Exhibit 10(J)


                                BY AND BETWEEN

                             NEVADA POWER COMPANY





                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section                                                                    Page
- -------                                                                    ----
1.   DEFINITIONS........................................................      1
2.   TERM...............................................................      8
3.   SECURITY...........................................................      9
4.   SUPPLY SERVICE.....................................................     10
5.   NOTIFICATION.......................................................     14
6.   PRICING OF ENERGY AND ANCILLARY SERVICES...........................     15
7.   INVOICING AND PAYMENTS.............................................     16
8.   REGULATORY APPROVALS...............................................     19
9.   COMPLIANCE.........................................................     20
10.  INDEMNIFICATION....................................................     20
11.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY............................................     22
12.  FORCE MAJEURE......................................................     22
13.  DISPUTES...........................................................     24
14.  NATURE OF OBLIGATIONS..............................................     27
15.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.............................................     27
16.  REPRESENTATIONS....................................................     28
17.  DEFAULT AND REMEDIES...............................................     29
18   FACILITY ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS...............................     30
19.  COORDINATION.......................................................     30
21.  OUTAGE SCHEDULING..................................................     31
22.  REPORTS............................................................     32
23.  COMMUNICATIONS.....................................................     32
24.  NOTICES............................................................     33
25.  MERGER.............................................................     33
26.  HEADINGS...........................................................     34
27.  COUNTERPARTS AND INTERPRETATION....................................     34
28.  SEVERABILITY.......................................................     34
29.  WAIVERS............................................................     34
30.  AMENDMENTS.........................................................     35
31.  TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.............................................     35
32.  APPROVALS..........................................................     35
33.  PLR SERVICE........................................................     36
34.  CONFIDENTIALITY....................................................     36
35.  CHOICE OF LAW......................................................     37

Exhibits                                                                   Page
- --------                                                                   ----
              OF ANCILLARY SERVICES......................................   B-1
EXHIBIT C   SUPPLIER'S MONTHLY INVOICE...................................   C-1
EXHIBIT E   YEAR END TRUE-UP INVOICE.....................................   E-1
EXHIBIT G   FORM OF AVAILABILITY NOTICE..................................   G-1
EXHIBIT H   FORM OF GUARANTEE............................................   H-1
EXHIBIT I   COMPANY OBSERVED HOLIDAYS....................................   I-1
EXHIBIT J   ADJUSTMENTS TO TPPA AMOUNT...................................   J-1
EXHIBIT K   ADJUSTMENTS TO MINIMUM ANNUAL TAKE...........................   K-1



This Agreement is made and entered into as of December 1, 2000 by and between
Nevada Power Company, a Nevada corporation ("Buyer"), and Pinnacle West Energy
Corporation, an Arizona  corporation (the "Supplier").  Buyer and Supplier are
referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."


WHEREAS, Buyer is selling its Harry Allen generating station and other assets
associated therewith to Supplier or an affiliate thereof (the "Asset Sale");

WHEREAS, notwithstanding the Asset Sale, Buyer expects that it has been
designated as the Provider of Last Resort ("PLR") for its Nevada retail electric
customers who are unable to obtain electric service from an alternative seller
or who fail to select an alternative seller.  The load required to serve such
customers, plus the customers under those wholesale sales agreements existing at
the Effective Date, is referred to herein as Buyer's Transitional Resource
Requirement; and

WHEREAS, as a result of the Asset Sale, Buyer will no longer have its interest
in the Harry Allen generating station as a source of supply for its Transitional
Resource Requirement; and

WHEREAS, Supplier has or is willing to secure the necessary resources to provide
a portion of Buyer's Transitional Resource Requirement; and

WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase from Supplier and Supplier desires to sell
Energy and Ancillary Services under contract to Buyer; and

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, representations and
agreements hereinafter set forth, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the
Parties agree as follows:


     1.1  Format.

          1.1.1  References to Articles and Sections herein are cross-references
                 to Articles and Sections, respectively, in this Agreement,
                 unless otherwise stated.

          1.1.2  Any parts of this Agreement which are incorporated by reference
                 shall have the same meaning as if set forth in full text


     1.2  Definitions.  As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall
          have the meanings set forth below:

          1.2.1  "Agreement" means this Agreement together with the Exhibits
                 attached hereto, as such may be amended from time to time.

          1.2.2  "Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy" means the Replacement
                 Cost of Energy that will be due from Supplier after true-up in
                 accordance with the provisions of Section 7.5. Example
                 determinations of the Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy are
                 shown on Exhibit E.

          1.2.3  "Ancillary Services" means those capacity-related services as
                 listed in Exhibit B as well as the Energy component of such
                 services.  These services are defined in Buyer's OATT.

          1.2.4  "Asset Bundle" means the Harry Allen generating station and
                 other assets associated therewith pursuant to the terms of the
                 Asset Sale Agreement.

          1.2.5  "Asset Bundle Capacity" means, with respect to each unit listed
                 in Exhibit A, the net generating capacity (in megawatts ("MW"))
                 of such unit, as may be adjusted therein and as modified from
                 time to time in accordance with Section 5.2, Section 20, and
                 Section 21, and not to exceed at any time the net capacity for
                 each unit listed in Exhibit A. Asset Bundle Capacity shall also
                 mean, as the context requires, the Energy (in megawatt-hours
                 ("MWh")) and the Ancillary Services which the units would be
                 capable of producing if they operated at the capacity level
                 described in the first sentence of this Section 1.2.6.

          1.2.6  "Asset Sale" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

          1.2.7  "Asset Sale Agreement" means the Asset Sale Agreement between
                 Buyer and Supplier or Supplier's affiliate dated as of
                 December 1, 2000, to purchase Buyer's Asset Bundle.

          1.2.8  "Asset Sale Closing" means the transfer of Buyer's ownership of
                 the Asset Bundle through the consummation of the Asset Sale
                 pursuant to the terms of the Asset Sale Agreement.

          1.2.9  "Average Cost of Delivered Energy" means the total cost of
                 Delivered Energy for the Contract Year after the application of
                 the annual true-up mechanism from Section


                  7.5 divided by the total Delivered Energy for the Contract
                  Year. Example determinations of Average Cost of Delivered
                  Energy are shown on Exhibit E.

          1.2.10  "Availability Notice" means a notice delivered from time to
                  time by Supplier to Buyer pursuant to Section 5.2 notifying
                  Buyer of changes in the availability of the Asset Bundle.

          1.2.11  "Business Day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, and
                  any day that is an observed holiday by Buyer as shown on
                  Exhibit I.

          1.2.12  "CALPX" means the California Power Exchange and any successor
                  entity thereto.

          1.2.13  "Confidential Information" has the meaning set forth in
                  Section 34.

          1.2.14  "Contract Year" means, with respect to the first Contract
                  Year, to each subsequent Contract Year, the period immediately
                  following the end of the preceding Contract Year, and in each
                  case ending on the earlier of the date which is twelve (12)
                  months thereafter or the termination date of this Agreement.

          1.2.15  "Control Area" has the meaning set forth in the OATT.

          1.2.16  "Control Area Operator" means an entity and its agents which
                  are responsible for the operation of the Transmission System
                  and for maintaining the reliability of the electrical
                  transmission system(s), including the Transmission System,
                  within the Control Area.

          1.2.17  "Credit Amount" shall mean an amount equal to the TPPA Amount,
                  plus an additional amount equal to $40/MWh multiplied by 76
                  megawatts, multiplied by the number of hours remaining in this
                  Agreement until March 1, 2003.

          1.2.18  "Delivered Amount" means, with respect to any Dispatch Hour,
                  the Energy delivered by Supplier to Buyer at the designated
                  Point(s) of Delivery during such Dispatch Hour, whether or not
                  such Energy was generated by the Asset Bundle, plus any
                  additional amounts pursuant to Section 4.1.2, Section 4.1.3
                  and the Ancillary Services provided by Supplier for Buyer
                  during any Dispatch Hour pursuant to the terms of this


          1.2.19  "Derating" means a reduction to the Asset Bundle Capacity.

          1.2.20  "Dispatch Hour" means the prescribed hour(s) when Energy is
                  to be delivered by Supplier to Buyer at the designated
                  Point(s) of Delivery and the prescribed hour(s) when Ancillary
                  Services are to be provided to the ISA by Supplier on behalf
                  of Buyer.

          1.2.21  "EDU" means electric distribution utility, the organization
                  with the responsibility for the distribution of energy over
                  Buyer's distribution system to retail end-users.

          1.2.22  "Effective Date" means the date that this Agreement becomes
                  effective which shall be the date on which the Closing Date,
                  as defined in the Asset Sale Agreement, actually occurs.

          1.2.23  "Emergency Condition" shall mean a public declaration by the
                  ISA or Control Area Operator that the Control Area is in
                  danger of imminent voltage collapse or uncontrollable
                  cascading outages.

          1.2.24  "Energy" means electricity (measured in MWh) and associated
                  power-producing capacity to be provided by Supplier to Buyer
                  pursuant to this Agreement. Also known as "firm energy and
                  associated firm capacity".

          1.2.25  "Event of Default" has the meaning set forth in Section 17

          1.2.26  "FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and any
                  successor agency thereto.

          1.2.27  "Force Majeure" has the meaning set forth in Section 12

          1.2.28  "GAAP" means Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for the
                  United States.

          1.2.29  "Good Utility Practice" means the applicable practices,
                  methods, and act:

                  (i)   required by applicable Laws, permits and reliability
                        criteria, whether or not the Party whose conduct at
                        issue is a member thereof, and

                  (ii)  otherwise engaged in or approved by a significant
                        portion of the United States electric utility industry
                        during the relevant time period, which, in the exercise


                        of reasonable judgement in light of the facts known at
                        the time the decision was made, could have been expected
                        to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost
                        consistent with good business practices, safety,
                        environmental protection, economy and expediency. Good
                        Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the
                        optimum practice, method or act to the exclusion of all
                        others, but rather to practices, methods or acts
                        generally accepted in the United States electric utility

          1.2.30  "Governmental Authority" means any foreign, federal, state,
                  local, tribal or other governmental, regulatory or
                  administrative agency, court, commission, department, board,
                  or other governmental subdivision, legislature, rulemaking
                  board, tribunal, arbitrating body, or other governmental

          1.2.31  "Gross Replacement Costs of Energy" means Buyer's Replacement
                  Cost of Energy prior to adjustment for the amount that Buyer
                  would have paid for the Energy if Supplier had delivered the
                  Energy to Buyer. Example determinations of Gross Replacement
                  Costs of Energy are shown on Exhibit D.

          1.2.32  "Guarantee" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.2 hereof.

          1.2.33  "Guarantor" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.2 hereof.

          1.2.34  "Invoiced Replacement Costs" means the Replacement Costs which
                  have been billed to Supplier or subtracted from payments to
                  Supplier in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2 and
                  Section 7.4.

          1.2.35  "ISA" means the Mountain West Independent System
                  Administrator, or the regional transmission organization
                  authorized with the responsibility for the scheduling and
                  administration of Energy and Ancillary Services over, through
                  and within the Transmission System in coordination with other
                  interconnected entities to provide transmission services. The
                  ISA is also referred to herein as transmission administrator.

          1.2.36  "Law" means any law, treaty, code, rule, regulation, order,
                  determination, permit, certificate, authorization, or approval
                  of an arbitrator, court or other Governmental Authority which
                  is binding on a Party or any of its property.


          1.2.37   "Limit on Excused Energy" means the amount of energy that
                   can be excused under the provisions of Section 12.4 as shown
                   on Exhibit A.

          1.2.38   "Market Price of Energy" has the meaning set forth in Section

          1.2.39   "Minimum Annual Energy Take" has the meaning set forth in
                    Section 4.1.2.

          1.2.40   "Minimum Investment Grade Rating" of a Person means that such
                   Person has a minimum credit rating on its senior unsecured
                   debt securities of at least two of the following ratings: (i)
                   BBB as determined by Standard & Poor's Corporation, (ii) Baa2
                   as determined by Moody's Investors Service, Inc., or (iii) a
                   comparable rating by another nationally recognized rating
                   service reasonably acceptable to Buyer.

          1.2.41   "Minimum Tangible Net Worth" means the total book value of
                   shareholder's equity less the balance of goodwill, as
                   reported on the latest quarterly balance sheet prepared in
                   accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

          1.2.42   "NERC" means the North American Electric Reliability Council
                   and any successor entity thereto.

          1.2.43   "Nonemergency Condition" shall mean the determination,
                   direction or order by the ISA, or Control Area Operator to
                   Supplier and/or Buyer to change the Supply Amount which is
                   not a result of or due to an Emergency Condition. A
                   Nonemergency Condition includes an insufficiency of Ancillary
                   Services to securely operate the Control Area.

          1.2.44   "OATT" means Buyer's, or the Control Area Operator's as its
                   successor hereto, as applicable, then-effective Open Access
                   Transmission Tariff, or such entities' successor tariff,
                   which has been accepted for filing by the FERC.

          1.2.45   "Operating Representatives" means the persons designated to
                   transmit and receive routine operating and emergency
                   communications required under this Agreement.

          1.2.46   "Party" has the meaning set forth in the preamble of this


          1.2.47   "Permitted Deratings" means those reductions to the Asset
                   Bundle Capacity of which Supplier may notify Buyer from time
                   to time in an Availability Notice pursuant to Section 5.2.

          1.2.48   "Person" means any natural person, partnership, limited
                   liability company, joint venture, corporation, trust,
                   unincorporated organization, or governmental entity or any
                   department or agency thereof.

          1.2.49   "Point of Delivery" means the point (s) which has (have) been
                   specified as the Interconnection Point(s) in the
                   Interconnection Agreement between Nevada Power Company and
                   Pinnacle West Energy Corporation dated as of December 1,
                   2000, as it may be amended from time to time, as well as any
                   alternative locations agreed upon pursuant to Section 4.1.6.

          1.2.50   "Price Ceiling of Energy" means the ceiling price of Energy
                   as stated in Exhibit B.

          1.2.51   "Price Floor of Energy" means the floor price of Energy as
                   stated in Exhibit B.

          1.2.52   "Provider of Last Resort (PLR)" has the meaning set forth in
                   the Recitals.

          1.2.53   "PUCN" means the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada and
                   any successor entity thereto.

          1.2.54   "Replacement Costs" means with respect to a period of time,
                   the difference between (a) the actual costs, including
                   without limitation related penalties and transmission costs,
                   incurred by Buyer to replace any shortfall between (1) the
                   Supply Amount and (2) the Delivered Amounts of Energy, (or in
                   the case of Ancillary Services the Supplier's schedule of
                   Ancillary Services) during such period and (b) the payments
                   the Supplier would have been entitled to in respect of such
                   shortfall in delivery; provided that Replacement Costs shall
                   also be subject to the annual true-up mechanism set forth in
                   Section 7.5.

          1.2.55   "Supply Amount" means, with respect to each Dispatch Hour,
                   the amount of Energy and Ancillary Services, not to exceed
                   the Asset Bundle Capacity for such Dispatch Hour, requested
                   by Buyer to be delivered by Supplier during any Dispatch
                   Hour. The Supply Amount for any Dispatch Hour shall be
                   determined pursuant to Section 5.1.


          1.2.56   "Total Amount of Energy Replaced" means the summation of
                   Replacement Energy as shown on Exhibit E.

          1.2.57   "TPPA Amount" means the amount paid by Buyer to Supplier in
                   consideration of this Agreement.

          1.2.58   "Transitional Resource Requirement" or "TRR" means the
                   Energy and loss compensation necessary for Buyer to meet its
                   obligations as a Provider of Last Resort (PLR) for Nevada and
                   under those wholesale sales agreements existing at the
                   Effective Date.

          1.2.59   "Transmission System" means the facilities owned, controlled,
                   or operated by Buyer, or its successors and assigns, that are
                   used to provide transmission service under the OATT.

          1.2.60   "WSCC" means the Western Systems Coordinating Council and any
                   successor entity thereto.

2.   TERM

     2.1  Term. Unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terms of this
          Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective
          Date and continue until the earlier of the effective date of an order
          by a Governmental Authority terminating Buyer's PLR responsibility, or
          March 1, 2003. Supplier shall provide service under this Agreement
          commencing on the first hour on the day after the Effective Date.

     2.2  Termination.

          2.2.1    Except pursuant to Sections 2.2.2 or 17.4, this Agreement may
                   not be terminated without the explicit prior written approval
                   of Buyer.

          2.2.2    If, prior to the Asset Sale Closing, the FERC or any other
                   Governmental Authority places conditions on or requires
                   revisions of this Agreement which have a material adverse
                   effect on Supplier or Buyer, the Parties agree to negotiate
                   in good faith amendments to the Agreement to preserve the
                   bargain between the Parties. If the Parties fail to negotiate
                   mutually acceptable amendments to this Agreement within sixty
                   (60) days of such action by the FERC or other Governmental
                   Authority, either Party may terminate the Agreement after
                   first notifying the other Party in writing at least ten (10)
                   Business Days prior to the termination date; provided that
                   neither Party may exercise a right of termination pursuant to
                   this Section 2.2.2 after the Asset Sale Closing.


          2.2.3    This Agreement may be terminated with the mutual agreement of
                   the Parties.

          2.2.4    Any termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 2
                   shall not take effect until FERC either authorizes the
                   termination or accepts a written notice of termination.

