RESEARCH AGREEMENT

This Agreement is made effective this 31st day of March, 2001, by and between
Millipore Corporation, a Massachusetts Corporation ("Millipore"), and Mykrolis
Corporation, a Delaware corporation, ("Mykrolis").

                          Introduction and Background

1.   The Board of Directors of Millipore has determined that it is in the best
     interest of Millipore and its stockholders to separate Millipore's existing
     businesses into two independent businesses.

2.   As part of the foregoing, Millipore and Mykrolis, have entered into a
     Master Separation and Distribution Agreement which provides, among other
     things, for the separation of certain Mykrolis assets and Mykrolis
     liabilities, the initial public offering of Mykrolis stock, the
     distribution of such stock and the execution and delivery of certain other
     agreements in order to facilitate and provide for the foregoing.

3.   Millipore has a central research group which performs research on behalf of
     all of the divisions of Millipore.

4.   Millipore's microelectronics division, which has become Mykrolis, wishes to
     have Millipore continue to perform certain research for Mykrolis for a
     period of time and Millipore wishes to perform such research.

NOW, THEREFORE, Millipore and Mykrolis agree as follows:

1.   Research Projects Performed by Millipore Personnel

     A.   The Projects

          For the duration of this Agreement, Millipore shall commit to perform
          the following 4 research projects for Mykrolis:

          .  High Performance Filter
          .  Orion PTFE Filter
          .  Non-Sieving Technology
          .  Quick Change II

          (collectively, the "Projects", or a "Project")


          Such Projects are described in Exhibit A which is attached and
          incorporated by reference.

     B.   Process for Conducting Research

          On an annual basis, the parties shall determine the scope of work for
          each Project, the amount of Millipore personnel required to perform
          such work, and the particular Millipore personnel assigned to each

          The parties agree to use their best efforts to determine the scope of
          work, the amount of time required to perform such work, and the
          particular Millipore personnel assigned to each Project for the first
          year of this Agreement within sixty (60) days following the execution
          of this Agreement.  Thereafter, these matters shall be determined as

          (i)    Before the end of the current contract year, Mykrolis shall
                 meet with Millipore to discuss with regard to each Project the
                 scope of work it wishes Millipore to complete for the following
                 contract year.

          (ii)   For each Project, Millipore shall submit a research proposal
                 (the "Research Proposal") which shall include the following:

                 .  the scope of work proposed for the following year;

                 .  the particular Millipore personnel assigned to the Project
                    and the percentage of their time to be spent on such

                 .  estimate of expenses and capital needed for the following
                    year. The actual expenses and capital may vary but the
                    variance from the estimate shall not be greater than 20%
                    without Millipore receiving the written consent of Mykrolis.

          (iii)  The parties shall discuss each Research Proposal, modify as
                 appropriate, and, if acceptable to both parties, shall indicate
                 their agreement by mutual execution of the Research Proposal.
                 Once executed, the Research Proposal shall bind both parties.

          (iv)   Each Research Proposal shall be mutually executed at least 90
                 days before the end of the current contract year.


          (v)    If the parties cannot agree on a Research Proposal for a
                 particular Project, or if Mykrolis elects not to continue work
                 on a particular Project, then the work on that particular
                 Project shall stop at the end of the current contract year.
                 Thereafter, Millipore shall have no obligation to work on such

          (vi)   After the completion of a Project, support services may be
                 requested by Mykrolis to assist in the implementation of the
                 results of the project work. Both parties will agree to the
                 amount of time required to fulfill these requests prior to work
                 commencing. Costs will be determined as per Section D below.

     C.   No Guarantees; Representations

          The parties recognize that research is inherently an uncertain
          endeavor.  Accordingly, Millipore cannot guarantee that any particular
          results will arise from the research performed under this Agreement.
          Millipore does, however, represent the following:

          (i)    The work to be accomplished in the Research Proposals shall be
                 realistic and achievable.

          (ii)   The Millipore personnel assigned to each Project possess the
                 appropriate skills to perform the work as described in the
                 Research Proposal.

