank International Finance NV - Notes
 8.5% due 06/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            102
 Washington Mutual Capital I
 8.375% due 06/01/27 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             57
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.9%
 Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. - Debs.
 8.5% due 02/01/22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            106
 Conagra, Inc. - Debs.
 9.75% due 03/01/21  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             87
 Food Lion, Inc. - Notes
 8.05% due 04/15/27  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             46
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 10/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            101
Foreign Governmental - 2.5%
 Government of New Zealand - Debs.
 8.75% due 12/15/06  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      120            131
 8.4% due 01/15/22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            106
 Kingdom of Sweden - Debs.
 12.0% due 02/01/10  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75            101
 Malaysia - Bonds
 8.75% due 06/01/09  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             52
 Province of Manitoba - Debs.
 6.875% due 09/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            199
 Province of Newfoundland - Debs.
 9.0% due 10/15/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             67
 Province of Ontario
 8.0% due 10/17/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            204
 Republic of Korea - Unsub.
 8.75% due 04/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       85             88
Insurance - 0.7%
 Aetna Services, Inc.
 7.625% due 08/15/26 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             89
 Hartford Life, Inc. Debs.
 7.65% due 06/15/27  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             48
 Torchmark, Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 08/15/09  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            100
 Travelers Property Casualty Corp. - Sr. Notes
 7.75% due 04/15/26  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             49
Machinery - 0.5%
 Reliance Electric Co. - Notes
 6.8% due 04/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            199

Media - TV / Radio - 1.2%
 News America Holdings, Inc. - Debs.
 7.7% due 10/30/25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             93
 TCI Communciations, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.125% due 02/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       70             64
 The Walt Disney Co. - Sr. Notes
 6.75% due 03/30/06  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            196
 Time Warner Entertainment, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.375% due 07/15/33 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            104
Metals and Mining - 0.5%
 Noranda, Inc. - Debs.
 7.0% due 07/15/05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            189

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.5%
 Enron Corp. - Notes
 6.75% due 09/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             97
 Tennessee Gas Pipeline - Bonds
 7.5% due 04/01/17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             94
Oil - 0.8%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO) - Notes
 5.55% due 04/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             72
 Conoco, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.95% due 04/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       90             81
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. - Debs.
 7.2% due 04/01/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       40             36
 Tosco Corp. - Notes
 7.625% due 05/15/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      115            112
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.2%
 Petroleum-Geo Services ASA - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 03/30/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             92

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 0.4%
 Phillips Petroleum Co. - Debs.
 6.65% due 07/15/18  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             45
 Saga Petroleum ASA - Debs.
 7.25% due 09/23/27  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             68
 Union Oil Co. of California
 7.5% due 02/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             56
Paper and Forest Products - 0.5%
 Bowater, Inc. - Debs.
 9.0% due 08/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            106



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par         Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                 (000's)       (000's)

Paper and Forest Products - Continued
 Champion International Corp. - Debs.
 7.35% due 11/01/25  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   50        $    45
 Westvaco Corp. - Notes
 7.1% due 11/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       35             34
Personal and Commercial Lending - 2.2%
 Aristar, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.5% due 11/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            194
 CitiFinacial Credit Co. - Notes
 5.9% due 09/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            144
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 9.625% due 12/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      350            366
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes
 6.5% due 11/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             92
 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. - Notes
 5.5% due 12/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             52
Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.1%
 Spieker Properties, Inc. - Debs.
 7.5% due 10/01/27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       40             35

Retail - Department Stores - 0.5%
 Dayton Hudson Corp. - Debs.
 6.75% due 01/01/28  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       25             22
 Gap, Inc. - Notes
 6.9% due 09/15/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             97
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Debs.
 6.75% due 10/15/23  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             90
Retail - Food - 0.3%
 Albertson's, Inc. - Notes
 6.625% due 06/01/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             43
 McDonald's Corp. - Sub. Debs.
 7.31% due 09/15/27  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             56
Telecommunication Equipment - 0.4%
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. - Debs.
 6.5% due 01/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50             44
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. - Notes
 7.25% due 07/15/06  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            100
Telecommunication Services - 0.8%
 Bell Canada
 7.75% due 04/01/06  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      125            127
 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. - Debs.
 7.0% due 10/01/25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             91
 Cable & Wireless Communication - Notes
 6.75% due 03/06/08  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             75
Telephone - 2.3%
 ALLTEL Corp. - Sr. Notes
 7.6% due 04/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            100
 AT&T Corp. - Notes
 6.0% due 03/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            182
 6.5% due 03/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             52
 Comcast Cable Communications - Notes
 8.875% due 05/01/17 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             82
 MCI Worldcom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.4% due 08/15/05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            192
 New York Telephone Co. - Debs.
 7.25% due 02/15/24  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             89
 SBC Communications Capital Corp. - Debs.
 5.875% due 06/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             97
 South Carolina Electric & Gas - 1st Mtge.
 7.5% due 06/15/23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             91
Transportation Services - 1.3%
 American Airlines, Inc. - Pass Through
 7.024% due 10/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60             58
 CSX Corp. - Debs.
 7.45% due 05/01/07  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      125            123
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. - Debs.
 10.375% due 12/15/22  . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            117
 Laidlaw, Inc. - Debs.
 8.75% due 04/15/25  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             93
 Norfolk Southern Corp. - Notes
 7.35% due 05/15/07  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      125            122
U.S. Government Agencies - 13.6%
 Federal Home Loan Bank
 5.58% due 08/17/01  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            296
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
 5.75% due 07/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            775
 5.75% due 04/15/08  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             92
 6.3% due 06/01/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            292
 7.1% due 04/10/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500          1,501
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
 4.75% due 11/14/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      175            162
 5.125% due 02/13/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      230            216
 5.375% due 03/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      450            439
 5.625% due 05/14/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      450            430
 5.875% due 04/23/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            287
 6.0% due 05/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       40             37
 6.16% due 08/07/28  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      125            109
 6.19% due 02/19/09  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      120            110
 6.25% due 05/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      140            125
 6.5% due 04/29/09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            187
 Financing Corp. - Bonds
 8.6% due 09/26/19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      150            171



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par         Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                 (000's)       (000's)

U.S. Governmental - 51.8%
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds
 6.5% due 11/15/26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   25        $    24
 6.75% due 08/15/26  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      275            276
 7.625% due 11/15/22 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,340          1,470
 8.125% due 08/15/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      395            453
 8.75% due 05/15/17  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100          1,314
 8.75% due 08/15/20  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100          1,333
 9.25% due 02/15/16  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            370
 11.125% due 08/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000          2,293
 11.25% due 02/15/15 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      260            368
 11.75% due 02/15/10 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      250            304
 11.75% due 11/15/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      215            291
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 6.5% due 05/31/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600          1,608
 6.875% due 05/15/06 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,525          1,552
 7.5% due 11/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            817
 7.5% due 05/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      450            462
 4.75% due 02/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      650            613
 4.75% due 11/15/08  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      860            759
 5.625% due 05/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      875            823
 6.125% due 07/31/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,250          1,252
 6.125% due 08/15/07 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            195
 6.375% due 03/31/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            501
 6.375% due 08/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      960            962
 7.875% due 11/15/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      720            761
 8.0% due 05/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100          1,125
                   TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-    97.1%        37,325


 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
 5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .       985           985
                                                 -------       -------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    99.7%        38,310
           Cash and Receivables, less payables-     0.3%           126
                                                 -------       -------
                                    NET ASSETS-   100.0%       $38,436
                                                 =======       =======

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                    Shares          Value

Aerospace and Defense - 3.3%
 Honeywell International, Inc.  . . . . . . .     3,375          $   195
 United Technologies Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     4,700              305
Banks - 0.6%
 Bank of America Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,700               85

Brokerage and Investment Management - 4.6%
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .       700               66
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . .     1,400              117
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.      3,600              514
Computer Equipment - 9.2%
 Dell Computer Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    15,500              790
 Intel Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,300              601
Computer Software and Services - 10.5%
 America Online, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     3,600              272
 EMC Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,500              273
 IMS Health, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,300               90
 Microsoft Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,400              630
 Oracle Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,300              146
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .       600               46
 Yahoo!, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       300              130
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 1.0%
 Colgate-Palmolive Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .     2,300              150

Diversified Operations - 6.7%
 Costco Wholesale Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .     2,900              264
 General Electric Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,200              186
 Tyco International, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . .    14,300              556
Electronic Products and Services - 6.7%
 Applied Materials, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .     1,900              241
 Cisco Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,850              626
 Solectron Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,500              143
Financial Services - 5.7%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A * . .    15,700              431
 Citigroup, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,600              422
Health Care Products - 9.7%
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. . . . . . . . . . .     5,000              321
 Medtronic, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,600              168
 Pfizer, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,100              198
 Schering-Plough Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .     9,800              413
 Warner-Lambert Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,400              360
Insurance - 1.5%
 American International Group, Inc. . . . . .     2,100              227

Media - Publishing - 3.8%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A * .     9,300              528
 Gannett Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       500               41
Media - TV / Radio - 2.9%
 AMFM, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,100              164
 The Walt Disney Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,400               70
 Time Warner, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,800              203
Personal and Commercial Lending - 2.3%
 MBNA Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,900              352

Retail - Department Stores - 11.1%
 eBay, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       300               38
 Gap, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,400              202
 Home Depot, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,800              535
 Kohl's Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,200              303
 Lowe's Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,900              412
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     2,600              180
Retail - Drug Stores - 0.9%
 Walgreen Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,400              129

Retail - Food - 0.7%
 The Kroger Co. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,600              106

Telecommunication Equipment - 6.4%
 Lucent Technologies, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .     2,300              172
 Nokia Oyj - ADR  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,200              798
Telecommunication Services - 4.7%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * . . . .     1,200              107
 MediaOne Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,500              499
 Vodafone AirTouch plc - ADR  . . . . . . . .     2,200              109
Telephone - 2.8%
 Sprint Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,200              417

U.S. Government Agencies - 1.5%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. . . . . . .     4,000              188
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. . . . . . .       700               44
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     96.6%          14,563



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par            Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value           Value
                                                 (000's)         (000's)
 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .   $    568         $   568
                                                --------         -------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    100.4%          15,131
          Payables, less cash and receivables-    (0.4)%            (57)
                                                --------         -------
                                   NET ASSETS-    100.0%         $15,074
                                                ========         =======

* Non-income producing security.
ADR -American Depository Receipt
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value
Auto and Truck Parts - 1.6%
 Autoliv, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600        $   18
 Avis Rent A Car, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      500            13
 Bandag, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            15
 Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.  . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            19
 Cummins Engine Company, Inc.  . . . . . . . .      400            19
 Federal-Mogul Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             8
 Lear Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            13
 Superior Industries International, Inc. . . .      600            16
 Tower Automotive, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      600             9
Automobile - 0.2%
 Group 1 Automotive, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      400             5
 Oshkosh Truck Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            15
Banks - 5.5%
 Associated Banc-Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            21
 Astoria Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      400            12
 Banknorth Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            16
 Bay View Capital Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      800            11
 Capitol Federal Financial . . . . . . . . . .    2,100            20
 CCB Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            26
 City National Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            13
 Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. . . . . . . . .      300             6
 CORUS Bankshares, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      400            10
 Dime Bancorp, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300            20
 F & M National Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            28
 First Citizens BancShares, Inc. - Cl. A . . .      300            21
 First Security Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            18
 First Sentinel Bancorp, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    1,500            12
 First United Bancshares, Inc. . . . . . . . .      600             8
 Golden State Bancorp, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .      300             5
 Hancock Holding Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            15
 Harbor Florida Bancshares, Inc. . . . . . . .      600             8
 Hibernia Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . .      600             6
 Independence Community Bank Corp. . . . . . .      500             6
 Investors Financial Services Corp.  . . . . .      200             9
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp. . . . . . . . . .      600            19
 National City Bancshares, Inc.  . . . . . . .       10
 Net.B@nk, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             4
 North Fork Bancorporation, Inc. . . . . . . .      800            14
 OceanFirst Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . . .      800            14
 Omega Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            15
 Roslyn Bancorp, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             7
 Silicon Valley Bancshares * . . . . . . . . .      400            20
 TeleBanc Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .      600            16
 United Community Financial Corp.  . . . . . .      800             8
 Valley National Bancorp . . . . . . . . . . .    1,656            46
Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.1%
 A.G. Edwards, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            23
 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. * . . . . . .      600            24
 Jefferies Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            15
 John Nuveen Co. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . .      400            14
 Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. - Cl. A  . . .      500            14
Business Services - 1.7%
 Comdisco, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            34
 Express Scripts, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . . .      200            13
 Harris Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            27
 InaCom Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             1
 Interim Services, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      600            15
 Manpower, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            19
 Robert Half International, Inc. . . . . . . .      600            17
 USWeb Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            13
Chemicals - 1.7%
 Arch Chemicals, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             8
 CK Witco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600             8
 Cytec Industries, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      500            12
 Georgia Gulf Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            15
 H.B. Fuller Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            22
 IMC Global, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            15
 International Specialty Products, Inc.  . . .      600             6
 Millennium Chemicals, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      700            14
 Octel Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             5
 Sigma-Aldrich Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            36
Commercial Services - 3.7%
 ACNielson Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            15
 Brady Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            10 *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       75             1
 Data Broadcasting Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .      200             2
 Deluxe Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            17
 F.Y.I., Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 Fair Issac & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      400            21
 Intraware, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             8
 Lamar Advertising Co. * . . . . . . . . . . .      400            24
 Lason, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             2
 Olsten Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            12
 Paxar Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900             8
 Pittway Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            13
 Power One, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            14
 Quanta Services, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      300             9
 Snyder Communications, Inc. * . . . . . . . .      900            17
 Standard Register Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             6
 Steelcase, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            14
 Stericycle, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             9
 Sybase, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            14
 TMP Worldwide, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            14
 True North Communications . . . . . . . . . .      300            13
 Valassis Communications, Inc. * . . . . . . .      450            19
 Ventiv Health, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            14
 Veritas DGC, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             7
 Wackenhut Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . .      600             9



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Computer Equipment - 1.4%
 Diebold, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800        $   19
 Digital River, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             3
 In Focus Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      300             7
 NeoMagic Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             2
 Network Appliance, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      400            33
 Quantum Corp. - DLT & Storage * . . . . . . .      600             9
 SanDisk Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            10
 Tech Data Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            11
 Wallace Computer Services, Inc. . . . . . . .      600            10
 Xircom, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            15
Computer Software and Services - 13.1%
 24/7 Media, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             6
 Actuate Software Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      200             9
 Advanced Digital Information Corp. *  . . . .      300            15
 Advent Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      150            10
 Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. - Cl. A *       500            23
 Ancor Communications, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .      200            14
 Aspect Development, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      100             7
 Aspen Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      200             5
 Autodesk, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 AVT Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             9
 AXENT Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      100             2
 BEA Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            56
 Black Box Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            13
 BroadVision, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            34
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            26
 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      600            14
 CheckFree Holdings Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .      200            21
 CNET, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            11
 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.  . . . .      200            22
 Concentric Network Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .      200             6
 Concord Communications, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      100             4
 Critical Path, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             9
 DoubleClick, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      128            32
 DST Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            23
 EarthLink Network, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      100             4
 Exodus Communications, Inc. * . . . . . . . .      800            71
 FileNet Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             8 *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      230             5
 Go2Net, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             9
 Harbinger Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             6
 HNC Software, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            11
 i2 Technologies, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      200            39, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            21
 Intervu, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            11
 ISS Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             7
 iVillage, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             2
 Legato Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      300            21
 Macromedia, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            15
 Mercury Interactive Corp. * . . . . . . . . .      200            22
 Micromuse, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            17
 MicroStrategy, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            21
 Midway Games, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            14
 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      200             5, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             4
 Netopia, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             5
 Network Associates, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      600            16
 Network Solutions, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . .      100            22
 New Era of Networks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .      200            10, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             3
 Open Market, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             5
 Parametric Technology Co. * . . . . . . . . .    1,300            35
 Peregrine Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      100             8
 Phoenix Technologies, Ltd.  . . . . . . . . .      500             8
 Portal Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      100            10
 Prodigy Communications Corp. *  . . . . . . .      100             2
 PSINet, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            12
 Radiant Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      300            12
 Rare Medium Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      200             7
 Rational Software Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .      400            20
 Remedy Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            10
 Rhythms NetConnections, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      300             9
 RSA Security, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            16
 Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. * . . . . . . . .      200            32
 Sapient Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            14
 SoftNet Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             3
 SportsLine USA, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      100             5
 Sterling Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      600            19
 Symantec Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            18
 Synopsys, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            27
 Technology Solutions Co. *  . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 Unigraphics Solutions, Inc. * . . . . . . . .      300             8
 Verio, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            14
 Verity, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             4
 VerticalNet, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            16
 Whittman-Hart, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             5
 Ziff-Davis, Inc. - ZDNet *  . . . . . . . . .      100             2
Construction - 1.7%
 Armstrong World Industries, Inc.  . . . . . .      500            17
 Foster Wheeler Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      600             5
 Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. *  . . . . . .      400            13
 Lafarge Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            19
 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. . . . . . . .      400            17
 NVR, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            14
 Pitt - Des Moines, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      400            10
 U.S. Home Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            13
 USEC, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600             4
 USG Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            28
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.3%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . .      500            12
 Briggs & Stratton Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .      500            27
 Daisytek International Corp. *  . . . . . . .      300             7
 Herbalife International, Inc. - Cl. A . . . .    1,100            16
 Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . .    1,000             9
 SCP Pool Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            10



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Consumer - Miscellaneous - Continued
 ValueVision International, Inc. - Cl. A * . .      400        $   23
Containers - 0.2%
 Sonoco Products Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            16

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.2%
 Church & Dwight Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      500            13

Diversified Operations - 2.2%
 A.O. Smith Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            18
 Blount International, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .      500             8
 Dexter Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            12
 Gerber Scientific, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      600            13
 Lancaster Colony Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      600            20
 Lanier Worldwide, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      800             3
 National Service Industries, Inc. . . . . . .      700            21
 Ogden Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            13
 Olin Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            12
 Pall Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            26
 Roper Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      300            11
 Trinity Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      500            14
 Viad Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            14
Electric Power - 3.7%
 Calpine Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            26
 Citizens Utilities Co. - Cl. B  . . . . . . .    1,300            18
 CMP Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            28
 DPL, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            14
 Eastern Utilities Associates  . . . . . . . .    1,100            33
 Energy East Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            31
 LG&E Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            10
 Ni Source, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            18
 Niagara Mohawk Holdings, Inc. . . . . . . . .      500             7
 NorthWestern Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. . . . . . . . . .      600            18
 Potomac Electric Power Co.  . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 Public Service Co. of New Mexico  . . . . . .    1,000            16
 Puget Sound Energy, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      600            12
 Teco Energy, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            13
 UtiliCorp United, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      900            18
 Western Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      700            12
 Wisconsin Energy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      800            15
Electrical Equipment - 0.7%
 American Power Conversion . . . . . . . . . .      700            19
 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. *  . . . .      600            17
 Littelfuse, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            12
 The Genlyte Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            11
Electronic Products and Services - 10.0%
 Adaptec, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            25
 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      500            14
 Alliant Energy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            25
 Alpha Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      200            11
 Amkor Technology, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      500            14
 Amphenol Corp. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . . . . .      400            27
 Anadigics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             9
 Applied Micro Circuits Corp. *  . . . . . . .      200            25
 Arrow Electronics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      600            15
 Atmel Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            18
 Avid Technology, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      700             9
 Avnet, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            12
 Ball Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            16
 Burr-Brown Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      450            16 Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             8
 Checkpoint Systems, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      200             2
 Cohu, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             9
 Conexant Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      600            40
 CTS Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            15
 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. * . . . . . . . .      600            19
 Dallas Semiconductor Corp.  . . . . . . . . .      200            13
 Electronics for Imaging, Inc. * . . . . . . .      200            12
 Entrust Technologies, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      100             6
 General Semiconductor, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      200             3
 Kemet Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            18
 Kent Electronics Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .      700            16
 Lam Research Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            22
 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. * . . . . . . . .      300            14
 LTX Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 MedQuist, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             8
 Microchip Technology, Inc * . . . . . . . . .      200            14
 Molecular Devices, Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .      200            10
 National Semiconductor Corp. *  . . . . . . .      700            30
 Novellus Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      200            24
 Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc.  . . . . . .      100            30
 Park Electrochemical Corp.  . . . . . . . . .      400            11
 PerkinElmer, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            17
 PMC-Sierra, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            32
 Power Integrations, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      200            10
 QLogic Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            16
 Sawtek, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            13
 SCI Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            33
 SDL, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            22
 Sensormatic Electronics Corp. * . . . . . . .      900            16
 Sterling Commerce, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      400            14
 Stoneridge, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             6
 Trimble Navigation, Ltd. *  . . . . . . . . .      200             4
 Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates,
  Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            14
 Vicor Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            20
 Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      775            24
 Waters Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            16
Engineering and Construction - 0.3%
 Fluor Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            23

Financial Services - 1.6%
 Advanta Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             9



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value
Financial Services - Continued
 AmeriCredit Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600        $   11
 Finova Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            18
 FirstFed Financial Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .      500             7
 GreenPoint Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . . .      900            21
 Heller Financial, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      700            14
 People's Bank - Bridgeport  . . . . . . . . .      600            13
 Rollins Truck Leasing Corp. . . . . . . . . .    1,300            15
 S1 Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             8
 Sky Financial Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      596            12
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.0%
 American States Water Co. . . . . . . . . . .      400            15
 Corn Products International, Inc. . . . . . .      400            13
 Fleming Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300            13
 Flowers Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      700            11
 General Cigar Holdings, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    1,000             8
 IBP, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            18
 International Home Foods, Inc. *  . . . . . .      700            12
 J.M. Smucker Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            14
 NBTY, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            12
 Pilgrims Pride Corp. - Cl. B  . . . . . . . .      500             4
 Robert Mondavi Corp. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . .      200             7
 Suiza Foods Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            12
 SUPERVALU, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            22
Health Care Products - 4.9%
 Affymetrix, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            17
 Alpharma, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . .      700            22
 ALZA Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            14
 Bergen Brunswig Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . .      700             6
 Biomatrix, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             6
 Block Drug Co. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . .    1,037            32
 C.R. Bard, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            21
 Chiron Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            26
 Genzyme Corp. (General Division) *  . . . . .      600            27
 Haemonetics Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            14
 Human Genome Sciences, Inc. * . . . . . . . .      100            15
 ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      600            15
 ICOS Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            12
 IVAX Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            26
 Jones Pharma, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            17
 Mallinckrodt, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            19
 MedImmune, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            33
 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. *  . . . . .      100            12
 MiniMed, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100             7
 Mylan Laboratories, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      500            13
 Sepracor, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            20
 Summit Technology, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      700             8
 VISX, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            10
 Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      300            11
Health Care Services - 2.1%
 AmeriPath, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700             6
 Apria Healthcare Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      900            16
 Beverly Enterprises, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    1,800             8
 Bindley Western Industries, Inc.  . . . . . .    1,021            15
 ChiRex, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            16
 Idec Pharmaceuticals Corp.  . . . . . . . . .      200            20
 Lincare Holdings, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 Ocular Sciences, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      400             7
 Oxford Health Plans, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .      500             6
 Quest Diagnostics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            31
 Triad Hospitals, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      600             9
 Trigon Healthcare, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      600            18
 Universal Health Services, Inc. - Cl. B * . .      300            11
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 1.1%
 Aaron Rents, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            11
 Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      350            11
 HomeBase, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400             4
 Rent-Way, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             8
 Salton, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 Shaw Industries, Inc  . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            12
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . . .      800            32
Housing - 1.6%
 American Standard Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . .      600            28
 Centex Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            10
 D.R. Horton, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            11
 Fleetwood Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            14
 Kaufman & Broad Home Corp.  . . . . . . . . .      500            12
 Monaco Coach Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             8
 Owens Corning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            21
 Pulte Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 TJ International, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      200             8
 Winnebago, Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      500            10
Insurance - 2.7%
 Allmerica Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . . .      300            17
 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. . . . . . . . . . .      300            19
 Delphi Financial Group, Inc. - Cl. A *  . . .      420            13
 E.W. Blanch Holdings, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .      200            12
 Everest Reinsurance Holdings  . . . . . . . .      400             9
 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. . . . . . .      710            10
 First American Financial Corp.  . . . . . . .      800            10
 Hilb, Rogal & Hamilton Co.  . . . . . . . . .      300             9
 LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. . . . . . .      600            11
 Medical Assurance, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      330             7
 Old Republic International Corp.  . . . . . .      600             8
 Protective Life Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            22
 Radian Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            19
 Stewart Information Services Corp.  . . . . .      500             7
 The Midland Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             6
 The MONY Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            20
 The PMI Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            15



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value
Insurance - Continued
 Triad Guaranty, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      400        $    9
Leisure and Recreation - 2.7%
 Arctic Cat, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            11
 Argosy Gaming Co. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            13
 Ascent Entertainment Group, Inc. *  . . . . .      400             5
 Aztar Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600            17
 Brunswick Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            13
 Callaway Golf Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             9
 Dover Downs Entertainment * . . . . . . . . .      500             9
 Electronic Arts, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      300            25
 Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      900            24
 Hollywood Park, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 Mandalay Resort Group * . . . . . . . . . . .      500            10
 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (MGM) * . . . . . .      700            17
 Park Place Entertainment Corp. *  . . . . . .    1,000            13
 Pegasus Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      200            12
 Premier Parks, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            12
 Station Casinos, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      500            11
 Trendwest Resorts, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      500            11
Machinery - 1.7%
 Astec Industries, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      300             6
 FMC Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            17
 Gardner Denver Machinery, Inc. *  . . . . . .      600            10
 Imation Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            20
 Kennametal, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 SPX Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            16
 Tecumseh Products Co. - Cl. A . . . . . . . .      800            38
 Thermo Electron Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . .      500             7
 Zebra Technologies Corp. - Cl. A *  . . . . .      300            18
Media - Publishing - 0.7%
 McClatchy Newspapers, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . .      600            26
 Pulitzer, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            16
 Ziff-Davis, Inc. - ZD * . . . . . . . . . . .      800            13
Media - TV / Radio - 0.7%
 A.H. Belo Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200            23
 Cox Radio, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . .      100            10
 Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc. *  . . . . . .      427            11
 Westwood One, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            15
Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.8%
 Commercial Metals Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            14
 Reynolds Metals Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            15
 Timken Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            18
 Worthington Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . . .      900            15
Metals and Mining - 0.4%
 Phelps Dodge Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      532            36

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.6%
 Peoples Energy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            13
 UGI Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600            33
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.9%
 Berry Petroleum Co. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . .      500             8
 Parker Drilling Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,400             8
 SEACOR SMIT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            10
 Tidewater, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            25
 Weatherford International, Inc. * . . . . . .      500            20
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 2.8%
 Brown Tom, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            11
 Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . .      300             5
 Devon Energy Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 ENSCO International, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    1,000            23
 EOG Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      700            12
 Global Marine, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             8
 Helmerich & Payne, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 Mitchell Energy & Development Corp. - Cl. A .      700            15
 Nabors Industries, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      512            16
 Noble Affiliates, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      400             9
 Noble Drilling Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      600            20
 Northwest Natural Gas Co. . . . . . . . . . .      600            13
 Patterson Energy, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      600             8
 Pride International, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .      700            10
 R&B Falcon Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            13
 Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corp. . . . . . . .    1,100            25
 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. . . . . .    1,400            18
 Western Gas Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      800            10
Paper and Forest Products - 1.7%
 Boise Cascade Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            16
 Consolidated Papers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      400            13
 Georgia-Pacific Corp. (Timber Group)  . . . .    1,100            27
 Mead Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            13
 Rayonier, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            15
 Temple-Inland, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            26
 Westvaco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      900            29
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.1%
 Metris Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      318            11

Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.6%
 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold  . . . . . . .    1,400            30
 Homestake Mining Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      800             6
 Newmont Mining Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            15
Real Estate Development - 0.3%
 Ryland Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      800            18



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Real Estate Development - Continued
 Standard Pacific Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      900        $   10
Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.2%
 International Rectifier Corp. * . . . . . . .      500            13

Real Estate Operations - 0.2%
 M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            16

Retail - Department Stores - 3.7%
 AnnTaylor Stores Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .      300            10
 Barnes & Noble, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      600            12, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      200             3
 BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      400            15
 Cato Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100            14
 Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. * . . .      700            17
 Dollar Tree Stores, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      300            15
 Handleman Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             7
 Harcourt General, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .      500            20
 Haverty Furniture Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . .    1,200            15
 Hollywood Entertainment Corp. * . . . . . . .      200             3
 InterTAN, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             8
 JLK Direct Distribution, Inc. - Cl. A * . . .      800             8
 Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300            15
 Lands' End, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             7
 Linens 'N Things, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      200             6
 Michaels Stores, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      400            11
 Micro Warehouse, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .      200             4
 Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . .      400            11
 Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc. * . . . .      200             6
 Ross Stores, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             9
 Shopko Stores, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            14
 Spiegel, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,700            12
 Tiffany & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            27
 Value City Department Stores, Inc. *  . . . .      800            12
 Williams-Sonoma, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .      200             9
 Zale Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            19
Retail - Drug Stores - 0.1%
 Longs Drug Stores, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      400            10

Retail - Food - 1.1%
 Brinker International, Inc. * . . . . . . . .      800            19
 Darden Restaurants, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      600            11
 Landry's Seafood Restaurants, Inc. *  . . . .    1,000             9
 RARE Hospitality International, Inc. *  . . .      600            13
 Ryan's Family Steak Houses, Inc. *  . . . . .    1,200            10
 The Grand Union Co. * . . . . . . . . . . . .      900             9
 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc.  .      800            22
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.6%
 Brown Shoe Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .      500             7
 Jones Apparel Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .      450            12
 Liz Claiborne, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            11
 Oxford Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .      400             8
 Timberland Co. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . . . . .      200            11
 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .      200             4
Steel - 0.6%
 AK Steel Holding Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .      800            15
 Bethlehem Steel Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500            13
 LTV Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200             5
 USX-US Steel Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      500            16
Technology - 0.9%
 VeriSign, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            76

Telecommunication Equipment - 3.1%
 Advanced Fibre Communications, Inc. * . . . .      400            18
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . .      500            15
 CIENA Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            35
 Covad Communications Group, Inc. *  . . . . .      300            17
 Crown Castle International Corp.  . . . . . .      600            19
 E-Tek Dynamics, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .      100            13
 Harmonic, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            10
 L-3 Communications Holdings, Corp. *  . . . .      300            12
 Network Equipment Technologies, Inc. *  . . .      200             2
 PairGain Technologies, Inc. * . . . . . . . .      300             4
 Powertel, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            20
 Powerwave Technologies, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      100             6
 Proxim, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            11
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      200            14
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .      400            22
 Symbol Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .      450            29
 TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      100            11
Telecommunication Services - 3.2%
 Allegiance Telecom, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      300            28
 CapRock Communications Corp. *  . . . . . . .      300            10
 Centennial Cellular Corp. - A Shares *  . . .      200            17
 Commonwealth Telephone Enterprises, Inc.  . .      200            11
 Intermedia Communications, Inc. * . . . . . .      400            15
 Leap Wireless International, Inc. * . . . . .      100             8
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . .      600            35
 MGC Communications, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .      200            10
 Northeast Optic Network, Inc. * . . . . . . .      100             6
 Omnipoint Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      100            12
 RCN Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      200            10, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300             5
 UnitedGlobalCom, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . . . .      600            42
 US LEC Corp. - Cl. A *  . . . . . . . . . . .      400            13
 West TeleServices Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .      800            19
 Winstar Communications, Inc. *  . . . . . . .      300            23
Telephone - 0.9%
 e.spire Communications, Inc.  . . . . . . . .      300             2
 Primus Telecomm Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . .      300            11



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Telephone - Continued
 Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.  . . . . . .      500        $   63
Transportation Services - 1.5%
 Alaska Air Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .      400            14
 America West Holdings Corp. - Cl. B * . . . .      600            13
 American Freightways Corp. *  . . . . . . . .      600            10
 Amtran, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400             8
 Forward Air Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            13
 GATX Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            20
 UAL Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      300            23
 USFreightways Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .      400            19
                            TOTAL COMMON STOCK-    96.4%        7,949

 Investment in joint repurchase agreement with
  Goldman Sachs & Co. dated 12/31/99, 3.159%
  due 01/03/00 (Secured by various U.S.
  Treasury obligations and U.S. Government
  Agency Bonds) . . .                            $   200          200
                                                 -------       ------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    98.8%        8,149
           Cash and Receivables, less payables-     1.2%           99
                                                 -------       ------
                                    NET ASSETS-   100.0%       $8,248
                                                 =======       ======

* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.5%
 Federal-Mogul Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,500        $   30
Banks - 0.6%
 U.S. Bancorp  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,300            31
Business Services - 1.1%
 Manpower, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,600            60
Chemicals - 7.0%
 Eastman Chemical Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .       400            19
 Geon Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,400            78
 Hercules, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,200           117
 IMC Global, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,100           116
 RPM, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,700            38
 Wellman, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,200            22
Commercial Services - 3.0%
 ACNielson Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,600            40
 Bowne & Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,200            43
 Quintiles Transnational Corp. * . . . . . .       600            11
 Snyder Communications, Inc. * . . . . . . .     3,900            75
Computer Equipment - 7.1%
 3Com Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,700           127
 Maxtor Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,200            88
 Quantum Corp. - Hard Disk Drive * . . . . .     8,200            57
 Tech Data Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,500           122
Computer Software and Services - 6.9%
 Ardent Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .     2,300            90
 Autodesk, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       700            24
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     2,700            70
 Keane, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,800            89
 Sterling Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     3,600           113
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 2.1%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . .     1,000            24
 Ingram Micro, Inc. * - Cl. A  . . . . . . .     6,900            90
Electronic Products and Services - 9.0%
 Arrow Electronics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     6,400           162
 Avnet, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       900            55
 Micron Technology, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     1,000            78
 Polaroid Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,600            68
 Sterling Commerce, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     2,900            99
 Thomas & Betts Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .     1,300            41
Engineering and Construction - 1.9%
 Fluor Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,300           106
Financial Services - 1.7%
 Heller Financial, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     4,700            94
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.6%
 International Home Foods, Inc. *  . . . . .     2,100            36
Health Care Products - 1.0%
 Bergen Brunswig Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . .     6,500            54
 STERIS Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       100             1
Health Care Services - 3.2%
 McKesson HBOC, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,000            68
 Quest Diagnostics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .     3,600           110
Insurance - 4.8%
 Aetna, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,800           100
 Everest Reinsurance Holdings  . . . . . . .     4,900           109
 Nationwide Financial Services - Cl. A . . .     2,100            59
Leisure and Recreation - 0.7%
 Callaway Golf Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,200            39
Machinery - 3.3%
 AGCO Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,500            33
 FMC Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1,200            69
 Thermo Electron Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .     5,400            81
Media - Publishing - 2.1%
 Ziff-Davis, Inc. - ZD * . . . . . . . . . .     7,200           114
Oil - Equipment and Services - 3.1%
 Baker Hughes, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,100            65
 Weatherford International, Inc. * . . . . .     2,700           108
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 8.8%
 Burlington Resources, Inc.  . . . . . . . .     2,200            73
 EOG Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,400            42
 Noble Affiliates, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     3,200            69
 Ocean Energy, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .     5,700            44
 Santa Fe International Corp.  . . . . . . .     1,100            28
 Santa Fe Snyder Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .    10,600            85
 Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc.  . . . . . . .     1,900            64
 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. . . . .     6,700            85
Paper and Forest Products - 1.2%
 Jefferson Smurfit Group plc - ADR . . . . .     2,300            67
Pollution Control - 3.7%
 Republic Services, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . .     3,000            43
 Safety-Kleen Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .     4,900            56



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Pollution Control - Continued
 Waste Management, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     6,300        $  108
Retail - Department Stores - 15.1%
 Abercrombie & Fitch Co. * . . . . . . . . .     4,700           125
 Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp. . .     3,700            51
 Consolidated Stores Corp. * . . . . . . . .     6,600           107
 Harcourt General, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     2,400            97
 Kmart Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,500            45
 OfficeMax, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,100            50
 Payless ShoeSource, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .       800            38
 Saks, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,200            81
 Shopko Stores, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,900            67
 Toys "R" Us, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,400            92
 Venator Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,700            89
Retail - Food - 2.0%
 Albertson's, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,100            68
 The Kroger Co. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,400            45
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 3.1%
 Jones Apparel Group, Inc. * . . . . . . . .     3,600            98
 Liz Claiborne, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     2,000            75
Steel - 1.4%
 AK Steel Holding Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     4,001            76
Transportation Services - 1.1%
 Yellow Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,500            59
                          TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     96.1%        5,350

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
 5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   179           179
                                               --------       ------
                           TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     99.3%        5,529
         Cash and Receivables, less payables-      0.7%           41
                                               --------       ------
                                  NET ASSETS-    100.0%       $5,570
                                               ========       ======

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipt
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares          Value
Real Estate Development - 3.0%
 Catellus Development Corp. * . . . . . . . .    300,000        $  3,844

Real Estate Investment Trust - 95.2%
 AMB Property Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    120,000           2,393
 AMLI Residential Properties Trust  . . . . .     62,000           1,252
 Avalonbay Communities, Inc.  . . . . . . . .    175,245           6,013
 Bradley Real Estate, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .     83,000           1,447
 Brandywine Realty Trust  . . . . . . . . . .    115,400           1,890
 BRE Properties, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    197,000           4,469
 Burnham Pacific Properties, Inc. . . . . . .    160,000           1,500
 Camden Property Trust  . . . . . . . . . . .    145,000           3,969
 CarrAmerica Realty Corp. . . . . . . . . . .    140,000           2,957
 Centerpoint Properties Corp. . . . . . . . .     38,900           1,396
 Charles E. Smith Residential Realty, Inc.  .     61,600           2,179
 Chateau Communities, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .    136,000           3,527
 Cousins Properties, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    115,000           3,903
 Crescent Real Estate Equities, Inc.  . . . .    100,000           1,838
 Developers Diversified Realty Corp.  . . . .    215,000           2,768
 Duke Realty Investments, Inc.  . . . . . . .    238,078           4,643
 Equity Office Properties Trust . . . . . . .    239,693           5,902
 Equity Residential Properties Trust  . . . .    145,500           6,211
 FelCor Lodging Trust, Inc. . . . . . . . . .     80,400           1,407
 Franchise Finance Corp. of America . . . . .    125,000           2,992
 Highwoods Properties, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    100,000           2,325
 JDN Realty Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    170,900           2,756
 JP Realty, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    120,000           1,875
 Kilroy Realty Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    103,700           2,281
 Kimco Realty Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    100,000           3,387
 Liberty Property Trust . . . . . . . . . . .    180,000           4,365
 Mack-Cali Realty Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .    125,000           3,258
 Pacific Gulf Properties, Inc.  . . . . . . .     64,600           1,308
 Post Properties, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    124,700           4,770
 Prentiss Properties Trust  . . . . . . . . .    158,300           3,324
 Prologis Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    137,059           2,638
 Public Storage, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    135,000           3,063
 Reckson Associates Realty Corp.  . . . . . .     63,600           1,304
 Regency Realty Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    132,800           2,656
 Simon Property Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    144,000           3,303
 Spieker Properties, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    154,100           5,615
 Storage USA, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     91,000           2,753
 Sun Communities, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     90,000           2,897
 Vornado Realty Trust . . . . . . . . . . . .    110,000           3,575
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      98.2%        123,953

                                                   Par           Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value          Value
                                                 (000's)        (000's)
 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   1,212       $  1,212
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      99.2%        125,165
          Cash and Receivables, less payables-       0.8%          1,049
                                                ---------       --------
                                   NET ASSETS-     100.0%       $126,214
                                                ---------       --------

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                   Shares           Value

Aerospace and Defense - 4.9%
 B.F. Goodrich Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .     434,500        $   11,949
 General Dynamics Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     510,600            26,934
 Honeywell International, Inc. . . . . . .   1,152,200            66,468
 United Technologies Corp. . . . . . . . .   1,586,500           103,122
Agricultural Operations - 0.8%
 Monsanto Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     977,300            34,816
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.6%
 Borg-Warner Automotive, Inc.  . . . . . .     261,000            10,571
 Lear Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     467,700            14,966
Automobile - 1.2%
 Ford Motor Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     954,400            51,001
Banks - 3.5%
 AmSouth Bancorporation  . . . . . . . . .     540,500            10,438
 Bank of America Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     455,000            22,835
 Chase Manhattan Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     141,200            10,970
 Comerica, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     534,400            24,950
 Fifth Third Bancorp . . . . . . . . . . .     227,700            16,708
 KeyCorp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     603,400            13,350
 Wells Fargo & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .   1,191,500            48,181
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.4%
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover &
  Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     119,100            17,002
Computer Equipment - 7.2%
 Dell Computer Corp. *.  . . . . . . . . .   1,028,700            52,464
 Hewlett-Packard Co. . . . . . . . . . . .     558,000            63,577
 Intel Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1,261,200           103,813
 International Business Machines Corp. . .     647,800            69,962
 Network Appliance, Inc. * . . . . . . . .     145,300            12,069
Computer Software and Services - 11.8%
 America Online, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .   1,181,200            89,107
 Computer Associates International, Inc. .     638,400            44,648
 First Data Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     587,400            28,966
 Microsoft Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2,019,300           235,753
 Oracle Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     580,400            65,041
 Yahoo!, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      76,500            33,101
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.4%
 Avery Dennison Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     307,300            22,395
 Black & Decker Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     683,700            35,723
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.4%
 Avon Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .     231,600             7,643
 Dial Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     452,700            11,006
Diversified Operations - 6.8%
 Danaher Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     183,100             8,834
 General Electric Co.  . . . . . . . . . .   1,271,300           196,734
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. . . . . . . . .     197,338            13,333
 Textron, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     237,100            18,183
 Tyco International, Ltd. . .. . . . . . .   1,294,800            50,335
Electric Power - 3.0%
 Ameren Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     588,100            19,260
 Edison International . . . . . . . . . ..   1,063,300            27,845
 Florida Progress Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     625,200            26,454
 Peco Energy Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     514,200            17,869
 Reliant Energy, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     971,500            22,223
 Southern Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     562,900            13,228
Electronic Products and Services - 7.4%
 Analog Devices, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .     217,700            20,246
 Cisco Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .   1,406,900           150,714
 LSI Logic Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     178,300            12,035
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. * . . . .     708,600            33,437
 Pitney Bowes, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     190,200             9,189
 SCI Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .     239,900            19,717
 Teradyne, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .     208,800            13,781
 Texas Instruments, Inc. . . . . . . . . .     548,600            53,146
Financial Services - 4.3%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A *      639,800            17,554
 Citigroup, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2,463,300           136,867
 Mellon Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     758,800            25,847
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.7%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . .     525,800            37,266
 Kellogg Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     394,100            12,143
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . .     869,700            20,166
 Quaker Oats Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     375,700            24,655
 Universal Foods Corp. . . . . . . . . . .     137,300             2,798
 UST, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     613,700            15,458
Health Care Products - 8.8%
 Allergan, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     251,600            12,517
 Baxter International, Inc . . . . . . . .     377,600            23,718
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co . . . . . . . . .     848,600            54,469
 Cardinal Health, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     364,400            17,446
 Eli Lilly & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     276,600            18,394
 Johnson & Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . .     392,500            36,552
 Merck & Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     786,400            52,738
 Pfizer, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     932,600            30,251
 Schering-Plough Corp. . . . . . . . . . .   1,028,300            43,381
 Warner-Lambert Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .   1,018,400            83,445



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                   Shares             Value

Insurance - 4.6%
 American General Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     279,700        $   21,222
 American International Group, Inc. . . ..     455,300            49,229
 AXA Financial, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .     807,200            27,344
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. .     498,000            23,593
 Lincoln National Corp.  . . . . . . . . .     625,000            25,000
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. . . . . . . .     316,100            30,247
 Travelers Property Casualty Corp. - Cl. A     502,700            17,218
Machinery - 0.8%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .     588,500            32,404

Media - Publishing - 0.5%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group -
  Cl. A *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     377,300            21,412

Media - TV / Radio - 2.3%
 CBS Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     287,500            18,382
 Time Warner, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .   1,108,200            80,275
Oil - 2.6%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO) . . . . . .     476,400            41,208
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares . .   1,133,300            68,494
Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.1%
 Exxon Mobil Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .     588,900            47,443

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 2.0%
 BP Amoco plc - ADR  . . . . . . . . . . .     429,000            25,445
 Chevron Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     132,600            11,486
 Kerr-McGee Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     587,500            36,425
 USX-Marathon Group  . . . . . . . . . . .     436,400            10,774
Paper and Forest Products - 1.8%
 Boise Cascade Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     101,600             4,115
 International Paper Co.  . . . . . . . ..     434,500            24,522
 Kimberly-Clark Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .     536,500            35,007
 Willamette Industries, Inc.  . . . . . ..     296,900            13,787
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.4%
 MBNA Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     619,400            16,879
Retail - Department Stores - 6.0%
 Dayton Hudson Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     312,600            22,956
 Gap, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     392,600            18,060
 Home Depot, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .   1,030,200            70,633
 Limit ed, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     323,600            14,016
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     571,500            34,147
 May Department Stores Co. . . . . . . . .     298,100             9,614
 Tandy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     197,700             9,724
 TJX Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1,141,300            23,325
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     738,700            51,063
Retail - Drug Stores - 0.3%
 CVS Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     322,800            12,892

Retail - Food - 0.3%
 Outback Steakhouse, Inc. * . . . . . . ..     442,500            11,477

Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.2%
 Tommy Hilfiger Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .     294,000             6,854

Telecommunication Equipment - 2.7%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. *  . . . . .     217,300            15,768
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . .     947,400            70,877
 Tellabs, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .     398,100            25,553
Telecommunication Services - 1.0%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. *  . .     342,300            30,550
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) *  . . . . . . . .     134,200            13,756
Telephone - 5.4%
 AT&T Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     723,800            36,733
 Bell Atlantic Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     260,000            16,006
 BellSouth Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     643,000            30,100
 GTE Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     140,700             9,928
 MCI WorldCom, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .   1,635,150            86,765
 SBC Communications, Inc.  . . . . . . . .     770,000            37,538
 Sprint Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     152,200            10,245
Transportation Services - 1.5%
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. . .     229,700            17,141
 UAL Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     577,400            44,785
U.S. Government Agencies - 1.2%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.  . . . .     828,600            51,735
                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-       99.9%        4,215,909
                                            ----------        ----------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-       99.9%        4,215,909
       Cash and Receivables, less payables-        0.1%            2,932
                                            ----------        ----------
                                NET ASSETS-      100.0%       $4,218,841
                                            ==========        ==========

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipts
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Name of Issuer                       Shares               Value

Aerospace and Defense - 2.4%
 B.F. Goodrich Co. (US)....................  276,600          $    7,607
 General Dynamics Corp. (US)...............  277,100              14,617
 Honeywell International, Inc. (US)........  442,200              25,509
 United Technologies Corp. (US)............  520,800              33,852
Agricultural Operations - 0.5%
 Monsanto Co. (US).........................  464,400              16,544

Auto and Truck Parts - 0.3%
 Borg-Warner Automotive, Inc. (US).........   97,200               3,937
 Lear Corp. * (US).........................  177,600               5,683
Automobile - 0.7%
 Ford Motor Co. (US).......................  443,500              23,700

Banks - 2.2%
 Bank of Amreica Corp. (US)................  383,900              19,267
 Comerica, Inc. (US).......................  337,900              15,775
 Fifth Third Bancorp (US)..................  128,800               9,451
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. (US)..........  225,000               7,833
 Wells Fargo & Co. (US)....................  564,900              22,843
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.2%
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover &
  Co. (US).................................   45,000               6,424

Chemicals - 0.2%
 Solutia, Inc. (US)........................  450,200               6,950

Commercial Services - 0.4%
 Omnicom Group, Inc. (US)..................   85,000               8,500
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. (US)............  195,000               4,838
Computer Equipment - 3.9%
 Dell Computer Corp. * (US)................  446,100              22,751
 Hewlett-Packard Co. (US)..................  147,500              16,805
 Intel Corp. (US)..........................  612,700              50,433
 International Business Machines Corp
  (US).....................................  356,100              38,459
 Network Appliance, Inc. * (US)............   78,000               6,479
Computer Software and Services - 6.9%
 America Online, Inc. * (US)...............  571,900              43,143
 Computer Associates International, Inc
  (US).....................................  330,400              23,107
 First Data Corp. (US).....................  239,900              11,830
 Microsoft Corp. (US)......................  862,900             100,743
 Oracle Corp. * (US).......................  284,900              31,927
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * (US).............   80,000               6,195
 Yahoo!, Inc. * (US).......................   45,000              19,471
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.9%
 Avery Dennison Corp. (US).................  131,000               9,546
 Black & Decker Corp. (US).................  385,700              20,153
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.6%
 Avon Products, Inc. (US)..................  289,100               9,540
 Dial Corp. (US)...........................  502,500              12,217
Diversified Operations - 4.3%
 General Electric Co. (US).................  595,500              92,153
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. (US)............  223,200              15,080
 Reynolds & Reynolds Co. - Cl. A (US)......  179,500               4,039
 Textron, Inc. (US)........................  140,100              10,744
 Tyco International, Ltd. (US).............  666,000              25,891
Electric Power - 1.8%
 Ameren Corp. (US).........................  251,100               8,224
 Edison International (US).................  534,000              13,984
 Florida Progress Corp. (US)...............  316,300              13,383
 Peco Energy Co. (US)......................  300,400              10,439
 Reliant Energy, Inc. (US).................  491,100              11,234
 Southern Co. (US).........................  193,900               4,557
Electronic Products and Services - 4.2%
 Analog Devices, Inc. * (US)...............   70,401               6,548
 Cisco Systems, Inc. * (US)................  697,300              74,698
 LSI Logic Corp. * (US)....................   70,000               4,725
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. * (US)....  292,900              13,821
 Pitney Bowes, Inc. (US)...................  155,300               7,503
 SCI Systems, Inc. * (US)..................  113,400               9,320
 Texas Instruments, Inc. (US)..............  280,000              27,125
Financial Services - 2.2%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A *
  (US).....................................  218,002               5,981
 Citigroup, Inc. (US)......................1,178,600              65,486
 Mellon Financial Corp. (US)...............  166,100               5,658
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.7%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. (US)............  284,500              20,164
 Kellogg Co. (US)..........................  197,400               6,083
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. (US).............  432,200              10,022
 Quaker Oats Co. (US)......................  100,500               6,595
 Universal Foods Corp. (US)................  421,800               8,594
 UST, Inc. (US)............................  220,000               5,541
Health Care Products - 5.5%
 Baxter International, Inc. (US)...........  132,300               8,310
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (US).............  465,000              29,847



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Name of Issuer                  Shares                  Value

Health Care Products - Continued
 Cardinal Health, Inc. (US)................. 157,200               7,526
 Eli Lilly & Co. (US)....................... 130,800               8,698
 Genetech, Inc. * (US)......................  37,500               5,044
 Johnson & Johnson (US)..................... 241,300              22,471
 Merck & Co., Inc. (US)..................... 468,200              31,399
 Pfizer, Inc. (US).......................... 478,900              15,534
 Schering-Plough Corp. (US)................. 514,300              21,697
 Warner-Lambert Co. (US).................... 449,200              36,807
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.1%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc. (US)................. 229,700               4,924

Housing - 0.1%
 Centex Corp. (US).......................... 168,000               4,147

Insurance - 2.7%
 American General Corp. (US)................ 105,400               7,997
 American International Group, Inc. (US).... 172,906              18,695
 AXA Financial, Inc. (US)................... 551,900              18,696
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc
  (US)...................................... 212,500              10,067
 Hartford Life, Inc. - Cl. A (US)........... 100,000               4,400
 Lincoln National Corp. (US)................ 289,400              11,576
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. (US)...........  56,400               5,397
 Travelers Property Casualty Corp. - Cl. A
  (US)...................................... 169,200               5,795
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A (BM).............. 182,400               9,462
Machinery - 0.5%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. (US).................... 279,300              15,379

Media - Publishing - 0.3%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group -
 Cl. A * (US)............................... 200,000              11,350

Media - TV / Radio - 1.3%
 CBS Corp. * (US)........................... 133,200               8,516
 Time Warner, Inc. (US)..................... 503,200              36,451
Oil - 1.6%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO) (US)......... 218,900              18,935
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. A (US).................. 179,800               4,450
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares
  (NL)...................................... 534,000              32,274
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.8%
 Exxon Mobil Corp. (US)..................... 351,202              28,294

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 0.9%
 BP Amoco plc - ADR (GB).................... 220,600              13,084
 Chevron Corp. (US).........................  59,600               5,163
 Kerr-McGee Corp. (US)...................... 113,200               7,018
 USX-Marathon Group (US).................... 160,800               3,970
Paper and Forest Products - 1.4%
 Boise Cascade Corp. (US)................... 180,400               7,306
 Champion International Corp. (US)..........  89,700               5,556
 International Paper Co. (US)............... 196,800              11,107
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. (US).................. 239,000              15,594
 Willamette Industries, Inc. (US)........... 173,800               8,071
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.2%
 MBNA Corp. (US)............................ 269,100               7,333

Retail - Department Stores - 3.7%
 Dayton Hudson Corp. (US)................... 104,400               7,667
 Gap, Inc. (US)............................. 140,000               6,440
 Home Depot, Inc. (US)...................... 578,550              39,667
 Limited, Inc. (US)......................... 102,300               4,431
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. (US)..................... 107,600               6,429
 May Department Stores Co. (US)............. 125,000               4,031
 Tandy Corp. (US)........................... 128,300               6,311
 TJX Cos., Inc. (US)........................ 497,100              10,159
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (US)................. 620,000              42,858
Retail - Food - 0.3%
 Brinker International, Inc. * (US)......... 178,700               4,289
 Outback Steakhouse, Inc. * (US)............ 163,000               4,228
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.3%
 Tommy Hilfiger Corp. * (GB)................ 490,800              11,442

Steel - 0.1%
 Nucor Corp. (US)...........................  80,100               4,390

Telecommunication Equipment - 1.6%
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. (US)............. 496,500              37,144
 Nokia Oyj - ADR (FI).......................  34,600               6,574
 Tellabs, Inc. * (US)....................... 169,200              10,861
Telecommunication Services - 1.5%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. *
  (US)...................................... 300,000              26,775
 Sprint PCS * (US).......................... 239,200              24,518
Telephone - 3.2%
 AT&T Corp. (US)............................ 365,600              18,554
 Bell Atlantic Corp. (US)................... 139,200               8,569
 BellSouth Corp. (US)....................... 237,600              11,123
 GTE Corp. (US).............................  76,500               5,398
 MCI WorldCom, Inc. (US).................... 913,500              48,473



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Name of Issuer                       Shares             Value

Telephone - Continued
 SBC Communications, Inc. (US). . . . .      389,700          $   18,998
Transportation Services - 1.1%
 Alaska Air Group, Inc. * (US). . . . .      116,200               4,082
 Kansas City Southern Industries,
  Inc. (US) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      108,400               8,090
 Northwest Airlines Corp. * (US). . . .      173,000               3,849
 UAL Corp. (US) . . . . . . . . . . . .      125,000               9,695
 Union Pacific Corp. (US) . . . . . . .      264,600              11,543
U.S. Government Agencies - 0.8%
 Federal National Mortgage
  Assoc. (US) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      424,100              26,480
           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-                  61.4%          2,105,129


Financial Services - 0.9%
 Citibank Credit Card Master
   Trust I - Ser.
  1998-6 Cl. A (US)
 5.85% due 04/10/03 . . . . . . . . . .   $   32,235              31,839
Personal and Commercial Lending
  - 0.1%
 Chase Manhattan Credit Card
  Master Trust (US)
 7.04% due 02/15/05 . . . . . . . . . .        4,000               4,014
        TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS-                   1.0%             35,853


Aerospace and Defense - 0.3%
 Lockheed Martin Corp. - (US)
 6.85% due 05/15/01 . . . . . . . . . .        7,000               6,928
 Raytheon Co. - Notes (US)
 6.45% due 08/15/02 . . . . . . . . . .        2,290               2,238
Automobile - 0.2%
 Ford Motor Co. - Bonds (US)
 6.625% due 10/01/28  . . . . . . . . .        9,405               8,179
Banks - 2.8%
 Banponce Financial Corp.
   Mountain Bank
  Ent - Ser C. (US)
 6.58% due 11/25/03 . . . . . . . . . .       11,040              10,656
 Capital One Bank - Notes (US)
 7.08% due 10/30/01 . . . . . . . . . .        2,950               2,929
 Deutsche Augleichsbank (DE)
 4.0% due 07/04/09  . . . . . . . . . .        6,000               5,303
 European Investment Bank -
  Notes (XU)
 3.0% due 09/20/06  . . . . . . . . . .      340,000               3,703
 6.0% due 11/26/04  . . . . . . . . . .        1,350               2,124
 8.75% due 08/25/17 . . . . . . . . . .          420                 886
 First Union Corp. - Notes (US)
 6.95% due 11/01/04 . . . . . . . . . .        9,150               8,988
 Firstar Bank (US)
 7.125% due 12/01/09  . . . . . . . . .        9,230               8,913
 International Bank of Reconstruction
  & Development - Notes (XU)
 2.0% due 02/18/08  . . . . . . . . . .      920,000               9,390
 4.5% due 06/20/00  . . . . . . . . . .      355,000               3,540
 4.5% due 03/20/03  . . . . . . . . . .    1,030,000              11,406
 4.75% due 12/20/04 . . . . . . . . . .      805,000               9,341
 9.25% due 07/20/07 . . . . . . . . . .        2,430               4,535
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. - Sr.
  Notes (US)
 5.75% due 02/25/04 . . . . . . . . . .        3,000               2,848
 Korea Development Bank -
  Bonds (US)
 7.125% due 09/17/01  . . . . . . . . .        4,600               4,564
 Korea Development Bank -
  Notes (US)
 7.125% due 04/22/04  . . . . . . . . .        8,300               8,092
Brokerage and Investment Management
 - 0.8%
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Notes (US)
 7.35% due 10/01/09 . . . . . . . . . .        6,375               6,227
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. -
  Notes (US)
 6.5% due 10/01/02  . . . . . . . . . .        7,455               7,285
 6.625% due 04/01/04  . . . . . . . . .       13,000              12,594
Business Services - 0.1%
 Comdisco, Inc. - Notes (US)
 5.95% due 04/30/02 . . . . . . . . . .        4,200               4,046
Computer Equipment - 0.1%
 International Business Machines Corp.
  - Notes (US)
 5.625% due 04/12/04  . . . . . . . . .        2,870               2,722
Diversified Operations - 0.5%
 El Paso Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes (US)
 6.625% due 07/15/01  . . . . . . . . .        3,180               3,148
 Tyco International Group SA -
  Notes (LU)
 6.125% due 06/15/01  . . . . . . . . .        9,400               9,238
 Tyco International, Ltd. - Notes (BM)
 6.5% due 11/01/01  . . . . . . . . . .        5,000               4,959
Electric Power - 0.2%
 Consolidated Edison, Inc. - Debs. (US)
 6.45% due 12/01/07 . . . . . . . . . .        4,200               3,950
 Ontario-Hydro (CA)
 9.0% due 06/24/02  . . . . . . . . . .        4,150               3,053



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Par             Market
        Name of Issuer                        Value             Value
                                             (000's)           (000,s)

Financial Services - 3.4%
 Amresco Commercial Mortgage Funding I
  - Ser. 1997-C1 Cl. A3 (US)
 7.19% due 06/17/29 . . . . . . . . . . . $    6,980          $    6,863
 Associates Corp. of North America - Sr.
  Notes (US)
 5.5% due 02/15/02  . . . . . . . . . . .      4,000               3,886
 Baden-Wurttemberg L-Finance BV (DE)
 6.75% due 06/22/05 . . . . . . . . . . .      9,500               5,206
 Capital One Financial Corp. - Notes (US)
 7.25% due 12/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . .     10,000               9,707
 Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities
  Corp. - Ser. 1997-1 Cl. A2 (US)
 7.37% due 02/19/07 . . . . . . . . . . .     13,300              13,173
 Contimortgage Home Equity Loan Trust
 6.0% due 12/25/16  . . . . . . . . . . .     15,000              14,686
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes (US)
 7.25% due 11/08/04 . . . . . . . . . . .      7,785               7,700
 Green Tree Financial Corp. (US)
 6.68% due 01/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . .     12,400              12,303
 KFW International Finance - Debs. (US)
 10.625% due 09/03/01 . . . . . . . . . .      1,000               1,701
 Mortgage Capital Funding, Inc. - Ser.
  1996 - MC2 Cl. A1 (US)
 6.758% due 02/20/04  . . . . . . . . . .      7,542               7,454
 PNC Funding Corp. - Sub. Notes (US)
 7.5% due 11/01/09  . . . . . . . . . . .     10,040               9,887
 Residential Asset Securities Corp. (US)
 6.11% due 05/25/24 . . . . . . . . . . .     10,000               9,711
 Salomon, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 7.2% due 02/01/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,300               2,280
 Southern Pacific Secured Assets Corp.
 (US) 6.27% due 03/25/19  . . . . . . . .      5,940               5,872
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc. (a) -
  Notes 144A (a) (US)
 6.875% due 08/15/01  . . . . . . . . . .      6,265               6,244
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.4%
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. (US)
 7.625% due 05/15/02  . . . . . . . . . .      5,670               5,647
 8.25% due 10/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . .      7,555               7,606
Foreign - 0.2%
 Queensland Treasury Corp. - Bonds (AU)
 6.5% due 06/14/05  . . . . . . . . . . .        600                 386
 8.0% due 08/14/01  . . . . . . . . . . .        700                 472
 8.0% due 09/14/07  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,350                 932
 Treuhandanstalt (DE)
 7.75% due 10/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . .      6,410               6,992
Foreign Governmental - 4.1%
 Government of Canada - Notes (CA)
 1.9% due 03/23/09  . . . . . . . . . . .    385,000               3,815
 9.75% due 06/01/21 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000               1,922
 11.0% due 06/01/09 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,830               2,606
 12.0% due 03/01/05 . . . . . . . . . . .        500                 432
 Government of France - Bonds (FR)
 8.5% due 04/25/03  . . . . . . . . . . .      7,300               8,185
 9.5% due 01/25/01  . . . . . . . . . . .      6,860               7,309
 Government of Japan - Bonds (JP)
 2.9% due 09/20/19  . . . . . . . . . . .    720,000               7,648
 3.4% due 03/22/04  . . . . . . . . . . .    500,000               5,421
 Government of Netherlands - Bonds (NL)
 6.5% due 04/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . .      5,200               5,507
 7.75% due 03/01/05 . . . . . . . . . . .      9,600              10,840
 8.75% due 05/01/00 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,000               3,070
 Government of Sweden - Debs. (SE)
 6.5% due 10/25/06  . . . . . . . . . . .      7,900                 974
 6.75% due 05/05/14 . . . . . . . . . . .      4,700                 594
 Government of Sweden - Bonds (SE)
 10.25% due 05/05/00  . . . . . . . . . .      1,600                 192
 10.25% due 05/05/03  . . . . . . . . . .     12,900               1,741
 Hydro-Quebec - Bonds (CA)
 10.875% due 07/25/01 . . . . . . . . . .        500                 371
 Kingdom of Denmark - Bonds (DK)
 7.0% due 11/15/07  . . . . . . . . . . .      5,000                 736
 7.0% due 11/10/24  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,400                 510
 8.0% due 05/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,000               1,324
 9.0% due 11/15/00  . . . . . . . . . . .      5,400                 760
 Kingdom of Spain - Notes (ES)
 3.1% due 09/20/06  . . . . . . . . . . .  1,280,000              13,911
 Province of Ontario (CA)
 7.75% due 06/04/02 . . . . . . . . . . .      4,000               4,069
 Province of Quebec - Debs. (CA)
 7.5% due 07/15/23  . . . . . . . . . . .     12,970              12,572
 7.5% due 09/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,030               8,753
 Republic of Chile (US)
 6.875% due 04/28/09  . . . . . . . . . .      1,000                 927
 Republic of Italy - Notes (IT)
 3.5% due 06/20/01  . . . . . . . . . . .    800,000               8,208
 4.5% due 05/01/09  . . . . . . . . . . .      1,400               1,304
 8.5% due 01/01/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      6,800               7,709
 9.0% due 11/01/23  . . . . . . . . . . .      8,000              10,877
 10.5% due 04/28/14 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,350               7,653
Health Care Products - 0.2%
 Beckman Instruments, Inc. - (US)
 7.1% due 03/04/03  . . . . . . . . . . .      6,000               5,691
Health Care Services - 0.5%
 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp. - Notes
 6.41% due 06/15/00 . . . . . . . . . . .      3,290               3,268



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Par             Market
        Name of Issuer                        Value             Value
                                             (000's)           (000's)
Health Care Services - Continued
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. - Sr. Notes (US)
 8.0% due 01/15/05  . . . . . . . . . . . $   14,000          $   13,475
Media - Publishing - 0.3%
 News America, Inc. (US)
 7.625% due 11/30/28  . . . . . . . . . .     11,500              10,687

Media - TV / Radio - 0.6%
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Notes (US)
 6.8% due 08/01/28  . . . . . . . . . . .      3,115               2,711
 Time Warner, Inc. - Notes (US)
 8.11% due 08/15/06 . . . . . . . . . . .      1,325               1,355
 8.18% due 08/15/07 . . . . . . . . . . .      5,770               5,922
 Viacom, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 7.75% due 06/01/05 . . . . . . . . . . .     11,525              11,650
Municipals - 0.2%
 Tennessee Valley Authority - Bonds (US)
 6.375% due 09/18/06  . . . . . . . . . .     11,000               5,994

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.5%
 KN Energy, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 6.45% due 11/30/01 . . . . . . . . . . .      7,555               7,460
 6.45% due 03/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . .      4,590               4,451
 Williams Cos., Inc. - Notes (US)
 6.125% due 02/01/01  . . . . . . . . . .      4,525               4,479
 Williams Gas Pipeline Center (a) - Sr.
  Notes 144A (a) (US)
 7.375% due 11/15/06  . . . . . . . . . .      1,300               1,268
Oil - 0.1%
 Conoco, Inc. - Notes (US)
 5.9% due 04/15/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000               1,907

Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.4%
 Petroleum Geo-Services ASA - Sr. Notes
 7.125% due 03/30/28  . . . . . . . . . .     17,100              14,916
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
  and Production - 0.0%
 Amerada Hess Corp. - Bonds (US)
 7.875% due 10/01/29  . . . . . . . . . .      1,790               1,750

Paper and Forest Products - 0.1%
 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Bonds (US)
 7.75% due 11/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,570               2,449

Personal and Commercial Lending - 2.2%
 Countrywide Home Loan Corp. (US)
 6.25% due 04/15/09 . . . . . . . . . . .        800                 718
 CS First Boston Mortgage Securities
 Corp. (US)
 6.91% due 01/15/08 . . . . . . . . . . .      8,076               7,920
 EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust (US)
 6.223% due 06/25/11  . . . . . . . . . .      9,300               9,160
 Ford Motor Credit Co. (LU)
 5.25% due 06/16/08 . . . . . . . . . . .     10,250               5,010
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Notes (LU)
 6.125% due 04/28/03  . . . . . . . . . .      5,000               4,849
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. (US)
 4.0% due 02/09/06  . . . . . . . . . . .      6,800               6,298
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Bond
 5.5% due 01/14/02  . . . . . . . . . . .      5,000               4,860
 Household Finance Corp. - Sr. Notes (US)
 5.125% due 06/24/09  . . . . . . . . . .      6,300               5,805
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes (US)
 6.0% due 05/01/04  . . . . . . . . . . .      4,000               3,798
 Money Store Home Equity Trust - Ser.
  1996-B A7 (US)
 7.55% due 02/15/20 . . . . . . . . . . .     12,547              12,542
 Residential Asset Securities Corp. (US)
 7.18% due 01/25/25 . . . . . . . . . . .      4,000               3,976
 Residential Funding Mortgage Securities
 6.78% due 07/25/10 . . . . . . . . . . .      9,740               9,694
Pollution Control - 0.1%
 WMX Technologies, Inc. - Notes (US)
 7.125% due 06/15/01  . . . . . . . . . .      2,715               2,631
Retail - Department Stores - 0.2%
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. - Sr.
  Notes (US)
 8.5% due 06/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . .      7,445               7,677
Retail - Food - 0.1%
 The Kroger Co. - Sr. Notes (US)
 8.0% due 09/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .      4,180               4,082
Telecommunication Services - 0.3%
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Notes (US)
 7.0% due 08/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,125               9,104
Telephone - 1.1%
 AT&T Corp. - Notes (US)
 5.625% due 03/15/04  . . . . . . . . . .      4,000               3,792
 6.5% due 03/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .     15,370              13,159
 MCI WorldCom, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 6.95% due 08/15/28 . . . . . . . . . . .      7,790               7,106
 7.75% due 04/01/07 . . . . . . . . . . .      6,560               6,687
 Sprint Capital Corp. (US)
 6.875% due 11/15/28  . . . . . . . . . .      9,050               8,051
Transportation Services - 0.5%
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. - Debs. 144A (a) (US)
 8.3% due 12/15/29  . . . . . . . . . . .     18,390              17,814



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Par              Market
        Name of Issuer                        Value              Value
                                             (000's)            (000's)

U.S. Government Agencies - 12.7%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (US)
 6.0% due 03/15/17  . . . . . . . . . . . $   16,267          $   15,922
 6.0% due 12/15/26  . . . . . . . . . . .     25,000              21,734
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. (US)
 6.0% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . .     92,210              89,498
 6.0% due 05/15/08  . . . . . . . . . . .      9,500               8,894
 6.0% due 09/25/14  . . . . . . . . . . .     22,745              22,190
 6.5% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . .     73,695              72,856
 7.0% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . .     14,000              13,536
 7.0% due 06/18/13  . . . . . . . . . . .     21,418              21,291
 7.0% due 04/01/29  . . . . . . . . . . .     19,398              19,198
 7.5% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . .     49,850              49,289
 Government National Mortgage Assoc. (US)
 6.0% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . .     13,605              13,473
 7.0% due 01/31/30  . . . . . . . . . . .     62,110              59,975
 8.0% due 12/15/17  . . . . . . . . . . .     25,896              26,484
U.S. Governmental - 2.6%
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds (US)
 5.25% due 02/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . .     52,635              43,522
 6.75% due 08/15/26 # . . . . . . . . . .      7,660               7,696
 8.875% due 08/15/17  . . . . . . . . . .      9,500              11,482
 U.S. Treasury - Notes (US)
 5.75% due 04/30/03 # . . . . . . . . . .      3,000               2,945
 5.875% due 11/15/04  . . . . . . . . . .     25,980              25,473
  TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-                  35.8%          1,230,057

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B) (US)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . .    338,170             338,170
                                          ----------          ----------
                       TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      108.1%          3,709,209
     Payables, less cash and receivables-       (8.1)%          (278,290)
                                          ----------          ----------
                              NET ASSETS-      100.0%         $3,430,919
                                          ==========          ==========

*    Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt
#    Securities, or a portion thereof, with an aggregate market value of $4,804
     have been segregated to collateralize financial futures contracts.
(a)  Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities
     may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to
     qualified institutional buyers. At December 31, 1999, securities aggregated
     $25,326 or 0.74% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.


                                  Market        % of
                    Country       Value       Long-Term
    Country      Abbreviation    (000's)     Investments
United States. .      US        $3,046,853      90.4%
Netherlands  . .      NL            51,691       1.5%
Bermuda  . . . .      BM            40,312       1.2%
Canada . . . . .      CA            37,593       1.1%
Italy  . . . . .      IT            35,751       1.1%
United Kingdom .      GB            24,526       0.7%
Japan  . . . . .      JP            22,410       0.7%
Supra National .      XU            18,514       0.5%
Germany  . . . .      DE            17,501       0.5%
Luxembourg . . .      LU            16,372       0.5%
France . . . . .      FR            15,494       0.5%
Norway . . . . .      NO            14,916       0.4%
Spain  . . . . .      ES            13,911       0.4%
Finland  . . . .      FI             6,574       0.2%
Sweden . . . . .      SE             3,501       0.1%
Denmark  . . . .      DK             3,330       0.1%
Australia  . . .      AU             1,790       0.1%
                                ----------     -----
                                $3,371,039     100.0%
                                ==========     =====



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par         Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                 (000's)       (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 0.7%
 Raytheon Co. - Notes
 6.45% due 08/15/02  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  500        $   489
Banks - 15.2%
 BankBoston Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 03/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,900          1,856
 Banponce Corp. - Notes
 6.54% due 11/06/01  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            987
 6.55% due 10/10/00  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,100          1,097
 Capital One Bank - Notes
 7.0% due 04/30/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            995
 First Hawaiian, Inc. - Sub. Notes
 6.25% due 08/15/00  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000          1,993
 First Union Corp. - Notes
 6.95% due 11/01/04  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            491
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. - Sr. Notes
 5.75% due 02/25/04  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            949
 Korea Development Bank - Bonds
 7.125% due 09/17/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            496
 Star Banc Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      600            572
 Westpac Banking Corp. - Sub. Debs.
 9.125% due 08/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000          1,029
Brokerage and Investment Management - 7.0%
 Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 5.875% due 04/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,900          1,844
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. - Notes
 6.5% due 10/01/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      470            459
 6.625% due 04/01/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      550            533
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.
 5.625% due 01/20/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            472
 Paine Webber Group, Inc. - Notes
 7.0% due 03/01/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500          1,501
Business Services - 0.7%
 Comdisco, Inc. - Notes
 5.95% due 04/30/02  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            482
Computer Equipment - 0.7%
 International Business Machines Corp. - Notes
 5.625% due 04/12/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            474
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 2.8%
 Dial Corp. - Notes
 5.9% due 10/25/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000          1,952
Diversified Operations - 3.8%
 CMS Panhandle Holding - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 03/15/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            946
 El Paso Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 07/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            495
 Tyco International Group SA
 6.125% due 06/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200          1,179
Electric Power - 0.7%
 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. - Sr. Notes
 7.25% due 10/01/02  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      499            497
Financial Services - 10.2%
 Associates Corp. of North America - Sr. Notes
 5.75% due 11/01/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      450            428
 AT&T Capital Corp.
 6.875% due 01/16/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      910            909
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 10/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            490
 Gatx Capital Corp. - Notes
 6.5% due 11/01/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,750          1,745
 Heller Financial, Inc. - Notes
 6.25% due 03/01/01  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500          1,486
 PNC Funding Corp.
 7.0% due 09/01/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            492
 Salomon, Inc.  - Sr. Notes
 7.2% due 02/01/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            496
 Textron Financial Corp. - Notes
 7.125% due 12/09/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            494
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc. (a) - Notes
  144A (a)
 6.875% due 08/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            498
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.3%
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 10/15/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,570          1,581
Health Care Products - 2.0%
 Beckman Instruments, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.1% due 03/04/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,475          1,399
Health Care Services - 3.2%
 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp. - Notes
 6.41% due 06/15/00  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      230            228
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.625% due 12/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000          1,995
Media - TV / Radio - 1.5%
 Continental Cablevision - Sr. Notes
 8.5% due 09/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,010          1,034
Natural Gas Distribution - 4.9%
 Enron Corp. - Debs.
 9.125% due 04/01/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            523
 KN Energy, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.45% due 03/01/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,300          1,261
 Williams Cos., Inc. - Notes
 6.125% due 02/01/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,600          1,584
Oil - 1.5%
 Coastal Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.125% due 09/15/02 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            512



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par         Market
                Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                 (000's)       (000's)

Oil - Continued
 Conoco, Inc. - Notes
 5.9% due 04/15/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  550        $   524
Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.4%
 Petroleum-Geo Services ASA - Bonds
 6.25% due 11/19/03  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            952

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 1.5%
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. - Notes
 8.5% due 11/09/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000          1,021

Personal and Commercial Lending - 11.1%
 American General Finance Corp. - Notes
 5.75% due 11/23/01  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,270          1,241
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Notes
 6.125% due 04/28/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500          1,455
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 5.95% due 04/20/01  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,200          1,189
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes
 6.0% due 05/01/04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,000            950
 MBNA America Bank N.A. - Notes
 5.96% due 08/10/00  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000          1,989
 Money Store Home Equity Trust - Ser. 1997-D
 6.345% due 11/15/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      528            523
 Money Store Home Equity Trust - Ser. 1996-B
 7.55% due 02/15/20  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      290            290
Pollution Control - 0.8%
 WMX Technologies, Inc. - Notes
 7.125% due 06/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      570            552

Real Estate Investment Trust - 2.0%
 Franchise Finance Corp. of America - Sr. Notes
 7.0% due 11/30/00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,400          1,390

Retail - Department Stores - 3.0%
 Dillard's, Inc. - Notes
 5.79% due 11/15/01  . . . . . . . . . . . . .      975            944
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.5% due 06/15/03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,090          1,124
Retail - Food - 0.7%
 Safeway, Inc. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .      500            489

Telecommunication Services - 2.2%
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Notes
 7.0% due 08/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500          1,497

Telephone - 2.2%
 MCI Worldcom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 08/15/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,500          1,484

Transportation Services - 2.9%
 Norfolk Southern Corp. - Notes
 6.875% due 05/01/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000          1,993

U.S. Government Agencies - 6.4%
 Federal Home Loan Bank
 8.0% due 06/01/10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,472          1,497
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
 7.0% due 12/01/10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,039          2,018
 7.0% due 06/18/13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      882            877
U.S. Governmental - 2.9%
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 5.5% due 07/31/01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,000          1,978
                   TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-    94.3%        64,920

Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00  . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,908          2,908
                                                -------        -------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    98.5%        67,828
           Cash and Receivables, less payables-     1.5%         1,016
                                                 ------        -------
                                    NET ASSETS-   100.0%       $68,844
                                                 ======        =======

(a) Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities may
    be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified
    institutional buyers. At December 31, 1999, securities aggregated $498 or
    0.72% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Aerospace and Defense - 0.4%
 Esterline Technologies Corp. * . . . . . . .    14,100        $   163
 GenCorp, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,900             98
Auto and Truck Parts - 1.4%
 Arvin Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .    21,000            596
 Avis Rent A Car, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .     8,100            207
 Tower Automotive, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .     9,600            148
Automobile - 1.3%
 Copart, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,000            609
 Oshkosh Truck Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,500            308
Banks - 11.5%
 Bancwest Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    30,600            597
 Bank United Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . .    17,600            480
 Commerce Bancorp, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .    12,086            489
 Dime Community Bancshares  . . . . . . . . .    12,300            227
 Downey Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .    20,090            405
 East West Bancorp, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .    37,000            423
 Greater Bay Bancorp  . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,600            283
 Hudson United Bancorp  . . . . . . . . . . .    15,494            396
 Imperial Bancorp * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    29,042            701
 MAF Bancorp, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17,100            358
 OceanFirst Financial Corp. . . . . . . . . .    18,000            312
 PFF Bancorp, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    17,200            333
 Provident Bankshares Corp. * . . . . . . . .     8,599            149
 Republic Bancorp, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .    47,410            576
 Richmond County Financial Corp.  . . . . . .    14,100            255
 Silicon Valley Bancshares *  . . . . . . . .    13,800            683
 Southwest Bancorporation of Texas, Inc. *  .    13,200            261
 Washington Federal, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    32,700            646
 Webster Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .    16,300            384
Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.2%
 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. *  . . . . .     7,100            287
 Jefferies Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    24,400            537
Business Services - 0.4%
 American Management Systems, Inc. *  . . . .     8,800            276

Chemicals - 2.2%
 A. Schulman, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,900            161
 Ferro Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,000            264
 Geon Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,000            260
 Spartech Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,500            339
 W.R. Grace & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    36,900            512
Commercial Services - 0.9%
 Bowne & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    11,400            154
 DeVry, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    16,800            313
 Mail-Well Holdings, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    12,600            170
Computer Software and Services - 1.0%
 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    21,500            110
 Computer Task Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .    11,500            170
 Micros Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,600            415
Construction - 3.2%
 Centex Construction Products, Inc. . . . . .     4,500            176
 Elcor Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,700            383
 Foster Wheeler Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    21,100            187
 Granite Construction, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    15,100            278
 Insituform Technologies, Inc. - Cl. A *  . .    15,300            432
 Nortek, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,600            157
 NVR, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    11,900            568
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.6%
 Fossil, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,800            250
 Tupperware Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    11,500            195
Containers - 0.6%
 Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc.  . . . . . . .    26,000            406

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.8%
 AptarGroup, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,100            555

Diversified Operations - 2.5%
 Chemed Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,800            309
 Dexter Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,300            489
 Gerber Scientific, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .     9,900            217
 Mark IV Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     7,200            127
 Roper Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .     5,300            201
 Waste Connections, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    16,900            244
 Watts Industries, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . . .     9,100            134
Electric Power - 2.5%
 Cleco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,000            449
 Idacorp, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,500            603
 Minnesota Power, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .     9,400            159
 Public Service Co. of New Mexico . . . . . .    32,000            520
Electrical Equipment - 0.3%
 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. * . . . .     8,200            238

Electronic Products and Services - 5.7%
 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. *  . . . . . . .     7,100            230
 Dallas Semiconductor Corp. . . . . . . . . .     6,700            432
 Elantec Semiconductor, Inc. *  . . . . . . .     7,400            244
 Kemet Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,100            275
 Lam Research Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,700            636
 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. *  . . . . . . .     4,400            207
 Park Electrochemical Corp. . . . . . . . . .     7,400            197



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Electronic Products and Services - Continued
 PerkinElmer, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,200        $   425
 Pioneer Standard Electronics, Inc. . . . . .    11,300            163
 Sensormatic Electronics Corp. *  . . . . . .    19,400            338
 Tektronix, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,600            334
 Three-Five Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    10,267            421
Engineering and Construction - 0.4%
 EMCOR Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,700            268
Financial Services - 1.1%
 Advanta Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . .    28,800            526
 Doral Financial Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .    20,800            256
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.8%
 Canandaigua Brands, Inc. - Cl. A * . . . . .     3,100            158
 Corn Products International, Inc.  . . . . .    26,000            851
 Earthgrains Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,300            118
 International Multifoods Corp. . . . . . . .     8,200            109
 Universal Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    29,600            675
Health Care Products - 1.6%
 Alpharma, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . .    14,300            440
 Datascope Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,000            280
 Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc.  . . . . . . .    12,400            124
 Mentor Corp. Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . .     4,900            126
 Scott Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .     8,300            157
Health Care Services - 0.9%
 Bindley Western Industries, Inc. . . . . . .    28,221            425
 Hooper Holmes, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,400            216
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 1.4%
 Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc.  . . . . . . . .     5,550            178
 Salton, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,600            254
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . .    13,500            539
Housing - 0.5%
 Pulte Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,600            329
Insurance - 5.2%
 Commerce Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,900            233
 Delphi Financial Group, Inc. - Cl. A * . . .    13,399            402
 E.W. Blanch Holdings, Inc. . . . . . . . . .     3,400            208
 Enhance Financial Services Group, Inc. . . .    16,900            275
 Everest Reinsurance Holdings . . . . . . . .     8,000            179
 Fidelity National Financial, Inc.  . . . . .     9,800            141
 Ohio Casualty Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    19,200            308
 Presidential Life Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .    10,000            184
 Radian Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,700            272
 Selective Insurance Group  . . . . . . . . .    39,300            675
 Stancorp Financial Group, Inc. . . . . . . .     7,400            186
 The MONY Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    11,700            341
 UICI * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,200            150
Leisure and Recreation - 2.3%
 Argosy Gaming Co. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .    24,200            377
 Aztar Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    16,100            175
 Bally Total Fitness Holding Corp. *  . . . .     7,400            198
 Extended Stay America, Inc. *  . . . . . . .    21,700            165
 Pegasus Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .     3,800            229
 Station Casinos, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .    18,400            413
Machinery - 4.1%
 Applied Science and Technology, Inc. * . . .    13,800            459
 Astec Industries, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .     8,000            150
 Graco, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,950            393
 Imation Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,700            493
 JLG Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .    15,200            242
 Manitowoc Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,500            255
 Tecumseh Products Co. - Cl. A  . . . . . . .    11,500            543
 Terex Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,700            297
Media - Publishing - 1.5%
 Hollinger International, Inc.  . . . . . . .    26,900            348
 McClatchy Newspapers, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . .    11,800            511
 Pulitzer, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,300            173
Metal Product and Fabrication - 1.4%
 Intermet Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    18,900            220
 Milacron, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,400            190
 Worthington Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . .    31,800            527
Metals and Mining - 1.1%
 Commonwealth Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . .    23,300            303
 Maverick Tube Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .     8,500            210
 Quanex Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,200            260
Natural Gas Distribution - 1.7%
 Energen Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,800            267
 Indiana Energy, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,400            167
 Peoples Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,500            419
 Washington Gas Light Co. . . . . . . . . . .    10,600            291
Oil - 0.4%
 UTI Energy Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,500            288

Oil - Equipment and Services - 2.0%
 Dril Quip, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6,800            206
 Hanover Compressor Co. * . . . . . . . . . .     9,000            340
 ONEOK, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13,600            342
 SEACOR SMIT, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,800            507



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 4.9%
 Brown Tom, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    21,100        $   282
 Equitable Resources, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .    18,700            624
 Helmerich & Payne, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .    13,800            301
 Houston Exploration Co. *  . . . . . . . . .    14,900            295
 Northwest Natural Gas Co.  . . . . . . . . .    19,600            430
 Plains Resources, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .    19,100            239
 Stone Energy Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,600            307
 Tesoro Petroleum Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .    51,200            592
 Valero Energy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    14,600            290
Paper and Forest Products - 2.3%
 P.H. Glatfelter Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    36,700            534
 Pope & Talbot, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    35,100            562
 Rock-Tenn Co. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . .    12,600            186
 United Stationers, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .     9,500            271
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.3%
 Metris Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5,000            178

Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.9%
 Stillwater Mining Co. *  . . . . . . . . . .    18,550            591

Real Estate Development - 2.3%
 LNR Property Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    31,200            620
 Ryland Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12,100            279
 Standard Pacific Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .    61,800            680
Real Estate Investment Trust - 8.4%
 Bedford Property Investors, Inc. . . . . . .    20,400            348
 Capital Automotive REIT  . . . . . . . . . .    51,000            622
 CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.  . . . . .     6,200            128
 Essex Property Trust, Inc. . . . . . . . . .     8,900            303
 FelCor Lodging Trust, Inc. . . . . . . . . .    34,136            597
 Gables Residential Trust . . . . . . . . . .    21,600            518
 Hospitality Properties Trust . . . . . . . .    12,100            231
 International Rectifier Corp. *  . . . . . .     8,700            226
 IRT Property Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    34,900            273
 Kilroy Realty Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     8,200            180
 Mack-Cali Realty Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .     6,200            162
 MeriStar Hospitality Corp. . . . . . . . . .    20,300            325
 Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc.  . .    20,400            461
 Prentiss Properties Trust  . . . . . . . . .    14,700            309
 Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. . . . . . . .    21,100            489
 SL Green Realty Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .    16,600            361
 The Macerich Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13,200            275
Retail - Department Stores - 3.5%
 AnnTaylor Stores Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .     3,600            124
 Cato Corp. - Cl. A . . . . . . . . . . . . .    21,400            270
 Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. *  . .    29,000            694
 Footstar, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13,600            415
 Musicland Stores Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .    24,500            207
 Shopko Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,900            251
 United Auto Group, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .    12,700            114
 Zale Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,700            372
Retail - Food - 1.7%
 CEC Entertainment, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .     7,700            218
 Jack in the Box, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . .     5,900            122
 Ruby Tuesday, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17,600            320
 Sonic Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7,600            217
 The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. * . . . . . . .     8,700            305
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 1.2%
 K-Swiss, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . . . . .     8,200            152
 Kellwood Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,900            212
 OshKosh B'Gosh, Inc. - Cl. A . . . . . . . .    12,200            257
 Russell Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10,800            181
Steel - 2.1%
 Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.  . . . . . . .    15,750            369
 Ryerson Tull, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22,900            445
 Texas Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .    14,300            609
Telecommunication Equipment - 0.3%
 Polycom, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,400            217

Telecommunication Services - 0.7%
 Price Communications Corp. * . . . . . . . .    18,600            517

Transportation Services - 2.5%
 America West Holdings Corp. - Cl. B *  . . .    22,400            465
 American Freightways Corp. * . . . . . . . .    11,400            184
 Arkansas Best Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .    17,200            206
 Offshore Logistics, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .    29,300            275
 Roadway Express, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .    10,800            234
 USFreightways Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .     4,900            235
 Werner Enterprises, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .    11,100            156
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     96.0%        66,187


 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . . .   $ 2,390          2,390
                                                -------        -------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     99.5%        68,577
          Cash and Receivables, less payables-      0.5%           323
                                                -------        -------
                                   NET ASSETS-    100.0%       $68,900
                                                =======        =======

* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares           Value

Argentina - 0.2%
 Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires SA de CV -
  ADR (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,702         $    34
 Banco Frances del Rio de la Plata SA - ADR
  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,277              54
 Telefonica de Argentina SA - ADR (UTIT)  .        3,520             108
Australia - 2.2%
 Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP) . . . . .        4,000             111
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP) .       12,188             160
 Colonial, Ltd. (FINL)  . . . . . . . . . .       38,278             171
 Commonwealth Bank of Australia (BANK)  . .       12,248             211
 Lend Lease Corp. (FINL)  . . . . . . . . .        8,052             113
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)  . . . . . . . . .       23,242             226
 Publishing & Broadcasting, Ltd. (MEDP) . .       24,000             183
 TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS)  . . . . . .       16,000             108
 Telstra Corp. * (TELS) . . . . . . . . . .        9,000              32
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS) . . . . . . . .       44,000             239
 Westpac Banking Corp., Ltd. (BANK) . . . .       27,694             191
Belgium - 1.1%
 Dexia (LEND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          559              90
 Dexia * (LEND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          389              64
 Dexia - VVPR * (LEND)                               389
 Fortis (B) (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        8,040             290
 KBC Bancassurance Holding NV (BANK)  . . .        6,770             365
 UCB SA (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          940              41
Bermuda - 0.1%
 Dao Heng Bank Group, Ltd. (BANK) . . . . .       15,000              77

Brazil - 1.5%
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerias -
  ADR (UTIE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        3,121              70
 Compania Brasileira de Distribuicao Grupo
  Pao de Acucar - ADR (RETF)  . . . . . . .        4,139             134
 Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras SA - ADR
  (UTIT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        7,358             946
 Unibanco - Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros SA -
  GDR (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,000              60
Canada - 0.8%
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. (META)  . . . . . . .        2,620             108
 Celestica, Inc. * (COMM) . . . . . . . . .        5,914             328
 Nortel Networks Corp. (TELE) . . . . . . .        1,220             123
 Royal Bank of Canada (BANK)  . . . . . . .        1,090              48
China - 0.1%
 Huaneng Power International, Inc. - ADR *
  (UTIE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        6,000              63

Denmark - 0.3%
 Den Danske Bank (BANK) . . . . . . . . . .          780              85
 Tele Danmark A/S (TELS)  . . . . . . . . .        1,760             131
 Unidanmark A/S - Cl. A (BANK)  . . . . . .          790              56
Finland - 2.1%
 Nokia Oyj (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        9,120           1,654

France - 10.2%
 Alcatel Alsthom (TELE) . . . . . . . . . .        2,214             509
 Aventis SA * (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . .        1,252              73
 AXA SA (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        3,514             490
 Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK) . . . . .        4,070             376
 Cap Gemini SA (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . .        1,300             330
 Carrefour SA (RETF)  . . . . . . . . . . .        4,036             744
 Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS) . . . . . .        1,400             263
 Group Danone * (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . .          260              61
 Hermes International (RETS)  . . . . . . .        1,360             205
 L'Oreal (HNBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          105              84
 Lafarge SA (CONS)  . . . . . . . . . . . .          929             108
 Legrand SA (ELEQ)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,464             349
 Pinault-Printemps-Redoute SA (RETS)  . . .          960             253
 Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .        2,190             127
 Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL)  . . . . . .       10,408             433
 Schneider Electric SA (MACH) . . . . . . .        5,191             408
 Societe Generale de Paris (BANK) . . . . .        1,118             260
 Societe Television Francaise 1 (MEDI)  . .        1,660             870
 Sodexho Alliance SA (LEIS) . . . . . . . .        2,310             409
 Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX) . . . . . . .        6,908             922
 Vivendi (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        9,315             841
Germany - 6.4%
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU) . . . . . . . . .        1,050             353
 Bayer AG (CHEM)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        5,419             257
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK) . . . . .        7,517             513
 Deutsche Bank AG (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .        4,934             417
 Deutsche Telekom AG (TELS) . . . . . . . .        6,614             471
 Dresdner Bank AG (BANK)  . . . . . . . . .        5,911             322
 Gehe AG (HEAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        5,368             208
 Mannesmann AG (MACH) . . . . . . . . . . .        6,650           1,604
 Rhoen-Klinikum AG (HEAL) . . . . . . . . .        2,970             109
 SAP AG (SOFT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          750             370
 Siemens AG (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,747             222
 VEBA AG (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        4,815             234
Hong Kong - 2.8%
 Cheung Kong (Holdings), Ltd. (READ)  . . .       18,000             228
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd. (TELS) . .      100,000             624
 CLP Holdings, Ltd. (UTIE)  . . . . . . . .       28,000             129
 Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd.
  (READ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       29,000             186



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares           Value

Hong Kong - Continued
 Cable & Wireless HKT, Ltd. (TELS)  . . . .       42,800         $   124
 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM) . . . . . .       40,000             581
 New World Development Co., Ltd. (READ) . .       27,000              61
 Pacific Century Cyberworks, Ltd. * (TELE).       83,000             193
 Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT) . . .       10,000             104
India - 0.5%
 Hindustan Lever, Ltd. (HNBA) . . . . . . .        3,000             155
 ICICI Ltd. - ADR * (FINL)  . . . . . . . .        8,484             118
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, Ltd. * (TELS) .       33,000             166
Ireland - 0.2%
 CBT Group Public, Ltd. - ADR * (SOFT)  . .        4,946             166
Italy - 5.2%
 Assicurazioni Generali (INSU)  . . . . . .        6,640             219
 Banca Popolare di Brescia (BANK) . . . . .        7,000             620
 UniCredito Italiano SpA (BANK) . . . . . .       48,393             238
 ENI SpA (OILS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       60,784             334
 San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK) . . . . . . . . .       18,858             256
 Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni (INSU)    18,000              48
 Italgas SpA (UTIG) . . . . . . . . . . . .       10,000              38
 Mediolanum SpA (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . .       17,655             231
 Seat Pagine Gialle SpA (MEDP)  . . . . . .       36,000             118
 Tecnost SpA (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . .       31,800             120
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS) . . . . .      114,000           1,274
 Telecom Italia SpA * (TELS)  . . . . . . .       44,444             627
Japan - 22.0%
 Bridgestone Corp. (PART) . . . . . . . . .        4,000              88
 Canon, Inc. (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . . .       20,000             795
 Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . .        7,000              44
 Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)  .        4,000              52
 Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. (HOUS)  . .       13,000              97
 DDI Corp. (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . .           25             343
 Denso Corp. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . . .       16,000             382
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN)  . . . . . .           32             173
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,800             357
 Fuji Television Network, Inc. (MEDI) . . .            9             123
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ) . . . . . . . . . . .       14,000             639
 Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . .       15,000             241
 Honda Motor Co. (AUTO) . . . . . . . . . .        1,000              37
 Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS)  . . . . . . .        2,000             217
 KAO Corp. (HNBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        8,000             228
 Kokuyo Co. (COMM)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        6,000              80
 Komori Corp. (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . . .        5,000              95
 Kuraray Co., Ltd. (APPA) . . . . . . . . .       16,000             162
 Kyocera Corp. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . .        6,000           1,556
 Makita Corp. (CNSU)  . . . . . . . . . . .        8,000              72
 Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . . . . . .       13,000             194
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN)        24,000             665
 Mitsubishi Corp. (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . .       15,000             116
 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MACH) .       71,000             237
 Mitsui Fudosan (REAL)  . . . . . . . . . .       32,000             217
 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN)  . .        6,000           1,409
 NEC Corp. (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .       41,000             977
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT)            81           1,387
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) . . . .       26,000             469
 NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc.
  (TELS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           25             962
 Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . .       14,000             288
 Sekisui Chemical Co. (CHEM)  . . . . . . .       20,000              89
 Sekisui House, Ltd. (CONS) . . . . . . . .       15,000             133
 Seven-Eleven Japan (RETF)  . . . . . . . .        1,000             159
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM)  . . . . . .        6,000             258
 Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM)  . . . . . . . .        7,000             102
 Softbank Corp. * (SOFT)  . . . . . . . . .          100              96
 Sony Corp. (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . . .        5,500           1,631
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .       18,000             246
 Sumitomo Corp. (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . .       27,000             262
 Sumitomo Electric Industries (TELE)  . . .       25,000             289
 TDK Corp. (COMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        4,000             552
 Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co. (INSU) .        7,000              82
 Tokyo Electron, Ltd. (ETRN)  . . . . . . .        1,100             151
 Toppan Printing Co. (CNSU) . . . . . . . .       13,000             130
 Toshiba Corp. (ETRN) . . . . . . . . . . .       52,000             397
 UNY Co., Ltd. (RETS) . . . . . . . . . . .        8,000              78
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  (HEAL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        7,000             245
Luxembourg - 0.1%
 Society Europeenne des Satellites (MEDI) .          336              49

Mexico - 1.7%
 Cemex SA de CV - ADR * Participation
  Certificates (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . .        4,412             123
 Cemex SA de CV - CPO * (CONS)  . . . . . .        8,000              45
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV
  (FOOD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       45,000             201
 Grupo Modelo SA de CV - Ser. C (FOOD)  . .       32,000              88
 Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI) . . . . .        2,907             198
 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SA de CV
  (PAPR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       23,170              90
 Telefonos de Mexico SA - ADR (UTIT)  . . .        5,560             626
Netherlands - 8.4%
 ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK) . . . . . . . .       12,346             308
 Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM) . . . . . . . . . . .        1,110              56
 ASM Lithography Holding NV (ETRN)  . . . .        7,120             791
 CSM NV (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        8,796             188



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares           Value

Netherlands - Continued
 Elsevier NV (MEDP) . . . . . . . . . . . .       15,850         $   189
 Equant (COMP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,485             282
 Fortis (NL) NV (INSU)  . . . . . . . . . .       11,430             412
 Gucci Group NV (APPA)  . . . . . . . . . .        2,135             245
 ING Groep NV (BANK)  . . . . . . . . . . .       15,140             914
 Koninklijke (Royal) Philips Electronics NV
  (ETRN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        5,406             735
 KPN NV (UTIT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,730             169
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILS) . . . . .        7,650             469
 STMicroelectronics * (ETRN)  . . . . . . .        4,866             749
 TNT Post Group NV (TRAN) . . . . . . . . .        1,990              57
 United Pan-Europe Communications NV *
  (TELS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          932             119
 VNU NV (MEDP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        4,580             241
 Wolters Kluwer NV - CVA (MEDP) . . . . . .       24,082             815
New Zealand - 0.2%
 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd. (TELS)        35,000             165
Norway - 0.5%
 Norsk Hydro ASA (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . .        1,890              79
 Orkla ASA (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . .       19,210             331
Portugal - 0.3%
 Estabelecimentos Jeronimo Martins & Filho,
  Sociedade Gestora de Participacoes Sociais
  SA (RETF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        9,813             251
Singapore - 0.7%
 Singapore Press Holdings, Ltd. (MEDP)  . .        5,138             111
 Singapore Telecommunications, Ltd. (TELS)        35,000              72
 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK)  . . . .       39,072             345
South Korea - 1.2%
 Korea Telecom Corp. - ADR * (TELS) . . . .        4,000             299
 Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. - ADR (STEE)        2,053              72
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN) . . . . . . . .        1,950             457
 SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (TELS)  . . . . . . .           30             107
Spain - 2.9%
 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK) . . . . . .        6,820              97
 Banco Popular Espanol SA (BANK)  . . . . .        1,200              78
 Banco Santander Central Hispano SA
  (BANK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       33,860             383
 Corporacion Bancaria de Espana SA (BANK)          5,710             134
 Endesa SA (UTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        9,518             189
 Gas Natural SDG SA - E Shares (UTIG) . . .        4,810             111
 Iberdrola SA (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . .       14,690             204
 Repsol SA (OILX) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        9,172             213
 Telefonica SA (UTIT) . . . . . . . . . . .       36,520             912
Sweden - 2.9%
 Atlas Copco AB (MACH)  . . . . . . . . . .        3,650             104
 Electrolux AB - Ser. B (APPL)  . . . . . .       17,700             445
 Esselte AB - Cl. B (COMM)  . . . . . . . .          910               7
 Hennes & Mauritz AB - B Shares (RETS)  . .       22,930             768
 Nordbanken Holding (BANK)  . . . . . . . .       47,884             281
 Sandvik AB - Cl. B (MACH)  . . . . . . . .        5,320             170
 Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM) . . . . . .       12,856             233
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson - B Shares
  (TELE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        5,140             330
Switzerland - 4.7%
 ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI) . . . . . . . . . . . .        4,667             570
 Adecco SA - Reg. (COMM)  . . . . . . . . .        1,235             962
 Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK)  . . . .        1,370             272
 Nestle SA (FOOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . .          460             843
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . .           51             605
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT)  . . . . . . . .          261             106
 UBS AG - Reg. (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .        1,586             428
Taiwan - 0.2%
 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. - GDR
   144A * (a) (ETRN)  . . . . . . . . . . .        7,092             137
United Kingdom - 15.4%
 Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK) . .       18,000             288
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL) . . . . . . .       12,701             528
 BG Group plc (UTIG)  . . . . . . . . . . .       16,522             107
 BP Amoco plc (OILE)  . . . . . . . . . . .       34,000             343
 Cable & Wireless plc (TELS)  . . . . . . .       52,100             894
 Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD) . . . . . . .       55,200             333
 Caradon plc (CONS) . . . . . . . . . . . .       47,500             119
 Centrica plc * (UTIG)  . . . . . . . . . .       18,900              55
 Compass Group plc (FOOD) . . . . . . . . .       51,000             700
 David S. Smith Holdings plc (PAPR) . . . .       24,000              77
 Diageo plc (FOOD)  . . . . . . . . . . . .       47,512             379
 Electrocomponents plc (ETRN) . . . . . . .       15,000             166
 GKN plc (PART) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        4,000              65
 Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL)  . . . . . . . .       29,000             822
 Hays plc (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        3,100              49
 Hilton Group plc (LEIS)  . . . . . . . . .       28,000              91
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK) . . . . . . . . .       20,400             286
 John Laing plc (HOUS)  . . . . . . . . . .        3,000              13
 Kingfisher plc (RETS)  . . . . . . . . . .       68,000             755
 Marconi plc (TELE) . . . . . . . . . . . .       21,600             381
 National Westminster Bank plc (BANK) . . .       62,000           1,332
 Rank Group plc (DIOP)  . . . . . . . . . .        7,310              24
 Reed International plc (MEDP)  . . . . . .       80,000             601
 Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP)  . . . . . . .       20,000             480



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares           Value

United Kingdom - Continued
 Safeway plc (RETF) . . . . . . . . . . . .       19,000         $    66
 Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX) .      129,000           1,072
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL)  . . . . . .       64,300             815
 Tesco plc (RETF) . . . . . . . . . . . . .       72,900             221
 Tomkins plc (DIOP) . . . . . . . . . . . .       58,496             191
 Unilever plc (CNSU)  . . . . . . . . . . .       60,928             448
 United News & Media plc (MEDP) . . . . . .       17,500             221
 Vodafone Group plc (TELS)  . . . . . . . .       75,500             376
                         TOTAL COMMON STOCK-        94.9%         75,757

Australia - 0.2%
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)  . . . . . . . . .       15,247             131
Brazil - 0.6%
 Banco Itau SA (BANK) . . . . . . . . . . .      970,000              83
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais -
  CEMIG (UTIE)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,701,000              38
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras (OILS)     1,012,000             257
 Telecommunicacoes de Sao Paulo * (TELS)  .    3,179,956              75
 Telesp Celular SA - Cl. B * (TELS) . . . .      540,000              43
Germany - 0.1%
 Fresenius AG (HEAL)  . . . . . . . . . . .          290              53
                      TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-         0.9%            680


 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . .   $    3,255           3,255
                                              ----------         -------
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        99.9%         79,692
        Cash and Receivables, less payables-         0.1%            102
                                              ----------         -------
                                 NET ASSETS-       100.0%        $79,794
                                              ==========         =======

*    Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt
GDR - Global Depository Receipt
(a)  Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities
     may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to
     qualified institutional buyers. At December 31, 1999, securities aggregated
     $137 or .17% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.


