Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934

   Check the appropriate box:
   [X]  Preliminary Information Statement
   [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
        Rule 14c-5(d)(2))
   [ ]  Definitive Information Statement

                            MICROTOUCH SYSTEMS, INC.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

   Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
   [_]  No fee required.
   [_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g)(1) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:

   [_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

   [X]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
        Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
        paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
        number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing:
          1)  Amount previously paid: $34,638.70
          2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: File No. 005-43751
          3)  Filing party: Equinox Acquisition, Inc. and Minnesota Mining and
              Manufacturing Company
          4)  Date Filed: November 17, 2000


                                                                 January  , 2001

Dear Stockholder:

   You are cordially invited to attend a special meeting of the stockholders of
MicroTouch Systems, Inc. ("MicroTouch" or the "Company") to be held at 10:00
a.m., local time, on    , February  , 2001, at the offices of Minnesota Mining
and Manufacturing Company ("3M"), 3M Center, Building 220, St. Paul, Minnesota

   The purpose of the special meeting is to consider and vote upon a proposal
to adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of November 13, 2000 (the
"Merger Agreement"), among 3M, the Company, and Equinox Acquisition, Inc., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of 3M (the "Purchaser"), pursuant to which the
Purchaser will be merged into the Company and the Company will thereby become a
wholly-owned subsidiary of 3M (the "Merger"). Under the Merger Agreement, each
stockholder of the Company (other than 3M, the Company, or stockholders who
perfect their dissenters' rights under Massachusetts law) will become entitled
to receive $21.00 in cash, without interest, for each outstanding share of
common stock, including the associated preferred stock purchase rights
(together with the common stock, the "Shares"), of the Company owned by such
stockholder immediately prior to the effective time of the Merger.

   The Merger is the second step of a two-step transaction in which 3M, as the
owner of all of the capital stock of the Purchaser, will acquire the entire
equity interest in the Company. The first step was a tender offer by the
Purchaser (the "Offer") for all of the outstanding Shares, also at a price of
$21.00 per share, net to the seller in cash. The Offer expired at 12:00
midnight, New York City time, on January  , 2001. The Purchaser purchased
Shares upon the expiration of the Offer, representing approximately  % of the
issued and outstanding Shares. The Purchaser has indicated its intention to
vote these shares in favor of the adoption of the Merger Agreement. Such shares
represent a sufficient number of shares to approve the Merger without the vote
of any other stockholders of the Company. Accordingly, the stockholder vote to
adopt the Merger Agreement is assured. The Company currently anticipates that
the Merger will be effected on February   , 2001, or as promptly as practicable
thereafter. In light of the foregoing, the Company has determined not to
solicit proxies from its stockholders.

   Your Board of Directors, by the unanimous vote of all directors, has
determined that the Offer and the Merger are fair to, and in the best interests
of, the Company and its stockholders and has approved the Merger Agreement, the
Offer and the Merger. The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that the
stockholders of the Company vote to adopt the Merger Agreement. In arriving at
its recommendation, the Board of Directors gave careful consideration to the
factors described in this Information Statement, including the opinion of
Broadview International LLC, the Company's financial advisor in connection with
the Offer and the Merger, which was given to the Board of Directors of the
Company as of November 13, 2000, and which stated that the consideration to be
received by the stockholders in the Offer and the Merger was fair to such
stockholders from a financial point of view.

   Please read the attached Information Statement carefully. We are not asking
you for a proxy and you are requested not to send us a proxy. You are entitled
to vote at the special meeting, and we hope you will be able to attend.
However, the Purchaser has the right to vote a sufficient number of shares to
adopt the Merger Agreement without the affirmative vote of any other
stockholders of the Company.


                                          D. Westervelt Davis
                                          Chief Executive Officer and

   Please do not send any certificates for your stock at this time. You will
receive instructions regarding the surrender of your stock certificates and
receipt of payment for your shares after the Merger is effective.

   This Information Statement is dated January   , 2001 and is first being
mailed to the Company's stockholders on or about January   , 2001.

                            MICROTOUCH SYSTEMS, INC.


                          To be Held February  , 2001

To the Stockholders of MicroTouch Systems, Inc.

   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of MicroTouch Systems, Inc., a
Massachusetts corporation ("MicroTouch" or the "Company"), will be held on    ,
February  , 2001, at the offices of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
("3M"), 3M Center, Building 220, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144, at 10:00 a.m. local
time. The purpose of the special meeting is to consider and vote upon a
proposal to adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of November 13,
2000 (the "Merger Agreement"), among 3M, the Company, and Equinox Acquisition,
Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3M, pursuant to which the Purchaser will be
merged into the Company and the Company will thereby become a wholly-owned
subsidiary of 3M (the "Merger").

   The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on January  , 2001 as
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and
to vote at the special meeting and at any adjournments thereof. Under the
Merger Agreement, each stockholder of the Company (other than 3M and its
subsidiaries, the Company, and stockholders who perfect their dissenters'
rights) will become entitled to receive $21.00 in cash, without interest, for
each outstanding share of common stock, together with the associated preferred
stock purchase rights, of the Company owned by such stockholder immediately
prior to the effective time of the Merger. A copy of the Merger Agreement is
attached as Appendix A to, and is described in, the accompanying Information

   The Merger is the second step of a two-step transaction whereby 3M, as the
owner of all of the capital stock of the Purchaser, will acquire the entire
equity interest in the Company. The first step was a tender offer by the
Purchaser (the "Offer") for all of the outstanding shares of the Company's
common stock, including the associated preferred stock purchase rights
(together with the common stock, the "Shares"), also at a price of $21.00 per
share, net to the seller in cash. The Purchaser purchased         Shares upon
the expiration of the Offer on January   , 2001, representing approximately   %
of the outstanding Shares. As a result of the Offer, the Purchaser has the
right to vote a sufficient number of the outstanding Shares at the special
meeting to adopt the Merger Agreement without the affirmative vote of any other
stockholder, thereby assuring adoption of the Merger Agreement. The Company
currently anticipates that the Merger will be effected on February   , 2001, or
as promptly as practicable thereafter.


   If the Merger Agreement is approved and the Merger becomes effective, any
holder of Shares (i) who files with the Company, before the taking of the vote
on the approval of the Merger Agreement, written objection to the proposed
Merger stating that he or she intends to demand payment for his or her Shares
if the Merger Agreement is approved, and (ii) whose Shares are not voted in
favor of the Merger Agreement, has or may have the right to demand in writing
from the Company, within 20 days after the date of mailing to him or her of
notice in writing that the Merger has become effective, payment for his or her
Shares and an appraisal of the value thereof. The Company and any such
stockholder shall in such cases have the rights and duties and shall follow the
procedures set forth in Sections 85 to 98, inclusive, of the Massachusetts
Business Corporation Law (the "MBCL"). See "RIGHTS OF DISSENTING STOCKHOLDERS"
in the accompanying Information Statement and the full text of Sections 85 to
98, inclusive, of the MBCL, which is attached as Appendix C to the accompanying
Information Statement, for a description of the rights of dissenting
stockholders and the procedure required to be followed to perfect such rights.

                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                          Diane Burak

January  , 2001

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUMMARY....................................................................   1

THE MERGER.................................................................   6

  BACKGROUND OF THE MERGER.................................................   6
  OPINION OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR.............................................   9
  POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST..........................................  15
  REGULATORY APPROVALS.....................................................  16
  ACCOUNTING TREATMENT OF THE MERGER.......................................  16

THE MERGER AGREEMENT.......................................................  17

THE SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT.................................................  27

THE STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT.................................................  29

THE SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS........................................  31

  RECORD DATE AND QUORUM REQUIREMENT.......................................  31
  VOTING PROCEDURES........................................................  31
  EFFECTIVE TIME...........................................................  31

RIGHTS OF DISSENTING STOCKHOLDERS..........................................  32

FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES............................................  34


INFORMATION CONCERNING MICROTOUCH..........................................  36

INFORMATION CONCERNING 3M AND THE PURCHASER................................  36
AVAILABLE INFORMATION......................................................  37

OTHER MATTERS..............................................................  37
STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS......................................................  37

  APPENDIX A--AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER................................. A-1
   CORPORATION LAW......................................................... C-1


   This summary highlights what we believe is the most important information
about the Merger. Nonetheless, to more fully understand the transaction, you
should read this entire Information Statement, including the materials attached
as appendices. The page references in parentheses direct you to a more detailed
description of the topics presented in this summary.

                                 The Companies

MicroTouch Systems, Inc. (see page 36)

   MicroTouch Systems, Inc. (the "Company" or "MicroTouch") is a leading
supplier of touch and pen sensitive input systems including touchscreens. The
Company's principal products are its touch sensitive screens, which are based
on the Company's two primary technologies--analog capacitive sensing (referred
to as ClearTek(R)) and resistive membrane (known as TouchTek(TM)).

   The principal executive offices of MicroTouch, a Massachusetts corporation,
are located at 300 Griffin Brook Park Drive, Methuen, Massachusetts 01844, and
its telephone number at these offices is (978) 659-9000.

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company ("3M") and Equinox Acquisition, Inc.
(the "Purchaser") (see page 36)

   3M is an integrated enterprise characterized by substantial intercompany
cooperation in research, manufacturing and marketing of products. 3M's business
has developed from its research and technology in coating and bonding for
coated abrasives, the company's original product. Coating and bonding is the
process of applying one material to another, such as abrasive granules to paper
or cloth (coated abrasives), adhesives to backing (pressure-sensitive tapes),
ceramic coating to granular mineral (roofing granules), glass beads to plastic
backing (reflective sheeting), and low-tack adhesives to paper (repositionable
notes). The principal executive office of 3M, a Delaware corporation, is
located at 3M Center, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144, and its telephone number (651)

   The Purchaser, a Massachusetts corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of 3M, was organized to acquire the Company and has not conducted any unrelated
activities since its organization. The principal executive office and telephone
number of the Purchaser is that of 3M.

                                   The Merger

Summary of the Transaction

   In the proposed Merger, the Purchaser will be merged into MicroTouch, and
MicroTouch will thereby become a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3M. The proposed
Merger will occur following adoption of the Merger Agreement by the MicroTouch
stockholders and satisfaction or waiver of all other conditions to the Merger.
The Merger Agreement is attached as Appendix A to this Information Statement.
We encourage you to read it because it is the legal document that governs the

Background of the Transaction (see page 6)

   The Merger is the second step of a two-step transaction. The first step
consisted of a tender offer by the Purchaser for all of MicroTouch's
outstanding shares of common stock, par value $0.01 per share, including the
associated preferred stock purchase rights (together with the common stock, the
"Shares") for $21.00 net per share in cash (the "Offer"). The Offer commenced
on November 17, 2000 and expired at 12:00 midnight, New York City time, on
January  , 2001. The Purchaser purchased      Shares upon completion of the
Offer, representing approximately  % of the outstanding Shares. 3M has
indicated its intention to vote these shares in favor of the adoption of the
Merger Agreement.


Such Shares represent a sufficient number of Shares to approve the Merger
without the vote of any other stockholders of the Company. Please see the
Schedule TO and related documents filed by 3M with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on November 17, 2000 for further details regarding the Offer.
Stockholders whose Shares are purchased as part of the Merger will receive the
same cash consideration per share as stockholders who tendered their Shares in
the Offer.

Special Meeting of Stockholders; Vote Required to Adopt the Merger Agreement
(see page 31)

   A special meeting of stockholders will be held on    , February   , 2001, at
the offices of 3M, 3M Center, Building 220, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144, at 10:00
a.m. local time. At the special meeting, stockholders will be asked to consider
and vote upon a proposal to adopt the Merger Agreement.

   Pursuant to the Massachusetts Business Corporation Law (the "MBCL"), the
affirmative vote of a majority of the issued and outstanding Shares is required
to adopt the Merger Agreement at the special meeting. Only holders of record of
Shares at the close of business on January   , 2001 (the "Record Date") are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the special meeting. At such date there
were       Shares issued and outstanding, each of which is entitled to one

   As a result of the Offer, the Purchaser was the holder of record of
Shares on the Record Date, representing approximately   % of the Shares issued
and outstanding on the Record Date. The Purchaser will vote all of the Shares
held by it in favor of adopting the Merger Agreement, which under the MBCL will
be a sufficient number of Shares to adopt the Merger Agreement without the
affirmative vote of any other stockholder. Stockholder approval of the Merger
Agreement is therefore assured.

What the Holders of MicroTouch Common Stock will Receive in the Merger (see
page 4)

   If the Merger is adopted, each Share will automatically convert as a result
of the Merger into the right to receive $21.00, net to the stockholder in cash,
without interest.

3M's and the Purchaser's Financial Resources To Make Payment for the Shares

   3M will provide the Purchaser with sufficient funds to acquire all Shares to
be acquired in the Merger. 3M expects to obtain these funds from its available
cash on hand. The Offer was not and the Merger is not conditioned upon any
financing arrangements. Accordingly, 3M's financial condition is not relevant
to your decision whether to adopt the Merger Agreement.

Appraisal Rights of Dissenting Stockholders (see page 32)

   MicroTouch stockholders who properly object to the Merger by following the
procedures established by Massachusetts law will have appraisal rights in
connection with the Merger.

Recommendation of the MicroTouch Board of Directors (see page 8)

   MicroTouch's Board of Directors has unanimously:

  . determined that the terms of the Offer, the Merger, and the Merger
    Agreement are advisable, fair to, and in the best interests of, the
    Company and the stockholders of the Company,

  . approved the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby,
    including the Offer and the Merger, and

  . recommended that the Company's stockholders accept the Offer, tender
    their Shares pursuant thereto, and approve and adopt the Merger


   The position of MicroTouch's Board of Directors is also set forth in detail
in the Solicitation/ Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9 filed by
MicroTouch with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 20, 2000.

Fairness Opinion of Broadview International LLC (see page 9)

   In deciding to approve the Merger, the MicroTouch Board of Directors
considered an opinion from Broadview International LLC, an investment banking
firm and the Company's financial advisor in connection with the Offer and the
Merger. On November 13, 2000, Broadview delivered its written opinion to the
MicroTouch Board of Directors that the consideration to be received by the
MicroTouch stockholders in the Offer and the Merger is fair from a financial
point of view. The full text of this written opinion is attached as Appendix B
to this Information Statement and is incorporated by reference in this
Information Statement. We encourage you to read this opinion carefully in its

Exchange of Certificates

   Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the Purchaser will deposit with EquiServe,
L.P. $21.00 per share in cash, to be paid with respect to each Share
outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the Merger. As soon as
reasonably practicable after the effective time of the Merger, EquiServe, L.P.
will send to each stockholder of record immediately prior to the effective time
of the Merger a letter of transmittal and detailed instructions specifying the
procedures to be followed in surrendering certificates for payment (the "Letter
certificate, EquiServe, L.P. will issue each surrendering holder a check
representing an amount equal to $21.00 per Share formerly represented by the
share certificates surrendered to EquiServe, L.P.


                            MICROTOUCH SYSTEMS, INC.
                          300 Griffin Brook Park Drive
                          Methuen, Massachusetts 01844

                                 (978) 659-9000


                             INFORMATION STATEMENT


   This Information Statement is furnished in connection with a special meeting
of the stockholders of MicroTouch Systems, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation
(the "Company" or "MicroTouch"), to be held at the offices of Minnesota Mining
and Manufacturing Company ("3M"), 3M Center, Building 220, St. Paul, Minnesota
55144, on    , February  , 2001, at 10:00 a.m., local time, and any
adjournments thereof. The close of business on January  , 2001 is the record
date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the special meeting.

   The special meeting has been called to consider and vote on a proposal to
approve an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of November 13, 2000 (the
"Merger Agreement"), which is attached to this Information Statement as
Appendix A. Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Equinox Acquisition, Inc. (the
"Purchaser"), a Massachusetts corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3M,
will be merged with and into the Company (the "Merger"), with the Company being
the surviving corporation (the "Surviving Corporation").

   The Merger is the second step of a two-step transaction whereby 3M, as the
owner of all of the capital stock of the Purchaser, will acquire the entire
equity interest in the Company. The first step was a tender offer by the
Purchaser (the "Offer") for all of the outstanding shares of the common stock
of the Company, including the associated preferred stock purchase rights
(together with the common stock, the "Shares"), at a price of $21.00 per share,
net to the seller in cash (the "Offer Price"). The Purchaser commenced the
Offer on November 17, 2000 and purchased         Shares upon the expiration of
the Offer on January   , 2001, representing approximately   % of the issued and
outstanding Shares. In the Merger, each Share (other than Shares held by 3M,
the Purchaser, or the Company, which will be cancelled, and Shares held by
stockholders who are entitled to, and who have perfected, their Dissenters'
Rights (as defined below) will be converted automatically into the right to
receive $21.00 in cash, payable to the holder thereof, without interest. See
"THE MERGER." On November 8, 2000, the last full trading day prior to the
meeting of the Company's Board of Directors to approve the Merger Agreement,
the closing price per share of the Common Stock reported on NASDAQ was
$13.4375. On January  , 2001, the last practicable day prior to the mailing of
this Information Statement, the closing price per share of the Common Stock
reported on NASDAQ was $   .

   Under Massachusetts law and the Company's Articles of Organization, approval
of the Merger Agreement at the special meeting requires the affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the outstanding Shares. As a result of the Offer,
the Purchaser was the holder of record of        Shares on the Record Date,
representing approximately   % of the Shares issued and outstanding on the
Record Date. The Purchaser will vote all of the Shares held by it in favor of
approving the Merger Agreement, which will be a sufficient number of Shares to
approve the Merger Agreement without the affirmative vote of any other
stockholder of the Company. Stockholder approval of the Merger Agreement is
therefore assured.

   Your Board of Directors has unanimously determined that the Offer and the
Merger are fair to, and in the best interests of, the Company and its
stockholders and has approved the Merger Agreement, the Offer and the Merger.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that the stockholders of the
Company vote to adopt the Merger Agreement. In arriving at its recommendation,
the Board of Directors gave careful consideration to


the factors described in this Information Statement, including the opinion of
Broadview International LLC ("Broadview"), the Company's financial advisor in
connection with the Offer and the Merger, which was given to the Board of
Directors of the Company as of November 13, 2000, and which stated that the
consideration to be received by the stockholders in the Offer and the Merger
was fair to such stockholders from a financial point of view. A copy of the
opinion of Broadview is attached to this Information Statement as Appendix B.
Stockholders should read and consider carefully the information contained in
this Information Statement.

   This transaction has not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and
Exchange Commission nor has the Commission passed upon the fairness or merits
of such transaction nor upon the accuracy or adequacy of the information
contained in this document. Any representation to the contrary is unlawful.


                                   THE MERGER

Background of the Merger

   The market for MicroTouch's products, touchscreens for computers, is
characterized by rapidly evolving technology and short product lives with
intense price competition. The Company competes against several larger
companies including Tyco Incorporated, Samsung Display Devices, Matsushita
Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. and Nissha Printing Company. Several of the
Company's competitors have greater financial, technical, manufacturing, and
marketing resources than the Company. The Company believes that these market
conditions and other factors caused the Company to experience volatility in its
financial results from quarter to quarter during the past two fiscal years.
From time to time during 1999, the directors of the Company discussed the
possibility of pursuing joint business arrangements with other touchscreen
companies, including possible business combinations.

   As a result of the foregoing market conditions and other factors, in
November 1999, the Company sought to retain a financial advisor to assist
management and the Company's Board of Directors in the analysis of potential
strategic opportunities. On January 20, 2000, the Board of Directors of the
Company approved the retention of Broadview. Over the following ten months,
Broadview conducted a review of the opportunities available to the Company and
had discussions with approximately six different potential merger partners.
These contacts included many of the world's leading computer peripheral
companies. The contacts eventually resulted in three indications of interest.

   In particular, Broadview made contact with representatives from a third
party in February 2000 to determine that party's possible interest in acquiring
the Company. On March 10, 2000, representatives from the Company, the third
party and Broadview met to discuss a possible combination of the touchscreen
operations of the third party and the Company. In August 2000 the third party
conducted due diligence, and Broadview and the third party commenced
discussions with respect to a possible transaction between the parties.

   On September 8, 2000, the third party made a proposal for an acquisition of
the Company and the Company's Board of Directors instructed Broadview to
continue to negotiate specific terms for a potential transaction. This proposal
was later rejected by the Company in light of its discussions with 3M, which
had commenced shortly before the receipt of this proposal.

   On August 18, 2000, the Company understands that representatives of
Broadview contacted Mr. Andrew Wong, Division Vice President of the Optical
Systems Division at 3M, to discuss 3M's interest in pursuing an acquisition of
MicroTouch. On August 30, 2000, representatives of 3M, including Mr. Wong, Mr.
Terence Jones, Business Director--Electronic Display Lighting Division, and Mr.
John Barkholtz, Business Development Manager, visited the Company at its
headquarters in Methuen, Massachusetts. Also attending this meeting were
representatives from the Company, including the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. D.
Westervelt Davis; the Vice President--Engineering, Mr. Robert Becker; the Vice
President--Research, Mr. Bernie Geaghan; and Mr. David Montanari, the Company's
Director of Finance, and representatives from Broadview, including Mr. Tony
Aquilina and Mr. Mickey Commar. The meeting lasted seven hours and covered the
backgrounds of both 3M and MicroTouch regarding their operations in
touchscreens. At the end of the meeting, both parties indicated an interest in
further discussions and they agreed that MicroTouch would provide 3M with
various documents in response to 3M's inquiries.

   On August 22, 2000 and August 29, 2000, representatives from 3M and the
Company executed confidential disclosure agreements under which 3M could
receive and evaluate confidential information relating to the financial
condition and general business operations of the Company. These agreements did
not govern the disclosure of confidential technical information.

   Starting on August 30, 2000 and continuing through September 14, 2000,
additional documents were sent to 3M by MicroTouch, and 3M performed its
preliminary due diligence review of MicroTouch. On Friday, September 15, 2000,
two representatives from the Company, Mr. Davis and Mr. Geoffrey Clear, Vice


President--Finance & Administration, along with Mr. Aquilina from Broadview,
traveled to 3M's headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota to discuss further the
possible combination of 3M and the Company's touchscreen operations. The three
individuals from MicroTouch met with four individuals from 3M: Mr. Andrew Wong,
Mr. John Barkholtz, Mr. Don Nielsen, Finance Manager, and Ms. Elisabeth
Lemieux, Senior Analyst. Mr. Wong led the discussions for 3M and emphasized the
cultural and strategic synergies between the two companies. Mr. Davis led the
discussions for MicroTouch and emphasized certain aspects of the Company's
operations and technological portfolio that had not been emphasized during the
previous meeting in August. At the end of the day, 3M presented the Company's
representatives with a draft letter including an offer of $18 per share for the
Company's fully diluted shares.

   Over the weekend following the meeting in St. Paul, representatives of
Broadview, MicroTouch and 3M held discussions centering on the valuation of
MicroTouch. In addition, that weekend Mr. Davis advised the members of the
MicroTouch Board of Directors by telephone of the ongoing discussions with 3M.
Broadview proposed that 3M increase its offer from $18 per share to $21 per
share, and include in its offer the additional value to be derived from
potential tax benefits relating to tax loss carryforwards and MicroTouch's
ownership of a building and land in Methuen, Massachusetts. 3M counter-offered
with $21 per share, at which point MicroTouch agreed to take 3M's offer to its
Board of Directors for discussion. On September 20, 2000, Broadview presented
an analysis of this offer and the third party's offer to MicroTouch's Board.
After discussing the analysis, the Board decided to direct MicroTouch's senior
management team to continue negotiations with 3M.

   On September 27 and 28, 2000, representatives from the Company, 3M and
financial advisors from both parties met at the offices of the Company's legal
counsel, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C., in Boston,
Massachusetts, to discuss the Company's operations and to conduct a due
diligence review. The parties also negotiated various aspects of the proposed
business transaction. On September 27, 2000, the parties executed a second
confidentiality agreement governing the receipt by either party of any
confidential information of the other party, including confidential technical
information. This agreement also contained non-solicitation covenants by both

   The discussions in Boston led to the execution of an exclusivity agreement
on October 6, 2000 pursuant to which, subject to certain exceptions, the
Company agreed to refrain from negotiating a business combination with any
party other than 3M until October 25, 2000. The term of this exclusivity
agreement was subsequently extended through November 3, 2000.

   From October 2, 2000 through October 19, 2000, 3M's representatives and
advisors met with various representatives and advisors of the Company to review
the Company's business plans and operations. In addition, from October 2, 2000
through November 3, 2000, 3M and its advisors conducted legal, environmental,
business and financial due diligence.

   On October 19 and 20, 2000, representatives of 3M and the Company and their
respective legal and financial advisors met at 3M's offices in St. Paul,
Minnesota to negotiate the Merger Agreement, an Option Agreement (as described
under "The Stock Option Agreement," below) and a Shareholders Agreement (as
described under "The Shareholders Agreement," below). These negotiations
continued telephonically following the October 19 and 20 meetings in St. Paul.

   On November 9, 2000, the Company's Board of Directors approved the Offer,
the Merger, the Merger Agreement, the Option Agreement, and the other
transactions contemplated thereby.

   On November 13, 2000, 3M's Board of Directors approved the Offer, the
Merger, the Merger Agreement, the Option Agreement, the Shareholders Agreement,
and the other transactions contemplated thereby.

   On November 13, 2000, 3M, the Purchaser and the Company executed the Merger
Agreement, 3M and the Company executed the Option Agreement, and 3M, the
Purchaser and certain officers and directors of the Company executed the
Shareholders Agreement.


   On November 13, 2000, 3M and the Company each issued joint press releases
announcing the execution of the Merger Agreement and the related agreements.

   On November 17, 2000, in accordance with the Merger Agreement, 3M commenced
the Offer. During the Offer, the Company had ongoing contacts with 3M and its
employees and advisors.

   On January  , 2001, the Offer expired by its terms. Pursuant to the Offer,
the Purchaser purchased     Shares at a price of $21.00 per share. As a result
of these purchases, the Purchaser owns approximately  % of the outstanding

   Immediately following consummation of the Offer, the Purchaser exercised its
right under the Merger Agreement to designate that number of directors (rounded
down to the next whole number) of the Company's Board of Directors that would
cause the percentage of the Company's directors designated by the Purchaser to
equal the percentage of outstanding Shares held by the Purchaser. Accordingly,
the following individuals resigned from the Company's Board of Directors:
            ,               and              . Effective January 4, 2001, three
designees of the Purchaser, Peggy Kubicz Hall, Ronald A. Weber and Andrew H.
Wong, were appointed to fill the vacancies on the Board. Until the consummation
of the Merger, the Company will have two directors,              and
            , who were directors of the Company as of the date of the Merger
Agreement. See "THE MERGER AGREEMENT--Board of Directors."

   References in this Information Statement to the Company's Board of
Directors, relating to events taking place or conditions existing before the
designation by the Purchaser of its representatives, are to the Board of
Directors elected at the Company's last Annual Meeting of Stockholders, all of
whom were unaffiliated with 3M and the Purchaser.

Reasons for the Board of Directors' Recommendation; Factors Considered

   In approving the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby,
including the Offer and the Merger, and recommending that all holders of Common
Stock accept the Offer and tender their Shares pursuant to the Offer, approve
the Merger and approve and adopt the Merger Agreement, the Board of Directors
considered a number of factors including, but not limited to, the following:

   1. The historical market prices, price to earnings ratios and other
multiples, recent trading activity and trading range of the Common Stock,
including the fact that the price of $21.00 per share offered by the Purchaser
for the Company's outstanding Common Stock in the Offer and the Merger (the
"Offer Price") represents (i) a premium of approximately 56% over the $13.4375
closing price of the Common Stock on NASDAQ on November 8, 2000, the last full
trading day prior to the Board's meeting to approve the Offer and the Merger
and (ii) a premium of approximately 250% over the $6.00 closing price of the
Common Stock on NASDAQ on October 6, 2000, the date in the last twelve months
on which the Shares had their lowest closing price.

   2. The existence of complementary products and the perceived cultural and
strategic fit among the Company, 3M, and other recently acquired divisions of
3M, including Dynapro and the Polaroid KE polarizer business. Management of the
Company and the Board expect these factors will ease integration of the Company
into 3M following the Merger.

   3. The ability of the Company to take advantage of 3M's well-regarded
manufacturing capabilities and relationships with component manufacturers,
depth of research and development, and resources.

   4. The fairness opinion of Broadview delivered at the meeting of the Board
of Directors held on November 9, 2000. The full text of the written opinion
dated as of November 13, 2000 of Broadview which sets forth the assumptions
made, matters considered and limitations on the review undertaken, is attached
to this Information Statement as Appendix B and is incorporated herein by
reference. Holders of Shares are urged to read such opinion carefully and in
its entirety.

   5. The need to respond to changes in the touchscreen market, as described by
management of the Company, that would make it more difficult for an independent
company with fewer resources than its competitors to succeed, including the
increasing expense of necessary capital equipment, risks of investing in new
technologies, and the demands of sophisticated OEM customers.


   6. The fact that no other party had presented the Company with an
acquisition proposal that would be more favorable to the Company and its
shareholders than the Offer and the Merger.

   7. The fact that the Offer and the Merger provide for a cash tender offer
for all shares of Common Stock, to be followed by the Merger for the same
consideration, thereby enabling the Company's shareholders promptly to obtain
the benefits of the transaction in the form of cash in exchange for their
shares of Common Stock.

   8. The fact that 3M's and the Purchaser's obligations under the Offer and
the Merger are not subject to any financing condition, and the financial
strength of 3M.

   9. The terms and conditions of the Merger Agreement, including the parties'
representations, warranties and covenants, the conditions to their respective
obligations, and the limited ability of 3M and the Purchaser to terminate the
Offer or the Merger Agreement.

   10. The extensive arms-length negotiations between the Company and 3M that
resulted in the $21.00 per share price.

   11. The ability of the Board under the Merger Agreement, in order to comply
with its fiduciary duties, to furnish information and enter into any
discussions and negotiations, in connection with an unsolicited acquisition
proposal that, if received, could, with reasonable likelihood, result in a
superior proposal and to withdraw its recommendation of the Merger in favor of
a superior unsolicited acquisition proposal if one is received.

   12. The Merger Agreement permits the Board of Directors, in the exercise of
its fiduciary duties, to terminate the Merger Agreement in favor of a superior
acquisition proposal, provided that, prior to such termination, the Company
must have paid 3M a breakup fee of $9 million.

   13. The parties' agreement to accelerate the vesting of all options held by
the Company's employees prior to the closing of the Offer, and to allow
optionholders to receive the Net Gain (as defined under "The Merger Agreement--
Stock Options" below) in exchange for their options.

   14. The expressed intention of 3M to retain substantially all of the
employees of the Company in their present or equivalent positions after the

   15. The availability of appraisal rights under Massachusetts law in
connection with the Merger for shareholders who do not tender their shares in
the Offer or vote in favor of the Merger. See "RIGHTS OF DISSENTING

   The foregoing discussion of information and factors considered and given
weight by the Board of Directors is not intended to be exhaustive, but is
believed to include the material factors considered by the Board of Directors.
In view of the variety of factors considered in connection with its evaluation
of the Offer and the Merger, the Board of Directors did not find it practical
to, and did not, quantify or otherwise assign relative weights to the specific
factors considered in reaching its determinations and recommendations. In
addition, individual members of the Board of Directors may have given different
weights to different factors.

   The Board of Directors believes that the Merger is in the best interests of
the stockholders of the Company and recommends a vote "FOR" the approval and
adoption of the Merger Agreement.

Opinion of Financial Advisor

   Pursuant to a letter agreement dated as of January 16, 2000, Broadview was
engaged to act as financial advisor to the MicroTouch Board and to render an
opinion to the MicroTouch Board regarding the fairness of the Offer Price, from
a financial point of view, to MicroTouch stockholders. The MicroTouch Board
selected Broadview to act as financial advisor based on Broadview's reputation
and experience in the information technology, communication and media sectors
and the peripheral and sub-system industry in particular. At the meeting of the
MicroTouch Board on November 9, 2000, Broadview rendered its oral opinion that,
as of November 9, 2000, based upon and subject to the various factors and
assumptions, the Offer Price was fair,


from a financial point of view, to MicroTouch stockholders. Broadview sent
written confirmation on November 13, 2000, that as of such date, based upon and
subject to the various factors and assumptions, the Offer Price was fair from a
financial point of view, to MicroTouch stockholders.

   Broadview's opinion, which describes the assumptions made, matters
considered and limitations on the review undertaken by Broadview, is attached
as Appendix B to this Information Statement. MicroTouch stockholders are urged
to, and should, read the Broadview opinion carefully and in its entirety. The
Broadview opinion is directed to the MicroTouch Board and addresses only the
fairness of the Offer Price from a financial point of view to the holders of
shares of MicroTouch common stock as of the date of the opinion. The Broadview
opinion does not address any other aspect of the Merger and does not constitute
a recommendation to any holder of MicroTouch common stock as to whether or not
to tender their shares to 3M, or to vote to adopt the Merger Agreement. The
summary of the Broadview opinion set forth in this Information Statement,
although materially complete, is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
full text of such opinion.

   In connection with rendering its opinion, Broadview, among other things:

  -- reviewed the terms of the Merger Agreement;

  -- reviewed certain publicly available financial statements and other
     information of MicroTouch, respectively;

  -- reviewed certain internal financial and operating information (including
     certain preliminary financial results and projections) for MicroTouch
     prepared for and provided to Broadview by MicroTouch management;

  -- participated in discussions with MicroTouch management concerning the
     operations, business strategy, then current financial performance and
     prospects for MicroTouch;

  -- discussed with MicroTouch management its view of the strategic rationale
     for the Merger;

  -- reviewed the reported closing prices and trading activity for MicroTouch
     Common Stock;

  -- compared certain aspects of the financial performance of MicroTouch with
     public companies Broadview deemed comparable;

  -- analyzed available information, both public and private, concerning
     other mergers and acquisitions Broadview believed to be comparable in
     whole or in part to the Merger;

  -- participated in negotiations and discussions related to the Merger with
     MicroTouch, 3M and their respective financial and legal advisors; and

  -- conducted other financial studies, analyses and investigations as
     Broadview deemed appropriate for purposes of its opinion.

