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                                 SCHEDULE 14A
                                (Rule 14a-101)


                           SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

               Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                              (Amendment No.   )

                          Filed by the Registrant [X]

                Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]Preliminary Proxy Statement
[_]Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-
[_]Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]Definitive Additional Materials
[_]Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

               UAM Funds, Inc.--SEC File Nos. 33-25355, 811-5683
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]No fee required.
[_]Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

  1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

  2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

  3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
     pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
     filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

  4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

  5) Total fee paid:

[_]Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
   0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
   previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
   or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

  1) Amount Previously Paid:

  2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

  3) Filing Party:

  4) Date Filed:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                       Funds for the Informed Investorsm
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                           Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456

December   , 2001

Dear Shareholder:

Enclosed you will find a proxy statement and proxy card for a special meeting
of shareholders of the Dwight Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio (the
"Portfolio"). This is a very important meeting, which has been called to vote
on a proposal to liquidate your Portfolio.

UAM Funds, Inc. ("UAM Funds") first mailed a proxy statement regarding the
proposed liquidation of the Portfolio on or about September 27, 2001. A
special meeting of shareholders was scheduled for November 9, 2001 to consider
the proposal to liquidate and terminate the Portfolio. At that meeting and
subsequent adjournments, there were not enough holders of shares present, in
person or by proxy, to constitute a quorum for voting purposes. As a result,
no action was able to be taken on the proposal to liquidate and terminate the
Portfolio. Accordingly, UAM Funds is re-soliciting your vote on this very
important proposal.

The Board of Directors of UAM Funds, Inc. (the "Board"), after thorough
discussion and consideration, has decided to recommend the liquidation of the
Portfolio, but believes that since this is your investment capital, the final
decision on this matter should be made by you, the shareholders. We are
preparing to liquidate the Portfolio because of its relatively small size and
its limited prospects for growth of assets. The Board's reasons for
recommending this course are described more fully in the enclosed proxy
statement, which you should consider carefully.

If the shareholders approve the recommendation to liquidate the Portfolio, the
Portfolio will return to you the proceeds of the liquidation of your account.
Once you receive your proceeds, you may pursue any investment option you wish.

The Board regrets any inconvenience this may cause you. We thank you, however,
for the confidence that you placed in us. We continue to wish you well in your


James F. Orr, III

                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                           Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456

                          TO BE HELD JANUARY 4, 2002

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of shareholders (the "Special
Meeting") of the Dwight Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio (the "Portfolio"), a
series of UAM Funds, Inc. (the "Fund"), will be held on January 4, 2002 at the
offices of the Fund's administrator, SEI Investments, One Freedom Valley
Drive, Oaks, PA 19456 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. The purpose of the Special
Meeting is to consider a proposal:

 .  to liquidate and terminate the Portfolio, as set forth in a Plan of
   Liquidation adopted by the Board of Directors of the Fund (a copy of which
   is attached to the Proxy Statement as Exhibit A); and

 .  to transact such other business as may properly come before the Special
   Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

Please read the enclosed proxy statement carefully for information concerning
the proposal to be placed before the meeting.

Shareholders of record at the close of business on December 5, 2001 will be
entitled to notice of, and to vote at the Special Meeting or any adjournments
thereof. You are invited to attend the Special Meeting, but if you cannot do
so, please complete and sign the enclosed proxy, and return it in the
accompanying envelope as promptly as possible. You may also vote via the
Internet. Any shareholder attending the Special Meeting may vote in person
even though a proxy has already been returned. You may change your vote even
though a proxy has been returned by written notice to the Fund by submitting a
subsequent proxy using the mail or by voting in person at the Special Meeting.
Your vote is important no matter how many shares you own.

By Order of the Board of Directors of UAM Funds, Inc.,

Linda T. Gibson, Esq.

Boston, Massachusetts
December   , 2001


                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                           One Freedom Valley Drive
                           Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456

                                PROXY STATEMENT

                         TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 4, 2002

This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors of UAM Funds, Inc. (the "Fund") on behalf of
the Dwight Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio (the "Portfolio"), a separate
series of the Fund, for use at a Special Meeting of Shareholders to be held at
the offices of the Fund's administrator, SEI Investments, One Freedom Valley
Drive, Oaks, PA 19456 on January 4, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time, or at any
adjournment thereof (the "Special Meeting"). Shareholders of record at the
close of business on December 5, 2001 (the "Record Date") are entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the Special Meeting. This proxy statement and the
accompanying notice of Special Meeting and proxy card are first being mailed
to shareholders on or about December   , 2001.

