
                        THIS SUB-LEASE, made as of this 31st day of March, 1997
                 between TERTRAC ASSOCIATES, a New York Limited Partnership,
                 having its office and principal place of business at 2477 E.
                 Commercial Boulevard, in the City of Fort Lauderdale, County of
                 Broward and State of Florida, Party of the First Part,
                 hereinafter designated as "Sublessor", and WORLD OF SCIENCE,
                 INC., having its office at 900 Jefferson Road, BLDG. 4
                 Rochester, New York 14623, Party of the Second Part, hereafter
                 designated as "Sublessee".

                                      W I T N E S S E T H 
Premises                FIRST:   1.1  The Sublessor has agreed to and does
                hereby lease and demise unto the Sublessee and the Sublessee has
                agreed to and does hereby take from Sublessor at the rental
                specified in Paragraph FOURTH of this instrument, the premises
                consisting of approximately four and three quarters (4 3/4)
                acres, with the building thereon, containing approximately One
                Hundred and Ten Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-eight (110,788)
                square feet and located at 200 Mushroom Boulevard, in the Town
                of Henrietta, County of Monroe and State of New York, as more
                fully defined on a map and floor plan of the building annexed
                hereto as EXHIBIT "A" (herein, the "Premises").

Use of Premises         SECOND:  2.1  The Sublessee may use the Premises for any
                lawful purpose, including but not limited to a warehouse.
Term of Lease           THIRD:   3.1  The term of the sub-lease is thirty-seven
                (37) months beginning the first (1st) day of April, 1997 and
                ending on the thirtieth (30th) day of April, 2000.
                                 3.2  If this lease shall be in force and effect
                on the expiration date of the original term, and Sublessee has
                fully complied with all conditions contained herein, the
                Sublessee may elect to renew this sub-lease for two (2) one year
                periods at the same rent specified in Paragraph 4.1 hereof. To
                exercise the election the Sublessee shall give the Sublessor
                notice in writing of the election at lease ninety (90) days
                prior to the expiration of each term.

                        FOURTH:  4.1  The Sublessee shall pay the Sublessor the
                annual base rental of THREE


Base rental     HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($345,000.00) in equal 
1st year        monthly installments of TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED 
                FIFTY DOLLARS ($28,750.00) commencing on the First day of July, 
                1997, and an equal monthly base rental on the first day of each 
                successive month thereafter during the term of the Sub-Lease and
                any renewal thereof. Sublessee agrees to pay as additional rent
                a sum equal to 2% of each total rent payment per month (total 
                rent payment includes rent, land rent and real estate tax 
                escrows), if the rent is not paid before the 15th day of the 

Reimbursement           4.2     In addition to the rent set forth herein, the
of ground       Sublessee shall also reimbursethe Sublessor commencing with the
rental          rental date of April 1, 1997 and continuing thereafter through
                the term of the Sub-Lease and any renewals thereof monthly
                rental to Genessee Valley Regional Authority in the sum of Two
                Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-Six Dollars ($2,776.00) per
                month, but subject to adjustment by the Genesee Valley Regional
                Authority after December 1, 1998, as provided in the lease with
                Genesee Valley Regional Authority at Paragraph 19 of said Lease.
                Throughout the term of the Sub-Lease, Sublessee shall pay
                monthly to Sublessor as additional rent hereunder, all real
                estate taxes, levied, assessed, imposed on or attributable to
                the Premises. An interest bearing escrow account shall be
                established for the real estate tax portion of this additional
                rent, with an annual payment (or credit) given to Sublessee for
                interest earned on such account. The monthly escrow for the
                initial term of this Sub-Lease shall be SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED
                DOLLARS ($6,100.00).

INSURANCE               4.3     The Sublessee shall pay all fire insurance and 
Payment by      casualty insurance attributable to the leased premises effective
Sublessee       April 1, 1997, as more fully provided for in this lease at 
                Paragraph EIGHTH AND Paragraph TWENTY-EIGHTH.

Force Majeure    FIFTH: 5.1     Sublessor shall not be in default under this 
                Sub-Lease or liable to Sublessee in any manner or for any
                damages by reason of delays caused by Sublessee or its agents or
                employees, the contractors, present or future governmental
                regulations, restrictions or controls, strikes, lockouts or
                other labor disputes, shortages or unavailability of materials
                or labor, acts of God, civil commotion or other causes or
                conditions, whether similar or not to the foregoing, which are
                beyond the reasonable control of Sublessor.