          (iii)  The Millipore personnel assigned to the Projects hereunder
                 shall exercise good faith and commercially reasonable efforts
                 to complete the work set forth in the applicable Research

          (iv)   When the Research Proposal for a given year has been mutually
                 executed, Millipore shall endeavor to maintain the assigned
                 people to the particular Project for that year. Millipore,
                 does, however, reserve the right to reassign individuals in
                 exceptional circumstances. In such a case, Mykrolis shall have
                 the right to refuse the re-assignment, provided that it
                 notifies Millipore within 10 days of the date Mykrolis learns
                 of the re-assignment, and terminate the particular Project
                 immediately with no further financial


                 obligation other than to pay for all research done until the
                 date of termination.

     D.   Costs

          (i)    The cost to Mykrolis for the services of the Millipore
                 personnel provided in this Agreement (the "Research Costs")
                 shall approximate Millipore's costs and shall be agreed upon by
                 the parties within sixty (60) days following the execution of
                 this Agreement.

          (ii)   For each individual assigned to a Project, Mykrolis shall pay
                 Millipore for the percentage of that individual's time
                 allocated to such Project, as set forth in the applicable
                 Research Proposal.

          (iii)  The amount set forth in subsection (i) above which Mykrolis
                 pays to Millipore shall include not only the services of the
                 Millipore research personnel assigned to the Projects but also
                 all laboratory and office space required to conduct the
                 research activities hereunder. Such laboratory and office space
                 shall be in quality and amount substantially similar to that
                 provided to other Millipore personnel performing research for

          (iv)   Any extra equipment, materials, and Project related travel
                 required to perform the Projects shall not be included in the
                 rate set forth in subsection (i) above and shall be Mykrolis'
                 financial responsibility. Accordingly, all such equipment,
                 materials and Project related travel expenses required to
                 perform the research shall be initially paid for by Millipore
                 but Millipore shall be reimbursed by Mykrolis for such expenses
                 at cost on a quarterly basis as per Section 5 of this Agreement
                 (Millipore shall provide appropriate documentation upon

          (v)    During the term of this Agreement, all costs hereunder shall be
                 increased, on an annual basis, 5% over the prior year's costs.


     E.   Early Termination of Projects

          Mykrolis may terminate any Project before its scheduled conclusion.
          Its only financial obligation upon such early termination shall be to
          pay for all Millipore research personnel assigned to such project to
          the end of the current contract year as described in the applicable
          Research Proposal (alternatively, if the Research Proposal states that
          the Project ends before the end of the current contract year, then
          Mykrolis' obligation ends sooner as described in the Research
          Proposal).  Notwithstanding the above, Millipore shall exercise its
          best efforts to mitigate Mykrolis' financial obligations by attempting
          to assign the Millipore personnel affected by such early termination
          to a Millipore research project.  When, and if, the Millipore
          personnel have been assigned to a Millipore research project,
          Millipore shall inform Mykrolis, and Mykrolis' obligations with
          respect to paying for that particular Millipore employee shall cease.
          This provision shall not apply to any Mykrolis Project termination
          under Section 1(C)(iv) above.

     F.   The parties may by mutual written agreement add projects to this
          Agreement beyond those set forth in Section 1(A) above.

2.   Melt Casting Projects

     Mykrolis shall develop the capacity to perform its melt casting research
     projects with its own personnel and its own facilities.  Until such time as
     Mykrolis is able to do so, Millipore shall provide the following assistance
     to Mykrolis:

     A.   Space

          Laboratory and office space ("Space") for 5 Mykrolis research
          personnel assigned to Melt Casting projects.  The parties contemplate
          that the Mykrolis employees shall be Larry Yen, Dean Gates, Rajni
          Patel, Sonan Nguyen and a senior chemical engineer to be hired by
          Mykrolis.  Such Mykrolis employees shall reside at the facilities of
          Millipore's central research group.  Millipore shall provide adequate
          Space so that such Mykrolis employees may conduct the Melt Casting
          research projects.  Such Space shall be in quality and amount,
          substantially similar to the Space provided to Millipore's research
          personnel.  The cost to Mykrolis for providing the Space described
          above shall be as specified in the in the Research Costs.  Any
          materials and extra equipment required to perform the research herein


          not be included in this rate and shall be Mykrolis' responsibility.
          Accordingly, Mykrolis shall purchase and own such materials and
          equipment. While the parties expect that the Mykrolis research
          personnel will require the Space for a period of approximately one
          year, Millipore shall make such Space available for a maximum of two

