- - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal     Loan Date     Maturity     Loan No.     Call     Collateral     Account     Officer     Initials 
$500,000.00   03-22-1995    04-30-1995   09400156      3          700                       TFD
- - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
References in the shaded area are for Lender's use only and do not limit the
applicability of this document to any particular loan or item.
- - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Borrower:  VITRONICS CORPORATION                                
            NEWMARKET, NH 03857                                  

Lender: First National Bank of Portsmouth
        488 Central Avenue               
        Dover, NH 03820                   
- - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First National Bank of Portsmouth ("Lender") is made and executed on the
following terms and conditions. Borrower has received prior commercial loans
from Lender or has applied to Lender for a commercial loan or loans and other
financial accommodations, including those which may be described on any exhibit
or schedule attached to this Agreement. All such loans and financial
accommodations, together with all future loans and financial accommodations from
Lender to Borrower, are referred to in this Agreement individually as the "Loan"
and collectively as the "Loans." Borrower understands and agrees that: (a) in
granting, renewing, or extending any Loan, Lender is relying upon Borrower's
representations, warranties, and agreements, as set forth in this Agreement;
(b) the granting, renewing, or extending of any Loan by Lender at all times
shall be subject to Lender's sole judgment and discretion; and (c) all such
Loans shall be and shall remain subject to the following terms and conditions of
this Agreement.

TERM. This Agreement shall be effective as of March 22, 1995, and shall continue
thereafter until all Indebtedness of Borrower to Lender has been performed in
full and the parties terminate this Agreement in writing.

DEFINITIONS. The following words shall have the following meanings when used in
this Agreement. Terms not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the
meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial Code. All references
to dollar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful money of the United States of

     Agreement. The word "Agreement" means this Business Loan Agreement, as this
     Business Loan Agreement may be amended or modified from time to time,
     together with all exhibits and schedules attached to this Business Loan
     Agreement from time to time.

     Borrower. The word "Borrower" means VITRONICS CORPORATION. The word
     "Borrower" also includes, as applicable, all subsidiaries and affiliates of
     Borrower as provided below in the paragraph titled "Subsidiaries and

     CERCLA. The word "CERCLA" means the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
     Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended.

     Cash Flow. The words "Cash Flow" mean net income after taxes, and exclusive
     of extraordinary gains and income, plus depreciation and amortization.

     Collateral. The word "Collateral" means and includes without limitation all
     property and assets granted as collateral security for a Loan, whether real
     or personal property, whether granted directly or indirectly, whether
     granted now or in the future, and whether granted in the form of a security
     interest, mortgage, deed of trust, assignment, pledge, chattel mortgage,
     chattel trust, factor's lien, equipment trust, conditional sale, trust
     receipt, lien, charge, lien or title retention contract, lease or
     consignment intended as a security device, or any other security or lien
     interest whatsoever, whether created by law, contract, or otherwise.

     Debt. The word "Debt" means all of Borrower's liabilities excluding
     Subordinated Debt.

     ERISA. The word "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
     of 1974, as amended.

     Event of Default. The words "Event of Default" mean and include without
     limitation any of the Events of Default set forth below in the section
     titled "EVENTS OF DEFAULT."

     Grantor. The word "Grantor" means and includes without limitation each and
     all of the persons or entities granting a Security Interest in any
     Collateral for the indebtedness, including without limitation all Borrowers
     granting such a Security Interest.

     Guarantor. The word "Guarantor" means and includes without limitation each
     and all of the guarantors, sureties, and accommodation parties in
     connection with any indebtedness.
     Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means and includes without limitation
     all Loans, together with all other obligations, debts and liabilities of
     Borrower to Lender, or any one or more of them, as well as all claims by
     Lender against Borrower, or any one or more of them; whether now or
     hereafter existing, voluntary or involuntary, due or not due, absolute or
     contingent, liquidated or unliquidated; whether Borrower may be liable
     individually or jointly with others; whether Borrower may be obligated as a
     guarantor, surety, or otherwise; whether recovery upon such indebtedness
     may be or hereafter may become barred by any statute of limitations; and
     whether such indebtedness may be or hereafter may become otherwise

     Lender. The word "Lender" means First National Bank of Portsmouth, its
     successors and assigns.

     Liquid Assets. The words "Liquid Assets" mean Borrower's cash on hand plus
     Borrower's receivables.

