Exhibit 10.20

                           AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO LEASE

1.  Parties.

    This Amendment, dated June 7, 1995, is between Andover Mills Realty Limited
Partnership ("Landlord") and FTP Software, Inc. ("Tenant").

2.  Recitals.

    2.1  Landlord and Tenant have entered into a Lease, dated October 1, 1993,
as amended, for space at Brickstone Square in Andover, Massachusetts (the
"Lease").  Unless otherwise defined, terms used in this  Amendment have the same
meanings as those used in the Lease.

    2.2  Tenant wants to lease the following additional space in the Project
(the "Additional Space"): a portion of the first (1st) floor of the Building
which is depicted in Exhibit "AA" attached hereto and incorporated herein by
this reference, and is initially agreed to contain 40,314 square feet of
rentable area.  Tenant also wants an option to lease other space in the
Building.  To accomplish these and other matters, for Ten and No/100 Dollars
($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which is acknowledged, the parties agree and the Lease is amended as follows,
notwithstanding anything to the contrary:

3.  Amendments.

    3.1  "Additional Space Start Date" means the earlier of: the date that
Tenant occupies the Additional Space for the conduct of its business, or the
date that Landlord substantially completes Landlord's Work for the Additional
Space as described in this Amendment.  Substantial completion will be determined
in the same manner as in Section 2 of the Lease.

    3.2  As of the Additional Space Start Date the Premises will be deemed to
include the Additional Space, and therefore the agreed rentable area of the
Premises will be increased from 66,286 s.f. to 104,600 s.f.; and in Section
1.1(f), Tenant's Percentage will be increased form 7.05% to 11.12%.

    3.3  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, base rent for the Additional
Space will commence October 1, 1995, and during the initial term of the Lease
the annual base rent per square foot of rentable area in the Additional Space
will be as follows:


                                           Annual Base Rent Per Rentable
Lease Year                                 Square Foot of Additional Space
- ----------                                 -------------------------------
10/1/95  - 3/31/96                                      $12.81
4/1/96   - 6/30/96                                       14.19
7/1/96   - 3/31/97                                       10.99
4/1/97   - 3/31/98                                       10.99
4/1/98   - 3/31/99                                       10.99
4/1/99   - 3/31/2000                                     11.45
4/1/2000 - 3/31/2001                                     11.45
4/1/2001 - 8/31/2002                                     11.45

Base rent for the Additional Space during the term of the extension Option will
be at the rates set forth in Rider #2 to the Lease.

    3.4    "Landlord's Work" to prepare the Additional Space for Tenant's
initial occupancy is described in Exhibit "BB" attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference.  Landlord will complete Landlord's Work for the
Additional Space in accordance with the terms of the Lease.  All work to or for
the benefit of the Additional Space other than Landlord's Work is deemed to be
Tenant's Work, and will be completed by Tenant at its sole cost and expense and
in accordance with the terms of the Lease.  Section 1.1 of Exhibit "C" to the
Lease also will be applicable to Landlord's Work and Tenant's Work with respect
to the Additional Space.

    3.5    Article 26 of the Lease (Tenant's Right to Terminate) is deleted.

    3.6    Article 28 of the Lease (Expansion Option), is amended as follows:

          (a) The "Expansion Space" now means only the space designated
"Expansion Space" in Exhibit "AA" hereto, and no other space, and the rentable
area of the Expansion Space is agreed to be 23,212 square feet.

          (b) The date by which the Expansion Option must be exercised is
changed to November 1, 1995.

          (c) Landlord's Work for the Expansion Space will be as set forth in
Exhibit "BB" attached hereto.

          (d) Section 28.3(c) and Exhibit "B" to the Lease are deleted.

    3.7    Section 15.2 of the Lease is amended as follows:

           As of the Additional Space Start Date, Tenant's permitted parking
will be


increased to 301 passenger cars (Tenant's current areas are shown in Exhibit "A"
attached hereto).  However, if Tenant does not validly exercise the Expansion
Option (or if it lapses or becomes null or void pursuant to the terms of the
Lease) then Tenant's permitted parking will be reduced by 15 spaces.  If
Landlord ever constructs additional parking adjacent to the Building, when such
additional parking is completed Tenant will receive: for the Additional Space,
an additional 13 spaces, or the total number of such additional parking spaces
created, whichever is less; and if the Expansion Option is validly exercised and
does not lapse or become null or void, an additional 7 spaces for the Expansion
Space, or the total number of such additional parking spaces created that are
not already leased to Tenant, whichever is less.