     B.   To further facilitate Mykrolis' development of its melt casting
          research capability, Millipore shall, for the first year of this
          Agreement, make 50% of K.S. Cheng's time available to Mykrolis.
          Mykrolis shall utilize Dr. Cheng to assist in its efforts to develop
          an independent melt casting research capability.  The cost of Dr.
          Cheng's services to Mykrolis shall be as specified in the Research

     C.   During the term of this Agreement, all costs hereunder shall be
          increased, on an annual basis, 5% over the prior year's costs.

3.   Ownership Rights In Millipore's Work Product

     A.   (i)    The parties acknowledge that Millipore possesses a significant
                 foundation of know-how, technology, trade secrets, and
                 expertise in the area of chemical surface modifications on
                 polymeric membrane surfaces ("the Foundation").

          (ii)   The parties contemplate that much of the technology of the
                 Foundation will be utilized in the Projects. Notwithstanding
                 anything below in this section to the contrary, all technology
                 which is part of the Foundation which is utilized in the
                 Projects remains the property of Millipore. Mykrolis, however,
                 shall have the royalty free right to utilize such Foundation
                 technology as contemplated by the particular Project in the
                 Mykrolis Field of Use as defined in the Master Trade Secret and
                 Know-How Agreement.

          (iii)  With respect to any know-how developed in the course of a
                 Project and relating to the Foundation, each party shall have
                 the exclusive right to utilize such know-how in their
                 respective Fields of Use as defined in the Master Trade Secret
                 and Know-How Agreement.


     B.   Millipore hereby agrees that all works of authorship, including the
          design and implementation of any computer program, developed by the
          Millipore personnel while assigned to Mykrolis and arising out of
          their work on a Project shall be deemed "work for hire" as that term
          is defined under the United States Copyright Laws and all rights in
          and to such works of authorship developed by Millipore shall be the
          sole property of Mykrolis.

     C.   Millipore hereby covenants and agrees that it shall, during the term
          of this Agreement, and for a period of six (6) months thereafter,
          cause the Millipore personnel to promptly report and disclose to
          Mykrolis, all inventions ("Inventions") made or conceived by the
          Millipore Employees while assigned to Mykrolis and arising out of
          their work on a Project and shall assign to Mykrolis its entire
          interest throughout the world in all Inventions referred to herein.
          As used herein, the term "Invention" means an idea, development, or
          technology that is patentable under U.S. patent law.

     D.   Notwithstanding the above, Millipore shall retain an exclusive,
          worldwide, right to make, use, sub-license, or sell any product
          incorporating such Invention in the Millipore Field (as that term is
          defined in the Master Trade Secret and Know-How Agreement).  In
          consideration for such right, Millipore shall pay Mykrolis a 5%
          royalty on all net sales of any such product for a period of 10 years
          from the effective date of this Agreement.  Such royalty shall be paid
          on a quarterly basis within 45 days after the end of each Millipore
          fiscal quarter. This payment shall be accompanied by sufficient
          information so that Mykrolis can determine how the calculation of net
          sales was made.  As used above, "net sales" shall mean cash
          collections from the invoiced selling price of those products less
          normal trade discounts, commissions paid to independent agents or
          distributors, returns or credits, excise and sales taxes.

     E.   In connection with disclosing the Inventions, Millipore shall
          cooperate fully with Mykrolis' attorneys in obtaining patents covering
          these Inventions, should Mykrolis in fact choose to file such
          applications.  To the extent such cooperation can be completed within
          the applicable time allocated for the Millipore personnel assigned to
          such Project, such cooperation is included in the costs set forth in
          Section 1(D) above.  If additional time is needed to complete such
          cooperation, then Mykrolis shall pay Millipore the applicable Research
          Costs (during the term of this


          Agreement, such costs shall increase, on an annual basis, 5% over the
          prior year's costs) for such additional time. Copies of all drafts and
          the final application shall be provided to the Millipore inventors and
          the Millipore Patent Counsel for review and consent before filing.
          Finally, if patenting a particular Invention would compromise the
          confidentiality of a Millipore trade secret, which is part of the
          Foundation, then, such patent will only be filed with the mutual
          written consent of the parties. Millipore shall promptly inform
          Mykrolis if it believes that its trade secrets would be compromised by
          such filing.