     Loan. The word "Loan" or "Loans" means and includes without limitation any
     and all commercial loans and financial accommodations from Lender to
     Borrower, whether now or hereafter existing, and however evidenced,
     including without limitation those loans and financial accommodations
     described herein or described on any exhibit or schedule attached to this
     Agreement from time to time.

     Note. The word "Note" means and includes without limitation Borrower's
     promissory note or notes, if any, evidencing Borrower's Loan obligations in
     favor of Lender, as well as any substitute, replacement or refinancing 
     note or notes therefor.

     Related Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean and include without
     limitation all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan agreements,
     environmental agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds
     of trust, and all other instruments, agreements and documents, whether now
     or hereafter existing, executed in connection with the indebtedness.

     Security Agreement. The words "Security Agreement" mean and include without
     limitation any agreements, promises, covenants, arrangements,
     understandings or other agreements, whether created by law, contract, or
     otherwise, evidencing, governing, representing, or creating a Security

     Security Interest. The words "Security Interest" mean and include without
     limitation any type of collateral security, whether in the form of a lien,
     charge, mortgage, deed of trust, assignment, pledge, chattel mortgage,
     chattel trust, factor's lien, equipment trust, conditional sale, trust
     receipt, lien or title retention contract, lease or consignment intended as
     a security device, or any other security or lien interest whatsoever,
     whether created by law, contract, or otherwise.

     SARA. The word "SARA" means the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
     Act of 1986 as now or hereafter amended.

     Subordinated Debt. The words "Subordinated Debt" mean indebtedness and
     liabilities of Borrower which have been subordinated by written

03-22-1995                      BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT                   Page 2
     agreement to indebtedness owed by Borrower to Lender in form and substance 
     acceptable to Lender.

     Tangible Net Worth. The words "Tangible Net Worth" mean Borrower's total
     assets excluding all intangible assets (i.e., goodwill, trademarks,
     patents, copyrights, organizational expenses, and similar intangible items,
     but including leaseholds and leasehold improvements) less total Debt.

     Working Capital. The words "Working Capital" mean Borrower's current 
     assets, excluding prepaid expenses, less Borrower's current liabilities.

REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Borrower represents and warrants to Lender as of
the date of this Agreement and as of the date of each disbursement of Loan 

     Organization. Borrower is a corporation which is duly organized, validity
     existing, and in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of
     Massachusetts. Borrower has the full power and authority to own its
     properties and to transact the businesses in which it is presently engaged
     or presently proposes to engage. Borrower also is duly qualified as a
     foreign corporation and is in good standing in all states in which the
     failure to so qualify would have a material adverse effect on its
     businesses or financial condition.

     Authorization. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement
     and all Related Documents by Borrower, to the extent to be executed,
     delivered or performed by Borrower, have been duly authorized by all
     necessary action by Borrower; do not require the consent or approval of any
     other person, regulatory authority or governmental body; and do not
     conflict with, result in a violation of, or constitute a default under (a)
     any provision of its articles of incorporation or organization, or bylaws,
     or any agreement or other instrument binding upon Borrower or (b) any law,
     governmental regulation, court decree, or order applicable to Borrower.

     Financial Information. Each financial statement of Borrower supplied to
     Lender truly and completely disclosed Borrower's financial condition as of
     the date of the statement, and there has been no material adverse change in
     Borrower's financial condition subsequent to the date of the most recent
     financial statement supplied to Lender. Borrower has no material contingent
     obligations except as disclosed in such financial statements.

     Legal Effect. This Agreement constitutes, and any instrument or agreement
     required hereunder to be given by Borrower when delivered will constitute,
     legal, valid and binding obligations of Borrower enforceable against
     Borrower in accordance with their respective terms.

     Properties. Except as contemplated by this Agreement or as previously
     disclosed in Borrower's financial statements or in writing to Lender and as
     accepted by Lender, and except for property tax liens for taxes not
     presently due and payable, Borrower owns and has good title to all of
     Borrower's properties free and clear of all Security interests, and has not
     executed any security documents or financing statements relating to such
     properties. All of Borrower's properties are titled in Borrower's legal
     name, and Borrower has not used, or filed a financing statement under, any
     other name for at least the last five (5) years.