Repairs          SIXTH: 6.1     Throughout the term of the Sub-Lease, Sublessee 
                shall keep and maintain the interior of the Premises and all
                alterations, additions and improvements thereto in as good
                condition as at the

[Letterhead of Sutton, DeLeeuw, Clark & Darcy, LLP appears here]


                commencement of the term, ordinary wear and tear and damages by
                insurable casualty excepted, and also excepting structural
                damages not caused by the Sublessee. Sublessee shall make all
                repairs in and about the interior, including window glass,
                necessary to preserve them in good order and condition, which
                repairs shall be, in quality and class, equal to the original
                work; properly pay the expense of such repairs; suffer no waste
                or injury; give prompt notice to the Sublessor of any fire that
                may occur, permit at reasonable times during usual business
Entry           hours, but always subject to the then prevailing security
                regulations of Sublessee, the Sublessor and the representatives
                of the Sublessor to enter the Premises for the purpose of
                inspection, and to exhibit them for the purpose of transferring
                its interest, subject to the approval of the Genesee Valley
                Regional Authority; permit at reasonable times during usual
                business hours, the Sublessor and representatives of the
                Sublessor, to enter the Premises for the period of NINETY (90)
                days prior to the expiration of the term to exhibit them for the
                purpose of rental or sale, and to comply with all orders and
                requirements of governmental authority applicable to the
                Sublessee's use or occupation of the Premises. The Sublessee
                shall repair at or before the end of the term, all injury done
Removal of      by the installation or removal of furniture and trade fixtures;
trade fixtures  and at the end of the term, subject to reasonable wear and tear
at end of term  damage by insurable casualty, to quit and surrender the Premises
                with all alterations, additions and improvements in good order
                and condition, but Sublessor shall make at his own expense all
                structural repairs during the term of the Sublease, including
                roof repairs, as may be reasonably required to maintain the roof
                and to preserve the structural integrity of the building.

Notice for                              6.2     Except in case of emergency the 
entry           Sublessor shall not enter upon the Premises without forty-eight 
                (48) hours prior notice to the Sublessee.

Moving injury           SEVENTH:        7.1     The Sublessee will not disfigure
                or deface any part of the building, or suffer the same to be 
Negative        done, except so far as may be necessary to affix such trade     
Covenants       fixtures and signs. Exterior signs shall be consented to by the
                Sublessor. The Sublessee will not obstruct or permit the
                obstruction of the street or the sidewalk adjacent thereto; will
                not do anything, or suffer anything to be done upon the Premises
                which will unreasonably increase the rate of fire insurance upon
No transfer,    the building or any of its contents, or be liable to cause
assignment, or  structural injury to Premises; will not permit the accumulation
subletting      of waste or refuse matter, and will not, without the written
without consent consent of the Sublessor first obtained in each case, which
                consent will not be reasonably withheld, either sell, assign,
                mortgage or transfer this Sub-Lease, or underlet the Premises
                or any part thereof; make any structural

[Letterhead of Sutton, DeLeeuw, Clark & Darcy, LLP]


    Extra          alterations in the Premises, use the Premises or part thereof
 hazardous use     for any purpose other than the one first stipulated, or for 
                   any purpose deemed extra hazardous on account of fire risk, 
No violation of    nor in violation of any law or ordinance. Sublessee will not 
ordinances         erect any sign or signals at the demised premises unless and 
   Signs           until the style and location thereof have been approved by 
                   Sublessor and the Genesee Valley Regional Authority, which
                   approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld, and if any be
                   erected without such approvals, the Sublessor may remove the
                   same. Any merger or other consolidation by the Sublessee with
                   any other company or companies shall not be deemed to be in
                   violation of the covenants contained in this lease.

Comprehensive            EIGHTH:            8.1  Sublessee shall at Sublessee's 
General Liability  expense, obtain and maintain during the term of this 
Policy Single      Sub-Lease, a Comprehensive General Liability Policy, and 
Limit              during the entire term of this lease maintain such policy as 
                   a Single Limit Policy in a sum of not less than Five Million 
                   Dollars ($5,000,000.00)(in the event of injury to one or 
                   more persons in the same accident or occurrence) and 
                   including in said policy property damage insurance in the 
                   same Single Limit Policy, and the Sublessor and Genesee 
                   Valley Regional Authority shall be named as an additional 
                   insureds under such policy.

Sublessor named                             8.2  All such insurance policies 
in policy as       shall be issued in the names of Sublessor and Sublessee, as
insured and notice their interests may appear; and if requested by the 
of cancellation    Sublessor, either a copy of all such policies or a bona fide
                   certificate of insurance, evidencing the coverage provided
                   in the policies, shall be delivered by Sublessee or
                   Sublessor, and all such policies shall require THIRTY (30)
                   days written notice to Sublessor of change or cancellation by
                   the insurance carrier.