                                                            Market         % of
                                          Industry          Value        Long-Term
Industry                                Abbreviation       (000's)      Investments
Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       BANK            $9,788        12.8%
Electronic Products and Services  . .       ETRN             9,467        12.4%
Telecommunication Services  . . . . .       TELS             6,799         8.9%
Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       UTIT             4,596         6.0%
Health Care Products  . . . . . . . .       HEAL             4,272         5.6%
Telecommunication Equipment . . . . .       TELE             3,479         4.6%
Commercial Services . . . . . . . . .       COMM             3,316         4.3%
Diversified Operations  . . . . . . .       DIOP             3,100         4.1%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco  . . . . .       FOOD             2,792         3.7%
Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       MACH             2,618         3.4%
Retail - Department Stores  . . . . .       RETS             2,515         3.3%
Media - Publishing  . . . . . . . . .       MEDP             2,479         3.2%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
  and Production  . . . . . . . . . .       OILX             2,207         2.9%
Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       INSU             2,125         2.8%
Computer Equipment  . . . . . . . . .       COMP             1,932         2.5%
Media - TV / Radio  . . . . . . . . .       MEDI             1,597         2.1%
Retail - Food   . . . . . . . . . . .       RETF             1,575         2.1%
Electrical Equipment  . . . . . . . .       ELEQ             1,344         1.8%
Oil   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       OILS              1061         1.4%
Construction  . . . . . . . . . . . .       CONS               791         1.0%
Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       CHEM               761         1.0%
Electric Power  . . . . . . . . . . .       UTIE               693         1.0%
Consumer - Miscellaneous  . . . . . .       CNSU               650         0.9%
Computer Software and Services  . . .       SOFT               631         0.8%
Leisure and Recreation  . . . . . . .       LEIS               608         0.8%
Engineering and Construction  . . . .       ENGI               570         0.7%
Real Estate Development . . . . . . .       READ               475         0.6%
Brokerage and Investment
  Management  . . . . . . . . . . . .       FUND               469         0.6%
Cosmetics and Personal Care
  Products  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       HNBA               468         0.6%
Household Appliances /
  Furnishings . . . . . . . . . . . .       APPL               445         0.6%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing  . . .       APPA               406         0.5%
Financial Services  . . . . . . . . .       FINL               402         0.5%
Oil - Equipment and Services  . . . .       OILE               343         0.5%
Natural Gas Distribution  . . . . . .       UTIG               310         0.4%
Transportation Services   . . . . . .       TRAN               230         0.3%
Real Estate Operations  . . . . . . .       REAL               217         0.3%
Paper and Forest Products . . . . . .       PAPR               167         0.2%
Personal and Commercial
  Lending   . . . . . . . . . . . . .       LEND               154         0.2%
Auto and Truck Parts  . . . . . . . .       PART               154         0.2%
Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       HOUS               110         0.1%
Metals and Mining . . . . . . . . . .       META               108         0.1%
Real Estate Investment Trust  . . . .       REIT               104         0.1%
Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       STEE                72         0.1%
Automobile  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       AUTO                37         0.0%
                                                           -------      ------
                                                           $76,437       100.0%
                                                           =======      ======



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                   Shares             Value
Aerospace and Defense - 1.2%
 B.F. Goodrich Co.  . . . . . . . . . .         3,500          $     96
 Boeing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        33,368             1,387
 General Dynamics Corp. . . . . . . . .         7,300               385
 Honeywell International, Inc.  . . . .        28,262             1,631
 Lockheed Martin Corp.  . . . . . . . .        13,800               302
 Northrop Grumman Corp. . . . . . . . .         2,300               124
 Raytheon Co. - Cl. B . . . . . . . . .        12,300               327
 United Technologies Corp.  . . . . . .        17,000             1,105
Agricultural Operations - 0.2%
 Monsanto Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        22,300               794
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.7%
 AutoZone, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .         4,800               155
 Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. . . . . . . .         2,100                32
 Cummins Engine Company, Inc. . . . . .         1,200                58
 Dana Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,215               186
 General Motors Corp. . . . . . . . . .        22,600             1,643
 Genuine Parts Co.  . . . . . . . . . .         6,650               165
 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . . . .         5,100               144
 ITT Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . .         2,900                97
 Johnson Controls, Inc. . . . . . . . .         2,900               165
 Navistar International Corp., Inc. -
  Cl. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,400               114
 PACCAR, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,800               124
 Pep Boys - Manny, Moe & Jack . . . . .         1,648                15
 TRW, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,500               234
Automobile - 0.6%
 Delphi Automotive Systems Corp.  . . .        20,469               322
 Ford Motor Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .        43,000             2,298
Banks - 4.8%
 AmSouth Bancorporation . . . . . . . .        13,100               253
 Bank of America Corp.  . . . . . . . .        60,768             3,050
 Bank of New York Co., Inc. . . . . . .        25,900             1,036
 Bank One Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .        40,950             1,313
 BB&T Corporation . . . . . . . . . . .        11,300               309
 Chase Manhattan Corp.  . . . . . . . .        29,100             2,261
 Comerica, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,300               247
 Fifth Third Bancorp  . . . . . . . . .        11,050               811
 First Union Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .        35,046             1,150
 Firstar Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .        34,764               734
 FleetBoston Financial Corp.  . . . . .        32,470             1,130
 Golden West Financial Corp.  . . . . .         5,700               191
 Huntington Bancshares, Inc.  . . . . .         7,565               181
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . .         6,200               785
 KeyCorp  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,100               356
 National City Corp.  . . . . . . . . .        22,000               521
 Northern Trust Corp. . . . . . . . . .         8,000               424
 Old Kent Financial Corp. . . . . . . .         4,100               145
 PNC Bank Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .        10,100               449
 Regions Financial Corp.  . . . . . . .         7,800               196
 Republic New York Corp.  . . . . . . .         3,800               274
 SouthTrust Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .         6,300               238
 State Street Corp. . . . . . . . . . .         5,800               424
 Summit Bancorp . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,600               202
 Suntrust Banks, Inc. . . . . . . . . .        11,400               785
 Synovus Financial Corp.  . . . . . . .        10,350               206
 U.S. Bancorp . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25,918               617
 Union Planters Corp. . . . . . . . . .         5,300               209
 Wachovia Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,200               490
 Washington Mutual, Inc.  . . . . . . .        20,618               536
 Wells Fargo & Co.  . . . . . . . . . .        58,500             2,366
Brokerage and Investment Management - 5.6%
 Aim Stic Prime Fund  . . . . . . . . .    10,793,823            10,794
 Bear Stearns Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . .         4,032               172
 Charles Schwab Corp. . . . . . . . . .        28,750             1,103
 Franklin Resources, Inc. . . . . . . .         9,100               292
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. . . . .         4,300               364
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.  . . . . . .        13,000             1,086
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover &
  Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        19,650             2,805
 Paine Webber Group, Inc. . . . . . . .         4,700               182
 Prime Obligation Fund  . . . . . . . .     8,286,040             8,286
 T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. . . . .         4,000               148
Business Services - 0.3%
 Automatic Data Processing, Inc.  . . .        22,400             1,207
 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. . . . . . . . .         6,000               177
 H & R Block, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .         3,400               149
 IKON Office Solutions, Inc.  . . . . .         4,900                33
Chemicals - 1.1%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. . . . .         8,400               282
 Dow Chemical Co. . . . . . . . . . . .         7,800             1,042
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.  . . . .        37,182             2,449
 Eastman Chemical Co. . . . . . . . . .         3,000               143
 Engelhard Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .         3,800                72
 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. . . . . . .         1,900                72
 Hercules, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,400                95
 Praxair, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,500               277
 Rohm & Haas Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .         8,027               327
 Sigma-Aldrich Corp.  . . . . . . . . .         3,300                99
 Union Carbide Corp.  . . . . . . . . .         4,600               307
 W.R. Grace & Co. . . . . . . . . . . .         1,700                24
Commercial Services - 0.5%
 Cendant Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .        25,599               680
 Deluxe Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,700                74
 Ecolab, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,800               188
 Equifax, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,400               127
 Interpublic Group Cos., Inc. . . . . .        10,000               577
 Omnicom Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         6,300               630



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                   Shares             Value
Commercial Services - Continued
 Quintiles Transnational Corp. *  . . .         3,800          $     71
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.  . . . . . .         4,100               102
Computer Equipment - 6.8%
 3Com Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12,500               588
 Apple Computer, Inc. * . . . . . . . .         5,800               596
 Compaq Computer Corp.  . . . . . . . .        60,711             1,643
 Comverse Technology, Inc. *  . . . . .         2,600               376
 Dell Computer Corp. *  . . . . . . . .        90,300             4,605
 Gateway, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .        11,100               800
 Hewlett-Packard Co.  . . . . . . . . .        36,200             4,125
 Intel Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .       118,600             9,762
 International Business Machines Corp.         64,000             6,912
 Lexmark International Group, Inc. - Cl.
  A * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,400               398
 Network Appliance, Inc. *  . . . . . .         5,400               449
 Xerox Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        23,600               535
Computer Software and Services - 11.8%
 Adobe Systems, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         4,400               296
 America Online, Inc. * . . . . . . . .        79,400             5,990
 Autodesk, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,400                81
 BMC Software, Inc. * . . . . . . . . .         8,500               679
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . .         6,700               174
 Ceridian Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . .         4,900               106
 Citrix Systems, Inc. * . . . . . . . .         3,200               394
 Computer Associates International, Inc.       18,925             1,324
 Computer Sciences Corp. *  . . . . . .         6,000               568
 Compuware Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .        12,700               473
 Electronic Data Systems Corp.  . . . .        16,900             1,131
 EMC Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        36,206             3,955
 First Data Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .        14,700               725
 IMS Health, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .        10,700               291
 Microsoft Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .       183,000            21,365
 Novell, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,500               459
 Oracle Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .        50,525             5,662
 Parametric Technology Co. *  . . . . .         9,300               252
 Peoplesoft, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .         8,400               179
 Seagate Technology, Inc. * . . . . . .         7,500               349
 Shared Medical Systems Corp. . . . . .           800                41
 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * . . . . . . .         6,100                60
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * . . . . . . .        55,500             4,298
 Unisys Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,000               351
 Yahoo!, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,300             4,024
Construction - 0.0%
 Armstrong World Industries, Inc. . . .         1,300                44
 Foster Wheeler Corp. . . . . . . . . .           600                 5
 Vulcan Materials Co. . . . . . . . . .         3,500               140
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.7%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A . . .         1,900                45
 Avery Dennison Corp. . . . . . . . . .         4,100               299
 Black & Decker Corp. . . . . . . . . .         2,900               152
 Briggs & Stratton Corp.  . . . . . . .           800                43
 Clorox Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,500               428
 Fortune Brands, Inc. . . . . . . . . .         5,800               192
 Jostens, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,200                29
 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc.  . . . . . . .        10,116               293
 Parker-Hannifin Corp.  . . . . . . . .         3,750               192
 Service Corp. International  . . . . .         8,600                60
 Sherwin-Williams Co. . . . . . . . . .         6,300               132
 Snap-On, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,000                53
 Stanley Works  . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,900                87
 Tupperware Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .         1,800                31
 Unilever NV - NY Shares  . . . . . . .        20,082             1,093
Containers - 0.1%
 Bemis Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .         1,700                59
 Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc.  . . . . .         3,900                87
 Owens-Illinois, Inc. * . . . . . . . .         5,800               146
 Pactiv Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,100                54
 Sealed Air Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .         2,789               145
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 1.9%
 Alberto-Culver Co. - Cl. B . . . . . .         2,200                57
 Avon Products, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         8,200               271
 Colgate-Palmolive Co.  . . . . . . . .        20,500             1,332
 Gillette Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        37,900             1,561
 International Flavors & Fragrances,
  Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,700               140
 Procter & Gamble Co. . . . . . . . . .        46,700             5,116
Diversified Operations - 6.0%
 Cooper Industries, Inc.  . . . . . . .         3,300               133
 Corning, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,600             1,109
 Costco Wholesale Corp. * . . . . . . .         7,800               712
 Crane Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,750                35
 Danaher Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,200               251
 Eastern Enterprises  . . . . . . . . .         1,100                63
 Eaton Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,800               203
 El Paso Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . .         8,400               326
 General Electric Co. . . . . . . . . .       116,400            18,013
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc.  . . . . . .        10,700               723
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. .        14,200             1,390
 National Service Industries, Inc.  . .         1,300                38
 Pall Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,900               106
 PPG Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . .         6,200               388
 Seagram Co., Ltd.  . . . . . . . . . .        15,300               687
 Textron, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,400               414
 Tyco International, Ltd. . . . . . . .        59,652             2,319



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                   Shares             Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued
Electric Power - 1.5%
 AES Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,300          $    546
 Ameren Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,600               151
 American Electric Power Co.  . . . . .         7,100               228
 Carolina Power & Light Co. . . . . . .         6,000               182
 Central & South West Corp. . . . . . .         6,900               138
 Cinergy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,100               147
 CMS Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .         4,200               131
 Consolidated Edison, Inc.  . . . . . .         8,100               279
 Constellation Energy Group . . . . . .         5,200               151
 Dominion Resources, Inc. . . . . . . .         6,900               271
 DTE Energy Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,900               154
 Duke Energy Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .        12,944               649
 Edison International . . . . . . . . .        12,500               327
 Entergy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,300               214
 Firstenergy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .         8,700               197
 Florida Progress Corp. . . . . . . . .         3,300               140
 FPL Group, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .         6,100               261
 GPU, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,300               129
 New Century Energies, Inc. . . . . . .         4,400               134
 Niagara Mohawk Holdings, Inc.  . . . .         6,100                85
 Northern States Power Co.  . . . . . .         6,000               117
 Peco Energy Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .         6,400               222
 PG & E Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,400               275
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp.  . . . . .         2,800                85
 PP & L Resources, Inc. . . . . . . . .         5,500               126
 Public Services Enterprise Group, Inc.         7,400               257
 Reliant Energy, Inc. . . . . . . . . .         9,924               227
 Southern Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        24,300               571
 Texas Utilities Co.  . . . . . . . . .         9,412               335
Electrical Equipment - 0.4%
 Best Buy Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . .         7,400               371
 Emerson Electric Co. . . . . . . . . .        15,300               878
 Molex, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,300               300
 Unicom Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,900               265
Electronic Products and Services - 5.8%
 Adaptec, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .         3,400               170
 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * . . . .         5,300               153
 Analog Devices, Inc. * . . . . . . . .         6,200               577
 Applied Materials, Inc. *  . . . . . .        13,500             1,710
 Ball Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           800                32
 Cisco Systems, Inc. *  . . . . . . . .       116,050            12,432
 KLA-Tencor Corp. * . . . . . . . . . .         3,200               356
 LSI Logic Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .         5,400               365
 Micron Technology, Inc. *  . . . . . .         9,400               731
 Millipore Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .         1,900                73
 Motorola, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .        21,700             3,195
 National Semiconductor Corp. * . . . .         5,800               248
 PE Corp-BE Biosystems Group  . . . . .         3,700               445
 PerkinElmer, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .         1,600                67
 Pitney Bowes, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .         9,100               440
 Polaroid Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,400                26
 Rockwell International Corp. * . . . .         6,900               330
 Solectron Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . .        10,300               980
 Tektronix, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .         1,500                58
 Teradyne, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .         6,200               409
 Texas Instruments, Inc.  . . . . . . .        28,500             2,761
 Thomas & Betts Corp. . . . . . . . . .         2,000                64
 Xilinx, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,200               509
Engineering and Construction - 0.0%
 Fluor Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,400               110
Financial Services - 2.6%
 American Express Co. . . . . . . . . .        15,900             2,643
 Associates First Capital Corp. -
  Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25,706               705
 Capital One Financial Corp.  . . . . .         7,200               347
 Citigroup, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .       119,728             6,653
 Mellon Financial Corp. . . . . . . . .        18,200               620
 Paychex, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,800               352
 Providian Financial Corp. *  . . . . .         5,050               460
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 3.6%
 Adolph Coors Co. - Cl. B . . . . . . .         1,400                74
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc.  . . . . . .        16,400             1,162
 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. . . . . . .        22,273               271
 Bestfoods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,900               520
 Brown-Forman Corp. - Cl. B . . . . . .         2,400               137
 Campbell Soup Co.  . . . . . . . . . .        15,400               596
 Coca-Cola Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . .        87,700             5,109
 Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.  . . . . .        14,600               294
 ConAgra, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .        17,500               395
 General Mills, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .        11,000               393
 H.J. Heinz Co. . . . . . . . . . . . .        12,700               506
 Hershey Foods Corp.  . . . . . . . . .         5,000               238
 Kellogg Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        14,700               453
 Nabisco Group Holdings Corp. . . . . .        10,400               111
 PepsiCo, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .        51,300             1,808
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. . . . . . . .        83,600             1,938
 Quaker Oats Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .         4,800               315
 Ralston-Ralston Purina Group . . . . .        11,700               326
 Sara Lee Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .        31,900               704
 SUPERVALU, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .         4,900                98
 Sysco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,500               455
 UST, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,000               151
 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.  . . . . . . . . .         4,200               348
Health Care Products - 8.4%
 Abbott Laboratories  . . . . . . . . .        54,800             1,990
 Allergan, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,400               219
 ALZA Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,500               121
 American Home Products Corp. * . . . .        46,600             1,838
 Amgen, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .        36,400             2,186
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         1,900               130



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Name of Issuer                   Shares             Value
Health Care Products - Continued
 Baxter International, Inc. . . . . . .        10,300          $    647
 Becton, Dickinson & Co.  . . . . . . .         8,600               230
 Biomet, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,000               160
 Boston Scientific Corp. *  . . . . . .        14,900               326
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. . . . . . . .        70,500             4,525
 C.R. Bard, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .         1,700                90
 Cardinal Health, Inc.  . . . . . . . .        10,200               488
 Eli Lilly & Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .        38,800             2,580
 Guidant Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . .        10,800               508
 Johnson & Johnson  . . . . . . . . . .        49,400             4,600
 Mallinckrodt, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .         2,100                67
 Medtronic, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .        42,100             1,534
 Merck & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .        83,000             5,566
 Pfizer, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .       137,600             4,464
 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. . . . . . . .        18,500               833
 Schering-Plough Corp.  . . . . . . . .        52,300             2,206
 St. Jude Medical, Inc. * . . . . . . .         2,500                77
 Warner-Lambert Co. . . . . . . . . . .        30,600             2,507
 Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * . . . .         3,200               115
Health Care Services - 0.4%
 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.  . . . .        20,150               591
 HEALTHSOUTH Corp. *  . . . . . . . . .        13,500                72
 Humana, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,700                47
 Manor Care, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .         3,400                54
 McKesson HBOC, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         9,433               213
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. * . . . . . . .        10,500               247
 United Healthcare Corp.  . . . . . . .         6,200               329
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. *  . .         2,300               152
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.1%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc.  . . . . . . . .         6,600               142
 Maytag Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,800               134
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A . . .           300                12
 Whirlpool Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .         2,800               182
Housing - 0.1%
 Centex Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,700                42
 Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc.  . . . . .           700                14
 Kaufman & Broad Home Corp. . . . . . .         1,300                32
 Masco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        16,300               414
 Owens Corning  . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,700                33
 Pulte Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .           900                20
Insurance - 2.9%
 Aetna, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,100               285
 AFLAC, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,600               453
 Allstate Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .        28,200               677
 American General Corp. . . . . . . . .         8,821               669
 American International Group, Inc. . .        54,986             5,945
 Aon Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,400               376
 Chubb Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,300               355
 Cigna Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,700               540
 Cincinnati Financial Corp. . . . . . .         6,100               190
 Conseco, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,891               212
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.        8,100               384
 Jefferson-Pilot Corp.  . . . . . . . .         3,850               263
 Lincoln National Corp. . . . . . . . .         6,800               272
 Loews Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,900               237
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.  . . . . .         9,600               918
 MBIA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,300               174
 MGIC Investment Corp.  . . . . . . . .         3,800               229
 Progressive Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .         2,700               197
 Safeco Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,300               107
 St. Paul Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         7,714               260
 Torchmark, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .         4,200               122
 UnumProvident Corp.  . . . . . . . . .         8,820               283
Leisure and Recreation - 0.6%
 Brunswick Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .         3,100                69
 Carnival Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .        21,600             1,033
 Eastman Kodak Co.  . . . . . . . . . .        11,200               742
 Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. * . . . .         4,200               111
 Hasbro, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,525               124
 Hilton Hotels Corp.  . . . . . . . . .        14,000               135
 Marriott International, Inc. - Cl. A .         8,400               265
 Mattel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        15,400               202
 Mirage Resorts, Inc. * . . . . . . . .         7,300               112
Machinery - 0.4%
 Caterpillar, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .        12,600               593
 Deere & Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,400               364
 Dover Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,000               318
 FMC Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,000                57
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. . . . . . . . . . .         6,000               331
 McDermott International, Inc.  . . . .         2,100                19
 NACCO Industries, Inc. - Cl. A . . . .           200                11
 Thermo Electron Corp. *  . . . . . . .         5,100                77
 W.W. Grainger, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         3,100               148
Media - Publishing - 0.5%
 Dow Jones & Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . .         3,200               218
 Gannett Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .         9,900               807
 Knight-Ridder, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         3,100               184
 Meredith Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,700                71
 New York Times Co. - Cl. A . . . . . .         6,300               310
 Times Mirror Co. - Cl. A . . . . . . .         2,100               141
 Tribune Co.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,500               468
Media - TV / Radio - 2.3%
 CBS Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        26,782             1,712
 Comcast Corp. - Cl. A  . . . . . . . .        26,900             1,360
 McGraw-Hill Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . .         7,000               431



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Name of Issuer                   Shares             Value
Media - TV / Radio - Continued
 The Walt Disney Co.  . . . . . . . . .        73,500          $  2,150
 Time Warner, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .        45,400             3,289
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * . . . . . . . .        24,500             1,481
Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.1%
 Milacron, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .           700                11
 Reynolds Metals Co.  . . . . . . . . .         2,400               184
 Timken Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,600                33
 Worthington Industries, Inc. . . . . .         3,000                49
Metals and Mining - 0.4%
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. . . . . . . . . .         7,800               321
 Alcoa, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        12,900             1,071
 Inco, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,200               146
 Phelps Dodge Corp. . . . . . . . . . .         2,796               187
Natural Gas Distribution - 0.5%
 Columbia Energy Group, Inc.  . . . . .         2,900               183
 Consolidated Natural Gas Co. . . . . .         3,300               214
 Enron Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25,200             1,118
 NICOR, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,600                52
 Peoples Energy Corp. . . . . . . . . .         1,300                44
 Sempra Energy  . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,955               138
 Williams Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . .        15,500               474
Oil - 1.4%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO)  . . . .        11,300               978
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. B . . . . . . . . .        22,245               553
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares         76,200             4,605
 Tosco Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,000               136
Oil - Equipment and Services - 2.6%
 Baker Hughes, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .        12,000               253
 Exxon Mobil Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .       122,555             9,873
 Halliburton Co.  . . . . . . . . . . .        15,700               632
 ONEOK, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,200                30
 Schlumberger, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . .        19,300             1,086
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 1.4%
 Amerada Hess Corp. . . . . . . . . . .         3,400               193
 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. . . . . . . .         4,500               154
 Apache Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,300               159
 Ashland, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,300                76
 Burlington Resources, Inc. . . . . . .         7,610               252
 Chevron Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .        23,400             2,027
 Coastal Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,800               276
 Kerr-McGee Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .         2,970               184
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. . . . . . .        12,500               270
 Phillips Petroleum Co. . . . . . . . .         9,000               423
 Rowan Cos., Inc. * . . . . . . . . . .         3,400                74
 Sunoco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,100                73
 Texaco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        19,500             1,059
 Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc. . . . . .         7,336               247
 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc.  .         9,808               125
 Unocal Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,800               295
 USX-Marathon Group . . . . . . . . . .        11,300               279
Paper and Forest Products - 0.9%
 Boise Cascade Corp.  . . . . . . . . .         1,900                77
 Champion International Corp. . . . . .         3,200               198
 Fort James Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .         7,200               197
 Georgia-Pacific Corp.  . . . . . . . .         5,900               300
 International Paper Co.  . . . . . . .        14,621               825
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. . . . . . . . . .        19,200             1,253
 Louisiana-Pacific Corp.  . . . . . . .         3,100                44
 Mead Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,900               170
 Potlatch Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .           900                40
 Temple-Inland, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         1,800               119
 Westvaco Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,900               127
 Weyerhaeuser Co. . . . . . . . . . . .         8,400               603
 Willamette Industries, Inc.  . . . . .         4,100               190
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.4%
 Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc.  .         3,600                91
 Household International, Inc.  . . . .        16,966               632
 MBNA Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        28,375               773
 SLM Holding Corp.  . . . . . . . . . .         5,300               224
Pollution Control - 0.1%
 Allied Waste Industries, Inc. *  . . .         5,800                51
 Waste Management, Inc. . . . . . . . .        22,457               386
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.2%
 Barrick Gold Corp. . . . . . . . . . .        14,200               251
 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. -
  Cl. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,100               108
 Homestake Mining Co. . . . . . . . . .         8,000                63
 Newmont Mining Corp. . . . . . . . . .         5,801               142
 Placer Dome, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .        12,400               133
Retail - Department Stores - 5.4%
 Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. *  . . . . . .         4,600               160
 Circuit City Stores, Inc.  . . . . . .         7,300               329
 Consolidated Stores Corp. *  . . . . .         3,300                54
 Dayton Hudson Corp.  . . . . . . . . .        15,600             1,145
 Dillard's, Inc. - Cl. A  . . . . . . .         3,600                73
 Dollar General Corp. . . . . . . . . .         9,237               210
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. *  .         7,500               379
 Gap, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        30,175             1,388
 Harcourt General, Inc. . . . . . . . .         2,500               101
 Home Depot, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .        81,750             5,605



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                   Shares             Value
Retail - Department Stores - Continued
 J.C. Penney Co., Inc.  . . . . . . . .         8,600          $    171
 Kmart Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . .        18,300               184
 Kohl's Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,900               426
 Limited, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,726               335
 Lowe's Cos., Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .        13,500               806
 May Department Stores Co.  . . . . . .        11,750               379
 Nordstrom, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .         5,400               141
 Office Depot, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .        10,700               117
 Sears, Roebuck & Co. . . . . . . . . .        13,800               420
 Staples, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .        16,950               352
 Tandy Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,100               349
 TJX Cos., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .        10,600               217
 Toys "R" Us, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . .         8,600               123
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . . .       157,900            10,915
Retail - Drug Stores - 0.4%
 CVS Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,900               555
 Longs Drug Stores Corp.  . . . . . . .           900                23
 Rite Aid Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . .         8,500                95
 Walgreen Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        35,300             1,033
Retail - Food - 0.9%
 Albertson's, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . .        14,977               483
 Darden Restaurants, Inc. . . . . . . .         4,700                85
 McDonald's Corp. . . . . . . . . . . .        48,300             1,947
 Safeway, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .        18,100               644
 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.,
  Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,000                28
 The Kroger Co. * . . . . . . . . . . .        30,100               568
 Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. *  . .         5,350               207
 Wendy's International, Inc.  . . . . .         3,700                76
 Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.  . . . . . . .         5,700               136
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.2%
 Liz Claiborne, Inc.  . . . . . . . . .         2,000                75
 Nike, Inc. - Cl. B . . . . . . . . . .        10,000               496
 Reebok International, Ltd. . . . . . .         1,900                16
 Russell Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . .           800                13
 V.F. Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,400               132
Steel - 0.1%
 Allegheny Technologies, Inc. . . . . .         2,850                64
 Bethlehem Steel Corp. *  . . . . . . .         3,200                27
 Nucor Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,000               164
 USX-US Steel Group, Inc. . . . . . . .         3,400               112
Telecommunication Equipment - 4.3%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. * . . . .         5,500               399
 Andrew Corp. * . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,850                54
 General Instrument Corp. * . . . . . .         6,200               527
 Lucent Technologies, Inc.  . . . . . .       111,225             8,321
 Nortel Networks Corp.  . . . . . . . .        47,500             4,798
 QUALCOMM, Inc. * . . . . . . . . . . .        23,600             4,157
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. . . . . . . .         2,900               161
 Tellabs, Inc. *  . . . . . . . . . . .        14,200               911
Telecommunication Services - 1.5%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * .        11,900             1,062
 Global Crossing, Ltd.  . . . . . . . .        27,090             1,355
 MediaOne Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . .        21,600             1,659
 Nextel Communications, Inc. -
  Cl. A * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,000             1,341
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) * . . . . . . .        15,250             1,563
Telephone - 6.8%
 Alltel Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        11,100               918
 AT&T Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       113,506             5,760
 Bell Atlantic Corp.  . . . . . . . . .        55,236             3,401
 BellSouth Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . .        67,000             3,137
 CenturyTel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .         5,200               246
 GTE Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        34,300             2,420
 MCI WorldCom, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .       100,778             5,348
 SBC Communications, Inc. . . . . . . .       121,197             5,908
 Sprint Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        30,800             2,073
 U.S. West, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . .        17,797             1,281
Transportation Services - 0.7%
 AMR Corp. *  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,100               342
 Burlington Northern Santa Fe . . . . .        15,900               385
 CSX Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,900               248
 Delta Air Lines, Inc.  . . . . . . . .         4,500               224
 FDX Corp.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        10,600               434
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.          3,800               284
 Norfolk Southern Corp. . . . . . . . .        13,800               283
 Ryder System, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .         2,000                49
 Southwest Airlines Co. . . . . . . . .        17,200               278
 U.S. Airways Group, Inc. * . . . . . .         2,600                83
 Union Pacific Corp.  . . . . . . . . .         9,000               393
U.S. Government Agencies - 0.8%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. . . .        24,400             1,148
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. . . .        36,500             2,279
                     TOTAL COMMON STOCK-        101.0%          455,746



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 Par             Market
             Name of Issuer                     Value             Value
                                               (000's)           (000's)
U.S. Governmental - 0.2%
 U.S. Treasury Bills
 5.11% due 03/16/00 # . . . . . . . . .   $        25           $     25
 5.16% due 03/16/00 # . . . . . . . . .           800                791
                                          -----------           --------
           TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS-          0.2%               816
                                          -----------           --------
                      TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        101.2%           456,562
    Payables, less cash and receivables-         (1.2)%           (5,266)
                                          -----------           --------
                             NET ASSETS-        100.0%          $451,296
                                          ===========           ========

* Non-income producing security.
# Securities, or a portion thereof, with an aggregate market value of $816 have
  been segregated to collateralize financial futures contracts.
See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      Par        Market
                Name of Issuer                       Value        Value
                                                    (000's)      (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 0.8%
 K & F Industries, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 10/15/07 .........................       $  175       $  166

Auto and Truck Parts - 4.9%
 Accuride Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 02/01/08 .........................          125          115
 Delco Remy International, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.625% due 12/15/07 ........................           50           48
 10.625% due 08/01/06 .......................          190          197
 Dura Operating Corp.
 9.0% due 05/01/09 ..........................          135          127
 Federal-Mogul Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.8% due 04/15/07 ..........................          100           97
 Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.
 9.125% due 07/15/07 ........................          100           98
 LDM Technologies, Inc.
 10.75% due 01/15/07 ........................          135          123
 Lear Corp. - Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 07/15/06 ..........................          100          101
 Numatics, Inc. - Ser. B
 9.625% due 04/01/08 ........................          100           75
Banks - 0.6%
 Western Financial Bank - Sub.
 8.875% due 08/01/07 ........................          125          115

Business Services - 0.3%
 Express Scripts, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.625% due 06/15/09 ........................           50           51

Chemicals - 5.5%
 Acetex Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.75% due 10/01/03 .........................          125          114
 Georgia Gulf Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes 144A (a)
 10.375% due 11/01/07 .......................          125          130
 Lyondell Chemical Co. - Debs.
 9.8% due 02/01/20 ..........................          110          110
 9.875% due 05/01/07 ........................          195          199
 PCI Chemicals Canada, Inc.
 9.25% due 10/15/07 .........................           90           69
 Sovereign Speciality Chemicals
 9.5% due 08/01/07 ..........................          180          181
 Texas Petrochemical Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 11.125% due 07/01/06 .......................          150          131
 ZSC Specialty Chemical plc - Sr. Notes 144A
 11.0% due 07/01/09 .........................          150          155
Coal - 1.5%
 P&L Coal Holdings Corp.
 9.625% due 05/15/08 ........................          300          295

Commercial Services - 1.7%
 Iron Mountain, Inc.
 8.75% due 09/30/09 .........................          150          143
 Pierce Leahy Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.125% due 07/15/07 ........................           75           74
 Sullivan Graphics, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 12.75% due 08/01/05 ........................          125          129

Computer Software and Services - 4.0%
 Concentric Network Corp. - Sr. Notes
 12.75% due 12/15/07 ........................          150          157
 Exodus Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 11.25% due 07/01/08 ........................          150          156
 PSINet, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 11.5% due 11/01/08 .........................           75           78
 10.0% due 02/15/05 .........................          200          198
 Verio, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.375% due 04/01/05 .......................          150          151
 11.25% due 12/01/08 ........................           50           53
Construction - 0.5%
 Nortek, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.125% due 09/01/07 ........................          100           97

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 2.0%
 Lin Holdings Corp. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 03/01/08 ..........................          475          321
 Royster-Clark, Inc. - 1st Mtge. 144A (a)
 10.25% due 04/01/09 ........................           90           82
Containers - 1.0%
 Gaylord Container Corp. - Sr. Notes Ser. B
 9.375% due 06/15/07 ........................          125          116
 Packaging Corp. of America
 9.625% due 04/01/09 ........................           75           77
Diversified Operations - 2.1%
 Fisher Scientific International, Inc. - Sr.
  Sub. Notes
 9.0% due 02/01/08 ..........................          125          120
 Prestolite Electric, Inc.
 9.625% due 02/01/08 ........................           75           58
 SCG Holding Corp. & Semiconductor Components
  Industries LLC - Sr. Sub. Notes 144A (a)
 12.0% due 08/01/09 .........................          160          170
 Werner Holdings Co., Inc.
 10.0% due 11/15/07 .........................           35           34
 Westinghouse Air Brake Co. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 06/15/05 ........................           45           45
Electrical Equipment - 0.5%
 Wesco Distribution, Inc. - Ser. B
 9.125% due 06/01/08 ........................          100           94



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      Par        Market
                Name of Issuer                       Value        Value
                                                    (000's)      (000's)


Electronic Products and Services - 0.6%
 Advanced Micro Devices - Sr. Notes
 11.0% due 08/01/03 ..........................      $ 130        $ 130

Financial Services - 2.0%
 AMSC Acquisition Co., Inc. - Ser. B
 12.25% due 04/01/08 .........................         50           39
 Olympic Financial, Ltd. - Sr. Notes
 11.5% due 03/15/07 ..........................        125          130
 RBF Finance Co.
 11.375% due 03/15/09 ........................        120          129
 Tembec Finance Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.875% due 09/30/05 .........................         95           99
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 3.1%
 Aurora Foods, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.75% due 07/01/08 ..........................         75           71
 9.875% due 02/15/07 .........................         50           51
 B&G Foods, Inc.
 9.625% due 08/01/07 .........................        125          113
 Chiquita Brands International, Inc. - Sr.
 10.0% due 06/15/09 ..........................         65           49
 Del Monte Foods Co. - Sr. Disc. Notes Ser. B
 12.5% due 12/15/07 ..........................        137          104
 Nash-Finch Co. - Ser. B
 8.5% due 05/01/08 ...........................        100           83
 Vlasic Foods International, Inc. - Sr. Sub
 10.25% due 07/01/09 .........................        150          143
Foreign - 0.4%
 Satelites Mexicanos SA - Sr. Notes
 10.125% due 11/01/04 ........................        125           85

Health Care Products - 1.7%
 ALARIS Medical Systems, Inc.
 9.75% due 12/01/06 ..........................         75           64
 ALARIS Medical, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 11.125% due 08/01/08 ........................        150           62
 Beckman Coulter, Inc.
 7.45% due 03/04/08 ..........................         50           46
 MEDIQ, Inc.
 11.0% due 06/01/08 ..........................        150           60
 Owens & Minor, Inc.
 10.875% due 06/01/06 ........................        111          114
Health Care Services - 2.9%
 Beverly Enterprises, Inc.
 9.0% due 02/15/06 ...........................        210          198
 Lifepoint Hospitals Holdings, Inc.
 10.75% due 05/15/09 .........................         60           62
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. - Sr. Sub Notes
 8.125% due 12/01/08 .........................        175          166
 Triad Hospitals Holdings, Inc.
 11.0% due 05/15/09 ..........................        150          155
Housing - 2.4%
 American Standard Cos., Inc.
 7.625% due 02/15/10 .........................         35           32
 Engle Homes, Inc. - Ser. C
 9.25% due 02/01/08 ..........................         90           81
 Grove Worldwide Llc - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 05/01/08 ..........................         85           26
 0.0% due 06/15/07 ...........................        200          150
 Standard Pacific Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.5% due 06/15/07 ...........................        110          106
 8.5% due 04/01/09 ...........................        100           92
Leisure and Recreation - 4.9%
 AMC Entertainment, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 03/15/09 ...........................         75           66
 9.5% due 02/01/11 ...........................        125          109
 Aztar Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.875% due 05/15/07 .........................        100           96
 Bell Sports, Inc.
 11.0% due 08/15/08 ..........................        150          148
 Hollywood Casino Corp.
 11.25% due 05/01/07 .........................        150          155
 Loews Cineplex Entertainment Corp. - Sr. Sub.
 8.875% due 08/01/08 .........................        100           88
 Station Casinos, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.875% due 12/01/08 .........................        100           96
 True Temper Sports, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.875% due 12/01/08 ........................        230          220
Media - Publishing - 0.4%
 American Media Operations, Inc. - Sr. Sub
 10.25% due 05/01/09 .........................         75           75
Media - TV / Radio - 9.6%
 Allbritton Communications Co. - Sr. Sub.
 9.75% due 11/30/07 ..........................        250          250
 Cablevision SA - Bonds
 13.75% due 05/01/09 .........................         60           59
 Century Communications Corp. - Sr. Disc.
 0.0% due 01/15/08 ...........................        500          217
 Charter Communications Holdings, LLC - Sr.
 8.625% due 04/01/09 .........................        300          277
 Classic Cable, Inc.
 9.875% due 08/01/08 .........................        120          118



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                            Par      Market
                Name of Issuer                             Value      Value
                                                          (000's)    (000's)


Media - TV / Radio - Continued
 EchoStar DBS Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 02/01/09 ................................     $  350     $  353
 Emmis Communications Corp.
 8.125% due 03/15/09 ................................         55         53
 Frontiervision Holding L.P. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 11.875% due 09/15/07 ...............................        200        178
 Granite Broadcassting Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.875% due 05/15/08 ................................        175        167
 Iridium LLC & Capital Corp.
 11.25% due 07/15/05 ................................        200          8
 Multicanal SA
 13.125% due 04/15/09 ...............................        180        177
 Young Broadcasting, Inc.
 8.75% due 06/15/07 .................................         50         48
Metals and Mining - 1.0%
 Johnstown America Industries, Inc. - Sr. Sub.
 11.75% due 08/15/05 ................................        150        153
 Neenah Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 11.125% due 05/01/07 ...............................         10          9
 11.125% due 05/01/07 ...............................         40         37
Natural Gas Distribution - 0.7%
 Energy Corp. of America - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 05/15/07 ..................................        200        140

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.0%
 ICO, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.375% due 06/01/07 ...............................         50         45
 Key Energy Services, Inc.
 14.0% due 01/15/09 .................................         65         71
 Tuboscope, Inc.
 7.5% due 02/15/08 ..................................        100         85
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 3.6%
 Contour Energy Co.
 14.0% due 04/15/03 .................................         92         90
 Costilla Energy, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.25% due 10/01/06 ................................        125         36
 Petroleos Mexicanos
 8.85% due 09/15/07 .................................        175        167
 Plains Resources, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.25% due 03/15/06 ................................        125        122
 10.25% due 03/15/06 ................................        100         98
 Pride International, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 05/01/07 ................................        100        100
 10.0% due 06/01/09 .................................        100        103
Paper and Forest Products - 2.0%
 Doman Industries, Ltd. - Sr. Notes
 8.75% due 03/15/04 .................................        100         85
 12.0% due 07/01/04 .................................         75         78
 Grupo Industrial Durango, S.A. - Notes
 12.625% due 08/01/03 ...............................        100         99
 Repap New Brunswick, Inc.
 9.0% due 06/01/04 ..................................         60         59
 10.625% due 04/15/05 ...............................         75         70
 Tembec Industries, Inc.
 8.625% due 06/30/09 ................................         15         15
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.1%
 Arcadia Financial, Ltd. - Sr. Notes
 11.5% due 03/15/07 .................................         15         16

Pollution Control - 0.7%
 WMX Technologies, Inc. - Notes
 7.0% due 10/15/06 ..................................        150        133

Real Estate Development - 0.6%
 D.R. Horton, Inc.
 8.0% due 02/01/09 ..................................         60         55
 Del Webb Corp. - Sr. Sub. Debs.
 10.25% due 02/15/10 ................................         75         72
Retail - Department Stores - 0.4%
 Mattress Discounters Co.
 12.625% due 07/15/07 ...............................         75         73

Retail - Drug Stores - 1.6%
 Duane Reade, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 02/15/08 .................................        325        318

Retail - Food - 1.6%
 Disco S.A. - Notes
 9.875% due 05/15/08 ................................         75         65
 Stater Bros. Holdings, Inc. - Senior Notes
 10.75% due 08/15/06 ................................        250        253
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.7%
 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.875% due 06/15/08 ................................        150        134

Steel - 2.0%
 AK Steel Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.125% due 12/15/06 ................................        100        101
 Armco, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.0% due 09/15/07 ..................................         75         76
 Bayou Steel Corp.
 9.5% due 05/15/08 ..................................        100         93
 LTV Corp. - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 11.75% due 11/15/09 ................................        130        137
Telecommunication Equipment - 2.5%
 Covad Communications Group, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 12.5% due 02/15/09 .................................         50         52



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      Par        Market
                Name of Issuer                       Value        Value
                                                    (000's)      (000's)


Telecommunication Equipment - Continued
 Crown Castle International Corp. - Sr. Disc.
 10.625% due 11/15/07 ........................     $   100      $    76
 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. - Sr. Sub.
 10.125% due 03/15/07 ........................         250          252
 10.375% due 10/01/07 ........................          35           36
 L-3 Communications Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.5% due 05/15/08 ...........................          35           33
 Paging Network, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.125% due 08/01/07 ........................         150           47
Telecommunication Services - 16.3%
 Bresnan Communications Co. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 9.25% due 02/01/09 ..........................          50           35
 BTI Telecom Corp. - Sr. Notes
 10.5% due 09/15/07 ..........................         100           92
 Clearnet Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc.
 10.125% due 05/01/09 ........................         150           90
 Fonda Group, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 03/01/07 ...........................         125          105
 GCI, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.75% due 08/01/07 ..........................         400          374
 Global Crossing Holdings, Ltd. - Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 9.125% due 11/15/06 .........................         100           99
 Globalstar LP/Capital Corp. - Global Star -
  Sr. Notes
 10.75% due 11/01/04 .........................         125           83
 GST Telecommunications, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 12.75% due 11/15/07 .........................          50           48
 Hyperion Telecommunications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 12.25% due 09/01/04 .........................          50           54
 13.0% due 04/15/03 ..........................         140          126
 Innova State of DE R.L. - Sr. Notes
 12.875% due 04/01/07 ........................         100           89
 Insight Midwest LP & Insight Capital, Inc. -
  Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 9.75% due 10/01/09 ..........................          35           36
 Intermedia Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
  Ser. B
 8.6% due 06/01/08 ...........................          50           46
 Intermedia Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.875% due 11/01/07 .........................         275          257
 IXC Communications, Inc. - Sr. Sub Notes
 9.0% due 04/15/08 ...........................          50           51
 KMC Telecom Holdings, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 12.5% due 02/15/08 ..........................         275          151
 Level 3 Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.125% due 05/01/08 .........................          30           28
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Senior Notes
 8.375% due 03/15/08 .........................         200          188
 MGC Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes Ser. B
 13.0% due 10/01/04 ..........................          25           25
 Nextel Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 9.75% due 10/31/07 ..........................         650          470
 NTL Communications Corp. - Sr. Notes
 12.375% due 10/01/08 ........................         440          309
 Price Communications Wireless, Inc.
 9.125% due 12/15/06 .........................          50           51
 RCN Corp. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 11.0% due 07/01/08 ..........................         175          114
 RSL Communications plc
 9.125% due 03/01/08 .........................         100           88
 Telecommunications Techniques Co.
 9.75% due 05/15/08 ..........................         140          127
 Time Warner Telecom Llc - Sr. Notes
 9.75% due 07/15/08 ..........................         100          103
Telephone - 3.6%
 Alestra SA - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 12.125% due 05/15/06 ........................         175          176
 e.spire Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc.
 12.75% due 04/01/06 .........................         100           48
 ITC DeltaCom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.875% due 03/01/08 .........................          25           24
 9.75% due 11/15/08 ..........................          75           76
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc.
 9.45% due 04/15/08 ..........................         300          189
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 10.5% due 12/01/09 ..........................          75           76
 Viatel, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 11.25% due 04/15/08 .........................         125          126
Transportation Services - 0.8%
 Dunlop Standard Aero Holdings - Sr. Notes
 11.875% due 05/15/09 ........................         150          155
                  TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-       92.6%       18,441

Computer Software and Services - 0.6%
 Concentric Network Corp. - PIK Ser. B .......         112          111

Media - Publishing - 0.5%
 Primedia, Inc. ..............................       1,250          108
                        TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-        1.1%          219



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                       Shares            Value

Telecommunication Services - 0.0%
 KMC Telecom Holdings, Inc. - WT 144A (a)
 expires 04/15/08 (Cost $0) ..................            250        $      1

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 ........................       $  1,714           1,714
                                                     --------        --------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-         102.3%          20,375
          Payables, less cash and receivables-         (2.3)%           (454)
                                                     --------        --------
                                   NET ASSETS-         100.0%        $ 19,921
                                                     ========        ========

(a)  Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities
     may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to
     qualified institutional buyers. At December 31, 1999, securities aggregated
     $1,062 or 5.33% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  Par            Market
               Name of Issuer                    Value           Value
                                                (000's)         (000's)

Belgium - 2.9%
 Kingdom of Belgium - Bonds (GOVF)
 9.0% due 03/28/03 #. . . . . . . . . . . .   $  1,800          $ 2,042
Canada - 2.3%
 Government of Canada - Bonds (GOVF)
 7.0% due 12/01/06 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      2,300            1,657
France - 15.5%
 Government of France (GOVF)
 3.5% due 07/12/04 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      5,950            5,687
 4.0% due 04/25/09 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      3,670            3,318
 5.5% due 04/25/07 #. . . . . . . . . . . .        610              628
 6.0% due 10/25/25 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      1,357            1,368
Germany - 5.8%
 Bundesobligation - Bonds (GOVF)
 4.5% due 02/18/03 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      1,700            1,707
 Bundesrepublic Deutschland - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.75% due 04/22/03 # . . . . . . . . . . .      1,125            1,204
 Federal Republic of Germany - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.25% due 01/04/24 # . . . . . . . . . . .        833              870
 Treuhandanstalt - Bonds (FORG)
 7.5% due 09/09/04 #. . . . . . . . . . . .        281              314
Italy - 2.0%
 Republic of Italy (GOVF)
 3.25% due 04/15/04 # . . . . . . . . . . .      1,500            1,409
Japan - 6.7%
 Government of Japan - Bonds (GOVF)
 1.9% due 03/20/09 #. . . . . . . . . . . .    384,700            3,812
 3.0% due 09/20/05 #. . . . . . . . . . . .     88,000              950
Netherlands - 9.5%
 Government of Netherlands - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.5% due 04/15/03 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      3,100            3,283
 Repsol International Finance (FINL)
 3.607% due 12/14/00 #. . . . . . . . . . .      3,400            3,424
Spain - 3.1%
 Government of Spain - Bonds (GOVF)
 10.0% due 02/28/05 # . . . . . . . . . . .      1,790            2,197
Supra National - 3.3%
 European Investment Bank - Bond (BANK)
 5.875% due 05/12/09 #                           1,500            1,372
 International-American Development Bank -
  Bonds (BANK)
 1.9% due 07/08/09 #. . . . . . . . . . . .    100,000              998
Sweden - 4.3%
 Government of Sweden - Bonds (GOVF)
 5.5% due 04/12/02. . . . . . . . . . . . .     26,000            3,084

United Kingdom - 5.1%
 U.K. Treasury - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.0% due 12/07/28 #. . . . . . . . . . . .        300              593
 6.25% due 11/25/10 # . . . . . . . . . . .        700            1,209
 7.25% due 12/07/07 # . . . . . . . . . . .      1,045            1,842
United States - 35.7%
 Chase Manhattan Corp. - Sub. Notes (BANK)
 6.0% due 02/15/09 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      1,250            1,124
 Cytec Industries, Inc. - Notes (CHEM)
 6.846% due 05/11/05 #. . . . . . . . . . .      1,500            1,406
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (GOVA)
 6.625% due 09/15/09 #. . . . . . . . . . .      1,400            1,360
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. (GOVA)
 6.5% due 01/31/30 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      3,580            3,373
 7.5% due 01/31/30 #. . . . . . . . . . . .      1,800            1,780
 Government National Mortgage Assoc. (GOVA)
 7.0% due 01/31/30 #                             1,800            1,738
 7.37% due 06/15/38 . . . . . . . . . . . .         42               41
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. - Debs. (TELE)
 6.45% due 03/15/29 . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,107              964
 McKesson Corp. - Notes (HEAL)
 6.4% due 03/01/08. . . . . . . . . . . . .      1,500            1,338
 Standard Credit Card Master Trust (LEND)
 8.25% due 01/07/07 # . . . . . . . . . . .      2,000            2,090
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds (GOVE)
 6.125% due 08/15/29 #. . . . . . . . . . .      2,170            2,069
 6.25% due 02/28/02 # . . . . . . . . . . .      7,100            7,098
 8.0% due 11/15/21 #. . . . . . . . . . . .        560              636
 U.S. Treasury Bills (GOVE)
  0.0% due 03/02/00 # . . . . . . . . . . .        300              296
                TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-      96.2%          68,281

United States - 7.0%
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (CHEM)
  5.78% due 01/20/00 #. . . . . . . . . . .      1,500            1,495
 Xerox Capital Europe plc (FINL)  . . . . .
  5.83% due 01/19/00 #. . . . . . . . . . .      3,500            3,490
United States - 3.9%
 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  5.242% due 01/03/00 . . . . . . . . . . .      2,784            2,784
                                              --------          -------
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     107.1%          76,050
        Payables, less cash and receivables-      (7.1)%         (5,059)
                                              --------          -------
                                 NET ASSETS-     100.0%         $70,991
                                              ========          =======

# Securities, or a portion thereof, with an aggregate market value of $29,975
  have been segregated to collateralize financial futures contracts.

See notes to financial statements.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                             Market       % of
                                Industry      Value     Long-Term
          Industry            Abbreviation   (000's)   Investments
Foreign Governmental  . . .       GOVF       $36,860      54.0%
U.S. Governmental . . . . .       GOVE        10,099      14.8%
U.S. Government Agencies  .       GOVA         8,292      12.1%
Banks . . . . . . . . . . .       BANK         3,494       5.1%
Financial Services  . . . .       FINL         3,424       5.0%
Personal and Commercial
 Lending. . . . . . . . . .       LEND         2,090       3.1%
Chemicals . . . . . . . . .       CHEM         1,406       2.0%
Health Care Products  . . .       HEAL         1,338       2.0%
Telecommunication Equipment       TELE           964       1.4%
Foreign . . . . . . . . . .       FORG           314       0.5%
                                             -------     -----
                                             $68,281     100.0%
                                             =======     =====


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


     The John Hancock Variable Series Trust I (the "Fund") is a diversified
open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company
Act of 1940, as amended. The Fund is organized as a Massachusetts business
trust. The Fund consists of thirty-one portfolios: Large Cap Growth, Fundamental
Mid Cap Growth, Aggressive Balanced, Sovereign Bond, Emerging Markets Equity,
International Equity Index, Global Equity, International Equity, Small Cap
Growth, International Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Mid Cap Blend, Large Cap Value,
Large Cap Value CORE, Large/Mid Cap Value, Money Market, Mid Cap Value,
Small/Mid Cap Growth (formerly, Diversified Mid Cap Growth), Bond Index, Large
Cap Aggressive Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value, Real Estate
Equity, Growth & Income, Managed, Short-Term Bond, Small Cap Value,
International Opportunities, Equity Index, High Yield Bond and Global Bond
(formerly, Strategic Bond) Portfolios. The Fund may add or delete portfolios in
the future to accommodate various investment objectives. The Fund has issued
shares of beneficial interest exclusively to John Hancock Variable Life Account
U ("JHVLAU"), John Hancock Variable Life Account V ("JHVLAV"), John Hancock
Variable Life Account S ("JHVLAS"), and John Hancock Variable Annuity Account I
("JHVAAI") to fund policies and contracts issued by the John Hancock Variable
Life Insurance Company ("JHVLICO"), and to John Hancock Variable Annuity Account
U ("JHVAAU"), John Hancock Variable Annuity Account V ("JHVAAV"), John Hancock
Mutual Variable Life Insurance Account UV ("JHMVLAUV"), John Hancock Variable
Annuity Account H ("JHVAAH"), and John Hancock Variable Annuity Account JF
("JHVAAJF") to fund contracts and policies issued by John Hancock Mutual Life
Insurance Company ("John Hancock") and to Investors Partner Life Account L
("IPLL") to fund contracts and policies issued by Investors Partner Life


     Estimates: The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

     Valuation of Investments: For the Large Cap Growth, Fundamental Mid Cap
Growth, Aggressive Balanced, Emerging Markets Equity, Small Cap Growth, Mid Cap
Growth, Mid Cap Blend, Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Large/Mid Cap
Value, Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Aggressive Growth,
Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value, Real Estate Equity, Growth & Income,
Managed, Small Cap Value, and Equity Index Portfolios: Common stocks and other
such securities traded on national exchanges are normally valued on the basis of
closing prices. Securities traded in the over-the-counter market and securities
with no sales on the day of valuation are normally valued at their last
available bid price.

     For the Sovereign Bond, Bond Index, Managed, Short-Term Bond, High Yield
Bond and Global Bond Portfolios: Debt investment securities having a primary
market over-the-counter are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by a
pricing service which determines valuations for normal institutional size
trading units of debt securities, without exclusive reliance upon quoted prices.

     For the Money Market Portfolio: The Board of Trustees has determined that
the appropriate method for valuing Portfolio securities is amortized cost, so
long as the average weighted maturity of money market instruments comprising the
Portfolio does not exceed 90 days. Accordingly, Portfolio securities are valued
at amortized cost which approximates market value. The amortized cost method
involves valuing a security at its cost on the date of purchase and thereafter
assuming a constant amortization to maturity of the difference between the
principal amount due at maturity and the cost of the security to the Portfolio.

     For each of the Portfolios, short-term investments, with a maturity not to
exceed 60 days, are valued at amortized cost which approximates market value.

     For the International Equity Index, Global Equity, International Equity,
International Balanced and International Opportunities Portfolios: Investments
in securities traded on national securities exchanges in the United States or on
equivalent foreign exchanges are normally valued at the last quoted sales price
on such exchanges as of the close of business on the date of which assets are
valued. Securities traded in the over-the-counter market and securities traded


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


with no sales on the day of valuation are normally valued at their last
available bid price. All Portfolio securities initially expressed in terms of
foreign currencies have been translated into U.S. Dollars as described in
"Currency Translation."

     Investment securities for which no current market quotations are readily
available, including certain foreign securities, when held by the Portfolios,
are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Board of Trustees.

     Investment security transactions are recorded on the date of purchase or
sale. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is
recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income for the Large Cap Growth,
Emerging Markets Equity, International Equity Index, Global Equity,
International Equity, International Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Value,
Mid Cap Value, Growth & Income, Managed, Small Cap Value, International
Opportunities and Equity Index Portfolios are shown net of foreign taxes
withheld of $2, $18, $388, $19, $5, $33, $1, $24, $1, $377, $295, $1, $142 and
$40, respectively. Realized gains and losses from security transactions are
determined on the basis of identified cost.

     Securities Lending: Certain Portfolios (Large Cap Growth, Sovereign Bond,
International Equity Index, Small Cap Growth, Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Value,
Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Growth & Income, Managed, Short-Term Bond,
International Opportunities and Global Bond) may lend their securities to
certain qualified brokers who pay these Portfolios negotiated lender fees. These
fees are included in interest income. The loans are collateralized at all times
with cash or securities with a market value at least equal to the market value
of the securities on loan. As with other extensions of credit, these Funds may
bear the risk of delay of the loaned securities in recovery or even loss of
rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially.
At December 31, 1999, the market value of the securities loaned and the market
value of the collateral were as follows.

                                Value of Securities Loaned   Value of Collateral
                                --------------------------   -------------------
Large Cap Growth ............           $ 36,800                 $ 37,432
Sovereign Bond ..............             96,099                   98,170
International Equity Index...              1,074                    1,130
Small Cap Growth ............             44,837                   45,520
Mid Cap Growth ..............            122,638                  125,058
Large Cap Value .............             17,093                   17,489
Mid Cap Value ...............             21,126                   21,402
Small/Mid Cap Growth ........             24,338                   25,561
Growth & Income .............             92,917                   92,846
Managed .....................            217,254                  221,501
Short-Term Bond .............               None                     None
International Opportunities..              2,914                    2,994
Global Bond .................             10,015                   10,232

     Repurchase Agreements: The Portfolios of the Fund may enter into repurchase
agreements which are contracts under which a Portfolio would acquire a security
for a relatively short period (usually not more than 7 days) subject to the
obligation of the seller to repurchase and the Portfolio to resell such security
at a fixed time and price (representing the Portfolio's cost plus interest). A
Portfolio will enter into repurchase agreements only with member banks of the
Federal Reserve System and with "primary dealers" in United States government
securities. The underlying securities, which represent the collateral of the
agreement, must be marked to market daily to ensure that each repurchase
agreement is fully collateralized at all times. A Portfolio will not invest more
than 10% of its net assets in repurchase agreements maturing in more than 7

     Joint Repurchase Agreements: The Sovereign Bond and Small Cap Growth
Portfolios of the Fund, along with other registered investment companies having
a management contract with John Hancock Advisers, Inc. (the "Sub-Adviser"), an
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of John Hancock, may participate in a joint
repurchase agreement pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and
Exchange Commission. Aggregate cash balances are


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


invested in one or more repurchase agreements, whose underlying securities are
obligations of the U.S. Government and/ or its agencies. The Fund's custodian
bank receives delivery of the underlying securities for the joint repurchase
agreement on the Fund's behalf. The Sub-Adviser is responsible for ensuring that
the agreement is fully collateralized at all times.

     The International Equity, Large Cap Value CORE and Small/Mid Cap CORE
Portfolios of the Fund, along with other registered investment companies having
a management contract with Goldman Sachs Asset Management (the "Sub-Adviser"),
may participate in a joint repurchase agreement pursuant to an exemptive order
issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Aggregate cash balances are
invested in one or more repurchase agreements, whose underlying securities are
obligations of the U.S. Government and/or its agencies. The Fund's custodian
bank receives delivery of the underlying securities for the joint repurchase
agreement on the Fund's behalf. The Sub-Adviser is responsible for ensuring that
the agreement is fully collateralized at all times.

     Joint Trading Account: Pursuant to an Exemptive Order issued by the
Securities and Exchange Commission, the order permits the existing Portfolios of
the Fund to pool daily uninvested cash balances, together with the balances of
any future Portfolios of the Fund, into a joint account for the purpose of
investing the cash balances in short-term repurchase agreements, commercial
paper and other short-term investments which in no event will have a maturity in
excess of seven days. Joint Account holdings as of December 31, 1999:

                                                        Par            Market
  Name of Issuer                                       Value           Value
  --------------                                     --------        --------
American Express Co.
 5.00% due 01/05/00 ...........................      $ 40,000        $ 39,978
Chevron USA, Inc.
 5.00% due 01/03/00 ...........................        40,000          39,978
Den Danske Corp.
 4.50% due 01/03/00 ...........................       150,000         150,019
Deutsche Bank AG
 5.00% due 01/05/00 ...........................        40,000          39,978
Exxon Asset Management Co.
 6.30% due 01/03/00 ...........................        40,000          39,979
Household Finance Corp.
 6.00% due 01/03/00  ..........................        40,000          39,987
Nestle Capital Corp.
 6.00% due 01/04/00 ...........................        40,000          39,980
 5.50% due 01/03/00 ...........................        77,715          77,727
                                                     --------        --------
    Joint  Trading Account Totals .............      $467,715        $467,626
                                                     ========        ========

     Financial Futures Contracts: The Sovereign Bond, Emerging Markets Equity,
International Equity Index, Global Equity, International Equity, Small Cap
Growth, International Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Value CORE, Small/Mid
Cap Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Managed, Short-Term Bond, Equity Index, High
Yield Bond and Global Bond Portfolios may buy and sell financial futures
contracts to hedge against the effects of fluctuations in interest rates and
other market conditions. At the time the Portfolio enters into a financial
futures contract, it will be required to deposit with its custodian a specified
amount of cash or U.S. government securities, known as "initial margin." Each
day, the futures contract is valued at the official settlement price of the
board of trade or U.S. commodities exchange. Daily variation margin adjustments,
arising from this "mark to market," are recorded by the Portfolios as unrealized
gains or losses.


December 31, 1999
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(000's Omitted)


     When the contracts are closed, the Portfolio recognizes a gain or a loss.
Risk of entering into futures contracts include the possibility that there may
be an illiquid market and/or that a change in the value of the contract may not
correlate with changes in the value of the underlying securities. In addition,
the Portfolio could be prevented from opening or realizing the benefits of
closing out futures positions because of position limits or limits on daily
price fluctuations imposed by an exchange. At December 31, 1999, open positions
in financial futures contracts were as follows:

Sovereign Bond Portfolio

                                           Expiration     Amount    Unrealized
Sold                                          Date       at Value      Gain
- ----                                       ----------    --------   ----------
86 contracts
 U.S. Long Bond Future ..............      Mar., 2000      $7,821      $177

International Equity Index Portfolio

                                           Expiration     Amount    Unrealized
Purchased                                     Date       at Value      Gain
- ---------                                  ----------    --------   ----------
27 contracts
 CAC-40 Index Future ................      Mar., 2000      $1,535      $ 98
10 contracts
 DAX Index Future ...................      Mar., 2000       1,593       167
14 contracts
 FTSE 100 Index Future ..............      Mar., 2000       1,520        51
31 contracts
 Nikkei 225 Index Future ............      Mar., 2000       2,857        73
                                                           ------      ----
                                                           $7,505      $389
                                                           ======      ====

International Equity Portfolio

                                           Expiration     Amount    Unrealized
Purchased                                     Date       at Value      Gain
- ---------                                  ----------    --------   ----------
2 contracts
 TOPIX Index Future .................      Mar., 2000      $  335      $ 20

Large Cap Value Core Portfolio

                                           Expiration     Amount    Unrealized
Purchased                                     Date       at Value      Gain
- ---------                                  ----------    --------   ----------
1 contract
 S&P 500 Index Future ...............      Mar., 2000      $  371      $  3
3 contracts
 CME E-Mini S&P 500 Index Future ....      Mar., 2000         223         5
                                                           ------      ----
                                                           $  594      $  8
                                                           ======      ====


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


Small/Mid Cap Core Portfolio

                                           Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Purchased                                     Date      at Value       Gain
- ---------                                  ----------  ----------   ----------
1 contract
 Russell 2000 Index Future ..........      Mar., 2000     $510          $7

Equity Index Portfolio
                                           Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Purchased                                     Date      at Value       Gain
- ---------                                  ----------  ----------  ------------
37 contracts
 S&P 500 Index Futures ..............      Mar., 2000   $13,729        $355

Global Bond Portfolio

                                          Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Sold                                         Date      at Value    Gain/(Loss)
- ----                                      ----------  ----------  -------------
51 contracts
 U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note Future ..     Mar., 2000    $4,889        $101

- ---------
20 contracts
 U.S. 5 Year Treasury Note Future . . . . Mar., 2000    $1,960        $(12)
                                                        ------        -----
                                                        $6,849        $ 89
                                                        ======        =====

     At December 31, 1999, the International Equity, Large Cap Value CORE and
Small/Mid Cap CORE portfolios had deposited $45, $45 and $35, respectively, in a
segregated account to cover margin requirements on open financial futures

     Forward Foreign Currency Contracts: The Fund may use forward foreign
currency contracts to facilitate transactions in foreign securities and to
manage a Portfolio's currency exposure. Contracts to buy generally are used to
acquire exposure to foreign currencies, while contracts to sell are used to
hedge the Portfolio's investments against currency fluctuations. Neither type of
foreign currency transaction will eliminate fluctuations in the prices of the
Portfolio's securities or prevent loss if the price of such securities should
decline. The U.S. dollar value of a forward foreign currency contract is
determined using forward exchange rates supplied by a quotation service.
Realized gain (loss) on the purchases and sales of forward foreign currency
contracts is recognized on settlement date.

     Currency Translation: For Portfolios that trade in international
securities: all assets or liabilities initially expressed in terms of foreign
currencies are translated into U.S. dollars based on London currency exchange
quotations as of 5:00 p.m., London time, on the date of any determination of the
net asset value of the Fund. Unrealized exchange adjustments are included in
unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments. Transactions affecting
statement of operations accounts and net realized gain (loss) on investments are
translated at the rates prevailing at the dates of transactions.

     Reported net realized gains and losses on foreign currency transactions
represent net gains and losses from sales and maturities of forward foreign
currency contracts, disposition of foreign currencies, currency gains and losses
realized between trade and settlement dates of security transactions, and the
difference between the amounts of net investment income accrued and the U.S.
dollar amount actually received.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


     Dividends: A dividend of its net investment income will be declared and
distributed daily by the Money Market Portfolio. Dividends of net investment
income will be declared and distributed monthly by all other Portfolios. Each
Portfolio will distribute all of its net realized capital gains annually, at the
end of its fiscal year.

     Federal Income Taxes: Each of the Portfolios of the Fund intends to comply
with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to
regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its
taxable income to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is

     As of December 31, 1999, the Fund had approximate net tax basis capital
loss carryforwards, which may be applied against any net taxable gains, as
follows: Sovereign Bond had $21,049, which expires in 2007; Global Equity had
$281, which expires in 2006; Money Market had $14, which expires in 2007; Mid
Cap Value had $8,121, which expires in 2006 and $1,558, which expires in 2007;
Bond Index had $158, which expires in 2007; Small/Mid Cap CORE had $25, which
expires in 2006; Real Estate Equity had $4,280, which expires in 2007;
Short-Term Bond had $131, which expires in 2006 and $1,304, which expires in
2007; Small Cap Value had $1,445, which expires in 2006; High Yield Bond had
$276, which expires in 2007; and Global Bond had $1,234, which expires in 2007.


     Expenses: Expenses directly attributable to a Portfolio are charged to that
Portfolio. Expenses not directly attributed to a Portfolio are allocated on the
basis of relative net assets.

     On February 17, 1999, the Board of Trustees of the Fund renewed its
Investment Advisory Agreement with John Hancock. For its services, John Hancock
receives monthly compensation at the following rates:

     For the Growth & Income, Sovereign Bond and Money Market Portfolios, 0.25%
on an annual basis of the net assets of each Portfolio;

          For the Large Cap Growth and Managed Portfolios, 0.40% on an annual
     basis of the first $500,000 of the net assets of each Portfolio; 0.35% for
     net assets between $500,000 and $1,000,000; and 0.30% for net assets in
     excess of $1,000,000;

          For the Real Estate Equity Portfolio, 0.60% on an annual basis of the
     first $300,000 of the Portfolio's net assets, 0.50% for the net assets
     between $300,000 and $800,000; and 0.40% for net assets in excess of

          For the International Equity Index Portfolio, 0.18% on an annual basis
     of the first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.15% for net assets
     between $100,000 and $200,000; and 0.11% for net assets in excess of

          For the Small/Mid Cap Growth and Mid Cap Blend Portfolios, 0.75% on an
     annual basis of the first $250,000 of the net assets of each Portfolio;
     0.70% for net assets between $250,000 and $500,000; and 0.65% for net
     assets in excess of $500,000;

          For the Large Cap Value Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis of the
     first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.70% for net assets between
     $100,000 and $250,000; and 0.65% for net assets in excess of $250,000;

          For the Short-Term Bond Portfolio, 0.30% on an annual basis of its net

          For the Small Cap Growth Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis of its
     net assets;

          For the Mid Cap Growth Portfolio, 0.85% on an annual basis of the
     first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; and 0.80% on an annual basis
     for net assets in excess of $100,000;

          For the Mid Cap Value Portfolio, 0.80% on an annual basis of the first
     $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.775% for net assets between
     $100,000 and $250,000; and 0.75% for net assets between $250,000 and
     $500,000; 0.725% for net assets between $500,000 and $750,000; and 0.70%
     for all its net assets once its net assets exceed $750,000;

          For the Small Cap Value Portfolio, 0.80% on an annual basis of the
     first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.75% for net assets between
     $100,000 and $200,000; and 0.65% for net assets in excess of $200,000;


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


          For the Equity Index Portfolio, 0.15% on an annual basis of the first
     $75,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.14% for net assets between $75,000
     and $125,000; and 0.13% for the net assets in excess of $125,000;

          For the Small/Mid Cap CORE Portfolio, 0.80% on an annual basis of the
     first $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; and 0.70% for net assets in
     excess of $50,000;

          For the Global Equity Portfolio, 0.90% on an annual basis of the first
     $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.80% for net assets between $50,000
     and $150,000; and 0.70% for net assets in excess of $150,000;

          For the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio, 1.30% on an annual basis of
     the first $10,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 1.20% for net assets
     between $10,000 and $150,000; and 1.10% for net assets in excess of

          For the Bond Index Portfolio, 0.15% on an annual basis of the first
     $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.13% for net assets between
     $100,000 and $250,000; and 0.11% for net assets in excess of $250,000;

          For the High Yield Bond Portfolio, 0.65% on an annual basis of the
     first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.60% for net assets between
     $100,000 and $200,000; and 0.50% for net assets in excess of $200,000;

          For the Global Bond Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis of the first
     $25,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.65% for net assets between $25,000
     and $75,000; 0.55% for net assets between $75,000 and 150,000; and 0.50%
     for the net assets in excess of $150,000;

          For the International Opportunities Portfolio, 1.00% on an annual
     basis of the first $20,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.85% for net
     assets between $20,000 and $50,000; and 0.75% for net assets in excess of

          For the International Balanced Portfolio, 0.85% on an annual basis of
     the first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; and 0.70% for net assets
     in excess of $100,000;

          For the Fundamental Mid Cap Growth Portfolio, 0.85% on an annual basis
     of the first $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.80% for net assets
     between $50,000 and $100,000; 0.75% for net assets between $100,000 and
     $150,000; and 0.70% for net assets in excess of $150,000;

          For the Aggressive Balanced Portfolio, 0.675% on an annual basis of
     the first $250,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.625% for net assets
     between $250,000 and $500,000; and 0.60% for net assets in excess of

          For the International Equity Portfolio, 1.0% on an annual basis of the
     first $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.95% for net assets between
     $50,000 and $200,000; and 0.90% for net assets in excess of $200,000;

          For the Large Cap Value CORE Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis for
     the first $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.65% for net assets
     between $50,000 and $200,000; and 0.60% in excess of $200,000;

          For the Large/Mid Cap Value Portfolio, 0.95% on an annual basis for
     the first $25,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.85% for net assets
     between $25,000 and $50,000; 0.75% for net assets between $50,000 and
     $100,000; and 0.65% for net assets in excess of $100,000;

          For the Large Cap Aggressive Growth Portfolio, 1.0% on an annual basis
     for the first $10,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.875% for net assets
     between $10,000 and $20,000; 0.75% for net assets in excess of $20,000;

          For the Small/Mid Cap Value Portfolio, 0.95% on an annual basis for
     the first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.90% for net assets
     between $100,000 and $250,000; 0.85% for net assets in excess of $250,000.

     John Hancock voluntarily reimbursed and/or waived all investment advisory
and other fund expenses of the Equity Index Portfolio for the year ended
December 31, 1999. Such expense waiver is subject to termination at any time by
the Investment Adviser without notice to shareholders. Upon termination of the
voluntary expense waiver with respect to the Equity Index Portfolio, any future
expense reimbursement by the Investment Adviser is subject to limitations as
stated in the Investment Advisory agreement.


December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


     During the year ended December 31, 1999, the Investment Adviser voluntarily
contributed approximately $445 to the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio. John
Hancock received no shares of beneficial interest or other consideration in
exchange for the contribution which increased the Portfolios' net asset values.
This capital contribution is the result of foregone appreciation of investments
due to an excess investment in cash.

     John Hancock has entered into Sub-Advisory Agreements with Independence
Investment Associates, Inc., with respect to the Large Cap Growth, Aggressive
Balanced, Mid Cap Blend, Real Estate Equity, Growth & Income, Managed and
Short-Term Bond; with Independence International Associates, Inc., with respect
to the International Equity Index Portfolio; with John Hancock Advisers, Inc.,
with respect to the Sovereign Bond and Small Cap Growth Portfolios, each of whom
is an affiliate of John Hancock, and under the supervision of John Hancock, is
responsible for the day-to-day investment management of each of the Portfolios.
John Hancock maintains responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Money
Market Portfolio.

     John Hancock has also entered into the Sub-Advisory Agreements with T. Rowe
Price Associates, Inc., with respect to the Large Cap Value Portfolio; with Rowe
Price-Fleming International, Inc., with respect to the International
Opportunities Portfolio; with Janus Capital Corporation, with respect to the Mid
Cap Growth Portfolio; with Neuberger Berman, LLC, with respect to the Mid Cap
Value Portfolio; with INVESCO Management & Research, Inc., with respect to the
Small Cap Value Portfolio; with J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc., with
respect to the Global Bond Portfolio; with Brinson Partners, Inc., with respect
to the International Balanced Portfolio; with State Street Global Bank & Trust
N.A., with respect to the Equity Index Portfolio; with Goldman Sachs Asset
Management, with respect to the International Equity, Large Cap Value CORE and
Small/Mid Cap CORE Portfolios; with Scudder Kemper Investments, Inc., with
respect to the Global Equity Portfolio; with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Investment Management, Inc., with respect to the Emerging Markets Equity
Portfolio; with Mellon Bond Associates, LLP, with respect to the Bond Index
Portfolio; with Wellington Management Company, LLP, with respect to the
Large/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth and High Yield Bond Portfolios; with
Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. with respect to the Fundamental Mid Cap Growth
Portfolio; with Alliance Capital Management, LLP, with respect to the Large Cap
Aggressive Growth Portfolio; and with The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC,
with respect to the Small/Mid Cap Value Portfolio; each of whom under the
supervision of John Hancock, is responsible for the day-to-day investment
management of each of the Portfolios.

     Signator Investors, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of John Hancock is the
principal underwriter and transfer agent of the Fund. Certain officers and
trustees of the Fund are officers and directors of JHVLICO, JHVLAU, JHVLAV,
also officers of John Hancock. Fees for independent trustees are paid by the

     In the event that normal operating expenses of each Portfolio, exclusive of
investment advisory fees, taxes, interest, brokerage commissions and
extraordinary expenses, shall exceed 0.10% of each Portfolio's daily net asset
value, John Hancock and JHVLICO will reimburse each Portfolio for such excess.
Accordingly, for the year ended December 31, 1999, the reimbursements paid from
John Hancock and JHVLICO were $3 to Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, $7 to Aggressive
Balanced, $294 to Emerging Markets Equity, $139 to International Equity Index,
$62 to Global Equity, $22 to International Equity, $91 to International
Balanced, $6 to Mid Cap Blend, $6 to Large Cap Value CORE, $7 to Large/ Mid Cap
Value, $1 to Small/Mid Cap Growth, $17 to Bond Index, $4 to Large Cap Aggressive
Growth, $78 to Small/ Mid Cap CORE, $9 Small/Mid Cap Value, $6 to Small Cap
Value, $92 to International Opportunities, $275 to Equity Index, $42 to High
Yield Bond and $1 to Global Bond.



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


     Purchases and proceeds from sales and maturities of investments, excluding
short-term securities, for each Portfolio for the year ended December 31, 1999
were as follows:

                                                                   Sales and
                                                Purchases          Maturities
                                                ---------          ----------
Large Cap Growth .........................     $  903,284          $  916,648
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth ...............          9,721               3,925
Aggressive Balanced ......................         18,326               7,395
Sovereign Bond ...........................      1,519,597           1,521,076
Emerging Markets Equity ..................         39,496              26,837
International Equity Index ...............         47,091              35,191
Global Equity ............................         11,090               8,289
International Equity .....................         12,612               2,907
Small Cap Growth .........................        151,940             111,851
International Balanced ...................         38,251              37,788
Mid Cap Growth ...........................        358,349             209,791
Mid Cap Blend ............................          7,997               2,893
Large Cap Value ..........................         81,109              49,574
Large Cap Value CORE .....................          7,226               1,661
Large/Mid Cap Value ......................          6,871               1,215
Money Market .............................           None                None
Mid Cap Value ............................        123,341             130,421
Small/Mid Cap Growth .....................        303,987             329,098
Bond Index ...............................         21,696               8,568
Large Cap Aggressive Growth ..............         14,572               2,261
Small/Mid Cap CORE .......................          8,111               6,395
Small/Mid Cap Value ......................          7,638               2,558
Real Estate Equity .......................         17,843              33,026
Growth & Income ..........................      2,720,335           2,716,958
Managed ..................................      6,828,183           6,913,556
Short-Term Bond ..........................         69,655              75,514
Small Cap Value ..........................         80,420              74,221
International Opportunities ..............         22,103              27,028
Equity Index .............................        345,121             181,428
High Yield Bond ..........................         11,115               6,261
Global Bond ..............................        232,454             219,766



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


     The identified cost of investments owned for each Portfolio (including
earned discount on corporate short-term notes, and commercial paper) and their
respective gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation at December 31, 1999
for federal income tax purposes are as follows:

                                                                                                             Net Unrealized
                                                     Identified        Unrealized          Unrealized         Appreciation/
                                                        Cost          Appreciation        Depreciation       (Depreciation)
                                                     ----------       ------------        ------------       --------------
Large Cap Growth .............................      $ 1,004,796        $   413,076        $   (42,592)        $   370,484
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth ...................            6,583              2,283               (105)              2,178
Aggressive Balanced ..........................           11,010              1,015               (407)                608
Sovereign Bond ...............................          826,661              1,462            (27,764)            (26,302)
Emerging Markets Equity ......................           22,913              8,719               (654)              8,065
International Equity Index ...................          178,859             68,439            (12,918)             55,521
Global Equity ................................           17,019              5,600             (1,416)              4,184
International Equity .........................            9,914              2,262               (310)              1,952
Small Cap Growth .............................          119,714             61,524             (2,928)             58,596
International Balanced .......................           28,584              3,685             (1,617)              2,068
Mid Cap Growth ...............................          273,245            176,307             (6,276)            170,031
Mid Cap Blend ................................            5,375                593               (291)                302
Large Cap Value ..............................          145,430             16,254            (12,238)              4,016
Large Cap Value CORE .........................            5,647                418               (349)                 69
Large/Mid Cap Value ..........................            5,676                500               (288)                212
Money Market .................................          449,739               None               None                None
Mid Cap Value ................................           85,350             10,833             (6,320)              4,513
Small/Mid Cap Growth .........................          168,379             21,205            (15,710)              5,495
Bond Index ...................................           39,592                  7             (2,274)             (2,267)
Large Cap Aggressive Growth ..................           12,447              2,603               (486)              2,117
Small/Mid Cap CORE ...........................            7,110              1,430               (591)                839
Small/Mid Cap Value ..........................            5,291                404               (345)                 59
Real Estate Equity ...........................          126,926              7,385            (10,358)             (2,973)
Growth & Income ..............................        3,060,142          1,262,994           (107,226)          1,155,768
Managed ......................................        2,863,327            613,036           (105,324)            507,712
Short-Term Bond ..............................           66,313                  9             (1,402)             (1,393)
Small Cap Value ..............................           67,971              5,104             (6,887)             (1,784)
International Opportunities ..................           55,043             23,812             (2,418)             21,394
Equity Index .................................          364,620            112,428            (21,303)             91,125
High Yield Bond ..............................           19,451                446             (1,235)               (789)
Global Bond ..................................           71,639                201             (3,559)             (3,358)

     During the year ended December 31, 1999, reclassifications have been made
in each Portfolio's capital accounts to report these balances on a tax basis,
excluding certain temporary differences, as of December 31, 1999. These
permanent reclassifications are primarily attributable to differences in the
treatment of foreign currency gains and losses, net operating losses and return
of capital under federal tax rules versus generally accepted accounting
principles. Net assets were not affected by these reclassifications.


     As of December 31, 1999 the Emerging Markets Equity, International Equity
Index, Global Equity, International Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Managed and Global
Bond Portfolios had open forward foreign currency contracts which contractually
obligate the Portfolio to deliver or receive currencies at a specified date, as



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)



                                   Maturity                     Net Unrealized
          Currency Sold              Date     Cost     Value     Appreciation
- -------------------------------    --------  -------  -------   --------------
Greek Drachma ..........  5,958    01/03/00    $18      $18           $0
       Currency Purchased
- -------------------------------
South African Rand .....    110    01/06/00    $18      $18           $0


                                                                Net Unrealized
                                   Maturity                     Appreciation/
          Currency Sold              Date     Cost     Value    (Depreciation)
- --------------------------------   --------  -------  -------  ----------------
Euro Dollar ............     485   03/17/00  $  492   $  491        $  1
Euro Dollar ............     215   03/31/00     220      218           2
Japanese Yen ...........  70,390   03/09/00     696      697          (1)
Pound Sterling .........     138   03/17/00     222      222           0
       Currency Purchased
- --------------------------------
Euro Dollar ............   2,204   03/17/00  $2,244   $2,233        $(11)
Euro Dollar ............   1,796   03/31/00   1,825    1,821          (4)
Japanese Yen ........... 363,474   03/09/00   3,593    3,597           4
Pound Sterling .........   1,084   03/17/00   1,751    1,751           0
                                                                    $ (9)


                                                                Net Unrealized
                                   Maturity                     Appreciation/
          Currency Sold              Date     Cost     Value    (Depreciation)
- --------------------------------   --------  -------  -------  ----------------
Canadian Dollar ........   5,100   03/27/00  $3,472   $3,540        $ (68)
Danish Krone ...........   4,800   03/27/00     680      653           27
Euro Dollar ............   2,100   03/27/00   2,181    2,129           52
Pound Sterling .........   1,700   03/27/00   2,759    2,746           13
Japanese Yen ........... 297,000   03/27/00   2,930    2,948          (18)
Swiss Franc ............     200   03/27/00     132      127            5
       Currency Purchased
- --------------------------------
Australian Dollar ......   1,200   03/27/00  $  777   $  789        $  12
Canadian Dollar ........   4,400   03/27/00   3,012    3,055           43
Danish Krone ...........   1,000   03/27/00     143      136           (7)
Euro Dollar ............   4,500   03/27/00   4,725    4,562         (163)
Japanese Yen ........... 280,000   03/27/00   2,700    2,779           79
Pound Sterling .........     400   03/27/00     656      646          (10)
Swiss Franc ............   1,000   03/27/00     662      634          (28)
                                                                    $ (63)



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)



                                       Maturity                        Net Unrealized
          Currency Sold                  Date       Cost     Value      Appreciation
- ----------------------------------     --------   --------  --------   --------------
Pound Sterling ......           12     01/04/00        $19       $19           $0


                                                                       Net Unrealized
                                       Maturity                         Appreciation/
          Currency Sold                  Date       Cost      Value     (Depreciation)
- ----------------------------------     --------   ---------  --------  ---------------
Australian Dollar ...        4,011     02/03/00   $  2,642  $  2,634      $     8
Canadian Dollar .....       16,784     02/03/00     11,516    11,637         (121)
Danish Krone ........       36,855     02/03/00      5,274     4,999          275
Euro Dollar .........      128,044     02/03/00    136,408   129,311        7,097
Euro Dollar .........       24,455     02/04/00     26,268    24,699        1,569
Euro Dollar .........       55,978     02/07/00     59,014    56,550        2,464
Japanese Yen ........    9,946,818     02/03/00     95,620    97,909       (2,289)
Japanese Yen ........   12,386,651     02/04/00    118,702   121,944       (3,242)
Pound Sterling ......       14,363     02/03/00     23,705    23,204          501
Pound Sterling ......       10,087     02/04/00     16,539    16,296          243
Pound Sterling ......       15,212     02/07/00     24,459    24,576         (117)
Swedish Krona .......       38,729     02/03/00      4,764     4,562          202
Swiss Franc .........       63,976     02/04/00     43,156    40,352        2,804
Swiss Franc .........       63,852     02/07/00     42,122    40,288        1,834

        Currency Purchased
- ----------------------------------
Australian Dollar ...        1,178     02/03/00   $    761  $    774      $    13
Canadian Dollar .....        4,306     02/03/00      2,931     2,985           54
Danish Krone ........       11,199     02/03/00      1,553     1,519          (34)
Euro Dollar .........       28,532     02/03/00     29,500    28,815         (685)
Euro Dollar .........       24,464     02/04/00     26,268    24,708       (1,560)
Euro Dollar .........       35,317     02/07/00     37,198    35,678       (1,520)
Japanese Yen ........    2,055,261     02/03/00     20,161    20,231           70
Japanese Yen ........   14,580,192     02/04/00    140,518   143,539        3,021
Pound Sterling ......        3,434     02/03/00      5,550     5,547           (3)
Pound Sterling ......       10,049     02/04/00     16,538    16,234         (304)
Pound Sterling ......       15,103     02/07/00     24,458    24,398          (60)
Swedish Krona .......        6,684     02/03/00        798       787          (11)
Swiss Franc .........       63,628     02/04/00     43,156    40,133       (3,023)
Swiss Franc .........       31,117     02/07/00     20,306    19,633         (673)
                                                                          $ 6,513



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


                                                                Net Unrealized
                                   Maturity                     Appreciation/
          Currency Sold              Date     Cost     Value    (Depreciation)
- --------------------------------   --------  -------  -------  ----------------
Canadian Dollar ......     2,407   01/19/00  $ 1,647  $ 1,669      $  (22)
Euro Dollar ..........    28,000   01/19/00   29,481   28,245       1,236
Japanese Yen .........   578,409   01/19/00    5,596    5,679         (83)
Pound Sterling .......     3,019   01/19/00    4,969    4,877          92
Swedish Krona ........    26,582   01/19/00    3,218    3,128          90
       Currency Purchased
- --------------------------------
Euro Dollar ..........       139   01/19/00  $   141  $   140      $   (1)
Pound Sterling .......       783   01/19/00    1,271    1,264          (7)



December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


     Section 30 and Rule 30d-1(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended, requires registered management investment companies to furnish
information relating to any matter submitted during the reporting period to a
vote of Shareholders of the Fund. John Hancock Variable Series Trust I solicited
a vote at special meetings of Contractowner/Policyholders held on August 20,
1999 and November 20, 1999 on the following matters:

                                                    For    Against    Abstain
                                                    ---    -------    -------
1.   To approve the revision of the
     investment strategy of the
     Diversified Mid Cap Growth
     Portfolio of the Series Trust to
     reflect a focus on investments on
     stocks having a small to mid-sized
     market capitalization; to rename
     the Portfolio the "Small/Mid Cap
     Growth Fund"; and to approve a new
     sub-investment management
     agreement appointing Wellington
     Management Company, LLP as the
     Fund's sub-investment manager. The
     resolution was adopted by,                     82%       3%        15%

                                                    For    Against    Abstain
                                                    ---    -------    -------

1.   To approve the termination of the
     sub-investment management agreement
     with Montgomery Asset Management,
     LLC, effective August 1, 1999; and
     to approve a new sub-investment
     management agreement appointing
     Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment
     Management, Inc. as the Fund's
     sub-investment manager.                        84%       1%        15%



To the Contractowners, Policyholders,
and Board of Trustees of
John Hancock Variable Series Trust I

  We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities,
including the schedules of investments, of John Hancock Variable Series Trust
I (the Fund) (comprising, respectively, the Large Cap Growth, Sovereign Bond,
Emerging Markets Equity, International Equity Index, Global Equity, Small Cap
Growth, International Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Value, Money Market,
Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth (formerly, Diversified Mid Cap Growth),
Bond Index, Small/Mid Cap Core, Real Estate Equity, Growth & Income, Managed,
Short-Term Bond, Small Cap Value, International Opportunities, Equity Index,
High Yield Bond, Global Bond (formerly, Strategic Bond), Large Cap Aggressive
Growth, Small/Mid Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, International Equity, Mid
Cap Blend, Aggressive Balanced, Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, and Large/Mid Cap
Value Portfolios) as of December 31, 1999, and the related statements of
operations for the period then ended, and the statement of changes in net
assets and financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein.
These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of
the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

  We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation
of securities owned as of December 31, 1999, by correspondence with the
custodian or brokers, or by other appropriate auditing procedures where
replies from brokers were not received. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as
well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

  In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred
to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
each of the respective portfolios constituting John Hancock Variable Series
Trust I at December 31, 1999, the results of their operations for the period
then ended, and the changes in their net assets and the financial highlights
for each of the periods indicated, in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States.

                                                          /s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Boston, Massachusetts
February 10, 2000


                             Officers and Trustees

                          Michele G. Van Leer, Chairman
                   Thomas J. Lee, President and Vice Chairman
                          Karen Q. Visconti, Secretary
                       Arnold Bergman, Assistant Secretary
                           Raymond F. Skiba, Treasurer
                      Maryellen Maurer, Compliance Officer
                          Patrick F. Smith, Controller
                      Paula M. Pashko, Assistant Controller
                                Elizabeth G. Cook
                               William H. Dykstra
                            Reverend Diane C. Kessler
                               Robert F. Verdonck

                               Investment Adviser

                   John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
                               John Hancock Place
                                  P.O. Box 111
                                Boston, MA 02117

                              Independent Auditors

                                Ernst & Young LLP
                              200 Clarendon Street
                                Boston, MA 02116

                            Sub-Investment Advisers

           Independence Investment Associates, Inc. and subsidiaries
                                 53 State Street
                                Boston, MA 02109

                        Alliance Capital Management L.P.
                           1345 Avenue of the Americas
                               New York, NY 10105

                    The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC
                                One Boston Place
                                Boston, MA 02108

                             Brinson Partners, Inc.
                            209 South La Salle Street
                             Chicago, IL 60604-1295

                         Goldman Sachs Asset Management
                                   32 Old Slip
                               New York, NY 10005

                                  INVESCO, Inc.
                               101 Federal Street
                                Boston, MA 02110

                     J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.
                                522 Fifth Avenue
                               New York, NY 10036

                               100 Fillmore Street
                              Denver, CO 80206-4928

                           Mellon Bond Associates, LLP
                       One Mellon Bank Center, Suite 5400
                            Pittsburgh, PA 15258-0001

                           John Hancock Advisers, Inc.
                              101 Huntington Avenue
                                Boston, MA 02199

                         Morgan Stanley Asset Management
                           1221 Avenue of the Americas
                               New York, NY 10020

                              Neuberger Berman, LLC
                                605 Third Avenue
                             New York, NY 10158-3698

                             Two World Trade Center
                             New York, NY 10048-0203

                     Rowe Price-Fleming International, Inc.
                              100 East Pratt Street
                               Baltimore, MD 21202

                        Scudder Kemper Investments, Inc.
                                 345 Park Avenue
                             New York, NY 10154-0010

                          State Street Global Advisors
                             Two International Place
                                Boston, MA 02110

                         T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
                              100 East Pratt Street
                               Baltimore, MD 21202

                       Wellington Management Company, LLP
                                 75 State Street
                              Boston,  MA  02109

                            [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK]

The Variable Series Trust consists of 31 funds used as investment options for
various John Hancock variable life and variable annuity contracts. This report
must be accompanied by the required prospectus and the most current quarterly
performance report for the contract offered. Investors are not able to invest
directly in the Variable Series Trust.

Not all of the funds described in this report are available on every product.
Please refer to the prospectus for additional information about the investment
options on your variable product.

                     John Hancock Life Insurance Company
   John Hancock Variable Life Insurance Company (not licensed in New York)
                  Signator Investors Inc., Member NASD, SIPC
                          Boston, Massachusetts 02117

S8128 2/00                                                        [LOGO OF IMSA]

June 30, 2000

A step ahead

                         INSURANCE FOR THE UNEXPECTED.

                                                 [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK ADVISERS]
                                                      [LOGO OF ALLIANCE CAPITAL]
                                                    [LOGO OF THE BOSTON COMPANY]
                                                [LOGO OF BRINSON PARTNERS, INC.]
                                                             [LOGO OF FEDERATED]
                                                         [LOGO OF GOLDMAN SACHS]
                                                               [LOGO OF INVESCO]
                                                             [LOGO OF JP MORGAN]
                                                                 [LOGO OF JANUS]
                                                           [LOGO OF MELLON BOND]
                                            [LOGO OF MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER]
                                                      [LOGO OF NEUBERGER BERMAN]
                                                     [LOGO OF OPPENHEIMER FUNDS]
                                          [LOGO OF STATE STREET GLOBAL ADVISORS]
                                                         [LOGO OF T. ROWE PRICE]
                                                 [LOGO OF WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT]
                                                 [LOGO OF VARIABLE SERIES TRUST]
                                                          [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK]

June 30, 2000

A step ahead

                         INSURANCE FOR THE UNEXPECTED.

                                                 [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK ADVISERS]
                                                      [LOGO OF ALLIANCE CAPITAL]
                                                    [LOGO OF THE BOSTON COMPANY]
                                                [LOGO OF BRINSON PARTNERS, INC.]
                                                             [LOGO OF FEDERATED]
                                                         [LOGO OF GOLDMAN SACHS]
                                                               [LOGO OF INVESCO]
                                                             [LOGO OF JP MORGAN]
                                                                 [LOGO OF JANUS]
                                                           [LOGO OF MELLON BOND]
                                            [LOGO OF MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER]
                                                      [LOGO OF NEUBERGER BERMAN]
                                                     [LOGO OF OPPENHEIMER FUNDS]
                                          [LOGO OF STATE STREET GLOBAL ADVISORS]
                                                         [LOGO OF T. ROWE PRICE]
                                                 [LOGO OF WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT]
                                                 [LOGO OF VARIABLE SERIES TRUST]
                                                          [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK]

Insurance products:

     Are Not FDIC Insured . Are Not Bank Guaranteed . Are Not a Deposit .
                                May Lose Value

Dear Shareholder,

President and Vice Chairman

Financial markets have been wild over the past few months, to say the least. The
changes going on in the economy and government actions have had a dramatic
effect on the stock market and the economy in general. The Federal Reserve's
stated goal of slowing the U.S. economy has dominated debate in financial
markets during the first half of 2000. Alan Greenspan and his colleagues are
fully convinced that inflation, driven by rising wages, will rebound if strong
job growth continues to drive unemployment down to new record lows. They have
raised short-term interest rates six times over the past year, and the impact of
those tightening moves is now appearing in signs of weaker home-building and
auto sales, slower retail sales, and job growth. Nonetheless, the overall level
of economic activity and corporate profits remains very healthy, and it may take
more rate hikes by the Fed to prevent the economic boom from speeding up once

To better assist our Variable Series Trust shareholders through rapidly changing
and volatile economic time periods, we continually evaluate and implement ideas
to help add stability to our variable life and variable annuity products and
services. An important service offered to our shareholders for these products is
Dollar-Cost Averaging-depositing equal amounts of money at regular intervals
into your John Hancock Variable Life or Variable Annuity products. This ensures
that you buy fewer shares when prices are high and more shares when prices are

We've also developed asset allocation tools which help you to diversify your
investment mix among various asset classes. An asset allocation strategy
attempts to lower your overall investment risk by increasing the number and
types of funds you're invested in. Contact your representative if you're
interested in learning more about how an asset allocation strategy can work for

Change. Adaptability. These are the watchwords that we use in monitoring the
Variable Series Trust. Much of our time is devoted to ensure that we change and
adapt quickly enough to provide you with the best possible products and funds
available in the marketplace today. You've shown your trust in us by investing
more and more dollars in your variable life and variable annuity products. Thank
you, for your continued confidence in John Hancock and the Variable Series
Trust. We'll continue to work hard to maintain your trust.



/s/Michele G. Van Leer              /s/Thomas J. Lee

Michele G. Van Leer                 Thomas J. Lee
Chairman                            President and Vice Chairman

 Economic Overview
 John Hancock Economic Research

The US economy continued to defy expectations in the first half of 2000. Growth
not only exceeded all estimates of a sustainable long-term pace, but actually
accelerated from the first quarter to the second. Despite this rapid growth,
unemployment remained in a narrow range around 4%, and inflation showed few
signs of life aside from the impact of higher oil prices.

In financial markets, Treasury bond rates have declined from their peaks early
this year, but this has been mainly the result of increasing budget surpluses
which reduce the government's borrowing needs. Corporate bond yields have not
declined, and short-term rates have continued to rise as the Federal Reserve
attempts to cool the economy. Home mortgage rates remain higher than last year,
and have contributed to a slowdown in housing markets.

Stock prices have been volatile throughout the year, reacting to every twist
and turn of data that might hint at an economic slowdown or a revival of
inflation. All the major indices are down from their peaks, but with corporate
profits still healthy, inflation still absent, and the Fed at least temporarily
on hold, there has been no ongoing slump in the markets.

Investors in both stock and bonds, as well as economic forecasters, have spent
much of 2000 studying--somewhat obsessively--Alan Greenspan's pronouncements
for hints of his intentions. So far, he has expressed guarded optimism about
the ability of the US economy to sustain rapid growth, and a consensus has
developed that, barring accidents, he has finished tightening. He appears to
believe that the last few years' rapid productivity growth represents a
structural improvement in the performance of the economy. The importance of
this is that it implies that we need only a mild economic slowdown to rein in
the boom and get the economy back to a sustainable pace of expansion.

The soft landing: it's not yet a sure thing

The outlook both for the economy and for financial markets is driven by the
quest for a "soft landing"--a slowdown to a sustainable pace of growth. We are
inclined to believe that the Fed has successfully steered us between the
opposing dangers of recession and inflation, but the data is still mixed.

Despite the acceleration of GDP in the second quarter of 2000, there are strong
signals of more moderate growth ahead. Inventories--a notoriously volatile
component--more than accounted for the second-quarter speed-up, while consumer
spending, the principal driver of the boom so far, slowed sharply. Since this
has been Alan Greenspan's chief worry, with stock market gains fuelling
unsustainable consumer spending, the restraint is reassuring.

Other data also suggest slower growth: housing and auto sales have cooled off,
at least to the extent of growing slower, retail sales have moderated, and the
trend in new job creation seems to have slowed.

But it's not a sure thing. There have been signs of a slowdown before--for
example, during the financial turmoil in 1998--and each time the economic boom
has bounced right back. Even now some numbers hint at a rebound. Business
equipment spending is still very strong, consumer confidence is high,
unemployment is low, and rising wages are driving incomes and consumer spending
in the latest monthly data.

Inflation: so far it's just oil prices

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose at a 4% annual pace in the first quarter,
and was still running at over 3% in the second. However, excluding the ups and
downs of food and energy prices, inflation remained under 3%, and there has
been remarkably little impact of oil prices on other goods and services.

The Fed's chief inflation worry is still the job market, where it fears that
30-year lows in unemployment will drive up wages and force companies to raise
prices. So far, despite signing bonuses, stock options and other forms of
increased compensation, there is no evidence in the national statistics that
wages are increasing much faster than productivity. It's true that firms face
intense competition to hire good workers, but they also face intense
competition for sales which discourages price hikes.

The danger of inflation has not disappeared despite the recent benign
experience. If productivity slows, or even if it stops accelerating, we could
have a period in which rising labor costs finally force firms to raise prices.
While this risk appears to be much smaller than we would have guessed a few
years ago, it can never wholly vanish. This is the reason why Alan Greenspan
has raised interest rates six times since June, 1999, and it is why he may do
so again if economic growth and inflation data raise danger signals during the
months ahead.


                                                     Inception: March 29, 1986

 Growth & Income Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                      Paul F. McManus

 The Growth & Income Fund outperformed the S&P 500 in the second quarter and
is in line with the index through mid year. The fund had modest overweights in
the Health Care, and Financial groups and was modestly underweighted in
Consumer Products, Energy and Technology. Strong performance in the drug group
from names like Pfizer (which merged with Warner Lambert, also owned),
Schering Plough and Allergan Pharmaceutical positively impacted fund
performance. Banks were another area of successful stock selection as Mellon
Financial, Chase Manhattan and CitiGroup helped performance. Given the
increased interest rate environment, investors sold retail and cyclical names.
The fund had exposure to Target, Gap Stores and Federated Department Stores
during the quarter. We believe that they are attractive at current valuations,
particularly Gap Stores which is expected to accelerate its revenue growth as
the year progresses. In the technology area performance was helped by names
like Hewlett Packard, Cisco, ADC Telecomm and Teredyne. Earlier in the year
and in the fourth quarter of 1999, technology speculation reached a peak and
as interest rates rose, the group sold off beginning in March. Our strategy
all along has been to select high quality, reasonably valued technology stocks
and this has served the fund well amidst the volatility in the sector.
 As we look out to the balance of 2000, we expect interest rates to peak as
the economy slows down from it's strong first half growth pace. Oil prices
should ease as OPEC countries increase production during a period of economic
deceleration and this will be beneficial to the inflation rate. If rates do
indeed decline in the coming months, the stock market should respond
favorably. In particular, value based strategies selecting stocks that have
attractive prices and improving fundamental trends should do well.


                            Historical Fund Return

        Growth and Income       S&P 500.

6/30/90       10,000             10,000
6/30/91       11,140             10,739
6/30/92       12,590             12,185
6/30/93       14,446             13,840
6/30/94       14,813             14,026
6/30/95       18,028             17,677
6/30/96       22,479             22,281
6/30/97       28,763             30,003
6/30/98       38,170             39,067
6/30/99       46,448             47,955
6/30/00       48,199             51,432

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                                       % of        six months ago
                                    investments   % of investments

Pfizer, Inc.                              4.9%        0.8%
Cisco Systmes, Inc.                       3.9%        3.9%
Citigroup, Inc.                           3.8%        3.6%
General Electric Co.                      3.8%        5.1%
Intel Corp.                               3.7%        2.7%
Microsoft Corp.                           3.4%        6.2%
Exxon Mobil Corp.                         2.2%        1.2%
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.                  2.2%        1.4%
Oracle Corp.                              2.2%        1.7%
International Business Machines Corp.     1.7%        1.8%

Average Annual Total Returns*

           Growth & Income  S&P 500. MorningStar
                Fund         Index   Peer Group+

  YTD**         -0.44%      -0.42%      1.43%
  1 Year         3.77        7.25      11.29
  3 Years       18.78       19.68      19.64
  5 Years       21.74       23.81      22.74
 10 Years       17.03       17.79      17.03

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                     % of                           % of
                   investments                   investments

Technology           33.6%      Consumer Cyclical  5.5%
Health Care          14.5%      Utility            5.3%
Financial            13.3%      Energy             4.7%
Capital Equipment    10.1%      Consumer Staple    2.3%
Retail                5.6%      Basic Material     2.2%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the Fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.
 .    "Standard & Poor's 500" is a trademark of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
     and has been licensed for use by John Hancock Life Insurance Company. The
     product is not sponsored, endorsed, fold or promoted by Standard & Poor's
     and Standard & Poor's makes no representation regarding the advisability of
     investing in the product.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and
     life sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a
     Large Blend investment style.


                                                       Inception: May 1, 1996

 Equity Index Fund
 State Street Global Advisors                                 Management Team

 The S&P 500 rebounded with a positive return of 2.47% for the month of June,
partially offsetting negative returns from April and May. For the quarter, the
Index suffered a -2.66% return and is also in negative territory, -0.42%, for
the first six months of 2000.
 For the first six months of the year the portfolio performed in line with
expectations, trailing the benchmark by 0.08%. Since the inception of the fund
in May of 1997, it has returned 22.73% on an annualized basis. The portfolio
team continues to attempt to track the performance of the Index by fully
replicating the weights of the securities held in the Index. This strategy is
consistent with our long-standing policy of managing S&P 500 portfolios.
 General Electric is once again the largest security weight within the Index,
accounting for 4.19% of the S&P 500. Overall, the top ten names in the Index
total 26.65% of the benchmark weight.


                            Historical Fund Return

            Equity Index Fund     S&P 500. Index

5/1/96            10,000             10,000
6/30/96           10,231             10,300
6/30/97           13,727             13,870
6/30/98           17,850             18,060
6/30/99           21,904             22,168
6/30/00           23,475             23,776

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                            % of        six months ago
                         investments   % of investments

General Electric Co.          4.1%       3.7%
Intel Corp.                   3.5%       2.0%
Cisco Systems, Inc.           3.4%       2.6%
Microsoft Corp.               3.3%       4.4%
Pfizer, Inc.                  2.3%       0.9%
Aim Stic Prime Fund           2.2%       2.2%
Exxon Mobil Corp.             2.1%       2.0%
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.         2.0%       2.2%
Oracle Corp.                  1.8%       1.2%
Citigroup, Inc.               1.6%       1.4%

Average Annual Total Returns*

                         Equity Index  S&P 500.   MorningStar
                            Fund(1)     Index     Peer Group+
YTD**                       -0.50%      -0.42%      1.43%
1 Year                       7.17        7.25       11.29
3 Years                     19.58       19.68       19.64
Since Inception (5/1/96)    22.73       23.10         N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                  % of                        % of
               investments                investments
Technology        33.6%     Retail            5.5%
Financial         15.1%     Energy            5.3%
Health Care       11.3%     Consumer Staple   5.3%
Capital Equipment  8.8%     Consumer Cyclical 5.3%
Utility            6.5%     Basic Material    1.9%

(1)  Returns reflect waiver of advisory fee, reimbursement of all non-advisory
     fund expenses, and extra-ordinary capital contributions of $84,000 in 1996
     and $250,000 in 1997.
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund does not
     reflect expense and charges of the applicable separate accounts and
     variable products, all of which vary to a considerable extent and are
     described in your product prospectus.
 .    "Standard & Poor's 500" is a trademark of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
     and has been licensed for use by John Hancock Life Insurance Company. The
     product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor's
     and Standard & Poor's makes no representation regarding the advisability of
     investing in the product.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all the variable annuity and
     life sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large
     Blend investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 Large Cap Value Fund
 T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.                                Brian C. Rogers

 Following a sharp advance during the first quarter of 2000, domestic stocks
stumbled badly in April, then spent the past two months trying to recover. The
Fed hiked short-term rates three times in the first half, for a total of six
times since June 1999, which eventually took its toll on most sectors of the
market. The equity income group rallied somewhat after a long period of
stagnation, but still finished in negative territory.
 Fund performance reflected the overall weakness with a small loss in the face
of a major sell-off in the so-called New Economy sectors. The fund's
underweighting in technology spared it from further damage during the
challenging first six months of 2000.

                           TOTAL RETURNS
                            FOR PERIODS
                           ENDED 6/30/00
                          6 MONTHS 1 YEAR
- -----------------------------------------
Large Cap Value Fund       -2.32%  -9.99%
- -----------------------------------------
Russell 1000 Value Index   -4.23%  -8.92%
- -----------------------------------------

 As mentioned in previous reports, value stocks had been selling at the
greatest price/earnings discount to the general market in 25 years. The major
contributors to positive performance were Baker Hughes, up 53%; American Home
Products, up 50%; Pharmacia, up 46%; Starwood Hotels & Resorts, up 40%;
Reader's Digest, up 36%; and Disney, up 33%. There were laggards as well.
Among them were Unisys and BMC Software, each off 54% for the six-month
period; Armstrong World, down 51%; Hercules, down 48%; Proctor & Gamble, off
47%; and International Paper, down 46%. The fund remained well-diversified
among industries, with 21% of assets in consumer nondurables, 17% in financial
stocks, 14% in energy, 14% in utilities, and the rest scattered across other
industrial sectors. We made several purchases in the first half as their
valuations became more attractive, including Vodafone AirTouch, Rockwell
International, Motorola, Unisys, Microsoft, and BMC Software.
 We believe further rate hikes may be possible in coming months. However,
there are signs of slowing in economic growth and the Fed could be nearing the
end of its tightening cycle. The purpose of the higher rates is to slow the
economy from its robust pace of the past few quarters and constrain inflation
within acceptable bounds. We think these efforts will succeed without pushing
the economy into a recession. As investors anticipate more favorable trends on
inflation and interest rates, we expect moderate returns through the rest of
the year for domestic stocks, including the equity income sector of the


                             Historcal Fund Return

         Russell 1000
         Value Index       Large Cap Value Fund
5/1/96      10,000               10,000
6/30/96     10,133               10,255
6/30/97     13,496               13,059
6/30/98     17,388               15,561
6/30/99     20,235               17,932
6/30/00     18,430               16,140

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                                % of        six months ago
                            investments    % of investments

BP Amoco plc                    3.1%             1.7%
Exxon Mobil Corp.               2.7%             3.2%
Mellon Financial Corp.          2.4%             1.7%
SBC Communications, Inc.        2.2%             1.8%
American Home Products Corp.    2.1%             1.6%
General Mills, Inc.             2.1%             1.4%
Chevron Corp.                   1.7%             1.4%
Pharmacia Corp.                 1.7%              N/A
Texaco, Inc.                    1.7%             1.2%
GTE Corp.                       1.6%             1.6%

Average Annual Total Returns*

                               Large Cap      Russell 1000    MorningStar
                              Value Fund       Value Index    Peer Group+
YTD**                          -2.32%             -4.23%         -1.58%
1 Year                         -9.99              -8.92          -5.24
3 Years                         7.32              10.94           9.11
Since Inception (5/1/96)       12.17              15.80           N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                       % of                                % of
                   investments                          investments
Financial            17.3%          Capital Equipment      7.8%
Energy               14.2%          Basic Material         7.0%
Utility              13.3%          Health Care            6.5%
Consumer Staple      11.5%          Technology             4.9%
Consumer Cyclical     8.8%          Transportation         1.8%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and
     life sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large
     Value investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999

 Large Cap Value Core Fund
 Goldman Sachs Asset Management                            Clark/Jones/Pinter

 For the quarter ended June 30, 2000, the Large Cap Value CORE Fund returned -
4.14% at net asset value, outperforming its benchmark, the Russell 1000 Value
Index, which returned -4.69%.
 When managing the Fund, we do not take size or sector bets. Our quantitative
process seeks out stocks with good momentum that also appear to be good values.
We prefer stocks favored by fundamental research analysts, and less volatile
stocks with lower-than-average probability of reporting disappointing earnings.
Over the long term, these four investment themes (Growth/Momentum, Value,
Stability and Research) have led to excess returns, although they typically do
not all work well simultaneously. During the second quarter, returns were
driven by different CORE themes each month. For instance, the Value theme fared
well among Russell 1000 Value stocks in April, but fared poorly in May and
June. Our Momentum and Stability themes fared poorly in both April and May,
then rallied to contribute positively in June. Finally, our Research theme
fared well in April, then detracted from returns in May and June.
 The swings from record low to record high monthly returns for our CORE themes
reflects the high level of market volatility experienced during the quarter.
Return dispersion--the spread between the best- and worst-performing stocks--
reached at least a twenty-year high in June, after being near record levels
year to date.
 Industry exposures also contributed positively to returns during the quarter,
largely driven by a small overweight in pharmaceuticals.
 No significant changes to the Fund's investment strategy occurred in the
second quarter. However, we continually evaluate the effectiveness of the
process, and, as we find new features which we believe will add to the Fund's
performance, we may add these to the Fund's investment process and strategy. We
intend to maintain our disciplined, long-term approach to equity investing
despite possible continued volatility in the U.S. equity markets throughout the
remainder of 2000. In fact, we believe that careful risk management such as
that which defines the CORE process is of paramount importance in such a
volatile environment, when small bets can have much larger than expected
consequences. Through our combined qualitative and quantitative strategy for
selecting stocks, we believe we have the potential to generate solid long-term
returns for the shareholders of the Fund.


                            Historical Fund Return

            Large Cap Value        Russell 1000
              Core Fund             Value Index

8/31/99         10,001                10,000
9/30/99          9,711                 9,650
10/31/99        10,332                10,206
11/30/99        10,222                10,126
12/31/99        10,358                10,175
1/31/00          9,967                 9,843
2/29/00          9,306                 9,112
3/31/00         10,354                10,223
4/30/00         10,236                10,104
5/31/00         10,315                10,211
6/30/00          9,925                 9,744

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                             % of           six months ago
                          investments      % of investments

Citigroup, Inc.              4.7%                2.2%
Exxon Mobil Corp.            4.6%                3.5%
SBC Communications, Inc.     2.2%                1.7%
The Walt Disney Co.          2.0%                0.3%
BellSouth Corp.              2.0%                0.8%
American International
 Group, Inc.                 1.9%                1.4%
AT&T Corp.                   1.9%                2.4%
Bell Atlantic Corp.          1.8%                0.9%
Bank of America Corp.        1.7%                1.4%
General Motors Corp.         1.6%                0.3%

Average Annual Total Returns*

                              Large Cap         Russell 1000      MorningStar
                            Value CORE Fund      Value Index      Peer Group+

YTD**                            -4.18%            -4.23%           -1.58%
Since Inception (8/31/99)        -0.89             -3.06%             N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                  % of                         % of
               investments                  investments

Financial         28.0%      Capital Equipment 6.1%
Utility           13.8%      Health Care       4.3%
Energy            11.7%      Basic Material    4.1%
Consumer Cyclical 10.3%      Consumer Staple   3.9%
Technology         7.8%      Retail            1.8%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large Value
     investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                      Inception: June 30, 2000

 American Leader's Large Cap Value Fund
 Federated Investment Management Company              M. Donnelly/K. McCloskey

 The American Leaders Large Cap Value Fund commenced investment operations on
June 30, 2000, and the Fund was invested in short-term United States
Treasuries as of the market close on that date. The Fund was fully invested in
equities on July 3, 2000. The Fund seeks to identify large, leading companies
that are trading at significant discounts to their inherent franchise values.
To accomplish this goal, the Fund utilizes a proprietary valuation model and
conducts rigorous qualitative analysis of the fundamentals of each company
before a purchase decision is made. The Fund seeks to outperform the Russell
1000 Value Index and the S&P/Barra Value Index on an annual basis. The Fund
also seeks to outperform the S&P 500 Index over a full market cycle.


