DATED                                                                   1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            TERMS OF OFFER MADE BY

                            AND MC HAIRWAYS LIMITED




                        for the sale and purchase of the
                         assets and certain liabilities
                              of Daxbourne Limited
                          and its subsidiary companies


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               Dibb Lupton Alsop
                                125 London Wall
                                    EC2Y 5AE

                               Tel: 0345 26 27 28
                               Fax: 0171 600 1650


                                                        Page Number

 1      DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION                          1

 2      SALE AND PURCHASE OF BUSINESS                           8

 3      GUARANTEE                                               8

 4      ACCEPTANCE                                              8

 5      COMPLETION                                              9

 6      COMPLETION ACCOUNTS                                    10

 7      ADJUSTING PAYMENT                                      10

 8      WARRANTIES                                             10

 9      VENDORS' PROTECTION                                    11

10      CONTRACTS                                              13

11      CREDITORS AND LIABILITIES                              13

12      DEBTS                                                  15

13      EMPLOYEES                                              15

14      PROPERTIES                                             17

15      USE OF VENDORS' NAMES                                  17

16      VALUE ADDED TAX                                        17

17      BUSINESS RECORDS                                       18

18      VENDORS' COVENANTS                                     18

19      FURTHER ASSURANCE                                      20

20      ANNOUNCEMENTS                                          20

21      COSTS                                                  20

22      SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNMENT                              20

23      ENTIRE AGREEMENT                                       21

24      TIME FOR PERFORMANCE                                   21

25      NOTICES                                                 21

26      MEMORANDUM CONTINUES IN FORCE                           21

27      SEVERABILITY                                            21

28      WAIVER                                                  21

29      VARIATIONS                                              22

30      GOVERNING LAW                                           22

SCHEDULE 1                                                      23
- ----------
        Contracts                                               23

- ----------
        The Warranties                                          24

        1       Disclosure of Information                       24
        2       Capacity and Ownership                          24
        3       Accounts                                        25
        4       Position since Accounts Date                    26
        5       Taxation                                        27
        6       Business Name                                   28
        7       Licences and Consents                           28
        8       Properties and Environmental Matters            28
        9       Assets                                          32
        10      Debts, Stock and Work in Progress               33
        11      Insurance                                       33
        12      Records                                         34
        13      Confidential Information                        34
        14      Intellectual Property                           34
        15      Computer Systems                                35
        16      Employees                                       36
        17      Contracts                                       38
        18      Trading                                         39
        19      Joint Ventures Etc.                             40
        20      Litigation Offences and Compliance with 
                Statures                                        40
        21      Restrictive Agreements                          40
        22      Computer Systems - Millennium Compliance        41

SCHEDULE 3                                                      43
- ----------
        PART 1                                                  43
        Completion Accounts                                     43
        PART 2                                                  44
        Accounting policies to be adopted in the Completion 
        Accounts                                                44

SCHEDULE 4                                                      45
- ----------
        PART 1                                                  45
        The Properties                                          45
        PART II                                                 45
        Terms and conditions of sale of the Properties          45


- ---------------------

1         Accounts
2         Completion Board Minutes of the Purchaser and the Guarantor
3         Management Accounts
4         Release(s) of bank guarantees and charges
5         Letter(s) of non-crystallisation
6         Deed of Guarantee
7         Consultancy Agreement
8         Deed of Covenant


(1)  DAXBOURNE LIMITED (Company No. 1320298), POSTINSTANT LIMITED (Company No.
     1559076) and MC HAIRWAYS LIMITED (Company No. 2758010) ("THE VENDORS"); to


A.   This document ("the Memorandum") records the terms of an offer for the sale
     and purchase of the Business as a going concern and certain of the assets
     and liabilities used or incurred in connection with the Business.

B.   The Purchaser shall acquire the Business as a going concern with effect
     from the start of business on 29 September 1997. In determining the
     consideration hereunder the Buyer will take over all receivables and will
     assume all undischarged liabilities as of that date. The purchase price
     reflects the cash that is estimated to be required to discharge such
     liabilities. The parties shall ensure that banking, bookkeeping and
     accounting arrangements are made to reflect this economic effect.


     1.1  In this document the following words and expressions shall (except
          where the context otherwise requires) have the following meanings:

          Accountants                  means the Vendors' Accountants and the
                                       Purchaser's Accountants

          Accounts                     means the audited accounts of Daxbourne
                                       and the Subsidiaries comprising (inter
                                       alia) the balance sheet and the profit
                                       and loss account for the period as at and
                                       to the Accounts Date the notes and the
                                       cash flow statement relating thereto and
                                       the reports of the directors and auditors

          Accounts Date                means 30 April 1997

          Assets                       means all the assets, contracts and
                                       rights owned or used in connection with
                                       the Business including without limitation
                                       the Stock, Fixed and Loose Plant and
                                       Machinery, Goodwill, Debts, the benefit
                                       of insurance claims, Properties,
                                       Intellectual Property but excluding the
                                       Excluded Assets

          Business                     means the entire business of the Vendors,
                                       including without limitation, the sale
                                       and distribution of wigs, hairpieces,
                                       haircare and other products as carried on
                                       by the Vendors at the date of this

          Business Day                 means a day other than a Saturday or


                                       Sunday on which banks are open for
                                       business in London

          Cash                         means the cash in hand and at bank owned
                                       by the Vendors at the Effective Date

          Company or "Daxbourne"       means Daxbourne Limited, one of the 

          Companies Acts               means the 1985 Act the 1989 Act and the
                                       Companies Consolidation (Consequential
                                       Provisions) Act 1985

          Completion                   means the performance of all the
                                       obligations of the parties hereto set out
                                       in Clause 5

          Completion Accounts          means the statement of Net Asset Value
                                       as at the Effective Date to be prepared
                                       pursuant to Clause 6 and as agreed or
                                       determined in accordance with the
                                       provisions of Schedule 6
          Completion Date              means the date hereof
          Computer Systems             means the computer systems used by or
                                       for the benefit of the Group at the date
                                       hereof, or computer processors,
                                       associated and peripheral equipment,
                                       computer programs, technical and other
                                       documentation and data entered into or
                                       created by the foregoing from time to

          Confidential                 means all information concerning or
          Information                  relating to the Business details of
                                       which are not in the public domain
          Consideration                means the consideration for the Assets
                                       set out in Clause 4
          Consulting Agreement         means an agreement to be entered into
                                       at Completion between the Purchaser and
                                       Mr. M Stannard

          Contracts                    means all the contracts entered into
                                       on or before the date hereof by the
                                       Vendors in connection with the
                                       Business more particularly described
                                       in Schedule 1
          Creditors                    means persons to whom the 
                                       Liabilities are owed
          Debtors                      means persons by whom the Debts are 


          Debts                        means all the book and other debts
                                       arising out of or attributable to the
                                       operation of the Business owed to the
                                       Vendors at the Completion Date
                                       including the right to receive payment
                                       for goods despatched or delivered and
                                       services rendered before the
                                       Completion Date but not invoiced
                                       before such date but excluding all
                                       loans between the Vendors
          Deed of Guarantee            means the deed containing guarantees
                                       to be given by Mr. M Stannard and S.C.
                                       Corporation in the agreed form
                                       pursuant to Clause 3
          Disclosed Scheme(s)          means the retirement benefit scheme(s)
                                       details of which are set out in the
                                       Disclosure Letter
          Disclosure Letter            means the letter of even date from the
                                       Vendors' Solicitors to the Purchaser's
                                       Solicitors relating to the Warranties
                                       together with any documents annexed
          Effective Date               means the opening of business of 29
                                       September 1997
          Employees                    means those employees of the Vendors
                                       whose employment is transferred to the
                                       Purchaser and whose names and details
                                       are set out in the agreed bundle
                                       attached to the Disclosure Letter
          Encumbrances                 means any interest or equity of any
                                       person (including, without limitation,
                                       any right to acquire, option or right
                                       of pre-emption, any mortgage, charge,
                                       pledge, lien, assignment,
                                       hypothecation, security interest,
                                       title retention or any other security
                                       agreement or arrangement affecting
                                       property but excluding goods supplied
                                       or to be supplied subject to usual
                                       retention of title provisions), of any
                                       kind (or rights in it)
          Excluded Assets              means the Cash and Jaguar XJS and
                                       Toyota Celica motor vehicles
                                       registration number MJS 38 and L454
                                       RMG respectively and all shares in the
                                       Subsidiaries and Tax credits
          Excluded Employees           means Mr. M Stannard and Mrs. V 
          Excluded Liabilities         means all those liabilities of the
                                       Vendors at the date hereof in relation
                                       to taxation, VAT, 


                                       pension liabilities contributions and
                                       other obligations in relation to pension
                                       entitlements, all payments referred to in
                                       paragraph 16.6 of the Disclosure Letter
                                       and all fines, costs, claims, penalties,
                                       expenses and interest incurred in
                                       connection therewith
          Fixed Plant and Machinery    the fixed plant and machinery owned by
                                       the Vendors and used in connection
                                       with the Business and physically
                                       attached to the Properties
          Goodwill                     the goodwill of the Business together
                                       with the exclusive right of the
                                       Purchaser to represent itself as
                                       carrying on the Business in succession
                                       to the Vendors and to carry on the
                                       Business under the Names
          Group                        means Daxbourne and its subsidiary
                                       undertakings as at the Completion Date
                                       and references to a "member of the
                                       Group" or a "Group Member" shall be
                                       construed accordingly
          Independent Accountants      means Grant Thornton; the Independent
                                       Accountants shall act as experts (not
                                       arbitrators) and their decision
                                       (including as to costs) (except in the
                                       case of manifest error) shall be final
                                       and binding on the parties
          Intellectual Property        means patents, inventions, know-how,
                                       trade secrets and other confidential
                                       information, registered designs,
                                       copyrights, design rights, rights
                                       affording equivalent protection to
                                       copyright and design rights,
                                       topography rights, trade marks,
                                       service marks, business names, trade
                                       names, moral rights, registration or
                                       an application to register any of the
                                       aforesaid items, rights in the nature
                                       of any of the aforesaid items in any
                                       country, rights in the nature of
                                       unfair competition rights and rights
                                       to sue for passing-off
          Liabilities                  means all liabilities of the Vendors
                                       incurred in connection with the
                                       Business before the Effective Date
                                       other than the Excluded Liabilities
          Loose Plant and Machinery    all the loose plant equipment
                                       machinery tools motor vehicles
                                       furniture trade utensils and other
                                       chattels owned or used in connection
                                       with the Business at the Effective


                                       Date whether or not physically located
                                       at the Properties
          Management Accounts          means the unaudited balance sheet(s)
                                       and profit and loss account(s) of the
                                       Vendors and the Subsidiaries in the
                                       agreed form (containing year on year
                                       comparisons) as at and for the period
                                       from the day after the Accounts Date
                                       to the end of July 1997 together with
                                       sales figures only for the months of
                                       August and September 1997
          Names                        means the words "Daxbourne", "Natural
                                       Image", "Postinstant", "MC Hairways"
                                       "Jacqueline Collection" "Pretty Woman"
                                       and all other names the subject of
                                       Intellectual Property rights
          Net Asset Value              means the valuation of net assets of
                                       the Business as at the Effective Date
                                       as shown in the Completion Accounts
          Offer                        means the offer further terms of which
                                       are contained herein
          Outstanding Cheques          cheques drawn by the Vendors prior to
                                       the Effective Date and unpaid as at
                                       the date hereof
          PAYE                         means tax payable under Section 203
                                       Taxes Act and regulations made
          Properties                   means the freehold and leasehold land
                                       and premises described in Schedule 7
          Purchaser's Accountants      means Deloitte & Touche of Hill House,
                                       1 Little New Street, London EC4A 1TR
          Purchaser's Solicitors       means Dibb Lupton Alsop of 125 London
                                       Wall London EC2Y 5AE
          Sale and Purchase            means the agreement formed by the 
          Agreement                    acceptance of the Offer            
          Stock                        the stock in trade of finished and
                                       unfinished goods raw materials and
                                       work in progress owned by the Vendors
                                       for the purposes of the Business as at
                                       the Completion Date (including items
                                       which although supplied to the Vendors
                                       under reservation of title by the
                                       suppliers are under the control of the
          Subsidiaries                 means Postinstant Limited and MC


                                       Hairways Limited
          Tax Authority                means the Commissioners of Inland
                                       Revenue, the Commissioners of Customs
                                       and Excise, the Contributions Agency,
                                       any local authority or any other
                                       authority, whether of the United
                                       Kingdom or other state (including the
                                       European Union) having the power or
                                       authority to levy or collect tax, as
                                       such term is defined herein
          "taxation"                   includes income tax (including income 
          or "tax"                     tax required to be deducted or        
                                       withheld from or accounted for in     
                                       respect of any payment) corporation   
                                       tax (including advance corporation tax
                                       and amounts assessed under the        
                                       provisions of Section 419 of the Taxes
                                       Act) capital gains tax estate duty    
                                       inheritance tax capital transfer tax  
                                       VAT landfill tax excise duties customs
                                       duties and other import duties capital
                                       duty stamp duty reserve tax           
                                       development land tax national         
                                       insurance contributions insurance     
                                       premium tax local rates and taxes the 
                                       council tax the National Non-Domestic 
                                       Rate and all taxes on gross or net    
                                       income profits or gains receipts sales
                                       use occupation franchise value added  
                                       personal property and any other tax   
                                       duty charge impost withholding        
                                       contribution or levy of any nature    
                                       whatsoever for the time being charged 
                                       assessed levied or payable whether to 
                                       any Tax Authority and any penalty     
                                       charge fine or interest payable in    
                                       connection with any such taxation
          Taxation Statutes            includes any statute statutory
                                       instrument enactment law by-law
                                       regulation or legislative provision
                                       providing for or imposing any charge
                                       assessment or levy to taxation
                                       including for the avoidance of doubt
                                       any directives and regulations adopted
                                       by the Council of the European
          Taxes Act                    means the Income and Corporation 
                                       Taxes Act 1988
          1985 Act                     means the Companies Act 1985
          1989 Act                     means the Companies Act 1989
          VAT                          means value added tax
          VATA                         means the Value Added Tax Act 1994


          VAT Regs                     means the Value Added Tax Regulations
                                       1995 (SI 1995/2518)
          Vendors' Accountants         means Linington & Company of 83 High
                                       Street, Caterham, Surrey CR3 5UF
          Vendors' Solicitors          means Curry Ch Hausmann Popeck of 17A
                                       Welbeck Way, London W1M 7PE
          Warranties                   means the representations warranties
                                       and undertakings contained or referred
                                       to in Clause 8 and Schedule 4
          Warranty Claim               means a claim or claims made in
                                       respect of any breach or breaches of

     1.2  Any reference in this document to any provision of any Act of
          Parliament shall include reference to any subordinate legislation (as
          defined in the Interpretation Act 1978) made pursuant thereto and
          shall be deemed to be a reference to such Act of Parliament or
          subordinate legislation as amended modified or re-enacted and any
          reference to any provision of any such Act or subordinate legislation
          shall also include where appropriate any provision of which it is a
          re-enactment (whether with or without modification).