   In rendering its opinion, Broadview relied, without independent
verification, on the accuracy and completeness of all the financial and other
information, including without limitation the representations and warranties
contained in the Merger Agreement, that was publicly available or furnished to
Broadview by MicroTouch. With respect to the financial projections examined by
Broadview, Broadview assumed that they were reasonably prepared and reflected
the best available estimates and good faith judgments of the management of
MicroTouch as to the future performance of MicroTouch. Broadview also assumed
that MicroTouch was not currently involved in any material transaction as of
the date of Broadview's opinion other than the Merger, other publicly announced
transactions and those activities undertaken in the ordinary course of
conducting their respective businesses.

   Broadview did not make or obtain any independent appraisal or valuation of
any of MicroTouch's assets. Broadview's opinion is necessarily based upon
market, economic, financial and other conditions as they existed and could be
evaluated as of November 13, 2000, and any change in such conditions since that
date would require a reevaluation of Broadview's opinion.

   The following is a brief summary of the sources of information and valuation
methodologies employed by Broadview in rendering Broadview's opinion. These
analyses were presented to the MicroTouch Board at its meeting on November 9,
2000, and were presented to the Board in written form on November 13, 2000.


summary includes the financial analyses used by Broadview and deemed to be
material, but does not purport to be a complete description of analyses
performed by Broadview in arriving at its opinion. This summary of financial
analyses includes information presented in tabular format. In order to fully
understand the financial analyses used by Broadview, the tables must be read
together with the text of each summary. The tables alone do not constitute a
complete description of the financial analyses.

   MicroTouch Stock Performance Analysis--Broadview compared the recent stock
performance of MicroTouch with that of the S&P 500 and the "MicroTouch Public
Company Comparables Index". The MicroTouch Public Company Comparables Index is
comprised of North American public companies that Broadview deemed comparable
to MicroTouch's business. Broadview selected companies competing in the
hardware peripheral and sub-system industry with revenues between $25 million
and $250 million and revenue growth less than 10% for the last reported twelve
months. The MicroTouch Public Company Comparables Index consists of the
following companies: MTI Technology Corporation; Pacific Aerospace &
Electronics, Inc.; TransAct Technologies, Inc.; Video Display Corporation;
Boundless Corporation; OSI Systems, Inc.; PSC, Inc.; Exabyte Corporation; Key
Tronic Corporation; and Printronix, Inc.

   Public Company Comparables Analysis--Broadview considered ratios of share
price and market capitalization, adjusted for cash and debt when necessary, to
selected historical operating results in order to derive multiples placed on a
company in a particular market segment. In order to perform this analysis,
Broadview compared financial information of MicroTouch's business with publicly
available information for the companies comprising the MicroTouch Public
Company Comparables Index. While earnings-based multiples are metrics often
used to value public companies, they were not used in this analysis since
neither MicroTouch's business nor the majority of the public company
comparables is currently profitable. For this analysis, as well as other
analyses, Broadview examined publicly available information, as well as a range
of estimates based on securities research analyst reports and financial
projections prepared by MicroTouch management.

   In analyzing the MicroTouch business, trailing multiples for MicroTouch's
public company comparables were derived from public filings. These multiples
were then applied to MicroTouch's own trailing twelve month revenue metrics.

   The following table presents, as of November 13, 2000, the median multiples
and the range of multiples for the MicroTouch Public Company Comparables Index
of total market capitalization (defined as equity market capitalization plus
total debt minus cash and cash equivalents) divided by selected operating

                                                          Median    Range of
                                                         Multiple  Multiples
                                                         -------- ------------
   Total Market Capitalization to Last Twelve Months
    Revenue.............................................  0.64x   0.26x--0.98x
   Total Market Capitalization to Last Twelve Months
    Gross Profit........................................  2.66x   0.85x--5.61x

   The following table presents, as of November 13, 2000, the median implied
per share values and the range of implied per share values of MicroTouch's
common stock, calculated by using the multiples shown above and the appropriate
MicroTouch operating metric:

                                                                   Range of
                                                  Median Implied    Implied
                                                      Value         Values
                                                  -------------- -------------
   Total Market Capitalization to Last Twelve
    Months Revenue...............................     $16.86     $7.64--$25.36
   Total Market Capitalization to Last Twelve
    Months Gross Profit..........................     $18.51     $6.87--$37.62

   No company utilized in the public company comparables analysis as a
comparison is identical to MicroTouch. In evaluating the comparables, Broadview
made numerous assumptions with respect to the peripheral and sub-system
hardware industry performance and general economic conditions, many of which
are beyond the control of MicroTouch. Mathematical analysis, such as
determining the median, average, or range, is not in itself a meaningful method
of using comparable company data.


   Transaction Comparables Analysis--Broadview considered ratios of equity
purchase price, adjusted for the seller's cash and debt when appropriate, to
selected historical operating results in order to indicate multiples strategic
and financial acquirers have been willing to pay for companies in a particular
market segment. In order to perform this analysis, Broadview reviewed a number
of transactions that they considered similar to the Merger. Broadview selected
these transactions by choosing recent transactions involving sellers in the
peripheral and sub-system hardware industry with equity considerations greater
than $25 million and less than $250 million. For this analysis, as well as
other analyses, Broadview examined publicly available information, as well as
information from Broadview's proprietary database of published and confidential
merger and acquisition transactions in the information technology,
communication and media industries. These transactions consisted of the
acquisition of:

  . Integrated Sensor Solutions, Inc. by Texas Instruments, Inc.;

  . Percon, Inc. by PSC, Inc.;

  . Zing Technologies, Inc. by International Rectifier Corporation;

  . Aureal, Inc. by Creative Technology Ltd.;

  . BI Technologies Corporation (subsidiary of Emerson Electric Company) by
    TT Group Plc; and

  . Control Devices, Inc. by First Technology Plc;

  . Advanced Input Devices Corporation by Esterline Technologies Corporation;

  . Dexter Corporation (PCB Business) by Cookson Group Plc;

  . Acme Electric Corporation by Key Components, LLC;

  . ADFlex Solutions, Inc. by Innovex, Inc.

   The following table presents, as of November 13, 2000, the median multiple
and the range of multiples of Adjusted Price (defined as equity price plus
total debt minus cash and cash equivalents) divided by the seller's revenue in
the last reported twelve months prior to acquisition for the transactions
listed above:

                                                          Median    Range of
                                                         Multiple  Multiples
                                                         -------- ------------
    Adjusted Price to Last Reported Twelve Months
     Revenue............................................  1.00x   0.48x--2.36x

   The following table presents, as of November 13, 2000, the median implied
per share value and the range of implied per share values of MicroTouch's
common stock, calculated by multiplying the multiples shown above by the
appropriate MicroTouch operating metric for the twelve months ended September
30, 2000:

                                                Median Implied    Range of
                                                    Value      Implied Values
                                                -------------- --------------
   Adjusted Price to Last Reported Twelve
    Months Revenue.............................     $23.28     $11.68--$53.05

   No transaction utilized as a comparable in the transaction comparables
analysis is identical to the Merger. In evaluating the comparables, Broadview
made numerous assumptions with respect to the peripheral and sub-system
hardware industry's performance and general economic conditions, many of which
are beyond the control of MicroTouch or 3M. Mathematical analysis, such as
determining the average, median, or range, is not in itself a meaningful method
of using comparable transaction data.

   Transaction Premiums Paid Analysis--Broadview considered the premiums paid
above a seller's share price in order to determine the additional value
strategic and financial acquirers, when compared to public stockholders, are
willing to pay for companies in a particular market segment. In order to
perform this analysis, Broadview reviewed a number of transactions involving
publicly-held hardware companies. Broadview selected these transactions from
its proprietary database by choosing recent transactions with an equity
purchase price between $25 million and $250 million. These transactions
consisted of the acquisition of:

  . CFM Technologies, Inc. by Mattson Technology, Inc.;

  . AmeriLink Corporation by Tandy Corporation;

  . Mylex Corporation by International Business Machines Corporation;

  . Milltronics Ltd. by Siemens Canada Ltd.;


  . ACT Networks, Inc. by Clarent Corporation;

  . Nogatech, Inc. by Zoran Corporation;

  . Trident International, Inc. by Illinois Tool Works, Inc.;

  . Moore Products Co. by Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc. (subsidiary of
    Siemens AG);

  . Texas Micro, Inc. by RadiSys Corporation;

  . TriStar Aerospace Co. by AlliedSignal, Inc.;

  . Centigram Communications Corporation by ADC Telecommunications, Inc.;

  . Ferrofluidics Corporation by Ferrotec Corporation;

  . Powerhouse Technologies, Inc. by Anchor Gaming, Inc.;

  . Splash Technology Holdings, Inc. by Electronics for Imaging, Inc.;

  . AG Associates, Inc. by STEAG Electronic Systems GmbH;

  . Kofax Image Products, Inc. by Dicom Group Plc;

  . Instron Corporation by Kirkland Capital Partners;

  . Zing Technologies, Inc. by International Rectifier Corporation;

  . Robinson Nugent, Inc. by Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co.;

  . Intek Global Corporation by Securicor Group Plc;

  . SpecTran Corporation by Lucent Technologies, Inc.;

  . ADFlex Solutions, Inc. by Innovex, Inc.;

  . HMT Technology Corporation by Komag, Inc.;

  . SEEQ Technology, Inc. by LSI Logic Corporation;

  . Artecon, Inc. by Box Hill Systems Corporation;

  . Teltrend Corporation by Westell Technologies, Inc.;

  . Integrated Sensor Solutions, Inc. by Texas Instruments, Inc.;

  . Faroudja, Inc. by Sage, Inc.;

  . Loronix Information Systems, Inc. by Comverse Technology, Inc.;

  . Equinox Systems, Inc. by Avocent Corporation;

  . Vertex Communications Corporation by TriPoint Global Communications,

  . Align-Rite International, Inc. by Photronics, Inc.;

  . Brite Voice Systems, Inc. by InterVoice, Inc.;

  . Digital Origin, Inc. by Media 100, Inc.;

  . Plasma-Therm, Inc. by Oerlikon-Buhrle Holding AG;

  . Hello Direct, Inc. by GN Great Nordic Ltd.;

  . Percon, Inc. by PSC, Inc.;

  . Cerprobe Corporation by Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.;

  . Aydin Corporation by L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.;

  . Acme Electric Corporation by Key Components, LLC;

  . Microwave Power Devices, Inc. by Ericsson;

  . Control Devices, Inc. by First Technology Plc;

  . OpenROUTE Networks, Inc. by NETRIX Corporation;

  . Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. by S3, Inc.; and

  . Able Telcom Holding Corporation by Bracknell Corporation.


   The following table presents, as of November 13, 2000, the median premium
and the range of premiums for these transactions calculated by dividing:

  (1) the offer price per share minus the closing share price of the seller's
      common stock twenty trading days or one trading day prior to the public
      announcement of the transaction, by

  (2) the closing share price of the seller's common stock twenty trading
      days or one trading day prior to the public announcement of the

                                                Median Premium Range of Premiums
                                                -------------- -----------------
   Premium Paid to Seller's Share Price
    1 Trading Day Prior to Announcement........     36.0%       (25.6)%--78.4%
   Premium Paid to Seller's Share Price
    20 Trading Days Prior to Announcement......     57.6%       (18.3)%--161.5%

   The following table presents the median implied value and the range of
implied values of MicroTouch's stock, calculated by using the premiums shown
above and MicroTouch's share price 20 trading days and one trading day prior to
November 13, 2000:

                                                  Median Implied    Range of
                                                      Value      Implied Values
                                                  -------------- --------------
   Premium Paid to Seller's Share Price
    1 Trading Day Prior to Announcement..........     $23.63     $12.93--$31.00
   Premium Paid to Seller's Share Price
    20 Trading Days Prior to Announcement........     $11.42     $ 5.92--$18.96

   No transaction utilized as a comparable in the transaction premiums paid
analysis is identical to the Merger. In evaluating the comparables, Broadview
made numerous assumptions with respect to hardware industry performance and
general economic conditions, many of which are beyond the control of MicroTouch
or 3M. Mathematical analysis, such as determining the average, median, or range
is not in itself a meaningful method of using comparable transaction data.

   Discounted Cash Flow Analysis--Broadview examined the value of MicroTouch
based on projected free cash flow estimates for MicroTouch on a standalone
basis. A discounted cash flow analysis is most appropriate for companies which
exhibit relatively steady or somewhat predictable streams of future cash flow.
The free cash flow estimates were generated from financial projections from
December 31, 2000 through December 31, 2004, which were prepared by Broadview
and approved by MicroTouch Management. A preponderance of the value in a
valuation based on discounted cash flow will be in the terminal value of the
entity, which is extremely sensitive to assumptions about the sustainable long-
term growth rate of the company. A range of terminal values at December 31,
2004 was determined by ascribing long-term growth rates, which ranged from
2.00% to 5.00%, to the annual free cash flow for the twelve months ending
December 31, 2004. Broadview calculated a discount rate of 20.00% based on the
Capital Asset Pricing Model ("CAPM") using MicroTouch's capital-structure
adjusted beta, and then adjusting for the risk inherent in Management's
internal projections.

   The following table presents the median implied value and the range of
implied values of MicroTouch's stock, as of November 13, 2000, calculated by
using the discounted cash flow analysis described above:

                                                  Median Implied    Range of
                                                      Value      Implied Values
                                                  -------------- --------------
   Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
    Using a 20% Discount Rate....................     $18.85     $17.72--$20.18

   In connection with the review of the Merger by the MicroTouch Board,
Broadview performed a variety of financial and comparative analyses. The
summary set forth above does not purport to be a complete description of the
analyses performed by Broadview in connection with the Merger.


   The preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex process and is not
necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description. In arriving
at its opinion, Broadview considered the results of all of its analyses as a
whole and did not attribute any particular weight to any analysis or factor
considered by it. Furthermore, Broadview believes that selecting any portion of
its analyses, without considering all analyses, would create an incomplete view
of the process underlying its opinion.

   In performing its analyses, Broadview made numerous assumptions with respect
to industry performance and general business and economic conditions and other
matters, many of which are beyond the control of MicroTouch. The analyses
performed by Broadview are not necessarily indicative of actual values or
actual future results, which may be significantly more or less favorable than
suggested by such analyses. The Offer Price pursuant to the Agreement and other
terms of the Agreement were determined through arm's length negotiations
between MicroTouch and 3M, and were approved by the MicroTouch Board. Broadview
provided advice to the MicroTouch Board during such negotiations; however,
Broadview did not recommend any specific consideration to the MicroTouch Board
or that any specific consideration constituted the only appropriate
consideration for the Merger. In addition, Broadview's opinion and presentation
to the MicroTouch Board was one of many factors taken into consideration by the
MicroTouch Board in making its decision to approve the Merger. Consequently,
the Broadview analyses as described above should not be viewed as determinative
of the opinion of the MicroTouch Board with respect to the value of MicroTouch
or of whether the MicroTouch Board would have been willing to agree to a
different consideration.

   Pursuant to a letter agreement dated as of January 16, 2000, the Company
retained Broadview to evaluate strategic alternatives for the Company. The
Company instructed Broadview to study its existing corporate strategy and to
consider all possible alternatives, including a sale of capital stock or
assets, merger, consolidation, recapitalization, strategic joint venture,
partnership or similar transaction. The Board of Directors retained Broadview
based upon Broadview's qualifications, experience and expertise. Broadview is
an internationally recognized mergers and acquisitions advisor and private
equity investor. Broadview, as part of its advisory business, is continually
engaged in the valuation of businesses and their securities in connection with
mergers and acquisitions.

   Upon consummation of the Merger, MicroTouch will be obligated to pay
Broadview a transaction fee of approximately $2,138,159. Broadview is also
entitled to receive from MicroTouch a fairness opinion fee equal to up to 20%
of the transaction fee. The fairness opinion fee will be credited against the
transaction fee payable by MicroTouch upon completion of the Merger. In
addition, MicroTouch has agreed to reimburse Broadview for its reasonable
expenses, including fees and expenses of its counsel, and to indemnify
Broadview and its affiliates against certain liabilities and expenses related
to their engagement, including liabilities under the federal securities laws.
The terms of the fee arrangement with Broadview, which MicroTouch and Broadview
believe are customary in transactions of this nature, were negotiated at arm's
length between MicroTouch and Broadview, and the MicroTouch Board was aware of
the nature of the fee arrangement, including the fact that a significant
portion of the fees payable to Broadview is contingent upon completion of the

   Except as described above, neither the Company nor any person acting on its
behalf currently intends to employ, retain or compensate any other person to
make solicitations or recommendations to shareholders on its behalf concerning
the Offer or the Merger.

   The total amount of funds required by the Purchaser to purchase all
outstanding Shares pursuant to the Offer (assuming the exercise of all
outstanding options and after deducting the proceeds of such exercise) and to
pay fees and expenses related to the Offer and the Merger is estimated to be
approximately $160 million. The Purchaser plans to obtain all funds needed for
the Merger through a capital contribution that will be made by 3M to the
Purchaser. 3M intends to use its available cash on hand to make this capital
contribution. The Merger is not conditioned on obtaining financing.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

   Certain directors and executive officers of the Company have interests in
connection with the Offer and the Merger that present them with actual or
potential conflicts of interest, as summarized below.


   The executive officers and directors of the Company who hold stock options
exercisable for shares of the Company's Common Stock will receive the Net Gain
(as defined under "The Merger Agreement--Stock Options" below) for their
options on the same terms and conditions as are applicable to all other holders
of Company stock options. As of November 30, 2000, the directors and executive
officers of the Company held options to acquire an aggregate of 479,193
options, with exercise prices ranging from $1.75 to $26.50 per share.

   Executive officers and directors of the Company who tendered their shares in
the Offer received the same Offer Price on the same terms as all other
stockholders of the Company. As of November 30, 2000, the directors and
executive officers of the Company owned an aggregate of 159,820 shares of
Common Stock. The directors and executive officers of the Company received in
the Offer, or will receive in the Merger, an aggregate of $3,356,220 in
exchange for their shares.

   The executive officers and directors of the Company are also covered by
indemnification arrangements with the Company and, following the Merger, with
3M. See "The Merger Agreement--Indemnification, Exculpation and Insurance"

   The Company has also agreed to assist 3M in (i) identifying key employees of
the Company and its subsidiaries, which are expected to include certain of the
current executive officers and directors of the Company, whose continued
employment following the closing date of the Merger should be covered by
individual employment agreements, and (ii) designing the provisions of such
agreements; provided, however, that the surviving corporation of the Merger,
which is wholly-owned by 3M, shall have the final authority to decide which of
the Company's employees will be offered such employment agreements. The Company
will use reasonable commercial efforts to convince such key employees to enter
into such individual employment agreements on or prior to the closing date.

   Further, the Company will assist 3M in (i) identifying those key employees
of the Company and its subsidiaries, which are expected to include certain of
the current executive officers and directors of the Company, who should be
eligible for retention bonuses/compensation as an incentive for them to
continue their employment following the closing date of the Merger, and (ii)
designing the terms and conditions of such retention bonuses/compensation;
provided, however, that the surviving corporation of the Merger, which is
wholly-owned by 3M, shall have the final authority to decide both the employees
eligible for such retention bonuses/compensation as well as the terms and
conditions of such bonuses/compensation.

Regulatory Approvals

   U.S. and foreign antitrust laws prohibit MicroTouch and 3M from completing
the Merger until they have furnished information and materials about the
companies and the Merger to the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice
and the Federal Trade Commission, in the United States, and applicable
antitrust authorities in other countries, and the required waiting periods have
expired. The waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements
Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR Act") expired on December 7, 2000.
Applications to antitrust authorities in Germany, Austria and Spain are
pending. MicroTouch is not aware of any other governmental or regulatory
approvals that the parties or applicable agencies will require as prerequisites
for closing the Merger.

Accounting Treatment of the Merger

   The Merger will be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.


                              THE MERGER AGREEMENT

   The following summary of the Merger Agreement is qualified in its entirety
by reference to the Merger Agreement, which is attached to this Information
Statement as Appendix A. The Merger Agreement should be read in its entirety
for a more complete description of the matters summarized below.

   The Merger Agreement provides that, following the satisfaction or waiver of
the conditions described below under "Conditions to the Merger," the Purchaser
will be merged with and into the Company, with the Company being the surviving
corporation, and each issued Share (other than Shares owned by 3M, the
Purchaser or the Company or by shareholders, if any, who are entitled to and
who properly exercise appraisal rights under Massachusetts law) will be
converted into the right to receive the Offer Price in cash, without interest

   The Company Action. The MicroTouch Board of Directors has (i) determined
that the Merger Agreement, the Offer and the Merger are fair to and in the best
interests of the Company and the stockholders of the Company, (ii) approved and
adopted the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby,
including the Offer and the Merger, and (iii) recommended that the stockholders
of the Company accept the Offer, tender their Shares pursuant to the Offer, and
vote to adopt the Merger Agreement (the "Recommendation").

   Conditions to the Merger. The Merger Agreement provides that the respective
obligations of each party to effect the Merger are subject to the satisfaction
or waiver of certain conditions, including the following: (a) Shareholder
Approval (as defined below under "Termination of the Merger Agreement"), if
required by applicable law, shall have been obtained; (b) no order, decree or
injunction (collectively, "Legal Restraints") shall have been entered or issued
by any governmental or regulatory authority, court, agency, commission or other
governmental entity or any securities exchange or other self-regulatory body,
domestic or foreign ("Governmental Entity"), that has the effect of making the
Merger illegal or otherwise prohibiting consummation of the Merger; (c) any
requisite waiting period (and any extension thereof) applicable to the Merger
under the HSR Act shall have expired or been terminated and any other approval
or waiting period required prior to the effective time of the Merger (the
"Effective Time") under any other applicable competition, merger control,
antitrust or similar law or regulation of any Governmental Entity shall have
been obtained or terminated or shall have expired, other than those the failure
of which to have been obtained or terminated or to have expired would not
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, as defined in the
Merger Agreement, or result in the commission of a criminal offense; (d) the
Purchaser shall have previously accepted for payment and paid for the Shares
pursuant to the Offer (which occurred on January  , 2001); (e) the Shareholders
Agreement dated as of November 13, 2000 among 3M, the Purchaser, and certain
officers and directors of the Company, as described in more detail below under
"The Shareholders Agreement", shall be in full force and effect; (f) the Stock
Option Agreement dated as of November 13, 2000 among the Company and 3M, as
described in more detail below under "The Stock Option Agreement", shall be in
full force and effect; and (g) the Company shall have performed in all material
respects its covenants regarding employee benefits plans contained in the
Merger Agreement that are required to be performed on or prior to the closing
date of the Merger.

   Termination of the Merger Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in the
Merger Agreement, the Merger Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to
the Effective Time, whether before or after the Shareholder Approval has been

     (a) by mutual written consent of 3M and the Company;

     (b) by any party, if the Purchaser had not accepted for payment any
  Shares pursuant to the Offer satisfying the Minimum Tender Condition (as
  defined in Exhibit A to the Merger Agreement) prior to February 28, 2001
  (the "Termination Date");


     (c) by any party, if a Governmental Entity shall have issued an order,
  decree or injunction or taken any other action permanently enjoining,
  restraining or otherwise prohibiting the acceptance for payment of, or
  payment for the Shares pursuant to the Merger and such order, decree or
  injunction, or other action shall have become final and nonappealable;

     (d) by 3M (i) if the Company shall have breached or failed to perform in
  any material respect any of its representations, warranties, covenants or
  other agreements contained in the Merger Agreement, which breach,
  individually or in the aggregate with other breaches, would give rise to
  the failure of the representation and warranty of the Company concerning
  its capitalization contained in the Merger Agreement to be true and correct
  in all material respects, or the other representations and warranties of
  the Company contained in the Merger Agreement to be true and correct,
  except for such failures to be true and correct that (without giving
  effect, with respect to those representations and warranties that are not
  true and correct, to any limitation as to "materiality" or material adverse
  effect set forth therein), individually and in the aggregate, would not
  reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect, or of the Company
  to perform in any respect any obligation required to be performed by it
  under the Merger Agreement at or prior to the Termination Date, which
  failure would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect,
  which failure has not been or is incapable of being cured by the Company
  within 20 business days after its receipt of written notice thereof from
  3M, or (ii) if any suit, action or proceeding by any Governmental Entity
  (as defined under "The Merger Agreement--Conditions to the Merger" below)
  (i) challenging the acquisition by 3M or the Purchaser of any Shares,
  seeking to restrain or prohibit consummation of the Merger, or seeking to
  place limitations on the ownership of shares of Common Stock (or shares of
  common stock of the surviving corporation) by 3M or the Purchaser,
  (ii) seeking to prohibit or limit the ownership or operation by the Company
  or 3M and their respective subsidiaries of any material portion of the
  business or assets of the Company or 3M and their respective subsidiaries
  taken as a whole, or to compel the Company or 3M and their respective
  subsidiaries to dispose of or hold separate any material portion of the
  business or assets of the Company or 3M and their respective subsidiaries
  taken as a whole, as a result of the Offer, the Merger or any of the other
  transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, (iii) seeking to
  prohibit 3M or any of its subsidiaries from effectively controlling in any
  material respect the business or operations of the Company or 3M and their
  respective subsidiaries taken as a whole, or (iv) which otherwise is
  reasonably expected to have a material adverse effect shall have prevailed
  and become final and nonappealable;

     (e) by the Company, if either of 3M or the Purchaser shall have breached
  or failed to perform in any material respect any of its representations,
  warranties, covenants or other agreements contained in the Merger
  Agreement, except for such failures that, individually or in the aggregate,
  would not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on 3M's
  or the Purchaser's ability to consummate the transactions contemplated by
  the Merger Agreement, including the Offer and the Merger, which breach or
  failure to perform has not been or is incapable of being cured by 3M within
  20 business days after its receipt of written notice thereof from the

     (f) by 3M, if the Merger and Merger Agreement have not been approved by
  an affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding Shares
  ("Shareholder Approval") unless Shares satisfying the Minimum Tender
  Condition have been tendered to the Purchaser;

     (g) by 3M, if (i) the Board of Directors shall or shall resolve to (A)
  not recommend that Company shareholders give the Shareholder Approval, (B)
  withdraw or modify in any manner materially adverse to 3M or the Purchaser
  the Recommendation, (C) approve, recommend or fail to take a position that
  is adverse to any proposed Acquisition Transaction involving the Company or
  any of its subsidiaries (as described below under "Acquisition Proposals")
  or (D) except pursuant to the exercise of the Company's rights in
  circumstances described below under "Acquisition Proposals" in which
  termination of the Merger Agreement by the Company is permitted, take any
  action to make the provisions of Chapter 110D or 110F of the Massachusetts
  General Laws inapplicable to any Acquisition Transaction or release any
  standstill agreements or other similar restrictions, or amend the rights
  agreement between the Company and The First National Bank of Boston, as
  rights agent, dated as of January 19, 1996 (the "Rights


  Agreement"), relating to the issuance by the Company of its preferred stock
  purchase rights (the "Rights"), redeem the Rights or take any other action
  which would result in the Rights Agreement becoming inapplicable to any
  person or any Acquisition Transaction; (ii) the Board of Directors shall
  have refused to affirm to 3M its recommendation to Company shareholders
  that they give the Shareholder Approval as promptly as practicable (but in
  any case within five days) after receipt of any reasonable written request
  for such affirmation from 3M; or (iii) a person shall have acquired more
  than 20% of the outstanding shares of Company Common Stock; or

     (h) by the Company in the circumstances described below under
  "Acquisition Proposals" in which such termination by the Company is
  permitted, subject to compliance by the Company with the notice and
  termination fee provisions described below.

   The Rights Agreement was amended as of November 13, 2000, to render the
Rights inapplicable to the Offer, the Merger and the other transactions
contemplated by the Merger Agreement.

   Acquisition Proposals. The Merger Agreement provided that, without the prior
written consent of 3M, the Company would not, and would not authorize or permit
any of its subsidiaries to, and would use its reasonable best efforts to cause
any of its or their respective officers, directors, employees, financial
advisors, agents or other representatives not to, directly or indirectly,
solicit, initiate or encourage (including by way of furnishing information) or
take any other action to facilitate the making of any proposal which
constitutes or may reasonably be expected to lead to an Acquisition Proposal
(as defined below) from any person, engage in any discussion or negotiations
relating thereto or accept any Acquisition Proposal or enter into any contract
or understanding requiring it to abandon, terminate or fail to consummate the
Merger or any of the other transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement.
The Merger Agreement also provided that, at any time prior to the acceptance
for payment of Shares pursuant to the Offer, the Company could furnish
information to, and negotiate or otherwise engage in discussions with, any
person (a "Proposing Party") who (a) delivered a bona fide written Acquisition
Proposal which was not solicited, initiated, encouraged or facilitated by the
Company, directly or indirectly, after the date of the Merger Agreement or
otherwise resulted from a breach of Section 5.3 of the Merger Agreement, and
(b) entered into an appropriate confidentiality agreement with the Company, if,
but only if, the Board of Directors of the Company determined in good faith by
a majority vote, (i) after consultation with, and receipt of advice from, its
outside legal counsel, and taking into account, among other things, all legal,
financial, regulatory and other aspects of the proposal and the party making
the proposal, that such proposal would have, if consummated, resulted in a
transaction that was more favorable to its shareholders (in their capacities as
shareholders), from a financial point of view, than the transactions
contemplated by the Merger Agreement, and (ii) after consultation with the
Company's independent financial advisors, that such proposal could reasonably
have been expected to be completed (a "Superior Transaction").

   The Merger Agreement provides that the Company shall notify 3M orally and in
writing (i) of any such offers or proposals described in the immediately
preceding paragraph (including, without limitation, the terms and conditions of
any such offers or proposals), and any amendments or revisions thereto, (ii)
whether the person making such offer or proposal has a class of equity
securities that is publicly traded, and whether such person is a Fortune 500
company, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange or is traded on The Nasdaq
National Market, and (iii) without requiring the Company to divulge information
that reasonably could lead 3M to identify the person making such offer or
proposal, such other information regarding the financial position of the person
making such offer or proposal and such other information as 3M reasonably may
request relating to such person's ability to finance and consummate the
Acquisition Transaction (as defined below) so offered or proposed. The
foregoing information shall be delivered to 3M as promptly as practicable
following the receipt by the Company of such offer or proposal, and the Company
shall keep 3M reasonably informed of the status and material terms of any such
offer or proposal.

   "Acquisition Proposal" means any proposal or offer from any person (other
than 3M or any of its subsidiaries) relating to any (i) direct or indirect
acquisition or purchase of a portion of the business of the Company or any of
its subsidiaries that generates 20% or more of the consolidated net revenues or
constitutes 20% or more of the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries, (ii)
direct or indirect acquisition or purchase of


20% or more of any class of equity securities of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries whose business generates 20% or more of the consolidated net
revenues or constitutes 20% or more of the assets of the Company and its
subsidiaries, (iii) tender offer or exchange offer that if consummated would
result in any person beneficially owning 20% or more of the capital stock of
the Company, or (iv) merger, consolidation, business combination,
recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution or similar transaction involving the
Company or any of its subsidiaries whose business generates 20% or more of the
consolidated net revenues or constitutes 20% or more of the assets of the
Company and its subsidiaries. Each of the transactions referred to in clauses
(i)--(iv) above, other than any such transaction to which 3M or any of its
subsidiaries is a party, shall be deemed to exclude the Company's subsidiary in
Australia and is referred to as an "Acquisition Transaction."

   For purposes of the definitions of the terms "Acquisition Proposal" and
"Acquisition Transaction," the term "consolidated net revenues" means the
aggregate revenues of the Company and its subsidiaries for the 12-month period
ending on the last day of the period covered by the most recent Form 10-K
report of the Company or, if later, the most recent Form 10-Q report of the
Company filed with the SEC.

   The Merger Agreement also provided that if, prior to the acceptance for
payment of Shares pursuant to the Offer, the Board of Directors of the Company
determined in good faith by a majority vote, with respect to any Acquisition
Proposal from a proposing party for an Acquisition Transaction received after
the date of the Merger Agreement that was not solicited, initiated, encouraged
or facilitated by the Company, directly or indirectly, after the date of the
Merger Agreement or did not otherwise result from a breach of the requirements
described above, that, based upon consultations with the Company's independent
financial advisors and outside legal counsel, the Acquisition Transaction was a
Superior Transaction, then the Company could have terminated the Merger
Agreement and entered into an acquisition agreement for the Superior
Transaction; provided that, prior to any such termination, and in order for
such termination to have been effective, (i) the Company must have provided 3M
three business days' written notice that it intended to terminate the Merger
Agreement, identifying the Superior Transaction and delivering an accurate
description of all material terms of the Superior Transaction to be entered
into, and (ii) on the date of termination (provided that the advice of the
Company's independent financial advisors and outside legal counsel referred to
above shall continue in effect without revocation, revision or modification),
the Company must have delivered to 3M (A) a written notice of termination of
the Merger Agreement, (B) a wire transfer of immediately available funds in the
amount of the Termination Fee described below, (C) a written acknowledgment
from the Company that the termination of the Merger Agreement and the entry
into the Superior Transaction are a Triggering Event (as defined below), and
(D) a written acknowledgment from each other party to the Superior Transaction
that it has read the Company's acknowledgment referred to in clause (C) above
and will not contest the matters thus acknowledged by the Company, including
the payment of the Termination Fee.