    3.8    Exhibit "A" to the Lease is deleted and Exhibit "A" attached hereto
is substituted in its place.

4.  No Other Changes.

    Except as set forth above, the Lease remains unchanged and in full force and
effect and there are no defaults by Landlord or Tenant thereunder.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, intending to be legally bound, the parties have executed
this Amendment under seal as of the date first set forth above.

                                              FTP SOFTWARE, INC.
 /s/ Deborah E. Sheehan                       By: /s/ Robert W. Goodnow, Jr.
- ------------------------------                    ------------------------------
Name Printed:                                     Name: Robert W. Goodnow, Jr.
                                                  Title: Vice President Finance
                                                  Authorized Signatory
__________________________                    By:                              
Name Printed:                                    -------------------------------
                                                 Authorized Signatory           

                                              ANDOVER MILLS REALTY LIMITED

                                              By:  Niuna-Andover, Inc., general
/s/ John C. Cissel                            By: /s/ Martin Spaggat            
- --------------------------                        ------------------------------
Name Printed:                                      Name:                        
                                                   Title:  Vice President       
                                                   Authorized Signatory


                                 EXHIBIT "AA"
                                 "THE PROJECT"
                                 BUILDING 100
                                  FIRST FLOOR


                                  EXHIBIT "A"
                                 PARKING AREAS


                                  EXHIBIT "BB"
                             100 BRICKSTONE SQUARE
                             ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS
                               FTP SOFTWARE, INC.
                              "ADDITIONAL SPACE"
                            FIRST FLOOR - WEST HALF
                               February 15, 1995
                           BURT HILL PROJECT 93677.00

- --------------

     The Workletter is intended to show the division between Landlord's Work
     (the Base Building described below) and Tenant work.  Tenant's Work
     includes any work not described under the Base Building heading below, and
     any changes, additions or deletions to Landlord's Work requested by Tenant.
     All descriptions of the split between the Landlord's versus the Tenant's
     responsibilities with regard to HVAC, electrical, fire suppression, life
     safety and plumbing are for the purpose of allocating cost and installation
     responsibilities.  The Landlord will specify, purchase, install and balance
     all installations listed under the Base Building Heading.  In order to
     insure a coordinated system, the remaining systems that are to be specified
     and installed by the Tenant must be approved by the Landlord, as must any
     modifications or additions to the Base Building systems.  Tenant is solely
     responsible for paying and performing Tenant's Work.  However, Landlord
     reserves the right to install Tenant's Work (at Tenant's cost) if it
     connects to or affects Landlord's Work or any code-related or life-safety-
     related work.

     Tenant may request that Landlord contract for all or a part of a Tenant's
     Work. If Landlord agrees, this work will be deemed to be part of Tenant's
     Work and not part of Landlord's Work, and will be done at Tenant's sole
     cost, risk and liability and Landlord will have no cost, risk or liability.
     Landlord will not be required to advance any funds for this work and at
     Landlord's request Tenant will advance, or pay to Landlord within seven
     days after receipt of bills, all costs (whether "hard" or "soft" costs)
     incurred or which may be due in connection with this work, including
     without limitation, costs for permits, design, drawing, architectural,
     engineering and drafting services, contractors overhead and profit, labor,
     materials and ten percent (10%) of hard and soft costs to Landlord for
     Landlord's supervision, coordination and involvement. Tenant will indemnify
     and hold Landlord harmless from all damages, claims and liabilities in
     connection with this work.



BASE BUILDING                                           TENANT
- -------------                                           ------

- ------------------------
1.   Landlord will identify 
     assigned parking spaces.

     Landlord will prominently 
     display Tenant's name on an 
     existing brick and stone 
     building directory 

- ----------------

1.   Landlord is responsible for 
     any modifications to the 
     Base Building structural 
     system due to Base Building 
     construction and 

- -----------------

1.   Landlord will prepare the 
     Tenant's space for the 
     Landlord's work and for
     Tenant fit-up as designed.

- ------------------------

1.   No work required except for 
     Base Building items such as 
     demolition, mechanical 
     exhausts, fresh air intakes, 
     mechanical and electrical




BASE BUILDING                                 TENANT
- -------------                                 ------
B.6.0. HVAC (Central)
- -----------
1.    All existing central                    1.   All special Tenant HVAC
      equipment serving the                        equipment required for non.
      Tenant but not within the                    typical Tenant cooling loads
      Tenant's usable area,                        except as defined under Base
      including existing:                          Building.
      -  Boiler and associated                2.   All special ventilation and
         circulating pumps in                      exhaust requirement related
         ground floor mechanical                   to Tenant occupancy uses
         room.                                     such as mentioned in the
                                                   previous paragraph except as
      -  Controls associated with                  defined under Base Building.
         the operation of the central 
         heating equipment.                   3.   Any special Tenant related
                                                   systems or equipment such
                                                   as special controls, climate
                                                   control (humidifcation), etc.
                                              4.   All modifications to the
                                                   system including ducted
                                                   returns or other upgrades to
                                                   the system to eliminate the
                                                   need for related
                                                   data/communication cable
                                                   above the ceiling.


