
Date:          October 22, 1997

To:            Myriad Genetics, Inc. ("Party B")

Attention:     Jay Moyes

From:          Swiss Bank Corporation, London Branch ("Party A")

Re:            Equity Option Confirmation
               Reference Number 1265547/1265545

The purpose of this communication is to confirm the terms and conditions of the
transaction  (the "Transaction") entered into between us on the Trade Date
specified below.

The definitions and provisions contained in the 1991 ISDA Definitions (as
published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (formerly
known as the International Swap Dealers Association, Inc.) ("ISDA")) are
incorporated into this Confirmation.  In the event of any inconsistency between
those definitions and provisions and this Confirmation, this Confirmation will

This Confirmation supplements, forms part of, and is subject to, the ISDA Master
Agreement dated as of October 8, 1997, as amended and supplemented from time to
time (the "Agreement"), between you and Swiss Bank Corporation.  All provisions
contained in the Agreement govern this Confirmation except as expressly modified

The terms of the Transaction to which this Confirmation relates are as follows:
Trade Date           :      October 21, 1997
Buyer                :      Party B
Seller               :      Party A
Option Style         :      European Option
Option Type          :      Capped Call
Shares               :      Common Stock of Myriad Genetics, Inc. (Symbol: MYGN)

Number of Options    :      400,000
Contract Multiplier  :      1.00
Strike Price         :      USD 32.25
Cap Price            :      USD 40.50
Total Premium        :      Call options written by Party B on 400,000 shares
                            of Party B's Common Stock.
Payment Date         :      n/a
Expiration Date      :      December 11, 1998, or, if that date is not an
                            Exchange Business Day, the following day that is an
                            Exchange Business Day.
Business Day         :      Any day on which commercial banks are open for
                            business (including dealings in foreign exchange and
                            foreign currency deposits) in the cities from which
                            and in which a payment is to be made.

Business Day         :      A day that is (or but for the occurrence of a Market
                            Disruption Event, would have been) a trading day on
                            the Exchange and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange
                            (other than a day on which trading on any such
                            exchange is scheduled to close prior to its regular
                            weekday closing time, first announced on the day of
                            such closing).
Trading Day          :      An Exchange Business Day on which no Market 
                            Disruption Event has occurred or is continuing.
Disruption Event     :      The occurrence or existence on any Exchange Business
                            Day during the one-half hour period that ends at the
                            close of business of any suspension of or limitation
                            imposed on trading (by reason of movements in price
                            exceeding levels permitted by the relevant exchange
                            or otherwise), provided that any such event is
                            material in the reasonable determination of the
                            Calculation Agent, on: (i) the Exchange in the
                            Shares; or (ii) the Philadelphia Stock Exchange in
                            options contracts on the Shares.

Exchange             :      Nasdaq National Market
Clearance System
Business Day         :      Any day on which the Clearance System is open for
                            the acceptance and execution of settlement
Clearance System     :      Depository Trust Company, or any successor to or
                            transferee of such clearance system.

Calculation Agent    :      Party A, whose calculations shall be binding absent
                            manifest error.
Procedure for Exercise
- ----------------------
Exercise Date        :      The Expiration Date.
Expiration Time      :      5:00 p.m. local time in New York City.

Automatic Exercise   :      The Transaction will be deemed to be automatically
                            exercised if it is In-the-Money on the Expiration
                            Date, unless (i) the Buyer has notified the Seller
                            or its agent (by telephone or in writing) prior to
                            5:00 p.m. local time in New York City on the
                            Expiration Date that it does not wish to exercise
                            the Transaction; or (ii) the Closing Value cannot be
                            determined on the Expiration Date. If the
                            Transaction is to be cash settled, "In-the-Money"
                            means that the Cash Settlement Amount is greater
                            than zero. If the Transaction is to be physically
                            settled, "In-the-Money" means that the Closing Value
                            is greater than the Strike Price. "Closing Value"
                            means the closing price of the Shares, as reported
                            on the Exchange, on the Expiration Date.

or facsimile number
of Seller's agent
for purposes of
giving notice        :      Telephone:  312-554-5249
                            Fax:        312-554-6271
                            Attention:  David P. Stowell
Settlement Terms
- ----------------

Settlement           :      The Transaction will be cash settled; provided,
                            however, that Party B may elect to physically settle
                            the Transaction by giving notice to Party A no later
                            than 20 Exchange Business Days before the Expiration
                            Date (determined without regard to the parenthetical
                            in the definition of Exchange Business Day).