     2.3  Effect of Termination.

          2.3.1    Adjustment of TPPA Amount.  If the Effective Date of this
                   Agreement is before June 1, 2001, the TPPA Amount shall be
                   adjusted to equal (1) the TPPA Amount multiplied by (2) 100%
                   plus the sum of the monthly adjustments from Exhibit J for
                   each month or portion thereof between the Effective Date and
                   June 1, 2001. An example calculation is shown on Exhibit J.

                   If the Effective Date of this Agreement is after June 1,
                   2001, the TPPA Amount shall be adjusted to equal (1) the TPPA
                   Amount multiplied by (2) 100% minus the sum of the monthly
                   adjustments from Exhibit J for each month or portion thereof
                   between June 1, 2001 and the Effective Date. An example
                   calculation is shown on Exhibit J.

                   If this Agreement is terminated before March 1, 2003,
                   Supplier shall pay to Buyer an amount, in accordance with the
                   provisions of Section 7, equal to the TPPA Amount which
                   existed before any adjustment in accordance with the first or
                   second paragraph of this Section 2.3.1, multiplied by the sum
                   of the monthly adjustments for each month or portion thereof
                   between the date on which this Agreement is terminated and
                   March 1, 2003. An example calculation is shown on Exhibit J.

          2.3.2    Any default or termination of this Agreement shall not
                   release either Party from any applicable provisions of this
                   Agreement with respect to:

            The payment of liquidated damages pursuant to
                             Sections 4.2, 12, 17, 18, or 21.

            Indemnity obligations contained in Section 10, to
                             the extent of the statute of limitations period
                             applicable to any third party claim.


             Limitation of liability provisions contained in
                              Section 11.

             Payment of any unpaid amounts in respect of
                              obligations arising prior to or resulting from

             For a period of one (1) year after the termination
                              date, the right to raise a payment dispute and the
                              resolution thereof pursuant to Section 13.

             The resolution of any dispute submitted pursuant
                              to Section 13 prior to, or resulting from,


     3.1  Supplier Certification; Guarantee. As a condition of Buyer's execution
          of, and continuing compliance with, this Agreement, Supplier shall at
          Supplier's option comply with the provisions of either Section 3.1.1
          or Section 3.1.2.

          3.1.1    Supplier Certification.  Supplier shall (a) provide a
                   certificate from a duly authorized corporate officer of
                   Supplier certifying that, as of the Effective Date, Supplier
                   has a credit rating equal to or higher than the Minimum
                   Investment Grade Rating; or (b) post a letter of credit in a
                   form reasonably acceptable to Buyer in the amount of the
                   Credit Amount from a financial institution with each of: (i)
                   a credit rating of A2 or better from Moody's Investors
                   Service, Inc., (ii) a credit rating of A or better from
                   Standard & Poor's Corporation, and (iii) a Minimum Tangible
                   Net Worth ("MTNW") of one (1) billion dollars.

          3.1.2    Guarantee.  In the alternative to the provisions of Section
                   3.1.1, the Supplier may provide a corporate guarantee, in
                   form and substance as set forth in Exhibit H, made by an
                   entity (the "Guarantor") that:

             has a credit rating equal to or higher than the
                              Minimum Investment Grade Rating, together with a
                              certificate from a duly authorized corporate
                              officer of such Guarantor certifying that, as of
                              the Effective Date, such Guarantor has a credit
                              rating equal to or higher than the Minimum
                              Investment Grade Rating; or


             has a MTNW of no less than one (1) billion
                              dollars, together with a certificate from a duly
                              authorized corporate officer of such Guarantor
                              certifying that, as of the Effective Date, such
                              Guarantor has a MTNW of no less than one (1)
                              billion dollars; or

             posts a letter of credit in a form reasonably
                              acceptable to Buyer in the amount of the Credit
                              Amount from a financial institution with each of:
                              (i) a credit rating of A2 or better from Moody's
                              Investors Service, Inc., (ii) a credit rating of A
                              or better from Standard & Poor's Corporation, and
                              (iii) a Minimum Tangible Net Worth ("MTNW") of one
                              (1) billion dollars.

     3.2  Compliance.

          3.2.1    Reporting.  If at any time during the term of this Agreement,
                   Standard & Poor's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service,
                   Inc. or another nationally recognized firm downgrades the
                   credit rating of Supplier, the Guarantor, or the financial
                   institution that issued the letter of credit, as applicable,
                   then Supplier shall provide Buyer with written notice of such
                   change of circumstance within two (2) Business Days of any
                   such change. In the event such a downgrade also constitutes
                   an Event of Default pursuant to Section 17, the requirements
                   of this Section 3.2.1 are in addition to, and not in lieu of,
                   the requirements of Section 17.


     4.1  Obligations of the Parties.

          4.1.1    Supply Amount.  Supplier shall be required to provide the
                   Supply Amount in any Dispatch Hour. As provided in Section
                   5.1, Buyer shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the
                   Supply Amount is no greater than necessary to satisfy Buyer's

             With the Buyer's prior consent, not to be
                              unreasonably withheld or delayed, Supplier shall
                              be entitled to generate or otherwise procure the
                              Supply Amount from sources other than the Asset

             Supplier shall deliver the Supply Amount to Buyer
                              during the Dispatch Hour on a continuous


                              basis at the Point(s) of Delivery and shall
                              schedule the Supply Amount in accordance with the
                              applicable OATT.

             The Buyer at its sole discretion shall designate
                              the allocation of the Supply Amount between Energy
                              and Ancillary Services in accordance with the
                              notification provisions of Section 5.

                      The Parties recognize that the Asset
                                         Bundle also is subject to the
                                         contractual and operating constraints
                                         set forth in Exhibit M.

          4.1.2    Minimum Annual Energy Take.  The Buyer shall accept a minimum
                   annual energy take during each Contract Year. The Minimum
                   Annual Energy Take shall be set forth on Exhibit A.

             Buyer's Obligation to Take.  If Buyer is unwilling
                              to accept the Minimum Annual Energy Take for any
                              Contract Year, as may be adjusted pursuant to
                              Section, the difference (in MWh) between
                              the Supply Amount of Energy (including
                              consideration for Energy that would have been
                              taken but was unavailable due to Permitted
                              Deratings or Force Majeure, as well as the Total
                              Amount of Energy Replaced) and the Minimum Annual
                              Energy Take shall be billed at the Price Ceiling
                              of Energy less the Price Floor of Energy. An
                              example of the monthly determination of the amount
                              of Energy to be credited against the Minimum
                              Annual Energy Take is shown on Exhibit L.

             Adjustments to Minimum Annual Energy Take.  Buyer
                              shall have the right to reduce the Minimum Annual
                              Energy Take if the number of customers taking
                              electric service from Buyer falls below the number
                              of customers on December 31, 2000./1/1/
                              Adjustments will be applicable, on a pro rata
                              basis, on the first (1/st/) day of the month
                              immediately following Supplier's

/1/ If the retail markets are opened to competition prior to December 31, 2000,
the date immediately preceding the date on which the markets are opened will be
substituted for December 31, 2000.


                              receipt of Buyer's notice of adjustment. Buyer
                              shall provide supporting data in reasonable detail
                              to support its calculations. An example of the
                              calculation of a revised Minimum Annual Energy
                              Take is shown on Exhibit K.

          4.1.3    Supplier Rights to Output.  Supplier may sell to others any
                   portion of the Asset Bundle Capacity in excess of the Supply

          4.1.4    Point(s) of Delivery.  Supplier shall deliver, and Buyer
                   shall take delivery of, the Supply Amount of Energy at the
                   Point(s) of Delivery. Subject to Section, Supplier
                   shall be responsible for all costs associated with delivery
                   of the Supply Amount of Energy to the Point(s) of Delivery.

          4.1.5    Alternative Points of Delivery.  For any Dispatch Hour,
                   either Party may designate one or more alternative Points of
                   Delivery, subject to the other Party's prior approval and
                   consistent with the OATT, such approval not to be
                   unreasonably withheld or delayed.

             If Supplier has designated an alternative Point of
                              Delivery, Supplier shall be responsible for all
                              costs of delivery to such alternative Point of

             If Buyer has designated an alternative Point of
                              Delivery, Buyer shall be responsible for all costs
                              of delivery to such alternative Point of Delivery.

          4.1.6    Fuel.  Buyer shall have no responsibility for any fuel
                   procurement or fuel transportation costs or activities
                   associated with the Asset Bundle during the term of this

          4.1.7    Resale.  Except as provided in the next sentence, the Supply
                   Amount may be resold by Buyer only as necessary to satisfy
                   Buyer's TRR. If, after submitting the request of the Supply
                   Amount pursuant to Section 5.1, the Buyer determines that the
                   scheduled Supply Amount, together with purchases scheduled
                   under Buyer's other Transitional Power Purchase Agreements,
                   exceeds Buyer's most-current projected TRR, then the Buyer
                   also shall resell at wholesale that amount of Energy in
                   excess of Buyer's actual TRR as necessary to balance its load
                   and resources.

          4.1.8    Right to Review.  Buyer and Supplier each shall have the
                   right to review during normal business hours the relevant


                   books and records of the other Party to confirm the accuracy
                   of such as it pertains to transactions under this Agreement.
                   The review shall be consistent with standard business
                   practices and shall follow reasonable notice to the other
                   Party. Reasonable notice for a review of the previous month's
                   records shall be at least a twenty-four (24) hour period from
                   a Business Day to a subsequent Business Day. If a review is
                   requested of other than the previous month's records, then
                   notice of that request shall be provided with a minimum of
                   seven (7) calendar days written notice by the requesting
                   Party. The notice shall specify the period to be covered by
                   the review. The Party providing records can make reasonable
                   requests that the receiving Party keep the records
                   confidential, and the receiving Party shall take reasonable
                   steps to accommodate such requests.

     4.2  Liquidated Damages.

          4.2.1    If the Delivered Amount of Energy is less than the Supply
                   Amount of Energy in any Dispatch Hour during a month, and
                   Replacement Costs computed in respect of such month are
                   greater than zero, then Supplier shall reimburse Buyer for
                   such Replacement Costs. If Supplier's schedule of Ancillary
                   Services is less than the Supply Amount of Ancillary Services
                   in any Dispatch Hour during a month, Supplier shall reimburse
                   Buyer for such Replacement Costs for the difference between
                   Supplier's schedule and the Supply Amount of Ancillary
                   Services. An example of the methodology used to calculate
                   Replacement Costs is provided in Exhibit D.

          4.2.2    Supplier also shall be responsible for any costs incurred by
                   Buyer associated with Supplier's violation of reliability
                   criteria (including but not limited to imbalance costs or
                   penalties), due to a deviation between the Supply Amount and
                   Delivered Amount.

          4.2.3    The Parties recognize and agree that the payment of such
                   amounts by Supplier pursuant to this Section 4.2 is an
                   appropriate remedy in the event of such a failure and that
                   any such payment does not constitute a forfeiture or penalty
                   of any kind, but rather constitutes actual costs to Buyer
                   under the terms of this Agreement.

     4.3  Supplier Operating Representative.  Supplier shall provide and
          maintain a twenty-four (24) hour seven (7) day per week communication
          link with Buyer's control center and with Buyer's schedulers.
          Supplier's Operating Representatives shall be available to address and


          make decisions on all operational matters under this Agreement on a
          twenty-four (24) hour seven (7) day per week basis.


     5.1  Scheduling Notification. Buyer shall provide Supplier with a request
          of the Supply Amount no later than twenty-four (24) hours before day-
          ahead bids must be submitted to the CALPX. Buyer shall make reasonable
          efforts to ensure that the day-ahead request of the Supply Amount is
          no greater than that amount then projected to be necessary to satisfy
          Buyer's TRR. In addition, for each supply amount request, the change
          in the Supply Amount from one (1) hour to the next hour shall be no
          greater than the ramping capability of the units within the Asset
          Bundle as shown in Exhibit A and the minimum load and the number of
          daily start-ups shall not exceed the amount shown in Exhibit M.

     5.2  Availability Notification.

          5.2.1   No later than 5:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) of each day, Supplier
                  shall deliver to Buyer an Availability Notice in the form set
                  forth in Exhibit G.

          5.2.2   Availability Notices shall provide, for the ninety-six (96)
                  hour period starting at 6:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) that day,
                  Supplier's hourly projection of the unavailability or derating
                  ("Derating") of the Asset Bundle compared to the Asset Bundle
                  Capacity figures stated for each unit in Exhibit A. Each
                  Availability Notice also shall contain, as applicable:

                  (a)   the units which are subject to a Derating;
                  (b)   the magnitude of the Derating;
                  (c)   the hours during which the Derating is expected to
                  (d)   the cause of the Derating;
                  (e)   the extent, if any, to which the Derating is
                        attributable to
                        a Permitted Derating;
                  (f)   the projected Asset Bundle Capacity for each unit during
                        the period covered by the Availability Notice, pursuant
                        to Section 5.2.4 below; and
                  (g)   in the first Availability Notice to be provided for each
                        calendar month, the current amount of water stored in
                        the Asset Bundle treated water storage tank.

          5.2.3   If and to the extent a Derating is the result of one or more
                  of the following causes, it shall be a Permitted Derating:

                  (a)   approved planned outages pursuant to Section 21;


                  (b)   response to an Emergency Condition as described in
                        Section 20;
                  (c)   subject to the limitations expressed in Section 12.5, a
                        Force Majeure event; or
                  (d)   unavailability of water supply to Supplier for use at
                        the Asset Bundle for the operation of the combustion
                        turbine evaporator cooler and, in the event Asset Bundle
                        must be operated using distillate oil for reasons only
                        involving the physical inability to have natural gas
                        delivered to the Asset Bundle, also for use in the
                        operation of the Asset Bundle's combustion turbine
                        emissions control water injectors;
                        (i)   provided that, a Permitted Derating due to such
                              unavailability of water supply shall (A) only be
                              allowed to the extent that inoperation of such
                              evaporator cooler, and if applicable in the
                              operation of such emissions control water
                              injectors, would actually reduce Asset Bundle
                              Capacity during the affected time period and (B)
                              not be due to Supplier's (x) failure to maintain a
                              permit to treat and use 30 acre feet of water,
                              treated water or effluent per year, or (y) sales
                              to parties other than Buyer, provided that (1)
                              Supplier has received its necessary water
                              entitlements pursuant to the Water Supply
                              Agreement (as defined in the Asset Sale
                              Agreement), or deliveries pursuant to Section
                              5.2.3(d)(ii)(B), (2) Supplier has not terminated
                              such Water Supply Agreement and is not in, or
                              alleged to be in, breach or default of such Water
                              Supply Agreement, and (3) Supplier has not
                              otherwise arranged to procure other water
                              resources for this facility.

                        (ii)  provided further that,
                              (A)  Supplier shall maintain the amount of water
                                   in the Asset Bundle treated water storage
                                   tank consistent with Good Utility Practice,
                              (B)  Buyer, in its sole discretion, shall have the
                                   option to augment such water supply with
                                   quality and price no less favorable to
                                   Supplier than that provided for in the Water
                                   Supply Agreement between Supplier and the
                                   owner of the Clark Asset Bundle (as defined
                                   in the Asset Sale Agreement) to allow for the
                                   operation of such


                                   evaporative cooler, and if applicable the
                                   operation of such emmissions contol water
                                   injectors, to increase the otherwise then-
                                   available Asset Bundle Capacity, and
                              (C)  notwithstanding subsection 5.2.3(d)(ii)(B)
                                   above, Supplier shall pay for the costs of
                                   augmenting such water supply to the extent
                                   that the lack of water supply is caused by
                                   Supplier's (x) sales to parties other than
                                   Buyer or (y) failure to maintain either the
                                   amount of water in the Asset Bundle treated
                                   water storage tank or the failure to maintain
                                   a permit to receive and use water, treated
                                   water or effluent, each in accordance with
                                   this section.

          5.2.4  In respect of any Dispatch Hour, the Asset Bundle Capacity of
                 each unit shall be the Asset Bundle Capacity figure stated in
                 Exhibit A minus any Permitted Derating applicable during such

          5.2.5  Neither the Asset Bundle Capacity nor the Supply Amount shall
                 be reduced by Deratings which are not Permitted Deratings.
                 Supplier shall be responsible for all Replacement Costs,
                 pursuant to Section 4.2.1, caused by Deratings that are not
                 Permitted Deratings.


     6.1  Overview.  The price of Energy paid by Buyer to Supplier shall be
          based upon a designated hourly market price, subject to monthly floor,
          monthly ceiling, and annual true-up provisions.  The Price Floor of
          Energy will ensure that Supplier will receive an average price for
          Energy for each month which is not less than the price stated in
          Exhibit B.  The Price Ceiling of Energy provision provides that the
          average price of Energy paid to Supplier each month and for each year
          shall not exceed the price stated in Exhibit B.

     6.2  Price of Energy.

          6.2.1  Market Price of Energy.  In respect of any Dispatch Hour, the
                 designated Market Price of Energy shall be the South of Path
                 15 ("SP 15") hourly market-clearing price in the day-ahead
                 market from the CALPX as published at the following Web Site
                 (or its successor web site)
                 Should this hourly market in the day-


                  market not exist for the entire term, the Parties shall agree
                  upon a similar market price index.

          6.2.2   Price Floor of Energy.  The Price Floor of Energy is stated in
                  Exhibit B and shall not change during the term of this

          6.2.3   Price Ceiling of Energy.  The Price Ceiling of Energy is
                  stated in Exhibit B and shall not change during the term of
                  this Agreement.

