Exhibit 10(L)

                         COMPANIES FERC ELECTRIC TARIFF,
                           FIRST REVISED VOLUME NO. 1

                            SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 101

                                                         Effective: July 1, 2001

Sierra Pacific Resources Operating Companies
FERC Electric Tariff
First Revised Volume No. 1                            Service Agreement No. 101
Open Access Transmission Tariff                                             ---

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                         Service Agreement For Long-Term
                    Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

1.0  This Service Agreement, dated as of August 1, 2001, is entered into,
     by and between Sierra Pacific Power Company and/or Nevada Power Company as
     appropriate ("Transmission Provider"), and Reliant Energy Services, Inc.
     (Reliant - Arrow Canyon) ("Transmission Customer").

2.0  The Transmission Customer has been determined by the Transmission Provider
     to have a Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
     Service under the Tariff.

3.0  The Transmission Customer has provided to the Transmission Provider an
     Application deposit in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.3 of
     the Tariff.

4.0  Service under this agreement shall commence on the later of (1) the
     requested service commencement date, or (2) the date on which construction
     of any Direct Assignment Facilities and/or Network Upgrades are completed,
     or (3) such other date as it is permitted to become effective by the
     Commission. Service under this agreement shall terminate on the actual
     termination date or such date as mutually agreed upon by the parties.

5.0  Transmission Customer understands that Transmission Provider is
     experiencing high load growth and that Transmission Provider's obligation
     to serve Native Load Customers is projected to increase significantly in
     the future. For this reason, Transmission Customer understands that there
     may not be sufficient transmission capacity for Transmission Provider to
     continue to serve Transmission Customer at the expiration of the term of
     this Agreement. Accordingly, notwithstanding Section 2.2 of the
     Transmission Provider's Tariff, Transmission Customer's right to renew this
     Agreement at the expiration of the initial term is subject to a
     determination that there is adequate transmission capacity to continue to
     serve Transmission Customer in addition to Native Load Customers and other
     customers with a higher priority to transmission capacity. If adequate
     capacity is not available, Transmission Customer's right to renew this
     Agreement is subject to Sections 19-21 of the Transmission Provider's
     Tariff and also is subject to Transmission Customer's agreement to pay any
     costs of Network Upgrades that Transmission Provider is authorized to
     charge to Transmission Customer in accordance with Commission policy.

6.0  The Transmission Provider agrees to provide and the Transmission Customer
     agrees to take and pay for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service in
     accordance with the provisions of Part II of the Tariff and this Service

7.0  Any notice or request made to or by either Party regarding this Service
     Agreement shall be made to the representative of the other Party as
     indicated below.

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Sierra Pacific Resources Operating Companies
FERC Electric Tariff
First Revised Volume No. 1                            Service Agreement No.
Open Access Transmission Tariff                                             ----

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                                                                     Page 2 of 4

8.0  If any event occurs that will materially affect the time for completion of
     new facilities or the ability to complete them, Transmission Provider shall
     promptly notify the Transmission Customer. A technical meeting between the
     Parties shall be held to evaluate the alternatives available. If the
     Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer mutually agree that no
     other reasonable alternatives exist and the requested service cannot be
     provided out of existing capability under the conditions of Part II of the
     Tariff, the obligation to provide the requested Firm Point-To-Point
     Transmission Service shall terminate and any deposit made by the
     Transmission Customer shall be returned with interest pursuant to
     Commission regulations 35.19a(a)(2)(iii). However, the Transmission
     Customer shall be responsible for all prudently incurred costs by the
     Transmission Provider through the time construction was suspended.

     Transmission Provider:

          Executive Director, Transmission Services
          Sierra Pacific Power Company
          P.O. Box 10100
          Reno, Nevada 89520


          Director, Regional Transmission
          Nevada Power Company
          P.O. Box 230
          Las  Vegas, NV 89151

     Transmission Customer:

          West Trading Group - Transmission
          Reliant Energy Services, Inc.
          P.O. Box 4455
          Houston, TX 77210-4455

9.0  The Tariff is incorporated herein and made a part hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Service Agreement to be
executed by their respective authorized officials.

     Transmission Provider:

    ------------------------    -----------------     --------------------------
            Name                     Title                     Date

     Transmission Customer:

    ------------------------    -----------------      -------------------------
            Name                     Title                     Date

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Sierra Pacific Resources Operating Companies
FERC Electric Tariff
First Revised Volume No. 1                            Service Agreement No.
Open Access Transmission Tariff                                             ----

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                                                                     Page 3 of 4

                Specifications For Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point
                              Transmission Service

1.0  Term of Transaction: 5 Year(s)

     Start Date: 07-31-03

     Termination Date: 07-30-08

2.0  Description of capacity and energy to be transmitted by Transmission
     Provider including the electric Control Area in which the transaction

     500 MW from Harry Allen 500 kV Substation in Nevada Power Company's Control
     Area to Mead 230 kV Substation using the Contract Path Harry Allen 500 kV -
     NW 230 kV - NVP Uncongested Grid - Mead 230 kV.

3.0         Point of Receipt                            Delivering Party

       Harry Allen 500 kV Substation               Reliant Energy Services, Inc.

4.0          Point of Delivery                            Receiving Party

          Mead 230 kV Substation                   Reliant Energy Services, Inc.

5.0  Maximum amount of capacity and energy to be transmitted (Reserved
     Capacity): 500 MW

6.0  Designation of party(ies) subject to reciprocal service obligation: None

7.0  Name(s) of any Intervening Systems providing transmission service: None

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Sierra Pacific Resources Operating Companies
FERC Electric Tariff
First Revised Volume No. 1                            Service Agreement No.
Open Access Transmission Tariff                                             ----

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                                                                     Page 4 of 4

8.0  Service under this Agreement may be subject to some combination of the
     charges detailed below. (The appropriate charges for individual
     transactions will be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions
     of the Tariff.)

     8.1  Transmission Charge: $1.21/kW-mo.

     8.2  System Impact and/or Facilities Study Charge(s): Pending finalization,
          $30,000 deposit in place. Reliant - Arrow Canyon will be responsible
          for the final actual costs.

     8.3  Direct Assignment Facilities Charge: None under this TSA. However,
          Direct Assignment Facilities will be required to provide the
          associated interconnection and are defined in the Interconnection &
          Operation Agreement

     8.4  Ancillary Services Charges: As negotiated in the future or as defined
          in Interconnection and Operation Agreement.

     8.5. Power Factor Requirements: As defined in Interconnection and Operation

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