 B.7.0. HVAC (Tenant)                                                    
 1.    HVAC system in the Tenant area,                                   
       as further defined by the attached 
       Schedule of Tenant Workletter      
       Quantities, including:             
       -  Distribution ductwork and      
          diffusers, all installed in    
          Landlord-provided acoustical   
          ceiling system.                 


       -  HVAC controls in the Tenant
          area as necessary for the
          Landlord-provided system.

       -  Plenum ceiling and/or open
          area return air provisions.

       -  Exhaust fans and ductwork for
          toilet rooms.

       -  New fresh air system.

       -  New smoke exhaust fans.




- -------------

B.7.0.  HVAC (Tenant) (continued)
- ------------                     
2.  Landlord to provide HVAC equipment for 
    Tenant's computer/telephone room.
    Equipment to be a Liebert Challenger unit 
    (size 5 to 7 1/2 tons) with rooftop
    condensing unit.

3.  First floor HVAC system to be connected 
    to the building automation control system. 
    Building automation system will also 
    monitor temperatures in various areas of 
    the Tenant's space.  Approximately 3 
    sensors in each air handling unit zone may 
    be installed.

4.  Landlord to provide baseboard heating 
    system at the perimeter of the Tenant's 
    space with zoned controls as required by 
    design.  Acoustical sealing of partitions at 
    baseboard heat to be same as fifth floor.

5.  Landlord to provide transfer air grills with 
    acoustical baffles at all locations where 
    partitions are constructed to underside of 
    structure.  Areas to include Conference 
    Rooms and offices of Vice President and 
    Directors, Video Conference Center and 
    Exercise Area.

6.  Landlord to provide new baseboard heat 
    covers and end caps where damaged on
    existing heat.




- -------------

- ----------

1.  HVAC systems will be designed to meet the following criteria:

     -  Cooling and ventilation capacity sufficient to meet accepted design
standards for the following:

        a.  A density of one occupant per 150 gross usable square feet.*

        b.  Total Tenant electrical loads of 6 watts per square foot for
            lighting and convenience power.

        c.  One thermostat control per 2500 s.f. of Tenant usable floor area.
            Additional control zones will be the Tenant's responsibility.

     -  Comfort Conditions:

        a.  Summer - maintain indoor conditions 76F, 56% rh at 90 F db/75

        b.  Winter - maintain indoor temperature of 72 F at 10 F outdoors.

2.  Landlord is to provide the basic HVAC distribution and control system as
    required by the Tenant Space Plan designed by H.F. Lenz Company and approved
    by Tenant. Final definition of the scope of this work will be determined
    once the Tenant has approved the space plan.

3.  FTP Software first floor HVAC system to be connected to the Viking
    temperature control system.

*To be confirmed during the preliminary design.




- -------------

- ----------------
1.  All central electrical equipment and           1.  All electrical provisions required to fit-up 
    distribution including the following:              the Tenant area other than that provided by 
                                                       the Landlord, as defined herein.            
     -  2,500 KVA pad-mounted exterior                                                             
        transformer.                               2.  Tenant is also responsible to make          
                                                       arrangements with the Massachusetts         
     -  480/277V service entrance.                     Electrical Company for an electric service  
                                                       contract with the assistance of H.F. Lenz   
     -  4,000A main switchgear.                        Company.                                    
     -  480V four wire electrical riser in         3.  Tenant will provide data and telephone      
        conduit.                                       wiring and connections for Tenant's         
     -  400 amp breaker panel and a 
        120/208V step down K-rated 
        transformer for Tenant power, to be 
        located in an electrical closet within 
        the Tenant's demised premises.

     -  Provisions for a Tenant electrical 
        meter (to be installed in the electrical 
        meter room by Massachusetts Electric 
        Company at the request of the Tenant.

     -  Emergency power as necessary for 
        emergency lighting systems required 
        by code such as, stair and exit way 
        lighting and emergency lighting within 
        the Tenant space.