 Sublessor can                              8.3  If Sublessee fails to obtain or
    maintain       maintain any insurance as required by this Paragraph 
insurance in the   "EIGHTH", the Sublessor may effect and maintain the same at
    event of       competitive rates and any amount properly paid by Sublessor
  cancellation     for such purpose from the date of payment thereof by
                   Sublessor, shall be deemed additional rent and shall be
                   payable with the net rental next due under the terms of this

 Glass Breakage          NINTH:             9.1  The Sublessee will at no cost 
                   to the Sublessor replace all broken glass with glass of equal
                   quality and thickness, except only that the Sublessee shall
                   not be responsible for the replacement of glass as may be
                   broken by the acts of the Sublessor, its agents or servants,
                   or by causes covered by Sublessor's standard fire and
                   extended coverage insurance policies, if any.

   DELEELW, CLARK                      4 
    & DARCY, LLP

Snow Removal            TENTH:          10.1  The Sublessee shall be responsible
                for all snow removal reasonably necessary on the Premises, and
                further agrees to maintain the landscaped areas of the Premises,
Ground          including but not limited to, cutting grass, maintaining
Maintenance     shrubbery and keeping the Premises free of debris. In the event
                that the Sublessee fails to maintain the Premises in a
                reasonably neat condition, as provided herein, the Sublessor may
10-Day Notice   upon ten (10) days written notice, restore the Premises as
                aforesaid and charge the expense thereof to the Sublessee. Such
                notice shall be addressed to the Sublessee by registered or
                certified mail at 900 Jefferson Road, Building Four, Rochester,
                New York 14623.
Painting                ELEVENTH:       11.1  The Sublessee will not paint the 
                exterior of any building located on the Premises without prior
                approval of the Sublessor. Such approval will not be
                unreasonably withheld, provided such proposed painting meets the
                standards of the Sublessor with respect to the quality and color
                of the paint to be used and is also approved by the Genesee
                Valley Regional Authority.

Taxes and               TWELFTH:        12.1  In addition to the rent set forth 
other           herein, the Sublessee shall pay for all charges for gas,
impositions to  electricity, light, heat, water, power, telephone or other 
be paid by      communication service, and assessments used, rendered or 
sublessee       supplied upon or in connection with the leased property.  Such
                charges shall be deemed "additional rent". Sublessee shall
                indemnify the Sublessor against any liability or damages on
                account of such charges. In the event the Sublessee fails or
                neglects to pay any additional rent as set forth herein, the
                Sublessor may, but shall not be required to, pay for such items
                of additional rent and add the cost of such additional rent to
                the next installment of the base rent next due. Any payment
                required to be made by the Sublessee under the provisions of
                this Lease not made by Sublessee when as due shall thereupon be
                deemed to be and shall become additional rent hereunder.

Apportionment                           12.2  Impositions, whether or not a lien
of taxes        upon the Premises, shall be apportioned between Sublessor and 
                Sublessee at the beginning and end of the term of this Sub-
                Lease; it being intended that Sublessee shall pay only that
                portion of the Impositions as is allocable to the term,
                provided, however, that Sublessee shall not be entitled to
                receive any apportionment from the Sublessor if Sublessee shall
                then be in default of any term, covenant or condition of the 
                Sub-Lease unless such default is cured.

Contest of                              12.3  Sublessee, at its own expense, may
impositions by  contest any such Impositions in any



                manner permitted by law, in Sublessee's name, and whenever
                necessary, in Sublessor's name. Sublessor will cooperate with
                Sublessee and execute any documents or pleadings required for
                such purposes. Such contest shall include, but shall not be
                limited to appeals from any judgement, decrees, assessments or
                orders until a final determination is made by a court or
                governmental department or authority having final jurisdiction
                in the matter, however, notwithstanding such contest, Sublessee
                shall pay the contested impositions in the manner and on the
                dates provided for in this Article. Any tax refund with respect
                to Impositions paid by Sublessee shall be the property of
                Sublessee and such repayment obligation shall survive the
                termination of this Lease.