Physical Settlement  :      If the Transaction is to be physically settled, on
                            the Settlement Date, the Seller shall deliver to the
                            Buyer the number of Shares equal to the number of
                            Options exercised against payment by the Buyer to
                            the Seller of an amount equal to the product of (a)
                            the Strike Price, adjusted as hereinafter provided,
                            multiplied by (b) the number of Options exercised.
                            If the Closing Value exceeds the Cap Price, the
                            Strike Price shall be increased by the amount by
                            which the Closing Value exceeds the Cap Price; if
                            the Closing Value is equal to or less than the Cap
                            Price, no adjustment will be made to the Strike
                            Price. Such payment and such delivery will be made
                            through the Clearance System at the accounts
                            specified below, on a delivery versus payment basis.

Cash Settlement      :      If the Transaction is to be cash settled, on the
                            Settlement Date, Party A shall pay to Party B the
                            Cash Settlement Amount, if any. The "Cash Settlement
                            Amount" shall be the greater of (a) zero and (b) an
                            amount calculated by the Calculation Agent equal to
                            (i) the number of Options exercised multiplied by
                            (ii) the Price Differential. "Price Differential"
                            means (x) if the Reference Price exceeds the Cap
                            Price, the result of subtracting the Strike Price
                            from the Cap Price, and (y) if the Reference Price
                            is equal to or less than the Cap Price, the result
                            of subtracting the Strike Price from the Reference

Reference Price      :      (a)    If the Valuation Period contains fifteen
                            Normal Trading Days, the Reference Price shall be
                            the arithmetic average of the Share Prices on those
                            fifteen Normal Trading Days.

                            (b)    If the Valuation Period does not contain
                            fifteen Normal Trading Days, the Calculation Agent
                            shall determine the Share Price for the Valuation
                            Date and as many Exchange Business Days immediately
                            preceding the Valuation Date as shall be necessary,
                            when such Share Prices are taken together with the
                            Share Prices on all Normal Trading Days occurring
                            within the Valuation Period, to provide fifteen
                            Share Prices, and in such case the Reference Price
                            shall be the arithmetic average of those fifteen
                            Share Prices.

Share Price          :      The closing price of the Shares as reported on the

Valuation Period     :      The period from and including the fourteenth 
                            Exchange Business Day immediately preceding the
                            Expiration Date (the "Initial Date") to and
                            including the Expiration Date, provided that if any
                            Exchange Business Day in the Valuation Period as so
                            determined, shall not be a Normal Trading Day, the
                            Valuation Period shall be extended so that the
                            Valuation Period includes fifteen Normal Trading
                            Days , but in no event shall the last day of the
                            Valuation Period be later than the fifteenth
                            Exchange Business Day after the Expiration Date, and
                            in no event shall the Valuation Period include any
                            day before the Initial Date.

Valuation Date       :      The last day of the Valuation Period.

Settlement Date      :      If the Transaction is to be cash settled, the
                            Settlement Date shall be three Currency Business
                            Days after the Valuation Date. If the Transaction is
                            to be physically settled, the Settlement Date shall
                            be three Clearance System Business Days after the
                            Exercise Date.

Adjustment Events
- -----------------

Adjustments          :      During the life of the Transaction, if any
                            adjustment is made by The Options Clearing
                            Corporation or its successors ("OCC") in the terms
                            of outstanding OCC-issued options ("OCC Options") on
                            the Shares which are the subject of the
                            Transactions, an equivalent adjustment shall be made
                            in the terms of the Transaction. Except as provided
                            in the following paragraph and in the "Additional
                            Adjustment Provisions" below, no adjustment shall be
                            made in the terms of the Transaction for any event
                            that does not result in an adjustment to the terms
                            of outstanding OCC Options on the Shares. Without
                            limiting the generality of the foregoing, NO
                            ADJUSTMENT SHALL BE MADE IN THE TERMS OF THE
                            ADJUSTMENTS" PROVISIONS BELOW.