                                                     Inception: March 29, 1986

 Large Cap Growth Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                          Mark Lapman

 The Large Cap Growth Fund returned -1.51% in the second quarter of 2000,
exceeding the Russell 1000 Growth index return of -2.70%. The market rotation
out of overpriced hyper-growth stocks into securities with an attractive
combination of cheapness and improving fundamentals continued into the second
quarter. Since the broadening began in March, your fund has outperformed its
benchmark by over 4%. Investors witnessed a rotation out of premium priced
technology, telecom and biotech stocks into undervalued securities in sectors
with solid earnings prospects, such as pharmaceuticals, energy and financials.
Investments that outperformed include Warner-Lambert, El Paso Energy and
American General. Previous winners in telecom and computer software were weak,
and retailers such as Gap and Circuit City were crushed as higher interest
rates caused investors to worry about a potential reduction in consumer
spending. Investors now need to be choosy in the technology companies that
they hold, focusing on those that are fundamentally sound, with innovative
products, earnings growth and strong management. We believe stocks such as
Veritas, Oracle, and Cisco meet all of these criteria, and thus we hold them
in your fund.
 It is clear that after six interest rate hikes, U.S. economic growth will
moderate. With higher than expected initial jobless claims, weakening retails
sales and slowing housing starts, consumer confidence is beginning to erode,
albeit from a high level. Although we believe that the Fed will be successful
in achieving a soft landing, we expect the stock market to remain volatile as
investors struggle to assess the outcome. Stock selection will be especially
important during this period of uncertainty. With our stock selection skill,
valuation discipline and emphasis on diversification, we are extremely well
positioned to add value in this environment.

                            Historical Fund Return

                    Large Cap Growth Fund   Large Cap Growth Benchmark(1)
        6/30/90            10,000                     10,000
        6/30/91            11,658                     10,739
        6/30/92            12,897                     12,185
        6/30/93            14,940                     13,840
        6/30/94            15,417                     14,026
        6/30/95            18,386                     17,677
        6/30/96            22,617                     22,418
        6/30/97            28,869                     29,441
        6/30/98            39,523                     38,678
        6/30/99            49,748                     49,227
        6/30/00            58,852                     61,861

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                              % of          six months ago
                           investments     % of investments
Cisco Systems, Inc.           7.1%               5.9%
Intel Corp.                   6.2%               4.1%
General Electric Co.          6.1%               4.5%
Microsoft Corp.               3.8%               6.2%
Oracle Corp.                  3.3%               2.8%
Pfizer, Inc.                  3.2%               1.6%
EMC Corp.                     2.5%               0.8%
Sun Microsystems, Inc.        2.4%               0.8%
Lucent Technologies, Inc.     2.1%               2.9%
International Business
 Machines Corp.               2.1%               1.8%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                 Large Cap      Large Cap Growth     MorningStar
                Growth Fund       Benchmark (1)      Peer Group+
YTD**             5.71%                4.24%             3.04%
1  Year          18.30                25.66             34.84
3  Years         26.80                28.08             31.54
5  Years         26.20                28.47             27.68
10 Years         19.39                19.99             19.48

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                   % of                        % of
               investments                   investments
Technology        61.0%      Financial          4.2%
Health Care       12.6%      Consumer Cyclical  3.6%
Capital Equipment  9.7%      Energy             0.2%
Retail             6.1%

(1)  The benchmark is represented by the S&P 500 for the period April 1986 to
     April 1996 and the Russell Large Cap Growth Index for the period May 1996
     to present.
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large Cap
     Growth investment style. Prior to May 1996 (concurrent with the Fund's
     strategy change), the peer group represents the Large Blend investment
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                    Inception: August 31, 1999

 Large Cap Aggressive Growth Fund
 Alliance Capital Management L.P.                       J. Fogarty/A. Harrison

 For the six months ending June 30, 2000, the Fund returned 2.22% compared to
the S&P 500 Index return of -0.4% and the Russell 1000 Growth Index return of
4.2%. The outperformance compared to the broad S&P 500 was due to solid stock
selection specifically in technology and healthcare. Within technology,
communications equipment, software and semiconductor makers continued to
report robust earnings growth. Healthcare experienced strong gains as
investors seeking protection from the market turbulence during April and May
were drawn to stable earnings growth, attractive relative valuations and a
perception that the political climate remains positive for the rest of the
year. The Series modestly underperformed the Russell 1000 Growth Index due to
its underweight in technology stocks, which comprised approximately 40% of the
portfolio, compared to almost 60% for the Index.
 We maintain a positive view about the industry dominant, high growth
companies in the portfolio that are growing their earnings on average more
than 20% which compares favorably to the earnings growth rate for the average
S&P 500 company of 10-12%. The correction in technology stocks that saw the
NASDAQ fall over 20% from its record March high through the end of June has
had the beneficial effect of deflating the speculative bubble in the stock
market. However, there still exists a valuation gap between most technology
stocks and the rest of the market specifically financials and basic materials
stocks. This valuation gap coupled with an economic landscape that is unclear
is likely to lead to continued volatility in the market which we will take
advantage of by actively trading our core holdings to add incremental return.
Balancing our positive view of economic and earnings fundamentals with a
cautious view on valuations, the Fund remains broadly diversified with
technology, consumer services, financials and healthcare the areas of


                            Historical Fund Return

                      Large Cap               Russell 1000
                 Aggressive Growth Fund       Growth Index
        8/31/99         10,000                   10,000
        9/30/99          9,948                    9,790
       10/31/99         10,811                   10,529
       11/30/99         11,047                   11,098
       12/31/99         12,018                   12,252
        1/31/00         11,465                   11,677
        2/29/00         11,569                   12,248
        3/31/00         12,833                   13,125
        4/30/00         12,364                   12,501
        5/31/00         11,692                   11,871
        6/30/00         12,284                   12,771

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                                 % of          six months ago
                              investments     % of investments

Nokia Oyj                        6.2%               3.7%
Tyco International, Ltd.         6.0%               2.6%
Intel Corp.                      5.4%               2.8%
Pfizer, Inc.                     5.2%               0.9%
Cisco Systems, Inc.              4.5%               2.9%
Applied Materials, Inc.          4.4%               1.1%
Citigroup, Inc.                  3.8%               1.9%
AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media
 Group                           3.7%               2.4%
Microsoft Corp.                  3.3%               2.9%
Schering-Plough Corp.            3.1%               1.9%

Average Annual Total Returns*

                      Large Cap Aggressive    Russell 1000      MorningStar
                          Growth Fund         Growth Index      Peer Group+
YTD**                         2.22%               4.24%            3.04%
Since Inception (8/31/99)    28.02%               34.11             N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                  % of                       % of
               investments                investments
Technology         45.7%     Retail           6.8%
Financial          11.2%     Utility          2.8%
Health Care        10.1%     Consumer Staple  1.4%
Consumer Cyclical   9.8%     Governmental     1.1%
Capital Equipment   9.6%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and
     life sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Large
     Growth investment.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                   Inception: August 31, 1999

 Large/Mid Cap Value Fund
 Wellington Management Company, LLP                         D. Chu/L. Gabriel

 During the second quarter, the Large/Mid Cap Value Fund decreased -5.65%,
underperforming the Fund's benchmark, the Russell 1000 Value Index, which fell
- -4.7% for the quarter ended June 30, 2000. Since Inception, on September 1,
1999, the Fund has returned 2.2%, compared to a -2.6% return by the benchmark.
 The second quarter of 2000 was characterized by weak results in global equity
markets. The modest second quarter returns of most US equity indices masked the
level of volatility present during the second quarter. The Russell 1000 Value
Index outperformed the Russell 1000 Growth Index (by roughly 350 basis points
in April and 350 basis points in May), but the momentum reversed in June and
the Value index underperformed the Growth index.
 During the quarter, the Fund's sector weights were kept closely in line with
those of the Russell 1000 Value Index. The sectors in the Fund that added the
most value were information technology, health care, and industrial and
commercial. On the negative side, stock selection within information and
entertainment, utilities, and finance hurt performance.
 Some of the Fund's largest contributors through stock selection during the
quarter include: Cigna which was the Fund's top performer, First Data, which
showed strong earnings growth during the quarter, and Convergys which was a
strong performer in the industrial and commercial sector.
 As we begin the third quarter of 2000, we continue to believe that broad
diversification across economic sectors is a central tenet of the investment
strategy. We anticipate further rate hikes by the Federal Reserve in order to
slow the US economy. In a tightening interest rate environment, we remain
bullish on the outlook for the large-cap value sector going forward. We will
continue to look for opportunities in large cap stocks that represent value
through active fund management.


                            Historical Fund Return

                      Large/Mid Cap       Russell 1000
                       Value Fund          Value Index

        8/31/99          10,000             10,000
        9/30/99           9,787              9,650
       10/31/99          10,352             10,206
       11/30/99          10,295             10,126
       12/31/99          10,472             10,175
        1/31/00          10,031              9,843
        2/29/00           9,614              9,112
        3/31/00          10,829             10,223
        4/30/00          10,445             10,104
        5/31/00          10,607             10,211
        6/30/00          10,218              9,744

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                              % of         six months ago
                          investments    % of investments

Citigroup, Inc.               4.1%             3.7%
Exxon Mobil Corp.             4.0%              N/A
Bell Atlantic Corp.           3.4%             2.5%
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.     3.3%              N/A
American International
 Group, Inc.                  2.7%             1.4%
Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.   2.3%             1.3%
Wachovia Corp.                2.2%             1.2%
SBC Communications, Inc.      1.8%             1.7%
Pharmacia Corp.               1.8%              N/A
Cigna Corp.                   1.7%             1.1%

Average Annual Total Returns*

                               Large/Mid Cap   Russell 1000    MorningStar
                                Value Fund      Value Index    Peer Group+
YTD**                             -2.43%          -4.23%         -0.86%
Since Inception (8/31/99)          2.62           -3.06%           N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                  % of                          % of
               investments                  investments

Financial         28.2%      Consumer Cyclical  7.2%
Utility           13.1%      Consumer Staple    5.2%
Technology         9.3%      Health Care        4.5%
Capital Equipment  8.6%      Retail             4.4%
Energy             8.4%      Basic Material     3.8%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
     risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a 50%
     weighting of the Large Cap Value style and a 50% weighting of the Mid Cap
     Value style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 Mid Cap Value Fund
 Neuberger Berman, LLC                                       Gendelman/Mullick

 The Mid Cap Value Fund returned -2.48% during the second quarter of 2000,
falling just short of the Russell Midcap Value Index's return of -1.68%.
Although the fund had a difficult 2nd quarter, due in part to its poor
performing technology holdings and an uncertain economic environment, its Year
to Date total return continues to outpace the Russell Mid Cap Value Index by
over 600 basis points (5.64% vs. -0.69%).
 Our Utility and Energy holdings performed well in the second quarter, spurred
on by high natural gas and crude oil prices. Top contributors from the two
sectors include the following: Anadarko Petroleum, an oil and gas exploration
and production company in the process of merging with Union Pacific Resources;
Coastal Corp., a natural gas company merging with El Paso Energy; and AES
Corp., a global independent power producer. The Financial Services sector
contributed positively to returns as a result of good stock selection and a
relatively heavy weighting in the fund. Property and casualty insurer ACE Ltd.
and student loan provider SLM Holdings both had a positive impact on returns.
Unfortunately, a few of our Technology holdings were hit hard by negative
sentiment within the sector. Comdisco was one drag on fund returns and
Parametric Technology, despite being disposed of early in the quarter, was
another. EchoStar Communications and Smurfit-Stone Container, both of which
were removed from the fund, detracted from returns.
 Looking forward we remain positive about the future. We have had a strong
first half, and while technology stocks generally had a difficult second
quarter, they have recovered, and we are confident that companies with good
fundamentals will deliver long term superior performance. We feel comfortable
with the fund's overall structure and look forward to the challenges of the
second half of the year.


                            Historical Fund Return

                     Russell Mid Cap           Mid Cap
                       Value Index           Value Fund
         5/1/96           10,000               10,000
        6/30/96           10,107               10,095
        6/30/97           12,933               13,423
        6/30/98           16,261               15,464
        6/30/99           17,177               15,114
        6/30/00           15,820               15,190

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                              % of           six months ago
                           investments      % of investments

Metlife, Inc.                 2.6%                N/A
SLM Holding Corp.             2.2%                1.2%
Genzyme Corp.
 (General Division)           2.1%                1.9%
AES Corp.                     2.1%                N/A
Tenet Healthcare Corp.        2.0%                N/A
A.H. Belo Corp.               2.0%                1.8%
Starwood Hotels & Resorts
  Worldwide, Inc.             1.9%                0.9%
General Dynamics Corp.        1.9%                2.1%
Ace, Ltd.                     1.8%                N/A
SPX Corp.                     1.8%                2.1%

Average Annual Total Returns*

                               Mid Cap     Russell Mid Cap     MorningStar
                             Value Fund      Value Index       Peer Group+

YTD**                            5.72%          -0.69%           -0.14%
1 Year                           0.50           -7.90            -4.31
3 Years                          4.21            6.95             7.84
Since Inception (5/1/96)        10.55           11.64             N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                   % of                       % of
                investments                investments

Financial          29.2%      Technology       9.2%
Capital Equipment  13.8%      Transportation   4.0%
Energy             11.4%      Basic Material   3.6%
Health Care         9.5%      Retail           3.1%
Consumer Cyclical   9.4%      Utility          2.6%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Mid Cap
     Value investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                    Inception: August 31, 1999

 Mid Cap Blend Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                      Coreen Kraysler

 The Mid Cap Blend Fund had a strong second quarter, returning -.28%, well
ahead of the Frank Russell Mid Cap Index return of -4.51%. Excitement
continued to mount over the possibilities of major advancements in medicine as
the human genome is sequenced. As a result, holdings in biotech and medical
technology such as Waters, Medimmune, CV Therapeutics, QLT Phototherapeutics
and Cephalon were all strong. Oil stocks, such as El Paso Energy and Anadarko
Petroleum were also strong, as rising oil prices propelled earnings higher. As
investors perceived that interest rates were peaking, financial holdings such
as Lincoln National and Aon performed well. Although technology stocks rallied
in June, the group was weak overall during the quarter as investors rotated
out of premium priced stocks into sectors with solid earnings prospects, such
as pharmaceuticals and financials. However, select technology names performed
well, with holdings in Portal Software, Convergys and Vitesse Semiconductor
producing returns well ahead of the market. In general, software and
semiconductor names were weak, and holdings in Citrix Systems and Applied
Micro Circuits underperformed. Retailers such as Circuit City were also weak
due to investors fears regarding a potential slowdown in consumer spending.
 Going forward, it is clear that after six interest rate hikes, U.S. economic
growth will moderate. In fact, we have already begun to see signs of a
slowdown in some of the recently reported economic statistics, including
retail sales, housing starts and the unemployment data. We believe that the
Fed will be successful in its attempt to engineer a soft landing, and that
this environment will be favorable for the stock market. The Mid Cap Blend
Fund is well positioned to benefit from these trends.


                            Historical Fund Return

                   Mid Cap Blend Fund   Russell Mid Cap Index
        8/31/99           10,000           10,000
        9/30/99            9,729            9,648
       10/29/99           10,182           10,105
       11/30/99           10,633           10,396
       12/31/99           11,153           11,311
        1/31/00           10,739           10,937
        2/29/00           11,484           11,778
        3/31/00           12,645           12,453
        4/28/00           12,620           11,863
        5/31/00           12,361           11,549
        6/30/00           12,610           11,891

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                             % of         six months ago
                           investments    % of investments

Allergan, Inc.                1.7%        0.4%
Intuit, Inc.                  1.7%        0.4%
Comerica, Inc.                1.6%        0.5%
Noble Drilling Corp.          1.6%         N/A
Portal Software, Inc.         1.6%         N/A
QLT PhotoTherapeutics, Inc.   1.5%        0.6%
Fiserv, Inc.                  1.5%        0.5%
Bausch & Lomb, Inc.           1.5%        0.4%
Lincoln National Corp.        1.4%         N/A
Aon Corp.                     1.4%         N/A

Average Annual Total Returns*

                                Mid Cap       Russell Mid    MorningStar
                              Blend Fund       Cap Index     Peer Group+
YTD**                           13.06%          5.12%          3.93%
Since Inception (8/31/99)       32.11          23.10            N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)

                  % of                       % of
               investments                investments

Technology        27.8%        Retail          6.3%
Health Care       11.9%        Energy          6.1%
Financial         11.8%        Utility         5.4%
Capital Equipment  9.5%        Basic Material  4.9%
Consumer Cyclical  8.2%        Transportation  4.1%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
     risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Mid Cap
     Blend investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 Mid Cap Growth Fund
 Janus                                                              James Goff

 Strength among a number of individual stocks wasn't enough to overcome losses
related to a difficult market environment during the second quarter, and the
Fund slipped 6.69%, slightly outperforming the 7.41% loss registered by its
benchmark, the Russell MidCap Growth Index. Outstanding fundamental
performances by many of our companies allowed them to overcome an increase in
volatility to post strong gains. For example, growth in demand for SDL's
optical networking gear has been so strong that the company announced its
second-quarter earnings would outpace last year's by nearly 140%. For its
part, payroll processor Paychex once again surprised Wall Street analysts by
logging a better-than-expected 36% increase in earnings. Both companies were
among our top performers.
 There were setbacks, however, including lackluster performances by several of
our telecommunications and technology stocks. Internet advertising leader
DoubleClick was caught in a sharp sell-off of technology shares that began in
March. The company also suffered from concerns about the sustainability of
advertising spending as the economy decelerates, delivering a "one-two punch"
to the stock that forced DoubleClick into the red for the period.
 Looking forward, the prospect of a more stable interest rate environment is
encouraging. The first-quarter earnings season was perhaps the best showing
for our companies I have ever witnessed. We believe second-quarter earnings,
due to be released by many our holdings over the next few weeks, will be just
as healthy. If the overhang related to interest rate uncertainty has indeed
finally been lifted, our performance should reflect that strength. Meanwhile,
we will continue to search for companies capable of producing stable, long-
term growth regardless of the market environment, always leveraging the
detailed, company-level research upon which the Janus reputation is built.


                            Historical Fund Return
                Russell Mid Cap Growth Index     Mid Cap Growth Fund
         5/1/96         10,000                         10,000
        5/31/96         10,204                         10,252
        6/28/96         9,896                          10,020
        7/31/96         9,128                           9,186
        8/30/96         9,622                           9,881
        9/30/96         10,233                         10,473
       10/31/96         10,113                         10,325
       11/29/96         10,709                         10,408
       12/31/96         10,529                         10,269
        1/31/97         10,994                          9,994
        2/28/97         10,752                          9,827
        3/31/97         10,145                          9,079
        4/30/97         10,393                          9,186
        5/30/97         11,325                         10,176
        6/30/97         11,638                         10,693
        7/31/97         12,752                         10,907
        8/29/97         12,627                         10,950
        9/30/97         13,266                         11,734
       10/31/97         12,601                         11,385
       11/28/97         12,734                         11,547
       12/31/97         12,900                         11,980
        1/30/98         12,668                         11,743
        2/27/98         13,859                         12,728
        3/31/98         14,440                         13,429
        4/30/98         14,636                         13,656
        5/29/98         14,035                         13,098
        6/30/98         14,432                         14,211
        7/31/98         13,814                         14,045
        8/31/98         11,177                         11,448
        9/30/98         12,022                         12,370
       10/30/98         12,907                         13,332
       11/30/98         13,777                         14,295
       12/31/98         15,204                         16,660
        1/29/99         15,660                         17,539
        2/26/99         14,894                         16,892
        3/31/99         15,724                         19,064
        4/30/99         16,441                         20,313
        5/28/99         16,229                         20,063
        6/30/99         17,362                         21,164
        7/30/99         16,810                         20,863
        8/31/99         16,635                         21,977
        9/30/99         16,493                         22,828
       10/29/99         17,768                         26,427
       11/30/99         19,609                         29,295
       12/31/99         23,003                         36,370
        1/31/00         22,999                         37,510
        2/29/00         27,833                         44,729
        3/31/00         27,861                         37,361
        4/28/00         25,156                         32,525
        5/31/00         23,323                         30,325
        6/30/00         25,798                         34,862

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                               % of        six months ago
                            investments   % of investments

Abgenix, Inc.                  2.3%        N/A
American Tower Corp.           2.5%        0.6%
Andrx Corp.                    1.7%        N/A
Apollo Group, Inc.             2.1%        1.6%
AT&T Canada, Inc.              1.9%        1.4%
Brocade Communications
 Systems, Inc.                 1.3%        0.6%
Citadel Communications Corp.   0.8%        1.0%
Clearnet Communications, Inc.  0.8%        1.1%
CNET Networks, Inc.            0.9%        N/A
Cox Radio, Inc.                3.1%        0.3%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                 Mid Cap       Russell Mid Cap      MorningStar
                               Growth Fund      Growth Index        Peer Group+
YTD**                            -4.15%            12.15%              8.81%
1 Year                           64.72             48.59              51.88
3 Years                          48.28             30.39              30.83
Since Inception (5/1/96)         34.94             25.54               N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)
                      % of                         % of
                   investments                  investments
Technology           44.6%              Energy     1.9%
Health Care          21.6%              Utility    1.1%
Consumer Cyclical    13.2%              Retail     0.7%
Capital Equipment     8.6%
Financial             3.6%
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Mid Cap
     Growth investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                    Inception: August 31, 1999

 Fundamental Mid Cap Growth Fund
 OppenheimerFunds, Inc.                                         Bruce Bartlett


                                                       Inception: May 16, 1988

 Real Estate Equity Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                J. DeSantis/T. Spicer
 MSDW Inv. Mgmt., Inc.                                      T. Bigman/D. Funke


                                                    Inception: August 31, 1999

 Small/Mid Cap Value Fund
 The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC                     Peter I. Higgins

 After a very strong first quarter, the smaller capitalization market was down
slightly in the second quarter as measured by the Russell 2500 Value Index.
The Small/Mid Cap Value Fund had a positive quarter; up 4.37% while the
Russell 2500 Value Index was down 0.60%. Year-to-date the Fund is up 18.14%
while the Russell 2500 Value is up 4.05%. The Small/Mid Cap Value Fund was up
4.16% for the second quarter.
 Our holdings in the energy, financial services and capital goods sectors were
up nicely and outperformed their respective sectors in the index. Our energy
holdings, with emphasis on natural gas exploration and production and energy
service companies, were again a successful strategy. In the financial services
area our focus is on diversified insurance and investment services
organizations. We have continued to underweight banks as higher interest rates
and loan loss concerns have negatively impacted the group. Our capital goods
holdings are broadly diversified with representation in industrial,
agricultural and defense equipment industries as well as environmental
services and related areas.
 Our technology holdings were down slightly for the quarter but did better
than the technology sector of the index. Our investments here include holdings
in database and engineering software, computer component manufacturers,
electronics distribution companies as well as computer service companies. We
continue to emphasize the group as the stocks represent good value and growth
prospects appear favorable.
 Sectors that did not do well include basic industries, consumer services, and
selected health care companies. In general these stocks underperformed due to
disappointing earnings and slowing growth expectations.
 Going forward, global economic growth should continue to be positive. We
believe that the portfolio is well positioned and we do not anticipate a
significant change in our economic sector weighting for the coming quarter.


                            Historical Fund Return
                 Small/Mid Cap Value Fund            Russell 2500 Value Index

Aug-31-99                10,001                               10,000
Sep-30-99                 9,560                                9,685
Oct-31-99                 9,443                                9,695
Nov-30-99                 9,942                                9,748
Dec-31-99                10,508                               10,080
Jan-31-00                 9,756                                9,661
Feb-29-00                 9,775                                9,828
Mar-31-00                11,918                               10,552
Apr-30-00                12,266                               10,548
May-31-00                12,275                               10,528
Jun-30-00                12,414                               10,489

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   six months ago
                                        % of            % of
                                     Investments     Investments
Parametric Technology Corp.             2.6%            N/A
Tidewater, Inc.                         2.3%            N/A
McKesson HBOC, Inc.                     2.2%            0.8%
Avnet, Inc.                             2.2%            0.6%
Informix Corp.                          2.2%            N/A
Fluor Corp.                             2.0%            1.2%
Adaptec, Inc.                           2.0%            N/A
NCR Corp.                               1.9%            N/A
H & R Block, Inc.                       1.9%            N/A
Jones Apparel Group, Inc.               1.8%            1.1%

Average Annual Total Returns*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      Small/Mid Cap  Russell 2500  MorningStar
                                       Value Fund    Value Index   Peer Group+
                                       ----------    -----------   -----------
YTD**                                     18.14%        4.05%         2.56%
Since Inception (8/31/99)                 29.65         5.89          N/A

Top Ten Sector (as of June 30, 2000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        % of
Technology                              28.0%
Financial                               13.2%
Energy                                  12.7%
Basic Material                          11.0%
Capital Equipment                        8.8%
Retail                                   7.9%
Consumer Cyclical                        7.4%
Health Care                              3.9%
Transportation                           2.2%
Consumer Staple                          0.5%

*   Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
    past performance, assume reinvestments of all distributions and are not
    indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
    fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
    or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
    risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
    page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
    fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
    the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to
    a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+   Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
    reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
    Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and
    life sub-accounts within the MorningStar variable universe having a 50%
    weighting of the Mid Cap Value style and a 50% weighting of the Small Cap
    Value style.
**  Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1998

 Small/Mid Cap CORE Fund
 Goldman Sachs Asset Management                             Jones/Clark/Pinter

 For the quarter ended June 30, 2000, the Small/Mid Cap CORE Fund returned -
2.44% at net asset value, outperforming its benchmark, the Russell 2500 Index,
which returned -4.00%.
 When managing the Fund, we do not take size or sector bets. Our quantitative
process seeks out stocks with good momentum that also appear to be good
values. We prefer stocks favored by fundamental research analysts, and less
volatile stocks with lower-than-average probability of reporting disappointing
earnings. Over the long term, these four investment themes (Growth/Momentum,
Value, Stability and Research) led to excess returns, although they typically
do not all work well simultaneously. For instance, during the second quarter,
both our Value and Momentum themes contributed positively to returns. Notably,
Value's strength was a result of strength in the first two months of the
quarter, whereas Momentum fared best April and June. Our Stability theme had
its worst month ever among small/mid capitalization stocks in April, but
rallied to one of its best months ever in June. Only our Research theme failed
to produce results in line with our expectations each month of the quarter.
 No significant changes to the Fund's investment strategy occurred in the
second quarter. However, we continually evaluate the effectiveness of the
process, and, as we find new features which we believe will add to the Fund's
performance, we may add these to the Fund's investment process and strategy.
We intend to maintain our disciplined, long-term approach to equity investing
despite possible continued volatility in the U.S. equity markets throughout
the remainder of 2000. In fact, we believe that careful risk management such
as that which defines the CORE process is of paramount importance in such a
volatile environment, when small bets can have much larger than expected
consequences. We continue to believe that through our combined qualitative and
quantitative strategy for selecting stocks, we have the potential to generate
solid long-term returns for the shareholders of the Fund.
                   Small/Mid Cap Core Fund        Russell 2500 Index
  5/1/98                   10,000                       10,000
 5/29/98                    9,577                        9,536
 6/30/98                    9,721                        9,547
 7/31/98                    9,040                        8,891
 8/31/98                    7,377                        7,214
 9/30/98                    7,776                        7,726
10/30/98                    7,960                        8,149
11/30/98                    8,422                        8,552
12/31/98                    9,019                        9,070
 1/29/99                    8,940                        9,055
 2/26/99                    8,305                        8,460
 3/31/99                    8,438                        8,641
 4/30/99                    9,172                        9,414
 5/28/99                    9,251                        9,560
 6/30/99                    9,810                       10,058
 7/30/99                    9,648                        9,860
 8/31/99                    9,347                        9,552
 9/30/99                    9,224                        9,409
10/29/99                    9,430                        9,616
11/30/99                    9,887                       10,158
12/31/99                   10,871                       11,262
 1/31/00                   10,456                       11,003
 2/29/00                   11,807                       12,592
 3/31/00                   11,700                       12,399
 4/28/00                   11,257                       11,732
 5/31/00                   10,720                       11,169
 6/30/00                   11,414                       11,903
Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
                                      % of         six months ago
                                   investments    % of investments
PMC-Sierra, Inc.                      1.2%              0.2%
CIENA Corp.                           1.1%              0.2%
Network Appliance, Inc.               1.1%              0.2%
VeriSign, Inc.                        0.9%              0.5%
SDL, Inc.                             0.9%              0.1%
Exodus Communications, Inc.           0.8%              0.5%
BEA Systems, Inc.                     0.8%              0.4%
MedImmune, Inc.                       0.7%              0.2%
Dynegy, Inc.                          0.7%               N/A
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.          0.7%              0.1%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                  Small/Mid Cap    Russell 2500    MorningStar
                                    CORE Fund          Index       Peer Group+

YTD**                                 5.00%            5.69%          5.21%
1 Year                               16.35            18.84          13.63%
Since Inception (5/1/98)              6.29             8.37            N/A
Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)
                       % of                              % of
                     investments                      investments
Technology              35.0%        Energy              6.6%
Financial               15.3%        Utility             4.2%
Capital Equipment       10.6%        Retail              3.3%
Health Care             10.2%        Basic Material      3.2%
Consumer Cyclical        8.1%        Consumer Staple     2.2%
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
     risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for the sub-accounts of all
     variable annuity and life products within the Morningstar variable
     universe. The peer group represents a 50% weighting of the Mid-Cap Blend
     style and a 50% weighting of the Small-Cap Blend style for periods since
     May 1999.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1994

 Small/Mid Cap Growth Fund (Formerly Diversified Mid Cap Growth)
 Wellington Management Company, LLP                          Frank V. Wisneski

 For the quarter, Small/Mid-Cap Growth Fund showed modest positive returns,
rising 1.4% compared with the Russell 2500 Growth Index which fell by 4.5%.
Year-to-date, the Fund is up 8.6% versus 7.2% for the index.
 We increased or added to positions in several Internet, software,
communications equipment, and semiconductor-related companies. Health care and
energy sectors also received attention with increased positions or new
 With the economy slowing and interest rate trends uncertain, the quarter
witnessed reductions in the consumer discretionary and finance sectors. Slow
growth and a volatile equity market (with an expected downward bias) leaves us
comfortable with a higher than normal cash positioning although we expect to
work these reserves back into the market as prices warrant.
 While the Fund is now more represented in some of the faster growing areas of
technology, our long standing strategy is not designed to fully participate in
markets such as occurred during the second half of 1999 through the first
months of 2000. If the markets revert to valuation/profitability standards
that existed prior to twelve months ago, the Fund should continue to rapidly
make up the past relative performance shortfalls. Our reading now is that, at
least for the next several months, the markets will remain skeptical and
relatively sensitive to over-valuation concerns.
 The extent of the economic slowdown and its impact on corporate profits will
displace the focus on inflation and interest rates that has consumed the
markets during the past year. While we don't expect recession worries to
surface, there will be increasing concern about the growth rate of corporate
profits. This environment, should it develop, would be beneficial to our
strategy, which remains focused on companies with relatively predictable, non
cyclical, growth dynamics.

                            Historical Fund Return

              Small/Mid Cap Growth Fund    Small/Mid Cap Growth Benchmark(1)
 5/1/94                10,000                     10,000
6/30/94                10,043                      9,584
6/30/95                11,652                     12,116
6/28/96                16,237                     14,974
6/30/97                16,713                     17,611
6/30/98                20,389                     21,838
6/30/99                21,478                     26,912
6/30/00                22,219                     38,807

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      % of         six months ago
                                   Investments    % of Investments
Littelfuse, Inc.                       2.6%             2.0%
Reinsurance Group of America           2.5%             2.5%
Genzyme Corp. (General Division)       2.5%             2.4%
Dallas Semiconductor Corp.             2.4%             3.1%
Rational Software Corp.                2.3%              N/A
Herman Miller, Inc.                    2.2%             2.2%
United Rentals, Inc.                   2.2%             2.4%
ALZA Corp.                             2.0%             0.9%
Beringer Wine Estates Holdings         1.8%             3.0%
G & K Services, Inc.                   1.8%             2.4%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                 Small/Mid         Small/Mid Cap     MorningStar
                              Cap Growth Fund  Growth Benchmark (1)  Peer Group+
YTD**                              8.56%              7.18%             7.46%
1 Year                             3.45%             44.20              6.50
3 Years                            9.96              30.13             32.16
5 Years                           13.78              26.22             25.47
Since Inception (5/1/94)          13.85              24.59               N/A

Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       % of                              % of
                     Investments                      Investments
Technology             38.7%        Retail                4.3%
Capital Equipment      15.1%        Energy                3.8%
Health Care            10.0%        Consumer Staple       3.3%
Consumer Cyclical       7.7%        Utility               2.8%
Financial               7.5%        Basic Material        2.4%
(1)  The Small/Mid Cap Growth Fund benchmark is the Russell Mid Cap Growth Index
     from May 1994 to April 1999 and the Russell 2500 Growth Index May
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000, returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions, and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
     less than their original cost. Sector investing entail special risks as
     discussed in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this page is
     reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for the sub-accounts of all
     variable annuity and life products within the Morningstar variable universe
     having a Mid Cap Growth and a Small-Cap Growth investment style. The peer
     group represents a 50% weighting of the Mid Cap Growth style and a 50%
     weighting of the Small Cap Growth style. Prior to May 1999, the peer group
     represents the Mid Cap Growth investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 Small Cap Value Fund
 INVESCO Inc.                                           J. Lefkowitz/D. Kostyk


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 Small Cap Growth Fund
 John Hancock Advisers, Inc.                                     Bernice Behar


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1998

 International Opportunities II Fund
 (formerly Global Equity Fund)
 Rowe Price--Fleming International, Inc.                             John Ford


                                                        Inception: May 2, 1988

 International Equity Index Fund
 Independence International Associates, Inc.             B. Greenleaf/D. Nolan


                                                    Inception: August 31, 1999

 International Equity Fund
 Goldman Sachs Asset Management                    S. Maeda/I. Farman/S. Noble


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 International Opportunities Fund
 Rowe Price-Fleming International, Inc.                              John Ford


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1998

 Emerging Markets Equity Fund
 Morgan Stanley Asset Management                              R. Meyer/A. Skov


                                                     Inception: March 29, 1986

 Money Market Fund
 John Hancock Life Insurance Co.                             Peter Mitsopoulos


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1994

 Short-Term Bond Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                              Jay Leu

 There was a dramatic shift in tone in the bond market over the quarter. U.S.
Treasury rates rose sharply during the first half and fell sharply thereafter.
Economic data released in May showed signs of a slowing economy and easing of
inflationary pressures mitigating the trend of worrisome numbers released in
April. Investment grade corporate bonds underperformed Treasury securities in
the second quarter. April and May marked the fourth and fifth straight months
of underperformance for investment grade corporates, however sentiment seems
to have shifted in the corporate bond sector in June as investors anticipated
less aggressive tightening by the Federal Reserve and looked for alternatives
to Agency bonds. Lower quality bonds, which have lagged higher quality bonds
throughout the year and the second quarter, outperformed as well in June.
 The Short Term Bond Fund outperformed its benchmark for the quarter despite
the difficult environment for corporate bonds. This is the fourth consecutive
quarter that the fund has outperformed its benchmark. The fund continues to
benefit from a yield advantage provided by an overweight in corporate
securities relative to the benchmark. The yield spread of one to three year
maturity corporate bonds widened by 20 basis points during the quarter,
hurting the fund's performance relative to the benchmark. Our individual
securities held in the fund outperformed relative to the average corporate
bond in the benchmark. Strong performers included: Tenet Healthcare, Beckman
Instruments, Cox Communications, MCI Worldcom Inc., and Tyco International.
 Going forward, we believe short maturity corporate bonds are attractively
priced relative to corporates and we will continue to overweight them.
Furthermore, corporate bonds should benefit from a less aggressive Federal
Reserve policy. Issue selection will, however, continue to be an important
contributing factor to the Fund's performance as well.


               Short-Term Bond Fund    Short-Term Bond Benchmark (1)

 5/1/94               10,000                      10,000
6/30/94               10,010                      10,032
6/30/95               10,769                      10,908
6/28/96               11,211                      11,476
6/30/97               11,894                      12,248
6/30/98               12,679                      13,155
6/30/99               13,165                      13,867
6/30/00               13,841                      14,537

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)

                                                % of         six months ago
                                             investments    % of investments

U.S. Treasury                                    15.3%         N/A
Banponce Corp.                                    2.8%         3.2%
MBNA America Bank N.A                             2.7%         3.0%
First Hawaiian, Inc.                              2.7%         3.0%
Norfolk Southern Corp.                            2.7%         3.0%
Dial Corp.                                        2.7%         3.0%
BankBoston Corp.                                  2.5%         2.8%
Federal National Mortgage Assoc                   2.5%         4.4%
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc.                2.5%         2.8%
Gatx Capital Corp.                                2.4%         2.6%

Average Annual Total Returns*

                              Short-Term       Short-Term       MorningStar
                               Bond Fund   Bond Benchmark (1)   Peer Group+
YTD**                           3.00%            2.82%             2.53%
1 Year                          5.14%            4.84              4.09
3 Years                         5.18             5.88              5.52
5 Years                         5.15             5.91              5.57
Since Inception (5/1/94)        5.91             6.26               N/A

Fund Composition (as of June 30, 2000)

Credit Quality                            Duration
- --------------                            --------
Short Term       5.80%                    Less than 1 Year         32.10%
AAA             24.00%                    1-3 Years                50.70%
AA               2.00%                    3-5 Years                17.20%
A               33.00%                    5-10 Years                0.00%
BBB             32.00%                    Greater than 10 Years     0.00%
BB              32.00%
Below B             0%
NR/NA               0%

*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Short Term
     Bond investment style. Prior to May 1998 (concurrent with the Fund's
     strategy change), the peer group represents the Short Term Government Bond
(1)  Short-Term Bond Index represents the Merrill Lynch 1-5 year Government Bond
     from May 1994 to April 1998 and 65% Lehman Brothers 1-3 year Corporate
     Index. 35% Lehman Brothers 1-3 year Government Index, May 1998 to present.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized. *


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1998

 Bond Index Fund
 Mellon Bond Associates, LLP                                    Gregory Curran

 The fund continues to meet its investment objective: to match the performance
of the Lehman Brothers Government Credit Index, which includes U.S. dollar-
based, fixed-coupon debt from the U.S. Government and investment-grade
corporations. Performance net of fees for the fund was 2.02% for June, 1.32%
for the second quarter and 9.38% (unannualized) from inception. Corresponding
returns for the benchmark were 2.04%, 1.45% and 9.38%. The fund uses a
representative sample of issues selected through proprietary quantitative
techniques. Selected issues have the best risk-adjusted expected return and,
as a group, match the characteristics of the 4,800 issues in the Index
including price sensitivity, industry, and quality exposures. An indexed fund
typically eliminates many risks associated with active management and has
lower fees and expenses.
 Lehman Brothers made numerous classification and rules changes to the Index
effective July 1st. The name was changed to the Lehman Brothers Government
Credit Index to reflect that there are credit characteristics inherent in
issuers that are not corporations, namely sovereigns. The changes were
substantially market neutral, but they are worth noting. Yankee Corporates
will now be classified along side their domestic counterparts instead of as a
separate subsector. The foreign sector will include only Supranationals,
Sovereigns, foreign local governments and foreign agencies. Telecommunications
were unbundled into wireless, wirelines and Internet & data. Bank notes and
ERISA-eligible144As with registration rights will now be included in the
Index. There were additional adjustments that will not effect this fund or its
benchmark at this time. We successfully incorporated these changes to the fund
by the end of June.

                    Bond Index Fund     Lehman Brothers Gov't/Corp. Bond Index
  5/1/98                10,000                           10,000
 5/29/98                10,102                           10,107
 6/30/98                10,211                           10,210
 7/31/98                10,220                           10,218
 8/31/98                10,461                           10,418
 9/30/98                10,757                           10,715
10/30/98                10,689                           10,639
11/30/98                10,703                           10,703
12/31/98                10,720                           10,729
 1/29/99                10,795                           10,805
 2/26/99                10,521                           10,548
 3/31/99                10,584                           10,601
 4/30/99                10,609                           10,627
 5/28/99                10,485                           10,518
 6/30/99                10,450                           10,485
 7/30/99                10,420                           10,456
 8/31/99                10,414                           10,447
 9/30/99                10,497                           10,541
10/29/99                10,514                           10,569
11/30/99                10,513                           10,562
12/31/99                10,445                           10,498
 1/31/00                10,425                           10,495
 2/29/00                10,551                           10,626
 3/31/00                10,713                           10,779
 4/28/00                10,666                           10,726
 5/31/00                10,640                           10,717
 6/30/00                10,855                           10,935

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
                                                % of         six months ago
                                             investments    % of investments
U.S. Treasury                                   48.8%             48.3%
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.                 8.2%              5.1%
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.                 4.6%              6.4%
Federal Home Loan Bank                           1.9%              0.7%
Ford Motor Credit Co.                            1.0%               N/A
General Motors Acceptance Corp.                  1.0%              0.9%
KFW International Finance                        0.7%              0.7%
ICI Wilmington, Inc.                             0.7%              0.7%
Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.      0.6%              0.7%
Lockheed Martin Corp.                            0.6%              N/A

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                   Bond Index   L/B Govt./Corp.   MorningStar
                                      Fund        Bond Index      Peer Group+
YTD**                                 3.93%         4.16%            3.81%
1 Year                                3.88          4.29             4.00
Since Inception (5/1/98)              3.86          4.21             N/A
Fund Composition (as of June 30, 2000)
Credit Quality                  Duration
Short Term        .8%           Less than 1 Year          5.33%
AAA             67.4%           1-3 Years                17.35%
AA               7.1%           3-5 Years                21.68%
A               14.9%           5-10 Years               27.62%
BBB              9.8%           Greater than 10 Years    28.02%
Below BB         0.0%
NR/NA            0.0%
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
     risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data are as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a General
     Bond Intermediate High Quality investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                     Inception: March 29, 1986

 Active Bond Fund (Formerly Sovereign Bond Fund)
 John Hancock Advisers, Inc.                                          James Ho

 During the quarter overall, the Fund gained 1.78%, compared to the Lehman
Aggregate index at 1.74%. Year-to-date the Fund's return of 3.36%
underperformed the index return of 3.98%. Underperformance can primarily be
attributed to spreads widening across most sectors of the bond market through
 At quarter-end, the portfolio held a 17.8% position in Treasuries versus the
index weighting of 39.5%, and a 32.1% in corporate bonds versus 19.9% held by
the index. Given the strong relative performance of Treasuries during the
quarter, our underweight position in this sector relative to the benchmark
detracted from performance results.
 The next FOMC meeting is scheduled for August 22. The Federal funds futures
rate suggests that investors anticipate a quarter-point rate increase. Bonds
currently offer good value and they should rally strongly when the Fed's
policy moves show more evidence of restraining inflation. We remain optimistic
that investment grade corporate bonds will provide excellent performance over
the next few months, as the Fed tightening cycle winds down. While the
emerging markets have had exceptionally good performance year-to-date, the
limited liquidity and the continued volatility presently keep us from
committing additional funds to this market sector.


                Active Bond Fund        Active Bond Benchmark (1)
6/30/90              10,000                      10,000
6/30/91              11,089                      11,022
6/30/92              12,607                      12,585
6/30/93              14,175                      14,240
6/30/94              14,109                      14,032
6/30/95              16,011                      15,823
6/28/96              16,804                      16,560
6/30/97              18,399                      17,843
6/30/98              20,383                      19,857
6/30/99              20,852                      20,392
6/30/00              21,666                      21,291

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                % of         six months ago
                                             Investments    % of Investments
Government National Mortgage Assoc.             21.6%             22.1%
U.S. Treasury                                   13.1%             18.4%
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.                10.6%             10.4%
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.        1.2%              1.4%
Peco Energy Transition Trust                     1.2%              0.3%
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.                 1.1%              1.3%
Hydro-Quebec                                     1.0%              1.1%
UCFC Home Equity Loan                            0.9%              1.5%
Amresco Residential Securities                   0.9%              1.0%
Morgan Stanley Capital                           0.9%              N/A

Average Annual Total Returns*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Active Bond       Active Bond    MorningStar
                                      Fund          Benchmark (1)   Peer Group+
 YTD**                                3.36%            3.98%           2.81%
 1 Year                               3.91             4.41            3.58
 3 Years                              5.60             6.07            5.05
 5 Years                              6.24             6.12            5.88
10 Years                              7.83             7.85            7.60

Fund Composition (as of June 30, 2000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credit Quality                 Duration
Short Term       4.00%         Less than 1 Year          4.00%
AAA             42.60%         1-3 Years                11.70%
AA               6.70%         3-5 Years                17.30%
A               12.70%         5-10 Years               36.50%
BBB             14.40%         Greater than 10 Years    30.50%
BB               9.70%
B                8.20%
Below B           .10%
NR/NA            1.60%
(1)  The Active Bond Benchmark represents the Lehman Brothers
     Government/Corporate Bond Index from April 1986 to September 1999 and
     Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index from October 1999 to present.
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000, returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions, and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having an
     Intermediate Term Bond investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                      Inception: June 30, 2000

 Core Bond Fund
 Federated Investment Management Company       Balestrino/Ellenberger/Durbiano

 The Fund commenced investment operations on June 30, 2000, and seven Treasury
securities were purchased to match yield curve exposure of the benchmark
(Lehman Aggregate Bond Index) . The duration position was slightly longer than
the benchmark at quarter's end. Looking ahead, transactions will focus on
adding spread product such as agencies, corporates, mortgage-backed and asset-
backed securities to more clearly reflect both the focus of the portfolio as a
core bond portfolio and the portfolio's comparison to the benchmark. We expect
to transition to a portfolio overweighted in spread product and slightly
longer in duration compared to the benchmark. Our yield curve stance for now
will remain roughly laddered.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 Global Bond Fund
 J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc.                          David Gibbon

 The Global Bond Fund returned 1.21% for the quarter ending June 30, 2000
versus the J.P. Morgan GBI Hedged Index return of 1.72%.
 Although the long duration position of the fund within the U.S. and Europe
were positives contributors to the fund's performance during the first half of
the year, it dragged down performance during the second half. Later in the
year returns to our curve flattening positions were mixed; European curves
flattened sharply on repricing of monetary policy expectations, while Japanese
rates were stable but the curve remained steep. In addition, the fund's
underexposure to Japan caused us to miss some positive carry in that market.
 Yield spreads on non-government sectors widened in the second half, causing
these securities to underperform similar-maturity governments. Heavy supply
imbalances and credit concerns in all markets drove this underperformance. The
fund's non-government bonds were reduced throughout the first half of the
year, but detracted from total excess returns.
 Marked weakening in non-Japan Asian industrial activity and deteriorating US
industrial confidence underpin our continued bullish outlook for government
bonds. We also expect the current spate of strong European indicators to give
way to moderation in the second half, falling from their peak. As global
industrial activity dampens, we expect the marked deterioration in inflation
expectations to reverse and support lower government yields. We anticipate
modest further tightening in Europe and the US, together with an end to the
zero-rate policy in Japan, in coming months, but regard the end to the global
policy tightening cycle to be close.
                   Global Bond Fund      Global Bond Benchmark (1)
    5/1/96              10,000                     10,000
   5/31/96               9,983                     10,002
   6/30/96              10,068                     10,123
   7/31/96              10,103                     10,163
   8/30/96              10,112                     10,184
   9/30/96              10,297                     10,371
  10/31/96              10,490                     10,587
  11/29/96              10,674                     10,775
  12/31/96              10,671                     10,704
   1/31/97              10,723                     10,763
   2/28/97              10,755                     10,801
   3/31/97              10,634                     10,697
   4/30/97              10,761                     10,847
   5/30/97              10,871                     10,938
   6/30/97              11,021                     11,082
   7/31/97              11,262                     11,351
   8/29/97              11,194                     11,281
   9/30/97              11,396                     11,456
  10/31/97              11,459                     11,599
  11/28/97              11,518                     11,661
  12/31/97              11,637                     11,787
   1/30/98              11,774                     11,939
   2/27/98              11,795                     11,958
   3/31/98              11,844                     12,015
   4/30/98              11,899                     12,078
   5/29/98              12,012                     12,206
   6/30/98              12,101                     12,296
   7/31/98              12,133                     12,344
   8/31/98              12,315                     12,556
   9/30/98              12,624                     12,852
  10/30/98              12,538                     12,796
  11/30/98              12,639                     12,886
  12/31/98              12,702                     12,910
   1/29/99              12,811                     13,019
   2/26/99              12,564                     12,826
   3/31/99              12,667                     12,917
   4/30/99              12,704                     12,990
   5/28/99              12,577                     12,912
   6/30/99              12,446                     12,766
   7/30/99              12,562                     12,739
   8/31/99              12,512                     12,753
   9/30/99              12,435                     12,818
  10/29/99              12,430                     12,844
  11/30/99              12,454                     12,887
  12/31/99              12,428                     12,889
   1/31/00              12,395                     12,899
   2/29/00              12,496                     13,029
   3/31/00              12,673                     13,245
   4/28/00              12,670                     13,279
   5/31/00              12,739                     13,357
   6/30/00              12,827                     13,474

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
                                                % of         six months ago
                                             investments    % of investments
U.S. Treasury                                   14.9%              N/A
Government of Japan                              4.9%              5.4%
Government of France                             3.8%              6.4%
Republic of Italy                                2.9%              1.8%
Government of Canada                             2.5%              4.7%
CADES                                            2.1%              N/A
Government of Spain                              1.8%              2.3%
Kingdom of Denmark                               1.5%              2.8%
DePfa Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG                 1.2%              1.8%
Treuhandanstalt                                  1.2%              2.0%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                   Global Bond    Global Bond    MorningStar
                                      Fund       Benchmark (1)   Peer Group+
YTD**                                 3.21%         4.54%           2.84%
1 Year                                3.06          5.55            3.14
3 Years                               5.19          6.73            4.83
Since Inception (5/1/96)              6.16          7.42            N/A
Fund Composition (as of June 30, 2000)
Credit Quality                    Duration
Short Term         7.83%          Less than 1 Year            7.83%
AAA               40.31%          1-3 Years                      0%
AA                    0%          3-5 Years                  13.40%
A                     0%          5-10 Years                 25.60%
BBB                   0%          Greater than 10 Years      14.89%
BB                    0%
B                     0%
Below B               0%
Foreign Currency  51.86%
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. There are special risks associated with
     international investing including currency fluctuations, political and
     economic instability, foreign taxation and different accounting standards,
     as outlined in the current prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level changes (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
(1)  Global Bond Benchmark: 75% Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond and 25% J.P.
     Morgan Non-US Government Bond Index, Hedged, from May 1996 to April 1999
     and the J.P. Morgan Global Bond Index (Hedged) thereafter.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a General Bond
     Intermediate High Quality investment style and an International Bond
     investment style. The peer group represents a 35% weighting of the General
     Bond intermediate High Quality style and a 65% weighting of the
     International Bond style. Prior to May 1999 (concurrent with the Fund's
     strategy change), the peer group represents a 75% weighting of the General
     Bond Intermediate High Quality style and a 25% weighting of the
     International Bond style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1998

 High Yield Bond Fund
 Wellington Management Company, LLP                      Crawford/Smith/McEvoy

 During the quarter, the Fund gained 1.32% compared to a 1.2% return of the
Lehman High Yield Index. Since inception, on April 30, 1998, the return on the
Fund has been .03%, compared to the -0.3% return of the Lehman HY Index.
 In the first quarter of 2000, the US high yield market, as measured by the
Lehman HY Index, had a return of 1.2%. This performance lagged the 1.7% return
of investment grade bonds, as measured by the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Index.
This underperformance of the high yield market versus higher quality bonds came
from the widening of the spread of high yield versus the 10-year treasury from
648 basis points on March 31st to 661 basis points on June 30, 2000. This
spread widening was significantly less than 137 basis points of widening that
occurred in the first quarter. Within high yield, lower quality ("B-rated")
bonds continued to lag higher quality bonds ("BB-rated") in the second quarter.
 The high yield market started to benefit in June from lower volatility in the
financial markets. Given the very attractive yield, a higher tolerance for
risk, and the belief that the Fed may be near the end of its tightening policy,
retail investors poured money back into high yield mutual funds.
 During the quarter, we continued to adhere to our long-running preference for
issuers that have recurring revenue from repeat customers. To that end,
telecommunications, media/entertainment, and cable continue to be the three
largest industry weightings in the Fund.

               High-Yield Bond Fund     L/B High Yield Bond Index
    5/1/98            10,000                      10,000
   5/31/98             9,987                      10,035
   6/30/98            10,028                      10,071
   7/31/98            10,075                      10,129
   8/31/98             9,309                       9,569
   9/30/98             9,280                       9,613
  10/31/98             9,120                       9,415
  11/30/98             9,802                       9,806
  12/31/98             9,702                       9,817
   1/31/99             9,819                       9,962
   2/28/99             9,884                       9,903
   3/31/99            10,062                       9,998
   4/30/99            10,214                      10,192
   5/31/99             9,992                      10,054
   6/30/99             9,989                      10,033
   7/31/99             9,993                      10,073
   8/31/99             9,925                       9,961
   9/30/99             9,874                       9,889
  10/31/99             9,806                       9,824
  11/30/99            10,090                       9,940
  12/17/99            10,200                      10,051
   1/31/00            10,132                      10,008
   2/29/00            10,123                      10,027
   3/31/00             9,876                       9,817
   4/30/00             9,945                       9,832
   5/31/00             9,777                       9,731
   6/30/00            10,007                       9,930

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
                                                % of         six months ago
                                             investments    % of investments
Nextel Communications, Inc.                      2.3%             2.2%
Lyondell Chemical Co.                            2.1%             1.5%
Federal-Mogul Corp.                              2.1%             N/A
EchoStar DBS Corp.                               2.0%             1.7%
Charter Communications Holdings, LLC             2.0%             1.3%
NTL Communications Corp.                         1.6%             1.5%
McLeodUSA, Inc.                                  1.6%             0.9%
Lin Holdings Corp.                               1.6%             1.5%
GCI, Inc.                                        1.4%             1.8%
PSINET, Inc.                                     1.4%             1.3%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                   High-Yield   L/B High-Yield   MorningStar
                                    Bond Fund     Bond Index     Peer Group+
YTD**                                -1.89%         -1.21%         -1.16%
1 Year                                0.17          -1.03          -0.50
Since Inception (5/1/98)              0.03          -0.33           N/A
Fund Composition (as of June 30, 2000)
Credit Quality                 Duration
                 3.30%         Less than 1 Year          3.30%
AAA                 0%         1-3 Years                  .50%
AA                  0%         3-5 Years                 7.60%
A                   0%         5-10 Years               86.10%
BBB               .70%         Greater than 10 Years     2.50%
BB              21.80%
B               69.40%
Below B          4.00%
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
     risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a High Yield
     investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                    Inception: March 29, 1986

 Managed Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                   J. Forelli/J. Leu

 Your balanced fund returned -0.57% during the second quarter of 2000,
exceeding the -0.91% return of the benchmark (60% S&P 500, 40% Lehman Brothers
Aggregate). Asset Allocation remained at an approximate 60% Equity/40% Fixed
Income mix throughout the quarter.
 The equity portion of the fund returned -1.88% in the second quarter of 2000,
well ahead of the S&P 500 index return of -2.66%. Since the broadening of the
equity market began in March, the equity portion has outperformed its benchmark
by over 2.5%. Investments in health care, beverages and financials did well
while previous winners in telecom, retail and computer software were weak.
 The domestic fixed income portion of your fund underperformed the Lehman
Aggregate Index during the quarter due to its underweight in U.S. Treasury
securities and overweight in long maturity corporate bonds relative to the
benchmark. Finance and lower-rated corporates bonds underperformed. Your bond
fund's international bond exposure was maintained at 17% during the quarter.
The exposure to international bonds had a slight negative impact on your fund's
 It is clear that after six interest rate hikes, U.S. economic growth will
moderate. With higher than expected initial jobless claims, weakening retails
sales and slowing housing starts, consumer confidence is beginning to erode,
albeit from a high level. Although we believe that the Fed will be successful
in its attempt to achieve a soft landing, we expect the stock and bond markets
to remain volatile as investors struggle to assess the outcome. Stock and bond
selection will be especially important during this period of uncertainty. With
our stock and bond selection skill, valuation discipline and emphasis on
diversification, we are extremely well positioned to add value in this
                 Managed Fund         Managed Benchmark (1)
  6/29/90           10,000                   10,000
  6/28/91           11,074                   10,910
  6/30/92           12,627                   12,434
  6/30/93           14,211                   14,109
  6/30/94           14,371                   14,103
  6/30/95           16,711                   16,826
  6/28/96           19,226                   19,343
  6/30/97           22,369                   23,350
  6/30/98           27,575                   28,486
  6/30/99           31,052                   32,815
  6/30/00           32,425                   34,924

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
                                                % of         six months ago
                                             investments    % of investments
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.                9.5%             10.3%
U.S. Treasury                                   4.1%              2.9%
Government National Mortgage Assoc.             3.0%              3.2%
Pfizer, Inc.                                    2.7%              0.5%
General Electric Co.                            2.3%              2.9%
Cisco Systems, Inc.                             2.0%              2.4%
Intel Corp.                                     2.0%              1.6%
Microsoft Corp.                                 1.8%              3.2%
Citigroup, Inc.                                 1.6%              2.1%
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.                           1.3%              1.4%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                     Managed      Managed      MorningStar
                                      Fund     Benchmark (1)   Peer Group+
 YTD**                                1.21%        1.45%          1.71%
 1 Year                               4.42         6.43           5.76
 3 Years                             13.17        14.36          10.97
 5 Years                             14.18        15.73          13.50
10 Years                             12.48        13.32          12.01
Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)
                        % of                                 % of
                     investments                          investments

Governmental            21.3%       Utility                  3.8%
Technology              19.1%       Retail                   3.7%
Financial               16.6%       Consumer Cyclical        3.3%
Health Care              8.5%       Energy                   2.8%
Capital Equipment        7.0%       Consumer Staple          1.6%
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. The performance of the fund on this page
     is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management fees and
     operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of the
     applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary to a
     considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
(1)  The Managed Benchmark represents 50% S&P 500/50% Lehman Brothers
     Government/Corporate Bond from April 1986 to December 1997 then 60% S&P
     500/40% Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond from 1998 to April 1998
     and now 60% S&P 500/40% Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond from May 1998 to
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Domestic
     Hybrid investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                 Inception: August 31, 1999

 Aggressive Balanced Fund
 Independence Investment Associates, Inc.                 J. Forelli/J. Leu

 Your balanced fund returned -0.86% during the second quarter of 2000,
exceeding the -1.56% return of the benchmark (75% S&P 500, 25% Lehman Brothers
Aggregate). Asset Allocation remained at an approximate 75% Equity/25% Fixed
Income mix throughout the quarter.
 The equity portion of the fund returned -1.53% in the second quarter of 2000,
well ahead of the S&P 500 index return of -2.66%. Since the broadening of the
equity market began in March, the equity portion has outperformed its benchmark
by almost 3%. Investments in health care, energy and insurance did well while
previous winners in telecom, chemicals and computer software were weak.
 The domestic fixed income portion of your fund underperformed the Lehman
Aggregate Index during the quarter due to its underweight in U.S. Treasury
securities and overweight in long maturity corporate bonds relative to the
benchmark. In June we witnessed a change in market sentiment as investors
anticipated the end of Fed rate increases and corporates and lower quality
bonds outperformed.
 It is clear that after six interest rate hikes, U.S. economic growth will
moderate. With higher than expected initial jobless claims, weakening retails
sales and slowing housing starts, consumer confidence is beginning to erode,
albeit from a high level. Although we believe that the Fed will be successful
in its attempt to achieve a soft landing, we expect the stock and bond markets
to remain volatile as investors struggle to assess the outcome. Stock and bond
selection will be especially important during this period of uncertainty. With
our stock and bond selection skill, valuation discipline and emphasis on
diversification, we are extremely well positioned to add value in this

               Aggressive Balanced Fund    Aggressive Balanced Benchmark (1)
   8/31/99              10,001                            10,000
   9/30/99               9,830                             9,823
  10/31/99              10,274                            10,298
  11/30/99              10,383                            10,455
  12/31/99              10,709                            10,905
   1/31/00              10,222                            10,485
   2/29/00              10,011                            10,367
   3/31/00              10,876                            11,162
   4/30/00              10,679                            10,902
   5/31/00              10,611                            10,733
   6/30/00              10,782                            10,988

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
                                                % of         six months ago
                                             investments    % of investments
U.S. Treasury                                    8.4%             5.3%
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.                 7.6%             7.2%
Pfizer, Inc.                                     3.4%             0.5%
General Electric Co.                             3.0%             2.1%
Cisco Systems, Inc.                              2.7%             2.4%
Citigroup, Inc.                                  2.5%             2.4%
Intel Corp.                                      2.5%             1.6%
Microsoft Corp.                                  2.2%             3.5%
Oracle Corp.                                     1.5%             0.8%
Exxon Mobil Corp.                                1.5%             0.8%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                                   Aggressive    Aggressive    MorningStar
                                    Balanced      Balanced        Peer
                                      Fund      Benchmark(1)     Group+
YTD**                                0.68%         0.76%         1.71%
Since Inception (8/31/99)            9.46         11.96          N/A
Top Ten Sectors (as of June 30, 2000)
                       % of                               % of
                    investments                        investments

Technology             24.5%        Retail                5.0%
Governmental           16.1%        Utility               4.2%
Financial              12.5%        Consumer Cyclical     4.1%
Health Care             9.7%        Energy                3.3%
Capital Equipment       7.8%        Basic Material        1.7%
(1)  The benchmark represents 75% S&P 500 and 25% Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. Small-company investing entails special
     risks as outlined in the prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for all variable annuity and life
     sub-accounts within the Morningstar variable universe having a Domestic
     Hybrid investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


                                                        Inception: May 1, 1996

 Global Balanced Fund (Formerly International Balanced Fund)
 Brinson Partners, Inc.                                        Management Team

 The Global Balanced Fund provided a -1.54% return for the second quarter,
which outperformed the benchmark return of -3.5%. Peer comparisons are not
available at this time.
 The Fund performed well versus the index, although absolute returns were
negative for the quarter. Market turbulence, particularly in equities,
continued in the 2nd quarter, as aggregate equity indices generally fell across
the board. The Fund was weighted in favor of bonds over equities; therefore the
weak equity returns added value relative to the passive index. In addition,
industry and stock selection were critical during the quarter. The "old
economy" value-oriented securities significantly outperformed the "new era"
sectors of telecommunication and technology. This was a major contributor to
the Fund, as the stock selection was very positive in most of the global
markets. In the U.S. market, for example, the predominance of value oriented
equity securities, added significant value over the benchmark, and returned
positive results relative to a negative index.
 Currency management during the quarter was also a positive contributor as the
portfolio was well positioned for the devaluation in the Japanese yen and the
U.K. pound.
 Looking forward, our assessment of the aggregate U.S. equity market is that it
appears very overvalued, but the distortion is exaggerated due to several
industries: technology, media and telecommunications. On the other hand, we
find value in the portfolio's overweights in materials, energy and healthcare.
From an asset class perspective, we continue to favor bonds over equities, as
corporate earnings on a global basis continue to come under tremendous pressure
to meet the bold expectations in the face of a slowing economy. In addition,
macroeconomic imbalances are also of concern, particularly the current account
deficit in America and the budget deficit in Japan.
              Global Balanced Fund      Global Balanced Composite Benchmark (1)
   5/1/96            10,000                               10,000
  6/30/96            10,055                                9,941
  6/30/97            11,433                               10,910
  6/30/98            11,915                               11,442
  6/30/99            12,412                               12,280
  6/30/00            12,991                               13,779

Top Ten Holdings (as of June 30, 2000)
                                                % of         six months ago
                                             investments    % of investments
U.S. Treasury                                   14.9%              N/A
Government of Japan                              4.9%              5.4%
Government of France                             3.8%              6.4%
Republic of Italy                                2.9%              1.8%
Government of Canada                             2.5%              4.7%
CADES                                            2.1%               N/A
Government of Spain                              1.8%              2.3%
Kingdom of Denmark                               1.5%              2.8%
DePfa Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG                 1.2%              1.8%
Treuhandanstalt                                  1.2%              2.0%

Average Annual Total Returns*
                           Global Balanced      Global Balanced      MorningStar
                                Fund        Composite Benchmark (1)  Peer Group+
YTD**                          -4.38%                -3.31%            -0.14%
1 Year                          4.66                 12.21              7.55
3 Years                         4.35                  8.09              7.34
Since Inception (5/1/96)        6.48                  8.00              N/A
Top Ten Countries (as of June 30, 2000)
                       % of                               % of
                    investments                        investments

Japan                  14.3%          Canada               3.3%
France                  8.6%          Australia            2.7%
United Kingdom          7.0%          Spain                2.7%
Germany                 4.4%          Netherlands          2.6%
Italy                   3.8%          Sweden               1.9%
*    Total returns are for the period ended June 30, 2000. Returns represent
     past performance, assume reinvestment of all distributions and are not
     indicative of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of
     fund shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
     or less than their original cost. There are special risks associated with
     international investing including currency fluctuations, political and
     economic instability, foreign taxation and different accounting standards,
     as outlined in the current prospectus. The performance of the fund on this
     page is reported net of Trust level charges (i.e. investment management
     fees and operating expenses). It does not reflect expense and charges of
     the applicable separate accounts and variable products, all of which vary
     to a considerable extent and are described in your product prospectus.
(1)  International Balanced Composite Index: 65% Morgan Stanley Capital
     International World Index Excluding US, and 35% Salomon Brothers Non-US
     Govt. Bond Index excluding US Taxes. There are special risks associated
     with international investing, including currency fluctuations, political
     and economic instability, foreign taxation and different accounting
     standards, as outlined in the current prospectus.
+    Source: MorningStar, Inc. Data as of 6/30/00. Although gathered from
     reliable sources, data completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
     Represents an average annual total return for the sub-accounts of all
     variable annuity and life products within the Morningstar variable universe
     having a 65% weighting of the World Stock, Large Cap style, a 12% weighting
     of the General Bond Intermediate style and a 23% weighting of the
     International Bond style. Prior to May 2000 (concurrent with the Fund's
     strategy change), the peer group represents the International Hybrid
     investment style.
**   Year-to-date total returns are not annualized.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                               Large    Fundamental                              Emerging
                                Cap       Mid Cap   Aggressive  Active    Core   Markets   International  International
                               Growth     Growth     Balanced    Bond     Bond    Equity   Equity Index  Opportunities II
                             ---------- ----------- ---------- --------  ------  --------  ------------- ----------------
Long Term Investments at
cost........................ $1,154,089   $22,174    $13,569   $776,879  $4,847  $46,720     $184,598        $23,392
Net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) of
investments.................    330,379     5,145        693    (11,759)     (6)     130       39,711          1,064
Short-Term Investments at
market......................     38,005     4,374      1,536     70,698            1,422        5,445          1,862
                             ----------   -------    -------   --------  ------  -------     --------        -------
 Total Investments..........  1,522,473    31,693     15,798    835,818   4,841   48,272      229,754         26,318
Cash........................                                      1,972     103      103                       1,587
Receivable for:
 Investments sold...........    117,860     1,372
 Fund shares sold...........                             453      5,304              307          423            494
 Interest...................          7         1         39     11,559      51
 Dividends..................        538         3         10                          58          417             44
 Futures contracts daily
 variation..................                                                                       36
 Foreign currency sold......
 Unrealized appreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 contracts..................                                                                                      14
 Other assets...............
                             ----------   -------    -------   --------  ------  -------     --------        -------
 TOTAL ASSETS...............  1,640,878    33,069     16,300    854,653   4,995   48,740      230,630         28,457
Payables for:
 Investments purchased......    145,872     1,230      1,547     32,843              239                       2,340
 Fund shares purchased......
 Foreign currency purchased.
 Future contracts daily
 Unrealized depreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 contracts..................                                                           3           31
 Other liabilities..........        121        10          9        187               26          186             15
                             ----------   -------    -------   --------  ------  -------     --------        -------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES..........    145,993     1,240      1,556     33,030              268          217          2,355
                             ----------   -------    -------   --------  ------  -------     --------        -------
NET ASSETS.................. $1,494,885   $31,829    $14,744   $821,623  $4,995  $48,472     $230,413        $26,102
                             ==========   =======    =======   ========  ======  =======     ========        =======
Shares of beneficial
interest outstanding........     51,798     1,872      1,392     89,883     500    4,245       12,459          2,174
                             ----------   -------    -------   --------  ------  -------     --------        -------
Net asset value per share... $    28.86   $ 17.00    $ 10.59   $   9.14  $ 9.99  $ 11.42     $  18.49        $ 12.00
                             ==========   =======    =======   ========  ======  =======     ========        =======
Composition of net assets:
 Capital Paid in............  1,009,610    26,239     14,073    869,091   5,000   44,915      188,849         22,556
 Accumulated net realized
 gain (loss) on investments.    154,896       489        (22)   (40,869)           3,494        1,992          2,453
 Undistributed (distribution
 in excess of) net
 investment income..........                  (44)                5,160       1      (64)         (29)            15
 Net unrealized
 Investments................    330,379     5,145        693    (11,759)     (6)     130       39,711          1,064
 Foreign currency
 translation................                                                          (3)         (31)            14
 Futures contracts..........                                                                      (79)
                             ----------   -------    -------   --------  ------  -------     --------        -------
Net Assets.................. $1,494,885   $31,829    $14,744   $821,623  $4,995  $48,472     $230,413        $26,102
                             ==========   =======    =======   ========  ======  =======     ========        =======

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             International Small Cap   Global   Mid Cap   Mid Cap Large Cap  Large Cap  American Leaders
                                Equity      Growth    Balanced   Growth    Blend    Value    Value CORE Large Cap Value
                             ------------- ---------  --------  --------  ------- ---------  ---------- ----------------
Long Term Investments at
cost........................    $12,975    $238,508   $29,017   $473,175  $8,955  $156,822    $ 9,868
Net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) of
investments.................        981      45,192       155     52,732     745    (5,267)      (393)
Short-Term Investments at
market......................      1,200       7,215       894     25,391     250     6,255        600        $4,930
                                -------    --------   -------   --------  ------  --------    -------        ------
 Total Investments..........     15,156     290,915    30,066    551,298   9,950   157,810     10,075         4,930
Cash........................        298           1       294         29      15       185        176            71
Receivable for:
 Investments sold...........                  2,252               45,364      89       900         56
 Fund shares sold...........        202                    78
 Interest...................                      1       223
 Dividends..................         25                    43                  8       332         15
 Futures contracts daily
 variation..................                                                                        5
 Foreign currency sold......
 Unrealized appreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 contracts..................          3                   101                            2
 Other assets...............
                                -------    --------   -------   --------  ------  --------    -------        ------
 TOTAL ASSETS...............     15,684     293,169   $30,805    596,691  10,062   159,229     10,327         5,001
Payables for:
 Investments purchased......      1,535       2,235       272     28,822     309       285
 Fund shares purchased......
 Foreign currency purchased.
 Future contracts daily
 Unrealized depreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 Other liabilities..........          9           2        19         81       5        57          6
                                -------    --------   -------   --------  ------  --------    -------        ------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES..........      1,544       2,237       291     28,903     314       342          6
                                -------    --------   -------   --------  ------  --------    -------        ------
NET ASSETS..................    $14,140    $290,932   $30,514   $567,788  $9,748  $158,887    $10,321        $5,001
                                =======    ========   =======   ========  ======  ========    =======        ======
Shares of beneficial
interest outstanding........      1,215      14,427     3,023     20,266     807    12,192      1,070           500
                                -------    --------   -------   --------  ------  --------    -------        ------
Net asset value per share...    $ 11.64    $  20.17   $ 10.09   $  28.02  $12.08  $  13.03    $  9.64        $10.00
                                =======    ========   =======   ========  ======  ========    =======        ======
Composition of net assets:
 Capital Paid in............     12,513     232,945    30,429    434,538   8,529   160,372     10,676         5,000
 Accumulated net realized
 gain (loss) on investments.        617      13,441        70     81,808     474     3,747         45
 Undistributed (distribution
 in excess of) net
 investment income..........         26        (646)     (241)    (1,290)               35                        1
 Net unrealized
 Investments................        981      45,192       155     52,732     745    (5,267)      (393)
 Foreign currency
 translation................          3                   101
 Futures contracts..........                                                                       (7)
                                -------    --------   -------   --------  ------  --------    -------        ------
Net Assets..................    $14,140    $290,932   $30,514   $567,788  $9,748  $158,887    $10,321        $5,001
                                =======    ========   =======   ========  ======  ========    =======        ======

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             Large/Mid  Money   Mid Cap  Small/Mid   Bond        Large Cap     Small/Mid Small/Mid
                             Cap Value  Market   Value   Cap Growth  Index   Aggressive Growth Cap CORE  Cap Value
                             --------- -------- -------  ---------- -------  ----------------- --------- ---------
Long Term Investments at
cost........................  $8,258            $90,206   $162,267  $46,923       $22,281       $14,900   $ 9,633
Net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) of
investments.................     (78)             5,736     16,477   (1,649)        2,422         1,477       377
Short-Term Investments at
market......................     455   $416,264   1,715      7,413    1,185           342                     454
                              ------   -------- -------   --------  -------       -------       -------   -------
 Total Investments..........   8,635    416,264  97,657    186,157   46,459        25,045        16,377    10,464
Cash........................                  1     146                                             137
Receivable for:
 Investments sold...........     249              1,257                                91
 Fund shares sold...........                                 9,119                                            208
 Interest...................              1,617                  2      792
 Dividends..................      12                105         30                      4            15        11
 Futures contracts daily
 Foreign currency sold......
 Unrealized appreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 Other assets...............
                              ------   -------- -------   --------  -------       -------       -------   -------
 TOTAL ASSETS...............   8,896    417,882  99,165   $195,308   47,251        25,140        16,529    10,683
Payables for:
 Investments purchased......     430              2,316      8,748       99           201                     439
 Fund shares purchased......
 Foreign currency purchased.
 Future contracts daily
 Unrealized depreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 Other liabilities..........       5        133      36        413       30            12             7         5
                              ------   -------- -------   --------  -------       -------       -------   -------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES..........     435        133   2,352      9,161      129           213             7       444
                              ------   -------- -------   --------  -------       -------       -------   -------
NET ASSETS..................  $8,461   $417,749 $96,813   $186,147  $47,122       $24,927       $16,522   $10,239
                              ======   ======== =======   ========  =======       =======       =======   =======
Shares of beneficial
interest outstanding........     837     41,774   7,183     12,218    5,040         2,043         1,606       856
                              ------   -------- -------   --------  -------       -------       -------   -------
Net asset value per share...  $10.11   $  10.00 $ 13.48   $  15.24  $  9.35       $ 12.20       $ 10.29   $ 11.97
                              ======   ======== =======   ========  =======       =======       =======   =======
Composition of net assets:
 Capital Paid in............   8,453    417,749  98,166    166,095   49,343        22,163        15,351     8,936
 Accumulated net realized
 gain (loss) on investments.      84             (7,085)     3,751     (578)          385          (307)      921
 Undistributed (distribution
 in excess of) net
 investment income..........       2                 (4)      (176)       6           (43)            1         5
 Net unrealized
 Investments................     (78)             5,736     16,477   (1,649)        2,422         1,477       377
 Foreign currency
 Futures contracts..........
                              ------   -------- -------   --------  -------       -------       -------   -------
Net Assets..................  $8,461   $417,749 $96,813   $186,147  $47,122       $24,927       $16,522   $10,239
                              ======   ======== =======   ========  =======       =======       =======   =======

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                               Real                           Short-    Small                            High
                              Estate    Growth &               Term      Cap    International  Equity    Yield   Global
                              Equity     Income    Managed     Bond     Value   Opportunities  Index     Bond     Bond
                             --------  ---------- ----------  -------  -------  ------------- --------  -------  -------
Long Term Investments at
cost........................ $129,027  $3,183,516 $2,810,271  $69,580  $71,814    $ 83,210    $421,836  $25,506  $60,195
Net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) of
investments.................   11,195     753,365    381,124   (1,144)  (1,681)     15,128      84,206   (1,719)  (1,510)
Short-Term Investments at
market......................    3,369      56,430    376,055    5,035    1,737       3,349         934    1,526    5,245
                             --------  ---------- ----------  -------  -------    --------    --------  -------  -------
 Total Investments..........  143,591   3,993,311  3,567,450   73,471   71,870     101,687     506,976   25,313   63,930
Cash........................                           7,126                           649          68               499
Receivable for:
 Investments sold...........
 Fund shares sold...........                         107,134                           141         261      112
 Securities lending
 Interest...................                   11     13,877    1,145                                       610      833
 Dividends..................       44       3,325      1,584                99         154         457
 Futures contracts daily
 variation..................                              36                                       106
 Foreign currency sold......
 Unrealized appreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 Other assets...............
                             --------  ---------- ----------  -------  -------    --------    --------  -------  -------
 TOTAL ASSETS...............  143,635   3,996,647  3,697,207   74,616   71,969     102,631     507,868   26,035   65,262
Payables for:
 Investments purchased......                         469,797      751                  123       1,216      713
 Fund shares purchased......
 Foreign currency purchased.
 Future contracts daily
 variation..................                                                                                          37
 Unrealized depreciation in
 forward foreign currency
 contracts..................                           7,961                             2                         1,441
 Other liabilities..........       63         389        277       58       16          64         226       20       20
                             --------  ---------- ----------  -------  -------    --------    --------  -------  -------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES..........       63         389    478,035      809       16         189       1,442      733    1,498
                             --------  ---------- ----------  -------  -------    --------    --------  -------  -------
NET ASSETS.................. $143,572  $3,996,258 $3,219,172  $73,807  $71,953    $102,442    $506,426  $25,302  $63,764
                             ========  ========== ==========  =======  =======    ========    ========  =======  =======
Shares of beneficial
interest outstanding........   11,324     201,605    209,089    7,608    6,571       7,048      25,019    2,995    6,396
                             --------  ---------- ----------  -------  -------    --------    --------  -------  -------
Net asset value per share... $  12.68  $    19.82 $    15.40  $  9.70  $ 10.95    $  14.53    $  20.24  $  8.45  $  9.97
                             ========  ========== ==========  =======  =======    ========    ========  =======  =======
Composition of net assets:
 Capital Paid in............  139,010   2,809,455  2,664,588   76,781   76,714      85,224     418,053   27,622   65,657
 Accumulated net realized
 gain (loss) on investments.   (7,512)    431,954    170,864   (1,918)  (3,031)      2,111       3,338     (604)     170
 (distributions in excess
 of) net investment income..      879       1,484     10,269       88      (49)        (18)      1,119        3      966
 Net unrealized
 Investments................   11,195     753,365    381,124   (1,144)  (1,681)     15,128      84,206   (1,719)  (1,510)
 Foreign currency
 translation................                          (7,961)                           (3)                       (1,441)
 Futures contracts..........                             288                                      (290)              (78)
                             --------  ---------- ----------  -------  -------    --------    --------  -------  -------
Net Assets.................. $143,572  $3,996,258 $3,219,172  $73,807  $71,953    $102,442    $506,426  $25,302  $63,764
                             ========  ========== ==========  =======  =======    ========    ========  =======  =======

See notes to financial statements.


For the period ended June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             Large Cap  Fundmental Mid Aggressive  Active    Core Bond      Emerging    International
                              Growth      Cap Growth    Balanced    Bond    Portfolio(*) Markets Equity Equity Index
                             ---------  -------------- ---------- --------  ------------ -------------- -------------
 Interest........            $    516       $   30        $107    $ 30,458      $ 1         $    75       $    187
 Dividends (Note
 B)..............               3,728            8          60                                  194          2,011
 lending.........                  70                                  117                                      77
                             --------       ------        ----    --------      ---         -------       --------
                                4,314           38         167      30,575        1             269          2,275
 advisory fee
 (Note C)........               2,475           73          43       1,026                      277            184
 Auditors fees...                  31            1           1          18                        2              8
 Custodian fees..                 118            9          14         116                      267            165
 Fidelity bond
 Legal fees......                   7                                    4                                       2
 Printing &
 mailing fees....                 137            1           1         144                        3             42
 Trustees fees...                   6                                    4                                       2
 Other fees......                   3                                    2                                       3
                             --------       ------        ----    --------      ---         -------       --------
                                2,777           84          59       1,314                      549            406
 Less expenses
 (Note C)........                                2           9                                  249            105
                             --------       ------        ----    --------      ---         -------       --------
                                2,777           82          50       1,314                      300            301
                             --------       ------        ----    --------      ---         -------       --------
Net Investment
Income/(Loss)....               1,537          (44)        117      29,261        1             (31)         1,974
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....             118,236          230         (56)    (14,036)                   3,706          2,495
 Increase in
 Investments.....             (40,230)       2,966          78      12,079       (6)         (8,156)       (16,153)
 translation.....                                                                               145             (8)
 Futures.........                                                     (177)                                   (468)
                             --------       ------        ----    --------      ---         -------       --------
 Net realized and
 gain/(loss) on
 investments.....              78,006        3,196          22      (2,134)      (6)         (4,305)       (14,134)
                             --------       ------        ----    --------      ---         -------       --------
 in net assets
 resulting from
 operations......            $ 79,543       $3,152        $139    $ 27,127      $(5)        $(4,336)      $(12,160)
                             ========       ======        ====    ========      ===         =======       ========

                             Opportunities II
 Interest........                $    45
 Dividends (Note
 B)..............                    392
 advisory fee
 (Note C)........                    109
 Auditors fees...                      1
 Custodian fees..                     33
 Fidelity bond
 Legal fees......
 Printing &
 mailing fees....                      1
 Trustees fees...
 Other fees......
 Less expenses
 (Note C)........                     23
Net Investment
Income/(Loss)....                    316
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                  2,798
 Increase in
 Investments.....                 (3,120)
 translation.....                     14
 Net realized and
 gain/(loss) on
 investments.....                   (308)
 in net assets
 resulting from
 operations......                $     8

(*) Commenced investment operations on June 30, 2000.
See notes to financial statements.


For the period ended June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             International Small Cap   Global    Mid Cap   Mid Cap Large Cap Large Cap  American Leaders
                                Equity      Growth    Balanced   Growth     Blend    Value   Value CORE  Large Cap (*)
                             ------------- ---------  --------  ---------  ------- --------- ---------- ----------------
 Interest...................     $  21     $    138   $   374   $     668   $  7    $   177    $  12          $ 1
 Dividends (Note B).........       107           40       168          71     37      2,136      109
 Securities lending.........                    194                   281                19
                                 -----     --------   -------   ---------   ----    -------    -----          ---
                                   128          372       542       1,020     44      2,332      121            1
 Investment advisory fee
 (Note C)...................        65          947       126       2,216     27        567       30
 Auditors fees..............                      6         1          17                10
 Custodian fees.............        31           53        39          61     11         58       20
 Fidelity bond fees.........
 Legal fees.................                      2                     4                 2
 Printing & mailing fees....         1            8        13           6     12                  12
 Trustees fees..............                      1                     4                 2
 Other fees.................                      1                     2                 1
                                 -----     --------   -------   ---------   ----    -------    -----          ---
                                    97        1,018       179       2,310     50        640       62
 Less expenses reimbursed
 (Note C)...................        25                     38                 19                  28
                                 -----     --------   -------   ---------   ----    -------    -----          ---
                                    72        1,018       141       2,310     31        640       34
                                 -----     --------   -------   ---------   ----    -------    -----          ---
Net Investment
Income/(Loss)...............        56         (646)      401      (1,290)    13      1,692       87            1
 Net realized gain on sales
 of investments.............       607       14,370       219      73,569    410      3,869       54
 Increase in unrealized
 Investments................      (972)     (13,491)   (2,117)   (117,620)   439     (9,376)    (462)
 Foreign currency
 translation................         3                    169                                    (15)
 Futures....................       (20)
                                 -----     --------   -------   ---------   ----    -------    -----          ---
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain/(loss) on investments.      (382)         879    (1,729)    (44,051)   849     (5,507)    (423)
                                 -----     --------   -------   ---------   ----    -------    -----          ---
 Net increase/(decrease) in
 net assets resulting from
 operations.................     $(326)    $    233   $(1,328)  $ (45,341)  $862    $(3,815)   $(336)         $ 1
                                 =====     ========   =======   =========   ====    =======    =====          ===

(*) Commenced investment operations on June 30, 2000.
See notes to financial statements.


For the period ended June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             Large/Mid Cap  Money  Mid Cap Small/Mid   Bond       Large Cap     Small/Mid Cap Small/Mid Cap
                                 Value     Market   Value  Cap Growth Index   Aggressive Growth     CORE          Value
                             ------------- ------- ------- ---------- ------  ----------------- ------------- -------------
 Interest..................      $   6     $12,570 $  104   $   198   $1,484        $ 16            $  21        $    6
 Dividends (Note B)........         68                497       335                   41               66            37
 Securities lending........                            22        43
                                 -----     ------- ------   -------   ------        ----            -----        ------
                                    74      12,570    623       576    1,484          57               87            43
 Investment advisory fee
 (Note C)..................         34         510    371       664       31          90               53            34
 Auditors fees.............                     21      3         6        2           1
 Custodian fees............         13          56     22        39       24          13               42            16
 Fidelity bond fees........
 Legal fees................                      5      1         1
 Printing & mailing fees...          1          20     20        57       31           2                1             1
 Trustees fees.............                      4                1
 Other fees................                      1                1
                                 -----     ------- ------   -------   ------        ----            -----        ------
                                    48         617    417       769       88         106               96            51
 Less expenses reimbursed
 (Note C)..................         11                           17       36           6               36            13
                                 -----     ------- ------   -------   ------        ----            -----        ------
                                    37         617    417       752       52         100               60            38
                                 -----     ------- ------   -------   ------        ----            -----        ------
Net Investment
Income/(Loss)..............         37      11,953    206      (176)   1,432         (43)              27             5
 Net realized gain/(loss)
 on sales of investments...         88              4,175     4,031     (387)        360             (272)          918
 Increase in unrealized
 Investments...............       (298)               730    10,711      618         302              635           297
 Foreign currency
 Futures...................                                                                            (7)
                                 -----     ------- ------   -------   ------        ----            -----        ------
 Net realized and
 unrealized gain/(loss) on
 investments...............       (210)             4,905    14,742      231         662              356         1,215
                                 -----     ------- ------   -------   ------        ----            -----        ------
 Net increase/(decrease) in
 net assets resulting from
 operations................      $(173)    $11,953 $5,111   $14,566   $1,663        $619            $ 383        $1,220
                                 =====     ======= ======   =======   ======        ====            =====        ======

See notes to financial statements.


For the period ended June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                             Real Estate Growth &              Short-Term Small Cap International Equity   High Yield Global
                               Equity     Income     Managed      Bond      Value   Opportunities  Index      Bond     Bond
                             ----------- ---------  ---------  ---------- --------- ------------- -------  ---------- -------
 Interest............          $    80   $   1,595  $  41,712    $2,351     $ 43       $   157    $    26   $   982   $ 1,826
 Dividends (Note B)..            3,228      23,833     11,766                794           690      3,047         3
 Securities lending..                          170        275         2                     22                             14
                               -------   ---------  ---------    ------     ----       -------    -------   -------   -------
                                 3,308      25,598     53,753     2,353      837           869      3,073       985     1,840
 Investment advisory
 fee (Note C)........              388       4,969      5,229       105      275           397        315        70       227
 Auditors fees.......                9         115         79         1        2             3         27         1         2
 Custodian fees......               38         404        338         5       27           105        134        24        29
 Fidelity bond fees..                            2          1
 Legal fees..........                2          26         18                  1             1          6
 Printing & mailing
 fees................               14         341        351        29        8            15         55        15         4
 Trustees fees.......                1          23         15                  1             1          5
 Other fees..........                           10          7                                           8
                               -------   ---------  ---------    ------     ----       -------    -------   -------   -------
                                   452       5,890      6,038       140      314           522        550       110       262
 Less expenses
 reimbursed (Note
 C)..................                                                          4            78                   29         4
                               -------   ---------  ---------    ------     ----       -------    -------   -------   -------
                                   452       5,890      6,038       140      310           444        550        81       258
                               -------   ---------  ---------    ------     ----       -------    -------   -------   -------
Net Investment
Income...............            2,856      19,708     47,715     2,213      527           425      2,523       904     1,582
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on sales
 of investments......           (2,036)    359,891    128,528      (358)     605         2,219      4,203      (326)    1,493
 Increase in
 Investments.........           15,745    (404,282)  (127,641)      249     (254)       (6,402)    (7,451)     (930)    1,848
 Foreign currency
 translation.........                                 (14,327)                               2                         (2,715)
 Futures.............                                     287                                        (645)               (167)
                               -------   ---------  ---------    ------     ----       -------    -------   -------   -------
 Net realized and
 gain/(loss) on
 investments.........           13,709     (44,391)   (13,153)     (109)     351        (4,181)    (3,893)   (1,256)      459
                               -------   ---------  ---------    ------     ----       -------    -------   -------   -------
 in net assets
 resulting from
 operations..........          $16,565   $ (24,683) $  34,562    $2,104     $878       $(3,756)   $(1,370)  $  (352)  $ 2,041
                               =======   =========  =========    ======     ====       =======    =======   =======   =======

See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                 Large Cap Growth         Fundamental Mid Cap Growth          Aggressive Balanced
                             ------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                              Unaudited                 Unaudited                        Unaudited
                              Six-Month                 Six-Month       Period from      Six-Month       Period from
                             Period Ended  Year Ended  Period Ended August 31, 1999 (*) Period Ended August 31, 1999 (*)
                               June 30,   December 31,   June 30,     to December 31,     June 30,     to December 31,
                                 2000         1999         2000            1999             2000            1999
                             ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------------- ------------ -------------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...             $    1,537   $    4,048    $   (44)         $  (11)         $   117          $    60
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                118,236      246,459        230             786              (56)              73
 Change in net
  Investments....                (40,230)      20,524      2,966           2,179               78              615
                              ----------   ----------    -------          ------          -------          -------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                 79,543      271,031      3,152           2,954              139              748
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                 (1,660)      (3,925)                                       (121)             (56)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                            (208,789)                      (516)                              (39)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital paid in.
                              ----------   ----------    -------          ------          -------          -------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                 (1,660)    (212,714)                      (516)            (121)             (95)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                125,330      154,558     20,541           6,365            2,842           11,694
 reinvested......                  1,660      212,714                        516              121               95
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                (92,461)    (169,880)    (1,039)           (144)            (120)            (559)
                              ----------   ----------    -------          ------          -------          -------
 from trust
 transactions....                 34,529      197,392     19,502           6,737            2,843           11,230
                              ----------   ----------    -------          ------          -------          -------
IN NET ASSETS....                112,412      255,709     22,654           9,175            2,861           11,883
 Beginning of
 Period..........              1,382,473    1,126,764      9,175                           11,883
                              ----------   ----------    -------          ------          -------          -------
 End of Period...             $1,494,885   $1,382,473    $31,829          $9,175          $14,744          $11,883
                              ==========   ==========    =======          ======          =======          =======
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                  4,559        5,540      1,296             608              273            1,164
 Reinvested......                     60        8,043                         41               12                9
 Redeemed........                 (3,401)      (6,019)       (60)            (13)             (12)             (54)
                              ----------   ----------    -------          ------          -------          -------
in shares
outstanding......                  1,218        7,564      1,236             636              273            1,119
                              ==========   ==========    =======          ======          =======          =======

                                   Active Bond
                             Period Ended Year Ended
                               June 30,    December
                                 2000      31, 1999
                             ------------ -----------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...             $  29,261   $  61,745
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....               (14,036)    (25,838)
 Change in net
  Investments....                12,079     (44,681)
  Futures........                  (177)        177
                             ------------ -----------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                27,127      (8,597)
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........               (25,528)    (65,478)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital paid in.
                             ------------ -----------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...               (25,528)    (65,478)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                44,779      86,852
 reinvested......                25,528      65,478
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.              (100,569)   (135,090)
                             ------------ -----------
 from trust
 transactions....               (30,262)     17,240
                             ------------ -----------
IN NET ASSETS....               (28,663)    (56,835)
 Beginning of
 Period..........               850,286     907,121
                             ------------ -----------
 End of Period...             $ 821,623   $ 850,286
                             ============ ===========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                 4,913       9,038
 Reinvested......                 2,806       6,931
 Redeemed........               (11,036)    (14,198)
                             ------------ -----------
in shares
outstanding......                (3,317)      1,771
                             ============ ===========

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                 Core Bond        Emerging Markets Equity     International Equity Index
                             ----------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
                                Period from       Unaudited                     Unaudited
                             June 30, 2000 (*) Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                                to June 30,     Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000              2000           1999           2000           1999
                             ----------------- ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...                 $    1           $    (31)      $     27       $  1,974       $  2,404
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                                     3,706          1,607          2,495          4,750
 Change in net
  Investments....                     (6)            (8,156)         9,598        (16,153)        48,346
  translation....                                       145           (142)            (8)          (133)
  Futures........                                                                    (468)           517
                                  ------           --------       --------       --------       --------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                     (5)            (4,336)        11,090        (12,160)        55,884
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                                                      (17)        (1,997)        (2,382)
 In excess of net
 income..........                                                      (44)
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                                     (250)                       (4,633)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                                                     (936)                         (583)
 Capital paid in.
                                  ------           --------       --------       --------       --------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                                                   (1,247)        (1,997)        (7,598)
Contribution                                                           445
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  5,000             43,546         29,538         34,827         62,080
 reinvested......                                                    1,247          1,997          7,598
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                                   (23,334)       (15,787)       (36,271)       (47,084)
                                  ------           --------       --------       --------       --------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                  5,000             20,212         14,998            553         22,594
                                  ------           --------       --------       --------       --------
IN NET ASSETS....                  4,995             15,876         25,286        (13,604)        70,880
 Beginning of
 Period..........                      0             32,596          7,310        244,017        173,137
                                  ------           --------       --------       --------       --------
 End of Period...                 $4,995           $ 48,472       $ 32,596       $230,413       $244,017
                                  ======           ========       ========       ========       ========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                    500              3,522          3,232          1,871          3,668
 Reinvested......                                                      113            108            428
 Redeemed........                                    (1,935)        (1,719)        (1,941)        (2,802)
                                  ------           --------       --------       --------       --------
in shares
outstanding......                    500              1,587          1,626             38          1,294
                                  ======           ========       ========       ========       ========

                              International Opportunities
                             Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...                $   316        $   168
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                  2,798            (24)
 Change in net
  Investments....                 (3,120)         4,008
  translation....                     14
                             ---------------- ------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                      8          4,152
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                   (298)          (122)
 In excess of net
 income..........                                   (65)
 Realized gain on
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital paid in.
                             ---------------- ------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                   (298)          (187)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  6,306          4,747
 reinvested......                    298            187
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                 (2,523)        (1,869)
                             ---------------- ------------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                  4,081          3,065
                             ---------------- ------------
IN NET ASSETS....                  3,791          7,030
 Beginning of
 Period..........                 22,311         15,281
                             ---------------- ------------
 End of Period...                $26,102        $22,311
                             ================ ============
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                    521            447
 Reinvested......                     25             18
 Redeemed........                   (211)          (174)
                             ---------------- ------------
in shares
outstanding......                    335            291
                             ================ ============

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                    International Equity               Small Cap Growth               Global Balanced
                             ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
                                Unaudited        Period from        Unaudited                     Unaudited
                             Six-Month Period August 31, 1999(*) Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,   to December 31,    Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000             1999               2000           1999           2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------------ ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...                $    56           $     7           $   (646)      $   (679)      $   401        $   813
 Net realized
 gain on sales of
 investments.....                    607               190             14,370         24,283           219          1,839
 Change in net
  Investments....                   (972)            1,953            (13,491)        41,804        (2,117)          (519)
  translation....                      3                                                               169           (606)
  Futures........                    (20)               20
                                 -------           -------           --------       --------       -------        -------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                   (326)            2,170                233         65,408        (1,328)         1,527
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                    (30)              (12)                                           (419)          (565)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                     (175)                          (21,491)                      (1,836)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital paid in.                                                                                                    (230)
                                 -------           -------           --------       --------       -------        -------
  Decrease in
  net assets
  resulting from
  distributions..                    (30)             (187)                          (21,491)         (419)        (2,631)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  2,306            10,447            163,193         66,717         5,133          6,406
 reinvested......                     30               187                            21,491           419          2,631
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                   (270)              (11)           (52,064)       (27,404)       (4,868)        (6,772)
                                 -------           -------           --------       --------       -------        -------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                  2,066            10,447            111,129         60,804           684          2,265
                                 -------           -------           --------       --------       -------        -------
IN NET ASSETS....                  1,710            12,430            111,362        104,721        (1,063)         1,161
 Beginning of
 Period..........                 12,430                 0            179,570         74,849        31,577         30,416
                                 -------           -------           --------       --------       -------        -------
 End of Period...                $14,140           $12,430           $290,932       $179,570       $30,514        $31,577
                                 =======           =======           ========       ========       =======        =======
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                    195             1,024              7,726          4,233           510            590
 Reinvested......                      3                17                             1,245            42            251
 Redeemed........                    (23)               (1)            (2,693)        (1,847)         (479)          (625)
                                 -------           -------           --------       --------       -------        -------
Net increase in
outstanding......                    175             1,040              5,033          3,631            73            216
                                 =======           =======           ========       ========       =======        =======

                                    Mid Cap Growth
                             Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...                $ (1,290)      $ (1,351)
 Net realized
 gain on sales of
 investments.....                  73,569         55,989
 Change in net
  Investments....                (117,620)       148,557
  translation....                                    (33)
                             ---------------- ------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                 (45,341)       203,162
Distributions to
 Net investment
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                (46,186)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital paid in.
                             ---------------- ------------
  Decrease in
  net assets
  resulting from
  distributions..                                (46,186)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                 221,650        192,846
 reinvested......                                 46,186
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                 (61,458)       (37,156)
                             ---------------- ------------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                 160,192        201,876
                             ---------------- ------------
IN NET ASSETS....                 114,851        358,852
 Beginning of
 Period..........                 452,937         94,085
                             ---------------- ------------
 End of Period...                $567,788       $452,937
                             ================ ============
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                   7,143          9,353
 Reinvested......                                  1,749
 Redeemed........                  (2,373)        (1,830)
                             ---------------- ------------
Net increase in
outstanding......                   4,770          9,272
                             ================ ============

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                           Mid Cap                          Large Cap
                                            Blend                             Value
                             ------------------------------------ -----------------------------
                                Unaudited         Period from        Unaudited
                             Six-Month Period August 31, 1999 (*) Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,    to December 31,    Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000              1999               2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------------- ---------------- ------------
From Operations:
 Net investment
 income..........                 $   13            $   14            $  1,692       $  2,774
 Net realized
 gain on sales of
 investments.....                    410               268               3,869          7,671
 Change in net
  Investments....                    439               306              (9,376)        (7,556)
                                  ------            ------            --------       --------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                    862               588              (3,815)         2,889
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                    (14)              (13)             (1,733)        (2,733)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                     (204)                            (7,756)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                                                                         (28)
Capital paid in..
                                  ------            ------            --------       --------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                    (14)             (217)             (1,733)       (10,517)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  3,331             5,275              30,738         64,676
 reinvested......                     14               217               1,733         10,517
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                   (255)              (53)            (23,885)       (35,081)
                                  ------            ------            --------       --------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                  3,090             5,439               8,586         40,112
                                  ------            ------            --------       --------
NET ASSETS.......                  3,938             5,810               3,038         32,484
 Beginning of
 Period..........                  5,810                 0             155,849        123,365
                                  ------            ------            --------       --------
 End of Period...                 $9,748            $5,810            $158,887       $155,849
                                  ======            ======            ========       ========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                    285               526               2,357          4,383
 Reinvested......                      1                22                 135            774
 Redeemed........                    (22)               (5)             (1,852)        (2,404)
                                  ------            ------            --------       --------
Net increase in
outstanding......                    264               543                 640          2,753
                                  ======            ======            ========       ========

                                          Large Cap               American Leaders
                                          Value CORE                  Large Cap
                             ------------------------------------ -----------------
                                Unaudited         Period from         Unaudited
                             Six-Month Period August 31, 1999 (*)    Period from
                              Ended June 30,    to December 31,   June 30, 2000 (*)
                                   2000              1999         to June 30, 2000
                             ---------------- ------------------- -----------------
From Operations:
 Net investment
 income..........                $    87            $   21             $    1
 Net realized
 gain on sales of
 investments.....                     54               100
 Change in net
  Investments....                   (462)               70
  Futures........                    (15)                8
                             ---------------- ------------------- -----------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                   (336)              199                  1
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                    (88)              (19)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                      (82)
 In excess of
 realized gain...                                       (4)
Capital paid in..                                       (9)
                             ---------------- ------------------- -----------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                    (88)             (114)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  4,426             6,323              5,000
 reinvested......                     88               114
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                   (140)             (151)
                             ---------------- ------------------- -----------------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                  4,374             6,286              5,000
                             ---------------- ------------------- -----------------
NET ASSETS.......                  3,950             6,371              5,001
 Beginning of
 Period..........                  6,371                 0                  0
                             ---------------- ------------------- -----------------
 End of Period...                $10,321            $6,371             $5,001
                             ================ =================== =================
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                    448               630                500
 Reinvested......                      9                12
 Redeemed........                    (14)              (15)
                             ---------------- ------------------- -----------------
Net increase in
outstanding......                    443               627                500
                             ================ =================== =================

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                               Large/Mid Cap Value                  Money Market                  Mid Cap Value
                       ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------
                          Unaudited         Period from        Unaudited                     Unaudited
                       Six-Month Period August 31, 1999 (*) Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                        Ended June 30,    to December 31,    Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,
                             2000              1999               2000           1999           2000           1999
                       ---------------- ------------------- ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)....          $   37            $   17           $  11,953      $  19,133       $    206       $    584
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments......              88                11                                             4,175         (2,104)
 Change in net unrealized
 appreciation/(depreciation) of:
  Investments.....            (298)              221                                               730          5,960
  Foreign currency
                            ------            ------           ---------      ---------       --------       --------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations......            (173)              249              11,953         19,133          5,111          4,440
Distributions to
Shareholders From:
 Net investment
 income...........             (38)              (15)            (11,953)       (19,133)          (210)          (580)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments......                               (11)
 In excess of
 realized gain....                                (4)
 Capital paid in..
                            ------            ------           ---------      ---------       --------       --------
 Decrease in net
 assets resulting
 distributions....             (38)              (30)            (11,953)       (19,133)          (210)          (580)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold......           2,832             5,905             239,805        557,157         14,918         29,586
 reinvested.......              38                30              11,953         19,133            210            580
 Payment for
 shares redeemed..            (299)              (53)           (285,244)      (520,250)       (15,366)       (36,696)
                            ------            ------           ---------      ---------       --------       --------
 from trust share
 transactions.....            2571             5,882             (33,486)        56,040           (238)        (6,530)
                            ------            ------           ---------      ---------       --------       --------
IN NET ASSETS.....           2,360             6,101             (33,486)        56,040          4,663         (2,670)
 Beginning of
 Period...........           6,101                 0             451,235        395,195         92,150         94,820
                            ------            ------           ---------      ---------       --------       --------
 End of Period....          $8,461            $6,101           $ 417,749      $ 451,235       $ 96,813       $ 92,150
                            ======            ======           =========      =========       ========       ========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold.............             277               588              23,979         55,717          1,131          2,380
 Reinvested.......               4                 3               1,196          1,913             16             48
 Redeemed.........             (30)               (5)            (28,525)       (52,025)        (1,176)        (2,997)
                            ------            ------           ---------      ---------       --------       --------
in shares
outstanding.......             251               586              (3,350)         5,605            (29)          (569)
                            ======            ======           =========      =========       ========       ========

                           Small/Mid Cap Growth
                       Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                        Ended June 30,  December 31,
                             2000           1999
                       ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)....         $   (176)      $   (497)
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments......            4,031         26,575
 Change in net unrealized
 appreciation/(depreciation) of:
  Investments.....           10,711        (17,156)
  Foreign currency
                       ---------------- ------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations......           14,566          8,922
Distributions to
Shareholders From:
 Net investment
 income...........                         (26,069)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments......                          (1,884)
 In excess of
 realized gain....
 Capital paid in..
                       ---------------- ------------
 Decrease in net
 assets resulting
 distributions....                         (27,953)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold......           13,128         22,355
 reinvested.......                          27,953
 Payment for
 shares redeemed..          (23,478)       (42,678)
                       ---------------- ------------
 from trust share
 transactions.....          (10,350)         7,630
                       ---------------- ------------
IN NET ASSETS.....            4,216        (11,401)
 Beginning of
 Period...........          181,931        193,332
                       ---------------- ------------
 End of Period....         $186,147       $181,931
                       ================ ============
Analysis of Trust
 Sold.............              906          1,389
 Reinvested.......                           2,105
 Redeemed.........           (1,651)        (2,669)
                       ---------------- ------------
in shares
outstanding.......             (745)           834
                       ================ ============

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                      Bond Index               Large Cap Aggressive Growth           Small/Mid Cap CORE
                             ----------------------------- ------------------------------------ -----------------------------
                                Unaudited                     Unaudited         Period from        Unaudited
                             Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period August 31, 1999 (*) Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,    to December 31,    Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000           1999           2000              1999               2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------- ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...                $ 1,432        $ 2,119        $   (43)           $   (15)          $    27        $    18
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                   (387)          (186)           360                133              (272)           714
 Change in net
  Investments....                    618         (2,724)           302              2,120               635            578
  Futures........                                                                                        (7)             7
                                 -------        -------        -------            -------           -------        -------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                  1,663           (791)           619              2,238               383          1,317
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                 (1,494)        (2,057)                                                (26)           (18)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                                                     (93)                            (715)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital paid in.
                                 -------        -------        -------            -------           -------        -------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                 (1,494)        (2,057)                              (93)              (26)          (733)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                 13,191         14,617          9,683             12,920            11,562          5,301
 reinvested......                  1,494          2,057                                93                26            733
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                 (6,168)        (3,391)          (449)               (84)           (3,671)        (3,385)
                                 -------        -------        -------            -------           -------        -------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                  8,517         13,283          9,234             12,929             7,917          2,649
                                 -------        -------        -------            -------           -------        -------
NET ASSETS.......                  8,686         10,435          9,853             15,074             8,274          3,233
 Beginning of
 Period..........                 38,436         28,001         15,074                  0             8,248          5,015
                                 -------        -------        -------            -------           -------        -------
 End of Period...                $47,122        $38,436        $24,927            $15,074           $16,522        $ 8,248
                                 =======        =======        =======            =======           =======        =======
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                  1,413          1,516            817              1,262             1,116            557
 Reinvested......                    161            213                                 8                 3             80
 Redeemed........                   (659)          (352)           (37)                (7)             (353)          (353)
                                 -------        -------        -------            -------           -------        -------
Net increase in
outstanding......                    915          1,377            780              1,263               766            284
                                 =======        =======        =======            =======           =======        =======

                                     Small/Mid Cap Value
                                Unaudited         Period from
                             Six-Month Period August 31, 1999 (*)
                              Ended June 30,    to December 31,
                                   2000              1999
                             ---------------- -------------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income/(loss)...                $     5            $   (2)
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                    918               190
 Change in net
  Investments....                    297                80
                             ---------------- -------------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                  1,220               268
Distributions to
 Net investment
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                     (185)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital paid in.
                             ---------------- -------------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                                     (185)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  3,675             5,326
 reinvested......                                      185
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                   (226)              (24)
                             ---------------- -------------------
 Increase from
 trust share
 transactions....                  3,449             5,487
                             ---------------- -------------------
NET ASSETS.......                  4,669             5,570
 Beginning of
 Period..........                  5,570                 0
                             ---------------- -------------------
 End of Period...                $10,239            $5,570
                             ================ ===================
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                    327               533
 Reinvested......                                       19
 Redeemed........                    (21)               (2)
                             ---------------- -------------------
Net increase in
outstanding......                    306               550
                             ================ ===================

(*) Commencement of Operations.
See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                  Real Estate Equity              Growth & Income                   Managed
                             ----------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
                                Unaudited                     Unaudited                     Unaudited
                             Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000           1999           2000           1999           2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........                $  2,856       $  8,880      $   19,708     $   38,514     $   47,715     $   92,042
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                  (2,036)        (5,679)        359,891        516,452        128,528        287,125
 Change in net
  Investments....                  15,745         (5,829)       (404,282)        38,349       (127,641)       (97,986)
  translation....                                                                              (14,327)        11,252
  Futures........                                                                                  287           (316)
                                 --------       --------      ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                  16,565         (2,628)        (24,683)       593,315         34,562        292,117
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                  (3,566)        (8,957)        (20,326)       (37,895)       (49,991)       (89,766)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 investments.....                                                              (444,028)                     (236,198)
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital Paid in.
                                 --------       --------      ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                  (3,566)        (8,957)        (20,326)      (481,923)       (49,991)      (325,964)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  25,887         19,688          55,836        271,718         37,903        229,925
 reinvested......                   3,566          8,957          20,326        481,923         49,991        325,964
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                 (25,094)       (43,635)       (253,736)      (316,977)      (284,212)      (393,033)
                                 --------       --------      ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
 from trust
 transactions....                   4,359        (14,990)       (177,574)       436,664       (196,318)       162,856
                                 --------       --------      ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
IN NET ASSETS....                  17,358        (26,575)       (222,583)       548,056       (211,747)       129,009
 Beginning of
 Period..........                 126,214        152,789       4,218,841      3,670,785      3,430,919      3,301,910
                                 --------       --------      ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
 End of Period...                $143,572       $126,214      $3,996,258     $4,218,841     $3,219,172     $3,430,919
                                 ========       ========      ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                   2,114          1,643           2,868         13,198          2,489         14,370
 Reinvested......                     306            756           1,048         24,670          3,305         21,188
 Redeemed........                  (2,096)        (3,662)        (13,134)       (15,364)       (18,796)       (24,638)
                                 --------       --------      ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
in shares
outstanding......                     324         (1,263)         (9,218)        22,504        (13,002)        10,920
                                 ========       ========      ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========