     1.3  In this document words importing the masculine gender only include the
          feminine and neuter genders and words importing the singular number
          only include the plural and vice versa.

     1.4  Unless otherwise stated references to Clauses sub-clauses and
          Schedules are references to Clauses and sub-clauses of and Schedules
          to this document.  The Schedules form part of this document.

     1.5  The Index and Clause headings are for ease of reference only and shall
          not affect the construction or interpretation of this document.

     1.6  References to persons shall include bodies corporate unincorporated
          associations and partnerships.

     1.7  References to the parties hereto include their respective successors
          in title permitted assigns and legal personal representatives.

     1.8  Words and expressions defined in or for the purposes of the Companies
          Acts and the Taxes Act shall where the context permits bear the same
          meanings in this document other than in the Taxation Warranties where
          words and expressions defined in or for the purposes of the Taxes Act,
          the TCGA, the CAA, any Finance Act or the VATA shall where the context
          permits bear the same meanings in the Taxation Warranties.

     1.9  A person shall be deemed to be connected with another if that person
          is so connected within the meaning of Section 839 of the Taxes Act.

     1.10 References to writing shall include typewriting  printing  lithography
          photography  telex and fax messages and other modes of reproducing
          words in a legible and non-transitory form.


     1.11 Where any statement is qualified by the expression "to the best of the
          knowledge information and belief of the Vendors" or "so far as the
          Vendors are aware" or any similar expression it shall relate solely to
          the knowledge of Mr. M Stannard who shall be deemed to have knowledge

          1.11.1  anything of which he ought reasonably to have knowledge
                  given his particular position in and responsibilities to the
                  Group and his relationship with the business of each member of
                  the Group; and

          1.11.2  anything of which he would have had knowledge had he made
                  due and careful enquiry immediately before giving the

     1.12 Where any statement is qualified by the expressions "so far as the
          Vendors are actually aware" or any similar expression relating to the
          actual knowledge of the Vendors it shall be deemed to refer to the
          actual knowledge of Mr. M Stannard having made no enquiries on the
          matter to which the statement relates.

     1.13 The "agreed form" in relation to any document means the form agreed
          between the parties to this document and for the purposes of
          identification only initialed by or on behalf of the parties.

     2.1  Subject to the terms of this document and on the basis of the
          Warranties the Vendors shall sell with full title guarantee as a going
          concern and the Purchaser shall purchase all of the Assets and the
          Business free from all Encumbrances and all with effect from the
          opening of business on the Effective Date and together with all rights
          of any nature which have become attached to them or accrued in respect
          of them.

     2.2  The Purchaser shall assume liability to pay to the Creditors the
          Liabilities as and when they become due.

     2.3  Nothing herein contained shall operate so as to impose on the
          Purchaser any obligations or liabilities in respect of other assets or
          liabilities of the Vendors except as specifically provided in this

     The parties shall procure that there shall be executed and delivered to
     each other on the Completion Date a Deed of Guarantee in the agreed form.


     4.1  Acceptance shall be made immediately once the Vendors have completed
          their obligations pursuant to clause 5.2 by the payment of the sum of
          (Pounds)1,750,000 by electronic funds transfer forthwith on the date
          of completion. The Purchaser shall make a further payment of
          (Pounds)300,000 on the anniversary of the Completion Date. Each
          payment shall be made to the Vendors' solicitors and receipt by them
          shall be an absolute discharge to the Purchaser.

     4.2  If the Purchaser has issued and served proceedings on the Vendors
          specifying precisely the amount claimed in respect of a Warranty Claim
          the Purchaser shall (without prejudice to its other rights hereunder)
          be entitled to set-off such 


          amount (and no further amounts) against the (Pounds)300,000 to be paid
          pursuant to subclause 4.1 provided that any monies withheld which
          shall be agreed or determined to be in excess of the amount equal to
          satisfy the claim in full shall incur interest at 3% above the base
          rate of Barclays Bank PLC from time to time from the date when due
          until the date of actual payment.


     5.1  Completion of the sale and purchase of the Business and Assets shall
          take place on the Completion Date at the office of the Purchaser's

     5.2  At Completion the Vendors shall:-

          5.2.1 insofar as they are able to do so permit the Purchaser to assume
                the conduct of the Business and possession of those of the
                Assets capable of passing by delivery and the Purchaser will
                carry on the Business with effect from the Completion Date;

          5.2.2 insofar as they are able to do so complete the sale to the
                Purchaser of the Properties subject to the terms contained in or
                referred to in Schedule 7.

          5.2.3 deliver or make available to the Purchaser:-

        duly executed assignments in the agreed form  of the
                         Intellectual Property Contracts;

        all lists of customers and suppliers books of account
                         and records whether stored on hard copy or on computer
                         and computer programs relating to the Business;

        all the designs and drawings plans technical and sales
                         publications advertising material and other technical
                         and sales matter of the Vendors in relation to the
                         Business together with any plates blocks negatives and
                         other like material relating thereto;

        certified copies of the Special Resolutions to change
                         the name of the Vendors in accordance with Clause 15;

        letters of non-crystallisation in the agreed form in
                         respect of the Assets duly executed by Lloyds Bank Plc
                         together with duly executed documents referred to in
                         7.1 of Schedule 4; and

        the Consultancy Agreement, the Deed of Guarantee and
                         the Deeds of Covenant (in the agreed form) duly
                         executed by all parties except the Purchaser; and

        consents in relation to the Owen Owen and House of
                         Fraser concessions, the National Health Service
                         contract and the insurance arrangements in relation to
                         the Business all in agreed form


     5.3  Upon fulfillment by the Vendors of their obligations under Clause 5.2
          the Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendors duly executed counterparts
          of the documents referred to in Clauses and

     5.4  The Purchaser shall not be obliged to complete the purchase of any of
          the Assets unless the purchase of all the Assets is completed in
          accordance with this document.

     5.5  The Vendors shall use their best endeavours (including the payment of
          all of the landlords costs and expenses) to pursue all requisite
          licenses and consents to permit the completion as soon as possible
          after the Completion Date of all Properties not transferred at
          Completion provided the Purchaser shall co-operate and assist the
          Vendors at the Purchaser's expense.  Following Completion and upon
          request by the Purchaser the Vendors will execute and deliver such
          assignments of other of the Assets in a form to be agreed with them as
          the Purchaser shall reasonably require.


     The Purchaser shall produce Completion Accounts in accordance with Schedule


     7.1  If the Completion Accounts show the Net Asset Value is less than
          (Pounds)637,000, then the amount of such shortfall plus (Pounds)25,000
          shall be paid to the Purchaser by the Vendors as a refund or part
          refund of the Cash Consideration.

     7.2  If the Completion Accounts show the Net Asset Value is more than
          (Pounds)687,000 then the amount of such excess plus (Pounds)25,000
          shall be paid to the Vendors by the Purchaser as additional Cash

     7.3  Any such sums required to be paid under clause 7.1 above shall be paid
          within fourteen days of written notice of such sum being given to the
          relevant party.  In the event of such payment not being paid within
          such period, it shall bear interest at 3% above the base rate of
          Barclays Bank PLC from time to time.


     8.1  The Vendors hereby represent warrant and undertake to the Purchaser
          that at the date of this document each of the statements set out in
          Schedule 4 are true and accurate in all respects and not misleading
          and the Vendors hereby acknowledge that they have made those
          statements with the intention of inducing the Purchaser to acquire the
          Assets and that the Purchaser has been induced to acquire the Assets
          on the basis of and in reliance upon them.

     8.2  Each of the Warranties shall be construed as a separate and
          independent warranty and (save where expressly provided to the
          contrary) shall not be limited or restricted by reference to or
          inference from any other term of this document or any other Warranty.

     8.3  The rights and remedies of the Purchaser in respect of any breach of
          any of the Warranties shall continue to subsist notwithstanding
          Completion save where any Warranty has been performed or discharged on


     8.4  The Vendors hereby agree with the Purchaser to waive any right which
          they may have in respect of any misrepresentation inaccuracy or
          omission in or from any information or advice supplied or given by any
          employee or officer of any Group Company in enabling them to give the
          Warranties or to prepare the Disclosure Letter.


     9.1  Save in the case of fraud or willful non-disclosure and
          notwithstanding anything contained in this document any liability of
          the Vendors in respect of any Warranty Claim shall be limited by the
          provisions of this clause.

     9.2  The Vendors shall not be liable in respect of any Warranty Claim to
          the extent that the matter or matters giving rise to such claim are
          expressly disclosed in the Disclosure Letter with sufficient
          particularity so as to provide a reasonably accurate description or
          account of the matter being disclosed (notwithstanding that only brief
          particulars and/or part only of a document has or a series of
          documents have been supplied) so as to enable a prudent purchaser to
          make a reasonable assessment of the legal and commercial significance
          of the matter being disclosed.

     9.3  The total aggregate liability of the Vendors for Warranty Claims
          including all proper and reasonable costs and expenses in relation to
          any such claim shall not exceed (Pounds)2,062,500.

     9.4  The Vendors shall not be liable in respect of any Warranty Claim
          unless and until the aggregate liability for all claims exceeds
          (Pounds)27,500 but once any such claim or claims have been made in
          excess of such amount all Warranty Claims (including the first
          (Pounds)27,500) may be pursued.

     9.5  Any individual claim not exceeding (Pounds)1,000 shall be discounted
          in calculating the aggregate liability of the Vendors for the purposes
          of paragraph 9.4.

     9.6  The Vendors shall have no liability in respect of a Warranty Claim
          unless written notice (specifying the substance and quantification of
          the claim and the matter giving rise thereto) of such claim is given
          to the Vendors within ninety (90) days after discovery of the same by
          the Purchaser.

     9.7  The Vendors shall have no liability in respect of Warranty Claims
          unless written notice (specifying the substance and quantification of
          the claim and the matter giving rise thereto) of such claim shall have
          been given to the Vendors on or before the second anniversary of the
          date hereof in respect of the Warranties.

     9.8  The Vendors shall not have any liability in respect of Warranty

          9.8.1 To the extent that provision or reserve in respect thereof was
                expressly made in the Accounts or the Management Accounts or to
                the extent that payment or discharge of any such claim was taken
                into account in the Accounts or the Management Accounts.

          9.8.2 In respect of which any reserve or provision has been made in
                the Accounts or the Management Accounts and which is
                insufficient only by reason of any increase in the rates of
                taxation made on or after the 


                date to which the Accounts or the Management Accounts have been
                made up and whether or not with retrospective effect.

          9.8.3 For which the Vendors are or may become primarily liable as a
                result of transactions in the ordinary course of their business
                after the date to which the Accounts or the Management Accounts
                have been made up.

          9.8.4 To the extent that such liability would not have arisen but for
                any alteration enactment or re-enactment of any act of
                parliamentary or statutory instrument or other legislative act
                which occurs or has effect after the Completion Date.

          9.8.5 Which would not have arisen but for a voluntary act or
                transaction after the Completion Date which could reasonably
                have been avoided or was carried out by the Purchaser (or its
                successors) after the Completion Date otherwise than in the
                ordinary course of business.

          9.8.6 In respect of any matter in relation to which the Purchaser
                after the Completion Date shall have expressly waived its rights
                in writing.

          9.8.7 If and to the extent that any Warranty Claim occurs as a result
                of or is otherwise attributable to the Purchaser after
                Completion disclaiming any part of the benefit of capital or
                other allowances against Taxation claimed on or before the
                Accounts Date.

