Exhibit 10.1



This thirteen (13) page AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") is made on this 26th day of
September, 1996 by and between the BOARD OF REGENTS ("BOARD") of THE UNIVERSITY
OF TEXAS SYSTEM ("SYSTEM"), an agency of the State of Texas, whose address is
201 West 7th Street, Austin, Texas  78701, THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M. D.
ANDERSON CANCER CENTER ("MDA"), a component Institution of the SYSTEM and Myriad
Genetics, Inc., a Delaware corporation having a principal place of business
located at 390 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 ("LICENSEE").

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

               RECITALS....................................................   3
I.             EFFECTIVE DATE..............................................   3
II.            DEFINITIONS.................................................   3
III.           LICENSE.....................................................   4
IV.            CONSIDERATION, PAYMENTS AND REPORTS.........................   5
V.             PUBLICATION.................................................   8
VI.            PATENTS AND INVENTIONS......................................   8
VII.           INFRINGEMENT BY THIRD PARTIES...............................   8
VIII.          PATENT MARKING..............................................   9
IX.            INDEMNIFICATION.............................................   9
X.             USE OF BOARD AND COMPONENT'S NAME...........................   9
XI.            CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION....................................  10
XII.           ASSIGNMENT..................................................  10
XIII.          TERMS AND TERMINATION.......................................  10


XIV.           WARRANTY:  SUPERIOR-RIGHTS..................................  12
XV.            GENERAL.....................................................  13
               SIGNATURES..................................................  14
               EXHIBIT I...................................................  15


     which were developed at MDA, a component institution of SYSTEM.

B.   BOARD desires to have the LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER developed in the LICENSED
     FIELD and used for the benefit of LICENSEE, BOARD, SYSTEM, MDA, the
     inventor, and the public as outlined in the Intellectual Property Policy
     promulgated by the BOARD.

C.   LICENSEE wishes to obtain a license from BOARD to practice LICENSED SUBJECT

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and premises herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                               I.  EFFECTIVE DATE

1.1  Subject to approval by BOARD, this AGREEMENT shall be effective as of the
     date written herein above ("EFFECTIVE DATE").

                                II.  DEFINITIONS

As used in this AGREEMENT, the following terms shall have the meanings

2.1  AFFILIATE shall mean any business entity more than 50% owned by LICENSEE,
     any business entity which owns more than 50% of LICENSEE, or any business
     entity that is more than 50% owned by a business entity that owns more than
     50% of LICENSEE.

2.2  LICENSED FIELD shall mean [    
2.3  LICENSED PRODUCTS shall mean any product or service SOLD by LICENSEE
     comprising or making use of LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER pursuant to this

2.4  LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER shall mean inventions and discoveries defined

2.5  LICENSED TERRITORY shall mean the entire world.

2.6  NET SALES shall mean the gross amounts invoiced by LICENSEE from the SALE
     of LICENSED PRODUCTS less sales discounts actually granted in amounts
     customary in the trade,


     including but not limited to pharmacy incentive programs and all other
     similar sales incentive programs, all governmental and healthcare rebates,
     hospital performance incentive program rebates or charge backs, sales
     and/or use taxes actually paid, import and/or export duties actually paid,
     outbound transportation actually prepaid or allowed, insurance and postage,
     amounts actually allowed or credited due to returns (not exceeding the
     original billing or invoice amount) and any uncollectable amounts owed to

2.7  PATENT RIGHTS shall only mean any and all of BOARD'S rights in information
     or discoveries claimed in invention disclosures, patents, and/or patent
     applications, whether domestic or foreign, and all divisionals,
     substitutions, renewals, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues,
     reexaminations or extensions thereof, and any letters patent that issue
     thereon as set forth in Exhibit I hereto, subject to the limitations, if
     any, set forth therein.

2.8  SALE or SOLD shall mean the transfer or disposition of a LICENSED PRODUCT
     for value to a party other than LICENSEE or an AFFILIATE.

2.9  Subject to the limitations, if any, set forth in Exhibit I hereto,
     TECHNOLOGY RIGHTS shall mean BOARD'S rights in any technical information,
     know-how, process, procedure, composition, device, method, formula,
     protocol, technique, software, design, drawing or data created by the
     inventors listed in Exhibit I hereto and relating to the subject matter of
     PATENT RIGHTS which is not claimed in PATENT RIGHTS but which is necessary
     for practicing PATENT RIGHTS.

                                 III.  LICENSE

3.1  BOARD, through MDA, hereby grants to LICENSEE [

                                                       ] This grant shall be
     subject to Paragraph 14.2 and 14.3, herein below, the payment by LICENSEE
     to BOARD of all consideration as provided in Paragraph 4.2 of this
     AGREEMENT, and shall be further subject to rights retained by BOARD and MDA





3.2  LICENSEE shall have the right to extend the license granted herein to any
     AFFILIATE provided that such AFFILIATE consents to be bound by all of the
     terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT.