                            If at any time during the life of the Transaction
                            there shall be no outstanding OCC Options on the
                            Shares, and an event shall occur for which an
                            adjustment might otherwise be made under the By-
                            Laws, Rules, and stated policies of the OCC
                            applicable to the adjustment of OCC Options (the
                            "OCC Adjustment Rules"), the parties shall use their

                            efforts, applying the principles set forth in the
                            OCC Adjustment Rules, to jointly determine whether
                            to adjust the terms of the Transaction and the
                            nature of any such adjustment.

Adjustments          :      Notwithstanding the foregoing, if upon the
                            occurrence of the following events during the life
                            of the Transaction no adjustment is required to be
                            made to the terms of the Transaction in accordance
                            with the foregoing provisions or if an adjustment
                            has been made but such adjustment is, in the
                            reasonable determination of the Calculation Agent,
                            insufficient to preserve the economic benefit of the
                            Transaction for the parties, the following
                            additional adjustments shall be made to the terms of
                            the Transaction:

                            If (a) an ordinary cash dividend is declared or paid
                            on the Shares or (b) a special cash dividend is
                            declared or paid on the Shares and in either case
                            the Ex-Dividend Date with respect to such dividend
                            occurs during the period from, and including, the
                            Effective Date to, but excluding, the Expiration
                            Date (each, a "Dividend Event"), the Strike Price
                            and the Cap Price shall each be adjusted for each
                            Dividend Event in accordance with the following

                                         SP\\0\\ (CP\\0\\ - DA)
                                  SP\\1 \\   =      CP\\0\\
                                         C\\0\\ (CP\\0\\ - DA)
                                  C\\1    \\    =   CP\\0\\
                            (i)   SP\\1\\ = Strike Price after the Dividend

                            (ii)  C\\1\\  = Cap Price after the Dividend Event
                            (iii) SP\\0\\ = Strike Price on the Exchange
                                  Business Day immediately preceding the
                                  Ex-Dividend Date with respect to the
                                  Dividend Event
                            (iv)  C\\0\\ = Cap Price on the Exchange Business
                                  Day immediately preceding the Ex-Dividend
                                  Date with respect to the Dividend Event

                            (v)   CP\\0\\ = The closing price of the Shares, as
                                  reported on the Exchange, on the Exchange
                                  Business Day immediately preceding the
                                  Ex-Dividend Date with respect to the
                                  Dividend Event
                            (vi)  DA = The amount of the ordinary cash dividend
                                  or the special cash dividend, as the case
                                  may be
- -------------
Transfer             :      Neither party may transfer the Transaction, in 
                            whole or in part, without the prior written
                            consent of the non-transferring party.

Account Details
- ---------------

Payments and deliveries to Party A:

     Account for payments:          Previously Provided

     Delivery instructions:         Previously Provided

Payments and deliveries to Party B:

     Account for payments:          Previously Provided

     Delivery instructions:         Previously Provided

Please confirm that the foregoing correctly sets forth the terms of our
agreement by executing the copy of this Confirmation enclosed for that purpose
and returning it to us or by sending to us a letter or telex substantially
similar to this letter, which letter or telex sets forth the material terms of
the Transaction to which this Confirmation relates and indicates your agreement
to those terms.

Yours sincerely,


By: /s/ Victoria Harkness Sotgiu      By: /s/ John Marshall
    ----------------------------          ----------------------------
Name:  Victoria Harkness Sotgiu      Name:  John Marshall
Title: Authorised Signatory          Title: Authorised Signatory

Confirmed as of the 22nd day
of October, 1997


By: /s/ Jay M. Moyes
Name: Jay M. Moyes
Title: C.F.O.