                                    Short-Term Bond
                             Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment
 income..........                $  2,213       $  4,503
 Net realized
 gain/(loss) on
 sales of
 investments.....                    (358)        (1,350)
 Change in net
  Investments....                     249         (1,085)
                             ---------------- ------------
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations.....                   2,104          2,068
Distributions to
 Net investment
 income..........                  (2,232)        (4,483)
 In excess of net
 Realized gain on
 In excess of
 realized gain...
 Capital Paid in.
                             ---------------- ------------
 Decrease in net
 resulting from
 distributions...                  (2,232)        (4,483)
Trust Share
 Proceeds from
 shares sold.....                  17,431         33,554
 reinvested......                   2,232          4,483
 Payment for
 shares redeemed.                 (14,572)       (43,972)
                             ---------------- ------------
 from trust
 transactions....                   5,091         (5,935)
                             ---------------- ------------
IN NET ASSETS....                   4,963         (8,350)
 Beginning of
 Period..........                  68,844         77,194
                             ---------------- ------------
 End of Period...                $ 73,807       $ 68,844
                             ================ ============
Analysis of Trust
 Sold............                   1,798          3,382
 Reinvested......                     231            455
 Redeemed........                  (1,502)        (4,438)
                             ---------------- ------------
in shares
outstanding......                     527           (601)
                             ================ ============

See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                    Small Cap Value         International Opportunities          Equity Index
                             ----------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
                                Unaudited                     Unaudited                     Unaudited
                             Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000           1999           2000           1999           2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment income......     $    527       $    501       $    425       $    518       $  2,523       $  4,679
 Net realized gain on sales
 of investments.............          605            950          2,219          4,853          4,203         14,409
 Change in net unrealized
  Investments...............         (254)        (3,703)        (6,402)        15,077         (7,451)        45,659
  Foreign currency
  translation...............                                          2             (7)
  Futures...................                                                                     (645)            99
                                 --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
  Net increase/(decrease)
  in net assets resulting
  from operations...........          878         (2,252)        (3,756)        20,441         (1,370)        64,846
Distributions to
Shareholders From:
 Net investment income......         (609)          (419)          (376)          (565)        (2,666)        (4,536)
 In excess of net investment
 income.....................                                                        (2)
 Realized gain on
 investments................                         (92)                       (4,643)                      (13,884)
 In excess of realized gain.                      (1,087)                         (180)
 Capital paid in............
                                 --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
 Decrease in net assets
 resulting from
 distributions..............         (609)        (1,598)          (376)        (5,389)        (2,666)       (18,420)
Capital Contribution
Trust Share Transactions
 Proceeds from shares sold..       13,127         26,942         50,541         34,115         94,122        220,255
 Distributions reinvested...          609          1,598            376          5,389          2,666         18,420
 Payment for shares
 redeemed...................      (10,952)       (19,885)       (24,137)       (39,012)       (37,622)       (66,383)
                                 --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
 Increase/(decrease) from
 trust share transactions...        2,784          8,655         26,780            492         59,166        172,292
                                 --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
NET ASSETS..................        3,053          4,805         22,648         15,544         55,130        218,718
 Beginning of Period........       68,900         64,095         79,794         64,250        451,296        232,578
                                 --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
 End of Period..............     $ 71,953       $ 68,900       $102,442       $ 79,794       $506,426       $451,296
                                 ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       ========
Analysis of Trust Share
 Sold.......................        1,222          2,410          3,447          2,657          4,732         11,477
 Reinvested.................           57            152             27            388            134            939
 Redeemed...................       (1,019)        (1,782)        (1,685)        (3,046)        (1,907)        (3,495)
                                 --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       --------
Net increase/(decrease) in
shares outstanding..........          260            780          1,789             (1)         2,959          8,921
                                 ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       ========

See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

                                    High Yield Bond                 Global Bond
                             ----------------------------- -----------------------------
                                Unaudited                     Unaudited
                             Six-Month Period  Year Ended  Six-Month Period  Year Ended
                              Ended June 30,  December 31,  Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                   2000           1999           2000           1999
                             ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------
From Operations
 Net investment income......     $   904        $  1,357       $  1,582       $  3,346
 Net realized gain/(loss) on
 sales of investments.......        (326)           (275)         1,493           (178)
 Change in net unrealized
  Investments...............        (930)           (223)         1,848         (5,951)
  Foreign currency
  translation...............                                     (2,715)         1,134
  Futures...................                                       (167)            75
                                 -------        --------       --------       --------
  Net increase/(decrease)
  in net assets resulting
  from operations...........        (352)            859          2,041         (1,574)
Distributions to
Shareholders From:
 Net investment income......        (938)         (1,323)        (1,057)        (3,871)
 In excess of net investment
 Realized gain on
 In excess of realized gain.
 Capital paid in............
                                 -------        --------       --------       --------
 Decrease in net assets
 resulting from
 distributions..............        (938)         (1,323)        (1,057)        (3,871)
Capital Contribution
Trust Share Transactions
 Proceeds from shares sold..      11,710          18,264          6,027         29,103
 Distributions reinvested...         938           1,323          1,057          3,871
 Payment for shares
 redeemed...................      (5,977)        (13,991)       (15,295)       (23,329)
                                 -------        --------       --------       --------
 Increase/(decrease) from
 trust share transactions...       6,671           5,596         (8,211)         9,645
                                 -------        --------       --------       --------
NET ASSETS..................       5,381           5,132         (7,227)         4,200
 Beginning of Period........      19,921          14,789         70,991         66,791
                                 -------        --------       --------       --------
 End of Period..............     $25,302        $ 19,921       $ 63,764       $ 70,991
                                 =======        ========       ========       ========
Analysis of Trust Share
 Sold.......................       1,361           2,003            608          2,816
 Reinvested.................         110             146            106            382
 Redeemed...................        (693)         (1,534)        (1,548)        (2,269)
                                 -------        --------       --------       --------
Net increase/(decrease) in
shares outstanding..........         778             615           (834)           929
                                 =======        ========       ========       ========

See notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                                Income from Investment Operations                            Less Distributions
                             --------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                            Net Realized
                   Net Asset                    and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at       Net        Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning  Investment   Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period Income/(Loss) Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Large Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $27.33       $0.03         $1.53        $1.56       $(0.03)      $  --          $--           $--
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............    26.19        0.09          6.03         6.12        (0.09)       (4.89)         --            --
 1998............    20.82        0.14          8.05         8.19        (0.14)       (2.68)         --            --
 1997............    17.49        0.17          5.21         5.38        (0.17)       (1.88)         --            --
 1996............    17.37        0.25          2.89         3.14        (0.25)       (2.77)         --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fundmental Mid
Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    14.42       (0.03)         2.61         2.58          --           --           --            --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00       (0.02)         5.34         5.32          --         (0.90)         --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.62        0.10         (0.03)        0.07        (0.10)         --           --            --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00        0.06          0.64         0.70        (0.05)       (0.03)         --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Active Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     9.12        0.32         (0.01)        0.30        (0.28)         --           --            --
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............     9.92        0.67         (0.76)       (0.09)       (0.71)         --           --            --
 1998............     9.95        0.69          0.11         0.80        (0.69)       (0.14)         --            --
 1997............     9.77        0.71          0.24         0.95        (0.71)       (0.06)         --            --
 1996............    10.13        0.69         (0.31)        0.38        (0.69)       (0.05)         --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Core Bond
 Unaudited Period
 from June30, to
 June 30,
 2000(c).........    10.00        0.00         (0.01)       (0.01)         --           --           --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                                Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                     --------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                 Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to     Income to     Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment       (000's       Average        Average      Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)       Omitted)    Net Assets      Net Assets      Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- ------------
Large Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $(0.03)     $28.86     51,798       5.71%(d)    $1,494,885      0.39%(d)        0.22%(d)     53.61%(e)
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (4.98)      27.33     50,580      24.07%        1,382,473      0.39%           0.33%        37.42%
 1998............      (2.82)      26.19     43,016      39.51%        1,126,764      0.41%           0.59%        56.41%
 1997............      (2.05)      20.82     36,236      30.89%          754,398      0.44%           0.86%        83.82%
 1996............      (3.02)      17.49     29,965      18.27%          524,145      0.44%           1.35%       135.98%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fundmental Mid
Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............        --        17.00      1,872      17.90%(e)        31,829      0.94%(d)(1)    (0.51)%(d)    86.25%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.90)      14.42        636      54.57%(e)         9,175      0.95%(d)(1)    (0.55)%(d)    61.66%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.10)     $10.59      1,392       0.68%(e)        14,744      0.77%(d)(2)     1.83%(d)     98.56%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.08)      10.62      1,119       7.09%(e)        11,883      0.78%(d)(2)     1.68%(d)     70.28%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Active Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.28)       9.15     89,883       3.36%(e)       821,623      0.32%(d)        7.09%(d)    118.15%(e)
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.71)       9.12     93,200      (0.94)%         850,286      0.28%           6.97%       182.90%
 1998............      (0.83)       9.92     91,429       8.23%          907,121      0.29%           6.84%       228.74%
 1997............      (0.77)       9.95     80,789      10.11%          803,770      0.31%           7.18%       138.29%
 1996............      (0.74)       9.77     74,315       4.10%          726,111      0.29%           7.07%       119.12%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Core Bond
 Unaudited Period
 from June30, to
 June 30,
 2000(c).........        --         9.99        500      (0.10)%(e)        4,995      0.80%(d)(a)     5.80%(d)       --  (e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                              Income from Investment Operations                           Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------ ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                         Net Realized
                   Net Asset                 and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at     Net       Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning Investment Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period   Income   Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Emerging Markets
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $12.26     $0.02        $(0.82)      $(0.80)     $  --        $  --         $  --         $  --
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............     7.09      0.03          5.67         5.70       (0.01)       (0.10)        (0.42)          --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00      0.03         (2.91)       (2.88)      (0.02)         --            --          (0.01)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity Index
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    19.64      0.16         (1.15)       (0.99)      (0.16)         --            --            --
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............    15.56      0.21          4.51         4.72       (0.21)       (0.43)        (0.05)          --
 1998............    15.20      0.24          2.91         3.14       (0.23)       (2.55)          --            --
 1997............    16.83      0.13         (0.97)       (0.84)      (0.13)       (0.66)          --            --
 1996............    15.61      0.21          1.22         1.43       (0.21)         --            --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Opportunities II
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    12.13      0.14         (0.12)        0.02       (0.14)         --            --            --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............     9.87      0.10          2.27         2.37       (0.07)         --          (0.04)          --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00      0.07         (0.13)       (0.06)      (0.07)         --            --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    11.95      0.02         (0.32)       (0.29)      (0.02)         --            --            --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00      0.01          2.12         2.13       (0.01)       (0.17)          --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                                   Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                     --------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                 Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to     Income to     Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment       (000's       Average        Average      Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)       Omitted)    Net Assets      Net Assets      Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- ------------
Emerging Markets
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $  --       $11.46      4,245       (6.89)%(e)    $48,472       1.31%(d)(i)    (0.14)%(d)    55.81%(e)
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.53)      12.26      2,658       81.37%(t)      32,596       1.39%(i)        0.19%       196.32%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....      (0.03)       7.09      1,032      (28.87)%(e)      7,310       1.55%(d)(i)     0.51%(d)     53.95%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity Index
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.16)      18.49     12,459       (5.04)%(e)    230,413       0.30%(d)(a)     1.97%(d)      4.89%(e)
 Year Ended
 December 31,
 1999............      (0.64)      19.64     12,421       30.87%        244,017       0.31%(g)        1.26%        19.01%
 1998............      (2.78)      15.56     11,127       20.82%        173,137       0.56%(g)        1.45%       158.63%
 1997............      (0.79)      15.20     10,024       (5.03)%       152,359       0.79%           0.78%        83.13%
 1996............      (0.21)      16.83      9,254        9.19%        155,753       0.76%           1.30%        92.03%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Opportunities II
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.14)      12.01      2,174        0.14%(e)      26,102       0.99%(d)(w)     2.59%(d)     83.11%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.11)      12.13      1,839       24.19%         22,311       1.04%(w)        0.96%        49.51%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....      (0.07)       9.87      1,548       (0.55)%(e)     15,281       1.15%(d)(w)     1.11%(d)     33.17%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.02)      11.63      1,215       (2.45)%(e)     14,140       1.09%(d)(3)     0.85%(d)     51.28%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.18)      11.95      1,040       21.49%(e)      12,430       1.10%(d)(3)     0.21%(d)     26.76%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                                Income from Investment Operations                            Less Distributions
                             --------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                            Net Realized
                   Net Asset                    and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at       Net        Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning  Investment   Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period Income/(Loss) Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Small Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $19.12      $(0.25)        $ 1.30       $ 1.05      $  --        $  --         $  --         $  --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    12.99       (0.21)          9.06         8.85         --         (2.72)          --            --
 1998............    11.34       (0.05)          1.70         1.65         --           --            --            --
 1997............     9.93       (0.02)          1.44         1.42         --           --            --          (0.01)
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.01          (0.06)       (0.05)      (0.02)         --            --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Balanced
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.71        0.14          (0.61)       (0.46)      (0.14)         --            --            --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    11.12        0.29           0.25         0.54       (0.29)       (0.44)        (0.16)        (0.06)
 1998............    10.11        0.34           1.44         1.78       (0.34)       (0.42)          --          (0.01)
 1997............    10.39        0.33          (0.05)        0.28       (0.33)       (0.22)          --          (0.01)
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.24           0.41         0.65       (0.24)       (0.02)          --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    29.22       (0.27)         (0.94)       (1.21)        --           --            --            --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    15.12       (0.19)         17.70        17.51         --         (3.41)          --            --
 1998............    11.93       (0.09)          4.75         4.66         --         (1.32)          --          (0.15)
 1997............    10.22       (0.02)          1.73         1.71         --           --            --            --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.05           0.22         0.27       (0.05)         --            --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Blend
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.70        0.02           1.38         1.40       (0.02)         --            --            --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00        0.03           1.10         1.13       (0.03)       (0.40)          --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                                Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                     --------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                 Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to     Income to     Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment       (000's       Average        Average      Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)       Omitted)    Net Assets      Net Assets      Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- ------------
Small Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $  --       $20.17     14,427        5.50%(e)     290,932       0.94%(d)       (0.60)%(d)    57.09%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (2.72)      19.12      9,394       70.38%        179,570       0.89%          (0.70)%      113.11%
 1998............        --        12.99      5,763       14.49%         74,849       1.00%(k)       (0.65)%      101.16%
 1997............      (0.01)      11.34      4,298       14.26%         48,761       1.00%(k)       (0.28)%       86.23%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.02)       9.93      2,077       (0.50)%(e)     20,633       1.00%(d)(k)     0.12%(d)     50.93%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Balanced
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.14)      10.10      3,023       (4.38)%(e)     30,515       1.10%(d)(l)     3.19%(d)     30.33%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.95)      10.71      2,950        5.11%         31,577       1.00%(l)        2.73%       131.21%
 1998............      (0.77)      11.12      2,734       17.99%         30,416       1.10%(l)        3.20%       103.55%
 1997............      (0.56)      10.11      2,514        2.65%         25,420       1.10%(l)        3.18%        81.04%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.26)      10.39      2,319        6.73%(e)      24,098       1.10%(d)(l)     3.59%(d)      2.21%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............        --        28.01     20,266       (4.15)%(e)    567,788       0.84%(d)       (0.47)%(d)    89.18%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (3.41)      29.22     15,496      118.31%        452,937       0.93%          (0.68)%      106.06%
 1998............      (1.47)      15.12      6,224       39.07%         94,085       1.10%(m)       (0.64)%      137.01%
 1997............        --        11.93      3,374       16.66%         40,235       1.10%(m)       (0.26)%      124.04%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.05)      10.22      1,613        2.69%(e)      16,492       1.10%(d)(m)     0.92%(d)     71.25%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mid Cap Blend
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.02)      12.08        807       13.06%(e)       9,748       0.85%(d)(4)     0.36%(d)     82.58%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.43)      10.70        543       11.53%(e)       5,810       0.85%(d)(4)     0.82%(d)     55.68%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                              Income from Investment Operations                           Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------ ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                         Net Realized
                   Net Asset                 and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at     Net       Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning Investment Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period   Income   Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Large Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $13.49     $0.14        $(0.46)      $(0.31)     $(0.14)      $  --         $  --         $  --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    14.02      0.27          0.18         0.45       (0.27)       (0.71)          --            --
 1998............    13.57      0.28          0.96         1.24       (0.28)       (0.51)          --            --
 1997............    11.09      0.29          2.84         3.13       (0.29)       (0.36)          --            --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00      0.16          1.22         1.38       (0.16)       (0.13)          --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.16      0.09         (0.51)       (0.42)      (0.09)         --            --            --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00      0.04          0.31         0.35       (0.03)       (0.14)        (0.01)        (0.01)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American Leaders
Large Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 from June 29, to
 June 30,
 2000(c).........    10.00       --            --           --          --           --            --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.42      0.05         (0.30)       (0.25)      (0.05)         --            --            --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00      0.03          0.45         0.48       (0.03)       (0.02)        (0.01)          --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.00      0.29           --          0.29       (0.29)         --            --            --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    10.00      0.45           --          0.45       (0.45)         --            --            --
 1998............    10.00      0.53           --          0.53       (0.53)         --            --            --
 1997............    10.00      0.53           --          0.53       (0.53)         --            --            --
 1996............    10.00      0.52           --          0.52       (0.52)         --            --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                                Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                     ------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                  Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating       Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to      Income to   Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment       (000's       Average         Average    Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)       Omitted)    Net Assets       Net Assets    Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ----------- -----------
Large Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $(0.14)     $13.03     12,192      (2.32)%(e)    $158,887       0.82%(d)         2.17%(d)   26.22%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.98)      13.49     11,552       3.28%         155,849       0.85%            1.88%      32.62%
 1998............      (0.79)      14.02      8,799       9.26%         123,365       0.92%            2.08%      18.46%
 1997............      (0.65)      13.57      5,399      28.56%          73,269       1.00%(n)         2.42%      19.21%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.29)      11.09      1,784      13.90%          19,781       1.00%(n)         2.74%      19.95%(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.09)       9.64      1,070      (4.18)%(e)      10,321       0.85%(d)(5)      2.16%(d)   43.09%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.19)      10.16        627       3.58%(e)        6,371       0.85%(d)(5)      1.13%(d)   30.90%(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
American Leaders
Large Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 from June 29, to
 June 30,
 2000(c).........        --        10.00        500       0.02%(e)        5,001       0.90%(d)(10)     4.87%(d)    %(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.05)      10.11        837      (2.43)%(e)       8,461       1.04%(d)(6)      1.03%(d)   46.12%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.06)      10.42        586       4.72%(e)        6,101       1.05%(d)(6)      0.94%(d)   23.03%(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.29)      10.00     41,775       2.94%(e)      417,749       0.32%(d)         2.94%(d)     --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.45)      10.00     45,124       5.05%         451,235       0.31%            4.95%        --
 1998............      (0.53)      10.00     39,519       5.40%         395,195       0.31%            5.29%        --
 1997............      (0.53)      10.00     22,944       5.38%         229,443       0.33%            5.32%        --
 1996............      (0.52)      10.00     21,324       5.32%         213,235       0.30%            5.20%        --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                                Income from Investment Operations                            Less Distributions
                             --------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                            Net Realized
                   Net Asset                    and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at       Net        Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning  Investment   Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period Income/(Loss) Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Mid Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $12.78      $ 0.03         $ 0.70       $ 0.73      $(0.03)      $  --          $--          $  --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    12.19        0.08           0.59         0.67       (0.08)         --           --             --
 1998............    13.87        0.11          (1.68)       (1.57)      (0.11)         --           --             --
 1997............    11.35        0.05           3.59         3.64       (0.05)       (1.07)         --             --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.04           1.57         1.61       (0.04)       (0.22)         --             --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    14.03       (0.02)          1.22         1.20         --           --           --             --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    15.94       (0.07)          0.74         0.67         --         (2.41)         --           (0.17)
 1998............    15.39       (0.02)          0.88         0.86         --         (0.31)         --             --
 1997............    16.52        0.01           0.56         0.57       (0.01)       (1.69)         --             --
 1996............    13.18        0.02           3.99         4.01       (0.02)       (0.65)         --             --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bond Index
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     9.32       (0.33)          0.03        (0.29)      (0.33)         --           --             --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    10.19        0.63          (0.89)       (0.26)      (0.61)         --           --             --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00        0.42           0.29         0.71       (0.42)       (0.10)         --             --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap
Aggressive Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    11.94       (0.03)          0.29         0.26         --           --           --             --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00       (0.01)          2.03         2.02         --         (0.08)         --             --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                               Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                    --------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                  Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total      End of Period Expenses to     Income to     Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment      (000's       Average        Average      Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)      Omitted)    Net Assets      Net Assets      Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ ------------- --------------- ------------- ------------
Mid Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $(0.03)     $13.48       7,183       5.72%(e)    $96,813       0.90%(d)        0.44%(d)     96.07%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.08)      12.78       7,212       5.52%        92,150       0.92%           0.64%       137.06%
 1998............      (0.11)      12.19       7,781     (11.33)%       94,820       0.96%           0.93%       173.33%
 1997............      (1.12)      13.87       4,686      32.17%        64,973       1.05%(o)        0.53%        93.78%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.26)      11.35         963      16.18%(e)     10,926       1.05%(d)(o)     0.69%(d)     62.99%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............        --        15.23      12,218       8.56%(e)    186,147       0.85%(h)       (0.20)%(d)    48.80%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (2.58)      14.03     181,931       5.15%        12,963       0.85%          (0.27)%      172.58%
 1998............      (0.31)      15.94     193,332       5.61%        12,129       0.89%          (0.11)%      162.21%
 1997............      (1.70)      15.39     213,612       3.44%        13,884       0.85%           0.09%       331.19%
 1996............      (0.67)      16.52     194,108      30.33%        11,749       0.84%           0.18%       217.84%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bond Index
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.33)       8.70       5,039       3.93%(e)     47,122       0.25%(d)(x)     6.81%(d)     12.27%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.61)       9.32      38,436      (2.57)%        4,125       0.29%(x)        6.56%        17.06%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....      (0.52)      10.19      28,001       7.20%(e)      2,748       0.40%(d)(x)     6.17%(d)     21.09%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large Cap
Aggressive Growth
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............        --        12.20       2,043       2.22%(e)     24,927       1.03%(d)(7)    (0.44)%(d)    35.49%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.08)      11.94      15,074      20.18%(e)      1,263       1.08%(d)(7)    (0.39)%(d)    18.97%(e)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                              Income from Investment Operations                           Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------ ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                         Net Realized
                   Net Asset                 and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at     Net       Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning Investment Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period   Income   Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $ 9.82     $0.02        $ 0.47       $ 0.49      $(0.02)      $  --          $--          $  --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............     9.02      0.02          1.77         1.79       (0.03)       (0.96)         --             --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00       --          (0.98)       (0.98)        --           --           --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.13       --           1.83         1.84         --           --           --             --
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........    10.00       --           0.49         0.49         --         (0.36)         --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real Estate
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    11.47      0.27          1.27         1.54       (0.33)         --           --             --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    12.46      0.78         (0.99)       (0.21)      (0.78)         --           --             --
 1998............    15.91      0.77         (3.38)       (2.61)      (0.70)       (0.14)         --             --
 1997............    14.64      0.77          1.68         2.45       (0.71)       (0.41)         --           (0.06)
 1996............    11.70      0.76          2.97         3.73       (0.76)       (0.03)         --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Growth & Income
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    20.01      0.10         (0.09)        0.01       (0.10)         --           --             --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    19.49      0.20          2.88         3.08       (0.20)       (2.36)         --             --
 1998............    16.61      0.23          4.75         4.98       (0.23)       (1.87)         --             --
 1997............    14.65      0.27          4.07         4.34       (0.27)       (2.11)         --             --
 1996............    13.94      0.34          2.43         2.77       (0.34)       (1.72)         --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                                Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                     --------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                 Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to     Income to     Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment       (000's       Average        Average      Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)       Omitted)    Net Assets      Net Assets      Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- ------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $(0.02)     $10.29       1,606       5.00%(e)      $16,522      0.90%(d)(y)     0.40%(d)     31.41%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.99)       9.82       8,248      20.54%             840      0.94%(y)        0.30%       109.12%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....        --         9.02       5,015      (9.81)%(e)         556      1.05%(d)(y)    (0.01)%(d)    60.51%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small/Mid Cap
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............        --        11.97         856      18.14%(e)       10,239      1.05%(8)(d)     0.13%(d)    105.74%(e)
 Period from
 August 31, to
 December 31,
 1999 (c)........      (0.36)      10.13       5,570       5.08%(e)          550      1.05%(8)(d)    (0.12)%(d)    51.97%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real Estate
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.33)      12.68      11,324      13.67%(e)      143,572      0.70%(d)        4.40%(d)     16.26%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.78)      11.47     126,214      (1.69)%         11,000      0.70%           6.38%        12.95%
 1998............      (0.84)      12.46     152,789     (16.71)%         12,263      0.69%           5.48%        22.69%
 1997............      (1.18)      15.91     204,131      17.22%          12,830      0.69%           5.12%        20.04%
 1996............      (0.79)      14.64     151,105      33.07%          10,325      0.69%           6.14%        18.37%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Growth & Income
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.10)      19.92     201,605      (0.44)%(e)   3,996,258      0.29%(d)        0.99%(d)     46.78%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (2.56)      20.01     210,823      16.23%       4,218,841      0.28%           0.98%        70.16%
 1998............      (2.10)      19.49     188,319      30.25%       3,670,785      0.27%           1.24%        48.45%
 1997............      (2.38)      16.61     167,773      29.79%       2,785,964      0.28%           1.61%        74.56%
 1996............      (2.06)      14.65     139,748      20.10%       2,047,927      0.27%           2.24%        81.02%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                                Income from Investment Operations                            Less Distributions
                             --------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                            Net Realized
                   Net Asset                    and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at       Net        Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning  Investment   Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period Income/(Loss) Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $15.45      $(0.22)        $(0.04)      $(0.27)     $(0.23)      $  --         $  --         $  --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    15.64       (0.44)          0.94         1.38       (0.43)       (1.14)          --            --
 1998............    14.35        0.46           2.43         2.89       (0.46)       (1.09)          --          (0.05)
 1997............    13.35        0.59           1.86         2.45       (0.59)       (0.78)          --          (0.08)
 1996............    13.73        0.61           0.81         1.42       (0.61)       (1.19)          --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-Term Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     9.72       (0.30)         (0.02)       (0.32)      (0.31)         --            --            --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    10.05        0.61          (0.33)        0.28       (0.61)         --            --            --
 1998............    10.08        0.61          (0.03)        0.58       (0.61)         --            --            --
 1997............    10.05        0.59           0.03         0.62       (0.59)         --            --            --
 1996............    10.23        0.54          (0.18)        0.36       (0.54)         --            --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    10.92        0.08           0.05         0.13       (0.09)         --            --            --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    11.59        0.09          (0.50)       (0.41)      (0.07)       (0.01)        (0.18)          --
 1998............    12.40        0.07          (0.81)       (0.74)      (0.07)         --            --            --
 1997............    10.73        0.08           2.66         2.74       (0.08)       (0.99)          --            --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.07           0.96         1.03       (0.07)       (0.23)          --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............    15.17        0.06          (0.65)       (0.58)      (0.05)         --            --            --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    12.21        0.10           3.95         4.05       (0.11)       (0.94)        (0.04)          --
 1998............    10.63        0.11           1.57         1.68       (0.10)         --            --            --
 1997............    10.60        0.10           0.11         0.21       (0.10)       (0.08)          --            --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00        0.07           0.60         0.67       (0.07)         --            --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                                Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                     ------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                 Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                   Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total       End of Period Expenses to     Income to   Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment       (000's       Average        Average    Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)       Omitted)    Net Assets      Net Assets    Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ----------- ------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $(0.23)     $14.95     209,089      1.21%(e)    $3,219,172      0.37%(d)        2.93%(d)  102.37%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (1.57)      15.45     222,091      9.10%        3,430,919      0.36%           2.75%     203.86%
 1998............      (1.60)      15.64     211,171     20.42%        3,301,910      0.36%           2.99%     160.57%
 1997............      (1.45)      14.35     195,139     18.72%        2,800,127      0.37%           4.18%     200.41%
 1996............      (1.80)      13.35     178,745     10.72%        2,386,660      0.36%           4.41%     113.61%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-Term Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.31)       9.09       7,608      3.00%(e)        73,807      0.40%(d)        6.27%(d)   21.81%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.61)       9.72       7,081      2.96%           68,844      0.43%           6.25%     100.04%
 1998............      (0.61)      10.05       7,682      5.82%           77,194      0.53%           6.17%     184.50%
 1997............      (0.59)      10.08       5,070      6.41%           51,120      0.57%           5.67%     108.29%
 1996............      (0.54)      10.05       5,840      3.61%           58,676      0.75%(j)        5.66%      20.68%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Cap Value
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.09)      10.95       6,571      1.19%(e)        71,953      0.90%(d)(p)     1.52%(d)   58.65%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.26)      10.92       6,311     (3.43)%          68,900      0.95%(p)        0.78%     117.33%
 1998............      (0.07)      11.59       5,531      5.96%           64,095      1.05%(p)        0.63%     100.83%
 1997............      (1.07)      12.40       3,488     25.57%           43,261      1.05%(p)        0.68%     126.10%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.30)      10.73         982     10.33%(e)        10,541      1.05%(d)(p)     1.15%(d)   66.31%(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.05)      14.53       7,048     (3.84)%(e)      102,442      0.93%(d)(q)     0.89%(d)   22.77%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (1.09)      15.17       5,259     34.01%           79,794      1.02%(q)        0.77%      34.02%
 1998............      (0.10)      12.21       5,260     15.92%           64,250      1.16%(q)        0.89%      18.67%
 1997............      (0.18)      10.63       2,882      1.95%           30,631      1.22%(q)        0.65%      21.09%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.07)      10.60       1,689      6.72%(e)        17,898      1.25%(d)(q)     0.87%(d)    5.46%(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected data for each share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout the
year end indicated:

                              Income from Investment Operations                           Less Distributions
                             ------------------------------------ ------------ ----------------------------------------
                                         Net Realized
                   Net Asset                 and                  Distribution Distribution  Distribution
                   Value at     Net       Unrealized   Total From   From Net     From Net    in Excess of  Distribution
                   Beginning Investment Gain/(Loss) on Investment  Investment    Gains on   Net Investment From Capital
                   of Period   Income   Investments(a) Operations    Income    Investments   Income/Gains    Paid in
                   --------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Equity Index
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............   $20.46     $0.11        $(0.21)      $(0.10)     $(0.11)      $  --          $--          $  --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    17.70      0.27          3.41         3.68       (0.26)       (0.66)         --             --
 1998............    14.21      0.25          3.76         4.01       (0.24)       (0.28)         --             --
 1997............    11.10      0.24          3.41         3.65       (0.24)       (0.25)         --           (0.05)
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00      0.15          1.26         1.41       (0.15)       (0.10)         --           (0.06)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
High Yield Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     8.99      0.37         (0.54)       (0.17)      (0.37)         --           --             --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............     9.23      0.72         (0.26)        0.46       (0.70)         --           --             --
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....    10.00      0.46         (0.76)       (0.30)      (0.46)       (0.01)         --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     9.82      0.24          0.08         0.31       (0.16)         --           --             --
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............    10.60      0.48         (0.70)       (0.22)      (0.56)         --           --             --
 1998............    10.24      0.54          0.38         0.92       (0.29)       (0.09)         --           (0.18)
 1997............    10.16      0.59          0.30         0.89       (0.61)       (0.15)         --           (0.05)
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....    10.00      0.38          0.28         0.66       (0.38)       (0.12)         --             --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   Distributions                                                  Ratios/Supplemental Data
                   -------------                                       ------------------------------------------------------
                                            Number of                                                   Net
                                 Net Asset   Shares                     Net Assets    Operating      Investment
                                 Value at  Outstanding   Total         End of Period Expenses to     Income to   Portfolio
                       Total        End      (000's    Investment         (000's       Average        Average    Turnover
                   Distributions of Period  Omitted)   Return(b)         Omitted)    Net Assets      Net Assets    Rate
                   ------------- --------- ----------- --------------- ------------- --------------- ----------- ------------
Equity Index
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............     $(0.11)     $20.24     25,019      (0.50)%(e)      $506,426       0.23%(d)        1.07%(d)   15.03%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.92)      20.46     22,060      21.08%           451,296       0.00%(r)        1.42%      55.24%
 1998............      (0.52)      17.70     13,139      28.45%           232,578       0.00%(r)        1.59%      43.31%
 1997............      (0.54)      14.21      7,134      32.79%(v)        101,390       0.00%(r)        1.97%      64.56%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.31)      11.10      1,320      14.23%(e)(u)      14,650       0.00%(d)(r)     2.47%(d)   15.72%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
High Yield Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.37)       8.45      2,995      (1.89)%(e)        25,302       0.75%(d)(z)     8.30%(d)   13.11%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.70)       8.99      2,217       5.13%            19,921       0.80%(z)        7.94%      38.62%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1998 (c)....      (0.47)       9.23      1,602      (2.98)%(e)        14,789       0.90%(d)(z)     7.43%(d)   17.67%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Bond
 Unaudited Period
 Ended June 30,
 2000............      (0.16)       9.97      6,396       3.21%(e)         63,764       0.78%(d)(s)     4.76%(d)  113.22%(e)
 Year ended
 Deccember 31,
 1999............      (0.56)       9.82      7,230      (2.16)%           70,991       0.83%(s)        4.70%     332.06%
 1998............      (0.56)      10.60      6,301       9.15%            66,791       0.95%(s)        5.27%     186.70%
 1997............      (0.81)      10.24      2,797       9.05%            28,647       1.00%(s)        5.80%      69.38%
 Period from May
 1, to December
 31, 1996 (c)....      (0.50)      10.16      1,271       6.71%(e)         12,907       1.00%(d)(s)     6.05%(d)  171.39%(e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) The amount shown at this caption for each share outstanding throughout the
    year may not accord with the change in the aggregate gains and losses in
    the portfolio securities for the year because of the timing of the
    purchases and withdrawals of the shares in relation to the fluctuation
    market values of the portfolio.
(b) The performance of the portfolios shown on this page does not reflect
    expenses and charges of the applicable separate accounts and variable
    products, all of which vary to a considerable extent and are described in
    your product's prospectus.
(c) Commencement of investment operations.
(d) Annualized.
(e) Not annualized.
(f) Amount is less than a penny per share.
(g) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .40% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and .38% and .63% for the years ended December 31, 1999
    and1998, respectively.
(h) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 0.98% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000.


(i) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 2.41% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 3.44%, and 3.69% for the years ended December 31, 1999
    and 1998, respectively.
(j) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .79% for the year ended
    December 31, 1996 respectively.
(k) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.05%, 1.12%, and 1.55%, for
    the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(l) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.86% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000, and 1.31%, 1.82, 1.56%, and 1.44% for the years ended
    December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(m) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.13%, 1.42%, and 2.34%, for
    the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(n) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.06%, and 2.74%, for the
    years ended December 31, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(o) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.14%, and 2.15%, for the
    years ended December 31, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(p) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .91% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and .96%, 1.08%, 1.30%, and 2.06%, for the years ended
    December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.
(q) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.09% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.15%, 1.46%, 1.57%, and 2.76%, for the years ended
    December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(r) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .22%, .34%, .65%, and 1.61%,
    for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.
(s) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 0.80% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.32%, and 1.57%, for the years ended December 31, 1997,
    and 1996, respectively.
(t) Average Commission rate is calculated for funds with fiscal year beginning
    on or after September 1, 1995.
(u) The Total Return includes the effect of the capital contribution of $.06
    per share. The total Investment Return without the capital contribution
    would have been 13.59%.
(v) The Total Return includes the effect of the capital contribution of $.04
    per share. The total Investment Return without the capital contribution
    would have been 32.47%.
(w) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.47% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.26%, and 2.47%, for the years ended December 31, 1999,
    and 1998, respectively.
(x) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .42% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000, and .35%, and .71%, for the years ended December 31, 1999,
    and 1998, repectively.
(y) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.44% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 2.24%, and 4.55%, for the years ended December 31, 1999,
    and 1998, respectively.
(z) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.01% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.04% , and 2.03%, for the years ended December 31,
    1999, and 1998, respectively.
(1) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .97% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000, and 1.09% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(2) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been .92% for the period endig June
    30, 2000, and .96% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(3) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.49% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.71% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(4) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.37% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000, and 1.20% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(5) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.55% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000, and 1.17% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(6) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.35% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.42% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(7) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.09% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.17% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(8) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 1.41% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000 and 1.61% for the year ended December 31, 1999.
(9) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursement not
    been made the expense ratio would have been 2.37% for the period ending
    June 30, 2000.
(10) Expense ratio is net of expense reimbursement. Had such reimbursementnot
     been made the expense ratio would have been 2.47% for the period ending
     June 30, 2000.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                           Shares             Value

Auto and Truck Parts - 0.2%
  Lear Corp. * .................................      138,400          $  2,768

Automobile - 0.3%
  General Motors Corp. - Cl. H .................       45,000             3,949

Banks - 0.3%
  Comerica, Inc. ...............................      100,000             4,487

Business Services - 0.6%
  Automatic Data Processing, Inc. ..............       47,100             2,523
  Electronic Data Systems Corp. ................      150,000             6,187

Commercial Services - 1.6%
  Convergys Corp. * ............................      102,500             5,317
  Interpublic Group Cos., Inc. .................      108,300             4,657
  Lamar Advertising Co. * ......................      119,100             5,158
  Omnicom Group, Inc. ..........................       96,000             8,550

Computer Equipment - 14.4%
  Compaq Computer Corp. ........................      263,600             6,738
  Comverse Technology, Inc. * ..................       89,400             8,314
  Dell Computer Corp. * ........................      533,600            26,313
  Hewlett-Packard Co. ..........................      127,200            15,884
  Intel Corp. ..................................      704,900            94,237
  International Business Machines Corp. ........      286,100            31,346
  Network Appliance, Inc. * ....................      140,100            11,278
  VERITAS Software Corp. * .....................      181,000            20,456

Computer Software and Services - 19.3%
  Adobe Systems, Inc. ..........................       55,600             7,228
  America Online, Inc. * .......................      507,000            26,744
  DST Systems, Inc. * ..........................       66,300             5,047
  EMC Corp. * ..................................      496,300            38,184
  First Data Corp. .............................      145,200             7,206
  Fiserv, Inc. .................................      168,200             7,275
  Intuit, Inc. * ...............................      201,300             8,329
  Microsoft Corp. ..............................      716,200            57,296
  Oracle Corp. *................................      600,300            50,463
  Portal Software, Inc. * ......................      173,800            11,101
  Siebel Systems, Inc. * .......................       80,000            13,085
  Sun Microsystems, Inc. * .....................      402,700            36,620
  Yahoo!, Inc. * ...............................      158,200            19,597

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.5%
  Black & Decker Corp. .........................      187,400             7,367

Diversified Operations - 7.9%
  Corning, Inc. ................................       67,200            18,136
  El Paso Energy Corp. .........................      147,800             7,528
  General Electric Co. .........................    1,750,000            92,750

Electronic Products and Services - 19.3%
  Agilent Technologies, Inc. * .................      149,900            11,055
  Altera Corp. * ...............................       85,200             8,685
  Anadigics, Inc. * ............................      130,000             4,428
  Analog Devices, Inc. * .......................      130,900             9,948
  Applied Materials, Inc. * ....................      169,400            15,352
  Applied Micro Circuits Corp. * ...............       95,400             9,421
  Atmel Corp. * ................................      168,600             6,217
  Cisco Systems, Inc. * ........................    1,690,700           107,465
  Jabil Circuit, Inc. * ........................       82,800             4,109
  Lam Research Corp. * .........................      154,800             5,805
  Linear Technology Corp. ......................      136,800             8,747
  LSI Logic Corp. * ............................      114,300             6,187
  Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. * ............      149,600            10,163
  Motorola, Inc. ...............................      156,000             4,534
  Novellus Systems, Inc. * .....................       80,700             4,565
  PE Corp-BE Biosystems Group ..................       85,600             5,639
  Sanmina Corp. * ..............................       50,000             4,275
  SCI Systems, Inc. * ..........................      159,700             6,258
  Solectron Corp. * ............................      163,600             6,851
  Teradyne, Inc. * .............................       65,800             4,836
  Texas Instruments, Inc. ......................      372,900            25,614
  Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. * ................       60,400             4,443
  Waters Corp. * ...............................       47,000             5,866
  Xilinx, Inc. * ...............................      101,500             8,380

Financial Services - 1.2%
  Citigroup, Inc. ..............................      300,000            18,075

Health Care Products - 12.6%
  Allergan, Inc. ...............................      158,700            11,823
  American Home Products Corp. .................      123,300             7,244
  Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. .....................      195,900            11,411
  Cardinal Health, Inc. ........................       97,800             7,237
  Cephalon, Inc. * .............................       69,300             4,149
  CV Therapeutics, Inc. * ......................       48,400             3,355
  Eli Lilly & Co. ..............................      163,900            16,369
  Merck & Co., Inc. ............................      351,200            26,911
  Pfizer, Inc. .................................    1,003,100            48,149
  Pharmacia Corp. ..............................      290,400            15,010
  QLT PhotoTherapeutics, Inc. * ................      114,700             8,868
  Schering-Plough Corp. ........................      543,200            27,432

Health Care Services - 0.3%
  Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. * ............       61,600             4,462

Insurance - 2.2%
  Aon Corp. ....................................      200,200             6,219
  AXA Financial, Inc. ..........................      265,300             9,020
  Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. ......       98,200             5,493
  Lincoln National Corp. .......................      179,500             6,485
  PartnerRe, Ltd. ..............................      156,000             5,528



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                            Shares            Value


Machinery - 0.4%
  Ingersoll-Rand Co. ...........................      151,700         $   6,106

Media - Publishing - 0.6%
  AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A * ...      386,800             9,380

Media - TV / Radio - 2.1%
  Infinity Broadcasting Corp. - Cl. A * ........      148,200             5,400
  Time Warner, Inc. ............................      182,400            13,863
  Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * .......................      173,600            11,837

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production -
Noble Drilling Corp. * .........................       80,000             3,295

Retail - Department Stores - 5.9%
  Circuit City Stores, Inc. ....................       80,100             2,658
  Gap, Inc. ....................................      362,500            11,328
  Home Depot, Inc. .............................      487,300            24,335
  Lowe's Cos., Inc. ............................      186,100             7,642
  RadioShack Corp. .............................       91,900             4,354
  Tiffany & Co. ................................       70,000             4,725
  TJX Cos., Inc. ...............................      456,600             8,561
  Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ........................      438,100            25,245

Retail - Food - 0.2%
  Outback Steakhouse, Inc. * ...................      128,200             3,750

Telecommunication Equipment - 6.4%
  ADC Telecommunications, Inc. * ...............      119,400            10,015
  CIENA Corp. * ................................       49,200             8,201
  JDS Uniphase Corp. * .........................      200,100            23,987
  Lucent Technologies, Inc. ....................      550,000            32,587
  Nortel Networks Corp. ........................      175,000            11,944
  RF Micro Devices, Inc. * .....................       48,100             4,215
  Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. .....................       63,000             4,693

Telecommunication Services - 2.8%
  Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * .........      104,100             7,808
  Sprint PCS (PCS Group) * .....................      295,000            17,552
  WorldCom, Inc. * .............................      365,900            16,786
                             TOTAL COMMON STOCK-         99.3%        1,484,468

                                                        Par            Market
                                                       Value            Value
                                                      (000's)          (000's)

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ..........................     $ 38,005            38,005
                              TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        101.8%        1,522,473
            Payables, less Cash and receivables-         (1.8)%        (27,588)
                                                     ---------        ---------
                                     NET ASSETS-        100.0%        1,494,885
                                                     =========        =========

* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                           Shares          Value

Commercial Services - 4.0%
  Celestica, Inc. * ............................          16,000        $   794
  True North Communications ....................           5,800            255
  Young & Rubicam, Inc. ........................           4,000            229

Computer Equipment - 2.6%
  Foundry Networks, Inc. * .....................           4,787            529
  SanDisk Corp. * ..............................           3,000            184
  Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. * ...........           1,500            132

Computer Software and Services - 18.4%
  Agile Software Corp. * .......................           1,000             71
  Alteon Websystems, Inc. * ....................           5,400            540
  Citrix Systems, Inc. * .......................             500             10
  Clarent Corp. * ..............................           1,500            107
  E.piphany, Inc. * ............................             100             11
  Exodus Communications, Inc. * ................           1,300             60
  Intertrust Technologies Corp. * ..............           7,500            154
  Kana Communications, Inc. * ..................           8,500            526
  Mercury Interactive Corp. * ..................           8,300            803
  Micromuse, Inc. * ............................           6,900          1,142
  Portal Software, Inc. * ......................           5,000            319
  Rational Software Corp. * ....................           9,300            864
  RealNetworks, Inc. * .........................           6,000            303
  Redback Networks, Inc. * .....................           1,200            214
  Research in Motion, Ltd. * ...................           4,000            181
  Utstarcom, Inc. ..............................          12,200            371
  Vitria Technology, Inc. * ....................           3,000            183
Electric Power - 2.4%
  Calpine Corp. * ..............................          11,800            776

Electronic Products and Services - 24.9%
  Amkor Technology, Inc. * .....................             200              7
  Applied Micro Circuits Corp. * ...............           3,500            346
  Bookham Technolgy plc ........................          14,000            830
  Flextronics International Ltd. ...............           4,000            275
  GlobeSpan, Inc. * ............................             100             12
  Jabil Circuit, Inc. * ........................          11,000            546
  Millipore Corp. ..............................          10,000            754
  Newport Corp. ................................          12,100          1,299
  QLogic Corp. * ...............................           7,500            495
  Sanmina Corp. * ..............................           9,600            821
  SDL, Inc. * ..................................           2,800            799
  TranSwitch Corp. * ...........................           7,000            540
  Virata, Corp. * ..............................           5,500            328
  Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. * ...............           3,750            142
  Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. * ................           3,350            246
  Waters Corp. * ...............................           4,000            499

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.5%
  Adolph Coors Co. - Cl. B .....................           2,500            151

Health Care Products - 4.3%
  Abgenix, Inc. * ..............................           5,000            599
  Affymetrix, Inc. * ...........................           1,800            297
  ImClone Systems, Inc. * ......................           3,000            230
  QLT PhotoTherapeutics, Inc. * ................           3,000            232

Machinery - 1.9%
  SPX Corp. ....................................           5,000            605

Media - TV / Radio - 2.0%
  Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. *.................          12,400            411
  TV Guide, Inc. - Cl. A * .....................           2,000             69
  Univision Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * .....           1,500            155

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production -
  Kinder Morgan, Inc. ..........................          20,000            691

Retail - Department Stores - 7.5%
  BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. ....................          17,000            561
  Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. * .............          10,400            916
  Tiffany & Co. ................................          13,600            918

Telecommunication Equipment - 11.5%
  E-Tek Dynamics, Inc. * .......................           2,400            633
  Efficient Networks, Inc. * ...................          10,750            791
  Finisar Corp. * ..............................          17,000            445
  Harmonic, Inc. * .............................           2,256             56
  JDS Uniphase Corp. * .........................           4,454            534
  Next Level Communications, Inc. * ............           1,500            128
  RF Micro Devices, Inc. * .....................           6,400            561
  Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. .....................           6,750            503

Telecommunication Services - 3.6%
  Aether Systems, Inc. * .......................           5,000          1,025
  Aspect Communications Corp. * ................             100              4
  Nextel Partners, Inc. - Cl. A * ..............           3,300            107
                             TOTAL COMMON STOCK-            85.8%        27,319

  Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
     6.853% due 07/03/00 .......................          $4,374          4,374
                              TOTAL INVESTMENTS-            99.6%        31,693
            Receivables, less Cash and payables-             0.4%           136
                                                          ------        -------
                                     NET ASSETS-           100.0%        31,829
                                                          ======        =======

* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                          Shares           Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.4%
  General Dynamics Corp. .......................        1,200          $     63
  Honeywell International, Inc. ................        1,400                47
  United Technologies Corp. ....................        1,600                94

Auto and Truck Parts - 0.0%
  Visteon Corp. ................................          223                 3

Automobile - 0.5%
  Ford Motor Co. ...............................        1,700                73

Banks - 2.1%
  AmSouth Bancorporation .......................        1,400                22
  Bank of America Corp. ........................          400                17
  Comerica, Inc. ...............................          900                40
  FleetBoston Financial Corp. ..................        4,500               153
  J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. ......................          500                55
  Suntrust Banks, Inc. .........................          600                28

Business Services - 0.4%
  Automatic Data Processing, Inc. ..............        1,100                59

Chemicals - 1.3%
  Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. ...............        1,200                37
  Dow Chemical Co. .............................        3,600               109
  Praxair, Inc. ................................        1,200                45

Commercial Services - 0.9%
  Interpublic Group Cos., Inc. .................        1,200                52
  Omnicom Group, Inc. ..........................          700                62
  R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. ....................          900                20

Computer Equipment - 6.5%
  Compaq Computer Corp.  .......................        1,700                44
  Comverse Technology, Inc. ....................          400                37
  Dell Computer Corp. ..........................        2,300               114
  Hewlett-Packard Co. ..........................          900               112
  Intel Corp. ..................................        2,900               388
  International Business Machines Corp. ........        1,500               164
  Network Appliance, Inc. ......................          300                24
  VERITAS Software Corp. .......................          700                79
Computer Software and Services - 8.3%
  America Online, Inc. .........................        1,600                84
  Electronic Data Systems Corp. ................        1,200                50
  EMC Corp. ....................................        1,600               123
  First Data Corp. .............................        2,400               119
  Intuit, Inc. .................................          800                33
  Microsoft Corp. ..............................        4,400               352
  Oracle Corp. .................................        2,900               244
  Siebel Systems, Inc. .........................          200                33
  Sun Microsystems, Inc. .......................        1,300               118
  Yahoo!, Inc. .................................          600                74

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.8%
  Avery Dennison Corp. .........................          700                47
  Black & Decker Corp. .........................        1,400                55
  Sherwin-Williams Co. .........................        1,100                23
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.2%
 Procter & Gamble Co. ..........................          500                29

Diversified Operations - 5.2%
 El Paso Energy Corp. ..........................        1,100                56
 General Electric Co. ..........................        9,000               477
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. .....................          500                28
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. ..........          700                58
 Textron, Inc. .................................        1,000                54
 Tyco International, Ltd. ......................        2,000                95
Electric Power - 2.3%
 Ameren Corp. ..................................          800                27
 Constellation Energy Group. ...................          800                26
 Dominion Resources, Inc. ......................        1,600                69
 Duke Energy Co. ...............................        1,800               101
 PG & E Corp. ..................................        1,600                39
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. ...................          700                24
 Reliant Energy, Inc. ..........................        2,000                59
Electronic Products and Services - 6.6%
 Agilent Technologies, Inc. ....................          343                25
 Altera Corp. ..................................          400                41
 Analog Devices, Inc. ..........................          500                38
 Applied Materials, Inc. .......................          700                64
 Cisco Systems, Inc. ...........................        6,800               432
 Linear Technology Corp. .......................          600                38
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. ...............          600                41
 Motorola, Inc. ................................        1,900                55
 SCI Systems, Inc. .............................        1,000                39
 Solectron Corp. ...............................          600                25
 Texas Instruments, Inc. .......................        1,500               103
 Waters Corp. ..................................          300                38
 Xilinx, Inc. ..................................          400                33
Financial Services - 3.1%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A ........        1,300                29
 Citigroup, Inc.  ..............................        6,500               391
 Mellon Financial Corp. ........................          900                33
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.2%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. .....................          500                37


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                            Shares           Value

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - Continued
 ConAgra, Inc. .................................        1,100          $     21
 PepsiCo, Inc. .................................          600                27
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. ......................        2,100                56
 Sysco Corp. ...................................          700                29
Health Care Products - 10.3%
 Allergan, Inc. ................................        1,000                75
 American Home Products Corp. ..................        1,100                65
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. ...........................          400                31
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. ......................        2,700               157
 Cardinal Health, Inc. .........................          400                30
 Eli Lilly & Co. ...............................          700                70
 Johnson & Johnson .............................          600                61
 Merck & Co., Inc. .............................        2,300               176
 Pfizer, Inc. ..................................       11,075               532
 Pharmacia Corp. ...............................        3,000               155
 Schering-Plough Corp. .........................        2,600               131
 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. ......................          400                34
Health Care Services - 0.2%
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. ...............          300                22

Household Appliances/Furnishings - 0.1%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc. .........................        1,300                21

Insurance - 4.9%
 American General Corp. ........................        1,800               110
 Aon Corp. .....................................        1,600                50
 AXA Financial, Inc. ...........................        3,200               109
 Cigna Corp. ...................................        1,200               112
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. .......        1,300                73
 Lincoln National Corp. ........................        1,700                61
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. ...................          800                84
 St. Paul Cos., Inc. ...........................        1,100                37
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A ......................        1,500                81
Machinery - 0.4%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. ............................        1,400                56

Media - Publishing - 0.4%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group -
      Cl. A ....................................        2,600                63

Media - TV/Radio - 1.7%
 Infinity Broadcasting Corp. - Cl. A ...........        1,500                55
 Time Warner, Inc. .............................        1,000                76
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B ..........................        1,793               122
Oil - 0.7%
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares .........        1,700               105

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
 Production - 2.5%
 Chevron Corp. .................................          600                51
 Exxon Mobil Corp. .............................        3,100               244
 Kerr-McGee Corp. ..............................          700                41
 USX-Marathon Group ............................        1,200                30
Paper and Forest Products - 0.3%
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. ..........................          700                40

Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.3%
 MBNA Corp. ....................................        1,800                49

Retail - Department Stores - 4.6%
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. .............        1,500                51
 Gap, Inc. .....................................        3,600               112
 Home Depot, Inc. ..............................        2,600               130
 Limited, Inc. .................................        1,600                35
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. .............................        1,200                49
 Target Corp. ..................................          900                52
 TJX Cos., Inc. ................................        2,800                53
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. .........................        3,300               190
Retail - Food - 0.2%
 Brinker International, Inc. ...................          800                23

Steel - 0.2%
 USX-U.S. Steel Group, Inc. ....................        1,900                35

Telecommunication Equipment - 2.9%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ..................          500                42
 JDS Uniphase Corp. ............................          400                48
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. .....................        2,300               136
 Nortel Networks Corp. .........................        2,900               198
Telecommunication Services - 1.7%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. ............          500                38
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) ........................        1,400                83
 WorldCom, Inc. ................................        2,900               133
Telephone - 1.9%
 Bell Atlantic Corp. ...........................        1,000                51
 BellSouth Corp. ...............................          600                26
 SBC Communications, Inc. ......................        3,000               130
 Sprint Corp. ..................................        1,400                71
Transportation Services - 0.2%
 Union Pacific Corp. ...........................          600                22

U.S. Government Agencies - 0.6%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. ..............        1,700                89
                             TOTAL COMMON STOCK-         74.9%           11,039


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                           Value             Value
                                                      (000's)           (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 0.1%
 Lockheed Martin Corp. - Bonds
 8.5% due 12/01/29 .............................      $    15          $     15

Automobile - 0.3%
 Ford Motor Co. - Bonds
 6.625% due 10/01/28 ...........................           60                51

Banks - 1.0%
 BankBoston Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 03/15/02 ...........................           50                48
 Capital One Bank - Notes
 7.08% due 10/30/01 ............................           50                50
 Korea Development Bank - Bonds
 7.125% due 09/17/01 ...........................           50                50
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.3%
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. - Notes
 6.5% due 10/01/02 .............................           50                49

Computer Equipment - 0.2%
 International Business Machines Corp. - Notes
 5.625% due 04/12/04 ...........................           30                29

Diversified Operations - 0.4%
 El Paso Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 07/15/01 ...........................           30                30
 General Electric Capital Corp.
 7.5% due 05/15/05 .............................           30                30
Financial Services - 1.0%
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 10/15/01 ...........................           50                45
 Green Tree Financial Corp. - Ser. 1996-8
  Cl. A6
 7.6% due 10/15/27 .............................           50                50
 PNC Funding Corp.
 7.0% due 09/01/04 .............................           50                49
Media - TV / Radio - 0.3%
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Debs.
 6.8% due 08/01/28 .............................           50                43
 News America, Inc. - Debs.
 7.125% due 04/08/28 ...........................           10                 8
Natural Gas Distribution - 0.2%
 Enron Corp. - Debs.
 9.125% due 04/01/03 ...........................           30                31

Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.1%
 Petroleum Geo-Services ASA - Sr. Notes
 7.125% due 03/30/28 ...........................           20                17

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
Production - 0.2%
 Amerada Hess Corp. - Bonds
 7.875% due 10/01/29 ...........................           30                29

Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.3%
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes
 6.0% due 05/01/04 .............................           30                28
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc.
 6.875% due 07/15/28 ...........................           10                 9
Retail - Department Stores - 0.1%
 Wal Mart Stores, Inc.
 7.55% due 02/15/30 ............................           20                20

Retail - Food - 0.5%
 Safeway, Inc. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/15/01 ...........................           50                49
 The Kroger Co
 8.05% due 02/01/10 ............................           20                20
Telephone - 0.1%
 Sprint Capital Corp.
 6.875% due 11/15/28 ...........................           10                 9

Transportation Services - 0.1%
 Delta Air Lines, Inc.
 8.3% due 12/15/29 .............................           20                17

U.S. Government Agencies - 7.6%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
 6.0% due 07/25/15 .............................          345               326
 6.5% due 08/25/30 .............................          150               141
 7.0% due 08/25/30 .............................          310               299
 7.25% due 05/15/30 ............................           70                72
 7.5% due 07/25/30 .............................          279               275
U.S. Governmental - 9.0%
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds
 5.25% due 02/15/29 ............................          250               222
 5.875% due 11/15/04 ...........................          170               168
 6.25% due 05/15/30 ............................          150               157
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 6.25% due 10/31/01 ............................          265               264
 6.25% due 08/31/02 ............................          260               259
 6.5% due 02/15/10 .............................          255               264
                    TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-         21.8%            3,223


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Par           Market
              Name of Issuer                          Value           Value
                                                     (000's)         (000's)
 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
 6.853% due 07/03/00............................    $   1,535       $   1,535
                                                    ---------       ---------
                              TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        107.1%         15,798
            Payables, less cash and receivables-         (7.1)%        (1,054)
                                                    ---------       ---------
                                     NET ASSETS-        100.0%         14,744

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        Par               Par
              Name of Issuer                           Value             Value
                                                      (000's)           (000's)


Aerospace and Defense - 1.0%
 Jet Equipment Trust
 10.91% due 08/15/14 ...........................    $   2,100         $   2,129
 Lockheed Martin Corp. - Notes
 7.95% due 12/01/05 ............................        1,860             1,873
 Lockheed Martin Corp. - Bonds
 8.5% due 12/01/29 .............................        1,815             1,848
 Raytheon Co.
 7.9% due 03/01/03 .............................        2,605             2,617
Agricultural Operations - 0.3%
 Marlin Water Trust - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 7.09% due 12/15/01 ............................        2,553             2,526

Automobile - 0.9%
 DaimlerChrysler NA Holding Co. - Notes
 7.4% due 01/20/05 .............................        2,520             2,514
 DaimlerChysler AG - Debs.
 7.45% due 03/01/27 ............................        1,800             1,724
 Ford Motor Co. - Debs.
 9.0% due 09/15/01 .............................        2,000             2,039
 United Rentals, Inc.
 9.0% due 04/01/09 .............................        1,230             1,089
Banks - 2.8%
 Abbey National First Capital - Sr. Sub
 8.2% due 10/15/04 .............................        4,000             4,101
 BankBoston Corp. - Sub. Notes
 6.625% due 12/01/05 ...........................        2,385             2,279
 International Bank of Reconstruction &
  Development - Debs.
 8.25% due 09/01/16 ............................        2,150             2,364
 National Westminister Bank, NY - Sub Notes
 9.45% due 05/01/01 ............................        5,000             5,085
 NB Capital Trust IV
 8.25% due 04/15/27 ............................        1,680             1,570
 RBSG Capital Corp. - Notes
 10.125% due 03/01/04 ..........................        5,000             5,376
 Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc
 8.817% due 03/31/05 ...........................        1,870             1,926
Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.0%
 Bear Stearns Co., Inc.
 7.625% due 02/01/05 ...........................        1,705             1,679
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Notes
 7.35% due 10/01/09 ............................        1,700             1,629
 Morgan Stanley Group, Inc. - Notes
 8.875% due 10/15/01 ...........................        3,000             3,055
 Salomon Brothers Mortgage Securities VII
 6.75% due 07/25/24 ............................        1,890             1,888
Chemicals - 0.2%
 Akzo Nobel, Inc. - Bonds 144A (a)
 6.0% due 11/15/03 .............................        1,630             1,546
 Equistar Chemical - Notes
 8.5% due 02/15/04 .............................          145               143
Computer Software and Services - 0.4%
 Exodus Communications, Inc.
 10.75% due 12/15/09 ...........................        1,550             1,496
 PSINet, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 11.5% due 11/01/08 ............................          950               902
 Verio, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.375% due 04/01/05 ..........................        1,135             1,192
Diversified Operations - 0.2%
 Harrahs Operating Co., Inc.
 7.5% due 01/15/09 .............................        1,495             1,387

Electric Power - 7.6%
 AES Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.5% due 06/01/09 .............................          935               916
 AES Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.25% due 07/15/06 ...........................        3,113             3,105
 AES Eastern Energy
 9.0% due 01/02/17 .............................        2,130             2,074
 Beaver Valley Funding Corp. - Debs.
 9.0% due 06/01/17 .............................        2,365             2,327
 BVPS II Funding Corp. - Coll. Lease Bonds
 8.89% due 06/01/17 ............................        2,464             2,366
 CalEnergy Co., Inc. - Bonds
 8.48% due 09/15/28 ............................        2,100             2,143
 Calpine Corp. - Sr. Notes
 10.5% due 05/15/06 ............................        1,920             1,987
 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
 7.88% due 11/01/17 ............................          480               459
 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. - 1st
 9.5% due 05/15/05 .............................        5,775             5,791
 CMS Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.75% due 01/15/04 ............................        2,040             1,896
 8.125% due 05/15/02 ...........................        2,650             2,628
 Connecticut Light & Power Co.
 7.75% due 06/01/02 ............................        1,090             1,094
 Connecticut Light & Power Co. - Notes 144A (a)
 8.59% due 06/04/03 ............................        1,310             1,275


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                     (000's)           (000's)


Electric Power - Continued
 East Coast Power LLC - Secd. Notes
 7.066% due 03/31/12 ...........................    $   1,855         $   1,706
 Long Island Lighting Co. - Debs.
 8.2% due 03/15/23 .............................        3,235             3,177
 Midland Cogeneration Venture - Debs.
 10.33% due 07/23/02 ...........................          496               508
 10.33% due 07/23/02 ...........................        2,046             2,094
 Monterrey Power SA de CV - Sec. Bonds 144A (a)
 9.625% due 11/15/09 ...........................          720               662
 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. - Debs.
 8.77% due 01/01/18 ............................        3,965             4,008
 North Atlantic Energy Corp. - 1st Mtge.
 9.05% due 06/01/02 ............................        1,230             1,244
 Peco Energy Transition Trust
 0.99% due 03/01/10 ............................        7,630             7,710
 PNPP II Funding Corp. - Debs.
 9.12% due 05/30/16 ............................        2,455             2,445
 Quest Diagnostic, Inc.
 10.75% due 12/15/06 ...........................        1,847             1,912
 Sierra Pacific Resources - Notes
 8.75% due 05/15/05 ............................        2,535             2,574
 System Energy Resources, Inc. - 1st Mtge.
 7.71% due 08/01/01 ............................        2,590             2,591
 Waterford 3 Funding - Entergy - Bonds
 8.09% due 01/02/17 ............................        4,488             4,201
Electronic Products and Services - 0.0%
 Amkor Technologies, Inc. - Sr. Sub Notes
 10.5% due 05/01/09 ............................          370               373

Energy - Alternative Source - 0.4%
 7.23% due 09/15/05 ............................        1,425             1,385
 Panhandle East Pipe Line - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 8.25% due 04/01/10 ............................        1,870             1,868
Financial Services - 2.3%
 Associates Corp. of North America - Debs.
 6.95% due 11/01/18 ............................        1,465             1,289
 Bank of New York Institution Capital - 144A (a)
 7.78% due 12/01/26 ............................        3,350             2,926
 Barclays North America Capital Corp. - Debs.
 9.75% due 05/15/21 ............................        4,650             4,924
 CIT Group, Inc. - Notes
 5.5% due 10/15/01 .............................
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 7.75% due 01/19/10 ............................        2,175             2,162

 Peco Energy Transition Trust
 6.05% due 03/01/09 ............................        2,600             2,428
 Sun Canada Financial Co. - Bonds 144A (a)
 6.625% due 12/15/07 ...........................        3,345             3,184
 URC Holdings Corp. - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 7.875% due 06/30/06 ...........................        1,840             1,876
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.3%
 Canandaigua Brands, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.75% due 12/15/03 ............................        2,365             2,270

Foreign Governmental - 2.3%
 Hydro-Quebec - Debs.
 9.4% due 02/01/21 .............................          610               709
 Hydro-Quebec - Debs. Ser. FU
 11.75% due 02/01/12 ...........................        5,000             6,565
 Hydro-Quebec - Debs. Ser. IF
 7.375% due 02/01/03 ...........................        1,000             1,001
 Nova Scotia
 8.75% due 04/01/22 ............................        3,000             3,321
 Province of Manitoba
 9.0% due 12/15/00 .............................        3,000             3,027
 9.25% due 04/01/20 ............................        2,000             2,301
 Province of Saskatchewan
 9.375% due 12/15/20 ...........................        1,500             1,732
 Republic of Brazil
 4.5% due 04/15/14 .............................
 Republic of Venezuela - Debs.
 6.812% due 12/18/07 ...........................
Health Care Products - 0.2%
 Fresenius Medical Capital Trust II
 7.875% due 02/01/08 ...........................        1,740             1,583

Health Care Services - 0.6%
 Dynacare, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.75% due 01/15/06 ...........................        2,660             2,407
 Iasis Healthcare Corp.
 13.0% due 10/15/09 ............................        1,225             1,222
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.0% due 01/15/05 .............................        1,295             1,247
Insurance - 1.3%
 Conseco, Inc. - Notes
 9.0% due 10/15/06 .............................


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                     (000's)           (000's)


Insurance - Continued
 Equitable Life Assurance Society USA -
  Notes 144A (a)
 6.95% due 12/01/05 ............................    $   2,750         $   2,657
 Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co. - Notes
  144A (a)
 7.625% due 11/15/23 ...........................        2,640             2,510
 New York Life Insurance Co. - Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 7.5% due 12/15/23 .............................        5,970             5,250
Leisure and Recreation - 0.3%
 SFX Entertainment, Inc.
 9.125% due 12/01/08 ...........................        2,570             2,596

Media - TV / Radio - 2.6%
 Adelphia Communications Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.125% due 07/15/03 ...........................        1,270             1,203
 9.25% due 10/01/02 ............................        2,460             2,417
 Adelphia Communications Corp.
 9.375% due 11/15/09 ...........................          735               676
 Clear Channel Communications - Sr. Notes
 7.875% due 06/15/05 ...........................        2,545             2,557
 Continental Cablevision - Sr. Notes
 8.3% due 05/15/06 .............................        2,165             2,237
 EchoStar DBS Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 02/01/09 ...........................        1,845             1,790
 News America Holdings, Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 08/10/18 ............................        1,275             1,238
 Rogers Cablesystems - Sr. Notes
 10.0% due 03/15/05 ............................        1,205             1,235
 TCI Communications, Inc. - Debs.
 7.875% due 02/15/26 ...........................        2,745             2,727
 Time Warner, Inc. - Debs.
 9.125% due 01/15/13 ...........................        4,003             4,344
 United Pan Europe Communications Sr. Notes
 11.25% due 11/01/09 ...........................        1,045               920
Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.2%
 Yanacocha Receivables - Pass thru Certs.
  144A (a)
 8.4% due 06/15/05 .............................        1,560             1,420

Metals and Mining - 0.2%
 Golden Northwest Aluminum
 12.0% due 12/15/06 ............................        1,420             1,420

Municipals - 0.4%
 New Hampshire State - Taxable Pease Dev. Auth.
 7.7% due 07/01/12 .............................        3,000             3,124

Oil - 0.8%
 Occidental Petroleum Corp.
 8.45% due 02/15/29 ............................        2,725             2,806
 Phillips Petroleum Co.
 8.75% due 05/25/10 ............................        1,815             1,922
 Valero Energy - Bonds
 8.75% due 06/15/30 ............................        1,815             1,880
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.6%
 Humpuss Funding Corp. - 144A (a)
 7.72% due 12/15/09 ............................        1,078               791
 Petroleum-Geo Services ASA - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 03/30/08 ...........................        2,410             2,131
 TOSCO Corp.
 8.125% due 02/15/30 ...........................        2,415             2,435
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
 Production - 1.1%
 Apache Finance of Canada
 7.75% due 12/15/29 ............................        1,830             1,786
 Coastal Corp.
 7.75% due 06/15/10 ............................        1,805             1,793
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. - Sr. Debs.
 10.125% due 09/15/09 ..........................        3,000             3,363
 Ocean Energy, Inc.
 8.875% due 07/15/07 ...........................        1,325             1,315
 Snyder Oil Corp.
 8.75% due 06/15/07 ............................          805               809
 Triton Energy Corp., Ltd. - Sr. Notes
 8.75% due 04/15/02 ............................          450               445
Paper and Forest Products - 0.7%
 Abitibi-Consolidated, Inc. - Debs.
 8.5% due 08/01/29 .............................          915               861
 Fort James Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.5% due 09/15/02 .............................        2,120             2,069
 International Paper Co. Notes 144A (a)
 8.125% due 07/08/05 ...........................        2,540             2,563
Personal and Commercial Lending - 6.9%
 Commercial Mortgage Acceptance Corp. -
  Ser. 1991-C1 A1
 6.79% due 06/15/31 ............................        3,390             3,312
 CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. -
  Ser. 1998-C1 A1A
 6.26% due 04/11/30 ............................        2,697             2,591
 Deutsche Mortgage & Asset Receiving Corp. -
  Ser. 1998-C1 Cl. C
 6.861% due 03/15/08 ...........................        2,170             2,043
 EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust
 6.57% due 02/15/29 ............................        2,120             2,003


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                     (000's)           (000's)


Personal and Commercial Lending - Continued
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Notes
 6.125% due 04/28/03 ...........................    $   3,185         $   3,066
 Ford Motor Credit Co.
 7.375% due 10/28/09 ...........................        2,190             2,119
 GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.
 6.566% due 11/15/07 ...........................        3,385             3,207
 GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.
  - 1997-C1 A2
 6.853% due 09/15/06 ...........................        7,325             7,189
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/01/02 ...........................        3,955             3,819
 Household Finance Corp. - Sr. Unsub.
 5.875% due 02/01/09 ...........................        1,820             1,581
 LB Commercial Conduit Mortgage Trust -
  Ser. 1999-C1
 6.41% due 08/15/07 ............................        3,427             3,304
 Midland Funding Corp. II - Debs.
 11.75% due 07/23/05 ...........................        1,150             1,216
 Money Store Home Equity Trust - Ser.
  1997-C1 DAF7
 6.485% due 12/15/28 ...........................        4,060             3,881
 Morgan Stanley Capital Ser. 1999-CAM1 Cl. A3
 6.92% due 11/15/18 ............................        7,605             7,426
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc.
 6.875% due 07/15/28 ...........................        2,695             2,316
 UCFC Home Equity Loan - Ser. 1996-A1 A5
 6.5% due 04/15/16 .............................          166               165
 UCFC Home Equity Loan
 7.18% due 02/15/25 ............................        1,115             1,101
 UCFC Home Equity Loan - Ser. 1997-A1 A8
 7.22% due 06/15/28 ............................        6,648             6,563
Real Estate Investment Trust - 2.4%
 American Health Properties, Inc. - Notes
 7.5% due 01/15/07 .............................        1,350             1,202
 Amresco Residential Securities - Mtge.
 6.51% due 08/25/27 ............................        7,885             7,539
 Cabot Industrial Properties LP - Notes
 7.125% due 05/01/04 ...........................        1,975             1,900
 Camden Property Trust - Sr. Notes
 7.0% due 04/15/04 .............................        2,170             2,081
 IMC Home Equity Loan Trust - Ser. 1998-1 A4
 6.6% due 03/20/25 .............................        3,280             3,191
 Liberty Property LP - Notes
 6.6% due 06/05/02 .............................        1,675             1,631
 TriNet Corp. Realty Trust, Inc. - Notes
 7.3% due 05/15/01 .............................        2,070             2,004
Real Estate Operations - 0.2%
 HMH Properties, Inc. - Ser. A
 7.875% due 08/01/05 ...........................        2,075             1,909

Telecommunication Equipment - 1.0%
 Axia, Inc.
 10.75% due 07/15/08 ...........................          915               714
 Crown Castle International Corp. - Sr.
 9.0% due 05/15/11 .............................        1,665             1,532
 Deutsche Telekom International Finance
 8.25% due 06/15/30 ............................        2,190             2,224
 Nextel Communications - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 11/15/09 ...........................        2,040             1,958
 Williams Communications Group, Inc. -
  Senior Notes
 10.875% due 10/01/09 ..........................        1,860             1,813
Telecommunication Services - 2.6%
 Clearnet Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc.
 0.0% due 12/15/05 .............................          900               927
 CSC Holdings, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.125% due 07/15/09 ...........................        2,830             2,754
 DOMINION Resources , Inc. Virginia
 8.125% due 06/15/10 ...........................        1,455             1,468
 Focal Communications Corp. - Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 11.875% due 01/15/10 ..........................          765               761
 Global Crossing Holdings, Ltd.
 9.5% due 11/15/09 .............................        2,225             2,136
 GT Group Telecom
 13.25% due 02/01/10
 Level 3 Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
  144A (a)
 11.0% due 03/15/08 ............................        1,115             1,104
 MCI Worldcom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.95% due 08/15/28
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.5% due 11/01/08 .............................        1,520             1,475
 Nextel Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc.
 1.0% due 02/15/08
 NTL Communications Corp. - Sr. Notes
 11.5% due 10/01/08 ............................        1,980             1,980
 Telecorp PCS, Inc.
 11.625% due 04/15/09 ..........................        1,715             1,128
 Triton PCS, Inc.
 1.0% due 05/01/08 .............................          660               482


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                     (000's)           (000's)


Telecommunication Services - Continued
 Vodafone Airtouch plc - Ser. 144A (a)
 7.75% due 02/15/10 ............................   $    1,830         $   1,814
 Voicestream Wireless Corp. Sr. Notes
 10.375% due 11/15/09 ..........................          920               952
 Voicestream Wireless Corp.
 11.5% due 09/15/09 ............................        1,540             1,671
 Worldcom, Inc.
 8.0% due 05/15/06 .............................        2,350             2,376
Telephone - 2.0%
 Comcast Cable Communications - Notes
 6.2% due 11/15/08 .............................        1,685             1,518
 GTE Corp. - Debs.
 8.75% due 11/01/21 ............................        3,000             3,248
 GTE North, Inc. - Debs.
 5.65% due 11/15/08 ............................        2,595             2,254
 LCI International, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.25% due 06/15/07 ............................        2,205             2,126
 Metromedia Fiber Network, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.0% due 11/15/08 ............................        1,920             1,901
 MetroNet Communications Corp. - Sr. Notes
 12.0% due 08/15/07 ............................        1,770             2,005
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.75% due 11/15/08 ...........................        1,115             1,098
 Sprint Capital Corp.
 6.9% due 05/01/19 .............................        2,760             2,450
Transportation Services - 2.1%
 America West Airlines, Inc. - Pass thru
 6.93% due 01/02/08 ............................        1,546             1,504
 Continental Airlines, Inc. - Pass thru
 7.206% due 06/30/04 ...........................        2,634             2,558
 Erac USA Finance Co. - Notes 144A (a)
 6.625% due 02/15/05 ...........................        3,345             3,156
 Fine Air Services, Inc.
 9.875% due 06/01/08 ...........................        2,090             1,630
 Northwest Airlines Corp.
 8.375% due 03/15/04 ...........................        1,475             1,365
 Northwest Airlines Corp. - Ser. 1996-1
 8.97% due 01/02/15 ............................          212               211
 NWA Trust - Sr. Notes
 9.25% due 06/21/14 ............................        2,297             2,452
 Railcar Trust - Pass thru Notes Ser.
 7.75% due 06/01/04 ............................        1,605             1,607
 U.S. Air, Inc. - Pass thru Certs. Ser.
 11.2% due 03/19/05 ............................        1,200             1,212
 Wisconsin Central Transportation Corp. -
 6.625% due 04/15/08 ...........................        1,360             1,281
U.S. Government Agencies - 31.1%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
 6.0% due 06/15/11 .............................       10,000             9,478
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
 6.0% due 09/01/14 .............................        9,721             9,193
 6.5% due 09/01/13 .............................          134               129
 6.5% due 07/01/14 .............................        8,854             8,533
 6.5% due 11/01/14 .............................          132               128
 6.5% due 01/01/15 .............................           61                59
 6.5% due 02/01/15 .............................          102                98
 6.5% due 06/01/15 .............................          448               432
 6.5% due 11/01/28 .............................       10,775            10,169
 6.625% due 09/15/09 ...........................       17,475            16,882
 6.94% due 01/25/22 ............................        1,455             1,435
 7.0% due 12/31/99 .............................        6,055             5,940
 7.0% due 09/01/10 .............................        4,418             4,362
 7.125% due 02/15/05 ...........................        9,825             9,865
 7.125% due 01/15/30 ...........................       11,595            11,680
 7.385% due 03/25/21 ...........................        1,172             1,174
 7.5% due 04/01/15 .............................        4,000             3,986
 7.5% due 05/01/15 .............................        4,465             4,450
 Government National Mortgage Assoc.
 6.0% due 01/15/29 .............................        9,793             9,019
 6.5% due 07/15/28 .............................       15,291            14,517
 6.5% due 01/15/29 .............................        4,540             4,309
 6.5% due 02/15/29 .............................        3,995             3,791
 6.5% due 04/15/29 .............................        8,374             7,948
 6.5% due 06/15/29 .............................       27,735            26,322
 6.5% due 08/15/29 .............................        7,229             6,861
 6.5% due 12/15/99 .............................       12,435            11,802
 7.0% due 09/15/25 .............................        2,290             2,230
 7.0% due 08/15/28 .............................        6,831             6,641
 7.0% due 03/15/29 .............................        8,996             8,743
 7.0% due 04/15/29 .............................        4,205             4,087
 7.0% due 08/15/29 .............................        3,195             3,105
 7.0% due 09/15/29 .............................       32,333            31,423
 7.5% due 09/15/28 .............................           19                19
 7.5% due 09/15/29 .............................        6,653             6,605
 7.5% due 09/15/29 .............................       11,991            11,905
 7.5% due 12/15/29 .............................        9,064             8,999
 7.5% due 01/15/30 .............................          341               338
 8.0% due 05/15/25 .............................          330               334
 8.0% due 06/15/25 .............................          308               311
 8.0% due 12/31/99 .............................        6,675             6,746
 8.0% due 09/15/25 .............................          600               607
 8.0% due 01/15/26 .............................          290               293


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                     (000's)           (000's)


U.S. Government Agencies - Continued
 8.0% due 08/15/27 .............................    $   1,580         $   1,597
 8.5% due 09/15/21 .............................          612               628
 9.0% due 05/15/21 .............................          420               436
 9.0% due 08/15/21 .............................          547               568
 9.5% due 06/15/16 .............................          370               390
U.S. Governmental - 16.1%
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 5.625% due 05/15/08 ...........................       13,855            13,366
 5.75% due 08/15/03 ............................       10,040             9,869
 7.0% due 07/15/06 .............................       11,434            11,848
 7.5% due 05/15/02 .............................       10,950            11,152
 7.5% due 02/15/05 .............................       18,976            19,889
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds
 7.125% due 02/15/23 ...........................       25,047            27,837
 8.875% due 08/15/17 ...........................       11,899            15,167
                     TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADEDBONDS-         93.1%          764,859

Telephone - 0.0%
 MetroNet Communications Corp. - CW07 144A (a)
 expires 08/15/07 (Cost $58)....................            2               261

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
 6.853% due 07/03/00.............................       70,698           70,698
                                                     ----------     -----------
                               TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        101.7%         835,818
             Payables, less cash and receivables-         (1.7)%        (14,195)
                                                     ----------     -----------
                                      NET ASSETS-        100.0%         821,623

(a) Pursuant to Rule 144A (a) under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities
    may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to
    qualified institutional buyers. At June 30, 2000, securities aggregated
    $37,438 or 4.56% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        Par             Market
              Name of Issuer                           Value             Value
                                                      (000's)           (000's)


U.S. Governmental - 96.9%
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 5.25% due 05/15/04 ............................      $   200           $   193
 6.25% due 05/15/30 ............................          200               210
 6.375% due 06/30/02 ...........................          850               850
 6.5% due 02/15/10 .............................          900               931
 6.75% due 05/15/05 ............................        2,000             2,046
 7.25% due 05/15/16 ............................          350               386
 7.25% due 08/15/22 ............................          200               225
                    TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-         96.9%            4,841
            Receivables, less Cash and payables-          3.1%              154
                                                      -------           -------
                                     NET ASSETS-        100.0%            4,995

See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Brazil - 4.5%
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerias -
   ADR (UTIE) ..................................          3,540        $    61
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - ADR
   (META) ......................................          1,605             45
 Embratel Participacoes SA - ADR (UTIT) ........         11,150            264
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - ADR (OILX) ...........          3,545            107
 Tele Celular Sul Participacoes SA - ADR
   (TELS) ......................................          3,798            172
 Tele Centro Sul Participacoes SA - ADR
   (UTIT) ......................................          4,055            296
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA - ADR
   (TELS) ......................................         12,532            296
 Telemig Celular Participacoes SA - ADR
   (TELS) ......................................            997             72
 Telesp Celular Participacoes SA - ADR
   (TELS) ......................................          9,248            415
 Unibanco - Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros
   SA - GDR (BANK) .............................         12,601            362
 Votorantim Celulose e Papel SA - ADR
   (PAPR) ......................................          4,400             81
Cayman Islands - 0.1%
 Phoenix Satellite TV * (MEDI)..................        169,000             24 * (SOFT) .............................            400             10
Chile - 0.2%
 Chilectra SA - ADR (UTIE) .....................          1,400             22
 Compania de Telecomunicaciones de
   Chile SA (UTIT) .............................          4,700             85
China - 2.0%
 China Unicom, Ltd. * (TELS) ...................          1,900             40
 Great Wall Technology Co. * (ETRN) ............        461,000            319
 Guandong Kelon Electrical Holdings Co.,
   Ltd. - H Shares (APPL) ......................         34,000             18
 Nanjing Panda Electric (UTIE) .................        212,000             76
 PetroChina Co., Ltd. - ADR * (OILS) ...........            600             13
 PetroChina Company, Ltd. * (OILX) .............      2,096,000            436
 Yanzhou Coal Mining Co., Ltd. ADR -
   ADR (META) ..................................          3,960             40
 Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd.
   (OILS) ......................................        164,000             26
Czech Republic - 0.4%
 Cesky Telecom a.s. - GDR * (TELS) .............          4,270             71
 SPT Telecom AS (TELS) .........................          6,510            110
Egypt - 0.9%
 Al-Ahram Beverages Co. SAE - GDR
   (FOOD) ......................................          2,171             37
 Eastern Co. for Tobacco & Cigarettes
   (FOOD) ......................................          1,069             23
 Egypt Gas Co. (OILX) ..........................            500             23
 Egypt Mobile Phone * (TELS) ...................         11,677            380
Greece - 2.3%
 Hellenic Telecommunication
   Organization SA (UTIT) ......................         26,088            639
 Hellenic Telecommunications
   Organization SA - ADR (UTIT) ................         38,057            464
Hong Kong - 6.1%
 Asia Satellite Telecommunications
   Holdings, Ltd. (TELS) .......................         16,000             55
 China Merchants Holdings International
   Co., Ltd. (CNSU) ............................        129,000             89
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd.
   (TELS) ......................................        104,000            917
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd. - ADR
   (TELS) ......................................          3,100            551
 China Unicom, Ltd. * (TELS) ...................        244,000            515
 Citic Pacific, Ltd. (DIOP) ....................         33,000            173
 Cosco Pacific, Ltd. (COMM) ....................        145,000            114
 Founder Holdings , Ltd. (META) ................        138,000             61
 Legend Holdings (COMP) ........................        205,000            199
 TCL International Holdings, Ltd. *
   (ETRN) ......................................        500,000            183
 Timeless Software, Ltd. * (SOFT) ..............         98,000             44
 Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings (APPA) ...........         34,000             75
Hungary - 0.7%
 Magyar Tavkozlesi Rt. - ADR (UTIT) ............          7,347            253
 Magyar Tavkozlesi Rt. (UTIT) ..................         12,354             86
India - 6.7%
 Aptech, Ltd. * (SOFT) .........................          3,100             59
 Bharat Heavy Electricals, Ltd. (ELEQ) .........         30,200             90
 BSES, Ltd. * (UTIE) ...........................         12,500             69
 Container Corp. of India, Ltd. (TRAN) .........         24,092             93
 Dabur India, Ltd. (HEAL) ......................          2,200             32
 Gujarat Ambuja Cements, Ltd. - GDR
   (CONS) ......................................         20,400             84
 HCL TECHNOLOGIES (CNSU) .......................          3,100             97
 Hero Honda Motors, Ltd. * (AUTO) ..............          3,050             67
 Hindustan Lever, Ltd. (HNBA) ..................          2,200            140



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

India - Continued
 Housing Development Financing Corp.,
   Ltd. (LEND) ...................................       11,880           149
 Indialnfo, Ltd. (SOFT) ..........................       10,639            46
 Indo Gulf Corp., Ltd. (CHEM) ....................       20,500            20
 Infosys Technologies, Ltd. * (SOFT) .............        5,665         1,055
 Larsen & Toubro, Ltd. - GDR (DIOP) ..............        1,700            18
 Lupin Laboratories, Ltd. (HEAL) .................        4,600            20
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, Ltd.
   (TELS) ........................................       38,250           218
 NIIT, Ltd. (SOFT) ...............................        2,400           119
 Reliance Industries, Ltd. - GDR *
   (CHEM) ........................................        7,950           165
 Satyam Computer Services, Ltd. (SOFT) ...........        5,167           345
 Sterlite Industries of India, Ltd. * (DIOP) .....        1,950            36
 Strides Arcolab, Ltd. (CNSU) ....................        2,500            14
 Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co.,
   Ltd. - GDR (AUTO) .............................       11,000            29
 Tata Tea Ltd. (FOOD) ............................       10,800            80
 Videsh Sanchar Nigam, Ltd. (TELE) ...............        2,150            58
 Zee Telefilms Ltd. (MEDI) .......................       14,800           149
Indonesia - 0.6%
 PT Gudang Garam Tbk (FOOD) ......................       99,500           161
 PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Corp. Tbk
   (PAPR) ........................................      159,000            32
 PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
   (FOOD) ........................................        8,500             5
 PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk (CONS) ............       49,500            45
 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia - ADR
   (UTIT) ........................................        7,510            52
Israel - 7.1%
 Aladdin Knowledge Systems (SOFT) ................        4,147            66
 BATM Advanced Communications, Ltd.
   (ETRN) ........................................        1,372           119
 Breezecom, Ltd. * (TELE) ........................        1,900            83
 Check Point Software technologies, Ltd.
   * (SOFT) ......................................        2,924           619
 ECI Telecommunications, Ltd. (MEDI) .............       29,663         1,061
 Galileo Technology, Ltd. * (ETRN) ...............       14,852           319
 Gilat Satellite Networks, Ltd. * (TELE) .........        4,255           295
 M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers, Ltd. *
   (COMP) ........................................        1,460           114
 Nice Systems, Ltd. (TELE) .......................          813            63
 Nice Systems, Ltd. - ADR * (TELE) ...............        1,144            88
 Optibase, Ltd. * (COMP) .........................        5,826           102
 Orckit Communications, Ltd. * (TELS) ............        3,445           104
 Radware, Ltd. * (SOFT) ..........................        2,178            58
 Tecnomatix Technologies, Ltd. * (SOFT) ..........        4,162            57
 TTI Team Telecom International, Ltd. *
   (TELS) ........................................        7,423           267
 VCon Telecommunications, Ltd. *
   (TELE) ........................................        1,610            17
Malaysia - 2.1%
 British American Tobacco (Malaysia)
   Berhad (FOOD) .................................       22,000           179
 Commerce Asset Holding Bhd (BANK) ...............       16,000            46
 Digi Swisscom * (TELS) ..........................       32,000            59
 Malayan Banking Berhad (BANK) ...................       43,000           174
 Malaysian Pacific Industries (ETRN) .............       10,000           103
 Public Bank Berhad (BANK) .......................       86,000            79
 Resorts World Berhad (DIOP) .....................       24,000            66
 Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TELS) ..................       52,000           179
 Tenaga Nasional Berhad (UTIE) ...................       38,000           124
Mexico - 9.4%
 Alfa, SA * (DIOP) ...............................       38,090            87
 Cemex SA de CV - ADR Participation
   Certificates * (CONS) .........................        5,578           130
 Cemex SA de CV - CPO * (CONS) ...................       52,339           245
 Cifra SA de CV - Ser. V (RETS) ..................       49,700           117
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV
   (FOOD) ........................................       17,499            75
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV
   - ADR (FOOD) ..................................        8,050           347
 Grupo Carso SA de CV - Ser. A1 (DIOP) ...........       44,400           157
 Grupo Financiero Banamex Accival SA
   de CV (Banacci) (FINL) ........................       63,400           267
 Grupo Financiero Bancomer SA de CV -
   ADR (FINL) ....................................        2,100            21
 Grupo Financiero Bancomer SA de CV -
   Cl. O (FINL) ..................................      296,850           151
 Grupo Modelo SA de CV - Ser. C
   (FOOD) ........................................        8,200            19
 Grupo Sanborns SA - Ser. B1 * (RETS) ............        2,025             3
 Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI) ................       11,550           796
 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SA de CV
   (PAPR) ........................................       31,030            88
 Telefonos de Mexico SA - ADR (UTIT) .............       34,000         1,942
 Wal-Mart de Mexico SA de CV - ADR *
   (RETS) ........................................        3,216            76
 Wal-Mart de Mexico SA de CV - Ser. C
   (RETS) ........................................       18,300            42
Poland - 0.9%
 Elektrim Spolka Akcyjna SA (ETRN) ...............        4,518            52
 Telekomunikacja Polska - GDR * (TELS) ...........       58,488           401



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value


South Africa - 3.7%
 Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd.
   (PMET) .........................................       6,408      $    185
 B.O.E. Corp., Ltd. (FUND) ........................      19,931
 Bidvest Group, Ltd. (DIOP) .......................      18,373           127
 BOE, Ltd. (FINL) .................................      40,403            23
 De Beers - ADR (PMET) ............................         321             8
 De Beers Centenary AG (UTIE) .....................       3,635            88
 Dimension Data Holdings, Ltd. (COMP) .............      22,587           187
 Ellerine Holdings, Ltd. (RETS) ...................      13,200            57
 Impala Platinum Holdings, Ltd. (META) ............       1,109            41
 Liberty Life Association of Africa, Ltd.
   (INSU) .........................................       3,280            31
 M-Cell, Ltd. (TELS) ..............................      63,830           309
 Naspers, Ltd. - N Shares (MEDP) ..................       5,335            44
 Nedcor, Ltd. (BANK) ..............................       7,540           158
 New Africa Investments, Ltd. - N Shares *
   (FINL) .........................................      98,800            25
 Rembrandt Group, Ltd. (DIOP) .....................      25,262           244
 RMB Holdings, Ltd. (FINL) ........................       1,025             1
 Sappi, Ltd. (READ) ...............................       7,270            55
 Sasol, Ltd. (OILX) ...............................      34,813           233
South Korea - 20.9%
 39SHOPPING Corp. (RETS) ..........................       2,000            66
 Cheil Communications, Inc. (MEDP) ................       2,120           277
 Communication Network Interface, Inc. *
   (TELE) .........................................       9,530            53
 Daou Technology, Inc. (SOFT) .....................          58             1
 Dreamline Corp. * (TELE) .........................         289             8
 Hana Bank (BANK) .................................       3,570            22
 Hanvit Bank (BANK) ...............................      28,700            73
 Hanvit Bank - GDR * (BANK) .......................      14,420            71
 Housing & Commercial Bank, Korea
   (BANK) .........................................       6,354           149
 Humax Co., Ltd. * (APPL) .........................      11,475           159
 Hyundai Electronics Industries Co.
   (ETRN) .........................................      13,020           257
 Hyundai Securities Co. (FINL) ....................          88             1
 Kookmin Bank (BANK) ..............................      11,383           145
 Korea Electric Power Corp. (UTIE) ................       8,130           252
 Korea Electric Power Corp. - ADR
   (UTIE) .........................................       8,250           152
 Korea Technology Banking Co. (BANK) ..............       6,120            66
 Korea Telecom Corp. * (TELS) .....................      16,840         1,483
 Korea Telecom Corp. - ADR * (TELS) ...............      12,690           614
 Korea Telecom Freetel * (TELS) ...................       1,610           107
 LG Electronics (ETRN) ............................       3,590           101
 LG Home Shopping, Inc. (RETS) ....................       1,330           126
 LG Information & Communication, Ltd.
   (TELE) .........................................       1,660            93
 LG Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
   (FINL) .........................................       7,760           101
 Locus Corp. * (SOFT) .............................         420            34
 Pantech Co., Ltd. (TELE) .........................       3,663            28
 Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (STEE) .............         530            45
 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. (ETRN) .............       7,090           445
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN) .......................      10,590         3,505
 Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) ..............       6,210           136
 Shinhan Bank (BANK) ..............................      10,370            98
 SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (TELS) ......................       3,600         1,178
 SK Telecom Co., Ltd. - ADR (TELS) ................       4,040           147
 Telson Electronics Co., Ltd. (TELE) ..............      11,144           118
 Tongyang Cement Co. (CONS) .......................       1,940            42
Soviet Union - 3.4%
 LUKoil Holding - ADR (OILS) ......................      10,323           528
 LUKoil Holding - ADR * (OILS) ....................       2,300            46
 RAO Unified Energy Systems - GDR
   (UTIE) .........................................      29,796           343
 Rostelecom - ADR * (TELS) ........................       4,940            67
 Surgutneftegaz - ADR (OILS) ......................      47,160           628
 SURGUTNEFTEGAZ JSC (OILS) ........................         800            10
 Vimpel-Communications - ADR *
   (TELS) .........................................         350             8
Taiwan - 13.5%
 Accton Technology Corp. - GDR *
   (ETRN) .........................................      58,902           253
 Acer Peripherals, Inc. - GDR * (COMP) ............      11,400           322
 Acer, Inc. - GDR * (COMP) ........................      14,600           134
 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering,
   Inc. * (ETRN) ..................................      17,700           296
 Ase Test, Ltd. * (ETRN) ..........................       3,700           109
 Asustek Computer, Inc. - GDR (COMP) ..............      72,624           661
 China Steel Corp. (STEE) .........................      27,200           362
 D-Link Corp. - GDR (SOFT) ........................      25,300           296
 Far Eastern Textile, Ltd. - GDR * (APPA) .........      12,400           153
 Far Eastern Textile, Ltd. - GDR 144A (a)
   * (APPA) .......................................      23,800           301
 GigaMedia, Ltd. * (SOFT) .........................       1,100            13
 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. -
   GDR * (ETRN) ...................................       6,100           151
 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. -
   GDR 144A (a) * (ETRN) ..........................      36,200           914
 Ritek, Inc. - GDR 144A (a) * (ETRN) ..............      19,537           152
 Siliconware Precision - ADR * (ETRN) .............      16,800           188
 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing
   Co., Ltd. ADR - ADR (ETRN) .....................      49,004         1,899
 Winbond Electronics Corp. - GDR *
   (ETRN) .........................................      12,876           367



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Thailand - 1.2%
 Advanced Info Service Public Co., Ltd.
   (TELS) .........................................      18,700      $    233
 BEC World Public Co., Ltd. (MEDI) ................      12,700            73
 Delta Electronics (Thailand) Public Co.,
   Ltd. (ETRN) ....................................      17,020           111
 Shin Corp. Public Co., Ltd. (COMP) ...............      14,700            77
 Thai Farmers Bank Public Co., Ltd.
   (BANK) .........................................      53,800            45
 Total Access Communication Public Co.,
   Ltd (TELS) .....................................       6,000            24
Turkey - 4.2%
 Alcatel Teletas Telekomunikasyon
   Endustri ve Ticaret AS (TELE) ..................     252,000            55
 Dogan Sirketler Grubu Holding AS
   (MEDI) .........................................   8,802,800           213
 Dogan Yayin Holding Corp. * (FUND) ...............   5,259,000            89
 Ege Biracilik ve Malt Sanayi AS
   (FOOD) .........................................   2,862,200           187
 Erciyas Biracilik ve Malt Sanayi AS
   (FOOD) .........................................     450,000            21
 Netas Northern Electric
  Telekomunikasyon AS (TELE) ......................     614,000            68
 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS (BANK) ................  16,399,000           198
 Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS
   (ETRN) .........................................   1,228,723           371
 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi AS - GDR *
   (BANK) .........................................       1,045            12
 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi AS (BANK) ..................  72,029,716           801
United States - 1.5%
 Amdocs, Ltd. * (TELS) ............................       1,798           138
 AsiaInfo Holdings, Inc. * (SOFT) .................          30             1
 Comverse Technology, Inc. * (COMP) ...............       1,518           141
 DSP Group, Inc. * (ETRN) .........................       3,743           210
 MIH Holdings, Ltd. * (MEDI) ......................       1,100            33
 Polski Koncern Naftowy SA - GDR *
   (OILS) .........................................         713             7
 Zoran Corp. * (ETRN) .............................       2,475           163
                                TOTAL COMMON STOCK-        92.4%       44,787


Brazil - 4.3%
 Banco Bradesco SA (BANK) .........................   5,393,000            47
 Celular CRT Participacoes * (TELS) ...............   1,046,100           458
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais -
   CEMIG (UTIE) ...................................   2,243,400            39
 Companhia Riograndense de
  Telecomunicacoes * (TELS) .......................     857,100           290
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Cl. A *
   (META) .........................................      10,939           309
 Embratel Participacoes SA (UTIT) .................   9,059,000           216
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras (OILS) ........       7,536           228
 Tele Celular Sul Participacoes SA
   (TELS) .........................................   8,034,000            39
 Tele Centro Sul Participacoes SA
   (UTIT) .........................................   6,041,000            87
 Tele Nordeste Celular Participacoes SA
   (TELS) .........................................  12,797,600            48
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA
   (UTIT) .........................................   4,144,062            97
 Telemig Celular Participacoes SA
   (TELS) .........................................  13,849,850            50
 Telesp Celular Participacoes SA *
   (TELS) .........................................   8,586,286           155
                             TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-         4.3%        2,063


 Investment in joint trading account
   (Note B)
   6.853% due 07/03/00............................. $     1,422         1,422
                                                    ------------     --------
                                 TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        99.6%       48,272
               Cash and Receivables, less payables-         0.4%          200
                                                    ------------     --------
                                        NET ASSETS-       100.0%       48,472
                                                    ============     ========



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                             Market    % of
                                                 Industry     Value  Long-Term
                 Industry                      Abbreviation  (000's) Investments

Electronic Products and Services ...............   ETRN      10,586     17.7%
Telecommunication Services .....................   TELS      10,195     17.1%
Telephone ......................................   UTIT       4,482      7.6%
Computer Software and Services .................   SOFT       2,823      5.0%
Banks ..........................................   BANK       2,548      9.2%
Media - TV / Radio .............................   MEDI       2,348      6.0%
Computer Equipment .............................   COMP       1,936      6.4%
Oil ............................................   OILS       1,458      3.0%
Electric Power .................................   UTIE       1,227      2.4%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco .....................   FOOD       1,134      3.5%
Telecommunication Equipment ....................   TELE       1,028      2.8%
Diversified Operations .........................   DIOP         909      1.9%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production..   OILX         799      0.8%
Financial Services .............................   FINL         590      1.9%
Construction ...................................   CONS         547      2.8%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing .................   APPA         529      1.9%
Metals and Mining ..............................   META         497      1.5%
Retail - Department Stores .....................   RETS         486      0.4%
Steel ..........................................   STEE         407      1.3%
Media - Publishing .............................   MEDP         321      0.1%
Brokerage and Investment Management ............   FUND         226      1.7%
Paper and Forest Products ......................   PAPR         201      0.4%
Consumer - Miscellaneous .......................   CNSU         199      0.5%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones ....................   PMET         192      0.4%
Chemicals ......................................   CHEM         184      0.4%
Household Appliances / Furnishings .............   APPL         177      0.0%
Personal and Commercial Lending ................   LEND         149      0.2%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products ...........   HNBA         140      0.5%
Commercial Sevices .............................   COMM         114      0.5%
Automobile .....................................   AUTO          97      1.0%
Transportation Services ........................   TRAN          93      0.6%
Electrical Equipment ...........................   ELEQ          90      0.4%
Real Estate Development ........................   READ          55      0.2%
Health Care Products ...........................   HEAL          52      0.2%
Insurance ......................................   INSU          31      0.1%
                                                           --------  -------
                                                            $46,850    100.0%
                                                           ========  =======


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Argentina - 0.2%
 Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires SA de
  CV - Cl. B (BANK) ...............................      16,184      $     61
 Banco Frances SA (BANK) ..........................      10,000            73
 IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones SA
  (READ) ..........................................      16,185            37
 PC Holdings SA - Cl. B (FINL) ....................      89,133           163
 Siderca S.A.I.C. (STEE) ..........................      35,000            81
Australia - 1.7%
 Amcor, Ltd. (CONT) ...............................      14,400            50
 Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP) .................       7,200           221
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP) .........      35,100           415
 Coca Cola Amatil (FOOD) ..........................      23,200            45
 Coles Myer, Ltd. (RETS) ..........................      27,200           104
 CSR, Ltd. (CONS) .................................      37,900           105
 Foster's Brewing Group, Ltd. (FOOD) ..............      70,100           197
 Hanson plc * (CONS) ..............................       4,190            29
 Lend Lease Corp. (FINL) ..........................      13,200           168
 National Australia Bank, Ltd. (BANK) .............      30,600           511
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) ..........................      38,800           534
 Normandy Mining, Ltd. (PMET) .....................      94,800            51
 North, Ltd. (META) ...............................      34,600            82
 Orica, Ltd. (DIOP) ...............................      15,500            70
 Pacific Dunlop, Ltd. (DIOP) ......................      59,000            53
 Paperlinx (PAPR) .................................       4,800             9
 Rio Tinto, Ltd. (PMET) ...........................       7,900           130
 Santos, Ltd. (OILX) ..............................      38,000           116
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS) .......................     144,100           584
 Westpac Banking Corp., Ltd. (BANK) ...............      46,600           336
 WMC, Ltd. (DIOP) .................................      29,500           132
Austria - 1.0%
 Austria Tabak AG (FOOD) ..........................       3,700           137
 Austrian Airlines (TRAN) .........................       3,150            46
 Bank Austria AG (BANK) ...........................      13,000           633
 BBAG Oesterreichische Brau Beteiligungs
  AG (FOOD) .......................................       2,150            97
 Bohler-Uddeholm AG (STEE) ........................       1,500            52
 EA-Generali AG (INSU) ............................       1,050           169
 Flughafen Wien AG (TRAN) .........................       4,000           142
 Mayr-Melnhof Karton Ag (PAPR) ....................       1,800            85
  Elektrizitaetswirtschafts AG (UTIE) .............       3,200           328
 OMV AG (OILX) ....................................       3,000           261
 RHI AG (DIOP) ....................................       2,050            50
 VA Technologie AG (ENGI) .........................       1,400            74
 Wienerberger Baustoffindustrie AG
  (CONS) ..........................................       7,200           164
Belgium - 1.1%
 Barco NV (DIOP) ..................................         559            63
 Bekaert NV (METP) ................................       1,390            72
 Colruyt, NV (RETF) ...............................       1,870            79
 Compagnie Maritime Belge SA (TRAN) ...............       1,921           101
 D' Ieteren SA (AUTO) .............................         290            73
 Delhaize "Le Lion" SA (RETF) .....................       1,955           117
 Dolmen Computer Applications NV *
  (COMP) ..........................................         187             4
 Electrabel SA (UTIE) .............................       1,236           306
 Fortis (B) (INSU) ................................      20,892           608
 Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA (FUND) ...............       1,094           273
 KBC Bancassurance Holding NV (BANK) ..............      10,840           477
 N.V. Union Miniere SA * (META) ...................       1,461            53
 Solvay SA (FINL) .................................       2,115           142
 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux SA - Strip VVPR
  * (DIOP) ........................................       2,341
 Total Fina SA - Strip VVPR * (DIOP) ..............       3,609
 UCB SA (HEAL) ....................................       4,800           176
Bermuda - 0.0%
 Brierly Investments, Ltd. (FUND) .................     295,300            46
Brazil - 0.1%
 Centrais Electricas Brasileiras SA
  (UTIE) ..........................................  10,577,000           217
 Companhia Siderurgica Nacional * (STEE) ..........   1,655,000            52
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA
  (UTIT) ..........................................   4,096,000            79
Chile - 0.3%
 Banco Santiago SA - ADR (BANK) ...................       2,900            52
 Compania Cervecerias Unidas SA - ADR
  (FOOD) ..........................................       2,900            66
 Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile
  SA (UTIT) .......................................       8,000           145
 Embotelladora Andina SA - ADR (FOOD) .............       6,100            72
 Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA -
  ADR (UTIE) ......................................      10,100           112
 Enersis SA - ADR (UTIE) ..........................       3,700            74
 Gener SA - ADR (UTIE) ............................       3,500            51
 Laboratorio Chile SA - ADR (HEAL) ................       5,700           109
 Madeco SA - ADR (META) ...........................       8,700            66
 Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA -
  ADR (CHEM) ......................................       1,100            24


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

China - 0.0%
 Harbin Power Equipment Co., Ltd. - H
  Shares (UTIE) ...................................   1,148,000      $     55
 Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd. - B
  Shares * (AUTO) .................................     208,000            38
Czech Republic - 0.1%
 Ceska Sporitelna AS (BANK) .......................       9,500            51
 Ceske Energeticke Zavody AS (UTIE) ...............      20,000            53
 Komercni Banka AS (BANK) .........................       3,000            61
 SPT Telecom AS (TELS) ............................       6,300           106
Denmark - 0.9%
 A/S Dampskibsselskabet Svendborg - Cl. B (TRAN) ..          27           399
 D/S 1912 - Cl. B (TRAN) ..........................          40           425
 Danisco A/S (FOOD) ...............................       2,450            82
 Den Danske Bank (BANK) ...........................       1,150           138
 ISS A/S (COMM) ...................................       1,650           125
 Navision Software AS * (SOFT) ....................         700            29
 Novo-Nordisk A/S - Cl. B (HEAL) ..................       2,450           417
 Tele Danmark A/S (TELS) ..........................       6,850           461
 Vestas Wind Systems AS (ENER) ....................       2,500            92
Finland - 1.5%
 Nokia Oyj (HEAL) .................................      56,800         2,899
 Outokumpu Oyj (META) .............................       3,500            33
 Sampo Insurance Co. plc (INSU) ...................       2,500           102
 Sonera Oyj (TELS) ................................       6,935           316
 UPM-Kymmene Corp. * (PAPR) .......................       4,400           109
France - 11.2%
 Accor SA (LEIS) ..................................       5,285           217
 Air Liquide (CHEM) ...............................       1,908           249
 Alcatel (TELE) ...................................      20,950         1,374
 AXA SA (INSU) ....................................       8,216         1,294
 Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK) .................      10,345           996
 Bouygues SA (CONS) ...............................         903           603
 Canal Plus (MEDI) ................................       3,080           518
 Cap Gemini SA (COMM) .............................       1,622           286
 Carrefour SA (RETF) ..............................      16,478         1,126
 Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA (RETF) ..............       2,053           190
 Club Mediterranee SA (LEIS) ......................       1,000           135
 Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS) ...................       2,112           286
 Dassault Systemes SA (SOFT) ......................       3,022           282
 Eridania Beghin-Say SA (FOOD) ....................         758            74
 Essilor International SA (HEAL) ..................         358           103
 France Telecom (TELS) ............................      23,029         3,219
 Groupe Danone (FOOD) .............................       3,602           478
 Imercys (CONS) ...................................         794            92
 L'Oreal (HNBA) ...................................       1,349         1,168
 Lafarge SA (CONS) ................................       2,526           196
 Lagardere S.C.A. (DIOP) ..........................       4,108           314
 Michelin (PART) ..................................       3,987           128
 Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (FOOD) ...............       2,323           958
 Pernod Ricard (FOOD) .............................       1,763            96
 Pinault-Printemps-Redoute SA (RETS) ..............       2,671           593
 PSA Peugeot Citroen (AUTO) .......................       1,457           292
 Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK) ..........................      18,550         1,354
 Sagem SA * (ETRN) ................................         420           492
 Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL) ....................      12,996           619
 Schneider SA (MACH) ..............................       3,911           273
 Sidel SA (MACH) ..................................       1,162            94
 Societe BIC SA (COMM) ............................       1,789            88
 Societe Eurafrance SA (FINL) .....................         170            81
 Societe Generale - Cl. A (BANK) ..................      10,336           622
 STMICROELECTRONICS (ETRN) ........................      22,182         1,398
 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (DIOP) ...................       5,754         1,008
 Thomson CFS (ETRN) ...............................       3,440           135
 Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX) .....................      19,030         2,918
 Unibail (REAL) ...................................         700            97
 Usinor SA (STEE) .................................       8,601           105
 Valeo SA (PART) ..................................       2,282           122
 Vivendi (DIOP) ...................................      12,592         1,111
Germany - 12.0%
 Adidas-Salomon AG (APPA) .........................       1,920           106
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU) .........................       8,380         3,011
 BASF AG (CHEM) ...................................      21,860           879
 Bayer AG (CHEM) ..................................      24,980           975
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK) .................      13,272           857
 Beiersdorf AG (HNBA) .............................       2,220           191
 Bilfinger & Berger Bau AG (CONS) .................       2,960            39
 Buderus AG (DIOP) ................................       2,860            46
 Continental AG (PART) ............................       5,950           100
 DaimlerChrysler AG (AUTO) ........................      33,114         1,727
 Deutsche Bank AG (BANK) ..........................      19,450         1,601
 Deutsche Telekom AG (UTIT) .......................     105,640         6,031
 Douglas Holding AG (HNBA) ........................       1,890            55
 Dresdner Bank AG (BANK) ..........................      18,460           760
 E.On AG (DIOP) ...................................      26,298         1,268
 EM.TV & Merchandising AG (MEDI) ..................       4,391           259
 Fresenius Medical Care AG (HEAL) .................       2,350           187
 Heidelberg Zement (CONS) .........................       2,530           156
 Heidelberger Zement AG * (CONS) ..................       2,096            64
 Hochtief AG (CONS) ...............................       3,810           116
 Kamps AG (FOOD) ..................................       2,666            85
 Karstadt AG (RETS) ...............................       6,800           177
 Linde AG (ENGI) ..................................       3,300           133
 Lufthansa AG (TRAN) ..............................      14,730           340
 MAN AG (DIOP) ....................................       4,400           133
 Merck KGaA (HEAL) ................................       7,360           235
 Metro AG * (RETS) ................................       9,200           325