Sublessee not                           12.4  Except for the payment of taxes  
required to pay as provided in Paragraph 12.1 hereof, Sublessee shall not be 
certain taxes   obligated or required hereunder to pay any franchise, excise, 
                corporate, estate, inheritance, succession, capital levy or
                transfer tax of Sublessor, or any income profit or revenue tax
                upon the income or receipts of Sublessor, or any other tax,
                assessment, charge or levy upon the rent reserved under this 
                Sub-Lease, or any tax or other Imposition, charge or levy (i)
                not commonly deemed to be real estate tax, and (ii) not arising
                solely from the ownership, occupation or operation of the
                Premises, although the same may become a lien upon the real
                property or improvements thereon, or shall Sublessee be
                obligated or required hereunder to pay interest, amortization,
                or principal on any mortgage covering or affecting the fee of
                the Premises, or building mortgage of Sublessor.

Fire Damage             THIRTEENTH:     13.1 If the Premises and any building or
                improvements thereto shall during the term hereof, be damaged or
                destroyed by fire or other casualty or other insured casualty,
                either in whole or in part, Sublessor shall forthwith remove any
                resulting debris and repair and/or rebuild the damaged or
                destroyed structures and other improvements made by Sublessor,
                which repair or rebuilding shall be of the quality of the
                original construction and in accordance with current codes.
                Until such time as the Premises are repaired, rebuilt and put in
                good tenantable order in accordance with such plans and
                specifications, the rents hereby reserved, or a fair and just
                proportion thereof, according to the nature and extent of the
                damage sustained, shall be abated, and if Sublessee shall have
                paid rent in advance, Sublessor shall immediately repay the
                Sublessee a proportionate amount of prepaid rent, if any. In the
                event of the total destruction of the premises, the rent and
                other charges will be totally abated until such time that
                Sublessee has resumed its use of the premises. Sublessee may at
                its option



                       terminate this Lease in the event of total destruction,
                       which for purposes of this Lease will be defined as
                       greater than FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the premises being
                       destroyed. In the event of partial destruction, rent and
                       other charges will be abated in the same percentage as
                       the unusable square footage compares to the total
                       building square footage. If Sublessor fails to commence
                       such restoration work within ninety (90) days from the
                       date when such damage or destruction occurred, or fails
                       thereafter to use its best efforts to complete such
                       repair work and/or rebuilding as rapidly as possible
                       under the circumstances, Sublessee and/or Sublessor, in
                       addition to such other rights and remedies as may be
                       accorded each party by law, shall have the right and
                       option to terminate the term of this Sub-Lease by giving
                       Sublessor or Sublessee as the case may be written notice
                       of either party's election to do so at any time prior to
                       the completion of such repairs or rebuilding, provided
                       Sublessor shall not then be actively and diligently
                       undertaking such restoration work, and upon such notice
                       being given, the term of the Sub-Lease shall
                       automatically terminate and end without prejudice to
                       Sublessee's right to damages on account of Sublessor's
                       failure without just cause, to repair or rebuild as
                       required herein. If in the opinion of an architect
                       selected by the Sublessor, which opinion shall be
                       rendered within sixty (60) days after the casualty, that
                       the rebuilding or repairing of the Premises cannot be
                       completed within the period of one hundred twenty (120)
                       days after the start of such repairing or rebuilding,
                       then Sublessee or Sublessor shall have the right and
                       option to terminate the term of this Sub-Lease by giving
                       of either party written notice of election so to do
                       within sixty (60) days from the date of the architect's
                       aforesaid opinion after such damage or destruction
                       occurred and upon such notice being given, the term of
                       the Sub-Lease shall automatically terminate effective as
                       of the day following the date on which the delivery of
                       notice of condition, and Sublessor shall thereupon
                       forthwith reimburse Sublessee for any rent paid in
                       advance for the period following the date of

    Termination of          FOURTEENTH:         14.1   If a Receiver or Trustee 
    Lease by           is appointed for the Sublessee's property, or if the 
    Sublessor upon     Sublessee shall default in the performance of any 
    default            agreement herein contained beyond any applicable cure 
                       period, this Sub-Lease shall thereby at the option of 
                       the Sublessor, be terminated in the manner and on the 
                       notice set forth below, and in that case, neither the 
                       Sublessee nor anyone claiming under the Sublessee, shall 
                       be entitled to keep possession of the Premises. If, 
                       after the commencement of the term, any of the events 
                       mentioned above in this sub-division shall occur, or if 
                       the Sublessee shall default in fulfilling any of the
                       covenants of this Sub-Lease,



                the Sublessor shall give the Sublessee thirty (30) days written
                notice of intention to end the term of this Sub-Lease, and
                thereupon at the expiration of such thirty (30) days (if the
                condition which was the basis of said notice shall continue to
                exist) the term under this Sub-Lease shall expire as fully and
                completely as if that day were the date herein definitely fixed
                for the expiration of the term, and the Sublessee will then quit
                and surrender the Premises to the Sublessor. Notwithstanding the
                foregoing, however, in the event such condition could not
                reasonably have been corrected within thirty (30) day period,
                but Sublessee commenced to correct such condition within such
                period and continues to do so with due diligence, then Sublessee
                shall be granted such additional time as is deemed reasonably
                necessary by the Sublessor to complete the correction of such