     9.9  Any claim by the Purchaser under the Warranties may be issued against
          the Vendors but shall be capable of being pursued only if the
          Purchaser shall have first taken all steps reasonably available to it
          against any third parties as may be appropriate in respect of the
          matter to which such claim relates and then only to the extent that
          the loss incurred by the Purchaser as a result of the matter to which
          the claim relates shall not have been fully satisfied on a full
          indemnity basis.

     9.10 If the Vendors pay to the Purchaser any amount in respect of any
          breach of the Warranties and the Purchaser subsequently recovers from
          a third party a sum which is directly and solely referable to that
          breach or payment or shall subsequently receive any benefit which is
          directly and solely referable to that breach and which has not been
          taken into account in computing the liability of the Vendors and would
          have reduced such liability had it been so taken into account the
          Purchaser shall repay the Vendors so much of the amount paid by the
          Vendors or such referable benefit received as represents the
          difference between the amount due to the Purchaser and the amount
          recovered from the third party (if any) net of expenses and tax.

     9.11 If the Purchaser becomes aware of any claim or potential claim which
          might in the reasonable opinion of the Purchaser give rise to such a
          claim under the Warranties the Purchaser shall forthwith notify the
          Vendors in writing of such claim and the Purchaser shall procure that
          all requisite information, documents and facilities shall promptly be
          made available to the Vendors or the Vendors' professional advisers
          for such purposes and the Purchaser shall not accept or pay or
          compromise any such claim without the prior consent in writing of the
          Vendors (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld).


     9.12 The amount of any Warranty Claim shall take into account the amount of
          any relief from Taxation arising by virtue of the loss or damage in
          respect of which the claim was made.

     9.13 Nothing contained in this clause or in Clause 8 shall derogate from
          the Purchaser's obligation to use reasonable endeavours to mitigate
          any loss which it suffers in consequence of any breach of the
          Warranties or the Taxation Warranties.

     9.14 If, in respect of any Warranty Claim the liability of the Vendors is
          contingent, then the Vendors shall not be under any obligation to make
          any payment to the Purchaser until such time as the contingent
          liability ceases to be contingent and becomes actual.

     9.15 Where the Purchaser is entitled to recover from its insurers any sum
          in respect of any matter giving rise to a Warranty Claim then any
          monies so recovered (net of any increased premium attributable to the
          claim) shall be set off against the corresponding claim against the

     10.1 Insofar as the benefit subject to the burden of any of the Contracts
          cannot effectively be transferred to the Purchaser (whether by
          assignment novation or otherwise) without the consent of a third party
          and such consent has not been obtained at or prior to Completion:-

          10.1.1  the Vendors and the Purchaser shall use all reasonable
                  endeavours to obtain such consent as soon as practicable;

          10.1.2  unless and until any such contract has been transferred to the
                  reasonable satisfaction of the Purchaser the Purchaser shall
                  for its own benefit and to the extent that the contract in
                  question permits without constituting a breach thereof perform
                  on behalf of the Vendors (but at the Purchaser's expense) all
                  the Vendors' obligations and the Vendors will co-operate with
                  the Purchaser (at the Purchaser's expense) in any reasonable
                  arrangements designed to provide for the Purchaser the
                  benefits under any such contracts including the enforcement of
                  any and all rights of the Vendors thereunder;

          10.1.3  if the Vendors shall require the Purchaser shall enter into
                  novation agreements with the other parties to any of such
                  contracts to the intent that thenceforth the Purchaser shall
                  be in a direct contractual relationship with such other
                  parties and the Vendors' obligations in respect of such
                  contracts shall be at an end.

     10.2 The Vendors shall promptly refer to the Purchaser all inquiries
          relating to the Business and assign to the Purchaser all orders
          relating to the Business which the Vendors may receive after the
          Completion Date.

     11.1 The Vendors shall settle out of their own resources all of the
          Outstanding Cheques forthwith upon presentation.


     11.2 Upon becoming aware of any claim against the Vendors pursuant to the
          Liabilities the Vendors will promptly give notice of it to the
          Purchaser and shall not take any steps without the approval of the
          Purchaser (save where they are in receipt of legal proceedings
          (including a statutory demand or winding up petition) and the Vendors
          reasonably are of the view that they must act immediately in which
          case they shall inform the Purchaser immediately thereafter and in the
          meantime may take such steps as they shall deem appropriate.  The
          Vendors shall if so requested by the Purchaser and so far as it is
          able promptly supply to the Purchaser written details of all trade and
          other creditors of the Business subsisting at the Completion Date.

     11.3 Unless otherwise expressly provided nothing in this Agreement shall
          make the Purchaser liable in respect of anything done or omitted to be
          done by the Vendors prior to the Effective Date and the Vendors shall
          indemnify the Purchaser in full for and against any reasonable claims
          costs expenses or liabilities whatsoever and howsoever arising
          incurred or suffered by the Purchaser in connection with any of the
          Excluded Liabilities the including reasonable costs incurred by the
          Purchaser in settling any claim in respect of such debts obligations
          or liabilities.  This indemnity shall extend without limitation to all
          legal expenses and other professional fees reasonably and properly
          incurred by the Purchaser.

     11.4 With effect from the Effective Date the Purchaser shall:-

          11.4.1  discharge all of the Liabilities as they fall due;

          11.4.2  observe and perform or procure to be observed and performed
                  all the obligations of the Vendors under the Contracts except
                  insofar as such obligations should have been performed by the
                  Vendors before the Effective Date and except insofar as such
                  obligations have not been fully and effectively transferred to
                  the Purchaser whether by assignment, novation or otherwise
                  (save in respect of the Properties) and it is not possible for
                  the Purchaser to perform or procure the performance thereof
                  without constituting a breach of the contract concerned;

          11.4.3  assume responsibility for payment for all goods delivered or
                  services received under the Contracts after the Effective Date
                  and which do not form part of the Stock whether the invoices
                  for such goods or services are received before or after the
                  Effective Date;

          11.4.4  Unless otherwise expressly provided nothing in this Agreement
                  shall make the Vendors liable in respect of anything done or
                  omitted to be done by the Purchaser after the Completion Date
                  and the Purchaser shall indemnify the Vendors in full for and
                  against any claims costs expenses or liabilities whatsoever
                  and howsoever arising incurred or suffered by the Vendors in
                  connection with any acts or defaults of the Purchaser in
                  connection with the Business and the Assets and the
                  Liabilities following Completion including reasonable costs
                  incurred by the Vendors in settling any claim in respect of
                  such debts obligations or liabilities. This indemnity shall
                  extend without limitation to all legal expenses and other
                  professional fees reasonably and properly incurred by the

     11.5 With effect from the Completion Date all complaints received by the
          Vendors or the Purchaser from customers of the Business in relation to
          goods supplied or 


          services rendered prior to the Completion Date (including warranty
          claims arising in the normal course of the Business) shall be dealt
          with as follows:-

          11.5.1  all such complaints shall be promptly referred in the first
                  instance to the Purchaser who may elect in respect of any such
                  complaint either:-

        to endeavour to resolve it and to supply any
                          replacement goods and carry out any remedial services
                          accordingly; or

        to refer it to the Vendors who shall be responsible at
                          the expense of the Purchaser for resolving the same;

          11.5.2  each party will provide any information or assistance
                  reasonably requested by the other in dealing with complaints
                  under this Clause;

          11.5.3  the Vendors will not make any admission of liability in
                  relation to any complaint without the Purchaser's prior 

12.  DEBTS

     The Vendors will take all such steps as the Purchaser shall reasonably
     request (including where necessary taking any legal proceedings in its name
     but at the expense of the Purchaser and/or requesting the debtors to make
     payments directly to the Purchaser) to assist in the collection of the
     Debts.  The Vendors will hold any payments which they receive in respect of
     the Debts upon trust for the Purchaser and will account to the Purchaser
     for the same on a weekly basis without any deduction or set-off.


     13.1 The Purchaser acknowledges that pursuant to The Transfer of
          Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 ("the
          Regulations") at the Completion Date it will become the employer of
          the Employees but not the Excluded Employees .  The Vendors will not
          terminate the contracts of employment of any of the Employees without
          the prior written consent of the Purchaser.

     13.2 The Purchaser shall indemnify the Vendors in full for and against all
          claims costs expenses or liabilities whatsoever and howsoever arising
          incurred or suffered by the Vendors including without limitation all
          legal expenses and other professional fees (together with any VAT
          thereon) in relation to:-

          13.2.1  the termination by the Purchaser of the employment of any of
                  the Employees; or

          13.2.2  anything done or omitted to be done by the Purchaser in
                  respect of any of the Employees which is deemed to have been
                  done by the Purchaser by virtue of the Regulations

          provided that such costs claims expenses and liabilities are not
          payable solely as a result of any act or omission of the Vendors.

     13.3 The Vendors shall indemnify the Purchaser in full for and against all
          claims, costs, expenses or liabilities whatsoever howsoever and if
          incurred or suffered by the Purchaser including without limitation all
          legal expenses and other 


          professional fees (together with any VAT thereon) in relation to the
          termination of the employment of the Excluded Employees provided that
          such costs claims expenses and liabilities are not payable solely as a
          result of any act or omission of the Purchaser.

     13.4 All salaries and other emoluments including holiday pay taxation and
          national insurance contributions and contributions to retirement
          benefit schemes relating to the Employees shall be borne by the
          Vendors up to and including the Effective Date and by the Purchaser
          with effect from the Effective Date (save for Excluded Liabilities)
          and all necessary apportionments shall be made.

     13.5 13.5.1  The Vendors shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Purchaser
                  in respect of the amount of any liability arising from any of
                  the Relevant Events (as defined below) whether or not
                  sustainable at law brought against the Purchaser by any person
                  who was at any time prior to Completion a director or other
                  officer or employee of the company or the Subsidiaries, or a
                  current, former or surviving spouse of any such person, or a
                  Trustee in respect of benefit payable on any such person's
                  death, retirement or leaving service or relating to any
                  transfer payment in respect of the accrued past service rights
                  of any such person (in any such case) and the Vendors shall
                  indemnify and keep indemnified the Purchaser in respect of any
                  liability to such persons for damages, loss or compensation,
                  and in respect of such reasonable actuarial or legal fees
                  reasonably and properly incurred by the Purchaser in
                  connection with any of the Relevant Events.

          13.5.2  The "Relevant Events" are these.

          Any actual or alleged failure of the Company, the
                            Subsidiaries or the Trustees (for whatever cause and
                            whether or not by inadvertence) to have observed the
                            terms of the pension Scheme's eligibility rules,
                            namely Rule 2 of the Rules of the Daxbourne Limited
                            Pension and Life Assurance Scheme governed by a
                            Definitive Trust Deed and Rules of 23rd March 1990
                            ("the Disclosed Scheme") ignoring for this purpose
                            any future amendment to Rule 2 of the Rules of the
                            Disclosed Scheme.

          Any actual or alleged failure of the Company, the
                            Subsidiaries or the Trustees (for whatever cause and
                            whether or not by inadvertence) to operate the
                            Disclosed Scheme before or after Completion in
                            accordance with the trusts, powers and provisions of
                            the Disclosed Scheme and subject to all applicable
                            laws and including any claim made to the Pensions
                            Ombudsman under Part X Pension Schemes Act 1993.

          Any civil penalty imposed by OPRA or monetary loss
                            suffered in connection with any other sanction
                            imposed by OPRA on the Purchaser in respect of the
                            Disclosed Scheme.

          13.5.3  The Purchaser shall upon becoming aware of any action, claim,
                  proceeding or demand which may qualify as a Relevant Event or
                  any threat thereof promptly give notice in writing to Michael
                  Stannard (acting on behalf of the Vendors and whose receipt of
                  the same


                  is accepted by the Vendors as being deemed receipt by all of
                  them) together with all information from time to time in the
                  Purchaser's possession or control which relates to the
                  Relevant Event or threat thereof and the Purchaser shall take
                  such action including taking or defending legal proceedings
                  (subject to the Vendors prior agreement to pay all legal fees
                  reasonably and properly incurred in taking or defending such
                  proceedings) as the Vendors may reasonably by written notice
                  request in respect of any such Relevant Event or threat

          13.5.4  The Purchaser shall not and shall procure that none
                            of its officers or employees will admit liability in
                            respect of or settle or compromise any claim or
                            demand for damages, loss or compensation in respect
                            of a Relevant Event without the prior written
                            consent of the Vendors.

          In the event that any person shall institute
                            proceedings against the Purchaser in respect of a
                            Relevant Event and in respect of which the Purchaser
                            shall claim to be indemnified by the Vendors then
                            the Purchaser shall (subject to the Vendors prior
                            agreement to pay all legal fees reasonably and
                            properly incurred in taking or defending such
                            proceedings) take such action to defend or
                            compromise such proceedings or appeal any judgment
                            (if any) made against it as the Vendors shall
                            require which shall be consistent with the
                            Purchaser's legal responsibilities and in a manner
                            which shall not be materially detrimental to its
                            commercial interests.

          The Purchaser shall and shall procure that its
                            officers shall at all times maintain strictly
                            confidential and shall not disclose to any person
                            (save to the Vendors or as required by law but only
                            to the extent so required or with the prior written
                            consent of the Vendors) all information relating to
                            the Disclosed Scheme and any claim or demand in
                            respect of a Relevant Event.


     The Properties shall be sold and purchased hereunder on the terms and
     conditions set out in Schedule 7.