4.   Maintenance of Records

     Millipore shall make and maintain adequate and current records of all
     Inventions falling within the scope of this Agreement and of all work
     performed by it under this Agreement; and agrees to make them available to

5.   Payments

     With respect to all compensation due hereunder, Millipore shall invoice
     Mykrolis on a quarterly basis.  Such invoice shall be for the research
     performed under Section 1, the Space, (including services provided under
     Section 2(B)) and any equipment, materials, Project related travel or other
     expenses contemplated by this Agreement.  Mykrolis shall make payment to
     Millipore within 45 days of receipt of the invoice.  The invoice shall
     include sufficient information and detail so that Mykrolis can reasonably
     determine its accuracy.  Late payments shall bear interest at the lesser of
     12% or the maximum rate allowed by law.

6.   Term and Termination

     A.   The term of this Agreement shall be for 5 years commencing on the
          effective date.  Mykrolis, however, may terminate this Agreement for
          its convenience prior to its normal expiration by providing Millipore
          with 12 months written notice of its desire to terminate.  In
          addition, Millipore may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written
          notice if Mykrolis is acquired, directly or indirectly, by a company
          which competes directly with Millipore.  Also,  Mykrolis may terminate
          this Agreement upon 30 days notice if Millipore is acquired, directly
          or indirectly, by a company which competes directly with Mykrolis.


     B.   Either party may terminate this Agreement, by written notice to the
          other party:

          (i)    upon the material failure of the other party to observe, keep
                 or perform any of the covenants, terms or conditions herein, if
                 such default continues for 30 days after written notice by the
                 other party,

          (ii)   upon the institution by or against either party of insolvency,
                 receivership or bankruptcy proceedings or any other proceedings
                 for the settlement of its debts.

          (iii)  upon either party's assignment for the benefit of creditors,

          (iv)   upon either party's dissolution or ceasing to do business.

     C.   This Agreement, the Master Separation Agreement and all other
          Ancillary Agreements may be terminated at any time prior to the IPO
          Closing Date by and in the sole discretion of Millipore without the
          approval of Mykrolis.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time
          after the IPO Closing Date and before the Distribution Date by mutual
          consent of Millipore and Mykrolis.  In the event of termination
          pursuant to this Section 6(C), no party shall have any liability of
          any kind to the other party.

7.   Confidentiality

     A.   During the term of this Agreement, each party will be disclosing
          confidential information to the other party and learning, observing,
          or otherwise receiving the other party's confidential information.
          The parties shall presume that all information regarding the parties'
          respective research projects is confidential information.  In
          addition, this confidential information shall be the property of the
          party on whose behalf such research is performed.  The parties agree
          to respect the other party's confidential information, to not disclose
          it to any third parties, and to not use it for any purpose other than
          as contemplated by this Agreement.


     B.   Millipore agrees that all work performed by the Millipore personnel
          while assigned to the Mykrolis Project shall be considered the
          confidential information and property of Mykrolis.

     C.   This Agreement imposes no obligation upon either party with respect to
          information that:  (a) was developed after the date of this agreement
          and was in the possession of the receiving party before receipt from
          the disclosing party; (b) is or becomes a matter of public knowledge
          through no fault of the receiving party; (c) is rightfully received by
          the receiving party from a third party without a duty of
          confidentiality; (d) is disclosed by the disclosing party to a third
          party without a duty of confidentiality; (e) is independently
          developed by the receiving party; or (f) is necessary to be disclosed
          in a judicial or administrative process.

