Exhibit 10.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER
                           DATED AS OF APRIL 13, 1997
                                  BY AND AMONG
                         SANTA ANITA OPERATING COMPANY
                         MEDITRUST ACQUISITION COMPANY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                   ARTICLE I
 Section 1.1: Meditrust Acquisition Company; the Distribution...........   A-2
       1.1.1  Meditrust Acquisition Company.............................   A-2
       1.1.2  Distribution..............................................   A-2
       1.1.3  Pairing...................................................   A-2
 Section 1.2: Delivery of Note..........................................   A-2
 Section 1.3: The Mergers...............................................   A-2
       1.3.1  Realty Merger.............................................   A-2
       1.3.2  Operating Merger..........................................   A-2
 Section 1.4: Effective Time............................................   A-2
 Section 1.5: Closing...................................................   A-3
 Section 1.6: Sale of Santa Anita Shares to MAC.........................   A-3
 Section 1.7: Sale of Santa Anita Shares to Designee of Meditrust.......   A-3
 Section 1.8: Assurance by Meditrust....................................   A-4
                                   ARTICLE II
 Section 2.1: Realty Certificate of Incorporation.......................   A-4
 Section 2.2: Realty By-laws............................................   A-4
 Section 2.3: Operating Certificate of Incorporation....................   A-4
 Section 2.4: Operating By-laws.........................................   A-5
                                  ARTICLE III
                             DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS
 Section 3.1: Realty Directors..........................................   A-5
 Section 3.2: Operating Directors.......................................   A-5
                                   ARTICLE IV
              Realty Merger Consideration; Conversion or Cancellation of
 Section 4.1: Meditrust Shares..........................................   A-5
              Operating Merger Consideration; Conversion or Cancellation
 Section 4.2: of MAC Shares.............................................   A-5
 Section 4.3: Exchange Ratio............................................   A-5
 Section 4.4: Pairing of Realty and Operating Shares....................   A-6
 Section 4.5: Exchange of Old Certificates for New Certificates.........   A-6
       4.5.1  Effect on Meditrust Shares and MAC Shares.................   A-6
       4.5.2  Appointment of Exchange Agent.............................   A-6
       4.5.3  Exchange Procedures.......................................   A-6
       4.5.4  Fractional Shares.........................................   A-7



       4.5.5  Distributions with Respect to Unexchanged Shares............   A-7
       4.5.6  Transfers...................................................   A-8
       4.5.7  No Liability................................................   A-8
       4.5.8  Withholding Rights..........................................   A-8
       4.5.9  Transfer Taxes..............................................   A-8
       4.5.10 Stock Options...............................................   A-8
                                   ARTICLE V
 Section 5.1: Representations and Warranties of Meditrust.................   A-9
       5.1.1  Organization of Meditrust...................................   A-9
       5.1.2  Operating Subsidiaries and MAC..............................  A-10
       5.1.3  Capitalization..............................................  A-10
       5.1.4  Authority...................................................  A-10
       5.1.5  Litigation..................................................  A-11
       5.1.6  Financial Statements........................................  A-11
       5.1.7  Absence of Changes..........................................  A-11
       5.1.8  No Undisclosed Liabilities..................................  A-11
       5.1.9  Meditrust SEC Documents.....................................  A-11
       5.1.10 Certain Matters.............................................  A-12
       5.1.11 Environmental Matters.......................................  A-12
       5.1.12 Compliance with Laws and Orders.............................  A-12
       5.1.13 Real Property...............................................  A-12
       5.1.14 Indebtedness................................................  A-12
       5.1.15 No Finder...................................................  A-12
       5.1.16 Tax Matters.................................................  A-12
       5.1.17 Benefit Plans...............................................  A-13
 Section 5.2: Representations and Warranties of Realty....................  A-14
       5.2.1  Organization of Realty......................................  A-14
       5.2.2  Capitalization..............................................  A-14
       5.2.3  Authority...................................................  A-14
       5.2.4  Litigation..................................................  A-15
       5.2.5  Financial Statements........................................  A-15
       5.2.6  Absence of Changes..........................................  A-15
       5.2.7  No Undisclosed Liabilities..................................  A-15
       5.2.8  Santa Anita SEC Documents...................................  A-15
       5.2.9  Certain Matters.............................................  A-16
       5.2.10 Environmental Matters.......................................  A-16
       5.2.11 Compliance with Laws and Orders.............................  A-16
       5.2.12 Real Property...............................................  A-16
       5.2.13 Indebtedness................................................  A-16
       5.2.14 No Finder...................................................  A-16
       5.2.15 Former Agreement............................................  A-16
       5.2.16 Tax Matters.................................................  A-17
       5.2.17 Benefit Plans...............................................  A-17
       5.2.18 Hahn Agreement..............................................  A-18
 Section 5.3: Representations and Warranties of Operating.................  A-18
       5.3.1  Organization of Operating...................................  A-18
       5.3.2  Operating Subsidiaries......................................  A-18
       5.3.3  Capitalization..............................................  A-19



       5.3.4   Authority..................................................  A-19
       5.3.5   Litigation.................................................  A-20
       5.3.6   Financial Statements.......................................  A-20
       5.3.7   Absence of Changes.........................................  A-20
       5.3.8   No Undisclosed Liabilities.................................  A-20
       5.3.9   Santa Anita SEC Documents..................................  A-20
       5.3.10  Certain Matters............................................  A-20
       5.3.11  Environmental Matters......................................  A-20
       5.3.12  Compliance with Laws and Orders............................  A-21
       5.3.13  Real Property..............................................  A-21
       5.3.14  Indebtedness...............................................  A-21
       5.3.15  No Finder..................................................  A-21
       5.3.16  Former Agreement...........................................  A-21
       5.3.17  Tax Matters................................................  A-21
       5.3.18  Benefit Plans..............................................  A-22
                                   ARTICLE VI
 Section 6.1:  Conduct Pending the Closing................................  A-22
 Section 6.2:  Acquisition Proposals......................................  A-24
 Section 6.3:  Information Supplied.......................................  A-25
 Section 6.4:  Shareholder Approvals; Registration Statement..............  A-25
       6.4.1   Registration Statement.....................................  A-25
       6.4.2   Shareholder Meetings.......................................  A-25
 Section 6.5:  Other Actions..............................................  A-25
 Section 6.6:  Access.....................................................  A-26
 Section 6.7:  Notification of Certain Matters............................  A-27
 Section 6.8:  Publicity..................................................  A-27
 Section 6.9:  Indemnification of Directors and Officers..................  A-28
 Section 6.10: Colony Termination Fee.....................................  A-28
                                  ARTICLE VII
 Section 7.1:  Conditions to Each Party's Obligation......................  A-28
       7.1.1   Shareholder Approval.......................................  A-28
       7.1.2   Governmental and Regulatory Consents.......................  A-29
       7.1.3   Third-Party Consents.......................................  A-29
       7.1.4   Litigation.................................................  A-29
       7.1.5   Opinions...................................................  A-29
       7.1.6   Registration Statement.....................................  A-29
 Section 7.2:  Conditions to Obligation of Meditrust......................  A-29
       7.2.1   Representations and Warranties.............................  A-29
       7.2.2   Performance of Obligations.................................  A-30
       7.2.3   No Material Adverse Effect.................................  A-30
       7.2.4   Rights.....................................................  A-30
       7.2.5   Resignation of Directors...................................  A-30
       7.2.6   The Exchange Approval......................................  A-30



 Section 7.3:  Conditions to Obligation of Realty and Operating...........  A-30
       7.3.1   Representations and Warranties.............................  A-30
       7.3.2   Performance of Obligations.................................  A-30
       7.3.3   No Material Adverse Effect.................................  A-30
                                  ARTICLE VIII
 Section 8.1:  Termination by Mutual Consent..............................  A-30
 Section 8.2:  Termination by any Party Hereto............................  A-31
 Section 8.3:  Termination by Meditrust...................................  A-31
 Section 8.4:  Termination by Either of Realty or Operating...............  A-31
 Section 8.5:  Effect of Termination and Abandonment......................  A-31
 Section 8.6:  Payment of Expenses and Termination Fee....................  A-31
                                   ARTICLE IX
                           MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL
 Section 9.1:  Survival...................................................  A-32
 Section 9.2:  Modification or Amendment..................................  A-32
 Section 9.3:  Waiver of Conditions.......................................  A-32
 Section 9.4:  Counterparts...............................................  A-32
 Section 9.5:  Governing Law..............................................  A-32
 Section 9.6:  Notices....................................................  A-32
 Section 9.7:  Entire Agreement, Etc. ....................................  A-33
 Section 9.8:  Captions...................................................  A-33
 Section 9.9:  Severability...............................................  A-33
 Section 9.10: No Third-Party Beneficiaries...............................  A-33
 Section 9.11: Specific Performance.......................................  A-33
 Section 9.12: Trusts.....................................................  A-33


April 13, 1997 (this "Agreement"), by and among SANTA ANITA REALTY ENTERPRISES,
INC., a Delaware corporation ("Realty"), SANTA ANITA OPERATING COMPANY, a
Delaware corporation ("Operating" and together with Realty, the "Companies"),
MEDITRUST, a Massachusetts business trust ("Meditrust"), and MEDITRUST
ACQUISITION COMPANY, a Massachusetts business trust ("MAC").
                                R E C I T A L S
  A. Original Agreement. Effective as of April 13, 1997, the Companies,
Meditrust and Meditrust Acquisition Corporation IV, a Delaware Corporation ("M
Acquisition"), entered into an Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of
Merger (the "Original Merger Agreement").
  B. Novation. Effective June 19, 1997, pursuant to a Second Amended and
Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of April 13, 1997 (the "Second
Restated Merger Agreement") the parties to the Original Merger Agreement and
MAC effected a novation whereby MAC became a party to the Original Merger
Agreement in the place of M Acquisition, and in connection therewith amended
and restated the Original Merger Agreement in its entirety.
  C. The parties hereby amend and restate the Second Restated Merger Agreement
in its entirety.
  D. Spin-off. Prior to the record dates for the shareholder meetings of
Meditrust and MAC referred to in Section 6.4.2, Meditrust intends to transfer
to MAC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Meditrust, cash equal to the MAC Amount,
and to distribute beneficial ownership of shares of MAC to its shareholders,
which will be represented by the share certificates for Meditrust Shares
pending the Mergers described below.
  E. Note. Prior to the Effective Time, Operating intends to deliver to Realty
a promissory note or cash in the amount of the Note Amount.
  F. The Mergers. At the Effective Time, the parties intend to effect a merger
of Meditrust with and into Realty, with Realty being the surviving corporation
(the "Realty Merger"), and a merger of MAC with and into Operating, with
Operating being the surviving corporation (the "Operating Merger").
  G. Intention of the Parties. It is the intention of the parties to this
Agreement that for United States federal income tax purposes the Realty Merger
and the Operating Merger (the "Mergers") shall qualify as "reorganizations"
within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code.
  H. Approvals. The respective Board of Directors or Board of Trustees of each
party hereto has determined that this Agreement is in the best interests of
such party and its shareholders and has duly approved this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and authorized its
execution and delivery.
  I. Defined Terms. Defined terms used herein shall have the meanings set forth
herein and in Annex A hereto.
                               A G R E E M E N T
  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and of the representations,
warranties, covenants and agreements set forth herein, the parties hereto
hereby agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I
  Section 1.1: Meditrust Acquisition Company; the Distribution.
    1.1.1 Meditrust Acquisition Company. Prior to the record dates for the
  shareholder meetings of Meditrust and MAC referred to in Section 6.4.2,
  Meditrust will transfer to MAC cash equal to the MAC Amount, and will cause
  MAC to issue an amount of its shares of beneficial interest to Meditrust
  equal to the number of Meditrust Shares then outstanding and to take all
  necessary actions required in connection therewith.
    1.1.2 Distribution. Prior to the record dates for the shareholder
  meetings of Meditrust and MAC referred to in Section 6.4.2, Meditrust will
  effect the distribution to its shareholders of the beneficial ownership of
  all the outstanding MAC Shares, with the MAC Shares being deemed to be
  represented by the Meditrust Shares pending the Mergers. Meditrust will
  take all necessary actions required in connection with such distribution.
    1.1.3 Pairing. The transferee of any Meditrust Shares following the time
  of the distribution referred to in Section 1.1.2 shall also receive a
  beneficial interest in an equal number of MAC Shares.
  Section 1.2: Delivery of Note. Prior to the Effective Time, Operating will
deliver to Realty a promissory note or cash, in whole or in part, in the amount
of the Note Amount.
  Section 1.3: The Mergers.
    1.3.1 Realty Merger. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
  Agreement, at the Effective Time, Realty and Meditrust will consummate the
  Realty Merger in which Meditrust will be merged with and into Realty and
  the separate legal existence of Meditrust will thereupon cease. Realty will
  be the surviving corporation of the Realty Merger (sometimes hereinafter
  referred to as the "Realty Surviving Corporation") and will continue to be
  a corporation governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.
    1.3.2 Operating Merger. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
  Agreement, at the Effective Time, Operating and MAC will consummate the
  Operating Merger in which MAC will be merged with and into Operating and
  the separate legal existence of MAC will thereupon cease. Operating will be
  the surviving corporation of the Operating Merger (sometimes hereinafter
  referred to as the "Operating Surviving Corporation") and will continue to
  be a corporation governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.
  Section 1.4: Effective Time. Realty and Meditrust will cause a certificate of
merger to be executed and delivered to the Secretary of State of the State of
Delaware in accordance with the DGCL (the "Realty Merger Certificate") and
Meditrust will cause a certificate of termination to be executed and delivered
to the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Realty
Merger will become effective at such time as the Realty Merger Certificate has
been filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware in accordance
with the provisions of the DGCL or at such other time as may be agreed upon by
the parties and specified in the Realty Merger Certificate in accordance with
applicable law. Operating and MAC will cause a certificate of merger to be
executed and delivered to the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware as
provided in the DGCL (the "Operating Merger Certificate") and MAC will cause a
certificate of termination to be executed and delivered to the Secretary of
State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Operating Merger will become
effective at such time as the Operating Merger Certificate has been filed with
the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware in accordance with the
provisions of the DGCL or at such other time as may be agreed upon by the
parties and specified in the Operating Merger Certificate in accordance with
applicable law. It is the intention of the parties that the Mergers shall
become effective at the same time, and that the Realty Merger Certificate and
the Operating Merger Certificate shall so provide. The date and time when the
Mergers become effective is referred to herein as the "Effective Time."

  Section 1.5: Closing. The closing of the Reorganization (the "Closing") will
take place at the offices of O'Melveny & Myers LLP, Los Angeles, California at
10:00 A.M. on the first business day on which all the conditions set forth in
Article VII can be fulfilled or are waived, or at such other place or time as
the parties hereto may agree. The date upon which the Closing occurs is herein
called the "Closing Date".
  Section 1.6: Sale of Santa Anita Shares to MAC. Realty and Operating will
notify Meditrust at least seven days in advance of the record dates for the
Realty and Operating shareholder meetings provided for in Section 6.4.2. Prior
to such record dates, MAC shall purchase from Realty and Operating newly
issued, fully paid and nonassessable Santa Anita Shares at a purchase price of
$31.00 per Santa Anita Share (the "Acquired Shares"). With respect to any such
purchase, MAC shall for all purposes be deemed to have become the holder of
record of the number of Santa Anita Shares to be purchased immediately upon
delivery to Realty and Operating of written notice from MAC of its intention to
make such purchase and payment of the aggregate purchase price as provided in
clause (ii) below and delivery of the certificate in clause (iii) below. The
Santa Anita Share Certificates issued pursuant to this Section 1.6 shall have
impressed on, printed on, written on or otherwise attached to them the legend
set forth in Section 3(c) of the Rights Agreement and MAC shall have all the
rights to which a holder of Rights as of the Rights Record Date (as defined in
the Rights Agreement) is entitled. The number of Acquired Shares shall equal
such number of Santa Anita Shares that will result, immediately after the
issuance and sale of the Acquired Shares and after taking into account any
Santa Anita Shares purchased by Meditrust and MAC in the open market, in (a)
Meditrust and/or MAC owning, after application of the Constructive Ownership
Rules (as defined in the certificate described in clause (iii) below), 9.8% of
the outstanding Santa Anita Shares and (b) no other person owning, after
application of such Constructive Ownership Rules, in excess of 9.8% of the
outstanding Santa Anita Shares. To consummate the purchase of the Acquired
Shares and as a condition to their issuance, (i) Realty and Operating will have
delivered to MAC certificates representing the Acquired Shares, (ii) MAC will
have paid to Realty and Operating the aggregate purchase price for the Acquired
Shares in immediately available funds, (iii) MAC shall have delivered to Realty
and Operating a certificate in the form attached hereto as Annex B, (iv) the
Acquired Shares will have been approved for listing on the Exchange upon
official notice of issuance, and (v) O'Melveny & Myers LLP will have delivered
to MAC an opinion to the effect that the Acquired Shares have been duly
authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of the issuer and that
the Acquired Shares are validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable. In the
event that this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article VIII, MAC shall be
entitled to the benefit of the registration rights set forth in Annex D hereto
with respect to the Acquired Shares.
  Section 1.7: Sale of Santa Anita Shares to Designee of Meditrust. Prior to
the record date for the Realty and Operating shareholder meetings provided for
in Section 6.4.2, Meditrust may designate MAC and/or one or more Unaffiliated
Persons who may, prior to such record date, purchase from Realty and Operating
newly issued, fully paid and nonassessable Santa Anita Shares at a purchase
price of $31.00 per Santa Anita Share (the "Unaffiliated Acquired Shares").
With respect to any such purchase, MAC and/or the designated Unaffiliated
Person or Unaffiliated Persons shall for all purposes be deemed to have become
the holder or holders of record of the number of Santa Anita Shares to be
purchased immediately upon delivery to Realty and Operating of written notice
from Meditrust of such purchaser's or purchasers' intention to make such
purchase and payment of the aggregate purchase price as provided in clause (ii)
below and delivery of the certificate in clause (iii) below. The Santa Anita
Share Certificates issued pursuant to this Section 1.7 shall have impressed on,
printed on, written on or otherwise attached to them the legend set forth in
Section 3(c) of the Rights Agreement and the holder or holders of such shares
shall have all the rights to which a holder of Rights as of the Rights Record
Date (as defined in the Rights Agreement) is entitled. The aggregate number of
Unaffiliated Acquired Shares which may be purchased pursuant to this Section
1.7 is up to (a) 19.6% of the issued and outstanding Santa Anita Shares
immediately prior to the issuance and sale of the Acquired Shares to MAC
pursuant to Section 1.6 less (b) the number of Acquired Shares to be issued to
MAC pursuant to Section 1.6; provided, however, that no person, as a result of
the issuance and sale of the Unaffiliated Acquired Shares, shall own, after
application of the Constructive Ownership Rules, in excess of 9.8% of the
outstanding Santa Anita Shares. To consummate the purchase of the Unaffiliated
Acquired Shares and as a condition to their issuance, (i) Realty and Operating
will have delivered to the purchasers certificates representing the

Acquired Shares, (ii) such purchasers will have paid to Realty and Operating
the purchase price for the Unaffiliated Acquired Shares in immediately
available funds, (iii) such purchasers will have delivered to Realty and
Operating a certificate in the form attached hereto as Annex B if such
purchaser is MAC or in the form attached hereto as Annex C if such purchaser is
an Unaffiliated Purchaser, (iv) the Unaffiliated Acquired Shares will have been
approved for listing on the Exchange upon official notice of issuance, and (v)
O'Melveny & Myers LLP will have delivered to such purchasers an opinion to the
effect that such Unaffiliated Acquired Shares have been duly authorized by all
necessary corporate action on the part of the issuer and that such Acquired
Shares are validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable. In the event that this
Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article VIII or upon the effectiveness of
the Mergers, such purchasers who are Unaffiliated Persons shall be entitled to
the benefit of the registration rights set forth in Annex D hereto with respect
to the Unaffiliated Acquired Shares. In the event that this Agreement is
terminated pursuant to Article VIII and such purchaser is MAC, MAC shall be
entitled to the benefit of the registration rights set forth in Annex D hereto
with respect to the Unaffiliated Acquired Shares.
  Section 1.8: Assurance by Meditrust. At the option of the Realty Board and
the Operating Board, subject to and concurrent with the consummation of the
Mergers, Meditrust and MAC will ensure that Realty and Operating have available
in the aggregate up to $100,000,000 in cash in immediately available funds, in
the ratio of $98,900,000 for Realty and $1,100,000 for Operating, to fund a
cash election effective immediately after consummation of the Mergers by the
holders of Santa Anita Shares outstanding prior to the Mergers at $31.00 per
Santa Anita Share; provided that the sum of any amounts provided by Meditrust
and MAC shall be reduced by the purchase price paid (i) by MAC for the Acquired
Shares pursuant to Section 1.6, (ii) by MAC for the Unaffiliated Acquired
Shares pursuant to Section 1.7 and (iii) by Unaffiliated Purchasers for the
Unaffiliated Acquired Shares pursuant to Section 1.7; provided further that in
no event shall the sum of any such amounts provided by Meditrust and MAC be
reduced by an amount in excess of $31.00 multiplied by such number that would
represent the number of Acquired Shares that would be required to be purchased
by MAC pursuant to Section 1.6 if immediately prior to such purchase MAC owned,
pursuant to the Constructive Ownership Rules, no Santa Anita Shares. Such funds
shall be provided to Realty and Operating after the delivery by Operating to
Realty of the promissory note referred to in Section 1.1.2 and immediately
after the consummation of the Mergers.
                                   ARTICLE II
  Section 2.1: Realty Certificate of Incorporation. At the Effective Time, the
Certificate of Incorporation of Realty shall be amended to reflect that (i) the
name of Realty Surviving Corporation shall be Meditrust Corporation, and (ii)
the Fourth Article shall be as set forth in Annex E hereto, and as so amended,
will be the certificate of incorporation of Realty Surviving Corporation, until
duly amended in accordance with the terms thereof and the DGCL.
  Section 2.2: Realty By-laws. The By-laws of Realty will be the By-laws of the
Realty Surviving Corporation, until duly amended in accordance with the terms
thereof, the Realty Certificate and the DGCL.
  Section 2.3: Operating Certificate of Incorporation. At the Effective Time,
the Certificate of Incorporation of Operating shall be amended to reflect that
(i) the name of Operating Surviving Corporation shall be Meditrust Operating
Company, and (ii) the Fourth Article shall be as set forth in Annex F hereto,
and as so amended, will be the certificate of incorporation of the Operating
Surviving Corporation, until duly amended in accordance with the terms thereof
and the DGCL.