     15.1 The Vendors shall procure that at Completion the name of each of the
          Vendors shall be changed to a name acceptable to the Purchaser and so
          as not to include any of the Names or to suggest any connection with
          the Business and the Vendors agree that they will not at any time
          thereafter use or (so far as it is able) permit the use of any name or
          names identical or similar to such names or any colourable imitation
          thereof in connection with any activity whatsoever.

     15.2 The Vendors will cease to use on Completion all business stationery
          catalogues  price lists  brochures and other documents bearing the



     16.1 The Vendors and the Purchaser recognise that the various
          considerations set out in this Agreement are exclusive of VAT as the
          parties apprehend that the sale of the Assets is a supply of goods to
          which the provisions of [Article 5] Value Added Tax (Special
          Provisions) Order 1995 apply and both the Vendors and the Purchaser
          are taxable persons within the meaning of the Value Added Tax Act
          1994.  The Vendors and the Purchaser shall procure that their value
          added tax returns and dealings with HM Customs and Excise are
          consistent with this view.

     16.2 If demand is made upon the Vendors by HM Customs and Excise for VAT in
          respect of any supply of the Assets the consideration payable by the
          Purchaser shall be increased by a sum equal to the VAT so demanded
          ("the VAT payment").

     16.3 The Purchaser shall make payment in cleared funds of the VAT payment
          on the later of:-

          16.3.1  the Business Day following the date of the receipt by the
                  Purchaser of VAT invoices from the Vendors in respect of the
                  VAT payment; and

          16.3.2  the Business Day before the date on which the Vendors are
                  obliged by law to account for output tax to HM Customs &
                  Excise in respect of supplies made under this Agreement.


     17.1 The Vendors will provide the Purchaser with copies of all the VAT
          records of the Business required by Section 49(1)(b) Value Added Tax
          Act 1994 to be preserved by the Purchaser together with all other
          records and documents in relation to the Business which it is not
          required by law to retain.  Each party shall make available to the
          other for inspection and copying (at the expense of the requesting
          party) all records and documents which the other has a legitimate
          business interest to inspect and/or copy.

     17.2 The Vendors will provide the Purchaser with copies of all records and
          other information required by the Purchaser for the purposes of the
          Capital Goods Scheme in Part XV Value Added Tax Regulations 1995
          (SI1995/2518) and any adjustments thereunder.

     17.3 The Purchaser shall for a period of not less than 6 years from the
          Completion Date preserve the records delivered to it by the Vendors
          and upon reasonable notice during normal business hours make them
          available to the Vendors or their agents.

     18.1 Each of the Vendors jointly and severally undertakes to and covenants
          with the Purchaser that it will (save with the consent in writing of
          the Purchaser) not at any time after Completion:-

          18.1.1  use or procure or cause the use of any name or names identical
                  or similar to or including the Names or any colourable
                  imitation thereof in connection with any activity whatsoever;


          18.1.2  (save as required by law) disclose or divulge to any person
                  other than to officers or employees of the Purchaser or use
                  other than for the benefit of the Purchaser any Confidential
                  Information which may be within or have come to his knowledge
                  and he shall assist the Purchaser (at the Purchaser's cost and
                  expenses) to prevent such publication, disclosure or use of
                  any Confidential Information;

          18.1.3  do or say anything which is likely or intended to damage the
                  goodwill or reputation of the Vendor or any other member of
                  the Group or which may lead any person to cease to do business
                  with the Purchaser on substantially equivalent terms to those
                  previously offered or lead any person not to engage in
                  business with the Purchaser.

     18.2 Each of the Vendors severally undertakes to and covenants with the
          Purchaser that it will not for a period of 5 years after Completion
          either on their own behalf or jointly with or as manager advisor
          consultant or agent for any other person directly or indirectly:-

          18.2.1  approach canvass solicit or otherwise act with a view to
                  enticing away from or seeking in competition with any business
                  of the Purchaser the custom of any person who at any time
                  during the period of 24 months preceding the Completion Date
                  has been a customer of the Vendor or any other member of the
                  Group and during such period it shall not use its knowledge of
                  or influence over any such customer to or for its own benefit
                  or the benefit of any other person carrying on business in
                  competition with the Purchaser or otherwise use its knowledge
                  of or influence over any such customer to the detriment of the

          18.2.2  seek to contract with or engage (in such a way as to adversely
                  affect the business of the Purchaser as carried on at the date
                  of this document) any person who has contracted with or
                  engaged to manufacture, assemble, supply or deliver products,
                  goods, materials or services to the Vendor or any other member
                  of the Group at any time during the period of 24 months prior
                  to the date of this document;

          18.2.3  approach canvass solicit engage or employ or otherwise
                  endeavour to entice away any person who at any time during the
                  period of 24 months preceding the Completion Date or (if
                  later) the date of his ceasing to be employed by the Vendor
                  shall be or shall have been an employee, officer or manager of
                  the Vendor with a view to the specific knowledge or skills of
                  such person being used by or for the benefit of any person
                  carrying on business in competition with the business carried
                  on by the Purchaser;

          18.2.4  be engaged concerned or interested whether as an employee or
                  in any other capacity in carrying on any business in
                  competition with the business carried on by the Vendor or any
                  of the Subsidiaries as carried on at the date of this document
                  in any territory in which such business was carried on at such

     18.3 Each of the covenants contained in sub-clauses 18.1 and 18.2 shall
          constitute an entirely separate and independent restriction on each of
          the Vendors.


     18.4 Nothing in this Clause 18 shall prohibit any of the Vendors from
          holding shares or stock quoted or dealt in on an approved EC market
          (as defined in the Financial Services Act 1986 (Investment
          Advertisements) (Exemptions) Order 1995) so long as not more than 5%
          of the shares or stock of any class of any one company is so held.

     18.5 The Vendors hereby agree and acknowledge that the restrictions
          contained in this Clause 18 are reasonable and necessary to assure to
          the Purchaser the full value and benefit of the Assets but in the
          event that any such restriction shall be found to be void or
          unenforceable but would be valid and effective if some part or parts
          thereof were deleted such restriction shall apply with such deletion
          as may be necessary to make it valid effective and enforceable.

     18.6 Notwithstanding any other provision of this document no provision by
          virtue of which this document or any agreement or arrangement of which
          it forms part is registrable under the Restrictive Trade Practices
          Acts 1976 and 1977 shall take effect until such time as particulars
          thereof shall have been furnished to the Director General of Fair
          Trading.  The parties shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure
          the furnishing of such particulars as soon as possible after the
          signing of this document.


     Upon and up to six months after Completion the Vendors shall at the expense
     and request of the Purchaser do and execute or procure to be done and
     executed all such acts deeds documents and things as may be necessary to
     give effect to this document.


     No announcement communication or circular in connection with the subject
     matter of this document shall be made (whether prior to or after the
     Completion Date) by or on behalf of the parties hereto without the prior
     approval of the other or others (such approval not to be unreasonably
     withheld or delayed) save for:-

     20.1 announcements to employees customers suppliers and agents of the
          Vendors and/or the Purchaser and/or any company which is a member of
          the same group as the Purchaser in such form as may be reasonably
          required by the Purchaser; and

     20.2 such announcements as may be required by the NASDAQ, SEC or other USA
          regulatory authority.

21.  COSTS
     Each of the parties shall bear and pay its own legal accountancy and other
     fees and expenses incurred in and incidental to the preparation and
     implementation of this document and of all other documents in the agreed
     form referred to herein and such shall be ignored for the purposes of the
     Completion Accounts.


     This document shall be binding upon and enure for the benefit of the
     personal representatives or successors in title of the parties hereto and
     the benefit of the Warranties may not be assigned in whole or in part
     without the prior written consent of 


     the Vendors (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) save that the
     Purchaser may assign the benefit of the Warranties to any company within
     the same group of companies as the Purchaser without the consent of the


     This document and any documents in the agreed form constitute the entire
     agreement between the parties in connection with their subject matter.


     As regards any time date or period mentioned in this document time shall be
     of the essence.


     25.1 Any notice to be given pursuant to the terms of this document shall be
          given in writing to the party due to receive such notice (in the case
          of a company) at its registered office from time to time or (in the
          case of an individual) at the address set out in this document or such
          other address as may have been notified for the purpose to the other
          parties hereto in accordance with this Clause.  Notice shall be
          delivered personally or sent by first class pre-paid recorded delivery
          or registered post (air mail if overseas) or by facsimile transmission
          and shall be deemed to be given in the case of delivery personally on
          delivery and in the case of posting (in the absence of evidence of
          earlier receipt) 48 hours after posting (6 days if sent by air mail)
          and in the case of facsimile transmission on completion of the
          transmission Provided that the sender shall have received printed
          confirmation of transmission.

     25.2 Daxbourne Limited is expressly authorised to act as agent for the
          Subsidiaries in relation to all matters arising out of this document
          and, accordingly, without limitation, notice to Daxbourne Limited
          shall, where appropriate, constitute valid and binding notice on each
          of the Subsidiaries.


     This document shall remain in full force and effect so far as concerns any
     matter remaining to be performed at Completion and notwithstanding that
     Completion shall have taken place.


     The invalidity illegality or unenforceability of any provision of this
     document shall not affect the continuation in force of the remainder of
     this document.


     No failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or remedy under
     this document shall constitute a waiver thereof and no waiver by one party
     of any breach or non-fulfillment by the other party or parties of any
     provision of this document shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent
     or other breach of that or any other provision hereof.  No single or
     partial exercise of any right or remedy under this document shall preclude
     or restrict the further exercise of any such right or remedy.  The rights


     remedies of the parties provided in this document are cumulative and
     not exclusive of any rights and remedies provided by law.

     No variation of this document or any document in the agreed form shall be
     valid unless it is in writing and signed by or on behalf of each of the
     parties hereto.


     This document shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
     laws of England and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive
     jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in England in relation to any
     claim, dispute or difference which may arise hereunder together with all
     other contracts (including, but not limited to, order for the supply or
     sale of goods which are neither long term nor outside the ordinary course
     of the business of the Vendors but excluding any contracts or liabilities
     therefore which would comprise Excluded Liabilities.


                                SCHEDULE 1

Each of the following contracts:

          PARTIES                 DESCRIPTION                DATE
          -------                 -----------                ----

Daxbourne Limited and NHS         Supply of wigs to NHS      May 1997          
Owen Owen plc and Daxbourne       Concession                 12 March 1997  
House of Fraser (Stores)          Concession                 22 February 1995
 Limited and Daxbourne Limited                                               
David Morgan - Cardiff            Concession                 Unknown         
Debenhams - Manchester            Concession                 Unknown         
Jenners - Edinburgh               Concession                 Unknown         
Pearsons - Enfield                Concession                 Unknown         
Wildings - Newport                Concession                 Unknown         
Shield Pest Control Limited       Pest Control               May 1990        
 and Daxbourne Limited                                                       
PHS Limited and Daxbourne         Waste treatment            28 March 1996   
Mr. C Lincroft and Daxbourne      Computer consultant        11 September 1997
PRIAM Limited and Daxbourne       Computer software          16 December 1996
Radius Computer Maintenance       Computer maintenance       12 May 1997     
 Limited and Daxbourne Limited                                               
P C Calliston and Daxbourne       Health & Safety Consultant 17 April 1996   


                                  SCHEDULE 2
                                THE WARRANTIES

In this Schedule references to "a" or "the" Vendor shall constitute a separate
warranty in respect of each Vendor.


     1.1  There are fully and accurately disclosed in the Disclosure Letter all

          1.1.1 which are reasonably necessary to qualify the statements set out
                in the following paragraphs of this Schedule in order for such
                statements when so qualified to be fair accurate and not
                misleading; and

          1.1.2 which might otherwise reasonably affect the willingness of the
                Purchaser to purchase the Assets or to purchase them for the
                consideration and upon the terms set out in this document.

     1.2  All information which has been given by any of the directors or
          officers or professional advisers of the Vendors to any of the
          directors or officers or professional advisers of the Purchaser in the
          course of the negotiations leading to the signing of this document was
          when given true complete and accurate in all material respects and
          there is no fact or matter not disclosed in writing to the Purchaser
          which renders any such information materially untrue inaccurate or

     1.3  The facts set out in the Disclosure Letter and Schedules 1, 2 and 3 of
          this document are true and accurate in all respects as at the date

     2.1  The Vendors have full power and authority to enter into and perform
          this document which constitutes binding obligations on each of the
          Vendors in accordance with its terms.

     2.2  None of the Vendors nor any person connected with any Vendor has any
          interest directly or indirectly in any business other than that now
          carried on by the Group which is or is likely to be or become
          competitive with the business now carried on by the Group.

     2.3  The Vendors are entitled to sell and transfer the full legal and
          beneficial ownership in the Assets to the Purchaser and such sale will
          not result in any breach of or default under any agreement or other
          obligation binding upon the Vendors or any of them or any of their
          respective property.

     2.4  There is no litigation arbitration prosecution administrative or other
          legal proceedings or dispute in existence or threatened against any of
          the Vendors in respect of the Assets or the Vendors' entitlement to
          dispose of the Assets and there are no facts known to the Vendors or
          any of them which might give rise to any such proceedings or any such

     2.5  During the three years preceding the date hereof none of the Vendor's
          assets have been the subject of a transaction at an undervalue within
          the meaning of Part IX or Part VI Insolvency Act 1986.