     Hazardous Substances. The terms "hazardous waste," "hazardous substance,"
     "disposal," "release," and "threatened release," as used in this Agreement,
     shall have the same meanings as set forth in the "CERCLA," "SARA," the
     Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 1801, et seq.,
     the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 6901, et
     seq., or other applicable state or Federal laws, rules, or regulations
     adopted pursuant to any of the foregoing. Except as disclosed to and
     acknowledged by Lender in writing, Borrower represents and warrants that:
     (a) During the period of Borrower's ownership of the properties, there has
     been no use, generation, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposal, release
     or threatened release of any hazardous waste or substance by any person on,
     under, or about any of the properties. (b) Borrower has no knowledge of, or
     reason to believe that there has been (i) any use, generation, manufacture,
     storage, treatment, disposal, release, or threatened release of any
     hazardous waste or substance by any prior owners or occupants of any of the
     properties, or (ii) any actual or threatened litigation or claims of any
     kind by any person relating to such matters. (c) Neither Borrower nor any
     tenant, contractor, agent or other authorized user of any of the properties
     shall use, generate, manufacture, store, treat, dispose of, or release any
     hazardous waste or substance on, under, or about any of the properties; and
     any such activity shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable
     federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, including
     without limitation those laws, regulations and ordinances described above.
     Borrower authorizes Lender and its agents to enter upon the properties to
     make such inspections and tests as Lender may deem appropriate to determine
     compliance of the properties with this section of the Agreement. Any
     inspections or tests made by Lender shall be at Borrower's expense and for
     Lender's purposes only and shall not be construed to create any
     responsibility or liability on the part of Lender to Borrower or to any
     other person. The representations and warranties contained herein are based
     on Borrower's due diligence in investigating the properties for hazardous
     waste. Borrower hereby (a) releases and waives any future claims against
     Lender for indemnity or contribution in the event Borrower becomes
     liable for cleanup or other costs under any such laws, and (b) agrees to
     indemnify and hold harmless Lender against any and all claims, losses,
     liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly or
     indirectly sustain or suffer resulting from a breach of this section of the
     Agreement or as a consequence of any use, generation, manufacture, storage,
     disposal, release or threatened release occurring prior to Borrower's
     ownership or interest in the properties, whether or not the same was or
     should have been known to Borrower. The provisions of this section of the
     Agreement, including the obligation to indemnify, shall survive the payment
     of the indebtedness and the termination or expiration of this Agreement and
     shall not be affected by Lender's acquisition of any interest in any of the
     properties, whether by foreclosure or otherwise.

     Litigation and Claims. No litigation, claim, investigation, administrative
     proceeding or similar action (including those for unpaid taxes) against
     Borrower is pending or threatened, and no other event has occurred which
     may materially adversely affect Borrower's financial condition or
     properties, other than litigation, claims, or other events, if any, that
     have been disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in writing.

     Taxes. All tax returns and reports of Borrower that are or were required to
     be filed, have been filed, and all taxes, assessments and other
     governmental charges have been paid in full, except those presently being
     or to be contested by Borrower in good faith in the ordinary course of
     business and for which adequate reserves have been provided.

     Lien Priority. Unless otherwise previously disclosed to Lender in writing,
     Borrower has not entered into or granted any Security Agreements, or
     permitted the filing or attachment of any Security interest on or affecting
     any of the Collateral directly or indirectly securing repayment of
     Borrower's Loan and Note, that would be prior or that may in any way be
     superior to Lender's Security interests and rights in and to such

     Binding Effect. This Agreement, the Note and all Security Agreements
     directly or indirectly securing repayment of Borrower's Loan and Note are
     binding upon Borrower as well as upon Borrower's successors,
     representatives and assigns, and are legally enforceable in accordance with
     their respective terms.

     Commercial Purposes. Borrower intends to use the Loan proceeds solely for 
     business or commercial related purposes.

     Employee Benefit Plans. Each employee benefit plan as to which Borrower may
     have any liability complies in all material respects with all applicable
     requirements of law and regulations, and (i) no Reportable Event nor
     Prohibited Transaction (as defined in ERISA) has occurred with respect to
     any such plan, (ii) Borrower has not withdrawn from any such plan or
     initiated steps to do so, and (iii) no steps have been taken to terminate
     any such plan.

     Location of Borrower's Offices and Records. The chief place of business of
     Borrower and the office or offices where Borrower keeps its records
     concerning the Collateral is located at FORBES ROAD, NEWMARKET INDUSTRIAL
     PARK, NEWMARKET, NH 03857.

     Information. All information heretofore or contemporaneously herewith 
furnished by Borrower to Lender for the purposes of or in connection with this 
Agreement or any transaction contemplated thereby is, and all information 
hereafter furnished by or on behalf of Borrower to Lender will be,


03-22-1995                  BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT                       Page 3
- - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     true and accurate in every material respect on the date as of which such
     information is dated or certified; and none of such information is or will
     be incomplete by omitting to state any material fact necessary to make such
     information not misleading.