  Section 2.4: Operating By-laws. The By-laws of Operating, as in effect at the
Effective Time, will be the By-laws of Operating Surviving Corporation, until
duly amended in accordance with the terms thereof, the Operating Certificate
and the DGCL.
                                  ARTICLE III
                             DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS
  Section 3.1: Realty Directors. Immediately after the Effective Time, the
Board of Directors of Realty Surviving Corporation will consist of up to 12
directors and will be comprised of up to 10 individuals to be designated by
Meditrust and two current members of the Realty or Operating Board to be
designated by Meditrust after consultation with Realty. The designation of such
directors will occur prior to the initial filing of the Registration Statement
with the SEC. The new directors of Realty Surviving Corporation will be
appointed to different classes as designated by the Meditrust Board, and they
will commence to serve at the Effective Time and will remain directors until
their successors have been duly elected and qualified.
  Section 3.2: Operating Directors. Immediately after the Effective Time, the
Board of Directors of Operating Surviving Corporation will consist of up to 12
directors and will be comprised of up to 10 individuals to be designated by
Meditrust and two current members of the Operating or Realty Board to be
designated by Meditrust after consultation with Operating. The designation of
such directors will occur prior to the initial filing of the Registration
Statement with the SEC. The new directors of Operating Surviving Corporation
will be appointed to different classes as designated by the Meditrust Board,
and they will commence to serve at the Effective Time and will remain directors
until their successors have been duly elected and qualified.
                                   ARTICLE IV
  Section 4.1: Realty Merger Consideration; Conversion or Cancellation of
Meditrust Shares. At the Effective Time, by virtue of the Realty Merger and
without any action on the part of the holder of any capital stock of Meditrust,
subject to Sections 4.4 and 4.5, each Meditrust Share issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than any Meditrust Share held in
Meditrust's treasury (which shall be cancelled)) will be converted into the
right to receive such number of fully paid and nonassessable Realty Common
Shares as may be calculated in accordance with the Exchange Ratio. Realty
Shares outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall remain
outstanding after the Effective Time and shall not be converted or exchanged in
the Realty Merger, except that any Realty Shares held by MAC may be cancelled
at the option of Operating Surviving Corporation.
  Section 4.2: Operating Merger Consideration; Conversion or Cancellation of
MAC Shares. At the Effective Time, by virtue of the Operating Merger and
without any action on the part of the holder of any capital stock of MAC,
subject to Sections 4.4 and 4.5, each MAC Share issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than any MAC Share held in MAC's
or Meditrust's treasury (which shall be cancelled)) will be converted into the
right to receive such number of fully paid and nonassessable Operating Shares
as may be calculated in accordance with the Exchange Ratio. Operating Shares
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall remain outstanding
after the Effective Time and shall not be converted or exchanged in the
Operating Merger, except that any Operating Shares held by MAC shall be
  Section 4.3: Exchange Ratio. The number of Realty Common Shares into which
each Meditrust Share will be converted, as provided in Section 4.1, and the
number of Operating Common Shares into which each MAC Share will be converted,
as provided in Section 4.2, will be equal to the number obtained by dividing
(i) $37.25, by (ii) the sum of (x) $31.00 and (y) if the Closing Date occurs
after December 31, 1997, as a result of acquisitions and other business
combinations proposed to be entered into by Meditrust or MAC (and provided that
there are no other conditions to closing within Realty's or Operating's control
or for which they are responsible that have not yet been satisfied), a number
equal to the per share amount of any dividends of

Meditrust, if any, accrued with respect to periods after such date and prior to
the Closing Date divided by 1.2016 less the per share amount of any dividends
of Realty accrued with respect to periods after such date and prior to the
Closing Date (the "Exchange Ratio").
  Section 4.4: Pairing of Realty and Operating Shares. Pursuant to the Pairing
Agreement, each and every Realty Share issued in connection with the Realty
Merger will be paired with an Operating Share issued in connection with the
Operating Merger, with the effect that each Meditrust shareholder will receive
paired shares of common stock of Realty Surviving Corporation and Operating
Surviving Corporation.
  Section 4.5: Exchange of Old Certificates for New Certificates.
    4.5.1 Effect on Meditrust Shares and MAC Shares.
      (a) At the Effective Time, all Meditrust Shares and MAC Shares will
    cease to be outstanding, will be cancelled and retired and will cease
    to exist, and each holder of an Old Meditrust Certificate will
    thereafter cease to have any rights with respect to such Old Meditrust
    Certificates, except the right to receive, without interest, upon
    exchange of such Old Meditrust Certificates in accordance with this
    Section 4.5, the Santa Anita Share Certificates and payments to which
    such holder is entitled pursuant to this Article IV. A holder of an Old
    Meditrust Certificate shall have no rights as a shareholder of Realty
    or Operating until the Old Meditrust Certificate have been exchanged
    for Santa Anita Share Certificates and cash as provided herein.
      (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the
    contrary, in order for Realty Surviving Corporation to continue to meet
    the REIT Requirements, no person or entity shall own, or be deemed to
    own by virtue of the attribution provisions of Section 544 (as modified
    by Section 856(h)(1)(B)) or Section 318 (as modified by Section
    856(d)(5)) of the Code, more than 9.8% of the outstanding Santa Anita
    Shares (the "Ownership Limit") at or after the Effective Time.
    Therefore, if any holder of Meditrust Shares or MAC Shares would
    receive in connection with the Mergers a number of Santa Anita Shares
    such that any person or entity would own, or be deemed to own under the
    applicable attribution rules of the Code referred to above, Santa Anita
    Shares in excess of the Ownership Limit, then such holder shall acquire
    no right or interest in such number of Santa Anita Shares which would
    cause such person or entity to exceed the Ownership Limit, but such
    holder shall, in lieu of receiving those Santa Anita Shares which would
    cause the Ownership Limit to be exceeded (the "Limited Shares"), have
    the right to be paid by Realty Surviving Corporation an amount in cash
    for such Limited Shares equal to the product of the Fair Market Value
    (as hereinafter defined) per Limited Share multiplied by the number of
    such Limited Shares. "Fair Market Value" shall be equal to the average
    closing price of the Santa Anita Shares on the Exchange on the five (5)
    trading days immediately preceding the Effective Time.
    4.5.2 Appointment of Exchange Agent. From and after the Effective Time
  until the end of the six-month period following the Effective Time, the
  Surviving Corporations will make available or cause to be made available to
  an exchange agent appointed by Meditrust and reasonably acceptable to
  Realty and Operating (the "Exchange Agent"), certificates for (a) paired
  Realty and Operating Common Shares (the "Santa Anita Share Certificates"),
  and (b) cash in amounts sufficient to allow the Exchange Agent to make all
  deliveries of Santa Anita Share Certificates and payments that may be
  required in exchange for Old Meditrust Certificates pursuant to this
  Article IV.
    4.5.3 Exchange Procedures. Promptly after the Effective Time, the
  Surviving Corporations will cause the Exchange Agent to mail or deliver to
  each person who was, at the Effective Time, a holder of record of Meditrust
  Shares a form (the terms of which will be mutually agreed upon by the
  parties hereto prior to the Effective Time) of letter of transmittal
  containing instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the Old
  Meditrust Certificates in exchange for Santa Anita Share Certificates and
  payments pursuant to this Article IV. Upon surrender to the Exchange Agent
  of an Old Meditrust Certificate for cancellation together with such letter
  of transmittal, duly executed and completed in accordance with the
  instructions thereto, the holder of such Old Meditrust Certificate will be
  entitled to receive in exchange therefor a Santa Anita Share Certificate
  representing paired shares of the Surviving Corporations, to which such

  holder is entitled pursuant to this Article IV, and the Old Meditrust
  Certificate shall be cancelled. No interest will be paid or will accrue on
  the amount payable upon surrender of Old Meditrust Certificates. If any
  Santa Anita Share Certificate is to be issued in a name other than that in
  which the Old Meditrust Certificate surrendered in exchange therefor is
  registered, it will be a condition of such exchange that the person
  requesting such exchange will pay any transfer or other taxes required by
  reason of the issuance of such Santa Anita Share Certificate in a name
  other than that of the registered holder of the Old Meditrust Certificate
  surrendered, or will establish to the satisfaction of the Surviving
  Corporations that any such taxes have been paid or are not applicable. Six
  months after the Effective Time, the Surviving Corporations will be
  entitled to cause the Exchange Agent to deliver to them any applicable
  Santa Anita Share Certificates, or cash (including any interest thereon)
  made available to the Exchange Agent that are unclaimed by the former
  shareholders of Meditrust and MAC. Any such former shareholders who have
  not theretofore exchanged their Old Meditrust Certificates for Santa Anita
  Share Certificates and cash pursuant to this Article IV will thereafter be
  entitled to look exclusively to the Surviving Corporations and only as
  general creditors thereof for the Santa Anita Shares and cash to which they
  become entitled upon exchange of their Old Meditrust Certificates pursuant
  to this Article IV. Each Surviving Corporation will pay all applicable
  charges and expenses, including its applicable share of those of the
  Exchange Agent, in connection with the exchange of Santa Anita Share
  Certificates and cash as contemplated hereby.
    4.5.4 Fractional Shares. No fractional Santa Anita Shares will be issued
  in the Reorganization. In lieu of any such fractional shares, each person
  who would otherwise have been entitled to a fraction of a Santa Anita Share
  upon surrender of an Old Meditrust Certificate pursuant to this Article IV
  will be paid an amount in cash (without interest) equal to such holder's
  proportionate interest in the net proceeds from the sale or sales in the
  open market by the Exchange Agent, on behalf of all such holders, of the
  aggregate fractional Santa Anita Shares which would otherwise be issued
  pursuant to this Article IV. As soon as practicable following the Effective
  Time, the Exchange Agent will determine the excess of (i) the number of
  full Santa Anita Shares delivered to the Exchange Agent over (ii) the
  aggregate number of full Santa Anita Shares to be distributed in respect of
  Meditrust Shares and MAC Shares (such excess being herein called the
  "Excess Shares"), and the Exchange Agent, as agent for the former holders
  of such shares, will sell the Excess Shares at the prevailing prices on the
  open market. The sale of the Excess Shares by the Exchange Agent will be
  executed on the Exchange through one or more firms and will be executed in
  round lots to the extent practicable. All commissions, transfer taxes and
  other out-of-pocket transaction costs, including the expenses and
  compensation of the Exchange Agent, incurred in connection with such sale
  of Excess Shares, will be deducted from the proceeds from the sale of the
  Excess Shares. Until the earlier of six months following the Effective Time
  and the date the net proceeds of such sale or sales have been distributed,
  the Exchange Agent will hold such proceeds in trust for such former
  shareholders. As soon as practicable after the determination of the amount
  of cash to be paid in lieu of any fractional interests, the Exchange Agent
  will make available in accordance with this Agreement such amounts to such
  former shareholders.
    4.5.5 Distributions with Respect to Unexchanged Shares. Notwithstanding
  any other provisions of this Agreement, as provided in Section 4.5.1, no
  holder of an Old Meditrust Certificate shall have rights as a shareholder
  of Realty or Operating until such holder has exchanged its Old Meditrust
  Certificate for a Santa Anita Share Certificate; therefore, no dividends
  will be paid to any person holding an Old Meditrust Certificate until such
  Old Meditrust Certificate is surrendered for exchange as provided herein
  (it being understood that such dividends will be paid to the Exchange Agent
  to be held for distribution upon the exchange for Old Meditrust
  Certificates as herein provided). Subject to the effect of applicable laws,
  following surrender of any such Old Meditrust Certificate by any holder
  thereof, there will be paid to the holder of the Santa Anita Share
  Certificate issued in exchange therefor, without interest, (i) at the time
  of such surrender, the amount of dividends or other distributions with a
  record date after the Effective Time theretofore payable with respect to
  the Santa Anita Shares represented thereby and not paid, less the amount of
  any withholding taxes which may be required thereon, and (ii) at the
  appropriate payment date, the amount of dividends or other distributions
  with a record date after the Effective Time but prior to the time of such
  surrender and a payment date subsequent to the time of such surrender
  payable with respect

  to the Santa Anita Shares represented thereby, less the amount of any
  withholding taxes which may be required thereon.
    4.5.6 Transfers. At or after the Effective Time, there will be no
  transfers on the stock transfer books of either Surviving Corporation of
  Meditrust Shares or MAC Shares which were outstanding immediately prior to
  the Effective Time.
    4.5.7 No Liability. In the event that any Old Meditrust Certificate is
  lost, stolen or destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by
  the person claiming such Old Meditrust Certificate to be lost, stolen or
  destroyed and, if required by the Surviving Corporations, the posting by
  such person of a bond in such reasonable amount as the Surviving
  Corporations may direct as indemnity against any claim that may be made
  against it with respect to such Old Meditrust Certificate, the Surviving
  Corporations will, in exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed Old
  Meditrust Certificates, issue or cause to be issued the Santa Anita Shares
  and pay or cause to be paid the amounts deliverable in respect thereof
  pursuant to this Article IV. None of any party hereto, the Exchange Agent
  or either Surviving Corporation will be liable to any holder of Meditrust
  Shares or MAC Shares for any cash, Santa Anita Shares or other property
  from the payment fund delivered to a public official pursuant to any
  applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.
    4.5.8 Withholding Rights. The Surviving Corporations will be entitled to
  deduct and withhold from the consideration otherwise payable pursuant to
  this Agreement to any holder of Meditrust Shares or MAC Shares such amounts
  as may be required to be deducted and withheld with respect to the making
  of such payment under the Code, or under any provision of state or local
  tax law. To the extent that amounts are so withheld and paid over to the
  appropriate taxing authority, such withheld amounts will be treated for all
  purposes of this Agreement as having been paid to the holder of the
  Meditrust Shares in respect of which such deduction and withholding was
    4.5.9 Transfer Taxes. Except as provided above, the Surviving
  Corporations will pay or cause to be paid any transfer or gains tax
  (including, without limitation, any real property gains or transfer tax)
  imposed in connection with or as a result of the Mergers, including any
  such tax that is imposed on a shareholder of Meditrust.
    4.5.10 Stock Options.
      (a) As soon as practicable following the date of this Agreement (i)
    the Compensation Committee administering the Meditrust 1988 Stock
    Option Plan (or the Meditrust Board, if appropriate) shall, in
    accordance with its authority to interpret said Plan, determine that
    the Mergers provided for in this Agreement constitute the merger of
    Meditrust into another entity under Section 13 of said Plan, and (ii)
    the Stock Option Committee administering the Meditrust 1992 Equity
    Incentive Plan (or the Meditrust Board, if appropriate) shall, in the
    exercise of its discretion under Section 11(e) of said Plan, determine
    that a change of control of the Company shall occur upon the Mergers
    provided for in this Agreement, and Realty shall assume the stock
    options granted under said Plans. Pursuant to the Mergers, each
    outstanding option to purchase a Meditrust Share will be converted into
    an option to purchase from Realty (pursuant to the Realty 1995 Share
    Award Plan if the amendment to the 1995 Realty Share Award Plan is
    approved by the shareholdes of Realty in connection with the Mergers)
    such number of Santa Anita Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole
    number) as is equal to the number of Meditrust Shares issuable upon
    exercise of such option multiplied by the Exchange Ratio. The
    respective Committees (or the Meditrust Board, if appropriate) shall
    also provide that such options (to the extent issued prior to August 1,
    1997), as converted, are immediately exercisable. The exercise price
    per share of each such option, as so converted, will be equal to (x)
    the aggregate exercise price for the Meditrust Shares otherwise
    purchasable pursuant to such Meditrust option immediately prior to the
    Effective Time divided by (y) the number of whole Santa Anita Shares
    deemed purchasable from Realty pursuant to such Meditrust option as
    determined above (rounded to the nearest whole cent).
      (b) Realty shall purchase from Operating (provided that Realty shall
    not have the option to acquire at any time more than 9.8% of the
    outstanding shares of Operating) or make arrangements with Operating
    for simultaneous issuance by Operating of the number of shares of

    Common Stock to be delivered by Realty in connection with the exercise
    of the Meditrust stock options as converted as provided in paragraph
    (a) above, so that upon exercise the holder of such an option will
    receive Santa Anita Shares as provided in paragraph (a) above.
    Operating shall sell to Realty or make arrangements with Realty for
    simultaneous issuance by Operating of the number of shares of Operating
    Common Shares to be delivered by Realty in connection with the exercise
    of Meditrust stock options as converted as provided in paragraph (a)
    above so that upon exercise the holder of such an option will receive
    Santa Anita shares as provided in paragraph (a) above.
      The Realty 1995 Share Award Plan shall be amended as of the Effective
    Time (if such amendment is approved by shareholders of Realty in
    connection with the Mergers) to provide that each option granted
    pursuant thereto shall entitle the holder thereof to receive from
    Realty Santa Anita Shares upon exercise of such option and to provide
    that the number of Realty Common Shares available for issuance pursuant
    thereto shall be 5% of the number of shares of such stock outstanding
    at the time of any particular issuance, plus a number of shares equal
    to the number of shares with respect to which options granted under the
    Meditrust 1988 Stock Option Plan and the Meditrust 1992 Equity
    Incentive Plan prior to the Effective Time may be exercised, with
    4,000,000 shares being available as incentive stock options. The
    Operating 1995 Share Award Plan shall be amended as of the Effective
    Time (if such amendment is approved by shareholders of Operating in
    connection with the Mergers) to provide that the number of Operating
    Common Shares available for issuance pursuant thereto shall be 5% of
    the number of shares of such stock outstanding at the time of any
    particular issuance, with 4,000,000 shares being available as incentive
    stock options. Each such plan shall also be amended to increase the
    maximum number of shares with respect to which options may be granted
    to an eligible employee during any one-year period so as not to exceed
      (c) Realty shall assume the obligations under and comply with the
    terms of the Meditrust Stock Option Plan and Equity Incentive Plan
    (both as modified in accordance with paragraph (a) of this Section
    4.5.10) and ensure, to the extent required by and subject to the
    provisions of such Plans that the options granted thereunder which
    qualified as qualified stock options prior to the Effective Time
    continue to qualify as qualified stock options after the Effective
    Time. In the case of any option to which Section 421 of the Code
    applies by reason of its qualification under any of Sections 422-424 of
    the Code, the option price, the number of Santa Anita Shares
    purchasable pursuant to such options and the terms and conditions of
    exercise of such option shall be determined in order to comply with
    Section 424(a) of the Code.
      (d) Realty and Operating shall take all corporate action necessary to
    reserve for issuance a sufficient number of Realty and Operating Common
    Shares for delivery upon exercise of the Meditrust stock options above
    assumed by Realty in accordance with this Section 4.5.10. The Surviving
    Corporations shall use their reasonable best efforts to have declared
    effective as soon as practicable following the Effective Time, a
    registration statement on Form S-8 (or any successor or other
    appropriate form) with respect to the Santa Anita Shares subject to
    such Meditrust stock options and shall use their reasonable best
    efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such registration statement or
    registration statements (and maintain the current status of the
    prospectus or prospectuses contained therein) for so long as such
    Meditrust stock options remain outstanding. With respect to those
    individuals who subsequent to the Mergers will be subject to the
    reporting requirements under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act, where
    applicable, the Surviving Corporations shall administer the Stock Plans
    assumed pursuant to this Section 4.5.10 in a manner that complies with
    Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act to the extent the
    applicable Stock Plan complied with such rule prior to the Mergers.
                                   ARTICLE V
  Section 5.1: Representations and Warranties of Meditrust.
  As an inducement to Realty and Operating to enter into this Agreement and to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, Meditrust represents and
warrants to Realty and Operating and agrees as follows:

    5.1.1 Organization of Meditrust. Meditrust is a business trust duly
  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
  Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Meditrust is duly qualified to transact
  business and is in good standing in each of the jurisdictions in which the
  ownership or leasing of the properties used in its business or the conduct
  of its business requires such qualification (each of which is listed in the
  Meditrust Disclosure Schedule), other than in such jurisdictions where the
  failure to be so qualified and in good standing would not, individually or
  in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust. Meditrust
  has all requisite power and authority to own or lease and operate its
  properties and to carry on its business as now conducted. Meditrust has
  delivered to Realty and Operating complete and correct copies of the
  Restated Declaration of Trust and By-laws of Meditrust (the "Meditrust
  Charter") as amended and in effect on the date hereof. Meditrust has no
  subsidiaries other than as set forth in the Meditrust Disclosure Schedule.
    5.1.2 Operating Subsidiaries and MAC. The Meditrust Disclosure Schedule
  accurately and completely sets forth as to (a) each subsidiary of Meditrust
  which is a corporation, its name, the jurisdiction of its incorporation,
  the number of shares of its capital stock of each class outstanding and the
  number of such outstanding shares owned by Meditrust and its other
  subsidiaries and (b) as to each subsidiary of Meditrust which is not a
  corporation, its name, the jurisdiction of its organization or formation
  and a detailed description of its capital structure which indicates the
  direct or indirect interest of Meditrust in such subsidiary. Each of the
  subsidiaries of Meditrust and MAC is a trust, corporation, limited
  liability company or partnership duly organized, validly existing and in
  good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation and has
  all requisite power and authority to own or lease and operate its
  properties, and to carry on its business as now conducted. All of the
  issued and outstanding shares of capital stock or other equity interests in
  each subsidiary of Meditrust are validly issued, fully paid and
  nonassessable and owned beneficially by Meditrust, free and clear of any
  liens or other encumbrances, and there are no options, warrants or other
  rights to acquire, or agreements or commitments pursuant to which any such
  subsidiary is obligated to issue, sell, purchase or redeem shares of
  capital stock or other equity interests in such subsidiary. Immediately
  prior to the Effective Time, all of the issued and outstanding MAC Shares
  will be validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.
    5.1.3 Capitalization. As of March 31, 1997, the authorized capital of
  Meditrust consists of an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest
  without par value (the "Meditrust Shares"), of which 61,495,104 Meditrust
  Shares are validly issued and outstanding and are fully paid and
  nonassessable. As of the date of this Agreement, Meditrust has outstanding
  options to purchase an aggregate of 893,832 Meditrust Shares (the
  "Meditrust Options") pursuant to option plans of Meditrust, and has made
  grants pursuant to which it is committed to issue 36,103 Meditrust Shares
  under its Meditrust 1992 Equity Incentive Plan (the "Stock Grant Shares").
  Except for the Meditrust Options, the Stock Grant Shares and the
  convertible debt referred to in the audited balance sheet of Meditrust as
  of December 31, 1996 referenced in Section 5.1.6 hereof, as of the date of
  this Agreement, there are no options, warrants or other rights to acquire,
  or agreements or commitments pursuant to which Meditrust is obligated to
  issue, sell, purchase or redeem shares of capital stock of Meditrust.
  Immediately prior to the Effective Time, the issued and outstanding capital
  of MAC shall be the same as Meditrust.
    5.1.4 Authority.
      (a) Each of Meditrust and MAC has full power and authority to enter
    into this Agreement and, subject to the approval by the shareholders of
    Meditrust of the Meditrust Shareholder Matters and of MAC of the MAC
    Shareholder Matters, to consummate the transactions contemplated
      (b) The execution, delivery and performance by each of Meditrust and
    MAC of this Agreement and the consummation by each of Meditrust and MAC
    of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by
    all necessary action on the part of Meditrust or MAC, as the case may
    be, subject to the approval by the shareholders of Meditrust of the
    Meditrust Shareholder Matters and by the shareholders of MAC of the MAC
    Shareholder Matters. This Agreement is the legal, valid and binding
    agreement of each of Meditrust and MAC, enforceable against Meditrust
    and MAC, respectively, in accordance with its terms.