- -------------

B.8.0 ELECTRICAL (continued)
- ----------------            

     -  Lighting and power as required for all 
        central equipment rooms, elevators, 
        main lobby, exterior lighting, typical 
        floor elevator lobbies, exit ways, stair 
        towers, etc.  These common areas 
        will be metered and controlled from
        the house meters and control panels 

2.   -  Landlord will provide all raceways for
        data and telephone systems including
        conduit and pull wires within
        partitions and all junction boxes.
3.   -  Landlord will provide all special and
        dedicated power circuits and special
        lighting and dimmers as designed by
        H.F. Lenz Company.
4.   -  Landlord will assist the Tenant with
        ordering the required electrical meter 
        and service contract.



BASE BUILDING                                           TENANT
- -------------                                           ------

- --------------
1.  Landlord will provide direct glue-down        1.  All special flooring in Tenant areas in  
    carpet (or sheet vinyl or VCT of                  excess of the carpet allowance amount, not
    comparable value) with integral pad over          including carpet tiles.                   
    repaired/existing floors in those areas
    requiring carpeting of floor covering within 
    the Tenant's demised premises. Carpet to 
    be Bigelow/Karastan Pamlico with Newport 
    News or equivalent borders and accents.

2.  At the storage area, the Landlord will 
    provide V.C.T. and base only.

3.  Landlord will furnish and install vinyl or 
    rubber base or bound edge carpet base for 
    all partitions and columns as selected by 

4.  Landlord will provide smooth, sound floors 
    ready to receive specified floor coverings 
    exclusive of the allowance.

5.  In addition, Landlord will provide accent 
    carpet and borders as designed in common, 
    executive, entry areas, main corridors.

6.  In addition, Landlord will provide low-
    static carpet tiles (Milliken
    Colorbond/Colorvision) in the 
    computer/telephone room or VCT.

7.  Computer/telephone room will have a 6" 
    maximum raised access floor.




BASE BUILDING                                           TENANT
- -------------                                           ------

- ---------------
1.  Landlord will provide building standard 
    ceilings for the areas requiring ceilings 
    within the Tenant's demised space in a 
    regular grid "open-plan" configuration. 
    Tenant is to layout his partitions 
    accordingly.  Ceilings to be at 
    approximately 10' + /- throughout space 
    accept for soffited areas required to
    accommodate ductwork, utilities, and areas 
    designed with soffits and fascias.

2.  Landlord will provide 15/16" standard face 
    suspension system with tegular edge tiles 
    throughout the Tenant space except in the 
    storage areas.  Building standard tiles to be 
    Armstrong Second Look.

3.  Landlord will leave all areas above the 
    ceiling open to the underside of the
    structure above, except where full height 
    partitions are shown.

4.  Landlord will construct bulkheads as 
    required to conceal distribution ductwork.




BASE BUILDING                                           TENANT
- -------------                                           ------

- ---------------------------
1.  Core walls on Tenant floors will be taped, 
    spackled, and prime and finish painted. 
    Tenant demising walls and interior surface 
    of exterior walls will be taped, spackled, 
    and prime painted with one finish coat.

2.  Landlord will install all non-moveable 
    ceiling height partitions within the Tenant's 
    space as required by the Tenant Space Plan, 
    but not in excess of the limitations of the 
    attached Schedule of Tenant Workletter 

3.  In open plan area, Landlord will construct 
    half-height (60" high = maximum) walls to 
    receive Tenant movable furniture system 
    partitions.  Distribution of power and 
    telephone/data to workstations will be 
    through these partitions. However, Tenant 
    cannot design half-height partitions in lieu 
    of moveable furniture system.

4.  Landlord will tape, spackle, prime and 
    provide one finish coat on all partitions 
    installed as part of the Landlord's Base 
    Building obligations.

5.  Landlord will provide tape, spackle, prime, 
    and Polomyx 6000 Series where designed 
    not to exceed the amount specified in the 
    Workletter quantities.

6.  In addition, the Landlord will build all
    walls for video conference center, exercise,
    conference rooms, and executive areas
    including special acoustical treatment as


7.  Landlord will build the standard tenant 
    partition with 5/8" drywall each side of 
    steel studs with acoustical insulation. 
    Video conference rooms, conference 
    rooms, and Vice President and directors' 
    offices and exercise rooms to be 
    constructed with 2 layers 5/8" drywall each 
    side of steel studs with acoustical 
    insulation, built to underside of structure.