3.3  Subject to the Paragraph 3.4 herein below, LICENSEE shall have the right to
     grant sublicenses under LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER consistent with the terms
     of this AGREEMENT provided that LICENSEE shall be responsible for its
     sublicensees relevant to this AGREEMENT, and for diligently collecting all
     amounts due LICENSEE from sublicensees.  In the event a sublicensee
     pursuant hereto becomes bankrupt, insolvent or is placed in the hands of a
     receiver or trustee, LICENSEE, to the extent allowed under applicable law
     and in a timely manner, agrees to use its best reasonable efforts to
     collect any and all consideration owed to LICENSEE and to have the
     sublicense agreement confirmed or rejected by a court of proper

3.4  LICENSEE agrees to deliver to MDA a true and correct copy of each
     sublicense granted by LICENSEE, and any modification or termination
     thereof, within thirty (30) days after execution, modification, or

3.5  Upon termination of this AGREEMENT, BOARD and MDA agree to accept as
     successors to LICENSEE, existing sublicensees in good standing at the date
     of termination provided that such sublicensees consent in writing to be
     bound by all of the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT.


4.1  In consideration of rights granted by BOARD to LICENSEE under this
     AGREEMENT, LICENSEE agrees to pay MDA the following:







4.2  During the Term of this AGREEMENT and for one (1) year thereafter, LICENSEE
     shall keep complete and accurate records of its and its sublicensees' SALES
     and NET SALES of LICENSED PRODUCTS to enable the royalties payable
     hereunder to be determined.  LICENSEE shall permit MDA or its
     representatives, at MDA's expense, to periodically examine its books,
     ledgers, and records once annually during regular business hours and with
     reasonable advanced notice for the purpose of and to the extent necessary
     to verify any report required under this AGREEMENT.  In the event that the
     amounts due to MDA are determined to have been underpaid in an amount equal
     to or greater than five percent (5%) of the total amount due during the
     period of time so examined, LICENSEE shall pay the cost of such
     examination, and accrued interest at the highest allowable rate.

4.3  Upon the request of MDA but not more often than once per calendar year,
     LICENSEE shall deliver to MDA a written report as to LICENSEE'S (and
     sublicensees') efforts and accomplishments during the preceding year in
     diligently commercializing LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER in the LICENSED
     TERRITORY and LICENSEE'S (and sublicensees') commercialization plans for
     the upcoming year.

4.4  All amounts payable hereunder by LICENSEE shall be payable in United States
     funds without deductions for taxes, assessments, fees, or charges of any
     kind.  Checks shall be made payable to The University of Texas M. D.
     Anderson Cancer Center and mailed by U.S. Mail to Box 297402, Houston,
     Texas 77297 Attention:  Manager, Sponsored Programs.


4.5  No payments due or royalty rates under this AGREEMENT shall be reduced as
     the result of co-ownership of LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER by BOARD and another
     party, including LICENSEE.

                                V.  PUBLICATION

5.1  [

5.2  [  


                          VI.  PATENTS AND INVENTIONS

6.1  If after consultation with LICENSEE it is agreed by MDA and LICENSEE that a
     new patent application should be filed for LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER, MDA
     will prepare and file appropriate patent applications, and LICENSEE will
     pay the cost of searching, preparing, filing, prosecuting and maintaining
     same.  If LICENSEE notifies MDA that it does not intend to pay the cost of
     an application, or the prosecution or maintenance thereof in a national
     political jurisdiction, then MDA may file, prosecute or maintain such
     application at its own expense and LICENSEE shall have no rights to such
     patent application or patent in that national political jurisdiction.  MDA
     shall provide LICENSEE with a copy of the application for which LICENSEE
     has paid the cost of filing, as well as copies of any documents received or
     filed during prosecution thereof.


7.1  LICENSEE shall have the obligation of enforcing at its expense any patent
     exclusively licensed hereunder against infringement by third parties and
     shall be entitled to retain recovery from such enforcement.  LICENSEE shall
     pay MDA a royalty on any monetary recovery to the extent that such monetary
     recovery by LICENSEE is held to be damages or a reasonable royalty in lieu
     thereof.  In the event that LICENSEE does not file suit against a
     substantial infringer of such patents within six (6) months of knowledge
     thereof, then BOARD and MDA shall have the right to enforce any


     patent licensed hereunder on behalf of itself and LICENSEE, with MDA
     retaining all recoveries from such enforcement.

7.2  In any suit or dispute involving an infringer, the parties shall cooperate
     fully, and upon the request and at the expense of the party bringing suit,
     the other party shall make available to the party bringing suit at
     reasonable times and under appropriate conditions all relevant personnel,
     records, papers, information, samples, specimens, and the like which are in
     its possession.