   The Merger Agreement provided that the provisions described above would not
have prevented the Board of Directors of the Company from taking, and
disclosing to the Company's shareholders, a position contemplated by Rule 14d-9
and Rule 14e-2(a) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the "Exchange Act") or making any disclosure required under the
Massachusetts General Laws (subject, however, to compliance with the balance of
this sentence where applicable). The Merger Agreement also provided that the
Board of Directors could have, prior to the acceptance for payment of Shares
pursuant to the Offer, withdrawn, modified or changed its recommendation if, in
its good faith judgment, after consultation with outside legal counsel, failure
to take such action would have been inconsistent with its obligations under
applicable law; provided that in the case of a tender offer, the Board of
Directors could not have recommended that shareholders tender their Shares in
such tender offer unless (i) such tender offer was determined to be a Superior
Transaction in accordance with the provisions of the Merger Agreement and (ii)
the Company provided 3M with not less than three business days' prior written
notice of any such action.

   Fees and Expenses; Termination Fee. The Merger Agreement provides that,
except as set forth below, all costs and expenses incurred in connection with
the Merger Agreement, the Offer, the Merger and the other transactions
contemplated by the Merger Agreement shall be paid by the party incurring such
fees or expenses,


whether or not the Merger is consummated. All reasonable fees and expenses of
the Company's financial advisors and legal counsel shall be paid by the
Surviving Corporation of the Merger upon the consummation of the Merger.

   Upon the happening of a Triggering Event, the Company is required to pay to
3M the amount of $9,000,000 (the "Termination Fee"). "Triggering Event" is
defined in the Merger Agreement to mean any one of the following:

     (i) a termination of the Merger Agreement by 3M pursuant to clauses (i)
  and (ii) of paragraph (g) under "Termination of the Merger Agreement",

     (ii) a termination of the Merger Agreement by 3M pursuant to clause (i)
  of paragraph (d)(i) or paragraph (f) under "Termination of the Merger
  Agreement", if any Acquisition Proposal is publicly proposed or announced
  on or after the date of the Merger Agreement and such Acquisition Proposal
  has not been publicly rejected by the Board of Directors of the Company;

     (iii) a termination of the Merger Agreement by the Company pursuant to
  paragraph (h) under "Termination of the Merger Agreement"; or

     (iv) if, within twelve months after a termination of the Merger
  Agreement, any Acquisition Transaction is entered into, agreed to or
  consummated by the Company with a person (other than 3M or the Purchaser)
  who made, or who is affiliated with any person (other than 3M or the
  Purchaser) who made (A) an Acquisition Proposal or (B) a statement of
  intent to pursue an Acquisition Transaction, either of which was publicly
  proposed or announced prior to a termination of the Merger Agreement.

   Payment of the Termination Fee shall be made by wire transfer of immediately
available funds (1) on the second business day after such termination in the
case of clauses (i) and (ii) of the definition of Triggering Event set forth
above, (2) on or prior to the date of such termination, in the case of clause
(iii) of the definition of Triggering Event, or (3) on the earlier of (x) the
date a contract is entered into with respect to an Acquisition Transaction or
(y) the date an Acquisition Transaction is consummated, in the case of clause
(iv) of the definition of Triggering Event. In no event shall more than one
Termination Fee be payable by each party under the Merger Agreement.

   The Merger Agreement also provides that, if the Company terminates the
Merger Agreement pursuant to paragraph (e) under "Termination of the Merger
Agreement", 3M shall pay to the Company, as liquidated damages, the sum of

   Interim Operations of the Company. In the Merger Agreement, the Company
covenants and agrees as to itself and its subsidiaries, that, unless otherwise
approved in writing by 3M or expressly contemplated by the Merger Agreement or
the disclosure letter furnished by the Company to 3M (the "Disclosure Letter"),
during the period from the date of the Merger Agreement until the earlier of
(a) the termination of the Merger Agreement and (b) the Effective Time:

     (i) the business of the Company and its subsidiaries (other than the
  Company's subsidiary in Australia) taken as a whole shall be conducted in
  all material respects in the ordinary and usual course consistent with the
  Company's past practice and, to the extent consistent therewith, the
  Company shall use, and shall cause its subsidiaries to use, reasonable
  commercial efforts to preserve its business organization intact in all
  material respects, keep available the services of its officers and
  employees as a group (subject to changes in the ordinary course) and
  maintain its existing relations and goodwill in all material respects with
  customers, suppliers, regulators, distributors, creditors, lessors, and
  others having business dealings with it, in each case, consistent with the
  Company's past practice;

     (ii) the Company shall not issue, deliver, grant or sell any additional
  shares of Company Common Stock or any subscriptions, options (including
  those granted under either the Company's (a) 1992 Equity Incentive Plan,
  (b) 1994 Directors Stock Option Plan, or (c) 1998 Employee and Consultant
  Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan (collectively, the "Stock Option Plans")),
  warrants, calls, commitments, agreements,


  conversion rights or other rights of any character (contingent or
  otherwise) to purchase or otherwise acquire from the Company or any of its
  subsidiaries at any time, or upon the happening of any stated event, any
  shares of capital stock of the Company (the "Company Options") (other than
  the issuance, delivery, grant or sale of shares of Company Common Stock
  pursuant to the exercise or conversion of Company Options outstanding as of
  the date of the Merger Agreement);

     (iii) the Company shall not (A) amend its Articles of Organization or
  By-laws, amend or take any action under the Rights Agreement (other than
  actions requested by 3M in order to render the Rights inapplicable to the
  Offer, the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by the Merger
  Agreement), or adopt any other shareholders rights plan or enter into any
  agreement with any of its shareholders in their capacity as such; (B)
  split, combine, subdivide or reclassify its outstanding shares of capital
  stock; (C) declare, set aside or pay any dividend or distribution payable
  in cash, stock or property in respect of any of its capital stock, other
  than dividends and distributions by a direct or indirect wholly-owned
  subsidiary of the Company to its parent corporation; or (D) repurchase,
  redeem or otherwise acquire or permit any of its subsidiaries to purchase,
  redeem or otherwise acquire, any shares of its capital stock or any Company
  Options (it being understood that this provision shall not prohibit the
  exercise (cashless or otherwise) of Company Options);

     (iv) the Company shall not, and shall not cause or permit any of its
  subsidiaries to, take any action that it knows would cause any of its
  representations and warranties in the Merger Agreement to become inaccurate
  in any material respect;

     (v) except as expressly permitted by the Merger Agreement, and except as
  required by applicable law or pursuant to contractual obligations in effect
  on the date of the Merger Agreement, the Company shall not, and shall not
  permit its subsidiaries to, (A) enter into, adopt or amend (except for
  renewals on substantially identical terms) any agreement or arrangement
  relating to severance, (B) enter into, adopt or amend (except for renewals
  on substantially identical terms) any employee benefit plan or employment
  or consulting arrangement; or (C) grant any stock options or other equity
  related awards;

     (vi) except for borrowings under lines of credit contemplated by the
  Disclosure Letter and trade debt incurred in the ordinary course of
  business consistent with past practice, neither the Company nor any of its
  subsidiaries shall issue, incur or amend the terms of any indebtedness for
  borrowed money or guarantee any such indebtedness (other than indebtedness
  of the Company or any wholly-owned subsidiary);

     (vii) neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries shall make any
  capital expenditures in an aggregate amount in excess of the aggregate
  amount reflected in the capital expenditure budget, a copy of which is
  attached to the Disclosure Letter;

     (viii) other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with
  past practice, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries shall
  transfer, lease, license, sell, mortgage, pledge, encumber or otherwise
  dispose of any of its or its subsidiaries' property or assets (including
  capital stock of any of its subsidiaries) material to the Company and its
  subsidiaries taken as a whole, except pursuant to contracts existing as of
  the date of the Merger Agreement (the terms of which have been previously
  disclosed to 3M);

     (ix) neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries shall issue,
  deliver, sell or encumber shares of any class of its capital stock or any
  securities convertible into, or any rights, warrants or options to acquire,
  any such shares, except any such shares issued pursuant to options and
  other awards outstanding on the date of the Merger Agreement under Company
  benefit plans or as otherwise permitted by the Merger Agreement;

     (x) neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries shall acquire any
  business, including any facilities, whether by merger, consolidation,
  purchase of property or assets or otherwise, except to the extent provided
  for in the capital expenditure budget attached to the Disclosure Letter;

     (xi) the Company shall not change its accounting policies, practices or
  methods in any manner that materially affects the reported consolidated
  assets, liabilities or results of operations of the Company, except as
  required by generally accepted accounting principles, applicable law or by
  the rules and regulations of the SEC;


     (xii) other than pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the Company shall
  not, and shall not permit any of its subsidiaries to, take any action to
  cause shares of its Common Stock to cease to be listed on the Nasdaq
  National Market System;

     (xiii) the Company shall not, and shall not permit any of its
  subsidiaries to (A) enter into any contract, lease, agreement, instrument
  or other arrangement containing any covenant limiting the freedom of the
  company or any of its subsidiaries to engage in the business of the Company
  or compete with any person, (B) enter into any joint venture or partnership
  agreement that is material to the Company and its subsidiaries taken as a
  whole, or (C) enter into or amend any distribution, supply, inventory
  purchase, franchise, license, sales agency or advertising contract outside
  of the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice in scope
  and amount but in no event for a term (or an extension of a term) beyond
  the date that is twelve months after the date of the Merger Agreement;

     (xiv) the Company shall not, and shall not cause or permit any of its
  subsidiaries to, change or, other than in the ordinary course of business
  consistent with past practice, make any material tax election, settle any
  audit or file any amended tax returns, except as required by applicable

     (xv) the Company shall not take any action that could reasonably be
  expected to result in (A) any representation and warranty of the Company
  set forth in the Merger Agreement that is qualified as to materiality
  becoming untrue, (B) any such representation and warranty that is not so
  qualified becoming untrue in any manner that has or is reasonably expected
  to have a material adverse effect or (C) any condition to the Offer or the
  Merger not being satisfied; or

     (xvi) the Company shall not enter into, or permit any of its
  subsidiaries to enter into, any commitments or agreements to do any of the

   Board of Directors. The Merger Agreement provides that, promptly upon the
satisfaction of the Minimum Tender Condition and the acceptance for payment of,
and payment by the Purchaser for, any Shares pursuant to the Offer, which
occurred on January  , 2001, the Purchaser is entitled to designate such number
of directors on the Board of Directors as will give the Purchaser
representation on the Board of Directors equal to that number of directors,
rounded down to the next whole number, which is the product of (a) the total
number of directors on the Board of Directors (giving effect to the directors
elected pursuant to this sentence) multiplied by (b) a fraction, the numerator
of which is the number of Shares so accepted for payment and paid for by the
Purchaser and the denominator of which is the number of Shares outstanding at
the time of acceptance for payment of Shares pursuant to the Offer (
Shares as of January  , 2001), and the Company must, promptly upon such
designation by the Purchaser, cause the Purchaser's designees to be elected or
appointed to the Board of Directors; provided, however, that during the period
commencing with the election or appointment of the Purchaser's designees to the
Board of Directors until the Effective Time or earlier termination of the
Merger Agreement, the Board of Directors shall have at least two directors who
are directors on the date of the Merger Agreement and who are not officers of
the Company or representatives of any affiliates of the Company (the
"Independent Directors"); and provided further, however, that if during such
period the number of Independent Directors shall be reduced below two for any
reason whatsoever, the remaining Independent Directors (or Independent
Director, if there shall be only one remaining) shall be entitled to designate
persons to fill any such vacancies who shall be deemed to be Independent
Directors for purposes of the Merger Agreement or, if no Independent Directors
then remain, the other directors shall designate two persons to fill such
vacancies who are not officers, affiliates, associates or shareholders of 3M or
the Purchaser, and such persons shall be deemed to be Independent Directors for
purposes of the Merger Agreement.

   In accordance with the foregoing, on January 4, 2001, three individuals
resigned from the Company's Board of Directors. Effective January 4, 2001, the
Purchaser designated three individuals to fill the vacancies. See "THE MERGER--
Background of the Merger." The two Independent Directors on the Company's Board
are               and              . Prior to the Effective Time, the
affirmative vote of a majority of the Independent Directors is required in
addition to any other applicable requirement to (a) amend or terminate the


Merger Agreement by the Company, (b) exercise or waive any of the Company's
rights or remedies under the Merger Agreement or (c) extend the time for
performance of 3M and the Purchaser's respective obligations under the Merger

   Stock Options. The Merger Agreement provides that, as of the Effective Time,
each Company Option issued under the Stock Option Plans (each as defined above
under the heading "Interim Operations of the Company") and outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be converted into the right to
receive in cash an amount equal to the "Net Gain" attributable to such Company
Option. At the Effective Time all such Company Options shall no longer be
outstanding and shall automatically be cancelled and terminated and shall cease
to exist, and each holder of a Company Option shall cease to have any rights
with respect thereto, except the right to receive the Net Gain attributable
thereto. For purposes of the Merger Agreement, the term "Net Gain" with respect
to a Company Option means the product of (x) the excess of the highest price
per Share paid pursuant to the Offer over the exercise price per share of such
Company Option, and (y) the number of Shares of Common Stock subject to such
Company Option. Immediately prior to the Effective Time, 3M shall provide or
cause to be provided to the Company in a timely manner the funds necessary to
pay the aggregate amount of "Net Gains" attributable to all Company Options
that the Company becomes obligated to pay pursuant to the foregoing provisions
of the Merger Agreement.

   Termination of Stock Option Plans. As the plan sponsor, the Company will (i)
not issue options to purchase shares of Company Common Stock under any of the
Stock Option Plans after the date of the Merger Agreement, (ii) cause all of
the Company Options issued under the Stock Option Plans and outstanding as of
the date of the Merger Agreement to become fully vested and immediately
exercisable upon the satisfaction of the Minimum Tender Condition, (iii)
exercise its authority under the Stock Option Plans to cause each Company
Option still outstanding at the Effective Time of the Merger to be converted
into the right to receive in cash an amount equal to the Net Gain attributable
to such Company Option, and (iv) cause all of the Stock Option Plans and all of
the Company Options outstanding under such Plans to be terminated effective as
of the date of closing of the Merger (the "Closing Date"), subject to the right
of the holders of Company Options to receive the Net Gains attributable to
their Company Options as described above.

   Merger of 401(k) Plan. As the plan sponsor, the Company will (on or before
the Closing Date, except with respect to clauses (vi), (vii) and (viii) below,
which shall occur as soon as administratively practicable following the Closing
Date) (i) adopt all amendments to the MicroTouch Systems, Inc. Employee Savings
Plan (the "401(k) Plan") necessary to make such Plan comply with the applicable
legal requirements as changed by the laws described in Revenue Procedure 99-23
issued by the IRS, (ii) make matching contributions (in amounts consistent with
its practice of making such contributions in prior years) to the accounts of
participants in such 401(k) Plan for the plan year ending December 31, 2000,
(iii) comply with the 401(k) Plan's provisions with respect to participant
loans by placing in default and treating as deemed distributions the amount of
any loans outstanding to former employees of the Company which have not been
repaid in full (other than the former employees affected by the sale by the
Company of its Factura business), (iv) obtain the resignations of Geoffrey
Clear, James Ragonese and Anne Marie Bell as trustees of the trust forming part
of such 401(k) Plan, effective as of the Closing Date, (v) appoint L. Joseph
Thompson as successor trustee of the trust forming part of such 401(k) Plan,
effective as of the Closing Date, (vi) approve the merger of such 401(k) Plan
with the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Voluntary Investment Plan
and Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "VIP"), (vii) direct the trustees of the
401(k) Plan to prepare for the transfer of the assets and records of such Plan
to the trustee of the VIP, and (viii) prior to the merger of the 401(k) Plan
into the VIP, cause the 401(k) Plan to return sufficient contributions and
earnings thereon to the Company's highly compensated employees so that the
401(k) Plan complies with the anti-discrimination provisions of Section 401(k)
of the Code for the plan year ending December 31, 2000. The Merger Agreement
provides that the surviving corporation of the Merger shall permit its
employees to continue their participation in the 401(k) Plan (if they have not
become eligible to participate in the VIP) until the 401(k) Plan is merged into
the VIP.

   Employment Agreements. The Company will assist 3M in (i) identifying those
key employees of the Company and its subsidiaries whose continued employment
following the Closing Date should be covered by


individual employment agreements, and (ii) designing the provisions of such
agreements; provided, however, that the surviving corporation of the Merger
shall have the final authority to decide which of the Company's employees will
be offered such employment agreements. The Company will use reasonable
commercial efforts to convince such key employees to enter into such individual
employment agreements on or prior to the Closing Date.

   Retention Incentives. The Company will assist 3M in (i) identifying those
key employees of the Company and its subsidiaries who should be eligible for
retention bonuses/compensation as an incentive for them to continue their
employment following the Closing Date, and (ii) designing the terms and
conditions of such retention bonuses/compensation; provided, however, that the
surviving corporation of the Merger shall have the final authority to decide
both the employees eligible for such retention bonuses/compensation as well as
the terms and conditions of such bonuses/compensation.

   Termination of Stock Purchase Plan. As the plan sponsor, the Company will
(i) exercise its authority under its 1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan to treat
the Closing Date as an "Offering Termination Date" for purposes of such Plan,
(ii) cause each option in effect under the 1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan as
of such Offering Termination Date to be exercised as of the Closing Date, and
(iii) cause the 1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan and all of the options
outstanding under such Plan to be terminated effective as of the Closing Date,
subject to the right of the option holders to receive the highest price per
Share paid pursuant to the Offer for the Shares they become entitled to receive
upon the exercise of their options.

   Indemnification, Exculpation and Insurance. The Merger Agreement provides
that 3M shall maintain in effect with a carrier reasonably acceptable to the
Company for not less than six years after the Effective Time, the Company's
current directors and officers insurance policies, if such insurance is
obtainable (or policies of at least the same coverage containing terms and
conditions no less advantageous to the current and all former directors and
officers of the Company) with respect to acts or failures to act prior to the
Effective Time, including acts relating to the transactions contemplated by the
Merger Agreement; provided, however, that in order to maintain or procure such
coverage, 3M shall not be required to maintain or obtain policies providing
such coverage except to the extent such coverage can be provided at an annual
cost of no greater than two times the most recent annual premium paid by the
Company prior to the date of the Merger Agreement (the "Cap"); and provided,
further, that if equivalent coverage cannot be obtained, or can be obtained
only by paying an annual premium in excess of the Cap, 3M shall only be
required to obtain as much coverage as can be obtained by paying an annual
premium equal to the Cap.

   The Merger Agreement also provides that from and after the Effective Time,
3M shall indemnify and hold harmless, to the fullest extent permitted under
applicable law, each person who is, or has been at any time prior to the date
of the Merger Agreement or who becomes prior to the Effective Time, an officer
or director of the Company or any of its subsidiaries (each, an "Indemnified
Party") against all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses
(including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines, penalties and amounts paid in
settlement in connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding or
investigation arising out of or pertaining to acts or omissions, or alleged
acts or omissions, by them in their capacities as such, which acts or omissions
occurred prior to the Effective Time, whether asserted or claimed prior to, at
or after the Effective Time.

   The Merger Agreement requires the surviving corporation in the Merger to
keep in effect all provisions in its articles of organization and by-laws that
provide for exculpation of director and officer liability and indemnification
(and advancement of expenses related thereto) of the past and present officers
and directors of the Company to the fullest extent permitted by the MBCL and
such provisions shall not be amended except as either required by applicable
law or to make changes permitted by law that would enhance the rights of past
or present officers and directors to indemnification or advancement of

   Representations and Warranties. The Merger Agreement contains various
customary representations and warranties, including representations relating to
corporate existence and power; capitalization; corporate authorizations;
subsidiaries; SEC filings; absence of certain changes; litigation; contracts;
compliance with


laws; labor matters; environmental matters; employee benefits matters; taxes;
intellectual property; real and personal property; state takeover statutes;
brokers; the inapplicability of the Rights Agreement to the Offer and the
Merger; and the opinion of Broadview.

   Procedure for Amendment, Extension or Waiver. The Merger Agreement provides
that it may be amended in writing by the parties thereto at any time, whether
before or after the Shareholder Approval has been obtained; provided that,
after the purchase of Shares pursuant to the Offer (which occurred on January
 , 2001), no amendment shall be made which decreases the price per Share
payable pursuant to the Offer and, after the Shareholder Approval has been
obtained, there shall be made no amendment that by law requires further
approval by the shareholders of the parties without the further approval of
such shareholders. Prior to the Effective Time, the affirmative vote of a
majority of the Independent Directors is required to (i) amend or terminate the
Merger Agreement by the Company, (ii) exercise or waive any of the Company's
rights or remedies under the Merger Agreement or (iii) extend the time for
performance of 3M and the Purchaser's respective obligations under the Merger


                           THE SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT

   The following is a summary of certain provisions of the Shareholders
Agreement, dated as of November 13, 2000 among 3M, the Purchaser and certain
executive officers and directors of the Company (the "Shareholders Agreement").

   Tender of Shares. Subject to certain permitted dispositions of Shares,
certain executive officers and directors of the Company (the "Company
Shareholders") agreed to tender all of their Shares in the Offer (including any
Shares acquired after the date of the Shareholders Agreement) and not to
withdraw such Shares from the Offer. As of November 13, 2000, the Company
Shareholders owned, in the aggregate, 11.2% of the outstanding Shares on a
fully diluted basis.

   Options. Each of the Company Shareholders has also agreed to the
cancellation of each outstanding Company option to purchase shares of Common
Stock that is held by such Company Shareholder at the time of acceptance for
payment of any Shares by the Purchaser in the Offer, in exchange for the
consideration described above under "The Merger Agreement--Stock Options."

   Voting Agreement. Each of the Company Shareholders further agreed that from
the date of the Shareholders Agreement until the termination of the Merger
Agreement, at any meeting of the shareholders of the Company, however called,
and in any action by consent of the shareholders of the Company, such Company
Shareholder will vote such Company Shareholder's Shares (i) in favor of the
approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement, the Merger and all the
transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement and the Shareholders
Agreement and otherwise in such manner as may be necessary to consummate the
Merger; (ii) except as otherwise agreed to in writing by 3M, against any
action, proposal, agreement or transaction that would result in a material
breach of any covenant, obligation, agreement, representation or warranty of
the Company under the Merger Agreement (whether or not theretofore terminated)
or of the Company Shareholder contained in the Shareholders Agreement; and
(iii) against any action, agreement or transaction that would materially delay
or impair the ability of the Company to consummate the transactions provided
for in the Merger Agreement or any Acquisition Proposal.

   Irrevocable Proxy. Pursuant to the Shareholders Agreement, each of the
Company Shareholders irrevocably appointed 3M and each of its officers as such
Company Shareholder's attorney, agent and proxy, with full power of
substitution, to vote and otherwise act (by written consent or otherwise) with
respect to such Company Shareholder's Shares at any meeting of shareholders of
the Company or by written consent in lieu of any such meeting or otherwise, on
the matters and in the manner specified in the paragraph above. Pursuant to the
Shareholders Agreement, each Company Shareholder agreed to revoke all other
proxies and powers of attorney with respect to such Company Shareholder's
Shares, and agreed that no subsequent proxy or power of attorney will be given
or written consent executed (and if given or executed, shall not be effective)
by any Company Shareholder with respect thereto.

   No Disposition or Encumbrance of Shares. Each of the Company Shareholders
further agreed that, except as contemplated by the Shareholders Agreement, such
Company Shareholder will not (i) sell, transfer, tender, pledge, assign,
contribute to the capital of any entity, hypothecate, give or otherwise dispose
of, grant a proxy or power of attorney with respect to, deposit into any voting
trust, enter into any voting agreement, or create or permit to exist any liens
of any nature whatsoever with respect to, any of such Company Shareholder's
Shares, other than the making of bona fide gifts of such shares in an aggregate
amount of not more than 20,000 shares per Company Shareholder (provided that
bona fide charitable organizations under the Code need not agree to be so
bound), (ii) other than as contemplated by the Shareholders Agreement, take any
action that would make any representation or warranty of such Company
Shareholder untrue or incorrect in any material respect or have the effect of
preventing or disabling such Company Shareholder from performing such Company
Shareholder's material obligations or (iii) directly or indirectly, initiate,
solicit or encourage any person to take actions that could reasonably be
expected to lead to the occurrence of any of the foregoing.


   No Solicitation of Transactions. Subject to each of the Company
Shareholder's fiduciary duties and obligations as an officer or director of the
Company, each Company Shareholder agreed that between the date of the
Shareholders Agreement and the date of termination of the Merger Agreement,
such Company Shareholder will not, directly or indirectly, solicit, initiate,
facilitate, including by furnishing any information to any person, or encourage
the submission of any Acquisition Proposal or any proposal that may reasonably
be expected to lead to, an Acquisition Proposal.

   Termination. Each Company Shareholder's obligation under the Shareholders
Agreement to tender, and not withdraw, their Shares pursuant to the Offer
terminated on the expiration date of the Offer, which occurred on January  ,
2001. The remaining provisions of the Shareholders Agreement will terminate,
and no party will have any rights or obligations under the Shareholders
Agreement, and the Shareholders Agreement shall become null and void and have
no further effect upon the earlier of (i) the Effective Time and (ii) the
termination of the Merger Agreement.

   The foregoing summary of the Shareholders Agreement is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the Shareholders Agreement, which is filed as an
exhibit to 3M's Schedule TO, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
on November 17, 2000. The Shareholders Agreement should be read in its entirety
for a more complete description of the matters summarized above.


                           THE STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

   The following is a summary of certain provisions of the Stock Option
Agreement, dated as of November 13, 2000, between 3M and the Company (the
"Option Agreement"). The Option Agreement could have the effect of making an
acquisition of the Company by a third party more costly because of the need to
acquire in any such transaction the option shares issued under the Option
Agreement. The Option Agreement could also jeopardize the ability of a third
party to acquire the Company in a transaction to be accounted for as a

   Option Grant. Under the Option Agreement, the Company has granted to 3M an
unconditional, irrevocable option (the "Option") to purchase up to 1,291,873
fully paid and nonassessable Shares, at a price of $21.00 per share; provided
that, in no event shall the number of Shares for which the Option is
exercisable exceed 19.9% of the Company's issued and outstanding Shares without
giving effect to any shares subject to or issued pursuant to the option. In the
event that any additional Shares are issued or otherwise become outstanding
after the date of the Option Agreement (other than pursuant to the Option
Agreement), the number of shares subject to the Option shall be increased so
that, after such issuance, it equals 19.9% of the number of shares then issued
and outstanding without giving effect to any shares subject to or issued
pursuant to the Option.

   Option Exercise. 3M may exercise the Option only if both an Initial
Triggering Event (as hereinafter defined) and a Subsequent Triggering Event (as
hereinafter defined) shall have occurred prior to the occurrence of an Exercise
Termination Event (as hereinafter defined). Each of the following shall be an
"Exercise Termination Event": (i) the effective time of the Merger; (ii)
termination of the Merger Agreement in accordance with the provisions thereof
if such termination occurs prior to the occurrence of an Initial Triggering
Event, except a termination by 3M pursuant to paragraph (d)(i) under "The
Merger Agreement--Termination," above; or (iii) the passage of six months after
termination of the Merger Agreement if such termination follows the occurrence
of an Initial Triggering Event or is a termination by 3M pursuant to the
aforementioned paragraph (d)(i) (provided that if an Initial Triggering Event
continues or occurs beyond such termination and prior to the passage of such
six-month period, the Exercise Termination Event shall be three months from the
expiration of the Last Triggering Event but in no event more than nine months
after such termination). The "Last Triggering Event" shall mean the last
Initial Triggering Event to expire. The term "Initial Triggering Event" shall
mean any of the following events or transactions occurring after the date of
the Option Agreement: (i) the Company or any of its subsidiaries, without
having received 3M's prior written consent, shall have entered into an
agreement to engage in an Acquisition Transaction (as defined under "The Merger
Agreement" above) with any person other than 3M or any of its subsidiaries or
the Board of Directors of the Company shall have recommended that the Company's
shareholders approve or accept any Acquisition Transaction or shall have failed
to publicly oppose an Acquisition Transaction, in each case with any person
other than 3M or any of its subsidiaries; (ii) the Company or any of its
subsidiaries, without having received 3M's prior written consent, shall have
authorized, recommended, proposed or publicly announced its intention to
authorize, recommend or propose to engage in, an Acquisition Transaction with
any person other than 3M or one of its subsidiaries, or the Board of Directors
of the Company shall have publicly withdrawn or modified, or publicly announced
its intention to withdraw or modify, in any manner adverse to 3M, its
recommendation that the Company's shareholders approve the transactions
contemplated by the Merger Agreement; (iii) the Company terminates the Merger
Agreement pursuant to paragraph (h) under "The Merger Agreement--Termination";
(iv) any person other than 3M, any subsidiary of 3M or any subsidiary of the
Company acting in a fiduciary capacity in the ordinary course of its business
shall have acquired beneficial ownership or the right to acquire beneficial
ownership of 20% or more of the outstanding Shares (the term "beneficial
ownership" for purposes of this Option Agreement having the meaning assigned
thereto in Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act, and the rules and regulations
thereunder); or (v) after an overture is made by a third party to the Company
or its shareholders to engage in an Acquisition Transaction, the Company shall
have breached any covenant or obligation contained in the Merger Agreement and
such breach (x) would entitle 3M to terminate the Merger Agreement and (y)
shall not have been cured prior to the date 3M sends written notice to the
Company of its wish to exercise the Option. The term "Subsequent Triggering
Event" shall mean either of the following events


or transactions occurring after the date of the Option Agreement: (i) the
acquisition by any person of beneficial ownership of 20% or more of the then
outstanding shares of Common Stock; or (ii) the occurrence of the Initial
Triggering Event described in clause (i) of the paragraph above defining the
term "Initial Triggering Event."

   Registration Rights. The Option Agreement further provides that, upon the
occurrence of a Subsequent Triggering Event that occurs prior to an Exercise
Termination Event, the Company shall, if requested by 3M within twelve months
following such date, as expeditiously as possible prepare and file a
registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, if such
registration is necessary in order to permit the sale or other disposition of
any or all shares of Company Common Stock or other securities that have been
acquired by or are issuable to 3M upon exercise of the Option, provided that 3M
agrees in writing, at the time of its request for registration, to irrevocably
exercise the Option immediately following the effectiveness of the registration
statement covering the shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the
Option (or such earlier time as required by the SEC). The Option Agreement also
provides 3M with "piggy-back" registration rights if the Company, at any time
after the exercise of the Option and prior to the first anniversary of the date
of the Subsequent Triggering Event, proposes to register any Company securities
or rights representing Company securities.

   The foregoing summary of the Option Agreement is qualified in its entirety
by reference to the Option Agreement, which is filed as an exhibit to 3M's
Schedule TO, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 17,
2000. The Stock Option Agreement should be read in its entirety for a more
complete description of the matters summarized above.



   This Information Statement is being delivered to MicroTouch's stockholders
in connection with the special meeting to be held on    , February , 2001 at
10:00 a.m., local time, at 3M's offices located at 3M Center, Building 220, St.
Paul, Minnesota 55144. This Information Statement is first being mailed to
stockholders of the Company on or about January  , 2001.

Record Date and Quorum Requirement

   The close of business on January  , 2001 is the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
special meeting. Each holder of record of common stock at the close of business
on the record date is entitled to one vote for each share then held on each
matter submitted to a vote of stockholders. At the close of business on the
record date, there were     shares of common stock issued and outstanding held
by   holders of record and by approximately   persons or entities holding in
nominee name.

   The holders of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote at the
special meeting must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business. Abstentions are counted for purposes of determining the presence or
absence of a quorum for the transaction of business. If you hold your shares of
Common Stock through a broker, bank or other nominee, generally the nominee may
only vote the Common Stock that it holds for you in accordance with your
instructions. However, if it has not timely received your instructions, the
nominee may vote on certain matters for which it has discretionary voting
authority. Brokers generally will not have discretionary voting authority with
respect to the proposal to approve the Merger Agreement. If a nominee cannot
vote on a particular matter because it does not have discretionary voting
authority, this is a "broker non-vote" on that matter. Broker non-votes are
also counted as present at the special meeting for purposes of determining
whether a quorum exists.

Voting Procedures

   Under Massachusetts law and MicroTouch's Articles of Organization, holders
of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote at the
special meeting must vote to approve the Merger Agreement. The Merger Agreement
is attached to this Information Statement as Appendix A. For the purposes of
the vote required under Massachusetts law, a failure to vote, a vote to abstain
and a broker non-vote will each have the same legal effect as a vote cast
against approval of the Merger Agreement. The Purchaser, which owned
approximately  % of the outstanding Shares on the record date for the special
meeting, owns enough Shares to vote to approve the Merger Agreement without the
affirmative vote of any other stockholder and intends to vote its shares in
favor of adoption of the Merger Agreement. Accordingly, stockholder approval of
the proposal to adopt the Merger Agreement is assured.

   Under Massachusetts law, holders of Common Stock who comply with certain
notice requirements, do not vote in favor of the Merger Agreement and comply
with certain other procedures will have the right to dissent and to be paid
cash for the fair value of their shares as finally determined in accordance
with the procedures under Massachusetts law. The fair value, as finally
determined, may be more or less than the consideration to be received by other
stockholders of MicroTouch under the terms of the Merger Agreement. Failure to
follow precisely such procedures under Massachusetts law will result in the
loss of dissenters' rights. See "RIGHTS OF DISSENTING STOCKHOLDERS."

Effective Time

   The Merger will be effective as soon as practicable following stockholder
approval of the Merger Agreement and upon the submission of Articles of Merger
to the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The effective
time of the Merger is currently expected to occur as soon as practicable after
the special meeting, subject to approval of the Merger Agreement at the special
meeting and satisfaction or waiver of the terms and conditions set forth in the
Merger Agreement. See "THE MERGER AGREEMENT-- Conditions to the Merger."