      (c) The execution or delivery by each of Meditrust and MAC of this
    Agreement, and consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or
    compliance with or fulfillment of the terms and provisions hereof by
    each of Meditrust and MAC, will not (i) conflict with, result in a
    breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a
    default, an event of default or an event creating rights of
    acceleration, termination or cancellation or a loss of rights, or
    result in the creation or imposition of any encumbrance upon any of the
    assets of Meditrust, MAC or any other subsidiary of Meditrust, under
    the Meditrust Charter, the Declaration of Trust or By-Laws of MAC (the
    "MAC Charter") or the charter documents of any of the other
    subsidiaries of Meditrust, or any other instrument or agreement to
    which Meditrust, MAC or any other subsidiary of Meditrust is a party or
    any of its properties is subject or by which it is bound or any
    statute, other law or regulatory provision affecting it, (ii) require
    the approval, consent or authorization of, or the making of any
    declaration, filing or registration with, any third party or any
    foreign, federal, state or local court, governmental authority or
    regulatory body, by or on behalf of Meditrust, MAC or any other
    subsidiary of Meditrust, or (iii) adversely affect the qualification of
    Meditrust as a REIT, except for (A) the filing of appropriate documents
    with the SEC and pursuant to the HSR Act, (B) approval by the
    shareholders of Meditrust of the Meditrust Shareholder Matters and by
    the shareholders of MAC of the MAC Shareholder Matters, (C) those
    matters set forth in the Meditrust Disclosure Schedule, (D) filings
    with the Secretary of State of the States of Delaware and Massachusetts
    and (E) such conflicts, breaches, defaults, events, creations,
    impositions, approvals, consents, declarations, filings or
    authorizations which would not reasonably be expected to either (x)
    have a Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust or (y) prevent or hinder
    the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.
      (d) At all times since 1985, Meditrust has been and will continue to
    be organized and operated in conformity with the REIT Requirements, and
    its proposed method of operation, until the Realty Merger occurs, will
    enable it to continue to meet the REIT Requirements.
    5.1.5 Litigation. Except as disclosed in the Meditrust Disclosure
  Schedule or in the Meditrust SEC Documents, there are no actions, suits or
  proceedings or court orders or decrees pending, or, to the knowledge of
  Meditrust, threatened to which Meditrust, MAC or any subsidiary of
  Meditrust is a party or any of their respective properties is subject or by
  which any of them is bound before or by any court or governmental agency,
  which if determined adversely to the interests of Meditrust, MAC or any
  subsidiary of Meditrust, would reasonably be expected to either (x) have a
  Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust or (y) prevent or hinder the
  consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.
    5.1.6 Financial Statements. Prior to the execution of this Agreement,
  Meditrust has delivered to Realty and Operating true and complete copies of
  the audited balance sheets of Meditrust as of December 31, 1996, 1995 and
  1994, and the related audited statements of operations, shareholders'
  equity and cash flows for each of the fiscal years then ended, together
  with a true and correct copy of the report on such audited information by
  Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., and all letters from such accountants with
  respect to the results of such audits. Except as set forth in the notes
  thereto, all such financial statements were prepared in accordance with
  GAAP and fairly present the financial condition and results of operations
  of Meditrust as of the respective dates thereof and for the respective
  periods covered thereby.
    5.1.7 Absence of Changes. Except for the execution and delivery of this
  Agreement and the transactions to take place pursuant hereto on the Closing
  Date, since December 31, 1996, except as disclosed in the Meditrust
  Disclosure Schedule, there has not been any material adverse change, or any
  event or development which, individually or together with other such
  events, could reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect
  on Meditrust.
    5.1.8 No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as reflected or reserved against
  in the balance sheet included in Meditrust's audited financial statements
  for the year ended December 31, 1996 or in the notes thereto or as
  disclosed in the Meditrust Disclosure Schedule, there are no liabilities
  against, relating to or affecting Meditrust, MAC or any subsidiary of
  Meditrust or any of their respective assets and properties, known, unknown,
  fixed or contingent, other than liabilities incurred in the ordinary course
  of business

  consistent with past practice and such other liabilities which in the
  aggregate would not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse
  Effect on Meditrust.
    5.1.9 Meditrust SEC Documents. Meditrust has previously delivered or made
  available to Realty and Operating complete and correct copies of all
  Meditrust SEC Documents. As of their respective dates, none of the
  Meditrust SEC Documents contained any untrue statement of a material fact
  or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
  necessary to make the statements therein not misleading. Meditrust has
  timely made all filings required under the Securities Act and the Exchange
  Act and, as of their respective dates, all such filings complied, in all
  material respects, with the requirements of the Securities Act and the
  Exchange Act, as applicable.
    5.1.10 Certain Matters. Except as disclosed in the Meditrust Disclosure
  Schedule, the Meditrust SEC Documents, or in reports of consultants or
  title companies delivered to Realty and Operating prior to the date of this
  Agreement, there are no structural, mechanical, HVAC, zoning or title
  conditions relating to the real property of Meditrust, MAC or any
  subsidiary of Meditrust that would reasonably be expected, individually or
  in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust.
    5.1.11 Environmental Matters. Each of Meditrust, MAC and each subsidiary
  of Meditrust has obtained all licenses which are required in respect of its
  business, operations, assets and properties under applicable environmental
  laws, other than those which the failure to obtain would not reasonably be
  expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse
  Effect on Meditrust. Each of Meditrust, MAC and each subsidiary of
  Meditrust is in compliance with the terms and conditions of all such
  licenses and with any applicable environmental law, except those where the
  failure to be in compliance would not reasonably be expected, individually
  or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust.
    5.1.12 Compliance with Laws and Orders. Except as disclosed in the
  Meditrust Disclosure Schedule, none of Meditrust, MAC or any of the
  subsidiaries of Meditrust is in violation of or in default under any law or
  order applicable to Meditrust, MAC or any subsidiary of Meditrust or any of
  their respective assets and properties, which violation or default would
  reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a
  Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust or MAC.
    5.1.13 Real Property. (a) As to the real property which is owned by
  Meditrust, MAC, or to the best of Meditrust's knowledge, any of the
  subsidiaries of Meditrust, such entity has good and marketable title to
  such real property, free and clear of any liens or other encumbrances,
  except the liens and encumbrances disclosed in the Meditrust Disclosure
  Schedule or which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a
  Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust.
      (b) As to real property in which any of Meditrust, MAC or any of the
    subsidiaries of Meditrust has a leasehold interest, Meditrust has a
    valid, binding and enforceable leasehold interest, free and clear of
    all liens and encumbrances, except for any liens or encumbrances
    disclosed in the Meditrust Disclosure Schedule or which would not,
    individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on
      (c) As to real property which is owned indirectly by Meditrust
    through Meditrust's interest in a joint venture, partnership or similar
    ownership venture, (i) Meditrust has a good and valid interest in such
    joint venture, partnership or other entity, free and clear of all liens
    and encumbrances, except for any liens or encumbrances disclosed in the
    Meditrust Disclosure Schedule or which would not, individually or in
    the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust; and (ii) to
    the knowledge of Meditrust, such joint venture, partnership or other
    entity has good and marketable title to such real property, in the case
    of owned real property, or a valid, binding and enforceable leasehold
    interest in such real property, in the case of leased real property, in
    each case free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except for any
    liens or encumbrances disclosed in the Meditrust Disclosure Schedule or
    which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material
    Adverse Effect on Meditrust.
    5.1.14 Indebtedness. Neither Meditrust, MAC nor any of the subsidiaries
  of Meditrust is in default or breach under any indebtedness of Meditrust,
  MAC or any of the subsidiaries of Meditrust, except where

  such default or breach, individually or in the aggregate, would not have a
  Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust or MAC.
    5.1.15 No Finder. Neither Meditrust nor any party acting on behalf of
  Meditrust has paid or become obligated to pay any fee or commission to any
  broker, finder or intermediary for or on account of the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement other than to Lazard Freres & Co. LLC
  pursuant to a letter agreement dated as of February 1, 1997.
    5.1.16 Tax Matters.
      (a) At all times since the initial public offering of Meditrust,
    Meditrust has been and will continue to be organized and operated in
    conformity with the REIT Requirements, and its proposed method of
    operation will enable it to continue to meet the REIT Requirements.
      (b) The execution or delivery by Meditrust of this Agreement and the
    consummation by Meditrust of the transactions contemplated hereby or
    compliance with or fulfillment of the terms and provisions hereof by
    Meditrust, will not adversely affect the qualification of Meditrust as
    a REIT, for each taxable year ending on or after the date of this
      (c) Each of Meditrust, MAC and each subsidiary of Meditrust has
    timely, completely and correctly filed all Federal, state and local tax
    returns and reports required to be filed by them, and have timely paid
    or made adequate provision for the payment of all taxes, if any,
    required to be paid with respect thereto, except where the failure to
    file or pay is not reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse
    Effect on Meditrust. Except as set forth in the Meditrust Disclosure
    Schedule, neither Meditrust, MAC nor any of the subsidiaries of
    Meditrust have been audited or examined by the IRS or any state or
    local taxing authority and no notice of any such audit has been
    received by Meditrust, MAC or any of the subsidiaries of Meditrust, nor
    have Meditrust, MAC or any of the subsidiaries of Meditrust extended
    any applicable statute of limitations for the assessment or collections
    of tax. No liens for taxes exist with respect to any assets or
    properties of Meditrust, MAC or any of the subsidiaries of Meditrust,
    except for statutory liens for taxes not yet due.
      (d) Each of Meditrust, MAC and each subsidiary of Meditrust has
    complied with all applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to
    the payment and withholding of taxes (including, without limitations,
    withholding of taxes pursuant to Sections 1441, 1442, 3121 and 3402 of
    the Code or similar provisions under any foreign federal laws or any
    state or local laws, domestic or foreign) and has, within the time and
    the manner prescribed by law, withheld from and paid over to the proper
    governmental authorities all amounts required to be so withheld and
    paid over under applicable laws, except where the failure to pay or
    withhold is not reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse Effect
    on Meditrust.
    5.1.17 Benefit Plans.
      (a) Each "employee pension benefit plan" (as defined in Section 3(2)
    of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended
    ("ERISA")) (hereinafter a "Pension Plan"), "employee welfare benefit
    plan" (as defined in Section 3(1) of ERISA) (hereinafter a "Welfare
    Plan"), and other plan, arrangement or policy (written or oral)
    relating to stock options, stock purchases, compensation, deferred
    compensation, severance, fringe benefits or other employee benefits, in
    each case maintained or contributed to, or required to be maintained or
    contributed to, by Meditrust, MAC or the subsidiaries of Meditrust for
    the benefit of any present or former employee, officer or director
    (each of the foregoing, a "Benefit Plan") has been administered in all
    material respects in accordance with its terms. Each of Meditrust, MAC
    and each subsidiary of Meditrust and all their Benefit Plans are in
    compliance with the applicable provisions of ERISA, all other
    applicable laws and all applicable collective bargaining agreements,
    except where the failure to comply would not reasonably be expected to
    have a Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust.
      (b) None of Meditrust or any Commonly Controlled Entity has incurred
    any liability to a Pension Plan under Title IV of ERISA (other than for
    contributions or liabilities under Section 412 of the Code not yet due)
    or to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (other than for payment
    of premiums not yet due) that, when aggregated with other such
    liabilities, would result in a material liability of Meditrust, which
    liability has not been fully paid.

      (c) No Commonly Controlled Entity has withdrawn from any
    "multiemployer plan" (as defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA) where
    such withdrawal has resulted or would result in any material
    "withdrawal liability" (within the meaning of Section 4201 of ERISA)
    that has not been fully paid.
      (d) Each Benefit Plan that is a Welfare Plan may be amended or
    terminated at any time after the Effective Time without any material
    increase in liability to the Surviving Corporations.
      (e) No employee of Meditrust, MAC or any of the subsidiaries of
    Meditrust will be entitled to any additional benefits or any
    acceleration of the time of payment or vesting of any benefits under
    any Benefit Plan as a result of the transactions contemplated by this
      (f) Each such Benefit Plan intended to be qualified under Section
    401(a) of the Code has received a favorable determination letter from
    the IRS that covers the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
  Section 5.2: Representations and Warranties of Realty.
  As an inducement to Meditrust and MAC to enter into this Agreement and to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, Realty represents and warrants
to Meditrust and MAC and agrees as follows:
    5.2.1 Organization of Realty. Realty is a corporation duly organized,
  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
  Delaware. Realty is duly qualified to transact business and is in good
  standing in each of the jurisdictions in which the ownership or leasing of
  the properties used in its business or the conduct of its business requires
  such qualification (each of which is listed in the Realty Disclosure
  Schedule), other than in such jurisdictions where the failure to be so
  qualified and in good standing would not, individually or in the aggregate,
  have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty. Realty has all requisite
  corporate power and authority to own or lease and operate its properties
  and to carry on its business as now conducted. Realty has delivered to
  Meditrust complete and correct copies of the Certificate of Incorporation
  (the "Realty Certificate") and by-laws (the "Realty By-laws") of Realty, in
  each case as amended and in effect on the date hereof. Realty has no
  subsidiaries, other than Santa Anita Realty LLC, which has not conducted,
  and conducts no business.
    5.2.2 Capitalization. On the date hereof, the authorized capital of
  Realty consists of 6,000,000 shares of preferred stock, $.10 par value (the
  "Realty Preferred Shares"), and 19,000,000 shares of common stock, $.10 par
  value (the "Realty Common Shares" and together with the Realty Preferred
  Shares, the "Realty Shares"), of which 867,343 Realty Preferred Shares and
  11,586,925 Realty Common Shares are validly issued and outstanding and are
  fully paid and nonassessable and of which none is reserved for any purpose,
  except those Realty Shares issuable upon exercise of the Realty Options (as
  defined below), the exchange of outstanding Realty Preferred Shares and the
  Rights. As of the date of this Agreement, Realty has granted options to
  purchase an aggregate of 315,675 Realty Common Shares (the "Realty
  Options") pursuant to option plans of Realty. Except for the Realty Options
  and the Rights, and except as contemplated by this Agreement or as
  disclosed in the Realty Disclosure Schedule, as of the date of this
  Agreement, there are no options, warrants or other rights to acquire, or
  agreements or commitments pursuant to which Realty is obligated to issue,
  sell, purchase or redeem shares of capital stock of Realty. 59,291
  restricted Realty Common Shares and options to purchase 470,000 Realty
  Common Shares have been issued pursuant to Operating's option plans. No
  restricted Santa Anita Shares have been issued pursuant to Realty's 1995
  Share Award Plan. The Acquired Shares and the Unaffiliated Acquired Shares
  have been duly authorized and, when issued and paid for in accordance with
  the terms of this Agreement, will be fully paid and nonassessable Santa
  Anita Shares, not subject to any preemptive right.
    5.2.3 Authority.
      (a) Realty has full corporate power and authority to enter into this
    Agreement and, subject to the approval by the shareholders of Realty of
    the Realty Shareholder Matters, to consummate the transactions
    contemplated hereby.
      (b) The execution, delivery and performance by Realty of this
    Agreement and the consummation by Realty of the transactions
    contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary
    corporate action on the part of Realty, subject to the approval by the
    shareholders of Realty of the Realty Shareholder Matters. This
    Agreement is the legal, valid and binding agreement of Realty,
    enforceable against Realty in accordance with its terms.

      (c) The execution or delivery by Realty of this Agreement and
    consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or compliance with
    or fulfillment of the terms and provisions hereof by Realty, will not
    (i) conflict with, result in a breach of the terms, conditions or
    provisions of, or constitute a default, an event of default or an event
    creating rights of acceleration, termination or cancellation or a loss
    of rights, or result in the creation or imposition of any encumbrance
    upon any of the assets of Realty, under the Realty Certificate, the
    Realty By-laws, the Pairing Agreement dated December 20, 1979 (the
    "Pairing Agreement") between Realty and Operating, or any other
    instrument or agreement to which Realty is a party or any of its
    properties is subject or by which it is bound or any statute, other law
    or regulatory provision affecting it, or (ii) require the approval,
    consent or authorization of, or the making of any declaration, filing
    or registration with, any third party or any foreign, federal, state or
    local court, governmental authority or regulatory body, by or on behalf
    of Realty, except, in the case of clauses (i) and (ii) above, for (A)
    the filing of appropriate documents with the SEC and pursuant to the
    HSR Act, (B) approval by the shareholders of Realty of the Realty
    Shareholder Matters, (C) those matters set forth in the Realty
    Disclosure Schedule, (D) filings with the Secretary of State of the
    State of Delaware and (E) such conflicts, breaches, defaults, events,
    creations, impositions, approvals, consents, declarations, filings or
    authorizations which would not reasonably be expected to either (x)
    have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty or (y) prevent or hinder the
    consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.
      (d) The Board of Directors of Realty has taken all action to exempt
    the transactions contemplated by this Agreement from Section 203 of the
    DGCL, the Rights Agreement and Article Ninth of the Realty Certificate.
    5.2.4 Litigation. Except as disclosed in the Realty Disclosure Schedule
  or in the Santa Anita SEC Documents, there are no actions, suits or
  proceedings or court orders, or decrees pending or, to the knowledge of
  Realty, threatened to which Realty is a party or any of its properties is
  subject or by which it is bound before or by any court or governmental
  agency, which if determined adversely to the interests of Realty, would
  reasonably be expected to either (x) have a Material Adverse Effect on
  Realty or (y) prevent or hinder the consummation of the transactions
  contemplated hereby.
    5.2.5 Financial Statements. Except as referenced in the Realty Disclosure
  Schedule, (i) prior to the execution of this Agreement, Realty has
  delivered to Meditrust true and complete copies of the audited balance
  sheets of Realty as of December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, and the related
  audited statements of operations, shareholders' equity and cash flows for
  each of the fiscal years then ended, together with a true and correct copy
  of the report on such audited information by Kenneth Leventhal & Co (for
  the 1994 fiscal year) and Ernst & Young LLP (for the 1995 and 1996 fiscal
  years), and all letters from such accountants with respect to the results
  of such audits; and (ii) except as set forth in the notes thereto, all such
  financial statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP and fairly
  present the financial condition and results of operations of Realty as of
  the respective dates thereof and for the respective periods covered
    5.2.6 Absence of Changes. Except for the execution and delivery of this
  Agreement and the transactions to take place pursuant hereto on the Closing
  Date, since December 31, 1996, except as disclosed in the Realty Disclosure
  Schedule, there has not been any material adverse change, or any event or
  development which, individually or together with other such events, could
  reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect on Realty.
    5.2.7 No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as reflected or reserved against
  in the balance sheet included in Realty's audited financial statements for
  the year ended December 31, 1996 or in the notes thereto or as disclosed in
  the Realty Disclosure Schedule, there are no liabilities against, relating
  to or affecting Realty or any of its assets and properties, known, unknown,
  fixed or contingent, other than liabilities incurred in the ordinary course
  of business consistent with past practice and such other liabilities which
  in the aggregate would not reasonably be expected to result in a Material
  Adverse Effect on Realty.
    5.2.8 Santa Anita SEC Documents. Except as referenced in the Realty
  Disclosure Schedule, (i) Realty has previously delivered or made available
  to Meditrust complete and correct copies of all Santa Anita SEC Documents;
  (ii) as of their respective dates, none of the Santa Anita SEC Documents