The Fund first mailed a proxy statement regarding the proposed liquidation of
the Portfolio on or about September 27, 2001. A special meeting of
shareholders was scheduled for November 9, 2001 to consider the proposal to
liquidate and terminate the Portfolio. At that meeting and subsequent
adjournments, there were not enough holders of shares present, in person or by
proxy, to constitute a quorum for voting purposes. As a result, no action was
able to be taken on the proposal to liquidate and terminate the Portfolio.
Accordingly, the Fund is re-soliciting your vote on this very important

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  The Board of Directors intends to bring before the Special Meeting the sole
  matter set forth in the foregoing notice. If you wish to participate in the
  Special Meeting you may submit the proxy card(s) included with this proxy
  statement or attend in person. Your vote is important no matter how many
  shares you own. You can vote easily and quickly by mail, via the Internet
  or in person. At any time before the Special Meeting, you may change your
  vote even though a proxy has already been returned by written notice to the
  Secretary of the Fund, by submitting a subsequent proxy, or by voting in
  person at the meeting. Should you require additional information regarding
  the proxy or replacement proxy cards, you may contact the Fund at 1-877-
  826-5465. All proxy cards solicited that are properly executed and received
  in time to be voted at the Special Meeting will be voted at the Special
  Meeting and any adjournment thereof according to the instructions on the
  proxy card. If a proxy card is returned with no choice specified, the
  shares will be voted IN FAVOR of:

  .  the proposal to liquidate and terminate the Portfolio and return the
     proceeds to its Shareholders; and

  .  any other matter not presently known, but which may properly come before
     the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund and the
  General Laws of the State of Maryland, approval of the proposal requires
  the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of the
  Portfolio entitled to vote. The presence in person or by proxy of the
  holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Portfolio will
  constitute a quorum. For purposes of determining the presence of a quorum,
  abstentions or broker non-votes will be counted as present; however, they
  will have the effect of a vote against the proposal.

  If a quorum is not present at the Special Meeting, or if a quorum is
  present at the Special Meeting but sufficient votes to approve the proposed
  item are not received, or if other matters arise requiring


  shareholder attention, the persons named as proxy agents may propose one or
  more adjournments of the Special Meeting to permit further solicitation of
  proxies. Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of a
  majority of those shares present at the Special Meeting or represented by
  proxy. With respect to such adjournment, the persons named as proxies will
  vote in accordance with their best judgment at that time.

  The Portfolio expects that the solicitation of proxies from shareholders
  will be made by mail, but solicitation also may be made by telephone
  communications from officers or employees of Old Mutual (US) Holdings Inc.
  ("Old Mutual US") or its affiliates, who will not receive any compensation
  therefor from the Portfolio. The Portfolio will bear up to $2,000 of the
  cost of preparing, printing and mailing this proxy statement, the proxies,
  and any additional materials that may be furnished to shareholders. The
  investment adviser, Dwight Asset Management Company, will bear any costs
  above $2,000.

  If the shareholders do not approve the proposal, the Portfolio will
  continue to exist as a registered investment company and operate in
  accordance with its stated objective and policies. The Board would then
  meet to consider what, if any, steps to take in the best interests of

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Holders of record of the shares of the Portfolio at the close of business
  on December 5, 2001, will be entitled to vote at the Special Meeting or any
  adjournment thereof. As of December 5, 2001 the Portfolio had outstanding
  144,483.7910 shares. The shareholders are entitled to one vote per share
  (and a fractional vote for each fractional share held) on all business to
  come before the meeting.

  The officers and Directors of the Fund as a group beneficially own in the
  aggregate less than one percent of the outstanding shares of the Portfolio.
  As of December 5, 2001 the following shareholders owned of record or
  beneficially more than five percent of the outstanding shares of the


                   Name and Address                         of       Number of
                    of Shareholder                     Shares Owned Shares Owned
  Jupiter & Co. ......................................    55.15%    79,686.3190
   c/o Investors Bank & Trust Co.
   P.O. Box 9130
   Boston, MA 02117-9130
  Fleet National Bank.................................    26.87%    38,825.9990
   FBO Frank M. Trantanella IRA
   P.O. Box 92800
   Rochester, NY 14692-8900
  Debra B. Mango .....................................     6.44%     9,302.3260
   1 Colonial Drive
   Montpelier, VT 05802-3307

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The Portfolio began operations on December 18, 1989. The Portfolio seeks
  maximum total return consistent with reasonable risk to principal and has
  invested primarily in investment grade debt securities since its inception.