     3.1  The Accounts have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of
          the relevant statutes and on a basis consistent with that adopted in
          the preparation of the audited accounts of the Vendor for each of the
          last 3 preceding financial years of the Vendor and in accordance with
          all Financial Reporting Standards statements of standard accounting
          practice and generally accepted accounting principles and practices in
          the United Kingdom and give a true and fair view of the assets and
          liabilities of the Vendor as at the Accounts Date and its profits and
          losses for the relevant period ended on the Accounts Date and without
          limiting the generality of the foregoing:-

          3.1.1 the Accounts disclose all the assets and either make full
                provision or reserve for or as appropriate disclose all accruals
                and liabilities whether actual contingent unquantified or
                disputed and all capital commitments whether actual or
                contingent of the Vendor as at the Accounts Date;

          3.1.2 any slow-moving stock included in the Accounts has been written
                down appropriately and any damaged redundant obsolete or
                unsaleable stock has been wholly written off and the value
                attributed to the remaining stock and work in progress does not
                exceed the lower of cost or net realisable value as at the
                Accounts Date;

          3.1.3 the audited balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of the
                Vendor for each of the last 3 preceding financial years of the
                Vendor ended on the Accounts Date complied with the requirements
                of all relevant laws then in force and with all statements of
                standard accounting practice and bearing an unqualified audit
                report and all Financial Reporting Standards and generally
                accepted accounting principles and practices of the United
                Kingdom then in force;

          3.1.4 the rate of depreciation adopted in the audited balance sheets
                of the Vendor for each of the last 3 preceding financial years
                of the Vendor ended on the Accounts Date was sufficient for each
                of the fixed assets of the Vendor to be written down to nil by
                the end of its useful life;

          3.1.5 except as stated in the audited balance sheets and profit and
                loss accounts of the Vendor for each of the last 3 preceding
                financial years of the Vendor ended on the Accounts Date no
                changes in the policies of accounting have been made therein for
                any of those 3 financial years and the method of valuing stock
                and work in progress and the basis of depreciation and
                amortisation adopted has been consistent during each of these 3
                financial years;

          3.1.6 the profits shown by the audited profit and loss accounts of the
                Vendor for each of the last 3 preceding financial years ended on
                the Accounts Date have not (except as therein disclosed) been
                affected by any extraordinary or exceptional item or by any
                other factor rendering such profits for all or any of such
                periods unusually high or low;

          3.1.7 sufficient provision has been made in a deferred taxation
                account for any corporation tax on chargeable gains and
                balancing charges which would arise on a sale of all fixed
                assets at the values attributed to them in the 


                Accounts and the value of none of the value of none of the
                assets is overstated in the Accounts;

          3.1.8 no value has been attributed to any type or category of stock
                which has previously been attributed no value;

          3.1.9 no asset (whether fixed intangible investment or current) has
                been revalued upwards in the Accounts and no intangible asset
                has been brought into the Accounts;

          3.1.10  no surplus on any pension arrangements has been written back
                  or brought into reserves and full provision has been made for
                  pension obligations in accordance with SSAP24.

     3.2  The Management Accounts have been carefully prepared on a basis
          consistent with the previous monthly management accounts of the Vendor
          and in accordance with the accounting policies applied to the Accounts
          and give a fair view in all respects of the assets and liabilities
          profits and losses of the Vendor for the period as at and to the end
          of the month immediately preceding the Completion Date and there are
          no liabilities actual, contingent or otherwise not reasonably provided
          for, noted or otherwise referred to therein which would require
          providing for or being disclosed or noted if such accounts were


     4.1  Since the Accounts Date the business of the Vendor has been carried on
          in the ordinary and usual course and so as to maintain the same as a
          going concern; and there has been no deterioration either in turnover
          or in the financial or trading position or in the prospects of the

     4.2  Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 4.1 since the
          Accounts Date:-

          4.2.1 the Vendor has not acquired or disposed of or agreed to acquire
                or dispose of any business or any material asset or assumed or
                acquired any material liability (including a contingent
                liability) otherwise than in the ordinary course of business;

          4.2.2 the Vendor has paid its creditors in accordance with their
                respective credit terms and/or there are no amounts owing by the
                Vendor which are properly due and have been overdue for more
                than 4 weeks;

          4.2.3 no debtor has been released by the Vendor on terms that he pays
                less than the book value of his debt and no debt owing to the
                Vendor has been deferred subordinated or written off or has
                proved to any extent irrecoverable and all book debts at the
                date hereof are good and in the normal course of events will be
                recoverable in full on their respective due dates in the
                ordinary course;

          4.2.4 neither the turnover nor the expenses (direct and indirect) nor
                the trading position nor the margin of profitability of the
                Vendor shows any material deterioration by comparison with the
                turnover expenses trading position and margin of profitability
                of the Vendor for the corresponding period in its last completed
                accounting reference period;


          4.2.5 there has not been any material change in the assets or
                liabilities (including contingent liabilities) of the Vendor as
                shown in the Accounts except for changes arising from routine
                payments and from routine supplies of goods or of services in
                the normal course of trading save as expressly disclosed in the
                Management Accounts;

          4.2.6 all payments receipts and invoices of the Vendor have been fully
                and accurately recorded in the books of the Vendor;

          4.2.7 no supplier to or customer of the Vendor who accounted for more
                than 5 per cent of the Vendor's annual turnover in the last
                financial year has ceased to trade with the Vendor or notified
                the Vendor of its intention to do so.


     5.1  The Vendor has at all times submitted within the requisite period all
          relevant and required computations and information to all relevant Tax
          Authorities and has made (or before Completion will have made) all
          returns which should be made by the Vendor for the purpose of taxation
          before Completion.

     5.2  All the aforesaid computations and returns are up to date and are
          complete and accurate and leave no material matter unresolved with any
          Tax Authority regarding the taxation affairs of the Vendor and the
          Vendor nor any director or officer of the Vendor (in his capacity as
          such) is under any liability or is likely to become liable to pay any
          penalty interest surcharge or fine in connection with taxation.  None
          of the aforesaid computations or returns is or is likely to be the
          subject of a dispute with any Tax Authority.


     5.3  All documents in the possession or under the control of the Vendors or
          to the production of which the Vendors are entitled and which are
          necessary to establish the title of the Vendors to any asset and which
          in the United Kingdom or elsewhere attract either stamp duty or
          require to be stamped with a particular stamp denoting that no duty is
          chargeable or that the document has been produced to the appropriate
          authority have been properly stamped and no such documents which are
          outside the United Kingdom would attract stamp duty if they were
          brought into the United Kingdom.


     5.4  The Vendors have complied in all respects with all VAT legislation and
          guidance published by all relevant Tax Authorities in any form
          whatsoever and have made and obtained full  complete  correct and up-
          to-date records and invoices and other documents appropriate or
          requisite for the purposes of such legislation and guidance including
          without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing in relation to
          acquisitions made from and supplies made to persons outside the UK and
          are not in arrears with any payments or returns thereunder or liable
          to any abnormal or non-routine payment or default surcharge or any
          forfeiture or penalty or to the operation of any penal provision and
          have not been required by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to
          give security under paragraph 4 of 


          Schedule 11 VATA and the Vendors are a registered and taxable person
          for the purposes of such legislation and have not at any time been
          treated as a member of a group for such purposes and no application
          for it to be so treated has at any time been made.

     5.5  No tenancy, lease or licence to occupy any property held by the Vendor
          is or will become a developmental tenancy, developmental lease or
          developmental licence within the meaning of paragraph (b) of Item 1 of
          Group 1 (Land) Schedule 9 VATA.

     5.6  The Vendors are not operating any special arrangement or scheme
          relating to VAT.

     The Vendors do not use any name for any purpose other than its full
     corporate name.


     The Vendors have obtained all licenses permissions authorisations and
     consents required for the proper carrying on of its business (full details
     of which are set out in the Disclosure Letter).  All such licenses
     permissions authorisations and consents are in full force and effect; the
     Vendors are not in breach of any of the terms and conditions attached
     thereto and there are no circumstances which indicate that any of such
     licenses permissions authorisations or consents may be revoked or not
     renewed in the ordinary course of events is the Vendors actually aware of
     any circumstances which indicate that equivalent licenses permissions
     authorisations or consents on no less favourable terms would not be granted
     to the Vendors following the acquisition of the Shares by the Purchaser.



     8.1  The Properties comprise:-

          8.1.1 all the land and premises owned or occupied by the Vendor; and

          8.1.2 all the estate interest right and title whatsoever (including
                for the avoidance of any doubt interests in the nature of
                options) of the Vendor in respect of any land or premises.

     8.2  Those of the Properties which are occupied or used by the Vendor in
          connection with any business carried on by the Vendor are so occupied
          or used by right of ownership or under lease or licence and the terms
          of any such lease or licence permit such occupation and use.

     8.3  The Vendor is the legal and beneficial owner of the Properties and all
          fixtures and fittings at the Properties are the absolute property of
          the Vendor free from Encumbrances.

     8.4  All of the Properties acquired by the Vendor since 1st July 1995 have
          been acquired with the benefit of the covenants implied by the
          expression "with full title guarantee".


     8.5  The information contained in Schedule 7 as to the tenure of the
          Properties the principal terms of the leases or licenses under which
          the same are occupied or used by the Vendor and the principal terms of
          the tenancies or licenses subject to and with the benefit of which the
          Properties are held is true and accurate in all respects.

     8.6  Where the title to any of the Properties is unregistered it is
          properly constituted by and can be deduced from duly stamped documents
          of title which are in the possession or under the control of the
          Vendor.  No event has occurred in consequence of which registration
          should have been effected at HM Land Registry.

     8.7  Where the title to any of the Properties is registered the Vendor is
          shown on the register thereof at HM Land Registry as the proprietor
          with absolute title and the Land Certificate in respect of each of
          such Properties is in the possession or under the control of the


     8.8  The Properties are free from any mortgage debenture or charge (whether
          specific or floating legal or equitable) rent charge lien or other
          encumbrance securing the repayment of monies or other obligation or
          liability whether of the Vendor or any other party.

     8.9  The Properties are not subject to any liability for the payment of any
          outgoings other than national non-domestic rates water and sewerage
          services charges and insurance premiums and in the case of leasehold
          properties rents and service charges.

     8.10 So far as the Vendors is aware the Properties are not subject to any
          covenants restrictions stipulations easements profits a prendre
          wayleaves licenses grants exceptions or reservations overriding
          interests or other such rights the benefit of which is vested in third
          parties nor any agreement to create the same.

     8.11 Where any such matters as are referred to in paragraphs 8.8, 8.9 and
          8.10 have been disclosed in the Disclosure Letter the obligations and
          liabilities imposed and arising under them have been fully observed
          and performed and all payments in respect of them due and payable have
          been duly paid.

     8.12 There is no person who is in occupation (other than pursuant to any of
          the tenancies referred to in Schedule 7) or who has or claims any
          rights or easements of any kind in respect of the Properties adversely
          to the  estate interest right or title of the Vendor therein.


     8.13 For the purposes of sub-paragraphs 8.13 to 8.29 (inclusive) of this
          paragraph 8 "the Planning Acts" means

          The Town and Country Planning Act 1990
          The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
          The Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990
          The Planning (Consequences Provisions) Act 1990
          The Planning and Compensation Act 1991


          as the same are from time to time varied or amended and any other
          statute or subordinate legislation relating to planning matters.

     8.14 So far as the Vendors are actually aware the use of each of the
          Properties is the permitted or lawful use for the purposes of the
          Planning Acts (and no notice of any breach thereunder has been
          received) and no such use is subject to planning conditions of an
          onerous or unusual nature (including any of a personal or temporary


     8.15 So far as the Vendors are actually aware compliance is being made and
          has at all times been made with all applicable statutory and byelaw
          requirements with respect to the Properties and in particular (but
          without limitation) with requirements as to fire precautions and means
          of escape in case of fire and with requirements under the Public
          Health Acts the Housing Acts the Highways Acts the Offices Shops and
          Railway Premises Act 1963 the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
          the Factory Acts and the London Building Acts and no notice of any
          breach of such statutes has been received.

     8.16 There is no outstanding and unobserved or unperformed obligation with
          respect to the Properties necessary to comply with the requirements
          (whether formal or informal) of any competent authority exercising
          statutory or delegated powers and the Vendor does not anticipate that
          it will be obliged to incur the expenditure of any substantial sum of
          money within the next two years for such purpose.


     8.17 The Vendors are not actually aware of any compulsory purchase notices
          orders or resolutions affecting the Properties nor are the Vendors
          aware of any circumstances likely to lead to any being made.


     8.18 The buildings and other structures on the Properties are in reasonably
          good and substantial repair and fit for the purposes for which they
          are presently used.

     8.19 Each of the Properties has sufficient utility services required to
          operate the business.

     8.20 The Vendors are not actually aware that any building or structure on
          the Properties has at any time been affected by structural damage or
          electrical defects or by timber infestation rising damp or disease.


     8.21 So far as the Vendors are actually aware the Vendor has paid the rent
          and observed and performed the covenants on the part of the lessee and
          the conditions contained in any leases (which expression includes
          underleases) under which the Properties are held and the last demands
          for rent (or receipts if issued) were unqualified and all such leases
          are valid and in full force.

     8.22 So far as the Vendors are actually aware all licenses consents and
          approvals required from the lessors and any superior lessors under the
          leases of the 


          Properties and from their respective mortgagees (if any) have been
          obtained and the covenants on the part of the lessee contained in such
          licenses consents and approvals have been duly performed and observed.