  any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact
  required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein
  not misleading; and (iii) Realty has timely made all filings required under
  the Securities Act and the Exchange Act and, as of their respective dates,
  all such filings complied, in all material respects, with the requirements
  of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, as applicable.
    5.2.9 Certain Matters. Except as disclosed in the Realty Disclosure
  Schedule, the Santa Anita SEC Documents, or in reports of consultants or
  title companies delivered to Meditrust prior to the date of this Agreement,
  there are no structural, mechanical, HVAC, zoning or title conditions
  relating to Realty's real property that would reasonably be expected,
  individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect on
    5.2.10 Environmental Matters. Realty has obtained all licenses which are
  required in respect of its business, operations, assets and properties
  under applicable environmental laws other than those which the failure to
  obtain would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate,
  to have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty. Except as disclosed in the
  Realty Disclosure Schedule, Realty is in compliance with the terms and
  conditions of all such licenses and with any applicable environmental law,
  except those where the failure to be in compliance would not reasonably be
  expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse
  Effect on Realty.
    5.2.11 Compliance with Laws and Orders. Except as disclosed in the Realty
  Disclosure Schedule, Realty is not, nor has Realty at any time within the
  last five years been, in violation of or in default under any law or order
  applicable to Realty or any of its assets and properties, which violation
  or default would reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate,
  to have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty.
    5.2.12 Real Property.
      (a) As to real property which is owned by Realty, Realty has good and
    marketable title to such real property, free and clear of any liens or
    other encumbrances, except the liens and encumbrances disclosed in the
    Realty Disclosure Schedule or which would not, individually or in the
    aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty.
      (b) As to real property in which Realty has a leasehold interest,
    Realty has a valid, binding and enforceable leasehold interest, free
    and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except for any liens or
    encumbrances disclosed in the Realty Disclosure Schedule or which would
    not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect
    on Realty.
      (c) As to real property which is owned indirectly by Realty through
    Realty's interest in a joint venture, partnership or similar ownership
    venture, (i) Realty has a good and valid interest in such joint
    venture, partnership or other entity, free and clear of all liens and
    encumbrances, except for any liens or encumbrances disclosed in the
    Realty Disclosure Schedule or which would not, individually or in the
    aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty; and (ii), to the
    knowledge of Realty, such joint venture, partnership or other entity
    has good and marketable title to such real property, in the case of
    owned real property, or a valid, binding and enforceable leasehold
    interest in such real property, in the case of leased real property,
    free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except for any liens or
    encumbrances disclosed in the Realty Disclosure Schedule or which would
    not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect
    on Realty.
    5.2.13 Indebtedness. Except as disclosed in the Realty Disclosure
  Schedule, Realty is not in default or breach under any indebtedness of
  Realty, except where such default or breach, individually or in the
  aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty.
    5.2.14 No Finder. Neither Realty nor any party acting on behalf of Realty
  has paid or become obligated to pay any fee or commission to any broker,
  finder or intermediary for or on account of the transactions contemplated
  by this Agreement other than to Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated pursuant
  to a letter agreement dated August 1, 1996.
    5.2.15 Former Agreement. The Amended and Restated Formation Agreement,
  dated as of October 24, 1996, as amended as of January 7, 1997, among
  Operating, Realty and Colony Investors II, L.P. ("Colony") has been
  terminated in accordance with its terms and Realty and Operating have no

  or obligations, contingent or otherwise, under or arising out of such
  agreement or the transactions contemplated thereby, except for obligations
  under the confidentiality provisions of such agreement, certain
  registration rights, certain limited rights of indemnification and as
  disclosed in the Realty Disclosure Schedule.
    5.2.16 Tax Matters.
      (a) At all times since January 1, 1980, Realty has been and will
    continue to be organized and operated in conformity with the REIT
    Requirements, and its proposed method of operation will enable it to
    continue to meet the REIT Requirements and to otherwise preserve the
    federal income tax status of its paired share status. The Pairing
    Agreement was duly and validly authorized and is a valid and binding
    agreement, enforceable against Realty in accordance with its terms. The
    Realty Shares are paired with the Operating Shares pursuant to the
    Pairing Agreement and such pairing is grandfathered from the
    application of Section 269B(a)(3) of the Code pursuant to Section
    136(c)(3) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984.
      (b)  The execution or delivery by Realty of this Agreement and the
    consummation by Realty of the transactions contemplated hereby or
    compliance with or fulfillment of the terms and provisions hereof by
    Realty, will not (i) conflict with the private letter rulings issued by
    the IRS to Realty dated October 16, 1979 and January 11, 1980 (the
    "Private Letter Rulings") or (ii) adversely affect the qualification of
    Realty as a REIT, for each taxable year ending on or after the date of
    this Agreement or adversely affect the ability of Realty to retain its
    status as grandfathered from the application of Section 269B(a)(3) of
    the Code pursuant to Section 136(c)(3) of the Deficit Reduction Act of
      (c) Since January 1, 1980, Realty and Operating have operated
    consistent with the Private Letter Rulings and the IRS has not revoked
    or threatened to revoke the Private Letter Rulings.
      (d) Except as disclosed in the Realty Disclosure Schedule, Realty has
    timely, completely and correctly filed all Federal, state and local tax
    returns and reports required to be filed by them, and has timely, paid
    or made adequate provision for the payment of all taxes, if any,
    required to be paid with respect thereto, except where the failure to
    file or pay is not reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse
    Effect on Realty. Except as set forth in the Realty Disclosure
    Schedule, neither Realty nor any of its subsidiaries have been audited
    or examined by the IRS or any state or local taxing authority and no
    notice of any such audit has been received by Realty, nor has Realty
    extended any applicable statute of limitations for the assessment or
    collections of tax. Except as disclosed in the Realty Disclosure
    Schedule, no liens for taxes exist with respect to any assets or
    properties of Realty or any of its subsidiaries, except for statutory
    liens for taxes not yet due.
      (e) Realty has complied with all applicable laws, rules and
    regulations relating to the payment and withholding of taxes (including
    without limitations, withholding of taxes pursuant to Sections 1441,
    1442, 3121 and 3402 of the Code or similar provisions under any foreign
    federal laws or any state or local laws, domestic or foreign) and has,
    within the time and the manner prescribed by law, withheld from and
    paid over to the proper governmental authorities all amounts required
    to be so withheld and paid over under applicable laws, except where the
    failure to pay or withhold is not reasonably expected to have a
    Material Adverse Effect on Realty.
    5.2.17 Benefit Plans.
      (a) Each Pension Plan, Welfare Plan and other plan, arrangement or
    policy (written or oral) relating to stock options, stock purchases,
    compensation, deferred compensation, severance, fringe benefits or
    other employee benefits, in each case maintained or contributed to, or
    required to be maintained or contributed to, by Realty for the benefit
    of any present or former employee, officer or director (each of the
    foregoing, a "Benefit Plan") has been administered in all material
    respects in accordance with its terms. Realty and all their Benefit
    Plans are in compliance with the applicable provisions of ERISA, all
    other applicable laws and all applicable collective bargaining
    agreements, except where the failure to comply would not reasonably be
    expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Realty.

      (b) None of Realty or any Commonly Controlled Entity has incurred any
    liability to a Pension Plan under Title IV of ERISA (other than for
    contributions or liabilities under Section 412 of the Code not yet due)
    or to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (other than for payment
    of premiums not yet due) that, when aggregated with other such
    liabilities, would result in a material liability of Realty, which
    liability has not been fully paid.
      (c) No Commonly Controlled Entity has withdrawn from any
    "multiemployer plan" (as defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA) where
    such withdrawal has resulted or would result in any material
    "withdrawal liability" (within the meaning of Section 4201 of ERISA)
    that has not been fully paid.
      (d) Each Benefit Plan that is a Welfare Plan may be amended or
    terminated at any time after the Effective Time without any material
    increase in liability to the Surviving Corporations.
      (e) Except as set forth in the Realty Disclosure Schedule, no
    employee of Realty or any of its subsidiaries will be entitled to any
    additional benefits or any acceleration of the time of payment or
    vesting of any benefits under any Benefit Plan as a result of the
    transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
      (f) Each such Benefit Plan intended to qualify under Section 401(a)
    of the Code has received a favorable determination letter from the IRS
    that covers the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
    5.2.18 Hahn Agreement. Realty has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement,
  dated as of January 27, 1997 (the "Memorandum"), with TrizecHahn Centers,
  Inc. ("Hahn"), pursuant to which Realty and Hahn have agreed (i) to
  cooperate to obtain the agreement of The Mitsubishi Bank, Limited to
  release Realty from the Santa Anita Repayment Guaranty (as defined in the
  Memorandum) and (iii) that Hahn will, subject to the full and faithful
  performance by Realty of its obligations under the Memorandum, defend,
  indemnify and hold Realty harmless from and against any and all claims,
  demands, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses, including
  reasonable attorneys' and consultant fees, arising out of or in connection
  with any liability under the Santa Anita Repayment Guaranty). To the
  knowledge of Realty, Hahn has a net worth in excess of $500 million.
  Section 5.3 Representations and Warranties of Operating.
  As an inducement to Meditrust and MAC to enter into this Agreement and to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, Operating represents and
warrants to Meditrust and MAC and agrees as follows:
    5.3.1 Organization of Operating. Operating is a corporation duly
  incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
  State of Delaware. Operating and its subsidiaries are each duly qualified
  to transact business and are each in good standing in each of the
  jurisdictions in which the ownership or leasing of the properties used in
  its business or the conduct of its business requires such qualification
  (each of which is listed in the Operating Disclosure Schedule), other than
  in such jurisdictions where the failure to be so qualified and in good
  standing would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material
  Adverse Effect on Operating. Operating has all requisite corporate power
  and authority to own or lease and operate its properties and to carry on
  its business as now conducted. Operating has delivered to Meditrust
  complete and correct copies of the Certificate of Incorporation (the
  "Operating Certificate") and by-laws (the "Operating By-laws") of
  Operating, in each case as amended and in effect on the date hereof.
    5.3.2 Operating Subsidiaries. The Operating Disclosure Schedule
  accurately and completely sets forth as to (a) each subsidiary of Operating
  which is a corporation, its name, the jurisdiction of its incorporation,
  the number of shares of its capital stock of each class outstanding and the
  number of such outstanding shares owned by Operating and its other
  subsidiaries and (b) as to each subsidiary of Operating which is not a
  corporation, its name, the jurisdiction of its organization or formation
  and a detailed description of its capital structure which indicates the
  direct or indirect interest of Operating in such subsidiary. Each
  subsidiary of Operating is a trust, corporation, limited liability company
  or partnership duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under
  the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation and has all requisite power
  and authority to own or lease and operate its properties, and to carry on
  its business as now conducted. All of the issued and outstanding shares of
  capital stock or other equity interests in each subsidiary of Operating are
  validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable and owned

  beneficially by Operating, free and clear of any liens or other
  encumbrances, and there are no options, warrants or other rights to
  acquire, or agreements or commitments pursuant to which any such subsidiary
  is obligated to issue, sell, purchase or redeem shares of capital stock or
  other equity interests in such subsidiary.
    5.3.3 Capitalization. On the date hereof, the authorized capital of
  Operating consists of 6,000,000 shares of preferred stock, $.10 par value
  (the "Operating Preferred Shares"), and 19,000,000 shares of common stock,
  $.10 par value (the "Operating Common Shares" and together with the
  Operating Preferred Shares, the "Operating Shares"), of which 867,343
  Operating Preferred Shares and 11,496,225 Operating Common Shares are
  validly issued and outstanding and are fully paid and nonassessable and of
  which none is reserved for any purpose, except those Operating Shares
  issuable upon exercise of the Operating Options (as hereinafter defined),
  the exchange of outstanding Operating Preferred Shares and the Rights.
  Operating has granted options to purchase an aggregate of 470,000 Operating
  Common Shares (the "Operating Options") pursuant to option plans of
  Operating. Except for the Operating Options, and except as contemplated by
  this Agreement or as disclosed in the Operating Disclosure Schedule, there
  are no options, warrants or other rights to acquire, or agreements or
  commitments pursuant to which Operating is obligated to issue, sell,
  purchase or redeem shares of capital stock of Operating. 59,291 restricted
  Operating Common Shares have been issued pursuant to Operating's 1995 Share
  Award Plan. The Acquired Shares and the Unaffiliated Acquired Shares have
  been duly authorized and when issued and paid for in accordance with the
  terms of this Agreement, will be fully paid and nonassessable Santa Anita
  Shares, not subject to any preemptive right.
    5.3.4 Authority.
      (a) Operating has full corporate power and authority to enter into
    this Agreement and, subject to the approval by the shareholders of
    Operating of the Operating Shareholder Matters, to consummate the
    transactions contemplated hereby.
      (b) The execution, delivery and performance by Operating of this
    Agreement and the consummation by Operating of the transactions
    contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary
    corporate action on the part of Operating, subject to the approval by
    the shareholders of Operating of the Operating Shareholder Matters.
    This Agreement is the legal, valid and binding agreement of Operating,
    enforceable against Operating in accordance with its respective terms.
      (c) The execution or delivery by Operating of this Agreement and
    consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or compliance with
    or fulfillment of the terms and provisions hereof by Operating, will
    not (i) conflict with, result in a breach of the terms, conditions or
    provisions of, or constitute a default, an event of default or an event
    creating rights of acceleration, termination or cancellation or a loss
    of rights, or result in the creation or imposition of any encumbrance
    upon any of the assets of Operating or any of its subsidiaries, under
    the Operating Certificate, the Operating By-laws, the organizational
    documents of any subsidiary of Operating, the Pairing Agreement or any
    other instrument or agreement to which Operating or any of its
    subsidiaries is a party or any of their respective properties is
    subject or by which any of them is bound or any statute, other law or
    regulatory provision affecting any of them, or (ii) require the
    approval, consent or authorization of, or the making of any
    declaration, filing or registration with, any third party or any
    foreign, federal, state or local court, governmental authority or
    regulatory body, by or on behalf of Operating or any of its
    subsidiaries, except for (A) the filing of appropriate documents with
    the SEC and pursuant to the HSR Act, (B) approval by the shareholders
    of Operating of the Operating Shareholder Matters, (C) those matters
    set forth in the Operating Disclosure Schedule, (D) filings with the
    Secretary of State of Delaware and (E) such conflicts, breaches,
    defaults, events, creations, impositions, approvals, consents,
    declarations, filings or authorizations, which would not reasonably be
    expected to either (x) have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating or
    (y) prevent or hinder the consummation of the transactions contemplated
      (d) The Pairing Agreement is duly and validly authorized and is a
    valid and binding agreement, enforceable against Operating in
    accordance with its terms. The Operating Shares are paired with the
    Realty Shares pursuant to the Pairing Agreement and Section 136(c)(3)
    of the Deficit Reduction Act

    of 1984; such pairing does not cause the activities of Operating to be
    attributed to Realty as provided in Section 269B(a)(3) of the Code.
      (e) The Board of Directors of Operating has taken all action to
    exempt the transactions contemplated by this Agreement from Section 203
    of the DGCL, the Rights Agreement and Article Ninth of the Operating
    5.3.5 Litigation. Except as disclosed in the Operating Disclosure
  Schedule or in the Santa Anita SEC Documents, there are no actions, suits
  or proceedings or court orders or decrees pending, or, to the knowledge of
  Operating, threatened to which Operating or its subsidiaries is a party or
  any of its properties is subject or by which it is bound before or by any
  court or governmental agency, which if determined adversely to the
  interests of Operating or its subsidiaries, would reasonably be expected to
  either (x) have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating or (y) prevent or
  hinder the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.
    5.3.6 Financial Statements. Prior to the execution of this Agreement,
  Operating has delivered to Meditrust true and complete copies of the
  audited consolidated balance sheets of Operating and its subsidiaries as of
  December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, and the related audited consolidated
  statements of operations, shareholders' equity and cash flows for each of
  the fiscal years then ended, together with a true and correct copy of the
  report on such audited information by Kenneth Leventhal & Co. (for the 1994
  fiscal year) and Ernst & Young LLP (for the 1995 and 1996 fiscal years),
  and all letters from such accountants with respect to the results of such
  audits. Except as set forth in the notes thereto, all such financial
  statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP and fairly present the
  consolidated financial condition and results of operations of Operating and
  its consolidated subsidiaries as of the respective dates thereof and for
  the respective periods covered thereby.
    5.3.7 Absence of Changes. Except for the execution and delivery of this
  Agreement and the transactions to take place pursuant hereto on the Closing
  Date, and except as disclosed in the Operating Disclosure Schedule, since
  December 31, 1996, there has not been any material adverse change, or any
  event or development which, individually or together with other such
  events, could reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect
  on Operating.
    5.3.8 No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as reflected or reserved against
  in the consolidated balance sheet included in Operating's audited financial
  statements for the year ended December 31, 1996 or in the notes thereto or
  as disclosed in the Operating Disclosure Schedule, there are no liabilities
  against, relating to or affecting Operating or any of its subsidiaries or
  any of its assets and properties, known, unknown, fixed or contingent,
  other than liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business
  consistent with past practice and such other liabilities which in the
  aggregate would not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse
  Effect on Operating.
    5.3.9 Santa Anita SEC Documents. Except as referenced in the Operating
  Disclosure Schedule, (i) Operating has previously delivered or made
  available to Meditrust complete and correct copies of the Santa Anita SEC
  Documents; (ii) as of their respective dates, none of the Santa Anita SEC
  Documents contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to
  state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make
  the statements therein not misleading; and (iii) Operating has timely made
  all filings required under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act and, as
  of their respective dates, all such filings complied, in all material
  respects, with the requirements of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act,
  as applicable.
    5.3.10 Certain Matters. Except as disclosed in the Santa Anita SEC
  Documents, the Operating Disclosure Schedule or in reports of consultants
  or title companies delivered to Meditrust prior to the date of this
  Agreement, there are no structural, mechanical, HVAC, zoning or title
  conditions relating to real property of Operating or any of its
  subsidiaries would reasonably be expected, individually or in the
  aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.
    5.3.11 Environmental Matters. Each of Operating and its subsidiaries has
  obtained all licenses which are required in respect of its business,
  operations, assets and properties under applicable environmental laws other
  than those which the failure to obtain would not reasonably be expected,
  individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect on
  Operating. Except as disclosed in

  the Operating Disclosure Schedule, each of Operating and its subsidiaries
  is in compliance with the terms and conditions of all such licenses and
  with any applicable environmental law, except those where the failure to be
  in compliance would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the
  aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.
    5.3.12 Compliance with Laws and Orders. Except as disclosed in the
  Operating Disclosure Schedule, none of Operating and its subsidiaries is,
  nor has any of Operating and its subsidiaries at any time within the last
  five years been, in violation of or in default under any law or order
  including, without limitation, the California Horse Racing Board applicable
  to Operating and its subsidiaries or any of their assets and properties,
  which violations or default would reasonably be expected, individually or
  in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.
    5.3.13 Real Property
      (a) As to real property which is owned to the best of its knowledge,
    by Operating or by any of its subsidiaries, good and marketable title
    to the real property, free and clear of any liens or other
    encumbrances, except the liens and encumbrances disclosed in the
    Operating Disclosure Schedule or which would not individually or in the
    aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.
      (b) As to real property in which Operating or any of its subsidiaries
    has a leasehold interest, Operating or such subsidiary has a valid,
    binding and enforceable leasehold interest, free and clear of any liens
    or other encumbrances except the liens and encumbrances disclosed in
    the Operating Disclosure Schedule or which would not, individually or
    in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.
      (c) As to real property which is owned indirectly by Operating or any
    of its subsidiaries, through Operating's or any of its subsidiaries'
    interest in a joint venture, partnership or similar ownership venture,
    (i) Operating or its subsidiaries, as the case may be, has a good and
    valid interest in such joint venture, partnership or other entity free
    and clear of any liens or other encumbrances; and (ii), to the
    knowledge of Operating such joint venture, partnership or other entity
    has good and marketable title to such real property, in the case of
    owned real property, or a valid, binding and enforceable leasehold
    interest in such real property, in the case of leased real property,
    free and clear of any liens or other encumbrances, except the liens and
    encumbrances disclosed in the Operating Disclosure Schedule or which
    would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse
    Effect on Operating.
    5.3.14 Indebtedness. Neither Operating nor any of its subsidiaries is in
  default or breach under any indebtedness of Operating or any of its
  subsidiaries, except where such default or breach, individually or in the
  aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.
    5.3.15 No Finder. Neither Operating nor any party acting on behalf of
  Operating has paid or become obligated to pay any fee or commission to any
  broker, finder or intermediary for or on account of the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement, other than to Morgan Stanley & Co.
  Incorporated pursuant to a letter agreement dated August 1, 1996.
    5.3.16 Former Agreement. The Amended and Restated Formation Agreement,
  dated as of October 24, 1996, as amended as of January 7, 1997, among
  Operating, Realty and Colony has been terminated in accordance with its
  terms and Realty and Operating have no liabilities or obligations,
  contingent or otherwise, under or arising out of such agreement or the
  transactions contemplated thereby, except for obligations under the
  confidentiality provisions of such agreement, certain registration rights,
  certain limited rights of indemnification and as disclosed in the Operating
  Disclosure Schedule.
    5.3.17 Tax Matters.
      (a) Operating and its subsidiaries have timely, completely and
    correctly filed all Federal, state and local tax returns and reports
    required to be filed by them, and have timely paid or made adequate
    provision for the payment of all taxes, if any, required to be paid
    with respect thereto, except where the failure to file or pay is not
    reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.