     6.3  Pricing of Ancillary Services. The price of the capacity component of
          Ancillary Services is stated in Exhibit B. The price of Ancillary
          Services shall not change during the term of the Agreement. Supplier
          shall make available to Buyer and Buyer shall offer to pass through
          the Energy portion of Ancillary Services with respect to the Supply
          Amount to the ISA, or Control Area Operator, at the Price Ceiling of
          Energy (plus expected direct transaction costs). The net proceeds
          shall be credited to the Supplier pursuant to Section 7.

     6.4  Price Revisions. The Parties waive any and all rights to seek to
          revise the provisions of this Agreement, including the prices stated,
          pursuant to Sections 205 and/or 206 of the Federal Power Act.


     7.1  Invoicing and Payment. On or before the tenth (10/th/) day of each
          month, Supplier shall send to Buyer an invoice setting forth the
          Supply Amount, Delivered Amount, the Market Price of Energy pursuant
          to Section 6.2.1 for each Dispatch Hour in the previous month, any
          amount due in accordance with Section 7.13 and the total due from
          Buyer. The invoice shall be calculated based upon data available to
          Supplier and shall be in accordance with this Section 7 and Exhibit C.
          Buyer shall promptly notify Supplier if Buyer in good faith disputes
          any portion of the invoice, stating in reasonable detail the reason
          for the dispute.

     7.2  Monthly Invoice Calculation. On each monthly invoice, Supplier shall
          calculate the following amounts:

          7.2.1   The Delivered Amount in respect of each Dispatch Hour
                  multiplied by the corresponding Market Price of Energy
                  pursuant to Section 6.2.1, summed over the billing period;

          7.2.2   Sum of the Delivered Amounts in respect of all Dispatch Hours
                  of the billing period multiplied by the Price Ceiling of


          7.2.3   Sum of the Delivered Amounts in respect of all Dispatch Hours
                  of the billing period multiplied by the Price Floor of Energy;

          7.2.4   For each Dispatch Hour of the billing period, the shortfall,
                  if any, between the Supply Amount and the Delivered Amount
                  (and in the case of Ancillary Services the shortfall between
                  the Supply Amount of Ancillary Services and Supplier's
                  schedule of Ancillary Services);

          7.2.5   The Supply Amount of Ancillary Services for each dispatch hour
                  multiplied by the price of Ancillary Services as stated in
                  Exhibit B; and

          7.2.6   The Delivered Amount of Energy related to Ancillary Services
                  for each dispatch hour multiplied by the Price Ceiling of
                  Energy as stated in Exhibit B.

          7.2.7   If applicable, any amount to be calculated in accordance with
                  Section 7.13.

     7.3  Supplier's Invoice. Supplier will invoice the lesser of the amounts
          calculated in Sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, provided that if the amount
          calculated in Section 7.2.1 is less than the amount calculated in
          Section 7.2.3, Supplier shall invoice Buyer the amount calculated in
          Section 7.2.3. Supplier shall also include in its invoice the amounts
          calculated in Sections 7.2.5, 7.2.6 and 7.2.7. If the Delivered Amount
          exceeds the Supply Amount, Buyer shall not be obligated to pay for the
          excess amount. Buyer shall pay Supplier for the amounts invoiced
          pursuant to Section 7.2.6 upon Buyer's receipt of payment from ISA or
          Control Area Operator. Examples of this monthly invoice calculation
          (and annual true-up process) are contained in Exhibit C.

     7.4  Buyer's Invoice. In the event any shortfall occurs pursuant to Section
          7.2.4 or payment is due to Buyer pursuant to Section 7.13, Buyer shall
          within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of Supplier's invoice deliver
          to Supplier a Buyer's invoice detailing any Replacement Costs or other
          payment due. Buyer shall provide supporting data in reasonable detail
          to support its calculations of Replacement Costs. Supplier shall
          promptly notify Buyer if Supplier in good faith disputes any portion
          of the invoice, stating in reasonable detail the reason for the
          dispute. If the Buyer's invoice results in an amount due from Supplier
          to Buyer, Buyer may offset such amount from its payment of Supplier's
          corresponding invoice.

          Buyer shall have the right to adjust the invoices issued in accordance
          with this Section 7.4 if Buyer incurs Replacement Costs that were not


          known when earlier invoices were issued.  Adjusted invoices shall be
          issued within thirty (30) days of the date on which the additional
          Replacement Costs become known.  Buyer shall provide supporting data
          in reasonable detail to support its calculations of Replacement Costs.
          Supplier shall promptly notify Buyer if Supplier in good faith
          disputes any portion of the invoice, stating in reasonable detail the
          reason for the dispute.  If the Buyer's adjusted invoice results in an
          amount due from Supplier to Buyer, Buyer may offset such amount from
          its payment of Supplier's corresponding invoice.

     7.5  Annual True-Up Mechanism for Energy.

          7.5.1   The annual true-up mechanism will provide adjustments among
                  the Parties with respect to each Contract Year in the
                  following scenarios:

                  (a)  If (i) the Price Ceiling of Energy multiplied by the
                       hourly Delivered Amount of Energy summed over the
                       Contract Year is less than or equal to (ii) the Market
                       Price of Energy for each hour pursuant to Section 6.2.1
                       multiplied by the Delivered Amount of Energy for each
                       hour during the Contract Year, Supplier shall subtract
                       (x) the amount invoiced by Supplier for Energy pursuant
                       to Section 7.3 summed of over the Contract Year from (y)
                       the Price Ceiling of Energy multiplied by the hourly
                       Delivered Amount of Energy summed over the Contract Year.
                       If the difference calculated in accordance with the
                       preceding sentence is greater than or equal to zero,
                       Buyer shall pay the difference to Supplier. If the
                       difference is less than zero, Supplier shall refund the
                       difference to Buyer.

                  (b)  If (i) the Price Ceiling of Energy multiplied by the
                       hourly Delivered Amount of Energy summed over the
                       Contract Year is greater than or equal to (ii) the Market
                       Price of Energy for each hour pursuant to Section 6.2.1
                       multiplied by the Delivered Amount of Energy for each
                       hour during the Contract Year, Supplier shall subtract
                       (x) the amount invoiced by Supplier for Energy pursuant
                       to Section 7.3 summed of over the Contract Year from (y)
                       the Market Price of Energy multiplied by the hourly
                       Delivered Amount of Energy summed over the Contract Year.
                       If the difference calculated in accordance with the
                       preceding sentence is greater than or equal to zero,
                       Buyer shall pay the difference to Supplier. If the
                       difference is less than zero, Supplier shall refund the
                       difference to Buyer.


                  (c)  If Buyer incurred Replacement Costs for energy during the
                       Contract Year, Supplier shall multiply the Total Amount
                       of Energy Replaced during the Contract Year by the
                       Average Cost of Delivered Energy after true-up as
                       determined in accordance with Section 7.5.1 (a) or 7.5.1
                       (b). If the amount so obtained is greater than the sum of
                       the monthly Gross Replacement Costs of Energy from
                       Buyer's Invoices for the Contract Year, the Adjusted
                       Replacement Cost of Energy for the Contract Year shall be
                       zero. If the amount so obtained is less than the sum of
                       the monthly Gross Replacement Costs of Energy from
                       Buyer's Invoices for the Contract Year, the Adjusted
                       Replacement Cost of Energy for the Contract Year shall be
                       the sum of the monthly Gross Replacement Costs of Energy
                       less the amount obtained in accordance with the first
                       sentence of this Section 7.5.1(c).

                       If the Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy is greater
                       than the sum of the monthly Invoiced Replacement Costs of
                       Energy from Buyer's Invoices for the Contract Year,
                       Supplier shall pay the difference to Buyer. If the sum of
                       the monthly Invoiced Replacement costs of Energy is
                       greater than the Adjusted Replacement Cost of Energy,
                       Buyer shall pay the difference to Seller.

          7.5.2   True-up adjustments will be calculated by Supplier within
                  twenty (20) days after each Contract Year. Examples of the
                  true-up calculations and invoice form are set forth in Exhibit
                  E. Interest shall be calculated pursuant to 18 CFR Section
                  35.19a and shall be included in the true-up invoice. Invoices
                  for true-up adjustments shall be submitted by Supplier within
                  thirty (30) days after the end of the Contract Year. Payments
                  for such invoices shall be due from Buyer thirty (30) days
                  from receipt of the true-up invoice.

     7.6  Invoice Disagreements. Should there be a good faith dispute over any
          invoice, the Parties shall promptly seek resolution pursuant to
          Section 13. Pending resolution of the invoice dispute, payment shall
          be made or offsets or credits taken, as applicable, based upon the
          undisputed portion of the invoice.

     7.7  Adjustments. Upon resolution of the dispute, the prevailing Party
          shall be entitled to receive the disputed amount, as finally
          determined to be payable along with interest (calculated pursuant to
          18 C.F.R. (S) 35.19a through the date of payment. No invoice (or
          payment covered thereby) shall be subject to adjustment unless notice


          request for adjustment is given within one (1) year of the date
          payment thereunder was due.

     7.8  Method of Payment. Subject to Sections 7.3, 7.6 and 7.7, Buyer shall
          remit all amounts due by wire or electronic fund transfer, pursuant to
          Supplier's invoice instructions, no later than thirty (30) days after
          receipt of the invoice.

     7.9  Overdue Payments.  Overdue payments shall bear interest from and
          including, the due date to the date of payment on the unpaid portion
          calculated pursuant to 18 C.F.R. (S) 35.19a.

     7.10 Buyer Right to Offset.  Buyer shall have the right to offset any
          amounts Supplier owes to Buyer, including Replacement Costs (except
          for such amounts disputed in good faith by Supplier), against the
          amounts owed by Buyer to Supplier.

     7.11 Taxes. Each Party shall pay ad valorem and other taxes attributed to
          its facilities and services provided. Supplier shall not include any
          taxes of any kind in its invoices to Buyer. The prices of Energy and
          Ancillary Services shall not change during the term of this Agreement
          as a result of any changes in local, state or federal taxes, fees or

     7.12 Late Invoices. If either Party submits an invoice outside of the time
          deadlines set forth herein, that Party shall not forfeit its rights to
          collect the amounts due thereunder, provided that such invoice is no
          more than six (6) months late, and provided that changes to invoices
          remain subject to the deadline in Section 7.7

     7.13 Termination Prior to March 1, 2003. Notwithstanding any other
          provision herein, in the event that this Agreement is terminated
          before March 1, 2003 and as a result of such termination Buyer is
          entitled to a payment in accordance with Section 2.3.1, Supplier shall
          include an amount calculated in accordance with Section 2.3.1 and
          Exhibit J, to be paid by Supplier to Buyer in the next monthly invoice
          submitted to Buyer following such termination.


     8.1  This Agreement will be filed with the FERC and any other appropriate
          regulatory agencies by the appropriate Party as may be required.



     9.1  Each Party shall comply with all relevant Laws and shall, at its sole
          expense, maintain in full force and effect all relevant permits,
          authorizations, licenses, and other authorizations material to the
          maintenance of facilities and the performance of obligations under
          this Agreement.

     9.2  Each Party and its representatives shall comply with all relevant
          requirements of any authorized Control Area Operator, ISA, and/or EDU
          to ensure the safety of its employees and the public, and to ensure
          electric system reliability and integrity, material to the performance
          of this Agreement.

     9.3  Buyer and Supplier shall perform or cause to be performed, their
          obligations under this Agreement in all material respects in
          accordance with Good Utility Practices.


     10.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, a Party to this Agreement
          ("the Indemnifying Party") shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless
          the other Party, its parent, affiliates, and successors and agents
          (each an "Indemnified Party") from and against any and all claims,
          demands, suits, obligations, payments, liabilities, costs, judgments,
          damages, losses or expenses asserted by third parties against an
          Indemnified Party and arising out of, relating to, or resulting from
          the Indemnifying Party's breach of, or the negligent performance of
          its obligations under this Agreement.

          10.1.1  Such indemnity shall also extend to actual courts costs,
                  attorneys' fees, expenses and other liabilities incurred in
                  the defense of any claim, action or proceeding, including
                  negotiation, settlement, defense and appeals, to which this
                  indemnification obligation applies. In furtherance of the
                  foregoing indemnification and not by way of limitation
                  thereof, the Indemnifying Party hereby waives any defense it
                  otherwise might have against the Indemnified Party under
                  applicable workers' compensation laws.

          10.1.2  In claims against any Indemnified Party by an agent of the
                  Indemnifying Party, or anyone directly or indirectly employed
                  by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the
                  indemnification obligation under this Section 10 shall not be
                  limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages,
                  compensation or benefits payable by or for the Indemnifying
                  Party or a subcontractor under workers' or workmen's
                  compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee
                  benefit acts.


          10.1.3  Such indemnity shall also extend to all costs and expenses
                  incurred by the Indemnified Party in any action or proceeding
                  to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, but only if and
                  to the extent the Indemnified Party prevails in such action or

     10.2 No Negation of Existing Indemnities; Survival. Each Party's indemnity
          obligations hereunder shall not be construed to negate, abridge or
          reduce other rights or obligations or indemnity which would otherwise
          exist at law or equity. The obligations contained herein shall survive
          any termination, cancellation, or suspension of this Agreement to the
          extent that any third party claim is commenced during the applicable
          statute of limitations period.

     10.3 Indemnification Procedures.

          10.3.1  Any Party seeking indemnification under this Agreement shall
                  give the other Party notice of such claim promptly but in any
                  event on or before thirty (30) days after the Party's actual
                  knowledge of such claim or action. Such notice shall describe
                  the claim in reasonable detail, and shall indicate the amount
                  (estimated if necessary) of the claim that has been, or may be
                  sustained by, said Party. To the extent that the other Party
                  will have been actually and materially prejudiced as a result
                  of the failure to provide such notice, such notice will be a
                  condition precedent to any liability of the other Party under
                  the provisions for indemnification contained in this

          10.3.2  In any action or proceeding brought against an Indemnified
                  Party by reason of any claim indemnifiable hereunder, the
                  Indemnifying Party may, at its sole option, elect to assume
                  the defense at the Indemnifying Party's expense, and shall
                  have the right to control the defense thereof and to determine
                  the settlement or compromise of any such action or proceeding.
                  Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Indemnified Party shall in
                  all cases be entitled to control its defense in any action if

                  (i)    may result in injunctions or other equitable remedies
                         in respect of the Indemnified Party which would affect
                         its business or operations in any materially adverse

                  (ii)   may result in material liabilities which may not be
                         fully indemnified hereunder; or


                  (iii)  may have a significant adverse impact on the business
                         or the financial condition of the Indemnified Party
                         (including a material adverse effect on the tax
                         liabilities, earnings or ongoing business relationships
                         of the Indemnified Party) even if the Indemnifying
                         Party pays all indemnification amounts in full.

          10.3.3  Subject to Section 10.3.2, neither Party may settle or
                  compromise any claim for which indemnification is sought under
                  this Agreement without the prior consent of the other Party;
                  provided, however, said consent shall not be unreasonably
                  withheld or delayed.


     11.1 Responsibility for Damages: Except as otherwise provided herein or to
          the extent of the other Party's negligence or willful misconduct, each
          Party shall be responsible for all physical damage to or destruction
          of the property, equipment and/or facilities owned by it and its
          affiliates and any physical injury or death to natural Persons
          resulting therefrom, regardless of who brings the claim and regardless
          of who caused the damage, and shall not seek recovery or reimbursement
          from the other Party for such damage; provided, that in any such case
          the Parties will exercise Due Diligence to remove the cause of any
          disability at the earliest practicable time.

     11.2 No Consequential Damages: To the fullest extent permitted by law and
          notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement, in no event shall
          a Party, or any of its Agents, be liable to the other Party, whether
          in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability, or
          otherwise, for special, indirect, incidental, multiple, consequential
          (including but not limited to lost profits or revenues and lost
          business opportunities), or punitive damages related to or resulting
          from performance or nonperformance of this Agreement or any activity
          associated with or arising out of this Agreement. For purposes of
          clarification, Replacement Costs shall not be considered consequential
          or incidental damages under this Section 11.2. In addition, this
          limitation on liability shall not apply with respect to claims
          pursuant to Section 10 hereof.

     11.3 Survival: The provisions of this Section 11 shall survive any
          termination, cancellation, or suspension of this Agreement.


     12.1 An event of "Force Majeure" shall be defined as any interruption or
          failure of service or deficiency in the quality or quantity of service
          or any other failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder to
          the extent such failure occurs without fault or negligence on the part


          that Party and is caused by factors beyond that Party's reasonable
          control, which by the exercise of reasonable diligence that Party is
          unable to prevent, avoid, mitigate or overcome, including:

          (i)    acts of God or the public enemy, such as storms, flood,
                 lightning, and earthquakes,

          (ii)   failure, threat of failure, or unscheduled withdrawal of
                 facilities from operation for maintenance or repair, and
                 including unscheduled transmission and distribution outages,

          (iii)  sabotage of facilities and equipment,

          (iv)   civil disturbance,

          (v)    strike or labor dispute,

          (vi)   action or inaction of a court or public authority, or

          (vii)  any other cause of similar nature beyond the reasonable control
                 of that Party.