8.   Limitation Of Liability; No Warranties for Intellectual Property


          INFRINGEMENT.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
          Millipore makes no warranty or representation as to the validity of
          any such know-how, technology, or inventions; and both parties make no
          warranty or representation that any use of any such know-how,
          technology, or inventions with respect to any product or service will
          be free from infringement of any rights of any third party.


9.   Force Majeure

     Each party will be excused for any failure or delay in performing any of
     its obligations under this Agreement, if such failure or delay is caused by
     Force Majeure.  "Force Majeure" means any act of God or the public enemy,
     any accident, explosion, fire, storm, earthquake, flood, or any other
     circumstance or event beyond the reasonable control of the party relying
     upon such circumstance or event.

10.  Dispute Resolution

     A.   Use and Initiation of Procedure.  In the event of a dispute between
          the parties arising out of or related to this Agreement (the
          "Dispute"), the parties hereto agree to use the alternative dispute
          resolution procedures specified in this section (the "Procedure") in
          good faith in order to resolve such dispute.  The Procedure may be
          modified by written agreement of the parties at the time the Dispute
          arises.  A party seeking to initiate the Procedure shall give written
          notice to the other party, describing briefly the nature of the
          dispute and its claim and identifying an individual with authority to
          settle the dispute on its behalf.  The party receiving such notice
          shall have five (5) days within which to designate, in a written
          notice given to the initiating party, an individual with authority to
          settle the dispute on its behalf.  Neither of such authorized
          individuals shall have had direct substantive involvement in the
          matters involved in the Dispute.

     B.   Unassisted Settlement.  The authorized individuals shall make such
          investigation as they deem appropriate and thereafter promptly (but in
          no event later than thirty (30) days from the date of the initiating
          party's notice) shall commence discussions concerning resolution of
          the Dispute.  If the Dispute has not been resolved within thirty (30)
          days from the commencement of discussions, it shall be submitted to
          alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") in accordance with the
          provisions of this Section 10 hereof.

     C.   Selection of Neutral.  The parties shall have ten (10) days following
          the submission of the Dispute to ADR in accordance with Section 10(B)
          above to agree upon a mutually-acceptable person not affiliated with
          either of the parties (the "Neutral").  If no Neutral has been
          selected within such time, the parties agree jointly to request the
          American Arbitration Association, the Center for Public Resources, or
          another mutually agreed-upon provider of neutral services to supply
          within ten (10) days a list


          of potential Neutrals with qualifications as specified by the parties
          in the joint request. Within five (5) days of receipt of the list, the
          parties shall independently rank the proposed candidates, shall
          simultaneously exchange rankings, and shall select as the Neutral the
          individual receiving the highest combined ranking who is available to

     D.   Time and Place for ADR.  In consultation with the Neutral, the parties
          shall promptly designate a mutually convenient time and place for the
          ADR (and unless circumstances require otherwise, such time to be not
          later than forty-five (45) days after selection of the Neutral).

     E.   Exchange of Information.  In the event either of the parties has
          substantial need for information in the possession of the other party
          in order to prepare for the ADR, the parties shall attempt in good
          faith to agree on Procedures for the expeditious exchange of such
          information, with the help of the Neutral if required.

     F.   Summary of Views.  One week prior to the first scheduled session of
          the ADR, each party shall deliver to the Neutral and to the other
          party a concise written summary of its views on the matter in Dispute.

     G.   Staffing the ADR.  In the ADR, each party shall be represented by the
          authorized individual and by counsel.  In addition, each party may
          bring such additional persons as needed to respond to questions,
          contribute information and participate in the negotiations, the number
          of such additional persons to be agreed upon by the parties in
          advance, with the assistance of the Neutral, if necessary.

     H.   Conduct of ADR.  The parties, in consultation with the Neutral, will
          agree upon a format for the meetings, designed to assure that both the
          Neutral and the authorized individuals have an opportunity to hear an
          oral presentation of each party's views on the matter in Dispute, and
          that the authorized parties attempt to negotiate a resolution of the
          matter in Dispute, with or without the assistance of counsel or
          others, but with the assistance of the Neutral.  To this end, the
          Neutral is authorized to conduct both joint meetings and separate
          private caucuses with the parties.  The Neutral will keep confidential
          all information learned in private caucus with either party unless


          specifically authorized by such party to make disclosure of the
          information to the other party.