    Except as set forth in the Operating Disclosure Schedule, neither
    Operating nor any of its subsidiaries have been audited or examined by
    the IRS or any state or local taxing authority and no notice of any
    such audit has been received by Operating or any of its subsidiaries,
    nor have Operating or any of its subsidiaries extended any applicable
    statute of limitations for the assessment or collections of tax. No
    liens for taxes exist with respect to any assets or properties of
    Operating or any of its subsidiaries, except for statutory liens for
    taxes not yet due.
      (b) Operating and each of its subsidiaries has complied with all
    applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to the payment and
    withholding of taxes (including, without limitations, withholding of
    taxes pursuant to Sections 1441, 1442, 3121 and 3402 of the Code or
    similar provisions under any foreign federal laws or any state or local
    laws, domestic or foreign) and has, within the time and the manner
    prescribed by law, withheld from and paid over to the proper
    governmental authorities all amounts required to be so withheld and
    paid over under applicable laws, except where the failure to pay or
    withhold is not reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse Effect
    on Operating.
    5.3.18 Benefit Plans.
      (a) Each Pension Plan, Welfare Plan and other plan, arrangement or
    policy (written or oral) relating to stock options, stock purchases,
    compensation, deferred compensation, severance, fringe benefits or
    other employee benefits, in each case maintained or contributed to, or
    required to be maintained or contributed to, by Operating or its
    subsidiaries for the benefit of any present or former employee, officer
    or director (each of the foregoing, a "Benefit Plan") has been
    administered in all material respects in accordance with its terms.
    Operating and its subsidiaries and all their Benefit Plans are in
    compliance with the applicable provisions of ERISA, all other
    applicable laws and all applicable collective bargaining agreements,
    except where the failure to comply would not reasonably be expected to
    have a Material Adverse Effect on Operating.
      (b) None of Operating or any Commonly Controlled Entity has incurred
    any liability to a Pension Plan under Title IV of ERISA (other than for
    contributions or liabilities under Section 412 of the Code not yet due)
    or to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (other than for payment
    of premiums not yet due) that, when aggregated with other such
    liabilities, would result in a material liability of Operating, which
    liability has not been fully paid.
      (c) No Commonly Controlled Entity has withdrawn from any
    "multiemployer plan" (as defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA) where
    such withdrawal has resulted or would result in any material
    "withdrawal liability" (within the meaning of Section 4201 of ERISA)
    that has not been fully paid.
      (d) Each Benefit Plan that is a Welfare Plan may be amended or
    terminated at any time after the Effective Time without any material
    increase in liability to the Surviving Corporations.
      (e) Except as set forth in the Operating Disclosure Schedule, no
    employee of Operating or any of its subsidiaries will be entitled to
    any additional benefits or any acceleration of the time of payment or
    vesting of any benefits under any Benefit Plan as a result of the
    transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
      (f) Each such Benefit Plan intended to be qualified under Section
    401(a) of the Code has received a favorable determination letter from
    the IRS that covers the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
                                   ARTICLE VI
  Section 6.1: Conduct Pending the Closing. Each of Meditrust, MAC, Realty and
Operating covenants and agrees as to itself and its subsidiaries that, from and
after the date hereof until the Effective Time, except insofar as the other
party shall otherwise consent or except as otherwise contemplated by this
Agreement or its Disclosure Schedule:

    6.1.1 Taking into account any operational matters that may arise that are
  primarily attributable to the pendency of the Reorganization, it will use
  reasonable best efforts such that the business of it and its subsidiaries
  will be conducted only in the ordinary and usual course consistent with
  past practice and existing business plans and, to the extent consistent
  therewith, it and its subsidiaries will use all reasonable efforts to
  preserve their business organization intact and maintain their existing
  relations with customers, suppliers, employees and business associates.
    6.1.2 Neither Realty, MAC nor Meditrust shall take any action or omit to
  take any action that would cause Realty, MAC or Meditrust to be
  disqualified as a REIT or which would result in a loss of Realty's status
  as grandfathered from the application of Section 269B(a)(3) of the Code
  pursuant to Section 136(c)(3) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 or other
  failure to meet the REIT Requirements.
    6.1.3 Neither Realty nor Operating shall, and Operating shall cause the
  subsidiaries it controls not to, without the prior written consent of
  Meditrust, which shall not be unreasonably withheld,
      (a) voluntarily sell, transfer or dispose of any real property of
    Realty or of Operating;
      (b) incur any debt or lease obligations or purchase money financing
    obligations, other than, in each case, in the ordinary course of
    business consistent with past practice (for example, trade payables);
      (c) acquire any additional real estate or other assets (other than
    receipt of cash or investments of cash in cash-equivalents in
    connection with permitted sales of assets);
      (d) adopt or propose any change in their respective certificates of
    incorporation or any material change in their respective bylaws;
      (e) subject to the provisions of Section 6.2, adopt, or permit any of
    their respective subsidiaries to adopt, a plan or agreement of complete
    or partial liquidation, dissolution, merger, consolidation,
    restructuring, recapitalization or other material reorganization of
    Operating, Realty or any of their respective subsidiaries (other than a
    liquidation or dissolution of any subsidiary or a merger or
    consolidation between wholly owned subsidiaries);
      (f) redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire directly or indirectly any
    of Operating's or Realty's capital stock except acquisitions of
    restricted stock pursuant to the terms of Operating's option plans;
      (g) (i) grant any severance or termination pay to any director,
    officer or employee, (ii) enter into any employment, deferred
    compensation or other similar agreement (or any amendment to any such
    existing agreement) with any director, officer or employee, (iii)
    increase benefits payable under any existing severance or termination
    pay policies or employment agreements or (iv) increase compensation,
    bonus or other benefits payable to directors, officers or employees
    other than, in the case of clause (iv) only, increases in compensation,
    bonus or other benefits payable to employees in the ordinary course of
    business consistent with past practice or merit increases in salaries
    of employees at regularly scheduled times in customary amounts
    consistent with past practices;
      (h) issue or enter into any executory agreement to issue any new
    equity securities other than (A) Santa Anita Shares issued in
    replacement of lost, stolen or transferred outstanding shares, (B)
    Santa Anita Shares to be issued upon exercise of options or warrants
    outstanding, (C) Santa Anita Shares to be issued upon exchange of Santa
    Anita Preferred Shares, (D) Santa Anita Shares to be issued pursuant to
    the Rights Agreement, or (E) as otherwise contemplated by this
      (i) declare and pay any dividends or make other distributions to
    holders of Realty Shares in excess of $.20 per Realty Share per quarter
    or such additional dividends as are otherwise necessary for Realty to
    satisfy the REIT Requirements, or repay indebtedness except for
    scheduled repayments pursuant to the terms of such indebtedness;
      (j) amend or terminate the Rights Agreement unless advised by outside
    counsel that such amendment or termination could reasonably be required
    by the fiduciary duties of its Board of Directors; or

      (k) agree, or permit any subsidiary to agree, or commit to do any of
    the foregoing.
    6.1.4 Meditrust shall not, without the prior written consent of Realty
  and Operating, which shall not be unreasonably withheld,
      (a) issue any Meditrust Shares at a price materially less than
    prevailing market prices, except for Meditrust Shares issued pursuant
    to existing contractual obligations or pursuant to employee benefit
    plans; and
      (b) increase its quarterly dividends to holders of Meditrust Shares
    by more than $.0075 per Meditrust Share per quarter or by such
    additional amount as is otherwise necessary for Meditrust to satisfy
    the REIT Requirements.
  Section 6.2: Acquisition Proposals. (a) From the date of this Agreement until
the Closing Date, neither Realty nor Operating nor any of their respective
subsidiaries will, and each of Realty and Operating will use their best efforts
to cause their respective directors and any other persons acting, or purporting
to act, on their behalf (including, but not limited to, their officers,
employees, investment bankers, financial advisors, attorneys or accountants)
not to, initiate any contact with, solicit, encourage or enter into or continue
any discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements with, anyone other
than Meditrust (a "Third Party") with respect to, or furnish or disclose any
non-public information regarding Realty, Operating or their subsidiaries, to
any Third Party in connection with, any Competing Transaction Proposal.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent the Realty Board and the Operating
Board could reasonably be required by their fiduciary duties as determined in
good faith on the written advice of outside counsel to Realty and Operating, to
take the following steps at any time prior to approval by the Realty
shareholders of the Realty Shareholder Matters and approval by the Operating
shareholders of the Operating Shareholder Matters, (i) Realty and Operating
may, in response to an unsolicited request, furnish non-public information with
respect to Realty and Operating or their subsidiaries to any Third Party
pursuant to a customary confidentiality and standstill agreement and discuss
that information (but not a Competing Transaction Proposal) with the Third
Party and (ii) upon receipt by Realty or Operating of a Competing Transaction
Proposal from a Third Party, if each of the Realty Board and the Operating
Board has reasonably determined that the transaction contemplated by the
Competing Transaction Proposal, if consummated, would constitute an Alternative
Transaction, then Realty and Operating may participate in discussions and
negotiations with the Third Party regarding the Competing Transaction Proposal.
  (b) At least five business days prior to entering into definitive agreements
with respect to an Alternative Transaction, Realty and Operating will deliver
an Alternative Transaction Notice to Meditrust advising it of the determination
by the Realty Board and the Operating Board that the transaction contemplated
by the Competing Transaction Proposal would constitute an Alternative
Transaction, which notice will include a summary of the Alternative
Transaction. During such five business day period, Meditrust may propose an
improved transaction to Realty and Operating.
  (c) If prior to the approval by the shareholders of Realty of the Realty
Shareholder Matters and approval by the shareholders of Operating of the
Operating Shareholder Matters (i) Realty and Operating have delivered an
Alternative Transaction Notice to Meditrust in accordance with Section 6.2(b),
(ii) the terms of the Alternative Transaction are not modified in a manner
adverse to Realty or Operating and (iii) Realty and Operating have paid the
Termination Fee to Meditrust and reimbursed Meditrust's Transaction Expenses,
then Realty and Operating may terminate this Agreement and enter into an
agreement with a Qualified Third Party with respect to the Alternative
Transaction described in the Alternative Transaction Notice that Realty and
Operating gave to Meditrust. A "Qualified Third Party" means a Third Party
which the Board of Directors of Realty and Operating reasonably determine has
the financial ability (including, to the extent external financing will be
required, binding commitments for that financing) to complete an Alternative
  (d) Neither Realty nor Operating will modify, or release any third party
from, any confidentiality or standstill agreement to which either of them is a

  Section 6.3: Information Supplied. Each of the parties hereto agrees that
none of the information supplied or to be supplied by it for inclusion or
incorporation by reference in any registration statement, proxy statement or
Schedule 14A, or any amendment or supplement thereto, will, in the case of a
registration statement, at the time such registration statement and each
amendment and supplement thereto becomes effective under the Securities Act,
or, in the case of a proxy statement or Schedule 14A, at the time such proxy
statement or Schedule 14A and each amendment and supplement thereto is filed
with the SEC or mailed to shareholders and at the time of the applicable
meeting, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any
material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the
statements therein not misleading.
  Section 6.4: Shareholder Approvals; Registration Statement.
    6.4.1 Registration Statement. Realty, Operating, Meditrust and MAC shall
  prepare and file with the SEC the Registration Statement registering the
  issuance of the Santa Anita Shares to Meditrust's and MAC's shareholders,
  which shall include a joint proxy statement to solicit proxies in
  connection with the meetings of the shareholders of each of Realty,
  Operating, Meditrust and MAC referred to in Section 6.4.2 (the form of such
  joint proxy statement, together with any amendments thereof or supplements
  thereto, mailed to the shareholders of each of Realty, Operating, Meditrust
  and MAC in connection with such meetings is referred to herein as the
  "Proxy Statement").
    6.4.2 Shareholder Meetings. Subject to the second succeeding sentence,
  each of Realty, Operating, Meditrust and MAC agrees to take, in accordance
  with applicable law and its Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws or
  Charter, all action necessary to convene a meeting of its respective
  shareholders, as promptly as practicable after the Proxy Statement is
  cleared by the SEC, to consider and vote upon the approval of the
  transactions contemplated hereby. Subject to the next succeeding sentence,
  each of the Realty Board, the Operating Board, the Meditrust Board and the
  Board of Trustees of MAC shall recommend such adoption and approval and
  shall take all lawful action to solicit such approval by shareholders. Each
  of the Realty Board or the Operating Board may fail to take action
  necessary to convene a meeting of its shareholders or make such a
  recommendation, or withdraw, modify, or change any such recommendation, or
  recommend any other offer or proposal, only if Realty and Operating have
  complied with Section 6.2(a) and an Alternative Transaction is pending at
  the time the Realty Board and Operating Board make such determination;
  provided that no such failure to convene a meeting or to recommend, or no
  such withdrawal, modification or change of any such recommendation or
  recommendation of any other offer or proposal shall be made unless (a)
  Realty and Operating shall have delivered to Meditrust at least 48 hours
  written notice advising Meditrust that the Boards of Realty and Operating
  have received a proposal for an Alternative Transaction and identifying the
  person or persons making such proposal and (b) such Board, based on the
  written opinion of its outside counsel, has determined that convening such
  a meeting, making such recommendation, or the failure to recommend any
  other offer or proposal, or the failure to so withdraw, modify, or change
  its recommendation, or the failure to recommend any other offer or
  proposal, could reasonably be deemed to cause the members of such board to
  breach their fiduciary duties under applicable law. In such event,
  notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, any
  such failure to convene such a meeting, failure to recommend, withdrawal,
  modification, or change of recommendation or recommendation of such other
  offer or proposal, or the entering by Realty and Operating into an
  agreement with respect to an Alternative Transaction in accordance with
  Section 6.2, shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement by Realty and
  Operating. Neither Meditrust nor MAC shall be required to convene its
  shareholder meeting if Realty and Operating do not convene their respective
  shareholder meetings as described in this Section 6.4.2.
  Section 6.5: Other Actions.
    6.5.1 Each party hereto shall cooperate with the other parties hereto,
  subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, use its reasonable
  best efforts promptly to prepare and file all necessary documentation, to
  effect all necessary applications, notices, petitions, filings and other
  documents, and to obtain as promptly as practicable all necessary permits,
  consents, orders, approvals and authorizations of,

  or any exemption by, all third parties and Governmental Entities necessary
  or advisable to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. Each party
  shall have the right to review in advance, and each will use its best
  efforts to consult with the other, in each case, subject to applicable laws
  relating to the exchange of information, with respect to all the
  information relating to the other parties which appear in any filing made
  with, or written materials submitted to, any third party or any
  Governmental Entity in connection with the transactions contemplated
  hereby. In exercising the foregoing rights, each of the parties hereto
  shall act reasonably and as promptly as practicable. Each party hereto
  shall consult with the other parties hereto with respect to the obtaining
  of all permits, consents, approvals and authorizations of all third parties
  and Governmental Entities necessary or advisable to consummate the
  transactions contemplated hereby and each party shall keep the other
  parties hereto apprised of the status of matters relating to completion of
  the transactions contemplated hereby.
    6.5.2 Each party hereto shall, upon request and except as otherwise may
  be required by applicable law, furnish the other parties hereto with all
  information concerning itself, its subsidiaries, directors, trustees,
  officers and shareholders and other Affiliates and such other matters as
  may be reasonably necessary or advisable in connection any statement,
  filing, notice or application made by or on behalf of such other party or
  any of its Affiliates to any Governmental Entity in connection with any
  transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
    6.5.3 Each party hereto shall, subject to applicable laws relating to the
  exchange of information, promptly furnish the other parties hereto with
  copies of written communications received by each such party, or any of its
  subsidiaries, associates or other Affiliates, from, or delivered by any of
  the foregoing to, any Governmental Entity in respect of the transactions
  contemplated hereby.
    6.5.4 Each party hereto shall cooperate with each other party hereto and
  promptly take or cause to be taken all actions and do or cause to be done
  all things necessary, proper or advisable to obtain favorable review of the
  proposed transaction under the HSR Act, which efforts shall include,
  without limitation, except as otherwise may be required by applicable law,
  obtaining mutual agreement concerning agency appearances and submissions
  and allowing each party or its attorneys to (i) interview the other party's
  employees, (ii) review the other party's documents and data, (iii) assist
  in all preparation for any agency interviews, depositions or voluntary
  agency appearances and attend such appearances to the extent permitted by
  agency rules and (iv) review and approve in advance of submission any
  written materials to be submitted to the agency. Each of the parties hereto
  shall use reasonable best efforts to resolve any objections that may be
  asserted with respect to the Reorganization by the Department of Justice,
  the Federal Trade Commission, any State Attorney General or any other
  Governmental Entity (including, without limitation, objections under any
  antitrust laws). In the event a suit is threatened or instituted
  challenging the Reorganization as violative of any antitrust laws, each
  party shall use reasonable efforts to avoid the filing of, resist or
  resolve such suit. The parties hereto shall use reasonable efforts to take
  such action as may be required: (i) by the Department of Justice, the
  Federal Trade Commission, any State Attorney General or any other
  Governmental Entity in order to resolve such objections as any of them may
  have to the Reorganization, or (ii) by any federal or state court of the
  United States, in any suit brought by a private party or Governmental
  Entity challenging the Reorganization as violative of any antitrust laws,
  in order to avoid the entry of, or to cause the withdrawal or voiding of,
  any injunction, temporary restraining order or other order which has the
  effect of preventing the consummation of the transactions contemplated
  Section 6.6: Access.
  (a) Upon reasonable notice, and except as may otherwise be required by
applicable law or contractual requirements, each party hereto shall afford each
other party's Representatives full access, during normal business hours
throughout the period until the Effective Time, to its properties, books,
Contracts, records, employees, contract employees and accountants and, during
such period, shall (and shall cause each of its subsidiaries to) furnish
promptly to the other party all information concerning its business, properties
and personnel as may reasonably be requested, provided that no investigation
pursuant to this Section 6.6 shall be

deemed to modify any representation or warranty made by the party furnishing
such information. Each party hereto shall not, and shall cause its respective
Representatives not to, use any information obtained pursuant to this Section
for any purpose unrelated to the consummation of the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement. Subject to the requirements of law, pending consummation of
the transactions herein contemplated, each party conducting an investigation
hereunder (the "Examining Party") shall keep confidential, and shall cause its
Representatives to keep confidential, all information and documents obtained
from the other party (the "Examined Party") pursuant to this Section or during
the investigation leading up to the execution of this Agreement unless such
information (i) was already known to the Examining Party (unless subject to a
separate confidentiality agreement with the Examined Party), (ii) becomes
available to the Examining Party from other sources not known by the Examining
Party to be bound by a confidentiality obligation to the Examined Party, (iii)
is independently acquired by the Examining Party as a result of work carried
out by any employee or representative of the Examining Party to whom no
disclosure of such information has been made, (iv) is disclosed with the prior
written approval of the Examined Party or (v) is or becomes readily
ascertainable from published information or trade sources. Upon any termination
of this Agreement, each party shall (i) collect and deliver to the other party
all nonpublic documents obtained by it or any of its Representatives from the
other party and then in their possession and any copies thereof and (ii)
destroy or cause to be destroyed all notes, memoranda or other documents in the
possession of it or any of its Representatives containing or reflecting any
nonpublic information obtained from the other party.
  (b) Each of Realty and Operating agrees that it will notify Meditrust in
advance of any material communications made to or received from the SEC, the
IRS, the California Horse Racing Board and any other regulatory authority
having jurisdiction over Realty or Operating and, to the extent reasonably
practicable, will solicit Meditrust's comments regarding such communications
and any written materials submitted to any such authority.
  (c) Each of Realty and Operating agrees to make available to Meditrust
promptly upon the written request of Meditrust, and in no event later than the
time prescribed by applicable statute, all information and materials to which
Meditrust would be entitled under Section 220 of the DGCL if Meditrust were a
shareholder of Realty and Operating at the time of such request. Each of Realty
and Operating further agrees to treat Meditrust as a shareholder of such
company and to afford to Meditrust all rights to which Meditrust would be
entitled a shareholder under Rules 14a-7 and 14d-5 under the Exchange Act (it
being understood that such right may not be satisfied by Realty or Operating
electing to mail materials to its shareholders).
  Section 6.7: Notification of Certain Matters.
  (a) Each party shall give prompt notice to the other party of any change that
is reasonably likely to result in any Material Adverse Effect.
  (b) Each of Realty and Operating shall promptly (and in any event within 48
hours) notify Meditrust and provide copies of (i) any request made by any
shareholder pursuant to Section 220 of the DGCL or Rules 14d-5 or 14a-7 under
the Exchange Act and (ii) any amendments filed by any person holding in excess
of 5% of the Santa Anita Shares to their statements on Schedule 13D.
  (c) Each party shall give prompt notice to the other parties of (i) any
notice or communication from any Person alleging that the consent of such
person is or may be required in connection with the consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and (ii) any actions, suits,
proceedings, court orders or decrees commenced or, to its knowledge, threatened
against it or any of its subsidiaries which, if pending on the date of this
Agreement, would be required to be disclosed pursuant to Section 5.1.5, 5.2.4
or 5.3.5, as applicable.
  Section 6.8: Publicity. The initial press release relating hereto shall be a
joint press release and, thereafter, each party hereto shall consult with each
other party hereto prior to issuing any press releases or otherwise making
public statements with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and
prior to making any filings with any Governmental Entity or stock exchange with
respect thereto.

  Section 6.9: Indemnification of Directors and Officers. From and after the
Closing Date, each of Realty Surviving Corporation and Operating Surviving
Corporation shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the respective present
officers, directors and employees of Realty and Operating and any of their
respective subsidiaries against all losses, expenses, claims, damages or
liabilities arising out of actions or omissions occurring on or prior to the
Closing Date (including, without limitation, the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement) to the full extent permitted or required under applicable law
(and shall also advance expenses as incurred to the fullest extent permitted
under applicable law, provided that, to the extent required by applicable law,
the person to whom expenses are advanced provides an undertaking to repay such
advances if it is ultimately determined that such person is not entitled to
indemnification). Each of Realty and Operating agrees that all rights to
indemnification, including provisions relating to advances of expenses incurred
in defense of any action or suit, existing in favor of the present directors,
officers and employees of Realty and Operating or any of their respective
subsidiaries (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") as provided in the
Realty Certificate or Realty By-laws and the Operating Certificate or Operating
By-laws or pursuant to other agreements, as in effect as of the date hereof,
shall survive the Closing and shall continue in full force and effect. Each of
Realty Surviving Corporation and Operating Surviving Corporation shall maintain
in effect for not less than six years the current policies (or comparable
policies) of directors' and officers' liability insurance maintained by Realty
and Operating with respect to matters occurring prior to the Closing Date;
provided however, that if the aggregate annual premiums for such insurance
during such six year period shall exceed 200% of the per annum rate of the
aggregate premium currently paid by Operating and Realty and any of their
respective subsidiaries for such insurance on the date of this Agreement, then
Meditrust shall cause each of Realty Surviving Corporation and Operating
Surviving Corporation to, and each of Realty Surviving Corporation and
Operating Surviving Corporation shall, provide the most advantageous coverage
that shall then be available at an annual premium equal to 200% of such rate.
This Section 6.9 is intended to benefit the Indemnified Parties.
  Section 6.10: Colony Termination Fee. Realty and Operating have paid to
Colony $4,500,000 as a termination fee and transaction expenses pursuant to the
Amended and Restated Formation Agreement, dated as of October 24, 1996, as
amended as of January 7, 1997. If either Meditrust or MAC fail to call their
respective shareholders meetings or the shareholders fail to approve the
Meditrust Shareholder Matters or the MAC Shareholder Matters at their
respective shareholder meetings, and the Realty Shareholder Matters and the
Operating Shareholder Matters are approved and all other conditions to
Meditrust's consummation of the Reorganization have been satisfied, Meditrust
shall pay to Realty and Operating $4,000,000 in the aggregate; provided,
however, that if Realty determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that
its portion of such amount will affect its qualification as a REIT, then the
parties will negotiate in good faith an arrangement acceptable to Realty. In no
event shall such payment be less than the lower of (a) the maximum amount which
Realty may receive without affecting its qualification as a REIT and (b) the
amount to be paid pursuant to this Section 6.10 without regard to this
                                  ARTICLE VII
  Section 7.1: Conditions to Each Party's Obligation. The respective obligation
of each party hereto to consummate the Mergers is subject to the fulfillment of
each of the following conditions:
    7.1.1 Shareholder Approval. The Meditrust Shareholder Matters shall have
  been duly approved by the shareholders of Meditrust, the MAC Shareholder
  Matters shall have been duly approved by the shareholders of MAC, the
  Realty Shareholder Matters shall have been duly approved by the
  shareholders of Realty and the Operating Shareholder Matters shall have
  been duly approved by the shareholders of Operating in accordance with
  Massachusetts law (in the case of Meditrust and MAC), the DGCL, other
  applicable law and the Certificates of Incorporation and By-laws or Charter
  of each of them.