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Germany - Continued
  Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG -
  Reg. (INSU) .....................................       5,760      $  1,809
 Preussag AG (DIOP) ...............................       6,400           207
 RWE AG (OILX) ....................................      14,500           491
 SAP AG (SOFT) ....................................       6,360           950
 Schering AG (HEAL) ...............................       4,890           268
 SGL Carbon AG (CHEM) .............................       1,190            79
 Siemens AG (DIOP) ................................      21,110         3,184
 Thyssen Krupp AG (CONS) ..........................      16,413           267
 Volkswagen AG (AUTO) .............................      11,100           421
 WCM Beteiligungs-und Grundbesitz AG
  (DIOP) ..........................................       8,537           200
Greece - 0.5%
 Alpha Credit Bank (BANK) .........................       4,410           174
 Commercial Bank of Greece (BANK) .................       1,780            77
 EFG Eurobank * (BANK) ............................       1,680            44
 Ergo bank SA (BANK) ..............................       2,280            44
 Hellenic Bottling Co. SA (FOOD) ..................       3,500            56
 Hellenic Telecommunication Organization
  SA (UTIT) .......................................      13,420           329
 Intracom SA (TELE) ...............................       2,240            82
 National Bank of Greece SA (BANK) ................       6,440           254
 Titan Cement Co. SA (CONS) .......................       1,400            53
Hong Kong - 0.9%
 Cable & Wireless HKT, Ltd. (TELS) ................     135,800           300
 Cheung Kong (Holdings), Ltd. (READ) ..............      23,000           253
 CLP Holdings, Ltd. (UTIE) ........................      31,500           147
 Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ......................      22,700           215
 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM) ...................      60,500           760
 New World Development Co., Ltd. (READ) ...........      27,000            30
 Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT) .............      25,000           179
 Swire Pacific, Ltd. - Cl. A (DIOP) ...............      23,500           138
 Wharf (Holdings), Ltd. (DIOP) ....................      44,000            79
Hungary - 0.3%
 Fotex Rt. (RETS) .................................      40,400            47
 Gedeon Richter Rt. (HEAL) ........................       2,600           140
 Magyar Tavkozlesi Rt. (UTIT) .....................      36,200           252
 MOL Magyar Olaj-es Gazipari Rt. (OILX) ...........       6,000            82
 OTP Bank Rt. (BANK) ..............................       2,300           120
India - 0.8%
 Arvind Mills, Ltd. - GDR (APPA) ..................     378,700           114
 Bajaj Auto, Ltd. - GDR (AUTO) ....................      14,300           127
 Century Textiles & Industries, Ltd. - GDR (DIOP) .      33,200            35
 EIH, Ltd. - GDR (REAL) ...........................       7,800            19
 Grasim Industries, Ltd. - GDR (DIOP) .............      24,760           193
 Gujarat Ambuja Cements, Ltd. - GDR (CONS) ........      23,800            98
 Hindalco Industries, Ltd. - GDR (META) ...........       5,500           106
 India Cements, Ltd. - GDR (CONS) .................      39,800            38
 Indian Hotels Co., Ltd. - GDR (REAL) .............       8,500            45
 Indian Rayon and Industries, Ltd. - GDR
  (DIOP) ..........................................      15,200            24
 ITC, Ltd. - GDR * (FOOD) .........................      13,600           255
 Larsen & Toubro, Ltd. - GDR (DIOP) ...............      13,500           146
 Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd. - GDR *
  (AUTO) ..........................................       8,600            39
 Ranbaxy Laboratories, Ltd. - GDR (HEAL) ..........       5,700            91
 Reliance Industries, Ltd. - GDR *
  (CHEM) ..........................................      27,000           560
 Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co.,
  Ltd. - GDR (AUTO) ...............................      26,700            71
Ireland - 0.4%
 Allied Irish Banks plc (BANK) ....................      26,800           240
 CRH plc (CONS) ...................................      13,300           240
 Eircom plc * (TELS) ..............................      60,667           162
 Greencore Group plc (FOOD) .......................      26,000            69
 Irish Life & Permanent plc (FINL) ................       9,553            81
 Jefferson Smurfit Group plc (CONT) ...............      30,400            52
 Kerry Group plc (FOOD) ...........................       8,400           110
Israel - 0.5%
 Bank Hapoalim (BANK) .............................      43,700           127
 Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Corp.,
  Ltd. (UTIT) .....................................      28,300           158
 First International Bank of Israel,
  Ltd. (1) (BANK) .................................      33,700            49
 First International Bank of Israel,
  Ltd. (5) (BANK) .................................       6,500            47
 IDB Holding Corp., Ltd. (FUND) ...................      10,400           400
 Industrial Building Corp. (CONS) .................      45,100            66
 Makteshim-Agan Industries, Ltd. *
  (CHEM) ..........................................      26,900            60
 Supersol, Ltd. * (RETF) ..........................      40,900           148
 Teva pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.
  (HEAL) ..........................................       3,200           174
Italy - 8.0%
 Alitalia SpA (TRAN) ..............................      60,000           124
 Assicurazioni Generali (INSU) ....................      60,382         2,070
 Autogrill SpA (RETF) .............................      10,001           107


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Italy - Continued
 Banca Intesa SpA (BANK) ..........................     183,800      $    823
 Banca Intesa SpA - RNC (BANK) ....................      37,400            89
 Banca Popolare di Milano (BANK) ..................      18,100           130
 Benetton Group SpA (APPA) ........................     103,979           217
 Beni Stabili SpA * (REAL) ........................      62,154            33
 Bulgari SpA (RETS) ...............................      18,900           253
 Enel SpA * (UTIE) ................................     248,583         1,101
 ENI SpA (OILS) ...................................     328,800         1,899
 Fiat SpA (AUTO) ..................................      22,350           528
 Fiat SpA - RNC (AUTO) ............................       3,720            51
 Immsi SpA * (REAL) ...............................      11,100            16
 Italcementi SpA (CONS) ...........................      10,920           103
 Italgas SpA (UTIG) ...............................      40,300           178
 La Rinascente SpA (CONS) .........................      10,500            60
 Marzotto & Figli SpA (APPA) ......................       7,500            61
 Mediaset SpA (MEDI) ..............................      51,200           782
 Mediobanca SpA (FUND) ............................      24,000           247
 Mondadori (Arnoldo) Editore SpA (MEDP) ...........       8,400           192
 Olivetti SpA (COMM) ..............................     198,400           722
 Parmalat Finanziaria SpA (FOOD) ..................      77,600           110
 Pirelli SpA (DIOP) ...............................      81,100           213
 Riunione Adriatica di Sicorta SpA (INSU) .........      25,379           279
 Riunione Adriatica di Sicorta SpA - RNC (INSU) ...      13,920           110
 SAI spa (INSU) ...................................       4,300            76
 San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK) .........................      62,154         1,103
 Sirti SpA (TELE) .................................      11,100            18
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS) .................     280,100         2,861
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA - RNC (TELS) ...........      80,700           406
 Telecom Italia SpA (TELS) ........................     161,500         2,220
 Telecom Italia SpA - RNC (TELS) ..................      47,300           314
 UniCredito Italiano SpA (BANK) ...................     201,600           964
Japan - 30.6%
 77 Bank, Ltd. (BANK) .............................      18,000           144
 Acom Co., Ltd. (LEND) ............................       4,200           353
 Advantest (ETRN) .................................       2,900           646
 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (FOOD) .......................      20,000           256
 Alps Electric Co. (ETRN) .........................       7,000           130
 Amada Co., Ltd (MACH) ............................      13,000           110
 Aoyama Trading Co. (RETS) ........................       2,600            37
 Arabian Oil Co., Ltd. (OILS) .....................       4,200            14
 Asahi Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ..........................      73,000           307
 Asahi Breweries, Ltd. (FOOD) .....................      13,000           155
 Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (CHEM) .........      42,000           297
 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (APPL) .....................      39,000           436
 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (BANK) ..................     127,000         1,533
 Bank of Yokohama, Ltd. (BANK) ....................      22,000            98
 Benesse Corp. (COMM) .............................       2,600           180
 Bridgestone Corp. (PART) .........................      21,000           444
 Canon, Inc. (COMM) ...............................      22,000         1,095
 Casio Computer Co. (ETRN) ........................       9,000           101
 Central Japan Railway Co. (TRAN) .................          81           458
 Chiyoda Corp. * (ENGI) ...........................      16,000            17
 Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. (RETS) ...................      10,000            96
 Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. (OILX) .......................      33,000            61
 Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (FINL) ...................       5,600           130
 CSK Corp. (SOFT) .................................       3,200            99
 Dai Nippon Printng Co., Ltd. (COMM) ..............      19,000           335
 Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. (CHEM) ..........      16,000            52
 Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ..........      10,000           254
 Daikin Industries, Ltd. (CONS) ...................      10,000           232
 Dainippon Ink & Chemicals, Inc. (CHEM) ...........      28,000           132
 Dainippon Screen Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ELEQ) ..       9,000            86
 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. (REAL) ........       2,200            36
 Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. (HOUS) ............      17,000           124
 Daiwa Securities Group, Inc. (FUND) ..............      37,000           488
 Denso Corp. (ETRN) ...............................      18,000           438
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN) ....................         107           621
 Ebara Corp. (MACH) ...............................       9,000           122
 Eisai Co. Ltd. (HEAL) ............................      10,000           320
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ) ...............................       6,800           691
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ...........................      95,000           722
 Fuji Photo Film (LEIS) ...........................      14,000           573
 Fuji Soft ABC, Inc. (SOFT) .......................       1,000            59
 Fujikura (ELEQ) ..................................      11,000            73
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ) .............................      51,000         1,764
 Furukawa Electric Co. (TELE) .....................      10,000           209
 Hankyu Corp. (TRAN) ..............................      23,000            76
 Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. (ETRN) .................       1,500           233
 Hitachi Zosen Corp. (CONS) .......................      52,000            47
 Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN) .............................      88,000         1,269
 Honda Motor Co. (AUTO) ...........................      26,000           885
 Hoya Corp. (ETRN) ................................       4,000           358
 Industrial Bank of Japan (BANK) ..................      65,000           493
 Isetan Co., Ltd. (RETS) ..........................      14,000           172
 Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS) ......................      12,000           722
 Itochu Corp. (DIOP) ..............................      48,000           242
 Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (TRAN) ..................      63,000           239
 Japan Energy Corp. (OILX) ........................      86,000            92
 Japan Tobacco, Inc. (FOOD) .......................          38           333
 Joyo Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ...........................      29,000           112
 JUSCO Co., Ltd. * (RETS) .........................      11,000           208
 Kajima Corp. (CONS) ..............................      35,000           111
 Kaneka Corp. (CHEM) ..............................       5,000            55
 Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. (UTIE) ...........      22,800           408


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Japan - Continued
 KAO Corp. (HNBA) .................................      16,000      $    489
 Kawasaki Heavy Industry, Ltd. (DIOP) .............      46,000            70
 Kawasaki Steel Corp. (STEE) ......................     100,000           143
 Keihin Electric Express Railway Co., Ltd. (TRAN) .      35,000           132
 Kinden Corp. (ENGI) ..............................      12,000            75
 Kinki Nippon Railway (TRAN) ......................      35,000           142
 Kirin Brewery Co. (FOOD) .........................      21,000           262
 Kokuyo Co. (COMM) ................................       6,000            98
 Komatsu, Ltd. (MACH) .............................      30,000           211
 Komori Corp. (MACH) ..............................       4,000            70
 Konami Co., Ltd. (COMP) ..........................       2,600           164
 Konica Corp. (LEIS) ..............................      17,000           144
 Kubota Corp. (MACH) ..............................      48,000           174
 Kuraray Co., Ltd. (APPA) .........................      10,000           115
 Kurita Water Industries, Ltd. (POLL) .............       5,000           110
 Kyocera Corp. (ETRN) .............................       5,600           949
 Makita Corp. (CNSU) ..............................       8,000            76
 Marubeni Corp. (DIOP) ............................      23,000            79
 Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS) ...........................      13,000           249
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN) ........      61,000         1,581
 Minebea Co., Ltd. (CHEM) .........................       4,000            50
 Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. (CHEM) .................      61,000           250
 Mitsubishi Corp. (DIOP) ..........................      44,000           398
 Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (ETRN) .................      52,000           563
 Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (REAL) ...............      37,000           435
 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MACH) .........      90,000           399
 Mitsubishi Logistcs Corp. (TRAN) .................       7,000            63
 Mitsubishi Materials Corp. (PMET) ................      39,000           160
 Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd. (APPA) ................      27,000            82
 Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corp. (BANK) ..........      37,000           287
 Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (DIOP) ........................      31,000           237
 Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co.,
  Ltd. * (CONS) ...................................      48,000            46
 Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (REAL) ..................      24,000           260
 Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance Co.,
  Ltd. (INSU) .....................................      25,000           120
 Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd.
  (META) ..........................................      17,000           129
 Mitsukoshi, Ltd. (RETS) ..........................      14,000            62
 Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. (MACH) ......................       5,000            77
 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN) ............       7,000         1,004
 Mycal Corp. (RETS) ...............................      20,000            68
 NAMCO, Ltd. (LEIS) ...............................       3,800           137
 NEC Corp. (COMP) .................................      43,000         1,350
 NGK Insulators (PART) ............................      13,000           161
 NGK Spark Plug Co. (PART) ........................      11,000           170
 Nichiei Co., Ltd. (LEND) .........................       1,500            25
 Nidec Corp. (MACH) ...............................       2,000           173
 Nikon Corp. (LEIS) ...............................      11,000           407
 Nintendo Corp., Ltd. (LEIS) ......................       3,800           663
 Nippon Comsys Corp. (ENGI) .......................       6,000           128
 Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (TRAN) ..................      31,000           190
 Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Co., Ltd. (OILX) ...........      27,000           124
 Nippon Paper Industries Co. (PAPR) ...............      25,000           171
 Nippon Steel Co. (STEE) ..........................     133,000           280
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT) ........         346         4,598
 Nippon Yusen  Kabushiki Kaisha (TRAN) ............      54,000           260
 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp. (FINL) .............      64,000           377
 Nitto Denko Corp. (ETRN) .........................       4,000           154
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) ...............      58,000         1,418
 NSK, Ltd. (META) .................................      20,000           175
 NTN Corp. (METP) .................................      23,000            98
 Obayashi Corp. (CONS) ............................      22,000            97
 Oji Paper Co. (PAPR) .............................      27,000           186
 Okuma Corp. (MACH) ...............................      11,000            48
 Olympus Optical Co. (LEIS) .......................      11,000           197
 Omron Corp. (ETRN) ...............................       8,000           217
 Onward Kashiyama Co., Ltd. (APPA) ................       9,000           122
 Oriental Land Co., Ltd. (LEIS) ...................       2,000           204
 Orix Corp. (FINL) ................................       2,400           354
 Osaka Gas Co. (UTIG) .............................      81,000           233
 Pioneer Corp. (ETRN) .............................       6,000           234
 Promise Co., Ltd. (LEND) .........................       2,600           205
 RENOWN, Inc. (APPA) ..............................      23,000            34
 Rohm Co., Ltd. (ETRN) ............................       4,000         1,169
 Sakura Bank, Ltd. (BANK) .........................     116,000           801
 Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ..........................      13,000           293
 Sanrio Co., Ltd. * (CNSU) ........................       3,000            80
 Sanyo Electric Co. (ETRN) ........................      56,000           503
 Secom Co. (ETRN) .................................       8,000           584
 Sega Enterprises (CNSU) ..........................       4,300            66
 Sekisui Chemical Co. (CHEM) ......................      20,000            77
 Sekisui House, Ltd. (CONS) .......................      25,000           231
 Sharp Corp. (ETRN) ...............................      31,000           548
 Shimamura Co., Ltd. (RETS) .......................       1,000           117
 SHIMANO, Inc. (LEIS) .............................       5,000           120
 Shimizu Corp. (CONS) .............................      29,000            83
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM) ....................       9,000           456
 Shionogi & Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ......................      14,000           266
 Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM) ........................      14,000           216
 Shizuoka Bank, Ltd. (BANK) .......................      19,000           161
 Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K. (OILX) ...................      21,000           104
 SMC Corp. (MACH) .................................       2,000           376
 Softbank Corp. (BANK) ............................       9,000         1,221
 Sony Corp. (ETRN) ................................      26,000         2,426
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK) .............................      86,000         1,054
 Sumitomo Chemical Co. (CHEM) .....................      48,000           289
 Sumitomo Corp. (DIOP) ............................      22,000           247
 Sumitomo Electric Industries (DIOP) ..............      19,000           326
 Sumitomo Heavy Industry (MACH) ...................      31,000           104


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Japan - Continued
 Sumitomo Marine & Fire Insurance Co.,
  Ltd. (INSU) .....................................      24,000      $    140
 Sumitomo Metal Industries (STEE) .................     102,000            70
 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. (PMET) .................      17,000            80
 Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ...........      10,000           358
 Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd. (ELEQ) .....................       4,000           250
 Takashimaya Co. (RETS) ...........................      12,000           112
 Takeda Chemical Industries (CHEM) ................      24,000         1,574
 Takefuji Corp. (LEND) ............................       5,000           604
 Teijin, Ltd. (APPA) ..............................      30,000           146
 Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd. (OILX) .....................      19,000            62
 Terumo Corp. (HEAL) ..............................       4,000           135
 The Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Co.,
  Ltd. (BANK) .....................................       8,000            35
 The Daiwa Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ......................      39,000           101
 Tobu Railway Co., Ltd. (TRAN) ....................      36,000           103
 Toho Co., Ltd. (MEDI) ............................       1,200           204
 Tohoku Electric Power (UTIE) .....................      13,000           175
 Tokai Bank Ltd. (BANK) ...........................      53,000           261
 Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co. (INSU) .........      42,000           484
 Tokyo Broadcasting (MEDI) ........................       7,000           302
 Tokyo Dome Corp. (LEIS) ..........................       7,000            32
 Tokyo Electric Power (UTIE) ......................      35,700           870
 Tokyo Electron, Ltd. (ETRN) ......................       5,000           684
 Tokyo Gas Co. (UTIG) .............................      27,000            76
 Tokyu Corp. (TRAN) ...............................      26,000           128
 Toppan Printing Co. (CNSU) .......................      20,000           211
 Toray Industries, Inc. (APPA) ....................      33,000           134
 Toshiba Corp. (ETRN) .............................      78,000           880
 Tostem Corp. (CONS) ..............................       8,000           130
 Toto, Ltd. (APPL) ................................      13,000           100
 Toyo Seikan Kaisha, Ltd. (CONT) ..................       8,000           149
 Toyota Motor Corp. (AUTO) ........................      99,000         4,507
 Trans Cosmos, Inc. (SOFT) ........................         700           105
 Uni-Charm Corp. (PAPR) ...........................       3,000           182
 UNY Co., Ltd. (RETS) .............................      11,000           152
 Wacoal Corp. (APPA) ..............................      11,000           112
 Yamaha Corp. (LEIS) ..............................       6,000            66
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL) .......      10,000           546
 Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (TRAN) ................      14,000           348
 Yokogawa Electric (ETRN) .........................      11,000           110
Mexico - 1.1%
 Alfa, SA * (DIOP) ................................      16,000            37
 Apasco SA de CV (CONS) ...........................       6,000            34
 Cemex SA de CV - CPO * (CONS) ....................      34,000           159
 Cifra SA de CV - Ser. V (RETS) ...................      96,000           225
 Desc SA de CV - Ser. B (DIOP) ....................      39,000            25
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV (FOOD) .......      20,000            85
 Grupo Carso SA de CV - Ser. A1 (DIOP) ............      24,000            85
 Grupo Financiero Banamex Accival SA de
  CV (Banacci) (FINL) .............................      35,000           147
 Grupo Financiero Bancomer SA de CV -
  Cl. O (FINL) ....................................     157,000            80
 Grupo Mexico SA - Ser. B (META) ..................      18,000            51
 Grupo Modelo SA de CV - Ser. C (FOOD)                   62,000           144
 Grupo SA de CV - Ser. A (FOOD) ...................      24,000            38
 Grupo Televisa SA * (MEDI) .......................      60,000           206
 Industrias Penoles SA * (META) ...................      20,000            32
 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SA de CV (PAPR) .........      47,000           134
 Telephonos de Mexico SA - Ser. L (UTIT)                326,000           930
 Wal-Mart de Mexico SA de CV - Ser. C (RETS) ......      25,000            58
Netherlands - 2.6%
 ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK) .......................      18,400           451
 Aegon NV (INSU) ..................................      19,000           676
 Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM) .............................       3,850           164
 ASM Lithography Holding NV (COMP) ................       3,000           129
 Elsevier NV (MEDP) ...............................      10,500           127
 Heineken NV (FOOD) ...............................       4,375           266
 ING Groep NV (BANK) ..............................       9,800           662
 Koninklije KPN NV (TELS) .........................      13,112           587
 Koninklijke Ahold NV (RETF) ......................       7,000           206
 Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (ETRN) ........      15,728           742
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILE) .................      22,650         1,408
 TNT Post Group NV (TRAN) .........................       5,610           151
 Unilever NV - CVA (CNSU) .........................       5,819           267
 Wolters Kluwer NV - CVA (MEDP) ...................       4,400           117
New Zealand - 0.2%
 Carter Holt Harvey, Ltd. (PAPR) ..................      88,200            76
 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd.
  (TELS) ..........................................      98,600           345
Norway - 0.7%
 ASK Proxima ASA * (COMP) .........................       3,520            40
 Den Norske Bank (BANK) ...........................      28,960           120
 Kvaerner ASA - B Shares (CONS) ...................       1,900            17
 Kvaerner plc (CONS) ..............................       3,140            33
 Leif Hoegh & Co. ASA (TRAN) ......................       8,340            73
 Merkantildata ASA (SOFT) .........................       4,300            22
 Norsk Hydro ASA (DIOP) ...........................       9,340           392


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Norway - Continued
 Norske Skogsindustrier ASA - Cl. A
  (PAPR) ..........................................       2,500      $     71
 Orkla ASA (DIOP) .................................      23,420           445
 Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (OILE) ................       6,240           106
 Smedvig ASA - A Shares (OILS) ....................       4,800            87
 Smedvig ASA - B Shares (OILS) ....................       5,200            85
 Storebrand ASA (INSU) ............................      13,040            94
 Tomra Systems ASA (COMM) .........................       1,600            42
Peru - 0.0%
 Credicorp, Ltd. (BANK) ...........................       3,600            33
Philippines - 0.1%
 Ayala Land, Inc. (READ) ..........................     218,760            28
 Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. (BANK) .............      13,090            61
 Petron Corp. (OILS) ..............................     468,400            15
 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.
  (UTIT) ..........................................       3,200            57
 SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (READ) ...................     545,000            66
Portugal - 0.6%
 Banco Comercial Portgues, SA (BANK) ..............      33,000           172
 Banco Espirito Santo SA (BANK) ...................       1,100            27
 BPI-SGPS, SA - Registered Shares (FUND)                 32,490           115
 Brisa-Auto Estradas de Portugal, SA
  (CONS) ..........................................       8,375            72
 EDP-Electricidade de Portugal SA (UTIE) ..........      13,500           245
 Jeronimo Martins, SGPS, SA (FOOD) ................       3,600            59
 Portugal Telecom, SA (TELS) ......................      46,000           516
 Sonae SGPS, SA (RETS) ............................      30,000            53
 Sonae, SGPS, SA (RETS) ...........................      10,000            18
Singapore - 0.3%
 City Developments, Ltd. (READ) ...................      41,000           159
 Cycle & Carriage, Ltd. (AUTO) ....................       4,000             9
 DBS Group Holdings, Ltd. (BANK) ..................       9,000           116
 First Capital Corp., Ltd. (READ) .................      31,000            30
 Hotel Properties, Ltd. (REAL) ....................      50,000            45
 Singapore Telecommunications, Ltd.
  (TELS) ..........................................     114,000           167
 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ................       8,448            55
South Africa - 1.0%
 ABSA Group, Ltd. (BANK) ..........................      24,600            93
 Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd.
  (PMET) ..........................................       5,400           155
 Barlow, Ltd. (DIOP) ..............................      11,700            70
 De Beers Centenary AG (UTIE) .....................       9,100           221
 Dimension Data Holdings, Ltd. (COMP) .............      16,983           140
 FirstRand, Ltd. (FINL) ...........................     164,400           169
 Foschini, Ltd. * (RETS) ..........................      37,100            63
 Impala Platinum Holdings, Ltd. (META) ............       2,600            97
 Imperial Holdings, Ltd. (DIOP) ...................       9,815            80
 Investec Group, Ltd. (FUND) ......................       2,300            77
 JD Group, Ltd. (APPL) ............................       6,400            42
 Liberty Life Association of Africa,
  Ltd. (INSU) .....................................      12,400           118
 M-Cell, Ltd. (TELS) ..............................      40,200           195
 Metropolitan Life, Ltd. (INSU) ...................      30,200            39
 Nampak, Ltd. (CONT) ..............................      25,500            55
 Nedcor, Ltd. (BANK) ..............................       6,600           139
 Pepkor, Ltd. * (RETS) ............................       9,700            35
 Rembrandt Group, Ltd. (DIOP) .....................      15,300           148
 Sappi, Ltd. (READ) ...............................      10,900            82
 Sasol, Ltd. (OILX) ...............................      12,800            86
 South African Breweries plc (FOOD) ...............      19,300           144
South Korea - 1.4%
 Cheil Jedang Corp. (FOOD) ........................       2,136            98
 Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. (PART) ....................      18,570            38
 Housing & Commercial Bank, Korea (BANK) ..........       1,672            39
 Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. (AUTO) ...................       7,570            97
 Kookmin Bank (BANK) ..............................       8,310           106
 Korea Electric Power Corp. (UTIE) ................      14,790           459
 L.G. Chemicals, Ltd. (CHEM) ......................       4,630            92
 LG Electronics (ETRN) ............................       3,990           112
 LG Investment & Securities Co., Ltd.
  (FINL) ..........................................       1,800            23
 Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (STEE) .............       1,570           133
 Samsung Corp. (ETRN) .............................       6,120            53
 Samsung Display Devices Co. (ETRN) ...............       2,610           125
 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. (ETRN) .............       2,690           169
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN) .......................       3,840         1,271
 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (INSU) ...........       2,272            63
 Shinhan Bank (BANK) ..............................       7,310            69
 SK Corp. (OILS) ..................................       4,651            85
 SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (TELS) ......................         800           262
Spain - 3.1%
 Altadis * (FOOD) .................................       7,714           118
 Autopistas Concesionaria Espanola SA
  (TRAN) ..........................................      13,503           117
 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK) ...................      86,800         1,297


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

Spain - Continued
 Banco Santander Central Hispano SA
  (BANK) ..........................................      90,100      $    951
 Corporacion Financiera Alba SA (FUND)                    6,000           158
 Corporacion Mapfre SA (INSU) .....................       2,100            27
 Endesa SA (UTIE) .................................      28,100           544
 Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas
  S.A. (CONS) .....................................       4,600            87
 Gas Natural SDG SA - E Shares (UTIG) .............      13,800           248
 Grupo Dragados SA (CONS) .........................       8,400            60
 Iberdrola SA (UTIE) ..............................      27,500           354
 Repsol SA (OILX) .................................      30,000           597
 Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona
  SA (FOOD) .......................................       8,484           113
 Sol Melia SA (LEIS) ..............................       5,700            64
 Telefonica SA (UTIT) .............................      96,145         2,065
 TelePizza, SA * (RETF) ...........................       3,078            17
 Union Electrica Fenosa SA (UTIE) .................      12,200           221
 Vallehermoso SA (READ) ...........................       8,700            52
 Zardoya Otis SA (MACH) ...........................       8,866            79
Sweden - 2.0%
 Drott AB - B Shares (REAL) .......................      10,200           110
 ForeningsSparbanken AB (BANK) ....................       8,700           127
 Hennes & Mauritz AB - B Shares (RETS) ............      13,800           288
 NetCom Systems, Inc. - Cl. B (TELS) ..............       2,032           150
 NORDIC BALTIC Holding (BANK) .....................      29,219           213
 Nordic Baltic Holdings (BANK) ....................      20,910           156
 SANDVIK AB (MACH) ................................       4,950           104
 Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM) ...................       9,200           195
 Skand Enskilda Banken - Cl. A (BANK) .............      10,200           121
 Skandia Forsakrings AB (INSU) ....................      19,000           502
 Skanska AB (CONS) ................................       3,100           110
 Svenska Cellulosa AB - Cl. B (PAPR) ..............       4,500            85
 Svenska Handelsbanken, Inc. - A Shares
  (BANK) ..........................................       6,350            92
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB *
  (TELS) ..........................................     112,000         2,216
 Volvo AB (AUTO) ..................................       5,750           125
Switzerland - 1.6%
 ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI) ...............................       2,168           259
 ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI) ...............................       1,879           218
 Adecco SA - Reg. (COMM) ..........................          60            51
 Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK) ................       1,970           392
 Givaudan * (TELS) ................................          55            17
 Nestle SA (FOOD) .................................         260           520
 Novartis AG - Reg. (HEAL) ........................         380           602
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) ..........................          10           106
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) ..........................          45           438
  Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft (INSU) ..........         110           224
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT) ........................         340           118
 UBS AG (BANK) ....................................       3,226           472
 Zurich Allied AG (INSU) ..........................         340           168
Thailand - 0.2%
 ABN Amro Asia Secuities Public Co.,
  Ltd. (FINL) .....................................      23,000            18
 ADVANCE AGRO (PAPR) ..............................      69,000            31
 Bangkok Insurance Public Co., Ltd.
  (INSU) ..........................................      12,200            32
 Electricity Generating Public, Co.,
  Ltd. - Foreign R Shares (UTIE) ..................      42,200            45
 Italian-Thai Development Public Co.,
  Ltd. (CONS) .....................................      37,400            55
 National Petrochemical Public Co., Ltd.
  (CHEM) ..........................................      42,100            33
 PTT Exploration and Production Public
  Co., Ltd. (OILX) ................................      11,100            54
 Saha-Union Public Co., Ltd. (APPA) ...............     102,700            28
 Sermsuk Public Co., Ltd. (FOOD) ..................       7,300            18
 Siam Cement Public Co., Ltd. (CONS) ..............       4,000            75
 TelecomAsia Corp. Public Co., Ltd. *
  (UTIT) ..........................................     113,200           126
 Thai Reinsurance Public Co., Ltd.
  (INSU) ..........................................      36,200            31
Turkey - 0.4%
 Arcelik AS (APPL) ................................   3,276,000           161
 Kartonsan Karton Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS
  (PAPR) ..........................................   1,083,000            64
 Migros Turk T.A.S. (RETF) ........................     387,000            72
 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS (BANK).................  12,113,000           146
 Turkiye Is Bankasi (Isbank) - Cl. C
  (BANK) ..........................................  11,517,060           246
 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi AS (BANK) ..................  12,211,870           136
United Kingdom - 7.3%
 Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK) ...........      16,000           191
 Allied Zurich plc * (INSU) .......................      18,600           220
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL) .....................      18,239           851
 Barclay's plc (BANK) .............................      15,300           380
 Bass plc (FOOD) ..................................      11,100           125
 BG Group plc (UTIG) ..............................      37,866           245
 BOC Group plc (CHEM) .............................       7,000           101
 Boots Co. plc (RETD) .............................      10,700            81
 BP Amoco plc (OILE) ..............................     179,100         1,718
 British Aerospace plc (AERO) .....................      32,263           201
 British Airways plc (TRAN) .......................      18,800           108


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value

United Kingdom - Continued
 British American Tobacco plc * (FOOD) ............      18,600      $    124
 British Land Co. plc (REAL) ......................       7,200            44
 British Sky Broadcast plc (MEDI) .................      19,900           389
 British Telecommunications plc (TELS) ............      60,500           782
 Burmah Castrol plc (OILS) ........................       1,750            44
 Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD) .....................      26,600           175
 Carlton Communications plc (MEDI) ................      16,300           210
 Centrica plc * (UTIG) ............................      58,900           197
 CGU plc (INSU) ...................................       9,300           155
 Diageo plc (FOOD) ................................      11,000            99
 EMI Group plc (LEIS) .............................      12,400           113
 GKN plc (AUTO) ...................................       9,200           117
 Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL) ........................      32,110           936
 Granada Group plc (DIOP) .........................      23,400           234
 Halifax Group plc (LEND) .........................      14,100           135
 Hilton Group plc (LEIS) ..........................      20,700            73
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK) .........................      68,800           787
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK) .........................      24,900           285
 Imperial Chemical Industries plc (CHEM) ..........       1,700            14
 Invensys, plc (DIOP) .............................      74,985           281
 J Sainsbury plc (RETF) ...........................      24,100           109
 Kingfisher plc (RETS) ............................      15,900           145
 Land Securities plc (REAL) .......................       8,400           100
 Legal & General Group plc (INSU) .................      62,800           147
 Lloyds TSB Group plc (BANK) ......................      51,200           483
 Logica plc (SOFT) ................................       7,100           168
 Marconi plc (TELE) ...............................      28,600           372
 Marks & Spencer plc (RETS) .......................      19,900            70
 National Grid Group plc (UTIE) ...................      22,500           177
 National Power plc (UTIE) ........................      16,500           105
 Pearson plc (MEDP) ...............................       8,100           257
 Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation
  Co. (TRAN) ......................................      10,300            88
 Prudential Corp. (INSU) ..........................      20,900           306
 Railtrack Group plc (TRAN) .......................       6,700           104
 Rank Group plc (DIOP) ............................      16,000            37
 Reed International plc (MEDP) ....................      15,400           134
 Reuters Group plc (BUSI) .........................      15,900           271
 Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP) ......................      11,900           195
 Royal Bank of Scotland Group (BANK) ..............      11,500           192
 Schroders (BANK) .................................       4,050            73
 Scottish Power plc (UTIE) ........................      17,100           145
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL) ....................      51,500           674
 Tesco plc (RETF) .................................      67,200           209
 The Great Universal Stores plc (RETS) ............      11,800            76
 The Sage Group plc (MEDI) ........................      25,400           206
 Unilever plc (CNSU) ..............................      26,703           162
 United Utilities plc (AGRI) ......................      10,400           103
 Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS) .....................     543,618         2,196
United States - 0.0%
 Great Eastern Shipping Co. - GDR * (TRAN) ........      18,720            31
                                TOTAL COMMON STOCK-        94.7%      218,302

Australia - 0.2%
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) ..........................      34,800           420
Brazil - 0.8%
 Aracruz Celulose SA - Cl. B (PAPR) ...............      38,000            72
 Banco Bradesco SA (BANK) .........................  15,494,000           135
 Banco Itau SA (BANK) .............................   1,240,000           109
 Centrais Electricas Brasileires SA -
  Cl. B (UTIE) ....................................   3,137,000            70
 Companhia Cervejaria Brahma (FOOD) ...............     101,000            86
 Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais -
  CEMIG (UTIE) ....................................   3,565,000            62
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Cl. A * (META) ......       8,000           226
 Embratel Participacoes SA (UTIT) .................   6,417,000           153
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras (OILS) ........      17,710           535
 Tele Centro Sul Participacoes SA (UTIT) ..........   6,634,000            96
 Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA (UTIT) .........   7,080,518           166
 Telesp Celular Participacoes SA * (TELS) .........   6,756,387           122
 Telesp Participacoes SA * (UTIT) .................   3,000,000            56
Germany - 0.4%
 Dyckerhoff AG (CONS) .............................       2,600            66
 RWE AG (OILX) ....................................       1,170            32
 SAP AG - Vorzug (SOFT) ...........................       4,470           826
 Volkswagen AG (AUTO) .............................       3,800            89
                             TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-         1.4%        3,321

United Kingdom - 0.0%
 British Aerospace plc - Bonds (AERO)
 7.45% due 11/29/03 ............................... $         4             6
Mexico - 0.0%
 Cemex SA de CV (CONS)



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              Par              Market
             Name of Issuer                  Value              Value
                                            (000's)            (000's)

Mexico - Continued
 expires 12/02/02 (Cost $1) ...........         2,000        $         1
United States - 1.2%
 Morgan Stanley Capital Llc (FINL)
 expires 04/07/07 (Cost $2,709) .......        19,000              2,661
                         TOTAL WARRANTS-          1.2%             2,662


Norway - 0.0%
 expires 06/23/00 (Cost $0) ...........         1,611                  1
 Kvaerner plc (DIOP)
 expires 06/23/00 (Cost $0) ...........           975

Philippines - 0.0%
 Metrobank (BANK)
 expires 07/28/00 (Cost $0) ...........         1,309                  1

Portugal - 0.0%
 Sonae SGPS, SA (RETS)
 expires 07/19/00 (Cost $0) ...........        10,000                 10

Spain - 0.0%
 Autopistas Del Sol SA (TRAN)
 expires 07/05/00 (Cost $0) ...........        13,503                  6

Thailand - 0.0%
 expires 01/01/80 (Cost $0) ...........        35,747
                           TOTAL RIGHTS-          0.0%                18

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 .................         5,083              5,083
 U.S. Treasury
  5.58% due 09/14/00 ..................           365                361
                                          -----------        -----------
                     TOTAL INVESTMENTS-          99.7%           229,753
   Cash and Receivables, less payables-           0.3%               660
                                          -----------        -----------
                            NET ASSETS-         100.0%           230,413
                                          ===========        ===========

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipt
GDR-Global Depository Receipt

See notes to financial statements.


                                                             Market    % of
                                                 Industry     Value  Long-Term
                 Industry                      Abbreviation  (000's) Investments

Banks ..........................................   BANK      $29,540    13.2%
Electronic Products and Services ...............   ETRN       19,278     8.6%
Telecommunication Services .....................   TELS       18,504     8.3%
Telephone ......................................   UTIT       15,360     6.8%
Insurance ......................................   INSU       13,073     5.8%
Diversified Operations .........................   DIOP       12,929     5.8%
Health Care Products ...........................   HEAL       11,199     5.0%
Automobile .....................................   AUTO        9,196     4.1%
Chemicals ......................................   CHEM        6,677     3.0%
Electric Power .................................   UTIE        6,546     3.0%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco .....................   FOOD        6,207     2.7%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production..   OILX        5,079     2.3%
Transportation Services ........................   TRAN        5,015     2.2%
Financial Services .............................   FINL        4,595     2.1%
Retail - Department Stores .....................   RETD        4,533     2.0%
Construction ...................................   CONS        4,522     2.0%
Media - TV / Radio .............................   MEDI        4,029     1.8%
Commercial Services ............................   COMM        3,977     1.8%
Oil - Equipment and Services ...................   OILE        3,232     1.4%
Brokerage and Investment Management ............   FUND        3,223     1.4%
Leisure and Recreation .........................   LEIS        3,144     1.4%
Electrical Equipment ...........................   ELEQ        2,864     1.3%
Oil ............................................   OILS        2,765     1.2%
Computer Software and Services .................   SOFT        2,542     1.2%
Machinery ......................................   MACH        2,414     1.1%
Retail - Food ..................................   RETF        2,381     1.1%
Telecommunication Equipment ....................   TELE        2,055     0.9%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products ...........   HNBA        1,902     0.8%
Computer Equipment .............................   COMP        1,826     0.8%
Personal and Commercial Lending ................   LEND        1,322     0.6%
Paper and Forest Products ......................   PAPR        1,275     0.6%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing .................   APPA        1,270     0.6%
Real Estate Operations .........................   REAL        1,241     0.6%
Natural Gas Distribution .......................   UTIG        1,176     0.5%
Auto and Truck Parts ...........................   PART        1,163     0.5%
Metals and Mining ..............................   META        1,050     0.5%
Steel ..........................................   STEE          916     0.4%
Engineering and Construction ...................   ENGI          903     0.4%
Consumer - Miscellaneous .......................   CNSU          862     0.4%
Media - Publishing .............................   MEDP          827     0.4%
Household Appliances / Furnishings .............   APPL          739     0.3%
Real Estate Development ........................   READ          736     0.3%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones ....................   PMET          577     0.3%
Containers .....................................   CONT          307     0.1%
Business Services ..............................   BUSI          271     0.1%



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                             Market    % of
                                                 Industry     Value  Long-Term
                 Industry                      Abbreviation  (000's) Investments

Aerospace and Defense ........................     AERO        207      0.1%
Real Estate Investment Trust .................     REIT        180      0.1%
Metal Product and Fabrication ................     METP        170      0.1%
Housing ......................................     HOUS        124      0.1%
Pollution Control ............................     POLL        110      0.0%
Agricultural Operations ......................     AGRI        103      0.0%
Energy - Alternative Stores ..................     ENER         92      0.0%
Retail - Drug Stores .........................     RETD         81      0.0%
                                                          --------  -------
                                                          $224,309    100.0%
                                                          ========  =======


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares          Value

Australia - 2.5%
 Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP) ...........     2,553          $   78
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP) ...    24,200             286
 Commonwealth Bank of Australia (BANK) ......     4,462              74
 Lend Lease Corp. (FINL) ....................     2,627              33
 Publishing & Broadcasting, Ltd. (MEDP) .....     9,083              70
 TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS) ..............     5,585              32
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS) .................    16,907              69
Belgium - 0.6%
 Dexia (BANK) ...............................       420              62
 Fortis (B) (INSU) ..........................     2,980              86
 UCB SA (HEAL) ..............................       240               9
Brazil - 1.1%
 Aracruz Celulose SA - ADR (PAPR) ...........     5,200             101
 Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - ADR (META) ....     6,300             177
Canada - 3.2%
 Alberta Energy, Ltd. (OILX) ................     1,200              49
 BCE, Inc. (TELS) ...........................     2,110              50
 Canadian National Railway Co. (TRAN) .......     7,000             204
 MANULIFE Financial Corp. (INSU) ............     8,600             152
 NORTEL NETWORKS Corp. (TELE) ...............     3,313             230
 Teleglobe, Inc. (TELS) .....................     7,200             152
Finland - 0.9%
 Nokia Oyj (HEAL) ...........................     4,800             245
France - 10.2%
 Alcatel (TELE) .............................     4,710             309
 Altran Technologies, Inc. SA (AERO) ........       190              37
 Aventis SA * (HEAL) ........................     5,544             398
 AXA SA (INSU) ..............................     1,720             271
 Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK) ...........     2,360             227
 Canal Plus (MEDI) ..........................     1,533             258
 Cap Gemini SA (COMM) .......................       410              72
 Carrefour SA (RETF) ........................       310              21
 Groupe Danone (FOOD) .......................       130              17
 Hermes International (RETS) ................       290              39
 L'Oreal (HNBA) .............................        30              26
 Lafarge SA (CONS) ..........................       120               9
 Legrand SA (ELEQ) ..........................       440              99
 Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (FOOD) .........       150              62
 Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK) ....................     3,060             223
 Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL) ..............     3,650             174
 Schneider SA (MACH) ........................       440              31
 Societe Generale - Cl. A (BANK) ............       650              39
 Sodexho Alliance SA (LEIS) .................       160              29
 STMICROELECTRONICS (ETRN) ..................     3,225             203
 Vivendi (DIOP) .............................     1,342             119
Germany - 6.6%
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU) ...................       655             235
 Bayer AG (CHEM) ............................     6,786             265
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK) ...........     2,604             168
 Deutsche Bank AG (BANK) ....................     2,010             165
 Deutsche Telekom AG (UTIT) .................     2,571             147
 E.On AG (DIOP) .............................     1,690              81
 Infineon Technologies AG (ETRN) ............     1,710             135
 SAP AG (SOFT) ..............................     1,410             211
 Siemens AG (DIOP) ..........................     2,101             317
Hong Kong - 0.3%
 Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd.
   (READ) ...................................    12,000              53
 Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT) .......     3,000              21
Italy - 4.8%
 Alleanza Assicurazioni (INSU) ..............     7,000              93
 Banca Intesa SpA (BANK) ....................    50,000             224
 Bipop-Carire SpA (BANK) ....................    15,000             118
 Mediolanum SpA (INSU) ......................     6,000              97
 San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK) ...................     1,000              18
 Tecnost SpA (COMP) .........................    10,000              38
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS) ...........    32,000             327
 Telecom Italia SpA (TELS) ..................    16,000             220
 UniCredito Italiano SpA (BANK) .............    26,000             124
Japan - 21.5%
 Bridgestone Corp. (AUTO) ...................     2,000              42
 Canon, Inc. (COMM) .........................     8,000             398
 DDI Corp. (UTIT) ...........................        15             144
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN) ..............        32             186
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ) .........................     1,000             102
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK) .....................    21,000             160
 Fuji Television Network, Inc. (MEDI) .......         9             141
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ) .......................     5,000             173
 Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN) .......................     3,000              43
 Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS) ................     1,000              60
 KAO Corp. (HNBA) ...........................     2,000              61
 Komori Corp. (MACH) ........................     1,000              18
 Kyocera Corp. (ETRN) .......................     2,000             339
 Makita Corp. (CNSU) ........................     2,000              19
 Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS) .....................     4,000              77
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN) ..    11,000             285
 Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (REAL) ............    24,000             260
 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN) ......     2,000             287
 NEC Corp. (COMP) ...........................    11,000             345
 Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) ..........     6,000              59


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Japan - Continued
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT) ..        28          $  372
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) .........     9,000             220
 NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc.
  (TELS) ....................................         5             135
 Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ....................     3,000              68
 Seven-Eleven Japan (RETF) ..................     2,000             167
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM) ..............     2,000             101
 Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM) ..................     4,000              62
 Sony Corp. (ETRN) ..........................     3,200             299
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK) .......................    13,000             159
 Sumitomo Corp. (TELE) ......................     6,000              68
 Sumitomo Electric Industries (DIOP) ........     2,000              34
 Toshiba Corp. (ETRN) .......................    26,000             293
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  (HEAL) ....................................     8,000             437
Mexico - 0.9%
 Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI) ...........     3,500             241
Netherlands - 5.9%
 ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK) .................     1,020              25
 Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM) .......................       280              12
 ASM Lithography Holding NV (COMP) ..........     4,390             189
 Equant * (COMP) ............................       820              33
 Fortis (NL) NV (INSU) ......................     4,210             122
 ING Groep NV (BANK) ........................     4,410             298
 Koninklije KPN NV (TELS) ...................     1,500              67
 Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (ETRN) ..     6,640             313
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILS) ...........     2,650             165
 United Pan Europe (TELS) ...................     1,950              51
 VNU NV (MEDP) ..............................     5,050             261
Portugal - 0.1%
 Jeronimo Martins, SGPS, SA (FOOD) ..........     1,440              24
South Africa - 1.2%
 Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd.
  (PMET) ....................................     7,100             205
 Impala Platinum Holdings, Ltd. - ADR
  (META) ....................................     2,900             108
South Korea - 0.7%
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN) .................       560             185
Spain - 1.8%
 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK) .............    11,350             170
 Endesa SA (UTIE) ...........................     6,350             123
 Telefonica SA (UTIT) .......................     8,359             179
Sweden - 1.2%
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB *
  (TELS) ....................................    16,160             320
Switzerland - 3.7%
 Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK) ..........       530             105
 Givaudan * (TELS) ..........................        16               5
 Nestle SA (FOOD) ...........................       176             352
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) ....................        16             156
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT) ..................       478             166
 UBS AG (BANK) ..............................     1,180             173
United Kingdom - 26.4%
 Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK) .....     3,000              36
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL) ...............     4,000             187
 Baltimore Technologies plc * (COMP) ........     8,000              61
 BG Group plc (UTIG) ........................     2,000              13
 BOC Group plc (CHEM) .......................    18,668             268
 BP Amoco plc (OILS) ........................    12,000             115
 British Telecommunications plc (TELS) ......    14,117             182
 Cable & Wireless plc (TELS) ................    18,995             322
 Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD) ...............    11,000              72
 Carlton Communications plc (MEDI) ..........    21,280             274
 Celltech Group plc * (HEAL) ................     3,000              58
 Centrica plc * (UTIG) ......................     5,000              17
 Compass Group plc (FOOD) ...................    18,000             237
 Diageo plc (FOOD) ..........................    13,000             117
 GKN plc (AUTO) .............................     1,000              13
 Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL) ..................    16,000             466
 Hays plc (DIOP) ............................     2,000              11
 Hilton Group plc (LEIS) ....................     4,000              14
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK) ...................     6,000              69
 Kingfisher plc (RETS) ......................    11,000             100
 Marconi plc (TELE) .........................     7,000              91
 National Grid Group plc (UTIE) .............    31,622             249
 National Power plc (UTIE) ..................    46,041             293
 Prudential Corp. (INSU) ....................    16,432             241
 Railtrack Group plc (TRAN) .................    10,584             164
 Reuters Group plc (BUSI) ...................    19,033             325
 Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP) ................    12,381             202
 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc
  (INSU) ....................................    56,307             365
 Scottish Power plc (UTIE) ..................    35,365             300
 Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX) ...    43,934             367
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL) ..............    19,784             259
 Standard Chartered (BANK) ..................     7,000              87
 Tesco plc (RETF) ...........................    14,000              43
 The Great Universal Stores plc (RETS) ......    40,897             263
 Unilever plc (CNSU) ........................    10,000              61
 United News & Media plc (MEDP) .............     4,000              57
 Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS) ...............   164,790             666



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

United Kingdom - Continued
 WPP Group plc * (COMM) ......................   16,000         $   234
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     93.6%         24,440


Germany - 0.1%
 SAP AG - Vorzug (SOFT) ......................       90              16

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ........................    1,862         $ 1,862
                                                -------         -------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    100.8%         26,318
          Payables, less cash and receivables-     (0.8)%          (216)
                                                -------         -------
                                   NET ASSETS-    100.0%         26,102
                                                =======         =======

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipt
GDR-Global Depository Receipt

See notes to financial statements.


                                                             Market     % of
                                                 Industry     Value  Long-Term
                 Industry                      Abbreviation  (000's) Investments

Banks ..........................................   BANK       2,762     11.3%
Telecommunication Services .....................   TELS       2,565     10.5%
Health Care Products ...........................   HEAL       2,455     10.0%
Electronic Products and Services ...............   ETRN       2,383      9.8%
Insurance ......................................   INSU       1,664      6.8%
Diversified Operations .........................   DIOP       1,129      4.6%
Telephone ......................................   UTIT       1,008      4.1%
Electric Power .................................   UTIE         965      4.0%
Media - TV / Radio .............................   MEDI         913      3.7%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco .....................   FOOD         881      3.6%
Chemicals ......................................   CHEM         708      2.9%
Commercial Services ............................   COMM         704      2.9%
Telecommunication Equipment ....................   TELE         697      2.9%
Computer Equipment .............................   COMP         665      2.7%
Transportation Services ........................   TRAN         555      2.3%
Retail - Department Stores .....................   RETS         539      2.2%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production..   OILX         415      1.7%
Media - Publishing .............................   MEDP         388      1.6%
Electrical Equipment ...........................   ELEQ         373      1.5%
Business Services ..............................   TRAN         325      1.3%
Metals and Mining ..............................   META         285      1.2%
Brokerage and Investment Management ............   FUND         280      1.1%
Oil ............................................   OILS         280      1.1%
Real Estate Operations .........................   REAL         260      1.1%
Retail - Food ..................................   RETF         232      1.0%
Computer Software and Services .................   SOFT         228      1.0%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones ....................   PMET         205      0.8%
Paper and Forest Products ......................   PAPR         100      0.4%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products ...........   HNBA          87      0.4%
Consumer Miscellaneous .........................   CNSU          80      0.3%
Leisure and Recreation .........................   LEIS          75      0.3%
Automoblie .....................................   AUTO          55      0.2%
Real Estate Development ........................   READ          53      0.2%
Machinery ......................................   MACH          48      0.2%
Financial Services .............................   FINL          33      0.1%
Natural Gas Distribution .......................   UTIG          20      0.1%
Real Estate Investment Trust ...................   REIT          22      0.1%
Construction ...................................   CONS           9      0.0%
                                                           --------  -------
                                                            $24,456    100.0%
                                                           ========  =======


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer               Shares                    Value

Australia - 2.5%
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd.
  (DIOP) ............................      3,793                   $  45
 Hanson plc * (CONS) ................        122                       1
 National Australia Bank, Ltd. (BANK)      4,131                      69
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) ............      6,023                      83
 TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS) ......      4,684                      27
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS) .........     23,814                      96
 Woolworth's, Ltd. (RETS) ...........      7,824                      29
Finland - 3.2%
 Nokia Oyj (HEAL) ...................      8,086                     412
 Sonera Oyj (TELS) ..................      1,004                      46
France - 11.3%
 Accor SA (LEIS) ....................      1,056                      43
 Air Liquide (CHEM) .................        680                      89
 Alcatel (TELE) .....................      2,182                     143
 AXA SA (INSU) ......................        948                     149
 Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK) ...        956                      92
 Cap Gemini SA (COMM) ...............        217                      38
 Carrefour SA (RETF) ................      1,083                      74
 France Telecom (TELS) ..............      1,054                     147
 Lafarge SA (CONS) ..................        659                      51
 Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton
  (FOOD) ............................        108                      45
 Renault (AUTO) .....................      1,042                      47
 Rhodia SA (CHEM) ...................        952                      16
 Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK) ............      2,159                     158
 STMICROELECTRONICS (ETRN) ..........      2,004                     126
 Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX) .......      1,394                     214
 Valeo SA (PART) ....................        957                      51
 Vivendi (DIOP) .....................      1,344                     119
Germany - 6.1%
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU) ...........        307                     110
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK) ...        564                      37
 DaimlerChrysler AG (AUTO) ..........        582                      30
 Deutsche Bank AG (BANK) ............      1,874                     154
 Deutsche Telekom AG (UTIT) .........      2,990                     171
 E.On AG (DIOP) .....................      1,291                      62
 Lufthansa AG (TRAN) ................      2,753                      64
  AG - Reg. (INSU) ..................        205                      64
 Preussag AG (DIOP) .................        684                      22
 Siemens AG (DIOP) ..................      1,031                     156
Hong Kong - 2.0%
 Cable & Wireless HKT, Ltd. (TELS) ..     16,400                      36
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd.
  (TELS) ............................      5,000                      44
 Giordano International, Ltd.
  (RETS) ............................     20,000                      31
 Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ........      6,000                      57
 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM) .....      8,700                     109
Ireland - 0.6%
 Bank of Ireland (BANK) .............     14,037                      88
Italy - 3.5%
 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BANK) ..     11,684                      41
 San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK) ...........      8,800                     156
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS) ...     17,500                     179
 Telecom Italia SpA (TELS) ..........      8,983                     124
Japan - 27.1%
 ADERANS Co., Ltd. (HNBA) ...........      1,800                      83
 Advantest (ETRN) ...................        600                     134
 Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
  (CHEM) ............................      7,000                      49
 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (APPL) .......     11,000                     123
 Bridgestone Corp. (PART) ...........      4,000                      85
 Canon, Inc. (COMM) .................      4,000                     199
 Chiba Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ............     16,000                      63
 Circle K Japan Co., Ltd. (RETF) ....      1,700                      62
 Daiwa Securities Group, Inc.
  (FUND) ............................      5,000                      66
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ) .................      1,500                     153
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK) .............     12,000                      91
 Fuji Photo Film (LEIS) .............      3,000                     123
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ) ...............      2,000                      69
 Honda Motor Co. (AUTO) .............      1,000                      34
 KAO Corp. (HNBA) ...................      4,000                     122
 Kirin Brewery Co. (FOOD) ...........      7,000                      87
 Mitsui Marine & Fire Insurance Co.,
  Ltd. (INSU) .......................     20,000                      96
 NEC Corp. (COMP) ...................      4,000                     126
 NGK Insulators (PART) ..............      4,000                      50
 Nintendo Corp., Ltd. (LEIS) ........        200                      35
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.
  (UTIT) ............................         19                     252
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) .      3,000                      73
 NTT Mobile Communications Network,
  Inc. (TELS) .......................          2                      54
 Ricoh Co., Ltd. (ETRN) .............      6,000                     127
 Rohm Co., Ltd. (ETRN)  .............        400                     117
 Sharp Corp. (ETRN) .................      7,000                     124
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM) ......      2,000                     101
 Skylark Co., Ltd. (FOOD) ...........      3,000                     118
 SMC Corp. (MACH) ...................        100                      19
 Softbank Corp. (BANK) ..............        200                      27
 Sony Corp. (ETRN) ..................      1,000                      93
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK) ...............      2,000                      24
 Sumitomo Corp. (DIOP) ..............     10,000                     112
 Takeda Chemical Industries (CHEM) ..      1,000                      66
 Takefuji Corp. (LEND) ..............        800                      97
 Terumo Corp. (HEAL) ................      1,000                      34
 Tokyo Electric Power (UTIE) ........      4,500                     110
 Toppan Forms Co., Ltd. (COMM) ......      3,600                      85


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer               Shares                  Market

Japan - Continued
 Toyota Motor Corp. (AUTO) ..........      4,000                 $   182
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  (HEAL) ............................      3,000                     164
Netherlands - 8.2%
 Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM) ...............      1,837                      78
 ASM Lithography Holding NV
  (COMP) ............................      1,931                      83
 Fortis (NL) NV (INSU) ..............      2,117                      62
 Getronics NV (SOFT) ................      4,087                      63
 ING Groep NV (BANK) ................      3,157                     213
 Koninklije KPN NV (TELS) ...........      3,396                     152
 Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV
  (ETRN) ............................      3,014                     142
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILE) ...      3,762                     234
 United Pan Europe (TELS) ...........      1,922                      50
 VNU NV (MEDP) ......................      1,555                      80
Singapore - 1.3%
 Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing
  * (ETRN) ..........................     11,000                      96
 DBS Group Holdings, Ltd. (BANK) ....      4,000                      52
 Singapore Press Holdings, Ltd.
  (MEDP) ............................      2,000                      31
Spain - 2.8%
 Acerinox SA (STEE) .................      1,772                      51
 Endesa SA (UTIE) ...................      3,353                      65
 Repsol SA (OILX) ...................      1,796                      36
 Telefonica SA (UTIT) ...............     11,590                     249
Sweden - 5.1%
 Investor AB - B Shares (FUND) ......      6,397                      88
 Nordbanken Holding (BANK) ..........     15,818                     119
 Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM) .....      4,393                      93
 Skandia Forsakrings AB (INSU) ......      4,563                     121
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB *
  (TELS) ............................     15,233                     301
Switzerland - 6.4%
 ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI) .................        838                     100
 Adecco SA - Reg. (COMM) ............         84                      71
 Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK) ..        399                      80
 Nestle SA (FOOD) ...................         86                     172
 Novartis AG - Reg. (HEAL) ..........         77                     122
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) ............         14                     136
  (INSU) ............................         47                      96
 UBS AG (BANK) ......................        829                     122
United Kingdom - 18.1%
 Allied Zurich plc * (INSU) .........     10,466                     124
 Amvescap plc (BANK) ................      4,503                      72
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL) .......      1,861                      87
 BP Amoco plc (OILE) ................     23,537                     226
 British Aerospace plc (AERO) .......      7,103                      44
 British American Tobacco plc * (FOOD)     5,961                      40
 British Telecommunications plc (TELS)    10,742                     139
 Cable & Wireless plc (TELS) ........      1,708                      29
 CGU plc (INSU) .....................      3,251                      54
 Diageo plc (FOOD) ..................     12,710                     114
 Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL) ..........      7,621                     222
 HSBC Hol dings plc (BANK) ..........     10,504                     120
 Lloyds TSB Group plc (BANK) ........      6,345                      60
 Marconi plc (TELE) .................      3,100                      40
 Reuters Group plc (BUSI) ...........      7,451                     127
 Royal Bank of Scotland Group (BANK)       5,767                      97
 Scottish Power plc (UTIE) ..........      8,099                      69
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL) ......     14,376                     188
 Unilever plc (CNSU) ................     23,349                     141
 Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS) .......    125,019                     505
 WPP Group plc * (COMM) .............      3,829                      56
United States - 0.0%
 NTL, Inc. * (TELS) .................          1                 -------
                   TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      98.2%                 13,886

Germany - 0.5%
 SAP AG - Vorzug ) ..................                                 72

 Investment in joint repurchase
  agreement with Goldman Sachs & Co.
  dated 06/03/ 00, 6.866% due 07/03/00
  (Secured by various U.S. Treasury
  Obligations and U.S. Government
  Agency Bonds)
  ------------------------------------  $  1,200                   1,200
                                        ----------               --------
                    TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     107.2%                 15,156
  Payables, less cash and receivables-      (7.2)%                (1,016)
                                        ----------               --------
                           NET ASSETS-     100.0%                 14,140
                                        ==========               ========



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                              Market        % of
                                                Industry       Value      Long-Term
               Industry                       Abbreviation    (000's)    Investments
Banks ........................................   BANK         $1,991        14.3%
Telecommunication Services ...................   TELS          1,903        13.6%
Health Care Products .........................   HEAL          1,366         9.8%
Electronic Products and Services .............   ETRN            959         6.9%
Insurance ....................................   INSU            876         6.3%
Telephone ....................................   UTIT            672         4.8%
Commercial Services ..........................   COMM            652         4.7%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco ...................   FOOD            576         4.1%
Diversified Operations .......................   DIOP            516         3.7%
Oil - Equipment and Services .................   OILE            460         3.3%
Chemicals ....................................   CHEM            399         2.9%
Automobile ...................................   AUTO            294         2.1%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production   OILX            249         1.8%
Electric Power ...............................   UTIE            243         1.7%
Leisure and Recreation .......................   LEIS            228         1.6%
Brokerage and Investment Management ..........   FUND            227         1.6%
Electrical Equipment .........................   ELEQ            222         1.6%
Computer Equipment ...........................   COMP            209         1.5%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products .........   HNBA            205         1.5%
Auto and Truck Parts .........................   PART            185         1.3%
Telecommunication Equipment ..................   TELE            183         1.3%
Consumer - Miscellaneous .....................   CNSU            141         1.0%
Retail - Food ................................   RETF            136         1.0%
Computer Software and Services ...............   SOFT            135         0.9%
Business Services ............................   BUSI            127         0.9%
Household Appliances / Furnishings ...........   APPL            123         0.9%
Media - Publishing ...........................   MEDP            112         0.8%
Engineering and Construction .................   ENGI            100         0.7%
Personal and Commercial Lending ..............   LEND             97         0.7%
Media - TV / Radio ...........................   MEDI             83         0.6%
Transportation Services ......................   TRAN             64         0.5%
Retail - Department Stores ...................   RETS             59         0.4%
Construction .................................   CONS             52         0.4%
Steel ........................................   STEE             51         0.4%
Aerospace and Defense ........................   AERO             44         0.3%
Machinery ....................................   MACH             19         0.1%
                                                            --------     --------
                                                             $13,958       100.0%
                                                            ========     ========


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                               Shares     Value


Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.7%
 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. *......................    41,900   $  1,906

Business Services - 4.4%
 Corporate Executive Board Co. *........................    40,800      2,443
 Forrester Research, Inc. * ............................    46,700      3,400
 Management Network Group, Inc. * ......................    59,100      2,068
 On Assignment, Inc. * .................................    91,900      2,803
 ProBusiness Services, Inc. * ..........................    82,700      2,197

Commercial Services - 3.6%
 Jupiter Communications, Inc. ..........................    43,700      1,005
 META Group, Inc. * ....................................    86,700      1,669
 Modem Media Poppe Tyson, Inc. * .......................    24,000        298
 Plexus Corp. * ........................................    18,500      2,090, Inc. * ...........................    90,500      1,522
 Quanta Services, Inc. * ...............................    47,049      2,588
 Veritas DGC, Inc. * ...................................    54,500      1,417

Computer Equipment - 3.9%
 eMachines, Inc. .......................................   142,800        384
 Maxtor Corp. * ........................................    43,700        461
 National Computer Systems, Inc. * .....................    57,100      2,812
 Predictive Systems, Inc. * ............................    31,450      1,130
 PRI Automation, Inc. * ................................    24,700      1,615
 Quantum Corp. - Hard Disk Drive * .....................   115,500      1,278
 Tech Data Corp. * .....................................    83,300      3,629

Computer Software and Services - 12.5%
 Accrue Software, Inc. * ...............................    49,400      1,754
 Advent Software, Inc. * ...............................    41,300      2,664
 Aspen Technologies, Inc. * ............................    45,700      1,759
 BindView Development Corp. ............................    95,800      1,150
 Broadbase Software, Inc. * ............................    43,400      1,329
 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. ..................    46,500      1,543
 Data Return Corp. * ...................................    85,000      2,465
 Etinuum, Inc. * .......................................    37,000        208
 Interwoven, Inc. * ....................................    28,700      3,157
 Intranet Solutions, Inc. * ............................    48,100      1,846
 Lifeminders, Inc. * ...................................     6,350        188
 Manugistics Group, Inc. * .............................    29,000      1,356
 Media Metrix, Inc. * ..................................    71,800      1,826
 Mediaplex, Inc. * .....................................    38,400        742, Inc. * ....................................    54,000      1,360
 National Instruments Corp. * ..........................    29,150      1,272
 Net Perceptions, Inc. * ...............................    34,400        546
 Netpliance, Inc. * ....................................   118,650      1,083
 SCM Microsystems, Inc. * ..............................    23,000      1,393
 Secure Computing Corp. * ..............................   134,300      2,526, Inc. * ................................    62,300      1,063
 Transaction Systems Architects, Inc. - Cl. A * ........    64,500      1,105
 Viant Corp. * .........................................    46,600      1,380
 Virage, Inc. * ........................................     3,950         71
 WebTrends Corp. * .....................................    37,700      1,458
 Wind River Systems * ..................................    27,250      1,032

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.1%
 NetRatings, Inc. * ....................................    46,600      1,194
 ScanSource, Inc. * ....................................    52,900      2,057

Diversified Operations - 1.0%
 Varian, Inc. * ........................................    61,300      2,827

Electrical Equipment - 0.2%
 Nu Horizons Electronics Corp. * .......................    26,300        700

Electronic Products and Services - 15.3%
 Alpha Industries, Inc. ................................    30,000      1,322
 Atmi, Inc. * ..........................................    49,800      2,316
 Brooks Automation, Inc. * .............................     8,000      1,790
 Credence Systems Corp. * ..............................    30,000      1,656
 Cytyc Corp. * .........................................    37,700      2,012
 DDi, Corp. ............................................    59,000      1,682
 DuPont Photomasks, Inc. * .............................    37,500      2,569
 Elantec Semiconductor, Inc. * .........................    47,900      3,335
 Exar, Corp. * .........................................    41,950      3,658
 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. * ...................    81,300      3,089
 Kent Electronics Corp. * ..............................    57,000      1,699
 Manufacturers Services, Ltd. * ........................     7,800        160
 Marvell Technology Group, Ltd. * ......................     1,200         68
 Mattson Technology, Inc. * ............................    21,100        686
 Merix Corp. * .........................................    23,600      1,109
 Metalink, Ltd. * ......................................    49,100      1,455
 Microsemi Corp. .......................................    63,200      2,145
 Nanometrics, Inc. * ...................................    51,300      2,113
 Pixelworks, Inc. * ....................................    10,550        240
 PLX Technology, Inc. * ................................    85,400      3,544
 Rudolph Technologies, Inc. * ..........................    48,500      1,879
 Semtech Corp. * .......................................    34,200      2,616
 Virata, Corp. * .......................................    57,800      3,446

Energy - Alternative Source - 0.1%
 Capstone Turbine Corp. * ..............................     7,250        327

Financial Services - 0.4%
 Actrade International, Ltd. * .........................    26,100        535
 Medallion Financial Corp. .............................    40,000        618

Health Care Products - 14.2%
 Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * .......................    40,600      2,903
 Alkermes, Inc. * ......................................    66,600      3,139
 Alpharma, Inc. - Cl. A ................................    40,200      2,502
 COR Therapeutics, Inc. * ..............................    39,500      3,370


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                                Shares      Value


Health Care Products - Continued
 CV Therapeutics, Inc. * ................................    60,200   $  4,173
 Cyberonics, Inc. * .....................................    36,200        434
 Exelixis, Inc. * .......................................    24,200        808
 Inhale Therapeutic Systems, Inc. * .....................    25,900      2,628
 Interpore International, Inc. * ........................   182,550      1,768
 Invitrogen Corp. * .....................................    33,900      2,549
 Ligand Pharmaceuticals - Cl. B * .......................    94,200      1,242
 NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * ............................   123,300      3,298
 OXiGENE, Inc. * ........................................    50,900        509
 Pharmacopeia, Inc. * ...................................    62,400      2,894
 Pharmacyclics, Inc. * ..................................    24,500      1,495
 Priority Healthcare Corp. - Cl. B * ....................    20,200      1,501
 Techne Corp. * .........................................    21,900      2,847
 Titan Pharmeceuticals, Inc. * ..........................    55,200      2,374
 Virologic, Inc. * ......................................    52,200        776

Health Care Services - 4.6%
 AmeriSource Health Corp. - Cl. A * .....................    18,600        576
 Aurora Biosciences Corp. * .............................    45,400      3,096
 Bindley Western Industries, Inc. .......................    32,800        867
 Genome Therapeutics Corp. * ............................    59,100      1,799
 LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. * ............................   115,000      2,559
 Province Healthcare Co. * ..............................    75,500      2,727
 Visible Genetics, Inc. * ...............................    39,000      1,760

Leisure and Recreation - 0.5%
 Cinar Films, Inc. - Cl. B * ............................    55,800        391
 Premier Parks, Inc. * ..................................    51,600      1,174

Machinery - 0.8%
 GaSonics International Corp. * .........................    61,200      2,414

Media - Publishing - 1.1%
 Houghton Mifflin Co. ...................................    38,300      1,788
 Radio One, Inc. - Cl. D * ..............................    65,800      1,452

Media - TV / Radio - 4.1%
 Acme Communications, Inc. * ............................    79,250      1,446
 Citadel Communications Corp. * .........................    25,400        887
 Getty Images, Inc. .....................................    56,300      2,087
 Pegasus Communications Corp. * .........................    16,500        810
 Radio One, Inc. * ......................................    33,500        990
 Regent Communications, Inc. * ..........................   183,200      1,574
 Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. .........................    81,200        893
 Westwood One, Inc. * ...................................    39,100      1,334
 XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. - Cl. A * ............    43,900      1,644
 YouthStream Media Networks, Inc. * .....................    65,200        367

Metals and Mining - 0.9%
 Maverick Tube Corp. * ..................................    92,000      2,680
Oil - Equipment and Services - 3.4%
 Core Laboratories NV * .................................    81,300      2,358
 Dril Quip, Inc. * ......................................    39,700      1,856
 Marine Drilling Companies, Inc. * ......................    92,900      2,601
 Natco Group, Inc. - Cl. A ..............................   130,800      1,235
 Universal Compression Holdings * .......................    51,800      1,735

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 3.8%
 Atwood Oceanics, Inc. * ................................    42,800      1,899
 Newfiel d Exploration Co. * ............................    58,200      2,277
 Patterson Energy, Inc. * ...............................    50,900      1,451
 Pride International, Inc. * ............................   116,000      2,871
 Stone Energy Corp. * ...................................    40,600      2,426

Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.6%
 Metris Cos., Inc. ......................................    64,800      1,628

Retail - Department Stores - 4.3%
 99 Cents Only Stores * .................................    66,799      2,664
 Insight Enterprises, Inc. * ............................    46,800      2,776
 Linens 'N Things, Inc. * ...............................    69,200      1,877, Inc. * ................................    83,000      1,561
 Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc. * ..................    52,500        984
 Too, Inc. * ............................................    39,700      1,010
 Tweeter Home Entertainment Group, Inc. .................    50,100      1,522

Retail - Drug Stores - 0.6%
 Duane Reade, Inc. * ....................................    62,100      1,599

Retail - Food - 1.5%
 Applebee's International, Inc. .........................    47,400      1,437
 RARE Hospitality International, Inc. * .................    45,700      1,291
 Whole Foods Market, Inc. * .............................    42,300      1,747

Steel - 0.9%
 Lone Star Technologies, Inc. * .........................    58,400      2,701

Telecommunication Equipment - 5.3%
 Accelerated Networks, Inc. * ...........................       500         21
 Advanced Radio Telecom Corp. * .........................   101,400      1,483
 Brightpoint, Inc. * ....................................   202,100      1,749
 Pinnacle Holdings, Inc. * ..............................    44,200      2,387
 Powertel, Inc. .........................................    24,700      1,752
 Powerwave Technologies, Inc. * .........................    40,800      1,795
 Radyne ComStream, Inc. * ...............................    42,300        613
 SBA Communications Corp. * .............................    61,900      3,215
 Stratos Lightwave, Inc. * ..............................     4,200        117
 Terayon Communication Systems, Inc. * ..................    28,000      1,799
 Tollgrade Communications, Inc. .........................     3,400        451

Telecommunication Services - 6.6%
 Airgate PCS, Inc. * ....................................    37,300      1,961


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                           Shares            Value


Telecommunication Services - Continued
 Apex, Inc. * .....................................     63,500         $  2,778
 CoreComm, Ltd. * .................................     52,950            1,033
 Cost Plus, Inc. * ................................     66,350            1,903
 CTC Communications Group, Inc. ...................     37,000            1,332
 I-Link, Inc. * ...................................    195,000            1,048
 Orckit Communications, Ltd. * ....................     58,000            1,747
 Rural Cellular Corp. - Cl. A * ...................     21,900            1,677
 Telaxis Communications Corp. * ...................     47,100            1,472
 Ubiquitel, Inc. * ................................    105,100              992
 US LEC Corp. - Cl. A * ...........................     63,800            1,085
 Wink Communications, Inc. * ......................     70,900            2,162

Transportation Services - 1.1%
 Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. .....     31,900            1,515
 Forward Air Corp. * ..............................     43,600            1,744
                                TOTAL COMMON STOCK-       97.5%         283,700



 Investment in joint repurchase agreement
  with Barclays Bank plc dated 06/30/00,
  6.55% due 07/03/00 (Secured by $140 U.S.
  Treasury Notes, 9.125% due 05/15/18,
  Market Value $143 and $41 U.S. Treasury
  Bonds, 8.125% due 05/15/21, Market Value $42)
  6.55% due 07/03/00 ..............................  $   7,215            7,215
                                                     ---------         --------
                                 TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      100.0%         290,915
               Receivables, less Cash and payables-        0.0%              17
                                                     ---------         --------
                                        NET ASSETS-      100.0%         290,932
                                                     =========         ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                                   Shares  Value


Australia - 1.7%
 Amcor, Ltd. (CONT) ........................................     2,400  $     8
 AMP, Ltd. (INSU) ..........................................     2,700       27
 Boral, Ltd. (CONS) ........................................     2,900        4
 Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP) ..........................       900       28
 Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP) ..................     3,400       40
 CSR, Ltd. (CONS) ..........................................     1,600        4
 Howard Smith, Ltd. (DIOP) .................................     2,100       10
 Lend Lease Corp. (FINL) ...................................     2,200       28
 Lion Nathan, Ltd. (FOOD) ..................................     2,800        6
 National Australia Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ......................     2,700       45
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) ...................................     6,000       83
 Origin Energy (ENER) ......................................     2,900        3
 Paperlinx (PAPR) ..........................................       967        2
 Qantas Airways, Ltd. (TRAN) ...............................     3,382        7
 QBE Insurance Group, Ltd. (INSU) ..........................     5,048       25
 Rio Tinto, Ltd. (PMET) ....................................     1,500       25
 Santos, Ltd. (OILX) .......................................     4,400       13
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS) ................................    16,800       68
 Westpac Banking Corp., Ltd. (BANK) ........................     9,000       65
 WMC, Ltd. (DIOP) ..........................................     2,500       11
 Woolworth's, Ltd. (RETS) ..................................     6,100       23

Austria - 0.0%
 Austria Tabak AG (FOOD) ...................................       200        7

Belgium - 0.3%
 Electrabel SA (UTIE) ......................................       170       42
 Fortis (B) (INSU) .........................................     1,848       54

Canada - 0.8%
 Agrium, Inc. (AGRI) .......................................     1,700       15
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. (META) ...............................       500       16
 Bank of Montreal (BANK) ...................................       200        8
 Canadian National Railway Co. (TRAN) ......................       900       26
 Canadian Pacific, Ltd. (TRAN) .............................     1,100       28
 Hudson's Bay Co. (RETS) ...................................     2,000       21
 Imperial Oil, Ltd. (OILX) .................................       500       12
 Magna International, Inc. (AUTO) ..........................       400       19
 NOVA Chemicals Corp. (CHEM) ...............................     1,048       22
 Price REIT, Inc. (REIT) ...................................       200       11
 Royal Bank of Canada (BANK) ...............................       600       31
 Shaw Communications, Inc. (MEDI) ..........................     1,000       25
 Transcanada Pipelines, Ltd. (OILE) ........................       444        3
 Westcoast Energy, Inc. (UTIG) .............................       900       14

Denmark - 0.2%
 Tele Danmark A/S (TELS) ...................................       700       47

Finland - 0.9%
 Metso OYJ (MACH) ..........................................     1,600       19
 Nokia Oyj (HEAL) ..........................................     3,100      158
 Sampo Insurance Co. plc (INSU) ............................     1,400       57
 UPM-Kymmene Corp. (PAPR) ..................................     1,400       35

France - 2.7%
 Air Liquide (CHEM) ........................................       418       54
 Alcatel (TELE) ............................................       900       59
 Alcatel SA - ADR (TELE) ...................................       729       48
 AXA SA (INSU) .............................................       105       17
 Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK) ..........................       878       84
 Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS) ............................       236       32
 France Telecom (TELS) .....................................       380       53
 Groupe Air France (TRAN) ..................................     1,440       25
 Groupe Danone (FOOD) ......................................       340       45
 L'Oreal (HNBA) ............................................        40       35
 Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK) ...................................       890       65
 Schneider SA (MACH) .......................................       430       30
 Societe Generale - Cl. A (BANK) ...........................     1,060       64
 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (DIOP) ............................       140       25
 Thomson CFS (ETRN) ........................................       720       28
 Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX) ..............................       854      131
 Vivendi (DIOP) ............................................       380       34

Germany - 1.4%
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU) ..................................       318      114
 Bayer AG (CHEM) ...........................................     2,000       78
 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (AUTO) ........................       950       29
 Continental AG (PART) .....................................     1,300       22
 E.On AG (DIOP) ............................................     1,920       93
 SAP AG (SOFT) .............................................       150       22
 Siemens AG (DIOP) .........................................       400       60

Hong Kong - 0.1%
 Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd. (READ) ...............     8,000       35

Ireland - 0.2%
 Bank of Ireland (BANK) ....................................     3,700       23
 eircom plc - ADR (TELS) ...................................    18,000       48

Italy - 0.9%
 Assicurazioni Generali (INSU) .............................       900       31
 ENI SpA (OILS) ............................................    15,000       86
 La Rinascente SpA (CONS) ..................................     2,817       16
 San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK) ..................................     3,135       56
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS) ..........................     5,000       51
 Telecom Italia SpA (TELS) .................................     3,000       41

Japan - 9.4%
 Acom Co., Ltd. (LEND) .....................................       600       50
 Asahi Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ...................................     6,000       25
 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (BANK) ...........................     6,000       72


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                                  Shares   Value


Japan - Continued
 Benesse Corp. (COMM) ......................................      300   $    21
 Bridgestone Corp. (PART) ..................................    2,000        42
 Canon, Inc. (COMM) ........................................    2,000        99
 Dai - Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd. (FINL) .......................    4,000        30
 Dai Nippon Printng Co., Ltd. (COMM) .......................    1,000        18
 Daikin Industries, Ltd. (CONS) ............................    2,000        46
 Denso Corp. (ETRN) ........................................    1,000        24
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN) .............................        5        29
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ) ........................................      500        51
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ....................................    6,000        46
 Fuji Photo Film (LEIS) ....................................    1,000        41
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ) ......................................    4,000       138
 Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN) ......................................    4,000        58
 Honda Motor Co. (AUTO) ....................................    3,000       102
 Hoya Corp. (ETRN) .........................................    1,000        90
 Kamigumi Co., Ltd. (TRAN) .................................    3,000        16
 KAO Corp. (HNBA) ..........................................    2,000        61
 Kirin Brewery Co. (FOOD) ..................................    2,000        25
 Kuraray Co., Ltd. (APPA) ..................................    4,000        46
 Kyocera Corp. (ETRN) ......................................      100        17
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN) .................    3,000        78
 Mitsubishi Corp. (DIOP) ...................................    3,000        27
 Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (REAL) ........................    5,000        59
 Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corp. (BANK) ...................    2,000        15
 NEC Corp. (COMP) ..........................................    4,000       126
 NGK Insulators (PART) .....................................    3,000        37
 Nintendo Corp., Ltd. (LEIS) ...............................      400        70
 Nippon Steel Co. (STEE) ...................................   20,000        42
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT) .................       14       186
 Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd. (FOOD) .....................      800        20
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) ........................    4,000        98
 Omron Corp. (ETRN) ........................................    1,000        27
 Orix Corp. (FINL) .........................................      300        44
 Rohm Co., Ltd. (ETRN) .....................................      100        29
 Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ...................................    1,000        23
 Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ....................    1,000        24
 Secom Co. (ETRN) ..........................................    1,000        73
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM) .............................    1,000        51
 Softbank Corp. (BANK) .....................................      300        41
 Sony Corp. (ETRN) .........................................    1,400       131
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK) ......................................    3,000        37
 Sumitomo Chemical Co. (CHEM) ..............................    5,000        30
 Sumitomo Electric Industries (DIOP) .......................    2,000        34
 Takeda Chemical Industries (CHEM) .........................    1,000        66
 Takefuji Corp. (LEND) .....................................      200        24
 TDK Corp. (COMP) ..........................................    1,000       144
 Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co. (INSU) ..................    2,000        23
 Tokyo Gas Co. (UTIG) ......................................   11,000        31
 Toyota Motor Corp. (AUTO) .................................    2,000        91
 Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (TRAN) .........................    1,000        25
Netherlands - 1.7%
 ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK) ................................    1,657        40
 Aegon NV (INSU) ...........................................    1,810        64
 Elsevier NV (MEDP) ........................................    6,200        75
 Heineken NV (FOOD) ........................................    1,900       116
 ING Groep NV (BANK) .......................................    1,033        70
 Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (ETRN) .................      700        33
 TNT Post Group NV (TRAN) ..................................    1,109        30
 Wolters Kluwer NV - CVA (MEDP) ............................    3,440        92

New Zealand - 0.1%
 Auckland International (TRAN) .............................    2,400         3
 Carter Holt Harvey, Ltd. (PAPR) ...........................    3,700         3
 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd. (TELS) .................    3,100        11

Panama - 0.2%
 Carnival Corp. (LEIS) .....................................    3,100        61

Portugal - 0.5%
 Brisa-Auto Estradas de Portugal, SA (CONS) ................    3,300        28
 EDP-Electricidade de Portugal SA (UTIE) ...................    1,500        27
 Portugal Telecom, SA (TELS) ...............................    8,500        96

Singapore - 0.3%
 DBS Group Holdings, Ltd. (BANK) ...........................    1,000        13
 SIA Engineering Co., Ltd. (ENGI) ..........................    3,000         3
 Singapore Airport Terminal Services, Ltd. (TRAN) ..........    2,000         2
 Singapore Press Holdings, Ltd. (MEDP) .....................    1,948        31
 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK) .........................    5,336        35

Spain - 0.8%
 Banco Popular Espanol SA (BANK) ...........................    1,603        49
 Banco Santander Central Hispano SA (BANK) .................    4,275        45
 Endesa SA (UTIE) ..........................................    1,380        27
 Tabacalera S.A. - Cl. A (FOOD) ............................    4,300        66
 Telefonica SA (UTIT) ......................................    2,920        63

Sweden - 0.9%
 Electrolux AB - Ser. B (APPL) .............................    2,620        40
 Investor AB - B Shares (FUND) .............................    2,490        34
 Nordbanken Holding (BANK) .................................    8,540        64
 Swedish Match (FOOD) ......................................    9,630        30
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB (TELS) .................    5,600       111


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                                   Shares  Value


Switzerland - 0.9%
 ABB, Ltd. (ENGI) ..........................................       305  $    36
 Givaudan (TELS) ...........................................         5        2
 Nestle SA (FOOD) ..........................................        37       74
 Novartis AG - Reg. (HEAL) .................................        57       90
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) ...................................         5       49
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT) .................................        58       20

United Kingdom - 6.9%
 Allied Zurich plc (INSU) ..................................     2,950       35
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL) ..............................     1,028       48
 BP Amoco plc (OILE) .......................................    14,974      144
 British Airways plc (TRAN) ................................     6,000       34
 British Telecommunications plc (TELS) .....................     8,000      103
 Charter plc (DIOP) ........................................    11,372       66
 De Vere Group plc (RETF) ..................................     1,500        7
 Diageo plc (FOOD) .........................................     5,739       52
 FKI plc (DIOP) ............................................     7,000       25
 Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL) .................................    10,300      300
 House of Fraser plc (RETS) ................................     7,000        5
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK) ..................................     3,000       34
 Invensys, plc (DIOP) ......................................     2,000        8
 Kelda Group plc (AGRI) ....................................     8,000       39
 Lloyds TSB Group plc (BANK) ...............................    13,000      123
 Marconi plc (TELE) ........................................     9,400      122
 Marks & Spencer plc (RETS) ................................     7,000       25
 National Power plc (UTIE) .................................     8,000       51
 Nycomed Amersham plc (HEAL) ...............................     5,000       50
 Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. (TRAN) .........     2,654       23
 PowerGen plc (UTIE) .......................................     4,000       34
 Prudential Corp. (INSU) ...................................     4,000       59
 Reckitt Benckiser plc (HNBA) ..............................     2,000       22
 Reed International plc (MEDP) .............................     6,000       52
 RJB Mining plc (META) .....................................     5,500        5
 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc (INSU). ..........    11,494       75
 Royal Bank of Scotland Group (BANK) .......................     4,000       67
 Scottish & Newcastle plc (FOOD) ...........................     3,000       24
 Scottish and Southern Energy plc (UTIE) ...................     5,900       54
 Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX) ..................     6,000       50
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL) .............................     2,000       26
 Tesco plc (RETF) ..........................................    16,000       50
 Thames Water plc (AGRI) ...................................     1,583       20
 Trinity Mirror plc (MEDP) .................................     3,800       34
 Unilever plc (CNSU) .......................................     9,000       54
 United News & Media plc (MEDP) ............................     3,000       43
 Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS) ..............................    38,275      155

United States - 23.7%
 American Electric Power Co. (UTIE) ........................     5,220      155
 American General Corp. (INSU) .............................     1,800      110
 Aon Corp. (INSU) ..........................................     5,500      171
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A (FINL)..............     7,400      165
 Baxter International, Inc. (HEAL) .........................     3,500      246
 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (TRAN) .......................    12,500      287
 Cigna Corp. (INSU) ........................................     2,700      253
 Compaq Computer Corp. (COMP) ..............................     7,600      194
 Computer Sciences Corp. (SOFT) ............................       300       22
 CVS Corp. (RETS) ..........................................     1,600       64
 Dell Computer Corp. (COMP) ................................     1,900       94
 Electronic Data Systems Corp. (SOFT) ......................     7,500      309
 Eli Lilly & Co. (HEAL) ....................................       900       90
 Emerson Electric Co. (ELEQ) ...............................     4,000      242
 Entergy Corp. (UTIE) ......................................     4,400      120
 Exxon Mobil Corp. (OILX) ..................................     2,000      157
 Fedex Corp. (TRAN) ........................................     6,900      262
 First Data Corp. (SOFT) ...................................     4,300      213
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. (BANK) ........................     5,100      173
 Gateway, Inc. (COMP) ......................................     4,600      261
 Household International, Inc. (LEND) ......................     3,400      141
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. (DIOP) ..........................     4,200      239
 Johnson & Johnson (HEAL) ..................................     2,500      255
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. (PAPR) ...............................     1,800      103
 Lexmark International Group, Inc. - Cl. A (COMP) ..........     2,500      168
 Masco Corp. (HOUS) ........................................    11,600      210
 Mattel, Inc. (LEIS) .......................................    12,600      166
 Microsoft Corp. (SOFT) ....................................     1,900      152
 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc. (CNSU) ............................     6,600      170
 PepsiCo, Inc. (FOOD) ......................................     4,100      182
 PNC Bank Corp. (BANK) .....................................     2,600      122
 Praxair, Inc. (CHEM) ......................................     3,400      127
 Raytheon Co. - Cl. B (AERO) ...............................     6,000      116
 Sara Lee Corp. (FOOD) .....................................     2,400       46
 SBC Communications, Inc. (UTIT) ...........................     4,800      208
 Schering-Plough Corp. (HEAL) ..............................     1,300       66
 Tellabs, Inc. (TELE) ......................................     1,700      116
 Texas Instruments, Inc. (ETRN) ............................     3,700      254
 The Kroger Co. (FOOD) .....................................     8,700      192
 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. (HEAL) ...........................     2,500      214
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (RETS) ..............................     1,800      104
 Wells Fargo & Co. (BANK) ..................................     5,600      217
 Xerox Corp. (COMP) ........................................     3,800       79
                                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-       54.6%  16,668


Australia - 0.3%
 National Australia Bank (BANK) ............................     1,700       48
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)  ..................................     2,600       32
                                     TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-        0.3%      80


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       Par           Market
                Name of Issuer                        Value          Value
                                                     (000's)        (000's)

Australia - 0.7%
 Queensland Treasury Corp. - Bonds (FORG)
 6.5% due 06/14/05 ..............................   $    350         $   210

Canada - 2.5%
 Government of Canada - Debs. (GOVF)
 4.25% due 12/01/21 .............................        420             345
 Government of Canada - Bond (GOVF)
 6.0% due 06/01/08 ..............................        600             408
Denmark - 1.5%
 Kingdom of Denmark - Bonds (GOVF)
 7.0% due 11/10/24 ..............................        600              88
 8.0% due 11/15/01 ..............................      1,400             184
 Kingdom of Denmark - Bullet Bond (GOVF)
 8.0% due 03/15/06 ..............................      1,300             184
France - 5.7%
 6.25% due 03/05/08 .............................        410             619
 Government of France - Debs. (GOVF)
 4.0% due 10/25/09 ..............................        190             164
 Government of France - Bonds (GOVF)
 5.5% due 10/12/01 ..............................        660             635
 5.5% due 04/25/29 ..............................        350             329
Germany - 2.9%
 DePfa Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG (BANK)
 5.75% due 03/04/09 .............................        380             361
 Federal Republic of Germany - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.0% due 06/20/16 ..............................        180             185
 Treuhandanstalt (FORG)
 7.375% due 12/02/02 ............................        350             351
Italy - 2.8%
 Republic of Italy (GOVF)
 3.25% due 04/15/04 ..............................       620             552
 9.5% due 02/01/06 ...............................       275             313
Japan - 4.8%
 Government of Japan - Bonds (GOVF)
 3.3% due 09/20/05 ...............................   140,000           1,462

Netherlands - 0.9%
 Government of Netherlands (GOVF)
 5.5% due 01/15/28 ...............................        70              66
 5.75% due 02/15/07 ..............................       210             206
Spain - 1.8%
 Government of Spain - Bonds (GOVF)
 3.25% due 01/31/05 ..............................       630             552

Supra National - 0.4%
 Government of Netherlands - Bonds (GOVF)
 3.75% due 07/15/09 ..............................        65              55
 Queensland Treasury Corp. (FORG)
 6.0% due 07/14/09 ...............................       100              58

 Sweden - 1.0%
 Government of Sweden - Debs. (GOVF)
 6.5% due 10/25/06 ...............................     2,200             265
 Government of Sweden - Bonds (GOVF)
 10.25% due 05/05/03 .............................       300              38
United States - 15.7%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. (GOVA)
 5.25% due 01/15/09 ..............................       340             300
 U.S. Treasury - Inflation Index (GOVE)
 3.875% due 04/15/29 .............................     1,216           1,211
 U.S. Treasury - Notes (GOVE)
 5.75% due 08/15/03 ..............................     1,440           1,415
 6.125% due 12/31/01 .............................       140             139
 7.0% due 07/15/06 ...............................       400             415
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds (GOVE)
 8.0% due 11/15/21 ...............................     1,035           1,251
 8.75% due 05/15/17 ..............................        50              63
                      TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-      40.7%         12,424


 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
 6.853% due 07/03/00 .............................       894             894
                                                     -------         -------
                                TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      98.5%         30,066
              Receivables, less cash and payables-       1.5%            448
                                                     -------         -------
                                       NET ASSETS-     100.0%         30,514

ADR - American Depository Receipts
See notes to financial statements


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                 % of
                                       Industry      Value     Long-Term
             Industry                Abbreviation   (000's)   Investments

Foreign Governmental ..............      GOVF        $6,308       21.6%
U.S. Governmental .................      GOVE         4,494       15.4%
Banks .............................      BANK         2,141        7.3%
Health Care Products ..............      HEAL         1,639        5.6%
Insurance .........................      INSU         1,113        3.8%
Computer Equipment ................      COMP         1,065        3.7%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco ........      FOOD           886        3.0%
U.S. Government Agencies ..........      ETRN           851        2.9%
Electronic Products and Services ..      GOVE           842        2.9%
Transportation Services ...........      TELS           797        2.7%
Telecommunication Services ........      DIOP           785        2.7%
Computer Software and Services ....      TELE           720        2.5%
Diversified Operations ............      UTIT           699        2.4%
Electric Power ....................      AUTO           509        1.7%
Telephone .........................      TRAN           476        1.6%
Electrical Equipment ..............      MEDP           431        1.5%
Chemicals .........................      UTIE           428        1.5%
Foreign ...........................      ELEQ           409        1.4%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration ...      RETF           364        1.3%
Telecommunication Equipment .......      CHEM           346        1.2%
Leisure and Recreation ............      FORG           337        1.2%
Media - Publishing ................      SOFT           327        1.1%
Financial Services ................      COMM           268        0.9%
Retail - Department Stores ........      RETS           241        0.8%
Automobile ........................      CONS           241        0.8%
Consumer Miscellaneous ............      FINL           224        0.8%
Personal and Commercial Lending ...      MACH           216        0.7%
Housing ...........................      OILS           210        0.7%
Oil - Equipment and Services ......      OILE           147        0.5%
Paper and Forest Products .........      PART           143        0.5%
Media - TV / Radio ................      OILX           138        0.5%
Commercial Services ...............      PAPR           138        0.5%
Brokerage and Investment Management      LEIS           132        0.5%
Construction ......................      FUND           131        0.5%
Cosmetics and Personal Care .......      APPL           118        0.4%
Aerospace and Defense .............      CNSU           115        0.4%
Auto and Truck Parts ..............      MEDI           101        0.3%
Oil ...............................      AGRI            87        0.3%
Agricultural Operations ...........      HNBA            74        0.3%
Real Estate Operations ............      REAL            59        0.2%
Retail - Food .....................      LEND            57        0.2%
Machinery .........................      META            49        0.2%
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing ....      APPA            46        0.2%
Natural Gas Distribution ..........      UTIG            45        0.2%
Steel .............................      UTIG            42        0.1%
Household Appliances ..............      UTIG            41        0.1%
Engineering and Construction ......      UTIG            40        0.1%
Real Estate Development ...........      UTIG            35        0.1%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones .......      UTIG            25        0.1%
Metals and Mining .................      UTIG            20        0.1%
Real Estate Investment Trust ......      UTIG            11        0.0%
Containers ........................      UTIG             8        0.0%
Energy - Alternative Source .......      UTIG             3        0.0%
                                                   --------    --------
                                                    $29,172      100.0%
                                                   ========    ========



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                           Shares           Value

Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.4%
 E*TRADE Group, Inc. * ..........................      148,395       $  2,448

Commercial Services - 6.3%
 Apollo Group, Inc. - Cl. A * ...................      404,569         11,328
 Lamar Advertising Co. * ........................      280,820         12,163
 TMP Worldwide, Inc. * ..........................      168,820         12,461
Computer Equipment - 2.2%
 StorageNetworks, Inc. * ........................        5,615            507
 VeriSign, Inc. .................................       66,430         11,725

Computer Software and Services - 11.0%
 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. * .........       38,305          7,028
 CNET Networks, Inc. ............................      198,110          4,866
 DoubleClick, Inc. * ............................      291,270         11,105
 Exodus Communications, Inc. * ..................      126,540          5,829
 Inktomi Corp. * ................................       47,580          5,626
 Liberate Technologies, Inc. * ..................      132,320          3,879
 Portal Software, Inc. * ........................      164,855         10,530
 PSINet, Inc. * .................................      517,675         13,007
 TenFold Corporation * ..........................       33,665            553
Electrical Equipment - 2.1%
 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. * ...........      195,855         11,727

Electronic Products and Services - 10.2%
 Cree, Inc. * ...................................       39,835          5,318
 Intersil Hol ding Corp. * ......................      138,360          7,480
 MRV Communications, Inc. * .....................       88,060          5,922
 SDL, Inc. * ....................................       39,445         11,249
 Semtech Corp. * ................................       74,245          5,678
 Viasytsems Group, Inc. .........................      366,505          5,933
 Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. * ..................      143,795         10,578
 Xilinx, Inc. * .................................       72,440          5,981

Financial Services - 3.0%
 Paychex, Inc. ..................................      408,133         17,141

Health Care Products - 21.0%
 Abgenix, Inc. * ................................      107,280         12,858
 Andrx Corp. * ..................................      146,305          9,352
 CuraGen Corp. * ................................      136,040          5,178
 Human Genome Sciences, Inc. * ..................      117,110         15,620
 King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * ...................      283,605         12,443
 Maxygen, Inc. * ................................       64,070          3,637
 Medarex, Inc. * ................................      139,880         11,820
 MedImmune, Inc. * ..............................       83,725          6,196
 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * .............      138,420         15,486
 MiniMed, Inc. * ................................       78,165          9,223
 Sepracor, Inc. * ...............................      142,680         17,211

Leisure and Recreation - 3.6%
 Premier Parks, Inc. * ..........................      422,170          9,604
 SFX Entertainment, Inc. * ......................      241,195         10,929

Media - TV/Radio - 9.2%
 Citadel Communications Corp. * .................      125,835          4,396
 Cox Radio, Inc. - Cl. A * ......................      618,050         17,306
 Entercom Communications Corp. * ................      145,105          7,074
 Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. * ..................      291,030          9,640
 Radio One, Inc. * ..............................      188,360          5,569
 Radio One, Inc. - Cl. D * ......................      376,720          8,311

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.9%
 Hanover Compressor Co. * .......................      181,440          6,895
 Universal Compression Holdings * ...............      108,355          3,630

Retail - Department Stores - 0.7%, Inc. * ..........................      107,645          4,089

Telecommunication Equipment - 11.1%
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A ...................      328,875         13,710
 Crown Castle International Corp. ...............      478,085         17,450
 Pinnacle Hol dings, Inc. * .....................       77,825          4,203
 Powertel, Inc. .................................      125,025          8,869
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. * .......................      134,635         11,797
 TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. * .................       73,415          7,025

Telecommunication Services - 8.8%
 AT&T Canada, Inc. * ............................      322,850         10,715
 Clearnet Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * ........      163,510          4,540
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Cl. A * ......................      489,645         10,129
 Microcell Telecommunications, Inc. * ...........      122,246          4,416
 Millicom International Cellular SA * ...........       10,285            360
 Net2Phone, Inc. * ..............................      114,090          4,072
 Netro Corp. * ..................................        8,350            479
 VoiceStream Wireless Corp. * ...................
 Western Wireless Corp. - Cl. A * ...............      282,105         15,375
Telephone - 1.1%
 Metromedia Fiber Network, Inc. - Cl. A * .......      157,175          6,238
                              TOTAL COMMON STOCK-         92.6%       525,907



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         Par            Market
              Name of Issuer                            Value           Value
                                                       (000's)         (000's)

 Federal Home Loan Discount Notes
  5.95% due 07/03/00 ............................    $  25,400         25,391
                               TOTAL INVESTMENTS-         97.1%       551,298
             Cash and Receivables, less payables-          2.9%        16,490
                                                     ---------       --------
                                      NET ASSETS-        100.0%       567,788
                                                     =========       ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                              Shares           Value


Aerospace and Defense - 0.7%
 General Dynamics Corp. .........................        1,300         $   68

Auto and Truck Parts - 0.6%
 Dana Corp. .....................................        1,000             21
 Johnson Controls, Inc. .........................          600             31
 Meritor Automotive, Inc. .......................          900             10
Banks - 5.0%
 AmSouth Bancorporation .........................        5,100             80
 Charter One Financial, Inc. ....................        1,000             23
 Comerica, Inc. .................................        3,600            161
 Golden West Financial Corp. ....................        2,300             94
 KeyCorp ........................................        7,300            129
Business Services - 0.3%
 Harris Corp. ...................................          900             29

Chemicals - 2.5%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. .................        3,100             95
 Eastman Chemical Co. ...........................        1,100             52
 Millennium Chemicals, Inc. .....................        1,700             29
 Praxair, Inc. ..................................        1,300             49
 Rohm & Haas Co. ................................          600             21
Commercial Services - 3.1%
 Convergys Corp. ................................        1,800             93
 Lamar Advertising Co. ..........................        2,700            117
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. ......................        1,500             34
 Sybase, Inc. ...................................        2,500             58
Computer Equipment - 1.0%
 Lexmark International Group, Inc. -
  Cl. A .........................................        1,500            101

Computer Software and Services - 9.8%
 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. ...................        4,800             98
 DST Systems, Inc. ..............................        1,500            114
 Fiserv, Inc. ...................................        3,400            147
 Intuit, Inc. ...................................        4,000            165
 NCR Corp. ......................................        2,000             78
 Portal Software, Inc. ..........................        2,500            160
 Rational Software Corp. ........................        1,200            111
 SunGard Data Systems, Inc. .....................        2,600             81
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 3.1%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A ...............        1,500             28
 Avery Dennison Corp. ...........................          900             60
 Black & Decker Corp. ...........................        3,400            134
 Parker-Hannifin Corp. ..........................        1,400             48
 Sherwin-Williams Co. ...........................        1,300             28
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.7%
 Avon Products, Inc. ............................        1,600             71

Diversified Operations - 3.1%
 Danaher Corp. ..................................          900             44
 Eaton Corp. ....................................          500             34
 El Paso Energy Corp. ...........................        2,500            127
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. ......................          400             23
 Reynolds & Reynolds Co. - Cl. A ................        2,300             42
 Textron, Inc. ..................................          600             33
Electric Power - 2.9%
 Constellation Energy Group .....................        1,700             55
 Dominion Resources, Inc. .......................        1,700             73
 Entergy Corp. ..................................          700             19
 FPL Group, Inc. ................................          500             25
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. ....................        1,900             65
 Reliant Energy, Inc. ...........................        1,600             47
Electrical Equipment - 1.2%
 American Power Conversion ......................        2,400             98
 Pentair, Inc. ..................................          600             21
Electronic Products and Services - 13.9%
 Altera Corp. ...................................          200             20
 Anadigics, Inc. ................................        1,200             41
 Applied Micro Circuits Corp. ...................        1,000             99
 Atmel Corp. ....................................        3,000            111
 Jabil Circuit, Inc. ............................        1,800             89
 Lam Research Corp. .............................        2,600             97
 Linear Technology Corp. ........................          800             51
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. ................        1,300             88
 Millipore Corp. ................................          900             68
 Novellus Systems, Inc. .........................        1,300             73
 Pitney Bowes, Inc. .............................        2,400             96
 Sanmina Corp. ..................................        1,200            103
 SCI Systems, Inc. ..............................        3,000            118
 Tektronix, Inc. ................................          300             22
 Teradyne, Inc. .................................          300             22
 Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. ...................        1,900             72
 Vitesse Semiconductor Corp. ....................        1,100             81
 Waters Corp. ...................................          400             50
 Xilinx, Inc. ...................................          600             50
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.8%
 Quaker Oats Co. ................................          200             15
 Starbucks Corp. ................................        1,700             65
Health Care Products - 11.3%
 Allergan, Inc. .................................        2,300            171
 ALZA Corp. .....................................          900             53


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                                 Shares       Value

Health Care Products - Continued
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. ............................          1,900       $  147
 Becton, Dickinson & Co. ........................          1,400           40
 Cephalon, Inc. .................................          1,600           96
 CV Therapeutics, Inc. ..........................            900           62
 Forest Laboratories, Inc. ......................          1,000          101
 Genzyme Corp. (General Division) ...............            900           54
 MedImmune, Inc. ................................          1,300           96
 QLT PhotoTherapeutics, Inc. ....................          1,900          147
 Stryker Corp. ..................................          1,200           53
 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. .......................          1,000           86
Health Care Services - 0.8%
 Health Management Associates, Inc. -
   Cl. A ........................................          3,200           42
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. ................            500           36
Household Appliances/Furnishings - 0.6%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc. ..........................          3,300           54

Insurance - 6.7%
 Aon Corp. ......................................          4,500          140
 AXA Financial, Inc. ............................          1,500           51
 Lincoln National Corp. .........................          3,900          141
 PartnerRe, Ltd. ................................          1,000           36
 St. Paul Cos., Inc. ............................          3,000          102
 Torchmark, Inc. ................................          2,000           49
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A .......................          2,500          135
Leisure and Recreation - 0.7%
 SABRE Group Holdings, Inc. .....................          2,300           66

Machinery - 1.6%
 Dover Corp. ....................................            600           24
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. .............................          3,200          129
Media - Publishing - 1.5%
 Knight-Ridder, Inc. ............................            800           43
 New York Times Co. - Cl. A .....................          1,400           55
 Tribune Co. ....................................          1,500           52
Media - TV/Radio - 1.8%
 Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. ....................          1,900           63
 Westwood One, Inc. .............................          3,300          113
Oil - 0.5%
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. A ...........................          2,200           48

Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.9%
 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. .......................          1,700           84

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
 Production - 4.9%
 Apache Corp. ...................................          1,400           82
 Burlington Resources, Inc. .....................            800           31
 Kerr-McGee Corp. ...............................          1,400           83
 Noble Drilling Corp. ...........................          3,900          161
 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. ............          2,700           59
 USX-Marathon Group .............................          2,400           60
Paper and Forest Products - 1.7%
 Abitibi-Consolidated, Inc. .....................          4,300           40
 Georgia-Pacific Corp. ..........................          1,700           45
 Westvaco Corp. .................................          2,100           52
 Willamette Industries, Inc. ....................          1,100           30
Retail - Department Stores - 5.9%
 Circuit City Stores, Inc. ......................          1,500           50
 Family Dollar Stores, Inc. .....................          2,400           47
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. ..............          3,400          115
 Intimate Brands, Inc. ..........................          1,100           22
 Limited, Inc. ..................................          2,200           47
 RadioShack Corp. ...............................          2,200          104
 Tiffany & Co. ..................................          1,000           67
 TJX Cos., Inc. .................................          6,400          120
Retail - Food - 0.5%
 Brinker International, Inc. ....................            700           21
 Outback Steakhouse, Inc. .......................          1,100           32
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.1%
 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. ........................            700            8

Steel - 0.7%
 Nucor Corp. ....................................            800           26
 USX-U.S. Steel Group, Inc. .....................          2,300           43
Telecommunication Equipment - 2.7%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ...................          1,000           84
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. .........................            900           79
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. .......................          1,400          104
Telecommunication Services - 1.0%
 Broadwing, Inc. ................................          1,700           44
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. .............            700           53
Telephone - 2.7%
 AT&T Wireless Group ............................          4,700          131
 CenturyTel, Inc. ...............................          1,300           38
 Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. ...............            900           90


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Name of Issuer                               Shares         Value


Transportation Services - 4.2%
 AMR Corp........................................          2,500       $   42
 Burlington Northern Santa Fe....................          2,500           57
 Canadian Pacific, Ltd...........................            700           18
 Delta Air Lines, Inc............................            200           10
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc............          1,200          107
 Norfolk Southern Corp...........................          2,600           39
 Northwest Airlines Corp.........................            700           21
 Southwest Airlines Co...........................          2,300           44
 UAL Corp........................................          1,200           70
                              TOTAL COMMON STOCK-           99.5%       9,700