     Survival of Representation and Warranties. Borrower understands and agrees
     that Lender is relying upon the above representations and warranties in
     extending Loan Advances to Borrower. Borrower further agrees that the
     foregoing representations and warranties shall be continuing in nature and
     shall remain in full force and effect until such time as Borrower's Loan
     and Note shall be paid in full, or until this Agreement shall be terminated
     in the manner provided above, whichever is the last to occur.

AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS. Borrower covenants and agrees with Lender that, while 
this Agreement is in effect, Borrower will:

     Litigation. Promptly inform Lender in writing of (a) all material adverse
     changes in Borrower's financial condition, and (b) all litigation and
     claims and all threatened litigation and claims affecting Borrower or any
     Guarantor which could materially affect the financial condition of Borrower
     or the financial condition of any Guarantor.

     Financial Records. Maintain its books and records in accordance with
     generally accepted accounting principles, applied on a consistent basis,
     and permit Lender to examine and audit Borrower's books and records at all
     reasonable times.

     Additional Information. Furnish such additional information and statements,
     lists of assets and liabilities, agings of receivables and payables,
     inventory schedules, budgets, forecasts, tax returns, and other reports
     with respect to Borrower's financial condition and business operations as
     Lender may request from time to time.

     Financial Covenants and Ratios. Comply with the following covenants and

     For purposes of this Agreement and to the extent the following terms are
     utilized in this Agreement, the term "Tangible Net Worth" shall mean
     Borrower's total assets excluding all intangible assets (i.e., goodwill,
     trademarks, patents, copyrights, organizational expenses, and similar
     intangible items, but including leaseholds and leasehold improvements) less
     total Debt. The term "Debt" shall mean all of Borrower's liabilities
     excluding Subordinated Debt. The term "Subordinated Debt" shall mean
     indebtedness and liabilities of Borrower which have been subordinated by
     written agreement to indebtedness owed by Borrower to Lender in form and
     substance acceptable to Lender. The term "Working Capital" shall mean
     Borrower's current assets, excluding prepaid expenses, less Borrower's
     current liabilities. The term "Liquid Assets" shall mean Borrower's cash on
     hand plus Borrower's receivables. The term "Cash Flow" shall mean net
     income after taxes, and exclusive of extraordinary gains and income, plus
     depreciation and amortization. Except as provided above, all computations
     made to determine compliance with the requirements contained in this
     paragraph shall be made in accordance with generally accepted accounting
     principles, applied on a consistent basis, and certified by Borrower as
     being true and correct.

     Insurance. Maintain fire and other risk insurance, public liability
     insurance, and such other insurance as Lender may require with respect to
     Borrower's properties and operations, in form, amounts, coverages and with
     insurance companies reasonably acceptable to Lender. Borrower, upon request
     of Lender, will deliver to Lender from time to time the policies or
     certificates of insurance in form satisfactory to Lender, including
     stipulations that coverages will not be cancelled or diminished without at
     least twenty (20) days' prior written notice to Lender. Each insurance
     policy also shall include an endorsement providing that coverage in favor
     of Lender will not be impaired in any way by any act, omission or default
     of Borrower or any other person. In connection with all policies covering
     assets in which Lender holds or is offered a security interest for the
     Loans, Borrower will provide Lender with such loss payable or other
     endorsements as Lender may require.

     Insurance Reports. Furnish to Lender, upon request of Lender, reports on
     each existing insurance policy showing such information as Lender may
     reasonably request, including without limitation the following: (a) the
     name of the insurer; (b) the risks insured; (c) the amount of the policy;
     (d) the properties insured; (e) the then current property values on the
     basis of which insurance has been obtained, and the manner of determining
     those values; and (f) the expiration date of the policy. In addition, upon
     request of Lender (however not more often than annually), Borrower will
     have an independent appraiser satisfactory to Lender determine, as
     applicable, the actual cash value or replacement cost of any Collateral.

     Other Agreements. Comply with all terms and conditions of all other
     agreements, whether now or hereafter existing, between Borrower and any
     other party and notify Lender immediately in writing of any default in
     connection with any other such agreements.