    7.1.2 Governmental and Regulatory Consents. The waiting periods
  applicable to the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
  under the HSR Act shall have expired or been terminated and all filings
  required to be made prior to the Closing by any party hereto or any of its
  respective subsidiaries with, and all consents, approvals and
  authorizations required to be obtained prior to the Closing by any party
  hereto or any of its respective subsidiaries from, any Governmental Entity
  in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
  consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been made
  or obtained, except where the failure to obtain such consents is not
  reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Surviving
  Corporations and could not reasonably be expected to subject the parties
  hereto or their Affiliates or any directors, trustees or officers of any of
  the foregoing to the risk of criminal liability.
    7.1.3 Third-Party Consents. All consents or approvals of all persons
  (other than Governmental Entities) required for or in connection with or as
  a result of the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and
  the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been
  obtained and shall be in full force and effect, except for those the
  failure of which to obtain would not have a Material Adverse Effect.
    7.1.4 Litigation. No United States or state court or other Governmental
  Entity of competent jurisdiction shall have enacted, issued, promulgated,
  enforced or entered any statute, rule, regulation, judgment, decree,
  injunction or other order (whether temporary, preliminary or permanent)
  which is in effect and prohibits consummation of the transactions
  contemplated hereby.
    7.1.5 Opinions.
      (a) Meditrust, Realty and Operating shall have received an opinion
    from O'Melveny & Myers LLP, dated the Effective Time, and reasonably
    satisfactory to Meditrust, Realty and Operating, to the effect that (i)
    for the calendar year 1996, Realty met the requirements of the Code for
    qualification as a REIT, and if Realty continues its operations in the
    same manner as it has in such year, Realty will continue to so qualify;
    and (ii) (A) the consummation by Realty and Operating of the
    transaction contemplated by this Agreement will not adversely affect
    the qualification of Realty as a REIT or (B) its ability to retain its
    status as grandfathered from the application of Section 269B(a) (3) of
    the Code pursuant to Section 136(c) (3) of the Deficit Reduction Act of
    1984. Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP may rely upon the opinion in clause
    (ii)(B) in giving its opinion referred to in clause (b) below.
      (b) Meditrust, Realty and Operating shall have received an opinion of
    Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP, dated the Effective Time, and reasonably
    satisfactory to Meditrust, Realty and Operating, to the effect that (i)
    immediately prior to the Effective Time, Meditrust was qualified as a
    REIT and (ii) the consummation by Realty and Operating of the
    transaction contemplated by this Agreement will not adversely affect
    the qualification of Realty as a REIT or its ability to retain its
    status as grandfathered from the application of Section 269B(a)(3) of
    the Code pursuant to Section 136(c)(3) of the Deficit Reduction Act of
      (c) Meditrust shall have received an opinion from Nutter, McClennen &
    Fish, LLP, dated the Effective Time, and reasonably satisfactory to
    Meditrust, to the effect that the merger of Meditrust with and into
    Realty shall qualify as a "reorganization" under Section 368(a) of the
    Code, and the merger of MAC with and into Operating shall qualify as a
    "reorganization" under Section 368(a) of the Code, or, alternatively,
    under Section 351 of the Code.
    7.1.6 Registration Statement. The Registration Statement shall have
  become effective under the Securities Act and no stop order suspending the
  effectiveness of the Registration Statement shall have been issued and no
  proceedings for that purpose shall have been initiated or threatened by the
  Section 7.2: Conditions to Obligation of Meditrust. The obligation of
Meditrust to consummate the Reorganization is also subject to the fulfillment
or waiver by Meditrust prior to the Closing of each of the following
    7.2.1 Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties
  of each of Realty and Operating set forth in this Agreement qualified by
  materiality shall be true and correct and those not so

  qualified shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the date
  of this Agreement and as of the Closing Date as though made on and as of
  the Closing Date (except that representations and warranties that by their
  terms speak as of the date of this Agreement or some other date shall be
  true and correct as of such date), and Meditrust shall have received
  certificates signed on behalf of each of Realty and Operating by an officer
  to such effect.
    7.2.2 Performance of Obligations. Realty and Operating shall have
  complied with all covenants in all material respects and performed in all
  material respects all obligations required to be performed by it under this
  Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date, and Meditrust shall have
  received a certificate signed on behalf of each of the Companies by an
  officer to such effect.
    7.2.3 No Material Adverse Effect. Between the date hereof and the Closing
  Date, there shall have been no Material Adverse Effect on Realty or
  Operating; and there shall have been delivered to Meditrust a certificate
  with respect to Realty and a certificate with respect to Operating, each to
  such effect, dated the Closing Date, signed on behalf of Realty and
  Operating; provided that no Material Adverse Effect on Realty or Operating
  shall be deemed to occur solely as a result of actions taken or not taken
  in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.1.
    7.2.4 Rights. The Rights under the Rights Agreement shall not have become
    7.2.5 Resignation of Directors. Meditrust shall have received the
  resignations of all directors of Realty and Operating, except those
  directors designated by Meditrust pursuant to Section 3.1 and Section 3.2
    7.2.6 The Exchange Approval. The Santa Anita Shares to be issued in the
  Mergers shall have been approved for listing on the Exchange upon official
  notice of issuance.
  Section 7.3: Conditions to Obligation of Realty and Operating. The obligation
of Realty and Operating to consummate the Reorganization is also subject to the
fulfillment or waiver by Realty and Operating prior to the Closing Date of each
of the following conditions:
    7.3.1 Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties
  of Meditrust set forth in this Agreement qualified by materiality shall be
  true and correct and those not so qualified shall be true and correct in
  all material respects as of the date of this Agreement (except to the
  extent such representations or warranties relate to MAC, in which case as
  of June 19, 1997) and as of the Closing Date as though made on and as of
  the Closing Date (except that representations and warranties that by their
  terms speak as of the date of this Agreement or some other date shall be
  true and correct as of such date) and Realty and Operating shall have
  received certificates signed on behalf of Meditrust by an officer to such
    7.3.2 Performance of Obligations. Each of Meditrust and MAC shall have
  complied with all covenants in all material respects (it being understood
  that MAC's obligation to comply shall have commenced on June 19, 1997) and
  performed in all material respects all obligations required to be performed
  by it under this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date, and Realty and
  Operating shall have received certificates signed on behalf of each of
  Meditrust and MAC by an officer to such effect.
    7.3.3 No Material Adverse Effect. Between the date hereof and the Closing
  Date, there shall have been no Material Adverse Effect on Meditrust; and
  there shall have been delivered to Realty and Operating a certificate with
  respect to Meditrust to such effect, dated the Closing Date, signed on
  behalf of Meditrust.
                                  ARTICLE VIII
  Section 8.1: Termination by Mutual Consent. This Agreement may be terminated,
and the Reorganization may be abandoned, at any time prior to the Effective
Time, before or after the approval by the shareholders of Meditrust, MAC,
Operating and/or Realty, by the mutual consent of each party hereto, by action
of its Board.

  Section 8.2: Termination by any Party Hereto. This Agreement may be
terminated, and the Reorganization may be abandoned before or after the
approval by the shareholders of Meditrust, MAC, Operating and/or Realty, by
action of the Board of any party hereto, if (i) the Reorganization shall not
have been consummated by April 13, 1998 or (ii) if Meditrust, Realty, Operating
or MAC convene the shareholders meeting contemplated by Section 6.4 and
Meditrust's, Realty's, Operating's or MAC's shareholders fail to approve the
Meditrust Shareholder Matters, Realty Shareholder Matters, Operating
Shareholder Matters or MAC Shareholder Matters, as the case may be, at their
respective shareholders meetings or (iii) Realty and Operating enter into an
Alternative Transaction pursuant to Section 6.2, provided that, (A) in the case
of a termination pursuant to clause (i) above, the terminating party shall not
have breached in any material respect its obligations under this Agreement in
any manner that shall have caused or resulted in the failure referred to above
and (B) Realty and Operating shall not have the right to terminate pursuant to
clause (iii) unless they have complied with their obligations under Section
6.2(a), Section 6.2(b) and Section 6.2(c) and paid the Termination Fee and
expenses pursuant to Section 8.6.
  Section 8.3: Termination by Meditrust. This Agreement may be terminated and
the Reorganization may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time,
before or after the adoption and approval by shareholders of Meditrust referred
to in Section 6.4, by action of the Meditrust Board, if (i) either Realty or
Operating shall have failed to comply in any material respect with any of the
covenants or agreements contained herein to be performed by such Company at or
prior to the time of termination; or (ii) either of the Realty Board or the
Operating Board shall have failed to recommend to its shareholders the approval
of the transactions contemplated hereby or shall have withdrawn, modified or
changed in a manner adverse to Meditrust its approval or recommendation of this
  Section 8.4: Termination by Either of Realty or Operating. This Agreement may
be terminated and the Reorganization may be abandoned at any time prior to the
Effective Time, before or after the adoption and approval by shareholders of
Realty or Operating referred to in Section 6.4, by action of either the Realty
Board or the Operating Board, if (i) Meditrust shall have failed to comply in
any material respect with any of the covenants or agreements contained herein
to be performed by it at or prior to the time of termination; or (ii) the Board
of Trustees of Meditrust or MAC shall have failed to recommend to their
respective shareholders the approval of the transactions contemplated hereby,
or shall have withdrawn, modified or changed in a manner adverse to Realty or
Operating its approval or recommendation of this Agreement.
  Section 8.5: Effect of Termination and Abandonment. In the event of
termination of this Agreement and the abandonment of the Reorganization
pursuant to this Article VIII, other than as set forth in Section 8.6 and the
following sentence, no party hereto (or any of its directors or officers) shall
have any liability or further obligation to any other party, except that
nothing herein will relieve any party from liability for any material and
willful breach of any covenant contained herein, and except that the provisions
of Sections 6.6 (excluding the first sentence thereof), 6.10, 8.6 and this
Section 8.5 shall survive such termination. If Realty or Operating merges with,
or sells or otherwise transfers directly or indirectly more than 25% of its
assets to a Third Party, or any Third Party (individually or as part of a
group), acquires directly or indirectly beneficial ownership of more than 30%
of the Santa Anita Shares, or Realty or Operating enter into an agreement
providing for any of the foregoing, in each case within one year after the
earlier of (i) the date of the meeting of shareholders of Realty and Operating
convened to consider the Realty Shareholder Matters and the Operating
Shareholder Matters and (ii) the termination of this Agreement (other than
pursuant to Section 6.2(c)), Realty and Operating shall pay Meditrust the sum
of $12 million in the aggregate, less the amount of the Termination Fee, if
  Section 8.6: Payment of Expenses and Termination Fee. Each party shall bear
its own expenses in connection with the matters contemplated by this Agreement,
except that Realty and Operating shall pay (a) the Termination Fee and
Transaction Expenses to Meditrust under the circumstances set forth in Section
6.2; (b) the Transaction Expenses to Meditrust if the Realty Shareholder
Matters or the Operating Shareholder Matters are not approved as contemplated
in Section 6.4; and (c) the amount set forth in Section 8.5 if the conditions
set forth therein are satisfied. Meditrust shall pay the amount set forth in
Section 6.10 if the conditions set forth therein are satisfied.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                           MISCELLANEOUS AND GENERAL
  Section 9.1: Survival. Only those agreements and covenants of the parties
which by their express terms apply in whole or in part after the Effective Time
shall survive the Effective Time. All other representations, warranties,
agreements and covenants, shall be deemed only to be conditions of the
Reorganization and shall not survive the Effective Time.
  Section 9.2: Modification or Amendment. Subject to the applicable provisions
of the DGCL, at any time prior to the Effective Time, before or after the
adoption and approval by shareholders of any party referred to in Section 6.4,
the parties hereto may modify or amend this Agreement, by written agreement
executed and delivered by duly authorized officers of the respective parties.
  Section 9.3: Waiver of Conditions. The conditions to each party's obligation
to consummate the Reorganization are for the sole benefit of such party and may
be waived by such party in whole or in part to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
  Section 9.4: Counterparts. For the convenience of the parties hereto, this
Agreement may be executed in any number of separate counterparts, each such
counterpart being deemed to be an original instrument, and all such
counterparts shall together constitute the same agreement.
  Section 9.5: Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware applicable to contracts
made and performed in such state.
  Section 9.6: Notices. Any notice, request, instruction or other document to
be given hereunder by any party to the other shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been duly given (i) on the date of delivery if delivered
personally, or by telecopy or facsimile, upon confirmation of receipt, (ii) on
the first business day following the date of dispatch if delivered by Federal
Express or other next-day courier service, or (iii) on the third business day
following the date of mailing if delivered by registered or certified mail,
return receipt requested, postage prepaid. All notices hereunder shall be
delivered as set forth below, or pursuant to such other instructions as may be
designated in writing by the party to receive such notice.
    If to Meditrust or MAC, addressed to:     with a copy to:
              Meditrust                            Nutter, McClennen & Fish,
              197 First Avenue                     LLP
              Needham, Massachusetts 02194         One International Place
              Attention: President                 Boston, Massachusetts
              Fax No.: (617) 433-1290              02110-2699
                                                   Attention: Michael J.
                                                   Bohnen, Esq.
                                                   Fax No.: (617) 973-9748
    If to Realty, addressed to:
                                              with a copy to:
              Santa Anita Realty Enterprises, Inc.
              301 West Huntington Drive, Suite 405 O'Melveny & Myers LLP
              Arcadia, California 91007            400 South Hope Street
              Attention: Mr. Brian L. Fleming      Los Angeles, California
              Fax No.: (818) 574-0634              90071
                                                   Attention: Frederick B.
                                                   McLane, Esq.
                                                   Fax No.: (213) 669-6407
    If to Operating, addressed to:                 
                                              with a copy to:
              Santa Anita Operating Company        O'Melveny & Myers LLP
              285 West Huntington Drive            400 South Hope Street
              Arcadia, California 91007            Los Angeles, California
              Attention: Mr. William C. Baker      90071
              Fax No.: (818) 574-6687              Attention: Frederick B.
                                                   McLane, Esq.
                                                   Fax No.: (213) 669-6407

  Section 9.7: Entire Agreement, Etc. This Agreement (and the Exhibits and
Disclosure Schedules hereto) (a) constitute the entire agreement, and supersede
all other prior agreements, understandings, representations and warranties,
both written and oral, among the parties, with respect to the subject matter
hereof including, without limitation, the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as
of April 13, 1997, the Original Merger Agreement and the Second Restated Merger
Agreement, and (b) shall not be assignable by operation of law or otherwise.
  Section 9.8: Captions. The Article, Section and paragraph captions herein are
for convenience of reference only, do not constitute part of this Agreement and
shall not be deemed to limit or otherwise affect any of the provisions hereof.
  Section 9.9: Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the
application thereof to any person or circumstance is determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining
provisions hereof, or the application of such provision to persons or
circumstances other than those as to which it has been held invalid or
unenforceable, shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be
affected, impaired or invalidated thereby, so long as the economic or legal
substance of the transactions contemplated hereby is not affected in any manner
adverse to any party. Upon such determination, the parties shall negotiate in
good faith in an effort to agree upon a suitable and equitable substitute
provision to effect the original intent of the parties.
  Section 9.10: No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing contained in this
Agreement, except as provided in Section 6.9 hereof, expressed or implied, is
intended to confer upon any person or entity other than the parties hereto, any
benefit, right or remedies.
  Section 9.11: Specific Performance. The parties hereto agree that irreparable
damage would occur in the event any of the provisions of this Agreement were
not performed in accordance with the terms hereof and that the parties shall be
entitled to specific performance of the terms hereof, in addition to any other
remedy at law or equity.
  Section 9.12: Trusts. The Declaration of Trust establishing Meditrust, dated
August 6, 1985, a copy of which, together with all amendments thereto (the
"Declaration"), is duly filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, provides that the name "Meditrust" refers to the
trustees under the Declaration collectively as trustees, but not individually
or personally. No trustee, officer, director, shareholder, employee or agent of
Meditrust or its subsidiaries shall be held to any personal liability, jointly
or severally, for any obligation of, or claim against Meditrust or any of its
subsidiaries. All persons dealing with Meditrust, in any way, shall look only
to Meditrust's assets for recovery of any judgment or suit or the performance
of any obligation.
  The Declaration of Trust establishing MAC, dated June 2, 1997, a copy of
which, together with all amendments thereto (the "MAC Declaration"), is duly
filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, provides that the name "Meditrust Acquisition Company" refers to
the trustees under the MAC Declaration collectively as trustees, but not
individually or personally. No trustee, officer, director, shareholder,
employee or agent of MAC or its subsidiaries shall be held to any personal
liability, jointly or severally, for any obligation of, or claim against MAC or
any of its subsidiaries. All persons dealing with MAC, in any way, shall look
only to MAC's assets for recovery of any judgment or suit or the performance of
any obligation.

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by
the duly authorized officers of the parties hereto on the date first
hereinabove written.
                                          Santa Anita Realty Enterprises, Inc.
                                          By __________________________________
                                            Executive Vice President
                                          Santa Anita Operating Company
                                          By __________________________________
                                            Chief Executive Officer
                                          By __________________________________
                                          Meditrust Acquisition Company
                                          By __________________________________

                                                              ANNEX A TO THIRD
                                                                AMENDED AND
                                                               AGREEMENT AND
                                                               PLAN OF MERGER
                                 DEFINED TERMS
  Acquired Shares: as defined in Section 1.6.1.
  Affiliate: as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act.
  Agreement: as defined in the Preamble.
  Alternative Transaction: a transaction that is the subject of a Competing
Transaction Proposal with a Third Party that the Realty Board and the Operating
Board in good faith on the advice of a nationally recognized financial advisor
determine could provide greater value to their shareholders than the
transactions contemplated here.
  Alternative Transaction Notice: a notice of the determination of the Realty
Board and the Operating Board that the transaction contemplated by a Competing
Transaction Proposal would be an Alternative Transaction, which notice contains
the information described in 6.2(b).
  Benefit Plan: as defined in Section 5.1.17.
  Board: the Meditrust Board, the Operating Board or the Realty Board.
  Closing: as defined in Section 1.5.
  Closing Date: as defined in Section 1.5.
  Code: the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
  Commonly Controlled Entity: any person or entity that, together with another
person or entity, is treated as a single employer under Section 414 of the
  Competing Transaction Proposal: a bona fide proposal from a Third Party
relating to any recapitalization, business combination, asset sale, joint
venture or other transaction which would be inconsistent with the transactions
which are the subject of this Agreement.
  Contract: any agreement, lease, contract, note, mortgage, indenture,
arrangement or other obligation or commitment.
  DGCL: the Delaware General Corporation Law as in effect at the relevant times
for purposes of this Agreement.
  Disclosure Schedules: the Operating Disclosure Schedule, the Realty
Disclosure Schedule and the Meditrust Disclosure Schedule.
  Effective Time: as defined in Section 1.4.
  Employee Stock Options: as defined in Section 4.5.10.
  ERISA: as defined in Section 5.1.17.
  Examined Party: as defined in Section 6.6.

  Examining Party: as defined in Section 6.6.
  Excess Shares: as defined in Section 4.5.4.
  Exchange: the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
  Exchange Act: the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder.
  Exchange Agent: as defined in Section 4.5.2.
  Exchange Ratio: as defined in Section 4.3.
  GAAP: generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied.
  Governmental Entity: any governmental or regulatory authority, agency, court,
commission or other entity.
  HSR Act: the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as
  Indemnified Parties: as defined in Section 6.9.
  IRS: the United States Internal Revenue Service.
  Material Adverse Effect: with respect to any party, an effect which would be
materially adverse to the properties, business, financial condition, results of
operations or prospects of such party and its subsidiaries taken as a whole.
  Mergers: as defined in Recital F.
  MAC: as defined in the Preamble.
  MAC Amount: an amount equal to .019 multiplied by the product of $37.25 times
the number of shares outstanding immediately prior to the payment of cash to
MAC by Meditrust pursuant to Section 1.1.1.
  MAC Charter: as defined in Section 5.1.4.
  MAC Shareholder Matters: adoption of this Agreement.
  MAC Shares: the common stock of MAC issued to Meditrust and distributed to
Meditrust's shareholders prior to the Mergers equal in amount to the number of
Meditrust Shares outstanding immediately prior to the Mergers.
  Meditrust: as defined in the Preamble.
  Meditrust Board: the Board of Trustees of Meditrust.
  Meditrust Charter: as defined in Section 5.1.1.
  Meditrust Disclosure Schedule: the disclosure schedule dated the date of the
Agreement delivered by Meditrust to the other parties and relating to this
  Meditrust Options: as defined in Section 5.1.3.
  Meditrust SEC Documents: all filings made by Meditrust with the SEC since
December 31, 1994.
  Meditrust Shares: the shares of beneficial interest without par value of

  Meditrust Shareholder Matters: the adoption of this Agreement.
  Note Amount: an amount equal to the number of Operating Shares outstanding as
of the date the promissory note referred to in Section 1.2 is issued,
multiplied by the excess of (i) $31.00 multiplied by a fraction equal to the
relative value of (x) an Operating Share to (y) a paired Realty Share and
Operating Share as determined by Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated as of April
13, 1997; over (ii) the product of .019 multiplied by $31.00.
  Old Meditrust Certificate: a certificate for Meditrust Shares.
  Operating: as defined in the Preamble.
  Operating Board: the Board of Directors of Operating.
  Operating By-Laws: as defined in Section 5.3.1.
  Operating Certificate: as defined in Section 5.3.1.
  Operating Common Shares: as defined in Section 5.3.3.
  Operating Disclosure Schedule: the disclosure schedule dated the date of the
Agreement delivered by Operating to Meditrust and relating to this Agreement.
  Operating Merger: as defined in Recital E.
  Operating Merger Certificate: as defined in Section 1.4.
  Operating Options: as defined in Section 5.3.3.
  Operating Preferred Shares: as defined in Section 5.3.3.
  Operating Shareholder Matters: the adoption of this Agreement.
  Operating Shares: as defined in Section 5.3.3.
  Operating Surviving Corporation: as defined in Section 1.3.2.
  Pairing Agreement: as defined in Section 5.2.3(c).
  Pension Plan: as defined in Section 5.1.17.
  Person: an individual, joint venture, partnership, limited liability company,
trust, business trust, corporation, cooperative, association, private
foundation, charitable trust, employee pension, profit sharing, stock bonus or
supplemental unemployment benefit trust, or any other entity.
  Private Letter Rulings: as defined in Section 5.2.16(b).
  Proxy Statements: as defined in Section 6.4.1.
  Realty: as defined in the Preamble.
  Realty Board: the Board of Directors of Realty.
  Realty By-Laws: as defined in Section 5.2.1.
  Realty Certificate: as defined in Section 5.2.1.