     12.2 Economic hardship of either Party shall not constitute Force Majeure
          under this Agreement. Notwithstanding this, if Buyer suffers an event
          of Force Majeure it shall be relieved of its obligation to take
          delivery of, or otherwise pay for, Energy and Ancillary Services under
          this Agreement for the duration of the event of Force Majeure. In
          addition, if Buyer is unable to have Energy and Ancillary Services
          delivered from the Point(s) of Delivery to its service territory due
          to transmission outages, that shall be considered a Force Majeure
          event and shall relieve Buyer of performance for the extent of the

     12.3 In the event of a Force Majeure, neither Party shall be considered in
          default under this Agreement or responsible to the other Party in
          tort, strict liability, contract or other legal theory for damages of
          any description, and affected performance obligations shall be
          extended by a period equal to the term of the resultant delay, but in
          no event shall exceed the term of the Agreement, provided that the
          Party relying on a claim of Force Majeure:

          (i)    provides prompt written notice of such Force Majeure event to
                 the other Party, giving an estimate of its expected duration
                 and the probable impact on the performance of its obligations

          (ii)   exercises all reasonable efforts to continue to perform its
                 obligations under this Agreement;


          (iii)  expeditiously takes action to correct or cure the event or
                 condition excusing performance so that the suspension of
                 performance is no greater in scope and no longer in duration
                 than is dictated by the problem; provided, however, that
                 settlement of strikes or other labor disputes will be
                 completely within the sole discretion of the Party affected by
                 such strike or labor dispute;

          (iv)   exercises all reasonable efforts to mitigate or limit damages
                 to the other Party; and

          (v)    provides prompt notice to the other Party of the cessation of
                 the event or condition giving rise to its excuse from

     12.4 Notwithstanding the above provisions, a Force Majeure event shall
          excuse Supplier from its obligation to deliver the Supply Amount
          pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement only for the first twenty-four
          (24) hours of the Force Majeure event, provided that the total amount
          of energy excused in accordance with this Section 12.4 during any
          Contract Year shall not exceed the Limit on Excused Energy set forth
          in Exhibit A. After such twenty-four (24) hour period, Supplier must
          either deliver the Supply Amount at the Point(s) of Delivery or pay
          liquidated damages pursuant to Section 4.2 of this Agreement.

     12.5 If Supplier has notified Buyer of an event of Force Majeure, and if
          Supplier so requests, Buyer will attempt to replace the Supply Amount
          that is not excused in accordance with Section 12.4 with Energy or
          Ancillary Services from another Asset Bundle. However, Buyer's
          inability to acquire such replacement Energy or Ancillary Services
          shall not excuse Supplier from Supplier's obligation to deliver the
          Supply Amount not otherwise excused in accordance with Section 12.4


     13.1 Any action, claim or dispute which either Party may have against the
          other arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the transactions
          contemplated hereunder, or the breach, termination or validity thereof
          (any such claim or dispute, a "Dispute") shall be submitted in writing
          to the other Party. The written submission of any Dispute shall
          include a concise statement of the question or issue in dispute
          together with a statement listing the relevant facts and documentation
          that support the claim.

     13.2 The Parties agree to cooperate in good faith to expedite the
          resolution of any Dispute. Pending resolution of a Dispute, the
          Parties shall


          proceed diligently with the performance of their obligations under
          this Agreement.

     13.3 The Parties shall first attempt in good faith to resolve any Dispute
          through informal negotiations by the Contract Representatives. In the
          event that the Contract Representatives are unable to satisfactorily
          resolve the Dispute within thirty (30) days from the receipt of notice
          of the Dispute, either Party may by written notice to the other Party
          refer the Dispute to its respective senior management for resolution
          as promptly as practicable. If the Parties' senior management are
          unable to resolve the Dispute within forty-five (45) days from the
          date of such referral, thereafter the Parties may agree in writing to
          extend the time period of such senior management negotiations. In the
          event the Parties' senior management do not resolve the dispute within
          the prescribed or extended time period, either Party may initiate
          arbitration through the serving and filing of a demand for arbitration
          and the Parties expressly agree that arbitration in accordance with
          this Section 13 shall be the exclusive means to further resolve any
          Dispute and hereby irrevocably waive their right to a jury trial with
          respect to any Dispute, provided that at any time:

          13.3.1    A request made by a Party for provisional remedies
                    requesting preservation of the Parties' respective rights
                    and obligations under the Agreement may be resolved by a
                    court of law located in the County of the principal place of
                    business of Buyer.

          13.3.2    Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude, or be construed to
                    preclude, any Party from filing a petition or complaint with
                    the FERC or PUCN with respect to any arbitrable Dispute over
                    which said agency has jurisdiction. In such case, the other
                    Party may request the FERC or PUCN, as applicable, to reject
                    or to waive jurisdiction. If jurisdiction is rejected or
                    waived with respect to all or a portion of the Dispute, the
                    portion of the Dispute not so accepted by the FERC or PUCN,
                    as applicable, shall be resolved through arbitration in
                    accordance with this Agreement. To the extent that the FERC
                    or PUCN, as applicable, asserts or accepts jurisdiction over
                    the Dispute, the decision, finding of fact or order of FERC
                    shall be final and binding, subject to judicial review under
                    the Federal Power Act or Nevada Revised Statutes and subject
                    to the provisions of Section 2.2.2. Any arbitration
                    proceedings that may have commenced with respect to the
                    Dispute prior to the assertion or acceptance of jurisdiction
                    by the FERC or PUCN, as applicable, shall be terminated to
                    the extent the FERC or PUCN accepts or asserts jurisdiction
                    over such Dispute.


     13.4 Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, any arbitration initiated
          under this Agreement shall be conducted in accordance with the

          13.4.1    Arbitrations shall be held within the County of the
                    principal place of business of Buyer.

          13.4.2    Except as otherwise modified herein, the arbitration shall
                    be conducted in accordance with the "Commercial Arbitration
                    Rules" of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") then
                    in effect.

          13.4.3    Arbitration shall be conducted by one neutral arbitrator who
                    shall be selected pursuant to the AAA rules and the

            The Parties agree that the list of potential
                              arbitrators provided by the AAA shall, if
                              available, contain twenty (20) candidates, and at
                              least fifty percent (50%) of the candidates shall
                              be members of the AAA National Energy Panel.

            The Parties also agree that each shall be allowed
                              to strike the names of five candidates before
                              ranking the remaining candidates and returning the
                              list to the AAA in accordance with the Commercial
                              Arbitration Rules. If the Parties are unable to
                              agree on an arbitrator, such arbitrator shall be
                              appointed by the AAA.

            The arbitrator shall not have any current or past
                              substantial business, financial, or personal
                              relationships with either Party (or their
                              Affiliates) and shall not be a vendor, supplier,
                              customer, employee, consultant, or competitor to
                              either of the Parties or their Affiliates.

            The arbitrator shall be authorized only to
                              interpret and apply the provisions of this
                              Agreement or any related agreements entered into
                              under this Agreement and shall have no power to
                              modify or change any provision of this Agreement.
                              The arbitrator shall have no authority to award
                              punitive or multiple damages or any damages
                              inconsistent with this Agreement. The arbitrator
                              shall within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of
                              the hearing, unless such time is extended by
                              agreement of the Parties, notify the Parties in
                              writing of his or her decision, stating his or her


                              reasons for such decision and separately listing
                              his or her findings of fact and conclusions of
                              law. Judgment on the award may be entered in any
                              court having jurisdiction.

     13.5 The Parties shall proceed with the arbitration expeditiously, and the
          arbitration shall be concluded within five (5) months of the filing of
          the demand for arbitration pursuant to this Section 13 in order that
          the decision may be rendered within six (6) months of such filing,
          unless the arbitrator extends such time at the request of a Party upon
          a showing of good cause or upon agreement of the Parties.

     13.6 Any arbitration proceedings, decision or award rendered hereunder and
          the validity, effect and interpretation of any arbitration agreement
          shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act of the United States,
          9 U.S.C. (S)(S) 1 et seq.

     13.7 The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both
          Parties and may be enforced in any court having jurisdiction over the
          Party against which enforcement is sought.

     13.8 The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared by the Parties
          equally, unless the decision of the arbitrator shall specify some
          other apportionment of such fees and expenses. All other expenses and
          costs of the arbitration shall be borne by the Party incurring the


     14.1 Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise,
          the duties, obligations, and liabilities of the Parties shall be
          several, not joint or collective. The provisions of this Agreement
          shall not be construed to create an association, trust, partnership,
          or joint venture; to impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation,
          or liability or agency relationship on or with regard to either Party.

     14.2 Nothing in this Agreement nor any action taken hereunder shall be
          construed to create any duty, liability, or standard of care to any
          person not a Party to this Agreement. Each Party shall be individually
          and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement.

     14.3 By this Agreement, neither Party dedicates any part of its facilities
          or the service provided under this Agreement to the public.


     15.1 This Agreement may be assigned, without express written consent of the
          other Party, as follows:


          15.1.1    Buyer may assign this Agreement or assign or delegate its
                    rights and obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in
                    part, if such assignment is made to an affiliate, parent,
                    subsidiary, successor or any party, provided that such
                    assignee operates all or a portion of the PLR or if such
                    assignment is required by Law or applicable regulations.

     15.2 Supplier may, without the consent of Buyer, assign, transfer, pledge
          or otherwise dispose of its rights and interests hereunder to a
          trustee, lending institution, or any Person for the purposes of
          financing or refinancing the Asset Bundle, including upon or pursuant
          to the exercise of remedies under such financing or refinancing, or by
          way of assignments, transfers, conveyances of dispositions in lieu
          thereof; provided, however, that no such assignment or disposition
          shall relieve or in any way discharge Supplier or such permitted
          assignee from the performance of its duties and obligations under this
          Agreement. Buyer agrees to execute and deliver such documents as may
          be reasonably necessary to accomplish any such assignment, transfer,
          conveyance, pledge or disposition of rights hereunder for purposes of
          the financing or refinancing of the Asset Bundle, so long as Buyer's
          rights under this Agreement are not thereby materially altered,
          amended, diminished or otherwise impaired.

     15.3 Either Party may, without the consent of the other Party, assign this
          Agreement to a successor to all or substantially all of the assets of
          such Party by way of merger, consolidation, sale or otherwise,
          provided such successor assumes and becomes liable for all of such
          Party's duties and obligations hereunder including Section 3 hereof.

     15.4 Except as stated above, neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,
          interests, or obligations hereunder shall be assigned by either Party,
          including by operation of law, without the prior written consent of
          the other Party, said consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Any
          assignment of this Agreement in violation of the foregoing shall be,
          at the option of the non-assigning Party, void.

     15.5 Except as set forth above, no assignment or transfer of rights or
          obligations under this Agreement by a Party shall relieve said Party
          from full liability and financial responsibility for the performance
          thereof after any such transfer or assignment unless and until the
          transferee or assignee shall agree in writing to assume the
          obligations and duties of said Party under this Agreement and the
          other Party has consented in writing to such assumption; said consent
          not to be unreasonably withheld.


     15.6 This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof are binding upon, and
          inure to the benefit of, the Parties and their respective successors
          and permitted assigns.


     16.1 Representations of the Parties. The Parties represent and warrant each
          to the other as follows:

          16.1.1    Incorporation.  Buyer is a corporation duly incorporated,
                    validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
                    State of Nevada. Supplier is a corporation duly organized,
                    validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
                    State of Arizona. Both Buyer and Supplier have all requisite
                    corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate
                    their material assets and properties and to carry on their
                    business as now being conducted.

          16.1.2    Authority. The Party has full corporate power and authority
                    to execute and deliver this Agreement and, subject to the
                    procurement of applicable regulatory approvals, to carry out
                    the actions required of it by this Agreement.  The execution
                    and delivery of this Agreement and the transactions
                    contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by
                    all necessary corporate action required on the part of the
                    Party.  The Agreement has been duly and validly executed and
                    delivered by the Party and, assuming that it is duly and
                    validly executed and delivered by the other Party,
                    constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreement of the

          16.1.3    Compliance With Law.  The Party represents and warrants
                    that it is not in violation of any applicable Law, or
                    applicable regulation, which violation could reasonably be
                    expected to materially adversely affect the other Party's
                    performance of its obligations under this Agreement. The
                    Party represents and warrants that it will comply with all
                    Laws, and regulations applicable to its compliance with this
                    Agreement, non-compliance with which would reasonably be
                    expected to materially adversely affect either Party's
                    performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

          16.1.4    Representations of Both Parties.  The representations in
                    this Section 16 shall continue in full force and effect for
                    the term of this Agreement.



     17.1 An Event of Default hereunder shall be deemed to have occurred upon a
          Party's (Defaulting Party) failure to comply with any material
          obligation imposed upon it by this Agreement. Examples of an Event of
          Default include, but are not limited to the following:

          (i)    Failure to make any payments due under this Agreement;

          (ii)   Failure to deliver the Supply Amount for a period of five (5)
                 consecutive days;

          (iii)  Failure to follow the directions of a Control Area Operator,
                 ISA, EDU, WSCC, NERC, PUCN, FERC, or any successor thereto
                 where following such directions is required hereunder;

          (iv)   Supplier not being in compliance with Section 3; and

          (v)    Failure of the Guarantor to be in compliance with the terms of
                 the Guarantee delivered under Section 3.1.2.

     17.2 An Event of Default shall be excused:

          17.2.1    In the event such Event of Default was caused by Force
                    Majeure provided that the Party claiming a Force Majeure
                    complies with the requirements of Section 12; and

          17.2.2    In the event such Event of Default was caused by
                    transmission and distribution outages or disruptions.

     17.3 Unless excused, in an Event of Default the Non-Defaulting Party shall
          be entitled to provide written notice (or verbal notice in case of
          emergency followed by written notice) of the Event of Default to the
          Defaulting Party and to specify a cure period, which cure period shall
          be a minimum of thirty (30) days.

     17.4 If an Event of Default is not cured by the Defaulting Party during the
          cure period specified by the Non-Defaulting Party, the Non-Defaulting
          Party shall be entitled to those remedies which are not inconsistent
          with the terms of this Agreement, including termination and the
          payment of liquidated damages. A Defaulting Party shall not be liable
          to the Non-Defaulting Party for any punitive, consequential or
          incidental damages. For purposes of clarification, Replacement Costs
          shall not be considered consequential or incidental damages under this
          Section 17.4.

     17.5 Notwithstanding this Section 17, liquidated damages shall be paid to
          Buyer pursuant to Sections 4.2, 12, 18, and 21.



     18.1 Supplier shall be entitled to make additions and modifications to the
          Asset Bundle subject to the following:

          18.1.1    To the extent additions and modifications interfere with the
                    operation of the Asset Bundle in providing the Supply Amount
                    to Buyer beyond the limits for planned outages set forth in
                    Section 21, liquidated damages shall be paid to Buyer
                    pursuant to Section 4.2.

          18.1.2    Supplier shall use reasonable efforts to minimize any
                    adverse impact on Buyer during the course of making such
                    additions and modifications.

          18.1.3    Such additions and modifications shall be conducted in
                    accordance with Good Utility Practice, and all applicable
                    Laws, regulations, reliability criteria and the
                    Interconnection Agreement between Nevada Power Company and
                    Pinnacle West Energy Corporation dated as of December 1,
                    2000, as it may be amended from time to time.

     18.2 Supplier shall seek Buyer's prior written approval, which shall not be
          unreasonably withheld, for all Supplier's additions or modifications
          to the Asset Bundle which might reasonably be expected to have an
          adverse effect upon Buyer with respect to operations or performance
          under this Agreement.


     19.1 Upon knowledge thereof, each Party shall promptly give notice to the
          other Party of any labor dispute which is delaying or threatens to
          delay the timely performance of this Agreement, which shall include a
          description of the general nature of the dispute.


     20.1 Buyer and Supplier shall comply with any applicable requirement of any
          Governmental Authority, NERC, WSCC, ISA, Control Area Operator,
          transmission operator, EDU or any successor of any of them, regarding
          the reduced or increased generation of the Asset Bundle in the event
          of an Emergency Condition or Nonemergency Condition.

     20.2 Supplier shall not be obligated to deliver the Supply Amount and no
          liquidated damages shall become due, if the Supply Amount is reduced
          in the event of an Emergency Condition or a Nonemergency Condition.


     20.3 Each Party shall provide prompt verbal notice to the other Party of
          any Emergency Condition or Nonemergency Condition.

     20.4 Either Party may take reasonable and necessary action to prevent,
          avoid or mitigate injury, danger, damage or loss to its own equipment
          and facilities, or to expedite restoration of service; provided,
          however, that the Party taking such action shall give the other Party
          prior notice if at all possible before taking any action. However,
          this Section 20.4 shall not be construed to supersede Sections 20.2
          and 20.3.


     21.1 Supplier shall request Buyer's approval, which shall not be
          unreasonably withheld, prior to any inspections, proposed planned
          outages or other non-forced outages (all hereinafter referred to as
          "planned outages") of the Asset Bundle so as to minimize the impact on
          the availability of the Asset Bundle. Under no circumstances shall
          Supplier conduct a planned outage without the express prior consent of
          Buyer pursuant to this Section 21.