7.3  In the event that an action for infringement is brought against LICENSEE,
     its AFFILIATES or sublicensees by a third party because of manufacture, use
     or sale of LICENSED PRODUCTS, LICENSEE shall defend, at its own cost, any
     such third party claim or action.  MDA shall cooperate fully in such
     defense and furnish to LICENSEE all evidence and assistance.

                             VIII.  PATENT MARKING

8.1  LICENSEE agrees that all packaging containing individual LICENSED
     PRODUCT(S), and documentation therefor, sold by LICENSEE, SUBSIDIARIES, and
     sublicensees of LICENSEE will be marked permanently and legibly with the
     number of the applicable patent(s) licensed hereunder in accordance with
     each country's patent law, including Title 35, United States Code.


9.1  LICENSEE shall hold harmless and indemnify BOARD, SYSTEM, MDA, its Regents,
     officers, employees, students, and agents from and against any claims,
     demand, or causes of action whatsoever, costs of suit and reasonable
     attorney's fees, including without limitation, those costs arising on
     account of any injury or death of persons or damage to property caused by,
     or arising out of, or resulting from, the exercise or practice of the
     license granted hereunder by LICENSEE or its officers, employees, agents or

                     X.  USE OF BOARD AND COMPONENT'S NAME

10.1 LICENSEE shall not use the name of (or the name of any employee of) MDA,
     SYSTEM or BOARD without the advance, express written consent of BOARD
     secured through:


          The University of Texas
          M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
          Office of Public Affairs
          1515 Holcombe Boulevard
          Box 229
          Houston, Texas  77030
          ATTENTION:  Stephen C. Stuyck

                         XI.  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

11.1 MDA and LICENSEE each agree that all information contained in documents
     marked "confidential" which are forwarded to one by the other shall be
     received in strict confidence, used only for the purposes of this
     AGREEMENT, and not disclosed by the recipient party (except as required by
     law or court order), its agents or employees without the prior written
     consent of the other party, unless such information (a) was in the public
     domain at the time of disclosure, (b) later became part of the public
     domain through no act or omission of the recipient party, its employees,
     agents, successors or assigns, (c) was lawfully disclosed to the recipient
     party by a third party having the right to disclose it, (d) was already
     known by the recipient party at the time of disclosure, (e) was
     independently developed or (f) is required to be submitted to a government
     agency pursuant to any preexisting obligation.

11.2 MDA'S and LICENSEE'S obligation of confidence hereunder shall be fulfilled
     by using the same degree of care with the other party's confidential
     information as it uses to protect its own confidential information.  This
     obligation shall exist while this AGREEMENT is in force and for a period of
     three (3) years thereafter.

                                XII.  ASSIGNMENT

12.1 Except in connection with merger, consolidation or sale of substantially
     all of LICENSEE'S assets to a third party, this AGREEMENT may not be
     assigned by LICENSEE without the prior written consent of BOARD.

                          XIII.  TERMS AND TERMINATION

13.1 Subject to Articles 13.2, 13.3 and 13.4 herein below, the term of this
     AGREEMENT shall extend from the Effective Date set forth herein above to
     (i) the full end of the term or terms for which PATENT RIGHTS have not
     expired, or (ii) if only TECHNOLOGY RIGHTS are licensed and no PATENT
     RIGHTS are applicable, for a term of fifteen (15) years.


13.2 [


13.3 Subject to any rights herein which survive termination, this AGREEMENT will
     earlier terminate in its entirety:

     (a)  automatically if LICENSEE shall become bankrupt or insolvent and/or if
          the business of LICENSEE shall be placed in the hands of a receiver or
          trustee, whether by voluntary act of LICENSEE or otherwise; or

     (b)  (i) upon thirty (30) days written notice by MDA if LICENSEE shall
          breach or default on the payment obligations of ARTICLE IV, or use of
          name obligations of ARTICLE X; or (ii) upon ninety (90) days written
          notice by MDA if LICENSEE shall breach or default on any other
          obligation under this AGREEMENT; provided, however, LICENSEE may avoid
          such termination if before the end of such thirty (30) or ninety (90)
          day period if LICENSEE provides notice and accurate, written evidence
          satisfactory to MDA that such breach has been cured and the manner of
          such cure; or

     (c)  at any time by mutual written agreement between LICENSEE, MDA and
          BOARD, or without cause upon one hundred eighty (180) days written
          notice by LICENSEE to MDA and, subject to any terms herein which
          survive termination.

13.4 Upon termination of this AGREEMENT for any cause:

     (a)  nothing herein shall be construed to release either party of any
          obligation matured prior to the effective date of such termination.

     (b)  LICENSEE covenants and agrees to be bound by the provisions of
          ARTICLES IX, X AND XI of this AGREEMENT.