 Investment in joint trading account
    (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ...........................        $   250          250
                               TOTAL INVESTMENTS-          102.1%       9,950
             Payables, less cash and receivables-          (2.1)%        (202)
                                                         -------       ------
                                      NET ASSETS-          100.0%       9,748

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                         Shares               Value

Aerospace and Defense - 2.0%
 Boeing Co. .................................        24,200             $  1,012
 Lockheed Martin Corp. ......................        87,500                2,171
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.8%
 Dana Corp. .................................        14,400                  305
 Genuine Parts Co. ..........................        45,400                  908
Banks - 6.4%
 Bank of America Corp. ......................        20,700                  890
 Bank One Corp. .............................        58,700                1,559
 Firstar Corp. ..............................        35,800                  754
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. ................        68,772                2,338
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. ....................        15,800                1,740
 KeyCorp ....................................        16,900                  298
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp. ................        20,900                  623
 National City Corp. ........................        36,100                  616
 Wells Fargo & Co. ..........................        34,400                1,333
Business Services - 0.7%
 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. .....................        24,400                  699
 H & R Block, Inc. ..........................        11,000                  356
Chemicals - 2.9%
 Dow Chemical Co. ...........................        35,100                1,060
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. ..............        40,100                1,754
 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. .................        29,600                  932
 Hercules, Inc. .............................        30,300                  426
 Imperial Chemical Industries plc - ADR .....        14,500                  447
Commercial Services - 0.5%
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. ..................        36,700                  828

Computer Equipment - 1.6%
 Compaq Computer Corp. ......................        43,400                1,109
 Xerox Corp. ................................        68,900                1,430
Computer Software and Services - 1.4%
 BMC Software, Inc. * .......................        17,700                  646
 Microsoft Corp. ............................        17,200                1,376
 Unisys Corp. * .............................        15,200                  221
Construction - 0.3%
 Armstrong Holdings, Inc. ...................        27,500                  421

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.8%
 Fortune Brands, Inc. .......................        24,300                  560
 Stanley Works ..............................        40,200                  955
 Tupperware Corp. ...........................         8,900                  196
 Unilever NV - CVA ..........................        24,900                1,142
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 1.9%
 Gillette Co. ...............................        25,800                  901
 International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. ...        46,200                1,395
 Procter & Gamble Co. .......................        13,700                  784
Diversified Operations - 2.9%
 Cooper Industries, Inc. ....................         6,700                  218
 Eaton Corp. ................................         5,000                  335
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. .......        26,000                2,145
 Pall Corp. .................................        59,300                1,097
 PPG Industries, Inc. .......................        18,100                  802
Electric Power - 4.6%
 Duke Energy Co. ............................        36,900                2,080
 Entergy Corp. ..............................        20,000                  544
 Firstenergy Corp. ..........................        38,800                  907
 Niagara Mohawk Holdings, Inc. ..............        16,400                  229
 Reliant Energy, Inc. .......................        49,700                1,469
 ScottishPower plc - ADR ....................        13,418                  449
 Southern Co. ...............................        69,900                1,629
Electrical Equipment - 0.8%
 Unicom Corp. ...............................        34,000                1,315

Electronic Products and Services - 1.6%
 Hubbell, Inc. - Cl. B ......................        39,000                  995
 Motorola, Inc. .............................        21,400                  622
 Rockwell International Corp. * .............        28,800                  907
Financial Services - 3.8%
 Citigroup, Inc. ............................        38,675                2,330
 Mellon Financial Corp. .....................       103,600                3,775
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 9.5%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. ..................        16,800                1,255
 Brown-Forman Corp. - Cl. B .................        13,100                  704
 Campbell Soup Co. ..........................        52,300                1,523
 General Mills, Inc. ........................        85,100                3,255
 H.J. Heinz Co. .............................        57,300                2,507
 Hershey Foods Corp. ........................        33,600                1,630
 Kellogg Co. ................................        35,000                1,041
 McCormick & Co., Inc. ......................        31,600                1,027
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. ...................        66,200                1,758
 UST, Inc. ..................................        30,100                  442

Health Care Products - 6.4%
 Abbott Laboratories ........................        54,500                2,429


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                                  Shares                  Value

Health Care Products - Continued
 American Home Products Corp. ..........................      57,200               $   3,361
 Becton, Dickinson & Co. ...............................      18,900                     542
 Merck & Co., Inc. .....................................      15,400                   1,180
 Pharmacia Corp. .......................................      52,475                   2,712
Insurance - 5.1%
 American General Corp. ................................      34,100                   2,080
 Chubb Corp. ...........................................      29,500                   1,814
 Lincoln National Corp. ................................      22,400                     809
 Safeco Corp. ..........................................      35,900                     714
 St. Paul Cos., Inc. ...................................      41,752                   1,425
 UnumProvident Corp. ...................................      60,200                   1,208
Leisure and Recreation - 3.2%
 Eastman Kodak Co. .....................................      37,800                   2,249
 Hasbro, Inc. ..........................................      40,400                     609
 Hilton Hotels Corp. ...................................      37,700                     353
 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. .............      56,400                   1,837
Media - Publishing - 1.7%
 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. .................................      10,400                     762
 Knight-Ridder, Inc. ...................................      23,900                   1,271
 Readers Digest Association, Inc. - Cl. A ..............      17,600                     700
Media - TV / Radio - 1.3%
 The Walt Disney Co. ...................................      52,600                   2,042

Metals and Mining - 0.2%
 Phelps Dodge Corp. ....................................      10,300                     383

Oil - 1.6%
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares .................      42,200                   2,598

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.0%
 Baker Hughes, Inc. ....................................      50,500                   1,616

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 11.5%
 Amerada Hess Corp. ....................................      20,200                   1,247
 BP Amoco plc - ADR ....................................      87,032                   4,923
 Chevron Corp. .........................................      32,100                   2,723
 Exxon Mobil Corp. .....................................      55,067                   4,323
 Texaco, Inc. ..........................................      49,200                   2,620
 Unocal Corp. ..........................................      49,900                   1,653
 USX-Marathon Group ....................................      29,700                     744
Paper and Forest Products - 3.4%
 Consolidated Papers, Inc. .............................       4,400                     161
 Fort James Corp. ......................................      46,800                   1,082
 International Paper Co. ...............................      60,470                   1,803
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. ..................................      40,000                   2,295
Pollution Control - 1.2%
 Waste Management, Inc. ................................     101,290                   1,924

Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.4%
 Newmont Mining Corp. ..................................      29,000                     627

Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.6%
 Simon Property Group, Inc. ............................      45,500                   1,010

Real Estate Operations - 0.6%
 Rouse Co. .............................................      35,300                     874

Retail - Department Stores - 1.7%
 J.C. Penney Co., Inc. .................................      12,800                     236
 May Department Stores Co. .............................      40,950                     983
 Toys "R" Us, Inc. * ...................................     101,400                   1,476
Telecommunication Services - 0.3%
 Vodafone AirTouch plc  - ADR ..........................      11,900                     493

Telephone - 8.6%
 Alltel Corp. ..........................................      35,200                   2,180
 AT&T Corp. ............................................      27,700                     876
 Bell Atlantic Corp. ...................................      39,800                   2,022
 BellSouth Corp. .......................................      36,600                   1,560
 GTE Corp. .............................................      41,800                   2,602
 SBC Communications, Inc. ..............................      79,155                   3,424
 U.S. West, Inc. .......................................      11,600                     995
Transportation Services - 1.8%
 Norfolk Southern Corp. ................................      63,600                     946
 Union Pacific Corp. ...................................      49,300                   1,833

U.S. Government Agencies - 1.3%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. ......................      39,300                   2,051
                                     TOTAL COMMON STOCK-        95.4%                151,555


Financial Services - 2.3%
 Assets Securitization Corp.
 6.57% due 08/18/00 ....................................     $ 1,000                     991
 Falcon Asset Securitization Corp.
 6.55% due 07/03/00 ....................................       1,500                   1,491
 Sand Dollar Funding
 6.62% due 07/11/00 ....................................       1,225                   1,223
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.6%
 Anheuser Busch Cos., Inc.
 6.8% due 07/03/00 .....................................       1,554                   1,553


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Par         Market
              Name of Issuer                  Value         Value
                                             (000's)       (000's)

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - Continued
 H.J. Heinz Co.
 6.55% due 07/20/00 .....................   $   1,000      $    997
                  TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER-         3.9%        6,255
                                            ---------      --------
                       TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        99.3%      157,810
     Cash and Receivables, less payables-         0.7%        1,077
                                            ---------      --------
                              NET ASSETS-       100.0%      158,887
                                            =========      ========

ADR - American Depository Receipt
* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer                           Shares       Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.8%
 Boeing Co. ..................................     1,500      $     63
 General Dynamics Corp. ......................       300            16
 Honeywell International, Inc. ...............       400            13
 Northrop Grumman Corp. ......................     1,100            73
 United Technologies Corp. ...................       300            18
Auto and Truck Parts - 2.2%
 Cummins Engine Company, Inc. ................       400            11
 General Motors Corp. ........................     2,200           128
 General Motors Corp. - Cl. H ................       400            35
 Johnson Controls, Inc. ......................       500            25
 Navistar International Corp., Inc. - Cl. B ..       500            15
 TRW, Inc. ...................................       200             9
 Visteon Corp. * .............................       223             3
Automobile - 1.1%
 Delphi Automotive Systems Corp. .............     2,100            30
 Ford Motor Co. ..............................     1,700            73
 Hertz Corp. - Cl. A .........................       200             6
Banks - 9.8%
 Bank of America Corp. .......................     3,900           168
 Bank of New York Co., Inc. ..................       800            37
 Bank One Corp. ..............................       300             8
 BB&T Corporation ............................       300             7
 Chase Manhattan Corp. .......................     3,300           152
 Comerica, Inc. ..............................       300            14
 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. ..................       200             5
 Fifth Third Bancorp .........................       100             6
 First Security Corp. ........................     1,200            16
 First Union Corp. ...........................       300             7
 Firstar Corp. ...............................       900            19
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. .................     3,676           125
 Golden West Financial Corp. .................     2,100            86
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. .....................       900            99
 PNC Bank Corp. ..............................     1,000            47
 Popular, Inc. ...............................       500            10
 SouthTrust Corp. ............................       200             5
 Suntrust Banks, Inc. ........................       800            37
 U.S. Bancorp ................................       400             8
 UnionBanCal Corp. ...........................     1,200            22
 Washington Mutual, Inc. .....................       500            14
 Wells Fargo & Co. ...........................     3,200           124
Brokerage and Investment Management - 2.2%
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. ..............       400            38
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. ...................       300            35
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co. .     1,900           158
Business Services - 0.7%
 Comdisco, Inc. ..............................     1,500            33
 Interim Services, Inc. ......................       500             9
 Manpower, Inc. ..............................       400            13
 Robert Half International, Inc. .............       600            17
Chemicals - 2.4%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. ..............       700            21
 Cabot Corp. .................................       300             8
 Dow Chemical Co. ............................     3,600           109
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. ...............       700            31
 Praxair, Inc. ...............................     1,700            64
 Rohm & Haas Co. .............................       400            14
Commercial Services - 0.1%
 Cendant Corp. * .............................       400             6

Computer Equipment - 1.7%
 3Com Corp. * ................................       200            12
 Apple Computer, Inc. * ......................     1,000            52
 Hewlett-Packard Co. .........................       400            50
 International Business Machines Corp ........       100            11
 Network Appliance, Inc. * ...................       200            16
 SanDisk Corp. * .............................       100             6
 VERITAS Software Corp. * ....................       250            28
Computer Software and Services - 1.3%
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. * ...................       600            15
 DST Systems, Inc. * .........................       200            15
 Electronic Data Systems Corp. ...............       500            21
 First Data Corp. ............................       500            25
 Fiserv, Inc. ................................       200             9
 Mercury Interactive Corp. * .................       100            10
 Network Associates, Inc. ....................       100             2
 Oracle Corp. * ..............................       300            25
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * ....................       100             9
 Symantec Corp. * ............................       100             5
Construction - 0.4%
 Lafarge Corp. ...............................       400             8
 Southdown, Inc. .............................       200            12
 USG Corp. * .................................       800            24
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.5%
 Parker-Hannifin Corp. .......................       700            24
 Sherwin-Williams Co. ........................       400             9
 Unilever NV - NY Shares .....................       400            17
Containers - 0.1%
 Bemis Co., Inc. .............................       300            10



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer                               Shares          Value

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.1%
 Alberto-Culver Co. - Cl. B ....................         300         $      9

Diversified Operations - 0.9%
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co ...........         700               58
 PPG Industries, Inc. ..........................         600               26
 Textron, Inc. .................................         200               11
Electric Power - 3.2%
 Ameren Corp. ..................................         500               17
 Calpine Corp. * ...............................         600               39
 Consolidated Edison, Inc. .....................         200                6
 Constellation Energy Group ....................       1,600               52
 Dominion Resources, Inc. ......................         221               10
 DTE Energy Co. ................................         500               15
 Duke Energy Co. ...............................       1,100               62
 Energy East Corp. .............................       1,200               23
 Entergy Corp. .................................         800               22
 Firstenergy Corp. .............................         400                9
 Public Services Enterprise Group, Inc. ........       1,600               55
 Southern Co. ..................................       1,100               26
Electrical Equipment - 1.5%
 American Power Conversion .....................         300               12
 Emerson Electric Co. ..........................         300               18
 Molex, Inc. ...................................         200               10
 TXU Corp. .....................................       1,400               41
 Unicom Corp. ..................................       2,000               78
Electronic Products and Services - 1.8%
 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * ................         400               31
 Analog Devices, Inc. * ........................         100                8
 Arrow Electronics, Inc. * .....................         400               12
 Atmel Corp. * .................................         100                4
 AVX Corp. .....................................       1,000               23
 Cree, Inc. * ..................................         100               13
 LSI Logic Corp. * .............................         200               11
 Motorola, Inc. ................................         600               17
 National Semiconductor Corp. * ................         300               17
 Rockwell International Corp. * ................         300                9
 Texas Instruments, Inc. .......................         200               14
 Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. * ................         600               23
Energy - Alternative Source - 0.9%
 Dynegy, Inc. - Cl.A ...........................       1,300               89

Engineering and Construction - 0.2%
 Fluor Corp. ...................................         600               19

Financial Services - 5.2%
 American Express Co. ..........................         600               31
 Citigroup, Inc. ...............................       7,800              470
 Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc. ............         200                9
 Mellon Financial Corp. ........................         200                7
 Providian Financial Corp. * ...................         200               18
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 3.7%
 Adolph Coors Co. - Cl. B ......................         200               12
 ConAgra, Inc. .................................         700               13
 Hormel Foods Corp. ............................         200                3
 IBP, Inc. .....................................       1,600               25
 Keebler Foods Co. .............................         300               11
 McCormick & Co., Inc. .........................         500               16
 Nabisco Group Holdings Corp. ..................       2,900               75
 Nabisco Holdings Corp. - Cl. A ................       1,600               84
 Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. ....................         700               20
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. ......................       1,300               35
 Ralston-Ralston Purina Group ..................       1,700               34
 Seagram Co., Ltd. .............................         200               12
 Starbucks Corp. * .............................         400               15
 Suiza Foods Corp. * ...........................         200               10
 Tyson Foods, Inc. - Cl. A .....................         800                7
 UST, Inc. .....................................       1,000               15
Health Care Products - 4.0%
 Abbott Laboratories ...........................         500               22
 Allergan, Inc. ................................         400               30
 Alpharma, Inc. - Cl. A ........................       1,100               68
 Andrx Corp. * .................................         200               13
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. ...........................         100                8
 Baxter International, Inc. ....................         400               28
 Chiron Corp. * ................................         200               10
 Genetech, Inc. * ..............................         100               17
 IVAX Corp. ....................................       1,100               46
 Jones Pharma, Inc. ............................         500               20
 MedImmune, Inc. * .............................         300               22
 Merck & Co., Inc. .............................         200               15
 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * ............         100               11
 Pfizer, Inc. ..................................         600               29
 Pharmacia Corp. ...............................         752               39
 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. ......................         400               34
Health Care Services - 0.2%
 HCA-The Healthcare Corporation ................         600               18

Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.4%
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A ..............         100                3
 Whirlpool Corp. ...............................         900               42
Housing - 0.2%
 American Standard Cos., Inc. * ................         400               17

Insurance - 8.2%
 AFLAC, Inc. ...................................         400               18
 Allstate Corp. ................................       2,100               47



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer                                    Shares      Value

Insurance - Continued
 Ambac Financial Group, Inc. ..........................       300     $     16
 American General Corp. ...............................     1,000           61
 American International Group, Inc. ...................     1,600          188
 American National Insurance Co. ......................       400           20
 AXA Financial, Inc. ..................................     1,400           48
 Cigna Corp. ..........................................     1,200          112
 Cincinnati Financial Corp. ...........................       500           16
 Conseco, Inc. ........................................       300            3
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. ..............       600           33
 Jefferson-Pilot Corp. ................................       100            6
 Lincoln National Corp. ...............................       500           18
 Loews Corp. ..........................................     1,300           78
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. ..........................       600           63
 MGIC Investment Corp. ................................       900           41
 Nationwide Financial Services - Cl. A ................       300           10
 The PMI Group, Inc. ..................................     1,500           71
Leisure and Recreation - 0.8%
 Brunswick Corp. ......................................     1,500           25
 Eastman Kodak Co. ....................................     1,000           59
Machinery - 0.6%
 FMC Corp. * ..........................................       300           18
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. ...................................       300           12
 Tecumseh Products Co. - Cl. A ........................       900           34
Media - Publishing - 1.2%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A * ...........     1,800           44
 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. ................................       200           15
 Gannett Co., Inc. ....................................       100            6
 Knight-Ridder, Inc. ..................................       400           21
 New York Times Co. - Cl. A ...........................     1,000           39
Media - TV / Radio - 3.6%
 Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. - Cl. A * ..............       700           21
 Infinity Broadcasting Corp. - Cl A * .................     1,900           69
 McGraw-Hill Cos., Inc. ...............................       200           11
 The Walt Disney Co. ..................................     5,300          206
 TV Guide, Inc. - Cl. A * .............................       300           10
 USA Networks, Inc. * .................................       200            5
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * ...............................       717           49
Metals and Mining - 0.3%
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. .................................       500           15
 Alcoa, Inc. ..........................................       612           18
Natural Gas Distribution - 0.8%
 Enron Corp. ..........................................     1,200           78

Oil - 0.9%
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. B .................................     2,300           56
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares ................       400           25
 Tosco Corp. ..........................................       500           14
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.2%
 BJ Services Co. * ....................................       400           25

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 9.1%
 Amerada Hess Corp. ...................................     1,300           80
 Apache Corp. .........................................       800           47
 Chevron Corp. ........................................     1,900          161
 Coastal Corp. ........................................       100            6
 Exxon Mobil Corp. ....................................     5,852          460
 Helmerich & Payne, Inc. ..............................       300           11
 Kerr-McGee Corp. .....................................       800           47
 Murphy Oil Corp. .....................................       300           18
 Noble Affiliates, Inc. ...............................     1,100           41
 Noble Drilling Corp. * ...............................       300           12
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. ...........................     1,700           36
 USX-Marathon Group ...................................     1,000           25
Paper and Forest Products - 0.8%
 Georgia-Pacific Corp. ................................       900           24
 International Paper Co. ..............................       400           12
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. .................................       600           34
 Westvaco Corp. .......................................       200            5
 Willamette Industries, Inc. ..........................       200            5
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.1%
 Household International, Inc. ........................       200            8

Pollution Control - 0.3%
 Republic Services, Inc. - Cl. A ......................     2,000           32

Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.2%
 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. -
 Cl. B ................................................     2,200           20

Real Estate Investment Trust - 1.1%
 Equity Office Properties Trust .......................     1,400           39
 Equity Residential Properties Trust ..................       900           41
 Prologis Trust .......................................       700           15
 Simon Property Group, Inc. ...........................       400            9
 Spieker Properties, Inc. .............................       200            9
Retail - Department Stores - 1.1%
 Barnes & Noble, Inc. * ...............................       500           11
 Circuit City Stores, Inc. ............................       100            3
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. * ..................       900           30
 Intimate Brands, Inc. ................................       400            8
 Limited, Inc. ........................................       600           13
 Sears, Roebuck & Co. .................................       600           20



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer                            Shares              Value

Retail - Department Stores - Continued
 Tiffany & Co. .............................          200             $     14
 Zale Corp. * ..............................          300                   11
Retail - Food - 0.7%
 Albertson's, Inc. .........................          300                   10
 Brinker International, Inc. * .............          900                   26
 Darden Restaurants, Inc. ..................          500                    8
 McDonald's Corp. ..........................          100                    3
 Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. * .........          900                   26
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.1%
 Liz Claiborne, Inc. .......................          200                    7

Steel - 0.3%
 Nucor Corp. ...............................          900                   30

Telecommunication Equipment - 0.8%
 Advanced Fibre Communications, Inc. * .....          100                    4
 Nortel Networks Corp. .....................          628                   43
 QUALCOMM, Inc. * ..........................          100                    6
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. ..................          200                   15
 Terayon Communication Systems, Inc. * .....          200                   13
Telecommunication Services - 2.0%
 Allegiance Telecom, Inc. * ................          300                   19
 BCE, Inc. .................................        3,200                   76
 Citizens Communications Co. ...............          900                   16
 MediaOne Group, Inc. ......................          800                   53
 United States Cellular Corp. * ............          100                    7
 WorldCom, Inc. * ..........................          900                   41
Telephone - 9.7%
 AT&T Corp. ................................        5,900                  187
 Bell Atlantic Corp. .......................        3,600                  183
 BellSouth Corp. ...........................        4,700                  200
 GTE Corp. .................................        1,700                  106
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. * ...........          200                    8
 SBC Communications, Inc. ..................        5,137                  222
 Sprint Corp. ..............................        1,500                   76
 Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. ..........          200                   20
Transportation Services - 1.6%
 AMR Corp. * ...............................          700                   19
 Burlington Northern Santa Fe ..............          500                   11
 Canadian National Railway Co. .............        1,800                   53
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. .....................          900                   45
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. .....          200                   18
 UAL Corp. .................................          300                   17
U.S. Government Agencies - 0.7%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. ..........        1,300                   68
                         TOTAL COMMON STOCK-         91.8%               9,475


 Investment in joint repurchase agreement with
  Goldman Sachs & Co. dated 06/30/00,
  6.866% due 07/03/00 (Secured by various
  U.S Treasury Obligations and U.S.
  Government Agency Bonds Bonds) ...........      $    600                 600
                                                  --------            --------
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-          97.6%             10,075
        Cash and Receivables, less payables-           2.4%                246
                                                  --------            --------
                                 NET ASSETS-         100.0%             10,321
                                                  ========            ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                            Par               Market
           Name of Issuer                  Value              Value
                                          (000's)            (000's)
U.S. Governmental - 98.6%
 U.S. Treasury
 5.68% due 09/28/00 .................     $  5,000           $  4,930
                                          --------           --------
                   TOTAL INVESTMENTS-         98.6%             4,930
 Cash and Receivables, less payables-          1.4%                71
                                          --------           --------
                          NET ASSETS-        100.0%             5,001
                                          ========           ========

See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                            Shares           Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.4%
 Honeywell International, Inc. ...................       1,000         $    34
 United Technologies Corp. .......................       1,400              82
Auto and Truck Parts - 1.3%
 General Motors Corp. ............................         376              22
 General Motors Corp. - Cl. H ....................         632              55
 TRW, Inc. .......................................         600              26
 Visteon Corp. * .................................         301               4
Automobile - 1.2%
 Ford Motor Co. ..................................       2,300              99

Banks - 9.1%
 Bank One Corp. ..................................       2,400              64
 KeyCorp .........................................       5,500              97
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp. .....................       3,700             110
 Pacific Century Financial Corp. .................       1,200              17
 U.S. Bancorp ....................................       6,200             119
 UnionBanCal Corp. ...............................       2,000              37
 Wachovia Corp. ..................................       3,500             190
 Washington Mutual, Inc. .........................       4,800             139
Brokerage and Investment Management - 4.2%
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. .......................         700              66
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. .......................       2,500             288
Chemicals - 1.5%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. ..................         900              28
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. ...................       1,600              70
 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. ......................         900              28
Commercial Services - 0.6%
 Convergys Corp. * ...............................       1,000              52

Computer Equipment - 3.7%
 3Com Corp. * ....................................       2,500             144
 Adaptec, Inc. * .................................       1,200              27
 International Business Machines Corp. ...........         700              77
 Quantum Corp. - Hard Disk Drive * ...............       5,800              64
Computer Software and Services - 1.3%
 Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. -
  Cl. A * ........................................         500              17
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. * .......................       1,000              25
 First Data Corp. ................................       1,400              69
Construction - 0.2%
 Vulcan Materials Co. ............................         500              21

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.4%
 Clorox Co. ......................................         800              36

Containers - 0.2%
 Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. * .................       1,600              21

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 1.3%
 Procter & Gamble Co. ............................       1,900             109

Diversified Operations - 3.4%
 Danaher Corp. ...................................         300              15
 Eaton Corp. .....................................         800              54
 El Paso Energy Corp. ............................       1,600              81
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. .......................       1,400              80
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. ............         400              33
 PPG Industries, Inc. ............................         500              22
Electric Power - 3.5%
 Calpine Corp. * .................................       1,000              66
 DQE, Inc. .......................................       2,100              83
 Duke Energy Co. .................................         500              28
 Endesa S.A. - ADR ...............................       1,500              29
 Montana Power Co. ...............................         600              21
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. .....................       2,100              71
Electrical Equipment - 1.5%
 Emerson Electric Co. ............................         900              54
 Unicom Corp. ....................................       1,800              70
Electronic Products and Services - 1.2%
 Atmel Corp. * ...................................       1,800              66
 Novellus Systems, Inc. * ........................         600              34
Engineering and Construction - 0.1%
 Fluor Corp. .....................................         300               9

Financial Services - 5.6%
 Associates First Capital Corp. -
        Cl. A * ..................................       5,300             118
 Citigroup, Inc. .................................       5,900             356
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 4.0%
 McCormick & Co., Inc. ...........................         100               3
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. ........................       5,100             136
 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc.* ...........       1,900              53
 Sara Lee Corp. ..................................       7,600             147
Health Care Products - 4.6%
 Abbott Laboratories .............................       1,200              53
 American Home Products Corp. ....................       1,000              59



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                               Shares         Value

Health Care Products - Continued
 Baxter International, Inc. ...........................      700       $   49
 Cardinal Health, Inc. ................................      400           30
 Gilead Sciences, Inc. * ..............................      500           36
 Mylan Laboratories, Inc. .............................      700           13
 Pharmacia Corp. ......................................    2,947          152
Insurance - 9.0%
 American International Group, Inc. ...................    2,000          235
 Cigna Corp. ..........................................    1,600          150
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. ..........................    1,900          198
 MBIA, Inc. ...........................................    2,200          106
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A .............................    1,400           76
Leisure and Recreation - 0.8%
 Eastman Kodak Co. ....................................      600           35
 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide,
  Inc .................................................    1,100           36
Machinery - 1.2%
 Caterpillar, Inc. ....................................    1,000           34
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. ...................................      900           36
 Thermo Electron Corp. * ..............................    1,600           34
Media - Publishing - 1.5%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl A * ............    3,700           90
 Gannett Co., Inc. ....................................      600           36
Media - TV / Radio - 2.1%
 E.W. Scripps Co. - Cl. A .............................      800           39
 The Walt Disney Co. ..................................    1,700           66
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * ...............................    1,100           75
Metals and Mining - 0.8%
 Alcoa, Inc. ..........................................    2,400           70

Natural Gas Distribution - 1.4%
 Enron Corp. ..........................................    1,800          116

Oil - 2.6%
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. B .................................    3,300           81
 Suncor Energy, Inc. ..................................    5,800          135
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 6.0%
 Ashland, Inc. ........................................    1,200           42
 Exxon Mobil Corp. ....................................    4,450          350
 Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corp. ......................    4,600          114
Paper and Forest Products - 1.6%
 Bowater, Inc. ........................................      900           40
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. .................................      700           40
 Temple-Inland, Inc. ..................................      400           17
 Weyerhaeuser Co. .....................................      800           34
Pollution Control - 0.2%
 Republic Services, Inc. - Cl. A ......................      800           13

Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.8%
 Equity Office Properties Trust .......................    1,100           30
 Kimco Realty Corp. ...................................    1,000           41
Retail - Department Stores - 2.5%
 Intimate Brands, Inc. ................................    6,700          132
 Target Corp. .........................................    1,400           81
Retail - Food - 2.0%
 McDonald's Corp. .....................................    1,900           62
 Safeway, Inc. * ......................................    2,300          104
Telecommunication Equipment - 0.5%
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A .........................    1,000           42

Telecommunication Services - 2.8%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * .................      300           22
 EchoStar Communications Corp. -  Cl. A * .............      900           30
 Nextel Partners, Inc. - Cl. A * ......................    1,200           39
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) * .............................      700           42
 WorldCom, Inc. * .....................................    2,300          106
Telephone - 8.5%
 AT&T Corp. ...........................................    4,300          136
 Bell Atlantic Corp. ..................................    5,700          290
 SBC Communications, Inc. .............................    3,595          155
 Sprint Corp. .........................................    1,700           87
 U.S. West, Inc. ......................................      600           51
Transportation Services - 1.0%
 Canadian National Railway Co. ........................      600           17
 Continental Airlines, Inc. - Cl. B * .................      300           14
 SkyWest, Inc. ........................................      400           15
 Southwest Airlines Co. ...............................    1,200           23
 U.S. Airways Group, Inc. * ...........................      400           16



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                     Shares             Value

U.S. Government Agencies - 1.1%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc .......        1,700           $     89
                     TOTAL COMMON STOCK-         96.7%             8,180

Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
 6.853% due 07/03/00 ...................     $    455                455
                                             --------           --------
                      TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        102.1%             8,635
     Payables, less cash and receivables         (2.1)%             (174)
                                             --------           --------
                             NET ASSETS-        100.0%             8,461
                                             ========           ========

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipt

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 Par      Market
              Name of Issuer                    Value      Value
                                               (000's)    (000's)

Automobile - 1.2%
 DaimlerChrysler NA Holding Co.
 6.534% due 07/06/00 ....................... $  5,000    $  5,000

Banks - 6.6%
 Bankers Trust Corp.
 6.872% due 03/16/01 .......................    1,000       1,001
 Fleet National Bank of Rhode Island
 7.06% due 01/29/01 ........................    1,000       1,001
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.768% due 05/11/01 .......................   10,000      10,006
 Key Bank
 6.551% due 03/01/01 .......................    5,000       4,998
 PNC Bank NA - Notes
 6.585% due 07/12/00 .......................    8,500       8,500
Brokerage and Investment Management - 4.8%
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
 6.682% due 08/07/00 .......................    7,000       7,000
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. - Notes
 6.34% due 07/24/00 ........................    2,000       2,000
 6.435% due 07/31/00 .......................    2,000       2,000
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
 6.521% due 10/10/00 .......................    4,000       4,001
 7.318% due 11/20/00 .......................    5,000       5,011
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. - Notes
 6.958% due 03/05/01 .......................    2,000       2,001
Commercial Services - 1.2%
 Xerox Credit Corp. - Notes
 6.632% due 12/08/00 .......................    5,000       4,999

Computer Equipment - 0.5%
 International Business Machines
 5.95% due 08/17/00 ........................    2,000       1,999

Diversified Operations - 1.2%
 Ciesco L.P.
 6.668% due 08/14/00 .......................    5,000       5,000

Financial Services - 2.5%
 Chrysler Financial Co. LLC
 6.52% due 07/28/00 ........................    5,700       5,700
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. - Notes
 6.58% due 01/12/01 ........................    5,000       5,009
Personal and Commercial Lending - 8.5%
 American Honda Finance Corp. - Notes
 6.271% due 01/16/01 .......................    5,000       4,999
 American Honda Finance Corp. Mountain
 6.64% due 02/16/01 ........................    5,000       5,000
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Notes
 6.77% due 10/02/00 ........................    7,000       6,998
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 6.83% due 09/01/00 ........................    6,000       5,999
 7.118% due 11/20/00 .......................    5,000       5,005
 Household Finance Corp.
 6.81% due 04/24/01 ........................    5,000       5,018
 Household Finance Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.96% due 12/01/00 ........................    2,500       2,501
Telecommunication Services - 1.5%
 SBC Communications Capital Corp.
 6.325% due 05/01/01 .......................    5,000       5,000
 TCI Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.361% due 03/12/01 .......................    1,500       1,506
                TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-     28.0%    117,252

Aerospace and Defense - 4.7%
 British Aerospace
 6.51% due 07/10/00 ........................    4,000       3,995
 6.55% due 07/17/00 ........................    8,000       7,980
 6.6% due 09/05/00 .........................    7,588       7,499
Automobile - 1.9%
 American Honda Finance Corp.
 6.58% due 09/07/00 ........................    8,000       7,903

Banks - 5.2%
 Bank of Nova Scotia
 5.94% due 10/02/00 ........................    7,000       6,995
 Den Danske Bank
 6.35% due 07/31/00 ........................    4,075       4,055
 6.51% due 07/10/00 ........................    3,875       3,870
 Deutsche Bank AG
 6.75% due 08/21/00 ........................    7,000       7,000
Brokerage and Investment Management - 3.2%
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
 6.56% due 07/12/00 ........................    3,507       3,501
 Salomon Smith Barney Holdings
 6.59% due 07/14/00 ........................    4,852       4,842
 Salomon Smith Barney Holdings, Inc.
 6.52% due 07/03/00 ........................    5,000       5,000
Chemicals - 1.7%
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
 6.55% due 07/20/00 ........................    7,000       6,978


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Par       Market
              Name of Issuer                   Value      Value
                                              (000's)    (000's)

Construction - 1.9%
 Compagnie de St. Gobain
 6.6% due 07/17/00 .........................  $ 1,862    $  1,857
 6.65% due 09/20/00 ........................    6,300       6,208
Diversified Operations - 2.4%
 Ciesco L.P.
 6.58% due 07/24/00 ........................   10,000       9,962

Electronic Products and Services - 1.7%
 IBM Credit Corp.
 6.47% due 07/14/00 ........................    7,000       6,986

Financial Services - 41.2%
 Alpine Securitization Corp.
 6.55% due 07/07/00 ........................    7,000       6,995
 6.6% due 07/07/00 .........................    1,250       1,249
 Asset Securitization Cooperative Corp.
 6.52% due 07/27/00 ........................    7,000       6,970
 6.53% due 07/26/00 ........................    9,320       9,281
 6.53% due 07/27/00 ........................    1,548       1,541
 Barclays US Funding
 6.78% due 07/05/00 ........................    9,534       9,530
 Cargill Global Funding plc - 144A (a)
 6.47% due 07/11/00 ........................    9,796       9,782
 Centric Capital Corp.
 6.6% due 07/25/00 .........................    5,000       4,980
 Corporate Asset Funding Co.
 6.56% due 08/07/00 ........................    9,686       9,624
 6.59% due 07/13/00 ........................    8,000       7,985
 Delaware Funding Corp.
 6.6% due 07/18/00 .........................    8,000       7,978
 Eagle Funding Capital Corp.
 6.7% due 07/05/00 .........................    3,501       3,500
 Enterprise Funding Corp.
 6.58% due 07/17/00 ........................    4,186       4,175
 6.6% due 07/19/00 .........................    8,287       8,263
 Falcon Asset Securitization Corp.
 6.55% due 07/03/00 ........................    5,915       5,915
 6.58% due 08/03/00 ........................    3,679       3,658
 6.65% due 08/22/00 ........................    1,428       1,415
 Fleet Funding Corp.
 6.61% due 07/21/00 ........................    4,585       4,570
 Greenwich Funding Corp.
 6.62% due 08/04/00 ........................    7,000       6,959
 6.65% due 07/21/00 ........................    2,095       2,088
 Lexington Parker Capital Corp.
 6.55% due 07/18/00 ........................    5,458       5,443
 6.6% due 07/17/00 .........................    5,000       4,987
 6.7% due 07/18/00 .........................    2,595       2,588
 Monte Rosa Capital Corp.
 6.55% due 07/25/00 ........................    6,970       6,942
 6.58% due 08/02/00 ........................    7,000       6,962
 Old Line Funding Corp.
 6.59% due 08/01/00 ........................   10,000       9,947
 Old Line Funding, Corp.
 6.55% due 07/21/00 ........................    5,000       4,984
 Sigma Finance, Inc.
 6.62% due 09/07/00 ........................   14,011      13,840
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 5.5%
 Coca-Cola Co.
 6.55% due 07/10/00 ........................    5,981       5,973
 Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
 6.51% due 07/05/00 ........................   12,382      12,378
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc.
 6.75% due 07/07/00 ........................    4,784       4,780
Personal and Commercial Lending - 1.0%
 Toyota Motor Credit Co.
 6.56% due 07/06/00 ........................    4,100       4,098

Telephone - 1.2%
 American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
 6.24% due 07/13/00 ........................    5,000       5,001
                     TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER-     71.6%    299,012
                                              -------    --------
                          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     99.6%    416,264
        Receivables, less Cash and payables-      0.4%      1,485
                                              -------    --------
                                 NET ASSETS-    100.0%    417,749
                                              =======    ========

(a) Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities may
    be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified
    institutional buyers. At June 30, 2000, securities aggregated $9,782 or
    2.35% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                 Name of Issuer                   Shares          Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.9%
 General Dynamics Corp. .....................     35,400         $1,850

Auto and Truck Parts - 2.3%
 General Motors Corp. - Cl. H ...............      9,000            790
 Lear Corp. * ...............................     70,000          1,400
Banks - 2.2%
 M & T Bank Corp. ...........................      2,200            990
 Valley National Bancorp ....................     48,405          1,177
Brokerage and Investment Management - 2.4%
 Bear Stearns Cos., Inc. ....................     18,200            758
 Charles River Laboratories * ...............     27,500            610
 Franklin Resources, Inc. ...................     31,700            963
Business Services - 2.3%
 Comdisco, Inc. .............................     35,300            788
 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. .....................     49,400          1,414
Chemicals - 1.8%
 Engelhard Corp. ............................     44,500            759
 Praxair, Inc. ..............................     27,000          1,011
Commercial Services - 2.4%
 Choicepoint, Inc. ..........................     26,400          1,175
 Iron Mountain, Inc. * ......................     33,300          1,132
Computer Equipment - 1.6%
 Apple Computer, Inc. * .....................     12,500            655
 Gateway, Inc. * ............................     15,800            896
 StorageNetworks, Inc. * ....................        200             18
Computer Software and Services - 3.7%
 Ceridian Corp. * ...........................     47,500          1,143
 Compuware Corp. * ..........................     49,100            509
 Fiserv, Inc. ...............................     12,500            541
 Intuit, Inc. * .............................     15,300            633
 SunGard Data Systems, Inc. .................     24,300            753
Containers - 1.0%
 Sealed Air Corp. * .........................     18,500            969

Diversified Operations - 3.8%
 Crane Co. ..................................     36,500            887
 Danaher Corp. ..............................     19,900            984
 Eaton Corp. ................................     14,800            992
 Pall Corp. .................................     43,900            812
Electric Power - 2.1%
 AES Corp. * ................................     45,000          2,053

Electrical Equipment - 1.6%
 Unicom Corp. ...............................     41,000          1,586

Electronic Products and Services - 1.4%
 Flextronics International Ltd. .............     10,100            694
 Waters Corp. * .............................      5,200            649
Energy - Alternative Source - 2.4%
 Dynegy, Inc. - Cl. A .......................     19,149          1,308
 Energizer Holdings , Inc. ..................     54,000            986
Financial Services - 1.4%
 Providian Financial Corp. * ................     14,800          1,332

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.5%
 Hershey Foods Corp. ........................     21,600          1,048
 The Kroger Co. * ...........................     62,600          1,381
Health Care Products - 4.4%
 Becton, Dickinson & Co. ....................     28,300            812
 C.R. Bard, Inc. ............................     28,600          1,376
 Genzyme Corp. (General Division) * .........     34,600          2,057
Health Care Services - 5.2%
 HEALTHSOUTH Corp. * ........................    130,400            937
 St. Jude Medical, Inc. * ...................     20,600            945
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. * ...................     71,900          1,941
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. * ..........     17,000          1,232
Housing - 1.1%
 American Standard Cos., Inc. * .............     26,700          1,095

Insurance - 11.8%
 Ace, Ltd. * ................................     63,400          1,775
 Ambac Financial Group, Inc. ................     22,300          1,222
 Aon Corp. ..................................     40,100          1,245
 Metlife, Inc. ..............................    118,500          2,496
 Nationwide Financial Services - Cl. A ......     50,700          1,667
 UnumProvident Corp. ........................     62,600          1,256
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A ...................     32,400          1,754
Leisure and Recreation - 2.0%
 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. ..     58,200          1,895

Machinery - 3.2%
 FMC Corp. * ................................     22,400          1,299
 SPX Corp. ..................................     14,600          1,766



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                 Name of Issuer                   Shares          Value

Media - TV / Radio - 4.1%
 A.H. Belo Corp. .............................   111,500       $  1,930
 E.W. Scripps Co. - Cl. A ....................    29,500          1,453
 Emmis Communications Corp. ..................    14,100            584
Natural Gas Distribution - 0.5%
 Williams Cos., Inc. .........................    12,700            529

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.3%
 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. ....................    25,700          1,267

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 7.8%
 Apache Corp. ................................    18,300          1,076
 Coastal Corp. ...............................    20,200          1,230
 Gemstar International Group, Ltd. * .........     9,800            602
 Kinder Morgan, Inc. .........................    22,900            791
 Noble Drilling Corp. * ......................    14,800            610
 Santa Fe International Corp. ................    24,500            856
 Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc. ................    25,100          1,341
 USX-Marathon Group. .........................    42,600          1,068
Paper and Forest Products - 0.7%
 Bowater, Inc. ...............................    16,100            710

Personal and Commercial Lending - 3.5%
 Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc. .........    40,300          1,222
 SLM Holding Corp. ...........................    56,500          2,115
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 1.1%
 Homestake Mining Co. ........................   150,100          1,032

Real Estate Investment Trust - 4.5%
 Boston Properties, Inc. .....................    41,100          1,587
 Spieker Properties, Inc. ....................    25,700          1,182
 Vornado Realty Trust ........................    45,600          1,585
Real Estate Operations - 1.4%
 IndyMac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. .............   101,700          1,379

Retail - Department Stores - 3.1%
 AnnTaylor Stores Corp. * ....................    13,100            434
 Consolidated Stores Corp. * .................    56,200            674
 Insight Enterprises, Inc. * .................    20,900          1,240
 Tiffany & Co. ...............................     9,400            634
Telecommunication Equipment - 1.4%
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A ................    31,900          1,330
 Exfo Electro-Optical Engineering, Inc. * ....       100              4
Telecommunication Services - 1.2%
 Loral Space & Communications, Ltd. * ........   168,000          1,166

Transportation Services - 4.0%
 Continental Airlines, Inc. - Cl. B * ........    26,700          1,255
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. .......    19,500          1,729
 Southwest Airlines Co. ......................    48,100            911
                           TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      99.1%        95,942

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ........................  $  1,715          1,715
                                                --------       --------
                            TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     100.9%        97,657
          Payables, less cash and receivables-      (0.9)%         (844)
                                                --------       --------
                                   NET ASSETS-     100.0%        96,813
                                                ========       ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                   Shares            Value

Automobile - 2.2%
 United Rentals, Inc. * .....................  235,700          $  4,036

Banks - 2.1%
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp. ................   44,600             1,330
 Westamerica Bancorporation .................   45,100             1,178
 Wilmington Trust Corp. .....................   32,500             1,389

Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.4%
 Investment Technology Group, Inc. ..........   60,100             2,558

Business Services - 1.5%
 American Management Systems, Inc. * ........   86,700             2,846

Chemicals - 2.4%
 MacDermid, Inc. ............................   71,000             1,668
 Minerals Technologies, Inc. ................   62,000             2,852
Commercial Services - 8.3%
 ACNielson Corp. * ..........................   54,900             1,208
 DeVry, Inc. * ..............................   87,200             2,305
 G & K Services, Inc. - Cl. A ...............  134,400             3,368
 Informix Corp. * ...........................  186,400             1,386
 NOVA Corp. - Georgia * .....................   93,800             2,621
 Tetra Tech, Inc. * .........................   55,300             1,265
 TMP Worldwide, Inc. * ......................   45,100             3,329
Computer Equipment - 1.1%
 Network Appliance, Inc. * ..................   11,700               942
 The BISYS Group, Inc. * ....................   18,300             1,125
Computer Software and Services - 20.8%
 Acxiom Corp. * .............................   84,400             2,300
 Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. - Cl. A*    46,300             1,531
 Black Box Corp. * ..........................    7,900               625
 BroadVision, Inc. * ........................   11,200               569
 Cognos, Inc. * .............................   35,800             1,481
 Critical Path, Inc. * ......................   14,400               840
 DST Systems, Inc. * ........................   43,000             3,273
 Factset Research Systems, Inc. .............   32,000               904
 Fiserv, Inc. ...............................   54,000             2,335
 IMS Health, Inc. ...........................   99,200             1,786
 Intuit, Inc. * .............................   28,800             1,192
 Macromedia, Inc. * .........................   25,500             2,466
 Mercury Interactive Corp. * ................    7,900               764
 National Instruments Corp. * ...............   33,000             1,440, Inc. * ..........................    6,400               417
 Rational Software Corp. * ..................   45,300             4,210
 Shared Medical Systems Corp. ...............   39,600             2,888
 SunGard Data Systems, Inc. .................   96,400             2,988
 Systems & Computer Technology Corp. * ......  128,100             2,562
 VeriSign, Inc. .............................    4,730               835
 Verity, Inc. * .............................   71,200             2,706
 Vignette Corp. * ...........................   11,500               598
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.8%
 Catalina Marketing Corp. * .................   32,700             3,335

Containers - 2.4%
 Bemis Co., Inc. ............................   72,000             2,421
 Sealed Air Corp. * .........................   39,800             2,085

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.6%
 AptarGroup, Inc. ...........................   39,200             1,058

Electric Power - 2.8%
 Calpine Corp. * ............................   32,100             2,111
 Montana Power Co. ..........................   90,200             3,185

Electrical Equipment - 2.6%
 Littelfuse, Inc. * .........................   98,900             4,846

Electronic Products and Services - 10.1%
 Burr-Brown Corp. * .........................   27,400             2,375
 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. * ..............   56,000             2,366
 Dallas Semiconductor Corp. .................  108,800             4,434
 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. * ..............   39,800             2,751
 Methode Electronics, Inc. - Cl. A ..........   43,300             1,672
 Novellus Systems, Inc. * ...................   33,000             1,867
 PMC-Sierra, Inc. * .........................    5,500               977
 Waters Corp. * .............................   18,500             2,309
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.7%
 Beringer Wine Estates Holdings * ...........   95,500             3,372
 Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. .................   55,900             1,632
Health Care Products - 8.2%
 ALZA Corp. * ...............................   64,100             3,790
 Becton, Dickinson & Co. ....................   48,000             1,377
 Biomet, Inc. ...............................   84,000             3,229
 Forest Laboratories, Inc. * ................   16,400             1,656
 Genzyme Corp. (General Division) * .........   78,900             4,690
 Haemonetics Corp. * ........................   23,300               489

Health Care Services - 1.8%
 Covance, Inc. * ............................   52,100               459
 Idec Pharmaceuticals Corp. .................   10,600             1,244
 Trigon Healthcare, Inc. * ..................   31,300             1,614
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 2.2%
 Herman Miller, Inc. ........................  157,400             4,073



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                      Shares             Value

Insurance - 2.5%
 Reinsurance Group of America .................    155,740          $  4,692

Leisure and Recreation - 1.5%
 Speedway Motorsports, Inc. * .................    125,500             2,887

Oil - 1.1%
 Petro-Canada .................................    109,600             2,089

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.6%
 Hanover Compressor Co. * .....................     79,200             3,010

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 1.0%
 Murphy Oil Corp. .............................     32,300             1,920

Pollution Control - 1.7%
 Donaldson Co., Inc. ..........................     24,100               476
 Ionics, Inc. * ...............................     88,900             2,723
Retail - Department Stores - 3.3%
 Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. * ....................     37,700             1,367
 Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. * .............     17,300             1,524
 Family Dollar Stores, Inc. ...................    162,000             3,169
Retail - Food - 1.0%
 Whole Foods Market, Inc. * ...................     45,700             1,888

Telecommunication Equipment - 5.7%
 CIENA Corp. * ................................      7,400             1,233
 CommScope, Inc. * ............................     63,100             2,587
 Digital Microwave Corp. ......................     74,200             2,829
 Symbol Technologies, Inc. ....................     47,700             2,576
 TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. * ...............      9,700               928
 Westell Technologies, Inc. Cl. A * ...........     31,000               465
Telecommunication Services - 1.1%
 Allegiance Telecom, Inc. * ...................      6,000               384
 Broadwing, Inc. ..............................     21,000               545
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Cl. A * ....................     18,600               385
 VoiceStream Wireless Corp. * .................      5,600               651
Transportation Services - 0.5%
 EGL, Inc. * ..................................     28,700               883
                            TOTAL COMMON STOCK-       96.0%          178,744

                                                     Par             Market
               Name of Issuer                       Value             Value
                                                   (000's)           (000's)


 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 .........................   $  7,413          $  7,413
                                                  --------          --------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      100.0%          186,157
           Payables, less cash and receivables-        0.0%              (10)
                                                  --------          --------
                                    NET ASSETS-      100.0%          186,147
                                                  ========          ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  Par           Market
                 Name of Issuer                  Value           Value
                                                (000's)         (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 1.1%
 Lockheed Martin Corp.
 7.25% due 05/15/06 ........................... $    300       $    291
 Raytheon Co. - Notes
 6.75% due 08/15/07 ...........................      200            186
 United Technologies Corp. - Debs.
 8.875% due 11/15/19 ..........................       50             56
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.1%
 Dana Corp. - Notes
 7.0% due 03/15/28 ............................       75             63

Automobile - 0.7%
 DaimlerChrysler NA Holding Co.
 6.9% due 09/01/04 ............................      150            147
 Delphi Automotive Systems Corp. - Debs.
 7.125% due 05/01/29 ..........................       50             43
 Hertz Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.25% due 06/01/05 ...........................      125            127
Banks - 4.2%
 Abbey National plc - Debs.
 7.95% due 10/26/29 ...........................      100             99
 African Development Bank - Sub. Notes
 6.875% due 10/15/15 ..........................       35             33
 Asian Development Bank - Bonds
 5.5% due 04/23/04 ............................      270            256
 Bank One Corp. - Sr. Notes
 5.625% due 02/17/04 ..........................      150            141
 BankAmerica Corp. - Sub. Notes
 6.5% due 03/15/06 ............................      150            142
 Chase Manhattan Corp. - Sub. Notes
 7.125% due 02/01/07 ..........................      225            218
 First Union Corp. - Sub. Notes
 8.125% due 06/24/02 ..........................      230            232
 Fleet Financial Group - Sub. Debs.
 6.7% due 07/15/28 ............................       75             63
 Golden West Financial Corp. - Sub. Notes
 6.7% due 07/01/02 ............................      150            147
 InterAmerican Development Bank - Debs.
 8.5% due 03/15/11 ............................      200            220
 Korea Development Bank - Bonds
 7.375% due 09/17/04 ..........................      120            117
 National City Bank of Pennsylvania -
    Sub. Notes
 7.25% due 10/21/11 ...........................       50             47
 Royal Bank of Scotland plc - Sub. Notes
 6.4% due 04/01/09 ............................       50             45
 Wachovia Corp. - Sub. Notes
 5.625% due 12/15/08 ..........................       75             65
 Wells Fargo & Co. - Sub. Notes
 6.875% due 04/01/06 ..........................      150            145
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.8%
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. - Notes
 8.5% due 05/01/07 ............................      100            101
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. - Notes
 8.0% due 06/01/07 ............................      200            202
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.
 6.875% due 03/01/07 ..........................      100             94
Business Services - 0.5%
 Comdisco, Inc. - Notes
 6.125% due 01/15/03 ..........................      150            141
 Electronic Data Systems Corp.
 7.125% due 10/15/09 ..........................      100             97

Chemicals - 0.9%
 ICI Wilmington, Inc. - Debs.
 8.75% due 05/01/01 ...........................      300            302
 Morton International, Inc. - Debs.
 9.25% due 06/01/20 ...........................       40             46
 Rohm & Haas Co. - Notes
 7.4% due 07/15/09 ............................       80             79
Computer Equipment - 0.6%
 Hewlett - Packard Co. - Notes
 7.15% due 06/15/05 ...........................      200            200
 International Business Machines Corp. - Debs.
 7.0% due 10/30/25 ............................      100             96
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.2%
 Fortune Brands, Inc. - Debs.
 7.875% due 01/15/23 ..........................      100             99

Diversified Operations - 0.9%
 Diageo Capital plc
 6.125% due 08/15/05 ..........................      200            189
 Honeywell International, Inc. - Notes
 7.5% due 03/01/10 ............................       75             75
 John Deere Capital Corp. - Notes
 6.0% due 02/15/09 ............................       60             52
 Seagram, Ltd.
 8.35% due 01/15/22 ...........................       50             50


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    Par         Market
                 Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                  (000's)       (000's)

Diversified Operations - Continued
 Tyco International Group SA
 6.375% due 06/15/05 ..........................       80       $     76
Electric Power - 1.4%
 CalEnergy Co., Inc. - Bonds
 8.48% due 09/15/28 ...........................       60             61
 Duke Energy Co. - 1st Ref. Mtg.
 6.75% due 08/01/25 ...........................      100             85
 Enersis SA - Notes
 6.9% due 12/01/06 ............................       30             28
 Florida Power & Light Co.
 7.75% due 02/01/23 ...........................       50             48
 Ontario Hydro - Local Govt. Gtd.
 6.1% due 01/30/08 ............................      100             93
 Philadelphia Electric Co. - 1st Ref. Mtg.
 7.125% due 09/01/02 ..........................      100             99
 Tennessee Valley Authority
 6.75% due 11/01/25 ...........................      100             93
 Virginia Electric Power Co. - 1st Mtge.
 7.625% due 07/01/07 ..........................      150            148
Financial Services - 3.6%
 Ameritech Capital Funding Corp.
 6.875% due 10/15/27 ..........................       60             53
 Associates Corp. of North America
 5.5% due 02/15/04 ............................      175            163
 Citicorp Capital II
 8.015% due 02/15/27 ..........................      100             93
 Ford Capital BV - Debs.
 9.5% due 06/01/10 ............................      150            163
 GATX Capital Corp. - Notes
 6.875% due 12/15/06 ..........................      100             94
 General Electric Capital Corp. - Debs.
 8.75% due 05/21/07 ...........................      250            269
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
 7.8% due 01/28/10 ............................      100             99
 KFW International Finance - Debs.
 9.125% due 05/15/01 ..........................      300            305
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co. -
 6.875% due 03/01/03 ..........................      200            198
 Newcourt Credit Group, Inc. Ser. B
 6.875% due 02/16/05 ..........................      100             96
 Sumitomo Bank International Finance NV - Notes
 8.5% due 06/15/09 ............................      100            101
 Washington Mutual Capital I
 8.375% due 06/01/27 ..........................       60             53

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.5%
 Archer Daniels Midland Co. - Notes
 6.25% due 05/15/03 ...........................      275            265
 Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. - Debs.
 8.5% due 02/01/22 ............................      100            106
 Conagra, Inc. - Debs.
 9.75% due 03/01/21 ...........................       75             83
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 10/15/03 ...........................      100            100
 SUPERVALU, Inc. - Notes
 7.625% due 09/15/04 ..........................      150            149
Foreign Governmental - 2.2%
 Government of New Zealand - Debs.
 8.75% due 12/15/06 ...........................      120            130
 8.4% due 01/15/22 ............................      100            106
 Kingdom of Sweden - Debs.
 12.0% due 02/01/10 ...........................       75             99
 Malaysia - Bonds
 8.75% due 06/01/09 ...........................       50             51
 Province of Manitoba - Debs.
 6.875% due 09/15/02 ..........................      200            199
 Province of Newfoundland - Debs.
 9.0% due 10/15/21 ............................       60             68
 Province of Ontario
 8.0% due 10/17/01 ............................      200            202
 Province of Quebec - Debs.
 7.5% due 07/15/23 ............................      100             98
 Republic of Korea
 8.75% due 04/15/03 ...........................       85             87
Health Care Products - 0.2%
 Eli Lilly & Co. - Notes
 7.125% due 06/01/25 ..........................       80             78

Insurance - 0.6%
 Aetna Services, Inc.
 7.625% due 08/15/26 ..........................      100             85
 Hartford Life, Inc. Debs.
 7.65% due 06/15/27 ...........................       50             48
 Torchmark, Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 08/15/09 ...........................      100            101
 Travelers Property Casualty Corp. - Sr. Notes
 7.75% due 04/15/26 ...........................       50             48
Machinery - 0.5%
 Caterpillar, Inc. - Debs.
 8.0% due 02/15/23 ............................       50             50


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    Par         Market
                 Name of Issuer                    Value         Value
                                                  (000's)       (000's)

Machinery - Continued
 Reliance Electric Co. - Notes
 6.8% due 04/15/03 ............................      200       $    199
Media - TV / Radio - 1.0%
 News America Holdings, Inc. - Debs.
 7.7% due 10/30/25 ............................      100             91
 TCI Communciations, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.125% due 02/15/28 ..........................       70             63
 The Walt Disney Co. - Sr. Notes
 6.75% due 03/30/06 ...........................      200            196
 Time Warner Entertainment, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.375% due 07/15/33 ..........................      100            102
Metals and Mining - 0.4%
 Noranda, Inc. - Debs.
 7.0% due 07/15/05 ............................      200            188

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.5%
 Enron Corp. - Notes
 6.75% due 09/15/04 ...........................      100             97
 Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
 6.75% due 10/01/23 ...........................       50             43
 Tennessee Gas Pipeline - Bonds
 7.5% due 04/01/17 ............................      100             95
Oil - 0.6%
 Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO) - Notes
 5.55% due 04/15/03 ...........................       75             73
 Conoco, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.95% due 04/15/29 ...........................       90             82
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. - Debs.
 7.2% due 04/01/28 ............................       40             35
 Tosco Corp. - Notes
 7.625% due 05/15/06 ..........................      115            113
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.5%
 Coastal Corp. - Debs.
 6.5% due 06/01/08 ............................      100             93
 Petroleum-Geo Services ASA - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 03/30/08 ..........................      175            155

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 0.6%
 Burlington Resources, Inc - Debs.
 9.125% due 10/01/21 ..........................       90            100
 Norsk Hydro A/S
 7.25% due 09/23/27 ...........................       75             67
 Phillips Petroleum Co. - Debs.
 6.65% due 07/15/18 ...........................       50             43
 Union Oil Co. of California
 7.5% due 02/15/29 ............................       60             57
Paper and Forest Products - 0.4%
 Bowater, Inc. - Debs.
 9.0% due 08/01/09 ............................      100            104
 Champion International Corp. - Debs.
 7.35% due 11/01/25 ...........................       50             44
 Westvaco Corp. - Notes
 7.1% due 11/15/09 ............................       35             33

Personal and Commercial Lending - 3.4%
 Aristar, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.5% due 11/15/03 ............................      200            191
 CitiFinacial Credit Co. - Notes
 5.9% due 09/01/03 ............................      150            143
 Ford Motor Co. - Bonds
 6.625% due 02/15/28 ..........................       50             42
 Ford Motor Credit Co.
 6.125% due 01/09/06 ..........................      300            279
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Sr. Notes
 5.75% due 02/23/04 ...........................      200            188
 General Motors Acceptance Corp.
 5.85% due 01/14/09 ...........................      100             88
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 9.625% due 12/15/01 ..........................      350            361
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes
 6.5% due 11/15/08 ............................      130            118
 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. - Notes
 5.5% due 12/15/08 ............................       60             53
 U.S. West Capital Funding , Inc.
 6.5% due 11/15/18 ............................      150            127

Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.1%
 Spieker Properties, Inc. - Debs.
 7.5% due 10/01/27 ............................       40             34

Retail - Department Stores - 0.4%
 Dayton Hudson Corp. - Debs.
 6.75% due 01/01/28 ...........................       25             21
 Gap, Inc. - Notes
 6.9% due 09/15/07 ............................      100             97
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Debs.
 6.75% due 10/15/23 ...........................      100             92

Retail - Food - 0.2%
 Albertson's, Inc. - Notes
 6.625% due 06/01/28 ..........................       50             41


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par           Market
                 Name of Issuer                   Value           Value
                                                 (000's)         (000's)

Retail - Food - Continued
 McDonald's Corp. - Sub. Debs.
 7.31% due 09/15/27 ...........................  $    60        $    57
Telecommunication Equipment - 0.5%
 GTE Corp. - Debs.
 6.94% due 04/15/28 ...........................      100             88
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. - Debs.
 6.5% due 01/15/28 ............................       50             45
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. - Notes
 7.25% due 07/15/06 ...........................      100            101
Telecommunication Services - 1.0%
 AT&T Canada, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.65% due 09/15/06 ...........................      150            148
 Bell Canada
 7.75% due 04/01/06 ...........................      125            126
 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. - Debs.
 7.0% due 10/01/25 ............................      100             90
 Deutsche Telekom International Finance
 8.25% due 06/15/30 ...........................      100            102

Telephone - 1.9%
 ALLTEL Corp. - Sr. Notes
 7.6% due 04/01/09 ............................      100            100
 AT&T Corp. - Notes
 6.0% due 03/15/09 ............................      200            178
 6.5% due 03/15/29 ............................       60             50
 Comcast Cable Communications - Notes
 8.875% due 05/01/17 ..........................       75             81
 MCI Worldcom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.4% due 08/15/05 ............................      200            190
 New York Telephone Co. - Debs.
 7.25% due 02/15/24 ...........................      100             90
 SBC Communications Capital Corp. - Debs.
 5.875% due 06/01/03 ..........................      100             96
 South Carolina Electric & Gas - 1st Mtge.
 7.5% due 06/15/23 ............................      100             93
Transportation Services - 0.9%
 American Airlines, Inc. - Pass Through
 7.024% due 04/15/11 ..........................       60             57
 CSX Corp. - Debs.
 7.45% due 05/01/07 ...........................      125            120
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. - Debs.
 10.375% due 12/15/22 .........................      100            109
 Norfolk Southern Corp. - Notes
 7.35% due 05/15/07 ...........................      125            121
U.S. Government Agencies - 15.4%
 Federal Home Loan Bank - Bonds
 5.58% due 08/17/01 ...........................      300            295
 6.75% due 02/15/02 ...........................      600            598
 Federal Home Loan Bank Disc. Corp. -
 Sr. Notes
 5.8% due 09/02/08 ............................      225            207
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. - Bonds
 7.1% due 04/10/07 ............................      700            699
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. - Notes
 5.75% due 04/15/08 ...........................      250            230
 5.75% due 07/15/03 ...........................      800            773
 6.3% due 06/01/04  ...........................      300            290
 6.875% due 01/15/05 ..........................      150            149
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. - Notes
 5.125% due 02/13/04 ..........................      230            216
 5.375% due 03/15/02 ..........................      450            439
 5.625% due 05/14/04 ..........................    1,100          1,048
 5.875% due 04/23/04 ..........................      300            286
 6.0% due 05/15/08 ............................      340            317
 6.25% due 05/15/29 ...........................      465            418
 6.5% due 04/29/09 ............................      200            187
 7.125% due 03/15/07 ..........................      525            526
 4.75% due 11/14/03 ...........................      175            163
 6.19% due 02/19/09 ...........................      120            110
 7.125% due 01/15/30 ..........................      109            110
 Financing Corp. - Bonds
 8.6% due 09/26/19 ............................      150            172
U.S. Governmental - 48.3%
 U.S. Treasury - Bond
 10.75% due 08/15/05 ..........................      600            715
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds
 5.5% due 08/15/28 ............................      800            734
 5.875% due 11/15/04 ..........................      225            222
 6.25% due 05/15/30 ...........................      300            315
 6.5% due 11/15/26 ............................      185            193
 6.75% due 08/15/26 ...........................      275            296
 7.625% due 11/15/22 ..........................    1,240          1,451
 8.125% due 08/15/21 ..........................      600            733
 8.75% due 05/15/17 ...........................    1,265          1,593
 8.75% due 08/15/20 ...........................    1,100          1,414
 9.25% due 02/15/16 ...........................      300            389
 11.125% due 08/15/03 .........................    2,000          2,263
 11.25% due 02/15/15 ..........................      260            383
 11.75% due 02/15/10 ..........................      250            302
 11.75% due 11/15/14 ..........................      465            640
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 4.75% due 02/15/04 ...........................    1,250          1,189


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par          Market
                 Name of Issuer                   Value          Value
                                                 (000's)        (000's)

U.S. Governmental - Continued
 4.75% due 11/15/08 ........................... $    660       $    599
 5.5% due 07/31/01 ............................      600            594
 5.625% due 05/15/08 ..........................    1,375          1,326
 5.875% due 11/15/05 ..........................      890            875
 6.375% due 03/31/01 ..........................      400            400
 6.375% due 08/15/02 ..........................      960            959
 6.5% due 05/31/02 ............................    1,600          1,602
 7.5% due 11/15/01 ............................      800            810
 7.5% due 05/15/02 ............................      450            458
 7.875% due 11/15/04 ..........................    1,020          1,080
 8.0% due 05/15/01 ............................    1,100          1,114
 United Mexican States - Notes
 9.875% due 02/01/10 ..........................      120            125
                    TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-    96.1%        45,274

Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
 6.853% due 07/03/00 ..........................    1,185          1,185
                                                --------       --------
                             TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     98.6%        46,459
           Cash and Receivables, less payables-      0.4%           663
                                                --------       --------
                                    NET ASSETS-    100.0%        47,122

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                Shares           Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.7%
 United Technologies Corp. ............     7,300         $  430

Banks - 1.1%
 Chase Manhattan Corp. ................     5,000            231
 Wells Fargo & Co. ....................     1,400             54
Brokerage and Investment Management -
 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. ............       100             10
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter,
  Discover & Co. ......................     5,900            491
Computer Equipment - 9.1%
 Dell Computer Corp. * ................    11,600            572
 Foundry Networks, Inc. * .............       100             11
 Intel Corp. ..........................    10,100          1,350
 Lexmark International Group,
  Inc. - Cl. A * ......................     1,800            121
 VeriSign, Inc. .......................       915            161
 VERITAS Software Corp. * .............       500             57
Computer Software and Services - 9.8%
 EMC Corp. * ..........................     9,500            731
 IMS Health, Inc. .....................     1,200             22
 Microsoft Corp. ......................    10,200            816
 Oracle Corp. * .......................     8,200            689
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * .............     1,900            173
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products -
 Colgate-Palmolive Co. ................     5,700            341

Diversified Operations - 7.9%
 Corning, Inc. ........................     1,800            486
 Tyco International, Ltd. .............    31,500          1,492

Electronic Products and Services - 12.1%
 Applied Materials, Inc. * ............    12,200          1,106
 Cisco Systems, Inc. * ................    17,700          1,125
 Micron Technology, Inc. * ............     2,600            229
 PE Corp-BE Biosystems Group ..........       500             33
 PMC-Sierra, Inc. * ...................     1,000            178
 Texas Instruments, Inc. ..............     4,900            336
Financial Services - 5.9%
 Associates First Capital
  Corp. - Cl. A* ......................    23,300            520
 Citigroup, Inc. ......................    15,700            946
Health Care Products - 10.2%
 Medtronic, Inc. ......................     5,700            284
 Pfizer, Inc. .........................    27,075          1,299
 Pharmacia Corp. ......................     3,500            181
 Schering-Plough Corp. ................    15,400            778
Insurance - 0.9%
 American International Group, Inc. ...     1,800            211

Media - Publishing - 4.0%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl.
  A * .................................    38,000            921
 Comcast Corp. - Cl. A ................     2,000             81
Media - TV / Radio - 5.9%
 AMFM, Inc. * .........................     2,800            193
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * ...       100              5
 The Walt Disney Co. ..................     3,300            128
 Time Warner, Inc. ....................     9,900            752
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * ...............     5,621            383
Personal and Commercial Lending - 1.4%
 MBNA Corp. ...........................    12,900            350

Retail - Department Stores - 5.8%
 eBay, Inc. * .........................     1,800             98
 Gap, Inc. ............................     5,800            181
 Home Depot, Inc. .....................    12,600            629
 Kohl's Corp. .........................     4,800            267
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. ....................     5,500            226
 Target Corp. .........................       900             52
Retail - Drug Stores - 1.0%
 Walgreen Co. .........................     7,700            248

Telecommunication Equipment - 10.1%
 E-Tek Dynamics, Inc. * ...............     1,100            290
 Nokia Oyj - ADR ......................    31,300          1,563
 Nortel Networks Corp. ................     9,500            649
 Sycamore Networks, Inc. * ............       200             22
Telecommunication Services - 4.9%
 MediaOne Group, Inc. .................     6,800            451
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB -
  ADR .................................     6,000            120
 Vodafone AirTouch plc - ADR ..........    15,700            650
Telephone - 2.8%
 AT&T Wireless Group * ................    18,800            524
 Sprint Corp. .........................     3,600            184
U.S. Government Agencies - 1.1%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. .....     6,200            251


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                 Shares            Value

U.S. Government Agencies - Continued
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. ......      400            $    21
                     TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     99.1%            24,703

 General Electric Capital Corp.
  6.8% due 07/03/00 ....................   $  342                342
                                           ------             ------
                      TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    100.5%            25,045
    Payables, less cash and receivables-     (0.5)%             (118)
                                           ------             ------
                             NET ASSETS-    100.0%            24,927
                                           ======             ======

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipt
See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Name of Issuer                           Shares        Value

Aerospace and Defense - 0.4%
 GenCorp, Inc. ...............................    2,700       $    22
 HEICO Corp. .................................    1,200            17
 The Titan Corp. * ...........................      600            27
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.8%
 Avis Rent A Car, Inc. * .....................      600            11
 Bandag, Inc. ................................      800            19
 Cummins Engine Company, Inc. ................    1,000            27
 Lear Corp. * ................................      800            16
 Navistar International Corp., Inc. - Cl. B ..      800            25
 Superior Industries International, Inc. .....    1,000            26
 Tower Automotive, Inc. * ....................      600             8
Automobile - 0.2%
 Lithia Motors, Inc. - Cl. A * ...............      600             8
 Oshkosh Truck Corp. .........................      900            32
Banks - 4.5%
 Associated Banc-Corp. .......................      880            19
 Bancwest Corp. ..............................    2,400            39
 Banknorth Group, Inc. .......................    1,825            28
 Capitol Federal Financial ...................    2,100            23
 Cathay Bancorp, Inc. ........................      600            28
 City National Corp. .........................    1,500            52
 Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. ...............    1,240            22
 CORUS Bankshares, Inc. ......................    1,200            32
 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. ..................    1,500            39
 Dime Bancorp, Inc. ..........................    1,500            24
 Downey Financial Corp. ......................    1,900            55
 F & M National Corp. ........................    1,000            21
 First Citizens BancShares, Inc. - Cl. A .....      300            18
 First Security Corp. ........................    1,900            26
 First Sentinel Bancorp, Inc. ................    1,500            12
 First United Bancshares, Inc. ...............      600             9
 Greater Bay Bancorp .........................      800            38
 Hancock Holding Co. .........................      700            24
 Hibernia Corp. - Cl. A ......................    1,500            16
 Hudson River Bancorp ........................    2,700            32
 Imperial Bancorp * ..........................    1,400            22
 Mercantile Bankshares Corp. .................    1,000            30
 North Fork Bancorporation, Inc. .............      800            12
 OceanFirst Financial Corp. ..................    1,100            20
 Omega Financial Corp. .......................      600            15
 Roslyn Bancorp, Inc. ........................    1,300            22
 Silicon Valley Bancshares * .................    1,400            60
 United Community Financial Corp. ............    2,000            13
Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.6%
 A.G. Edwards, Inc. ..........................    1,100            43
 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. * ...........      900            41
 Jefferies Group, Inc. .......................      700            14
 John Nuveen Co. - Cl. A .....................      900            38
 Raymond James Financial, Inc. ...............    1,900            43
 Southwest Securities Group, Inc. ............      500            18
 Tucker Anthony Sutro Corp. ..................    1,100            20
 Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. - Cl. A ......    1,600            52
Business Services - 1.1%
 Comdisco, Inc. ..............................    1,500            33
 Forrester Research, Inc. * ..................      300            22
 Harris Corp. ................................      900            30
 Manpower, Inc. ..............................    1,000            32
 Robert Half International, Inc. .............    2,000            57
Chemicals - 1.3%
 Albemarle Corp. .............................    1,200            24
 Arch Chemicals, Inc. ........................      400             9
 ChemFirst, Inc. .............................    1,200            29
 Crompton Corp. ..............................    1,400            17
 Cytec Industries, Inc. * ....................      700            17
 H.B. Fuller Co. .............................      400            18
 IMC Global, Inc. ............................    1,200            16
 Lubrizol Corp. ..............................    1,600            34
 Millennium Chemicals, Inc. ..................    1,200            20
 Octel Corp. * ...............................    1,500            12
 Sigma-Aldrich Corp. .........................      900            26
Commercial Services - 4.0%
 ACNielson Corp. * ...........................    1,000            22
 ADVO, Inc. ..................................      800            34
 Brady Corp. - Cl. A .........................    1,100            36
 CSG Systems International, Inc. * ...........      400            22
 Diamond Technology Partners, Inc. ...........      400            35
 F.Y.I., Inc. * ..............................      700            24
 Fair Issac & Co., Inc. ......................      500            22
 Informix Corp. * ............................    3,250            24
 infoUSA, Inc. * .............................    1,000             6
 Lamar Advertising Co. * .....................      700            30
 Macrovision Corp. * .........................      400            26
 Paxar Corp. * ...............................    1,200            14
 Plexus Corp. * ..............................      200            23
 Power One, Inc. * ...........................      450            51
 Quanta Services, Inc. * .....................      650            36
 Standard Register Co. .......................    1,100            16
 StarTek, Inc. * .............................      200            10
 Steelcase, Inc. - Cl. A .....................    2,700            46
 Stericycle, Inc. * ..........................      600            14
 Sybase, Inc. * ..............................      800            18
 TeleTech Holdings, Inc. * ...................      600            19
 Thor Industries, Inc. .......................      500            10
 TMP Worldwide, Inc. * .......................      500            37



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Name of Issuer                              Shares          Value


Commercial Services - Continued
 Valassis Communications, Inc. * ..............       750          $    29
 Ventiv Health, Inc. * ........................     1,100               12
 Veritas DGC, Inc. * ..........................       600               16
 Wackenhut Corp. - Cl. A ......................       600                8
 Waste Connections, Inc. * ....................       900               18
Computer Equipment - 3.1%
 Adaptec, Inc. * ..............................       800               18
 Diebold, Inc. ................................     1,000               28
 Extreme Networks, Inc. * .....................       200               21
 InFocus Corp. * ..............................       900               29
 Intergraph Corp. .............................       100                1
 Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. * .............       500               16
 MTI Technology Corp. * .......................       500                4
 Network Appliance, Inc. * ....................     2,200              177
 Quantum Corp. - DLT & Storage * ..............     1,200               11
 SanDisk Corp. * ..............................       600               37
 Tech Data Corp. * ............................       500               22
 VeriSign, Inc. ...............................       815              144
Computer Software and Services - 10.6%
 24/7 Media, Inc. .............................       200                3
 Actuate Software Corp. .......................       700               37
 Advanced Digital Information Corp. * .........     1,100               18
 Advent Software, Inc. * ......................       300               19
 Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. - Cl. A * .       800               26
 Allaire Corp. * ..............................       100                4
 Aspen Technologies, Inc. * ...................       300               12
 Autodesk, Inc. ...............................       700               24
 Avant! Corp. * ...............................     1,200               22
 AVT Corp. * ..................................       500                4
 AXENT Technologies, Inc. * ...................       400               10
 Barra, Inc. * ................................       600               30
 BEA Systems, Inc. ............................     2,500              124
 BroadVision, Inc. * ..........................     1,400               71
 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. * .......       100               18
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. * ....................     1,600               40
 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. * ...............     1,700               35
 CheckFree Hol dings Corp. * ..................       300               15
 CNET Networks, Inc. ..........................       500               12
 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. .........       200                7
 Critical Path, Inc. * ........................       200               12
 Documentum, Inc. * ...........................       400               36
 DoubleClick, Inc. * ..........................       756               29
 DST Systems, Inc. * ..........................       500               38
 EarthLink, Inc. * ............................       561                9
 Echelon Corp. * ..............................       100                6
 Exodus Communications, Inc. * ................     3,000              138
 FileNet Corp. * ..............................       800               15
 Globix Corp. * ...............................       200                6 * .....................................       330                4
 Go2Net, Inc. * ...............................       200               10
 HNC Software, Inc. ...........................       500               31
 Hyperion Solutions Corp. .....................       500               16
 i2 Technologies, Inc. * ......................       820               86
 IGATE Capital Corp. ..........................       900               12, Inc. * ........................       900               50
 ISS Group, Inc. * ............................       200               20
 Macromedia, Inc. * ...........................       300               29
 Manugistics Group, Inc. * ....................       500               23
 MarchFirst, Inc. * ...........................     1,432               26
 Mercury Interactive Corp. * ..................       700               68
 Micromuse, Inc. * ............................       200               33
 MicroStrategy, Inc. * ........................       900               27
 Midway Games, Inc. * .........................     1,800               15
 Network Associates, Inc. .....................     1,100               22
 NVIDIA Corp. * ...............................       400               25
 Open Market, Inc. * ..........................       400                6
 Peregrine Systems, Inc. * ....................       800               28
 Pinnacle Systems, Inc. .......................       400                9
 Portal Software, Inc. * ......................       100                6
 Proxicom, Inc. * .............................       200               10
 PSINet, Inc. * ...............................       800               20
 Rare Medium Group, Inc. * ....................       400                6
 Rational Software Corp. * ....................       700               65
 Redback Networks, Inc. * .....................       100               18
 Remedy Corp. * ...............................       400               22
 Rhythms NetConnections, Inc. * ...............       400                5
 RSA Security, Inc. * .........................       400               28
 Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. * ................       800               26
 Sapient Corp. ................................       200               21
 SCM Microsystems, Inc. * .....................       200               12
 SoftNet Systems, Inc. ........................       100                1
 Spyglass, Inc. * .............................       200                6
 Symantec Corp. * .............................       600               32
 Synopsys, Inc. ...............................       500               17
 Unigraphics Solutions, Inc. * ................       300                6
 Verio, Inc. ..................................       500               28
 Verity, Inc. * ...............................       300               11
 VerticalNet, Inc. * ..........................       600               22
 Vignette Corp. * .............................       700               36
Construction - 1.0%
 Butler Manufacturing Co. .....................     1,700               29
 Centex Construction Products, Inc. ...........       500               11
 Dycom Industries, Inc. .......................       400               18
 Lafarge Corp. ................................     1,000               21
 NVR, Inc. * ..................................       600               34
 Pitt - Des Moines, Inc. ......................       400                8
 USG Corp. * ..................................     1,300               40
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.7%
 Briggs & Stratton Corp. ......................       800               27
 Herbalife International, Inc. - Cl. A ........     1,100               10



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Name of Issuer                               Shares     Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Consumer - Miscellaneous - Continued
 Learning Tree International, Inc. * .............        500  $    31
 Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. - Cl. A * .............      2,300       13
 SCP Pool Corp. * ................................        600       14
 Toro Co. ........................................        500       16
Containers - 0.5%
 Bemis Co., Inc. .................................      1,300       44
 Sonoco Products Co. .............................      1,700       35
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.3%
 Alberto-Culver Co. - Cl. B ......................      1,700       52

Diversified Operations - 1.3%
 A.O. Smith Corp. ................................      1,400       29
 Chemed Corp. ....................................        700       20
 Coherent, Inc. * ................................        300       25
 ITT Industries, Inc. ............................      1,500       45
 Lancaster Colony Corp. ..........................      1,100       21
 Pall Corp. ......................................      1,500       28
 Reynolds & Reynolds Co. - Cl. A .................      1,200       22
 Trinity Industries, Inc. ........................      1,400       26
Electric Power - 3.0%
 Calpine Corp. * .................................      1,600      105
 CMP Group, Inc. .................................      1,000       29
 El Paso Electric Company ........................      2,600       29
 Energy East Corp. ...............................      3,100       59
 LG&E Energy Corp. ...............................        700       17
 Ni Source, Inc. .................................      1,200       22
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. .....................      1,400       47
 Public Service Co. of New Mexico ................      1,000       15
 Puget Sound Energy, Inc. ........................      1,400       30
 RGS Energy Group, Inc. ..........................      2,900       65
 UtiliCorp United, Inc. ..........................      1,100       22
 Western Resources, Inc. .........................      1,900       30
 Wisconsin Energy Corp. ..........................      1,200       24
Electrical Equipment - 1.1%
 American Power Conversion .......................      1,300       54
 Anixter International, Inc. .....................      1,100       29
 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. * ............        800       48
 Littelfuse, Inc. * ..............................        600       29
 The Genlyte Corp. * .............................        900       19
Electronic Products and Services - 12.4%
 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * ..................      1,400      108
 Alliance Semiconductor Corp. * ..................        800       20
 Alliant Energy Corp. ............................      1,700       44
 Amkor Technology, Inc. * ........................        800       28
 Amphenol Corp. - Cl. A * ........................        600       40
 Anadigics, Inc. * ...............................        450       15
 Applied Micro Circuits Corp. * ..................        900       89
 Arrow Electronics, Inc. * .......................      1,300       40
 Asyst Technologies, Inc. * ......................        400       14
 Atmel Corp. * ...................................      2,200       81
 AVX Corp. .......................................      1,000       23
 Ball Corp. ......................................        900       29
 Brooks Automation, Inc. * .......................        300       19 Corp. * ...............................        400       11
 Cognex Corp. * ..................................        500       26
 Compucom Systems, Inc. * ........................        500        1
 Conexant Systems, Inc. * ........................      1,300       63
 Credence Systems Corp. * ........................        500       28
 Cree, Inc. * ....................................        300       40
 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. * ...................      1,100       46
 Cytyc Corp. * ...................................        500       27
 Dallas Semiconductor Corp. ......................        800       33
 Electronics for Imaging, Inc. * .................        500       13
 Emulex Corp. * ..................................        400       26
 Entrust Technologies, Inc. ......................        200       16
 General Semiconductor, Inc. .....................        400        6
 Kemet Corp. * ...................................      1,400       35
 Kopin Corp. .....................................        300       21
 Lam Research Corp. * ............................      1,400       52
 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. * ...................        400       28
 LTX Corp. * .....................................        800       28
 MedQuist, Inc. * ................................        500       17
 Microchip Technology, Inc * .....................        650       38
 Moog, Inc. - Cl. A * ............................        900       24
 MRV Communications, Inc. * ......................        600       40
 National Semiconductor Corp. * ..................      1,400       79
 Novellus Systems, Inc. * ........................      1,100       62
 PerkinElmer, Inc. ...............................        500       33
 PMC-Sierra, Inc. * ..............................      1,100      195
 QLogic Corp. * ..................................        500       33
 Sawtek, Inc. * ..................................        400       23
 SCI Systems, Inc. * .............................      1,200       47
 SDL, Inc. * .....................................        500      143
 Sensormatic Electronics Corp. * .................      1,200       19
 Silicon Valley Group, Inc. * ....................        700       18
 Tektronix, Inc. .................................        700       52
 TranSwitch Corp. * ..............................        500       39
 Trimble Navigation, Ltd. * ......................        200       10
 Vicor Corp. * ...................................        600       21
 Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. * ..................      1,162       44
 Waters Corp. * ..................................        500       62
Energy - Alternative Source - 0.7%
 Dynegy, Inc. - Cl.A .............................      1,600      109

Engineering and Construction - 0.2%
 Fluor Corp. .....................................      1,300       41



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Name of Issuer                                 Shares    Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Financial Services - 0.6%
 Advanta Corp. - Cl. A ..............................     800   $    10
 AmeriCredit Corp. * ................................   1,300        22
 GreenPoint Financial Corp. .........................   1,300        25
 National Discount Brokers * ........................     600        19
 Rollins Truck Leasing Corp. ........................   1,600        11
 S1 Corp. * .........................................     400         9
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.8%
 Canandaigua Brands, Inc. - Cl. A  * ................     600        30
 Corn Products International, Inc. ..................   1,100        29
 Fleming Cos., Inc. .................................   1,300        17
 IBP, Inc. ..........................................   2,400        37
 J.M. Smucker Co. ...................................   1,300        25
 NBTY, Inc. * .......................................   1,500        10
 Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. .........................   2,200        64
 Pilgrims Pride Corp. - Cl. B .......................   1,400        10
 Robert Mondavi Corp.  - Cl. A * ....................     700        22
 Suiza Foods Corp. * ................................     500        25
 SUPERVALU, Inc. ....................................   1,800        34
Health Care Products - 7.9%
 Abgenix, Inc. * ....................................     200        24
 Affymetrix, Inc. * .................................     200        33
 Alkermes, Inc. * ...................................     400        19
 Alpharma, Inc. - Cl. A .............................     900        56
 ALZA Corp. * .......................................     800        47
 Andrx Corp. * ......................................     400        26
 Beckman Coulter, Inc. ..............................     500        29
 Bergen Brunswig Corp. - Cl. A ......................   3,000        16
 Block Drug Co. - Cl. A .............................   1,036        44
 C.R. Bard, Inc. ....................................     600        29
 Celera Genomics * ..................................     500        47
 Celgene Corp. * ....................................     600        35
 Cephalon, Inc. * ...................................     300        18
 Chiron Corp. * .....................................   1,000        47
 Cooper Cos, Inc. ...................................     600        22
 Genzyme Corp. (General Division) * .................     600        36
 Gilead Sciences, Inc. * ............................     300        21
 Haemonetics Corp. * ................................     900        19
 Human Genome Sciences, Inc. * ......................     400        53
 ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ..........................     700        19
 Incyte Pharmacuticals, Inc. * ......................     300        25
 IVAX Corp. .........................................   1,900        79
 Jones Pharma, Inc. .................................     800        32
 King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * .......................     450        20
 Mallinckrodt, Inc. .................................   1,800        78
 MedImmune, Inc. * ..................................   1,500       111
 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * .................     600        67
 MiniMed, Inc. * ....................................     200        24
 Mylan Laboratories, Inc. ...........................   1,300        24
 Priority Healthcare Corp. - Cl. B * ................     300        22
 Protein Design Labs, Inc. * ........................     200        33
 Respironics, Inc. * ................................   1,000        18
 Sepracor, Inc. * ...................................     500        60
 Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * .....................     300        32
 Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * .....................     800        43
Health Care Services - 2.2%
 AmeriPath, Inc. * ..................................     700         6
 Apria Healthcare Group, Inc. * .....................   1,300        16
 Beverly Enterprises, Inc. * ........................   1,800         5
 Bindley Western Industries, Inc. ...................   1,221        32
 Foundation Health Systems, Inc.  - Cl. A * .........     800        10
 Gentiva Health Services, Inc. ......................       1
 Health Management Associates, Inc. - Cl. A * .......   2,200        29
 Idec Pharmaceuticals Corp. .........................     400        47
 Pediatrix Medium Group, Inc. * .....................   1,500        17
 Quest Diagnostics, Inc. * ..........................   1,000        72
 St. Jude Medical, Inc. * ...........................     700        32
 Triad Hospitals, Inc. * ............................     700        17
 Trigon Healthcare, Inc. * ..........................     600        31
 Universal Health Services, Inc. - Cl. B * ..........     700        46
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.9%
 Aaron Rents, Inc. ..................................   1,000        13
 CompX International, Inc. * ........................   1,000        20
 Furniture Brands International, Inc. * .............   1,000        15
 HomeBase, Inc. .....................................   1,400         2
 La-Z-Boy, Inc. .....................................   1,600        22
 Rent-Way, Inc. * ...................................   1,000        29
 Salton, Inc. * .....................................     500        19
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A ...................   1,000        32
Housing - 0.7%
 American Standard Cos., Inc. .......................   1,000        41
 D.R. Horton, Inc. ..................................   1,300        17
 Kaufman & Broad Home Corp. .........................   1,200        24
 Monaco Coach Corp. * ...............................     800        11
 National R.V. Holdings, Inc. * .....................     800         8
 Winnebago, Industries, Inc. ........................   1,200        16
Insurance - 2.3%
 Allmerica Financial Corp. ..........................     600        31
 Delphi Financial Group, Inc. - Cl. A * .............     420        14
 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. ..................   1,310        24
 First American Financial Corp. .....................     800        12
 LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. ..................   1,200        28
 National Western Life Insurance Co. ................     500        36
 Presidential Life Corp. ............................   1,300        18
 Radian Group, Inc. .................................   1,100        57
 The Midland Co. ....................................     900        22
 The MONY Group, Inc. ...............................   1,800        61



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Name of Issuer                               Shares    Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Insurance - Continued
 The PMI Group, Inc. .............................    1,100   $     52
 Triad Guaranty, Inc. * ..........................      800         18
Leisure and Recreation - 1.8%
 Arctic Cat, Inc. ................................    2,000         24
 Argosy Gaming Co. * .............................    1,300         19
 Aztar Corp. * ...................................    2,000         31
 Brunswick Corp. .................................    1,400         23
 Dover Downs Entertainment * .....................    1,300         18
 Electronic Arts, Inc. * .........................      300         22
 Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. * ..................    1,300         27
 Papa John's International, Inc. * ...............      700         17
 Park Place Entertainment Corp. * ................    2,700         33
 Premier Parks, Inc. * ...........................      700         16
 SFX Entertainment, Inc. * .......................      400         18
 Station Casinos, Inc. * .........................    1,000         25
 Ticketmaster Online-CitySearch, Inc. - Cl. B * ..      300          5
 Trendwest Resorts, Inc. * .......................      800         13
Machinery - 1.6%
 Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. * ..............      400         24
 Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. ...........    1,800         29
 Applied Power, Inc. .............................      900         30
 FMC Corp. * .....................................      500         29
 Kennametal, Inc. ................................      700         15
 Kulicke and Soffa Industries * ..................      400         24
 Stewart & Stevenson Services, Inc. ..............    2,200         33
 Tecumseh Products Co. - Cl. A ...................      800         31
 Thermo Electron Corp. * .........................    1,300         27
 Zebra Technologies Corp. - Cl. A * ..............      400         18
Media - Publishing - 0.7%
 McClatchy Newspapers, Inc. - Cl. A ..............    1,400         46
 Pulitzer, Inc. ..................................      900         38
 Scholastic Corp. * ..............................      500         31
 Ziff-Davis, Inc. - ZD * .........................      800          7
Media - TV / Radio - 1.9%
 A.H. Belo Corp. .................................    1,700         29
 BHC Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * ..............      500         76
 Chris-Craft Industries , Inc. ...................      700         46
 Emmis Communications Corp. ......................    1,100         46
 Entercom Communications Corp. * .................      800         39
 Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. * ...................      800         27
 NBC Internet, Inc. - Cl. A * ....................      300          4
 Primedia, Inc. ..................................      800         18
 Westwood One, Inc. * ............................      800         27
Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.5%
 Commercial Metals Co. ...........................    1,200         33
 Timken Co. ......................................    1,300         24
 Worthington Industries, Inc. ....................    1,700         18
Metals and Mining - 0.3%
 Precision Castparts Corp. .......................    1,200         54

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.9%
 National Fuel Gas Co. ...........................    1,700         83
 Peoples Energy Corp. ............................      800         26
 UGI Corp. .......................................    1,600         33
Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.2%
 BJ Services Co. * ...............................    1,100         69
 Hanover Compressor Co. * ........................      800         30
 Smith International, Inc. .......................      400         29
 Tidewater, Inc. .................................    1,000         36
 Weatherford International, Inc. * ...............      800         32
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 4.3%
 Devon Energy Corp. * ............................      700         39
 ENSCO International, Inc. * .....................    1,000         36
 Global Marine, Inc. * ...........................    1,000         28
 Helmerich & Payne, Inc. .........................    1,800         67
 Kinder Morgan, Inc. .............................    1,100         38
 Mitchell Energy & Development Corp. - Cl. A .....      700         23
 Murphy Oil Corp. ................................      700         42
 Nabors Industries, Inc. * .......................      900         38
 Noble Affiliates, Inc. ..........................    1,000         37
 Noble Drilling Corp. * ..........................    1,100         45
 Ocean Energy, Inc. * ............................    1,800         26
 Patterson Energy, Inc. * ........................      700         20
 Pride International, Inc. * .....................      700         17
 R&B Falcon Corp. ................................    1,300         31
 RadiSys Corp. ...................................      200         11
 Rowan Cos., Inc. * ..............................    1,100         34
 Tom Brown, Inc. .................................    1,100         25
 Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corp. .................    3,100         77
 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. .............    2,100         46
 Vintage Petroleum, Inc. .........................      900         20
 Western Gas Resources, Inc. .....................      800         17
Paper and Forest Products - 0.8%
 Boise Cascade Corp. .............................    1,100         29
 Rayonier, Inc. ..................................      500         18
 Temple-Inland, Inc. .............................      600         25
 United Stationers, Inc. * .......................      900         29
 Westvaco Corp. ..................................    1,400         35
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.2%
 Metris Cos., Inc. ...............................    1,077         27



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Name of Issuer                                 Shares     Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Personal and Commercial Lending - Continued, Inc. * ..........................      600    $      2
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.6%
 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. - Cl. B ......    2,400          22
 Homestake Mining Co. ..............................    3,900          27
 Newmont Mining Corp. ..............................    1,700          37
 Stillwater Mining Co. * ...........................      300           8
Real Estate Development - 0.2%
 Ryland Group, Inc. ................................      800          18
 Standard Pacific Corp. ............................    1,400          14
Real Estate Investment Trust - 4.5%
 AMLI Residential Properties Trust .................    1,000          23
 Arden Realty Group, Inc. ..........................    2,300          54
 Avalonbay Communities, Inc. .......................    1,300          54
 Boston Properties, Inc. ...........................    1,700          66
 Duke Realty Investments, Inc. .....................    2,400          54
 First Industrial LP * .............................      800          24
 General Growth Properties .........................    1,700          54
 Highwoods Properties, Inc. ........................    2,400          58
 International Rectifier Corp. * ...................      800          45
 Kimco Realty Corp. ................................    1,100          45
 Liberty Property Trust ............................    2,400          62
 Mack-Cali Realty Corp. ............................    2,100          54
 Public Storage, Inc. ..............................    1,800          42
 Spieker Properties, Inc. ..........................    1,400          64
 Vornado Realty Trust ..............................    1,500          52
Real Estate Operations - 0.2%
 M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. .............................    1,800          34

Retail - Department Stores - 2.5%
 Barnes & Noble, Inc. * ............................    1,100          24, Inc. * ........................      100           1
 Cato Corp. - Cl. A ................................    1,300          15
 Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. * ..................      100           9
 Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. * ...........    1,300          24
 Handleman Co. .....................................    1,700          21
 Haverty Furniture Co., Inc. .......................    1,500          13
 InterTAN, Inc. * ..................................    1,250          15
 JLK Direct Distribution, Inc. - Cl. A * ...........    2,500          13
 Michaels Stores, Inc. * ...........................      800          37
 MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. - Cl. A ...........      700          15
 Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. - Cl. A .................      900          27
 Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc. * .............      800          15
 Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. * .....................    1,000          20
 Pier 1 Imports, Inc. ..............................    1,700          17
 Ross Stores, Inc. .................................      800          14
 Shopko Stores, Inc. ...............................      800          12
 Spiegel, Inc. - Cl. A .............................    1,700          14
 Tiffany & Co. .....................................      700          47
 Tweeter Home Entertainment Group, Inc. ............      400          12
 USinternetworking, Inc. * .........................      250           5
 Value City Department Stores, Inc. * ..............    1,500          14
 Zale Corp. * ......................................      700          25
Retail - Food - 0.8%
 Brinker International, Inc. * .....................    1,200          35
 Charming Shoppes, Inc. * ..........................    1,200           6
 Darden Restaurants, Inc. ..........................    1,500          24
 Landry's Seafood Restaurants, Inc. * ..............    1,000           9
 RARE Hospitality International, Inc. * ............      900          25
 Ryan's Family Steak Houses, Inc. * ................    1,200          10
 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc. ........    1,000          17
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.3%
 Liz Claiborne, Inc. ...............................      600          21
 Timberland Co. - Cl. A * ..........................      300          21
Steel - 0.1%
 USX-U.S. Steel Group, Inc. ........................    1,000          19

Telecommunication Equipment - 5.2%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. * ....................      258          22
 ADTRAN, Inc. * ....................................      300          18
 Advanced Fibre Communications, Inc. * .............      800          36
 American Tower Corp. - Cl. A ......................    1,000          42
 Andrew Corp. * ....................................      700          23
 Cable Design Technologies Corp. ...................      700          23
 CIENA Corp. * .....................................    1,100         183
 Covad Communications Group, Inc. * ................    1,000          16
 Crown Castle International Corp. ..................    1,000          36
 Digital Microwave Corp. ...........................      500          19
 E-Tek Dynamics, Inc. * ............................      300          79
 Harmonic, Inc. * ..................................      417          10
 InterDigital Communications Corp. * ...............      300           5
 Polycom, Inc. * ...................................      200          19
 Powertel, Inc. ....................................      500          35
 Powerwave Technologies, Inc. * ....................      400          18
 Proxim, Inc. * ....................................      200          20
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. * ..........................      400          35
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. ..........................    1,400         104
 Symbol Technologies, Inc. .........................      975          53
 Terayon Communication Systems, Inc. * .............      400          26
 TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc. * ....................      300          29
 Tut Systems, Inc. .................................      100           6
 World Access, Inc. * ..............................      600           7
Telecommunication Services - 3.3%
 Allegiance Telecom, Inc. * ........................    1,100          70



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Name of Issuer                                 Shares    Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Telecommunication Services - Continued
 Aspect Communications Corp. * .......................    600   $    24
 Broadwing, Inc. .....................................  2,000        52
 Centennial Cellular Corp. - A Shares * ..............  1,000        14
 Citizens Communications Co. .........................  4,400        76
 COMSAT Corp. ........................................  1,100        27
 Cost Plus, Inc. * ...................................    600        17
 Greif Bros. Corp. - Cl. A ...........................    900        28
 IDT Corp. * .........................................    200         7
 Leap Wireless International, Inc. * .................    500        23
 MasTec, Inc. * ......................................    450        17
 McLeodUSA, Inc. - Cl. A * ...........................  3,400        70
 Metricom, Inc. * ....................................    200         6
 RCN Corp. * .........................................    300         8, Inc. * ....................................    400         2
 Time Warner Telecom, Inc. - Cl. A * .................    300        19 * ...................................    200         3
 US LEC Corp. - Cl. A * ..............................    400         7
 VoiceStream Wireless Corp. * ........................    334        39
 West TeleServices Corp. * ...........................    800        20
 Winstar Communications, Inc. * ......................    700        24
Telephone - 0.7%
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. * .....................    515        20
 Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. ....................  1,000       100
Transportation Services - 1.3%
 America West Hol dings Corp. - Cl. B * ..............  1,400        24
 American Freightways Corp. * ........................  1,700        25
 CNF Transportation, Inc. ............................    900        20
 Covenant Transport, Inc. - Cl. A ....................  1,100         9
 Roadway Express, Inc. ...............................  1,200        28
 Ryder System, Inc. ..................................  1,000        19
 UAL Corp. ...........................................    900        52
 USFreightways Corp. .................................  1,000        25
 Yellow Corp. * ......................................  1,300        19
                                   TOTAL COMMON STOCK-   99.1%   16,377
                  Receivables, less Cash and payables-    0.9%      145
                                                       ------   -------
                                           NET ASSETS-  100.0%   16,522
                                                       ======   =======

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.