     21.2 Planned Outages.

          21.2.1    Within sixty (60) days following the Effective Date of this
                    Agreement and on or before October 1 of each Contract Year,
                    Supplier shall provide Buyer with a schedule of proposed
                    planned outages for the period beginning on the date of such
                    proposed schedule for the following twelve (12) months. The
                    proposed planned outage schedule will designate days for
                    each unit in which the Asset Bundle Capacity will be reduced
                    in part or total for each such unit. Each proposed schedule
                    shall include all applicable information, including but not
                    limited to the following:  Month, day and time of requested
                    outage; facilities impacted (such as Unit and description);
                    duration of outage; purpose of outage; amount of capacity
                    (in MWs) which is derated; other conditions and remarks; and
                    name of contact and phone number.

          21.2.2    Buyer shall promptly review Supplier's proposed schedule and
                    shall either require modifications or approve the proposed
                    schedule, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
                    Supplier shall use its best efforts to accomplish all
                    planned outages in accordance with the approved schedule.
                    Supplier shall be responsible to Buyer for Replacement Costs
                    (i) if any outage period exceeds its approved schedule,
                    provided that changes to the approved schedule may be
                    requested by either Party and each Party shall make reason-


                    able efforts to accommodate such changes, provided further
                    the Buyer shall have no obligation to agree to Supplier's
                    revisions to the approved planned outage schedule; and (ii)
                    if Supplier conducts a planned outage without the consent of
                    Buyer as provided herein.


     22.1 Supplier shall promptly provide Buyer with copies of any orders,
          decrees, letters or other written communications to or from any
          Governmental Authority asserting or indicating that Supplier and/or
          its Asset Bundle is in violation of Laws which relate to Supplier, or
          operations or maintenance of the Asset Bundle and which may have an
          adverse effect on Buyer. Supplier shall use reasonable efforts to keep
          Buyer appraised of the status of any such matters.


     23.1 Supplier's Operating Representatives shall be available twenty-four
          (24) hours per day for communications with the Control Area Operator
          and/or the ISA and Buyer to facilitate the operations contained in
          this Agreement.

     23.2 Supplier shall, at its expense, maintain and install real-time
          communications equipment at the Asset Bundle to maintain
          communications between personnel on site at the Asset Bundle, Buyer
          and the Control Area Operator at all times. Supplier shall provide at
          its expense:

          (i)       Ringdown voice telephone lines, and

          (ii)      Equipment to transmit to and receive telecopies from Buyer
                    and the Control Area Operator.

     23.3 Supplier shall immediately report to Buyer any "Abnormal Condition"
          that has or may occur, and provide all pertinent information,
          including but not limited to the following:

          (i)       A description of the "Abnormal Condition" and the actions to
                    be taken to alleviate the "Abnormal Condition";

          (ii)      The expected duration including the beginning and ending
                    time of the "Abnormal Condition"; and

          (iii)     The amount of any adjustment to the current (real time)
                    level of Energy and Ancillary Services.

     23.4 Cause of the Condition.


          23.4.1    An "Abnormal Condition" shall include without limitation any
                    conditions that, to Supplier's knowledge, have or are
                    reasonably likely to:

                    (i)   Adversely affect Supplier's ability to provide Energy
                          and Ancillary Services to Buyer;

                    (ii)  Cause an unplanned reduction in the amount of delivery
                          of Energy and Ancillary Services to Buyer; or

                    (iii) Cause an unplanned isolation of the Asset Bundle from
                          the transmission system.

     23.5 Supplier shall immediately notify Buyer after such "Abnormal
          Condition" has been alleviated.


     24.1 All notices hereunder shall, unless specified otherwise, be in writing
          and shall be addressed, except as otherwise stated herein, to the
          Parties as set forth in Exhibit F.

     24.2 All written notices or submittals required by this Agreement shall be
          sent either by hand-delivery, regular first class U.S. mail,
          registered or certified U.S. mail postage paid return receipt
          requested, overnight courier delivery, electronic mail or facsimile
          transmission and will be effective and deemed to have been received on
          the date of receipt personally, on the date and time as documented by
          method of delivery if during normal business hours or on the next
          succeeding Business Day, or on the third (3/rd/) Business Day
          following deposit with the U.S. mail if sent regular first class U.S.

     24.3 Notices of an Event of Default pursuant to Section 17 and or Force
          Majeure pursuant to Section 12 may not be sent by regular first class
          U.S. mail.

     24.4 Any payments required to be made under this Agreement shall be made to
          the Party as set forth in Exhibit F.

     24.5 Each Party shall have the right to change, at any time upon written
          notice to the other Party, the name, address and telephone numbers of
          its representatives under this Agreement for purposes of notices and


     25.1 The Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding between
          the Parties with respect to all of the subject matter contained


          herein, thereby merging and superseding all prior agreements and
          representations by the Parties with respect to such subject matter.

     25.2 In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and the Asset Sale
          Agreement, the terms of the Asset Sale Agreement shall govern.


     26.1 The headings or section titles contained in this Agreement are
          inserted solely for convenience and do not constitute a part of this
          Agreement between the Parties, nor should they be used to aid in any
          manner in the construction of this Agreement.


     27.1 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
          which shall be deemed an original.

     27.2 In the event an ambiguity or question of intent or interpretation
          arises, this Agreement shall be construed as if drafted jointly by the
          Parties and no presumption or burden of proof shall arise favoring or
          disfavoring any Party by virtue of authorship of any of the provisions
          of this Agreement.

     27.3 Any reference to any federal, state, local, or foreign statute or law
          shall be deemed also to refer to all rules and regulations promulgated
          thereunder, unless the context requires otherwise.

     27.4 The word "including" in this Agreement shall mean "including without


     28.1 If any term, provision or condition of this Agreement is held to be
          invalid, void or unenforceable by a court or Governmental Authority of
          competent jurisdiction and such holding is subject to no further
          appeal or judicial review, then such invalid, void, or unenforceable
          term, provision or condition shall be deemed severed from this
          Agreement and all remaining terms, provisions and conditions of this
          Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, unless, however,
          the effect of the severance would vitiate the intent of the Parties
          hereto, as determined by either Party in its reasonable discretion.

     28.2 The Parties shall endeavor in good faith to replace such invalid,
          void, or unenforceable provisions with a valid and enforceable
          provision which achieves the purposes intended by the Parties to the
          greatest extent permitted by law.



     29.1 No failure or delay on the part of a Party in exercising any of its
          rights under this Agreement or in insisting upon strict performance of
          provisions of this Agreement, no partial exercise by either Party of
          any of its rights under this Agreement, and no course of dealing
          between the Parties shall constitute a waiver of the rights of either
          Party under this Agreement. Any waiver shall be effective only by a
          written instrument signed by the Party granting such waiver, and such
          shall not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any
          subsequent failure to comply therewith.


     30.1 The Parties shall negotiate in good faith to determine necessary
          amendments, if any, to this Agreement, provided that in negotiating
          such amendments the Parties shall attempt, in good faith, to
          reasonably preserve the bargain initially struck in this Agreement if
          any Governmental Authority, FERC, any state or the PUCN, implements a
          change in any Law or applicable regulation that materially affects or
          is reasonably expected to materially affect Buyer's PLR service under
          this Agreement.

     30.2 The Parties shall meet to discuss the impact of any changes in Buyer's
          OATT, or any rule or practice of NERC, WSCC, or any other Governmental
          Authority on the terms of this Agreement upon request by either Party
          during the term of this Agreement.

     30.3 In the event that it is deemed necessary to amend this Agreement, the
          Parties will attempt to agree upon such amendment and will submit such
          mutually agreed upon amendment(s) to the FERC for filing and

     30.4 Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed
          by an authorized representative of each Party.


     31.1 Time is of the essence of this Agreement and in the performance of all
          of the covenants and conditions hereof.


     32.1 Each Party's performance under this Agreement is subject to the
          condition that all requisite governmental and regulatory approvals for
          such performance are obtained in form and substance satisfactory to
          the other Party in its reasonable discretion. Each Party shall use
          best efforts to obtain all required approvals and shall exercise due
          diligence and shall act in good faith to cooperate and assist each
          other in


          acquiring any regulatory approval necessary to effectuate this
          Agreement. Further, the Parties agree to reasonably support the other
          Party in any associated regulatory proceedings, including by being a
          witness on behalf of the other Party.

     32.2 This Agreement is made subject to present or future state or federal
          laws, regulations, or orders properly issued by state or federal
          bodies having jurisdiction.

     32.3 The Parties hereto agree to execute and deliver promptly, at the
          expense of the Party requesting such action, any and all other and
          further instruments, documents and information which may reasonably be
          necessary or appropriate to give full force and effect to the terms
          and intent of this Agreement.


     33.1 The Agreement is premised on Buyer providing PLR service.
          Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if Nevada
          retail electricity restructuring (including implementation of retail
          customer choice of electricity suppliers) is delayed beyond the
          Effective Date of this Agreement, the Parties shall continue to
          perform this Agreement in all respects pursuant to the terms and
          conditions hereof as if Buyer was the PLR and Buyer's retail and
          wholesale customers shall be considered as the TRR.


     34.1 Confidential Information. Certain information provided by a Party (the
          "Disclosing Party") to the other Party (the "Receiving Party") in
          connection with the negotiation or performance of this Agreement may
          be considered confidential and/or proprietary (hereinafter referred to
          as "Confidential Information") by the Disclosing Party. To be
          considered Confidential Information hereunder, such information must
          be clearly labeled or designated by the Disclosing Party as
          "confidential" or "proprietary" or with words of like meaning. If
          disclosed orally, such information shall be clearly identified as
          confidential and such status shall be confirmed promptly thereafter in

     34.2 Treatment of Confidential Information. The Receiving Party shall treat
          any Confidential Information with at least the same degree of care
          regarding its secrecy and confidentiality as the Receiving Party's
          similar information is treated within the Receiving Party's
          organization. The Receiving Party shall not disclose the Confidential
          Information of the Disclosing Party to third parties (except as stated
          hereinafter) nor use it for any purpose other than the negotiation or
          performance of this Agreement, without the express prior written
          consent of


          the Disclosing Party. The Receiving Party further agrees that it shall
          restrict disclosure of Confidential Information as follows:

          34.2.1    Disclosure shall be restricted solely to its agents as may
                    be necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement after
                    advising those agents of their obligations under this
                    Section 34.2.

          34.2.2    In the event that the Receiving Party is requested, pursuant
                    to or as required by applicable Law or by legal process, to
                    disclose any Confidential Information, the Receiving Party
                    shall provide the Disclosing Party with prompt notice of
                    such request or requirement in order to enable Disclosing
                    Party to seek an appropriate protective order or other
                    remedy and to consult with Disclosing Party with respect to
                    Disclosing Party taking steps to resist or narrow the scope
                    of such request or legal process. The Receiving Party agrees
                    not to oppose any action by the Disclosing Party to obtain a
                    protective order or other appropriate remedy. In the absence
                    of such protective order, and provided that the Receiving
                    Party is advised by its counsel that it is compelled to
                    disclose the Confidential Information, the Receiving Party

                    (i)   furnish only that portion of the Confidential
                          Information which the Receiving Party is advised by
                          counsel is legally required; and

                    (ii)  use its commercially reasonable best efforts, at the
                          expense of the Disclosing Party, to ensure that all
                          Confidential Information so disclosed will be accorded
                          confidential treatment.

     34.3 Excluded Information. Confidential Information shall not be deemed to
          include the following:

          34.3.1    information which is or becomes generally available to the
                    public other than as a result of a disclosure by the
                    Receiving Party;

          34.3.2    information which was available to the Receiving Party on a
                    non-confidential basis prior to its disclosures by the
                    Disclosing Party; and

          34.3.3    information which becomes available to the Receiving Party
                    on a non-confidential basis from a person other than the
                    Disclosing Party or its representative who is not otherwise
                    bound by a confidentiality agreement with Disclosing


                    Party or its agent or is otherwise not under any obligation
                    to Disclosing party or its agent not to disclose the
                    information to the Receiving Party.

     34.4 Injunctive Relief Due to Breach. The Parties agree that remedies at
          law may be inadequate to protect each other in the event of a breach
          of this Section 34, and the Receiving Party hereby in advance agrees
          that the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek and obtain,
          without proof of actual damages, temporary, preliminary and permanent
          injunctive relief from any court or Governmental Authority of
          competent jurisdiction restraining the Receiving Party from committing
          or continuing any breach of this Section 34.


     35.1 This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be
          construed and governed by the Laws of: (i) the State of Nevada as if
          executed and performed wholly within that state; and (ii) the Federal
          Power Act, to the extent the rights and obligations of the Parties are
          covered by such act.

                       [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON NEXT PAGE]


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
as of the date and year first above written.


By:     William E. Peterson
Title:  Sr. Vice President, General
         Counsel and Corporate Secretary


By:     William L. Stewart
Title:  President

                                   EXHIBIT A
             CAPABILITY       CAPABILITY       (MW)/HOUR        ENERGY TAKE
                (MW)             (MW)                               (MW)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 HA 3           72*              76*              76*               N/A
                    Minimum Annual Energy Take:  40,000 MWh
                    Limit on Excused Energy:      4,000 MWh

For purposes of this Exhibit A, summer months shall consist of the months of
June through September and winter months shall consist of the months of January
through May and the months of October through December.

*Subject to confirmation in accordance with Section 7.14(b) of the Asset Sale


                                   EXHIBIT B

Energy Prices*
- -------------

     Price Floor of Energy:        $  21.06 per MWh
     Price Ceiling of Energy:      $ 135.76 per MWh

Ancillary Service Prices*
- ------------------------

Regulation and Frequency Response:
     Summer On-Peak:     $ 40.82 per MW-reserved per hour
     Summer Off-Peak:    $ 23.33 per MW-reserved per hour
     Winter On-Peak:     $ 22.07 per MW-reserved per hour
     Winter Off-Peak:    $ 12.61 per MW-reserved per hour

Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve:
     Summer On-Peak:     $ 40.82 per MW-reserved per hour
     Summer Off-Peak:    $ 23.33 per MW-reserved per hour
     Winter On-Peak:     $ 22.07 per MW-reserved per hour
     Winter Off-Peak:    $ 12.61 per MW-reserved per hour

For purposes of this Exhibit B, summer months shall consist of the months of
June through September and winter months shall consist of the months of January
through May and October through December.

For purposes of this Exhibit B, On-Peak periods shall consist of Hour Ending
(HE) 0700 through HE 2200 PPT, Monday through Saturday.  Off-Peak periods shall
consist of HE 0100 through HE 0600, HE 2300 and HE 2400 PPT, Monday through
Saturday; HE 0100 through HE 2400 PPT Sunday and additional Off-Peak days
(holidays) as designated annually by WSCC.

                                                       *SUBJECT TO FERC APPROVAL


                                   EXHIBIT C

                          SUPPLIER'S MONTHLY INVOICE

     A    Price Ceiling       $ 135.76 /MWh of Energy

     B    Price Floor         $ 21.06  /Mwh of Energy

- ----------------

                     C                D                E                   F                    G                     H
  Dispatch      Asset Bundle      Delivered         Supplier          Market Price        Market Price x        Market Price x
    Hour       Capacity (MWh)    Energy (MWh)    Shortfall (MWh)    of Energy ($/MWh)    Delivered Energy    Asset Bundle Capacity
    ----       --------------    ------------    ---------------    -----------------    ----------------    ---------------------
                                                     (C - D)                                   (D x F)              (C x F)
     1               72               72                  0               60.00              $ 4,320.00            $ 4,320.00
     2               72               72                  0               60.00                4,320.00              4,320.00
     3               72               12                 60               60.00                  720.00              4,320.00
     4               72               12                 60               60.00                  720.00              4,320.00
     5               42               32                 10               50.00                1,600.00              2,100.00
     6               42               42                  0               50.00                2,100.00              2,100.00
     7               62               42                 20               40.00                1,680.00              2,480.00
     8               72               72                  0               40.00                2,880.00              2,880.00
     9               72               72                  0               40.00                2,880.00              2,880.00
     10              72               72                  0               45.00                3,240.00              3,240.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    650              500                150                                  $24,460.00            $32,960.00

I.  Sum of (Delivered Energy times corresponding hourly Market Price)      Sec 7.2.1         $24,460.00
     IT.  Sum of (Asset Bundle Capacity times corresponding hourly
            Market Price)                                                                                          $32,960.00

J.  Sum of hourly Delivered Energy multiplied by the Price Ceiling
     of Energy                                                             Sec 7.2.2         $67,880.00
     JT.  Sum of hourly Asset Bundle Capacity multiplied by the Price
            Ceiling of Energy                                                                                      $88,244.00

K.  Sum of hourly Delivered Energy multiplied by the Price Floor
     of Energy                                                             Sec 7.2.3         $10,530.00
     KT.  Sum of hourly Asset Bundle Capacity multiplied by the Price
            Floor of Energy                                                                                        $13,689.00

L.  Invoiced Amount - Energy                          Sec 7.3             (K * I * J)        $24,460.00

M.  Theoretical Amount for Expected Performance                          (KT * IT * JT)                            $32,960.00


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     N                    O                 P                 Q                 R                    S
 Dispatch  Schedule of Ancillary  Ancillary Capacity     Supplier     Capacity Price of  Price x Ancillary     Price x Schedule
   Hour        Capacity (MW)         Supplied (MW)    Shortfall (MW)   Services ($/MW)   Capacity Supplied   of Ancillary Services
   ----        -------------         -------------    --------------   ---------------   -----------------   ---------------------
                                                          (N - O)                             (O x Q)               (N x Q)
    1                0                     0                 0                23.33          $     0.00            $     0.00
    2                0                     0                 0                23.33                0.00                  0.00
    3                0                     0                 0                40.82                0.00                  0.00
    4                0                     0                 0                40.82                0.00                  0.00
    5               10                    10                 0                40.82              408.20                408.20
    6               20                    10                10                40.82              408.20                816.40
    7                0                     0                 0                40.82                0.00                  0.00
    8                0                     0                 0                40.82                0.00                  0.00
    9                0                     0                 0                40.82                0.00                  0.00
    10               0                     0                 0                40.82                0.00                  0.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    30                    20                10                               $   816.40            $ 1,224.60