     I.   The Neutral's Views.  The Neutral (i) shall, unless requested not to
          do so by both parties, provide his opinion to both parties on the
          probable outcome should the matter be litigated, and (ii) shall make
          one or more recommendations as to the terms of a possible settlement,
          upon any conditions imposed by the parties (including, but not limited
          to, a minimum and maximum amount).  The Neutral shall base his
          opinions and recommendations on information available to both parties,
          excluding such information as may be disclosed to him by the parties
          in confidence.  The opinions and recommendations of the Neutral shall
          not be binding on the parties.

     J.   Termination of Procedure.  The parties agree to participate in the ADR
          in good faith to its conclusion (as designated by the Neutral) and not
          to terminate negotiations concerning resolution of the matters in
          Dispute until at least ten (10) days thereafter.  Each party agrees
          not to commence any other proceeding or to seek other remedies prior
          to the conclusion of the ten-day post-ADR negotiation period;
          provided, however, that either party may commence litigation within
          five (5) days prior to the date after which the commencement of
          litigation could be barred by an applicable statute of limitations or
          in order to request an injunction to prevent irreparable harm, in
          which event, the parties agree (except as prohibited by court order)
          to nevertheless continue to participate in the ADR to its conclusion.

     K.   Fees of Neutral; Disqualification.  The fees of the Neutral shall be
          shared equally by the parties.  The Neutral shall be disqualified as a
          witness, consultant, expert or counsel for either party with respect
          to the matters in Dispute and any related matters in any subsequent
          litigation or other proceeding with respect to the Dispute.

     L.   Confidentiality.  The parties agree that the Procedure and the ADR are
          compromise negotiations for purposes of the Federal Rules of Evidence
          and the Rules of Evidence of any state of competent jurisdiction.  The
          entire of the Procedure and the ADR are confidential, and no
          stenographic, visual or audio record shall be made.  All conduct,
          statements, promises, offers, views and opinions, whether oral or
          written, made in the course of the Procedure or the ADR by either of
          the parties,


          their agents, employees, representatives, or other invitees and by the
          Neutral (who will be the parties' joint agent for purposes of these
          compromise negotiations) are confidential and shall, in addition and
          where appropriate, be deemed to be work product and privileged. Such
          conduct, statements, promises, offers, views and opinions shall not be
          discoverable or admissible for any purposes, including impeachment, in
          any litigation or other proceeding involving the parties, and shall
          not be disclosed to anyone not an agent, employee, expert, witness, or
          representative of either of the parties; provided, however, that
          evidence otherwise discoverable or admissible is not excluded from
          discovery or admission as a result of its use in the ADR.

     M.   Arbitration.  Any Dispute which the parties cannot resolve through
          mediation within ninety (90) days following the commencement of the
          Procedure, unless otherwise mutually agreed, shall be submitted to
          final and binding arbitration under the then current Commercial
          Arbitration Rules of he American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), by
          three (3) arbitrators in Boston, Massachusetts.  Such arbitrators
          shall be selected by the mutual agreement of the parties or, failing
          such agreement, shall be selected according to the aforesaid AAA
          rules.  The arbitrators will be instructed to prepare and deliver a
          written, reasoned opinion stating their decision within thirty (30)
          days of the completion of the arbitration.  The prevailing party in
          such arbitration shall be entitled to expenses, including costs and
          reasonable attorneys' and other professional fees, incurred in
          connection with the arbitration (but excluding any costs and fees
          associated with prior ADR, negotiation or mediation).  The decision of
          the arbitrator shall be final and non-appealable and may be enforced
          in any court of competent jurisdiction.  The use of any ADR procedures
          will not be construed under the doctrine of laches, waiver or estoppel
          to adversely affect the rights of either party.

     N.   Continuity of Service and Performance.  Unless otherwise agreed in
          writing, the parties will continue to provide service and honor all
          other commitments under this Agreement and each Ancillary Agreement
          during the course of dispute resolution pursuant to the provisions of
          this Article 8 with respect to all matters not subject to such
          dispute, controversy or claim.