June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                     Shares                  Value

Brokerage and Investment Management - 1.0%
 Franklin Resources, Inc. ...................    3,400                $   103

Business Services - 2.2%
 H & R Block, Inc. ..........................    6,000                    194
 Manpower, Inc. .............................    1,100                     35

Chemicals - 6.1%
 Agrium, Inc. ...............................    4,000                     35
 Crompton Corp. .............................    3,300                     41
 Eastman Chemical Co. .......................    3,400                    162
 Geon Co. ...................................    6,400                    118
 IMC Global, Inc. ...........................   14,300                    186
 Solutia, Inc. ..............................    3,000                     41
 Wellman, Inc. ..............................    2,700                     44
Commercial Services - 2.5%
 Informix Corp. * ...........................   30,550                    227
 Quintiles Transnational Corp. *  ...........    2,300                     33
Computer Equipment - 9.6%
 3Com Corp. * ...............................    2,800                    161
 Adaptec, Inc. *  ...........................    9,000                    205
 Maxtor Corp. * .............................   15,300                    162
 Quantum Corp. - DLT & Storage * ............   18,700                    181
 Quantum Corp. - Hard Disk Drive * ..........    7,700                     85
 Tech Data Corp. * ..........................    4,300                    187
Computer Software and Services - 11.7%
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. * ..................    7,300                    184
 Computer Associates International, Inc. ....      597                     31
 J.D. Edwards & Co. * .......................    8,000                    120
 Keane, Inc. * ..............................    8,200                    177
 MarchFirst, Inc. * .........................    4,800                     88
 NCR Corp. * ................................    5,100                    199
 Parametric Technology Corp. * ..............   24,600                    271
 Unisys Corp. * .............................    8,800                    128
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 2.6%
 Black & Decker Corp. .......................    2,500                     98
 Ingram Micro, Inc. - Cl. A * ...............    9,500                    166
Electrical Equipment - 0.2%
 UCAR International, Inc. * .................    1,600                     21

Electronic Products and Services - 6.8%
 Actel Corp. * ..............................      500                     23
 Arrow Electronics, Inc. * ..................    5,100                    158
 Artesyn Technologies, Inc. .................    1,600                     44
 Avnet, Inc. ................................    3,900                    231
 Electronics for Imaging, Inc. * ............    5,000                    127
 General Semiconductor, Inc. ................    4,200                     62
 Polaroid Corp. .............................    2,800                     51
Engineering and Construction - 2.0%
 Fluor Corp. ................................    6,500                    206

Financial Services - 3.2%
 Heller Financial, Inc. .....................    6,600                    135
 Knight Trading Group, Inc. * ...............    6,400                    191
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.6%
 Dean Foods Co. .............................      900                     29
 Tyson Foods, Inc. - Cl. A ..................    3,200                     28
Health Care Products - 1.2%
 Mylan Laboratories, Inc. ...................    6,800                    124

Health Care Services - 2.8%
 HEALTHSOUTH Corp. * ........................    8,000                     58
 McKesson HBOC, Inc. ........................   11,100                    232
Insurance - 7.0%
 Ace, Ltd. * ................................    6,500                    182
 Everest Re Group, Ltd. .....................    5,800                    191
 Nationwide Financial Services - Cl. A ......    5,000                    164
 XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A ...................    3,400                    184
Machinery - 3.4%
 Applied Power, Inc. ........................    1,700                     57
 Deere & Co. ................................    2,100                     78
 Flowserve Corp. ............................    1,500                     23
 Thermo Electron Corp. * ....................    8,800                    185
Media - Publishing - 0.6%
 Ziff-Davis, Inc. - ZD * ....................    6,400                     58

Media - TV / Radio - 0.9%
 Emmis Communications Corp. .................    2,300                     95

Metals and Mining - 0.6%
 Phelps Dodge Corp. .........................    1,500                     56

Oil - 0.6%
 Varco International, Inc. * ................    2,600                     60

Oil - Equipment and Services - 5.3%
 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. ...................    1,300                     64
 Baker Hughes, Inc. .........................    4,400                    141
 Petroleum Geo-Services ASA * ...............    5,600                     95
 Tidewater, Inc. ............................    6,600                    238

June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Name of Issuer                Shares                   Value

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 7.2%
 Burlington Resources, Inc. ...........     4,100                 $  157
 EOG Resources, Inc. ..................     2,000                     67
 Noble Affiliates, Inc. ...............     4,900                    183
 Ocean Energy, Inc. * .................     4,300                     61
 Santa Fe Snyder Corp. *  .............    12,700                    144
 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. ..     5,600                    123
Paper and Forest Products - 4.1%
 Abitibi-Consolidated, Inc. ...........    12,700                    119
 Fort James Corp. .....................     6,100                    141
 Georgia-Pacific Corp. ................     1,700                     45
 Jefferson Smurfit Group plc - ADR ....     6,600                    116
Pollution Control - 0.9%
 Waste Management, Inc. ...............     4,700                     89

Retail - Department Stores - 6.6%
 Abercrombie & Fitch Co. * ............     8,200                    100
 AnnTaylor Stores Corp. * .............     1,000                     33
 Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse
  Corp. ...............................     1,800                     19
 Consolidated Stores Corp. * ..........     8,500                    102
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. * ..     2,900                     98
 OfficeMax, Inc. ......................     7,700                     39
 Shopko Stores, Inc. ..................     2,300                     35
 Toys "R" Us, Inc. * ..................     5,000                     73
 Venator Group, Inc. ..................    16,900                    173
Retail - Food - 1.5%
 Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. * ....     5,600                    158
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 3.5%
 Jones Apparel Group, Inc. * ..........     8,200                    193
 Liz Claiborne, Inc. ..................     2,000                     70
 Nike, Inc. - Cl. B ...................     2,500                    100
Steel - 0.4%
 AK Steel Holding Corp. ...............     5,301                     42

Telecommunication Equipment - 0.5%
 Allen Telecom, Inc. ..................     2,900                     51

Transportation Services - 2.2%
 Kansas City Southern Industries,
  Inc. ................................     2,100                    186
 Yellow Corp. * .......................     2,700                     40
                    TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      97.8%                10,010

                                            Par                   Market
             Name of Issuer                Value                   Value
                                          (000's)                 (000's)
 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
 6.853% due 07/03/00 ..................   $   454                $   454
                                          -------                -------
                      TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    102.2%                10,464
    Payables, less cash and receivables-     (2.2)%                 (225)
                                          -------                -------
                             NET ASSETS-    100.0%                10,239
                                          =======                =======

* Non-income producing security.
See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Name of Issuer                     Shares            Value

Real Estate Development - 3.1%
 Catellus Development Corp. * ...............    300,000        $  4,500

Real Estate Investment Trust - 92.5%
 AMB Property Corp. .........................    120,000           2,737
 Archstone Communities Trust ................    188,800           3,977
 Avalonbay Communities, Inc. ................    146,246           6,106
 Boston Properties, Inc. ....................    121,000           4,674
 Brandywine Realty Trust ....................    115,400           2,207
 BRE Properties, Inc. .......................     87,000           2,512
 Camden Property Trust ......................     58,772           1,726
 Camden Property Trust ......................     67,500           1,983
 CarrAmerica Realty Corp. ...................    130,000           3,445
 CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. ..........    118,400           2,953
 Centerpoint Properties Corp. ...............     38,900           1,585
 Charles E. Smith Residential Realty, Inc. ..     61,600           2,341
 Chateau Communities, Inc. ..................    123,000           3,475
 Cousins Properties, Inc. ...................    103,000           3,965
 Developers Diversified Realty Corp. ........    215,000           3,212
 Duke Realty Investments, Inc. ..............    215,078           4,812
 Equity Office Properties Trust .............    305,694           8,426
 Equity Residential Properties Trust ........    139,500           6,417
 FelCor Lodging Trust, Inc. .................     80,400           1,487
 Franchise Finance Corp. of America .........     55,000           1,265
 Highwoods Properties, Inc. .................    100,000           2,400
 Home Properties of New York, Inc. ..........     50,400           1,512
 JP Realty, Inc. ............................    115,000           2,048
 Kilroy Realty Corp. ........................    103,700           2,690
 Kimco Realty Corp. .........................    100,000           4,100
 Liberty Property Trust .....................    175,000           4,539
 Mack-Cali Realty Corp. .....................    125,000           3,211
 MeriStar Hospitality Corp. .................    186,100           3,908
 Pacific Gulf Properties, Inc. ..............     64,600           1,619
 Post Properties, Inc. ......................    114,700           5,047
 Prentiss Properties Trust ..................    158,300           3,799
 Prologis Trust .............................    204,060           4,349
 Public Storage, Inc. .......................    135,000           3,164
 Reckson Associates Realty Corp. ............     58,600           1,392
 Regency Realty Corp. .......................    100,900           2,396
 Simon Property Group, Inc. .................    220,400           4,890
 Spieker Properties, Inc. ...................    127,100           5,847
 Storage USA, Inc. ..........................     91,000           2,685
 Vornado Realty Trust .......................    110,000           3,822
Real Estate Operations - 1.9%
 Rouse Co. ..................................    110,800           2,742
                       TOTAL COMMON STOCK-          97.5%        139,965

                                                   Par            Market
              Name of Issuer                      Value           Value
                                                 (000's)         (000's)


 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ...................      $   3,369        $  3,369
                                               ---------        --------
                        TOTAL INVESTMENTS-         100.0%        143,591
      Payables, less cash and receivables-           0.0%            (19)
                                               ---------        --------
                               NET ASSETS-         100.0%        143,572
                                               =========        ========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Name of Issuer                                  Shares             Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.8%
 General Dynamics Corp. ............................   510,600          $ 26,679
 Honeywell International, Inc. .....................   482,800            16,264
 United Technologies Corp. .........................   491,100            28,914
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.5%
 General Motors Corp. - Cl. H ......................   103,900             9,117
 Lear Corp. * ......................................   467,700             9,354
 Visteon Corp. * ...................................    92,491             1,122
Automobile - 0.8%
 Ford Motor Co. ....................................   706,400            30,375

Banks - 2.5%
 AmSouth Bancorporation ............................   396,000             6,237
 Comerica, Inc. ....................................   213,700             9,590
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. ....................... 1,523,500            51,799
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. ...........................   215,900            23,776
 Suntrust Banks, Inc. ..............................   185,000             8,452
Business Services - 0.4%
 Automatic Data Processing, Inc. ...................   271,100            14,521

Chemicals - 1.7%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. ....................   463,100            14,269
 Dow Chemical Co. .................................. 1,590,900            48,025
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. .....................   128,700             5,631
Commercial Services - 1.2%
 Interpublic Group Cos., Inc. ......................   539,500            23,198
 Omnicom Group, Inc. ...............................   278,700            24,822
Computer Equipment - 9.0%
 Compaq Computer Corp. .............................   613,300            15,677
 Comverse Technology, Inc. * .......................   136,500            12,695
 Dell Computer Corp. * .............................   883,800            43,582
 Hewlett-Packard Co. ...............................   362,900            45,317
 Intel Corp. ....................................... 1,091,100           145,866
 International Business Machines Corp. .............   617,100            67,611
 Network Appliance, Inc. * .........................    91,300             7,350
 VERITAS Software Corp. * ..........................   159,100            17,981
Computer Software and Services - 10.9%
 America Online, Inc. * ............................   691,700            36,487
 Electronic Data Systems Corp. .....................   220,800             9,108
 EMC Corp. * .......................................   512,600            39,438
 First Data Corp. ..................................   971,200            48,196
 Intuit, Inc. * ....................................   213,300             8,825
 Microsoft Corp. ................................... 1,677,500           134,200
 Oracle Corp. * .................................... 1,026,400            86,282
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * ..........................   440,500            40,058
 Yahoo!, Inc. * ....................................   204,000            25,271
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.3%
 Avery Dennison Corp. ..............................   233,000            15,640
 Black & Decker Corp. ..............................   644,500            25,337
 Sherwin-Williams Co. ..............................   465,900             9,871
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.4%
 Colgate-Palmolive Co. .............................   126,000             7,544
 Procter & Gamble Co. ..............................   126,400             7,237
Diversified Operations - 6.7%
 Corning, Inc. .....................................    56,300            15,194
 Danaher Corp. .....................................   116,900             5,779
 El Paso Energy Corp. ..............................   425,200            21,659
 General Electric Co. .............................. 2,835,600           150,287
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. .........................   220,600            12,574
 Textron, Inc. .....................................   396,100            21,513
 Tyco International, Ltd. ..........................   790,000            37,426
Electric Power - 2.7%
 Ameren Corp. ......................................   161,000             5,434
 Dominion Resources, Inc. ..........................   580,400            24,885
 Duke Energy Co. ...................................   819,400            46,194
 Reliant Energy, Inc. ..............................   970,100            28,678
Electronic Products and Services - 8.3%
 Agilent Technologies, Inc. * ......................   138,410            10,208
 Altera Corp. * ....................................   159,100            16,218
 Analog Devices, Inc. * ............................   163,900            12,456
 Applied Materials, Inc. * .........................   239,900            21,741
 Applied Micro Circuits Corp. * ....................    37,400             3,693
 Cisco Systems, Inc. * ............................. 2,430,600           154,495
 Linear Technology Corp. ...........................   202,900            12,973
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. * .................   141,800             9,634
 Motorola, Inc. ....................................   696,000            20,227
 Solectron Corp. * .................................   207,900             8,706
 Teradyne, Inc. * ..................................    98,300             7,225
 Texas Instruments, Inc. ...........................   566,900            38,939
 Xilinx, Inc. * ....................................   121,700            10,048
Financial Services - 4.7%
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A * ..........   403,200             8,996
 Citigroup, Inc. ................................... 2,528,800           152,360
 Mellon Financial Corp. ............................   659,700            24,038



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Name of Issuer                                  Shares             Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.9%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. .........................   177,900         $  13,287
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. ..........................   893,800            23,741
 Quaker Oats Co. ...................................   218,100            16,385
 Sara Lee Corp. ....................................    81,100             1,566
 Seagram Co., Ltd. .................................   217,900            12,638
 UST, Inc. .........................................   613,700             9,014
Health Care Products - 14.7%
 Allergan, Inc. ....................................   379,300            28,258
 American Home Products Corp. ......................   439,000            25,791
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. ...............................   172,200            13,324
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. .......................... 1,484,600            86,478
 Eli Lilly & Co. ...................................   297,400            29,703
 Johnson & Johnson .................................   269,900            27,496
 Merck & Co., Inc. .................................   801,200            61,392
 Pfizer, Inc. ...................................... 4,076,300           195,662
 Pharmacia Corp. ...................................   973,500            50,318
 Schering-Plough Corp. ............................. 1,228,800            62,054
Insurance - 5.4%
 American General Corp. ............................   435,300            26,553
 Aon Corp. .........................................   655,000            20,346
 AXA Financial, Inc. ...............................   811,500            27,591
 Cigna Corp. .......................................   414,400            38,746
 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. ...........   469,800            26,280
 Lincoln National Corp. ............................   641,100            23,160
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. .......................   340,100            35,519
 St. Paul Cos., Inc. ...............................   455,100            15,530
Machinery - 0.5%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. ................................   495,100            19,928

Media - Publishing - 0.7%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group - Cl. A * ........ 1,077,300            26,125

Media - TV / Radio - 2.4%
 Infinity Broadcasting Corp. - Cl. A * .............   436,600            15,908
 Time Warner, Inc. .................................   433,800            32,969
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * ............................   646,800            44,104
Oil - 1.1%
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares .............   687,600            42,330

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 3.7%
 Chevron Corp. .....................................   275,800            23,391
 Exxon Mobil Corp. ................................. 1,125,500            88,352
 Kerr-McGee Corp. ..................................   364,700            21,495
 USX-Marathon Group ................................   436,400            10,937
Paper and Forest Products - 0.5%
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. ..............................   191,000            10,959
 Willamette Industries, Inc. .......................   296,900             8,090
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.4%
 MBNA Corp. ........................................   619,400            16,801

Retail - Department Stores - 5.7%
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. * ...............   330,500            11,154
 Gap, Inc. ......................................... 1,744,000            54,500
 Home Depot, Inc. ..................................   893,800            44,634
 Limited, Inc. .....................................   629,800            13,620
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. .................................   249,500            10,245
 RadioShack Corp. ..................................    45,400             2,151
 Target Corp. ......................................   108,200             6,276
 TJX Cos., Inc. .................................... 1,092,900            20,492
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ............................. 1,043,300            60,120
Telecommunication Equipment - 3.4%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. * ....................   210,800            17,681
 JDS Uniphase Corp. * ..............................    70,600             8,463
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. .........................   750,000            44,438
 Nortel Networks Corp. .............................   923,800            63,049
 RF Micro Devices, Inc. * ..........................    29,600             2,594
Telecommunication Services - 2.4%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc.* ...............   161,300            12,097
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) * ..........................   522,800            31,107
 WorldCom, Inc. * .................................. 1,131,300            51,898
Telephone - 2.7%
 Alltel Corp. ......................................    90,200             5,587
 AT&T Wireless Group * .............................   423,600            11,808
 Bell Atlantic Corp. ...............................   354,800            18,028
 SBC Communications, Inc. ..........................   971,000            41,996
 Sprint Corp. ......................................   545,000            27,795
Transportation Services - 0.5%
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. .............   137,900            12,230
 UAL Corp. .........................................   105,800             6,156
U.S. Government Agencies - 1.1%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. ..................   828,600            43,243
                                 TOTAL COMMON STOCK-     98.5%         3,936,881


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Par              Market
                                   Value             Value
                                  (000's)           (000's)


 Investment in joint trading
  account (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ......   $     56,430      $     56,430
                               ------------      ------------
          TOTAL INVESTMENTS-           99.9%        3,993,311
      Receivables, less Cash
               and payables-            0.1%            2,947
                               ------------      ------------
                 NET ASSETS-          100.0%        3,996,258
                               ============      ============

* Non-income producing secruity.
See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Name of Issuer                        Shares             Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.2%
 Boeing Co. (US) .......................       129,000         $   5,394
 General Dynamics Corp. (US) ...........       199,700            10,434
 Honeywell International, Inc.
  (US) .................................       254,200             8,563
 United Technologies Corp. (US) ........       236,500            13,924
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.3%
 General Motors Corp. (US) .............       111,500             6,474
 Lear Corp. (US) .......................       173,700             3,474
 Visteon Corp. (US) ....................        41,781               506
Automobile - 0.6%
 Ford Motor Co. (US) ...................       319,100            13,721
 General Motors Corp. - Cl. H
  (US) .................................        48,000             4,212
Banks - 1.7%
 AmSouth Bancorporation (US) ...........       300,000             4,725
 Comerica, Inc. (US) ...................       273,600            12,278
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. (US) ......       706,000            24,004
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. (US) ..........       113,700            12,521
Business Services - 0.1%
 Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
  (US) .................................        41,700             2,234

Chemicals - 0.8%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
  (US) .................................       219,800             6,773
 Dow Chemical Co. (US) .................       603,000            18,203
Commercial Services - 0.7%
 Interpublic Group Cos., Inc.
  (US) .................................       183,300             7,882
 Omnicom Group, Inc. (US) ..............       119,000            10,598
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. (US) ........       204,500             4,614
Computer Equipment - 5.4%
 Compaq Computer Corp. (US) ............       331,500             8,474
 Comverse Technology, Inc. (US) ........        55,000             5,115
 Dell Computer Corp. (US) ..............       386,900            19,079
 Hewlett-Packard Co. (US) ..............       176,100            21,990
 Intel Corp. (US) ......................       527,100            70,467
 International Business Machines
  Corp. (US) ...........................       308,800            33,833
 Network Appliance, Inc. (US) ..........        61,300             4,934
 VERITAS Software Corp. (US) ...........        76,200             8,612
Computer Software and Services - 6.7%
 America Online, Inc. (US) .............       343,200            18,104
 Electronic Data Systems Corp.
  (US) .................................       406,100            16,752
 EMC Corp. (US) ........................       281,700            21,673
 First Data Corp. (US) .................       443,000            21,984
 Intuit, Inc. (US) .....................       120,000             4,965
 Microsoft Corp. (US) ..................       790,500            63,240
 Oracle Corp. (US) .....................       481,200            40,451
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. (US) ...........       196,400            17,860
 Yahoo!, Inc. (US) .....................        98,200            12,164
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.5%
 Avery Dennison Corp. (US) .............       104,500             7,014
 Black & Decker Corp. (US) .............       223,000             8,767
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.5%
 Avon Products, Inc. (US) ..............       124,000             5,518
 Colgate-Palmolive Co. (US) ............        92,400             5,533
 Procter & Gamble Co. (US) .............       105,400             6,034
Diversified Operations - 4.5%
 Corning, Inc. (US) ....................        39,100            10,552
 El Paso Energy Corp. (US) .............       195,800             9,974
 General Electric Co. (US) .............     1,524,600            80,804
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. (US) ........       118,900             6,777
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing
  Co. (US) .............................       112,000             9,240
 Reynol ds & Reynol ds Co. - Cl.
  A (US) ...............................       178,100             3,250
 Textron, Inc. (US) ....................       138,600             7,528
 Tyco International, Ltd. (BM) .........       373,000            17,671
Electric Power - 1.6%
 Ameren Corp. (US) .....................       201,400             6,797
 Dominion Resources, Inc. (US) .........       122,400             5,248
 Duke Energy Co. (US) ..................       341,000            19,224
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. (US) ......       218,900             7,415
 Reliant Energy, Inc. (US) .............       483,500            14,294
Electronic Products and Services - 5.0%
 Agilent Technologies, Inc. (US) .......        67,164             4,953
 Analog Devices, Inc. (US) .............        86,300             6,559
 Applied Materials, Inc. (US) ..........       113,900            10,322
 Cisco Systems, Inc. (US) ..............     1,142,700            72,633
 Lam Research Corp. (US) ...............       140,000             5,250
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
  (US) .................................        87,800             5,965
 Motorola, Inc. (US) ...................       338,700             9,843
 Pitney Bowes, Inc. (US) ...............       123,000             4,920
 SCI Systems, Inc. (US) ................       119,200             4,671
 Solectron Corp. (US) ..................       178,000             7,454
 Teradyne, Inc. (US) ...................        42,100             3,094
 Texas Instruments, Inc. (US) ..........       268,200            18,422
 Xilinx, Inc. (US) .....................        63,800             5,268


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Name of Issuer                        Shares             Value

Financial Services - 2.1%
 Associates First Capital Corp. -
  Cl. A (US) ..........................        200,000         $   4,463
 Citigroup, Inc. (US) .................        935,900            56,388
 Mellon Financial Corp. (US) ..........        166,100             6,052
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 1.1%
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. (US) .......        130,300             9,732
 ConAgra, Inc. (US) ...................        212,400             4,049
 PepsiCo, Inc. (US) ...................        153,600             6,825
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. (US) ........        383,000            10,173
 Quaker Oats Co. (US) .................         78,800             5,920
Health Care Products - 8.9%
 Allergan, Inc. (US) ..................        124,600             9,283
 American Home Products Corp.
  (US) ................................        250,000            14,688
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. (US) .............        158,300            12,249
 Baxter International, Inc. (US) ......         65,400             4,598
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (US) ........        536,000            31,222
 Cardinal Health, Inc. (US) ...........        124,800             9,235
 Eli Lilly & Co. (US) .................        150,600            15,041
 Johnson & Johnson (US) ...............        210,900            21,485
 Merck & Co., Inc. (US) ...............        443,500            33,983
 Pfizer, Inc. (US) ....................      2,011,900            96,571
 Pharmacia Corp. (US) .................        306,200            15,827
 Schering-Plough Corp. (US) ...........        439,700            22,205
Health Care Services - 0.2%
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc.
  (US) ................................         89,100             6,454

Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.1%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc. (US) ...........        234,700             3,873

Insurance - 3.3%
 American General Corp. (US) ..........        200,100            12,206
 Aon Corp. (US) .......................        267,900             8,322
 AXA Financial, Inc. (US) .............        523,800            17,809
 Cigna Corp. (US) .....................        197,900            18,504
 Hartford Financial Services
  Group, Inc. (US) ....................        230,300            12,882
 Lincoln National Corp. (US) ..........        326,400            11,791
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. (US)              142,100            14,840
  XL Capital, Ltd. - Cl. A (BM) .......        179,800             9,732
Machinery - 0.3%
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. (US) ..............        248,700            10,010

Media - Publishing - 0.2%
 AT&T Corp. - Liberty Media Group
  - Cl. A (US) ........................        218,500             5,299

Media - TV / Radio - 1.2%
 Infinity Broadcasting Corp. -
  Cl. A (US) ..........................        160,300             5,841
 Time Warner, Inc. (US) ...............        215,100            16,348
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B (US) ............        227,800            15,533
Oil - 0.9%
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. A (US) ............        179,800             3,956
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY
  Shares (NL) .........................        406,700            25,037
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 1.8%
 BP Amoco plc - ADR (GB) ..............         30,200             1,708
 Chevron Corp. (US) ...................         91,000             7,718
 Exxon Mobil Corp. (US) ...............        537,400            42,186
 Kerr-McGee Corp. (US) ................        113,200             6,672
Paper and Forest Products - 0.3%
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. (US) ............        102,400             5,875
 Willamette Industries, Inc. (US) .....        158,300             4,314
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.1%
 MBNA Corp. (US) ......................         70,900             1,923

Retail - Department Stores - 3.4%
 Circuit City Stores, Inc. (US) .......         59,800             1,985
 Federated Department Stores,
  Inc. (US) ...........................        251,500             8,488
 Gap, Inc. (US) .......................        404,000            12,625
 Home Depot, Inc. (US) ................        368,300            18,392
 J.C. Penney Co., Inc. (US) ...........        250,000             4,609
 Limited, Inc. (US) ...................        275,600             5,960
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. (US) ...............        157,400             6,463
 Target Corp. (US) ....................        115,000             6,670
 TJX Cos., Inc. (US) ..................        460,200             8,629
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (US) ...........        617,800            35,601
Steel - 0.2%
 USX-U.S. Steel Group, Inc. (US) ......        336,800             6,252

Telecommunication Equipment - 2.1%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
  (US) ................................         93,300             7,826
 JDS Uniphase Corp. (US) ..............         48,600             5,826
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. (US) .......        391,900            23,220
 Nortel Networks Corp. (CA) ...........        442,700            30,214
Telecommunication Services - 1.7%
 Clear Channel Communications,
  Inc. (US) ...........................        119,500             8,962
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) (US) ..........        376,800            22,420
 WorldCom, Inc. (US) ..................        540,400            24,791


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Name of Issuer                        Shares             Value

Telephone - 1.6%
 Bell Atlantic Corp. (US) ................     216,600         $  11,006
 BellSouth Corp. (US) ....................     110,300             4,701
 SBC Communications, Inc. (US) ...........     600,000            25,950
 Sprint Corp. (US) .......................     214,900            10,960
Transportation Services - 0.3%
 Kansas City Southern Industries,
  Inc. (US) ..............................      53,700             4,763
 Union Pacific Corp. (US) ................     139,300             5,180
U.S. Government Agencies - 0.6%
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
  (US) ...................................     355,400            18,547
              TOTAL COMMON STOCK-                 60.0%        1,930,087

                                               Par               Market
                                              Value               Value
                                             (000's)             (000's)

Financial Services - 0.1%
 Citibank Credit Card Master
  Trust I - Ser. 1998-6 Cl.A (US)
 5.85% due 04/10/03 .....................   $    5,500             5,436

Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.2%
 Chase Manhattan Credit Card
  Master Trust (US)
 7.04% due 02/15/05 .....................        4,000             3,993
 MBNA Master Credit Card Trust (US)
 6.6% due 11/15/04 ......................        2,000             1,982
           TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS-                  0.3%           11,411


Aerospace and Defense - 0.4%
 Lockheed Martin Corp. (US)
 6.85% due 05/15/01 .....................        7,000             6,968
 Lockheed Martin Corp. - Bonds (US)
 8.5% due 12/01/29 ......................        4,645             4,730
 Raytheon Co. - Notes (US)
 6.45% due 08/15/02 .....................        2,290             2,236
Automobile - 0.6%
 Ford Motor Co. - Bonds (US)
 6.625% due 10/01/28 ....................       16,155            13,637
 General Motors (US)
 1.25% due 12/20/04 .....................      500,000             4,689
Banks - 3.0%
 Bank of America Corp. - Sub.
  Notes (US)
 7.8% due 02/15/10 ......................        5,820             5,789
 Banponce Financial Corp.
  Mountain Bank Ent - Ser C. (US)
 6.58% due 11/25/03 .....................       11,040            10,701
 Capital One Bank - Notes (US)
 7.08% due 10/30/01 .....................        2,950             2,924
 Deutsche Augleichsbank (DE)
 4.0% due 07/04/09 ......................        6,000             5,038
 Development Bank of Japan (JP)
 1.75% due 06/21/10 .....................      385,000             3,573
 European Investment Bank - Notes (XU)
 3.0% due 09/20/06 ......................      620,000             6,428
 European Investment Bank - Sr.
  Unsub. (LU)
 6.0% due 11/26/04 ......................        1,350             2,019
 European Investment Bank (XU)
 8.75% due 08/25/17 .....................          880             1,698
 European Investor Bank (LU)
 8.0% due 06/10/03 ......................        1,000             1,569
 International Bank of
  Reconstruction & Development -
  Notes (XU)
 2.0% due 02/18/08 ......................    1,170,000            11,456
 International Bank of
  Reconstruction & Development -
  Debs. (XU)
 4.5% due 03/20/03 ......................    1,810,000            18,910
 International Bank of
  Reconstruction & Development -
  Debs. (JP)
 4.75% due 12/20/04 .....................      450,000             4,940
 International Bank of
  Reconstruction & Development -
  Debs. (XU)
 9.25% due 07/20/07 .....................        2,710             4,747
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. - Sr.
  Notes (US)
 5.75% due 02/25/04 .....................        3,000             2,835
 Korea Development Bank - Bonds (US)
 7.125% due 09/17/01 ....................        4,600             4,560
 Korea Development Bank - Notes (US)
 7.125% due 04/22/04 ....................        8,300             8,026
Brokerage and Investment Management - 0.3%
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
  - Notes (US)
 6.5% due 10/01/02 ......................        7,455             7,274
 6.625% due 04/01/04 ....................        3,000             2,864
Business Services - 0.1%
 Comdisco, Inc. - Notes (US)
 5.95% due 04/30/02 .....................        4,200             3,995

Computer Equipment - 0.1%
 International Business Machines
  Corp. - Notes (US)
 5.625% due 04/12/04 ....................        2,870             2,735


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  Par             Market
         Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                (000's)           (000's)

Diversified Operations - 0.5%
 El Paso Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes (US)
 6.625% due 07/15/01 ......................   $  3,180          $  3,145
 Tyco International Group SA (LU)
 6.125% due 06/15/01 ......................      9,400             9,282
 Tyco International, Ltd. - Notes (BM)
 6.5% due 11/01/01 ........................      5,000             4,971
Electric Power - 0.1%
 Ontario-Hydro (CA)
 9.0% due 06/24/02 ........................      4,150             2,951

Financial Services - 4.6%
 Amresco Commercial Mortgage
  Funding I - Ser. 1997-C1 Cl. A3 (US)
 7.19% due 06/17/29 .......................      6,980             6,881
 Associates Corp. of North
  America - Sr. Notes (US)
 5.5% due 02/15/02 ........................      4,000             3,885
 Baden-Wurttemberg L-Finance BV (DE)
 6.75% due 06/22/05 .......................      9,500             4,845
 Capital One Financial Corp. - Notes (US)
 7.25% due 12/01/03 .......................     10,000             9,648
 Chase Commercial Mortgage
  Securities Corp. - Ser. 1997-1
  Cl. A2 (US)
 7.37% due 02/19/07 .......................     13,300            13,282
 Contimortgage Home Equity Loan
  Trust (US)
 6.0% due 12/25/16 ........................     15,000            14,709
 Countrywide Funding Corp. (US)
 7.0% due 10/25/23 ........................      9,000             8,755
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes (US)
 7.25% due 11/08/04 .......................      2,310             2,035
 Green Tree Financial Corp. (US)
 6.68% due 01/15/29 .......................     12,400            12,276
 Green Tree Financial Corp. -
  Ser. 1996-8 Cl. A6 (US)
 7.6% due 10/15/27 ........................      9,580             9,562
 Household Finance Corp. - Sr. Notes (US)
 5.125% due 06/24/09 ......................      6,300             5,510
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes (US)
 7.875% due 03/01/07 ......................      9,140             9,095
 KFW International Finance - Debs. (US)
 10.625% due 09/03/01 .....................        500               787
 Lehman Brothers Holdings - Notes (US)
 7.75% due 01/15/05 .......................     10,000             9,905
 Mortgage Capital Funding, Inc. -
  Ser. 1996 - MC2 Cl. A1 (US)
 6.758% due 02/20/04 ......................      7,324             7,220
 PNC Funding Corp. - Sub. Notes (US)
 7.5% due 11/01/09 ........................     10,040             9,686
 Residential Asset Securities Corp. (US)
 6.11% due 05/25/24 .......................     10,000             9,694
 Salomon, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 7.2% due 02/01/04 ........................      2,300             2,281
 Southern Pacific Secured Assets Corp. (US)
 6.27% due 03/25/19 .......................      2,775             2,743
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc. (US)
 6.875% due 08/15/01 ......................      6,265             6,235
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.1%
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. - Debs. (US)
 8.25% due 10/15/03 .......................      3,055             3,048

Foreign Governmental - 4.5%
 Government of Canada - Debs. (CA)
 9.75% due 06/01/21 .......................      2,470             2,421
 11.0% due 06/01/09 .......................      2,830             2,579
 12.0% due 03/01/05 .......................        630               527
 Government of France - Bonds (FR)
 8.5% due 04/25/03 ........................      7,300             7,576
 9.5% due 01/25/01 ........................      6,860             6,710
 Government of Japan - Bonds (JP)
 2.4% due 03/20/20 ........................    840,000             8,219
 Government of Netherlands - Bonds (NL)
 6.5% due 04/15/03 ........................      8,100             7,993
 7.75% due 03/01/05 .......................     10,700            11,252
 Government of Sweden - Debs. (SE)
 6.5% due 10/25/06 ........................      9,700             1,168
 6.75% due 05/05/14 .......................      4,700               607
 Government of Sweden - Bonds (SE)
 10.25% due 05/05/03 ......................     12,600             1,613
 Hydro-Quebec - Bonds (CA)
 10.875% due 07/25/01 .....................        300               212
 Kingdom of Denmark - Bonds (DK)
 7.0% due 11/15/07 ........................      5,000               687
 7.0% due 11/10/24 ........................      3,400               499
 8.0% due 05/15/03 ........................     11,860             1,599
 9.0% due 11/15/00 ........................      3,750               485
 Kingdom of Spain - Notes (ES)
 3.1% due 09/20/06 ........................  1,280,000            13,244
 Province of Ontario (CA)
 7.75% due 06/04/02 .......................      4,000             4,041
 Province of Quebec - Debs. (CA)
 7.5% due 07/15/23 ........................     12,970            12,697
 Province of Quebec - Debs (CA)
 7.5% due 09/15/29 ........................      9,030             8,855
 Queensland Treasury Corp. - Bonds (AU)
 6.5% due 06/14/05 ........................        600               360
 Queensland Treasury Corp. -
 Global Notes (AU)
 8.0% due 08/14/01 ........................        525               320
 Queensland Treasury Corp. (AU)
 8.0% due 09/14/07 ........................      1,395               910


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Par             Market
         Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                (000's)           (000's)

Foreign Governmental - Continued
 Republic of Chile (US)
 6.875% due 04/28/09 .......................  $  3,795         $   3,506
 Republic of Italy - Notes (IT)
 3.5% due 06/20/01 .........................   800,000             7,784
 Republic of Italy - Bonds (IT)
 4.5% due 05/01/09 .........................     5,500             4,869
 Republic of Italy (XU)
 6.0% due 08/04/28 .........................     1,600             2,424
 Republic of Italy - Debs. (IT)
 8.5% due 01/01/04 .........................     6,800             7,140
 9.0% due 11/01/23 .........................    11,130            14,687
 10.5% due 04/28/14 ........................     1,250             2,596
 Treuhandanstalt (DE)
 7.75% due 10/01/02 ........................     6,410             6,469
Health Care Products - 0.2%
 Beckman Instruments, Inc. - Sr.
  Notes (US)
 7.1% due 03/04/03 .........................     6,000             5,764

Health Care Services - 0.1%
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. - Sr. Notes (US)
 8.0% due 01/15/05 .........................     4,900             4,716

Media - TV / Radio - 0.3%
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Debs. (US)
 6.8% due 08/01/28 .........................     3,115             2,664
 News America, Inc. - Debs. (US)
 7.125% due 04/08/28 .......................     2,640             2,221
 Time Warner, Inc. - Notes (US)
 8.18% due 08/15/07 ........................     1,325             1,354
 Viacom, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 7.75% due 06/01/05 ........................     3,525             3,550

Municipals - 0.2%
 Tennessee Valley Authority - Bonds (US)
 6.375% due 09/18/06 .......................    11,000             5,583

Natural Gas Distribution - 0.4%
 KN Energy, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 6.45% due 11/30/01 ........................     7,555             7,420
 6.45% due 03/01/03 ........................     4,590             4,450
 Williams Gas Pipeline Center -
  Sr. Notes 144A (US)
 7.375% due 11/15/06 .......................     1,300             1,276

Oil - 0.1%
 Conoco, Inc. - Notes (US)
 5.9% due 04/15/04 .........................     2,000             1,905

Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.1%
 Petroleum Geo-Services ASA - Sr.
  Notes (NO)
 7.125% due 03/30/28 .......................     5,605             4,637

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 0.2%
 Amerada Hess Corp. - Bonds (US)
 7.875% due 10/01/29 .......................     1,790             1,757
 Gulf Canada Resources, Ltd. -
  Sr. Notes (CA)
 8.35% due 08/01/06 ........................     4,460             4,407
Personal and Commercial Lending - 2.3%
 CS First Boston Mortgage
  Securities Corp. (US)
 6.91% due 01/15/08 ........................     7,852             7,707
 EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust (US)
 6.223% due 06/25/11 .......................     9,300             9,144
 Ford Motor Credit Co. (US)
 1.2% due 02/07/05 .........................   500,000             4,682
 Ford Motor Credit Co. (LU)
 5.25% due 06/16/08 ........................    10,250             4,746
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Notes (US)
 6.125% due 04/28/03 .......................     3,000             2,888
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. (US)
 4.0% due 02/09/06 .........................     6,800             5,805
 General Motors Acceptance Corp.
 - Bonds (US)
 5.5% due 01/14/02 .........................     5,000             4,867
 Household Finance Corp. - Notes (US)
 6.0% due 05/01/04 .........................     7,020             6,616
 Money Store Home Equity Trust -
  Ser. 1996-B A7 (US)
 7.55% due 02/15/20 ........................    10,050            10,025
 Residential Asset Securities Corp. (US)
 7.18% due 01/25/25 ........................     4,000             3,956
 Residential Funding Mortgage
  Securities Ser. 1999-HI4 Cl. A2 (US)
 6.78% due 12/25/24 ........................     9,740             9,644
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc. (US)
 6.875% due 07/15/28 .......................     3,360             2,888
Pollution Control - 0.1%
 WMX Technologies, Inc. - Notes (US)
 7.125% due 06/15/01 .......................     2,715             2,670

Real Estate Investment Trust - 0.6%
 Residential Asset Securitization
  Trust - Ser. 1998-A8 Cl. A3 (US)
 6.75% due 08/25/28 ........................    20,258            19,962

Retail - Department Stores - 0.5%
 Federated Department Stores,
  Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 8.5% due 06/15/03 .........................     7,445             7,569
 Wal Mart Stores, Inc. (US)
 7.55% due 02/15/30 ........................     9,185             9,386


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  Par             Market
         Name of Issuer                          Value             Value
                                                (000's)           (000's)

Retail - Food - 0.2%
 The Kroger Co. (US)
 8.05% due 02/01/10 ......................... $  5,630         $   5,595

Telecommunication Services - 0.2%
 CSC Hol dings, Inc. - Sr. Notes (US)
 8.125% due 07/15/09 ........................    5,000             4,875

Telephone - 0.4%
 AT&T Corp. - Notes (US)
 5.625% due 03/15/04 ........................    4,000             3,764
 MCI Worl dCom, Inc. - Notes (US)
 7.75% due 04/01/07 .........................    6,560             6,559
 Sprint Capital Corp. (US)
 6.875% due 11/15/28 ........................    3,380             2,924
Transportation Services - 0.2%
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. (US)
 8.3% due 12/15/29 ..........................    9,130             8,007

U.S. Government Agencies - 11.8%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (US)
 6.0% due 12/15/26 ..........................   25,000            21,742
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. (US)
 6.0% due 07/25/15 ..........................   95,210            89,291
 6.0% due 05/15/08 ..........................    9,500             8,859
 6.5% due 07/25/15 ..........................   21,390            20,620
 6.5% due 08/25/30 ..........................   55,305            52,125
 7.0% due 08/25/30 ..........................   24,000            23,156
 7.0% due 06/18/13 ..........................        -
 7.0% due 04/01/29 ..........................   17,687            17,522
 7.25% due 05/15/30 .........................   17,955            18,386
 7.5% due 07/25/30 ..........................   49,850            49,141
 8.0% due 07/25/30 ..........................   41,000            41,173
 Government National Mortgage Assoc. (US)
 1.0% due 07/15/30 ..........................   69,532            68,653
 7.5% due 07/15/30 ..........................   13,510            13,413
 8.0% due 12/15/17 ..........................   23,985            24,425
U.S. Governmental - 6.6%
 U.S. Treasury (US)
 4.25% due 11/15/03 .........................    4,920             4,617
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds (US)
 5.25% due 02/15/29 .........................   11,590            10,286
 5.75% due 04/30/03 .........................    3,000             2,952
 5.875% due 11/15/04 ........................   31,435            30,978
 6.25% due 05/15/30 .........................   48,190            50,562
 6.75% due 08/15/26 .........................   14,010            15,076
 8.875% due 08/15/17 ........................    4,450             5,672
 U.S. Treasury - Notes (US)
 5.875% due 11/15/05 ........................   19,000            18,674
 6.5% due 05/31/02 ..........................    5,670             5,677
     TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-                 38.8%        1,249,804

 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B) (US)
 6.853% due 07/03/00 ........................  376,055           376,055
                                              --------         ---------
                           TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    110.8%        3,567,450
         Payables, less cash and receivables-    (10.8)%        (348,278)
                                              --------         ---------
                                  NET ASSETS-    100.0%        3,219,172

ADR - American Depository Receipt

(a)  Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities
     may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to
     qualified institutional buyers. At June 30, 2000, securities aggregated
     $1,276 or 0.04% of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.


                                            Market               % of
                          Country            Value            Long-Term
                        Abbreviation        (000's)          Investments

United States                US            2,870,178            89.9%
Canada                       CA               68,904             2.1%
Supra National               XU               45,664             1.4%
Netherlands                  NL               44,282             1.4%
Italy                        IT               37,076             1.2%
Bermuda                      BM               32,374             1.1%
Luxembourg                   LU               17,616             0.6%
Japan                        JP               16,732             0.5%
Germany                      DE               16,352             0.5%
France                       FR               14,285             0.4%
Spain                        ES               13,244             0.4%
Norway                       NO                4,637             0.1%
Sweden                       SE                3,389             0.1%
Denmark                      DK                3,270             0.1%
United Kingdom               GB                1,708             0.1%
Australia                    AU                1,591             0.1%
                                          ----------         --------
                                          $3,191,302           100.0%
                                          ==========         ========



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       Par         Market
                 Name of Issuer                       Value         Value
                                                     (000's)       (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 0.7%
 Raytheon Co. - Notes
 6.45% due 08/15/02 ..............................   $  500         $  488

Banks - 13.5%
 BankBoston Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 03/15/02 .............................    1,900          1,858
 Banponce Corp. - Notes
 6.54% due 11/06/01 ..............................    1,000            986
 6.55% due 10/10/00 ..............................    1,100          1,098
 Capital One Bank - Notes
 7.0% due 04/30/01 ...............................    1,000            998
 First Hawaiian, Inc. - Sub. Notes
 6.25% due 08/15/00 ..............................    2,000          1,997
 First Union Corp. - Notes
 6.95% due 11/01/04 ..............................      500            486
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. - Sr. Notes
 5.75% due 02/25/04 ..............................    1,000            945
 Star Banc Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/01/03 .............................      600            569
 Westpac Banking Corp. - Sub. Debs.
 9.125% due 08/15/01 .............................    1,000          1,019

Brokerage and Investment Management - 3.8%
 Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 5.875% due 04/01/02 .............................    1,900          1,848
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. - Notes
 6.5% due 10/01/02 ...............................      470            459
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.
 5.625% due 01/20/04 .............................      500            469

Business Services - 0.6%
 Comdisco, Inc. - Notes
 5.95% due 04/30/02 ..............................      500            476

Computer Equipment - 0.6%
 International Business Machines Corp. - Notes
 5.625% due 04/12/04 .............................      500            476

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 2.6%
 Dial Corp. - Notes
 5.9% due 10/25/01 ...............................    2,000          1,951

Diversified Operations - 3.5%
 CMS Panhandle Holding - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 03/15/04 .............................    1,000            937
 El Paso Energy Corp. - Sr. Notes
 6.625% due 07/15/01 .............................      500            494
 Tyco International Group SA
 6.125% due 06/15/01 .............................    1,200          1,185

Electric Power - 0.7%
 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. - Sr. Notes
 7.25% due 10/01/02 ..............................      499            492

Financial Services - 12.1%
 Associates Corp. of North America - Sr. Notes
 5.75% due 11/01/03 ..............................      450            425
 AT&T Capital Corp.
 6.875% due 01/16/01 .............................      910            909
 Finova Capital Corp. - Notes
 5.875% due 10/15/01 .............................      500            454
 Gatx Capital Corp. - Notes
 6.5% due 11/01/00 ...............................    1,750          1,744
 General Motors Acceptance Corp. - Notes
 7.48% due 02/28/03 ..............................    1,200          1,200
 Green Tree Financial Corp. - Ser. 1996-8 Cl. A6
 7.6% due 10/15/27 ...............................      680            679
 Heller Financial, Inc. - Notes
 6.25% due 03/01/01 ..............................    1,500          1,489
 Lehman Brothers Holdings - Notes
 7.75% due 01/15/05 ..............................      550            545
 PNC Funding Corp.
 7.0% due 09/01/04 ...............................      500            489
 Salomon, Inc.  - Sr. Notes
 7.2% due 02/01/04 ...............................      500            496
 U.S. West Capital Funding, Inc.
 6.875% due 08/15/01 .............................      500            498

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 0.9%
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. - Debs.
 8.25% due 10/15/03 ..............................      640            639

Health Care Products - 1.9%
 Beckman Instruments, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.1% due 03/04/03 ...............................    1,475          1,417

Health Care Services - 0.5%
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.625% due 12/01/03 .............................      360            357

Media - TV / Radio - 1.4%
 Continental Cablevision - Sr. Notes
 8.5% due 09/15/01 ...............................    1,010          1,024

Natural Gas Distribution - 2.4%
 Enron Corp. - Debs.
 9.125% due 04/01/03 .............................      500            518
 KN Energy, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.45% due 03/01/03 ..............................    1,300          1,260

Oil - 1.4%
 Coastal Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.125% due 09/15/02 .............................      500            509
 Conoco, Inc. - Notes
 5.9% due 04/15/04 ...............................      550            524



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Par         Market
                 Name of Issuer                       Value         Value
                                                     (000's)       (000's)

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.3%
 Petroleum-Geo Services ASA - Bonds
 6.25% due 11/19/03 ............................   $1,000        $   946

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 1.6%
 Gulf Canada Resources, Ltd. - Sr. Notes
 8.35% due 08/01/06 ............................      170            168
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. - Notes
 8.5% due 11/09/01 .............................    1,000          1,008
Personal and Commercial Lending - 8.9%
 American General Finance Corp. - Notes
 5.75% due 11/23/01 ............................    1,270          1,242
 Covenant Transport, Inc. - Cl. A
 7.6% due 12/15/29 .............................      252            246
 Ford Motor Credit Co. - Sr. Notes
 5.75% due 02/23/04 ............................    1,500          1,410
 Green Tree Financial Corp. - Ser. 1996-F
 7.3% due 01/15/28 .............................      269            269
 Househol d Finance Corp. - Notes
 6.0% due 05/01/04 .............................    1,000            942
 MBNA America Bank N.A. - Notes
 5.96% due 08/10/00 ............................    2,000          1,998
 Money Store Home Equity Trust - Ser. 1996-B A7
 7.55% due 02/15/20 ............................      232            232
 Money Store Home Equity Trust - Ser. 1997-D AF3
 6.345% due 11/15/21 ...........................      232            230
Pollution Control - 0.7%
 WMX Technologies, Inc. - Notes
 7.125% due 06/15/01 ...........................      570            561

Real Estate Investment Trust - 2.3%
 Franchise Finance Corp. of America - Sr. Notes
 7.0% due 11/30/00 .............................    1,400          1,395
 Residential Asset Securitization Trust - Ser.
  1998-A8 Cl. A3
 6.75% due 08/25/28 ............................      323            318
Retail - Department Stores - 2.8%
 Dillard's, Inc. - Notes
 5.79% due 11/15/01 ............................      975            932
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.5% due 06/15/03 .............................    1,090          1,108
Retail - Food - 0.7%
 Safeway, Inc. - Notes
 5.875% due 11/15/01 ...........................      500            491

Telecommunication Services - 2.0%
 Cox Communications, Inc. - Notes
 7.0% due 08/15/01 .............................    1,500          1,492

Telephone - 2.0%
 MCI Worldcom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.125% due 08/15/01 ...........................    1,500          1,481

Transportation Services - 2.7%
 Norfolk Southern Corp. - Notes
 6.875% due 05/01/01 ...........................    2,000          1,994

U.S. Government Agencies - 10.6%
 Federal Home Loan Bank
 8.0% due 06/01/10 .............................    1,289          1,301
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
 7.75% due 01/15/21 ............................      455            457
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc.
 7.0% due 12/01/10 .............................    1,868          1,850
 7.0% due 06/18/13 .............................
 Government National Mortgage Assoc.
 1.0% due 12/31/99 .............................      756            748
U.S. Governmental - 10.6%
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds
 4.25% due 11/15/03 ............................      530            498
 5.875% due 02/15/04 ...........................    3,610          3,560
 5.875% due 11/15/04 ...........................      690            680
 U.S. Treasury - Notes
 5.5% due 07/31/01 .............................    2,000          1,980
 6.375% due 09/30/01 ...........................    4,500          4,492
                     TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-    92.7%        68,436


Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ..........................    5,035          5,035
                                                  -------        -------
                              TOTAL INVESTMENTS-     99.5%        73,471
            Receivables, less Cash and payables-      0.5%           336
                                                  -------        -------
                                     NET ASSETS-    100.0%        73,807

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value
Auto and Truck Parts - 2.9%
 Avis Rent A Car, Inc. * ....................    16,100        $   302
 Cummins Engine Company, Inc. ...............    24,900            679
 Lear Corp. * ...............................    36,900            738
 Superior Industries International, Inc. ....     9,300            239
 Tenneco Automotive, Inc. ...................    30,700            161
Automobile - 0.2%
 Wabash National Corp. ......................    11,400            136

Banks - 10.5%
 Bank United Corp. - Cl. A ..................    17,600            619
 Brookline Bancorp, Inc. ....................    21,300            244
 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. .................    10,100            266
 Downey Financial Corp. .....................    20,090            582
 East West Bancorp, Inc. ....................    50,700            729
 Greater Bay Bancorp ........................     6,600            308
 Hudson United Bancorp ......................    15,494            348
 Imperial Bancorp * .........................    29,965            468
 Independence Community Bank Corp. ..........    30,900            409
 MAF Bancorp, Inc. ..........................    17,100            311
 Provident Financial Group ..................    15,400            367
 Queens County Bancorp ......................    14,900            275
 Richmond County Financial Corp. ............    22,700            434
 Silicon Valley Bancshares * ................    16,400            699
 Southwest Bancorporation of Texas, Inc. * ..    13,200            274
 Sterling Bancshares, Inc. ..................    27,100            293
 Washington Federal, Inc. ...................    32,700            597
 Westamerica Bancorporation .................    11,400            298
Brokerage and Investment Management - 2.7%
 Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. * ..........     7,100            323
 Dain Rauscher Corp. ........................     5,300            350
 Investment Technology Group, Inc. ..........     5,000            213
 Jefferies Group, Inc. ......................    16,300            329
 John Nuveen Co. - Cl. A ....................     4,500            188
 Southwest Securities Group, Inc. ...........    13,900            518

Business Services - 0.3%
 American Management Systems, Inc. * ........     5,700            187

Chemicals - 4.0%
 Cambrex Corp. ..............................     5,700            257
 Cytec Industries, Inc. * ...................    13,700            338
 Ferro Corp. ................................    12,000            252
 Georgia Gulf Corp. .........................    26,700            556
 Lubrizol Corp. .............................    12,400            260
 Millennium Chemicals, Inc. .................    29,600            503
 Spartech Corp. .............................    10,500            284
 W.R. Grace & Co. ...........................    36,900            447
Commercial Services - 2.1%
 Advanced Marketing Services, Inc. ..........    11,600        $   214
 ADVO, Inc. .................................    10,700            449
 DeVry, Inc. * ..............................    10,200            270
 Diamond Technology Partners, Inc. ..........     1,900            167
 Sybase, Inc. * .............................    18,500            426
Computer Equipment - 0.5%
 Breakaway Solutions, Inc. * ................     1,800             49
 InFocus Corp. * ............................    10,500            338

Computer Software and Services - 2.1%
 Barra, Inc. * ..............................     5,300            263
 CAIS Internet, Inc. * ......................     9,700            136
 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. .......     2,900             96
 Eprise Corp. * .............................    11,100            182
 Fritz Computer, Inc. .......................    15,000            155
 Keynote Systems, Inc. * ....................       900             64
 MapInfo Corp. ..............................     4,400            179
 National Data Corp. ........................     7,800            179
 Quintus Corp. * ............................    11,500            228
Construction - 1.6%
 Del Webb Corp. .............................    13,800            211
 Granite Construction, Inc. .................    15,100            370
 Insituform Technologies, Inc. - Cl. A * ....     7,800            212
 NVR, Inc. * ................................     6,700            382

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 2.2%
 Briggs & Stratton Corp. ....................    16,600            569
 Fossil, Inc. * .............................    10,800            210
 NetRatings, Inc. * .........................     5,200            133
 The Topps Company, Inc. ....................    16,000            184
 Toro Co. ...................................     7,900            260
 Tupperware Corp. ...........................    11,500            253

Containers - 0.6%
 Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc. ..............    26,000            444

Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 0.8%
 AptarGroup, Inc. ...........................    22,100            597

Diversified Operations - 1.1%
 Chemed Corp. ...............................    10,800            305
 Justin Industries, Inc. ....................     8,500            186
 Mark IV Industries, Inc. ...................     2,400             50
 Olin Corp. .................................    16,200            267

Electric Power - 3.2%
 Cleco Corp. ................................    14,000            469
 Idacorp, Inc. ..............................    22,500            725



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Name of Issuer                    Shares         Value
Electric Power - Continued
 Minnesota Power, Inc. ......................     9,400        $   163
 Public Service Co. of New Mexico ...........    32,000            494
 RGS Energy Group, Inc. .....................    19,100            425
Electrical Equipment - 0.6%
 Anixter International, Inc. ................     9,000            239
 Littelfuse, Inc. * .........................     4,600            225
Electronic Products and Services - 4.7%
 Audiovox Corp. - Cl. A * ...................     5,500            121
 Belden, Inc. ...............................     6,600            169
 Brooks Automation, Inc. * ..................     3,000            192
 Cymer, Inc. * ..............................     5,500            263
 Electroglas, Inc. * ........................     7,100            153
 Exar, Corp. * ..............................     4,500            392
 Harman International Industries, Inc. ......     3,600            219
 Helix Technology Corp. .....................     3,900            152
 Kemet Corp. * ..............................    12,200            306
 Kent Electronics Corp. * ...................     8,200            244
 Park Electrochemical Corp. .................     7,400            267
 Pioneer Standard Electronics, Inc. .........    11,300            167
 Rogers Corp. ...............................     6,200            217
 Sensormatic Electronics Corp. * ............    19,400            307
 Silicon Valley Group, Inc. * ...............     7,300            189
Energy - Alternative Source - 0.3%
 VECTREN Corp. ..............................    10,600            183
Engineering and Construction - 0.3%
 York International Corp. ...................     9,800            247
Financial Services - 0.3%
 Doral Financial Corp. ......................    20,800            238
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 3.9%
 Applebee's International, Inc. .............     7,400            224
 Canandaigua Brands, Inc. - Cl. A * .........     3,100            157
 Corn Products International, Inc. ..........    20,600            546
 Dole Food Company ..........................    21,000            344
 NBTY, Inc. * ...............................    12,900             82
 Robert Mondavi Corp. - Cl. A .* ............    10,600            325
 Suiza Foods Corp. * ........................     9,600            469
 Universal Corp. ............................    29,600            625
Health Care Products - 1.6%
 Datascope Corp. * ..........................     7,000            252
 Owens and Minor, Inc. ......................    19,700            338
 Scott Technologies, Inc. ...................     8,300            143
 Varian Medical Systems, Inc. ...............    10,000            391
Health Care Services - 2.7%
 Accredo Health, Inc. .......................     5,300            183
 Bindley Western Industries, Inc. ...........    20,421            540
 First Health Group Corp. * .................    13,400            440
 Hooper Holmes, Inc. ........................    16,800            134
 Universal Health Services, Inc. - Cl. B * ..    10,100            662
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 1.7%
 Applica, Inc. ..............................    14,400            163
 Salton, Inc. * .............................    16,500            608
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A ...........    13,500            435
Housing - 1.1%
 Kaufman & Broad Home Corp. .................    11,100            220
 Pulte Corp. ................................    26,500            573
Insurance - 4.4%
 Commerce Group, Inc. .......................     8,900            262
 Delphi Financial Group, Inc. - Cl. A * .....    13,400            455
 Enhance Financial Services Group, Inc. .....    16,900            243
 Everest Re Group, Ltd. .....................    17,600            578
 Ohio Casualty Corp. ........................    19,200            204
 Presidential Life Corp. ....................    10,000            139
 Radian Group, Inc. .........................     5,700            295
 Selective Insurance Group ..................    39,300            747
 Stancorp Financial Group, Inc. .............     7,400            238
Leisure and Recreation - 1.4%
 Argosy Gaming Co. * ........................    13,500            194
 Aztar Corp. * ..............................    16,100            250
 Callaway Golf Co. ..........................    20,000            326
 Station Casinos, Inc. * ....................    10,300            257
Machinery - 3.6%
 Astec Industries, Inc. * ...................     8,000            203
 Graco, Inc. ................................    10,950            356
 Imation Corp. * ............................    14,700            432
 Kulicke and Soffa Industries * .............     3,100            184
 Manitowoc Co., Inc. ........................     7,500            201
 Stewart & Stevenson Services, Inc. .........    36,800            554
 Tecumseh Products Co. - Cl. A ..............    11,500            439
 Terex Corp. * ..............................    16,300            230
Media - Publishing - 0.5%
 McClatchy Newspapers, Inc. - Cl. A .........    11,800            391
Metal Product and Fabrication - 1.1%
 Commercial Metals Co. ......................    10,000            275
 Milacron, Inc. .............................    12,400            180



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Metal Product and Fabrication - Continued
 Worthington Industries, Inc. ...............    31,800        $   334
Metals and Mining - 1.3%
 Century Aluminum Co. .......................    13,100            142
 Mueller Industries , Inc. ..................     9,800            274
 Precision Castparts Corp. ..................     8,500            385
 Quanex Corp. ...............................    10,200            152
Natural Gas Distribution - 2.2%
 Energen Corp. ..............................    14,800            323
 NUI Corp. ..................................     9,800            264
 Peoples Energy Corp. .......................    12,500            405
 UGI Corp. ..................................    16,400            336
 Washington Gas Light Co. ...................    10,600            255

Oil - 0.3%
 UTI Energy Corp. * .........................     6,200            249

Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.1%
 Marine Drilling Companies, Inc. * ..........     9,700            272
 ONEOK, Inc. ................................     5,800            150
 St. Mary Land & Exploration Co. ............     8,100            341
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 2.6%
 Equitable Resources, Inc. ..................    12,500            603
 Patterson Energy, Inc. * ...................     9,700            276
 Tom Brown, Inc. ............................     7,100            164
 Valero Energy Corp. ........................    19,400            616
 Western Gas Resources, Inc. ................     9,200            193
Paper and Forest Products - 2.8%
 Louisiana-Pacific Corp. ....................    48,900            532
 P.H. Glatfelter Co. ........................    36,700            374
 Pope & Talbot, Inc. ........................    24,800            397
 Rayonier, Inc. .............................    10,700            384
 United Stationers, Inc. * ..................     9,500            307
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.7%
 CompuCredit Corp. * ........................     7,800            234
 Metris Cos., Inc. ..........................    11,700            294
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.4%
 Stillwater Mining Co. * ....................     9,250            258

Real Estate Development - 1.4%
 LNR Property Corp. .........................    14,400            281
 Ryland Group, Inc. .........................    12,100            268
 Standard Pacific Corp. .....................    45,700            457
Real Estate Investment Trust - 10.0%
 Bedford Property Investors, Inc. ...........    20,400            379
 Capital Automotive REIT ....................    51,000            720
 Essex Property Trust, Inc. .................     8,900            374
 FelCor Lodging Trust, Inc. .................    34,136            631
 Gables Residential Trust ...................    21,600            558
 Hospitality Properties Trust ...............    12,100            273
 IRT Property Co. ...........................    34,900            297
 JDN Realty Corp. ...........................    13,400            137
 Kilroy Realty Corp. ........................     8,200            213
 Mack-Cali Realty Corp. .....................     6,200            159
 MeriStar Hospitality Corp. .................    20,300            426
 Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. ....    20,400            490
 National Health, Inc. ......................    30,500            335
 Prentiss Properties Trust ..................    14,700            353
 RFS Hotel Investors, Inc. ..................    24,500            288
 Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. .............    21,100            475
 SL Green Realty Corp. ......................    16,600            444
 Sovran Self Storage, Inc. ..................    14,900            319
 The Macerich Co. ...........................    13,200            291
Retail - Department Stores - 4.0%
 Barnes & Noble, Inc. * .....................     9,200            205
 Cato Corp. - Cl. A .........................    21,400            249
 Dillard's, Inc. - Cl. A ....................    27,800            340
 Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. * ....    16,300            300
 Footstar, Inc. * ...........................     7,900            263
 Payless ShoeSource, Inc. * .................     6,600            338
 Pier 1 Imports, Inc. .......................    19,800            193
 REX Stores Corp. ...........................     7,400            172
 Shopko Stores, Inc. ........................    10,900            168
 Zale Corp. * ...............................    18,100            661
Retail - Food - 1.8%
 CEC Entertainment, Inc. * ..................     7,700            197
 P.F. Chang's China Bistro, Inc. * ..........     5,600            179
 Ruby Tuesday, Inc. .........................    35,200            442
 Sonic Corp. * ..............................     7,600            223
 The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. * .............     8,350            230
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 1.0%
 Brown Shoe Co., Inc. .......................    18,300            238
 Kellwood Co. ...............................    10,900            230
 Russell Corp. ..............................    10,800            216
Steel - 0.9%
 Ryerson Tull, Inc. .........................    22,900            237
 Texas Industries, Inc. .....................    14,300            413



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Name of Issuer                   Shares         Value

Telecommunication Equipment - 0.7%
 Cable Design Technologies Corp. ............    10,300        $   345
 Glenayre Technologies, Inc. * ..............    12,100            128
Telecommunication Services - 0.2%
 Intermedia Communications, Inc. * ..........     5,300            158

Transportation Services - 3.1%
 America West Hol dings Corp. - Cl. B * .....    22,400            383
 Landstar Systems, Inc. .....................     9,900            590
 Offshore Logistics, Inc. * .................    29,300            421
 Roadway Express, Inc. ......................    19,700            462
 Ryder System, Inc. .........................    15,200            288
 USFreightways Corp. ........................     4,900            120
                          TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      97.5%        70,133

 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 .......................   $ 1,737          1,737
                                                -------        -------
                           TOTAL INVESTMENTS-      99.9%        71,870
        Cash and Receivables, less Payables -       0.1%            83
                                                -------        -------
                                  NET ASSETS-     100.0%        71,953
                                                =======        =======

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                    Shares             Value

Argentina - 0.1%
 Telefonica de Argentina SA - ADR
   (UTIT) ...............................       3,520           $    112

Australia - 1.9%
 Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP)  ......      10,000                307
 Commonwealth Bank of Australia
   (BANK) ...............................      17,248                286
 Lend Lease Corp. (FINL) ................      10,052                128
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) ................      40,242                554
 Publishing & Broadcasting, Ltd. (MEDP)        35,000                269
 TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS) ..........      21,000                121
 Telstra Corp. * (TELS)  ................       9,000                 20
 Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS)  ............      64,000                259

Belgium - 0.6%
 Dexia (BANK)  ..........................       1,658                245
 Fortis (B) (INSU) ......................      11,860                345
 UCB SA (HEAL) ..........................         940                 34

Bermuda - 0.2%
 Dao Heng Bank Group, Ltd. (BANK)  ......      46,000                204

Brazil - 1.5%
 Embratel Participacoes SA - ADR (UTIT)..       4,000                 95
 Tele Sudeste Celular Participacoes SA -
   ADR * (TELS) .........................       2,271                 69
 Telecomicacoes de Sao Paulo (UTIT)  ....      11,358                210
 Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras SA - ADR
  (UTIT) ................................      11,358              1,103
 Unibanco - Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros
  SA - GDR (BANK)  ......................       4,000                115

Canada - 1.1%
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. (META) ............       3,360                104
 Celestica, Inc. * (COMM)  ..............      11,322                562
 NORTEL NETWORKS Corp. (TELE)  ..........       6,080                422
 Royal Bank of Canada (BANK) ............       1,540                 79

Denmark - 0.1%
 Tele Danmark A/S (TELS) ................       2,070                139

Finland - 2.9%
 Nokia Oyj (HEAL)  ......................      57,480              2,933

France - 12.1%
 Alcatel (TELE)  ........................      18,770              1,231
 Altran Technologies, Inc. SA (AERO) ....         760                149
 Aventis SA * (HEAL) ....................       1,662                119
 AXA SA (INSU) ..........................       7,365              1,160
 Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK)  ......       9,420                906
 Canal Plus (MEDI) ......................         510                 86
 Cap Gemini SA (COMM)  ..................       1,640                289
 Carrefour SA (RETF) ....................       1,252                 86
 Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS)  ........       1,990                269
 Groupe Danone (FOOD)  ..................         520                 69
 Hermes International (RETS) ............       1,140                154
 L'Oreal (HNBA)  ........................         135                117
 Lafarge SA (CONS) ......................         486                 38
 Legrand SA (ELEQ) ......................       1,744                391
 Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (FOOD)  ....         606                250
 Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK) ................      12,209                891
 Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL) ..........      14,538                693
 Schneider SA (MACH) ....................       1,761                123
 Societe Generale - Cl. A (BANK) ........       2,592                156
 Societe Television Francaise 1 (MEDI) ..      21,200              1,477
 Sodexho Alliance SA (LEIS)  ............         624                113
 STMICROELECTRONICS (ETRN) ..............       9,118                574
 Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX)  ..........      10,398              1,594
 Vivendi (DIOP)  ........................      16,865              1,489
Germany - 4.4%
 Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU)  ..............       1,590                571
 Bayer AG (CHEM) ........................       3,029                118
 Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK)  ......      10,387                671
 Deutsche Bank AG (BANK) ................       8,024                660
 Deutsche Telekom AG (UTIT)  ............       9,044                516
 E.On AG (DIOP)  ........................       6,725                324
 Gehe AG (HEAL)  ........................       3,538                117
 Infineon Technologies AG (ETRN) ........       6,744                532
 Rhoen-Klinikum AG (HEAL)  ..............       1,390                 55
 SAP AG (SOFT) ..........................       5,640                843
 Siemens AG (DIOP) ......................       1,057                159
Hong Kong - 3.3%
 Cable & Wireless HKT, Ltd. (TELS) ......      82,800                183
 Cheung Kong (Holdings), Ltd. (READ) ....      48,000                528
 China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd.
  (TELS) ................................     104,000                917
 China Unicom, Ltd. * (TELS) ............     146,000                308
 Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd.
  (READ) ................................      44,000                193
 Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM)  ........      64,900                816
 Pacific Century Cyberworks, Ltd. *
  (TELE) ................................     167,000                330
 Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT) ...      10,000                 72

India - 1.3%
 Global Tele-Systems, Ltd. (TELE)  ......      11,000                330
 Hindustan Lever, Ltd. (HNBA)  ..........       7,000                445
 ICICI , Ltd. (FINL) ....................      57,484                328



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                    Shares             Value

India - Continued
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, Ltd.
  (TELS) ..................................    40,000           $    192

Ireland - 0.2%
 SmartForce Public Limited Co. - ADR
  (SOFT) ..................................     4,946                237

Italy - 5.6%
 Alleanza Assicurazioni (INSU) ............    27,000                360
 Banca Intesa SpA (BANK) ..................   199,353                893
 Bipop-Carire SpA (BANK) ..................    60,000                472
 ENI SpA (OILS) ...........................    88,784                513
 Mediaset SpA (MEDI) ......................    12,000                183
 Mediolanum SpA (INSU) ....................    24,655                401
 San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK) .................     3,858                 68
 Tecnost SpA (COMP) .......................    39,800                150
 Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS) .........   128,000              1,308
 Telecom Italia SpA (TELS) ................    62,444                858
 UniCredito Italiano SpA (BANK) ...........   103,393                495

Japan - 19.1%
 Bridgestone Corp. (PART) .................     6,000                127
 Canon, Inc. (COMM) .......................    29,000              1,443
 DDI Corp. (UTIT) .........................        15                144
 East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN) ............        21                122
 Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ) .......................     3,700                376
 Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ...................    83,000                631
 Fuji Television Network, Inc. (MEDI) .....        33                516
 Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ) .....................    19,000                657
 Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN) .....................    10,000                144
 Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS) ..............     3,000                180
 KAO Corp. (HNBA) .........................     6,000                183
 Kokuyo Co. (COMM) ........................     8,000                131
 Kyocera Corp. (ETRN) .....................     7,500              1,272
 Makita Corp. (CNSU) ......................     8,000                 76
 Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS) ...................    16,000                306
 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
  (ETRN) ..................................    35,000                907
 Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (REAL) ..........    47,000                510
 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN) ....     9,000              1,291
 NEC Corp. (COMP) .........................    42,000              1,318
 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.
  (UTIT) ..................................       111              1,475
 Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND) .......    36,000                881
 NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc.
  (TELS) ..................................        35                947
 Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL) ..................    11,000                248
 Seven-Eleven Japan (RETF) ................     6,000                502
 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM) ............     6,000                304
 Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM) ................    14,000                216
 Softbank Corp. (BANK) ....................     1,600                217
 Sony Corp. (ETRN) ........................    12,800              1,194
 Sumitomo Bank (BANK) .....................    51,000                625
 Sumitomo Corp. (DIOP) ....................    23,000                259
 Sumitomo Electric Industries (DIOP) ......     8,000                137
 TDK Corp. (COMP) .........................     3,000                431
 Toshiba Corp. (ETRN) .....................    96,000              1,083
 Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  (HEAL) ..................................    13,000                710

Luxembourg - 0.1%
 Society Europeenne des Satellites
  (MEDI) ..................................       457                 77

Mexico - 2.3%
 Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV
  (FOOD) ..................................    59,000                252
 Grupo Iusacell SA de CV - ADR *
  (TELS) ..................................     7,000                109
 Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI) .........    13,907                959
 Telefonos de Mexico SA - ADR (UTIT) ......    18,120              1,035

Netherlands - 6.4%
 ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK) ...............     4,056                 99
 Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM) .....................     1,110                 47
 ASM Lithography Holding NV (COMP) ........    17,520                753
 CSM NV (FOOD) ............................     4,986                 98
 Equant (COMP) ............................     3,255                132
 Fortis (NL) NV (INSU) ....................    16,800                489
 ING Groep NV (BANK) ......................    17,560              1,187
 Koninklije KPN NV (TELS) .................     5,960                267
 Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV
  (ETRN) ..................................    26,474              1,249
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILE) .........    10,580                658
 TNT Post Group NV (TRAN) .................       790                 21
 United Pan Europe (TELS) .................     7,776                203
 VNU NV (MEDP) ............................    20,120              1,039
 Wolters Kluwer NV - CVA (MEDP) ...........    10,855                289

New Zealand - 0.2%
 Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd.
  (TELS) ..................................    46,000                161

Norway - 0.2%
 Orkla ASA (DIOP) .........................    10,360                197

Portugal - 0.1%
 Jeronimo Martins, SGPS, SA (FOOD) ........     5,743                 95

Singapore - 0.4%
 United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK) ........    60,072                393

South Korea - 1.5%
 Korea Telecom Corp. - ADR * (TELS) .......     7,600                368
 Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. - ADR
  (STEE) ..................................     3,053                 73



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                    Shares             Value

South Korea - Continued
 Samsung Electronics (ETRN) ...............     3,270           $  1,082
Spain - 3.0%
 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK) ...........    45,250                676
 Banco Santander Central Hispano SA
  (BANK) ..................................    57,529                607
 Endesa SA (UTIE) .........................    25,318                490
 Repsol SA (OILX) .........................    13,082                260
 Telefonica SA (UTIT) .....................    47,230              1,015
Sweden - 3.2%
 Atlas Copco AB (MACH) ....................     2,330                 44
 Electrolux AB - Ser. B (APPL) ............     9,520                147
 Hennes & Mauritz AB - B Shares (RETS) ....    15,600                325
 Nordbanken Holding (BANK) ................    69,614                525
 NORDIC BALTIC Holding (BANK) .............    10,036                 73
 SANDVIK AB (MACH) ........................     2,580                 54
 Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM) ...........    37,496                795
 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB *
  (TELS) ..................................    64,790              1,282
Switzerland - 4.2%
 ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI) .......................     5,507                652
 Adecco SA - Reg. (COMM) ..................     1,325              1,126
 Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK) ........     2,100                418
 Nestle SA (FOOD) .........................       510              1,021
 Roche Holding AG (HEAL) ..................        34                331
 Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT) ................       261                 90
 UBS AG (BANK) ............................     4,692                687
Taiwan - 0.1%
 Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. -
  GDR 144A (a) * (ETRN) ...................     6,092                154
United Kingdom - 18.1%
 Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK) ...    10,000                120
 AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL) .............    15,701                733
 Baltimore Technologies plc * (COMP) ......    31,000                235
 BG Group plc (UTIG) ......................     9,522                 61
 BP Amoco plc (OILE) ......................    49,000                470
 Cable & Wireless plc (TELS) ..............    77,100              1,305
 Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD) .............    43,200                284
 Celltech Group plc * (HEAL) ..............    13,000                252
 Centrica plc * (UTIG) ....................    18,900                 63
 Compass Group plc (FOOD) .................    72,000                948
 David S. Smith Holdings plc (PAPR) .......    15,000                 36
 Diageo plc (FOOD) ........................    50,512                453
 Electrocomponents plc (ETRN) .............    13,000                133
 GKN plc (AUTO) ...........................     4,000                 51
 Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL) ................    65,500              1,910
 Hays plc (DIOP) ..........................     6,200                 35
 Hilton Group plc (LEIS) ..................    16,000                 56
 HSBC Holdings plc (BANK) .................    20,800                238
 Kingfisher plc (RETS) ....................    42,000                382
 Marconi plc (TELE) .......................    28,600                372
 Reed International plc (MEDP) ............   131,000              1,140
 Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP) ..............    28,000                458
 Royal Bank of Scotland Group (BANK) ......    88,040              1,473
 Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX)..   175,000              1,460
 SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL) ............    80,100              1,048
 Standard Chartered (BANK) ................    26,000                324
 Tesco plc (RETF) .........................    56,900                177
 Tomkins plc (DIOP) .......................    86,496                281
 Unilever plc (CNSU) ......................    38,928                236
 United News & Media plc (MEDP) ...........    14,500                208
 Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS) .............   657,614              2,657
 WPP Group plc * (COMM) ...................    63,000                920
                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK-      94.2%            96,471


Australia - 0.9%
 News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI) ..................    79,247                956
Brazil - 0.8%
 Banco Itau SA (BANK) .....................   970,000                 85
 Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras
  (OILS) ..................................    21,760                658
 Telesp Celular Participacoes SA *
  (TELS) .................................. 2,613,222                 47
 Telesp Participacoes SA * (UTIT) ......... 3,179,956                 60
Germany - 0.1%
 SAP AG - Vorzug (SOFT) ...................       330                 61
                     TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-       1.8%             1,867



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                               Par             Market
             Name of Issuer                   Value             Value
                                             (000's)           (000's)
 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00  ..................  $    3,349        $     3,349
                                           ----------        -----------
                       TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        99.3%           101,687
     Receivables, less cash and payables-         0.7%               755
                                           ----------        -----------
                              NET ASSETS-       100.0%           102,442
                                           ==========        ===========

* Non-income producing security.
ADR-American Depository Receipts.
GDR-Global Depository Receipts.
(a)Pursuant to rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities may
be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualifed
institutional buyers. At June 30, 2000, securities aggregated $154 or .15% of
net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.


                                                             Market    % of
                                                 Industry     Value  Long-Term
                 Industry                      Abbreviation  (000's) Investments

Banks ..........................................   BANK     $14,518     14.8%
Telecommunication Services .....................   TELS      11,600     11.7%
Electronic Products and Services ...............   ETRN       9,615      9.8%
Health Care Products ...........................   HEAL       9,183      9.3%
Commercial Services ............................   COMM       6,081      6.2%
Telephone ......................................   UTIT       5,855      6.0%
Media - TV / Radio .............................   MEDI       4,808      4.9%
Diversified Operations .........................   DIOP       3,645      3.7%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco .....................   FOOD       3,469      3.5%
Insurance ......................................   INSU       3,326      3.4%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production..   OILX       3,315      3.4%
Computer Equipment .............................   COMP       3,019      3.1%
Media - Publishing .............................   MEDP       2,945      3.0%
Telecommunication Equipment ....................   TELE       2,685      2.7%
Electrical Equipment ...........................   ELEQ       1,425      1.4%
Retail - Department Stores .....................   RETS       1,348      1.4%
Oil ............................................   OILS       1,171      1.2%
Computer Software and Services .................   SOFT       1,141      1.1%
Oil - Equipment and Services ...................   OILE       1,128      0.9%
Brokerage and Investment Management ............   FUND         880      0.8%
Retail - Food ..................................   RETF         764      0.8%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products ...........   HNBA         745      0.7%
Real Estate Development ........................   READ         722      0.7%
Chemicals ......................................   CHEM         686      0.7%
Engineering and Construction ...................   ENGI         652      0.7%
Real Estate Operations .........................   REAL         509      0.5%
Electric Power .................................   UTIE         490      0.5%
Financial Services .............................   FINL         457      0.5%
Consumer - Miscellaneous .......................   CNSU         312      0.3%
Construction ...................................   CONS         307      0.3%
Leisure and Recreation .........................   LEIS         290      0.3%
Machinery ......................................   MACH         220      0.2%
Aerospace and Defense ..........................   AERO         149      0.2%
Household Appliances / Furnishings .............   APPL         147      0.1%
Transportation Services ........................   TRAN         143      0.1%
Auto and Truck Parts ...........................   PART         127      0.1%
Natural Gas Distribution .......................   UTIG         125      0.1%
Metals and Mining ..............................   META         104      0.1%
Steel ..........................................   STEE          73      0.1%
Real Estate Investment Trust ...................   REIT          72      0.1%
Automobile .....................................   AUTO          51      0.1%
Paper and Forest Products ......................   PAPR          36      0.0%
                                                          ---------  -------
                                                            $98,338    100.0%
                                                          =========  =======


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                         Shares         Value

Aerospace and Defense - 1.0%
 B.F. Goodrich Co. ..........................       4,500        $   153
 Boeing Co. .................................      35,468          1,483
 General Dynamics Corp. .....................       7,800            408
 Honeywell International, Inc. ..............      31,062          1,046
 Lockheed Martin Corp. ......................      15,200            377
 Northrop Grumman Corp. .....................       2,800            186
 Raytheon Co. - Cl. B .......................      13,500            260
 United Technologies Corp. ..................      18,400          1,083
Auto and Truck Parts - 0.5%
 AutoZone, Inc. * ...........................       5,800            128
 Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. ...................       2,100             23
 Cummins Engine Company, Inc. ...............       1,700             46
 Dana Corp. .................................       6,215            132
 General Motors Corp. .......................      21,500          1,248
 Genuine Parts Co. ..........................       6,650            133
 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. .................       6,000            120
 Johnson Controls, Inc. .....................       3,300            169
 Navistar International Corp., Inc. -
  Cl. B .....................................       2,400             75
 PACCAR, Inc. ...............................       2,800            111
 TRW, Inc. ..................................       4,500            195
 Visteon Corp. * ............................       6,167             75
Automobile - 0.6%
 Delphi Automotive Systems Corp. ............      22,169            323
 Ford Motor Co. .............................      47,100          2,025
 Harley-Davidson, Inc. ......................      12,100            466
Banks - 4.2%
 AmSouth Bancorporation .....................      14,500            228
 Bank of America Corp. ......................      64,468          2,772
 Bank of New York Co., Inc. .................      28,800          1,339
 Bank One Corp. .............................      45,050          1,197
 BB&T Corporation ...........................      13,200            315
 Charter One Financial, Inc. ................       8,200            189
 Chase Manhattan Corp. ......................      48,150          2,218
 Comerica, Inc. .............................       6,000            269
 Fifth Third Bancorp ........................      11,950            756
 First Union Corp. ..........................      38,246            949
 Firstar Corp. ..............................      37,764            795
 FleetBoston Financial Corp. ................      35,770          1,216
 Golden West Financial Corp. ................       6,500            265
 Huntington Bancshares, Inc. ................       8,665            137
 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. ....................       6,800            749
 KeyCorp ....................................      17,500            308
 National City Corp. ........................      24,500            418
 Northern Trust Corp. .......................       8,800            573
 Old Kent Financial Corp. ...................       5,250            140
 PNC Bank Corp. .............................      11,300            530
 Regions Financial Corp. ....................       8,700            173
 SouthTrust Corp. ...........................       6,300            143
 State Street Corp. .........................       6,300            668
 Summit Bancorp .............................       6,600            163
 Suntrust Banks, Inc. .......................      12,300            562
 Synovus Financial Corp. ....................      10,350            182
 U.S. Bancorp ...............................      28,918            557
 Union Planters Corp. .......................       5,300            148
 Wachovia Corp. .............................       8,000            434
 Washington Mutual, Inc. ....................      22,618            653
 Wells Fargo & Co. ..........................      64,200          2,488
Brokerage and Investment Management - 4.7%
 Aim Stic Prime Fund ........................  11,398,345         11,398
 Bear Stearns Cos., Inc. ....................       4,632            193
 Charles Schwab Corp. .......................      53,275          1,791
 Franklin Resources, Inc. ...................       9,800            298
 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. .............       4,600            435
 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. ..................      15,100          1,736
 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover &
  Co. .......................................      44,700          3,721
 Paine Webber Group, Inc. ...................       5,400            246
 Prime Obligation Fund ......................   3,630,565          3,631
 T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. .............       4,600            196
Business Services - 0.3%
 Automatic Data Processing, Inc. ............      24,500          1,312
 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. .....................       6,000            172
 H & R Block, Inc. ..........................       3,900            126
Chemicals - 0.8%
 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. .............       9,000            277
 Dow Chemical Co. ...........................      25,800            779
 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. ..............      40,682          1,780
 Eastman Chemical Co. .......................       3,000            143
 Engelhard Corp. ............................       5,300             90
 Great Lakes Chemical Corp. .................       1,900             60
 Hercules, Inc. .............................       3,400             48
 Praxair, Inc. ..............................       6,000            225
 Rohm & Haas Co. ............................       8,627            298
 Sigma-Aldrich Corp. ........................       4,000            117
 Union Carbide Corp. ........................       5,000            247
 W.R. Grace & Co. ...........................       3,600             44
Commercial Services - 0.5%
 Cendant Corp. * ............................      26,899            377
 Convergys Corp. * ..........................       6,100            316
 Deluxe Corp. ...............................       2,700             64
 Ecolab, Inc. ...............................       4,800            187
 Equifax, Inc. ..............................       5,400            142



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                        Shares         Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Commercial Services - Continued
 Interpublic Group Cos., Inc. ...............      11,200        $   482
 Omnicom Group, Inc. ........................       6,900            614
 Quintiles Transnational Corp. * ............       4,600             65
 R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. ..................       5,200            117
 Young & Rubicam, Inc. ......................       2,600            149
Computer Equipment - 8.5%
 3Com Corp. * ...............................      13,300            766
 Adaptec, Inc. * ............................       3,800             86
 Apple Computer, Inc. * .....................      12,400            649
 Compaq Computer Corp. ......................      66,111          1,690
 Comverse Technology, Inc. * ................       5,800            539
 Dell Computer Corp. * ......................     100,600          4,961
 Gateway, Inc. * ............................      12,300            698
 Hewlett-Packard Co. ........................      39,300          4,908
 Intel Corp. ................................     131,500         17,580
 International Business Machines Corp. ......      69,500          7,615
 Lexmark International Group, Inc. -
  Cl. A * ...................................       4,900            330
 Network Appliance, Inc. * ..................      12,000            966
 VERITAS Software Corp. * ...................      15,200          1,718
 Xerox Corp. ................................      25,700            533
Computer Software and Services - 10.6%
 Adobe Systems, Inc. ........................       4,700            611
 America Online, Inc. * .....................      90,200          4,758
 Autodesk, Inc. .............................       2,400             83
 BMC Software, Inc. * .......................       9,600            350
 Cabletron Systems, Inc. * ..................       6,700            169
 Ceridian Corp. * ...........................       6,000            144
 Citrix Systems, Inc. * .....................       6,900            131
 Computer Associates International, Inc. ....      23,025          1,179
 Computer Sciences Corp. * ..................       6,600            493
 Compuware Corp. * ..........................      13,700            142
 Electronic Data Systems Corp. ..............      18,500            763
 EMC Corp. * ................................      85,112          6,548
 First Data Corp. ...........................      16,200            804
 IMS Health, Inc. ...........................      11,600            209
 Mercury Interactive Corp. * ................       1,600            155
 Microsoft Corp. ............................     206,700         16,536
 NCR Corp. * ................................       4,000            156
 Novell, Inc. * .............................      12,300            114
 Oracle Corp. * .............................     111,450          9,369
 Parametric Technology Corp. * ..............      10,400            114
 Peoplesoft, Inc. ...........................      10,100            169
 Sapient Corp. ..............................       2,300            246
 Seagate Technology, Inc. * .................       9,000            495
 Shared Medical Systems Corp. ...............       1,200             88
 Siebel Systems, Inc. * .....................       7,800          1,276
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * ...................      62,000          5,638
 Unisys Corp. * .............................      11,700            170
 Yahoo!, Inc. * .............................      21,100          2,614
Construction - 0.0%
 Armstrong Holdings, Inc. ...................       1,300             20
 Vulcan Materials Co. .......................       4,000            171
Consumer - Miscellaneous - 0.5%
 American Greetings Corp. - Cl. A ...........       1,900             36
 Avery Dennison Corp. .......................       4,400            295
 Black & Decker Corp. .......................       3,500            138
 Briggs & Stratton Corp. ....................         800             27
 Clorox Co. .................................       9,100            408
 Fortune Brands, Inc. .......................       6,600            152
 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc. ....................      11,216            289
 Parker-Hannifin Corp. ......................       4,250            146
 Sherwin-Williams Co. .......................       6,300            133
 Snap-On, Inc. ..............................       2,000             53
 Stanley Works ..............................       3,800             90
 Tupperware Corp. ...........................       1,800             40
 Unilever NV - NY Shares ....................      22,482            967
Containers - 0.1%
 Bemis Co., Inc. ............................       1,700             57
 Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. ................       4,900             74
 Owens-Illinois, Inc. * .....................       5,800             68
 Pactiv Corp. * .............................       7,400             58
 Sealed Air Corp. * .........................       3,189            167
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products - 1.3%
 Alberto-Culver Co. - Cl. B .................       2,200             67
 Avon Products, Inc. ........................       9,700            432
 Colgate-Palmolive Co. ......................      22,800          1,365
 Gillette Co. ...............................      42,600          1,488
 International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. ...       3,700            112
 Procter & Gamble Co. .......................      51,200          2,931
Diversified Operations - 6.1%
 Cooper Industries, Inc. ....................       3,300            107
 Corning, Inc. ..............................      10,800          2,915
 Costco Wholesale Corp. * ...................      17,300            571
 Crane Co. ..................................       2,950             72
 Danaher Corp. ..............................       5,600            277
 Eastern Enterprises ........................       1,100             69
 Eaton Corp. ................................       2,800            188
 El Paso Energy Corp. .......................       9,000            458
 General Electric Co. .......................     388,000         20,564
 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. ..................      11,500            656
 ITT Industries, Inc. .......................       3,700            112
 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. .......      15,700          1,295
 National Service Industries, Inc. ..........       1,300             25


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                        Shares         Value

Diversified Operations - Continued
 Pall Corp. .................................       4,900        $    91
 PPG Industries, Inc. .......................       6,600            292
 Textron, Inc. ..............................       5,800            315
 Tyco International, Ltd. ...................      65,752          3,115
Electric Power - 1.5%
 AES Corp. * ................................      16,800            766
 Ameren Corp. ...............................       5,300            179
 American Electric Power Co. ................      12,660            375
 Cinergy Corp. ..............................       6,100            155
 CMS Energy Corp. ...........................       4,200             93
 Consolidated Edison, Inc. ..................       8,800            261
 Constellation Energy Group .................       5,900            192
 CP&L Energy, Inc. ..........................       6,000            192
 Dominion Resources, Inc. ...................       9,494            407
 DTE Energy Co. .............................       5,600            171
 Duke Energy Co. ............................      14,044            792
 Edison International .......................      13,300            273
 Entergy Corp. ..............................       9,300            253
 Firstenergy Corp. ..........................       8,700            203
 Florida Progress Corp. .....................       3,900            183
 FPL Group, Inc. ............................       7,200            356
 GPU, Inc. ..................................       5,200            141
 New Century Energies, Inc. .................       4,400            132
 Niagara Mohawk Holdings, Inc. ..............       7,800            109
 Northern States Power Co. ..................       6,000            121
 Peco Energy Co. ............................       7,000            282
 PG & E Corp. ...............................      15,400            379
 Pinnacle West Capital Corp. ................       3,600            122
 PPL Corp. ..................................       5,500            121
 Public Services Enterprise Group, Inc. .....       8,800            305
 Reliant Energy, Inc. .......................      11,924            352
 Southern Co. ...............................      26,100            608
Electrical Equipment - 0.5%
 American Power Conversion ..................       7,600            310
 Best Buy Co., Inc. .........................       7,800            494
 Emerson Electric Co. .......................      16,700          1,008
 Molex, Inc. ................................       7,650            368
 TXU Corp. ..................................      10,912            322
 Unicom Corp. ...............................       6,900            267
Electronic Products and Services - 8.2%
 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * .............       5,800            448
 Agilent Technologies, Inc. * ...............      17,574          1,296
 Altera Corp. * .............................       7,700            785
 Analog Devices, Inc. * .....................      13,800          1,049
 Applied Materials, Inc. * ..................      31,400          2,846
 Ball Corp. .................................       1,400             45
 Broadcom Corp. - Cl. A * ...................       2,000            438
 Cisco Systems, Inc. * ......................     272,800         17,340
 Conexant Systems, Inc. * ...................       8,200            399
 KLA-Tencor Corp. * .........................       7,100            416
 Linear Technology Corp. ....................      12,000            767
 LSI Logic Corp. * ..........................      11,700            633
 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. * ..........      11,000            747
 Micron Technology, Inc. * ..................      21,700          1,911
 Millipore Corp. ............................       1,900            143
 Motorola, Inc. .............................      84,195          2,447
 National Semiconductor Corp. * .............       6,900            392
 Novellus Systems, Inc. * ...................       5,000            283
 PE Corp-BE Biosystems Group ................       8,200            540
 PerkinElmer, Inc. ..........................       2,000            132
 Pitney Bowes, Inc. .........................      10,100            404
 Polaroid Corp ..............................       1,400             25
 Rockwell International Corp. * .............       7,700            242
 Sanmina Corp. * ............................       5,800            496
 Solectron Corp. * ..........................      23,400            980
 Tektronix, Inc. ............................       2,000            148
 Teradyne, Inc. * ...........................       6,800            500
 Texas Instruments, Inc. ....................      64,300          4,417
 Thomas & Betts Corp. .......................       2,000             38
 Xilinx, Inc. * .............................      12,600          1,040
Engineering and Construction - 0.0%
 Fluor Corp. ................................       2,900             92

Financial Services - 2.7%
 American Express Co. .......................      52,300          2,726
 Associates First Capital Corp. - Cl. A * ...      28,006            625
 Capital One Financial Corp. ................       7,800            348
 Citigroup, Inc. ............................     132,528          7,985
 Mellon Financial Corp. .....................      19,700            718
 Paychex, Inc. ..............................      14,750            619
 Providian Financial Corp. * ................       5,650            509
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 4.1%
 Adolph Coors Co. - Cl. B ...................       1,400             85
 Anheuser-Busch Cos., Inc. ..................      18,000          1,344
 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. .................      24,473            240
 Bestfoods ..................................      10,800            748
 Brown-Forman Corp. - Cl. B .................       2,800            150
 Campbell Soup Co. ..........................      16,200            472
 Coca-Cola Co. ..............................      97,200          5,583
 Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. ................      17,200            281
 ConAgra, Inc. ..............................      18,800            358
 General Mills, Inc. ........................      11,800            451
 H.J. Heinz Co. .............................      14,000            612
 Hershey Foods Corp. ........................       5,500            267
 Kellogg Co. ................................      15,800            470
 Nabisco Group Holdings Corp. ...............      13,000            337
 PepsiCo, Inc. ..............................      56,700          2,520
 Philip Morris Cos., Inc. ...................      89,000          2,364
 Quaker Oats Co. ............................       5,200            391


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                        Shares          Value

Food, Beverage and Tobacco - Continued
 Ralston-Ralston Purina Group ...............      11,700       $    233
 Sara Lee Corp. .............................      34,900            674
 Seagram Co., Ltd. ..........................      16,700            969
 Starbucks Corp. * ..........................       7,300            279
 SUPERVALU, Inc. ............................       4,900             93
 Sysco Corp. ................................      13,000            548
 The Kroger Co. * ...........................      32,900            726
 UST, Inc. ..................................       6,000             88
 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. ........................       4,600            369
Health Care Products - 10.9%
 Abbott Laboratories ........................      60,800          2,709
 Allergan, Inc. .............................       5,300            395
 ALZA Corp. * ...............................       4,100            242
 American Home Products Corp. ...............      50,800          2,985
 Amgen, Inc. * ..............................      40,300          2,831
 Bausch & Lomb, Inc. ........................       2,200            170
 Baxter International, Inc. .................      11,500            809
 Becton, Dickinson & Co. ....................       9,500            273
 Biomet, Inc. ...............................       4,700            181
 Boston Scientific Corp. * ..................      16,100            353
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. ...................      77,700          4,526
 C.R. Bard, Inc. ............................       2,200            106
 Cardinal Health, Inc. ......................      10,800            799
 Eli Lilly & Co. ............................      44,400          4,435
 Guidant Corp. * ............................      12,200            604
 Johnson & Johnson ..........................      54,600          5,562
 Mallinckrodt, Inc. .........................       2,900            126
 MedImmune, Inc. * ..........................       8,100            599
 Medtronic, Inc. ............................      46,700          2,326
 Merck & Co., Inc. ..........................      90,200          6,912
 Pfizer, Inc. ...............................     247,175         11,864
 Pharmacia Corp. ............................      49,605          2,564
 Schering-Plough Corp. ......................      57,200          2,889
 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. ...................       6,600            566
 Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. * .............       3,800            204
Health Care Services - 0.4%
 Biogen, Inc. * .............................       6,000            387
 HCA-The Healthcare Corporation .............      22,050            670
 HEALTHSOUTH Corp. * ........................      13,500             97
 Humana, Inc. * .............................       5,700             28
 Manor Care, Inc. * .........................       3,400             24
 McKesson HBOC, Inc. ........................      10,533            220
 St. Jude Medical, Inc. * ...................       3,300            151
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. * ...................      12,500            337
 Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc. * ..........       2,300            167
Household Appliances/Furnishings - 0.1%
 Leggett & Platt, Inc. ......................       7,900            130
 Maytag Corp. ...............................       3,500            129
 Springs Industries, Inc. - Cl. A ...........         900             29
 Whirlpool Corp. ............................       2,800            131
Housing - 0.1%
 Centex Corp. ...............................       2,800             66
 Kaufman & Broad Home Corp. .................       1,300             26
 Masco Corp. ................................      17,600            318
 Owens Corning ..............................       1,700             16
 Pulte Corp. ................................       2,200             47
Insurance - 2.9%
 Aetna, Inc. ................................       5,600            359
 AFLAC, Inc. ................................      10,200            469
 Allstate Corp. .............................      31,200            694
 American General Corp. .....................       9,721            593
 American International Group, Inc. .........      60,486          7,107
 Aon Corp. ..................................      10,100            314
 Chubb Corp. ................................       6,700            412
 Cigna Corp. ................................       6,600            617
 Cincinnati Financial Corp. .................       6,100            192
 Conseco, Inc. ..............................      11,891            116
 Hartford Financial Services Group,
  Inc. ......................................       8,700            487
 Jefferson-Pilot Corp. ......................       4,250            240
 Lincoln National Corp. .....................       7,500            271
 Loews Corp. ................................       4,300            258
 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. ................      10,400          1,086
 MBIA, Inc. .................................       3,800            183
 MGIC Investment Corp. ......................       4,300            196
 Progressive Corp. ..........................       2,700            200
 Safeco Corp. ...............................       5,300            105
 St. Paul Cos., Inc. ........................       8,514            290
 Torchmark, Inc. ............................       5,100            126
 UnumProvident Corp. ........................       8,820            177
Leisure and Recreation - 0.5%
 Brunswick Corp. ............................       3,100             51
 Carnival Corp. .............................      23,900            466
 Eastman Kodak Co. ..........................      12,200            726
 Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. * .............       5,200            109
 Hasbro, Inc. ...............................       7,125            107
 Hilton Hotels Corp. ........................      14,000            131
 Marriott International, Inc. - Cl. A .......       9,900            357
 Mattel, Inc. ...............................      17,200            227
 SABRE Group Holdings, Inc. * ...............       5,174            148
Machinery - 0.3%
 Caterpillar, Inc. ..........................      13,800            467
 Deere & Co. ................................       9,000            333
 Dover Corp. ................................       8,200            333
 FMC Corp. * ................................       1,000             58



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                                   Shares     Value
COMMON STOCK - Continued

Machinery - Continued
 Ingersoll-Rand Co. .....................................     6,400   $    258
 McDermott International, Inc. ..........................     2,100         18
 Thermo Electron Corp. * ................................     6,500        137
 W.W. Grainger, Inc. ....................................     3,600        111
Media - Publishing - 0.6%
 Comcast Corp. - Cl. A ..................................    35,800      1,450
 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. ..................................     3,600        264
 Gannett Co., Inc. ......................................    11,000        658
 Knight-Ridder, Inc. ....................................     3,100        165
 Meredith Corp. .........................................     1,700         57
 New York Times Co. - Cl. A .............................     7,000        276
 Tribune Co. ............................................    12,000        420
Media - TV/Radio - 2.3%
 McGraw-Hill Cos., Inc. .................................     7,500        405
 The Walt Disney Co. ....................................    81,200      3,152
 Time Warner, Inc. ......................................    51,700      3,929
 Viacom, Inc. - Cl. B * .................................    59,762      4,075
Metal Product and Fabrication - 0.0%
 Timken Co. .............................................     2,900         54
 Worthington Industries, Inc. ...........................     3,000         31
Metals and Mining - 0.3%
 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. ...................................     8,400        261
 Alcoa, Inc. ............................................    33,488        971
 Inco, Ltd. .............................................     7,300        112
 Phelps Dodge Corp. .....................................     3,196        119
Natural Gas Distribution - 0.6%
 Columbia Energy Group, Inc. ............................     3,200        210
 Enron Corp. ............................................    28,600      1,845
 NICOR, Inc. ............................................     1,600         52
 Peoples Energy Corp. ...................................     1,300         42
 Sempra Energy ..........................................     8,104        138
 Williams Cos., Inc. ....................................    16,800        700
Oil - 1.2%
 Conoco, Inc. - Cl. B ...................................    24,245        595
 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. - NY Shares ..................    83,800      5,159
 Tosco Corp. ............................................     5,900        167
Oil - Equipment and Services - 0.6%
 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. ...............................     5,200        256
 Baker Hughes, Inc. .....................................    12,900        413
 Halliburton Co. ........................................    17,500        826
 ONEOK, Inc. ............................................     1,200         31
 Schlumberger, Ltd. .....................................    22,300      1,664
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production - 3.5%
 Amerada Hess Corp. .....................................     3,400        210
 Apache Corp. ...........................................     4,300        253
 Ashland, Inc. ..........................................     3,000        105
 Burlington Resources, Inc. .............................     8,410        322
 Chevron Corp. ..........................................    25,700      2,180
 Coastal Corp. ..........................................     8,400        512
 EEX Corp. ..............................................                    -
 Exxon Mobil Corp. ......................................   136,755     10,735
 Kerr-McGee Corp. .......................................     3,670        216
 Occidental Petroleum Corp. .............................    14,800        312
 Phillips Petroleum Co. .................................    10,100        512
 Rowan Cos., Inc. * .....................................     3,400        103
 Sunoco, Inc. ...........................................     3,100         91
 Texaco, Inc. ...........................................    21,600      1,150
 Transocean Sedco Forex, Inc. ...........................     7,936        424
 Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. ....................     9,808        216
 Unocal Corp. ...........................................     9,700        321
 USX-Marathon Group .....................................    12,400        311
Paper and Forest Products - 0.6%
 Boise Cascade Corp. ....................................     1,900         49
 Fort James Corp. .......................................     8,100        187
 Georgia-Pacific Corp. ..................................     6,400        168
 International Paper Co. ................................    18,967        565
 Kimberly-Clark Corp. ...................................    21,500      1,234
 Louisiana-Pacific Corp. ................................     4,600         50
 Mead Corp. .............................................     3,900         99
 Potlatch Corp. .........................................       900         30
 Temple-Inland, Inc. ....................................     2,200         92
 Westvaco Corp. .........................................     3,900         97
 Weyerhaeuser Co. .......................................     9,300        400
 Willamette Industries, Inc. ............................     4,100        112
Personal and Commercial Lending - 0.4%
 Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc. ....................     4,600        139
 Household International, Inc. ..........................    18,266        759
 MBNA Corp. .............................................    31,475        854
 SLM Holding Corp. ......................................     5,900        221
Pollution Control - 0.1%
 Allied Waste Industries, Inc. * ........................     8,600         86
 Waste Management, Inc. .................................    24,357        463
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - 0.1%
 Barrick Gold Corp. .....................................    15,900        289
 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. - Cl. B ...........     6,300         58


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                        Shares         Value
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones - Continued
 Homestake Mining Co. .......................      11,100        $    77
 Newmont Mining Corp. .......................       6,901            149
 Placer Dome, Inc. ..........................      12,400            119
Retail - Department Stores - 4.5%
 Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. * ..................       5,300            192
 Circuit City Stores, Inc. ..................       7,900            262
 Consolidated Stores Corp. * ................       3,300             40
 CVS Corp. ..................................      15,300            612
 Dillard's, Inc. - Cl. A ....................       3,600             44
 Dollar General Corp. .......................      13,046            254
 Federated Department Stores, Inc. * ........       8,300            280
 Gap, Inc. ..................................      33,375          1,043
 Harcourt General, Inc. .....................       2,500            136
 Home Depot, Inc. ...........................      90,350          4,512
 J.C. Penney Co., Inc. ......................       9,800            181
 Kmart Corp. * ..............................      18,300            125
 Kohl's Corp. ...............................      12,900            718
 Limited, Inc. ..............................      16,852            364
 Lowe's Cos., Inc. ..........................      14,800            608
 May Department Stores Co. ..................      13,350            320
 Nordstrom, Inc. ............................       5,400            130
 Office Depot, Inc. .........................      12,900             81
 RadioShack Corp. ...........................       7,600            360
 Sears, Roebuck & Co. .......................      14,700            480
 Staples, Inc. * ............................      18,350            282
 Target Corp. ...............................      17,900          1,038
 Tiffany & Co. ..............................       2,900            196
 TJX Cos., Inc. .............................      11,900            223
 Toys "R" Us, Inc. * ........................       8,600            125
 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ......................     174,800         10,073
Retail - Drug Stores - 0.3%
 Longs Drug Stores Corp. ....................       1,900             41
 Rite Aid Corp. .............................       8,500             56
 Walgreen Co. ...............................      39,400          1,268
Retail - Food - 0.7%
 Albertson's, Inc. ..........................      16,577            551
 Darden Restaurants, Inc. ...................       4,700             76
 McDonald's Corp. ...........................      52,800          1,739
 Safeway, Inc. * ............................      20,400            920
 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.,
  Inc. ......................................       1,000             17
 Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. * ..........       6,150            174
 Wendy's International, Inc. ................       4,900             87
 Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. ....................       5,700             82
Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 0.1%
 Liz Claiborne, Inc. ........................       2,000             71
 Nike, Inc. - Cl. B .........................      10,800            430
 Reebok International, Ltd. .................       1,900             30
 Russell Corp. ..............................         800             16
 V.F. Corp. .................................       4,400            105
Steel - 0.0%
 Allegheny Technologies, Inc. ...............       3,750             67
 Bethlehem Steel Corp. * ....................       5,900             21
 Nucor Corp. ................................       3,400            113
 USX-U.S. Steel Group, Inc. .................       3,400             63
Telecommunication Equipment - 3.9%
 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. * .............      11,900            998
 Andrew Corp. * .............................       2,850             96
 Lucent Technologies, Inc. ..................     127,725          7,568
 Nortel Networks Corp. ......................     116,200          7,930
 QUALCOMM, Inc. * ...........................      28,800          1,728
 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. ...................       6,200            462
 Tellabs, Inc. * ............................      16,100          1,102
Telecommunication Services - 2.5%
 Clear Channel Communications, Inc. * .......      13,300            998
 Global Crossing, Ltd. * ....................      34,290            902
 MediaOne Group, Inc. .......................      23,900          1,585
 Nextel Communications, Inc. - Cl. A * ......      29,500          1,805
 Sprint PCS (PCS Group) * ...................      35,600          2,118
 WorldCom, Inc. * ...........................     112,477          5,160
Telephone - 4.5%
 Alltel Corp. ...............................      12,200            756
 AT&T Corp. .................................     123,306          3,899
 Bell Atlantic Corp. ........................      60,436          3,071
 BellSouth Corp. ............................      73,800          3,146
 CenturyTel, Inc. ...........................       5,200            149
 GTE Corp. ..................................      37,900          2,359
 SBC Communications, Inc. ...................     133,197          5,761
 Sprint Corp. ...............................      34,000          1,734
 U.S. West, Inc. ............................      19,697          1,689
Transportation Services - 0.6%
 AMR Corp. * ................................       5,500            145
 Burlington Northern Santa Fe ...............      17,800            408
 CSX Corp. ..................................       7,900            167
 Delta Air Lines, Inc. .....................       5,000            253
 Fedex Corp. * ..............................      11,200            426
 Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. ......       4,200            372
 Norfolk Southern Corp. .....................      15,300            228
 Ryder System, Inc. .........................       2,000             38
 Southwest Airlines Co. .....................      20,200            383
 U.S. Airways Group, Inc. * .................       2,600            101


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             Name of Issuer                        Shares         Value

Transportation Services - Continued
 Union Pacific Corp. ........................       9,700        $   361
U.S. Government Agencies - 0.6%
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. ...........      26,900          1,089
 Federal National Mortgage Assoc. ...........      40,100          2,093
                          TOTAL COMMON STOCK-        99.9%       506,042

U.S. Governmental - 0.2%
 U.S. Treasury Bill
 5.7% due 09/14/00 ..........................    $    945             934
                                                ---------      ----------
                           TOTAL INVESTMENTS-       100.1%        506,976
         Payables, less cash and receivables-        (0.1)%          (550)
                                                ---------      ----------
                                  NET ASSETS-       100.0%        506,426
                                                =========      ==========

* Non-income producing security.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    Par          Market
                 Name of Issuer                    Value          Value
                                                  (000's)        (000's)

Aerospace and Defense - 0.9%
 Argo-Tech Corp.
 8.625% due 10/01/07 ........................     $    15        $    11
 K & F Industries, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 10/15/07 .........................         225            214
Auto and Truck Parts - 6.1%
 Accuride Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 02/01/08 .........................         125            106
 Delco Remy International, Inc.
 10.625% due 08/01/06 .......................         195            195
 Delco Remy International, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.625% due 12/15/07 ........................          50             47
 Dura Operating Corp.
 9.0% due 05/01/09 ..........................         135            117
 Federal Mogul Corp.
 7.5% due 01/15/09 ..........................         675            449
 Federal-Mogul Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.8% due 04/15/07 ..........................         100             72
 Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.
 9.125% due 07/15/07 ........................         100             90
 LDM Technologies, Inc.
 10.75% due 01/15/07 ........................         135            106
 Lear Corp. - Ser. B
 8.11% due 05/15/09 .........................         200            182
 Lear Corp. - Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 07/15/06 ..........................         100             97
 Numatics, Inc. - Ser. B
 9.625% due 04/01/08 ........................         100             77
Automobile - 0.1%
 Lear Corp. - Ser B
 7.96% due 05/15/05 .........................          40             37

Banks - 0.4%
 Western Financial Bank - Sub.
 8.875% due 08/01/07 ........................         125            111

Business Services - 0.4%
 Express Scripts, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.625% due 06/15/09 ........................         100             97

Chemicals - 5.0%
 Acetex Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.75% due 10/01/03 .........................         145            136
 Avecia Group plc
 11.0% due 07/01/09 .........................         200            196
 Georgia Gulf Corp.
 10.375% due 11/01/07 .......................         125            129
 Lyondell Chemical Co. - Debs
 9.8% due 02/01/20 ..........................         110            100
 Lyondell Chemical Co. - Sec
 9.875% due 05/01/07 ........................         345            342
 Lyondell Chemical Co. - Sec. Notes Ser. A
 9.625% due 05/01/07 ........................         100             99
 PCI Chemicals Canada, Inc.
 9.25% due 10/15/07 .........................          90             57
 Sovereign Specialty Chemicals
 11.875% due 03/15/10 .......................          80             82
 Texas Petrochemical Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 11.125% due 07/01/06 .......................         150            128
Coal - 1.1%
 P&L Coal Holdings Corp.
 9.625% due 05/15/08 ........................         300            278

Commercial Services - 2.8%
 Iron Mountain, Inc.
 8.75% due 09/30/09 .........................         150            137
 Pierce Leahy Command Co.
 8.125% due 05/15/08 ........................          75             67
 Pierce Leahy Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.125% due 07/15/07 ........................         220            206
 Sullivan Graphics, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 12.75% due 08/01/05 ........................         125            126
 Waste Management, Inc.
 6.875% due 05/15/09 ........................         200            177
Computer Software and Services - 3.8%
 Concentric Network Corp. - Sr. Notes
 12.75% due 12/15/07 ........................         150            158
 Exodus Communications - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 11.625% due 07/15/10 .......................         250            251
 PSINet, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.0% due 02/15/05 .........................         200            185
 11.0% due 08/01/09 .........................          50             47
 11.5% due 11/01/08 .........................         125            119
 Verio, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.375% due 04/01/05 .......................         150            157
 11.25% due 12/01/08 ........................          50             56
Construction - 0.4%
 Nortek, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.125% due 09/01/07 ........................         100             93

Consumer - Miscellaneous - 1.6%
 Lin Holdings Corp. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 03/01/08 ..........................         600            394

Containers - 1.6%
 BWAY Corp. - Ser. B
 10.25% due 04/15/07 ........................         175            166
 Gaylord Container Corp. - Sr. Notes Ser. B
 9.375% due 06/15/07 ........................         150            117



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     Par          Market
                 Name of Issuer                     Value          Value
                                                   (000's)        (000's)


Containers - Continued
 Packaging Corp. of America
 9.625% due 04/01/09 ............................ $   125        $   125
Diversified Operations - 1.9%
 Fisher Scientific International, Inc. - Sr
  Sub. Notes
 9.0% due 02/01/08 ..............................     125            116
 Prestolite Electric, Inc.
 9.625% due 02/01/08 ............................     225            144
 Roller Bearing Co. America, Inc. - Ser. B
 9.625% due 06/15/07 ............................      30             28
 SCG Holdings Corp.
 12.0% due 08/01/09 .............................     104            111
 Werner Holdings Co., Inc.
 10.0% due 11/15/07 .............................      35             34
 Westinghouse Air Brake Co. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 06/15/05 ............................      45             43
Electric Power - 0.1%
 Western Resources, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 6.875% due 08/01/04 ............................      30             27

Electrical Equipment - 0.4%
 Wesco Distribution, Inc. - Ser. B
 9.125% due 06/01/08 ............................     100             92

Electronic Products and Services - 0.5%
 Advanced Micro Devices - Sr. Notes
 11.0% due 08/01/03 .............................     130            134

Financial Services - 1.9%
 AMSC Acquisition Co., Inc. - Ser. B
 12.25% due 03/31/08 ............................      50             39
 RBF Finance Co.
 11.375% due 03/15/09 ...........................     220            237
 Tembec Finance Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.875% due 09/30/05 ............................     195            197
Food, Beverage and Tobacco - 2.5%
 Aurora Foods, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.75% due 07/01/08 .............................      75             42
 9.875% due 02/15/07 ............................      50             30
 Azurix Corp. - Sr. Notes Ser. 144A (a)
 10.75% due 02/15/10 ............................      95             91
 B&G Foods, Inc.
 9.625% due 08/01/07 ............................     125             87
 Chiquita Brands International, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.0% due 06/15/09 .............................     290            222
 Del Monte Foods Co. - Sr. Disc. Notes Ser. B
 12.5% due 12/15/07 .............................     137            104
 Nash-Finch Co. - Ser. B
 8.5% due 05/01/08 ..............................     100             66
Health Care Products - 2.9%
 ALARIS Medical Systems, Inc.
 9.75% due 12/01/06 .............................      75             49
 ALARIS Medical, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 08/01/08 ..............................     150             23
 Beckman Coulter, Inc.
 7.45% due 03/04/08 .............................      50             46
 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - Sr. Sub Notes
  Ser. 144A (a)
 11.625% due 02/15/07 ...........................      45             46
 Conmed Corp.
 9.0% due 03/15/08 ..............................     220            201
 MEDIQ, Inc.
 11.0% due 06/01/08 .............................     125             13
 Owens & Minor, Inc.
 10.875% due 06/01/06 ...........................     131            136
 OWENS Illinois , Inc.
 7.15% due 05/15/05 .............................     100             91
 Warner Chilcott, Inc. - Ser. 144A (a)
 12.625% due 02/15/08 ...........................     125            127
Health Care Services - 2.6%
 Beverly Enterprises, Inc.
 9.0% due 02/15/06 ..............................     310            259
 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.
 7.25% due 05/20/08 .............................      50             44
 Tenet Healthcare Corp. - Sr. Sub Notes
 8.125% due 12/01/08 ............................     175            161
 Triad Hospitals Holdings, Inc.
 11.0% due 05/15/09 .............................     200            205
Household Appliances / Furnishings - 0.1%
 Sealy Mattress Co. - Ser. B
 10.875% due 12/15/07 ...........................      50             36
Housing - 1.6%
 American Standard Cos., Inc.
 7.625% due 02/15/10 ............................      35             32
 Engle Homes, Inc. - Ser. C
 9.25% due 02/01/08 .............................      90             75
 Grove Worldwide Llc - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 05/01/08 .............................      85             32
 Standard Pacific Corp. - Sr. Notes
 8.5% due 06/15/07 ..............................     110             99
 8.5% due 04/01/09 ..............................     185            167
Leisure and Recreation - 5.2%
 AMC Entertainment, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 03/15/09 ..............................     125             60
 9.5% due 02/01/11 ..............................     125             59
 Aztar Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.875% due 05/15/07 ............................      50             47


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      Par          Market
                 Name of Issuer                      Value          Value
                                                    (000's)        (000's)


Leisure and Recreation - Continued
 Bell Sports, Inc.
 11.0% due 08/15/08 ............................. $   150        $   149
 Hollywood Casino Corp.
 11.25% due 05/01/07 ............................     150            153
 John Q. Hammons Hotels
 8.875% due 02/15/04 ............................     325            285
 Loews Cineplex Entertainment Corp. - Sr. Sub.
 8.875% due 08/01/08 ............................     215             99
 Station Casinos, Inc. - Sr, Sub Notes 144A (a)
 9.875% due 07/01/10 ............................     100            100
 Station Casinos, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.875% due 12/01/08 ............................     225            212
 True Temper Sports, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.875% due 12/01/08 ...........................     150            147
Media - Publishing - 0.9%
 American Media Operations, Inc. - Sr. Sub Notes
 10.25% due 05/01/09 ............................      75             74
 Sun Media Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 05/15/07 ..............................     150            145
Media - TV / Radio - 11.5%
 Adelphia Communications Corp.
 9.375% due 11/15/09 ............................     150            138
 Allbritton Communications Co. - Sr. Sub. Debs
  Ser. B
 9.75% due 11/30/07 .............................     250            243
 Allbritton Communications Co. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.875% due 02/01/08 ............................      50             46
 Benedek Communications Corp. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 0.0% due 05/15/06 ..............................     225            167
 Cablevision SA - Bonds
 13.75% due 05/01/09 ............................      60             54
 Century Communications Corp. - Cl. A
 8.875% due 01/15/07 ............................      75             69
 Century Communications Corp. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 0.0% due 01/15/08 ..............................     500            205
 Charter Communications Holdings, LLC - Sr
 8.625% due 04/01/09 ............................     575            507
 Classic Cable, Inc.
 9.875% due 08/01/08 ............................
 10.5% due 03/01/10 .............................     360            332
 EchoStar DBS Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 02/01/09 ............................     525            509
 Emmis Communications Corp.
 8.125% due 03/15/09 ............................      55             50
 Frontiervision Holding L.P. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 09/15/07 ..............................     200            174
 Granite Broadcassting Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.875% due 05/15/08 ............................     175            151
 Young Broadcasting, Inc.
 8.75% due 06/15/07 .............................     300            276
Metals and Mining - 0.1%
 Neenah Corp. - Ser. F
 11.125% due 05/01/07 ...........................      40             30
    Sr. Sub. Notes - Ser. B
 11.125% due 05/01/07 ...........................      10              8
Natural Gas Distribution - 0.5%
 Energy Corp. of America - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 05/15/07 ..............................     200            128
Oil - Equipment and Services - 1.0%
 ICO, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.375% due 06/01/07 ...........................      50             48
 Key Energy Services, Inc.
 14.0% due 01/15/09 .............................      65             73
 Pioneer Natural Resources Co.
 9.625% due 04/01/10 ............................      45             47
 Tuboscope, Inc.
 7.5% due 02/15/08 ..............................     100             90
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and
 Production - 3.2%
 Costilla Energy, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.25% due 10/01/06 ............................     125             55
 Petroleos Mexicanos
 8.85% due 09/15/07 .............................     175            170
 Plains Resources, Inc.
 10.25% due 03/15/06 ............................     200            202
 Plains Resources, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.25% due 03/15/06 ............................     125            126
 Pride International, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 05/01/07 ............................     100            100
 10.0% due 06/01/09 .............................     100            102
 Texas Petrochemical Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 11.125% due 07/01/06 ...........................      75             64
Paper and Forest Products - 1.5%
 Doman Industries, Ltd.
 12.0% due 07/01/04 .............................      75             76
 Doman Industries, Ltd. - Sr. Notes
 8.75% due 03/15/04 .............................     200            158
 Repap New Brunswick, Inc.
 9.0% due 06/01/04 ..............................      60             58
 Repap New Brunswick, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 10.625% due 04/15/05 ...........................      75             68



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               Par      Market
                 Name of Issuer                               Value      Value
                                                             (000's)    (000's)


Paper and Forest Products - Continued
 Tembec Industries, Inc.
 8.625% due 06/30/09 ....................................   $    15   $    14
Pollution Control - 0.7%
 Allied Waste North America
 7.625% due 01/01/06 ....................................      200        174

Real Estate Development - 0.5%
 D.R. Horton, Inc.
 8.0% due 02/01/09 ......................................       60         51
 Del Webb Corp. - Sr. Sub. Debs
 10.25% due 02/15/10 ....................................       75         66
Retail - Department Stores - 0.3%
 Mattress Discounters Co.
 12.625% due 07/15/07 ...................................       75         69

Retail - Drug Stores - 1.2%
 Duane Reade, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.25% due 02/15/08 .....................................      325        294

Retail - Food - 0.9%
 Stater Bros. Holdings, Inc. - Senior Notes
 10.75% due 08/15/06 ....................................      250        220

Shoe and Apparel Manufacturing - 1.1%
 WestPoint Stevens, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 7.875% due 06/15/08 ....................................      350        278

Steel - 4.5%
 AK Steel Corp.
 7.875% due 02/15/09 ....................................      150        133
 AK Steel Corp. - Sr. Notes
 9.125% due 12/15/06 ....................................      100         96
 Algoma Steel, Inc.
 12.375% due 07/15/05 ...................................      280        241
 Armco, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.0% due 09/15/07 ......................................       75         70
 LTV Corp.
 11.75% due 11/15/09 ....................................      408        343
 Weirton Steel Corp. - Sr. Notes
 11.375% due 07/01/04 ...................................      250        245
Telecommunication Equipment - 3.4%
 Alestra SA de CV - Sr. Notes
 12.125% due 05/15/06 ...................................      175        162
 Covad Communications Group - Sr. Notes
  144A (a) 12.0% due 02/15/10 ...........................      115         90
 Covad Communications Group, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 12.5% due 02/15/09 .....................................       50         44
 Crown Castle International Corp. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 11/15/07 ......................................      100         74
 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp.
 10.375% due 10/01/07 ...................................       35         35
 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 10.125% due 03/15/07 ...................................      250        250
 Intermedia Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes Ser. B
 9.5% due 03/01/09 ......................................       75         72
 L-3 Communications Corp. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 8.5% due 05/15/08 ......................................       35         32
 Nextel Communications - Sr. Notes
 9.375% due 11/15/09 ....................................      100         96
Telecommunication Services - 15.4%
 BTI Telecom Corp. - Sr. Notes
 10.5% due 09/15/07 .....................................      100         76
 Clearnet Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 05/01/09 ......................................      150         89
 Fonda Group, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 9.5% due 03/01/07 ......................................      125         98
 GCI, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.75% due 08/01/07 .....................................      400        364
 Global Crossing Holdings, Ltd.
 9.125% due 11/15/06 ....................................      100         96
 Globalstar LP/Capital Corp. - Global Star - Sr. Notes
 10.75% due 11/01/04 ....................................      125         36
 GST Telecommunications, Inc. - Sr. Sub. Notes
 12.75% due 11/15/07 ....................................       50          6
 GT Group Telecom
 13.25% due 02/01/10 ....................................      180         99
 Hyperion Telecommunications, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 13.0% due 04/15/03 .....................................      140        130
 Hyperion Telecommunications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 12.25% due 09/01/04 ....................................       50         52
 Insight Midwest
 9.75% due 10/01/09 .....................................      185        182
 Intermedia Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.875% due 11/01/07 ....................................      275        258
 KMC Telecom Holdings, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 02/15/08 ......................................      275        135
 Level 3 Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 9.125% due 05/01/08 ....................................       30         27
 Level 3 Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 11.25% due 03/15/10 ....................................      200        197
 McleodUSA, Inc.
 8.125% due 02/15/09 ....................................      175        158
     Sr. Notes
 8.375% due 03/15/08 ....................................      230        210
 9.5% due 11/01/08 ......................................       30         29



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                              Par       Market
                 Name of Issuer                              Value      Value
                                                            (000's)    (000's)


Telecommunication Services - Continued
 Nextel Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 10/31/07 ......................................  $   650    $   484
 NTL Communications Corp. - Sr. Notes
 1.0% due 10/01/08 ......................................      615        397
 RCN Corp.
 10.0% due 10/15/07 .....................................      200        165
 RCN Corp. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 07/01/08 ......................................      325        176
 RSL Communications plc
 9.125% due 03/01/08 ....................................      100         64
 Satelites Mexicanos SA - Sr. Notes
 10.125% due 11/01/04 ...................................      125         81
 Telecommunications Techniques Co.
 9.75% due 05/15/08 .....................................      140        129
 Time Warner Telecom Llc - Sr. Notes
 9.75% due 07/15/08 .....................................      175        170
Telephone - 1.9%
 e.spire Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 04/01/06 ......................................       75         32
 ITC DeltaCom, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 8.875% due 03/01/08 ....................................       25         23
 9.75% due 11/15/08 .....................................       75         71
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. - Sr. Disc. Notes
 1.0% due 04/15/08 ......................................      300        188
 NEXTLINK Communications, Inc. - Sr. Notes 144A (a)
 10.5% due 12/01/09 .....................................       75         74
 Viatel, Inc. - Sr. Notes
 11.25% due 04/15/08 ....................................      125         94
Transportation Services - 0.6%
 Dunlop Standard Aero Holdings - Sr. Notes
 11.875% due 05/15/09 ...................................      150        147
                             TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-     93.1%    23,562



Media - Publishing - 0.4%
 Primedia, Inc. .........................................    1,250        106
Telephone - 0.5%
 Nextlink Communicatons - Series B ......................      120        118
                                   TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-      0.9%       224


Telecommunication Services - 0.0%
 KMC Telecom Holdings, Inc. - WT 144A (a)
 expires 01/31/08 (Cost $0) .............................      250          1

                                                             Par        Market
                 Name of Issuer                             Value       Value
                                                           (000's)     (000's)
 Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 ...................................  $ 1,526    $ 1,526
                                                           -------    -------
                                       TOTAL INVESTMENTS-    100.0%    25,313
                     Payables, less cash and receivables-      0.0%       (11)
                                                           -------    -------
                                              NET ASSETS-    100.0%    25,302

a) Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993, these securities may
   be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified
   institutional buyers. At June 30, 2000, securities aggregated $977 or 3.86%
   of net assets of the Portfolio.