Repossession by                         14.2 If the Sublessee shall default in
 Sublessor      the payment of the rent reserved hereunder, or any item of
                "additional rent" herein mentioned, or any portion thereof, of
                making any other payment herein provided for, and if the
                Sublessor shall have given to the Sublessee thirty (30) days
                prior written notice thereof, and if the condition which was the
                basis of said notice shall exist at the expiration of such (30)
                day period, the Sublessor may immediately, or at any time
                thereafter, re-enter the Premises in a lawful manner and remove
                all persons and all or any property therefrom, either by summary
                dispossess proceedings, or by any other suitable legal or
                equitable proceeding in a court of law, and repossess and enjoy
                the Premises, together with all additions, alterations and
                improvements, in any such case. Sublessor may rent the Premises
                for a term extending beyond the term granted, and in such
                event, Sublessee's liability hereunder shall cease. In the event
                that the term of this Sub-Lease shall expire as above provided,
                or terminate by summary proceedings or otherwise, and if the
                Sublessor cannot with due diligence relet the Premises, the
                Sublessee shall remain liable for so long as the Premises shall
                remain unrented, and the Sublessee shall pay the Sublessor until
                the time when this Sub-Lease would have expired but for such
Reletting       termination or expiration, or until the Premises are relet,
                whichever shall sooner occur, the equivalent of the amount of
                all of the rent and "additional rent" reserved herein, less the
                proceeds of reletting or the value of the use by the Sublessor,
                and the same shall be due and payable by the Sublessee to the
                Sublessor on the several rent days above specified, that is upon
                each of such rent days the Sublessee shall pay to the Sublessor
                the amount of deficiency then existing. The words "re-enter" and
                "re-entry" as used in this Sub-Lease are not restricted in their
                technical legal meaning.



Remedies are                            14.3  In the event of a breach by the 
cumulative      Sublessee of any of the covenants or provisions hereof, the
                Sublessor shall have the right to invoke any remedy allowed by
                law or in equity, as if re-entry, summary proceedings and other
                remedies were not herein provided for.

Sublessor may           FIFTEENTH:      15.1  If the Sublessee shall make 
perform         default in the performance of any covenant herein contained, the
                Sublessor may at any time thereafter, after thirty (30) days
                written notice by registered mail, perform the same for the
                account of the Sublessee. If a notice of Mechanic's Lien be
                filed against the Premises for, or purporting to be for, labor
                or materials alleged to have been furnished, or to be furnished
                to or for the thirty (30) days after the filing of such notice,
                the Sublessor may pay the amount of such lien or discharge the
                same by deposit or by bonding proceedings and in the event of
                such lien or discharge of the same by deposit or bonding
                proceedings, the Sublessor may require the lienor to prosecute
                an appropriate action to enforce the lienor's claim.  In such 
Additional      case, the Sublessor may pay any judgment recovered on such 
rent            claim. Any amount paid or expense incurred by the Sublessor as
                in this subdivision of this Sub-Lease provided, and any amount
                as to which Sublessee shall at any time be in default for or
                respect to the use of water, electric current or natural gas,
                and any expense incurred or sum of money paid by the Sublessor
                by reason of the sublessee's failure to comply with the
                provisions hereof, or in defending any such action, shall be
                deemed to be "additional rent" for the Premises and shall be due
                and payable by the Sublessee to the Sublessor on the first day
                of any succeeding month. The receipt of the Sublessor of any
                installments of the regular stipulated rent hereunder or of any
                of said "additional rent" shall not be a waiver of any other
                "additional rent" then due.

Waivers                 SIXTEENTH:      16.1  The failure of the Sublessor to 
                insist, in any one or more instances upon a strict performance
                of any of the covenants of this Sub-Lease, or to exercise any
                option herein contained, shall not be construed as a waiver or a
                relinquishment for the future of such covenant or option, but
                the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect. The
                receipt by the Sublessor of rent, with knowledge of the breach
                shall not be deemed to be a waiver by the Sublessor of any
                provision hereof, unless such waiver is expressed in writing and
                signed by the Sublessor. No notice or consent shall be necessary
                in the event of a merger, consolidation, transfer or sale of all
                assets by the Sublessee, so long as the Sublessee shall continue
                to remain responsible for all payments and covenants contained
                in this Sub-Lease.