   Pursuant to the MBCL, MicroTouch stockholders of record have the right to
object to the Merger and, if the Merger is consummated, to be paid the fair
value of their shares of MicroTouch Common Stock determined as of the day
preceding the date of the vote of the stockholders approving the Merger,
without taking into account any element of value arising from the expectation
or accomplishment of the Merger. MicroTouch and any stockholders desiring to
exercise such dissenters' rights will have the respective rights and duties,
and must follow the procedures, set forth in Sections 85 through 98, inclusive,
of the MBCL in order to perfect such rights. A brief summary of Sections 85
through 98, inclusive, of the MBCL is set forth below.

   Any person having a beneficial interest in any Shares that are held of
record in the name of another person, such as a broker or a nominee, must act
promptly to cause the record holder to follow the steps summarized below
properly and in a timely manner to perfect such beneficial owner's appraisal
rights, if any.

   The following summary does not purport to be a complete statement of the
procedures to be followed by stockholders desiring to exercise their appraisal
rights and is qualified in its entirety by express reference to Sections 85
through 98, inclusive, of the MBCL, the full text of which is included as
Appendix C to this Information Statement. Stockholders are urged to read
Appendix C in its entirety since failure to comply with the procedures set
forth therein may result in the loss of appraisal rights.

   To exercise appraisal rights under Massachusetts law, a stockholder must:

  . deliver to MicroTouch, before the stockholder vote on the Merger
    Agreement, a written objection to the Merger Agreement and the Merger
    stating that such stockholder intends to demand payment for his shares
    through the exercise of his statutory appraisal rights,

  . not vote in favor of or consent to the approval of the Merger Agreement,

  . within twenty days after the date of mailing to such stockholder of a
    written notice that the Merger has become effective, make written demand
    upon MicroTouch for payment of his shares and an appraisal of the value

   The notice described above is to be mailed by registered or certified mail
by MicroTouch within ten days of the effective time of the Merger to all
dissenting stockholders who have complied with the requirements set forth
above. A stockholder who fails to satisfy all of the conditions set forth above
will acquire no right to payment for such stockholder's shares under the MBCL
other than the $21.00 per share cash payment payable to all stockholders in the
Merger. In order to be assured that shares are not voted in favor of the Merger
Agreement, a stockholder must either vote in person against the merger
agreement or abstain from voting. Failure to vote against the Merger Agreement
will not constitute a waiver of appraisal rights, but voting against the Merger
Agreement will not by itself satisfy the obligations of a stockholder described
above. The written objection described above must be sent to MicroTouch
Systems, Inc., 300 Griffin Brook Park Drive, Methuen, Massachusetts 01844,
Attention: Geoffrey P. Clear.

   If, following the Merger, a stockholder perfects a demand for payment of his
shares as provided above, and if MicroTouch and such dissenting stockholder are
able to reach agreement on the fair value of the shares, MicroTouch will pay to
the dissenting stockholder the fair value of such shares of common stock within
thirty days after the expiration of the period during which the demand may be
made. If within the thirty day period the parties fail to agree as to the fair
value of such shares, either MicroTouch or the dissenting stockholder may have
the fair value of the stock of all dissenting stockholders determined by
judicial proceedings by filing a bill in equity in the Massachusetts Superior
Court for Essex County within four months after the thirty day period expires.


  . no suit is filed within four months to determine the value of the stock,

  . any such suit is dismissed as to that stockholder, or


  . the stockholder withdraws his objection in writing with the written
    approval of MicroTouch, the stockholder will have only the rights of a
    nondissenting stockholder to receive the $21.00 per share payable in the
    Merger, in accordance with the Merger Agreement. After the special
    meeting, a dissenting stockholder will not be entitled to notices of
    meetings of stockholders, to vote at any such meeting or to receive
    dividends. Under Massachusetts statutory law, the enforcement by a
    dissenting stockholder of such stockholder's right to receive payment for
    his shares in the manner provided by Sections 85 through 98, inclusive,
    of the MBCL is stated to be the exclusive remedy of a stockholder
    objecting to the Merger Agreement, except upon the grounds that
    consummation of the Merger will be or is illegal or fraudulent as to that
    stockholder. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, however, has held
    that dissenting stockholders are not limited to the statutory remedy of
    judicial appraisal in cases where violations of fiduciary duty are found.

   Stockholders who receive cash for their shares of MicroTouch stock upon
exercise of dissenters' rights will realize taxable gain or loss. See "FEDERAL

   Any stockholder who desires to exercise appraisal rights should carefully
review the provisions of Massachusetts law set forth in Appendix C and is
advised to consult his or her legal advisor before exercising or attempting to
exercise appraisal rights.



   The receipt of cash pursuant to the Offer or the Merger will be a taxable
transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes under the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and may also be a taxable transaction
under applicable state, local or foreign income or other tax laws. Generally,
for U.S. federal income tax purposes, a shareholder will recognize gain or loss
equal to the difference between the amount of cash received by the shareholder
as consideration for the Shares tendered by the shareholder and purchased
pursuant to the Offer or converted into cash in the Merger, as the case may be,
and the adjusted tax basis of such Shares. Gain or loss will be calculated
separately for each block of Shares that have the same holding period and
adjusted tax basis. If Shares converted into cash in the Merger are held by a
shareholder as capital assets, gain or loss recognized by such shareholder will
be capital gain or loss, which will be long-term capital gain or loss if such
shareholder's holding period for the Shares exceeds one year.

   A shareholder (other than certain exempt shareholders including, among
others, all corporations and certain foreign individuals) whose Shares are
converted into cash in the Merger may be subject to a 31% federal backup
withholding tax unless the shareholder provides its TIN and certifies that such
number is correct (or properly certifies that it is awaiting a TIN) and
certifies as to no loss of exemption from backup withholding tax and otherwise
complies with the applicable requirements of the backup withholding tax rules.
A shareholder that does not furnish a required TIN or that does not otherwise
establish a basis for an exemption from backup withholding tax may be subject
to a penalty imposed by the IRS. Each shareholder should complete and sign the
Substitute Form W-9 included as part of the Letter of Transmittal so as to
provide the information and certification necessary to avoid backup withholding

   If U.S. Federal backup withholding tax applies to a shareholder, 31% may be
withheld from payments to such shareholder. Backup withholding tax is not an
additional tax. Rather, the amount of the backup withholding tax can be
credited against the U.S. federal income tax liability of the person subject to
the backup withholding tax, provided that the required information is given to
the IRS. If backup withholding tax results in an overpayment of tax, a refund
can be obtained by the shareholder by filing a U.S. federal income tax return.

   The foregoing discussion may not be applicable with respect to Shares
received pursuant to the exercise of employee stock options or otherwise as
compensation or with respect to holders of Shares who are subject to special
tax treatment under the Code--such as non-U.S. persons, insurance companies,
tax-exempt organizations, partnerships, dealers or traders in securities and
financial institutions--and may not apply to a holder of Shares in light of
individual circumstances, such as holding Shares as a hedge or as part of a
hedging, straddle, conversion or other risk-reduction transaction. Shareholders
are urged to consult their own tax advisors to determine the particular tax
consequences to them (including the application and effect of any state, local
or foreign income and other tax laws) of the Offer and the Merger.



   Except as set forth below, no person or group, to the knowledge of the
Company, owns five percent or more of the Common Stock.

   The following table sets forth information as of November 30, 2000 with
respect to the amount of the Company's Common Stock held by each director, the
Company's Chief Executive Officer and its next four most highly compensated
executive officers during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999, and all
directors and current executive officers as a group. Information is given as of
December 13, 2000 for Gabelli Funds, LLC and related entities, and as of
September 30, 2000 for Dimensional Funds Advisors Inc. In each case, the
beneficial owner of the shares shown has sole voting and sole investment power:

                                                       Common Shares
                                                       Beneficially  Percentage
Name and Address(1)                                        Owned       Owned
- -------------------                                    ------------- ----------
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company(2)........    1,291,873      19.4%
 3M Center
 St. Paul, MN 55144
Gabelli Funds, LLC and Related Entities..............      685,073       9.5%
 One Corporate Center
 Rye, NY 10580
Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. ......................      564,200       8.7%
 1299 Ocean Avenue
 Santa Monica, CA 90401
James D. Logan(3)....................................      162,598       2.4%
Peter Brumme(4)......................................       11,000       0.2%
D. Westervelt Davis(5)...............................      229,500       3.3%
Frank Manning(6).....................................       36,000       0.5%
Edward J. Stewart, III(7)............................       43,000       0.6%
Geoffrey P. Clear(8).................................      102,612       1.5%
Janet M. Muto(9).....................................            0       0.0%
Robert J. Senior(10).................................          800       0.0%
Jeffrey E. Shaw(11)..................................            0       0.0%
Directors and Current Executive Officers as a group..      639,013       9.0%
 (9 individuals; includes options to acquire 479,193
 shares which are
 exercisable within 60 days of 11/30/00)

- --------
 (1) The address for all officers and directors of the Company is c/o
     MicroTouch Systems, Inc., 300 Griffin Brook Park Drive, Methuen,
     Massachusetts 01844.
 (2)  The shares reported as beneficially owned by 3M are issuable if the
      Option described above under "The Stock Option Agreement" is exercised in
      full. 3M disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares that are subject to
      the Option.
 (3)  Consists of 120,598 shares owned directly by Mr. Logan and options to
      acquire 42,000 shares that are exercisable within 60 days of 11/30/00.
 (4)  Consists of options to acquire 11,000 shares that are exercisable within
      60 days of 11/30/00.
 (5)  Consists of 12,000 shares owned directly by Mr. Davis and options to
      acquire 217,500 shares that are exercisable within 60 days of 11/30/00.
 (6)  Consists of options to acquire 36,000 shares that are exercisable within
      60 days of 11/30/00.
 (7)  Consists of 22,000 shares owned directly by Mr. Stewart and options to
      acquire 21,000 shares that are exercisable within 60 days of 11/30/00.
      Mr. Stewart disclaims beneficial ownership of an additional 9,000 shares
      owned by family members.
 (8)  Consists of 5,222 shares owned directly by Mr. Clear and options to
      acquire 97,390 shares that are exercisable within 60 days of 11/30/00.
 (9)  Ms. Muto resigned as an officer of the Company as of April 25, 2000.
(10) Consists of options to acquire 800 shares that are exercisable within 60
     days of 11/30/00.
(11) Mr. Shaw resigned as an officer of the Company as of June 9, 2000.



   MicroTouch is a leading supplier of touch and pen sensitive input systems
including touchscreens. The Company's principal products are its touch
sensitive screens, which are based on the Company's two primary technologies--
analog capacitive sensing (referred to as ClearTek(R)) and resistive membrane
(known as TouchTek(TM)). In both the capacitive and resistive membrane cases,
the screens are configured to CRT monitors and flat panel displays. The Company
believes its touchscreens are well suited for a wide variety of markets and
applications where ease of use, speed, accuracy and durability are desirable.

   Over the last decade, the use of personal computers has grown in a wide
range of applications. As a result, demand has increased for products that make
these systems more accessible to a broader range of users. For example, the
development of graphical user interfaces ("GUIs"), such as Microsoft Windows,
has allowed information to be displayed in an easy to understand graphic
manner. Touch products address this demand by allowing both trained and
untrained computer users to interact with computers in a natural and intuitive

   Touchscreens allow individuals to access information and interact with a
computer simply by touching the computer's screen with a finger. Because
pointing is a natural instinct, touchscreens offer a highly intuitive computer
interface. Touchscreens are designed to allow users to interact with their
system without the use of a keyboard, mouse or trackball. Accordingly, the ease
of use offered by touchscreen-based systems makes them well suited both for
applications for the general public and for specialized applications for
trained computer users.

   The Company has expanded its product line primarily through internal
development as well as acquisitions in the past. Technologies acquired through
acquisition include ThruGlass and resistive membrane technology.


   The Purchaser was organized to acquire the Company and has not conducted any
unrelated activities since its organization.

   3M is an integrated enterprise characterized by substantial intercompany
cooperation in research, manufacturing and marketing of products. 3M's business
has developed from its research and technology in coating and bonding for
coated abrasives, the company's original product. Coating and bonding is the
process of applying one material to another, such as abrasive granules to paper
or cloth (coated abrasives), adhesives to backing (pressure-sensitive tapes),
ceramic coating to granular mineral (roofing granules), glass beads to plastic
backing (reflective sheeting), and low-tack adhesives to paper (repositionable


   The following documents previously filed by the Company (File No. 000-20215)
with the Commission are incorporated by reference in this Information

   -The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December
31, 1999, filed with the Commission on February 29, 2000;

   -The Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended
April 1, 2000, filed with the Commission on May 16, 2000;

   -The Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended
July 1, 2000, filed with the Commission on August 15, 2000;

   -The Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended
September 30, 2000, filed with the Commission on November 9, 2000; and

   -The Company's Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the Commission on
November 20, 2000.


   All documents filed by the Company with the Commission pursuant to Section
13(a), 13(c), 14 and 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the date hereof and prior
to the date of the special meeting shall be deemed to be incorporated by
reference herein and shall be a part hereof from the date of filing of such

   Any statements contained in a document incorporated by reference herein or
contained in this Information Statement shall be deemed to be modified or
superseded for purposes hereof to the extent that a statement contained herein
(or in any other subsequently filed document which also is incorporated by
reference herein) modified or superseded such statement. Any statement so
modified or superseded shall not be deemed to constitute a part hereof except
as so modified or superseded. This Information Statement incorporates documents
by reference that are not presented in or delivered with this Information
Statement. These documents are available upon request from Geoffrey P. Clear,
MicroTouch Systems, Inc., 300 Griffin Brook Park Drive, Methuen, Massachusetts
01844. In order to ensure timely delivery, any request should be made by
January   , 2001.

                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION

   The Company files annual, quarterly and special reports, proxy statements
and other information with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You may read
and copy any reports, statements or other information the Company files at the
Public Reference Section of the Commission located at 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20549 and at the following regional offices of the Commission:
7 World Trade Center, 13th Floor, Suite 1300, New York, New York 10004; and
Suite 1400, Citicorp Center, 500 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661.
You may obtain copies of all or any portion of the material by mail from the
Public Reference Section of the Commission at 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20549 at prescribed rates. Please call the Commission at (800)
SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference rooms. The Company's
filings are also available to the public at the web site maintained by the
Commission at

                                 OTHER MATTERS

   Management does not know of any matters to be presented at the special
meeting other than the matters described in this Information Statement.

                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

   Upon completion of the Merger, all of the outstanding Shares will be held
and voted by 3M. As a result, MicroTouch will not solicit proxies in connection
with an annual meeting of stockholders. If the Merger is not consummated, to be
considered for inclusion in the Proxy Statement related to the 2001 annual
meeting of stockholders, stockholder proposals would need to be received no
later than January 25, 2001. To be considered for presentation at the 2001
Annual Meeting, although not included in the Proxy Statement, proposals must be
received no later than April 9, 2001. All stockholder proposals should be
marked for the attention of Chief Financial Officer, MicroTouch Systems, Inc.,
300 Griffin Brook Park Drive, Methuen, Massachusetts 01844.

January  , 2001


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                                  DATED AS OF

                               November 13, 2000

                                  BY AND AMONG


                           EQUINOX ACQUISITION, INC.


                            MICROTOUCH SYSTEMS, INC.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

 ARTICLE I...............................................................    2
    Section 1.1  The Offer..............................................     2
    Section 1.2  Company Actions........................................     3
    Section 1.3  Directors..............................................     4
    Section 1.4  The Merger.............................................     5
    Section 1.5  The Closing; Effective Time............................     5
    Section 1.6  Subsequent Actions.....................................     6
    Section 1.7  Articles of Organization; By-laws; Directors and
                  Officers of the Surviving Corporation.................     6
 ARTICLE II..............................................................    6
    Section 2.1  Effect on Capital Stock................................     6
    Section 2.2  Exchange of Certificates...............................     8
 ARTICLE III.............................................................    9
    Section 3.1  Organization and Qualification; Subsidiaries...........     9
    Section 3.2  Articles of Organization and By-laws...................    10
    Section 3.3  Capitalization.........................................    10
    Section 3.4  Power and Authority; Authorization; Valid and Binding..    11
    Section 3.5  No Conflict; Required Filings and Consents.............    11
    Section 3.6  SEC Reports; Financial Statements......................    12
    Section 3.7  Absence of Certain Changes.............................    12
    Section 3.8  Litigation and Liabilities.............................    13
    Section 3.9  No Violation of Law; Permits...........................    13
    Section 3.10 Employee Matters; ERISA................................    13
    Section 3.11 Labor Matters..........................................    15
    Section 3.12 Environmental Matters..................................    15
    Section 3.13 [Intentionally Omitted.]...............................    16
    Section 3.14 Brokers................................................    16
    Section 3.15 Tax Matters............................................    16
    Section 3.16 Intellectual Property..................................    17
    Section 3.17 Insurance..............................................    18
    Section 3.18 Contracts and Commitments..............................    18
    Section 3.19 Title To Assets........................................    19
    Section 3.20 State Takeover Statutes................................    19
    Section 3.21 Rights Agreement.......................................    19
    Section 3.22 Product Warranty.......................................    19
    Section 3.23 Product Liability......................................    20
    Section 3.24 Opinion of Financial Advisor...........................    20
 ARTICLE IV..............................................................   20
    Section 4.1  Existence; Corporate Authority.........................    20
    Section 4.2  Authorization, Validity and Effect of Agreements.......    20
    Section 4.3  No Violation...........................................    20
    Section 4.4  Interested Shareholder.................................    21
    Section 4.5  Parent Public Reports; Financial Statements............    21
    Section 4.6  Financial Ability to Perform...........................    21
    Section 4.7  Brokers................................................    21
    Section 4.8  Opinion of Financial Advisor...........................    22
    Section 4.9  Litigation.............................................    22


 ARTICLE V...............................................................  22
    Section 5.1  Interim Operations of the Company......................   22
    Section 5.2  Interim Operations of Parent...........................   24
    Section 5.3  No Solicitation........................................   24
 ARTICLE VI..............................................................  26
    Section 6.1  Preparation of the Proxy Statement; Shareholders
                  Meeting; Offering Circular............................   26
    Section 6.2  Filings; Other Action..................................   27
    Section 6.3  Publicity..............................................   27
    Section 6.4  Further Action.........................................   28
    Section 6.5  Expenses...............................................   28
    Section 6.6  Notification of Certain Matters........................   28
    Section 6.7  Access to Information..................................   28
    Section 6.8  Insurance; Indemnity...................................   29
    Section 6.9  Employee Benefit Plans.................................   30
    Section 6.10 Rights Agreement.......................................   31
 ARTICLE VII.............................................................  31
    Section 7.1  Conditions to Obligations of the Parties to Consummate
                  the Merger............................................   31
    Section 7.2  Additional Conditions to Obligations of Parent and
                  Merger Sub............................................   32
 ARTICLE VIII............................................................  32
    Section 8.1  Termination............................................   32
    Section 8.2  Effect of Termination and Abandonment..................   33
    Section 8.3  Amendment..............................................   34
 ARTICLE IX..............................................................  34
    Section 9.1  Non-Survival of Representations, Warranties and
                  Agreements............................................   34
    Section 9.2  Notices................................................   34
    Section 9.3  Certain Definitions; Interpretation....................   35
    Section 9.4  Headings...............................................   36
    Section 9.5  Severability...........................................   36
    Section 9.6  Entire Agreement; No Third-Party Beneficiaries.........   36
    Section 9.7  Assignment.............................................   36
    Section 9.8  Governing Law..........................................   36
    Section 9.9  Counterparts...........................................   36
    Section 9.10 Confidential Nature of Information.....................   36
 Exhibit A--Conditions of the Offer...................................... A-1
 Exhibit B--List of Shareholders Parties to Shareholders Agreement.......
 Exhibit C--Form of Articles of Organization.............................


                             INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS

Defined Term                                                          Section
- ------------                                                        ------------
401(k) Plan........................................................      6.11(b)
Acquisition Proposal...............................................       5.3(c)
Acquisition Transaction............................................       5.3(c)
Action.............................................................      6.10(b)
affiliate..........................................................   9.3(a)(ii)
Agreement..........................................................     preamble
Audited Balance Sheet..............................................         3.19
Equinox Acquisition................................................     preamble
Board of Directors.................................................  9.3(a)(iii)
Business Combination...............................................       2.1(c)
Cap................................................................      6.10(a)
Certificates.......................................................       2.2(b)
Closing............................................................          1.5
Closing Date.......................................................          1.5
Code...............................................................       2.2(e)
Company............................................................     preamble
Company Benefit Plan...............................................      3.10(a)
Company Common Shares..............................................     recitals
Company Contracts..................................................         3.18
Company Disclosure Letter..........................................  Article III
Company Employee...................................................      3.10(b)
Company Employees..................................................      3.10(b)
Company ERISA Affiliate............................................      3.10(d)
Company Multiemployer Plan.........................................      3.10(a)
Company Options....................................................          3.3
Company Pension Plan...............................................      3.10(c)
Confidentiality Agreement..........................................       1.2(c)
control............................................................  9.3(a)(iii)
Effective Time.....................................................       1.5(b)
Encumbrance........................................................         3.16
Environmental Claim................................................   3.12(e)(i)
Environmental Laws.................................................  3.12(e)(ii)
Environmental Permits..............................................      3.12(b)
ERISA..............................................................   9.3(a)(iv)
Exchange Act.......................................................       1.1(a)
Exchange Agent.....................................................       2.2(a)
Exchange Fund......................................................       2.2(a)
GAAP...............................................................       3.6(b)
Governmental Entity................................................       3.5(b)
Hazardous Materials................................................ 3.12(e)(iii)
HSR Act............................................................       3.5(b)
Indemnified Party..................................................      6.10(b)
Intellectual Property..............................................         3.16
knowledge..........................................................    9.3(a)(v)
Material Adverse Effect............................................    9.3(a)(i)
MBCL...............................................................          1.1
Merger.............................................................     recitals
Merger Consideration...............................................       2.1(c)
Merger Sub.........................................................     preamble


Defined Term                                                          Section
- ------------                                                        ------------
Merger Sub Articles of Organization................................       1.4(a)
Net Gain...........................................................       2.1(e)
Option Agreement...................................................     recitals
Parent.............................................................     preamble
Parent Common Stock................................................       2.1(b)
Parent Public Reports..............................................          4.5
Paying Agent.......................................................       2.2(b)
PCBs...............................................................    3.12(iii)
Pension Plan.......................................................      3.10(c)
Person.............................................................   9.3(a)(vi)
Proposing Party....................................................       5.2(b)
Proxy Statement....................................................          6.1
Recommendation.....................................................       3.4(b)
Release............................................................  3.12(e)(iv)
Rights.............................................................     recitals
Rights Agreement...................................................     recitals
SEC................................................................       3.5(b)
SEC Reports........................................................       3.6(a)
Securities Act.....................................................       3.5(a)
Shareholders Agreement.............................................     recitals
Shareholder Approval...............................................       3.4(a)
Shareholder Meeting................................................       6.1(b)
Shareholders.......................................................     recitals
Stock Option Plans.................................................       2.1(e)
Subsidiary......................................................... 9.3(a)(viii)
Superior Transaction...............................................       5.2(b)
Surviving Corporation..............................................          1.4
Tax................................................................      3.15(i)
Tax Return.........................................................      3.15(i)
Taxable............................................................      3.15(i)
Taxes..............................................................      3.15(i)
Termination Date...................................................       8.1(b)
Termination Fee....................................................       8.2(b)
Triggering Event...................................................       8.2(b)
VIP................................................................       6.9(a)


                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

   AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER, dated as of November 13, 2000 (this
"Agreement"), by and among Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
("Parent") a Delaware corporation, Equinox Acquisition, Inc. a Massachusetts
corporation and a wholly owned Subsidiary of Parent ("Equinox Acquisition" or
"Merger Sub") and MicroTouch Systems, Inc. (the "Company"), a Massachusetts


   WHEREAS, the respective Boards of Directors of Parent, Merger Sub and the
Company have approved the acquisition of the Company by Parent on the terms and
subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement (the "Acquisition");

   WHEREAS, in furtherance of the Acquisition, Parent proposes to cause Merger
Sub to make a cash tender offer (as it may be amended from time to time as
permitted under this Agreement, the "Offer") to purchase all the issued and
outstanding shares of common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of the Company
(the "Company Common Shares") (and the associated rights ("Rights") issued
pursuant to the Rights Agreement, dated as of January 19, 1996, between the
Company and The First National Bank of Boston, as Rights Agent (the "Rights
Agreement")), at a price per share of $21.00, net to the seller in cash without
interest, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this
Agreement and the Offer; WHEREAS, also in furtherance of the Acquisition, the
respective Boards of Directors of Parent, Merger Sub and the Company have
approved this Agreement and the merger of Merger Sub with and into the Company
(the "Merger"), pursuant to which, on the terms and subject to the conditions
set forth in this Agreement, each issued and outstanding Company Common Share
not tendered to and purchased by Merger Sub pursuant to the Offer and not owned
by Parent, Merger Sub or the Company (other than Dissenting Shares (as defined
in Section 2.1(d)) will be converted into the right to receive the highest per
share cash consideration paid pursuant to the Offer in accordance with the
Massachusetts Business Corporation Law (the "MBCL");

   WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Company Board") has
resolved to recommend that all holders of Company Common Shares
("Shareholders") accept the Offer, tender their Company Common Shares pursuant
to the Offer and approve this Agreement and the Merger, and has determined that
the Offer and the Merger are fair to and in the best interests of the Company
and the Shareholders;

   WHEREAS, the respective Boards of Directors of Parent and Merger Sub have
each determined that the Merger upon the terms and subject to the conditions
set forth in this Agreement is advisable, and in the best interests of their
respective corporations and shareholders and have approved the Merger;

   WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement and
as a condition and inducement to Parent's and Merger Sub's willingness to enter
into this Agreement, Parent and the shareholders of the Company listed on
Exhibit B hereto have executed and delivered a Shareholders Agreement (a
"Shareholders Agreement"), dated as of this date, pursuant to which those
shareholders are agreeing to tender their Company Common Shares into the Offer;

   WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement and
as a condition and inducement to Parent's and Merger Sub's willingness to enter
into this Agreement, Parent and the Company have executed and delivered a Stock
Option Agreement (an "Option Agreement"), dated as of this date, pursuant to
which the Company is granting to Parent an option to purchase, under certain
circumstances, up to 1,291,873 Company Common Shares, with an exercise price of
$21.00 per share; and

   WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to make certain representations,
warranties, covenants and agreements in connection with the Offer and the
Merger and also to prescribe various conditions to the Offer and the Merger.


   NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants
and agreements contained in this Agreement, and intending to be legally bound
hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows (certain capitalized but undefined
terms used herein are defined in Section 9.3):

                                   ARTICLE I

   Section 1.1 The Offer. (a) Subject to the conditions of this Agreement, as
promptly as practicable, but in no event later than five business days after
the date of the public announcement of this Agreement, Merger Sub shall, and
Parent shall cause Merger Sub to, commence the Offer within the meaning of the
applicable rules and regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC"). The obligations of Merger Sub to, and of Parent to
cause Merger Sub to, accept for payment or pay for any Company Common Shares
tendered pursuant to the Offer are subject to the conditions set forth in
Exhibit A hereto. The initial expiration date of the Offer shall be January 3,
2001 (determined using Rules 14d-1(g)(3) and 14d-2 promulgated under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")). Merger Sub
expressly reserves the right to waive any condition to the Offer or to modify
the terms of the Offer, in each case in its sole discretion; provided, however,
that without the consent of the Company, Merger Sub shall not (i) reduce the
number of Company Common Shares subject to the Offer, (ii) reduce the price per
Company Common Share to be paid pursuant to the Offer or change the form or
time of delivery of consideration, (iii) amend or waive the Minimum Tender
Condition (as defined in Exhibit A hereto) or add to the conditions set forth
in Exhibit A hereto, (iv) except as provided below in this Section 1.1(a),
extend the Offer, or (v) otherwise amend the terms of the Offer in any manner
adverse to the holders of Company Common Shares. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Merger Sub may, at any time and from time to time, and, in each case, subject
to Section 8.1 hereof, take one or more of the following actions without the
consent of the Company: (A) extend the Offer for one or more periods of time
that Merger Sub reasonably believes are necessary to cause the conditions to
the Offer to be satisfied, if at the scheduled expiration date of the Offer any
of the conditions to Merger Sub's obligation to accept Company Common Shares
for payment is not satisfied or waived, until such time as all such conditions
are satisfied or waived, (B) extend the Offer for any period required by any
rule, regulation, interpretation or position of the SEC or the staff thereof
that is applicable to the Offer or (C) extend the Offer for an aggregate period
of not more than 10 business days beyond the latest applicable date that would
otherwise be permitted under clause (A) or (B) of this sentence, if, as of such
date, all of the conditions to Merger Sub's obligation to accept Company Common
Shares for payment (including the Minimum Tender Condition) are satisfied or
waived, but the number of Company Common Shares validly tendered and not
withdrawn pursuant to the Offer equals less than 90% of the outstanding Company
Common Shares (determined on a fully diluted basis for all outstanding stock
options, convertible securities and any other rights to acquire Company Common
Stock on the date of purchase). Without limiting the rights of Merger Sub to
extend the Offer pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence, Parent and
Merger Sub agree that if (I) (x) all of the conditions to the Offer are not
satisfied on any scheduled expiration date of the Offer, (y) such conditions
are reasonably capable of being satisfied within 30 days after the initial
expiration date of the Offer and (z) the Company is in compliance with all of
its covenants in this Agreement, or (II) any rule, regulation, interpretation
or position of the SEC or the staff thereof that is applicable to the Offer
requires an extension of the Offer, then Merger Sub shall extend the Offer for
one or more periods of time that Merger Sub reasonably believes are necessary
to cause the conditions of the Offer to be satisfied, until all such conditions
are satisfied or waived; provided, however, that Merger Sub shall not be
required to extend the Offer pursuant to this sentence beyond the 30th day
after the initial expiration date of the Offer, unless otherwise required
pursuant to (II) above. Subject to Section 8.1 hereof, Merger Sub may, without
the consent of the Company, elect to provide a subsequent offering period for
the Offer in accordance with Rule 14d-11 under the Exchange Act, following its
acceptance of Company Common Shares for payment pursuant to the Offer. On the
terms and subject to the conditions of the Offer and this Agreement, Merger Sub
shall, and Parent shall cause Merger Sub to, pay for all Company Common Shares
validly tendered and not withdrawn pursuant to the Offer that Merger Sub
becomes obligated to purchase pursuant to the Offer as soon as practicable
after the expiration of the Offer.


   (b) As soon as practicable on the date of commencement of the Offer, Merger
Sub shall, and Parent shall cause Merger Sub to, file with the SEC a Tender
Offer Statement on Schedule TO with respect to the Offer (such Tender Offer
Statement, together with all amendments and supplements thereto, the "Schedule
TO"), which shall contain an offer to purchase and a related letter of
transmittal and summary advertisement (such Schedule TO and the documents
contained therein pursuant to which the Offer will be made, in each case
together with all supplements and amendments thereto, the "Offer Documents").
Parent and Merger Sub (i) agree that, on the date on which the Schedule TO is
filed with the SEC and on each date on which any amendment or supplement to any
Offer Document is filed with the SEC, the Offer Documents shall comply as to
form in all material respects with the Exchange Act and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder, and (ii) represent and warrant that, on the
date first published, sent or given to Shareholders, the Offer Documents will
not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any
material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the
statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made,
not misleading, except that no representation or warranty is made by Parent or
Merger Sub with respect to information supplied in writing by or on behalf of
the Company or any of its officers or directors specifically for inclusion or
incorporation by reference in any Offer Document. Each of Parent and Merger Sub
(or the Company, in the case of any information supplied by or on behalf of the
Company or any of its officers or directors specifically for inclusion or
incorporation by reference in any Offer Document) agree promptly to correct any
information contained in the Offer Documents if and to the extent that such
information shall have become false or misleading in any material respect, and
each of Parent and Merger Sub shall take all steps necessary to amend or
supplement the Offer Documents to reflect such correction and to cause the
Offer Documents as so amended or supplemented to be filed with the SEC and
disseminated to the Shareholders, in each case as and to the extent required by
applicable Federal and state securities laws. Parent and Merger Sub shall
provide the Company and its counsel a reasonable opportunity to review and
comment upon the Offer Documents (including, without limitation, any amendment
or supplement thereto) prior to their filing with the SEC or dissemination to
the Shareholders. Parent and Merger Sub shall provide the Company and its
counsel in writing with any written comments (and orally, with any oral
comments) that Parent, Merger Sub or their counsel may receive from the SEC or
its staff with respect to the Offer Documents promptly after the receipt of
such comments and shall provide the Company and its counsel with a reasonable
opportunity to participate in the response of Parent and Merger Sub to any such

   (c) The parties hereto agree to promptly file with the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts any registration statement relating to the Offer required to be
filed pursuant to Chapter 110C of the Massachusetts General Laws. Parent and
Merger Sub shall disseminate to the Shareholders the information contained in
any such registration statement relating to the Offer required to be filed
pursuant to 110C of the Massachusetts General Laws, in each case to the extent
and within the time period required by 110C of the Massachusetts General Laws.

   (d) Prior to the expiration of the Offer, Parent shall provide or cause to
be provided to Merger Sub on a timely basis the funds necessary to purchase all
Company Common Shares that Merger Sub becomes obligated to purchase pursuant to
the Offer.