     Loan Proceeds. Use all Loan proceeds solely for Borrower's business 
     operations, unless specifically consented to the contrary by Lender in

     Taxes, Charges and Liens. Pay and discharge when due all of its
     indebtedness and obligations, including without limitation all assessments,
     taxes, governmental charges, levies and liens, of every kind and nature,
     imposed upon Borrower or its properties, income, or profits, prior to the
     date on which penalties would attach, and all lawful claims that, if
     unpaid, might become a lien or charge upon any of Borrower's properties,
     income, or profits. Provided however, Borrower will not be required to pay
     and discharge any such assessment, tax, charge, levy, lien or claim so long
     as (a) the legality of the same shall be contested in good faith by
     appropriate proceedings, and (b) Borrower shall have established on its
     books adequate reserves with respect to such contested assessment, tax,
     charge, levy, lien, or claim in accordance with generally accepted
     accounting practices. Borrower, upon demand of Lender, will furnish to
     Lender evidence of payment of the assessments, taxes, charges, levies,
     liens and claims and will authorize the appropriate governmental official
     to deliver to Lender at any time a written statement of any assessments,
     taxes, charges, levies, liens and claims against Borrower's properties,
     income, or profits.

     Performance. Perform and comply with all terms, conditions, and provisions
     set forth in this Agreement and in all other instruments and agreements
     between Borrower and Lender in a timely manner, and promptly notify Lender
     if Borrower learns of the occurrence of any event which constitutes an
     Event of Default under this Agreement.

     Operations. Substantially maintain its present executive and management
     personnel; conduct its business affairs in a reasonable and prudent manner
     and in compliance with all applicable federal, state and municipal laws,
     ordinances, rules and regulations respecting its properties, charters,
     businesses and operations, including without limitation, compliance with
     the Americans With Disabilities Act and with all minimum funding standards
     and other requirements of ERISA and other laws applicable to Borrower's
     employee benefit plans.

     Inspection. Permit employees or agents of Lender at any reasonable time to
     inspect any and all Collateral for the Loan or Loans and Borrower's other
     properties and to examine or audit Borrower's books, accounts, and records
     and to make copies and memoranda of Borrower's books, accounts, and
     records. If Borrower now or at any time hereafter maintains any records
     (including without limitation computer generated records and computer
     software programs for the generation of such records) in the possession of
     a third party, Borrower, upon request of Lender, shall notify such party to
     permit Lender free access to such records at all reasonable times and to
     provide Lender with copies of any records it may request, all at Borrower's

     Compliance Certificate. Unless waived in writing by Lender, provide Lender
     at least annually and at the time of each disbursement of Loan proceeds
     with a certificate executed by Borrower's chief financial officer, or other
     officer or person acceptable to Lender, certifying that the representations
     and warranties set forth in this Agreement are true and correct as of the
     date of the certificate and further certifying that, as of the date of the
     certificate, no Event of Default exists under this Agreement.

     Environmental Compliance and Reports. Borrower shall comply in all respects
     with all environmental protection federal, state and local laws,

03-22-1995                  BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT                       Page 4
     statutes, regulations and ordinances; not cause or permit to exist, as a
     result of an intentional or unintentional action or omission on its part or
     on the part of any third party, on property owned and/or occupied by
     Borrower, any environmental activity where damage may result to the
     environment, unless such environmental activity is pursuant to and in
     compliance with the conditions of a permit issued by the appropriate
     federal, state or local governmental authorities; shall furnish to Lender
     promptly and in any event within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof a
     copy of any notice, summons, lien, citation, directive, letter or other
     communication from any governmental agency or instrumentality concerning
     any intentional or unintentional action or omission on Borrower's part in
     connection with any environmental activity whether or not there is damage
     to the environment and/or other natural resources.
     Additional Assurances. Make, execute and deliver to Lender such promissory
     notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, security agreements, financing
     statements, instruments, documents and other agreements as Lender or its
     attorneys may reasonably request to evidence and secure the Loans and to
     perfect all Security interests.

NEGATIVE COVENANTS. Borrower covenants and agrees with Lender that while this 
Agreement is in effect, Borrower shall not, without the prior written consent of

     Indebtedness and Liens. (a) Except for trade debt incurred in the normal
     course of business and indebtedness to Lender contemplated by this
     Agreement, create, incur or assume indebtedness for borrowed money,
     including capital leases, (b) sell, transfer, mortgage, assign, pledge,
     lease, grant a security interest in, or encumber any of Borrower's assets,
     or (c) sell with recourse any of Borrower's accounts, except to Lender.