                        SEVENTEENTH:    17.1  This Sub-Lease is and shall be 
                subordinate at all times to the lien of a first mortgage
                hereafter placed upon the Sublessor's interest in the Premises
                or buildings located thereof, or any buildings thereafter placed
                upon the Premises. Sublessee shall execute and deliver upon the
                demand of the Sublessor, its successors or assigns, further
                instruments subordinating this Sub-Lease to the lien of any such
Mortgages       first mortgage, provided however, that any such mortgage shall
                contain a covenant or the Sublessor shall procure from any
                present or future mortgagee a separate agreement in writing, in
                recordable form, provided in substance that so long as the
                Sublessee shall faithfully discharge each and every obligation
                on its part to be kept and performed under the terms of this
                Sub-Lease or any renewal thereof, its tenancy will not be
                disturbed nor this Sub-Lease or any renewal thereof affected by
                any default under any such first mortgage; the rights of the
                Sublessee hereunder shall expressly survive and shall not be cut
                off; and this Sub-Lease and any renewal thereof shall in all
                respects continue in full force and effect, so long as the
                Sublessee fully performs all of its obligations hereunder.

Indemnity               EIGHTEENTH:     18.1  The Sublessee agrees to indemnify 
                and save harmless the Sublessor against and from any and all
                claims by or on behalf of any person or persons, firm or firms,
                corporation or corporations, arising from the Sublessee's use of
                the leased property or the conduct of their business or from any
                activity, work, or thing done, permitted or suffered by the
                Sublessee, in or about the premises, and will further indemnify
                and save the Sublessor harmless against and from any and all
                claims arising from any breach or default on the Sublessee's
                part in the performance of any covenant or agreement on the
                Sublessee's part to be performed, pursuant to the terms of this
                Sub-Lease, or arising from any act or negligence of the
                Sublessee, or any of its agents, contractors, servants,
                employees or licensees, and from and against all costs, counsel
                fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in connection with any
                such claim or action or proceeding brought against the Sublessor
                by reason of any such claim, the Sublessee, upon notice from the
                Sublessor, covenants to resist or defend at the Sublessee's
                expense such action or proceeding. The Sublessee, as a material
                part of the consideration to the Sublessor, hereby assumes all
                risk of damage to property in, upon or about the property from
                any source and to whomever belonging, except for damages
                resulting directly from the gross negligence or wilful
                misconduct of the Sublessor its agents, contractors, servants,
                employees or licensees, and the Sublessee hereby waives all
                claims in respect thereof against the Sublessor and agrees to
                defend and save the Sublessor harmless from and against any such
                claims by others.



               Sublessor hereby waives all claims against the Sublessee for
               damage to property in, upon, or about the property resulting from
               the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Sublessor its
               agents, contractors, servants, employees or licensees and agrees
               to defend and save the Sublessee harmless from and against any
               such claims by others.
Improvements        NINETEENTH:     19.1    All improvements made by the
               Sublessee to or upon the Premises, except trade fixtures,
               equipment and any other improvements which can be removed without
               material damage to the freehold, shall become and shall remain
               the property of the Sublessor, and at the end or other expiration
               of the term shall be surrendered to the Sublessor in as good
               order and condition as they were when installed, reasonable wear
               and damage excepted. Sublessee shall remove trade fixtures at the
               end of the Sub-Lease and surrender the premises in good order and
                                    19.2    Sublessor agrees to indemnify
               Sublessee for any environmental violations which are not the
               result of activities of the Sublessee and its use of the
Notices        TWENTIETH:           20.1    Any notice by the Sublessor to the
               Sublessee shall be deemed to be duly given if mailed by certified
               mail, addressed to Sublessee, at 200 Mushroom Boulevard,
               Rochester, New York 14623 with a duplicate copy by registered or
               certified mail to Sublessee at 900 Jefferson Road, Rochester, New
               York 14623.
                                    20.2    Any notice by the Sublessee shall be
               duly given if mailed by certified mail addressed to the Sublessor
               at 2477 East Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
No Liability   TWENTY-FIRST:        21.1    The Sublessor shall not be liable
               for failure of water supply, electrical current, or natural gas,
               not caused by Sublessor's negligence nor for injury or damage to
               person or property caused by the elements or by persons in said
               building, or resulting from steam, gas, electricity, water, rain
               or snow, not caused by Sublessor's negligence, which may leak or
               flow from any part of the building upon the Premises, or from the
               pipes, appliances or plumbing works of the same, or from the
               street or sub-surface, or from any other place, nor for
               interference with light or other incorporeal hereditaments by
               anyone other than the Sublessor, or caused by operations by or
               for any municipality in construction of any public or quasi-
               public work.