   Section 1.2 Company Actions. (a) Subject to Section 5.3, the Company hereby
approves of and consents to the Offer, the Merger and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement. The Company hereby consents to the inclusion in
the Offer Documents of the Recommendation (as defined in Section 3.4(b)), and
the Company shall not permit the Recommendation or any component thereof to be
modified in any manner adverse to Parent or Merger Sub or withdrawn by the
Company Board or in any other manner, except as provided in this Agreement.

   (b) On the date on which the Offer Documents are filed with the SEC, the
Company shall file with the SEC a Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on
Schedule 14D-9 under the Exchange Act with respect to the Offer (such Schedule
14D-9, as amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Schedule 14D-9") in
which the Company makes the recommendations referred to in Section 3.4(b),
subject to any permitted withdrawal or modification thereof in accordance with
this Agreement, and shall mail the Schedule 14D-9 to the


Shareholders. The Company shall include in the Schedule 14D-9 information
furnished by Parent in writing concerning Parent's designees for directors of
the Company as required by Section 14(f) of the Exchange Act and Rule 14f-1
thereunder, and shall use its reasonable efforts to have the Schedule 14D-9
available for inclusion in the initial mailing of the Offer Documents to the
Shareholders. The Company (i) agrees that on the date on which the Schedule
14D-9 is filed with the SEC and on each date on which any amendment or
supplement to the Schedule 14D-9 is filed with the SEC, the Schedule 14D-9
shall comply as to form in all material respects with the requirements of the
Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and (ii)
represents and warrants that, on the date filed with the SEC and on the date
first published, sent or given to Shareholders, the Schedule 14D-9 will not
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material
fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not
misleading, except that no representation or warranty is made by the Company
with respect to information supplied in writing by Parent or Merger Sub
pursuant to this Agreement specifically for inclusion in the Schedule 14D-9.
The Company (or Parent and Merger Sub, with respect to information supplied by
Parent or Merger Sub pursuant to this Agreement specifically for inclusion in
the Schedule 14D-9) shall promptly correct any information contained in the
Schedule 14D-9 if and to the extent that such information shall have become
false or misleading in any material respect, and the Company shall take all
steps necessary to amend or supplement the Schedule 14D-9 to reflect such
correction and to cause the Schedule 14D-9 as so amended or supplemented to be
filed with the SEC and disseminated to the Shareholders, in each case as and to
the extent required by applicable Federal securities laws. The Company shall
provide Parent, Merger Sub and their counsel in writing with any written
comments (and orally, with any oral comments) that the Company or its counsel
may receive from the SEC or its staff with respect to the Schedule 14D-9
promptly after the receipt of such comments.

   (c) In connection with the Offer and the Merger, the Company shall as
promptly as reasonably practicable but, in any event, within two business days
after the date hereof, furnish, or cause its transfer agent to furnish, Merger
Sub promptly with mailing labels containing the names and addresses of all
record holders of Company Common Shares as of a recent date and, as soon as
practicable thereafter, of those persons becoming record holders subsequent to
such date, together with copies of all lists of Shareholders, security position
listings and computer files and all other information in the Company's
possession or control regarding the beneficial owners of Company Common Shares,
and shall furnish to Merger Sub such information and assistance (including
updated lists of Shareholders, security position listings and computer files)
as Merger Sub or Parent may reasonably request in communicating the Offer to
Shareholders. Subject to the requirements of applicable law, and except for
such steps as are necessary to disseminate the Offer Documents and any other
documents necessary to consummate the Offer, the Merger and the other
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, Parent and Merger Sub shall hold
in confidence pursuant to the Confidential Disclosure Agreement dated September
27, 2000 between Parent and the Company (the "Confidentiality Agreement") the
information contained in any such labels, listings and files, and shall use the
information referred to in this Section 1.2(c) solely for the purpose of
communicating the Offer and disseminating any other documents necessary to
consummate the Offer, the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by
this Agreement and, if this Agreement shall be terminated, shall promptly
deliver to the Company all copies of such information then in their possession.

   Section 1.3 Directors. Promptly upon the satisfaction of the Minimum Tender
Condition and the acceptance for payment of, and payment by Merger Sub for, any
Company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer, Merger Sub shall, subject to
compliance with Section 14(f) of the Exchange Act and Rule 14f-1 promulgated
thereunder, be entitled to designate such number of directors on the Company
Board as will give Merger Sub representation on the Company Board equal to that
number of directors, rounded down to the next whole number, which is the
product of (a) the total number of directors on the Company Board (giving
effect to the directors elected pursuant to this sentence) multiplied by (b) a
fraction, the numerator of which is the number of Company Common Shares so
accepted for payment and paid for by Merger Sub and the denominator of which is
the number of Company Common Shares outstanding at the time of acceptance for
payment of Company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer, and the Company shall,
promptly upon such


designation by Merger Sub, cause Merger Sub's designees to be elected or
appointed to the Company Board; provided, however, that during the period
commencing with the election or appointment of Merger Sub's designees to the
Company Board until the Effective Time or earlier termination of this
Agreement, the Company Board shall have at least two directors who are
directors on the date of this Agreement and who are not officers of the Company
or representatives of any affiliates of the Company (the "Independent
Directors"); and provided further, however, that if during such period the
number of Independent Directors shall be reduced below two for any reason
whatsoever, the remaining Independent Directors (or Independent Director, if
there shall be only one remaining) shall be entitled to designate persons to
fill any such vacancies who shall be deemed to be Independent Directors for
purposes of this Agreement or, if no Independent Directors then remain, the
other directors shall designate two persons to fill such vacancies who are not
officers, affiliates, associates or shareholders of Parent or Merger Sub, and
such persons shall be deemed to be Independent Directors for purposes of this
Agreement. Subject to applicable law, the Company shall take all action
requested by Parent for the purpose of effecting any such election or
appointment of Merger Sub's designees. In connection with the foregoing, the
Company shall promptly, at the option of Merger Sub, either increase the size
of the Company Board or accept the resignations (which resignations the Company
will obtain on or before the date of this Agreement, and which resignations
shall only be effective as of the time of, and shall be conditional upon,
acceptance for payment of any Company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer) of
such number of its current directors as is necessary to enable Merger Sub's
designees to be elected or appointed to the Company Board as provided above.
Prior to the Effective Time, the Company shall cause each member of the Company
Board, other than Merger Sub's designees, to execute and deliver a letter
effectuating his or her resignation as a director of the Company Board
effective immediately prior to the Effective Time.

   Section 1.4 The Merger. (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and in accordance with the MBCL, at the Effective Time, Merger Sub
will merge with and into the Company. At the Effective Time, the separate
corporate existence of Merger Sub shall cease and the Company shall be the
surviving corporation in the Merger (the "Surviving Corporation").

   (b) At the Effective Time, the Merger will have the other effects provided
in the applicable provisions of the MBCL. Without limiting the generality of
the foregoing, and subject thereto, at the Effective Time, all the property,
rights, privileges, powers, immunities and franchises of the Company and Merger
Sub will vest in the Surviving Corporation, and all debts, liabilities,
obligations and duties of the Company and Merger Sub will become, by operation
of law, the debts, liabilities, obligations and duties of the Surviving
Corporation. The name of the Surviving Corporation shall be "3M MicroTouch
Systems, Inc." and the purpose thereof shall be as set forth in Section 2 of
the Articles of Organization of the Surviving Corporation.

   Section 1.5 The Closing; Effective Time. (a) The closing of the Merger (the
"Closing") shall take place (i) at the offices of Parent, in St. Paul, at 10:00
A.M. local time, on the second business day following the date on which the
last to be satisfied or waived of the conditions set forth in Article VII
(other than those conditions that by their nature are to be satisfied at the
Closing, but subject to the satisfaction or, where permitted, waiver of those
conditions) shall be satisfied or waived in accordance with this Agreement or
(ii) at such other place, time and/or date as the Company and Parent shall
agree in writing (the date on which the Closing occurs, the "Closing Date").

   (b) Prior to the Closing, Parent shall prepare and give the Company and its
counsel an adequate opportunity to review, and on the Closing Date, the Company
and Merger Sub shall cause articles of merger in respect of the Merger to be
properly executed and filed with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts under the relevant provisions of the MBCL and shall make all
other filings or recordings required under the MBCL. The Merger shall become
effective at such time at which the articles of merger shall be duly filed with
the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or at such later
time reflected in the articles of merger as shall be agreed by the Company and
Parent (the time that the Merger becomes effective being the "Effective Time").


   Section 1.6 Subsequent Actions. If, at any time after the Effective Time,
the Surviving Corporation shall consider or be advised that any deeds, bills of
sale, assignments, assurances or any other actions or things are necessary or
desirable to continue, vest, perfect or confirm of record or otherwise the
Surviving Corporation's right, title or interest in, to or under any of the
rights, properties, privileges, franchises or assets of either of its
constituent corporations acquired or to be acquired by the Surviving
Corporation as a result of, or in connection with, the Merger, or otherwise to
carry out the intent of this Agreement, the officers and directors of the
Surviving Corporation shall be authorized to execute and deliver, in the name
and on behalf of either of the constituent corporations of the Merger, all such
deeds, bills of sale, assignments and assurances and to take and do, in the
name and on behalf of each of such corporations or otherwise, all such other
actions and things as may be necessary or desirable to vest, perfect or confirm
any and all right, title and interest in, to and under such rights, properties,
privileges, franchises or assets in the Surviving Corporation or otherwise to
carry out the intent of this Agreement.

   Section 1.7 Articles of Organization; By-laws; Directors and Officers of the
Surviving Corporation. Unless otherwise agreed by Parent, Merger Sub and the
Company prior to the Closing, at the Effective Time:

     (a) The Articles of Organization of the Company (the "Company Articles
  of Organization") shall be amended at the Effective Time to read in the
  form of Exhibit C hereto and, as so amended, such Articles of Organization
  shall be the Articles of Organization of the Surviving Corporation until
  thereafter changed or amended as provided therein or by applicable law,
  subject to the provisions of Section 6.8(c);

     (b) Subject to the provisions of Section 6.8(c), the By-laws of the
  Merger Sub as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be at
  and after the Effective Time (until amended as provided by law, the Company
  Articles of Organization and the By-laws of the Company, as applicable) the
  By-laws of the Surviving Corporation;

     (c) The officers of Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time
  shall continue to serve in their respective offices of the Surviving
  Corporation from and after the Effective Time, until their successors are
  elected or appointed and qualified or until their resignation or removal;

     (d) The directors of Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time
  shall be the directors of the Surviving Corporation from and after the
  Effective Time, until their successors are elected or appointed and
  qualified or until their resignation or removal.

                                   ARTICLE II

   Section 2.1 Effect on Capital Stock. At the Effective Time, by virtue of the
Merger and without any action on the part of Parent, Merger Sub or any

     (a) Capital Stock of Merger Sub. All of the issued and outstanding
  shares of common stock, par value $.01 per share, of Merger Sub (the
  "Merger Sub Common Stock") shall be converted into an equal number of fully
  paid and nonassessable shares of common stock, $.01 par value per share, of
  the Surviving Corporation (the "Surviving Corporation Common Stock"), which
  will constitute all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock
  of the Surviving Corporation immediately after the Effective Time. From and
  after the Effective Time, each outstanding certificate theretofore
  representing shares of Merger Sub Common Stock will be deemed for all
  purposes to evidence ownership and to represent the same number of shares
  of Surviving Corporation Common Stock.

     (b) Cancellation of Treasury Stock and Parent-Owned Stock. Each Company
  Common Share that is owned directly by the Company (as treasury stock),
  Parent or Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time shall no
  longer be outstanding and shall automatically be canceled and retired and
  shall cease to exist, without payment of any consideration in respect


     (c) Conversion of Company Common Shares. (i) Subject to Sections 2.1(b)
  and 2.1(d), each Company Common Share issued and outstanding immediately
  prior to the Effective Time shall be converted into the right to receive in
  cash from the Surviving Corporation the highest price per Company Common
  Share paid pursuant to the Offer.

     (ii) The cash payable upon the conversion of Company Common Shares
  pursuant to this Section 2.1(c) is referred to collectively as the "Merger
  Consideration." At the Effective Time all such Company Common Shares shall
  no longer be outstanding and shall automatically be canceled and retired
  and shall cease to exist, and each holder of a certificate that immediately
  prior to the Effective Time represented any such shares (a "Certificate")
  shall cease to have any rights with respect thereto, except the right to
  receive the Merger Consideration.

     (d) Dissenters' Rights. (i) Notwithstanding any provision of this
  Section 2.1 to the contrary, any Company Common Shares that are outstanding
  immediately prior to the Effective Time and that are held by a Shareholder
  who has not voted such Company Common Shares in favor of this Agreement and
  who has properly exercised, preserved and perfected dissenters' rights with
  respect to such Company Common Shares in accordance with the MBCL,
  including Sections 86 through 98 thereof (the "Dissenting Provisions") and,
  as of the Effective Time, has neither effectively withdrawn nor lost its
  right to exercise such dissenters' rights ("Dissenting Shares"), will not
  be converted into or represent a right to receive the Merger Consideration
  pursuant to Section 2.1(c), but the holder thereof will be entitled to
  payment of the fair value of such Dissenting Shares in accordance with the
  Dissenting Provisions.

     (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.1(c), if any holder of
  Company Common Shares who demands dissenters' rights with respect to its
  Company Common Shares under the MBCL effectively withdraws or loses
  (through failure to perfect or otherwise) its dissenters' rights, then as
  of the Effective Time or the occurrence of such event, whichever later
  occurs, such Shareholder's Company Common Shares will automatically be
  converted into and represent only the right to receive the Merger
  Consideration as provided in Section 2.1(c), without interest thereon, upon
  surrender of the certificate or certificates formerly representing such
  Company Common Shares.

     (iii) The Company will give Parent (x) prompt notice of any written
  intent to demand payment of the fair value of any Company Common Shares,
  withdrawals of such demands and any other instruments served pursuant to
  the MBCL received by the Company and (y) the opportunity to direct all
  negotiations and proceedings with respect to dissenters' rights under the
  MBCL. The Company may not voluntarily make any payment with respect to any
  exercise of dissenters' rights and may not, except with the prior written
  consent of Parent, settle or offer to settle any such dissenters' rights.

     (e) Termination and Satisfaction of Company Options. As of the Effective
  Time, each Company Option issued under either (i) the Company's 1992 Equity
  Incentive Plan, (ii) the Company's 1994 Directors Stock Option Plan, or
  (iii) the Company's 1998 Employee and Consultant Non-Qualified Stock Option
  Plan (collectively the "Stock Option Plans") and outstanding immediately
  prior to the Effective Time shall be converted into the right to receive in
  cash an amount equal to the "Net Gain" attributable to such Company Option.
  At the Effective Time all such Company Options shall no longer be
  outstanding and shall automatically be cancelled and terminated and shall
  cease to exist, and each holder of a Company Option shall cease to have any
  rights with respect thereto, except the right to receive the Net Gain
  attributable thereto. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Net Gain"
  with respect to a Company Option shall mean the product of (x) the excess
  of the Merger Consideration over the exercise price per Company Common
  Share of such Company Option, and (y) the number of Company Common Shares
  subject to such Company Option. Immediately prior to the Effective Time,
  Parent shall provide or cause to be provided to the Company in a timely
  manner the funds necessary to pay the aggregate amount of "Net Gains"
  attributable to all Company Options that the Company becomes obligated to
  pay pursuant to this Section 2.1(e). The Company shall make all payments of
  "Net Gains" required by this Section 2.1(e) immediately prior to the
  Effective Time, although it shall deduct and withhold from the amounts
  otherwise payable pursuant to this Section 2.1(e) such amounts as it is
  required to deduct and withhold with respect


  to the making of such payments under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the
  "Code") or any other applicable state, local or federal tax law or tax laws
  of foreign jurisdictions. To the extent that amounts are so withheld by the
  Company, the withheld amounts shall be treated for all purposes of this
  Agreement as having been paid to the holder of the Company Option in
  respect of which such withholding was made by the Company. The Surviving
  Corporation will promptly comply with all tax laws requiring it to forward
  such withheld taxes and/or pay its own taxes to the responsible
  Governmental Entity, as well as reporting the amount of income resulting
  from the payments made pursuant to this Section 2.1(e).

   Section 2.2 Exchange of Certificates.

     (a) Paying Agent. Prior to the Effective Time, Parent shall designate,
  or shall cause to be designated, a bank or trust company reasonably
  acceptable to the Company to act as agent for the payment of the Merger
  Consideration (the "Paying Agent") upon surrender of Certificates, and,
  from time to time after the Effective Time, Parent shall provide, or cause
  the Surviving Corporation to provide, to the Paying Agent funds in amounts
  and at the times necessary for the payment of the Merger Consideration
  pursuant to Section 2.1(c) and any payments that holders of Dissenting
  Shares become entitled to under Section 2.1(d) (such cash being hereinafter
  referred to as the "Exchange Fund"), upon surrender of Certificates, it
  being understood that any and all interest or income earned on funds made
  available to the Paying Agent pursuant to this Agreement shall be for the
  benefit of, and shall be paid to, Parent. If for any reason the Exchange
  Fund is inadequate to pay the amounts to which holders of Company Common
  Shares and Dissenting Shares shall be entitled under this Section 2.2(a),
  Parent shall take all steps necessary to enable or cause the Surviving
  Corporation promptly to deposit additional cash with the Paying Agent
  sufficient to make all payments required under this Agreement, and Parent
  and the Surviving Corporation shall in any event be liable for payment
  thereof. The Exchange Fund shall not be used for any purpose except as
  expressly provided in this Agreement.

     (b) Exchange Procedure. As soon as reasonably practicable after the
  Effective Time, the Surviving Corporation shall cause the Paying Agent to
  mail to each holder of record of a certificate or certificates (referred to
  hereinafter individually as a "Certificate" and collectively as
  "Certificates") that immediately prior to the Effective Time represented
  outstanding Company Common Shares whose shares were converted into the
  right to receive Merger Consideration pursuant to Section 2.1, (i) a letter
  of transmittal (which shall specify that delivery shall be effected, and
  risk of loss and title to the Certificates held by such person shall pass,
  only upon delivery of the Certificates to the Paying Agent and shall be in
  customary form and have such other provisions as Parent may reasonably
  specify) and (ii) instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the
  Certificates in exchange for the Merger Consideration. Upon surrender of a
  Certificate for cancellation to the Paying Agent, together with such letter
  of transmittal, duly completed and validly executed, and such other
  documents as may reasonably be required by the Paying Agent, the holder of
  such Certificate shall be entitled to receive in exchange therefor the
  Merger Consideration and the Certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be
  canceled. In the event of a transfer of ownership of Company Common Shares
  that is not registered in the stock transfer books of the Company, the
  proper amount of cash may be paid in exchange therefor to a person other
  than the person in whose name the Certificate so surrendered is registered
  if such Certificate shall be properly endorsed or otherwise be in proper
  form for transfer and the person requesting such payment shall pay any
  transfer or other taxes required by reason of the payment to a person other
  than the registered holder of such Certificate the Merger Consideration or
  establish to the satisfaction of Parent that such tax has been paid or is
  not applicable. No interest shall be paid or shall accrue on the cash
  payable upon surrender of any Certificate.

     (c) No Further Ownership Rights in Company Common Shares. The Merger
  Consideration paid upon the surrender of a Certificate in accordance with
  the terms of this Article II shall be deemed to have been paid in full
  satisfaction of all rights pertaining to the Company Common Shares formerly
  represented by such Certificate. At the Effective Time the stock transfer
  books of the Company shall be closed, and there shall be no further
  registration of transfers on the stock transfer books of the Surviving
  Corporation of the Company Common Shares that were outstanding immediately
  prior to the Effective Time. If, after


  the Effective Time, Certificates are presented to the Surviving Corporation
  or the Paying Agent for transfer or any other reason, they shall be
  canceled and exchanged as provided in this Article II.

     (d) No Liability. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law,
  none of Parent, Merger Sub, the Company or the Paying Agent shall be liable
  to any person in respect of any cash from the Exchange Fund delivered to a
  public official pursuant to any applicable abandoned property, escheat or
  similar law. If any Certificates shall not have been surrendered prior to
  six years after the Effective Time (or immediately prior to such earlier
  date on which any Merger Consideration would otherwise escheat to or became
  the property of any Governmental Entity (as defined in Section 3.5(b)), any
  such Merger Consideration in respect thereof shall, to the fullest extent
  permitted by applicable law, become the property of the Surviving
  Corporation, free and clear of all claims or interests of any person
  previously entitled thereto.

     (e) Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates. In the event that any
  Certificate shall have been lost, stolen or destroyed, the Surviving
  Corporation or Paying Agent shall pay the Merger Consideration in exchange
  for such lost, stolen or destroyed Certificate, upon the making of an
  affidavit of that fact by the holder thereof in form and substance
  reasonably satisfactory to the Surviving Corporation or Paying Agent, as
  the case may be; provided, however, that the Surviving Corporation may, in
  its discretion and as a condition precedent to the payment of such Merger
  Consideration, require the owner of such lost, stolen or destroyed
  Certificate to deliver a bond in such sum as the Surviving Corporation may
  reasonably direct as indemnity against any claim that may be made against
  the Surviving Corporation or the Paying Agent with respect to such

     (f) Termination of Exchange Fund. Any portion of the Exchange Fund that
  remains undistributed to the holders of Company Common Shares for six
  months after the Effective Time shall be returned to Parent, upon demand,
  and any holder of Company Common Shares shall look as a general creditor
  only to Parent for payment of such cash to which such holder may be due
  subject to applicable law.

     (g) Withholding Rights. Parent shall be entitled to deduct and withhold
  from the consideration otherwise payable pursuant to this Agreement such
  amounts as Parent is required to deduct and withhold with respect to the
  making of such payment under the Code or any provision of state, local or
  foreign tax law. To the extent that amounts are so withheld by Parent, such
  withheld amounts shall be treated for all purposes of this Agreement as
  having been paid to the holder of the Company Common Shares in respect of
  which such deduction and withholding was made by Parent.

     (h) Charges and Expenses. The Surviving Corporation shall pay all
  charges and expenses, including those of the Paying Agent, in connection
  with the exchange of cash for Company Common Shares.

                                  ARTICLE III

   Except as set forth in the corresponding sections or subsections of the
disclosure letter, dated this date, delivered by the Company to Parent (the
"Company Disclosure Letter"), the Company hereby represents and warrants to
Parent and Merger Sub as follows:

   Section 3.1 Organization and Qualification; Subsidiaries. (a) The Company is
a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and with respect to which no articles of
dissolution have been filed. Each of the Subsidiaries of the Company is a
corporation or other business entity duly organized, validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation or
organization, and each of the Company and its Subsidiaries has the requisite
corporate or other organizational power and authority to own, operate or lease
its properties and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted, and
is duly qualified as a foreign corporation to do business, and is in good
standing, in each jurisdiction where the character of its properties owned,
operated or leased or the nature of its activities makes such qualification
necessary, in each case except as would not, individually or in the aggregate,
have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.


   (b) All of the outstanding shares of capital stock and other equity
securities of the Subsidiaries of the Company have been validly issued and are
fully paid and nonassessable, and are owned, directly or indirectly, by the
Company, free and clear of all pledges and security interests, except for a de
minimis number of shares of capital stock of certain Subsidiaries that, due to
the requirements of local law, must be held by the managing director (or other
Person with comparable duties or responsibilities) of the Subsidiary who
resides in the jurisdiction of incorporation. There are no subscriptions,
options, warrants, calls, commitments, agreements, conversion rights or other
rights of any character (contingent or otherwise) entitling any Person to
purchase or otherwise acquire from the Company or any of its Subsidiaries at
any time, or upon the happening of any stated event, any shares of capital
stock or other equity securities of any of the Subsidiaries of the Company. The
Company Disclosure Letter lists the name and jurisdiction of incorporation or
organization of each Subsidiary of the Company.

   (c) Except for interests in its Subsidiaries, neither the Company nor any of
its Subsidiaries owns directly or indirectly any capital stock of, or other
equity or voting or similar interest (including a joint venture interest) in
any Person or has any monetary or other obligation or made any commitment to
acquire any such interest or make any such investment.

   Section 3.2 Articles of Organization and By-laws. The Company has furnished,
or otherwise made available, to Parent a complete and correct copy of the
Company's Articles of Organization and its By-laws, each as amended to the date
of this Agreement. Such Articles of Organization and By-laws are in full force
and effect. The Company is not in violation of any of the provisions of the
Articles of Organization or By-laws.

   Section 3.3 Capitalization. As of November 10, 2000, the authorized capital
stock of the Company consists of 20,000,000 Company Common Shares, and 500,000
shares of preferred stock, $0.01 par value per share (the "Preferred Stock"),
of which 100,000 shares are designated as shares of Series A Junior
Participating Preferred Stock, $0.01 par value per share ("Company Preferred
Shares"). As of November 10, 2000, (a) 6,491,823 Company Common Shares were
outstanding, (b) 6,491,823 Rights issued pursuant to the Rights Agreement were
outstanding, (c) Company Options to purchase an aggregate of 1,755,486 Company
Common Shares were outstanding, all of which were granted under the 1992 Equity
Incentive Plan, 1994 Directors Stock Option Plan and 1998 Employee and
Consultant Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan (collectively, the "Stock Option
Plans"), 1,755,486 Company Common Shares were reserved for issuance upon the
exercise of outstanding Company Options, 1,206,159 Company Common Shares were
reserved for future grants under the Stock Option Plans and 100,000 Company
Preferred Shares were reserved for issuance under the Rights Agreement, (d)
1,937,776 Company Common Shares were held by the Company in its treasury, and
(e) no shares of capital stock of the Company were held by the Company's
Subsidiaries. Except for the Rights, the Company has no outstanding bonds,
debentures, notes or other obligations entitling the holders thereof to vote
(or which are convertible into or exercisable for securities having the right
to vote) with the shareholders of the Company on any matter. Since November 10,
2000, the Company (i) has not issued any Company Common Shares other than upon
the exercise of Company Options, (ii) has granted no Company Options to
purchase Company Common Shares under the Stock Option Plans or otherwise, and
(iii) has not split, combined or reclassified any of its shares of capital
stock. All issued and outstanding Company Common Shares are duly authorized,
validly issued, fully paid, nonassessable and free of preemptive rights. Except
for the Rights, there are no other shares of capital stock or voting securities
of the Company, and no existing options, warrants, calls, subscriptions,
convertible securities, or other rights, agreements or commitments which
obligate the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to issue, transfer or sell any
shares of capital stock of, or equity interests in, the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries and there are no stock appreciation rights or limited stock
appreciation rights outstanding other than those attached to such Company
Options. There are no outstanding obligations of the Company or any
Subsidiaries to repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any shares of capital
stock of the Company and there are no performance awards outstanding under the
Stock Option Plans or any other outstanding stock related awards. After the
Effective Time, the Surviving Corporation will have no obligation to issue,
transfer or sell any shares of capital stock of the Company, the Parent or the
Surviving Corporation pursuant to any Company Benefit Plan, including the Stock
Option Plans. There are no voting trusts or other


agreements or understandings to which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries is
a party with respect to the voting of capital stock of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries. No Company Common Shares have been repurchased by the Company
or any of its Subsidiaries since May 10, 2000. For purposes of this Agreement,
"Company Options" shall mean subscriptions, options (including those granted
under the Stock Option Plans), warrants, calls, commitments, agreements,
conversion rights or other rights of any character (contingent or otherwise) to
purchase or otherwise acquire from the Company or any of its Subsidiaries at
any time, or upon the happening of any stated event, any shares of the capital
stock of the Company, whether or not then exercisable by their terms.

   Section 3.4 Power and Authority; Authorization; Valid and Binding. (a) The
Company has the requisite corporate power and authority to execute and deliver
this Agreement and, subject to the approval of the Merger and this Agreement by
an affirmative vote of the holders of not less than a majority of the
outstanding shares of Company Common Shares (the "Shareholder Approval"), to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution and delivery of
this Agreement by the Company, the performance by it of its obligations
hereunder and the consummation by the Company of the transactions contemplated
hereby, have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part
of the Company (other than the Shareholder Approval). This Agreement has been
duly executed and delivered by the Company and, assuming the due authorization,
execution and delivery of this Agreement by Parent and Merger Sub, this
Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation (subject to the
Shareholder Approval) of the Company enforceable against it in accordance with
the terms hereof, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent transfer,
moratorium, reorganization and similar laws of general applicability relating
to or affecting creditors' rights and to general equity principles (regardless
of whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at

   (b) The Board of Directors, at a meeting duly called and held, or by
unanimous written consent, has adopted resolutions (x) determining that the
terms of this Agreement, the Offer and the Merger are fair to and in the best
interests of the Company and the Shareholders, (y) approving this Agreement and
the transactions contemplated hereby, including the Offer and the Merger, and
(z) resolving to recommend that the Shareholders accept the Offer and tender
their Company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer (the determinations,
approvals and recommendations of the Company Board being hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "Recommendation"). Assuming the accuracy of
Parent's and Merger Sub's representation in Section 4.4, such resolutions are
necessary to render inapplicable to Parent and Merger Sub and this Agreement
and the transactions contemplated hereby, including the Offer and the Merger,
the provisions of Chapter 110C (assuming the requirement that the terms of the
Offer be furnished to the Shareholders is satisfied), Chapter 110D and Chapter
110F of the MBCL.

   Section 3.5 No Conflict; Required Filings and Consents. (a) The execution
and delivery of this Agreement by the Company do not, and the performance by
the Company of its obligations hereunder and the consummation by the Company of
the transactions contemplated hereby, will not (i) violate or conflict with the
Articles of Organization or the By-laws of the Company, (ii) subject to
obtaining or making the notices, reports, filings, waivers, consents, approvals
and authorizations referred to in paragraph (b) below, conflict with or violate
any law, regulation, court order, judgment or decree applicable to the Company
or any of its Subsidiaries or by which any of their respective property is
bound or affected, other than the filings required under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and the Exchange Act, (iii) subject to
obtaining or making the notices, reports, filings, waivers, consents, approvals
and authorizations referred to in paragraph (b) below, require any consent,
approval or authorization of, or declaration, filing or registration with, any
Governmental Entity or (iv) result in any breach of or constitute a default (or
an event which with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default)
under, or give to others any rights of termination, cancellation, vesting or
acceleration of any obligation under, result in the creation of a lien, claim
or encumbrance on any of the properties or assets of the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries pursuant to, result in the loss of any benefit under (including an
increase in the price paid by, or cost to, the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries), require the consent of any other party to, or result in any
obligation on the part of the Company


or any of its Subsidiaries to repurchase (with respect to a bond or a note),
any agreement, contract, instrument, bond, note, indenture, permit, license or
franchise to which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or by
which the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective property
is bound or affected, except, in the case of clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv)
above, as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have or reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

   (b) Except for applicable requirements under the premerger notification
requirements of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as
amended (the "HSR Act"), and for applicable requirements under antitrust laws
of any foreign jurisdiction, the filing of articles of merger with respect to
the Merger as required by the MBCL and other filings with states in which the
Company is qualified to do business, filings with the SEC under the Securities
Act, and the Exchange Act, any filings required pursuant to any state
securities or "blue sky" laws, or pursuant to the rules and regulations of the
Nasdaq Stock Market or any other stock exchange on which the Company Common
Shares are listed, neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is required
to submit any notice, report or other filing with any Governmental Entity in
connection with the execution, delivery, performance or consummation of this
Agreement or the Merger. Except as set forth in the immediately preceding
sentence, no waiver, consent, approval or authorization of any governmental or
regulatory authority, court, agency, commission or other governmental entity,
domestic or foreign, or any securities exchange or other self-regulatory body,
domestic or foreign (each a "Governmental Entity"), is required to be obtained
by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries in connection with its execution,
delivery, performance or consummation of this Agreement or the transactions
contemplated hereby except for such waivers, consents, approvals or
authorizations that, if not obtained or made, would not, individually or in the
aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

   Section 3.6 SEC Reports; Financial Statements. (a) The Company has filed all
forms, reports and other documents required to be filed by it with the SEC
since January 1, 1998, including any amendments or supplements (collectively,
including any such forms, reports and documents filed after this date, the "SEC
Reports"), and, with respect to the SEC Reports filed by the Company after the
date hereof and prior to the Closing Date, will deliver or make available to
Parent all of its SEC Reports in the form filed with the SEC. The SEC Reports
(i) were (and any SEC Reports filed after this date will be) in all material
respects in compliance with the requirements of the Securities Act or the
Exchange Act, as the case may be, and the rules and regulations promulgated
thereunder, and (ii) as of their respective filing dates, did not (and any SEC
Reports filed after the date hereof and prior to the Closing Date will not)
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not

   (b) The consolidated financial statements of the Company, including all
related notes and schedules, contained in the SEC Reports (or incorporated
therein by reference) fairly present (or, with respect to financial statements
contained in the SEC Reports filed after this date, will fairly present) the
consolidated financial position of the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries as of the respective dates thereof and the consolidated results of
operations, retained earnings and cash flows of the Company and its
consolidated subsidiaries for the respective periods indicated, in each case
have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
("GAAP"), applied on a consistent basis throughout the periods involved (except
for changes in accounting principles disclosed in the notes) and the rules and
regulations of the SEC, except that interim financial statements are subject to
normal year-end adjustments which are not and are not expected to be,
individually or in the aggregate, material in amount and do not include certain
notes which may be required by GAAP but which are not required by Form 10-Q of
the SEC.

   Section 3.7 Absence of Certain Changes. Except as disclosed in the SEC
Reports filed prior to this date (which SEC Reports for the period ended
September 30, 2000 will not contain financial statements that are materially
different from those financial statements for such period that were previously
provided to Parent and Merger Sub and included in the Company Disclosure
Letter), (a) since September 30, 2000, the Company and each of its Subsidiaries
has conducted its business in the ordinary and usual course of its business
consistent with past practice and there has not been any change in the
financial condition, business, prospects or results of


operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries, or any development or
combination of developments that, individually or in the aggregate, has had or
would be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect and (b) since September 30,
2000, there has not been any action by the Company which if taken after the
date hereof would constitute a breach of Section 5.1 hereof.

