Exhibit 10.31


- ----------------------

1.)  Perpetual non-exclusive license (the "License") to Elogic Enterprise
     Technology (the "Elogic Enterprise Technology") for use in NewsEdge's
     business product offerings which shall be products utilizing Elogic
     Enterprise Technology and NewsEdge's content (the "Products"). This shall
     include the right to sublicense in accordance with A(5) below.

2.)  License shall include the right to enhancements to Elogic Enterprise
     Technology as developed over time in connection with changes to the
     Products during the two (2) year term of the development agreement as
     contemplated in Section A(3) below. In addition, if Elogic makes any
     enhancements to the Elogic Enterprise Technology during any Renewal Period
     (as defined in A(3) below) or Maintenance Period (as defined in B(7)
     below), then Elogic will provide such enhancements at no additional cost to
     NewsEdge, and within a reasonable time frame.

3.)  Two (2) year (the "Initial Term") product development agreement that
     utilizes the Elogic Enterprise Technology and Elogic's engineering
     resources as part of development project managed by NewsEdge to develop and
     continually enhance the Product. Development agreement will specify a
     minimum commitment of five (5) Elogic full-time equivalent employees to the
     joint development project, including a full-time project manager.
     Thereafter, NewsEdge has the right to commit to the minimum payment of $1.5
     million as described in Section B(1) below (a "Renewal") for annual
     renewals (each year being a "Renewal Period"). If NewsEdge Corporation
     makes said commitment it will receive the same five (5) people equivalent
     Elogic employee resource commitment specified above.

     NewsEdge reserves the right to approve the assigned Elogic employees to
     ensure that the employees have the proper skill sets and training for the
     development of the Product, such approval to not be unreasonably withheld.
     NewsEdge understands that Elogic will need to rotate staff to enhance the
     continued well-being of Elogic. At no time, shall more than 20% of the
     staff be a junior, rookie, or probationary employee. In addition, the
     Project Manager shall be a fully qualified veteran of Elogic development
     efforts, and capable of managing the entire engagement.

4.)  Escrow agreement during the Initial Term and any Renewal Period to Elogic
     Enterprise Technology in the event of (i) bankruptcy or (ii) acquisition of
     Elogic by Factiva, Lexis/Nexis, Dialog, ______, and ______, and only in
     such events.

5.)  Two (2) year sales and marketing agreement that gives NewsEdge the right to
     sublicense Elogic Enterprise Technology with the Products. The sales and
     marketing agreement shall provide that NewsEdge has the right to sublicense
     Elogic Enterprise Technology in connections with distribution of the
     Products which generate Covered Revenue (as defined in Section B(2) below).
     However, NewsEdge shall not have the right to sublicense any portion or all
     of the Elogic Enterprise Technology separate from the Product or in
     connection with distribution of the Product which does not generate Covered
     Revenue. The sales and marketing agreement will provide for a royalty
     payment to Elogic for the use of the Elogic technology as part of the
     license and product development agreements on a percentage of revenue basis
     as contemplated in Section B(2) below. NewsEdge shall have the right to
     annual optional renewals of the right to sublicense the Elogic Enterprise
     Technology for which (i) it will not be obligated to pay the minimum
     royalty described in

     B(1) below, but (ii) it will be obligated to pay the royalty described in
     B(2) below for each subsequent year that it renews the right to sublicense
     Elogic Enterprise Technology.

6.)  All necessary training and any required documentation of the Elogic
     Enterprise Technology to be provided by Elogic to NewsEdge.

- --------------------

1.)  Guaranteed minimum annual (calendar year) royalty payments of $1.5 million
     to be applied against future earned royalties for the two (2) years of the
     development term, payable in $125,000 monthly installments. This $1.5
     million per year minimum royalty payment will be counted as an advance
     against the seven and one half percent (7.5%) annual royalty rate described
     in Section B(2) below. However, the previous year's minimum royalty payment
     shall not count towards any subsequent year.

     In the event of any Renewal under paragraph A(3) above, the annual
     guaranteed minimum annual royalty payments of $1.5 million will be applied
     against royalties during that Renewal Term according to the same mechanism
     as described in the above paragraph.