     Continuity of Operations. (a) Engage in any business activities
     substantially different than those in which Borrower is presently engaged,
     (b) cease operations, liquidate, merge, transfer, acquire or consolidate
     with any other entity, change ownership, dissolve or transfer or sell
     Collateral out of the ordinary course of business, (c) pay any dividends on
     Borrower's stock (other than dividends payable in its stock), provided,
     however that notwithstanding the foregoing, but only so long as no Event of
     Default has occurred and is continuing or would result from the payment of
     dividends, if Borrower is a "Subchapter S Corporation" (as defined in the
     Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended), Borrower may pay cash dividends
     on its stock to its shareholders from time to time in amounts necessary to
     enable the shareholders to pay income taxes and make estimated income tax
     payments to satisfy their liabilities under federal and state law which
     arise solely from their status as Shareholders of a Subchapter S
     Corporation because of their ownership of shares of stock of Borrower, or
     (d) purchase or retire any of Borrower's outstanding shares or alter or
     amend Borrower's capital structure.
     Loans, Acquisitions and Guaranties. (a) Loan, invest in or advance money or
     assets, (b) purchase, create or acquire any interest in any other
     enterprise or entity, or (c) incur any obligation as surety or guarantor
     other than in the ordinary course of business. 

CESSATION OF ADVANCES. If Lender has made any commitment to make any Loan to
Borrower, whether under this Agreement or under any other agreement, Lender
shall have no obligation to make Loan Advances or to disburse Loan proceeds if:
(a) Borrower or any Guarantor is in default under the terms of this Agreement or
any of the Related Documents or any other agreement that Borrower or any
Guarantor has with Lender; (b) Borrower becomes insolvent, files a petition in
bankruptcy or similar proceedings, or is adjudged a bankrupt; (c) there occurs a
material adverse change in Borrower's financial condition, in the financial
condition of any Guarantor, or in the value of any Collateral securing any Loan;
(d) any Guarantor seeks, claims or otherwise attempts to limit, modify or revoke
such Guarantor's guaranty or the Loan or any other loan with Lender; or (e)
Lender in good faith deems itself insecure, even though no Event of Default
shall have occurred.

SCHEDULE "A". An exhibit, titled "SCHEDULE "A"," is attached to this Agreement
and by this reference is made a part of this Agreement just as if all the
provisions, terms and conditions of the Exhibit had been fully set forth in this

RIGHT OF SETOFF. Borrower grants to Lender a contractual possessory security
interest in, and hereby assigns, conveys, delivers, pledges, and transfers to
Lender all Borrower's right, title and interest in and to, Borrower's accounts
with Lender (whether checking, savings, or some other account), including
without limitation all accounts held jointly with someone else and all accounts
Borrower may open in the future, excluding however all IRA, Keogh, and trust
accounts. Borrower authorizes Lender, to the extent permitted by applicable law,
to charge or setoff all sums owing on the indebtedness against any and all such

EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each of the following shall constitute an Event of Default
under this Agreement:

     Default on Indebtedness. Failure of Borrower to make any payment when due
     on the Loans.

     Other Defaults. Failure of Borrower or any Grantor to comply with or to
     perform when due any other term, obligation, covenant or condition
     contained in this Agreement or in any of the Related Documents, or failure
     of Borrower to comply with or to perform any other term, obligation,
     covenant or condition contained in any other agreement between Lender and

     False Statements. Any warranty, representation or statement made or
     furnished to Lender by or on behalf of Borrower or any Grantor under this
     Agreement or the Related Documents is false or misleading in any material
     respect, either now or at the time made or furnished.

     Defective Collateralization. This Agreement or any of the Related Documents
     ceases to be in full force and effect (including failure of any Security
     Agreement to create a valid and perfected Security interest) at any time
     and for any reason.
     Insolvency. The dissolution or termination of Borrower's existence as a
     going business, the insolvency of Borrower, the appointment of a receiver
     for any part of Borrower's property, any assignment for the benefit of
     creditors, any type of creditor workout, or the commencement of any
     proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Borrower.

     Creditor or Forfeiture Proceedings. Commencement of foreclosure or
     forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial proceedings, self-help,
     repossession or any other method, by any creditor of Borrower, any creditor
     of any Grantor against any collateral securing the Indebtedness, or by any
     governmental agency. This includes a garnishment, attachment, or levy on or
     of any of Borrower's deposit accounts with Lender.

     Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the preceding events occurs with respect
     to any Guarantor of any of the Indebtedness or such Guarantor dies or
     becomes incompetent or any Guarantor revokes any guaranty of the
     Change in Ownership. Any change in ownership of twenty-five percent (25%)
     or more of the common stock of Borrower.
     Insecurity. Lender, in good faith, deems itself insecure.

EFFECT OF AN EVENT OF DEFAULT. If any Event of Default shall occur, all
commitments and obligations of Lender under this Agreement or the Related
Documents or any other agreement immediately will terminate (including any
obligation to make Loan Advances or disbursements), and, at Lender's option, all
Loans immediately will become due and payable, all without notice of any kind to
Borrower, except that in the case of an Event of Default of the type described
in the "Insolvency" subsection above, such acceleration shall be automatic and
not optional.

MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of 
this Agreement:

     Amendments. This Agreement, together with any Related Documents,
     constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties as to the
     matters set forth in this Agreement. No alteration of or amendment to this
     Agreement shall be effective unless given in writing and signed by the
     party or parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or
     Applicable Law. This Agreement has been delivered to Lender and accepted by
     Lender in the State of New Hampshire. If there is a

03-22-1995                  BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT                      Page 5

lawsuit, Borrower agrees upon Lender's request to submit to the jurisdiction of 
the courts of Strafford County, the State of New Hampshire. This Agreement shall
be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New 

Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Agreement are for convenience 
purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions of 
this Agreement.

Consent to Loan Participation. Borrower agrees and consents to Lender's sale or 
transfer, whether now or later, of one or more participation interests in the 
Loans to one or more purchasers, whether related or unrelated to Lender. Lender 
may provide, without any limitation whatsoever, to any one or more purchasers, 
or potential purchasers, any information or knowledge Lender may have about 
Borrower or about any other matter relating to the Loan, and Borrower hereby 
waives any rights to privacy it may have with respect to such matters. Borrower 
additionally waives any and all notices of sale of participation interests, as 
well as all notices of any repurchase of such participation interests. Borrower 
also agrees that the purchasers of any such participation interests will be 
considered as the absolute owners of such interests in the Loans and will have 
all the rights granted under the participation agreement or agreements 
governing the sale of such participation interests. Borrower further waives all
rights of offset or counterclaim that it may have now or later against Lender 
or against any purchaser of such a participation interest and unconditionally 
agrees that either Lender or such purchaser may enforce Borrower's obligation 
under the Loans irrespective of the failure or insolvency of any holder of any 
interest in the Loans. Borrower further agrees that the purchaser of any such 
participation interests may enforce its interests irrespective of any personal 
claims or defenses that Borrower may have against Lender.

Costs and Expenses. Borrower agrees to pay upon demand all of Lender's 
out-of-pocket expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees. Incurred 
in connection with the preparation, execution, enforcement and collection of 
this Agreement or in connection with the Loans made pursuant to this Agreement. 
Lender may pay someone else to help collect the Loans and to enforce this 
Agreement, and Borrower will pay that amount. This includes, subject to any 
limits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's legal 
expenses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, including attorneys' fees for 
bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay
or injunction), appeals, and any anticipated post-judgment collection services. 
Borrower also will pay any court costs, in addition to all other sums provided 
by law.

Notices. All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be given in
writing and shall be effective when actually delivered or when deposited with a 
nationally recognized overnight courier or deposited in the United States mail, 
first class, postage prepaid, addressed to the party to whom the notice is to be
given at the address shown above. Any party may change its address for notices 
under this Agreement by giving formal written notice to the other parties, 
specifying that the purpose or the notice is to change the party's address. To 
the extent permitted by applicable law, if there is more than one Borrower, 
notice to any Borrower will constitute notice to all Borrowers. For notice 
purposes, Borrower agrees to keep Lender informed at all times of Borrower's 
current address(es).

Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this 
Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable as to any person or circumstance, such 
finding shall not render that provision invalid or unenforceable as to any other
persons or circumstances. If feasible, any such offending provision shall be 
deemed to be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity; 
however, if the offending provision cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken
and all other provisions of this Agreement in all other respects shall remain 
valid and enforceable.

Subsidiaries and Affiliates of Borrower. To the extent the context of any 
provisions of this Agreement makes it appropriate, including without limitation 
any representation, warranty or covenant, the word "Borrower" as used herein 
shall include all subsidiaries and affiliates of Borrower. Notwithstanding the 
foregoing however, under no circumstances shall this Agreement be construed to 
require Lender to make any Loan or other financial accommodation to any 
subsidiary or affiliate of Borrower.

