Exhibit 10.15


     This Contract Manufacturing Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as
of March 31, 2001, between Millipore Corporation ("Millipore"), a Massachusetts
corporation with its principal place of business at 80 Ashby Road, Bedford, MA
01730, and Mykrolis Corporation ("Mykrolis"), a Delaware corporation with its
principal place of business at Patriots Park, Bedford, MA 01730.


     1.   Millipore currently owns all of the issued and outstanding common
stock of Mykrolis.

     2.   Millipore and Mykrolis have entered into a Master Separation and
Distribution Agreement as of March 28, 2001 (the "Master Agreement") under
which, among other things, the business of Millipore's Microelectronics Division
is to be taken over by, and the assets and liabilities associated therewith are
to be transferred to and assumed by, Mykrolis at the Separation Date (as defined
in the Master Agreement).

     3.   After the Separation Date, in order to enable Millipore to carry on
its respective business as a separate company, Millipore wishes that Mykrolis,
on a contract manufacturing basis, supply the product (or products) listed on
Exhibit A (the "Product") to Millipore, and Mykrolis wishes to do so.

     4.   The Master Agreement provides for this Agreement to be entered into as
of the Separation Date.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the covenants and
agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.   Definitions.  Capitalized terms defined in this Agreement shall have the
respective meanings assigned to them at the location of their definition.
Capitalized Terms used in this Agreement without definition which are defined in
the Master Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Master

2.   Overriding Character of this Agreement

     A.   Unless otherwise agreed by both parties in writing, this Agreement
          applies to all purchase releases, purchase orders and other documents
          of purchase for the Products (hereinafter collectively referred to as
          "Releases") which Millipore may place with Mykrolis during the term of
          this Agreement.  The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall
          apply to any Releases, whether or not this Agreement or its terms and
          conditions are expressly referenced in the Release.

     B.   Unless otherwise agreed by both parties in writing for a specific
          transaction, no inconsistent or additional term or condition in any
          Release shall be applicable to a transaction within the scope of this
          Agreement.  Both parties specifically agree that any term and
          condition on any of their purchase or sale documents used as Releases
          hereunder which are in any way inconsistent with this Agreement shall
          be inapplicable, and the terms of this Agreement shall govern.

3.   Supply of Product

     (a)  Mykrolis agrees to sell to Millipore, from time to time during the
          Term, Product, in the amounts contained in Millipore's Releases.
          Except as set forth in Section 6(a) hereof, Millipore shall have no
          minimum or maximum purchase requirements for the Products.

     (b)  Mykrolis agrees to manufacture and package the Products in accordance
          with the specifications therefor in effect as of the Separation Date.
          In addition, Mykrolis agrees to label and otherwise mark the Products
          and the packaging for the Products with Millipore's trademarks and
          trade names in accordance with artwork specified by Millipore.  Except
          as otherwise expressly agreed, Millipore agrees that it shall not
          resell the Products under any Mykrolis trademark or trade name.

4.   Term and Termination

     (a)  The effective period of this Agreement (the "Term") shall begin on the
          Separation Date and continue thereafter for a period of five (5) years
          or until earlier termination in accordance with clause (b) or (c) of
          this Section 4. Any Release issued by Millipore before the effective
          date of termination and in accordance with Section 6(a) hereof shall
          be fulfilled by Mykrolis.

     (b)  Either party may terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of
          the Term without prejudice to any rights or liabilities accruing up to
          the date of termination:

          (i)  in the event of a material breach by the other party of any of
               the terms and conditions of this Agreement, by giving the other
               party notice of such breach, and provided that such breach shall
               not have been cured, or material steps to effect a cure
               undertaken within sixty (60) days following such notice; and

          (ii) immediately, by written notice thereof, if any of the following
               events or an event analogous thereto occurs:


               a.   an adjudication has been made that the other party is
                    bankrupt or insolvent;

               b.   the other party has filed bankruptcy proceedings or has had
                    such proceedings filed against it, except as part of a bona
                    fide scheme for reorganization;

               c.   a receiver has been appointed for all or substantially all
                    of the property of the other party;

               d.   the other party has assigned or attempted to assign this
                    Agreement for the benefit of its creditors; or

               e.   the other party has begun any proceeding for the liquidation
                    or winding up of its business affairs.