   Section 3.8 Litigation and Liabilities. (a) Except as disclosed in the SEC
Reports filed prior to this date, or in the Company Disclosure Letter, there
are no civil, criminal or administrative actions, suits, proceedings (including
condemnation proceedings) or hearings, pending or, to the knowledge of the
Company, threatened against, the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any of
their respective properties and assets, except for any of the foregoing which
would not, individually or in the aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to
have a Material Adverse Effect.

   (b) Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has any liabilities or
obligations, (absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise), except (i)
liabilities and obligations in the respective amounts reflected or reserved
against in the Company's consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2000
included in the SEC Reports, (ii) liabilities and obligations incurred in the
ordinary course of business since September 30, 2000 consistent with past
practice which individually or in the aggregate would not have or reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, (iii) liabilities permitted to be
incurred pursuant to Section 5.1 or (iv) liabilities or obligations relating to
matters disclosed in the Company Disclosure Letter.

   Section 3.9 No Violation of Law; Permits. The business of the Company and
each of its Subsidiaries is not in violation of any statutes of law,
ordinances, regulations, judgments, orders or decrees of any Governmental
Entity, any permits, franchises, licenses, authorizations or consents granted
by any Governmental Entity, and the Company and each of its Subsidiaries has
obtained all permits, franchises, licenses, authorizations or consents
necessary for the conduct of its business, except, with respect to each of the
matters herein, as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have or
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. Neither the Company
nor any of its Subsidiaries is subject to any cease and desist or other order,
judgment, injunction or decree issued by, or is a party to any written
agreement, consent agreement or memorandum of understanding with, is a party to
any commitment letter or similar undertaking to, is subject to any order or
directive by, or has adopted any board resolutions at the request of, any
Governmental Entity that restricts the conduct of its business (whether the
type of business, the location or otherwise) and which, individually or in the
aggregate, would have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect, nor has the Company been advised that any Governmental Entity has
proposed issuing or requesting any of the foregoing.

   Section 3.10 Employee Matters; ERISA. (a) Set forth in the Company
Disclosure Letter is a complete list of each Company Benefit Plan. The term
"Company Benefit Plan" shall mean (i) each plan, program, policy, contract or
agreement providing for compensation, severance, termination pay, performance
awards, stock or stock-related awards, fringe benefits or other employee
benefits of any kind, including, without limitation, any "employee benefit
plan," within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA but excluding any
"multiemployer plan" within the meaning of Sections 3(37) or 4001(a)(3) of
ERISA, and (ii) each employment, severance, consulting, non-compete,
confidentiality, or similar agreement or contract, in case of each of (i) and
(ii) with respect to which the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company has or
may have any liability (accrued, contingent or otherwise) sponsored or
maintained for its United States employees. As of the date hereof, neither the
Company nor any Subsidiary of the Company or other entity considered to be a
single employer with the Company under Section 4001(a)(15) of ERISA or Section
414 of the Code (a "Company ERISA Affiliate") is a party to any Company
Multiemployer Plan. The term "Company Multiemployer Plan" shall mean any
"multiemployer plan" within the meaning of Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA in
respect to which the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company, or any Company
ERISA Affiliate of the Company has or may have any liability (accrued,
contingent or otherwise). No current or future liabilities for plans or
arrangements similar to those described in subsections (i) and (ii) above
sponsored or maintained by either the Company or any Subsidiary and in effect
for employees of the Company's Subsidiaries outside the United States would
have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.


   (b) The Company has provided or made available, or has caused to be provided
or made available, to Parent (i) current, accurate and complete copies of all
documents embodying each Company Benefit Plan, including all amendments,
written interpretations (which interpretation could be regarded as increasing
the liabilities of the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole under the
relevant Company Benefit Plan) and all trust or funding agreements with respect
thereto; (ii) the most recent annual actuarial valuation, if any, prepared for
each Company Benefit Plan; (iii) the most recent annual report (Series 5500 and
all schedules), if any, required under ERISA in connection with each Company
Benefit Plan or related trust; (iv) the most recent determination letter
received from the Internal Revenue Service, if any, for each Company Benefit
Plan and related trust which is intended to satisfy the requirements of Section
401(a) of the Code; (v) if any Company Benefit Plan is funded, the most recent
annual and periodic accounting of such Company Benefit Plan's assets; (vi) the
most recent summary plan description together with the most recent summary of
material modifications, if any, required under ERISA with respect to each
Company Benefit Plan; and (vii) all material communications to any one or more
current, former or retired employee, officer, consultant, independent
contractor, agent or director of the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company
(each, a "Company Employee" and collectively, the "Company Employees") relating
to each Company Benefit Plan (which communication could be regarded as
increasing the liabilities of the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole
under the relevant Company Benefit Plan).

   (c) All Company Benefit Plans have been administered in all respects in
accordance with the terms thereof and all applicable laws except for violations
which, individually or in the aggregate, would not have or reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. Each Company Benefit Plan which is
an "employee pension benefit plan" within the meaning of Section 3(2) of ERISA
("Pension Plan") and which is intended to be qualified under Section 401(a) of
the Code (each, an "Company Pension Plan"), has received a favorable
determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service, and the Company is not
aware of any circumstances that would reasonably be expected to result in the
revocation or denial of this qualified status. Except as otherwise set forth in
the Company Disclosure Letter or in the SEC Reports filed prior to this date,
there is no pending or, to the Company's knowledge, threatened, claim,
litigation, proceeding, audit, examination or investigation relating to any
Company Benefit Plans or Company Employees that, individually or in the
aggregate, would have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse

   (d) No Company Benefit Plan nor any plan sponsored by any Subsidiary or any
Company ERISA Affiliate is subject to Title IV of ERISA.

   (e) All contributions, premiums and payments (other than contributions,
premiums or payments that are not material, in the aggregate) required to be
made under the terms of any Company Benefit Plan have been made.

   (f) Except as set forth in the Company Disclosure Letter, the execution of,
and performance of the transactions contemplated in, this Agreement will not
(either alone or upon the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events)
(i) constitute an event under any Company Benefit Plan, trust or loan that will
or may result in any payment (whether of severance pay or otherwise),
acceleration, forgiveness of indebtedness, vesting (except as may be required
by law), distribution, increase in benefits or obligation to fund benefits with
respect to any Company Employee, or (ii) result in the triggering or imposition
of any restrictions or limitations on the right of the Company, any Subsidiary
of the Company or Parent to amend or terminate any Company Benefit Plan. Except
as set forth in the Company Disclosure Letter, no payment or benefit which will
or may be made by the Company, any Subsidiary of the Company, Parent or any of
their respective affiliates with respect to any Company Employee will be
characterized as an "excess parachute payment," within the meaning of Section
280G(b)(1) of the Code.

   (g) Set forth in the Company Disclosure Letter is a list of all outstanding
and unexercised options granted under the Company's Stock Option Plans,
specifying the name of each optionee, the date on which each option was
granted, the number of shares that may be purchased pursuant to each option,
the exercise price at which


such shares may be purchased, the vesting period for each option, and the
expiration date of each option. Immediately prior to the Closing, there will be
no Company Options outstanding.

   Section 3.11 Labor Matters. Except as set forth in the SEC Reports filed
prior to this date, and except for those matters that would not, individually
or in the aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect, there is no (i) work stoppage, slowdown, lockout or labor strike
against the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company by Company Employees (or
any union that represents them) pending or, to the knowledge of the Company,
threatened, or (ii) alleged unfair labor practice, labor dispute (other than
routine grievances), union organizing activity or labor arbitration proceeding
pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened against the Company or
any of its Subsidiaries relating to their businesses. Neither the Company nor
any of its Subsidiaries is a party to, or bound by, any collective bargaining
agreement or other contracts with a labor union or labor organization. The
Company is in compliance with all laws regarding employment, employment
practices, terms and conditions of employment and wages and laws, except for
such noncompliance which, either individually or in the aggregate, would not
have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. Except as set
forth in the Company Disclosure Letter, to the knowledge of the Company, no
employee of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries having total annual
compensation of more than $50,000 has given oral (within the two months
immediately preceding the date of this Agreement) or written notice of intent
to terminate such employee's employment.

   Section 3.12 Environmental Matters. Except (1) as set forth in the SEC
Reports filed prior to this date, or in the Company Disclosure Letter; and (2)
for those matters that do not, individually or in the aggregate, have or are
reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse Effect (for purposes of Section
3.12(c)(ii), 3.12(c)(iii) (relating to any real or personal property not owned
by the Company or its Subsidiaries at present or in the past), 3.12(d)(ii) and
3.12(e) (relating to property not owned by the Company or its Subsidiaries at
present or in the past) only, the dollar thresholds for determining whether a
matter or matters constitute a Material Adverse Effect shall be $1,000,000
individually or $6,000,000 in the aggregate):

     (a) The Company and each of its Subsidiaries is in compliance with all
  applicable Environmental Laws, and neither the Company nor any of its
  Subsidiaries has received any written communication from any Person or
  Governmental Entity that alleges that the Company or any of its
  Subsidiaries is not in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws.

     (b) The Company and each of its Subsidiaries has obtained or has applied
  for all applicable environmental, health and safety permits, licenses,
  variances, approvals and authorizations required under Environmental Laws
  (collectively, the "Environmental Permits") necessary for the construction
  of its facilities or the conduct of its operations, and all those
  Environmental Permits are in effect or, where applicable, a renewal
  application has been timely filed and is pending agency approval, and the
  Company and its Subsidiaries are in compliance with all terms and
  conditions of such Environmental Permits. All Environmental Permits of the
  Company and its Subsidiaries are listed in the Company Disclosure Letter
  referencing this Section 3.12(b), and the Company and its Subsidiaries
  previously has made available to Parent and Merger Sub true, correct and
  complete copies of all such Environmental Permits.

     (c) There is no Environmental Claim pending or, to the knowledge of the
  Company, threatened (i) against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries,
  (ii) against any Person whose liability for any Environmental Claim has
  been retained or assumed contractually by the Company or any of its
  Subsidiaries, or (iii) against any real or personal property or operations
  which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries owns, leases or operates, in
  whole or in part.

     (d) There have been no Releases of any Hazardous Material that the
  Company reasonably believes form the basis of any Environmental Claim (i)
  against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, or (ii) against any Person
  whose liability for any Environmental Claim has been retained or assumed
  contractually by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.


     (e) None of the properties owned, leased or operated by the Company, its
  Subsidiaries or any predecessor thereof are now, or were in the past,
  listed on the National Priorities List of Superfund Sites or any analogous
  state list (excluding easements that transgress those Superfund sites).

   For purposes of this Agreement:

     (i) "Environmental Claim" means any and all administrative, regulatory
  or judicial actions, suits, demands, demand letters, directives, claims,
  liens, investigations, proceedings or notices of noncompliance or violation
  by any Person (including any federal, state, local or foreign governmental
  authority) alleging potential liability (including, without limitation,
  potential responsibility for or liability for enforcement, investigatory
  costs, cleanup costs, governmental response costs, removal costs, remedial
  costs, natural resources damages, property damages, personal injuries or
  penalties) arising out of, based on or resulting from (A) the presence, or
  Release or threatened Release into the environment, of any Hazardous
  Materials at any location, whether or not owned, operated, leased or
  managed by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries; or (B) circumstances
  forming the basis of any violation or alleged violation of any
  Environmental Law; or (C) any and all claims by any third party seeking
  damages, contribution, indemnification, cost recovery, compensation or
  injunctive relief resulting from the presence or Release of any Hazardous

     (ii) "Environmental Laws" means all applicable foreign, federal, state
  and local laws, rules, requirements and regulations relating to the
  environment (including, without limitation, ambient air, surface water,
  groundwater, land surface or subsurface strata) or protection of human
  health as it relates to the environment including, without limitation, laws
  and regulations relating to Releases of Hazardous Materials, or otherwise
  relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment,
  storage, disposal, transport or handling of Hazardous Materials or relating
  to management of asbestos in buildings.

     (iii) "Hazardous Materials" means (A) any petroleum or any by- products
  or fractions thereof, asbestos or asbestos-containing materials, urea
  formaldehyde foam insulation, any form of natural gas, explosives,
  polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs"), radioactive materials, ionizing
  radiation, electromagnetic field radiation or microwave transmissions; (B)
  any chemicals, materials or substances, whether waste materials, raw
  materials or finished products, which are now defined as or included in the
  definition of "hazardous substances," "hazardous wastes," "hazardous
  materials," "extremely hazardous substances," "restricted hazardous
  wastes," "toxic substances," "toxic pollutants," "pollutants,"
  "contaminants" or words of similar import under any Environmental Law; and
  (C) any other chemical, material or substance, whether waste materials, raw
  materials or finished products, regulated under any Environmental Law.

     (iv) "Release" means any release, spill, emission, leaking, injection,
  deposit, disposal, discharge, dispersal, leaching or migration into the
  environment (including without limitation ambient air, atmosphere, soil,
  surface water, groundwater or property).

   Section 3.13 [Intentionally omitted.]

   Section 3.14 Brokers. Set forth in the Company Disclosure Letter is a list
of each broker, finder or investment banker and other Person entitled to any
brokerage, finder's, investment banking or other similar fee or commission in
connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement based upon
arrangements made by or on behalf of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries and
the expected amounts of such fees and commissions. The Company has previously
provided to Parent copies of any agreements giving rise to any such fee or

   Section 3.15 Tax Matters. Except (1) as set forth in the SEC Reports filed
prior to this date, and (2) for those matters that do not, individually or in
the aggregate, have or are reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect:

     (a) All Tax Returns required to be filed by the Company or its
  Subsidiaries on or prior to the Effective Time have been or will be
  prepared in good faith and timely filed with the appropriate


  Governmental Entity on or prior to the Effective Time and all such Tax
  Returns are (or, as to Tax Returns not filed on the date hereof, will be)
  complete and accurate in all respects.

     (b) All Taxes that are required to be paid by the Company or its
  Subsidiaries, either (x) have been fully paid on a timely basis (except
  with respect to matters contested in good faith as set forth in the Company
  Disclosure Letter) or (y) are adequately reflected as a liability on the
  Company's or its Subsidiaries' books and records and financial statements
  and remitted to the appropriate Governmental Entity. All Taxes required to
  be collected or withheld from third parties by the Company or its
  Subsidiaries have been collected or withheld.

     (c) The Company and its Subsidiaries have made due and sufficient
  accruals and reserves for their respective liabilities for Taxes in their
  respective books and records and financial statements.

     (d) The Company and each of its Subsidiaries have not waived any statute
  of limitations, or agreed to any extension of time, with respect to Taxes
  or a Tax assessment or deficiency, which waiver or extension is in effect.

     (e) As of this date, (A) there are not pending or, threatened in
  writing, any audits, examinations, investigations or other proceedings in
  respect of Taxes or Tax matters and (B) there are not any unresolved
  questions or claims concerning the Company's or any of its Subsidiary's Tax
  liability that (i) were raised by any taxing authority in a communication
  to the Company or any Subsidiary and (ii) would be individually or in the
  aggregate, material to the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole,
  after taking into account any reserves for Taxes set forth on the most
  recent balance sheet contained in the SEC Reports filed prior to this date.

     (f) The Company has made available to Parent true and correct copies of
  the United States federal income and all state income or franchise Tax
  Returns filed by the Company and its Subsidiaries for each of its fiscal
  years ended on or about December 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999.

     (g) The Company has not distributed the stock of a "controlled
  corporation" (as defined in section 355(a) of the Code) in a transaction
  subject to section 355 of the Code within the past two years or before such
  time if the distribution was part of a plan (or series of related
  transactions) of which the Merger is also a part.

     (h) Neither Company nor any of its Subsidiaries (i) has any liability
  under Treasury Regulation Section 1.1502-6 or analogous state, local or
  foreign Law for any Taxes, other than for Taxes of Company or its
  Subsidiaries or (ii) is a party to a Tax sharing or Tax indemnity contract
  or any other contract of a similar nature with any entity other than
  Company or any of its Subsidiaries that remains in effect.

   As used in this Agreement, (i) the term "Tax" (including, with correlative
meaning, the terms "Taxes" and "Taxable") includes all federal, state, local
and foreign income, profits, franchise, gross receipts, license, premium,
environmental (including taxes under Section 59A of the Code), capital stock,
severance, stamp, payroll, sales, employment, unemployment, disability, use,
transfer, property, withholding, excise, production, occupation, windfall
profits, customs duties, social security (or similar), registration, value
added, alternative or add-on minimum, estimated, occupancy and other taxes,
duties or governmental assessments of any nature whatsoever, together with all
interest, penalties and additions imposed with respect to such amounts and any
interest in respect of such penalties and additions, and (ii) the term "Tax
Return" includes all returns and reports (including elections, declarations,
disclosures, schedules, estimates and information returns) required to be
supplied to a Tax authority relating to Taxes.

   Section 3.16 Intellectual Property. Neither the Company nor any of its
Subsidiaries currently utilizes, any patented invention, trademark, trade name,
service mark, copyright, software, trade secret or know-how (collectively,
"Intellectual Property"), except for those which are owned, possessed or
lawfully used by the Company or its Subsidiaries in their business operations,
and neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries infringes upon or
unlawfully uses any patented invention, trademark, trade name, service mark,
copyright, or trade secret owned or validly claimed by another Person except,
in each case, as would not, individually or in


the aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect. The Company and its Subsidiaries own, have a valid license to use or
have the right validly to use all patented inventions, trademarks, tradenames,
service marks, copyrights, trade secrets, know how and software necessary to
carry on their respective businesses except the failure of which to own,
validly license or have the right validly to use, individually or in the
aggregate, would not have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect. All ownership rights, license rights and other rights to use any
patented invention, trademark, trade name, service mark, copyright, software
(except for commercial software programs that are generally available to the
public through dealers in commercial software or directly from the manufacturer
which have been licensed to the Company), trade secret or know-how necessary to
carry on the businesses of the Company and its Subsidiaries are transferable
free of any lien, pledge, charge, security interest or other encumbrance (each,
an "Encumbrance"), except the failure of which to be freely transferable would
not have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. Neither
the Company nor its Subsidiaries are aware of any third party infringement or
misappropriation of any patent, trademark, trade name, service mark, copyright,
software, trade secret or know-how owned by the Company or its Subsidiaries.

   Section 3.17 Insurance. Except to the extent adequately accrued on the most
recent balance sheet contained in the SEC Reports filed as of this date,
neither the Company nor its Subsidiaries has any obligation (contingent or
otherwise) to pay in connection with any insurance policies any retroactive
premiums or "retro-premiums" that, individually or in the aggregate, would have
or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. The Company and
its Subsidiaries have obtained and maintained in full force and effect
insurance with insurance companies or associations in such amounts, on such
terms and covering such risks, as is customarily carried by reasonably prudent
persons conducting businesses or owning or leasing assets similar to those
conducted, owned or leased by the Company, except where the failure to obtain
or maintain such insurance, individually or in the aggregate, would not have or
be reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

   Section 3.18 Contracts and Commitments. Set forth in the Company Disclosure
Letter is a complete and accurate list of all of the following contracts
(written or oral), plans, undertakings, commitments or agreements ("Company
Contracts") to which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or by
which any of them is bound as of the date of this Agreement:

     (a) each distribution, supply, inventory purchase, franchise, license,
  joint development, sales, agency or advertising contract involving annual
  expenditures or liabilities in excess of $200,000 which is not cancelable
  (without material penalty, cost or other liability) within one year;

     (b) each promissory note, loan, agreement, indenture, evidence of
  indebtedness or other instrument providing for the lending of money,
  whether as borrower, lender or guarantor, in excess of $100,000;

     (c) each contract, lease, agreement, instrument or other arrangement
  containing any covenant limiting the freedom of the Company or any of its
  subsidiaries to engage in the business of the Company or compete with any

     (d) each joint venture or partnership agreement that is material to the
  Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole; and

     (e) any contract that would constitute a "material contract" (as such
  term is defined in Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-K of the SEC).

   True and complete copies of the written Company Contracts, as amended to
date, that would be required to be filed as exhibits to the Company's Form 10-K
if such Form 10-K were being filed on this date, that have not been filed prior
to the date hereof as exhibits to the SEC Reports have been delivered or made
available to Parent.

   Each Company Contract is valid and binding on the Company, and any
Subsidiary of the Company which is a party thereto and, to the knowledge of the
Company, each other party thereto and is in full force and effect,


and the Company and its Subsidiaries have performed and complied with all
obligations required to be performed or complied with by them under each
Company Contract, except in each case as would not, individually or in the
aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

   Section 3.19 Title to Assets. The Company and its Subsidiaries have good and
marketable title to all of their real and personal properties and assets
reflected in the unaudited consolidated balance sheet of the Company as of
September 30, 2000 (the "Latest Balance Sheet") (other than assets disposed of
since September 30, 2000 in the ordinary course of business, and properties and
assets acquired since September 30, 2000), in each case free and clear of all
Encumbrances except for (i) Encumbrances which secure indebtedness reflected in
the SEC Reports; (ii) liens for Taxes accrued but not yet due; (iii) liens
arising as a matter of law in the ordinary course of business with respect to
obligations incurred after the date of the Latest Balance Sheet, provided that
the obligations secured by such liens are not delinquent; and (iv) such
imperfections of title and Encumbrances, if any, as would not have or
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. The Company and its
Subsidiaries own, or have valid leasehold interests in, all properties and
assets used in the conduct of their business. Any real property and other
assets held under lease by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries are held
under valid, subsisting and enforceable leases with such exceptions which,
individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to interfere
with the use made or proposed to be made by the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries of such property.

   Section 3.20 State Takeover Statutes. The Board of Directors of the Company
has approved the Offer, the Merger and this Agreement and, assuming the
accuracy of Parent's and Merger Sub's representation in Section 4.4, such
approval is necessary to render inapplicable to the Offer, the Merger, this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the provisions
of Chapters 110D and 110F of the Massachusetts General Laws to the extent, if
any, such chapters are applicable to the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement. No other "fair price," "merger moratorium," "control share
acquisition" or other anti-takeover statute or similar statute or regulation
(other than Chapter 110C of the Massachusetts General Laws) applies or purports
to apply to the Merger, this Agreement, the Offer or any of the transactions
contemplated hereby or thereby.

   Section 3.21 Rights Agreement. To the best of the Company's knowledge, no
"Distribution Date" or "Triggering Event" (as such terms are defined in the
Rights Agreement) has occurred as of this date. This Agreement and the Option
Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder and
thereunder, including the Offer and the Merger, have been approved by at least
two-thirds ( 2/3) of the Continuing Directors (as defined in the Rights
Agreement). The Rights Agreement has been amended so that the execution or
delivery of this Agreement, the acquisition or deemed beneficial ownership of
any Company Common Shares by Parent or Merger Sub pursuant to the Shareholders
Agreement or the Option Agreement, or the exchange of the Company Common Shares
for cash in accordance with Article II will not cause (A) the Rights issued
pursuant to the Rights Agreement to become exercisable under the Rights
Agreement, (B) Parent or Merger Sub to be deemed an "Acquiring Person" (as
defined in the Rights Agreement), or (C) a "Stock Acquisition Date" or a
"Triggering Event" (each as defined in the Rights Agreement) to occur upon any
such event. The execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Option Agreement
and the Shareholders Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby will not result in the ability of any Person to
exercise any Rights or cause the Rights to separate from the Company Common
Shares to which they are attached or to be triggered or become exercisable.

   Section 3.22 Product Warranty. Each product manufactured, sold, leased, or
delivered by any of the Company and its Subsidiaries has been in substantial
conformity with all applicable contractual commitments and all express and
implied warranties, and none of the Company and its Subsidiaries has any
liability (and there is no basis for any present or future action, suit,
proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge, complaint, claim, or demand against
any of them giving rise to any liability) for replacement or repair thereof or
other damages in connection therewith other than liabilities that would not
have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, subject only
to the reserve for product warranty claims as adjusted for the passage of


time through the Closing Date in accordance with the past custom and practice
of the Company and its Subsidiaries. No product manufactured, sold, leased, or
delivered by any of the Company and its Subsidiaries is subject to any
guaranty, warranty, or other indemnity beyond the applicable standard terms and
conditions of sale or lease. The Company has provided the Parent on or prior to
the date hereof copies of the standard terms and conditions of sale or lease of
products for each of the Company and its Subsidiaries (containing applicable
guaranty, warranty, and indemnity provisions).

   Section 3.23 Product Liability. None of the Company and its Subsidiaries has
any liability (and there is no basis for any present or future action, suit,
proceeding, hearing, investigation, charge, complaint, claim, or demand against
any of them giving rise to any liability) arising out of any injury to
individuals or property as a result of the ownership, possession, or use of any
product manufactured, sold, leased, or delivered by any of the Company and its
Subsidiaries, other than liabilities that would not have or reasonably be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

   Section 3.24 Opinion Of Financial Advisor.

   The Company has received the written opinion of Broadview International LLC,
substantially to the effect that, as of the date hereof, the consideration to
be received in the Offer and the Merger by the Shareholders is fair to the
Shareholders from a financial point of view. A true and complete copy of such
opinion has been delivered to Parent.

                                   ARTICLE IV

   Parent and Merger Sub hereby represent and warrant to the Company as of the
date of this Agreement as follows:

   Section 4.1 Existence; Corporate Authority. Parent and Merger Sub are
corporations duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the
laws of their jurisdiction of incorporation and have all requisite corporate
power and authority to own, operate and lease its properties and carry on its
business as now conducted, except where the failure to have such power and
authority, individually or in the aggregate, would not delay the consummation
of the Offer or the Merger or materially adversely affect their ability to
consummate the Offer or the Merger. Merger Sub is directly and wholly owned by
Parent and has conducted no business other than in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

   Section 4.2 Authorization, Validity and Effect of Agreements. Each of Parent
and Merger Sub has the necessary corporate power and authority to enter into
and deliver this Agreement and to perform their obligations hereunder and to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution and delivery of
this Agreement by each of Parent and Merger Sub, the performance by each of
them of their respective obligations hereunder and the consummation by each of
Parent and Merger Sub of the transactions contemplated hereby, have been duly
authorized by all necessary corporate action on their respective parts. This
Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by each of Parent and Merger Sub
and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement
by the Company, this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding
obligation of each of Parent and Merger Sub enforceable against each of them in
accordance with the terms hereof, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent
transfer, moratorium, reorganization and similar laws of general applicability
relating to or affecting creditors' rights and to general equity principles
(regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in
equity or at law).

   Section 4.3 No Violation. (a) The execution and delivery of this Agreement
by Parent and Merger Sub does not, and the performance by Parent and Merger Sub
of their obligations hereunder and the consummation by Parent and Merger Sub of
the transactions contemplated hereby, will not (i) violate or conflict with the
Merger Sub's articles of organization, Parent's certificate of incorporation or
the bylaws of Parent or Merger


Sub, (ii) subject to obtaining or making the notices, reports, filings,
waivers, consents, approvals or authorizations referred to in paragraph (b)
below, conflict with or violate any law, regulation, court order, judgment or
decree applicable to Parent or any of its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub)
or by which any of their respective property is bound or affected, other than
the filings required under the Exchange Act and the Securities Act, except, in
the case of clause (ii) above, as would not, individually or in the aggregate,
have or reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on their
ability to consummate the Offer or the Merger.

   (b) Except for applicable requirements, if any, under the premerger
notification requirements of the HSR Act, the filing of articles of merger with
respect to the Merger as required by the MBCL, filings with the SEC under the
Securities Act and the Exchange Act, any filings required pursuant to any state
securities or "blue sky" laws, or pursuant to the rules and regulations of any
stock exchange on which shares of Parent Common Stock are listed, neither
Parent nor any of its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub) is required to submit
any notice, report or other filing with any Governmental Entity in connection
with the execution, delivery, performance or consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, including the Offer and the Merger, except
where the failure to submit such notice, report or other filing would not,
individually or in the aggregate, delay the consummation of the Offer or the
Merger or have or reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on
Parent's or Merger Sub's ability to consummate the Merger or otherwise prevent
Parent or Merger Sub from performing its obligations under this Agreement.
Except as set forth in the immediately preceding sentence, no waiver, consent,
approval or authorization of any governmental or regulatory authority, court,
agency, commission or other governmental entity or any securities exchange or
other self-regulatory body, domestic or foreign Governmental Entity is required
to be obtained by Parent or any of its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub) in
connection with its execution, delivery, performance or consummation of this
Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby except for such waivers,
consents, approvals or authorizations that, if not obtained or made, would not,
individually or in the aggregate, delay the consummation of the Offer or the
Merger or have or be expected to have a material adverse effect on Parent's or
Merger Sub's ability to consummate the Offer or the Merger or otherwise prevent
Parent or Merger Sub from performing their obligations under this Agreement.

   Section 4.4 Interested Shareholder. As of the date hereof (excluding any
beneficial ownership that may be attributed to Parent or Merger Sub by virtue
of any transaction contemplated by this Agreement or by the execution of this
Agreement), (i) neither Parent, Merger Sub nor any of their affiliates is, with
respect to the Company, an "Interested Shareholder", as such term is defined in
Chapter 110F of the MBCL and (ii) neither Parent, Merger Sub nor any of their
affiliates beneficially owns any Company Common Shares.

   Section 4.5 Parent Public Reports; Financial Statements. Parent has
delivered to the Company true and complete copies of, including all amendments
thereto, its Annual Report for the calendar year ended December 31, 1999, the
annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999, and the
quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2000 and June
30, 2000 (collectively, the "Parent Public Reports"). The consolidated
financial statements of Parent contained in the Parent Public Reports present
fairly the financial position of Parent and its consolidated subsidiaries at
the respective dates of the balance sheet and the results of operations for the
periods then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles
applied on a consistent basis. The Parent Public Reports do not contain any
untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary
in order to make the statements made therein, in the light of the circumstances
under which they were made, not misleading.

   Section 4.6 Financial Ability to Perform. Parent and Merger Sub will have
cash funds sufficient as and when needed to pay (a) all cash payments for
Company Common Shares tendered in connection with the Offer and the Merger, (b)
the aggregate amount of Net Gains attributable to all Company Options that the
Company becomes obligated to pay pursuant to Section 2.1(e) of this Agreement,
and (c) all related fees and expenses.

   Section 4.7 Brokers. No broker, finder, financial advisor or investment
banker and other Person is entitled to any brokerage, finder's, financial
advisor's investment banking or other similar fee or commission in


connection with the Offer, the Merger or the other transactions contemplated by
this Agreement based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Parent, other
than Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated ("Merrill Lynch").

   Section 4.8 Opinion Of Financial Advisor.

   Parent has received an oral opinion of Merrill Lynch (which opinion will be
confirmed in writing dated the date of this Agreement), substantially to the
effect that, as of such date, the consideration to be paid in the Offer and the
Merger to the Shareholders is fair to Parent from a financial point of view.

   Section 4.9 Litigation. There is no civil, criminal or administrative
action, suit, claim, proceeding, hearing or investigation pending or, to the
knowledge of Parent or its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub), threatened
against, or otherwise adversely affecting Parent or its Subsidiaries (including
Merger Sub) or any of their respective properties and assets that (a) has or
reasonably would be expected to have a material adverse effect on the ability
of Parent and Merger Sub to consummate the Offer or the Merger or (b) seeks to
materially delay or prevent the consummation of the Offer or the Merger or
otherwise prevent either Parent or Merger Sub from performing their respective
obligations under this Agreement. Neither Parent or its Subsidiaries (including
Merger Sub) nor any property or asset of Parent or its Subsidiaries (including
Merger Sub) is subject to any continuing order of, consent decree, settlement
agreement or similar written agreement with, or continuing investigation by,
any Governmental Entity, or any order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree,
determination or award of any Governmental Entity that would prevent or
materially delay consummation of the Offer of the Merger or otherwise prevent
or materially delay Parent or Merger Sub from performing their respective
obligations under this Agreement or have or reasonably be expected to have a
material adverse effect on the ability of Parent and Merger Sub to consummate
the Offer or the Merger; provided, however that a material adverse effect with
respect to Parent and its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub), taken as a
whole, will not be deemed to have occurred if the change, circumstance, event,
effect or state of facts results primarily from (i) changes in general business
conditions in the input device industry or (ii) the public announcement by the
Company or pendency of the Merger.