  Realty Common Shares: as defined in Section 5.2.3.
  Realty Disclosure Schedule: the disclosure schedule dated the date of this
Agreement delivered by Realty to Meditrust and relating to this Agreement.
  Realty Merger: as defined in Recital E.
  Realty Merger Certificate: as defined in Section 1.4.
  Realty Options: as defined in Section 5.2.2.
  Realty Preferred Shares: as defined in Section 5.2.2.
  Realty Shareholder Matters: the adoption of this Agreement.
  Realty Shares: as defined in Section 5.2.2.
  Realty Surviving Corporation: as defined in Section 1.3.1.
  Registration Statement: the registration statement on Form S-4 to be filed by
Realty and Operating with the SEC in connection with the Reorganization with
respect to the Santa Anita Shares to be issued to Meditrust's shareholders.
  Reorganization: the Mergers and other transactions contemplated hereby.
  REIT: a real estate investment trust, as defined in Section 856 of the Code.
  REIT Requirements: the requirements for Realty or Meditrust, as applicable,
to (i) qualify as a REIT under the Code, (ii) to avoid any federal income or
excise tax liability, (iii) as to Realty only, retain its status as
grandfathered from the application of Section 269B(a)(3) of the Code pursuant
to Section 136(c)(3) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, (iv) as to Realty
only, retain the benefits of the Private Letter Rulings, and (v) otherwise
maintain the current federal income tax treatment of the pairing arrangement
for the Santa Anita Shares.
  Representatives: with respect to any party, such party's officers, employees,
counsel, accountants and other authorized representatives.
  Rights: the rights of the shareholders of Realty and Operating under the
Rights Agreement.
  Rights Agreement: the Rights Agreement, dated as of June 15, 1989, among
Realty, Operating and Union Bank, as Rights Agent.
  Santa Anita SEC Documents: all filings made by Realty or Operating with the
SEC since December 31, 1994, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 1996, in the form attached to the Realty and Operating
Disclosure Schedules.
  Santa Anita Shares: paired common stock, $.10 par value per share, of Realty
and Operating.
  Santa Anita Share Certificates: as defined in Section 4.5.2.
  SEC: the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  Securities Act: the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder.

  subsidiary: any corporation or other organization whether incorporated or
unincorporated of which at least 25% of the securities or interests having by
the terms thereof or any agreement ordinary voting power to elect the board of
directors or others performing similar functions with respect to such
corporation or other organization that is directly or indirectly owned or
controlled by such party or by any one or more of its subsidiaries, or by such
party and one or more of its subsidiaries.
  Surviving Corporations: the Realty Surviving Corporation and the Operating
Surviving Corporation, each as "Surviving Corporation".
  Termination Fee: $12,000,000, provided, however, that if Meditrust
determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that such amount will affect
its qualification as a REIT, then the parties will reasonably negotiate an
arrangement acceptable to Meditrust. In no event shall such payment be less
than the lower of (a) the maximum amount which Meditrust may receive without
affecting its qualification as a REIT and (b) the amount to be paid without
regard to this sentence.
  Third Party: as defined in Section 6.2.
  Transaction Expenses: fees and disbursements of Meditrust's counsel,
accountants and other financial, legal, accounting or other advisors incurred
by it in connection with the preparation and negotiation of the Agreement and
the consummation of the matters contemplated hereby in an amount no greater
than $1,000,000.
  Unaffiliated Acquired Shares: as defined in Section 1.7.
  Unaffiliated Person: a Person whose ownership of Unaffiliated Acquired Shares
will not cause (i) any Person to own, directly or indirectly, after application
of the attribution rules of Section 318(a) of the Code, as modified by Section
856(d) (5) of the Code, more than 9.9% in value of the common stock and
preferred stock of Realty and Operating, or (ii) Realty to fail to satisfy any
of the REIT Requirements.
  Welfare Plans: as defined in Section 5.1.17.

                                                                    ANNEX B
                                                                TO THIRD AMENDED
                                                                  AND RESTATED
                                                                 AGREEMENT AND
                                                                    PLAN OF
  In connection with the issuance to Meditrust Acquisition Company
("Purchaser") by the Company of its common stock constituting [ %] of the total
outstanding common stock of the Company, Purchaser hereby certifies and
warrants that for the period beginning April 13, 1997 through the Effective
    1. No Person Constructively Owns, directly or indirectly, more than 9.9%
  in value of the stock of Purchaser.
    2. No corporation (as defined for federal or state income tax purposes)
  of which Purchaser Constructively Owns, directly or indirectly, more than
  9.9% in value of the stock of such corporation, Constructively Owns any
  shares of the Company (excluding for this purpose any Paired Shares owned,
  directly or indirectly, by Purchaser without regard to the Constructive
  Ownership Rules).
    3. No partnership (as defined for federal or state income tax purposes)
  of which Purchaser is a partner or other equity member Constructively Owns
  any shares of the Company (excluding for this purpose any Paired Shares
  owned, directly or indirectly, by Purchaser without regard to the
  Constructive Ownership Rules).
    4. No trust (as defined for federal or state income tax purposes) of
  which Purchaser is a beneficiary Constructively Owns any shares of the
  Company (excluding for this purpose any Paired Shares owned, directly or
  indirectly, by Purchaser without regard to the Constructive Ownership
    5. Purchaser Constructively Owns, directly or indirectly, no more than
  9.9% by value of the stock of the Company (including for this purpose any
  Paired Shares issued pursuant to the Merger Agreement).
    6. The issuance of Paired Shares to Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.6 of
  the Merger Agreement will not cause Purchaser or any other Person to
  Constructively Own more than 9.9% by value of the stock of the Company or
  cause any rent received by the Company to fail to qualify as "rents from
  real property" within the meaning of Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code or
  cause the Company to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h)
  of the Code.
    7. Purchaser is acquiring Paired Shares for investment purposes only, and
  not with a view to their resale or other distribution.
    8. Purchaser is an "accredited investor" within the meaning of Regulation
  D under the Securities Act of 1933.
    9. Purchaser will not transfer all or any portion of the Paired Shares to
  any Person if the ownership of such shares by such Person will cause any
  Person to Constructively Own, directly or indirectly, more than 9.9% by
  value of the stock of the Company (including for this purpose any Paired
  Shares issued pursuant to the Merger Agreement) or cause the Company to be
  "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h) of the Code.
  For the purposes of this Certificate capitalized terms shall have the
meanings assigned to such terms in Exhibit A hereto.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this Certificate as of    , 1997.
                                          MEDITRUST ACQUISITION COMPANY,
                                           a Massachusetts Business Trust
                                          By: _________________________________

                                   EXHIBIT A
  "Code": the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
  "Company": Santa Anita Realty Enterprises, Inc.
  "Constructive Ownership Rules": the constructive ownership rules of Section
318 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code. Generally, these
rules provide:
    (1) an individual is considered as owning the Ownership Interest that is
  owned, directly or constructively, by or for his spouse, his children, his
  grandchildren, and his parents;
    (2) an Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or constructively, by
  or for a partnership or estate is considered as owned proportionately by
  its partners or beneficiaries;
    (3) an Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or constructively, by
  or for a trust is considered as owned by its beneficiaries in proportion to
  the actuarial interest of such beneficiaries (provided, however, that in
  the case of a "grantor trust" the Ownership Interest will be considered as
  owned by the grantors);
    (4) if 10 percent or more in value of the stock in a corporation is
  owned, directly or constructively, by or for any person, such person shall
  be considered as owning the Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or
  constructively, by or for such corporation in that proportion which the
  value of the stock which such person so owns bears to the value of all the
  stock in such corporation;
    (5) an Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or constructively, by
  or for a partner of a partnership or a beneficiary of an estate or trust
  shall be considered as owned by the partnership, estate, or trust;
    (6) if 10 percent or more in value of the stock in a corporation is
  owned, directly or constructively, by or for any person, such corporation
  shall be considered as owning the Ownership Interest that is owned,
  directly or constructively, by or for such person;
    (7) if any person has an option to acquire an Ownership Interest
  (including an option to acquire an option or any one of a series of such
  options), such Ownership Interest shall be considered as owned by such
    (8) an Ownership Interest that is constructively owned by a person by
  reason of the application of the rules described in paragraphs (1) through
  (7) above shall, for purposes of applying paragraphs (1) through (7), be
  considered as directly owned by such person provided, however, that (a) an
  Ownership Interest constructively owned by an individual by reason of
  paragraph (1) shall not be considered as owned by him for purposes of again
  applying paragraph (1) in order to make another the constructive owner of
  such Ownership Interest, (b) an Ownership Interest constructively owned by
  a partnership, estate, trust, or corporation by reason of the application
  of paragraphs (5) or (6) shall not be considered as owned by it for
  purposes of applying paragraphs (2), (3), or (4) in order to make another
  the constructive owner of such Ownership Interest, (c) if an Ownership
  Interest may be considered as owned by an individual under paragraphs (1)
  or (7), it shall be considered as owned by him under paragraph (7), and (d)
  for purposes of the above described rules, an S corporation shall be
  treated as a partnership and any shareholder of the S corporation shall be
  treated as a partner of such partnership except that this rule shall not
  apply for purposes of determining whether stock in the S corporation is
  constructively owned by any person.
    (9) For purposes of the above summary of the constructive ownership
  rules, the term "Ownership Interest" means the ownership of stock with
  respect to a corporation and, with respect to any other type of entity, the
  ownership of an interest in either its assets or net profits.
  "Constructively Owns": a Person constructively owns any asset which such
Person is considered to own after application of the Constructive Ownership

  "Merger Agreement": that certain Third Amended and Restated Agreement and
Plan of Merger dated as of April 13, 1997, by and among Santa Anita Realty
Enterprises, Inc., Santa Anita Operating Company, Meditrust and Meditrust
Acquisition Company.
  "Paired Shares": paired common stock, $.10 par value per share, of Santa
Anita Realty Enterprises, Inc. and Santa Anita Operating Company.
  "Person": an individual, joint venture, partnership, limited liability
company, trust, business trust, corporation, cooperative, association, private
foundation, charitable trust, employee pension, profit sharing, stock bonus or
supplemental unemployment benefit trust, or any other entity.
  "REIT": a real estate investment trust which meets the requirements of
Sections 856 through 860 of the Code.

                                                                   ANNEX C
                                                                   TO THIRD
                                                                 AND RESTATED
                                                                AGREEMENT AND
                                                                PLAN OF MERGER
  In connection with the issuance to       ("Purchaser") by the Company of its
common stock constituting [ %] of the total outstanding common stock of the
Company, Purchaser hereby certifies and warrants that for the period beginning
April 13, 1997 through the Effective Time:
    1. If the Purchaser is a corporation (as defined for federal or state
  income tax purposes), no Person Constructively Owns, directly or
  indirectly, more than 9.9% in value of the stock of Purchaser.
    2. If the Purchaser is not a corporation (as defined for federal or state
  income tax purposes), no Person Constructively Owns, directly or
  indirectly, an interest of more than 9.9% in the assets or net profits of
  the Purchaser.
    3. No corporation (as defined for federal or state income tax purposes)
  of which Purchaser Constructively Owns, directly or indirectly, more than
  9.9% in value of the stock of such corporation, Constructively Owns any
  shares of the Company (excluding for this purpose any Paired Shares owned,
  directly or indirectly, by Purchaser without regard to the Constructive
  Ownership Rules).
    4. No partnership (as defined for federal or state income tax purposes)
  of which Purchaser is a partner or other equity member Constructively Owns
  any shares of the Company (excluding for this purpose any Paired Shares
  owned, directly or indirectly, by Purchaser without regard to the
  Constructive Ownership Rules).
    5. No trust (as defined for federal or state income tax purposes) of
  which Purchaser is a beneficiary Constructively Owns any shares of the
  Company (excluding for this purpose any Paired Shares owned, directly or
  indirectly, by Purchaser without regard to the Constructive Ownership
    6. Purchaser Constructively Owns, directly or indirectly, no more than
  9.9% by value of the stock of the Company (including for this purpose any
  Paired Shares issued pursuant to the Merger Agreement).
    7. The issuance of Paired Shares to Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.7 of
  the Merger Agreement will not cause Purchaser or any other Person to
  Constructively Own more than 9.9% by value of the stock of the Company or
  cause any rent received by the Company to fail to qualify as "rents from
  real property" within the meaning of Section 856(d)(2)(B) of the Code or
  cause the Company to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section 856(h)
  of the Code.
    8. Purchaser is acquiring Paired Shares for investment purposes only, and
  not with a view to their resale or other distribution.
    9. Purchaser is an "accredited investor" within the meaning of Regulation
  D under the Securities Act of 1933.
    10. There is no understanding or arrangement between Purchaser and any
  other Person as to how the Purchaser will vote the Paired Shares being
  issued to Purchaser.
    11. Purchaser will not transfer all or any portion of the Paired Shares
  to any Person if (i) the ownership of such shares by such Person will cause
  any Person to Constructively Own, directly or indirectly, more than 9.9% by
  value of the stock of the Company (including for this purpose any Paired
  Shares issued pursuant to the Merger Agreement), or (ii) there is any
  understanding or arrangement between the transferee and any other Person
  who Constructively Owns Paired Shares as to how the transferee will vote
  such Paired Shares, or (iii) the ownership of such shares by such Person
  will cause the Company to be "closely held" within the meaning of Section
  856(h) of the Code.

  For the purposes of this Certificate capitalized terms shall have the
meanings assigned to such terms in Exhibit A hereto.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this Certificate as of    , 1997.

                                   EXHIBIT A
  "Code": the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
  "Company": Santa Anita Realty Enterprises, Inc.
  "Constructive Ownership Rules": the constructive ownership rules of Section
318 of the Code, as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code. Generally, these
rules provide:
    (1) an individual is considered as owning the Ownership Interest that is
  owned, directly or constructively, by or for his spouse, his children, his
  grandchildren, and his parents;
    (2) an Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or constructively, by
  or for a partnership or estate is considered as owned proportionately by
  its partners or beneficiaries;
    (3) an Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or constructively, by
  or for a trust is considered as owned by its beneficiaries in proportion to
  the actuarial interest of such beneficiaries (provided, however, that in
  the case of a "grantor trust" the Ownership Interest will be considered as
  owned by the grantors);
    (4) if 10 percent or more in value of the stock in a corporation is
  owned, directly or constructively, by or for any person, such person shall
  be considered as owning the Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or
  constructively, by or for such corporation in that proportion which the
  value of the stock which such person so owns bears to the value of all the
  stock in such corporation;
    (5) an Ownership Interest that is owned, directly or constructively, by
  or for a partner of a partnership or a beneficiary of an estate or trust
  shall be considered as owned by the partnership, estate, or trust;
    (6) if 10 percent or more in value of the stock in a corporation is
  owned, directly or constructively, by or for any person, such corporation
  shall be considered as owning the Ownership Interest that is owned,
  directly or constructively, by or for such person;
    (7) if any person has an option to acquire an Ownership Interest
  (including an option to acquire an option or any one of a series of such
  options), such Ownership Interest shall be considered as owned by such
    (8) an Ownership Interest that is constructively owned by a person by
  reason of the application of the rules described in paragraphs (1) through
  (7) above shall, for purposes of applying paragraphs (1) through (7), be
  considered as directly owned by such person provided, however, that (a) an
  Ownership Interest constructively owned by an individual by reason of
  paragraph (1) shall not be considered as owned by him for purposes of again
  applying paragraph (1) in order to make another the constructive owner of
  such Ownership Interest, (b) an Ownership Interest constructively owned by
  a partnership, estate, trust, or corporation by reason of the application
  of paragraphs (5) or (6) shall not be considered as owned by it for
  purposes of applying paragraphs (2), (3), or (4) in order to make another
  the constructive owner of such Ownership Interest, (c) if an Ownership
  Interest may be considered as owned by an individual under paragraphs (1)
  or (7), it shall be considered as owned by him under paragraph (7), and (d)
  for purposes of the above described rules, an S corporation shall be
  treated as a partnership and any shareholder of the S corporation shall be
  treated as a partner of such partnership except that this rule shall not
  apply for purposes of determining whether stock in the S corporation is
  constructively owned by any person.
    (9) For purposes of the above summary of the constructive ownership
  rules, the term "Ownership Interest" means the ownership of stock with
  respect to a corporation and, with respect to any other type of entity, the
  ownership of an interest in either its assets or net profits.
  "Constructively Owns": a Person constructively owns any asset which such
Person is considered to own after application of the Constructive Ownership

  "Merger Agreement": that certain Third Amended and Restated Agreement and
Plan of Merger dated as of April 13, 1997, by and among Santa Anita Realty
Enterprises, Inc., Santa Anita Operating Company, Meditrust and Meditrust
Acquisition Company.
  "Paired Shares": paired common stock, $.10 par value per share, of Santa
Anita Realty Enterprises, Inc. and Santa Anita Operating Company.
  "Person": an individual, joint venture, partnership, limited liability
company, trust, business trust, corporation, cooperative, association, private
foundation, charitable trust, employee pension, profit sharing, stock bonus or
supplemental unemployment benefit trust, or any other entity.
  "REIT": a real estate investment trust which meets the requirements of
Sections 856 through 860 of the Code.

                                                                  ANNEX D
                                                              TO THIRD AMENDED
                                                                AND RESTATED
                                                                AND PLAN OF
                              REGISTRATION RIGHTS
  Unless otherwise indicated, capitalized terms used herein shall have the
meanings assigned to them in the Third Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan
of Merger dated as of April 13, 1997 (the "Agreement") to which this exhibit is
  Section 1. Definitions and Usage.
  1.1. Definitions. As used in this Exhibit:
  "Beneficially Owning" means owning Realty Shares directly, indirectly or
constructively by a Person through the application of Section 318(a) of the
Code, as modified by Section 856(d)(5) of the Code, or Section 544 of the Code,
as modified by Section 856(h) of the Code. The term "Beneficially Own" shall
have a correlative meaning.
  "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
  "Commission" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission or any other
federal agency at the time administering the Securities Act.
  "Continuously Effective", with respect to a specified registration statement,
shall mean that such registration statement shall not cease to be effective and
available for Transfers of Registrable Securities thereunder for longer than
either (i) any ten (10) consecutive business days, or (ii) an aggregate of
fifteen (15) business days during the period specified in the relevant
provision of this Agreement.
  "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the rules
and regulations of the Commission thereunder, all as the same shall be in
effect at the time.
  "Issuance Percentage", when used with respect to Realty and Operating, shall
mean the relative percentages that Realty and Operating may from time to time
determine based on their joint determination of the relative values of Realty
Shares and Operating Shares.
  "MT" shall mean Meditrust Acquisition Company under the Agreement or any
purchaser of Unaffiliated Acquired Shares pursuant to Section 1.7 of the
  "Ownership Limit" when used with respect to Realty means 8% in value, voting
power or in number, whichever is more restrictive, of the issued and
outstanding capital stock of Realty and, when used with respect to Operating
means 8% in value, voting power or in number, whichever is more restrictive, of
the issued and outstanding capital stock of Operating.
  "Paired Shares" means an Operating Share and a Realty Share which are
"paired" pursuant to the Pairing Agreement dated December 20, 1979 between
Realty and Operating, as it may be amended from time to time.
  "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture,
association, joint-stock company, limited liability company, trust,
unincorporated organization or government or other agency or political
subdivision thereof.
  "Register", "registered", and "registration" shall refer to a registration
effected by preparing and filing a registration statement or similar document
in compliance with the Securities Act, and the declaration or ordering by the
Commission of effectiveness of such registration statement or document.

  "Registrable Securities" shall mean any Santa Anita Shares issued pursuant to
Section 1.6 or 1.7 of the Agreement.
  "Registrable Securities then outstanding" shall mean, with respect to a
specified determination date, the Registrable Securities owned by MT on such
  "Registration Expenses" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.1.
  "REIT Requirements" shall mean the requirements for Realty to (i) continue to
qualify as a REIT under the Code and the rules and regulations promulgated
thereunder, (ii) retain the benefits of those certain private letter rulings
issued by the Internal Revenue Service to Realty dated as of October 16, 1979,
as supplemented January 11, 1980, (iii) avoid any federal income or excise tax
liability, and (iv) retain its status as grandfathered from the application of
Section 269B(a)(3) of the Code pursuant to Section 136(c)(3) of the Deficit
Reduction Act of 1984.
  "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933 and the rules and
regulations of the Commission thereunder, all as the same may be in effect at
the time.
  "Transfer" shall mean and include the act of selling, giving, transferring,
creating a trust (voting or otherwise), assigning or otherwise disposing of
(other than pledging, hypothecating or otherwise transferring as security) (and
correlative words shall have correlative meanings); provided, however, that any
transfer or other disposition upon foreclosure or other exercise of remedies of
a secured creditor after an event of default under or with respect to a pledge,
hypothecation or other transfer as security shall constitute a "Transfer."
  "Underwriters' Representative" shall mean the managing underwriter, or, in
the case of a co-managed underwriting, the managing underwriter designated as
the Underwriters' Representative by the co-managers.
  "Violation" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.
  Section 2. Shelf Registration.
  2.1. If (a) the Agreement is terminated for any reason and within 15 business
days after the date of such termination MT shall make a written request to
Realty and Operating or (b) the Mergers are effective and MT shall make a
written request to Realty or Operating, then Realty and Operating shall cause
to be filed with the Commission a registration statement under the Securities
Act for an offering by Meditrust Acquisition Company by means of a distribution
to its shareholders or an offering by MT on a delayed or continuous basis
pursuant to Rule 415 or such other appropriate rule under the Securities Act,
and Realty and Operating shall include therein all or any portion of the
Registrable Securities as MT shall request in such written request. Any request
made pursuant to this Section 2.1 shall be addressed to the attention of the
Secretary of each of Realty and Operating, and shall specify the number of
Registrable Securities to be registered, the intended methods of disposition
thereof and that the request is for a demand Registration pursuant to this
Section 2.1.
  2.2. Realty and Operating shall be entitled to postpone for up to 90 days the
filing, effectiveness, supplementing or amending of any registration statement
otherwise required to be prepared and filed pursuant to this Section 2, if the
Board of Directors of Realty or the Board of Directors of Operating determines
that such registration and the Transfer of Registrable Securities contemplated
thereby would interfere with, or require premature disclosure of, any material
financing, acquisition, disposition, reorganization or other transaction
involving Realty or Operating or any of their respective subsidiaries and
Realty or Operating, as the case may be, promptly gives MT notice of such
determination. MT hereby acknowledges that any notice given by Realty or
Operating pursuant to this Section 2.2 shall constitute material non-public
information and that the United States securities laws prohibit any Person who
has material non-public information about a company from purchasing or selling
securities of such company or from communicating such information to any other
Person under circumstances in which it is reasonably foreseeable that such
Person is likely to purchase or sell such securities.