     8.23 The Vendors are not actually aware of any notices negotiations or
          proceedings pending in relation to rent reviews nor is any rent liable
          at the date hereof to be reviewed and time is not of the essence in
          respect of any steps to be taken in the conduct of rent reviews.

     8.24 So far as the Vendors are actually aware there is not outstanding and
          unobserved or unperformed any obligation necessary to comply with any
          notice or other requirement given by the lessor under any leases of
          the Properties.

     8.25 There are no circumstances which would entitle any such lessor to
          exercise any powers of entry or take possession or which would
          otherwise restrict the continued possession and enjoyment of the

     8.26 The Vendor is in actual occupation of all parts of the Properties and
          the security of tenure provisions of Part II of the Landlord and
          Tenant Act 1954 are not excluded nor is the right to compensation for
          disturbance and no notices have been served or received under Section
          25 or Section 26 of such Act.


     8.27 The Disclosure Letter contains full and complete details of all
          tenancies to which the Vendor is a party.

     8.28 No notices have been served or received under Section 25 or Section 26
          of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 nor are there any outstanding
          notices (whether served by or on behalf of the Vendor or by or on
          behalf of the occupational tenants or other occupants) of any other

     8.29 No tenant or licensee has commuted any rent or licence fee or made any
          payment thereof before the due date therefor and no rent reviews are
          currently being negotiated.


     8.30 So far as the Vendors is actually aware, neither the Vendor nor any of
          its officers, agents or employees (during the course of their
          employment with the Vendor) have committed, whether by act or
          omission, any breach of legal requirements for the protection of the
          environment or of human health or amenity, and so far as the Vendors
          is aware, they have conformed at all times with all relevant codes of
          practice, guidance notes, standards and other advisory material issued
          by any competent authority.

     8.31 The Vendor has not, so far as the Vendors is actually aware, received
          any notice, order or other communication from any relevant authority
          in respect of the Vendor's business, failure to comply with which
          would constitute breach of any legal requirements (or compliance with
          which could be secured by further proceedings) and so far as the
          Vendors is aware, there are no circumstances which might give rise to
          such notice, order or other communication being received or of any
          intention on the part of such authority to give such notice.


     8.32 So far as the Vendors is actually aware, there is no actual or
          potential liability on the part of the Vendor arising from any
          activities or operations of the Vendor or the state or condition of
          any properties now or formerly owned or occupied by the Vendor or
          facilities now or formerly used by the Vendor and in particular
          (without limitation) any such liability in respect of:  injury to
          persons; damage to land or personal property; public or private
          nuisance; liability for waste or other substances; and damage to or
          impairment of the environment including living organisms.

     8.33 So far as the Vendors is actually aware, no notice or other
          communication has been received from any relevant authority relating
          to the physical condition of any site now or formerly owned or
          occupied by the Vendor nor is there any circumstance likely to give
          rise to the service of any such notice or communication.

     8.34 No site now or formerly owned or occupied by the Vendor has, so far as
          the Vendors is actually aware, been used for the deposit of waste
          controlled by any legislation during the ownership or occupation of
          the Vendor and neither the Vendors nor the Vendor is aware of any such
          use before its ownership or occupation.

     8.35 So far as the Vendors is actually aware, the Vendor has properly
          carried out and made all such assessments or plans as are required by
          law in relation to the Vendor's subsidences, processes, operations and
          wastes (including without limitation those relating to hazardous
          substances, accident hazards, releases to the environment and noise).


     8.36 There is no other matter of which the Vendors is aware and which
          materially adversely affects the value of any of the Properties or
          casts any doubt on the right or title of the Vendor thereto which
          should be revealed to the Purchaser.

     8.37 Any replies given by or on behalf of the Vendors and/or the Vendors to
          enquiries before contract raised by or on behalf of the Purchaser
          relating in any way to the Properties are materially true complete and
          accurate in all material respects and contain all information known or
          available to the Vendors.


     9.1  The Vendor is the legal and beneficial owner having possession of and
          with good and marketable title to all the property and assets which
          are described and included in the Accounts as at the Accounts Date
          and/or in the books of account or records of the Vendor or which are
          used in connection with the business of the Vendor or which are in the
          reputed ownership of the Vendor or are situated on the Properties and
          all the assets required to carry on the business of the Vendor are
          owned by and are in the possession or under the control of the Vendor.

     9.2  None of the assets referred to in paragraph 9.1 are the subject of any
          assignment royalty overriding royalty factoring arrangement leasing or
          hiring agreement hire purchase agreement for payment on deferred terms
          or any similar agreement or arrangement.


     9.3  The Vendor has not created any option right to acquire mortgage pledge
          charge lien or other form of security or encumbrance or equity of any
          nature on over or affecting any part of the assets referred to in
          paragraph 9.1 and there is no agreement or commitment to give or
          create any of the foregoing and no claim has been made by any person
          to be entitled to any of the foregoing.

     9.4  All the plant machinery equipment and vehicles owned or used by the
          Vendor is in good repair and working order and has been regularly and
          properly maintained and no substantial repairs are in hand or are
          necessary and none of the plant machinery equipment or vehicles is out
          of date dangerous inefficient unsuitable or in need of renewal or
          replacement or fails to comply with all the applicable safety

     9.5  The plant registers of the Vendor comprise a complete and accurate
          record of all the plant machinery equipment and vehicles owned or used
          by the Vendor and necessary for the continuation of the business of
          the Vendor.

     10.1 All the stock of raw materials packaging materials and finished goods
          is of satisfactory quality and in good repair and condition and is
          capable of being sold on an arm's length basis in accordance with the
          Vendor's current price list without rebate or allowance and none of
          such stock is damaged obsolete  or unsaleable.

     10.2 The stock referred to in paragraph 10.1 is sufficient for the normal
          requirements of the business of the Vendor having regard to current
          orders included in the current contracts with customers of the Vendor.

     10.3 The work in progress is at its normal level for the time of year
          having regard to current orders included in the current contracts with
          customers of the Vendor.

     10.4 The book debts shown in the Accounts have realised or will realise
          within a period of 28 days from the Accounts Date their nominal amount
          less any reserve for bad or doubtful debts included in the Accounts
          and the book debts incurred since the Accounts Date and which are
          outstanding at the Effective Date will realise within 90 days from the
          Completion Date (or sooner if default is caused by the insolvency of
          the debtor) their nominal amounts less any reserve or provision for
          bad or doubtful debts shown in the Accounts.

     10.5 The Vendor is not owed any sums other than trade debts incurred in the
          ordinary course of business.


     11.1 Full details of all insurance policies effected by the Vendor or by
          any other person in relation to any of the Vendor's assets have been
          disclosed to the Purchaser in a schedule of insurance policies
          detailing scope of cover, premiums and all other relevant material and
          all such details contained in this schedule are true and correct in
          all material respects and all such insurance policies are currently in
          full force and effect.


     11.2 All premiums payable in respect of all insurance policies which have
          become due have been duly paid and no circumstances have arisen which
          would vitiate or permit the insurers to avoid such policies.


     All the accounts, books, registers, ledgers and financial and other
     material records of whatsoever kind of the Vendor (including all invoices
     and other records required for VAT purposes) have been properly and
     accurately kept and compiled; there are no material inaccuracies or
     discrepancies of any kind contained or reflected therein and they give and
     reflect a true and fair view at the date the record was made of the
     financial, contractual and trading position of the Vendor and of its plant
     and machinery, fixed and current assets and liabilities (actual and
     contingent), debtors, creditors and stock-in-trade and work-in-progress.


     13.1 The Vendor does not use any processes and is not engaged in any
          activities which involve the misuse of any confidential information
          belonging to any third party.

     13.2 The Vendor is not aware of any actual or alleged misuse by any person
          of any of its Confidential Information.

     13.3 The Vendor has not disclosed to any person any of its Confidential
          Information except where such disclosure was properly made in the
          normal course of the Vendor's business and was made subject to an
          agreement under which the recipient is obliged to maintain the
          confidentiality of such Confidential Information and is restrained
          from further disclosing or using it other than for the purposes for
          which it was disclosed by the Vendor.

     13.4 Confidential Information used by the Vendor is kept strictly
          confidential and the Vendor operates and fully complies with
          procedures which maintain such confidentiality, which confidentiality
          has not been breached.


     14.1 A schedule of Intellectual Property rights owned by the Vendor or in
          respect of which it holds any interest or right of any nature whatever
          has been disclosed to the Purchaser, and the contents thereof are true
          and accurate in all material respects.

     14.2 The Vendor is the sole unencumbered legal and beneficial owner and,
          where registered, the sole registered proprietor of all the
          Intellectual Property used in its business ("the Vendor's Intellectual

     14.3 The material particulars as to ownership registration (and
          applications therefor) of the Vendor's Intellectual Property,
          including priority and renewal dates where applicable, are set forth
          in the Disclosure Letter and such details are complete and correct.
          Such Intellectual Property comprises all Intellectual Property which
          the Purchaser will require in order fully to carry on and exploit the
          business of the Vendor as at the Completion Date and deal with the
          assets of the Vendor.

     14.4 The Vendor's Intellectual Property is not the subject of any pending
          or threatened proceedings for opposition cancellation revocation or
          rectification or 


          claims from employees and there are no facts or matters which might
          give rise to any such proceedings.

     14.5 The Vendor has taken all steps necessary or desirable for the full
          protection of all the Vendor's Intellectual Property and all rights
          therein including without limitation applying for and maintaining in
          force all possible letters patent trade marks service marks and
          copyright registrations and registered designs in all relevant

     14.6 All application and renewal fees and costs and charges regarding the
          Vendor's Intellectual Property due on or before Completion have been
          duly paid in full.

     14.7 Save for those agreements listed in the Disclosure Letter, the Vendor
          has not entered into any agreement arrangement or understanding
          (whether legally enforceable or not) for the licensing or otherwise
          permitting or authorising the use or exploitation of the Vendor's
          Intellectual Property or which prevent restrict or otherwise inhibit
          the Vendor's freedom to use and exploit the Vendor's Intellectual

     14.8 None of the Vendor's Intellectual Property is currently being
          infringed by any third party or has been so infringed in the 6 year
          period preceding Completion and no third party has threatened any such

     14.9 Save for those agreements listed in the Disclosure Letter the carrying
          on of the Vendor's business or businesses as presently constituted
          does not require any licences or consents from or the making of
          royalty or similar payments to any third party and the Vendor is not
          engaged in any activities which and none of the Vendor's processes or
          products infringe any Intellectual Property belonging to any third
          party.  All such listed agreements (and each provision thereof) are
          valid and subsisting and not restricted in any way and the Vendor is
          not in breach of any of the provisions thereof.

    14.10 There are no outstanding claims against the Vendor for infringement
          of any Intellectual Property used (or which has been used) by it and
          no such claims have been settled by the giving of any undertakings
          which remain in force.


     15.1 A schedule of the Computer Systems has been supplied by the Vendor to
          the Purchaser, and the information contained therein is materially
          true and accurate in all respects.

     15.2 The Computer Systems have been satisfactorily maintained and have the
          benefit of the maintenance agreements specified in the Disclosure

     15.3 The Computer Systems are sufficient to run the business of the Vendor
          in a satisfactory and proper manner.

     15.4 In the event that any person providing maintenance or support services
          for the Computer Systems ceases or is unable to do so, the Vendor has
          all necessary rights to obtain the source code and all related
          technical and other information to procure the carrying out of such
          services by the Vendor's own employees or by a third party.


     15.5 The Vendor has adequate procedures to ensure internal and external
          security of the Computer Systems including procedures for taking and
          storing, on-site and off-site, back-up copies of computer programs and

     15.6 None of the Vendor's records systems controls data or information are
          recorded stored maintained operated or otherwise wholly or partly
          dependent upon or held by any means (including any electronic
          mechanical or photographic processes whether computerised or not)
          which (including all means of access thereto and therefrom) are not
          under the exclusive ownership and direct control of the Vendor.


     16.1 None of the officers or employees of the Vendor has given or received
          notice terminating his employment or will be entitled to give notice
          as a result of the provisions of this document.

     16.2 Full particulars of the terms and conditions of employment (whether in
          writing or oral) of all the officers or employees of the Vendor
          (including without limitation all remuneration incentives bonuses
          expenses profit sharing arrangements and other payments share option
          schemes and other benefits whatsoever payable) are set out in the
          Disclosure Letter.

     16.3 There is not in existence any contract of employment with any director
          or employee of the Vendor (or any contract for services with any
          individual) which cannot be terminated by the Vendor giving 3 months'
          notice or less without giving rise to a claim for damages or
          compensation (other than a statutory redundancy payment or statutory
          compensation for unfair dismissal).

     16.4 In relation to each of the present officers or employees of the Vendor
          (and so far as relevant to each of its former employees) the Vendor

          16.4.1  complied with all obligations imposed on it by Articles of the
                  Treaty of Rome European Commission Regulations and Directives
                  and all statutes regulations and codes of conduct relevant to
                  the relations between it and its employees or it and any
                  recognised trade union;

          16.4.2  maintained adequate and suitable records regarding the service
                  of each of its employees;

          16.4.3  complied with all collective agreements and customs and
                  practices for the time being dealing with such relations or
                  the conditions of service of its employees; and

          16.4.4  complied with all relevant orders and awards made under any
                  statute affecting the conditions of service of its employees.