     (c) LICENSEE may, after the effective date of such termination, sell all
         LICENSED PRODUCTS and parts therefore that it may have on hand at the
         date of termination, provided that LICENSEE pays the earned royalty
         thereon and any other amounts due pursuant to ARTICLE IV of this

                        XIV.  WARRANTY:  SUPERIOR-RIGHTS

14.1 Expect for the rights, if any, of the Government of the Unite States as set
     forth herein below, BOARD represents and warrants its belief that it is the
     owner of the entire right, title, and interest in and to LICENSED SUBJECT
     MATTER, and that it has the sole right to grant licenses thereunder, and
     that it has not knowingly granted licenses thereunder to any other entity
     that would restrict rights granted hereunder except as stated herein.

14.2 LICENSEE understands that the LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER may have been
     developed under a funding agreement with the Government of the United
     States of America and, if so, that the Government may have certain rights
     relative thereto.  This AGREEMENT is explicitly made subject to the
     Government's rights under any such agreement and any applicable law or
     regulation, including P.L. 96-517 as amended by P.L. 98-620.  To the extent
     that there is a conflict between any such agreement, applicable law or
     regulation and this AGREEMENT, the terms of such Government agreement,
     applicable law or regulation shall prevail.

14.3 LICENSEE understands and agrees that BOARD, by this AGREEMENT, makes no
     representation as to the operability or fitness for any use, safety,
     efficacy, approvability by regulatory authorities, time and cost of
     development, patentability, and/or breadth of the LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER.
     BOARD, by this AGREEMENT, makes no representation as to whether there are
     any patents now held, or which will be held, by others or by BOARD in the
     LICENSED FIELD, nor does BOARD make any representation that the inventions
     contained in PATENT RIGHTS do not infringe any other patents now held or
     that will be held by others or by BOARD.

14.4 LICENSEE, by execution hereof, acknowledges, covenants and agrees that
     LICENSEE has not been induced in anyway by BOARD, SYSTEM, MDA or employees
     thereof to enter into this Agreement, and further warrants and represents
     that (i) LICENSEE has conducted sufficient due diligence with respect to
     all items and issues pertaining to Article XIV herein and all other matters
     pertaining to this Agreement; and (ii) LICENSEE has adequate knowledge and
     expertise, or has utilized knowledgeable and expert consultants, to


     conduct such due diligence, and agrees to accept all risks inherent herein.

                                  XV.  GENERAL

15.1 This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire and only AGREEMENT between the
     parties for LICENSED SUBJECT MATTER and all other prior negotiations,
     representations, agreements and understandings are superseded hereby.  No
     agreements altering or supplementing the terms hereof may be made except by
     means of a written document signed by the duly authorized representatives
     of the parties.

15.2 Any notice required by this AGREEMENT shall be given by prepaid, first
     class, certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed in the case
     of BOARD to:

                         BOARD OF REGENTS
                         The University of Texas System
                         201 West Seventh Street
                         Austin, Texas 78701
                         ATTENTION:  Office of General Counsel

     with copy to:       The University of Texas
                         M. D. Andersen Cancer Center
                         Office of Technology Development
                         1020 Holcombe Boulevard, Suite 1405
                         Houston, Texas  77030
                         ATTENTION:  William J. Doty

     or in the case of
     LICENSEE to:        Myriad Genetics, Inc.
                         390 Wakara Way
                         Salt Lake City, Utah  84108

                         ATTENTION:  President

     or such other address as may be given from time to time under the terms of
     this notice provision.

15.3 LICENSEE covenants and agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state
     and local laws and regulations in connection with its activities pursuant
     to this AGREEMENT.

15.4 This AGREEMENT shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws
     of the United States of America and of the State of Texas.

15.5 Failure of BOARD to enforce a right under this AGREEMENT shall not act as a
     waiver of that right or the ability to


     later assert that right relative to the particular situation involved.

15.6 Headings included herein are for convenience only and shall not be used to
     construe this AGREEMENT.

15.7 If any provision of this AGREEMENT shall be found by a court to be void,
     invalid or unenforceable, the same shall be reformed to comply with
     applicable law or stricken if not so conformable, so as not to affect the
     validity or enforceability of this AGREEMENT.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties hereto have caused their duly authorized
representatives to execute this AGREEMENT.


By   /s/ David J. Bachrach            By   /s/ Ray Farabee
  -----------------------------         ----------------------------
     David J. Bachrach                     Ray Farabee
     Executive Vice President              Vice Chancellor and
     for Administration and Finance        General Counsel


By   /s/ William J. Doty              By   /s/ Dudley R. Dobie, Jr.
  -----------------------------         ----------------------------
     William J. Doty                       Dudley R. Dobie, Jr.
     Director, Technology                  Manager, Intellectual
     Development                           Property


By   /s/ Peter D. Meldrum
     Peter D. Meldrum
     President and CEO


                                   EXHIBIT I