                        TWENTY-SECOND:  22.1  If the demised premises shall be 
                taken or condemned by any competent authority under power of
                eminent domain for a public or quasi-public use or purpose,
                then, at the Sublessor's option to be exercised by written
                notice to be given by the Sublessor to the Sublessee, the term
                hereby granted shall cease from the time when possession of the
                part so taken shall be required for such public or quasi-public
                use or purpose, and without an apportionment of the award, the
                Sublessee hereby assigning to the Sublessor all right and claim
                to the award. The current rent, however, in such case shall be
                apportioned in the same manner as Section 13. Nothing in this
                Section shall prevent Sublessee from pursuing an award for its
                personal property taken or loss of income.

Shoring of              TWENTY-THIRD:   23.1  In the event that an excavation 
 walls          shall be made for building or other purposes upon land adjacent
                to the Premises or shall be contemplated to be made the
                Sublessee shall afford to the person or persons causing or to
                cause such excavation, license to enter upon the Premises for
                the purposes of doing such work as such person or persons shall
                deem to be necessary to preserve the wall or walls, structure or
                structures upon the Premises free from injury and to supply the
                same proper foundations, provided such entry does not unduly
                interfere with the Sublessee's use and enjoyment of the

                        The Sublessor shall not unduly hamper the use of the 
                Premises by the Sublessee in effecting such improvements.

Validity                TWENTY-FOURTH:  24.1  The invalidity or unenforceability
                of any provision of this Sub-Lease shall in no way affect the
                validity or enforceability of any other provision thereof.

                        TWENTY-FIFTH:   25.1  In order to avoid delay, this 
                Sub-Lease has been prepared and submitted to the Sublessee for
                signature with the understanding that it shall not bind the
                Sublessor unless and until it is executed and delivered by the
Laws of                 TWENTY-SIXTH:   26.1  This Sub-Lease shall be construed 
New York        by the laws of the State of New York.
                        TWENTY-SEVENTH: 27.1 So long as the Sublessee pays the
                rent and additional rent reserved hereby and performs and
                observes the covenants and provisions hereof, the Sublessee
                shall peacefully and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises.

Fire Insurance          TWENTY-EIGHTH:  28.1  During the term hereof, 
and Increases   Sublessee shall at its own cost and expense, provide and keep in
                force insurance covering the Premises against loss or damage by
                fire and lightning and such



                risks as are customarily included in extended coverage
                endorsements attached to fire insurance policies covering
                property similar to such Premises (including windstorm, hail,
                explosion, riot, riot attending a strike and civil
                commotion, damage from aircraft and vehicle, vandalism, and
                malicious mischief, sprinkler leakage, sonic boom and smoke
                damage) in an amount not less than Three Million Dollars
                ($3,000,000.00) for such Fire Insurance and Extended Coverage,
                or such higher amount as may be required by the holder of any
                first mortgage covering the premises. The Fire and Extended
                Coverage shall be reviewed and adjusted annually on or about
                each renewal date, and the additional premium shall be paid by
                the Sublessee and coverage shall be increased in accordance with
                the same formula as is provided for inflation as is set forth in
                Paragraph 19 of the Genessee Valley Regional Authority Ground

Sublessor as                    28.2  All insurance to be provided and kept in
 additional     force by Sublessee under the provision hereof shall name as the
 assured        insured Sublessor and Sublessee as their respective interests
                may appear, and the holder of any fee mortgage on the premises
                and the standard mortgagee clause shall be attached to the
                appropriate policies. The policies including such insurance
                shall provide that the loss, if any, shall be adjusted with and
                payable to the party who will perform the work of restoration
                pursuant to paragraph THIRTEENTH of the Sublessee's current
                lease with the Genesee Valley Regional Authority and such
                mortgagee as their interest may appear.

 Delivery of                    28.3  All policies shall be obtained by
policies        Sublessee and certificates thereof, shall be delivered to
                Sublessor at or before the commencement of the term hereof and
                shall be taken in responsible companies satisfactory to
                Sublessor and authorized to do business in the State of New
                York. All policies shall be for periods of not less than ONE (1)
                year and shall contain a provision whereby the same cannot be
                cancelled unless Sublessor is given at least THIRTY (30) days
Notice of       prior written notice of such cancellation. Sublessee shall
cancellation    procure and pay for renewals of such insurance from time to time
                and Sublessee shall promptly deliver to Sublessor certificates
                thereof at least THIRTY (30) days before the expiration thereof.