                                   ARTICLE V

   Section 5.1 Interim Operations of The Company. The Company covenants and
agrees as to itself and its Subsidiaries that, after the date hereof, until the
earlier to occur of (a) the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section
8.1 and (b) the Effective Time (unless Parent shall otherwise approve in
writing, or unless as otherwise expressly contemplated by this Agreement or
expressly disclosed in the Company Disclosure Letter):

     (i) the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries (other than the
  Company's Subsidiary in Australia) taken as a whole shall be conducted in
  all material respects in the ordinary and usual course consistent with the
  Company's past practice and, to the extent consistent therewith, the
  Company shall use, and shall cause its Subsidiaries to use, reasonable
  commercial efforts to preserve its business organization intact in all
  material respects, keep available the services of its officers and
  employees as a group (subject to changes in the ordinary course) and
  maintain its existing relations and goodwill in all material respects with
  customers, suppliers, regulators, distributors, creditors, lessors, and
  others having business dealings with it, in each case, consistent with the
  Company's past practice;

     (ii) the Company shall not issue, deliver, grant or sell any additional
  Company Common Shares or any Company Options (other than the issuance,
  delivery, grant or sale of Company Common Shares pursuant to the exercise
  or conversion of Company Options outstanding as of this date);

     (iii) the Company shall not (A) amend its Articles of Organization or
  By-laws, amend or take any action under the Rights Agreement (except as set
  forth in Section 6.10), or adopt any other shareholders


  rights plan or enter into any agreement with any of its shareholders in
  their capacity as such; (B) split, combine, subdivide or reclassify its
  outstanding shares of capital stock; (C) declare, set aside or pay any
  dividend or distribution payable in cash, stock or property in respect of
  any of its capital stock, other than dividends and distributions by a
  direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company to its parent
  corporation; or (D) repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire or permit any
  of its Subsidiaries to purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, any shares of
  its capital stock or any Company Options (it being understood that this
  provision shall not prohibit the exercise (cashless or otherwise) of
  Company Options);

     (iv) the Company shall not, and shall not cause or permit any of its
  Subsidiaries to, take any action that it knows would cause any of its
  representations and warranties in this Agreement to become inaccurate in
  any material respect;

     (v) except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, and except as
  required by applicable law or pursuant to contractual obligations in effect
  on this date; the Company shall not, and shall not permit its Subsidiaries
  to, (A) enter into, adopt or amend (except for renewals on substantially
  identical terms) any agreement or arrangement relating to severance, (B)
  enter into, adopt or amend (except for renewals on substantially identical
  terms) any employee benefit plan or employment or consulting agreement
  (including, without limitation, the Company Benefit Plans referred to in
  Section 3.10); or (C) grant any stock options or other equity related

     (vi) except for borrowings under lines of credit contemplated by the
  Company Disclosure Letter and trade debt incurred in the ordinary course of
  business consistent with past practice, neither the Company nor any of its
  Subsidiaries shall issue, incur or amend the terms of any indebtedness for
  borrowed money or guarantee any such indebtedness (other than indebtedness
  of the Company or any wholly-owned Subsidiary);

     (vii) neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries shall make any
  capital expenditures in an aggregate amount in excess of the aggregate
  amount reflected in the capital expenditure budget, a copy of which is
  attached to the Company Disclosure Letter;

     (viii) other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with
  past practice, neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries shall
  transfer, lease, license, sell, mortgage, pledge, encumber or otherwise
  dispose of any of its or its Subsidiaries' property or assets (including
  capital stock of any of its Subsidiaries) material to the Company and its
  Subsidiaries taken as a whole, except pursuant to contracts existing as of
  this date (the terms of which have been previously disclosed to Parent);

     (ix) neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries shall issue,
  deliver, sell or encumber shares of any class of its capital stock or any
  securities convertible into, or any rights, warrants or options to acquire,
  any such shares, except any such shares issued pursuant to options and
  other awards outstanding on this date under Company Benefit Plans or as
  otherwise permitted by this Agreement;

     (x) neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries shall acquire any
  business, including any facilities, whether by merger, consolidation,
  purchase of property or assets or otherwise, except to the extent provided
  for in the capital expenditure budget attached to the Company Disclosure

     (xi) The Company shall not change its accounting policies, practices or
  methods in any manner that materially affects the reported consolidated
  assets, liabilities or results of operations of the Company, except as
  required by GAAP, applicable law or by the rules and regulations of the

     (xii) other than pursuant to this Agreement, the Company shall not, and
  shall not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, take any action to cause
  Company Common Shares to cease to be listed on the Nasdaq National Market

     (xiii) The Company shall not, and shall not permit any of its
  Subsidiaries to, enter into any Company Contract described in clauses (c)
  and (d) of Section 3.18, or enter into or amend any distribution, supply,


  inventory purchase, franchise, license, sales agency or advertising
  contract outside of the ordinary course of business consistent with past
  practice in scope and amount but in no event for a term (or an extension of
  a term) beyond the date that is twelve months after the date of this

     (xiv) The Company shall not, and shall not cause or permit any of its
  Subsidiaries to, change or, other than in the ordinary course of business
  consistent with past practice, make any material Tax election, settle any
  audit or file any amended Tax Returns, except as required by applicable

     (xv) The Company shall not take any action that could reasonably be
  expected to result in (A) any representation and warranty of the Company
  set forth in this Agreement that is qualified as to materiality becoming
  untrue, (B) any such representation and warranty that is not so qualified
  becoming untrue in any manner that has or is reasonably expected to have a
  Material Adverse Effect or (C) any condition to the Offer or the Merger not
  being satisfied; or

     (xvi) The Company shall not enter into, or permit any of its
  Subsidiaries to enter into, any commitments or agreements to do any of the

   Section 5.2 Interim Operations of Parent. Parent covenants and agrees as to
itself and its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub) that, after this date, until
the earlier to occur of (a) the termination of this Agreement pursuant to
Section 8.1 and (b) the Effective Time (unless the Company shall otherwise
approve in writing, or unless as otherwise expressly contemplated by this
Agreement), Parent shall not take any action that could reasonably be expected
to result in (A) any representation and warranty of Parent or Merger Sub set
forth in this Agreement that is qualified as to materiality becoming untrue,
(B) any such representation and warranty that is not so qualified becoming
untrue in any material respect or (C) any condition to the Offer or the Merger
not being satisfied.

   Section 5.3 No Solicitation.

     (a) The Company shall immediately cease and terminate any existing
  solicitation, initiation, encouragement, activity, discussion or
  negotiation with any Persons conducted heretofore by the Company, its
  Subsidiaries or any of their respective representatives with respect to any
  proposed, potential or contemplated Acquisition Transaction.

     (b) From and after this date, without the prior written consent of
  Parent, the Company will not, and will not authorize or permit any of its
  Subsidiaries to, and shall use its reasonable best efforts to cause any of
  its or their respective officers, directors, employees, financial advisors,
  agents or other representatives not to, directly or indirectly, solicit,
  initiate or encourage (including by way of furnishing information) or take
  any other action (other than public disclosure by the Company in the
  ordinary course of the Company's business consistent with the Company's
  past practices) to facilitate the making of any proposal which constitutes
  or may reasonably be expected to lead to an Acquisition Proposal from any
  Person, engage in any discussion or negotiations relating thereto or accept
  any Acquisition Proposal or enter into any contract or understanding
  requiring it to abandon, terminate or fail to consummate the Merger or any
  of the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided that, at
  any time prior to the acceptance for payment of Company Common Shares
  pursuant to the Offer, the Company may, subject to compliance with this
  Section 5.3(b), furnish information to, and negotiate or otherwise engage
  in discussions with, any Person (a "Proposing Party") who (x) delivers a
  bona fide written Acquisition Proposal which was not solicited, initiated,
  encouraged or facilitated by the Company, directly or indirectly, after the
  date of this Agreement or otherwise resulted from a breach of this Section
  5.3, and (y) enters into an appropriate confidentiality agreement with the
  Company (which agreement shall be no less favorable to the Company than the
  Confidentiality Agreement and a copy of which will be delivered to Parent
  promptly after the execution thereof), if, but only if, the Board of
  Directors determines in good faith by a majority vote, (i) after
  consultation with, and receipt of advice from, its outside legal counsel,
  and taking into account, among other things, all legal, financial,
  regulatory and other aspects of the proposal and the party making the
  proposal, that such proposal would, if consummated, result in a


  transaction that is more favorable to its shareholders (in their capacities
  as shareholders), from a financial point of view, than the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement, and (ii) after consultation with the
  Company's independent financial advisors, that such proposal could
  reasonably be expected to be completed (a "Superior Transaction").

     (c) The Company shall notify Parent orally and in writing (1) of any
  such offers or proposals (including, without limitation, the terms and
  conditions of any such offers or proposals), and any amendments or
  revisions thereto, (2) whether the Person making such offer or proposal has
  a class of equity securities that is publicly traded, and whether such
  Person is a Fortune 500 company, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange
  or is traded on The Nasdaq National Market, and (3) without requiring the
  Company to divulge information that reasonably could lead Parent to
  identify the Person making such offer or proposal, such other information
  regarding the financial position of the Person making such offer or
  proposal and such other information as Parent reasonably may request
  relating to such Person's ability to finance and consummate the Acquisition
  Transaction so offered or proposed. The foregoing information shall be
  delivered to Parent as promptly as practicable following the receipt by the
  Company of such offer or proposal, and the Company shall keep Parent
  reasonably informed of the status and material terms of any such offer or
  proposal. For purposes of this Agreement, "Acquisition Proposal" shall
  mean, with respect to the Company, any proposal or offer from any Person
  (other than Parent or any of its Subsidiaries) relating to any (i) direct
  or indirect acquisition or purchase of a portion of the business of the
  Company or any of its Subsidiaries that generates 20% or more of the
  consolidated net revenues or constitutes 20% or more of the assets of the
  Company and its Subsidiaries, (ii) direct or indirect acquisition or
  purchase of 20% or more of any class of equity securities of the Company or
  any of its Subsidiaries whose business generates 20% or more of the
  consolidated net revenues or constitutes 20% or more of the assets of the
  Company and its Subsidiaries, (iii) tender offer or exchange offer that if
  consummated would result in any Person beneficially owning 20% or more of
  the capital stock of the Company, or (iv) merger, consolidation, business
  combination, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution or similar
  transaction involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries whose business
  generates 20% or more of the consolidated net revenues or constitutes 20%
  or more of the assets of the Company and its Subsidiaries. Each of the
  transactions referred to in clauses (i)--(iv) of the definition of
  Acquisition Proposal, other than any such transaction to which Parent or
  any of its Subsidiaries is a party, shall be deemed to exclude the
  Company's Subsidiary in Australia and is referred to as an "Acquisition
  Transaction". For purposes of this Section 5.1(c), "consolidated net
  revenues" shall refer to the aggregate revenues of the Company and its
  Subsidiaries for the 12-month period ending on the last day of the period
  covered by the most recent Form 10-K report of the Company or, if later,
  the most recent Form 10-Q report of the Company filed with the SEC.

     (d) If, prior to the acceptance for payment of Company Common Shares
  pursuant to the Offer, the Board of Directors determines in good faith by a
  majority vote, with respect to any Acquisition Proposal from a Proposing
  Party for an Acquisition Transaction received after the date hereof that
  was not solicited, initiated, encouraged or facilitated by the Company,
  directly or indirectly, as required by, and in accordance with, Section
  5.3(b) above, after the date of this Agreement or did not otherwise result
  from a breach of this Section 5.3, that, based upon consultations with the
  Company's independent financial advisors and outside legal counsel, the
  Acquisition Transaction is a Superior Transaction, then the Company may
  terminate this Agreement and enter into an acquisition agreement for the
  Superior Transaction; provided that, prior to any such termination, and in
  order for such termination to be effective, (i) the Company shall provide
  Parent three business day's written notice that it intends to terminate
  this Agreement pursuant to this Section 5.3(d), identifying the Superior
  Transaction and delivering an accurate description of all material terms of
  the Superior Transaction to be entered into, and (ii) on the date of
  termination (provided that the advice of the Company's independent
  financial advisors and outside legal counsel referred to above shall
  continue in effect without revocation, revision or modification), the
  Company shall deliver to Parent (A) a written notice of termination of this
  Agreement pursuant to this Section 5.3(d), (B) wire transfer of immediately
  available funds in the amount of the Termination Fee, (C) a written
  acknowledgment from the Company that the termination of this Agreement and
  the entry into the


  Superior Transaction are a Triggering Event, and (D) a written
  acknowledgment from each other party to the Superior Transaction that it
  has read the Company's acknowledgment referred to in clause (C) above and
  will not contest the matters thus acknowledged by the Company, including
  the payment of the Termination Fee.

     (e) Nothing in this Section 5.3 shall prevent the Board of Directors
  from taking, and disclosing to the Shareholders, a position contemplated by
  Rule 14d-9 and Rule 14e-2(a) promulgated under the Exchange Act or making
  any disclosure required under the MBCL (subject, however, to compliance
  with the balance of this sentence where applicable), and the Board of
  Directors may prior to the acceptance for payment of Company Common Shares
  pursuant to the Offer, withdraw, modify or change its Recommendation if, in
  the good faith judgment of the Board of Directors, after consultation with
  outside legal counsel, failure to take such action would be inconsistent
  with its obligations under applicable law; provided that in the case of a
  tender offer made by any Person other than Parent or Merger Sub, the Board
  of Directors shall not recommend that shareholders tender their Company
  Common Shares in such tender offer unless (i) such tender offer is
  determined to be a Superior Transaction in accordance with the provisions
  of Section 5.3(d) and (ii) the Company has provided Parent with not less
  than three business day's prior written notice of any such action;
  provided, further, that in no event shall the Company or its Board of
  Directors take, agree, or resolve to take any action prohibited by Section
  5.3(b) or 5.3(d) except as expressly permitted by such Sections.

     (f) Except pursuant to the exercise of its rights in compliance with
  this Section 5.3, the Company shall not take any action to make the
  provisions of Chapter 110D or Chapter 110F of the MBCL inapplicable to any
  Acquisition Transaction in respect of the Company or release any standstill
  agreements or other similar restrictions, or amend the Rights Agreement,
  redeem the Rights or take any other action which would result in the Rights
  Agreement becoming inapplicable to any Person or any Acquisition
  Transaction prior to the termination of this Agreement in accordance with
  its terms.

                                   ARTICLE VI

   Section 6.1 Preparation of the Proxy Statement; Shareholders Meeting;
Offering Circular.

     (a) If the approval of this Agreement by the Shareholders is required by
  law, the Company and Parent shall, as promptly as practicable following the
  expiration of the Offer (provided that the Minimum Tender Condition shall
  have been satisfied), prepare and file with the SEC a proxy statement or
  information statement relating to the Shareholder Approval (as amended or
  supplemented from time to time, the "Proxy Statement") and the Company
  shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to have the Proxy Statement
  promptly declared effective by the SEC and to cause the Proxy Statement to
  be mailed to the Shareholders as promptly as practicable following the
  expiration of the Offer in accordance with the provisions of the MBCL. The
  Company shall promptly notify Parent upon the receipt of any comments from
  the SEC or its staff or any request from the SEC or its staff for
  amendments or supplements to the Proxy Statement and shall provide Parent
  with copies of all correspondence between the Company and its
  representatives, on the one hand, and the SEC and its staff, on the other
  hand. Notwithstanding the foregoing, prior to filing or mailing the Proxy
  Statement (or any amendment or supplement thereto) or responding to any
  comments of the SEC with respect thereto, the Company (i) shall provide
  Parent a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on such document or
  response, (ii) shall include in such document or response all comments
  reasonably proposed by Parent and (iii) shall not file or mail such
  document or respond to the SEC prior to receiving Parent's approval, which
  approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

     (b) If the approval of this Agreement by the Shareholders is required by
  law, the Company shall, as promptly as practicable following the expiration
  of the Offer (provided that the Minimum Tender Condition shall have been
  satisfied), establish a record date (which will be as promptly as
  reasonably practicable following the expiration of the Offer) for, duly
  call, give notice of, convene and hold a meeting


  of the Shareholders (the "Shareholders Meeting") for the purpose of
  obtaining the Shareholder Approval. Subject to Section 5.3(e), the Company
  shall, through the Board of Directors, declare advisable and recommend to
  its Shareholders that they approve this Agreement, and shall include such
  recommendation in the Proxy Statement. Without limiting the generality of
  the foregoing, the Company agrees that its obligations pursuant to the
  first sentence of this Section 6.1(b) shall not be affected by (i) the
  commencement, public proposal, public disclosure or communication to the
  Company or any other person of any Acquisition Proposal or (ii) the
  withdrawal or modification by the Board of Directors of its approval or
  recommendation of the Offer, the Merger or this Agreement.

     (c) The Company represents and warrants that the information (other than
  information with respect to Parent and Merger Sub which is supplied by
  Parent and Merger Sub in writing to the Company specifically for use in the
  Proxy Statement) contained in the Proxy Statement will not, at the date of
  mailing to the Shareholders or at the date of such Shareholders Meeting,
  contain any statement which, at the time and in light of the circumstances
  under which it is made, is false or misleading with respect to any material
  fact required to be stated therein or necessary to correct any statement in
  any earlier communication with respect to the solicitation of proxies for
  such Shareholders Meeting. The Company represents and warrants that the
  Proxy Statement will comply as to form in all material respects with the
  Exchange Act and the rules and regulations of the SEC thereunder. Parent
  and Merger Sub represent and warrant that the information supplied by
  Parent and Merger Sub in writing to the Company specifically for use in the
  Proxy Statement will not, at the date of mailing to the Shareholders or at
  the date of the Shareholders Meeting, contain any statement which, at the
  time and in light of the circumstances under which it is made, is false or
  misleading with respect to any material fact required to be stated therein
  or necessary to correct any statement in any earlier communication with
  respect to the solicitation of proxies for the Shareholders Meeting.

     (d) Notwithstanding Section 6.1(a), (b) or (c), in the event that
  Parent, Merger Sub or any other Subsidiary of Parent acquires, directly or
  indirectly, at least 90% of the outstanding Company Common Shares pursuant
  to the Offer or otherwise, the parties hereto will take all necessary and
  appropriate action to cause the Merger to become effective in accordance
  with Section 82 of the MBCL without a meeting of the Shareholders as soon
  as practicable after the acceptance for payment and purchase of the Company
  Common Shares by Parent pursuant to the Offer.

   Section 6.2 Filings; Other Action. Subject to the terms and conditions
herein provided, the Company, Parent and Merger Sub shall: (a) make promptly
their respective filings, and any other submissions, under the HSR Act with
respect to the Merger and the other transactions contemplated hereby, (b) use
their reasonable best efforts to cooperate with one another in (i) determining
which other filings are required to be made prior to the expiration of the
Effective Time with, and which consents, approvals, permits or authorizations
are required to be obtained prior to the Effective Time from, Governmental
Entities or other third parties in connection with the execution and delivery
of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
and (ii) timely making all such filings and timely seek all such consents,
approvals, permits, authorizations and waivers, and (c) use their reasonable
best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all other actions and do, or cause
to be done, all other things necessary, proper or appropriate to consummate and
make effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided,
however, that such reasonable best efforts shall not include (i) the sale or
divestiture of any assets of Parent (or its affiliates) or (ii) the licensing
of any Intellectual Property of Parent or its affiliates or Intellectual
Property to be acquired under this Agreement. If, at any time after the
Effective Time, any further action is necessary or desirable to carry out the
purpose of this Agreement, the proper officers and directors of Parent or the
Surviving Corporation shall take all such necessary action.

   Section 6.3 Publicity. The initial press release relating to this Agreement
shall be issued jointly by the Company, Parent and Merger Sub. Thereafter,
subject to their respective legal obligations, the Company, Parent and Merger
Sub shall consult with each other, and use reasonable efforts to agree upon the
text of any press release, before issuing any such press release or otherwise
making public statements with respect to the


transactions contemplated hereby and in making any filings with any
Governmental Entity or with any national securities exchange with respect

   Section 6.4 Further Action. Each of the parties shall, subject to the
fulfillment at or before the Effective Time of each of the conditions of
performance set forth in this Agreement or the waiver thereof, use its
reasonable best efforts to perform those further acts and execute those
documents as may be reasonably required to effect the transactions contemplated
hereby. Each of the parties agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to obtain
in a timely manner all necessary waivers, consents, approvals and opinions and
to effect all necessary registrations and filings, and to use its reasonable
best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all other actions and to do, or
cause to be done, all other things necessary, proper or advisable to consummate
and make effective as promptly as practicable the Offer and the Merger. In
furtherance of the foregoing, the Company shall use its reasonable best efforts
to procure the execution of agreements between the Surviving Corporation and
employees of the Company identified by Parent on terms satisfactory to Parent
and such employees.

   Section 6.5  Expenses. Whether or not the Offer or the Merger is
consummated, all costs and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement
and the transactions contemplated hereby (including the Offer and the Merger)
shall be paid by the party incurring those expenses except as expressly
provided in this Agreement. All reasonable fees and expenses of the Company's
financial advisor and legal counsel shall be paid by the Surviving Corporation
upon the consummation of the Merger.

   Section 6.6 Notification of Certain Matters.

   Each party shall give prompt notice to the other parties of the following:

     (a) the occurrence or nonoccurrence of any event whose occurrence or
  nonoccurrence is reasonably expected to cause any of the conditions
  precedent set forth in Article VII not to be satisfied; and

     (b) any facts relating to that party which would make it necessary or
  advisable to amend the Schedule TO or the Proxy Statement in order to make
  the statements therein not untrue or misleading or to comply with
  applicable law; provided, however, that the delivery of any notice pursuant
  to this Section 6.6 shall not limit or otherwise affect the remedies
  available hereunder to the party receiving such notice.

     (c) From time to time after the date of this Agreement and prior to the
  acceptance for payment of Company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer, the
  Company will promptly supplement or amend the Company Disclosure Letter
  with respect to any matter hereafter arising which, if existing or
  occurring at or prior to the date of this Agreement, would have been
  required to be set forth or described in the Company Disclosure Letter
  which is necessary to correct any information in the Company Disclosure
  Letter or in any representation and warranty of the Company that has been
  rendered inaccurate thereby. For purposes of determining the accuracy of
  the representations and warranties of the Company contained in Article III
  in order to determine the fulfillment of the conditions set forth in
  paragraph (d) of Exhibit A, the Company Disclosure Letter delivered by the
  Company shall be deemed to include only that information contained therein
  on the date of this Agreement and shall be deemed to exclude any
  information contained in any subsequent supplement or amendment thereto.

   Section 6.7 Access to Information. From the date of this Agreement until the
Closing, upon reasonable notice, the Company shall, and shall cause its
Subsidiaries to, (i) give Parent and its authorized representatives full access
to all books, records (except personnel files), personnel, offices and other
facilities and properties of the Company and its Subsidiaries and their
accountants and accountants' work papers, (ii) permit Parent to make such
copies and inspections thereof as Parent may reasonably request and (iii)
furnish Parent with such financial and operating data and other information
with respect to the business and properties of the Company and its Subsidiaries
as Parent may from time to time reasonably request; provided that no
investigation or information furnished pursuant to this Section 6.7 shall
affect any representation or warranty made herein by the Company or the
conditions to the obligations of Parent and Merger Sub to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Parent will endeavor to describe
information requests with as much specificity


as is practicable. Each of Parent and the Company shall designate a
representative to coordinate information and other requests pursuant to this
Section 6.7. All access shall be subject to the condition that such
examinations shall be conducted during normal business hours and in a manner
designed to minimize to the extent practicable disruption to the normal
business operations of the Company.

   Section 6.8 Insurance; Indemnity. (a) Parent will maintain in effect with a
carrier reasonably acceptable to the Company for not less than six years after
the Effective Time, the Company's current directors and officers insurance
policies, if such insurance is obtainable (or policies of at least the same
coverage containing terms and conditions no less advantageous to the current
and all former directors and officers of the Company) with respect to acts or
failures to act prior to the Effective Time, including acts relating to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided, however, that in order
to maintain or procure such coverage, Parent shall not be required to maintain
or obtain policies providing such coverage except to the extent such coverage
can be provided at an annual cost of no greater than two times the most recent
annual premium paid by the Company prior to the date hereof (the "Cap"); and
provided, further, that if equivalent coverage cannot be obtained, or can be
obtained only by paying an annual premium in excess of the Cap, Parent shall
only be required to obtain as much coverage as can be obtained by paying an
annual premium equal to the Cap.

   (b) From and after the Effective Time, Parent shall indemnify and hold
harmless to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, each Person who
is, or has been at any time prior to the date hereof or who becomes prior to
the Effective Time, an officer or director of the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries (each, an "Indemnified Party") against all losses, claims,
damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments,
fines, penalties and amounts paid in settlement in connection with any claim,
action, suit, proceeding or investigation arising out of or pertaining to acts
or omissions, or alleged acts or omissions, by them in their capacities as
such, which acts or omissions occurred prior to the Effective Time, whether
asserted or claimed prior to, at or after the Effective Time. In the event of
any such claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation (an "Action"), the
Parent shall control the defense of such Action with counsel selected by the
Parent, which counsel shall be reasonably acceptable to the Indemnified Party;
provided, however, that the Indemnified Party shall be permitted to participate
in the defense of such Action through counsel selected by the Indemnified
Party, which counsel shall be reasonably acceptable to the Parent, at the
Indemnified Party's expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is any
conflict between the Parent and any Indemnified Parties or there are additional
defenses available to any Indemnified Parties, the Indemnified Parties shall be
permitted to participate in the defense of such Action with counsel selected by
the Indemnified Parties, which counsel shall be reasonably acceptable to the
Parent, and Parent shall cause Parent to pay the reasonable fees and expenses
of such counsel, as accrued and in advance of the final disposition of such
Action to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law; provided, however,
that the Parent shall not be obligated to pay the reasonable fees and expenses
of more than one counsel for all Indemnified Parties in any single Action
except to the extent that, in the opinion of counsel for the Indemnified
Parties, two or more of such Indemnified Parties have conflicting interests in
the outcome of such Action. The Parent shall not be liable for any settlement
effected without its written consent, which consent shall not unreasonably be

   (c) The Surviving Corporation shall keep in effect all provisions in its
articles of organization and by-laws that provide for exculpation of director
and officer liability and indemnification (and advancement of expenses related
thereto) of the past and present officers and directors of the Company to the
fullest extent permitted by the MBCL and such provisions shall not be amended
except as either required by applicable law or to make changes permitted by law
that would enhance the rights of past or present officers and directors to
indemnification or advancement of expenses.

   (d) If the Surviving Corporation or any of its respective successors or
assigns (i) shall consolidate with or merge into any other corporation or other
entity and shall not be the continuing or surviving corporation or entity of
the consolidation or merger or (ii) shall transfer all or substantially all of
its properties and assets to any individual, corporation or other entity, then
and in each such case, proper provisions shall be made so that the successors
and assigns of the Surviving Corporation shall assume all of the obligations
set forth in this Section 6.8.


   (e) The provisions of this Section 6.8 are intended to be for the benefit
of, and shall be enforceable by, each of the Indemnified Parties, their heirs
and their representatives.

   Section 6.9 Employee Benefit Plans. The Company agrees to promptly take all
actions necessary to cause the following to occur on or prior to the Closing

     (a) Merger of 401(k) Plan. As the plan sponsor, the Company will (on or
  before the Closing Date, except with respect to 6.9(a)(viii) herein, which
  shall occur as soon as administratively practicable following the Closing
  Date) (i) adopt all amendments to the Company's 401(k) plan (the "401(k)
  Plan") necessary to make such Plan comply with the applicable legal
  requirements as changed by the laws described in Rev. Proc. 99-23 issued by
  the Internal Revenue Service, (ii) make its matching contributions (in
  amounts consistent with its practice of making such contributions in prior
  years) to the accounts of participants in such 401(k) Plan for the plan
  year ending December 31, 2000, (iii) comply with the 401(k) Plan's
  provisions with respect to participant loans by placing in default and
  treating as deemed distributions the amount of any loans outstanding to
  former employees of the Company which have not been repaid in full (other
  than the former employees affected by the sale of the Company's Factura
  business), (iv) obtain the resignations of Geoffrey Clear, James Ragonese
  and Anne Marie Bell as trustees of the trust forming part of such 401(k)
  Plan, effective as of the Closing Date, (v) appoint L. Joseph Thompson as
  successor trustee of the trust forming part of such 401(k) Plan, effective
  as of the Closing Date, (vi) approve the merger of such 401(k) Plan with
  the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Voluntary Investment Plan
  and Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "VIP") effective as soon as
  administratively practicable, but in any event at a time agreed upon by
  Parent and the Surviving Corporation, which may occur following the Closing
  Date, (vii) direct the trustees of the 401(k) Plan to prepare for the
  transfer of the assets and records of such Plan to the trustee of the VIP
  as soon as reasonably possible following the Closing Date, and (viii) prior
  to the merger of the 401(k) Plan into the VIP, which may occur following
  the Closing Date, cause the 401(k) Plan to return sufficient contributions
  and earnings thereon to the Company's highly compensated employees so that
  the 401(k) Plan complies with the anti-discrimination provisions of Section
  401(k) of the Code for the plan year ending December 31, 2000.

     (b) Termination of Stock Option Plans. As the plan sponsor, the Company
  will (i) not issue options to purchase Company Common Shares under any of
  the Stock Option Plans after the date of this Agreement, (ii) cause all of
  the Company Options issued under the Stock Option Plans and outstanding as
  of the date of this Agreement to become fully vested and immediately
  exercisable upon the satisfaction of the Minimum Tender Condition, (iii)
  exercise its authority under the Stock Option Plans to cause each Company
  Option still outstanding at the Effective Time of the Merger to be
  converted into the right to receive in cash an amount equal to the Net Gain
  attributable to such Company Option, and (iv) cause all of the Stock Option
  Plans and all of the Company Options outstanding under such Plans to be
  terminated effective as of the Closing Date, subject to the right of the
  holders of Company Options to receive the Net Gains attributable to their
  Company Options as described in Section 2.1(e) hereof.

     (c) Employment Agreements. The Company will assist Parent in (i)
  identifying those key employees of the Company and its subsidiaries whose
  continued employment following the Closing Date should be covered by
  individual employment agreements, and (ii) designing the provisions of such
  agreements; provided, however, that the Surviving Corporation shall have
  the final authority to decide which of the Company's employees will be
  offered such employment agreements. The Company will use reasonable
  commercial efforts to convince such key employees to enter into such
  individual employment agreements on or prior to the Closing Date.

   Retention Incentives. The Company will assist Parent in (i) identifying
those key employees of the Company and its subsidiaries who should be eligible
for retention bonuses/compensation as an incentive for them to continue their
employment following the Closing Date, and (ii) designing the terms and
conditions of such retention bonuses/compensation; provided, however, that the
Surviving Corporation shall have the final


authority to decide both the employees eligible for such retention
bonuses/compensation as well as the terms and conditions of such

   Termination of Stock Purchase Plan. As the plan sponsor, the Company will
(i) exercise its authority under the 1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan to treat
the Closing Date of the Merger as an Offering Termination Date for purposes of
such Plan, (ii) cause each Option in effect under the 1995 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan as of such Offering Termination Date to be exercised as of the
Closing Date, and (iii) cause the 1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan and all of
the Options outstanding under such Plan to be terminated effective as of the
Closing Date, subject to the right of the Option holders to receive the Merger
Consideration for the Company Common Shares they become entitled to receive
upon the exercise of their Options.

   Participation in 401(k) Plan. The Surviving Corporation shall permit its
employees to continue their participation in the 401(k) Plan (if they have not
become eligible to participate in the VIP) until such time as the 401(k) Plan
is merged into the VIP.

   No Action. Parent shall not take any action following the Effective Time
that would cause a breach of the Company's agreements made in this Section 6.9.

   Section 6.10 Rights Agreement. The Board of Directors of the Company shall
take all action requested by Parent in order to render the Rights inapplicable
to the Offer, the Merger and the other transactions contemplated hereby.

                                  ARTICLE VII

   Section 7.1 Conditions to Obligations of the Parties to Consummate the
Merger. The respective obligation of each party to consummate the Merger shall
be subject to the satisfaction of each of the following conditions:

     (a) Shareholder Approval. The Shareholder Approval shall have been
  obtained, if required by applicable law.

     (b) Legality. No order, decree or injunction (collectively, "Legal
  Restraints") shall have been entered or issued by any Governmental Entity
  which is in effect and has the effect of making the Merger illegal or
  otherwise prohibiting consummation of the Merger. Each party agrees that,
  in the event that any such order, decree or injunction shall be entered or
  issued, it shall use its reasonable best efforts (using the standard
  described in Section 6.2(c) of this Agreement) to cause any such order,
  decree or injunction to be lifted or vacated.

     (c) Antitrust. The waiting period (and any extension thereof) under the
  HSR Act applicable to the Merger shall have expired or been terminated and
  any other approval or waiting period required prior to the Effective Time
  under any other applicable competition, merger control, antitrust or
  similar law or regulation of any Governmental Entity shall have been
  obtained or terminated or shall have expired, other than those the failure
  of which to have been obtained or terminated or to have expired would not
  (x) reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect (it being
  understood for purposes of this clause (x) that no party may rely on the
  failure of this condition to be satisfied if such failure was caused by
  such party's failure to comply with the terms of Section 6.2) or (y) result
  in the commission of a criminal offense.

     (d) Purchase of Company Common Shares in the Offer. Merger Sub shall
  have previously accepted for payment and paid for the Company Common Shares
  pursuant to the Offer.


   Section 7.2 Additional Conditions to Obligations of Parent and Merger
Sub. The obligations of Parent and Merger Sub to consummate the Merger shall
also be subject to the satisfaction or waiver of each of the following

     (a) The Company shall have performed in all material respects its
  covenants contained in Section 1.3 of this Agreement required to be
  performed on or prior to the Closing Date.

     (b) The Shareholders Agreement shall be in full force and effect.

     (c) The Option Agreement shall be in full force and effect.