8.  Landlord to provide column capital detail 
    similar to FTP Software, Level 5, 
    Brickstone Square, including painted 
    drywall, soffit, fascia, and returns and
    acoustic ceiling tile.
B.12.0 DOORS
- ------------
1.  Landlord to furnish and install all main          1.  Tenant to furnish and install all interior
    building entries and exit doors and building          door frames and hardware within the
    perimeter, all core areas doors, and doors            demised Tenant area other than those
    to mechanical areas.                                  provided by the Landlord as mentioned in
                                                          the Base Building provisions.  Tenant
                                                          doors, frames, and hardware to be the same 
                                                          specification as those provided by      
                                                          Landlord unless otherwise the approved by the
2.  Landlord to furnish and install 3' - 0" x 7' -   
    0" high white oak veneer solid core wood         
    doors (with hardware 26D finish) within the      
    Tenant's demised premises, as required by        
    the Tenant Space Plan, subject to submittal      
    and approval of Tenant's space plan by the       
    Landlord, and subject to the limitations of      
    the attached Schedule of Tenant Workletter       
3.  Landlord to furnish and install acoustical       
    seals and door bottoms at doors selected by      



BASE BUILDING                                    TENANT
- -------------                                    ------

- --------------------------------------

1.  Landlord to furnish and install core area       1. Tenant is responsible for Tenant specific                          
    signage for all floors.                            identification signs, directories, etc.

- --------------------------------------
1.  Landlord will provide a transparent finished    1.  With the exception of training and
    hardwood framed 2-leaf suite entrance door          conference rooms, Tenant to provide and
    with glass sidelights on both sides.                install special lighting fixtures or fixture
                                                        quantities in excess of Workletter quantity

2.  Landlord will provide glass sidelights at the   2.  Tenant to provide and install all laboratory
    rate of one per office with vertical blinds.        equipment, fixtures, worksurfaces, etc.     
3.  Landlord will provide built-in casework for     3.  Tenant to provide and install Tenant
    a reception counter, lunch room appliances,         specific security system.           
    and two kitchenettes.                           
4.  Landlord will provide a directory that will 
    list Tenant's located within Building 100.
5.  Landlord to provide three-hour rated 
    gypsum drywall enclosed record storage 
    area.  Record storage to be further 
    protected by building standard sprinkler 
    system.  Floor finishes to be V.C.T. within 
    this area.  Ceiling to be exposed painted
    concrete floor slab.  Light fixtures to be 
    hung from structural slab.
6.  Landlord will provide millwork, chair rails, 
    accent trim in common areas, conference 
    and video conference, exercise rooms as
    designed and detailed.
7.  All electrical and mechanical quantities and 
    locations to be as designed by H.F. Lenz 
    Co., Inc. and approved by FTP Software, 



BASE BUILDING                                       TENANT
- -------------                                       ------
8.  Landlord will provide a cable tray system 
    as designed and detailed at locations shown 
    on the drawings. Cable tray system to be 
    suspended from overhead structure and be
    mounted below ceilings.                         
9.  Landlord will provide code complying core       1.  Tenant will provide exercise
    toilet rooms for each sex within and for the        equipment.                  
    exclusive use of FTP Software employees.
10. Landlord will provide toilets and shower 
    facilities in the exercise area.



- -------------------------------------------------
HVAC Thermostats (with protective covers)       1/2,500 Usable S.F.
HVAC Diffusers (flush with ceiling)             1/300 Usable S.F.
Lighting Fixtures                               1/100 Usable S.F.
                                                Tenant may substitute recessed incandescent light 
                                                fixtures for building standard light fixtures at 
                                                locations of Tenant's choice
Lighting Switches                               1/Room, plus 1/2,000 Usable S.F. of Open Area
Convenience Outlets                             As designed
Sprinkler Heads                                 As required by code
Smoke Detectors                                 As required by code
Fire Alarm Speakers/Annunciators                As required by code
Carpet and/or VCT                               Full Coverage
Ceilings and/or painted exposed structure       Full Coverage
Interior Drywall Partitions                     3,055 L.F. for "Additional Space"
                                                2,686 L.F. for "Expansion Space"
                                                94 Single Leaf Doors for "Additional Space"
                                                83 Single Leaf Doors for "Expansion Space"
                                                      Includes 2 leaf suite entry doors 
                                                      w/sidelights, 3 pr. butts, mortise lockset,
                                                      dummy pulls, flush bolts, closer.

                                                      Includes single leaf doors w/1 1/2 pr. butts, 
                                                      passage set and door stop.  Tenant may 
                                                      substitute up to 25% of the single leaf door 
                                                      allowance w/locksets
Polymix (6000 Series)                           12,485 S.F. for "Additional Space"
                                                10,980 S.F. for "Expansion Space"
Dedicated Outlets                               As designed
Transom Glass (above door height, drywall       133 L.F. for "Additional Space"
     framed, butt joint glass)                  177 L.F. for "Expansion Space"

Note:  Portions of the quantities not used for the "Additional Space" may be
       allocated to the "Expansion Space", should the Tenant exercise their
       option for the "Expansion Space."