Place of               TWENTY-NINTH:  29.1  All rental payments, additional
payment of      rental, reimbursement for ground rental, taxes, impositions and
rent            the like, and all other payments, if any, shall be made payable
                to the Sublessor and forwarded to 2477 E. Commercial Boulevard,
                Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308, and at such other address that



                be hereinafter be designated by the Sublessor upon fifteen (15)
                days prior written notice directed to the Sublessee.

 Other                  THIRTIETH:      30.1  Subject to Section 6.2, Sublessee 
Provisions      agrees that ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of this 
                Sub-Lease, Sublessor or its agents may show at any reasonable
                hour the premises to persons wishing to lease them. In addition,
                Sublessee agrees that Sublessor or its agents may show the
                premises at any time, at any reasonable hour, to prospective
                purchasers, upon prior notice by the Sublessor that property is
                for sale. Sublessor may display "for sale" signs on the

                                        30.2  Sublessee shall vacate the demised
                premises and remove all Sublessee's property therefrom at the
                expiration of this Sub-Lease, and leave the demised premises in
                good repair, in a clean and orderly condition, subject to normal
                wear and tear.

                                        30.3  In the event the Sublessee 
                continues to occupy the premises after the expiration of this
                Sub-Lease or any renewal thereof and parties are not negotiating
                a new term, then at the option of the Sublessor, such a tenancy
                shall be from month to month, commencing the first day after the
                expiration of the Sub-Lease, at ONE HUNDRED TEN PERCENT (110%)
                the monthly rental set forth above, payable in advance on the
                first day of each and every month. All other terms and
                conditions of this Sub-Lease shall be applicable to such a

                                        30.4  This Sub-Lease shall be subject to
                consent of Genesee Valley Regional Authority which consent will
                be obtained within a reasonable time frame after signing of this
                Sub-Lease by such Sublessee. If said consent is not obtained,
                Sublessee shall notify Sublessor in writing and this Sub-Lease
                shall be null and void at the option of Sublessor.

                                        30.5  The signatories to this Sub-Lease 
                represent that they are duly authorized to execute the
                instrument on behalf of their principals.

                                        30.6  Sublessor represents that there
                are no liens or encumbrances which will interfere with
                Sublessee's use of the Premises and that the Premises are fit
                for use as a warehouse.

                                        30.7  Sublessor represents that there 
                are not defaults under the Lease with Genessee Valley Regional



                        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Sublessor and Sublessee have 
                caused these presents to be signed by their duly authorized
                officers and their corporate seals to be hereunto fixed, the day
                and year first above written.

                                        TERTRAC ASSOCIATES

                                        BY: /s/ Stephen G. Mehallis, 
                                            Stephen G. Mehallis, 
                                             Co-Trustee For General Partners

                                        WORLD OF SCIENCE, INC.

                                        BY: /s/ Charles A. Callahan
                                            Charles A. Callahan, 
                                             Vice President-Finance

                STATE OF FLORIDA)
                COUNTY OF BROWARD) SS.

                        On this 1 day of April, 1997, before me personally came
                               ---       -----    --
                Stephen G. Mehallis to me know, who, being by me duly sworn, did
                depose and say that he resides in Broward County, Florida, that
                he is the ___________________________ of TERTRAC ASSOCIATES, a
                New York Limited Partnership.

            NORA GILLARY  
    Notary Public, State of Florida  /s/ Nora Gillary
     My Comm. expires Oct. 13, 1999      ---------------------------------------
             No. CC 498197               Notary Public
  Bonded Thru Official Notary Serivces
            1-(800) 723-0121

                STATE OF NEW YORK)
                COUNTY OF MONROE ) SS.

                        On this 31st day of March, 1997, before me personally
                                ----        -----    --
                came Charles A. Callahan to me know, who being by me duly sworn,
                did depose and say that he resides in Rochester, New York; that
                he is the Vice President-Finance of World of Science, Inc., the
                corporation described in and which executed the within

                                     /s/ Pamela J. Bucci
                                         Notary Public

                                                     PAMELA J. BUCCI
                                         Notary Public in the State of New York
                                                      Monroe County
                                              Commission Expires Aug. 4, 1998


                          NIAGARA - MOHAWK POWER CO.

                            [ARTWORK APPEARS HERE]

                EXHIBIT "A" MUSHROOM BOULEVARD (Private Drive)