Successors and Assigns. All covenants and agreements contained by or on behalf 
of Borrower shall bind its successors and assigns and shall inure to the benefit
of Lender, its successors and assigns. Borrower shall not, however, have the 
right to assign its rights under this Agreement or any interest therein, without
the prior written consent of Lender.

Survival. All warranties, representations, and covenants made by Borrower in 
this Agreement or in any certificate or other instrument delivered by Borrower 
to Lender under this Agreement shall be considered to have been relied upon by 
Lender and will survive the making of the Loan and delivery to Lender of the 
Related Documents, regardless of any investigation made by Lender or on Lender's

Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this 

Waiver. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this 
Agreement unless such waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender. No delay 
or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a 
waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by Lender of a provision of 
this Agreement shall not prejudice or constitute a waiver of Lender's right 
otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision
of this Agreement. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any course of dealing between 
Lender and Borrower, or between Lender and any Grantor, shall constitute a 
waiver of any of Lender's rights or of any obligations of Borrower or of any 
Grantor as to any future transactions. Whenever the consent of Lender is 
required under this Agreement, the granting of such consent by Lender in any 
instance shall not constitute continuing consent in subsequent instances where 
such consent is required, and in all cases such consent may be granted or 
withheld in the sole discretion of Lender.

03-22-1995                 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT                      Page 6
22, 1995.




- - - - ----------------------------------------------         (Corporate Seal)
   Secretary or Assistant Secretary 


First National Bank of Portsmouth

By: /s/ Timothy F. Dargan
   Authorized Officer

LASER PRO, Reg. U.S. Pat. & T.M. Off., Ver. 3.16(c) 1995 CFI ProServices, Inc.
ALL rights reserved. [NH-C40 VITRONIC.LN Cl.OVL)

                                  SCHEDULE A

This Schedule "A" is attached to and by this reference made a part of each 
Business Loan Agreement or Negative Pledge Agreement, dated March 22, 1995, and 
executed in connection with a loan or other financial accommodations between 
First National Bank of Portsmouth and Vitronics Corporation.

First and future disbursements, if any, shall be pursuant to the banks 
satisfactory review of the financial condition of the borrower. Conditions 
precedent to disbursement, at a minimum include:

        a)  Liquidity:  Liquidity, as measured by current assets divided by 
                        current liabilities, should be no less than 1.7x.

        b)  Leverage:   Minimum net worth plus subordinated debt no less than
                        $2,550,000. Leverage, as measured by total liabilities
                        divided by net worth plus subordinated debt no higher
                        than 2.0x.                                     ------

        c)  Debt service coverage minimum 1.2x.

This Schedule "A" is executed on March 22, 1995.



BY: /s/ James J. Manfield
James J. Manfield, Jr., Chairman & CEO


- - - - -------------------------------------             (Corporate Seal)
Secretary or Assistant Secretary 


First National Bank of Portsmouth

BY: /s/ Timothy F. Dargan
      Timothy F. Dargan, Vice President 

                                  SCHEDULE B

This Schedule "B" is attached to and by this reference made a part of the 
Business Loan Agreement dated March 22, 1995, and executed in connection with a 
loan or other financial accommodations between First National Bank of Portsmouth
and Vitronics Corporation.

1. That page 3 of the Business Loan Agreement in the section entitled,
"Compliance Certificate" is amended so as to delete the following language,
"annually and at the time of each disbursement of loan proceeds" and replace
said language with the following "quarterly or at the Lender's request".

2. That page 4 of the agreement in the section entitled, "Negative Covenants" 
is amended so as to provide in the subsection entitled, "Indebtedness and 
Liens", "That the Borrower shall be permitted to have a carve out up to 
$400,000.00 for capital expenditures including capital leases".

3. That page 5 of the Business Loan Agreement in the subsection entitled, 
"Consent to Loan Participation" is hereby amended to contain the following 
language at the end of said paragraph, "The Lender will not sell or transfer the
within loan to Fleet National Bank or its affiliates".

4. That page 5 of the Business Loan Agreement in the section entitled, "Costs 
and Expenses" shall be amended so as to provide that wherever the term 
"attorneys' fees" appears therein that said two words shall be proceeded by the 
word "reasonable".

In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed the within Schedule "B" on the 
22nd day of March, 1995.



BY: /s/ James J. Manfield, Jr.
      James J. Manfield, Jr., Chairman & CEO  



BY: /s/ Timothy F. Dargan
      Timothy F. Dargan, Vice President