  Notwithstanding the marketing of the Portfolio's shares, growth in the
  Portfolio's assets has been unsatisfactory. During the period from
  commencement of operations through October 31, 1998, the Portfolio's assets
  reached a level of $35.9 million; however, assets have decreased to less
  than $3,676,763.59 as of August 31, 2001. Several marketing efforts were
  not adequate to significantly increase the size of the Portfolio and the
  Portfolio's investment adviser believes that the prospect for growth is
  limited. The Board of Directors has considered the total asset level of the
  Portfolio and the performance of the Portfolio before and after deducting
  certain expenses arising from the operation of the Portfolio and the impact
  of such expenses on the investment results of the Portfolio.

  Sales of the Portfolio shares have not been sufficient to allow the
  Portfolio to reach a size adequate, in the judgment of the Board, to spread
  expenses over a sufficient asset base to provide a satisfactory return to
  shareholders. As a result, the Board instructed the officers of the Fund to
  investigate what, if any, additional steps or alternative courses would
  best serve the interest of shareholders.

  The officers of the Fund sought to determine whether a merger or transfer
  of assets would be possible, and if it would produce desirable results for
  shareholders. It appeared to the management of the Fund that the relatively
  small size of the Portfolio, the time required to effect a transaction, and
  regulatory expenses involved in either a merger or transfer of the assets
  to another mutual fund, and current market conditions could make such a
  course more expensive than the benefit which could be expected by the
  shareholders. The officers investigated the steps required for liquidation
  of the Portfolio, subject to presentation of a final report to the Board.


  At its September 7, 2001 meeting, the Board reviewed the limited prospects
  for renewed growth of the assets of the Portfolio, the efforts and expenses
  of the Fund's distributor to distribute shares of the Portfolio, and the
  effect of the operating expenses on the historic and anticipated returns of
  shareholders. For the most recent fiscal year, the expenses of the
  Portfolio were 1.34% of the average net assets of the Portfolio. The
  expense ratio of the Portfolio is expected to be substantially the same for
  the present fiscal year, and is expected to increase for the next fiscal
  year at the current net asset level. Moreover, the presence of larger funds
  with similar investment objectives better able to operate on an efficient
  basis and provide higher returns to shareholders made it unlikely that the
  Portfolio could achieve a significant increase in asset size and achieve
  economies of scale. The Board therefore concluded that it would be in the
  interest of the shareholders of the Portfolio to liquidate the Portfolio
  promptly, in accordance with a Plan of Liquidation. (See "General Tax
  Consequences" below.)


  The Board of Directors has approved the Plan of Liquidation (the "Plan")
  summarized in this section and set forth as Exhibit A to this proxy

  1.  Effective Date of the Plan and Cessation of the Business of the
      Portfolio. The Plan will become effective on the date of its adoption
      and approval by a majority of the shares of the Portfolio entitled to
      vote. Following this approval, the Portfolio (i) will cease to invest
      its assets in accordance with its investment objective and will sell
      the portfolio securities it owns in order to convert its assets to
      cash; (ii) will not engage in any business activities except for the
      purposes of winding up the business and affairs of the Portfolio,
      preserving the value of assets of the Portfolio and distributing its
      assets to shareholders after the payment to (or reservation of assets
      for payment to) all creditors of the Portfolio; and (iii) the Portfolio
      will terminate in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland and
      the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund. (Plan, Sections 1, 2 and 3)


  2.  Closing of Books and Restriction of Transfer and Redemption of Shares.
      The proportionate interests of shareholders in the assets of the
      Portfolio shall be fixed on the basis of their respective holdings on
      the Effective Date of the Plan. On such date the books of the Portfolio
      will be closed and the shareholders' respective assets will not be
      transferable by the negotiation of stock certificates. (Plan, Section