T.  Invoiced Amount - Ancillary Service Capacity - Regulation
     and Frequency Response                                                Sec 7.2.5         $   816.40


                                   EXHIBIT C
                          SUPPLIER'S MONTHLY INVOICE

U.    Theoretical Amount for Expected Performance                                                                   $  1,224.60

- -----------------------------------------------------------

                        V                     W                X                 Y                  Z                  AA
  Dispatch   Schedule of Ancillary   Ancillary Capacity     Supplier     Capacity Price of  Price x Ancillary    Price x Schedule
    Hour          Capacity (MW)         Supplied (MW)    Shortfall (MW)   Services ($/MW)   Capacity Supplied  of Ancillary Services
    ----          -------------         -------------    --------------   ---------------   -----------------  ---------------------
                                                             (V - W)                             (W x Y)             (V x Y)

      1                 0                     0                 0              23.33            $     0.00          $      0.00
      2                 0                     0                 0              23.33                  0.00                 0.00
      3                 0                     0                 0              40.82                  0.00                 0.00
      4                 0                     0                 0              40.82                  0.00                 0.00
      5                10                    10                 0              40.82                408.20               408.20
      6                10                    10                 0              40.82                408.20               408.20
      7                10                    10                 0              40.82                408.20               408.20
      8                 0                     0                 0              40.82                  0.00                 0.00
      9                 0                     0                 0              40.82                  0.00                 0.00
     10                 0                     0                 0              40.82                  0.00                 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       30                    30                 0                               $ 1,224.60          $  1,224.60

AB.    Invoiced Amount - Ancillary Service Capacity - Supplemental Reserve       Sec 7.2.5      $ 1,224.60

AC.    Theoretical Amount for Expected Performance                                                                  $  1,224.60

- ----------------------------------

                      AD                    AE              AF                AG                AH                     AI

   Dispatch  Schedule of Ancillary  Ancillary Energy      Supplier     Price Ceiling of   Price x Ancillary      Price x Schedule
     Hour        Energy (MWh)        Supplied (MWh)   Shortfall (MWh)   Energy ($/MWh)     Energy Supplied     of Ancillary Energy
     ----        ------------        --------------   ---------------   --------------     ---------------     -------------------
                                                         (AD - AE)                             (AE x AG)              (AD x AG)

       1              0                     0                0                135.76         $     0.00              $     0.00
       2              0                     0                0                135.76               0.00                    0.00
       3              0                     0                0                135.76               0.00                    0.00
       4              0                     0                0                135.76               0.00                    0.00
       5              0                     0                0                135.76               0.00                    0.00
       6             20                    10               10                135.76           1,357.60                2,715.20
       7             10                    10                0                135.76           1,357.60                1,357.60
       8              0                     0                0                135.76               0.00                    0.00
       9              0                     0                0                135.76               0.00                    0.00
      10              0                     0                0                135.76               0.00                    0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     30                    20               10            $ 1,357.60         $ 2,715.20              $ 4,072.80

AJ.    Invoiced Amount - Ancillary Services Energy        Sec 7.2.6                          $ 2,715.20

AK.    Theoretical Amount for Expected Performance                                                                   $ 4,072.80

MONTH 1 - TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT                            Sec 7.3      (L + T + AB + AJ)     $29,216.20

- ----------------
                        C           D               E               F               G                H


                                   EXHIBIT C
                          SUPPLIER'S MONTHLY INVOICE

     Dispatch        Asset Bundle      Delivered      Supplier          Market Price           Market Price x    Market Price x
       Hour         Capacity (MWh)   Energy (MWh)  Shortfall (MWh)    of Energy ($/MWh)      Delivered Energy   Asset Bundle Cap.
       ----         --------------   ------------  ---------------    -----------------      ----------------   -----------------
                                                       (C - D)                                     (D x F)             (C x F)
         1                72             72               0                 140.00               $ 10,080.00        $  10,080.00
         2                72             72               0                 140.00                 10,080.00           10,080.00
         3                72             12              60                 140.00                  1,680.00           10,080.00
         4                72             12              60                 150.00                  1,800.00           10,800.00
         5                42             32              10                 150.00                  4,800.00            6,300.00
         6                42             42               0                 150.00                  6,300.00            6,300.00
         7                62             42              20                 130.00                  5,460.00            8,060.00
         8                72             72               0                 130.00                  9,360.00            9,360.00
         9                72             72               0                 130.00                  9,360.00            9,360.00
        10                72             72               0                 135.00                  9,720.00            9,720.00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         650            500             150                                      $ 68,640.00        $  90,140.00

I.   Sum of (Delivered Energy times corresponding hourly Market Price)           Sec 7.2.1       $ 68,640.00
       IT.   Sum of (Asset Bundle Capacity times corresponding hourly Market Price)                                 $  90,140.00

J.   Sum of hourly Delivered Energy multiplied by the Price Ceiling of Energy    Sec 7.2.2       $ 67,880.00
       JT.   Sum of hourly Asset Bundle Capacity multiplied by the Price Ceiling of Energy                          $  88,244.00

K.   Sum of hourly Delivered Energy multiplied by the Price Floor of Energy      Sec 7.2.3       $ 10,530.00
       KT.   Sum of hourly Asset Bundle Capacity multiplied by the Price Floor of Energy                            $  13,689.00

L.   Invoiced Amount - Energy                              Sec 7.3                     (I > J)   $ 67,880.00

M.   Theoretical Amount for Expected Performance                                      (IT > JT)                     $  88,244.00

- ----------------
                          C                D              E                  F                      G                     H

     Dispatch       Asset  Bundle      Delivered       Supplier          Market Price         Market Price x       Market Price x
       Hour         Capacity (MWh)   Energy (MWh)   Shortfall (MWh)    of Energy ($/MWh)     Delivered Energy     Asset Bundle Cap.
       ----         --------------   ------------   ---------------    -----------------     ----------------     -----------------
                                                        (C - D)                                  (D x F)               (C x F)
         1                72              72               0                 30.00               $  2,160.00          $  2,160.00
         2                72              72               0                 20.00                  1,440.00             1,440.00
         3                72              12              60                 20.00                    240.00             1,440.00
         4                72              12              60                 20.00                    240.00             1,440.00
         5                42              32              10                 15.00                    480.00               630.00
         6                42              42               0                 15.00                    630.00               630.00
         7                62              42              20                 15.00                    630.00               930.00
         8                72              72               0                 15.00                  1,080.00             1,080.00
         9                72              72               0                 15.00                  1,080.00             1,080.00
        10                72              72               0                 15.00                  1,080.00             1,080.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         650             500             150                                     $  9,060.00          $ 11,910.00

I.   Sum of (Delivered Energy times corresponding hourly Market Price)    Sec 7.2.1              $  9,060.00
       IT.   Sum of (Asset Bundle Capacity times corresponding hourly Market Price)                                   $ 11,910.00

J.   Sum of hourly Delivered Energy multiplied by the Price Ceiling of Energy     Sec 7.2.2      $ 67,880.00


                                   EXHIBIT C
                          SUPPLIER'S MONTHLY INVOICE

       JT.  Sum of hourly Asset Bundle Capacity multiplied by the Price Ceiling of Energy                            $ 88,244.00

K.  Sum of hourly Delivered Energy multiplied by the Price Floor of Energy     Sec 7.2.3         $  10,530.00
       KT.  Sum of hourly Asset Bundle Capacity multiplied by the Price Floor of Energy                              $ 13,689.00

L.  Invoiced Amount - Energy                                   Sec 7.3             (I ** K)      $  10,530.00

M.  Theoretical Amount for Expected Performance                                   (IT ** KT)                         $ 13,689.00

**  Less than
*** Greater than

For the purposes of this example, the portions of the monthly invoices
attributable to Ancillary Services for the second and third months were assumed
to be the same as the corresponding portions for the first month.


                                   EXHIBIT D

- ----------------

                              A                B *                     C *                    D

         Dispatch        Replacement     Replacement Cost       Replacement Cost      Gross Replacement
           Hour          Energy (MWh)    of Energy ($/MWh)          of Energy           Cost of Energy
           ----          ------------    -----------------          ---------           --------------
                                                                                         (A x B) + C
             1                 0                    na              $    0.00            $     0.00
             2                 0                    na                   0.00                  0.00
             3                60                 35.00                 100.00              2,200.00
             4                60                 30.00                  50.00              1,850.00
             5                10                 30.00                  50.00                350.00
             6                 0                    na                   0.00                  0.00
             7                20                 25.00                   0.00                500.00
             8                 0                    na                   0.00                  0.00
             9                 0                    na                   0.00                  0.00
            10                 0                    na                   0.00                  0.00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             150                                                         $ 4,900.00

E.  Gross Replacement Cost of Energy                                                     $ 4,900.00

F.  Theoretical Supplier's Invoice Amount for Expected Performance                       $32,960.00
G.  Actual Supplier's Invoice Amount                                                      24,460.00
H.  Avoided Payment to Supplier                                 (F - G)                  $ 8,500.00

I.  Invoiced Replacement Cost - Energy                          (E ** H)                 $     0.00

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             J                     K *                    L *                    M

         Dispatch       Replacement        Replacement Cost       Replacement Cost       Gross Replacement
           Hour        Capacity (MW)      of Capacity ($/MW)         of Capacity          Cost of Capacity
           ----        -------------      ------------------         -----------          ----------------
                                                                                             (J x K) + L
            1               0                      na                $    0.00               $     0.00
            2               0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
            3               0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
            4               0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
            5               0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
            6              10                   40.00                   100.00                   500.00
            7               0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
            8               0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
            9               0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
            10              0                      na                     0.00                     0.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           10                                                                $   500.00

N.  Gross Replacement Cost of Ancillary Capacity - Regulation and Frequency Response         $   500.00

O.  Theoretical Supplier's Invoice Amount for Expected Performance                           $ 1,224.60
P.  Actual Supplier's Invoice Amount                                                             816.40
Q.  Avoided Payment to Supplier                                 (O - P)                      $   408.20

R.  Invoiced Replacement Cost - Ancillary Capacity              (N *** Q)                    $    91.80

**  Less than
*** Greater than


                                   EXHIBIT D

- ---------------------------------------------------

                            S                 T *                 U *                  V
      Dispatch         Replacement     Replacement Cost     Replacement Cost   Gross Replacement
        Hour          Capacity (MW)   of Capacity ($/MW)      of Capacity       Cost of Capacity
        ----          -------------   ------------------      -----------       ----------------
                                                                                  (S x T) + U
         1                  0                  na               $ 0.00          $     0.00
         2                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         3                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         4                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         5                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         6                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         7                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         8                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         9                  0                  na                 0.00                0.00
         10                 0                  na                 0.00                0.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            0                                                   $     0.00

W.  Gross Replacement Cost of Ancillary Capacity - Supplemental Reserve         $     0.00

X.  Theoretical Supplier's Invoice Amount for Expected Performance              $ 1,224.60
Y.  Actual Supplier's Invoice Amount                                              1,224.60
Z.  Avoided Payment to Supplier                                 (X - Y)         $     0.00

AA. Invoiced Replacement Cost - Ancillary Capacity              (W = Z)         $     0.00

- ----------------------------------
                           AB                AC *                 AD *                 AE
      Dispatch         Replacement     Replacement Cost     Replacement Cost   Gross Replacement
        Hour          Energy (MWh)     of Energy ($/MWh)      of Energy **       Cost of Energy
        ----          ------------     -----------------      ------------       --------------
                                                                                 (AB x AC) + AD
         1                  0                    na            $    0.00                 0.00
         2                  0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
         3                  0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
         4                  0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
         5                  0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
         6                 10                150.00               100.00             1,600.00
         7                  0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
         8                  0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
         9                  0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
         10                 0                    na                 0.00                 0.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           10                                                      $ 1,600.00

AF.  Gross Replacement Cost of Ancillary Energy                                    $ 1,600.00

AG.  Theoretical Supplier's Invoice Amount for Expected Performance                $ 4,072.80
AH.  Actual Supplier's Invoice Amount                                                2,715.20
AI.  Avoided Payment to Supplier                               (AG - AH)           $ 1,357.60

AJ.  Invoiced Replacement Cost - Ancillary Energy              (AF > AI)           $   242.40


                                   EXHIBIT D

                                              (I + R + AA + AJ)  $       334.20



- ----------------
                            A                 B *                 C *                  D
      Dispatch         Replacement     Replacement Cost     Replacement Cost   Gross Replacement
        Hour          Energy (MWh)     of Energy ($/MWh)       of Energy         Cost of Energy
        ----          ------------     -----------------       ---------         --------------
                                                                                  (A x B) + C
         1                  0                           na  $      0.00                 0.00
         2                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         3                 60               190.00               200.00            11,600.00
         4                 60               175.00               100.00            10,600.00
         5                 10                88.00               200.00             1,080.00
         6                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         7                 20               105.00               300.00             2,400.00
         8                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         9                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         10                 0                           na         0.00                 0.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          150                                                 $    25,680.00

E.     Gross Replacement Cost of Energy                                       $    25,680.00

F.     Theoretical Supplier's Invoice Amount for Expected Performance         $    88,244.00

G.     Actual Supplier's Invoice Amount                                            67,880.00
H.     Avoided Payment to Supplier                              (F - G)       $    20,364.00

I.     Invoiced Replacement Cost - Energy                       (E *** H)     $     5,316.00

- ----------------
                            A                 B *                 C *                  D
      Dispatch         Replacement     Replacement Cost     Replacement Cost   Gross Replacement
        Hour          Energy (MWh)     of Energy ($/MWh)       of Energy         Cost of Energy
        ----          ------------     -----------------       ---------         --------------
                                                                                   A x B) + C
         1                  0                           na   $     0.00                 0.00
         2                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         3                 60                32.00               100.00             2,020.00
         4                 60                28.00                50.00             1,730.00
         5                 10                28.00                 0.00               280.00
         6                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         7                 20                24.00                50.00               530.00
         8                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         9                  0                           na         0.00                 0.00
         10                 0                           na         0.00                 0.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          150                                                    $  4,560.00

E.     Gross Replacement Cost of Energy                                          $  4,560.00

F.     Theoretical Supplier's Invoice Amount for Expected Performance            $ 13,689.00
G.     Actual Supplier's Invoice Amount                                            10,530.00
H.     Avoided Payment to Supplier                              (F - G)          $  3,159.00

**  Less than
*** Greater than

                                   EXHIBIT D

I.      Invoiced Replacement Cost - Energy                   (E > H)                 $   1,401.00

For the purposes of this example, the portions of the monthly invoices
attributable to Ancillary Services for the second and third months were assumed
to be the same as the corresponding portions for the first month.

