BENTHOS, INC. (BENTHOS)
                             North Falmouth, Massachusetts


                             William D. McElroy (The Consultant)
                             Marine Systems Technology, Inc.
                             Falmouth, Massachusetts

DATED:                       October 1, 1996

This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements, defines the terms and 
conditions under which the Consultant, William D. McElroy, shall provide 
services to BENTHOS and defines the rights and obligations of the parties as
part of this agreement.


1. The relationship of the Consultant to BENTHOS is that of an independent
   contractor and not that of an employee of BENTHOS. All expenses for the
   operation of the Consultant's business shall be borne by the Consultant. The
   Consultant is solely responsible for the Consultant's employees and for their

2. The Consultant has no authority to commit BENTHOS in any matter, cause, or
   undertaking without the prior written consent of BENTHOS; and, similarly,
   BENTHOS has no authority to commit the Consultant in any matter, cause or
   undertaking beyond the scope of this Agreement, without the prior written
   consent of the Consultant. Any business travel BENTHOS may wish the
   Consultant to do on its behalf shall be arranged by mutual agreement of both

3. The Consultant has no authority to make, vary, alter, enlarge, or limit
   contracts or letters of intent, or to make representations or guarantees not
   specifically authorized in writing by BENTHOS. The Consultant has no
   authority to bind BENTHOS to any contract of employment, and no authority to
   receive payments on behalf of BENTHOS.

4. Upon a breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by either
   party, or should either party become insolvent, bankrupt, make an assignment
   or trust mortgage for the benefit of creditors, or enter into a receivership,
   this Agreement may be terminated immediately at the option of the other party
   by written notice to the other.

5. The failure of either party to enforce at any time, or for any period of
   time, provisions of the Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such
   provisions or of the right of each party to enforce the terms of this


This Agreement is effective October 1, 1996 and remains effective indefinitely. 
If either party wishes to terminate the contract, written notice shall be 
provided from one party to the other at least one year prior to the desired
termination date. This Agreement may be terminated immediately by mutual
agreement of both the Consultant and BENTHOS.




1. The primary scope of work of the Consultant under the terms of this Agreement
   is to provide engineering services to BENTHOS. This support shall include
   development of new products, the enhancement of existing products, technical
   assistance in marketing products, and technical assistance in generating and
   maintaining the documentation used for manufacturing.

2. Any material, special test equipment or travel expenses required to
   accomplish the work performed under this Agreement shall either be supplied
   by BENTHOS or paid for by BENTHOS at the Consultant's cost. No such material
   commitments shall be made by the Consultant without the approval of BENTHOS.
   Any material or special equipment paid for by BENTHOS will become the
   property of BENTHOS.

3. The actual scheduling of the tasks will be made by mutual agreement with the
   Consultant. The Consultant will provide an average of 24 hours per week of
   engineering services. If effort above the level contracted for in this
   Agreement is required to meet the needs of BENTHOS, additional hours can be
   authorized by BENTHOS.


BENTHOS agrees to remunerate the Consultant at the initial rate of $64.00 per 
hour. This rate will be adjusted annually on October 1st of each succeeding year
of the Agreement. The rate will be changed by the same percentage BENTHOS 
budgets for its average employee salary adjustments for the fiscal year starting
on the respective October 1st. This remuneration shall be the extent of BENTHOS'
financial responsibility.


The Agreement may be modified, abridged or amended only by a documents or
documents in writing signed by both BENTHOS and the Consultant.


During the first week of each month the Consultant shall submit to BENTHOS a 
written report of his activities with respect to BENTHOS for the preceding month
and of his planned work for the next month.


Through the work performed for BENTHOS, the Consultant may have had or may have 
access to confidential know-how, business documents or information, marketing 
data, client lists and trade secrets which are company confidential or 
considered proprietary to BENTHOS. The Consultant agrees not to disclose, 
directly or indirectly (except as required by law), any Proprietary Information 
to any person not employed by BENTHOS without permission from the Engineering 
Manager or the President of BENTHOS, and, in all such cases, only to the extent 
required in the course of the Consultant's services to BENTHOS.

At the termination of this Agreement, the Consultant shall deliver to BENTHOS 
all notes, letters, documents and records which may contain Proprietary 
Information which are then in his possession or control, and shall not retain or
use copies or summaries of this information.


The Consultant may purchase mechanical, electrical, and electronic components 
from the BENTHOS stockroom at BENTHOS' standard cost. Purchases are to be 
approved by either the BENTHOS Manufacturing Manager or Materials Manager to 
assure non-interference with BENTHOS' operations. Any items purchased from the 
BENTHOS stockroom are for the Consultant's use in product development efforts 
and are not for resale as separate items.


The Consultant may use the BENTHOS pressure test facility or the BENTHOS test 
pool on a not to interfere basis. The only charge for the use of these 
facilities will be for technician services which will be charged at the current 
published rate. A technician is required for the operation of the pressure test 
facility. A technician is not required for the use of the test pool facility.


The Consultants shall promptly and fully disclose in writing to BENTHOS, or such
other person as BENTHOS may designate, all ideas, designs, programs, methods, 
inventions, improvements, discoveries and writings, including any modifications 
or improvements of products, new products or applications thereof, whether or 
not patentable or copyrightable, and whether or not reduced to practice, made or
conceived by him (either solely or in collaboration with others) which may 
arise as part of the work performed for BENTHOS under the scope of this 
Agreement. The Consultant acknowledges that all such New Developments are the 
exclusive property of BENTHOS and hereby agrees to assign all right, title and 
interest in and to such New Developments to BENTHOS.



The Consultant agrees that while this Agreement is active the Consultant shall 
not knowingly provide consulting services to any other company to develop 
products directly competitive with those BENTHOS sells as standard products or 
is developing for future sales.


Benthos,Inc.              John L. Coughlin     1/9/97
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William D. McElroy        William D. McElroy   1/13/97
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