     16.5 The Vendor is not involved in any disputes and there are no
          circumstances which may result in any dispute involving any of the
          officers or employees or former employees of the Vendor.

     16.6 There is not outstanding any agreement or arrangement to which the
          Vendor is party for profit sharing or for payment to any of its
          officers or employees or former employees of bonuses or for incentive
          payments or other similar matters.


     16.7 Since the Accounts Date no change has been made in the terms of
          employment by the Vendor (other than those required by law) of any of
          the officers or employees of the Vendor.

     16.8 The Vendor has not entered into any recognition agreement with a trade
          union nor has it done any act which may be construed as recognition.

     16.9 The Vendor has complied with all recommendations, if any, made by the
          Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service and with all awards and
          declarations made by the Central Arbitration Committee.

    16.10 There is no agreement arrangement scheme or obligation (whether
          legal or moral) for the payment of any pensions allowances lump sums
          or other like benefits on retirement or on death or during periods of
          sickness or disablement for the benefit of any of the officers or
          employees of the Vendor or former officers or employees or for the
          benefit of dependants of such persons save as disclosed in the
          Disclosure Letter.

    16.11 No amounts due to or in respect of any of the officers or employees
          or former employees of the Vendor (including PAYE and national
          insurance and pension contributions) are in arrear or unpaid.

    16.12 No monies or benefits other than in respect of contractual
          emoluments are payable to any of the officers or employees of the
          Vendor and there is not at present a claim occurrence or state of
          affairs which may hereafter give rise to a claim against the Vendor
          arising out of the employment or termination of employment of any
          employee or former employee for compensation for loss of office or
          employment or otherwise and whether under the Employment Rights Act
          1996 Equal Pay Act 1970  Sex Discrimination Act 1975  Sex
          Discrimination Act 1986 or any other Act or otherwise.

    16.13 Other than the Disclosed Scheme there is not in operation, and no
          proposal has been announced to enter into or establish, any agreement,
          arrangement, custom or practice (whether legally enforceable or not or
          whether or not approved by the Board of Inland Revenue for the
          purposes of Chapter I of Part XIV of the Taxes Act) to which the
          Vendor or the Subsidiaries contribute (or promises to provide on an
          unfunded basis) for the payment of,  any pensions, allowances, lump
          sums or other like benefits on retirement, death, termination of
          employment (whether voluntary or not) or during periods of sickness or
          disablement, for the benefit of any officers, former officers,
          employees or former employees of the Vendor or the Subsidiaries or for
          the benefit of the dependants of any such person.

    16.14 Full details of the Disclosed Scheme have been given to the
          Purchaser in the form of:

          16.14.1      true and complete copies of all agreements, deeds and
                       rules governing or relating to the Disclosed Scheme;

          16.14.2      copies of the explanatory literature issued to any
                       members or former members or persons who may become
                       members of the Disclosed Scheme and any agreements
                       between the Vendor and/or Subsidiaries and any member,
                       former member or prospective member relating to the
                       provision of benefits under the Disclosed Scheme;


          16.14.3      copies of any announcement issued to any members of the
                       Disclosed Scheme in respect of benefit improvements or
                       other amendments not yet incorporated into the
                       documentation of the Disclosed Scheme;

          16.14.4      details of the active members, pensioners and deferred
                       pensioners of the Disclosed Scheme with all particulars
                       of them relevant to their membership of the Disclosed
                       Scheme and necessary to establish their entitlements to

    16.15 There are no disputes under the internal dispute resolution
          procedure which remain unresolved or complaints made by reference to
          the Disclosed Scheme to the Pensions Ombudsman, OPAS, the Industrial
          Tribunal or the Court.


     17.1 Details of all long term contracts and any contracts not in the
          ordinary course to which the Vendor is a party are contained in
          Schedule 1 and have been disclosed to the Purchaser in the Agreed
          Bundle and the details contained therein are true and accurate in all

     17.2 A schedule of all retail concessions including the terms and
          conditions thereof (where such information is known to the Vendors)
          has been disclosed to the Purchaser in the Agreed Bundle and the
          details contained therein are true and accurate in all respects.

     17.3 There is not outstanding in connection with the business of the

          17.3.1  any agreement or arrangement between the Vendor and any third
                  party which the signature or performance of this document will
                  contravene or under which the third party will acquire a right
                  of termination or any option as a result of the signature or
                  performance of this document;

          17.3.2  any agency distributorship marketing purchasing manufacturing
                  or licensing agreement or arrangement or any restrictive
                  trading or other agreement or arrangement pursuant to which
                  any part of the business of the Vendor has been carried on;

          17.3.3  any agreement or arrangement between the Vendor and any other
                  company which is a member of the Group;

          17.3.4  any agreement or arrangement entered into by the Vendor
                  otherwise than by way of bargain at arm's length; or

          17.3.5  any sale or purchase option or similar agreement or
                  arrangement affecting any of the assets of the Vendor or by
                  which the Vendor is bound.

     17.4 None of the agreements or contracts to which the Vendor is a party
          contain any unusual or onerous terms to be observed or performed by
          the Vendor and none of such agreements or contracts are unusual
          unprofitable (that is to say known to have been likely to result in a
          loss to the Vendor on completion of performance) or of a long term
          nature (that is to say incapable of performance in accordance with its
          terms within 3 months after the date on which it was 


          entered into or undertaken) or involve or may involve obligations
          which by reason of their material nature or magnitude ought to be made
          known to the Purchaser.

     17.5 Neither the Vendor nor any party with whom the Vendor has entered into
          any agreement or contract is in default being a default which would
          have a material and adverse effect on the financial or trading
          position or prospects of the Vendor and there are no circumstances
          likely to give rise to such a default.

     17.6 No breach of contract event or omission has occurred which would
          entitle any third party to terminate any contract to which the Vendor
          is a party or to call in any money before the date on which payment
          thereof would normally or otherwise be due and the Vendor has not
          received notice of intention to terminate any of such agreements or

     17.7 The Vendors has no reason to believe that any customer or supplier of
          the Vendor or other person dealing with the Vendor will refuse to
          continue to deal with the Vendor or the Purchaser or will deal with it
          on a smaller scale than at present as a result of the change of
          control of the Vendor to be effected pursuant to this document.

     17.8 The Disclosure Letter contains full details of all agreements
          arrangements or contracts (whether oral or in writing) made between
          the Vendor and any employee or client or customer of the Vendor other
          than in the ordinary course of business.


     18.1 Since the Accounts Date the Vendor has been trading at a volume and
          level reasonably comparable with the respective volumes and levels of
          the same periods during each of the two preceding years and the
          Vendors are not aware of any matter or circumstance which has affected
          or is likely to affect adversely the volume or level of trading of the

     18.2 There is not outstanding any liability or claim against the Vendor nor
          are there any deficiencies or defects or breach of contract which
          could result in any claim being made against the Vendor in relation to
          any goods or services for which the Vendor has been or is or may be or
          become liable or responsible in the course of its business and without
          prejudice to the generality of the foregoing no dispute exists between
          the Vendor and any customer client or supplier thereof nor are there
          any circumstances which are believed likely to give rise to any such

     18.3 The Vendor has not given any guarantee or warranty or made any
          representation in respect of goods or services supplied or contracted
          to be supplied by it save for any guarantee or warranty implied by law
          and (save as aforesaid) has not accepted any liability or obligation
          in respect of any goods or services that would apply after any such
          goods or services have been supplied by it.

     18.4 None of the activities or businesses of the Vendor requires any
          licence authorisation or consent which has not been obtained on a
          permanent and unconditional basis.

     18.5 The Vendor is not restricted by contract from carrying on any activity
          in any part of the world.


     18.6 Other than in the ordinary course of business no offer tender or the
          like is outstanding which is capable of being converted into an
          obligation of the Vendor by an acceptance or other act of some other


     The Vendor is not:-

     19.1 a party to any joint venture consortium partnership or profit sharing
          arrangement or agreement; or

     19.2 a member of any partnership trade association society or other group
          whether formal or informal and whether or not having a separate legal
          identity and no such body is relevant to or has any material influence
          over the business of the Vendor as now carried on.


     20.1 Otherwise than as plaintiff in the collection of debts arising in the
          ordinary course of business (none of which exceed (Pounds)1,000) the
          Vendor is not plaintiff defendant or otherwise a party to any
          litigation arbitration or administrative proceedings which are in
          progress or are threatened or pending by or against or concerning the
          Vendor or any of its assets; the Vendor is not being prosecuted for
          any criminal offence and no governmental or official investigation or
          inquiry concerning the business or officers of the Vendor or any of
          its assets is in progress or pending and there are no circumstances
          which are likely to give rise to any such proceedings investigation or

     20.2 Neither the Vendor nor any of its officers agents or employees (during
          the course of their duties in relation to the business of the Vendor)
          has committed or omitted to do any act or thing the commission or
          omission of which is or could be in contravention of any statutory
          obligation or any other law of the United Kingdom or any other country
          giving rise to any fine penalty default proceedings or other liability
          in relation to the business or officers of the Vendor or any of its
          assets or any judgment or decision which would materially affect the
          reputation or goodwill of the Vendor in relation to the Assets.


     21.1 There are no agreements in force restricting the freedom of the Vendor
          to provide and take goods and services by such means and from and to
          such persons as it may from time to time think fit.

     21.2 During the 3 years immediately preceding the Completion Date, the
          Vendor has not been party to any agreement, arrangement, concerted
          practice or course of conduct which:-

          21.2.1  is or ought to be or ought to have been or requires to be
                  registered under the Restrictive Trade Practices Acts 1976 and
                  1977 or contravenes the provisions of the Resale Prices Act
                  1976 or is or has been the subject of any inquiry,
                  investigation or proceeding under any of these Acts; or


          21.2.2  is or has been the subject of an inquiry, investigation,
                  reference or report under the Fair Trading Act 1973 (or any
                  previous legislation relating to monopolies or mergers) or the
                  Competition Act 1980; or

          21.2.3  contravenes Article 85(1) or 86 of the Treaty of Rome or which
                  has been notified to the Commission of the European Community
                  for an exemption or in respect of which an application has
                  been made to the said Commission for a negative clearance or
                  infringes any regulation or other enactment made under Article
                  87 of the said Treaty or is or has been the subject of any
                  inquiry, investigation or proceeding in respect thereof; or

          21.2.4  has or is intended to have or is likely to have the effect of
                  restricting, distorting or preventing competition in
                  connection with the production, supply or acquisition of goods
                  in the United Kingdom or any part of it or the supply or
                  securing of services in the United Kingdom or any part of it;

          21.2.5  is by virtue of its terms or by virtue of any practice for the
                  time being carried on in connection therewith a "Consumer
                  Trade Practice" within the meaning of Section 13 of the Fair
                  Trading Act 1973 and susceptible to or under reference to the
                  Consumer Protection Advisory Committee or the subject matter
                  of a report to the Secretary of State or the subject matter of
                  an Order by the Secretary of State under the provisions of
                  Part II of that Act; or

          21.2.6  infringes any other competition, anti-restrictive trade
                  practice, anti-trust or consumer protection law or legislation
                  applicable in the United Kingdom or elsewhere and not
                  specifically mentioned in this paragraph 21.

     21.3 The Vendor has not given any assurance or undertaking to the
          Restrictive Practices Court or the Director General of Fair Trading or
          the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry or the Commission or the
          Court of Justice of the European Communities or any other court,
          person or body and is not subject to any act, decision, regulation or
          other instrument made by any of them relating to any matter referred
          to in this paragraph 21.

     21.4 The Vendor is not in default or in contravention of any article, act,
          decision, regulation or other instrument or of any undertaking
          relating to any matter referred to in this paragraph 21 ("the Anti-
          Trust Rules") and has received no complaint or threat to complain
          under or referring to the Anti-Trust Rules from any person and has not
          received any request for information, investigation or objection
          relating to the Anti-Trust Rules or been party to any proceedings to
          which the Anti-Trust Rules (or any of them) were pleaded or relied

     21.5 The Vendor is not in a dominant position in any market in any
          substantial part of the EEC for the purposes of Article 86 of the
          Treaty of Rome.


     22.1 Prior to purchasing the Computer Systems it was represented to the
          Vendor that the Computer Systems are fully "millennium compliant" and
          will not cease to be so at any time before, during or after the year
          2000 and the details of such 


          representation have been or will be fully disclosed to the Purchaser
          prior to Completion. For the purposes of this warranty, "millennium
          compliant" means that neither the performance nor the functionality of
          the Computer Systems is or will be affected by dates before, during or
          after the year 2000.


                                  SCHEDULE 3
                                    PART 1
                              COMPLETION ACCOUNTS

1.  The Purchaser shall prepare Completion Accounts.

2.  The Completion Accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the terms of
    this schedule by the Purchaser and shall be delivered to the Vendors as soon
    as practicable after Completion but in any event not later than 3 months
    from the Completion Date.

3.  The Completion Accounts shall comprise a statement of the Net Asset Value of
    the Business as at the Effective Date (excluding, for the avoidance of
    doubt, the Excluded Assets and the Excluded Liabilities).

4.  The Completion Accounts shall be prepared using the accounting principles,
    bases, policies and methods set out in Part 2 of this Schedule and otherwise
    in accordance with the principles, bases, policies and methods adopted in
    the Accounts.