                                   EXHIBIT E
                           YEAR END TRUE-UP INVOICE

     A       Price Ceiling of Energy       $  135.76  /MWh
     B       Price Floor of Energy         $   21.06  /MWh

- ---------

                     C                D                    E                   F                     G

                 Delivered      Market Price x      Price Ceiling x      Price Floor x      Supplier's Invoiced
      Month     Energy (MWh)   Delivered Energy    Delivered Energy    Delivered Energy       Amount - Energy
      -----     ------------   ----------------    ----------------    ----------------       ---------------
                                                       (A x C)              (B x C)
       1            500          $  24,460.00       $  67,880.00         $  10,530.00          $   24,460.00
       2            500             68,640.00          67,880.00            10,530.00              67,880.00
       3            500              9,060.00          67,880.00            10,530.00              10,530.00
       4            720            116,640.00          97,747.20            15,163.20              97,747.20
       5            720            113,760.00          97,747.20            15,163.20              97,747.20
       6            520             82,160.00          70,595.20            10,951.20              70,595.20
       7            720            115,200.00          97,747.20            15,163.20              97,747.20
       8            720            113,760.00          97,747.20            15,163.20              97,747.20
       9            350             55,650.00          47,516.00             7,371.00              47,516.00
       10           720            112,320.00          97,747.20            15,163.20              97,747.20
       11           720            118,800.00          97,747.20            15,163.20              97,747.20
       12           420             67,200.00          57,019.20             8,845.20              57,019.20
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total        7,110          $ 997,650.00       $ 965,253.60         $ 149,736.60          $  864,483.60

(Total of Column D) > (Total of Column E) therefore Annual True-up calculated under Section 7.5.1(a)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H.    Annual True-up - Delivered Energy                                (Total E - Total G)     $  100,770.00

I.     Average Cost of Delivered Energy after True-up ($/MWh)          (Total E / Total C)     $      135.76

                   J                K                        L                    M                      N
              Replacement    Replacement Energy      Gross Replacement   Adjusted Replacement    Invoiced Replacement
   Month      Energy (MWh)     x Average Cost          Cost of Energy        Cost of Energy          Cost of Energy
   -----      ------------     --------------          --------------        --------------          --------------
                                   (I x J)
     1            150                                   $   4,900.00                                   $     0.00
     2            150                                      25,680.00                                     5,316.00
     3            150                                       4,560.00                                     1,401.00
     4              0                                           0.00                                         0.00
     5              0                                           0.00                                         0.00
     6              0                                           0.00                                         0.00
     7              0                                           0.00                                         0.00
     8              0                                           0.00                                         0.00
     9              0                                           0.00                                         0.00
     10             0                                           0.00                                         0.00
     11             0                                           0.00                                         0.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   EXHIBIT E
                           YEAR END TRUE-UP INVOICE

        12                       0                                      0.00                                             0.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total                    450           $ 61,092.00         $ 35,140.00              $      0.00             $  6,717.00

O.    Annual True-up - Replacement Costs                                (Total N - Total M)                       $  6,717.00

TOTAL ANNUAL TRUE-UP *                                                        (H + O)                             $107,487.00

- ---------

                               C                   D                   E                      F                       G

                           Delivered        Market Price x      Price Ceiling x         Price Floor x        Supplier's Invoiced
           Month          Energy (MWh)     Delivered Energy    Delivered Energy       Delivered Energy         Amount - Energy
           -----          ------------     ----------------    ----------------       ----------------         ---------------
                                                                   (A x C)                 (B x C)
             1                 500           $ 24,460.00         $ 67,880.00              $ 10,530.00             $ 24,460.00
             2                 500             68,640.00           67,880.00                10,530.00               67,880.00
             3                 500              9,060.00           67,880.00                10,530.00               10,530.00
             4                 720            113,760.00           97,747.20                15,163.20               97,747.20
             5                 720             24,480.00           97,747.20                15,163.20               24,480.00
             6                 520             17,680.00           70,595.20                10,951.20               17,680.00
             7                 720             25,920.00           97,747.20                15,163.20               25,920.00
             8                 720             24,480.00           97,747.20                15,163.20               24,480.00
             9                 350             14,000.00           47,516.00                 7,371.00               14,000.00
            10                 720             23,040.00           97,747.20                15,163.20               23,040.00
            11                 720            104,400.00           97,747.20                15,163.20               97,747.20
            12                 420             65,520.00           57,019.20                 8,845.20               57,019.20
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Total             7,110           $515,440.00         $965,253.60              $149,736.60             $484,983.60

(Total of Column E) > (Total of Column D) therefore Annual True-up calculated under Section 7.5.1(b)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H.    Annual True-up - Delivered Energy                               (Total D - Total G)                         $ 30,456.40

I.    Average Cost of Delivered Energy after True-up ($/MWh)          (Total D / Total C)                         $     72.50

                             J                   K                        L                    M                      N
                        Replacement      Replacement Energy       Gross Replacement   Adjusted Replacement   Invoiced Replacement
           Month        Energy (MWh)      x  Average Cost           Cost of Energy        Cost of Energy         Cost of Energy
           -----        ------------      ---------------           --------------        --------------         --------------
                                              (I x J)
             1             150                                        $  4,900.00                                $      0.00
             2             150                                          25,680.00                                   5,316.00
             3             150                                           4,560.00                                   1,401.00
             4               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
             5               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
             6               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
             7               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
             8               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
             9               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
            10               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
            11               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
            12               0                                               0.00                                       0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Total           450              $ 32,622.78               $ 35,140.00            $  2,517.22         $  6,717.00


                                   EXHIBIT E

                           YEAR END TRUE-UP INVOICE

O.   Annual True-up - Replacement Costs         (Total N - Total M)  $  4,199.78

Total Annual True-up *                                (H + O)        $ 34,656.18

- ---------

                                 C                   D                  E                     F                         G
                             Delivered        Market Price x      Price Ceiling x        Price Floor x         Supplier's Invoiced
           Month            Energy (MWh)     Delivered Energy    Delivered Energy       Delivered Energy         Amount - Energy
           -----            ------------     ----------------    ----------------       ----------------         ---------------
                                                                      (A x C)               (B x C)
             1                    500           $ 24,460.00         $ 67,880.00            $ 10,530.00              $ 24,460.00
             2                    500             68,640.00           67,880.00              10,530.00                67,880.00
             3                    500              9,060.00           67,880.00              10,530.00                10,530.00
             4                    720             23,040.00           97,747.20              15,163.20                23,040.00
             5                    720             21,600.00           97,747.20              15,163.20                21,600.00
             6                    520             14,560.00           70,595.20              10,951.20                14,560.00
             7                    720             18,720.00           97,747.20              15,163.20                18,720.00
             8                    720             20,160.00           97,747.20              15,163.20                20,160.00
             9                    350              9,800.00           47,516.00               7,371.00                 9,800.00
            10                    720             23,040.00           97,747.20              15,163.20                23,040.00
            11                    720             20,160.00           97,747.20              15,163.20                20,160.00
            12                    420             10,920.00           57,019.20               8,845.20                10,920.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Total                7,110           $264,160.00         $965,253.60            $149,736.60              $264,870.00

(Total of Column E) > (Total of Column D) therefore Annual True-up calculated under Section 7.5.1(b)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
H.  Annual True-up - Delivered Energy                            (Total D - Total G)                                $   (710.00)

I.  Average Cost of Delivered Energy after True-up ($/MWh)       (Total D / Total C)                                $     37.15

                                    J                   K                   L                     M                      N

                               Replacement         Replacement      Gross Replacement    Adjusted Replacement        Invoiced
                                                     Energy                                                         Replacement
           Month               Energy (MWh)      x  Average Cost     Cost of Energy         Cost of Energy        Cost of Energy
           -----               ------------      ---------------     --------------         --------------        --------------
                                                     (I x J)
             1                      150                                $  4,900.00                                  $      0.00
             2                      150                                  25,680.00                                     5,316.00
             3                      150                                   4,560.00                                     1,401.00
             4                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
             5                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
             6                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
             7                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
             8                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
             9                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
            10                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
            11                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
            12                        0                                       0.00                                         0.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Total                    450             $ 16,718.99        $ 35,140.00             $ 18,421.01          $  6,717.00

O.    Annual True-up - Replacement Costs                                               (Total N - Total M)          $(11,704.01)


                                   EXHIBIT E
                           YEAR END TRUE-UP INVOICE

Total Annual True-up *                             (H + O)          $(12,414.01)

- ---------

                                    C                   D                   E                     F                      G
                                Delivered        Market Price x      Price Ceiling x        Price Floor x       Supplier's Invoiced
         Month                 Energy (MWh)     Delivered Energy    Delivered Energy       Delivered Energy       Amount - Energy
         -----                -------------     ----------------    ----------------       ----------------       ---------------
                                                                         (A x C)                (B x C)
           1                        500           $ 24,460.00         $ 67,880.00            $ 10,530.00            $ 24,460.00
           2                        500             68,640.00           67,880.00              10,530.00              67,880.00
           3                        500              9,060.00           67,880.00              10,530.00              10,530.00
           4                        720              5,760.00           97,747.20              15,163.20              15,163.20
           5                        720              5,760.00           97,747.20              15,163.20              15,163.20
           6                        520              4,160.00           70,595.20              10,951.20              10,951.20
           7                        720              5,760.00           97,747.20              15,163.20              15,163.20
           8                        720              5,760.00           97,747.20              15,163.20              15,163.20
           9                        350              2,800.00           47,516.00               7,371.00               7,371.00
          10                        720              5,760.00           97,747.20              15,163.20              15,163.20
          11                        720              5,760.00           97,747.20              15,163.20              15,163.20
          12                        420              3,360.00           57,019.20               8,845.20               8,845.20
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total                    7,110           $147,040.00         $965,253.60            $149,736.60            $221,016.60

(Total of Column E) > (Total of Column D) therefore Annual True-up calculated
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
under Section 7.5.1(b)
- ----------------------

H.  Annual True-up - Delivered Energy                                          (Total F - Total G)            $   (71,280.00)

I.  Average Cost of Delivered Energy after True-up ($/MWh)                     (Total F / Total C)            $        21.06

                                J                  K                       L                      M                     N
                           Replacement     Replacement Energy      Gross Replacement    Adjusted Replacement   Invoiced Replacement
         Month             Energy (MWh)      x Average Cost          Cost of Energy         Cost of Energy        Cost of Energy
         -----             ------------      --------------          --------------         --------------        --------------
                                                (I x J)
           1                    150                                   $  4,900.00                                  $       0.00
           2                    150                                     25,680.00                                      5,316.00
           3                    150                                      4,560.00                                      1,401.00
           4                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
           5                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
           6                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
           7                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
           8                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
           9                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
          10                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
          11                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
          12                      0                                          0.00                                          0.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Total                  450           $  9,477.00             $ 35,140.00            $  25,663.00          $   6,717.00

O.    Annual True-up - Replacement Costs                                                  (Total N - Total M)      $ (18,946.00)

Total Annual True-up *                                                                          (H + O)            $ (90,226.00)


                                   EXHIBIT E
                           YEAR END TRUE-UP INVOICE

* Positive Total Annual True-up is indicative of a payment form Buyer to
Supplier; Negative Total Annual True-up is indicative of a payment form Supplier
to Buyer.


                                    EXHIBIT F

- --------

a) Agreement Notices:      Name and Address

b) Payment Check:          Name and Address

c) Payment Wire Transfer:   Bank:
                            ABA #:
                            For: Supplier's Name
                            Account No:

d) Invoices:                Name and Address

e) Operating Notifications:

     i)   (Management, if required)

     ii)  Pre-Schedule:     Phone:

     iii) Real Time:        Phone:

     iv)  Monthly Checkout  Phone:
          Person:           Fax:


- -----

a) Agreement Notices:
     Address:     Gary Craythorn
                  Manager, Resource Contracts
                  Nevada Power Company
                  6226 West Sahara Avenue, M/S 26A
                  Las Vegas, Nevada 89146
     Phone:       702/367-5425
     Fax:         702/227-2455
     E-mail:      gcraythorn@nevp.com

b) Invoices:

     US Post Office:      (Via Certified Mail)   Overnight Delivery
     ---------------                             ------------------
     Address:     Nevada Power Company           Address: Nevada Power Company
                  Attn: Kathy Crews              Attn: Kathy Crews
                  P.O. Box 230, M/S 20           6226 West Sahara Ave., M/S 20
                  Las Vegas, Nevada 89151        Las Vegas, Nevada 89146
                  Telephone:   702/227-2476
                  Fax:         702/367-5096
                  E-mail:      kcrews@nevp.com

c) Schedules:

     i)   Pre-Schedule: Primary Name:   Rick Engebretson  Phone: 702/862-7195
                                                          E-mail:  rengebretson@nevp.com
                        Alternate Name: Tim Schuster      Phone: 702/862-7194
                                                          E-mail:  tschuster@nevp.com
                                                          Fax:     702/227-2404
     ii)  Real Time:                                      Phone:   702/862-7106
                                                          Fax:     702/227-2404
     iii) Monthly Checkout:           Kathy Crews         Phone:   702/227-2476
                                                          E-mail:  kcrews@nevp.com

d) Control Area/Transmission:
     i)   Reliability Dispatch:     Phone: (702) 451-2026
                                    Fax: (702) 862-7113
     ii)  Transmission Dispatch:    Phone: (702) 451-8346
                                    Fax: (702) 862-7113


                                   EXHIBIT G
                          FORM OF AVAILABILITY NOTICE

Date of Notice:

Time of Notice:


Name of Supplier's Representative:


Asset Bundle:

Availability Dates (96 hours total):

                                        A                  B                C                 D                   E*
                                                                         Permitted       Asset Bundle
  Availability         Hour       Available from     Total Derating     Derating of      Capacity of        Alternative Point(s)
     Date             Ending       Unit 1 (MW)       of Unit 1 (MW)     Unit 1 (MW)      Unit 1 (MW)          of Delivery
     ----             ------       ----------        -------------      ----------       ----------           -----------
                                     (A ** or          (___ - A)        (C ** or = B)      (A - C)
                                      = ---)
 (96 hours total)

  Availability         Hour       Cause and Expected Duration of Deratings
     Date             Ending      and Identification of Permitted Deratings
     ----             ------      -----------------------------------------

 (96 hours total)

     * The Parties' operational personnel shall develop the necessary procedure
     to document requests and responses to utilize Alternative Point(s) of
     **  less than
     *** Greater than


                                   EXHIBIT H
                               FORM OF GUARANTY

     This Guaranty is entered into as of ______________, 2000 by
_______________, a ___________ corporation ("Guarantor"), on behalf of
_________________, a ___________ corporation ("Supplier"), in favor of and for
the benefit of Nevada Power Company, a Nevada corporation ("NPC")./2/2 NPC is
sometimes referred to herein as "Beneficiary".

     WHEREAS, Supplier and NPC are entering into a Transitional Power Purchase
Agreement dated as of _____________, 2000 (the "TPPA") by which Supplier has
agreed to sell and NPC has agreed to buy Energy and Ancillary Services (as
defined in the TPPA) produced by the ______________ generating station being
sold by NPC; and

     WHEREAS, it is a condition to the obligation of NPC to enter into the TPPA
for Guarantor to guaranty the Supplier's obligations under the TPPA in an amount
not to exceed the Credit Amount (as defined in the TPPA) (the "Guarantied

     1. Guaranty. Guarantor irrevocably and unconditionally guaranties, as
primary obligor and not merely as surety, the due and punctual payment in full
of all Guarantied Obligations (including amounts that would become due but for
the operation of the automatic stay under Section 362(a) of the Bankruptcy Code,
11 U.S.C.(S) 362(a)).

     In the event that all or any portion of the Guarantied Obligations is paid
by Supplier, the obligations of Guarantor hereunder shall continue and remain in
full force and effect or be reinstated, as the case may be, in the event that
all or any part of such payment(s) is rescinded or recovered directly or
indirectly from the Beneficiary as a preference, fraudulent transfer or
otherwise, and any such payments that are so rescinded or recovered shall
constitute Guarantied Obligations (to the extent such payments, in the
aggregate, do not exceed the Credit Amount).

     Subject to the other provisions of this Section 1, upon failure of Supplier
to pay any of the Guarantied Obligations when and as the same shall become due,
Guarantor will upon demand pay, or cause to be paid, in cash, to NPC, an amount
equal to the aggregate of the unpaid Guarantied Obligations. In the event
Guarantor fails to pay the Guarantied Obligations, each and every default in the
payment shall give rise to a separate cause of action and separate causes of
action may be brought hereunder as each such cause of action arises.

/2/ Sierra Pacific Power Company, as the case may be.


     2. Expenses. The Guarantor agrees to reimburse NPC for all reasonable costs
and expenses (including, without limitation, the reasonable fees and expenses of
legal counsel) in connection with (i) any default by Guarantor hereunder and any
enforcement or collection proceeding resulting therefrom, including, without
limitation, all manner of participation in or other involvement with bankruptcy,
insolvency, receivership, foreclosure, winding up or liquidation proceedings of
or involving the Guarantor, judicial or regulatory proceedings of or involving
the Guarantor and workout, restructuring or other negotiations or proceedings of
or involving the Guarantor (whether or not the workout, restructuring or
transaction contemplated thereby is consummated) and (ii) the enforcement of
this Section 2.

     3. Guaranty Absolute; Continuing Guaranty. The obligations of Guarantor
hereunder are irrevocable, absolute, independent and unconditional and shall not
be affected by any circumstance which constitutes a legal or equitable discharge
of a guarantor or surety other than payment in full of the Guarantied
Obligations. In furtherance of the foregoing and without limiting the generality
thereof, Guarantor agrees that: (a) this Guaranty is a guaranty of payment when
due and not of collectibility; (b) the obligations of Guarantor hereunder are
independent of the obligations of Supplier under the TPPA and a separate action
or actions may be brought and prosecuted against Guarantor whether or not any
action is brought against the Supplier and whether or not the Supplier is joined
in any such action or actions; and (c) Guarantor's payment of a portion, but not
all, of the Guarantied Obligations shall in no way limit, affect, modify or
abridge Guarantor's liability for any portion of the Guarantied Obligations that
has not been paid. This Guaranty is a continuing guaranty and shall be binding
upon Guarantor and its successors and assigns.