  3.  Liquidating Distribution. As soon as possible after approval of the
      Plan, and in any event within fourteen days thereafter, the Fund on
      behalf of the Portfolio will mail the following to each shareholder of
      record of the Portfolio on the effective date of the Plan: (i) to each
      shareholder not holding stock certificates of the Portfolio,
      liquidating cash distribution equal to the shareholder's proportionate
      interest in the net assets of the Portfolio, (ii) to each shareholder
      holding stock certificates of the Portfolio, a confirmation showing
      such shareholder's proportionate interest in the net assets of the
      Portfolio with advice that such shareholder will be paid in cash upon
      return of the stock certificates; and (iii) information concerning the
      sources of the liquidating distribution. (Plan, Section 7)

  4.  Expenses. The Portfolio will bear all expenses incurred by it in
      carrying out the Plan. It is expected that other liabilities of the
      Portfolio incurred or expected to be incurred prior to the date of the
      liquidating distribution will be paid by the Portfolio, or set aside
      for payment, prior to the mailing of the liquidating distribution. The
      liabilities of the Portfolio relating to the Plan are estimated at no
      more than $2,000, which includes legal and auditing expenses and
      printing, mailing, soliciting and miscellaneous expenses arising from
      the liquidation, which the Portfolio normally would not incur if it
      were to continue in business. If the Portfolio incurs more than $2,000
      in additional liabilities to liquidate the Portfolio, the Portfolio's
      investment adviser will pay such expenses. The total liabilities of the
      Portfolio prior to the liquidating distribution are estimated to be
      $20,000 (including proxy costs). This amount includes the termination
      expenses referred to above and amounts accrued, or anticipated to be
      accrued, for custodial and transfer agency services, legal, audit and
      directors fees and printing costs. Any expenses and liabilities
      attributed to the Portfolio subsequent to the mailing of the
      liquidating distribution will be borne by the Portfolio's investment
      adviser. (Plan, Section 6 and 9)

  5.  Continued Operation of the Portfolio. After the date of mailing of the
      liquidating distribution, the outstanding shares of the Portfolio will
      be cancelled by an amendment to the Fund's charter and the termination
      of the Portfolio will be effected. The Plan provides that the Directors
      shall have the authority to authorize such variations from or
      amendments of the provisions of the Plan as may be necessary or
      appropriate to marshal the assets of the Portfolio and to effect the
      complete liquidation and termination of the existence of the Portfolio
      and the purposes to be accomplished by the Plan. (Plan, Sections 8 and


  In general, each shareholder who receives a liquidating distribution will
  recognize a gain or loss for federal income tax purposes equal to the
  excess of the amount of the distribution over the shareholder's tax basis
  in the Portfolio shares. Assuming that the shareholder holds such shares as
  capital assets, such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss and will be
  long-term or short-term capital gain depending on the shareholder's holding
  period for the shares. Shareholders who own Portfolio shares in individual
  retirement accounts may be subject to a 10% tax penalty if they receive
  proceeds in cash.

  The tax consequences discussed herein may affect shareholders differently
  depending upon their particular tax situations unrelated to the liquidating
  distribution, and accordingly, this summary is not a substitute for careful
  tax planning on an individual basis. Shareholders should consult their
  personal tax advisers concerning tax-free rollovers before receipt of the
  liquidation distribution (for individual retirement accounts). Shareholders
  should also consult their


  personal tax advisers concerning their particular tax situations and the
  impact thereon of receiving the liquidating distribution as discussed
  herein, including any state and local tax consequences.

  The Fund anticipates that it will retain its qualification as a regulated
  investment company under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
  during the liquidation period and, therefore, will not be taxed on any of
  its net income from the sale of its assets.

  Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent accountants for
  the Fund, are not expected to be present at the Special Meeting.

  Shareholders are free to redeem their shares prior to the effective date of
  the Plan, which is the adoption and approval of the Plan at the Meeting.

             The Board Of Directors Of The Fund Recommend Approval
                          Of The Plan Of Liquidation.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The investment adviser to the Portfolio is Dwight Asset Management Company,
  100 Bank Street, Suite 800, Burlington, VT 05401, a subsidiary of Old
  Mutual US, a Delaware corporation. The Portfolio's principal underwriter is
  Funds Distributor, Inc., 60 State Street, Boston, MA 02109. The Portfolio's
  administrator is SEI Investments Mutual Funds Services, located at One
  Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456. UAM Shareholder Services Center,
  Inc., an affiliate of Old Mutual US, located at 825 Duportail Road, Wayne,
  Pennsylvania 19087 serves as shareholder servicing agent.