See notes to financial statements.


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par            Market
      Name of Issuer                              Value            Value
                                                 (000's)          (000's)

United States - 11.4%
 Discover Card (LEND)
 6.251% due 09/16/05 ......................     $  2,600        $  2,602
 First USA Credit Card Master Trust (LEND)
 6.838% due 08/19/08 ......................        2,600           2,602
 Standard Credit Card Master Trust (LEND)
 8.25% due 01/07/07 .......................        2,000           2,069
                     TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS-         11.4%          7,273


Belgium - 4.8%
 Kingdom of Belgium - Bonds (GOVF)
 9.0% due 03/28/03 ........................        2,900           3,029

Canada - 2.0%
 Government of Canada - Bonds (GOVF)
 7.0% due 12/01/06 ........................        1,100             783
 8.0% due 06/01/23 ........................          600             514
France - 3.9%
 Government of France - Bonds (GOVF)
 5.25% due 04/25/08 .......................        1,100           1,049
 Government of France - O.A.T. (GOVF)
 5.5% due 04/25/07 ........................           90              87
 Government of France - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.0% due 10/25/25 ........................        1,357           1,357
Germany - 1.4%
 Federal Republic of Germany - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.25% due 01/04/24 .......................          833             868

Italy - 4.6%
 Republic 0f Italy (GOVF)
 5.0% due 02/15/03 ........................        1,700           1,616
 3.25% due 04/15/04 .......................        1,500           1,332
Japan - 13.7%
 Government of Japan - Bonds (GOVF)
 1.9% due 03/20/09 ........................      472,000           4,542
 2.4% due 03/20/20 ........................      122,200           1,195
 Government of Japan - Bonds (JP) (GOVF)
 3.0% due 09/20/05 ........................      290,000           2,973
Netherlands - 8.3%
 Government of Netherlands - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.5% due 04/15/03 ........................        1,500           1,480
 Netherlands Government - Bonds Series 1 &
 2 (GOVF)
 6.0% due 01/15/06 ........................          600             591
 Repsol International Finance (FINL)
 4.699% due 12/14/00 ......................        3,400           3,242
Spain - 2.6%
 Government of Spain (GOVF)
 5.25% due 01/31/03 .......................        1,750           1,669

Supra National - 8.4%
 European Investment Bank - Bond (BANK)
 5.875% due 05/12/09 ......................        1,770           1,618
 International Bank Recon & Development -
  Notes (BANK)
 5.25% due 01/12/09 .......................        1,770           1,554
 International-American Development Bank -
  Bonds (BANK)
 1.9% due 07/08/09 ........................      100,000             958
 Scottish Power plc - ADR (UTIE)
 6.625% due 01/14/10 ......................          850           1,246
United Kingdom - 3.3%
 U.K. Treasury - Bonds (GOVF)
 6.0% due 12/07/28 ........................          360             680
 U.K. Treasury (GOVF)
 7.25% due 12/07/07 .......................          845           1,413
United States - 27.6%
 Chase Credit Card Master Trust (LEND)
 5.125% due 02/15/05 ......................        1,600           1,489
 U.S. Treasury - Bonds (GOVE)
 5.875% due 11/15/04 ......................        6,450           6,356
 6.125% due 08/15/29 ......................        1,470           1,485
 6.25% due 02/28/02 .......................        2,050           2,043
 6.25% due 08/15/23 .......................        1,000           1,008
 6.75% due 08/15/26 .......................        2,040           2,195
 7.25% due 05/15/16 .......................        1,000           1,102
 U.S. Treasury - Bills (GOVE)
 8.875% due 02/15/19 ......................        1,500           1,931
               TOTAL PUBLICLY-TRADED BONDS-         80.6%         51,405



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   Par           Market
      Name of Issuer                              Value           Value
                                                 (000's)         (000's)

United States - 8.2%
 Investment in joint trading account
  (Note B)
  6.853% due 07/03/00 .....................     $  4,950        $  4,950
 U.S. Treasury (GOVE) .....................
  5.83% due 12/10/00 ......................          300             294
                                                --------        --------
                         TOTAL INVESTMENTS-        100.2%         63,930
       Payables, less cash and receivables-         (0.2)%          (166)
                                                --------        --------
                                NET ASSETS-        100.0%         63,764

ADR-American Depository Receipts

See notes to financial statements.


                                                Market          % of
                                 Industry        Value        Long-Term
        Industry               Abbreviation     (000's)      Investments

U.S. Governmental............      GOVE           16,120          27.5%
Personal and Commercial
 Lending.....................      LEND            8,762          14.9%
Foreign Governmental.........      GOVF           25,177          42.9%
Financial Services...........      FINL            3,242           5.5%
Electric Power...............      UTIE            1,246           2.1%
Banks........................      BANK            4,131           7.1%
                                               ---------      --------
                                               $  58,678         100.0%
                                               =========      ========


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


  The John Hancock Variable Series Trust I (the "Fund") is a diversified
open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company
Act of 1940, as amended. The Fund is organized as a Massachusetts business
trust.  The Fund consists of thirty-three portfolios: Large Cap Growth,
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, Aggressive Balanced, Active Bond (formerly,
Sovereign Bond), Core Bond, Emerging Markets Equity, International Equity Index,
International Opportunities II (formerly, Global Equity), International Equity,
Small Cap Growth, Global Balanced (formerly, International Balanced), Mid Cap
Growth, Mid Cap Blend, Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, American Leaders
Large Cap Value, Large/Mid Cap Value, Money Market, Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap
Growth (formerly, Diversified Mid Cap Growth), Bond Index, Large Cap Aggressive
Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value, Real Estate Equity, Growth &
Income, Managed, Short-Term Bond, Small Cap Value, International Opportunities,
Equity Index, High Yield Bond and Global Bond (formerly, Strategic Bond)
Portfolios. The Fund may add or delete portfolios in the future to accommodate
various investment objectives.  The Fund has issued shares of beneficial
interest exclusively to John Hancock Variable Life Account U ("JHVLAU"), John
Hancock Variable Life Account V ("JHVLAV"), John Hancock Variable Life Account S
("JHVLAS"), and John Hancock Variable Annuity Account I ("JHVAAI") to fund
policies and contracts issued by the John Hancock Variable Life Insurance
Company ("JHVLICO"), and to John Hancock Variable Annuity Account U ("JHVAAU"),
John Hancock Variable Annuity Account V ("JHVAAV"), John Hancock Variable Life
Insurance Account UV ("JHVLAUV"), John Hancock Variable Annuity Account H
("JHVAAH"), and John Hancock Variable Annuity Account JF ("JHVAAJF") to fund
contracts and policies issued by John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
("John Hancock") and to Investors Partner Life Account L ("IPLL") to fund
contracts and policies issued by Investors Partner Life ("IPL").


  Estimates: The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period.   Actual results could differ from those estimates.

  Valuation of Investments: For the Large Cap Growth, Fundamental Mid Cap
Growth, Aggressive Balanced, Emerging Markets Equity, Small Cap Growth, Mid Cap
Growth, Mid Cap Blend, Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, American Leaders
Large Cap Value, Large/Mid Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Large
Cap Aggressive Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value, Real Estate
Equity, Growth & Income, Managed, Small Cap Value, and Equity Index Portfolios:
Common stocks and other such securities traded on national exchanges are
normally valued on the basis of closing prices. Securities traded in the
over-the-counter market and securities with no sales on the day of valuation are
normally valued at their last available bid price.

  For the Active Bond, Core Bond, Bond Index, Managed, Short-Term Bond, High
Yield Bond and Global Bond Portfolios: Debt investment securities having a
primary market over-the-counter are valued on the basis of valuations furnished
by a pricing service which determines valuations for normal institutional size
trading units of debt securities, without exclusive reliance upon quoted prices.

  For the Money Market Portfolio: The Board of Trustees has determined that the
appropriate method for valuing Portfolio securities is amortized cost, so long
as the average weighted maturity of money market instruments comprising the
Portfolio does not exceed 90 days.  Accordingly, Portfolio securities are valued
at amortized cost which approximates market value.  The amortized cost method
involves valuing a security at its cost on the date of purchase and thereafter
assuming a constant amortization to maturity of the difference between the
principal amount due at maturity and the cost of the security to the Portfolio.

  For each of the Portfolios, short-term investments, with a maturity not to
exceed 60 days, are valued at amortized cost which approximates market value.

  For the International Equity Index, International Opportunities II,
International Equity, Global Balanced and International Opportunities
Portfolios: Investments in securities traded on national securities exchanges in
the United



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


States or on equivalent foreign exchanges are normally valued at the last quoted
sales price on such exchanges as of the close of business on the date of which
assets are valued.  Securities traded in the over-the-counter market and
securities traded with no sales on the day of valuation are normally valued at
their last available bid price.  All Portfolio securities initially expressed in
terms of foreign currencies have been translated into U.S. Dollars as described
in "Currency Translation."

  Investment securities for which no current market quotations are readily
available, including certain foreign securities, when held by the Portfolios,
are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Board of Trustees.

  Investment security transactions are recorded on the date of purchase or sale.
Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is
recorded on the accrual basis.  Dividend income for the Large Cap Growth,
Aggressive Balanced, Emerging Markets Equity, International Equity Index,
International Opportunities II, International Equity, Global Balanced, Mid Cap
Growth, Large Cap Value, Large Cap Value CORE, Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap
Growth, Large Cap Aggressive Growth, Small/Mid Cap CORE, Small/Mid Cap Value,
Growth & Income, Managed, Small Cap Value, International Opportunities and
Equity Index Portfolios are shown net of foreign taxes withheld of $3,728, $60,
$194, $2,011, $392, $107, $168, $37, $2,118, $109, $497, $335, $41, $66, $36,
$23,832, $11,766, $793, $690 and $3,047, respectively. Realized gains and losses
from security transactions are determined on the basis of identified cost.

  Securities Lending: Certain Portfolios (Large Cap Growth, Active Bond,
International Equity Index, Small Cap Growth, Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Value,
Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Growth & Income, Managed, Short-Term Bond,
International Opportunities and Global Bond) may lend their securities to
certain qualified brokers who pay these Portfolios negotiated lender fees. The
loans are collateralized at all times with cash or securities with a market
value at least equal to the market value of the securities on loan. As with
other extensions of credit, these Funds may bear the risk of delay of the loaned
securities in recovery or even loss of rights in the collateral should the
borrower of the securities fail financially. At June 30, 2000, the market value
of the securities loaned and the market value of the collateral were as follows.

                               Value of Securities Loaned   Value of Collateral
                               --------------------------   -------------------

Large Cap Growth ...........            $ 54,442                 $ 54,442
Active Bond ................             116,986                  119,423
International Equity Index .              33,721                   35,163
Small Cap Growth ...........              59,949                   60,851
Mid Cap Growth .............              88,147                   90,466
Large Cap Value ............               6,106                    6,467
Mid Cap Value ..............              23,697                   24,688
Small/Mid Cap Growth .......              33,275                   34,708
Growth & Income ............              87,343                   87,343
Managed ....................             147,841                  149,887
Short-Term Bond ............               4,655                    4,727
International Opportunities               11,816                   12,124
Global Bond ................               4,376                    4,460

  Repurchase Agreements: The Portfolios of the Fund may enter into repurchase
agreements which are contracts under which a Portfolio would acquire a security
for a relatively short period (usually not more than 7 days) subject to the
obligation of the seller to repurchase and the Portfolio to resell such security
at a fixed time and price (representing the Portfolio's cost plus interest).  A
Portfolio will enter into repurchase agreements only with member banks of the
Federal Reserve System and with "primary dealers" in United States government
securities.  The underlying securities, which represent the collateral of the
agreement, must be marked to market daily to ensure that each repurchase


June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


agreement is fully collateralized at all times.  A Portfolio will not invest
more than 10% of its net assets in repurchase agreements maturing in more than 7

  Joint Repurchase Agreements: The Active Bond and Small Cap Growth Portfolios
of the Fund, along with other registered investment companies having a
management contract with John Hancock Advisers, Inc. (the "Sub-Adviser"), an
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of John Hancock, may participate in a joint
repurchase agreement pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and
Exchange Commission.  Aggregate cash balances are invested in one or more
repurchase agreements, whose underlying securities are obligations of the U.S.
Government and/or its agencies. The Fund's custodian bank receives delivery of
the underlying securities for the joint repurchase agreement on the Fund's
behalf.  The Sub-Adviser is responsible for ensuring that the agreement is fully
collateralized at all times.

  The International Equity, Large Cap Value CORE and Small/Mid Cap CORE
Portfolios of the Fund, along with other registered investment companies having
a management contract with Goldman Sachs Asset Management (the "Sub-Adviser"),
may participate in a joint repurchase agreement pursuant to an exemptive order
issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Aggregate cash balances are
invested in one or more repurchase agreements, whose underlying securities are
obligations of the U.S. Government and/or its agencies. The Fund's custodian
bank receives delivery of the underlying securities for the joint repurchase
agreement on the Fund's behalf.  The Sub-Adviser is responsible for ensuring
that the agreement is fully collateralized at all times.

  Joint Trading Account: Pursuant to an Exemptive Order issued by the Securities
and Exchange Commission, the order permits the existing Portfolios of the Fund
to pool daily uninvested cash balances, together with the balances of any future
Portfolios of the Fund, into a joint account for the purpose of investing the
cash balances in short-term repurchase agreements, commercial paper and other
short-term investments which in no event will have a maturity in excess of seven
days.  Joint Account holdings as of June 30, 2000:

                                                   Par            Market
  Name of Issuer                                  Value            Value
  --------------                                 --------        ---------

American Express Co.
 8.50% due 07/03/00 ......................       $ 50,000         $ 50,000
Chevron USA, Inc.
 7.72% due 07/03/00 ......................         45,404           45,404
DaimlerChrysler Holdings Corp.
 8.50% due 07/05/00  .....................         50,000           49,981
Deere & Co.
 7.35% due 07/05/00  .....................         43,218           43,202
Exxon Asset Management Co.
 8.50% due 07/06/00  .....................         50,000           49,972
Ford Credit Europe PLC
 8.50% due 07/03/00  .....................         50,000           50,000
General Electric Cap. Corp.
 8.50% due 07/06/00  .....................         50,000           49,972
Household Finance Corp.
 8.49% due 07/07/00  .....................         49,996           49,959
Norwest Finl., Inc.
 8.49% due 07/07/00  .....................         50,000           49,963
Prudential FDG Corp.
 8.50% due 07/03/00  .....................         50,000           50,000
Texaco, Inc.
 8.50% due 07/05/00  .....................         50,000           49,981



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


                                                   Par            Market
  Name of Issuer                                  Value            Value
  --------------                                 --------        ---------
UBS Fin., Inc.
 4.27% due 07/05/00  .....................       $ 25,100         $ 25,090
UBS Fin., Inc.
 4.19% due 07/06/00  .....................         24,666           24,652
                                                 --------         --------
    Joint Trading Account Totals .........       $588,384         $588,176
                                                 ========         ========

  Financial Futures Contracts: The Active Bond, Emerging Markets Equity,
International Equity Index, International Equity, Small Cap Growth, Global
Balanced, Mid Cap Growth, Large Cap Value CORE, Small/Mid Cap Growth, Small/Mid
Cap CORE, Managed, Short-Term Bond, Equity Index, High Yield Bond and Global
Bond Portfolios may buy and sell financial futures contracts to hedge against
the effects of fluctuations in interest rates and other market conditions.  At
the time the Portfolio enters into a financial futures contract, it will be
required to deposit with its custodian a specified amount of cash or U.S.
government securities, known as "initial margin." Each day, the futures contract
is valued at the official settlement price of the board of trade or U.S.
commodities exchange.  Daily variation margin adjustments, arising from this
"mark to market," are recorded by the Portfolios as unrealized gains or losses.

  When the contracts are closed, the Portfolio recognizes a gain or a loss.
Risk of entering into futures contracts include the possibility that there may
be an illiquid market and/or that a change in the value of the contract may not
correlate with changes in the value of the underlying securities.  In addition,
the Portfolio could be prevented from opening or realizing the benefits of
closing out futures positions because of position limits or limits on daily
price fluctuations imposed by an exchange.  At June 30, 2000, open positions in
financial futures contracts were as follows:


                                         Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Purchased                                   Date      at Value    Gain/(Loss)
- ---------                                ----------  ----------   -----------

12 contracts
 CAC-40 Index Future ................    Sept. 2000     $  744       $  (12)
6 contracts
 DAX Index Future ...................    Sept. 2000        995          (58)
10 contracts
 FTSE 100 Index Future ..............    Sept. 2000        962          (34)
18 contracts
 Nikkei 225 Index Future ............    Sept. 2000      1,577           35
                                                        ------       ------
                                                        $4,278       $  (69)
                                                        ======       ======


                                         Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Purchased                                   Date      at Value    Gain/(Loss)
- ---------                                ----------  ----------   -----------
325 contracts
 U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note Future ..    Sept. 2000     32,007       $  282



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)



                                           Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Purchased                                     Date      at Value       Loss
- ---------                                  ----------  ----------  ------------
10 contracts
 CME E-Mini S&P 500 Index Future .......   Sept. 2000     $734         $(7)


                                           Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Purchased                                     Date      at Value       Loss
- ---------                                  ----------  ----------  ------------
42 contracts
 S&P 500 Index Futures .................   Sept. 2000   $15,415       $(290)


                                           Expiration    Amount     Unrealized
Sold                                          Date      at Value       Loss
- ----                                       ----------  ----------  ------------
64 contracts
 U.S. 5 Year Treasury Note Future ......   Sept. 2000    $6,337        $(12)
21 contracts
 U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note Future .....   Sept. 2000     2,068         (26)
                                                       ----------  -----------
                                                         $8,405        $(38)
                                                       ----------  -----------

- --------
74 contracts
 Germany 10 Year Treasury Note Future ..   Sept. 2000   $ 7,423    $  (41)
21 contracts
 Germany 5 Year Treasury Note Future ...   Sept. 2000     2,069        (1)
                                                          9,492       (42)
                                                        $17,897    $  (80)
                                                       ========    =======

  At June 30, 2000, the International Equity Index, Large Cap Value CORE and
Small/Mid Cap CORE portfolios had deposited $30, $80 and $135, respectively, in
a segregated account to cover margin requirements on open financial futures

  Forward Foreign Currency Contracts: The Fund may use forward foreign currency
contracts to facilitate transactions in foreign securities and to manage a
Portfolio's currency exposure.  Contracts to buy generally are used to acquire
exposure to foreign currencies, while contracts to sell are used to hedge the
Portfolio's investments against currency fluctuations.  Neither type of foreign
currency transaction will eliminate fluctuations in the prices of the
Portfolio's securities or prevent loss if the price of such securities should
decline.  The U.S. dollar value of a forward foreign currency contract is
determined using forward exchange rates supplied by a quotation service.
 Realized gain (loss) on the purchases and sales of forward foreign currency
contracts is recognized on settlement date.

   Currency Translation: For Portfolios that trade in international securities:
 all assets or liabilities initially expressed in terms of foreign currencies
are translated into U.S. dollars based on London currency exchange quotations



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


as of 5:00 p.m., London time, on the date of any determination of the net asset
value of the Fund.  Unrealized exchange adjustments are included in unrealized
appreciation (depreciation) of investments.  Transactions affecting statement of
operations accounts and net realized gain (loss) on investments are translated
at the rates prevailing at the dates of transactions.

  Reported net realized gains and losses on foreign currency transactions
represent net gains and losses from sales and maturities of forward foreign
currency contracts, disposition of foreign currencies, currency gains and losses
realized between trade and settlement dates of security transactions, and the
difference between the amounts of net investment income accrued and the U.S.
dollar amount actually received.

  Dividends: A dividend of its net investment income will be declared and
distributed daily by the Money Market Portfolio.  Dividends of net investment
income will be declared and distributed monthly by all other Portfolios.  Each
Portfolio will distribute all of its net realized capital gains annually, at the
end of its fiscal year.

  Federal Income Taxes: Each of the Portfolios of the Fund intends to comply
with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to
regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its
taxable income to shareholders.  Therefore, no federal income tax provision is

  As of December 31, 1999, the Fund had approximate net tax basis capital loss
carryforwards, which may be applied against any net taxable gains, as follows:
Active Bond had $21,049, which expires in 2007; International Opportunities II
had $281, which expires in 2006; Money Market had $14, which expires in 2007;
Mid Cap Value had $8,121, which expires in 2006 and $1,558, which expires in
2007; Bond Index had $158, which expires in 2007; Small/Mid Cap CORE had $25,
which expires in 2006; Real Estate Equity had $4,280, which expires in 2007;
Short-Term Bond had $131, which expires in 2006 and $1,304, which expires in
2007; Small Cap Value had $1,445, which expires in 2006; High Yield Bond had
$276, which expires in 2007; and Global Bond had $1,234, which expires in 2007.


  Expenses: Expenses directly attributable to a Portfolio are charged to that
Portfolio.  Expenses not directly attributed to a Portfolio are allocated on the
basis of relative net assets.

  On February 16, 2000, the Board of Trustees of the Fund renewed its Investment
Advisory Agreement with John Hancock. For its services, John Hancock receives
monthly compensation at the following rates:

     For the Growth & Income, Active Bond and Money Market Portfolios, 0.25% on
  an annual basis of the net assets of each Portfolio;

     For the Large Cap Growth and Managed Portfolios, 0.40% on an annual basis
  of the first $500,000 of the net assets of each Portfolio; 0.35% for net
  assets between $500,000 and $1,000,000; and 0.30% for net assets in excess of

     For the Real Estate Equity Portfolio, 1.10% on an annual basis of the first
  $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets, 1.00% for net assets between $50,000
  and $100,000; 0.90% for net assets between $100,000 and $200,000 and 0.80% for
  net assets in excess of $200,000;

     For the International Equity Index Portfolio, 0.18% on an annual basis of
  the first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.15% for net assets between
  $100,000 and $200,000; and 0.11% for net assets in excess of $200,000;

     For the Small/Mid Cap Growth and Mid Cap Blend Portfolios, 0.75% on an
  annual basis of the first $250,000 of the net assets of each Portfolio; 0.70%
  for net assets between $250,000 and $500,000; and 0.65% for net assets in
  excess of $500,000;

     For the Large Cap Value Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis of the first
  $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.70% for net assets between $100,000
  and $250,000; and 0.65% for net assets in excess of $250,000;

     For the American Leaders Large Cap Value Portfolio, 0.80% on an annual
  basis of the first $50,000 of the



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

AFFILIATES -- Continued

  Portfolio's net assets; 0.65% for the net assets between $50,000 and $250,000;
  0.60% for the net assets between $250,000 and $500,000; and 0.55% for net
  assets in excess of $500,000;

     For the Short-Term Bond Portfolio, 0.30% on an annual basis of its net

     For the Small Cap Growth Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis of its net

     For the Mid Cap Growth Portfolio, 0.85% on an annual basis of the first
  $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; and 0.80% on an annual basis for net
  assets in excess of $100,000;

     For the Mid Cap Value Portfolio, 0.80% on an annual basis of the first
  $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.775% for net assets between $100,000
  and $250,000; and 0.75% for net assets between $250,000 and $500,000; 0.725%
  for net assets between $500,000 and $750,000; and 0.70% for all its net assets
  once its net assets exceed $750,000;

     For the Small Cap Value Portfolio, 0.80% on an annual basis of the first
  $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.75% for net assets between $100,000
  and $200,000; and 0.65% for net assets in excess of $200,000;

     For the Equity Index Portfolio, 0.15% on an annual basis of the first
  $75,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.14% for net assets between $75,000
  and $125,000; and 0.13% for the net assets in excess of $125,000;

     For the Small/Mid Cap CORE Portfolio, 0.80% on an annual basis of the first
  $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; and 0.70% for net assets in excess of

     For the International Opportunities II Portfolio, 1.00% on an annual basis
  of the first $20,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; voted on June 7, 0.85% for
  net assets between $20,000 and $30,000; and 0.75% for net assets in excess of

     For the Core Bond Portfolio, 0.70% on an annual basis of the first $25,000
  of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.65% for the net assets between $25,000 and
  $50,000; 0.60% for the net assets between $50,000 and $150,000; 0.55% for the
  net assets in excess of $150,000;

     For the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio, 1.30% on an annual basis of the
  first $10,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 1.20% for net assets between
  $10,000 and $150,000; and 1.10% for net assets in excess of $150,000;

     For the Bond Index Portfolio, 0.15% on an annual basis of the first
  $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.13% for net assets between $100,000
  and $250,000; and 0.11% for net assets in excess of $250,000;

     For the High Yield Bond Portfolio, 0.65% on an annual basis of the first
  $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.60% for net assets between $100,000
  and $200,000; and 0.50% for net assets in excess of $200,000;

     For the Global Bond Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis of the first
  $25,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.65% for net assets between $25,000
  and $75,000; 0.55% for net assets between $75,000 and 150,000; and 0.50% for
  the net assets in excess of $150,000;

     For the International Opportunities Portfolio, 1.00% on an annual basis of
  the first $20,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.85% for net assets between
  $20,000 and $50,000; and 0.75% for net assets in excess of $50,000;

     For the International Balanced Portfolio, 0.85% on an annual basis of the
  first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; and 0.70% for net assets in
  excess of $100,000;

     For the Fundamental Mid Cap Growth Portfolio, 0.85% on an annual basis of
  the first $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.80% for net assets between
  $50,000 and $100,000; 0.75% for net assets between $100,000 and $150,000; and
  0.70% for net assets in excess of $150,000;

     For the Aggressive Balanced Portfolio, 0.675% on an annual basis of the
  first $250,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.625% for net assets between
  $250,000 and $500,000; and 0.60% for net assets in excess of $500,000;



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

AFFILIATES -- Continued

     For the International Equity Portfolio, 1.0% on an annual basis of the
  first $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.95% for net assets between
  $50,000 and $200,000; and 0.90% for net assets in excess of $200,000;

     For the Large Cap Value CORE Portfolio, 0.75% on an annual basis for the
  first $50,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.65% for net assets between
  $50,000 and $200,000; and 0.60% in excess of $200,000;

     For the Large/Mid Cap Value Portfolio, 0.95% on an annual basis for the
  first $25,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.85% for net assets between
  $25,000 and $50,000; 0.75% for net assets between $50,000 and $100,000; and
  0.65% for net assets in excess of $100,000;

     For the Large Cap Aggressive Growth Portfolio, 1.0% on an annual basis for
  the first $10,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.875% for net assets between
  $10,000 and $20,000; 0.75% for net assets in excess of $20,000;

     For the Small/Mid Cap Value Portfolio, 0.95% on an annual basis for the
  first $100,000 of the Portfolio's net assets; 0.90% for net assets between
  $100,000 and $250,000; 0.85% for net assets in excess of $250,000.

  John Hancock has entered into Sub-Advisory Agreements with Independence
Investment Associates, Inc., with respect to the Large Cap Growth, Aggressive
Balanced, Mid Cap Blend, Real Estate Equity, Growth & Income, Managed and
Short-Term Bond; with Independence International Associates, Inc., with respect
to the International Equity Index Portfolio; with John Hancock Advisers, Inc.,
with respect to the Active Bond and Small Cap Growth Portfolios, each of whom is
an affiliate of John Hancock, and under the supervision of John Hancock, is
responsible for the day-to-day investment management of each of the Portfolios.
John Hancock maintains responsibility for the day-to-day management of the
Money Market Portfolio.

  John Hancock has also entered into the Sub-Advisory Agreements with T. Rowe
Price Associates, Inc., with respect to the Large Cap Value Portfolio; with Rowe
Price-Fleming International, Inc., with respect to the International
Opportunities and International Opportunities II Portfolios; with Janus Capital
Corporation, with respect to the Mid Cap Growth Portfolio; with Neuberger
Berman, LLC, with respect to the Mid Cap Value Portfolio; with INVESCO
Management & Research, Inc., with respect to the Small Cap Value Portfolio; with
J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc., with respect to the Global Bond
Portfolio; with Brinson Partners, Inc., with respect to the Global Balanced
Portfolio; with State Street Global Bank & Trust N.A., with respect to the
Equity Index Portfolio; with Goldman Sachs Asset Management, with respect to the
International Equity, Large Cap Value CORE and Small/Mid Cap CORE Portfolios;
with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management, Inc., with respect to the
Emerging Markets Equity and Real Estate Equity Portfolios; with Mellon Bond
Associates, LLP, with respect to the Bond Index Portfolio; with Wellington
Management Company, LLP, with respect to the Large/Mid Cap Value, Small/Mid Cap
Growth and High Yield Bond Portfolios; with Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. with respect
to the Fundamental Mid Cap Growth Portfolio; with Alliance Capital Management,
LLP, with respect to the Large Cap Aggressive Growth Portfolio; and with The
Boston Company Asset Management, LLC, with respect to the Small/Mid Cap Value
Portfolio; each of whom under the supervision of John Hancock, is responsible
for the day-to-day investment management of each of the Portfolios.

  Signator Investors, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of John Hancock is the
principal underwriter and transfer agent of the Fund.  Certain officers and
trustees of the Fund are officers and directors of JHVLICO, JHVLAU, JHVLAV,
also officers of John Hancock.  Fees for independent trustees are paid by the

  In the event that normal operating expenses of each Portfolio, exclusive of
investment advisory fees, taxes, interest, brokerage commissions and
extraordinary expenses, shall exceed 0.10% of each Portfolio's daily net asset
value, John Hancock and JHVLICO will reimburse each Portfolio for such excess.
Accordingly, for the period ended June 30, 2000, the reimbursements paid from
John Hancock and JHVLICO were $2 to Fundamental Mid Cap Growth, $10 to



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)

AFFILIATES -- Continued

Aggressive Balanced, $250 to Emerging Markets Equity, $105 to International
Equity Index, $23 to International Opportunities II, $26 to International
Equity, $39 to International Balanced, $19 to Mid Cap Blend, $28 to Large Cap
Value CORE, $11 to Large/Mid Cap Value, $17 to Small/Mid Cap Growth, $36 to Bond
Index, $6 to Large Cap Aggressive Growth, $37 to Small/Mid Cap CORE, $13
Small/Mid Cap Value, $4 to Small Cap Value, $78 to International Opportunities,
$29 to High Yield Bond and $4 to Global Bond.



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


  Purchases and proceeds from sales and maturities of investments, excluding
short-term securities, for each Portfolio for the period ended June 30, 2000
were as follows:

                                                                    Sales and
                                                       Purchases    Maturities
                                                       ---------    ----------

Large Cap Growth ..............................      $  783,869     $  752,688
Fundamental Mid Cap Growth ....................          29,939        145,685
Aggressive Balanced ...........................          50,020         12,398
Active Bond ...................................         917,035        950,528
CORE Bond .....................................           4,847           None
Emerging Markets Equity .......................          43,946         23,705
International Equity Index ....................          14,434         11,149
International Opportunities II ................          22,789         19,254
International Equity ..........................           8,789          6,343
Small Cap Growth ..............................         244,738        140,227
International Balanced ........................          26,660         25,935
Mid Cap Growth ................................         590,319        463,638
Mid Cap Blend .................................           9,143          5,969
Large Cap Value ...............................          46,769         39,157
Large Cap Value CORE ..........................           7,449          3,256
Large/Mid Cap Value ...........................           5,696          3,194
Money Market ..................................            None           None
Mid Cap Value .................................          87,817         86,642
Small/Mid Cap Growth ..........................          83,988         93,860
Bond Index ....................................          12,740          5,022
Large Cap Aggressive Growth ...................          16,266          6,789
Small/Mid Cap CORE ............................          11,964          3,996
Small/Mid Cap Value ...........................          10,972          7,527
Real Estate Equity ............................          23,231         20,671
Growth & Income ...............................       1,845,146      2,079,783
Managed .......................................       3,296,775      3,450,219
Short-Term Bond ...............................          18,123         14,498
Small Cap Value ...............................          43,419         39,824
International Opportunities ...................          46,538         20,381
Equity Index ..................................         124,872         71,289
High Yield Bond ...............................           9,072          2,691
Global Bond ...................................          69,624         77,336



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)


  The identified cost of investments owned for each Portfolio (including earned
discount on corporate short-term notes, and commercial paper) and their
respective gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation at June 30, 2000 for
federal income tax purposes are as follows:

                                                                 Net Unrealized
                        Identified   Unrealized    Unrealized    Appreciation/
                           Cost     Appreciation  Depreciation   (Depreciation)
                        ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------

Large Cap Growth ...... $1,154,089   $  374,071    $  (43,691)     $  330,379
Fundamental Mid Cap
 Growth ...............     22,174        5,942          (796)          5,145
Aggressive Balanced ...     13,569        1,335          (642)            693
Active Bond ...........    776,877        6,492       (18,249)        (11,757)
Core Bond .............      4,847         None            (6)             (6)
Emerging Markets
 Equity ...............     46,820        4,808        (4,677)           (130)
International Equity
 Index ................    189,149       59,457       (19,808)         39,650
 Opportunities II .....     24,986        2,236        (1,171)          1,064
International Equity ..     13,166        1,615          (634)            981
Small Cap Growth ......    238,508       67,564       (22,372)         45,192
International Balanced      29,322        1,667        (1,513)            155
Mid Cap Growth ........    473,175      106,800       (54,068)         52,731
Mid Cap Blend .........      8,955        1,229          (484)            745
Large Cap Value .......    157,006       10,316       (15,583)         (5,267)
Large Cap Value CORE ..     10,609          585          (985)           (400)
Large/Mid Cap Value ...      8,258          560          (637)            (77)
Money Market ..........    416,264         None          None            None
Mid Cap Value .........     90,206        9,930        (4,194)         (5,736)
Small/Mid Cap Growth ..    162,267       30,340       (13,863)         16,477
Bond Index ............     46,923          124        (1,772)         (1,648)
Large Cap Aggressive
 Growth ...............     22,281        3,589        (1,166)          2,423
Small/Mid Cap CORE ....     14,900        2,927        (1,450)          1,477
Small/Mid Cap Value ...      9,633          967          (590)            377
Real Estate Equity ....     64,263        7,840        (2,248)          5,592
Growth & Income .......  3,183,516      946,769      (193,404)        753,365
Managed ...............    849,123      501,163      (119,757)        381,406
Short-Term Bond .......     69,580           47        (1,190)         (1,144)
Small Cap Value .......     71,814        5,698        (7,379)         (1,681)
 Opportunities ........     83,887       18,764        (3,637)         15,128
Equity Index ..........    437,541      120,002       (36,085)         83,916
High Yield Bond .......     25,505          373        (2,091)         (1,718)
Global Bond ...........     61,870          421        (2,021)         (1,600)

  The aggregate cost of each Portfolio's investments was substantially the same
for the book and federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 1999.


  As of June 30, 2000 the International Equity Index, Global Balanced, Managed
and Global Bond Portfolios had open forward foreign currency contracts which
contractually obligate the Portfolio to deliver or receive currencies at a
specified date, as follows:



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)



                                                                 Net Unrealized
                                 Maturity                        Appreciation/
      Currency Purchased           Date       Cost      Value    (Depreciation)
- -----------------------------------  --------  ------  ------  ----------------
Euro Dollar .............     1,096   9/15/00  $1,058  $1,051    $    (7)
Japanese Yen  ...........   154,376   9/14/00   1,486   1,475        (11)
Pound Sterling  .........       654   9/15/00     985     991          6
                                                                 $   (12)


                                                                Net Unrealized
                                     Maturity                   Appreciation/
           Currency Sold               Date     Cost   Value    (Depreciation)
- -----------------------------------  --------  ------  ------  ----------------
Canadian Dollar .........       450  09/27/00  $  307  $  305   $      3
Danish Krone  ...........     4,800  09/27/00     632     616         16
Japanese Yen ............   193,000  09/27/00   1,855   1,848          7
Pound Sterling ..........     1,750  09/27/00   2,721   2,652         69
Swedish Krona ...........     9,000  09/27/00   1,053   1,027         26
Swiss Franc .............       350  09/27/00     205     216        (12)
Euro Dollar .............     1,900  09/27/00   1,821   1,824         (3)
        Currency Purchased
- -----------------------------------
Australian Dollar .......     3,100  09/27/00   1,847   1,857         10
Euro Dollar .............     6,850  09/27/00   6,586   6,575        (11)
Japanese Yen ............    12,000  09/27/00     120     115         (5)
Danish Krone ............     2,600  09/27/00     313     334         21
Swedish Krona ...........     7,200  09/27/00     837     822        (16)
Swiss Franc .............       800  09/27/00     491     494          3
                                                                $    108



June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(000's Omitted)



                                                                 Net Unrealized
                                   Maturity                      Appreciation/
          Currency Sold              Date     Cost     Value     (Depreciation)
- ---------------------------------  --------  -------  --------  ----------------
Australian Dollar ...       2,623  10/04/00  $ 1,501  $  1,571      $   (71)
Canadian Dollar .....      13,227  10/04/00    8,810     8,959         (149)
Danish Krone ........      25,979  10/04/00    3,182     3,335         (153)
Euro Dollar .........     107,569  10/04/00   98,617   103,299       (4,682)
Euro Dollar .........      30,379  10/05/00   29,084    29,174          (90)
Euro Dollar .........      24,675  10/06/00   22,590    23,698       (1,108)
Japanese Yen ........   9,095,320  10/04/00   86,637    87,205         (568)
Japanese Yen ........   2,366,167  10/05/00   22,590    22,691         (101)
Japanese Yen ........   3,967,994  10/06/00   37,650    38,059         (409)
Pound Sterling ......      17,671  10/06/00   26,423    26,787         (364)
Pound Sterling ......      11,156  10/04/00   16,484    16,910         (426)
Swedish Krona .......      33,457  10/04/00    3,679     3,820         (140)
Swiss Franc .........      64,271  10/04/00   22,590    23,769       (1,179)
Swiss Franc .........      25,843  10/04/00   15,650    15,984         (334)
       Currency Purchased
- ---------------------------------
Euro Dollar ........       37,572  10/05/00   36,168    36,083          (85)
Euro Dollar ........       24,317  10/06/00   22,590    23,355          765
Japanese Yen .......    4,550,340  10/05/00   43,842    43,636         (206)
Japanese Yen .......    3,942,972  10/06/00   37,650    37,819          169
Pound Sterling .....       17,421  10/06/00   26,423    26,409          (15)
Swiss Franc ........       48,959  10/05/00   29,818    30,281          463
Swiss Franc ........       37,723  10/06/00   22,590    23,333          743

                                                                Net Unrealized
                                   Maturity                     Appreciation/
          Currency Sold              Date     Cost     Value    (Depreciation)
- ---------------------------------  --------  -------  -------  ----------------
Canadian Dollar ...         1,796  07/11/00  $ 1,207  $ 1,214      $    (7)
Euro Dollar .......        23,476  07/11/00   21,082   22,429       (1,346)
       Currency Purchased
- ---------------------------------
Euro Dollar ......          6,894  07/11/00    6,555    6,586           31


                             Officers and Trustees

                         Michele G. Van Leer, Chairman
                   Thomas J. Lee, President and Vice Chairman
                          Karen Q. Visconti, Secretary
                      Arnold Bergman, Assistant Secretary
                          Raymond F. Skiba, Treasurer
                      Maryellen Maurer, Compliance Officer
                          Patrick F. Smith, Controller
                     Paula M. Pashko, Assistant Controller
                               Elizabeth G. Cook
                            Reverend Diane C. Kessler
                              Hassell H. McClellan
                               Robert F. Verdonck

                               Investment Adviser

                      John Hancock Life Insurance Company
                               John Hancock Place
                                  P.O. Box 111
                                Boston, MA 02117

                              Independent Auditors

                               Ernst & Young LLP
                              200 Clarendon Street
                                Boston, MA 02116

                            SUB-INVESTMENT ADVISERS

           Independence Investment Associates, Inc. and subsidiaries
                                53 State Street
                                Boston, MA 02109

                        Alliance Capital Management L.P.
                          1345 Avenue of the Americas
                               New York, NY 10105

                    The Boston Company Asset Management, LLC
                            One Boston Place
                                Boston, MA 02108

                             Brinson Partners, Inc.
                           209 South La Salle Street
                             Chicago, IL 60604-1295

                    Federated Investment Management Company
                        1001 Liberty Avenue, 10th Floor
                              Pittsburgh, PA 15222

                         Goldman Sachs Asset Management
                                  32 Old Slip
                               New York, NY 10005

                                 INVESCO, Inc.
                               101 Federal Street
                                Boston, MA 02110

                     J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.
                                522 Fifth Avenue
                               New York, NY 10036

                              100 Fillmore Street
                             Denver, CO 80206-4928

                           Mellon Bond Associates, LLP
                       One Mellon Bank Center, Suite 5400
                           Pittsburgh, PA 15258-0001

                           John Hancock Advisers, Inc.
                             101 Huntington Avenue
                                Boston, MA 02199

                    Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
                          1221 Avenue of the Americas
                               New York, NY 10020

                              Neuberger Berman, LLC
                                605 Third Avenue
                            New York, NY 10158-3698

                             OppenheimerFunds, Inc.
                             Two World Trade Center
                            New York, NY 10048-0203

                     Rowe Price-Fleming International, Inc.
                             100 East Pratt Street
                              Baltimore, MD 21202

                          State Street Global Advisors
                            Two International Place
                                Boston, MA 02110

                         T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
                             100 East Pratt Street
                              Baltimore, MD 21202

                       Wellington Management Company, LLP
                                75 State Street
                                Boston, MA 02109

                            [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK]

The Variable Series Trust consists of 33 funds used as investment options for
various John Hancock variable life and variable annuity contracts. This report
must be accompanied by the required prospectus and the most current quarterly
performance report for the contract offered. Investors are not able to invest
directly in the Variable Series Trust.

Not all of the funds described in this report are available on every product.
Please refer to the prospectus for additional information about the investment
options on your variable product.

                      John Hancock Life Insurance Company
    John Hancock Variable Life Insurance Company (not licensed in New York)
                   Signator Investors Inc., Member NASD, SIPC
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02117

S8128 7/00                                       [LOGO OF INSURANCE MARKETPLACE
                                                 STANDARDS ASSOCIATION]

                            [LOGO OF JOHN HANCOCK]

The Variable Series Trust consists of 33 funds used as investment options for
various John Hancock variable life and variable annuity contracts. This report
must be accompanied by the required prospectus and the most current quarterly
performance report for the contract offered. Investors are not able to invest
directly in the Variable Series Trust.

Not all of the funds described in this report are available on every product.
Please refer to the prospectus for additional information about the investment
options on your variable product.

                      John Hancock Life Insurance Company
    John Hancock Variable Life Insurance Company (not licensed in New York)
                   Signator Investors Inc., Member NASD, SIPC
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02117


S8128FI  7/00


        Set forth below are financial statements that show approximately what
effect the proposed combination of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund
would have had in recent reporting periods.

        The first table shows the effect the combination would have had on the
applicable statement of assets and liabilities as of June 30, 2000. Following
this table is a related Schedule of Investments that provides further detail as
to the effect of the combination on individual investments held by the Funds.

        The next table shows the effect that the combination would have had on
the applicable statement of operations for the six months ended June 30, 2000 if
the combination of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund had taken place at
the beginning of that period.

        The last table shows the effect that the combination would have had on
the applicable statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 1999 if
the combination of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund had taken place at
the beginning of that period.

        Each of the following tables first gives the actual historical
information for the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund separately. Each table
then shows the estimated adjustments (if any) to that information that would
have been necessary to more accurately reflect what the financial results would
have been if the Funds had been combined during the whole period shown. Finally,
each table gives aggregate numbers that show the Funds' combined information,
after making any such adjustments.


June 30, 2000

(000's Omitted)                                                                                          Pro-Forma
                                                    International     International                       Combined
                                                   Opportunities II   Opportunities                    International
                                                    (Acquired Fund) (Acquiring Fund)   Adjustments     Opportunities
                                                   ---------------- ----------------   -----------     -------------
Long Term Investments at cost                         $    23,392      $    83,210                     $      106,60
Net unrealized appreciation
   (depreciation) of investments                            1,064           15,128                            16,192
Short-Term Investments at Market                            1,862            3,349                             5,211
                                                      -----------      -----------                     -------------
             Total Investments                             26,318          101,687                           128,005

Cash                                                        1,587              649                             2,236
Receivable for:
   Fund Shares Sold                                           494              141                               635
   Dividends                                                   44              154                               198
   Unrealized appreciation in forward
       foreign currency contracts                              14                                                 14
                                                      -----------      -----------                     -------------
               TOTAL ASSETS                           $    28,457          102,631                           131,088

Payables for:
   Investments purchased                                    2,340              123                             2,463
   Unrealized appreciation in forward
       foreign currency contracts                                                2                                 2

   Other liabilities                                           15               64                                79
                                                      -----------      -----------      ---------      -------------
           TOTAL LIABILITIES                                2,355              189              0              2,544
                                                      -----------      -----------      ---------      -------------
NET ASSETS                                            $    26,102      $   102,442      $       0      $     128,544
                                                      ===========      ===========      =========      =============

Shares of beneficial interest
   outstanding                                              2,174            7,048                             8,847
                                                      -----------      -----------                     -------------
Net asset value per share                             $     12.00      $     14.53                     $       14.53
                                                      ===========      ===========                     =============

Composition of net assets:
   Capital Paid in                                         22,556           85,224                           107,780
   Accumulated net realized gain
       (loss) on investments                                2,453            2,111                             4,564
   Undistributed net investment Income                         15              (19)                               (4)
   Net unrealized appreciation/
       (depreciation) of:
       Investments                                          1,064           15,128                            16,192
       Foreign currency translation                            14               (2)                               12
                                                      -----------      -----------      ---------      -------------
Net Assets                                            $    26,102      $   102,442              0      $     128,544
                                                      ===========      ===========      =========      =============

See the notes to these pro-forma financial statements, as well as the notes to
the financial statements in the Trust's Annual Report to Shareholders for the
year ended December 31, 1999 and in the Trust's Semi-annual Report to
Shareholders for the six months ended June 30, 2000.


Six-Month Ended, June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(000's Omitted)                                                                                        Pro-Forma
                                              International        International                       International
                                            Opportunities II       Opportunities                       Opportunities
                                            (Acquired Fund)      (Acquiring Fund)     Adjustment       Opportunities
                                            ----------------     ----------------     ----------       -------------
  Interest                                     $          45       $          157      $               $         202
  Dividends(Note B)                                      392                  690                              1,082
  Securities Lending                                                           22                                 22
                                            ----------------     ----------------     ----------       -------------
                                                         437                  869              0               1,306
  Investment advisory fee
  (Note C)                                               109                  397            (18) (a)            488
  Auditors fees                                            1                    3                                  4
  Custodian Fees                                          33                  105            (55) (b)             83
  Fidelity Bond Fees
  Legal Fees                                                                    1                                  1
  Printing & mailing fees                                  1                   15                                 16
  Trustees Fees                                                                 1                                  1
                                            ----------------     ----------------     ----------       -------------
                                                         144                  522            (73)                593
  Less expenses reimbursed
     (Note C)                                             23                   78             46                  55
                                            ----------------     ----------------     ----------       -------------
                                                         121                  444           (119)                538
                                            ----------------     ----------------     ----------       -------------
Net Investment Income/(Loss)                             316                  425             73                 814
    Net realized gain (loss) on
     sales of investments.                             2,798                2,219                              5,017
  Increase in unrealized appreciation
     appreciation/(depreciation) of:
    Investments                                       (3,120)              (6,402)                            (9,522)
    Foreign currency translation                          14                    2                                 16
                                            ----------------     ----------------     ----------       -------------

    Net realized and unrealized
        Gain on investments                             (308)              (4,181)             0              (4,489)
                                            ----------------     ----------------     ----------       -------------

    Net increase in net
        assets resulting from
        operations.                            $           8       $       (3,756)    $       73       $      (3,675)
                                            ================     ================     ==========       =============

See the notes to these pro-forma
financial statements, as well as
the notes to the financial statements
in the Trust's Annual Report to
Shareholders for the year ended
December 31, 1999 and in the Trust's
Semi-annual Report to Shareholders for
the six months ended June 30, 2000.

(a) Represents a reduction in investment
advisory fees due to increased net
assets as a result of the merger. Per the
investment advisory agreement, the
portfolios are charged a reduced rate as
net assets reach predetermined

(b) Represents a reduction in custodian
fees (trading, foreign subcustodian,
pricing and out of pocket fees) due to
economies of scale achieved by merger.


Year Ended December 31, 1999

(000's Omitted)
                                       International       International                    Pro-Forma
                                      Opportunities II     Opportunities                     Combined
                                       (The Acquired      (The Acquiring                   International
                                           Fund)               Fund)        Adjustments    Opportunities
                                      ----------------    --------------    -----------    -------------
    Interest                              $       43        $      114      $                       157
    Dividends(Note B)                            309             1,085                            1,394
                                          ----------        ----------      ----------         --------
                                                 352             1,199                            1,551
    Investment advisory fee (Note C)             159               582             (27) (a)         714
    Auditors fees                                  7                10                               17
    Custodian Fees                                78               160            (110) (b)         128
    Fidelity Bond Fees                                               1                                1
    Legal Fees                                                       1                                1
    Printing & mailing fees                                         16                               16
    Trustees Fees                                  2                 3                                5
                                          ----------        ----------      ----------         --------
                                                 246               773            (137)             882
    Less expenses reimbursed
        (Note C)                                  62                92             110               44
                                          ----------        ----------      ----------         --------
                                                 184               681             (27)             838
                                          ==========        ==========      ==========         ========

Net Investment Income                            168               518             137              823
     Net realized gain (loss) on
       sales of investments.                     (24)            4,853                            4,829
     Increase in unrealized appreciation
       appreciation/(depreciation) of:
      Investments                              4,008            15,077                           19,085
      Foreign currency translation                                  (7)                              (7)
                                          ----------        ----------      ----------         --------
      Net realized and unrealized
        Gain on investments                    3,984            19,923               0           23,907
                                          ----------        ----------      ----------         --------
      Net increase in net
        assets resulting from
        operations.                       $    4,152        $   20,441      $      137           24,730
                                          ==========        ==========      ==========         ========

See notes to these pro-forma financial statements, as well as the notes to the
financial statements in the Trust's Annual Report to Shareholders for the year
ended December 31, 1999 and in the Trust's Semi-annual Report to Shareholders
for the six months ended June 30, 2000.

(a) Represents a reduction in investment advisory fees due to increased net
assets as a result of the merger. Per the investment advisory agreement, the
portfolios are charged a reduced rate as net assets reach predetermined levels.

(b) Represents a reduction in custodian fees (trading, foreign subcustodian,
pricing and out of pocket fees) due to economies of scale achieved by merger.

Notes to Pro Forma Combining Financial Statements (unaudited)
(000's omitted)


    The John Hancock Variable Series Trust I (the "Trust") is a diversified
open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company
Act of 1940, as amended. The Trust is organized as a Massachusetts business
trust. The Trust consists of thirty-three portfolios (the "portfolios"). The
Trust has issued shares of beneficial interest exclusively to John Hancock
Variable Life Account U ("JHVLAU"), John Hancock Variable Life Account V
("JHVLAV"), John Hancock Variable Life Account S ("JHVLAS"), and John Hancock
Variable Annuity Account I ("JHVAAI") to fund policies and contracts issued by
the John Hancock Variable Life Insurance Company ("JHVLICO"), and to John
Hancock Variable Annuity Account U ("JHVAAU"), John Hancock Variable Annuity
Account V ("JHVAAV"), John Hancock Mutual Variable Life Insurance Account UV
("JHMVLAUV"), John Hancock Variable Annuity Account H ("JHVAAH"), and John
Hancock Variable Annuity Account JF ("JHVAAJF") to fund contracts and policies
issued by John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company ("John Hancock") and to
Investors Partner Life Account L ("IPLL") to fund contracts and policies issued
by Investors Partner Life ("IPL").

The pro forma statements give effect to the proposed transfer of substantially
all of the assets and stated liabilities of the International Opportunities II
Portfolio, one of the portfolios of the Trust, in exchange for Trust shares of
International Opportunities Portfolio, one of the portfolios of the Trust. The
unaudited Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Investments and the unaudited Pro
Forma Statement of Assets and Liabilities assumes the exchange of shares
occurred as of June 30, 2000 and the unaudited Pro Forma Combining Statement of
Operations assumes the exchange occurred as of January 1, 2000. These statements
have been derived from books and records utilized in calculating the net asset
value of each portfolio at June 30, 2000 and for the six-month period then
ended. Under generally accepted accounting principles, the historical cost of
investment securities will be carried forward to the surviving entity and the
results of operations of International Opportunities II Portfolio for
pre-combination periods will not be restated.

The Pro Forma Combining Financial Statements are presented for the information
of the reader and may not necessarily be representative of what the actual
combined financial statements would have been had the reorganization occurred at
June 30, 2000. The unaudited Pro Forma Combining Financial Statements should be
read in conjunction with the historical financial statements of the Trust
incorporated by reference in the Statement of Additional Information. The
Portfolios follow generally accepted accounting principles applicable to
management investment companies which are disclosed in the historical financial
statements of the Trust. The unaudited statement of assets and liabilities at
June 30, 2000 and the unaudited statement of operations for the six months then
ended reflect all adjustments which are, in the opinion of management, necessary
to a fair presentation. All of such adjustments were of a normal recurring

The pro forma statements give effect to the proposed transfer of substantially
all of the assets and stated liabilities of the International Opportunities II
Portfolio in exchange for shares of International Opportunities. Under generally
accepted accounting principles, the historical cost of investment securities
will be carried forward to the surviving entity and the results of operations of
International Opportunities II for pre-combination periods will not be restated.

To the extent the acquired portfolio has capital losses, they will be carried
forward to the acquiring portfolio. The acquiring portfolio will be able to use
these losses to offset future capital gains it realizes, subject to limitations,
and, thereby, minimize taxable gains to its shareholders.


    Estimates: The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

    Valuation of Investments: Investments in securities traded on national
securities exchanges in the United States or on equivalent foreign exchanges are
normally valued at the last quoted sales price on such exchanges as of the close
of business on the date of which assets are valued. Securities traded in the
over-the-counter market and securities traded with no sales on the day of
valuation are normally valued at their last available bid price. All Portfolio
securities initially expressed in terms of foreign currencies have been
translated into U.S. Dollars as described in "Currency Translation."

    Investment securities for which no current market quotations are readily
available, including certain foreign securities, when held by the portfolios,
are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Board of Trustees.

    Investment security transactions are recorded on the date of purchase or
sale. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is
recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income for International Opportunities
II and International Opportunities Portfolios are shown net of foreign taxes
withheld of $392 and $690, respectively. Realized gains and losses from security
transactions are determined on the basis of identified cost.

    Securities Lending: Certain portfolios (including International
Opportunities) may lend their securities to certain qualified brokers who pay
these portfolios negotiated lender fees. These fees are included in interest
income. The loans are collateralized at all times with cash or securities with a
market value at least equal to the market value of the securities on loan. As
with other extensions of credit, these portfolios may bear the risk of delay of
the loaned securities in recovery or even loss of rights in the collateral
should the borrower of the securities fail financially. At June 30, 2000, the
market value of the securities loaned and the market value of the collateral for
the International Opportunities Portfolio were as follows.

                                Value of Securities Loaned   Value of Collateral

International Opportunities             11,816                       12,124

    Repurchase Agreements: The portfolios of the Trust may enter into repurchase
agreements which are contracts under which a portfolio would acquire a security
for a relatively short period (usually not more than 7 days) subject to the
obligation of the seller to repurchase and the portfolio to resell such security
at a fixed time and price (representing the Portfolio's cost plus interest). A
portfolio will enter into repurchase agreements only with member banks of the
Federal Reserve System and with "primary dealers" in United States government
securities. The underlying securities, which represent the collateral of the
agreement, must be marked to market daily to ensure that each repurchase
agreement is fully collateralized at all times. A portfolio will not invest more
than 10% of its net assets in repurchase agreements maturing in more than 7

    Joint Trading Account: Pursuant to an Exemptive Order issued by the
Securities and Exchange Commission, the order permits the existing portfolios of
the Trust to pool daily uninvested cash balances, together with the balances of
any future portfolios of the Trust, into a joint account for the purpose of
investing the cash balances in short-term repurchase agreements, commercial
paper and other short-term investments which in no event will have a maturity in
excess of seven days. Joint Account holdings as of June 30, 2000:

                                                           Par       Market
Name of Issuer                                             Value     Value

American Express Co. 8.50% due 07/03/00                    $50,000   $50,000
Chevron USA, Inc. 7.72% due 07/03/00                       $45,404   $45,404
DaimlerChrysler Holdings Corp. 8.50% due 07/05/00          $50,000   $49,981
Deere & Co. 7.35% due 07/05/00                             $43,218   $43,202
Exxon Asset Management Co. 8.50% due 07/06/00              $50,000   $49,972
Ford Credit Europe PLC. 8.50% due 07/03/00                 $50,000   $50,000
General Electric Cap. Corp. 8.50% due 07/06/00             $50,000   $49,972
Household Finance Corp. 8.49% due 07/07/00                 $49,996   $49,959
Norwest Finl., Inc. 8.49% due 07/07/00                     $50,000   $49,963
Prudential FDG Corp. 8.50% due 07/03/00                    $50,000   $50,000
Texaco, Inc. 8.50% due 07/05/00                            $50,000   $49,981
UBS Fin., Inc. 4.27% due 07/05/00                          $25,100   $25,090
UBS Fin., Inc. 4.19% due 07/06/00                          $24,666   $24,652
     Joint  Trading Account Totals                         $588,384  $588,176

    Forward Foreign Currency Contracts:The Trust may use forward foreign
currency contracts to facilitate transactions in foreign securities and to
manage a portfolio's currency exposure. Contracts to buy generally are used to
acquire exposure to foreign currencies, while contracts to sell are used to
hedge the portfolio's investments against currency fluctuations. Neither type of
foreign currency transaction will eliminate fluctuations in the prices of the
portfolio's securities or prevent loss if the price of such securities should
decline. The U.S. dollar value of a forward foreign currency contract is
determined using forward exchange rates supplied by a quotation service.
Realized gain (loss) on the purchases and sales of forward foreign currency
contracts is recognized on settlement date.

     Currency Translation: For portfolios that trade in international
securities: all assets or liabilities initially expressed in terms of foreign
currencies are translated into U.S. dollars based on London currency exchange
quotations as of 5:00 p.m., London time, on the date of any determination of the
net asset value of the portfolio. Unrealized exchange adjustments are included
in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments. Transactions affecting
statement of operations accounts and net realized gain (loss) on investments are
translated at the rates prevailing at the dates of transactions.

    Reported net realized gains and losses on foreign currency transactions
represent net gains and losses from sales and maturities of forward foreign
currency contracts, disposition of foreign currencies, currency gains and losses
realized between trade and settlement dates of security transactions, and the
difference between the amounts of net investment income accrued and the U.S.
dollar amount actually received.

    Dividends: Dividends of net investment income will be declared and
distributed monthly for the International Opportunities Portfolio and the
International Opportunities II Portfolio. Each portfolio will distribute all of
its net realized capital gains annually, at the end of its fiscal year.

    Federal Income Taxes: Each of the Portfolios of the Trust intends to comply
with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to
regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its
taxable income to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is

    As of December 31, 1999, the International Opportunities II Portfolio had
approximate net tax basis capital loss carryforwards, which may be applied
against any net taxable gains, of $281, which expires in 2006.


The historical investment advisory fee for International Opportunities has not
been restated to reflect a .10% per annum increase effective November 1, 2000.
The pro-forma combined investment advisory fee does, in effect, reflect a
restatement to the higher fee rate. The pro-forma adjustment in investment
advisory fees results from the fact that the effect of such restatement is more
than offset by fee reductions due to the combined Fund's larger size. These fee
reductions are provided for in the applicable investment advisory agreements as
a Fund reaches specified levels ("break-points") of assets.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(UNAUDITED) June 30, 2000

   Name of Issuer                                          Shares      Market

Argentina - 0.1%
Telefonica de Argentina SA - ADR (UTIT)                     3,520         112

Australia - 2.1%
Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP)                           12,553         385
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (BANK)                      41,448         572
Lend Lease Corp. (FINL)                                    14,514         202
News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)                                    42,869         587
Publishing & Broadcasting, Ltd. (MEDP)                     44,083         339
TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS)                              26,585         153
Telstra Corp. * (TELS)                                     25,907          89
Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS)                                 64,000         259

Belgium - 0.6%
Dexia (BANK)                                                2,078         307
Fortis (B) (INSU)                                          14,840         431
UCB SA (HEAL)                                               1,180          43

Bermuda - 0.1%
Dao Heng Bank Group, Ltd. (BANK)                           46,000         204

Brazil - 1.4%
Aracruz Celulose SA - ADR (PAPR)                            5,200         101
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - ADR (META)                     6,300         177
Embratel Participacoes SA - ADR (UTIT)                      4,000          95
Tele Sudeste Celular Participacoes SA - ADR * (TELS)        2,271          69
Telecomicacoes de Sao Paulo (UTIT)                         11,358         210
Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras SA - ADR (UTIT)               11,358       1,103
Unibanco - Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros SA - GDR (BANK)      4,000         115

Canada - 1.6%
Alberta Energy, Ltd. (OILX)                                 1,200          49
Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. (META)                                 3,360         104
BCE, Inc. (TELS)                                            2,110          50
Canadian National Railway Co. (TRAN)                        7,000         204
Celestica, Inc. * (COMM)                                   11,322         562
MANULIFE Financial Corp. (INSU)                             8,600         152
NORTEL NETWORKS Corp. (TELE)                                9,393         652
Royal Bank of Canada (BANK)                                 1,540          79
Teleglobe, Inc. (TELS)                                      7,200         152

Denmark - 0.1%
Tele Danmark A/S (TELS)                                     2,070         139

Finland - 2.5%
Nokia Oyj (HEAL)                                           62,280       3,178

   France - 11.7%
   Alcatel (TELE)                                     23,480            1,540
   Altran Technologies, Inc. SA (AERO)                   950              186
   Aventis SA * (HEAL)                                 7,206              517
   AXA SA (INSU)                                       9,085            1,431
   Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK)                   11,780            1,133
   Canal Plus (MEDI)                                   2,043              344
   Cap Gemini SA (COMM)                                2,050              361
   Carrefour SA (RETF)                                 1,562              107
   Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS)                      1,990              269
   Groupe Danone (FOOD)                                  650               86
   Hermes International (RETS)                         1,430              193
   L'Oreal (HNBA)                                        165              143
   Lafarge SA (CONS)                                     606               47
   Legrand SA (ELEQ)                                   2,184              490
   Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (FOOD)                    756              312
   Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK)                            15,269            1,114
   Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL)                      18,188              867
   Schneider SA (MACH)                                 2,201              154
   Societe Generale - Cl. A (BANK)                     3,242              195
   Societe Television Francaise 1 (MEDI)              21,200            1,477
   Sodexho Alliance SA (LEIS)                            784              142
   STMICROELECTRONICS (ETRN)                          12,343              777
   Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX)                       10,398            1,594
   Vivendi (DIOP)                                     18,207            1,608

   Germany - 4.9%
   Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU)                            2,245              806
   Bayer AG (CHEM)                                     9,815              383
   Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK)                   12,991              839
   Deutsche Bank AG (BANK)                            10,034              825
   Deutsche Telekom AG (UTIT)                         11,615              663
   E.On AG (DIOP)                                      8,415              405
   Gehe AG (HEAL)                                      3,538              117
   Infineon Technologies AG (ETRN)                     8,454              667
   Rhoen-Klinikum AG (HEAL)                            1,390               55
   SAP AG (SOFT)                                       7,050            1,054
   Siemens AG (DIOP)                                   3,158              476

   Hong Kong - 2.7%
   Cable & Wireless HKT, Ltd. (TELS)                  82,800              183
   Cheung Kong (Holdings), Ltd. (READ)                48,000              528
   China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd. (TELS)            104,000              917
   China Unicom, Ltd. * (TELS)                       146,000              308
   Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd. (READ)        56,000              246
   Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM)                     64,900              816
   Pacific Century Cyberworks, Ltd. * (TELE)         167,000              330
   Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT)               13,000               93

   India - 1.0%
   Global Tele-Systems, Ltd. (TELE)                   11,000              330
   Hindustan Lever, Ltd. (HNBA)                        7,000              445
   ICICI , Ltd. (FINL)                                57,484              328
   Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, Ltd. (TELS)             40,000              192

Ireland - 0.2%
SmartForce Public Limited Co. - ADR (SOFT)                          4,946             237

Italy - 5.4%
Alleanza Assicurazioni (INSU)                                      34,000             453
Banca Intesa SpA (BANK)                                           249,353           1,117
Bipop-Carire SpA (BANK)                                            75,000             590
ENI SpA (OILS)                                                     88,784             513
Mediaset SpA (MEDI)                                                12,000             183
Mediolanum SpA (INSU)                                              30,655             498
San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK)                                            4,858              86
Tecnost SpA (COMP)                                                 49,800             188
Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS)                                  160,000           1,635
Telecom Italia SpA (TELS)                                          78,444           1,078
UniCredito Italiano SpA (BANK)                                    129,393             619

Japan - 19.6%
Bridgestone Corp. (PART)                                            8,000             169
Canon, Inc. (COMM)                                                 37,000           1,841
DDI Corp. (UTIT)                                                       30             288
East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN)                                          53             308
Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ)                                                  4,700             478
Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK)                                            104,000             791
Fuji Television Network, Inc. (MEDI)                                   42             657
Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ)                                               24,000             830
Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN)                                               13,000             187
Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS)                                         4,000             240
KAO Corp. (HNBA)                                                    8,000             244
Kokuyo Co. (COMM)                                                   8,000             131
Komori Corp. (MACH)                                                 1,000              18
Kyocera Corp. (ETRN)                                                9,500           1,611
Makita Corp. (CNSU)                                                10,000              95
Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS)                                             20,000             383
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN)                          46,000           1,192
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (REAL)                                    71,000             770
Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN)                              11,000           1,578
NEC Corp. (COMP)                                                   53,000           1,663
Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)                                   6,000              59
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT)                             139           1,847
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)                                 45,000           1,101
NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc. (TELS)                         40           1,082
Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL)                                            14,000             316
Seven-Eleven Japan (RETF)                                           8,000             669
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM)                                       8,000             405
Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM)                                          18,000             278
Softbank Corp. (BANK)                                               1,600             217
Sony Corp. (ETRN)                                                  16,000           1,493
Sumitomo Bank (BANK)                                               64,000             784
Sumitomo Corp. (DIOP)                                              29,000             327
Sumitomo Electric Industries (DIOP)                                10,000             171
TDK Corp. (COMP)                                                    3,000             431
Toshiba Corp. (ETRN)                                              122,000           1,376
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)                         21,000           1,147

Luxembourg - 0.1%
Society Europeenne des Satellites (MEDI)                457                   77

Mexico - 2.0%
Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV (FOOD)           59,000                  252
Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI)                     17,407                1,200
Grupo Iusacell SA de CV - ADR * (TELS)                7,000                  109
Telefonos de Mexico SA - ADR (UTIT)                  18,120                1,035

Netherlands - 6.3%
ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK)                            5,076                  124
Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM)                                  1,390                   59
ASM Lithography Holding NV (COMP)                    21,910                  942
CSM NV (FOOD)                                         4,986                   98
Equant (COMP)                                         4,075                  165
Fortis (NL) NV (INSU)                                21,010                  611
ING Groep NV (BANK)                                  21,970                1,485
Koninklije KPN NV (TELS)                              7,460                  334
Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (ETRN)            33,114                1,562
Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILE)                     13,230                  823
TNT Post Group NV (TRAN)                                790                   21
United Pan Europe (TELS)                              9,726                  254
VNU NV (MEDP)                                        25,170                1,300
Wolters Kluwer NV - CVA (MEDP)                       10,855                  289

New Zealand - 0.1%
Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd. (TELS)            46,000                  161

Norway - 0.2%
Orkla ASA (DIOP)                                     10,360                  197

Portugal - 0.1%
Jeronimo Martins, SGPS, SA (FOOD)                     7,183                  119

Singapore - 0.3%
United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK)                    60,072                  393

South Korea - 1.3%
Korea Telecom Corp. - ADR * (TELS)                    7,600                  368
Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. - ADR (STEE)            3,053                   73
Samsung Electronics (ETRN)                            3,830                1,267

South Africa - 0.2%
Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd. (PMET)            7,100                  205
Impala Platinum Holdings, Ltd. - ADR (META)           2,900                  108

Spain - 2.7%
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK)                       56,600                  846
Banco Santander Central Hispano SA (BANK)            57,529                  607
Endesa SA (UTIE)                                     31,668                  613
Repsol SA (OILX)                                     13,082                  260
Telefonica SA (UTIT)                                 55,589                1,194

Sweden - 2.8%
Atlas Copco AB (MACH)                                 2,330                   44
Electrolux AB - Ser. B (APPL)                         9,520                  147
Hennes & Mauritz AB - B Shares (RETS)                15,600                  325
Nordbanken Holding (BANK)                            69,614                  525
NORDIC BALTIC Holding (BANK)                         10,036                   73
SANDVIK AB (MACH)                                     2,580                   54
Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM)                       37,496                  795
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB * (TELS)          80,950                1,602

Switzerland - 4.1%
ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI)                                    5,507                  652
Adecco SA - Reg. (COMM)                               1,325                1,126
Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK)                     2,630                  523
Givaudan * (TELS)                                        16                    5
Nestle SA (FOOD)                                        686                1,373
Roche Holding AG (HEAL)                                  50                  487
Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT)                               739                  256
UBS AG (BANK)                                         5,872                  860

Taiwan - 0.1%
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. - GDR 144A (a)*  6,092                  154

United Kingdom - 19.8%
Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK)            13,000                     156
AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL)                      19,701                     920
Baltimore Technologies plc * (COMP)               39,000                     296
BG Group plc (UTIG)                               11,522                      74
BOC Group plc (CHEM)                              18,668                     268
BP Amoco plc (OILE)                               61,000                     585
British Telecommunications plc (TELS)             14,117                     182
Cable & Wireless plc (TELS)                       96,095                   1,627
Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD)                      54,200                     356
Carlton Communications plc (MEDI)                 21,280                     274
Celltech Group plc * (HEAL)                       16,000                     310
Centrica plc * (UTIG)                             23,900                      80
Compass Group plc (FOOD)                          90,000                   1,185
David S. Smith Holdings plc (PAPR)                15,000                      36
Diageo plc (FOOD)                                 63,512                     570
Electrocomponents plc (ETRN)                      13,000                     133
GKN plc (AUTO)                                     5,000                      64
Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL)                         81,500                   2,376
Hays plc (DIOP)                                    8,200                      46
Hilton Group plc (LEIS)                           20,000                      70
HSBC Holdings plc (BANK)                          26,800                     307
Kingfisher plc (RETS)                             53,000                     482
Marconi plc (TELE)                                35,600                     463
National Grid Group plc (UTIE)                    31,622                     249
National Power plc (UTIE)                         46,041                     293
Prudential Corp. (INSU)                           16,432                     241
Railtrack Group plc (TRAN)                        10,584                     164
Reed International plc (MEDP)                    131,000                   1,140
Reuters Group plc (BUSI)                          19,033                     325
Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP)                       40,381                     660
Royal Bank of Scotland Group (BANK)              144,347                   1,838
Scottish Power plc (UTIE)                         35,365                     300
Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX)         218,934                   1,827
SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL)                     99,884                   1,307
Standard Chartered (BANK)                         33,000                     411
Tesco plc (RETF)                                  70,900                     220
The Great Universal Stores plc (RETS)             40,897                     263
Tomkins plc (DIOP)                                86,496                     281
Unilever plc (CNSU)                               48,928                     297
United News & Media plc (MEDP)                    18,500                     265
Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS)                     822,404                   3,323
WPP Group plc * (COMM)                            79,000                   1,154

TOTAL COMMON STOCK-                                 94.1%     95.90      120,911

Australia - 0.7%
News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)                             79,247                   956

Brazil - 0.7%
Banco Itau SA (BANK)                               970,000                    85
Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras (OILS)           21,760                   658
Telesp Celular Participacoes SA *  (TELS)        2,613,222                    47
Telesp Participacoes SA * (UTIT)                 3,179,956                    60

Germany - 0.0%
SAP AG - Vorzug (SOFT)                                 420                    77
TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-                                                     1,883


Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
6.853% due 07/03/00                                  5,211                 5,211
                                                 ---------               -------
TOTAL INVESTMENTS-                                    99.6%              128,005
Other asset, less liabilties                           0.4%                  539
                                                 ---------               -------
NET ASSETS-                                          100.0%              128,544
                                                 =========               =======

* Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipts
GDR - Global Depository Receipts

(a) Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1993,
See notes to financial statements.


                                                                           Market              % of
                           Industry                      Industry          Value            Long-Term
                                                       Abbreviation        (000's)          Investments
Banks                                                  BANK                  17,290               14.1%
Telecommunication Services                             TELS                  14,165               11.5%
Electronic Products and Services                       ETRN                  11,998                9.8%
Health Care Products                                   HEAL                  11,638                9.5%
Telephone                                              UTIT                   6,863                5.6%
Commercial Services                                    COMM                   6,785                5.5%
Media - TV / Radio                                     MEDI                   5,721                4.7%
Insurance                                              INSU                   4,990                4.1%
Diversified Operations                                 DIOP                   4,774                3.9%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco                             FOOD                   4,350                3.5%
Computer Equipment                                     COMP                   3,684                3.0%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production         OILX                   3,730                3.0%
Telecommunication Equipment                            TELE                   3,382                2.8%
Media - Publishing                                     MEDP                   3,333                2.7%
Electrical Equipment                                   ELEQ                   1,798                1.5%
Retail - Department Stores                             RETS                   1,887                1.5%
Electric Power                                         UTIE                   1,455                1.2%
Oil                                                    OILS                   1,451                1.2%
Chemicals                                              CHEM                   1,394                1.1%
Computer Software and Services                         SOFT                   1,369                1.1%
Brokerage and Investment Management                    FUND                   1,160                0.9%
Oil - Equipment and Services                           OILE                   1,128                0.9%
Retail - Food                                          RETF                     996                0.8%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products                   HNBA                     832                0.7%
Real Estate Development                                READ                     775                0.6%
Real Estate Operations                                 REAL                     769                0.6%
Transportation Services                                TRAN                     698                0.6%
Engineering and Construction                           ENGI                     652                0.5%
Financial Services                                     FINL                     490                0.4%
Business Services                                      TRAN                     325                0.3%
Construction                                           CONS                     316                0.3%
Consumer - Miscellaneous                               CNSU                     392                0.3%
Leisure and Recreation                                 LEIS                     365                0.3%
Metals and Mining                                      META                     389                0.3%
Machinery                                              MACH                     268                0.2%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones                            PMET                     205                0.2%
Aerospace and Defense                                  AERO                     149                0.1%
Auto and Truck Parts                                   PART                     127                0.1%
Automobile                                             AUTO                     106                0.1%
Household Appliances / Furnishings                     APPL                     147                0.1%
Natural Gas Distribution                               UTIG                     145                0.1%
Paper and Forest Products                              PAPR                     136                0.1%
Real Estate Investment Trust                           REIT                      94                0.1%
Steel                                                  STEE                      73                0.1%
                                                                           --------            -------
                                                                            122,794              100.0%

(UNAUDITED) June 30, 2000

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Name of Issuer                                        Shares                  Market
Argentina - 0.1%
Telefonica de Argentina SA - ADR (UTIT)                           3,520                      $  112

Australia - 1.9%
Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP)                                 10,000                         307
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (BANK)                            17,248                         286
Lend Lease Corp. (FINL)                                          10,052                         128
News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)                                          40,242                         554
Publishing & Broadcasting, Ltd. (MEDP)                           35,000                         269
TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS)                                    21,000                         121
Telstra Corp. * (TELS)                                            9,000                          20
Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS)                                       64,000                         259

Belgium - 0.6%
Dexia (BANK)                                                      1,658                         245
Fortis (B) (INSU)                                                11,860                         345
UCB SA (HEAL)                                                       940                          34

Bermuda - 0.2%
Dao Heng Bank Group, Ltd. (BANK)                                 46,000                         204

Brazil - 1.5%

Embratel Participacoes SA - ADR (UTIT)                            4,000                          95
Tele Sudeste Celular Participacoes SA - ADR * (TELS)              2,271                          69
Telecomicacoes de Sao Paulo (UTIT)                               11,358                         210
Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras SA - ADR (UTIT)                     11,358                       1,103
Unibanco - Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros SA - GDR (BANK)            4,000                         115

Canada - 1.1%

Alcan Aluminum, Ltd. (META)                                       3,360                         104

Celestica, Inc. * (COMM)                                         11,322                         562

NORTEL NETWORKS Corp. (TELE)                                      6,080                         422
Royal Bank of Canada (BANK)                                       1,540                          79


Denmark - 0.1%
Tele Danmark A/S (TELS)                                           2,070                         139

Finland - 2.9%
Nokia Oyj (HEAL)                                                 57,480                       2,933


France - 12.1%
Alcatel (TELE)                                          18,770          1,231
Altran Technologies, Inc. SA (AERO)                        760            149
Aventis SA * (HEAL)                                      1,662            119
AXA SA (INSU)                                            7,365          1,160
Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK)                         9,420            906
Canal Plus (MEDI)                                          510             86
Cap Gemini SA (COMM)                                     1,640            289
Carrefour SA (RETF)                                      1,252             86
Compagnie de St. Gobain (CONS)                           1,990            269
Groupe Danone (FOOD)                                       520             69
Hermes International (RETS)                              1,140            154
L'Oreal (HNBA)                                             135            117
Lafarge SA (CONS)                                          486             38
Legrand SA (ELEQ)                                        1,744            391
Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (FOOD)                         606            250
Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK)                                 12,209            891
Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL)                           14,538            693
Schneider SA (MACH)                                      1,761            123
Societe Generale - Cl. A (BANK)                          2,592            156
Societe Television Francaise 1 (MEDI)                   21,200          1,477
Sodexho Alliance SA (LEIS)                                 624            113
STMICROELECTRONICS (ETRN)                                9,118            574
Total Fina SA - Cl. B (OILX)                            10,398          1,594
Vivendi (DIOP)                                          16,865          1,489

Germany - 4.4%
Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU)                                 1,590            571
Bayer AG (CHEM)                                          3,029            118
Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK)                        10,387            671
Deutsche Bank AG (BANK)                                  8,024            660
Deutsche Telekom AG (UTIT)                               9,044            516
E.On AG (DIOP)                                           6,725            324
Gehe AG (HEAL)                                           3,538            117
Infineon Technologies AG (ETRN)                          6,744            532
Rhoen-Klinikum AG (HEAL)                                 1,390             55
SAP AG (SOFT)                                            5,640            843
Siemens AG (DIOP)                                        1,057            159

Hong Kong - 3.3%
Cable & Wireless HKT, Ltd. (TELS)                       82,800            183
Cheung Kong (Holdings), Ltd. (READ)                     48,000            528
China Telecom (Hong Kong), Ltd. (TELS)                 104,000            917
China Unicom, Ltd. * (TELS)                            146,000            308
Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd. (READ)             44,000            193
Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. (COMM)                          64,900            816
Pacific Century Cyberworks, Ltd. * (TELE)              167,000            330
Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT)                    10,000             72

India - 1.3%
Global Tele-Systems, Ltd. (TELE)                        11,000            330
Hindustan Lever, Ltd. (HNBA)                             7,000            445
ICICI , Ltd. (FINL)                                     57,484            328
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam, Ltd. (TELS)                  40,000            192

Ireland - 0.2%
SmartForce Public Limited Co. - ADR (SOFT)               4,946            237


Italy - 5.6%
Alleanza Assicurazioni (INSU)                              27,000                360
Banca Intesa SpA (BANK)                                   199,353                893
Bipop-Carire SpA (BANK)                                    60,000                472
ENI SpA (OILS)                                             88,784                513
Mediaset SpA (MEDI)                                        12,000                183
Mediolanum SpA (INSU)                                      24,655                401
San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK)                                    3,858                 68
Tecnost SpA (COMP)                                         39,800                150
Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS)                          128,000              1,308
Telecom Italia SpA (TELS)                                  62,444                858
UniCredito Italiano SpA (BANK)                            103,393                495

Japan - 19.1%
Bridgestone Corp. (PART)                                    6,000                127
Canon, Inc. (COMM)                                         29,000              1,443
DDI Corp. (UTIT)                                               15                144
East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN)                                  21                122
Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ)                                          3,700                376
Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK)                                     83,000                631
Fuji Television Network, Inc. (MEDI)                           33                516
Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ)                                       19,000                657
Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN)                                       10,000                144
Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS)                                 3,000                180
KAO Corp. (HNBA)                                            6,000                183
Kokuyo Co. (COMM)                                           8,000                131

Kyocera Corp. (ETRN)                                        7,500              1,272
Makita Corp. (CNSU)                                         8,000                 76
Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS)                                     16,000                306
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN)                  35,000                907
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (REAL)                            47,000                510
Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN)                       9,000              1,291
NEC Corp. (COMP)                                           42,000              1,318

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT)                     111              1,475
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)                         36,000                881
NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc. (TELS)                 35                947
Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL)                                    11,000                248
Seven-Eleven Japan (RETF)                                   6,000                502
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM)                               6,000                304
Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM)                                  14,000                216
Softbank Corp. (BANK)                                       1,600                217
Sony Corp. (ETRN)                                          12,800              1,194
Sumitomo Bank (BANK)                                       51,000                625
Sumitomo Corp. (DIOP)                                      23,000           $    259
Sumitomo Electric Industries (DIOP)                         8,000                137
TDK Corp. (COMP)                                            3,000                431
Toshiba Corp. (ETRN)                                       96,000              1,083
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)                 13,000                710

Luxembourg - 0.1%
Society Europeenne des Satellites  (MEDI)                     457                 77


Mexico - 2.3%
Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV (FOOD)            59,000               252
Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI)                      13,907               959
Grupo Iusacell SA de CV - ADR * (TELS)                 7,000               109
Telefonos de Mexico SA - ADR (UTIT)                   18,120             1,035

Netherlands - 6.4%
ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK)                             4,056                99
Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM)                                   1,110                47
ASM Lithography Holding NV (COMP)                     17,520               753
CSM NV (FOOD)                                          4,986                98
Equant (COMP)                                          3,255               132
Fortis (NL) NV (INSU)                                 16,800               489
ING Groep NV (BANK)                                   17,560             1,187
Koninklije KPN NV (TELS)                               5,960               267
Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (ETRN)             26,474             1,249
Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILE)                      10,580               658
TNT Post Group NV (TRAN)                                 790                21
United Pan Europe (TELS)                               7,776               203
VNU NV (MEDP)                                         20,120             1,039
Wolters Kluwer NV - CVA (MEDP)                        10,855               289

New Zealand - 0.2%
Telecom Corp. of New Zealand, Ltd. (TELS)             46,000               161

Norway - 0.2%
Orkla ASA (DIOP)                                      10,360               197

Portugal - 0.1%
Jeronimo Martins, SGPS, SA (FOOD)                      5,743                95

Singapore - 0.4%
United Overseas Bank, Ltd. (BANK)                     60,072               393

South Korea - 1.5%
Korea Telecom Corp. - ADR * (TELS)                     7,600               368
Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. - ADR (STEE)             3,053                73
Samsung Electronics (ETRN)                             3,270             1,082

Spain - 3.0%
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK)                        45,250               676
Banco Santander Central Hispano SA (BANK)             57,529               607
Endesa SA (UTIE)                                      25,318               490
Repsol SA (OILX)                                      13,082               260
Telefonica SA (UTIT)                                  47,230             1,015


Sweden - 3.2%
Atlas Copco AB (MACH)                                       2,330            44
Electrolux AB - Ser. B (APPL)                               9,520           147
Hennes & Mauritz AB - B Shares (RETS)                      15,600           325
Nordbanken Holding (BANK)                                  69,614           525
NORDIC BALTIC Holding (BANK)                               10,036            73
SANDVIK AB (MACH)                                           2,580            54
Securitas AB - B Shares (COMM)                             37,496           795
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB * (TELS)                64,790         1,282

Switzerland - 4.2%
ABB, Ltd. * (ENGI)                                          5,507           652
Adecco SA - Reg. (COMM)                                     1,325         1,126
Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK)                           2,100           418

Nestle SA (FOOD)                                              510         1,021
Roche Holding AG (HEAL)                                        34           331
Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT)                                     261            90
UBS AG (BANK)                                               4,692           687

Taiwan - 0.1%
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. - GDR 144A (a) *       6,092           154


United Kingdom - 18.1%
Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK)            10,000                120
AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL)                      15,701                733
Baltimore Technologies plc * (COMP)               31,000                235
BG Group plc (UTIG)                                9,522                 61

BP Amoco plc (OILE)                               49,000                470

Cable & Wireless plc (TELS)                       77,100              1,305
Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD)                      43,200                284

Celltech Group plc * (HEAL)                       13,000                252
Centrica plc * (UTIG)                             18,900                 63
Compass Group plc (FOOD)                          72,000                948
David S. Smith Holdings plc (PAPR)                15,000                 36
Diageo plc (FOOD)                                 50,512                453
Electrocomponents plc (ETRN)                      13,000                133
GKN plc (AUTO)                                     4,000                 51
Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL)                         65,500            $ 1,910
Hays plc (DIOP)                                    6,200                 35
Hilton Group plc (LEIS)                           16,000                 56
HSBC Holdings plc (BANK)                          20,800                238
Kingfisher plc (RETS)                             42,000                382
Marconi plc (TELE)                                28,600                372

Reed International plc (MEDP)                    131,000              1,140

Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP)                       28,000                458
Royal Bank of Scotland Group (BANK)               88,040              1,473

Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX)         175,000              1,460
SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL)                     80,100              1,048
Standard Chartered (BANK)                         26,000                324
Tesco plc (RETF)                                  56,900                177

Tomkins plc (DIOP)                                86,496                281
Unilever plc (CNSU)                               38,928                236
United News & Media plc (MEDP)                    14,500                208
Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS)                     657,614              2,657
WPP Group plc * (COMM)                            63,000                920

TOTAL COMMON STOCK-                                94.2%             96,471


Australia - 0.9%
News Corp., Ltd. (MEDI)                               79,247                956

Brazil - 0.8%
Banco Itau SA (BANK)                                 970,000                 85
Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras (OILS)             21,760                658
Telesp Celular Participacoes SA *  (TELS)          2,613,222                 47
Telesp Participacoes SA * (UTIT)                   3,179,956                 60

Germany - 0.1%
SAP AG - Vorzug (SOFT)                                   330                 61
TOTAL PREFERRED STOCK-                                   1.8%             1,867

Investment in joint trading account(Note B)
6.853% due 07/03/00                               $    3,349          $   3,349
                                                  ----------          ---------
TOTAL INVESTMENTS-                                      99.3%           101,687
Other asset, less liabilties                             0.7%               755
                                                  ----------          ---------
NET ASSETS-                                            100.0%           102,442
                                                  ==========          =========
* Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipts
GDR - Global Depository Receipts
(a) Pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities
Act of 1993, See notes to financial statements.


                                                                         Market              % of
                Industry                                  Industry       Value            Long-Term
                                                          Abbreviation   (000's)          Investments
Aerospace and Defense                                     AERO                  149            0.2%
Auto and Truck Parts                                      PART                  127            0.1%
Automobile                                                AUTO                   51            0.1%
Banks                                                     BANK           $   14,518           14.8%
Brokerage and Investment Management                       FUND                  880            0.8%
Business Services                                         TRAN
Chemicals                                                 CHEM                  686            0.7%
Commercial Services                                       COMM                6,081            6.2%
Computer Equipment                                        COMP                3,019            3.1%
Computer Software and Services                            SOFT                1,141            1.1%
Construction                                              CONS                  307            0.3%
Consumer - Miscellaneous                                  CNSU                  312            0.3%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products                      HNBA                  745            0.7%
Diversified Operations                                    DIOP                3,645            3.7%
Electric Power                                            UTIE                  490            0.5%
Electrical Equipment                                      ELEQ                1,425            1.4%
Electronic Products and Services                          ETRN                9,615            9.8%
Engineering and Construction                              ENGI                  652            0.7%
Financial Services                                        FINL                  457            0.5%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco                                FOOD                3,469            3.5%
Health Care Products                                      HEAL                9,183            9.3%
Household Appliances / Furnishings                        APPL                  147            0.1%
Insurance                                                 INSU                3,326            3.4%
Leisure and Recreation                                    LEIS                  290            0.3%
Machinery                                                 MACH                  220            0.2%
Media - Publishing                                        MEDP                2,945            3.0%
Media - TV / Radio                                        MEDI                4,808            4.9%
Metals and Mining                                         META                  104            0.1%
Natural Gas Distribution                                  UTIG                  125            0.1%
Oil                                                       OILS                1,171            1.2%
Oil - Equipment and Services                              OILE                1,128            0.9%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production            OILX                3,315            3.4%
Paper and Forest Products                                 PAPR                   36            0.0%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones                               PMET
Real Estate Development                                   READ                  722            0.7%
Real Estate Investment Trust                              REIT                   72            0.1%
Real Estate Operations                                    REAL                  509            0.5%
Retail - Department Stores                                RETS                1,348            1.4%
Retail - Food                                             RETF                  764            0.8%
Steel                                                     STEE                   73            0.1%
Telecommunication Equipment                               TELE                2,685            2.7%
Telecommunication Services                                TELS               11,600           11.7%
Telephone                                                 UTIT                5,855            6.0%
Transportation Services                                   TRAN                  143            0.1%

                                                                         $   98,338          100.0%


(UNAUDITED) June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Name of Issuer                                 Shares              (000's)


Australia - 2.5%
Brambles Industries, Ltd. (DIOP)                     2,553           $    78
Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. (DIOP)            24,200               286
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (BANK)                4,462                74
Lend Lease Corp. (FINL)                              2,627                33
Publishing & Broadcasting, Ltd. (MEDP)               9,083                70
TABCORP Holdings, Ltd. (LEIS)                        5,585                32
Telstra Corp., Ltd. (TELS)                          16,907                69
                                                                     $   642
Belgium - 0.6%
Dexia (BANK)                                           420                62
Fortis (B) (INSU)                                    2,980                86
UCB SA (HEAL)                                          240                 9

Brazil - 1.1%
Aracruz Celulose SA - ADR (PAPR)                     5,200               101
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - ADR (META)              6,300               177


Canada - 3.2%
Alberta Energy, Ltd. (OILX)                          1,200                49

BCE, Inc. (TELS)                                     2,110                50
Canadian National Railway Co. (TRAN)                 7,000               204

MANULIFE Financial Corp. (INSU)                      8,600               152
NORTEL NETWORKS Corp. (TELE)                         3,313               230

Teleglobe, Inc. (TELS)                               7,200               152

Finland - 0.9%
Nokia Oyj (HEAL)                                     4,800               245


France - 10.2%
Alcatel (TELE)                                      4,710                309
Altran Technologies, Inc. SA (AERO)                   190                 37
Aventis SA * (HEAL)                                 5,544                398
AXA SA (INSU)                                       1,720                271
Banque Nationale de Paris (BANK)                    2,360                227
Canal Plus (MEDI)                                   1,533                258
Cap Gemini SA (COMM)                                  410                 72
Carrefour SA (RETF)                                   310                 21

Groupe Danone (FOOD)                                  130                 17
Hermes International (RETS)                           290                 39
L'Oreal (HNBA)                                         30                 26
Lafarge SA (CONS)                                     120                  9
Legrand SA (ELEQ)                                     440                 99
Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (FOOD)                    150                 62
Rhone-Poulenc SA (BANK)                             3,060                223
Sanofi-Synthelabo SA * (HEAL)                       3,650                174
Schneider SA (MACH)                                   440                 31
Societe Generale - Cl. A (BANK)                       650                 39

Sodexho Alliance SA (LEIS)                            160                 29
STMICROELECTRONICS (ETRN)                           3,225                203

Vivendi (DIOP)                                      1,342                119
                                                   30,464              2,663
Germany - 6.6%
Allianz AG - Reg. (INSU)                              655                235
Bayer AG (CHEM)                                     6,786                265
Bayerische Vereinsbank AG (BANK)                    2,604                168
Deutsche Bank AG (BANK)                             2,010                165
Deutsche Telekom AG (UTIT)                          2,571                147
E.On AG (DIOP)                                      1,690                 81

Infineon Technologies AG (ETRN)                     1,710                135

SAP AG (SOFT)                                       1,410                211
Siemens AG (DIOP)                                   2,101                317
                                                  -------            -------
                                                   21,537              1,724
Hong Kong - 0.3%

Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd. (READ)        12,000                 53

Sun Hung Kai Properties, Ltd. (REIT)                3,000                 21
                                                   15,000                 74


Italy - 4.8%
Alleanza Assicurazioni (INSU)                       7,000                 93
Banca Intesa SpA (BANK)                            50,000                224
Bipop-Carire SpA (BANK)                            15,000                118

Mediolanum SpA (INSU)                               6,000                 97
San Paolo-IMI SpA (BANK)                            1,000                 18
Tecnost SpA (COMP)                                 10,000                 38
Telecom Italia Mobile SpA (TELS)                   32,000                327
Telecom Italia SpA (TELS)                          16,000                220
UniCredito Italiano SpA (BANK)                     26,000                124

Japan - 21.5%
Bridgestone Corp. (AUTO)                            2,000                 42
Canon, Inc. (COMM)                                  8,000                398
DDI Corp. (UTIT)                                       15                144
East Japan Railway Co. (TRAN)                          32                186
Fanuc, Ltd. (ELEQ)                                  1,000                102
Fuji Bank, Ltd. (BANK)                             21,000                160
Fuji Television Network, Inc. (MEDI)                    9                141
Fujitsu, Ltd. (ELEQ)                                5,000                173
Hitachi, Ltd. (ETRN)                                3,000                 43
Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. (RETS)                         1,000                 60
KAO Corp. (HNBA)                                    2,000                 61

Komori Corp. (MACH)                                 1,000                 18
Kyocera Corp. (ETRN)                                2,000                339
Makita Corp. (CNSU)                                 2,000                 19
Marui Co., Ltd. (RETS)                              4,000                 77
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (ETRN)          11,000                285
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (REAL)                    24,000                260
Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (ETRN)               2,000                287
NEC Corp. (COMP)                                   11,000                345
Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)                   6,000                 59
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (UTIT)              28                372
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (FUND)                  9,000                220
NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc.(TE              5                135
Sankyo Co., Ltd. (HEAL)                             3,000                 68
Seven-Eleven Japan (RETF)                           2,000                167
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (CHEM)                       2,000                101
Shiseido Co., Ltd. (CHEM)                           4,000                 62

Sony Corp. (ETRN)                                   3,200                299
Sumitomo Bank (BANK)                               13,000                159
Sumitomo Corp. (TELE)                               6,000                 68
Sumitomo Electric Industries (DIOP)                 2,000                 34

Toshiba Corp. (ETRN)                               26,000                293
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (HEAL)          8,000                437


Mexico - 0.9%

Grupo Televisa SA - GDR * (MEDI)                                  3,500              241

Netherlands - 5.9%
ABN Amro Holding NV (BANK)                                        1,020               25
Akzo Nobel NV (CHEM)                                                280               12
ASM Lithography Holding NV (COMP)                                 4,390              189

Equant * (COMP)                                                     820               33
Fortis (NL) NV (INSU)                                             4,210              122
ING Groep NV (BANK)                                               4,410              298
Koninklije KPN NV (TELS)                                          1,500               67
Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (ETRN)                         6,640              313
Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. (OILS)                                  2,650              165

United Pan Europe (TELS)                                          1,950               51
VNU NV (MEDP)                                                     5,050              261

Portugal - 0.1%
Jeronimo Martins, SGPS, SA (FOOD)                                 1,440               24

Samsung Electronics (ETRN)                                          560              185

South Africa - 1.2%
Anglo American Platinum Corp., Ltd. (PMET)                        7,100              205
Impala Platinum Holdings, Ltd. - ADR (META)                       2,900              108
Spain - 1.8%
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya SA (BANK)                                   11,350              170

Endesa SA (UTIE)                                                  6,350              123

Telefonica SA (UTIT)                                              8,359              179


Sweden - 1.2%

Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB * (TELS)                    16,160              $ 320

Switzerland - 3.7%

Credit Suisse Group - Reg. (BANK)                                 530                105
Givaudan * (TELS)                                                  16                  5
Nestle SA (FOOD)                                                  176                352
Roche Holding AG (HEAL)                                            16                156
Swisscom AG - Reg. (UTIT)                                         478                166
UBS AG (BANK)                                                   1,180                173


United Kingdom - 26.4%
Abbey National First Capital BV (BANK)                           3,000                36
AstraZeneca Group plc (HEAL)                                     4,000               187
Baltimore Technologies plc * (COMP)                              8,000                61
BG Group plc (UTIG)                                              2,000                13
BOC Group plc (CHEM)                                            18,668               268
BP Amoco plc (OILS)                                             12,000               115
British Telecommunications plc (TELS)                           14,117               182
Cable & Wireless plc (TELS)                                     18,995               322
Cadbury Schweppes plc (FOOD)                                    11,000                72
Carlton Communications plc (MEDI)                               21,280               274
Celltech Group plc * (HEAL)                                      3,000                58
Centrica plc * (UTIG)                                            5,000                17
Compass Group plc (FOOD)                                        18,000               237

Diageo plc (FOOD)                                               13,000               117
GKN plc (AUTO)                                                   1,000                13
Glaxo Wellcome plc (HEAL)                                       16,000               466
Hays plc (DIOP)                                                  2,000                11
Hilton Group plc (LEIS)                                          4,000                14
HSBC Holdings plc (BANK)                                         6,000                69
Kingfisher plc (RETS)                                           11,000               100
Marconi plc (TELE)                                               7,000                91
National Grid Group plc (UTIE)                                  31,622               249
National Power plc (UTIE)                                       46,041               293
Prudential Corp. (INSU)                                         16,432               241
Railtrack Group plc (TRAN)                                      10,584               164

Reuters Group plc (BUSI)                                        19,033               325
Rio Tinto plc - Reg. (DIOP)                                     12,381               202
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group plc (INSU)                 56,307               365
Scottish Power plc (UTIE)                                       35,365               300
Shell Transport & Trading Co. plc (OILX)                        43,934               367
SmithKline Beecham plc (HEAL)                                   19,784               259
Standard Chartered (BANK)                                        7,000                87
Tesco plc (RETF)                                                14,000                43
The Great Universal Stores plc (RETS)                           40,897               263

Unilever plc (CNSU)                                             10,000                61
United News & Media plc (MEDP)                                   4,000                57
Vodafone AirTouch plc (TELS)                                   164,790               666
WPP Group plc * (COMM)                                          16,000               234

TOTAL COMMON STOCK-                                              93.6%            24,440



Germany - 0.1%
SAP AG - Vorzug (SOFT)                                       90                      16

Investment in joint trading account (Note B)
6.853% due 07/03/00                                       1,862                 $ 1,862
TOTAL INVESTMENTS-                                        100.8%                 26,318
Other asset, less liabilities                              (0.8)                   (216)
                                                        -------                 -------
NET ASSETS-                                               100.0%                 26,102
                                                        =======                 =======
 * Non-income producing security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt
GDR - Global Depository Receipt
See notes to financial statements.



                                                                   Market        % of
                                                    Industry       Value       Long-Term
             Industry                             Abbreviation    (000's)     Investments
Automobile                                          AUTO                             0.2%
Banks                                               BANK                55          11.3%
Brokerage and Investment Management                 FUND             2,772           1.1%
Business Services                                   TRAN               280           1.3%
Chemicals                                           CHEM               325           2.9%
Commercial Services                                 COMM               708           2.9%
Computer Equipment                                  COMP               704           2.7%
Computer Software and Services                      SOFT               665           1.0%
Construction                                        CONS               228           0.0%
Consumer Miscellaneous                              CNSU                 9           0.3%
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products                HNBA                80           0.4%
Diversified Operations                              DIOP                87           4.6%
Electric Power                                      UTIE             1,129           4.0%
Electrical Equipment                                ELEQ               965           1.5%
Electronic Products and Services                    ETRN               373           9.8%
Financial Services                                  FINL                             0.1%
Food, Beverage and Tobacco                          FOOD                33           3.6%
Health Care Products                                HEAL               881          10.0%
Insurance                                           INSU                             6.8%
Leisure and Recreation                              LEIS             1,664           0.3%
Machinery                                           MACH                75           0.2%
Media - Publishing                                  MEDP                48           1.6%
Media - TV / Radio                                  MEDI               388           3.7%
Metals and Mining                                   META               913           1.2%
Natural Gas Distribution                            UTIG               285           0.1%
Oil                                                 OILS                20           1.1%
Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production      OILX                             1.7%
Paper and Forest Products                           PAPR               415           0.4%
Precious Metals/Gems/Stones                         PMET               100           0.8%
Real Estate Development                             READ               205           0.2%
Real Estate Investment Trust                        REIT                53           0.1%
Real Estate Operations                              REAL                22           1.1%
Retail - Department Stores                          RETS               260           2.2%
Retail - Food                                       RETF               539           1.0%
Telecommunication Equipment                         TELE                             2.9%
Telecommunication Services                          TELS               697          10.5%
Telephone                                           UTIT             2,565           4.1%
Transportation Services                             TRAN             1,008           2.3%

                                                                  $ 24,456         100.0%



As required by the Securities Act of 1933, this registration statement has been
signed on behalf of the Registrant, in the City of Boston and Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, on the 7th day of December, 2000.

                                       JOHN HANCOCK VARIABLE SERIES TRUST I

                                       By: /s/ THOMAS J. LEE
                                                 Thomas J. Lee, President

As required by the Securities Act of 1933, this registration statement has been
signed by the following persons in the capacities and on the date indicated.

SIGNATURE                                               DATE

By:    /s/ RAYMOND F. SKIBA                              December 7, 2000
      Raymond F. Skiba
      Treasurer (Principal Financial
         and Accounting Officer)

By:    /s/ THOMAS J. LEE                                 December 7, 2000
      Thomas J. Lee
      Vice Chairman, President and Trustee (Acting
         Principal Executive Officer)

For himself and as attorney-in-fact for:

Michele G. Van Leer, Chairman

Elizabeth G. Cook, Trustee

Diane C. Kessler, Trustee

Robert F. Verdonck, Trustee

Hassell H. McClellan, Trustee