     (c)  Millipore may terminate this Agreement effective at any time, provided
          it has given Mykrolis at least sixty (60) days prior written notice

     (d)  Termination under this Section 4 shall be in addition to and not a
          substitute for other rights or causes of action of the terminating

5.   Price

     (a)  For the first year of this Agreement, the price shall be as set forth
          on Exhibit A, which is attached and incorporated by reference.
          Thereafter, Mykrolis shall be entitled to adjust prices annually on
          each anniversary of the Separation Date in order to recoup actual
          increases in the cost to manufacture the Products.  Mykrolis agrees to
          justify any price increases hereunder by an open-book review of its
          costs with Millipore.

     (b)  Prices and deliveries will be FOB the Mykrolis plant which is
          producing the Product.

6.   Orders, Delivery and Payment

     (a)  Millipore will provide Mykrolis with a rolling one year forecast of
          its demand for Product hereunder (a "One-Year Forecast") which will be
          updated on a quarterly basis, at least thirty (30) days prior to the
          start of each calendar quarter. Each such One-Year Forecast shall
          include a sub-forecast for the first three months within the One-Year
          Forecast (a "3 Month Forecast"). Millipore shall provide Releases for
          delivery, during the three months covered by such 3 Month Forecast, in
          the quantities specified therein, but subject to increase or reduction
          in such quantities of not more than 25%. Except for such purchase
          commitment in the 3 Month Forecasts, the One-Year Forecasts will be
          used for


          planning purposes only and are not binding. Mykrolis will ship Product
          so as to arrive on the delivery date set forth in a Release, provided
          that the delivery date set forth in such Release is not less than 30
          days following the date Mykrolis receives such Release and provided
          that the amounts set forth in such Release are within the range
          provided above in accordance with the applicable 3 Month Forecast.

     (b)  Millipore shall make payment to Mykrolis within forty-five (45) days
          after the later of (i) receipt of the Product, and (ii) receipt of
          Mykrolis's invoice for the Product. All payments shall be made in U.S.
          Dollars. Late payments shall bear interest at a rate of 12% per annum.

     (c)  All Product shall be tested, inspected and packaged for delivery by
          Mykrolis as mutually agreed by the parties.

     (d)  Mykrolis shall make reasonable best efforts to ship the Product in
          accordance with the requested delivery dates.  Mykrolis shall give
          prompt notice of any delay in shipment and shall use diligence to
          remove the cause of any such delay, provided, however, that Mykrolis
                                              --------  -------
          accepts no liability for general, special, or consequential damages
          arising out of delay in delivery.

     (e)  Identification of the Products to this Agreement shall occur when they
          are packed for shipment, addressed to Millipore and delivered to a
          common carrier, at which time title and risk of loss shall pass to
          Millipore.  In the event that any shipment of Products or any portion
          thereof fails to conform to the applicable specifications, then
          Millipore shall be entitled to reject such shipment of Products or the
          portion thereof that fails to so conform, as the case may be.
          Millipore shall communicate its rejection hereunder by written notice,
          given within twenty (20) days following the date on which such
          shipment was received by Millipore, specifying the grounds for such
          rejection.  If no written notice of rejection is given by Millipore
          within said twenty (20) day period, the Products shall be deemed to
          have been accepted, and to have conformed to the applicable
          specifications.  In the event of any proper and timely rejection,
          Mykrolis agrees:  (i) that it shall bear the cost of shipment for the
          return of rejected Products and (ii) to use its reasonable best
          efforts to cure such rejection or replace such nonconforming Products
          within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice thereof.

7.   Warranties

     Mykrolis Corporation ("Mykrolis") warrants the Products will be free from
     defects in materials and workmanship when used in accordance with the
     applicable instructions for a period of one year from shipment of the


     warranty provided herein and the data, specifications and descriptions of
     Mykrolis products appearing in Mykrolis's published catalogues and product
     literature may not be altered except by express written agreement signed by
     an officer of Mykrolis. Representations, oral or written, which are
     inconsistent with this warranty or such publications are not authorized and
     if given, should not be relied upon.

     In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, Mykrolis's sole
     obligation shall be to repair or replace, at its option, the applicable
     Product or part thereof, provided Millipore notifies Mykrolis promptly of
     any such breach. If after exercising reasonable efforts, Mykrolis is unable
     to repair or replace the Product or part, then Mykrolis shall refund to
     Millipore all monies paid for such applicable product or part. Mykrolis

8.   Product Modifications

     Mykrolis agrees that it will not materially change the Product that it will
     supply hereunder or their formulation, manufacturing or testing processes,
     process equipment, other aspects of form, fit or function, or production
     location, unless Millipore approves such change in writing, which approval
     may require formal validation and qualification and possibly customer
     notification. The implementation of any such accepted changes shall be
     subject to the parties' agreement on any change in price or other terms of
     supply as may be necessitated or requested by a party as a result of such

9.   Inventory

     Mykrolis will maintain an inventory of Product, in such amounts as shall be
     agreed by the parties but in no event less than amounts specified in
     Millipore's current 3 Month Forecast.