  2.3. Following receipt of a request for a registration pursuant to Section
2.1, Realty and Operating shall:
    (i) File the registration statement with the Commission as promptly as
  practicable and shall use their respective reasonable efforts to have the
  registration declared effective under the Securities Act as soon as
  reasonably practicable, in each instance giving due regard to the need to
  prepare current financial statements, conduct due diligence and complete
  other actions that are reasonably necessary to effect a registered public
    (ii) Use their respective reasonable efforts to keep the relevant
  registration statement Continuously Effective until such date as of which
  all the Registrable Securities under the registration statement have been
  disposed of in a manner described in the registration statement, but in no
  event later than the 120th day following the effective date of such
  registration statement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if for any reason
  the effectiveness of a registration pursuant to this Section 2 is
  suspended, the relevant foregoing period shall be extended by the aggregate
  number of days of such suspension.
  2.4. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, no
registration shall be effected hereunder and no Transfer of Registrable
Securities may be effected if as a result thereof Realty would not satisfy the
REIT Requirements in any respect or if such registration or Transfer would
result in any Person Beneficially Owning Paired Shares in excess of the
Ownership Limit. For purposes of the preceding sentence, registration shall not
be deemed to have been effected (i) unless a registration statement with
respect thereto has become effective, or (ii) if after such registration
statement has become effective, the related offer, sale or distribution of
Registrable Securities thereunder is prohibited by any stop order, injunction
or other order or requirement of the Commission or other governmental agency or
court for any reason not attributable to MT and such prohibition is not
thereafter eliminated. If Realty and Operating shall have complied with their
respective obligations under this Agreement, a right to demand a registration
pursuant to this Section 2 shall be deemed to have been satisfied upon the
effective date of the registration statement, provided no stop order or similar
order, or proceedings for such an order, is thereafter entered or initiated.
  2.5. A registration pursuant to this Section 2 shall be on such appropriate
registration form of the Commission as shall be selected by Realty and
Operating and shall permit the disposition of the Registrable Securities in
accordance with the intended method or methods of disposition specified in the
request pursuant to Section 2.1.
  2.6. If the registration pursuant to Section 2 involves an underwritten
offering (whether on a "firm commitment," "best efforts" or "all reasonable
efforts" basis or otherwise), MT shall select the underwriter or underwriters
and manager or managers to administer such underwritten offering; provided,
however, that each Person so selected shall be acceptable to Realty and
  Section 3. Registration Procedures. Whenever required under Section 2 to
effect the registration of any Registrable Securities, Realty and Operating
shall, as expeditiously as practicable:
  3.1. Prepare and file with the Commission a registration statement with
respect to such Registrable Securities and use their respective reasonable
efforts to cause such registration statement to become effective; provided,
however, that before filing a registration statement or prospectus or any
amendments or supplements thereto, Realty and Operating shall furnish to one
firm of counsel for MT copies of all such documents in the form substantially
as proposed to be filed with the Commission.
  3.2. Prepare and file with the Commission such amendments and supplements to
such registration statement and the prospectus used in connection with such
registration statement as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of the
Securities Act and rules thereunder with respect to the disposition of all
securities covered by such registration statement. Realty and Operating shall
amend the registration statement or supplement the prospectus so that it will
remain current and in compliance with the requirements of the Securities Act
for the period specified in Section 2.3(ii), and if during such period any
event or development occurs as a result of which the registration statement or
prospectus contains a misstatement of a material fact or

omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to
make the statements therein not misleading, Realty or Operating shall promptly
notify MT, amend the registration statement or supplement the prospectus so
that each will thereafter comply with the Securities Act and furnish to MT such
amended or supplemented prospectus, which MT shall thereafter use in the
Transfer of Registrable Securities covered by such registration statement.
Pending any such amendment or supplement, MT shall cease making offers or
Transfers of Registrable Shares pursuant to the prior prospectus. In the event
that any Registrable Securities included in a registration statement subject
to, or required by, this Agreement remain unsold at the end of the period
during which Realty and Operating are obligated to use their respective
reasonable efforts to maintain the effectiveness of such registration
statement, Realty and Operating may file a post-effective amendment to the
registration statement for the purpose of removing such Registrable Securities
from registered status.
  3.3. Furnish to MT without charge, such numbers of copies of the registration
statement, any pre-effective or post-effective amendment thereto, the
prospectus, including each preliminary prospectus and any amendments or
supplements thereto, in each case in conformity with the requirements of the
Securities Act and the rules thereunder, and such other related documents as MT
may reasonably request in order to facilitate the disposition of Registrable
Securities owned by MT.
  3.4. Use their respective reasonable efforts (i) to register and qualify the
securities covered by such registration statement under such other securities
or Blue Sky laws of such states where an exemption from registration is not
available and as shall be reasonably requested by the Underwriters'
Representative and (ii) to obtain the withdrawal of any order suspending the
effectiveness of a registration statement, or the lifting of any suspension of
the qualification (or exemption from qualification) of the offer and transfer
of any of the Registrable Securities in any state, at the earliest possible
moment; provided, however, that neither Realty nor Operating shall be required
in connection therewith or as a condition thereto to qualify to do business or
to consent to general service of process in any state.
  3.5. In the event of any underwritten offering, use their respective
reasonable efforts to enter into and perform their respective obligations under
an underwriting agreement (including indemnification and contribution
obligations of underwriters), in usual and customary form, with the managing
underwriter or underwriters of such offering. Realty and Operating shall also
cooperate with MT and the Underwriters' Representative for such offering in the
marketing of the Registrable Securities, including making available the
officers, accountants, counsel, premises, books and records of Realty and
Operating for such purpose, but neither Realty nor Operating shall be required
to incur any material out-of-pocket expense pursuant to this sentence.
  3.6. Promptly notify MT of any stop order issued or threatened to be issued
by the Commission in connection therewith and take all reasonable actions
required to prevent the entry of such stop order or to remove it if entered.
  3.7. Make available for inspection by MT, any underwriter participating in
such offering and the representatives of MT and such Underwriter (but not more
than one firm of counsel to MT), all financial and other information as shall
be reasonably requested by them, and provide MT, any underwriter participating
in such offering and the representatives of MT and such Underwriter the
reasonable opportunity to discuss the business affairs of Realty and Operating
with their principal executives and independent public accountants who have
certified the audited financial statements included in such registration
statement, in each case all as necessary to enable them to exercise their due
diligence responsibility under the Securities Act; provided, however, that
information that Realty or Operating determines to be confidential and which
Realty or Operating advises such Person in writing, is confidential shall not
be disclosed unless such Person signs a confidentiality agreement reasonably
satisfactory to Realty and Operating or MT agrees to be responsible for such
Person's breach of confidentiality on terms reasonably satisfactory to Realty
and Operating.
  3.8. Use their respective reasonable efforts to obtain a so-called "comfort
letter" from the independent public accountants of Realty and Operating, and
legal opinions of counsel to Realty and Operating addressed to

MT in customary form and covering such matters of the type customarily covered
by such letters, and in a form that shall be reasonably satisfactory to MT.
Delivery of any such opinion or comfort letter shall be subject to the
recipient furnishing such written representations or acknowledgements as are
customarily provided by selling stockholders who receive such comfort letters
or opinions.
  3.9. Use their respective reasonable efforts to cause the Registrable
Securities covered by such registration statement (i) if the Paired Shares are
then listed on a securities exchange or included for quotation in a recognized
trading market, to continue to be so listed or included for a reasonable period
of time after the offering, and (ii) to be registered with or approved by such
other United States or state governmental agencies or authorities as may be
necessary by virtue of the business and operations of Realty and Operating to
enable MT to consummate the disposition of such Registrable Securities.
  3.10. Take such other actions as are reasonably required in order to expedite
or facilitate the disposition of Registrable Securities included in each such
  Section 4. MT's Obligations. It shall be a condition precedent to the
obligations of Realty and Operating to take any action pursuant to this
Agreement with respect to the Registrable Securities of MT that MT shall:
  4.1. Furnish to Realty and Operating such information regarding MT, the
number of the Registrable Securities owned by it, and the intended method of
disposition of such securities as shall be required to effect the registration
of MT's Registrable Securities, and to cooperate fully with Realty and
Operating in preparing such registration.
  Section 5. Expenses of Registration. Expenses in connection with
registrations pursuant to this Agreement shall be allocated and paid as
  5.1. Realty and Operating shall bear and pay all expenses incurred in
connection with any registration, filing, or qualification of Registrable
Securities, including all registration, filing and National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. fees, all fees and expenses of complying with
securities or blue sky laws, all printing expenses, messenger and delivery
expenses, the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel for Realty and
Operating, and of the independent public accountants for Realty and Operating,
including the expenses of "cold comfort" letters required by or incident to
such performance and compliance (the "Registration Expenses"), but excluding
underwriting discounts and commissions relating to Registrable Securities
(which shall be paid by MT) and all fees and expenses of counsel for MT;
provided, however, that Realty and Operating shall not be required to pay for
any expenses of any registration proceeding begun pursuant to Section 2 if the
registration is subsequently withdrawn. Realty and Operating each agree between
themselves that they shall bear and pay Registration Expenses in an amount
equal to its respective Issuance Percentage of such Registration Expenses and
that they shall reimburse each other to the extent necessary to cause each of
them to so bear and pay such respective amounts.
  Section 6. Indemnification; Contribution. If any Registrable Securities are
included in a registration statement under this Agreement:
  6.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, each of Realty and Operating,
severally and not jointly, shall indemnify and hold harmless MT, each Person,
if any, who controls MT within the meaning of the Securities Act, and each
officer, director, partner and employee of MT and such controlling Person,
against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses (joint or
several), including reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements and reasonable
expenses of investigation, incurred by such party pursuant to any actual or
threatened action, suit, proceeding or investigation, or to which any of the
foregoing Persons may otherwise become subject under the Securities Act, the
Exchange Act or other federal or state laws, insofar as such losses, claims,
damages, liabilities and expenses arise out of or are based upon any of the
following statements, omissions or violations (collectively a "Violation"):

    (i) Any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact
  contained in such registration statement, including any preliminary
  prospectus or final prospectus contained therein, or any amendments or
  supplements thereto; or
    (ii) The omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact
  required to be stated therein, or necessary to make the statements therein
  not misleading; provided, however, that the indemnification required by
  this Section 6.1 shall not apply to amounts paid in settlement of any such
  loss, claim, damage, liability or expense if such settlement is effected
  without the consent of Realty or Operating (which consent shall not be
  unreasonably withheld), nor shall Realty or Operating be liable in any such
  case for any such loss, claim, damage, liability or expense to the extent
  that it arises out of or is based upon a Violation which occurs in reliance
  upon and in conformity with information furnished to Realty or Operating by
  MT expressly for use in connection with such registration; and provided,
  further, that the indemnity agreement contained in this Section 6 shall not
  apply to the extent that any such loss is based on or arises out of an
  untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact, or an
  omission or alleged omission to state a material fact, contained in or
  omitted from any preliminary prospectus if the final prospectus shall
  correct such untrue statement or alleged untrue statement, or such omission
  or alleged omission, and a copy of the final prospectus has not been sent
  or given to such person at or prior to the confirmation of sale to such
  person if an underwriter was under an obligation to deliver such final
  prospectus and failed to do so.
  6.2. To the extent permitted by applicable law, MT shall indemnify and hold
harmless Realty, Operating, each of the directors, officers and employees of
Realty and Operating, and each Person, if any, who controls Realty or Operating
within the meaning of the Securities Act, against any and all losses, claims,
damages, liabilities and expenses (joint and several), including reasonable
attorneys' fees and disbursements and reasonable expenses of investigation,
incurred by such party pursuant to any actual or threatened action, suit,
proceeding or investigation, or to which any of the foregoing Persons may
otherwise become subject under the Securities Act, the Exchange Act or other
federal or state laws, but only insofar as such losses, claims, damages,
liabilities and expenses arise out of or are based upon any Violation, in each
case to the extent that such Violation arises out of or is based upon
information furnished by MT expressly for use in connection with such
registration; provided, however, that (x) the indemnification required by this
Section 6.2 shall not apply to amounts paid in settlement of any such loss,
claim, damage, liability or expense if such settlement is effected without the
consent of MT (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) and (y) in no
event shall the amount of any indemnity under this Section 6.2 exceed the gross
proceeds from the applicable offering received by MT.
  6.3. Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party under this Section 6 of
notice of the commencement of any action, suit, proceeding, investigation or
threat thereof made in writing for which such indemnified party may make a
claim under this Section 6, such indemnified party shall deliver to the
indemnifying party a written notice thereof and the indemnifying party shall
have the right to participate in, and, to the extent the indemnifying party so
desires, jointly with any other indemnifying party similarly noticed, to assume
the defense thereof with counsel mutually satisfactory to the parties. The
failure to deliver written notice to the indemnifying party within a reasonable
time following the commencement of any such action, if prejudicial to its
ability to defend such action, shall relieve such indemnifying party of any
liability to the indemnified party under this Section 6 to the extent of such
prejudice but shall not relieve the indemnifying party of any liability that it
may have to any indemnified party otherwise than pursuant to this Section 6.
Any fees and expenses incurred by the indemnified party (including any fees and
expenses incurred in connection with investigating or preparing to defend such
action or proceeding) shall be paid to the indemnified party, as incurred,
within thirty (30) days of written notice thereof to the indemnifying party.
Any such indemnified party shall have the right to employ separate counsel in
any such action, claim or proceeding and to participate in the defense thereof,
but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be the expenses of such
indemnified party unless (i) the indemnifying party has agreed to pay such fees
and expenses or (ii) the indemnifying party shall have failed to promptly
assume the defense of such action, claim or proceeding or (iii) the named
parties to any such action, claim or proceeding (including any impleaded
parties) include both such indemnified party and the

indemnifying party, and such indemnified party shall have been advised by
counsel that there may be one or more legal defenses available to it which are
different from or in addition to those available to the indemnifying party and
that the assertion of such defenses would create a conflict of interest such
that counsel employed by the indemnifying party could not faithfully represent
the indemnified party (in which case, if such indemnified party notifies the
indemnifying party in writing that it elects to employ separate counsel at the
expense of the indemnifying party, the indemnifying party shall not have the
right to assume the defense of such action, claim or proceeding on behalf of
such indemnified party, it being understood, however, that the indemnifying
party shall not, in connection with any one such action, claim or proceeding or
separate but substantially similar or related actions, claims or proceedings in
the same jurisdiction arising out of the same general allegations or
circumstances, be liable for the reasonable fees and expenses of more than one
separate firm of attorneys (together with appropriate local counsel) at any
time for all such indemnified parties, unless in the reasonable judgment of
such indemnified party a conflict of interest may exist between such
indemnified party and any other of such indemnified parties with respect to
such action, claim or proceeding, in which event the indemnifying party shall
be obligated to pay the fees and expenses of such additional counsel or
  6.4. If the indemnification required by this Section 6 from the indemnifying
party is unavailable to an indemnified party hereunder in respect of any
losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses referred to in this Section 6:
    (i) The indemnifying party, in lieu of indemnifying such indemnified
  party, shall contribute to the amount paid or payable by such indemnified
  party as a result of such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses
  in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of the
  indemnifying party and indemnified parties in connection with the actions
  which resulted in such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses, as
  well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of
  such indemnifying party and indemnified parties shall be determined by
  reference to, among other things, whether any Violation has been committed
  by, or relates to information supplied by, such indemnifying party or
  indemnified parties, and the parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to
  information and opportunity to correct or prevent such Violation. The
  amount paid or payable by a party as a result of the losses, claims,
  damages, liabilities and expenses referred to above shall be deemed to
  include, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6.1 and Section
  6.2, any legal or other fees or expenses reasonably incurred by such party
  in connection with any investigation or proceeding.
    (ii) The parties agree that it would not be just and equitable if
  contribution pursuant to this Section 6.4 were determined by pro rata
  allocation or by any other method of allocation which does not take into
  account the equitable considerations referred to in Section 6.4(i). No
  Person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of
  Section 11(f) of the Securities Act) shall be entitled to contribution from
  any Person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.
  6.5. If indemnification is available under this Section 6, the indemnifying
parties shall indemnify each indemnified party to the full extent provided in
this Section 6 without regard to the relative fault of such indemnifying party
or indemnified party or any other equitable consideration referred to in
Section 6.4.
  6.6. The obligations of Realty, Operating and MT under this Section 6 shall
survive the completion of any offering of Registrable Securities pursuant to a
registration statement under this Agreement, and otherwise.

                                                                 ANNEX E
                                                            TO THIRD AMENDED
                                                              AND RESTATED
                                                           AND PLAN OF MERGER
  FOURTH: Capitalization. Section 1. The total number of shares of all classes
of stock which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is 306,000,000, of
which 270,000,000 shares of the par value of $.10 each are to be of a class
designated Common Stock, 6,000,000 shares of the par value of $.10 each are to
be of a class designated Preferred Stock and 30,000,000 shares of the par value
of $.10 each are to be of a class designated Series Common Stock.
  Section 2. The shares of Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in
one or more series. The Board of Directors of the Corporation is hereby
authorized to fix or alter the dividend rights, dividend rate, conversion
rights, voting rights, rights and terms of redemption (including sinking fund
provisions), the redemption price or prices, and the liquidation preferences of
any wholly unissued series of Preferred Stock and the number of shares
constituting any such series and the designation thereof, or all or any of
  Section 3. The shares of Series Common Stock may be issued from time to time
in one or more series. The Board of Directors of the Corporation is hereby
authorized to fix or alter the dividend rights, dividend rate, conversion
rights, voting rights, rights and terms of redemption (including sinking fund
provisions), the redemption price or prices, and the liquidation preferences of
any wholly unissued series of Series Common Stock and the number of shares
constituting any such series and the designation thereof, or all or any of
  Section 4. (a) Each holder of Common Stock, as such, shall be entitled to one
vote for each share of Common Stock held of record by such holder on all
matters on which stockholders generally are entitled to vote.
  (b) Except as otherwise required by law, holders of a series of Preferred
Stock or Series Common Stock, as such, shall be entitled only to such voting
rights, if any, as shall expressly be granted thereto by this Certificate of
incorporation (including any Certificate of Designation relating to such
  (c) Subject to applicable law and the rights, if any, of the holders of any
outstanding series of Preferred Stock or Series Common Stock or any class or
series of stock having a preference over or the right to participate with the
Common Stock with respect to the payment of dividends, dividends may be
declared and paid on the Common Stock at such times and in such amounts as the
Board of Directors in its discretion shall determine.
  (d) Upon the dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Corporation,
subject to the rights, if any, of the holders of any outstanding series of
Preferred Stock or Series Common Stock or any class or series of stock having a
preference over or the right to participate with the Common Stock with respect
to the distribution of assets of the Corporation upon such dissolution,
liquidation or winding up of the Corporation, the holders of the Common Stock,
as such, shall be entitled to receive the assets of the Corporation available
for distribution to its stockholders ratably in proportion to the number of
shares held by them.

                                                                 ANNEX F
                                                            TO THIRD AMENDED
                                                              AND RESTATED
                                                           AND PLAN OF MERGER
  FOURTH: Capitalization. Section 1. The total number of shares of all classes
of stock which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is 306,000,000, of
which 270,000,000 shares of the par value of $.10 each are to be of a class
designated Common Stock, 6,000,000 shares of the par value of $.10 each are to
be of a class designated Preferred Stock and 30,000,000 shares of the par value
of $.10 each are to be of a class designated Series Common Stock.
  Section 2. The shares of Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in
one or more series. The Board of Directors of the Corporation is hereby
authorized to fix or alter the dividend rights, dividend rate, conversion
rights, voting rights, rights and terms of redemption (including sinking fund
provisions), the redemption price or prices, and the liquidation preferences of
any wholly unissued series of Preferred Stock and the number of shares
constituting any such series and the designation thereof, or all of any of
  Section 3. The shares of Series Common Stock may be issued from time to time
in one or more series. The Board of Directors of the Corporation is hereby
authorized to fix or alter the dividend rights, dividend rate, conversion
rights, voting rights, rights and terms of redemption (including sinking fund
provisions), the redemption price or prices, and the liquidation preferences of
any wholly unissued series of Series Common Stock and the number of shares
constituting any such series and the designation thereof, or all or any of
  Section 4. (a) Each holder of Common Stock, as such, shall be entitled to one
vote for each share of Common Stock held of record by such holder on all
matters on which stockholders generally are entitled to vote.
  (b) Except as otherwise required by law, holders of a series of Preferred
Stock or Series Common Stock, as such, shall be entitled only to such voting
rights, if any, as shall expressly be granted thereto by this Certificate of
Incorporation (including any Certificate of Designation relating to such
  (c) Subject to applicable law and the rights, if any, of the holders of any
outstanding series of Preferred Stock or Series Common Stock or any class or
series of stock having a preference over or the right to participate with the
Common Stock with respect to the payment of dividends, dividends may be
declared and paid on the Common Stock as such times and in such amounts as the
Board of Directors in its discretion shall determine.
  (d) Upon the dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Corporation,
subject to the rights, if any, of the holders of any outstanding series of
Preferred Stock or Series Common Stock or any class or series of stock having a
preference over or the right to participate with the Common Stock with respect
to the distribution of assets of the Corporation upon such dissolution,
liquidation or winding up of the Corporation, the holders of the Common Stock,
as such, shall be entitled to receive the assets of the Corporation available
for distribution to its stockholders ratably in proportion to the number of
shares held by them.