2.)  A royalty of seven and one half percent (7.5%) of Royalty Generating
     Revenue. "Royalty Generating Revenue" is all Covered Revenue in excess of
     eighty percent (80%) of the prior year's Covered Revenue (the "Revenue
     Floor"). "Covered Revenue" is all Enterprise Revenue excluding professional
     services and installation revenue (which for purposes of deductions from
     Enterprise Revenue, shall not be deemed to exceed 5% of Enterprise
     Revenue). "Enterprise Revenue" is all NewsEdge revenue other than
     NewsEdge's segmented Individual.com revenue. All earned royalties will be
     first paid with the advance royalties described in Section B(1) above. Any
     excess royalties during the two (2) year development term shall be paid
     within forty-five (45) days after each calendar year end; upon exercise by
     NewsEdge of any optional extension pursuant to Section A(5) above,
     royalties shall be determined quarterly rather than on an annual
     comparative basis and shall be paid within thirty (30) days after the end
     of each of NewsEdge's fiscal quarters.

     For an illustration of how the royalties are computed, see below:

In Millions of Dollars:

    Year               Newz           Growth        Revenue        Covered       Royalty @   % of Total
                     Revenue           Rate          Floor         Revenue         7.50%       Revenue
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1999               70.0
    2000               80.5             15%           56.0           24.5            1.8        2.28%
    2001              100.6             25%           64.4           36.2            2.7        2.70%
    2002              130.8             30%           80.5           50.3            3.8        2.88%

Royalty includes minimum guarantee of $1.5 million in year 2000 and 2001.

The start date for the royalty calculation is January 1, 2000.  In the event
that the first product is not completed by June 30, 2000, NewsEdge may cancel
this agreement with no further obligations.

3.)  NewsEdge shall pay hosting costs for the Product equal to $15,000 for the
     first 2 million pageviews and $3,500 for up to every 1 million pageviews
     thereafter. At the option of NewsEdge, Elogic will deliver a copy of the
     Elogic Enterprise Technology as an instillation kit to NewsEdge for hosting
     at data centers (as many as three anywhere in the world.) In the event that
     NewsEdge hosts the Elogic Enterprise Technology itself, NewsEdge will not
     be responsible for any hosting fees.

4.)  The initial term of the agreement will begin on January 1, 2000. NewsEdge
     will commence paying the minimum $125,000 per month payment and any
     applicable hosting fees within fifteen (15) days of the end of the month
     the payment is due. These payments include the work performed by Elogic on
     NewsEdge's Workgroups product.

5.)  In the event that NewsEdge Corporation acquires or divests certain
     offerings the parties will mutually agree on appropriate adjustments to the
     Royalty Generating Revenue, Enterprise Revenue and Covered Revenue used to
     calculate royalties.

6.)  The maximum royalty payment is ten million ($10,000,000) dollars. Following
     the maximum royalty payment, NewsEdge will make maintenance payments of
     $300,000 per year (a "Maintenance Period"). During a Maintenance Period,
     NewsEdge will receive all maintenance releases and minor enhancements but
     no new software modules or major enhancements but no new software modules
     or major enhancements.

     In the event that either party hereto is acquired, the rights and
     obligations hereunder shall automatically continue. This term sheet is non-
     binding on either party; it is intended solely to set forth the material
     terms of a proposed transaction to be binding only upon entering into the
     definitive agreements contemplated hereby. This term sheet shall be
     superceded upon entering into the definitive agreements contemplated

     Dated January 19, 2000.
     NewsEdge Corporation
     /s/ Clifford Pollan                    /s/ Ronald Benanto
     Signature of authorized officer
     By:   Clifford Pollan                    By:  Ronald Benanto
          -----------------                         ----------------
     Title:  President                        Title:  Vice President
            -----------                               ----------------

     Elogic Corporation
     /s/ Bill Nash
     Signature of authorized officer
     By:   Bill Nash
     Title:  CEO

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The parties previously entered into that certain NewsEdge - Elogic Enterprise
Business Partnership Term Sheet, dated January 19, 2000 (the "Term Sheet").

The parties now wish to amend the Term Sheet to make it binding on the parties.

Therefore, the parties agree that the Term Sheet is hereby amended to delete the
penultimate sentence of the Term Sheet, and to replace such sentence with the
following sentence.


All other terms of the Term Sheet shall remain in effect.

The parties hereby enter into this Amendment No. 1 as of March 23, 2000.

NewsEdge Corporation

/s/ Clifford Pollan
- ---------------------
Signature of authorized officer

By:   Clifford Pollan

Title:   CEO

Elogic Corporation

/s/ Bill Nash
- ---------------
Signature of authorized officer

By:   Bill Nash

Title:   CEO