  The Annual Report to Shareholders of the Portfolio, including audited
  financial statements for the Portfolio for the fiscal year ended October
  31, 2000, and the Semi-Annual Report to shareholders for the period ended
  April 30, 2001 have been mailed to shareholders. The Annual Report and
  Semi-Annual Report should be read in conjunction with this Proxy Statement.
  You can obtain a copy of the Annual Report and Semi-Annual Report from the
  Fund, without charge, by writing to the Fund at the address on the cover of
  this Proxy Statement, or by calling 1-877-826-5465.


  The Board does not intend to present any other business at the Special
  Meeting. If any other matter may properly come before the meeting, or any
  adjournment thereof, the persons named in the accompanying proxy card
  intend to vote, act, or consent thereunder in accordance with their best
  judgment at that time with respect to such matters. No annual or other
  special meeting is currently scheduled for the Portfolio. Mere submission
  of a shareholder proposal does not guarantee the inclusion of the proposal
  in the proxy statement or presentation of the proposal at the meeting since
  inclusion and presentation are subject to compliance with certain federal
  regulations and Maryland law.

 The Directors, Including The Independent Directors, Recommend Approval Of The
      Proposal. Any Returned Unmarked Proxies Without Instructions To The
         Contrary Will Be Voted In Favor Of Approval Of The Proposal.


                                   EXHIBIT A

                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                              PLAN OF LIQUIDATION

This Plan of Liquidation ("Plan") concerns the Dwight Limited Maturity Bond
Portfolio (the "Portfolio"), a series of UAM Funds, Inc. (the "Fund"), which
is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Maryland. The Portfolio began operations on December 18, 1989. The Fund is
registered as an open-end management investment company registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended ("Act"). The Plan is intended to
accomplish the complete liquidation and termination of the Portfolio in
conformity with all provisions of Maryland law and the Fund's Articles of

WHEREAS, the Fund's Board of Directors, on behalf of the Portfolio, has
determined that it is in the best interests of the Portfolio and its
shareholders to liquidate and terminate the Portfolio; and

WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of Directors on September 7, 2001, it
considered and adopted this Plan as the method of liquidating and terminating
the Portfolio and directed that this Plan be submitted to shareholders of the
Portfolio for approval;

NOW THEREFORE, the liquidation and termination of the Portfolio shall be
carried out in the manner hereinafter set forth:

  1.  Effective Date of Plan. The Plan shall be and become effective only
      upon the adoption and approval of the Plan, at a special meeting of
      shareholders called for the purpose of voting upon the Plan, by the
      affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
      of the Portfolio entitled to vote. The day of such adoption and
      approval by shareholders is hereinafter called the "Effective Date."

  2.  Liquidation and Termination. As promptly as practicable, consistent
      with the provisions of the Plan, the Portfolio shall be liquidated and
      terminated in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland and the
      Fund's Articles of Incorporation.

  3.  Cessation of Business. After the Effective Date of the Plan, the
      Portfolio shall cease its business as an investment company and shall
      not engage in any business activities except for the purposes of
      winding up its business and affairs, marshalling and preserving the
      value of its assets and distributing its assets to shareholders of the
      Portfolio in accordance with the provisions of the Plan after the
      payment to (or reservation of assets for payment to) all creditors of
      the Portfolio.

  4.  Restriction of Transfer and Redemption of Shares. The proportionate
      interests of shareholders in the assets of the Portfolio shall be fixed
      on the basis of their respective shareholdings at the close of business
      on the Effective Date of the Plan. On the Effective Date, the books of
      the Portfolio shall be closed. Thereafter, unless the books are
      reopened because the Plan cannot be carried into effect under the laws
      of the State of Maryland or otherwise, the shareholders' respective
      interests in the Portfolio's assets shall not be transferable by the
      negotiation of stock certificates.

  5.  Liquidation of Assets. As soon as is reasonable and practicable after
      the Effective Date, all portfolio securities of the Portfolio shall be
      converted to cash or cash equivalents.

  6.  Payment of Debts. As soon as practicable after the Effective Date, the
      Portfolio shall determine and pay, or set aside in cash equivalent, the
      amount of all known or reasonably ascertainable liabilities of the
      Portfolio incurred or expected to be incurred prior to the date of
      liquidating distribution provided for in Section 7, below.