5.  The Vendors shall procure that the Vendor's Accountants shall within 30 days
    of receipt of the draft Completion Accounts (which shall have been received
    within the period referred to in paragraph 2 above) confirm whether or not
    they shall propose adjustments to the draft Completion Accounts, and the
    Purchaser shall procure that the Vendor's Accountants are given all such
    assistance and access to all such information as they may reasonably require
    in order to enable them to reach their decision.

6.  If the Vendors' Accountants confirm that they have no suggested amendments
    to the draft Completion Accounts they shall issue a report to that effect
    or, if the Vendors' Accountants fail to confirm whether or not they have any
    suggested amendments to the Completion Accounts within the period of 30 days
    referred to in paragraph 5 above, then the draft Completion Accounts shall
    constitute the Completion Accounts for the purposes of this document.  If
    they confirm that they have proposed adjustments to the draft Completion
    Accounts within the period of 30 days referred to in paragraph 5, then the
    Vendors and the Purchaser shall, within the period of 14 days of such
    confirmation, seek to agree the proposed adjustments.

7.  In the event of any dispute between the Vendors and the Purchaser, or any
    dispute between the Vendors' Accountants and the Purchaser's Accountants, as
    to any matter relevant to the draft Completion Accounts being notified by
    the Vendors or Vendors' Accountants to the Purchaser or the Purchaser's
    Accountants or by the Purchaser or the Purchaser's Accountants to the
    Vendors or the Vendors' Accountants (as the case may be) within the period
    of 30 days referred to in paragraph 5 and remaining unresolved at the expiry
    of the period of 14 days referred to in paragraph 6 then such dispute shall
    be referred to the Independent Accountants within 5 working days of such
    failure or notification or dispute who shall determine the Completion
    Accounts.  The fees of any such firm of Independent Accountants shall be
    paid by the Vendors and/or the Purchaser in the proportions determined by
    the Independent Accountant.  Any firm appointed hereunder shall act as
    experts and not as arbitrators and their determination shall be binding on
    the parties.

8.  Upon the agreement (or determination under paragraph 7 of any matter
    disputed) of the Completion Accounts:

    8.1   the Accountants shall jointly sign a report specifying the Net Asset
          Value as deduced from the Completion Accounts;


    8.2   the Accountants shall deliver copies of their report (with the
          accounts to which they refer annexed) to the Vendors and the Purchaser
          whereupon the terms of Clause 7 of the Memorandum shall apply.

                                    PART 2

The Completion Accounts shall be produced on the same basis as the Accounts save
that where the policies adopted in the Accounts conflict with UK GAAP then UK
GAAP shall prevail, and in addition shall:

1.  ignore any ACT asset arising from any dividend paid;

2.  not revalue fixed assets;

3.  make no provision for corporation tax; and

4.  ignore all intercompany debt within the Group.


                                  SCHEDULE 4
                                    PART I
                                THE PROPERTIES

OWNER                      ADDRESS             TENURE              LEASE TERM
Daxbourne Ltd
1.                    9 Fenning Street         Freehold                                   
                      London  SE1 3QR                                                      
2.                    57 St Thomas Street      Leasehold      Commencement date 17th       
                      London  SE1                             April 1995 - terminable on   
                                                              six months' notice from      
                                                              either side                  
3.                    60 Low Friar Street      Leasehold      Five years from 1st          
                      (a.k.a. 12 Friars                       October 1994                 
                      Newcastle upon Tyne                                                  
                      NE1 5XE                                                              
4.                    72a Greenmarket          Leasehold      Commencement date 2nd        
                      Newcastle upon Tyne                     February 1991, terminable    
                                                              on six months' notice from   
                                                              either side                  
5.                    6 Thackeray Street       Leasehold      10 years from 19th           
                      London  W8                              December 1996                


                                    PART II


In this part of this schedule the following terms shall have the following

"the Freehold Property"    the Property referred to in Entry 1 of part I of this

"the Leasehold Properties"    the Leasehold Properties referred to in Entries 3
                              and 5 of Part I of this schedule.

"the Licence Properties"   the Leasehold Properties referred to in Entries 2 and
                           4 of Part I of this schedule.

1.  Vacant possession of the whole of the Properties shall be given on

2.  The Twentieth Edition of the National Conditions of Sale (except Conditions
    3 5(3)(iii) 15(2) and 15(3) and 15(4) thereof and Conditions 21(2) and 21(3)
    thereof shall be deemed to be incorporated in this Agreement so far as they
    are applicable to a sale by private treaty and are not varied by or
    inconsistent with the conditions herein contained but the prescribed rate of
    interest shall be four per centum per annum above the base rate from time to
    time of National Westminster Bank plc.


3.  Title to the Freehold Property will be deducted in accordance with Section
    110 of the Land Registration Act 1925.  Title to the Leasehold Properties
    will commence with the leases referred to in Part I of this schedule.

4.  The Freehold Property and the Leasehold Properties are sold subject to all
    Local Land Charges registered or capable of registration before on or after
    the date hereof and to all regulations and requirements of any Local or
    Public Authority or Board and to all regulations provisions designations
    requirements resolutions or schemes (if any) arising under the Town and
    Country Planning Acts or regulations made thereunder and the Vendor will not
    be required to indemnify the Purchaser in respect of any matter to which the
    sale is made subject to this clause.

5.  The Vendor sells the Freehold Property and the Leasehold Property with full
    title guarantee.

6.  The Leasehold Properties are sold subject to the rents reserved by and the
    covenants referred to in the relevant leases (as referred to in Part I of
    this scheme ("the Leases").  The Purchaser having been furnished with copies
    of the Leases shall not be entitled to raise any objection thereto or
    requisition thereon.  The assignments to the Purchaser shall contain express
    provisos and agreements pursuant to Condition 11(7) of the National
    Conditions of Sale and covenants by the Purchaser to pay the rent reserved
    by and to observe and perform the covenants and conditions contained in the
    Leases and to indemnify the Vendors against all actions and claims in
    respect thereof.  The Purchaser shall not be entitled to proof of or to
    raise any objection or requisition of whatsoever nature with regard to any
    interest in reversion expectant upon the Lease.


    7.1   Completion of the Sale and Purchase of the Freehold Property shall
          take place on Completion and the Vendors shall on Completion hand over
          to the Purchaser the Charge Certificate for title number SGL285669
          together with an undertaking to forward to the Purchaser's Solicitors
          as soon as it is received from Lloyds Bank Plc a duly completed Form
          53 in relation to the discharge of the registered charge referred to
          in Entry 1 of the Charges Register of that title and the consent of
          Lloyds Bank plc to the transfer of the Freehold Property in connection
          with the restriction set out in Entry number 2 of the Proprietorship
          Register of that title.

    7.2   The consideration for the Transfer of the Freehold Property shall be


    8.1   The Vendors shall at their own cost use their best endeavours to
          obtain as soon as possible after the date hereof the requisite
          consents of the Landlords in relation to the Leasehold Properties in
          connection with the assignment of the Leasehold Properties to the

    8.2   The Purchaser shall use its best endeavours to assist the Vendor in
          obtaining the consents referred to in paragraph 8.1 of this schedule
          and shall provide all reasonably necessary information to the relevant
          Landlord and shall enter in to any reasonably required direct
          covenants with the relevant Landlords and procure the giving of such
          guarantees or a rent deposit not exceeding six months' rent in favour
          of the relevant Landlords as such Landlords may reasonably require
          (not including director's guarantees) in connection with the obtaining
          of the consents referred to in paragraph 8.1.


    8.3   Completion of the assignment of the Leasehold Properties shall take
          place immediately on the relevant Landlord's consents have been
          obtained in accordance with paragraphs 8.1 and 8.2 of this schedule.
          On completion of the relevant assignments the Vendor shall deliver to
          the Purchaser the relevant original leases or certified copies
          accompanied by an appropriate statutory declaration of loss and
          ancillary and supplemental documents including the relevant Landlord's
          consent to the assignment.  The consideration for the assignments of
          the Leasehold Properties shall be (Pounds)1 in each case.

    8.4   The Vendor shall keep the Purchaser fully informed (including the
          provision of copy correspondence and other relevant material) as to
          the progress of the Vendors' applications for consents in accordance
          with this schedule.

    8.5   If the relevant consents of the Landlords have not been granted within
          3 months of the date hereof then the Purchaser shall be entitled
          (provided it has obtained the written advice of Counsel of at lease 5
          years call to the effect that such consents have been unreasonably
          withheld or have been proffered subject to unreasonable conditions and
          that there is more than a 50 per cent chance of a Court of competent
          jurisdiction making a declaration to that effect) to require the
          Vendors to apply to such Court for such a declaration and the Vendors
          shall then make such an application forthwith and diligently pursue
          such application until either the relevant consents are granted to the
          reasonable satisfaction of the Purchaser or until the Purchaser so
          agrees in writing.

    8.6   If (save to the extent that this arises due to the Vendors' breach of
          its obligations herein) the requisite Landlord's consents have not
          been granted within 9 months of the date hereof and provided that the
          Purchaser shall have fully complied with and discharged its duties
          herein in relation to the securing of relevant Landlord's consent then
          the sale and purchase of the relevant Leasehold Properties shall

    8.7   Pending the grant of the requisite Landlord's consents or the lapse
          referred to in paragraph 8.6 above the following provisions shall
          apply in relation to the use occupation and responsibility of the
          Leasehold Properties.

          8.7.1 The Vendors shall pay all monies properly due to the Landlord of
                the Leasehold Properties (including all rents, service charges,
                interest, insurance rent and any other periodical or other
                payment) under the terms of the Leases, provided that the
                Vendors shall have received the equivalent sums from the

          8.7.2 The Vendors shall not assign underlet charge surrender or
                otherwise deal with its interest in the Leasehold Properties to
                any party (save for to the Purchaser under the terms of this
                Agreement) and shall not (save where the Purchaser at its
                absolute discretion so agrees in writing) vary the Leases
                (whether formally or by informal action) or serve any notices
                thereunder or agree any revision of rents payable thereunder.
                The Vendors shall within 5 working days forward to the Purchaser
                copies of any notices of breach or other notices received by it
                from the relevant Landlord in connection with the Leases and
                shall keep the Purchaser fully informed as to any disputes or
                negotiations with such Landlords in relation to the Leases.


          8.7.3 The Vendors shall at the reasonable request and cost of the
                Purchaser take any necessary action to enforce the obligations
                of the Landlords of the Leasehold Properties and shall serve any
                such notices (as Tenant) on such Landlords which the Vendor is
                entitled to serve in accordance with the terms of the relevant

          8.7.4 The Purchaser shall (unless and until the relevant Landlords
                take enforcement action in relation to a breach of covenant on
                the part of the Vendors in allowing the Purchaser in to such
                occupation) be entitled to exclusively occupy and use the
                Leasehold Properties and shall do so as a licensee of the
                Vendors and shall perform and observe all covenants on the part
                of the lessee contained in the relevant Leases (save that the
                payment of monies due to the relevant Landlord shall be paid to
                the Vendors) as contained in the relevant leases  PROVIDED THAT
                the Purchaser shall not during the period of its occupation of
                the Leasehold Properties as licensee as aforesaid be obliged to
                put or keep the Leasehold Properties in any better state or
                condition as they are in as at the date hereof and shall not
                undertake any works or alterations of the Leasehold Properties.

          8.7.5 In consideration of such occupation and use of the Leasehold
                Properties the Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor on demand such
                sums as the Vendors shall be required to properly pay to the
                Landlords of the Leasehold Properties in accordance with the
                terms of the relevant Leases.   The Purchaser shall be given
                credit (or reimbursed as appropriate) for any payments made in
                accordance with this paragraph 8.7.5 when the relevant
                assignment is completed or when the licence to occupy expires in
                relation to any payment made in the nature of payments in

          8.7.6 The licence to use and occupy the Leasehold Properties shall
                expire on the date of the relevant assignment of the Leasehold
                Properties or on the date of any enforcement action taken by the
                relevant Landlord to procure the vacation of the relevant
                Leasehold Properties by the Purchaser or on lapse of the sale
                and purchase of the Leasehold Properties or on the determination
                of the relevant leases under which the Leasehold Properties are
                held by the Vendors.  The Vendors and the Purchaser shall use
                their respective reasonable endeavours not to disclose to the
                relevant Landlord the fact of any occupation and use by the
                Purchaser of the Leasehold Properties in accordance with the
                terms of this schedule or otherwise.


    9.1   As from the date hereof the provisions of paragraphs 8.7.1 - 8.7.5
          (inclusive) of this schedule shall apply to the Licence Properties as
          they do to the Leasehold Properties save that references to "the
          Leases" shall be references to the Leases referred to in items 2 and 4
          in Part I of this schedule.

    9.2   The licence to occupy and use the Licence Properties shall expire on
          the date of any enforcement action being taken by the relevant
          Landlord to procure the vacation of the relevant Licence Properties by
          the Purchaser or on the date on which the relevant Leases in respect
          of the Licence Property determine in accordance with the provisions


    9.3   The Vendors shall use their reasonable endeavours not to disclose
          (unless already intentionally disclosed by the Purchaser) the fact of
          the occupation and use by the Purchaser of the Licence Properties in
          accordance with the terms of this schedule or otherwise.

    9.4   The Purchaser shall from the date hereof fully indemnify the Vendors
          against all claims and demands in respect of the Purchaser's use and
          occupation of the Licence Properties and the obligations to pay the
          rent reserved and to observe and perform the covenants and conditions
          contained in the Leases to the Licence Properties.