10.  Access to Facilities

     At any time during the Term, upon reasonable advance notice by Millipore,
     Millipore's authorized representatives and customers (subject to
     appropriate confidentiality obligations) shall be provided access to the
     facilities of Mykrolis to audit or verify conformity of Product manufacture
     to specifications.

11.  Notices

     Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given by
     either party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing
     and shall be deemed given if


     and when delivered by hand or sent by certified mail, return receipt
     requested, overnight courier, confirmed telecopy, or confirmed electronic
     mail transmission, addressed as follows:

          If to Millipore:         Millipore Corporation
                                   80 Ashby Road
                                   Bedford, MA 01730
                                   Attn: Vice President, Manufacturing
                                   Fax: [(781)__________]

          with a copy to:          Millipore Corporation
                                   80 Ashby Road
                                   Bedford, MA 01730
                                   Attn:  General Counsel
                                   Fax:  (781) 533-3125

          If to Mykrolis:          Mykrolis Corporation
                                   Patriots Park
                                   Bedford, MA 01730
                                   Attn: Vice President, Manufacturing
                                   Fax:  [(781) ________]

          with a copy to:          Mykrolis Corporation
                                   Patriots Park
                                   Bedford, MA 01730
                                   Attn:  General Counsel
                                   Fax:  (781) _________

     or to such electronic mail address as may be specified by an addressee
     party to the other party by one of the other means provided above, or to
     such other address, telecopy number or electronic mail address as may be
     specified by an addressee party to the other by one of the means provided

12.  Force Majeure

     The obligations of a party under this Agreement will be suspended to the
     extent that it is wholly or partially precluded from complying with its
     obligations under this Agreement by force majeure. Force majeure includes,
     but is not restricted to, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion,
     accident, act of the public enemy, war, rebellion, insurrection, sabotage,
     epidemic, quarantine restriction, labor dispute, labor shortage,
     transportation embargo or failure or delay in transportation, act of God,
     act (including


     laws, regulations, disapprovals or failure to approve) of any government
     agency, whether national, municipal, or otherwise. The parties shall be
     relieved of their respective obligations hereunder, to the extent that the
     performance of such obligation was actually prevented thereby. During the
     existence of any such condition, the affected party shall, nevertheless,
     use its best efforts to remove the cause thereof.

13.  No Other Rights

     Neither party shall have any rights hereunder to any patents or other
     intellectual property of the other party, except as specifically set forth

14.  Incorporation of Provisions from Master Agreement

     The following provisions of the Master Agreement, mutatis mutandis, are
                                                       ------- --------
     hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement for all purposes:

          Article VI (Confidentiality);
          Article IX (Dispute Resolution);
          Section 10.3 (Governing Law);
          Section 10.6 (Counterparts);
          Section 10.7 (Binding Effect; Assignment);
          Section 10.8 (Severability);
          Section 10.9 (Failure or Indulgence Not Waiver;
                          Remedies Cumulative);
          Section 10.10 (Amendment);
          Section 10.11 (Authority);
          Section 10.12 (Interpretation).

     In the event of any conflict between any of the foregoing incorporated
     provisions of the Master Agreement and any other provision of this
     Agreement, such other provisions shall prevail.

15.  Entire Agreement

     This Agreement, including Exhibit A attached hereto, is the entire
                               ------- -
     agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof,
     and supersedes any prior negotiations and agreements or understandings and
     any contemporaneous oral agreements or understandings with respect to the
     subject matter hereof.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their duly authorized representatives effective as of the date first
set forth above.


By: /s/ Francis J. Lunger             By: /s/ Jean-Marc Pandraud
    -----------------------------        -------------------------

Name: Francis J. Lunger               Name: Jean-Marc Pandraud
      ---------------------------          ------------------------

Title: Executive Vice President       Title: President
      ---------------------------           -----------------------


                         EXHIBIT A:  Product and Prices

Product:          Subassembly from Yonezawa MiE Manufacturing Plant for Molsheim

                  10176J       MICROGARD MINI/C D HP  1/4" 0.1

Iniital Pricing:  Mykrolis Standard Cost as of the effective date of this
                  Agreement as set forth in Mykrolis Oracle System, plus ten
                  percent of such standard cost.