     4. Actions by Beneficiary. The Beneficiary may from time to time, without
notice or demand and without affecting the validity or enforceability of this
Guaranty or giving rise to any limitation, impairment or discharge of
Guarantor's liability hereunder, (a) renew, extend, accelerate or otherwise
change the time, place, manner or terms of payment of the Guarantied
Obligations, (b) settle, compromise, release or discharge, or accept or refuse
any offer of performance with respect to, or substitutions for, the Guarantied
Obligations or any agreement relating thereto and/or subordinate the payment of
the same to the payment of any other obligations, (c) request and accept other
guaranties of the Guarantied Obligations and take and hold security for the
payment of this Guaranty or the Guarantied Obligations, (d) release, exchange,
compromise, subordinate or modify, with or without consideration, any security
for payment of the Guarantied Obligations, any other guaranties of the
Guarantied Obligations, or any other obligation of any Person with respect to
the Guarantied Obligations, (e) enforce and apply any security hereafter held by
or for the benefit of the Beneficiary in respect of this Guaranty or the
Guarantied Obligations and direct the order or manner of sale thereof, or
exercise any other right or remedy that the Beneficiary may have against any
such security, and (f) exercise any other rights available to NPC under the


     5. No Discharge. This Guaranty and the obligations of Guarantor hereunder
shall be valid and enforceable and shall not be subject to any limitation,
impairment or discharge for any reason (other than payment in full of the
Guarantied Obligations), including without limitation the occurrence of any of
the following, whether or not Guarantor shall have had notice or knowledge of
any of them: (a) any failure to assert or enforce or agreement not to assert or
enforce, or the stay or enjoining, by order of court, by operation of law or
otherwise, of the exercise or enforcement of, any claim or demand or any right,
power or remedy with respect to the Guarantied Obligations or any agreement
relating thereto, or with respect to any other guaranty of or security for the
payment of the Guarantied Obligations, (b) any waiver or modification of, or any
consent to departure from, any of the terms or provisions of any other guaranty
or security for the Guarantied Obligations, (c) the Guarantied Obligations, or
any agreement relating thereto, at any time being found to be illegal, invalid
or unenforceable in any respect, (d) the application of payments received from
any source to the payment of indebtedness other than the Guarantied Obligations,
even if the Beneficiary might have elected to apply such payment to any part or
all of the Guarantied Obligations, (e) any failure to perfect or continue
perfection of a security interest in any collateral which secures any of the
Guarantied Obligations, (f) any defenses, set-offs or counterclaims which the
Supplier may assert against the Beneficiary in respect of the Guarantied
Obligations, including but not limited to failure of consideration, breach of
warranty, payment, statute of frauds, statute of limitations, accord and
satisfaction, and (g) any other act or thing or omission, or delay to do any
other act or thing, which may or might in any manner or to any extent vary the
risk of Guarantor as an obligor in respect of the Guarantied Obligations.

     6. Waivers for the Benefit of Beneficiary. Guarantor waives, for the
benefit of Beneficiary: (a) any right to require the Beneficiary, as a condition
of payment or performance by Guarantor, to (i) proceed against the Supplier, any
other guarantor of the Guarantied Obligations or any other Person, (ii) proceed
against or exhaust any security held from the Supplier, any other guarantor of
the Guarantied Obligations or any other Person, or (iii) pursue any other remedy
in the power of the Beneficiary; (b) any defense arising by reason of the
incapacity, lack of authority or any disability or other defense of the Supplier
including, without limitation, any defense based on or arising out of the lack
of validity or the unenforceability of the Guarantied Obligations or any
agreement or instrument relating thereto or by reason of the cessation of the
liability of the Supplier from any cause other than payment in full of the
Guarantied Obligations; (c) any defense based upon any statute or rule of law
which provides that the obligation of a surety must be neither larger in amount
nor in other respects more burdensome than that of the principal; (d) (i) any
principles or provisions of law, statutory or otherwise, that are or might be in
conflict with the terms of this Guaranty and any legal or equitable discharge of
Guarantor's obligations hereunder, (ii) the benefit of any statute of
limitations affecting Guarantor's liability hereunder or the enforcement hereof,
(iii) any rights to set-offs, recoupments and counterclaims, and (iv)
promptness, diligence and any requirement that the


Beneficiary protect, secure, perfect or insure any lien on any property subject
thereto; (e) notices, demands, presentments, protests, notices of protest,
notices of dishonor and notices of any action or inaction, including acceptance
of this Guaranty; and (f) to the fullest extent permitted by law, any defenses
or benefits that may be derived from or afforded by law which limit the
liability of or exonerate guarantors or sureties, or which may conflict with the
terms of this Guaranty.

     7. Waiver of Rights Against Supplier. Guarantor waives any claim, right or
remedy, direct or indirect, that Guarantor now has or may hereafter have against
the Supplier or any of its assets in connection with this Guaranty or the
performance by Guarantor of its obligations hereunder, in each case whether such
claim, right or remedy arises in equity, under contract, by statute, under
common law or otherwise and including without limitation (a) any right of
subrogation, reimbursement or indemnification that Guarantor now has or may
hereafter have against the Supplier, (b) any right to enforce, or to participate
in, any claim, right or remedy that the Beneficiary now has or may hereafter
have against the Supplier, and (c) any benefit of, and any right to participate
in, any collateral or security hereafter held by the Beneficiary. Guarantor
further agrees that, to the extent the waiver or agreement to withhold the
exercise of its rights of subrogation, reimbursement and indemnification as set
forth herein is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or
voidable for any reason, any rights of subrogation, reimbursement or
indemnification Guarantor may have against the Supplier or against any
collateral or security shall be junior and subordinate to any rights the
Beneficiary may have against Supplier, to all right, title and interest the
Beneficiary may have in any such collateral or security, and to any right the
Beneficiary may have against such other guarantor.

     8. Representations and Warranties of Guarantor. Guarantor represents and
warrants to NPC as follows:

     (a)  Guarantor is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of its state of incorporation. Guarantor has the
requisite corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties
and to carry on its business as now being conducted.

     (b)  Guarantor has the corporate power and authority to execute and deliver
this Guaranty and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The
execution and delivery of this Guaranty and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by the Board of
Directors of Guarantor, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of
Guarantor, including the approval of its shareholders, are necessary to
authorize this Guaranty or to consummate the transactions so contemplated. This
Guaranty has been duly and validly executed and delivered by Guarantor and
constitutes a valid and binding agreement of Guarantor, enforceable against
Guarantor in accordance with its terms.

     (c)  There are no legal or arbitral proceedings by or before any
governmental or regulatory authority or agency, now pending or (to Guarantor's


knowledge) threatened against Guarantor or its subsidiaries that could
reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated
financial condition, operations or business taken as a whole of it and its

     (d)  The representations and warranties made herein will remain true until
Guarantor has fulfilled all obligations to pay in full the Guaranteed

     9. Set Off. In addition to any other rights the Beneficiary may have under
law or in equity, if any amount shall at any time be due and owing by Guarantor
to the Beneficiary under this Guaranty, the Beneficiary is authorized at any
time or from time to time, without notice (any such notice being expressly
waived), to set off and to appropriate and to apply any indebtedness of the
Beneficiary owing to Guarantor and any other property of Guarantor held by the
Beneficiary to or for the credit or the account of Guarantor against and on
account of the Guarantied Obligations and liabilities of Guarantor to the
Beneficiary under this Guaranty.

     10.  Disputes. Any action, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to
this Guaranty (any such action, claim or dispute, a "Dispute") shall be
submitted in writing to the other Party. In the event Guarantor and NPC are
unable to resolve the Dispute satisfactorily within thirty (30) days from the
receipt of notice of the Dispute, either Guarantor or NPC may initiate
arbitration through the serving and filing of a demand for arbitration.
Guarantor and NPC expressly agree that such arbitration shall be the exclusive
means to further resolve any Dispute and hereby irrevocably waive their right to
a jury trial with respect to any Dispute, provided that at any time a request
made for provisional remedies requesting preservation of respective rights and
obligations under the Guaranty may be resolved by a court of law located in the
County of the principal place of business of NPC. Arbitration shall be conducted
in accordance with Sections 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7, and 13.8 of the TPPA.

     11.  Amendments and Waivers. No amendment, modification, termination or
waiver of any provision of this Guaranty, and no consent to any departure by
Guarantor therefrom, shall in any event be effective without the written
concurrence of NPC and, in the case of any such amendment or modification,
Guarantor. Any such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific
instance and for the specific purpose for which it was given.

     12.  Miscellaneous. It is not necessary for Beneficiary to inquire into the
capacity or powers of Guarantor or Supplier or the officers, directors or any
agents acting or purporting to act on behalf of any of them.

     The rights, powers and remedies given to Beneficiary by this Guaranty are
cumulative and shall be in addition to and independent of all rights, powers and
remedies given to Beneficiary by virtue of any statute or rule of law or in the
TPPA. Any forbearance or failure to exercise, and any delay by Beneficiary in
exercising, any right, power or remedy hereunder shall not impair any such
right, power or


remedy or be construed to be a waiver thereof, nor shall it preclude the further
exercise of any such right, power or remedy.

     In case any provision in or obligation under this Guaranty shall be
invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the validity, legality
and enforceability of the remaining provisions or obligations, or of such
provision or obligation in any other jurisdiction, shall not in any way be
affected or impaired thereby.

     This Guaranty shall inure to the benefit of Beneficiary and its respective
successors and assigns.

     13.  Notices. All notices, requests, demands, waivers, consents and other
communications hereunder shall be in writing, shall be delivered either in
person, by telegraphic, facsimile or other electronic means, by overnight air
courier or by mail, and shall be deemed to have been duly given and to have
become effective (a) upon receipt if delivered in person or by telegraphic,
facsimile or other electronic means, (b) one (1) business day after having been
delivered to an air courier for overnight delivery or (c) three (3) business
days after having been deposited in the U.S. mails as certified or registered
mail, return receipt requested, all fees prepaid, directed to the parties at the
following addresses:

     If to Guarantor, addressed to:

     If to NPC, addressed to:      William E. Peterson
                                   Nevada Power Company
                                   6100 Neil Road
                                   Reno, Nevada 89511
                                   Facsimile:  (775) 834-5959

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Guarantor has caused this Guaranty to be duly executed
and delivered by its officers thereunto duly authorized as of the date first
written above.

                        By: __________________________
                        Address: __________________________


                                   EXHIBIT I
                           COMPANY OBSERVED HOLIDAYS

                New Year's Day              January 1/st/
                Martin Luther King's Day    Third Monday in January
                President's Day             Third Monday in February
                Memorial Day (observed)     Last Monday in May
                Independence Day            July 4/th/
                Labor Day                   First Monday in September
                Veteran's Day               November 11/th/
                Thanksgiving Day            Fourth Thursday in November
                Thanksgiving Friday         Friday after Thanksgiving
                Christmas Eve               December 24/th/
                Christmas Day               December 25/th/

     Holidays falling on Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday and
those falling on Sunday will be observed on the following Monday.


                                   EXHIBIT J
                          ADJUSTMENTS TO TPPA AMOUNT

                            Monthly                                                                     Monthly
     Month                 Adjustment                                                 Month             Adjustment
- ---------------------------------------------                             ---------------------------------------------
            Mar-01                      1.1%                                              Mar-02                  1.4%
            Apr-01                      2.4%                                              Apr-02                  3.1%
            May-01                      2.7%                                              May-02                  3.2%
            Jun-01                      3.0%                                              Jun-02                  3.3%
            Jul-01                     12.4%                                              Jul-02                  9.7%
            Aug-01                     12.7%                                              Aug-02                  9.9%
            Sep-01                     12.9%                                              Sep-02                 10.0%
            Oct-01                      2.2%                                              Oct-02                  1.8%
            Nov-01                      2.3%                                              Nov-02                  1.9%
            Dec-01                      2.4%                                              Dec-02                  1.9%
            Jan-02                      1.3%                                              Jan-03                  1.6%
            Feb-02                      1.4%                                              Feb-03                  1.6%

Example 1 - Effective Date of Agreement is April 15, 2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------

A.   TPPA Amount:                       $         15,000,000

                               B                            C                         D
                            Monthly                    Applicable                Applicable
      Month               Adjustment                    Portion *                Adjustment
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                   (B x C)
            Apr-01                      2.4%                           50.0%          1.2%
            May-01                      2.7%                          100.0%          2.7%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total                                                                           3.9%

E.  Total of Monthly Applicable Adjustments                                                              3.9%
F   Adjusted TPPA Amount                                                 (A x (1+D))           $  15,585,000

Example 2 - Effective Date of Agreement is September 15, 2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------

G.    TPPA Amount:                           $   15,000,000
                               H                            I                         J
                            Monthly                    Applicable                Applicable
      Month               Adjustment                    Portion *                Adjustment
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                   (H x I)
            Jun-01                      3.0%                          100.0%                3.0%
            Jul-01                     12.4%                          100.0%               12.4%


                                   EXHIBIT J
                          ADJUSTMENTS TO TPPA AMOUNT

     Aug-01                    12.7%                        100.0%                          12.7%
     Sep-01                    12.9%                         50.0%                           6.5%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total                                                                                     34.6%

K.  Total of Monthly Applicable Adjustments                                                                    34.6%
L   Adjusted TPPA Amount                                               (G x (1-K))                 $      9,810,000

Example 3 - Termination Date of December 31, 2002
- -------------------------------------------------

M.   TPPA Amount:                           $         15,000,000

                               N                            O                         P
                            Monthly                    Applicable                Applicable
      Month               Adjustment                   Portion **                Adjustment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                   (N x O)
          Jan-03                      1.6%                          100.0%                  1.6%
          Feb-03                      1.6%                          100.0%                  1.6%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total                                                                                     3.2%

Q.  Total of Monthly Applicable Adjustments                                                                      3.2%
R   Payment Amount                                                                 (M x Q)         $         480,000

*  The applicable portion of the month is the number of days in the month during
which deliveries of energy from Supplier to Buyer were made divided by the
number of days in the month.
** The applicable portion of the month is the number of days in the month during
which deliveries of energy from Supplier to Buyer would have been made divided
by the number of days in the month.

                                   EXHIBIT K

        A                     B                    C                  D                   E                    F
                         Base Number          Base Energy         Sales per         Current Number      Adjusted Energy
     Class *            of Customers          Sales (MWh)       Customer (MWh)       of Customers         Sales (MWh)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   (C / B)                                (D x E) **
Residential                        475,000         5,800,000                   12            470,000             5,738,947
Commercial                          65,000         2,800,000                   43             60,000             2,584,615
Industrial                           1,000         4,900,000                                     800             3,600,000
Street Lighting                          5           130,000                                       5               130,000


                                   EXHIBIT K

Other Retail                    50        600,000              50       600,000
Wholesale                        5        850,000               5       850,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           541,060     15,080,000         530,860    13,503,563

G.  Adjustment to Minimum Annual Take                (F / C)              89.55%
H.  Minimum Annual Take from Exhibit A (MWh)                             40,000
I.  Revised Minimum Annual Take (MWh)                (G x H)             35,820

       J                 K
 Month During     Applicable Min.
 Contract Year   Annual Take (MWh)
- ----------------------------------
       1                    40,000
       2                    40,000
       3                    40,000
       4                    40,000
       5                    35,820
       6                    35,820
       7                    35,820
       8                    34,000
       9                    34,000
      10                    32,000
      11                    32,000
      12                    32,000
- ----------------------------------
     Total                 431,460

L.  Minimum Take for Contract Year (MWh)        (Total of K / 12)        35,955

*  As reported on Buyer"s FERC Form 1
** Adjusted Energy Sales for the remaining Industrial, Street Lighting, Other
Retail, and Wholesale customers will be based upon actual sales during the base

                                   EXHIBIT L

    A             B               C             D              E *             F            G **
 Dispatch       Supply        Delivered     Permitted         Force       Replacement    Applicable
   Hour      Amount (MWh)   Energy (MWh)  Derating(MWh)   Majeure(MWh)    Energy(MWh)   Energy(MWh)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1             72             72                                                         72
    2             72             72                                                         72
    3             72             72                                                         72


                                    EXHIBIT L


            4                 72                72                                                                       72
            5                 72                72                                                                       72
            6                 72                52                 20                                                    72
            7                 72                52                 20                                                    72
            8                 72                52                                                     20                72
            9                 72                72                                                                       72
           10                 72                72                                                                       72
           11                 72                72                                                                       72
           12                 72                72                                                                       72
           13                 72                 0                                   72                                  72
           14                 72                 0                                   72                                  72
           15                 72                 0                                   72                                  72
           16                 72                 0                                   72                                  72
           17                 72                22                                                     30                52
           18                 72                72                                                                       72
           19                 72                72                                                                       72
           20                 72                72                                                                       72
           21                 72                72                                                                       72
           22                 72                72                                                                       72
           23                 72                72                                                                       72
           24                 52                52                                                                       52
           25                 42                42                                                                       42
           26                 52                52                                                                       52
           27                 42                12                 30                                                    42
           28                 52                52                                                                       52
           29                 72                72                                                                       72
           30                 72                72                                                                       72
           31                 72                72                                                                       72
           32                 72                72                                                                       72
           33                 72                72                                                                       72
           34                 72                72                                                                       72
           35                 72                72                                                                       72
           36                 72                72                                                                       72
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        total              2,472             2,044                 70               288                50             2,452

*  Includes energy excused because of Supplier's and Buyer's events of Force
** G cannot be greater than B


                                   EXHIBIT M

1.   For the purposes of this Exhibit M, "Constrained Capacity" shall mean that
     portion of the Asset Bundle Capacity that has been designated as being
     subject to contractual and operational constraints in accordance with the
     provisions of this Exhibit M.

2.   Section 4.1.4 of the Agreement, which addresses Supplier's right to Asset
     Bundle Capacity in excess of the Supply Amount, shall not be applicable to
     Constrained Capacity.

3.   Asset Bundle Capacity scheduled in accordance with Section 5.1 of the
     Agreement, which addresses Buyer's notifications to Supplier, shall not be
     deemed to include Constrained Capacity unless Buyer's schedules
     specifically designate Constrained Capacity as being applicable to the

4.   The Asset Bundle Capacity described in the following table shall be deemed
     Constrained Capacity.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Source of Capac-                                        Monthly                                Daily
          ity                 Annual Limit                  Limit             Daily Limit        Start-Up        Minimum Load
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          6,135 hours if operated on
         Unit 3                  natural gas/1/                                  20 hours at
     (72 MW summer)                                         None              max. capacity         1               30 MW
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/1/  The number of operating hours shall be decreased in accordance with the
environmental permits for the Harry Allen Unit if that unit is operated on oil.
The basis for such reductions will be the overall level of NOx emissions.