  7.  Liquidating Distribution. As soon as possible after the Effective Date
      of the Plan, and in any event within 14 days thereafter, the Portfolio
      shall mail the following to each shareholder of record on the Effective
      Date: (1) to each shareholder not holding stock certificates of the
      Portfolio, a liquidating distribution equal to the shareholder's
      proportionate interest in the net assets of the Portfolio; (2) to each
      shareholder holding stock certificates of the Portfolio, a confirmation
      showing such shareholder's proportionate interest in the net assets of
      the Portfolio with an advice that such shareholder will be paid in cash
      upon return of the stock certificate; and (3) information concerning
      the sources of the liquidating distribution.

  8.  Cancellation of Shares. As soon as possible after the liquidating
      distribution under Paragraph 7 has been consummated, the Fund will file
      an amendment to the Fund's charter with the Maryland State Department
      of Assessments and Taxation canceling the outstanding shares of the

  9.  Management and Expenses of the Portfolio Subsequent to the Liquidating
      Distribution. The Portfolio shall bear all expenses up to $2,000
      incurred by it in carrying out this Plan of Liquidation including, but
      not limited to, all printing, legal, accounting, custodian and transfer
      agency fees, and the expenses of any reports to or meeting of
      shareholders. If the Portfolio incurs more than $2,000 in liabilities
      to carry out this Plan, such expenses will be paid by Dwight Asset
      Management Company. Any expenses and liabilities attributed to the
      Portfolio subsequent to the mailing of the liquidating distribution
      will be borne by Dwight Asset Management Company.

  10.  Power of Board of Directors. The Board, and subject to the directors,
       the officers, shall have authority to do or authorize any or all acts
       and things as provided for in the Plan and any and all such further
       acts and things as they may consider necessary or desirable to carry
       out the purposes of the Plan, including the execution and filing of
       all certificates, documents, information returns, tax returns and
       other papers which may be necessary or appropriate to implement the
       Plan. The death, resignation or disability of any director or any
       officer of the Fund shall not impair the authority of the surviving or
       remaining directors or officers to exercise any of the powers provided
       for in the Plan.

  11.  Amendment of Plan. The Board shall have the authority to authorize
       such variations from or amendments of the provisions of the Plan as
       may be necessary or appropriate to effect the marshalling of Portfolio
       assets and the complete liquidation and termination of the existence
       of the Portfolio, and the distribution of its net assets to
       shareholders in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland and
       the purposes to be accomplished by the Plan.

                             UAM FUNDS, INC., on behalf of Dwight Limited
                             Maturity Bond Portfolio, for the Board of Directors

                             By: _________________________________
                                 Name: James F. Orr, III

                             DWIGHT ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY

                             By: _________________________________


UAM Funds
One Freedom Valley Drive
Oaks, PA 19456-1108

                            THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED

                                UAM FUNDS, INC.
                     Dwight Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio
         Proxy for Special Meeting of Shareholders on January 4, 2002

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, that the undersigned hereby constitutes and
appoints Sherry Kajdan Vetterlein and Stephanie Cavanagh, or any of them, with
power of substitution, as attorneys and proxies to appear and vote all of the
shares of stock outstanding in the name of the undersigned at the Special
Meeting of Shareholders of the Dwight Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio of UAM
Funds, Inc. (the "Fund") to be held at the offices of the Fund's administrator,
SEI Investments, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern
time on January 4, 2002 and at any and all adjournments thereof; and the
undersigned hereby instructs said attorneys to vote:

1.   To approve the liquidation and termination of the Dwight Limited Maturity
     Bond Portfolio, as set forth in a Plan of Liquidation adopted by the Board
     of Directors of the Fund (a copy of which is attached to the Proxy
     Statement as Exhibit A)

      FOR                      AGAINST                   ABSTAIN
      [ ]                      [ ]                       [ ]

2.   Any other business which may properly come before the meeting or any other
     adjournment thereof.  The management knows of no other such business.


The undersigned acknowledges receipt with this proxy of a copy of the Notice of
Special Meeting and the Proxy Statement.  Your signature(s) on this proxy should
be exactly as your name(s) appear on this proxy.  (Signature of all joint owners
is required.  Fiduciaries please indicate your full title.)  If any other
matters properly come before the meeting about which the proxy holders were not
aware prior to the time of the solicitation, authorization is given the proxy
holders to vote in accordance with the views of management thereon.  The
management is not aware of any such matters.

  Dated:  _________, 200_


     Signature of Shareholder(s)


                           IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.