11.  Governing Law

     This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and all Disputes
     hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of
     Massachusetts as applied to transactions taking place wholly within
     Massachusetts between Massachusetts residents.  The Superior Court of
     Middlesex County and/or the United States District Court for the District
     of Massachusetts shall have jurisdiction and venue over all Disputes
     between the parties that are permitted to be brought in a court of law
     pursuant to Article 10 above.

12.  Entire Agreement

     This Agreement, the Separation and Distribution Agreement and the other
     Ancillary Agreements (as defined in the Separation and Distribution
     Agreement) and the Exhibits and Schedules referenced or attached hereto and
     thereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to
     the subject matter hereof and thereof and shall supersede all prior written
     and oral and all contemporaneous oral agreements and understandings with
     respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof.  To the extent there is a
     conflict between this Agreement and the General Assignment and Assumption
     Agreement between the parties, the terms of this Agreement shall govern.

13.  Notices

     Any notices or other communications required or permitted to be given or
     delivered hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given if
     delivered personally, express mail or sent by first class mail, postage
     prepaid, to the following:

                      For Millipore:

                      Vinay Goel
                      Corporate Vice President, Technology Operations
                      Millipore Corporation
                      80 Ashby Road
                      Bedford, MA  01730

                      Copy to:
                      General Counsel
                      Millipore Corporation
                      80 Ashby Road
                      Bedford, MA  01730


                  For Mykrolis:

                  Jean-Marc Pandraud
                  Mykrolis Corporation
                  Patriots Park
                  Bedford, MA  01730

                  Copy to:
                  General Counsel
                  Mykrolis Corporation
                  Patriots Park
                  Bedford, MA  01730

14.  Assignment

     Mykrolis may not, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, whether by
     operation of law or otherwise, assign or transfer this Agreement, without
     the prior written consent of Millipore, and any attempted assignment,
     transfer or delegation without such prior written consent shall be voidable
     at the sole option of Millipore.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Mykrolis
     (or its permitted successive assignees or transferees hereunder) may assign
     or transfer this Agreement as a whole without consent to a person that
     succeeds to all or substantially all of the business or assets of Mykrolis
     as long as such Person agrees to accept all the terms and conditions set
     forth herein.  Without limiting the foregoing, this Agreement will be
     binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their permitted
     successors and assigns.

15.  Further Assurances

     Each party agrees to execute and deliver as reasonably requested by the
     other party all further instruments and documents, and will take all
     further action, that may be necessary or desirable to effectuate the
     parties' intent hereunder.

16.  Severability

     If any term or other provision of this Agreement is determined by a court,
     administrative agency or arbitrator to be invalid, illegal or incapable of
     being enforced by any rule or law or public policy, all other conditions
     and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force
     and effect so long as the economic or legal substance of the transactions
     contemplated hereby is not affected in any manner materially adverse to
     either party.  Upon such


        determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal or
        incapable of being enforced, the parties hereto shall negotiate in good
        faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of
        the parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to the end
        that the transactions contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the fullest
        extent possible.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their duly authorized representatives and to be effective as of the date and
year first above written.


By:  /s/ Francis J. Lunger          By:  /s/ Jean-Marc Pandrand
     ------------------------            ----------------------
     Francis J. Lunger                   Jean-Marc Pandrand

Its: Executive Vice President       Its: President
     ------------------------            ----------------------
Date:                               Date:
     ------------------------            ----------------------


                                   Exhibit A:

High Performance Filter
Further develop, scale up and RTM a new pore size UPE membrane with a specific
surface modification for an enhanced particle retention in low pH
Microelectronics process streams.

A Technology Development Project whereby novel surface chemistries are
conceived, synthesized and evaluated for their ability to impart stable
hydrophilic properties to PTFE membranes.

Non-sieving Technology
A Technology Development Project whereby mechanisms, methods and materials are
developed for identifying and testing surface chemistries.

QuickChange II
A development project to extend the QuickChange product line to new high flow
membranes.  The project will encompass the development of a surface modification