     (d) The Company shall have performed in all material respects its
  covenants contained in Section 6.9 of this Agreement that are required to
  be performed on or prior to the Closing Date.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

   Section 8.1 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated, and the Offer and
the Merger contemplated hereby may be abandoned, at any time before the
Effective Time (except as otherwise provided), whether before or after the
Shareholder Approval has been obtained, as follows:

     (a) by mutual written consent of each of the Company and Parent;

     (b) by any party, if Merger Sub shall not have accepted for payment any
  Company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer satisfying the Minimum Tender
  Condition prior to February 28, 2001 (the "Termination Date"); provided,
  however, that the right to terminate this Agreement under this
  Section 8.1(b) shall not be available to any party whose breach of this
  Agreement has been a principal reason the Offer has not been consummated by
  such date; and provided further, that either party, by written notice to
  the other party, may extend the aforementioned February 28, 2001 date to a
  date not later than April 30, 2001 if all conditions of the Offer other
  than those conditions set forth in subsection (f) of Exhibit A to this
  Agreement have been satisfied on or before February 28, 2001;

     (c) by any party, if a Governmental Entity shall have issued an order,
  decree or injunction or taken any other action permanently enjoining,
  restraining or otherwise prohibiting the acceptance for payment of, or
  payment for the company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer or the Merger
  and such order, decree or injunction shall have become final and
  nonappealable (but only if such party shall have used its reasonable best
  efforts to cause such order, decree or injunction to be lifted or vacated);

     (d) by Parent, (i) if the Company shall have breached or failed to
  perform any of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements
  contained in this Agreement, which breach individually or in the aggregate
  with other such breaches, would give rise to the failure of a condition set
  forth in paragraph (d) or (e) of Exhibit A hereto and has not been or is
  incapable of being cured by the Company within 20 business days after its
  receipt of written notice thereof from Parent, or (ii) if any suit, action
  or proceeding described in paragraph (a) of Exhibit A hereto shall have
  prevailed and become final and nonappealable; by the Company, if either
  Parent or Merger Sub shall have breached or failed to perform in any
  material respect any of its representations, warranties, covenants or
  agreements contained in this Agreement except for such failures that,
  individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have
  a material adverse effect on Parent's or Merger Sub's ability to consummate
  the transactions contemplated hereby, including the Offer and the Merger,
  which breach or failure to perform has not been or is incapable of being
  cured by Parent within 20 business days after its receipt of written notice
  thereof from the Company;

     (f) by Parent, if the condition set forth in Section 7.1(a) has not been
  satisfied, unless Company Common Shares satisfying the Minimum Tender
  Condition have been tendered to Merger Sub;

     (g) by Parent, if (i) the Board of Directors shall or shall resolve to
  (A) either not recommend that the Shareholders accept the Offer or, if
  applicable, give the Shareholder Approval, (B) withdraw its


  Recommendation, (C) modify its Recommendation in a manner adverse to Parent
  or Merger Sub, (D) approve, recommend or fail to take a position that is
  adverse to any proposed Acquisition Transaction (other than the Offer or
  the Merger) involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, or (E) take
  any action which would constitute a breach of Section 5.3(f), (ii) the
  Board of Directors shall have refused to affirm to Parent its
  Recommendation to the Shareholders that they accept the Offer and give the
  Shareholder Approval as promptly as practicable (but in any case within
  five days) after receipt of any reasonable written request for such
  affirmation from Parent, or (iii) a person shall have acquired more than
  20% of the outstanding Company Common Shares; or

     (h) by the Company pursuant to, but only in compliance with, Section

   Section 8.2 Effect of Termination and Abandonment. (a) In the event of
termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Article VIII, this Agreement
shall become void (other than this Section 8.2) with no liability on the part
of either party (or of any of its representatives);

   (b) Upon the happening of a Triggering Event, the Company shall pay to
Parent (or to any Subsidiary of Parent designated in writing by Parent to the
Company) the amount of $9,000,000 (the "Termination Fee"). "Triggering Event"
means any one of the following:

     (i) a termination of this Agreement by Parent pursuant to Section
  8.1(g)(i) or (ii);

     (ii) a termination of this Agreement by Parent pursuant to Section
  8.1(d)(i) or 8.1(f) if any Acquisition Proposal is publicly proposed or
  announced on or after the date hereof and such Acquisition Proposal has not
  been publicly rejected by the Board of Directors; or

     (iii) a termination of this Agreement by the Company pursuant to Section
  8.1(h); or

     (iv) if, within twelve months after a termination of this Agreement, any
  Acquisition Transaction is entered into, agreed to or consummated by the
  Company with a Person (other than Parent or Merger Sub) who made, or who is
  affiliated with any Person (other than Parent or Merger Sub) who made, (A)
  an Acquisition Proposal or (B) a statement of intent to pursue an
  Acquisition Transaction, either of which was publicly proposed or announced
  prior to a termination of this Agreement.

   Payment of the Termination Fee shall be made by wire transfer of immediately
available funds (1) on the second business day after such termination in the
case of clauses (i) and (ii) of the definition of Triggering Event, (2) on or
prior to the date of such termination, in the case of clause (iii) of the
definition of Triggering Event, or (3) on the earlier of (x) the date a
contract is entered into with respect to an Acquisition Transaction or (y) the
date an Acquisition Transaction is consummated, in the case of clause (iv) of
the definition of Triggering Event. In no event shall more than one Termination
Fee be payable by each party under this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Agreement to the contrary, upon receipt of the Termination
Fee by Parent (or its designee), Parent and Merger Sub shall have no other or
further claim or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever against the Company or
any of its affiliates except for any claims or rights Parent may have under the
Shareholders Agreement or the Option Agreement.

   (c) If the Company terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 8.1(e),
Parent shall pay to the Company as liquidated damages the sum of $9,000,000;
and, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
upon receipt of such sum the Company shall have no other or further claim or
demand of any kind or nature whatsoever against Parent, Merger Sub or any of
their affiliates.

   (d) The parties acknowledge that the agreements contained in this Section
8.2 are an integral part of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
and that, without these agreements, neither party would enter into this
Agreement. Accordingly, if either party fails to pay promptly amounts when due
pursuant to this Section 8.2, and, in order to obtain such payment, the other
party commences a suit which results in a judgment against the non-paying party
for such amount (or any portion thereof), the non-paying party shall pay the
costs and


expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) of the other party in connection
with such suit, together with interest on such amount in respect of the period
from the date such amount became due until paid at the prime rate of The Chase
Manhattan Bank in effect from time to time during such period.

   Section 8.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto
at any time, whether before or after the Shareholder Approval has been
obtained; provided that, after the purchase of Company Common Shares pursuant
to the Offer, no amendment shall be made which decreases the Merger
Consideration and, after the Shareholder Approval, if required, has been
obtained, there shall be made no amendment that by law requires further
approval by the Shareholders of the parties without the further approval of
such Shareholders. This Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument in
writing signed on behalf of each of the parties hereto. Following the election
or appointment of Merger Sub's designees pursuant to Section 1.3 and prior to
the Effective Time, the affirmative vote of a majority of the Independent
Directors then in office shall be required by the Company to (i) amend or
terminate this Agreement by the Company, (ii) exercise or waive any of the
Company's rights or remedies under this Agreement or (iii) extend the time for
performance of Parent and Merger Sub's respective obligations under this

                                   ARTICLE IX

   Section 9.1 Non-Survival of Representations, Warranties and Agreements. The
representations, warranties and agreements in this Agreement shall terminate at
the Effective Time or upon the termination of this Agreement pursuant to
Section 8.1, as the case may be, except that (a) the agreements set forth in
Sections 1.3, 6.8 and 6.9 shall survive the Effective Time, and (b) the
agreements set forth in Sections 6.5, 8.2 and this Article IX shall survive
termination indefinitely.

   Section 9.2 Notices. All notices and other communications given or made
pursuant hereto shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given
or made as of the date of receipt and shall be delivered personally or mailed
by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested),
sent by overnight courier or sent by telecopy, to the applicable party at the
following addresses or telecopy numbers (or at such other address or telecopy
number for a party as shall be specified by like notice):

     (a) if to the Company:

     MicroTouch Systems, Inc.
     300 Griffin Brook Park Drive
     Methuen, MA 01844
     Attention: Geoffrey P. Clear
     Telecopy No.: (978) 659-9050

     with a copy to:

     Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
     One Financial Center
     Boston, MA 02111
     Attention: William T. Whelan, Esq.
     Telecopy No.: (617) 542-2241

     (b) if to Parent or Merger Sub:

     Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
     Office of the General Counsel
     Building 220-14W-07
     St. Paul, MN 55144
     Attention: General Counsel
     Telecopy No.: (651) 736-9469


     with a copy to:

     Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
     Office of the General Counsel
     Building 220-11E-02
     St. Paul, MN 55144
     Attention: Gregg Larson, Esq.
     Telecopy No.: (651) 736-9469

     with a further copy to:

     Dorsey & Whitney LLP
     Pillsbury Center South
     220 South Sixth Street
     Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-1498
     Attention: John T. Kramer, Esq.
     Telecopy No.: (612) 340-8738

   Section 9.3 Certain Definitions; Interpretation. (a) For purposes of this
Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

     (i) "Material Adverse Effect" means any change, circumstance, event,
  effect or state of facts (x) that has or can reasonably be expected to have
  a material adverse effect on the business, operations, results of ongoing
  operations, assets or conditions (financial or otherwise) of the Company
  and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, having a value of not less than
  $600,000 individually or $3,000,000 in the aggregate (except as modified in
  Section 3.12), or the ability of the Company and its Subsidiaries to
  conduct their business after the closing consistent in all material
  respects with the manner conducted in the past, or (y) that will prevent or
  materially impair the Company's ability to consummate the Merger; provided,
  however, that a Material Adverse Effect will not be deemed to have occurred
  if the change, circumstance, event, effect or state of facts results
  primarily from (i) changes in general business conditions in the input
  device industry or (ii) the public announcement by the Company or pendency
  of the Merger.

     (ii) "affiliate" of a Person means a Person that directly or indirectly,
  through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under
  common control with, the first mentioned Person.

     (iii) "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company
  and includes any committee thereof.

     (iv) "control" (including the terms "controlled by" and "under common
  control with") means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to
  direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Person,
  whether through the ownership of stock, as trustee or executor, by contract
  or credit arrangement or otherwise.

     (v) "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
  as amended and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     (vi) "knowledge" of the Company with respect to any matter means actual
  knowledge of any of the Company's senior executive officers after
  reasonable investigation and due diligence. Such Persons and their
  respective areas of responsibility are set forth on Section 9.3 of the
  Company Disclosure Letter.

     (vii) "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, limited
  liability company, association, trust, unincorporated organization, entity
  or group (as defined in the Exchange Act).

     (viii) "Subsidiary" of a Person means any corporation or other legal
  entity of which that Person (either alone or through or together with any
  other Subsidiary or Subsidiaries) is the general partner or managing entity
  or of which at least a majority of the stock (or other equity interests the
  holders of which are generally entitled to vote for the election of the
  board of directors or others performing similar


  functions of such corporation or other legal entity) is directly or
  indirectly owned or controlled by that Person (either alone or through or
  together with any other Subsidiary or Subsidiaries).

   (b) When a reference is made in this Agreement to Articles, Sections,
Company Disclosure Letter or Exhibits, this reference is to an Article or a
Section of, or an Exhibit to, this Agreement, unless otherwise indicated. The
table of contents and headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of
this Agreement. Whenever the words "include," "includes" or "including" are
used in this Agreement, they shall be understood to be followed by the words
"without limitation."

   Section 9.4 Headings. The headings contained in this Agreement are for
reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement.

   Section 9.5 Severability. If any term or other provision of this Agreement
is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced by any rule of law or public
policy, all other conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall
nevertheless remain in full force and effect so long as the economic or legal
substance of the transactions contemplated hereby is not affected in any manner
materially adverse to any party. Upon a determination that any term or other
provision is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, the parties shall
negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original
intent of the parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to the end
that the transactions contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the maximum extent

   Section 9.6 Entire Agreement; No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement,
the Company Disclosure Letter and the Confidentiality Agreement constitute the
entire agreement and supersede any and all other prior agreements and
undertakings, both written and oral, among the parties hereto, or any of them,
with respect to the subject matter hereof and, except for Section 6.8
(Insurance; Indemnity), does not, and is not intended to, confer upon any
Person other than the parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.

   Section 9.7 Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any party by
operation of law or otherwise without the express written consent of each of
the other parties.

   Section 9.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with, the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without
regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. Each of the parties hereto
hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives any right it may have to trial by
jury in connection with any litigation arising out of or relating to this
Agreement, the Offer, the Merger or any of the other transactions contemplated
hereby or thereby.

   Section 9.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, and by the different parties in separate counterparts, each of
which when executed shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which shall
constitute one and the same agreement.

   Section 9.10 Confidential Nature of Information. Between the date of this
Agreement and the Effective Time the parties hereto will hold and will cause
their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, consultants
and advisors to hold in strict confidence in accordance with the terms of the
Confidentiality Agreement, all documents and information furnished to such
party by or on behalf of the other party in connection with the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement. If the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement are not consummated, such confidence shall be maintained in
accordance with such Confidentiality Agreement.


   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed under seal as of the date first written above by their respective
officers thereunto duly authorized.

                                          Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing

                                                    /s/ Ronald A. Weber
                                          By: ________________________________:
                                            Name: Ronald A. Weber
                                            Title: Executive Vice President,
                                                   Transportation, Graphics
                                                   and Safety Markets

                                                    /s/ Gregg M. Larson
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: Gregg M. Larson
                                            Title: Assistant General Counsel;
                                                   Assistant Secretary

                                          Equinox Acquisition, Inc.

                                                    /s/ Ronald A. Weber
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: Ronald A. Weber
                                            Title: Executive Vice President,
                                                   Transportation, Graphics
                                                   and Safety Markets

                                                     /s/ J.L. Yeomans
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: J. L. Yeomans

                                          Microtouch Systems, Inc.

                                                  /s/ D. Westervelt Davis
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: D. Westervelt Davis
                                            Title:President and Chief
                                             Executive Officer

                                                   /s/ Geoffrey P. Clear
                                          By: _________________________________
                                            Name: Geoffrey P. Clear
                                            Title: Vice President--Finance &
                                                   Administration, Chief
                                                   Financial Officer and


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                            CONDITIONS OF THE OFFER

   Notwithstanding any other term of the Offer or this Agreement, Merger Sub
shall not be required to accept for payment or, subject to any applicable rules
and regulations of the SEC, including Rule 14e-l(c) under the Exchange Act
(relating to Merger Sub's obligation to pay for or return tendered Company
Common Shares promptly after the termination or withdrawal of the Offer), to
pay for any Company Common Shares tendered pursuant to the Offer and may
postpone the acceptance for payment or payment for any Company Common Shares
tendered, and, when permitted by the Agreement, amend or terminate the Offer
unless (i) there shall have been validly tendered and not withdrawn prior to
the expiration of the Offer that number of Company Common Shares, together with
Company Common Shares owned by Parent or Merger Sub, which would represent at
least a majority of the outstanding Company Common Stock (determined on a fully
diluted basis for all outstanding stock options, convertible securities and any
other rights to acquire Company Common Stock on the date of purchase) (the
"Minimum Tender Condition"), and (ii) any requisite waiting period under the
HSR Act (and any extension thereof) applicable to the purchase of Company
Common Shares pursuant to the Offer or to the Merger and any other requisite
waiting periods under any other applicable material competition, merger,
control, antitrust or similar law or regulation shall have been terminated or
shall have expired. Furthermore, notwithstanding any other term of the Offer or
this Agreement, Merger Sub shall not be required to accept for payment or,
subject as aforesaid, to pay for any Company Common Shares not theretofore
accepted for payment or paid for, and, subject to this Agreement, may terminate
or amend the Offer, immediately prior to the applicable expiration of the
Offer, if any of the following conditions exists:

     (a) there shall be pending or formally threatened any suit, action or
  proceeding by any Governmental Entity (i) challenging the acquisition by
  Parent or Merger Sub of any Company Common Shares, seeking to restrain or
  prohibit consummation of the Offer or the Merger, or seeking to place
  limitations on the ownership of Company Common Shares (or shares of common
  stock of the Surviving Corporation) by Parent or Merger Sub, (ii) seeking
  to prohibit or limit the ownership or operation by the Company or Parent
  and their respective Subsidiaries of any material portion of the business
  or assets of the Company or Parent and their respective Subsidiaries taken
  as a whole, or to compel the Company or Parent and their respective
  Subsidiaries to dispose of or hold separate any material portion of the
  business or assets of the Company or Parent and their respective
  Subsidiaries taken as a whole, as a result of the Offer, the Merger or any
  of the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement, (iii) seeking to
  prohibit Parent or any of its subsidiaries from effectively controlling in
  any material respect the business or operations of the Company or Parent
  and Subsidiaries taken as a whole, or (iv) which otherwise is reasonably
  expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

     (b) any Legal Restraint that has the effect of preventing the purchase
  of Company Common Shares pursuant to the Offer or the Merger shall be in

     (c) except as set forth in the Company Disclosure Letter or in the SEC
  Reports, since September 30, 2000, there shall have been any state of
  facts, change, development, effect, event, condition or occurrence that,
  individually or in the aggregate, constitutes or would reasonably be
  expected to have, a Material Adverse Effect;

     (d) the representation and warranty of the Company contained in Section
  3.3 of this Agreement shall not be true and correct in all material
  respects, or the other representations and warranties of the Company
  contained in this Agreement shall not be true and correct, except for such
  failures to be true and correct that (without giving effect, with respect
  to those representations and warranties that are not true and correct, to
  any limitation as to "materiality" or Material Adverse Effect set forth
  therein), individually and in the aggregate, would not reasonably be
  expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

     (e) the Company shall have failed to perform in any respect any
  obligation required to be performed by it under this Agreement at or prior
  to the Termination Date, which failure would reasonably be expected to have
  a Material Adverse Effect;


     (f) Parent shall not have obtained all consents, approvals,
  authorizations, qualifications and orders of all Governmental Entities
  legally required in connection with this Agreement and the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement, other than any such consents, approvals,
  authorizations, qualifications and orders, the failure of which to obtain,
  individually and in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have
  a Material Adverse Effect; provided, however, that the failure to obtain
  such consents, approvals, authorizations, qualifications or orders is not
  the result of a breach by Parent or Merger Sub of any of their covenants
  and other obligations set forth in this Agreement;

     (g) this Agreement shall have been terminated in accordance with its

     (h) the Company Board shall have (A) withdrawn or modified or changed,
  in any manner adverse to Parent or Merger Sub, the Recommendation, (B)
  accepted, approved or recommended any Acquisition Proposal, or (C) resolved
  or publicly disclosed any intention to do any of the foregoing; or

     (i) there shall have occurred (i) any general suspension of trading in
  or on the Nasdaq National Market (other than a shortening of trading hours
  or any coordinated trading halt triggered solely as a result of a specified
  increase or decrease in a market index), (ii) a decline of at least 30%
  (determined for any particular day as of the close of business for such
  day) in either the Dow Jones Average of Industrial Stocks or the Standard &
  Poor's 500 Index from the date hereof, (iii) a declaration of a banking
  moratorium or any suspension of payments in respect of banks in the United
  States, (iv) the imposition of any limitation (whether or not mandatory) by
  any government or Governmental Entity, on the extension of credit by banks
  or other lending institutions, (v) a commencement of a war or armed
  hostilities or any other national or international calamity directly
  involving the United States or (vi) in the case of any of the foregoing
  existing on the date hereof, a material acceleration or worsening thereof;

which, in the sole discretion of Merger Sub or Parent, in any such case, and
regardless of the circumstances giving rise to any such condition, makes it
inadvisable to proceed with such acceptance for payment or payment.

   The foregoing conditions are for the sole benefit of Merger Sub and Parent
and may be asserted by Merger Sub or Parent regardless of the circumstances
giving rise to such condition or may be waived by Merger Sub and Parent in
whole or in part at any time and from time to time in their sole discretion.
The failure by Parent, Merger Sub or any other affiliate of Parent at any time
to exercise any of the foregoing rights shall not be deemed a waiver of any
such right; the waiver of any such right with respect to particular facts and
circumstances shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any other facts and
circumstances and each such right shall be deemed an ongoing right that may be
asserted at any time and from time to time.

   The terms in this Exhibit A that are defined in the attached Merger
Agreement have the meanings set forth therein.


                                                                     APPENDIX B

                  [Letterhead of Broadview International LLC]

                                                              November 13, 2000


Board of Directors
MicroTouch Systems, Inc.
300 Griffin Brook Park Drive
Methuen, MA 01844

Dear Members of the Board:

   We understand that MicroTouch Systems, Inc. ("MicroTouch" or the
"Company"), Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company ("3M" or the "Parent")
and Equinox Acquisition, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent ("Merger
Sub"), propose to enter into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Agreement")
pursuant to which Parent will cause Merger Sub to make a tender offer (the
"Offer") to purchase all of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock
of MicroTouch (the "Company Common Shares") at a price per share of $21.00
(the "Offer Price") in cash, and subsequently merge with and into MicroTouch
(the "Merger"). Pursuant to the Merger, each issued and outstanding Common
Share not acquired in the Offer will be converted into the right to receive
the highest per share cash consideration paid pursuant to the Offer. The terms
and conditions of the above described Offer and Merger (together, the
"Transaction") are more fully detailed in the Agreement.

   You have requested our opinion as to whether the Offer Price is fair, from
a financial point of view, to MicroTouch shareholders.

   Broadview International LLC ("Broadview") focuses on providing merger and
acquisition advisory services to information technology ("IT"), communications
and media companies. In this capacity, we are continually engaged in valuing
such businesses, and we maintain an extensive database of IT, communications
and media mergers and acquisitions for comparative purposes. We are currently
acting as financial advisor to MicroTouch's Board of Directors and will
receive a fee from MicroTouch upon the successful conclusion of the

   In rendering our opinion, we have, among other things:

     1.) reviewed the terms of the Agreement in the form of the draft dated
  November 9, 2000 furnished to us by 3M's legal counsel on November 9, 2000
  (which, for the purposes of this opinion, we have assumed, with your
  permission, to be identical in all material respects to the agreement to be
  executed, except that, we have assumed with your permission, that the Offer
  Price is as defined above);

     2.) reviewed MicroTouch's annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
  ended December 31, 1999, including the audited financial statements
  included therein, and MicroTouch's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the
  quarter ended September 30, 2000, including the unaudited financial
  statements included therein;

     3.) reviewed certain internal financial and operating information
  relating to MicroTouch, including quarterly projections through December
  31, 2001 and annual projections through December 31, 2002, prepared and
  furnished to us by MicroTouch management;

     4.) participated in discussions with MicroTouch management concerning
  the operations, business strategy, current financial performance and
  prospects for MicroTouch;

     5.) discussed with MicroTouch management its view of the strategic
  rationale for the Transaction;

     6.) reviewed the recent reported closing prices and trading activity for
  Company Common Shares;


     7.) compared certain aspects of the financial performance of MicroTouch
  with public companies we deemed comparable;

     8.) analyzed available information, both public and private, concerning
  other mergers and acquisitions we believe to be comparable in whole or in
  part to the Transaction;

     9.) assisted in negotiations and discussions related to the Transaction
  among MicroTouch, 3M and their respective financial and legal advisors; and

     10.) conducted other financial studies, analyses and investigations as
  we deemed appropriate for purposes of this opinion.

   In rendering our opinion, we have relied, without independent verification,
on the accuracy and completeness of all the financial and other information
(including without limitation the representations and warranties contained in
the Agreement) that was publicly available or furnished to us by MicroTouch.
With respect to the financial projections examined by us, we have assumed that
they were reasonably prepared, and reflected the best available estimates and
good faith judgments of the management of MicroTouch as to the future
performance of MicroTouch. We have neither made nor obtained an independent
appraisal or valuation of any of MicroTouch's assets.

   Based upon and subject to the foregoing, we are of the opinion that the
Offer Price is fair, from a financial point of view, to MicroTouch

   For purposes of this opinion, we have assumed that MicroTouch is not
currently involved in any material transaction other than the Transaction,
other publicly announced transactions, and those activities undertaken in the
ordinary course of conducting its business. Our opinion is necessarily based
upon market, economic, financial and other conditions as they exist and can be
evaluated as of the date of this opinion, and any change in such conditions
would require a reevaluation of this opinion.

   This opinion speaks only as of the date hereof. It is understood that this
opinion is for the information of the Board of Directors of MicroTouch in
connection with its consideration of the Transaction and does not constitute a
recommendation to any MicroTouch shareholder as to whether such shareholder
should tender its shares in the Offer or as to how such shareholder should vote
on the Merger. This opinion may not be published or referred to, in whole or
part, without our prior written permission, which shall not be unreasonably
withheld. Broadview hereby consents to references to and the inclusion of this
opinion in its entirety in the Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on
Schedule 14D-9 and, if required, the Proxy Statement, in each case to be
distributed to MicroTouch shareholders in connection with the Transaction.


                                             /s/ Broadview International LLC
                                               Broadview International LLC


                                                                      APPENDIX C

Sections 85 to 98 of Massachusetts Business Corporation Law

   85. Payment for Stock of Dissenting Stockholder. A stockholder in any
corporation organized under the laws of Massachusetts which shall have duly
voted to consolidate or merge with another corporation or corporations under
the provisions of sections seventy-eight or seventy-nine who objects to such
consolidation or merger may demand payment for his stock from the resulting or
surviving corporation and an appraisal in accordance with the provisions of
sections eighty-six to ninety-eight, inclusive, and such stockholder and the
resulting or surviving corporation shall have the rights and duties and follow
the procedure set forth in those sections. This section shall not apply to the
holders of any shares of stock of a constituent corporation surviving a merger
if, as permitted by subsection (c) of section seventy-eight, the merger did not
require for its approval a vote of the stockholders of the surviving

   86. Right of Appraisal. If a corporation proposes to take a corporate action
as to which any section of this chapter provides that a stockholder who objects
to such action shall have the right to demand payment for his shares and an
appraisal thereof, sections eighty-seven to ninety-eight, inclusive, shall
apply except as otherwise specifically provided in any section of this chapter.
Except as provided in sections eighty-two and eighty-three, no stockholder
shall have such right unless (1) he files with the corporation before the
taking of the vote of the shareholders on such corporate action, written
objection to the proposed action stating that he intends to demand payment for
his shares if the action is taken and (2) his shares are not voted in favor of
the proposed action.

   87. Notice of Stockholders Meeting to Contain Statement as to Appraisal
Rights. The notice of the meeting of stockholders at which the approval of such
proposed action is to be considered shall contain a statement of the rights of
objecting stockholders. The giving of such notice shall not be deemed to create
any rights in any stockholder receiving the same to demand payment for his
stock, and the directors may authorize the inclusion in any such notice of a
statement of opinion by the management as to the existence or non-existence of
the right of the stockholders to demand payment for their stock on account of
the proposed corporate action. The notice may be in such form as the directors
or officers calling the meeting deem advisable, but the following form of
notice shall be sufficient to comply with this section: "If the action proposed
is approved by the stockholders at the meeting and effected by the corporation,
any stockholder (1) who files with the corporation before the taking of the
vote on the approval of such action, written objection to the proposed action
stating that he intends to demand payment for his shares if the action is taken
and (2) whose shares are not voted in favor of such action has or may have the
right to demand in writing from the corporation (or, in the case of a
consolidation or merger, the name of the resulting or surviving corporation
shall be inserted), within twenty days after the date of mailing to him of
notice in writing that the corporate action has become effective, payment for
his shares and an appraisal of the value thereof. Such corporation and any such
stockholder shall in such cases have the rights and duties and shall follow the
procedure set forth in sections 88 to 98, inclusive, of chapter 156B of the
General Laws of Massachusetts."

   88. Notice to Objecting Stockholder That Corporate Action Has Become
Effective. The corporation taking such action, or in the case of a merger or
consolidation the surviving or resulting corporation, shall, within ten days
after the date on which such corporate action became effective, notify each
stockholder who filed written objection meeting the requirements of section
eighty-six and whose shares were not voted in favor of the approval of such
action, that the action approved at the meeting of the corporation of which he
is a stockholder has become effective. The giving of such notice shall not be
deemed to create any rights in any stockholder receiving the same to demand
payment for his stock. The notice shall be sent by registered or certified
mail, addressed to the stockholder at his last known address as it appears in
the records of the corporation.

   89. Demand for Payment by Objecting Stockholder. If within twenty days after
the date of mailing of a notice under subsection (e) of section eighty-two,
subsection (f) of section eighty-three, or section eighty-eight


any stockholder to whom the corporation was required to give such notice shall
demand in writing from the corporation taking such action, or in the case of a
consolidation or merger from the resulting or surviving corporation, payment
for his stock, the corporation upon which such demand is made shall pay to him
the fair value of his stock within thirty days after the expiration of the
period during which such demand may be made.

   90. Determination of Value of Stock by Superior Court. If during the period
of thirty days provided for in section eighty-nine the corporation upon which
such demand is made and any such objecting stockholder fail to agree as to the
value of such stock, such corporation or any such stockholder may within four
months after the expiration of such thirty-day period demand a determination of
the value of the stock of all such objecting stockholders by a bill in equity
filed in the superior court in the county where the corporation in which such
objecting stockholder held stock had or has its principal office in the

   91. Bill in Equity to Determine Value of Stock of Objecting Stockholders on
Failure to Agree on Value Thereof, Etc; Parties to Bill, Etc; Service of Bill
on Corporation; Notice to Stockholder Parties, Etc. If the bill is filed by the
corporation, it shall name as parties respondent all stockholders who have
demanded payment for their shares and with whom the corporation has not reached
agreement as to the value thereof. If the bill is filed by a stockholder, he
shall bring the bill in his own behalf and in behalf of all other stockholders
who have demanded payment for their shares and with whom the corporation has
not reached agreement as to the value thereof, and service of the bill shall be
made upon the corporation by subpoena with a copy of the bill annexed. The
corporation shall file with its answer a duly verified list of all such other
stockholders, and such stockholders shall thereupon be deemed to have been
added as parties to the bill. The corporation shall give notice in such form
and returnable on such date as the court shall order to each stockholder party
to the bill by registered or certified mail, addressed to the last known
address of such stockholder as shown in the records of the corporation, and the
court may order such additional notice by publication or otherwise as it deems
advisable. Each stockholder who makes demand as provided in section eighty-nine
shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of this section relating to
notice, and the giving of notice by the corporation to any such stockholder in
compliance with the order of the court shall be a sufficient service of process
on him. Failure to give notice to any stockholder making demand shall not
invalidate the proceedings as to other stockholders to whom notice was properly
given, and the court may at any time before the entry of a final decree make
supplementary orders of notice.

   92. Bill in Equity to Determine Value of Stock of Objecting Stockholders on
Failure to Agree on Value Thereof, Etc; Entry of Decree Determining Value of
Stock; Date on Which Value is to be Determined. After hearing the court shall
enter a decree determining the fair value of the stock of those stockholders
who have become entitled to the valuation of and payment for their shares, and
shall order the corporation to make payment of such value, together with
interest, if any, as hereinafter provided, to the stockholders entitled thereto
upon the transfer by them to the corporation of the certificates representing
such stock if certificated or if uncertificated, upon receipt of an instruction
transferring such stock to the corporation. For this purpose, the value of the
shares shall be determined as of the day preceding the date of the vote
approving the proposed corporate action and shall be exclusive of any element
of value arising from the expectation or accomplishment of the proposed
corporate action.

   93. Bill in Equity to Determine Value of Stock of Objecting Stockholders on
Failure to Agree on Value Thereof, Etc.; Court May Refer Bill, Etc., to Special
Master to Hear Parties, Etc. The court in its discretion may refer the bill or
any question arising thereunder to a special master to hear the parties, make
findings and report the same to the court, all in accordance with the usual
practice in suits in equity in the superior court.

   94. Bill in Equity to Determine Value of Stock of Objecting Stockholders on
Failure to Agree on Value Thereof, Etc.; Stockholder Parties May Be Required to
Submit Their Stock Certificates for Notation Thereon of Pendency of Bill,
Etc. On motion the court may order stockholder parties to the bill to submit
their certificates of stock to the corporation for notation thereon of the
pendency of the bill, and may order the corporation to note such pendency in
its records with respect to any uncertificated shares held by such stockholder
parties, and may on motion dismiss the bill as to any stockholder who fails to
comply with such order.


   95. Bill in Equity to Determine Value of Stock of Objecting Stockholders on
Failure to Agree on Value Thereof, Etc.; Taxation of Costs, Etc.; Interest on
Award, Etc. The costs of the bill, including the reasonable compensation and
expenses of any master appointed by the court, but exclusive of fees of counsel
or of experts retained by any party, shall be determined by the court and taxed
upon the parties to the bill, or any of them, in such manner as appears to be
equitable, except that all costs of giving notice to stockholders as provided
in this chapter shall be paid by the corporation. Interest shall be paid upon
any award from the date of the vote approving the proposed corporate action,
and the court may on application of any interested party determine the amount
of interest to be paid in the case of any stockholder.

   96. Stockholder Demanding Payment for Stock Not Entitled to Notice of
Stockholders' Meetings or to Vote Stock or to Receive Dividends, Etc.;
Exceptions. Any stockholder who has demanded payment for his stock as provided
in this chapter shall not thereafter be entitled to notice of any meeting of
stockholders or to vote such stock for any purpose and shall not be entitled to
the payment of dividends or other distribution on the stock (except dividends
or other distributions payable to stockholders of record at a date which is
prior to the date of the vote approving the proposed corporate action) unless:
(1) A bill shall not be filed within the time provided in section ninety; (2) A
bill, if filed, shall be dismissed as to such stockholder; or (3) Such
stockholder shall with the written approval of the corporation, or in the case
of a consolidation or merger, the resulting or surviving corporation, deliver
to it a written withdrawal of his objections to and an acceptance of such
corporate action. Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses (1) to (3),
inclusive, said stockholder shall have only the rights of a stockholder who did
not so demand payment for his stock as provided in this chapter.

   97. Certain Shares Paid for by Corporation to Have Status of Treasury Stock,
Etc. The shares of the corporation paid for by the corporation pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter shall have the status of treasury stock or in the
case of a consolidation or merger the shares or the securities of the resulting
or surviving corporation into which the shares of such objecting stockholder
would have been converted had he not objected to such consolidation or merger
shall have the status of treasury stock or securities.

   98. Enforcement by Stockholder of Right to Receive Payment for His Shares to
be Exclusive Remedy; Exception. The enforcement by stockholder of his right to
receive payment for his shares in the manner provided in this chapter shall be
an exclusive remedy except that this chapter shall not exclude the right of
such stockholder to bring or maintain an appropriate proceeding to obtain
relief on the ground that such corporate action will be or is illegal or
fraudulent as to him.
